Valkyrae – ๐Ÿ”ดLIVE! SHINY HUNTING EVENT IN MINECRAFT PIXELMON!! Prepping for Tournament this upcoming Tuesday!

Video Information

Foreign Thank you [Applause] Foreign Foreign Foreign Hello everybody hello hello hello good evening good afternoon hello everyone uh s Kelly thank you ernaheem or nahimi or nahim thank you so much thank you Sacha and Alessia thank you PC thank you okay you have a long day today and today we are starting a shiny hunting Extravaganza Extravaganza in 30 minutes

So in the meantime we’re gonna watch the new Michael Reeves video I think I checked it’s only 10 minutes long and then we’ll get on Minecraft and then uh it’s time it’s time uh yeah I was playing off stream earlier I think you’ve really gifted data Noli

Thank you Madison for the seven months happy shine hunting oh man I hope I get I really hope I get a good shiny today Eddie really I’ll take anything uh Ray so nice for helping Arya earlier yeah honestly having the little Pokemon show up on the minimap helped me so much

So I just want to make sure all the new players uh have it as well okay anything but Volusia I saw you kill it legendary again you saw nothing whatever happens off stream stays off stream uh sit think so 13 months good luck today hunt good luck hunting today

Bruh thank you bruh I’m gonna need it Bri Erica thanks for 28 months thank you everybody oh yes I do be I do be killing all the shinies and all the legendaries okay I haven’t killed any Shiny Pokemon but definitely legendaries for sure all right Michael Reeves new YouTube

Video called a boring video I’m enticed already Tatum thanks for 25 months I drank my green urbay today too LOL yeah this is the watermelon strawberry I really like this one Lots good luck today thanks everyone also yeah today was supposed to be the tournament but it was rescheduled the

Next Tuesday so that’s why we’re having a shining event today uh so I’m literally just gonna run around and level and I’ve been fishing off stream trying to get that stupid prison scale or prism scale so yeah still working on that boring video sounds interesting yeah I actually am enticed I am intrigued

Like what is this how could it be a boring video Michael Reeves a day ago number five on trending a boring video let’s see what what’s so boring about this video hmm it’s 4 AM we’re going to twitchcon Baby epics epic swag twitchcon review baby oh this is supposed to be like plastic

Oh he’s vlogging sack of water so I’m going to twitchcon to review my experience it’s taking place down in San Diego the plan was to just drive down this way but uh oh there’s a car crash looks like I have to go all the way around and then camp out

In this sick desert so I get to San Diego that way to you know to review twitchcon Michael why do you own a salvage title run down piece of [ __ ] pickup truck from the city of Los Angeles um it is swag first of all five times

Cheaper than a normal truck and the most important I make too much trash at my house I put it in this truck and then put on a high Vis vest and drive around the place where I live this is with dumpsters and dump the trash of Los Angeles I know

You have a high Vis jacket and the white truck with the light on top so [ __ ] where are we going to twitchcon we’re going to uh we’re going to twitchcon oh my gosh he’s vlogging well this is conflict I came back from pissing and the truck was doing some pissing of its

Own I think it’s leaking coolant not really a car person oh no I want to say the cool thing should have cool it inside of it some water in there just to get me too and mechanic store water is cold sometimes so that’s pretty much coolant yep foreign

Do not add water do not add water wait a minute luckily it didn’t matter because the engine was so hot that in the five minutes it took me to drive to the store it already burned away all the water so you know Small Miracles back to driving

To the desert and it was actually a really nice drive with blue skies good day made the perfect place for the truck to overheat on the side of the road oh that’s not good I’m sure that’s bad I’m sure that’s a bad thing okay no no listen to this

Is good so good this coolant pipe was leaking everywhere how do we fix that I don’t know I don’t know I just took it off so I just took it off and put it back on and hoped it’ll work I might need a funnel yeah that’s pretty good oh my goodness

We’ll open it back up and see yeah foreign going to the desert but now you’re probably wondering why are you really going to the desert and honestly I had to get to twitchcon I don’t need an ulterior motive to do any of this anyways my ulterior motive is because of

Neistat no not that nice that his brother van neistat he has a YouTube channel and his videos are pretty [ __ ] weird but they’re also really good and he has this one video called should I get a motorcycle and I thought hey I should get a motorcycle and now I

Have a motorcycle and I thought it would be really fun to ride around this desert and that’s it it’s just for fun not everything has to be a [ __ ] life lesson anyway we’re here yes what is happening for God yes bathroom I need a map what is up with Michael Reeves and pissing

Sped up that’s pretty easy I know him it’s not it’s normal playback it’s normal he’s just on he’s on speed mode here and I am trying to get to here [ __ ] God oh my God were those his toes now I’m here and I am trying to get to here

[ __ ] God okay I’ll just turn right onto the road that it wants me to go on to and it’s a pretty truck I don’t think it’s sand or can they uh no I would definitely get stuck okay I can’t park here so I’m gonna go up this road and

Find a place to park this is the closest thing that set it out of Road there’s something just different about Michael rube’s brain like I can’t imagine being in the desert vlogging by myself think put map on ground and you know what Vlog with feet and this doesn’t look like a road it

Really doesn’t look like what the [ __ ] is that what is that it’s just rocks that’s not rope and so I spent the next hour looking around the desert for a campsite it kind of feels like I’m playing Borderlands but nothing’s funny hey dude listen up

Don’t die in the desert I think this is good it’s a campground I don’t see a single other person at this point I just wanted to ride around anywhere because half the day was gone so I took the bike down using these wooden steps that I

Made because I have minion legs and then I was ready to go minion legs he does have Zoomer brain I drop it I’m [ __ ] stupid relatable now I know I look professional but this is actually my first time going into the desert believe it or not so

It’s a learning experience for us all more just me mostly me because I was there and here’s something I learned ah sound is really hard ah I also learned that I was lost going on to by herself and like having a broken down car and broken down motorcycle and being lost without service

Is is he trying to feel something like what is happening statistically three minutes since I got on the dirt trail and I I don’t really know where I am but eventually I pressed on didn’t figure out where I was just got tired of looking in the map I knew

It was the right direction after a while because the terrain started looking like this oh my God it’s all [ __ ] rocks oh my God it’s all [ __ ] sad both no other choice I just kept going and doing desert things like climbing rocks and screaming you know desert things speaking of desert things I was gonna say I’m a sand Whisperer oh what the [ __ ] no it might look like I have no idea what I’m doing and that’s because I don’t I [ __ ] suck at this the sun is way harder to ride in than I thought it would be but hey it’s fun I

Think oh [ __ ] oh yeah boy yeah boy yeah that’s what I get that’s what I get [ __ ] the bikes on my leg oh God I’m gonna have to cut it off I think I’m gonna get out of this though I’m gonna turn around hey oh I was feeling pretty silly after

That crash so I stopped here to eat and take in The View all right [ __ ] this and then immediately turn around because I’m an hour and a half away from my campsite my sun was getting pretty low and then for my next trick I got the bike stuck it’s actually

So stuck that it stands up on its own so [ __ ] okay this is sand yeah it’s Sans you know it’s gonna be 100 years from now huh it’s gonna be sad well I was trying to get it out I noticed this on my phone it’s a emergency dust storm alert for

The area you know pull over visibility zero don’t die and all that that sucks it’s said to pull over but I’m not on a road so I’m pretty sure it doesn’t I wasn’t expecting this kind of video today I I wasn’t I thought it was gonna be like some like making uh making

Surgical dog robot piss in bottles 3.0 type of vid this is like a vloggy uh risking my life video apply to me anyways I got the bike on my way Come on forever but I had a lot of fun I gotta see some cool stuff and it’s about time that I headed back so that I could go to twitchcon twitchcon why why always want to celebrate oh oh no oh the dust storm oh [ __ ] oh no this is the dust storm

Oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] okay I’m gonna get the [ __ ] out of here Who could have seen this coming no one no one could have seen this coming but there’s another problem this is so dangerous water flows out of the hills when it rains the water Cuts these paths in the ground and they go all over the place it doesn’t look that confusing

From up here this is a Google Earth picture that I cropped to hide the watermark but when you’re on the ground and it’s dark and there’s [ __ ] sand in the air it’s way harder to see where you’re going so at some point I went the

Wrong way I don’t know where but I went the wrong way and the trail started looking less and less and less like a trail way okay go back go back this is insane that sand isn’t really sand but tasty little rocks that you can breathe and

Eat yum yummy in my little tongue it’s like popcorn what the [ __ ] but it was getting pretty hard to breathe I’m gonna put a [ __ ] dust mask on by dust mask I mean a shirt so I had to stop and wrap a t-shirt around my face so I wouldn’t breathe any

More yummy rocks okay let’s get the [ __ ] out of here this way I think and yeah I think I found it that looks like the trail but not for long that doesn’t look anything like the [ __ ] Trail oh there it is but I feel like this scary music’s gonna come back I

Couldn’t find the [ __ ] Trail okay this one I was on just ended I didn’t even turn around this time just kept going towards where I thought the road was which is definitely not what you’re supposed to do in this situation I’m not sure what you are supposed to do this

And I had no idea where I was I was just riding around hoping to find something which makes this next part really boring so I’m gonna put some Minecraft parkour video on the screen to keep your attention look at that a Subway Surfers Boo and I’ll go to Reddit and read the

Top post of today am I the [ __ ] for kicking my dog in the head and then I’ll post it on Tick Tock and then I’ll post that on YouTube sorts and then I’ll post that short stock on my Instagram oh wow is that the road and I felt pretty relieved

What happened is I saw these power lines way off in the distance and those are usually near civilization so I just went towards them until I found the road and then I was free Oh I think for dinner tonight I will make scrambled eggs and spam look at all good it’s yummy fried rice By himself good night good morning I had a nightmare that someone was walking around my tent at night so I’m probably gonna have to deduct points for that but other than that it was pretty good and uh let’s all get packed up and we’ll head to twitchcon

I ca I could never in a million trillion 500 million thousand years ever do something like this by myself like staying out in the wild and biking without knowing where I’m going oh hell no not much happened on the 100 mile drive from the desert to San Diego I had a lot

Of time to think about how fun it had been so far and how I wished I could have stayed a little bit longer but as I rolled into town I was overcome with optimism you see I lost track of why I came down to San Diego in the first

Place and so I was excited to finally get started on my review of twitchcon 4 out of ten it’s all right was it when was twitchcon I I I am I’m confused I did not expect that it was in October it was in October I see okay I’m opening Minecraft it’s Minecraft time you know what it was very entertaining it was not a boring video I just was very shocked I wasn’t expecting that kind of video

Very very shocked Thank You scorpion and kahula and and Sierra thank you so much welcome back I was worried yeah I was too worried I think I do like that he’s uploading vlogging stuff though because it makes it fast or uh he’s posting sooner than he would if he

Was doing like a tech video it it’s Minecraft time uh we have to reset the server in 12 minutes for the the shiny buff I’ll show you guys what oh I have to give uh I caught a Pokemon for saikuno so I’m gonna go give that to him right now

Sand do you play offstream I did I played today I did I did uh direct connection join are you playing with anyone I hope so I hope so yay it’s time it’s time let’s see all right right now it is Arya Abe Rey Pizza Ryan snig and Janet oh psychuno’s not even on

Was that a shiny wait a minute didn’t you just join today yeah it’s the first thing I caught what kind of audacity and Arya caught it so whoa this is yeah this is my only shiny but it’s a starter a second evolution but look how tiny it is

It’s so tiny small no so every Pokemon can vary in size it doesn’t affect stats or anything but you really got the short stick on this one I yeah literally I made for me that’s amazing you so you picked the starter and it was a shiny oh

No oh no no I found this one you can find them in the wild yeah yeah I was uh gonna uh make sure I’m making sure all the newbies know so do you do you want the Pokemon to show up on the mini map yeah actually I didn’t know that was a

Thing yeah yeah it’s super helpful and also if it’s shiny on the mini map it actually is like shiny which is awesome okay first thing you do is press uh J for your mat and then uh press bot middle bottom on the left options and that mini map preset one

And then you’re gonna scroll down a ways and about in the middle of all these options uh there’s a mob display dots change that to icons that’s huge yes and then right to the right of that where it says uh Mob scale mob display scale

Um I have mine set to 2.25 but this is pretty much how you adjust the size of it on the map and yeah if you should be able to see it yeah that’s Epic all right I’ll see what two for shiny hunting we we um also the Border has been increased

Um The Border has been increased immensely um I went out uh this yes uh here oh okay yeah uh here so yeah this is where the Border ends right now I just yeah I think I was here I was fishing here for a while I can’t believe you got

A Shiny Ponyta that’s sick oh wait oh yeah I changed my skin I put the the original valky skin on it’s been a while it’s been a while all right uh let’s see I’m gonna put this Pokemon in the PC until sakuno is ready I caught him a Grovyle

It’s not very good but you know he probably wants it for something um I caught an Absol um I I got that Dratini yesterday I caught the Skrelp scroll up I’m still looking for the thingy I have a super rod now which is awesome all right we’re just gonna go fish oh wow

We’re gonna go fish prism scale that’s the thing that’s the thing I was looking for oops all right any oh I haven’t marked the ocean this way any deep ocean I can catch myeong has not cut caught a ditto yet she hasn’t but I’m sure she will yeah snig is here

Um let’s see Ryan is in the nether looking for Gastly really I do see ghastly’s quite often uh they’re like at cemeteries and stuff caves they’re not too hard to find nope still haven’t seen an Eevee I don’t think it exists to be honest do you see Leslie’s concert I have not

Seen Leslie’s concert uh I am sad though because I know she’s taking the day off today so uh she’s not participating in the shiny event which makes me so sad because I want I want everyone to be on I want everyone to be on uh let’s see what is that in the water

What is that thing oh also Ryan gave me what oh it’s a crazy looking octopus whoa uh Ryan gave me some gear he gave me this helmet so I can breathe underwater longer and also These Boots which make me faster and a swim faster which is awesome because we know um

I’m pretty awful at swimming in Minecraft okay we’re heading there we’re heading there we gotta head to the deep ocean we’re in the regular ocean right now we ocean ocean ocean what caffeine you use for pre-workout um I use uh it’s called urbay y-e-r-b-a-e not it’s different it’s differently spelled

In urban like actual herbet tea it’s differently spelled zooming in on the mini map would help yeah I haven’t quite figured that out yet so this is my favorite place to fish right now it’s in the deep ocean and also you can stand on here so you don’t

Collect all the oh I as I collect all of the stuff can you evolve the vibrasa I probably will on accident but I don’t I don’t intend to but I probably will all right fishing time until we wait for the server reset and then we’re going shiny hunting

Thank you Pablo thanks to 18 months cam is covering oh okay let me lower that uh in a bit let me lower it let me lower it a Shellos Allure oh I can’t really lower it because it covers the hmm I’ll deal with it later kill it kill it

Toxol evolves in two levels let’s go a wild berry and then drop that wait it’s all it’s sunrise I’m pretty sure I I can only get the thing I need at night right but I did learn that I could actually just straight up catch a melodic

