UNLIMITED TNT MACHINE in Minecraft 1.9!! 😱

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Hey what’s going on guys logdotzip here welcome back to the custom command mod pack episode four we are currently in the latest pre-release minecraft 1.9 is like around the corner it’s like supposed to come out tomorrow on the 29th which is awesome it’s like leap day or something it only comes around every

Four years so it should be good it’s minecraft 1.9 survival that features a bunch of awesome custom commands and this episode we basically we’re going to take some of the industrial machines in the world and we’re going to make pretty much infinite tnt using a combination of the sand

Sifter the macerator and the block breaker which is actually a machine we have not yet explored we’re gonna make infinite sand and infinite gunpowder and i just figured hey sirius is coming to an end fairly soon i’ve done mostly everything i want we got a cool surprise

For like the last episode oh let’s go be good but i just wanted to really just blow up a lot of stuff so we’re just gonna make a bunch of tnt maybe we’ll turn some of it into nukes because we’ve got the nuke thing i think the nuke is

Actually the nuke may have been removed i don’t remember but we’re going to get a bunch of tnt either way so we’re going to go ahead and just jump into things but hey leave a like because i said so thanks no really i’m just kidding but

You should okay anyways worst guy in the world so here is one of the mace raiders if you need a refresher on what the maze raider does basically you put a block on top of it and it will turn it into like another block so for example uh it will turn

Cobblestone into gravel because it like breaks a little bit and then grav will turn into sand now this is particularly useful to us friends why you say can i really oh and then i just in the in the like the latest snapshot you have to it’s crazy you see that like look at

This look at this look at this look whoa hey but i can kind of take off off the ground doing that you have to double jump to uh get um the eletra to work now which is interesting ein but maybe it’s also good you know

Because now i can just kind of do that so i’m trying to break this because we’re gonna use it and we’re gonna collect the sand sifters from the uh little area we made over in the desert and we’re gonna use those to do this little machine that we’ve created so let

Me go ahead and grab that and uh i’m just trying to think where might be the best place to just blow up a lot of stuff you know what i mean because i don’t want it to be too near base and the contraption we need to make to get

All these blocks to be collecting what have you is in this and that’s it’s and what’s its and who’s it i hear a frienderman is he in there oh boy it kind of sounds like a little bit good thing i brought this pickaxe i particularly enjoy that i can still

Touch these oh i think one of them collected yeah it did but you see look these are all the different things you can get from sifting sand more sand quartz gold all these things you get from sifting sand most important here is going to be the gun powder so let me uh

Grab you and grab you now i don’t want to make more of these because it’s kind of i mean i got the stuff to make more but i’d rather just break this if i could break it just to be honest that’s a little scary that enderman hanging out there i don’t know

What i think about that truth be told all right so we’ve grabbed both sand shifters we’ve got our macerator right here we need to make one more macerator and we also need to make a block bricket now the block breakers uh what is it i guess supplies

Required to make it not bad really not bad at all oh boy oh boy i like forgot what i need to do i always forget i gotta like hole i gotta press jump twice to activate the wings now i don’t like that but that’s just the way it is that’s now how it

Works in 1.9 ouch in that shame really okay so anyways let’s go ahead and go inside i’ll show you how to make the block breaker now again the reason this is all important is because a lot of these things aren’t available yet publicly but this little command

Mod pack is going to be released uh very soon and by the way if you didn’t realize it’s maintained by dragon zero and four as well as tpc bonehand so those guys are sweet and you can find more information about their channels in the description of my video shout outs love it and

Wow what an interesting noise so we need iron bars and we need some pistons now i have my wood and all my stone downstairs and we need some as well you need you need five pistons and you need four iron bars in order to make yourself the

Block breaker right right let’s use the ugly i hate acacia so much i do it’s honestly the worst and then we need what some redstone right yeah you need redstone for that let’s grab all oh no there we go okay cool cool cool cool cool so let’s make some um piston

Machines we need to turn this into wood actually how does it go okay it’s like that one two three four five so that’s five and then it’s one two three four five one two three four five and then it’s one two three four five and then cool got the pistons there awesome

Let’s put it in the tip so in the corners you’ll put in these iron bars no on the side you put in the iron bars sorry and then everywhere else is where the pistons go and you get yourself oh no please don’t do this all right i

Might have to reset the machine this happens sometimes not a big deal if this happens to you if for whatever reason this isn’t fixed by the final version basically you just need to you break you break the dropper you get your enchanting table back and then you need to make the supplies again

Now why am i so hungry oh this stupid i haven’t figured out how the new food system works yet to be honest uh hold on i got it there’s just too much going on at once let me put this away um i’m just gonna reset this hole which by the way if you

Install the module into your world eventually literally over by where the modules are it has a dropper that already contains all the items you need so it’s really not too big a hassle this is what you would need to make it normally and then you just drop the enchantment table on top just

Like that now if i’ve done it correctly that should have fixed the machine and it’ll give me this new item now right yeah see so if that ever happens just you know honor code like delete it afterwards i know it can be annoying to place each time but see now we’ve got

The block breaker and everything is hunky-dory willy-nilly now so i need to make one more sifting wand now that i think about it and goodness i don’t ex i mean no we’ve got two actually oh boy i’ll tell you what if it’s oh oh it looks like it actually glitched i

Thought it was gonna be like in here like it got picked up in here no it just glitched a little bit uh i’ll fix this and i’m just gonna give myself another ways because i did have two all the same though we definitely do need to make one more

Mace raider now this is a useless sword to me great cool it’s got many i guess ooh i need to mute that i’m the worst guy in the world okay let me um oh it’s the katana okay fine we’re gonna use this one so you do that we need four

