Unleashing Sukuna! Minecraft Jujutsu Mod!

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Hello everybody skins/”>Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more J kaisen with me B we’re back and um it’s night and I’m in no position to fight if a big thing comes for me right now I’m going to be in trouble so yeah I need to recover my curse energy rather swiftly

And uh yeah get ready for what comes next because I might have sort of beaten one of the strongest things last time I didn’t expect to so that’s the thing I also need to compare some stuff because I got comments about stuff and I want to I

Want to check in the things and Bo but I need my I need my cursor back I I knew that I got drained in that fight having 8,000 was the only thing that held me in it I had to heal so many times and boom B and you know just ignore the general

Which uh I need to have a fight with him I need to actually beat him at some point I am curious if I can like with my current move set because the current move set is weirdly enough doing pretty well like s stuff is just absur uh also I saw people saying

To try and take joo’s domain expansion which I don’t know exactly know how that’s going to work but cuz like Joo has a lot of attacks I can’t guarantee he’ll use his domain expansion I feel like if I try to mess with go uh Joo he am I saying the right name I

Don’t know any yeah I I don’t know if you’ll even use it we could try I would like to try it I’m curious if I can copy it although this is the bug fix version which means it probably isn’t a feature anymore but you know I don’t know what it’ll copy maybe

It’ll copy something I know anyway we’ve got some curse energy back huzzah so uh I think I want to quickly check first armor we use this armor to fight against sakuna and we won and I got comment saying hey I’m surprised you managed to do that and I got comment

Replying to that comment saying yeah he’s using a bunch of other mods for it like he’s got all the armor and the dagger and stuff and it’s like yeah that’s true I am curious how big a factor they played I I I feel like this

Thing play quite a big factor for one uh cuz this thing’s absurd this thing just does that uh but you’re right my uh there’s there’s three extra things happening with me over wall uh with be happening AK yeah I’m wearing moded armor which I think out of all is

Probably the least influential part what the fck was that is that PR S I mean if I wanted to die cuz like who else is going to be using that this thing I feel like that was a this explosion wasn’t it may oh I deare go underground yeah I’ll wait here for now

Yeah anyway yeah we get that we got my dagger which I’ve been working on to try to improve is it stronger than every to I still get mix things about that I still people saying to use very particular tools from J kaen AK the soul splitting Katana is one that people prop

Up very highly and uh playful clouds uh both them apparently ignore armor as well so I I need to take each of them and compare I think the one big advantage to this thing is it re charges quicker not by a huge margin but by a small margin so yeah this Tool’s

Definitely going to be better by at least a bit actually wait plus this thing can CR wait isn’t that another Factor hold on I don’t have the soul splitting Katana that’s one of the weapons I so far just have not obtained uh yeah so like we’ve got this thing

This thing’s damage is may be seven yeah I know we can still crit with it that’s still a thing it’s just yeah well this thing’s doing 11 this thing does 14 that’s not 28 compared to yeah 17 like yeah it critting definitely definit has a big effect like yeah the critting I’m

I’m going from 27 to what well he’s just dead yeah to 28 29 or 28 and a half the crit definitely has a big impact the regular hits less so there still like an extra three damage which is a bunch that’s something compared to this thing though hold on

How much just how much just play for cloud do I know this thing’s pretty good as well I’m I’m trying to get a g of like how big an impact the mod stuff’s having one of the other big factors though was yeah the uh the W jump mod

That is allowing me to move quicker or it’s giv me forward momentum so when I jump rather than be jumping more straight up I’m jumping more forward and then my speed boosts are kicking in and thus I’m moving way quicker way quicker than normally would be to and mods anyway I think it

Definitely helps I don’t know if it really I don’t know Hower help because like it’s hard to dodge people in this but I suppose it lets me get away from people when I’m feeling injured and stuff and it does help me if I’m fting mobile people avoid certain folks in B

