Unreal Minecraft Modpack Discovery with BenGang!

Video Information

Okay hey Ben gang and welcome back well not welcome back welcome to me finding which of these Minecraft mod packs I’m going to play for a series next they all seem pretty cool looking CTE has just been very slow and I realized that is not the best for

A for a series so I will see if if um you know I can fix that or not fix that but um find a new one to stream so I’ll just be checking out as many of these as I need to right now I’m looking at either probably

Prominance or this one the TMP Limitless or Rog like Adventures dungeons 2 I know this is the one that I played earlier like like before I played Rog adventures and dungeons 1 so if we can play some of these and see which one’s the best this

One’s got 285 mods this one’s huge it has 614 prominent got 347 T Limitless 7 has 399 and they’re all different different versions of Minecraft as well this one’s 1.8 this one’s 11 19 I think these three are 120 but they’ve all got a good amount of mods

And you know we’ll we’ll just see yeah yeah we will okay but let us um let us get started with this and see what’s going On uhhuh which which one do we do first let us start with um I’m going to start with all the mods nine since we play all the mods seven I think in our last video let me all ATM it’s called no not that ATM we played all the

Mods six we played all the mods six okay this is all the mods not does it have all of the good mods though it got create and does it got way way stones those are the two that I would really want that I would really want to see you

Know cuz those would be cool to have okay waist Stones all mon n has waist stones and see to create it’s got cooking for Blockhead it’s got every create oh my gosh so many create but so does TMP Limitless six so let us check out all the mods 9 I

Don’t even know kind of if I can stream this because my computer may die instantly you know it’s hard enough to record it might be harder to stream so it’s launching that up get my Minecraft account okay I got to sign in one second there we go welcome to EP box it

Says and there we go what’s this installation may have been modified and might not Bo support the L latest player safety features oh no um that doesn’t matter but what does matter is have to put way more uh memory not memory whatever it’s called on it the noo modern I’m

Controller what the hell is that what is that okay whatever uh yes I don’t care let’s see if this works and does not crack CR immediately lovo modern I’m controller what is that I got to figure out what that is Lenovo modern I’m controller background app Loval Vantage [ __ ] what is

This I’m closing it oh that platform binary thing has got to be this end task there we go it’s gone I am watching the stream on my phone just to make sure it doesn’t break okay you guys can watch my task manager while we wait don’t need Network

Okay yeah let this stuff load it’s looking all good so far it’s using a lot of memory you can close curse Forge between things to oh is it loaded we’re at 99 memory 100% CPU I hear the Minecraft music if you’re in chat tell me if it’s too loud seems like it is

Working get my task manager back over where it’s supposed to Be okay it is kind of loud the music oh the music stopped hey it’s working it is kind of here let me video settings full screen this uh gii scale let’s put it up to to three nah what up four oh my gosh too much uh we’ll see in game if that works

But bam let us single player preparing for World creation oh it’s not responding have a feeling that’s going to happen a lot this stream we will have to take that into account I guess when finding which one is the best okay we’re down to only 87% memory usage so I think we are

Good maybe usually when it does that I just don’t touch anything and it’s usually better okay it is working data packs do not turn cities off do not have cities on world type default flat large biome Amplified single biome default game game mode survival allow cheats will turn that on cuz this

Will be testing World testing let’s create the world this is all the mods it has all the mods mods it’s going really fast for something with all of the mods in it you know uh we kind of stuck at 8% now oh Noe it’s

Going it is going we’ll see if this is a epic mod pack or not going well I think 100% come on it’s up to like 99% memory got to close this got to close as many tabs as I can to stop it from dying those my analytics oh it’s not responding again

Hello just don’t touch anything and it will be fine I believe in you all the mods nine all the mods nine jeez has they have they really released that many since I played the last mod pack like what two years ago if least three in the past two years

Or was I just playing an outdated version who knows let’s see oh here we go back to game in a jungle that might be a reason for lagging we’re going to stand still for a moment we got a big mini map in the corner can we kind of make that

Smaller video settings gii scale does this increase the mini Map size or does it just increase the size of every other mini map okay options where’s the mini map settings other quality plus quality performance Advanced entity col Dynamic lights um M for map settings settings okay appearance show claim jks okay

Something’s walking around around me why is it not scale let’s put this to what the hell is going on this stuff is breaking 0.6 how’s that look did that change it any we’re going to have to turn this music down it didn’t work Options we’re going to put the music down actually we’re just going to put everything down the grass is also very loud okay that’s a something Al ammoniac ore well let’s get started where we usually get started other than in SE te okay we’re lagging a bit is there anything we can do

To uh fix the lag I me like turn on off clouds uh quality performance there Advanced General render distance Max Shadow distance what is this in the shadow path I don’t know what that means the frames we do not need 120 turn that down there and and our frames are in the top

Left so we’re good around 60 that’ll what did that just grow in front of my hand while I was digging this whatever oh inventory takes a while oh I forgot I’m still kless grab some planks grab a crafter bench lag okay still lagging the music’s even lagging uh

Oh okay we’re just going to chill through it just chill through it we’re we’re not worried got anything orange compass from biomes of Plenty Kitty amazing rubber tree they got rubber tree in this great parrot okay Min 11 for second been going down to but it’s staying at 50 staying at 50

Some sort of golden tree okay we’re loading new chunks so it might be a bit lagged Up whoa what is this bleeding effect I see M shaft down there oh I see a turtle hey turtle tortoise naturalist okay let me craft something bam bam I craft something else ax is where axes are still better okay axes are better die Turtle didn’t even drop anything damn

Okay guess I didn’t need to do that ow Bing’s kind of hurting what is this mushroom dungeon okay ladder down into the mushroom dungeon lading down into the mushroom dungon gloworm silk is they glow worm up there no lots of mushrooms still maybe I need to make some

Soup put down the bench give me a bows some soup oh my gosh soup Stacks comforting warm bow meals will keep you healing steadily no matter how hungry you are how nice don’t see any enemies but I do see some on the mini map ear black seeds great that’s what I

Wanted powered rails how are these powered is my brightness up video settings the brightness oh I saw bright can’t tell if that changed much three cting cable oh 22 coal some iron nuggets that’s nice is that gunpowder deep slate wall there stuff P here can you make a pickaxe at a deep

Slate okay I don’t see anything that way see whoa big vein of Something another pathway gosh the lag is bad lag is really bad I don’t know if that’s just from stream or what closeing Discord is there anything else I can close that will help me H performance uh General Moss carpets let me build some pickaxe and let me go for the sword it’s here what’s this what is this arcs I don’t know what that is I hear him I hear an enemy still lagging still lagging bad fpf is going down I hear this zombie somewhere I see him though okay

Do how to make moded Minecraft lag left decrease resolution lower render distance lower render distance would probably be obvious go from 11 to six I think six is what it is default on Realms so it doesn’t lag as much turn off the sync bam turn on full screen mode okay all

Those are done oh this is so much less lacky wow riy what is this what is this what’s it used for it is used for no nothing wait was that coal it can make no that’s a wall it can make okay it’s not used for anything this mushroom dungeon hasn’t had

Much oh it’s still lagging a bit jeez there that my frame rate just spiked okay it’s it’s definitely way better with vsync off and that is there Redstone under these rails cuz how the hell are they powered block of raw silver okay Silver Slate or this makes raw silver which can be

Smelted into silver which is used for silver tools and kill like vampires and stuff I guess where did that furnace go I kind of need that put this power dril down iron bars what is this doing or is there just like a stripper pull okay lock of raw silver make the raw

Silver also turn this into some iron and what’s ashh used for makes soap makes tiny piles of ash makes small piles of Ash smelts into a ash brick can be thrown great or turned into a okay yeah lots of stuff it can be made into oh yeah we’re about to kill some

Vampires silver sword it is not that much better actually let me save my actually you know what I got enough I got enough silver sword and then this iron is going to go to a pickaxe and let’s go see if we can mine some more silver uh oh I see enemies they’re back

Or they’re here shovel crafting Time Boom super speeding time yes yes one second one second zombie he’s stuck in the web kill him whoa what set him on fire dropped a heart J what is setting them on the fire does a sword do this that’s a cool sword I guess

Oh is it’s just cuz Silver’s deadly to all monsters I guess that’s how it works M the okay this this mod Pack’s pretty cool this mod pack is pretty cool cool but we’ll still check out some others after since I mean we’ve technically already done an all the mod

Series bam about it let me get some why did it have like the periodic table numb I zombie I don’t see him doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be careful though maybe he’s above me nothing above me creepy cave noise thank you creepy other noises that are definitely not Steve was awoken nearby what the

[ __ ] what does that mean crafting armor right now give me more who the [ __ ] is Steve and what does it mean he’s awoken nearby [ __ ] hell this game is scary as [ __ ] I me I’m not going to say Minecraft’s scary but it it is God damn any game in first person can be

Scary if you get if something comes out of nowhere I just get out of this damn dungeon I’m not prepared for this [ __ ] I don’t even got torches so if Steve doesn’t kill me on the way out we’ll leave the rest of that silver get out of this damn

Dungeon deep slate dark ore I’ll take some dark ore okay get me here oh my gosh where’s the ladder I should I could add fast ladder climb into this maybe what does this do the miniature red heart bubble if I eat this do I get an extra heart nope I guess I should

Have looked at its uses that probably would have told me what it does okay if I I see Steve on the mini map oh [ __ ] it’s night out is Steve GNA like come for me cuz I see him on the mini map that is Steve over there apparently what what is is

That I’m checking it out we got a bow and one Arrow it oh it looks just like it’s a powerful super powerful skeleton or something yeah yeah that’s what it seems to be a powerful one of those withering skeletons oh my God oh my God yeah he’s got 60 Hearts ow no I’m

Poisoned [ __ ] he’s so dead I’m so dead I mean okay okay eat me stew eat the stew the poison won’t kill me so I just got to stay alive until I can heal up some [ __ ] Steve streamline short bow of dexterity okay there’s my death and there’s another like op

Mob what are these weird like totem effects is that that a fairy oh it’s a fairy leading me to my grave great great great we’re going to avoid Edward please don’t see me Edward it’s a zombie so it’s got oh I’ve got grave

State so I got a sow fall how long do I got ghostly shade for shap for oh my gosh only a minute let’s go it’s back to daytime at least I hope I I hope Steve is still there and I can kill him we got to get there within a minute if

We want the invisibility to monsters before you claim your Grave come on it’s been a while since I played Minecraft other than that one episode on the Ben gang SMP how long do I have it for 55 seconds ooh way down let’s go this is like a a definitely worse slowfall than slow fall from the

Game okay how long is that 37 seconds okay we’re going to be able to claim it there’s Steve over there and what the hell is that a moss creeper or some [ __ ] okay Steve prepare to meet your maker ow no I’m in the water he’s going

To shoot me I’m going to get poisoned oh my God [ __ ] and there’s another one he has a friend H okay and again try three thank you ghostly shape ghostly shape is makes it a lot easier to get your stuff back especially during night

Oh I thought it was day it was not day this mod Pack’s pretty cool I like the I like the op mods I like that you can see them so they won’t jump scare you through like walls or whatever you can see them through walls I

Mean okay I like the death points oh [ __ ] reward grave dust I guess I got a reward for an achievement they got the bees mod we did that a couple mod packs ago of course we had to go and lose our ghostly shape we’re going to have to

Fight him right off the bat and oh [ __ ] oh my God we’re so dead they’re right by my grave I got no HP Now okay see my grave it’s there in the water Steve’s there okay they’re leaving my grave eat a soup [ __ ] someone’s shooting at me please don’t be Steve it isn’t Steve thank God kill this guy first there we go got a second Arrow Let’s Take Aim d is dead oh my

God eat my own flesh damn it they give me wither is that going to kill me hurry hurry craft soup craft soup craft soup okay it didn’t kill me but I still need my soup and my other balls okay healing thank you okay okay amazing so what did he drop his

Short bow of dexterity true shot increas the accuracy and speed of arrows and allows them to pierce let me get rid of this thing and it has poison tips yeah it very obviously had poison tips got any arrows though got my Flint though take out this guy who the

Hell bamboo creeper get the [ __ ] out of here okay let’s chop this tree damn that was a hard battle already hello there was some sound strange strange what the [ __ ] dragonfly nice duck egg is there a duck around I think that means there’s a duck around where is it where the ducks that

Be was like just dying under waterer okay need to remove the way points uh settings way Points reate Way points Auto remove death if Closer Than Zero the closest death point will be Auto removed if it’s this distance uh 25 so if I go within 25 meters of my

Death Point it’ll automatically remove it because I mean I don’t I don’t really need it when it’s 25 anymore I’m pretty sure yeah yeah they’re gone now wait no wait they’re still there whoa do I have is there two Waypoint mods M what’s this m Waypoint manager no

J okay J is the real map what is m j shows everything that I’m seeing in the top oh oh my gosh that’s why I couldn’t shrink the mini map I see where’s the mini map settings plus or minus to zoom in no that Zooms in on how do you make

The mini map smaller okay options mini map mini Map size where’s the mini Map size size 30 size 20 there we go that’s a better size for the mini map okay garlic crop got garlic and onions here apparently do not need the Pebbles do not need we don’t not need half of this

Stuff I guess we have it what is the Garlic used for just makes more garlic seeds Okay let me just do that with those can I there’s no Auto sort or maybe there is controls keybinds sort I look up sort middle button does that sort this it does okay

It’s pretty well sorted I guess I don’t know it could be better but we have taken we’ve taken out Steve hey look fish type of fish this piranha it’s not a piranha whatever whatever we’re in the Rocky rainforest right now oh my gosh it’s got It’s got GRE Tech ores

Great love GRE Tech ORS kidding I hate GRE Tech okay let us keep exploring around the pit in the ground ow what is the bleeding effect actually do doesn’t like damage me more which is what I would assume a bleeding effect would do but who knows what is this biome a high grass

