Unleashing Ultimate Mage Powers with IKE in Minecraft!

Video Information

[Applause] you hello guys welcome to the stream my name is where I go via and today we’re going to play with Ike we’re gonna play the major age four that’s gonna be super interesting to see how that goes major H what we’ll explain more later but it’s basically a challenge map and

What we are majors and we are going to acquire nine items and then we’re done so let’s see here let’s hook up Ike first of all all right hey how are you doing good any beans yeah I’m alright thank you very much so let’s see I’m gonna hope in

The world actually here sigh we’re in a little room you have a book we’re gonna probably read this but for people here and for ourselves we’ve never played that this before this map map was created by the art Archmage ed case so guys go and check out it has much orange

Blah blah blah but hey and welcome to the stream and yeah this this map was created by educates go check out his channel and there are more many more challenge maps on this channel may trace Mitch rage is a thing that comes out I think once a month or even more we were

Often ER and then there are space race and all sorts of things right so don’t do that once you’ve started through crystal ball on the ground to see which items you have to collect old online items in your inventory at the same time to complete the challenge if you’re

Playing solo or freefall downside the team if you’re playing co-op or team PP please select your team we want the team do you want to be I suggest we do a team thing there’s first time anyway you know let’s do the team orange yeah sure we can be orange so I clicked

On that spice and so then you can get how to play well explain it as we go along and you can also support the mob cave on patreon if you want to do that if you don’t want to do that you can support me on patreon be alright or me

Yeah what are you doing there orange to get yourself to delete that man do it stop spamming kapps yeah dogs bout cabs or a normal person dude and wonder what you’re talking about yeah sorry Ryan’s and if you’re a patreon and you play the major rage you get special a

Special hat and stuff like that fancy hat okay but anyway we need to click here and the book guy to choose five spells and start okay alright so now we have a new book and little B we give my skills here okay orange shoutouts caps

Van thank you very much for that so we can of course one two three Leila Stillwater’s lava spill slowness levitation pain mining explosive blinking what is that one the fire spell the fire spell and it creates a small wall of fire if you hover over it you

Can see what it does as well that’s pretty neat here’s eleven we could both use file different ones yeah so which one the question is if you want to do that the question is which one do we not want the spell is pretty handy is that

Yeah I don’t think water spell is that handy unless you want to create a sybian but the lava spell may be much below your rang AAC water hello AZ slowness Bell is not that great I guess monix but it’s probably really good fire spell creates a small wall of fire the

Blink spell allows you to teleport a short distance you can take no fall damage if you blink into the air so is that gonna be like eating a course fruit I think it’s more like throwing around a probe to be honest from looking at its video which is fairly handy for us

Running about this net there’s nothing else yeah just so basically if you could only have father’s single player then you don’t need all of them anyways now yeah that’s right so we should write that’s what I think I also think revealing spell is very cool basically

Both took blink I think we should both take thing because then we can travel around faster I think we can do that to slow this bill we can do without it and we can do without the waterspout probably okay so then we split them then

You go for the top and I’ll go from the bottom all right so I go revealing I got ice lava I got fire blink of course explosive one two three four and mining I’m gonna mining yet levitation okay our chosen levitation pain there we go we’re thrown into the world oats and

Flipping witch and she hit me with slowness what does this thing do is this like a yeah I don’t know cut my brow you crystal ball yeah you hold you sneak I think you sneak no you don’t sneak okay what do you do I was just hit with something

I like that I snuck back on it that’s nice yeah I’m down to two hearts okay here’s some rotten flesh man and there’s chickens here as well let’s see here item list hasty was Coulomb in so we need I write polish down site painting compass dispenser clock Apple mostly

Stone bricks and bone blocks bat I think you used to be you used to oh yeah yeah so if you hold down Smith like that oh yeah yeah I’ll bounce neat and then you move basically right yeah the revealing spells open because it’s got all those girls yeah I create the doll

Up behind you what was this levitation spell okay let’s levitate a chicken here yeah they can fly finally they’ve been waiting so long for that the levitation spell has a 6 second cooldown by the way so every time you hit shift it changes a spell

Yeah or you can move you can move if you move to the left or right it’ll change it to that spell get a little interface right okay Oh crikey this is dangerously I blinked it oh I blinked into your fire in fact that’s what I did

Who is this okay so now what is this thing oh this is the pain spell okay let’s try and okay let’s try pain on this chicken oh yeah he’s dead letter space this is following me around why just pick pulling me around can we kill him yeah

Bikini oh that’s a nice wall of fire or ice I mean I can either cook is me oh yeah yeah we’re gonna kill another chicken here as well oh god it’s some serious nut whack that’s so funny I’d like to have this wand in real life in real Minecraft

Yeah yeah it’s for the fun of it but are you saying bah bah okay so this this is not working he’s gonna die from Paul that measures me oh that’s so nice that’s such a good way to kill people will kill animal sorry yeah but look at these cows over

Here they’re gonna get levitated damn it didn’t cook the meat wait are we even gonna bother to do this what are we supposed to do gather some blocks yeah so you see you have a crystal ball in your inventory and throw one of them on the ground why click on that and you’ll

Get a book with the list I’ll get a list okay alright polished in the start painting compass Spencer Clark Apple yeah Marcie stone brick yeah one block I think so well let’s go mining yeah die write and post and recite at least right I’m I’m running in the hot food and we allowed

To make pickaxes oh yeah yeah you can craft anything you could do anything you want you can’t sleep if I understand it correctly and and that’s about it okay so the wand is just for the fun of it basically hey yeah I think so that’s water it’s not it’s not useful in

The fact that like I would like it to make actually make like a bridge oh yeah the ice yeah yeah instead of a wall so I found a cave down here with a skeleton in it and we do need bones but we don’t have anything to kill them with

Can kill him with your wand oh yeah let’s try the one on the skeleton pain yeah let’s try pain can’t levitate him because it’s in a cave well I can’t never pick him but once the only good always be spawned or moved or something cuz I am here right give me yours I’m

Dying by the way allowed to die this is so you know what what directions need to go in though that’s what I want to know I can’t remember and then throw into my spells that bad teeth what’s your food what recording are they are you into

This desert oh you remember oh yeah well maybe we should just get it like a regular like some regular tools oh yeah wouldn’t such like yeah because I have a one I’ve completely forgotten how to play Minecraft funny those always say to even gonna bother doing all this

So we just gonna play only once yeah don’t play the years either though some would we have some food already I have five pieces of food I don’t know if you think that’s enough we can always go up again of course but you need wool for the painting which we

Should be able to make the painting now actually because it’s this wool and sticks its net yeah let me kill some sheep here how many wool one wool for a painting yep okay well I am back come on piggy dad so I can have some cooked food

Oh all right maybe we should have a crafting bench that’s always a good start find some sticks done yay pork chops so there we go we have paintings should we make a chest maybe and tuck our icons in that we have gathered how do we mark them off you can’t and so you

Win by holding them all in your hand right so here we got two paintings the battery won’t charge on there okay what yeah that was my phone for a long term money using the mining spell get like massive oak tree daily oh nice it’s such a nice spell you’re gonna do

All the mining just so you know don’t really need to make a pic and stock because that spells don’t know would be nice to have a sword though oh yeah that was smart a little more accurate yeah oh yeah I think I have let’s get some more stuff

I heard me as well actually the paintable there’s it when you get when you hit yourself with it well if I mean it’s an area of effect spelling it seems but it kills most most that’s quite nice so let’s take this wool and throw it up

