Unreal Minecraft Building Hacks – 60 Pro Tips

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60 Minecraft building tips and tricks if you know some of these I am very proud of you number one when making a lot of shipping containers you can use regular barrels or you can use combination of a bunch of trap doors to even look like other types of barrels like I usually use Spruce but you could also use oak or cascia but usually Spruce turns out to be the better one for that number two if you have random logs here for a build let’s say you were building like a lumberjack or something you could use rails as a simulation like tie make it to where they seem tied down and it actually looks really nice nice number three I have two wheel barrel designs that I’m not sure which one you would go for but one of them has a use for storage the other one doesn’t this one’s made with a cauldron grindstone and a fence gate that opens inward same thing this one a fence gate barrel and a grindstone they both look really cool I would probably go with this one more just because it gives more that web look number three you can make a pretty cool wishing well with a chain and a cauldron above like something that’s just water here there’s nothing here right now because it I was very limited on space cuz on super flat but you can make a pretty cool little Fountain like this with new tough blocks and it looks pretty nice number four you can use these decorated pots as a good little column just when you get really far away since these count as entities you’re not really going to see them from a far distance so that’s the only downside but if you’re relatively close or even underground you could use these as a nice column pillar and they look very nice especially when place with terracotta and mud and Spruce they look really nice so this is just a little bell thing number six you can make some pretty cool like rusted pieces of iron or steel or even just regular ones like you can use an aite combined with the polished tff to make it look like a polished nice brand new steel beam or you can even use the red smooth red sand and Acacia stairs to give it like a nice rusted feel these work good for like construction sites or even like train cargo so these are really nice I really like these a lot number seven you can use grindstones along with stairs and slabs of your choice and then other stairs in the middle to make really really cool caterpillar Treads so you got this design here which does four and four and then with a two block Center and then you got this one with a six block center with two and two on the side so I really like both of these I would go with either one of them they really work well for like big tractors so I think they look pretty cool number eight three really simple fence designs you could do is the these two are just walls combined with fences but this one has string on top so this is just a normal mud wall with Oak fences really Blends in pretty good and then you have this one which has string on top so it gives it that nice like dip on top so it’s got a nice little column with dark oak and then you’ve got one like this that kind of makes it seem like a bob wire fence almost when you do Cobblestone with the iron bars and then candles on top it makes it look like a spiky iron fence you could probably do this for like a prison build or something so I think that that’s really cool as well number nine you can use green glass panes along with brown candles to make these look like Cattails the little Dills that you see in like the in certain water areas I’m not 100% sure where you find these things but if you wanted to give it that nice little texture it looks pretty good plus considering the fact that you can water log glass panes actually makes a really cool difference as well number 10 a good way to break up a build especially if you have like a really flat wall is to add walls add this like that little bit of wall so if I got rid of that it kind of looks a little bit weird right but when you add this it doesn’t look horrible at all I also ended up adding trap doors right here and they do connect as well once you put them on the side so you got that little extra connection that hides like this part of the block if you don’t like to see that part Plus on the door as well so you can do them around corners on like Windows or even doors a good example of this is just like this this is a house that I did for a video while back and this actually looks really nice this is a good example of how you can integrate slabs walls and fences onto a build to give it more of a pop instead of it being a flat wall number 11 you can use quartz stairs in a formation just like this and then water lug the stairs to make it look like a bathtub and then you can use a lever as a faucet number 12 kind of the same concept as the bathtub but you can make a shower with a bone block here that looks like it has a drain and then you can use instead of a lever a trip wire hook to kind of simulate the the spout on the the shower I don’t know what it’s actually called number 13 three simple mirror designs that you could do for like a bathroom mirror you could do a glass pane and a glow ink sack to make it seem like it’s a mirror and it’s just of like one of those glowing ones you could use a banner and texture the banner to make it look like a mirror or you could just use like ice or glass it would look weird on the other side but it it helps a little bit and then you can even use chiseled bookshelves as a nice countertop as well number 14 if you’re struggling to think about what you want to put on the side of a build like next to your doorway try any of these combinations and see if they work the best one that I would recommend is either number four or number or number one or number four cuz I love the iron bar cuz it looks like the levers perfectly connect to the iron bar the same