Video Information

M Oh O O D hello hello Hello what do you mean real height confirmed on my story What John thanks for the 18 months Dylan Fernando Ellie Reena Luna switch Skool War thank you so much for the Reubs thanks taco cat thank you Emma lle thanks for three months hi Phil I’m here I’m ready this light feels so bright I think I’m ready hi s gifted thank you a thanks for the 24 months thank you so much thank you hello everybody y hair is it’s just it’s too

Much it’s too much thank you thank you Jay thank you MSS where were you yesterday where was I Yesterday what I don’t Know bum she for Gore no hold on what happened yesterday God damn I don’t Remember oh yeah we were supposed to do the cooking stream yesterday on Tina’s Channel um we decided to reschedule everything because um Leslie and mang were busy busy and Tina felt overwhelmed because she’s leaving to Miami very soon and uh felt like she should do Minecraft instead so she’s on name your

Prize in Miami not leaked Skelly there’s the five thank you um so yeah I took the day off I took the day off um what did I do though yesterday Yday I don’t know stop gatekeeping leaked and gaslighting huh was it a good day off apparently not cuz I don’t even remember what I did yesterday no I did not get my nails done yesterday bout glow this a 35 months I remember playing lots of Hearthstone bum I walked maow wow wow um

D oh I release the YouTube video 10 out of 10 clickbait was it it was definitely uh March’s idea ain’t no way bro it worked it’s a two out of 10 video and technically it’s not a lie was it clickbait no I mean I mean

Yeah but no you know cuz it’s true I did spend $115,000 for a collab okay the title says date well essentially pretty much cutie did say it was for a date collab I just left out the collab part it’s not clickbait it’s real it’s so real but it it did it

Worked um it is a 2 out of 10 video which was pretty awesome to see it could it couldn’t beat the the room tour video so I feel like we just got to do a gym tour video closet tour video cupboard tour video what’s what’s Under My Bed

Video yeah I feel like I feel like we got to do videos where you guys want to see and you want to see inside stuff you want to look inside is what you want really it’s really what you want the hair video I have an idea I

Haven’t filmed it yet no I didn’t I know I have been I did tell somebody I was like Hey next time I wash my hair I will film a hair routine video nope I thought if I told someone that it would hold me accountable enough to do

It it didn’t but now I have an idea I think I’m going to film the video in the shower in a sweater and then like when I film the Tik Tok not address the sweater just like go about my routine in a sweater and and that’s just how it’s going to be done

Am I looking forward to it no I’m not I’m not wear a wet suit I don’t have a wet suit trash trashy Travis thanks to 20 gifted thank you how was your morning um great I posted on my story as you can see on my table here that um my

Sister sent me a care package from Japan full of the most random Japanese snacks what else else happened walked my dog uh I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday it was the soonest I could get it with this doctor so I’m super excited Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday very

Excited um mental check I mean I don’t know I I’m just so curious you know I’m so curious I’m so curious because I feel like I feel like it’ll answer a lot of questions what kind of doctor um I’m trying to see I would like to get an mental evaluation

On whether or not I have ADHD am I a little autistic do I have depression I don’t know what’s going on so I just want to get checked but I am gonna let them know I’m gonna let I’m gonna let them know and say listen just you know I’ve been

Knocked unconscious a lot as a kid which I feel like could be the reason for why I am the way that I am and also I sit in front of a computer for like the past 47,000 million billion trillion million 100 trillion billion years so that might

Also be affecting my brain in some way because when you really think about it the older generation doesn’t do what we do right no one they don’t like we don’t actually truly know the effects of being in front of a computer all the time because we’re essentially the first generation to do

It so also I got to let him know yes I I smoked a ton of weed when I was younger so that might also be another reason for for why I am the way that I am so I’m just going to lay it all I’m

Going to lay it all down for her she’s a girl I’m also excited about that I got a female doctor super hyped about it so we’re yeah we’re going to find out and the caffeine I mean yeah I feel like when you go to the doctors you’re supposed to tell them everything like

You’re supposed to be really honest like when they ask you if you smoke cigarettes you need to be honest with them so they could properly evaluate you you know you know what I mean Vlog it maybe I should just do like a like a fire

March March I fire him and I say listen for this next video I’m going to be using my camera or let me use your camera in my hand and do a day in the life Vlog like this okay not actually not actually fire him a Tik talk are you depressed no I

Don’t think I’m depressed I have been in the past I don’t think I am anymore I feel like does desensitized does anyone else feel like too desensitized to be like too desensitized to kind of like feel extreme levels of emotion like I don’t I feel like I’m at

The point where I I’ve experienced so much in my life where I I like I I feel like I can never experience true heartbreak anymore you know what I mean cuz I’ve been through it it’s like I feel so desensitized that I can’t feel that sad anymore and then also like um I

I feel like I still feel really really happy sometimes but I feel like when you’re like in like younger you feel like these really really high highs and really really low lows but now I feel pretty like like you know instead of going like this it’s like this not like this like

This any deep trauma I’ve never told you guys this before but I did go through something as a child I’ve never talked about this there’s actually one thing I haven’t ever talked to you guys about I feel like I’ve shared everything about my my life you know dealing with like family

And uh going through suicide losing family with cancer uh getting cheated on um like all this stuff but don’t overshare I know I’m not going to exactly say but I did go through something as a child that I feel like would be an extremely traumatic event

For some people but I feel like for me in my head it almost feels like a dream like it just you know it’s like I remember it but like I don’t know I feel like it did I think it’s like my body’s way of like make like Pro I don’t know how to

Explain it oh no she’s leaking I don’t care bro I don’t care I think someday when I’m like when I’m like 80 years old I’d love to just like be like the most open book ever and talk about everything uh talk about things I couldn’t talk about like some

Things like no I okay I can’t talk about it dissociated yeah maybe I don’t know your bra is protecting yourself it’s like I I remember I remember what happened very vividly but I just I don’t know in my head I like to think that it hasn’t affected me

But maybe it truly has made me who I am today because of that experience you know what I mean she’s itching the leak I am I’m itchy things I couldn’t talk about when I cared a book by Ray do you have a journal I used to but not

Anymore you share I I can’t I can’t yet but I will I feel like someday uh I don’t know I feel like when I when I’m about to go you know when it’s my I feel like every stream we talk about dying when I when when I’m about to go I feel like

I can share my experiences and in hopes that it will help others maybe not feel alone maybe realize that what they’re going through you know people even people like me who has found success has gone through these traumatic events and that even though you are going through it you can also

Find success and find happiness in life after things like that have happened you know what I mean like go PE yes like go po um aie thank you so much he’s writing a book y’all truly embracing your 30s with the death thoughts no I okay I can’t I mean I’ve

Been thinking about death since I could start thinking you know what I mean I’m sure everyone thinks about it all the time right right uh by the way Ray it’s really hard for adults especially women to get diagnosed with autism so you might have to go to a specialist for that oh yeah

No okay I don’t I don’t think I have autism I don’t I do think I have a level of ADHD but you know I’m hoping I could get properly you know diagnosed with Whatever properly Canadian this three months thank you find out your height I have you guys are sick you guys are sick I have found out my height I’ve told you my height so many times so many this like real proof dude how many years has it been

I’ve been bullied for my height for so so long Jennifer thank you for joining thank You a lot of people who have who had ADHD uh also had autism yeah sometimes sometimes they go hand in hand sometimes I did a lot of like Googling like everyone does Googling so much Googling uh sometimes sometime it’s like you can have like a little bit of this a

A little bit of that a little bit of this a little bit of that you know as a novice counselor I think what you’re doing is courageous and wonderful it’s important to always check yourself in many stages of Life yeah there’s nothing wrong with going to a therapist

There’s nothing wrong with uh getting checked there’s nothing wrong with checkups nothing wrong with trying Bry 35 thank you Brandon and kiwi okay the plan today uh oh oh let me update you guys on the schedule uh for the next 3 days we have mega streams for the next 3 Days Mega streams

Today we’re going to start off with a short Reddit recap short I’m going to go through shortly and just catch up and then end that quick and then I’m going to get on Minecraft for for a bit um and do some stuff on there and then at 700 p.m. sauno and I are

Playing Pizza posum it’s a two-player steam game that cost $7 that he wanted to play so we’re going to play pizza pawsum and then at 8:00 p.m. PST we are playing fortnite with sauno Tina kitten and iron Mouse and then tomorrow I going to be Live extra early because there are

Three people joining the Minecraft server at 12:00 p.m. PST three so I’m going to be live early early tomorrow and then at at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow after Minecraft I will be playing valerant in Abes Lobby not sure who else is joining that and then on Saturday we have Goose goose duck Lobby

For sho’s 2-year anniversary at 100 p.m. PST and then CSG go to with Abe lesie trik and Timmy at 5 or 4 I almost remembered everything but I can’t remember if it’s five or Four three it’s at three um yeah so the next three days are kind of jam-packed what’s sho’s anniversary being Sho uh I don’t know I think it’s say 2ear streaming anniversary let me check uh he said heyo I’m having a 2-year anniversary celebration on Saturday he so he didn’t

Clarify I’m not quite sure I’m assuming it’s two years of streaming what about Muk mukbang stream I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see it’s of being a vtuber PA I’m excited only two yeah he’s he’s a new streamer he’s new when is the blacksmith stream uh

Still I’m still finding out I I have we are reaching out and by we I mean me and Amanda not Hassan uh but I believe that will and uh I heard Caroline also wants to as well so I think I’m going to try to get a few

People to come with us cuz I I think it’ll be fun I think it’ll be a good time wait did you always know you going to be this big streamer no see when I back in my day when I first started streaming having it as like a job wasn’t a thing

I I feel like everyone back then literally streamed for fun and didn’t know that it could be what it could be you know what I Mean I want more caffeine can you also debate Caroline dude I don’t I can’t debate anybody because I’ll just lose the only thing I could debate on is whether water is wet and for the record it’s not wet okay water is not wet what is a descriptive term okay

Water wa is it wait water water water makes things wet that’s right right water makes things wet is it dry no [ __ ] water is a liquid mother truckers okay water is a liquid water makes things wet wet the the term wet is an action it is a it’s a

Descriptive quality okay the clothes are wet because water was put on them this is why this is why I can’t debate okay we’re not debating this is not we’re this is not up for discussion okay it’s not up for disc discussion okay water is a liquid liquids make things Wet I’m done I’m triggered and I’m done okay right let’s get this over with let’s just get it over with Let’s do let’s do the thing Reddit recap this is going to be the shortest Reddit recap of all time and uh I’m already over It camera T gifted thank you thank you so much you’re right because if soup is wet but it’s a liquid is soup wet guys oh yeah true yeah if you think about it like that is soup wet wetness is a state of being covered

In a liquid the way that it works is on a chemical level it’s the connection of molecules to another the fact that one molecule of water is touching another okay you know what in a uals everywhere intellectuals thank you thank you so much stalling are you stalling 10 minute Reddit recap 10

Minutes here we go is cereal soup wait what is the definition of soup all right right top of the month Valkyrie if she went to med school dmca video gosh dang it so excited to watch this video guys I’m valky I’m going to show you how to release some tension in your

Hips if you’re very tight up here what you’re going to want to do is like bend your KN back as much as possible you might need some assistance to have someone like step on your pelvis right here and then bam you ever need like loosen up some

Tension in your elbows you would just like have someone hold you like this and then just kind of crank it thanks I hated it seen that seen that seen that seen that okay personally I would not have sex with a bear but H wait what wait what’s the rest of the

Clip please please I actually don’t understand I wait I I actually don’t what did I say after this in my defense I it sounded like I was about to wait what was I about to say what oh was Boulder gate balder’s gate that’s right oh that’s crazy Falk corpse loses it when they

Find out banana bria’s name all did that Ino is your name not Claire I’m so confused no that’s my role play name [ __ ] I keep calling you CLA no one’s correcting meay the exact it’s not Bri no dude I thought it was Bri why is

How many you have taken so I took the D away homie knock me out come on just likes banana bread she just likes are you serious what the [ __ ] do we call you you the entire day because I have no idea what the [ __ ] Joan Joanne’s got

Like 17 names I don’t know to anym oh yeah you are also Captain banana she does like that one that’s a I listen you can call me it’s okay you just name it’s that it’s that it’s Joan Joey call me Joanna you say it why is that okay you know why is that

Okay why am I so mad why are you okay with Joanna which is IT Joanna or Joanna my name’s Jo people call me Joanna people call me Jo Jo Jo Joanne Claire banana C banana just need Sushi’s I I am so mad what about Joe banana what about Joe

Banana that works oh let I’m in guys oh I didn’t know I could fly past Ray is so much louder than present Ray right okay my mic is fixed right it’s much better well I think she’s just pissed why are you mad I okay I’m not mad I’m just very

Aggressive I got it I got it no I’m I’m not pissed at all just hly blame sauno if anyone I’m he introduces me to everyone as Claire okay it’s sao’s how long is this CLI guys I when when she when she played um Angry half Lobby is CLA and then everyone started calling

A CLA and there was a big confusion it cuses big rockets and that was all Sten with sauno so we can all blame him definitely yeah yeah oh what the [ __ ] am I sh Wait how am I wait there’s no aim why is there no aim on this oh there I thought there

Was my is gone my G either good turn the rues into old people updated version Oh my God Leslie is that you why is me a white [Laughter] woman why did me turn white I couldn’t even recognize her at first what is this wow okay honestly Tina’s skin is

Giving here like she there’s hardly any wrinkles at all okay dude I was so excited to see me I was so excited to see me I was so hyped I got to send this I got to send this to M later that’s so funny bro I so

Hyped to see me as an old woman come on come on you’ve seen This I mean oh my god do it for her shut up shut up shut up this is me this is me many years ago reacting to many years ago my Q&A video I’m scared three times what’s your favorite and least favorite thing about yourself my least favorite did you read the

Caption for yours no wait the caption where here she’s already old guys guys guys guys guys I actually I’m full of Youth okay let’s get one thing straight I am full of so full I’m jam-packed with Vibrance and [Laughter] life jam packed to the brim so [Laughter] full so

Full okay let’s watch this what do I say here three times what’s your least favorite thing about yourself my least favorite thing about myself would probably have to be that I’m trapped in a 12-year-old’s body really tiny I eat a lot I just don’t gain weight one day I

So weird any day now that would be really nice I would really appreciate that what is happening I would like to become a woman any day now I would really appreciate that oh my God okay this bro God I’m going to cry this is

This this is why am I going to cry it wasn’t even funny Q Anda video thing about three what’s your favorite it wasn’t even funny that’s crazy I was crying that’s wild that’s so crazy that’s a good so true so true what is true what is

True do it for her do it for her that’s a good reminder every day wait I don’t like that it’s at the very top do it for her you know that one thing from um The Simpsons now do it for her so true so true okay oh man I have a confession I

Caved I caved I I did the stupid High School AI thing I did it I am I’m embarrassed I did I I got so curious I was like I wonder what I would look like if I did the high school AI stuff I did it I’m not po I’m not posting it though

You guys aren’t allowed to see do it for her where are the pigs I’m not posting oh if any hey I was just I was so curious I was like I was like I wonder what I would look like I wonder what I would look like I wonder what I would

Look like and then I did it in secret and I was like no one has to know I’m doing it for you then no don’t do it for me no every day Karma hits Ray immediately and golf with your friends no please no Karma was the five bucks worth

It yeah that’s that’s what they don’t tell you you know it costs money they have you pick so what you do is they have you pick like up 10 to 12 photos and then you pick male female or other and then it’s like oh you could

Pay less and get it in the next few days or you could pay more and get it sooner but the one where you get it in a few days is sold out so I was like okay so I I paid the $5 I did I did I did I I did shamefully

I did and I was in a queue of 950 people in a Q and then and then I got it it gives you 60 photos 60 and they were garbage so bad it was so bad like a lot of them did not look like me but to be

Fair I didn’t really like it was telling it shows you what photos are good photos to send and what photos are bad photos to send and a lot of my pics are not like good lighting not Face Forward um I had like maybe like two where I was like

Facing forward with good lighting that’s like current a lot of my photos like had hair in my face or off to the side or had bad lighting so um yeah a lot of the pics did not look like me but I is so garbage yeah I

Mean gosh yeah it’s it’s I feel like in this way when it’s when you’re doing it for yourself not stealing someone’s art and not you know putting other people’s photos in there without their consent kind of thing then it’s like not that bad baby but um yeah it

Was really bad it wasn’t even good it definitely was not worth $5 that’s for sure it was not oh if any hey Ray you want to just give me a nin if that’s uh that’s all right you want to just I got you I got Ray I just Co oh barely missed

Oh barely missed I think she missed so annoying so annoying so annoying so annoying so annoying so annoying so annoying oh so annoying oh she’s going to [ __ ] kill you oh you’re so [ __ ] dead bro you’re it’s [ __ ] Jo oh my god oh she’s going to she’s going to Cle

You in two you know how many [ __ ] swords Ray has bro you’re [ __ ] remember thing when I said you going to shave my head hey how about that just a nice skin thing shave your scalp literally going to shave your scalp you [ __ ] the [ __ ] I was

Angry no oh I see I see Hello Ray stream I downloaded valer yesterday for the first time and I love the game I’m glad I hope random players don’t ruin your experience just know just know hurt people hurt people okay if someone bullies you in voice coms just know that

They’re just projecting cuz the real world is too hard okay all right new Val players I hope you would join for as long as you can guys we Lear to forgive and forget right see look it look it do you see the way I’m reacting in this

Clip okay LM hurt me all right and now I’m calling him a [ __ ] it hurt people hurt people trying to forget you as I speak I’m resentful I’m bitter wait where do we go here guys what would you like to know look yeah I’d like to know

This is what lm’s going to look like d if I look at something Ray being one trck minded I am one trck minded what do you mean I’m if I look at something I’m going to keep looking at it you know I just got to go I got to have a one track

Mind and not be so freaking sporadic all the time I’m I am a one trck mind person and I’m going forward to focus and I’m taking everything one step at a time I can’t live this way anymore I’m sick of it okay tell them oh I love that the

Waters are the water oh my God I do love the way the water looks naturally in these holes I think it’s very nice which is why I moved there in the first place offering a starting suit screen of ma digital art really oh my God it’s a real starting suit

Screen wait what wait can I actually use this this is so cute what what what what what what what look at this look at M look at M go wow very cute so cute are so many details the donut Viper with one arm oh my God that’s

Crazy that you remove the arm from Viper okay Viper’s arm has been put on for the record okay the this plant is so dead right now like so dead I don’t oh I don’t think I’ve watered it since I got it I listen I’m only human

I’m only human okay I water my dog I feel like that is a good accomplishment okay I water my dog it’s just the I think it’s where I put the plant it’s it’s like I just don’t ever I I just don’t ever think about it I just don’t

Ever think about it don’t ever think hurt people hurt plants no poor Plant I know wait I think it I think it’s still Rev rable I do cuz there’s about four leaes left I think it’s revivable I can fix I can fix it I can fix it I can fix

It I can fix it I also wanted to show you guys my mang may have brought Ray’s Gala idea to life oh my gosh the feedback for my FIT was so rewarding it made me really happy that I went all out for it a lot of

People in the comments of my new video were talking about how cool it was that I picked the Philippine eagle um that they like that I did like research on it even Maya messaged me I’ll read it right now Maya messaged me and it just made my

Day she said Ray thank you so much for coming to the gala and for donating my staff at alvas was telling me that they really loved your look because they are huge bird fans really hope that I hope you already know that if you ever want to come down

