UNLIMITED Chickens Glitch! Stoneblock 3 (Minecraft)

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome here along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream coming at you guys today we’re going to be doing a bunch of stone block arino then after that we might be joining fans like yourself over on Sky Block uh hanging

Out over there on our sponsor server um so that’ll be a lot of fun otherwise though we’re getting down to Brass taxs so at the end of last stone block that we play what we can’t us can’t Tex us on the ground we walk on

Jerome what is no I’m with them no I’m with them on that ste’s been watching too many Tik Tok accountants I guess um anyway let’s go ahead and let’s do this thing where we last left off guys um we needed something in order to progress called Blaze blood because that’s

Basically a hotter fuel source than is lava in in order to get that we found out the hard way was oh we got a trapped intern dangerous animal inside I mean Fair we found out the hard way that um going to fight the blazes in the nether

It had less than desirable results it was like kill like 20 of them and you get one head however we found out that Cappy can use his Blaze chickens and have them harvested through a series of machinery and events and things and so we can basically just have a bunch of

Blaze chickens permanently making us baz blood so we got that going uh otherwise we’re just kind of progressing along we got 100 players watching too which is always awesome and a pleasure to have you guys here so thank you for hanging out with that’s Luke don’t mind it okay I

Thought that was I genuinely thought that don’t mind him he’s trying to act like he’s uh you know tiger in the cage but we all know he’s just that little kitten all right guys I’m only going to say this I’m only going to say this once

My logs in the middle of my latex machines are off limits what logs and what’s a latex machine these this a latex machine that’s my L these are all three I don’t with that it all you mentioned you mentioned how we needed Blaze blood earlier but I don’t need

That right now what I need is uh yours so can you right click that oh yeah right up here just don’t do it don’t do it stand myself don’t do it yeah thank you wow it nice it it instead I upgraded it so it just takes one click and it’ll with one

Heart exactly not now there’s no you fixed it I was wrong cap only Stacks the 2,000 okay I made it just objectiv chest are better way better better all right I just have your soul dude what do you mean drum you have to give it to him

It’s true I do have to Sil what are you going to give what are you going to give me for that uh some quests completed in blood magic all right so that’s dear God dear God help us Steve what oh no he got K can we make kelp chickens I

Don’t know I don’t think it is a option but like maybe oh thank you for the heads up there Jacob hson and Willie start us off strong what’s up Willie $0 streaming below jome how are you and the Buddies doing today also I was wondering if you were planning on making a more

Centralized storage system so you don’t got to worry about scattered chests uh to answer your well answer your first question I’m doing great how the rest of the Buddies doing good I’m doing good chicken yeah yeah what did he said all righty good and then uh to answer

Your other question uh yes we are eventually so if you look down the quest line there’s uh one that eventually we’ll get to I’m kind of avoiding it because I don’t like it it makes my brain hurt but uh where is it it’s storage and then uh as you can see here

It’s all the me uh system stuff which is basically computer drive system for those out there who have never played mod packs before um you’re probably all decently familiar with it though if you’ve watched any other mod packs or played any other mod packs they they it sneaks its way into many many

Packs all right now where did I leave off we are going to be making an me system I mean eventually we have to it’s in the storage Dr tus stop going to burn yourself awesome I’m so happy to hear that if you dude if you want to get

Started I’m avoiding it because I don’t know how to do it so I’m just like you know doing everything else all right where do we want the room I’m thinking right behind this wall sure that works ignore the dying chicken sounds Luke is talking about a Jerry

Said you can also use the better mod refined storage I don’t know what that Steve be very careful mining along that wall my workshop is on the other side of it secondary Cobble gen tier 4 what no we’ve always had it no there’s two now Jerome I think he’s talking

About you know how there’s diamond and Crystal chests I think tror might be jumping in the Flor I I put mine right here the one that I progressed the entire line with Dr trius has had enough of us who else made one Breaking Point torus you don’t have

To do this drop my problem doesn’t have to trius is at a breaking point he’s going to jump into the come over here dropy he’s uh okay I’m com he’s unhinged dropsy not again get down stop it down what do you mean again down he keeps doing that

What oh my God I’m going to lose it immediately I’m going to trap you in a cobblestone hole oh my God immediately so I can’t master and Willie are saying refined storage is better so I don’t know that you know stop stop I can make a slime

Chicken so we can make a lead for that guy you no okay I’m going to get the work on dropsy dropsy go his callop it’s his call want have a glass no let him volcano oh hold on let me grab it from the it’s his call I just

Need one stay in there now thank you H there you go thank you said in exchange could you assist my blood magic uh drum didn’t say that my soul could be used for that yet yeah sorry monkey you haven’t given me a good offer all right well all right so in

Order to make the laser drill the part that I was mainly stuck on I had to make uh the dissolution chamber that’s right and in order to do that I needed where is it plastic and all the other stuff I have it’s plastic and plastic the problem

With that was dry Rubber and dry rubber is made from Tiny dry rubber um and that’s from a latex process okay so I’m on the latex Processing Unit that’s what I need to do understood uh and I actually can make these pretty easy so latex Processing Unit uh latex bucket

Water pity machine frame iron okay water and then I think I had the machine frame I need a whole block right four blocks my God okay uh cap what’s up I’m going to need a lot of chickens Dad I need your time magic to affect my chickens stat uh well you only

Got s minutes of time so you ain’t getting chicken magic well we need the chickens though you need I don’t care you don’t have enough chicken magic you don’t have enough time on it you’re not getting in until it’s got time why you said it has seven minutes on yeah 7

Minutes isn’t going to give you anything 7 minutes is a lot bro 7 minutes no for that it’s not going to give you it’s not going to give you enough for what you want cap wait is is that cap is is chicken time in metrics or what is it it’s in

Clu all right that’s one block that’s two oh wait I might be able to do it with one I might be able to do it with one hold on hold on no no no I mean the the task I had at hand I might have had just

Enough blazing blood to do it you need to be stopped but I will need a lot more in the future to be I can bring you what I have now but Ste really needs to get cracking on this time travel God can’t do anything faster it’s only

Better the whole point of time reality instead dead you’re not getting the whole time traveling here buddy honestly sounds like a you guys problem fellas got a cobble gen tier five go sacrifice sacrif please don’t that Tak so long please please aw work dropy so that gets us through in our

Getting started quests dropsy just got us through one of the hardest parts we we only have three more quests left for getting started guys yo do we have any obsidian another oh I got a storage controller okay what the heck Willie with a $50 stream tip said

Here’s some XP it’s 1,000 XP for everybody we can actually enchant some stuff finally also refined storage is pretty much the same as the me system but easier to start and easier to understand in my opinion if you have any questions about it I know quite a bit

Also we are top 10 on Sky Block let’s go go thank you Willie um and yeah I probably will have questions have a singular piece of Flint I have the world back here drop I one uh does anyone have everyone else picked it up dang it look into it then cuz Will’s really

Insistent on this uh refined storage I already I just deafened and was watching how to do it so I have a little bit of an understanding we need a power system though um coal or like a strong power system yeah this is for him all right cap I’m

Going to need slime God I’m working on that already okay cool sweet I got another one if you do clay with cactus green you have a chance of getting a slime chicken okay ande chicken already here that is awesome so you’ll have slime over here in just a

Second this is my latex Processing Unit I am now turning latex which just so happens to look like milk into rubber I don’t think that’s a good thing does anyone have an site Luke I think you need to you gotta find the blaze I got the blaze ones they were like here

Or something that mean I can use you it doesn’t even do that much yeah that’s right stud use time travel on the chickens I got the intern soul I just want to try and collect a lot of the buckets so that we have them future use

Um what was I going to do uh Jesus Christ luk fluid empty wait what else does a latex Processing Unit need hold on a second that’s a good question uh you need dry tiny dry rubber which comes from a latex Processing Unit water oh the easiest par all right

Cool take does anyone have andesite and does anyone have Z I have something Superior to water I have do you need zinc ingots so works here I gotad give this to Cy I don’t want there is actually I actually have a zinc chicken C that’s funny I have what I

Need now though I don’t know wanted me to give it to you life yum yum I’m going to this the thing I almost died getting that bucket of life now I actually have some enchant levels I’m going to go ahead and go use these should we try and make a watch of flowing

Time um maybe I haven’t looked at the recipe because let me see it apparently takes a dark matter block a glow stone and an obsidian it’s a sequence though I don’t know what any of it is but it looks like we have to compress it down

Into a watch I think so and it’s a you put it on your belt slot as a as a bobble now quick question should I get looting three on a sword yes okay probably yeah that’d be pretty good that would be like a real good enchantment for uh killing where’s the crafting

Wheel there it is oh no check how it works I slipped I need to more level three on that chest plate d I need to wait CU I’m not missing out on Pro three on that chest plate no way again yeah oh were you listening to Dr

Trayus yeah don’t don’t talk to that guy guy that guy’s got massive issues first of all I’m working on diamond chickens now guys nice big cap so dude well all you had to do was give me like a chicken objective and suddenly I’m like Mr brains over here mind if I

Come steal some of your EMC by the way dude please thank you very muching on smar stuff too dude I’m about to make the latex machine so we’ll be able to actually have plastic nice which might not sound important but that it gives us access to a lot of

Machinery I’ve been trying to hey Jack cell thanks for the $50 stream to said here’s your XP thank you let’s go back to making this God set now thank you yeah I’ve been using it I got the Looting three on the sword which is epic

I’m about to get Pro three on a chest plate which is like amazing I’m actually going to have some good armor for once in my measly life Yes Monkey by all means all of thec I appreciate it probably won Pro for gold oh sorry Captain you

Weren’t talking when I was I need to get two more levels and I’ll have Pro four and a helmet too my armor do you need some of the other EMC stuff dropsy all right I think that should I don’t think so like the axle Cog Wheels no Okay and thank you again by the way with our captain the live stream will at $80 in stream tips and now with Jack we have passed over 100 stream tips thank you so much everyone for the love and support you guys keep this channel alive you

Keep us going without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day so thank you for the bottom of my heart for being so amazing let’s keep having some fun guys love it and love you all ah valid points now and again

You should be able to uh link that crushing wheel into my uh spinning wheels over here yeah I got to do it at least once oh some of these latex buckets are almost done already I think the problem is a lot of them need more Coal Power them oh someone did something

Someone did something smart DRS he was crushing a a quest got cheesed a little bit but that’s fine the entirety of getting started is done now wait oh SI really yeah so you guys should have gotten a backpack wow dang it there we go all right GG guys chat can we get

Some ggs I think we made it more in this than most people were expecting us to we finished getting started um yeah we’ve also done a good amount of exploration visit a spawner dungeon visit an end there’s still some okay there’s a lot of exploration stuff but yeah we can all

Split up and whatever uh there’s still more storage to be done I need help with the create mod I’m working on finishing up passive resources as weird as it sounds what I’m doing with the latex stuff leads us to the end result of finishing what Cappy did with the chickens they have nothing

To do with each other they just happen to both be categorized as passive resources so me and cap are trying to take care of that tab together can anybody help me with the create mod what do you need not really I’m Sol blood magic I’m just being honest I’m not

There that’s the thing I cannot progress with storage until that what do you need out of create mod though Precision mechanism um how do I make prision mechanism magician okay but like the only things I’m seeing is like Precision Sawmill prec scope Precision Precision mechanism yeah

Okay so what we’re going to have to do oh do the logs eventually run out is that what’s happening here probably okay I think that’s another way to do there’s a bottom log going right now I think that’s the issue we need to make a Depot Steve sorry for blaming you

All earlier okay help me collect all the stuff that ended up on the floor over there see apparently it wasn’t you guys and I’m just the butt yeah I me we know that but right dead we know that but I appreciate the apology anyways yeah I

Don’t know about the rest of them but I do you actually sound genuine for once said that took me a second for one okay for the amount of times you says sorry to us on a daily basis mon dud is it because it’s the holidays this guy is half Canadian now he said

Sorry is the season to be Sorry okay Steve I’m going to help you with create Precision mechanisms are are the product of sending items down a line using the items it lists yeah like dep just said so like yeah but I just don’t know the the what the heck is the the thing that’s crushing it or whatever it

And that’s the deployer so just do act create and you’ll see it near the bottom there on the first page I look out a creeper oh no a Jerry so to make the brass hand we just need brass sheets and I have an engine hammer for that just so

You know I did slip in there and there may be a little blood in there there is it’s okay yeah oh my god oh so you donate her blood I see how it it was UN accident I see this might help you Willie said I suggest using thermal

Dynamos for power you can use Cobblestone gens and crucibles to make infinite lava to fuel them I suggest using a lot of them that’s a lot of words I need something that gives like really good saturation polish good for that have you talked to Joe recently I haven’t talked to J he might

Have some iron okay Steve I’m about to have the deployer made the screams of a thousand dying chickens ring about it yeah don’t worry about it that’s what they all say right when you should worry about it the most hello monk I’m here to talk to you I’m curious

If I was to kick Luke would Joe magically disapp what are the odds of that what are the odds of that we found Joe and then we kicked him what are the odds that that Joe left as soon as the intern left isn’t that weird guys he says his instant

Crash no way he’s saying that he’s saying that inst wait why did oh God Roblox just booted coincidence why did Roblox Bo because I was clicking through tabs on chroman re the link yeah yeah okay it was like oh hey let me reopen that for you all right righty are we just putting

It into Cobble yeah just Cobble will be fine we just need the flat area okay get are you guys working on that uh create stuff yeah if you want you’re welcome to help so Willie told me what we needed for the watch apparently we need the create mod

As well for that the create does a lot in here yeah yeah I’m totally down to figure it out create mod yeah that’s un I don’t know enough about it gives me a headache I love it so far okay uh there we go coal generators powering the dissolution