We don’t need anymore wool yeah I think I’m set to go down now just need to remember the coordinates for this place – 185 – 17 where did you go man I’m in a hole where’s this hole located and you create it up – 163 it’s a 3×3

However here somewhere man I can’t do coordinates at the moment how fast does it kill players ask you perfect it’s very easy yeah do we need am I supposed to get down there man use your blink hey that didn’t work something follow your bow way let’s try it yes it seemed

Like that far of a drop I guess if you had an armor but yeah I mean we have no stuff well I got the stuff for the Polish day on the site now honk he fell in the hole get our biddies alright alright I guess I’m making a pickaxe 10 And got a polished stainless out for us nice we only need a couple more bones actually yeah well we need I guess we need one set each I don’t know you only need six bones total okay I don’t know why I didn’t order for you it teleported

Me right on up falling you should have just stepped out when you teleported because it’s got slow falling with it [Laughter] yeah thank you dangerous man okay I don’t want to fall in the lava with you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] I’ll get all gonna make a dispenser why do you need to make a dispenser all right well it’s on the list okay and a compass as well so I need to find redstone as well still have family need diorite that should be able to least of our popularity

Why are you doing man blaster fire or now it’s the wrong one okay give me Lily oh I’m still one I’m still a wand noob yeah yeah we are no no no but nobody’s made yes for sure we found any coal by the way I don’t think so nope

Ironically I do need some food man probably go all noticed and some diorite oh nice Kim Kelly thank you very much for that subscription and welcome to the channel this is this was worth the effort to install this already yeah most I’ve had more fun today I’m

Doing this anything else I’ve done today I’m almost done with my stupid cooking of food we just needed a piece of die right each right yeah well we need string we need oh yeah put some stone cuz we need some mossy cobble right yeah but why would I cook the stone for most

A couple they have cobalt right oh no most of stone bricks yeah you’re right you’re right okay well I don’t have too much coal to be honest but I’ll put it on I’ll get some more here the old-fashioned way you know where the floor doesn’t disappear

Ugly so we need eight cook things right yeah as you stressed out all right that’s what I had you stressed out and terrifying out cold nice pick up this cold my wooden pickaxe if the mining mage has gone off on a tangent somewhere it was Bulova or a

Cave building mobs yeah and we’ve only just started don’t you worry we’re gonna die many a time I’m sure who said that Houdini yeah so here the love of someone wanting to serve and start right as well I’m not sure if this is actually faster than the normal Monning would be it’s

Funner there’s a night time again I thought it was like time just a second ago I want to see all right well I got the stones then for us as well now I’m gonna try and get down there somehow no fall don’t fall down the lava never

Happy that was being safe I was being safe and then i teleported myself indoor wall well at least it’s not dangerous well no it’s not dangerous at all sure are you doing man one myself okay all right all right all right back to the madness what spell should I have maybe I should

Have an imitation spell actively revealing spell you can see any mobs there’s a moth i spawns a creeper for the explosion basically yeah lava spell levitation spell and blink and then I should have the paints but I said whichever I’ll do I’m sure you disappear together

I’m gonna make myself a new pick I think improved at this time and preed improve this is where the live stuff is gonna be we need an iron pick well I guess this think of mine mine the red stuff as well right no well find out I got the gold so

Go for what assume when I’m on the go all the gather gold is what I’m saying oh yeah okay okay red stuff let’s try out then yes okay we need two pieces of that sword still need iron I guess for the compasses and then we need bows well that almost killed me

I would actually need the gold because we need to make a [ __ ] this one man yeah I need I get raw food now keep the explosion in the mana right next to each other and it keeps activating me okay there’s a furnace put your food in

There and I have cold that’s I can link some shields and yeah that’s a good idea and then we need that it’s also for compasses how much gold did you find them to pieces okay well we need more than that we need how much do you need for a clock is it

For 4 o clock and then a redstone in it okay we need more rest and then as well well there’s more reps down here so we’re not you just need one redstone per clock which also need one redstone for yeah ten I think we should I go in mind in some

Other direction see if I can find some more stuff as well yep actually let’s make an iron pick because it’s painful not having one yeah I’m looking to get may excel or not excel or but uh BSR or what are you even talking about Camus web games okay well I found some

Blah blah blah what level am I on a nine yeah I’m dangerous I’m living the life of danger and adventure framing heroics the plan houdina the plan is gatherer these here items die right polish genocide they encompass dispenser cook apple moses tomba confirmed blocked and

With the help of our shiny ones and with the help of our incredible cunning and wit what what is that on my exaggerated that a little bit possibly to find out now by then yeah I’m looking at I’m looking at upgrading my webcam cuz it looks really

Fuzzy all the time and they were look tough yeah I have no I mean it’s like yeah okay instead of a webcam I’m gonna use it to get an actual camera oh yeah I can’t wear what they call that call it a camera man you know with small of me

You guys are relying on your width well then what what would you do over the first few minutes of the multi-hour stream yeah that’s a good point man well the thing is the more we rely on our own weights the longer this will take us so longer the stream will be dried out

That’s cool I don’t mind some coal at this moment in time well that’s not gonna work what’s up Kate I think that would probably be a lot quicker the cableway any of this what they’re coming back then let’s have a look at that I mean I haven’t exactly found it but it’s here

Trust me all right did you have another spare piece of wire maybe your hope that’s like this like plenty of iron in the walls here you know think I put some in the smell I put gold in there Cave I get myself a shield you don’t see any iron a blind

You got the Ike to see Sabina and then you died baby zombie I thought fun well they keep him went through his own by the way but default display that is nice put her in the site and the thing cool [Laughter] he’s no match for me for the power of my

Magic I thought I didn’t need him like 40 times before you get there I’m powerful magic that does it crikey that’s a creeper oh that was – that was you why am i you hit me with the pain you mean II don’t MC I’ll leave a like and learn koala work thanks man

Oh geez geez indeed I think he blew out furnace after Oh actually I think you did it’s like I think probably it’s just fun don’t worry about it it’s just a furnace I’m not bitter help well I’m trying but this stage doesn’t seem to work very well at the moment that’s

Another one did you die again yeah I guess the map so far doesn’t cover well we should don’t be entrusted with spells that’s the only short of it am i running in the wrong direction yes I am that’s right Chris we should not be trusted at all oh my god

It’s Freddy I can’t find our hole over here okay so the key to the blank is is if you teleport into the wall when you fall you get slow falling – yeah so that’s how I figured out like you’re not gonna make it all the way down but

How you reckon I was basically out of range but you can take forward sort of towards the wall a bit high school ah it’s not working now what the heck let’s try it it’s working okay well it didn’t work for me but just it didn’t give me

Slow fall yeah yeah okay hope or she would be disappointed a they would kick this up by not man they would have yeah it’s slow fall here there danger to the worshipping society oh god that was that was great I used the ice on accident now

And it’s they’ve saved me from falling I wondered why it became dark here all the sudden a bags well I never should’ve got the explosion tear those mistakes were made with that I can only agree I concur Rico where are we I’m back in this cave

And now have enough bones to make a bone block for myself all right let me need some more of that mass post we need no idea what he was the coconut man was I really need to make a sword at some point that’s well I think imagine if we

We decided we were only gonna do this oh there’s diamonds here nice I’m picking up imagine if we decided we were only gonna do this with the wands it would be awful I mean that’s the that’s the thing we should do at some point I think if we if we fancy oh man

