Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

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[Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I do say so myself how y’all doing we’re not going to wait a whole lot you know just like a minute or two and we’re just going to hop right in hope you enjoy my thumbnail I sure do um yeah I think we’re good to go what’s up y’all it’s me me I don’t think that I’m having any graphical errors but let me know if I am sound should be fine here we are in my world now I I made a little change here I put some what did I do I just I just put some crops here I don’t know I felt like it would be nice mostly because I wasn’t walking in the path I was just kind of like cutting across my yard and I thought I was kind of like I should have a reason to use a path so now I do I’m probably not going to use the crops are that much but I didn’t have one here before so I’m here because I’m doing a supply run really quickly uh I just need to make an a diamond pickaxe really that’s all I need so that’s what we’re going to do oh yeah and some snow do we have I don’t keep any snow here I really don’t okay well then I guess we’re just not going to not do that how’s everybody doing yeah hey Bongo how you doing Canada was great I survived I’ll talk about that a little bit later yeah Earl Gray hot absolutely it is I get it yep no sound for game speaking of sound got to play some music almost forgot about that one here we go we’re going to do some I don’t know what other free music to listen to that’s not going to get me in trouble so uh you know here’s here’s uh a synth wave C418 playlist okay cool anyway you’re doing good v v I said it correctly H if I know yeah all right what else do I want to grab I feel like I’m going to leave here and I’m not going to remember something I’m going to be like oh man I should have got that kind of want to get some snow you know I just maybe get a little bit maybe like a stack that all right with you guys if I I don’t have any iron that’s what I need damn let me drop off some of this dirt too since I’m here I think I’m damn I have a lot of this dirt I need to do something with that oh yeah I’m peaceful there we go uh I suppose I should grab I’ll grab 63 Wheats what else that’s probably good right um Club Penguin Music I never played Club Penguin you know that I’m going to take this cuz I don’t really feel like mining it while y’all are here but I am going to get that uh damn I really don’t have a lot of iron I’m going to get some snow so you know what no we’re not going to use iron it’s just as fast with stone so we’re going to do that oh it’s getting dark okay well then I guess I’ll go to bed jeez hell yeah longster stream uh one second one one second sorry I just have to adjust my media player out of the way it was covering up the chat there we go Samy I will build as many statues that you want as long as you keep paying me for it all right Kevin mloy yeah he does I learned to play one of his songs once uh and I forgot it subsequently I remember it a little bit that’s a good song though it’s tea is good man I don’t they do something with it to make it extra flavorful I think it’s extra bergamon extra lavender precise flavor really tasty all right I’m glad you’re excited mive Network I don’t know what the hell troubled boys is I’m sorry I’m a little bit you know uncultured okay anyway new scrape and run I don’t know what that is all right you are seeming Bastion of collectedness and relaxation in a lava ocean of Minecraft pagu Insanity spam well I hope so you know I hope that doesn’t ever stop oh yeah you can see I’ve been building something over there you’ll get a better look at it later I appreciate the compliment though yeah morning Olivia or you know it’s not morning you said mons you’re messing with me going to trip me up here it’s not morning it is 6:10 p.m. in the midwest or really more the Great Lakes region uh and I was supposed to go to the gym earlier but I didn’t because I saw like a fake charge of my bank account and I’m like oh no I should address this so I’ve been talking to my bank for hours and I missed it and you know and then I’d like started reading and I got really caught up in 1984 cuz it’s the part where Winston gets caught and tortured and it was like really enthralling so I was just reading that and then I looked at the time like oh I got to get ready to stream in 20 minutes so you know here I am I made a thumbnail I’m really proud of that thumbnail by the way uh I don’t know if I should be proud of it but it just I thought it was funny anyway the tea is great I’m sure your tea is also great not as good as mine but still never played valheim I had a coworker who was looked 30 was 40 or maybe she was 40 looked 30 worked at Subway with me when I was 18 to 17 uh and you know she worked there her whole life she loved valheim so whatever you know I I don’t know what the hell it’s about is it’s kind of like a survival sandbox similar somewhat right you’re welcome thank you Polaris Lance better than late I mean better than Adventure true in a North Shore why was Drake there I don’t know uh Drake and I play like to play some beta Minecraft occasionally he’s not as basic as you guys might think he’s actually a really complex and thoughtful individual he allowed me to use his likeness for the thumbnail if that answers your question have I read any Cormac McCarthy name sounds familiar but at the moment I don’t recognize who that is it’s probably not 1984 it’s like I listen to it and I’m well not listen to it sorry I’m reading it and it’s like very intellectual but the problem with it is that it’s like really depressing I guess like it’s depressing but I’m also constantly analyzing what George arwell is trying to say here and um like I get it it’s interesting I relate a lot to what’s going on but it’s kind of hard to punch through some of the parts especially with me on recovering from having a short attention span it’s helping though like today I like H I just want to relax and but still be productive so I read and it was good it was a good decision so I’m glad that I did that so I’m getting to the point of the torture the torture is the most insane part of the book probably because it’s like he’s totally losing grip with reality and as if you’re really like reading it and like really just in it with him you start to like feel what he’s feeling I don’t know it’s really enthralling so um I guess I should just throw this one snowball love that sound okay anyway oh man I have three extra okay whatever I don’t want to I feel weird if I keep that in my inventory it’s just three blocks all right we’re going to go to uh this new area I don’t really know which way to approach it from I guess I’m just going to walk straight there taking a sip of this tea Drake the type of whip a snapper to go guys you’re going to want to look at this when a creeper blows up at his house guys don’t call Drake basic okay he’s really thoughtful so recovering from a a short attention span I used to read a lot more when I was younger I was constantly reading like just in a span of a few days I was reading books and I always go in library getting these books and let me just say when you’re a kid the books that are for kids are like teenagers tweenagers that sort of thing they’re more fun they’re more willing to be silly and also you don’t have to analyze it so heavily like I have to do that now you know what I mean it’s uh it’s okay though I guess but um when I got older I got an iPad and then I started like learning I could use the internet and then I got a phone like a Smartphone when I was I guess 15 16 maybe even 17 it might have been 17 that I got my first smartphone so after that I was just like dropped reading all together cuz I just had had that thing and it’s well I don’t really know exactly when it all started and when I switched over but pretty much there’s a point when I had like Tik Tok Reddit all that stuff on my phone I got rid of Tik Tok a long time ago cuz when I was new I hate Tik Tok I used to be one of the larger influencers on there you won’t hopefully recognize my voice but um God that’s my worst nightmare anyway I quit that cuz I oh not in peaceful I really regretted joining it in the way that I joined it because everyone was like dunking on it and being ironic but then uh they kind of just faded and started being legit and uh like taking it seriously and I’m like oh wait this isn’t what I signed up for so I quit I don’t know why I went into all that anyway I’m going to read this so yeah yeah short attention span I’m trying to recover from that it’s hard for me to stay focused a lot so I’m trying to read and let my mind be by itself for a bit and not you know I deleted Reddit as well if that’s just as distracting so one defecating Pig please wherever you like this time will be much appreciated okay I’ll remember to do this okay I’ll remember to do it I don’t really have this stuff on me right now but if I head back to my if I head back to my base then I will grab the stuff to do it all right but I’m a little bit further away I’ll I oh wait no I have brown wo right here okay I can probably do it then I just got to yeah I can do it right here cool all right let me write you down real quick Sam [Music] Roy the H I always try to write keep my donations written down I appreciate that by the way even if it’s F nefarious purposes that’s effectively $14 okay 55 cool all right now I got to do this I have a sign already you know I don’t need to do that good Lord I’m not a sellout not really so monster the type of guy to hold a cup of tea while it’s raining and say the wheat needed this I don’t grow wheat I’m growing all kinds of crops not wheat though like maybe corn so I’m just going to go I know exactly where I’m going to put this actually so do you like when people build huge beta 173 bases or do you like themed worlds uh I don’t really think that those are mutually exclusive I like when I kind of like what I’m doing like we just I didn’t even talk about it but I just passed like by a village and uh it was something I’ve been working on it’s pretty cool but uh big bases like box players are also really impressive so so let me put this here there you go there it is at the bottom of the lake here oh nice I’m going to get some of these sheep so if you can’t get into playing beta first of all you don’t have to play beta like you don’t have to right it’s a game I wouldn’t force yourself to do anything that you don’t want to do just because you think it’s maybe the right thing to do or whatever like sometimes you just don’t want to play Minecraft and when you don’t want to play Minecraft if you can really feel yourself being bored then maybe it’s time to go do something else but if you are like getting bored playing it I definitely understand wanting to find the motivation to play so what I do is I just start a new project usually like I explore or I just do some grindy [ __ ] or uh like here I just was I was walking around and I walked out here and I’m like huh it’ be cool if there was a village here so I just started building one and uh you’re going to see the full exent of it in the moment was I a Tik Tok influencer like I was I left at the point Tik Tok was really not huge so like I I didn’t have a huge amount but everybody that I was like friends with and made videos with and did [ __ ] with they have millions of followers now I don’t know if they make any money but also the way you made money is way different now like before it was just do streaming so I have a I I would stream myself playing piano it was like really stupid I don’t really even know what to do I just wanted to stream yeah the monster dance are never resurfacing how you doing Ben Liga I guess I need to sleep yeah there’s a bed here because I haven’t put it in the house yet it’s also safe to sleep in but not not safe to fall out of so for Our Generation 17 kind of late to be getting a smartphone to be honest do you think that was the best in the long run absolutely I do but it also kind of lowered my defenses my parents didn’t really prepare me for that or let me understand why I shouldn’t so when I’m a parent I want I’m going to have my kids like really understand the effects of you know being a smartphone user all right so no I not played TF2 I’m going to show you this real quick so it’s my little village I just I wanted to build this in the forest and like not touch any of the trees unless I needed to remove them and I wanted to remove as few as possible so I kind of like the vibe of this it reminds me of um like an old like an old video game oh God my mouse and [ __ ] are lagging that’s what happens when your PC’s on the floor through a desk all right really not much going on here but um is there any visual errors for you guys there’s some visual errors on my end but I’m looking at obs and there’s not any so I don’t know oh yeah this is totally uninhabited there’s not even a roof here I should do that I didn’t really need to put dirt there but uh you know whatever sh all right attic I think the Music’s Over must be close close to being over all right yeah but oh yeah there should be Lighting in here too I don’t know what I’m thinking so there’s paths I just put some paths down I put some like Rubble around here just like some rocks and [ __ ] uh here’s another house over here this way not much going on in this one there’s actually really nothing in any of these yet I just wanted to build some houses and like up here here’s some here’s a wide house with the the fireplace at the end here’s another tall house it’s the top section is turned a little bit so it’s a little fun yeah lots going on here all right so what is the time of my country it’s 6:22 p.m. what’s the lore behind the last betal player one second want to check something YouTube live is giving me [ __ ] no they’re not g me [ __ ] anymore all right cool the lore behind the last beta player is um up to interpretation but uh to me I guess you know my kind of the way the simplest way to take it it’s about a guy who’s like trying to play beta but he’s not really welcome anymore you know it’s about like a lot of different pressures on them and things like that and like just letting the old [ __ ] rest you know it’s kind of about a lot of things it’s hard to explain my entire thought process on it you going to leave later to we could you show us some landmarks from the last beta player sure I mean I guess here yeah nothing you’ve seen so far was in that show but everything that was in the show I’ll just walk over here and show you it’s over that way bricks Quest he will reveal that so easily yeah like that’s a really simple way to explain it but there’s a lot of explanations and there’s a lot of motifs and a lot of things I considered I thought about going over this script um for a video like a like a script for the video because I I ended up writing this entire script for it the could it be a dungeon could it be seems unlikely I felt like there’s not a dungeon here um but yeah I went up going over this entire script and uh I’m like yeah I’ll just do my own thing and then I just like had it all in my head pretty much like oh my goodness wow really that’s fantastic awesome hey I had no faith in this being a dungeon at all that is really surprising imagine if I got a golden apple on stream here all because you told me to go check out the [ __ ] last beta area anyway a that’s dog [ __ ] well [Music] whatever so yeah yeah yeah it’s up to interpretation there’s a lot of [ __ ] going on in it and I thought about making a video going over the script and like obviously I deviated from the script kind of a lot I think the script is still good but it’s like just different and also there’s missing scenes because well there just is missing scenes they got lost basically and I had to just make do without it oh [ __ ] hell yeah oh hell yeah nice this doesn’t go back very far I guess I’ll mine the [ __ ] that’s in here right I don’t want to get too distracted and now I don’t even have a sword all right oh if you guys are interested in a video like that I’d be more than willing to do it uh just let me know I’ll write it down on a sticky note and put it on my wall which I’ve been in the habit of doing so I want to become a Minecraft Beta YouTuber but don’t have a mic should I wait or upload videos without commentary there’s somewhat of a market for people who upload without commentary but you really have to Brand yourself like I feel that a lot of people are willing to just watch it and let it play in the background palad and Ryan did like an hour of or like a long play right like people just do long plays which I feel like is a really which is really kind of lame cuz they’re just easy to do right that’s why they do them not because you know it’s just easy right they’re hoping that it gets big but you can’t do something like that I guess for me to do something like that and I thought about it I would have to really consider I have to put a lot into consideration like what am I going to do I have to do something like really quintessential you know like exploring maybe building a house or some [ __ ] you could do that you could do tutorials you could do I mean ultimately the idea for what you want to do is going to come from you and not me otherwise it’s going to be Doom for the start let me just tell you that right now if you’re not the one who wants to do it if you’re just want to be YouTuber like you just oh I want to make videos because I want to be YouTuber then it’s probably it could go well but I wouldn’t expect that that’s just my advice like I I can never I never did good until I did made videos just for myself I guess and I still continue to what is going on here I okay I’ll just check this out oh it’s a sper jockey I’ll just leave to be but I still like continue to make videos for myself last night I wanted to make a new Tea Time video I was inspired I wanted to make one with my new tea setup and I like I took a nap and then I fell asleep for hours and I missed the whole day so I end up not making the video but maybe I will today I missed the gym too cuz I wanted to I had to do [ __ ] with my bank so hopefully I can get it’s still open after I’m done with the stream my abs hurt man they hurt I’ve been doing abs exercises all day but it still hurts all right here we go Landmark from the last beta player that’s what we were doing so can you make your favorite food or do you order it yeah I I always cook for myself though hard a skeleton yeah I always I always go for myself okay so that’s the thing I was building in the last beta player you never really saw from this side but that’s the thing I was building and there’s like the spooky Forest oh yeah there’s some [ __ ] over here but that wasn’t in the video yet at the time and like I I went down this Coastline and then I went that way and then that’s when I found the abandoned Village anyway stream Nation I hope that was halfway decent advice what’s up fake pepper how you doing I don’t mean to call you fake pepper sorry uh you’re going to sleep through my stream great beta enjoyer Japanese Styles always separate from other styles very unique what I’m doing here is like not fully Japanese that’s the thing it’s more like uh I don’t know it’s not fully Japanese it’s really tempting to go full Japanese but I’m like not doing it you know you can just see a glimpse of the town you can just barely see a glimpse from the town over there I’m not going to go over there quite yet though so now you can kind of see it hey brosi how you doing shinge I don’t know what that means hell yeah all right I’m not quite sure what well actually I am so that’s sheap doesn’t sound like it that is I don’t have any room for this I need a new sword I need to drop some of the [ __ ] off I should probably furnish the inside of one of these houses before it becomes a chest monster mon on the outside so I yes I use the word chess monster and now the music is over hi Allison how you doing let me just change the music really quickly yeah so for some of you or I guess none of you really knew I went to Canada recently I drove all the way there 11 hours in the dangerous rain and snow and uh I went and I visited Allison we had a great time oh we actually had a really good time I went to Montreal i’ never been there before I never been to a city I really fully liked we’re going to listen to One by C418 hope that’s good with everybody you don’t get a choice either way good album but yeah we did a lot of great things there uh it’s just the city so safe and like peaceful that’s so different compared to like Chicago or Detroit or really any American city they’re just not like that so it was my first time in Canada I just drove across the border and uh yeah 11 hours I’m not I’m not really having a hard time with long drives like I’ve done a lot of long drives before so it wasn’t like horrible we still a long time especially like the worst part was actually in America the worst part of the drive was in America cuz that’s where all the accidents were even though the even though the road conditions were kind of the same all the way to [Music] Toronto you live in Canada Sam Roy I know that’s why you keep giving me Canadian dollars I can tell no use to me now I spent all my Canadian money on Canadian gas which is overpriced I was the only unsaved person there that’s true I brought a pocket knife with me like everywhere I do that all the time but apparently that’s a big deal that’s that’s a big deal apparently that makes me some kind of gangster I don’t know uh cuz I told Allison she was just started freaking out like oh oh my God you have a pocket knife she just fre she wasn’t really freaking out but still she was surprised I was already in here so up here I started just kind of like throwing this [ __ ] together I don’t really know what’s going to happen to it but I’m going to show you this upper part next oh yeah I want to work on this inner part too I’m going to try to get up here one second well that didn’t work I guess I’ll walk around the other way uh um I got to make another piece of bread at one point I went to her college and I sat in on a lecture and I was pretty cool it was a lot of like it’s some stuff I already knew uh I just walked in I didn’t pay any money you know I just sat in and nobody stopped me or asked who I was there’s a lot of people there way more in my college and I had the pocket knife with me and I like told her that later and she was like oh my God you brought it you brought a weapon of mass destruction onto our campus and I was like yeah I bring it on my own campus I mean maybe I shouldn’t but uh yeah there’s there’s the town it’s a little bit wavy uh I I was going to build a pavilion up here when I got up here I looked here I’m like hey there’s a basin and I had never noticed this Basin before not really because you can’t really see it from here right it’s behind this hill so I’m like this would be really cool to build something here I could build a waterfall coming down here the river and like clear this out make it plainy at a few houses maybe some some crops and uh I could finish this thing here too you know I have a lot of thoughts about what I want to do so what I’m going to do next I guess I should build the start of the waterfall I thought it’ be cool if I had like a like a natural spring that looked like it had been built on and have the Water Source from there so I’m going to do that so yeah