Unlimited Power in Minecraft Desertopolis: Infinity Disks & Quantum Singularities!

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In the last stream we were working on setting up and automating these ultimate alter crafting tables to allow us to start crafting some of these very large late game crafts and more specifically ulating those late game crafts so that we can hopefully at some point fairly soon look at getting these Infinity

Catalysts and then the infinity ingots and then crafting the infinity armor to complete the pack we also of course set up these Neutron collectors over here and since the end of the last episode I have crafted a few more of these I just requested the last has to make them and

So far it has done a fantastic job at making these now since the end of the last episode Ben the packm maker has pushed an update making the end game a little bit easier and a little bit less grindy so now the new Tron collectors here are faster you’ll see now it goes

Up by more than one percentage Point per second whereas in the last episode it was like one percentage point every two seconds and so I think the change log said they now work about three times faster than they did previously which is very nice indeed and you’ll see here

That we now have 35 neutronium ingots Ben also changed the recipe for neutronium ingots so now it still takes nine Neutron piles to make one Neutron Ingot but it no longer takes nine Neutron nuggets to make one Neutron Ingot it’s four Neutron nuggets to make one neutronium Ingot and so it does

Require fewer nuggets there is currently a bug or an exploit in the current version of the peg because right now the storage draw here still converts one neutronium Ingot into nine nuggets and so you’ll see at the top there we’re at 35 neutrum ingots if I take one of these

Out we go from 321 nuggets down to 312 nuggets so it generates nine nuggets when you put this in and so in theory what you could do if you wanted to exploit this is you could take four of these nuggets out craft those four nuggets with an iron ingot something

Like this and then you could take that Ingot place it back into the drawer and you get nine nuggets so you can basically turn four nuggets into one Ingot and that one Ingot is worth nine nuggets so you can basically double the number of nuggets you get at the cost of

Iron I don’t think we’re going to have to abuse that exploit because these are now much faster we can make these very easily and I think for the most part we should get enough neutrum ingots just bya letting these work passively that we don’t have to rely on that exploit which

I have been told is going to get patched out in the next version anyway so now that that is taken care of and now that we’ve completed the neutron collector quest line the big thing that we need to do now is we need to get a quantum

Compressor and we need to look at automating the production of these Infinity catalysts thankfully you do now get five of these at a time as opposed to one and you do get five Infinity ingots at a time as opposed to one and I believe some of these recipes have been

Tweaked as well to require fewer neutronium ingots than before so the plan for today is going going to be to get this Quantum compressor which I don’t think is going to be too difficult it requires a bunch of end steel which we have it requires a bunch of advanced

And improved processors that we’ve already taught our system how to make same goes for the crystal Matrix ingots the only things we don’t have are the four Advanced Air Compressors the five impulse Hoppers and then we do have the nuggets and the piles to make this Quantum compressor happen and I’m happy

To report that in the new update the quantum compressor is now capable of using a lot more power which may sound like maybe not a good thing but essentially it used to be that the quantum compressor could only use 5,000 red stone FL a tick now it can use

100,000 Redstone flux per take which essentially just means that we can make the singularity here faster because the 100 million Redstone flux at the top there that hasn’t changed it required that before it used to be the case though that you had to get to that 100

Million Redstone flux at a rate of 5,000 Redstone FL per tick which takes over 16 minutes per Singularity that has now been tweaked you you can now pump up to 100,000 RF parck into the quantum compressor allowing you to make a singularity in under 60 seconds which is

Good because we need quite a few singularities in order to make all of the infinity catalysts the only problem is that currently we are not making anywhere near 100,000 Redstone flux per take we are currently making 3,170 is redstone flux per take and so the plan for today’s stream is going to

Be to massively increase our reactor size here to massively increase the amount of power that we’re generating hopefully to the point where we’re generating over 100,000 Redstone flocks per tank so that we can actually run the quantum compressor at Max Speed and get all of these singularities required in a

Reasonable period of time real quick though let’s start by requesting maybe 18 more of these double compressed crafting tables here we’re missing 512 stone for that which is only the case because our storage draw is actually limited by the fact that it’s full so one thing we should probably do is maybe

Grab a coule couple of upgrades for the draw we do have 327 emeralds here and so we can fairly easily make a couple of these tier five storage upgrades which are the highest tier storage upgrade you can make and I think it’s probably worth putting these into a couple of the

Drawers over here specifically Stone and deep slate the Deep slate is required to make a lot of the grains of infinity going forward which are going to be required for some of the Alloys that we need as for everything else here I don’t really think that there’s much more we

Need I’m not quite sure why we ended up the netherite scrap here of all things I think I put a draw down to make this symmetrical and then just didn’t lock it which is why there’s netherite scrap in there but we’ll put down a few more of

These just to uh gather a few more of these resources and we could do the same with endstone but I don’t really want to use all of our Stone making more endstone instead I’d rather use all of our Stone to make those crafting tables so back down here how are those crafting

Tables doing they’re coming in once those are done we can then make two more ultimate crafting tables one of those ultimate crafting tables we still need to use to make the resource generator here and the other crafting table I’m hopeful that we can use to craft this

