Upgrading The ENTIRETY of Minecraft – The ULTIMATE Survival World | Part 3

Video Information

I’m upgrading everything in minecraft to make the ultimate survival world for this crazy project i’ve made a survival island made up of 16 million blocks including 10 biomes full of minecraft’s in-game structures and i’m transforming all of it now we’ve already upgraded the plane’s biome the desert biome

Which includes the beaches and lastly the mushroom and swamp biomes so today we’re transforming the one and only dark wood forest which includes a custom dark wood village an abandoned zombie infested village and the massively menacing woodland mansion all with some crazy backstories plus we’re upgrading the forest itself and

Adding in a few custom builds to take things even further now not only are we going to upgrade everything in the biome on a massive scale but every interior is going to be fully decorated and with the help of my girlfriend steph there will be a bunch of hidden secrets

Custom loot and plenty of in-depth lore and stories that carry throughout the rest of the world it’s episode 3 of this mega survival world and i’ve spent close to 100 hours on this video alone all of which has gone into one bio now i know i mentioned in the previous episodes that

We’d be tackling multiple biomes per video but because of the size of this biome its structures and story it needed an entirely dedicated video now if you have any questions or ideas or you just want to join the wonderful blocks fam community then be sure to check out the trixie locks discord and

Finally i wanted to show a little appreciation for all of the support that i’ve got on this project so far so i’m hosting a small giveaway follow my instagram for a chance to win 250 some free world downloads and more just make sure you check out the instructions on my instagram highlights

Before we continue with the ultimate survival world it’s time to mention the sponsor of this video core core allows you to play explore and create an endless universe of games and they’re all for free it has tens of thousands of community created games in every genre and style that you can think of

Personally i’ve been playing a lot of kooky cards and i must say it’s an intense racing game only for seasoned racing veterans i think my new salmon paint and flag additions will mostly help with the car’s aerodynamics and downfall okay no it doesn’t do any of that

It just makes you look even cooler core is hosting the invitational game jam a game dev competition that includes a hundred and forty thousand dollars worth of prizes and the best part is you don’t need any previous experience with core to enter the competition accepted applicants will receive one

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First things first we’ve got to remove the original darkwood trees to make way for our brand new forest and as you can see i really wanted to upgrade the scale of these trees dramatically to create a spooky and dense forest like something from a fairy tale the

Default dark wood trees aren’t a crazy spectacle but they do have a large trunk which is why i opted for such a massive scale so that when you stand at the foot of them you really are rather dwarfed in comparison because i’m building this world and making it survival friendly

I had to ensure that the trees had enough branches to stop the leaves from decaying once placed and looking like a big old broccoli i ended up placing four different trees making sure that they had enough variation in height and shape to avoid a repetitive looking forest i tried decorating the branches with

Hanging vines but i removed them as i didn’t want these trees to be too similar to our jungle trees once we upgrade them i thought it would make sense to create a few little man-made bridges to connect the plane’s biome to the dark wood at different ends of the biome perhaps

This was built by the villagers to aid in traveling across to trade in each other’s biome okay it’s time for some major changes i really wanted to add a bit of variation to the landscape especially around the main village as the biome previously felt way too flat so i quite literally repositioned and

Pasted an entire mountainscape then to add further variation in terrain height i cut a major crevice throughout the entire biome for the river to flow through and connect it to the large lake at the center of the island this alone took a fair amount of time even though i

Haven’t taken things to the craziest scale like some of my other projects because this is a survival world after all with that done i started layering the landscape up the side of this hill to create a tiered effect as this would be the foundations for our

New village as you can see i dug out a few routes for some rivers and waterfalls stemming from a large lake of water that sits behind the village encased in some mysterious mountain peaks i then tidied things up including a pathway that snakes up the layered landscape

And finally added in the rivers and waterfalls throughout with a lot of the main terraforming complete it’s time to include some of those new dark wood trees that we just made and gradually fill out the forest i also included a branching off pathway and bridge to the right of where our new

Village would be then continued placing in our new gigantic trees and filling up the landscape before placing the rest of the trees i wanted to include a small lake with a monument in the center legend says that the most powerful sword in the land was placed here by a