Um with a super rod it’s very very rare but it’s possible uh what is zero slash uh it’s like a guy waving this is gamer gamer lingo I guess it’s ultra rare yeah but it’s possible okay okay oh a gastrodon kill it oh my God it sounded like corpse did you hear that

Wait we’re dead okay talks was gonna level up let’s nuzzle Bruh what’s happening this guy the gastrodon sounds crazy what well wow everyone’s dead okay uh let’s foreign every turn and may latch onto Pokemon that hold that touch the holder wait why would I ever use this uh I bought a new bag this is where I put all of my healing stuffs

Purple bag blue bag is all my Pokeballs green bag is some random stuff I don’t know uh just some stuff I guess I got an amethyst I don’t know what to do with that some berries some gems yeah um and then this bag’s also got some stuff in it

Just some stuff you know all right where is uh someone told me I could zoom in on the mini map let me try let me try uh click follow which is super nice uh well this is how I zoom in on the big map oh it must be a setting for the mini

Map yeah okay let’s see let’s see show everything Compass front scale maybe that’s what it is maybe is that what it is size adjust the size of the mini map uh okay do I want to go up or do I want to go down make it a circle hmm

You can Pro press plus or minus let’s try plus oh Wicked wait that’s awesome now I can actually see where they’re at let’s go we can see things fishing is it time yet is it time let me know when it’s time to reset oh gosh yeah let me know also if there’s

A sick Pokemon oh it got away I was too slow I was looking at the map no I don’t need a [ __ ] I’ve seen a few horsies actually I don’t think it’s too rare Magikarp die drop and fish it’s time oh yeah yeah okay let’s uh

Let’s go back and heal real quick and then it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time it’s time wait so you get three and Ray and I both get one wait what does he have what does he have right what happened I have shiny lures what how

How do you have that there all right all right yeah that’s why that’s what you guys should you guys shouldn’t throw out or sell berries you should keep them yeah I just started collecting them oh for the oh yeah you can make different types of lures and different

Like yeah I don’t know how to use the lures okay well here you go why not yet there’s a time limit to it oh oh my God wait is my Young’s volume okay for you right she’s a bit more quiet but uh you can turn her up

Individually I yeah yeah I I I put her to why are you crying 100 because I’ve been having audio issues no me on your audio your audio literally sounds perfect it sounds great it’s just lower I have yet well I haven’t had 300 so I’m gonna turn her up thank you

You know how yeah yeah yeah nope adjust volumes oh I got it I got it yeah amplify her to 300 say something young yeah yeah and it still sounds the same okay it should be louder it’s a bit louder it takes a second what is it marinating oh you actually sound louder

You actually sound normal let’s go if you can make yourself slightly louder that’s okay but how did you make this strong shiny lore you put stuff in it right you put the berries in yeah so I I was missing berries for the week just shiny layer

But I had the berries for the strong shiny layer what berries do you know um here you want to search it you can search it oh yeah true true yeah but yeah here’s one more well how long’s the timer I’m not sure I gave you both too can I have another one

You got I gave it it’s been a rough day for me oh my God she’s using her microwave to try to get more stuff out of me I need okay to be fair two more she unlocked the whole map looking for a biome and it doesn’t exist yet yeah

Come on man so yeah now I have zero oh wait no here here I’ll just take one take this one no no I can I can make another I can make another I feel like I think piercings are just kind of rare oh I hear take my gold casing

Okay I’ll take that yeah yeah that’s fair you want a silver one to take here bonus extra credit no I don’t want I don’t want the silver one is gold the best um gold makes the strong one silver makes the weak one but they require different berries so like sometimes you

Won’t have like the stuff for the strong one what kind of I have some berries what kind of berries you want no no it’s okay okay I’m good I’m good I’m good um it feels immoral actually no it doesn’t freaking sneak got a shiny Pony yeah we deserve in 10 minutes

I don’t know how he got a shiny like instantly from the from doing this anyways okay server’s restarting everything’s gonna uh you know happen oh oh oh oh God it’s time oh my God it’s time oh my God it’s time Ray on it’s the end no it’s the end goodbye

Goodbye cruel world no no it didn’t restart yet why would Janet Janet starts a catching combo when we reset the server what’s a catching combo do oh like sometimes you have to uh I think it I don’t know if it if it works in this game but like if you catch

A certain amount of Pokemon in a row you have a chance to spawn a shiny one or something yeah your shot that’s transfer that Pokemon to spawn is a shiny goes up and the ivies from Catching it also goes up oh are these two wait before before

The server restarts did you tell Chad about expand huh how are you about remember the browser you couldn’t expand it did you tell them that oh my God my my stream is lagging I gotta go hey look here servers restarted what is that what is that

What is this my new baby where how what is it I don’t know where’d you get what she said this [ __ ] said I don’t know all right it’s shiny time I’m sick and fed up of everyone getting so lucky I I have I have some lures all right let me

Connect to the server it’s time okay it’s not time yet it’s not letting me in join okay oh not yet it’s not set yet it’s time uh so pretty much this era or this era this uh event only lasts for four hours so it’s from two to eight

Is that four hours six hours two three four five six seven eight okay yeah six hours and then it’ll be over shiny Eevee incoming anything really anything useful okay let me try to join oh oh join server’s still starting what do you mean it’s not letting me in also why is pokey

Playing valorant everyone is no one is no one is dedicated nobody oh it’s loading oh it’s time hello gotta go hey the thing the thing yeah where is it it’s not good though I’ll have you know hello right yeah I’m getting it how many Pokemon have you deleted

Not a lot I have trouble catching them but I’m about to get a new one let’s trade let’s trade let’s trade all right to the trade machine I’ll give you this rare litten it’s not rare wait what do you mean no but you’re calling it so it’s making

Me feel like it’s not rare it’s actually rare wait let me see if this thing’s good it’s not did you check the stats I did it I told you it’s bad it’s bad oh minus attack but it is what it is oh uh I told I

Literally told you it’s bad but it’s a starter you can breed it unfortunately as a Pokemon Expert you only can breed eggs of grovel if the grovel is female and you match it with something the same egg group or a ditto do you want litten back I don’t I actually don’t mind

Oh no no I I I’m gonna keep this I’m gonna keep this right okay and I’m gonna beat you in the battle with it you probably will you nerd I mean let’s go it’s time let’s go but you want to go shiny hunting you wanna go shiny hunting

You want to go shiny hunting you wanna go shiny hunting let’s go let’s go should I kill you once what Arya where’d you get did that thing pop up yeah I got really lucky it spawned next to me oh yeah that’s sick that’s actually the coolest one I’ve seen so

Far legendary wise oh that’s awesome where am I well are you okay I can’t believe you killed him again died what do you mean you killed him again he was gonna catch a lot of shinies and I had to do it it’s event time let’s go we’re

Going to the edge edge of the world what’s my trick she does have a really good trick what’s my trick go to the edge of the world flying through the edge oh yeah that’s actually true all right everyone get on your thing you’re going straight North or which direction

Um I’m thinking well what kind of Pokemon do you guys want like what biome should we go to yes uh I think we just go north and pass through all of them North North it is okay a whole lot okay good we’re good oh yeah we’re good okay North okay let’s see

Oh we gotta go we gotta go I’m in the heavens I’m in the heavens yeah I’ll use the charm when I get there we gotta figure out a cool buy oh oh my God me on my young we should get shiny EVS okay wait wait that sounds sick yeah you got it sounds

That’s genius I don’t I don’t know where they spawn uh the Birch Forest ghost go I don’t know where it is though okay well let’s just land first okay bye brother bye Brava oh my God oh my God oh my God only six hours that’s it only six hours that’s not enough time

Okay let me check let me check okay oh my gosh oh my gosh oh did you know you can zoom in on your mini-map like so it shows like the yeah it shows the Pokemon better press minus and plus and plot Pokemon or was that say Kuno it

Kind of sounded like who knows did you hear that Pokemon I think it was a legendary shut up oh my God it was you hold on psych do you have a do you have Pokemon showing on your minimap what’s that do you want the Pokemon to

Show up on your mini map so you can see like what’s around no I believe in running into them naturally and believing in them you’re a freaking dork I hope you missed so many shinies I hope you missed them all my Pokemon so true what do you mean it doesn’t mean anything

Yes it does no oh no no no battle no battle yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re just flexing whatever you know what when I when I see shinies on the mini map I’m not gonna tell you where it is because that wouldn’t be in natural but

If you saw it first it’d be yours yeah true but technically I’m cheating because it’s on the menu down to the edge or we just chilling oh we’re looking for uh we want to get shiny Eevees wait Leslie knows where those are Leslie’s not playing today

Yeah she wouldn’t tell me where it was I’m so sad I feel like this is the best day to play honestly the other days weren’t even worth playing until today well they were worth it too you’re right I did find four shinies anyway oh courage this man cursed this man they can’t find

Run in and running and running and running and running like this Loop I guess we just run around what force is in the tiger region I feel so rushed because we have six hours but it’s actually a long time but I feel like it’s not you know what I

Mean I don’t even think I’m gonna go for the full six hours I mean what why is it gonna find a shiny this I’ve already found four yeah but like what don’t you want life just keep lying yeah let’s just go let’s go I have it oh oh we’re playing yeah yeah okay

You know I’m still using the amola you gave me you’re a psycho ready ready I don’t know where I’ll follow you I don’t know where to go okay they said um Southeast Leo uh there you go okay he does have four shinies but like you know is are they cool shinies away

Okay okay okay okay okay okay hello Bella Domo thanks for the nine months thank you Nicole thank you thanks everyone this way this way my brother Brava Evie is flower forest or sunflower Plains I don’t know if I’ve I don’t think I’ve oh my God I lost them

Oh there there she is I lost you am young has unlocked the whole map well before the Border was increased so she still needs to see like what’s around the Border but yeah shiny Eevee’s like a white gray color which is awesome done done show he’s here he’s here did I pass

I lost her I lost her Mia where are you laughs oh there you are bye brother so could we just died we already lost one psych just died I don’t know man how oh no he’s dead dead bro in the meantime let me look at the mini map okay

I’m gonna I’m gonna do battle a shiny stunky has been caught oh one killed someone wait what someone is it caught or dead oh no oh no which is it look at this wheezing over here I’m gonna kill it what level oh yeah what level bruh wheezing what level are you bro

Does it exist I whatever it might be too high level coughing coughing cutie look at the baby oh hello baby okay are we ready ready ready I’ll follow you okay oh he’s here he’s here he’s always in the sky he’s in the sky kudo

What is up guys oh what is up guys did you guys find anything oh we’re we’re just waiting for you yeah well you might want to get your grave um get your grave bro okay I got it I got it yeah you ready ready okay we’re going we’re going to

Which direction north south uh oh God I went up too soon oh God by Brava gosh I went up too soon let’s go Is it are we close are you streaming yeah good how dude I was gonna yell at you is it here well you see I kind of kind of decided to go here but it turns out it was wrong what does that mean what does that even mean It was wrong it’s what it means yeah I guessed wrong what do you mean yes you can see on the map what it’s called I can’t find a region that’s called Birch Forest Birch Forest Birch Forest can they download a mod where I can just like you know type it

And it shows that’d be really nice Dark Forest coniferous forest let’s see tayaga oh I found it I found it you’re right right are you guessing or what okay let’s go is psychuno dead he just might be ready um okay uh one where’s the other

It’s okay you know what I’m sure this is the right way this is so not like you wait maybe it’s not wait is it this way where is it where am I no it’s this way surely you know what yeah let’s just go just go yeah yeah let’s just go this way

Let’s just go this way snowy coniferous forest snowy Maple Forest Vibrava okay up up Psych is lost uh we will give him the coordinates when we get there done done Shoto says he accidentally stole Leslie’s grave but let’s be honest I was watching that boy this morning and he accidentally got into Janet’s chest multiple times took a few things returned it surely but yeah accidentally took Leslie’s stuff I’m sure right right right kiss the gravel Beach oh

Is it it must be here Wait man in the water oh there’s a pond over here a pond that was scary foreign [Laughter] actually did it all right is this the place yeah this is let’s go okay are you wearing it I’ll wear mine I’m not wearing it yet I am all right I’m putting mine on okay

This is it wait like should we spread out or like how does this work yeah okay yeah we just spread out in the entirety of this Forest okay spreading out okay I’ll scream okay we it’s on it’s on okay oh my god do I already see one

Hold on I don’t know it looks kind of off-colored on the mini map this never mind it’s just a regular Fufu regular Fufu all right chat keep an eye out on the mini map for any shinies any shinies but oh yeah coagas lots of quagas Birch Forest oh yeah it’s like you coming or no I feel like as a man uh he would have told us that he was lost and asked for the coordinates but I do think do you want chords or no but I also feel like as a man that like doesn’t want to say

Are you close I don’t know bro Is that shiny what’s what’s this pink thing that I’m looking at does that mean it’s underground if it’s oh no a spritzy is normally that color that’s crazy oh Evie I know you’re in this Forest foreign what’s that thing there’s like this deer looking thing that I haven’t seen before it’s lower oh

It’s saw a buck but the spring version it’s so cute okay we have to chill here a little bit we’re looking for an Eevee but hopefully we get a shiny Eevee we do have like one equipped uh we equipped it a shiny thingy a strong shiny lure I should probably kill stuff Little baby tatiosa oh pretty I need to kill stuff I think in the area bricks in we need better fire moves Healing Oh no foreign Opposing Pokemon from Landing Critical Hits sure oh I don’t want that where is the baby it’s already a rare thing to find no I’m just tripping out I’m just tripping out This is a good setting I think B small blue hmm kill it all done bricks in goodbye baby Um I can’t believe people play this without the icons showing maybe so hard what is that are you pink no Hoopa has spawned in the Lush what’s a hoopa what’s a hoopa legendary legendary Hoopa oh mythical is it pretty to ghastly it’s portals that’s interesting thank you day and night Finger oh that was only level 10. this is looking a little rough we’re here in the forest but um I haven’t seen a single Eevee I know they they definitely do exist s kill two hmm no you saw Sparkles it might be brickson see uh you might be seeing the sparkles from my

Own Pokemon that I fell for that too I fell for it too we’re all falling for it I wonder if it spawns at night or just daytime maybe it’s both times let’s go down here your weedles the go away some directions Gotta level up toxol darling sweet little baby sweet little boy let’s try to level up topso a little bit I just talk so strong against probably cocoons where are you bro so crazy how chat has seen so many shinies Maybe I should go fishing then while it’s night time acid What’s that is this thing who put this here I’m taking it with me it heals your Pokeball oh I wait no it broke it broke I thought it I thought it was oh there’s another one I don’t need it right now but let’s try to kill this might be too high

Level but whatever acid acid oh wow nozzle Paralyzed good Foreign Just die bro just die um Jesus Christ what I found a shiny where what is it you catch it it’s what I would say if I really found one what is wrong with you I actually don’t understand I don’t understand what is wrong with all my friends it only comes out during the