apparently having a pocket knife is a big deal in Montreal if people don’t really have weapons they’re so weird to me as an American uh she told me about her friend who has a has a Babb gun so if you’re an American you’ll think this is funny her friend is a BB gun and like takes pictures with it and his trunk and [ __ ] and says that he’s always strapped he’s got to you know you better don’t mess with this guy he’s going to give you he’s going to give you a [ __ ] a [ __ ] tiny bruise I don’t really I mean I guess I get it cuz they’re not used to guns that’s just hilarious though that’s just so funny it’s I can’t get over that I just I’ve been I’ve been talking to my co-workers like about the trip that I went to and I I always mention that part because it’s just hilarious to me and also because my co-workers are American as I am so uh they’ll get a kick out of it y wait no damn it so yeah that’s what she means by I being the only dangerous person there a [ __ ] I mean made a pressure plate God damn it I mean [ __ ] damn it huh that doesn’t make any sense I need way more than this way more than this all right we’re going to make a little bit more just a tad bit more okay I should cook some more Cobblestone I don’t actually have a lot to cook so I’m going to not do that hell yeah I’ll cook like half a stack or something I’ll drop this off I don’t need that all right we going to go back up so let me read some of this here I’m pretty sure I’m far from being the first person to say this but I wish I could experience this old Minecraft again I generally get emotional thing in the old times yeah for me it was on Pocket Edition a [ __ ] it was on Pocket Edition with my friend I would I would play with him sometimes I go to his house and we’d play together that was those are some good times where do I where am I going oh yeah I’m going over there all right I’m trying I’m trying to stay focused on the game but also like answer a question and also read the chat at the same time forgive me a little bit I’m getting new I’m getting H better at that sort of thing so let me read some more the builds are amazing thank you I mean they’re really simple yeah that post is really long uh they’re really simple they’re not like I don’t really think they’re anything special but they’re just fun you know I’ve been wanting to build something huge and impressive for a little bit and there’s a you know I have some stuff laying around that I want to do but they’re not really good for streaming you know cuz progress isn’t as visible all right I find myself playing beta 18 sometime no hello started watching your beta MC stuff recently glad to see old school Minecraft coming back into the Limelight me too hell yeah it’s way more popular than it was a year ago when I started making videos do you find yourself getting are you going to see Madam web no finish my homework I can go home Buy back in 20 see you Olivia later is Canada welcomeing to Outsiders depends where you go everybody was really nice to me you know it’s it wasn’t like America okay so here’s my dilemma I it would be cool if I had the waterfall like coming off this cliff and it would also be cool if I had it coming off a diagonal Cliff but it’s more naturally suited to here that’s tough I don’t really know where it I mean this is the end of the Basin so it should probably come at the end of the Basin but it’s just I don’t really know where it should come from I guess here right I mean I guess here I mean look at there’s a natural dip here and everything it would be perfect oh yeah what’s up Sig freed I guess I’ll build it over there I’d be cool if I had multiple waterfalls you know what I’ll keep that option open because I don’t know what might happen so uh once got shot right under the nose Ridge with a BB gun don’t underestimate yeah I’m sure that would hurt or in your eye right but you’d have to be that’s like dumb luck you know all right so I’m going to remove some of these trees here especially this one Lex stop spamming uh I the last mle player was the best Minecraft media I had the pleasure of seeing amazing stuff thank you I appreciate that maybe one day I’ll I’ll make something similar I would like to idea for the last beta player hit me all at the same time right so it’s just like I got inspired I don’t I don’t want to throw myself into a project that much again unless I’m really like have a concrete idea of what I want so it’ll be some time before that oh of course is cool oh my God I completely forgot about Pocket Edition I love Pocket Edition I have it I’m able to emulate it on here but it’s like you have to touch the keypads with your mouse and [ __ ] so it’s really not fun to play at all probably your family’s in Brazil everything that you need is family XD High Ric good violence terrible economy not very fun no true hey just logged off my new beta 173 World thanks for introducing me to Old Minecraft I’m glad that you enjoy it depends on your state if you live like in Rio de Janeiro is the Fess part okay yipp be another stream Portland okay okay that’s someone else’s conversation uh beta please come back your trrain is so good you can play it you can play beta all all you want oh man underneath that Ridge would be really cool to build in I need to level this out I think I don’t even have a shovel I used my shovels up time to make another crafting table I wonder how many I’ve made so far let’s check statistics I’m curious it’s so cool that this still exists in this version even though the blocks are like reverse shadowed it’s kind of strange 15 what okay that doesn’t seem right when you move instances your statistics don’t change over if I had known better I would have done that like I would have changed my Statistics over I might have make a video about how to do that in the future that’s good don’t no worries [Music] L my first experience with Minecraft is also Pocket Edition specifically version Alpha 10.5 was that the they have train that point I mean it’s Alpha so I know that they hadn’t like combined versions yet right so I started an alpha 0.5.0 that’s when I started pretty cool pretty chill uh all right you’re eating an apple Allison that’s nice I [ __ ] I’m trying to remember something yeah I remember now all right likewise uh I remember you saying you didn’t want to do sequ when I post a comment asking about it’d be very cool to see something similar yeah I don’t want to wear out the genre a lot of people do like try to make spooky Minecraft [ __ ] and it I really don’t enjoy watching it like there was this one channel that did like old Minecraft re-uploads that I did like it’s called Old Minecraft or like Alpha Minecraft reuploads that’s the only only spooky [ __ ] that I feel like is genuinely good other than that I don’t really like anything that’s out there except my own so that’s how that is I want to live in Canada so bad I have thought about living there a lot before I’ve looked at land listings in Ontario just because you can get land very easily there but um you know it depends I’m going to have a lot of freedom after I get my degree you know so we’ll see what happens happens with that all right uh yeah all right I what I’m going to do here is I’m going to trace out oh man I should go get to bed though I’m going to trace out a circle here and and in the future yeah hell yeah oh yeah all right I have a dark fantasy themed world but I think I might make a Japanese region that’s cool Dark Fantasy is cool oh [ __ ] no don’t do it no [ __ ] okay I want to get I want to kill that sheep not the wolf Viking would be neat 173 beta seems so catching but I need to thank you for introducing you to Minecraft Beta hey that’s cool yeah I I really have no interest in going back to Modern Lu at all I’ve tried like twice but um yeah never been [Music] fulfilling I’m eating an apple I want an apple I just like playing alone nowadays I go through phases of like wanting to be a multiplayer and wanting to play alone right now I want to play alone uh but I’ve never really had a server to consistently play with someone on until like back to Beta so uh if I want to play multiplayer I can if I want to play alone I can like it’s it’s I’m in a good spot right now with that I mean when I actually I have time to do this which is almost never so keep that in mind what version was it with the weird bug that happens when you make a world and then build stuff in said world then delete it and make a new world and the stuff you built was in the new world I kind of know what you’re talking about I really just thought it was Herobrine when I was a kid so that was Pocket Edition right is there any way to get a sponge without mods no ask deadly dirt block although I’m sure he’ll say no I honestly don’t know what version I started Minecraft I remember when I was 4 years old I played Minecraft on my sister’s computer once I couldn’t read then so I just spawned random stuff well did you say you were four Jesus that’s that’s really young um try to go back to Beta so I can learn the fundamentals of building that’s a good way to do it like you could do a building Evolution type deal right I’m not going to have enough room for this circle [ __ ] okay you know what no it’s fine but what else is here how much do eat your golden apple $100 real dollars not Canadian dollars I don’t have a golden apple in this world anyway so it doesn’t matter I mean I could I could cheat myself one and eat it if that would make you happy but yeah $100 no yeah here’s my circle this is a single player world yes it is going to go hang out with my sister bye C Allison thanks for the orange good luck with that let me know how it goes later all right my favorite block texture I don’t know I like all the old block textures like they all sit right with me I like all of them yeah I really do like them all it’s it’s not so many that it just like this one that I hate okay the lapis one I just walked backwards for a moment my bad the lapis one’s not my favorite ever I know kelone will hate me he likes it cuz it’s like submersive or like some old internet [ __ ] and it’s like I don’t know some some hipster reason I don’t really care for it uh I guess that’s my least favorite the the lapis block I don’t think it really looks good anywhere maybe it’s cuz I’m color blind but it looks like uh a mixture of almost like blue and then tones of green in it am I crazy maybe I’m crazy but yeah not a [Music] fan all right let’s uh bring this all up to speed here there’s a sheep down there I should go get him huh oh yeah there was something really cool over here I wanted to do uh like a mining area over that way is my Graphics [ __ ] up I really feel like they are you guys notice that I’m really noticing this hold on go a mission really quick farm tutorials 3 hours in it’s just tiring yeah I don’t like I like making my own Farms [Music] H okay that’s better that doesn’t look really good on how does this look I Chang it to vsync I mean I I kind of swap back and forth between them cuz it’s like a little bit wishy-washy and what it wants from me also vsync slows down my mouse a lot I don’t know why that [Music] is I don’t even have enough Cobblestone for this I don’t have any down there I guess we’re going to go back back to Beta no we’re not it’s I mean we’re of here okay let me Minecraft should have more of a branching path into its progression that’s kind of an RPG tactic like Terraria lets you go like Branch out your combat progression I don’t think that there should God damn it that’s like not good okay okay here’s what we’re going to do I’m just going to restart my game it’s acting strange don’t know why got to restart it though God I’m [ __ ] hot in here I guess it’s cuz the te just going to button my flannel I love wearing flannels I’m always wearing flannels you’re Apple in the btb server yes one you know what no $200 real dollars and I’ll do it okay it’s not that it’s like actually worth $200 real dollars is that that’s what the price is sorry should iy balanced I don’t know okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh this is sheap also like it would be cool to build in here too it would be cool to build all around here I have a lot of space I can build in so if any if I want to start a new project there’s always something around here I can start it’s great how you doing Luke Atomic bookshelves where my go-to Decor block yeah bookshelves are great I use them often they’re fun they’re a reason to have sugarcane Farms you know just for to make bookshelves everyone has is having stream issues it’s not the stream I don’t think it’s just my game I don’t know it’s acting kind of weird I think the existence of a progression in the first place is a bit disrupted to the sand BLX sandbox element yeah it is but the thing is with Minecraft’s progression is that it’s not like permanent you know once you get good [ __ ] it’s not like you can’t go back to having no good [ __ ] it’s almost to the point where I say that there isn’t a progression because at least in beta because your character never levels up you just obtain better resources but those resources can be expended the problem is that modern allows you to never expend those resources because of mending and and XP Farms so Marin has a progression but beta definitely does not have a progression I I would say that like I mean it’s really just semantics at the end of the day but I would say that it does not have a progression because you can it’s just what items you have you always go back to having nothing if you run out of [ __ ] so what do y’all think about that take I want to know your opinion hey playing peaceful on beta but my but is bone meal in my game I want grass within my castle wall you’re going to have to switch it to hard buddy netherite is just stupid netherite was like oh let’s just make the progression progression more progressi like that’s that was the thought process behind netherrite going to dump that gravel I don’t have any back there but I came down here cuz I wanted to get some Cobblestone and I’m going to need more than this my favorite song in the whole album comes after this one good song good [ __ ] oh god um Left for Dead H [ __ ] I I actually have um this just um there was this girl that I used to go see and we would play Left for Dead uh she would let me use her gaming laptop sometimes uh you know if we wanted to like take a break of like other things that other games that we were playing I don’t know how the [ __ ] to put that Jesus but yes I played Left 4 Dead uh I remember like all the different zombies like some of them like there was the farm guy with a huge arm and then there’s like the Witch and then there’s other [ __ ] is this same game we’re talking about right I’m pretty sure it is and then there’s like a kind of a cast of characters there’s like one of them called coach I don’t know the other ones but yeah um I have played left for dead so all right we’re going to go over there here’s the thing M can add so much stuff to Minecraft to make it better yeah I don’t think adding things going to make it better like physically adding things you know maybe maybe features maybe fixing [ __ ] would make it better um you know what you know what what I just said right now I had a stroke of Genius I’m going to write that down hold on where’s my [ __ ] pen hell yeah I just took my headphones off now they’re on okay what was it I have taken to writing out my ideas for videos on sticky notes and then putting them up on my wall and then like moving them around depending on what stage of completion that they’re in it’s helpful I already have an entire list of ideas on my phone but I like this system a lot better cuz it lets me visualize [ __ ] so anyway I agree about the progression point in my old modern single player world I got bored because I was doing was trying to get the best enchantments but beta makes me focus on building more yeah it does all right uh yeah such a good [ __ ] song man this just I listen to this album a lot when I first started this world so in a way the album is nostalgic to me see how turns left for dead to my beloved might have been left for dead too I don’t know if you do try to ignore you can’t simply forget the people are doing it so much more efficiently you that’s true there’s always some crazy [ __ ] on Reddit the armor trims could be done way better like since since modern has already embraced RPG mechanics you know they should tie armor trims to advancements and make advancements worth something I guess I understand if they don’t want that but it would be hypocritical for them to say like oh we don’t want to advancements to be tied to progression it would make so much more sense to have your armor trims unlockable by advancement wouldn’t it I mean you wouldn’t have a million new items that would make so much sense you should just have the ability to do them based on the advancements and like the more desirable armor trims are tied to the harder advancements I have that idea written down already I’m never going to not kn God damn it I didn’t even hit the water that time I don’t need the trap doors right okay we’re going wait I don’t need this all right we’re going back up sometimes I get lost to my castle because of a central staircase that’s kind of fun though like penguins boats faster wow great thing charger which turn off your light oh yeah charger yeah Hunter uh yeah I know what you’re talking about uh she never let me play Left for Dead I watched her play she let me play super hot other than other games but like I was like hey what is Left for Dead she just showed me and um I didn’t ever play it I wasn’t really interested in playing it uh my maybe it’s my mouse you know all right so next thing I want to do is go around the edge and repl these so it looks kind of congruent with the land here valve can’t count the three moner what do you think about the new trial Vault for the trial Keys is that is there I I don’t even know I have not tracked I heard there were Keys like yeah they just want to bring [ __ ] Dungeons and legends over to the main line game God damn it it’s like being really laggy for me I don’t know why this is so weird I’m not doing anything different it’s kind of strange hold on I’m going to check something I don’t know why this is I’ve been working on a new instance or like been kind of putting something together with a no mic and then hopefully you know that ends up running a lot faster than this one and has a lot less issues that’s the goal here but by the way if you’re interested join our Discord server we have one very Lively we just hit 1,100 members actually I didn’t even get to celebrate the first thousand I don’t know what to do to celebrate the first thousand but uh if you’re in the neighborhood you know check it out very cool server if you’re ever interested in Old Minecraft [ __ ] so let’s try Max I don’t know maybe that’ll do something that’s not helping halflife three my non-existent beloved I don’t halflife three oh yeah I know what half life is I haven’t played a lot of different video games all right hi one of your videos was recommended you me to me and saw your live just wanted to say keep going I enjoyed it thank you appreciate you brother I think ideally Minecraft’s progression system could have been focused more in the act just Gathering the things you as a player decide you want rather than a specific path to the end or whatever ever yeah but like mending makes some items literally permanent unless you die and lose them and it’s kind of to the point where some players will will turn like keep inventory on and that’s fine I mean play how you want right but it’s um it’s just kind of funny like they’ll turn it on so they can’t lose their unusable items even more like they’ll never actually lose them unless they deliberately toss them into lava and nether you can’t even burn in lava so it’s like they’ll they just they’ll just never lose it it’s just kind of KRA if you ask me all right I’m going to I’m going to dig this all the way down I think or I’m going to try to join the Discord server thank you for joining smch appreciate you hell yeah Cactus is stronger than lava true is that a bug was that was that always intended to be a feature I feel like it’s a bug cuz this a block that does damage right and they kept in the game but I it must have been a bug originally I really don’t know the game is 24 years what’s 24 years have I not played halflife no I’ve not played halflife but I look like some kind of nerd uh I remember my first time playing MC I was back in Alpha and I had a really old PC which only allowed me to have really low under distance so those were good times lol yeah they were good times my PC was dog [ __ ] when when I started playing on the computer like couldn’t do jack [ __ ] it just got worse and worse as it went on and like how this computer is doing now I don’t really know what the hell is wrong with it again mending feels like a straight paath type of thing like not having it is objectively worse than having it right I mean yeah it makes logical sense to have mending not not like as a part of the game but like if Ming exists out there it makes logical sense to like pursue it for the sake of your goals you know [ __ ] I need to wait I need to dump this [ __ ] off I need to dump this [ __ ] off and I need to go grab glowstone that’s what I need to do I want some glow stone here I might have to go to the nether for my glow stone which I don’t really want to do but the nether is actually dangerous in this version I’m not being productive at all it’s fine though what games do I play besides Minecraft I don’t have time to play anything besides Minecraft uh I guess like sometimes I go through stages where I play polyopia which is a mobile game but it’s also a steam game that’s pretty fun uh I have oh yeah tears of the Kingdom good game you know I really don’t need to be carrying this around or that or this or that so I’ll just drop this [ __ ] off uh yeah I’m going to go get some I guess some more Cobblestone well let me kill the Sheep there’s another one over there we’ll take a different way over doors are really helpful when placed underwat they’re just portable air pockets yep they are this is why trar is it right yeah but they’re not trying to be a Sandbox game I mean they’re like the there’s no infinite Terraria worlds which is a good thing I mean like your world is is a piece of land like it’s a level you know which I which is it works well everything in Teraria works pretty well if moang ever got their [ __ ] together hey look another Basin I kind of knew this was here already but pretty cool though right if Mo ever got this [ __ ] together would you consider trying modern again I mean sure it just depends on how well of a job they did getting their [ __ ] together just currently seems impossible all right like up here yeah yeah yeah I dug this out on stream one of my other streams I don’t know what to do with it yet but it’s just like I hollowed out a slice of this mountain so the walls here are literally the walls of the mountain the sh spetti and meatballs to Minecraft so true oh yeah I have a [ __ ] ton of stuff I’ll leave it for now all right we’re going to really go down here now look my mine cart’s stuck I don’t think I can make this jump though nope have I played GTA San Andreas no cave dweller I’ve been seeing that [ __ ] and I recommended I didn’t watch it cave dweller is there some kind of mod like God this [ __ ] around it is just like I know they’re