Unlocking Secret Mekanismssss | Minecraft ATM 9

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Okay holy [ __ ] this is it’s already at 138 nice anyways uh I’m now streaming a [ __ ] boss Fight ow the Jour way oh my god I’ve got more messages says I’m [ __ ] Dy okay I I too I’m dying I I’m fighing a boss that has 450 Health allow comment allow Stitch H the the tags and [ __ ] got to be the same as my other Tik Tok

Now oh my God how are you [ __ ] killing you [ __ ] bastard like I actually don’t understand how he is [ __ ] Do ow post that’s not very nice of you bud I don’t like you actually before I post watch me get 30 gifted sub go post why is it not posting ow holy [ __ ] he actually might there better not be a copyright strike check on this [ __ ] thing it’s my video holy [ __ ]

I how what [ __ ] hacks do you have that you’re just instantly [ __ ] healed not in split into multiple parts to get more exposure what does that mean split up into two parts oh well I’m not doing two parts I’ll be right back I take a [ __ ] Sky you still

Here are you watching my stream uh you should I’m fighting a [ __ ] boss that literally I don’t know how to beat cuz he just heals Health from like seemingly Nothing but also like I have not died yet so like oh yeah I think it’s just whenever he [ __ ] like hits me with one of his [ __ ] attacks or some [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] is that oh [ __ ] are you I can’t evening hit him right now what the [ __ ]

Fight me you coward [ __ ] I I literally am not able to damage it oh my God I put a hit on on something to do with those legs maybe I don’t like what you’re doing I’m going to run away for a second and try and uh make my brain work

Holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] cool sky are you snoring Bud than you are it sounds like it what the [ __ ] ow you sir are a dick you know that I’m not talking about you I’m talking about this [ __ ] boss this has been over six plus minutes for you

Content you should like be watching the [ __ ] thing why cuz that’s cool oh you I’m not allowed to be bum oh you can just while in a V with us that’s stupid no bro stop [ __ ] healing I hate you fight me like a man oh my God he’s

Literally at like half Health again he doesn’t sound like a man all right [ __ ] I’m back hi I’m still fighting the [ __ ] boss man proceeds to tell me oh you can be a bum just a VC with pass like but why though you got a point man is built like Optimus Prim but

Without legs you stop [ __ ] healing ow I’ve forgotten how to use this [ __ ] app what app what what app and a mon oh my God what the [ __ ] are you doing just figure it out your brain I don’t want to be your it it’s too early thank you actually for picking me

Up I haven’t clocked in for my for my personal it job leave me alone oh you haven’t collected for your Indian job yet man literally is at 300 health again what the [ __ ] need better this I don’t understand what’s making him heal that’s the worst part of

This probably just an ability he uses I just want to point out call dragon has uh six ENT or uh 31 entries into the the pot to what for the $350 giveaway on the fifth Oh I thought you talking about the video game how do I change the name of a

Video I posted on Tik Tok I I’ve never been able to figure that out to be B with you I’ll just repost it I don’t even know how to [ __ ] edit the [ __ ] okay man literally just has plot armor at this point no man said I am plot on

[ __ ] now it’s one of the uh bosses from cataclysm not watching the stream you’re Jewish it’s not my fault yo so does that mean I can do the funny German thing to him it’s at 207 actually I prob shouldn’t say I probably should not say that on stream

Hopefully I don’t think I actually know what I said pretty much Nero said that uh you’re Jewish and then I asked if I could do the funny German to him no that’s funny why not the funny German is like so funny Though is it no is so loud you’re not you’re just very quiet how do you feel about that because you’re just loud creatures you’re just Jewish I I even have a religion sir your religion Judaism is not a religion usually it’s usually just how you’re brought

Up it’s a way of life yeah like is not really a religion cathol yes do [ __ ] Catholicism is a religion CU 90% of the people like they usually go away from that uh what the [ __ ] is just I’m getting out of that [ __ ] that [ __ ] looks scary what the [ __ ] are

Youing like me for instance I was raised devout Christianity or devout and I was raised a sday event and now eight and work on Saturday [ __ ] the only thing you were was RA strong yo same though whoa I was born wrong I was born upside down I was born

Sideways my God I can believe that he’s almost down he’s almost dead 1.5k unique viewers in this month 1.8k views total this month on Tik Tok so up make S go loo huh no too much excit lower no I am very excitement I’m about to beat it never

Mind the boss is literally at half Health again he was just at like 80 now he’s at like almost 200 the cat look at the potato oh he literally is like 200 again sir can you look a potato I can’t I’m too busy doing actual life potato but Minecraft potato is more

Important yeah except I’m actually streaming I don’t sir sir stop this no and now we go get valerant Clips oh Kitty you put on Hello Kitty oh my God I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going

To die I’m going to die we just roll over to have the pets I’m literally dead from any hit why is the backpack not eating eat faster backpack I’m literally literally dead I’m not dead I’m alive I don’t know how that’s gay be dead I don’t want to dead is like dead like

Why you grab my finger potato grabbed my finger bro she’s like to he but yeah watch the video of the guy praying for Spike to be diffused like actually full on prayer and they won the round and got a kill at the end and he was like Hey Man nope nope I don’t like you you got you got enough pets you got enough pets stop it there must be more M man literally has the like um Doom Slayer sword see why would I want to leave bed when I got here I got blanket I got TV

To watch I like why would I want to leave bed right now why wouldn’t you oh I can put the twitch clip for me getting my ass headed to by that random [ __ ] giant ass mob content clips download that [ __ ] too the fair and Balan game clip upload that too cuz people people

Like to watch me get scream and scared bro stop [ __ ] healing you actual back probably no no you stay probably I’ll be back he’s probably just going to grab something to drink or something hopefully he’s got his phone he can do that with his phone yeah what like this is Billy we’re

Talking about he he don’t make the most sense also like you should be watching my stream right now watch me get my I’m uploading clips Tik Tok friend me fighting a boss for more viewers than almost anything else I hope you understand but are they getting comments as

Well some of them like is there actual interaction or is it just people like viewing and that CLI or comments and [ __ ] nice but I’m posting unedited Clips to Tik Tok and like hey here’s the raw footage you get to see me get the absolute [ __ ] on

Me why are you back at full health you actual [ __ ] monkey this is why your mother left you this is why your father never came back with the milk I don’t know what I’m saying Anymore please stop oh my God what the [ __ ] can you like stop healing all your [ __ ] health oh my God he said why was six afraid of seven because seven was a registered sex offender what the [ __ ] jeez I’m streaming man this not like it’s

TS I don’t know it’s close I mean you can’t swear within the first 15 seconds so not a sww no I know but what I’m saying is their rules really make no sense so like who knows what they consider against to Fair also they they may just take that like heavily out of

Context how is this fight still going on L plus boss it’s literally 18 minutes so far oh my God ow I’m about to die Again do you want help sir I wanted to kill him by myself I had him almost dead and then he did a move that scared me and then I he healed up like all his health spe F if you want to come help then yeah sure I have to BU build pack for

You know who what I have to boot the whole pack up first D oh [ __ ] it’s back oh [ __ ] And there he goes healing pretty much all his [ __ ] El again you just got a message so let’s see who it’s from Billy biling these nuts your [ __ ] what [ __ ] what ow no you’ve been declined do not have day do not have good day go [ __ ] off fight me like a [ __ ] man

Terminator what I don’t [ __ ] know [ __ ] did Terminator dude you this man looks like Terminator if he was made out of brick I don’t know also are there people chatting My Stream I don’t even know cuz I don’t even have the [ __ ] thing open probably should have it open yeah well

Like maybe I should go do that real quick no one’s chatting what the [ __ ] is that thing something yeah you’re having a lot of trouble aren’t you buddy I pain is what it’s giving me all n Go help the monkey in the back yet I told him you just go help the

Monkey cuz he’s having trouble with the Bots and I don’t feel like getting on Minecraft so so so our next solution is just to make an hero do it easy I died oh my God you still hav’t had it you still haven’t killed it oh my God no how how am I

Supposed to kill him man if he doesn’t do enough damage to kill it before it heals he can never kill it so skill you in your chat scarless Sho wow Nero you’re so helpful he never claimed to be opol to be fair no he never yeah he also not did what I don’t

Know really an issue you’re an issue man decided his whole [ __ ] existence would be the problem sky you do not understand the pain I’ve gone through with this [ __ ] sounds like a you problem to me there Buckaroo no I literally had him at like 80 health and then he just like healed all

Of out like nowhere I’m going to play Apex Legends no play rocket League you you literally said that you would try it again I don’t want to hear it no rocket League oh what’s wrong with rocket League man [ __ ] you mean what’s wrong with rocket League everything wrong with lock rocket League locket League say right got to live lock Leck leue lock

Like lock it like I’m talking [ __ ] you is it is it bad that for some reason when he said Locker League I thought of lock it up in fortnite cuz they’ been Auto playing on YouTube lately also they added Eminem officially [ __ ] what yeah they add Eminem The fortnite today yesterday

Yeah it’s so funny how me and him dog in fortnite but there was like a small period of time where me him and like two other people would just play fortnite those were the before times we don’t talk about them to be you can’t to be fair no the

Zero build mode was fine zero build is still in the game I know I’m saying that’s like the only thing fine about fortnite is the zero build learning to swim are we huh like learning to swim are we boss KN him in lava he was swimming

For a while oh I’m I’m doing damage again he he’s below 200 I need we need to get Mike some more hearts and I got quite the upgrades hey he got no he got enough hearts that it literally reset the default color yeah you’re default color default color

Damn man racism Justa colored I I mean all I want to say I I want to say a joke so badly but I can’t just the premium colors okay y’all stop this gets horrendously racist after that no you’re wait till after I’m done streaming then

I want I’m going to tell you my joke no cuz then help be streaming probably I’m already streaming oh what are you streaming I’m not I’m joking I I’ll just just streaming your why do you have YouTube put like that why don’t you have wa play is wrong with you that’s a

Stream no that’s just that’s how you have your YouTube on Play That’s not how I’m talking about look I’m going to take a screenshot of what my YouTube on his thing looks like okay oh I’m going for another swim how are you having so much trouble

With ignis bro God bam look at the group chat he also like doesn’t have much of anything to be fair my my sword isn’t even Enchanted it’s just default ascended supremium I’m 99% sure it’s give it to you is it not Enchanted I thought it was enchanted no my God enchants

Oh look at Discord Nero M that’s what his stream’s supposed to look like I don’t know what the [ __ ] you did I knows it’s your fault [ __ ] did I do man everything wrong in life what did I do what you should definitely like download Apex Legends not going to lie if this sword

Didn’t have like Unbreaking on it like twice over have you ever thought about just stop fighting it cuz you’re not going to [ __ ] kill it you ever think about that I’m going to kill it now I’m already on he’s not going to kill it you’re going to kill it he’s not going

To kill it I’m going for to that [ __ ] again how many how many times have I got to tell you I almost [ __ ] had him doesn’t it look like he swings his sword like an anime charact doesn’t the Boss look like he SW swings his sword like an anime

Character true cuz he literally does say I am him you’re not him he thinks he’s him uh you might want eat them Burgers [ __ ] no my uh backpack for reason why don’t you have to put the well no his food Auto infinite burger no infinite burger for you infinite

Burger so I don’t know if I should I feel like it’s really weird for me to stream Apex Legends when there’s two people playing Minecraft on my PC probably you should probably just stream Minecraft how about go [ __ ] yourself or just play Apex at another time I don’t want to play

Minecraft never said you didn’t have to never said you had to play Minecraft just said maybe you should not just play Apex well there’s not really a game that I can play that will like make sense for me streaming it while there’s two people on VC streaming Minecraft no

[ __ ] no I know I’m saying that’s nothing to do with Minecraft point it’s everything to do with it Jesus Christ Nero did he come [ __ ] on it I yeah he did I Nero did you get rid of his grave again no I have my grave I surprising big surprise

Mode this isn’t League of Legends oh yeah your your title is the League of Legends sir is it yeah thank you kind sir cuz dragon type this isn’t League of Legends oh [ __ ] it is okay one second loud fixing wait hold what what does nrow look like I just woke up I’m sorry

Oh never mind they’ve been yell at me while I’m in bed to get up because they’re [ __ ] and don’t let people sleep you’ve slept enough week no you’re you’re literally when I deal when I deal with you guys all day it’s never enough sleep Sky you literally choose to VC withal

Advertising he says Sky you you literally choose to VC with two3 shifters five days I can leave got point we both have points I can just I was talking about you Mike oh you did in fact make quite the good point there could be fair n won’t be a third shifter for

Long no n will be a morning shifter kind of more like noon afternoon do you want his sword I would like his sword yes although you know you you did swoop in and [ __ ] absolutely destroy the [ __ ] out of him do you have netherite or not NE do you have nether sword I

Canor you have NE in your crafting G right what you have nether in your crafting you know that no want go home and make the sword um I have netherite sword yes does it have any enchants that are worth anything or what I don’t know I

Took it from uh the pyramid that we were at yesterday and um Beyond probably not then let’s see this is false advertis when you’re here refresh let me make sure one has life steal knockbacks SK Smite catalysts and XP boost three bring it matter I I’ll bring three I’ll bring all three of

Them don’t care didn’t ask you should ask kill isue hi have all three founder moderator 25 gifted gift Subs Dam Dragon looking pretty pretty hard shut up go ahead finish say that goes for you there bucko yeah that that’s the thing he was doing that I got scared of and that

Helped him heal all his Hearts how about [ __ ] you [ __ ] was that that his godsword or whatever why is it so big she said oh oh God what is he doing what is it I don’t even know I can also make his shield just so you

Know we would need to fight him again the Shi need another a that’s what is that it was his sword weird also can himcome to the there might be another one of his little minions there’s a chest down here got netherite inot and gold on it it’s pretty useless alter of fire that’s

Not what we do like give me that right how do you resummon this [ __ ] uh simple um come down here and kill this [ __ ] ignite a Revenant I I killed it so don’t worry just uh go back hi you need this thing of burning ashes that drops and then you

Just then you should hear the Boss music start up oh I’m he’s different color now now he’s back to normal I already faed him oh yeah I do hold 10 damage to him Nero does like 300 he won’t stop phasing and shielding that’s the only reason he’s not dead Fair