Iron pickaxes as well i’ve got literally pretty much i’ve got endless iron and then we also need four diamonds and then once we do that so i’m gonna make that real quick uh okay this might not work with the enchanted sword oh it okay it did okay

Great uh sorry if you want to know that’s actually literally my my landlord calling me to say hey can we show this house off to other people because i’m moving i’m in real life not in this you know this i’m not talking about minecraft come on my real life uh okay

But anyways we have um a block breaker we’ve got two sifting wands we you really only need one sifting wand for the sand uh we also need what was it two crafting tables which we have and then we need two stone bricks to activate the sifters and the block breaker doesn’t actually require

Any block to i guess activated is the word okay we already have the two here that’s good oh boy i didn’t mean to do that okay place this guy back place that back they good good good now i want to build this kind of across the ocean

So that it’s not ugly up my land oh yeah we also need to grab uh a bucket we need we basically we’re trying to make what is it uh do i have any oh there’s another one okay cool we’re trying to make an obsidian a cobblestone generator

And this is totally xavier he’s just like hey you should do this it’s gonna be it’s gonna be great and i agree it’s gonna be great we’re trying to make a cobblestone generator we’re gonna use the block breaker to break those blocks and then the cobblestone’s gonna fall on

Top of one of the i totally forgot i was going oh yeah i wanted to get lava i don’t know why i was going anywhere except the nether to do that oh also worst thing i oh i never end up in my portal anymore i don’t know

What happened but i always end up in like a different portal whenever i go to the nether now it’s just it’s awful i don’t like it and i can’t get through they changed like the hitboxes oh it’s oh it’s frustrating let me just i guess and i’ll just hold you for a second

There we go really i just really really really fine you’ve you’re now broken now anyways uh we need to get some lava and we need to get some water so we can make the cobblestone generator so i’m just going to quickly scoop oh my goodness i forgot he was right there how funny

How great was that that’s awesome to me okay anyways let’s uh just quickly can i is that gonna i don’t want i don’t want the zombie to die you know what i mean he’s he’s like a friend he’s like a he’s like a relic on my let’s play or

Something i don’t know what i’m saying there we go so we got some lava no don’t go come on fire helper just stay alive you stupid monkey looking what are you why are you holding seeds maybe it’s secret monkeys i don’t know i’m not gonna worry

About it oh well i’ll be it put me in the right spot that never happens anymore that is fantastic usually i end up in some like weird cave like underneath this lake actually i was thinking about it i think i might just make this in the desert that makes sorry

I got a scratchy throat makes a lot of sense because truth be told yeah i was putting i i reinstalled a bunch of the modules or whatever uh it just if i’m making infinite sense it’s funny because i could really just go dig and no i got meg in the desert the whole

Point is i want to show you that you don’t need to we’re still going to probably collect all this it doesn’t matter too much let’s take the skies hahaha so we’re going to build on like the other side of this you know what’s sad we haven’t

Found a jungle yet in this series i should do that before i end the series whoa whoa look at this thing that looks sick oh there’s another wow i never noticed that we had like wow hey what a cool looking little area i don’t think i’ve literally seen this area before let me

Ouch hurt a little bit wow check this out okay let’s just sure yeah sure let’s build it right here okay so it’s really simple we just need a we need to have our block breaker on the bottom most essentially and we could put a hopper and have it collect but

Uh i forgot to bring whatever uh uh we could place the hopper down i suppose okay so block breaker if you don’t know how it works i haven’t well i haven’t shown it to you that’s uh simple enough basically you’ll place the block breaker down and the way you do

That you actually just drop it on the ground and then it’ll appear above and then whatever block you place there it will break it you see now if you want to get rid of the block breaker you break this block underneath it and then that causes that to happen so

Basically what we’re going to do is place down a macerator first and foremost so we’ll place down our macerator i’d say yeah that’s a good high because we want to be able to be right under it so let’s place down a single stone block yeah you know what it is

We’ll make some stairs yeah that’s fun i like that now we’ll place on our first little magic mini straighter and that will activate that baby yeah now we’re good but now we need to stack up a little bit higher up as well i want ouch i want let’s do

Yeah we’ll do one more uh just like that then we’ll place down this guy right here place down the second macerator uh yeah yeah so now look what happens you ready for this you ready for this i’m gonna play some cobblestone on here watch uh uh and it’ll go through turns the

Cobblestone to gravel turns the gravel into sand did you see it no look we’re at 55 cent right now now we’re at 57. what do you know about anything i love it it’s fantastic it truly is now uh let me dang i shouldn’t use santa because

Yeah let’s do it well now we have infinite sounds but a little bit further up from this we now need to make not necessarily the block breaker just yet but a cobblestone generator oh baby so let’s use this so that we can have it like a base area to

Temporarily put that you know what i mean we’re gonna have to build like over this i haven’t given this hold let me let me do some like thought okay i think i’ve figured it out i think i think i figured that let’s drop the block break no yes okay drops it on that

One good now we want to place the lava here and we want to place the water here oh my gosh is it working oh did i not it’s just it’s burning them all i forgot i need to get rid of this ooh is this gonna work

Is that is this gonna work okay let me stick okay well we got we got that departed and now oh boy stupid things in the way let me all right let’s give this please oh no okay well let me get up quick oh boy this is not i

Okay i think i know what i need to do i think i’ve made a big mistake well not a huge mistake but i think i’ve made a mistake nonetheless i’m glad i brought this hopper oh wow i’m so happy i have one redstone i’m

So happy i have one i was gonna have to go all the way back to my house but now i don’t need to excellent okay good we need to place a hopper right no oh wow okay i’m gonna have to break all this stone and place it like up two