Vas you’re always welcome would love to have you here she said that made me so happy May me so happy yeah so I I do I do I want to go to Alas I want to go see all the animals I just don’t want to go alone like I

Want to bring I want someone to go with me I I need to find a good time in my schedule to go as well I really want to go I think’d be so fun to go see all the animals and uh it’d be fun to go see emu and

Everybody I think it’d be so so fun anyways where was I be so fun so fun so fun roomies trip yeah who like but Leslie’s going in 2024 it’s just so far like everything is so far but why not sooner you know I feel like okay to be fair everyone is mega mega

Busy everyone’s so busy we’ll see I’ll figure something out I also wanted to show you guys my my ideas for the gala um and so the first thing I thought of was dirt like I should go as dirt and represent the soil two weeks later thefor know and and I’m dirt she’s

Dirt a okay it’s frustrating because I there was a vision there was a vision there was people had cool ideas but they either couldn’t find an outfit or their outfit didn’t come on time or it was too much effort kind of thing mang was going to be a white

Tiger Tina was going to be a pink dolphin but she couldn’t find an outfit I know will will was going to be like a full bodysuit gorilla but his fit didn’t come on time and it just makes me so sad cuz I feel like everyone would have had like super super cool

Fits um but you know we were robbed D Day that we saw that Ray is sus of baby Tina oh my God I love these all right listen up Chumps I know for a fact either Tina or foolish Pelican sauno what that they they swallowed him up right in front of me

Wait wait that’s Crazy wait wait what is that Tina huh is thata crazy I I swear on my on my drink that I saw poish valky somebody there knows the balloon person is a bad guy right you so cute so cute so cute this is so cute I forgot to tell you guys uh we

Went to dinner we went the place we went to in La uh was called safies it’s it’s like one of those places in La where you have to like book like a weeks in advance kind of thing but uh Seline came with us I went with the roommates and we got we

Got delicious food and we got to hang out and it was so I just I just loveed these girls so much watch is really really delicious super good place 10 out of 10 would recommend their hummus is so good the bread is so good um that place made me like

Tomatoes like little baby Tomatoes I never used to like those but oh my gosh now I love them no Abe did not get to go because we could only have like six people and he said no so we filled that spot okay also he said he wanted to focus on his diet

So it was you know he was about to backtrack and I was like halt first of all no because we filled the spot secondly that’s it Oh no you’re focusing on your diet you said you wanted to so halt halt anyways moving on drunk Ray can’t stop laughing after what ellm did dude

Ellm has a goofy contagious laugh listen to this guy listen to this guy listen to this goofy ass [Laughter] guy he why you laughing lost game I you wow I am so loud I’m actually so loud I my my mic is so loud okay one more time one more time one more

Time it’s so contagious it’s so funny why you laughing lost game I heard you talk about circumcisions and now I’m freaking out cuz you’re saying you can’t see like I don’t know man I think I might you do This oh it seems I have spoken too soon oh Lord oh my God I it it just doesn’t make sense oh L look look look look it look you’ve done a good job you’ve done a good job I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything wait you didn’t do that no

Ell didn’t I don’t know why wait wait wait wait let’s he just killed lwig he killed lwig let’s let’s do the thing Ray let’s do the thing double kill double kill wa we do okay when I play potato bro let’s do the thing Ray let’s do the

Thing double kill double kill what do we do okay when when I say potato qu qu quack okay when when I say potato am I drunk please tell me I’m inebriated because I’m worried that I’m sober here please was I drinking I’m a little worried if this is sober yes oh thank

God oh thank God okay okay okay yeah okay it’s adding up now it’s all adding up that just isn’t work no no dmca video please please no dmca man oh this was this was in my my breakup era a man my hair was so cool sad poor Ray it gets better it gets

Better it get better a baby Ray no okay here we go uh wait is that Leslie seriously she so wait that’s Ray I thought it was lesli is that Ray who is talking right now it’s it’s who are you I’m skipping I’m skipping conf I’m so confused little boy so cute

Whoa vye AI transformation what what oh so this was the pick used and then it turned me into a tree I’m sorry little ones OH Close Your Eyes everybody close your eyes yeah yeah so I’ll would kill the babies and just keep breeding them okay cuz the babies give you worth like five

Basically no peeking there’s one baby oh oh it’s I mean don’t wor don’t worry I’m sorry little one oh God okay okay is that dmca it’s short enough right it’s short enough whatever whatever oh a h ma protect this is me guys can hardly see it me and Ma I

Always bring M oh yeah look at these cool harded theves bowls for dogs my my boy got bad posture just like Mama just like Mama just like Mama bad posture boy bed posture boy uh let’s see can you do this I didn’t know Ray can beat box me neither I didn’t know

Either surely surely I pop off here Leslie can you do the song since I have to mute it I don’t know the song I’ve muted it from the start yeah oh you don’t know the song at all feel like my mic is my mic still loud like this I

Feel like it’s so loud I never learned it I just went straight it was awesome as well can you sing any song then inspired by bye see you later bye see you later bye see you later bye see you later bye bye bye by In This call oh

That remix goes kind of hard though bye bye bye bye bye bye byee see you [Laughter] later and then everyone dies I’m sorry what sorry too much evil Minecraft okay go go go I turn my mic down a little bit missing Tina Tina I had too much caffeine it’s too loud get

In oh would you plant it for Ray calls me a very specific gardening tool oh yeah she’s my hoe this I’m lie how he plant it I have to make a hoe too quiet I barely GL should be hard I got so many hoes m I m I need you

Where I need a hoe oh to plant a seed why did you say you my Hoe you my hoe girl that’s my home girl no my home that’s my home girl except ho Edition that’s my ho girl my ho girl oh wait no just kidding I just wanted to call you my hoe that’s all all right I can do all of

This on my own I found something I’m passionate about about I’m going to just summon chaos to this world and you know what I’m going to do it in a chaotic way I feel like this is up my alley all right here we go what am I doing I’m

Making a hoe hoe ho all right perfect place for a tree uh I’m going to need some dirt all right put some D in there what Bottom t I’m going to need my paxel uhhuh and then wait what Jesus H something’s not right is this not a hoe

How do I do this I don’t know how to plant seeds I’m going to be honest I never grow stuff okay D ho yes seed yes that’s not right that do you still do dingo no you want to know what happened you want to know what happened I missed a

Day because I was debating on whether I should switch from Spanish to tagalag and then I missed a day and since I missed a day it ruined it for me because I didn’t have the streak anymore and so I quit that is how my brain

Works I I missed a day so I lost the game and I couldn’t go on I felt like I had to like restart or something and I just haven’t restarted since something just died show VIs is red while she’s pissing what was the streak oh I don’t remember but I was pretty

Consistent something just died I’m not responsible am I he’s so quiet the quality is so low [ __ ] oh there it is right Bo huh this is awkward oh my God why is there lava buckets everywhere ehaan what the [ __ ] does that that Meus avrs what the hell is going on down here this some cold [ __ ] way too much cold [ __ ] Ray do you hear me are you there no okay you know what I’m just going to I’ll just leave a sign for you let me let me let me just craft one instead are

You are you streaming right now wait can you tell her what tell her I’m um what looks like a looks like a sacrifice Circle wait I can’t leave how the [ __ ] can I leave wait wait Joe hello you was going through it Peter likes Ray screaming no stop say psych right

Now one enemy Remaining I think one of my favorite sounds in valerant is not even a g like a sound that’s in the game of valerent it’s the sound of Ry screaming when you clutch up for the team I don’t even think that was my scream I I don’t think that was me

I think that was Janet one enemy Remaining that was J I think one of my favorite sounds in valerant is not even a g like a sound that’s in the game of valerant it’s the sound of Ray screaming when you clutch up for the team that’s like one of my favorite audio things in this

World R just going like she has to wind up before she screams that’s how much she’s going to scream she goes you know love it [ __ ] love it well I mean I mean what he’s saying is still fact I do be rooting for my friends okay when they plop off and when

We win you know it just wasn’t in that moment Peter it wasn’t in that moment evolution of Ray’s wavy hair my hair kind of looks green here yeah who let me wear these glasses for so long they were so big for my face way too

Big oh yeah I I do think I look better with darker hair I’m not going to lie but I feel like the blonde was so fun the Ombre was so fun they were so big for my face art by Lily Pichu rest step on [Laughter]

Me did I yell at her did I say that that’s very cute thank you Lily Valkyrie fan art POG quite generous in the boob area thank you so much thank you so much it’s weird it feels I was just doing a bit of instigation I swear nothing more oh like a

Bruise on the bottom of my I just remembered that we never beat the DLC no my right foot and it’s like uncomfortable to walk on so I feel like I need to rest my feet mhm proof I tried look I’m going to look at it right now it’s like super

Tender but it doesn’t look it doesn’t look look bruised it’s just like a really tender spot I was kidding uhhuh sure 1 hour later you did weed [ __ ] I grew weed okay dude I had a whole I had a whole Mega weed phase I had my green

Card it was legal in Washington I swear I mean it was proof shut up proof I don’t have proof maybe a powerful ogre what you think I’m lying actually instigating oh wait you’re joking cuz you asked for proof of the feet pick the okay never mind I got

It I got it Calvin I Remember You The Foot guy yeah the foot guy Calvin we will never forget Ever ever good guy what are two clips that give off equivalent energy oh Lord off the same energy coming in like a missile you I don’t think these are flowers should we tell them Wow since we’re crossing through the snow this is actually going faster

Tiny soy this reminds me of the ski trip guys had a surely this is a good time I love this clip of Tina w Wait corpse what were you trying to make because when I pressed e it made like half a wait oh my God look at her go she was

She was going so fast poor ell no whatever happened he deserves it I’m sure he deserves it surely surely here’s one of the ings down hereo it only dropped three ingots I gave one to each of you I’m keeping the music disc though Yay the do it there he is get him wait the music St the chest is down here okay it’s it’s LM dying over and over is all and and a bunch of uhoh I think he back he just kept recording it oh anyways okay everyone aim higher we

Know that they know that we know that they know so true so true so true okay everyone aim higher than you think just always we always need to Anchor cuz we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know

That we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know that they know that we know that they

Know you know so we we know that they know so we need to know ahead of time we know we know so true so true so true throw back to the first blacksmith stream yeah when was this what was this okay everyone aim higher Ah it’s like uh one of those birthday uh sparkers yeah yeah yeah it’s like a sparkers put your hand on Annoying Annoying Annoying Annoying Annoying Annoying Annoying Annoying go annoying annoying annoying annoying I like how the user report is no shipping there isn’t even a c M bro

Relax there are no comments who put this there are you sure about that wait on crack I am not on crack I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m [Laughter] not ASMR Queen me turning to R stream for that three hour keyboard ASMR no it’s fixed now surely proof I’m done

With y’all I’m done with y’all you have to be PE right it all went it all went to chaos it all went to chaos right now go go go go go I’m going to P be I’m going to play Perfect sh I kind of like that oh shad’s

De never mind I can’t wait to play fortnite tonight finally I finally got people to play with me it’s a Christmas miracle well first I asked Mouse because I feel like Mouse is always down for fortnite and obviously she said she was down so I was like POG and then I

Decided to ask tauno because I felt like he would want to play and he actually said yes and then I asked Tina and she also said yes I’m so happy I’m so happy prepared it’s okay he’s the one miss Ray come back Ray off turn pull hold it oh

OHA whoa whoa we’re going in already holy [ __ ] that was too fast yeah dude Ray where’s Ray she went to pee God yeah imagine using the bathroom um imagine having a blad imagine being human oh that’s crazy I think I think I don’t know where to sit on the screen my settings fudged

Right now okay guys uh I marked I marked a location on the map press M that that house on blue marker we’re going there okay I’m Da confused do whatever you do do not press space bar come back Ray no I think what should we land for like this first water part

And then Glide over at the angle pull your glider around here pull your glider on on blue marker okay she’s melting she’s molting oh no okay life im a bro this is how my dog plays with toys bro he’s so weird he’s so weird he just like kind of

Like I I watched the Tik Tok today here I’m want to see if you guys can hear this three autistic traits in dogs is what it’s called listen listen oh wait it’s just music One they don’t know how to play with other Dogs two their gestures are unusual three they struggle to bark or make unusual noises and and then I I came to conclusion it’s like Ma’s autistic but then I read the comments and then people were like no he’s just a Sheba enu no he’s just a

Sheba and then someone said guys I think I’m a dog dude I swear Tik Tok comments carry the Tik Tok sometimes the comments are so funny no he’s just a Shea funny anyways so yeah this is M chewing his toys in a weird way H oh my God yes yeah

Wait I drew Ma on accident oh my gosh it’s like I predicted the future wow wow and I’m an artist I’m an artist Ray meets for the first time he’s so cool and I’m pulling my hair hello H hello hello h h h nice to meet you hello

Everyone nice to meet these are my roommates hi nice to meet you foolish hello not that one not that one one not that not that one that nice to meet you sorry if I go 020 uh I’m a beginner beginner I I don’t know how to hold the mouse it’s really complicates

Oh you can be our pocket Sage love your accent so much it’s so French yeah it’s my problem I’m soen I love it it’s so good love it’s my biggest problem I’m so French it’s not a problem it’s not a problem it’s awesome it’s just it’s

Incredible um okay so I I’m Ray and K mang um um I I want your ping is going to be so bad isn’t it you’re going to confuse him me you’re going to confuse him okay okay okay okay oh my God that’s crazy and foolish

I can call you go oh yeah you just call me the goat you just call me the goat I I think he said go I love that oh my God I’m so happy okay um I suggest Ray celebrating a win all right I’m going to Minecraft after for this video

Okay oh the bangs another when I had bangs one enemy remain e oh my God okay ray the way the way I spray bro that’s crazy the way I spray I suggest another cuz I I have to throw my body like crazy for this what hello Axel a move like this is

All the way to the right annoying I’m already zoomed in back over to the right then back over to the left I’m so triggered shut up shut up shut up shut shut shut shut everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop everybody

Stop okay it’s time for we only have two hours of Minecraft before we got to play Pizza posum Pizza Posum okay while the game is opening I will show you guys what my sister got me I will yeah Pizza posum I don’t really know what it is either to be honest okay let’s open all this stuff um oh Lord M played it yeah I don’t even know what it is Okay open anyways my sister got uh is on her honeymoon right now she’s still there oh no I think she’s back actually uh they went to Japan for their honeymoon and she sent me so much stuff I’ll show you plant is so dead stop looking yeah I don’t know what’s in this

Pokéball so I want to open it oh I feel cluttered clustered I’m just going to put everything on the ground okay first thing is she got hi cheu this is the I opened this already it’s got three different kinds of peaches so there’s that uh some Chopsticks Sheba Chopsticks that have sheas on

It um this is a grape stick yeah H shoes are so good I don’t know what this is I will open this and this go together I think this is lchi I think this is I don’t know what this is does anyone know I don’t know what this is

Um what else besides snacks okay this Pokéball let’s open it now it’s a oh it’s it’s mint it’s mint with Pokemon on them in the Poke Ball That’s So Random I would have never thought yeah M’s going to investigate probably uh one thing that I was concerned with hold on I have to

Reauthenticate like I always have to do okay close that and then reopen it crashed relaunch okay uh she got this this was like the most concerning thing that she got me it’s crabs tamago gani I think they’re actual crabs like I don’t look and I’m scared to try

It does it look candy crabs I I don’t know like is it real shell I’m scared to try it they’re fire it’s Bob they’re like chips really music off no music okay um she got me this butt let’s see if Minecraft works now oh no it didn’t authenticate

Uh-oh I might have to restart it again oh maybe not Shea but I don’t think gets candy oh it might be anyways yeah what is going on okay now I have to restart it now play crunchy ASMR she got me this bunny clip it’s like so much like the most

Random random stuff ever but it’s so cute you know what maybe I just wear this right now I forgot these were on my head what if I just put it on there I feel like my makeup is like running um don’t know what this I think this is actual

Ramen that you’re supposed to cook I want to try these these are like strawberry Puffs that’s a Ramen straight up Ramen in a box H just marshmallows okay wow I don’t really like eat candy anymore so it’s crazy like eating it I’m so scared to try this I’m just going to do

It may I have one ramen yes also the game is opening so oh oh my God okay they’re so good it’s literally a crab shell that’s crazy is it spicy no um um it’s not for me it’s not for it’s not for me it’s just not me I I like I mean

Is I love crab it definitely tastes like crab it definitely tastes like crab it’s not spicy it has the fishiest smell like it smells like straight up fish in my mouth right now like it is crabby in there like kind of I think it’s the fact that it like it

Makes me feel like I’m eating the shell which I hate I hate eating the shell of like crab and it makes me feel like I’m eating the crab shell I don’t like it I don’t like it but H maybe my roommates will like it so I

Will I’m gonna put that down there for now okay um the game is still initializing I think it’s broken GG it’s over um let’s see I don’t know what these are I want to open this to each their own I can see why people like it

To be fair yeah I I can see why people like it um no I’m not judging you uh this is this game is so broken let me in please please have to restart it again oh it’s like stuck in my teeth Lou thanks for joining um any update uh it’s resetting

Now I think this is like it looks like mochi whoa it has the craziest Jello-O consistency look at this look at this squish so squish it’s not for me it’s not for me look I can see I can see why people like it it’s just I mean it the texture is

Just so it’s like it just kind of gives too much it like I like things that have a little bit of oom to it and it was just it just kind of melted which I just didn’t really like it was like too gooey it was

Too gooey you know what I mean it was a little too gooey but I can see why people like it I can see why people like it you know maybe my roommates will like this so I’m just going to put it down here for now she doesn’t like anything

Yes I do okay the game is actually working the I I’m just such a texture person you know oh I still have crab in my mouth um this is like a a cone it’s like a a cone delete your ears Casey okay to be fair she told me she just picked random stuff

She has no idea what they are that’s what she told me and I was like okay okay the game is opening finally I’m not picky this is oh you’re supposed to open it on the side I can’t wait to go back to Japan Someday I’m so excited Oh yay the game’s

Working I mean I’m sure there’s people that understand you know like texture is a big deal sometimes sometimes okay this is a it’s a cone it’s a a little sticky wow it’s like um straight up sugar it’s like straight up straight up sugar cone it tastes like it tastes

Like let me get on goodbye gains bro what gains my gains left like seven months ago I can’t figure out how to describe what it tastes like no the texture it’s it tastes like Oh wait we’re actually on hold on ow ow ow ow I mean surely I’m not

Dying am I okay bro relax okay let me fix everything real quick uh camera please halt please wait I’m actually going to die that’s so crazy I’m going to go up here uh let’s see it’s blow Elum Seline and sauno hello I still can’t oh yeah let me turn the shaders back on

The have you guys ever had that candy that has like it it looks like a caterpillar like the balls and there’s like a waxiness to it no okay never mind six lits yes six lits six lits guys six slits like the like the layer on top it kind of

Tastes like that oh my gosh that’s what I meant it looks like a caterpillar and they’re they’re balls of chocolate with a a layer of like a coating on top this isn’t bad it’s just it has like like it’s almost waxiness though after you eat it

Um it is strange I don’t think I’d eat it again but it is strange all right what what how uh video settings Shader pack enable apply m H it’s much better when you bite it with the cone I’m so going to crash from the sugar non dairy oh bro I don’t I can’t

Read Japanese I don’t know if this has dairy in it it probably does well I’m committed to getting the shits later M 07 Lou thanks for joining thank you okay I’m not going to eat all of that oh God it’s so much sugar more Babys sck kill yeah I got to kill some more babies okay I thought girls didn’t poop we don’t girls don’t poop girls don’t poop uh everything I’ve ever said about