I mean he’s a good boss I guess well he’s supposed to be a lot harder he’s dead but like n Nero is just like too op for for him I mean I mean like he’s like well made behind you oh there’s a music just too

Hold your Shield see if it see if it hurts you when I hit you yep oh you have piercing that’s why you still didn’t die no the point is you didn’t die oh wait you should have died is the point your life should have ended is the point here mik

This the [ __ ] did you tell me he gave you Hearts so you get more Hearts oh yummy there you go yay now 74 Hearts total hell yeah thank you Budds thank you see if I have anything else I mean I have yellow heart containers but those are mine smile

Those are mine smile oh there’s chest under here so Mike what do you have against Apex Legends uh it’s a thing where do you get miniature green hearts what drops those look it up easy you cook the heart omigle says in your chat this also is a very sick of

Raining but you know the best part about this no um I don’t think I cook them because I don’t have green hearts in the first place um you need melted cook green hearts you need melted red hearts it’s around yellow or around one of oh there we are I see it

Yeah so so Nero is a little bit of the special that’s what I mean it wasn’t showing it in ji she doesn’t show a lot of [ __ ] in ji it’s pretty ass yeah you have to like hunt for like certain things in ji it’s fun num n Nom Nom n

Oh cool if you want blocks raw gold they’re at the very top why anyone will want just raw gold blocks who knows actually that Sky wants Them you know you heard me agree to anything too bad too bad so sad this sword in the reflection or in the uh Shadow is very uh interesting one of each [ __ ] okay so how much is one of each three of these for this one three of these okay so it’s going to

Be basically three of three six 9 12 15 bars of these so I need 15 old the modium 15 alanium 15 pick Char parts parts Part ctis is Carl Junior and Hardies EXC me he heard me I think I did Carl junor and Hardies do you not know what those are sir

No they’re restaurants sounds like a you problem Yeah well yeah probably D you at least have like Love’s truck stops yes okay they’re pretty much like that it’s been so long since Apex I’m so bad at this game now oh you were good on go [ __ ] yourself yes that was good on you

Kid oh [ __ ] like just like you were good at valer I don’t know about good no there were all right why there a cool down on the D excuse me so with the shield if you crouch and then right click oh that’s not a Millie that’s a billion

F ah well I’ve seen my issue I don’t know why I thought you were saying nft I don’t I thought he was saying nft for some reason all he said was e and he said in Fe but yeah Billy in Fe sky are you slow are you

[ __ ] are you you are clearly how so you are do you have proof think you are the proof and proof that I’m just bu better sure we’ll go with that correct for you’re a [ __ ] no yeah no correct no too bad on n look at my stream bow down the

Hamburger what bow down the hamburger no yes no hamburger is power I’m about to actually get me some burgers I’m hungry as [ __ ] get from where water Burg are they actually good or no oh yeah I’ve been eating there for seven years bro it doesn’t mean they’re good it

Does food yeah but that doesn’t yeah Point here [ __ ] you I I extrem picky with food I’ve been in McDonald since I was three that means they’re good cuz you think it’s good doesn’t mean they’re good you know what I mean well no it’s

Cuz I hear I I don’t hear people shut up about waterburger that live in like Texas area yeah cuz that’s just cuz that’s the only place it’s at no not near more it is in Chicago now because they took it they got bought well oh wait thought they’re also in like

Um they’re in Illinois now as well I think Illinois I’m from there and I will choke you Texas Texas why choke me I thought even being asked damn not a good kind not a good kind I don’t think he think there’s I don’t think he believes there’s a bad kind the thing

So oh there isir it’s kind of weird if you likes that that’d be really weird huh yeah I guarantee you he didn’t like the Glock I mean you know what we’re goingon to stop here now apparently there’s there’s not one in Illinois there’s one Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia in

Colorado uh there’s six in Colorado actually damn Billy I Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Colorado Springs Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs oh guess I’m not eating there I’m a door daser too it’s not uh let’s see can’t stop me I don’t want waterburger Kansas Lou Louisiana Mississippi no louana Lana

Louana Louisiana okay Missouri New Mexico Oklahoma Tennessee and of course Texas [ __ ] don’t judge me but I have to something out we’re judging actively judging why you why you testing out I don’t want it actively judging oh my God it’s not instant break everything ever oh you talking about

Listen listen I don’t want to make it and it be the same problem I’m dealing with with my antium how about you have you ever thought about just looking [ __ ] up you [ __ ] idiot have you ever just tried Googling something because it’s got higher attack speed than my [ __ ] Anum it doesn’t

Matter thought it would mine faster that’s attack speed is not mining speed now we’re going now we’re going to put the [ __ ] enchantment sir you do sir you sir you do understand that attack speed is not mining speed correct shut the [ __ ] up you’re are the [ __ ] now

We’re going to put this on it and we’re going to see what it’s like okay bearable barable I can deal with that now we try it on Stone no I think next business is probably getting myself uh we’re testing okay it’s fine I’m not keeping it you’re still

[ __ ] oh my God it’s great you actually would need efficiency on this to be able to insta break if you wanted to that’s lovely that’s lovely indeed holy okay so it’s worth making there chat Gone Gone reduced to Adams something very wrong with you hope you understand

Suck my fat you could have completed that entire thing yes yummy it’s a public what do you mean yummy you’re in the server yummy y m you’re in the Discord server yum me just go to the the [ __ ] server thing there’s a channel what’s it called Minecraft server no wait where’s

The FP at my it announcements yes how do you not know that Mr admin man I don’t pay attention to you or anything you do in life that’s gay oh we should probably have a chat where it just is the IP for any future announcements no no fing just the G

Apocalypse server that you joined yesterday y me go to announcements and then look for the gremlin apocalypse. aex mc. very easy no but have the and it’s no it’s not the most recent version of all the modum 9 it’s 219 it’s it’s 219 it’s not the most godamn

It l plus [ __ ] ratio stupid idiot L plus r oh [ __ ] I need to make a what is your obsession with saying L Plus rater lazy sure you’re [ __ ] stupid you’re a stupid he’s more than one I promise there two there four they six and eight just join should we join

Should we make should we make VC so we can tell her to do sure y Yi join vc1 will commit drag go into that right shut the [ __ ] up everyone else join streaming Channel he’s pulling his [ __ ] okay there we go now we just wait for her to join

VC one or something and I’ll drag her in here here I got you commit server slide I want to same I’ll drag you on yes cuz I don’t like talking over stream I just like to tell people cuz it’s a lot easier it’s so true oh [ __ ] ignore that no I don’t say

No you don’t have a choice in the matter who are we Yi someone from yesterday that during the stream potatoes you don’t have a choice in the matter Yumi this is not a decision that you have here you are being Absol absolutely forced that sounds so wrong Skype please fix your

Words [ __ ] with you I’ll make you sound as weird as possible I’m not streaming so I’m G make it sound as weird as possible for both of your streams Sky stop stop stop taking my logic please I’m not streaming so we’re going to take both of your streams and

Make it as weird as possible and make people flag you for it how do you feel about yourselves yummy I didn’t say anything you’re fine I’m going to stick it in sky oh what the [ __ ] wait what wait am I stupid yes wait when did the child get server what wait I I Kirby who oh okay uh Sky yeah how do we not have the regular netherite smithing template anymore we had it in the first place I had two of them we have probably used it without copying it because you’re [ __ ] I don’t think so you I mean I

Would have had I had be surprised I had nothing to use it on don’t know blame either Nero or yourself it’s usually the problem [ __ ] I can’t use your system [ __ ] you I’m just saying either blame Nero I can’t blame you I blame you because you exist that’s the

Reason I blame you that’s a fun don’t care eggnog is so good isn’t though egg and your Nog I love drinking eggs what that’s a very sad are you okay do you need some help do you need some help there but uh Sky unfortunately you are not

Authorized to give me the kind of help I need authorized is an authorization excuse me I mean you have to be authorized to become a therapist it’s definitely not the word to be licensed sir licens the word you’re looking for authorized is definitely I’ll take other out of

Context [ __ ] he said for 400 thank you there’s so much [ __ ] though we could probably just make a compilation of out of pocket [ __ ] that Mike said just on stream you’re not you’re not make a [ __ ] complete thing sorry go Mike sorry you you don’t have my

Permission to do such a thing that that is stand [ __ ] ask for your permission it’s it’s on our streams with our licensing so go [ __ ] yourself actually i’ I’d love to with a stick on my relaxo relax it’s time to breathe for a minute what the [ __ ] was that what the

[ __ ] was that fcking Meme I used to know that man just sounded like a demon got let loose what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] man you told me to breathe I I’m going to put it on starting soon just cuz you [ __ ] are stupid Sky you love when I’m a [ __ ] complete

Crackhead no oh apparently me doing that made someone leave I had two people watching now it’s just back to me watching you know honestly that’s understandable have a day what I have mine still toggled onto your stream where did I get an awaken Su premium paxel I was that the one I accidentally

Cheated in it is okay that’s what I thought man couldn’t even remember I mean I didn’t even think about it honestly do you think often though you you think about you think things through I I don’t know about thinking him through but he does something I don’t think so I think just

Monkey I am monkey very much we supremium paxel made pug now I make it an awaken supremium paxel Jesus Christ that’s like a lot of [ __ ] anyway there we go get the that set up I’m live I get my where I can actually see my chat on screen also harassing

Yumy uh Sky what are you going to stream H I didn’t harass what I’ll just join you oh y it is open for you if you don’t want to it’s fine but we were I was just going to help you do the ATM 9 thing cuz everyone gets confused about

It why is this not working I think I actually need to edit the title of my stream oh there need to be awaken gemstones and [ __ ] ingots I see do you not have stream mode enabled n should be it just shows that you have the the online thing that I don’t know

Cuz it says that you just have the online thing and not streaming on your Discord thing potato aw supremium packs acquired nice damn I actually got 30 attack damage is got almost as much as the sword I gave him that’s crazy dog actually has more my the sword only has

29 oh [ __ ] the ax is just better okay understandable have day have a day yeah fair enough not a good day just St I don’t want I want night I don’t want okay fa Point have a day no stop stop giving me days I just want nights no [ __ ] you third

Shifter damn what you got against thir shift man I don’t know they’re every time I dealt with them at work they’re just [ __ ] slow Idiots in reality at least where I work th gots more done days yeah know because ours was just slow literally one time I came into work there was a mess that had been there for 2 hours for the [ __ ] overnighters to deal with while they were in the store

And they waited for me to clock in and then tell me it was a mess meanwhile when I come in usually whoever is on second is just like man it was a complete [ __ ] show today literally hear that every single night and have been for the last like two three

Months that’s fun that every day is a [ __ ] show I mean where you work I would really wouldn’t be surprised would you yeah because up until really the last week it’s been like fully like staffed okay we go scene we go click that we click this where they can hear

Me and then we click this where they can hear you idiots why no yep and then we blame everything on mic easy awesome I did nothing except to be gay what you got against gay we’re not going to have this conversation in twitch right now when all three of us are actively streaming

Okay we’re just not going to have this conversation too bad no too bad for you stupid oh nice Shield pretty neat Shield big sword nice hold on stay [ __ ] I think I let go too early [ __ ] actually does quite a bit of damage oh actually kind of

Cool and the sword he I don’t care the sword doesn’t do that much actual damage your life doesn’t do damage you [ __ ] off while I’m trying to heal things wait that actually Dash me I I Shield bash you hold on wait heal up fully heal up I want to see I’m where’ you

Go bro said [ __ ] shut I’m out just this [ __ ] bro I look away for two seconds you don’t start [ __ ] gone hello [ __ ] Jesus literally just got [ __ ] how do you feel how do you feel look my hearts nice I’m not right you call me rat well go kill yourself

Damn meigle says yeah what you got against K of course it’s meigle that answers first oh that does nothing what’ you do it to me for [ __ ] did I do oh I got the tentacles on you bud how do you feel um like I’m about ready to eat some calamari

Oh what just kills you instantly damn what was that uh Magic Arrow I did not expect it to kill you instantaneously I didn’t either to be fair I only have my chest PL CH chest plate Enchanted and it’s not very good en chants I’m at half a heart

Sir damn he survived it but you didn’t well the shield sir I didn’t have my shield drawn oh I don’t know how you live then wait are are are you Enchanted armor no it’s whatever welled armor how many I only have one I only have my

Chest plate I my helmet and boots are but that’s it what are your in chants mine are just uh [ __ ] Pro Mana thorns and Tombstone uh Wonder this would do Mike sorry what nothing oh that’s what it does you the see grave I guess true IM didn’t have grave

Hamburger hamburger cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper hamburger cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper Whopper Whopper Nero you should just like enchant my armor for me easy cool Nero killed me Nero froze my game there he goes what boock is that what is thatal oh no okay is it looked like a black of

Emerald that was an anal furnace no oh Mike took it he’s a friend this guy I guess I also got a limestone seed from a quest I’m not sure how that worked but why Li Limestone seeds are kind of like useless they’re they’re like worse Stone not really Limestone definitely

Looks better than Stone it’s the create mod you’re going to need it later on anyways right if we do create mod which we might okay let me test more damage pills that does a lot of [ __ ] damage how many hearts do I have you have

50 oh he has more that makes sense by far uh Billy come here actually let me see if you have this see if you can use any more no my backpack’s SE out of food you can use more okay now you’re at 60 I can’t use

Anymore yeah but you’re at 6 W I gained two hearts from eating hamburger nice thank you for hamburger chbg ow [ __ ] off soad very rude individuals aren they does like three damage to you it’s very aggressive sounding man threw an entire [ __ ] god fire spill at you ice goob [ __ ] y oh

I did a lot of damage for just a little flick so true look at the flick of my wrist y well you’re GNA die if I keep hitting you I I yeah I at four HS cuz I’m out of hamburger no get in the [ __ ] oh my

God there’s a whole ass healing Circle you ran right out of it I was going to go grab food you I just have food like how you always R get food um you forget I was fighting that boss for like 20 minutes just running you have so much food though how do you

Run out I had like a second still the wrong house what is wrong with you if we get a mimic prediction I can make you infinite or Eternal Stakes where are you going to but we need to kill we need to find and kill six