Guy the quantum compressor and of course we do need more ultimate crafting tables if we’re going to automate the infinity Catalyst and the infinity Ingot as well so let’s quickly see if we can’t make four Advanced Air Compressors and five impulse Hoppers the Advanced Air Compressors I think are by far in way

Going to be the easier part of this for it we just need more reinforced bricks and speaking of reinforced bricks I think what I’ll also do real quick here is go ahead and throw quite a bit of iron over into this chest just to get us

A lot of compressed iron to work with today on top of that if we’re going to make our reactor bigger we’re going to need a lot of graphite and the graphite is of course made by smelting graphite dust which we get from pounded coal in the pressure chamber so I think another

Thing that we should probably do sooner rather than later is maybe teach our system how to make the powdered coal which I think it actually already knows just not in the sill right it’s over here it is indeed okay in that case then let’s go ahead and I think request quite

A lot of powdered coal give me like 512 start and start we might need even more than that because we need a lot of graphite to build a really big big reactor and we have to run all this powdered coal through the pressure chamber here in order to turn it into

The graphite dust so we’re going to want to run all of that through sooner rather than later it shouldn’t take too long because the pressure chamber is pretty full on pressure these days but just to be safe we should proba together earlier on back over here though we do

Now have what it takes to make more of these reinforced bricks we can then craft up more of these regular air compressors once we have four of those we then just need to get the advanced pressure tubes right now we have all we need actually never mind I didn’t know

If we had four of those or not but it turns out we totally do fantastic and so now it’s just a case of making five of these impulse Hoppers which require copper alloy ingots and Redstone alloy ingots so if I’m not mistaken here the copper alloy ingot is required as part

Of the singularity craft here we need quite a lot of copper alloy ingots to make the copper alloy singularities and so I do think it’s going to be worth teaching our system how to make the copper alloy ingots here it’s in the alloy smelter with silicon and copper

Incur and we’ll place that into one of our spare alloy smelters over here as for the Redstone alloy Ingot this is also not too difficult actually it’s a redstone and silicon I will go ahead and teach this although I don’t think we need anywhere near as many of these

Alloys as we do the the other ones real quick I didn’t do it in the last episode I definitely should have done let’s teach our system just how to make glass by smelting sand we’ll teach it in the alloy smelter given that’s where we are

Going to do it also we uh we do need to kind of Kickstart the system by getting some sand so that we can actually make the pattern to teach it how to make glce but we should definitely do that just so that whenever we need something we can

Just request it as opposed to having to go and manually put that send in in the future real quick do we have what it takes to make more patterns now we do so we’ll do one pattern for making glass and we might even do one pattern for

Making patterns real quick here if we do this and this we can place that pattern into our spare crafting slot we can place the glass smelting over into let’s put it in here I think that’s fine and then down here what we can probably do do we have a spare exporter

We don’t we have a spare external storage but we can probably make an exporter fairly easily we can we can request that our system make the processors for us there and I believe we do have some cable lying around in our backpack we do indeed and so once we

Have those two pieces the construction core and the improved processor we can then take this add it to our patent grid like this connect that up like so and essentially now we should be able to do is we should be able to request a pattern once that pattern’s been made we

Can then tell this to export patterns into here and then if we get a crafting card then much like before with the melon seeds we can basically have our system Contin continually craft more patn and keep this patent grid here full of pattern so that we don’t have to keep

Crafting them manually uh the crafting card is called the crafting upgrade I believe for refined storage it is indeed and for this we just need another basic upgrade which requires another one of those improved processors as well as two more crafting grids and another construction call boom and boom nice let’s throw that

Into here and now we should just start to see look at that patterns arriving inside of the pattern grid it is going to keep going until we have 64 there and then once we do it’s going to stop crafting them until we use them and I

Think that is perfect so we were trying to make the red alloy Ingot this one right here let’s go ahead and give that a quick incur and we’ll throw that I think into the same alloy smelter as this guy the uh the copper allo Ingot just because again I don’t think we need

That many of these Redstone Aly ingots and then down here with that taken care of we are almost good to go we do need five of these so let’s request 20 of the copper alloy ingots start and start and then let’s also go ahead and request just five of the Redstone alloy ingots

While we wait for those let’s get another Hopper let’s also get another void Chassy and finally let’s go ahead and get two of these Stone gears and by two I of course mean 10 because we need five of these and that is also true for

The chassing do we have what it takes to make 1 two three four more we do indeed and of course we need one two three four more Hoppers perfect let’s go ahead and see if we can’t get all of those we can fantastic do we have those double

Compressed crafting we do indeed let’s do something like this and then let’s straight away request another nine of those fantastic so we can make another ultimate crafting table and then in here I think we should now be good to go we do need to get a decent amount of end

Steel ingots to make this happen this is 918 plus I believe 16 so we need like 34 I’ll request 40 here just to be on the safe side and then what else do we need here we need 2 4 6 eight of each processor that is completely fine let’s

Request I’m going to request 32 of each processor and that’s why we run into a string problem and so string is going to be a problem on a few fronts I did notice the reason I stopped making more Neutron collectors was also due to the lack of string like if I wanted to