Having massive diarrhea was just a joke it was just a joke all right I need to heal myself real quick literally everything do I have food I should eat one of these I think just curl things it was only a joke all right I have to make my way all the way

Back we have a long ways to go all right the Rings look different I think they’re the same oh look at this lizard I whatever moving on moving on I’m just going to run back really quickly make our way back all the way back please store your levels oh

True I forgot I have that thing uh X X where is it it’s a book right oops book I forgot what it’s called it’s a crystal aha oh let’s see I’m pretty sure this can fit more in there woo saving the level thanks chat the 30k one thank you thank you all

Right let me make sure I’m heading home properly oh let me remove these remove remove remove uh home oh I just got to follow the heads on the map yes okay the Rings do look different do they actually well they they’re ring of Thor and ring of

Loki I don’t really know what they do but you know what if whatever you have a flying bug Mount no bro that was Pixelmon man that was a whole different server yeah this is a very pretty place to live they’re not familiar Rings oh yeah these are not familiar Rings these are

Way different these are different rings that I got last time I played by Bravo oh yeah did they beat the Ender Dragon wait that means I can get flying mounts now right wait a minute wait a minute wa wait I I don’t think I have it anymore it my gems are

Empty wait it’s gone this is empty waiting 2 minutes you never caught it no no no I caught a giant moth didn’t I I thought this is Empty I I thought there was a big moth and I had a moth maybe maybe it’s in storage uh soul gem jinny blacksmith Mo yeah can I can I fly on this thing or so gems can’t contain this type of being wait what I’m going to eat

This I don’t even know if I can fly on this thing but let’s try to get a lead or a saddle saddle lead okay I have the bird I mean the bat I mean the moth hey can you relax okay now just just I’m getting sick Oh

What wait I don’t even know if I can if I can I don’t even know if I can fly on this thing all right I’ll just bring it home with me hi shadow oh earlier I was telling chat how you’re having your 2-year anniversary on Saturday and we’re playing probably

Goose goose duck wait I see wolves does Leslie still need one wait empty hand hand first oh okay well let me get these wolves first I need to get one for Leslie actually I’ll do down here um and then someone asked someone asked what what’s the anniversary for and I was

Like I don’t know is it for your is it for your 2-year streaming anniversary or is it for something oh oh my God oh my God we’re we’re on it we’re okay two years of being a vtuber okay got it got it got it got it got it that’s exactly what I had

Thought wait for the hearts it’s keeps oh my god wow w we got the hearts it’s so cute it’s so cute okay I’m a moth girl now saddle oh oh oh yeah saddle okay how do we fly oh my gosh oh my gosh wait oh oh oh my

Gosh I can show you the world shining shimmering blers okay Park okay uh so you stay here I think I oh there’s the wolf I need you okay for Leslie so she will have to feed it bones uh psych did you still need a wolf shining um you okay what the

F i for I have the feather oh my God where did it go oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God God oh my God oh come here come here ow oh no please stop you’re giving me anxiety stop why is it stupid why is it

Stupid okay it’s Fine it just wants to die does anyone know if sauno also needs a wolf okay you go oh oh can I not I got one oh okay okay forward I think it’s ready I do need to kill more babies Wow oh massive cave my eyes wow look at this what’s this place is my bird out of stamina oh someone’s been here for sure Guns and Roses it’s a very pretty building I feel like now we can catch all the big mounts I wonder if there’s different

Colors no my my shaders are on now I think it should be I’m going home first is this for the zoo it could be okay so I’m not going to lie I was a little disheartened um because I feel like every time I summon familiars or

Try to make a lot of them the server it makes people crash which makes me feel like if I try to make a familiar Zoo it’s going to crash but maybe we can do a zoo of like rare mounts maybe I don’t know maybe something

Different but it is a little it did feel bad feeling like the familiars were causing a big issue oh yeah we could get armor you right armor diamond armor oh okay I’ll just get a different one it’s fixed okay okay we’ll see hopefully it’s fixed well let’s get through I have

Plenty is that was fixed okay good good good good good good good good good we’re heading home I like the way the wings sound can’t hear the game by the way really how’s that is that better here now we can okay flap flap flap flap flap his little feet look at his little

Feet so cute I do have the music off I could turn it back on for your listening pleasure but oh my God I live here where do I park my car right here this is probably a good place to park it um I definitely threw all the leads oh wait here’s one come

Here oh my God look at his little grippers look at his nose oh the way it walks is so cute okay you stay here HD Shadow play of 10 gifted thank you what are you going to name him um oh my gosh what do I name him oh wait

Let me do the thing where it’s like hide uh hide mahu clear hide oh mie yeah it has to be mie it’s show but it’s showing right now so I want to hide it oh nice it just canceled it good okay let me get the armor

Armor and we empty hand first okay we got maybe like this and then oh oh my g oh it I thought it ew the armor is gross whatever you can kind of see it but not really at all it’s bugged I get what you did there mie is a

Bug take off shaders but it’s okay I mean I normally would want to have them on right oh what how did you get released pothy how did you get released okay I’m running out of leads how to make a lead lead is like this oh sure okay come here yep yep there yes

Perfect okay perfect perfect I want to get rid of that I feel like this always okay um how is everything going at B it’s been a couple days since we’ve played everything’s going Splendid so far surely um oh my God you’re all still alive it’s a miracle wow oh that’s

Normal W oh yeah I need to touch the bed thank you so much for reminding me I’m not going to lie I was going to join and kill the dragon off stream yesterday um but then I spawned in game saw that I spawned at mang’s house and I

Got too lazy to walk to town so I decided never mind I was like you know what I’m not going to get online today okay the first thing we need to do today is remake no the first thing we need to do is cook some meat

We need to cook some meat and then spy Casey thanks for the 10 gifted thank you so much we’re cooking meat meat meat is that all I have all right no first things first we’re going to the store the what what hello blow what the hello are you guys hiding I can see

You idiots what are you guys doing get back Here where I can see [Applause] you I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you that’s it get back here you guys are so annoying you guys are so annoying I’m done whatever have it whatever have the base [ __ ] it I’m out they’re they’re so tiny I I’m not [ __ ] with that

I need to go get food why are they so small what happened send me after them me’s not on what are they doing just hiding in my base oh I need to go get food I keep eating apples whoa what’s what’s that what is that boing boing what if I missed in the

Past few days H it’s a bean stock uh this needs to be updated there’s three residents coming tomorrow three maybe I should update It okay I’ll update it boop boop boop all right we got red which goes like this no I have not finished the zoo it’s a work in progress well that I’m worried about breaking this dragon egg will it be okay if I break the block under [Applause]

There’s not enough anyway so I think it’s it’ll be fine oh okay everyone look away look away don’t look at it why is there not even enough I’ll put these in here woohoo oh we should get an extra bed an extra bed because there’s three residents joining oh okay all right

Yay what’s this listen up bucko maybe don’t walk in my farm and you won’t get hurt what what happened beep beep beep beep beep oh what the does it look like that God it’s all so ugly everything I touch is awful every um we delivered just as fies farm table

Bakery Beast R bed and breakfast bar and grill Cafe loung and why we on the water pleas leave feedback down below okay Bon all right where’s the food a cow in a jar well we don’t want to take the fancy stuff we’ll take oh I could cook my meat here

At least oh that sounds so good I’m going to take all the potatoes how do I bake these potatoes did I eat it I think I ate it like potatoes can make bread I I know I can make bread but I want to feed it to the Villager so I could kill their

Kids sizzling sizzling wow there’s so many random Japanese snacks all around me what’s this one a pear gummy oh I Love Pears it’s like one of those fruits that I love that I just never eat but when I have one I love it you know

Oh oh I did not like this one oh just it’s not the same it’s not the same oh it’s not bad I just don’t like it you know like oh oh God it got worse ew the aftertaste is gross that’s the most artificial pear taste I’ve ever tasted in my life oh

God you know maybe my roommates will like it though I’ll give it to them later put it down there in the roommate pile am I poison what’s happening to me luck oh increased luck GH PA Peach um this the thing I just ate was pear maybe there’s something

Delicious I could eat real quick to cleanse my tongue of this Deery I’m going be honest I’m going to tell my sister listen did you try the snacks that you got me did you try them Oh I want to try this thing while these are cooking uh this thing it’s like it looks like a cracker on a stick I can open it I’ll name the moth don’t worry I just wanted to get food first don’t worry okay I can’t open it I’ll deal

With that later you know what I will eat and a high you a what on a stick a cracker no wait say cracker is that bad what happened M okay H Cho are good H Cheo are very good um no one said anything in the Discord so let me try again

Wellow thinks he might have crashed the server how by being tiny that doesn’t make sense because it would have crashed the moment he joined the server I’m back in are you serious none of I cooking oh there they are mhm mhm M okay I’m not going to lie High choose are top tier candy top tier wait really you don’t think so they’re so good okay I think it’s done and cook this my pin is falling

It is falling how’ you know well I guess you could see it no I can’t going put over here I think I did lose potatoes I’m just going to cook everything I have I have potatoes but I I thought I had more than this no it’s okay was bound to happen Yeah I mean it happens with the DCS everything just gets wonky the roll back took away all my potatoes it’s fine it’s fine no they’re not back in the fridge not in the pot they are yeah why are they in my house what are they doing

Um they’re making a tiny house is it through my base they’re building a little house inside your base why right almost done wait I have five dried kelp blocks when did I get those yeah it is food I think we’re we’ll have plenty of food

Now go go go I don’t have patience for this please Please check PO Box okay I will after this yeah I could repair the paxel I mean regardless I can see I saw blow’s username before you guys even told me what’s happening so I like I know they’re being menaces don’t worry don’t worry go go go okay we’re

Good oh look at this Poké ball whoa that’s very cute what’s it for okay the first thing I want to do is make the bat because well to make the bat we need I’m lost where the heck am I right now where am I and how did I get here

And how do I get out what the how did I this way you have the egg oh yeah I do have the egg I forgot thank you Katrina you have a good day as a whale I can’t wait to play fortnite I’m not going to lie I keep thinking about

It I keep thinking about it oh the PO box too late I left don’t worry surely I’ll go when I get back to town life or Gore we have to name the moth MTH or mie mie oh mie bro I I have an infestation of rats how am I going to fix this

Problem I can’t I just can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I just can’t [Laughter] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what happened to you guys why are you so tiny I literally have to zoom in to see you I oh my God I’m literally going to get someone exterminate you

Guys dude I’m not even just knows man she knows they just I’m not muted they just want to run around can they not hear me doing good you doing hello oh hey hey you uh you can see me right yes I can see you you

Uh do you like what we’ve done with the place what have you done we’ve uh buil a house in your house right please right no I’m going to my house you can’t get me in here you can’t get me in here I’m going to I’m going to go get a

Bucket of lava I’m going to drown them with lava I’m getting a bucket of lava literal actual parasites uh-uh I’m going to kill them bucket this is the only bucket I have iron one two three it’s dark I’m going to have to take this up with the

Mayor I have to take this up to the mayor and let them know that I’ve got rats I was talking they were just trying to be quote unquote sneaky like not respond okay surely Ryan won’t miss one bucket of lava just one come to town center unlimited energy for everyone forever

Forever it’s so dark um holy it’s so dark man I need the bat familiar and the water familiar I’m officially not giving away familiars anymore there has to be some sort of payment because I I I keep losing them what are you doing you’re sick that was

Our home that was our home we made a home in here we made a home in here we made an entire little miniature home in here I think they’re downstairs it’s time Elm right please it’s time I’m just a humble little mouse I’m just I’m just a little mouse no way right

Hey infestation we just we’re just just a little infestation go in there what the heck it’s nothing it’s little house it’s just our little house what the what going there I I was about to what is this it’s a little mouse house yes yes one of us one of us Ryan no

What Ryan no I can’t I please please one of us she’s no no no you are so dead I’m pouring lava now please do do it Ray no I didn’t no no I’m innoc breaking the candles he’s breaking the cand the candles I’m just innoc little

Mouse to my home Ray you don’t need to do this it was El blous die Ray die oh my God oh my God he trying to kill you run I’ll save youva I can’t get I can see is lava Jesus Christ help [Laughter] me

Um oh W hey you want to see me turn on my thingy yes what is this oh his grave blocking me in gra let’s let’s wait for him to get back here maybe uh uh we can all just go see it yeah I want to see it

Your C is sick this is going to be wait you actually think this looks cool yeah Ryan pull yours out pull yours out Ryan wait wait who doesn’t think it’s cool oh yeah um it’s not well when well I like it I think well your armor pokes through

It sometimes but with the crown that sakuna is wearing it looks sick I think yeah doesn’t it doesn’t it kind of matches the cape a little bit Yeah but see like when R Ryan’s armor pokes through it yeah I don’t like it so you’re saying it looks cool on me but

Not have the uhor what is this thing called the Cape of Truth or something does it make you tell where does he come back for his stuff uh he’s probably crying to blow right now I’m going to burn them alive guys should we just turn on the thing I kind

Of want to just let’s go let’s go all right to the portal everyone Ryan definitely deserves to see this cuz he’s funded most of it oh wow I’m get I get to see it for free waa the gravity hammer it’s going to be juiced make us gravity hammers if

You have the techy Gravity Hammer me why is it so high in the sky this is my Wind Farm don’t don’t mind the wind farm it was my old creation but this this is the new creation why is it why is it so high in

The sky well I didn’t want to build this one too close to town um oh I was worried it kind it kind of looks like it’s going to explode you know I was worried this is the nuclear fusion reactor be careful be careful it’s all very

Specific wa turn it on all right yeah yeah come stand here and you can look into the center W well I can explain to you how it works awesome so here’s how it works actually how does it work um this is an Ender tank full of lithium which goes into the rotary condensator

Which turns it into lithium gas and with the solar Neutron activator that lithium gas will turn into tridium which only works in the daytime which is why I have an extra chemical tank to stockpile the tridium so it can run at night hopefully and then you combine the trium uh and

This right here which is heavy water with an electric pump that goes into the electrolytic separator which turns into dierum or something and combine that in the chemical infuser to get DT fuel which is just dierum and tridium fuel combined you put that into an whole ROM

Whichever I don’t really know how to pronounce that but the whole ROM you plug into up here here pluged it in and then you go over here to the laser which has been charging for the better half of an hour I think it’s been charging for just

About 2 to 3 hours to build up just enough energy to start off the reaction with a laser blast so here’s how it works I’m going to put the stuff in uhhuh and then let me set the injection rate it’s at two which is the minimum and

Then you pull that lever pull it Ryan pull it pull it Ryan you deserve to pull it as much as anyone you’ve funded this project pull it Ryan pull it the one on the diamond block over there really it’ll shoot a laser on the left side pull it Ryan pull it

Okay shot the laser it’s happening quick look through the glass this would have looked cooler at night would have looked cooler at night yeah but doesn’t work at night wait is this because of the because of the chemical thing how do I know if this is working or not something something’s working

Well the Laser’s going into it so now how do you now what I don’t know I don’t know if it’s working or not no there’s something happening in there I think it’s working there’s a box in a box it’s working there’s a box in a box it’s generating like 300,000 energy it’s

Crazy holy it it’s generating like 300K it’s op I thought there would be louder noises but what do we do with thisg let’s let’s all come back at night cuz this will look really cool at night so I’m charging my drill it’s not really going up oh well that’s because uh the

Wi-Fi rate is still capped at a certain rate oh but it could be higher is what you’re saying it could be and it actually will be higher um so is this the bomb what what made you think this was a bomb I don’t know there’s something

About it I mean like I mean it could be but I’m trying to not not make it the bomb oh okay so it just charges stuff yeah that’s pretty much that’s it um infinite power infinite power infinite power now and the crazy thing is if I monitor the fuel R here it’ll just

Constantly run so oh yeah this is great wow so what what can I charge with it the infinity Hammer that meong made H you should get one from her it does like a bazillion damage I need one with this I can put you on the wi-fi system and we’ll have Infinite Energy forever

Forever I tell you our energy problems are solved y look at this thing it’s generating like 400,000 it’s still going up why is it still going up oh no that’s how the bomb starts well I did bring a bucket of water in case it starts overheating

Woo pre how do you know if it’s overheating I don’t know is it like a bad thing if the Plasma’s going up or or um what going up more and more is there like a storage cuz like what happens when it hits 400 probably nothing well hey thanks for

Watching my creation guys let’s go home okay we can go check on that battery I made okay feel free to permanently charge your uh weapons permanently charge them Ryan forever permanently charge your I don’t have a weapon to charge I don’t have a hammer we got to

Go to me then we got to go to meong yeah me needs to make us hammers yeah we need hammers we need hammers this thing is going to produce energy for our lifetime forever forever I tell you it’s still going up it’s at it’s almost at

400,000 where do you see that uh this little Wi-Fi adapter I have on the back is how I suck all the energy out of it you just run your mouse over it it’s generating 383,000 energies oh looks like it’s capping out almost wa if anything goes wrong we can

Just dump a bucket of water that will surely cool it down in time exploding wow yeah surely it’ll let me double check yeah all looks good looks good all right well that’s it let’s go home okay you got a warp portal okay I don’t have any portals oh here

You go let’s go go home everyone go home woohoo woohoo waa wow where are we oh wait this isn’t home this is cool wait a minute oh sorry wrong wrong portal uh let’s I guess we can just go home now this is the end I

Guess we can just go home now unless you wanted to explore here get out how do I get up help right help well we may as well loot this dungeon real real quick so we here so this is a charge creeper this is a dungeon there’s a Charged Creeper run what’s that Jesus Wa I can’t believe there’s Phantoms here this is hell it’s hell this is the Aviary so there’s always Phantom that’s annoying you want to look around you want to look around there’s so much loot here beautiful yeah this is the end it’s we should get you elytra wait oh my God we

Should get you elytra can fly already really can show me yeah well it’s a moth I have a moth oh it’s at home and where is it now it’s parked at my house oh well let’s actually just go home well well elytra would still be

Very cool I think oh let’s go look for your elytra then okay let’s go I’m ready Adventure is out there it’s adventure time oh wait you guys go out catch up I’m going to go check on some things at home actually really quick cuz you know don’t want anything exploding I’m going

To I’m going to go check really quick and I’ll just warp right back here okay so uh just making sure nothing do we go well I don’t know where we are so does the end always have did it always have Phantoms um I think in modded Minecraft because

Of this area it’s like a dungeon yeah so do you have means of transportation here because they’re islands and we have to findly across or build across can I bring my moth whoa probably yeah I’d have to go home for it okay let’s us home I might have ender

Pearls okay I only have 19 never mind I can give you some let’s see how many do you have a decent amount wow you can make it right you’re not going to fall so I just throw it I just you know you know it falls like it it doesn’t go

Straight right there’s a bullet drop I missed you just threw it into the void r no I I threw another one ow but I don’t think I can throw that far okay I could make you an Ender staff a what’s that do okay you know what I

Can’t make it right now but what do you need what do you need use mine I have a crafting table in my in my inventory um well look it up maybe you can make it um oh and what’s what’s it called Ender staff and it lets you shoot shoot out

Um it’s like a cannon for your like for like your uh pearls I have a heart and a stick a heart and a stick so I need a void tier two bat wings and an Ender of eye um I might have shoot um let me see I feel like I would

Have this St if I had access to my stuff but I don’t know how you can reach yours yeah no I got op storage yeah what the heck yeah you know it’s just part of my profession well I can actually use mine for now really oh cuz you have the the

Flying thing yeah okay I’ll give it back um okay so it do you see on the bottom right it should have a number that’s how many pearls there are oh yeah yeah and on the it should be set to like there should be an Ender eye that means

