Unraveling a Mind-Bending ARG! 🧩 (The Connection Conundrum)

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e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Al admit it feels a little bit weird to not end up on the normal song I forgot to put that one in the queue and I was like I’ve already gone through three songs I don’t want to go through another one before I start talking yes hello everybody hello uh we’re doing something a little bit silly today we’re doing something okay it’s I told myself I’m not going to do anything that isn’t Minecraft related this is Minecraft related it’s a Minecraft charity event so I’m saying that it counts yes today today we are going to be going over a uh very special thing um near dear to my heart um sort of kind of I mean like the cause is near and de to my heart this is also very very cool and I’m looking forward to it um I’m trying to be I’m trying to be very oh God man I don’t know how to speak this is already a great start yes we’re going to be going over the website of uh connection conundrum a Minecraft charity website that is uh raising money for project hope with AKA for the uh Gaza crisis that’s going on ESO Vibes luck with the website I appreciate it I will need all the help I can get uh especially because I’m already having trouble speaking I spoke for two hours straight yesterday now I’m going to be speaking for probably at least another two hours on here so it’s going to be a fun time um yeah we’re going to be going through the ARG because I I’ve been very interested in this event um and the cause that they are supporting and just all the love and effort they’ve been putting into it um probably at some point we’ll be poking at the what’s the word I’m looking for we’ll be poking at the like YouTube videos and stuff too uh this is kind of just a as much of a first look as I could possibly have simply because like I I’ve told myself I’m not going to look at the website I know that there’s an ARG I’m not going to look at the website as much as possible I’m going to Zone in and wait to have a first impression uh I did poke around a little bit before I started today just to make sure that I had everything set up right I don’t know if audio will play I don’t know if audio is a part of the website we’re going to see we’re going to see we’re going to figure this out as we go along but I’m going to very quickly promo them a little bit on for their Twitter and all the other stuff uh so give me a second let me please tell me I’m on the right screen yeah okay I have like four windows open it’s a problem I’m sorry I like I hoard my tabs and I just don’t get rid of them I’m just like give me give me give me all the tabs yes uh this is the uh Twitter account or X account whatever it’s still Twitter of the actual event itself uh shards can UND drum with connection conundrum um they go by shame Inc on here which I’m going to have to figure out what that’s my main goal for today is figure out what the shame stands for yes this is the Twitter um they are super cool um they’ve been going on for I don’t even know how long this is their fifth one and it’s actually undertale themed which actually I’m going to do something silly I’m going to put on the under Tale soundtrack for this uh because it it fits for today uh let me make sure that the like volume isn’t too loud that should be good uh if the volume gets a little bit too loud please let me know I will be sure to adjust as we go on also hello I won’t be saying anything T ah ah not even a little no I get it I get it also hello hello you’re also one of the people that work on the uh yeah uh Isaac and gravitate uh both people that work on this event both awesome check them out definitely um yeah we’re going to going into it very shortly um but I’m also going to be showing off the uh donation link um which by the way if you have been around this channel a lot you’ll also recognize K in the screenshot right here there right a second to the left um yeah K is the one that actually tipped me off on this like website and this event and stuff like that so again I’m going to say thank you K as well I know you’re probably not watching right now um because I didn’t really post other them like on Twitter and stuff but if you do watch this back you’re awesome too yes uh they have a long way to go before they reached the Thousand goal so if we can just help out in any way possible obviously only donate if you have the means to once the actual event starts I’m actually going to be donating as well because again I want to help out with the cause uh the Gaza crisis is something that I am very passionate about as you can see from some of my tweets and I want to again I want to make sure to spread awareness music is fitting yes it is very fitting yeah I I figured I I was gonna ask if I oh you’ve told Kat ah okay awesome thank you thank you also I do not have let’s see I was going to say malie is that oh you have a you have a s uh screenshot that’s also fitting for the music as well yeah sup how are you doing U like I’ve been saying we’re going going through the website in just a little bit and just figuring out what we can sort of piece together from everything but I’m just going through and showing off socials and stuff because again I want to spread awareness I want to get people their eyes on the project because this is happening in what is it like oh like eight days eight days yeah the 19th is when the actual event happens so let’s see let’s see if we can do some really cool things for these folks over here um um but really the the main draw of this is the website um in particular and they do have a link to again we might check that out you know all the Lord O okay all right we got an expert in here guys yeah if I’m going way too far off the deep end uh let me know as well actually that reminds me i’ I’ve been told that I should have a pencil and paper next to me when I do this that is the one clue that I’ve gotten I have a pencil I forgot to grab paper all right uh I’m going to be right back I’m going to run and get like one of my little notepads that I have specifically for actually no wait what am I talking about I literally have like a bajillion things of paper sitting next to me a week and a day yeah okay Goa I I was close I was close let’s see which of these notebooks should I actually use for the first time I have a problem where I afford notebooks by the way I know I have a problem uh we’ll use this one that I got for I like okay no I’m not using that one I’m sorry I know I have a problem uh let’s see we’ll grab one of these big old giant notes with a political candidate from in a state that I don’t live in good to organize your ideas yeah yeah there we go I got confirmation from the Lore Master let’s go give you more clues if I feel like you’re focusing on things that aren’t important other than that these lips are metaphorical sealed got it I will not pester you as much as possible um I’m just going to be we’re going to be doing as much as we can in the time that I have because I do have to go to work tonight um but that’s not for another like three hours but I do also have to have dinner and stuff before then so we’re going to try and get as much done as possible like to figure things out and if we can’t like make like a big breakthrough or figure something out by that time or we don’t think that we’ve seen everything I might do another one of these before the event happens on the 19th so we’ll see we’ll see but I’m going to go ahead and go over to the website itself which is right here yeah like I said I already had this like pre pulled up because I just wanted to make sure that everything was like spaced correctly and all that so this is the website itself again it looks really cool I appreciate all the effort that the deps have put in test me all you like obviously is no comment well fine I’ll start pestering you about things that aren’t website related how about that all right uh so let’s let’s just take a very brief look into like basic stuff that we can already see so obviously there’s CCU there’s White Rose Festival website Guide contact the site manager and thank you now I feel like I’m should start on the website guide um but I’m going to go down this page first and just see what we got going on down here so hello [Music] hello hello Cal how you doing yeah like I’ve been saying we were we’re going through this website uh hopefully to spread some awareness for the charity event that’s going on on the 19th um this is the ARG part of the we or like of the event so we’re just going to we’re just going to chill we’re going to go to the website we’re going to read a bunch of stuff I hope you guys like reading um CU I do obviously cuz I’m here yeah we’re going to we’re going to start going through some stuff so let’s go through let’s read first I’ll come back to the image like this little slideshow thing in a second so welcome to shame Inc welcome to the center of science human and mental experience also known as shame created in I’m going to I’m going to wait to highlight because I know I know there’s a number there but I’m going to wait I’m going to wait we’ll come back to that as well so created in blank by blank to help with the kingdom of dread Wood’s ongoing crisis shame inc’s goal is to create a world where humans can use technology in a way that helps us live and prosper using our velvet system developed by blank we made sure that life and Dread was as simple as possible okay so I’m going to write down dreadwood already uh there’s a crisis going on in dreadwood crisis in dread wood there we go so dreadwood might come up in other places as well let’s see Shan was and still is a state ofth art developing testing and producing facility with four divisions with three main areas experimental Department a development department testing Department these four segments Breathe new life and Revitalize old life in our country you can read more about each department below you can also find out more about our beginnings in a wonderful documentary created by the lovely lavender Maxwell all right also might be a name to Remember by Maxwell let’s see need help reversing the site our trusty Dusty velvet system velot can help there’s a five in the system so when in doubt give velot a shout that’s that’s such cute little pixel art that’s such a cute little pixel art let see welcome to the center of science human and mental experience also ah I see we figured out we already figured out what shame stands for all right pack it up we can go home boys no I’m kidding I’m kidding obviously let’s see currently have four amazing divisions Redwood established 1962 actually wait hang on a second okay I said I was going to wait but I’m curious is it oh okay 19xx okay so maybe not 1962 maybe a little bit before then got it got it also known our main division 97 employees desert established 2015 testing our more destructive projects 35 Atlantic established 2000 use to test ocean life 10 employees space being built estimated completion 2020 okay so I I know that this website was updated well it says I think it says in here yeah okay like less than 24 hours ago so it isn’t that this date is just out of date this is specifically for see the pixel art of velot was actually from a scrap segment of a video that was made before CCU oh okay oh did you do the uh pixel art then it’s very cute it’s very cute I love little velot let’s see each division has its own project being worked on each focusing on a different part of human life dreadwood vision is focusing on its Garden District growing new and exciting plant life for all that inhabit Earth it’s okay we’re on Earth so that’s good it’s most famous example is the white rose okay all right we’ve got a connection with another thing that we’ve seen already uh most fous example the white rose it’s planted everywhere in celebration of the White Rose Festival that is a name that I have heard before um and not just on the website I’ll I’ll explain when we get to the White Rose Festival um desert division is blank again we’ll get back to highlighting stuff uh the Atlantic division is working on diving down into the deepest recesses of the ocean discovering and helping all right I am going to highlight this one because it is just blue and oh reveal yeah Fair all we can about our wonderful planet from fish to Coral we find all aquatic like utterly fascinating so let’s see the experiment Department uses technology and data developed by shame inc’s other departments in order to perform experiments pertaining to life and devices in this departments we ask the question what if rules could be broken the answer most of the time is yes they can you know fair fair enough fair enough yep okay yeah you did a really good job with that pixel art it’s very cute let’s see for example in the past the experimental Department discovered that plant life can be just transferred into a chipet creating a virtual pet that behaves and acts like a real plant without any coding necessary how cool is that very cool it’s very cool testing Department was created to test the limits of human capability here we design state-ofthe-art testing challenges for our family we have 12 different sections split evenly across our two divisions Redwood and desert okay so wait okay so here it’s two divisions so there’s only the 12 different sections for those two and then obviously space isn’t built yet in the like timeline of things and then Atlantic I’m guessing because it only has 10 employees probably just doesn’t have the ability to actually have that many sections let’s see one to six is more focused on our biology as humans while 7 to 12 focus more on puzzle solving and mental capacity our research is vital to our goal and survival as humans apply here okay and then the development department focusing mainly on devices and technology used in aiding the people of dreadwood in their daily tasks shame develop the drones that delivers all your shopping right to your door my God it’s like Amazon did you know that oh did you know the lighthouses and radwood can change colors on different holidays thanks to the multicolored led bul the development department installed when the right the White Rose Festival again White Rose Festival is very important happens on July 8th the color changes to White when it’s not broken or under adverse weather conditions what wow so cool oh such cool my bad my bad I don’t want to misrepresent note from the website Creator serve at the broken links tried to fix them but it keeps giving me errors please forgive me pleas me know about the daily okay fair enough Fair okay there’s also Union position research positions now open looking for University students to take part in studies around the lab 200 100 lbs per day apply now okay okay and then big old block of text which we’ll come back to in a second and then return to home and social media um so I’m pretty sure we’re already on home so let’s see yeah okay it just brings it back to the top of the website got it got it all right so what we’ve learned so far is that this is a uh a company that is was created in 19 something or other um specifically for dreadwood there’s a crisis going on in dreadwood we don’t I don’t think it actually said what the crisis is though say what the crisis is it okay so it’s very specifically the Garden District and that it’s growing plant life so just guessing right now and this might not be correct my guess is that this crisis was something to do with like growing plants right like plants weren’t growing or something or other like that and so they were like okay we’re going to have to figure out what we’re doing with this and and it specifically mentions the white rose a lot this white rose is very very important to the dreadwood division um the their their division has something going on in the Atlantic division but these came afterwards to be fair it’s actually kind of funny how the Atlantic division is established like earlier than the desert one it’s listed like that I mean I’m guessing it’s because of the number of employees yeah this either way this website takes place before the space division has been built which I’m sure probably something in here will show us what actual date it is we’ll figure that out though so we’re actually I’m going to go through and highlight the stuff that I skimmed over so it was created in 19 yeah we saw that one by details are still classified please contact David Allen okay e MN all right that’s that’s probably very important David Allen e m then you and then oh God I should have just put pulled up a Google doc but I’m not going to now I specifically was told pen and paper so my God I’m using pen and paper um let’s see one two 5 one4 let me look this back so 4122 994 1 one 21 2514 okay all right to help with Kingdom uh blah blah using our velet isn’t develop but wouldn’t you like to know oh oh man I would like to know that’s why I highlighted the thing all right um okay I don’t