trying to bring back the scariness into the game but it’s not working there’s this one video I saw this guy said like man Baron development and then he’s like walking around the forest and then there was like in the distance he saw like this you know a man bear it was actually a really cool idea because it’s not just oh my gosh it’s a it’s a freaking hecking uh tall pale humanoid with with no eyes and face and it’s pale and [ __ ] whatever like it’s just the same godamn [ __ ] all the time with the creepy pastes is uh what I guess green text even like anywhere you read it the the horror villain is always a tall pale humanoid with long Limbs and it’s like black eyes white eyes whatever it just like somehow mimics human form but it’s not human that’s the same [ __ ] all the time and then they brought it to the [ __ ] cave doer [ __ ] though man there’s zombies in my damn walls God damn it all right no more zombies in the [Music] walls yeah so the man bear like is a welcome change it’s kind of like uh like a real like North American crypted Legend type deal we talked a lot about Cave the Cave twer last stream did we yeah yeah you don’t even use wooden tools anymore right you just mine them you just use them to get like three pieces of cobblestone and then you don’t need it then you’re done all right well I don’t need some of this [ __ ] so let’s drop that off and I came here to grab I don’t even remember sips tea the wall zombie strikes again hey Mad Monkey how you [Music] doing any tips for building a beta just focus on small [ __ ] like if if you’re thinking about something being too basic just build it anyways you know don’t worry about it so much my glowstone I bet you my glowstone is in the Central Village of the world but I doubt that I even have much there yeah so I guess we’ll go nether here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to make a chest yeah I’m going to make a chest I’m going to go down here I’m going to get a lot of lot of dirt like I gathered L stone glow stone like last stream or like one of the other streams I’ll take that 14 bit it’s bothering me it’ll be gone anyways I think better than Adventure does a niche tool thing pretty well yes it does it even gives you extra reasons to use different [ __ ] which is cool all right I really don’t want to go in the Nether on on uh I’m just going to not yeah I’m just going to not so sorry let me kill these sheep really quick I don’t have a bow I never really carry a bow around with me maybe I should get in the habit of doing that or like have an emergency bow outside the nether oh yeah I I cleared out a ton of this [ __ ] like obviously there’s still a little bit here but I cleared out a lot of it uh recently and um that means that I can start building this wall a little bit more now which I might do I just don’t know know if I should do that on stream cuz I feel like it would be boring I want to do that my own because I really have to think about the gradients here it’s very specific God sniffer block reminder thanks gradey I guess I do have a cur fan how do you even say that I don’t know oh yeah I watched Borat recently which I know he’s not from there but he’s kind of from around there right maybe I’m I going to start a race war in the comments by saying that so thank you gray I’ll write you down for 50 more croners y uh that is two all right appreciate you sniffer block reminder yeah I really um I I should have a preset on here that lets me pull up sniffer block Graphics I think that would be funny don’t need Lego sets used to be big in a Lego not really anymore my love of Minecraft has kind of replaced my love of Lego that makes sense at all um that’s got to be [ __ ] useless here all right we are so ready to go to the nether I I know I’m in hard mode now but I’ll probably get out of hard mode if I give you valim and will you stream it no I I won’t I’m sorry I don’t really want to get in any new games is my brightness turned up yeah it’s at 50 so like the nether even though it looks darker than modern it’s still like brighter like it’s visibly brighter than normal and that’s just because I have it turned up so it’s visible oh man I love killing these guys they’re so fun to kill cuz it’s like rewarding you know let’s just just try it out let’s just try it [Music] out easy so easy come on come get some come on oh [ __ ] I missed easy literally easy what am I farming here huh what am I even farming here cuz clearly it’s not it’s not glowstone it’s your [ __ ] flesh hell yeah oh he’s not even mad at me that’s weird no hits this is the portal to the last beta player Village right there I like the the well I call it that now but it used to just be like the dev Village that’s what I used to call it [ __ ] you well [ __ ] please I don’t want to play Val I’m sorry oh [ __ ] all right fine First Blood look what it got you look what it got you literally nothing killing things comment out of context please clip as many things out of context from me as you possibly can whoa suicide bomber that’s a that’s a little bit contradictory because he’s dropping pork what’s he doing with pork on him that’s herum yeah I just gave you a great opportunity right there so easy strafing confuses him so much it’s awesome all right that’s a this is a good place to go beta piglins is a cursed term did I say beta piglins I really I didn’t did I I really feel like I didn’t say that no gas up here right oh my god did I really say that I’m so sorry oh no fatty juice bacon said that not me thank God so like with this instance there’s some things that still don’t break properly I wonder if GL I don’t know if glow Stone’s one of them like ladders trap doors don’t really properly break so like the next version of the instance should fix that whenever that happens I I have two like really big projects that are kind of like Weighing on my mind and it’s uh the you know back to Beta 5 and the instance which I’m I really want to do the instance [Music] more I don’t really care to break this hell yeah I live life on the edge that’s right that’s why it’s good to have all these [ __ ] pork chops there rep place with zombie piglin like all you know all the zombie fi or all the zombie pigments got it literally replaced like they’re functionally a new mob although do the zombie pigman have the same AI as the zombie piglins I’m pretty sure zombified piglins they’re such a dog [ __ ] name such a dog [ __ ] name I like these guys feel like Doom Slayer right now hell yeah it’s really such a dog [ __ ] name I mean it’s really really bad goodness gracious and good riddance those chuckle [ __ ] at moyang it’s just so long it doesn’t roll off the tongue at all zombie pigman zombified piglins [ __ ] you how about that I’m never going to get a sponsorship from moyang if I keep swearing at them I’m never going to be invited to to Minecraft live so I can play computer or what is it the the [ __ ] uh I don’t even know the dog [ __ ] rendition of or some parody that weird dude with the weird ass eyes played at the end of Minecraft live I’ll continue to watch Minecraft live only because it’s funny oh I’m off my game I’m off my game oh [ __ ] no oh no that was lame that was my fault by the way it was a was your guys’ fault for distracting me I tempted fate but have I have I been humbled no I am not humbled not even a little bit hell yeah we’re going again that’s right yes it is a terrible name that is a pretty bad pretty bad name they AR mean no they they’re not really the same mob it’s not that they updated the mob they really just changed everything about it but I mean they are this they’re supposed to be the same I don’t know I really want to finish this too it looks so cool I love this thing but I need a lot of stone it’s like I need to be worried about what I use my stone for and where I get it from does that make sense all right so I think we were like kind of this way right yeah we were this way rip my PP is just a hornet nest that I saw on the side of my garage yes literally only one guy said rip are you kidding me Chuck chuckle fed employee yeah I knew going on there was dangerous I really didn’t want to hop over the edge though yeah it’s a was Nest not a hornet nest he’s right Bas beta enjoyer true as a kid always thought that zombie pigman were tribesmen I I I kind of understand like The Stereotype of a tribesman wears a loin cloth right or loin cloth these guys literally wear loin cloth to cover their junk they don’t I don’t think they do in no they wear they wear pants they wear [ __ ] pants in in modern don’t they they wear pants and belt buckles and [ __ ] these guys wear loin cloths damn you guys hate me a you don’t mean that b grind said absoluely it is all right let’s see if I sell my pickaxe cuz if I don’t have my pickaxe then I kind of like need to go back these [ __ ] please ye out look not so good here ah screw you oh no [ __ ] you gas did it fall down that way I I guess I have to go down and check there’s another one down here hell yeah I’m not worried I think I’ll die if I fall from here right I want to fall onto the gas though I mean that would be cool that would be rad as hell I lived oh [ __ ] these guys are mad at me that’s right fight with me hell yeah hell yeah I just redirected that fireball midair these will never hurt him though I don’t I don’t know why oh look some of this stuff’s down here nothing my pickaxe [ __ ] yeah hell yeah look at that we can keep I mean I didn’t keep any glowstone but I only m one spot [ __ ] you what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you yeah that’s the thing they don’t they don’t really take damage from their own Fireballs also their hit boxes a lot smaller than their actual body this [ __ ] still shooting me talk about a [ __ ] comback hell yeah we are back Mo assault team got him now we must play Mon oh [ __ ] I was hitting the wrong key all right I don’t want to deal with these there we go also I want to check something all right what the hell is going on here huh YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth streaming such viewers will experience buffering why why is the stream status so bad you guys said that this was like a thing that they’re dealing with right now right like everybody’s YouTube stream is bad I’m going to look that up you know I’ll look that up also I’m going to look at my phone cuz it’s going to tell me uh how how my stream is progressing at the moment okay I’m at there I’m at our mission so it’s not the play uh nothing seems like a yeah I don’t I don’t know it it’s telling me that it’s getting issues I don’t really know what the issues are it’s saying it’s not getting enough video if that’s the case I don’t know why why the hell it’s not getting enough video that’s uh just like I don’t know anyway oh you know what I disconnect reconnect my mouse wonder if it’s just my mouse that’s being [ __ ] up could be feels a lot better now all right uh well sort of still hear the goddamn gas anytime I hear a Cat in real life I’m just going to have flashbacks to Beta nether YouTube is racist towards beta players I know right we’re so impressed man I feel like I just had a weird idea in my head you know like some people try to milk the oppression narrative like a beta player might do that I know that that’s kind of happened with like people saying that moang will delete Java Edition they trying to like get this kind of Oppression narrative going on with uh with with Java players cuz it I don’t know it just really gets attention that’s why I don’t need this much pork like I don’t really believe I mean I believe that they’re going to do that but it’s like the videos I watched a video there was like about how Minecraft or moyang was going to delete Java and it was like very over dramaticized like the dude was really just trying to invoke a reaction right so and as while I believe him like he was making a video he wasn’t like giving a PSA all right see you sreed rip people from Germany here some people from Germany here Minecraft wasn’t the same after the add of the nether yeah my Alpha world I don’t I I play before the nether was at it it’s a cool Dimension but it’s so weirdly specific man I am [ __ ] hungry I feel like that’s kind of an unobtainable let’s look over here real quick hey there’s some might as well go over here right MC Peak to Ruby dong there’s a there’s a ruby dong ARG right now that I saw I mean it’s kind of concluded and it like showed off builds of the game oh yeah that’s the portal of the last beta player uh and you can play them and I guess it’s just waiting for someone to figure it out and make a video on it I mean the people who make args they just want people to make videos on them right I mean I I want someone to make a video about the last beta player and then like I’m I feel like if they do I’m just going to be like no they got that wrong no it’s not right whatever I’m kidding you can you can interpret it however you want oh wait this is never going to Reed [ __ ] forgot about that little factoid [Music] lava’s broken I would like to find a mod that fixes lava I’ve yet to see anything like that my glowes will have to take Java for my cold dead hands do my stream’s buffering why is it buffering I’m not doing anything different sheesh all right let’s take a pause here I don’t know what’s going on all right see what the hell is going on here I’m not doing anything different if you guys can’t see me oh yeah my my keyboard is taken to spamming certain Keys sometimes I don’t know why the hell that happened I think my PC is just kind of far away like I don’t really have a great place for it we’re back okay great Ruby Nung ARG is just Lily Pad right I don’t know I don’t know what Lily Pad is look like some kind of nerd to you Jesus maybe I should close Discord I’ll check my task manager you know maybe it’s me I don’t know maybe that’s why there’s hardly any viewers right now oh I heard that burning by the way I need to go shopping and get something to eat like I don’t have anything for dinner right now I need to figure out like like a really high protein dish that I can eat and somewhat consistently like before I was Whos Ranos but that’s kind of complicated you know it’s not you you can’t really prep it you kind of have to eat it as you make it like you can prep it up to a point it’s really good there’s no meat in it either I don’t really know how it’s well it’s doing me for like protein wise I have a Minecraft world since 11 years old playing with a friend sounds cool hell yeah it’s giving me so many issues I don’t know what the hell the issue is so strange if anyone’s a stream scientist let me know I don’t know what the [ __ ] is the problem here still bright here all right let’s craft this [ __ ] even four numbers that’s pretty good 52 do I go for one more no I’ll go back I was just joined was working fine for me so far all right that’s good I mean I it’s I feel like I’m having problems I don’t I don’t know minecrafty has fallen billions Must Die hey do you guys think that I could I could swim through this lava Trail let’s see if I can do it I have a lot of food okay so look so easy look literally so easy let’s try again so easy literally so easy literally the easiest thing I’ve ever done [ __ ] your Fireballs [ __ ] your Fireballs [ __ ] you yeah yeah [ __ ] all right I love drag clicking I’m glad that I have it I’m going to be on fire for a while cuz that’s oh never mind I mean I was on fire for a while leave me alone blood oranges hell yeah got a love blood oranges I would every time I look at that it’s just like so cool but I don’t know what else to do with it you know he’s a daredevil Minecraft he has fallen billions Must Die I already read that I think okay great success all right cool I can I can hold on this [ __ ] right I don’t need that all right let’s reorganize everything cool where’s our creeper here Wicked nether build thank you sir D my friends are all in a realm in building stuff which sucks me cuz I don’t have modern Minecraft on Console consider yourself lucky my friend not to be corrupted by the influence the keyboard just didn’t hit the back key all of a sudden maybe my PC needs a hard restart you maybe that would be the fix I don’t know anyway and you guys have any addition like I’m trying to bulk so I’m trying to really eat up you know really get my protein up four times a day like eggs eggs you know uh I know I didn’t finish 1984 but I was getting close like I’m in uh I’m in Winston’s torture scene right now pretty heavy [ __ ] I talked about it earlier but it’s like it’s really th really enthralling like it’s it really puts you in his shoes was uncomfortable but it was like I couldn’t put it down I had to cuz I had to get on the stream but like it was good I’m liking that I don’t know why I’m liking that part I guess it’s more stimulating but it’s like the [ __ ] that O’Brien is saying and the [ __ ] that Winston is thinking it’s just like lots of [ __ ] going on can’t believe the guy copied my idea of streaming beta Minecraft yeah no one’s ever done that before hell yeah apologies for the intrusion but I have a quick question is there a downloadable optimized instance for 173 multimc well as luck would have it there certainly is if you go to my Discord server there’s one available for download and um there’s a channel it’s called like beta 173 download instructions or something along those lines right but that is the channel that is where you go has a download at the bottom and it has instructions on how to do it that’s a [ __ ] oh my God that [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me anyway I knew I was hearing a zombie but damn it was right there I love this I love this version that’s that scared the [ __ ] out of me man what was I saying yeah go to my Discord server there is a there is a um a link to join in the description of this video it should still be working I think and if it doesn’t work then any of my other videos will have it don’t flame whammy just cuz he’s Canadian should I grab more Cobblestone I should know since I’m here and all thanks dud I appreciate it you have even have a video to explain it all wonders of the internet yeah yeah my main goal is to be a resource for everybody right so if that helps then I’m glad you know happy to be of service I want to put out more tutorials in a better instance in the future that has even more fixes at one point you wish you visit what would we do I had I had to be very sparing with my time and uh you know I I I I went to Montreal you know I guess that makes me liberal right you you wouldn’t want to be around a liberal there’s a lot of people who asked me to visit them in Canada I only end up visiting one though uh we had a really great time that was awesome honestly so I if you just remind or you wish you had right now like like at this moment moment I I wish that gas Fireballs actually did damage to gas yeah that’s a feature I wish uh that that we had here I thought we were friends we are friends as friends as friendly can friendly friends can be too [ __ ] I’m look glad I had a great time I really appreciate you coming over yeah I did yeah that really nice look I’m going to go get those guys like a sheep or a wolf should I kill it hell yeah um any anyway yeah I did a great time there’s a lot we saw a hockey game oh yeah yeah yeah we saw a hockey game uh it was the Laval Rockets versus the Belleville senators and it was so fun any of the hockey games I’ve been to in the states had never been so intense also you know they’re all announcing their [ __ ] in French and it’s just funny like like ha they’re speaking French and they think they’re being taken seriously like that’s that was funny like in between the second and third like period there was um there’s this there’s this Quebec French Canadian rapper who looked like my brother’s girlfriend it’s like I could not take it seriously and nobody else was either it was hilarious so was great yeah I know you don’t claim that woman uh she uh Allison didn’t like her she hated her more than I did honestly that was funny though parisar parisar that was her name parisar I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means I’m running out of room here I guess I’ll drop that off uh jeez I really am running out of room here I need to I need to live in one of these houses parizo no it was parisar end with ar quit gaslighting me ended with a I remember seeing it before she even came out I’m seeing her up on like the DJ’s [ __ ] or whatever the hell she was doing I don’t know maybe you French people say different but uh I’m American so uh hell yeah H stream like seems like it’s doing better how’s the work going Alison by the way aren’t you supposed to be working been working on a big castle wall all day only to realize I made the tear one block off from each other been there actually been there A lot of times so many times actually I feel it I feel your pain brother oh yeah I was going to mine this out where I had a crafting table right where did it go I made one I was up here and I counted how many crafting tables I made this looks kind of cool from [Music] here yep yeah I’ll make two chests a double chest and I’ll have to organize it all later just dump some of this [ __ ] in here good good Lord all right yeah I need to use this to hold the [ __ ] that’s in here I need to get I guess more shovels hell yeah brother I’m going now I got to attend to my elderly all right see you later good luck with that thanks for the Apple hey monster I recently saw your video the last beta player I was wonder if you’re going to make any videos like it I uploaded the video so hard when I saw it yeah I [ __ ] and pissed and came in my pants when I posted it it’s pretty great like literally just everywhere just just like [ __ ] splooged out like I can’t even use those jeans anymore it’s never going to get out it’s never going to wash out um yeah I’m glad you liked it bro how’ your stream go I was only little to pop in for a second second cuz I was doing [ __ ] with my bank and I was driving oh I met my dad and brother for lunch earlier so that’s why but am I building I wanted to build a well here like a like literally a well um that looks like it’s part of um I don’t know how deep I’m going to make this but I was I was going to make it a well and then uh it’s going to be like the source of a natural spring and then I want the well to spill over into like a waterfall I think that would just be neat so that’s what I’m doing right now and I really don’t know how wide it’s going to be like um I might make the walls a little thicker any specific order of the song is playing in the background it is uh the order of the songs in one which is an album by C418 it’s called one and I’m just playing the whole album right now because it’s I don’t get any trouble for playing it I love M clicking click mining I don’t know if you guys noticed I I made some shorter videos lately and um I try to like record with my authentic mic and it’s difficult because like when I record just my normal voice it doesn’t really uh filter anything out so when you’re recording you just hear like like that [ __ ] with my mouth all the time and it’s annoying I thought about maybe getting a pop filter to fix that but I don’t really know a lot about sound and I I I don’t know like what pop filter I would use or how I would even do that hopefully that would help hey monster I recently saw your prank call video I was wonder if you going to make me any more videos like it no I could do a prank call