Request another batch of them here the thing we’re missing more than anything else is string the other thing that we were missing was quartz enriched iron but between streams I have gone ahead and tripled up on the quartz enriched iron chickens here I gave another one

250 quartz Rich iron and I just Brad these two together to get the third one and going forward if we need more we can breed more as well because quartz anded ion is really the big bottleneck for neutronium collectors but string is also another bottleneck so I do think it’s

Probably worth getting a String Chicken The String Chicken is easy enough to make we just get 250 string and feed it to a chicken which shouldn’t be too difficult but it is going to require that we do a fair bit of sapling growing and leaf shearing never mind I have have

Just been made aware of the fact that we can summon sheep using the summoning block and just a piece of wheat then is very interesting if we take our summoning block and we place a single piece of dirt beneath it which we don’t have because I used all my dirt between

Episodes because I’ve not mentioned it but I did do a bit of Base building between episodes as you may or may not have noticed I placed a roof finally onto the D here I also added a slightly different roof to the uh three semicircle platforms that we have next

To our Dome and I’ve also added a couple of these land as well around to make it just a little bit nicer and we’ve used a lot of this pneumatic grass uh grass a lot of this pneumatic glass in the roof and we’ve put down a lot of grass which

Is a lot of dirt which is just a lot of leaves and I just did a lot of leaf farming between streams growing a lot of saplings using the shears hence why we have so many of them lying around in our inventory now that doesn’t mean we don’t

Have any dirt thankfully we can get more leaves very quickly using our little sapling grower boom and boom we only need one dirt which is just eight leaves crafted like this and then if we do something like this and like this we should just be able to pump a staggering amount of

Wheat into that spawner to get a staggering amount of sheep in theory we have the ability to summon 3,000 49 sheep here if we wanted to what I think we should probably do is get maybe like a netherite sword to allows oh this has changed they’ve changed the way you make

Netherite tools in the newest version of Minecraft in that case let’s make a diamond sword and over here if we do something like this people are telling me to Shear the Sheep I don’t know if it’s um I guess we could Shear them first right and then kill them because I

Don’t know if it’s worth I mean I guess we could we could just kind of we could have a lot of sheep just around but I think we’re going to cause a fair bit of server lag if we um if we just leave a lot of sheep like this so I think it’s

Probably best if we kind of like Shear them and then remove them so that we don’t cause just a staggering amount of lag I also think it’s probably beneficial to turn off our jet boots temporarily because cuz that’s going to make it easier for us to critically hit

These sheep and kill them in uh in one swoop but the good news is is that once we have all of the wool here we can just run that through the squeezer again like this to get a bunch of string I do still think it’s worth getting the String

Chicken though because this is not really an alterated process and I would much rather have the string coming in automatically via the String Chicken and boom just like that we have a String Chicken fantastic let’s take you he’s 10 10 10 and let’s plop him down for now

And forever I think over in here he’s already got a draw beneath him that’s fantastic is this ready to be configured it is I I will rotate the draw of course and we’ll get this guy set to ideally string and Feathers all right so this

Guy is fully set up I am going to give him a Quick 128x bump we still got 10 hours in our time in a bottle here and hopefully that is going to get us a nice influx of string ideally enough for us to go ahead and get this Quantum compressor going so

For that I wanted to get some more processes again I would ideally like to get 32 of these requested and 32 of these requested just so we have some left over for other crafts going forward speaking of which I do think that it’s going to be worth getting a couple of

These speed upgrades for that we need some glass again now thankfully we can request quite a bit of glass be made for us automatically and then we can just kind of craft these as in when the glass comes in one two three and ideally one two three fantastic I do believe there’s

Already one speed upgrade in over here we can throw the other three in for now that’s fine we will probably at some point look at replacing one of these with a stack upgrade especially once we start doing the big leg game crafts like the infinity catalyst so that we’re not

Waiting around for things to get imported either way we have processors let’s go ahead and grab those we’ll take all of them for now because they don’t really take up much space I guess eight is what we needed on the advanced processor which is coming in slowly but

Surely while we wait for that I think we’re basically good to go we do need eight blocks of compressed iron however we did compress a bunch of iron right at the start of the episode and in fact we got 45 blocks worth of compressed iron

Here so eight is not going to be a problem and I think that we are basically good to go there’s our 40 and steel that is also done let’s grab eight Neutron piles and four nuggets 1 2 3 4 and 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight perfect

Down here we can almost make this happen we are just waiting on these processors we already have the impulse Hoppers that’s fine the advanced compressors we have are we good to go let me check here I feel like we’re missing something we are we’re missing the four Crystal

Matrix ingots and look at that we have exactly four of them fantastic boom and boom nice all right so now we are truly in the end game because now we have to focus on making these Infinity catalysts so as I mentioned before the way the quantum compressor works we place it

Down in here we have the power on the left and you can see it can hold 10 million Fe and as we said earlier this does require 100,000 Redstone FL with take to run at its fastest speed other than that we have two more slots here

Those slots are for the resource that we make the singularity out of so for the energetic alloy Singularity we use energetic Alloys and the left slot in this case is for the quantum entangled Singularity this item isn’t used this just sits here and is required as like a