Mimics six mimics M mimic use you got to put it you got to use it on a uh no uh you got to put it on a data prediction or a data module and then we got to find and kill six of them that I have

Already hard to find them can you like enchant this for me we we we just have to like go to myle let me rephrase that your hole your your hole sounds very nice maybe someone should make a permanent residency there what excuse me oh now you’re getting tentacled okay

I’m not I’m I’m not even there oh well he’s tentacl your bed wait wait a minute wait a minute we are unhinged around here it’s fine cons oh I don’t know what consensual oh I’m still getting tentacled actually I don’t like them they they they’re touching me in weird places stop

Mak making so much worse I’m making it sound better yeah I know man no making it so much worse there’s no such thing definitely such a thing sir anyway Sky to answer your previous question um my helmet has fire five boost and some chants but and then the boots have prop four or

Prop five I mean spectral bite 11 and DEP ster four and two Sun them also I don’t know if the sword’s good it’s I mean the sharpness on it good but I don’t know if anything else on it good there’s too much water down here here want some some shiny lava

Bro you’re a shiny lava does that mean uh means that you’re shining like lava and bright like a diamond even look at it damn I look at it I’m looking at it as I put it on oh now it’s sock how do you how did

You make it socketed by the way I I never knew I never figured out how to do that with this thing foraging to okay thank you also you should check how many hearts it’s giving you now oh hello prosperities you went from 60 Hearts to 75 I hope you understand that’s

Good you’re on you’re equal to M mic right now did you almost call me Matt yes my name my names are not my good what what you’re not good with man just failed Nei is far more than names yeah well you you haven’t really seen my face unless you looked at

Seen though what does that to do with you though what what is seeing my face if the do is seeing my face I know him m in real life so like I just want to call him Matt for some reason we Matt he was weird furry guy he he he was I

Know the M I know was very similar to that it’s the same person imagine this guy works at L Burg no we don’t know him person we didn’t know him person we just knew him on Discord oh that’s that that that that makes it even weirder why doesn’t him work in a water

Butter me a wager what no what you mean no I I I lost a plot of the conversation I’m not even going why mate come here no oh pretty I got to smack you test things out come here I don’t want to why are you in the middle of the

Forest what is wrong you’re underground why are you underground what are you doing I am mole in the cave here sure what the [ __ ] are you what the [ __ ] let me TP you what the [ __ ] are you not yeah what are you but where are you what

Are you I don’t even [ __ ] know TP and except TP I’m a [ __ ] chicken nugget today here how much does this hold on I did a lot actually did it I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention I was reparing myu let me wait till you get full HP full

Should just like Heal Me nope give her that back what no never mind take take well Billy have you seen the construction work I’ve done to the [ __ ] I probably should steal you huh Billy have you seen the construction work I’ve done to my [ __ ] reactor out no I need to turn

Off my magnet before M fills up my inventory again oh Diamond that’s the thing you’re excited about he just likes seeing dond okay he’s very simple little Minecrafter okay leave him alone sky for a second I thought you were going to call me Minecraft girl and I was going to get

Ready to slap you okay why aren’t you full just get Full Hearts this is Full Hearts no it’s not you have two more Health three more Health get I don’t [ __ ] know I have toast so like it that it should be there now you’re full I’m going to cred it okay

It wasn’t a crate cuz I have a jetpack on but you know let me try critting you where’s my healing spell wait for the cool down to go away oh no you’re full HP never mind that you’re doing things to me I don’t like can you stop saying things like

That for God’s sakes please what what is wrong with you hit me with your your uh your spell thing with your big great sword the big sword not the shield B The Shield B didn’t do anything I don’t have it it’s back at base why did you put

Your sword away it’s better than your current sword what wrong with you no it’s not it’s worse how is it worse it literally does like 10 damage hit me with your supremium well the ability does more damage than use premium for Dam sure yeah but that also has a cool

Down damn that’s pretty L like isn’t it you have lots of coal uh yes maybe yeah Sky we literally have like a thousand I you just called negotiation shut the [ __ ] up Mike huh it’s called negotiation why do you need closer graphite uh we have some graphite

Actually too we have a lot of graphite actually like like 100 graphite bars also I love how you say negotiations like I didn’t just [ __ ] enchant your entire [ __ ] with God pearls I know but Mike just immediately [ __ ] said yeah we got it cuz it don’t [ __ ]

Matter matters you got to be a businessman like relx this ain’t real life [ __ ] it ain’t that deep it Ain it ain’t as deep as my mom Is [ __ ] does that mean sir let me just what do you mean what does that mean what what does it sound like a mean that suffice a little bit Yeah Yeah this is over by the way we’re done now that’s fun this is the end of the

Reactor pretty lit how do you get out you don’t you don’t you’re stuck forever man said there I found the hole said you don’t there’s a hole hey yo what’s up the bit wielder how you doing today I believe I answered that semii hopefully hopefully me every single time

Someone chats it pops up my screen but I’m like looking I’m not quite I’m not like staring at it okay yeah I did all right appreciate it so how you doing today Mr bit wielder they’re probably wielding some bits you right you right okay is that yo is that

Silverfish I don’t really know what our goal is today um make all the modium stuffs in thebr you’re literally wearing a full set of vibranium you’re dumb well I’m a bit under the weather but otherwise just laying around glad you’re just grad you relaxing sucks your under the weather

But I’m sure it’ll get fine soon enough sky sky probably wishes that he also is relaxing instead of being here with us too yep anyway to be fair you didn’t have to [ __ ] yeah but if I just be bitched at and DM by both of you no at least by

Neroo uh sorry I’m just talking to the two monkeys and that’s there you go that’s Jesus Christ please never do that again oh and he oh my chat did it with you that’s fun yeah that’s scary what thought it’s accurate or that it’s funny or that my chat did it with

Him Nero Define funny because what you did is not funny I heard a call to war yeah that’s what I’m talking about Fu the [ __ ] bit Builder person said I heard a call to war that’s what I’m talking about I heard the call to War

Sir bro how is there no cave down here by the way you’re a cave oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] thank you for the follow the bit wielder thank you for the follow Sky what do that even supposed to mean what that I’m a cave you’re a cave what you

Said I did I just kind of say things I don’t really pay attention to who I’m saying it to or what I’m saying it for what are you saying for this thing Jes how long is this quy GNA go how much power does this

Output and am I even going to be able to sustain it also Mike this is not going to be enough storage holy [ __ ] bil come look we’re working on our last Diamond chest I think soon no all right hands up who’s all right hands up who’s who’s up for some war crimes Canada

Is look at this [ __ ] uh 100% Nero is up for some war crimes though you’re re how much power it’s producing I don’t see how much there oh oh Lord Almighty there you go Sky you asked I answered hands it’s already got 49 million oh hello lava well at least you

Got a reactor it’s pretty good my power shouldn’t be an issue right it’s not like I don’t have a 800 more Yan blocks I’ll throw in this [ __ ] either yellow yum yum who are you oh it’s yellowish being crackhead again what else he does he do be kind of he does

Kind of look like crackhead though doesn’t he don’t we all yeah but specifically yellowish cow probably he’s just a potato disguised as a crack [ __ ] what you heard me you heard me what does that mean but I wish I didn’t exactly o what’s her what what

You okay wait Mike what are we doing cuz we’re just running around like idiots doing absolutely nothing what are we doing uh I need potato I don’t I I genuinely don’t know got to love it okay thanks very helpful be a be a beekeeper we need to all right I got a

M777 toad house there and some Excalibur ammo who’s interested High better gets it also if you buy more of the 25 rounds you get some AK RDX what the [ __ ] are who the [ __ ] are user he’s an arms dealer literally let me take a screenshot he

Send it in the group chat what the [ __ ] read look at the group chat what I just sent this man is crazy I was crazy once shut the [ __ ] up both of you iwe also more to get some nitren carb yeah how do you feel man knows his periodic table too

Well man knows table too well I love it Am I Wrong yes um okay then how what do we what do we what do we do what do we do what do we do I need you to become a beekeeper I don’t want to become a beekeeper you

Become a beekeeper stupido no the be the bees infuriated me because you made me you made me lose my brain I don’t really care about the bees to be honest cuz we already like have enough of everything to well be um why do we still have

[ __ ] I don’t know well the slimes are necessary in case we when we go more in depth into uh refined storage then why don’t you cuz we don’t need right now cuz we still have we still have 66,000 out of 101,000 and the whole point though of it

To like never need any of it again I mean I guess I don’t know I just don’t know what I want to do you know what I mean also over 50 rounds you get seex inste what is are you like an arms dealer Mr bit wielder is that what this is he’s probably

Canadian I mean who who doesn’t love a good Canadian um man says depends who’s asking Pablo Escobar in this [ __ ] hell yeah my boy wait what H oh hey finally did man did man say he immediately went off onto something else immediately he said my boy and immediately ignored everything

Else and continued on with this day excuse me uhhuh hey mys no I I found a mimic I found you found a MIM what is the best um right right here okay don’t kill it don’t touch it I got to put this in the Deep learner

First well you have to make sure it don’t touch me cuz my tou touch you my boots a snorkel can breathe under water do you want it no we need to find more if we find more I’m pretty sure that counted it should what should I what what’s furn did that just say

[ __ ] four 39 continue how many more do we need we need 30 of them before we can make one to be used [ __ ] what yeah best artillery I think m777 is the good option but also the Archer is better but more expensive why are you trying to sell me weapons of

Orer Nero you [ __ ] okay to be fair I didn’t realize that would hit you who doesn’t need weapons of war probably people not going to war Nero you are lucky you you are lucky I had a that I had a grave oh cuz first it’s really just dumb

To kill Mike CU there’s always like a very high chance that he just doesn’t get his items but you know well like it wasn’t the goal oh your life isn’t the goal anyway my life doesn’t have a goal mine doesn’t Mike what’s who knows when you’re when you in the mood for war

Crimes okay sir man said who knows when you’re in the mood for war cries oh I’m always in the mood okay um Mike we’re going to do genocide mechanism genocide mechanism genocide um Mike I think I have your vibranium helmet and chest uh I you do yes

Smelter so we already have the heat generator the bed allergic diffuser all right teleport hi buddy met allergic infuser all right the guy who said he’s in the always in the mood would you say be interested in some mustard gas um hell yeah do do I have chlorine gas

Too okay let’s stop talking about like actual like illegal weapons of war on stream please it’s not illegal if it’s uh done your own backyard definitely is definitely is 100 million is uh it’s only illegal if they find out you’re live on stream they’re going

To find out yeah I live in potato County potato USA he lives in Virginia actually no Virginia it was you’re not getting my point sir shut the [ __ ] up no I actually live in West Virginia or nerve agents if that’s true okay you need to relax Mr bit wieler you need to

Calm it weapons of waro wrong lots of things the deadly neurotoxin M what is what is two plus 2 76 I’m going to get rid of your power stuff cuz it’s in my way how dare you I am going to [ __ ] slap your left what can I use to store a lot of

Power power Sky how dare you Hi how dare you touch my power you missed yesterday y we got 30 Subs gifted who’s Yas no I don’t know who Yasin is he’s a person I guess probably are they he and she he and or she because Yanni turned out to be a

Female which is probably one of the worst females I saw from frago like yout realized that this is a door right what there sir look at the wall look at the wall sir look at Skye what did you why did you put a door here it’s the main here sir can you

Move the breeding chamber please Sky I how am I supposed to know these what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] why why why oh I’m [ __ ] dead am my defense guy how was I supposed to know that you put a [ __ ] door there understandable have dayer oh Lord Almighty I’m dead I don’t want

To can you stop putting the blocks back [ __ ] well you’re not [ __ ] grabbing them I don’t know I don’t have my magnet on turn my [ __ ] magnet on no you’re a magnet what does that mean it means that things are attracted to you I didn’t say I

Was okay right there we have energy in the metal orur confuser okay no [ __ ] you mean no I don’t want to [ __ ] you mean all right what do we need next after metallurgic confuser we need a energizing smelter osmium compressor the [ __ ] is my pickaxe bro

And my sword and my other [ __ ] alloy how do we make infused alloy again wait forgot how to do mechanism red stone iron and Redstone got it red stone the Ser with fine taste if you feeling extra spicy there’s also the bricks of plutonium by the way we 5 kg

There’s going to be some kobali 60 packed in it this man drives a hard bargain what is wrong with you do you not understand what all that meant I know but what is wrong with you I said I he said what is wrong with you not mean it’s not a good bargain bro

Okay Mike I’m making infused alloy sir H making infused that okay you want to start helping me with mechanism or no just kind of start looking at the quest sign and seeing what we need what order I’m I’mma be completely Hest guy I [ __ ] blinked out for the last like

Two minutes we are doing mechm mechanism mechan are we doing me no the machinations of my so we need what we need is we need four inp valy two Advanced control circuits a steel casing and two buckets for the osmium compressor yeah and then I guess I’ll just go for en richment

Chamber uh sure or do you want to go for the energize smelter what uh sure how do make a control circuit it is Sky I hope you realize I ask you two separate things and you just says sure so to the second thing the um uh smelter smelter smelter just go for the

An smelter okay yeah I’m doing the I’m going to do osmium ingots we have a lot of those right yes um maybe well 200 something it’s fine for now yeah and then Redstone so I’m going to take out this temporarily and put you in there and that should make us some basic control

Circuits and so that will help with you with your inise smelter so once those are we only need two of those in there actually I can’t even do this until metal the confuser going do stuff it needs one more control circuit and then you can do it okay

Uhhuh I mean I guess I can go for steel casing yep steel casing make a few of those if you can can’t actually cuz um okay I put the basic control circuits in the thing so you should be able to craft it now uh I can’t make a steel casing actually

Because we don’t have steel dust how do we make steel I forgot iron dust four coal and a or Hammer steel Dust how do we make steel dust we need iron iron dust sir iron dust for Co and then or hammer or or Hammer should we make we should actually

We have one in here don’t we I don’t think it’s for or or um yeah we yeah we have an iron or Hammer yeah and then coal and iron we we just need I got this iron dust is just the Ingot I think corre with the hammer or actually you know

