Ushio Goes Crazy!! Fish Cannibalism in Minecraft!

Video Information

Ahoy yo hi we are um are playing minecraft i guess you know if you’re here but yes good morning congrats on 4k thank you am i at 4k ready that’s awesome and partner i know that was that was a nice thing to wake up to um yeah

I i was like i didn’t check because i was like out of town out uh town for a bit i was like oh i i see i see it qualify now yeah but yeah thank you guys it’s also you guys doing all the work i just kind of

I just kind of wake up and i um play minecraft so so it doesn’t feel fair to be like oh yes yes i did that so yeah generally uh you guys did it pit so it was the trip it was good i haven’t um visited my family for a bit so um

It’s been it’s been a bit like two or three years since i’ve gone back home and visited them so because they’re pretty far away and with all like the traveling bands and stuff it’s been kind of hard but we may get through it’s nice seeing everybody

This nice um yeah it was a nice few days which i could have stayed longer but um alas i did not bring my whole computer set up maybe maybe next time hope you had a lot of fun with your family sounds nice it was nice glad hi mr seven interesting name i see

Saying back to the water stuff you’re spawning i did i did in my my little spawn pond um i made a little testing to remind myself what to get done pine rice get a new cat don’t lose chad oh okay um that sounds easy enough where’s chatter here we go

Haven’t lost them yet why do i keep doing this i need water where did i put down the source block this is miserable i need i need to put you in a in a little oh we got it and use these just kidding i don’t need to sees

Can you cat effermingo it’s okay all name well the other cat was um bingo if we get a new cat will be named mango water check water check i have um i didn’t have enough time to make myself tea this morning so i just have water

I almost lost cheddar it’s okay uh it’s okay we’ll keep him on our adventure and i saw a lot of you’ll send me stuff like i checked this morning and i didn’t have time to reply but i saw people found um rice seeds up and about i think they

Found it in the whoa is that is that one we’ve talked oh that’s a sheep i thought that was a traveling merchant um they said they found it in like the deserty areas by the water so i’ve been avoiding that area cause you know i’ve been doing the process of

Breaking down the two high weeds to get the seeds but i think we just need to find the someone who has the plant just out and about i think that’s that’s how we got to our lilacs are going prettily look at that you can just right click the sign to rewrote

Oh my god i can’t i think it’s a mod they added quite nice if i could if i if i do say so myself i’ll twerk for that yeah yeah hello guys welcome to another episode of jimmy plays minecraft where this episode we’re gonna find rice and kill the ender dragon um

Probably not but um maybe who knows you’ll never know what happened in episode but but hopefully we’ll find rice so so make sure to hit that thumbs up button and subscribe and smash that notification bell and everyone who who is who smashed the navigation that will be

Entered into a mr beast drawing for zero dollars whoa okay now that i now that i sold my soul uh out for out for youtube youtube bucks um i want to kind of craft a diamond um wait actually i don’t i might drop it now i’ll like cry okay well we’ll be fine

Um i have food i need a boat uh there’s boats down there what else i need fishing rods i feel like the nearest desert is pretty far so i’m a little hesitant about setting out out oh maybe it’s not that far maybe not so haha maybe we’ll just make it back in time

Lots of maybes i i feel did i lose a bed i think i lost the bed oh i think i left it in the village nonetheless we’ll take this one you’re gonna draw mr speaker i don’t think so i i can’t say um i can’t say i’m really

Good at drawing um portraits of real people road roads coming through here princess of atlas could you could you pardon pardon my swimming big tale about suny and mr strange i i don’t know what the legalities of that is but i’m all for it i i i

I don’t actually own a piece of mr b stretch i’m gonna let you guys know that but um but i i could see i could see in a in a strange twist of events i would i would i would get one ironically when then it ends up

Being my favorite shirt and it’s i’d be i’d only wear it and then if people ask me about if i watch recipes i’d have to be like no i just like this shirt ironically all right we gotta find a little pool of water something like that in the middle of the

Desert that’s what i saw in the picture you don’t i’m so unlike okay i watched the ones that end up recommended to me because you know they mostly do like um youtube loves that kind of stuff this i thought i could eat the blossoms um

You know but no i don’t i don’t seek them out they just kind of they seek me out and i kind of lay um yeah do something ironically to avoid because i feel that i used to say um i used to say ll like ironically like i feel like in real in

Real life like i i’d say it out loud and said like texting and and now i kind of do that but only when it’s not that funny when it doesn’t deserve my genuine laughter bunnies um i’ll go ella with a deadpan deadpan look on my face is that rice oh

No it’s dead blush all these dead bush says be you really be yeah you know what get cute kid that that wasn’t me doing 360 no scope but i didn’t jump that high i was like never mind never mind how my current vocabulary started eyes around i could Okay man this is a big desert and there’s some of those trees that i’d like to grab um to bring back to my island because we’re here anyways might as well depopulate the forest you know how it’d be it’d be like that something oh you know what i’ve just realized i’ve been doing

Um um toggle how did i change that mouse keys no i changed it somewhere by accident oh because i was like testing it i spilled oh okay um sneak sweet taco okay i prefer the spring hold i was like why am i not actually swimming also i’m starving to death um

I used to ironically dab and now i can’t go a day without i i like you have to like or what happens you get withdraw dabbing withdraws happen to the best of us don’t worry about it you just get the urge you’re like oh man if i if i

Don’t dab sin i’ll have to floss if i don’t floss i’ll slank out and become an ipad baby it’s the three stages of dabbing let’s draw i know for sure we can cook the salmon um it like it doesn’t turn into tropical fish so i’m trying to get a lot of salmon salmon

Come here wait it’s like kind of similar to the cod i think in terms of saturation okay that’s a bit too far you never let yourselves get that that into it would ya this this river is loaded with salmon come on come on i’m i always whenever at the

If i feel too lazy to cook um i always get salmons or i like shrimp but like they say you’re not supposed to because like it’s actually just some other fish dyed pink and i’m like why would they go through all the process of dying fish pink just serve me see them

I’m nom nom and then i have weird chef requests and i’m like could you please serve the salmon raw maybe just with the head on and everything and they’re like ma’am we cannot and i’m like but can’t you see i’m a mermaid and there they go

Because i use the wrong term it’s mer person and i and i get kicked out of their fine tiny establishment it’s happened more than once you know if i had a nickel for every time this happened to me i’d have to have two nickels but sure this thing weird happened more than

One huh they charge more for less uh yeah yeah it’s true and sometimes it does it does taste weird it does taste fishy not but like it doesn’t taste as good as they say element and i’m like maybe i’ve been choked cute i tell you whoa what’s this the end

They’re doing a sparkler gonna make me act up Oh my goodness it sure are fast it’s almost like they don’t want to get eaten by me what a glorious way to die though um just they are eaten by the princess um air to be of atlas i don’t know how the whole air thing works anymore now that i’m from

Uh now that i’ve traveled from timelines but alas um that is not my worry i am i’m playing minecraft and i’m chilling out sweet chilling buzz Traffic jam out on the wazoo you guys are huh i saw there was one more here perhaps perhaps they have escaped yeah you telling me my dinosaur didn’t kill all of them i feel like the dinosaur doesn’t do the aoe stuff like when you swing it underwater

Which which i feel like they shouldn’t a sword for that aoe underwater sword very useless except with salmon farming how this is again i just use the first time i see that tennessee so that tells us this is a huh a ghost niece ooh he’s come back to help me

Are you trying to kill them how are you probably i’m not trying i just had oh no let’s just play i got you i was gonna dig up the okay um that’s awkward because this spawn quite frequently in here so i feel like it’ll

Be okay if i kill off um a bunch of them and who knows what can we use these for we can make we can also use them to make sushi and fish and chips i’ll probably use the tropical fish though because i have tons of them

I mean to me it’s a free eating it’s true we only eat salmon maybe we’ll find a desert temple how cool would that be i’ve i’ve only seen the old version so i think there might be like a it’s a mod that adds structures i think there might be like something to explore

But we will see man the celestia is hot huh sweating a lone ranger fish out of water where is she going for she does not know out here in the desolate pass that’s that’s my first that’s my tail drying up i’m trying the sound effects the turkey vultures they sense in my drawing

I don’t know it’s jenna’s side that population i only took 38. okay if you’re telling me if you tell me that that that like wiped out all of sam and kind i simply shall not believe you you are so fibbing Man i really like drago i didn’t think i’d like it so i watched it recently i watched a lot of shows recently um a lot of cartoons i miss out on in my um growing ages cause i feel like i never really had um that much time to enjoy cartoons as a kid

So um i’ve been trying to catch up on like disney and pixar and all that hullabazoo and um recently watch durango it’s pretty good pretty good i like i like how um all those all the gerbil people look so tiny and they look so frail and like little kissable faces

Have you watched arcane isn’t that the um league of legends stuff is this something sagora crop uh-huh what can i make from you the garcia cigar juice interesting guns gunslinger chameleon yeah yeah and then and then he didn’t know his name like he didn’t have a name

And he saw a bottle of like booze and he was like minnie’s ringo and honestly from the like i’ve never seen the trailer or anything so i thought he was originally cowboy but he just came from like a moving truck like he was just a normal a normal guy

Hallelujah is that a good word i don’t know um even without ll contacts this amazing animated story development recommended if you have four and a half it’s a tv show right or um is it coming out with more episodes or is that all released i might watch it

Once it’s all released because i really i really dig the art style i’ve seen from what i’ve seen um yeah but yeah donkey what you doing on the swamp i’m sorry i don’t know why i thought he’d just be friends with me for no particular reason um

Right a donkey you think i can i don’t have a um i don’t have a saddle there’s a thing can you write donkeys with no saddle huh is it working are we friends no oh no make saddle right donkey um oh shoot wait can you make saddles i always thought

You couldn’t craft saddles i thought you had to find it in um my chest and stuff owner oh my god you’re you’re my donkey now now i feel bad about not having you oh gosh you really really adopted this lad uh a string is in a slime ball

Okay you can ride but you can’t control enough yeah saddle okay well well you guys keep your eyes peeled for slime balls oh wait i don’t know if you’ll still be here oh yeah cause i’m your owner you shouldn’t respond um donkey Sorry all right okay it was like you know how i’ve been saying i have to see how the stage i said i was like oh my god this is it i actually had to see so i didn’t announce it because like what if i didn’t you know unless you thank you so

Then and then i didn’t have time to um mute or announce it um oh my god lord and savior we’ve bought a chicken out of the egg hallelujah it’s baby baby chicken jesus fertilized by none other than me and myself only man i really said i really said let’s find rice and then

