Vigilante Crafter takes on Minecraft!

Video Information

Microphone was on mute the stream was not supposed to start either let me turn off my TV was supposed to start at 12:30 but I hit go I hit uh go live and now I’m live so hello I don’t know what the scheduled start’s going to do now I don’t know if it’s

Going to mess it up so we’re going to hang out here until 12:31 welcome back fluffy good to good to know you’re still around thank you yeah looks that looks that way fluffy a little bit early that’s fine that’s fine I wanted to stream today to get all the

Uh get all the bugs out since I haven’t streamed in six months so now I’m I’m getting a few errors here too as well the streams Curr bit rate is way bigger than what it should be is higher than the recommended Open studio so I’m probably going to get disconnected here

Or I might not I don’t know let’s find out I got to adjust some things here 2500 just triying to figure out with the bit rate how to change this oh maybe I won’t worry about it because I don’t know how to change it without ruining the stream oh well

Oh fluffy I’ve been on vacations I’ve been working I’ve been moving I’ve been I’ve doing a lot of stuff still playing Minecraft too just haven’t had a chance to stream lately or even make any videos or whatnot but uh you know we we’ll get this together that’s why I am streaming today

Though just so we can get all these settings I’m going to have a schedule I’m probably going to do a two two scheduled live streams a week and then maybe one or two uploads during the week two as well actually I’m G to start the game since

It’s just GNA let’s see what happens here hello hello hello and how are we all doing I am back gosh it’s it’s been a while it has been a while thanks fluffy appreciate that yeah folks uh I am here in my default world I’ve named it default and this is the world

I’ve been playing for the last couple months so there’s that we’re definitely not at the beginning I haven’t killed the dragon yet so maybe in one of these streams I do we’ll go kill the dragon but uh this is this is more of a going

To stream this world kind of get to know everybody again maybe uh you know talk to some subs hopefully get some new Subs hopefully get some likes you know whatnot I’m thinking uh probably go for a few hours today one to three hours we’ll see how it goes

Yeah I’m just curious on what’s going to happen on the scheduled stream I’m just not picking up the uh so OBS has been updated and now it integrates with YouTube and that’s fine I just not used to it that’s all uh fluffy I usually play one to three

Hours every Saturday anyway so the only difference here is I’m streaming so all righty folks I think it’s time I think we’re okay 12:30 I’m still streaming I guess I just started it early it’s all that’s all yay I think we’re okay frames missed to rendering

Lag one hey that’s not bad skip frames due to encoding lag 10 that’s okay we’re gonna we’re GNA see how this happens here I’ll have to adjust settings after because I don’t want to restart the Stream anyway folks I am back the Vigilante crafter is back you notice my friends

Behind me I got some friends see see see my friends you had to double check it was Saturday ah uh Panda how you doing friend welcome back thank you hope everything’s been going well with you panda yeah thank you panda thank you yeah I don’t know how many

Uh really don’t know how many views I’m going to get today probably G to be discouraged at the end of the stream but you know I I feel if we uh we don’t worry about that we’ll be just fine if I stay on a proper schedule probably get some more you know

Probably get more viewers right Panda has been a long time about 6 months I was looking at my my last stream and it was in June alrighty folks let’s get going here and I’ll um I’m gonna try to I’m gonna keep paying attention to the chat too as well

Uh if I miss anything I do apologize in advance let’s kind of flip around here so folks this is a house I built on the lake or river I don’t know if we’re going to call it a lake house or a river house it’s kind of big enough to be a

Lake right and the river kind of runs into it so I uh I got this design from a channel I think it’s called pixil Le or something like that seems like uh the the the the Channel’s I mean a lot of videos and a lot of

Tutorials so I kind of took the idea from uh just I have to look up the channel I think it’s like pixie Lee or something but I built this out here because below here I have a skeleton spawner way deep like like way deep so we’re going to go

Down there and check that out fluffy it’s a Waterhouse it is a Waterhouse so folks this is the water elevator I have and I want to lower this maybe we’ll do that today I’m not too sure what to do I’m just kind of happy I’m streaming right now so I just want to

Get used to this again so you know I uh I do apologize if there’s going to be a lot of uh a lot of nothing going on for the few first few minutes here almost feel nervous I don’t know why oh folks folks I guess I could ask a few questions

About the new Minecraft update how do you folks feel about that feel like the community’s got some mixed feelings about it I’m happy about it I like every update I mean a lot of times you know there’s changes that people don’t like and whatnot but and right I mean it’s just