Daytime right an Eevee yeah um the perfect time to fish you want a rod uh you have a I have an extra one okay yeah oh a sea king hold on let me kill this he’s battling actually killed I’ll go die no are you dying to it I can’t yes it’s kicking my ass bro finally Okay here there you go nice it looks like a banana how does this work I just right click uh when the exclamation points and if the more exclamation points the more rare it is any shinies on the map oh I gotta go use the heel oh it’s right here what the heck

Oh there’s so many okay there’s this boss that’s here that’s like attacking me right now oh my God we should kill it no dude I can’t even beat boss rares like the blue ones no no this should be should be right surely yeah yeah kill it

Kill it bro kill it kill it kill it kill it 63. yeah oh wait you actually are fighting are you insane well I mean it I feel like we could kill it wait what do you mean we good it’s not how that works yeah it’s dead see look it’s dead that’s not how

That works yes it is uh but you killed it wait what what’s your highest level Pokemon level 33 bruh I don’t understand how you do that how well you see you beat it up die I don’t understand bro die Oh God an electric bow xel’s not strong enough coxhall please you got a level bro uh crop Camp yeah here I’ll do it real quick golden golden how’s that how long does this lure last because I don’t know if it’s working oh God do you have it on still

Let me check after this fish yeah I don’t think it’s working man I’ll be honest I mean I guess it doesn’t increase the odds by that much either oh my God I’m so slow uh is produce natural spawns of shiny Pokemon by 1.73 yeah That should be good all right yeah I would think that’s really surely surely surely I would see one instantly because Abe was like I’m scared it’s going to be too broken too broken yeah I mean Snead got a shiny ponita 10 minutes adjoining but he didn’t even need the alert he

Didn’t even need the lore oh that was before the event wasn’t it whoa look at that look at the Zan Goose wait where’d it go my lore expired was it 20 minutes already yeah we gotta make a ton of them all right it’s almost day time I’m gonna

Use the second one for a crumb of EVS Maybe yeah I’m gonna try to search yeah I can run out it only lasts for 20 minutes let’s see I do like this place though because there’s lots of healing yeah yeah one I tried to bring one but I

Think you need the thing that makes it so things don’t break don’t break this one I already broke one oh okay Sunrise they spawn at Sunrise too at Sunrise it’s Sunrise it’s time okay it’s time lower lower go go go go go go go report back here right here

Okay keep an eye out keep an eye out we’re still in the Birch Forest put on the lure keep an eye out gotta keep killing things we’re gonna swiggle this way Corp ladybug foreign No the shinies won’t show sparkles on the mini-map it you just kind of have to notice by different color variation hopefully but I’m literally I’m just looking for any Eevee I hope to get a shiny one but I feel like it’s gonna be so so difficult because probably end up getting

Something shiny of something else I think I gotta slowly walk around slowly walk around slowly let’s go okay let’s go fast what if we go up this way um I sit here maybe something will show up I actually don’t know the name of the

Shader but Abe set it up for me so Abe should know but you found your bricks in by minimap yeah because I noticed the color was different I noticed it by the color difference on the minimap not by the sparkles on the mini-map Caterpie cat or p Qatar p

Are Eevee’s really here for reals for reals actually please we’ve been in the Birch Forest stand a little bit Rich for us okay oh that’s not the Birch Forest oh I see Myung over there wooden scrub land uh oh here we go we’re back we’re back we’re back a bird School of it

Summoning Evie for you wow thanks yes please thank you I wonder if it’s better if we stand closer together or farther apart now um I mean I could I could try to stay in one spot but I don’t think it’s gonna I don’t think it really matters

It probably helps to kill some of the Pokemon so that more spawn I don’t know brickson paralyzed kill it quick uh throw it out and write click it was sweet Why are I wanted to use a heel paralysis heal Rickson come back here you go yeah see how Brixton looks on the mini map I I saw that on the mini map and I was like I’ve never seen a Pokemon that color before da da da duh Man EVS are tough one sweet Foreign go somewhere else anywhere else they spawn I mean they’ll spawn here I feel like no matter where I go wherever they spawn it’s gonna be the same rate but they show up menopause my patience I’m gonna go see this chunky squirrel yeah I’m gonna kill this thing for XP

Yay a healing thing still nothing still nothing I do see a Caterpie oh Dean this is only level 10. or 18 it’s all 18. die die yeah still good XP oh lots of XP Birch Forest we’re still here yeah I think fighting the higher revolutions oh it’s a Way Stone nice

How big is this area oh it’s pretty large a starter wait that’s a starter right that’s a starter isn’t it starter starter starter this thing with a hat there you chest spin chest pain all right just spin okay okay it’s cute Oh do not kill it Ray first things first we use a quick ball before I forget There’s the ball way down there just work that’d be awesome if it just worked if it just worked it worked oh it’s been caught whoopa’s been killed oh I see another one oh what what shiny what’s shiny what’s shiny I need to go kill this thing oh says it was killed

I am confused where’s my free XP at you come here come here free XP stop healing Audino just pass away so many of these things I don’t really know what to do with it okay all right still here in the Birch Forest we out here looking for an Eevee anything really anything

Be sure the shiny lore is going to go away soon foreign Curse this game curse it to be fair no one else has really caught Chinese yet either so I’m not too far behind esper esper I don’t I can’t believe a roots I see a route I see your routes I see your routes I see routes I see routes it’s shiny no it’s not shiny but it’s cute and tiny all right little baby quick ball get his yes Foreign There’s a shiny Kakuna somewhere go get it you mean the pink one is it pink yeah it’s oh it’s pink okay so Chad doesn’t know they don’t know there’s another road so you want it you want the rods you got to tell them if it’s pink it’s

Probably not yeah so this mode has uh a chance for rare Pokemon which is it just has a version a pink version of every Pokemon yeah it’s a lie and they think yeah every time yeah so it’s not shiny it’s just a rare color form yeah It’s a fake shiny yeah are we cursed okay maybe we just gotta keep walking around places yeah let’s go but like it’s supposed to show up here together are the rates even higher a chat was saying that we should stay apart but like I really don’t know at this point

We use it one at a time oh that’s what we should do I already used both mine we stick together so there’s more spawn Centric has been caught and killed I can’t tell is it caught or is it killed I don’t know it’s like two opposite

Things it’s crazy all right you let’s go let’s go somewhere where but this is where the Eevee spawned we gotta go to it you want to go to a different Birch Forest there’s one close why would we leave because this place is cursed it’s night time it’s daytime let

Me go use the healing thing oh God okay Mr mime spinning I’m gonna kill him for XP Mr mine Mr mime or the hilly things um near a body of water yeah it was near the water somewhere oh it’s a tiny Skitty uh let me check back I think this way oh I need these hey what happened to you I can’t open the map anymore Jay I can’t oh

It’s getting hit okay let’s go this way are you still doing it doing what it’s over here I press right click but it doesn’t it’s not picking how do you pick berries right click with an empty hand oh it has to be empty yeah I know it’s good that’s so stupid

So I like I can’t catch them on the ground or else it’s gonna uh you can just put it in a different like after you catch it you put it in like an inventory space oh I see I see I see I see I see all right where are we going now ready

Okay would we die from this height ah now we’re good oh thank goodness what’s up right uh there’s berries ready are you sure foreign I don’t like that loot go straight into your hot bar before it goes into your backpack yeah so true town is weird yeah

Is this the wrong body of water huh I think this was the wrong body of water it is yeah it’s just feather what else are all these feathers what is that protein this is definitely the wrong side I mean I could just heal here at the pokestop

Are we still staying in this Forest bro I feel like it’s the same no doesn’t this feel cursed the bad juju it’s here no I think it’s just super rare no no it’s bad it’s just rare I didn’t find any here either it’s rare no it’s bad juju nice um hold on

All right oh my God red candy well you got a weird candy no no not unless I find it first there’s nothing up here let’s get out of here oh out of this town right yeah I guess we gotta go for a sunrise okay I can’t turn my young up anymore I have

A 300 percent um everyone’s like me I was quiet can you just eat your mic my own mic is at 300 too oh God bro it’s cursed I need a tech wizard to come over she just lost bye brother or two um there’s one pretty close okay hold on

Let me just mark it are you ready this way all right and I still have to get a prism scale too it’s never ending man yeah I know my lore expired I think finding a shiny on accident is honestly the best way to go about it

Like do other stuff and then maybe it’ll happen to show up oh this is it I think I can land in the water wee oh a feather ball what is up with all these feathers oh my God hurry what thing over here catch it what is it it’s a bunny

Bunny oh a score bunny go get it I already have too many fires I’ll get it where is it where is it I lost it oh it’s right here it’s right here bro oh there it is did you spit on it what was that what do

You spit on it I heard you go no he’s fat on it no I did it quick ball please just work I love it when it just works [Applause] okay well I you don’t have it on right uh no no I’m out okay well I have mine on we must explore slowly this way inventory is a whack right now was the sky pretty uh sorting my inventory I’m following go go go all right if I could find uh-huh the recipe

To make more lures I think the Lord’s help was just like we’re kind of unlucky get your binoculars out everybody I found an Eevee You see it you see it I don’t think so I don’t think shiny look at that plus oh my God it’s in the trees it’s not shiny it’s not shiny it’s dying she misses it’s level 28 female shoot quick attack I mean not quick attack quick ball killing it shiny you should

Run around for run around for the more shinies um someone got a Shiny Spearow oh no everyone’s finding shinies out here like it’s common yeah what the heck hey uh we’re even using a lure maybe this lure is cutting our chances in half no way no way no way we Uh nuzzle let’s nuzzle it might kill Pokemon does that mean I do think more spawned maybe because it like one’s Less in the area might as well train I like that this Eevee is high level Yo lit A crit catch Ultra Ball from all the time that working for you oh my God I wish it was shiny One two three no the cute Eevee emotes are so cute two how are you breaking out if you’re paralyzed one two three No way you’re still bro it is so stubborn like get in the ball two three oh finally yay I was starting to take a lot longer than I thought well what is that what is that oh my God it evolves sheep it’s so cute why is it attacking me bro as it should

Oh kill it for XP oh my God yay die see it works we need to go to another bright screen wow like y uh let me see let’s kill this you’re going the opposite direction okay uh where’d you go takedown has such bad accuracy I hate it what

What oh I was trying to learn a move okay where would we go where are you okay this way this way let’s go all the way down if we don’t see anything then we go to another okay we can just keep running I’m lagging stop lagging bro stop

It’s killing me stop lagging oh my God what if we go to weird Jirachi spawns and we get a Shiny Jirachi how sick would that be are these rare or something what the heck why why is it so difficult deforestation whatever I lost their oh another Evie another Eevee

Uh let’s see let’s do a rock slide one more nice now we’re going to paralysis it nice easy it’s a boy we can make babies making time uh let’s see let’s see uh go here this is great ball anything really broke out Caffeine I am gonna compare the stats young ran off somewhere as she should I do get distracted I do be getting distracted I hope we can catch more EVS oh my God look at that thing you find any shinies no shinies today but we did catch two EVS a male and a

Female so we could breed them now yeah yeah yeah yeah can I see myeung on a mini map probably not she probably flew away what’s your chords me young ization wait is that me I’m in the Birch Forest I’m in the Birch Forest me I’m in the Birch Forest where is it

I it’s me it’s I I see a Pikachu but I don’t need that oh maybe me young waist on young is the uh Legend near you I don’t see it on my mini map it must not be me it must be her a Shiny Gastly negative one negative one three this way

Psychotic let’s go it just sucks because um freaking shiny shiny Gengar doesn’t really look that cool which is so annoying like why would they make a Shiny Pokemon not look obviously shiny Young I don’t see her she went South okay I gambled and went north of course

Punished I think I catch the Ralts as well another one maybe we can breed if it dies it dies well it is haha we have one we have one already it’s all good it’s all good I I don’t know what to do with all these feathers or overwhelming me

I don’t need ice heels that’s East ER me but uh my other self I was paying attention to the x minus number not realizing I was just going straight up the wrong direction wow this Birch force is pretty big mm-hmm sir oh hello refresh saved close some things we’re back

That was crazy I started dropping uh dropping frames so bad but we’re good now I think or refresh refresh okay oh as I was saying um I’m gonna be gone at the end of the month for like five days because I have to go to my sister’s bachelorette party um out of town

And as much as I don’t want to go of course I’m gonna go because it’s my sister um I mostly just don’t want to go because I just don’t know how to it’s like a lot of my sister’s friends she has a ton of Friends by the way like tons

And they’re all like married have kids 4.0 students like super super studious type people that Mike is cutting out refresh young is waiting for you well I’ve been running to her I don’t understand what the heck is going on in chat how far did she go it’s that far

I thought she was still in the forest the Birch Forest wrong way look at chat this sucks Ray how are you lost well well first of all I didn’t know you left the Birch Forest since the legendary said it spawned there negative thirteen fifty three thousand negative thirteen fifty three thousand

You went up with your legendary Buddy Bye brother negative 13. 30. and then it’s negative 13 33 000. she’s supposed to be here somewhere now three thousand oh three why is three thousand or Z is three thousand I was looking at y or Z instead of Y I know we’re out of stamina

Z okay got it got it foreign so she’s still in the thing I didn’t realize she went so far it’s not hard well you know what’s hard reading chat over and over seeing how stupid I am like I didn’t know she was this far I really didn’t and I also didn’t even I

Don’t know why she’s waiting for me like I’m not trying to catch the legendary I don’t want it you catch it if she’s is she waiting for me to catch the legendary like I don’t honestly it’s like straight well honestly Chad is more stressful than getting to the legendary

Like I don’t I do not want the legendary I’m trying it’s a killer why why is everyone trying to get me to go there she’s in battle with it that’s fantastic good that’s okay that’s great that’s wonderful that’s wonderful news I don’t know why I don’t know why everyone’s trying to get

Me to go there I thought she was like still in the Birch Forest so now what I’m gonna do is go back to the Birch Forest um where is it says Forest region I was flying like Northwest tayaga flower Meadow region oh my God I don’t know is this it oh

Nice this is it okay going back oh my God I’m so confused I’m gonna go back and do what I was doing I don’t know why you wouldn’t want though it’s one of the best Pokemons you can’t use legendaries in the tournament you can’t I don’t even think you can use mythicals

Anyways this is perfect timing because now the EVS will keep spawning yeah the legendaries are kind of like oh there’s a route the legendaries are kind of cool but if you can’t use them in the tournament then like what’s the point oh nice she’s got it rods donde estas

Where are you little baby where are you little baby see oh there you are there you are a little baby so Wiggly stop it please we’re gonna have a Charmander situation Okay first things first with paralysis it was a crit foreign is it too late for does the quick ball have to work oh I don’t have enough quick balls I’m gonna save them for other things all this is great balls oh I can use a repeat ball now Dude nice easy peasy okay now the Eevee should pop up again go like this oh oh my God blue this is so cute apricots is up no these are called Blue apricorns uh repeat ball is a ball that is used better on Pokemon that you’ve caught previously