Chain there’s a loot be over here where is he how did I get a potion jar I’m going to go put down do we have like a lava area I can toss things down there get over here I killed the loopy away from you all right killing the loopy gave us

Some good stuff guys what’d she get what did it give us a battery starter um an egg basic pipe upgrades she a lot of stuff that has EMC value to be honest nice okay interesting a Depot is just anite casing crafted okay did you need andesite no I’ve got

Andesite thank you though yeah no problem thanks for the help okay so Diamond so I think we can just put the item in the hand we don’t need multiple different of these Depot I think we can just do this and then uh why don’t you place this in a

Way that uh makes it Point down towards that got uh how many blocks up do do you think it needs to be uh think like this not I think that’ll do I think that’s good okay time gear Che red I don’t think that one worked out in my

Favor okay so now machine frame so that needs a good amount of stuff I’ve got two plastic wait a minute how did it manage Diamond pinkc it placed it like upside down uh does anyone have any ore that uh isn’t smelted iron ore oh far out can I just go far out for

That oh can I have gold nice it needs to be I have raw zinc nope needs to be Iron I put all the iron I had into the blast furnace and we just put a on it I can just hand crank crafted iron but no raw okay I’m

Looking at this so first the Cog wheel no no no pull it back up uh pull what back up maybe I did that jeez oh also I have a mending book if anyone wants to use it I don’t need it I bble that’s essentially free man and

Thank you again to Willie for being our captain the live stream with the $80 stream tip thank you Willie you’re awesome buddy sir item to set oh okay so no that’s just a filter I can do dropy huh come here um so I think I just need to do like this and then

Just crank it and it should just do what I needed to do right I’m going to need in this rual real quick um yeah it’s set to punch right now I don’t like what I’m here for uh it’s going to be fine is that what I

Needed to do is just as soon as this hits a certain threshold I need you to right cck that so I’ll let you know when dang okay that works all right thank you see it’s really not that bad so what I’m I’m trying to make the disc drive

The and you need the Precision mechanism to make it yeah but the Precision mechanism I think is just the process go so okay then tell me what you’re trying to do is make a drive disc drive and for that you need the advanced processor if you did Bania I have so

Many raw advanced processor I think we’re going to eventually right uh eventually yeah okay you want it that’s what I’ll do I’m not doing much that the processor is in drop if you’re starting that here take that I got that from a random drop earlier do you still need these chickens

To be buffed or machine oh yeah blazing blazing blood is still needed for a lot of like smelting stuff in Tinkers because anything that’s past like iron and stuff and ability needs a higher temperature and that’s what blazing blood is for like I needed blazing blood to be able to actually melt down

Diamonds to make that higher I need to figure out all right I’ll just hang out here then with the chickens oh Cosmos made a good point uh thanks to Will’s latest $5 stream tip he actually at 105 in stream tips Willie is leading the charge today in a major way this FYI

You’re going to need a mob Slaughter Factory and a mob farm to get the pink slime for the casing um this might help you out Willie wanted you to know Steve you’re going to need a mob Slaughter Factory and a mob farm to get the pink

Slime for the case oh that might be in reference to what I’m doing actually hold on is that what that weird pink fluid is in the middle cuz I’m going to scream I’m yeah it is it is I’m going to cry you give me it I want to see something

Gold see I don’t I’m going to start right click on that a lot or a couple times where’s that don’t die from it obviously but oh God chill like chill thanks Luke big help Bud any PR wait I need torches I like how we’re all like kind

Of off on our own trying to do smart people things I know right difficult smart people things are tough does anyone have just straight up nether brick I no I have red Nether Bricks I haven’t oh I have nether brick like the single brick you know what that would actually

Probably works what you do did you just funny I don’t know I don’t know how I got the one one no I think we need to do diamond there’s probably a random you put that in seems like all right okay so see the bottom square of it you just right click the bottom

Square with the item okay um let me see what second on this says then do the silicone anybody have any uh fun holiday pleas stay at home Ambush Santa okay no you’re done remove he’s got he’s got I’m a but if you need a hand oh my God you’re

Welcome you’re welcome to any you think Santa can throw hands I bet he’s been absolutely did you guys he around for how long hold on let me let me check the rating on the movie before I discuss it oh God uh uh I’ve got six diamond chickens by the way now and

Are never mind there’s a there’s a movie I’m going to link that it doesn’t have the best ratings but I thought it was like a great Santa like parody movie who did a what now it’s staring uh uh D what I think it is oh yeah it’s

Good dude I like it a lot thank you to go to another dimension thank you cap you’re the best there you go um nice okay so then what I need at this point is there a way to well first of all can I get rid of

The maybe is there a way to just dump out whatever liquid’s in there or do I got to I think you got talk to dropsy you know there’s a way to dump there there’s like 750 mil buckets of latex so I can’t take a bucket to it but I just

Want it gone I don’t care about getting it back I just Oh I thought you were talking about typically if you destroy the block it it resets itself oh oh that’s the way I’ve done it in Tinkers if I just needed to get rid of something and then you put it back

Typically it’s gone yeah that worked but now I got to replace all okay it’s annoying but like that’s the best way to do it all right so that’s all ready to go so now it really is just about pink slime like Willie said I need to do some

Kind of mob spawner thingy it’s a mob Masher that specifically uh has like a liquid collector at the bottom I think I’m going to need a bigger area why do you say that cuz I need to summon I need to make a ritual and go into a demon realm and then find some

Fruit this guy I wish I was joking safe yeah no not at all are we sure this is workplace safe monk no again what part of this sounds workpl save I’m traveling to a demon realm instead this guy watches too much anime yeah I’m reading a book where’s the isekai

Van Jesus step typically a truck if anything kind of like a produce truck okay so I’ve got diamond chickens already my chickens are flourishing really yeah like impressive all righty um well dropsy if you ever have time to explain to your old pal Jerry about how

Wait actually be able to skirt this cuz I can just take my simple machine frame and do the laser drill with that I don’t know if you need both uh hold on which one is it two plastic diamond I might be able to skirt past this and just completely avoid this

Shove it under the rug like the rest of my life problems okay there we go so we got Diamond gear now we need two no that’s always a good idea um good and then Diamond chicken screen makes an emerald villager and then red stone all right now we’re talking or so a laser

Drill I built the laser drill wait test complete hold on no it is making me make the base so that is only one part of it um okay well at least halfway there I’ll get the other part of this ready to go in a second this will be

Something four hey we got 700 people watching let’s go guys I keep saying it it’s nuts to me this now makes I want to say like the third or fourth week in a row where the stone block segment has like some of the best viewership or the

Best viewership of the week I I don’t get it but you guys clearly ah I made a mistake all right dropy way to interrupt jome I’m sorry we need to hold elections for interrupt a buddy again God anyway moral story uh it’s just crazy I guess you guys really want us to

Probably do more like mod packed stuff in the future which is pretty cool it’s a different take on the Buddies I feel like we don’t really get to people don’t get to see that side of us often you know the side of us where we pretend to

Be smir well some of us are SM uh what did Willie say that the the generator I needed was Dr room do you remember uh ther weeve breaking the illusionator does that sound correct Steve a thermal pneumatic Bator ter no okay here he he sent it to me

We’re good the thermal pneumatic Fator was that close uh thermal Dynamo you were actually pretty close Jerry yes good job Dr here I got this you can have it I don’t know what it does but I feel like you might enjoy that thank you it is called entangled block can be bound

To blocks in the same Dimension up to 100 well it’s got EMC I’m going to put that away for now um thank you Ste yeah I honestly thought it was a purple chance Cube I’m sure one day this will come back to bite me in the butt somehow so thank you

Yep uh does anyone have a nickel Ingot I have a nickel chicken you oh that’ll be perfect yeah this guy’s got the chicken for everything or actually I just skipped that completely uh we don’t have silver yet right chicken so I might have some of my alchemical bag let’s go no it’s okay

Yeah I got I got raw silver it’s it’s okay I could I’ve made a lot of plastic today by the way so we’re going we’re there’s a silver chicken I just haven’t made that one yet thank you again to our captain live stream Willie with about $15 or no $110

In stream tips now thank you Willie for being awesome and for supporting the channel without fans like you we couldn’t do we do each and every day that love and support is greatly appreciated and keeps this channel alive so thank you friend all right what are we doing here

Um let’s see laser drill okay I think I would probably cry if anyone ever deleted our transmutation table it would suck horribly why you still talking about it guys go they can walk guys what if I just straight up make who wants a potato cannon what who wants a potato cannon he

All good thank you but did you make a potato cannon yeah I would have to retool some things or maybe expand my crafting area but I can totally make a potato cannon oh my gosh but that’s no big deal anybody have lava bucket uh yeah I think so could I snag

Yes well I’ll have you know Steve that there’s a lava chicken and they lay lava eggs and is that are you serious right now yes he has like a million eggs that act as a bucket of lava thank you tan Tegan with a 25b stream tip said steak

Bomb on Jerry thank you we need the EMC it actually helps us out tremendously like the that’s pretty much how I got in all my EMC it gives me Millions so I’m actually able to like do what I want to do so thank you uh they said also hello

Jerome and buddies how is everyone I’m doing great what about you guys doing good doing good Happ to go to demon Realms and whatnot and you know how it is mon that’s kind of freaky also is that like a quest line for doing your stuff yep all right well he literally

Has to some yeah hey don’t get me wrong I’ve never done this before and it’s exceptionally difficult but I’m getting there a creepy yeah you’re I’m choosing not to focus on that part cuz one way or another it’s got to happen most creepy things choose not to focus on on the cre

Creepy aspect so I’d rather not think about it C but how could you possibly let’s spend some time and think about it guys thank you st smooth brain thoughts roll off like waterf Bruce Lee says Be Like Water water can flow or water can crash you pour good thing I form of

Cup wow you pour water in the toilet B I don’t want to hear any Wows from people that self-proclaim that they don’t like to read I don’t want to hear anything but I’m reading the sanguin sanguin sign TM what are you saying are you all right I’m saying words and they’re think blood

Magic just go back to not reading have you considered retiring to farm chickens yes but we need this quest line and I want to be done with it I don’t know what I’m going to do once I get all the chickens probably just like all right I have everything prepped literally everything prepped

Except for whatever the how getting the pink slime stuff so dropsy I’ve avoided my fate for long enough I’m ready to be educated okay you’re going to have to give me one second I put off my again it say life imitates art and here he is again which machine

Are you making again right now um I’m uh my end goal is the ore laser base I’m trying to make the advanced machine frame for I have everything else I just need an advanced machine frame uh and I have everything I just need 500 M buckets yeah 500 mil buckets of pink

Slime is my goal I don’t know how to do that I though I need 500 mli buckets of pink slime Also if anyone needs like Plastics when the time comes I’ve actually I’ve got I’ve been making a good amount of like extra so you know that’s kind of

Just how my life’s been going so I’m working on that potato cannon now like how we’re all Tak care of important things a lot I have my priorities straight Jerome all right Jerome what we need is is a mob Slaughter Factory oh no he should have all of the stuff to

Make this he should yes but does he I don’t know that is the big question he should because he has already made everything up to that point mob Slaughter Factory easy peasy yeah okay I need copper no copper chicken yet but fortunately that’s em seeable oh Tegan good call let me throw

That in there I’m sorry I normally do have that in there um um open pack up there we go all right Party Time bam fluid pipes all right okay so now I need to make that Precision okay I need gold okay you said it was called a mob Slaughter device mob Slaughter factory

Factory okay I seize that all right easy enough turn that into into that this is something that you’re going to have to have connected to some type of energy source um actually I’m going to start making an area hey dropy would you like me to move some chickens over for

You no you’re fine oh there’s a creeper we need to get this area lit up again instead hey ke you got lava eggs right oh so many lavva eggs oh let’s go I need those I need to borrow some of those so many lava eggs Che underneath the lava

Chicken that’s not the lava chicken monkey how could you make that mistake we should really label look at look at these chickens and tell me which one you think the Lava chicken is probably yeah that’s I thought I was I thought I was closer earlier was not

Dare man opens up the clay chickens like got present I was checking all the chickens got actually I’m going to take more yeah it’s a slime sling thank you can I melt the Slime sling into pink slime maybe I don’t know it’s dead you want to see yeah you

Want to see how to make like a Whatchamacallit okay just for E sake uh connect it to this one that you already have out here but have it face this way uh I mean I’ll just give it its own power source cuz that thing’s running through I mean it’s going to need its

Own like mini area if you want you can just take over the this hallway it’ll be it’ll be good enough okay just keep going in straight yeah yeah that’s what I kind of say that or this yeah it just needs an area for the mobs to be cuz

It’s like a radius thing incomplete oh yeah I just need to add more if it needs then we can just do it back there right uh areas one by 3 by one in front of the machine so that makes it three ahead of it so five like literally this

Distance is how far it goes without range add-ons okay what are you doing over here making a potato can put it down right here oh nice once you’re done I need to borrow again this face how dare hold on I’m just going all right okay so okay so the mobs will be

Here that’s fine all Willie with a$ said I believe flux that works in this which is amazing for wireless power transfer if we need that’s actually good to know that could be something we work towards then all right Jerome do remember when we had to use tubes and stuff I don’t

Like the sound of this oh no cuz oh wait no hold on we might we might be able to do it in the machine hold on we we’ll try before we get into science stuff I just want to quickly I want to thank Tegan for a 45b stream tip

For a pack of Pokemon cards they said nice I’m not blind still no hardly anything about Pokemon but let’s see what happens and Mr 56 Panda thank you for a $20 stream tip and it’s their first one as well so welcome Mr Panda Mr 56 Panda sorry I won’t ask happen the