So yeah definitely all play factors also yeah okay time to check this thing B Bon well I just did 29 I did 40 wait no I just did 34 wait a minute Bonk 61 no bad Panda 50 yeah okay the thing slightly slightly stronger I still think hold on hitting normal 33 hitting

Normal if I can hit him how much did that do hit normal 40 yeah I know it’s still it’s it’s definitely still Stronger by a few points why was it doing comparable damage to the sword it oh cuz of the defense buff oh yeah I forgot about that yeah yeah yeah

As people scale higher the damage becomes lesser cuz like well I just did 20 exactly what are you going to do now ow ow that did 16 177 yeah like the the damage skills downwards as we get slightly weaker in b b them plus I’m most on cursings I don’t

Know everything’s playing small factors they’re definitely helping I don’t think they’re absurd but I’m no curious if I can win without the moded stuff well except for the moment I suppose I can’t really turn that off that’s just sort of here can you stop your nonsense you be gone Bonk there we

Are anyway I think I was going to check armor B so okay we currently got yeah four n eight and four with 2.5 2.5 2 and 2.5 uh netherite would actually be better like not in terms of armor it’ be slight wait hold on three 9 17 20 yeah and I’m currently

Sitting it what 4 12 21 25 yeah I currently have 2 and a half more armor which wouldn’t matter because when I take my armor off I still have 9 and a half armor so yeah armor rating means nothing it’s more armor toughness and neate would actually be better as arm toughness

Three oh I didn’t know that that’s actually ah this armor is just easier to get the modded armor doesn’t really mean much that’s not really helping as much istically my best op should be getting NE right it’s the enchants that having a big effect and they’re not modded so I feel ah

The point I was going to make is I feel less bad about all this like I don’t feel like I’ve only won because of the mods I feel like no we’ve had to put in a genuine effort there and B and we made it work Al well they odd to me fighting the

General down here it been a good idea I can tell you they’re not good uh What what what you [ __ ] oh my God I didn’t know you could do that that’s abur no way I have no idea he could do that there’s no C that there is nothing

I was done okay don’t fight him on Bedrock his the main expansion K Shadow Garden can in fact go through bedrock I know it breaks the blocks of like anything around it so you’re staying on its surface I didn’t expect to get dragged under like it replaced the it replaced

The uh not the uh bedrock with the blocks for Comm Shadow guarding cuz that’s how the ability works oh that’s amazing oh that’s amazing oh I love that that’s brilliant I didn’t expect that that’s also a tactic that’s not a tactic that’s not a wait we could maybe use that like you

Could be anyone like see if you’re fighting our player and you really want to beat them you really want in to die L than a bedrock and use CA Shadow Garden and no fall I don’t know it also make make you fall though is the only thing

So whatever all right well back to the drawing board now uh we’re going to have to go get ourselves some abilities so now becomes the time of being incredibly careful because you know want to get abilities off folk so where’s the best place to go and bu people are saying to

Test [ __ ] thing out I kind of want to just to finally put this to the test to see if we can still get like I get that was a thing during the older version but a bug fix came out I don’t know if that’s fixed it so it might not work

Just a heads up but yeah we can give her a try sure all I have to do is make sure I take joo’s hits and I don’t absorb enough abilities that I can be within his domain expansion basically which is a distinct possibility because I need to

Get to a place where Joo would be first which if I’m being honest probably want to go to the desert then don’t I cuz yeah Other Desert had a weirdly High Joo spawn rate a suspiciously High Joo spawn rate like iori and me they they somewhat make sense they’re you know prominent

Characters and boom also are not busted strong so you know them being over the place not toig summoning Joo one of the more powerful beings in the world though all over the place yes St woring hey it’s not a I suppose which uh we’ve seen distinctly less of that’s

Something will figure it out no no no I don’t want your ability no I got hit by his ability I know Granite shot all right that’s one of my slots then they’re not avoiding him like he just say he’s aiming at you his Granite shot goes so

Far like even if I’m on open plane I run full speed I’m pretty sure I still won’t get away from him before he goes and does his technique like I’m pretty sure he’s got me at that point oh okay whatever go f Joo well F Joo SL Fain