This is the ravine did you know that well I don’t even know what you did man I did it deleted it before I get to see it so hopefully wouldn’t indeed man if it was a link and that’s why I’m sorted this torch is just in the wrong place

I’m just gonna put it up on the wall instead it was just caps okay and I probably need to adjust nightbot for that limb that’s dumb yeah I need to do the same orange came in here and I mean he’s a trustworthy individual far as I can tell so and he

Wanted to say hi in caps and it I just barely escaped that creeper and I was gonna say something but then I didn’t have enough okay yeah we got that sorted up I should be just keep well it doesn’t matter really if we keep our gold on our

Persons your staff anyway for how much the f string nope no spring we could stay out here actually a little bit and try and get some spring let’s do that here’s the spidery I’ve got one dispenser made okay now I’m gonna make a sword I got

Two all right I got to string oh my gosh I’ve got seven diamonds what should we do with them throw em in lava pickaxes yeah pick over lava pickaxes this good idea right or Armour but not that it matters Oh kill something oh that’s another spider do we still need a string

Yeah one more yeah pickaxe in their chest nice thank you man yeah I got some string from that so we should be fine even if I only got one make some hosts yeah that’s a good idea man okay spring is in the chest along with little wood we can do that later

Oh wait a minute what happened then sometimes snow or me what do you through the paint spell through ice three years of snow it’s cool that they have them Oh crikey me cool that they have sort of the combination common rhetorical effects as well right bones so we need to

Experiment with that as well man what happens if I shoot the paint spell through fire nothing what if we need actually I should really use the revealing spell so we can see mobs coming up boom drop gay yeah I got enough for both service that’s cool

Don’t know why we need ya cuz it wasn’t the rest I need to clear my inventory out a bit we’re sewing it free more things to craft them there’s gold and iron we need right and then something else that I forgot I don’t think this

Works I need food I haven’t been a food well I have one piece of food on it that’s a creeper of the camp Wow one punch okay cleaning out inventory right we don’t need the bomb dropped the bones to feather I have the 14 iron on my person

By the way just melt up really I just started to look for one of my emotes from twitch fail haha yeah it’s not twin sisters here well baby what I’ll pop on my meatloaf well you need to try it thank you mamas 2 3 I want to say I’ve

Hit that guy three times that was paid for four five five hits for the paint spell that’s not basically don’t have look at rap this guy in the eyes by the way we need food you say so I’m gonna gather some of that taking bets let’s see a Swede it’s bad at lightening

Lighting and gamma hacking southerner man who forgets lighting seems like a combo that will have a high def count yeah that’s the truth man it’s Canadian though that’s the only problem with your reasoning I used to be heat all the fix and everything else where I should I

Think I need to go and put an application in for Team Canada yeah why am i dying what’s in me well honey you go after wait until I’m done and I’m it’s the only honestly this this is weird right he must abused carrots or something to make

Make the wand because the pigs ate all of me I mean I don’t mind good thing it’s a bear a bit weird the magic pigs okay so I do need to eat I don’t understand AC why would lighting have an effect on how well we’re survivors got nothing to do with man delirious

Right it’s daytime there’s obviously nothing interesting for us here so we should go downstairs how much iron do you have on your person by name yeah well alright I must be thinking of a different game where Moses boring and dark yeah yeah I mean well the darkness has

Nothing to it that would be ludicrous man do we make the other dispenser yes we did okay cool mmm so actually we can just go down and connect a bunch of iron and gold that’s all we need really let’s go yeah well we need known for Oh actually

We have enough iron in fact I can make the compasses compasses compass I guess I forgot it was on the list two three four five oh we need an apple all right okay well that shouldn’t be too difficult basically only needs the Apple the clock and the mossy stone bricks we need bonds

And gold so one of us should go one of us needs to look for a swamp the other one needs to go find gold yep and we’ll be done so I’ll stay up here you go fun gold all right no because you’ve got the mining tool now we do the other way around

Yeah blue is useless look how okay fair enough I’ll find a cave dinner you got a you got a pig to crap I’ll just whirring right over we threw all that stuff out [Laughter] there’s more food in their purse for you there if you want it thank you

I know big mean to me chat oh the same that we’re bad at the game to be fair they’re not wrong you know this is like a cable s world on this one Jesus is only bears it on every Sun yeah I really needed to take some iron with me Paris

Okay I’ll have the UH normally difficult hey there’s a village over here oh cool maybe they have hi I ran around for hours the Patriot we’re looking for a village never found one already yeah you don’t know the seed I’m pure food those villages only because there’s two I

Found already but I mean I’ll get what you wanted it back yeah you’ve got it I’m looking for bugs okay well I guess Hey look there’s bugs are nice passport into your pecker world there’s no there’s no blacksmith sir listen to me this is such a pants cave oh maybe it

Goes on this way actually mmm think about it Hey look another village now this is a pants cave but I’m gonna get cold anyway so I can make torches there’s barrier blocks I’m gonna love to go here why already on the barrier books I didn’t realize there was like yeah

We’re border thing well where else am I supposed to get I have to have vines from somewhere so where maybe he means for us to find the stronghold maybe the prosit shows me that there’s barrier blocks there we don’t need ion right I mean I can make some armored stuff like that this

Is a circular set of variables let’s actually make some moment because you know what I’m like I’m a battle maker all right that’s my rationale I can wear armor even though I cast spells battle mage I’m going to get up there the first time but I don’t understand I have my armor

Now I’m safe okay it’s in my inventory that’s an up in it I don’t want to wear it because it itches Hey look what I see my SWAT that I probably can’t reach let’s actually put this on but I I don’t want to find more caves I want to find

More caves but I don’t want to run around on the surface I want to go down to at least 40 right because that’s look at the gold so we’ll do that and try and find a cave yeah next time we should just do it with the magic I think although that might be

Too hard well it could be we can make portals for the magic as well as if we just choose the right spells right and thanks all right so I’ll get the stuff from our system break make these swell teas I’m saying ice melt this iron oh I’m surprised I think it wasn’t intended

For me to be able to find it because the barrier block maybe it was maybe there was the point you have to come to this particular age yeah well I would cave now at least in somewhat the right y-coordinates so hopefully we can find some gold we had two pieces so we need

Six pieces of gold I did math correctly on camera a see aren’t you proud of me yeah I think this was probably this one little corner was included on purpose all right right let’s go caving Thank You AC I’m proud of myself if I say so myself if you say so yourself

Come here Goldie Goldie come on give me an apple I’m getting tired of this spell honest Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple hello okay you do that done man what’s me care what’s this here do what holy doing I was a creeper decided to blow himself up instead of getting killed the normal way

I’m out of range we have idiots and plaplapla level Apple a bogey so that just leaves the clock then yeah chance and craft it I guess you need to go and look for gold as well man I’m having the worst luck with caves here just tiny little things

Tiny little things Man Thing annoys me is I don’t know if I’m just not doing this right what the what the spells are so hard to aim yeah they are kind of hard it’s aim no gold in this cave stupid kid go down this wall though where does I come from

More hell I was in a ravine it was I thought it might have been promising but then I died so alright alright and I’ll need one more Apple I didn’t think about needing to Jesus diversion now if we need we don’t actually know that we need duplicates or

Everything might as well do it right not hard to get an apple well try it maybe if if we end up having problems with gold we’ll try and just do it with one like me what I did not realize that was a creeper there I died this one my way back to square