know that feels a little bit more playful than the rest of it like everything else is redacted and it’s like what did you like to know all right I I’ll keep that in the back of my head I don’t know if I should write anything about that down um let’s see there’s a documentary um it’s not actually a second is there okay so it’s not actually a documentary link maybe it’s somewhere on here this documentary link but we’re not entirely sure where it’s at uh down here the desert division is oh David come on David all right but it looks like it’s the same number as before okay well that that’s good to know um let’s see I don’t think there’s anything else up here that’s let’s see is this also a link okay that’s also not a link actually is there any other let’s see that’s a link to somewhere um The Velvet system looks like it should be a link is not a link uh this has a header link but I think that just brings back to home I’m not actually sure yeah we’ll look at that in a little bit um down here let’s see we’re going to go through and just okay o now what are you what are you little friend uh okay okay I’ll have to highight from the bottom uh Project Avalon Project Avalon was created in 1997 after the great reset an event in which the detail is still classified oh David David David’s going to become my mortal Enemy by the time that this is over all that was left was David God David you’ve got so many things going on after they brought back to shame we Again David White Rose okay again White Rose man this white rose is very important diesel classified please report to oh okay there’s more numbers on there though okay hang on a second uh so mostly it’s the one number but this one is a lot longer so let’s see so four one five 2 five one 5 two one one one one 4 One 5 two three two three 8 one oh God I wrote my number’s too big and I have to write on a separate line oh and I shouldn’t have said that because now I don’t don’t remember where I was uh 23 81 okay 8151 961 21 220 920 231 One n okay okay let’s see this project features the mindescape portal a portal created from David we started sending in research to test it possibly use it as a viable storage area but we uncovered what we like to call David please until we discovered his real name being David come on your job getting collect data Get Out Alive no one else needs to die because of his mistakes oh his mistakes is it David God David don’t do this to me don’t do this to us David good luck un your researchers got it also okay first off yes David David’s becoming my mortal enemy already Al all high [Music] keeper okay all right so now we’ve learned a little bit more from doing that so um we’ve learned that David likes to be a little jerk and keep information away from everyone um although I’m guessing the Velvet system wasn’t developed by David or it’s at least not something that like David is specifically like in charge of keeping classified because this isn’t the same as the other messages right it’s uh wouldn’t you like to know winky face so I’m gonna guess that isn’t a David thing that’s a someone else thing um let’s see um the desert revision is again everything’s classified by David David’s someone really like important are you eatting oh what you eating keeper yeah and then this is very this this feels very important but again it mentions the white rose it mentions that um there was a great reset which I should write that down as well I should have gotten a bigger piece of paper now that I’m thinking about it I’m going to like post this and it’s going to be like all scribbled around and it’s going to look like a crazy person’s notes um so great reset White Rose so it so the white rose is inside something because of this great reset okay so let’s see was cre 1997 after the great reset so that was after let’s see it was before the any of the other like divisions but it was still like at least like 30 okay 25 I think 20 God my brain is like no math for you 35 years after the dreadwood division you might want to refresh the page sometimes when we update stuff doesn’t update right straight away gotcha gotcha oh did you just update something so we had someone a couple of years back with the videos who had four notebooks dedicated to the story oh that’s awesome though I love it when people put in like that much effort in this Sol things second let a little refresh let’s make sure hang on six minutes [Music] ago all right we’re going to do like a full refresh like clicking the button for it okay so the up what I can’t speak God what did I decide to do today to do this okay six minutes ago it updated so something might have already changed so let’s let’s let’s do another peek through another little peek through so velvet system doesn’t work uh let’s see David yeah again another little winky face in the documentary that still has a link which we’ll look at in a second uh I think all the these David numbers have been the same so far oh okay gotcha gotcha I got you on that I still want to make sure just in case all right so now that we now that we’ve got that figured out now that we’ve looked at everything let’s finally look at the little slideshow that’s going on um and see if we can find anything we’ll go to the first image excuse me I would like to go to the first image there we go um I mean it just seems like a Minecraft screenshot there’s probably some of these that I’m just going to like look too far into um this one I mean it looks like a research facility with a cool little thingy up there like in the top I don’t actually know if you guys can see my mouse I should probably figure that out if you can see my mouse okay no you haven’t been able to see my mouse great got it yeah yeah in the top there’s that um which might be important but I’m not entirely sure as of yet I don’t want to be like oh my God I have to analyze this super super closely right now um let’s see we got a a couple little posters in the background we also got actually let me let me see can I I can’t steal your image curses I was trying to see if I could look at that sign a little bit in the back okay we’re we’re going to worry about the signs later if that seems like it might be important but it might just be background details to show off what this place looks like let’s see if got the little Outdoors area nice little area little tunnel going off to somewhere oh is this the oh this is pictures of the desert area I think oh you can see the cursor okay all right all right cool it’s not showing on my like OBS so I was just like oh I guess I just have to pretend that there’s a cursor yeah I’m guessing this is the desert area just because you know sand but who knows maybe it could be the dread uh Woods area yeah I’m pretty yeah okay this definitely feels like okay so there’s another sign it’s in the same color as the other one so maybe again might be important to look back in a little bit like God I just realized in the music we’re already into metaton music I never realized how quick the undertale music goes okay all right all right all right we’re going to stop focusing on the undertale music so we might have to go back to looking at that sign a little bit Let’s see we got another like area little office area yeah hey fun fact uh to anyone who doesn’t know those pictures in the background are um default Minecraft pictures but you have to spawn them in with a command I didn’t learn that about that until like a couple of weeks ago I had no idea what they were but then I saw like a YouTube short that told me about that yeah it’s an interesting little uh decoration detail but it also means it’s vanilla Minecraft so something I don’t have to focus on too much and be like oo that’s a that’s definitely a new new thing that was added Let’s see we got another shot of the this area actually hang on second hang on a second okay so this is just the same area as before but it doesn’t have the the weird thing in the center I don’t know if it’s just the angle of the like area that’s that oh it’s screenshots of the desert division the screenshots need to be updated because the lobby has changed a lot since then oh fair enough fair enough Hey listen listen this is from 201 like 18 or something it’s fine this is where like from before Oh Dev team cheated while building the lobby cheater how dare how dare a team use creative in order to build their event that needs to use at least like commands and creative to run how dare they there a man who copied half of it uh oh okay uh let me see let me go back to the first image because this is the Lobby or it’s the old lobby at the very least but it looks like it’s the same like this same lobby let me make sure so it’s sea lanterns and then it’s these little pillars but that that thing in the center isn’t there in this other screenshot unless it’s like barely in the corner but yeah no it looks like it copied half of my own build shush Hey listen sometimes you get a copy sometimes you get a copy oh wait hang on a second I was a little the just the okay all right so we just need to look out for silly little words sometimes thrown in got it got it okay so we know now that this is the desert division it’s the newest one be the old version of the new one ah fair enough fair enough yes we know the this is the desert division but they do have some grass out front so that’s nice that’s nice they get a little bit of greenery As a treat um there’s two I’m guessing the color coding is based on the divisions inside of the company like the like 12 divisions that all of them have maybe just because all these building like because there’s a purple there is a blue and there is an orange as well which I mean it kind of correlates to the things right here honestly on the top like on the logo but you never know you never know let’s see we got another shot of this we can see that purple building a little bit more um doesn’t look like there’s much else different from these two images other than we get to see the Donkey Kong picture in the background actually yeah okay yeah everything’s about the same gotcha gotcha um um here’s some office cubicles uh it looks like we might have trying to figure out if we have that uh meeting room oh yeah that’s that meeting room from before yeah because it has the uh like spawned in paintings like in that back area so this is just a greater area of that and again it just looks like an office area and then oh okay this is out in the front oh there’s CCU yeah there it okay all right so maybe it’s not based on the division there are new screenshots in that Discord so we want to see after the stream gotcha gotcha yeah no I would love to see that let’s see we got some music notes you know it’s very it’s very nicely decorated hats off to the people who like actually built the stuff on here looking really sick yeah there isn’t anything that like stands out super much to me just based on the screenshots except for this thing in the middle I’m not entirely sure what that is because it’s not in the other screenshot I don’t know it might just be something we have to come back to all right and then before we click on cuz these definitely feel like the next places to go to let’s check to see if there’s any other things hiding around because there was something that was broken on here so let’s see let’s let’s copy this link We copy the clipboard um let’s just let’s take a little detour oh detour has just brought us okay it just brings us as a different head got it got it okay all right so heading links just bring us to the actual headings okay so let me just make sure let me just make sure that’s what’s supposed to happen yeah okay all right cool cool cool I’ll at least check to make sure that it doesn’t say like ah home link or something like other than a home link um okay so that’s also the home link uh this is an ad obviously which we’ll look at in a sec I don’t think there was any links in here yeah this was just another heading link I think yeah okay that’s another heading link [Music] um and then I think yeah okay this is not a link still this is not a link documentary still isn’t a link velvet still isn’t a link and then I know this had a link this link you know what Fair understandable I too want to use the bot to get Julius Caesar that’s always what I want to do how often do you guys think about room by the way oh yeah that’s fair enough yeah no yeah I know that there’s some like website editors that don’t let you get rid of the uh like certain aspects of it so yeah that’s completely understandable especially I guess because this is a Google website so they probably just have it really hardcoded in there yeah okay I unless there’s something else I’m missing yeah that’s home again there’s like a hidden like link off in the corner somewhere okay all right so just from a cursory glance I think we’ve got a lot of information we figured out that uh this is a thing built sometime in the 1900s um before 1962 probably but it also could be 1962 and they could be very silly um in order to help with a crisis in dreadwood um there’s a couple different divisions but in the middle of like the dreadwood Branch being a thing there was something called the Great reset that happened which by then the white rose was already a thing so I don’t know when the white rose comes into play but that’s very important to this dreadwood division so much so they have like festivals stuff and stuff specifically dedicated to this thing as for the details we don’t really know that much because David David decides he’s going to gatekeep all this information yeah um this also mentions a mindscape portal which we don’t really have any information on right now um and then basically like saying like this project is like hey you got to get out alive don’t die and then that’s specifically for the uni researchers to know of which it seems interesting that this is uh redacted information if it’s for like uni researchers on the main part of the website but we’ll see we’ll see yeah see you guys get me with the David you get me with the David stuff all right um so you know I think the best place to go to next just again cursory look over of the website stuff um is the White Rose Festival now I think this is something that I know of already um because um a long a while back when I actually applied to join in with this event there was the White Rose uh like you can get a coupon for wine and I was actually very confused about that I was like wait are they also like sponsored by like a wine company like what’s going on here um I don’t think there’s anything I can do with that right now but I did take a screenshot of the silly little code that you get from that do I have that screenshot please tell me I still have scen screenshot oh don’t tell me that I lost it oh I’ll have to see where it is I know that I got the a screenshot for that though oh we understand so is a voice actor for T I see I see yeah I’ll have to see where I put that I know I definitely Ely like saved a screenshot of the code that like is used is used to access page we change the access oh okay gotcha gotcha okay that’s something I will keep in mind something I’ll keep in mind okay so for for now we’re just going to talk we’re just going to look at the White Rose Festival website so time until the next Festival two events left let’s go see the White Rose Festival is a festival hosted by shaming and it’s areas where you can learn more about our town and The Shining gem desert okay is that the name of it where the desert division is hang on a second let’s go back for a sec did they say anything about that um okay it doesn’t say particularly but that feels like the right move right that feels like where it is okay gotta gotcha yeah I was wondering about that we know it’s good to know it’s good to know yeah let’s see uh yeah I’m going to write down The Shining gem desert because I think that’s the only place shining gem desert listed below are some of the things you will get to experience at the event so stubble unveiling their new one the white rose one life of War so welcome to the day and bailing new project and an error gotcha that makes sense um and there’s this little ad actually that has the same uh music notes from before I don’t know what that little guy is though little fella actually oh I just realized we never actually clicked the ad on the first page uh we know it will fun fact 75 75% of people said yes to that code sorry for everyone I tricked they were like man I really want some free wine you know what this place this place really really got us got us hooked up and it was like um wait no that’s not actually a it’s a lore thing it’s a lore thing guys all right you know what uh since this is the only like thing that actually let me okay there’s nothing hidden in any of these all right um then yeah I’m actually going to click on this ad to see where it takes us okay how we collect your data Shaman collects your cookies to personalize your experience with our helper belbot who loves juliia Caesar loves juliia