Biome awesome High Grass is lagging the hell out of me there a make High Grass better button no I do not see a make High Grass not lag you button I guess if we ever oh my gosh another stupid mushroom dungeon like nothing down there it was just mushrooms for me what’s this

Big lock oh I’m in the Clover biome I remember this from all the mod six switch this Arrow okay these Bania no this is Nature’s valy what did that say as a right indicator amazing overover golden tree whoa whoa this is a cool little Bridge across a enchanted mushroom

Gorge oh mushroom G like from Mario hey what’s this thing flashing archwood log holy crap what is that over there Village let’s go explore the village Dam this is a huge village there’s lots of lots of fish around seashell is there villagers here holy crap spiritual chain chest plate of the

Volcano yeah that sounds good let me take this bread at least give me an emerald spiritual found it underground fix an AIX item uhhuh what is an AIX item six armor five armor cool down reduction armor toughness and healing received is all out whoa local bookmark damn got some beef in here

Experienced iron pickaxe of cave exploration wow there’s some cool stuff in this game Everlasting beef what that seems overpowered amateur archaeologist find an artifact yeah this is an artifact chipped illers gem fits in chest plate can we fits in chest plate socketed when socketed how do you socket it

Right put this like this this like this I got enough FL iron knife raw bacon C oh there’s some op stuff here right away okay vampire tried a chipped Brawlers gem oh my gosh some op stuff some beds always nice lots of Villers and a oil

Pit it’s good if I need oil I guess Pebbles oh my gosh four chests in here give me just a ton of ton of cool [ __ ] yeah yeah there’s so much loot here red ray of frost scroll what is the ray of frost scroll God damn that was a ray of

Frost it used up the ability or used up the scroll but still cracked a gem of the warlord Common Ink an emerald some bread BL solar gem wind swept chain mail legs it just gives 15% speed that’s awesome yeah I’ll take my 15% speed whoa won opine

Seashell something has caused me to lag is it these leggings take them off I’m not lagging as much uh oh no it wasn’t the legs cracked slipstream Jem boot boots for Dodge chance mining tools for mining speed some flower pots smooth Stone yeah there’s a lot of good stuff

In these Villages you know at 64 bread we’re full on bread we already have an artifact apparently an everlasting beef blast Forge chain chest plate of the fourleaf Clover wow sounds good socketed two two sockets how do you put something in how do you socket

Something do I hold in my hand do I click it do I throw them on the ground together do I craft them do I need an anvil I don’t know I never played this mod of course I don’t sand a r ruined turtle shell of the wizard magic damage taken by 5%

Amazing I’m looking for anything else that’s just exent super op destructive iron shovel of haste of of the Sharon IND dividence wow it’s cool really cool got a really cool shovel now more emeralds hey man cracked the last we get the iron helmet frozen bone we can throw away the

Bones and the Frozen bones these Villages are really loud Hello this is live this is not a recording I’m not tricking anyone iyt I’m checking out some mod packs oh my gosh let me turn this music down I can’t tell if it’s just allowed for me or is it allowed for you too Icyt I’m checking out this new mod pack cuz it cuz I don’t know oh it seems cool who iron gloves they got gloves in this how do you put something on your hands body belt bracelet bundle charm spell focus piercing crack lunar gems iyt you know how this

Um these socket mods work do you know how that works cuz I got no clue honestly honestly I got quests to do apparently thanks for the XP let me turn down friendly creatures as well where’s this friendly creatures options sound friendly creatures turn that down the villagers and cats do not need

To be B loud intelligence iron great more bread S gear material oh my God what does this stuff mean condensed blood from evilcraft I’ll take that whoa streamline bow of the first Archer is that better than Steve’s streamline uh does less damage but this one has Dr shot and poison tip okay this

Is pretty cool mod pack so far I don’t know what most of these weird crazy armors do I guess it gives you oh he’s in the oil I guess it gives you like an incentive to explore to find new stuff rather than just sit at home and craft new stuff you know chipped

Solar gem what does the solar gem do okay I’m going to look up the apotheosis sockets theosis socket socketing how does it work how to attach um use a vanilla smithing table Yeah well I’m going to be doing that a couple oh hey little villager I like how it says unemployed that’s a

Child yeah well iyt I’m going to be checking out some new mod packs today and a few other times where so where’s a smithing P at I want to see how that stuff origins of Darkness wow obtained by feeding a darkened Apple to a mod and quickly

Throwing at the a book at the resulting anomaly more of this condensed blood I I don’t know what it’s used for but seems like it’s for a fun mod okay is this part of the same Village over here cuz it looks like a completely different housing style

Uhuh yeah it what is this a barrel there glowberries in it okay this is a lot worse of a village I think it’s got a sturdy B cage in it pumpkin pie okay time to see how this damn the Everlasting beef works oh you eat it and like recharges over time weird hey

Guys don’t got any oh no that’s a blue mob is that stronger than a green mob I I do not know we will see Bread’s worse than mushroom stew but Everlasting steak would be better both so let me CFT up an everlasting steak Eternal steak whatever it’s called

These dark gems and condensed blood I don’t know what the deal is with evil craft but it sounds like it’ be a fun mod to try out I’m give me my furnace back meore everything Chi illust gem this doesn’t actually look like a good gem oh an elongated iron sword of the petricite

Golem interesting chipped intelligence gem raw M shops this the last house we haven’t explored crack tyrannical gems potatoes and logs let me go back over to the other Village see if I can no there’s no smithing tables anywhere that’s the problem can’t find any iron if I could find a piece of iron

Maybe light weap plus 1.5 fire damage if I find a ow need a shield Dodge got him okay holy crap this is a huge village I didn’t realize it just kept going loot I’m ruled why does every like item have a a chemical formula underneath it is

There like an actual chemicals mod way point what’s this Village called Village is called doesn’t kind of name hey Cat like that mountain we found earlier had the name like Xandra car or something intelligence chain meal boots of the ocean giveing me some swim speed that’s nice and my and it increases my

Max Mana I guess what is that creeper is that just a normal creeper and they just look like this or okay it’s just a normal creeper and they just look like this nice they got catalyzing glands they every single mod pack I’ve played always has these requer drops and I have never

Figured out what requer the mod does no loot chests I assume that means the same for this one nope oh hey skeleton Eternal steak what is it oh my gosh so much saturation bam you’re dead so what does this do 2.75 fire damage oh my gosh if I

Can put this fire gem on it it’ll be doing like Plus 8 fire damage cake need the coal oh my gosh they got they got this stuff the inferium essence they got Mystic agriculture oh my God love Mystic agriculture that used to be L I played so

Much why are these chests not yellow they were yellow before weren’t they experienced iron pickaxe of grasping holy crap crap yeah that’s cool p w to ponder whoa whoa whoa okay I don’t know what the heck that was you me like a informational thing hey wolf these wolves are owned by someone

Weird does that mean they just never get a leave cuz they’re always permanently sitting if I hit them will they get up and then I can somehow deagro them snail W crazy guy oh whoa candle enchanting stats Arcana plus five there’s a lot of mods in this

Actually I mean it is called all the mods so I mean I’m not going to be that surprised Fletching table I can only find a smithing table which villager have the smithing table origin of Darkness again I don’t know whicher has a smithing table but this

Area looks like a black no this is The Butchers and a stone cutter okay I kind of need some some iron iron golem and you already kind of damaged ow ow okay recipes I’m sorry how do you craft smithing table again [ __ ] okay let me Smith smithing table with two iron okay

Sorry turn off the this no whatever 1 2 3 4 One Two hey villager something something up what you’re un deployed okay my iron sword put in the fire damage gem wow probably does a lot of fire damage now let me take this with me you need an axe to break that

Whatever I should have collected more of those gems I’ve only got none of them now but oh Redwood biome hat we should go find like a dungeon to take on now got some pretty good stuff we got the Eternal state which kind of we don’t need the mushroom stew anymore even

Though it gives it gives comfort so it’s technically better better to eat cuz it permanently lets you heal even if your food’s too low which actually my food would never be too low since I have this steak so that kind of invalidates what I was saying let me find

A back we need one of these so obviously Satchel slot belt back slot back slot back oh my God they all you got to actually put them on your back is there whatever it is it’s going to be made with leather if there’s just like a a satchel mod or if it’s called

Something else all these are zombified gr charms what the heck where are the backpacks let me look for backpack Satchel Bellows camel saddle didn’t know you need a different saddle for camels Satchel leather cap uh cursed Pillager ambulance converts pillagers to town guards infernal Shard lost play remedy wow crazy stuff here Ender

Pouch bag if I look at bag there bags there loot bags Ender bag Ender pouch I have Ender they got sleeping bags no turn off gold mode they got SATs do they got pouches belt pouch trinket pouch Satchel this Satchel has got to be 10 ingots

Where the hell do we get 10 does it have to be 10 excepts any ingots tin damn does have to be tin and I don’t know where we get that there in the mini map there’s like some friendly guys is this another damn Village oh my gosh it’s a tundra Village

Oh my gosh hey look what we just found 10 amazing uh let me get rid of some of these okay unemployed veridium I don’t know what that is let’s check around for wayo DRM dra MD H Arcane iron helmet with the artificer yeah this is better than one I got

On the fast wi with the cool down reduction and it’s got sockets let me blow my nose okay I see something on top of that mountain I don’t know what that is but it might be something cool but we need a damn backpack where is leather and wool is

What I would need for that veres this this town kind of kind of isn’t as good doesn’t got much loot at all all the houses are too small to have any loot like look there’s just one bed no chests oh one chest and nothing good in it

Full let me drop some stuff off turnup seed grave dust the Flint insert into any machine for extra blood Fair my normal iron pickaxe obviously these ones are better silver sword stone sword got my elongated sword it’s good high damage reduced by 10% explosive damage reduced by 16% but also two

Sockets uh let me head over to the other Village the unnamed one for some reason it’s unnamed those guys making a baby right there oh my god well there are gathering here unnamed here are back in unnamed the Sheep I need to get wall boom bam bam bam oh so

Sorry did I check these houses already iron boxing gloves um lecher I can find some cows that’d be very nice right now whoa rainbow so no not rainbow Sil far thought I was changing colors for some reason wandering Trader they they’ve got to good stuff in in mod packs right it

Can’t just be the same shitty stuff they have normally o enchant a diamond SW oh my God whoa enchant a Diamond Sword for 45 emeralds into bane of arthropod 10 mending looting five Unbreaking and fire aspect five oh my God or 45 emeralds that’s a see a guy he’s out of

Here crack tyrannical gem you want to go back and look at our chests we have a butcher sells emeralds intelligence Jam gives Mana oh yeah why am I eating I got my Ste bread nothing oh one I never checked pumpkin potato any gems any gems dirty be cave cage what okay

Oh what is that being it’s like a moth or is it just like a butterfly that in something evil Perell the dark has awoken nearby butterfly [ __ ] where did that come from [ __ ] something’s hitting me with like a Raya Frost get me out of here get him some oh my God they have

Like a whole raiding party here summoned dead oh was that like a wizard and he summoned this party of mobs oh my God that’s cool holy crap when I hit stuff do I get speed oh my gosh I do 15 seconds hey here’s a waypoint what’s this Village

Named oh no I fell on the oil get me out of here korron chipped Splender gem s get the basilir out of here I don’t need M uh don’t need that whatever that is ooh a reward curse of Bones I think I’m good I don’t need bones curse of

Bones antidot vessel to go on the Belt this the belt hey my antidote vessel Up the tyrannical gem when in a weapon okay we have stuff a weapon socketed one boots bow chest plate core armor 1.5 luck core armor .5 armor toughness no good armor gems yet my flawed solar gem plus 45% gravity what does that do plus one step height in a feet I don’t got

Any good boots Gem of the warlord five attack damage if you put it on a helmet five crit damage if you put it on a weapon let’s put it on the helmet heck yeah plus 5% attack damage nice I forgot use an axe to break it a slipstream Jem Bo it gives

You do these have sockets no it does not have a socket plus five mining speed and a and a pickaxe awesome this gives you speed when you m something this gives you haste when you m something I’d probably be have been better can we unsocket it what’s the button to to un

Bookmark some [ __ ] I don’t need this bookmark I don’t need jungle plank bookmarked it’s like okay I get up I give up it’s it’s bookmarked forever now swords Trident whoa 2.5 fire damage that would have been better than this one damn kind of got scammed okay this is a strange mod pack you

Know thanks for the the likes on the stream means a lot you be leaving some likes on this who’s hitting you you good is there enemies around okay this thing gives this is for if I’m going to become a wizard which I had that one spell but I don’t

Anymore are they summoned are these summoned my knowledge of death increased oh my God I gained a level hey he dropped a gem and I dropped some minio Essence other than that I don’t want this what’s the gem tube gem of the warlord chest plates 10% Max Health that’s

Nice knock back resistance cool down reduction luck armor toughness armor healing received I think I like this blast forg one and it’s got two slots so we can put this in for 10 Max health and 45 gravity or .5 armor toughness or another 1.5 luck or I guess we can get 10 extra

Mana from this but obviously we’re going to put in this chipped Gem of the warlord is there any more gems I’ve missed oh cat in the oil puddle so sad let’s grab all the white wools hey Kitty you should probably get out of the oil puddle it’s probably not good for you

Okay no more gems anywhere any gems intelligent iron leggings I’m going to be a wizard a cat open the damn window what is wrong with this cat cat are you stuck okay you fixed sure let me grab these streamline bow I’ve got Steve’s streamline bow okay plus 45%

Gravity I’ll put it in this in case that’s it’s really bad it is it makes you jump less why would you want that okay this gives me bonus Health now and it’s got another empty slot okay let’s go kill who was it that just summoned um trying to look okay I can’t

Tell click here if you want to increase your perks what the H improves grave key this is good cuz it gives you 20% chance to get a key that will let you teleport back back to your your death Point as opposed to the keys that just open your death Point okay there he