As long as Minecraft plays like Minecraft I think we’re okay and they keep adding items and you know and mobs and whatnot I think we’ll be fine you know I do like the uh I have to agree with the community though I am getting a little tired of the mob

Vote ah Panda you like most of it nice yeah it’s I think the mob vote is it it’s kind of getting a little old only only because it’s just you know I’ve watched a few videos on other other uh YouTubers opinions on it and I I kind of agreed with them you

Know if you’re G to come out with three mobs just add a add all three I mean there’s no there’s no point in uh you know voting for one out of three mobs and then you never see the other two that maybe you know a few

People liked you know it’s or make it to whereas we can you know go in the settings and add the mobs or not you know I don’t know maybe it makes it too complicated in the code who knows a thanks Panda I appreciate that sir folks I’m not gonna lie I’m nervous

I don’t know why I’m nervous it’s just been a while so I’m like I feel like I’m like I’m streaming for the first time I really do however folks if you’ve been here before and I know you have I’m I’m going to get over this nervousness and uh

We’ll get we’ll get more into uh some better conversation here yeah I need to decorate the house I’ve I’ve realized I’m not a good decorator not that I’m not good I just don’t do it I mean because I I just look up on the videos right I mean there’s

Thousands of videos out there showing us how to you know use certain uh items in Minecraft for decoration and and I have a few good ideas in my head too is well I just don’t do it I don’t know why I just it would things would look so much

Better but uh I think I play the game for more like I need functionality right and right now this room is functional for me because I can do whatever I want with it instead of putting a bunch of furniture down down and not I mean they’re just kind of props right to make

Everything look good so who knows who knows who who who knows maybe I can get better at that maybe that’s a goal for 2024 start decorating your homes vigil uh trash panas since I took over ownership of that Facebook group we’ve grown to just over 5 pointk oh wow 5.6k

Members that’s nice that is awesome panda oh fluffy crab should have won you know what I I liked the crab um I’m not going to lie though I did vote for the armadillo because out of all three I like the armadillo the best only because

Of the uh the armor for the dog you know because now once I can get armor for the dog I might start taking the dog with me more often now because I was I’m always afraid they’re going to you know die so who knows who knows but I like the crab

Too I thought it looked cool you know why not have you know crabs on the beach right I mean that’s that’s kind of cool all right let’s take a nap yeah Panda Facebook I uh I don’t know what I’m doing with my Facebook page my you know my gaming page I

Just I feel like I don’t know about it anymore but it is social media so I’m going to have to get back on there I don’t know if I’m going to stream the Facebook anymore though if that makes any sense I think I’m just going to keep it

You know closed in onto YouTube maybe do some twitch I don’t know I was I was paying for a service I was paying for a service restream that would that was allowing me to stream uh to Twitch Facebook and YouTube and folks I it it costed money So eventually I

Said you know what I don’t want to pay this money anymore so not that I don’t have it I just didn’t want to I felt like I was kind of wasting it especially when I uh wasn’t streaming right so maybe we’ll get back to restream maybe

Not I don’t know I don’t know if I really enjoyed the service too much either it seems like it kind of messed up my streams a little bit so I also feel like I I want to go into a different direction like I said

Earlier I want to do I’m G to do two lives a week one on Tuesday one on Saturday and this could change too as well but uh part of my plan that I have written down is two live streams a week and one to two uploads a week too as

Well so we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens there you go Panda I’ve gone strictly YouTube nice you and I right on right on we’ll have to we’ll have to do some lives together that’d be awesome Panda if you and I could do some lives together that would be absolutely

Fabulous uh fluffy just a me thing but I kind of find wolf armor useless well it gives them more it gives them more health so now the wolf won’t be useless because it’s protected when it goes on the adventures with me right but I I I can see where you’re thinking that

Why you’re thinking that maybe due to me always having over four stacks of food for the yeah no I can see why you think that fluffy that makes sense and then uh Panda you voted for armadillo for the dog armor but yes they should have added all three yeah you

Know it just I mean I understand having the vote you’re trying to type the community and whatnot you know I’m not it’s not something that is that should they should get a rid rid of but maybe maybe just improve it a little bit somehow you know and and of course I’m

Sitting here complaining about it and I have no ideas for them so I don’t know maybe I should just be quiet and not worry about it and enjoy the game of Minecraft oh that would be great Panda and I’m not going to say I’m starting a server because I’ve been