It’s shooting out do you see the eye like it’s a green pearl yeah yeah yeah okay so that means it’s it’s set to like long range basically so it’s going to shoot kind of straight but there’s still a little bit of bullet drop so I should

Hit one of the you don’t want to aim like one of those plants you want to aim a little bit above it because it’s going to fall right okay oh God so you want to make sure it hit it’s something that you’re going to land on how do you how

Do you use it right click yeah you just once you click it it’ll shoot out so it make sure you’re aiming like up oh oh no you have balls that hit yeah oh my God this is so crazy you didn’t even hesitate well cuz I’ve got good

Aim biggest of my life good a and Big Balls you are not scared they call me big bald valky that’s what they call me yeah big bald valky oh thank God he died what oh maybe this is one over here they were just being rats in my house destroying my base it’s

Crazy W so many Ender’s oh they made this place so pretty isn’t it it’s so much Nic it’s like way more beautiful than I’ve ever imagined so how do you get an elytra is it random RNG this not it but we got to keep going

Okay oh my God I’m going to be able to fly it’ll be better whoa what’s that obsidian Towers if you ever need a obsidian or crying obsidian this is the place to go to mine oh crying obsidian whoa wait what’s this Ryan what’s this this this is to go back to the Ender

Dragon by the way remember I told you yesterday it was going to be like really easy it was actually so diff dude it took us an hour and a half to beat it oh really yeah so I was like if you guys want to experience it we can respawn

Head I was thinking it was going to be so easy and then I wasn’t even streaming and then I logged in and I saw I spawned at mang’s house that was so far away and I was like too lazy to walk back to town so I was like never

Mind no it was uh we could respond it for like there’s going to be new people tomorrow too people it’s really fun this is so okay it wasn’t really fun it was really difficult I it sounds like a lot of work yeah but I think with with more

People did you look at them what is this aite I don’t know what that is okay we keep going we got to find another biome that looks like the one we were in the yellow one oh cuz that’s where the ship who look at those trees L [Laughter] Uhoh what why is it ah did I throw this what happened what just happened Ryan Brian you good I don’t know that was crazy I like I barely made it for real I landed on the side on a you’re going like you’re taking like the riskiest

Paths yeah you know what you’ll be fine ow they’re mad mad’s bad mad oh they’re actually killing me mad’s bad oh look down look down wow it’s so pretty here now this is so cool ow oh it sounds so scary oh oh don’t look at them don’t look them in the eyes

Ender’s whoa look at that oh wow Bo boing boing boing yeah the trees are nice so we still haven’t found a ship so it’s usually next to yeah they’re usually next to these things cuz these are good for only like if you want shulkers you don’t need oh yeah shulker

Boxes we don’t need those anymore yeah no we have the future yeah you could make it across here right yeah I’m a professional oh [ __ ] okay I talked a big game guys okay um wait is that going maybe I do another one is it oh [ __ ] where am I you almost went

Over the whole thing I saw it landed right here that’s freaking crazy you’re crazy oh I’m on the other side now you went over the whole island you almost went into the void look at that one you want to go there no oh I want to go uh where the boat

Okay then we got to keep going this way what is there have you been there before what is there I haven’t been to that biome we can try let’s go let’s go okay let’s go let’s go let’s go um oh where am I oh nice you made it

Easy I made it oh maybe I have oh there’s a ship here oh my gosh wow wow wow this place is so cool Hello ran oh there you are we got to get you up there’s a ship how did you see that no oh I see it

I see it I see it I see it wow this place is so cool there’s a ship and there’s loot up there okay let’s go the loot is not crazy but you’ll get the elytra so cool yeah well I wouldn’t recommend throwing your Pearl up there in case you

Miss wow you think I’m going to miss I’m 100 out of 100 right now you know what yeah you know what you go for it oh I talked the big game yeah check this out okay hold on got to I click um ow what am I flying I’m flying Ryan I’m

Flying you’re doing it what do I do now you’re doing it R I’ll hit this pole surely I miss no Ray you missed it I’m good I’m good holy holy okay go come down here down here down here wait I think I’m a send to happen oh I’m I’m good I’m good bro

You’re crazy down here down here this is so cool do I kill this or what is that thing just choker kill it and then get the elyra on the wall I’m flying nice oh this is so easy when will it put me down oh the hearts we need those what are these puzzle

Pieces huh that the puzzle pieces whoa uh let me put all this away hold on uh this we’ll just shift click all that all dish nonsense okay how do I get it hit it oh right click or left click okay there you go did you get it yeah now I just wear

It yeah I me you can chest your chest oh you can’t wear armor with it unless if you upgrade it with another armor type oh but yeah you can fly now I can fly do you need fireworks um oh is that the only way you can do it with fireworks well it’ll make

You um fly faster what was that what what was that do you hear that what someone threw up oh that’s a that’s a shers I think oh they just do that ew they go like yeah that was exactly what it sounded like yeah well here’s your wanders

Thank you nice can wait did I now I can fly it’s time did I pick it up or did you pick it up oh I might have picked it up here let me check yeah I picked it up here it is oh I picked it up again here it

Is oh did you get it oh it’s cuz I have a mega magnetic Advanced magnet upgrade catch this oh I just keep catching it here you go quick did I grab it again oh my god oh I deafen yeah uh did you don’t forget to put uh this

Dropped here I have the mega Advanced the mega magnet so here now you can grab it there you go oh perfect you did it okay okay no uhing mending on it thank you I gave you mending so it can heal when you use it Wicked all right

Easy now how do we get back we just TP out of here which may crash the server woo oh okay no way my pinkie is already hurting that’s insane no it crashed that’s crazy it actually crashed he knew he knew ow my twinky [Laughter] Oh my flinger ow all right sorry I was messaging okay join disconnect is broken oh server starting okay good cut it off I still want to try this thing don’t know what it is but direct connection join oh it’s working okay we see if this is good it’s opening okay we’re

In it smells like smells like oh oh the roll back was so far ooh it’s um smells fishy it tastes very good it tastes very good I don’t know what it is um it’s got almost this like spongy consistency to it whoa is it squid I think it’s squid bomb hello

Hey so it rolled back a little bit um but oh well I got you a gift I got you a gift here you go oh thank you and if you uh uh if you um if you drop me the Ender staff I could do this T you’re very own wait how did you

Make that already I found it in the chest po okay now we go home and hopefully it doesn’t crash no way it’s going to crash again no it’s not going to crash we just crashed we’re fine oh oh my God actually saved yeah we’re good and now you can fly let me

See um you have the Rockets or no they’re gone The Mending book is gone too uh I can give you one you have everything Rockets oh POG let me try Wow This what’s this you’re going to want to enchant that too what is it Unbreaking oh whoa okay uh do you have a a how do I enchant I don’t even know right here I’ve never Enchanted oh oh like on an anvil as well mhm oh I

Could do this yeah yeah yeah you know what to do yeah watch okay I grab this grab the books oh I lost my magnet man all right Bam Bam bro elyra oh yeah I just figure out what to name it oh I have oh I have levels how

Do I put the levels hold on let me see my book where is it oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean that was I didn’t mean to do that I okay okay hold on uh Crystal Crystal this this one okay then we go here okay so how do I get the crystals

Out of the experience shift right click shift right click oh sick so I probably need like 20 nice that’s awesome what the okay oh God it’s just it wait this one only cost two Oh I thought it was 10 wings [Laughter] pitra ain’t no way you guys are sick Wings guys are

Sick that’s so insane wrong book no I have to do both of these Unbreaking and mending not poy flaps that’s sick you’re all sick you started it okay I did start it but y’all nah El Eli Eli iy whatever ithy whatever and oh that’s my book of

Spirits what is that what are you doing botania whoa you’re doing so many different professions yeah this one’s cool oh you made a Mana it’s with it’s with flowers oh yeah the power of the the land mhm not the wing iy all right how much time do I have

Whoa oh psych and I are going to try this game called Pizza Pizza it’s called Pizza no it’s called Pizza Pizza Pizza pum Pizza pum a pizza seven so we got to go soon thanks for the help ran yep lat to wow look at me go I live this

Way oh I got to rename my moth I need a name tag just one please just one all right uh mie mooy whoa I like you can fuse your chest plate and Eli how do I do it what what am I doing this wrong oh no I am doing right mie

Should wait till you get a better chest plate true honestly my baby even though I can fly now but still Mie my prous so cute eat all these babies all right good good good good good good good good good good now uh let me message psych I’m ready to ready to Pizza whenever you’re ready to Pizza yeah I wanted to do the familiars but I don’t know if I have a whole lot

Of time I got to kill the babies there’s so much to do can I quickly make the familiar what what that’s new what’s I like how there’s just a block of lava here that’s crazy okay I do have the egg I feel like I can could quickly make let’s see oh

Let’s see uh did jinny no uh familiar ring I have an empty one that’s good um nope this is not empty this one’s empty this has the devil um I need to make me check the spirit Book bat uh we need a jinny book bound jinny book is all we need and eagans eagans eagon eagon is right here okay uh we need to make a jinny book jinny this one plus that’s so sick and helpful get rid of these and we go like

This take the spirit book go like this bam easy okay and now uh we also need the egg the not bat spawn egg but the crumb of egg gifted to us from the gods thank you heavens above all right um put that away uh now we also need a carrot

Gold we need a golden car oh nice we have golden carrots oh we actually need the lava right or no I forgot already I forgot everything we need an i lava glow stone torch IE lava glowstone torch I lava glowstone stroke torch I clava I torch I bat I torch lava glow

Stone glow stone ey torch torch what stick candle what’s it called stick to do I not have any torches here I’ll make some torches I need coal glow glow stone oh no I don’t have glow stone oh I have one now uh and then I need a um um

Stick coal yes perfect perfect and then we go like this and then we go like this easy torch okay we’re ready to go okay um and then I’ll have to fix this up let me look at what it’s missing four skulls I need four schulls in between

The two white numbers four skulls in between the two white numbers so I need two more schools one two okay um Boop yep and uh yep are all the candles lit I hope all the markings are still okay it looks pretty all right okay bop bop uh a Bop and a

Bop and a Bop let’s see bucket I I’m going to actually hold some torches because I cannot see a torch a okay it we need one more Bowl get a bowl from over here we got one extra bowl put this right here and we will put the glow stone which is right here

Okay um we got the bound Genie book yes we have the ring where’ I put it oh right here uh I’m not going to use my flaming sword I can use this instead okay we’re going to summon the bat please tell me that was close enough

It should be it’d be so crazy if it wasn’t oh Jesus gave me a heart attack do you claim your land if you do no one should be able to mess with your land it is claimed but it’s all under sauno party it’s fine it gives me a

Reason to kill them which I enjoy it’s okay all right and we’ll have the bat I wonder how it’s going to Spawn please be super cute one more rage adorable wow oh his name is dra thorn thorn that dra thorn thorn really that’s crazy that look at how bright it is now thorn thorn that’s adorable all right we really needed that it was driving me insane so we have the devil

Familiar and we’re going to wear this ring as well so we can see perfect um I need to make I don’t have a whole lot of time upgrade it true so true baby one baby two that’s the wrong that’s the wrong baby no you go back that this is the devil where’s where’s

My blacksmith do I wolf empty empty soul gem wolf Jenny black oh oh thank goodness I thought he died all right Sig please how much to upgrade my bat how much how much silver or iron here you need more buddy here you go oh y wow he’s St how much

More no not those ones over here over here here this way this way come here oh they’re so cute yeah now we got to wait okay oh oh yep that’s the one that’s the one officer yes yes he’s looking at him takes a little time thank you Sig

There’s one more I want you to upgrade I want you to upgrade this one go G Gore wait Sig oh there he is this one when he upgrades he gets an extra limb what what did he just pick up you need more iron I feel like you’ve got plenty but

Here have more take a tip take a tip wait did I already upgrade this one I thought I upgraded L wigs no I don’t know we’ll see here take all this I don’t know maybe just kind of looking at him kind of I’m going to wait it came with one

Limb oh maybe this one is already upgraded is there a way to find out so cute all right so that goes in my pocket thorn thorn so cute right have an extra devil familiar I think mang wanted that right the axe he’s holding is the upgrade

Maybe like he he got he had one limb I’m just going to give him more just in case I’m going to give him more until he stops requesting it that’s fine I have so much iron oh wait he is full he doesn’t need anymore oh yeah Leslie wanted a devil that’s

True okay well I’ll give her well for a price I’ll give her this one for a price oh I think he is upgraded yeah M wanted a bat yeah I want to put them in the zoo and I want business to be hot all right I’m going to tie him back

Up oh my God okay you stay here there you go and then Sig you get what what the I need to set him down here I’ll put him over here you stay right here okay okay and you go back in the soul gem okay perfect all

Right now I want to make a water breathing familiar because M and I both loost both both lost it oh the Lion’s laying that’s so cute we need another jinny book we need another ring so how’s the zoo hardly progressing got jinny there’s a book get

Rid of these and then bind it bam book done now we need um Iron wait we need a diamond oh we need a diamond uh we need gold we need Soul Sand four of them or is it soil it’s soil I think we need um a squid a

Squid I need a squid I for wait I released it and killed it oh I need the sand a squ wait okay no it’s fine okay let me just go get a squid real quick you know I know they spawn now they’re so common I know the devs definitely

Upgraded it so we will easily find a squid in these Rivers oh I can fly to find one where am I fireworks all right just keep an eye on the mini map that was not a squid I am a little worried that it’s not going to show but surely it’s fine squid oh

Go I just made a bat it’s happening I can feel it it’s happening I think they spawn like more daytime I think I mean it’s happening guys you feel that but at least at least we have a fast way to move you know what I

Mean at least we have a fast way to move just going to follow the Rivers that is not a squid That’s not a squid that’s not a squid I’m pretty sure I spawn during the day right am I going in circles that’s not a squid wow sounds so nice maybe I’m too close to home they spawn day and night oh don’t worry guys don’t worry

Don’t worry I heard I heard this is a popular place to be a squid that’s what the the streets are saying squid wait is are those squids no those are Phantoms No curse you get away from Me oh they’re kind of fast they’re trailing me I feel like the squid icon will pop up because the land animals are popping up even though I’m kind of far you know oh the Phantom are really trailing me those are not squids hungry for calamari now stop that

Sounds so good right now I love calamari oh we’re kind of getting close to where we were before the pumpkin Red House raid unsearched Village that’s not a squid I’m hungry not too everyone go get your Foods true we could kill some babies over here unsearched Village wait remember that one Dragon we

Were supposed to catch maybe it’s still here did I did I DC what is this where am I um I landed somewhere and I don’t know where I am looks very cool on the map Atlantis is it where’s the entrance hello what maybe squid here is this where the king squid

Lives I don’t know what this is or seline’s on This is distracting me from the main mission main mission being operation squid Seline oh yeah Seline has squids but I’m already so far out here I feel like we’re just going to run into one any second you know we’re already out here I

I I just feel like we’ve come so far wrong way fores oh this way yeah my render distance is poo poo Kaka my game is not loading at all hello wow oh we’ve seen these before ow no stop why does it do that I wonder how many biomes are in this mod

Pack keeping an eye out I’m keeping an eye on that’s not a squid it’s a bad man My God the sound of the birds is so pretty Mythic Bird yeah we’re yeah maybe we’ll run into one I’m S flying woo there’s D star Heaven that we can’t reach Pizza Time woo it’s Pizza time say like Kuno pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza yeah am going to need more fireworks Mythic bird Mount I can get this bird we’ll just quickly grab squid e y uh empty come here

Yoink might as well grab their guts while we’re here so sorry okay I’m just going to log out here no there’s so much squid now wait this is where the squids live there’s squids everywhere here all I’m going to log out right here and then uh it’s time aluno says he needs 2

Minutes okay okay well well I should probably open the game grab two I’m not worried about it oh thank you Jessica the 20 gifted oh I do need two but you’re right because I’m making another one I should make I should get more well we have a

Duplicator it’s fine I actually I you know what yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right we have a duplicator we got plenty come here sque here to go perfect in my collection okay uh he’s going to be in this

Discord oh yeah we do need fish as well that’s so true I want to get closer to the bird bount so I think next time I get on where is it this way yeah next time I get on um I will probably try to capture this bird sound like Squidward the bird

M why did that happen stop why lier thanks for joining gracias yeah I went so far for the squid it keeps like oh God going too fast ow okay let’s let it load a little bit 3 hours yeah but now we’re going so fast all right I’ll open up the pizza

Game when sauno joins the Discord so I’ll just do it later Almost there you ever thought of doing The Possession part of occult occultism it sounded cool wait what is that I’m down to do I’m down to like perfect occultism oul occultism you know getting closer we going so fast we saw the blood art attempt nope what attempt don’t know what you’re talking

About don’t know what you’re talking about ow ow okay let it load Travis is the 10 gifted gracias gracias gr ow oh sauno left but I have a dream I have a dream we’re so close ow oh ow oh yeah I remember this place there it is oh my God we’re

Here just in a span of minutes we arrived where we last once were well where am I took us to 3 hours there it is okay so beautiful okay yeah this is ho oh ho oh okay um I just got to get on it with my bare

Hands um I think I also got to get I have more Soul Gems wolf jinny I have two wolves for some reason so I’m going to release one it’s so cute and sparkly oh hello Bray you’re here I’m here and by you’re here I mean I was later but oh no

It’s fine I’m still in Minecraft H what do you mean uh don’t worry I’m almost done right I am I am I am that’s crazy I don’t mean to expose anyone but you’re like I don’t know if I want to play Minecraft I don’t know if I want to finish the

Zoo I assume you’re not working on the zoo I’m not working on the zoo right now but I heard that the familiar bug was fixed so I I have a glimmer of inspiration again I was telling Chad I was feeling I was I’m going to log out here I was feeling discouraged because

Every time I would summon a familiar it would crash people and so I was like well oh like how can I how can I make a familiar Zoo if it just crashes everybody but chat’s saying that the devs fixed it so if they actually fixed it then it’s then it’s possible yeah

They’ve been working overtime okay I’m opening hey is there a mining familiar I heard there was a mining familiar yes there’s familiar for everything like can we just send it how does how op is it like I can just send it out it’ll just get stuff

Oh those are the Genies the the demons yeah so there’s a there’s a demon that you can you can summon that goes out mining for you like even if I’m not there yeah it’s a miner oh my God wait we need those we need an army of those yeah yeah

It’s sick they mine in different I need resources to make the final product I have I don’t know what it’s called it’s like the super phase shifting something something I super critical phase shifter mechanism and with the super critical phase shifter we can power it with the

New reactor I showed you and by using that we can make anti pellets which lets us make uh it lets us transform things transform I can turn a regular egg into a dragon egg or I can turn a scale into an elytra crazy sick it’s crazy I tell

You it’s just going to be it’s going to take like a week of resources but okay I can help with that the mining minions would help anyway you want to play this game for like a bit Yeah Yeah I have it open now uh people who it’s loud Jus it’s

Loud oh hey the same thing happened to you it’s so loud sniff sniff sniff do I smell a gigantic Pizza wait where do you put your cam for this thing wait how do we play multiplayer I thought this was multiplayer well this is probably a tutorial probably and then we can do it

Maybe okay okay I’m going to move my cam up left I think it’s so loud it is so loud um oh oh are you why is it showing this giant oh my God it’s so cute yeah apparently we just run around and try and find food which sounds easy

Right yeah I just wish I could I need to turn this down oh I see Co-op I see co-op on the menu yeah oh I see it hold I’m going to turn on the everything how did you hear of this game does this have online co-op please tell me this has online co-op