Other 55 pandas don’t worry I’m going to ask what you need to know what did you do but thank you again Tegan tan gave us some good luck yesterday when we uh opened some packs of cards uh we actually got an ex from one of them uh

So shout out to you T just Mr Cappy what’s up are there other chickens you’d be willing to sacrifice like just for like pure Canon f I mean I’ve got like there’s a bunch of just like ones that are just uh oh Cannon fod just left in there

From like breeders I never used so if you want to like clean those out go ahead we need a lot reverse Hol like so like you got these over here like just don’t choose any of the special ones like uh and then thil can I choose the colors h

Yeah the colors are a safe I didn’t realize that they had a holographic star theevil in this pack nice I like theevil that’s that’s interesting I had no idea that they had one of those in here I’m so sorry cactus green chicken but you are not going to like here your

Life for a little while and hey we got 770 people watching let’s go woo thank you again Willie for being our Capal live stream at $115 t close second to being Captain let’s do it fence post dropy I’m ready for education I just need one give me a sec I say there might

Not have to be too much we got to do oh thank thank God it’s just going to take a while there you go thanks dead I think I’m ready to do it do it D okay so we do first we do this and this and this five please and then

We put this here oh I whoops and then we do this this and this it’s working stead come it’s working it’s working what’s it doing it’s crafting what’s it making cap the cannon the potato cannon is it yeah it is like watch once it gets c in there it’ll just

It’s working drops you have 80 mli buckets of pink slime but you also have liquid meat yeah yeah you can eat that if you want cap this might be how we have to make the all right watch it’s just you saw how that was only uh 80 mil buckets yeah come

Here buddy that’s cool and then it’ll move over to the chest oh that’s real nice oh what’s this what are you doing you have to keep spawning these chickens until you get a bucket my face but they don’t deserve this I know but that’s literally uh the best thing we

Can do wait how do the how do because all mobs give like the same amount oh God don’t to many they’re going to they’re going to escape they’re escaping hold on I got to get don’t worry I’ll take them out oh my God oh my God why you code I mean code

Green there we go code chimpin don’t you take a step out chicken yes you want to see something Fancy no it doesn’t involve anyone sacrificing blood or anything else it’s you can still spawn standing over it but uh yeah you’re going to have to keep spawning chickens until so no we

Have enough for a bucket how do I get it out of here though pink slime you need a bucket so you put the bucket in you select let me make sure the hold on oh wait oh that’s cool so it’s that type of yeah we’ve already got enough

For it so that’s pretty sick yeah that’s what I’m trying to remember cuz like there’s a way but you got to okay St if we can get uh six things of Dark Matter then I can probably make make the watch a flowing time uh how do we get dark matter it DRS

Uhhuh okay oh this yeah look behind you okay what are you doing we you Mak St we could actually what oh we need another star light we we can go kill SC the light I literally just made a light we need Soul Sand and I have Soul Sand oh Mr 56 Panda just

Gave the other half of the $25 stream said they want a sck bomb on Cappy cap make sure you save that EMC bud I got it okay go to skull I’ll meet you no I got three but why I just bucket it out of here

Yeah we’ll go to the end of the nether area or something yeah give me that steak so the reason why we need tanks is uh because there’s two separate outputs it can’t just be like collected automatically because there’s liquid meat and pink slime but they can be

Directly connected to it we just have to pick the directional output for it so are you looking at it right now I’m looking at the mob Slaughter device yeah okay so click on pink slime you see the directional yeah so we can to go to the

Right we just put a tank yeah so we put a tank and we’ll just disable the liquid meat so for the sake I’m going to disable the uh right side of it completely and then we’re going to have pink slime push into a tank that you can

Then extra should be able to extract buckets from okay what kind of tank are we talking the that’s the one I have to double check okay well that gives us a second cuz tan with a 66 lb stream tip said sorry Luke can you go after just monkey yeah well you know why

No I don’t but Luke has risen and we got 800 people now watching let’s go hey Jerry no you you don’t want to kill the Wither with me cap okay wait we’re killing a Wither hold on a second yeah kill the yeah we can get the watch

Of flowing time figure out I’ll figure out a tank Dr come out through the back back where’s the back where the chance Cube was before everything got you got you got you got you got you come this way also Tans are CA to the live stream now

With 140ish pounds of stream tips thank you so much Tegan that’s like 170 us or so thank you Tegan you’re awesome oh my God M killed the inter I’m so sorry what happened nothing much IR the start coming in with super strong stuff from now on I didn’t do

Anything I didn’t Luke just lost Luke he just got like let this happen Luke I didn’t think You’ die so fast I’m so confused Luke usually gives himself super overpowered stuff that gets us angry LOL did you finally give up I think he gave up oh wait oh this tank might

Work just okay it’s dead just didn’t happen yeah me and Jerry are almost there you want to make a hole or something yeah oh big okay um and then if I get you too so we can just Spam it and crush it yeah Jerry’s probably got to

Sharp something on his I actually don’t I have looting three instead I jome I have a pink slime bucket whenever you’re ready thank you oh my God no light do you want if you have a chance you want to put it a bucket of it in the dissolution chamber

For me uh that’d be awesome uh do the what what what if you want to put a bucket of the pink slime in the dissolution chamber that would be awesome if you where do you have that oh here yeah it’s one of those uh three on

Me nice so just for one everybody back up oh wait oh it’s crafting never mind yeah yeah I I set everything up I just needed the P go first you have the armor yeah I have that red met armor so I’m go B go oh my God that’s right

Because you got that stream tip armor and sword you’re ridiculous C you’re absurd what you going to do with Bo get the last I got Lo three no way that works hope it did it work did anyone get any one I only got one I mean it’s fine we have EMC for

Ever we have infinite EMC so it’s and we only need one of those this company is chicken powered yeah honestly if you get those diamond chickens producing fast enough cap we could just infinitely Farm off of diamonds we have diamond chickens in the uh smel

Tre oh do you want me to breed some then too no I I just think that’s funny oh do you get like a bucket of diamond chicken I think drops you just like oh okay like liquid Diamond all right I’m coming on home dude I can’t believe we have 835 people we I hit 1K people watching on this that’s so sick that is awesome dude people love the mod packs apparently oh no C’s got the gun get your out of here why AR why aren’t you taking any damage

From this potato gun why aren’t you better at the game now yeah yeah that’s right you suck that’s mean God get potatoed dude there are so many mobs nearby the chickens get potato absolutely clanned uh do we have either leather or an enchant table Yeah we have an enchant table what

Do you mean there’s an enchant table right I have leather like in myc table right in Luke so area oh you literally Enchanted your stuff last episode monk no I found the stuff there’s plenty of left over there’s 15 buckets of pink slime right now if you

Ever need more you’re lucky and you just right click the bucket on it it’s not compated so now we have a for liquid meat and pink slime all right all right I am going to go back to Bania what happens if you’re welcome you’ve saved the day see what

Happens if you use your time Magic on the diamond chickens over here see that that that science wasn’t so bad right that was horrible okay um advanc machine okay good A Diamond Knife oh he’s pooping out diamonds faster what do you have huh I can start doing that then cap I’ll

Start splitting it between the blazes and the Diamonds these things okay so we need to get the philosopher stone right so I need a block of emerald a block of diamond two plastic now what I need is that iron ore I can’t remember cuz I’m dumb iron ore just spawns far

Out right if I just keep going out there I’ve got Emerald chickens now dead oh it does yeah but do you need iron or specific Al cuz from one of my drops I have 32 on me right now yeah yeah I need unmelted need glow stone oh yeah yeah

Yeah I’m putting it in that cryst chest do you have no way boy thank you I I I’m being so serious I was like well well I guess I’ll hold on to it for now I don’t need to smell that’s the last piece of the puzzle we now have the ore laser

Base and this and I think that finishes up my quest and yeah I think you just need Redstone let’s go all that for two items I’m probably never going to actually Use I’ll put I’ll put it down just because I spent too much time working on this but I uh I don’t know if I’m ever actually going to realistically need these let’s see though I could be wrong right I mean why would they do this what the 1K

Storage part has an EMC value the 4K storage part I got theal for that’d be too easy Steve I noticed uh does anybody want a philosopher stone since I can even see it please yes please yeah I think it’d be safe for all of us to have it says no

Target found or laser b okay so I put probably okay I’m just going to drop them on the floor over here top of the base is that right oh like that go yeah thank you my good man facing it maybe here’s a philosopher stone Jerry here’s a philosopher stone

For you yeah I don’t know how to get this working thank you cap you took it back I think but thank you oh did I um yeah I don’t know how to work this Colin said it’s like the Gold Rush ones I know it is but those are already set if that

Makes sense on the ground they already have their Target location yes so we just kind of put it on top Dr the hole needs to face the drill how do you get that to happen Okay I just do like I’ll give you Dark Matter here in a second cap nice

Getting the I have dark matter if you need it hammers as a random item drop was uh what happened because me me and C spent the entire time talking one instead I’ve been spending the how I’ve been clearing out rooms so fast blood magic and you a’t helping me

There I like quid pro quo stead quid pro quo I like I told you my soul can’t be used for that you have to talk to your drum Dr doesn’t listen I like chickens yeah I’m scared me too you should be matter I like chickens does that work like that what

Else do we need cap uh okay so watch up time dude I’m not going to lie I just straight up don’t even care about these drills I’m just I’m just putting them away bam okay I don’t understand it I’m frustrated by it I need we can come back to them when they’re

Older there so I got the block of it does anybody have obsidian oh $30 tip said Floppy Fish bom on monkey as Luke seems to need to get good at the game yeah dude Luke what was that showing against monk earlier what was that so genuinely unhelpful right now oh my God

Oh my hey mon hey monk how you dude dud I I need to be here so I can keep this thing going cuz I’m trying to uh no the fish not at all why would they not help because unless I kill them then they’re pointless they’re just dying for

Nothing they’re just pushing me away from the actual ritual that I’m doing right now hey Jerry uh do you have obsidian my dude oh I might have obsidian hold on uh yes I do would you like okay cool yes I need one obsidian we’re about to make

A watch of flowing time oh can I have the base someone get a chance yes you can a philosopher oh hey cap what’s up cap if I can borrow if I can get one of you over near me with your watch flowing time like you can use that for whatever

You want what is that the whole grenade but uh does anybody want to see how the crafting of the water flowing time works yeah sure take them as long as oh my God what what what what I got a random item drop and it has one quadrillion EMC what what

Is it what item is it the Colossal Stars y oh that’s for storing EMC and like power flowers well I have one you have bro oh my God bro so unol I’m I’m GNA craft it anyway I’m GNA craft It Anyway God I’m furious the watch of flowing time

Bro what bro random item drop from one of the other quests to you guys finish gave me a watch God waste kid you work so hard and someone just gets a random grab bag ridiculous so stupid I’m sorry I get one of those my EMC table

It’s not EMC I don’t think I can try but no you can’t EMC I’m going I’m going to make another we’re going need more than start claiming all my quest that I haven’t claimed apparently if anybody wants to see the prop crafting this is hilarious oh my gosh feel so bad

Oh wait I got a Sig a Sigil of magnetism this is for you Monk oh yeah I got one of those too oh well here take this extra one thanks strapy this is all that work my God had to kill wither and everything it’s really funny to be fair

That’s probably quest to kill the Wither at some point yeah I was going to say for whatever it’s worth I think it was from a quest that you guys unlocked wall on this process yeah oh another red laser lens oh God funny enough unless uh someone just

Did a storage Quest I think we just randomly got one of those quests done from the rewards so like claiming these rewards gives us other quests I have been working on the storage stuff for a very long time now uh it’s difficult it ain’t easy you put me on a hard task jro

Yes but it’s okay Steve it’ll all be worth it one day you will be a smarter man because of it it will be worth it I need charge the watch of flowing time H oh you need the pedestal for it yeah to what is is all this oh my gosh

Yeah I’m with you I got so much garbage any non seeable stuff I just put in that chest there which seems to be a lot from these quests there we go extra little sigils as well if that helps anyone with stuff I don’t know yeah Steve I see you getting quests over there

Oh my goodness I’m getting ready to make the 16k storage unit wow in complete watch God you got to do this seven times thank you Carlos good suggestion and the instead of claiming each Quest you can just hit in the top right on that page there’s a yellow that’s what I do every

Time yeah I don’t know what quest I’m claiming I’m just claiming a loot yes we also need the like a dark matter pedestal too though I am working on that right now actually the wait we got plenty of EMC over here you could just for it yeah yeah I’m working on making

That making up to that right now wait didn’t drop to get a quadrillion EMC couldn’t we ask her for some she did is which is why I I don’t I don’t want to use it bro I need you to use it bro all right budding resources just said a

Quadrillion EMC yeah I won’t give her it though but then I won get the flower back she probably can’t put it in the EMC table because it does have a cap keep that in mind I can try but I don’t know if it’ll work does anyone have an Shard I have

Some what is the this Quest might actually be vastly easier than I was exp uh anyone have glowstone um one right there on the floor for you break it down thank you than thank you yeah all right I made I made a dark matter pedestal okay how much EMC is that uh 4,

600,000 dang all right you can EMC it I got to grab more EMC from your chicken farm cool diamond I don’t know what this Quest does but I’m about to finish up the last of the passive stuff I’m making a chapter completed nice you want to see if maybe I can

Supercharge these diamond chickens yeah that’s what I wasy I randomly just got to watch a flowing time as a r I hate you go you’re banished you’re banished get out of here and dropy I got the thing you got though my God see how much EMC did you

Get cuz I got we got to show jome we got to show jome uh mine hold on I got to open up my chemical bag pulling quadrillion 649 Bill 267 m441 664 we have to read out the whole number every line was just inreasing the [Laughter] Dr now watch