Caesar but it’s the online chat bot built into our Twitter account along with the actual robot in Real Life uses data to C your personality likes dislikes and interests what do we collect items of data we collect range from person to person and their internet provider and habits data we collect includes cookies history advertisments collect time spent on websites name age address DNA sequence a sample of your hair the books you haven’t read yet told everyone you would read it when I have some free time oh don’t call me out like that obsessions with online personalities obsessing over a guy who doesn’t want to watch anime with you stop calling me out political donation credit card details accounts followed social media posts voice messages phone calls have music Spotify WS oh no you don’t want that it’s mostly it’s mostly streaming music time St spent complaining about ships time spent typing interesting the amount of times you ignored someone’s calls the amount of times you ghosted someone when they said hi the amount of times you complained about people ghosting you while you’re ghosting your boss the amount of times your boss cried about that the amount of swear words you ever said the amount of times you ever said it is ironically or unironically add one to the count the Among Us bad spelling correcting spelling brain rot system files and YouTube watch History you know what fair enough fair enough all right let me just a quick little glance over there’s not any hidden information you’re you’re getting from me is there there’s not like a your soul hidden somewhere okay giving you peace of mind one step at a time all right okay all right so just like how we collect data gotcha gotcha okay I don’t know if there the Jukebox is called George I don’t remember why you know what fair enough thank you George for the information I appreciate it all right um let’s see I’m sure social media just brings to yeah it brings to the link tree okay all right I’m not going to worry about the link tree too much so let’s let’s say okay we already went to the White Rose Festival um actually we never went to the website guide did we let me see a little guide [Music] a do oh yep perfectly fine yeah you know you know I don’t know I mean to be fair i’ would say the strand of hair is more concerning but you know be like that not yet man like hi you don’t know who I am let say I’ve got some strings anyways that doesn’t matter I’m here to give you a little help in your journey through the mindscape or just his website haaha you know what fair enough once we are done we are going to be best friends or just regularly friends up to you smiley face okay we’ve got another smiley face user I see tips most of the time you won’t be required to inspect element everything you need will be is on the website itself oh thank goodness cuz I have no idea how to use this element I’ll admit I poked around at it on like the main page I was like okay I have to figure out how this works I looked at it I was like what what do I do okay most let’s see control a will be your best friend will highlight all the texts on a given page give it up for the next tip I like doing it manually no I will I yeah I need that yeah let’s see good job write everything down lose track of sites you’ve already found last but not least take breaks if you need to nothing is keeping you here you can leave go outside see friends family even okay important details will be highlighted in bold okay all right that’s good to know that’s good to know come back when you’re ready there’s 36 Pages the find including this one and the homepage Happy Hunting okay 36 Pages good Lord okay how many we even found so far this is only like four I think or like five okay let’s see there’s this one there’s the main thing there we went to the White Rose Festival we went to the cookies thing does Julius Caesar count does Julius Caesar count as a page okay well now that we know that actually let me make sure it would be silly if they put a hidden link inside of yeah okay yes hello little person thank you for your help I appreciate it all right uh let’s see yeah so shame ink obviously important um lavender Maxwell already wrote that down so hopefully we’ll see that so velvet system velvet might also be important uh see dreadwood specifically dreadwood is highlighted there so I don’t know if maybe that M mean something instead of the dreadwood division it’s dreadwood that’s important let see Atlantic desert division is important Atlantic specifically is important but I don’t know about the division yeah okay reveal is still little silly um okay and then we’ll actually go back and actually click on this link because we never actually clicked on this one oh no it just brings back to here okay oh I’m s I’m silly that’s probably where an advertisement would go if I didn’t have my advertisements popped off for because uh unlock like what’s the word I’m looking for Internet safety is important guys make sure that you’re safe at all times when you’re browsing the internet because you never know what silly websites might pop up all right um so it looks like we’ve kind of got everything like obvious on this first page once you figure out the first clue you will open up a lot more okay gotcha gotcha I will keep that in mind okay so let’s go to let’s see actually since we’re already going down this thing I’m going to click on I’ll click on this link and then we’ll go up to that top one and see so let’s go to the apply which by the way I don’t think applications are open right now in case you’re watching this like anyone’s watching this applications are not currently open to join in with the event there aren’t any ads on this website so I add oh I see gotcha gotcha all right ever everyone to join our family well here you can be advised at all positions required University level or higher qualifications good to know good to know you need researcher want a taste of what we do here at shame look no further than our volunteer unit look no far father I know it’s meant to say farther probably I don’t know if we find out that the misspellings are uh something I need to be paying attention to I’m GNA have to go back through all these I’m benefit of the doubt I’m just saying that it’s just just sometimes a little typos let okay so our volunteer uni research position looking for people in University who want to taste of the science that goes on in our country uh be the first to test our new testing courses even some secret projects payment is 200 lb a slot date is the 29th of April 2018 okay so this is taking place in at least before 2018 before this date because of yeah requirements University student mentally and physically well okay gotcha gotcha and I’m pretty sure me actually okay okay so this is actually a link but I’m pretty sure this the spelling puzzle is something I’ve never done because I’m the worst of spelling so be mess we spell wispy is once yeah know I’ve I’ve heard the tales of the uh wispy Waters uh team name okay U let me like okay yeah I figured that I figured that’s probably where that was going to take us I figured that was what any of the like application stuff was going to go to yeah this would have been people would have applied uh back when applications were open obviously not open right now also welcome to the family pops up a lot I’ve notic like stuff about family pops up a lot that’s why I was like that’s why I kind of paused and pointed out the spelling of father or farther but like as father because I was like okay is this one sneaky but you know what we’re going to we’re goingon to not worry about that we’re going to the family thing I think is important though so I am going to write that down let’s see you you with your smiley faces silly goose a technician want to ba build amazing robots like a very young vot Soldier the bridge and uh join us at shame looking for talented technicians to work hand in hand with our computer scientists create wonderful robotic Creations on a daily basis we can’t wait to see what you create payment is 30,000 per a num I don’t know I’ve heard of that word before let’s see uh okay per year okay all right gotcha gotcha I was like huh all right position type per per full-time requirements listed in job description um but there isn’t a actual job description that pops up wonder if any of these other links will work let’s see testing want to create crash courses to discover more about our own abilities looking for more looking for Creative people who can create courses to test human body physically and mentally using this information will help people with debilitating disabilities 40,000 uh another permanent full-time and requirements are listed in the job description uh material manager want to help shame keep its material possessions in check log in and take a seat looking for people to keep storage of our material possessions and employee status uh help us keep this company running as smooth as a buttered pan on a Sunday morning see the amount of fun facts I have about the development project that I can’t share is killing me on the inside you know what you know what that’s perfectly Fair there sometimes will I’ll be like sitting on a stre and I’ll see something that I really want to like mention I’m like oh you got to hold back hold back all right uh 22,000 another permanent fulltime and again another job description thing let’s see uh See experiments seems about the same create devices and experiment with the things the amazing Development Department create which is oh is that not a department is that not an Department hang on a second uh start with the things that Development Department creates but there isn’t really a development department huh all right well we’ll keep that in the back of her head and another job description that doesn’t lead anywhere uh security uh let’s see safety experts keep us are building things and our positions safe uh another full-time position another 22,000 computer scientist amazing robot wait okay that’s the okay coding gotcha gotcha it has very similar wording to the other one talented coders working hand with their technicians can’t wait to see what you create another permanent position oh okay oh okay I wasn’t expecting any of the links to actually work oh God I don’t actually okay all right all right I’m going to put a pin in this one computer scientists we’re going to put a pin in you I’m just going to check the rest of these first we’ll get back to you in a second uh looking for blah but pan on Sunday morning man they really like the Sunday morning actually hang on a second I’ll just use the same um description as the med or the material manager okay except it’s paid 2,000 pounds less man media manager you you get the short end of the STI I’m sorry buddy all right okay we’re going to look here we’re going to look look here for a sec this is definitely a code like it’s definitely like a like okay my brain is like ah I don’t know exactly how to word things yeah definitely a code definitely like you can see there’s some spaces in between some of these letters around here so this is definitely like saying something but it’s difficult to tell because we don’t have a Cipher for any of these letters like my brain my brain is automatically thinking like these two at the end look like an exclamation point and a question mark kind of actually now that I think about these kind of look like periods this is a put a pin in it situation got it got it okay okay all right well I will put a pin in this this is going to be in this other tab next to Julius Caesar obviously actually now my brain is thinking now my brain is thinking why why put a link to Julius Caesar inv all things right my brain has suddenly realized huh you know I I have a feeling I have a feeling that Julius Caesar might actually help us a lot more than what like seems like At first CU here’s my thoughts here’s my thoughts game I don’t know if David is the one that I’m going to figure this out with might be David but I’m thinking that the reason the velot specifically linked to Julie Caesar is because there’s a Caesar Cipher somewhere and my brain is thinking it might be some of the numbers that David put but I’m not entirely sure because it’s actually kind of funny in that um okay so see if you guys don’t actually hang on a second I need to make sure that I actually remember what a Caesar Cipher is or if I am Cipher okay all right I was thinking of a different one A different Cipher entirely see because what I was thinking it’s not a Caesar Cipher uh I have to figure out what type of Cipher it’s called but it’s basically where the letters of the alphabet correspond to their numbers instead of the like actual letters and the reason I’m thinking that now and also just because I thought it was a Caesar Cipher but Caesar Cipher is where the letters shift over um which we haven’t seen anything of that just yet um but the reason I was thinking it was the number thing is because the fifth letter of the alphabet is actually no the fifth letter of the alphabet is e what am I talking about I was like ah yes clearly that’s what that’s what we’re doing here no unless unless it’s a Caesar Cipher going into a number thing we will worry about that some other time but I’m gonna I’m gonna write that down just in case though it could just be a funny way to write like an s in like lead speak you can’t connect the dots if the dots aren’t visible you know what fair enough fair enough all right well we’ll come back to it we’ll come back to that though we’ll worry about Caesar ciphers and other ciphers in a little bit um let’s see were we Let’s see we just clicked the like apply here so we’re going to go back to actually let me let me go back there for a sec make sure there’s no hidden text somewhere yeah it looks like everything is visible okay we’ll go back to home and now we’ll click on you oh this is this just the information about the you know I’ll I’ll go through the information about stuff for a little bit CU who knows maybe there’s some maybe there’s secrets in here too but also just because again I want to I want to show off we’ll take a we’ll take a sponsor break and by sponsor I mean of the actual event yeah I believe this is all the teams that are in is right so there’s like the pumpkins there’s the wispy Waters there’s one which I am very curious to figure out what it means which is just the system but we’ll we’ll come back to that in just a second okay so let’s see so we’ve got the connection conundrum uh deser vision is a team that runs the connection conundrum United charity event um it’s a team of hardworking Builders command block users writers and voice actors who work there to tell a story sto story yes I know how to speak CCU was started by Isaac hi Isaac Isaac as an extension now scrapped shards of memories originally it followed the story of the S SMP however it since changed to be a prequel to The Scrap story oo I see let’s see we hope to raise a lot more in the next coming CCU in the past we’ve donated quite to Charities such as rainbow railroad do good deeds and project hope which again project hope is the one that is going to be for this particular charity as well so again please take part uh donate if you can I’m sure every little bit uh helps and also goes to a good cause see if you any suggestions for Charities make sure yeah definitely check out the website um definitely check out this page if you want to uh look at some of the cool stuff that these people have done that’s also a full soundtrack which I’m really looking forward to being able to actually like hear a little bit more let’s see oh they got on the SoundCloud too okay oh there’s also an a link oh I’m just looking at the but I’m just looking at the link and it just says give me money you know fair enough fair enough for all the hard work fair enough let’s see desert division CCU team The View social media this links back to the link tree here’s the team there’s Cosmic dly red D grav uh R and Chris cat cat C Keys miles Onie M that name is familiar name’s familiar let’s see Sylvester Isaac mtis Ry K Sunny pink pink is not typical oh my God I’m G to have to talk to Pink after this like we’re we literally were talking like this morning oh my God I didn’t know pink was part of this at one point oh my God that’s awesome I’m gonna have to I’m gonna have to like Badger pink about this Kitty I got frell and Daryl H Daryl good old Daryl so you want to find how de the rabbit hole goes split into five different stories all connected to each other oh okay we got the connection conundrum we got project TL one there’s enor unle the musical the website we’re here in act three welcome to today Encore enor is a music written composed by Isaac and others of The enor Encore team music follows a little prince called Rose finding his own Rose h H lots of roses popping up finding his own path through the world after his father dies but that’s not all the story is is it Char Charlie Charlie who is