More see this is why i like to brainstorm before i do stupid stuff uh okay so this whole experience has been stupid thus far because i had to go back anyways because i needed to get stuff to make uh i forgot about the dropper needs a clock

Okay so i’ll like i don’t know you’ll just have to see everything i use to make this i’m the worst okay so now we need to remake what we just did um up here to do like the uh the generation the generating of the the cobblestones now i think if

I i think i need to oh my goodness how how would this work will the block breaker get eaten it does hmm maybe i need to just put it one above them that’s unless i gosh this might be nine nine i said so i’m just gonna make this

Part over again okay and i think this will do it we need to add a couple more ladder ladder perfect now where is that great good old right there one goes oh well actually man i’m trying to think of how i might do this ooh okay maybe that’ll do it okay so

Watch this no i need to do this like infinitely backwards to make this all work it’s ridiculous okay so i’m now now that what is it the um it shouldn’t eat the block breaker because now every single slot there is filled and then what i think will happen is once that’s placed

Let me we’ll confirm here drop this guy down up okay so maybe maybe i had it wrong maybe it maybe it actually is just fine right here we’ll see in a second so let’s uh oh man this is confusing let me just fine i missed too okay now

Oh man bad day bad day not not really a bad day but you know i just like making noises sometimes all right let me just let me up fine okay and then one more time watch this all right lava goes here water goes here that will eventually cut ouch

That will eventually cause the uh blocks to break once i place it down but we need to do one more thing and that is set the dispenser up to a clock so can i ah dangerous i guess if i quickly held this guy huh so it needs to be

Man i guess let’s just place one layer for now so we can just climb up just like that okay yeah that’s fine and then i just like now i hope i brought enough redstone knowing me didn’t but that’s okay and and we’ll clean this up after the fact i know it’s a little

Ugly now that’s why we brought the glass over here to eventually make it look a little bit nicer uh what can we do okay that would work that’ll work that’ll do pig so let’s see break you we’ll place you down here useful this is a useful thing that you can do it’s a

Redstone block with a comparator and then um and then i believe if we no not that the comparator comes out right here we need to add a couple more blocks space here good and then if you hook this up and the right click this it’s a constant clock except this needs to go

Here oh boy oh boy oh boy i don’t think we thought this went through unless i could yeah i’m just holding yeah see that that didn’t take too much thought process so now that’s constantly running and it’s going to constantly run those things and you see we got sand oh

Now oh that’s going to be very very i should have got a um i’m gonna get a repeater nah no i’m not i change my mind i just right click this temporarily instead do we have any more letters i got one more ladder excellent good and then this oh i mean i could

Just jump here i suppose oh that was close now i think the final step i think this will make it work drop on down it was one lower it was one lower oh my oh i just uh oh well wouldn’t you believe it all too conveniently check it out right here

Don’t mind if i do now i think the best solution here is we’re just gonna have to be super quick because that thing will deactivate if it doesn’t detect the i guess the appropriate block underneath it or something yeah you know let’s do let’s do sand we’ll do sand

Because that’s gonna be the easiest to you know just break quickly with anything so let’s put the block breaker on top once again it’s it’s a process guys it’s not a big deal great so once we break that we’ll need to break that very quickly with the hopper

Oh i got to work okay cool yeah this is good and then i think the finals it was water goes here cool and then lava goes here oh so happy is it does it collect though does it collect is any of it does does any of it correct is any of it

Collecting does any of it collect any of it is any of it collecting none of it’s collecting none of it’s collecting oh oh great and check it out there’s a mage down there this is this is just what i needed and i’m almost out of food oh boy well i guess um

I’m gonna have to set this up differently with like a full blown piston pushing man that’s just everything just got so complex stupid mages just get out of my way you’re not stronger than me thanks for your time thanks for your stuff bro i’m out of here and i’m on fire but

Okay so i gotta i gotta do research all right so i think we’ve got it i think i sincerely hope let me show you what we’re working with here let me give you a little like brief i guess glimpse of it is that the right word so we’ve gone

Ahead and in fact let me just uh this will do for now so check it out i basically shifted no this sucks too i’m gonna just hold on oh that was nice did you like that okay rather than tell you i’m gonna show you so here we go

We’ll place down the water here okay a lot of goes here i guess it could technically i could have technically yeah we can make it like that so it looks a little nice from both sides i guess you know what i mean so we need to

Yeah yeah i think it’s ready so this redstone is wired down here to this clock which i made longer turn this on oop forgot to i need one more piece of redstone here perfect now break this except we need it we need to make oh that’s what this that’s right okay i

Messed up a little bit okay i hate this specific skeleton get him did it blow anything up it didn’t oh man i am oh baby is there another one craziness okay but let me show you now gosh that’s funny that’s hilarious to me that’s connected now awesome grab this here we go

Perfect so check it out check it out oh this needs to go a little bit slower maybe let me see oh my goodness uh maybe one let me see that see i got to get the timing right on the on the lava but as you can see come on

Can is it really really still going too slow huh do i have any more repeaters on bring any more repeaters with me what can i do to okay whatever i have time in here is awful let me see this uh i’ll worry about it later but let’s just see

It is man there’s a lot of creepers hanging out right there specifically but actually it looks like a good amount of it’s missing the stupid man this is this ended up being a little more complex than i was prepared to give it credit for now we need to place some

Glass so that the rest of it doesn’t you know what i mean oh boy place you there there at least now it’ll all i think it’ll now mostly all stay in the in a good spot you know what i mean okay that’s cool and can we can we bring that down further