Is who is that what’s his name I need to switch this out for the steak let me get Steve’s bow out as well Matthew Matthew The Uncommon aoic BX he’s got glowing and Fire Resistance damn he’s dead he has iron solares of the artificer repellent one chance to teleport attackers away two

Armor max Mana step height cool some drowned guy get him out of here hey he dropped a helmet and a gem how’ you get this what’s that I’m foring a fix item what’s in a fix item holy crap iron forged helmet that’s not very good Ash that’s not very good but then

This what in the world when in a helmet plus five to all stats a pickaxe breaking iron has 20% chance to drop gold Shields 15% armor and 7.5% armor toughness but minus 25% draw speed okay putting that in a helmet is apparently is would be amazing 5% to all

Stats I don’t actually know what all stats means but I assume it includes attack damage so better than our current helmet other than it this helmet gives us super magic but this is our Magic Helmet this gives way better okay this is our magical one holy crap I don’t know this is a

Very complicated mod pack but it’s fun it is fun I don’t know like those boss monsters spawn those guys are fun how long have I been streaming for an hour let’s keep going keep going I’ll go for maybe a couple more hours what’s the5 step height thing These Boots the Matthews elastic

Iron oh my gosh it means I can oh my gosh the duck there’s a duck means I can just Auto walk up a block that’s awesome don’t got to jump up ites it easier to Traverse Terrain okay okay this looks like where you’d find a boss eat our steak and go in

Unless this is the boss somehow outside of where they’re supposed to be no that’s a bamboo creeper if he explodes does he just spawn bamboo you hello what why don’t it’s a bamboo creeper it’s load oh that’s the repellent thing I don’t know if I like it it makes him

Teleport away I prefer my swim speed boots okay let’s check out this thing hello boss monster is there supposed to be one in here dispensers don’t got any arrows in them bamboo bones nothing that’s is lame building is there really nothing oh never mind there’s a staircase going down into trap

Room [ __ ] my god oh free arrows though ow that kind of hurt I think I have poison resistance from something but damn free arrows love free arrows continue descending into this dungeon eat my steak hallway trap damn go go go okay we made it through here’s something we just parkour through this

Or no I can’t at least this is like an Indiana a real and a Jones type dungeon are we going to have to like run out is there a hole in the staircase does that lead to a trap or something or nah just leads to down here which actually might be a

Trap you I like these like statues they’re fun oh no Puzzles holy crap H conter oh that’s just open 50 chests oh no not one of these buzzles oh that was easy okay try that this then here should turn off all those here [ __ ] that should do this and that should

Turn these ones off awesome that a way forward first I need to look at what the hell’s in here oh my gosh okay pressure tubes I don’t know if I want a pressure tube I kind of don’t need my stew anymore I got the infinite steak same with the

Bread uh oxidized copper horse armor we want Ender Pearls it’s good Arcane chainwall boots of the artificer bunny Hoppers immunity fall B that damage intricate sword of the doist three entity reach six attack damage oh my gosh three entity reach is that like three tiles I’ll have to put that down there

To figure that out diamond we want diamond dark steel we want dark steel Spirit orb by paraglider I don’t know I don’t think I want either of these any any of these really actually this is really good in Boots and we just got new boots we got oh yeah Matthew’s boots and these

Boots whatever raw silver get rid of this just gives you a ton of experience can we used on an ally hold to cast a spell supercharging compress iron helmet not a good helmet a black lotus I’ll keep that Mana regeneration if I ever get any more spells maybe but I don’t got any

More spells right now do I need my furnace and my crafting table no don’t actually I want my six inferium I need my smithing table oh D damn I got too much stuff this isn’t a good helmet these are fine actually these aren’t really good they just have one socket and 15% magic

And some Mana okay that’s a good assortment of loot hello is this a boss battle it is a trap yeah preserves experience and beneficial effects effects on death oh nice okay that’s the dungeon cleared seems like let’s get out of Here that’s a cool dungeon No enemies though just Some fun puzzles that activate it no only this way activate It ah I dodged it nice this thing still have arrows seems like most of them are out of arrows yeah seems like they’re all out of arrows that’s why they didn’t hit me those there some loud ass Pistons okay am I lagging okay awesome that was a that was a fun dungeon

Whoa ocean level’s higher than this land I’m in this rainforest know those fish are going to get swept out of the sea holy moly oh I know what that is I know what this is this is infinite dungeon we do not of the storage space Satchel we need four leather like

Honestly where do I get four leather toad stool I mean I know where to get for Le it’s or cows but I don’t know where cows will be at just butterflies around it’s like just butterflies and yeah just butterflies I Finch Finch okay let’s do this dungeon I’ll

Make a chest out here and just put like basically everything sh chest time crafting table make me a chest boom so we want one of these um probably my more damaging one plus 2.2 cold damage actually let me keep both um don’t need that put all these away these away this away all

These my bunny slippers and keep my arrows my gold away my that away keep this and maybe I should make an axxe nah I’ll find an axe flaw Gem of the royal family none of these have sloths left this has an empty socket can I put this

In nah doesn’t wait it does become pickaxes breaking iron or has perced drop gold I don’t need that does this G pickaxes weapons or tools 15% experience that’s lame we’ll find some in here I guess I hope we’ve got our infinite steak so we are good on

Food elongated iron sword of the petrac site Golem who is that and can I fight that’s I guess one of this like wraith looking guy wraith is dead okay I honestly don’t know what this sword of the Duelist does H it attacks a bit faster but that’s about

It so anything this wide open room no but a way down that way monster spawner spider give me some my spirit orbs damn this is an awesome thing Shield been needing one of those oh an axe I said I needed one of those torches oh it’s the whoa

A special Shield steel touched white Shield of the vengeful rocking projectile deals damage to the shooter nice some apples wooden pickaxe string feathers chain Mill gloves I’m going to start sorting these chests just so I know I’ve been in it get him out of here oh my gosh they just started fighting each

Other idiots L Lum this these are strength potions right let me drink one oh [ __ ] it is not a strength potion at least not just a strength potion did more than that put the stuff I do not want that’s the Ender iio spawners these are what what do these do

Whoa oh yeah I don’t need that I don’t need that this also has two sockets don’t got any Shields you can or don’t got any thing you can put in Shields yet bookshelf [ __ ] mine it oh my God get out of here zombie Enchanted Scroll of summon horse wow summon horse

Scroll and is there anything this way or technically way down to the next level don’t know if it’s supposed to be but isn’t behind the bookshelves there’s secret room no maybe not those ones but is that supposed to do anything just freak me out for no reason

Okay I do not need to explore every level of this or every room of this but I will cuz it’s fun nothing that way this way just explore the left Edge Chann soulbound magic protection iron shovel iron shovel longevity Max durability of the slingshot I do not have a slingshot efficiency

Pickaxe I think I’m good and nectar and steak i d have infinite of that okay bam take that torches nice they’re dead nice he’s dead lapidot light or had America shield kind of America no chests just keep going around the left edge of the D cool stuff ender pearls bless chain mail

Leggings gives three max Health oh that’s awesome this tool breaks in a 3X two area okay let me see that wow it does that’s cool I never need to make a tunnel I guess I got that for that okay nothing else this direction final tunnel okay this has got to be the one

With stuff it nope whatever whatever oh break that holy crap let me check out this um is this a better axe giant slaying axxe nine attack damage current HP damage wow wow yeah I don’t not need my stone ax anymore prevents damage for full second every 5 Seconds hey that’s cool more

Spirit orbs ender pearls piercing vigilante breach gem oh damn I don’t got my protects you from fall at the expense of hunger oh W do you just hold this in your hand or do you equip this in like a bobble slot oh see wait so if I go up high enough

That I would take fall damage and then I jump off does it hunger me either way I have the effect of it apparently nothing those rooms are weird oh I see monster spawning idiots turn on the light is there more guys behind me there is I Nothing iron helmet socketed one and it gives you Mana I think I’m good chipped Gem of Arcane recovery okay how do you use this heart how do you use it red heart canister you mix it with a relic Apple a canister and a Wither bone [ __ ] shoot get the [ __ ] out of here

Jerk okay put these away me continue this way these stupid ass rooms got nothing in them what’s the point reever spawner he blew up cracked natural gem I don’t know what that does chain my gloves Apple the ash away here’s something creepy that’s everything down this path zombie spawner

Gone lagging these dungeons lag a lot uh oh oh never mind it just went not responding for a second so I got worried is there any okay in the dungeon we barely need any render distance right damn holy crap more stuff wall of fire scroll okay that’s sounds cool Scroll of reach

Increase the range to hit creatures or harvest freezing Minun ammo sure smithing template Spirit orb sourberry what do these boots do okay my game is getting worse it’s lagging more and more Scroll of purification loot capacitor wooden gear compressed Stone dark steel let me get the dark Steel compressed iron I

Guess transistor whistling token what whir spraying the token chip Gem of Arcane Protection Plus 1% spell resistance okay last path anything anything anything okay Noe I already went down this way who is that that’s a big ass zombie you see that right look at him he’s big oh cave Creeper zombie

Brute get him oh my gosh the lag bad time to lag okay thankfully clicking work awesome he’s dead strange being put this stuff away no not the Angelic feather I need that I don’t have a minigun I don’t know why I’m keeping the Minun ammo okay this way again where the stairs

Down were oh my gosh this Angelic feather gives you some good jump height this way level two and Nothing nothing this way awesome there only two ways this time it’s lagging because of monsters okay keep going juk box Golden Apple damn it is the only way to go anyways let’s get down there monsters are getting worse stray oh my gosh get him got to remember to block he got the Frozen

Bones [ __ ] there’s another one behind me where’s the spawner oh over here [ __ ] okay oh my god get me out of here okay at least they shot each other so oh I can see why it’s lagging there’s a lot of guys [ __ ] okay awesome gone [ __ ] inventory is already

Full the bones away get that away get this way get the other way pay you away oh my gosh there’s another one under the freaking there’s another one under the thing kill it more in this damn hallway these dungeons are too crazy sometimes let me eat my steak oh my God holy crap

Crap please break this please break I got it okay no more okay I’m done with the damn spawners I don’t need any of this [ __ ] put away the spirit orbs put away these Titan forged what is that a Mythic a fixed item where’s my Mythic AIX item this oh wow 40% Arrow damage

Projectile oh yeah let me get my stuff Diamond infernal diamond sword that’s cool um gold sure oh a reward what’s this what did that give me I don’t know if it was anything good is there anything else in here coal okay damn that was a lot of enemies

So I just had to go through put away this thing the breach gem armor Pierce block reach protection Pierce hey put that in my that it’ll be good I don’t know what the freezing Minun ammo is but it sounds cool cool down reduction spell resistance spell resistance don’t want

Any of those summon horse I’ll keep oh my gosh just even more stuff I hear lots of enemies put that iron helmet away see a spider I don’t want that anymore iron helmet Spirit orbs away don’t need the minio okay iron pickaxe with efficiency golden shovel with tomb

Bound uh don’t need any else die spider ay unenchanted plus 2% blood spell power don’t know really what that does give me that give me this oh give me those sticks as well I’ll craft some torches I’m so worried that there’s going to be a zombie that pops up right

Next to me I hear so many enemies die die die zombie die cave spider [ __ ] Enchanted key bring me back why can’t I teleport teleport me come on hold right click to teleport to your grave they just you just keep holding it okay get me out of

Here they were too good they were too op holy [ __ ] they still see me give me my sword give me my bow as well go Steve’s bow it’s piercing him it is piercing him and that’s what it said it would do cave spider has got to go put the Frozen bones out of

Here [ __ ] I don’t got my pickaxe get me out of here [ __ ] what was that it just did like a a spell noise spell oh my gosh I have a spell I hear the skittering of stupid ass cave spiders shoot the gets better through the zombies die die there’s one spider spawner

Gone oh yeah these rooms suck they’re behind the freaking quartz blocks oh my God who goes the cave spider spawner well wa dealing a lot of damage to me there’s got to be more there’s got to be more okay zombie one’s gone oh my God there’s more back

Still a zombie at least one zombie and one spray one got to eat my steak or I’m dead God get them out of here hurry up and mine the freaking blocks oh my god get back this is only the second level of the dungeon it just gets stronger after this

My stupid ass sword’s about to break good thing I got this it also does fire damage okay mine that mine that there’s one two gone got to be one more stray one find here [ __ ] got to be another zombie one another spider one there it is

Bam is that room clear nope there we go room clear bam let me get rid of some stuff the ash Frozen bones 61 of them damn this thing this grave dust leather pants iron shovel rotten flesh chip Gem of the warlord another one plus 10 crit damage what’s this do on melee

Weapons makes it last longer what’s this do on melee light weapons one armor Pierce H that that could be good I hear more damn Strays spawning ooh flood Gem of the royal family isn’t is this mine I swear I had that or I guess this oh my God I hear

Like guys spawning which is not good we need replacement armor put it in the Cosmetic armor section shipped gem extra XP from mobs and blocks we get the compressed iron the dark steel Mana in a bottle ender pearl get that Source gem I’m good what’s in here Diamond Unbreaking

Shovel okay ballast gem plus five attack damage if I put it in the sword oh my God I’m putting that in can I uncompress this iron ah but wow my or enchanted book placeable oh my gosh they are placeable still got my wall of fire

Scroll if I need to a scroll of reach and summon horse eh not as useful for me right now feather falling true site okay the rest of this [ __ ] just needs to get put in a chest somewhere fine silk bundle what’s this oh hey that’s nice just put two

Different stacks of things in one that’s awesome can I put my gems in here whoa can I just put a ton of gems in here whoa can I put my hearts in here and everything else wow wow that’s actually awesome put my minigun ammo canot put the Minun ammo

Put the gems in though that okay that’s cool that is cool that helps a lot with damn where the hell are these guys spawning from this floor is not cleared out whatever time to keep going do we go this way or do we go down next level holy just keeps

