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Foreign Thank you Foreign [Applause] Thank you foreign Yasha hello hello oh I put more left oh I am very much in the library [Laughter] oh thank you so much guys thank you thank you for the uh congrats oh that’s awesome thank you so much thank you so so much uh yes we have officially hit 200k

I mean no I’m in a room don’t worry I’m in a room I could be a relatively loud I think because crossy don’t get kicked ass um yes yes yes thank you so much better doing today and guys you guys don’t know who I am um Hello hello I’m uh good luck I think somebody shoot on me thank you thank you thank you thank you and thank you so much for everyone who has remembered me um today is gonna be a waka waka stream definitely um I’m gonna be playing some Nigerian

Prism comes today let’s go I’m very very excited about that but in general um this is obviously not my Richard like I just I actually didn’t wasn’t planning on streaming honestly I wasn’t planning on streaming but uh quite literally um most if not everyone was so I was like huh

Well I can’t I can’t make waste of this situation now yeah hi I really want to guard your room thank you thank you hey but how’s everyone doing thank you so much for the kind 200k wishes I’m gonna do an official 200k celebration stream I think either Saturday or Sunday when I

Come back and uh it’ll be nice it’ll be nice um we look forward to that also I think I’m going to go ahead and uh you got you got all of your half and your merch today but unfortunately I got ID cards with everyone but you holy [ __ ]

It’s crazy the gotcha is quite insane I am I it’s quite insane insane I I wish I I honestly wish the God show wasn’t so crazy but um just uh I guess just not it’s not how it is are you screaming I’m streaming quietly in the library there’s quite like if I

Look in front of me to our people passing by and I’m like laughs [Laughter] like ah yeah I’m I’m hard at work or I just can say hardly at work it’s okay I could lock the door I locked the door I got I booked this room for a couple hours

Um and the window is very small it’s a very narrow window so don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry um unless they’re like really weird and they just like stare into the window they’re like oh who this handsome man uh as I was saying yeah unless they like peer into the room

And be like who is this who this handsome man you know unless unless that’s what’s going on uh should be good in fine it should be fine it’ll be fine should be fine uh so uh yeah I mean don’t worry I’m relatively safe mm-hmm uh it looks like Aster and

Esther okay you know what check out his POV uh apparently he was a well he better be practicing because um he’s gonna be the one who will be carrying us for most of these games apparently he’s actually pretty good so we’ll see how it goes

Um you know as you know I practiced a bit and it didn’t work out at all it was quite wild like a parkour was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life but um hopefully hopefully the other ones should be fun I haven’t actually given a try for the other ones exactly

Like there’s this OverWatch knob apparently that I haven’t really I don’t even know that was a thing push the payload so it should be fun I have come the clip with my Boba so I’m relatively ready yeah the courage one looks fun the first one looks fun yeah no it’s audio Yeah

Was actually freaking good very I want to buy membership I don’t have the money don’t ever feel don’t ever feel pressured oh well first of all yeah don’t say that first of what don’t write that and secondly don’t ever feel pressured they ever do anything like that just chill it’ll be fine um

Am I finally got the bow but yeah I actually got two I actually got two bullets today I got two bubbles yesterday probably not good probably not a good thing man’s gonna deal what he’s got to do I was you know one day of nobola has

Pushed me to two limits I never expected what would affect the stream in school man’s gotta do what they gotta do for the Villians you know whatever a man’s gonna do what they got to do for their families for my fans my parents are still around if my

Parents weren’t still around do you really think I’ll be streaming at the library I would probably be very very chill right now in my nice beautiful beautiful room you know oh parkour’s event is now in server where people want oh we did some quick practicing so it looks like everyone’s here

Is that the real Cota all right so for this one it’s oh this Ayah as well hello guys let’s change your mind so how’s the POV right now everything fine so apparently I actually have the ability to uh try out different Maps oh speaking of I think I’m also about to jump into

The rooms God hates me wait why can’t I do this without here we go I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here jump here jump here jump here jump here jump oh God oh God oh God that was not a good jump I got the America’s ladybug in the yeah

We’re delivering their double life yeah in the day I’m just and today I’m just the kite show when the knights I’m very Vermilion miraculous Simply the Best so in case you guys don’t know the wipers cup works is that we’re gonna be dividing up rolls come online come on

I will be uh helping out each other basically apparently Discord is broken apparently Discord is dead great well that’s good that’s great that’s good to know that’s good to know hopefully things are figured out Erica’s tiger culture yes that’s exactly and it looks like Alvin’s been dying and

Finally I’ve left the game finally ended the pain okay jumping here nope nope that was a terrible jump how did how did he do that down who’s my love Square I don’t know I guess it might be you guys you know as far as you guys are

Aware I’m very Vermilion but who is this kite show that you speak of this Kaicho is just uh some dude you see on the in the school and while Kaicho loves you thank you foreign Ty minutes from now but let me delayed a little because we got some of those Discord issues because

I don’t know everything hates us apparently I I used to be able to do this it means that dreadlocks didn’t love billions I don’t like I don’t love the I don’t like I don’t like the billions at all for the billions I never heard of billions before my life

All I know are the billions nope that was terrible I don’t know what maybe I definitely feel like this part is easier if I just [ __ ] why am I so bad there we go there we go let’s try out the different Maps so okay you know what you know what I give

Up the parkour I don’t care about parkour I don’t I don’t care I don’t care about parkour I don’t know what parkour we don’t do parkour we don’t do parkour we give up parkour we give that up didn’t even care about that also oh whoa

Whoa oh look at this is the particle map open oh my god oh oh let’s go oh shoot um I believe the way it was supposed to be done is so I’m supposed to go to Team yellow right where is that is this Tim Miller yeah I think I think they just unlocked

This um for practice where’s team yellow oh is that allowed what do you mean why would that not be a lie I’m just screaming in the library what how why is that so hard to understand I’m just streaming in the libraries I don’t think I should be no it’s a um I

Think it’s fine I think um Solomon Senpai said it’s fine to practice a little but where the hell is the yellow team is this viewers there’s green that’s red I think magenta team I’m confused oh whatever so I’m on T4 now what’s Rambo Johnson do something you know this this part is

This part is super easy yeah and now now suddenly it gets like 50 times harder okay there we go oh wow Darkness darkness is quiet darkness is quite scary um oh wait the checkpoint I guess the checkpoints aren’t ready if that’s the case I’ll just give it a

Try oh no I’m supposed to get like a baton I think or something I don’t know I’ll we’ll figure it out I think I’m probably able to do this level if I’m just wait oh shoot I have Auto jump on that’s what’s going on they won’t say one say

One second how do I have Auto jump on it’s crazy oh ew oh my God inside one sec um control all right I was like why am I why am I jumping around like there’s no tomorrow it’s all bouncy today okay [Laughter] you don’t see anything I didn’t see anything

All right we try again we try these again it’s okay once you die you get um Parker area is currently open it just opened up yeah it just opened up so yes you can quickly practice not to mention okay maybe I don’t maybe I don’t stop maybe I’ll just go for it maybe I’ll just like go go swing into it you know people are just like

Chill fell out of the world you know maybe I should change my nature because foreign I am so bad at this all right let’s try this one more time and let’s check out the different Maps because I need to we need to actually get we need to understand what’s going

On before we go hand yeah okay okay yeah this this one’s like this one’s like not even a problem You can jump here jump here hey Silva thank you so much from the one thank you [Laughter] okay here we go up here up here okay okay foreign Okay come on come on come on hi shoe I gotta be quiet I can’t I can’t make that noise again or I’ll get tripped out of the library I gotta remember so basically what she was talking about is um hotel is having some technical issues oh my God

Wait there’s so many of them there’s so many of them holy [ __ ] um so basically all of us jumped in and we’re trying to help Koto figure it out and apparently apparently I mean I had to kind of leave early because it streamed but apparently they did it I

Wonder what the fix was well like we tried so many things like we were like she tried VPN stuff as well and then she vpned into like Korea so I hope that the Korean a little was crazy I imagine people are like huh oh that

That kid must have like a he has like a solo meeting that’s some good stuff and then I just be like huh sus but okay you know you know my biggest fear is though my biggest fear is definitely like I stumble upon someone watching me through Sanji or something

Like watching Luigi Sanji oh my God the abyss is just so scary the unending of this wait I’m gonna watch Luca do this let’s see how good he is bottle right behind him okay speeds for you speech for these okay okay oh okay okay okay the man’s cooking oh oh

Okay all right oh you oh he’s great all right okay okay okay okay oh all right my turn [Laughter] all right I’m gonna I’m gonna go back to the lobby all right let’s try the other one Joey before this before we run out of time let’s check these other things out

Yo honestly I don’t think it’s my understanding Astra is good at this but everyone I don’t think she might be good at this if I saw IO practice and I was I was you know and next time all right let’s try out let’s try out this thing

I want to try this how do I do this okay so apparently you could do different sorts of uh abilities super cool um there’s defending team I want to try the attacking team foreign By the way the idea of this is by the way um if you haven’t um kind of like added two ones together basically this is just um this is OverWatch this OverWatch is OverWatch You know this is this is the one I’m most curious about though oh Jesus what’s a wrench do oh oh I’m guessing this fixes the uh oh wait no I’m an attacker though what’s the wrench do anyone actually watch the live stream we’re gonna teach me

Is it what is this do I just hit them with the wrench do I just hit them with the wrench is that is that the idea I need two people huh or what and then oh oh I see to practice any two people uh I wonder if it might be around

And we’ll figure it out uh this is the band or the guard so the guard has is the only character I believe that is armor it’s not the sheriff as a taser what okay all right kind of kinky okay we got them lasso here as well we got a

Barton oh it’s a medic sorry I thought a smart sensor I see I see wait but doesn’t the medic heal doesn’t he have like a that’s kind of cute actually look at this Oh I thought I thought they had a um the health potions anyone wanna practice OverWatch let’s see if anyone bites

All right foreign [Laughter] guys all right um I guess I guess let’s say I joined the attacker team and that’s it I want to try oh I could be a sniper too I hello answer let’s go let’s go I want to be demolition experts and then how do we start then do we just wait

Oh dude we look so evil oh my God we have a I I can’t even see I’m blind I’m blind all right how do you start oh nice nice shot nice whoa what the hell whoa whoa foreign okay I have to back out something later just

Came out okay all right all right then all right how do I leave ow uh uh okay so I think we’re all on the same team uh whatever let’s try shall we all right I’m gonna try I want to be demolition though I guess we all want to be damaged all

Right so start game hey loads ah whoa we’re fighting against no one I have no enemies I guess that’s the idea so this is the map we got some cactuses um where’s the carriage oh so that’s the carriage the idea is I think we just break the carriage question mark

Oh I could throw the ball oh it takes a while can I hit my own team I can’t yeah yeah we’re destroyed it yeah okay okay I’ll be me I’ll go on the fence I want to try hey can you hit the trophy come on I guess if I’m the medicines how about

The guard sword one I don’t know oh am I Frozen Sorry Sorry might be might be I’m back I’m back I’m back hello I’m back um it looks like discord’s completely down fun stuff fun stuff um exciting stuff oh apparently it’s back for some people is it bad can people hear me

Try again hello no no no yeah no maybe nope that’s talking about we’re not chat sorry it’s uh I don’t know I don’t know this course is funky today it’s bad apparently it’s back for some people it works hello like uh oh hello let’s go let’s go team yellow team yellow

Oh there’s good there we go there we go all right wait I finally share my teammates yo are you guys ready we need to practice the the thingy the uh oh wait guys okay I haven’t met his chat I want to share real quick I think

I think uh the mascots are allocated by liver to their respective schools in that case illuna has priority because this is the smallest map with the most mascots I think we need to prioritize Elena and then uh minimize um so noctix only has four points in the giant map

Um in up City it has only three points and it’s also a giant map so I think the pecking order is a Luna priority followed by lexium followed by crisis and um lazulite we can’t have everyone in one place we should split up I think we should split

Up let’s have like a couple in Luna oh yeah but if if it is the smallest we only have one yeah I can take a Luna if you want I’m pretty good at looking for stuff don’t trust me wait hold on I trust you I’m assuming we’re having competition

There right well thing is not ever known as metastra it’s a metastra I discover while scanning the server damn I has been doing the analyzation Position I think I think that’s a smartphone if I were you I’d probably see if ethereum to be the lowest priority because it’s a gigantic map and it’s only three points it’s probably the biggest out of all of them so I think um ethere is probably at

The bottom so like the top two are luxium and um eluna followed by um lazu and crisis and everything else is kind of in uh the pecking order afterwards but what about us what about actually your map is huge it’s just as big as obsidious the question the question becomes right

What if everybody goes to Luna and just swarms it immediately steals the points and runs at that point it’s just like who gets there first I think it’s a free I think I think like it is I guess we could storm like with all of

Us at once we could do that but there’s also the question would it be smarter to cover more ground I’m not sure it’s more efficient I think I think we’re spreading out for sure for sure for sure but I think should we have at least two people in the Luna like

I would say to Luna and then everybody else spreads out okay he’s got I got my glasses on and everything I’m ready I got my height yeah yeah did you practice yeah [ __ ] I jumped around at the map a bit yeah yeah let’s um yeah I’m trying to think about the most

Easy to search structure yeah honestly the small snap at the most points that’s why I’m making a a fat Bee Line towards I’m gonna start my stream too by the way I feel like luxem would be a good place I’m streaming by the way guys yeah so don’t don’t be careful buddy

Snitches our strategy I’m so [ __ ] I was gonna say something crazy you always do though as a decision being brave it controversial first meeting 10 minutes before the actual event all right what’s our team name Galactic monkeys am I lagging his babies it makes the most sense no this is like

Something about this server makes my um my lag pretty bad I had some really bad luck issues the other day I was driving okay wait let me restart my OBS my understanding is so for Dodgeball the understanding is you pick up the DodgeBall dodgeball will be my

Strongest and as well as a payload well what’s nice about dodgeball is that it’s only two bullets it’s only two no there’s um five arrows on the field at a time so we can we can hoard and bait them if you want like you can wait until

They run towards an air and bait them towards it because that’s how I got it I’m gonna be honest with you I’m gonna use he was uh like um no I’m being serious uh you you mentioned them I’m so skinny I was like guys you [ __ ] mentioned then

Dodgeball is in your best friend I might just use like a body bag okay I wipe the entire team yesterday all right all right a knife like suit dress like a soup drink a Caster should be in yeah and the drip okay also I just started my stream by

The way we’re actually they can hear you so oh what uh oh my god dude I was about to drop the the craziest bar of my life you know oh man y’all like your shoes [Laughter] oh my gosh he said yo three times yeah man I know I know it’s cancelable right

There yeah yeah we literally have the best bars out of any team so far I bet they haven’t wrapped yeah where’s your why aren’t you in uniform oh wait has he wrapped yet has he wrapped yet it’s true yes not today also managed to make it in yeah but she’s

Still in a cute version of her practice yeah really she’s pretty good wait guys guys how are we going to divide the parkour because I’m not I’m not going last or or let’s let’s look at the video shall we I was thinking it was either Esther or I

Yes please for for what the last person in parkour okay yeah okay here’s my here’s my strong opinion I don’t think we’ll actually go through this like I don’t think any of us can actually do it so I think we’ll be stuck so my question is like is it better to have

Someone stronger wait if we have a strong start though if you have a strong start though come on I was used to it being close why is everybody so [ __ ] try hard come on Galactic monkeys come on what do you mean try hard ER than friends I think we’re like we’re

Like the I’m cooking I’m cooking we’re gonna we’re gonna go try hard on on like dodgeball and then everything else is like whatever happens yeah I agree I’m gonna be honest I agree with you oh okay so we are in DodgeBall there’s like the bathing matter we can beat them towards

The arrows to pick them up New York them on their reaching foreign uh dodgeball and nothing else we got that for the wine we got the payload one we’re gonna be hard you guys I honestly consider like triple medic yeah honestly we might just healing meta it and we

Have like one Defender to scare off people get too close oh maybe we should probably like triple triple triple medic double tank yeah that’s not a bad idea actually dang we got meta going on yeah yeah yeah wait the only thing is though if they destroy the carriage

Ah okay when they destroy the carriages game over oh there yeah tell me keep it alive we should have triple a triple medic oh what about parkour yeah why don’t you guys why don’t you want to go last is there something I’m missing oh it gets harder progressively oh sure

Wait are you supposed to are we supposed to like uh hmm is there like uh we are we all starting from different zones right do you just teleportes there okay but here’s the thing I can’t find the yellow one just a magenta one I’m not sure what why there’s a magence this is

This is not good oh he can’t be out there because oh look at those spaces oh there’s a lot of times when you uh um this is hard man guys with you guys I’m gonna need another month of practice I don’t even know which parkour like level is the easiest or hardest they’re

All just easiest way first is it the left or the right why are we doing it’s collecting monkeys the the older option was was Kiss ing yeah yes why do you want that name I don’t know it’s cool that’s nice there but do you want to do

You guys want to practice the uh because I think this one we should give up honestly so you guys want to practice the uh um already what the hell you guys want to practice the the payload okay I’m gonna be real honest with you guys laughs oh okay okay

I think I think we need to get the uh the the bombs the pawn um so we when you go to the checkpoints are the uh the diamond things and that’s where you spawn when you fall down when the game’s activated of course wait so after shoot you guys are you guys

Confident have you guys seen the fifth level yeah I I saw the ice it’s about it I’m pretty confident in my abilities for parkour it’s just a the stick jumps can be a bit annoying yeah yeah yeah but I know how to land them like 50 of time I feel like if

That’s the case then because I saw the fourth one I don’t know how the slimes work but the fourth one doesn’t look too bad I’ll be honest the final level of the card it’s the level before the fight yeah let’s see oh I’m gonna be I’m gonna be completely

Real with you guys Scarlet Malik are not making it out of this wow what happened to the friendship wait wasn’t it friendship what do you mean it’s a strictly profession I was playing with Maliko for like an hour yesterday I can tell you just a tad short music is a bit low wait