So it would have been good in that situation because I’ve already bought I already caught some foreign I gotta figure out how the breeding stuff works too do you want this Berry though okay this is the river we have to go back to the Birch Forest and Evie for every evolution uh I’m

Probably not everyone um but I don’t know it kind of depends on the stones that I have depends it depends Birch head this way there I still think so there’s six hours total of the um the shiny increase rate so I still am hopeful okay oh we’re doing a reset oh interesting interesting

What what could it possibly be resetting oh no the second evolution rolls right no this is something else wait is it I’m confused where okay oh God bro what happened what happened man dude I literally was like talking about my sister’s bachelorette party and then people like there’s coordinates everywhere I go in

The wrong direction like I didn’t know it said it spawned in the Birch Forest so I thought you were nearby so I was just walking like I was just walking I was nearby oh no the server the server I have to wait a little bit yeah I have one shining right now and

It’s a bricks in second evolution to a starter okay I get that she was but I was still walking in the direction that everyone was telling me to go and I didn’t see her so she was still far enough to fly foreign hopefully it resets the six hours okay let’s see connect

Nope not yet no I still I still have the fossil I need to figure out what to do with the fossil too I thought you went the right way too uh I don’t even know what way it was the right way anymore I was just walking South

And then all of a sudden I was supposed to go Northwest but um I just I feel bad because I didn’t know she was waiting for me like I thought she was gonna just catch it so I was just like mosing along miscommunication miscommunication that’s my bad

Okay I keep trying to join the server but it’s not letting me yet is this mod pack public uh I think you just searched for Pixelmon I think there’s other Pixelmon servers but this one specifically is whitelisted thank you Mythic for the 28 months thank you Pixelmon yeah Pixelmon mod pad I think

It’s whitelisted means that you have to uh uh your username has to be on the list in order for you to get into the server okay connecting loading okay it’s time it’s time okay I’m back welcome back bruh they he put down the shiny rates wait oh no he’s just trying to

Fix that thing so it says shiny instead of killed um I’m still looking for shiny Eevee you are yeah well I caught a male and a female so I think I can make babies now yeah where is a what are you what are you looking for we should go look for it um

I’m not really looking for anything really I thought you were looking for a ditto I was looking for a biome yeah ditto probably spawn somewhere else no it’s just you have to catch like 5 billion rattatas and pray that one of them’s a ditto rats yeah really

Yeah oh my God that sounds awful it is awful like I was catching so many but it could be any any then right any apparently there’s only like a couple like ten Ted yeah there’s not that many well maybe I should just go take these

EVS to a breeder now and then go do something else okay all right where’s the breeder where is is the breeder yeah I think it’s time okay yeah I just one one quick Mosey along I’m just mosing along mosing along real quick is that a spawn I’m just nosing along the day carrier

Okay let’s heal can you breathe shiny you can there’s a chance you can get a shiny but super low rate okay um so I have so many of those things berries I want to keep the berries I don’t know what to do with all these feathers they’re stressing me out

I’ll get rid of this and then get in my ball little one what achievement is that um foreign I want to keep that I don’t want those I don’t want that oh I keep this um let’s see who’s the Pokemon’s attack EVS by 10. oh can be obtained by infusing a muscle

Wing with 10 lychee berries wait that’s sick okay I should definitely keep feathers and stuff let’s go carrots I don’t think okay let’s see purple back let’s clean it up uh XPS let’s get those out I’m gonna get rid of these I think I’ll put the feathers in this bag for now Mika

Hello little baby hello little baby little baby little baby little baby strip Barry with the balls in here no no hello I thought they were the best they’re not that good at least I haven’t seen any I haven’t noticed anything very yep haven’t caught any where thank you no problem

I think I’m gonna get rid of these gems Rachel oh my God what did I do so hostile whoa why is there stuff here oh my gosh there’s free loot here yeah yeah I’m throwing out throwing it out did you guys use the lures yeah we did

Let me tell you what exactly how I expected it to you yeah give me the give me the alert casings back I have oh here’s three no work I know they don’t work they’re a scams what what berries you need to have so many now

No I haven’t I I have the proper berries planted so I can get a lot but they don’t work I know they don’t work my young so the three of us had lures and none of us yeah I mean it’s still it’s not that much increased rate it’s just one yeah it’s

Like one it’s not a whole lot yeah it’s not a whole lot but 100. catch one I think Ryan caught two it seems like Arya katsu are raw tumble Stones worth any like are they important at all You Can Craft um you know the ancient balls no don’t

Give it to me take them all he wants a lot of cookies take them out I don’t wanna hold on to them yeah no I’ll buy you another backpack for reals wait wait make sure it’s not purple blue green or red okay I’ll buy you a a brown one poop yay yay thanks wait how rich are you oh you know I got a little bit of money I got I got I got some money Ray Ray

What’s up we have to trade Pokemon give me a poopy one oh no oh which one you want I got some good ones you have a good one yeah what you want ditto I don’t have a ditto yeah I don’t have a dinner I heard you have one right my poop pack

I got it in my poop pack we even I need to know where the breeder is it’s in like every town every town you want a Gastly him young you want a Pikachu I’ll give you a Pikachu since I peek at you a hit okay yeah come here gosh she’s yelling hurry up

No uh you have to no you’re in oh wait you have two of those yeah give me give me give me give me give me give me give me yeah I forgot you have two you have two yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s go ready up ready up ready up

Just give me the gold casings um you need berries no no I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna it feels immoral here having it are you sure you’re not cursing us with this have three well if I’m cursing you I’m also cursing myself Ray come here oh but it doesn’t fly hello

What is it more oh great more don’t worry it’ll work the time okay get my hopes up they’ll work this time don’t work this time surely surely ah guys look another person caught a shiny are they using it oh Abe is cursing up with these words sometimes less rate

Um surely all right go hunt surely we find it okay we’ve been bro we haven’t seen a single one look listen report back in an hour report back in an hour and I’ll refill it for you oh yeah okay one hour deal wait I gotta go to the breeder bro

Okay you go to the breeder where the breeder at where’d the beater reader at wait I thought you’re asking Abe come back cringe Lord cringe Lord ah there’s so much to do okay breeder breeder a breeder breeder in any town he said oh where’s the breeder and it it

There’s like a there’s a breeder in like every town where okay I’m going to the buildings where okay you know that you know you know you know the building you got that photo on top of your head that picture why are you looking up it’s on your head oh let’s go

Wait don’t I need like money for breeding or no surely I just see it on the map it was down here oh yeah perfect uh timer ball I think I do need to buy some more balls for sure okay uh he said any town but it’s this one right here now

My brother nope that’s not anything uh you need money to take them back usually okay sounds good reader no no this is like a smaller town so I don’t think it’s here oh there it is it’s the windmill okay this should be it why do you want more EVS I want either a

Shiny one or one that has really good IVs Dusty knot uh if the holder becomes infatuated the opposing Pokemon will too I pretty much have that odd incense an audience sense is a held item that increases the power of the holder’s psychic type moves by 20 audiences can

Also be held by a Mr mine that is a breeding in order to produce a Mr mine egg uh psychic I think I have I forgot to finish organizing my stuff all right so this is like my hold items box and my fossil this is where the hold items go put the

Stuff in here and then in this bag red bag is that and then this bag is like berries and then whatever this crap is and then um oh yeah put these in there I don’t think these carrots are real but I’ll yep get rid of those okay uh

Uh where did I put the jars those are balls oh jars going here oh let me put these all in the other bag okay this is like healing stuff nice nice uh Berry oh oh okay grab oh okay uh I will grab these and then put all of the berries and

Feathers in here perfect perfect and then here oh yeah here is where I’ll put these gems I don’t know what they’re for and whatever this is okay oh and I’ll put these the brown bag at the last so first bag will be the medicine bag is purple then blue bag is balls

Uh the green is these are yeah the stuff other stuff and then other stuff okay awesome awesome awesome awesome okay uh I need to put these guys in hello uh daycare once you have one you can just right click it to see the menu popped to your Pokemon into the slots

And then press the green tick if your Pokemon have alternate forms from like galar and Aloha use the yellow arrows to select them oh that’s kind of cool you can have up to three ranches in operation at a time you can check on them from the tab in your top your

Inventory that’s cool all right let’s see I I heard Janet sing was hard I don’t okay sorry he said menu okay um bruh we had once you have one you can just right click to see them right click right right click to see I have wait right click where bruh

Once you have one a daycare oh I have to buy it right do I have to buy I think I heard Janet oh oh it’s this yes yes yes okay Evie one Eevee two check confirm I have to do tasks well I don’t have any of that leather

How are you supposed to get leather if there’s no nothing to kill there’s no cows or anything oh yeah the Pokemon drop it okay well I’m gonna take a photo of this box one requirements this is my if I happen to find everything I will

Get it dang it I hope it was a I wish it was a time thing leather hey wool leather hay wool well easy all we have to do is kill this wulu drops wool Easy also I’m saving that silver Ingot so I can make a oh wait it’s iron ingots that make buckets fine bro who drops leather who’s a leather producer who’s got the leather who’s got the leather Centric say less time to get murdered Bray come here a little babycentress this way

Come here little baby oh yeah cows kill the cows give me your leather yes thank you thank you so much you die everyone dies nice we were farming a wulu yeah we’re the milk tanks at I also need like hay bales though uh bye brother wool Your EVS what what they’re fine they’re fine no they’re not fine what’s what’s I can’t get them back until I get the egg right milktake oh just beef from a milk tank I’ll check the Eevee’s IVs after I get the loot after I get them is this wool

Wheat seed oh I need wheat Bales I could just steal those right oh that Bunny’s underground I think Centric Rachel holy [ __ ] bruh what’s that what you’re writing this guy dude this guy zooms I’m telling you so fast he’s so fast well you are super fast

What are you up to I have my Lear on I’m trying to find a shiny I haven’t caught a singular one yet oh it’ll happen eventually surely you you sound cool hey you good what happened I’m trying to get I’m trying to breed two EVs and it’s like a quest where you have

To give it items in order to get the egg oh yeah if you see any hay bales let me know hay bales yeah you have to go to The Villages right yeah I think I’m gonna I think there’s a lot around yeah I’m trying to get leather right now from these Centrics

And curse curse them all curse them all what is it I’ll see you around see you later um the grass is too oh here if I go this way I can see better aha aha okay I definitely have enough leather for sure okay so I have oh I don’t have enough leather

What do I got I need four more leather one more wool and three hay bales four more leather four more leather one more wool or more leather one more wool three hay bales oh someone’s doing like a Berry Farm here four more lead oh there’s a century come here baby

Come come oh what about a Zigzagoon does that count this is too tedious bones the bones what about this one no no Centric not seeing any more of the Sheep Wendy’s Farm oh yeah I’m not a farmer like that bulldoze give me your leather bruh give me your leather bruh

Uh this server is not public but there are Pixelmon servers you can join other nice other leather leather leather where’s the woolly boy oh here let me just like bye brother get on my brother meow I passed a hay bale did I really where my brother my brother my brother

Bye brother yeah my brother it’s probably in town somewhere the hay bales right hay bales I just want oh hey bills hay bales hay bales two two there’s a wool ow bye brother three perfect okay I just need one more rule one more wool animal and then

One more wool animal and like a few more leathers see here how are you Ray I’m good chilling today chilling today um I was hoping that the would be easier to find shinies today I did get two EVS but man getting shinies is a

It’s so hard I mean I guess it’s hard in every Pokemon game I’m just impatient I’m an impatient person I’m impatient lavatar uh I don’t need lavatar you think he drops leather when is the OT podcast rescheduled for uh undecided um I haven’t picked a date I wanted to

Do it and I think they’re waiting for me to decide oh milk tank go go go go go go go go go oh Mareep Marie pass wool a bell Marie marip whoa whoa whoa murder mass murder yes I still need there was another one over here wasn’t there Mareep marip marip marip

Oh wait I’m good on wool I just need leather now maybe Zigzagoon if I keep trying oh maybe this thing this bald thing it’s underground never mind oh the Donkey yeah two leather we did it ladies and gentlemen we did it it’s time oh my God wait what Tet

Wait what confirm can’t confirm oh oh you just triple confirm got it now I wait one hour One hour one hour I wait one hour I wait one hour I wait one hour I wait one hour one hour okay one hour I will wait one hour I will put a marker here Waypoint uh Evie breed or Evie breeder here okay Evie breeder all right in the meantime

We’ll be back in an hour so we should go um get some shinies oh I should also get two more Pokemon my brother put me down faster it’s okay you’re a super patient person oh yeah yeah true true I’m so patient so patient that I don’t I I I ain’t need no time

Uh limit I could wait five hours yeah okay let’s see who we we need feeble I mean Feebas we still need the thing to evolve him toxl is close to leveling up yeah we’re gonna go shiny hunting and also fishing uh let’s bring Dratini Yeah maybe we level swab blue so we can no I don’t know if I want to use swap blue no gimbal is too high level um I think I’m gonna bring bay leaf still I think I I think I should still Level bay leaf oops everyone heal up just in case all right

All right let’s see let’s rearrange everyone yes yes oh bay leaf needs something I gave XP to Feebas I also gave quick claw to toxol something green to hold something green to hold rows and scents um Moonstone eye stone fossil insect plate oh I could give him the toxic plate

Instead and give the other thing too yeah I’m gonna go fish for a scale no worries I have ever Stones too um wave um it boosts the amount of HP the holder is Source from HP oh I should just give the big root to it because it has uh that healing oh it

Doesn’t steal HP though whatever let’s go it’s fishing time bruh it’s time to go fishing so apparently any ocean we have a chance to get um melodic or I need deep ocean oh wait I have the marker devotion right here yes yellow yellow yellow yellow this way this way

What shiny did you find it’s like who know happy for him what’s it like it’s also crazy how when I get my shiny it’s right after he raids me yesterday oh Center it oh damn Centric ow my brother are you good bro pog yeehaw okay time to fly bye brother my brother green

The tank of Texas doing tank of Texas things so happy for him bye brother get in the ball little one what is that achievement the lures work I think I’m gonna use a lure in the water in hopes that we get a shiny Dratini because at this place where I’m going

Fishing right now I did see a wild Dratini uh uh I lost it though are there gyms in this mod uh there are battle towers there are battle towers but um I’m drowning oh my God but that’s okay because I’m gonna let load we have a helmet that

Allows us to breathe a little bit okay I’m gonna use the thing now strong shiny lure activated go go go all right keep an eye out on the mini map during the night time I’m gonna fish in hopes that we get what we need oh oh wait a minute is that a waste

Stone is that thing binocular time oh a TR this is it was a triple exclamation point oh brixton’s gonna die but it’s 15 level 15 just it’ll just die shortly nice okay look at the map look at the map nothing crazy nothing crazy let’s use bay leaf binocular time hold um and

A crabby Brixton still I should use I should use um toxol why does it keep calling out Braixen I should use tonsil because I want to go like this why why Ray Ray why what were you gonna say I actually don’t remember shiny wishy-washy where really that’s a shiny let’s go look