No we can’t but can i man see he doesn’t want to let me break because it’s got like invisible parts because of those stupid items popping out doesn’t let me place you know what i mean can i oh oh and i’ve fallen look at him look at

Him he’s just teasing over here man i don’t like it one bit um okay so i’m gonna get this fixed up it’s uh man okay this is gonna take a little bit okay that actually seems to have done it i mean it’s it’s the most horrific looking mess

I’m pretty sure i’ve ever seen in my entire life but you know it’s uh it’s gonna do its job are you still making blocks up here you see oh now some of them are having some trouble can i do this as well is that going to help you stay in place maybe

Is that going to do it yep looks like it okay awesome see that now it’s all becoming sand now we can set up our sand sifters and again i wanted to kind of do that by see i don’t want to mess up the sand sifters in case it like requires

Durability or something i should have made some more hoppers too but long story short we’ll just um here come on come on here and here and we’ll drop a sand sifter and get out of here just get out of here there one of them turned and then this guy too

There okay now they’ve both become excellent good yes now if i go ahead and push you down and now we’re getting infinite sand right behind us it’s beautiful it’s truly magnificent look how much sand we’ve already acquired it’s real nice now we can just sift sand and it’ll

Slowly turn into good sand and it’ll slowly just turn into great items and this is how we’re gonna get infinite what is it uh what’s the word i’m looking for let’s make a way to get down here see infinite gun powder see we already got three gunpowder from doing this that’s

Really nice i like that a lot i wonder if holding the looting sword will make any sort of difference will it no it doesn’t look like it so we got this running i’m gonna do this for like an hour i’m gonna just listen to some music or something and when

We’ve got plenty of uh i guess well we already have plenty of sand but once we got a lot of gunpowder i’m just gonna go to town on a portion of my map hey remember me it’s tyler it’s literally minecraft 1.9 now we’re now into the official version of

Minecraft that last clip for however long ago was from like uh i guess like probably like five days ago um as you can see oh man we got a lot of sand this thing works i didn’t really optimize it so it’s been kind of slow but the thing oh boy thing works as

Anticipated i moved the sifters um into this little base i set myself up with so that no one would come you know get me i guess so now i’ve just been you know you right click here let me try to you so you got it goes you do as much as you can

Just like that let it do its thing start popping up whatever it is and then we slowly but surely collect the gunpowder that sifts its way down through here is it’s it’s a slow process this is probably gonna take a long time especially if we don’t figure out like a

Better way wow talk about wasteful a lot of these blocks never even that’s a dang shame what is the book doing out here um okay so this is gonna take a little bit but i uh i guess i’ll just get a bunch of gun powder and we’ll be on our

Merry way i suppose thank ooh got an experience but yeah i got to clean my inventory i didn’t we need this much sand on us to be honest take you thank you very much and we’ll keep the gunpowder here so i can see like what’s going on with it

At all times so i’m going to do this probably for way too long and i’ll see you in probably a day or two all right once again we’re uh oh boy hey first time i’ve actually had a spider come around to get me we we’ve changed things

Up again it is a hideous mess but now we’ve got because i was getting sick of having to collect it and my inventory get full so i just load a few sand right here let it sift the water eventually catches back up and it just throws all the items into the sifter

I’ve got this here and everything’s just been slowly collecting you know step at a time so we got you know it takes a little bit of time it’s not as automatic as i’d hoped it had been but there’s really no way to um like place sand you can’t place a block maybe that

Would be an excellent contraption that we could write into the system an object that will literally play sand if it has any sand although i don’t know if total automation is actually the best idea in the world to be honest that might be a little overpowered i don’t know leave it

In comments or something um i’m gonna just let gunpowder slowly just it’s like not even that really we got some fish huh and no gunpowder from that huh man okay this is uh all right well all right and it’s been a very very long time and i

Had some help you know you guys know bob i’ve mentioned bob in a few of my videos bob spent like an hour or two straight all he did worst i suck so much will he help me like that’s what he’s supposed to do is help me he he literally did what you’re

Watching me do right here for like an hour or two hours straight or something but anyways check it out we’ll let this oh and this is also a cool thing he helped me discover so look look at this if you stack these up high enough the way

Uh i guess the way item gravity works when an item doesn’t have anywhere to go look it literally shoots it literally shoots into the dropper so like the water it’s almost not even necessary but we put it there for when the the sand runs out but anyways check this out you

Can leave i think this is insane look what what a trip so gunpowder is kind of hard to come by and we got a lot of other extra junk as well but oh my goodness what the heck oh man are they are the stupid where are those coming from though yo

The the stupid disc i hate the disc because they don’t stack they’re gonna start clogging up they’re gonna start clogging i don’t even like really what are you doing make make music stack moji come on anyways we we just grabbed like so we just grabbed so much gunpowder

Let’s turn on the tnt right now i’ve got a crafting table right here so what is it we’ve got almost five stack isn’t that a shame let’s just do it we’ll do it like this four full stacks and then i guess we’ll just divvy this up like so

See because like after this it’s not even i mean it’ll almost be a stack of tnt that we just got but like that’s you know like that’s not crazy to me like that’s not like some ridiculous amount so we made like uh it’s not even that much

All right so this is cool to like have just going i don’t know if it’s like oh my goodness i’m hungry i don’t know if this is gonna be like the best way to get probably a mob farm is going to be more efficient but this is a fun way to use

The industrial machines now we’ve got 47 tnt i know i got a redstone torch yeah i left it in here okay i’m going to fly to i’m going to fly to i guess i don’t know some location man you see this lag super laggy over there for some reason

I’m gonna fly somewhere and we’re gonna set all these off yeah look at my lag only 20 frames per second right now why is that oh my gosh look at bobby oh bobby ah you’re killing me dude he said the chunks it looks like okay not a big deal