There’s music there’s music there’s music from what yeah yeah turn down your music oh yeah your bars they’re too fire wait I have music oh look it’s one fox akum huh I’m so fancy oh there’s no music right yeah travels like music is too loud I was like God stop

Gaslighting me guys what the hell okay chat help us come with the name should we be Galactic monkeys or piss babes yeah you’re watching the mainstream is that what’s going on are you supposed to be watching the mainstream oh should we be I feel like they’ll they’ll let us know

What the [ __ ] is going on all right yeah yeah be alive I mean if you guys have any other uh ideas banana team but only two of us have bananas that’s true some of us have some of us have Egghead I have a banana too astronauts

Who asked her I have neither of those okay yeah sorry IO as as a little egg person I I’m lucky I’m lucky you turned on your bgm on shoe by the way how how would I not notice I turned it on yeah wait Yo’s playing the girls playing too [ __ ]

I’m projecting guys it’s just because I’m not making it on myself I’m all right oh yeah yeah PVP like shoe and I were yeah we’re going crazy yesterday don’t blame me for your lack of skill after okay what was that what what was that oh my gosh it’s hard

I’ll just started casually sure you’re the kind of kid who dies first in horror movies you’re the kind of nice person that are movies facts at this point you should name every single like person participating yeah yeah he’s not gonna make it out [Laughter] who is this

Yeah he’s not gonna make it there’s no way he’s gonna make it now there’s no way this is what you call grade A coping everybody it’s kind of the the point in it’s like at school where you you recognize you’re gonna fail the exam so you look for other

People who are failing look at me you want to do level four then the hardest part I’m down okay my my parkour is pretty good I’m just yeah yeah Pro you know I think it’s uh it’s a lot to expect for us to become Pro Minecraft parkours I’m telling them

Me personally I think uh if it was just a straight line we were just Racing for the finish that would still be content okay so there is a really interesting jump after the cacti um because when you’re on the diamond block there’s an X block but it’s like

Elevated and I am confused on how to make that jump hmm um how do you how do you make that jump what do you do what was celeb cooking when she put this in front of us yeah honestly I think selling really fine which is really fun what was she cooking

Bro you could give us they could give us literally the first stage throughout the the whole thing and we’ll still be like yeah oh sorry all right sorry I didn’t realize I’m sorry hey isn’t that a bad word in a squid game no it’s an Inu yeah

He’s the cutest dog out there I’m sorry for judging you yeah the way I know that word from uh squid game though at least I saw from the glory I cannot get past like the posts okay what’s the mainstream saying is it important stuff can’t let me know

I think they just started five minutes ago yeah if they’re just saying it’s stuff like I don’t know Naf stories and it’s okay you don’t have to tell them it’s rambling we’re not talking about Koto oh okay we’re talking about the issue they weren’t there for the issue there

Well they were for a little bit um okay so you guys said aim for the corner oh I see why uh this okay okay that’s a really hard jump It’s like because it’s elevated Mamma Mia Mamma Mia I have a question these these are all the same right this

Parkour it’s just like level five everything’s the same yeah yeah do we know what level this is is this is only level five or why are you right now oh my God is boxing are at so after the after the orange that’s level one oh the orange level one the

Soul Sand area is level two cacti is level three uh and after the cactized level four which is really hard Jesus I can’t even complete this thing Amma thank you so much thank you no I haven’t momentum what’s up random how bad is the cactus like how does that

Work over trumped it it it’s like you have to speedrun it otherwise you die from the cacti oh like grace through it ah uh I wouldn’t Panic too much because you can take like you can take your time of it just don’t take too much time you know I have a

Genuine question like so I can’t do the second one I could barely but like I don’t think I can um yeah um uh-huh me hex and Aya as far as I’m aware it’s not capable of doing the second one so so I’m wondering but the thing is I

Have a feeling many of the other like just look at how many people are dying right now right I feel like I feel like many others come here is not making out of this yeah he said he wait he said he could barely make a second okay what the truth is I

Can’t well I may have it yet but I feel like I could I think I could I just need like maybe a couple more tries mute Under pressure You’re blocking my way guys come on I hope you fall mine Jesus Christ oh my God I probably know this information actually I’m good there’s the third imposter on our team wait third imposter wait we already have two options we have two already is it you shoot thanks get a uniform man

What’s going on I don’t know how to [ __ ] change where is your uniform oh you want me to teach you or you’re just fine yeah yeah please teach me screaming about the cactus so um log out uh Minecraft uh go to your okay never mind I’m good all right I need the practice

Yeah okay that’s true that’s true I can guys listen I can do I can do the trading that’s I think like maximum of myself I think that’s ice up oh you’re already there all the way there that wasn’t me this time it was Banta it was on I’m watching uh the only

Crisis hit I want to hear the uh oh my God I have osteoporosis this is Diamond okay oh that’s a checkpoint right duh yeah that’s what you teleport back if you fall off come on come on there you go op is so not making out of this one I think

But Luca guys for sure is not making out of this alive okay so then these two happen and then it’s annoying and then I I’m assuming you drop all the way down there and then go around are you flying right now or are you actually here oh no I’m on the I’m on

The bleachers what oh he’s scanning the uh course so so good I’ll come back you have to go all the way up here go here and then the last guy’s got the ice Alaska’s got the ice the the last guy oh sorry I think whoever can hold this chip down

For a single block parkour will probably be fine with it but you know it’s not even a false statement Alaska Alaska they do have the eyes we have you figuring out the um separation for the parkour yeah is it randomized no we could choose we can

Choose I think we have to choose now because if we do not we’re gonna know yeah yeah yeah yeah so he wants to do first uh I mean preferably who is the weakest and it’s fine to say because you know parkour is really hard I think van might have been oh yeah

Oh yeah which one is the parkour which ones though okay uh I can I can comfortably do Soul Sand and the posts kind of the other parts I don’t even know the rest of the map looks like of course hacks I want to see

What I guess let’s see see if we he has his hands where his words are always that’s the right one he has his mouth whereas or something is that the way it works where are you they know incorrectly that’s impressively wrong come with me there let me show you let me show you

How it’s done how good this guy is make sure the camera is pointed at me all right you’re assuming right yeah yeah all right yep this live okay why are you so slow just run through the furthest oh oh oh the man’s good oh okay okay okay okay oh

[ __ ] [ __ ] that was pretty good though that was pretty good right we’re the same level all right I’m going first and then I think that’s right here doing math trying to try and get the best directions I’m at level four and it’s like an elevated jump but it’s like an edge jump

So you gotta be Pixel Perfect on it I think once the actual thing starts I’m just not gonna function what do you what do you mean what do you mean what do I mean the most shoes bring it back I like that hex more myself let’s get it yeah

Come on that’s my taxes no you don’t okay what if I just like run on their side oh yeah oh I made it oh my God okay okay so you’re going loud literally like those tick tocks look at me I don’t know if I could do second

Honestly uh how good are you actually uh not very good have you done the second one I’m sorry where are you actually are you are you I’m on the school system right now have you have you gone past it yet uh I’m working on that party I’ve gotten close okay

So I got to level four and there’s a there’s a Jelly Jump uh I think I just screwed up it but yeah oh Esther’s cracked oh people are calling this team egg yolk I like that too that’s kind of cute where are the yolks we’re the yolk folks don’t say anything X

Baby it should be your next asmrs baby 24. m m is currently wondering I’m so sorry she had to listen to her future 56. so shoot how far have you gotten on the course uh I’ve been screwing around honestly no not really taking it seriously oh my

Gosh swear word sure you can’t you gotta take it seriously Shu this is a real price IP address got that who the [ __ ] was that uh yeah who was that that was weird the prize is going to be cool because IP address I don’t think anyone wants that to be

Honest oh [ __ ] damn I don’t know if I want to visit like if I wanted to see something I would just I would just play Resident Evil myself you know oh my God roseme is so cute The other team actually is good at this wait what do you mean again which team do you think is going to win this yeah we have two good news no one but who would get the furthest probably I think red or green oh really there used to be someone who

Has a strong early game because I’m assuming they all put the strong people in the end oh come on early game the thing is yeah exactly I don’t know if we’re gonna even finish this honestly just text me and IO X-Men I hasn’t even finished the second part yet

I’m trying to find my medicine I’m trying to find my meta pathway okay give me time so like but I locked in skill and makeup for tenacity apparently finished it already Luca Luca I’m not surprised actually this guy’s crazy yeah you know the guy that beats getting over in like what three minutes

I’m not surprised yeah okay I can get back past the cactus is the cacti it’s just the thing like has to rely on his team to even like let him do that okay exactly exactly that’s the whole whole point of this this thing being a team game

I think we have we’re very strong outside of Parkour though solidly yeah honestly we should spend more time on the other parts that’s what I’m saying we gotta practice is gonna be the the Riku tazumi dub you know what I mean yeah we need to practice [Laughter] let’s go I think for I think at least for our practice I think we need just need two two medic and one other role um I’ll be I’ll be damaged tasers that’s a debuff okay okay or Tate no taser is a stun and they’re they’re damaged little

I think if you want to kill them I think we need it and then um a teaser and probably a tank like a damage dealer or something all right yeah all right all right what you got to do is we gotta find a carriage which is okay okay I’m Reinhardt I’m Reinhardt

Putting out the shield wait one minute stick with the stick with the characters I’ll be pushing it I wonder if we see our names in the actual match ow okay one of them is missing one of them is missing here we go easy TNT I’m getting really good shots

Oh whoa the carrot Shields so quickly back sorry Carriage heals so so quickly holy [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait double medic wait wait out of curiosity if I just hit this and you heal it how quickly does it heal s it feels like it feels like uh it feels

Like a like not not damage okay it doesn’t show that much all right wait the defender’s actually my God this thing if you have like a medic team I think we need yeah so I played the other day and I was like we need three Medics well that’s why I fell at least

It scares people off though I don’t know I don’t think too I don’t know I don’t see how this is gonna work the problem is this straight wave really sucks because like people can pot chat from really far away I wonder if if as attackers if we just do like five

Demolitions if that would do something yeah hey oh okay yeah triple medic scene is pretty strong pretty strong yeah and if we have like a taser and like a damage dealer I think we should be pretty good um I can I can do damage I can do DPS

Yeah yeah you’re good at PVP okay then we’ll kill you okay I can I can be on a Healer I can just stick to the butt of the cart how about for it how about for attackers though what do you think on attacking straps honestly in my opinion kicking pot shots

Of the bow is the best because they it’s really separate themselves from the cart which will slow down the cart and then you can also take like sneaky sneaky pot shots I think one demolition is useful all right no all good I think one demolition’s good though it does AOE

Right and we might spread them out it’s just the cooldown is super long yeah the explosives aren’t good but I think I think they are pretty good though maybe you could have one of them on teams so what’s the strategy that I missed we’re thinking we’re thinking three three medic yeah

Then maybe one teaser one of the other other one of one of the other two roles and then for for the other side um wouldn’t we be lacking damage if we had three medics whoa the bigger issue is that the carriage has really low HP if they

Attack it all that once we relax this is Dodgeball come on hello hi oh a second time team yellow what is your favorite Coldplay song yellow you [ __ ] idiots it’s like the most listened to one anyway I love yellow yeah before we came here we were talking

With team red and you know what they said to us they were like [ __ ] team yellow wait who’s in red who’s in red it literally said that is also in that team how does that make you feel Lucas says they’re kind of oh I’m not gonna lie he says [Laughter]

He says that he says he’s probably told me loogie like at least 30 times No no he can say whatever he wants he he he he doesn’t mean that he doesn’t right now so do you guys have like a hashtag a model every team has a hashtag a mod have you guys came up with one and what now sorry piss on their corpse oh gosh wow I don’t know I don’t know I have a suggestion I have a suggestion how about how about donate the yellow snow no is I mean it’s gonna be it’s gonna be like like more aggressive than that I mean what are we hold in the [ __ ] shot

I I like hashtag I am going to piss on you no no no no if you do that there’s gonna be people who think that hashtag means something else different sort of photos oh no I’ve had I I had a problem once it was like a hashtag I did for a q a

Stream and the hashtag also happened to be like for porn and there was a lot of just that mixed in with her on Twitter so maybe maybe Gonna piss on you so we know let’s be real all right so so Final Call guys what would your hashtag be for your friends to spam for your win uh uh I thought I thought we were joking we’ll figure it out eventually yeah yeah yeah wait I gotta pee BRB

That’s fantastic I love it I love it yeah you’re saying hashtag brbp because you don’t even need to be at your computer for you to win you can win while AFK you can win BRB gotta P still gonna win love it love it all right before we moved to the actual event what

Are you most confident about which event do you have the most confidence in going in uh trash talking All right give it to him hex give us an example just don’t think any of them are gonna make it through la la oh [ __ ] we’ll start naming them top to bottom but I don’t think any of them are here we’re gonna take attendance starting from start alphabetically all right this

One’s gonna lose this one’s gonna lose spectator I’m gonna be flying around for your final words we Voxer are going to go back to the casting table we will see oh you’re gonna BRB scavenger hunt Thank you good luck to team yellow we hope you guys do well in the parkour event thank you BRB BRB is that a hashtag yeah it is it is oh God that’s a good one brbp we don’t need to get the computer guys we [ __ ] lost [Laughter]

That’s all they need that’s all they need I’m gonna go back to sleep let’s start let’s start the sleuth around let’s start the round let’s do some practice so we were doing defending we need like three minutes three meds one case you should [ __ ] start like a group chat and start

Talking about it we ready here we go oh wait yeah maybe we can no we can’t we can’t start okay okay so three minutes Okay let’s let’s go back to the lobby okay what’s going first is it the are we doing the scavenger hunt or parkour first yeah okay so I’m gonna make a beeline for Luna uh how about the rest so it’s gonna be me Aya Aluna and then next is

Where is Crisis yeah I think crisis is pretty easy to go through too in my opinion yeah luxem’s building is really small it’s pretty easy so like okay it’s only going to be three so like for course it’s only going to be free three yeah crisis only has three but

It’s very vertically it’s very vertical so you have to look around but um the sight lines are very clear for luxing it’s very straightforward the Halls are very clear got it okay okay and then Esther and Aya goes to Luna I could go to like what around noctic

Subsidia around there I guess yeah that sounds good can I kill people right now uh no there’s no damage in the lobby you want some tears on my enemies right here Plex why are you out of uniform I hate this I don’t know I think the nuke

Max wear your uniform man I’m Gonna Kiss myself if you keep [ __ ] hitting me like this bro oh they’re bullying us we’re bullying ourselves hex deserves it okay amazing where did she get the bow even coaches doing it he’s a Glenn if like crumpled up like

Peter Griffin like a cold cut to you just like underneath underneath Where’s my wifey where is she oh okay we gotta go we gotta go oh we’re we’re we’re visible on the mainstream everybody everybody swarms alive oh hi what’s up guys we got it we gotta join the VC we do okay hurry on a minute hang on a minute

I got a minute who’s Joy what’s that what’s that what’s that what’s that okay why are you Guys ready As many mascots as you can it stop a timer has been uh we’ll be starting the moment I give the countdown can you give me the link to it You know [Applause] I’m not just ready I’m dopio we’re back into your own VCS guys come on I don’t think there’s anyone in crisis right now there’s no one crisis right now let’s get when you see it or like maybe right click oh [ __ ] I’m not sure I found one I found one I found one

I got down already oh how big are they how big um wait so multiple people can get one yeah there’s nothing downstairs I have to it says I have two only reason um oh wait I don’t find anything here not here I think someone broke a mask

Uh that’s what I’m worried about because I think Selen in the tutorial set to right click only and I’m worried that people might not do that yeah because I saw one of them just disappear in my face I should have accidentally stole the arcading for a Split Second

Wait why are you good and for good luck you do that yeah if you left you can break them I’m supposed to collect these flowers am I you see anything outside Aster allocating it like proportional to like okay nice nice I found out your minion right now I’m worried that they’re not allocating

All the mascots to each wave in their respective areas that’s what I’m worried about because I assume that they would but there’s no guarantee I think I think yeah they’re gonna mix it up right I’m assuming they might mix it up hungry okay so I guess Luna’s like I

Don’t know what else is really nice yeah I’ve only found the Arcadian chicken Castle wait wait wait so luxium all has five right like all five members actually I have no clue I can’t find the others [ __ ] yeah I’d be outside I found none here oh my God

Damn you guys are good what the hell yeah what the hell okay so it looks like the limit is Wait is is every apologize yeah yeah I think it’s possible I found one three out of five right now I have not plugged in so long we had a Arcadia in my hand the entire time oh my gosh loyal that’s all I need I haven’t seen admirer

Ed I admire what the most with the most twang too like just now oh this one’s blocked wait I’m missing one I found an alopec no theory is probably the biggest map I think I think it’s the biggest map with the least amount of mascots be mindful

So don’t spend too much time if it’s too difficult I gave box and only no he’s falling oh you’ve given them a piece offerings yeah that’s right that’s right I feel like the placement is pretty standard it’s like not like in Corners I don’t know stupid terrible yeah I think they’re

Roughly yeah it’s pretty easy like pretty plain sight I will say I couldn’t I only found one in oh crisis the Karachi nice I’m going to acceleration I feel bad I can’t find anything I have three out of five luxium right now so I only have two I only have two of the

Lunas it is possible that they might have broken it so just um spend a little more time and jump around oh wait can they do that I saw I saw one break in front of me um which is very important yeah I actually broke one but I put it back oh

I didn’t know the ruling is unfortunate griefing I found a scarling let’s go guys I think I broke one too Hannah put it down um foreign Light okay it looks like they’re on the floor they could be on the floor as well you’ve got to be careful right now okay okay last night might be hard because it’s like a lot of terrain oh yeah okay last night’s actually not that bad uh just be mindful you can

Climb the towers you can you can yeah so be mindful I don’t want to know where to look like because they’re an entrance it’s like glue around the rock formations earlier they’re none of the first four excellent is crazy oh sure tell me if you find this