thing with the chain it just looks like it perfectly connects it does the same with the End Rod and the lightning rod the only bad thing about the End Rod and lightning rod is that you have that one part at the end of both of them that sticks out too much and I don’t like it what you could do with the lightning rod actually if you wanted to use a lightning rod what I would do is make it to where it’s four blocks then because then you can put the lightning rods in the middle to where they’re connecting and then all you have the is the rod part going that way so if you’re going to use a lightning rod that’s a design I would go for number 15 you can make a really cool sewer Design coming out of a wall with just some simple stairs and SL laabs you can use this for any kind of thing like a city build and an industrial build it all works good no matter what number 16 if you wanted to make a build to where it look like the forest around it either burnt down or has been dead for some time you could use Black Stone to make a really nice Burnt Tree and it actually turns out very good I did not know how well this is going to turn out but it looks pretty well you’re going to have some stuff that doesn’t connect like if you’re going to connect walls to stairs they don’t actually have that connection part to them I wish they did but yeah it that’s just how Minecraft works sometimes and then you can even use Basalt mud and stone buttons as rocks around the area to give it that effect of like this land has been burnt for a while vegetation has not been here it’s just a dead Wasteland number 17 now we all know the glass trick right putting layers of glass and then putting an AIR block in the middle of each layer to where you get this foggy glass effect right what I don’t think people know is that if you put terracotta not it concrete sorry around like the base layer of where the end of the glass is you get a way better fog effect than you do if you just did Stone all the way on the sides you see how it becomes more red and it feels more red as we even go up too you got that more deep red feel that is exactly why I always do concrete on the sides because it gives it that more of a pop and if you were ever going to do like a starry design you can do the same thing just surround with black concrete or black concrete powder or any type of black uh really dark block and then you could put N Rods inside and they look like a glowing Starry Night Sky it gives a really nice cool effect dude it looks nice number 18 I like building trains it’s really fun to build trains in Minecraft and I’ve come up with a really cool design three ways that you could do tracks now this is just how I do tracks it varies for everybody especially about the train build the best way that I do it is I do it three blocks in the Middle with spruce stripped logs and then I do either Stone polished and aite or polished tough sorry or polished deep slate I use either one of those three because they look amazing I’m starting to go more with the tough because it looks like a more natural rail color deep slate looks good if you’re going to do like a mountainous terrain as if like it’s been there for a second and it’s gotten a little bit darker or this is like a fresh track or something like that and then you can like use these as like a duration color so like you could switch to the Polish tough if you wanted to make the track look a little bit more dingy and you can go to Stone completely if you’re like okay this track has been used for some time it’s lost its brain color it’s fading it’s the power of nature it’s just over time it’s worn down so yeah and then you put Spruce slabs on the side where the logs are connecting and it makes a really nice track design so not sure if you’re going to incorporate this but it’s a very simple design for a turn track if you want something simple number 19 when it comes to roofs you can just build a roof like this right just normal simple roof just like this that’s very flat you can definitely do that all power to you I’m not going to deter anybody from doing what they love to do I do have three simple little designs that could make your RS a little bit better we have a simple a frame or triangle frame right here that’s just one block up each with stairs on it and then you come in and you put so you’d only put these stairs on top of the blocks first but then you’d come in and then put stairs underneath and it gives that nice pattern to it underneath here the one behind it goes a little bit further it incorporates the same thing but instead of stairs here we used full blocks and then we put the stairs on the bottom and it also goes and that’s just all it does so instead of the stairs on the end we use the block put the stairs on the bottom so it’s basically the same A-frame but with a different concept we’re using full blocks at the front instead of stairs now you can do a high A-frame that’s what I call it I don’t know if it’s actually called a high A-frame but the same concept you could do stairs up front then go up by a two block right here and then go up another little bit this is how I usually do my RS I love that little like height when it comes to the two block part so I usually always do two blocks when I do my Roes sometimes it looks very good it’s the simple one that I go with I can always count on it to give a bit more height to a build so I I there’s three simple designs that you can do to kind of spruce it up so you could either go with the normal stairs put blocks in front and then stairs on the bottom or you could do stairs all the way and then add to as a pillar part to make it a little bit higher 20 to add a little bit of variation to a build if you wanted to not have of an entire house that was only just like this you wanted to add something on the side like maybe a little Greenhouse or something what I would recommend is a slanted roof so the