Kids oh no actually not I think about it hold on hold on I’m thinking of that stat right there kid go we don’t have abilities currently to fight them realistically our best bet for techniques is to find sakuna First and like get his ability first cuz I can get

Both his abilities quite easily cuz he uses both of them a lot but then again the ideal thing is getting hit by the main expansion which actually I don’t need to find him for that I just have to be within an area he exists in cuz the fer

Loves to use it when fighting folk that one doesn’t seem too bad just the spawn for second is lower than average nowadays but oh yeah oh so so yeah we’re on our own today Bo um I I was on the thing of like maybe do maybe be doing a

Stream or something um got around the stream time tired bum butum basically a big factor me not streaming right now is basically looking after dog so there’s that um that’s not thingy never mind but yeah uh more to think of just trying to get all people to be with me

Because I have more energy when I’m with folk that than try like when I get tired like throwing up the motivation stream tricky whereas other people it’s really easy because I am way more motivated when with other people so there’s that factor yeah I thought

Didn’t make come on cuz he was off and no I went play valerant what can you do I hear fire question is who’s fire it’s either Sakina or it’s Joo I got hit by something there okay I get hit by something but I didn’t get thing okay I

Need to get down there whatever it is sure let’s have a pop bunk ow oh no I really didn’t want your Technique oh what the [ __ ] who Fu off Al it’s not R Cal down where where are the people where where are the people are fighting I don’t know they may be below

Us still I think they’re below us still all right keep going down ow buk who is it it sounds like sakuna it is s who the fck is he fighting he still alive against ow mate I already beat your ber don’t oh it’s you oh okay well I think I

Just got both techniques but they’re costing more than before ow can you stop it I’m trying to get out [ __ ] hell I want to fight you in here you’re going to use your damn domain expansion and be really really horrible to me I’m leaving yo exit maybe no damn

It there’s any hope now just lead to the surface it did not ah the heck was that oh it was love beam I was about to say what never happened there I saw explosion happen okay we got the techniques back but unfortunately that wasn’t the agenda right now also

This move set dead because Cy 2 is that stupid blood technique I happen to dig into that fcker oh so unfortunate oh so unfortunate I learned something so fun today only for it to be ruined bunk only for it to be ruined by horrible move set okay let’s see if Joo

Does appear but we had absurd Joo lock yly so like it’s apparently not the worst odds it’s apparently someone is quite prominently spawning around the place I seem to not get hit by another technique before that which is where the trickier part of this comes into play

Cuz there could very easily be someone spawning who has a b technique that could very easily be used on me like yeah chose over there I have no cter for him if he decides to come for me CU I’m going to get hit by one of his

Techniques I have nothing to stop him that Granite shot this this guy can go for no it’s cursed voice I don’t think I can copy your Technique like it doesn’t let me anymore cuz I’ve already get the megaphone that’s unfortunate I would have I would have liked it oh well what can I

Do well we were R Thea gamb anyway also yeah it does look well okay either getting out of his domain expansion cost less energy and it’s like a better version of it it’s been used or something I don’t know or yeah the bug fix change what we got s thing for I don’t

Know like something happened it could be any of the reasons I just have to all I can do is hit domain expansion again and see what the difference is Al die me realizing at the last second there that that so I don’t want to get hit by anyway Bonk dear

Dear well I went this long I haven’t seen a Joo so far so already it’s worse spawn rates than what we had yesterday oh yesterday was just absurd yesterday we just had absurd number of Jos everywhere which was kind of fun to a degree but you know I was hunting for

Saka oh yeah another issue with Joo though is going to be I don’t have the slots to learn more of his techniques then the second he uses any of his techniques I automatically lose my slot see oh I do like this desert though getting a lot of these things that’s been good oh

That’s been good I’ve enjoyed that enjoyed getting a lot of these guys bu them apparently I missed one apparently when I was making a comment about how I can ever find them there was one in view I don’t if that’s one of the ones I