Saying it for the last two years years although my server skills U as far as building them with the with the mods and whatnot and that that I’ve improved you know I have been doing that I did build a few servers out uh over the six months you know just kind of checking

Out different plugins and whatnot and uh I’m still curious about you know getting one up but you know I think uh what’s going to happen is I’m just going to get it up and I think just going to let you guys know when it’s up instead of saying the

Server’s coming out right uh Panda you got plans for tomorrow um not really maybe playing Minecraft with you that’d be kind of cool oh by the way folks I gotta show you the skeleton spawner and oh just to be fully transparent I I’ve cheated a little bit on this world

Okay you know meaning cheats are enabled but I’m not giving myself blocks or anything like that um I did use chunk base you know to kind of find the skeleton spawner and whatnot but you know I did build everything all around the skeleton spawn I had to go find it

And whatnot but it just I just got the coordinates and still had to mine and go get it and do stuff with it you know it just I’m to the point with Minecraft where if it’s not hardcore maybe I could cheat a little bit right make things a little bit

Easier you know so it is what it is let me know in the comments how you feel about that oh you built a stage for midnight celebration awesome that is awesome Panda that’s great news that’s great news Well Panda maybe we’re uh to the point that you and I can uh you know

Build our channels together and grow them and you know get many get get ah I can’t talk right now not for that sentence anyway uh get many and many and many of Subs right Sub sub Subs yeah see that’s what I keep doing panda with the servers I I have

A I have a few machines around and I just been building them out on my local you know boxes here uh because generally I like to play on a on a server anyway just because it creates less lag on my machine you know right now it’s the single player

But oh you’re celebrating 100 Subs nice nice nice nice well hopefully that celebration doubles it [Laughter] right oh hopefully that celebration doubles it let everybody know I’ll let everybody know all right folks let’s go check out the skeleton spawner now that I’m starting to feel a little bit more

Comfortable see this is uh yeah just some storage this is all the the blocks and stuff that I’ve uh that I use to build this area here like to build the house and what I’ve done is I made some elevators over here some water elevators well Panda the one thing I’ve

Learned and I’m always learning the hard way with this it’s consistency right we just got to be consistent and of course I’m not but I think uh after my break now I understand how to be consistent because if you remember I was doing I was kind of streaming every day and that

That took a lot out of me I’m not going to lie that that was it was nice but it took a lot out of me well well Panda we definitely could do a server together I I agree you talking about it for a couple years [Laughter]

Exactly yeah I mean it’s soon as we can get one together I mean I don’t mind paying for hos and all that I mean that’s you know kind of what I was doing already anyway so that’s that’s fine I just wanna just want to get the right plugins

And all on and and then meaning that is you know uh I’d have to watch the videos again but I got have to look at my notes but there’s there’s just all these these uh permission plugins and uh just the really nice uh like perks I think one is

Perks that’s that that that’s the good one one or whatnot but I’m I’m not going to go through that right now ah two more days nice yeah that’s that’s what I’m thinking like if I do two lives a week and maybe a random one through the week

Two you know doesn’t mean it’s scheduled or not but uh I really feel like the like creating some videos and uploading them throughout the week to like two to three or one to two or so you know just to kind of keep a consistency going on a weekly basis

So you know and speaking of live I am going to do a live every Tuesday that will be the hardcore series and then the Saturday series will be kind of what we’re doing right now you know might be you know it kind of just it’ll be a random deal of what world I

Play on or start a new world or maybe a mod we explore or something you know so kind of like a just a hangout or whatnot I don’t know but anyway this is the skeleton spawner now I know you folks all know what the skeleton spawner looks like so we’re not

Going to go back there but eventually they should start dropping here and then they die from entity cramming and then the bones go up there in the arrows right yay it’s kind of a source for XP for me right now too since uh I haven’t even been in the end yet so

Oh nice 8 gig server nice what service do you use Panda see there they are and I got this little simple Redstone contraption that you know spits out the bones and the arrows but we have to wait until we get to about I think it’s like 24 or something like

That and I try not to hit him because that just puts extra pieces in those in the boxes that are full up above me so oh Apex I’ve heard of Apex nice yeah right here were my original water elevators right here then I built the house and so these were in the

Way very user friendly nice now like I said folks this is just the this is just the skeleton spawner area I don’t know what I’m calling it maybe I’ll call it the bone meal area because the reason why the reason why I have this is it’s strictly for bone meal