two little designs here for a slanted roof on how you could do the roof part we have a slab we have two slabs a slab and stairs so basically this part is just made out of slabs and stairs for the entire thing you don’t want to do a full block and the reason why when you do a full Block in either one of those positions it adds too much of a big gap there not a gap but it adds too much of a thickness I guess is what I’m trying to say it looks a lot better when you add slabs and because slabs can be placed on blocks like this so you can actually make like a good transition in between two blocks on like let’s say you’re going to do a gradient and you didn’t want it to stand out a lot you could use slabs or even trap doors with that method and it looks really good when transitioning to to another block I’ve used that technique a little bit in other builds so it looks really nice and then the back part here the only thing you do back here is simple you want to lay out your frame with the base of the block that you want the building to be made out of then put a full block and a stair on top for this part don’t do anything else to this full part except for full block stair full block stair full block stair full block stair and then when you come to this side experiment a little bit where the stairs are put the slabs one below it put slabs and stairs one below it so just experiment with it it it’s not easy to get the hang of at the first time it’s a little bit complicated slanted roofs are definitely a pain in the butt and then you’ve got this one over here that’s a little bit more simple yeah just two little simple designs if you wanted to do a slanted roof now again like I said it’s personal preference it could take some time to get used to slanted roofs it definitely takes me a little bit of a time because I don’t build out of slanted roofs all that much like this so just don’t beat yourself up over if you don’t get it right the first time number 21 three simple ways that you can hide water for your farm if you didn’t know one block of water can hydrate this much crop land it’s a 4X 4X 4×4 in every direction if you wanted to do just a simple Farm like this for a wheat field you could do the fence gates with the mud brick walls with torches on on fences and then it looks really nice if you wanted to even hide the water in the middle what you could do and what I would recommend recommend is grabbing a muddy root because these can be water logged it still hydrates the farmland and you don’t have to worry about falling in the water every time you want to go on the crops another way you could do this is just by simply waterlogging some stairs putting a wall over it so it doesn’t look weird and then it’ll hydrate the entire Lane of crops as well it actually looks really nice I’ve never done this before but I’m really curious to try this in the next thing that I do so I’m definitely going to be trying that or you can do the simple part and just hide your water source under like a wall let’s say that this is the side of your house and you wanted to have a farm right next to your house easily just hide the Water Source right there by the side of the wall and then there you go number 22 three really nice lamp designs that you could do this one you could do for like a Street Lamp you have the Green Frog Light with dark oak a hopper and an anvil very expensive because of the iron that you have to use for this but it’s really cool no matter what you could even transition this out for glow Stone shroom lights sea lanterns whatever you really wanted to I think that this makes for a good Street Lamp if you’re just doing something for like a walkway or something up to your house this is really cool I’ve never done this before but as a ceiling fan so I put the yellow Frog Light In The Middle With Oak trap doors in a in a pattern so that it looks like it would be spinning if it was able to be turned on and then you have first trap doors up here with a hopper up top so in theory this would technically be like on a roof not out in the open but this looks really cool I’m very proud of this one I didn’t know how it was going to turn out so I’m very proud of that or you can go with a simple two end rods and two levers as a light this would work for like Supermarket builds I love this little thing as like a supermarket thing or some type of like City build it really stands out and it looks really good as well plus you got that little effect from the en rods as well where it kind of has that little Crystal thing that comes off so it looks like it’s gleaning it’s all polished it’s all nice it’s brand new it looks really nice number 23 using the new copper bulbs that we have you can make a pretty cool traffic light system this is all the three different versions of the light as well you can do the bright copper for red the second stage for yellow and then the third stage for green and it really does look good especially when you come back far away you’d have to hook this up to Redstone in some way or even just get a button because with the different dims on the lights too you can see that red is the brightest yellow is second Diest and then the green is the very dimmest but it looks really nice in my opinion because you’d want red to be the brightest one because you really want to stop and then for a little decoration street light this doesn’t turn on at all you could just possibly make this instead of glass into an actual light bulb that’s personally up to you I would do something like this possibly so you have andesite slabs with so you have andesite slabs and stairs with any type of glass block of your choice plus the tough walls and then an anite block at the bottom makes a really nice street light it looks pretty good in my opinion you could obviously like I said switch this out for an actual glowing block like you wanted to have one of the Frog lights there I do think