Oh um so I’m going to be honest I I saw it on a Tik Tok and it looked funny wait it’s it’s iners Co-op wait wait it can’t be in person Co-op can it God I I didn’t plan for this I didn’t I didn’t plan for this I didn’t plan for

This either but it looks so fun right Now oh my God I’m going oh I see it’s just over oh I see well I can’t stop playing it’s so fun scuffed thing if you want to try the scuffed thing try what the scuffed thing what’s the scuffed thing check your steam check your steam wait but this game’s so

Fun yeah check your steam check your steam check my steam check my steam okay hold on you didn’t send me anything oh wait it didn’t work oh you meant on oh you’re in oh oh oh I see okay I’m playing oh wait are you on controller like like no

I’m on mouse and keyboard oh okay so it’s it was working is it working yes wait I see you well how come you’re not here then wait oh and then click yeah yeah yeah oh and then we have to click okay or something wait can you click okay

Or it says it’s on hold cuz you’re you’re just uh oh yeah I’m not going to lie the game got really loud for some reason so I that um it’s just it’s just okay um oh nope I oh you’re here oh my God are you are you a raccoon I’m a

Raccoon quick no no no he’s going you in jail wait the quality is so scuff but whatever oh man I’m I way that one other game but how bad like on a scale from 1 to 10 does it look it’s so bad but help the dog’s coming it’s frozen

Here I have to do uh not game capture of a display capture okay it’s better now I think it’s better oh oh wait I can change the um I think it’s better now here is that better I changed it I have the keys let’s go we’re bringing out this

Joint the quality is so bad wait is it worse now hold on let me change fine it’s fine I’m having so much fun eating food how about that how about that do we eat the birds like are there any other buttons than just move around I think

You literally run around and eat stuff hide hide hide wow this is easy it’s so e turn my volume up cuz it randomly got quiet yeah can you turn your mic up by chance uh I swear you have the the meong mic debuff now I think it’s like a setup with the

You know how does Leslie get her mic so loud cuz he has the re20 also I’m literally mun out here is that goat going to snitch on us oh wait I beat it up for food oh oh okay hey we can beat up the the the civilians for food a pizza how

Do we know which ones run run run R run run run run run help this dude’s on me what does this do oh my God Bush psh well thank God he didn’t see us go in that bush he actually didn’t yeah kind of I just don’t know which guys are the

Good guys and which guys are the bad guys exclamation Point’s bad question mark question mark exclamation point bad quick thank God he didn’t see us in the bush wait he actually saw us Ray help help how do I help you how do I help you beat him up beat him

Up you actually beat him up oh my God I didn’t I didn’t know if it worked that way let’s go let’s go let’s go we need a key but the food regenerates watch out there’s an officer what about that Barrel look at all the food ice cream

Ice this making me so hungry ice cream there’s one more there’s one more there’s more okay I got a key but which way do we go this way surely right there so I think we beat the game once we go up to the top and grab the big pizza I got

AA what is thisa I’ve never heard of that in my life this is like kind of like that game where you just roll around what is the PE what is that oh that’s probably a respawn beat up the dog oh wait no it’s a guard oh we’re dead we’re dead we’re dead we’re

Dead we’re dead there’s so many distract them oh my pizza bread pizza this is so ridiculous now what I say we just speedrun to the end for the oh well don’t look now but that guy’s chasing I did tell we we need more keys I told

Tin help no what’ you tell him what’ you tell him I told them that if the game is super Stu this is I think I’m beting R to we help help oh my God we got the mozzarella Toma ow help you literally get caught so much okay I I I’m just I’m

Confused I’m a I’m a rat I’m just a rat trying to live my life here I think we go right we go right oh I’m going left already help help he’s chasing me help help sa me God oh Jesus oh oh well look who needs my help

Now I’m coming I’m coming we’re we’re dead help sauce in the bush help we’re dead we’re dead wa help look who needs help now get back in the bush oh Jesus okay we’re fine we just have to run to the right the top right yeah we

Just have to run to the right he’s camping so looks like he’s Frozen yeah maybe we just go okay go no no no that’s that’s the wrong way oh well I use the key maybe maybe it’s the right way wait beat up these pigs we can terrorize the

Town’s folk for their food okay got pizza yeah get get it help help oh he saw me oh God do I just die do I just die oh yeah if we both get caught it’s just over anyways I told game was sced we could play uh earlier so they both

Said they’re down whenever if it’s real bad all right let’s just try and beat it time yeah yeah which can’t be that hard we just run up I say if we get the big pizza we call it a day we need to get big piz on the top area so it looks like

You get keys when you just eat enough food okay can you jump how do I get back up there oh the stair are you help oh there you Are uh we just need more F I think cuz we died it took away all of our food I’m help help I’m coming I’m coming he’s got me oh yay quick get the Ruli you almost L him straight to my bush I’m getting it I’m getting it help help help okay got it we almost have a key I say run to the top right beat up this I see and then oh we need need little more oh God oh my God we

Need more food we need more food so in the bottom left there’s like a bar that um shows you how close you are to get the key just like little cake potatoes maybe a little just don’t die just don’t die drink your juice P Juice drink the

Juice I’m drinking the juice just uh just well don’t run up oh oh god oh I’m coming I’m coming I’m hiding I got some we almost have the key well and maybe we do have to go to the left to get more food but the food

Respawns so I feel like I feel like eventually like we’ll just keep going and then it’ll just pop up yeah I mean us us a possums we get everything we need out here I’m a raccoon bro oh yeah you’re a raccoon wait you can actually be

Stealthy yeah yeah oh this drops a lot oh Jesus oh Jesus help okay I think if you if you revive me we have the key okay drop him quick run to the top right to the top right go go go I’m drunk I’m Dr open it Pizza wait this place is fresh for

The Looting Jesus oh my God he got me I got I got you I got you you got me got I got you I got you this is such a cute environment where am I yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of fastpaced here yeah it is we need way more

Keys oh wait this one’s getting expensive oh I get it okay okay so we’re supposed to run like around the whole town yeah F responds right food responds have to like go back through the whole town to get tons of food oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh you let him straight to me help help help the J straight for me you let him straight to me help help oh God Jesus I’m stuck glitch stuck on the I guess he’s stuck help help Screaming God I’m getting so many ice creams we

Got a lot of food oh we just go to the big ones go back to the r yeah back to the Ratatouille the Ratatouille what up here I think wait the ri didn’t wait help what we almost have enough we almost have enough I’m eating while he’s

Taking me to prison we need more oh this always respawns I think I think we go back up we go back up cuz we’re almost there right yeah yeah yeah true stuff up there probably respa run drink the juice drink the juice and run I’m drunk I’m

Drun watch for the dog I got fish fish are extremely filling they’re high in protein aren’t they I’ve been watching survival shows wait really up on my bush he’s right up on my bush um we almost oh wait where’s the next help he’s after me oh I got so much

Food okay a little more this drops a lot we’re we’re good we’re good now we’re okay just move up up up with the key I’m going up I’m going I’m going so far up right now coming up I’m going oh find the key key I’m oh God here the key the

Key key a key a key a key quick get the fish with high in protein are these beans no just oh my gosh oh my gosh this screaming is so funny I found the next the next ke it’s it’s over here wait distract them good job good job

You’re distracting them doing so good you’re doing uh you’re doing a great job distract help help I’m dead okay he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead just don’t get caught we’ll lose all our food okay don’t worry I’m I’m a juking Master yeah drink the juice if you have we have tons

Master oh nice oh we got a respawn point oh [ __ ] there’s a huge cake here look cake give me the cake wait watch out watch out oh God oh God Pizza he’s got me wait he’s got you he G got me yeah yeah yeah cake cake this cake is

Juic oh my gosh it’s so satisfying fools they’ve given us all the cake I think we got to backtrack a little bit but we’re almost there as long as we don’t all die in the next like 2 seconds I think we got it the crunching sound is so cute this

Is EAS com he’s coming for me good distraction good distraction oh yeah yeah I’m I’m fine just uh I literally I’m so full if you did want to come back though that would uh oh did you get caught oh this guy’s been just holding me got I

Didn’t know you God yeah yeah I mean I I don’t mind it I’m so fat what happened wait if you eat if you eat too much food you actually get fat and move slow yeah but then you have the energy drinks that’s key okay let’s go where do we go

Back up I think we went through this way drink drink just in case okay oh let’s go here let’s go here yeah right there right there that looks there’s so many guards look Jesus did they get me they got me help okay we got to take the grapes they’re

Probably worth a lot wine is Fancy Jesus Jes no I’m coming back I’m coming back Jesus oh my god oh I’m dead I’m okay don’t worry I’m coming back I’m coming back for you we got eight juices left I think you can just real quick juice out quick juice out juice back in

Juice back in he got me he got me juice out juice out juice out juice back in Juice back in Jason J okay okay run far away just run all the way all the way away all the way running running here over and this way down here I lived I

Dead I’m dead he’s stunned he’s stunned now we jump in the bush Okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re actually good okay I’m getting the grapes okay I’m going to I’m going to play very slow very safe I think these are I’m actually playing

Stealth mode now I’ve been running around you know I’m sprting actually stealth right now I’m stealth bro doesn’t even see me help I’m on the way I’m on the way yeah he’s taking me to the river he’s going drown me he’s going to drown you he’s drowning you thank God you have a

Water breathing familiar yeah so actually I don’t I don’t wait what is gone oh yeah it’s fine okay I’m so stealthy now I’m so patient and stealthy yeah I feel like these later levels you got to be a little stealy yeah yeah youen found the big thing yet I bet

It’s more to the oh help oh uh yeah I I’ll let him he’s bringing you straight to me actually yeah that’s wonderful oh no now he’s now he’s gone the other way um the split screen is crazy how it moves it’s kind of confusing me yeah juice attack go lose

Him in the Maze lose him in the Maze um where is the big there’s always a big one somewhere yeah there’s usually a big one somewhere don’t Le straight to oh Jesus I found it oh my gosh it’s wow that’s my favorite dessert is it actually I don’t like T meu oh okay

You sounded why were you so excited then well cuz like because like I didn’t know that was your favorite oh okay oh my gosh and it’s just it’s just I wish I liked it it always looks so good but then it’s so what exactly do you not

Like about it just out of C it’s kind of bitter isn’t it a little bit but that’s why I like it help help quick run we got to use this key oh yeah we have the key we have the key up up up north north north I mean left you can jump

Help psychopath bro is blowing the whistle over here over here over here it’s up I saw the gate I saw the gate Jesus Jesus run Jesus save yourself save yourself never I’m coming I’m coming quick use the key the gate’s up here a key wait I the gate was up here where’s

The gate bottom oh you got it you got it go jump down jump down the ledge oh bro is wh a guy right next to our Bush right now he just didn’t see he’s blind got camping though Pega police quick go up oh straight down um

Is it up oh we need another oh there’s a key oh we’re already halfway there though oh my god oh get the big one where is it we got the key go up go up go up oh I already have it they’re kind of easy to Juke that was an easy

One Co it I feel like we’re almost there wait how long does it take to beat this game I feel like the environment is so C thought be like 30 minutes maximum oh really can we jump we Gamers so it’ be like um I guess we can run past him you can’t

Them yeah just from past yeah yeah I like that plan wait is this a dead end oh oh my God we’re so dead we’re so dead here Jesus we’re so dead Jesus grab the big chungus we got it we got it that big chungus is worth so much I’m luring

Them I’m luring them get the key get the key get the oh Jesus Jesus we need more food they saw me they saw me oh my God I got the key help help oh my God I’m all the way back here I have the key okay

Let me let just let me let me just uh let me okay I I can save you oh you’re right here nice quick run I got the key go we have the key okay okay ready I feel like we’ve almost beaten the game we’re so now go go go go

Jesus Jesus no no way you got both of us no way we lose the key on that right I think we just lose well there’s no way we lose the key on oh there’s checkpoint oh thank God oh no this is so so far back road block I’m devastated I’m actually

Devastated why when when did you get items well that was far back that was far back I know oh my God this Gate’s even close we we must have missed checkpoint we must have Miss oh my God this would be a great game for 2v Tuesday okay what to

Like but how would you be able to tell how far you got but whoever like how many points you get I think I think the points just go away when you um yeah it’s like it’s like you keep track of your record points and then if you

Die oh yeah I’m not sure help I’m coming thank you I got a road block Jesus Jesus oh my gosh oh my God I think we lost our momentum it’s time for fortnite time for fortnite time for fortnite listen the momentum’s gone wait the teram is here this will save us

Let yeah you keep him distracted you’re doing great I got him I got him yeah you just eat all the tiramisu I didn’t like it anyways yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m uh I’m going to eat a Hu oh I was distracted so those like those like chicken nug looking things those ones

Will work a lot I think the goal is to find are five each it’s those those big things these things right here those things are worth a lot no they’re not why was that one not worth a lot I don’t understand the the scale um no oh yeah it shows your highest

Score We’re Never Getting 10K again we’re never getting 10K again I’m opening up for to get a high score you want to go from the beginning yeah let’s we can go to fortnite now I kind of want to play more Val actually you do yeah yeah blow said he wanted to Val

Tonight oh well we already got a fortnite squad so and I only can play one or the other oh we should do fortnite then cuz Mouse doesn’t like valow yeah yeah that’s pretty fair fortnite that was a cute game yeah yeah I figured it’d be funny for like a bit let them

Know let me um we ready whenever ready whenever late night fortnite late night fortnite late night fortnite I got to guess my password wait really you don’t know your password that wasn’t my password I’m resetting it right now that’s crazy you reset it every time yeah almost every time yeah what

You know it’s really scary I I actually don’t know the password to my Google account so if I ever get logged out of YouTube like I’m not sure what I’ll do um probably shouldn’t say that but anyway okay so when you reset this password you should just text our group chat the

Password what we can remind you and you’re gonna remind me yeah yeah that sounds we’re going to be playing more fortnite yeah um yeah you know I’ll go ahead and uh you trust me smiley ahead and just do that real quick yeah um I’m ready okay well surely everyone’s

Showing up soon mm man Val sounds like fun kind of does kind of does but we would need a whole five stack and you know finding a whole five stack that ain’t easy are you waking up early tomorrow uh what do you mean for TW uh the Minecraft 12

P.m. wait what’s happening at 12:00 p.m. oh uh three people are joining the server what mhm mhm was that announced well I’ve been saying it all day what you’ve been saying it all day well a told me 12:00 p.m. three people are joining and I was like okay yeah but

That was like in the the uh yeah yeah I’ll be there I mean especially for the people that are joining I mean I don’t know if you know who they are I know do you know well I mean of course I know um I’m

D so I I have to um I have to update fortnite okay but thank God like not everyone’s here yet so this is perfect well I figured we could just Doo if we need to yeah well um you know how I’m like back in my setup and I’ve been gone for

For some time and you’ve been gone forever um yeah so like you know got to update but but it’ll surely be ready by the time that’s fine um everyone’s here I think well then I’m going to tell BL I’ll play Val after fortnite yeah sure are you sure you want

To play wait Val well it depends how long fortnite lasts um say I know that I feel like Mouse would want Mouse will play fortnite forever but I feel like Tina won’t because she’s leaving to uh name your price soon oh yeah Austin show yeah isn’t that isn’t that like in

Like less than a week what day no no she’s like literally leaving soon oh she’s like today yeah no not not literally today but like soon oh yeah I know she she likes to you know I’m kind of the same way I feel like if I have a

Flight that day or like you know like I need like a lot of time to especially all the way to name your price in Miami the first ever live in person name your price it is right no it’s it’s not no he done there one at twitch there’s the one at twitchcon I

Guess too but that was like a thing like this one it’s not LinkedIn it’s like that’s his thing right this is the first one on tour Oh yeah this is the first of the tour oh I meant like with the audience where you can buy tickets no they had that before wait really I know they one at twitchcon but like that doesn’t really count right I think it counts but like it’s like

Like this one he’s like fully running solo you know kind of thing is he I think it’s this Saturday 700 p.m. EST EST why did they use a picture of foolish without welcome to Miami not complaining just wait um what about foolish nothing nothing I was I

Was looking at the the tweet for the name your anyway fortnite mine’s 30% okay yeah maybe by the time it’s done everyone will be ready yeah yeah probably I mean I don’t see why they’ll just join this Discord I assume um perfect perfect yeah my fortnite’s just updating so

Uh I’m just looking through skins yeah I’m looking at some stuff too um I love squid there solo rank no build yeah but I suck at it I mean maybe if I practice more there is junk food all around me it’s crazy I’m surrounded what are you eating

Uh it’s squid squid on a stick my sister got me a ton of Japanese snacks and I’m I’m gouging myself I I mean gorging myself welcome to Miami welcome to Miami YY surely the girls see it surely hello Tina um hello Mouse hello where are thou please

She is in the qmp I did tell her 800 p.m but uh we are a little early so is it ready almost almost uh it’s about 50% oh okay okay okay I can be patient let’s look at the item shop okay the dogs are out the ear thing is cool indeed what

Dogs these dogs all right uh the the the tomatoes are back the burgers are back jump Rope w w w Wow Oh a heartburst emote that’s so cute hey hey hey hey that’s Cute Wow so aesthetic oh oh my God cute um and then celest oh the hair Stars around there who designs these wait it’s free no it’s not it’s not free it’s half off ooh the heartburst oh it is it is that’s cute okay I like that one thanks chat thanks chat who waa

Whoa setsa thank you for the 20 gifted thank you we’re always right nuh-uh oh whoa It’s got bony feet oh that’s cool wait I like the wings I like the sound it makes when it opens I like these equip I’m an angle a beautiful angle whoa It’s a

Moon Waxing or Waning it’s all bad news this is animated I kind of like it equip got a moon pumpkins the little torch is so funny wow oh they used to have a button in the store where you can click it and it you

Can swing it in the shop to hear what it sounds like it it’s dripping yeah it’s Halloween season it’s at 80% 80% that’s okay I mean everyone’s they haven’t even responded yet I mean they they’ll show up surely oh they’re they’re all coming right I mean

Surely well I’m going to say we could maybe try and talk Blau and Ellum who are both on Minecraft that I don’t know because I’m also on but out of sheer coincidence oh my gosh so you’re telling me I had more time on Minecraft it’s crazy well I mean while while fortnite’s

Updating right mhm oh do you have extra do you have extra golden red stone by any chance yes osmium osmium also a lot of osmium I probably do I will I will hand it over to you tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we waiting for fortnite now Ray I can give you unlimited energy

Unlimited I have this issue though with Minecraft every single time I close the game and when I reopen it I have to reverifying account and then I have to open the game and then it doesn’t work and then I have to close it and I have

To reopen it again for it to work and it takes so long so I I close the game so okay so so my computer in La is the exact same way wait really I just I have to like spam open it over and over yeah

And it it just works like after like the 10th try oh M always works the second try it’s just I have to be interesting yeah it seems like there a lot of stuff with that launcher yeah yeah lot of scuff a lot of scuff yeah yeah I definitely have gold

For sure oh yeah yeah I need a lot of gold and a lot of osmium particularly osmium it’ be so easy to make a demon to M gold that would be nice and osmium osmium osmium maybe I’ll work on that tomorrow if you can make a demon mining

Army it’s it’s over it’s over I just need to make the super uh super critical phase shifter thing I don’t actually know what it’s even really for but yeah this mod pack is dank dank I tell you I wonder how many respond yet uh

Nope but I I think they they we did I did tell them 8:00 p.m. so I’m sure they’re coming at 8 which is in 10 minutes yeah well I mean your game’s going to take 10 minutes to load probably yeah actually like probably will if anything uh we could just switch to