Going no it doesn’t it’s [ __ ] up what is this this is messed up where are my blocks do I got blocks I need blocks hey guys I don’t take fall damage but I don’t want to get stuck here okay dropped a gem and a scroll what’s scroll though scroll absorption damage absorption that’s

Cool that’s good put that on my chest plate if it’s not oh wa glow squid almost dead there’s like some zombies underwater here intelligent Diamond Helmet oh my God not a good time to lag just going to Shield oh my God stuck in the corner

There’s let me put these down to make a bridge but there’s a guy about to shoot me there’s a wraith ow ow ow ow I need to kill need to kill these guys need to kill these guys all of them all of them oh my God let

Me backck this ain’t a good place to be in [ __ ] okay get me out of here get me out of here let me eat my steak okay oo that was dangerous I should have used like my wall of fire or some [ __ ] I need to be on the lookout for

My a breaking also is my knowledge of death increased enough to choose a perk okay there we go got higher percent to get the teleporter thing where are you guys spawning from I see no wraith or not wraith the other guy oh my God what is withering me that the r

Probably is the r these guys need to go away awesome they’re gone oh my God super powerful level guys down there you need to die it doesn’t matter if I kill zombies if there’s just can you place this stuff no no point there’s just these stupid holes in the ground everywhere

Okay WS are descending get me over the edge okay right sir coming back die right [ __ ] what the hell do poison me stop one of you [ __ ] oh my God this poison is killing me and I’m withered okay let me eat this let me get the [ __ ] out of

Here I got plus swim speed right now okay what was putting those effects on me God damn I don’t got any blocks okay let me use my super Miner pickaxe super minor pickaxe breaking the game okay [Applause] awesome I have received Stone glowing calamari and glow squid tentacle are

Gone but the more stupid okay we’ve got a wall of fire scroll if we need to use that we’ve got this bow okay time to build a floor this will help me greatly in not falling through the floor and over to here as well [ __ ] what just shot me from

Where this mini map is kind of useless when there’s so many moms I can’t tell where they are you’re dead and you are broken some him of the warlord we’ve already got one of those those bats in the ceiling or just Vines okay those are Vines holy slime ball

Some that’s a cool just plate no I want that I don’t want that don’t want this that as don’t want that don’t want this don’t want this don’t want that okay all the stuff we do want is up at the top Awesome everything else in here efficiency Quick Draw XP boost I don’t

Know there are probably good books in here just can’t bother right now no one anyone anyone any enemies okay we’re good this level’s cleared there’s another path to the left we need to mine some more awesome let me just use up the damn pickaxe get all the blocks I need there we

Go two stacks of blocks this way next the zombies are below me a lot of them I saw something spawn what the hell was that zombie easy that’s one spawner gone put some torches as well get this thing out of here cave spiders no way I’m dealing with those

More let’s clear up behind me first [ __ ] that’s a good spider his spiders need to die get this thing out of here boom these guys are strong strength and absorption let’s completely kill 50 zombies great still few guys all around me Lightning Jam put in the bundle um nothing good animus an unstable

Mixture please break a thank you for not spawning anything another Royal Gem H them walking so it seems like they’re coming towards me 1.5 luck lucky iron shovel okay that seems like a really good shovel it has a lot of abilities okay I need to drink of water

Okay my along sword of the petricite Golem is nearly gone which sucks okay anyone behind this nope check this iron we need to we can oh [ __ ] this thing’s about to spawn anyone anyone there’s got to be people about to come through these gaps creeper out of here [ __ ] where did

You guys come from [ __ ] they’re raining it’s raining freaking zombies it is this is not a safe room it’s going to continue doing that I bet I en Forge chain boots SAR this [ __ ] put these gems in here okay now get me out of here [ __ ] that’s a wither

Skeleton and another zombie from behind me got skull frag okay skeleton’s gone skeleton spawner is gone I mean hey there the necrotic bones I need for the there’s more freaking raining zombies these ceilings are not stable putting that [ __ ] away um um what don’t I need this this this good helmet Insight one

No what’s the point what gem of the warlord oh yeah I want the Wither bones [ __ ] need to get all this stuff out of here okay now give me this this these all these things back now put these in the bundle wither bone this this keep the

Dark steel and compressed iron out so I can put anything that’s just a one can you put shovels no put the diamonds in with bone okay need to put stuff that the you have the the least stuff in there broken zombie spawners out no keep that we need that I’ll need that later

Okay let’s go finish this dungeon these guys out of here oh my God Bo me didn’t realize that was a cave spider spawner thought that was going to be zombie uh wither zombie spawner where I know that guy just dropped from the ceiling it’s probably going to kill

Me oh my gosh if I mine through this wall is there just going to be a ton of guys right out here I see them they’re all underneath me that sucks okay what the [ __ ] that’s the worst time to lag you kidding me great he’s

Gone that in there this in there this in in there hello let me put that in there but grab this Can I some more stuff in here now for the golden apples put the pearls no it’s pearls out okay that’s all I can fit in there for

Now and then I have to spot for like five more gems awesome now the way down it’s right here oh this is going to be bad about a break we got like backup swords anything or am I going to have to use my diamond one okay we will our immediate goal is

Going to be to pick up up a backup sword or we’re going to have to start using our that oh yeah I can’t stand here there there zombies fall from the sky no no backup swords any of these did I really get no weapons those guys wow okay whatever time to descend

Through the final level the nether level this always the hardest level in any one of these stupid dungeons cuz there’s just so many mobs they spawn so quick oh nice yeah start fighting door down [ __ ] there’s still another one in the freaking ceiling with a hole

In the ground next to it oh my God die [ __ ] where is that shooting comeing from drop oh my God it’s above me is there one in every corner no just oh my God just a billion guys down there look at that can I wall of Fire them okay you

Ready wall of fire what the hell was that did that do stuff to them oh my God it did they’re kind of burning that kind of killed a lot of them damn okay Steve’s bow don’t let me down nice keep shooting shoot the guy with bow first the guys with bows

First hey is that all of them I think they’re all gone I think that’s all of them damn okay we will continue down that hallway in a bit but for now I’m going to pick my loot down here fight damn you’re dead Okay get on get all this

Loot bones go crack Guardian gem I keep all this stuff all this stuff away where is a sword iron ore projectile protection chest plate oh my gosh we’re about to run out of good loot sword’s nearly dead my gosh how did I build that so badly hello pug man I’m a

Dog welcome to the stream I am going through this dungeon right now it is very strong oh my God it’s about to spawn creeper eh the creeper ones aren’t that bad since they don’t got armor curs of Vanishing mending Unbreaking Shield gunpowder out of here here uhoh there going to be some

Spawners around this one section what mod pack I’m playing this is all the mods n I’m trying to find what mod pack to do a series on this one’s been pretty good it lags a bit every once in a while but that’s understandable it’s a huge one and the backup’s starting it’s done

Okay that’s good that is good keep building okay see a chest this got to have spawners around [ __ ] okay ah you’re dead boots yeah I’ll keep those in case my boots die bam chest under this no okay nothing more that way let me find more of the the dungeon where does

It continue to pass this Ravine this Ravine kind of broke the dungeon generation it seems like or these dungeons just generate weirdly they used to generate less irregular in old versions the mod pack old versions of the mods but I think I might have change it uh yeah this is a

1.20 mod pack it’s the newest release of the all the mods series nice that’s good that’s lucky you the first guy fell down oh oh break through bam don’t see any more zombies around okay grab this coal put away all this uh not good armor okay any loot here

Whoa there’s a good sword need one bane of illers actually that’s not a very good sword I’m keeping my infernal Diamond Sword for later this one will be my backup sword for now okay see anywhere there’s a chest there might also be spawners so got to be

Wary golden apples put those in there coal I’m kind of need sticks for please spawn please break before spawns okay awesome six for more torches L sword whatever grab Soul Gems and the brooken spawner okay I think this is one of the big rooms up ahead with a lot of stuff I hear

Something there’s at least two spawners in here zombie spawner gone please tell me that broke uh skeleton spawner gone no zombie spawner gone okay bam these places can get out of control quick there is so many okay this is definitely a worst sword my petricite Golem sword is

Awesome but it’s going to break soon there we go got another miniature heart where are they they’re underneath the floor right here or they’re above the floor right here they’re above these are just regular ass zombies okay sort this some blocks like coal and Diamond may drop additional

Items awesome whoa whoa 54 gold in that chest that’s crazy remember that you have a Shield yes I I’m bad at remembering Shields I use I usually play on uh modes before Shields which I forget when shields were added I play Oh Hello whoa whoa what the [ __ ] amazing place for the wandering

Traer to be let me block up that hole in the ceiling what are you selling anything good oh these guys have actually awesome trades it just costs 45 emeralds though protection mending Unbreaking St Focus feather falling basically get maxed out boots for Lucky iron pick of the scholar awesome keep

That for 45 diamonds you can get any maxed tool or okay bre the zombie spawner put down a torch okay he’s got poison he’s got poison ow that did so much poison damage thanks for the tip pug Man is there any more spawners skeleton Wither Skeleton okay I’m glad those guys didn’t spawn yet okay that’s the spawners gone oh my God they are just giving you so much me so much stuff ancient Scroll of preservation uh preserves items on death okay that’s a good scroll to have I’ll

Just use it since it lasts for 10 minutes boom death will not be enough is there anything that I can put in this bundle anything that’s just a one item thing has 51 out of 64 can you put scrs and bundles oh my gosh you can put Scrolls and bundles that’s

Awesome let’s freeze up some more space it’s just one torch stop a spawner I thought you had to have more petrified or I want this it looks cool put those is that the end of this dungeon let me no j j cave mode showcases no where am I over

Here yeah seems like that’s kind of the the end of this layer but go back up through the through the ceiling I guess what is yeah one does enough oh that’s awesome I am a bit out of torches right now though so guess I will have

To get get more sticks if I want more torches go to the ash okay that’s so crazy how did that wandering traditor spawn in there should be able to put your stacks of gold because the bundle SLS how many item slots are full not item amounts oh what really so if

I no looks like this bundle is item amounts it might be different from from real Minecraft bundles since I don’t think oh I no these are real Minecraft bundles what damn I didn’t know they actually added those yet go see how long it’s been since I’ve I played last but

Unfortunately will not take the gold whoa whoa what the hell he like jumped over me or I jumped over him I guess H uh-huh that’ probably be more useful definitely is there different types of bundles bundle no there’s just Enchanted bundle I don’t know what that does yeah these are I don’t know it’s something weird it’s like a it’s like a old mod upgraded to the normal the new version of

Minecraft so it’s technically the same bundle or something like that it’s weird okay are we done with this layer of the dungeon like there’s more stuff that way just I don’t know if it’s a it has any chests just looks dangerous since there’s like one wide Pathways out of

Here this is a crazy generated dungeon like not going to lie oh I see it a chest and a spawner bam no jump over the bridge Bo grab me my diamond that in the bundle this Enchanted no holy crap Centennial that’s 100 oh they’re back and pickaxe some more arrows more coal regular

Feather oh shoot get them out of there they spawn thought it was similar to a Shuler uhhuh whoa put these down yeah that’d be really good though if it was oh how’d he get behind me everyone down here has fire resistance which kind of sucks since my sword fire

Damage what is this Centennial trophy where are you guys coming from I swear I’ve broken all the spawners is there a hidden spawner somewhere oh they must be coming from the level above and just walking all the way around that sucks okay there’s got to be more

Spawners in here right there is jamb nothing on this one nothing on this one okay and no chest damn okay time to get up to the other level oh [ __ ] I’m so glad I have the prevent feather falling cuz I nearly would have just lagged with my

Death okay I’m so sad my actual good sword is broken BR now I have my other diamond sword but it’s not I’ve been here where the zombies spawning from were those just regular zombies I thought those were like spawned in Zombies ow oh my gosh I’m so lucky for the no fall damage

Thing see you okay climb up again hurry before the spider gets up here whoa whoa je nearly just jumped off the edge okay where are we going over there 46 get rid of half of these Spirit orbs I do not need them see unlooted chests and stray

Spawner oh my God is this guy that much stronger or is my sword that much weaker okay they gone boom Arrow Frozen Shard that this this thing’s nearly full okay bundle is full oh my God lagging through the holes this is bad got to stop doing that this the way through no it’s

Not okay okay this is where I came from what mod pack this is all the mods 9 it’s the newest release I don’t know how new but it’s a newer one what is that over there some sort of ore okay let’s go back up to the cave level also if you click

On on them if you click r on an item R shows what you can make with it yeah yeah yeah it’s really good it’s one of the best features of modern Minecraft all the mod yeah my stream’s a bit delayed so if somebody ask a question it’ll it takes a

Sec I don’t really know how to fix stream delay that much but never been too bad out of here zombie ouch get him holy crap this is a good chest or I mean it has a lot of stuff I don’t know quiver whoa that’s cool that’s really cool wild and

Spike there’s spiders around Enchanted Voodoo do prevent lots of stuff programming puzzle piece compressed oh another compressed ironing get ancient Scroll of unstable intangibility okay sounds good let me take what was that sounded like something something scary um creeper hello can’t find his way over it doesn’t

Look like a rotten spell look three spell slots rope coal string I don’t know what this Enchanted Voodoo does but it sounds cool so I will take it bye okay staircase down again and damn this is just back to where I was hey there’s a unloaded chest and a well trap a

Spawner there’s a spawner over there shooting at me from below where was that can’t tell weird I’ll get that lacerated iron sword of slaying L tyranical Gem uh feather falling swimming boots that’s a good shovel it’s a really good shovel full on coal get those out of there stray spawner damn we have made it to level 40 since it started this dungeon I think we were at like 10 at the beginning oh [ __ ] where did you come