Catalyst to the main Singularity craft so these are not too bad I say not too bad however they do require singularities and the singularities are a little bit interesting to say the least so we do need quite a few of these singularities because they are also required in the making of the infinity

Catalyst you’ll see we need four singularities per Infinity Catalyst we did some number crunching we need about 100 I think we need 88 Infinity ingots and we need I think 94 Infinity catalysts to craft all of these armor pieces and the pickaxe in the middle

There so if we needed to get let’s say 95 Infinity Catalyst to make it a nice number that means we need to get 19 lots of all of these items which means that we would need just shy of 8 76 I think singularities here the singularities are

Made in the matter condenser the mattera condenser here not too difficult to make let’s quickly see if we can’t make the mattera condenser happen I do believe we should still have fluix dust never mind I always think we have fluix dust and we never do we do still have some fluix

Crystals though and if we place one of those into our inscriber which is over here let’s do this one that’s not doing anything that should get us the dust I’ll turn all that into dust for now we can always make more fluix crystals should we need them then get us atic

Condenser and then instantly I am realizing that I am going to need some more fluix crystals I think basically right away so let’s take all of our charge SES quartz with our nether quartz and our Redstone boom boom boom that’s going to get us a bunch of fluix

Crystals hopefully enough to see us through to the end of the pack now and the reason we need more fluix crystals here is that in order to make the singularity there’s two things we need the first thing we need to do is we need to get ourselves a 64k Emy storage

Component which is a bit of a pain but doesn’t seem too bad let me do a little bit of crafting here and speaking of crafting I think I will require a few more Crafters to make this happen I’m going to quickly teach our system how to make the 64k crafting storage like this

And then we’ll teach it also how to make the quartz glass like that it already knows how to make glass so that’s fine and then going down the pattern here to make the 64k storage we do need three 16ks so we’ll teach you how to make 16k

We then of course need the 4ks we’ll teach you how to make 4K and we need the 1K we’ll teach you how to make the 1K and that requires cus quarts which I guess we could also teach it how to make cus squats and then also teach it how to

Make the Silicon blend as well I think that makes sense in this scenario that is where the extra Crafters come into play we’ll Place one of those down right about here and then we’ll just dump all of these patterns in like like so and at that point I think the only thing that

It probably doesn’t know how to make now is C squats dust which we can just teach it like so because we can then just tell it to put that over into this inscriber here and I think at that point our system might be able to make a 64k

Drive it says it can we’ll hit start and we’ll let that do its thing I’m hopeful that that won’t take too too long it did require a lot of redstone though and essentially the way this works is we have to pump that 64k Drive full of

Something and that is where it turns out that we actually have access to some Infinity discs these guys right here there’s an Infinity water cell and there’s also an Infinity Cobblestone cell I don’t know if it really matters necessarily which one of these we use it

Is going to require a 16k component in and of itself to make and so we should go ahead and request another 16k component here and then whilst we at for that I think we’re also going to need to get an me drive and we’re also going to want to get I

Think an Emmy exporter so we we’ve kind of used refined storage for basically the entirety of our playr so far but it looks like at the end here we do need to do a little bit of Applied energistics work in order to get the singularity and

I think the best way for us to get the singularity is going to be using the infinity disc because you have to pump thousands of a given item it doesn’t matter what item so long as it’s an item into the magnetic condenser to make that Singularity and as you’ve seen we do

Need quite a few and I do believe that’s where those Infinity discs are going to come in quite useful so in here the 64k component is done let me go ahead and request a 16k component actually never mind it’s done perfect let’s go ahead and we’ll start with the Cobblestone one

That does require a bucket of lava but of course our system is now capable of making buckets of lava and so hopefully that is easy enough fantastic and then we just needed to get some more Sur quatz dust let me get at least three of

That so that we can make the Emy drive here because we need the quartz fiber which is what the dust is for there we go the quartz fiber let us make the me cable and the me cable lets us make the me drive cage perfect the meem drive

Cage is where we can put the infinity disc and so now this meem drive has a disc in it that has infinite cobblestone in from there we want to get an Emmy export PS this one right here this is the equivalent of an exporter from refined storage and this is going to

Allow us to export the infinite cobblestone in this drive to the Mata condenser in the Mata condenser we want to swap this to condense meta balls into singularities it does require 256,000 items per Singularity but again that’s why we want infinite Cobblestone and so over here let’s do something like

This to make the formation cause and then we can do this to make an me expert bus which will place in uh which will place on the magnetic condenser we then want to grab one of those fluix cables that we just made to connect that up

Like so and then from there I think there are two things we need to do the first thing is that we need to get give this power and just like before there are two options here we could either use a controller to give it power or we

Could use an energy uh acceptor this guy right here just like we did before with our melon setup and I think the energy acceptor is probably going to be the easier of the two to make it just requires some quartz glass I assume the quartz glass is done fantastic let’s

Place that down right about here and then in my backpack I do have an energy exporter along with an omnidirectional connector and some logic cable and so we should be able to once again do this do this do this and then if we grab a variable card we can hopefully get power

To this setup and we might see that come online look at that fantastic that light is on and so over here we’re going to tell this to export Cobblestone let’s do this and let’s do this and so now look at that it’s exporting very very very