And again at early game I was getting I’m still kind of in the early game but I have armor and enchantments now but uh I was getting I needed bone meal for the tree farm I’m going to show you folks I built a tree farm yeah I watched the uh

Shulkercraft tutorial and I built it it’s pretty cool it’s I’m I’m really Amazed by it it actually works too so that’s why I’m amazed it was uh it took me long to build like it was probably hour and a half or so to build it let’s just do this real quick there they

Go now those arrows and AR you know the armor and stuff is all going to go up there that’s fine all right let’s go back up now uh the base is real close by let’s take a nap first so the bases were just right over there

That is my iron farm right there little village breeder right there and then the we have a nice big house that I watched another tutorial for however I forget who uh whose Channel it was so I’m G to have to uh I’m gonna have to start putting signs up saying uh

You know who my inspiration was what happened fluffy ah nothing just sitting here talking along I showed the uh the the skeleton spawner area the room downstairs or not even downstairs the room below me below this house which is why I have this house

Here so if we come here there we go so we have enough bone meal just saying I know they’re bones but they will be bone meal that’s that’s pretty much the point here and in fact that was one of those ideas where I just got tired of going underground in my tunnels and

Getting coming over here to get bones so I figured let’s build a house on top of it and then I don’t know if I like these uh the lights here I think I’m just going to make it uh you know the logs and put some lanterns up here here or

Whatnot fluffy thank you I appreciate that let’s do this I don’t have a boat because of course I have my new friends over here they’re kind of using my boats they like hanging out here I wish I could give them fishing poles and they could just fish that’d be

Nice so something I learned about them you put them in a boat right then you get in the boat and when they’re shooting they they can’t shoot you and then the you know the the crossbow eventually breaks so I thought that was kind of

Cool so I’ve done it twice now and so I just leave them they’re kind of they’re my uh let’s just call security there’ll be security how about that we’ll just yeah that that that’s it they’ll just be security let’s get out of here oh get a mod to cover the lamps yeah

That’s a good idea yeah I just don’t like the look I mean I like the light and all it’s just the look is those I don’t know they look better like in a wall or whatnot instead of with the wood but that’s my opinion of course so actually this is where my base

Is and this is where I spawned as well now not much going on in here just this was my Village breeding area starting to realize I have a lot I have a lot stuff I have a lot of stuff here and then over here is we’re going

To put another Little House on the shore right here cuz this was my original like uh My Wood shopping area where I’d uh you know you know chop down these trees replant them and then uh this is my origin this is actually my first my first

Door so we’ll come down here so we got some we got some Traders here right we got some villager you know doing some trades here and whatnot thought it was cool fluffy didn’t know you could breed villagers absolutely carrots or potatoes you get two villagers and three

Beds next thing you know you got a baby villager yep absolutely so again folks like I said about the house it’s it’s the decorations that I need to get going and you know I kind of started here just to see what that would look like but uh a little Trash Can my cat’s

Uh kind of guarding it this is actually where I started out there’s my my first map a little wall of things to do so many different designs of breeders yeah I I try not to uh when I design the breeder there’s those breeders where it just squeezes them all into one little

Section and then the like the baby one will go into a mine cart or whatnot I kind of avoid those ones I like them walking around for some reason yeah and this is just basic storage here uh oh you know what I want to show you my Diamond miner that’s what I think

Oh you’ll love that I’m I’m actually starting to remember all the stuff I’ve done in the world so my diamonds so those are my emeralds from Trading but there’s my diamonds and I will show you how I’m getting the diamonds oh thanks Panda yeah so the the whole

Deal with having you know when I had the I started you know I started them here and it was easy for me to you know move them out then and to come up here and place them or you know place the villagers everywhere where I needed to

Place them cool cool stuff cool stuff and then what else can I show you before we go down and show you the diamond mine um [Laughter] did we ever name the fishes outside kylo and Milo the castle I still have the world we’ll have to bring those names to

This world or or to some of my other worlds but no I did not I totally remember that I’m supposed to still do that it’s on the to-do list for that [Laughter] world it’s nice she brought that up that was the castle in in the uh in the

Middle of the ocean right I believe nice nice memory fluffy thank you so anyways let’s kind of go through here I got a little farm here this is now again folks I did all this for survival just to kind of small farms small little basement area to allow me