Picked up randomly later on or if it is why I’ve just legitimately just missed that one but yeah we’re going to keep picking them up they’re they’re so useful soon as I to keep hting toi whenever we get the opportunity there’s like no down hun toldi I could summon the general

And just attack him I’ve got some of SEC Powers even if we don’t get access to the other stuff do your thing do it do it do it you punk you’re going to use there we go like I said you’re either going to use that or you’re going to use cim

Shadow guard it’s one or the other there’s nowhere in between he just adapted to something what did you adapt to but wasn’t that anyway oh no now he’s the hole I’m stronger oh wait hold on he’s only get 4 health I shred him currently but he also huge an absurd

Amount the shuna’s technique does an absurd amount of damage also he’s adapting less he’s getting less Health back each time oh my God this was so easy never mind my attacks are doing less and less each time I need to get some ah no I can’t see

Die a yeah wasn’t so hard I need try that again without the uh without the modded dagger I’ll try it with just play uh playful Cloud where is playful Cloud there is yeah I don’t need the axe I don’t even use the axe right well um yeah that wasn’t so

Bad really I was quite nervous about fighting him when I saw about the adaptation thing but now my my melee damage is so high like even if I can’t use that I can still just beat them down and then I’ve realized at this point now my defense is so crazy

High it sort of doesn’t matter like I can kind of just keep going regardless also wait hold on there’s there’s another one b yellow would you like a go technique can’t use it yet should I use the stacker I probably should use this dagger more it’s kind of

Bustard mate you summon him help him give it you this isn’t going to end well for you it won’t I just knocked your hair off wait yo excuse me what bunk get out away be gone toad where did your hair go was it blending it or did you genely

Just leave Al oh I can’t call the sh that is a shame you’re going to you’re going to do it do you even have the energy left to do it since you use your domain expansion cuz I nowi you’re not summoning any of your guys anymore mean your trump card is probably

Out of the question you know what it’s fine I can find another I’ll find another one of you it’s fine you literally spawn everywhere it shouldn’t be a problem I this point I’m kind save my last slot literally just in case I happen to see Jo Go’s the main expansion

Second throw myself at it and just start hope I get in that that is kind of bit this but I see the hope I I I got an opportunity I so BL this thing’s absur I mean it’s like s is legendary too so like yeah it’s a pretty martial

Solution things absurd I can’t wait to see what these other TRS do so they get well I’m going to die all right I was I was looking to die anyway B he didn’t kill me one hit I live another oh really I dodged another oh he’s healing i l people said

You die in one hit I’m disappointed oh he shocked me bnk retaliation ha he oh I did quite a bit that did quite a bit oh dear PE here I love the moves for this where is where is where is where there is RA go L with arrow I taged

It people are saying this is a bigger deal than what it was I thought I was going to get one shot I heard Rivers the river is massively overestimated this power or severely underestimated the power I I say all this I’m literally not doing any damage

To him like he’s just healing it that should stop eventually in theory that should stop the question will be whether I can keep my curse up enough to actually you know do anything with it earlier cuz yeah he can do stuff like that I can’t counter

It I have a domain expansion ra M and ra is dead Okay so he killed R I need get the War I need get the war need get the war being the water is bad I have a for teque wait what oh it’s play marrow yo

Can’t use it right now that makes sense I just use R technique attack let me jump again run you missed yeah Al say that’s an advantage to the old uh uh the speed Factor as I can dodge things like that cuz I’m pretty sure a lot of this stuff you just couldn’t

Dodge normally so there is that oh wow he just killed toi yeah I think his power people rapely are saying he’s really strong I think a big factor of it though I don’t think it blocks I I don’t think it bypasses armor enchants I think armor enchants still

Work I want to use this it is the flame Arrow it did nothing oh God game game function please hit him hit them harder oh God I’m dying oh I need the ring to adopt also I see Rick over there yo oh you knocked me out your own area