Mysterious wizard who claimed that only a worthy adventurer would be able to retrieve it can you guess what this story was inspired by now we’ve got to fill out the remaining half of the biome to finish our dense dark wood forest honestly if you do play this in survival then i can guarantee

You will never run out of a wood supply you could build an entire kingdom from chopping down even just one of these trees but before moving on we’ve got to fill this forest with some shrubbery and rock clusters also i’m not really sure why but my minecraft skin has decided to just

Disappear throughout the video so apparently minecraft steve is going to be helping me build placing our custom bushes and rocks around really filled up the forest floor making it much more dense and like an overgrown woodland these decorations literally cover the entire biome so you won’t want to stray too far from the

Pathway otherwise you might just get lost as i mentioned this video alone has taken about 100 hours so if you want me to transform the next biome and eventually get the completed world download for yourself via patreon then you’ve got to get this video to 250

000 likes i’ve had to bump it up quite a bit since the last episode because you guys keep hitting the light goal within a few hours now since the main pathway weaves throughout the forest i whipped up a few small man-made bridges to cross the crevice and allow

Access between each section of the biome as for the main entrance to the village i tweaked the landscape and then built a diagonal bridge matching the style from the previous bridge designs finally i added some more small bridges to cross the rivers and waterfalls and connected up the pathway

That winds throughout our future village starting with the first of our profession-based buildings for the darkwood village the cleric or i suppose in this case the rabbi now as i’ve mentioned in previous episodes i plan to change things up for the village church and build different places of worship

In different biomes so far we’ve built a church in the plains biome a mosque in the desert and for the dark wood i wanted to build a synagogue the synagogue is a jewish place of worship but it can also double up as a place to study

And a community centre as well now after researching into the architecture of a typical synagogue i discovered that they’re not really limited to a particular style or shape they vary in design quite a lot however the most notable features i found from reference images of real life synagogues were large circular windows

Sandwiched between two towers with bulb like roofs now remember that this is meant to be my own take on this style of religious building and is in no way meant to be an accurate representation of a real synagogue i plan to continue making alternative places of worship in other biomes

So let me know what you’d like to see down in the comments below as for the interior of the synagogue i discovered that the style and layout seemed to vary quite a bit the only thing that did seem to persist were archways overlooking balconies either side rows of pews and

A raised platform you can access the second floor via the front towers and with the design laid out i mirrored it to the other side of the building i realized how massive i ended up making this building once i attempted placing it down so i had to do some tweaking to the landscape

In order to position it at the highest tier of the village our second profession-based building is for the cartographer i settled on a peaked roofed fantasy style for this building which is going to loosely persist throughout the remainder of the village i’m aware that a darkwood village doesn’t actually exist

In game however as i’ve mentioned previously i intend to make custom villages even for biomes that don’t spawn their own villages obviously because the cartographer lives here i had to include a separate lookout tower that connects to the side of the building the next profession building the weaponsmith the plan for this building

Layout was to follow the same sort of design as the vanilla building with the main forgery and large furnace residing on a stone platform work area that’s attached to the side of the building you’ll also notice i added a slight curvature to the rooftops of each building using slabs and trap doors to

Make a more unique design with the weaponsmith complete of course i had to accompany it with an armorer i decided on an entirely new design for this building and i made a start on it by working on a diagonal axis you can see the vanilla armor are

Building to the right which i used as a reference the only notable difference the arma building has to the regular village buildings is a chimney stack but i wanted to include a turret tower into this building design as i felt that it suited the armorer profession with the main profession buildings

Complete i placed them at different levels across the village as for filling up the remaining space i used red wool as a guideline to position and place down the remaining village houses so from the red wall i started building up individual village houses on loads of different angles the reason

I didn’t place down the vanilla village houses and technically transform them is because it’s going to be pretty much impossible to do that especially when i’m challenging myself to build most of these houses on a diagonal this also means i’m building each of these houses by hand

Limiting my use of world edit to duplicate buildings avoiding repetition and creating a more immersive environment for you guys to explore now remember each of these buildings may be small but they’re also all fully furnished and have usable interiors meaning this process took plenty of time this village ended up being rather large

And jam-packed with houses which was the ultimate goal as i stated earlier the aim for this entire biome was to make things much larger than its vanilla predecessor since mojane didn’t create a darkwood village i had to do it justice and do something a little more wild i wanted this to feel