Wishy-washy are you shiny this one no this is not shiny shiny gold and blue oh I see it bold and blue this one oh it is shiny curse this stupid wishy-washy crap yesterday we fought a boss that was a wishy-washy okay I won’t die whenever Oh dive Dunder a dive did quick ball don’t worry it won’t die to this all right we’re gonna do the repeat ball I have a lot of those and we’ve caught this one before get into the ball bruh It’s down there somewhere yay we got it Yay look out for more look out for more wow you guys have good eyes how did you even see that it was two easiest too easy other people is awesome wishy-washy old oh I did it too soon too soon nice we got a shiny um ice bucket challenge acid drop no the Sun

Acid drop Sunrise fish like biting at Sunrise right maybe we might see a gold magic magic Magikarp here that’d be sick one raw Cod throw it in the lake yeah I got a super rod off stream I caught it using a good rod in the water

It only took me about 10 20 fishing tries and I got it I got really lucky shelter acid Has been an hour yet to get the Eevee egg oh it got away really sunrise keep looking at the mini map dot dot dot Dot dot dot oil 40 minutes left die Wilmer die oh I should keep the leather for future eggs yes yes my precious me precious

I’m gonna throw here so I can see all right it’s daytime now still looking for a prism Shard or stone or whatever it’s called Shellos wait it’s pink oh yeah it could heal nuzzle die shallows we’re fishing and throwing acid in the water dot dot dot dot dot dot dude I love fishing

Crabby die drop are lures still working Chinese can still pop up at any moment oh my gosh we’re done there’s two exclamation points it killed they leave Razor Leaf quick oh God it’s healing again Bay nice and Phoebus we need you to evolve now we need the melodic now

Level 30 oh it evolves at level 30. wait we’re so close so close Okay Okay first things first we need to heal little baby little baby dead little baby dead what bag is nope purple oh and can we go like this and then go like this and oh

Like that and then go back to here and go oh I mean like this and then go back to here like this like this and then we get a hyper potion regular potions actually let’s just use throw them out and then right click heel all the way baby good are you

Shinies any shinies nope no shinies I did find a shiny I got a shiny uh wishy-washy I did I did it I only did it okay and fish is that Phoebus good nature uh no it actually sucks so I’m hoping I catch another Phoebus or I just straight up catch a new uh

Melodic because there is a chance I could catch a melodic as well as the leveling up Stone good good good everyone dies everyone dies everybody dies okay no corvie Knight you know what I’ve been thinking about corbinite I’m holding Magikarp acid good good good good good good good die die bye thoughts thought

Thought I think uh triple a claw with sir a clawitzua no zzle paralyzed good good good good good three exclamation points bulldoze kill it quick oh God it’s super it has Dragon moves bro rock slide Shoto keeps dying oh it’s time we’re evolving talks look can I see I can’t see

Oh I can kind of see yeah Go baby go baby toxicity with blue hair spark instead of growl oh my gosh you’re kind of tiny too why are all my why are all my people tiny uh let’s check to see if this the stats changed let’s see uh how he’s feeling summery

Quiet nature increase very low speed though that’s bad isn’t it for my electric my electric person I feel like I need I need faster Pokemon look at him play his guitar boobs okay you want to know why I’ve never really liked toxicity every time I’ve had him I always get him

Because Chad’s always like yeah he’s so strong but like the way his head is shaped and the way his eyes look reminds me of someone I’ve known from uh High School and this guy was so mean to me and every time I see toxicity it reminds me of this guy

He was so mean to me just this guy from my high school and that’s what he looked like literally his body shape looks exactly like this and his head Sid from Ice Age yeah that’s him all right that’s the one clampered acid but he is strong so I’ll move on

I haven’t seen a Dratini since it was like that one time wishy washy again everybody dies wait who do we have to evolve now oh wait we should res um I should have res Boop Bailey flat 32 oh yeah let’s do that for sure bye brother heal all the way everyone heals everyone

Heals oh my gosh why are you so weak um Braxton is mid-30s okay you go away and then okay so we need a bay Bae hello just joined hello we chilling we’re fishing we have to wait an hour to get my Eevee eggs hey to magnesium good good

Uh we don’t need any of those I don’t think oh she got she didn’t get the shiny she got psychuno knows that’s not the shiny see dude he’s so troll he knows that that wasn’t the shiny it was the color variant one gastrodon but green grastrodon Nice barely sir oh what’s that a shed shell an item to be held by Pokemon this discarded Kara parse enables they’ll hold a switch out of Pokemon without fail like what am I ever gonna use that okay we have to heal no shinies no shinies no shinies Rickson is 36. I wish I could find more rare candies I shouldn’t have used them at such a low level it was a mistake I told you oh look who wouldn’t synthesis synthesis again hell yeah that’s why Bay op Bay yeah kill this thing get out of my sight

No shinies on the map no shinies on map what where’s my oh I’m lagging okay there you go I caught a fish gold magic carp gold magic carp gold magic carp gold magic carp gold magic carp gold magic carp my lore expired cellos die good good let’s use another lure

This is a good place because we have to fish anyways and also there’s Magikarp everywhere and also a chance for Dratini so I think it’s fine all right another lore has been activated binocular time oh wait what’s a gorbis it’s pink is this not it’s normally pink huh three exclamation points

It’s like a it’s like a knockoff Dratini bro it won’t die to this it’s normal it’s the Evo from Clan Bell I’m killing it oh deep sea scale that sounds cool what is it the scale shines with a faint pink and raises an item to be held by clam Pearl

Raises the holder special defense stat well uh I won’t be using clamper oh it evolves it got it um I really really oh no we don’t need this I already caught one of these nice crits oh what’s this Coral oh it’s just straight up coral Chinese Chinese

I like my rock I’m like getting attached to it all right this is the time of day where it we could possibly get the item we need to evolve feebus finally surely surely a Staryu Coral Jacobs Bae yeah we’re confused Phoebus learned frail Water stone shard a ruby wow wow oh I took pieces from the Star you oh please please please rare drops rare drops I mean surely I’m getting like a fishing combo right Bara scuda kill it quick it Dove down well surely we can just heal real quick synthesis why does it keep diving

Wow we are struggling to kill this thing okay there you go click click click any shinies any shinies I still can’t tell if it’s better to like sit still or like move around uh I will heal next bottle I got a shiny wishy-washy today but I do have a shiny Braixen

Maybe I should give the XP share the breaks in then since braixen’s about to evolved wimpod die nope we don’t need that uh REM I feel like it’s a lot of Pokemon but not really items is that normal I I feel like I’m not going to be able

To get the item I need that’s what I the feeling I’m feeling Skrelp yay Nature’s gift the user draws power to attack by using its held Berry the berry determines the moves type that’s so strange I will pass on that I don’t think anyone has it there was a

Few people looking for it actually I know a Brian and sakuna were looking for it oh oh my God it was too slow there’s so many like finions here shelter what’s the chances of a prism skill I actually don’t know does anyone know I think it’s low melodic please

Give Me A Sign melodic if you can hear me Give Me A Sign star you you a good has it been an hour yet we gotta go get the eggs dot dot you need so the stone that I’m looking or the thing I’m looking for right now

Is what I need to evolve feebus I can’t evolve feebus without it I don’t know why I keep picking those up I don’t know I don’t know dot dot dot dot and this is grindy I’m in my grinding era dot dot dot clover plus curse this game curse this game shallows die

Oh Barry no I I haven’t played Sun Haven since I started playing this game this game has just been really extra addicting too yeah I have a super rod is this what I’m using right now and I’m in the deep ocean an amethyst no that’s not what I need dot dot

Which Pokemon drops it you know who drops it the Pokemon that I’m trying to get the item to evolve it into isn’t that crazy no I’m not this is a super rod maybe I need to buff the super rod bottom dot dot dot a hauntail that is not cute synthesis nice Wiki says it’s Rarity 20. does is the higher the number the more rare it is or lower oh no the sun’s gonna come up soon yeah it’s the other Eva I’m running out of moves man go go all right let’s see uh oh wait let me uh move my

Bailey’s had a move so let’s try to level uh breaks in a bright way brakes is gonna die here maybe Marsh stop and also our shiny thing’s still on but I want to know a veil you know what maybe no okay when it’s daytime I’ll go run around

Not deep enough uh well it does say I’m in the deep ocean I think you just need you need to be in the right biome is all it’s deep enough die I do want to level breaks in but um it’ll be tough in the water because he’s fire type I was too slow I was looking away okay now that it’s Sunrise I should leave Let’s go swim with the rest of our shiny thing where are the shiny Pokemon how many times you have I have two shinies I have a breaks in and a uh wishy-washy um

Thanks to Ryan we got this really cool helmet that allows us to breathe underwater for a while map is like not loading is it because I was considering it to be a cave like what is this I guess I’ll just keep going this way laprases are you guys shiny

A sharkpedo those aren’t shiny is it Lapras how cute so cute nope not shiny not shiny I feel like a dolphin they are huge sit here for a bit let them load in let them load in deep ocean deep ocean yeah diving is so much more fun when you can breathe

Let’s go into this trench shall we any crunchies straight up no Pokemon down here oh oh it’s a lantern cute melodic where are you how do you get your large icons to show up that big um if you go into you press J and bottom middle you click options then

At the top mini map preset one click that you want to scroll down about halfway and then when it says player display or mob display you change this it’s from it’s usually on dots you change it to icons so it shows the Pokemon and then to the right of it it’s

Mob display scale and I put it at 2.25 but the higher the number the larger they are that’s my TED Talk thanks for joining melodic KIRO tues donde estas where are you where are you oh wait what was that what was that what was that I saw something like pink oh that’s Atkins

Oh and then uh when you are here you press minus to zoom out of the minimab and plus to zoom in so I have it like this we’re in the cold ocean still no shinies looking for the fishes no fishes horsey cutie does making it square look better better too

I was actually wondering about that let me try to do that oh Sharpedo this is just a straight up ocean might be bigger all right let’s change it options minimap preset one you would go down and change shape to square oh wow yeah it does look much larger oh

I like it better as a square melodic spawns only at Dusk and Dawn do you guys know what biome it spawns in is it only deep ocean rectangle is even bigger bruh say less say less let me try rectangle oh my it’s like a radar only deep ocean but it’s rare say less

We’re gonna chill here in the deep ocean forever I live here now I wonder if it’s like more at the bottom or more at the top I guess I could zoom out a little bit now that we’re things like there’s no point in zooming out oh my lure expired

Hey let’s just put another one on this is my last one should I use it right now I want a shiny Magikarp though I’m not losing air because I’m wearing a helmet that has aqua affinity respiration three so it takes a really long time for me to start okay I’m gonna use it

I’m gonna zoom in zoom in there deep ocean foreign dying so much God is he okay maybe I should fight in the water nuzzle kill everything sharkpedo Corp I don’t want the top stones shark is so fast there it is I want to kill it for XP and coral reef from melodic oh wow why is it so fast ugh yo finally nozzle Nuzzle again die it’s getting pumped up XP XP spark is stronger than nuzzle oh forgot I had Spark wee yeah we’re not getting very lucky these lures at all let me tell you still in a deep ocean I saw a Dratini here once it’s real they exist they need to kill this thing

Well this is just a regular ocean spawns at y 45 for level 45 why level oh so like deeper whoa oh that’s cool shiny Teddy ears are for Shoto but this is in deep ocean Port Corp let’s go so I need to go somewhere deeper for in deep ocean not here

Well this is deep ocean oh oh this is cool maybe over here the I’m in the water I’m in the water relax here this place is scary I don’t wanna be here can I go back was it this way I don’t think it was that way is that a shiny

A blue thing on the map I’m lost yeah I could I could just dig up hello carp oh there you go sunset time whoa I love being able to breathe underwater dang no shinies no nut in nothing Hayden Maria thanks for 38 months thank you so much little baby change location really

You think so but what if there’s a shiny melodic oh my gosh what’s a Marini kill it It bit me why is it avoiding everything just die Um I’m gonna give it one more day or one more night of fishing and then I will go to the EVS it’s been an hour right surely surely you gotta be at y 45 well I have to fish at night anyways I’m trying to get the Ida the level up

Item anyways so I don’t really need to 16 minutes left uh why why for what reason an hour star you Squad loon has been caught what’s that pog s oh it’s a bug oh my God I just caught a Dratini I’m gonna catch it in case we want to breed it

But it’s not shiny if I use hair quick ball quick ball quick ball a repeat ball okay quick ball first and there were people I do have one already but I maybe this one has better IVs than the other one Do I am I passing it do I not have any of your peoples oh I do I have plenty oh the other one’s a female too that’s fine I still want to be able to see compare the IVs Yay Ah it could have been A melodic it could have been it could have been I got away I wasn’t looking Magikarp no shiny no service whoa look at that thing it’s a fully evolved one oh I’ve seen these before just don’t see them often level 40 XP please nuzzle Wuzzle acid oh

It’s raining and oh Spark it’s an onion Jealous scent do you think this is a good level 40. the catch nah it’s very defensive it’s water ghosts see I see hmm all right as soon as it’s been an hour I’ll go back for the EVS okay go go go faster faster a glossopod kill it uh oh we dead dead

That’s good against this thing looks strong I’m running out like moves and stuff oh don’t kill this is like he’s bugging water he’s strong okay I’ll catch it Where’d he go I didn’t even kill it ah it runs at half what a wimp coward it’s the ability what a lame ability I’m bitter or whatever yeah I am all right we need more oh lure balls I don’t really have anything I need to sell has it been an hour yet let’s check the IVs of these dratinis slash IVs five nine percent the best one I’ve have so far IVs um six 53. no I’m bad IVs three whoa toxicity has 74 percent

But he’s so slow I need to make him faster yeah let’s check Ralts 10 more minutes it has the longest 10 minutes of my life rolls oh there you are a little baby and then this baby two Ralts please IVs four IVs five 71 percent level 14. level 14. can stay but you

Gotta go not terrible yeah still bad for the dumps I’ll deal with it later okay let’s go we have you we need to level U these two up we need to get the thing for this still if I want to bring the Dratini hey Ray how many shinies have you found two

Oh my God which ones did you get I got wishy-washy and uh breaks in cool mm-hmm how many did you get oh it ain’t looking good I’ve only got five that’s it oof I’m probably gonna go play valerant in a bit though can’t walk around forever you know we’re gonna play valo

Hey shinies are cool and all but I mean I’m gonna go make a secret project though first I’ll see you later oh yeah and as Gary says I’ll smell you later oh God you ever play that game never mind I can read through him like a book

I can read through him like a book he’s literally I know EV he’s a troll every time bye um is it blue oh South I knew it I was like this is where I have to ask him how many shinies he’s got this way six minutes still

You guys think I can make this jump oh my God wait I was so close to the ledge it was right there I was right there I was so close what do you mean no what do you guys I would have had it I was so close it was right there