Now it’s much faster sweet and that was probably making everything else run slow ticks oh boy you know what no i know where i’m gonna do this look at this spider i don’t like it in the new 1.9 the it like gets in the way of your face

A little bit like a lot actually so here’s where this baby set up and right over here i’m literally gonna do it like nearby because i think that’d be nice i’m gonna just dig a hole i let off that thing man i’m gonna just like dig like uh

Pretty much straight down and i’m just gonna lay waste to like the inside of this mountain i think that’ll be real funny now we go i really shouldn’t you know what i mean i shouldn’t do what i was about to just do which is just yeah okay we’ll do this instead

Okay i think this should be enough like right around here will probably put me at the perfect spot because i dug i don’t remember how many dug it but that’s okay one two three twenty two twenty 21 20 4 3 2 1 0. okay so pretty close

Uh do i have yeah i’ve got some calls soon i can just do that so what we’ll do is we’ll place one right there we’re gonna we need to we need to devise a way for us to bail very quickly from this problem that’s gonna happen i’m gonna place this torch down

And then like i said i’m literally just gonna bail on out of there so if i yeah so this will be good so here we go let’s uh let’s have some photos see see you later and we’ll catch a nice fun like oh so lesson learned i didn’t see any of that

Because i don’t know how to fly electrons apparently but let’s see the damage up here this will be oh wow lots of mobs take it easy i guess we can oh you strong man was it right here oh dude i think is he gonna like shrek me

You don’t know i’m trying to look at the hole i made ouch so that was fun uh was it worth like the three days it took this episode to make no but it was fun and now you technically have a way to make tnt for free because

Like all that we made almost a stack of tnt and it didn’t actually cost us anything other than time so if you set this thing up to afk pretty cool stuff but that’s where we’re going to end this episode of the custom man mod pack has been episode 34 guys

Drop a like if you want to see more probably like six more episodes of this maybe i don’t know there’s gonna be a surprise ending but thanks for watching thanks for subscribe if you’re not already you should so you can see episodes right come on have a great day

Friends and we’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.9 | INFINITE TNT MACHINE | Custom Command Mod Pack #34’, was uploaded by Logdotzip on 2016-03-03 02:54:39. It has garnered 120320 views and 1835 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:34 or 2014 seconds.

Minecraft 1.9 | INFINITE TNT MACHINE | Custom Command Mod Pack #34 If you want episodes more often, Leave a like 😀 | Don’t miss an episode!►http://bit.ly/SubLog The Minecraft Custom Command Mod Pack is a Minecraft 1.9 Modpack filled with tons of command block mods aka custom commands that add new content to Minecraft. This will be a Let’s Play series!

Custom Command Mod Pack Wiki http://jragoncommands.weebly.com/jragon-modpack-instructions.html

Map Assembled and Updated by Jragon014 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_LBXGLs8Sa0opJHFVDVBqA TPCBonehound https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePenguinConspiracy


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Music by Shag http://facebook.com/shagbeats

All music used with permission from its creator.

  • Mushroom Paraglider: Minecraft’s Sky High Ride!

    Mushroom Paraglider: Minecraft's Sky High Ride! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re crafting paragliders with mushroomy gains. Watch the tutorial, follow along with glee, As we soar through the skies, feeling wild and free. Inspired by InWitched, a mod so divine, Created by 𝓜Ꮛ, a genius in design. With a cute guy skin, our character’s delight, We’ll take to the skies, in the day or the night. Follow Barryz_ on YouTube, for more Minecraft fun, With links to Pinterest, Insta, and more, all in one. Engage with the community, share your own creations, And let your imagination soar to new destinations. So… Read More

  • Steve’s Prime Time: Aman’s Minecraft Rhyme

    Steve's Prime Time: Aman's Minecraft Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, a hero’s tale, PRIME STEVE’s journey, we unveil. Outlawed from his village, a pillage boy, Seeking redemption, his heart full of joy. Animated by Aman Singh, with skill and grace, Each frame a masterpiece, in every place. Edited with care, by the same talented hand, Bringing PRIME STEVE to life, across the land. Sound effects by FreshManSound, a true delight, Adding depth and emotion, to every fight. Map designed by 2DAY STUDIO, a visual treat, Creating a world where PRIME STEVE can compete. So join us on YouTube, for this epic tale, PRIME STEVE’s… Read More


    LAVA TSUNAMI in MINECRAFT! Exploring the World of Minecraft: A Giant Lava Tsunami Emerges! Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Welcome to Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Recently, a spectacular event unfolded in the Minecraft community – the appearance of a giant lava tsunami! Let’s dive into this extraordinary occurrence and uncover the wonders of Minecraft. The Phenomenon of the Giant Lava Tsunami In the vast and ever-changing world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new and unexpected events. The emergence… Read More

  • Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party!

    Guill Rumble 2 Qualifications Party! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft at Guill Rumble 2 At the recent Guill Rumble 2 event, Minecraft enthusiasts were treated to a thrilling display of skills and creativity. The competition, which took place alongside Trackmania and Microworks, showcased the best players in the Minecraft community. Let’s dive into the highlights of the Minecraft segment of the event! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Participants at Guill Rumble 2 engaged in intense battles and challenges within the Minecraft universe. From building intricate structures to surviving in the harsh environment of Hunger Games, players demonstrated their mastery of the game’s mechanics and… Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into an RPG!