Retain the donkey and birth the chicken be like that sometimes oh is that a is that something a village perhaps so many desert bunnies i never see any other colors of bunnies um this is a temple this feels ominous oh no this is wait i think someone already got this

Oh i should brought my water bucket up and it’s so bad oh i’ll take that oh my boy a son oh take water take water take water take water go down go down go down go down take take boy oh yeah anyway Anyways um is there does someone take the um tnt down here ever soon then yeah okay sounds good yep okay sounds good that was super hurting he ascended and then he send it descended too fast um if i i was like wow so so pretty so what is

Going on here i feel like always dig down i always stick straight up into sand that’s that’s what i always say um all right is this someone oh someone misses um spawn these trunks and no one’s been here since this aha freestand i don’t mind i’ll sleep each other so excited

He is close he was um so like does he actually have health like if i does this save its health like that’s a lot of information to save within bucket axolotl i i hope he just i hope it’s like a pokeball and and he like rejuvenates in it i don’t i don’t know

Um well we’ll probably not be letting him out i just really needed the bucket of water and then i still fell down there so um perchance i may have fibbed a bit uh about my minecraft competency um perhaps if they do it’s a heel ball okay um if i

Rename this bucket heel ball it’ll work guys definitely oh who did that who pushed straight wait wait when i get out of this pit you guys gotta believe me someone pushed me i know it seems unlikely because there’s no one else in the server but you have to believe me i

Pushed it’s framed oh i said i was gonna grasp on these trees i forgot it was your shout out to kill you yeah yeah yeah see it’s quite it’s quite possible that i might have a satin shadow see you chopping down some wood i didn’t bring

An x but at least i have a fishing rod so useful all right let’s get to punching oh did they take the mod off we had a we had a weird mod where you punched the tree it would it would shrink but it wouldn’t break off like this i

Don’t think they changed them all back maybe this is a new acacia trees you need an ax to fall it down oh is that true oh see see interesting maybe i’ll craft an axe real quick because i can’t reach these top blocks maybe i can’t look at me you know you

Gotta believe in yourself just kidding i’m too short i just want um the leaves to fall down so i can get some saplings to be fair i’m just gonna use the acacia sapling to punch the tree it came from so gnarly all right is that all this happening just just two

I think so whoa this pit is sure dark in here this turns out to be nothing remember your mom there was a huge tree several chunks like there was also axon in my currency i take a single walk that she was annihilated oh no whenever i played with um like vein

Miner i always i always like have it set to like you have to shift and accept so then that doesn’t accidentally happen but i could i could see myself accidentally doing that you think this has been looted you know it feels like everything’s been looted but that’s okay that just gives us more

Places to explore okay i didn’t i wanted to make sure there was no like ah i’m breaking sure i’ll take it and want to make sure there’s no lava blocks obsidian look how good it looks wow i’m really glad i i um got um the new oh this won’t work will this

Work if i do this no i’m really glad i got a new texture pack not a texture pack a graphics card because i’ve been saving up for a bit and it just so happened oh it just so happened that i started streaming and it works out now we don’t have leg

Spikes and i want it to look really beautiful feeling really bad the other day when i was really laggy this was like i didn’t want you guys to be like this is really pretty i’m gonna be honest anyways and i want you guys to be like all um

Dizzy or like get motion sickness because i was like jolting around so much but um it turns out everything works out so it’s okay high pieces have i had the dream um it’s true the dream i kind of want to scale this fountain i know we’re trying to find rice

But i don’t know i’m kind of enjoying just running around supposed to say we won’t find rice in here i don’t i don’t know but probably notch probably whoever made the mod there to say maybe we’ll find a belly goat huh how fun would a goat be um okay this is i’m gonna

I hate i hate having to place blocks that don’t belong on a train oh there’s a waterfall that’ll be okay because i really didn’t want a giant like sand pillar up there i tried i tried not to like make things too ugly nature’s pretty we should all go to

Nature yeah look how fast i am fish powers activate blah blah blah holy cannoli look at that look at that we’ll keep going up does the i don’t think we’ll be updating to the closet caves and cliffs update but i do think they have um um like some sort of mod that changes

The terrain because yeah i’ve never seen anything like this in normal minecraft it’s kind of pretty sorry i’m just my my fishing rods keeps keeps moving and i was like what’s going on down there also now um Look at us on the top of the world you and me feel free to say what i want to say and i want to scream for the top of my lungs settler you love you donkey so far away now we have yet to find a slime bowl um I really really i really don’t even think we’re gonna find certain chunks i’m not gonna nothing but it’s okay we’re just gonna say what is this someone here no this is just natural doggy isn’t going uh yeah yeah he is i don’t even know he’d be back there if we went there man

I don’t want to die okay there we go and because like we’re pretty far away from home and i’m gonna be honest if i died here i don’t think i could get here back in time to get my stuff but um so we’re gonna tiptoe we’re gonna play safe

I know i know gross playing safe couldn’t be me and the edgemaster is silly um but we’re gonna try and that’s okay donkey you’ll find only on top of the mountains to see secret techniques yes is that a movie reference just it honestly just sounds like kung fu panda

I love kung fu panda wait that’s too much you played it too safe now you’re now and now your edgy side’s kind of bursting first can’t be tamed uh we’ll heat the coaster in our inventory so that we could go like this point put put wait there Not me though i was busy learning the sword wait oh man why did i think i could do that wait wait there we go yeah almost almost up up high boing boing oh wow that’s really nice eh i’d say it’s pretty nice wow oh there’s some um i think aquamarine up

There i’d like to go grab that yes but to that if or where’s your demise how so i’m playing safe look nighttime moon moon out no say no to drugs kid no sleep party all night like you have the urge to no and bad by by eight okay um

I want to get that but the scene is quite dangerous but that’s okay it’ll help us build our portal to atlantis as they say in this world i’m more used to atlas but when in rome are you village hunting i’m just um i was rice hunting and because there were deserts

Um that had the race so i was wandering around and where was i i don’t know i was over there i think and now we’re over here because i i i’ve just been exploring um yeah it’s hard to make a title and a thumbnail for streamers because you

Really have no idea what’s going to happen on the streams so sometimes i might i may i may fib just a little and i might i might say i might say that we’re doing sushi when actually i haven’t found fish i wanna get that wait

Wait oh yeah look at me he’s still pro so pro this can only go good boom and then and then we’ll dig into the mountain with my looting i think this is looting i’m breaking i do have a looting buck though so i’m really happy about that cobblestone what

Aquamarine wait it didn’t break it oh i don’t like the i don’t like the gold pick lost me aquamarine okay we made it she didn’t even die even though in my head in my heart of hearts i was like it’s like you couldn’t even tell i was that nervous go fix only existed

It’s true bless you thank you thank you it was more of a um cough but thank you thank you anyway so polite i feel so blessed truly 11. is this better than diamonds okay wait um seven one and then this is eleven eight Oh the sword’s good but the armor is not as good oh we shouldn’t make swords out of it it’s better than diamond and we just found three easy it would have been four if i wasn’t a bit dumb using the drippy um gold pickaxe water time water time thank you

A lot of time oh my god i set it down so so gently and then i dropped it because it slipped over my hand excuse the reverberations onto the desk i don’t know that was pretty loud i kind of i want to i want to break a

Block and see how much falls but there’s creeper there man i’m so far away from home at this point kind of like it just me on my own exploring nobody holding me back wait i see mr creeper okay you think i can make it into the water

This is like a dream moment you know wait i don’t it feels it feels unnecessarily risky i’m gonna be honest but you know me i’m like too edgy i believe i believe okay okay okay okay i was i was oh what’s that i was copper i was i was like 90

Percent sure we make it but it’d be like a really consequential 10 percent if we did it so tackle this mountain we’re right there up there wait what no that’s a tree i don’t think we’re up there precisely perfect 10 10 all across the board what are you saying

Yes that was very impressive i’ve never seen a human dive that swelling much less a murder person and the extra tail would just simply get oh excuse me i have somewhere to be right now how rude i’m sorry the interview well the interview was cut short but it seemed

Like mr cat was really happy with that jump um he’s a busy man after all fish always land in water i don’t know if that’s a real proverb but i’m gonna all all my all my testing has has has confirmed it so i will i will trust you for a bit if Do Just making sure we weren’t going in circus for a bit because i was like wait this seems all too familiar but i guess it’s just a really big desert bring the whole sugar cane i don’t i don’t i i don’t i don’t know i feel it feels rude

To just like take the whole thing and i don’t need that much honestly i can just grow more at home i only need one piece to get started so and we have plenty back home no need what outfit theme would you wear if i can change my outfit i’d wear

Um big old rain boots with a big rain jacket is that a that looks like something we’ll go ahead over there and wear a bigger oh it’s a village i see a villager and i’d wear i’d have a big umbrella and um yeah it’d splash around

And the tides and pick up little sea creatures that have been left in the low ties and bring them whoops got a bat boop stop can’t trick me i almost did though um and then yeah and then i bring them into the ocean and be like yeah welcome mr see

Your channel and he’d be like i’m actually very invasive you’ve just added me to the tide pool of invasive species and now i will i will you need i don’t know if you want help come on i don’t have weed come on come on come on mr sheep come on

I’m getting spiked there we go there we go all better get the nice sunlight a try don’t stay inside and play video games all day mr sheep this place yet didn’t and they didn’t even leave the sheep out oh shout i’m late you’re not late at all

You’re right on time for me to do this um extra special trick foot it’s pretty cool got to say got to say that was pretty cool uh do you guys have stuff one emerald or sixer oh the potato is not bad i could be a potato farmer gray wolf that’s not bad

How’d she do that one yo how’d she do that thank you for the hype hypes you guys are my uh hype squad hello oh brown wool oh we could get the brown sheep and then we can just keep grinding him out for a while oh everyone’s gonna sleep i probably should too

How’s he doing that oh easy all right bright early new day new new town to explore people leaving our door open that’s okay oh is this um oh it’s terracotta this is the only place i’m gonna find terracotta pop probably but i doesn’t feel doesn’t feel as good to steal her in there

We’ll find we’ll find our own terracotta whoa whoa yeah we’ll get terracotta no worries i’m not i’m not even sure what i’m gonna use it for i just like the colors to be fair i’ve talked to you Just like um maybe i’ll put a little uh um it’d be fun to build a little place in the terracotta biome mesa i think um in the badlands and we could build a little house from up right click to see what they offer find paper find paper frantic i have sugarcane

Sugar wait that doesn’t seem right i think you need a crafting table man how how many days has it been since we traveled the world oh it should be headed that way whoops back this way congrats on your monetization thank you thank you thank you thank you guys for getting me there