Charlie there’s also musical [Music] demos oh okay so the dreadwood division is basically like okay got it got it got it got it okay so dreadwood division um in the like in the lore is an actual division in the like this whole like um what’s the word I’m looking for brain brain come on do some words yeah in the scope of this whole project Redwood division is the team Behind the musical stuff okay got it got it okay that’s kind of cool let’s see welcome to the underground man did you really just do that let’s see themed after Toby under Fox’s under Toby under foxes God I can speak Toby Fox’s undertale mixed with her very own lore follow the uni researches they make their way through a familiar Place Meet characters such as toriel Sans Papyrus undy alphus and asgor let’s go asgor hype sorry asgor is my favorite undertale character along with some other faces you might recognize figure out which of them has been replaced by the false keep ooh we use the divisions for code names for each project they also take place in set divisions yeah okay okay that makes sense yeah that’s kind of neat though like you tie them into uh the locations that you have going on it’s it’s really cool got the trailer let’s see connection conundrum United CCU is a charity event created by Isaac these events usually span over two days featuring Games events last and pure chaos a full list of games and Tims will be posted closer to the end to the event but on the 19th of May we will enter the mindscape lots of trailer to find out more we will definitely have to do that we’ll definitely have to do that um let’s see L CCU features its own lore separate from the mindscape join us in the desert Division and meet the dev team enter into the mindscape of the assistant of our very own Alexander Wells agent gra and Michael D from the brilliant shame Inc Safety Not Guaranteed helped us research a new and upcoming project that we are very proud of let say create new bonds en Forge New Opportunities here shame ink gives you a piece of mind one step at a time that’s not all there is to find head home you might find some things Secrets find me all right we’re gonna have to highlight some things we got the teams um so I know some of these teams are outdated uh this is the old lineups but I actually get to talk about the names oh my god um so let’s see we have the furious flames we have the punctual pumpkins we have the shining stars truthful trees uh we’ve got the Velvet system this is the one I’m interested in figuring out why this one in particular is bugged out because on the announcement on the Twitter this one had like a bunch of code and stuff to it as well yeah no no it’s agent oh sorry g r a v my bad my bad teams hasn’t been updated on here yeah yeah yeah let’s see we have the wispy Waters we have the pink p and we also have the robust robots and I know some of the people that are on here already um so I’m going to shout out some of the people that I know of um let’s see I know this is redacted ghost we have Celestial Angel we’ve got um Thunder Jane paw uh we’ve got oh Emerald Ace yes Emerald Ace is the username um there’s some others that I might know of but these are the just the like uh the like icons that have stood out to me because I know these people I know these people because they’re like I follow them on Twitter um and also they’ve been in some of the other smps I’m in so again there’s some really cool people that are going to be see was his own Lord that was fun for write please do Chris Chris where’s Chris where’s Chris l l okay yeah I was say like there there’s some people like I was just shouting at people I know I could very quickly go and see which ones are you’re Chris you’re [Laughter] Chris actually yeah you are Chris that is very true that’s awesome yeah no it’s very cool to see all the different like teams and stuff but again The Velvet system is the one I’m very interested to figure out what’s going on with that one but I also just do like the fact that they’re all based on the um actual like I guess like seven human Souls from undertale obviously you can there was only seven so you can only do so much with um like the robots but I do like the robots a lot oh we refresh the page oh okay yeah there we go be more info posted the night that Twitter decided to delete draft yeah no I saw that oh that was such a shame really not like to make a pun about the like name of the you know what I mean yeah no it stinks that that happened I was looking forward to like Mass retweeting it and be like guys check this out but speaking of checking out things I don’t think I’ve actually said that I was taking part in this event yet yet um yeah surprise surprise in the middle of the live stream yeah I will be taking part in everything that’s happening on the 19th um which is one of the driving factors of me like actually checking out the website and seeing if I could figure out some Secrets before uh the actual event happens on the 19th yeah no that’s such a it really stinks that the Twitter decided to be a butt and decided to delete all your hard work yeah um I don’t know if there’s anything else on this page for me to look at other than just be like that’s me H that’s me yeah looking forward to the event on the 19th um I think our silly little break from like deeply looking into Lura has finished let’s see yeah okay so instead what I’m going to do is I’m I’m going to play the I’m going to cut out out do I really want to cut out in the middle of death by glamour though I’m sorry this is one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack okay you know what I’m going to take a small like uh drink break so hey guys make sure to stretch make sure to like drink some water if you have water or whatever drink you have on your desk if you don’t have water and if you don’t have a drink on your desk go get a drink and order to stay hydrated there we go all right so God I really don’t want to cut out in the middle of the death by glamour though the lobby opens on Monday hopefully oo oh that’ll be fun I might have I wouldn’t be able to stop in on Monday because I’m celebrating um the like Mother’s Day stuff want to go grab a drink yeah let’s go let get hydrated yeah no I definit might I might just pop into the lobby and be like I’m going to look at stuff be a little silly Dilly meton love yes metaton is such a fun character death by lore you know what I need to start using that as like an actual hashtag all right okay all right now we’re going to pause we’re going to pause on this um in order to play the video now I can’t really full screen just because I have this set up to be a window and if I full screen that it’s not going to be the window so I am going to just play the video inside of the uh website um if I can make it even a little bit bigger I’ll try to but we’ll see actually no I can just open the video what am I talking about you silly goose all right so yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna watch the video we’re gonna see what’s going on with it um at least a little bit bigger than before and we’re going to it’s open all week so no rush yeah fair enough fair enough I will definitely check it out sometime this week because I’ve been wanting to poke around Snoop my little nose into everything all right we are going to play the video we’re going to see what’s going on um see if there’s anything that we can gleam that might be good to know and yeah so I’m gonna I’m GNA shut up while this is going on um and afterwards if I find anything that pequs my interest I will actually like like rewind and play it but I’m going to get something to drink in the meantime again [Music] [Music] he all right all right all right so obviously the date is different obviously the date is different I love fun editing yeah it’s really good like I love all the Eds and stuff you did to it a really like well polished trailer and also just it looks like a lot of fun I’m really excited to take part honestly can I just say can I just say though before I even talk about like lore stuff like this this looks so cool like all the like effects and like it oh my God I’m so looking forward it’s a great trailer it is it is a great trailer okay all right so can I gleam anything from this other than than man this looks cool uh okay so I’m going to I’m going to sort of like bring it back a little bit um let’s see there was one there was a couple moments where it glitched out that I’m just trying to yeah desert division of Encore oncore in this moment I wasn’t sure oh okay I see why I was told that grab and GR a are different now got it got it okay all right all right so grv is the character I’m assuming so we’re gonna put that down in the little note that I have so that’s a character we’ll probably have to look out for more names of um as for everything else let’s see sple I’m first CCU I gave the day Dev team full creative control so bad simul came out of left field for me yeah no I yeah that’s fair enough yeah sometimes the best ideas come with just being like hey just go wild go book Wild figure out what you want to do and like that’s very very perfect for like an undertale themed thing actually I’m G to start the music back up for I actually no I’ll keep it off just for now because I don’t want it to overlap if I I decided to play the video a bit more um as far as I can tell actually yeah as far as I can tell this part is just sple which God I’m gonna have to actually practice on fle before I do literally anything this is going to be I might just have to have next week be a training montage day where I just go like all right it’s time to figure out what I’m doing Al I’m going to do that because yeah full bigger screen for bigger stuff let’s see Al I did have I just want to say it’s it’s you C was a setep back and let them have yeah fair enough fair enough yeah sometimes you just got to do that you know I’ve I’ve been in situations for stuff that I’ve worked on where I’m just like all right I’m G let them do their thing and sometimes it just turns out better like just because it’s like different ideas flowing in you know what I mean yeah okay uh let’s see again this feels [Music] very I don’t think there’s anything like to gleam specifically from that moment we have some of the outdoors area I’m guessing that’s Parkour in the middle of things I do have to wonder what this part is I it just areas to explore cuz man I can’t wait to just run off in the middle of nowhere and be like yep I’m hanging out here let’s see we just got dark hallway which makes me think of like an area like in undertale like what’s the place I’m thinking of like the really long hallway that toriel tells you to walk down at first this is what that reminds me of so that might be that let’s see then we have Snowden okay actually it might actually be that so we had Snowden then we have uh I can’t remember the know my brain is like but I do want to see if I can get that sign I’m G to do the fun little trick of just using the like period in order to go for just frames so we’re just gonna excuse me I would like to look at your sign please safety exert and supervisor a I can’t read that sign no man all right well that might be important at some point so I’m going to actually write down Safety expert’s Office safety experts office there we go because you know might just be good to keep an eye out once the like event actually starts in the lobb open and all that fun stuff uh so let’s see at least to a blue room uhhuh and then this one leads somewhere else and I don’t know exactly where this one leads Mah what are you mahahing about silly goose see there’s something in the background here not here but you know what I mean there looks like a portal of sorts I think it’s a nether portal I’m not entirely sure which I mean would kind of make sense uh there’s this area which is an overgrown like area with computers and a button on the wall so again something to keep out look out for but I don’t know what I would write down for that and then we get into back into the the gam stop and then battle simulator battle simulator already beloved yeah um let’s see this is just I think that’s just the same exact screenshot from the donation thing let me make sure that there’s not like a hidden extra person in here let’s see yeah no yeah it’s just the same people oh there is there is LEC turns though my brain is going ooh books to read I love books so we’ll see we’ll see about that um but yeah no it seems like everything is about the same here as well so I will just continue on my silly little way unless unless that moment something changes let’s see AO Where is the cut gone come on no too far okay there isn’t anything in that moment it doesn’t seem like let’s see stole the screenshot from the trailer because before it came on the website donation L ah I see fair enough fair enough yeah it is a good screenshot though like it’s a really like nice way to just show off all the people that helped out with your project all right and then then you then you you’re the interesting part of this trailer but I don’t know what to write down for you silly little smiley face guy you know I’m just gonna write down I’m just going to draw a picture I’m just going to draw a picture vaguely of what this little guy looks like there’s just one note there just a little smiley face in my notes yeah so this clearly stands for something and I’m G to assume that this stands for the false keeper simply because that was mentioned in the actual like uh information part of the website it’s the little guy the skrunky the Funky Man the little silly the pearly whites man yeah I will said like uh actually hang on a second I need to listen does it have the voice acting credit in here because I there we go mil miles either miles or Oni am I like that voice that voice is really good I like that a lot also Isaac the the songs are also really cool I’ve been wanting to say that very while all right uh yeah I want to know who the silly guy is the silly little guy um okay and I think everything else is black screen maybe yeah okay yeah the rest is just outro okay so that’s about all from here unless let’s see should I even should I even work uh you know what I’ll at least check to see if there’s any other connection conundrum like specifically for this one because I did look on your YouTube for some of the other ones but I didn’t want to play a bunch of music that was uh oh was you was AC I can tell you this because this has been previous CCU that can’t be accessed anymore that’s the false keyer vo by me okay yeah that voice is really cool you do a really good job of voice acting that as well Isaac let’s see um yeah I did watch it I did watch this video because I was like okay you know I’m going to test the audio and then I got I don’t think I can play that one cuz I don’t know how uh how copyrighted that a particular song in there is but definitely guys check that one out I think it’s very important information yeah um I’m gonna hop onto this video just to make sure though make sure there’s nothing I’m missing and then we can go back to the website cuz I’m pretty sure this is just to announce that applications were open right okay so that’s waterfall we get to see that one before okay so that one’s snow Den specifically that one’s waterfall okay you know I might not solve the ARG today but I’m going to solve the event order just going to jam out to the music in the meantime though maybe a little bit quieter though there we go yeah again time dat has changed don’t have to worry about that they uh five games two other people that is the other teammates when want to know what’s really going on want to break from the ads oh do we get anything anything silly again welcome to the family pops up okay all right so that is definitely important and I’m going to write down welcome to the family and I’m going to underline the word family because I already had family written down but I didn’t have the welcome to part but I think that’s all we’ve got for the YouTube channel unless there’s stuff hidden in the other like older songs that I don’t know about um I’m going to choose to believe that there isn’t anything hidden in those so we are going to uh we’re GNA close out of the YouTube for now we’re gonna go back to Julius Caesar baby let’s go no I’m kidding we’ll go back to the website and I also just realized that I should looking at the titles of the um websites because this one the green one is specifically called T-Rex but again we have to put a pin in this because I don’t have any way to decipher this right now other than just guesses and I could I could brute force my way through something like this but I’m not going to do that just yet not if I can help it Jia Caesar my beloved exactly we love Julia Caesar in this house there’s also this image right here that is interesting to me because it’s the only like real life image that we have had on this website so far all the other ones have been Minecraft related but this one is