    Transforming Minecraft into an RPG! Minecraft RPG Modpack – Dungeons & Heroes RPG Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack! Join the excitement as players transform the familiar sandbox world into a thrilling RPG experience. With the help of content creator @WarZe327, Minecraft enthusiasts are diving into a whole new realm of possibilities. Exploring New Horizons With the Dungeons & Heroes RPG modpack, players can expect a fresh take on the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Dive into dungeons filled with challenges, uncover hidden treasures, and encounter formidable foes. The modpack introduces new quests, characters, and items, adding layers… Read More

  • Griefers Beware: Minecraft’s Battle Roar

    Griefers Beware: Minecraft's Battle Roar In the world of Minecraft, a war has begun, Socktopia versus Lilybayou, who will be the one? M1lkys and T3SS, the biggest griefers around, Their reign of chaos, will it be bound? The battle rages on, with blocks and swords, Socktopia fights back, with all their chords. The tension mounts, as the two sides clash, In this epic showdown, who will have the last laugh? Stay tuned to see, the outcome unfold, In this Minecraft tale, so thrilling and bold. The music sets the mood, as the story unfolds, With twists and turns, as the plot beholds. So join… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to UzeMing Exe 2024 in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to UzeMing Exe 2024 in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal. This portal promises exciting new realms and challenges for players to conquer. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this intriguing portal. Unveiling the Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal The Uzeming Exe 2024 Portal is a gateway to a dimension filled with unique landscapes, creatures, and resources. Players can craft this portal using rare materials and harness its power to explore uncharted territories. Once activated, the portal opens a passage to… Read More

  • Rod Quest: Blaze Blaze, Don’t be Dazed!

    Rod Quest: Blaze Blaze, Don't be Dazed! In the world of Minecraft, the quest is on, For the Blaze Rods, we must be strong. Navigating through caves, avoiding the mobs, Crafting our tools, dodging the sobs. With WASD as our guide, we journey through, Exploring the lands, with a different view. Keeping inventory close, for safety’s sake, No judgment here, just fun to make. Join me on this adventure, full of twists and turns, As we learn and grow, our knowledge burns. Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch, For more Minecraft fun, without a glitch. And if you’re feeling down, in need of a smile,… Read More

  • Drain the Rain, Skip the Sponge: Water Woes Unplugged

    Drain the Rain, Skip the Sponge: Water Woes Unplugged In Minecraft, sponges are not the way to go, To drain water faster, there’s a trick you should know. Sand and sponges waste time, that’s for sure, But I’ve got a tutorial to help you endure. Join me on Twitch, for a live show so grand, I’ll teach you the ropes, with a steady hand. And on BlueSky, you’ll find gaming content galore, With sneak peeks and more, you’ll never be bored. So ditch the old methods, and listen to me, I’ll show you a better way, just wait and see. No more wasting hours, just building with glee,… Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay LIVE w/ MrEntari! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘💢Minecraft – LIVE – Learning w/ the Bro @MrEntari’, was uploaded by Zhe Gaming on 2024-06-07 11:37:41. It has garnered 74 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:21:24 or 26484 seconds. ㊙Join the Club: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBXBFkPoq3VrdcyIj42q8A TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@zhegaming._ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhe._/ Discord: https://discord.gg/dqXhqaxRgu *Be Weird Get Kicked*⚽ ——————————————PC SPEC UPGRADES——————————————————- ➡ Went from a GTX 1650 to a RX 6600 ⬅ → Went from a Ryzen 5 3600 to a Ryzen 7 5800 ← If you enjoy the content be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE – HIT THAT NOTIFICATION BELL SO… Read More

  • Insane ASMR Gaming Updates – Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!

    Insane ASMR Gaming Updates - Fortnite, XDefiant, Marvel, Zelda LEGO & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Gaming News Fortnite Season 3, XDefiant, Marvel Rivals, Zelda LEGO, Minecraft + more (437)’, was uploaded by ASMR Gaming News on 2024-05-31 20:03:16. It has garnered 2755 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:58 or 1138 seconds. 💎 Use Fortnite Creator Code in Item Shop: asmrgaming 🍀 ASMR Lucky Girl’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/asmrluckygirl 👍 Help the Channel on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ASMRGaming 👕 NEW Merch https://asmr-gaming-shop.creator-spring.com/ 💰 Paypal Donations https://www.paypal.me/asmrgaming https://streamlabs.com/asmrgamingnews ➡️️🌠 🐦 Twitter https://twitter.com/ASMRGamingNews 🕹️ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/asmrgamingnews 📸 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/asmrgamingnew/ 🎵 TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@asmrgamingnew 🎙️ Weekly Podcast Show: Coming Soon ➡️️🎮 Add me… Read More

  • Anarchist SMP Semi-Vanilla, SMP Whitelist, Datapack, Simple Voice Chat, Java 1.20.1, 13+

    Join the Ultimate Chaos at our Anarchy Minecraft PvP Server! If you crave unbridled freedom and intense battles, this is the place for you. With no rules and no limits, you can build, destroy, and fight to your heart’s content. Our server features a unique lifesteal mechanic, adding an extra layer of strategy and intensity to your combat. Forge alliances or betray your closest friends in a world where anything goes. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a cunning strategist, our server offers the perfect arena for you to test your skills and unleash your creativity. Experience the raw, unfiltered… Read More

  • CosineCraft

    CosineCraft is a server that I have created to have a traditional style smp fell to it a server where anyone is welcome and can do as they please (within the range of the rules) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Noobs vs Pros: A Blocky Battle

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme, must have some serious crafting skills! Read More