that glass looks the best in my opinion though so I would probably go with glass and then find another way to light it up around the area at least number 24 a good way to incorporate redstone blocks into a build I would recommend something where you can hide them clearly like I’ve done with trains or even a castle design these are the back of Pistons if you go on this side you can you can see it doesn’t actually look good on this side but we don’t talk about that side side it just looks like reinforced Stone and I really like that especially when you’re going for a medieval type build I really want to incorporate this some way I’m not sure how I’ll have to figure that out but then I use observers as like the pulley system for whenever they bring up the drawbridge as well so I thought that that was a really cool uh touch to it and then up top I used the fence design that we saw earlier with the candles and the iron bars on top as well to give it that nice little rugged not rugged but that little sharpness to the top I guess oh number 25 I have three simple Canon designs so when I say Canon designs I’m talking about like cannons that you’d see from like the Civil War or like the pirate era I like this one it just seems a little bit too thick on the sides maybe not thick but maybe like too pointy on the sides this one is thick I don’t know what I was thinking with this one this one’s this one’s huge but this one’s just fine and then you could use candles as well to simulate like the actual like firing mechanism that happens too cuz you know how they have to like hit the torch and then it goes boom and comes out you could also use glass at that point or even cobwebs to give it an effect like here you could even use cobwebs to make it seem like it’s fired out a ball or something and then you can even light the candles at the back to make it seem like the the cannon is actually fired like I think that looks pretty nice as well for a cannon number 26 if you’re ever struggling with what to do around your terrain after you’ve made stuff I would recommend putting just simple rocks you could do gravel with stone buttons and then just Cobblestone and stone and it makes it look like a nice formation of rock around your area it breaks up the terrain it makes it look a little bit better so it’s just a little simple design to help bring some texture into the build number 27 if you put banners on the side of a window on the inside of the house it looks like a nice curtain it’s a very little simple thing but it looks nice nonetheless number 28 when doing Pathways what I would always recommend is putting blocks around the pathway nine times out of 10 I will sometimes go with this but then I will also transition into like a mixture of different blocks on the side so here we have Granite mud and Co dir on the side just to break up the texture so it’s not just like a pathway sitting on regular grass you know what I mean like it has a bit of like it to me it makes it feel weathered and it makes it feel drainy I don’t know if that makes sense sense so number 29 if you use item frames behind a torch and then you put an item in the item frame you can make it look like the torch is being held on the wall or even supported I don’t know if you’ve ever seen those movies where there there’s like torches that are hanging on the wall and they’re they’ve got like a metal Dill around them that’s easily how you could do this and then if you had a command where you can hide item frames it looks so much better I would probably always recommend iron trap doors for this though or some type of trap door because it fits the torch very well so you do even do you could even do the same effect for lanterns when they’re hanging because you can put an item frame up above them plus an item and then turn it and it looks like a good supporting little chandelier number 30 you can make two nice canopy umbrellas using beds and a flower poot plus terracotta of your color especially with the beds if you just place them on a fence post like this and then place the beds around then you place a flower pot on top you get a nice little umbrella that you can put at like a Beachside Resort or just like a beach time build it looks very nice for like a Tropical Paradise as well number 31 to go along with the canopies or even for a campsite you can use wool you can use wool carpet with snow blocks to represent sleeping bags CU since snow blocks can actually or snow layers can actually be layered up one by one you can do different types of pillows depending on who’s sleeping there at the time so if they want you know like a big pillow you can put a big one small one or even just a medium pillow it very much depends on what you want to do plus it just very well is fun that snow is able to do that I wish I wish more blocks were like that because that’d be so much fun number 32 to make a really cool parking lot or even a road design if you take concrete black concrete powder and then you put bamboo signs on top of black carpet you put the black carpet on top and then surround it with a black concrete it looks like a nice little divider so you can make this like parking spots or even Lanes on the highway it really is nice I would probably use this for parking spots though I wouldn’t use this for Lanes on a highway just because there’s so much signs you have to use and remember that signs are an entity and entities the more that you have layer down the line can cause your game to run bad so number 3 three now you don’t always have to do this but especially if you’re going for a bigger build what I would do is I would change it up a bit do you also see how I use the three different roof designs that we showed earlier in this one area I would I usually most of the time go with this type of roof I love this type of roof it’s one of my favorite this looks like a minion I just realized uh looks like a minion with