But um i have not turned it on yet someplace because it doesn’t didn’t feel right um it feels like maybe we should like i should announce it i should be like hey guess what like we should i’m gonna do this now and then we all we all go okay have fun

With your ads and then yeah um i i i pushed around the idea of doing like for the first monetization instead of doing it through youtube super chats we could do it through like um this website that like directs directly brown bunny black bunny that directly like donates uh any like

Chat messages that you guys send and you guys could attach comments to it to like um at this like to charity site you pick out so i kind of wanted to do something with like um the ocean conservancy um charity because they’ve been doing really good work and they’re also a part

Of like the whole team see stuff so in a way in a way for all you meanie folk your your um your chats could be going to good use if you do feel like super chatting and i would just simply read them from the website so i threw i threw that idea in

The band so we’ll see we’ll see how management takes that i don’t know maybe you know you’re out of yourself so show your how to activate uh-huh and be like hey guys make sure you subscribe to ah this one’s been lou tits hat as well it’s okay i’m gonna go down there

Anyways because we did get the looting book like someone probably didn’t have enough inventory space for it so we’ll go down there anyways Wait have we been here this feels all too familiar we wrote we did a circle oh we we went up we should have gone down sorry folks i got really excited that it was a new place that was i get all turned around i’m really i’m really really really bad directions like

Even during the annual salmon run where all the um they all like go to their mating area i always i always tell uh i’ll meet my friends there and i get really really lost and i always end up late uh but that’s okay the the consequences of oh my goodness

How did i get in here What what okay we’re just gonna mine this it’s fine did you get montessori i did but honestly you guys got monetized it feels it feels like it feels like a really bad reward for watching me it’s like thank you guys for watching me so much now and

Now to reward you guys we have ad style so uh let’s see about that i don’t honestly like i’m not like i’m like maybe i should like what what’s stopping me from never turning them on like i feel like i don’t know i feel like um if people

Really wanted to they would like donate through like streamlabs and stuff and it wouldn’t like matter like keep this an ad-free environment because i know i know there are like people who use app blockers and stuff so it really isn’t worth it to like make other people suffer for actually being good

Actually um having i don’t know not as but um i feel i feel like that that’d be too crazy to bring up to um cap or someone and be like hey what if we didn’t do ads um wouldn’t that be nice and if people really wanted to they could just i don’t know

Skillshare rachel legends curiosity brilliant yeah like i could just like i wouldn’t mind taking a few moments and being like hey thank you for this person for like this company for directly reaching out you know so then at least can like control what kind of ads you guys see because um

I don’t know there are some companies that play ads that i really do not endorse or nor do i wish for other people to be like huh is this this type of stuff that she’s trying to trying to sell us you know but but alas

I don’t know if i have that type of power to say to say those types of things i can’t even advocate for myself most of the time i i lack i lack speaking skills when i talk to people of authority and um i often find myself like on the brink of tears

When asking for anything so i try to stay pretty independent um but but this uh but being part of a um a company has has tested tested my waters a bit is that a fish pun per chance perhaps mayhaps i don’t know so i’m trying to try and adapt

Trying to be quick trying to pick up this new skill put it in my inventory my minecraft inventory of life and maybe maybe we’ll grow as people together in this way no 30 here this would be a silent stream yeah i just clean them up and i’d be like anyway it was

Yeah i’m honestly surprised how little um the corporate people watch the streams because in my head i thought like they’d have mods here or at least like my manager would but i’m just alone screaming to the world and that’s okay because i have you guys does it feel so lonely now does it

Okay i know i know we said we weren’t gonna do the tall grass thing anymore simply because it was like not great luck but what if come on guys what if come on guys play store underwater stay up breathing area uh see you have your logic if spots simply because i’m a

Mermaid so i don’t need breathing area um i kind of want to hello hi Okay there we go that’s good did i pick up any good seeds oats green beans chili got that mustard oh i don’t have mustard that’s interesting it’s a new one kale have kale does not seem possible to get new seeds almost grass gotcha yeah don’t you guys miss me

Playing grass gotcha it’s your favorite part of the stream it’s it’s like gunshin poles but a lot less enticing wow this area is really pretty everywhere is really pretty it’s quite away from home so huh oh we’ve always made it all the way back to on their their base um

Maybe i need to run further for it to spawn because if they already spawned these trunks and they already loaded these trunks in well they not have the new mods like such as croctopia and stuff what sponsor will be simi books coffee yeah we only have um fish boiled fish water

Good good good luck with that it’s it’s quite powerful um just just try to like eat between drink between the fish scales they get stuck between your teeth we’re so lost and afraid and cold but the sun is rising and it’s a new day we’ll make our way back home

Or over here i don’t know what’s over here maybe it’ll be seats home can wait there’s so many lily pads oh yeah i’m so sorry oh is that my pack or something it’s a um it’s a custom mod pack so technically uh i might practice just zipped up ready

For you guys to download i’m not sure if i was allowed to share that so i just posted a link um i just typed out all the mods and pasted them for you if you’d like to play along um i could even give the seeds the seed for this map

I feel like i feel like that’s not very taboo then you guys can be like hey hey hey at coordinates blah blah blah they’re rice seeds i’m like oh gosh i’m gonna grab more lily pads why does it matter see more gotcha no like this is a map and dummy like you dummy

You knew us talking molly just playing with me he’s so funny oh yeah we’re back okay um what to do now i shall follow her home it’s okay we’ll head this way kill some fishes we have plenty of fishes i don’t i don’t want to um depopulate the entire world of salmon Uh well head into this tree who who who has done this a monster someone find this dream where someone cut down this tree i have to talk to them i have to know who did this is there even wood in here what the heck is this going on

I don’t even think there’s wood in here a monster oh we found the culprit oh we kind of landed in the water ah it’s okay Is Tequila all right hello knock knock ah wonderful uh i’m gonna assume that’s been looted let’s go check it out why not uh what’s your favorite knock knock jokes i don’t i don’t oh my god someone really wanted in what is going on here okay i don’t think

This is what i thought it was um my favorite knock-knock joke is do i even have one i don’t even think i have one the only one that comes out to my head right now is a really annoying one where it’s like orange like it goes like knock knock and they

Go like who’s there and then you go banana and they say banana who wait i don’t and and then they go knock knock and they say banana and you say banana who and then i go knock knock and they say banana and then they go

Banana and they say no no he said orange and they said orange here and they said orangey glass didn’t say banana wow classic it’s actually not that funny it’s just the only one i can i can think of right now nanaki they found temple last stream oh

Fun oh they they really they really like drug through that thing huh i don’t even think it was one of those temples that had lou but um go down go down them they really jog into a ravine even peak comedy okay go down standing to go downhill

Uh chris is this donation sponsored by sushi people i mean we’re people oh thank you thank you for the tip and and the sponsored messages for a while um i know burger king used to sponsor people um kind of by like tipping them five bucks

With a message a tts message i was like hey this this uh with this five bucks you can get the ultra spicy deluxe meal at the chubba bubba that makes it burger king place and and they’d be like oh nice neat and then they combined all the clips that people were streaming

Their five dollar donuts and made them into an ad which i think i think got a lot of backlash simply because um the streamish didn’t really consent to be used for the ads and it was not fair for them to only get five dollars of compensation

Wait did you see that did you see that jump i’ll do it again i’ll do it again ready just me here we’ll replay it we’ll replay it for the folks that missed it okay i was just like it’s like i’m walking here is it’s in new york i’m walking here and i

Go hey there’s a hole but oh well not that i didn’t do that part well that’s quite annoying isn’t it okay give me a second i’m gonna i’m gonna redo it okay okay okay so i was like now i have to eat yeah this whole thing you should

Just been paying attention to the stream okay i’m like oh man i’m looking here with daylight about that oh there’s a hole that’s what happened and then i walked off like it was nothing well i i was i meant to walk off like it was nothing but then

And then i i had to explain the whole thing and then you know you know whatever whatever if it wasn’t that cool just tell me you don’t have to you don’t have to pretend like it was cool whatever i thought was cool thank you it’s gonna be very cool okay parkour parkour softcore

Softcore parkour look at me scaleless skinless um sandy dunes with with no block placement boom boom that’s pretty good too that’s pretty good i i’d say close to becoming dream material the part where it wasn’t lava at the bottom was cool oh my goodness could you imagine

Oh i should get some lava and i should go back and i’ll recreate it with lava so so the stakes are higher okay but if if someone wasn’t here and they asked if any cool moments happen um we’ll say there was lava we’ll be like yeah you missed you missed the coolest

Parkour yesterday on yesterday’s lancaster there was there was like a lava pit it was like 20 trunks wide and and like saying it was just casually and she was like she made it over like with no help or anything in and it was like really cool we couldn’t clip that moment because like

It bugged out youtube it was such a cool moment that it like broke the internet it literally it literally broke the internet and but you should have been there bro you should definitely you should definitely be um oh gosh you should definitely be hitting that notification bell next time bro and that

And that’s how we’ll tell the story okay we gotta all we have to all sort of secrecy but yeah it’s true and then just impose the lobby and yeah it’ll be good it’ll be good trust me trust me what’s that see a purple block or am i crazy probably crazy

They will never see the right um we’ll say let’s say it happened um okay we’ll say it happened like what this feels like a booby trap hmm okay yes it’s weird no it’s not like the it’s not like the other type hmm hmm oh it was underground is the chest still here too

It’s just underground Oh yeah the whole thing’s buried neato where is the chest usually in these man i’m gonna be digging out the whole desert we’ll have tons of glass it’ll be okay uh if you maybe maybe it doesn’t spawn if it’s underground but this one this is like so intact it’s only missing like

Two pieces then we could go to another dream i saw last year move the side it’s it’s zoomy it’s zooming you oh yeah you know me mad skills it’s the craziest skills you’ve ever seen ah a silver book no my shovel i just want root i just want to see

If i can get something cool uh i don’t think there’s anything cool um oh i should if i had a diamond pick i could just mine that I don’t know man i wish i paid attention more to like how um normal portals are structured so i can know where it would be i realized i was doing that to my biggest apologies wow we can take this whole place out okay let me if we’re if we’re gonna do

This we’re just gonna we’re gonna do it right wait it’s half slap you tricky little bastard sure why not why not man this is really far how far does it go okay close to there okay what are the chances that there’s no chest like and there’s no chance what do we do

Do we just say that we did we just go home there’s got to be something here oh wait only it’s usually two three blocks on this side of portal okay okay i i’m scared sorry sorry for the exclamation of loud exclamation raw you guys want to hear me scream we did it