You fool oh [ __ ] thought was going to jump on a bit land there never mind wait why are we using this technique I think it’s terrible compared to this one no we healed again he’s not even uses the meain yet he a completely different tier from the last one I bought completely different

Tier holy F oh yeah there we go yeah it’s about what I expected to be fair um that’s that’s not even true I did better than I expected uh everyone was saying I got one shot everyone was saying no you do all this one shot what

What did I do then it made so I didn’t die cuz like I’ve got my uh my effect uh resilience that’s normal you get that I’ve got my armor but that’s normal you get that I’ve got enchants are are the key factor in this I feel like they are

Because the damage the the jit kaisa mobs do are like it does count as a damage that is you protection works against we know this it’s been working I assumed it was going to bypass it cuz everyone said it would everyone seem to be I I thought

People assumed like I thought people had tested this I thought people were saying like you know I I tested this and you know it did damage I couldn’t do anything it does say it go to defense I like I can assumed as well it would they wouldn’t work they did

Though yeah I stood no chance there though uh he kept heing now we know that’s not permanent we know it will stop the only problem is I need to make him use his domain expansion I think using his the main expansion is probably the only way he’s

Going to burn out of energy quickly enough so he’ll stop us reverse Cur cuz like that’s what happened with Ela G use his domain and then the rest is easier also I reckon if there were two of us we could probably take him I me and Demon together if Demon’s fully

Kitted up could manage maybe is a thought but that have had better moves I I need killer moves I moves that do absur amounts of damage that is reverse C he can’t just heal automatically cuz like yeah right now he can just heal everything I do cuz I

Don’t do nearly enough to him preferbly the ring to ad out fire enough like I I’m still I don’t know if that works yet I’m still not sure if that works the ring might work the ring might not people are a bit in a bit of debate

About if it works or not in the comment section which to my understanding it works like if we’re going up the manga if someone else wears the ring it still works if you then give it to the general it then automatically applies all the things you

Adapted but I wasn’t planning to give it to the general so that didn’t matter uh so I I know I feel like it could work I feel I could wear it it would Nerf like nullify a little bit of damage maybe I don’t know it like his thing bypasses damage

Reduction so that the the the little h d does great do anything I I love the fact this exist he’s so it’s just so broken I’m trying to W my brains on if in Bots but he like that many abilities and that many possibility things going

On with them I’m like I don’t even know I’ve got an in though I’ve got a hope it doesn’t kill me one hit it can do like a big chunk of Health it’s almost like me fighting sakuna before I had the enchants like the original sakuna before I en chance

Where he could like shred tons of my health rapidly and like I had to panic all the time like it’s a bit like fighting him again except you know now I’m several tiers stronger and he’s like way many tiers stronger so hello what are the odds this fer is

Alive I’ll tell you the odds zero he’s dead CU of course he is there’s no way he’s alive he’s alive and he’s trying to leave how rud I have no abilities yet oh okay ra seek Him ra is actually annihilating him hello ra murder get R there we go all right

Enough of your fire Shenanigans we’re we there’s your remains oh there we go you def I have no got it like a 100 skills yo hello Ria please stop your sh though we’re done it’s fine you can stop we’re good I actually just realized yeah oh

The best armor I could use in the game then technically would be uh yeah the dragon steel then don’t know if it would tell against Saka becking may have to get it R what are you doing ra whoa whoa whoa what’s this Shenanigans all about what are you

Doing don’t be going don’t be going crazy now I think I think ra is fighting star ra which isn’t a good idea I want to fight her again I mean I could fight her again she’s not that strong but still wait was that even we were doing that

Against can copy St right I doubt it can see if you could have hit me there that would have been fantastic never mind a reverse curse technique oh such an interesting ability anyway I was just looking to see if there’s any more coal in this area but

There’s tons of emeralds yeah I you any any emeralds come here and just get blunch them interesting but not the point right now we should probably get out of here can like that Dragon I I arrive in its base and the first thing it tries to do is literally