Like a total transformation which meant putting the extra hours of work in and really going all out this project is really helping me to show you guys what i can build in different styles on a smaller scale than my usual projects with some individual megastructures to tackle as well as densely packed villages

I have so many more projects planned and i cannot wait to show you guys my full building potential now to add even more variation to the village and to enhance that fantasy theme i included some hobbit houses embedded in the different layers of terrain i built the original hobbit house normally

And had to include a few diagonal variants along the final top layer of the village even though i didn’t plan to include a pharma profession in this biome i thought that it would fit nicely in one of these flat spaces i created up on the hillside plus i couldn’t leave all these

Villagers going hungry so i quickly whipped up a crop farm to bring our little custom village to life i redesigned a few small decorations including a cart a small flower bed a lantern a bell and a well to scatter around the village with the decorations complete i placed

Them around the village to add that finishing touch things are really looking lively now but i’m not quite finished with this area yet the hidden lake behind the village has a mystery of its own a crazy old wizard lives there now if you were listening closely you

May have picked up that this wizard is the one who placed the legendary sword in the darkwood forest for a worthy adventurer to retrieve but he actually feeds a lot more into the backstory as well he spends his days trying to unravel the mysteries of the ultimate survival world the cursed

Treasure of the evil pharaoh from the desert the eerie beached shipwreck the peculiar coven of witches in the mushroom and swamp biome the bizarre disappearance of the wealthy family who lived in the nearby woodland mansion and much much more perhaps this kooky old guy has discovered something more

About this surreal island and its secrets not to mention the legendary fabled treasure as you can see i went for a traditional wizard tower vibe sticking with the materials that match the rest of our dark wood forest to make this tower a little more wacky and puzzling i added plenty of smaller

Roofs into the main tower as well as a larger outcropping at the bottom which i later on decided to tweak slightly so that it felt better connected to the rest of the building and finally we’re moving on to the woodland mansion which literally could have been its own video now you may have

Seen some of my mega transformations of minecraft’s in-game structures but i haven’t actually tackled the woodland mansion yet for my mega transformations i scale things up massively but to keep things authentic and true to survival minecraft i decided not to scale things up for this one perhaps if you guys want to see

It i’ll do a mega transformation of the woodland mansion even crazier than this one but for now let’s focus on this upgrade which is still huge so as you can see i’m starting with the entrance and really trying to channel a menacing vibe into my building i’ve seen a few woodland mansion

Transformations that give off a sort of ski lodge or log cabin vibe which is cool but i think a mansion should look a little bit more intimidating and ominous for the main entrance i opted for this grand design with three feature windows at the top and a harshly sloped roof

Even though the original woodland mansion’s roof is super flat i thought that i could take that aspect and present it in a different way with a harshly sloped roof since it still has a large surface area to make the front even more grand and imposing i decided to add towers on either side

But sort of embed them into the main entrance i don’t know about you but i’m definitely getting those spooky vibes already now it’s time to tackle the first side of this huge structure so i started by upgrading each section and added plenty of details while still maintaining some semblance of the original design

I decided to make the corner of the building a little more interesting with a sort of roofed terraced at floor level and adapted the roof up top to add some more dimension before repositioning things so that the serious building can start whilst i get into the nitty-gritty of

The building i should probably give you a little insight into the mystery of this woodland mansion once said to be home to a rich family of merchants this ominous mansion contains many secrets and maybe even relates to the huge treasure hunt starting at the shipwreck that i built in the last

Episode trading across the vast regions of the ultimate survival world this family learned many secrets about the island its history and its inhabitants many attempted to infiltrate the mansion in hopes of uncovering ancient secrets or hidden treasure and the wizard cast protective enchantments to help keep the family safe

One day the family mysteriously disappeared without a trace and the mansion is now said to be home to some far more fearsome inhabitants these days i wonder if you guys will be able to work out what really happened notably the hardest part of the woodland mansion to tackle is the completely flat roof

However seeing as we’ve essentially encapsulated the vanilla structure with the front and sides of the building now complete we can cut away the center of the mansion to create a classic courtyard it’s very difficult figuring out how to approach this giant cube of a building however this definitely felt like the