Sickling I just wanted to give it a smoothie I’ll break it slap it pop it normally they’re playing bop it with the [ __ ] sick legs I I don’t know where the heck I’m going right here but come on Julian’s where you at where the billions at I’ve been

Here dang these oh my god oh Luna’s hanging on the Luna right now oh yellow um Green who they thought was gonna lose and they said you guys were the weakest in the scavenger hunt no [ __ ] Sean it sounds it sounded very personal it sounded very very personal like they were they were seething I think I heard doppio kind of like frothing at the mouth a bit like a

Rabid dog it was kind of scary honestly wow I don’t even know who’s in Team Green What did the what did the d stand for uh the D in that instance would stand for the dog um he’s got that dog in him how are you gonna win now so far

Yeah in total you guys how many guys think I have tot in total uh um yeah He’s got the mascots from for future en members as well like JP members you know like oh yeah oh yeah it was the hidden ones the Easter eggs just fine merch you know we found we we have found some emm we found the minions found the Kindred you know who

Else the swifties we found them as well yes sir I don’t know about you guys but I got a limited collection the germa one over here tomorrow [Laughter] yeah which team do you think is the weakest out of all of yes uh us yeah I was gonna say team yellow is pretty bad

Yeah you can’t be saying that about yourself no more do you guys think you’re the biggest threat why do you guys think you’re the weakest if you’re the biggest threat I have I have nearsightedness it’s really unfortunate but don’t you guys have a shot I have a I have a I’m directionally challenged

Yeah I’m depressed I don’t know how to read it’s really bad yeah yeah that’s because I’m directly challenged I wandered off the map Right now I want to play Minecraft I want to play the real game I want to go to the underground where are the ender pearls honestly I think that we would need to make a special spot in the Hall of Fame for you if before the end of the event today you

Managed to find and kill the end you know there’s plenty of resources off in other directions look all right so I will see you see you guys later team yellow all right the rest of the mascots the box and I are gonna visit another channel uh we’re

Gonna be visiting uh blue do you have anything to say to Blue yeah [Laughter] Says uh I found a Dragoon oh that means both the casters mascots have been found to pick up in flavor Town yes sir all right let’s head over to blue box and see how they’re doing so far okay it’s free game chat I will do a

Mommy voice ASMR if you tell me if you see anything okay chat yes yes I don’t have it similarly I haven’t found anything which is already got in I got Luke and an alope yeah I got it and I’m going to I’m in obsidia right

Now if anyone wants to try to like find a all right okay dude excellent I might be dumb but I’m at the fourth floor I haven’t found anything is anyone in lazulite anyone in last night I went there but like I don’t know I couldn’t find anything

It was really hard to look at it yeah um it has to be almost like What’s up okay but I was right my conjecture was correct Aluna did have a lot of stuff yeah yeah yeah no good strike let’s try it wait what else do you find in there um edelina I just got to kill me Arcadian I admire and Scarlet I couldn’t

Find the Mario pet or the red or the renovator everything on the ground floor it must have been destroying them I swear I swear to God I’m also quite bad if I’m being so my eyesight’s not it’s not what’s wrong I don’t really find The Arcadian there

Which is all I need I’m gonna need someone to revise my xla check out because this is kind of ridiculous yes please I cannot find it yes if anyone’s struggling feel free to ask for a second pair of eyes I have I’ve gone another piece I haven’t found anything in the past

Like 10 minutes I haven’t found again nothing correctly you can actually climb the uh the building here so that means you’re a real guard there as well yeah I’m trying to keep an eye out wait duplicates don’t work right it’s just one yeah okay okay at least at least logically it would not

I’m in obsidian I found anything I found I found a Dragoon nice which building was that therefore I don’t know how to describe it but it was just the first floor in the corner is it near the [ __ ] mascot uh these are the last four a little closer

Not like right I don’t think it’s the closest Mari led me to do police that means that I’m I’m close to a mascot probably Ethiopia was here no we don’t know how we don’t have one okay okay we will how many members are there in a new series

I got two out of three we’re gonna make me remember oh yeah there’s three [ __ ] I was like this foreign captain they liked it so much they had to take it home there that’s what it was holy [ __ ] dang this is a lot of nooks and crannies here they could have hidden anywhere

Definitely search the nooks and crannies because like oh was it harder to find it like for some of them yeah it was yeah For really for family it was like hard there was an alcohol they found here all wandering around a while back have we looked at noctix yeah I got I got uh takaradachi and uh Sunny’s fans but I’m still I choose All right I’ll check out the other buildings instead of getting the endings Cadets yeah it was dramatically appropriate to put the real guard by the water at least one thing that all these have in common they’re all flat on the floor so they’re not like mounted anywhere wait okay Big Brand yeah

Whatever what if the review guard is underwater yeah I’ve been looking under water wouldn’t the items pop back up if that were the case I don’t know they could they could probably mod pack it or whatever oh I found the sicklings flowers I’m gonna see if I can distract her so that she doesn’t chickly pinkly okay not here I’m sorry Wilson all of my [ __ ] mask ons like while he’s watching mutants foreign

Was I here is there a way to enter this through this sure I actually don’t know where which area I am in I’m running around I see you there but uh I’m On Top you’re on top of me to Luna because I feel like I I feel

Like I’m missing so I’ll be right back I’m gonna go to Luna back again Sidekicks okay they’re in like different buildings I feel like wait wait wait hold up oh what the [ __ ] wait wait guys I’m stuck can I just do slash Lobby will that work uh where are

You stuck at a ping a ping Vox insulin or yeah there’s a module there’s like I’m just like type in chat I feel like I haven’t examined this area close enough there’s no way I’d be missing wait oh got Lucas Lucas I mean I’ll take it anyways I don’t know duplicate

Anyways yeah wait we’re showing up which one of Lexington did you already get where on Earth is I don’t know about anyone else okay wait it’s actually a minion right yeah I do okay and I have uh I have uh onigiri as well okay okay guys how many do you

Have I have one two three four five six damn I have three I have three uh F4 I have four but I got the Luke of dupe too okay yeah we got one more Aluna we have Arcadian Luke Hub dupe and Alibi has anyone searched luxium yet yeah we had a look up

Anna Kindred yeah I’m gonna go check Lexi myself okay I’m in crisis right now wait I don’t know how to count I have seven oh nice Yeah we thought we were gonna lose too so there’s that yeah we don’t know my eyes hurt up and staring at this I have not been blinking a whole lot to be completely honest have you checked the initi railway we’re going for who do you go for um

Have you guys found anything from crisis I’m in crisis right now but I haven’t found anything yet no I found the tensorflow but that’s about it I saw one break and that’s I don’t know how about the Luna do we who do we have we’re missing renvaders but I I combed

Up and down I cannot find the renovator okay I got it I got I have three out of five luxium so I don’t I bet they are five boxing good yeah the train I’ll go with usually right now I’ll go with you I’m going to knock it

Mine just wanna fight you can’t find my own fans it seems so much I guess yeah we’re the Villians yeah I think I think we should look around uh have you have y’all checked out make sure to check the exterior of the bills too they’re also sitting in the

Exteriors oh yeah I’m about to do that for noctis I know that hex is not doing anything but we’ll find a way okay guys I have wait what yeah the spelling of this is oh no way wait did you guys find the brisket that’s here right now I have it yeah oh [ __ ] okay could they be on the walls or is it

Always on the ground no it’s always on the floor it’s awesome place it yeah where have I not looked yet if y’all can find them in video let me know that’s the only one missing from a Luna I have a tummy we have 10 minutes left 10 minutes

Okay I don’t think it’s in this building pretty damn sure also uh um have you checked dopio’s arcade in excellent uh I don’t know I’ll check it in the front and the way in the back it’s the last building it’s the backdrop to excella it has really Clear Sight

Lines up on both sides it can like you can at least take a gander I’m just back have we found rosebuds now I’m coming through luxium I almost okay we got three out of five though is it really worth like searching honestly anything I mean if you find it

It’s worth yeah that’s all there it really is yeah you should find it so I have I have lookups onigiri and I have your minions I don’t have uh not the way you tweeted that you forgot that you were actually in this dude I like I saw it like five seconds I

Was like wait a second bro Where’s the arcade let me see muscles uh uh we’re I don’t think we have cauldrons do we I’m looking for a culture I don’t see them yeah that’s all we’re looking for is this your respective area it’s just luxem does team does textured floors it’s a little bit tricky

Yeah it’s a little tricky I think cauldrons could be should be mostly mostly white though like a white blob I’m assuming yeah they’re just white circles renovator is broken oh okay so Oliva Luna Luna’s clearly clear to Luna yeah damn There’s a there’s a crisis one too I just don’t know I think it was fantas actually oh okay that’s the dragon you found okay I just found it perfect okay I’m wasting time here I’m gonna skedaddle uh what area have we not what area Okay crisis how many do we have I

Only have one only one oh okay I’m gonna I’m gonna take a gander at crisis I can’t find the starches or barrels like that loud I don’t think so yeah I can’t think I don’t think they can put things inside click on it okay oh what the heck okay sentence

I know let’s go back and check the okay I’ll go check I’ll check what do we do we have do we have any of lazulite I have uh I have I’m missing the review guard but I have the two letters okay uh they’re both in the towers I check the

Towers pretty carefully but I may have missed something okay okay I can’t find sargassers no why’d you [ __ ] break it wait where’s the arcade like so if I’m facing the the main okay you go you look up you looked on the corridor he looked down the town street of excellent it’ll

Be straight all the way to the back the flat building the back that’s that’s the arcade yeah this is a giant Square too dark here actually so big okay let’s see dang the shaders look nice it’s amazing the builders did an amazing job check this out okay if I was a red

Invader so we found actually let me logistically break this down we had America Logistics we had Mario pets kill me outside I think then we found everyone else insights I think it’s a high chance for innovators are outside that’s why I was in there okay I did

Check it out so once you get reviews we’ll have all the Luna yeah Ben where are you where are your kids good job five minutes also I’m getting dizzy oh my God my eyes hurt because my eyes Smash Bros did you find somebody I found my loves it’s me a little mad five minutes left five minutes left let’s try and get one guys didn’t find anything I want that grass yeah right out here touching grass and feeling good about him more friends on the grass see him

That was hilarious they’ve been thematically appropriate sidekicks Mario Karts I can’t believe Yoshi’s meta now you see wait there’s a metal yeah Yoshi Yoshi on the teddy buggy with the roller tires is the meta right now great it’s always that Waluigi wiggler it was but it changed oh really they buffed Yoshi

Or no they yeah they buffed the teddy buggy roller it’s a new meta that’s great I have no idea dude okay the red Vader is doing such a good job hiding I cannot I do not I’ll help you with a ren beater because I I looked everywhere and and honestly excellent

Optics are just it’s so good I’m in the same building I might have been confused I feel like I’m over complicating things like I usually do when I play these kind of games honestly saying I want to cause um I always be the cause of my own issues

Where’s the renovator you already have a weaver yeah we’re just missing the real guards I checked carefully but I could have missed something [ __ ] knew it these cheeky Sons of Guns okay okay uh how many crisis do we have I think one out of three right okay I’m

Gonna go back to crisis I’ll spend the last minute three minutes looking for crisis oh God my eyes hurt oh yeah maybe it’s outside maybe I don’t even remember what buildings I’ve been in so I’m so confused right now too man family okay I’ll just look for a cauldron I think

A good job team we gotta find the Phantom it’s all the phantomo of being a very spooky area yeah the ethereum app is Relentless I I took a I went through it um for the tourist stream I was like you were gonna find nothing in here

Also which mascot do we find in a crisis again I only found um kenzapod honestly we plan to be other ones I can’t okay I’m going to I’m going to double check everything music fans planted bomb has sites oh Valerian oh let’s go The Valor yo yo show you hot right now

Oh we have one minute or like a little less than two minutes okay one quick play yeah quick play [Laughter] I’m down I’m down oh my God I’m just [ __ ] struggling right now this is like my eyesight is getting wonky too yeah yeah my eyes are so dry from how

Little I’m blinking I have eye drops on my side let’s see how the real meta no he’s got the meta he’s got the Meta Meta English I found I found puppy fantastic on her shoulder okay oh that’s good that’s good it was in a tower No One’s Gonna look there

Yeah I think this might be one of us when we have we have 60 Seconds so we found all of etherea I have no idea and the family right you don’t have a honeymoon today oh we already have your minions uh no I don’t think 30 seconds we’re sexually ah come on

Good last minute fine Master yeah yeah it would be pretty cool if they’re in here if um the mistakes were in here then that means the Honey Buns must be near to you do we have a mistake I don’t know three out of three out of four

Rest in peace we have 10 seconds ah damn it you gotta find the real cars where are they and find them they have them in the water at least it’s nonsense four seconds Oz done it’s done I hope someone else at least yeah okay stop okay let’s head back down

Head back no looking no looking to sit back down it wasn’t a really inconspicuous area good last minute fighting for sure that’s cute you are cute enough how are they gonna count up I don’t even think I think we’re supposed to okay or if there’s like a

Maybe they can count it in our in our inventories it’s not a lot what the hell what where were they What the hell all right teams oh yeah we’re supposed to count it ourselves Let me go let’s take out some calculator can you give us a list of hold on what else I don’t trust the teams to not lie look at this rare rare over here we’re in this dark corner I’ll see with other people why are we why are we the loners oh Oh pure mascot’s in the chest oh okay uh hours which one’s our chest in any chest bro this is so scared [Laughter] oh my God also these Sprites are so [ __ ] cute what if they broke it I actually don’t know I feel like they would break it made me so cute chest

Oh they’re oh they’re oh they’re marking it right now well how would they know who’s who like they’re they’re they’re they’re they’re color coding it with the yarn like uh what do you call it a wool block behind I think no one pound of billions

Wait I don’t know what do you mean I know This one okay okay um then I got one of these Gonna be uh oh we got a pretty good number I’m putting one in yellow oh my God okay so duplicates dookie okay it might count Okay I had I just know I had nine oh yeah right I need to put my Arcadian whoops I don’t know if uh but I want to hold nothing I admire it’s so cute want a separate Mission some of the sicklings are so [ __ ] cute man what the [ __ ] yeah I wanna see

What a [ __ ] billion dealing is wrong I got waterproof for mine I’m good wait there’s no way you’re supposed to wait eight nine nine times three twenty seven wait is there more than 27 we have a lot of libraries around oh brick oh they completed it

Damn I believe it except they don’t have eyes it was hard though it’s like RNG actually it was really hard to look around at least you got all the Luna though just as I thought Elona should have been the priority and I’m glad it was I think

I think green and yellow are oh I found a coda cats can I can I pick it up now I like it you’re still searching I’m looking for the villains is that bad connection oh my God I respect that you have fun you gotta find your fan you’re gonna put

My fans I thought everyone but the best I’m gonna keep an eye on this chest known steals our [ __ ] guys I’m pretty I’m pretty sure we beat Green did we not I just want to be in last I don’t think that’s that’s sick like better before yeah any points

No but I I think I think it’s good to not be last yeah that’s true that’s true that’s correct yeah I’m pretty sure third and fourth house no one feels it was yummy over this camera guns are always fired get in this was the I think this was I believe

Oh Chad says that team piss won their hearts that’s all that matters you win our viewers over the ball asleep are you saying this corner by yourself I’m drinking the tears because I know we lost no no do it let me be sure how can you be sure

We haven’t had the tally yet because I saw the chest I was looking in this dude yes it’s a casual glance you don’t know for sure oh God so we have the puppy the poppy Luca also had a puppy so means jack [ __ ] cancer judges I dislike waiting I’m impatience

Oh are they going into every team and like interviewing as they counted but that’s the case I’m gonna ask where the [ __ ] God I don’t think any of the Jets has it like no one found him well I shouldn’t be like oh actually we were we were holding on to them yeah you

Never forgot about them we gave it our Sunny Brisco best who is Team agreeing um uh dopey’s in green that’s my understanding that we [ __ ] run [ __ ] excellent we [ __ ] won yeah it’s all pink yellow [ __ ] I’m watching me in my clothes I’m washing me in my clothes did we watching each other

Washing each other in our clothes away why are we watching a post I just casually look down again after my scavenger hunt don’t worry we’re out for blood on the DodgeBall no we got dodgeball easy peasy Skyla joining us we’re bathing get out of here you’re

Gonna muddy the water hacks get in here box I was the third I mean look at the statues of them okay um conquering Scott is in there that we peed in the water to make it warm yellow let’s go I mean we’ve been thank you faster judges it’s taking quite a bit

Not gonna lie I do red red wine red or blue I think blue one oh yeah blue for sure yeah I think blue one from Miami I still want to kill in it right confidence I didn’t see that oh my God they found something still broken yeah

What if they broke the other ones too they already broke the other ones too and so people couldn’t even access them I call shade I call shade that they found tentified look at that look at that oh Blue’s getting their prize right now oh it’s a blue Dead one he’s just vibing

Dang what the hell they cheated wait you get prizes I want my eye admirer I I think uh the prizes were a buff for the next round oh yeah you can practice I’ll talk to the winners wow I won’t even talk to us I see how it is okay oh is it parkour

Yeah we should do we should disembowel the members of The Blue Team for their treachery that’s good [Laughter] all right let’s go let’s do some dodgeball yes holy [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] the year I think uh isn’t the next course parkour is it oh then I give up all right let’s

Wait have you decided an order are we gonna no let’s play some dodgeball guys where’s everybody let’s Dodge some balls I’m still searching parkour is it now let’s just uh I can make a level four though that was DodgeBall okay okay I’m coming let’s Dodge about oh [ __ ] okay

This is nonsense blue team cheated that’s true it’s true if I can stole the mascot nonsense absolute nonsense okay YouTube versus me for now oh sounds confident oh yeah no XX got this hex I hope that one night you go to get a drink of watermel tonight and you