I got authorized restoration these all suck but we did it i’m so happy happy we could um do it i’m gonna just drop it on the ground to be honest um we don’t need that we don’t need that so much seeds no wait wait

Wait do i have a hat i have a hat nice yo guys we did good we don’t i mean half of this stuff okay honestly i’m gonna be honest all this stuff fairly sucky but it’s a journey you know we have so many shovels who who let me craft so many of these

Shovels iron nuggets i guess i guess that’s fine all right all righty kinda nah okay we’ll just we’ll just let everything oh we don’t even have to let everything respawn we can just burn it up and then into this flame of inferno let god cry in the face of our power

With this flynn still will be unstoppable hot potatoes are hot hot out my toes out i’m sorry oh my god oh my god oh my god unstoppable i want to set it off by here i want to break it yeah we did good good we did good boys

Good i don’t i want that to burn it’s fine we don’t care about it it doesn’t bother us go on an apple heck yeah look at that uh okay let me uh my legs are too short okay and then guess what boom boom guess what boom yeah

That was awkward i did not scream that view let me cringe Scream in the face of danger okay oh my god oh my god things are alive now oh my god please i wait [Laughter] okay okay yeah exactly my tail shall be told by you guys you guys are doing a great job at documenting exactly how things are going wait running out of here

This is dangerous territory sir this is ginger you know what i just realized we never we never made earth sharon and um i never made it we never made i have to do that how could you guys let me forget my sweet ginger boy ah okay all right

Now burn the whole forest i could not i could not come on now look at him so helpless we only destroy things that can fight back if things can’t fight back then we leave them be a cheerful dog who still has that edge yarn you took my account

I still don’t understand how they made it so fast okay okay okay okay it seemed good why can’t we make ginger ginger ginger seeds oh huh huh you can’t even eat this wait i’m gonna get i’m gonna get um i’m gonna run around wait what’s the point of girl

What’s the point of growing it when all you can do is turn it back into seeds or the book that feels like the most useless crop ever can’t we just season our food with it let me get hungry i’m gonna try to eat it i’m gonna eat justice for gingers

Good cheering we won’t let you down okay okay okay i’m like half half saturation you can’t eat it oh what what’s the point of picking up all those gingers hey sushi okay well we’ll try oh we’ll pretend it will pretend to nibble on the whole knob of sushi i mean ginger

Like it’s nothing no worries and sharing can’t be eaten edward you mean end word poor guy i honestly i say poor guy as if i feel bad for an and and more to sharon but let’s be honest folks like he’s he’s okay i hope he’s okay

Why is that one bed on the water why is el nadiga go back what bet on what water Where in the middle of the pond whoopee i don’t have no bones i’m a flubbery fish i lack an exoskeleton oh no the wolf ain’t the sheep i think this is when you change your skin to ensure stream is that something that would make make your day better

Um i highly doubt so but um i don’t even know if one exists but i would be willing to i’m i’m oh it’s okay yeah definitely definitely okay i’ll make it it’ll cheer you up uh i have no choice but to do it man you really see me literally found

Rice by now we found freaking ginger you can’t even eat ginger we’ve been rolling on the railroads down the river bend roll until we can’t roll no more my little arms are sore it’s like bumper carts with these boing boing boing what are these they’re rose brush can i grab some

I’ll grab some oh they turn out oh okay so i think there’s four different color variations so we’ll take four and yeah it wasn’t if it wasn’t that we’ve been debated uh okay because i didn’t see it so i just went by the area hoping you guys would

Wow here are these trees what are they dark oak log i don’t think i’ll chop down one of them because they are pretty they’re quite pretty um oh gosh thank you yeah i i i was like leaning away to sneeze and i dropped my head set and um yeah but i’m okay sorry

Because zoom tight how under how else um what other waist do you guys know how to say bless you um i know and oh gosh oh gosh let me out of this okay sorry i get panicky when i’m stuck um i’m gonna throw away two plus two armor plus two armor respiration

Why not it makes me look fancy i’ll throw this away bye okay um i was gonna um charged my headphones before i left for the trip so they could all be nicely charged but i must have not plugged them in all the way because they were they were dead they went they were

Dead man i’m like traveling really far on this huh i really said i really said be gone gone all the way you know like what are the chances that we stumble upon new chunks could we tell don’t know salute what does that mean is this a village or is this someone’s house

Okay it’s a village oh cute i think someone’s been here probably everybody’s been everywhere just trying to find my little slice of heaven um Whoa you guys are clamoring up this pole wait for that’s not bad no no no no job these are terrible you suck sir sorry cleric 48 i i talked to you i talk to you not bad do you guys see what i see i don’t know where it went i don’t know

Why whispering i feel like i have to whenever it runs away i hear it don’t see bingo where’d it go a sheep i thought that was mango oh my goodness oh wait i don’t hear anymore oh my goodness you scared me okay here we see a wild mer person walking onto their prey

At last the prey has no idea it’s about to be given a lot warm and loving oh come this way my sweet child Okay okay that that grass block was okay we’ll sleep because um last time you got blown up by a creeper and that’s not no good no bueno criminal protection achieved my butt last time last time there was creepers and they they blew up my miss mango here there you go wait hello hi

20 20. that’s not not that mad hey hey hey a minute yo yo that’s not that bad four emeralds yeah um i’m not that bad and we have a cat here we go uh we have we got a um first step into owning cats we gotta make sure they’re as edgy as us

Wait oh shoot there we go oh bingo you have to be edgy edgy mango there we go are gave they had 10 minutes that’s um okay i i give i give her a loving life up until her her demise i don’t think these would be like the crops but um Maybe nope i don’t want to be root yet i’ll replace it with what seems like a thing you’d eat do you like do you like cabbage sure i’m gonna miss simulate cabbage there you go now you have cabbage wheat sweet sweet wheat sweet sweet sweet requires potatoes beetroot um you can have boats

Um oh there’s some meat here some wheat that i can sell back to that guy oh it’s basically free free money at this point where’s the guy go enjoy your time sorry to interrupt huh thank you he’s paying you her labor basically yeah yeah yeah exactly dude [Laughter] yeah you guys

Funny individuals i don’t even understand how you got up there like can i get up there without is this genuinely curious now oh wow the the trees kind of make it look a little like hello wow there’s quite a bunch of you guys out here huh um

Oh no you were that guy up here but you lost your career because i think you’re too far away from your thing now i think you’re a lost villager better get home before you lose your name i can spirit it away does this chicken follow me all the way up here

This is too easy maybe a little adventure out like on top of the trees that’s what we’ll do okay i’m gonna give you that and then i’m gonna um jump now and finish exploring the village and then we’ll just like walk across the trees No you don’t have stuff got scots to loot if i’m not looting we ain’t chewed in oh it’s already loaded you know that’s what my my mom always says she she said she said hey then you do this oh my god it’s none can you try a bunch of chickens on top

Of the trees um i suppose so you can fence them in with seeds they follow you wherever you go if you have seeds um oh i wonder if we can have 20 more just from these and then we get another emerald emerald baby i’m real time hi hi how you doing

How is your um thanksgiving or lack thereof wait okay did i have 20 out of 11. if only i didn’t waste my bone meal oh well i’ll put them i’ll put the seeds back in your composting no i don’t feel like i’m wasting them all right back to the treetops

We’re wild we’re wild in here truly um untamed dennis hillary mostly said work and cry there’s a compost thing yeah um if you have extra produce from your garden you can throw it in there i think it makes i think it makes um dirt not sure i’m not sure to be exact

Composter produce produce i don’t know i like it maybe chuckle and such a dull it’s barely a joke uh we’ll head around this way yeah that seems fun whoa it’s like um it’s gonna say it’s like assassin’s creed but for pre-civilization before before they had all the roofs um wait [ __ ]

Make spawn meal oh i that is that’s fun that’s a nicer way to get bone meal than killing um skeletons like wait like like wait what are the chances we find a temple in it oh hello we find a temple and it has a name tag so we can name mingo

Assassin’s creed primal yeah exactly it’s throwback it’s the first first um game in the series not as useful as a bioreactor is that a thing bio reactor nope sorry i don’t know what they were talking about was in minecraft but i just assumed so i just assumed so and you know what that

Does that makes an ass out of you and you oh sunflowers i gotta grab some of those gotta love sunflowers wait wait nice i don’t know how many we need probably four is good four is good that’s some crazy world jen you think you think it was like

You think this is new chunks you think it was like this is where they put the no that wouldn’t make sense hmm you know i’m trying to find an obvious place where like there are new chunks for us what are these corn corn corn oh i need the seeds man my inventory is

Always full it’d be like that corn yum isn’t it funny how like when you ask people why there’s corn on your in your poop they say it’s because humans can’t digest all of it and they just expect you to be okay with that answer like feels like a really like big white flag

Red flag like hey that’s weird that’s where we’re eating stuff we can’t digest but but we just we just all go along with it you know it’s big corn big corn has a crust on our lives man you know how it is oh man where did oh i burned up my

I was like where did my um where did my crafting table go and i just had a had a flashback of if it literally be on fire no no no no ah so that’s what happened to my crafting table we can digest if we chew it enough i want to see

Chewing your food how how primal nowadays just scar it down until until what’s it what’s the black seeds that we caught i don’t know i saw something this is rice it’s bell peppers i already have hot peppers i’m still gonna grab it though because i’m a sucker for a good pep

You know me sucker for a good pep um hi cows man we’re so far away from home at this point that like it feels like so much work to go home that i just might not you have to start a new house here now mango you cutesy don’t think i didn’t see that

Feather from where you killing birds when i’m sleeping don’t kill birds sumimia far away from home it’s true are you guys gonna watch a new spider man i’ve liked the i’ve liked the new um series so far then it’s not it’s not technically it’s not a new franchise

It’s like but i like the new cast of people this new timeline cabbage cabbage got cabbage wow so many sunflowers kind of creepy i kind of like it whoa sorry i don’t know ice cream what is that oats i think i think we’re good on oats they’re corn now though

I don’t know why that matters punch a tree for god’s sake finding forrester reference oh i did not know that reference oh could you imagine could you imagine if this was rice man wait i didn’t even do that i didn’t do that either whoops could you imagine though okay people

Here saying it’s like probably by the water so i’ll keep it i peel one eye peel you only get one eye okay anymore it’s too much eyes to be peeling wow all those crops wait what is this kale oh you’re killing me you’re killing me i don’t have soybeans there you go lettuce

Let us eat some lettuce okay um i meant to do that oh yo i did not think i’d make it oh my god and there was a giant ravine underneath oh that would have been bad i’ve been fat oh my god that would have been bad That’s unfortunate um that’s unfortunate no f i do not deserve the s it could i just was really happy with my parkour skills too happy okay we got it we got it we got it like yeah hustle that hustle and bustle oh god chubby on these trees faster faster oh wait wait