Val yeah and you know what ell and Blau are on right now and I am 83% sure we could convince them both especially if you ask them to Val or to fortnite uh to Val probably oh Val they both like Val okay uh okay let me let

Me message Mouse to see if she’s feeling up for it has she I don’t want to make it awkward has she responded since the first time um she she said yes at 100 p.m. uhhuh and then she hasn’t responded since oh and I’ve sent one two three four five six

Messages oh my God you never feel awkward about the double I guess oh I don’t care what is six sex well I I that’s including my POG rolling emote so that’s one um but that counts POG slide is one and then I said Tina is also

Joining us and then I enter see you at eight enter POG slide and then I said we already whenever 30 minutes ago and she hasn’t responded yet I did say after she said yes I said we are playing a pizza posum game at 7:00 so depending on how bad it

Is uh we may play earlier if you’re free but she hasn’t responded so Ma Ray is me if I ever DMD a female I’m just kidding anyway all you have to do is type POG slide it didn’t work for you Ray that’s you got donut wall POG slide okay I’m going to say

Don’t think the POG slide works if you’re uh tired or feeling unwell just let me know uh we can I think it was the POG slide it it unised it no no I think the the POG slide undid it no that’s that’s extra RZ wait you think

Yeah look at how look how cool it is I’m going to be honest I I don’t know what POG slide looks like oh let me show you wait yeah can you send me the POG slide I’m send it right now I use this all the time let’s see POG

Slide oh wait I have seen you use this before it’s just so POG you know it’s so it’s so it’s so exciting yeah Mouse has been Mouse’s Al for like a million hours today so I wonder if she fell asleep yeah she’s probably tired you know wouldn’t wouldn’t blame her for it you

Know it’s uh that happens to me a lot yeah it’s okay okay I let her know if she’s tired or feeling unwell just to let me know we can just Val if we did do Val we would need one more oh wait we we got plus

Yeah guys no we’re good we need well let me convince the squad right now now I don’t think they need convincing they’re definitely yes men oh my God they already said yes I didn’t even finish typing are you serious what are they doing ease dropping I just said guys we need valow

And he said yes sir down and then Blau also says also down I didn’t even finish I didn’t even ask him the question yet um they’re saying right now U as soon as Tina’s here um well that was quick I man you really funny you really got him on the dot

There I they I mean they they are definitely they’re down they’re just down for whatever all the time MH they’re Yes Men the the it boys the doubt for whatever boys well as soon as Tina’s here we’re all good together uh someone in chat said that she’s opening fortnite right

Now so I mean if she joined oh she just messaged me oh she’s back oh how do they know she’s opening fortnite if she’s not streaming she is streaming she is I thought you said she streamed for like a million hours no no mouse mouse did sounded like Mouse streamed a lot

Today oh Tina just ended stream oh you’re talking about Tina Oh I thought you meant Mouse wait Tina ended stream what I’m so she she didn’t want to stream fortnite but she wants to stream Val so she’s sad that we’re playing Val now that’s so

Funny that is so funny wait I thought I thought she liked streaming fortnite turn it back on Tina’s on to something Tina’s on to something with that Valen time you know I I was thinking of just ending two when I heard it was fortnite but I knew it no what L

People are saying yes to like make me happy and that’s it well no not to make you happy it’s cuz they we don’t get to play with you that often these days you know I mean I literally playing Minecraft with you guys every day yeah every other day every other day well

Honestly fortnite’s fine I I do think I like Val a little more at least right now but I mean I’d like both of them I feel like I’m playing too much Minecraft I’m getting too dank into it no I told you I feel like keep talking about we’re

Variety streamers we’re supposed to play for I actually don’t know how you made all that stuff like you must be on it a lot I’m going to be honest at this point I’m not sure I even know I I I get like really into it and then the second I’m

Done with it it’s all gone it everything disappear I made signs in my in my reactor room I I have signs on where to put things the biofuel goes here it connected to the substrate goes there and then the sulfur with the chemical oxidizing fluorite gems and the cakes it’s I made signs

Anyway so Tina’s coming yeah she she’s coming I told her to turn her stream back on and I’d valky raate her oh I feel like it’s stressful to off on off on so I I would get it no she said that she’s just going to pack

Instead what we need you but she had a commitment she said you’re so pretty right now T don’t fall for it don’t fall for it t yeah no hey uhuh I’m deflecting that compliment she’s tried to distract to me she’s tried to distract me she’ll say something upsetting and then

Compliment you she said no no like pack afterwards Jesus she said oh okay thanks for the compliment yeah good good job Ray good job swe gotten her to do it my precious a angle sweet little bab Tina will bite tin you know Tina always organizes the pantry it’s crazy I

Know Tina Tina is a doer like she just she just she does stuff take things out of the bag and like line them up like it’s a store shelf no I I do feel like I’m going shopping when I go into the the the pantry except everything’s free

Cuz it’s what it’s s you know they covered yeah that is true that is true she also takes all the snacks from like um from all the restaurants she goes to there’s like they give out snacks and she put home a giant bag of snacks and

Put them all in the cupboard well that just sounds a little crazy but I didn’t know about that um I didn’t know about she asked she she didn’t steal them she asked like could I have couple extra snacks and they gave her a bag of it how

Good are these snack I’m taking some there I actually have some in my bathroom they’re so good I forgot what it’s called well this is just a whole new thing why do you keep snacks in the bathroom well it was in my pocket you have a fridge and you have well wait

What no it was in my pocket okay so Tina gave it to me the night we went to Caroline’s party and I put it in my pocket like I stocked up and I took it with me to the party and then I took my jacket off in the bathroom so now

They’re on the counter oh yeah that that’s a lot yeah I thought you just like stored them there like a no no no no like uh no they’re just they’re just sitting there they’re wrapped you know it’s not like they’re just laying out frilly nilly mhh well thank god Tina’s almost here

Yeah surely she pops up any second God oh oh oh I guess we’re opening a Val yep that’s the plan I think unless it’s not the plan but I think it’s the plan yeah it’s the plan I’m so excited that’s the plan good old baller it requires a critical

Update why does it say critical update it said critical you know I should probably make sure my valerant is updated too but we we played recently you know after we played valerant that one time I played so bad I was like wow I really um really have been playing too much Minecraft

Um so you’re saying that you’re you’re going through a Val phase is that what you’re trying to say that’s definitely not you’re trying to say that you want to play more Val is that what you’re trying to say yeah yeah I mean probably yeah so if there was a

Lobby tomorrow you’re saying that you’d want to be a part of it oh tomorrow like what what what time tomorrow cuz I have um Abe said five I think he’s inviting people but I’ve also been inviting people oh um five that’d be tough it was like a little earlier would work yeah I

I don’t know why he’s doing it so late cuz I feel like we’re going to be on Minecraft that’s 5 hours of Minecraft Tina’s coming surely yeah yeah that’s 5 hours of Minecraft cuz we’re going to be on at 12 right hey guys did you guys hear about

The new uh players joining Minecraft tomorrow oh yeah 12:00 p.m. be there be square yeah got it 12 p.m. who’s joining um um three people three people top secret three whole people three entire people join I’ll leak for 10 Subs what the oh God how about oh how about we Le one

With a riddle I’m going to say this one of them has already been on the server in some form yep y yep huge riddle there huge riddle guys one of them has already been on the server in some form oh okay I’m going be honest guys Josh literally

Logged on last night while I was streaming it was you’re leaking it’s not a leak he was he loged didn’t even get the 10 subs for that not even a I was I was streaming and before his announc leaking he he literally said last night it said Josh joined the

Server and everyone’s like but some people didn’t know there’s some people that didn’t know like theay last night would have known the delay between you between you asking and you saying was like 10 seconds okay but here’s the thing that riddle I just said might not have been

For Josh because my name’s Josh and he’s talking about me exactly Josh Bingle where’s my camera you likeing oh no you just you Bingle the Bingle the Bingle Bing I broke my camera I feel like if you were a super villain you could be the bingler that’d be like that’d be kind of

Intense the bingler yeah that’ be guys better be worried he’s ready to to Bingle the God I don’t know what that was meant to mean Jesus yeah what does that I don’t know thank God Tina’s about to show up oh my God any second now Tina’s gonna arrive

Guys I can Tina’s literally about to show up any second now what happening I she’s coming right now by let me make sure I lo going to fix my camera my camera went up into OBS so farum so I can make the super critical phase shifter yes do it man and then I

Can generate the anti matter I made my poke my Poke Ball light up wait that’s pretty cool pretty cool come see it now yeah come and see it man why don’t I come see it right now it looks really it looks cool at night though and if you go inside man if you

Go inside I made like a little like lift where Ryan gave me the things for the little lift and it’s uh it’s coming together man it’s coming together well like the the elevator the elevator man yes yeah the lift man exactly end like it’s like a couple pieces of wool don’t

You [ __ ] on my on my hard work okay I’m not I’m just surprised you needan to give it to you we can’t all have the wings of a moth man okay we can’t all be I’m surprised you need oh you better not fall too close to the light cuz this

Moth’s about to get swatted sauno and you’re the mean it took me it took took me hours to make that man hours hours a few pieces of wool I had to find the right sheep right yeah it was trying try we need I I have to confess Leslie needs to get on soon

Because I’ve have been absolutely annihilating the Sheep population F dude I’ve been using them nonstop all day no wonder there were like 20 sheep there yesterday now there’s like five they’re permanently bold them rep no you’re just shaving them okay just been killing I don’t have a shaver listen Leslie’s going to come

Back and and rebuild the Sheep chicken population wait hang on a minute you were killing them because you need the wall dude you shutle me for not being to make a lift you’ve been you you qu to make a [ __ ] pair of shears it’s like it’s like one block of iron well listen

Listen oh wait the Poke Ball is all lit up look how cool that look so lit up the Red Lanterns oh my God I one sea lantern dude you could make the roof out of some glass yes kind of cool SpongeBob Pokemon so I actually own that

Poster I had it scanned in and and I’m getting a bunch of them all done and they’re all going to be inside and I’m going to I’m going to create a bunch of PSA 10 Beaver Warriors man and I’m going to trade one for one diamond and it’s

Going to be great I could also hear you R if you’re checking your mic not oh it’s good it’s good I just bubbles so is the Pokeball like that’s something you’re going to live in or oh it’s going to be my poke my Pokemon card shop it’s

Uh I’m going to be selling cards for for diamonds um but I’m also I’m going to go one step further I’m going to make instead of like a you know there’s a PSA grade whatever I’m going to make my own grading thing so it’s going to be the

Ser server’s official Pokemon cards so no one could make any fake ones no fakes up in here man wow yeah pretty cool cool yeah it’s going to take some time but I’m going to get there and then then I’m going to build a house I know I’m walking on my secret project with

Blau but um you guys don’t your secret project it’s my secret project BL with Blau which none of you guys need to worry about but really it’s not the project where you guys break into my house as Tiny men and live there it’s not that one because new Flash that

Ain’t a secret anymore is it I’m going to be honest from RP that was the funniest [ __ ] ever bro we’re like these tiny little rats [ __ ] trying to like build things behind us so you can’t see us we’re [ __ ] digging deeper we build

The oh my God bro my Escape I I like I ran out of food I’m in your Cavern trying to build oh my God I love that that was the funny sh it was really funny I actually like I couldn’t see you guys for the longest time and when I saw

That you were tiny it scared me it was horrifying um I noticed how none of you are on valow I’m literally on Valor right now man here so we’re chilling what’s bra 1989 oh I I’ll just keep you un added actually oh keep them added oh that is aw oh so

That means I can’t whisper you in game that’s upsets me greatly Ray actually that upsets me oh so uh Tina’s almost Tina reset her PC for a sec one sec res upate I see well in which case gra critical updates required there are it fine it fine fine it’s fine you need to

Reset it it’s okay it’s okay they just threw in the word critical to scare everyone but really it didn’t seem like it was that critical but you know it’s um it didn’t seem that critical to yeah they just kind of wanted to throw that

Word in there I’m going to go and grab a cider guys one second what did you guys think of um the New World song wait isn’t a cider that’s I haven’t heard it yet ah never mind oh my God so one’s on yeah I haven’t heard the song either I

Don’t want to I don’t want to Tina’s in val Tina’s in val oh well um punctual queen I’m getting on right now actually I’m just making sure all my machines are running at full power before I leave um can you uh can you type your thing again oh wait

He’s getting a drink never mind he’s getting a cider a cider I think it’s a like a like Europe thing okay okay I’m back I’m back man I’m back can you type your thing in general so I could oh cool oh so you want to add me

Now do you want to add me now after all of that I don’t want to but push the you shouldn’t push the uh don’t worry about it right ignore everything I said let’s rewind 10 seconds I wouldn’t wouldn’t push it too much yeah yeah y

Y TI okay oh it doesn’t exist I’m so sorry I don’t know why so long it’s okay oh it’s okay we weren’t doing anything crazy more time to chill on Minecraft as they always say can’t believe so you would end stream for to not stream fortnite but you would stream she still

Stuck on that she’s um I think would have ended for Val as well really oh well I just especially if you had to reset your computer yeah pretty fair I just like I I didn’t want to stream a gun game today but I was like I I would I would play with Ray

Today my the rest of oh well did the rest of you ask don’t be smart with me the rest of you ask well I’m afraid to ask I’ve got problems okay then don’t don’t give sass to me sauno like you ask questions oh my God Tina what happened today on the Stream

No sass me she sound so friendly earlier she just called you saso oh no that’s not even a bad thing but we are just missing blow TK you doing okay oh I’m I’m I’m I’m logging on right now TK what’s up talk to me how you doing

What okay good talk what the [ __ ] you say I don’t think she knows that she’s TK what no oh she knows she’s TK she’s choosing to ignore me what happened I’m sorry tuned out for a second on that I’m ready to start valer guys let’s just go I’m just ready to

Play I Feel Like tin was pretty nice to me actually after three no no no I’m not I’m not I’m okay hang on hang on H me out right this account not so good but on EU guys I’m a solid gold to and that’s got to mean something because

Because because na is so much easier than EU that’s what all my friends tell me so let’s uh let’s crack on with the games guys let’s uh all right let’s go let’s go I’m ready for one trust me guys I’m going to show you what I can do

My here here maybe I should go to my privileges should I go are you playing Minecraft still no no playing m du gam you never off my psychotic Wind Farm looking at my Fusion reactor as well that’ just be crazy if I was be CRA if I

Was which I’m not crazy I added West Central and East if I was checking on the input the tridium and dum right now we pray for East we to do East listen I’m going to say it like ellum’s already going to have to [ __ ] Ferrari wide swing people and they’re never going to

See I’m moving East I’m we moving East oh my God trying to make it worse for ellm your ping Ellum your ping is cooked man like oh my god dude I swear to God the day we do Foo Cuts your your hair is gone man I swear to God Jesus Christ say

Is this it’s it’s like if you burnt it’s like if you you’re making chicken and you burnt the chicken if you put it in the oven call burnt chicken right yeah and if you put it in the oven another like 10 minutes I remember that you guys know she me being brim

Right I mean I got I if you want to be brim Tina it’s okay you can be brim I I can be something else I me my desk is rising sure I could be the British guy I’ll play Sage this time no no no no that’s

Good that’s good God damn it I’m I was locked it in you sick oh this’s louder than meest I I got a couple solid games in me a couple oh wow that’s a lot right yeah no normally you say you got like one game in you but a couple that’s more

Than one you know what I got like one well let’s see how this one goes let’s see how this one goes yeah we have to get Sunset um going to play rain oh dude Sunset is not my level man oh Jesus this is I like like it more than Breeze oh wow like

It Astra bar is quite low to like it more than Breeze yeah please tell me someone dodged please Tina I have that song stuck in my head which one the one with the rollerblading guys oh [ __ ] you know I’m sexy don’t call just text me oh wait

Wait wait yeah wait wait Tina what’s that I’m going to play what’s that song called it’s so good I TG i r l you know I am that girl kiss oh my God it’s so good it’s so good wait can you please send it to me I need to rewatch

It put it in general put it in general everyone can see it is called a girl it’s so catchy and then the video with it is so satisfying it’s like these old people rollerblading to the beat of the song and they they’re all in they’re synchronized and it’s

Awesome old people roll old people rollerblading yeah you have to see it okay you have to see it it’s so good it’s so good now we hanger isn’t it so good why did I with this song guys let’s go why did I pick Raina as if I know how

To play this okay you’re I I I don’t know T Tok links are like weird though because like when you click them it’s like Tina sent you this and I’m like oh how invasive of you like you just link the Tik Tok I hate it oh you turn that

Off off oh really all right it’s time I I um yeah I can’t hear sound so good luck wait you’re usually the man what is this well I’m well I I can’t hear sound CU for this one round sorry this H conce conce down go in guys

Can’t aim anymore I’m just going to walk in and try and yeah cover me Jes there’s another one oh nice oh my there’s one one more back site R’s back site on I think she can oh my God she can hop over it but I will be looking off I’m moving like

Crazy I have a suck for the spike why is there a guy behind me Oh My Sweet Lord what okay Tina play safe oh here I’m going to try to wait for you I hear them like running do a little right click okay I have a suck oh

Last player standing there we okay we got 94 78 oh 94 on jet use the suck maneuver oh god oh it’s over it’s over I would just say you’re the best wait wait oh we’re good we’re good oh thank God I want to listen to this song this

Song is so good it’s so good one of the songs in like many years that I’m like I listen to like this is like it’s so catchy yeah it’s like too catchy girl girl okay um I’m loading up I’m playing it again for another bite

Take my Bight Sunset song so we just got to know that there’s a Raina and a sage here okay okay let’s go I think we just have main sight now go again nice all right I’m going to get plant down real quick cover me oh push

Down B oh I see you cover me from a smoke bush there watch your back they can they can jump that wall they forced nice yes SL oh God she’s like tucked in the one more back one on the wall one enem remaining oh I was muted oh my God what

Are you doing play safe what she’s on site back site she was back site I can’t hear her she was back site chill chill she’s probably going to try to like jump the wall or something why can’t you hear girl are you serious wait did she leave oh you’re Vandal you’re Vandal you’re

Vandal Christ I don’t know if it was I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you over it girl blasting in my ears you blasting music and start get down you fool oh oh oh I’m sorry because I’m 5 and one and until I’m not you know out this is really weird cuz we haven’t

Lost a round but I can’t pull by so uh yeah no no this is our this is our triple triple safe triple safe extra extra make sure you have enough for next have enough for next oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God these guys

Jesus I’m going to get my Al so go go go guys we’re in we’re in we got gun guns I they have a dangerous gun I’m going to try to plant but I’m scared run guys run I got SM but I my all now okay I got a huge SC

What un have his gun oh my God fell across you’re joking I am so lit oh my God nice I they play time pych there’s a gun back there too there’s one back oh [ __ ] I got with ay one’s on yet oh one behind you oh my god what the

[ __ ] that guy’s a psycho I need it conce one HP oh my goodness oh my God g a heart attack no time oh my God Ray so good you won youve won my God one HP in a dream guys was their time yeah yeah like a smarticle

Particle you know one HP in the dream Tina Tina whenever You’ got a pack don’t don’t feel pressured to keep playing okay oh okay I us pack at the last second anyway I’m like fueled by the adrenaline you got atast a couple games I have a big wall I think I just

Wall and we go up okay I’m ready let’s go Captain fast fast fast I’m steing us guys I’m I’m Bry with the stemy divided I divided the world go go go one’s on the other side of my wall we we got S cover me cover me can’t see watch out

They can stand on the wall yeah I always just look up okay we could back up uh we need more space maybe yeah maybe BL can go through M I got one I got one I got him I got him I’m just looking to see if they called me cringe