Best approach as it breaks up the design and adds more layers to the building the idea of course is to have overlooking balconies and walkways to make the courtyard feel more airy and open than it actually is i continued building up the back wall of the courtyard topping it off with

Another square roof design making this the largest segment of the building to add the final feature to perfect the courtyard i embedded a clock tower sticking as closely to the original building shape as possible to finish this section off at the back of the courtyard we created

That large wall and roof section which is the largest part of this building so i was able to mirror the design to the back of the mansion and then marry it up with the rest of the building for the remaining corners of this building section i continued the wall and roof design all

The way around and connected back up into the clock tower then to complete the exterior of the new mansion i scattered around several roofed windows to add in as much final detail as possible as well as including several roofed terraces around the back of the building

Now with the exterior of our new mansion complete the surrounding environment needs a little sprucing up so that it matches the new mansion’s design using large cylinders of sand i was able to whip up several mountains surrounding the mansion and provide a more interesting and intimidating backdrop lastly i added in the trees

Rocks and shrubbery that we created earlier to finish this section of the darkwood forest of course we created that perfect opening in the middle of the mansion for a courtyard so i decorated it with pathways bushes flowers and a fountain as a final addition to the mansion i

Mixed in different block materials to add texture and wear and tear to the mansion it is abandoned after all now you may be asking yourself but trixie what about the interior well i dissected the vanilla mansion just to see the different types of rooms that we’re going to be dealing with

Of course i’m not going to be able to pace the hallways and rooms into the new mansion and directly transform them however i can build an interior that follows the same kind of style to match the vanilla interior just with larger rooms and much more detail and decoration as you

Can see the current interior of our new mansion is a mostly hollow shell with the remains of some of the vanilla structure so first things first i had to clear everything out and neaten things up so that i could plan things properly using an assortment of coloured wool i

Mapped out and made plans for the ground level of the mansion marking out hallways rooms and staircases of course the first room that you need as soon as you walk in the front door of a mansion is a grand entrance the main reason i started here was because i plan to keep

This entrance very open plan allowing access from all three floors of the mansion to balconies with a view all the way down to the bottom floor as you can see i added in a bunch of banners to decorate with this stag-like design inspired by mc banners as for the hallways the most notable

Part from the original design is the pillared supports on either side that line the walls down the full length of the hallway i made sure to add plenty of small decorations which took up the majority of the time such as banners plant pots paintings armor stands

And cobwebs to add to that creepy and abandoned vibe that we’re going for i then tackled the second floor plotting out all the different rooms and decorating the long winding hallways and not forgetting the third floor where i had to plan and decorate again making sure that i included plenty of

Chests which of course means some epic loot for you guys so for the first room i decided this mansion needed a grand kitchen i added a laundry area a large cooking area a classic checkered kitchen floor and some tables for food prep i then added some sinks lighting chests towels well banners

And a whole lot more to really bring the kitchen to life as if it was left this way many years ago next up is the grand bedroom we can’t have a mansion without a classic four poster bed i also added in a nice big rug a bookshelf a little grandfather clock

A wardrobe and some armor stands this family’s ancestors were famously members of the usw order of knights so they have a pretty sweet collection another essential room in a classic mansion is a big old dining room so that’s our next stop i added this long table and chairs

As well as some decorations taking a few bites from the cake to keep me going throughout all of this building now for a cozy library perhaps where the merchant family wrote their diary entries who knows but i don’t think anyone could read all of those books in one lifetime

Just to quickly show you guys some of the other rooms that i added both the vanilla upgrades and the new additions we have a once cozy lounge and study area a fully stacked wine cellar for all the families partying an upgrade of the villager statue room which just might be linked

To the jungle biome and finally a chest room crammed full to the brim with chests as well as these main rooms there are a bunch of smaller rooms throughout this huge mansion and who knows i might have even added a secret room or two in there And last but not least we have the abandoned zombie village to tackle which i of course had to replan for this area i adapted some of the darkwood village buildings so that they looked more ruined and abandoned if you’re wondering why this village has been left like this

It all started many years ago when a plague began to spread throughout the community it almost took over the whole village with some survivors fleeing to the darkwood village terrified that they might have brought this plague with them the darkwood villagers wouldn’t allow the survivors to settle there