One with the gold so yeah it’s fine it’s fine actually I will say cave over here somewhere what what am i doing why did I get hurt nice and launched they could scale to the way up in the sky that’s very nice didn’t I also have the levitation spell I did it

With the explosion though we’re gonna use that instead that’s much more handy to get rid of mobsters nice it’s hard it’s almost impossible I mean I want to find a dude now and see if it works on a skeleton huh the web foundation yeah good for the glory vid it’s what Chris

Is yeah there we go it’s good walking towards me now in the air see that’s nice that’s just two hits with that thing and there’s four hits with a paint spell nice until you find somebody with feather falling on their boots you might be part of the rules might

Have been to only use the ones to you know yeah that would be good now I mean actual rules might have been only these the ones oh I don’t think so only thing with the levitation spirits has a bit of a cool-down on it but you

Have knocked back on your wand as well it’s not the end of the world right I forgot about that yeah same here I remember that now anyway cave we’re looking for a cave we found a cave here yeah no caves oh there’s another one for Pete sakes

Then 10k yeah indeed they gave us a winning man some are levitating myself oh I need to eat well you can say one thing though it’s hilarious with these spells they they do provoke hilarity oh I just figured out somebody know what’s that man you can lock them you can lock the

One on a spell oh how do you do that you select it yeah and then and then I hear well once you let go a shift it stays that spell okay oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I knew that I knew that but then as soon as you sneak for some

Reason and the risk is that you end up thinking spells that’s a dark oak forest over here haha this summon the eyes and dislike kill them in the ice it’s like someone’s the ice on them yeah that’s cool doesn’t sound very cool but it is pretty cool that makes sense

You have to when you marry cast it the incarnation is Ice Ice Baby yeah don’t rubbish caves honestly oh I levitated myself and the skeleton and then he killed me all right we need to actually find gold as well I think the consensus is if we just dig down so

I can’t find any case no matter what I do no matter how many times I let it take myself I can’t find any caves all right I mean AZ hi V hi where are you are they are let’s have them come out [Laughter] alright so doubled repeat 6 it might be

Mine shop right underneath us okay you surround me sorry oh I did a lot of taking dude yeah they do survive a couple of times some [ __ ] more so than others I exploded him I’m making it all there where’s the biggest chance of finding gold I guess at level

11 that’s the best right 32 in Dale I was at 32 in down no wonder I found I didn’t find any gold you know shut myself up while we’re on thirty-one now whenever we want a weekend brunch out here give us a mineshaft or something see I can do tortoise RAC Even a broken clock is Right twice a day yeah there you go thank you I love the confidence you having me and my ability to put torches down and slow down picks a whole lot quicker than mining with this oh yeah every 60 seconds even with it’s a 2 by 3

It’s 3 by 3 down it’s a 2 by 3 up ok it’s just a weird enchant that’s a bit weird just like the multi-block picks in – all right I’ve spent a week uncovering little mob farms on our stomachs either oh come on we need them more crops man a cease

Complaining that I built a very nice roof for him and then he’s complaining that those mobs in it like the public I don’t know I need to go see where he’s building there cuz I haven’t seen it oh no this was on in stump up but yeah I do

Where I I know I think about it a see I don’t think your face is on the map of our world in my own heart so to sort that out you tell me we’re portraits and stuff for that honestly there has to be going here somewhere

That doesn’t matter I want to be able to find it so I can prank you man finding Antioch I’m from the ravine oh no I don’t raise these poor Liz all right next to mom all right all right a seat thank you for stopping by Oh see you later man

I’d do another a stump up scream soon it’s not safe that’s where did you go probably wellness yeah this way if I would have need lapis yeah chief I meant lapis some other water yeah how bout zombie I was blocked in here me to a corner that’s cheating

I don’t know where we dug down this knee very near where you spawn order a bottle top of it wow that’s a lot of zombies and stuff down here now how many blocks that’s interesting right how many blocks this damage well if you do blank going straight down

When you go to fall if you let me follow you will be fall damage alright it’s a good one that’s a good one hi suddenly psychotic how you doing man welcome to this dream CA z what’s that Oh me TP and my he is a master short he shot with his

Back turned towards me anyway he’s dead now so that’s good I think there’s some reason why our heads pizzas in the airfield that’s what a real topo value on if you’re most welcome here I could play the major age challenge we’re almost done we just need like six pieces of gold

There isn’t much but we’re struggling because we’re a rubbish spellcasters honestly yeah and also there’s no gold on this map well we have a jungle right here I’ve maybe how many pieces I don’t know yet that’s some at least four well that’s what we need them did you get the

Gold no pants where were you at the end of the ravine sort of this is a this is a complicated place by fungal and like a million creepers oh wow that was such a classic is accidentally blinked into a creeper and and of course died very much but where

What’s that hole you grew up in back tree and I kind of dug down somewhere here but I also found gavel if that helps which was at least three pieces you know there’s a cave right by which by wherever is formed why don’t we come down that one anyway

Did you find that hole again and dim you didn’t did you did okay that’s good basically the object of the challenge shares is to collect nine items in this case it’s these nine items and all we have left to do is clock I think I just

Gotta go down there and find the goal before I can get there I’m get four I mean do we need we need for oh I haven’t found me in an apple yet okay I’ll work on that then maybe I should have an axe for that yeah the Colts needs to be well

Protected indeed finally if needle we’ll set our man and welcome to the stream I can make an iron axe actually actually our if I leave needles I haven’t actually seen you or talk to you really since we since last I did from NAC and I watched your single-player series which

Was very nice you built a 1-over something something I think oh yeah I remember that I don’t know that name question is how I now get back to where we came from yeah you can die that’s true will it be the best option we’re not competing against each other we could we could

Have done that and that probably would have been quite Alerus as well that should repeat beyond these cells and we because this is the first one we’re doing we’re kind of testing it out see if it’s fun and how long it takes and things like that I mean we could have

Done this a lot quicker than we had to do that we’ve been walking around quite long and it’s true actually but in the future we’re gonna probably if we do it again do sort of variance so only using the spells as a variance don’t PvP is another variant that could be

Interesting only place a block what the heck we don’t get apples from this and eat my hat my wizard hats well you hear me it’s behind the hill okay cut down a big old tree here hopefully that’ll itself out and drop an apple or fine

I’ll come over to you if you’re I hear you know you see me twelve gold that we needed let’s eat this beef looking for char Pvt session i yeah i guess i look better not be with you pvp than I am but it’ll be fun and it’ll be it’s because we have

Keeping with your own and stuff of that it’ll be quite like the Heartless one well that’s good I like that people be gone honestly destruction with us about a food you have any food man nope okay can you eat horse no that’s not cheap that is ice ice ice

Still no apples from the stupid tree Oh how did he how did he explode even your fireballs man I’m looking for food now guys but actually now I have full health again I don’t really need food I need to go and see if there’s an apple so we can complete this challenge

P-pretty brings out the worst in everyone yeah you’re right about that not me though that’s probably why I’m so bad at it I’m really uncompetitive some ways Oh you’re right the right yeah oh yeah my family it Oh fun on our sheet now there’s a big tree exactly of those in

The rapids where that weird hey there’s a house here but quite impressive Oh lag but Pete’s sakes right I also know here somewhere alarmist right have that let’s eat this room and just run Barnard okay so there’s a lot of some biz around there wonder if I can hear oh this is pretty