right now I could pause the stream and do one right now up to you guys you you vote on it okay can you make that noise again no no you sick [ __ ] my stream was okay I fixed a build and went dungeon hunting to find a skeleton spawner to get bones for a flower far and make a beautiful flower field around my windmill like the one on my btb house yeah I really like your houses on btb they’re really well done especially like your bridge I like everything on there whyi is a great Builder let it never be unsad whyi is a great Builder like he just he just knows what he’s doing I don’t know I don’t know his I don’t know his process or his mind method but it’s like he just he just makes everything look good one of the spawners I found they were all zombies oh that sucks oh [ __ ] zombes spawners sick I had two people for do it that’s two we’re going to need six to convince me to to make a prank call on stream and I’ll just like stand on the hill and watch the sunset as I do this switch it to Peaceful or something [ __ ] I need two so I guess four more people to really convince me to do this cuz it’s kind of dangerous you know yeah I know prank someone on the phone I would do that all right to switch my mic out like turn off my voice my voice filter I have like a I use voice mod to make my voice more clear uh it doesn’t make it more clear but it just gets rid of the background noise I guess do the prank that’s still two people do it oh Olivia said to do it that’s three three more three more and it’s yours just got to ask me you just got to you got to show me how much you want it cuz uh I’m not doing that [ __ ] lightly I never done that on stream I’ve done that with friends I did that on I think was it box BL stream or was it whammy I did that on whammy stream once do it do it that’s that’s thanks Banana Joe no no no we need one more person literally one more anybody or it doesn’t happen crazy your the Fate is in the hands of someone that’s not me okay [ __ ] I was thinking I should do like a gradient as it gets lower like that would be cool anyway I guess we’re doing it well no I’m going to go up here and um like find a nice spot so you’re like visually interested or visually pleased while I uh I maybe I’ll look at something I don’t know look down on my Village and I’ll change it to Peaceful so I’m not harmed all right I turn off my music all right you’re going to hear creeks and [ __ ] because I’m going to switch to my other mic hell yeah it’s not going to be as good um that’s okay though it should like pick it up all right let’s try this out the first is picking a victim right I try to go like way out of state you know like way out of state so they don’t like bother me in the like later h let’s see here I like to go with the I like to I like to call Hobby lobbies because I don’t feel as bad for prank calling them H there’s an Ikea Taco Bell in Pennsylvania dude like food service workers have no no time for your [ __ ] they don’t I’m out of tea damn I guess I’ll drink some water hell yeah I am not prank calling Allison’s job she works at a nursing home that’s just cruel I guess just find something you know I call like a bookstore yeah let me look for a bookstore that’s near me I want to find one in [ __ ] California hell yeah all right then I got to type there in you know the star 67 all the same [ __ ] 503 887 503 I’m not gonna say the last bit I shouldn’t have said that on stream oh well who cares ask if they have SMI book a reservation hell yeah that’s a good idea actually hold on got to try something needed to cover up the music here so I can still see everything I don’t know if I’m going to say it to these people H calls Bob FAS fine all right any suggestions y’all just give me like just give me random [ __ ] words or topics okay and then I’ll work with that so I heard Bob freeas I heard booking a reservation I’m not asking for feces and bacon no all right a bowl of mud and this is this is a bookstore so can you all hear that let me know Che hey sh uh my name is Bob freeus I was there uh two nights ago and you guys were not open I was knocking at the door for hours well not hours but you know what I mean you weren’t open you says y’all were open what time did you come I was about 2:00 p.m. on a Thursday oh we were closed last week because of the ice storm oh yeah we have we had there was only one or two us can make it in the store oh well the the reason I was coming there is cuz I wanted to book a reservation you want a book of reservation yeah I want a book a reservation what do you mean it’s a bookstore right you guys sell books yes yeah can I can I book a reservation next week Wednesday to to Thursday just overnight just it’s just going to be me and um I would like to know where your rates are I I I’m having a hard time we don’t take reservations oh well I want to book a reservation do you you understand my meaning I just want to no I don’t I I’m lost it’s just really am Thursday to Friday uh I think it will be around 9:00 a.m. till 9:00 a.m. so even 24 hours and uh you know I pay whatever your usual rates is and uh appreciate you by the way I I I don’t do that what part don’t you do oh yeah you guys are closing Thursdays my bad I could do the following week on Monday to Tuesday I I don’t take reservations oh s is it because the ice storm no no this is a book store we don’t take reservations yeah yeah I just wanted to to book the reservation I’m not quite sure what you have in mind when you say reservation for 24 hours you going to come in and stay in the store for 24 hours well yeah oh that’s isn’t that I mean y’all have I’m sure you guys have had that before I mean it’s a bookstore I want to book a reservation we do not do that sir oh uh cuz the ice I understand it’s ice storm so that’s interesting let me check my calendar here all right I’m free on uh February 12th and February 13th we could do 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. even 24 hours and I think that does that work for y’all you you don’t understand let me try to exp I the bookstore I’m the owner we do not take reservations where someone reserves the bookstore for 20 24 hours we do not do that oh oh I don’t understand why you would want to do that I mean if it’s not a New Concept I’d be delighted to try it but right I’m not sure let me look at my calendar sorry all right following weekend is I could do I could do over the weekend 48 hours since y’all don’t do 24 hours I do not do reservations period since when forever I’ve never that’s not what Long John told me long you sure you had the right place yeah I called here I said there’s a guy named Long John answered me and he said uh that he would accept my reservation and then when I went there I was knocking on the door I was I was in the the rain and the freezing rain and I just I slept outside because you guys were closed and I don’t blame y’all but uh I was just hoping I could get this set up again I really need this I I I I’m having a hard time sure understanding what do you expect us to do for you just a book of reservation the follow the following weekend of of February 12 to 13th I could do so let’s let’s let’s put that at Fe February 15th to 17th that’s a 48 hour period 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. uh and uh I hope that meets all your your requirements sir God bless by the way do you have the right place or you calling the right place this chaperal books correct correct do you have the right place I do not take reservations period I do not allow people to stay in the store for 24 hours period yeah we can I can do 48 Hours whatever you all need and that would be yeah 15th through 17th 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 48 hours just don’t lock it on me again I’m going to get frostbite and have to get my toes amputated you know what I mean Hey sir yes I do not do that I do not have I do not take reservations well I understand if you wouldn’t do that but I I should I should have gone home but it was like I was already there so it’s not your fault but I I did end up staying there I’m all right though um how are you doing sorry I I guess I’m struggling sir trying to figure out what you’re trying to do because I do not take reservations oh this is um Long John recommended me to you guys he’s the postmaster so you I I have no idea what you’re talking about I have no idea what she’s talking about if we do not take reservations do not take reservations can I be anyer than that anytime this is I don’t understand because this is not what Long John told me I don’t know what Long John oh Long John can I speak to Long John there is no Long John here there is nobody by that name he’s the postmaster there is no postmaster here buddy you’re talking to Bob freeas I’ll tell I’m gonna do so I’m gonna hang up because I don’t know what you’re doing what you talking about all all right that’s all right I’ll call you back in five minutes oh he’s gone all right not my best work but um ask if they store your belonging since it’s a store no God damn it all right Bob Freeman is your dad what call car dealership and ask the car they definitely don’t have um I’m a Great Prank Caller you’re the only person who ever said that to me sure I’ll call a car dealership I I’ll say I’m looking for a a a GMC uh what’s a what’s a name that doesn’t exist I’m looking at oak trees right now it makes me think of trees like uh that makes me think of branches branches makes me think of a branch dividian dividian is it dividian oh yeah I say I’m looking for a GMC dividian hell yeah GMC Tesla yeah I don’t think that that will work I don’t think that will work out all right so I’ll just look for a car use car dealerships oh this place is closed I can’t go here this place I don’t even know if it’s open or not that’s closed too oh [ __ ] this is all near me God damn it why can’t they just why can’t they just pull out places that aren’t near me all right H hell yeah okay this is the place oh I know what I’m going to do all right good afternoon deers Choice hello hello who am I speaking to my name’s Kevin hi Kevin what can I do for you my oh sorry my name is Bob freebus I was there two weeks ago I bought a GMC divident from y’all and I just there’s some funky things going on with it and I just had some question what okay a GMC what GMC dividion and I I was driving this car around and it was making noises now I don’t know what the heck was happening it was making noises and I pull off the road and I open up the hood and there was Tupper Wares of of of hummus in the engine compartment and there was Tupper Wares of tahini and the engine compartment and they had melted from the heat of the engine and they had Spilled Out and it was getting into my gear Shafter and it was oh that’s weird thinking it caused issue I bought this car used from y’all and there was Hummus and Tahini in my hood in my GMC division I’m not sure what I’m not sure what not sure what car you’re talking about um my name is Bob freeus bought it from I bought it from y’all okay where where where was that at that was at your place of business Dealers Choice uhhuh yes where where at yeah velia California okay what’s the best number to reach you back yet uh that would be one second I thought about giving him his his number but it’s uh but then you guys don’t know his number and I don’t want you to harass anybody so I just I just H up this has me rolling man I’m never missing a another monster stream this accident is an essential part of the prank hell yeah this guy this guy knew he knew immediately I want to try that same one again I don’t want I don’t want to dox anybody that’s the thing so let’s try the same one again and I’m going to like all right let’s see what the hell there’s so many car places over in this area the [ __ ] all yeah I’m going to call these guys this guy knew he knew immediately so uh my name is Bob prev I hate when I buy a car with hummus in gets everywhere so lingo yeah okay he knew what it was up immediately cuz I wasn’t really being candid with him all right I’m not calling KFC they have no time for much [ __ ] sorry for making you cring s freed what’s the mot hey y’all uh I my name is Bob freebus and I was there two weeks ago I bought a vehicle off yall and there’s some things happening which I was not informed about and I would like to discuss it with you who did you purchase that car from I purchase it from y’all yeah but who’s the name of your sub guy uh his name was Long John yeah you have the wrong number this is West Motors in Fresno we don’t have a guy named longan I was at Western Motors in Fresno two weeks ago yes and there’s this guy named long I mean you know he had he had an accent so I don’t know what the hell he said but he sold me he sold me a branch dividion and there’s been some weird some weird things going on with it okay what’s the vehicle here you purchased it’s called a a ranch dividian give me a quick second okay okay appreciate your time I really want to be transferred to a manager that would be awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] use a bunch of nerdy Star Wars L describe the car parts I don’t know any nerdy Star Wars [Applause] lingo all right this will be the last one unless you guys want me to do another by the way I’ll do something totally [Music] different unless he’s going to leave me on [Music] [ __ ] hold for a long time otherwise I’m not going to do this are you guys enjoying yourselves was it worth it goodness Eddie with BL your mother how I help you hi Eddie uh my name is Bob FAS I bought a vehicle from yall two weeks ago and vehicle it’s called a lanch dividian it’s called what I’m sorry it’s called a dance dividian you look that up and you purchased it here at Western Motors yes sir two weeks ago and I’d like to just run you through I’ve been having some issues with it is it okay okay we discussed this helped you out his name was Long John or maybe it was Sean okay so you purchased it at a at the Fresno location or the mered location Fresno location sir okay there’s no one here by that name at here at the Fresno location [ __ ] I got a bad memory but you forgive me it’s my age showing H you know what I mean but uh I’ve been having problems with my vehicle because you guys told me this I was not informed that this would be an issue I was driving and I’ve been commuting quite a bit since I’ve purchased this vehicle and I heard a weird noise and my car started acting funky so I pulled off to the side of the road okay and you cover you’re covering up your mic I don’t even know what you’re saying right now what I’m going to do is I’m going to transfer you over to our service department and they should be able to help you out with any questions that you have okay oh God bless you all are so nice appreciate you yes sir I guess we’re still doing this [Music] Jesus dropping viewers so fast oh my God yeah this is got to be the last [Music] one just yeah it just keeps going the guilt will kick in later you’re making way to the manager trust the process this is eil the person at extension 1 37 is unavailable okay whatever all right y’all I could do I could do one more that is up to y’all though that is up to y’all uh or or I’ll just continue the Minecrafting up to y’all so just let me know what y’all think I wondering how deep I should make this thing 1307 write that down write that down yeah but I swear to prank El as a kid I can never keep it straight not laugh I don’t know anyone else does it’s because I never I can’t enjoy anything in life anymore that’s why no I’m kidding um so call KFC asro McNuggets no I can’t do that you know why I can’t do that is because they don’t take anyone’s [ __ ] fast food workers don’t take anyone’s [ __ ] trim my trim my back here so real okay I might do that it depends continue playing MC I dropped viewers from that continue playing MC or more uh prank calls for $50 I’ll call the White House and and say that I’m and threaten them I’ll threaten the Pres no I’m not going to do that uh no I’m kidding I there was a joke it was a joke not going to do that ever to anyone listening uh ask a mechanic to fix my hyperdrive no come on you got to be you got to you got to have some plausible Deni like not plausible deniability but some sort of plausibility and then you go into madness no I got one vote for no two votes for no I’m not doing it anymore we’re going to go back to this we have reach prank critical mass it’s it’s only going to take two people to tell me to stop doing it you never it’s right you never want to overdo it also I want to switch back to the good mic you guys are hearing you guys are hearing the [ __ ] mic right now but at least you know it’s my real voice and I’m not faking it because I guess that’s a thing that happen happens keep up the Minecraft thing all right your words have been heard this is what we’re doing now hell yeah hell yeah Bob freeas will live on in our hearts you’re in peaceful mode don’t forget hell yeah all right I got the better mic [Music] on I’m not going to keep the stream on for too much longer I haven’t even done any here I’ve just been walking around and talking to y’all maybe I don’t know do you like that do you not like that oh yeah and beta late the never too yeah yeah in the last beta player 2 we’ll have a nod to Bob free this no oh I have another another shovel [Applause] great I used so yeah I did used to be a prank call Channel that’s a thing that I used to do here um I got really I don’t know it wasn’t really fun like it’s fun to do occasionally but to do regularly it which just wasn’t fun and it’s like you’re basically harassing people I mean you are you just are that’s what it is so it gets a little old just a little bit old ooh grael wow Excuse Me Maybe This should be the last layer here it doesn’t need to be deep yeah he was the last beta player the whole time crazy literally insane did you drown that pooping pig because you know it’ll get out of hand at some point probably probably look there’s going to be a point where paying me is not going to be able to make me do things you know but I guess take advantage of it now cuz I I impressionable as of now all right uh I guess we can go like H The Last Blade of players are the ones we made along the way so true right now literally so true oh [ __ ] I am hungry man I don’t even know what I’m going to eat early later what do you eat that has a lot of protein just like I’ve been eating just eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs I’m I’m kind of sick of eggs you know I should put eggs in it like maybe I could do stir fry I don’t know I don’t really make I’ve never made stir fry what Su beny how you doing will you ever do more back to Beta content yes it’s it’s just kind of sitting on my conscious chapter 5 thing I’m not really motivated to do it that much to be honest eat eat rice and beans with eggs or chicken yeah that’s probably what I’m going to end up doing um I could buy a rotisserie chicken and just like shred it and then just do like eggs rotisserie chicken um on a corn tortilla with like beans and like vegetables sauteed and [ __ ] chicken and chickpea pasta for dinner chickpea pasta like the pasta is made out of chick peas is it good or is it Bland Alpha One and on I think I know what you’re trying to say um should put a secret at the bottom of the wall yeah I probably shouldn’t do slabs down here you’re probably not going to be able be even to a be able to even see it you’re not going to be able to even see it but you know it’ be fun just have fun with it you know yeah it’s not that planned okay see I just don’t know if you need more protein Cott of cheese with honey is pretty good after your meal what I’ve been doing I got Greek yogurt with honey and you know granola and all that good [ __ ] right all that good [ __ ] hell yeah the texture is a little off compared to normal pots I would imagine Cott cheese and tomatoes is so yum I don’t think I’ve ever had cottage cheese like ever I think I think I’ve never had it this is a real monster moment i’ I’ve never had cottage cheese in ever so will I have enough to fill this up time will tell I uh I watch Noah de’s videos and he usually has like fun recipes but it’s just like it’s is chicken right meat is expensive like I can do I can do two wavess Ranch RS for like $3 I don’t know if it’s each like $3 it’s a pretty good deal I mean it is just it’s just objectively a good deal for but I don’t know how much protein it I’m bad at calculating that kind of [ __ ] so I started doing like two eggs on each thing so it’s four eggs total and the whole meal and then like Black beans and and Vegeta TOs and uh like cheese so that ceded cheese left pretty good pretty good not going to lie literally not even going to lie so Mong Mong Notice Me hi Matt hey thanks for inspiring to play old versions I love playing Alpha 1.1.2 01 I do too I like that making a huge tree farm been taking me a bit of work I kind of like how trees take longer to grow in that version it makes making a tree farm more rewarding you know anyway we’re done listening to One let’s listen to uh Thunderbird wait no let’s just listen to excursions Thunderbird is in excursions hell yeah 100% agree yeah I think that’s I think it’s like more rewarding you know by the way y’all what did you think of the thumbnail I liked it uh I like the last suil I did was made by doc spot it was like oops all beta or something uh I think it’ be fun to keep coming up with the puns here but I think that they’re also killing my view count probably at least 30 gram of protein huh I get I’m not a nutritionist so like I just want high protein I know that I know I want the higher numbers and not the lower numbers right but I don’t know like what’s good for you to eat consistently I I don’t know I really I really don’t like I don’t know what I should be getting I I emailed Sean alwani and uh because he said like you email him he’ll give you like a like like a guide on what like what you should be doing based on what you want your body type I guess I could look at that cuz he gave me some advice and um pork is very close in price to chicken and is usually more flavorful yeah but it’s less protein than chicken that’s the thing it it’s it’s a lot less protein than chicken which is crazy to me but so I’ve been like when I make pasta I’ll do chicken sausage hell yeah I put potatoes in my pasta too I’ve been I didn’t mean to do that at all I’ve been taking to doing that you should have one gram of protein for every pound of the desired weight you want to achieve or maintain a day really is that is that a is that every day probably right I am underweight I don’t wait very much um I weigh 130 lb because I haven’t consistently eaten lately which is unfortunate yes daily okay it’s not that like I starve myself it’s well sometimes I forget to eat and also uh I really have a high metabolism like it’s stupid high like it’s always been that way and I’m I would much rather have a high metabolism than be like overweight so I’m I’m grateful for that but it’s like you know it it causes it makes me underweight and while underweight being underweight comes with a lot of advantages namely um 30 dude how tall are you holy uh I am 6ot tall 6ot even yeah come the advantage is uh is that like when you’re working out you gain a lot of your muscle definition right away you know so uh pretty cool [ __ ] hell yeah bruh yeah I’m skinny skinnier than well almost everybody that I know you hit 1 million Subs you will reminisce about your old Minecraft worlds