  • Steve’s Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale

    Steve's Minecraft Mayhem: A Twisted Tale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Twisted Steve was a player, living his dream. A master of survival, crafting with ease, Exploring the depths, unlocking mysteries. But one fateful day, a darkness did loom, A sinister presence, shrouded in gloom. Twisted Steve felt a chill down his spine, As he ventured deeper, in the mines. Monsters lurked in the shadows, ready to strike, But Twisted Steve was fearless, his skills alight. With sword in hand, he battled through, Defeating each foe, his courage true. But as he delved deeper, the truth did unfold, A secret so… Read More

  • Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol

    Minecraft: Frogzilla vs Golem Army! #lol The frog boss in Minecraft must be feeling pretty hoppy to take on all those golems! I guess you could say he’s really ribbiting off more than he can chew. #minecraftbossbattle #ribbitingfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build

    Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Build Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock! Join the adventure as our protagonist sets out to explore, gather materials, build a starter house, and make new friends along the way. Gathering Materials and Survival Challenges Our hero starts by gathering essential materials to survive in the vast and challenging world of Minecraft. From mining ores to chopping down trees, every resource collected is crucial for crafting tools, weapons, and shelter. However, the journey is not without its challenges. Venturing into dark caves, our protagonist faces dangerous mobs and treacherous… Read More

  • Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods

    Top 5 Minecraft PE Mods Explorando os Melhores Mods Para Minecraft PE O universo do Minecraft Bedrock Edition está repleto de aventuras e desafios, mas para os jogadores que buscam uma experiência ainda mais emocionante, os mods de sobrevivência são a escolha ideal. Vamos explorar cinco dos melhores mods que trazem novas mecânicas e emoções para o jogo. 1. True Survival – Zombie Apocalypse Descrição: Este mod transforma o mundo do Minecraft em um apocalipse zumbi, aumentando a dificuldade e a necessidade de estratégias de sobrevivência. Adição de novos tipos de zumbis com diferentes habilidades. Sistema de saúde e fome mais desafiador. Novos itens… Read More

  • 🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!

    🔥Best Blaze Farm in Skyblock! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The Best Blaze Farm In Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by NotConner on 2024-05-23 13:00:48. It has garnered 703 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:09 or 669 seconds. Watch All My Minecraft Skyblock Videos Right Here → https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL99he9m2vBqPYJxqtNJmQScpfxVka6bR7 ↓ Server Information ↓ Java IP → nc.akumamc.net Bedrock IP And Port → bedrock.akumamc.net | 19132 Website And Store → https://akumamc.net Discord Server → https://discord.gg/akumamc minecraft,minecraft skyblock,minecraft prison,skyblock minecraft,prison minecraft,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft prison server,skyblock minecraft server,prison minecraft server,skyblock,prison,skyblocky,prisons,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,notconner,notconner skyblock,notconner prison ,mchub,mchub skyblock,mchub prison,mchub skyblocky,mchub prisons ,akumamc,akumamc skyblock,akumamc prison,akumamc skyblocky,akumamc… Read More

  • Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen

    Surviving as Tiny Toji in Minecraft Jujutsu KaisenVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived as TINY TOJI in Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen!’, was uploaded by SeeKaaaahh on 2024-05-11 15:15:00. It has garnered 3446 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:31 or 691 seconds. I Survived as TOJI in Jujutsu Kaisen Minecraft! ▼ SOCIAL MEDIA ▼ ► SUBSCRIBE AND ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS ➜ https://bit.ly/2W9nxmz ► Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/SeeKaaaahh ► Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/seekaaaahh/ ► Twitch ➜ https://twitch.tv/SeeKaaaahh ►Join my official discord to hang out with me, play with other people in our community, and get updates! – https://discord.gg/HDSnR8P ▼ MY OTHER CHANNELS ▼ ► Roblox: @SeekBlox ►… Read More


    INSANE PVP MONTAGE: MAINCRAFTIK DESTROYER 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘maincraftik | 1.20.1 pvp montage’, was uploaded by destroyer on 2024-05-28 19:13:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mineblaze #minecraft #montage #anarchy tags | #Slivrp #Drain #Rpdlyapvp #DrainResourcePakov #Drainresourcepacksforpvp … Read More

  • Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplay

    Unbelievable MINEMAN BD Minecraft in Ohio gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Ohio compilation’, was uploaded by MINEMAN BD on 2024-03-15 04:00:33. It has garnered 15 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. How did you get Here? Original clip by NotSafe Song: Smoke by Cowbellcult Like and Subscribe This is not my video but i have licence to use it under creative common #ohio #minecraft #minecraftohio What Do Ohioans Do with Minecraft? You Won’t Believe It! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio: You Won’t Believe What Happened Next! Unbelievable Minecraft Discoveries in Ohio! Unbelievable Minecraft Masterpieces Found in… Read More

  • Insane Glider in UWU City – DaveFromPH’s Minecraft PE Surprise

    Insane Glider in UWU City - DaveFromPH's Minecraft PE SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by DaveFromPH on 2024-06-14 10:20:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. New Realistic FLYING GLIDER sa UWU CITY Minecraft 100 days Minecraft hardcore Minecraft SMP Minecraft Filipino Minecraft … Read More

  • Foxyrow9614 – Insane Monster Party Spawn!

    Foxyrow9614 - Insane Monster Party Spawn!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: when you spawn in the monster party’, was uploaded by Foxyrow9614 on 2024-03-01 13:02:45. It has garnered 474 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. This is not real and just for entertainment. Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!