Flee I copy my my tech maybe I can copy her black flash loock as well while I’m at it probably not this still where is my my her birds are nearby which means she’s underground so I need to find one of her in copier technique cuz I haven’t

Tried it it may be all right I don’t think it’s going to be that good but I’d like to try it I’m not for trying it I copied something wait what you’re kidding me you’re kidding me you’re are kidding me when when did he do it when when did this happen I didn’t

Even see him is that R was fighting I have no idea wa where oh H I hear a fire and here the general don’t know where the also even if I attack the general like will even do anything like can I get the ring off his head I’ve never seen him

Drop it think can everyone apparently can drop their clothes so yeah so if anyone’s wondering I just upgraded my thing and it got um it got haunted cuz you know oh no it basically got haunted because I already had loads of enchants on it and I I I and give it the

Efficiency upgrades and game didn’t like that apparently so more fil me I suppose Granite shot get out of my [ __ ] way yeah so apparently the second you underr is just keep of enemies everywhere I’m just seeing a million random map but uh yeah I don’t really

Know if I wonder if I can copy his domain expansion I I get uses domain expansion there’s a bigger Factor yo use your domain I don’t think you can really use anything else uhoh I’ve made a horrible mistake where is my bucket there is oh that’s better where is he there he

Is mate enough I’m trying to save you there you go now what I need from you is to use your domain expansion and enough of that oh no I really wish I could get six I just FL Vision to be honest did you make all the Cobblestone you fcker stop

It enough of your shenanigans use your domain Dam it I just want to copy it I don’t know if I can copy it but I want to try it at this point might as well got the slots open can’t cop anything else from you no you oh you idiot oh CR

Shot god that thing’s lethal oh the what what even I think I got bounce backwards when I use that there that what happened I bounce backwards as I use it it’s feeling that way where is he there he is come on do the thing you’re not dead I know you’re in here

Somewhere see to figure out where there he is I love the fact I can just break the lava with this technique that is quite fun only I find fun about this technique though it’s annoying it’s annoying I’ve got it I want other techniques like on a

Normal day it would be too bad it would be too bad it’s like it’s an okay technique it’s get good rain it’s got an all amount of power stuff to it’s you know spread so you know it’s easy to hit things but it’s all right it’s just not

What I’m currently looking for M if you’re going to use your domain that would been the time cuz you are literally on your last legs M you’re are disappointing you know that I I’ve seen you use it I know you can use it I know you can use it I’ve seen it

Ah why must you be like this why must you be difficult like you can’t hit me currently from there I’m going to hang out with him for a minute to see if he uses it cuz uh you know oh fancy I fancy seeing it if it can

Work I’m not being inside of it but also yeah I want to see if I can copy it that’s the main feature cuz it is the main will hit me are you dying to lava in there you you he’s going to die but he’s just himself in the deeper

Lava so yeah he’s definitely going to die now oh my ah what can you do you try your best you try your best it’s just not enough right well my little journey underground is fun and all but yeah I’m going to move up to the Sur thing I’ll

See what I can do in here cuz you know still want to copy people’s techniques andle with them so right we’re looking for Joo we currently have four slots open I don’t know if that’s enough I think if he uses maximum meter he’ll fill them all cuz he’s definitely got

Like at least four techniques so as long as he doesn’t use maximum ear and key I don’t get hit by it uh I think I’ve got enough slots to do that plus then get hit by his domain expansion depending on if his domain expansion takes up

Multiple slots I have no idea what his techniques are that’s choso that’s toi yo that’s toi how am I going to fight you with great difficulty I imagine given the nature of your techniqu Sy but I don’t have actually that’s not TR this you don’t enjoy this you don’t I need

You’re so Katana I think about it hand that over that would be fun that’ be fun I like I like the SE spting Katana no no no don’t don’t do that iing at him where is he where is he I’ve got my ability locked and loaded I need to figure out