Don’t worry it’s right here okay bye brother land carefully how close I was ow I died a heliopa tile what is that how much longer is it done oh that’s six minutes that looks so long okay yeah a good shiny oh really curses curses curses Charlie Charlie foreign

Event is over in an hour and 10 minutes Grove biome whoo what’s an Azelf am I at The Grove am I at The Grove no oh it’s me oh is it him girl girl I’m gonna go find it it’s me my brother right here it’s right here where is it gotta get it

As elf is boring Grove clearing wait it was on the map North should be here somewhere wait this is Prairie though north of daycare oh is that it what is that thing are you in the water a Chikorita what am I oh my God it’s so cute it’s so cute Azelf San attack

It’s level two bro I didn’t use a quick ball wait I guess I don’t need to do that can I just use a Pokeball it’s my last Quick ball oon do QuickBooks even ever work on legendaries Hmm level ball for sure oh first turn only uh La la la la la la la la la la la la la la what uh what kind of legendary is this is it good or bad it’s bad it’s part of a trio um I hate wasting balls it’s I can’t even use it in the tournament it’s just using all the balls

I’m gonna kill it kill it stay on bran I think I’m gonna kill it oh I could trade it later Arya come get it Dude I can’t even do damage to it because it’s so weak I only have one timer ball All right Point Sandstorm I think would kill it I don’t have I I can’t put it to sleep I don’t have Lapras I can’t paralyze it because nuzzle does damage to it I think it’ll kill it everything’s gonna kill it hello someone near oh Sea King Sandstorm would you want to bet [ __ ] it All right time to die baby oh nice it’s percentage based Buff him buff him is that me who’s dying who’s dying who is that hello I’m just watching oh my God hey you want to catch this thing I was just I want to see you again it’s two it’s level two like I’m gonna kill it yeah it’s it’s big baby

Oh my God I couldn’t even see her username so I didn’t know if you were an NPC wow okay like your name is invisible this stupid rat what did you kill you kill it no I’m just I just I’m buffing it but with sandstorm it’s not even a good legendary apparently

Oh everyone’s saying it sucks mid mid it’s still a legendary though right yeah but what’s the point if you can’t use it in the tournament all right well you can’t lose light in there yeah what’s the point what’s the point I’ve known as the legendary killer because I’ve killed three of them already

Or two of them stupid rat it’s a rat what I don’t know it just won’t die I mean I mean it won’t get caught he’s using all my balls I don’t know like I can’t stop it why is it asleep oh then you used uh oh my God it healed

I ran I ran you you catch it I can’t I can’t I can’t no [ __ ] that I I might kill it wait does it say if you kill the legendary in the uh yeah oh [ __ ] okay it’s level two though you might need something to like

Yeah get it get his ass get his ass okay I’m gonna go get my EVS let me know how it goes wait it’s that it’s at 10 HP what nice that’s perfect okay hold on okay okay I just should I just use any kind of ball uh any ball I

Don’t think I think you’re gonna have to waste like a hundred balls anyways oh [ __ ] no matter the ball wait what if I just catch yeah what if you just catch it right here what that was the first throw I crawled so you could run I literally crawled so

That you could run oh God no way insane what is wrong with this game what is wrong with this game yeah yeah yeah happy for you oh my gosh where’s my balls at I mean my complete how do I get it uh egg was sent to PC yay okay PC’s down here right

Um no over here okay lucky boy lucky boy I’m glad he got it instead of me killing it I mean it wasn’t like I was gonna use that Pokemon but now it’s in a good home heal out of habit all right um egg now we have the tedious task of hatching this egg

I’m Gonna Leave toxl in here I think yeah these have to evolve d Man we gotta get the thing from for feeble gotta go back to fish I think I’m gonna fish off stream I feel like it’s just too repetitive I think for the last hour we should do shiny hunting because it’s the only thing it’s the only time we’re gonna have this increased buff

Check IV of egg wait you could check it of the egg oh like this sorry IVs five 62 percent that’s good right not bad but maybe it’ll be a shiny yeah I can’t believe that it’s already almost six wasn’t it until eight it’s until 6 PM breed again

It’s kind of tedious now getting the materials I wish it was a time-based thing I am gonna breed again though we’re gonna eat the hay bales probably wait it might be different this time change it up a little bit surely I could find the windmill yeah it’s only a six hour event

Or four hour That Trick oh it’s the same 10 leather three hey three well let’s get the hay first because that’s easy peasy just right over here Three hay bales and we gotta look for the cows it’s always the same oh really well then I should just get these now actually no actually yeah there’s wool in the village where okay got hay for life on the roof huh oh [ __ ] free wool let’s go let’s go free wool okay

But I need one more oh all right we have hay wool and now we just need some leather and then we’re good to go easy peasy plutter right right Centric where are you it’s time to die I can’t see you oh there two leather pogs uh maybe Teddy urissa drops leather meow

Tell yours yeah you got the good good Oh the event is from two to eight okay got it I don’t know why I keep thinking it ends at six my brain is off today but then again it’s off every day so I don’t really know I don’t know what to say anymore oh rubber banding you’re right you have leather right

That is rotten flesh ew meow um well it’s Sunrise so the cows and stuff should be waking up right oh foreign no I don’t need wool oh my God what’s wrong with me leather I need leather rats rats just give rotten flesh maybe the cats Century okay I’m gonna go down here south

East yes oh a cow you totally have leather cough it up that’s meat enter it good good good good good how many how many we need three more leather I wonder if these drop leather oh the bunny I think I think I caught score bunny didn’t I Scorch bunny right

Having a hard time seeing it yeah I did already I don’t want another one score bunny you guys said milk tank popped up right Rabbit’s foot what’s that it’s just the foot hmm oh yeah yeah it scared me maybe this thing has a lot I’m rubber banding so much right now nope not from those a Scorch bunny you got leather you got leather on you little bunny you got leather rabbit hide no ah you have leather

What do you got what do you got wool oh oh yes are you done yes we’re good we’re good we’re good uh let’s go this way we did it be check check check one hour baby I wonder how much time for the egg oh you know what we’re gonna do we’re

Gonna do border patrol and we’re gonna go fly around in hopes of finding a shiny On the Border because shinies and legendaries like borders grab a hat can turn to leather got it got it got it got it good to know oh sure take it

Man I am just oh I didn’t mean to click that yeah I’m gonna level up Braxton now okay we need you for flying and attacking you for catching Pokemon I will level up Marshtomp later because we have Braxton and also we have the XP here and uh I will bring a bay leaf

Instead to level up bay leaf as well time to go um I’m gonna put this egg here and put you up actually it’s good bye brother I did uh oh yeah I do need to heal their XP okay fly all right let’s go to this far Edge over here straight west

Because I haven’t really been that way yet are you fasting now I usually fast every morning uh um unless I don’t sometimes hey let’s go hopefully oh it is an all-male team Boys Boys Boys XP shares should be on one of the starters because Phoebus needs the item anyways

Yeah but I was thinking it would be nice to have an already high level uh melodic you know what I mean okay this is the swamp I heard fishing in the swamp is actually so good let’s try fishing in the swamp and see what happens I heard that you can get some really

Cool Pokemon here away Stone pogiwogies yeah I’m gonna try to see if we can get some cool some cool loot Maybe Maybe Psyduck I hate it already right hey bricks and kill it quick nice I hate it I hate it all I don’t think you can get a melodic here

But you can actually catch some of the like starters okay one more time one more time one more time a grimer yeah you poisoned me what a jerk yo shiny Psyduck is so pretty I actually caught that the last Pokemon game like there’s tons of toxicals here um oops

Um I need to heal a little baby get the poison out I don’t know how a poison heel I have a one of these oh antidote breaks in little baby let me heal you of your injuries go all better or better a better all right let’s go yeah let’s just keep flying actually

Let’s just run all the way west maybe we’ll run into shiny Pokemon Maybe we go a little bit pause and then go oh true I gotta hatch the egg for Gore what if it’s just a shiny Eevee wouldn’t that be crazy whoa Polly work he whirl or whatever

You whirl or whatever what’s an egg uh an Eevee I’m just gonna keep swimming I think oh it’s like not shallow enough to swim meow yeah shiny shiny shiny Pokemon need to load faster table eye you good bro the Bayou yeah I’m pretty much a dolphin hmm that rubber band is crazy

Yeah the shinies do look different on the map 100 that’s how I found Braixen Hmm you know I hope the egg is shiny that’d be crazy yeah three more hours of Minecraft came by wolf 10 thanks for the 10 gifted okay I have more time than I thought I thought I only had one hour but we’re pretty good I need to swim slower because it’s

Pokemon are not loading there you go chill caffeine I also have some some Quest protein chips for a little snacky whenever I need a little hold me off a little hold me off foreign Hold me over hold me off hold me over what’s this nothing bald shiny Eevee isn’t real uh dang it let’s see what the ingredient is uh let’s see um uh lure uh shiny strong strong shiny lure we need starf landsat Lum apricot starf Lancet Lum apricot

That’s my shiny sorry I’ll put them away um I have I have starf lump no I don’t have the other ones I’m missing Lancet okay we have to keep an eye out for that make more lures I need a loot more too because I I realize I don’t have enough good balls

Ooh XP okay we need to organize Bop bop bop uh I’m just gonna get rid of those Berry water stone Shard whatever get rid of it Bob No Silvers we have a grandpa Berry wowies um I can’t put these away oh I can put that in there shiny shiny shiny no shine no tripping I’m tripping now where’s my ball back Berry bag okay I’ll keep that in there I’ll put these up here oops forgot more

Yeah only Pokemon stuff can go in the bags which is kind of annoying get rid of that later I’m gonna use that now probably on Phoebus there you go then here here these can go up here yes yes yes good night porchy leave that stuff in there for now all right who’s getting

This little XP bricks in we gotta love you up little baby where are you Bryson yes waste I love that I could just swim fast shiny Hmm The Grove Lakes what do you think the egg will hatch um I don’t know I don’t know how many steps it is happy birthday Gabriel well I guess that it’s an Eevee egg shop Oh wait we’re at a breeder place again oh I should grab all of the

Rocking sounds I’m sick of the incense I’m just sick of it ah sure why not loot bro can I sell these yeah sure or whatever okay um let’s take the hay we’re collecting hay and wool give me those you got wool hey what’s up where’s your wool Village oh so much

What was in basement pastor I’m actually also tired I don’t even know if it’s worth picking up the regular Pokeballs you guys think it’s worth it I feel like every Pokemon requires better balls anyways claystone Way Stone bless you bless you bless you all bless you all okay looting

The stores are actually op all you have to do is go behind the counter and up when they’re not looking and look at all the loot in here yes yes yes lots of feathers and stuff that I don’t know what to do with yet

But we will use them to fix the IVs and stuff later hey don’t mind me okay um let’s see let’s put the feathers I just put all the feathers in here I have them in here but I don’t think that’s wait I have them here okay I’ll put them in the brown bag

Meadow Meloetta is that a good one is that a good one is that a good one shot is that a good one shot is that me llow is it me you’re looking for Prairie Prairie region I don’t think it’s me Grove region um uh who who did it spawn by who did it

Spawn by I don’t think it’s me it’s a Pokemon that sings oh my gosh Leslie would love that get get it girl oh Wendy would love that too oh chill bro okay let’s see Brown back feathers I’m gonna sell all these gems I hate them I’m gonna be honest I hate them

Let’s put oh I can’t put those up there so what sell oh is it bugged oh no there you go I think they are useless because like you would just give your Pokemon better things to hold you know I’m also gonna sell the pokeballs I think there’s better balls that I could

Just be using yeah get rid of all these incense no one has to know oh my God you scared me chill bro chill hey yo bro chill all right and ball bag yeah and then the green bag get this and this I’ll leave all that stuff in there

Organized yes yes yes yes yes and this is the miscellaneous bag with a bunch of incense that I kind of just want to get rid of but I’ll deal with that later and then this oh wait the peanut Butter’s in here Where’d I put the peanut butter okay

I’ll put the peanut butter I’ll leave the berry bag and then this will be the peanut butter this will be the IV bag get this out of there yeah get that stuff out there oh I already went upstairs didn’t I didn’t I just go upstairs here

I don’t think I need the amethyst huh I did just go upstairs here you silly goose um I’ll put these here feathers nice I’ll put the luring stuff in the berry bag because that’s we need to put the berries in it so yay oh bye wait we gotta buy stuff

Um I only I don’t have that much money more Ultra Balls I guess how many can we buy you can only buy eight more that’s fine we’ll take it okay ball bag ball bag and organize we’re organized all right continue waste gifted him there’s a 10 gifted thank you

Thank you thank you thank you is there wool here somewhere oh my God more hay but we don’t really need more hay we just need more wool I’m rubber banding again I’m leaving it’s time to go can I ride bay leaf or no oh yeah yeah oh my God wait Bailey’s fast Oh wait what berries are those wait I don’t need these huh okay I’m missing a certain Berry oh it’s the red apricorn I’m I’m over it let’s go oh I see airplane I don’t need applying oh do I let’s go oh hey should have died again why does he keep dying

Like what is this man doing it’s like kind of hard to maneuver oh yeah we don’t like the water well let’s fly let’s fly what Pokemon is that we’re in the Woodlands my favorite starter um kill abras sounds so scary I don’t know actually oh the pink Caterpie it’s a lie

Pink caterpies are a lie oh no it’s hard to pick a favorite um I would probably have to say Squirtle if I had had to pick just because of the Nostalgia it’s not shiny it’s not shiny it’s not shiny the pink Caterpie is a lie it is I promise

Not only are there galerian and elohan forms in this game but there’s also a chance to get a pink a pink variation of every Pokemon so you can get a pink pink one of everything I’ve I’ve seen pink minkies yeah it’s a lie it’s all a lie

The beach What’s this called this biome the wetlands yeah we want to unlock as many biomes as possible because there’s actually some rare biomes wetlands we’re crashing we’re out of stamina ow ow bye Brava oh the swamp I love being able to swim in the water

Um I don’t remember what the name of the Shader is but Abe knows he’s the one that helped me set it up or the shiny Pokemon Bro they don’t exist in this world and annihilate doesn’t exist in this world either but that would have been cool okay let’s sit here for a bit

Um binoculars uh I know writing Pokemon doesn’t help with catching that’s okay deep cold ocean foreign Kyogre are you in here ow ow let me let me go Release Me the bump should be permanent and finding shinies is so hard where are we okay we’re West continue how am I gonna level

I’m gonna level breaks it out here I’m trying to find land on the border once I find lands or or what is that um Where are we barboach why is it sound so scary whoa look at this pillar what a weird phenomenon why did this happen music is so eerie what’d she get set it for two minutes so Pokemon out here where are they oh there they are dude I swear nothing is ever in the trenches

Oh rubber banding land land hoes oh there’s a ball here Luke oh my gosh it’s short enough to walk in wow a potion thrilling what is that there’s a ghastly does that mean there’s a k oh God okay I’m just gonna fly bye brother I feel like such a weird area