The pace but it’s pretty good against its a groups of enemies actually nice Now apples versus I mean I gotta use my one for sample right function D since like a good idea that was loud yeah sorry hey did you know you can select spells even when you don’t have anyone equipped that’s quite interesting interesting side facts Apple are cool did you make

The compass [ __ ] yeah they made Oh Oh strip by skillful I would probably need to wait for the day time here that’s nice alright so what we need to do is basically hold these items in our hands what am I missing I think yeah so in the end we only

Needed to do one and our government let me inspect here too yeah very good that was fun I think man I think the spells needs to be more tied into into the chalice though that’s what I think what do you think yeah yeah are they to you what I we know more

About it we could definitely come go back and do it again yeah thank you thank you sun-lee psychotics s congratulations thank you so let him to take particularly won’t say and I like I said before we could have probably done it under or now look you can download it

I’ll send you the thing look if you’re still here sorry I have not been paying attention to chat that much we’ve been buying too much in fact I’ll go find the link is what I’m posted to you guys in my chat so you can download the map and

Do this yourself of course yeah here here’s a link to the youtuber that’s in chat that’s the video where we got the map from ya same there and then I’ll also put it in my discord yeah and I will do the same there we go so do you want to do something else

Mike we will do you know we can go to line art hmm yeah we can you said you want to fix my arches anyways yes that’s true yeah let’s go to your base and do something stuff link my discord I can’t live by this chord if you give us a second

[ __ ] remember how to help to do it I cutter your link of discord mom I just have a command for it but you got to go to invite invite people and then I’ll get you I’ll get your link if that works psychotic Shawn be nobs gaming you don’t

Know Br check him out and oh yeah guys news don’t go into the car park so I guess one I think there’s a link to these stream goes check go check him out and subscribe to him and like and everything all right let’s hop on to lion arts well

Must have fell asleep with some torches in my hand in there the whole entire walls go like torches every on every block it’s like fell asleep right clicking or something ah the good old bass and you’ve got a little spoiler for we’re gonna look at in the next episode as

Well not in the next episode next episode it’s quite special because the next episode is episode 50 of iron hot guys but I want to show you something I have the slightly modified skin let me know what you think my beard is filmed out a little bit I’ve gone to the

Hairdresser’s and they’ve sorted out my hair cap alright and that’s it the mat maps are for PC only yes Scott’s Wally hey welcome to the stream and also Shawn I didn’t say welcome to you so now I’m doing that welcome to the stream we’ve finished the major H and we’re now

On Lionheart we’re gonna fix Ike’s arches and business I’ll never have if you’re new very newly finished as well yeah I guess display mm-hmm magnificent as always yeah it looks good now as you can see I’ve started planning the next step in its creation but we’re not going

To talk too much about that now go to Ike look at his magnificent face the months far from being anywhere near done that’s for sure yeah I’m just now getting to work on the inside stuff to the gold for oh it’s the shortcut to the golf ball to the Hobie

I cast his face in the end the Vietnam well you know what I mean all doohickey and here’s the whole massive amount of forms here and then you can go it down to bedrock but why would I want to do that I want to go I

Think this is the coca beans level where you go out yeah yeah well this is this farm this is all in a chunk sorry this is his face with a chunk mmm very nice why is there a super turtle head on the wall he decided I needed one all right

You should have everybody’s heads here I just said I said that when I in episode 42 yeah so feel free to come build your head he gave himself a haircut he’s only seven blocks tall out there all right I came back I came back and found the

Creeper on top and I said yeah that’s the real prank making its potable in here that needs fixing though somebody’s 8 by 8 so last stream me and camera got together we put redstone ore underneath all the carpet yeah yeah it’s interesting mm-hmm I don’t know where you’re eating

A mixer maybe nose on here oh yeah okay I don’t say hi then I think it’s really snappy effect I like you I don’t know there was a long stream that was a six hour stream the thing is though with this is that it looks like

What if you run past here again wait until it stopped tingling yeah and then run like it’s rain into me I was just gonna say that it looks like the carpet is West it’s the soggy carpet when you run on it yeah but many think it’s for a long time

They go off at random yeah there’s a witch here somewhere all right just use your fire spell man no wait a minute I found her pant Leanna like this set more she was on the roof so you’re probably up there you go fixed it your base so this my patreon

Roman this is hello and she’s a little Vita to you who does ocean ocean girl girl girl yeah you know what fixing your arches is gonna take me all about two seconds line so if you have any stomach slaps yep and I have they’re up here actually just gets up stone breaks over

Here and then run alone there’s only just a couple here there’s just stacking stone bricks put that on there actually wouldn’t don’t really need helmets for BA can actually review them as well what could you do take away the top stairs and put slabs

Rocks right but I can I can give you an alternative if you want as well I just wouldn’t trying to think too hard there they consider subscribing guys I’m doing DEET and also guys hey shorty how you doing look at the skin Wow look at the skin shorty eivol fluff in my hair

I think it is good yeah I would I would do the art just like I did that instead actually I’ll chance the other one as well for you but you can get I mean it’s easy enough to change the fact if you don’t like them oh my god that’s goofy

Come with me what is that thing even this other payin Lee a person holding a pig oh it’s a nature landscape man oh yeah I don’t have the just a second I don’t have the resource pack dog so I have a major h-hold on keep looking a

Little me look at okay I’m putting it on don’t worry about it that’s good still the same painting look at my I can’t see my stream right back in yeah but that’s a tree that’s a rock this is a lot extra plank reason I’m using a texture pack

Well I’m using the new new textures of course so that’s all to me painting looks like oh yeah okay okay okay that’s what it is okay now I need to now I need to remove the other one I won’t no need to remove that temporarily and have a

Look at your pig in space what is that now oh yeah that’s a little it’s like a little girl holding the pig just got a beard or something yeah that is very good sir yeah I was just like let me fill this painting up here because I get it my

Inventory and see what it looks like there we go yeah okay fixed your artists what’s the next job I don’t know wheezing um well what do you need you I really like your roof here by the way these said this room in general just is really nice although I think those

Chests are too high up so it would annoy me having them that high up well they’re made for both you’re not supposed to use them every day yeah that’s true that is true so I’m ready to come in look that’s great it weird though now I’ve turned

The resource back on again no I didn’t do it okay okay okay like if you come look in this pack in this chest you’ll see there’s a full chakra box we put that 64 on see what see if it changes while we wait for you to do that we’re

Gonna have a flyby around here I actually flew out here I flew out here because this is not very far away is it you think that’s what it looks like I think it looks really cool there’s a mob form up here as well a little one

And an iron palm very little one yeah your everyday everyday bum the old nice and stuff about us oh yeah you have work to see as well that me you know I am thinking I’m done that’s a window not an arch okay sort of there’s no that’s all right that’s three

Other rings and stuff right here boys come up the paintings yeah that’s it bring this on Spain’s that’s also very nice not to make your landscape a little lake in a little pine tree mountains in the background it’s a it’s a shame that the they get

Clipped by the stairs yeah I don’t think they look that good up there anyways I don’t know that they’re gonna stay now I just I don’t like that plain saying like to buy myself one of them not knock back sticks you can buy now so what I’m gonna

Do up here is actually build a Requip Illume mm-hmm yeah I saw you know plan it out in fact I have some feedback for you didn’t I think so I can’t remember I said that as usual I talk a lot guys okay I talk a lot hard for me to