Why didn’t it give me tree oh it did okay wait i just place it down man i released it on the new dream and then and then dream really hacked into my really hacked into my um you know he hacked into my stream and he

Was like no one can be the new dream that that’s what happened it must be let’s see what happened he really said no one can be first position said to what oh that that was creepy i don’t like that hello weird while you’re here how about you check

The house behind you i physically cannot open the door because um it is um spawn uh locked so i tried when i started playing when i first got on the server because that’s where you spawn i was like oh whose house is this but yeah man are we doing anything

Or are you like chopping down the whole forest what’s going on here okay i think i think that’s enough i really thought if i crafted an acid go faster but instead it was just like would you like to trap down the entire forest and i said um ma’am no thank you

I don’t think it’s lagging it’s doing the vein minery uh timber mod thing because when i punch it it’s fine it’s just when i use the axe i thought i could be smart oh there’s another one oh man i really didn’t want there to be another one

Okay there we go we did as much as we could i thought that cow and the and that just passed by the screen over there i thought that was a i think this one’s my crafting table too um i thought that was like a cow spider contraction and i was like interesting

Okay that’s not that far like when we’re in the boat it’s not that far it’ll be okay no worries okay no worries speeding you’re running mods that bedrock couldn’t be modded it’s java it is java wait is your cowboy oh my god it probably is isn’t it that’s quite unfortunate um

Yeah exactly there we go it’s it’s quite unfortunate what is that is that just a peek oh no it’s it’s just chunks are waiting wow look at that lava mount lava flow though saving part or ana expedition oh look at that look at how it goes like from the water

I kind of want to live in the middle of that and then anyone who wants to come to me has to have to swim through that that would be evil oh where are we going and it’s not even connected by the water and i have no food this can only be good

I have no bed oh that’s that’s a bad thing if it goes nighttime we’ll be be pretty there’s no waterway that goes all the way around yeah probably not honestly probably better not chance it we really said we really said man i was doing so well too and then i was just like

And then i did that jump and i was like really happy with that drum and i wanted to see if i could do it again and and the jump went bad and i was sad and then now here we are you know like you really you really don’t appreciate the your parkour

Ness your your your life until it’s your minecraft life no i’m going back there i’m going to grab my stuff i’m going to grab mingle it’s going to be okay unless wait is my house no we’re on the other side of the map from my house i

Was going to maybe stop by my house and grab a bed but um that would simply take too long i think we have 15 minutes to get to it so should be okay i should be able to get there you know i believe and you should too because

Um i don’t know why you should too but just believe wait wait wait wait wait wait we i’m gonna guess that’s looted because it looks pretty looted i’m gonna sprint okay i might have to steal food from them oh man if i didn’t if i didn’t take all the um

Wheat all the haystacks well i says paranoid you be that is better i don’t know uh i trust him enough from old modding days so to be like um yeah even though you know i really i really said i really said no i don’t need a mod for prison they’ll be mods in

Chat you know they probably hired mods nope it’s just you [ __ ] i should add you to their pay stubs um oh my godness how did how did i take damage i don’t know it’s it’s 5 p.m it’s getting late we’re going we’re running we’re running free bed

I wish i read that sooner it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine 17 17 hours it’s fine it’s i’m just going to keep saying it’s fine until it’s fine don’t worry about it so here was a royal mermaid guard he was indeed one of my very devoted

Guards and i said i said i’m i’m going to the into the in time travel when wimbley limberly thing and he said he said mind if i come with i said of course not i i am in dire need of help sometimes sometimes you guys are okay most times though

That got punch up the the bad kids you know how it is gotta beat them up okay is there a oh they they really said no village huh they really said let’s go no village we are okay once a week it’s true it’s true it’s it’s the night game you gotta worry about

Man could you imagine could you imagine if we saw rice and then we died we’re actually making good progress i feel i feel like once our food dwindles though we’re screwed so um what if we took this water away get in there we go i think that should

Help a bit unless unless it’s not a waterway unless unless i got the wrong pond that would be awkward oh wait wait wait okay there we go we take this we’ll conserve our hunger just for a bit okay i hope it’s not too dark on stream

Try to raise i try to bump up the gamma a bit um don’t know how well that worked but um i didn’t want to bump it too much i didn’t want to be like oh my god you’re not using oh my god please let me leave wait oh my god please

I just want my boat first position why does my first position keep setting what does that mean where’s my desktop oh my goodness oh my god we’re quite far huh we’re quite far it’s okay why do i keep using the boat it doesn’t work panic not panic no we’ll be fine don’t worry

About it guys okay okay so what do i have to lose oh my diamond sword would have been nice to keep honestly not much to lose other than mango i would still like to go back for mango even if even if she is um even if our stuff just spawns um

Other than that there’s really not much i need um some seeds we got but i was mostly looking for other seeds it would be nice to eat the ginger but um sometimes you can’t sometimes your sleep ginger boy leaves you it’s okay sounds like you’re using a world edit tool me me

There is a world edit mod in the pack um if you um oh gosh on the in the paste bin linked it’s like the first link below there is a world edit mod i don’t know why that is there i know some people asked for op in the

I really said i’m gonna use this boat even if it takes me longer huh really stubborn little little little girl huh old fish person holy sh i just are not gonna use the bow anymore it’s causing me immense distress i can’t run and can’t do anything i would kill her

Some ginger right now that’s why it says first oh oh okay okay see it’s like trying why why are you doing that this is so dumb uh 900 blocks cheddar is gonna shh you you shush your mouth banned her even implying that she would respond wait this is our second

This is our second main goal it literally couldn’t it literally can’t like i physically will not let it to attach the water i i also like the bull like because i’m out of food and at least i can keep running on a boat wait wait a spider-man spider-m spider-person i’m sorry i

Misgenderified you oh now they’re chasing me this is why we ask for people’s pronouns okay learn from my mistakes learn from my mistakes is this a water weight what is going on here oh we’re on the other side of the let me out i’m just gonna assume that she’s not gonna despawn

Because because this this um at least i can kind of see where the mobs are on at in the map so i can kind of try to avoid them please oh man you know like i wouldn’t normally be this clumsy but the sheer panic of

Of losing a whole days of progress is is quite quite um gets your fight and flight responses to england come on oh come on oh come on oh come on oh come on oh come on oh come on okay i just need to get into this waterway and then i’ll be okay

I think i think wait these are the rose bushes we picked okay i feel like we’re pretty close feel good feel good about it one way or another maybe next year we’re gonna find you oh but this is headed the wrong way okay out the vote

I’m gonna get you get get to get to get your maybe i could find some food just on the ground doubt it but one can help just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming are we gonna do we’re just gonna show them how far are we gonna go i don’t know

Free karaoke stocks i hope i’m not saying it actually good so um don’t get don’t get whacked by the copyright police here’s my rendition of what’s a very copyrightable song i don’t know man all the things chasing me i can see them they’re so close get choked 300 blocks

We have four zombies oh my god we have four zombies but that’s okay oh slow down them in the water okay so let me speak well our wow wow wow wow Not really well just yes just okay wait okay okay during my on debut practice when i said when i said the part where i was like and i can oh we were so close we were so close It is so close my [ __ ] Oh mango’s here she teleported wow man you know on our agenda we really said don’t lose don’t lose chatter get a cat you find rice we did we did one of those man i found so many flowers i wanted to take home this close my whale hole oh okay oh i don’t

Should i just die should i go anyways maybe maybe maybe the grave expires but the items are still on the ground maybe that’s the thing i got a velvet mango we’re going maybe that’s the thing come on come on oh come on where’s my death down there 20th

How did i end up down there oh my goodness this is sure dangerous what’d i do should i just i’ll just dig no no i wish i had my sand oh man there’s a lot of panicking oh god my hands are so sweaty my knees leak arms heavy

I want my own sweater already mom’s spaghetti i’m just gonna make up it make like i don’t know how fast it’s going to spawn so i’m just gonna yep that’s that’s okay we got a lot wood pickaxes that’s okay this is okay this is okay it will be okay it’ll be okay

Always dig straight down you know that’s what that’s what my mom always says she’s like honey if i have to tell you anything it’s always stuck straight down and i said oh man we didn’t we don’t have a boat all our stuff is gonna be gone from the ground

I got i got too excited that all my stuff is still there i told you i think i make the waterfall well i didn’t read it i don’t know how to read fun fact what did i do what do i do i’m gonna take these two dolphins i’m

Gonna swim i’m gonna swim to it i’m gonna do it it’s gonna be fine i don’t i don’t know i’ll be fine i have two dolphins on me no they left i need your help please please yeah yeah get your dolphin powers thousand dollars

Oh man i don’t know what to do wait okay okay if the chunks not loaded will it not despawn how how did minecraft rules work because now it’s no longer the graveyard the grave the grave mod man and the in the dolphins not even here i don’t know what to do anymore i’m

Going home oh my god he’s right there home is so far away i’m just gonna swim home time stops for the chunk does it really so if i don’t load the chunk i won’t it won’t despawn lower trunk Hmm if i go home get chunked on well that doesn’t help you and i both know that comment didn’t help if no one’s in the trunk time stops yeah i’m going home i’ll go home i’ll grab my stuff it’ll be okay stuff oh nice my days

And days is going pretty good okay okay we’ll go home okay we’ll get we’ll get beds and um we’ll get our stuff and um it’ll be good it’ll be good i’ll be good you know i was really i’m really hoping crucified incursive binding you know what i’ll i’ll take it thorns whoops

I don’t even know thorns is any better gold armor for the donkey we have to find a saddle still okay you know this whole rice thing is is stum who even needs rice when you have friends good morning at least ours isn’t sticking to death shhh like the stages of grief my anger

Denial acceptance everybody had acceptance i’m just like you know it’s like who needs them just insulted the entire asian population i’m sorry if anyone’s offended by my rice lander but i don’t think minecraft rice can be as good as the rice i make i’m gonna be honest be honest man what a life

What’s a life at least for scavenging man you know sometimes um you um die and then and then you lose all your things and that’s okay because um You don’t need stuff you have friends and happiness and i don’t know i’d really like my cat back that’s that’s his shirt and cheddar man i probably should have left him at home there’s no reason i brought and there was no reason to bring him he just suffered wait yeah

You let me tell you again um yeah and for this game at least i don’t i wouldn’t i wouldn’t go with that model motto for real life look how beautiful the coral reef is look at that wow wow wow mr turtle there must be some sort of underground