Yeah isn’t it weird it almost feels like bugged I only can’t fly here there’s a landing strip right here shiny core fish want to head oh a boat and a reef warm ocean um does anyone know if I can fish at night in the warm ocean I will still

Have a chance of getting the item I need to evolve feeble whoa wait this this duck is big Spa One PP um love ball we gotta PP up that’s awesome this first time I’ve seen it in this game what’s this uh flowers balls does that count as a ball pee pee pee pee

What does that do I’ll sell those I guess Curry coughing class what’s that I don’t know what that is I can sell all these what’s that oh another sweet whoa water shards ice stone shards maybe these shards oh I Stone wait sick I don’t know what the shards do but I’ll

Bring it just in case I guess sulker box huh whoa you can’t use I mean what am I supposed to do with this oh wow I can use it sick everything’s awesome I didn’t think I could use it but I can yeah I could put items put that here for now ball bag

I want these out of the bulldog okay bye Brava all right let’s try fishing at night here I hope we can get the item we need there’s just a dude in the water oh please I need to evolve him star you confuse Ray oh God we can’t level him here

Prism scales deep ocean only shoot but this guy’s level 36. Okay deep ocean only so I’m just gonna keep running around or flying around until I just happen to see deep ocean at night more motion deep warm motion does it have can it be warm or no deep ocean it says the website dang deep warm ocean any land oh

Been here before I need to head like more South West this way I would like to find some land so I can oh and I have a boat I brought one I forgot yay deep warm motion the website does just say deep ocean it makes me feel like I need to just look

For a deep ocean I see a land hose warm ocean I don’t have a prison scale I am that’s what I need I’m looking for one deep lukewarm ocean where is the not a fish look look but melodic can spawn in the warm motion too yeah I’m torn between like fishing for

Melodic or fishing for the item to evolve it’s like which one do I aim for oh no it’s flooded in here oh no no what happened oh Jesus you good guys good run ooh I can’t even see if there’s like oh there’s more down here right oh there is

I don’t know why I’ve been organizing them before I take them like it’s gonna look the same bro relax I found one shiny Apple Curry oh sick you just put things it is like a backpack that’s awesome oop I don’t know what to do with that where’s my boat

What shiny um I got wishy-washy today lukewarm ocean thank you Joey for the five gifted thank you so much honey joy things are 13 months oh I see lands this is deep lukewarm water but now it’s daytime shiny shiny pelipper in the sky pelipper shiny right hey yo hey yo pelipper there is

I think I see oh I see him in the sky My brother go quick brother his flight too fat is so tight why is everything I catch oh my brother oh my God oh my God okay so how am I supposed to throw a ball at him bro Evie hatched there’s so much happening right now well there he is there he is okay

How do I bye brother oh yeah I pull Braxton and then I I can’t see yeah pilipper chill bruh developer developer please developer please oh my God Braixen I thought you were another shiny you [ __ ] my boat pellet bird I can’t okay I have to get ahead [Laughter] too fast okay okay

Go up and then switch to Braixen pull and then oh my god did he despawn oh my god did he despawn oh no he’s right there he’s right there oh a little bit ahead yes oh my God dude I can’t see oh my God I can’t see my vision okay Oh I don’t need a heel quick ball I think I don’t have any more I don’t have quick balls anymore All right so we are going to oh my God I have Evie Amber that’s lucky chantoo stop protecting yourself coward stop what a dork what is Evie baton toss 34. Sing Finally he’s asleep maybe I could just catch it with a great ball I think I’m gonna replace uh my flying Pokemon with peloper now foreign ball is it low enough yay Right yay yay our efforts have not been in vain oh that was something wasn’t it I could never coniferous legs wait my Young’s looking for the coniferous forest I think this is what she was looking for yeah I found the coniferous forest wait is it is she on okay ditto

Why is she laughing oh wait wait oh wait she needs the modified jungle [Laughter] oh man I don’t understand why why don’t why did I say coniferous forest there’s a reason there’s a reason there’s a reason why did I think it was kind of first Forest why what’s wrong with me man [Laughter]

Um I left my boat somewhere far far away someone I traveled so far well Adventure Time oh hey what happened to the icons what happened what I’m I need I need them what happened why’d it turn back the dots icons back to two points oh wait not that one uh oh

Wait close I don’t want to change that one how did I turn off my icons I was spamming too much um icons wait what what zoom in no is it too many shinies am I in a world where it doesn’t work River yeah let me rejoin reset okay switch map preset no

See there’s no way I would have seen that was a flying shiny unless I was like had the icons hit slash slash what not in chat oh well out of chat it still does it other slash where is the other slot oh there it is that’s not doing anything it’s broken

But if I change the other preset to the same one I’m a genius that way no matter which one it is it’s the correct one a genius wow I once you have icons you can never go back ever oh Vibe is dead dead um well maybe we can find a town Nar

I’m gonna go back to the Border I’ll just heal I guess I like greeting my stuff my Brava this may be goodbye soon I’m going to have a new flying companion it’s true I found a shiny that can fly and honestly I appreciate everything we’ve been through but

I think I gotta move on I found someone better swine up I feel like I should kill these every chance I get it bulldoze relax yes let’s see the stats for this Eevee okay we bred this Evie uh in it has a careful nature increase special defense lowered SP attack

Do you plan on making a house in the server no I don’t I I had to like whoa whoa big big boy uh I don’t plan to do any like building or anything very bad nature yeah poo poo we’re gonna fly it’s a good Umbreon oh nice I do have some stones

Hi Brava Vibrava foreign To the Border whoop this is the Highland shiny wind pod wait what’s a wind pod wait what’s a win pod oh God is it a fish or what deep ocean hahaha bye brother Shirley if I zoom out of the map it’ll just load right is this about where I was a wimpod

Red and white on the beach it was on land like this way it probably despawn no way we just we just saw it on a rock how’d you guys see that how do you guys see that binoculars that rock over there South red nose how did you oh sick a bear oh

That was so scary binoculars more south it looks like a bug hold on Braxton’s gotta kill this thing I sick whoa oh bro how did it kill me It’s asleep he’s sleeping quick kill it he’s asleep yeah Vibrava is weak to it but figured I could get like one accuracy down oh you [ __ ] he healed Foreign Twice Did I say twice it’s gonna die now we’re pushing him off the mountain I don’t want it get rid of it well looks like we missed it time to go oh breaksin’s dead I really need to find a town Hey Brother uh it’s too late oh oh deep ocean deep ocean Pilates

Oh I don’t have my boat anymore I need my boat I’m over it back to Flying we don’t find a nearby town bye brother hopefully over here Forest uh sitting on Lapras doesn’t work it kicks you off it’s bugged right now unfortunately yeah Lapras still poo poo caca uh oh rafl rip um

Woodlands looking for a town oh we found the Border nice Vibrava meow meow ran out of Energies where are the towns at where are the towns at I need a town there are some crazy like swampy Water Area here the biome is this looks like uh rice fields meow meow meow

What’s that down there oh it’s a pokestop a whooper Chinese Zubat oh all of a sudden I’m blind blind Uh yeah yeah shiny shiny where yeah see what had happened was I have resentment towards uh shiny zubats if you were there like five years ago you would knew no this is just straight up called the marsh I actually don’t even think that’s shiny I think it’s just Underground

With that as a tree bye brother oh we’re here at the border a Hypno Wicked hmm it was a fortress we’re in the tayaga now we’re in the grasslands my Brava these trees look kind of weird don’t they want to find some rare biomes rare fur clearing is this new I’m out

Out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I’m just gonna get oh wait that’s a Togepi that’s uh uh the thing what is that thing that’s rare isn’t it toga kiss is below me I think or oh there’s one above uh okay how do I get up there there’s two hey brother

Uh it’s probably really high in the sky well no there it is all right breaks in you’re going in round two buddy round two oh there it is but there’s two right here oh Braxton has one HP let’s do Lapras I can’t see Lapras come back

Oh that’s brakes and down there it’s on a shiny foreign okay oh God it’s a nightmare holy Vibrava who asked You saw my Pokemon on the ground bruh that’s what you guys saw that’s what you guys saw no I don’t have any more quick balls the sparkle was my Pokemon on the ground Oh he got me uh water gun ice shard oh Water gun ice chard water gun nice shard oh sing Oh it’s protect sing again sing Why is he dodging what how long is he protected for Jesus Ultra Ball get his ass chips time just throw balls yeah you’re right he broke free oh it’s gone it’s gone was it loud are you asleep no Foreign dang it dude Eating into the mic I gotta leap wait is it loud is it Would you ever cry foreign we did it this is a very dangerous place I’m gonna put these in there oh nice the things I could sell later check IVs fish do I look like I’m in a predicament where I could check IVs I think I might actually use that Pokemon

It looks cool I feel like no one else is gonna have it I just kind of want to have look at brixon down there oh these guys are dead I’m still looking for a town I’m hoping I can find one I will live okay all right okay foreign making my way around

It’s not that high is it can’t tell how high that is holy [ __ ] what was my plan there yeah I don’t know I don’t know man okay uh let’s see if we can find uh it definitely looked a lot deeper than it actually was that’s for sure cave oh

Let’s go there’s probably gonna be a town somewhere it looks like the biomes are getting interesting any shinies yes uh we got Washi Washi and a pelipper um I need to find a PC so bad go go go and I missed one yeah I missed a win pod Leslie bless you

Why is so weak um Ted this way what is this oh White apricorn I’m sick of collect well I know what berries I need so I don’t need any other ones okay revive yeah I was hoping to just find a town nearby oh ice mountains fine I’ll revive where are we we’re super

We out here okay let’s do revives and super potion or hyper potions are super potions please okay revives and then we one for you there you go one more breaks in okay and then um put that back and more Super potions Lapras okay Franklin brakes and Lapras Hey Brother

Okay everyone’s healthy wealthy girl Boston thriving alright okay good good good okay my brother my brother okay okay yes yes yes okay um yes yes yes put those back foreign oops okay I’m just gonna keep walking on foot and hope that we just see more shinies um I’m just gonna keep walking the

Border oops branding I think driving me uh I think this is a good time to level breaks in because we’re in the snowier biome so we’ll try to kill some easy one shot like you easy one shot level 36. dude we are out here charm die die die oh nice

Good XP good XP I don’t think I need those okay let’s go oh I actually want to get to the top of this mountain boss legendary slobo just spawn on me yeah bro good luck with that boing [Applause] hey oh swim what is pomeg berry why does he want it so bad

This feels dangerous oh climbing the tallest mountain oh I don’t think he’s trolling because he um he’s asked for it before Clefairy Club every okay that is in the sky there has to be something cool up there like look at this is a cloud this is the Alps oh wow okay

Alps wait straight up the Alps all right we’re gonna chill here see if anything spawns anything a freaking Zubat foreign we were higher than the clouds oh I see a lavatar where am I I need to head uh South Boop this way hello hello maybe it’s because it’s nighttime

Uh oh Mika’s getting impatient he doesn’t like when I stream for a long times this looks dangerous what’s that a person level 80. hello Mika I’ll be done in to an hour and a half push them off I can’t he’s just stuck here what’s that it’s like an ice thing 100k

There’s no Pokemon up here why not we were at the very top oh what’s that why is it cute where is it what is that thing huh what is that thing oh my God main show is good do you think it’s down here or up oh whoa oh that thing

I thought it was shiny it’s kind of big it’s really good it looks so cool it looks awesome attack sand attack wait wide guard sand attack land is level 46. it does look shiny oh Lapras help do something sing it says sleep time to die ice shard okay water gun

A crit water gun again 43 29 sing go to bed baby oh let’s Maybe I like a weaker attack tackle Oh he woke up again oh tackle 25 20. oh nice okay now let’s get breaks in out here and let’s throw a ball at it Ultra Ball Where’s the ball oh it popped out he’s way down there see this Pokemon looks so cool Oh no Ultra pretty please pretty please a crumb no it’s it’s not a legendary it just looks cool foreign Yeah I should just put it asleep sing go to bed baby oh Lapras Ultra Ball Yay huge XP a huge XP minior gosh all right we are okay so that looks like a shiny it’s just not though right I I don’t like seeing these kind of green on the mini-map zubats Avatar um nah I don’t think I’ll have lavatar in my party South we have to head south

Oh go go I think I have one already don’t I it is cute and tiny Eevee egg oh yeah but we’re far right now I’m just gonna keep going on my Adventures until we don’t anymore oh it’s not a shiny ow atar is good yeah I just think that

There are other Pokemon like it that I would rather use South the snowy Tundra what the heck is that thing see something in the distance what is that what is this oh another biome oh we reached the new border we’re in the corner ah a big nugget why can’t I

It’s a little laggy it’s okay all right it’s time we reached the Far new border we this map is so big so much unexplored area ah here we go where is Bailey if it’s time bae go go Pause another bear hey I would like to get out of the icy biome Uh I have uh three total shinies yes ah the cow in my head three total I have breaks in wishy-washy and oh pen Penelope pelican toilet Bird yeah yeah it’s kind of cute though are we out yet here I think we just gotta go but I’m too lazy to Res him right now

Get out of the ice bio man never ending ice ugh there’s a shiny event over no it ends at 8pm tonight thank you a frozen ocean oh it’s at nine oh it’s at nine now nice I think it should be permanent though because even it still feels difficult to

Find shinies and also when you do find a shiny it’s likely to be one that you weren’t looking for you know they said 20 gifted Samurai thank you like even with the even with the shiny the strong shiny lore and the lore buff I’ve only seen two shinies today and

I’ve been live for five hours and they’re definitely shinies I wouldn’t have like preferred I got the peloper and the wishy-washy you know I still think it’s uh I still think it’s a good it’s doable at least I’m seeing shinies compared to before it still felt like super rare oops where am I

Supposed to be going wait is beyond not ending until she gets another legendary I swear she enjoys pain foreign how come it’s not showing the parts the maps have unlocked I’m supposed to head east though oh wow pink whale oh wait it’s not as shiny is it it’s just the pink variation

Oh it’s a boss it’s a boss what is that thing it’s a boss it’s a boss oh it is it said hey it’s a legendary boss but it is shiny curse you whale it is shiny but it’s a legend and you can’t you can’t catch legendaries legendaries are all legends are all

Shiny yeah that’s pretty cool I think we should be able to catch them humph what is this thing is there loot in here like what’s up I’m claustrophobic I hate this get out get out get out hello oh that scared me you got loot that Luke got loot uh where’s the pickaxe

Is there not loot in The Monuments boo foreign Articuno oh where is it man I seal sweet little baby we’re in the Deep cold ocean melodic is so gonna show up right now I’m melodic oh yeah Braixen can level up here faster true if I find some like ice again

I’m not going back though we’re going forward uh Braxton has four more levels until level up I just would like to loot some buildings and hopefully get like a hopefully get the the rare candy meow where’s the Border should be like South so realize I’m not following it we’re in the deep ocean