that’s why I like giving you weird things to look at as an OG subscriber do you think I’ll ever hit 1 million I doubt it lag is there lag I don’t think there’s lag and I might do is uh go on the edges and make uh the walls just a tad thicker how do you update to Minecraft 1.1 change the version import the world that’s how what’s up Diana Corso how you doing wow we are both 6 ft and around 135 so we’re basically the same size block okay yeah but I get more [ __ ] than you I’m kidding um yeah I don’t know I I I been blasted with high metabolism that’s a good thing though um I mean it’s not great but I mean that means that I can I’m constantly on the bulk and the cut at the same time I’m cutting just by like eating normally you know so how about that I’m 56 is there any hope for you to do what there’s hope for you what do you hope for you to do what do I exercise regularly I try to um I’ve been trying to do it more often so I I definitely have been doing more often for longer bits at a time I wasn’t able to exercise earlier because my I had to talk to my bank like there was a fake charge of my account so I had to address that and then I didn’t have time to do it before I stream so I’ll go later if it’s open I’ll just go for however much time that I can but I’m [ __ ] hungry so if uh if it’s still open I’ll make a protein smoothie and I will go to the gym if it’s not open I guess I’ll just go shopping for my meal get some of that done like it’s tough eggs are pretty much my lifeline right now I really want want to make eggs benedict it’s so hard to consistently make eggs benedict because it’s just like you need to make the the the sauce the Holliday sauce and you need to maybe I could just buy holiday sauce but you need to do that and you need to you know like however you do the egg what is it I don’t even remember poach the egg and then you need to have like a good meat like Canadian bacon and it’s like at the end is it is it worth it is it quick I have these quick breakfast sandwich makers that I use in the morning and it’s just you can make you can set it up in like 5 minutes and it Cooks it for you in another 5 minutes and then you have your is this too thick yeah there I shouldn’t be placing okay my metabolism is weird some days I’m hungry the whole day other I eat one meal and I’m good for the day yeah um fair enough well now this looks kind of strange in here it is what it is though there’s instant holiday sauce mix it’s not bad but yeah homemade holidays is so much better especially with especially with really good eggs like when I went home for the weekend once I got like biscuits like like soft Buttermilk Biscuits and Canadian bacon from my sister’s pigs that she raised and then eggs from the chickens that we have and it’s just so [ __ ] good crashes on start up what does Di Corso playing Minecraft Beta 166 on June 19th 2023 cool good for you man um makes me a little insecure and i% of my friends are over 6 feet yeah yeah no I understand that for sure uh being short is tough I’m not a short guy but I’ve heard a lot of stories from other like dudes who are short right so what I do know is about short guys is that they usually end up getting super jacked like they get they get [ __ ] jacked and then you just command respect wherever go especially over like if you’re a jacked short guy he unless you’re talking to a Jack the tall guy then you’re just going to immediately command respect and the thing is that there’s always going to be someone who’s like physically in better shape than you are there’s always will be you can’t you have to accept that um but uh what you can do is like eat healthy go to the gym have a healthy mind and lifestyle and like at the end of the day there’s uh women who flock the stability and genuine genuiness and and like your looks can be improved always you know height is a thing you can’t change but there’s things about you that you can change that will you know date a girl shorter than you I mean there’s things that you can there’s always things you can do so hope hope that’s somewhat helpful I don’t know if that’s what you want to hear brother but uh H now where the hell do I make these pillars I guess I guess here and here and here and here and here I have made so many goddamn circles ever since I’ve been playing this game I feel like I’ve done this a million times circle circle circles hell yeah I wanted to have water spell out the sides of the center here but that will be weird now cuz it’s uneven your instance keeps crashing on start up for me did you download Java properly try to get illegal blocks no how do you make cobblestone generator lava and water being short is a social disadvantage that’s true uh I don’t get why some people get those hide and crease surgery yeah no don’t do that [ __ ] that don’t do that this hello monster this the party rock guy real are you planning to do service to subscribers I would like to one day it’s just like you know we tried in the past and it just you know ends up getting grieved obviously it would just it would be a time sync for me and you know expensive that’s the main thing that kind of like it would have I would have to have just a lot more people to justify wanting to do something like that with my time and money you know like I would just need to be a bigger Channel I I don’t I don’t really I mean I barely generate any Revenue here it would have to be enough to justify like maybe having mods who are dedicated and things like that thanks it really did help uh what I said I mean I hope it was helpful yeah but there’s [ __ ] that you can do like I mean I’m [ __ ] skinny I’ve always been a [ __ ] twig right and there’s [ __ ] that I’m trying to do like I visibly I have muscles now I have visible muscles never had visible muscles so that’s a big deal to me right I wish I could shift click into the furnace but you can’t see so like and I’m like not super attractive I am skinny as hell I never had a great jawline there’s things that you can do though to help yourself like I got surgery to fix my mouth breathing like to help my mouth breathing a little bit and it has helped um like I did I did me you know like me is what it is it it may or may not work for you so it’s pretty much just a healthy way to hold your mouth so it’s like will that work don’t know but I did do it it I feel like it has helped or at least it’s it’s even if it hasn’t physically changed the structure of your jaw it gets you into the habit of like holding your jaw a little more naturally it’s like having good posture it’s like having good posture for your jaw so I did that and I started working out I started eating more being more regular and then like taking care of my face more like skincare you know you can hear this [ __ ] from anybody really like but these are things that I started to do so like and you you don’t need me to tell you right that you could do things to help yourself you do not need me to tell do that likely you already know what you can do oh there a brown sheep over there I’m going to go get it anyway does meing work uh uh uh I don’t know I’m not going to say it does or doesn’t I think that you should just do it anyways cuz like it’s like prop like I said it’s proper posture for your jaw so like does it work does it m does it reshape your jaw maybe if you’re in puberty but then again if you’re in PU puberty your judges might change because you’re going through puberty I think it’s just the right way to do it like a lot of people are mouth breathers now ah [ __ ] oh yes oh [ __ ] he just birded that out everywhere I need to go down that one how to find a bird tree in Minecraft Beta kill yourself no don’t do that um there’s a birch tree there’s a birch tree there’s a birch tree there’s a birch tree there’s a birch tree found some easy bro what brown how I make cobblestone generator okay my Mod’s always a ban in my stream they would get your ass so hard right now you would not even believe how fast they get your ass be grateful I need to get some snow I’m going to need more snow than this I just realized that yeah cuz there’s there’s um 12 12 pillars so I can divide what however much snow I have by 12 and it’ll tell me like how much I can I can make 64 blocks of snow by 12 that’s you know five and a little bit left over so I can make a five blocks tall Curtis Connor made a pretty funny vid about meeing and looks maxing weird coincidence hear you guys talking about it look maxing is just like you didn’t have to use to do that right it’s just the way that we live Now you kind of have to the and the thing with Curtis Connor like he’s he’s he is comedic talent but like he’s always been a little bit much to listen to for me like I never really got into him um and also I wouldn’t really take I wouldn’t I wouldn’t take life advice from that guy like if you want to if you’re really wanting to improve your your looks and you’re like Curtis Connor is telling you that like improving your looks is a dumb and like you know and people who try to improve their looks are stupid well it’s just hard for me to take him seriously so like oh you know you you should you should do nothing you you should do nothing to improve yourself these guys are trying you know they’re trying too hard right like obviously they’re trying too hard but at least they’re trying and he’s saying like oh these guys are trying let’s mock these guys you should look like me not them and I’m like well you know you’re not making a ver like you like you’re funny and like what you say is like kind of correct these guys are overcompensating but I look at you and what you’re doing and then I look at these guys and I’m like I think I want to I think I want to try you know anyway looks backing is meaningless under 61 no no okay look would you rather be be buff would you rather be buff with good skin and short or like fat SL skinny with bad skin and short you you tell me okay cuz cuz the one of them is objectively better than the other all right there’s always something you can do I’m excited to get to work on myself this year stopped going to the gym about two years ago because College was taking too much of my time but I have spared time for myself yeah man College really conflicts with like gym time and [ __ ] but I’m still doing it and I’m excited for you too going to the gym is awesome everyone should [ __ ] go to the gym because no one works hard labor jobs anyway so like you should be getting that exercise I’d rather have my knees crack and have women view me as datable and Men actually respect me yeah true M need [ __ ] crack makes it really you have to be really careful during sex set that your knees don’t crack at least mine um don’t smoke yeah don’t smoke they like there’s things you can do that will do nothing for you there’s things that you can do that will help you and then there’s things you can do that will work against you right like smoking will work against you jacking off will work against you like staying online all the time will work against you listening to to like life advice from Curtis Connor will probably work against you I mean he’s famous but he doesn’t really give advice how to be famous right I wouldn’t listen to anybody and how to get famous regardless bro I play beta Minecraft and smoke all day low I don’t care about how good I look not to say it’s not good to look good just comfortable being small and short man I mean if you’re comfortable it’s fine but it’s like I’m not doing it to look good first of all like that is a thing that happens there’s this quote I think it’s by Socrates and he goes something like it’s a shame that people will live and die without seeing the the full capacity with their body can find function and I believe in that like I believe that it’s just probably right like morally good to push yourself to be the best that you can be right I didn’t start working out because I wanted ABS I didn’t start working out because I wanted biceps and I wanted like to be better I started working out because I’m like I have to do this I can’t be sedentary I can’t be average not in this day and age where you just are expected to be still and be depressed and be a consumer I can’t do that does that make sense but like that’s the way that I view it so many people around me are just coasting they’re just coasting through life and you used to be able to do that but now it’s not going to get you anywhere right I mean what do you have to look forward to if you’re not going to push yourself to do these things nothing’s going to happen to you you have to make things happen if you’re having issues no one’s going to save you right you might you might be able to count on family but if you’re an adult no one’s going to save you right you cannot count on Mommy and Daddy to help you anymore right so you have to do things on your own right yeah I like how women are sexy sometimes because women have curves women are overly objectified this is going to be the feminist to me coming up but they’re really [ __ ] overly objectified and that’s because of porn and that’s because of the male gays all right so stay with me on this uh like I wouldn’t cons like I guess I’m a feminist in the fact that like equality is important to me and mostly freedom is important to me I feel like freedom for all individuals is more important than equality for all individuals to to be completely honest with you but um I could be debated on that I could I could be open to changing my mind on that but it’s like uh men have like men complain about women like being like you know [ __ ] or like overly sexual but it’s men who kind of like made it that way right all of media appeals to the male gays it shows over sexualized women like girls and makeup in in apocalyptic scenarios you know perfect makeup and all that [ __ ] and it’s you know to make women look good so overall if you look at studies uh it’s some there’s some studies it’s like and I’m just going to paraphrase here so don’t take my word for it uh it’s that um like women only find like 20% of men attractive or something and men find like 80% of women attractive or there probably more you know so I think about why that is and it’s like the way that we treat women they’re by objectifying them all the time we’re also kind of like worshiping them in a way to the point where they’re objectified and they’re sexualized right so also fun thing women are more likely to be comfortable with like same seex attraction than guys and women are more likely to be gay than guys so and trans and I think that’s also because like men are way more demonized for being close with each other so are way more afraid of being gay and um also because women are constantly being portrayed as sexual things right in media so if you’re just constantly looking at that all the time when you’re like a kid you know I can imagine that I might you know unlock some things for you right thanks for sharing Sam everyone in college is known to Mindless media that’s true I’m trying to be different you know I don’t quite like how people will see someone working out and dressing better and be like oh he wants to impress somebody I think if you want to impress somebody like that’s a perfectly valid reason okay now I’m conflicted I could put slabs surrounding this the glowstone what do you guys think about that would that be better uh someone deleted something and makes sense you’re right appreciate you true big brain chiefy what do you think stone slabs around these I think that would look good it’s just going to be hard to do slabs would be good [ __ ] okay [ __ ] okay I’m going to break all this [ __ ] it’s okay hell yeah why you delete your comment I don’t even know what he said I didn’t get to read in time uh yeah if it doesn’t look good it won’t take too long to take down anyway that’s true I’m just going to get Less close so now hopefully it’s a multiple four though stream has been being better so that’s nice at least I got to pick all the [ __ ] up all right keep the glow stone yeah I’m going to put it back but you have to like you know how slabs are you can’t place them under a block so I’m going to have to I’m going to have to uh redo those that’s why I M them out could work just test it first I feel like I’m I’m already committed to it so we’re doing it we are doing it I’m going to go all the way around here this is Bon good song I say that every time it comes on though all right why was I ranting earlier I don’t even know please don’t kill me please don’t die hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah [ __ ] okay how yall doing by the way I think the thumbnail is really driving people away that’s okay though um I’ll just keep that in mind for next time you know how much glow when I lose 11 wait no I I had 55 for so two I guess or like you farted okay cool great great hell yeah 64 of these all right let’s try this again one two two one two yeah this is going to start damaging me okay that look cool I guess [Music] H maybe I’ll make it taller I’m fine also I’m here because of the thumbnail thought should let you know all right I appreciate you brother I’m glad that you’re here I just feel like uh maybe I’ll do that as a as an intermission kind of thing instead of the thumbnail you know maybe that would be better all right this is going to be stupid tall now hell yeah I love stupid tall ow [ __ ] God damn it how do I make redstone repeater in Minecraft okay unfunny lame actually stupid even may put slabs on top of the pillars as well yeah yeah I don’t know what else I’m going to do next like what the roof is going to look like he’s back oh God such a good song though so base on my laptop watching long Mania stream my loyal supporter I love you I’m missing a snowball somehow what happened to that it’s I guess it’s oh there it is hell yeah I almost just threw them all I like how ridiculously tall it is kind of I guess I need to break these God damn it so I can get on top of them you know all right I don’t know how you can stay up so late it is 8:37 for me 1:37 a.m. bro go to bed Jesus that’s been it’s almost going to be 3 hours I guess I want to finish this build or at least get somewhere on it you know are you going to build a dome over the structure that was a plan yes it’ be really cool if I could use um it would be really cool if I could use obsidian oh no I’ll use Spruce blocks cuz you can see the brown from them I’ll do that [ __ ] did am I missing another snowball I’m missing another snowball all right last time I’m doing this I don’t care all right all right all right one two 3 go to bed guys value yourself a little bit okay you can lead the stream you can go to bed it’s you need to you need to address address your like having a healthy sleep schedule is really important really important you feel so much more productive and just better when you have a better sleep schedule oh yeah clutch you’re 10:30 it’s probably a good thing though I mean do you wake up early or you should fill the ceiling of the Dome with lava and glass or another kind of light I might I didn’t mean to do that I don’t know I miss my tea my te he’s gone are going to place some flowers around when you’re done this building is giving you the same Vibes as the shrines and Zelda are of time gives I don’t remember the shrines in that version of the game or [ __ ] in Zelda I don’t remember the shrines I I think I got rid of that game I still I have I have um Major’s mask though I want to play I want to play a lot of things that I still have like and I get new games for Christmas Even though I don’t ask for them which is you know it’s fine I got a I got a like one of those iPhone backbone things that you can use to play like games in your iPhone as a console and it’s cool but it’s also like I don’t ever do it I had got it two Christmases ago I haven’t even opened it I get a lot of stuff that I just don’t do I guess really good time here in the first stream I get to watch but I’m logging out for the night have a good one monster in chat yeah see you later um if you want to join the Discord server it is in the description so you know it’s there if you want to stay a part of the community oh [ __ ] hey it worked I’m going to be out of this in a minute I don’t have enough to do that side don’t okay Shameless plugin not a Shameless plugin it’s just a community I don’t get anything for you guys joining but also it’s my stream I can do what I want so how about that oh there’s a snowball would I ever make a server for the community I have in a past it just hasn’t worked out because you know Griefers and [ __ ] especially now that my channel is much larger uh it it would be hard to maintain something like that [ __ ] so okay why not buy a steam deck if you really the gaming on the go I’m not that’s the thing I got one of those and it’s like I mean I just got as a gift I don’t I’m probably never going to use it that’s the thing how do you make nether portal why is your stream lagging um I don’t know I thought I was doing fine after a while like it’s just been having a hard time though today all right oh I’m out of cobblestone well sort of [ __ ] oh I didn’t mean to do that can I sacrifice a pooping pig to the nether Dimension I really find it funny when you go to the nether okay sure why the hell not uh thank thanks for the money [Music] though all right I guess I’ll drop some of the [ __ ] off that I want to keep all right Sam Rose Sam Roy all right let me write you [Music] down [Music] H you’ve given me almost $100 you know that I think so it I’m writing it down now it tracks me now but I appreciate the donation what kind of computer do I use my uncle built this computer and then died so it’s mine now uh so to so answer your question I don’t know I don’t really know my specs if I had modern MC you know I would actually like tell you all right we’re going to the nether I guess where’s the quickest way to the nether I’ll just go through here I wonder really when a steam deck if it sadly not available in Australia yet a really okay I just I don’t game you know I just I just don’t do it wonder if excursions is still going to keep going it’s only been 40 minutes right it’s not it’s it’s longer than that I think I think there’s this Thunderbird that’s about to start playing hell yeah all right let’s swim across here ooo I’ll kill these squid while I’m here how to smell without coal use logs so efficient make sure he bums what what the hell this guy just follow me out here that didn’t even give me a boost I don’t want to go for that squid it’s too far away all right oh I just realized this is going to be dangerous cuz if mobs are on I’m going to have to turn him off make sure he Burns Burns [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I TR a skeleton didn’t I whatever all right do you have hopes for the future of Minecraft I hopes that I hope that it gets more popular for people like third party modders to uh like make their [ __ ] you know that’s what I hope [Music] for all right we’re just turning this off for the time being Reet terraform the atmosphere feed the trees pump out more oxygen so true coal is actually good for trees you know what’s good for the planet littering you’re just returning the materials back to the Earth you should litter more we should uh have more littering in the world yeah we should stop we what what is the word we should stop uh can’t put ink sacks in here we should stopain sustainably harvesting trees you know they should just evolve to be better instead of like us having to sustainably