From don’t tell me there’s a secret hidden spawner somewhere and I’m going to I’ll be able to find it awesome put all these arrows in my quiver Mana regen Diamond horse arm that’s cool if I ever get a horse Shield chain mail nothing else know away the Frozen

Bones I put this in here no I put this in here yes I can put the trophy in there XP boost shovel okay that’s good zombie spawner nothing pearls whoa I don’t know if these are any good or if I need this many like good

Shuffles but oh no is this the room I’ve been in before or nope okay these rooms have so many spawners in them and okay yeah have so many spawners that I’m lagging okay this has got like at least three spawners break the quartz break the quartz okay back

Up get them to fight each other now way okay spider [ __ ] poison me just like a level one poison though oh my gosh I need to use my Steve’s short bow silverfish spawner I do have to craft torches I don’t got any freaking oh my God I’m so dead I need to heal

Okay which one of these guys has like a a Wither bow give me my steak spell book oh [ __ ] I don’t got any spells in it guess that’ be helpful okay cave spider spawner is gone at Le at least somebody has a Wither bow and it’s annoying the heck out of

Me get that get the skeleton okay there’s one silverfish and one skeleton spawner left Sil fish come on okay wow yeah I didn’t mean to break the chest okay one of you give me no no course not let me okay so these four slots have the stuff socket that torches perfect oh oh

Another bundle that’s pretty good can combine stack of this and a stack of okay it’s got 64 slots we just need to put the stuff that I have the least of in here this what what why is it horse takes up 64 slots what stupid freezing minigun ammo can’t

Even go in one in the spell book hi Rose wolf how are you doing um I’m 31 out of 32 okay perfect I was at 63 out of 64 I am currently Quinn the Burger Chef has awoken nearby what the heck man I do not need

To deal with Quinn the Burger Chef right now I don’t even know who that is but I don’t want to okay we’re going to have to take that out we’re going to have to be putting in stuff like this the craft unique Tyrant gem rotten flesh I don’t want rotten spell book I

Do okay give me let me pick up some stuff so stop picking it up okay in here we have wow deal blocking Pro do 34% upon blocking inflict bleeding two sockets this is the best Shield I’ve ever I’ve found yet sticks hey there we go there’s those torches I

Needed okay okay grab the sticks yes thank you I got them right before you told me ender pearl let’s just show these stupid Scrolls in here tablet of home oh that’s nice eh doesn’t stack though can’t wait for the new series thanks Rose um blood needle scroll sounds

Cool but tell me if you like this mod pack cuz this might be what I do the new on we will see rest of this this I got no clue if it’s any good okay and another chest boom elusive iron sword of the sun sounds cool thoral white Shield of the

Fast wheel fast wheel okay this level is probably the best to be on because it’s got really good loot this like Mossy level yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s cool it’s got the dynamic torches even in your off hand but I am going to keep the shield because I’m not able to switch fast

Enough I’m not that good at switching why do I have one string put the string in the bundle let me take this stuff out and put it in here awesome and put the string in there okay why do I have this bow do not need that though keep this elusive iron sword

Though okay let’s look at our journey map show caves this level of caves where’s the path up and what did I just pick up yeah the problem right now is I can’t find the PATH up to the next level let’s go check in the ceiling silver Or zinc ore gosh I cannot look around turn on Cave layers this might be everything actually we need to get over there it seems I mean let me head back down put this stuff away have you been here before pugman I’m a dog or is this your first time on

The channel because you have been very helpful and thank you for that let me just mine this way oh we can use our where’s our tunneling pickaxe oh it was a tunneling shovel damn that kind of is worse how long have I been playing Minecraft um since it since it came out like

Actually I remember playing it in first grade which is nearly 13 years ago yeah must have been 2011 I think that’s when Minecraft came Out here we go another room oh this is back to where I’ve been don’t think I’ve been this way though so let me head well welcome to the channel pugman block off the damn water it’s too much damn Water white Shield this is a fine pickaxe I mean I don’t know oh any of these pickaxes are better than like a [ __ ] need to get out of here okay those guys deal a lot of damage we need to get out of here before they spawn

More and that kind of sucks oh my gosh where is that 560 M away that hurt keep my iron shovel at least great that was not smart of me they had Diamond axes I should have been more prepared but we’ll get back there and then I think I’m done with the

Dungeon that has basically been everything in there and I’ve got some some pretty good stuff I’m set on gold for like life oh my gosh you’re so right torches on the spawner I completely forgot about that sadly I did not get an enchanted key and I’m like a Million Miles Away

Actually we’re getting a lot closer still only like we’re halfway there basically something to Mark where I began I kind of was just going by the the like uh what was broken and what was not broken and and the chests change color when you loot them which is another amazing feature of

This mod pack chest change color when you loot them okay but let me let me get my stuff and then I might uh check out one of the other mod packs see if it’s any better than this one because this this is a pretty good

Mod pack I like it I actually I want to first check out what type of uh like magic and crafting type mods there are since I kind of want to get into more of that there’s the Indiana Jones dungeon that was a good dungeon okay it’s lagging a bit right

Now probably because I’m loading a bunch of chunks or I did load oh who is that I ain’t looking at that guy it’s like an Enderman but with a a tree on his head creepy okay this was 19 1920 then when was that one that was

2016 like time wise I’m D mean it’s only 44 M down and H never mind do not have a rlcraft insane craft and crazy craft crazy craft I remember playing that a long time ago that was always a fun one but any pickaxes pickaxe perfect insane craft I haven’t played

But that was one of the ones I kind of wanted to try and rlcraft I haven’t tried but I’ve heard it’s uh really hard and really fun keep mining I know mining straight down is bad but you know I I know what’s below me it’s my grave about 30 blocks

Down okay we don’t got our ghostly shape anymore so we are going to have to fight okay steamline short bow sure about that guy okay bam got them the main thing is you just need RAM yeah yeah some of these mod packs are really intense for the

Computer I’m playing on a laptop or not a not a laptop I’m playing I’m playing on a PC if I was playing on a laptop it would be exploding right now this is a huge mod pack my bad I don’t know why I said that I was just thinking about it

Thinking about playing on a laptop on this it would be crazy okay oh my torches my sword in my main hand my blood needle scroll damn get out of here there lots of lots of new people I haven’t seen in chat before this stream oh no not my sword they trying to get

Rid of this bow how are you guys find in this stream is it just being recommended to you or something whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get out of here oh my boots are broken that’s why I’m dying so they’re taking so much damage probably there we go that guy’s

Dead Place some torches just another zombie and nothing else Enderman spawner okay I’m I’m chill with Enderman spawner they don’t do anything curse of Bones too white Shield okay nothing else good here he was stuck at a two chunk rer distance ouch he mer flaming yeah there’s so many

New people here let me let me know how you guys are finding this stream cuz I honestly do not know but me so explored there explored around there’s a zombie coming around the corner looks like there’s hey this is a new area I haven’t been here before uh Cave layers show the this

Layer okay loot is probably going to be getting worse just because there is less stuff but eh there’s still still some awesome awesome stuff I do not need all these shovels honestly looking for mods and mod packs and saw the stream yeah I got to stream some more mod in Minecraft then because

Apparently people are oh my God people are looking for it why is that so loud is there another skeleton behind me are they shooting each other where’s my infinite steak where’s my bundles where are my stuff what get me back down to where I was wait is this one where I

Was no there that one uhoh [ __ ] oh here’s my bundles but where is my infinite steak is infinite steak lost on death well thank you guys for choosing to watch me it’s awesome getting new viewers but but where is my infinite steak that was the most useful thing if

That was a lost on death item that’s so sad let me make my way back just in case I missed it H let me check if it is it might be cuz if it is in that’s it would be kind of really op okay so I’m looking around I see oh I

See the shield I kind of I wanted that Shield fium cobblestone yeah no steak H I’ll need some normal steak then oh nice yeah yeah okay book pile huh then I don’t know where it is honestly cosmetic armor it’s not in my weird Bobble section oh it might be it might be down

On one of these no it’s not the bundles are there that’s awesome that you can put bundles down there and this is apparently where you put the gloves too the iron gloves it could have despawned I don’t I don’t know the other stuff was there when I got back let me

Grab my bundles out or just this one that one’s kind of full put all these Scrolls in here how much spots it got it’s got 20 spots left can I put Mana in a bottle no uh with the source gems though yeah I found it in a villager

Bush butcher right at the beginning of the stream that was really good but I am going to is it in my slots is there like more slots to look for because honestly there’s so many slots in this in this mod pack don’t see it in whatever these

Slots are don’t see it in the Moa skins I got the antidote vessel two bundles no steak well I have my regular steak it’s I guess I’m going to need food now so better pick some up Lightning Spell power uh I don’t know if I need that more spell Scrolls got my chain

Mail gloves armor icon bottom left of your person you mean this no bottom bottom right you mean no that’s the Cosmetic armor I can use that to store some of these armor though yeah that sucks don’t know where I went but we can we at least found where the the gloves go

Now no apparently not what these gloves that look exactly like these gloves you’re telling me that these are not the same one do you just put it on here okay you do but it’s not those oh my gosh that’s so weird get quiers though those for quiers here arrows for my

Qu blood gem my special gem can I put a clock in there you can’t put a clock in there shift click on anything and it should go oh awesome uh can I shift click this can I shift click my quiver nope don’t see any slots for those

Okay but I think this dungeon is 100% explored I really died to like the last mobs oh this way might not be no this way is explored the Rope the programming puzzle piece Logistics core can I put that in there yeah D DG me token what’s this do can I place this

Can I put this in here sure weird very weird oh that’s a unexplored room there we go got it before skull Smite ability make a respawn point near the dungeon that is a good idea I will I will I think there’s like four rooms left I I can probably make it

Through four rooms without that looks like there’s not much like honestly if I wish I could find [ __ ] that gu jump scared me oh my God I don’t know why I did I was focused on the other one like actually jumped oh that’s scar more sticks if I want to craft something more

Torches another stick I’m good is that a a legendary creature spawning might be two more torches some slime ball keep some slime ball also I should keep some lapis I I’m ignoring like every piece of some of this stuff like I’ll need some lapis in the future I shouldn’t ignore

Repeats some dead glow squids and dying glow squids okay yeah that’s that’s every everything from the dungeon looks like like I don’t see yeah I’ve explored down there I don’t see a single another room in the dungeon oh is that something down there let me check it out this explored or Unexplored this looks unexplored cuz it’s so broken is there even a chest or anything here okay let me I probably should get out of here I think I’ve done enough or gotten enough stuff okay let’s find the staircase back up wait is that something over there no that’s the weird

Or yeah the chill Minecraft music I think that means uh that’s a good sign that I’m dead or that I’m not dead that everything is dead other than me hello on honorable Zoom like your profile picture the Harvest Moon sets what the Harvest Moon Rises your crops provide a better

Harvest what the I did not see that earlier but apparently my crops were providing a better Harvest maybe that helped some Villages strange I hear baby zombie I don’t know where though must be somewhere above me what you doing Ben game yeah okay that’s where I came into the dungeon let me get

Out amazing okay you guys think I should try out another mod pack see if uh this is the one I want to do my series on or another one type of series um what type of series you wanted to play okay I my last series I was

Trying to do a sevtech series but it ended up being pretty boring since I it was just a lot of crafting I want to be able to every episode kind of have some more different stuff like oh this episode I’m focusing on um like ours Maga or this episode I’m

Going to f on trying to make some create stuff and also I love the the exploration aspect so just just being able to focus on a new thing every every episode would make it a lot better as opposed to sevtech where I just kind of had to do oh this is I’m

Crafting leather for two hours straight this episode which was unfortunately how SE Tech kind of was vampire what’s vampire what are you talking about is there a vampire somewhere or what you’re scaring me I know a mod pack that has about 460 mods yeah this mod pack that I’m playing

Right now has I think 4 30 or something like that but then I got one uh TMP Li Limitless 7 which has like 600 or something crazy what’s my favorite food um I’m in college right now and the dining hall there’s one thing that I really like from the dining

Hall the the bacon mac and cheese whenever they have that it’s one of my favorite things to get vampire mod pack huh I haven’t heard of any vampire mod pack I know that there’s vampire mods definitely but I don’t know mod pack that’s specifically vampire Rel

IED but yeah I think I should go try out a different mod pack that I have downloaded let me sa and quit to title I’ll reopen curse Forge after I quit the game because if I don’t it will crash my computer here we go my mod packs so tnp Limitless 6 this

Is the crazy big one 614 mod which which is the the mod pack you were talking about pugman because you go to college at I’m at Montana state right now it’s a pretty good place and then prom prominence 2 this was one I was looking to try out but a

Lot of these I think are probably just going to be very similar to all the mods 9 all the mods 9 is just a kind of kitchen sync mod pack just every every you need in a mod pack work like adventures and dungeons it seems like all the mods 9 has most of

The like expiration type stuff that you would find which which of these these M packs you guys want to see any in particular or I’m probably going to try one of these tnp Limitless Texas mhm I haven’t been to Texas is it good there is there anything fun to visit this one’s got

3.99 tnp Limitless six which mods does this one have uh Advanced hook launchers I don’t know what that is but it sounds cool this one’s got I think like most of the same stuff it’s got biomes of Plenty for a for the world one ceiling torch that’s

Fun a lot of these are probably just oh climb ladder fast that’s the one I was talking about earlier all the mods that’s that’s the one I was just playing the Alamo mm yeah I’ve heard about the Alamo I’ve heard that you’re not supposed to forget

It uh this one’s got all the create stuff but the other one does as well dark utilities Earth mobs do this one the TMP Limitless 6 the this one I’m a bit worried my computer will not be able to to run because 600 mods is just crazy B

Installations edit this one we will turn this to 12 instead of four bam this will probably take like five or six minutes to launch so feel free to ask me any questions in the meantime because I don’t got much else to do you know the River Walk