Have socks when you step in a puddle of water hello hello hello AC oh nice it’s it’s you’re getting getting sweaty gamer no pieces of Nice Shot is actually good what the hell I should be okay for the if you don’t care yes for this we’re gonna destroy you we’re

Gonna turn you apart okay okay destroy you I don’t [ __ ] around we don’t [ __ ] around in these parts of town okay come on over come on over he doesn’t take blue team [ __ ] broke the red Invaders and made it inaccessible for the rest of us time in there nonsense

Therefore we need to disembowel them I know whoa no yeah I mean yeah oh they’re oh they’re gonna do oh okay I guess all right billions give me I’m sorry oh wait what happened they’re they’re starting the map I think okay so we gotta go starting the DodgeBall

Segment okay let’s let’s die let’s die let’s go I’m falling I fell out nice on nice one y’all better curious y’all better curious for real for real okay I I will take I will take up the role of an unpredictable Runner and you will try to

To destroy me okay oh wait no they’re all here no no they’re they’re oh they’re going to do a demonstration around okay okay good shooting hell hex good shooting thank you thank you and I have been practicing so let’s do this shoe we got this one let’s go Wait why is it a sacrificial lamb oh my God gym class oh my God it’s okay are you gonna fall oh no I think he fell on purpose ah oh yeah the drinks Am I supposed to be teepee somewhere if I press spectator [Applause] I know how this works what it’s dodgeball oh I was never good at dodgeball all right so who is it who’s going first oh if you’re going to if you see the text Channel they have the brackets oh I

See it okay we’re up against red foreign Okay here we go I love crustacean game oh I’m taking a crustacean game my favorite okay okay okay oh they’re Pat okay this is from gameplay you ever see Ian’s calling on your kitchen floor this kind of like oh my God holy moly by the way by the way

You only get two arrows for the whole thing I think yeah yeah yeah yeah so two balls which is I have an idea give the arrows to me yeah I’m gonna delete it he’s trying to risk each other to it you’re playing the mind you’re playing

40 chess over here but not get smaller though it’s exciting stuff oh you think yeah who grabs that one oh damn 3v3 3v3 it’s pretty exciting stuff oh that was so close this is pretty even for like album style is an arrow oh nice shot come on

Both arrows given to dopio one one each one each one double shot double shot kill a Mariana defense are they gonna stall out oh nice shot kill clutching up [Applause] that was good I’m gonna have to [ __ ] um We have the next we have X yeah we have packs you know that fight Cooks game episode of SpongeBob where like like it’s like like [ __ ] Vera burst through the door but this hex strap to his back or something oh it’s the best of three oh oh that makes sense huh

Thank you I don’t care every time like there’s like some something like we’re not aware about he’s like oh that happens none of us were prepared for this honestly I want to be in this leave me on this let me add this let me look at me out of

This you don’t get to choose no no no no no no leave me out of this leave me out I just want to be left alone okay I can’t fly we don’t have we don’t have cleanup mode on exactly this is great it’s the the introverts on the side and the extra

Parts over there no kissing on stream Stop Dancing stop stop this PDA it’s not my fault you’re meeting list damn sweep there you go here we go oh my God I’m gonna be real guys I I think Joe’s gonna die right here I feel like yeah I think I don’t know like okay

Wait what happened Alvin he died he’s alive yeah heading over to the blue side 3v3 attack side blue Wilson what do you think about the situation Caster shoe it is very interesting to see a 3v3 between these two when Rosemary and Lira are supposed to be lovers and they’re

Actually taking shots at Rosetta recipe you’re pretty good on this what happened to the love oh no there’s no love in this battlefield only battle only I’ve told you I told you the connections with their shots arrow in the middle 1v3 situation but there’s on blue side

One grab for the player Pandora one for like Dodgers about to spawn in the middle again I can finally even shoot nice shot that was good attempt crazy It all blue versus green this is this is I mean yeah I want red to win or green my van I want yellow to win I want yellow too okay and at this moment the blue team is going to be using their advantage all right slowness potions

To the opponent the opponent will be slowed down to wow what a great place to use it in a tiebreaker situation this is a good signing I must agree in fact in fact indeed Ergo indeed yes earlier Pandora asks for a timeout wait as for the weights that’s for the

Timeout this is the situation punches going left and right there is violence in the hallway vile is anger from The Spectators but Alvin Knox grabs the arrow anyway drop side drops to his knees spawn reset reset reset it was not an effective match but it was not you it was nothing

In the end it did not matter nothing mattered damn in the end does this game even matter does prisons Does this matter to you does this matter to everyone does this win from The Blue Team matter for the future this is the question we are answering today everyone we just saw murder though murder why is my team going against me what’s happening is it worth the murder with

The arrows is it worth everything is it worth it here we go here we go this slow is really oh it’s not gonna matter Why is on the field we are not aware of this monkey on this field why is boxing out oh he’s giving it slow potions I see I see oh and slow pushing doesn’t seem to be in effect yeah remember what the verdict will be in this situation from the Green Team um But it’s not really helping them because three of them just died it is already a 2v5 situation rosemi and Uki on blue team and all the members left on the Green Team arrow shot real close between the two members between the two members once again watch this earlier must have said nice shot

Leave has one Arrow here yeah 1v3 situation will he be able to continuously attack he oh he misses both of them both sides oh my God this is so intense nothing is happening intense Hello intense holy [ __ ] all I’m saying is I wouldn’t let that [ __ ] happen to me guys oh yeah right right yo watch it watch you be the first one to die did the team green win with a disadvantage yeah damn the disadvantage is kind of suss I’m not

Gonna lie like it wasn’t uh I think I think it’s a lack of opposable thumbs on the monkey really really young not healthy application wondering wait wasn’t that free games or am I yeah Is it our turn is it our turn yeah let’s do this are we blue Let’s Go Blue I guess okay what are you doing I am alone to damage the contestants before the match starts get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here

This is how games start usually we just have a fist fight yeah oh guys nice kill Nice kill Wait no that’s our team oh no no no never mind yeah I’m ready I’m ready wait another time let us in coach hi guys I’ll I’ll just I’ll I’ll try to

Get out of you just run and grab the arrows as quickly already got the arrows yeah yeah if you have a good shot just take it you guys got this I believe in you when you run make sure make sure you’re jumping while Runnings for the max speed yeah

Yeah I think Luke is about to like murder me I don’t know I’m about to die too yeah respawn yeah okay okay oh you’re here okay nice okay she missed me okay got an error what not die it’s a group of them oh first you are right now who has the arrow enemies

To Hell he’s got the brain cell they’re thinking all right military tickets oh [ __ ] I’m lying what the [ __ ] no no lagging not nothing else behind you yeah there is my name just froze for like the full second careful careful of falling it’s it’s slowly coming in oh I lived nice shot economist

I think this as well let’s go he’s fine because ah what’s that I almost jumped to that area okay wait for your feet we have a 45 situation with Harris somehow get the arrows on spine oh no oh no no it’s good yeah no we lost it let’s go back go back oh

No oh yeah [Applause] this is why God doesn’t love you I might need a surprise too my shots Miss like I swear to God I don’t even go to the school all right did it everyone select are you ready yeah ready all right we’ll win this one and it will

Be easy we’ll go to the next one right now 2020. we all sweet sweet oh free careful careful All right Miss Arrow oh never mind do we have two I think we have it right I think so no no oh yeah um okay yeah Lucas careful oh no what you gonna pick up my shoe yeah I forgot one it’s all the eyes wasn’t careful okay I

Thought I would kill him too oh no no no no I went for the trade it’s over there okay guys nice one you’re there and you’re there oh We get some confidence dang it I’m not gonna lie I was not breathing for a fair portion of that Uh I would honestly prioritize uh moving around and like only shoot when you’re like sure that you’re gonna land a shot yeah actually if we both have the arrows we can hoard it for a second and pick and pick one by one let them waste their Arrow first

Okay also hex I’ll have you know if you fail this I will not I will I will not fail to tease you every day about it okay don’t worry I’m not gonna film all right no [ __ ] come on One X I have an arrow they just [ __ ] destroyed me there careful

Yeah just just run around careful and don’t fall though Luca has one okay it’s your refund they missed something oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I’ll tell you if the arrows respawn yeah thanks oh close close respawn respawn respond soon every time they shoot and miss Ed

Okay nice good shot when you get rid of Sally and Luca I agree or do we have both of course too oh no come on I’m just now oh I can’t believe that oh my God no two arrows on our side there’s one over there yeah

Oh no oh my God I didn’t see that man they’re just too good I got a light into the gun now [Applause] Okay yeah I was talking too much trash to the scar yeah heck this is what you get the best entirely on Hex Haywire yeah we got two more rounds yeah a chance we have a chance we have a chance no it’s not even lower brackery okay yeah round robin um

I felt like the second half we didn’t have any opportunity to really attack Ed the arrows you know so if we could have like someone designated just try to grab the arrows like just go for it okay okay against like green your green all right also there’s like upper brackets and lower brackets and then I think it would just be like how many

Times you win and then maybe they’ll do a tie breaker at the ends I don’t know we got hope red loses the other ones because we still have a chance to win the other two it’s only first round yeah as long as someone doesn’t do like free

Zero we will be fine yeah yeah all right we we we’ll run it back run it back yeah I’m too aggressive grabbing an arrow but it’s yeah the good Shooters stay back like I’ll I’ll go in and see if I could like you’re not even trust you don’t even go to the school

[Applause] [Laughter] oh not the sniffer hey y’all enjoying the blue team here how’s it rolling red e get it that’s nice Schubert blue ready let’s go let’s go go go all right let’s go come on win against red yeah [ __ ] him up oh damn dude that’s too good Lucas okay

Gotta get Luca first he’s a Minecraft pro so my he’s a professional oh I see it’s a Nerf him wait what how’s that allowed because we know Lucas I mean they’re still winning red is still winning what’s going on here oh uh Vox broke the stage uh that’s a hazard

Wait really yeah look at this hole right here oh they’re breaking our red side though oh they had the they had the advantage that they’re trying to do the huh no they’re oh my that’s the way they’re doing it they’re punching them oh my God oh my gosh they could have gotten

[ __ ] swords and they’re still a loser winning it’s crazy oh look at that that is so cool they should have done it the first place debuted all right well two before or sorry 2p5 I’m sorry no wait no that’s just someone that’s the one just fixing this I’m just fixing this okay

It’s pretty close pretty close oh you should do this another redo bro We can’t be constantly having these redos I gotta wake up early tomorrow yeah fair I mean well it’s only the second game we’ve already been two hours in oh my God we’re gonna redo oh my God wait what are we doing the stuff foreign well brbp okay go pick up his girl

I wonder why I could have done better in our first round oh no not bad no no no it was it was us not being able to grab the arrows they kept on hoarding it yeah they had advantage and like we just we were just dodging on time yeah

Just to count on at that point you kind of have to take a risk and push because it’s kind of like the first people to grab the arrow so they can just stand in that same spot like though what are you doing guys stop it yeah one how good not the

Like all right is this gonna be oh it’s a 4v5 oh my God yeah it could have been so much simpler if one person just didn’t join what oh systematically picking off people now wait what oh 4v3 yeah right from the Gekko oh the Dodge oh scarla

She’s doing her best Sally missed the chance to grab the arrow Kyo has it air drops on blue side air whiffs on red side blue bears and blues oh throwing the needle between the red team members I wouldn’t scatter the carries gone Mario’s been playing too much valorin though

I think I think we have a better chance up against it I don’t know I feel like it’s like a match-up thing yeah I feel like I think we might be the blue team they’re shaping up pretty good hacks I mean they were Nerf the building in the game no that’s the thing

Okay let me get rid of him all right yeah I know we should focus Luca as soon as he comes out what yeah the rest of the team is manageable oh [ __ ] I pressed the wrong button oh you’re joining me 13. yeah I switch really quickly wait did blue win the first one

Yeah so we should hope that blue loses this one right yo wait no no uh no they’re still wait what we could give up again what oh they have like a certain amount if you use it up then they can’t anymore okay that’s fair oh let’s take out Luca let’s take a look

That’s the way to go that’s the way to go I’m sorry Luca the player should be random oh so scared of me I was shot doing yeah how are you guys doing well oh yeah I’ll have y’all know that when eluna first joined the Discord Luca kind of shared cut myself until 4am

Playing Roblox if this is this is in his nature doing great you guys are enjoying the relatives that’s definitely interesting yeah oh my gosh I’m not doing great but hopefully I’m Then you have the advantage because you have the attack and you can’t lose if you have the attack leave my wife alone hacks I swear to God hex I’m going to I’m going to your Achilles tendon is mine leave her alone she’s doing her darndest okay

Just wish I was better I wish I was better let me see what’s up with me oh no academic what’s it say s OH Close shot here we go oh here we go oh but oh [ __ ] yeah queasy who we got how’s you know [ __ ] oh my gosh

Oh yellow versus green okay I gotta win this one team Redemption um we’re going blue I mean it doesn’t matter no no it’s all about the color a blue for blood yes for something else okay Roblox here we come all right guys all right look at it ready

On three all right where’s you I was gonna do I was gonna do a few hacks I was gonna do it all right one two three let’s go oh sorry I missed this one get there oh my God I got it again I’m gonna get ready for uh Arrow rebound

I got one I have an arrow Nice Shot there’s a rebound that’s nice nice guys start camping right now start camping I’ll be right around here I’ll be right around yeah I think I think we get kills we can push up push up push up no no no

No we always max power so it doesn’t land on them Arrow at Oregon Arrow yeah she’s actually quite the sharpshoes to be careful okay maybe she does very careful no I got my gold one you should uh should I give it to you later has an arrow keeping up here we go

Thank you thank you appreciate it thank you all right I’m trusting it out with you you missed you got it I’m so bad at this I think we are two they have two right answer we gotta be careful oh yeah careful uh careful Oh no I got the arrow all right all right

Run oh [ __ ] okay I’m trying to find the arrows yeah you got this guy Lira first everybody careful we got this be careful don’t fall off don’t fall off yeah this is just getting pretty small yeah careful nice be careful with it yeah yeah be careful with the shots yeah let’s go

There you need to believe in yourself now the problem is when we go up against Luca like yeah we focus in regression aggression we got this guys I believe I misspelled Betty go go nice nice good nice nice wedding it if you do you have both of them get there together

All right we got this we’re gonna piss on them it’s fine uh okay Arrow okay oh you got it nice um careful okay and I got it okay how are you dying first I know right the arrow whiz went through me Curious let’s go mine yeah Yeah we were too defensive in the first yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you we’d also like to look at God yeah we go against Blue uh right dominance we’re playing again we’re playing again we’re playing again I guess blue I’m guessing what blue team this thing I think we’re red then right

We still go around yeah I don’t know I think I lost wrong side [Laughter] ready yeah yeah ready that joke’s already been said but I said it twice I said ladder okay I still get the arrow got this you got both At all they shot both their Amazon business can’t believe I missed that oh my God you have an arrow remember the max shots it’s okay guys I think respawn responses did you miss yeah I think so okay okay oh [ __ ] okay I have the other Arrow

I think they picked up one okay yeah they have one though I think it’s killaventa Banta oh it’s good we have both arrows okay okay now wow what a shot oh damn damn it’s all new I swear I believe no pressure you master it’s you you are no he is the

Moment now I’ve seen you I’ve seen you beat words oh my God Nice Shot nice shot careful careful do not die by the hands of Ike Eveland close yeah that’s tough that was tough we have one more time right one more try yeah one more time this one one

Red yes we’re red we got that we got this van this is [ __ ] aiming me they shot two arrows on me there We got this here yeah all right we’re down I’m turning on the cheats around okay I’m plugging in my mouse no problem here we go oh [ __ ] it’s time got it nice pick up can’t have him holding it actually I’ll give it to someone who who knows how to

Use it someone else take it someone else take it yeah you got this way oh okay it’s all good okay got it here don’t [ __ ] yourself oh my God thank you wait where’d it go where’s the oh okay yeah where’s the arrow what happened yeah you got your bow okay nice nice

Oh nice nice yeah no I got it I got but I got both I’m gonna park right here go go go okay okay right here oh oh the camera um I’m right here we got to see on this yeah I’m getting motion all right I got it I got it no what’s

Okay actually got this I missed oh there’s no error oh God I hint oh no oh my God what the [ __ ] all right here we go I thought we had both there I would aim a little bit ahead than you think like three bodies ahead careful careful careful cheers both carefully

He’s giving one to vanto so Vantage careful oh no okay yeah I know that’s pretty smart oh they’re trying to grab it watch out real close but there’s maybe you can wait maybe you can wait until the the thing closes yeah maybe wait wait maybe wait for it wait wait

For a little bit and uh wait for the circle to close so nice I got zero hours I was important what’s going on yeah yeah is it one one yeah I like the enthusiasm all right LG we got this 2-1 sorry No we have both Frank yeah yeah I thought we won is this one more no we got one more yeah there’s one one it’s one one oh God I thought that was over yeah someone count the other side oh I know oh the excellent okay guys don’t fall off Rosemary has one looks

Like Rosemary missed was he missed him unresponding you got it nice nice nice I’ll give it to someone else do we have both yeah let’s dance laughs good one who has arrows I don’t have one oh thank you brother thank you thank you you guys got this you guys got this I’ll

I’ll redirect redirect your attention redirecting their attention it’s really really weird oh wait I’m gonna camp we have the spawns uh hex can’t the other spot I’m so sorry oh my gosh y’all are crazy [Laughter] as the piss Ed nevermind I hope your talks if your piss isn’t toxic you eating healthily bro they have a league player Martin’s yellow oh my God we’re so good let’s go dude oh dude oh my God I’m so proud of us I’m so proud of us

We won two games you just like you’re so full of [ __ ] then you’re like sorry guys I’m really [ __ ] it up absolute like like sorrow and complete delusion I’m just completely out of my mind that working Strat works so long I’m so happy by older personality disorder in the [ __ ] like