Slowly and so now we need to get some upgrades I do believe that we can put acceleration cards in here I don’t know what else we can put in we can put in capacity cards fuzzy cards crafting cards acceleration cards and Redstone cards so I’m going to put in four

Acceleration cards but I have a feeling that what we’re probably going to want to do here is just craft up more exporters because I think even with all of the acceleration cards it’s probably not going to be fast enough okay so unfortunately it looks like this energy acceptor is kind

Of not like the power is not being transferred faster I don’t believe that the controller is too difficult to make it does require a sky Stone which we don’t currently have we can trade with a villager to get Sky stone at level two I think that’s really our only

Option because there’s no Sky Stone Chicken lineing around and so if we quickly grab another charger here what we should be able to do is quickly spawn in another villager using our little Summoner and if we make him into a a charging worker we should hopefully be

Able to to trade with him because we have enough emeralds to make this happen is he going to convert there we go okay I did have to move a couple of items like this grindstone here but we now have a novice fluk researcher but he’s disabled we can’t actually use him to do

Any crafting okay fine in that case then um I think that we might have to go find a meteor there was a meteor down here where we spawned in initially but the initial meteor that we found was right on a Temple and so maybe this one over

Here if I go ahead and add Waypoint and Sky Stone question mark we could maybe fly over there and see if if there’s any Sky Stone and if there is we could then hopefully just mine some and bring it back all right here we go we can go

Ahead and grab bunch of Sky Stone fantastic and uh there’s some sures in the middle there I don’t think we need it of course our home stone should be in here it is indeed let’s use that to quickly pop back to our home base and hopefully that is everything that we

Need to get our controller let’s just quickly smelt for skystone into the skystone blocks required for the controller and then in here controller can we craft this guy we can and the benefit of this is that it has a little bit of power that it can store inside of

It at the top there 16,000 Fe and so that should keep this online basically all the time and hopefully now we see this exporting more consistently it’s still not fast and the twitch chat has pointed out that there is an upgraded version of the em export

Bu that we can make called the Emy extended export bus which is just some acceleration cards and an improved processor and this apparently is just Faster by default so if we do this is there there’s so many more slots for acceleration cards here which is fantastic by default apparently it is

Quicker moving eight items at a time instead of one but of course we can still make get more acceleration cards ideally quite a few more acceleration cards to to really try and fill up all of these slots it looks like you can’t put more than five in or you

Can’t put more than four in so this is pretty quick and we’re almost at 256,000 for our first Singularity although I guess if we really wanted to here we could probably just look at getting another exporter to make this even faster some people were suggesting the capacity cards but the capacity cards

Won’t actually do anything here they just increase the number of slots inside of the me export bus and I’m very happy to see that the number of slots by by default is much larger it used to be that you can only put like a Max of nine

Filters into an xot bus now it looks like the max is is much much higher than that but what we definitely can do though is if we get more fluix cable we can just put down more exporters and utilize those exporters to export you know two three four times as fast

Depending on how many extra exporters we place down so if we do this and again set this to Cobblestone we can then drop in five more acceleration cards and we should start to see this going much much quicker and we’re going to start getting singularities now in order to get get

The quantum entangled Singularity we need to blow up this Singularity with the Ender dust so the Ender dust here is made by just putting the ender pearl into the inscriber that is completely fine I don’t think we’re going to need that many of these I don’t think it’s

Worth teaching the system how to do it we can just take the dust here and then you just have to blow these up but there is a very specific little TNT here that you can use to blow it up you can use any TNT but this tiny TNT here is added

By applied energistics because it makes a very teeny tiny little explosion just big enough for us to ideally get the quantum entangled Singularity so if we go ahead and drop down somewhere in the desert let’s say over here if we drop down our Singularity along with our

Ender dust and then we put down the tiny TNT and we blow this up I believe we should get two Quantum entangled single singularities nice and these are the Catalyst required inside of the quantum compressor if I press U on this you’ll see it’s only used for us here is to

Make these singularities but again we would want ideally 100,000 Redstone flu per TI being generated here in order to make these singularities as fast as possible and so I think at this point in time we kind of want to Pivot our goals over to making our reactor bigger one

Thing I will do real quick is I will get another storage drawer and I’ll place that down just as soon as we texture it to store all of the singularities that we’re getting because we do want to keep getting more singularities so that we hopefully will

Have enough when the time comes to do the final crafts so if I do this and I do this I don’t know exactly how many we’re going to need it might not be more than 64 but on the off chance it is more than 64 we can go and do something like

This and this doesn’t really cost us anything other than a little bit of power to keep this sell thing running because of course this disc is infinite so we’re just pumping infinite Cobblestone into here and producing an infinite number of singularities so in terms of making more power with the

Reactor we need to make a bigger reactor which we kind of talked about before because we have used exclusively just basic reactor casing which is only able to make a reactor up to 5x 5×5 so this is the biggest reactor that we can make with this basic casing if we want to

Make a bigger reactor we need reinforced casing this stuff right here which is regular casing with four more graphite and four more iron so just basically the same recipe again but with the basic casing in the middle and we can then use that to make a much bigger reactor which