There’s a guy oh my God he one tapped me Jesus all okay chill chill chill uh he taged both 50 or two of them I did the wrong button one enemy remaining on the wall the wall obsc on the wall okay wait hold on I have heal in three two

One okay and then we can PE at the same time I can I missed I think I ped it I ped it oh freck oh did she run was she trying to hold it she tried to run away off she she kind

Of gave up t i r l you know I am that girl i t g i r l you know I am that girl you’re that girl TI you’re that girl oh she’s the it girl you know I am that girl [ __ ] don’t kiss and tell see this

Song is a b how’s you already good it’s so good it’s so catchy all right yeah I think this is a mid play or they think we’re going mid me oh God close left close left close left oh they walled this off by the way oh careful she might be on her wall

Oh no she’s Jesus s milk just they uh me they’re coming from our spawn by the way okay I think we rotate maybe oh man they’re pushing behind you spike down oh nice try need turn this s down as well nor they have confidence I’m

Broke I’m going to turn the song up no oh Jesus Christ all right um turn I I’m not going to lie I turned it down that round I think that’s why we lost let’s go in we also went mid yeah did go that was tough that was

Tough I think it’s because I turned the song on I’m be honest off B and walked in yeah should we just do that they might push out here they did wall it last time so I feel like they may wall it Again oh oh it is an ugly hate me oh God my eyes I can’t hear anything oh Jesus one more mid one flanked for a oh that’s the one thinking for me oh I was so deaf for so long uh she’s acing behind you behind you behind you yeah yeah yeah look that

Way look that way oh my God she got the ace guys oh that’s what you meant by she’s acing behind you sorry bad coms okay that was actually good coms cuz it was definitely true yeah but it was weird confusing acing behind you I have the outat I have

The outat I’m prepared you okay I’m ready well where do we use is it how do we win what happened to us we’re going to slam we’re going to slam a okay okay okay I’m ready of my smokes okay we slam I I I do feel our slamming isn’t working anymore but it’s

Fine surely slamming isn’t working slam guys slam oh my God Jesus Christ St that do we keep slamming I we don’t slam slam on be slam on Jesus Christ wait that’s their top slam oh of us slamming slamming slamming guys I’m dead I can feel it keep

Freaking come on cover me cover me oh my God you’re slamming behind you the sage is going to try to Res the rain on the flank is my call I think that’s a good call ooh you could totally remaining I’m so [ __ ] good Jesus I am that girl blocking

Vision GG i r l pulling them in it’s right like I can spray this right thanks let me let me uh spray it they’re shooting back at you win you win I don’t know’s go I keep scuffling clutching scuff very scuff never get onto the spike on time yeah good old

Everybody oh my God I guess we force cuz we have three guns and we won okay became a ping demon there guys yeah he popped off they can’t handle you ho moly okay maybe we um I don’t know anyone like to go on the wall we fake B and go

A as soon as we fake B I’m right here as well I need one more person F not going to go B yeah go oh wait only one person goes in I’m just going to sit here in case someone flanks okay I’ll just sit here in case

Although you know that rain is going to flank I can feel it oh Jesus oh okay so we we go a now or I think they’re going to think we’re going to rotate oh she’s resing she’s resing nice to C they flanked already wow that’s crazy

Let’s go to a or you stay there I guess oh yeah yeah I’m I’m going to get an easy kill he’s going to call me cringe wait they went through the other no way no oh Jesus oh Jesus my ready there’s so many help how many how many

Did you see a lot many many Jesus help oh my God oh my God they were everywhere 149 this game hates me this game pulling them in I punish you oh my God she’s got get oh my God wa that e destroying the the money though man they’re destroying the money

Yeah I have no money oh yeah we lost okay let’s save everybody let’s save everybody time for a classic Strat let’s see smoke upa’s going to push out but the problem is so she did that round was she pushed out like push mid like that double shorty them double shorty them

Man let’s go go right here right here and just the second they walk in yeah I feel like yeah we B and then we kill the person pushing through mid okay I’m ready man yeah second they turn this corner on the flank Dam blast and I’ll watch the uh

Yeah stay right here and we’re going to kill this lady you watch there I’ll watch here everyone else can push safely any flankers will be blown to Smither surely we kill her here Surly right did they wall oh no they didn’t I’m been crunch Smither I tell come on Tina’s

Being attacked from the back nice huge maybe we commit to B oh rain’s there the you the that was greedy leave leave leave let’s leavey doubley Thea’s going to push out she always does she always pushes out we double blast what her we got her we got her I guess

Got her just PL a I think three of them go away go away they’re all how dides she know you were that I don’t know man she just she just looked directly right on thank God we double is all I’m going to say thank God we double swed uh you see pulling them

In I’m reloading in the open oh my God he was cooking I think we the the radar is the only issue if you really I pause the music I pause the music i’ Still I’ve still got my I don’t really know when to use it on this I’m

Going to be honest I’m not really sure yet um I think that there’s always someone sitting here you can ult there and then we push on and plant there’s always someone here uh so I think we just focus when he holds here we focus the guy here here

Run around take space yeah insult and I need you guys to go and and take sight with me be brave be brave everybody we have to go fast go go go go the stem the stem ey ball out fast it was a little fast I’m stuck I’m stuck i ball out I ball

Out we’re in it we’re in it in man like do it’s a Molly it’s a Molly man help I’m I’m being mollied you’re so crazy help I’ve been MCE well done nice um let’s see I’ve got your Trail I think I’m going to do I Al or it my yeah hold

On help does anyone on a fly the jet is out the jet is out they’re all there they’re all there nice guys we’re we’re just better good round everyone everything we did there was just perfect can I get a buy uh oh thanks nice okay um I have big wall we

Could a we could go a I’ll do big wall we we we just we just go together yes what if you how do you wall this do you wall like I what I’m going to do is just wall be instantly and we take a they’re

Going to wait give it like 5 seconds and then we go yeah I love that okay ready okay okay I’m ready well like walk up oh they walled it they insta walled even on your go go go we take it go go go you guys I’ve s

You Jesus Sweet she’s here but we don’t care damn it no take her together nice PL plant plant plant plant I’m going I’m going I’m going here here smoking it guys I’m remoking it Jesus winners okay the rain is alive careful flank probably flank no vision on no

Vision on FL us no vision on oh on flank on FL nice oh my God SM elb elb got there it is guys job everyone holy moly listen to it girl was better than those coms guys just say tur on wow oh God I was like we elow

Elow where is that all right we go B yeah yeah yeah here Tina I’m going to give you this Spike I think we always have to break the wall oh nice let’s just go then whatever it’s just like they wall and then they don’t have to

Watch it you know I going for the rare triple smoke SM go go go for the go quick go quick nice down down GG clpp I’m blind another on um help there’s a Molly on me Jesus I cannot heal PL at all terrible I’m de oh God I’m very dead I can’t hear

[ __ ] I can’t hear [ __ ] I can’t hear nothing BR can’t use that yet when can I use it oh someone dropped going Sheed so many rounds SES oh that was an accident I definitely didn’t plan for her to coll you did it you did it man I

Did I did it I totally man all right where I’ll go opposite of Tina Tina where do you like to go um ay okay I’ll go B I will go B people like going be I’m going to go mid though just because mid is a scary guys I’m feeling confident I’m going to

Go sheriff and just charge mid and if I lose they get a free Sheriff you’re not going to lose man all right this is your time not going to lose not lose which is right this kind of Genius really smoking I’m adjusting the uh oh I hit them I

It’s B guys on a or b okay it’s B man it’s B get the Old One’s through yep The Raid is insane I’m coming I’m coming oh man thought she was dead I’m running I’m running oh my God I I thought the stage was she didn’t die W off the other

What they’re both looking at psych both oh my God you’re genius Tina you have a good flank sheal she healed oh my God she just too good guys the Raina yeah the Raina is It’s the final boss guys it’s the final boss we can do this oh they’re raina’s booty butt cheeks

Guys we got this he said I’ll listen you oh my God I feel like i’ been negle ruin ruin the game well I we have to win around and then I’ll do it should we push out together or what should we do yeah yeah yeah we’re all going to push

Mid let’s go let’s all mid mid with our pistol all right I’m going to do and singers yeah what have I bought a shorty what have I bought a shorty charge I think it’s I think it’s B guys I okay let’s go let’s all flank B flank B together

I’ll I’ll trade you I’ll trade you guys they know we’re on the flank we got to just run we’re just running I’ll trade you I’ll trade you maybe they’re going to trying they’re on B 30 on the fade guys on the fade on S I don’t think they oh they might know

Now nice together I’ll peek out with my thing F his elbow guys right there nice hold on I have a smoke I have a smoke hold on help help I’m dying oh there’s one backside my God one back side and one oh my God you got this

Right side now they don’t know oh oh nice try hi and this ain’t fortnite I know I tried I tried to play fortnite and I I feel like six is all they get guys everyone said yes to make me happy we’re doing it yeah they’re doing it I got to

I got to find some people that actually genuinely love fortnite I think okay we have guns this is the real deal Focus up everyone if I bought a judge guys and I and I push to them they’ll never expect it they won’t expect it I believe in the vision I’m a little

Hungry okay treat yourself girl they didn’t go to be this piss me off wait we have no one on a the begins oh some mid oh my god oh there is one here I’m going to cut [ __ ] oo down oh did you Bab me [ __ ] B me on what blow you bet

Blow okay I forgive you if you pop off I forgive you I [ __ ] okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you watched her you I didn’t even see her mid bro what are you talking about is it true is it true chat did he see her go mid did you

Did that’s okay okay I told myself I’m Cal I’m calm and I’m new I’m brand new I’m So Cal to us oh God oh God guess what oh wait you’re responding I mean oh Jesus they seem friendly yeah they seem nice heading to the above I’ll take this God oh sweet God

It’s me okay I’m going to smoke no’s watching mid I killed the r you killed the Raina it’s it’s over go go oh I have to reload I’m coming all three B all three on site all three on site they haven’t planted yet they’re planting right now fight planted

Pled I’m running oh oh Jesus what do I do now you got her you got her oh one pillar what the [ __ ] she’s just in there help one back got to reload got to reload there’s a vandal no n that was tough that was tough y judge players work man they work

I tell you we can do this okay um going to get another judge oh Tina let’s switch sides get another judge yeah it’s genius uh B I’m going to yeah I think I think so yeah I think we oh God if they if I hear anything I’ll just insta wall

Here oh Lord Oh Lord we should have enough for next round yeah oh oh what wait no wait oh we’re saving for next yeah we should have enough for next I I’m going to do a really weird smoke how come it says I don’t have

Armor wait go that’s a good SM that’s a good smoke oh well you can still W me in yeah W me in though they’ll never expect this they’re here they’re here and they have no idea that ellm rotating they’re rotating okay get them Ellum get them nice

Nice this is just so perfect and the second they break in I do the same thing unless my God I so many three have been seen a three have been seen about going there sorry yell them they’re on a they’re on a help on a running Jesus oh wow there’s someone

With the pistol still there nice I’m going get the lur they are definitely close to me nice they’re grabbing orb on I think they’re close to a but I’m coming I’m coming pulling them in wait the raina’s there they’re both here both oh my DPI feeling confident all both a both a

Enemy spotted a oh lucky dude o she snapped on you second left they’re both here Tina I think you will not kill my allies I hear them in this [ __ ] no wait they no survive we can win easy last player standing Spike planted oh dude she’s [ __ ] quick yeah

She she quick nuts man they’re nuts I wish I had a vandal okay we have guns now we have got guns now we have guns we got guns we got guns this is a tough side never I’m going to go a and play a cringe wall okay love that oh yeah you

Have your line your lineup wall they’re just like let you look through the window it’s like the double judge play I’ll never expect it you don’t want to do that crazy smoke again oh oh absolutely it’s time all right you do the crazy smoke and I’ll set up layer number two it’s

Like a two layer dip yes they’re going they’re going to probably you’re going to get one and then die and then they’re going to be like there’s no way there’s another one yes let’s go you get one and then die like no way there’s another dude cringing with a judge this the two

Layer for for what he knew he he knew but we’ve never done that before okay I’m running over planted no you got it you got it I have it oh I had her I got crazy oh damn do you guys know where they are on site um the sage was

On Spike no idea bait oh God it’s over oh what what oh my God she was tucked she tucked in there she’s always so close to her wall okay okay what can we do differently to change the pace of this game good question we just need like the

Raina yeah the Raina dies we win man we probably that’s what it comes down to yeah I think we’re better than the rest of their team though so I feel like oh yeah for sure I think what we probably need to do is just play uh play more

Together like I actually probably just shouldn’t even hold mid and I should just come help b or something yeah I I might they’re they’re here again doing it nice run save yourselves oh there two I man I’m going to break this for you okay reloading she think on here oh God she’s behind

Your smoke a in my smoke in my smoke and on site back sitea got a huge on oh dude she’s so good absolutely horribly for me um uh she did just miss off that so she is hit surely I just shoot them in the head oh you

Heard get through the yeah there’s a hole in it I think you will not kill my allies let them they wasted their all that ah we win this easy now 100% saying guys 11 is all they get um I think what what we should do is maybe do the sage wall

Early on B possibly us some info um man it’s tough with her little tough did you want to wall you want I’m going to go the side yeah I’ll wall you up then ready this is it face your fear no I didn’t need it anyway I didn’t need it anyway obscuring

Vision do it come through I think one Das mid Jesus help they’re mid I’m putting up a smoke they going going be from the middle area wow she coming back to a careful careful mid oh nice Jesus the fade knew exactly where I was oh they’re

Like a though well at least the fade is that’s Spike I thinke down B last standing okay man if I had a different gun I think we would have had that we head shot oh I’m maybe we just five stack B dude but like fight planted hello get

Him how help oh god oh oh no okay it this side is just I I don’t know what it is about this side that’s so much harder than the other side but it’s it is attack sided um I’m just going to inst wall Eminence the wall and I like that

She got 40 kills only 12 deaths insane hly yeah the rain is not she has been a nightmare would you like to be walled up again Ellum or I’m going to be on the side of it I’m going to be the the judge nightmare as really I’ll give you a cuby

Or do you want to be walled up I’m going to I’m going to do a wall now yeah this is good this is perfect you the at all I I don’t know I don’t think so be almost every single time yeah that back I’m just going to stay a yes

You I got him there is no way they expect me on this wall after walking through the thing okay there’s just no way zil of a chance wall down wait this runs out oh Jesus okay I think they’re going to commit cuz they’re confident I’m going to try to put up another

Smoke blocking Vision conce I have two smokes up they just head shot me through the smoke uh nice Tina B get out of my way oh dude guys we have we we good this is we have Spike my God we did it we did it guys we

Did it take the guns take the guns oh my God we did it holy [ __ ] we do we did it we did it that’s crazy guys if you saw my kill I just caterpillar towards them and popped out like a whack-a-mole I’m so surprised that they’re so confident

They go to the judge every time like they don’t even care that’s insane I think it’s an ego thing at this point that’s so crazy I’m ready man TG I’m just trying to think of another way I can do the same Strat I’m running out of ideas oh

God probably at this point then I back up and then they think I’m going to do it but I’m not going to I’m actually going to wait on the other side of the wall uhoh okay I’m going to leave oh I’m putting the smoke mid I he’s

Going mid to B mid to B I’m waiting I’m waiting wow the jet went crazy this time I got him nice El concealment can’t use that yet they’re on a last I give up that rain is so good got four bullets oh tried so hard you really oh you little

Rat you are such a rat dude oh my God guys that was a warm game it was a warm up game honestly you know I got like one left in me I got like one left okay if they didn’t have the Raina we would have

Won we win that if they didn’t have the Raina for sure I’m at like a few games I got one game more in me I think I know what happened what happened I mean I was blasting it girl for the first like I don’t know like seven eight

Rounds and then as soon as I stopped we were losing so I know what I need to fix for me the Raina it was silver three I think it was just the Raina was three dude yeah I don’t think that guy was think it was definitely a SM for sure I

Think it was I think it was close enough that we could have won actually I I didn’t think it was too bad the if I was that good yeah but I mean what about the on AST that’s pretty cool oh if they didn’t have the Raina we win I

Got MVP on Astra but l g that was a winnable game that’s crazy isn’t that crazy that was just a bit of an annoying person it was a good warm up this is the one a good warm up good warm up yeah good warmup very good warmup did I miss fortnite no

We we didn’t get to play it unfortunately I um I got the vibe that my friend said yes match we’re going in guys prob going to be because they actually like fortnite as long actually likes fortnite but she she was AFK I’m a bind enjoyer truth okay this

Is it I’m going to play even better than ever we’re dialing in I’m going play my secret pocket pick I’m going to play my comfort pick we double smoke build a caterpillar what do you call a cow with no legs every round caterpillar every sing every single Round We caterpillar

Straight on the site and plant it right the cillar has been born today guys we’re going in we’re doing it um oh ground beef okay bro you gave me the answer so fast you didn’t even right you didn’t give me a chance three smokes is fine yeah hey smes like

Jet isn’t like a smoke no no no we have viper Omen brim and Jet yeah but then think they’re going to be so freaked out with the amount of smokes there are what could go wrong I should have I could have been a douly not like a smoke smoke right that’s true

What do you call a cow with no legs um Le be um I can’t move why Le Bean beef a with two legs sorry my bad oh okay I was like ground beef yeah like I like more tin was better yeah Smiley that’s so funny what are you eating man what is that my sister went two are you eating two no I just what who sorry oh BL BL was answering as if he was also eating oh what what are you e EG roll EG roll nice what are you eating

Ray my sister went to Japan for her honeymoon and she sent me a care package of Japan snacks and so all over my desk I have a variety of Japan snacks and I I just ate a squid on a stick was it good it’s so good I kind of like those yeah

Yeah those are pretty good I love dried squid when she’s empty oh I like dry squid too it makes my breath smell but it’s kind of we yeah it’s it’s stinky but delicious so good it’s like juicy and the consistency when you chew it is so nice the flavor yeah the flavor and

The Chew it’s like so flavory and for what like who asked you to be so flavorful yeah all right Focus up everybody we’re doing it guys our map I just need to smoke here and then here already got it Captain Jesus plow I’ll smoke heavin I’ll smoke

Heav I can do a wall okay I’m doing lamps I’m doing it short lamps everyone gets a smoke you get a smoke and you get a smoke LS is mine guys it always was Heaven is smoked go L is smoked guys get the wall back back up back up go go

Go go go go go go go go Jesus help help one L look look lamps somebody looking lamps I’m looking L thank you thank you nice thank you he’s dead he’s dead guys well done well done looking around I’m looking around the FL there’s two flers F fine I

Have a smoke for it hold on and ERS smoke attack smoke attack oh God give me the ghost there poison what a way to die is there someone like in there they are in there one is on me going L one 30 on go where Play Time Play Time play time oh

I’m he’s winning I’m just playing time Jesus get me out of [Applause] here pop 3K nice 3K anything Happ we’re powerful guys we’re powerful I can feel it call me the omen it’s happening parade is that what they call you the omen well yeah cuz I’m playing

It doesn’t mean I’m good it just I heard that guy that guy The Omen well I am playing Omen so that’s pretty still alive yeah doesn’t mean I’m doing I’m live I I don’t know it’s I I feel awake still I don’t know play Oh Cypher is probably KO is in his

Thing nice oh we go we go we go wow you got let’s get a slam guys KO is out KO is out left side was he close trying to grab the no there’s two here there’s two here here we leave we leave did anyone grab the Vandal Jesus sir yeah if you guys