a fringe but this is one of my favorite roof designs I go with is the middle one but if you really want to break up a build I would recommend putting stuff on the side of it so putting like a little dip out here and then you like I said here you have the angle roof now you would have to completely incorporate how you would design connecting this up and again that comes down to personal preference so I can’t really speak for everybody but for me I when I do stuff like this I would always break it up with these two I have hard ever done it with an angle roof I’m going to start to try and do more angle roofs in the future but I usually end up doing these two roofs connected to each other in some way or form it makes the build pop for me it looks good if you’ve seen any of my videos in the past uh for my mega base in my 1.19 let’s play I did Towers to break up on the corners so it just felt really good to do so again like I said comes down the personal preference but what I would always do if you can and if you want to what I would do especially for bigger build is try to break up the build try to break it up into segments and make the roof designs a little bit different number 34 if you put anything in an item frame especially I would do carpet for this and then you turn it you can make it look like cabinets in a kitchen or in a bathroom or wherever you want to put it number 35 I cannot stress this enough when it comes to building a house either go for a two block Center or a one block Center trust me it makes way more sense later than the line because if you end up doing a top roof like that which nine times out of 10 people end up doing a top roof like that anyway unless you’re doing like a skyscraper build then you can do like a three block Center or four block Center however what big you want the center to be for the doorway right those are exceptions but if you’re going to do like a normal house I would always go with a two or one block Center because it makes doing a roof way easier these are just simple little things that you could do here for a little bit of a roof but it does make the Symmetry a lot better on the eyes and it just feels a lot better when you’re doing a normal house with a two block Center or one block Center so keep that in mind when you’re trying to build a house number 36 a good way to break up a wall especially if you want it to look like the wall has been here for a bit is starting to deteriorate and you want it to see make it seem like it’s seen the test of time I would do slabs and stairs with that corresponding block then then you can make it seem like there’s dips in the wall there’s like Parts here that have been torn away over time maybe somebody came by and just tore it off the wall because they’re stupid or they’re rude or whatever you know what I mean that was kind of I don’t know why I said that you know what I mean you can make it you make a build really pop out whenever you add like a bit of depth to it just by simply doing something like this cuz even on the other side it looks fine right if you wanted this to still be your house the other side looks completely fine the outside looks a little bit dingy so up to you number 37 a really cool amount of potted plant designs that you can do is like the zelia bush with moss on top makes a cool potted plant same thing with the aelia bush and the aelia leaves on top and then if you use the mango leaves with either a propag Gil or a cactus in them they look pretty nice I think I would usually go with the cactus other than the propag to be honest though or you can use the actual potted plant the actual decorate pot item and put Moss leaves on top and then you can even still see inside the little pot part so I’m not sure if you would do this design but nine times out of 10 I would go with one of these four so number 38 a nice way to make like garbage bags is by doing dry kelp blocks with the dead horn coral fan if you put that on top it gives it like that um the string that trash bags have it gives it that nice like string there on top to make it seem like the trash bag’s already been Ted tied up it’s ready to go to the dumpster you could use these as just like for City builds or what I would recommend is a landfill if you’re going to make a l a landfill build for a city I would put a crap ton of these around the area cuz it’s it’s like a trash Compost Facility as well you could do the exact same thing so put those around the area and it really seems nice it’s a really nice way to break stuff up it’s a nice way to do texture especially when building with coral because I don’t build out of this block very much so I never really have a need for it but that’s the only exception that I would ever use Coral blocks for from or the Kel blocks I’m sorry number 39 you can make four different potted plant designs hanging from chains keep in mind that they don’t all look correct and they all don’t look right so we have a Cornflower an alium Cactus and an aelia Bush the aelia bush and the cactus honestly look the best and even some of the like saplings look good too the Alum doesn’t look horrible either it also goes a matter of perspective like if you have this in a high place like a couple blocks higher above than what this is right now you can use flowers cuz it still gives off the effect that it’s hanging from the pot but if you’re going to do it like eye level I would definitely recommend doing the cactus or the aelia bush because they look the best and they actually even connect up with the top of the uh plant as well so number 40 you can make picky Torches by just doing bamboo fences and torches on top it really looks nice number number 41 if you wanted to do like some custom old roots around your area what I would recommend is Spruce Logs with the root block and you can put these around your area and make it seem like a nice like swampy feel to it I started doing