    Shocking Encounter: JJ and Mikey Attacked by POMNI in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-03-04 18:00:10. It has garnered 24459 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:43 or 1843 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Creepy POMNI and ATTACK MIKEY and JJ ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me now

    Unleashing Ultimate Power LIVE! Join me nowVideo Information This video, titled ‘I AM LIVE|| BECOMING OVERPOWERED’, was uploaded by CatchyGamersXD on 2024-03-14 21:52:28. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:12 or 3432 seconds. DISCORD-https://discord.gg/dVqCpxjS In this exciting Minecraft video, join me as I embark on a quest to become fully equipped with netherite in the Blades SMP! Follow along as I gather resources, brave treacherous caves, and face off against dangerous mobs in my mission for ultimate power! Watch as I craft and upgrade my gear to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft weaponry. Get ready for a thrilling… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!” #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild

    "Insane Minecraft Trick: Invisible Door Tutorial!" #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make an invisible door in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftart #minecraftbuild’, was uploaded by Bang Shubh on 2024-03-14 15:23:50. It has garnered 465 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthouses #minecraftedits #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes… Read More

  • PlayGarden

    PlayGardenThis a server where you can play Hide and Seek and other minigames. Such as Spleef, BlockParty, TNTRun! You should join our discord to be notified for any future updates! We currently have 10+ Hide and Seek maps and more on the way! Our server is a beginning server so please be nice! Dont be afraid to check out our website either! node14.consulhosting.net:24025 Read More

  • Simplex SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla No Whitelist No Resets

    💎Summer Events Happening Now!💎 Server IP – simplexmc.com Discord Link – https://discord.gg/jd68FYNs4C Features Usually 5-10 players on, more on weekends! There are no map resets but the end resets with major updates Player-run shopping district + auctions Land claiming, homes, tpa, and anti-cheat are the only notable add-ons for the server Events like weekly spleef, monthly arena matches, build comps, and seasonal event areas! Active community for eight years, many longtime players and great builds throughout the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out my lit copper crib in Minecraft 🔥”

    Looks like this builder is really “copper-ing” some style points with this new house design! Read More

  • Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme!

    Kira Kira Itu Apa? Hot Minecraft Meme! “Kira Kira Itu Apa yaa? Itu adalah ketika kamu bermain Minecraft dan tiba-tiba karakternya berkilauan seperti bintang! Wkwkwk #sparklyminecraft” Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Parkour Master

    Minecraft's Parkour Master The Exciting World of Minecraft Parkour Championships Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft Parkour Championships! With events like HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship and Minecraft Parkour Races, the competition is fierce and the adrenaline is high. Let’s explore the thrilling adventures of these Parkour Gods as they navigate through challenging courses and test their skills to the limit. HIMLANDS – Parkour Warrior Championship In the realm of HIMLANDS, the Parkour Warrior Championship is the ultimate test of agility and precision. Players must leap, sprint, and climb their way through intricate parkour courses, showcasing their mastery… Read More

  • Allizzles’ Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7

    Allizzles' Adorable Kitchen Upgrade! ✨ Minecraft Fairycore Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 #fairycore’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-10 02:15:40. It has garnered 1268 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:14 or 2534 seconds. the CUTEST kitchen expansion! ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 7 In today’s filler episode, I show off some house expansions that include a cozy kitchen and pantry. I also do some decorating, loot bag opening, go back to the dragon lair, and expand the spawner room a little more. 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘relaxing #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-29 00:30:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Kid’s Base on 2b2tpe

    Unleashing Chaos in Kid's Base on 2b2tpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trashing a kid’s base – 2b2tpe’, was uploaded by Void 2b2t on 2024-06-18 17:31:12. It has garnered 32 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. dsc: voidfx2 #2b2tpe #minecraft #anarchy Read More

  • “🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds – SHOCKING Tips! 🤯” #youtubeshorts #viral

    "🔥 Master Your AR Game Builds - SHOCKING Tips! 🤯" #youtubeshorts #viralVideo Information हा टू इंप्रूव योर बिल्ड सो उसके लिए तो भाई आपको ये सब ब्लॉक्स लगने वाले हैं और साथ ही साथ ये कुछ इस तरीके से स्ट्रक्चर बनाने के बाद यहां से अपने को थ्री ब्लॉक्स ऊपर के साइड में बिल्ड करने के बाद टोटल फोर ब्लॉक की हाइट और यहां पे अभी अपने को छत बनाने के बाद डोर लगाना है और देन स्टेयर्स व लगाने के बाद कुछ इस तरीके से फ्लोर चेंज करने के बाद अपना रूम दिख जाएगा गाइस और देन यहां पे अपने को थोड़ा बहुत डेकोरेशन के लिए रिया लगाना है और… Read More

  • Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!

    Insane Castle Build in Universal SMP! 😱 Minecraft Live!Video Information [संगीत] आ डू इट ऑन माय ओन सो आई ग गेट थ्रू इट एंड द ओनली थिंग आई नो इ ट लव वट आईम डूइंग नेवर गिव अप नेवर स्लोट आई फाली प्रू इ नेवर लिन टू द नोज आई जस्ट वा कीप मूविंग कीप मा हेड अपन आई एक्ट हेड अप अ फैक्ट नेवर लुकिंग बैक आ कीप माफ न ट्रक की मा हेड अपंग स्ट्र मूविंग फील आई डों बल मा ट मू अलो पुश माफ ट बी द बेस्ट विथ नो े विथ एव बे सी माय मेसेज स् स्प्रेड एंड आईड सो मेनी ड्रम्स… Read More

  • Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯

    Mind Mines: Dangerously Click Here 🤯Video Information hey why did you touch that video I said no anyways you are cute This video, titled ‘Don’t Touch The Video 🤪’, was uploaded by Mind Mines on 2024-02-28 14:05:26. It has garnered 34 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Don’t Touch The video Wait For End 🥰 #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortvideo #viral #minecraftshorts #noobvsprovshackervsgod #scary #funny #creeper #tower Description 2.5KLikes 80,728Views 27 Feb2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey… Read More