harvest them we should we should chop them down and not replant so chop them down at a surplus I think that’s a good idea if I change one thing about modern what would it be mending I guess or elytra one or the other get rid of them we should barbecue more we should use steam engines again true samurai you better still be watching otherwise I’m not going to do do it I’m just going to say that I did I guess you could just go back in the in the Stream chat so or you can just rewatch The Stream if you want to prove why do I just like mending because it really [ __ ] with the progression you know of the game it’s like now you have infinite tools now you don’t have to work hard for tools you’ve reached the point where you don’t have to work all right Sam I can sacrifice it in there or like against the shore here or what do you want for me zero negatives nothing smells better than a steam edine burning coal in the smell of steam I love inhaling coal fumes it gets me really high uh on life quick make your decision I’m thinking about also that that structure that’s by the uh what is it the structure that’s by the water like a through the forest on the overw world I think about removing that for its clay and then building like tow houses or something how I get undepressed I’ll tell you in a moment Building Bridges and railroads yeah that’s [Music] fun all right you know it’s clearly unfinished in here I built these Loops i’ I’ve yet I’m like I built these I started building these Loops I’ve yet to um I don’t really know which Loop is better I think that one like it’s not really uneven that one I tried to adjust more for the angle that it’s on but it’s not really working so that one’s probably better put them in the lava oh then lava will be destroyed I don’t want to destroy the lava here all right we’ll see what happens maybe nothing you know he was a real one true you have pictures of this building on your Discord server I love to replic a replica on my world oh my God it’s starting I don’t I’ll take some though you know I get out I’ll take a look at it oh my God end of an era so true so how do you get unpressed if that’s a genuine question you know there’s things that you can do but you’re going to have to like do them it’s that people who are depressed it’s like they just kind of go about the same things they do the same routine they do the same [ __ ] and it’s like um it’s not working for them here maybe that’ll help now he’s spit roasted he’s literally bisected by fire but like people who are depressed they they don’t change they don’t understand that you what where did that even go I don’t even know there it goes too hard to watch sorry [Music] Lally build to this stream but uh the thing is I was just the point I was trying to get to is that you can’t wait for things to happen to you it’s like they kind of know what they need to do right like they need to eat healthier they need to have a better routine but it’s like you know I’m just depressed I just I’ve just been taking mental health days I’ve just been doing XYZ like it’s you’re not going to be able to do those things just one day magically and because you’re less depressed you have to it’s not going to happen you got to make yourself do it you have to I mean that’s not advice anyone wants to hear you have to do it you have to do it you cannot wait for something to happen to you there’s things that you can do likely you know what they are you don’t need me to tell you but maybe but for example just better diet no one wants to give up their their high carb high sugar diet but they don’t realize how much it [ __ ] them up better diet better like go outside more like Ben’s saying more human interaction regular exercise cutting off substances like yeah that’s that’s obvious advice if I just told that to you you’d be like oh okay whatever right and then reject it that’s the thing you know what you have to do you know we don’t need to tell you what to do it’s not like what eating [ __ ] and sleeping in and staying up late and not talking to anybody is bad like you know that right look if you want your life to change you have to take the first step make a plan okay literally write down what you want write down why you want it write down how you’re going to get it okay does that make sense start there just write it down you got to implement it huh how do you make mik brick house Jesus who the [ __ ] is Tristan I don’t know I went all the way to the nether for for that I hope that’s somewhat helpful uh I wrote on the sign pooping pig statue because I was paid to do this so huh moo you should write down why you’re unhappy and how you believe you can change it the thing is if you’re depressed you might not even know why you’re unhappy but it’s like I tell I I you know what you need to do and you think like well but that won’t help I just that won’t make me happy it probably will there’s a good chance that it really will change things for you you don’t know because you’re not trying right like it it never gets old the difference between living healthy and living poorly how it affects your mood I’ve gone through stages in my life or periods of my life where I’m depressed and like you know not living well eating [ __ ] staying up late sleeping in late like not talking to anybody and you feel like [ __ ] and you’re like G I can’t imagine this getting any better no matter what I do the thing is is that when you actually take the first step and you push yourself to do that good to do the [ __ ] to improve yourself it’s does actually help like it you won’t think that it does but it does all right it just you your body is a temple right like I’m just going to use a [ __ ] metaphor your body is a temple and your Temple’s in disrepair and no one’s going to want to go to it right especially yourself you’re going to hate it that’s a terrible metaphor but it’s like your body is where your brain lives your brain’s not going to enjoy your time if you’re not taking care of your body if you’re not like you got to push yourself to the best that you can be so everything your life sucks and you’re horrible remember one thing you don’t drink Prime so true they have Prime in Canada can you believe it regular exercise at the gym 3 days a week getting on better with your uh associate employee contemporaries yeah get off adderal too yeah yeah meds like I guess some people genuinely need it but I I I very fully believe that so much of the problems that are like kind of common like mental health issues that we have as a society are pretty much due to the way we live right we’re not meeting our hierarchy of needs or whatever like whatever you believe in we’re not meeting our needs as a society we don’t have Community we don’t have good habits we don’t eat healthy we don’t act we’re not active and likely you’re doing something that even makes it worse you do drugs and [ __ ] so yeah social media big one big one big bad one that looks weird oh well um you know you you got to cut this [ __ ] out of your life you know you drank Prime and projectile vomited on the spot I don’t even know what prime tastes like it’s everyone El show I sixth grade to drink it all the time it’s in Canada too it’s in America I heard I it’s taking over I don’t know why everybody wants it so much I don’t think I’m going to finish the structure I don’t think that’s going to happen today that’s okay [Music] though it’s a good ass song by the [Music] way where’s my glow stone did I put it down here I Del leave social Med I’m way happier since true everybody has a reason for like staying on social media and like I only thing I have is Discord and Snapchat now like Snapchat’s cuz my friends on there and it doesn’t H my health like I can just send people snaps so I think Snapchat is fine uh and Discord which can be extremely harmful so you got to really limit yourself I’ve been doing that a little bit more lately I’ve been limiting myself a lot more lately okay I didn’t leave the little over there that’s good UK to all my classmates made a lot of money reselling Prime reselling Prime why I mean I guess it makes sense you’re were the first person to bring a pig to the nether in beta at Minecraft isn’t that amazing it’s definitely something just got a huge glass of fresh cold water hope you’re jealous I don’t know if you can hear this but uh I got my Stanley Cup apparently Stanley’s like really trendy or something I don’t know I got it as a gift it’s a good cup really insulates well hey Mong it’s Jayla from Discord what’s up glad to see you here the only social Med I have a Snapchat because of my friend we just sent [ __ ] posts yeah I I don’t spend all my time at Snapchat it’s good because you can like send videos and things and it’s a little more personal than texting which I like after deleting the other ones it kept snapping a bit but realized I was just sending pictures to people I don’t really know yeah so I don’t do that like people just send pics to each other to keep a street going and that’s like a little like a little marketing tool I don’t do that [ __ ] like it has helped me meet people I’ll say that much like I’ve met people through snapchat so it’s kind of cool but uh like if if you think you’re better off without it then you probably are you know H all right let’s think about how I want this Dome to be shaped okay the answer is pretty obvious [ __ ] I don’t have any social hold on reselling for a higher price is low as you can go probably everyone’s doing on a Facebook marketplace now draining the [Music] economy um I don’t really think they’re draining the economy there’s other forces at work but still I mean it’s not good for it great um Snapchat are for Sky’s Minecraft fans I don’t have any social media only when I use this Twitter and it’s for checking news only and for some reason people treat it as red flag yeah don’t blame them Twitter [ __ ] sucks I would I Twitter’s not worth it get ground news or something every minute you’re on Twitter they’re trying to suck you in into the like the [ __ ] R worded discourse that’s on there all the time yes I stopped myself um it’s so dumb oh my God like if you met those people in real life you would get along with them you would but you can’t cuz it’s Twitter I never broke those blocks I need to do that H Tik Tok has ruined everyone’s mind I’m the only one in class that doesn’t have it proud of you though yeah I I like I said I was like a little bit of an influence on there I deleted it way earlier and I’m glad that I did so h I got to think about how I want to do this h what do I do here though I guess that yeah yeah that works but now there’s like three blocks apart oh well [ __ ] I dropped all that okay I really want to stop Cur I really want to stop cursing I’m not good at it like good about stopping cursing it’s just like that language is it’s just not professional it’s not like a guy who doesn’t curse is going to have my respect more than a guy who just swears all the time because he’s like a badass or like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] or whatever they did it again still I don’t know Twitter is literally hell uh thanks bro self-improvement is so important environment is so key people around you play such a part in how you perceive yourself that’s true you know there and the people you spend your time with are going to rub off on you in a big way like if you’re you know if you’re if you’re hanging out with a lot of guys who are just smoking or just like going out for drinks and getting trash all the time then yeah you you’re probably going to emulate them in one way or another because you want want to feel left out in the same way oh I have more over there [ __ ] okay we can do this I guess not okay it’s fine it’s fine I hear a pig even things are looking up time to sacrifice him hell yeah or like if you if you’re hanging out with like like guys who always have crazy exes and they’re like you know or their ex was terrible or shitty then yeah that’s going to rub off on you like the kind of people that you meet right I always thought it was funny um people like like a large friend group and they’re always like consistently dating like people who are bad for them and they’re like why I guess uh men are all terrible or I guess women are all terrible and it’s like you know you guys kind of have the same behaviors I don’t know how do you remove temporary blocks in Minecraft stop asking me questions Tik Tok has ruined everyone’s mind already read that if you think YouTube is addictive then use invidious what is that what is that I don’t know I know people online are so easy to argue about the smallest things yes and there’s people who are online all the time and they try to bring that [ __ ] to real life and you can tell Twitter is hell yeah no not using Twitter not having any social media what people treat as a red flag sorry for misunderstanding oh yeah okay yeah not having social media not a red flag that’s a green flag I don’t know what you’re looking for but uh my future wife is similar to me you know food here like my future wife is not someone who is going to be addicted by social media I mean maybe she’s now but like point I hope that you would not be right that’s I keep going up this way and I never able to get up that way what if cursing is part of your vocabulary yeah you know I can’t speak for Australians it is part of my vocabulary that’s the problem all right every uh what else I’m going to read I feel like kids nowadays are generally doing less stuff music lessons are chess clubs never literally never so yeah they definitely are doing less stuff that’s that’s absolutely correct oh hey I need to find two more I’m just going to break this keep having to Circle back around wpig sacrifice so true so true bestie oh well I guess it’s gone for good you subscribed on my freemale friends yeah but the thing is is that like I like girls who hang out in big groups and say that like all their exes are terrible like I’m not saying it’s their fault I’m saying that like Behavior kind of rubs off right or like mimics like monkey see monkey do that sort of thing men are the exact same way don’t think I’m like making this one-sided and also men just aren’t as good to date as they used to be let’s be real the like a girl wanting to date a guy like it’s not dating a guy is not as attractive as he used to be right cuz a lot of guys are [ __ ] like they’re they’re sedentary you know they don’t do anything they have no aspirations they they don’t improve themselves they they eat garbage they sit around they play video games they don’t do anything right they have they they barely have a job or they don’t have a car etc etc like what do they have to offer and there’s a lot of girls like that too honestly so don’t think I’m being sexist towards men a lot of girls like that especially if you look on dating apps it’s pretty much all of them so don’t go on dating apps I’ve learned that lesson don’t do that that [ __ ] is bad for a whole lot of reasons but um yeah it’s like and also guys just you know what’s the big thing they’re they’re usually porn addicts I think most guys are porn addicts let’s be real or they they they’re okay with using it and it and it affects your brain and how you see women they don’t really give They Don’t Really Care much about the women or they don’t understand understand that like the woman’s point of view they’re not emotionally available or they’re way too emotional or they’re terrible communication which is most people even if they say they like oh communication is so important to me we should communicate blah blah blah when it comes down to Brass tax they’re bad at it too they don’t want to do it so how the [ __ ] do I get up there I guess I’ll make like a dirt ladder hope I don’t sound like a schizophrenic right now actually I don’t care you subscribe on my female I already read that and vide to YouTube with no ads recommendation page or more privacy driven that’s what you care about more uh I I do still use YouTube a lot and that is um like at work you know I like I’ll listen to something while I’m at work or while I’m driving but uh I’ve been doing that less I’ve been calling people instead of like watching videos or I uh like my co-workers talk to them more so little baby steps I guess I don’t know what do you think of Hamza isn’t he a streamer I don’t know the [ __ ] I don’t know anything about that guy qu is really easy for me I feel like most people just have the fear missing out right it’s fear missing out they say that you need it to keep in tou through friends but that’s just like not true it’s really just not true I mean I mean like I I still keep up with my family I still keep up with my friends I have Snapchat like that’s all I need you know you don’t need to do any of that other [ __ ] like you don’t need to see what your friend ate for breakfast or you don’t need to see like you don’t need to see girls like posing and making their ass this center of the frame instead of their face you know you don’t need you don’t need to see that that’s so funny to me that it’s like just totally normal to like just to just pictures of your ass and then you’re like looking around and also kind of looking but a lot of the pictures also don’t have the face in them at all CU it’s covered by the phone of The Flash that’s normal though I I guess it is what it is I mean on that you could do what you want but I just think it’s funny h i did it ho blck clutch hell yeah I don’t know what I want from this structure I guess it’ll just go up like that and then kind of like start caving in I think I got a car under 6 foot as well okay no yeah people are more picky about the height thing if you’re on a dating app otherwise then it really shouldn’t matter okay if you’re going out and meeting people you’re going to meet the people who want to be around you like you are that’s that’s already a social filter so yeah height is just a just a dating app thing don’t go on dating apps seriously that is not dating that is not if you’re not looking for a real relationship if you’re on a dating app and you’re not going to get one even if you get in a relationship it’s not going to last so don’t waste your damn time it’s under false pretenses you have no shared history you have no shared history you’re just shopping for a partner or you just shopping for sex which is I mean it’s really even worse if if you ask me like sure it feels nice and you feel like manly or whatever but like afterwards it just means nothing you feel you just feel empty if you do that it’s not good and it’s just like I think the virgins are winning be honest with you virgins are winning at life I know there’s a lot of virgins who can play and they can’t get laid but like it’s not hard to get laid it’s not not these days you just go on a dating up and just like find a girl who is capable you might have to you might have to like like she may not look the best or anything but neither do you right so it shouldn’t matter like it’s easy to get late if you really want to but that shouldn’t be the end goal H I got a car and I drink humongous ice water drinks my life is set so true I guess having a car is rare in angland huh I bring my giant ice water to work I should drink more water I know that I should I don’t really track my water drink oh [ __ ] this needs to go up more that’s interesting to keep the shape of the Dome that’s interesting right there then like right away it comes up more then goes out good to know I don’t have enough Stone to finish this people still use Snapchat oh God hold on well no one can change their height Rob Marshall that’s true what’s a country you really want to visit someday Norway absolutely Norway or Iceland really just Norway though I know you’re asking Mong but for me it would be Bhutan so peaceful where is that I don’t know I don’t really know where that is sorry I’m not cultured all right I need to eat okay how no I’m not asking Jesus bro is annoying me I just just sorry I said bro I’m so hungry Matt sent me a gift of water T all right okay I want to read this I’m physically disabled and doctors haven’t been able to figure out what’s wrong with me in 3 years of searching during YouTube but I don’t know any ADV advice you’re finding a passion I mean how disabled are you first of all I mean that’s important to know uh I’m I’m I don’t really know if a qualify is disabled I have a pain disease like I’m just in pain sometimes more than others but literally all the time uh like to the point sometimes I can’t walk so I uh you know I take like injection so I can walk it’s not as bad now but sometimes it gets worse like literally can’t walk walk not because I don’t have the ability but because it’s so painful to even move so I started having this when I was 10 I didn’t know what was happening and I was like going to between doctors and needles and like just like crazy medicine people and hospitals and ERS for a year until they kind of figured out what was wrong with me so like I kind of relate in that way but you said 3 years like what about you is physically disabled what phones would you recommend you got mugged on a High Street yesterday I think you can call your provider and just like they’ll send you a new one although you ask going to send you a you know ask you to send you a flip phone right ask for a flee phone I’m going to need more going to need more Spruce Wood I hope I’m okay I mean that’s another reason why I’m working out so I’ll be okay you know working out makes me feel better B between my lettuce Le and tomato Himalayas or however you spell it between India and China okay yeah just be careful of the CCP when you go there um heard they’re doing some [ __ ] over there I wish I was also an excuse for going up and down the stairs so slow and hugging the handra I’m so scared of falling down nearly happen to me tons are you are you are you scared to do it because just because you don’t want to fall or like is there other reasons that you can’t do it genuinely curious can’t work legs are any time with s a walk for any real period of time various mus ples throughout my body I have so many symtoms to be hard to listen them all okay so it sounds really similar to what I had I have ankos spond deltis so no I don’t know what you got that’s what I ended up having having it was inflammation in my spine and uh can cause fusing in the joints so I’m hoping that that doesn’t happen to me probably already has a and uh it can like it shoots off in other places so I would think it’ be muscle pain but end up really being a joint pain like pockets of inflammation just pulling up in spots so I don’t know what you do what kind of helped me even though it was like hurt like hell is like forcing myself to walk though I don’t know if that’s a good thing to do like you you seeing a chiropractor you get an [Music] MRI you talk to like a rheumatoid doctor Hospital CAT scans I don’t know healthcare is expensive I don’t blame you if you can’t do those things I’ll just take all this [ __ ] I don’t I’ll just take it all yep anything involving anime should be banned what do you guys think is Anime a net a net positive or a net negative have I tried ice baths no I haven’t um looks kind of cool kind of I have not tried an ice bath uh like lately when it’s been having we’ve been having cold snaps I’ve been running around on like shorts and t-shirt which is kind of fun but it’s [ __ ] cold sometimes I used to take more cold showers but I kind of found out that doesn’t really do anything