To obviously survive and then to spread out throughout the world and uh I I thought doing it you know a little bit underground was a little bit safer the cat in front of you can be Milo I have two cats I have this cat and this cat in front of me which

One I have a name tag too this one you want me to name this one Milo let see what I have here I might have to buy a name tag but I can get one let’s do that right now folks we’re naming a cat let’s name the cat

You have a partial photographic memory good so we’re gonna we’re going to name it Milo let’s we got to go over here to I think I have that here so and here’s little chant enchantment area where am I at here am I at boom now again folks we’re just we just got the

Basics here oh I got to put it in there like that looks good there you go fluffy what’s up Milo all right then over here this is I just kind of recently did this we have more villagers they’re not doing much right now uh they’re just here I’m not sure

What I what I want to you know what I want what kind of trading I want to do with them so and you know our y level is like 65 it’s not too deep here it’s it’s in fact what a couple uh couple levels above sea level

So I think we all know what that is this is open and now right above me is the giant house I built and the tree farm too as well but I wanted to find I want to go show you the diamond mines first because I really that the machine

I made to to to get the diamonds is absolutely fabulous and I just I think it’s down this way yeah let me name the other one kylo or kilo all right let’s do that real quick the cat was bestowed a name was bestowed a name everyone please welcome

Milo and to the world of Yonder nice absolutely all right one more time let’s go here no not there like that we could do that Kyo and Milo Milo and kilo Milo kilo Milo kylo we do that because they’re twins right yeah I don’t have different I don’t have

Many breeds of of cats here so we tend to have the same I think I think I only have three we got those those that type and then uh yeah like here and here not me saying which chest it was in thinking you can hear me that’s

Funny all right so getting this kind of like the map wall to you know the things I need to do and I have the spider farm done the zombie Farm’s done and the skeleton Farm’s done now again folks I was a little cheaty and I went to chunk base

And I found those spawners okay I I I just fully transparent here yes twins Milo and kilo alrighty Master welcome back friend thanks for coming by yes a long time no see thanks Master for stopping by today I really appreciate that hope all’s been well with you

Everything’s been good with me just uh busy at work busy moving busy with life and the big break I took from streaming you know about six months but uh once again thanks for coming back appreciate that we’re uh hanging out in my default world that’s named default I named it

Default and I’ve been working on this world for the past few months all right are we going to sleep is is is it sleep time let’s sleep yeah I got these parrots too right uh master I um I uh the main reason why I haven’t been

Streaming I have been working a lot and the last month or so it it has slowed down uh my company they kind of got bought out by a a third party some new partners and so we’re growing at you know pretty large so I’ve been I’ve been

Working a lot and doing what they ask of me you know all right oh I thought this was a decent idea too right this is my uh Stone maker and then I sell the stone to him right of course you need the silk touch for that to work but it works

Out and I did make a fishing Farm here too as well uh I really did it folks I did the fishing farm for experience because I could just AFK here for days and collect a bunch of experience and at the same time I collected a bunch of fish I

Didn’t really get a lot of good stuff because it’s just you know it’s it’s been nerfed but uh that’s why I’m using it you know and then I turned around and put some villagers behind me right there and now I sell them fish so folks we

Have a just a bustling economy here this this economy is just huge I mean I am making emeralds everywhere anywhere I go I can make emeralds it’s a great thing uh Panda what time zone am I in I’m in mountain time that’s my little cooker see little small things is where

I make my potions at you know my uh my potions and whatnot then the lava that’s something that was like the first thing I built and then of course the enchantments and then oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah right Gotta Have mending just saying haven’t figured out what I want

To do with him yet all right folks let’s go check Che out the diamond mine oh East Coast nice nice two hours ahead of me yeah I got I got I know a few people on the East Coast okay so these are my tunnels I dug to the

Spawners because of course after I found them on chunk base I knew exactly what coordinates to go to so made it a little bit easier for me like this one actually goes down to the skeleton spawner that we were at just a you know we’ll just run down

Here real quick eventually we’ll get to the diamond mines like this part’s pretty cool right I mean this was all I really enjoyed this area uh I kind of I died here a couple times too if I could remember properly then we got uh got the purple crystals over there which are awesome

But yeah so this is literally going the direction of the the lake house and this is what I wanted to avoid was walking down this hallway all the time to get to the skeleton spawn uh skeleton spawner right so and that’s spider Farms down there that that’s