Like ravine or something there are a lot of creepers down there you can kind of tell like where on the room is almost oh there’s a pirate ship Oh uh why can’t i swim oh i’ve been looted perhaps by me me chance i don’t know perhaps somebody else Man at something in times like these i wish i wish oh i’m sorry you didn’t mean to spook yeah you smoked me first i was gonna say at times like this i really wish i had up and i would just be like boop and let’s go back it’s okay

I mean they said if you wanted up you could ask for it and like anyone can ask for it but like i didn’t want to ask for it because i was like i didn’t want to be like oh man he’s so easy to just build this in minecraft and create a mode

You know so here i am suffering for what eternal pain eternal oh man can i i just remember that i don’t even have a bed um yeah i don’t even have a bed at home because i took it and and it’s night time so like i won’t have enough time to find it

Find a um find enough shape to hear at times like these i like to look up to the sky and pray to to our god um ed sharon to bless us with extra wool in our s oh come on come on now come on now i know there was sheep

I don’t want to fight you i don’t want to fight your honor Every day it’s getting closer like a roller coaster sir i’m so sorry i would like to apologize for all of my kind i please accept this free voucher to any fish shop of your desire oh gosh please it sure is cursing oh yeah did you guys know this was a

Speed run i’m trying to try to get to the end um it’s going poorly but i can’t i can’t right now i can’t answer your calls i don’t know that was okay wait oh death wait wait wait oh my god speed and dress that’s so rude Okay okay okay okay um um um i’m i’m okay i’m i know based on my past actions it’s probably not wise to shell out my my diamond stuff but but um some people don’t learn and alas it me i am people where did i get the pressure plate okay

Okay i feel like i feel like that was not necessary but um wow i’m running out of inventory space it me i people take i’ll take half a stack of torches i’ll take this i won’t take my shears i won’t i’ll take my six um i don’t know about it

All right i don’t know about that um take pretty sure why not um and then can i take a bed a boat or someone to hold okay i say i say we’re good i say i say um say we’re good yeah yeah it’s so far away get a bucket of water water

Get a bucket you say that’s quite smart i’m gonna do that you know i’m gonna do that this one will not have axolotl in it how fun how how how exciting a bottle uh a bucket with no axolotl just unheard of in in my realm okay

It’s sailing there’s so much food so bad we have we have everything you can’t play kind of rude but whatever okay i’m always prepared in fact i’m not i’m lying i’m sorry i’m sorry i will be honest but pray your prior trip to our death point may may have been a bit

Fear motivated so um so i might have not been as prepared as you guys and highly encouraged me to be that makes yeah my race expanding this is a lot nicer than then but when we get close to it the ravines and the rivers are quite small oh mingle hello

Mingo’s laying on my squishmallow do you guys have squishmallows i know they’re like really popular for a few months i don’t know if they’re still really popular got one from um costco i think that one’s from costco it’s really big i have no idea who needs that big of a

Pillow but she seems to like it and um it’s dual purpose as a cat bed highly recommend wait you may haves i love studying my house i’m probably very very i don’t know i don’t know when i started saying it or or who i learned it from but i i like

Saying may house i my paddling my palace so much oh wow we get to explore look how many dolphins are by us wow this was an area that i’ve been meaning to explore but i just never really got the chance to there’s even like a um

Real rail system there you can tell it’s like an abandoned mine shaft wow this is quite pretty okay we need to be headed almost directly that way i’ll paddle a bit more only purpose council member should have for me was buying two dollars hot dogs on my parents went shopping

It’s pretty fun oh it’s honestly it’s like you buy stuff but everything’s like really big so i don’t know it makes you feel like you’re shopping for like giants wow this place is amazing never mind i hate this place i’m just kidding but um yeah this one is pretty cool wow wow wow Is this gold just sitting on the surface like nobody’s business wow i’m not gonna grab it because i am i’m afraid to die and lose my stuff so the less possessions i have on me the less the less f’s i shall see in chat is the is what i told

Myself samsung has something similar sam’s club my dad always took me in sans club and um it’s not i don’t know it has weird vibes i’m gonna be honest it has it has karen vibes what is this of course dirt so coarse on my little toes ellie

I don’t know i said i’m sorry ah this one’s so red so pretty no rice though that would be too good wouldn’t it maybe two too perfect honestly though i love the mesa whoa i wonder if disney’s just been explored i’ll have to go into my shop and see if

Like the stuff’s been taken sand bunnies little brown sand bunnies sand bunnies nuts i don’t think that’s a real one you can say in my head i was like that would make sense but as i said as the words came out of my mouth hole i prefusely decided that i would have to

Apologize refusely for it because it did not make sense so yeah apologies i will try better next time uh walmart it costs samsung is one more costco ignition honestly i have to agree with that not wrong not wrong there oh there’s a thing i don’t know we’ve been there this is rice no

I don’t know why i thought it might be rice this is rice and that’s chili peppers come on come on you’re better this is rice lettuce it might have never known never know until you oh we’ve been to this village it’s all too haunting to my nightmares is that rice

It was not race that’s okay she’s already saying i’m getting delusional uh have you been to this village um i’m gonna say yes i’m gonna say yes but um but i feel i feel like i would have taken all this hate i’m sorry please please giving me the death glare felt so bad

But um and it’s not gonna deter me from taking all this uh wait can i just type like slash seed okay that’s a seed um if you if you find me rice i will i don’t know what i’ll do um um i’ll cry i won’t cry

Nah i don’t cry i’m never crying stream and never ever ever ever have i ever cried never cry during streams any clips of me sniffling are actually crying are lies i have not had temptations yet temptations are pretty good i had them when i um there was a shop that sold them in

Canada when i was visiting a specific person and i was like oh are these canadian specialty and guess what they’re not i just presume they were Canada over america i do i do like visiting um family and canada is quite nice is this this is a thing oh that’s like that’s like a thing thing i’m not i’m not looking for a thing thing i just want untouched perhaps sorry okay hmm oh untouched wow

Let me take all the bones on your horse over oh but now i don’t have enough inventory to go back and grab my stuff and then come back and it’s like no now it’s like not to choose and the juice maybe i’ll just take everything couldn’t hurt couldn’t hurt even take the sand Should i take the tnt take the tnt oh what is this tnt why does it look so weird wow look at that moving up in life already good enough good enough for me i’d say oh wait no no no i want to fill in the hole thank you Wow something that was untouched and a village nonetheless maybe this village hasn’t touched either how did i get down here oh i fell i fell tower we’ll check out the actual village do you live here how odd cartographer i haven’t i oh don’t you try anything let me out the store immediately sir

Hey um i haven’t messed with any of the new villagers stuff um i say new quote-unquote but it’s probably like old old news at this point that was suspicious you were coming out here in new york all right all right tnt for your pico trap house i would never peco pickle pickle

I never trapped people i learned that from my first my first time in their area when i went to i think it was iko’s house and i was like oh wow i will i will donate money to the shrine she has set up oh well a bit of my

Humble beginnings and then it killed me and and now i no longer believe in god oh yeah so so if anyone’s to blame um it’s ezekiel uh-huh interesting all right oh where’s our dust stuff death stuff stuff over there all right should i tell her no no it’s okay no i’m okay

I’m okay if we we can’t um you’re inventory for why not go home first should i go home first but home is so far away already i’m halfway there i’m actually closer to the death point i’ll i’ll sort out the stuff like i only need to axolotl my cat and

Uh my diamond sword like and oh i like to cut my armor but every other seat i found i already kind of had um at home and most of my inventory was just seeds so home i swear to sue me is home is where homies wear um my super deluxe ammo crossing uh

Switch with 256 gigabytes of with a super mario branded a memory card is get that on a t-shirt that’ll be relatable maybe make a chest aren’t dump stuff you don’t want to lose right now oh maybe i’ll maybe i’ll put it in the i’ll put put it in the um village wow

Big brain moves on all our behalf I don’t remember where the village is uh over there look at it it was like a village and a temple all in one all over all in one staycation location wouldn’t you say why don’t you say it’s quite other than the tnt that i have now disarmed it’s quite serene

I’m gonna put my stuff in here in in your house yeah your house huh i hear you i hear ya working hard or hardly working eh that’s that’s what my boss always said well not always but like you do you do the good old cubicle knock and then you go [Laughter]

And then you go further that’s a classic um guy keep that should i turn this into i’ll keep the wii um Blue tear cut i don’t know i have oh it’s from the middle i want to keep that on me i want to keep that on me as well i want to keep this um [Laughter] guys we we mad sport big brain [ __ ] chose galaxy we’re gonna take trips with you see i’m i’m

Not i’m not in that galaxy right now to take the chest with me take trust with you leave all positions on ground run money’s run scurry for i am your queen of all fun kind mwahaha i wonder if none’s going to tame some bunnies

I hope i hope she she gets a little um like maybe one of every color i don’t know how many colors are is that a thing man i wish we had that mod that lets you zoom into stuff i don’t think that’s a thing it’s a

Thing but i don’t think it’s a treasure thing you see bunny sorry honey organized tea parties for them oh my goodness i could imagine her do that but very chaotic tea parties where everyone’s just like drinking like i don’t know what’s up what’s narcotic substance they’re they’re consuming the marijuana i don’t know

There is no gateway drug if you just start your if you start with black tar heroin remember kids you know always always go big can’t go home after that but could go big i did set the stream as not it’s not suited for chan for kids like not made for kids so i

Feel like i should be okay saying stuff i don’t know i don’t know i don’t know anyway it’s okay i’ll be fine i’ll be fine and then the like stream dies and i’m just like like what happened to my stream i don’t know wow we’re actually really close

Remember how i was like should i go this way if there’s water and i was like no that’s too dangerous i should go all the way around oh man there’s water this whole side that would have been so very nice oh let’s sleep for a bit assuming is using all their sheriff’s officers

Doing our gem or my germans are suffering they’re like please please it’s our turn with the rain cell i know i have a very important minecraft work to do you don’t understand we’re trying to find rice i assume we got the golden tips yeah i

Do i got them from uh oh why do i keep opening that i got them from a another Fall another portal chest and i equipped them without being without comparing them to the other stuff i got and now they’re on me until i die which is okay because probably never gonna die and they’ll just break because they’re so you know their durability is not great This area is nice too maybe i’ll just start my home here this is my house now man This is expired but i don’t i don’t think it’s technically i think it’s fine is it i think am i in this chunk yet like how how how would you know how would they know come on come on come on like how big is a chunk i’m gonna say a