Uh this is great I think um yeah I shot one time oh oh that’s intense already the insta shot the insta shot it’s so scary oh good goes down already oh no both on red side Luca gets to play this game wait wait do we still get to play or

Like uh we play Whenever this yeah we’re fine whoever whoever wins we still got a buff right because the top two would be good about if we if we win this one we get a buff for the next one okay I thought it was top one it was top two

I think I think one of them got a slow motion and they removed Luca right oh wow holy [ __ ] yeah it was Lucas on their side Lucas crazy Luke is here now he’s not debuffed and then he grabs the arrow again here oh but he misses he’s on Instagram I think it’s pretty smart like you know shooting a little ahead so that it drops all the time instead of like yeah yeah Max shoot it yeah yeah unless you hit something because it just drops on yeah I think I think that’s smart oh if Luca picks it up again here we go

How did he miss that what oh album punches the end oh my God that’s crazy okay it’s okay these alleys oh it’s only it’s only God they got two FPS we have Luca connoisseur then also FPS yeah I think both of them are really scary

The resin is all right but we know we got this game I recommend valora [Laughter] well blah blah blah blah what’s a valorant does anybody know who that is what’s my middle name which which way oh it’s a 5v5 game shooter tactical shooter game developed wow somebody to teach me many different agents and abilities wait they’re missing somebody oh I was distracting my love sorry last

Time Luca didn’t get to play this time Carl didn’t get to play she’s eating her nuggies you better not hey someone better check those nuggies I was gonna say something you’re welcome oh here we go who got the arrows you got the arrows oh Sally got it oh disintegrated

The one for one and another one goes down I’ve learned the tactic if you like land on top of the arrow just just start punching just start using violence usually helps they’re just punching each other punching the crap out of each other even oh no that’s the way to go grabs it real

Quick arrows both on the right side the red team is so 1V Ford clutch I’m not gonna like red team one Arrow one blue side wow dude red team is kind of okay Okay let me wipe my hand sweat on my breasts hold on okay all right aggression aggression aggression okay aggro Agro Agro and Luca wait yeah yeah okay so tunnel vision Luca and Sally you guys this is I believe in you guys beat red because they haven’t been dead against us

Because we killed Luca please only one game only one game ow all right go again You got this maybe we wait do we wait until the arena closes what do you guys think we have both holy [ __ ] I got both here shoes Nice Shot Nice Shot okay but they got one though they got one though Oh my God Okay okay hyper aggro hyper aggressive [Applause] Yeah I’m confused is it not a best of three it was the final yeah yeah that was the fighter that was it oh congratulations I didn’t even know the rules of my own game Of course Team meeting what do you get to decide what you want you get to find out anything we want as long as it’s like not OP yeah I want all of us to have water buckets I don’t think that’s sweet that’s great what is a great idea each

Other okay we are gonna agree on this oh no no what do you think you’re animals I think there’s a segment with like uh the ice at the end right yes there is can we swap one of the blocks of ice to be like dirt or something okay

Um let’s do one of the ice blocks one of the blocks in the middle for the cactus area one of the fences one of the fences the cactus and which one and the eyes and the eyes do we get to choose or just randomized somewhere in the middle we’re

Gonna randomly choose one of them to be the the dirt blocks for you yeah each level yeah so the the cactus the ice and which one the one of the fences the fences okay cactus a fence and Ice all right that is your advantage for the next round congratulations To your fans for winning the um uh brbp yeah what do you have to say I just got back BRB everybody let’s go what what do they pick what do they pick what are they want one block from each level to a dirt block so we’re gonna be swapping the

Blocks to a dirt block for them very creative choice I like it I like it a lot very interesting uh good luck to you guys in the parkour we’re gonna now head over you guys should now head over to parkour now actually Peter yeah wait can we take a picture at the podium

Real quick yeah yeah no one’s actually here wait how do you remove UI [Laughter] Right behind us okay where’s team yellow uh the rightmost I think it’s not magenta I swear oh it did it change oh I changed it changed oh it’s F2 dammit all right BRB okay so my understanding is um the order you press this is the order you go it’s my understanding

And uh shoe just press first [Laughter] so we’re gonna have to fix that unpress it now you’re gonna have to fix that up as long as we’re not last but we already have a win under our belt that’s true we are immortalized in a dodgeball that’s true guys wait what

We’re starting wait one one what I’m zooming okay uh okay okay okay yeah yeah so we’re demonstrating oh my understanding is impressive yeah the order your president is the order you go yes so sure when you like jumped in and press it I was like [ __ ] all right

So now that we have limited time what oh yeah oh we’re spectating we’re expecting Bear’s going first okay okay then okay I’ll take that then I think hex could do this one I have a feeling now this question’s pretty easy but um but I uh I can get to the um the fourth

Level which is uh the Slime jump I just got back we’re choosing spots is the last one I just don’t know if we’re gonna actually go all the way to the fifth I just don’t know we are going we are going to we are going I’ll do third

Guys where’s our extra blocks yeah we’re sorry uh they’ll do it once we come back probably from what we saw all right how are we gonna distribute the positions I can do Soul sound I can do posts but that’s it I think after you can do five

Maybe you shoot four during practice I could only get up to level uh four oh yeah can you go can you cry I can probably I’m sorry and you’re gonna try it I believe in you master I believe in you okay oh yeah how far did you get into

Parkour uh halfway to two halfway to two halfway to two Okay so there and Aya you choose who goes first oh sorry okay let me give some space yeah And then yushu you’re the fourth I’m foreign I was just screwing around how confident are you though I think I think you should do four okay so orange it says one Soul sends two Cactus is three yeah by the way it’s really easy um don’t tank on the on the damage and

Then four is gonna be difficult so you can just put me wherever because I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna get this and I’ll do my best yeah here I haven’t I I have an idea because Soul Sand is honestly harder than Cactus IMO um yes because it is slowed and you had

To land on a on a on a stick the cactus it’s just a this is regular jumps but a cactus I think um should I go first hex go second actually is the last one just ice I know last one’s like it’s a dirt hardcore yeah uh so I think either there

I go first then second would be hex but then okay third would be Vera Ayah okay okay next would be me and then last would be shoe okay let’s see I’m more comfortable with the posters like you have to pick because I can do either for you okay very United pick

Between one or three yeah so uh so odd you get um you get one um even I get one oh yeah okay and then Aya all right an aster and then me I saw the eyes place I saw them working on it there’s like a lot of

Dirt blocks so we have a good Advantage like it’s a we’re fine we got this hopefully yeah hopefully I mean there’s gonna be a dirt somewhere right and there has to be a dirt somewhere that makes it easier I guess we’ll see okay all right we got this team I believe

This distribution would be what would work out from we got Advantage rates yeah I think they put some let’s see yeah they put their blocks everything we should be good all right let’s do this team question this might be our weakest one yeah what do you call it slow slow and steady

Don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about everyone else yeah I can’t see I can’t even see everyone else I had to reduce my draw distance because my computer was lagging oh geez we’ve dropped the Baton right I believe where am I the Baton oh this is cool dude I got

Checkpoint here we go can’t see anything we got tossed damn dinner yeah that’s entirely three um yeah so Aya was you uh I I can’t I didn’t okay I’ll go for it oh nice X length you if Cactus is easy but then you get slime

Jumps oh uh you get you get to it all right let’s go okay okay with the dying block Ayah is this like a um you can fail a few times it’s no worries wait are we already a cactus yeah we’re already Cactus oh let’s go all right no

Nice nice I know she’s doing so well the checkpoint is right there there you got this just gotta do the same thing oh yeah diamond okay you got this the secret the secret weapon wait is there like a it’s like a trick with this cactus I feel like while

Getting damaged she can’t I’m asking questions Aya where are you uh the the one safe walk so the diamond block right no no no no no you just gotta do the same thing again with the emerald in the middle no the orange the orange orange oh I see it okay

I I think once you climb up just kind of like take it easy and see if you could attack this is hard that’s why Ike was like ah practice [ __ ] I mean want to try those like it’s good it’s got a like if it makes you feel better like everyone’s still on

The [ __ ] posts and the salsa oh yeah now you have time oh nice oh okay no you did great hey you’re almost there is so good oh yeah no long jumper and it’s okay water though what are those oh no Dopey is already at my spot oh wait never mind never mind

Everybody’s stuck in cacti or Souls I don’t know I love how the text is like Kyo died you’re the keyboard smash it’s okay yeah yeah it’s slow and steady still in the study well apparently I don’t know the Box so jumping around here oh the fourth one is kind of like holy

[ __ ] the fourth one’s Crazy by past that though how are you guys finding the uh the advances you like your advantage where’s the where’s the advantage it’s the dub vlog where wait wait where is it yeah we replaced the cactus with uh with with the orange block yeah oh it’s all Cactus

That’s the advantage yeah I think I might have [ __ ] it up even more is it high enough is it high enough yeah we tested it we tested it a little bit like like before the um the block was a little higher and the jump was completely impossible wait I made the

Jump though I was able to make oh well I mean I mean maybe you’re just built different I don’t know I tested it I tested it real good I tested it real good and uh you might you might just be lying let’s see what it looks like another drip block is on top

Of it you guys want to see I thought it is a disadvantage did it okay here you go they didn’t choose where to put it um I just need it to be fair among everyone is it is it like the same height across everybody okay okay

You can make it I made it before well all right okay there you go let’s see it as soon as possible I don’t think that’s I don’t think no no you don’t break break that [ __ ] please break that [ __ ] you know because the cactus part is so

Hard we could potentially look add a block in a different place maybe maybe sled hear me out we could place a block on the side of one of them is [Laughter] giving you your advantage back in the end thank you thank you thank you it seems that oh oh that uh team team

Yellow it seems like blue is on the same area as you right now okay everybody is everybody’s a little honestly like the cactus wait what is the chest there the chest is there in play in place of the cactus because it’s similar shape to a cactus but it will not harm so

We had an impossible Impossible Jump until I tried to tell Selena but she wouldn’t listen what is it was a cactus before but you removed the cactus and so there wasn’t enough height okay you can’t change the you they asked for Advantage you can’t just say all

Right they asked for it and then remove a block so they can’t win they didn’t ask us to do that and you keep saying the same [ __ ] so then have you ever listened to a single word with your own ears you have big [ __ ] ears big

Dragon ears we were set up this entire time we were set up this entire [ __ ] time yeah I’ll change it back to a cactus guys no the chest works the chest works fine we finally got it right don’t [ __ ] touch anything Jesus everyone the prism cop everybody guys it just works

Go [ __ ] taught Howard in it it works it works trust this we tested it out yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go it’s absolutely possible we’re gonna have any trouble on check my POV on stream there’s no no we’re gonna go check out the others here real quick yo

Checkups Green Box what I’m gonna go check out green green all right all right let’s see are they gonna warning for sunny let’s have a look okay I I think I think what you did there when you like kind of stuck around in the cactus to take a look and then

Jump I think that works wonders when I take damage it I don’t know if I can jump after taking the The Recoil from damage wait wait okay I because I already passed each other there’s a really easy jump but are you continuously bee hopping let’s be hopping well what you’re doing

Is one another like immediately yeah it’s not not how that’s not what you said to do just to go fast no well I mean it’s I say it’s a little bit faster just because you’re getting damaged but do not worry because you’re not gonna die just play it normally but just don’t

Stand on the Block obviously right like don’t you don’t have to be hot just do it as if you’re on orange remember just do that think that way ignore the damage there you go you’re kind of good again I’m asking my pinky on my [ __ ] hurts my pinky on

The damage is there just to make you panic don’t worry you don’t get killed then there you go yeah the damage doesn’t it only builds up you stand on too long so oh no they don’t know you did great you did great you saw that right you did great yeah

You don’t have to be hot you’re gonna be hot okay nice nice nice and then go up there nice I’m so proud of Yaya oh yeah you’re almost there no you’re not you’re almost there you’re almost there you’re almost rolling steady slow and steady by the way you’re

Still ahead of him yeah no hotel and alira is still dropping in that book yeah it’s pretty unfortunately I bet he was taking it like so carefully because he dies the least but he’s still dropping shop nice jump okay let me tell you everyone knows the thing

Oh everyone else is so bad at this game they’re trash because the recoil can take my jump from me yeah you gotta time it well I mean okay here how I did it I I didn’t even like pay attention to that stuff just do it normally if it doesn’t work

Then just try again like don’t don’t analyze it too hard you have infinite tracks don’t crouch on the cactus [Applause] yeah take it easy take it easy extend the package stop by stop you got them nice jump nice feeling oh my gosh so good okay okay okay

I’m so proud of you all right wait wait wait wait wait wait check my ass let’s check one okay uh I’ll tell you I do this this one’s a tiny bit tricky okay so jump from the left edge of that diamond block so basically just getting on the left side of it

This is a uh there’s an edge jump basically got you gotta try to hit that corner on the Green Block yeah I got this like jump the moment you think you’re gonna fall ah interesting aim for the uh Corner the bottom right corner because if you go to the side it doesn’t hit

Yeah this one’s gonna like screw people over it’s a little bit interesting jump at least you got the checkpoint no the checkpoint was honestly so big no one got it no one got it yet hey yo oh [ __ ] you make the jump I made the jump okay oh let’s go let’s go

All right slime oh oh no no no nobody haven’t even gotten control yeah yeah yeah there’s your ship there right there oh you did it nice oh my God you’re so good oh my God you’re cracked just remember this she’s learning though she’s learning yeah she’s learning almost almost yeah

You feeling ready you sure you warmed up raise ass or next right no clue it’s me next if he likes you got this answer you got this my Pinky’s bleeding no really yeah I busted my nail just now don’t don’t smash your keyboard oh I’ll be careful please nice don’t hurt yourself

Dude I have such a truth hurts but still going strong what you call it through team Trooper foreign Jesus Christ he’s just insane [Applause] you can take a little bit of a break I have if you need to only album is uh anywhere close to where you are

You do not have to press space on this there we go nice ladder jump easy okay good job slow and steady slow and steady yeah no the corner yeah that’s a hard jump right there I don’t know but you have a few like get yeah there’s just a

Few more after that once you get over that ladder it’s pretty pretty chill yeah pretty straightforward after that there’s two more blocks but seriously though what the [ __ ] oh my God thank you [Laughter] where’s Killian holy [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh actually no is pretty difficult oh ladder jumps right yeah

You could hold space and it’s a little easier thing oh by the way the level I’m on is very difficult so I hope I can do it if I guess it’s okay it’s okay you’re gonna you’re gonna you’re gonna do amazing is everyone just stuck on Cactus yeah it

Looks like it yeah pretty much everyone’s stuck I think Alvin and the I are the furthest on yeah yeah and Alvin’s still dying honestly so all right you got this Okay guys focusing guys guys Casper’s please you’ve got you’ve gotten so your eye has gotten doing so well um the other team we were spectating told us to come harass you guys what okay I mean it’s going well have to harass you guys now because they’re out to get you yeah

I’ll let you know if there’s something important going on right now if you if I receive uh evidence that you do that um I will be going into creative mode and I will be removing the blocks one by one until you put it I am that serious

I am so serious about this podcast you’re here I wouldn’t do that to you guys yeah she would yeah who made this map who made this map who followed it who thought this is a good idea you can take it up with the varuna builds LLC baby

Yeah it seems like every team is at the same spot as you guys right now um other than other than blue who struggling don’t worry kyo’s gonna get there He’s waiting so long on the final Yellow Block she’s gonna he’s gonna [ __ ] this up he’s gonna [ __ ] this up I can just tell him her ass blue now give us a sec no no no no just please you know mine is like extremely hard so good luck with them

Um oh van vanta’s now being exposed to deal with I don’t think vanta can do it you’re still here oh [ __ ] yeah I am oh my God [Laughter] Mari Phantom team blue reach Cactus okay well this this reached it then yeah they just reached yeah yeah yeah cause this is a [ __ ] crazy

Ass you’re you’re fine you’re fine really well Verona builds whatever you guys are I want to say hi to you guys [Applause] yeah one hour there is a time one hour yeah what the [ __ ] Jesus bro yeah yeah it’s either furthest or whoever finishes first everybody’s gonna close I swear to God

The [ __ ] they’re supposed to do this thing man they’re crazy I can’t see you master where are you uh I’m at the bottom like at the end of uh Aya’s course wait can you just throw the Baton down there and hopefully catch I wouldn’t risk it no no but it does respond it

Does respond yeah yeah oh yeah that’s that’s true it does respond to your inventory but I don’t know if you get the checkpoint though honestly I’m not sure how that worked uh uh okay I just thinkers are gonna be like I thought like straw but like four yeah

Grabs the water bottle and expressions any any tips for this aside from uh Edge jumping I think you can take a few minutes if you want yeah if you need to rest your fingers yeah search up like a tutorial on how to do the parkour I

Don’t know how to do the side ladder jump yeah that’s what we’re having trouble on it yeah make sure you look up though I make sure you look up okay make sure you look off how do we do this I I I I do po I don’t know I personally when

I do these jumps I do POV like I change my POV to great person and I look up when I’m jumping helps a little oh my person interesting you’re getting you’re getting that jump really well yeah no no very consistent yeah yeah that’s true slowly

Come on next if you give me give us your ASMR come on yeah the only advice I can give for the side Larry jump is to just look at the ladder and jump to it yeah and look up look up yeah look a little yeah

I mean if you look up you lose momentum look directly at it I guess yeah oh it’s almost almost yeah I want this [ __ ] tricky man close close auntie Maybe that’s the last hurdle and I know everyone else is gonna have trouble on that that’s a really hard jump yeah no

No one’s even there right now they’re all [ __ ] stuck in the Slime party oh are you practicing right now sure like you can move ah just screwing around honestly okay maybe I’ll be nice that’s what she’s doing by going to the back right and jumping yeah even like straightforward ones

Dear Jesus I have one I have one wish oh yeah another thing at least this works for me whenever jumps is when you hit the ladder spam spacebar spam spacebar that’s that’s what I did that’s why I looked up for oh yeah yeah spacebar spacebar helps a lot yep so when you