With nowhere else to go the outcast surviving villagers fled across the river to the jungle and turned to a life of pillaging their story continues in the jungle which is going to be left for when we tackle that biome in another video but anyway as you can see this little

Fishing village would have been a picturesque little community in its heyday maybe as a side quest you guys could cleanse this village of its plague and restore this community to its prime and last but not least to finalize our abandoned zombie village and this huge episode

I added in the rest of the trees and forest decorations let’s take a look at all of our progress As you can see this video has taken a lot of time and hard work which biome should i do next we have the mesa savannah tiger snowy mountains and jungle left to transform as well as some smaller transformations of the ocean nether and end but seriously guys thanks for all

The crazy support on this project the block spam community just keeps growing and i’m so grateful that you’re all here as a heads up in the next video i’ll be revisiting the underwater kingdom but don’t worry i’ll be back with the ultimate survival world after that

If we can hit the light goal remember to join the discord to send in your ideas and ask any questions and also make sure to check out the instagram giveaway as well and of course don’t forget to click the link in the description to download call but apart from that

I’ll see you in the next one You

This video, titled ‘Upgrading The ENTIRETY of Minecraft – The ULTIMATE Survival World | Part 3’, was uploaded by TrixyBlox on 2021-07-27 17:00:20. It has garnered 5736431 views and 605127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:32 or 1352 seconds.

DOWNLOAD MAP HERE 🛠️: https://www.patreon.com/TrixyBlox

Over 100 HOURS of work have gone into this video! 250,000 LIKES for part 4 of the ULTIMATE survival world! I’ve had to bump up the like goal because you lot keep reaching it within the first 2 hours of the video upload! ⚔️

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/trixyblox INSTAGRAM GIVEAWAY 🎉: http://instagram.com/trixy.blox

Download My Builds HERE: https://www.patreon.com/TrixyBlox

Steph’s Socials: @StephBlox https://www.instagram.com/steph.blox

Second Channel: @MoreTrixyBlox

Instagram: http://instagram.com/oscosborne TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trixy.blox Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrixyBlox – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Shaders: BSL

Mods & Plugins Used: Optifine Replay Mod World Edit Voxel Sniper Hydrogen Lithium Phosphor Iris Sodium – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ♪♫ Artists’ Credits ♫♪ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Youtube Audio Library

Song List: RocknStock – https://youtu.be/mPRpBaUbLmU Bad Snacks – City Night Lights Godmode – Wehrmut Patrick Patrikios – Simple Cheel – Blue Dream Noir Et Blanc Vie – Knowpe Dan Henig – Empire Seasons Noir Et Blanc Vie – Goestories Underbelly & Ty Mayer – Swells Cheel – Anywhen You Say Bad Snacks – Joy Ride – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – #Minecraft #Transformation #Survival #UpgradingMinecraft #100Days

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    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

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  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : https://saweria.co/BudiKurwan Youtube Membership : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNWLHZbYrHFUuiaoFkM9ew/join Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

    Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lp.#ТаинственныеМиры Майнкрафт #shorts #minecraft #таинственныемиры #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Kseouse on 2024-04-22 11:35:37. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Welcome to the beginning of the third season of Minecraft with mods on my channel. This season’s build is exclusive, created by me and my team. If you like the videos, don’t forget to like👍and subscribe to the channel, because this is a huge motivation for creating content and improving quality! Playlist with this Lp. – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrNdIRHEb-I7BQXgnJR0pKBaWsqXdDCPa (Minecraft Modded Season 3). _____________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone,… Read More

  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

    🔥HellFrozen - EPIC Mountain House Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mountain House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-03-10 16:59:55. It has garnered 117915 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Joker Jhanju’s Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALS

    Joker Jhanju's Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Push-up troll face #shorts’, was uploaded by joker jhanju on 2024-06-14 08:35:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft thumbnails how to make minecraft thumbnails cringe minecraft thumbnails how to make 3d minecraft thumbnails cursed … Read More

  • Vanilla MC

    Vanilla MCA truly vanilla experience, online. Using a minimal list of plugins MC vanilla’s goal is to curate a truly vanilla experience. Read More

Upgrading The ENTIRETY of Minecraft – The ULTIMATE Survival World | Part 3