it’s also blurred out which makes me think that it might be important at some point not T-Rex T rex okay gotcha got you or just TS sorry I saw green text as well as I was looking at it so I was like ah green dinosaur T-Rex got it yeah so I I have a feel like there is definitely something there’s somethingone that needs to be found or something that needs to be found maybe relating to this image not entirely sure we will figure that out as we go along though but I think I think we’ve gotten about let’s see only social media we’ve got some of these are like links apparently or they were supposed to be links green text TX T-Rex same thing yeah exactly yeah okay so I don’t think anything else on here is actually I do I am just curious as to where this takes oh okay huh okay so come back here every so seems more and more and added over time okay all right I didn’t expect to give me money was going to be a link to somewhere at 10124 okay so that would be October first actually no wait if this is hang on a second we’ve been using pounds the whole time so this is either October 1st or January 10th I’m not entirely sure we’ll we’ll keep this oh my God there’s a lot of stuff going on in here okay got it got it okay so this is probably very important also oh my God word search oh do I do I pull up my like drawing application and do the word search British okay January 10th got it got it okay so you know no I’m not going to I’m not going to do the word search right now I probably will at some point though I’ll post in like the Discord and be like hey guys guess who did the jum the word jumble yeah um let’s see so January 10th that date is important probably so let’s put that [Music] down 10th 2024 which is the most modern date we’ve had this entire time okay looks like we also have a script oh wait oh okay okay so this was the 10th here’s the 12th there’s the 13th uh okay so I’m gonna okay all right well we’re going to change my little note through January 13th 24 got it got it okay so word scramble at some point got it that’s going to be in the cards we got a script let’s see so ring Master chapter one a pendulum swings back and forth just as a clock a constant pattern of Rhythm showing that everything is in Balance what happens if you tip that balance in just the slightest way reminder it’s not hard to find out everything changes with the slightest Ripple of the water the smallest drop can create the Lar lest waves a domino effect I know this we all do and then m is another character it seems like the past always catches up to you you make one mistake when you were younger and it haunts you until you die Charlie Charlie I write down the did I not write down the name Charlie I actually don’t know if I I did write down the name Charlie you I just saw your name you silly goose let’s okay let’s see so you learned from the mistakes and you grow as a person though Charlie struggles to think of an example take for example I wasn’t great before I met you mentally and physically but you help me become the person who I am today let me show you then Charlie says nothing stays forever as you know just like the pedals on the rose you the rose pops up again okay so Charlie is connected somewhat to this Rose it seems like God it got it and Charlie was a name that was brought up literally in the last page on a second we’re going to we’re going to come back we’re going to go back to the here where’s Charlie where was Charlie mentioned where was Charlie mentioned um let’s see one of these pages come on Charlie where you at no that’s here again um CCU no I have not been here at all yet okay I will come back to that page in a second where was Charlie mentioned okay yeah I figured it might be it but I wrote it down anyway okay I will I will keep that in mind as I lightly scratch it out yeah I was about to say it didn’t make sense with the um like possibly before 20 well definitely before 2020 possibly before 2018 ‘s see was it here no was it so welcome page to welcome to oh it is okay there it is thank you thank you very much no I was just like wait hold up I know I was seeing Charlie okay all right so Charlie directly ties in yeah okay that’s why the rose is mentioned because the rose is very important to the uh Darkwood division stuff okay got it got it got it got it okay so that’s that might is is this the script is this part of the script from that okay all right that’s something to keep in mind let’s see we’ve got a drawing of the shame division I’m guessing this is also the dreadwood just because of all the trees and stuff around and they had a very strong focus on Plants then we’ve also got some cards covering up what I can only assume is maybe the false keeper but again I don’t know entirely and then there’s whatever this is down here going to go to sleep oh okay gotcha yeah night Chris yeah thanks for stopping in it was cool uh actually getting to talk to you guys yeah and then there’s also a thing for the Discord which I’m not going to show the Discord because you know reason um actually is how’ you send me a thing on a second I I will listen to that in a second let me see um let’s look around at the was it the CCU update let’s see if there’s anything silly that we need to be looking particularly at especially if a lot of this stuff happened in January like a lot of these updates happen in January it’s 2003 so maybe not um let’s see completed applications oh that’s a fun note oh boy okay so we’ll look at this eventually see look up hint in relation to the CCU up dates image look up oh is that for the second let’s go back to I don’t know why I decided to look up in real life like I thought that was going to hell let’s see uh I’ve been very like I’ve been skimming through what I can on this particular thing I don’t know when this page was last updated so I don’t know if this stuff is super the only thing that I saw that looked remember if you’re stuck move to something else yeah yeah definitely definitely yeah and my my brain knows that this is wingdings right my brain knows that like okay if I figure out how to just turn this into wingdings I could figure out what this says I don’t have the actual text for this so unfortunately I would have to painstakingly go through and figure out okay what does this letter stand for what does this letter stand for unfortunately I I didn’t get as much into the like undertale like gaster stuff as a lot of other people did so it’s like ah yes I know exactly what this means right up the bat by looking at it but you know it’s something to look at something to come back to at some point um and I’ll definitely just keep this page open because I definitely feel like there’s definitely stuff that I’m just not like realizing that is important so I will come back to this page at some point because I didn’t even realize that this page was going to work um let’s see I don’t think there’s anything else in particular that is needed on this page though other than the error the error was the only thing that like really stood out to me there is some like bolded stuff on here or like like fake hyperlinks that might be important but we’re going to go back to the website because there’s still some pages that to look at and I’m looking at the time and I’m like man if I spend so much time just looking at like we’re going to be here forever and I do not have forever unfortunately yeah we’re definitely going to have to come back to this sometime next week though I’m definitely already planning on doing that but for now we still have a couple of links on here like obvious links in order to see if we can gleam some more information so we’ve got CCU and we’ve got contact site manager and thank you um so let’s go here because we already I already clicked that on accident um so let’s see we’ve got controlled connected universes this Pages for employees who have kc5 and for uni researchers only if you somehow access this paid please avert your eyes and report it to your nearest shame checkpoint luckily for you actually I think I just qualified as a uni researcher luckily for you what is a controlled connected Universe project control connected universes is a project aimed at creating new Living Spaces storage power producers without increasing our carbon put front and more initializing portal travel between countries and even universes so far this project has succeeded in providing storage creating spaces for uh Power producers our goal for the future find a way to safely live in the dimension between dubbed mindscape okay that’s come up again find a way to safely live in the dimensions surrounding dub the medium find a way to program coordinates for the portal find a way to sucessfully connect portals find a way to stop Dimension hopping Dimension hopping a problem I I’m going to see current problems uh I’ll go back and look over this stuff later I’ll do the thing that I did where I’ll go through read it normally and then I’ll go through the text this document contains our theories and explanations on the mindscape mindscape um let’s see potential dangers please take note the alteration the true form of the mindscape according to the keeper okay so there is a keeper and there’s also a false keeper it is constantly changing Maze of misdirection and confus created to keep the crystal of Oblivion safe at this time we do not know what the crystal is or why it needs to be kept safe what we do know is that it’s connected to the altar of Avalon in the plaza okay so that’s why there was the Avalon project that’s why it’s named after that okay got it got it there’s this maze which might be something to keep on hand at some point then again it does change but there is a screenshot of it right now so it’s probably good to know changing Landscapes the mindscape seems to change its form and location every day only revealing its true form once the keeper dispels the fog however we’ve learned thanks to okay so this is another number this is another U mu number so we’re gonna write this down m n u can I write this all in one L let’s see 3903 0805 0112 0405 no I’m not gonna be able to write this on one line 011 814 okay so let me make sure 130 9030 8050 see 4501 1814 okay dropping a pen into the mindscape that we could change the intended location for a small period of time ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours the pen changed a strange world of staircases into a large office building complete with fake employees so along with logging the different forms of the Mind scave took on we started logging with different items formed the world into okay all right let’s see so we got the so I’m going to guess we just can’t oh we can’t open this in another yeah let’s open this in another thing that way we can actually now is this actually text in here no there’s no text in here they got that blacked out okay yeah you know what you know what fair enough I definitely expected that to be the case let’s got the white crystal staircases um altered form item notes so the pen that wasn’t the accident um we’ve got a tennis ball endless white coridor with a dog park seems to take the form of memories associated with the item empty can didn’t have anything to it uh there was the but when it was full it made itself into a castle essentially borax slime let’s not talk about this again oh oh no all right we’re just going to move on listen I agree with you we shouldn’t talk about that one again okay and all these are from um 2018 oh okay okay so hang on what was the date for okay gotcha okay all right all right we’re going to we’re going to come back to this um so okay so the mindscape didn’t like whatever got thrown into it on the 10th which was actually hang on a second that was the same Daye as this okay all right that is good to know we don’t have any other other dates of when these got post again I know it’s not actually like the same EX fact like it’s not the year the Year doesn’t match up but this one in particular is highlighted and it happens to show the same like uh day and month so I don’t know brain is like maybe let’s see a hotel Bell goes into a hotel felt like you were being watched something caused a sugar high ‘s see the world made from craft supplies with a pencil most interes string reaction so [Music] far this one didn’t say what it was um let’s see made of strange monster made of crystals and black slime see the manor again oh okay so the manor was a grenade and also another item seems like oh but it turned into a Minefield okay got it got it got it yeah someone cough Michael has Michael been mentioned before I don’t know if Michael’s been mentioned before Michael brought a grenade in order to blow up that goopy fry freak Show fair fair enough Mandela County nope nope nope nope nope weird office again Cookie Clicker with a button all my co-workers were gone what could this mean entire place was narrated by some weird guy oh Stanley P um this was CCU the item turns the original form into the oh okay gotcha gotcha yeah let me let me see oh I see I get it now okay so it starts off as one thing and then the item gets brought in okay I thought it was like there was two things that were happening okay so it always seems to start off it usually starts off as some at least in the beginning it was something white and now it’s just kind of different things okay um let’s see Playhouse the people entered and exited woring lack of clowns more details in my logs okay we’ll have to find the log somewhere maybe Animation Studio cartoon episode jarv Inc send us a letter to come back home and play unimaginable clown horse another circus [Laughter] okay all right so it just seems like there this is a log of different places that they’ve gone off to some of them are important it seems like because the dates are purple so there was one on the January 10th and then there’s another on January 31 that’s important um some of them are just kind of let’s see this one also might be important because velot entered the portal and also because of the logs this is CCU 2 there a whole bunch of red in here CCU 3 a completely blanked out one and then there is okay all right so so far it’s looking like the different CCU are some of these different like bigger events I’m assuming because we have CCU three and we don’t have CCU 4 that’s probably what this one is in the term terms of like I guess the timeline of things however it’s completely blacked out not even any information about it so we don’t actually know for sure if that’s what that is okay well this is something maybe to keep lookout for different dates of but right now there’s not really anything I don’t think we can do with that either way it’s good to know that this is a thing that changes based on some of the stuff that is I guess brought into it or change like yeah okay so let’s go back down here we got the keepers these entities seem to have different roles but all serve the same purpose keep the mindscape stable they seem to refer to themselves as the keepers yet all have different names keeper one purple hair seems to be called echko from our limited conversations with it so we can assume the rest all have names speaking of our conversations each were interested and we’re noted down all we know over sure is that they are here to help us review needed and you and your journe around the mindscape gotcha Whispering crystals the true form of the mindscape the alteration features crystals that seem to whisper about events in the past present and possibly future these crystals that helped us piece together what little knowledge we have on this part uh past of this town advice do not listen to the crystals when they talk about the future got it look at how the box at the top look at the box at the top where you click on the section um let’s see oh this one um oh okay uh sneaky sneaky black text I should have actually just highlighted it honestly I was like yeah no none of this is going to be like hidden in here hang on a second okay highlighting it yeah that doesn’t exactly work yeah okay so I was right I was right in it being the fourth one I just could have found out so much easier yeah unpl but still log it as that worthwhile information and then more details in the Vlogs yeah okay Wonderland yeah that was the fourth one I remember looking back and seeing what some of the other ones that you guys it had were okay I appreciate the knowledge thank you very much because I would have just been like yeah that’s probably that we’ll figure that out at some point though okay so in the in the timeline of things that happened on the 15th of May which is actually kind of funny about how close it is to the current date um but this one’s actually gonna okay all right we’ll just have to keep a lookout on what happens for this one then okay but we again we’ll keep an eye out on this we’ll see if there’s anything that’s till we figured out we figured out the crystals don’t talk listen about the future um this is still not and then okay now we’re going to go back and highlight