Like are obviously gonna touch it just just stand your spacebar almost so close oh close close you’re touching it I just think it’s a pixel that you’re missing okay okay this is like a little bit of an advanced technique if you want to know when you okay go on like the very edge

Of a block and then press W and space at the same time and right as you’re in the air hold space and then and then press Ctrl damn like coding inputs it’s basically this um jumping in mid-air I guess it’s like it’s no more jumping first and then you

Sprint on the next one because you’re still on the same block you get that boost I look that up as well let’s go slowly slowly slowly we’re doing it how long is it everyone else is having trouble on this no no no no no no no it ain’t easy

Yeah it’s a momentum jump if you want to try out the ladder you’ll be a lot more consistent I’d say I know it’s ISP she’s already consistent jumping from Diamond to the to the elevator block which is already harder than something yeah yeah yeah it’s pretty impressive

I know it’s ispc but I don’t like to think that every time she like starts moving her fingers like the engines just rev and just starts she’s just uh she’s overclocked the power can we get some uh I’m kind of curious Alvin is the furthest out everyone is

Still like a touch behind album’s not the same time oh right now oh oh I I just got this state four blue team oh oh no okay where is stage four stage four yes the one it’s the one I’m sitting at basically I mean he is the jumping master do we expected

And the only up master yep have you seen him yeah but have you seen Aya Mario I am Mario Mario to me I am Mario Believers believers unbeliever I’m a believer I’m a Believer box is coming to Casting Corner why Jurassic that was a really good I have to use

Control because double tapping W doesn’t always work in my my pinky is very much bleeding you want to rebind you want to rewind uh some people use r yeah cause my Pinky’s bleeding over my keyboard should we just do you oh [ __ ] how do you replay yeah uh options uh controls and

The keybinds do you have a thing where it’s like you ought to be hot like holding space yeah because like when I started to get on the Block because she made it she just b-hop off the block so it’s like it’s something like it’s like a toggle

I can maybe we can download so London eye is kind of injured oh no no it’s just an eyes and I’m wondering if you’re like she has to jump on toggle or not my game froze oh do you have Auto jump my game froze oh

Okay calm down we gave you guys a little Advantage here not now not now I I understand Bros and and now let’s see if this all right we’re gonna give um speed this along yeah we’re gonna speed this along for everybody here all right my keypoint’s not working

See you guys okay good luck thank you oh it’s used for really nice shaders I need to unbind them oh okay do you have Auto jump on Aya no oh there you go why is my key by not working you click save or something I don’t know actually my game froze oh foreign

I’m perpetually sliding off the block sliding off the block okay I think I think the key was just stuck oh the heel stick uh you made it once you can do it again even if it’s dying like there’s no tomorrow close make sure uh what do you

Call it if you if you go into ladder try to get like the closer Edge so so like it’s a closer Edge okay okay okay okay cool wait why didn’t a job what the [ __ ] why did the blockchain why did I bounce if you hold space it doesn’t jump yeah

She wasn’t holding space oh [ __ ] I mean did you press space at all also jump off the block then I took my phone you got a liquor yeah do not press space at all when you hit the slime yes sir okay sorry just Syracuse no no she was just

Talking about jumping off the ladder block to the Slime no I mean I saw the vine like oh because she says she passed space when she hits the Slime you’re not supposed to do that no no no no no I don’t know when his initial jump onto slime oh my God

You’re getting the the side layer though yeah she’s just she’s gonna be like she’s gonna come out of this is like the strongest parkour of all of you and we all needle power cordless give you the toughest one yeah TV expected oops drop Scythe died drop Scythe died

Nobody’s in the stuff yeah my course is super difficult yeah your course is insane to us or I think you got this brother you got this Ike is Ike is struggling with it I just like died like five times one second oh holy he’s kind of getting it though there

Well what is the abuse of these spectator seats anyway what is it like also in Cactus I don’t know well I think it’s better than just being a void I guess I suppose yeah true oh they made it into death right oh that’s good oh that’s why me okay okay

That makes it easier oh my gosh Mario just died so off so much oh he’s plugging died died nice bounce oh NT no problem no problem you’re making progress you’re making progress same thing just do the same thing same thing same thing the fact you make frog is big

You make it there again oh my God you’re getting the ladder so easily now oh my god well not easily but you’re doing it evolving yeah simply evolving ascending Tiger Bomb wait oops how do I turn up it was your name what the heck is the narrator uh oh accessibility I can feel stresses yeah it’s really stressful I mean it’s competition and this parkour is extremely yeah yeah yeah yeah this shit’s [ __ ] nice you know despite all

That you got you gotta really good props for holy [ __ ] Julie’s showing us showing what an Asian Auntie can do the determination perseverance the real gamer attitude oh if you press shift three times you turn on the narrator that’s so funny oh those are my sticky cheese bro

You can’t be playing um with the good tidings we have decided to grant you an advantage thank you thank you thank you yes that’s exactly what I needed yeah thank you thank you guys thank you oh Jesus of Christ thank you for having another Advantage we

Believe in you guys thank you so much oh you guys are the teams are actually neck to neck right now only one team has on the only two teams are on the onigiri and you’re up against another team in this specific section so good luck to

You guys once you get through it’s easy easy we got this yeah yeah what’s you guys yeah yeah yeah he’s playing sailing it’s so easy apparently my place is easy right [Laughter] 25 minutes away I don’t know if you notice I mean it should be easy to climb

Onigiri is actually very small I like how you say that Evelyn has died so many times yes is the time he chooses to oh yeah it’s easier to jump than you think you know you got this you got this yeah he is simply handicapping his own power

Better for a bonus we saw how much you guys have been struggling so we gave you a ladder bonus so good luck team yellow thank you thank you so much let’s go yeah no please join them all right no but hasn’t Marie also been stuck we don’t talk about that [ __ ]

I still remember what they did to us in DodgeBall yeah there’s evil people we will remember that I had a feeling I was applying the time there’s only Luca punching yeah sure we don’t talk we don’t be nice here we’re gonna be nice in those joints oh yeah

She got the salt shaker unlocked the Tiger Bomb the Tiger Balm unlocked we got the the Band-Aids I was just wiping the butt off my keyboard oh okay well well of course the blood of our [ __ ] enemies yeah exactly imagine losing to pee color first oh bounces whoever they want yeah you can’t

Uh I think you can’t press space honestly no I’m sure I’m sure she’s not I don’t know it’s okay calm down he’s playing Your Blood Sweat and Tears into this yeah quite literally literally yeah let’s go let’s go you know that one now so you know though

Aon and Girls Generation it was pretty good that’s fair that’s fine guys I’m not gonna lie I’ve been bumping new jeans lately yes it’s really good new jeans I was I was skeptical at first you honestly say I’m a Believer honestly like when I first heard um high point I

Was like it’s okay I was like this is yeah yeah yeah okay okay let’s go okay okay baby literally two jumps away Aya checkpoint yeah and then let’s go right below you right below you got this you got this okay oh wait what I think she needs to get on there you

Gotta go through the water are you [ __ ] kidding me yes oh that’s what the water’s for oh wait wait waku all right let’s go I’ll be walking I’ll catch you guys I mean yeah we are here to to cushion your fall hopefully bro we’re all here uh we’re all watching you

So close yeah it will hurt less and you’ll still die but it’ll hurt less yeah you only break your ankles not your entire legs a little far A little further dude oh [ __ ] one block one dude I guess the rules when you’re really close to the ground like throw it in

I don’t know you want to try that aisle well no but I think she needs to land on the green though I think I cousin made it yeah she can’t lay on the green because she died yeah so she has to Lunge here and then go to the greens I don’t think foreign Let’s go honestly what a team I know what a team okay oh whoa no but but yeah no floors just get that one was close it’s the angle of the dangle yo sure you still with us yeah she’s sleeping over there she’s just enjoying oh no I’m just

Googling how to fall into one water Block Minecraft No we went with that it has to be like completely what if I just stand next to it yeah you might be able to sort of be a backboard is me standing here like ruining her jump or uh make sure you’re not in front of it okay

Maybe go back to your seat guys yeah I feel like I’m breaking her vision watch her head at first try after you move back imagine all right let’s do this right there I know she told you went inside no she got it man I think the Baton needs to hit the

Ground before you dude I think that’s maybe oh yeah when she dies that’s awesome people say you can toss it from the from the uh what do you call it from the fence yeah has anyone seen people tossed up a baton down and it worked maybe maybe you

Can jump like like before the block of Astor and throw the Baton to him oh uh well what if it reaches Mike I think okay so it has been done oh you can throw oh okay okay you could throw you want to try to like give it to me on

Free fall and see what happens yeah I just caught it I fell fast in the middle Phantom made it can you fall into the void no it didn’t work apparently Banta couldn’t do it from wood chat oh he tried but it doesn’t work I just said that you if you fall faster than item does surprised

If there doesn’t work button throwing does not work all right she has to live for the Baton to transfer ah the death saw everything huh like evil 9. like stop dying stop dying locking up the chat’s face can’t hear you from back there whoa whoa what start wedding

I’m just man standing emoji and there’s people arguing touch it to my kind before you speak to him or anything we destroy in DodgeBall oh oh let’s go ax ball oh that’s right us Flawless Victory baby zero casualties I know it was like inches away maybe you thought they Crouch when

You’re close to Pixel Perfect or some [ __ ] can we get a time crunch yeah in case you stand and throw it down without falling she has to live for the Baton to actually pass that’s why people are blocked here if you stay in the water you can see

Like how uh how close she is like this is like I would just be blocking her oh yeah you can spectate right he cannot pass up a baton she has to like live she has to live rage vanta crouched on a fence to get more

Discus on run I mean I thought that was normal though okay like she’s in it like what the [ __ ] why is she dying she can go straight down the wire I mean I’m pretty sure she’s already doing that yellow would you guys like another advantage Wisconsin

Yes what is the gifts all right here you go take this is that water bucket take this oh oh my God oh my God oh that was our only one sorry If she put a water bucket and it just flew down oh come on come on come on This entire time let’s do anything she wanted there you go I adore it you’re free all right all right as well thanks Jesus thank you you can just follow me and put the wire bucket it’s no it’s it’s it’s it’s MLG water bucketing it’s it’s still pretty hard true

I never tried it before yeah me neither honestly it’s still pretty hard chat like yeah sure the warp will get strapped but you know to do it oh wait what if you place the water on the fence wait you wanna you wanna wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Please find your uh I would bind your place button to your scroll wheel oh and then just span it that makes sense and when you yeah yeah if you can’t do it oh also give us a block okay okay nice thank you thank you I feel like it was

Helpful I think if you do that you don’t even need a water TBH you got this uh we got the block I I don’t know if that happens oh yeah yeah no no she was like literally she was like one pixel away every time so she’s got this yeah you

Put the water on the Block oh that works too yeah there’s no there’s no this is useless you can’t place anything on this map no it’s a good just jump on and uh wait really oh what there’s no I’m clicking there’s no placement it doesn’t work what the wire then

I I guess think they just didn’t know but I think you can make the jump though oh [ __ ] please I need to properly dressed holy [ __ ] we were just about to run over and put like a cobweb down to make it easier because we realized you couldn’t place but then

You just [ __ ] did it yeah oh my God I am so proud of you I need to Justice my fingernails oh my God you’ve done it oh dude that’s crazy yeah it was crazy you guys were doing so well let’s hope let’s go help out a little bit for the other

Teams maybe thanks Jesus I always believed in you good luck you guys all right let’s go back to Red Team check uh red team and see if they can make it as well this shit’s this is pretty it’s a chorus jump here what is this there’s no

Sympathy for you but I got this [ __ ] yeah you better [ __ ] work until you’re bleeding after yeah you’re on your finger splitting answer are your fingers [Laughter] I won’t hear it from you oh okay oh that’s why I think it is no way is that it’s a it’s a head block

I had oh no what how do you do this okay it’s gonna let’s go [ __ ] jump oh no I saw a headblock I was overthinking it okay we’re good okay what is this I finally get blocked in the head okay all right sure we got this

Oh God damn it oh man the checkpoint is so far away what the hell I finally see you I’ll confuse you don’t worry you can play unless you see someone on my team you got this I’m a brbp BRB no what I slipped I saw the checkpoint too I was saying

I’ll get back there I’ve got this whole [ __ ] course downloaded yeah baby let’s [ __ ] go you’re very close to oh wait no yeah I saw the checkpoint yeah yeah yeah yeah you got this Astros got this on the lock baby let’s go oh blocks away from checkpoints

I blocked on the side it was so close okay I don’t see anybody else going here so no no you’re you’re you’re pretty far on people are having trouble in the corner jumps how long do you have left not quite sure whatever I don’t even worry about it

Don’t worry it’s not about time it’s about who’s in the who’s in the lead I think yeah I think we have a good shot honestly people are saying we passed like oh I like Senpai yeah if you get to that checkpoint after it’s like super free

[ __ ] free I just keep messing up the pixel jump yeah you got this you got this honestly I’m shaking not gonna lie you’re chilling time take your time you got this Starboy yeah okay okay there’s a there’s like a corn jump if anything foreign Foreign [Applause] [Applause] so I’m trying to be careful here so I’m probably going to be a little more quiet now um I mean I guess it’s obvious but yeah I got a bit more quiet so I’m gonna go fully ASMR now not someone in your chest saying taunt I ivlin um

I can’t see you from down there not to [ __ ] died afterwards so you died in a row oh died how is he doing whoops where is he anyway that’s drop size yeah I think he’s having a difficult time hello yellow hello hello Guys like to finish the race or have it timer run out wait what do you mean by the race how do you finish how do you finish four minutes left we want this yeah the decided decided blue so we won’t tell blue what the boats are and they can decide are

You guys the head of blue right now I think so yeah yeah yeah yeah apparently I don’t know okay wait if they say then we should end it now we might just win because we’re ahead of them right yeah if we get one let me go about the competition yeah if we get

This checklist by doing gases aika’s making his way to okay I think he’s about to pass the Baton okay I I just passed up a time oh I see oh no I’m trying again is great at constructing but as far as I’m aware don’t rush it don’t rush I

Agree I agree I don’t think let me fix my camera Hold on I I insulted I can now he just wouldn’t try hard I was like damn there’s this cohai okay let’s do it who is this Steve skin over here let’s look at how can look at this and have a skin huh are you able to practice like technically

I have the I have the two blocks oh and in between is all I’ve got I guess you have been a little bored I guess okay so no it’s not tied don’t be a drop side died no he’s saying the uh to finish the race versus the timer has tied uh

What does that mean bro what does that mean it’s okay sir you’re all good you’re selling it you’re slipping off the corner yeah man dude [ __ ] pink blocks hate that color is it like I think they’re doing a Chad poll right to see who ah that makes it tied

Yeah honestly like you should just like uh like shift hold um every the block but I’m not best practices I’m not I’m not like rushing it that’s just I keep slipping off the edge or like getting blocked by like a corner jump yeah I think I don’t know I

Think I tend to be grippy grippy more the blocky blocky if I hit shift that’s his middle the grippy grippy so I can stick to Landing yeah I think I like if my pinky nail was still on my finger I’d have like like you know ink arms but just a singular finger

Things you look I think like five blocks away from the next checkpoint yeah yeah it feels like right that’s okay before it jumps yeah it’s really it’s really tricky it’s like you need to like turn your mouse as you like you have to flick your mouse as

You’re doing the jump is really really trippy is not close I will say that as much as I love okay it’s not close but he’s still ahead he is ahead so yeah it depends on when the reasons Chad is deciding to finish the race what’s leading I wonder but yeah oh yeah

Finish the race Chad voted 83 percent yeah all right so we have time again do you guys have like music on your streams because like right now this is like typing ASMR for me right now so I said my usual bgm man why am I missing that jump now I

Used to make it before I think I think it’s because you’re getting tired the fingers I think I’m just jumping too too late but you make this quarter jump like a beast uh I’m having trouble with it puppy is great but like foreign but like during when it comes to team fights

Someone it’s only yellow team everyone is yeah I’m just saying where we cracked so we’re cracked together bunny yeah yeah well but like I mean you did great I just I just I knew I jumped here early I knew it I was too did they put a ladder

Here I don’t even need it funding father I’ll give it a ladder what the hell yeah did you put a lot of hair it doesn’t do anything for me oh yeah what the hell stupid letter if anything I need any a ladder on this one just yeah yeah like down up here

That would be a good choice okay why am I missing it now hold up there we go wait is Sally the last one too uh zolly’s not making it now zali is a is the uh the demon as well okay that sounds like a look it’s because also like [Laughter] I understand how he feels [Laughter] I will say like oh [ __ ] okay um dude oh oh no no no no no no no at your own pace you’re fine you’re fine you’re doing great my hands are sweating oh thank God oh let’s go okay was almost there okay I was almost

There but he died don’t matter when they fall that’s true oh my God my heart almost drops it’s when I get to that spiral of the pinks it gets really weird uh this is yeah this is something like I thought it was from the video it looked

Easy but like nah man this is crazy yeah I thought it was easy too I still remember you’re like yeah like it looks like a thread is harder not afraid it’s harder Oh oh you’re scaring me bear I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ve been here this is the one you’re fine you’re fine You see what I it was you feeling with the grand Pinky yo don’t bleed try not to bleed I’m not gonna bleed they will bleed that’s what I like to hear her ass or you’re correct I feel like you might be strafing a little too much you’ll need a little strife oh

Congrats congrats there is hard it’s hard it’s shooting at the play I’m sorry no no no no no no no no that was tired Oh wait but if if we win the next one it’ll be 2-2 oh [ __ ] you’re right oh it’s a nice one oh the [ __ ] camera I think I think oh we’re going to the ceremony okay let me click it thank you wait really I sent it then ah what is this [ __ ]

Miles is the only answer fight them body buck and body boxing body push off your body there’s nonsense they just they disabled violence where’s the violence toggle uh give me back my violence toggle um oh my gosh Alvin Senpai looks so for Lauren just looking out the floor here someone captioned this man