Remember everything that I say so what I’m thinking about I’ve been thinking about this since I want to put uh let me actually do that I got shouldn’t have everything I need to do it here put a new training station in hey there’s gold here to finish the clocks yeah this is

Gonna be ice cream run right so if your picture on our bikes you get your head here I think and some armor and a plaque really well if you join now soon if you’re gonna join now you can have access to a patreon server for a limit

Like for now you’ll be able to join the patreon server for a dollar a month mm-hmm yeah or you can go and join my paper my picture and as well and if you do I don’t have a room like this but if you were a picture on mine would you like

Get rid like this that’s that was gonna be my question I mean it’s pretty we also talked about you your uh your patreon splaying on my server since I had one I do what what’s that I said I asked you before about your patreon if you wanted them to they could

Play on my server so you have access to one yeah we can do that now the thing is thought that the reason I haven’t said yes unequivocally to that is that if you’re a patron on my patreon if your picture of mine is what I should say

Empire you can play on the Empire sub server which is a model server but of course this is vanilla so your versus vanilla so it’s a different thing and yours is just a realm isn’t it ready right now yeah yeah for right now we think it’s busy or I’ll do a server yeah

Because it costs a lot more to do a server as well yeah that’s yeah but I mean yeah but you have three patrons now I think you said yeah I only have one at the moment I did have a couple more but I guess guess I’m losing my touch now

Those guys support me for a long long time but there’s nothing to say about that if you can’t be a patron forever to somebody Kenny so and anyway what I would like to do like what I would like to do is something like what you’ve done

I would like to set up a server I would like to play on it scream from it once a week and I would like my patrons to play with me because that is the coolest thing ever because if you’re a patron of somebody that means you probably really

Nice person to be honest and yeah so actually now that I used to mention that I that does sound quite tempting but I guess what you’re making is a pop-up thingy for your books yeah yeah she’ll be super easy just need one more piston yeah well I have an

Errand I need to do in spawn I’ll be right back man okay come on back over here I’m coming back to you yeah well if you want to do something up here in your base what we can do this don’t do something I’m just wasn’t gonna work on

This room so you’re welcome he’ll go and do something in this form first quickly yeah so if and if I manage to do that I I think I’m gonna dump the Empire thing because I don’t think my pictures of that interested in moded or if that’s what yeah also

When having when having exactly one patreon it’s kind of hefty to say well you’ve got a four cup five five dollars a mother I think to play on pay would play with me you know that’s not really what I want to do because what’s all about it’s not about that’s a creeper

Right I guess I didn’t like that either that set them out like you should be able to decide what your people will support you oh yeah you know there should be up to you yeah but I do understand that they wanted to be sort of equal between people well I

Understand I understand it wanted to be equal to in that way nobody just doesn’t go well I’m gonna go support V because he’s cheaper yeah you know having that many people in on a paper server it is you all right so we have an errand here guys now that’s the don’t spoil it

I want a surprise I and it has to do with your comment they’re suddenly psychotic this is a new thing on the server now we find they had this now look at this baby right but for the bats hmm [Laughter] this yes the way I see pleasure now really is

More of a community building to ready yeah how I see it already has a sign in the hub I just don’t see ya are you making mind Chapman setup no I’m just making a simple who wants that ocean ocean here no this is just gonna be a real simple

Felt like had just did registan for something that I had tons of repairs tons and tons of repeaters there they are choose a okay so powering all you said cuz I was in an old come up here [ __ ] tried myself a knock-back stick right so let’s see we have some sticky pistons so

You’re gonna have pressure plates yeah but I’m gonna power I’m gonna hit some invert the power off of this so these are basically off by default okay I’ll go out one more okay one two three four five one two three four five I’m gonna get these three from the

Inside these two from the inside hopefully that’ll mean we won’t need any repeaters so one to those no it’s not an accident look like big birds yeah what do you mean you don’t need any repeaters you just place down ten repeaters you don’t no no no I mean

Extra those are nice oh yeah I have a twelve six seven eight nine ten you shouldn’t have a well let’s see these are going to power not by Dukey oh yeah that’s right yeah that’s cool and then you just have a pressure plate above it you’re gonna actually probably

Just get rid of that torch right there altogether we’re gonna have bull bellows now I need a a I’m just gonna get a piece of oak I guess yeah I don’t have that oh yeah so that it looks like yeah yeah we’re not wasting a bookshelf you need some

Torches down there as well by the way cos I’m actually gonna have mobs I’ll fix it I have 5 torches on me I put okay you know one hey that works kill you what stand on it or you stay alone it won’t rain intentionally it’s not a knock up

Stick it’s a nod back stick okay that’s a difference step off of it just a second I’m breaking oh I know what’s wrong you broke it oh it gets power from the torch yeah yeah that should be all that’s wrong with it yeah oh okay here it is did they

All pop up nope what popped up same to same two ah okay now wait a minute that’s not torch on this one now yeah you don’t need it like there yeah there’s a torch oh yeah okay okay no wait a minute something is really

Weird here now I know that is go back up there tell me what pops up don’t tell me what to do okay so everything [ __ ] up except for the four in the front of the back cover from that okay no it’s this it’s look it’s this when there’s a

Repeater right wait yeah there’s a repeater right here right yeah so when I put bits up there so let me let me do what I had delay basically it’s basically it’s all it’s good to know you didn’t say that I don’t think that would be preferable

To be honest that would be very bad well we’ll give them if it was a knock up stick instead I’m not fasting there would be bad here okay so what do we have because you can have the torch on the front instead so you can remove that

Piece of redstone right I have the torch here right you still have the red smoke oh yeah okay so that’s one two three four five six seven see this is where the issue is well that’s what I didn’t want cuz then you gotta add repeaters and then they come

Up different times you could have just repeaters on on these crystal seed whoa no no look I could wait wait wait listen that’s all right well that takes that takes care of that but it didn’t take care of the other signal it could go Oh

But last of all what we mean that one yeah and so then you would still need to do those two at the far end see it’s not a way to do it without it Wow just simply because the link which sucks but you could go down though so

You could if we take this stuff away again and well here’s another thing you hold on there’s a little thing I can actually do just hold on it for underneath I get this thing up this again wrap and have a repeater on there and got this big okay that’s an actual

Repeater it’s okay the Tommen’s will be the same you only know this one in sub a I knew how to do it I just wanted to I wanted to force it to be what I wanted it to do or not yeah not what it wanted me to do everyone has their preferences

And beeps they all come up the same time pretty much the back ones are a little bit later are they yeah also yeah yeah yeah these two nearest us are super quick cuz they would get powered directly by the thingy right by the fact by the pressure place

Then other than that they come up at the same time five you can you can move the pressure plate back and still reach the table or you can move it forward so that you stand inside of the thing to do it and still that would still power these if

Well I can take these walks out and they won’t you wanted in front of it or in France phone you hold it down it down now yeah okay yeah this works fine I don’t even have an enchanting set up in my face just like I’m gonna do

Basically an XP set up like I was gonna be at spawn here for myself so oh yeah you’re gonna have your bedroom in here my bed will be in here – yeah I’m pacing box and you’re removing them I’m gonna put oh come there I think just one was

What you think it would look good to have a ring now I mean it’s cheese pizza one of those things where it’s yes baby thank you just about barely can see the thing yeah so yeah the bed could actually end up in here if the redstone