Grabb the Vandal you could leave you maniac I killed the I’m behind them guys all in all in where is the I’m coming the plant don’t kill her don’t kill her yet so I can plant okay okay uh okay permission to kill permission to kill killing nice

We did it and we got great job managing our finances I want everyone eats everyone eats oh yeah you know I got to listen to that song you have to watch it with the Tik Tok it’s just a banger it’s a banger all around it’s so good it’s just so good

It’s just so satisfying and groovy and like Good Vibes this Tik Tok is so good yeah it is awesome it makes me want to roller skating I dude I love roller skating but I just get like I hate going alone that’d be weird oh TK TK yeah okay

Now I’m TK now I’m chill chill chill oh God we can play Slow yeah we could chill we could chill what’s our what’s our strategy here so we know that Cypher ra SM oh I have a Molly for this my smoke that’s okay close close oh

Wow just smoked us all this raise is kind of crazy guys I’m going to get a oh sweet Jesus help I’m giving you a stem oh dude he’s like in that corner nice get the spike the spike you could actually make it to be if you wanted I’m doing it I’m doing it

Cypher might still be then I turn around yep but they have Cipher stuff so they know that you’re not there oh not yet though because I’m about to do something you guys haven’t seen before maybe may work I knew it oh it did not in fact

Work okay all right then never mind well thank God that was our extra credit round and now gun we have real guns okay I do think we play for pick here everybody spread out spread out spread it Spread spread I’m about to get a pick straight off the start guys watch this I

Love like a peep bread I love bread I love sour dough bread oh my God okaya peing out get him guys nice smoke Us in Smoke Us in I’m smoking Us in baby okay we’re going here we go go go go go wait we’re on B we’re on B I’m on

Guys I’m on one back site one back site one back site back site K back site got to take him out got to take him out there he is him I’m remoking I’m smoking guys Molly one TP one wall one wall one I’ve got no smokes left guys watching hooka I’m

Watching hook okay one hook oh no way he looked what I I I can’t believe he was looking at that angle while pushing try me try me one wrapping elbow oh Jesus I’m sorry enemy nice smooth R go last elbow nice rain blind all right every it’s time the

Ultimate caterpillar you want a gun we can caterpillar right on I think you guys I think you guys caterpillar on a and the three of us go belong we have so that case I’m going to set up the caterpillar on a and then go B

Okay good luck let’s set up the C we’re about to actually do it caterpillar attack nice nice I’ll SN mine up my pres was detected they haven’t peaked out yet oh my god oh no AC on the brim no I see the cam she was close I’m going to I’m going to

Molly her oh help help help help please not blind anymore nice well done do we TP heal oh I think we take this we take this actually take TP take TP no no no we stay here oh St is weak as hell help no I’m going to in six seconds

I’m I’m I can’t yet two seconds hear try to live okay but I hear another one no dead last standing one enemy remain inside oh not the [ __ ] Bucky dude I want a scumbag that scared me so bad I actually don’t know how he got behind me cuz I don’t

Worry guys cuz two is definitely all they get got this in hindsight should have played from much farther and just asked for someone to Ping the spike so I could shoot through it um we light by light by light by oh light by everybody but I wasn’t thinking ahead I

Wasn’t now now we’re actually going to Caterpillar into um oh now he wants the caterpillar now want I just want smokes all through here many smokes as he guys Mega caterpillar but we take the guy in lamps together yeah I’m going to dash there caterpillar in caterpillar I’ll

Support on the side here oh SM I got I got the caterpillars off I can’t see where I am okay coming we have one there’s one ah I’m going to swing off help we’re amazing blow blank guys BL help help I got him I got him good good

There three t go go go standing oh no this isn’t waited there what a freak I thought they would have moved I’m so sorry that was crazy they’re they’re sitting in there I Tina throw a slow or in freak them out man clear clear coms yes oh why are you here

Why are you Here oh what do you even do in that situation uh now we’re chill they just got us that time yeah it’s okay I think I could instantly all uh lamps if we wanted to go a again yeah but we got to focus the Rays that’s here I like I like

I like our B more so what I want to do is have Omen blind through here and then we uh have like hook and then yeah yeah but if we if we blind through here we can take it bit I could hook oh Raina long she’s

Long they know she fell off cam dead nice smoke smoke here maybe we take some I want take some space Oh my God how you do that not expecting we could probably we could probably res that oh yeah this is res yeah we can yeah can

We forell run all good save your they’re using up all their stuff this is yeah this is good H used up all we can res that we can res that I was going to heal him but he died are you serious down oh my God he’s like close left like very close

Left oh Jesus the [ __ ] by hook close left close’s do this I’m going to run back if you’re definitely not close left okay I I think our fan pushes work best I think yeah wait we just got to Blind everything and go in guys I’m broke as [ __ ] broke also I’m also

BR um dude we could do uh use all all your smokes everywhere we take lamps together we go through their spawn plant oh I actually kind like that that’s actually a sick play I spawn and take the heaven person and then drop back to sight yeah save save save smoke

Smoke caterpillar go go go caterpillar you don’t stop go go go don’t stop SL oh wowak psych I um oh you have a shotgun oh he has a shorty oh no a was uh not really it was safe if you had a gun you would have killed all of

Them yeah I was just with a double shorty player you got it you got to respect it got it okay okay guys I’m going to install uh you oh where we going be no no I’m just sitting here I’m sitting here I don’t know where we’re going I think I I kind

Of want to I kind want to play a little default let’s let’s not slim let’s let’s play Slow let’s play a little slow you know they’re going to probably over rotate this point in the game yeah yeah yeah okay I’m going to play Slow play for picks okay you never know

Hey we’re never using oh SM it worked guys ow what the I can’t believe go go go no away the cyer holds sounding kind of kind of good okay smoke is it too late okay now go a now go away okay I’m going to smoke him I’m going to smoke him okay still

Here okay we go B we go B okay okay actually I’ll put a wall on B we go away what oh Jesus oh Jesus right oh Jesus I am I’m help I’m steing down guys go go someone take site we don’t have a du list I’m going I’m on okay check back

Site oh 114 good job TP TP oh my God plane down they drop I’ll just kill him I’ll just kill him when they drop maybe gra the spike while it’s blind guys he is the omen he’s got get the The Omen the OM watch okay I have the quick run to

A oh my God you’re joking me you’re joking me man wait you have time you have time you’re good 10 seconds left Jesus come on he’s got it he’s got it surely follow he might have followed you you’re joking me you’re joking me they call him the omen The

Omen oh my God he he just knew he knew I swear this guy’s predicted every single move I’ve made I I don’t know how the power of the omen is too strong that’s so crazy wow that was an adventure wow wow all right let’s go let’s go B that’s

Where we’re winning don’t worry we’re we’re going to Excel on defense with all these smokes they will be able to breathe right we got it we got it guys uh let’s get an omen blind through hookah and then we can have like one person take that or two people take that

And then usually the Raina pushes out of hookas blind smoke us off you no no no keep your gun out she’s going to push out someone Focus the orb someone blind where oh my God she went long she went long instead never mind nice nice we got

A p another another go B go go blind close he’s dead nice nice de easy easy easy easy easy planting planting planting smoking back I’m smoking back he’s back smoking he’s back smoking dropping my wall dropping my wall I’m going to smoke the entrance Jesus um okay okay that was unexpected

Unexpected I’m with you psych I’m with you they’re probably just both straight down here no one is uh out here by me one enemy sorry sorry for screaming fine oh JRA down back straight down back if I push into the smoke They’ll Never back down straight back down straight you’re

Turn one at a time keep going one at a time everybody good job yay all right SC nice nice yes um I could buy I do need a gun thank you can I get a Pity because that we’re going to actually blow should buy ref oh okay we’re going to do the

Same thing except we’re actually going to go a and I need um I just need us to sell B like put a few smokes take uh hooka control we’re going to sell B and then we’re actually going to have two people lurking on over to a okay okay

I’m ready to do elbow guys there it is KO is hookah or at least did a all right now you guys should start walking over a down KO is still hookah Tina you okay oh I’m just playing with my knife sorry oh yeah it looked crazy go go they’re probably here they’re probably

Here they’re always here always here guys you got to you got to go oh my God they’re flanking they’re fling they’re flanking check behind us um um over hey we get that plant off or no no I got Ed last play standing oh my God there’s so many peeking oh the flank

I didn’t expect it yeah she flanks so fast um at least I still for next round well also brim Ed me in the cubby what a freak 30 seconds left lock sight oh nice try oh I had the time for down try yeah okay uh Tina and I the AR

Tina can oh Tina if you plant you’ll have old and then I can I need an investment since I I can ult a no not that a Vel I’m buying a judge I will get I’ll pick up someone’s gun surely oh you can have mine really

Yeah do you want to judge what site do you think we can get you on thank you here I dropped the share for you I feel like we’ve won don’t worry Tina I won’t let you down I might you never do well there’s it first for everything it out

Yeah that’s quitter talk from from the Geto can I get a blinded there you go sty down guys stward launching smoke just leave go go TP T TP TP T TP t t [ __ ] no got one but I’m horribly wounded no I didn’t have the Spot I’m so messed up of them just going to smoke around I think there might be one how is he not dead wow this dude just flanked so quick that’s they just both went through the T oh he’s heard about the tals wish I had SP man okay we

Win now guys okay this is our side this is our side this is our side yay okay yeah no this is we’re mega mega defense the most the most Mega defense I have a wall um from hookah short so I think Tina you can always wall

Showers oh yeah yeah yeah like the the one that uh like you could go across here or you could get your thing like this sideways through it and then we’ll have smokes for days yeah yeah let smoke here Shadow let’s go toxin going up is it

Short don’t see anything on okay I hear nothing on B either it’s wait we just let them on a wait they’re on a I heard wait b b b b b oh it is B oh sweet Jesus there it’s B it’s B recharged yet

I got one I got one oh what definitely B definitely B there’s someone here on Ax going up planted planted B okay let’s just focus on B then tox screen on top of the box away I’m so she’s lit she’s lit he’s inside the Box diffuse one is one is H who

Got you’re popping off we don’t talk about it know we don’t talk about it oh God I missed it he’s doing it he’s doing it no one will remember CLE was also on them yeah me and the razors we just having a little fun you know like I was watching my own game

Play we’re the same we’re the same nice I like right in this I like how you told us that as if we didn’t expect you to buy it D good good job L come to judge continue piku surprise face oh Tina tin there a good wall though they’re in shambles they can’t

Get through it they they that’s okay you’re going to you’re going to eat their guts for breakfast oh God Spike down a spike down ax screen down oh where Spike he’s in there in the showers showers one enemy remaining I’m mad oh one of yeah

Oh take it is he judging oh I think that’s he probably went through our spawn then uh the last one I saw him yeah I saw him B Fountain so he could be anywhere oh oh oh I’ll be taking this Tri every single spot that I didn’t shoot which

Is he didn’t really give us the coms though nice yeah I’ve already got a judge man I’ve already got I just wanted the Z classic songs oh I should have got the war right think we extra crediting yes triple bonus round okay um if you passed away I could get you something light

Tina you want something little like a like a sheriff I I got a s oh that’s all I can no I’m okay I think I’ll I think someone will die okay someone will die surely oh yeah I think I go to toxin going up do it actually I don’t

Go away actually yeah I do go a well they don’t come me to be right now they’re looking a little if they come I I H them getting an old i h them getting an old that was me that was me never mind it’s going to be Cy

Is it’s just cyer doing his weirdo stuff again I think means I’m going to come back to you guys oh theying a okay a this I’m smoking sh nice guys nice is R still alive yeah oh God one enemy where is theer where where where mhm I see he’s still there don’t

Peek don’t peek I’m going to put a smokeing him okay do it I’m a little over my smoke actually he’s going to try and come through youo I can already tell do it bomb [ __ ] we have bomb bomb yeah just hold it what the what the hell he’s a

Freak he’s he got it he’s on the left side now trip trip don’t worry guys go this them it’s all part of my expert plan do this oh my God the I ran away he’s like I’m not letting this judge go he said no it’s my judge guys it’s

Jud Jud okay now you keep your judge you keep that Ellen he’s doing it he’s doing it we got this this is our oh they’re broke again nice tox going come to be please yeah they’ll come this time oh coming a got to come already in already in uh

U-Haul I need help okay coming nice one TP careful TP no no was not TP was not TP what what was it that’s thir body their body how the [ __ ] was she W on the back of sight she went through they did they they did plant one is outside showers I think I’m

Going to wait one is just right here and grab a gun Jesus they’ve got so much don’t see anybody what you know where he was yeah he was uh sure nice R is that guy in showers or was oh my God I didn’t yeah one short oh yeah I see

Um uh you can see B no way he’s save the up man save the up God save yourselves man yeah sorry I tried to calm that the ra went to you no you totally did and I just don’t think I really registered what that was supposed to mean like a

Silly goober that’s all good do we save or do we force cuz we have an OP we force cuz we have guys I can also buy I’ve got a lot of money I have enough for thank you I won’t we just got to hope they go you know what they they

Like never go B so I’m going to hold off on a maybe I’m just so hungry by St did you order food no I’m going to make noodles nice she go now come to be okay freak my that well I hit two maybe I do have a smoke

For okay I I will leave PES me off there was a Raina peeking like they’re they’re smoking be they’re through Cypher here toxin screen down B oh oh wow he healing begin 12 I didn’t think he walked through last player standing oh no it’s crazy uhoh she’s wild for watching that that’s okay

Save everybody’s okay I think we all push out somewhere I have the lightest spy hookah take TP well oh okay it’s time here here oh I definitely hear some trying to come in through got him I got him nice bait oh oh no no no no no no wrong button Raina is a

Short oh dude I almost got her sad damn it I wanted the gun yeah he’s near me I think I had a real gun it was overing they me one by me one by me oh oh he’s on Ellen oh it took TP they might be heading to oh they’re heading

Be they’re heading be hookah um what the fre oh maybe it was a facade they might be heading to a oh okay perfect no they’re jumping out unless well I heard them in there they went back I think they went back smoked a oh yeah they’re a now 30 seconds left

Planting I’m going to teleport oh nice Dodge coming in coming in I’m going to smoke a cringe champ angle pled nice last one lamps one LS LS lamps yeah you can tap it and then BL you’re going to have to swing oh nice nice oh my

God that was sick oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my okay we needed that cuz they were again some momentum there and we’ll mow them down maybe Elm could you go to a by chance of course where I go cuz I’m going to I’m just

Going to insta smoke this wait I’ve got an opay this is going to work out perfectly now let me get over to here to told me this before let’s see if it works the I fight cover oh oh did you get them it didn’t work no my ultimate is I do hear them

They are coming they are coming they’re pushing a short nice woohoo they didn’t even need me watch showers yeah yeah I think we need Vision on showers nice one more a Shore but could still be is in there is in showers okay got your Molly they freaking trying to jump me

Bro she try to jump me it’s crazy that is insane I’m going to remoke it again tin I’m coming for a heal oh okay Lightning McQueen guys oh wow you’re oh up here oh it’s up in 8 seconds yay 7 6 5 4 3 right behind you right behind you right behind

You thank is on me guys KO is on me I’m Walling the left side let’s eat their ass eat their ass wow eat it go go oh never mind I’m not going anym not hit at all not hit at all anymore oh Jesus uh

He’s got no time to go to B so we just sit here like going to wait right I don’t think he has any utility left either the old Bingo judge I have a wall for you seconds I wait right here toxin screen down do it do it

[ __ ] God damn it I hate you we’re winners we’re winners woohoo I thought she was past that face hey eating ass it’s not just a face it’s for life I want to eat or beat I said beat bro what are you guys hearing my stomach is eating I totally their ass oh wait

You just had a snack is just eaten we we are not on the same level right now saying we’re not the same how dare you we are the same I’m oh perfect okay you crazy crazy person one hook I think one’s jumping now they might go away

Now yeah I over rotated yeah TP no one just TP a one TP a maybe yeah careful a careful showers poison they smoked it powerless good okay we go we go oh got one oh wow uh it’s too short a lot short short um I know exactly I’m going to smoke

Gringing see me I’m going to smoke short again a nice one one one where was it Heaven uh our spawn oh oh watch out watch out don’t stick it don’t stick it to your left no no I had the move I had the I tried bro you even dodged the rocket you

Even dodged the rocket I know it was so cool it was you were literally cooking until it all went down in flames that was crazy wow it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay someone get a clip of blow cuz I know he CL his jaw unbelievably hard that time oh that was

Insane oh my God my oh they know I’m here oh sweet Jesus help me oh and I’m dead [ __ ] all right Tina you got a begin Get Wrecked loser die die one TP a TP uh oh Tina you got this yes two more last two showers last two showers last two showers doing

It4 one more on okay he got me but that was expected I’m going to smoke him off guys I’m going to SM off this guy’s a demon then I’m s oh he I hit him 11 19 that’s tough I hit him 119 oh my God we are getting cocked like

Straight up cocked cocked cck I can’t that we it was in the cave Ellum cook wait could we light by right yeah we have the force the force have to it’s 12 so you got anything okay they always split they always split always so just anchor everyone anchor oh I’m so sad smoke

Short I will smoke here I will smoke here nothing showers uhoh raise his here guys okay Reno is a one on yeah there’s split 18 raay 11 18 raay in hookah guys they’re weak they’re weak no okay they’re pushing a nice they’re B they’re B I got two good good kills and

The raise is weak Spike planted give me a sec right yeah I’m going to wait all entry okay okay I’m going to Molly this corner run run run back up back up back up nice standing one back nice that was the one last one I think is a octagon

What is an octagon how’s Molly that spot pois he just moled off reloading not recharged yet what Bo an Orting [ __ ] [ __ ] come on he’s got to reload oh [ __ ] oh you did it you did I didn’t no I didn’t no I didn’t you did no

Way oh man so close did so good you did so good then was a good game guys G I didn’t register that he was reloading I could have stuck it I think yeah yeah I was trying to yell but I was just yelling all time I started freaking out because I kept not

Diffusing yeah honestly I thought you did that on purpose and it worked out nope nope I confessed no I was fumbling the bag that’s what I was doing fumbling straight fumbling I felt like so many of those rounds were just like so unlucky suck you guys are good I don’t even feel

Like I was playing that bad but I feel like we did fine the iron better than me I’m actually quitting this game I can’t take it anymore I got to go I need to leave I’m embarrassed see you guys Minecraft tomorrow Minecraft mcraft 12 p.m 12 p.m. later man I’m sad I

Fumbled I fumbled bumbled it’s okay all right everybody uh we got an early day tomorrow I will be live at 12:00 p.m. PSD we are welcoming three new people into the Abe server Abe Minecraft server and then after Minecraft I believe I’m five stacking in ab’s lobby whoever that entails

So and then the next day we will be live at 1: pm. for Goose goose duck with Sho Lobby and then CS go with trik Leslie Abe and Timmy so uh the next two days are going to be really fun I’m very excited um thank you guys for watching

Hope you guys enjoyed a new YouTube video If you haven’t seen it yet and I will see you guys next time have a good night everybody take care see you tomorrow goodbye good

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! REDDIT RECAP THEN MINECRAFT THEN PIZZA POSSUM W/ SYKKUNO THEN SYK, TINA, BLAU, ELLUM’, was uploaded by Valkyrae on 2023-10-06 05:00:25. It has garnered 139931 views and 5470 likes. The duration of the video is 05:43:14 or 20594 seconds.

Check out my other socials! Valkyrae2 ► ValkyraeShorts ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Reddit ►

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

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  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

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  • Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft

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  • Project Parabellum

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  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

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  • LMP MC

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  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

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  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

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  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

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  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

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  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More