Watch look at the look at the diamond oh my Gody who got XP Jelly Baby E oh the jelly babies you don’t remember those guys can’t do oh I got a chiseled block thank you again by the way Tegan you’re our captain the live stream with a little

Over 150 lbs of stream tips today thank you tan fans like you keep this channel alive keep keep us going so without you we couldn’t do what we do thank you for the bottom of my heart for being so awesome appreciate you tan cake look at

This oh yeah Luke had one of those when I killed him oh so I still off Luke cool I need a new purpose in life now that passive resources is done I can work on Mob grinding utilities go for it completely ethical make nutritious chicken food how did ibe this doesn’t work the

Way I that might speed everything up how do you get uh fluid XP where’s my watch of flowing time out there I don’t know how to get fluid XP no I think isn’t that just the drain I think there was where there was like a drain thing that used to be a

Thing that you would just hover over it and it drain grinder with a tap or something Al yeah I think it was a tap you got the XP drain Singularity tank actually you know what Jerome if you’re not busy right now I could genuinely use your help and

Speeding up this process sure yeah I I need a new function I finished the chapter that I was working on so like I don’t have I’m not doing anything yeah this takes pretty much forever when I’m trying to do this solo yeah pull me to work Buddy I’m looking

For a new task like I I that’s why I just ESS I was about to make chicken feed I was going to be stepping in Cappy’s toes but I see I wouldn’t have minded uh right now what we’re going to need is essentially just stand we need

To try to keep this as full as we possibly can you just need me to stab myself there you go it’s full uh more or less yeah no but we need uh oh hold on does anyone have netherite scrap yes I do actually okay okay I need

That can I not take this oh my gosh what are you looking for uh we need to I’m trying to get the stupid watch off again there we go all right need to set it to fast forward and then B and then so this is ideally going to drain really fast

But we need to we need to keep it full so the I can’t keep up give me a knife I don’t have another knife oh that’s an it does have value we literally can’t keep up we just got to keep stabbing ourselves and eating golden apples yeah

He’s going to give me a netherite scrap so like I can give him some blood yeah uh okay I’ll give you the netherite once we’re down here okay cool but this is essentially Hey cap what’s up cap you’re go your chickens are going a little quicker yeah they

Are guys you might want to start emptying the diamond chest how do we know we’re done uh it needs to change form essentially this might actually be too much for one go so let’s what are you talking about too much um I’m going to limit how many are actually Canon can

Shoot golden apples guys too much sacrifices for one go no not that um it’s uh essentially what’s the problem is the when you put in more stuff science blocks and whatnot it’ll use more uh use more blood to I have absorption for the sacrifice which means you know obviously

Dang well the very this might just be a bit much for the anymore uh you can still help help with setting up the ritual if you want but I’m not there yet oh no Chronos a 66 dollar strip said Luke you get another chance Red Alert Red Alert we woo weo we

I don’t know it’s red alert it’s like Maroon maybe maroon alert we weo oh yeah you want to toss me those gapples I can shoot them out of the potato cannon okay never mind you just you hold on to those then I can heal people with them and Chrono said

Specifically Luke you get another chance but just one I’m assuming that means you know let’s go pal I’m ready what happened you want to go okay well you can’t be and in this corner we have oh God oh God it’s already started Jesus oh my God yeah oh my God this is

This going horribly what you going to do L this is literally and one more hit that is the most depressing thing easy I lost a heart in half yeah I was going to say I was watching both of their health bars monk barely like did anything that was just

Depressing d do we finally wear Luke down into cheating so much he’s just dying because like th this is a little willest monk um if you wanted a regen Beacon for our sacrifice chamber also I’m sorry Kronos but that was uh yeah Luke is not he not doing see

What I that Luke’s not on uh whatever he usually is are you busy uh I need a Nether Star real Qui actually I need somebody to do something for me in the EMC I mean I’m emptying diamonds and keeping TR so you’re busy so I mean I can do it if you like

Need me to no no no you’re busy you’re fine crank something whatever H you know what I this is a tough one Kronos because he’s our stream operator so he’s the one who’s supposed to be doing everything we’re at a conundrum kronos’s stri of $125 to ban Luke for failing us

But if we ban Luke there’s no stream operator to do everything else no problem does that mean we’d have to summon blade oh please don’t make us do that I’m very surprised Steve though that there is not like automated we just need water blad is

Going to be mad at us like but also Kronos you’re our captain of the live stream with $191 of stream tips swoop it in out of nowhere and taking it let’s go thank you Kronos for your love and support buddy without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every

Day so thank you for the bottom of my heart and thank you as well the 900 people who are tuning in cuz I feel like these are all open you should just be able to connect I stabbed myself more times over there uh once it reaches a certain level the

It’ll be full we need a lot of ritual Stones right now which is what I’m trying to work on it’s essentially just a lot of standing in there and so do you want me to go find another job uh for the time being maybe it’s pretty boring so I just don’t want your

Perspective to just be St blood time to make chicken feed so uh what I was struggling with on that was I need a a bucket of fluid XP and I don’t know how to get you would think that the mob Slaughter device would collect XP but it do not

Guys I’m cooking over here like Got Crystal Matrix that’s me I’m cooking isn’t that likey is there a way to make the mob Slaughter Factory D that holding sorry do what do um uh XP I need a liquid bucket of XP uh so the only

Flu I was going to say the only thing that this can specifically do is the fluids that you see which is the liquid meat and the pink slime okay let me get an XP XP drain Singularity tank I mean that sounds easy enough and cool this work for bit but iron

Bars or get well maybe not um guys I’m about to cook up something crazy oh my God you know why the beacon can’t work why cuz the beacon won’t light unless it can see the sun has to see the sky oh it’s Beacon is that a way beacons work

In stone block like a workaround for don’t think so like a Sky Block it’s fine with the water flowing time at least it’s taking a lot less to uh get the get the stuff going so okay so now I have an XP drain singular I need more diamonds fortunately with a power of

Time on my side yeah right oh actually let me go and use the last thingy I wanted to get my Pro four helmet on all right I can’t believe I’m I’m still just so impressed with us guys Gary you’re about to be more impressed come meet up

With me next to the chickens I like this going efficiency 4 fortune 3 pickaxe W that’s pretty big that’s pretty big yeah a it needs to be a regular pedal apoth coming me whatever what’s up have you do you know about extreme crafting oh God doing it I I’ve seen you

Use this before I’m about to make the extreme crafting table Jerome oh no that no no no no no no no I remember this I remember this from insane PR don’t bring me back don’t bring me back yes C yes quick move the move the watch of flowing time over there to see

If it goes super fast I’m we can’t don’t do this Cy don’t then make another one G I’m going to break it don’t break it Jerry this has to happen we want pick up the pedestal oh yeah we need uh a red matter pick and you need to

Mechanically craft that here we go Jerry the extreme crafting table I did this because eventually I want to make us another transmutation table oh my God Cy though well if we have a second transmutation table we could just EMC the other one true behold the extreme crafting table worth 9 million

EMC oh my goodness I’m going to see it so that Jerome can’t burn it yeah H drops I don’t know if you have a use for this but there you go thanks we already made the Gen uh five one I I just random item from the it Quest we’re killing it today guys

That is a 10 by 10 crafting grid room you know what I hate take a look so stream if you never saw my insan Craft series um this is Extreme craft that’s a crafting table so some of the recipes require that ask that we adjust the location of the transmutation

Tablet I don’t know why but I just don’t like where it’s at right now oh I’ve hated it yeah can we put it next to the chickens cuz that’s our biggest EMC generator right now I think that would make me hate it worse can we make a second one that’s what

I’ve been working on oh thanks you’re a real one move it wherever you want I can make do ultimate form is I just want it more in the center of the room hold on how what is a tablet can we not even make a tablet no we can’t I just want

More oh wow yeah that’s awful to make I see oh my god oh extreme crafting is terrible for everything uh I don’t know how I didn’t know you had to make it with the with extreme crafting but I do have netherite up he L’s back with extreme there is no

Peace there is no good does it hit here oh yeah go uh the next thing we should go forste is a red matter pickaxe so so if you want to like pioneer that please do Ah it’s just Gathering EMC for the dark matter at this point I have like 50 some mil of EMC cap I’m not hurting yeah I know but nice make the red met pick pretty please I don’t know how to do the mechanical crafting though oh is it mechanical crafting and we need

A silverfish uh heart or something for the Dark Matter pick red how do we get a heart uh you take a silverfish and you rip his heart out yeah you you need to like make it oh so like so I need to make a egg beater in

Okay you see that’s why I would if it was just normal crafting that’s a me thing uh I need some kind of seed I wheat seed in the middle so I can give you EMC though cap if you need it uh yeah that’ll probably be something I need

Eventually Cappy do you happen to have a beetroot a beetroot I need single one no I think we burned all those no don’t tell me that cuz I need one I think we actually did Dr I need a a potato the karma of the be

I’m pretty sure you have a potato but be though don’t tell me I definely have I need to look through my table give me a second thank you cap cuz that’ll help me make the uh nutritious chicken feed which is another quest in the books I’m proud of us guys I keep saying

It but we’re we’re like crushing through quests all right Jerry you’re lucky I had the seeds the seeds for beetroot beetroot okay so just plant it I just I still need your potatoes cap oh potatoes okay potato boil them mash them stick them in a stew how come I can’t just plant

Beetroot seeds on Farmland oh there’s no light here oh yeah slap some torches down right next to the water there’s are t dang you sir whoever wants it go to the diamond uh chicken and grab some EMC there’s so much and then there’s an emerald chicken

Right next door to it oh the emerald chicken is actually one of the best ways I’ve learned yeah we’ve got Emerald chickens Galore over there right now both so I mean they’re right next to each other no other side drops it other side that’s the blazes there you go

This so over here no over here oh you meant opposite okay yeah these are the material ones and then these are the breeding chickens so Jerome you know how I’m sitting here working on this storage system yeah in the quest log you have to make both of them you have to make this

One and the me system so it didn’t matter which one I started with it didn’t matter the previous avatars what are you listing what look don’t worry about it it’s just what I’m going to need it’s requirements that I have for stuff yay we have than did you move the contraption chicken

Yeah I did it’s right behind the waterfall okay’s idea yeah so it’s just going then flux storage tank nice that’s a good reward that’s actually really nice that we can just hook it up to that out of energy okay right now I need to that crafting table all right I’m going to go

Pee real quick don’t blow everything up please too late don’t say that okay said it was too late I don’t the worst thing about the create mod is that none of the important things are EMC yeah yeah feel that I got another Sigil of magnetism I already have two of them please no

M no Ms you say no Ms Steve that’s only 12 ritual Stones this is going to take forever living wood okay so shoot no it’s the Basin I need okay that’s easy okay it has to be stone stone that over here with a riot shield yeah luk gave it to me it’s good

Did loote give it to you or did you take it off as Corpse yeah you know details yeah it depends on who you ask honestly some could say taking it off his corse some could say he gave it to me without asking he gave it to you without him

Asking without me asking my bad do it I have to figure out how to do look alive guys Jacob hunter in with the $66 Dono Luke please cause a problem for Jerome specifically he killed my dogs what do you mean we alive Jerome does yep yeah jome about rest in peace Jerome see

Jerome I think Luke also has like op gear now prot clear here relative he had protection netherite I think I don’t know what he had but it didn’t work mixer okay huge oh my God like everything in b isable that’s so nice coming for you friends with you who’s not I have

Way I cannot defeat mon through combat so I I bring gift yeah you stay away from him I’m not going near Jerry oh you go that way no he’s got to come over here you got to go over there no we’re getting this on camera what’s going on all right monk

Mhm I y oh cap what’s up is that um what happened so while I was gone Jacob h66 L please cause problems for Jerome specifically he killed my he didn’t do that wait wait wait wait wait Thanos oh my God you’re basic you’re basic I’m talking about you Jacob

Hunterson and Luke you’re Luke you were on two heart I was yeah you were on two hearts but I defeated you Bas Bas you’re basic Jacob Hutson that’s all you ever going to be luke had to give himself a onot item to to kill me didn’t you need raw diamond ore or

Something like that no no that was ages ago just the uh iron ore iron is what it was okay okay so I need the a looking through your gear I see what’s been wrong the problem isn’t even the gear itself so much as that you just are

Using it terribly no Dr he had two hearts yeah I had two hearts Dro he had two hearts whose s are you onstead how about you when you look at people when you look hey only I can do that well it’s my weapon now Thanos what in the name of God is

Sharpness Thanos I don’t know I just saw it and I was like that looks good hi St hi can you let me up no we’re both dangerous animals now all right then I’ll just how did he do that okay so did you really pick up my gear no look turn

Around dude you did dude turn look St literally you were standing right Jerome no I can see Jerome taking my gear and putting it in no he just took Lukes I know but I can see him taking Jacob hutter with $124 stream tip said basic Luke please

Pull out the gem armor this time I guess that’s basically it’s I think he does math wrong we’ll give it to him though that’s two intern lives is Luke actually I’ll fight Luke with the gem armor as long as he doesn’t use this stupid Luke with a gem armor would crush

You that doesn’t mean I won’t fight him never wor this armor before whoa takes him gem armor to beat me in I’m okay with that okay vertical gear box dope oh my God he survived with sharpness Thanos hit weak oh okay so no you give me my stuff back hey Luke

Can I get that uh candy real quick you Holan I need him for personal matters stead what are you planning to do who’s going to die with the candy who do you think he’s too strong now now either Luke or jome I you should do it Luke I