What we’ll just use a [ __ ] raw iron yeah Mak a bunch of dust I’ll probably make actually a better or Hammer so we don’t have to deal breaking what’s the best One Platinum okay steal we actually don’t have a lot of really wait Sky why is it oh was I doing the stupid

Where you [ __ ] what you got rid of my [ __ ] oh sorry I was trying I was just grabbing the Platinum where s and I’m trying to make our [ __ ] steel dust apologies I’m I was just making plaum so I can make the Platinum Hammer uh should I

Just make it all in the steel dust probably yeah for now yeah that’s fine 54 I call you find also fidil you’re very weird um I sorry I was taking a I um I don’t know how to feel about your comments any I have sky sky

Kicked me out of my own base so I have to go to the smelting house mhm cuz he’s us my diamond furnace um just call me Beast my username on Royal Beast no don’t say that how about no of all let’s not do that um

But I just remembered I need my I need my uh open all I need is to get the concurrent uh I think viewers yeah concurrent viewers I think and I can get a f a a and what’s the name of the guy with the interest in some gases Mike is his name

Oh that would be both me and EO currently yes Mike and EO are both interested in the gasses it’s because we share a common um background of certain common well a certain European nations oh ah I see I understand now yeah everything makes more sense after you said That okay I made the Platinum Hammer sir for anyone in chat that’s confused I’m German and for the zero people minus Nero in my chat so am I me un German easy sorry can’t I’m also Irish I am also Irish what the [ __ ] yeah I told you y I literally said you’re the

Same people you don’t believe me what’s your third uh I’m IND I’m Indian Irish and German wait Indian Amer Indian no as in Cherokee Blackfoot Native Americans just don’t say India just say Native American uh yeah uh I have like a tiny bit of Native American somewhere down the

Line yes you guys you guys are the same people I’ve already told you this easy my DNA report shows up 76% German and the rest is split between Irish and uh Native Americans half half and black foot I I need oh you already made it okay nice you need the pipes you don’t

Have the pipes I see there you go pipes you’re you’re the piper you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re the PIP don’t ever call me the piper again please don’t worry I did I did say what I wanted to say oh I see since you’re ger you may be interested in some flame whatever What’s just one flaming yeah we have an energized smelter now let’s go okay now we need to make a osmium compressor so we need Advanced control circuit which isoy I think I just got some actually I might actually just be able to make that like right now I think yeah I think we

Have everything we can make it it’s just um iium compressor right uh we’re missing one of the advanced control circuits actually if you want to get make one it’s everything should be in there it’s just basic and to infused oh yeah we do yeah yeah yeah I might have

To make more infused Al though so I’ll throw some iron in there there and you can place it down that we’re literally just going to have like a line of all the [ __ ] yeah and then we can go up too as well oh true uh all right how do we get refined

Obsidian obsidian is uh refined obsidian dust but how do we get which is which is enriched which is enriched diamond or diamond dust with obsidian dust and obsidian dust is got by using the uh AR furnace enrich enrichment chamber with obsidian oh that yeah that makes sense

You work on that I’m going I’m going to work on the enrichment chamber okay you’re doing that okay I me that’s a step anyways that’s fine and we actually got an enriched diamond from the quest which is nice it’s also nice that all I have to do for

All of these because of you is just make the this explains a lot nobody says am I in the right place oh hello really nobody says this explains a lot to the German thing well welcome to my stream hello you are in the right place oh that’s the oh that’s uh how did

He find you that’s actually impressive I’m not sure that’s kind of SC actually I might have you Le no that’s just you you’re connected to my YouTube is he is he in the Discord server uh I have my waves that’s that’s not creepy at all I mean

There can’t be too many mics streaming on YouTube right now true okay how do we make obsidian dust again wait I don’t remember pressurize re um just put the obsidian in one of the machines I think the second one do we have ma obsidian though we should have a couple I’m going

To make a pressurizer actually we have one a seller always finds this clients you’re not wrong okay do this so I need yes I need obsidian D so that means obsidian dust comes from the chamber okay so we need I’m making the pressurized en chamber no no you know we can just use

The if we just put the normal obsidian blocks in the chamber it gives us dust and we put the dust in the and into the B conf future with enriched diamond and then we’re done what are you saying words that make sense I’m glad to

You so what may I we need obsidian so what I may interest you in I I want to hear a bit about these gases can we stop we’re not making a deal here okay relax just because you don’t want to deal doesn’t mean I don’t want to deal

We need uh we need obsidian mik that’s what we need right now okay so where do we go to get obsidian the chamber Secrets shut the [ __ ] up I is it the chamber that um the the people used wait we thank you for the follow Elena

Elena hello what’s up Alina I’m going to say I’m going to I’m doing all right how about you name I’m going to call you Piper Piper I’m going to pay Piper theer you failed so [ __ ] hard at saying that Holy yeah I failed miserably immediately that’s good I’m glad you’re

Doing well uh Sky I hope you know four of our Sky I hope four four of our uh cor chests have space where that’s where are you from I am in the US um how P should they be n only enough to cause a little discomfort not actual pocy a little

Discomfort yeah you know maybe a little choking that that’s about it don’t worry about what they’re saying they’re really weird what huh I’m just trying to make sure my chat doesn’t think that I’m associating with your guys dealings I see the way off where all three of us are from the US if

You’re wondering Uber my family came here from Germany [ __ ] you you’re still from the USD kid I know doesn’t mean I was here all the time okay were you born in Germany us or from the were you born in Germany I I I also you’re from the US I

Also have some like Eastern European in I don’t have power con enrichment chamber oopsie okay can this [ __ ] bastardized en what is this your favorite game I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite game it’s just what I’m playing right now cuz these people are playing it so I’m playing it Mr bastardy en [ __ ]

What about you what’s your favorite game where oh died thank you for committing 47 what I say nothing what what did you what did you say about uh tentacle tickling stop behave yourselves we have normal person we have a normal person in between our three

Chats right now we have to I’m a scar shall I interest you in some Zeon gas D wait it’s good to fill the room from I apologize for anything you may hear Gan Brocks glan Brock which game do you like the most uh chemical disillusion chamber please stop I think uh right now

I probably mean guy I found a bunch of obsidian do you want to like come to me I already okay no first of all I already found obsidian go [ __ ] yourself um my favorite let me can’t speak my favorite game right now would probably be I don’t

Know no I don’t want even have the game I probably I play a lot of Val right now well you don’t have started hexa florid type of guy love you I play a lot of Val and then fix playing a lot of Minecraft it’s between Minecraft and Val right now I

Say Billy we can fix you not having St I never agreed I did not agree I didn’t ask your permission [ __ ] I did not agree I don’t want this don’t want your existence to be a thing damn I’ll just stop existing things exactly okay cool what about you what’s your favorite game

Piper sorry every time I say Piper I just think of uh no I think I think of Charmed the show I thought why I I thought you gonna say I thought what is wrong with you my mom watches this all the time do you stream

Daily um I try my best to stream daily but I don’t I try my I I usually every other day is a pretty consistent slightly though he’s a pickle pepper he Sergeant Peppers I’m going for every day though it’s my goal Sergeant Peppers but no one likes you anyway wow

You can’t say that when I’ve got 35 subs and that doesn’t that doesn’t mean they like you to be fair yes that does if someone drops $175 on your stream that means they like you [ __ ] you deflatable all right let me turn me you heard me I said deflatable

Deal with it any there bit is uh is that a bit better how long uh you are streaming for on Twitch I’ve been on and off on Twitch for about a year and a half two years yeah no problem sorry we we we can all we can be a bit loud

Sometimes yeah we’re a bit aggressive apologies yeah I don’t apologize deal with it he said straight up that y’all are too loud I don’t apologize deal with it well he makes well Mike always says everyone too loud on the stream I I’m well I keep everyone at 200% because my ears are sh

Yeah that’s well that’s yeah but for other people on your stream I don’t care yeah I’ve been streaming about on and off for about a year and a half two years we have refined obsidian ingots the way we’re making it right now yeah well I’m coming back because I got more than

You okay the only thing I need right now is the enriched diamonds do you like Arts um I’m interested in it I’m not very good at it or any like skilled it but I it’s pretty interesting what normal commenters and then mine are just like are you gay do you do you do

Painting and the Digital Arts as well I do not I mess around maybe with some drawing or something and maybe I’ll mess around with a computer digital I don’t do uh he straight straight from a plane ju just kind of like from a tank you know and just like let loose the

Pressure and just spray it across I need M we need a rich Diamond I don’t know how to we need yeah we need anr diamond what do you want me to do enriched get En enriched Diamond how does one do it don’t know figure out by the way I also like Arts

Nice just toss it in enrichment chamber Sky literally just toss diamond and chamber okay gotcha and I also do Digital Arts and painting as well that’s cool what kind of stuff do you draw literally so much more normal than whatever the [ __ ] I’m so size of the area you want affected um

Great Wall of China size area oh Lord relaxer no there is no such thing because this is all hypotheticals you know hypothetically hypothetically hypothetically yall need to be quiet hypothetically you need Jesus that’s what I’m hearing I would really rather not I I the three of us I’m probably the

Closest no who then Mike yes that’s fair he probably does talking about gassing people bro what do you [ __ ] you’re agreeing with it what do you mean no I didn’t hey I I never said it was going to be on actual people he be fa he did just say he did

Just say the great TR he never said people I the like the area of my recent Arts work sure go ahead and join this join the server in my panels and I believe there should be a channel for you to put it in maybe it will check if not you can just

Put it in you can put it in media in the media chat once you join the server if you’d like [ __ ] I don’t remember what the [ __ ] thing is called electrolytic separator the [ __ ] did you just say to me little [ __ ] electrolytic accelerator [ __ ] what are we celebrating Els

Electrolytics I like how you knew what I was talking about when I said Charmed y oh we need alium and gold dust ew that’s fine can I can I have your Discord no I’m I’m did you join this Discord server uh it’s in the if you look at if

You go to Twitch and you scroll down it’ll say it’ll have a panel that says Discord if you click that it’ll link you to my server Sky did did I did I just break our Hammer the Platinum one oh no it’s just being stupid again I I found the issue

It don’t like when the anything has missing durability oh okay that’s fine just have the hammer inventory and just grab the or no okay nice just make it harder on yourself for no reason no no I all I did was just special [ __ ] off you’re not wrong but [ __ ] off regardless makes him

Special if you can’t find it I’ll just link the server in my chat really quick for you there you go Sky now we have electrolytic separator copy link good my electrolytics separation while I’m doing [ __ ] antimatter pellets right now we’re just starting mechanism come uh there’s the server link and yeah

Wa we we ignore what I was about to say my disc username is just Beast it’s in the server it’s just royally Beast lithium does lithium lithium is a good song by two different bands fermented meat or fermented or meat what I didn’t stutter [ __ ] you heard me you should

Stutter no you are are you talking about like um wow Fu damn wait n Nero is it the [ __ ] like um rech [ __ ] you missed the [ __ ] bir I just hit him with bro God damn man said you s enough for all of us man I Sky we have

To make a second enr chamber [ __ ] um for the uh purification chamber it takes it takes a [ __ ] rment chamber it’s fine it is but like oh lag hello lag hi today can’t open anything oh hello I can open my inventory oh there we go oh God

Yep we’re good oh I got a DM request friend request hello I mean you’re not wrong though he does stutter enough for all of us go ahead and wow [ __ ] you hey I started to so like go ahead and send your art if you’d like oh I’m missing steel ingots

Mother I needed my mic on stream but 100% think this is someone trying to get me to pay for it by the way don’t say anything else yeah yeah yeah yeah am I wrong is that not what it seems like oh 100% yeah again Jesus Christ sky for a second I legit thought

You were trying to do something that’s why I make lag a bit many s God damn it [ __ ] nobody stop making the server lag [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] of these [ __ ] wait don’t I have more steel I don’t know how I don’t know how much ref find obsidan

We please remind Mike to look at chat look at chat Mike oh I’ve been looking apparently not enough oh wait wait was this from welder yes he told me to tell you to look at your chat I followed on Discord please follow I did I I did I already did hold on hold

On hold on that definitely the order of that stuff yep what I don’t know what you just said but it was not any [ __ ] language that was correct oh more stealing DS thank you pass me Sky have you found out why there’s chests in our house yet and that like smelting house

Yet no okay I don’t know how they got there either that’s why okay I just anything that is something that is there that I don’t know of I just can I share here my portfolio go for cuz it wasn’t me I I was assuming it’s you and you just forgot to be

Honest why would I use regular chests I don’t know you’re a little [ __ ] sometimes most of the time nine lies and slander on okay we have 19 refined ingots I feel like that’s enough feel we don’t need more than that uh well I know you can make like armor with it yeah we

Don’t yeah armor is a lot better than refined obsidian true what are you doing Mig weirdo is over here being invisible in front of me thinking that I won’t see him because of his floating necklace he also saidak sneaky he he also literally said shh I’m not here or some [ __ ] along

Those lines yeah we have purification chamber now do so slow what the [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] turn my mic off let’s just I’m going to show you all this very suspicious very suspicious link I’ll tell you if it’s a grabify link or not uh sky M that’s a graif

Link do not [ __ ] click that like I I genuinely don’t know how to do that and there we go okay yeah I got you anyways all right after those fun times did stuff that’s I love when they try to they do it they [ __ ] join uh thingy they literally join a

Stream to try and send a [ __ ] a grabify link hey am I wrong like that is 100% Gra link I’ve never even heard of that site so yeah no no just the way it’s formatted yeah not even that though no one uses that if you’re going artable you probably use like

Uh or photoshop or yeah something something main brand not psnet anyway uh I’ll be right back Sky I have to go grab lava mhm for the crusher that I’m about to make okay and I swear to God near if you say some [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m a [ __ ]

Leave us alone we’re doing things at the RO we just started I’m a [ __ ] pound your ass straight up no homo don’t me don’t me anyway but see that’s why I did that’s why I did that’s why I did the smart and I didn’t click it I’m glad you

Didn’t because I probably would have given your IP and [ __ ] to him yep [ __ ] laugh my ass off yeah I don’t click you should be smarter than that like well dude I don’t even click I dude I don’t I I hesitate to click links from from like people that