Where he went there he is May him he BK oh yeah R is currently nipping about there he is again oh my God told you you used to be so dangerous you used to be such a thing now I just find you disappointing I really wish I didn’t

But the fer literally like he he just his his speed ability thing it looks intimidating but it’s just too much clearly because he can’t fcking control the thing no no no no no you why why yeah I guess I th I did throw a granite shot at your face I suppose

That’s my bad but still I little rig was here that could have been the one that gave six eyes or the ring I don’t know I don’t know if it can I think it can actually wait a minute Rec yes to me in cop it

No I get knocked out the way or does it just not work which one is it which one is it either way I’m disappointed oh so Shad I was going to get Rick’s love Cannon there that would have been great maybe I can’t copy actually yeah I can’t copy C’s voice

Anymore I probably can’t copy Rick’s love Cannon because I already have Rick’s love Cannon technically he us using Granite shot now you’re Now using Granite shot now okay ra yes to me to me bring it it doesn’t work on me I mean what it works on me in terms

Of ow that fing hurt but you know oh my God oh my God oh my no don’t knock me in the ocean you fcker get out of here Freer go away we no we no go go go away go away you’re not needed here anymore come on R your your Master’s gone

Stop no still coming I thought for a second every leaving me no no R is still coming oh dear God Ricky still I know your timer is going to run out eventually I was trying to there he is let’s try to recover Cur energy ah I’m so sad I’m guessing that’s a

Feature of the new update it’s thingy o use your domain expansion o there’s my my oh my God just everyone’s here mate use your domain expansion I love to hug it I want to see what happens I want to see if I still get the abilities to D

You still after me [ __ ] off you use your love Cannon go away go away Saka use your techniques man I have a second technique I got I got one of s’s techniques oh it’s over it’s over you’re screwed now R you’re screwed now he can’t do a thing be

Gone got you oh you’re not dead that’s another another one fck get here okay I think I got both the skic which is good in one sense but yeah it’s uh wait what I hear a domain no it’s not it’s just claps wait what technique is this it’s charging but it’s not doing

The chant huh okay I want to get hit by you send in the birds I don’t think I can copy the birds send in the birds come on come on yeah that felt like a bird can’t copy the birds okay oh okay yeah okay I’ve got chant

Ability right now no no there it is oh okay wait it can charge hit my claps claps don’t work hard wait if I get hit by the main expansion will it now count as a separate thing are they still fighting currently like yeah I’ve seen more Saka today than

Normal that’s been fun where did he go like him and you should still be in the area somewhere they were just fighting off to the say no no no no I don’t want your Technique you can fck off with your stupid technique H all right second tonight time again n night

Run B also noticing I’m not SE Gojo that’s a thing he’s became really rare apparently cuz there’s two of them never seen him anymore I used to see him pop like it was rare before I used see him pop up I that my luck just bad I

Don’t know I know SP have actually been award it feels like some of them certainly have particularly inori’s case but know it just could be my my lucks being weird that’s why I don’t know that’s Granite shot let’s not use that it’s almost impossible to go anywhere without getting Granite shot given the

Nature of the technique it’s so it’s just everywhere it just goes everywhere but oh yeah I didn’t see the other suuna again though so I’m guessing they did despawn after they got a certain distance away or something something something uhoh no no no no no no no I

Don’t want to get hit I don’t want to touch your Technique your Technique sucks no oh both their techniques suck though oh both their techniques suck though thankfully they don’t seem to realize I’m here which is great I can do that to them excellent kill haven’t got hit by it yet good good

God right we continue the hunt for AR don’t know something at this point honestly if I could find kid Gojo I take that I just take a fight against kid Gojo at this point K Gojo would be awesome cuz I could like actually copy

To his techniques call a day I have a an okay move set like yeah I get Granite shot not the best but you know I would take it oh look it’s dag on yeah no thanks I have not seen Joo today this is weird this is really weird like

I’ve not seen him at all she been nowhere I don’t understand it I saw like eight of him yesterday it was everywhere I couldn’t take two steps without appearing today though not a not a single look every time I’ve heard fire it’s been Saka which yesterday I would have been