To work out right daddy and you could walk one side and pick up your armor and the other side and pick up the other side and pick up and then on each side here I’m gonna end up digging all this out too cuz I’m gonna put cactus forms

All right for their furnaces and furnace so what you’ll see is a furnace and [ __ ] for salad you won’t see the actual you want to see the cactus now that would be really cool you reckon that’ll be enough to keep you an XP though it should be yeah actually

You see now I don’t need that many furnaces you need a big cactus farm and then that’ll that’ll be the thing now have you not seen this hold on come here let me show you something and this is not even as fast as it can be

Oh you mean the one up on the roof yeah you swing there I owe ya you’re gonna run over this every time you run to your bed well yeah that’s a good pummeling it might be wise to flip it put it over here and stand

Or but it so you can activate it from both sides maybe can’t even put a button on the wall with a T flip-flop – yeah you could do that in fact that’s probably what I would do yeah well my initial thing is no one that’s there I’m

Not gonna walk into it no no I didn’t say hi to him when he logged in so I’m thinking about it I say I love you honey So can actually make the if I have enough string it can make the dispenser things you know 57 that’s probably enough I have charcoal boxes for other stuff I got forgot about you of your mom farm already yeah I actually I never finished the system there we left it a little bit

Unfinished and I never did finish it I went over there that day after and it would but and it was what there’s a lot of things I’m finished yeah we’re at it with the redstone I think we just got like tired or whatever I think so too

Well that’s fine for I’ll fix it up later it’s a nice more problem but it is very big but it looks cool I think your holes there a hole here I don’t know yeah this looks really cool when you look at it from standing like from the enchanting table the stair break looks

Really nice and you have the oak birch the hint of birch on the sides all sorts of things are trapped together on Vice lamps I’m not I don’t like this floor though because it feels like you’re walking on nothing I just like the depth of it what well things that are like yeah

Makes you feel like you’re walking on what nothing that’s fine it’s your base man you’re the one who’s supposed to like it so yeah so this is gonna be a place where you step in and things so I shot at you that you might need in case

You’ve died or whatever right so boots pants alight your helmet right and then yeah so those are going foods but they’re gonna be dispensed so they’re gonna end up on your person right if you want to wear them right and then you can also gonna get a sword yeah and a pickaxe and

A bow and a bow and you know this is nearly have to have actually don’t necessarily have to have dispensers for bows and arrows you have bows and swords of folks you need boots pants Elijah yeah that’s the only thing you need dispenser for in point of fact

Dispenser for a shield right yeah that way gets sprayed into your oh yeah and then the rest can be droppers yeah so then you have like you said the sword and bow pick in a bow I wrote but the other thing was we were dispensing like strength and swiftness yeah

What is maids rage main trades is a kind of modded field where we have we had a wind and we had a couple spells and and we had to use that in conjunction with normal tools to acquire certain blocks in the game it’s like a challenge or

Adventure map you might say yeah it’s a bit like a race for the world life or something like it was a bit too easy but yeah it was still it was a good it was good fun we more or less had good fun just playing around with the wands yeah

So we would dispense swiftness and strength yep and then you need a an arrow yeah and then we were gonna do I need some more droppers then we’re gonna do oh yeah 20 then we’re gonna do fire resistance potion let that drop out so basically you had a setup like this mm-hmm

I don’t remember what all the stuff was in yeah just yeah that’s something else I don’t yeah and then I believe they did that to offense it’s gonna actually use a wall yeah we don’t have to step into the first one here so the pressure plate is

Gonna be like here I guess now use a button just using a button okay now keep running back and forth knowing I need other things from in there but so the walls to make sure might need to go with a you want to be halfway basically all

Right okay so the wall is what the wall is there for why though okay because you have a dispenser in floor there and yeah and I probably will have to go with a Yeah with the fence right yeah it seems like I’ve done it with a wall but okay so okay well I’ll put the fence back I do need a TV a sticky piston and a cauldron and I compare you get that stuff sticky piston called gain comparator the capacitor cauldron

Comparator that’s easy enough to remember though you needed a repeater a piece of spring and a enchanting table man haha now you forgot what you’d actually needed right no you wish to bid okay yeah so you go in here you press the button and get all the things yeah that’s cool

Might as well grab a fence it man yeah oh no I lost my crafting bench where I’ll put it I don’t know there’s a bunch down here live oh no I don’t worry about it it’s just I always had one on me and I’m always losing it I mean I think I’ve

Gone through I mean stacks and stacks of wood just making cross adventures it’s ridiculous I’m such a slob ah you’re slob yeah I’m a crafting bench slob couldn’t yeah okay yeah I need to do something like that but I’ve only just gotten to a place where I can start

Working on my base really yeah so the red solar for this is actually super compact even though you’re gonna add to this a little bit so you’re gonna go underneath it but we’re gonna use a little bit like my automatic crafting station right probably with a couple

More pencils and or drops on the floor I’ve stacked my stuff three high instead and because there’s obviously the crafting greatest its size the Kristin cauldron underneath that’s all right called him Danny snow block underneath it right right it needs to be open except for actually this is gonna go up

By one I’m gonna think about it oh yeah yeah yeah the cauldron – you think oh yeah so then that comparatives is that book backfires that I was this one get fired by pretty bear that’s all right which one well this said the Spencer in

The floor yeah but the one in the floor how does that yep well it’s kind of tricky to be honest because it’s it yeah okay fire it and let me look at it hold on I’m putting blocks in all of them yeah so how many are there at nine

And one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 you should have 14 bucks when we were done so 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 yeah it’s double check there’s one and everyone it’s very possible that one of these sides doesn’t shoot at the bottom that was

Experiencing that before that’s the most like shouldn’t if there’s no reason for it except for just being buggy I had – yeah you did something with a server something now you know I moved the redstone line just down here from up there yeah but actually we could just I

Think no I don’t know if that would work go ahead and okay you want me to fire it what did you put in that cobble cobble I have no comment on me how maybe you have no I had cupcakes I didn’t see that that was amazing okay well let’s see that fired about

Fire hello can you please pronounce my name it’s for a video boom boom Both the bottom dispensers did not fire the bottom oh there’s no water in that the spit and a cauldron that’s one oh yeah that’s why but the rest of them did yes okay that’s good I’ll replace the couple can you like the video it’s it’s for a video

There there there there there there there none of that one and that one and then I need to do the roof and down below gonna throw my comb same aim right then you put water in the cake Cal Cobra I did let’s try together well they’re not good

We were there so this one bottom right it and they up set aside well at least that makes sense yeah it does make sense I got you forget this I think your comparator on gem from that yeah exactly another block I shared it that [ __ ] if this comparator should have fired that

Ones yeah well Wow yeah the best work you that let’s see here if that one fires up now they both fire now that’s super old man okay let’s try it again but that that was probably update they it’s a pain to fill these in but

I’ll fill them in again I may have done that on the other one to be honest So now you’re gonna go in and chant nine sets up here yes that’s a painful experience one and then you’re gonna have another dispensing machine or food I said I said your name anywhere listening so the Vaughan’s it’s wrong crying again now I got 14 that’s awesome man

That’s pretty nice though this is super compact in it yeah yes yeah and then you’ll have then they have another one over here on this side that’s bigger than enderpearls of that lot like this yeah Stupid song man you love me why cuz I said your name in the most ridiculous way possible thanks mate what mate – you’re gonna dispense here it’s rockets and food Rockets food into pearls the pearls could even new arrows technically yeah but you’re getting there right away

