You can fly infinitely without rockets in Survival Minecraft I’ve covered how to do this before by turning yourself into a porcupine with a punch two bow but this technique only requires you your elytra and some precise movement now it’s been around since elytra came out but they’ve made it tougher in Recent versions so it will definitely require a bit of practice for this to work you’ll have to fly at exactly 40° downward to accelerate so I’d recommend you turn on your F3 screen and it will be this number right over your head and once you’ve built up some speed you then Look upwards to -40° and if you timed it right by time you slow down and start stalling you can be up to two blocks higher than where you started which may not sound like a lot but even being at the same height you started at still means that you could repeat this Infinitely or at least until you’re a light to give out Video Information
This video, titled ‘Infinite Elytra flight in 1.20 #minecraft #didyouknow #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Nuts on 2023-10-18 15:00:21. It has garnered 2380051 views and 220121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds.
There are several ways that you can fly without using rockets but this is the only other way that you can do it without any other items!
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