What I already did it I beat him with diabetes Jerome yeah he killed me he one tapped me no okay fine all right now I got that uh I can do the Pea approved where make GM chicken feed curs uh by the way Jacob huderson that brings you to pretty much

Tied yeah you and Kronos are basically exactly tied for the most part um at $190 in stream tips around thank you both so much you and Cronos without fans like you I say it all the time but without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day so thank

You for the bottom of my heart for making that possible thanks for being a big fan and thanks for supporting us in our Dream appreciate you Jacob for real thank you there we go and then we just it won’t be for a while Luke wait what

I don’t have a weapon anymore how do you not have a weapon anymore that was my diabetes was my only weapon ow why did you give job diabetes I didn’t you didn’t even lose any hearts wa did on my screen it said you didn’t lose any hearts did you actually

Lose Hearts I’m working check this is this is going to be pry cool fine so what I had to do was I needed to make a vertical gear box so that I could make it turn an entirely different I can do like that and then I

Can just do lame that I’m only going to be mad if you actually break my armor with that that’ll me gunpowder do you not have the repair Talisman now I have that but now has sharpness Thanos we don’t exactly you know the armor get does this thing still work yeah trying to be

Reasonable yeah they both work simultaneously how was that being reasonable Luke no befor hand big brain there’s a be on the ceiling weird feels bad what do you mean there’s a b feels bad on the ceiling yes feels bad brain hurts it’s painful I have a SL shot to

Hit him with oh hey uh anyone got XP I have 45 I did until you killed me can I borrow you over here here I I need to I need to have the XP sucked out of you there you go stand on that I’ll let you know when to

Stop hold on you good thank you sir okay cool I needed that so that I can make super chicken feed another Quest down Mr CR I mean I’d hope it’s pea approved cap you can feed the dinosaur chicken feed to your pets Mr croissant thanks for 200

$100 Hammer I’ve been waiting for this one so we could do it far away so this one isn’t the stream tip to do it at spawn which is good but it means we’re building a mega chance Cube and opening it up let’s get far away J anyone want

To come with me anyone want fun Jerry just go where we defeated the Wither yeah yeah that I don’t even know that’s far enough oh that was far enough that was far enough yeah that’s plenty far enough all right right let’s go let’s go let’s go I’ll come down I mean I’ve got

The red matter sword so in case things go down cap you can uh my favorite thing about these is you can keep sprinting by uh and still eat steak on these things Mr ciss by the way you’re the captain of the live stream now and you have brought us to over halfway to

Our goal of doing the intern of the year elections how cool is that thank you Mr croissant for being awesome and thank you to the 950 people who are watching right now amazing stuff to have you guys here with us celebrating today to hang out and just have fun you guys are the

Best fans that anyone could ever ask for do wait silverish heart or warm or cold okay silverfish heart yeah it’s part of the extreme crafting one of the like few things I’m like I don’t know how to do that and then there’s like several ingots I have

No CL it looks like we need a mixer with eternal slate a dragon egg blue ice focusing of summoning the boss the mix the mother silverish summon in the boss dungeon beyond the end ring okay so we haven’t even made it to the end ring then no no we have you want

To leave that alone because if it has to be summoned past that that means it’s something past like the chaos chicken or something and we do not have the means to defeat do you haven’t have my sword and uh pink eye on you I do what can I have it you have diabetes

No yes you can have the beus thank you for the be uh here I traded him the beus for S did you y you should have kept it the beus I’m good man I like eating cake you can’t handle the be onet here we go guys this is for you Mr

Croissant how bad is this going to be nice effect effect could be good could be bad could be it’s how about this that it could be really good or really bad it’s not going to be anything in between though break it break it then what is is this what is happening a

Random uh I think it’s a village again so have fun with that does not look like a village dude no Village I’ve ever what’s it look like then um I think that was kind of underwhelming yeah what the heck that wasn’t another one another one another one might help you another

Chance oh gosh that’s a that’s a effect play this is like a um it’s a time another one that’s a nice clear space though why do I feel like it’s going to do a like no another one oh wow I guess stuff’s opening up stuff’s opening up above what do you mean

Above like why is that floating look stuff I don’t know it looks like blocks were opening at the far side of the room oh my I got your back Jer I got your back I got your back I got your back oh what was that I was just you guys doing all

Right over there oh we’re getting by been wor we’re getting by it’s a thing plenty of experience all right I don’t have the chance cubes for another uh Luke can you give me some chance cubes and I’ll open up one more yeah I can run back forck oh brain

Cor all right here go so like getting the extreme craft table is really like driven home how late game the transmutation table is it’s so late game huge though for us hang on I’m kind of stuck in a cob good luck L I’m stuck in the C this is for all the

Chickens dude this might be like what is going on I thought the mega chance Cub were supposed to be like worse yeah another one the chance it’s like Luke this is lame another one L where’s the one that Luke opened the most devastating thing we’ve ever seen for us

Skill skill issue all right luk if it’s skill then you do it make double wide it oh yeah that’s going to be an issue can I break it with my my head do it do it do see that’s how you do it what what was that I don’t know it’s still growing

It’s still growing I’m stuck in it another I think he’s just constantly stuck in it it’s just setting a spear on him oh I’m good oh it’s like anywhere you move hi friends it was hi Luke just Steph good to see you again dude thank you for the $25 stream tip and said

Sorry for the stream tip but I choose Jerry to be steak bombed enjoy the Christmas steaks well here’s the rest of my chance cubes I’m going back to monk yeah I’m going back as well but you also have to steak bomb me Luke yes you can’t control me I don’t have any

Potatoes good you can off hand it though that’s pretty cool that’s cool I think I might have enough my ritual now Jerome if you want to come see that what are you doing with the ritual The Who uh well we see I’ve never actually gotten this far in this mod

Before wasn’t as developed when I played it so uh with any luck I’m going to another dimension but without any luck well this will be a d Mony was lost in the void forever yay I’m puking might be honestly need to remember which ritual this is supposed to be look at me

Go dude this hilarious steak bombing while on the oh no the steak is following the track I just realized oh yeah Jerry wait I’m going to set it down the end to you guys let me know when you get it won’t make it down to the end

What do you mean it won’t make probably until you jump over here it won’t because there’s a stop point to turn into that dungeon B batana huh sorry Jerry I thought I had well you see where you stopped I stopped at the end here no one was here

Said okay if anybody wants a chest full of diamonds that’s available oh like if anybody needs EMC why drone uh I do need EMC because you look like you needed to get Ste no what what if the the keer elves that you’re trading with needed steak they are fine they’re more than happy

Enough all righty guys let’s see what’s next on my quest list oh my go claimed a bunch of like had a master ritual stone look at the um at the storage section I’m almost completely done with the uh section that Willie recommended I’m still working my way through uh chapter mob grinding

Utilities I want to finish that come here I don’t want to you’re going to want to see fancy things come here what is it all right you see this one totally in no what you doing over it come on don’t messing with us come on we got

Bigger things today come on been working on this for so long let it end let it end all right what’s going yeah this gonna so all of a sudden I would back up Dr you suck give me that back guys I got it I got it I got it I

Got it I will kill you and steal it from you I swear to God I’m dropping it into the furnace don’t you dare I’m going to drop to the furnace D give me one good reason not to cuz I that’s it I’m throwing it in mon

You didn’t give me a good reason and now I’m throwing it in last chance monk one reason cuz I don’t want to have to make another one oh my god do it yeah fine I’m going to go make another one all right I’m bringing the electric magic god your answer is always violence

Never use your words yeah well violence Works does it yes yes it did I he I didn’t come to work to get to some sort of moral debate today we not I’m throwing up some Sig lights real quick all right uh I would back up a little okay let’s see this I’m scared

What is happening what is happening what is h I’m making a ritual but how but you’re not making it it’s making it well yeah but I had for it the rituals for it and now I need this weak activation Crystal uh I would back up I have literally no idea what’s

Going to happen here okay well I mean cap he’s on the ritual I’m going to try to block off R armor I’m how do we know when you’re going to start like when are you going to start for it uh well I’m going to walk up and hopefully I have

Enough activation stuff for it but I might H you feel push but you’re too ink to perform this ritual all right I need more you’re weak LP I need more life real quick hold on let me you’re hilarious Steve he’s also told he needs to get a life oh did

Someone block this off that’s hilarious uh I did in case anything goes horribly wrong here what if I just watch a flowing time do while you that’s not really going to do much but I appreciate watch flowing time like wish Dr I don’t have 80 ,000 life right now in this orb

Do you need us to to die a lot I don’t think so I don’t think that’s going to help right now I just need a lot of regen you know I’ve made all these fancy machines I don’t know what the luk you know what you you right click this he holds too much

Power so uh give it a sec can I go now uh yeah if you want to if you want I’m it’s we’re getting there don’t you I swear to God Drome I don’t even oh you’re the worst kind of person what’s wrong what happened I hate

You I have to remake this stupid ritual now hold on have to make if there’s wrong then the whole ritual is going to fail nothing wrong with that they usually do all right Luke J you want you want to see this potenti activate and potentially destroy everything we know and love yeah yeah

I’m done I swear to God Jerome I swear to God I hate you run run run run it’s going to the smeltery monk okay did you seriously take my watch of flowing time oh I didn’t take that who took my watch of flowing time do you have any idea how long this

Takes without that and you have any oh my God Jerome I swear stop it oh my God got it put it in the right place d m the ritual is not working I hate why is the ritual working just hit the I don’t think your ritual is working

Dude the ritual is not working Ste can you like straighten your guy it’s not working there you go you happy you have that ritual worked stop I swear to God how many do you need I swear I will end everything you stand for I I right clicked it and now I’m in

Another dimension yeah I know you are that was the point can you where’s the is man dropy where’s the watch I don’t have it I don’t have it dropy make him St oh my God why no I need that coal there I don’t know what you want me to

Do he just wants st stop breaking stuff he’s not breaking nothing you leave him alone like four times that sounds like your fault I like I’m kill you next Steve I’m scared chickens y but seriously who took my watch of flowing time this takes forever

Without not it not it I mean I mean Ste do we have two watches of flowing time over here do but like we need the chickens and then the lasers yeah but we only had one earlier right I don’t know do I feel like this going to be a thing

Where you go I no it was me Jerry I’m pretty sure there’s the one that you were looking for I just found it on the ground my dude thanks ke it was me cherry I’m so excited all right I’m going to the other dimension I need stuff oh no I didn’t

Take it I’m just I’m in a demon well all right how’s it going what we do here uh well I need can demons get diabetes probably demon bees oh all right let’s go let’s go hey Dr how do those laser drills work again um poorly okay but they they get ores right

Try an iron key um there we go oh life has depends what you mean by the get ores well it go to uh chunk of experience no it’s a cuz there’s a mining Dimension cap that we can just go to if you need ores cuz

Figuring that out dude I had no idea how to work that well go to nugget of experience perf okay give me one second I’m just filling up my uh my daily dose of the latex machine oh my God be very Bombs all right you want me to go to where is

That cap nugget of experience nugget of experience nugget of experience grab as much and then and then the crushing one as you can now the question I’m wondering so it’s it looks like if you put any sort of ore in between those two Crushers like a dispenser or something

Like that or a dropper it can generate nuggets of experience that we can then collect for more experience generate poo because we have a th000 people watching yay let’s go GG thank you guys for being here thanks for showing your love and support for stone block um and just mostly modded

Minecraft apparently people just love this stuff dude yeah D you should come check this out we’re in a dungeon no you scared me jome there bomb you did yell at him yeah yeah and he earned it so you scar okay well but are you seeing what I’m saying

Though Drome I mean it looks cool I don’t know what it does oh shift a spec of INSP redeems experience points I mean do we fruit it would just be free experience from those laser miners you got if we’ rigged it right I’m curious how much though because like to be fair

Is it the same as if we just smelt it or you know what I’m saying like is it kind of like gimick I mean that’s part of it right that’s part of it is finding out true very true sir okay I did that St storage system

Somebody else can work on the me storage system well now you just have to implement the storage system feed nut nutritious chicken feed to a chicken cap I need one of your chickens uh feel free to take any one you want I found these in the demon Dimension

Oh actually kind of big can donate to me yes um get that that’s kind here you go thank you um so I need to use it on a regular chipkin um but they are baby if I make them now so what are you what’s up I think you can feed seeds

To a chicken to make it grow faster oh is that a thing okay let’s get some seeds don’t worry Jer I’m taking care of the chickens I got them at a 10 10 and 10 nice that’s uh that sounds good I think I think so it’s it’s I hope it is it’s

10 growth 10 gain and 10 streng is it doing anything oh yeah significantly cutting down the time cat oh nice I’m seeing itoo never mind this a good Wither Skeleton Farm all right so supposedly cap if I feed him one of these yeah it’ll create a golden

You get back here you all right it’ll create a golden egg a Golden Chicken happy birthday Tac what just happened happy birthday so what does the golden egg do what does the golden egg do so the golden egg gets us one Quest down and what it also does is creates a 5×5 area

Of delightful dirt used on grass dirt mycelium or Farmland I know the perfect place for that dropsy don’t do anything here she’ll kill you do not about this corner right here no do not do anything here find did he just do it wrong I think he

Did it look it gave us a do it’s donkey that’s cool don’t you dare no drop please no drop no that’s delightful dirt that’s delightful dirt dropsy we need that we need that break it why we need that no I mean maybe make another

Area but no I don’t have any more eggs I have no more golden eggs drop me I don’t have any more golden eggs honestly this sounds like a you issue why drops why have you done this how big is this thing pretty big just don’t love fun a carbunkle reaction

Chamber do you know I’m going to leave one for donkey donkey here you go Jerry I’m coming back and I’m spawning the rotten egg over there next oh hey I got some Mana in a bottle wait hold on there’s a rotten egg which one of you guys keeps taking the coal