Actually not the built one that’s just the spawner cage I don’t really use it because it’s not the poison one so so here’s where I started this the the spawner cage is like right in here somewhere I kind of started down here I got a little you know bed thing going

And built it all right here so it’s like right there so it’s actually on right now like I could AFK right here and it’s working so fluffy if you’re CST what do you mean Central Standard time so you’re an hour ahead of me yeah so right here is the

Ladder that takes you down to the skeleton farm and if you’re watching earlier you’ve already seen this though but again folks this is why I built it out and put the house above it above me because it was just a pain trying to come down here all the time and collect

All this stuff like all this is leftovers from when I used to come down through that ladder and actually that ladder was right here so oh Panda Florida great state the great state of Florida I’m in Utah I’ve said that before but I’ll say it again I’m in Utah

I I I guess you could call me a mountaineer maybe not it’s a good word though Mountaineer so anyway let’s get out of here let’s go down to the diamond mine so I keep saying it and I’m not doing it so let’s do it I’m in Utah yes my

Friend ah originally from Colorado nice yeah I’ve gone over to Colorado a couple times all right let’s go this way so these down here these little tunnels I made these were my original uh Stone tunnels that I you know collected Stone from and other resources I think I go down to about

10 that that goes to some other stuff we we’ll uh we’ll focus on the diamond mine first so let’s go down here we got more water Elevators just get just to give you folks some some clarity here we are at y level 58 negative 58 so we’re at we’re at the bottom that is my diamond mine it goes for days we have to walk about a thousand blocks to get to the contraption that’s blowing up all the

All the stuff but this was by chance like I ran into this that was kind of cool got a slime chunk right here and then just some areas that I’ve been that I dug out as you can tell but let’s let’s go look at that uh Diamond minor I guess we could call

It and folks if you’re familiar with the contraption it’s just a it’s a TNT duper right that shoots it forward and and it starts blasting all this out and it’s two of them one on this side one on that side oh yeah oh what’s up there

So let me know if I have enough torches down for some reason I count every five blocks for the Torches I don’t know why I should probably do every 10 you know I I wouldn’t have to make as many torches but for some reason I’m stuck on the five the five

Wide yeah no you’re right Panda the one the yeah I have a swamp a swamp nearby that I want to build that into too that’s just my area like over there where I showed showed you folks I just I just knew it was a slime chunk so I uh

That’s how I was getting my slime but yeah I agree with you on that the big hole in the in the you know the big hole in the ground to make you know what that’s a slime chunk it’s it’s a little overrated all right here we go

Folks so I uh I got this design from from uh what is it called shulkercraft I watch a lot of their videos I think Shuler Craft’s pretty good Channel I like it a lot uh let’s see how long I’ve been playing the world for probably three or four months now like

Every Saturday or so in the evenings I don’t know what day I’m on but I mean it’s just survival so it’s yeah day 1,00 1249 so that’s not bad but this this this contraption is absolutely awesome oh look at that more diamonds so folks that’s how you get diamonds

Down here that was awesome I didn’t have to do that a lot at all look at that and so then what I do is I silk touch them right and we keep moving on so folks I built this because of the armor trim I mean now that the armor trim exists we

Need more diamonds than ever so that’s why I built this yeah it is isn’t it Panda I thought it was awesome and I’m going to take the same one like the same one and build it in the nether too so I can get more uh ancient debris because these six right

Here you know I this was manual getting these you know over in the nether so probably have a few left let’s let’s do it one more time no no no no no I don’t want to mess up the Diamonds oh it’s okay more diamonds though look at that nice nice I like to

Silk touch them there we go or it ends up like that right you get drops and you just don’t get as many it is a good one for the nether yeah but I am going to slow down on this because I do not I don’t think I

Have any torches I only got 25 I don’t want to have to start putting all the Torches down I was having a problem back here because of course we were having uh you know hostile mobs spawn as I’m you know boring out the the bottom of the world

Here almost died a couple times and almost had a creeper come over here and blow my whole Contraption up too so I was like you know what we need to make sure this is a lit up I missed one in the hole I did I didn’t think I was gonna find any D

That was awesome in the whole oh yes thank you nice nice yeah and as you know Panda I mean this these you could just right I mean this this is just two I mean you could put you know number three number four number five all the way down if you

Wanted to I just didn’t want to make it that wide all right let’s head let’s let’s get out of here yeah I feel like we’re gonna have to do something here probably going to have to do some tracks maybe uh you know some uh train tracks down the middle here oh wow