Hundred so i feel like i feel like now would be like a good look at that look at that look at my wait is that my is that my thing that is my thing oh my god my cat my cat Okay [Applause] i don’t need ginger i don’t need this and i don’t like to keep beetroot uh fishing i can make another one uh i like to keep that i don’t know i’d like to keep um this one can go um Oh corn can go uh that can go because i can’t physically put it on i can go okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we are we are okay we are okay whoa man uh birch that is that good feeling that’s good there’s a spawner there that’s not good

Um what is that oh wait are those seeds that i don’t have wait hold up um We’re good um we’re so good we’re like we’re beyond good we have our bed back corn seeds we’re so good what so good it’s so good please let me up i’m so scared please i’m not that good i mean i’m okay not that good i’m gonna be on it okay yeah yeah perseverance

Yeah oh my goodness oh my goodness okay mango let’s go home yeah yeah let’s go home holy banolis okay i i don’t like i’m so far away from home i feel like i could explore more but what are the chances we actually find rice like at this point this one

I think we gotta go home ready see your new home it’s it’s just as open as this it’s literally just a bed and some chest like i i’m and i’m hyping it up a lot more than like you’ll see you’ll see you’ll see it’ll be okay

Yo let’s go let’s get out of here home is that way well well she oh she she’ll be okay right but oh i suppose official youtuber he he is official i found him in um a village ravine is this not loaded or is this like something crazy that someone built

Oh no this is just water that is crazy if i if i touch the ground while mango teleport oh okay there’s a bit hesitate oh wow with swords you can pick them up with like one that’s pretty neat um we are headed not where we should be okay let’s let’s

I see i see water and i’m like eventually i’ll lead it to the ocean but fun fact not all water leads into ocean that’s that’s a little tidbit for you sirs versus chicken chicken kaichou thanks for the tip i i just saw that you didn’t write

Anything so i’m just gonna assume i can say anything for your tip um this message was sponsored by our fried chicken kaicho nom nom on these drumsticks um no more parkour please uh i i can’t promise you no more is this rice rutabaga what the heck

I can’t promise you no more parkour but i will try i will try to not parkour sweet potato what do we have at home i don’t even remember kale i think we have kale at home me we have kale at home kayla it’s not even a that’s like a

It’s like a dumb joke oh no i threw out the kale vega there we go soybeans there we go okay that was a dumb joke rudabega okay let’s go what is this is this kale hops i know i know i know green beans so you don’t need two beds

All right give me the hops all right this is i forgot and everything everything in this entire mod pack other than rice really a swede i’ve had i have had rutabaga but i don’t know how to cook it because i think i had a ginger we’ve had ginger wow look at me

So lazy so resourceful um what wait how did i get did i but it physically doesn’t make sense for me to have ended up here unless i did this but i went around with the mesa but it didn’t load in the map i guess oh i walked through this air oh okay

We’re on we’re on a good path don’t worry i’m not lost house are for brewing i don’t know what minecraft we’ll find out um he says uh we can turn it into voila pops oops beer yeah beer gonna get consume all the alcohol because are you guys gonna be like oh my

Goodness she’s so crazy you’re wildin out on minecraft let me sleep okay oh wait uh you can make hops tea oh is that a thing and then if you add sugar to it does it ferment and turn into beer i’ve never made my own alcohol before once accidentally because i got apple

Cider and i didn’t know i was gonna drink it really like quickly because i usually like uh things last a while and because i don’t i forget i have stuff and so i didn’t drink it for a bit and then it got really fizzy and i was like

Oh that’s weird it’s like carbonated now and then i oh mango bad bad cat but i’m so proud of you um and it got really fizzy i was like oh this is this is weird now i don’t remember it being fizzy and i think i think i turned it into

I think i turned it into wine or beer or whatever like hard cider i think that’s what they call it because like um i think apple cider isn’t pasteurized um because i know usually apple juice they like heat it up really high and it like kills off all the bacteria and stuff

So if it’s like unpasteurized and it sits in like a dark cool place you can kind of just ferment it makes it all fizzy and it consumes all the sugars hard cider oh did you see that parkour though i know where i know okay i know this religion or parkour but i

Can’t help it too edgy i’m too cool and you don’t want to do more encore it’s in my blood um should we stop by and grab her no it’s okay i don’t i don’t really need anything from the chest we’ll go straight home cider isn’t faster because it keeps it

Better by itself oh interesting i like when it’s like fall times and they sell um and if you go to like the apple um farms where you can like pick your own apples they usually have apple cider there and i think oh what’s this sakura that is more though

I was really hoping it was rice but i know in my head of heads i know it wouldn’t be right because it’s bright red but like you know a girl can a little girl can dream wait i need to pull up something someone someone added me on twitter and

They’re like there there is rice i found it i need to find i said it was latest i don’t know if it was a i think or that Oh Please take a brief momentarily break while i scroll through twitter to find stuff Notifications mentions link mentions oh man there’s so many mansions oh okay it looks like the desert looks like the desert i feel i feel like i feel like we could find it here oh and assuming got creepered that would be unfortunate huh and i didn’t even think that the game wouldn’t

Pause because i was on a server i totally forgot man yes stop and yeah and stop being so careless that they just oh yo we saw it i didn’t know you could put boats on like ground i guess i never really tried newman at the speed of light should probably get out

Imagine mango got creepered in some mad deja vu don’t you dare say that how dare you mingle will never be getting creepers ever again because i’m not i’m gonna drop her off at home and then and then i’m gonna leave her there and then she’ll never get creeper it’ll

Be okay i think i’m actually gonna i said i was gonna um pass on that and go directly home but i do want to drop off some of my current inventory in there um just just for keith’s sakes is this rice no it’s chili peppers he will usually do that to kidnap

Transport villagers really i’ve never gotten into the whole like when they create um a fake village by putting down a lot of like beds and doors oh excuse me i put my stuff oh my goodness uh i’ll put the golden apple there i’ll put the salmon in there um

I’ll put a bucket in here in the front because i feel like i can just make my own foot i’ll keep the apples and i’ll take the bones no i don’t take it yeah i’ll be fine what if we oh i won’t take the bones i’ll be fine sorry um

I was gonna say what if we bone me on the ground here at i feel like i feel like that’s dumb i feel like wait where’s my looting book oh it’s right here okay well we’ll follow me on the ground here we’ll see it we’ll see if that works

Because because if he found it oh oh you know what whatever give me the water bucket back sir circuit oh it’s my water okay okay i have an idea we recreate the exact situations that that i saw the rice grow in we have the water right and then what if

Like we bone meal the water i need more bone meal because i feel like if we we’re in the desert there’s water and if we bombing on the water i feel like it could work or not it’s only one way to find out what if so you know how we ho

What do we hold these oh okay what if we um made it too high full meal at the ground and then hold these no um Man i was really hoping for something hey these are exact conditions i don’t know maybe maybe it’s just not meant to be i’m sorry mango use the thing you get wool with i don’t have my shears on me right now But in the book in the croptopia book it says you have to use a hoe maybe it has to be a diamond hoe i don’t know man this is this brain cell be working overtime really really i saw someone say they’re over exerting it’s just too hard to make one i’m going back

Where did my house go where did the all my stuff i think i have iron in that that’s why okay honestly at this point i’ve given up so i’m willing to try anything that’s that’s how desperate i am for rice it’s like i’ve gone through so much so much pain okay

Wait oh um this house the adventure is going good oh we had to iron would you look at that would you look at that what no could you imagine could you imagine if i made it and then you’re like you’re like this lady how could she do that

Oh we don’t even need the bucket let’s be honest okay we have we have our bone meal we have shears we have a hoe we have all and we have one one deep one deep too deep i think it’s gonna be one deep but um when we when we cut down

The grass it said it has to be too deep okay and then we’ll break this and go like this whoops okay we got seagrass oh seagrass again man you guys gotta believe me i think it doesn’t exist in the game this is your resume minecraft no it’s my it’s my um it’s

My first time playing with these mods still so um not familiar with all of the mechanics you know yeah i feel like that all right okay right this is like canadian girlfriend nonexistent no i swear i said like stop killing bunnies when we’re sleeping i couldn’t use this for

You make me so sad nice i can’t i can’t take you anywhere okay no more bunnies oh okay what if what if okay okay i know this is dumb i know it’s dumb what if give me a second give me a second take the bucket take the sand that’s a lap no um

Okay we have a plant here i put water on it nope i was willing to try anything until i am desperate although we’re leaving now no more no more of this tom foreign i’ve had enough of the rice excursion we’ll be making oh you know we could always make fish and chips

Fish and chips uh we need so much more stuff to make adventures so how do you even get salt you can’t boil okay new goal if we can’t find rice by the time we get home we’ll be making fishing trips it’s still cannibals so i can’t say i lied but i didn’t

Grows in muddy dirt not sand see the thing is the thing is in the picture we have to pull the tweet the tweet what was it growing on oh i don’t know this is a public server i feel like this is a public servant someone planted it it kind of

It kind of looks like it grows in water you might be better looking you might have been looking in the wrong place it grows in water what if we bone mealed okay hear me out we bone meal water water okay i’m gonna grab okay we can do that

At home we have wait did i place the bone meal back okay let me go grab oatmeal we’ve only water but it’s dirt underneath and that’s where we went wrong everything’s going on i’m eating i’m decided i’m fishing chips now me eating fish and chips like some greasy peasant

That’s that’s always that’s how far we stood um yeah could you could you imagine hi we’re back i need my phone meal back what’s this i don’t need barley okay okay okay oh okay well we’ll we’ll do the experiment wait what if we ow oh is this dirt this is okay um no

No i just put down the water That didn’t work it only grows sea grass it’s fine we’ll go home i’ll share a bit i’m never giving up okay is there video evidence of someone getting it’s called it’s cold rice r-i-c-e it looks like this it looks like this it’s from crop topia steamed rice impossible can’t get rice

Is there evidence of someone finding it in the wild i think not would be like a quick thing i wanted to make for you guys so we could eat sushi because i think that’s funny but now now we’re in our greasy present so we have to eat fish and chips

We have to feel these fish and chips wait maybe the real racist difference yeah i honestly at this point i’m willing to say that the rice is anything there’s lemons ally please please it’s lemons i love lemons did i pick up the lemon i don’t think so

What can i drop i don’t really want to drop anything at this point green means oh i have green beans i’ll take a few lemons with me home cute one day i’m gonna have my own um backyard and i’m gonna plant lemon trees with um olives trees um because i think they’d

Be quite nice and they’re not oh hello oh i wish i didn’t turn on my um bone into bone meal i’m sorry i wish i had something to give you i thought he was going to kill me for my cat but you know i just think it would be quite nice cherry plum