Drop huh hold on give me one second bones I got Mana in a bottle some I’m going just drop before you drop if you want it over there cuz like you could steal some of the coal chickens and just set it up in a chest and Dro

Her I could where did this gold egg come from I don’t know it on the ground there was just an egg on the ground I didn’t need it I’m going to break it again just make a different area dead you know no not oh Jesus he iMed oh oh God

Stead you both are awful what stead use the thing quickly thing I did no the other thing I gave you quickly [Laughter] nice okay I don’t know what you were expecting when you handed it to me okay we need to use you we need to use the P approved chicken

Feed egg well you made this track right oh yeah why what’s wrong look well how I supposed get into this other room don’t worry cat ready come over feed hold that chicken down I make this part I didn’t make don’t let him get away I made it further

I it’s he’s not scared yet yeah I I stopped this like underneath the last area Luke broke it anyways what when you broke the chance Cube you broke something oh Cool you’re pain Luke what I got it not that I disagree but why specifically right now because when he in the chance Cube it broke some machines that I had Hey cap Jerry that’s not the right you have Jer that’s not the right Jerry that’s not the right stuff what do you

Mean uh yeah just these down here it’s uh the I’m going to let you deal with that that’s a you problem now that I don’t see what the issue is that was this exactly what’s supposed to be someone’s working on Maru yeah I recognize want just go back to

Taking care of my chickens dude I’ve been crushing through these quests here um what’s next mob spawning would you like jelly babo it’s mob spawning so tasks you need GM chicken feed and an entity spawner The Entity spawner spawns entities simple enough insert a spawn

Egg in the top slot to get the spawn egg feed a chicken some GM chicken feed mob you want to spawn seeds Essence bucket yeah drops you I I I couldn’t stop him okay seeds check Essence bucket check oh my God I BL happy bro dude did you seriously Jerome

What did I do do I control God what do you mean why you yelling at me for a creeper blame you for leading the creeper over there I’m literally in the transportation table it’s the Dreadful dirt well that’s just rude getting a cup of tea who’s the who’s getting a cup of

Tea is I don’t know the server keeps saying it though it’s obviously not Luke why you why is your dirt spawning a bunch of ARs and U stuff well it’s the dirt that’s what it does okay wool and a stick chopsy have you seen this Willie I don’t trust

You what’s what’s wrong with it he’s holding a tu oh oh tu tu tu tu agent tuba large water dry let me swab one of those slimes so we can get an infin out of them okay I got the DNA 10 four over and out Roger that all

Right you can kill them all now 10 four R all I got that that that so now I just make the chicken feed out of there so just go all right we now have slime chicken feed oh hey Mr Piggy Cappy what’s up it’s him he’s back who you know who cap come

Here o but I actually don’t know cuz I wasn’t in that one J that’s right that’s right yeah you were I forgot you a part of that yeah yeah that’s a I’ve heard tale of the handsome Scottish Australian man such a handsome lad all right does anyone know how to

Get no ctis quartz crystals oh definitely no that’s way outside of my KN house what I I’m you even look at it I Steve that’s been in like every mod pack for the last decade literally decade and I can assure you I don’t know how it

Works I think you just have to find some my dude unfortunately it turns right into dust so then maybe well if you make the seris quartz seed using like sand and seris quartz duts then you can make a Ser quartz seed and then like yeah Ser quartz seed

Then you probably plant them thank you again by the way to our captain of the live stream Mr croissant and pretty much close second as well uh Jacob Hutson and Kronos thank you guys without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and

Every day so thank you for the bottom of my heart for being so amazing thanks for being supportive um let’s let’s keep killing it guys we had a th people watching as well um that’s amazing and on top of that we’re halfway to our intern of the year elections if you want

Watch theowing time time if you guys use create and do bulk washing if you do that with dust you can get C disc cords dust out of it yeah I have the dust okay we need an XP solidifier we a has anyone built an XP solidifier yet

Before I go doing that nope excuse you that also make a nugget of XP or no it can make you a XP Jelly Baby okay what did those do uh I don’t know but I’m going to use it to make solid XP cool uh St is this watch flowing time on

Right now they all are hopper and then entity conveyor okay I can work with this actually maybe I wanted to go the other way yep Look at that let’s go stream we’re killing it out here we have made so much progress today guys dropy you have so many chickens for uh Blaze fuel big I might need you to start taking them again yeah it’s it’s getting to be almost the full CST

Chest oh what’s up sheep wait someone had a Jelly Baby already made we gotten one from a quest yeah yeah I think it’s the quest okay yeah just one all right we need nine of them for so I have to oh I’ll still just go through with what I’m doing here um fluid

X Cappy may I CER XP out of you yeah thank you sir oh over here yes yes we got like 46 levels left yeah I can make those um that should be enough I don’t know for sure how much I need but I can’t help but feel like five buckets is probably

Enough thank you cop okay problem problem ow I’m starving okay that’s a problem okay XP solidifier I need Tarter gems means okay entity little fire okay so now that I have this right and the XP is in there I need to make a mold now unfortunately I don’t think the uh

Watcher flowing time is affecting the the yeah I don’t think it is gold nuggets okay so if I take the gold nuggets and I surround this and then we are good now now to make the mold I just Lally put it in a crafting G like that oh word okay

Perfect how goes Bania dropsy I making my first Rune um XP solidifier on okay let’s see yep those are going to take cat what’s up I have lied to you sir cuz I need need not I need 18 level guys we’re going to probably need more than cap I

Need I need people that are willing ready and willing to drain their XP killed me for all I died so I don’t have any yeah dude I’ve got 40 levels thank it’s going to be a lot more than I was expecting cap I’m sorry well if there’s more stuff like this in the

Future that’s why I’m trying to get this Crusher on board over here if we can get those laser mines just dropping ore constantly into the crusher and then sorting out we can just have so much passive experience generation okay so I think we’re coming close to the amount that we need we need

12 I I think we are good Mr C now thank you sir co uh can you turn your left real quick give me one second oh look look we’re good look we’re good we good we good L I’m putting all the blaze ch in here hang on oh cool thank

You red Paladin no the $66 stream tip said what does this button do I have three lives right now yeah Luke has three lives he’s already an issue what do you mean we can take care of that the XP that you were just putting in there

Was from us when you murdered us have a mushroom and the creepers no mushroom from me I might have one um I just need it can be red or brown it doesn’t matter are you going to apologize for breaking apart all my beautiful stuff if you apologize for

Invading the space in the first place and that mic I’m blowing it up later yeah if he blow it up I’m leaving I’m going de on the mic Peak to be honest okay XP solidifier BL is is it the order oh there we go I have 13 of the jelly babies

Now oh I’m so dumb I’ve learned a lot of things today did you have you yeah mhm proud of you I’m a little SC that’s impressive you’re not going to retain any of it are you no it’s G to it’s going to leave him tomorrow but he’ll remember in five years it’ll be

Okay w’t we Circle back to it again for stone block like seven or whatever yeah he’ll be like oh yeah hold up hold up I remember doing this 19 years ago we’ll be fine okay Eye of Ender check okay that this copyrighted music out of here all right en no it’s the one

Of the one things you can play it’s it’s yeah Minecraft music dude okay that’s everything but experience robbery donate 100 Levels I’m all out of experience give me some levels and I’ll give you some loot with your mob farm surely you’ll be able to spare some click to submit okay let’s

See if that’s a group thing does anyone have XP that they can experimentally try and give to that I do you do hit uh go on your quest logs go down to resources and the subtag of mob grinding utilities uhhuh what was that at the very bottom there’s a big XP

Bot yep there you go I donated 36 levels it accepted them all right cool I have no levels does anyone have levels or does anyone have a way to get levels nope I mean I’ve got 41 still if you don’t need them cap that’ll get us a

Huge chunk of the way yeah man so what do I need to do uh hit uh the quest thingy okay uh give me just a second uh quests yep now what now category um category resources yep C subcategory mob grinding utilities oh it says donate 100 Levels

Yep click that and then click on the XP level bottle and submit all right we have 7 we need 23 more levels Jerry I have a question yeah Dad this is a place of what is the tree of impending doom I I don’t know but please please

It’s placeable and it says Add Water just don’t here yeah what if you just didn’t look you can play it’s a stick that you can place I think we should place I’m giving this Jerry Jerry let’s go all the way down to the end of the

Hall it just go place it come on for you to Y thanks oh my God this is horrible Jerry you want to come watch or what I mean yeah of course I want to come watch come with stop stop saying it’s going to be bad I like angstead steak I’m

Coming you said you have plastic right uh yeah can I have some um I am far away from home but you can go in my chest yeah when you when you get back just come come to my science area um does anyone have nether stuff like Nether wart nether

Brick I do but I’m also far away from home Spider-Man I have like a whole another quartz chicken do we want to do in the cave area do we want to go all the way down let’s do it in the cube I have Netherrack dropsy if that helps you

Will that work it’s nether well I mean actually nether does because nether area l no there yes but it was forced there with a Chance cube is what I’m saying can you place water there yourself another wart yes uh if you’re willing to wait a second or use a watch

Of flowing time we can just make a Nether wart chicken real quick I can make a different Ru in the meantime okay I’ll get to work on that and I’ll let you know once it’s done okay okay cool where’s Jerry I’m coming he coming he’s stuck on the

Wall all right so we’re not completing storage for a long time not back up you know we need I’m ready uh we want to is it e GL e gas we need gas from some or something like that oh we need to make the wither fart J have fun oh hey wondering trador

What is this part of the thing or is that no he just spawned in that just happened okay yeah okay so now I need a glowstone chicken maybe next to it Sherry what did you I mean that’s watering it I guess but like what did you do I don’t know

I’m watering it but it’s not water the demon tree of death yeah well when you put it that way you make it sound crazy maybe like next maybe it’s cuz you are crazy yeah I need a yellow chicken no like you wait Can we now it’s just called stick

Placeable just stick man wow we got scamed taking This stick of impending disappointment yeah right I’m going to try and bring this guy home with me sck of imp lame you’re coming with me misook scary skeleton yeah that’s nice spooky scary skeleton got a skeleton oh and a music disc that’s so neat anyways what type of Music Des uh it was

Blocks only I need seeds Bo not a good one got it I hear Pig step instead the the only important thing it wasn’t cat so wasn’t worth it no we already have cat so we’re fine yeah you could have more now if we get more then it’d be worth

It oh hey I got a music disc nice I got more oh my god dude the game heard your prayers then game just said sure here you go pal drop I like your little yeah brown red Paladin with a $75 stream tip the first of today hopefully

The last two cuz there’s an hour left in the Stream only and uh I would hate to rush through and do the The Gauntlet cuz whenever you guys make me do that it’s not good on the stomach but it’s hot sauce number one which if you don’t know

This one is just jalapeno it’s pretty weak it’s easy to deal with is not a problem but things go off a cliff around four which is where the ghost prepper begins and by the way guys we are about only 800 away from our goal of doing an

Intern of the Year election if you guys want to happen let’s hit the goal and let’s make it happen do you only need like one dropsy or yeah all right I’ll I’ll stop it for now I’m eventually going to need to make more with it but like I just didn’t want the diamonds

Filling up again going be very mad but I did the thing which thing what thing she’ll know what did he do dropsy this is where she just logs out maybe she hasn’t said anything this is the worst thing I’ve done I think ever to be honest drops I can see it I doubt

That progress oh oh did it actually no oh I was like Jesus no you should have kept with the B all I did all I did was put the stick down oh PE who’s got you Angy I hear peanut barking out there Angy man peut Angy water that gold diamond she here me No I shouldn’t do That hey does anyone need necrotic bones for anything at all infinite wither farm so there’s 24 if you need them the black bones uh Wither Skeleton sh yeah yeah I was going to say I have an infinite Wither Skeleton Farm oh nice yeah what what you could do uh is um you could

Start like uh Gathering uh the heads and I can take them put them down at the end in the nether area and we can just have them stockpiled there it’s just looting is not great I’m currently working on stealing their souls is does no we need the cleaving for the

Heads looting also works in this particular case I think because it’s uh typical Minecraft drop oh yeah it just gives it a greater chance yeah can we put looting on a on a CLE probably maybe just you know it might increase it more I’m a little concerned monk uh you

Have a pig on your ritual site that’s fine he’s just being there he’s not doing anything to anybody he’s not needed right now is what you’re saying uh no he just wandered in there cuz someone started spawning a bunch of farm animals oh that was me that was my uh

That was the golden egg that I placed down yeah what happened to the Jerry man peanut got upset oh yeah peanut got upset at something to Check okay what if I just do a large Cog Wheel and then just no not like that oh that’d be bad yeah all righty so what’s everybody working on here har all right uh one at a time down the list everybody responds um I’m first I’m still doing batania I’m about to start making the terce steel stuff which is

Okay sorry I pulled I pulled my pinky toe I’m sorry oh not bad I can see it now back on the work here my message real quick Jerome no I think you should oh no I got worried about you why would you ever do that crazy talk Steve these crystals are

At 80% they’re almost done drum I did they what I kidnapped the wandering Trader but I can’t bring him up the wandering Trader or the wandering Trader the laundry Traer if anyone has any of those lotuses can I have guess him how many you need any I got was all

About that he was like yes 100% I’m trying to get rid of I’m trying to get rid of the trash my chemical bang that’s why instead just put them in the for decades that’s why I made it for items without EMC the storage system all right so what

Is the last part the last part of this Quest that’s right is what just levels guys does anyone have any levels at all we need 22 quick the middle machine even if you don’t have right underneath me I have 16 hold on all you don’t have to