this for my hotel build and it looks amazing so I really like the texture design that these have and if you really wanted to bring more to a spruce or to a mangr swamp or even a regular swamp I would definitely recommend these two blocks as well speaking of the mangar roots though if you add these to just something simple like spruce trees not everywhere but sporadically just throughout the trees you can make it seem like the trees are changing seasons and then if you wanted to completely take out all of the leaves and then replace them with the roots and you can make it seem like the trees are literally going through like a seasonal phase and like at winter time you can put fences on them to make it seem like they have no more leaves on it or you could just keep the manger roots and then once they come back to a certain time that you want you could just bring the green back number 43 you can use the new copper great blocks and they really look nice as pipes that come out of like industrial builds and I believe I’m correct in saying that these can be water logged as well yes they can you could definitely make them look a lot nicer where they actually seem like they’re pumping stuff through so you know what this would be very nice for oil rig build as well if you wanted to make it simulate like oh these are going into the rig or these are underwater you don’t have to worry about that big gap in between the blocks you can water log them they look fine just like that underwater definitely still be used for a sewer idea too as well number 44 if you wanted to create a small little waterfall like this the best thing that I can recommend to break up at least the Wall Part do stairs and slabs on the sides of either Stone mossy cobblestone or some type of stone to keep it on theme with the waterfall that’s behind it or depending on the blocks that you use behind it and then do a mixture of glass behind especially since glass can be water logged you can do like a nice foggy Smokey effect as well coming off as like like Niagara Falls and stuff does it so it looks really nice it could be bigger but I was kind of running out of time to get all this done and I wanted to incorporate a waterfall so I think that looks pretty good for right now number 45 you can make a really nice rusted type of wall for like a very big Factory let’s say you were making a factory and you had you wanted to tell a story with it that this wall has been here for a while uh the building starting to crumple down and it’s seen the test of time right you can add patches of this palette with jungle planks copper stage stage two copper and the uh even Brown must mushroom block and it gives this nice rusted feel to the build and makes it seem like everything’s starting to wither away and it’s going to start decaying and stuff number 46 a good way to make a green area besides using grass use carpet moss in concrete powder and it looks very nice as like a artificial grass do you know how like football fields and some soccer stadiums and everything will have artificial grass and not actual grass you could use this block pallet as a way to make artificial grass in Minecraft number 47 if you put moss and Green carpet on top of ice and then you even grab an item from here you can make a really nice little golf course I would also recommend doing the snow layers as well to do the hole because then your block or item just stays up you don’t have to go into the hole to get it you don’t have to break nothing and it’s just right there and it still goes in whoop kind still technically goes in the block and is still a little bit under so you can tell if you made it in number 48 building off of the design that we did earlier with the Burnt Tree you could do an entire destroyed forest or even like a dead Forest using mud Basalt Blackstone these this version of basal as well that looks like logs so it just looks like dead logs here and then wither roses and then dead bushes as well to give it that feel like this area has just been neglected by nature for some time something happened here a while ago the only thing that can grow is wither roses and dead bushes and that’s it and then you can use the roots as well to simulate simulate Dead Leaves that have piled up over time they’re just sitting here they can’t go anywhere and it’s just dead all around number 49 you can use the chiseled bookshelves along with dripped oak logs and Oak planks to make a really nice floor pattern I really do like these as a floor they actually really go well and they make a better pop in the floor if that makes any sense number 50 one of the best ways that I have found to use glazed terra cotta for decoration purposes is a floor is especially if you’re going to do a corridor because they both they all versions of Terra Cotta the glaz Terra Cotta have two different patterns in the design you have this big design on the red one then you have a small circle big circle small circle big circle small circle right you could use this as a hallway design and the same thing with this one you have a big one you small one you have a big one and you a small one which which I said that wrong big small big small big small it’s like orange flower flower Orange right and then this one you have the same thing there’s a flower there’s a circle there’s a flower there’s a circle so you could either use the yellow the orange or even the red I think you can use all the glaze terra cotta to do something like this and it looks very nice nonetheless number 51 building off of what we were doing over there just a second ago as well you could even just place these in a floor pattern just like this but if you make the floor pattern big enough you can see the pattern that I was talking about a second ago each one has that different pattern so you have the big circle in the middle surrounded by the four you have the big circle surrounded by the four and then