Is capable of producing a lot more power and ideally we want to get around 100,000 Redstone flux and so I think we want to build a much larger reactor maybe something like a 13x 13×13 reactor now to do that we just need a lot of iron and a lot of graphite so we

Do have seven graphite in here we did request a bunch of the coal earlier yeah we got a ton of powdered coal in here so we can of course go ahead and take all that out and dump it in over here but I don’t think that’s going to be enough if

We want to make a 13x 13×13 reactor we’re going to need around 1,000 reactor casing and if we want to get 1,000 of this reactor casing that means that we need basically we just multiply it by eight and that’s the amount of iron and graphite so I

Think we need about 8,000 graphite and about 8,000 iron as well which is absolute Madness and so right now how are we doing on iron we got 3,000 iron and we’ve got like 1,000 coal so the answer really is not enough of either of those and so I think that what we’re

Probably going to want to do here CH is just go crazy with the chickens I think we need more cold chickens I think we need more iron chickens I think we can probably go ahead and teach our system here how to make the the reactor casing the reinforced variant and how to make

The regular basic casing like so and we’ll put both of those in to our Crafters up here and that should be fine one other thing I think we should definitely do is uh teach our system how to smelt the graphite dust that’s not going to be a problem we’ll stick that

Into one of our alloy smelters let’s do I don’t think it really matters which one we do here because we’re not going to overlap with any of these but we’ll put it in the one with netherite because we’re not making any netherite at the moment and then the trickier part is uh

Teaching system how to make the actual graphite dust I say trick here it’s not really that tricky it should just be a case I think of teaching it this recipe here in code we can then take one of our Crafters we crafted earlier place that over here ideally just onto this chest

Not quite like that of course we want to make sure it points in like this place this guy down like so and then if we can get enough refined storage cabling we should then hopefully be able to use our pipe layer to run from a pre-existing pipe over to there now

Where is our nearest pre-existing pipe is a good question there is pipe here we do have to be careful not to break the trim let’s say that we go from here of course with this in our off hand from here over to here that’s going to run

Like this if you shift right click in the air you can change the default path finding to airstar path finding it says this will find the shortest path between two points and it will try and go around ores and I think I was told it also goes around pipes now as well so

Let’s go ahead and kind of shift scroll that down a bit like this let’s go down one more wait I can’t go one more this is as slow as it’ll go wait that’s 99 oh I see we need to go to a depth of seven before it actually goes deeper I

See the depth is on like the receiving end fair enough let’s do it there shift right click Place pipes we we are going to have to cover this but I think that should bring that online it totally does and of course we want to get a cover there as well but

Ideally our system should now know how to make the graphite and so in theory now if I was to go ahead and you know try to request uh let’s say a thousand of the reinforced RoR casing it knows how to make it we just

Need a lot more coal and a lot more iron and so real quick what I’m going to do I’m going to take 250 coal I’m going to feed it to one of our 10 10 10 chickens we only have two left so I’m going to breed another 10

1010 chicken real quick let’s do this and this once those guys are bread I’ll take one of the pre-existing chickens and we’ll use that to make another 101010 coal chicken from there what we’ll do is we’ll just breed together the two 10101 coal chickens that we have

To get more Cal chickens and we’ll also breed together more iron chickens to get more 10 10 10 iron chickens we’ll throw all those guys down and we’ll hopefully really start to ramp up our coal and iron production and then depending on how our melons stack up we might also

Look at adding more more melons to the equation as well and then hopefully once we have enough coal and enough iron speaking of Iron by the way we do have 4,000 iron over here raw iron that just needs to be smelted so we could also look at throwing down some blast

Furnaces and smelting some of that up to get the iron some more more quickly so it’s really just the coal that we’re limited on there are a few recipes for example we could use some of our um fuel of also I do forget about the fact that

The extract Tator works here I think that’s not going to be particularly fast because although we could use a clay chicken to get ter C I feel like at that point we might as well just get a coal chicken you can also use the fluid mixer

To make coal but I don’t think it’s going to be fast enough I think we’re going to want to get just a bunch of chickens down and really start to pump out the coal that way okay so I know I said that I wasn’t going to use the

Fluid mixer here but I think I might use the fluid mixer here because it turns out that we have got a lot of fluid and it doesn’t actually use that much to make coal using this it takes 50 mli buckets of gasoline and kerosene for

Example to make three coal and so if we take this tank and this tank from here and we go and put both of those into our fluid mixer over here boom and boom it pretty quickly makes the coal and of course we can put in speed upgrades no we can’t put in speed

Upgrades interesting but we can maybe time in the bottle it to make it a lot faster and then if we get an importer with like a stack upgrade on it and maybe some speed upgrades I I think we could make this real fast at producing coal we already have the Importer the

Speed upgrades are not too difficult let’s go ahead and get quite a few of these I’m going to request more processors because we’re basically out of those give me another 30 slime slime is not something we have automated and we should definitely look at teaching our system how to make that using the

Strainers for now though let’s do 1 2 3 4 that there is enough for a stack upgrade ideally I do think we want maybe the stack upgrade with a couple of speed upgrades if we put both of those onto here which we might be able to do like