A lot it Bish where you at look look melodic are you in here God God is there like I give up meow Oh wrong way Melodic brother brother wait what is that an errand in the water wait that means there’s a cave Foreign you died nodders you guys are sick you’re sick This place is cursed a thing on the map what Pokemon is that what is that thing is it flying or swimming oh finneyon evolution oh I want to see India where are you you guys are so stupid oh you’re like Dratini finian Dratini oh I have a Dratini I do

If it’s shiny let me know then we can talk I don’t think I’m gonna I know I caught two rods but I don’t think I’m gonna go out of my way to um breed anything else other than EVS because I feel like it’s such a tedious task I Bravo is alive bless

So tedious we have to go sell this ocean is super deep deep deep glug deep deep ocean it was a sun setting I wish I had my boat there’s a border or am I trying to count uh I have three total shinies I caught two today Sunset we’re in deep ocean at night

Melodic why is the map so dark what are you looking for um so pretty much I’m just following the border of the map it expands every day and I’m just looking for new biomes I’m looking for melodic I’m also looking for shinies I’m looking for rare and new Pokemon

I’m just I’m in my adventure era I’m mostly looking for shinies but man it’s been water for quite a while all the way where’s the edge of the map what the heck hi and forbidden Juju land like what’s going on that’s a boss uncommon melodic will melodic be in the trenches

Like is melodic like closer to the surface or whoa another pillar whoa yeah the map is huge and it just gets bigger and bigger P Corp 23. ew creepy I see like cave a Cave System down there like what is that I hate when it’s a dead end another Dratini it’s underneath

There’s like layers get me out of here I’m over it yeah there’s a ghost corsola I can’t believe out of all the Magikarp I feel like that’s the most common Pokemon we see I haven’t seen a shiny one meow Corp wow there is just no land near here ooh a horsey

Side keeps coming and going oh wait is this the border border no this is oh there’s a land over here yay we can fly again I can’t I don’t think I can ride free bass it’s okay I’m Gonna Fly poop poop poop land all right all right Brava all right whoa

Wait that’s why I mean feeble yeah that thing another swimmer I mean Shirley will come across a town or a new biome out here we’re in the trenches man we’re literally in the depths of the world please uh this is called the Woodland not rare the grassland

Town wait town no what is this thing I don’t know what this a graveyard hmm ow it’s a grave tiny shiny a grave digging don’t tell useless gems I can still sell them at least uh empty for me to fall into it what is that and why does it sound so horrifying oh

Oh hmm oh nothing really cool here let’s get the idea let’s get down to here all right let’s continue flying we need more biomes better cooler stronger awesomer biomes or a town please because I really need to revive the pp get the crown are you serious are you serious Connor’s worth 300K what

Bye brother what are you serious ow let’s see see let’s see I can’t see well you know so many people said it so it has to be true right can be sold wait actually true for how much three gold yeah bye brother what is that thing it’s a three percent chance spawn and

Worth 300K really that’s awesome I think someone would just go on the internet and lie oh heck no never lied on the internet before ever unless it’s different this mod yeah maybe it might be different this mod but he I’m not well my young actually sold

Something and she got a ton of money does anyone know what she sold this is the dense Marsh it’s called dense bye bye my brother this is the regular Marsh out I have Brava more Mountains gosh where is the rare Pokemon I’m looking for rare I’m looking for

Shiny I’m looking for new oh hit Marley did he looks so cool his icon on the his icon on the mini map is like he’s kicking his leg out well this way well that looks cool it is a relic crown that is true no new biome here my brother more eyes

Where are the rare biomes snowy tyaga boo boo I’m sorry what is going on here the giant hole oh it’s just maybe not loaded in maybe big crazy looking cave oh oh flowers what’s this place called bamboo Blossom Grove I think I found a place like this

Already next to the Cherry Blossom yeah Cherry boss Blossom Grove it is very cute biome and my bravo runs out of stamina’s quickly Oh God it’s exhausting traveling the world the map’s not even loading where I’ve been haven’t seen a town in decades okay I’m gonna try going straight up instead of following the Border go north I forfeit maybe we’ll see cool biomes on the way snowy tayaga the dead Forest

Wait is was my young looking for this what was the forest called uh the dead Forest there’s probably some cool Pokemon here well I already have a Cyndaquil but it feels wrong passing starters bro oh there’s okay there’s tons of Cyndaquil here she’s looking for the modified Forest

Modified Forest what does that look like oh cutie there’s actually three Cyndaquil spawned here and none of you wanted to be shiny oh okay I forgive you sweet little baby modified jungle is probably closer to the Jungle Maybe if it’s a biome that has a higher chance of spawning in a rainforest

Another dead Forest burnt Forest uh tall dead Forest what’s here I’m kind of curious um oh the rubbish Pokemon gave away your Cyndaquil well at least I know where they spawn rats everywhere they spawn you know they’re not suit I mean they are rare but they’re not impossible to find oh what happened

Oh my back my neck my back my hoo-ha bruh I can’t that looks kind of cool over there might see anti there you didn’t spawn seasonal Forest she’s looking for the rainforest oh what’s that some rocks seasonal Forest uh this is the seasonal Forest still Tundra Ugg let’s go back this way

Modified Forest not rain wait actually I don’t even remember now tyaga tayaga tayaga Taya what’s that it’s oh what is this it’s all yellow oh it’s an orchard that’s cute seasonal Orchard adorable It spawns here it’s like nothing new man jungle not Forest at this point I don’t remember let’s see Mika I don’t remember and I’m confused as I should be Queen thank you you’re welcome what level is this thing a bug I know Mika I’m almost done baby hold on

I’m almost done little baby it’s getting impatient he wants to go for a walk bye brother awesome bless you puppy there’s the modified Forest meow or rainforest whichever one comes first bye Brava seasonal Orchard cute cute cute seasonal rainforest seasonal pumpkin patch it’s not looking oh what’s this a meadow

Oh [ __ ] I’m good I’m good that was close thanks Joe love your energy and the streams I feel like it’s been a pretty chill stream though I’ve been uh calm um that’s the tiniest lollipop ever no freaking out here I am an ASMR streamer now oh wait there’s like little watering holes here

Flower Meadow wait was this what Ryan was looking for flower Meadow oh he was looking for some bio oh whoa Scotland I can’t I’m not gonna kill it I actually I should kill it breaks and go you need better fire moves quick oh [ __ ] it’s ice wait that’s good We’re dead just die bro I’m too impatient man Oh point nine percent that’s crazy oh oh thank goodness milk tank a town wait is that a town oh my God it’s a miracle a little tank milk take oh I don’t I don’t have the energy to kill you right now I gotta go rest at the Town go go go go okay

We’re saved we’re saved it’s a Christmas miracle remembering the wrong way what’s wrong with me whoa that’s a little crazy down there don’t go down there yeah oh yeah I’ll sell the crown we’ll make a ton of money also gotta get the new Pokemon oh are you serious

No it’s not an abandoned town is it oh god oh [ __ ] no Pidgey I’ll save you loot wow Pokeball I shall loot these okay I can’t save you again empty chess should be illegal yeah hey go go go quick ow I this man is straight up Stuck In The

Floor this town is so so sketchy okay that’s not a shiny rat is it is it a shiny rat oh thank goodness thank goodness it’s not oh thank goodness bless our Jesus it’s like no please not the rat This place is cursed there’s a door ow have I been here like what’s going on I’m dizzy where is the is that out ah where is The Healing Center is it is it not here all the people are in the ground bro Aqua grunt oh no it’s not a town of

Healing it’s a town of pain it’s okay I don’t need Haunter town of pain and suffer rain onward we shall go a trick bye brother go north I thought it was lagging does this look like some kind of rainforest that myeung’s looking for giant tree tayaga Hills giant tree

Does that spawn anything cool seasonal Forest bye brother I feel like I have to loot these because I really need um more revives wait I’ve been here am I oh my gosh I’ve been here okay I’m just gonna fly home help doctor help help doctor help help me

All right it’s time to find out how much money we’re gonna make from that crown thank you oh let’s go get the little babies all right who we trading in we’re definitely not keeping Evie oh mine shall but my child’s already 40 so we shouldn’t let it chill for a bit

My Pell Lipper pelipper instead of shiny palette instead of Vibrava hold on let me see the stats IVs six oh yeah toga kiss okay you know maybe we’re gonna stay in the Box IVs six oh [ __ ] so bad why are they all so bad calm really low attack but High special defense ugh

Supposed to be what oh it’s supposed to be a tank I see wrong ability well I do have a bunch of feathers and stuff that can fix it um oh special attack is better for okay special attacker anyways that’s good news we’re gonna fly on it anyways well we

Can probably fix it up a little bit boop boop hmm maybe Marsh stomp instead of Lapras I like laprasana because it has sing I miss having this um mine show did I already see his IVs from mine show oops oh oops IBS six I forgot the slash okay 51 is better very average

Not bad not bad actually pretty nice it’s so cute I like the colors a lot Why does it say mine show the Furious like how did it get that title what did you do in your home lens oh toga kiss is so tiny Cute tiny I also feel like it’s slower doesn’t it kind of feel like that Crown time true true Crown time out I won’t die here right what why am I here why did it bring me back here huh crazy now ow okay you want to sell some stuff we gotta heal first

Heal everybody oh I clicked the bed huh that’s crazy um uh it’s only 10K I mean that’s a lot though let’s be honest I think I’m gonna sell all my regular Pokeballs nugget I don’t know what these do but take them take it all still a lot that’s the most expensive

I’ve ever sold for oh we’re gonna go get the other egg nothing I’m gonna sell all of these I don’t care anymore I hate them I hate looking at it I hate seeing it I hate thinking about it just thinking about it I’m gonna put these in there though um Yeah we’ll fix the IVs and stuff later when we get the team sorted but I’m not really quite sure what I want yet you know oh the sulfur box it’s awesome easy extra backpack you can’t fix IVs oh oh Evie I meant EVS sorry get rid of everything get rid of everything

I don’t want it I don’t want it they’re still available everywhere it takes up space and you don’t want it money yeah Crown was 10K which is still awesome shiny who hoot well there’s only one hour left for shiny hunting or two hours but I have to go soon because my dog is

Getting sick of me and I’m getting a bit hungry but oh baby should I get pelipper mine show what happens I need to ask Abe um is there a way to make it so we can use a Pokemon but it won’t level past 40. get the egg oh yeah the egg ow

Wait I died here last time um I don’t know how to word this better is there a way to make it so we can use a Pokemon but uh I have a level 40 I want to use for exploring but I want to keep it level 40 to use in tourney

Oh okay okay it’s capped okay cool cool cool cool cool wow it’s like a surfboard ow okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay who do I want to keep I think I want to keep you I don’t know I feel like

My team is so scuffed I don’t know who to keep I don’t know I’m gonna have to do like some research off stream really trying to find a good balanced level 40 team because there’s so many there’s so many uh issues with my team I think I’ll figure it out later

Believe his mid yeah I’m starting to think that was definitely way better Pokemon than bay leaf but if I get rid of bay leaf I’m gonna need a a better like grass type or something right maybe Vibrava I really like the Brava sand attack I think Toca kiss

Toga kisses IVs is so bad he isn’t grass oh wait he’s not even grass I forgot I don’t know I’ll check later all right I’m gonna go get the egg hopefully has good IVs because I want to evolve it please good IVs please Okay so chespin’s better

I mean it doesn’t have to be a starter like what kind of you know I probably just find better Pokemon in general there it is I think yeah right here yeah Braxton is fire psychic you don’t need a grass type yeah I don’t need a grass type either

That is true but I kind of want one because I know a lot of people will have water Pokemon but I guess electric does good for that instead accent to my PC put wait why did it take the EVS put them back oh wait I don’t know which EVS are the good EVS

Oh oh wait yeah these were the breeding ones but this one was better right wait let’s compare these two Eevees summary um the level 14 was the good one right wait where are you the Ralts was the good one no we don’t want the routes this one is the level 28 female IVs

Four 52 that’s pretty good Geo dude five oh yeah wait the mail is good good 77 percent and then the baby 62 for the baby but we have to use it’s a male though so we have to use the papa and the mama again baby go back

The baby is a good Umbreon yeah all right I’m gonna go put these back in the the bakery back in the bakery yeah I do need the female for breeding oh my God hey I need you give me wait you don’t even have leather foreign yeah I might need more leather

All right you and you back into the mixer um leather first dang it 10 leather again curse this game bro it’s so poo poo caca it’s I hate farming like this who’s got the leather who all has leather oh cow yes cow you have leather like 17 of them What no you have wool I don’t need wool I literally just need leather schnabble can you just buys them from somewhere I see cow but I don’t think okay Cal will never drop all right oh snubble has sugar what you got puppy bones hmm Taurus too yeah if it would show up bruh

Where is it Litton routes took a kiss and Swampert are the ones that drop leather no you must be talking about something else surely okay I see two Centric you guys soon oh a donkey yes yes another one oh yeah they’re spawning cow dude just one three nice a Bulbasaur

No it turned into a crawfish you would have kept Bailey uh I do think that there are stronger greens but um or like grass Pokemon but I do like bay leaf as well just because it’s freaking cute this is not a real Bulbasaur is it yeah I know it’s eccentric which I need Valerian Mouse I mean cat seven three more three more surely two more please do more feel more please please all right Graveler do you have leather probably not grass mail I don’t think I like mail well head back gotta wait till daytime I don’t think these the nighttime ones really have leather

Wish I could just buy it that’d be nice that’d be awesome if the ghost had leather oh I see one oh don’t go if I see many okay one more one more one more one more coggers thanks Robin to melodic I’m struggling to get the item I need to evolve up

Wait I just dropped it wait oh I picked it up struggling to get the item I need to evolve the fish check check one hour let’s go oh boy all right everyone I think I’ve reached my limits I’m hungry I’m tired my back hurts and I gotta go play with my dog

Oh God the item you need for melodic was in the Christmas City how do you know how do you know anyways um I’ll see you guys again soon I think on Friday we’re inviting some guests over and we’re gonna do a pancake Pokemon art stream pancake art stream Pokemon themed Edition

Um so that’s on Friday uh for sure um I’ll probably be playing Pokemon a lot this week as well prepping for the tournament yep yep yep uh I uploaded a new YouTube video today the drinking Mario Party with saikuno fusley and katamina if you guys want to watch it check it out and

I’ll see you guys next time have a good night everybody thanks for hanging out goodbye

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! SHINY HUNTING EVENT IN MINECRAFT PIXELMON!! Prepping for Tournament this upcoming Tuesday!’, was uploaded by Valkyrae on 2023-04-12 08:54:17. It has garnered 187044 views and 6226 likes. The duration of the video is 05:50:33 or 21033 seconds.

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    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎ

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Streaming with Turnip ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : ๐Ÿ˜„ Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! ๐Ÿ”ฅ, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚ And share my channel with your game friends. ๐Ÿ™‚ See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! ๐Ÿš€ #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! ๐Ÿš€ #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

Valkyrae – ๐Ÿ”ดLIVE! SHINY HUNTING EVENT IN MINECRAFT PIXELMON!! Prepping for Tournament this upcoming Tuesday!