you have the flower surrounded by the circles number 52 if you wanted to make a build to where it looked like the windows have been boarded up over time as like an apocalyptic build what I would recommend is first using signs and to place the signs over a vacant block I would use fence gates to where you’re going to put the signs and then I would fill in the rest of the window with slabs it makes it seem like some of the boards have fallen in as well and that some of them have just been deteriorated over time so the slab kind of makes it feel like it was once connected to that part it fell in a bit it’s still technically blocking the window it’s just not as fortified as the rest of the build number 53 you can make three simple air conditioner designs for the roofs by using either iron blocks with rails Observer face down with rails or even furnaces with rails I think I would personally go with either the furnace or the Observer for this probably probably the Observer though because it looks way better too like I said incorporating redstone blocks into common builds is one of my favorite things to do and I really want to find more uses of how to incorporate redstone blocks with building because it’s so much fun dude number 54 using the hanging signs along with any type of log in trap doors you can make a really nice fence design without actually having to use fences and nothing can actually jump over it I don’t think a mob can I could be wrong this is probably just more for decorational purposes and not actually functional purposes so I would recommend using this on a house if you do it on a house number 55 you can make a really cool either you can either classify this as a mailbox or I don’t know if anybody knows what a RedBox machine is but it’s a machine where you can go to and actually rent movies from like the little DVD ones I don’t know if anyone really still uses those red box machines anymore but you can even make it seem like one of those and it’s really cool so all you just use is a bunch of Mangrove this is actually black concrete down here to make it simulate that there’s that opening to where the stuff comes out and then you have your screen here where you can just tap it and then put your stuff in or even vice versa you can get rid of that and it’s just AIT mailbox at that point number 56 you can use any type of stairs to you’re liking put them one way around on one side the other way around on the other side and you can make it seem like a vault like a vault door as like a cave entrance or you know you’re stashing money something like that like for a bank it’s a really nice design it’s a simple design but a really nice design nonetheless number 57 if you put wool on top of a fence and then you put a flow pot on top and then you make it to where the flag or the wool kind of comes down a bit I spoiled it a little bit you can make a little bit of a flag as well will number 58 the same thing with the same design on that flag but this time if you put the wool down it makes it seem like there’s no wind current and it’s just hanging on the ground not on the ground but it’s just hanging ready to be blown by the wind number 59 if you use bamboo signs with red concrete carpet and concrete powder around a dark oak trim you can make a very nice curtain and D I really think that this is pretty cool and then even if you put it all the way down on the floor you could still technically use the bamboo signs cuz you know how curtains have that gold trim on them the bamboo signs kind of give it that like yellow pop so it makes it seem like that gold trim on the bottom of the curtain and finally number 60 you can use a skull sensor to open trap doors or iron doors it’s hard to kind of get this done because you can’t actually run at it you have to walk at it cuz if you run at it it doesn’t open the door but if you walk at it it opens the door it’s I don’t know why it does that when you only walk at it but that’s just how it works and obviously if you wanted to shut the sensor up you have to water log it as well so you have to be relatively close for it to actually work and the redstone’s a little bit weird because it has to be directly connected to the door so the door technically has to be like this you have to find a way to cover up the Redstone which isn’t really hard it’s just a bit annoying let’s be honest iron doors are very annoying to mess with so but that was 60 simple tips and tricks for building in Minecraft today hope you guys did enjoy the video I know that there wasn’t a lot in this video and I apologize if I went through some stuff kind of fast some of these were very simple some of these actually had some depth to them so I didn’t try to make like bigger builds because I didn’t want to overwhelm anybody with this video so I hope I didn’t overwhelm anybody but if I did give you some helpful information and some stuff to use in your own builds in your own worlds please let me know down in the comments below if you have any suggestions for else you want to see me build in Minecraft and do a video over please let me know I will do some videos on that I would love to I love building in this game it’s one of my favorite things to do so I love entertaining you guys so with that out of the way hope you guys did enjoy the video If you guys did make sure to leave a like on the video subscribe to join the amazing cryp clany day we are very close to 700 subscribers so if you guys would please sub to the channel and help me get over that Milestone I would very much appreciate it and the Discord link is down in the description below you are more than welcome to join you do not have to it’s always there for you guys to click on it’s 100% free as well same thing with subbing it’s free but again hope you guys did enjoy the video and I will see you guys in the next episode or whatever else I decide to do in the future goodbye [Music] oh [Music]