This and like this with this and this that should pull in the resultant coal and then from there we can probably just do this I mean we could also do this and this I think both of those are fine with flu pipes to move the items over which I

Think would be more sensible as opposed to I was trying to do it manually and at the same time I do think it’s probably all Al worth do we have any more plastic we do okay cool I was going to say it’s probably also worth trying to get two

More tanks to replace the tanks that we just broke so we can make some more of the gasoline and kerosene kind of passively in the background we are out of plastic now that’s unfortunate but let’s do this and this just to kind of keep producing those while we work on

Other stuff let’s also get more of these fluid pipes good stuff and I think we’ll also want to get some pipe upgrades here to make this substanti ually faster than it is by default let’s do two of these improved pipe upgrades let’s go boom boom and then using our wrench we can go

Boom and make sure we disconnect this with a boom here and then a boom and a boom and hopefully that’s going to keep pumping those in and then from there I’m hopeful that we can kind of do something like this and make it a good deal faster

And just kind of keep going and just producing a staggering amount of coal how much coal are we acquiring here it’s going up pretty quickly look at that we needed like 6,000 and we’re getting like a 100 every second every couple of seconds it’s coming in real quick and so

If we did want to get a th000 reactor casing what was the number we needed we need 3,400 more coal I don’t know if we’ll quite get there with the uh the kerosene and the gasoline that we have because we are now fully out but we can

Do the same thing with the other two fluids as well if we go and put these bank then we can do the same thing again with diesel and with LPG that’s going to get us not quite as much cuz I think you only get two at a time here instead of

Three I also do wonder if I break this and replace it does it empty out its internal buffer it doesn’t but I can kind of shift it to the output slot there which is awkward I don’t know if there’s a way to um like actively get

Rid of actually I guess I can just go put these back in these tanks right I can just do this and this and that’s completely fine perfect so over here let’s do the same thing again with our other fluids let’s set both of those to extract here and here let’s once again

Throw in the pipe upgrades we’ll do that here and here that’s going to start producing more coal I think two at a time this time instead of three at a time but again we still do have 10 hours in our time in a bottle and so if we

Just give that a very rapid bit of acceleration we should tear through the liquid and we should get a bunch more cool nice and then we can kind of do a similar thing I guess with the blast Brick furnace here if we take this blast Brick furnace and we take the 4,000 raw

Iron that we have here we can kind of move this imp once it’s done over here onto the blast Brick furnace and again just use the time of the bottle to rapidly accelerate our way through that 4,000 iron until hopefully we have enough iron to make this happen so how

Are we doing here we’re still missing 1,500 coal how are you doing over here this thing’s still going let me give it another T to really tear through the remaining LPG and the remaining diesel is this a more efficient craft or is this just the same

But worse it is the same but worse cuz you get two instead of three but that’s completely fine we are still getting a staggering amount of coal that we apparently just had backlogged in our fuels I kind of wish i’ have made bigger tanks maybe because we’ve been leaving

Those passively for a while now so that might be pretty close how are we doing we need 900 more coal that is completely fine I think that’s the last of the fuels here not quite but even if that is the last we can always give our chicken

A bit of a t to uh to try and squeeze out the last of the coal if we really need to and yeah I’ll basically do the same thing here I’m going to take the impot BST with the stank and speed upgrades I’m going to put them onto the

BL Brick furnace here and we’re just going to feed in the Raw iron extract out the cooked iron and that’s going to give us a bump of like 4,000 iron okay so I’ve set up a horrible Contraption here and don’t worry this uh fall haard is temporary but over here this does

Work and we have started burning through the iron here and if I give it a tap all the way up to 128 it does start going very quickly however it does take half an hour out of my time in a bottle and as you can see I’ve already done that

Quite a few times and so I think we kind of just need to do more chicken work now I think we can make our chicken setup like more simple or simpler I should say to uh to expand so if I were to go ahead and get some more item conduits I am

Fairly certain that also let’s just request some more pulsating iron here so that we can get more conduits made I’m fairly certain that the chickens produce their resources and then the resources sit in the nest and so right now we have them pumping that into the draws beneath

Them but I think we can just do this where we place the status chamber AKA The Nest directly onto the pipe and then if we set the pipe to insert and extract so basically in here we’re going to set insert and extract we’re have both those tched we’re going to insert for the

Seeds so you’ll see this has seeds in it and then we’re going to extract we’re going to extract on a different Channel let’s say we extract on the brown channel the reason for that is that we’re going to go always active and then we’re going to run our item conduit down

And around to our pre-existing chest the one that actually Imports all of the items so if we dig over here our chest is right there I do to put the item back down I prob deci to extract again but if we do this and we said that this should insert on the

Brown Channel like that what we then should be able to do is replace this down of course like so and make sure that’s all connected it is and also make sure it’s set to EXT but then if we go around this way I am fairly certain that we should

Be able to connect this up like so and now any resources made by any chicken in this Nest should hopefully just go directly to the chest without having to go through the intermediary drawer because the the drawers that they’re not difficult to make but they do kind of

Slow us down in terms of how fast we can expand out our chicken armor so if I put this here now and I were to accelerate this I think we should see yeah the iron goes into the the status chamber and then gets pulled out that’s fine and the