I’ve known for years he he hesitates to click links from me if it’s not like yeah if it’s not if it’s not straight up just I can tell it’s YouTube then I won’t [ __ ] click it I tell him that’s straight up I don’t care how long I known him I

Don’t even click link sometimes from You Nero if it looks even a little remotely weird I don’t click links period that’s a good habit to have I’m not even mad yeah hello Mr omigle how you doing today why you trying to teleport man I don’t want you me it’s kind of

Gay look I’m looking what do you hold on slime Tangerine what are you doing there bud is me even is he in the chat in our base no is he like in the VC get it oh he’s committing the racism wait is he I think so I don’t know I’m

Assuming he has a hat on and he has like a slime Tangerine so I don’t know that that just sounds like a normal Tuesday or is it Morocco I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re called Cal you’re a Morocco I require assistance what do need I’m making

Reactor from mechanism in the chat oh he’s here oh everyone’s here what yeah I didn’t realize they were in the [ __ ] PC bro I’m yeah [ __ ] streamer mode yeah streamer mode go [ __ ] all right SL home did C uh [ __ ] uh nobody did you enjoy the

Person trying to [ __ ] grab my AP oh that was very funny like haha kind of sad you didn’t who who joins a twitch stream it’s very common I got all the blocks I just don’t know how to put it together Mr Mikey Mr want you to look at him no um I’m

Doing things [ __ ] no he told you no here you go fine what you want who are you hi what else do I need hold I have a magic trick hold on you said you have all the PLS didn’t you I forgot I no I just have the casing stuff hold show

Show show me yeah I know about the zom it’s very cool I want to taste it be Aaar make it like I made it what because it’s kind of hard to explain he’s playing it like a moraca that that’s the joke oh I wasn’t sure that made I I was like I figured he was just committing the racism I don’t know now to do that he needs a white

Hat he needs a white hat for that I do yeah and and also like a red suit you need a red suit as well this is just chilling under my B bro D you like look my screen look chilling down my base hey Sky why you glowing this is just chilling under my

Base oh that’s cool I need a glow stone dust y glow stone dust what did I just put in I just put something in there I wasn’t supposed to put in there I think check your unbanned request she might have sent you something I’m 90% sure it’s a man it

It play my follow players in Discord so on how M I want to tell something on you it’s it it definitely isn’t M mate huh it’s not M it’s omigle I don’t [ __ ] I don’t [ __ ] care S no one ban request or anything I just I blocked them on Discord immediately

And then I just ban them from the twitch it’s fine hold on I I need to test something Mi stand still stand still when I didn’t click it they even typed in chat like oh they even typed in Discord oh you should please do it [Laughter]

Soon I’m so right like I don’t know what to tell you is damn one damage I knew I was right I myself only the like the corners need to question yourself on corners from down the like how sorry wait did that hit you too that I don’t

Know what you did you hit me I I I I did my sh Shield bash it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah can I shoot you also this too like yeah shoot me [ __ ] but IRL yeah like this one like top top row of class needs to be Cas weak okay go and shoot me I don’t know I probably die I don’t know Sky we have the same Health if I survived you will survive well you have different stuff though shoot me the corner

To chemical injection chamber whoa why is there a villager down here I really hope it explodes I I’m I’m not even going to lie there are two wondering traitors here that’s funny shoot me Amigo shoot me can I hit you I want to hit you no oh

Why not I don’t like you hitting me you scared yes it’s understandable you can’t even believe am I even doing yes do something not at all it doesn’t even go down did you what did you just hit me still one that 63 oh god oh yeah telepathic dexterity what the hell was

That it does no damage to me did you pick up my grave you [ __ ] idiot yeah are you like the [ __ ] how did you even do that how do you pick up grave uh you hold shift over it you can pick up someone else’s you have my boots

Give my boots never mind I I don’t have I I yeah it’s very funny thing that’s you should not be able to pick up someone else’s grave that’s actually kind of [ __ ] oh wait here have your W say that these words these are bad words mate you take your bad words and

You shove it up your ass I don’t have one of those oh Sky I think I also took your repair kit you can keep the repair everything everything’s in the chest it’s all sorted under last edited if you need something then I probably have it or I can make it so

Yeah you think I’m fine where my map Yes what did you hit me with it like didn’t do anything at first and then it just um oh that’s how I found me Sky the B what did he kill me with bit joined your [ __ ] Discord server using a telepathic oh he joined my Discord

Server no that’s how I found you yeah that makes sense yeah still oh wait let me kick him from my Discord you need assembly oh Ben and control Road Assembly okay I’m going to make those for you because the [ __ ] 2 3 four five no I have to make

It myself and you 9 10 11 12 13 I need to drop 10 anyway it’s it’s fine potato and then ban you why no don’t ban me not you the [ __ ] nice shank helmet I was Banning the gravify person and then the uh War crime

Person find me a little hat no do it yourself [ __ ] I’m just kind of banning people now I’m Banning why do they bu why did I get the two weirdos uh good question bad question uh uh uh put roof on it with casing not glass casing wow yeah

There I reported him to switch and just typed war crimes war crimes it looks very interesting come back come back and oh you need to okay you need more casing oh we we we like should build this yeah uh basically if you finished the the the the fishing thing put these

13 things in like checkerboard pattern on on top of the thing right now I think Migel or Migel picked up Migel you picked them up you picked stuff up turn off your magnet when you’re in other people’s baces because reasons are you sure back maybe okay what’s happening okay guy I’m

Building FL that’s fun like in a checker board B yeah cuz everything’s powered what are we doing M now hey what’s next I I’m building stuff God oh God this is oh you made a pressurized reaction chamber uh correct because I happen to look at uses and it turns one of an item

Into like need to calculate how many a bunch more than one it pretty much duplicate awesome like I I seen the first recipe it shows like one uh 24 one [ __ ] one nether star turns into 12 that was recipe it’s NE yeah and now just

N look just put these like on oh you’re making it bigger what the basic idea is that you look you what are we making now um [ __ ] hell look at here don’t really need to do power yeah um chemical injection chamber but like I need you to do like need you

To make like some reinforced Alloys okay we have okay how do make reinforced Alloys that is talk other yeah okay on I need to turn like everyone down because I feel like I’m screaming over nobody right now actually quietest I can’t even hear him

Most of the time I have him at 200% and you always just have him too high for no reason I don’t know why you always have everyone so high M I keep everyone at 200% don’t I’m making the advanced cuz four we need four reinforced allies and two Elite control

Circuits Advanced control circuit okay so we need control how many control how many normal control circuits do we have in there uh control three of the basic ones four of the advanced okay so we can I’m just I’m making the reinforce and then I can

Throw it in there then you could just be able to make everything so we have gold per you have another purific yes I can easily make one nobody can you yeah are you sure that we need more infused Aly then other sh you need to put on on those things

Yeah they all of no yes sir what do you want all you just GNA kind of chill with your and actually Sky we we’re we’re going to need more I need six more of those we need a second met can you make a second metallurgic

Iner uh yeah yeah why do we need a second is the the first one isn’t like it’s we we need to do multiple things at once and it’s really annoying that we’re not we’re not all right just one more thank you I just got it who just gave me one wait

What oh I just built one who just gave me one now you need well now you have one I have two what the [ __ ] well put put them down just just put them all down I’m putting only one down we I don’t want a bunch of them for reason I

Need to think how many of the you might need Kara King need the energy pipes right I am I am saying that right [ __ ] your name 100% sure right now [ __ ] migle it is karha right put four of these and then I need we need what do we need infused alloy so we

Need okay that’s going to sound racist me but genuinely isn’t Brazilian and hispan like Spanish like pretty similar not really I speak Port oh I feel bad for you thenan I feel bad for you I to bad for you yeah because no one cares about portuges but they know Spanish and

French French hurts my brain yeah French is stupid if you have one French is the funny Mumble speak that’s what I call it like French is unfunny fake love language okay I just put 15 reinforced all in there and I making more infused and then we will put this in

There okay you should be able to make a lot of stuff now uh still under config something wait you can just uh don’t wrench it whatever else but not wrench then I need a purification just random config it and shift right all right cool we have chemical injection chamber now what’s

This what’s the other one wa outut okay uh if you to coolant output coolant inputs now we need thermal evaporation plan um uh let me think let me think what we can you get the hell out of here the thing is that because your Rector is so

Big and you’re not going to use a turbine then you need like a whole lot multiple sinks I’m going need your help with this next part basically I I’d say like have like eight sinks so go to the quest right into the thing just pumping under one of these

Greens us yeah thermal evaporation chamber evaporation chamber uh thermal evaporation plant Mak okay that’s okay block controls are good that’s fine that’s fine that’s easy what do you mean where do we put that also you could put input terminal inside the ball so everything is inside if you wanted to

Look what does it do what um it turns water into brine so everything inside the wall you know and this is why we need the electrolytic separator okay one second just turn you down turn you down call this uh uh I’m GNA put two in there just in

Case that way I can hide everything input outputs yeah that makes sense you you also need input for fysal fuel you know y oh yeah this will get us hydrogen chloride cool and output you can just void uh I don’t know what to do so what

So what does it do again it turn our water into brine which is this one right yeah I mean you can take both of put trash can yeah just both and then then we’ll extract chlorine from the gas that it Crees you might need to use the ultimate one I don’t know like

There isn’t like a gas one so I think you might need the ultimate one so we you need or we need to make technically if we want to like continue like the quest line it needs to be made but I don’t see a point in it

Yeah so what does it do though so I we we take our water it’ll turn it into Brine and then we put we we pump it into the electrolytic converter and it’ll give us chlorine okayy what do I need chlorine for I don’t oh I think no I think we do need that

Actually okay I’m going to do this really quick just because it’s very difficult to talk both doing stuff let me look at What chlorine is for I just move to see different chat because it’s very annoying trying to talk like that I yeah it’s really is

Kind of annoying me do do you see what I mean by it feels like you’re just like screaming over your like them all right uh hello I had to unban him because I forgot he’s banned oopsie oh Dre’s here yeah he’s in my chat oh

He’s not in mine so well yours you don’t announcers and you also don’t have a Discord server so I I have I do have a Discord well I’m not in it and neither so yeah well you know what I actually have two Discord servers one that you

Left one that you were never a part of I left one I don’t ever think I added you I think it was yeah it was around like 2020 or 21 okay okay so where do we want is it like a big thing or is it just

Like a one block it’s a 4×3 by3 okay that will just we can just throw that like we can just dig out and think may I I’m looking it up though I literally don’t see you need for you need doesn’t you need it for like the reactor stuff I

Think oh I’m still sub to him on YouTube so I get notification for his streams but his PV is always too boring to watch yeah because I don’t actually my PO boring to watch I know I itn’t it’s just Tim being him don’t ignore it I yeah you know sure

Bud yeah um like was doing bees for like three streams this like one stream two stream two streams technically three bees technically bees are boring I’ll give him I’ll give him that there bees are boring I’ll give him that yeah also I need I need to change I need to

Change the title of this again wait where’s my oh I just don’t have my jetp pack anymore uh I got it actually oh give it to me please yeah yeah yeah give me one second he do I have my battery yes stuff there we go yeah so we’ll we will

Uh be setting it uh the what’s it called what are we doing water thing back here oh the brine thing oh yeah where’ you go in the back just behind the pipes yeah I I I I noticed that actually like a little bit ago that I had

It keep my backpack here no he took it now I haven’t what are you building a reactor from hello hello uh Lucifer I’m doing all right um Lucifer we’re doing mechanism stuff I think I don’t know I we’re not sure if we’re building reactor we’re just kind of following the quest

Line for mechanism just kind of seeing what happens I’m doing well Lucifer how are you Lucifer bringer Lucifer is here I’m scared true that’s good to hear uh do you want me to start like building the stuff for it I’m pretty well thanks for asking no

Worries man what do do you want me nice one do you want me to start spilling spilling building yeah you can get start spilling wayer sp sp do you want me to start building if you do build the recm reactor don’t just don’t why why not what’s wrong with why

Not thermal evat plan we’re just running through this stuff the quest line we were just kind of going through it just to get the mod because they’re just doing the mod stuff you know I think mainly wait do we need it wait Mike do we because the only thing I

Really want for mechanism is the uh ore stuff like the stuff that we already have pretty much no the thing that is another thing tier four or factory I think it’s what it’s called they tend to explode if you don’t know what you’re doing radiating everything

Around it make Fair Point uh the or stuff I’m talking oh the tier four uh the thing we need a lot of refined obsidian for oh how much refined obsidian we have plus Atomic Alloys how do you make okay ultimate Atomic alloy how do you make Atomic alloy Atomic alloy refined obsidian and

Refined alloy that’s fine no that’s reinforced alloy what yeah I said reinforced you said refined you said Aly oopsie oopsy days so yeah do you do you want basic chemical tank so you want to just like rush to that then yeah what do we need to to the tier

Three how do we make a tier three or factory we already did I don’t how do I I think tier three or factory is like so now you should have five machines ready to go process your oras are you ready to make it even more complicated your factory should be chemical injection

Chamber purifying chamber okay there’s an order to it all why you making me why am I having me holy keeps whispering to me and he he’s he he he’s willing us to pull him into the VC so he can help have fun have fun with qule or processing

Takes Sly large amount of resources to keep wining that’s fine we’re fine with that we have a lot of power we have three machines that give 800k right now definitely because they all run off the sink yeah so we should be okay on water we should be okay for power for a little

Bit if we need to upgrade it we will of course but yeah yeah although those three all build a reactor from extreme reactors they don’t go boom gotcha let me look into string reactors then uh but I want to yeah I want to start with the or stuff here where what

Did I get so we need okay so there’s it says there’s an order to it so basically we our we need to go chemical injection purify it crush it enrich it and then smelt it so we have everything then said buckle up it’s about to get wild

Yeah Sky we literally have all that stuff that that’s all I’ve been that okay we’ll need to add three more machines to our current setup the first part of the process is the chemical disolution chamber this machine requires sulfuric acid to break down raw oras into an Ora slurpie to get sulfuric acid

Will need a new setup which which is explained further in above Quest huh okay okay so we need a chemical infuser we already have that theral so we need to make the thermal evaporation plant first so you did make this so we have to make this