FuriousCreeper9 on 2024-07-12 20:00:17. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds.

Hope you guys enjoyed the video

If you did please SUBSCRIBE, to join the Creeper Clan today!

Here are 60 different tips & tricks you can use in your own Minecraft world!

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/2ApmAhZ

If you guys have any other suggestions for games you want me to play the leave them in the comments down below.

Outro song: Friends with the Rain – Swif7 – Epidemic Sound

Twitter: @FuriousCreeper7 Instagram: furiouscreeper9yt Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/furiouscreeper9_tv

#furiouscreeper9 #minecraftbuildingtips #minecraftbuildingideas

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  • CityRP Roleplay Economy Quests Government Crime

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bro, am I the only one seeing these OG texture faces for 8 years?

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  • Sly Minecraft Song: Immindragon Worlds Collide

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  • Crafty Beats: Minecraft Rhythm Riot!

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  • Outrageous Edits from Fans! Pt. 1

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  • EPIC Minecraft Small Island Seeds 1.21!

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  • Unleash Mind-Blowing Magic in Minecraft! 🧙🏼‍♂️🔮💥

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  • Unleashing Minecraft’s Most Powerful Weapon

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  • Insane Twist: Rickrolled on My Minecraft Server

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  • Insane Mind-Bending Adventures in FTB Revelation

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  • Juanito’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mod!

    Juanito's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘literally one of the best minecraft mini mods #minecraft #mcyt #mcytcommunity #moddedminecraft’, was uploaded by juanito on 2024-03-25 13:00:03. It has garnered 5578 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. – Catch It LIVE ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ https://www.twitch.tv/ijuancast – My Socials (•◡•) / tiktok ★ https://www.tiktok.com/@notijuancast instagram ★ https://www.instagram.com/ijuancast/ twitter ★ https://twitter.com/ijuancast – Edited by: Me Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft Mobs Beyond Recognition – Data UserName’s Mind-Blowing Revamp

    Transforming Minecraft Mobs Beyond Recognition - Data UserName's Mind-Blowing RevampVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Remade Every Mob in Minecraft – Kipper’, was uploaded by Data UserName on 2024-06-04 13:00:06. It has garnered 44 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:50 or 12110 seconds. Secial Thanks Read More