Benefit now though is that we can just keep breeding these iron chickens because they breed so quickly so if we were to go ahead and take two seeds here we can just go and breed these two guys that’s going to get as a baby Iron chicken which of course we can grow very

Quickly and then once he’s grown these guys only take 24 seconds to cool down and so while we wait we can go ahead and grab you move you over to here make sure this is set to insert on green and then to extract on Brown and always active

And that’s as long as it takes us to duplicate our chicken setup now for iron and so I think we’re going to put down a bunch of iron and a bunch of coal chickens because although we’re somewhat close on being able to make the 1,000 reactor casing don’t forget that once we

Have that we still need to fill the Reactor with fuel rods and so we do need a ton of iron and a ton of coal because the fuel rods alone here also require a bunch of iron and a bunch of GRA fight and for some reason the reinforced

Control rods here require blocks of iron not just iron inot so we need lots of Iron

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Desertopolis | INFINITY DISKS & QUANTUM SINGULARITIES! #16 [Modded Questing Survival]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-12-08 23:00:21. It has garnered 15568 views and 605 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:56 or 2756 seconds.

Minecraft Desertopolis | INFINITY DISKS & QUANTUM SINGULARITIES! #16 [Modded Questing Survival] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW KIND OF FACTORY AUTOMATION SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/p_MCqF01VTI

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Techopolis 2 Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/desertopolis

Desertopolis is a questing based Minecraft mod pack for Minecraft 1.20.1, can you survive in the harsh desert?

Desertopolis is a completly custom world featuring custom structures and Yungs amazing structures as well. Has thirst and temperature, and has loads of custom recipes and automation things

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #Desertopolis #Modded

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  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

    POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS) POV: Me trying to save the laggy dog in Minecraft but ending up accidentally punching it instead #fail #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about something truly terrifying: Siren Head. This skeletal creature has been causing quite a stir in the Minecraft community, with its chilling sounds and ominous presence in the woods. Legends say that Siren Head lures unsuspecting players with familiar noises before launching a terrifying attack. Its spiny body broadcasts a mix of distorted sounds, mimicking voices, music, and even the screams of lost victims. But fear not, brave adventurers, for there is a place… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

    Beating Minecraft in One Stream?! Conquering Minecraft in One Stream: A Legendary Feat Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft as our fearless adventurer sets out to conquer the game in a single stream. Armed with determination and a touch of humor, this player dives headfirst into the challenge of defeating the Ender Dragon on the very same day. A Streamer’s Epic Quest Streaming live for all to witness, our intrepid hero takes on the ultimate goal of slaying the formidable Ender Dragon. With meticulous planning and quick reflexes, every move is calculated to ensure success. The excitement is palpable… Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft

    Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-28 09:00:00. It has garnered 8221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:56 or 1676 seconds. THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT Read More

  • TacoCat’s Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92

    TacoCat's Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92Video Information This video, titled ‘FAR FROM HOME: MINECRAFT HARDCORE #92’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-04-03 19:24:30. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:17 or 8117 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

    Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-17 14:14:58. It has garnered 399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:45 or 14625 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Buildings. Building a house for survival #41’, was uploaded by Builder on 2023-12-28 16:52:10. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. Dear viewers and subscribers of my channel, a moment of attention! Preface: Among you – subscribers, there is a subscriber who planted the idea under the past video to build a monument to Lincoln… BUT, in this video I decided not to build this monument, because I do not want my channel to shine such a famous person like Lincoln, I… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine Exploration

    Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Colorless #002 : the house has windows and the mine started’, was uploaded by Miss Halloween on 2024-01-13 21:20:56. It has garnered 171 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. in this series there are ALMOST no colors, today we’ll start mining hehe 😀 Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mods: https://essential.gg/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Read More

  • B.H.L.Gaming’s CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!

    B.H.L.Gaming's CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by B.H.L.Gaming on 2024-03-09 06:13:50. It has garnered 565 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft #shorts Game  Name – @minecraft  (Bedrock Edition) Hashtags:- #short #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #montero #lilnasx #shortsfeed #kingfox #story #story shorts #trendingshorts #trend #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #game #tiktokshorts #minecraftstory #gamingminecraft #minecraft Tags Herobrine😈Vs Null Vs All😏Mob Who is😱The Powerful in Minecraft villager Herobrine Vs Null Herobrine Vs Notch Herobrine Vs All Mob Herobrine Vs Steve Steve Vs Null Steve Vs All mob Steve Vs Notch Notch Vs All… Read More

  • Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!

    Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Save My Village 🔥@minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr India Gamerz Shorts on 2024-02-27 11:12:45. It has garnered 480 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys it’s Minecraft player aahil and free fire player come and play with me @technogamerzofficial @ujjwal @ajjubhai @totalgaming @smartypie @gamerfleet @anshubhisht @anshuvlogs @notgamerfleet @mrindiagamerzshorts @youtube @skibiditoilet @yasrtv @bardach @hakaitv @desigamers @desivlogs @freefireofficial @illegalmoon . . . . Fans 💫 please support me we are team if you join Mig army you started the game I talk for last subscribe 😄 please… Read More