And there’s no excuse for us to know I’ve been affinity at that stage I don’t even have a bow well you can buy a box of cookies man that has infinity and mending on it lost though you’ll ever want to buy yeah I’m thinking about on this I’d never did

Work but I’m thinking like I’ve had these workbook maybe spent sixty four yeah each one of these is gonna do eight yeah gonna do a Burnout torch thing yeah yeah so you want to do that I wanted to do it so that it’s actually technically not connected to it right you’re like

What are you talking about yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking oh my gosh I was finally gonna lost it what I was thinking and now what do you mean explain yourself you’re gonna you’re gonna suffocate if you get out of that bed now is it not what did I keep me at

The feet hey you’re gonna have to try it luck let’s put some blocks here we sleep I’m not leaping it should just kick me out of the feet I Mean that takes I take some damage but they kick me out at the feet I may have to move it up a block or two honestly cuz we’re gonna put a facade on here anyways yeah okay so what I’m thinking is is a do a Burnout clock that is

Connect that’s inside of this wall yeah yeah and then you have wires to fire their things right yeah I know you know that’s fair enough but okay let’s stick this through though so you need eight dispensers to dispense a stack of something so you’re gonna dispense a

Stack of rockets and half a stack of food for instance and then sixteen sixteen pearls but you could do that right that would that you would have enough dispensers for that that’s what I’m saying yeah I would think so yeah exactly they’re for food eight four and rockets

That’s twelve and then two or walking so all you need to do is actually update this used to get a crafting table on you I know that’s not I’ll just run down here this one you know what you should have one in this room anyway to go and

Make one I’m putting somewhere in the floor or something I will but I want to see if I’ve got one I need to put some in the other room to my philosophy is if I made something you might as well find a use for them basically oh I agree I agree

Melon melon melon melon melon melon now I want to work on my bass now I need to drain it first though real water I don’t know particularly this right here is gonna work now it’s gotta be in front of the torch yeah I could activate it with

A button on this block if that’s annoying there’s annoying flapping um no no no no no no even better idea even better idea Sam put the crossbow an even better idea yeah what’s that what solarium the question though again T it’s not getting the bottom what It is now you need to repeat your record run Creek here right well no because they wouldn’t work the same okay so these the book that once you’re standing on here they’re not filing you know I say we’re doomed we’re gonna go home gonna go home there we go

Stepping off the right side I mean we got to do a thorough tests here anyways oh yeah very nice Yeah that fire so of course all right so let’s put aid in each one and see if we get your pain me yeah that’s the only way to test it I know I know I know a Kabul you put eight and everything I’m gonna stand around and look pretty okay okay

Basically don’t need to know the eight anyways as long as they’re empty when it’s done yeah this is correct but I will still give you a number of blocks that are gonna be show out if you want it is 112 we don’t even know if the tops shooting

Out at all do we the top should be fine all this weight that’s how it looks though so yeah well if the top isn’t tuning out you can just put redstone on top of those yeah it’s not a problem should be super easy all right

Then I go in there and catch it well crap you surprised vd is still up oh yeah yeah me too a little bit yeah you know why though I have a perfectly good reason okay all right so now got all sorts of dirt slime blocks ticks granite

That’s a bit old yeah because I put six granite more on the top did not dispense anything else did though so just put two redstone on top of those two things Awesome working a treat oh well you got to figure out how to make that work as well so that we’re gonna reach the note block yeah that’s right no well you don’t actually cuz you could press a button activate the note was mm-hmm are you saying that the waters gonna come back here

Yeah that’s what I would think yeah well yeah I mean ya know like that and then a button on there on the fact that they make it but I’ll try that yeah that works fine and that actually silence is the notebook as well little blocks silent because you put a block over top

Of it that’s that’s cool yeah what’s fine with it beans I’m fine with it being silent yeah I mean you can decide for yourself later of course which one you want but I like the idea the more blocks they gave us the easier redstone becomes if you really know what

You’re doing yeah let’s bring that bed out by one or two hey you have no clue what you’re talking about what Chris thinks bring it out by two so you’re gonna sleep up way out in the like yeah yeah yeah you do what you want with your bedding arrangements man

You don’t think that looks better than it sticking all the way out probably does but then I would move the crafting bench which I will now do good night ocean that ocean yeah I have a very good reason for being awake by the way just

So you know don’t worry okay my son has chickenpox but I’m gonna he got it they’ve got it tonight better be home tomorrow okay rip ocean in that but provides ample cover you’re on my naughty list stops panting cat warnings you know what we should do your little stone here friend you

Thought you can add in the box but it’s all making it a pathway the wood in yeah I mean it’s it’s an idea this is just basic design stuff you can it’s changeable for sure we’re stuck – hi yeah it must have been on that book right

Yeah what’d you do we owe you books a burnout I’m out of it now they won the right block I don’t sink must’ve been one block up Yeah here’s the problem be where that redstone needs to be that exposes it hold on you think I’m I can I can fix this alone that works now this wall overhears with the torches or where the furnaces are gonna be yeah I just assumed that you wanted to have a

Block in the furnace maybe or something like that this is gonna be quite nice what an uneven oh yeah it feels funny them and now I shouldn’t take any damn and smell no that’s right I don’t know it’s weird I seem to always always take damage when I only sleep yeah I don’t

Scale to figure out all right for the roof and they gonna do the T flip-flop toggle on the chant oh yeah right but I am going to go to bed I’m good my V I will do I thank you very much guys for watching my and I do

Something silly stuff with spells and then I guess suggestions for this roof before you leave imagine duplicate that roof and they’re just still like a vaulted door coke yeah yep there you go so anyway thank you guys and I’ll see you later I’m just gonna well you didn’t

Like the outdoor coke idea that’s alright I just because you have spruce out here dark oak be another material there’s not make sense is that spruce dark Oaks in the floor look

This video, titled ‘➤ MAGE RAGE 4 WITH IKE! ➤ Minecraft challenge’, was uploaded by Vidargavia on 2019-03-04 01:51:57. It has garnered 95 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:39 or 9879 seconds.

Live! with some MAGE RAGE 4, a new Minecraft Challenge/Adventure map from the MOB CAVE

About Vidargavia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vidargavia is a Minecraft Let’s Play build focused channel that strives to make functional builds beautiful!

Hello, my name is Vidargavia (pronounced ‘Vi-Da-Gavia’), and here on the channel I play Minecraft.

I focus on making beautiful but functional and efficient builds. So I might make an Iron Farm but hide it in a village, or a Gold Farm that looks like a pyramid.

And sometimes I just make things pretty without function, like an Oasis in the middle of the desert.

Links ~~~~~ Become a Vidargavia Patreon:

* https://www.patreon.com/vidargavia

Follow Vidargavia on Twitter:

* https://twitter.com/Vidargavia

Join the Vidargavia Discord:

* https://discord.gg/ppKUtWq

About Minecraft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minecraft is a sandbox survival game playable in singleplayer or multiplayer, made by Mojang AB. For more info, see www.mojang.com

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More

  • Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Pigman XP Farm in Minecraft! Exploring a Simple yet Efficient Gold Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. One such example is the creation of a simple yet highly effective gold farm. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating project. Gathering Materials The first step in building a gold farm is gathering the necessary materials. From basic resources like wood and stone to more specialized items like redstone and obsidian, every component plays a crucial role in the farm’s functionality. Construction Begins Once all the materials are in place, it’s time… Read More