H Ender Chest I’m just going to look through it for now extended mushrooms a fancy menu Farmers Delight fish of Thieves oh all the Feed the Beast stuff of course and this one’s 1.19 instead of 1.20 as well guns without roses is this just a gun mod was that’s cool hex casting immersive

Engineering iron jetpacks that’s a really old mod damn I remember that from like 2013 okay is it launching it’s already not responding oh currently booting up be patient yes yes I’ll be patient let me despawn loot bundles that’s the that’s the mod what inspired me to stream

Damn that yeah there is TMP Limitless but it has or Limitless seven for 1.20 but it has less mods so I’m trying this one now the what inspired me to stream damn that is a hard question I started up my YouTube like three three and a half years ago about it was

During uh during Co right during when Co started and actually I technically started it up before then but I kind of quit and made it before Co started or right after Co started you can see some of the really old videos on my channel they

Are uh I don’t know like crazy crazy old like they’re not as good especially like the older Minecraft mod packs you just subbed thanks yeah be sure to be on the lookout for videos when I get around to editing it’s a lot harder to edit when I don’t got or when

I’m in college but what inspired me to stream it’s really fun a lot of a lot of the streams I do are with my friends like I play Civilization with them or one of my favorite recently I had started a S&P with my friend on a realm and those streams were

All really good I got to edit those into videos but I just haven’t had much time and it’s so fun to go back and look at those streams so probably the main reason I started was just to be able to kind of have a reason to

To game I mean of course you can just game without a reason just a just a game but sometimes it’s more fun to stream and talk about it and whatnot feels like you’re you’re making stuff and I mean I obviously have obviously there’s a lot of new people in here watching watching my

Streams let me check yeah oh my gosh did I get I got like six new subscribers from this stream alone started at probably 240 before this stream that’s crazy I’ll stream some some more modded Minecraft more often I’ll probably uh continue that other all the mods 9 world or something like

That but TMP Limitless still loading okay yeah the next next stream I do will probably be on Friday I’m going to be finishing a civilization game with my friends since I just streamed that on Sunday a bit of it and we didn’t get to finish the game

Since I had to go eat lunch and it’s my friend from Germany so they were not really not able to stay up that late because it was really late for them even though it was the morning for me holy crap this is some awesome World

Gen and which mod pack is this or which map what time on Friday um probably earlier in the morning definitely earlier than it is right now so it might be too early for you to catch the beginning maybe well we’ll see we will see let

Me change the damn the mini map it’s way too big let me shape Square we want the circle and we want it size 20 bam yeah that is that’s probably the best part about streams is that you can actually interact with the streamer especially smaller streamers like I know big streamers that

Have like 80 people chatting in their chat every second it is a lot harder for them too what is this seashells okay let me kind of look through the pages of mods see if I find anything interesting oh they got the big potions mod pack or

Mod where’s the big potions go I just saw them they got oh they got some cooking stuff oh yeah forget that most people got it’s cool on Fridays still I mean I do too but I have a break like a 4H hour break between my classes that I can just play some civilization

During yeah you might miss the civilization stream but analou what the heck is there okay do if you break it with the axe does it like Drop Like antelopes what is that chat message why does it have nothing on it yeah yeah School seems a lot less

Like you you you definitely spend less time at actual classes but you do have a lot of homework that you got to do in college what is this thing this is a weird mod pack I don’t even know what that is like part of and also can I

Oh that’s how you split up in the cantal up nice there’s like four different types of rabbits I’ve seen already let me get some calou copes they seem like a good thing oh wait let me yeah craft a pickaxe up and and a sword bam and Bam got my cops

Wigs more rabbits what type of rabbit is this I didn’t see maybe if one of you guys got the name what do I want to be as my profession mhm I am currently going to school for industrial engineering so something something related to that you know it is basically this it’s like systems

Engineering I have been looking into internships recently with a company called Micron which makes uh the which make microchips yeah it’s easy way to describe it get out of here spider a big advancement made on this one okay sorry I didn’t mean to oh that’s a cool

Pickaxe okay how many of those am I going to get is that a default Minecraft village this mod pack might have 600 mods in it but it’s seems like there it seems like there’s less stuff than than my last last um oh my gosh there are guards here hunting post give me this

Leather dad did something like that nice yeah industrial engineering is a fun fun profession systems engineering be able to forment I shift C it is connected to location beyond your space and time you can awaken why if you whis um what does that mean perhaps you water the long forgotten history of this

Land if so I must bear witness to your accomplishments okay what the heck heck was that huh that I don’t know if that’s concerning or if that’s just guard that’s nice gardening table do these guards care if I just take everything o agile crossbow the current oh it’s got the the same like

Socket mod as the last one yeah do not ask me what that was I got no clue about this mod pack tried kelp some cables cartographer cable did I take the dried K why did I take that hey villager hey more leather ppack is there a backpack mod there is this Satchel mod

Left shift view contents it’s just okay a backpack surrounded by Iron makes a iron backpack okay chest TGs and let me break this loot chest still hav got anything in it okay what okay yeah sorry I got to take all the loot out how in order to break you must sneak

While doing so okay God damn sorry just mean for no reason okay I need three more string and I can see if that back if these backpacks are any good you like you like uh this version of the backpacks uhhuh I haven’t actually I haven’t tried this version

There’s another version of bundles that I’ve tried that cracked Gem of the Samurai wow haven’t didn’t see that one last time computers does this m pack has mechanism no or no at Mech uh oh it doesn’t have mechanism I don’t look through this mod list more because this is a

Cool cool mod pack as well I don’t know if it has as much as or I don’t I don’t know what the difference is between this one and they have an I think I need to open my Chrome tab and okay get that stuff out of

There that I need to do the the mod pack comparison thing my childhood YouTubers um damn that’s a long time ago that was uh childhood YouTubers um where’s the where’s the compare mod pack I need to find that first childhood YouTubers like popular MMOs like Preston

Plays and I know I watch Jerome and sunde a lot uh the yogs cast especially all the really old Minecraft YouTubers and then I also watched like quible cop and jelly and Sluggo man their GTA races and stuff those were really fun uh mod pack compare compare compare mod packs

Inventory becomes massive wow once you get a diamond one oh that’s awesome mod packs we want to compare tnp limit L 6 to all the mods N I guess we’ll add inmp Limitless seven as well compare okay so what do they all have so let me

Whatever they’ve all got all a so let me see how I can sort okay the a there armor points H I don’t know what a lot of these do which is kind of a problem they all have ours Maga and most of the stuff that adds to

It it seems like tp6 kind of is missing a few even though it has so many mon they all by a plenty they blade blood magic is in this one and seven mhm boarium Botanica wait botania yeah that’s it they have a lot there’s a lot of botania ones um they

Only s or only tnp 6 has chisel and bits only tp6 and TMP 7 have choco craft overhauled Village is in ATM and tnp 7 clumps colorful hearts is in team P it’s colorful hearts cor Tombstone is in all of them if you have an Oculus I do not have an Oculus

Unfortunately they all create TP seven has the most create add-ons they all have Steam and rails though which is the important one then tp6 has create Deco copia I don’t know what that is but they all have it they all Creeper overhaul they’re very similar I just don’t know which one I

Should should use really getting Discord messaged by someone how many Subs do you have to need to start streaming I don’t think you need any to start streaming I think it’ll just let you as long as I think you need your YouTube account needs to be like

Older than a week or something like that but yeah it just lets you start streaming and it’s nice you get a lot of watch hours which helps boost your boost your um like recommendations and stuff Ender iio is in everything except TMP 6 which Ender iio is fun has a lot of cool

Stuff extend crafting isn’t six I do not like extended crafting extended mushrooms Farmers Delights in all three okay I they’re they’re pretty much the same like honestly they’re so similar I’ll just keep playing this one for now probably until I end stream and then oh a

Turtle Run no such program damn oh my gosh this is like actual coding you got to do move forward move Source destination move one move one move forward one okay yeah you know if you like the mods from all them why not combine them into one large

M pack the problem with doing that is if you try and make a mod pack yourself there’ll be so many like overlapping errors and things will not work correctly like look if I look up tin like tin R fine I’ll look up something a bit more rare aluminum see how there’s

Only only one aluminum ingot in this this mod pack if I I tried making my own mod pack every single technology mod that adds in aluminum would have their own aluminum Ingot which is not good because they’ll be like oh the mechanism aluminum the immersive engineering the every single technology mod like

Honestly it’ll be that crazy and you can even kind of see that still with like if you I mean look there’s one copper Ingot from Minecraft see how there’s no other copper ingots you have to make sure that they’re the right version yeah but I don’t know I can’t spend the time doing

That for 600 mods and I mean there there is like if there’s one mod that I’m really missing and want to use yeah yeah these guys make mod packs for like not a a living but like a job move object what’s object do I have to write it like that

Or Tilda to Tia Tilda is that what you said yeah I don’t know if I do not know how to program those Turtle things that’s that’s like actually what I’m learning in college how to program Turtles for python can you make mods on Xbox um I

Don’t know if you can play mod packs you might be able to get one if you like jailbreak your Xbox but it doesn’t seem safe to do that I don’t I don’t actually know how many you can have you you you’ll probably have to do like the not the

Real mods like command mods which there there are some really good ones of Command Block Mods but it’s just not not the same you can’t get the same level of crazy as some of These I think I’ll probably end up streaming on that that last world that I had I’ll stream that from time to time and do that iy have diamond armor oh God bam get him what are those what are those it it doesn’t seem like they’re enemies so I think I’m good okay yeah

Okay this guy killed him steel chest plate I don’t know what this guy’s wearing but looks strong and it has thorns it’s lapis lazuli armor is that a iller ow that hurt that hurt oh my gosh does he have a sword and a crossbow or an Axe and a

Crossbow damn that guy is strong I’ve earned a l great but in the key thing what why is it in Treasure Seeker did I click that okay whatever whatever zombies zombie villagers holy crap that’s some good stuff what is that noise what is that who is this the ghoul get the ghoul out

Of here that guy is scary this guy’s got more lapis Luli armor whoa that guy was scary and gave me blindness skeleton creeper wow why can’t I jump over this fence okay oh hey Crow oh hey another Crow why is there so many crows in here witches hat

Amulet to remove the imported item place it in crafting grid take out the item oh that’s strange well the witch’s hat on great the crow out of here okay is there iller in here no but there’s a lot of beehives lots of Beehives I don’t know what some of those noises are and it’s a hunter hunter iller oh dropped something something looks fun he dropped ability totems oh my gosh I forgot about this mod Everlasting abilities honestly if I can add one of those to the all the mods pack since I don’t oh some

Cows Everlasting abilities is a really fun mod and whatever this is which hexar I think I is hexar in all the mods re open that all the mods hex no hexar only in tnp Limitless okay so that is something that this adds is these weird this weird area that I’m

In I don’t really know what it is but it’s cool looks cool cool type of Village whoa did not mean to put my thing there me that whoa deer where are you from naturalist okay I know naturalist is in both can you not get past the he’s

Getting stuck by this chandel here oh my gosh lime tree wow you get limes from the tree awesome okay I have not gotten a shield yet choco Castle drowned okay I am literally just saying nouns of stuff that I’m seen holy crap what the [ __ ] that’s can I talk to

You yeah I can you’re scary as hell trades corruption what is this from what mod pack is this the graveyard stop saying I see you that’s scary skeleton freaking Knight oh my God fall and mount fall and mount and Raiders let me in the castle God damn

Let me in the castle infested zombie from Ender zoology oh my gosh let me in let me in oh my God let me in now the knight’s coming the Knight is nearly here No kill the out kill the [Applause] Knight oh my God I got to get out of here these stupid pillagers are here oh my God he’s chasing me and shooting at the same time what the heck how was this Fair ow ow ow ow ow ow oh my

God got to get the [ __ ] out of here get me out of here why do they all have golden armor is this a harder mod pack or what okay break oh my gosh there’s a hand crank to open it oh my gosh I [ __ ] up the the door

Close it close it close it go the other way turn the other way turn the other way oh my God turn the other way turn the other way Frank the other way [ __ ] hell let me out of here let me through here let me into the throne room holy

Crap these are very similar mod packs and just that they give you everything so fast the king’s journal and rose quartz okay no it’s like in chat Rose the king’s Journal today my unruly peasants attempted to protest my street Fair Texas today uh a raid party of pillagers

Attempted a raid on they’re still outside they’re still outside grab the rose quartz oh hey there’s a dude up there grab the apples ability totem I need to write down the mods that I’m missing from all the mods that I want to put here ever ing abilities

Everlasting hex what was it called hex hexaria hexar hexar and there’s a couple more I forget never these cantaloupes are come I want those delightful I like the cantal opes hexar witch hat slice of chuckle pie they both have Farmers Delight BR window pane those are create experience things this is a crazy

Fortress whoa whoa whoa I forgot I have fast ladder climb on so if you look that’s one thing I want to add fast ladder climb fast ladders so if you look up or down the ladder you go up it really fast which is so nice because ladders are so

Takes so long to climb most of the time the apple and the bread the item list on the right should be sorted by mod that is a really good idea it it is most of the time but some of the time it’s kind of out of

Order like they give them might is based On yeah yeah here’s all the apotheosis stuff are all the crystals here like all the crystals aren’t here oh here they are damn perfect Flawless slipstream flawed chipped cracked is the order it is yeah I guess you’re right didn’t know honey bottle please honey whoa block block tell you the time

7:26 that’s fun 7:32 whoa that’s a lot ofy villager there a is there a trap door here or what for by mod pack and alphabetical like alphabetically by modack like oh that’s why yeah all the additional stuff is here RS no there way to get to the end help CA break this Loom

Bam no get out of the way I’m trying to open the damn the door let me okay let me there’s two of you here let me fine I’ll have to break it cuz you won’t let me open it use the axe okay this is taking forever I guess the ladder isn’t even