Now we have to make this it’s necessary that we make it okay I made I made the blocks okay so let’s put it up back I need to make me again I been almost a year probably yeah all right put it we’ll build it up back here I’m not

Really sure this how do we build a sink how is a sink made yeah you sink sink is just oh that’s really easy okay all right so I have the controller now now I just need the valves can you confirm that just two valves that says it needs to complete the

Quest or it need two two valves 37 thermal vaporation blocks and one thermal vaporation controller all right what games do you usually play Minecraft and valerant few other ones gay sorry oh yeah Jud someone earlier tried to DM me uh a art perio quote unquote and uh it was a grabify link which

Attempted to grabify M me I immedi second I saw the link I blocked them and ban them from twitch wait the Mike look at look can you look at my chat real quick and tell me if this looks exactly the same as the last person uh let me go to your stream hold

On I don’t have anyone’s streaming but mine open sorry they’re doing the same order of questions you stream on Lucifer BR very it’s the exact same order as the other person uh hold on let me just so uh Listen by the way uh just CU my experience really

If you’re asking if you’re saying I’m the impostor dread you’re right no I think talking about the Lucifer person because I was talking about the well because I want to kill this be be honest we have two we have two pulls out a sword byebye uh sure we can go with it what

What do you I don’t can I what I don’t know what you meant what did you mean can I what did you mean I don’t know I don’t what do you mean just I’m gonna join go join go to my server and then join the the live stream

One and then I can just have drag him once he join General okay or we can go to his shitty [ __ ] server no okay live definitely didn’t forget I had to drag you to or anything yeah no totally didn’t you totally didn’t didn’t forget that I promise all so I have

That on yeah we have 11 wait did you take some of them already pick what the blocks the thermal evaporation blocks no I just have a sink on me oh okay you can join the general server and my server General VC and my server and then I’ll drag you into live stream 23

27 I feel like streams are a lot more relaxed and they make more sense when it’s just like when it’s not three different people streaming then nobody just random having NE nobody me and you in the same VC while we’re all three three people trying to stream does not

Work cuz we all end up talking over each other and then everything just sounds like a dum [ __ ] mess yeah cuz we’re trying to explain what we’re doing and me and you are do doing two different things well me you were doing different things to to Nero so it

Doesn’t really make sense yeah ex just Discord is breaking will make it like not break sounds like a skill issue sounds like I have Prosperity shards I don’t know why do you I don’t know why FRS I don’t know why you don’t know it’s your fault that’s all what

What did I how what did I what why Mac issue I don’t know man I don’t know what to tell you your Discord always breaks every once in a while just like don’t use a Mac it’s skill issue so SK techn just have we have 38 refined obsidian obsidian find glowstone by the

Way yeah I was going to say huh obsidian when you just [ __ ] uh it’s fine where did that go did you take that no no anything I don’t I I do nothing wrong [ __ ] [ __ ] I need two more of these [ __ ] you know it’s really interesting that he stopped chatting

Once I said that by the way correct at no after soon as I explained his entire plan he just stopped chatting oh oops that’s crazy got caught literally man got caught in the like well [ __ ] like well [ __ ] [ __ ] I need to take

[ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no I’m just being my is your Discord still breaking dread fix it now easy you know we could have just like called the group chat no his discord’s breaking stupid idiot yes have you tried turning it off and turning it back on

Again I hope so that’s i f thought I figur be like the First downloading the update just restart your computer try it out I don’t know might work thoughts build the thing Mike you have the blocks build the thing what what am i h up what the thing

It’s built what you want about where no like place it down you have to like build it out you have to like place it sir oh no I’m I’m to the [ __ ] complete the [ __ ] will will need 37 of the [ __ ] blocks I don’t [ __ ] know why oh my Lord pretty special retardeds

Yes what it’s easy just steel and copper we need to make more steel we need to we need to make like a very like large quantity of Steel R I think well you do that then fine H muffin or excuse me Sky you literally just needed what did you just say

Sir what did you just say to me what why I have to [ __ ] valve did I not make the second [ __ ] valve I did not make the second [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on sorry if you were doing something I don’t care I do like I didn’t take anything you knocked my hammer out of

The crafting grid you [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t care I I don’t the I how do I build how do I build God you [ __ ] love it don’t you guys i i i f why do I only have 35 [ __ ] blocks stop [ __ ] why am I special I don’t [ __ ] know that’s your

Mom drugs and alcohol that’s why gotcha I’m [ __ ] dead you don’t understand man I don’t wait smelter hold on Sky ener smelter Mike where is it this one this one this one there it is wait Sky 4X 3×3 what what does that mean is that wait hold on

Length times width time height so it’s four long still in the middle allergic infuser how do I do in the metal infuser I don’t know I just looked at the thing I think this is right that this kind of seems right to my monkey ass brain call left iron output okay

Thanks two coal per steel okay even VAP valve and an EVAP valve why you how did I pick up what did I pick I picked up two your th your blocks I don’t care keep them and then temporarily I will also throw that in there just because I already have the

Dust you said this should create steel no the produce I’m iron goes and produce Rich iron put that in the input to create steel dust or Blended I don’t know if this is right sky but I think I built it so what do I need the steel

Dust oh I understand I understand what he’s attempting to say he’s not speaking very well but I get what he’s trying to say I think the crate dust or blender whatever it’s called put it in the steel dust okay I have steel dust though steel getting the Ste dust is

Whatever I don’t care and then I just smelt it or what I’m just going to smelt it I guess oh wait for him to respond I guess he’s the mechanism man’s smelt okay thank you you meant just to create the dust in the first place probably where’s the processor

Where where’s enrichment chamber there it is I can’t put it in the chamber okay yeah no you’re just wrong D I’m gonna be honest Bud you’re kind of just wrong I’m I’m I’m making stealing it so it’s fine it’s whatever did you do the thing to be get

To the top of it I think I’m not sure I mean it’s empty in the center I know but like I don’t know [ __ ] what’s his name how to open I I Nero yeah that name but also like I don’t know if this actually is how it’s supposed to

Be we’re going to find the [ __ ] out aren we yes SK is that supposed to be filled in you’re just way too small first of all uh it says a 4×3 by3 in the center open sir you tried putting iron INR chamber yeah that’s why I thought you meant to get enriched iron

To be with you sir no literally um oh I’m stupid yes you are very stupid to start create a 4X 3×4 structure that was Hollow in the middle except for the base exactly you’re that’s what I did that is a 4X 3×4 put walls around it’s like okay

Think of Tinkers this is exactly what Tinkers is no it’s not four block by four block three High what [ __ ] what it’s okay mik it’s okay mik I I’m I I’m can you tell I failed math bit so this is 4×3 first of all yeah okay that’s 4 by four okay right okay

Now look what happens when I go around FR there’s a two block Center 2 by two Center sh was not my strong suit can you make more of the thermal evaporation huh um ho oh you have them okay okay all right we’ll just do this here and then we’ll put the

Controller right here dread what do you mean I’m I’m perfectly competent when it comes to mechanism I swear um I need two more of the evaporation blocks you need two evaporation Chambers if you are trying to get lithium I don’t know what we’re trying to get we’re just following the quest

Lanes here I’m be honest we’re just doing the quest line did you say two more blocks yes um where’s your steel hello steel cuz what’s supposed to be like 37 but just like is also what is thisal enrichment easy to make okay catch I have a magnet I don’t need to

Play catch well your magnet gives you catch that’s not oh I did it it did it I did it wait was it it like did like a redstone thing I see I see okay so like it’s built no okay let let let me look at the next part of the

Quest oh it’s just an enrichment chamber heating up your brain product no uh chemical infuser is next Discord finally working nice I have the S I know this is something to do with water yes keep it I’m G to all right Sky we’re about to have a chemical infuser in

Abouts there dad exists now oh I guess he exists I don’t know does he I think so huh hold on what’s Happening I have sink there sink exist this is painful to watch we don’t know mechanisms here you you don’t need a sink you could just use a

Infinite water source with a a mechanism pump well yeah a s just it does that too yeah but pump is better because you yeah because you can upgrade it we can just see we can upgrade the pipes still so let’s make them faster no I mean you can

Upgrade the okay this is just way too inefficient so those uh those valves yep they are meant to be on one’s meant to be on the opposite side so so it it’s an input on one side output on the other to go into another chamber to Output into a uh Decon de rotary

Condensator to go into a chemical I believe it’s a chemical crystallizer to create lithium for uh batteries giant ass batteries and the fact that you’re doing it underground is even more inefficient because uh I don’t know cuz the dude over here who’s doing it I don’t know

What his name Nero I keep forgetting his Nero’s clearly not doing it correctly well I mean he’s doing all right he has an actual [ __ ] reactor like us yeah he’s doing fine like he knows what he’s doing pop down here I’ll show you what I’m talking about uh his stuff is if

It’s underground it’s not efficient well I don’t know it works guess because the the max to make it as efficient as possible has to be 18 high with four Advanced solar panel he’s doing this thing that is yeah I don’t know I it’s working that was not very efficiently I

Don’t know if yes the heaters are necessary yeah this is what he’s doing it should be three there should be a three wide between them he’s on this and then over here he made the I think it’s where is it actually oh it was here this is like a

Giant reactor it’s 20 by 20 which one mechan it’s yeah stream reactor yeah do that he’s doing that too it’s a big very big well yeah but he also should get a efficient lithium supply so he can create battery so he doesn’t waste energy yeah I don’t know you can just

Place it in a battery to make it thing because the mechanism batteries with li crafted with lithium hold an absurd amount of power even a 3X3 three what is this I don’t even know what the system is actually doing to be honest of heater that’s that makes the uh evaporation Chambers faster universal

Cable infuser energy CU electric Separator into that’s a storage God there’s a lot of wasted energy a CF I don’t I don’t know he doesn’t seem to very much and he system runs I guess yeah run this is it’s alive me a it’s very that back there is extremely thank you for the follow

Uh I’m going I don’t I don’t be real with you I don’t know how to say your ala ala thank you for the follow yes I don’t know how to say your name but thank you for the follow call me Alpha okay sure Bud hello Alpha should name

Yourself Alpha instead Al Alpha I think it’s Al Alpha from fuing I’m just looking at his base damn it you damn buckets man turn your [ __ ] magnet off I don’t want to magnet leave me alone I’m magnet [ __ ] off mag yeah okay let me do SL oh God what did I just do

J jum got a love J how do I join the server J you can join this server by I will send the link in chat because I don’t have the link in my thing because it’s not he I do not pay for the server so join that and figure that out hello night

Fox how are you doing today okay I love being dm’d u i I stole like I think I stole all their Essence buckets actually actually that’s fine they don’t need it just going to put it in my backpack I didn’t me to steal it I’m fine what about

You why did you put the think I know the reason we just do it that way okay um uh Sky we we casually just have like 45 slime Balls by the way in our [ __ ] centrifuge 200 Discord servers later what do you mean are you trying to find a server to play

On someone put a condom on a banana what I don’t know buddy I don’t know man heard about that I just she’s at school she said they put a condom on a banana and oh that’s they do that for sex I’m pretty sure oh excuse me they put a what on a what

Now that happens in some schools they actually do that they they never did the they never did that in mine they just show the [ __ ] videos by the way if you’re trying to the server it’s not the most recent version of ATM 9 it’s the9 one it’s it’s 1.20 but it’s the9 version

Of itm it’s not the most recent one just by the wayy to cuz Nero is just slow like that no it wouldn’t let him update it on the on the O next I think I think that’s actually his I think that’s what he wants to do next the The only reason why

I’m saying that because I can actually run that mod P uh cuz uh so basically it’s not the most recent version of ATM 9 it’s the point uh 2.19 version of of ATM 9 in the server wow your storage what do you mean you got a problem with our storage man I

Know it’s not the greatest it’s only 100K but it’s only 100K I know I have an issue no it’s because you’re using refined storage I just want I just wanted to use refine I like it refined storage is really good with the fact that doesn’t like it doesn’t have

Specific types you can’t hold like a number also there also just infinite at some point as well I don’t know where it is but it’s just infinite storage yeah infinite there it is I don’t really understand A2 A2 is really easyish uh what do you saying what to

Alpha if you don’t mind me asking I’m not sure there’s a lot of talking going on so I get very confused yeah talk that’s my job it’s technically mine too but I’m not doing much of it I’m failing at my job um okay so it is two it’s it’s 2.9 I

Believe here I’ll look at let me open Cur word real quick for you and I’ll double check the exact version one moment did you tell me to shut up there yes how [ __ ] dare you [ __ ] I think I did I don’t remember I think [ __ ] love is the uh yeah the

2.19 version of ATM 9 need to okay um see this is a lot more relaxed than being in this in the VC with Nero and nobody this is just like relax I can talk I can hear myself think it’s crazy I can change that real

Quickly I can play I can play fan of horses right now and change it very quick let’s not do that but also I missed the good old with that screenshot from Instagram screenshot I think I sent it to you Mike he wants you to TP him I don’t know why I’m already

There let me use you did I really type that that’s great yes yes you did uh where is the IP in Discord it is in in that server if you go to um an announcements yeah if you go to announce ments and you scroll up a little bit I

Believe yeah if you scroll up a tiny bit the IP is Gremlin apocalypse. apexm c.co [ __ ] the [ __ ] I don’t know don’t I don’t know also you never answer my questions guy about the Gen oh I’m sorry um you’re not sorry you haven’t not really um Sky then try to get

Her probably her weapon what’s up M uh do can you grab a uh B cage and then teleport to me sure bees are stupid shut up I mean they work like they work pretty well if you can get but it’s so annoying to get started yes I don’t so I don’t have a

Problem with refin storage I mean sometimes it bugs out for me or just catch the blue band be above your head but that that’s what we need to go home but uh what what pisses me off about your storage is that you don’t do it from number of items you don’t sort it

From number of items I I always do he just always changes it and I want to kill him I I switch it because I just [ __ ] dump and die I always have it as the quantity of items he just always switches it to the Run recent one I want

To kill him every time trust me mik stop it no I I prefer it that way I don’t care what you prefer no wait no you’re you play modded you you used to never play Minecraft so your opinion doesn’t matter he’s been playing a lot of modded actually he actually probably has more