Someone caption this is hilarious talk talk crap oh man I feel bad for laughing it’s okay Alex and Paul you did your best oh my goodness she was just chilling all day yeah I saw that I tried yeah I spawn on the other side oh he’s spotting back to

Lobbyists we won dodgeball but we can win at least we have one win dude if you get the other one we got two wins we have a good strand with payload everybody’s passion we have a chance I feel like we have the triple medic stat

I should be okay it should be okay we already knew parkour is our weakest yeah yeah we we put out we knew we knew and we got second yeah that’s crazy are we doing the the the scared right now I think the next one is I don’t know oh

Should you join their VC I guess oh NBC oh shoot try to do that huh okay [Laughter] There’s a version that’s 90 seconds and another version that’s four minutes oh which one are we getting I don’t know we can pick yeah let’s go wait what type of [ __ ] like wait what like slowness weakness what if our whole team gets a potion of invisibility I’m broken that’s [ __ ] up brother

It’s one round you’re gonna use your one round on this oh okay fine aye slowness can we have a team can we have a team discussion without uh the everyone else okay congratulations It’s time to get that dub ah all right guys who you guys want a Nerf for one round attacking our defense there is here I’m gonna move you back to your team there we’re gonna move you back to your team where’s the one for for Dodgeball what the hell this is perfect performance where’s my [ __ ] speech bro that was my mind I call shade I call shade I try to implementing it maybe it takes time oh

No I call shade no no no I call shade right now oh my God dodgeball and we’re gonna be in payload our strongest man we got payload but how many events are after your payload there’s that’s it it’s the last one yeah yeah yeah thing nonsense are we going to that Lobby or

Yeah I don’t know what everyone is honestly are they still talking smack in the other we see no I’m fine guys I’m fine oh we’re having all ties it’s going longer than I thought remember don’t forget the meta Strat okay don’t forget the straw I would say

Wait so I’ll be DPS and I’ll um I’ll scan them away right yeah you’ll be GPS to keep them away from our kids if they have a TNT guy taking the [ __ ] out because they do lots of damage in one though okay and then we need um then you

Probably need a teaser to stun them um and then three of us only medics and I’ll make sure I’m constantly by the carriage and I’ll I’ll sound the alarms if someone gets too close okay okay I’m trying to buy a little bit it’s three medics in the correct strand is it

Actually be two or just three good yeah three you were gonna need it because the healing doesn’t do a whole lot so you need to have three okay okay sounds good team won twice but we but we’re gonna win twice now so it’s all good yeah I liked the win on

Dodgeball because I’m the third one so I’m glad we won that we’re gonna win payload we got we got the ow experience the gamer oh yeah no it says like whenever hex and I play OverWatch we get we get teamed up against the most crazy players it’s like

They see the whites of my eyes they pop me between them guys come come come we’re going now okay okay wait are we attacking the family room first I don’t know their podcast defend honestly because attacking is the better position to be honest Chad are they nerfing us I’m not

Surprised they’re afraid of us they’re afraid of us they know what we’re capable they know we have a violin streak they know what we’re capable of element over Apex gamer gamer blue versus green easy all right let’s see blue attack first yeah I figured yeah of course I can take the attack position

Okay let’s let’s execute our plan okay all right who’s who’s medic who’s medicing oh I’ll do medic whoever is shooting and stuff should probably Ticky like um low in your oppositioners or teaser or something I want to take both possible okay okay we need bill or we can using teaser

And then I’ll take the taser and then the other two also met her because X wants to DP DPS he wants to guard yeah I’ll do medications bathroom break why why teams is being mean that’s what they did to me there that’s so mean but I I I am I I

We fight back we fight yeah I’m not getting involved I’m gonna be over here don’t mind me no no you’re right you’re right you’re doing more than enough don’t be smacking me around okay she doesn’t want to be involved no master elevator okay where is where is this damaged I’m full health

Uh if you if you jump and you hit someone on your downswing you do more damage it’s critical hit oh yeah all right I’m like I’m not losing help where’s Ollie I don’t even see you oh there it is it’s just a brawl in here oh sorry he’ll

Be at the tavern and d b and it’s punching indiscriminately yeah your hero powers are nothing here Builder come here Builder you’re not safe why does he why does he feel like he has like infinite health what to be fair our punches are very much little kitten paw kisses so it’s

It’s very like they don’t do a whole lot to be honest I’m back here oh it’s a death you get the dab get the death get the dev we can’t eat he’s Invincible is it Dev Invincible no oh my God [Laughter] it’s God powers who’s pissing are you waiting for someone yeah

They are BRB peeing ah it’s so afraid of us they’ve installed our catchphrase crazy chill I’m surprised killing a pistols this entire time I just like five times funny hashtag brbp but none of us peed five times you’re holding it down man hold it down oh my gosh no the Twitter the Twitter

Band oh my God they said Puck you [ __ ] your Vermillion I I just beat me up I just killed me is more very much invincible steal my fish and then I steal your life you Amino question mark blue question mark I think this was absolute for all

Right let’s just see more people in this room like where’s Team Green I think they’re India attack room I think they’re probably still discussing their advantage or something yeah probably uh hello I’m at the tavern hello barkeep I would like one orange juice please may I please have one orange juice with

A fancy umbrella please thank you hello friendly couch friendly Crouch oh in case you died maybe press it just in case oh yeah just in case I don’t know if that resets but wait that’s not that one a good kind of Shield did I ask the first round blue is pushing the cart

We should probably see like what’s a compstar two Sheriff double Sheriff only one medic only one medic okay interesting yeah there’s one medic interesting strategy okay we’re getting this shots in oh wait wait wait wait wait so there’s this one crazy strategy that um so there’s a horse right

Yes if you get if you gave the medic the horse The Meta could go around and heal faster and then the the taser like when the horse gets hit the taser you can’t shoot because it gets in the way oh sure this is kind of insane right now

It’s a little chaotic this does modest does feel like OverWatch yeah I think that’s what they’re doing they put dopio on the horse as medic oh you’re right who’s the horse person in general in the horse you could you could yeah he’ll heal around faster okay okay wait

So but we’re gonna need one person to sheriff they’re about to lose but yeah yeah they need more Medics but they ran like four brain just to like hit carriage yeah I think that’s what we should do an attack Zoo you know just hit the [ __ ] Carriage no like honestly the bow meta

Is insane like whenever we’re attacking I’m going straight to the boat because you can take pot shots you can shoot from so far away they can’t do anything about it so the pachas is definitely the meta for the attack for defense are still sticking to the triple met I think

Triple medic is a good idea still because what else can you tell us a text right um just for me personally it’s Beau because you can like take pot shots from multiple directions yeah but like how many compared to all the others yeah I’m not sure I’m not sure at least like two

I guess it could be I’m not the best at strategizing though I think we should have like a three or four bones honestly button it’s all right I don’t mind having three three bow and then the other twos I think we need a couple that’s like I like

I know the Bose got good range but I think we need hard hitters too so it’s like it’s like maybe two but one maybe like a TNT guy too because the only problem with TNT is that like you can hurt yourself you can hurt other people

And it’s also like the cooldown time is pretty bad but I think one or two I think one wouldn’t hurt I think one TNT because it’s good as AOE blows them off yeah Zara can you play TNT little arson never heard anyone and got you man all right

Now this reminds me of prison I’ll do I’ll do a ball I’ll play ball and I’ll take both two I was taking pot shots your Google ran straight at me and just punched me in the face gone on this girl no leave her alone look what kind of shoes do they [ __ ] ask

Right now we’re going so did you switch look at the healers three heels okay with the tank okay let’s see how this looks yeah yeah let’s see if let’s get free metal games oh yeah they’re they’re doing well they’re doing what we’re thinking oh but but they don’t have anyone

Healing the the ones that are going out on the offense that’s a little strategy oh they regrouped yeah oh oh oh the circle around interesting oh they flank the flank oh my God they’re pretty good triple flank holy the feelings completely ignoring Melco yeah oh yeah you know the the taser

And the in the The Sword combo is really strong wait but are they shielding at all why are they why does it take the camera they’re not they’re not dealing with Karen’s as much man finally you’re healing each other first because they just fought off an onslaught oh I see I

See no this section sucks this is a straight shot from his spawn it’s this this section sucks if you’re a Defender oh yeah this this flank yeah this flank is really bad yeah plus the spawn is Lily right in front of the carriage so they can just take pot shots and you

Can’t think about it um distributed depending on how far you get it I think so okay oh yeah blue one okay I see I see oh yeah yeah yeah I think a medic meta is not bad yeah I think I think we held that longer yeah

All right how are we doing this team all right it’s our attack strats Is it the uh the TNC thing and then the two shooters I’m going back I think it’s three Shooters right okay three Shooters one CNC are we attacking yeah yeah yes we’re attacking that’s what I’m saying wait who’s Bow I’m both we have two bows only three books no we

Have hexes bro as well so yeah yeah I’ll take pot shots yeah uh what do you call it I would try to just Spam The Objective and then if they try to aggress you then uh fall back and then you should be able to sandwich them yeah yeah all right

Um that’s straight shot down where they spawn in with the the characters make the turn is like Prime sniping range okay all right we got this yeah I have a wrench good luck boys we got this yes either you might hurt us in the process okay I’ll be careful but we’re all

Archers so it should be fine wait shoot sorry what are you I’m the I have a sword in that last one okay all right let’s cut him off a swing right I’m just gonna Focus carriage I think so it depends on their team comp I guess

What the [ __ ] I zoomed in how do I zoom out of the phone this is done this is done the carriage there it is there’s like no one guarding it oh yeah I’m being teased I’m beating up the courage they’re focusing on they’re focusing on uh whoa a mini Carriage we didn’t care

She didn’t care oh [ __ ] oh I’m being beat up on cash half and carriage all right go go I think it’s Ellie’s low it’s Ellie real low okay okay where’s the carriage careful it’s called all Kota is the armor oh my God I’m hitting garage submitting carriage

Oh my God this is so annoying the last was pretty annoying too not gonna lie there are just red guys It got pretty far though yeah they did that’s pretty scary what were you guys doing are we all attacking the objective yeah yeah okay maybe the boat doesn’t do that much damage I’m gonna be honest the bow as well as the um the lasso really [ __ ] me over not gonna lie

But you know what we’re gonna do better the defender again so okay triple um triple healing yeah who’s DPS I think one guard definitely one Garden I can guard I can guard and then maybe one sheriff or the other the horse that’s basically what they did yeah yeah

And then and then swap drop the horse and then I’ll ride the horse okay oh how do you drop it just control right or just uh off of it or something yeah I think the lasso is actually pretty damn good like make sure they don’t go to the carriage I’m just like

Sticking them up all right all right we got this team the biggest I just protect Carriage yeah peel off okay guys you might want to give some one of the Medics your uh horse maybe yeah it looks like the carriage doesn’t look I’ll be I’ll be constantly with carriage

All right hex and I push hex my push it’s got this good luck Godspeed if you see new flanking call it out let’s use the OverWatch cards yep is out here kill a carriage I’m running after Luca here Boomstick he’s running on how much do this heal okay thank you okay

Uh get Luca get Luca he’s getting too close again I can’t eat him too far I’m out of here recharge wait are you are in the horse okay okay the kids okay oh my God no way yeah I got stuck thanks yeah Okay I think it was like a couple like Steps dbh yeah yeah let’s uh I would lower the Bow by one and then make the the night hold ride the horse okay so we have one Sheriff to heal oh no one Sheriff two heel no I think three three heels still okay

But we need to get the and then and then the Knight just like becomes a Berserker it just goes around yeah yeah I think guard is pretty smart yeah yeah and then I think I think they had like a long range comp too and I just like aggroed against them and they

Had like they couldn’t do anything yeah Maria was a shooter I don’t think she actually did any damage dbh it was more like she was hitting the carriage and then like the carriage towards the end there yeah yeah I wonder what we should do for attackers then

Uh I think demolitions I think I think demolition is being sucked on it does so much oh does it really it one shots if you don’t have army of One shots yeah yeah so we should have at least one demo we had third plugs yeah I think I think our our

Center for lost and wasn’t terrible is pretty good actually I think I I think I’ll stick to Bo just because I’m good at just not being noticed I killed him I killed both of them the guard was this yeah I’ll go demo I’ll go demo okay okay I’ll go uh

I don’t know if archery aren’t you playing why’d you hear um we’ll do me Summer red red versus blue right yeah yeah why are we starting to hear what’s going on your team needs you right now oh my God and she’s like oh [Laughter] Jesus but you’re spying on her spying on

Our secrets our winning team Victor team straps oh also uh I uh I don’t know if you already know this but you can put your crossbow on your off hand oh right and I can double shoot yeah oh queasy you like charge up crossbow put an

Offhand and then full charge bow press F then then combo with a multi shot Huggers I hardly even know her I actually forgot to do that last time how do you do it again you know what for your Shield yeah you just hit F like how do you fire your LG

Fight at the same time do you fire it like how do you switch you you let’s say You full charge your regular Bow Shoot press F to switch hands then shoot your charge it up crossbow okay next round it looks like they got the oh they’ve got the two showers yeah double Sheriff

Is that one medic um the horses went out to do some damage they’re pushing safely okay I feel like oh early on yeah Bandit loses really badly against uh I think they’re early on yeah jumping in here we go oh misses the shots running in with the crossbow oh my God Welcome to London [ __ ] he’ll run away oh [ __ ] the carriage is sticking damage though oh it’s a little Scarlet pushing the characters healing it let’s go oh yo the shields oh my God they’re doing work yeah it’s thematically appropriate I don’t know if the arrows actually do much TBH I don’t know

Won Mania game via arrows yeah okay oh oh yeah they distracted and the carriage has been yeah yeah yeah yeah and Scarlet is just pocket healing oh you see that you see what Lucas doing right now distracting distracting resume guys maybe maybe this is a good thing this is

This is what’s going with every time maybe we shouldn’t run back to the carriage when we play against them and then kill the Scarlet that way I mean she’s always good yeah they can’t even they can’t even shoot it they can’t even attack it because he’s distracted so much oh wow

Okay okay wow wait you know what maybe it’s not the heels it’s more like the fighting and the distracting you anyways two horses do like four offenses we have two Medics and uh well they have two men the other other what were they doing they had two horses the two sheriffs and

A knight oh not nice that’s a pretty good Strat two horses I mean it depends on how how confident we are fighting though I guess but um the two horse okay then you guys can do horses my PVP is not very good I could

Do medic as well um if sure you want to do nights yeah and then yeah I’ll be a sheriff oh if ever we face okay wait actually can I can I uh can I be a knight and take one of your horses also like to be a knight to do DPS or

You can do it yeah I could do it yeah okay I’ll be sure I’ll be sure if and I’ll give you my horse yeah Rock Paper Scissors Minecraft come on yeah and then give me the uh if it could be another another Sheriff so two shares two heels one night right yeah okay

Um if we face up against team red next time which we might let’s go first car first we could like go around no we run behind the camera because we know where it should be yeah if we should just go the long way around oh they have the same calm they have the

Same comp all right let’s see how this one works they’ve been trying to hide inside the carriage what the hell I guess yeah I guess going around okay oh the shirt from behind yeah it’s probably the right thing there’s a Sheriff that’s stunning the crap out of you like that oh look at

That yeah you’re counter healing Bros are just slapping the heck out of the carriage I don’t think that’s enough yeah yeah I don’t think they should be dpsing when they only have crossbows like that yeah yeah if it went nice or something or sorry yeah Bandits then you put it yeah yeah Wait if you could heal from inside like you won’t get you won’t die oh yeah oh it’s Gonna Come Close oh my God wait dude it’s actually solo it’s solo Oh my God oh my God oh wow That was close wow Eugene thank ggs dang ggs okay I think it’s red now right yeah I think so okay oh yeah the yellow first green then blue versus yellow I think it’s I think we’re Defenders are we defending first where are we going they’ll let us know hello okay okay

All right so um uh wait what am I [ __ ] that must be really good I would say tubo to Oh [ __ ] the tent you could kill yourself that could be a thing guys I’m bowing right now okay okay and one Bandit and one Bandit yeah just don’t kill me guys all right uh the demos are gonna be face front just so you know all right let’s go let’s go going in

I’m gonna swing right and then just like do a sneaky demo okay I’ll join you Leroy Jenkins you saw me they saw me lesson oh God I’m an anger I’m flanking I’m flanking okay demoing demoing wait what’s going on what’s nice nice hit I’m getting Maliko she’s a Healer

Hidden Carriage hidden Carriage all right encourage half Carriage They don’t even see him right now stop stop stop stop nice nice nice nice nice what the [ __ ] I’m telling you people are sleeping on demons I think one of you did kill me but you know that’s fine and and I would do it [ __ ] again okay all right

What is it uh Sheriff I’ll give you my horse to uh I can’t just see that come on well they’re cool uh it’s it’s Auto okay okay with it I don’t I don’t use horse much all right we’re gonna show the carriage like 100 things no horse horses jumps

Are really laggy I don’t use it okay so just run run and swipe got it yeah just be mindful of your swipe meter and then if I if I tase uh like they’re they’re like pretty much dead to it armor knight yeah let me know let me know who you tase I’ll Focus

Esther really when it was it yeah I mean honestly though I feel like we’d be more of a distraction than uh actual like uh killing yeah yeah he’s trying to distract him away from the carriage that’s all right that’s a rule okay ready back up a carriage yeah

Yeah we’ll let you know we’ll let you know um it’s it’s demo time [ __ ] since we showed our strength yeah they’ll probably demo it too so I we need to like spread out just in case okay all right horse down horse down yep got it I’m pushing Carriage guys okay I’m

Pushing too am I here can I answer courage hello guys all right all right they’re coming they’re coming yeah they’re flanking too flanking all right there’s three over here I’m coming I’m coming coming they’re they’re beating us up Drop size layers not going down oh this one’s bad I’m waiting for my heels I’m waiting foreign One of us it was close yeah oh there’s any food on him dying apparently wait until they tell us Subway one of us are dying I don’t know yet no but whatever this thing or just early on right and then um even if we lose this one you still go to final ocean