Stand anywhere so if you hit e and then you hit and then if you and then if you go on the top side panel there category resources subcategory mob grinding utilities and then at the bottom there you click on the XP bottle and you just donate some yeah there we go someone

Just gave us took all of it so yeah took should we need uh 13 levels then only okay hold on do unmined or uned Diamond gr turn oh this what’s up oh got it let’s go another chapter complete GG’s huh I got ter steel for my random

Item oh sick can I have those hey y there I give you all four mine I’m over to you all right flid cell frame yeah I don’t know what this does but I’ll put that away you go Hey cap you have a bunch of different colored dyes

Right yes uh yeah pretty much okay so the beauty that I just realized uh with that is that we can just take one of those and uh dye the color of our alchemical bags and we get different alchemical bags that’s cool Limitless alchemical bags Steve you have been

Crushing it on the storage quests dude yeah I at a little bit of a bind though cuz now I have to make a whole new system which is the me system monk blood magic I don’t know how hard this is for you but so I’m not going to say it’s

Like simple but you only have two more things left yeah I do I’m getting there but they’re like the two last things are like the final you know the final bits of it they I need to max out the entire uh alter to get that Arch mage’s

Blood orb okay you know what I’m heing excuses so it it’ll be it’ll be a bit but it shouldn’t be too bad uh cat I know you were the one who had the red matter right do you mind throwing that on upon my body and dark matter I think

Stead might be closer to red matter instead have you give M I think I have some someone has dark matter and someone has red matter I know that cuz we have the Quest for it so someone’s G yeah I got a red matter oh okay can I have one

Of each I’m going to work on those Quest next I like project e okay I got red in front of you oh Steve might have grabbed it oh there it is oh there you go thank you like four people just dropped Dark Matter on Jerome yeah I I did pick it up

Yeah I just figured it’s a mod that I’m familiar with so I can kind of help us out a bit 35 minutes uh cap what do we want uh the pouch used on ooh I mean it’s got to be the emeralds I guess emal yeah I’ve almost got this Crush made I

Take back everything no to create mod it’s smart people it’s it’s cppy crafting it’s not normal oh is it like the multiple stuff well you could just get used to it bro what is a silverfish heart yeah oh yeah for red matter that’s what we were talking about earlier um to

Get that we need to beat a boss yeah Dragon egg’s in there o oh who summoned all these farm animal I hate them I hate the farm animals I’ll take back everything I have no idea is that drum that silverfish heart is from the end so we have to defeat the Ender

Dragon to then defeat that oh Yik yeah oh ultimate armor is in here I love ultimate armor Steve I’ve got this Crusher working over here oh you crushing it yeah I’m crushing it literally what are you crushing exactly right now 64 iron ore not cool did you just say not cool no that’s

Cool Jerome I just got 41 nuggets of experience you but imagine though Steve 41 okay nice have you figured out what they uh no I’m about to hand them to you so you can try them out there you go Jerry thank you sir uh all they used all of them at once

They gave me eight levels okay that’s not so bad so come see what I Jerry rigged over here ah I see what there okay yeah okay so check this out so this is the crusher over here okay so cap I’m not understanding so the star bule the one on top crushes

The star bule underneath yeah that’s the that’s the how it works just like in high school okay got it what’s over here so check this out so right here I have water wheels leading into this crushing wheel and all you need to do is drop ore

On it like that’s 30 iron ore and it’ll just crush it all at once and give you everything you could want presumably like presumably the more powerful stuff will give you better stuff I wonder if it will crush you am I moving no you’re not ow oh Jerry oh Jerry

Jry God oh that happened well it finished with the iron and then it moved on to you what C got process I think it’s a machine of death yeah it is right it’s awesome what did it get out of it did it did you get like Crush Jerry in I got

Another no I got another 20 nuggets twinlets from chicken eggs so if we set up like it’s laser drills with the yeah if we set up your laser drills with dispensers just drop any ore they get on top of that thing we can just automate free Experience monk yeah what’s up you want to talk about what just occurred nope what keeps screaming hey another donkey just respawned hey deserve Eting see why won’t you love me trying to figure that out myself what is happening here oh my God get out of here you farm animals oh that’s okay friends have so many of these oh I need a bunch of seed donkey donkey oh the is this crafting station

Oh just for diamonds want to see a magic trick I’m going do a kick flip ready yeah look up kickflip dude it’s good stuff man it’s almost horribly uh awful but you uh you did it be careful not to get that donkey stuck in the crusher

Jerry wait a minute we let make glue hold on a second here we’re making glue out here cat uh I know you guys gave me a ton of Blaze Rod chickens but I just found a stack that’s 10 everything so keep those it’s only going to crush youy I have t going I’m almost dead you have another like Drop I guarantee this chest over here is probably full with t now let me place a block it’s almost a quarter full of tens thank you all right guys we are about to try and turn my son into glue it’s only getting you it’s only getting

You it’s only getting you is that me or is that no it’s a ceiling that’s a ceiling oh that’s the ceiling doing it okay there’s some serious P might have to disount we’re making glue cap it’s moving I think is it I don’t know oh I need I

See why will my son turn into glue you just don’t care me I mean no no buddy buddy no no no you you belong here now what is Step number three what are you working on so disappointing um more of the create stuff uh I couldn’t turn my son into glue cap

How do I get rid of the bronze thing on who just killed him poker poker what do you mean I in the EMC so I’m working on the me control system and it looks like one of the parts just needs a waste of your son it to be pressed the

Me control system is that the M controller or the so yeah if you go to me controller and then the thing in the middle the engineering processor yeah it needs step three is oh that’s an entirely separate thing that’s a that’s an entirely separate thing okay so let’s see see if I can

Press oh you’re sick Jacob I just saw your message okay so that’s the mechanical press which uh if you get me a block of iron and I can make that there you go okay let’s see if there’s any cool stuff that I just keep blocks of iron on hand

For no reason don’t worry chat do you think I’m smart enough to do mechanism stuff yeah well I do RF tools let me do let me do the RF tools T mve my I’ll work on that one that seems pretty up my Alley okay I can do that now everyone’s going no all right you know guys you’re you’re you asked for their opinions you ask what is that horrible sound of chickens dying okay I might need there you go okay so I I need another Depot I think

It’s all right did they at least deserve it I’m just making sure yeah yeah yeah chickens andesite okay I’ll grab an andesite [Applause] that’s a lot of chickens sounds so terrible probably cuz they’re all being they’re all being burn alive so all dying great nice that’s rough buddy the

Chickens yeah you did I just saying it’s kind of rough dude anyone like a mega torch oh no I deleted my quest book can I have it how we got it back do you want one luk yeah I don’t know yeah I got you

Where you at I’m in my oh no how do I get the quest book back up top top left you go I’ll put control o Jerome in the bottom left there’s a plus that you can add stuff back to it there you’re stuck there now thank you thank you just try hitting

Control o if the whole thing a block that gives all flight yeah oh my goodness oh you good Jerry no emotionally not after everything I just heard with those here drops you I’m going to put one of these in here for you I feel like you out of everyone will

Use it gosh yeah what uh you want a mega torch monk uh maybe actually because then you don’t you can place it anywhere but seems my current issue is just that your the farm animals kept walking in and jumping on the fruit I need to grow anyone got a bucket of

Lava I’ve got lava Steve one earlier nice uh how does that work cat so you go to the lava chickens and they’re and like they’re just they’re like oneoff lava buckets oh really okay cool so I just take one infinite lava nice thank you sir it’d be dope if you could like throw

It into a furnace and it would just consume it that actually would be sick tell me oh my goodness I got to do the crystal thing again but with flux this time dang it’s literally a 20 minute wait Jerome that’s so annoying there’s got to be another way what about uh ste’s old

Time thingy it doesn’t time thingy what do mean the time work on blocks that you were using my Oh you mean my pouch sure I don’t I don’t know do you think it’ll work oh that might actually work did that work on things before like the it worked on Sky Stone

Blocks D I might try to borrow that as well or have you use that you know what I mean yeah where you where you need me uh in my you know where my little workshop area is where I’ve been doing my blood magic stuff yeah yeah there

Should be a little pillar made of tough with a fence gate and a chicken standing on top of a tow fruit I need the tow fruit to grow now oh you need the tow fruit there’s no chicken here tow fruit dang it what happened to the chicken God

Hold on I’m coming thank you again stream by the way and especially to Mr croissant we also have Kronos we got tan we got a lot of big fans out there red Paladin who have stream tipped a bunch as well thank you overall though to Mr croissant with a $200 Hammer to become

The captain of the live stream without fans like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day you support and keep this channel alive you guys are the backbone of all this so thank you from the bottom of my heart and thanks for

Being awesome dud I need to be able to get to the this stuff and I need a fully grown I need an animal on it apparently animal like any I think we can make leads real quick uh we have slime balls okay I prefer to not be called

That and hey you took it that way I didn’t call it to you directly that’s that’s not what I heard I would have called it to you directly you know I would have yeah right I need to replant that [Laughter] slime hey Jerry there’s a loop be in the

Passage to the other side oh nice of the room if you want to kill it this create area over here has gotten Bonkers I always knew I’d enjoy creativead can you come can you come now see if the if not I’ll figure it out but what do

You want me to do grow the I need to grow the fruit if you can 32 times let’s see what happens been accelerated the chicken is dying for some reason the chicken is saturated towel all right all right leave it we just now we leave it allstead you’re my hero got

You now we got to wait for Steves py you get out of here I swear on all that is only uh Steve where are you now just nobody touches that and we let that grow oh yeah he’s yeah I need to go keep hunting things for their souls back to the demon Realm

Nice one day I’ll learn blood magic and by one day I mean I’ll never learn blood magic but honestly in the in the dungeon that we summoned it’s actually uh really tame compared to the dungeon like at the uh at the base and whatnot so it’s essentially just an infinite wither

Farm which is really cool yeah i’ would say you should come check it out but he would cause problems yeah St yeah I do drum I expect if you come in here there’s a 50% chance someone loses everything they have and their limbs included or not included no all their items

Like you absolutely can get everyone someone to lose all their items here and it don’t teach them how monk I will not you want to pass that information along you totally can is all I’m saying like my gear thanks that’s all I’m saying speed there we go guys I finished the

Whole chapter I did all four of those wow nice GG’s in the chat there you go I literally just did the entire sub chapter chapter of RF tools nice oh oh man we are definitely putting in the work yeah we’re getting far along this at this point if we don’t finish

This mod pack I’m going to be upset not today not today obviously I don’t think it’s possible today I mean but in general though dude we we’ve just come too far like I’d be so upset if we didn’t actually see this through look at all the finished categories like my goodness I mean

There’s still some very difficult ones of course but like you know all right so next up we have thermal series induction smelter multi oh this all sounds complicated but I’m big in an iron nugget need a gold plate tin and signalum oh jeez okay now

We’re getting weird let me see if I have tin dang Pig I do not does anyone have tin I can borrow uh probably uh yeah tin and if you also have sign nailing I’m already made I’ll take that I have three raw tin which isn’t much but you can have it I mean

It’s EMC so than uh I need that and then um uh I still in the demon realm so either you can come and I’ll toss it to you or I will be out in a minute or two if you can wait does anyone have flux dust I do

Not know where to get that so helium blend is co dust Redstone Dust all right I’m on the way back how do you make Mr C what’s up could I enlist your assistance yeah what do you need uh ra uh remember how you talk about the coal

Chickens earlier yeah you just need a bunch uh I want them to constantly drop pole uh well well then what you need is a roost and a hopper and whatever plent of those yeah you can just take one off you can just take a system off the end I

Swear we had one I labeled one yeah we do yeah but I need it over a specific spot okay I can totally so one of these this this half no no no oh wait it’s got to be a uh it’s got to be just like that okay I

Got it like over here so just show me where you want it okay it’s got a drop hole we can always just fill that place back in later stad engineer Hammer yeah yeah I I’m grabbing a sign I’m labeling the chickens could put it right above

This like so it just needs to does it need to drop I think she just needs coal over by her and she doesn’t want but does the item have to drop onto the flower I would like it to drop on the flowers we might need a dis yeah we need

A dispenser okay anyone have raw copper I think I have one of those I do copper or I need to make coer check the me system me system yeah the thing that seeve made yeah it’s not whatever it is I have diamond ore but not copper

Ore okay so I’m just using this as a block so I can place yeah that’s a dispenser also the flowers can be broken cuz I’m probably going to readjust them slightly anyways so so like we want here you go this up here there’s your dis interesting so what we want is the a

Lot of dispenser just be right here no thank you not like that so like that and then we want a hopper uh St could you go get me another Hopper please by the way guys we got about 25 minutes left in the live stream

But I want to thank you all so much for helping us hit 1,000 people watching which is so awesome especially during the school year and thank you to Mr croissant for the $2 stream tip to be our captain of the live stream without fans like that we couldn’t do what we do

Each and every day so thank you truly from the bottom of my heart for being so amazing appreciate you guys thank you so we need one more Hopper yeah about to bre that oh hi thank you sir there you go uh where would you oh yeah just up there

That’ll feed into there and now now we just need it on some type of mini Redstone clock or timer we could do something fun okay uh down for fun get a button okay go get a button just a single button I can craft one quick um okay silver for dust Redstone all

Right so anyone know where to find just solid copper ore if I just go far out towards the nether go down to the mining Dimension I lied Living Wood does not make it I’ll be right back it’s the one before the Netherrack area drum so if

You go to the nether rack yeah you’re there I have a button okay put it on the back of the dispenser okay okay so oh I know what he’s about to do okay so we need to make a deployer as well we I may just like it may just

Be entirely worth it to recycle the one we already have but uh so here we go uh you say copper gerum yep how much you need this is um it was copper ore though right copper ore yeah yeah how much you need oh big one cuz copper dust