some of the text that was hidden because there wasn’t that much in this one I thought there was going to be more but luckily it was just a little bit so current problems him I can only assume this is just my speculation I can only assume that it’s based on a silly little guy that pops up quite a lot I’m sure you all know what I mean David no I’m kidding it’s probably not David unstable for people with high amounts of trauma oh you don’t want any of my characters in there any of my lore characters yeah that’s a bad time that’s a bad time all right all right all right okay so don’t bring anyone traumatized into the mindscape got it good good advice to know all right and then I think other than that it was just this which I’m assuming okay I thought it was goingon to say him I saw the short text I was like that’s clearly what’s going to happen but no it just says no oh I see now there shouldn’t be public information if they find out there’s a 15ot goop monster running around trying to break into our mention by any means necessary they will Panic they get to work on that dark mode that J Ren wanted to so desperately if I hear a peep out of if I he peep out of him one more time I’ll let that goop Freak Free myself okay well we figured out why they’re trying to stop things that uh can bust through different D Dimensions got it got it good yeah this isn’t the first time I wonder if this maybe is Michael though that’s writing this first I want to write Jake Ryan down CU I know michaelin specifically had a problem with the goop monster with a goop monster yeah yeah yeah and that also might deal with this made of crystals and black slime so I wonder if my throat is is starting to go oh no we’re GNA get through the rest of the main side at least and then maybe next time we can just chat about what we’re going to do I’ve also not had music playing this entire time I’m gonna fix that yeah my bad about that one I totally forgot to play the music again okay so I’m assuming like if you just forget about the like clowns oh I just realized this one’s uh TCU zero okay there’s one that’s classified as that got it that’s good to know but okay so here’s what I’m thinking any this is just initial thoughts this is not like anything completely figure actually I have to wonder if any of these other ones have anything in them or even maybe the ones that just have like one yeah okay no at some point I’ll figure out if there’s anything in these other boxes but there probably isn’t I think it was just the one okay so here’s what I’m thinking is that um goop monster is probably the false keeper it kind of has the same sort of like that smile from before looked pretty goopy honestly and the fact that there just like two little like white dots could also just be again another little like goop thing um so this guy this false keeper is the dimension oper it’s the problem that they keep trying to solve essentially with this note in particular and that’s why this is the current problem so my guess is that and like it’s normally like white right in the beginning everything in this mindscape is just white the white crystal staircase white Corridor white void White Castle and then there’s the White Rose Garden right so I’m thinking that this is the moment where this guy suddenly starts becoming a problem because the next time we actually get any information like or any updates about what happened is where someone is feeling like they’re being watched I I don’t think he makes it I don’t think this false keeper makes itself known right away I think the only thing that like the next time it pops up is this Manor my guess is that Michael might have made it really mad by trying to destroy it and that’s why it’s so like scary the next time the anal keeper also seems to be maybe the thing that is bringing more I guess color into this this maybe again this is just this is just my initial thoughts on things also clowns there’s also a lot of clowns mentioned in this the mindscape has like at least four instances of clowns mentioned so honestly the way that the false keeper like acts kind of makes me think of jevil which is kind of like a jester clown thing so like that kind of that kind of like that could tie in to it honestly but I don’t I don’t think entirely that’s what’s going on here yeah um let’s see either way there isn’t any mentioned of the goop monster in like any of these public ones there’s stuff that’s like blacked out that’s about the last we get of the goop monster other than maybe maybe something that happens in here I’m not entirely sure and then we also have the unplanned one it was worthwhile information but it doesn’t mention specifically anything either way false keeper definitely seems to be the thing causing the problems around here it’s definitely the thing that has changed the mindscape into not being just white void because again white isn’t mentioned literally anywhere else in this thing except for when we go to a black void and then afterwards something starts creeping around that’s again just my thoughts on my initial thoughts on it I don’t know it could be entirely wrong um let’s make sure that none of these pictures have links that can be clicked yeah okay it’s not like a hidden like thing I need to worry about actually and then we’ll highlight everything and then I don’t think there’s anything else to be found on this particular page like this image is interesting but I don’t really know what to do with it this this one also kind of reminds me of well not entirely it kind of vaguely reminds me of the crystal thing from the window that I pointed out with the screenshots but again that might not be anything but I think this might be it for this page at least for now so let me go back to the main page they’ve done CCU done the White Rose Festival website guide site manager and a thank you so let’s see what contacting the site manager gives Welcome to My Secret page sorry it’s I’m sorry it’s on the main it’s on the main page I’m so sorry look you here I found myself a real catch welcome to the Thomas Reeds aor page okay Thomas Reeds is the name reads if you find your way here either it’s a software error you manage to find your way here by clicking on every single image on the homepage I I still have one I still have to do but do you know fair enough either way enjoy some digital hot chocolate well not really can’t risk this place getting found in the code thanks to the assets but I’ll put some ask of some here oh thank you cute right anyway I put my thoughts and ideas here constantly so do keep checking this page or don’t I really don’t care it’s another haha ha you see haaha used a lot I’m kidding I do please keep my company um Pitch to the testing Department okay okay so I’m actually too scared to pitch this to Georgie who runs the testing department but here’s my idea for a new test we should all make test subjects carry on a little Tomi and see what happens if they take care of it or not and see what input we could get from that I don’t know it would be cool 2017 okay that’s good to know White Rose Festival so the entire facility is preparing for the White Rose Festival apparently is an old custom dating back to 1997 wait hold on a second um okay hang on a second we’ll come back to you we’ll come back to you I’m GNA open you up in a different page 1962 and then what was the other date that was mentioned Project Avalon 1997 okay okay so the festival started the same year as uh the White Rose Festival yeah great reset okay gotcha gotcha okay that’s good to know which I mean makes sense if the white rose remained that I guess that would probably be a good sign so they would probably start celebrating it by then so let’s see uh let’s let’s continue reading so the entire facility is preparing for the White Rose Festival so I guess it’s not that long ago but still it marks the DAT the monarchy fell in dreadwood oh is that what the great reset is didn’t even know there was one pays to learn about the country you moved to am I right anyway Alexander Wells Alexander Wells have we had someone with the last name of Wells before I don’t think we have I’ll have to comb back and make sure Alexander Wells has been all over the place he looks stressed saying this must be perfect nothing can go wrong if I didn’t know any better I’d say he’s possessed wait I don’t know better well Alexander’s possessed it’s shame he really seemed like a nice man oh my God I like this guy I like this guy a lot I’m going to write down Alexander Wells there we go uh let’s see next entry belet system gives me the creeps I don’t know what it is maybe it’s that weird floating bot that can upload itself to a computer to help you with a problem or maybe it’s the fact that even the doors of this place are controlled by it or maybe it’s the fact that after every tast test and Winks at me just me like I can’t be the only one seeing this maybe I am going insane okay gotcha gotcha and this was the 4th of January hang on a second um okay so this was right after the castle thing not really any direct correlation but it is a date that we can connect to it unless wait no this is have we gone back to okay no no no okay so Thomas Reeds is American got it got it good man you confuse me Thomas re why’ you suddenly become American okay so this is the four this is April 1 oh maybe April Fool’s joke um so let’s see okay so nothing again nothing really in particular in here for that date let’s see help wanted I was asked to put some job offerings out on the website find the job listing page for the position of uni researcher what did he’s American and we’ve got the Brits and then we got the one the one American guy at least so far the I can tell okay so let’s see uh for the position research no idea what it means but apparently it’s under the controlled connecting Universe okay yeah I was looking at it I was like ah yes this might mean something wait then I looked at the next one and I saw 420 and I was like there’s not a 20th month oh no he’s just American he’s just a silly little guy this is still happening around the same time that stuff is going down just nothing in the logs is actually like correlating to this yet not one of the lordex has figured out that he’s American let’s go we got some breakthrough we figured out that the’s American okay all right all right I’m going to continue reading I’m G to continue reading um because I’ve got the very short amount of time left at least just to go through some of the basic stuff on here like I said I’ll be going through some of this uh next week too because this is actually really fun okay let’s see uh job listings best bet is they’re taking in University students and paying them as volunteers since in this country you can only have a full-time job over the age of 22 uh 200 pound pound yeah he definitely is American pound pound all right yeah per researcher though sweet deal since a one day thing maybe I should go back to UNI ha let’s see loud bang There was a loud bang last night as I was working late the entire building heard it the power went out shortly afterwards the security to team told us it was just a power surge from the new server Tower the smoke was coming from the air vents considering the server tow is on the other end of the plaza I beg to differ so I did what any sane person in a horror story would do and snuck in and check it out myself I wish I didn’t the 28 unit researchers their bodies just poured out of the mindscape portal all covered in black slime Alexander and Michael D looked concerned Michael was about to throw up and started crying Alexander hugged him and told him everything would be okay hang all try to sneak in an audio recording of it somewhere on this site David didn’t look happy the next morning morning he knew I was there okay all right Michael came back up Michael came back up okay yeah Michael was the one that very specifically was trying to kill the goop monster and again Alexander comes up I don’t know if I’ve wait David David I’m gonna throw hands with David I swear I was like I’m gonna write down David and I was like I know David I already wrote his name down yeah no wonder David isn’t happy David likes to suck the fun out of everything okay so 430 um okay so hang on a second so this isn’t 430 this is 429 but this is where uh CCU 3 took place where a huge miscalculation took place that shouldn’t happen again again I’m assuming it maybe it was like unless let’s see hang on a second hang on okay no the date is at the bottom of the yeah the data is at the bottom actually hang on a second okay no no no this one also has a little bit of a space in between okay well this definitely correlates to this in some way whether it was like no this this has to be a Hu the huge M calculation it was talking about it might have just made maybe been like the night oh no last night okay yeah yeah last night so this definitely is that moment so the 28 researchers came back from this steampunk themed world and they were covered in this goop that Michael was horrified about because you know he’s been trying to kill this like false keeper thing yeah no I just I just remembered last night yeah I was like wait this is this feels like the perfect song to play for this moment right okay so the false keeper which again I’m pretty sure it’s the false keeper but again I could be wrong about that um definitely did something to the researchers here um and I’m guessing killed them I mean it just mentioned bodies so I’m assuming that means they’re not alive anymore but they were all covered in the black slime that again Michael has been trying to get rid of um Alexander is trying to comfort him and David David uh is being a little little turd about everything um okay so okay so going back to this let’s see yeah okay so this is another one of the problems that have been going on since since this uh goop monster showed up okay got it got it okay we’ll worry about that in a second I think we have the general gist of things we got the timeline figured out and then discard previous entries please disregard my previous ENT rentes they are completely oh God I can’t don’t know how to I know that means fake so I’m just going to say fake my brain is like I don’t remember the pronunciation of that they are completely fake and were written when I was drunk the white rose wine stubble trademark really hit the spot after a long day of work you know shame ink is a great company to work at and I can’t wait to see where this company takes me so I don’t think he was wrong about the about Alexander I don’t think he was that wrong about him possibly getting possessed or at least being under the influence like of something White Rose related like dude definitely got threatened at the very least right he got threatened to be like Hey listen you don’t talk about this stuff otherwise you’re either like fired or dead or something else bad happening or it could literally be be like the wine is like mind controlling like it literally is something like possession based or like something like that so we are so I’m not sure that’s good to know at least I don’t know where to go from that but this has definitely helped like fill in some of the gaps of everything so far but also we really should make the my GOI thing working work out can we do that all right uh let’s do the funny little highlight thing my brain keeps thinking there’s got to be a hyperlink in here that would be a fun place to hide the hyperlink with like the audio file um but I don’t think there’s anything else on this page we’ll keep this secret little Page open in case there’s something else that like comes back to this and we’ll go back [Music] to this and I think that all that’s left is the thank you right a safe space thank you for taking our website we put a lot of time and effort into this if you like this please check out CCU help us raise some money for charity a look at these little guys look at these little guys the wine okay hang on a second okay it just brings us back here got it got it and the wine that D are night gotcha okay all right oh and some of these have little little links to them all right uh we’re going to click on you first I think oh is this where the audio file is okay we’ll come back to this in a second we’ll come back to this in a second hang on a second uh okay so we’ve got an audio file in there Chris doesn’t have one H uh we’ve got one for Isaac oh you shouldn’t have oh you really shouldn’t have what did no not another cyer okay I G take a second I’m just going to look and see if there’s anything that stands out to me in here like between this one and Tes there we go we’ll move you over here we’ll go back and forth between them for a second I really am starting to think that this right here is like a punctuation mark because both this and this only seem to show up at the end of sentences my only problem is that this unless they decided not to end on a like punctuation mark or at least like a normal punctuation mark doesn’t match up