That fast just because of this stuff boom hey this gets me to the top guard up here those guards did nothing while I nearly died how do the hand crank can’t crank it the other way get out of here oh I gave me a reward gave me curs of Bones I don’t

Want curs of Bones gold bars wow more bread it’s got the same bees mod what Happ that ghoul did you guys catch what mod that ghoul is from because that thing was cool it might actually just be from hex still and oh yeah what mod is this the graveyard want that seems cool

The um I do not know if you can change Chrome ESS to Windows like on a Chromebook I don’t think so i’ I would have tried I have a crba you can and I am not not the technology specialist really holy crap a walled Village over

There these like mod pack worlds look a lot more like developed than the Minecraft worlds the Minecraft worlds have like sparse Villages every thousand thousand blocks these ones have villagers pillagers it takes a pillage whoa I’m out of here heading to the wizard tower chob mod CH that gu sucks

Ow fre lunar gem whoa that’s a good gem there’s just more I keep going up it was with the top a chest a trapped chest really really okay that is such PS why was that there my imped but only broken will can hold it why is he talking to

Me oh and of course it’s a silverfish Tower get the king’s Journal out of here I don’t need that the flaw joural oh my gosh I do not need notification for every damn achievement I get oh okay I God damn I’m so stupid I forgot about the guy that’s right

Here stupid ass oh my God that silverfish is killing me too die die die see you bye Bop uh okay die J okay who builds a tower like that why would they do that to me holy crap crazy Ravine mystical green flower more mini melons from delightful who roosters these guys from

Earth mobs mobs huh instead of naturalist what is this place this is a crazy Village it’s like all weird colored like has stash Roofing and has a bunch of clay outside do the other houses all have clay or is that just that one Dam suppose copper boots oxidized copper

Awesome oh yeah I need string if I’m going to make that backpack I forgot but also you guys in chat since you guys are probably going to be some of the ones that watch the Minecraft series when I do get time to record and edit it what what do you guys think

About uh music in videos do you guys like added like small background music or do you dislike it because sometimes without it I think it can be a little boring but sometimes it can be too much so I know you got to strike a right balance but what do you guys think

Lawless Gem of combatant take that I got too many gems get rid of my whoa I guess this is a really good one seems really good actually thought it was Diamond it’s an oxidized copper pickaxe it’s not good well if it’s calming yeah I I like using

Some of the uh start do Valley Music I have done a lot of previously whoa rier this is a crazy Village from decorative blocks yeah the start sty Valley Music is always awesome what is that is that house on top of another house on a hill

A huge village okay you can tell that there’s multiple Villages added like this this I think is no this is the normal village with extra houses but that is all also a normal village cuz these are the default type of houses the other one all the mods I

Think doesn’t have like the normal houses or it seemed like it didn’t really have any normal houses it just has completely custom Villages one problem with doing videos on oh my gosh it’s a grey one one problem on doing videos on mod packs like these is that you will

End up spending the first two or three episodes just going around the world looking through chests because there’s so many chests just everywhere obviously that’s basically what I did for 3 hours on all the mods nine let me bring my blocks here and bring my watermelon calou somebody readying their gun or their

Crossbow this oh hey the candle gives you resistance that’s nice a double decker house uh not that much in these how is the beautify mod houses I don’t know if I need a beauy mod cat oh my gosh do the pigs follow you now always oh my God gosh is that

Something from this mod pack what is that bit strange memers of engineering house of course an arrow and a Apple that’s a pretty useless chest but I’ll take it oh my gosh another stupid ass wizard tower I’m going to go into it again but this time I’m not going to die to the

Booby craft whoa Close Quarters what is this 25 chests oh great the gold drenched iron from Elemental craft fire from Elemental craft oh this thing must be from Elemental craft whatever the heck it is who is that who the [ __ ] is that I will fight him he looks scary okay what the [ __ ]

Get him nightmare get this nightmare out of here did not expecting to teleport like that he’s dead oh wow that was cool how he just falls apart I got one of the Corruptions these are what I trade to the the guy of the tree that’s cool oh my what the what the lava

Zombies from Earth mobs mod actually Earth mobs mod is cool if they oh oh my gosh they bounc what the heck oh meteorites uh they definitely have meteorites in the other one right applied energistics too saved that barely oh my gosh that was nearly a

Death uh how do I get out of this one I got my blocks okay just okay damn that was nearly to death jeez jeez up to 10 likes on a stream I barely ever get to 10 likes that means 10 people watch and cared enough to leave a like that’s awesome thank you

Guys Flawless solar gem this this mod pack seems to give a better better gems than the other one they give some so many Flawless ones and a lunar one and a second Flawless one or I’ve just gotten lucky you know where is the string I need to kill

Spiders I need to find and kill spiders let me free up some room in my inventory get rid of one of these jump boost totems I don’t need jump boost ow Fallen night here time to die thanks pugman guess it is a good stream whoa strange gravee dust okay I do not

Need gravee dust I do need food I’m dying yes yes one sec somebody’s calling me in Discord I will answer hello how you doing I’m on stream right now you doing good what are you up to subscribe to me subscribe to you yes good yeah yeah what are you up to right now

You playing any games still right now yeah I got OverWatch I got OverWatch I don’t have it installed I got my Steam account back oh nice I’m about it I’m playing I just got walking simulator oh my walking simulator that’s a fun game yeah I’m playing uh some modded

Minecraft right now you ever played MineCraft with Mods no it I haven’t I haven’t before it it’s pretty fun sometimes it can be hard to get it to run on like a a worse computer though oh yeah my computer can definitely run it my comp can run RL CRA oh yeah

Like frames a second I’m pretty sure you can run like almost any mod we don’t talk about RTX you don’t talk about that this is a czy 590 okay yeah yeah I only have a RX 590 this baby is my baby cat once again again even though I

Let him out let him I’m being swarmed by so many mobs right now that does a lot of damage demo or back where’d that guy go oh my gosh guyy so fast and so small I can’t hit him oh my God yes okay I’m going go check out your

Channel it’s been a long time since I clicked on your channel because there’s like no new videos yeah I’ve been pretty busy but I’ve been doing streams recently a lot of streams you say hi on them I can’t find you’re buried if you just go to your subs list

It should be up near the top first subscriber you’re my first subscriber I I was the so you’re the my first subscriber you’re the first person I subscribed to oh that’s awesome oh my gosh these guys are stupid you are Immortal oh my go return and give the beautiful creature a demonstration of

This please did I actually unsubscribe to you huh did I accidentally maybe I don’t know depends how many subscribers how many people you subscribed to maybe you just were clearing out your list clicked on the wrong one yeah bang Ben gong huh be there’s a person called Bang Gang

B gong and he released a video called Speed Build SK toilet Lego building cameraman Army toilet yeah that’s not me different Ben gang oh I found you oh I’m subscribed oh yeah I’m subscribing all I no getting you to 250 Subs nice yeah I got so many my God my computer is

[ __ ] loud uh oh you got too many Chrome tabs open or something you mean Opera you mean Opera Opera you’re using Opera not Chrome yeah I don’t use Chrome apparently it’s bad yeah Chrome can be bad for some other stuff but I’ve heard that Opera seals your data so so watch out for

That I’m running this D chipped lightning Jem y this game is amazing whoa what game oh my gosh it is so beautiful oh my God that’s why my computer’s so loud are you doing fine I I don’t think it’s doing fine I think my computer’s dying not

Good I need two more string if I’m going to build a backpack you know God damn I’m in the backs I got to view of the camera why is that light flickering I could make shorts about this could this could this could actually up yeah good luck with your

Game I’m going to unall and go back to streaming but I will talk to you later no okay bye and good luck on your shorts bye awesome so where are I wish I could find some more spiders there are not any here right now 100% trying with friends on a mod

Pack I I know I should maybe if I can find like a smaller mod pack like I don’t know if rlcraft is smaller or bigger than this but that would that would be a fun stream to do with friends or just not on stream if that

Would make it easier to play either way well I I would I would love to if somebody yeah that’ be fun okay where are the spiders located I need some of them that is not a spider that is a lobber zombie not throwing anything right now Dro a

Triangle the biggest problem with moded Minecraft is inventory space because if you see how many of these spaces are taken up by moded stuff it’s 1 2 3 4 five like like literally half of it is just a bunch of mobed stuff and that’s because they give you so many chests which is

Crazy okay where can I get some string yeah sure hit me up on Discord I’ll talk to you later let me put my Discord it is there that with a St just my Channel with s r on the end and you can hit me up sometime that’ be awesome tall mystical batania

Flower um whoa this is a cool area let me turn on my render distance because I want to see this area holy crap this area looks awesome let me turn it up even more see if I can just load it real quick and then I’ll turn it back down that’s actually pretty beautiful

Mod pack I mean all the mods is probably pretty good looking as well it will have to look there’s another meteorite site over there and a infinite dungeon that’s the same infin dungeon what is that though I do not know let me R settings turn it back down to like

12 and go over that way can we make it to the water come on we can make it to the water we cannot make it to the water [ __ ] only because you have every time I die it’s just down and just gives me that some he talks to me why there we

Go friended you pug man okay let me Che over there after that that was kind of embarrassing I just could not reach the water unfortunately climb back up the mountain there what is that thing on the hill I don’t know what it is but it looks

Crazy I am not going to try and reach the water again he going to slowly fall down the hill to of quickly and die oh okay we’re good this one seems less laggy than all the mods six or all the mods nine not six six is a a really old

One another another Cliffside Village think we can see the the dungeon sticking out of the wall no I think it if they’re really high up they just have a really long staircase so we wouldn’t be able to see it sticking out of the wall how old are you I am 18 I’m in

College know that that looks like it’s part of the dungeon I want to go see after I look at whatever the heck this is oh it’s another Elemental craft thing I don’t actually know how Elemental craft works let me Elemental craft glyphs you make glyph that’s no wait this is ARS

Elemental oh I’m talking about Elemental craft Elemental craft mhm shrines Elemental craft White Rock Wall Earth Source these sources what a heck Jewel of the piglin some weird Jewels water Watermill wood saw these are this is a crazy mod pack Mewtwo Rune crazy didn’t know they have Mewtwo

Rune do you do a Roblox stream I haven’t played Roblox in a long time I got to I need somebody to to tell me the good games nowadays you should go and friend me on Discord I sent it up above and send me some links to good

Roblox games to play because I I do not know what I’m what are good right now on Roblox since it’s been like six or seven years maybe May no I played a few it’s six or seven years since I probably played Roblox seriously but I’ve played a few since then

On on some videos I got some older videos I remember I played Roblox squid game and that’s one of my favorite videos we weren’t good at it but it’s still one of the fun videos even though that one didn’t actually get that many views got less

Views in the Stream damn it’s up to 55 whoa okay I’m get un lck starf fruit tree that’s fun more Bees these weird Crow houses what are this what is this place why is there so many crows in here this is a strange Village this hexar mod Village oh this is cool has tunnel through the through the mountain is the mud brick making that sound are these just dropped here

Strange must have loaded in that way leather as well okay we’re looking for string for a backpack right now okay oh my oh wow I’ve been streaming for 4 hours that is a bit crazy I’m still looking around though for what other mods all the mods is missing

It was that Earth okay it added like the The Roosters in if I can find a rooster uh I’ll figure out which mod is that those are added in by because that that mod I want I want to make sure I have this country are you from I am from

America United States not America I forget that America isn’t actually a country croptop yeah yeah they all have copia do people not from America know America as the country or do they just do they know America as the continent and United States is the country I honestly got no clue what is

That bird doing is that one of the crows that I let out uh sh blueberry CRA another be nectarine American continent uhhuh yeah well the USA then just saying America is the country cuz it’s kind of what we’re known as here at least rubber wood rubber wood lock rubber rubber tree whatever

Okay this night I’m going to find the string or just find some cobwebs somewhere that I can mine for string okay it’s it’s lagging a lot more it’s laging a lot now okay that’s definitely the okay wrong button uh oh is is ling a lot now that okay there rer distance back down

To eight eight should be good vsync is off Graphics just turn it to fast there that should hopefully help a lot still lagging a bit this one lags a lot holy crap holy crap is that a just a regular Minecraft stronghold I’m not used to seeing those in moded like often

Because just pretty rare I don’t know compared to all the other structures oh oh it’s an elemental craft thing this isn’t going to be anything useful gunpowder coal eh it might have had string in it who knows yeah yeah the the weird the hollow logs I don’t I don’t know what the deal

With them is but it’s cool packed ice oh some ice here another wither Tower hole in that mountain I don’t see any monsters uhoh no never mind I see one rapidly approaching me from behind there’s one like right up here pine cones oh shoot break the

Snow okay that is oh my gosh what the heck it’s a flying bee man have to shoot him Archer duel and I don’t got a shield okay he’s dead damn that guy was kind of crazy up on the bee like that I don’t know what adds that but something

Does uh strange strange stuff oh damn didn’t realiz it was so low I got to get not as low nectarine crop ow who’s after me please tell me that I isn’t like the stupid Pillager guys what is this loot cart give me these keep going no not C concussion creeper does all the

Mods have Ender zoology I got to check okay Ender Ender iio is in all the mods Ender zoology is not Ender zoology add some Co stuff NOP wrong way there’s like a baby creeper after me those guys suck those guys were not in all the mods 6 or all the mods

9 nice 24 hours to stream good luck when you do I wish you luck do you know what you’re going to stream yet Minecraft is always good some Roblox these guys the Earth mobs mod Earth mobs mod ow ow ow ow the other guy behind

Me it had to be yeah it’s just an enchanted skeleton guy there’s someone in this Tower a friendly I’m going in whoa something leveled up book pile Spruce bookshelves where’s the friendly that’s where I saw someone okay the cleric villager don’t know how to stream

YouTube on Xbox oh yeah I don’t I don’t know how to do that either I don’t got a Xbox oh my gosh obsidian dust from mechanism that is like the hardest thing to obtain in some mods or in some packs like it’s crazy how annoying it is to