Modded experience than I do not good mod experience moded experience your acquaintance here knows a lot more about moded than both of you I just even that I just have common sense in general yeah always use it but you have it who needs Common Sense also this is usually

Block this is usually blocked off and Mike just didn’t know that this was a door and it was the funniest thing ever cuz he put this in front of the door just didn’t know oh Jesus he just did not know it was a your stream is behind

By a few seconds but yeah no I know I’m also streaming your Discord if you’d rather look at that so are you yes oh well okay make your life a little easier I figured you don’t like delay so I don’t like you either so why are you

Here I’m bored sounds like a you problem to me bud I like to make fun of people who don’t know how to play modded to be fair we gone pretty far into it yeah but you have a quest book to thank for that without a quest book you’d be [ __ ]

Lost well Quest book plus Nero does know a little bit and he’s very helpful and also everyone in the server just kind of gives us [ __ ] yeah he helps us he helps us by giving us some items and help us figure out how to get items and all that

Stuff if you guys ever play project ozone I want to join just so I can help you I want to say because I can actually run I can run any mod pack that’s 1.7.10 like any I think it is if it is Swit one there’s three yeah itd probably be the

Latest to be completely fair whatever you he likes why you hated it he know he no I don’t have no it’s just I don’t it’s no he just it’s his server he likes doing the latest mod everything oh it’s Vault Hunters oh I remember why that mod Pack’s not even

Good well no it’s just very popular now it’s very interesting just like just because it’s popular doesn’t make it no it’s very popular right now and he’s a streamer and he’s and it’s an interesting mod he’s also gay yeah just that by but yeah like you mik like both

Yes they’re both by yes cringe me okay um for each other huh you accepting new sorry uh sorry I didn’t sorry I didn’t see your chat you accepting new team members um probably not apologies where me and him are just kind of doing our own thing learning the

Mod pack I apologize you can go ask you can go talk to someone else about it if you’d like there’s a bunch of people on the server I’m their third team member who can’t even play on the server he’s a thing he exists sometimes I’m the helpful one

Sometimes I’m helpful one for sure I don’t really know how long have I been streaming like two hours oh two hours yeah game at the end yeah I just don’t know what else I don’t know what else I’d like to do because but when the stream started we didn’t have any of

These machines set up at all look at your quest list I want to see what mod pack mods there are oh ATM 9 is a lot yeah um is there’s ours no yeah it’s the most recent one I did a little bit not a bunch it’s I don’t I don’t touch it I

Just me the iron spells one’s a lot better do you have mystical agriculture yeah yeah we yeah we already messing with that a little bit we have because you can uh we have silicone Grill we have iron we have netherite Diamond do you I don’t think you have

Project E I know but I know a lot about the M I love the team people yeah I appreciate that we’re just trying to also figure it out ourself a little bit because me and him are like not super like versed in moded so we’re also just

Why here as well he’s just kind of here to help us guide us but we’re just kind of trying to learn as well moment for these oh my God I love magic crops yeah it’s a very good mod I like it we have one of these are supremium so we we

Have we got supremium on the netherite and the diamond ones and we but are we only have a few of the accelerators down there not a bunch really cool hello night Fox peak of like mytical agriculture because uh there’s farming stations from Ender iio aut Mike we Mike we really need to

Change out these drawers for something else like to chest or something what do you mean oh you can make steel seeds probably you should be able to H because Steels very seeds dark Steel steel leave uh no I cannot not really automated but still very good I mean

It’s I mean it’s I mean once we plant the seeds it just kind of does its own thing it doesn’t Auto we don’t Auto lookups farming station do they add it no they didn’t damn it might be in the it might be in the new one that they just updated to

It’s not fully automated but station 1.2 it hasn’t been updated higher me and him me and Mike don’t really do autocrafting because we want to have a hand in the process to learn it better so we just kind of do it all manually I mean you can can gain a grasp

By Auto by like creating the autocrafting that too I’m just saying in general when we’re in the also not Auto farming station isn’t autocrafting it’s just Auto no no because the the person in chat was like not really automated but still very good oh yeah I was like

By we have a premium Farm line and most and some of these some of them are still the this one but it’s just really that is automated that’s just purely automated it is yeah it all goes in here I this may I show you my skin sure if

Are you if you in the server no night fox is in the server now he’s in the server once you’re in the server just do SL TPA space my name and then you’ll be able to TP yeah now there I can’t B I got two people two new people in his

Server he’ll still find a way to [ __ ] than mik Mike we still need to get you set up with twitch because YouTube is not great for streaming he’s also just not a good content creator either but what no but he he I mean he’s fun we’re we’re funny

We’re funny enough to worry wor if you like if you like cracken this it’s fine okay what like worse than that hi I’m never high no I hate you with a burning I I’m not gonna lie I kind of just like ignored what you said until you said something

About me being high or some [ __ ] that’s funny I hate why don’t want to diet chest I don’t then then then why are then why are you still here if you you hate me so much he’s bored I I don’t I don’t hate sky as

Much lag abort abort did you add RAM to did you allocate Ram sir who needs allocated Ram why can’t I use a normal chest it’s so stupid how much RAM did you allocate I know it’s annoying I hate it just use a die chest just die CH so you don’t need to

Yeah you need to use oh well we can use the upgrades I guess can’t we yeah what are you trying to do it for anyway Diamond chest vanilla like 20 megabytes oh you need way more than 20 megabytes sir you need like eight gabes I do like 10 gigs yeah

Yeah like you need like like eight gigs minimum for this monster you need something I can’t get 20 Gigabytes yeah you need a lot more than 20 gabes like like I I can put 3.6 gab into my that’s how I can run uh project on and some other uh mod

PS imagine being limited to 1.7 watch it work though okay here we go um I need can I just go directly to Diamond or do I have to do it in a row Mike uh you should be able to just you had to do it in a row

Yeah you’ll have to go like iron wait no basic to Diamond here basic oh yeah I can just do that okay I still need you have you’ll still have to go in a line like that yeah wait what are you doing this for am I doing it

For yeah why why you the [ __ ] the mystical the r bat PS because the the stores are just not cutting it oh they are Tech I mean for the DI for our Diamond seas and [ __ ] it is because they’re not even close to fi yet oh mate can you break them

All yeah do you have space no it no the drawers just pick it up you’re fine I thought I thought you had a paxel what are you doing oh my God you’re [ __ ] yes there we go what else is new though whenever they grow it should just do

Things what if they don’t put more seeds yeah we don’t have a lot of seeds and eventually you got to filter that into your refined storage yeah you got to filter into the system I did that should be plenty yeah I I give it I usually

Give it I usually give it like 10,000 megabytes but that should be okay 10 gab put uh search up ender chest and just or Ender see if it has the specific end chest I’m looking at for end chest noral chest and chest mine cart that one yeah that one that one’s a a

Filter cool you can put one there and put one down and have the same lag I lag oh my God okay yes it is working okay why is the is the iron Essence not growing should oh there it is okay it just took a second okay we’re

Good I feel like the diamond chest will just let it just do a lot more stuff and then I won have to babysit up also Mike where did you go sir the Corey you do realize that you have to place down those drawers and put all of

It in the system right you realize that you have all the drawers right oh magnet Gober sorry correct I forgot magnet like do magnet things have to build a castle by now ien built anything I know castles are also just kind of like weird how are they weird what that

Castle like I don’t know thanks man thanks bro that’s so [ __ ] descriptive man that’s the whole point of a castle is castles aren’t cool castles aren’t I mean they’re pretty cool you’ve never seen a hell Castle a hell Castle yeah with like obsidian and Ne I didn’t you’re right I was in the

Middle of working I think it was with sky on Pocket Edition then we gave up e pocket Edition yeah I know I agree I agree I agree as well to be fair for for the longest time that’s what I could play on but still I 100ed Pocket Edition on every update and

Then concerning my Xbox Live account I was like I’m not doing this again 100 achievements to get see like I played Pocket Edition before the nether was added Hello thank you sky like how you were [ __ ] on having a paxel look who doesn’t have paxel now no I tell I I’m

Him because he wasn’t using the paxel why aren’t you using AEL I don’t know cuz I got a VI branium pickaxe and AR like making a axel just make get [ __ ] I don’t have we don’t we we hav’t we don’t I don’t think we only have is it isn’t it like relatively

Cheap there is a I don’t see a pack there’s an all the modum pack I think or just look up pael look paxel all the modium oh it’s AR I don’t really want to do that awaken supremium pel I don’t really want to do that no there’s there’s awaken Supreme

Is the next thing awaken Awakening using ours NOA again yeah yeah oh gee yeah that’s more awakens you need that’s like the Avatar we can there’s insanium now as well to make the premium yeah it’s a whole thing uhhuh that looks easy AEL could probably do an obsidian or

Something or you could just do a vibranium a cut out the middle man CLE point I I to do that yeah I forgot I had to do that process never [ __ ] mind how’s how does it why is all the modium required to craft Al modium is the most

Rare material and you have over a stack uh no uh that [ __ ] un obamium is even R oh my God like oh you have over a stack fit that’s but I mean the whole point of all all the mods and oh that killed me oh that was so funny I’m

Sorry I was like oh you have a probably get away with just all the modium ACT anyway probably oh my God that was so [ __ ] hilarious that was just perfect oh it’s supposed to like RAR it’s indestructible as well so you don’t really need anything else that’s fair

I’ll just do all the modium oh that was the timing was topnotch well we also have to be fair we have the mining Dimension oh right yeah oh that oh that was great shut up you you heard the depression in my voice it’s like oh you got over

Stack oh that’s [ __ ] Nero has like like 200 something plus I think at least there’s also yes so he goes up to Unum Unum was easier to get is right is after I don’t play all the mods so I don’t know all the yeah it’s hard I mainly just do Tech understand and also on Sky I can actually run it and it’s like 18 oh you sent the TPA uh I apologize sir I didn’t

Realize I sorry send it again I wasn’t looking at chat I was laughing at dread very big apologies that happens a lot so not the laughing at me hello the [ __ ] is that skin what are you ugly damn hello here we’re gonna just gonna give you

A just like give him everything nah just give him an allodium set just give him your flesh D mind me just myself we’re going to ignore I to turn my mag off first one second sir apologies you’re just not allowed to have anything with my magnet on I’m sorry yeah you’re not allowed

To also it’s a shame you made it yourself damn um what do you mean how what you mean how this is Monitor you mean how a each of those resources is toddler in modded it’s so easy to get especially with mys agriculture okay B just push me out the

[ __ ] way you don’t sh you [ __ ] [ __ ] wow the B ever you it pushed me out the way like a [ __ ] [ __ ] mik do you ever Mike do you ever plan it using the vibranium sword there’s a vibranium sword what yeah I made it Jes what are those

Enchants Sky there’s Sky it’s not even I just took it out put it back in there put a [ __ ] it back in there I made it for you said you didn’t want it it’s in there you’re not going to use it if it’s in there can’t

Nah cu the does less damage than my [ __ ] sword this also doesn’t even have sharpness on it but we’ll ignore that gu I don’t think it needs sharpness really I mean this is sharpness tying with an attack speed of 10 yeah and then I also attack damage entity it

Has recks yeah and I can I still haven’t put any of the gem stones in it either I don’t even know what that you’re referring to uh apotheosis oh I I I’ve never touched that mod before gives you a lot of stuff like for example I open this up this one gives

40% life steal to light weapons oh that’s interesting but I want to I’m not using it because I want to upgrade it because if I look up gem cutter this table um lets you do why don’t you make yeah um because uh we also need I don’t

Wait I don’t know why we admited because we also need a I think it’s re forger reforging table seems relatively EAS sand Enchanted item I believe people all of it’s relatively simple yeah we just haven’t made it I don’t know why we haven’t made it we just haven’t cuz we’re bad at doing

Things you specifically Mike don’t have wood excuse Meely have it’s stupid lava bucket we don’t have can I just make it okay Mike go get a lava bucket here’s a bucket do you have a backpack what if there’s lava in your back there’s Essence there’s n’s Essence oh yeah forgot I had that

Why you what do you need lava for lava bucket just to make the salvaging table okay give me like five seconds one two three got it five oh wow but you haven’t you didn’t uh get back in five seconds so hey you told me to grab one and I

Said I you said give me five seconds I gave you five seconds you gave you five seconds you’re not there I am there here well I’m not there in front of them no but I you failed no failed you gave yourself a time limit nah yeah man just goes

No hi sir I said it would take 5 Seconds to grab it I didn’t up no I didn’t want that mini sir Jesus too well same for the next guy wise ass what I don’t know you say next guy or next Sky I can’t tell weird wa which one sounds more

Likely retardo no guy dumbass you’re so retardo oh [ __ ] it’s almost noon yeah it it’s pass it’s quar to one for me that’s how we get shut up no one cares about EST I thought you g to say nobody cares about me I was like right you’re right

You’re right he this is what I was trying to show you uh yes I can make it good good if I get once I get a second ravenous blood Lord one I can get this thing upgrad it Gem of ravenous blood something yeah it’ll upgrade it

Yeah I can Sal it and do that but like it’s not worth it do it no do [ __ ] said do it [ __ ] there it is we actually have any decent gem that I can put in my armor probably some physical damage taken is reduced by

5 Jesus wow I just had to read I couldn’t read that number man you had number dyslexia chest plates 10% Max Health sure by the way I found a sniper rifle the intervention I’m sad about the uh new upgrade to the MOs new upgrade that’s been in the game

For over a [ __ ] year yeah I haven’t played I what oh but yeah what is core armor me I’m assum that means chest plate yeah can I do anything about the chest plate or I do boots no pants pants I can do Mike what’s my health at uh 83 well 78 out of

83 let’s just wrong thing wrong thing again Shake Your Arms there you go what the [ __ ] that’s IR uh iron spells no yeah this is ARS right here i i w Electro blobs wizard it’s easier to understand what the [ __ ] did you just say to me Electro blobs wizard that’s

Not even in this [ __ ] I know it’s a 112 to I’m just saying it’s easier to understand see no iron spells is not too bad it’s just you put uh it’s probably Electro wizard but if there’s Scrolls and stuff and ruins to make them yeah lots of