Has CMC value I got you oh do you I’m I’m already in the mining Dimension I’m down in the mining Dimension as well there we go but like I’m I’m almost back to the track okay so well I thank you Steve got it though sorry buddy no it’s

Okay it’s not that uh I didn’t need your help but like I didn’t need it okay so hero Bro I need a St no not like that is it not working it’s not pressing the button bro it looks so funny though oh no I’ve I’ve had I’ve seen it like press the button before like that obviously works but okay I’m trying Alexis I’m trying to be

Smart out here but they’re not making it easy Cherry I agree they’re not making smart smart Jerry smart Jerry no we don’t talk about him why not see like that’s myy we don’t talk about Jeremy we don’t see much of Jeremy either now it’s just punching oh that’s not what I meant to

Do dang it oh signalum inot okay these animals are make a sign mad oh you smel theate mod dust that that’s easy enough I just h a skeleton onto the track and it just zoed him away yeah it’s funny watching the pig zombies take it because they sometimes make a loop

Around it’s a mushroom I hate everything got to be I wonder if maybe it has to be a stone button but that doesn’t make sense I finished and Quest nicely done Redstone furnace time bricks machine frame or something it’s going to be this going to be easy Copper gear I’m assuming is going

To be like iron nugs and that let me see yep assumed correctly Redstone and gold I’m about to finish another Quest dude I I’ve been on a heater today and it makes me very Happ been a lot going on yeah everyone’s been like killing it today I

Feel like I feel like everyone’s got some big progress monk in his magical Dimension you doing your batania Steve doing Steve like things uh with storage Cappy doing uh chicken C big chicken and I want you to know into another dungeon okay what if I can just do we

Know if dungeons are usually up or down there’s got to be a way to do this no there has to be now this is the only way I’ll accept now everyone we found so far has been up Steve like the blaze NE and all that oh yeah I guess you’re right on that

Um machine frame 10 okay someone gave me 10 earlier right yeah okay then I build this Redstone furnace completed and that is another Quest Dam it says it’s supposed to simulate right clicks oh do you have like a clicker kind of block yes you can come to dropsy area to

See what we’re trying to do and maybe the fans can help us out all right all right let me take a quick little break from what I was doing here hello oh God what is this poke that’s what I’m trying to do it says the deployer is supposed to

Simulate right clicks I mean by all account maybe it has to be uh maybe it has to be touching it like it might have to be the block you know what I’m saying one block closer like it might just have to be a block closer uh uh we can try Okay

So okay so now I just need to see I can’t do a there because like all like it won’t it won’t fit chat help in the metime get a wrench and change the mode on the deployer it was in the right place okay so Brady Davidson so punch mode is that

It no lighter button what does that mean oh like wood instead of the stone it was W maybe ke did you try to punch me never mind um wooden button let’s try that out anyone have a plank on them I have a wooden button from before like and just supposedly that will fix

It Cappy no please what if I did like yeah there we go that but for oh that’s not working now God okay just give me that again and if I place it right maybe this is this is frustrating okay so that’s not going to work but if I do this that’s what

They’re saying yeah they’re saying this mode plus wood but theyes maybe I need to generate more force in which case I mean I can do that that’s so sad dropsy look at star buun over here he’ll never make it star bule he’s he’s been there for a long time he’s never

Help all right yeah I can’t figure this fluix dust out class check check all around with those 10 or that’s an invar hold up wait what do you mean you can’t figure out fluix Dust how do you get fluix dust Redstone Dust uh charge cerice quartz

And nether quartz you throw those all in water and you get fluix yeah that’s that’s a whole lot of not going to happen that’s the way you get dust without having a crystal to start invar okay if you have a mixer it’ll make it faster the the problem is I think in

Order to charge the crystal you also have to have a different machine for that too it looks like a create thing it’s a Tesla coil have uh nickel or iron dust both I guess n be good St did you have iron Orel dust I remember you were working with

That uh no give me one second brassing I do not raw nickel hold on found it in your thingy it’s ra dust got that okay so now I just need uh an iron ore so I can make iron dust okay well I guess I can just go out

To the mining Dimension quick and grab that yep unless someone is smelting some um someone already smelted it D okay now what if I replace it with a lever instead there we go okay okay okay it’s got to be down this way it’s got to be there we

Go I’m so sad I’ve used it to push a button in the P here okay is there still a machine setup like that or no there’s still a machine setup like that so like we we can play around with it like where is it it’s in my uh other like Workshop

Area like but like whenever I say I’ve you done it in the past I’ve just like in the distant past Chang thank you mjp for the $50 stream tip he wants Pokemon cards you got it my man yeah thank you mjp let’s open this up let’s get crazy I love these things all

Righty I want to see if maybe if it’s like approaching it vertically we have we can deal with that if if it is yeah yeah pharoh seed Gibble Tech Technical Machine explod Mela reverse Holo future booster energy capsule reverse Holo artillery oh Serena EX look how cool

That card is too that looks so nice I didn’t know oh oh I did that I’m sorry that’s one of the coolest PS we’ve gotten in a hot minute there bro I’m sorry I I was like cool does it change if it’s pushed and it

Does thank you so much mjp that was so cool so upsetting what’s it called This is the deployer iron or gotcha now I can turn that into iron dust one of those while I have the time that was sick good day good day when you get an EX card do you think you

Need to use the filter the filter yeah we can try I would need another button though is this a new enough version for an observer because you could have the Observer trigger the dispenser it simulates right clicks by is this this is 1182 what is this I think they yeah observers are a

Thing good work I don’t know could be something could be something but thank you again mjp appreciate you buddy thank you so much and thank you Mr croissant for the $200 stream TI earlier to be our captain of the live stream we got 12 minutes left in the Stream let’s make it

A chaotic last part chaos but it wasn’t clicking the one on the dirt maybe it needs to be farther back is what you’re saying yeah okay we can try that uh let’s see what is this what is this you can go out in the wall and

Stuff and whatever you need to do yeah here’s what I’m going to do is I’m going to like uh I see I see okay that’s interesting bam there we go to have it on the side yeah I think that’s a good spacing yeah right in far worse comes or

Worse I just uh move it just a little bit like right here that that’s too close though maybe not two blocks this one was one block so maybe two blocks is needed all right I made the magma Crucible oh so now button do it do it do it do it do it

People didn’t think it possible we did it yes come look come look come look oh I have a wa watch watch watch don’t Jerry did he just ruin it run run run here use diabetes it’s really overpower did he really just ruin everything you guys he only broke the

Dispenser it’s not a big deal protect me c STI protect me oh God she’s still coming she’s still coming oh god oh no how far these tun go run you keep running okay the a Jerry you’re going to be going that way for quite a bit of time it’s fine I

All okay it’s FS he’s FS can’t escape me Jerome how do you have absortion for a minute stop I’m not doing anything y why do you always resort to violence this is pretty fun to violence just I love this this is this is the best thing ever I now have constant Mana

Pool like I do not have to worry about it being like empty unless I overuse it this is sick so steampunk you’ve got chicken powered Magic I did good today guys my chicken I completed a lot of the components needed for this like so like the base components are like Redstone coils and all like invar gears and Tin gears and all I’ve built all those the all EMC value so now I’m pretty sure the rest of

This tab is going to just be a breeze I mean there might be like one or two surprises but probably not many like let me see copper like I’m doing this from scratch ready from the EMC table so copper gears oh look I have that Redstone flux coil let’s see oh look I

Have that um machine frame oh look I have that uh Flint oh look I have that and then the last but not least Pistons oh wait I have that GG pulverizer complete like I literally built I spent the last like hour building all the bases for this so I could just like slam

Okay nice yeah yeah no that was smart oh and of course then we hit um an odd snare packed ice I’ve never seen ice or packed ice for that matter has anyone come across that in their Adventures I don’t think so oh I don’t think I have

That either how the heck I don’t have any water and an ice charge is one way an ice charge is blizz powder who excuse me I do not have ice you want a what now ice charge blizz powder bliz cube is it just a cold Blaze Yes actually oh actually really to find

Where do cold blazes live wait wait wait can drop snowball into a Mana pool to make ice that am I say I don’t think that works Mana infusion snow block into a Mana pool no you are correct what am I making but it just makes a secondary snowball what am I

Making we’re trying to figure it out right now wait you could use transmutation on it if I use a philosopher stone on water yeah okay wait a minute also Jerry there’s water over just get me a snow block just right click on it I’ve got snow chickens I’ve

Got snowman Char up Char a snow block and I can do it it’s not hard and snow blocks over there snowman chickens snowman chickens no way dude we’re about to watch Bania at work let’s see snow don’t you mean Snow Way aluminum snow Luke you’re so funny give me a

Snowball we had a glowstone one run all the way back never mind and then uhoh all right what’s it missing oh man um ice Mana infusion oh I need an Alchemy Catalyst oh this isn’t bad I can make this uh give me one second okay I will do jeel

We dance and cry oh is there a brewing stand I can EMC anywhere we must have found one at some point you might have to make it there you go thank you okay I need two of these that’s Chiller four living Rock two gold gold have the living

Rock I just need to take a blast furnace from over here and what are you guys doing exact oh you’re spinning the globe yeah okay got a problem with it the most important thing here Jerry snow in the meantime while I was waiting for that I just finished an induction smelter as well

It’s hilarious how it it literally is like all of these are pretty much just the same recipe with like one or two changes w good yeah dude like actually though oh and then we finally hit okay now we hit some interesting ones now we’re talking

So I don’t have any of this oh okay Constantin gear what is this uh I got us a present guys check this Niel and copper okay I have ice nice why did and it’s Steve Steve why why Steve are you trying to get the ward in here Steve thank you dropsy Steve okay

Ice boom blue ice or packed ice oh that’s so nice thank you dropsy and with that that is a blast chiller D now for the multi- servo uh you need Constantin which is pretty easy to come across I have a Constantin BL blend oh smel one of

Those come on I want to get one more of these done in the next cuz we have three minutes left I want to get one more of these done which I should be able to do um okay Constantine and get I’ve never heard of that is that an

Actual ore in real life Constantine is that just something I’ve never heard of before I think so it might be a mineral or something I don’t know for sure they’re minerals anyway uh con ear bronze all right you need a bronze blend which is copper and Tin think I

Have all these dusts copper oh I got a mob Fant so if we ever want to make one of those in the future I have a DN seed I found something I don’t have tin dust tropy where did all your little friends come from uh the grass thing and they all

Come down here and then let me check and see if I have any I have something new I do not have any okay it’s a rotational speed controller okay I I can make this I actually think maybe I have to oh I got this I have Uptown chicken thanks the $10 stream how

Was your day my day was good dude had a really good day yeah it just needs to go a little bit slower we got so much done genuinely I am shocked at how much we got done dude I’m impressed so much we all kind of devoted ourselves to things

That we weren’t like too like comfortable with and we uh we learned a lot I feel like I feel like we all really okay check this out dropy can we roll back to tapes to where Jam was like come over I know this mod so I’m gonna do this this

One there we go can hold that and another one down so I only have two more quests to do in this so I guess that would for next time that I can finish there we go I’m proud of you next time I’ll be a finish up that chapter

For us proud of you jam you did great I’m proud of you sir on that know everyone I think this is the perfect place to call things quits hope you guys had fun if you did then hit the like button and of course check us out tomorrow for another awesome live stream

Thanks for being here friends bye-bye and we’ll catch you next time real soon

This video, titled ‘Creating UNLIMITED Chickens In Stoneblock 3 (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-12-19 23:09:46. It has garnered 20345 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:11 or 11651 seconds.

Creating UNLIMITED Chickens In Stoneblock 3 (Minecraft) $25 Steak bomb $30 Floppy Fish Bomb $40 Peanut Cam for 3 Minutes $45 Open Pack of Pokemon Cards $50 Give someone 1000 XP $66 Order 66 $75 Hot Sauce $100 Kill A Player $125 Ban / Unban Willie $150 Give Jerome Ender Eye $200 OPEN MEGA CHANCE CUBE $250 Give someone An OP Sword $300 Give Full Set Of OP Armor (Red Matter Armor is very good) $350 Clear Someones inventory $400 OPEN MEGA CHANCE CUBE IN THE SPAWN ROOM $500 Delete our EMC table (or add it back) $2,000 – INTERN OF THE YEAR ELECTIONS

✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF 📷 Follow My Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/JeromeAceti 👍 Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @Dropsy @CaptainBlastem @SteadfastGamesYT @Monkey1n2 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Ultimate Supporter Andrew Delmar MidnightReaper roger miller Jacob Hutcherson Red Akain (Ā-CANE) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Supporter+ AnteChao Kevin Andrew Williams GojiraYT Robert bell dezmon avant Peter Trifilo FireWolf Mikuo_Hatsune_TTV Shadowfox Johnathan Mandrake Gerald Zendrosky TopDragoninja joe joyce TrickyDeathBringer ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com/

  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

    Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft Brewing Guide 1.21: Mastering Potions and More! Potions in Minecraft are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly powerful tools in your gameplay. Brewing potions may seem daunting at first, but fear not! This ultimate Minecraft 1.21 brewing guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can craft every potion with ease. Getting Started: Brewing Essentials To begin your potion-making journey, you’ll need a brewing stand. Craft one using one Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone. Don’t forget to fuel your brewing stand with Blaze Powder! Next, gather glass blocks to create bottles for your… Read More

  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

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  • Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft – Survival World Ep. 10

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  • Redemption Quest: Minecraft’s Patriotic Jest

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  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

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  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

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  • Guessing YouTubers in Minecraft

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  • AntVenom’s Reputation Ruined?

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  • Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

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  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

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  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More