Let’s go for the win yeah oh that’s true no you’re right you’re right absolutely right we’re going the same stress yeah same thing same thing okay I’m honestly down for explosion Um I think I might just see I I think you you did really well you like snuck by and you just hit the carriage from like uh-huh oh yeah I just don’t make a lot of noise and I just yeah just be very quiet back just make sure you don’t get tased

That’s like that’s how oh that’s how what I got that’s why I didn’t move yeah yeah but if if there’s three of us I feel like and we won’t be it won’t be an issue but make sure to make sure don’t do all the same time yeah oh okay

I wonder where our debuff is also like how hex your eyes are still looking over your eyes oh yeah I can’t see anything I choose not to sing I choose not to perceive wait what’s oh yeah the diva you can’t see your eyes yeah we can’t see it but it’s okay we’ll

Still win it’s funny we don’t need to see it’s a win hey it’s me Gojo satoru all right so what’s the debuff I wonder oh nausea oh damn man oh dude what the hell dude I am actually not okay oh my gosh there’s nothing oh my God okay don’t go

This way going around going around holy [ __ ] I’m behind behind yeah oh it’s here I’m coming guys marriage is longer it’s really low all right Jesus Christ Kill the characters if it lasted any longer I would have quit the game holy [ __ ] Here it is don’t worry wait guys do you think so we removed if I don’t last until the end of this stream you know what happened dude it’s a chat I’m so sorry Chad if you’re motion sick I am still here let me let me turn this off for you here

Here okay yeah I can look at the black screen oh this is Oh I thought I thought this would be better but this is worse hello my name is but you can call me kite show hi there um there you go is okay all right demolitioner so they can’t get close I

Don’t think WebEx can do a whole lot to be honest so no medic the the burst damage is too much the medic is gonna isn’t gonna pocket enough so we’re just terrible we’re just okay yeah we’re discussing our stress you guys got your shots in we’re gonna ready are you guys ready

Uh yeah yeah we’re ready three two one start all right let’s do this there’s another horse or okay you know I think I think one horse one was this one okay yeah all right going in so someone’s coming around someone’s coming around yeah I see somebody I see somebody

I’m running I’m getting Rosemary I’m getting ready yeah yeah yeah wait where the heck am I it’s because we’re getting Carriage really hard yeah we’re heading we’re coming This is bad [ __ ] oh it’s over it’s over oh my god oh no wait maybe healing was a good idea remember hearing was not a bad idea yeah I feel like yeah I mean there’s the different Strat though I don’t know I don’t know how Okay that was yeah of

Course you want the the taser counters share is pretty hard or anyone a horse because we get stunned pretty hard oh yeah oops I hope so how’s it going to get excited hey look at these guys yeah we’re just gonna a decent place Minecraft model so cute I love the hair

Get LOL wait who are we finding there that was a blue team right yeah yeah yeah the glue win the other one or no they lost against red right would we be going to finals for payload if red wins I think we’re gonna spread I believe I’m not sure

We want twice and payload right yeah yeah yeah we didn’t okay red one once I think green one once as no yes question mark did Green win the first one no no no chat there’s nothing green one no keeping track yeah they should be I hope they are they better be

If green won oh green green has not won yet Green’s in a way blue too no it’s green if green wins then we’re we’re both at two wait who’s that two sorry yellow and blue who’s that two oh wait I thought red people I don’t know whatever

All right whatever you blue one red two yellow eyes yes yes all right wait they have five medic ations okay they have oh yeah where’s the fifth one two arrows what okay one bomb like one bomb oh yeah oh the one shot by Sally um I can’t go

Exactly it’s gonna it won’t it won’t get in oh they can’t counter the wrench though oh [ __ ] wait oh they just bombed themselves oh that was huge that was huge yeah that was huge is doing a lot of work though honestly yes it is it is

It is this fight Fields would do that but here he goes another bomb yeah it won’t make it it won’t make it oh unless they whiff the TNT yeah why are they bombing themselves without all the spam heal look at that look at that dude oh my god oh [ __ ]

It’s working pretty all right yeah they’re attacking the the people oh oh oh yeah yeah I was gonna say they should be TMs in the people not the courage uh when it says red it doesn’t move oh okay okay I mean it was pretty good though not bad pretty good run pretty

Good run yeah but I definitely don’t think it’s you know what the [ __ ] it’s John dude right it’s five TNTs yeah okay wait the honestly honestly that’s what I’m thinking honestly yeah I honestly did it really find the bow like that that yeah right that effective yeah I don’t think

Like I mean range yeah but like the DPS is really low yeah what do you guys think are you guys down to do it with five minutes yeah we’ll be Legends I have an idea what if we did what if we ran oh wait nevermind sorry sorry demo with horse

He’s driving a tank at that point I’ll kill Mist let’s go she was kinda he’s trying his dresses it’s working out the ocean um oh but the the downtime where they don’t have yeah it’s just fighting oh but the demo yeah if we had five I know

We just quickly die and just run at it we might wait what if we explode on purpose yeah we just died yeah yeah yeah we go in waves we run at it with our bombs and we drink ourselves and then the next person doesn’t just go Perpetual Conga line of death this is

It’s not a bad idea Let’s do it is okay yeah I’m down yo actually I think I think this will work because I think it’s still actually unanged I think it’ll work I think it’ll work and plus we like we can just constantly on-fought them with bonds yeah yeah yeah okay we need to be Defender all right

Don’t want to show off the strats there’s nothing else it’ll be good for the content yeah yeah it’ll be great it’ll be great it’ll be great yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think so too we should call who’s going in 20 for sunny full heel because we did good I would

Say I don’t think fujio I think at least one or two yeah you want to do at least at least three heal I would say yeah I think I think the triple Hills Drive worked best last time yeah it was pretty nice and plus we change up a strap last times they’re

Probably trying to wonder what we’re doing this time then yeah it works out to heal okay we have two here do we need one more we’re ready you guys ready is yellow team ready Like even blew up all right Germany just careful demos we got this so now my chat actually being motion sick from that previous round it was actually kind of wild it was actually wrong yeah blame blue for that blue still recovering yes I’m seeing circles guys I’m seeing circles

Okay are you is your team ready yeah yeah yeah yeah yes ma’am blue team blue team has actually been strategizing a lot you know that right now seriously than I expected they’re just like wouldn’t it be funny if blank all right let’s got this we got this

Wanna be funny if we did that all right get the horse get the horse careful I’m gonna check out blue right now all right there’s one that’s one that’s one all right it’s okay it’s okay we’re fine we’re fine what does he wants what does he wants okay come on Foreign Yeah two or three yeah yeah they had a few yeah they didn’t have five I said how do you set the TNT is just right click right yeah okay this is how far it goes yeah just just easy don’t throw it high just throw it low like that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah basically and try to like space out when we do it so they have a constant onslaught of it yeah yeah well no well I I’d rather get burst damage I’m gonna really yeah ASAP okay we’re all dying okay okay good sit down no dying is dying is okay if you live

Just wrench like don’t worry if you’re like other people wrenching just go in all right yeah we got to stick it up arsonist a little arson except for their team yeah yeah yeah ready [Applause] come on team all right let’s go I’m busting my pinky for this one okay I

Got desire it’s the last one stop there in their tracks immediately I’m gonna take them to the side coming no and while we’re doing well cooldown’s coming down oh they’re burst here holy cow my TNT is ready I’ve got DNT right now all right all right I died go go nice nice it’s so cool [Applause] we’re so good yeah I like it I like it we’re so good what is this what was this game oh my God Flawless Victory not only did we win we got we got the [ __ ] memes Go piss okay I’m doing it right now let’s go I do it right now congratulations yellow team Fans go piss right now yeah well thank you so much thank you so much Nerf from Blue Team you managed to win the paid load event how do you feel right now wait we’re nerves I didn’t even realize you’re a Nerf I even realized I’m sorry light work

Honestly I felt it on the defense round as well I felt it on both rounds it just lingered there oh yes do you guys feel hype you’re gonna be immortalized in the Hall of Fame let’s go I’m so happy yeah I better see [ __ ] statues when I go

To the lobby I’ve ever seen all the [ __ ] statues okay my statue better have abs your statues up in the Hall of Fame congratulations two events you won both the was it the dodge ball right yeah yeah yeah and the payload yeah but we got second place so

Congratulations well I mean and then um blue also won scavenger and uh parkour so it’s a challenge yellow is just violent it has got the blue and yellow here is that crazy Our Winning strategy violence do you guys believe in yourself to win those two events yeah yeah yeah pretty confident like

Literally half our stats we’re just us going wouldn’t it be funny if we just did this instead yeah it’s honestly yeah it’s time to go to the Hall of Fame we’ll see you guys guys welcome to the casters for the closing ceremony all right look at that wait where’s the statues

Where’s the statues where’s statues oh it’s over there oh wow they had like a H dude we’re so poggers it’s a bar graph over here yo oh my God I’m trying to enjoy my victory here something thank you Mike has glasses I put the speed shots oh yeah dude dude

The carriage Champions power stands is crazy too holy [ __ ] yeah look at us let’s go oh okay sorry sorry team yellow we’re winning two of the vents a team blue for winning the parkour challenge [Applause] It was so much fun that was very very funny Thank you [Applause] banging a piece of sheet metal Should we uh sit like accordingly next to our teammates without the [ __ ] casters it wouldn’t our wins would have been out here and you guys said we’re gonna see you guys yeah all right you pathetic team members and your omnipotent casters how do you guys do none of us couldn’t

Find the billions none of us yeah [Laughter] Standing All right everyone else wait we got the legs back up a little after you’re a little bit too forward oh sorry sorry yeah I can’t play it on stream but I can’t believe they’ll feel drop site just [ __ ] Rick Rolled me I cannot believe it Are you guys ready everybody What is your favorite moment with the give us your favorite moment with our hashtag and then we draw some of your favorite modes there’s been a blast hosting this for you guys and a huge thank you to the Vox for funding majority of this server and everything that went in there And all the last minute Subs in as well and coming in and clutch and everything you know it estimate of three hours we stayed one hour extra so thank you guys for giving your time well I didn’t finish the [ __ ] parkour baby let’s go you say that [ __ ] I agree with you

Okay let’s go let’s finish the parkour I was gonna give you guys like a little bit of a chance to stop if a box decided to finish monkey dance Our final thank yous but thank you all for joining us we hope you guys had a great first ever pinky in prison cup and This Server will now be open you guys can do anything outside the server it’s inside a real world it’s inside a world

So you can build outside of yes so everybody you know how I jubilantly threw diamonds to everybody oh yeah please give them back because that would give everyone an unbalanced stuff I don’t know what you’re talking about is this your new survival time ever everybody we want a fresh start diamonds

In the beginning would make it kind of dull oh my God everybody hand them back in I’m trusting you all all right wait wait this is our new en server yeah No no no please please don’t do it this is a fully coded server you guys can host further future Feel free to Vox not gonna go to the casters to do our final thank yous thank you and we’ll see you guys later can I live here everybody [Laughter] Good boy man wow wow well well well well people are coming we should take a group photo and peace yeah and get that group that’s cool did you get uh I’m gonna take one stream just to look for my mascot they can’t just spawn it for you genuinely where’s everyone I hope so

Oh let’s Post in front of the our the statue yeah yeah which one yeah there’s like these birds you want the DodgeBall I think the carriage tph was kind of Awesome yeah which one is the DodgeBall you wanted the dodgeball I think I personally like the dodgeball

A lot more fun yeah and intense how about both why not both yeah this is both I thoroughly stopped breathing dodgeball if you like dodgeball there’s a dodgeball shoot please yo this this Team Battle team right here this is the Valentine oh yeah you’re right yeah we’re going to

The Statue you have to take the photo because I’m too far to the side okay okay um look uh look straight okay everyone’s doing all right let’s go to the right text there you go there we go all right all right one two three okay that’s one

Oh my God it even takes photos like an uncle okay Disney World we’re tourists right now I was gonna ask you I was gonna ask another one oh this one has more better lighting yeah okay that’s your turn to take a photo okay should you sorority Squad let’s do sorority squat yes oh

[Laughter] cheese [Applause] Thank you so much no seriously thank you so much for carrying me thank you so much for destroying your bodies could we’ve been menacingly staring in the distance around look he’s looking Herobrine look at them look at him they’re all looking at us thank you so much guys I had a lot of

Fun yeah it was a lot of fun thank you everybody that was really good that was really funny yeah I went into this expecting us to maybe get turned but it’s a clutch out first somehow it’s just hide for first place we did good good job thank you everybody thank you for

Literally bleeding your eyes honestly thank you so much I love that I love that um we were so [ __ ] cool thank you good game everybody Oh that wasn’t sense all right wow wasn’t that fun wasn’t that so so fun oh my God it was a lot more fun than I thought honestly honestly I was so much fun thank you so much everyone we’re gonna definitely try to find a billions hopefully uh I feel like nobody

Destroyed it because I mean nobody found it so well definitely try to look for it in one stream but uh oh no thank you so much for coming I had so much fun um make sure to support TV yellow because we were absolutely bloggers it was absolutely insane I need to go

But um again I really do enjoy to support you guys bring I’m very very happy all the time you guys are here for me here for us um I will be back in a couple more days um but I’m very very happy that I was able to stream when I could with you

Guys yes I’m gonna be going home now it’s a bit late for me so I gotta make sure I have my Taser with me you know but um though I thank you so much also I got money from betting on your side oh my God who vetted against us huh who bid

It against us thank you so much for the super thank you thank you yeah brbp for life I’m not not the proudest of the hashtag but you know what at least we won at least we want that that’s what that’s what really matters congrats on 200k thank you so

Much again for the congratulations my return stream is you know what it’s going to be so it’s gonna be fun um but yeah I had a lot of fun it’s a five hour stream damn yeah hang out now um but uh oh I gotta I gotta I haven’t really thought about it

Thought about um poem to get you guys let’s see how about uh I thought of this sorry sorry how about this one says bye Scion Shriver in total quiets without a fight the Sun and his lights for tonight’s that’s exactly what it did that’s exactly what we did the quiets we we

Didn’t even pick up a sword all we did was throw bombs and that’s how we saw the light that’s how we got Victory okay thank you so much again oh I forgot that I don’t actually have an ending screen because I’m on my laptop but uh know that I’m always very very much

Happy that you’re here thank you so much to chats thank you so much the mods also because you guys honestly thank you so much for plugging I mean the void I will be your light have a good day have a good night see you soon very very soon don’t miss me too much

I miss you as that means you’re going for a lie almost hurts how much I miss you I’m so glad I was able to stream today I’ll see you soon

This video, titled ‘【#NIJIENPrismCup2023】I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M STREAMING THIS AT THE SCHOOL LIBRARY【Ver Vermillion POV】’, was uploaded by Ver Vermillion【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-09-28 04:47:06. It has garnered 17192 views and 1469 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:46 or 19126 seconds.

Yellow team BEST TEAM #XSOLEIL #VerVermillion #minecraft #vtuber #nijisanji_en ———————————————————————- 【Thank You For Your Support!】

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【HASHTAGS】 ◇ General: #VerVermillion ◇ Live: #LiVermillion ◇ Clips: #VerIn4K ◇ Art: #LouVerGallery ◇ Cosplay: #CosmoVeritan ◇ NSFW: #OhVer18 ◇ Memes: #Vermemeon ◇ Thumbnails: #Millionails ◇ Assets: #Ohverlays ◇ Misc. Pics: #DailyVer ◇ Fan Names: #Villions ◇ The Council: #XSOLEIL

———————————————————————- 【CREDITS】 BGM: Music:Retro by Wayne jones Music provided by chillpeach: Logo: @OrihimeVT Loading Screen: @IMPingpong_ Ending Screen: @Furai_sen Overlays: @shiinareii Room BG: @ArtNailum Cafe BG: @Omorphia1 Stinger: @HanZh08 Loading Music: David0414 Ending Music: @cherry_jam_vri Donation Alert: @enkkong0223 Membership + Big Money Alert: 아기쥐작업소 Emotes: @GOMA_yammy; @sewotowin; @Dolphiszzh Badges: @nrnmarie DOVA-SYNDROME: Thumbnail: @navojasmine MC Skin: @Berunetle (honorary mention: @TRUCEVYNL) Villion Assets:

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【Doppio Dropscythe】

【Meloco Kyoran】

【Hex Haywire】

【Kotoka Torahime】

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  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

    Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[4k60fps] The Pink Sheep (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by SandDucc on 2024-08-18 21:47:42. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Like so we can DESTROY the Algorithm Minecraft, MinecraftShorts, MinecraftShort, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft viral, Minecraft trending, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft survival, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft builds, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft noob vs pro, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft wither, Minecraft boss battle, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft clips, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft crafting, Minecraft… Read More

  • Real Minecraft Myths Revealed

    Real Minecraft Myths RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts’, was uploaded by Warrior Slave on 2024-06-04 18:50:34. It has garnered 10670 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts Dispelling🤫Myths🤔About Flowers💐in Minecraft🧐!! #shorts Related Tags:- minecraft minecraft myths scary minecraft myths cash minecraft testing scary minecraft myths minecraft phone testing minecraft myths testing 100 minecraft myths minecraft bedrock edition minecraft funny minecraft scary myths busting scary minecraft myths scary minecraft testing 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours testing scary minecraft minecraft scary minecraft mod minecraft scary… Read More

  • Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4

    Unbelievable Easy Diamond Mining in Tamil Minecraft Episode 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Diamond Mining | Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | Tamil Gameplay’, was uploaded by Javi phoenix on 2024-04-12 13:42:47. It has garnered 985 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. We Are Making Only Gaming Video Kindly Support Our Channel Like Share And Subscribe Discord: Telegram: #javi_phoenix #minecraft #minecraft_tamil Read More