Try and get obsidian dust for mechanism what of the stuff don’t I need the crow blank amulet no I don’t need that hey you trade for me never mind you don’t got anything good oh the sack with the Warped fonus in it nice okay I’m out of here a Ducks okay where

Are the spiders that’s who I’m looking for YouTube doesn’t support Xbox really you might you could probably oh no not the Ender minies get me away from there let me kill this guy with a backpack maybe he drops the backpack he died H maybe you could somehow cast the Xbox

To a computer and stream OBS it’ be kind of a a delay but it’d be better than not being able to stream at all Sushi go crafting what Sushi oh my gosh they got Sushi go in sushi they do have sushi in you know n who’s there zombie please don’t be hostile

Endies I okay they aren’t hostile why did those guys kill me he was killing me before I hit him oh never mind never mind open the loot where is spiders okay let me kill him oh yeah I got enough to craft a backpack time to head to a village where I can be

Safe Plum crop I I have the blood moon mod that’s always a fun one actually I don’t know if blood there is blood moon support in the newer mod pack or like a newer Minecraft mod modes it’s got to be I mean it might already be in h mod

Sign they’ve got the Harvest Moon apparent 10:47 for you it’s 947 for me yeah what time is it for you pug in Australia right yeah yeah that’s a lot a long time away from us oh okay let me my up this damn Mountain okay what’s this mushroom extended mushrooms I do not need

Extended mushrooms I think I’m good for that 12 at night are you in like California Bros that time zone oh another one of the infinite dungeons I’m not going in another one of those I already did that oh wait no 12 at night that would be on

New York time I forget oh my gosh get away from me baby zombie ow whoa what was okay damn damn the lag is not good right now let me render distance down couple more chunks just chill chill render distance or chill lag honestly okay backpack time

So chest in the center one two three four that means this we’ll have to fix it backpack backpack I was close whoa so backpack you can either put it on your back and how do you view it if it’s on your back but I mean can you is there a

Backpack slot there is a backpack spot whoa It’s actually on your back but you can yeah can open it backpack settings why is my inventory blank whatever but oh my gosh I can finally put all the stuff that I do not need right now pugman they probably already have

The the mods that make you less laggy on these mod packs like I bet they know that it’s G to be laggy so they already put those in and it still is probably this laggy like actually kind of sucks but that just how it how it is sometimes with the mod packs with

The huge mod packs if you want to play them but all all the mods got a lot better this one was better and now it’s gotten worse which is not fun boms of Plenty leaves another villager Tower over there you need to use a different mod

That they don’t have to add them what do you mean confused what are these are these Bears holy crap they got Bears here oh get away from me I’m sorry he’s still chasing me oh my God he is no this is a Pillager Village a a pillage I don’t know oh my

Gosh I don’t want to have to kill you bear please please don’t make me do this oh my God I missed please please get away from me get away from me bear oh my God I’m sorry bear cup fabric for huh does that work with this jellyfish I probably shouldn’t touch that it

Probably kill me oh my God that bear nearly killed me God damn I’m not dead thankfully oh what whoa crazy silk mod Crazy something down there whoa no oh my gosh it lag right as I jumped that sucked thankfully there’s water down there I thought I would be really dead

Soap stone what is that thing spider egg ah please thanks pugman I’ll check out the the list uh I I don’t see the list on Discord I don’t see any messages from you right now but oh can send it oh damn sorry I thought you said you

Had but yeah I would I would love to see that stringy cob this is crazy oh it’s G on thought I could get it thanks pugman I’ll look into those sometime pigs what is the pigs follow you mod that is a weird one okay oh the biomes you go a fun

One you don’t know how how to what on Discord look up look me up or what I think if you just type friends and then search no and then add friend and then if you put in Ben gangster you’ll be able to find me what is that

Geese okay all the mods is get or tnp Limitless is getting very laggy this might have to stop sooner rather than later since hey I’ve already been going four and a half hours nearly but be it’s getting too laggy you guys are seeing this lag too right

Is this is definitely laggier than all the mods was right cuz if all the mods was this laggy I don’t know how I could possibly be possibly make a series on it cuz all the mods seemed a lot less lagy am I just because I’m loading new

Chunks but I mean I’ll be doing that a lot do both of these have Tinkers as well cuz you know you got to have ERS wow this one really doesn’t have Tinkers all the mods have Tinkers wow wow tinger construct was a staple of mod packs for like years I that’s crazy

That it’s not in in either of these wow I mean I guess they’ve got the the like slots type weapons instead they got the apotheosis mod instead of tinker’s construct but still Tinker construct is I don’t know Tinker construct is one of my favorites I want

To see if I can add it Tinkers but oh that’s a technology or not technology but mod that’ll add oh oh was that the Sweet Berry bush damaging me mod that’ll add like ores and stuff and then they’ll be conflicting but I’m sure one can’t hurt cuz but I want tiners

There regular watermelons not the the little ones whoa slow down lagged into this small hole thought it might have been bigger oh weria and laender no ja jakaranda I don’t know how it’s actually pronounced but this is a crazy biome purple biome like it it’s nice

Okay I think I will probably be both streaming and playing for a series The all the mods 9 the streams I will get probably more crazy and chaotic and the the mod pack I will focus each or the series I will focus each episode on a specific thing so we will we’ll

See we will see when I do start streaming is this a ocean no it’s just a big river the lag is going to get me killed it nearly has like two or three times ow yeah I’m just kind of kind of oh my gosh no no no no not another bear nope I

Will stay far away from that guy um yeah if you just send me the name of it I can look it up on on the curse Forge if it’s on curse Forge or if not you can also send it to me I can get it somewhere else but just

Find I just find curse fors the easiest usually which makes sense because it is pretty easy and Rose did you you try and friend me on Discord yet cuz you could and send me a list of Roblox games to stream if you wanted to watch that I’m not a food

Again even the eating the food is lagy jeez is it like trying to be at a 100 oh it’s FPS is going crazy maybe if I turn that down it’ll lag less no lag yet is that really what was causing me so much lag Omega Adventure Pack

1.12 1.12 that’s a pretty old one but if it’s 1.12 it definitely has t ERS I know that there’s no other good well there was no other good Tinkers for 1.12 or other good tools mods I will check it out yeah but right now I think I’m getting pretty close to

Ending stream got my backpack on this I got beavers these beavers no those are lizards turn on in usually BNC kind of makes the lag worse we will see though that seems to not have helped or maybe it was just that one Spike oh oh no still lag still lagging

Okay vsync did not help if I turn it it on oh my gosh it’s a witch this is a witch’s house shoot there’s throwing stuff of me turn off these things before I continue think that may have made it worse whoa yeah that that was one of the first

Things that it told whoa that it told me to turn off when I looked up how to lower mod modded Minecraft lag another spider around this rock oh is this another purple biome wow or is this the same purple biome and I just somehow found it again no more

Witches jeez they are nearly getting me with these where is The Villages I swear there was a village like every 10 blocks when I spawned in villager get inside your house also what there’s only one oh crude oil is that a village please tell me that’s a village over there

No this is a pillage no get me out of here yeah I think my main monitor is 120 so maybe holy crap what is that thing what did he do that did that thing summon that lightning or some [ __ ] it’s it’s a blitz just need like one more good hit

On oh my gosh cannot hit this guy okay he’s dead jeez I thought this was annoying I need to drop anything except inferium okay I just want to find another Village or some type of structure or house or whatnot and then I think I will end off the stream there

Because this has been C crazy crazy long stream with so many new viewers am I to 250 subscribers did that guy I called said oh my gosh I am I swear I started the stream with 142 or 242 not 100 that would be way too oh my gosh they added

Them from the aod added them that’s so nice oh my gosh the moo boom mod is that in all the mods no it’s from the buz or bees mod it is not okay that’s pretty awesome no the Ender miny the s creeper what does this guy

Do okay never mind he just blows up I thought he would like you will end this loss and learn from it yeah I don’t know about this mod pack it talks to me too much oh hey frood oil well ow baby skeleton is annoying as heck

Does he shoot faster like how a baby zombie hits faster if so that’s really annoying okay what is this block magma block why can’t you see the magma all the way down there strange okay there’s something across the lake or the ocean is that a shrimp Sushi go mod is that a boat

That is a bow why do I keep looking like a ghost what do you mean like whenever I die like that I have the ghostly shape effect is that what you’re talking about so if that’s not what you’re talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about

Cuz the ghostly shape effect it’s like whenever you die you have a couple seconds where you’re or it’s like 2 minutes so you can go get your grave and if it runs out then after that it uh just turns you back normal okay I hey fisherman is there a a village around here

Anywhere let’s let’s check chunk distance up let me search for a village across the ocean um I don’t see any I see another bow that Ain what I’m looking for though woo no never mind thought that was just free loot they got drowns there okay so where’s the nearest

Village yeah yeah it’s getting the lag is seeming to seemingly getting worse and worse I don’t know what that the sound is but I don’t like these chips get out of here oh that’s not a chip that’s a snail sorry poisonous mushroom cap oh my gosh generates poison damn that’s actually pretty cool

More of the purple biome okay it’s get the lag’s getting like worse and worse like really oh my gosh a crude oil well can’t even barely climb in this mountain without lagging like three or four times and I’m falling down the mountain okay okay damn I don’t know if I did that myself

Or if the lag kind of made me help me off the cliff okay this this modack has been kind of a laggy mess but it’s giv me some insight into mods that I want for add to all the mods you know all the mods also has these weird

Trees I don’t even know where they are but it has them and they’re kind of everywhere the the archwood I don’t know what it does hey another wizard tower that blows up that isn’t what I want a was Stone though haven’t found one of those yet even I don’t I didn’t even see

The ones in the Villages unless the villages just didn’t spawn with one graned iron uh I think I’m good h ow ow that hurt yeah I do not I’m not really thinking of anything else that I need to add to all the mods and I’m also not seeing a damn

Village I swear if I look at the journey map like how how far I’ve gone oh my God gosh I’ve gone very far I’m like at 2,000 3,000 right now but if I look like look at the beginning look oh my gosh right here spawn next to a village

Got one of those weird Villages there’s a castle there’s a Pillager Village there’s another Village there’s another Village there’s a third a third Village right here then a castle and then over here there was like this weird house I don’t think I even went to that but

Looks like another Village and then oh there’s obviously one right here then I I left and I started looking for one like here there’s not been a single Village there’s the Pillager camp but that isn’t a village that’s a Pillager Camp damn like for real where the heck

Is the villages there were so many before and now I’m just getting non-stop lag kind of makes me think I should end this soon they got pumps in this they do they have mechanism pumps which are nice so that’s how you would pump up the oil and they also got mechanism in all

The mods that that hole in the ground okay okay well I’m never playing this world again so instead of that I will be instead of finding a village guess I’m going to jump into this lava Goodbye Oh yeah it doesn’t even get rid of my stuff since it’s all in a in a

Grave so that we may learn how to pick ourselves back thank you extra planner entity I will get out of this game but thank you all for watching this stream it’s been amazing you’ve given me a lot of views I’ll see the total total

Watch hour in a bit which is going to be crazy but thanks for watching and I hope you guys who subscribed come to some of my future streams and say hi in chat that would be nice so I will talk to you guys later with another probably

Um all the mods stream not a TN be Limitless but thanks for watching me stream all the mods and I will see you guys later when the series starts bye bye

This video, titled ‘Finding an Awesome Minecraft Modpack for my New Series!’, was uploaded by BenGang on 2024-01-31 05:42:04. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:53 or 16913 seconds.

today im gonna be finding a new modpack for my modded minecraft series, sevtech has been alot slower than i hoped and i realized that something more interesting could make for an awesome series that would be fun to edit!

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1)

    Falling for Blocks: Minecraft Melody (S2 E1) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Our heroes embark on a thrilling ride. Casual and Catalina, lost and apart, Searching for elements with all their heart. In the Aether they roam, a dimension unknown, Seeking the four elements, their quest has grown. With Ariane by their side, they’ll face any test, To reunite and find peace, they’ll give their best. But obstacles loom, challenges arise, Will they succeed, or meet their demise? Stay tuned for the next episode, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Read More

  • 15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs!

    15 Hilarious Minecraft Resource Packs! The Best Minecraft Resource Packs of 2024 Introduction In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, resource packs play a crucial role in enhancing the visual experience for players. From ultra-realistic textures to performance-boosting packs, there is a wide range of options available to suit every player’s preferences. Top 15 Resource Packs The Minecraft community is constantly creating and sharing new resource packs, but some stand out from the rest. Here are the top 15 resource packs of 2024 that you can download to elevate your Minecraft gameplay: 1. Ultra-Realistic Pack Experience Minecraft like never before with this ultra-realistic resource pack… Read More

  • Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style!

    Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Thyotherside is the name, crafting dreams. With a pokeball in hand, catching mobs with glee, Their humor and wit, a sight to see. From Twitch to YouTube, they bring the fun, Spinning rhymes and jokes, until the day is done. So subscribe and follow, join the ride, With Thyotherside, let’s take Minecraft in stride. Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

    Unveiling Minecraft Bundles Minecraft Introduces Bundles and Hardcore Mode in Realms Minecraft players have something new to look forward to as the game introduces bundles and hardcore mode in realms. This exciting update brings 16 colored variants of bundles, adding a fresh element to the gameplay experience. What are Bundles? Bundles are a convenient way for players to organize and store their items in Minecraft. With the addition of 16 colored variants, players can now customize their bundles to suit their preferences and style. This feature not only adds a practical aspect to the game but also allows for creative expression. Hardcore… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Experience a Better Gaming Community Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft with a twist – Jack Black’s “Minecraft” movie trailer causing a stir on the internet. While the internet may be buzzing with opinions about the movie, why not take a break and immerse yourself in the ultimate Minecraft experience on Minewind server? Join players from around the world in an exciting and dynamic gameplay environment that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More