for you this doesn’t look good to me I need to change the base of this and make it look nicer I think so I’ll figure that out at some point though sorry I went to some specialist but lost my insurance last fall trying to get back had a lot of blood work and some of the testing done but I haven’t found much how they eventually figured me out is that like my uncle sent my MRI scans to his friend who is like a specialist and he looked at them for free and he kind of figured it out and that’s what I have like that ended up being what it was so and he lived in Montana I live in Michigan I don’t know what you could do I don’t it’s it’s just a matter of keeping trying you know it’s to me it sounds like inflammation it could be so many things though I mean it sounds like inflammation cuz that’s what I had but I don’t know you just I just don’t right so many things could be happen I mean does anything that you do help ease it painkillers help moin kind of helps for me a little bit not a lot though all right anime is great in terms of the artistic side it’s impressive but it’s obvious bra rot I don’t think the art is good like unless you’re watching a gibli film or you’re watching a like Attack on Titan was good was good art um then like it’s it yeah it’s brain [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that it’s brain rot also it’s so keen on being on like sexualizing [ __ ] I mean sexualizing your brain in general is just not good right cuz then you just be a cummer you just be a [ __ ] loser cumer guy who can’t be in a relationship with a woman or sustain one because you can’t help but see her as a sexual object right so uh anime like what is it anime fans can be so detached from reality that’s why you never see them in real life because they’re so detached I’ve enjoyed animes I really like the attack on Titan I liked Death Note because it was so like psychological it wasn’t really about the visual story I really liked it cuz it was like it made you think hard you felt smart watching it um that’s it though oh yeah I watched The Promise Neverland but it was dog [ __ ] so I stopped watching it um guess I should put that there huh h hm I got to think about how I want this to be you know like I wanted to follow the Contour here I don’t know if that’s how I want it maybe that’s the best way to do it though probably all right like cold shers are good for stress it can be but it’s like do you really need to relax your muscles at much I mean you might I I just you know I don’t there’s not really a benefit for me to take them uh they say about like people say it’s to strengthen their own willpower right but it’s um they say this to strengthen Norm willpower but uh what it really does is it expends willpower it doesn’t strengthen it and then you could have problems later like you feel less like it’s it just expends your inhibition cuzz being motivated and like having will is more like an emotion than you’d think you know neurologically anyways but uh so you know it’s good for you the best shower you can take to start like warm not hot start warm and then like slowly shift to a cold right that’s good for you I would yes I would say that that is good for you other than that like it’s not really you know you don’t really need need to do an ice cold shower unless your hot water isn’t working then then I guess get used to it you know then uh then you’re then you’re [ __ ] out of luck I suppose what I really like is Evangelion I’m sure evangelion’s good um I’m probably never going to watch it I mean it might one day but it’s just I don’t have time to watch things I really don’t have time to watch things uh sad but true true H okay sorry I was just thinking uh Vinland Saga I heard I heard that was good it looks cool but it’s also like Vikings in the style of anime I feel like that would be hard for me to reconcile in my head in my head in my head but um you know I heard it was good so I didn’t even need to do that oh well enemies garbage makes me want to vomit enemies just like any other medium well no that’s not true well the medium is defined by specific tropes and and and like fact that go into it right so it’s not totally like any other medium it’s slightly different like the Staples that make anime anime is it’s like it’s more hyper it’s more it’s more sexualized it’s more like it it’s you know the stapes of watching anime that’s why like aot is an anime but it’s not like other animes it’s rare so you know it’s so no it’s a medium but it’s not like the same as anything else mediums are all different and Anime is more conducive to like [ __ ] so that’s my opinion though um H am I philosopher Maybe what I do here just leave it like that or what like that should be higher or something I don’t I don’t know could I could do this hold on goodbye forever wood yay I got it back could do that yeah maybe that’s better I think that might be better but I want to get a look at it from over here before I decide to do anything else so it’s going to be dark anyways I FL why are you building a giant Willie I just like to see your brain sexualized you just you look at you look at a tall shape with the Dome and you’re like pen the penith wiener H wiener it’s just like my hecking oh it’s just like my hecking porino I’m going to jerk off now I’m to touch my wiener come on dude you got you guys need to desexualize your brains get them [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah good boy first time a wolf has actually been helpful in Minecraft I think people should shouldn’t be reading watching romance because it creates unrealistic expectations yeah maybe um it’s not a thing I’ve really had a problem with personally then again I haven’t been in many romantic situations all the situations I’ve been in with women are purely physical woo or built on false pretenses hell yeah not all not at all like recently it’s been going nice but in the past I guess who’s that Pokemon and then it stands for what it stands for can stay with that generation uh I know what that means Bas M I know someone fixed my head built the top section of throw out of glass oh I might I wanted to build a pillar in the center going up though so probably won’t do that sorry M I didn’t even get a look at this yet I need to like stand on top of that tree or something like just walk all the way over there I’m going to do that I’m going to walk all the way over there hell yeah I guarantee you the Gym’s not even open now maybe I should just do home workouts I guess there’s nothing stopping me from doing workouts at home like I wasted my Saturday uh looks pretty good looks a little loopy why is Dron the cover cuz it’s funny H so a block there and a block there could maybe make this this look a little bit better I look like Drake thans and again you know maybe the yeah all right a collection of the tropes is more of a genre than a medium is more separated by the way how an art piece is made yeah but the thing is is that there’s certain characteristics of anime like people are over itic an anime right they express themselves certain ways they like that that aren’t really contingent with like Western media um or Western animation and there’s just things in it like there’s a reason it’s called anime right it has a style there’s things that happen in it like otherwise and it’s just it’s not any different from like into the spiderverse all right let’s try this again hard bir Circ was good I never watched it though uh surprised his album is still going that’s crazy it’s my chran impression for the day all right I should have built a dome first and then done like the rest but I didn’t do that so this is what we are doing feel like a lot of anime s scenes revolutionary pieces of Med I guess I don’t really know any examples of that you have to give me an example like Attack on Titan is good I don’t really know any other animes than that are that are new I liked I liked the promise Neverland until I went to [ __ ] in the second season like the first season was a good was good remind me a Death Note but it was but like more was physically going on like or visually going on so it was good uh hell yeah oh wait I didn’t change this [ __ ] okay the well is just swallowing my [ __ ] I mean [Music] ew [Music] wait should I done that no that needs to stay or leave right how is it over here now I don’t remember yes it was like that okay one piece is a good example of that okay yeah that’s a good example I don’t care about one piece at all I don’t even know what the hell it’s about it’s like how can you have that show going on for so long and it has supposedly amazing character development and so much has happened and isn’t it like a million seasons 1 thousand episodes or some [ __ ] like that I mean sorry I don’t believe it I don’t believe it’s as good as everybody says it is I didn’t even do this section weird Family Guy is barf too yeah I only got his barf I mean I guess it’s kind of slimmer similar to one piece in that way right I don’t even know what to do here let’s see how this looks I mean it kind of completes the circle shape right so I just want to see what that means a I don’t need that wool but I’m just going to kill that sheep CU I like to kill I love killing ah that was God punishing me for saying that like I said wees will watch One Piece and like yo the character’s so good at cooking because he started Island was a kid and is that an actual thing I never watched a single episode of that show I found myself watching a lot less things I don’t have time to do that I used to more I just don’t like there’s better uses of my time I guess hey look at this w I need more [ __ ] over here I sing a bar and a big no no great the second half of Death Note was bad yeah the second half of Death Note like gives me a lot of um like I I know that they I feel like they just wanted to continue it right like did they did they plan that to happen like L was dead L lost they should have just made they shouldn’t have killed L at the end of the first half or however it was or was it halfway through the second it was halfway through the second half they shouldn’t have killed L they should have made that like two seasons and um L either either live or die and then like had it kind of go from there just like an alternate timeline you can pick which one you’d like on basis on who you want to win you know that looks a lot better actually does look a lot better it doesn’t really look like the rest of the stuff here but it looks better I think so it’s kind of weird shaped but uh it’s there now so can’t not going to undo it one reality that’s called character development every story has it yeah I like attack Tian Aaron’s character development was like um I want freedom to I’m going to murder everyone it’s really cool when they did that L some dirt over here all right I didn’t do the top yet I didn’t even do the middle the middle P pillar avatar the Last end air bender is a good show and I’m not going to watch the live action one I don’t care the live action one can go [ __ ] itself not going to watch it I need more snow for this or maybe I should just make it slabs or something or cobblestone Stone even yeah you know no not not not Cobblestone but like normal slabs I’ll just do that and stone and normal Stone that’s what I meant to say and then I’ll have it pour out the sides I think would be pretty cool to do okay then I’m going to need to make a well here really quickly let’s go get some more [ __ ] yeah Avatar is a good show good show if you’re young I liked it quite a bit all right and then when I finish this center pillar and everything else I’m going to call it a day or night I guess I need to go figure out what I’m going to eat hungry hungry boy might just do like a smoothie or something and then do some workouts in here you know that might just be how I end the day and I’ll go shopping tomorrow that’s pretty cool from up here doesn’t it looks cool from here I just need to do the inside now it just looks a little messy like the it needs to be shaped up some so I know I’ll definitely get more snow yeah I should definitely get more snow and it’ll line the inside with snow of the roof I [Music] mean that’s a good song looks really good I’m proud of you thank you appreciate you brother now I guess when the album ends I’ll just I’ll call it a day cuz I can do that any old time you know I never shared this village with anyone like I just made it recent so uh you know now you get to [Music] see I hate live action adaptions of animation with every fiber my being when was a live action adaption of anything ever enjoyable besides Dune okay you know what I shouldn’t say that because there’s lot of stuff is like inspired by a book that’s good sure of a cartoon maybe live action adaption of cartoon never been good never been done the new Avatar doesn’t look good like they don’t look and feel like the characters I like you know they just don’t so even in the the what is it the legend of Kora when they’re like adults it doesn’t really feel totally the same because we didn’t get to see their development into adults and I guess like you know we also know them as kids so you know whatever that means to you try to organize this a little [Music] bit Pilgrim movie that was off a comic though not an animation right scy Pilgrim movie was pretty good doesn’t it have a lot of alternate endings I’m not sure I don’t know a whole lot about it uh live action in the books are good but cartoons are horrible yeah like everybody’s saying like wow Avatar last air bender live action looks so good hooray and I’m like I don’t care doesn’t remind me of it not going to watch it you know what I really want to read I want to read so bad um is uh the three body problem I really want to read that and it’s dumb because I’ve already like listened to a million videos on it so I like know what’s going on but it’s so cool it’s such a cool concept to me cuz it’s like about Humanity over thousands of years and like them being invaded and [ __ ] but it’s also got characters in it like character focus and it’s just so [ __ ] smart too like the the idea of Intergalactic like civilizations how they would actually act like the whole Dark Forest thing that shit’s so interesting to me so I would have be excited to read that I saw that bookstore in Canada for like a million dollars and if I had bought it I would not have been able to get gas home does snow get regenerated yes it does I mean if it rains if the weather event occurs I’ve been sleeping pretty regularly though so it won’t snow back for a while that’s okay I guess I’ll just do this I don’t know the original writers are no longer on the Netflix show for left due to creative differences really the original writers of the avatar Last Airbender show are not on it like they left due to creative differences that’s always a good sign it’s just content right like the whole point of it is content you know you know you know when something is Cinema and something is content like they wouldn’t make this again they’re just making it like oh cartoon but real like it’s content that’s the end goal they’re turning a profit there’s no motivation to do this for Creative reasons and that should be obvious to everybody so no I doubt that it’ll be any good they failed the first time all right should have gave up on that then they should just I mean if they really want to they make more Avatar stuff but like you know they made they Consolidated all their [ __ ] made Avatar Studios and like ho I don’t care I don’t know I feel like I’m in film and I like I I guess I’m very picky about what I like and what’s a good film you know and what’s a good content I’m increasingly dissatisfied with media like and I start to just see it as [ __ ] pointless you know so maybe that’s not a good good thing since I am a film major but um we’ll see where that takes me you know all right I want enough to finish off a stack I really need to finish off a stack or I’m going to go crazy must finished stack of snow had two innings because they were making while the last book of the comics was being made they had to canceled the first ending where Scott and IES get together in favor of Scott Ramona she’s still 17 at the end of the book right kind of weird I wouldn’t I would not date anyone that young at that age Soul streaming not for long I watched the new G movie and it was good I didn’t really understand it but it was good like it was pretty it was visually pleasing I just wish I kind of like all G movies are like that they skip a lot of [ __ ] you know they skip a lot of Storytelling or like which I mean some people like that it’s just always bothers me they’re pretty though you know so whatever um oh I should have been smelting this oh great yep still streaming or do I do yeah I’m out I hate shows they’re so timec consuming yeah at the end of it like a show would be really cool to produce because it when you’re making a show or when you’re watching a show you can explore characters so much more in depth that’s why they’re cool they’re also really freaking time consuming so it’s like they’re made to be binged at the end of the day right so if you’re making a show or you’re watching one I would just watch it instead of watching a movie you know like oh if maybe watch a movie a week or something like I don’t even watch a movie a week if you watch a movie a week then instead make it a show episode a week and then it’s fine right it’s about pacing yourself I guess favorite gibl movie I’ve seen three I saw poo when I was a kid I saw howw castle and I saw boy and the Heron uh I don’t I guess I don’t really have a favorite cuz they all just kind of like that didn’t make a lot of sense to me they were all like they’re all good how Moving Castle was such a cool concept they just like didn’t fully explore it and didn’t fully explain everything so feels like a Miss potential if I’m being completely 100% totally honest with yall Sorry probably don’t want to hear it but it’s true how Moving Castle was missed potential Spirited Away never saw that so no opinions no opinions on Spirited Away my guy sorry I’m trying to think about what I want here no I don’t want that all right this is going to be uneven what’s the potential for Howers Moving Castle I don’t care about the I don’t know about the lore the potential is that um well you know it could have just could have made more sense they could have made more damn sense sense it could have been more on the story like what how the hell did he get the castle what who who is how I don’t even know who he is there’s just could to be more to it there’s not and it’s like like who who even is what is her name Sophie Sophie who even is she I don’t even know like we don’t we don’t we don’t find that out oh you know what I should do I should do invisible Pistons here and cut off the the flow on the side that would be a lot better to look at than this but uh I can’t do that right now I don’t want to run all the way back for Pistons so I’ll just finish up this pillar and call good I think oh man the album is still going thought here our tolken he’s a great author so he’s a great I haven’t read him all a lot like I I I got I read through the Lord of the Rings I read The Hobbit I really like The Hobbit I read through the Lord of the Rings I got to the halfway point of the last one good though you know I might down there just all stuff new J out to excursions right now yeah it it yeah this is new I guess like if you’re talking about my [ __ ] here okay cool nice [ __ ] God damn it all right cast the sky is a more understandable G film there’s a gly film called Castle in the Sky interesting didn’t know [Music] that man I’m a hungry guy when you’re not getting all the carbs you’re used to you just like want something crunchy you know [Music] [Music] we’re getting [Music] there so close come on what does the build represent the whole idea of this build is that it’s a natural spring that’s been kind of like built around and has like some reverence and that I want it to kind of flow down maybe this way some but mainly this way into this Basin and then like make a waterfall and then a little river I think that would be really cool this to be the source of the waterfall that’s the whole idea here uh I watch cast Sky really good the Iron Golems Minecraft based on a robot that appears in this movie oh yeah I knew that it was came from a gibli film I didn’t know what it was though that’s cool pretty neat pretty cool [ __ ] I don’t have enough stone blocks to like do what else I want here you know snow underr building block uh yeah yeah I guess people still use it so that’s the end of the album let’s find the Contour of this a little bit more shall we because I don’t know that’s a fine Contour yeah that’s fine and then it just kind of goes up and then it meets here and the pillar Rises up to the ceiling and then we’re all good you know so uh yeah I think I’m going to do that and then call this pillar good and then I’m going to break like the walls here I need to do the outside walls nicer the outside walls aren’t very good I’m going to break these blocks it’s going to flow out there and make a waterfall and then I’m going to deal with like a river down there and [ __ ] that’s my plan I’m going I’m going to to get invisible stair blocks and uh put them here so that it only flows that one way uh there’s a lot of plans I have for this build and I’m just going to continue over here whenever I have the time which is very little so yeah huh I guess this is this is coming to the end so I’ll answer some questions and then I will piece the hell out let’s go down and look at it let’s turn it to peace oh I didn’t mean to do that all right whatever whatever all right any questions y’all so many plans I always have plans I always I have so many ideas for the world I I’m never going to run out of inspiration I might run out of motivation but I’ll never run out of inspiration so my favorite thing that better than Adventure adds to the game I don’t know uh more Stone variants Stone variants are nice all right tolken is a peak riter hell yeah bro want an excuse to use the intermission screen uh I mean I’ve used it plenty already it’s a good intermission screen I’ve used it for the last two streams just because it’s nice like maybe maybe that’s what’s making the stream lag though so maybe I should change it to like a still image instead of like oh wait a minute what the hell this is supposed to be moving this is supposed to move you know it’s supposed to cycle through day and night God damn it I had that pause the whole time [ __ ] supposed to [Music] move huh I don’t have any questions just want to thank you for the awesome stream and the good advice you always have to share hope you have a good meal when you finish the stream I appreciate you yeah I inspiration but’ll find out I have faith in [Music] you well appreciate you Leandro and uh thanks for popping in it’s nice to talk to you nice to talk to all you and what am I eating I don’t know probably it’s smoothie with egg raw eggs in it raw egg smoothie [ __ ] yeah I love raw egg smoothies I don’t have any protein powder I need some damn anyway uh peace out y’all thank you for showing up WR cat good night everybody bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Beta Late Than Never (Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Stream)’, was uploaded by Mongster on 2024-01-28 03:12:31. It has garnered 1385 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:37 or 14077 seconds.