with that and I do have to wonder as well if these are maybe like commas because there’s one here and then there’s one right here right while that could just be two different characters I mean obviously it’s two different characters duh but like obviously this placement means something but I have to wonder if that means they’re the same thing just in different spots and there’s only one really like text related thing that makes me think of that and that’s commas and apostrophes I mean that kind of makes sense because a lot of these are like hang on a second let me let me come through there’s only one time where this one looks like it’s used meanwhile this one shows up let’s see one two three like only one at the end here one one um does this one have any oh another one yeah that that feels like an apostrophe that feels like an apostrophe I do I have time I’m looking at my clock like do I have time to eat and also try to pull up like a what’s the word I’m looking for a like my art program and actually solve this right now or do I wait in order to try and solve this because my brain is like I just want to try I want to try my hand at this now I love just brute forcing things and seeing if I can figure out how to make these ciphers work and now we’ve got two of them and there’s similarities between both of them that I think are really good to sort of like bounce back and forth and look at let me see I’m going to hold off on that for now pin for a later stream okay gotcha gotcha I will definitely definitely save it then um all right uh we’ve got a lot of we got a lot of fun stuff that we can play around with though uh so let’s let’s make sure there’s no other links in here um oh the P doesn’t exist okay but fair enough yeah unless oh 404 got it okay never mind May because of the URL of the page oh yeah three parts one meeing oh okay he always was a good employee okay is there a okay so three parts oh there’s another one hiding somewhere oh I haven’t even found this other one okay all right all right we’re gonna find it somewhere um but in the meantime I’m going to turn off the music and we’re going to go ahead and see if we can find like let’s listen to this audio let’s see what the audio has for us so let’s see let’s see all right uh I’m gonna turn my mic off and then if there’s anything that I think is in like needs to be said afterwards or like like run back I’ll run it back as I’m talking all right I’m gonna mute okay well I don’t think I’m gonna be able to comment too much on that I that definitely feels like a spectrogram though right that definitely feels like a spectrogram having said that I don’t is there hang I’m uh I’ll worry about that another time I’ll like preload something to see if I can figure out what how to see what a spectrogram looks like although it does let’s see that might actually tie in with actually no all of these have authorized user at the end of them okay so it’s something to something to keep in mind that that might be important however at the moment uh I don’t have the ability to figure out what a spectrogram looks like you can hear the meaning and emotion the opposer but that song yeah you know what like it really it touched me emotionally um I wasn’t expecting to be hit with so many emotions on in such a short notice man thank you Catherine for for all this information yeah okay um well at the moment I don’t think I think I’ve hit up every obvious link on the website having said that I now have to figure out what the next step is hly I think this might be a good point for me to pause off and hold off for now figure out my thoughts and then the next time we’ll maybe solve some things that are that are happening around here let guys I also has to start getting ready for work unfortunately but no this has been a lot of fun this has been a lot of fun to just figure things out um and see what we can sort of piece together but at the moment here’s what I here’s what I’ve sort of gotten from all this and we’ll build on off of it the next time I’ll probably talk about what I kind of want to try and figure out the next time that we do this as well but in the meantime so what we figured out is that um this website is the this is shame um this is let’s see what is it yeah science human and mental experiments um it was created sometime before or at least around 1962 in order to help with a crisis that was going on in the Kingdom of dreadwood um which we don’t really get the exact crisis that’s going on but we know that the white rose is very important to it we know that the white rose is actually so important that after something called the Great reset happened where the monarchy sort of like dissolved the white rose became so important they started holding festivals essentially in its honor um surprisingly it doesn’t well okay probably because he was American and wasn’t paying attention silly American uh Thomas um it’s not at least well known enough for some people at least the people that move into this country um we found out that uh in the middle of sort of like researching some of the like some things including let’s see let’s very quickly okay yeah yeah so after the great reset happened Project Avalon started up which is based on the Avalon Crystal uh that oh I’m sorry the altar of Avalon uh in the plaza so that it this probably started around the same time as the like Project Avalon stuff um so they found out that there was something called a mindscape um which is essentially an everchanging Maze of just an everchanging maze essentially of misdirection and confusion U meant to keep something called the Cal uh the crystal of Oblivion safe um they found out that if they take things into whatever the mindscape is at that time um which could be a number of different things which at the beginning was mostly just like light like white staircases white voids portals and stuff like that um if they take objects in there the the area around them shifts into being something else entirely um however at some point um specifically the 10th of January um instead everything was a black void for once and again this is just my theory and that’s where the false keeper started popping up because again the next time they started feeling watch but the first time we get to see the false keeper the goop monster as it will is in um the 24th of January actually do we have any is there any dates for the 24th of January oh I didn’t mean to close out of your Tad Thomas I’m sorry Thomas okay no we don’t have anything from there that’s fair enough okay so the 24th of January is where we uh see something that is probably the false keeper or could just be goop monster um who Michael one of the characters that’s brought up a couple of times uh does not like and tries to blow up and basically get rid of constantly um we don’t really hear a lot about this and they keep testing things for a while until um CCU was it three or four is three where uh the researchers come back from the mindscape and they’re dead essentially they are covered in this goop stuff um from the goopy man from before um who it seems like they’re trying at least David’s trying to keep under wraps because David keeps try keeps a lot of information from Project Avalon he might be the one that is in charge of it honestly I that’s the only thing that I can guess from this point because again a lot of the stuff from Patrick Avalon is directly tied to him um except for maybe there’s something with this white rose that has a little bit more of the numbers to it but I have to figure that out I have to figure that out at some point um yeah there is let’s see yeah no one else needs to die because of his mistakes and I don’t know who his is referring to at this point I I don’t know if it’s David I’m guessing it’s not David I’m guessing it’s because of again someone else entirely could be Alexander who is what did Thomas say he was what did Thomas say Thomas specifically said I think what okay so we didn’t exactly say who Alexander Wells is but Alexander Wells seems to be pretty important for this either way um what was I even saying yeah I don’t remember what I was saying I just went on this tangent about Alexander Wells okay yeah the goop monster either way uh things are kind of kept Under Wraps maybe possibly under David or Alexander or maybe some other person um that we just haven’t figured out yet um in the middle of all of this uh there’s also the uh velvet system AKA velot who is the robot that also caused a bit of a weird reaction when it went into the system um apparently there’s log somewhere which I’m sure might be somewhere on the website which we’ll have to see if we can poke around and find um but vot is also a little bit of concerning at least to Thomas because keeps winking specifically at him after these events whether that’s like robot flirting or something we’re not entirely sh or it’s probably a threat though it’s probably something silly but we’ll we’ll figure it out eventually um there also was a noise that started uh playing which I’m guessing that’s the same noise that we heard that needs the spectrogram for so again that’s something we’ll figure out by the next time and for now there isn’t really that much else we have for the future other than Thomas is um at least being told in some way whether that’s through coercion violence or like mind control or something like that to not talk about this stuff anymore to just be like hey everything’s hunky dory everything’s all good so we we know the things aren’t hunky Dorian good with everything there’s people dying there’s like this goop monster that’s coming around and jumping dimensions and possibly trying to like kill a bunch of people we’re not entirely sure what’s going on with that but we we do know that it’s no good it’s no good and it’s going to be causing problems espe especially with this next event that’s going on because from reading the other thing there’s going to be he’s going to be in there somewhere so we don’t know exactly where um other than that I don’t think there’s anything in specific that we know that we can gleam from all of this um what what I would like to know next time once I try to figure out things the next time I go on the website is I want to figure out what’s going on with the white wine or like the white room that is very important and we haven’t found the like a lot of information specifically about the white rose it keeps getting mentioned interesting a very interesting take we are only on the first layer of the rabbit hole welcome to the family unit researcher this is just first thoughts we’re going to get there eventually we’re going to get to the bottom of things eventually I’ll just maybe not today yeah uh currently though again I really want to figure out more about the white rose I’m sure somewhere on here there’s more information specifically about the white rose uh but unfortunately David has decided to gatekeep all this information D I’m gonna figure out what David’s problem is actually I really actually I have to wonder if David might be the safety expert because we specifically got shown that office in the trailer I don’t know I feel like the safety expert is someone we have seen the name of already in one of these documents it’s definitely not it’s definitely not Thomas Thomas is actually okay we know Georgie runs a testing department so Georgie I think this is the only time Georgie has been mentioned so oh yeah there’s Al something with Charlie I don’t know if that might just be the uh musical stuff right now at the very least that’s what it’s seeming like but again there’s a possibility that as we keep going on we might find out more about Charlie that would be cool to find out more about Charlie as well uh but let’s see what else what else do I want to try and find out next time oh yeah I kind of want to see if there actually is a documentary somewhere on this page by lavender Maxwell because I know that was it was uh a Bolden name and it was like a link like a fake link so I think that would be kind of cool to see if that one might be in there um at the meantime and also figuring out the false keeper stuff like figuring out what that thing’s deal is because I think that would be very important to figuring out I guess the rest of everything that’s going on other than that other than let’s and also figuring out what happened with Thomas Thomas Reeds is my homeboy he’s gave he gave me some he gave me some hot chocolate so like I got to make sure that he’s doing okay and isn’t like being threatened or whatever also Alexander I don’t know anything about this man but I don’t want him to get like possessed by uh wine or probably threatened honestly that might be a more reasonable Theory yeah I oh yeah I guess also just figuring out why um the desert division is blocked off like this too would be good but again it’s one of those things we’ll see what we can figure out next time uh but in the meantime I actually do have to start ending things off and I’m going to restart the song that was playing when I last paused it cuz it literally is an ending so we’re just going to repeat the ending song over and over again there’s a lot of threads you can pull on next time I look forward to pulling all of the threads okay probably not all of the threads but like a lot of the threads yeah we’ll figure things out next time we’ll uh we’ll do a lot of fun uh poking around and all that stuff um but yeah that’s going to be it uh I really appreciate uh the people behind the project connection Krum and Isaac I appreciate you guys for giving me something to dig my teeth into and just like explore and research for a little bit uh it’s really cool doing stuff like this I love arv stuff um and this is like the first like event I’ve seen that’s actually done something like that so it’s really cool that you guys went through all the like love and effort to put this in so again I really appreciate it and I appreciate being able to take part in this event once it happens on the 19th so we’ll be streaming that once it actually happens but again we’ll be doing stuff around uh on the website and maybe on the actual like in the lobby just to like again doubly sink our teeth into and figure out some of the Mysteries before the event even starts um but as for the event uh again this is a charity event this is for uh project hope if you have the means to do so uh it would be really appreciated uh to have a donation um again it’s for a good cause it’s to help the uh crisis going on in Gaza at the moment um a it’s a topic that’s again very very important very near and dear to me and just like something I really want to raise awareness for and obviously the people the good people of this my brain decided to turn off in the middle of me talking and I tried to talk through it but it didn’t work out yeah actually I’m gonna I’m gonna go back to the I’m gonna go back to the the streaming stuff I’m gonna go oh no never mind that’s the that’s the wrong screen you silly goose uh we’re going to go back here for a second to show off again their Twitter again really really recommend checking them out and you know showing them support um if you again if you have the means to they have donations open in order for the event once the event starts I’m also going to be putting in my donation because God my throat decided no yeah again I’m going be putting in my donation because I’m just like that but also because again I really support the cause and this is something that is very important to me as well um they have other socials as well if you want to check those out you could also check out the website see if you can find any other things yourself um that is going to be it so we’re going to go back to the ending screen back to the funny little ending screen and thank you guys so much for watching thank you to everyone who was in chat especially the devs and like the people involved with this who decided to stop in and give me hints and stuff so I’m going to go through and thank everyone we got ISO we got Isaac we got gravitate we got molly we’ve got let’s see uh antic who else we had cow we had keeper now the false keeper not the false keybard we’ve been saying for this entire like 30 minutes or so um and I think that was about it who is in chat so again I appreciate all you guys who watch and all you guys who um decided to chip in with the chat um really appreciate all your support and I will see you guys whenever I see you guys uh I think the next time I stream it probably won’t be this uh as much fun as it is I did tell myself that I was going to get back on one of my other like servers and actually do something on there so we’re going to do that next time but next week I think I’m going to put a lot of focus into uh this ARG and the event itself because again I really want to raise awareness for the cause and help that out in any way that’s possible so again I appreciate you guys so much I will see you guys whenever I see you guys next and goodbye [Music] for