Ecstatic about today I’m actually looking for Joo today I actually want to fight Joo today I actually want to deal with his Shenanigans hello it’s aor Bonk a nowhere to be seen though so unfortunate oh well what can you do just I’m looking out for that looking

Out for obviously like yeah Prim and stuff we not crack him just to see if we can do any better curiosity but yeah the main thing we still trying to copy Joo cuz I wanted I want to see how techniques work and B them like we tried

My my thing we can’t copy it that doesn’t work we tried R love Canon doesn’t work can’t copy it at this point oh no where are the like I can tank some of this it so I need to escape the fer after I copy to of his abilities but all right let’s

Bunk can I even hurt him with my curse tap becomes the question no black flash wait who got it he did oh God I got an ability which one oh I got red oh I’m going to get blue then I guess cuz I literally I

There’s no way he’s going to let me get purple he’s not going to use purple before he uses blue yeah there we go I didn’t get hit by that impossible wait let’s clear oh there we go there we go there we go all right I got my techniques got Reds I’m leaving

Now reverse curse technique go swim swim away swim swim quicker quicker quickly before he uses something absurds surely I’ve gotten away right he can’t he can’t no he can’t chase me over the ocean right yeah no no the dolphin buy cat I’m out of there I got it

Techniques and I’m out right hold on I need I need need some Open Water to like you know stand on hold on Qui create a we a we area to stand in uh right so oh there’s all bats around here get away I didn’t kill all of them that’s disappointing

IR where are you all up here from oh no stop it face Twilight the eyes of whatever that is Bon did I get sucked in with that I don’t know the game froze now we’re good it’s cuz all the water breaking right anyway people I think for today we’ll call it there we

Didn’t get quite the perfect move set but oh we got some stuff there at the end so at this point we’ve no managed to pick up both of s techniques weirdly a version of it doesn’t seem to charge who is attacking me who is it I swear if it’s got it’s Joo isn’t

It of course it is of course you’re here now why wouldn’t you be here now I don’t need you cuz your time you can’t you can’t do anything now it’s over I’ve already copied my techniqu you’re just listen to me though also I would have copied like you know all the wrong ones

Anyway first but imagine him appearing right as I’m your imagine me looking from the entire video for ages I’ve looked and apparently apparently you is were heading out waiting for the outro how dare you oh it’s absurd anyway Bonk he aren’t going for me right who are you fighting I think he’s fighting

Out now however anyway people is that another oh my thank you all for watching I we’ll see you on next time for some more after do Ka we got some moves cool I need to get the ring so I can adapt to Infinity otherwise I can only hit

Gojo with the one technique that is a thing that is just how that works so I don’t know if I can get the if I can get the ring though then technically I can adopt I think and I can hit with my curse techniques I think I don’t know

It’s all very possibly maybe he in I don’t but I’d be interested to try it uh yeah all in that yeah then there’s S I know get slightly stronger moves I’ve got red that’s something it’s nowhere near the level purple but whatever we have to take what we can get we can give

It a try now get some get some of goj it’s the best move set we’ve gotten so far so let’s see if it works out for us yeah see you the next time for my guys and stuff go buy from Buddy also just want to say a quick

Thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our l members the joining members Sebastian Ramsey Alex barar 13 and BG the loser and our enu member monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘A WILD ORIGINAL FORM SUKUNA APPEARS! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 14’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-10-25 19:00:01. It has garnered 3703 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:43 or 2923 seconds.

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5zzbjuuOAg

STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk

BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join

GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw

A WILD ORIGINAL FORM SUKUNA APPEARS! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 14

#JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

Series Playlists

RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1 ————————————————————————————————– ————————– Channel avatar done by Zaromaru Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/user/ZaromaruGames/featured

Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – https://twitter.com/parsheyy —————————————————————————-

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

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  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

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  • OniMc

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  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

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  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

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  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

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  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

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  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More