Scrolls that I think that I just saw battle mage armor I don’t know this is like the best one best major armor I think you can get in this mod pack yeah I mean my CH planium but yeah everything else panium uh Mecca armor if it’s in this

Mod uh Mecha armor is yes that is definitely more overpowered than uh this you’re Bas like without without if someone doesn’t have a mecha tool for like a weapon you’re Invincible yeah you’re just with full up yeah though but the problem is you need a reactor to

Craft that blow the yellowish cow guy has Mech armor he’s just unkillable so at least this is not at least there’s no draconic Evolution don’t I don’t think so isn’t there’s lot of good Evolution armor you’re basically Invincible evil CRA occultism what the [ __ ] Ault create mod which is just you know

It’s create mod I hate cre it’s very complicated but it’s it’s probably it’s probably it probably be one of the more fun ones just cuz how much stuff you actually have to like you have to there’s no just easy stuff you have to like how I touched before power we only

Did it for the batteries for the jetpacks it’s Rel it’s relatively easy just requires a ton of power and a ton of yeah this is you know mechanism advance but oh that’s beyond that is oh that’s Fusion rers that’s turbines we GRE tech oh God GRE Tech I have only messed

With that once resources fooding all that stuff where is you toast is our current food source oh oh you can s uh you can fix that really easily with uh nutritional paste what it’s it’s actually very good and with Mecca Mecca nutritional Pace bottom row pink fluid uh nutritional like fire you can

Turn any food into it and you can just use a uh it’s it’s food food s is it just food yeah um it’s infinite food we have because we have the auto feeder backpack thingy yeah it once you get Mecha armor you can just auto feed yeah we weren’t sure if we

Were going for Mecha armor if we were going to stay with this though cuz I don’t know cuz me is so op it is but it’s also very difficult to get so balance because of how difficult it is to get sure mik hit me your got not get killed huh smacking me with

Pleasure that’s one heart not even two damage two damage oh what does mine do I wonder B more not much more 11 11 damage what about a crit get full HP you could just heal me no you’re one you’re one point away he’s too lazy oh God

25 not even like a great only has sharpness on it sharpness seven well ancient knowledge I I’ll also attack deal seven damage to near enemies I’m just going to put this in my sword just because why not I can find more gems 40% life steal so that means I can

Just heal from smacking Mike question mark yeah exactly well M take my heal away just repeatedly just crit them repeatedly just smack me and take MyWay you should crit to do it more efficiently CU you’re doing no damage to him you’re still doing barely any damage

To him I I I hope he knows C him once and went to yeah and that’s 40% so you did more Dam you you healed yeah you healed almost half of the damage you hit him so you healed about five damage hi skeletal be you’re kind of

Useless he is kind of useless though we have a bunch of honey in here now don’t [ __ ] kill me kill it I wasn’t going to kill it I don’t know what he’s used for though like I know what he’s used for I just know what what is he like

What he’s used if he’s in the process of getting all the mod or something he he’s part of the braing process yeah but then I don’t know what he he doesn’t produce what do you needi for you have over a stack oh we no we were just going to like

Automate everything guy I wanted to do bees instead of getting the seeds for is there no allodium seed is I just wanted I just wanted to do bees but we might just take with is there a seed uh maybe not well what’s the oh know it is yeah there it

Is oh Jesus oh Jesus yeah that’s expensive little bit luckily they can duplicate seeds the seeds will duplicate eventually yeah what the [ __ ] did you they did like no that’s doing one heart per head full he full heal thank you does he expect to kill you no I

Don’t want to kill him cuz he anytime he’s lost all of his items three times even with grave I don’t know how my gravestone just like stop no my my gravestone just stops existing what if it’s it’s it’s your does your floor have a it don’t matter where it is one

Happened here one happened at someone else’s base one just happened in like yeah his gravestone just disappears we should fixing it we don’t know how to fix it we don’t know the problem it shouldn’t happen it doesn’t it happens only to mic not to anyone else on If he if he removes

Everything the chest player data should work again cuz uh it doesn’t happen to anyone else on the server it only happens to his weird ass stop chomping me with your guys stop [ __ ] hitting me no [ __ ] smack me then H I was just trying to test stuff because I haven’t

Tested anything since I’ve been building all this stuff no what you mean no you’ve been building a [ __ ] ton of stuff and you have no idea how to use most of it not really mechanism’s easy wait I’m like 99% sure those things were right mother there are mine but like it’s fine huh

Your claws and your feet he’s a wolf what do you expect no I’ve had become a werewolf in this oh [ __ ] yeah you’re right isn’t it evil CRA you’re right Sky there’s a way to do it if you eat the humanoid flesh I think think you become yeah you have it in

Your inventory don’t you I do I don’t know if it’s I think you I don’t know what the eat it [ __ ] eat it you gotta remove your auto feed though oh yeah that’s your flashh if you get werewolf how do I get werewolf flash a werewolf that make sense Fair that’s

Fair why is my why do why did you give me a crafting that way do you have my crafting oh you did yeah and my fire Gauntlet do you not have the crafting table uh upgrade in your backpack uh no we don’t we just have crafting STI which just it’s the

Same we did we just you craft in the beginning so just been there chilling okay um anyway Sky I built new thing what’ you do oh oh he did the he still doesn’t know how it works I don’t know it works but like we have it at

Least I I can teach you but uh wait chemical infusers at one chemical infuser and chemical crystalizer do you have a rotary cond condensator or something English I I can’t pronounce English [ __ ] Jesus Christ rotary concentrator uh you’re giving me a [ __ ] aneurism by your [ __ ] speaking it’s called mechanism [ __ ] get

Used to it suck my left socket I’d rather not we need more have neuro do it no he’s by doesn’t mean jack [ __ ] it means there more of an opportunity for him no what is it just two basic flu tanks or chemical tank I see and now you have half the materials you

Need buil it lithium supply put this here I mean you have one evaporation chamber which is not efficient ever yep and that’s not where they go but for now they can also these machines haveen connected because I feel like they’re not supposed to be here they’re not uh so I’m just

I’m putting them temporarily but yeah the condens and trator and the crystallizer are not yeah I feel I feel like most of this should be in like in like a fully automated system just around here the wait uh recommending if you decide to go full lithium try hard

Hopefully you do because that’s more fun you need to put the evaporation Chambers up on the surface efficient okay I see that’s fine you can do that and you need uh two of them so certain am and you need for uh you need a total of eight Advanced solar panels as

Well we need solar pads to make it as efficient as possible yeah okay got and you need two resistive heaters you need a lot and you need you should definitely get an extreme reactor to power all this [ __ ] okay okay so start with the solar panels

I guess I really hope you have a test RCT in this mod uh I really hope so please double s what no no [ __ ] T RS are so useful I don’t know if you have a w I don’t think you have the resources to make any Wireless like Energy System I don’t I

Don’t know if there are any besides that’s right no I don’t yeah there’s no up these pipes then ultimate Universal cables yeah I’ll theuse oh wait no I think all the I think they are the most yeah we have V cable wait uh hold left shift on

It uh control on it it should say what how much it can transfer it probably says capacity yeah 3.27 it’s 3.27 I think that’s a million Fe Tech I probably want to use that whenever I do it yeah but you need stacks of it that’s fine okay so let’s do first let’s do

Solar Advance just Advanced solar which are those you need eight total so you need 24 normal solar gener solar generators need 24 of those make bunch of these really quick just so I don’t have to keep making them they they they are not stackable so they uh you need a lot more

Glass how many of these do I need wait you need four per ADV generator and you need eight solar generators per total okay see you need a lot of glass yeah a lot of [ __ ] so what I’m hearing is pain I think right so I’m hearing his literal

Pain yes shut the [ __ ] up Mike oh actually just made a bunch of slabs oopsie Mike go be useful and find a desert sand oh we don’t need to find a desert well you need a lot of sand how much is a lot of sand like uh probably almost an inventory just in

Case I I don’t know making right now to be honest what’s your main power right now sinks what are those what are those okay they are the uh thermog generators they each create eight uh 100,000 each eight was it 840 F yes but but it’s very it’s like consistent like always it’s consistent

Yeah it’ll be like it it works for like for because we at the time when we got it we were literally only powering this you want speed upgrades and energy upgrades for all your mechanism machines those require a certain amount of power so those machines will not cut it much

Longer okay so I need to pop up here here just kind of that’s not how dare you get rid of your beautiful semi like your Beach no you’re okay Beach no we need to start smelting stuff can I can I smell the sand of the in is

That what’s like the what you say is the bestter is best smelting method probably not necessarily mechanism just in general wait look up smelting Factory smelting Factory Notting uh mechanism that they will uh they’ll smell multiple at once for

This video, titled ‘Making Mekanismsss Stuffs| Minecraft ATM 9’, was uploaded by MikeTheOutsider on 2023-11-30 18:13:32. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:18 or 12798 seconds.

Today i’m starting the breeding process for our bees so that we can continue advancing towards the allthemodium bees

  • Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help

    Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help In the world of Fabric Modding, questions arise, But how you ask for help is key to your prize. Provide details, be clear, don’t be vague, So others can assist and your issue engage. Start with a greeting, a polite hello, Then state your problem, let the information flow. Include your setup, versions, and mods, So helpers can pinpoint where the issue trods. Be patient, be kind, as you wait for a reply, For the community is here to help, don’t be shy. And remember, in the world of modding Minecraft, Asking for help with respect is always a… Read More

  • Breaking Mojang’s Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks!

    Breaking Mojang's Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks! The Exciting New Features Coming to Minecraft Introduction Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, recently teased some exciting new features that will be included in the upcoming Minecraft Live Event. From a new wood type to an overworld biome and even the possibility of fireflies, players have a lot to look forward to in the next update. The Minecraft Live Teaser Mojang accidentally leaked some details about the new update, sparking speculation and excitement among the Minecraft community. The teaser hinted at new additions that promise to enhance the gameplay experience for all players. Are We Getting a Horror Update?… Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft

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    STONE FARMING CHAOS | MINECRAFT SKYBLOCK Minecraft Skyblock: Building a Stone Farm Join Devil369 Gaming on their Minecraft Skyblock adventure as they tackle the challenge of creating a stone farm in the virtual world. In this gameplay video, viewers are taken through the process of setting up and optimizing a stone farm to gather resources efficiently. Starting the Gameplay The video kicks off with an introduction to the task at hand. Devil369 Gaming dives into the world of Minecraft Skyblock, a popular game mode that tests players’ creativity and survival skills. With limited resources and a floating island to work with, the challenge is set… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Secret Crush Revealed!

    Jackbhaiya's Secret Crush Revealed! Minecraft Adventures with Jackbhaiya Love’s Olly ๐Ÿ’ Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where players like Jackbhaiya and Olly embark on thrilling adventures in the virtual realm. Join us as we delve into the realm of #minecraft, #fleetsmp, and #gamerfleet to uncover the magic that unfolds in this popular game. Exploring Lilyville and Gamerfleet In the enchanting world of Lilyville, gamers like Jackbhaiya and Olly immerse themselves in a land filled with endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on epic quests, the adventures in Lilyville are truly captivating. With the support of the Gamerfleet community, players… Read More

  • Crafty Casa Makeover: Minecraft Edition

    Crafty Casa Makeover: Minecraft Edition In Minecraft, I embarked on a grand quest, To remodel my house, to make it the best. From simple abode to a mansion so grand, With details and improvements, all carefully planned. I added new rooms, with colors so bright, Furniture and decor, to make it just right. Each block carefully placed, each corner well lit, My Minecraft house, a true work of wit. So join me on this journey, through blocks and through time, As we witness the transformation, in rhythm and rhyme. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell, For more Minecraft content, that I… Read More

  • Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot!

    Bedwars Banter: Two Noobs, One Laugh Riot! In the world of Minecraft, two noobs did play, Bedwars was the game, where they had their say. Laughing and dying, like retards they went, Their antics and fails, a true testament. On Hypixel server, they built and fought, On Gamster server, their battles were sought. Roblox Bedwars, a lucky block twist, Their laughter and fun, could not be missed. So join in the fun, with these two noobs, Their Minecraft adventures, in rhymes and loops. For gaming and laughter, they always bring, A joyous experience, let their rhymes sing. Read More

  • Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians

    Unveiling the Origins of Demons and Magicians The Origin of Demons and Magicians in Minecraft Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft In the captivating world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, the latest episode titled "Origin of Demons and Magicians" takes players on a thrilling adventure. This Minecraft animation, accompanied by an enchanting soundtrack, delves into the origins of two powerful entities – demons and magicians. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft Lore The episode introduces viewers to a rich tapestry of lore, shedding light on the origins of demons and magicians within the Minecraft universe. As players navigate through this immersive storyline, they uncover the secrets… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side

    EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side Minecraft Hardcore: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Hardcore! With intense challenges and high stakes, players must navigate carefully to survive in this unforgiving game mode. What is Minecraft Hardcore? Minecraft Hardcore is a game mode where players have only one life. If they die, they are permanently locked out of the world, adding a sense of urgency and excitement to the gameplay. Key Features of Minecraft Hardcore: Players must strategize and plan their moves carefully to avoid dangerous situations and ensure their survival. Permadeath: In Minecraft Hardcore, death is permanent. Players… Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft ๐ŸŽƒ #herobrine

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  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) ยท Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi โ„— 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkฤฑnda; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yฤฑlฤฑnda kurulmuลŸ olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eลŸsiz deneyimler sunmaktadฤฑr.Yรถnetici ekibimiz yฤฑllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde รงalฤฑลŸmฤฑลŸ olup รงalฤฑลŸmalarฤฑnฤฑ bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncularฤฑn Minecraft dรผnyasฤฑnda daha neler yapabildiklerini gรถstermektir. Yรถnetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kiลŸi olmakla beraber gece gรผndรผz oyuncularฤฑmฤฑzฤฑn neler daha fazla dikkatini รงekeceฤŸi รผzerine รงalฤฑลŸmaktadฤฑr Ekibimizi kฤฑsaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazฤฑlฤฑmcฤฑlar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda gรผzel vakitler geรงirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing ๐Ÿ˜€ Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ™

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

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  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎ

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : ๐Ÿ˜„ Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! ๐Ÿ”ฅ, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚ And share my channel with your game friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ See you on my… Read More