This video, titled ‘Poking at an ARG! (Connection Conundrum ARG Hunt!)’, was uploaded by TheBunlet on 2024-05-12 13:33:20. It has garnered 39 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:18 or 10038 seconds.

Hi everyone! Doing something a little different today!

We’re poking around at the website of a minecraft charity event: Connection Conundrum! Hoping to spread a little love and awareness to this event, especially with all the effort the staff has been putting into it! ——– Socials

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBunlet Event Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShardsConundrum Proceeds go towards Project HOPE: https://t.co/vnk8QfS4io

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  • Quiz Fun! Mystery Gift Reveal 🎁😱 #Roblox #Minecraft

    Quiz Fun! Mystery Gift Reveal 🎁😱 #Roblox #MinecraftVideo Information escolha um [Música] presente já se inscreva no canal e deixa aquele like This video, titled ‘Choose your Gift box 🎁 and see what you got 🤯 #roblox #minecraft #vlog 🎁 #shorts #bts #cake 😱’, was uploaded by Divertindo Com Quiz on 2024-01-05 11:30:33. It has garnered 2520 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Choose your Gift box 🎁 and see what you got 🤯 #roblox #minecraft #vlog 🎁 #shorts #bts #cake 😱 Read More

  • Unleash chaos on the Kraken Boss in Minecraft 1.16.5!

    Unleash chaos on the Kraken Boss in Minecraft 1.16.5!Video Information T [音楽] しあ [音楽] [音楽] た せ せ [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] た お [音楽] JA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pirates and Looters: Kraken Boss Fight ( 1.16.5 Mod )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-04-19 19:32:58. It has garnered 799 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:45 or 285 seconds. Link: https://mcreator.net/modification/63258/pirates-and-looters-mod Music: Makai Symphony Website: https://makai-symphony.com/9-2/ 1. Dragon War Read More

  • SAIDAXMATDE_BANKAI: Epic Minecraft Mod Fight! #clickbait

    SAIDAXMATDE_BANKAI: Epic Minecraft Mod Fight! #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BANKAI IN MINECRAFT mod name : epic fight #anime #funny #letsplay’, was uploaded by SAIDAXMATDE_MC on 2024-04-18 19:12:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Voyager SMP

    Voyager SMPVoyager SMP is a economy town/city SMP. You can build almost anything you want on your land! We have kind and professional staff, members, owners, etc. Join today!! We are a WHITELISTED server. Joining the Discord Server is MANDATORY! Voyager.mc-shock.com:25590 Read More

  • United Crafters SMP: survival, vanilla, Whitelist, 1.21

    If you are looking to join a Hermitcraft inspired server, United Crafters is the place for you! United Crafters is a mostly vanilla server with a few quality of life mods. Our shopping district uses diamonds as currency and we recently reset the server for the 1.21 release. To join, simply apply through our Discord server: Discord: Join United Crafters Discord Read More

  • Community Survival

    Community SurvivalWelcome to Community Survival. We are here to bring a pleasant and enjoyable experience back to survival. There are a few minor plugins to add to the quality of life you’ll experience, but rest assured the server is mostly a vanilla experience. Staff is always here to help. Here you will find our Discord link. The server is whitelisted to prevent others from causing chaos with our currently player base. If you would like to become whitelisted please contact our staff on Discord to become part of the Community. Enjoy! Discord – discord.gg/HGdzEgKbhS Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jebbstache火

    Minecraft Memes - Jebbstache火“Why did Jebb cross the road? To get a score of 3 on this meme!” Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When blocks get thicc “Finally, my dreams of building a house out of floating blocks and watching it collapse in a realistic manner can come true in Minecraft Realistic Physics!” Read More

  • Silenced on CivMC: Codey’s Minecraft Saga

    Silenced on CivMC: Codey's Minecraft Saga CivMC: Unraveling the Intrigues of Minecraft’s Largest Civilization Server Protests and Persecution in Anisso Former Secretary of War for the principality of Anisso, Monster, faced heavy persecution for speaking out against his government. Sentenced to hard labor in a Nether Penal Colony for spreading “misinformation,” the international outcry led to his exile to Aronia. The protest in Anisso’s capital, Sasso, further highlighted the growing dissent within the nation. Communism and Military Ambitions The rise of communism in the Imperial Federation and a military leader’s plans to create a socialist police state using Pharmaceuticals have stirred controversy. The use of… Read More

  • Unlock Scorpio’s Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unlock Scorpio's Secrets in Multiverse Finale! | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information what is this place spell of creation so I was thinking about doing a movie night at my house would you guys like to join you’re going to have popcorn there at least right I mean you have to obviously he’s going to have popcorn there Vanessa why host one without any snacks but anyways Hendrix what made you want to do this so bad I felt like I got off on the wrong with Ivan I think it would be best for us to retry again if that’s what you want to do then I can’t stop… Read More

  • The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 Revealed

    The Debt Crisis: Cobblemon Season 2 RevealedVideo Information this working what is up everybody welcome I don’t know what the boys are even doing no telling what’s up everybody Welcome to the stream hopefully you guys are enjoying your early part to your weekend me get this set up real quick there we go we’re all good to go and today is the last day we are air 18 Subs away what up Baker I’m going to try to use the multistream chat again I don’t know how well it’s going to work so that I don’t have to have a separate thing open of YouTube… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Survival Hack 😱 | Premium GamingVideo Information go in my kitchen going home with so glitch on my B with the lady looking at my with theop P in my kitchen likey my money for than This video, titled ‘light hack 😱 in Minecraft survival # short #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Premium_ gaming on 2024-04-29 15:19:02. It has garnered 468 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE! Destroying modern house in Minecraft

    INSANE! Destroying modern house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding one of the most modern houses in Minecraft’, was uploaded by amir ali gamer on 2023-12-21 21:03:37. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #tnt #1million #1k #100 #1000subscriber #home #house #modern #blow #blowup #bomb #boom Read More

  • Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!

    Naruto Minecraft Server MODDED ADVENTURE!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Modded Naruto Minecraft Server #minecraft #servers #smp #trending #adventure #naruto’, was uploaded by Ogiwaba on 2024-04-06 16:51:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hi! thank you for watching, i hope ill see you in the server 🙂 – https://discord.gg/UBSu2FMf65. Read More


    EPIC BMGURI SMP gameplay EXPLOSION! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘CRAZY SMP game play #gamerfleet #technogamerz #BMGURI1’, was uploaded by BMGURI on 2024-02-24 08:16:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:04 or 2284 seconds. IGNORE TAGS: minecraft live smp, minecraft live server link, minecraft 1.17 live smpminecraft 1.17, Survival lets play, minecraft, challenge minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subs, minecraft live hindi, +minecraft live cracked, minecraft live servers hindi, minecraft live public smp, minecraft live public server minecraft,minecraft live, minecraft live smp minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft 24/7 hours online serverminecraft public smp server, minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 – Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Drawing Challenge! Part 8 - Dream Breakers 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 😱credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream Breakers on 2024-04-12 09:39:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft ma drawing new challenge part 8 credit by-GOLDCRAFT_STUDIOS #minecraft Share the shorts with your friends! Read More