No rice not that not that i thought there would be a rice tree but in my head i could hope one could hope but at least i got elderberry and tons of it a rice tree Can you if you can’t prove that in the new update a craft crop topia they decided to add rice trees like no one can prove it it’s simply okay we’re back in the desert where people said they found rice just in the waters by the desert and i know noseless

So today’s been a thrilling adventure thanks for showing us your moves and the grace of the wedding not gonna navigate the water thanks for the tip sorry i read it so late you’re probably gone by now haven’t i saw you in chat like a few minutes ago but i don’t know

Sorry i don’t pay attention to that stream of stuff i probably should try to do more i’m trying to do it but sometimes i look at chat and then i’m like oh my god there’s people here so i try not to look at ya but then i really

Do like talking to you guys so it’s like a balance of weird stuff but then i really try not to look at the donuts because then it’s just like then i was like and i feel bad cause it’s like i don’t know if i should read them at the

End of the stream because everyone else reads them at the end of the stream and i don’t know what’s real what to do anymore because no one told me what to do after unless i do something wrong so it’s like go at it you know you you’re you’re just free to

Do whatever until you do something wrong and then you’ll be reprimanded and that’s the worst way of of teaching someone at least for me i struggle a lot with it so uh thank you have you looked in the swamp yet i have that’s some that’s like the first place

We checked because someone said it might be there uh girl chill i have no chill you can’t expect to come into the stream and have me baby bunny wow he’s so fast mew don’t kill him please oh mama bunny i’m sorry no one’s logged down i don’t

Know in my head i thought everyone would be playing on the minecraft server like in my head i was like oh maybe like um we’d all have like everybody be here and then we’d like visit each other’s house but the only person i’ve ever seen on is

Sarah when she was streaming and i kind of planned my stream around her so that we could hang out but um but alas oh you want to see some you want to see some epic gameplay [Laughter] i thought it would make me one block and i’d go underneath but

I started suffocating and i got really scared that i’m dying again i’m so sorry oh that was very and it was like oh yeah like like what if this is like a cool thing and they’re like wait how did you know to do that i’d be like you know like intuition and

I go like ciao you know and be like really cool but um sorry i don’t know what i’m doing i just thought he you see see i’m i’m really tall right but then when i say but i’m really short so it makes sense let’s head home and drive your boys i’m

Trying can’t you see the home number getting smaller i’m on my way i’m going i’m on my way one pixel is all that i want and special especially when it’s been it’s been chugging is my cat gonna come with me it’s a clips wow look at that wow

What a what a lovely night to be um um paddling i was gonna say rolling but i forgot the word for rowing so i was gonna say mowing but then i was like no it’s definitely not mowing unless it is and it took me like a few seconds but we got

There eventually and that’s all that matters sometimes sometimes you got it gotta get there eventually i have this days again i don’t have to see so much it’s not even allergy season so my cat do i i like did i lose her is mango not gonna teleport back

Was i not allowed to like roll a lot yeah um i don’t know i’m going back because um what if i lost her um maybe i’ll stand on this island and she might teleport mango mango mango ringo ah transporting a cat is not easy transporting a teleporting cat is even more difficult

Gotta head off okay see you see you all next thanks for stopping by thanks for modding a bit wait you think this is rice no it’s not no okay i have my shirt What’s d donkey oh my goodness i forgot my donkey do you see it right there no i just it looked like the image someone sent me where’s my cat i’m honestly i’m a little bewildered though that i’m not seeing her around Mingo donkey that was a donkey we saw at the beginning of the stream and i somehow tamed it but i don’t have a saddle for it yet oh my goodness i thought i lost you don’t do that ever again crazy cat we’re almost home just stay with me for a bit

Oh my goodness come on i thought like if you were in a boat they would at least try to follow you um yes not we’ll just run um as far as we can up there and then once we load the trunk in we can vote across Okay i don’t i don’t i just wanted to make sure she had food come on mango we’re almost home so close literally 400 400 measly little meters and i got your favorite raw salmon salmon sashimi I love those rice it’s a dead bush one day one day okay um if i get into a bowl here will you follow me What if i go island island will you come here well it’s so fun okay good okay okay oh it’s so fun to be here if i was a teleporting cat i totally teleport here like wow this is crazy and he didn’t do you like to play games um yeah i

Really do i do i like my favorite part about playing is is oh nice nice is um i like experiencing games with people so i really like streaming wait okay we’re almost home mingle mingle oh my god the puffer fish sorry i didn’t mean to exclaim

From it’s right there i can see it i can see it so clearly What captain boat we can’t tell mango what to do it’s the rules mango is she she’s independent lady with okay wow we we really destroyed a lot of sunflowers i did not mean to grab that many oh that’s okay wow look at that so cute so pretty oh yeah

Yeah let’s sit on my chest that i now can’t open happy and we have so many new seeds probably not i don’t know how many of these are actually new but they feel they feel new new to me wow okay for fish fish and chips you need a pan that’s easy we

Can make a pan oh gosh not if you’re sitting on it sit on my bed okay fish and chips that should be easy it’ll be like it’ll be like hey provision choice you need everything but this one item this one craft you stumbled upon and i will i will surely cry

We need pepper you got pepper we need salt we need bottles of water we need glass oh you think we would have glass by now but we got this we just need three Come on wow this is so anybody a house i plan to live in the ocean so um i want to go around um probably like i don’t know if next episode but i’d like to go around and collect as much of the prismarine blocks um so it looks really

Nice okay water bottle oh oh i see you see but unless you keep the bucket that is nice and if i smelt this it turns into salt i believe so that’s nice jellyfish far too in a bucket what does that mean i don’t know avar two

Bar one var2 version why are there two versions of jellyfish we need potatoes we need flour barley oh it’s corn we have so much corn oh we have wheat too but i i don’t i want to oh no we just we threw away the wheat we threw away the corn we threw

Away everything i threw away the barley yeah pepper though peppa peppa pepper salt salt not so much um how to make flower two ah there you go shapeless crafting makes things easy i made 16. that should do it i hear you got salt so slowly but surely we will get our salt

I’m getting our levels back up not that i really care about our levels that’s okay i think we have everything just just need a fish which i have tons of which was the whole reason i started doing this because i was like i need fish you know me you know

You know how it’d be yo we did it Which button this one you got it yeah i don’t even know if it’s worth it it’s not that much how much is how much is steak oh my goodness what’s happening here work in progress why is this mod even it has four or four things and then

Five things okay it’s it’s better than steak i’ll give it that it increases um one two three four five six seven eight eight satiay but maybe maybe we’ll start a little potato farm so then we’d at least have more stuff to grow but dang dang we struggling i’m gonna take

The milk and i’m gonna put in this i need more chest i need some way to organize this as you can tell this is definitely organized this is this peak organization here only the best why do i have this i don’t know um i just picked it back up i’ll smelt these

Oh nice we have the aquamarine gems okay um these are like what you use to make the portal to um at atlantis is there a book for what to do in atlanta and this is is it oh that’s a craftovia book why does it keep showing up when i type literally anything submarine

Huh uh-huh uh-huh there’s not that much stuff wait what if i did this and then i think you do this oops yeah okay that shows all the stuff within the mod um How do i make a portal i just figured it would tell me maybe like a portal portal block power stone lamp because i i want to be able to access all these blocks when i um and i feel like by going into that dimension i’ll have all these and then

I’ll be able to like make our house like really um i don’t know spooky not spooky but like it looks like it’s like been in the ocean for a long time dilapidated i don’t know that’s the right word sia senpai have a good day shell block

Feel like i want to run around and try to eat this fishing chest and ah not running that way run the other way oh there’s stuff everywhere this is unfortunate and we get up there we go update our let’s just sleep what a crazy night see yourself Okay we’re gonna eat this amazing i’ve never tasted such a wonderful could you not please burn up so close yeah okay i’m gonna make a chest out of sure i’ll make them out of these do this i’ll put all my others i’ll put like a cooking chest here for like all this

Stuff that’s not technically crops i was gonna put him in there and then i felt really bad like he just looked at me like i was like i’m sorry um in the pan i think i put the pan in here yep salt flour milk i don’t even know if all this stuff is

Gonna fit in here but that’s okay yeah there we go and we can just dump everything else anything else in there we just got so many good stuff i feel like am i in my head i feel like it’s good stuff i don’t really know if it’s really good so

Um i’m gonna move that right here yeah there we go we did it and we didn’t even die once and we did so much hardcore and and cheddar’s still alive and and i’m actually gonna put him away because i feel like hello it’s kind of dangerous we did it wow wow

Make sure to smash that like button and subscribe and ring the notification bell i don’t know i don’t know how to end stuff cheeky hi good morning oh my goodness you’re in my trousers but yeah we did a lot of stuff i think i’ll look into the

Um atlantis mod so that we can get creepy music and we can because right now we only have three of these like aquamarine stuff oh i guess we have a bit more if we feel like doing these yeah so we have a bit more not not that

Much to make entire blocks to make a portal or anything like that good start good start yeah and we looted a bunch of place and uh we didn’t find rice but we did get a new cat and we didn’t lose chatter we actually did really good and in the long and the um

If you really think about it we did pretty good um other than our number one thing but that’s okay um next time we can uh make portal 2 to oh gosh to atlas and then man this editing sign thing doesn’t work out as much as as well as you’d like um you can

What else can we do um a pup and then maybe find rice yeah we’ll do that next time and then we’ll explore atlas of course yeah sounds good i’m gonna wow smooth transition oh it says posters for talk wolves just like you ignore that no it says nothing but um

I hope you had a good time uh the stream ran for a lot longer than i was playing this house just like because i just got home yesterday so i was a bit tired so i was like oh it’s just going to be a short stream but

I kept dying so of course they had to go back for our stuff couldn’t ana any strangest left me dying i could have but probably would have been bad oh but yeah i hope you have a good day thank you for joining me um whatever time it is for you

Um we’ll be having a sem stream tomorrow and i don’t know what we’re going to be doing here i’ll make ed sharon someone remind me i’ll make at sharon that’s what we’ll do tomorrow in sensor yeah they have like a crazy deal on sims

This past week so i have i think i have every like dlc now so yeah pretty cool thank you for joining me oh yeah oh yeah i’ll see you soon okay bye bye You

This video, titled ‘〖MINECRAFT〗MINECRAFT BUT ITS FISH CANNIBALISM’, was uploaded by Sumi Ushio / 海潮すみ [PRISM Project]【Graduated】 on 2021-11-30 15:56:31. It has garnered 1361 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:25 or 12505 seconds.

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  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: ➡️Ahmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: 🟣 TWITCH: 🟠 INSTAGRAM: ⚫ TIK TOK: 🔵 DISCORD: 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More