200 200 machine wide board 200 200 am I reading that right Panda 200 I have two of them and you you made 200 no way that’s a lot those tunnel boards are awesome though because I mean right I it just just how the TNT works you know it doesn’t

Destroy the blocks you know you obviously got to collect them first before the TNT will destroy the drops but not the blocks themselves right so oh 200 by 200 okay that makes sense I built a world eater and made a perimeter 200 by two okay okay gotcha the world eater so that what

Are you dropping uh dropping from above then folks appreciate you hanging out on this Saturday afternoon for me and I I already have enough crystals but don’t does it I I I so like them when they’re all grown out they look it looks so cool right I mean look how

Great that looks this fully grown floating there I don’t uh mine from this one that much because I have the the other one that’s closer to me so this these were my original holes that came down I did a what a three and then you just dig down all the way and I

Ended up down here and that’s how it started and then I went all the Cardin of directions and that’s what we got now four big holes or four big horizontal holes or boes or tunnels there we go yeah yeah yeah four big tunnels I mean guys that that doesn’t go back that

Far but it was part of my plan because I wanted it like this because I wanted to build those you know those tunnel BS so anyway let’s go back up maybe we go have a fight with the dragon later on I still need to get my wings it’s

Really the last item I need are my wings and more some more anent debris too as well yeah see I found this on like day two day three which was kind of cool and this my uh manual nether Tree Farm I just put all the stuff in

There and we’ll stay down here because I’ll take you to my first spawner which is where my this is this is where my great economy was created okay was at this other zombie spawner that of course like I said that I found on chunk base that’s why it’s it

Was easy for me to you know find I put those there oh folks let me know what you think about the bat the redesign the bat redesign I I think they look awesome they look absolutely fabulous right I think they do anyway a little bit more detail kind of cartoony but you know

It’s fine better than what they used to look like I think so now these so the zombie spawners out over there and then I came back and I you know I was selling them the rotten flesh so that’s how my economy got started and yes my friends I moved those

Villagers all the way down here okay from my Village breeder it was uh it wasn’t hard it just took a while some were a little stubborn but I got them to come all the way down that tunnel and up here and then you know I placed them in there

And I I moved two here and then uh you know bred the you know the third one so if I come through here now all this I carved out just to make it easier to get down to the to the mob spawner the zombie mob spawner and this obviously these are for

Protection so fluffy y the bats were redesigned if I see one I’ll make sure I uh try to stand in front of it for you so now if I come down here I got another AFK spot I literally just stand here and they start spawning and they die because of that right

There and then this chest fills up and this is all the extras I get this one’s a little bit easier to get to to see there we go just a basic you know I put uh I did P put some ice down there too just to kind

Of you know so they moveed a little bit quicker I was I was having some issues they were clogging here so oh get out of here buddy so they go up over down and the drop wasn’t that big of a deal because uh you know me

Putting this here so this is forced into a hopper mine cart I believe with a piston yeah they’ll try they’ll they won’t move because they’ll be trying to get me so let’s put that away oh no I need some food yeah let’s see if I could find a

Bat yeah their ears I feel like their ears are a little bit bigger there’s uh more color inside their ears as well oh here we go we have food here I know I know I do there we go let’s let’s let’s eat this wow look at that 10 diamonds we got

To go put those away all not that big of a deal I mean I don’t want to lose them but if I did right it’s not that big of a deal it’s funny the diamonds I didn’t even use the diamonds to make the armor I I I

Bought the armor you know because of my awesome economy right all right let’s see it’s I don’t really come out here too much anymore this is like I said this is kind of the the first AFK spot of the world and I believe we can go up to the surface too as

Well hopefully there’s no uh nobody waiting up there for me yeah I want to say that way is where the uh the base is at all right let’s go back to the base and then I will show you the the base house and the tree farm behind it and

Then we’ll get ready to go go see the go see the Dragon I should be ready to go yeah I wanted to put uh these are going to be the uh the tunnels eventually I figured I could do that on a stream like make this a real cool

Tunnel and then put a you know a track going all the way down just so I don’t have to keep walking just saying folks we are about an hour in awesome need to grab some food too so zombie spawner skeleton spawner diamonds a few other things too but those are the main things

What’s up Milo where’s my economy box all right that’s say here so these are the items I do sell to make to earn the emeralds I guess okay well let’s take it out to the cow prusher which is where we need to go anyway hopefully it’s not dark it’s not