Yo fellas, touching base with yall this week. Ideally the weekly streams will continue. Ask me anything!

Opening theme sung by @Khorshel

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  • RivalMC Factions

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  • End Crystal SMP – SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20+, Whitelist, PVE, Hard mode.

    Welcome to Our Seasonal Server Join our community where trust and enjoyment of the game are top priorities. We have a zero tolerance policy for griefing, theft, and cheating. If you’re looking for a mature and chill community to enjoy the game with, look no further! Ideal candidates are mature, chill, and just want to enjoy the game. Message me for a discord invite! Read More

  • BorealisMC Custom SMP!

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    If this meme has a score of 10, then I guess you could say it’s really mining for laughs! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition “No comments? Looks like the meme is speechless too!” 😂 #silentlaughter #speechlessmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Skittles’ Low End World – Adventure begins”. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless adventures and possibilities? Imagine a world where you can explore unique structures, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and build your own empire alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of mods and… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Arrow Challenge

    Minecraft's Sneaky Arrow Challenge The Exciting World of Minecraft Minigames Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Among the myriad of activities available in this sandbox game, minigames stand out as a popular choice for players looking to test their skills and have some fun. One such minigame that has caught the attention of gamers is the Simple Arrow Minigame in Minecraft! How to Play the Simple Arrow Minigame In this thrilling minigame, players must showcase their archery skills by hitting targets with precision and speed. Armed with a trusty bow and… Read More

  • “Killing MrBeast in Minecraft Challenge” #crazy #epic #gaming

    "Killing MrBeast in Minecraft Challenge" #crazy #epic #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mr beast challenged to me. I killed Mrbeast on Minecraft #gaming #challenge #tutorial’, was uploaded by CraftAn on 2024-04-15 05:56:51. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:09 or 249 seconds. minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.20,minecraft facts,minecraft update,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft tutorial,minecraft tips,shorts minecraft,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft fun facts,minecraft survival,minecraft memes,minecraft animation,minecraft funny gaming,gaming pc,gaming setup,total gaming,ferran gaming,royalty gaming,pc gaming,#gaming,royalty family gaming,ferran gaming channel,royalty gaming channel,gaming funny,gaming games,gaming memes,gaming watch,power gaming,gaming music,camodo gaming,gaming shorts,gaming… Read More

  • Unbelievable Monster Found in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Monster Found in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ME YE KONSA MONSTER HAI 🥵’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-01-14 15:39:54. It has garnered 3009 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:25 or 145 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror… Read More

  • BREAKING WORLD RECORD: DudeDragon SPEEDRUN all MCBE Achievements!

    BREAKING WORLD RECORD: DudeDragon SPEEDRUN all MCBE Achievements!Video Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUN LIVE | Getting All Achievements In MCBE W/ Breezy’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-03-17 08:58:41. It has garnered 135 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:48 or 4008 seconds. Im Live Livestreaming Speedrunning Minecraft With @BreezyEZYT Like Minecraft Bedrock’s Deadliest SMP, Dragon SMP! Today Im MINING 1 WHOLE CHUNK! Before This The Dragon Egg Ruined Minecraft Because It Ruined Me And Chickens Friendship. In Episode 1 I Got Betrayed By My Closest Ally On The Dragon SMP, This Open Public SMP And Minecraft SMP is unique because unlike most… Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth About Skibidi Toilet & Cameraman in Minecraft in Just 10 Minutes!

    Uncover the Shocking Truth About Skibidi Toilet & Cameraman in Minecraft in Just 10 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Your Skibidi Toilet & Cameraman Minecraft Questions in 10 Minutes’, was uploaded by DrStorm on 2024-05-02 17:02:48. It has garnered 997 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes —(Keywords for YTalgorithm)– minecraft, minecraft pocket edition , seedfinder minecraft , game minecraft pocket edition , minecraft education edition , minecraft server , mcskins , minecraft free , minecraft games , minecraft java edition , minecraft 1.20 ,1.20 minecraft , minecraft zombie , minecraft creative mode , minecraft pc , minecraft funny , minecraft animation ,… Read More

  • Minecraft Flowers Drop INSANE Loot?!

    Minecraft Flowers Drop INSANE Loot?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items !’, was uploaded by CreepyTroop on 2024-04-04 05:46:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items ! In This Video I Played Minecraft But I Added Mod If I Break Flower That Will Drop Random … Read More

  • Insane Frozen stream with Luke1Rose!

    Insane Frozen stream with Luke1Rose!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore stream! feat Luke1Rose’, was uploaded by Frozen on 2024-02-28 03:14:30. It has garnered 59 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:17 or 5657 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore! totally not tags Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not rekrap2, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 4 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 4. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This… Read More

  • BMO-117: ¿Premio o castigo? 🫠😐🤔😅

    BMO-117: ¿Premio o castigo? 🫠😐🤔😅Video Information This video, titled ‘Premio o Castigo? 🫠😐🤔😅 #minecraft #gaming #mod #games #short #mine #backroom #meme’, was uploaded by BMO-117 on 2024-01-12 14:18:54. It has garnered 9235 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL HOUSE TUTORIAL! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Survival Starter House Tutorial🏠 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Triple 999 on 2024-02-12 12:11:56. It has garnered 159 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:55 or 1135 seconds. Minecraft: Survival Starter House Tutorial🏠 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral #trending #viralvideo #trendingvideo #youtubevideos #youtuber #youtube so, guys please 🥺 subscribe my channel and like my videos because I upload amazing Minecraft builds videos and shorts everyday…… your queries:- minecraft building ideas minecraft building minecraft building tips minecraft building hacks minecraft build hacks minecraft build tutorial minecraft ki videos minecraft amazing build hack minecraft amazing… Read More