All right good so come out here just kind of work up here there’s the iron farm there’s uh this just a simple iron farm there’s no zombie up there it’s a six villagers and then the zombie spawns on top it’s actually a nice simple design then that elevat that the water

Elevator there it actually takes the iron brings it down and Pops it in a box right underneath this or drops it in a box this was my original what was this bone meal maker and then of course let’s feed them so the these items here I’m probably going to move eventually these

Were some of the first Farms I built in the world see all my dogs that I need armor for [Laughter] now all right let’s go home so let let me give you a view of the front of the survival base house I guess right there so as soon as I uh I

Have the channel saved I I want oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey buddy hey hey hey I’m I’m talking here I’m talking here you don’t come up behind me what is your problem oh I’m so sorry see he needs armor I’m sorry buddy I’m so sorry you got hit

There all right now I’m going to be stubborn so we’re going to fix the potatoes or we get shot at by the skeleton down there there we go it really messed me up here that’s fine let’s go take a nap let’s go take a nap right

Oops so I got some more elevators right in here and that takes us down into the basement area that we were just at earlier now again there’s a lot of nothing in the house because it needs you know decorations but I’ve already told you that’s that that’s a weakness

Not that I can’t do the decorations I I know what things to use and whatnot to be creative to make the furniture prop props right but I just don’t do it for some reason all right let’s go cook our food but I really like this so let’s go to

The top I’ll give you a good view I think I think this view is awesome it’ll give us a good look of the uh the tree farm too as well which is right behind us so that’s East I believe right yeah the sun’s Rising yes and then behind me is the tree

Farm the tree Farm’s ridiculous so more TNT duper up there that TNT drops I uh I bone meal the saplings and this pushes out and it blows up drops goes into these chests that are right here uh Ariel Ariel dad 14 how you doing thanks for coming on and saying hi

Appreciate that did I say that wrong your name I hope not see you later friend thank you all right give you a good look at the iron farm too I’m quite proud of that I I did Design This by the way I mean not like the farm itself I mean I’m sure hundreds

Of other people make this type of farm but the uh the shoot and you know the drop here with the glass and all that I uh that one came out of my brain which was just kind of made me feel good so and yeah there’s my lightning rods

Let’s let’s just let’s just say I learned the hard way with the lightning rods me having to put them there my whole place almost burned down one day it was quite funny I was like no it’s like a little corner of my place it was burning up and I can go in the

Backyard or the back area H just a little storage area I used when I was building this here so this does Three Trees it does spruce trees oak trees and birch trees and we come in here and we just hang out and we put the saplings

Down I don’t think I could do the oak because I need a block up there oh no no no the sand that needs to be there there’s a I usually put a special block up there so the oak trees only grow so much and they don’t become real big you

Know with all their branches and whatnot so so we’re not going to do oak trees now but if we come around here this is where we put the bone meal in right and the bone meal’s dispensed into the sapling that I keep placing down folks it is it it’s a perfect AFK

Setup I’m not lying it is I watched it for 10 20 minutes and I get several several stacks of Vlogs absolutely awesome bluffy you take care of yourself come by the Discord say hi to as well he should still be uh should still be there and thanks for stopping by too

Fluffy appreciate it thank you you know what we can do let’s come into here I forgot to drop the meat off this is my cooker so I can put it in here too my little barbecue area right I didn’t have many I didn’t have much

Color when I built this so we had to go gray yeah I’ve slept here a couple times I uh and then you come down here and for right now this is where all the logs come yeah once again folks if you really if uh if you’ve never built this

Shulkercraft look look up uh look up shulkercraft you’ll find it and they they built this thing is the tutorial is awesome I mean I built it block for block and it worked right away I I was absolutely amazed I was like oh it works it’s pretty extensive you know uh

Piece by piece so so it’s absolutely amazed that it worked you know for time I mean I turned it on everything was perfect and so I followed his directions to the te and that I was very happy so that’s why I keep going back to his channel like definitely knows what he’s

Doing when it comes to items like this they do some massive builds too I say they because he has a a partner he works with or whatnot all right and eventually I was going to bring the animals back here you know cows sheep are actually out here this

Was kind of more the step out for us right step out for uh my character so it doesn’t uh get in the way of anything I don’t know the uh the tutorial I watched for this the inspiration I got for this his yard was actually it was it went back a

Little bit and he he put all kinds of animals and stuff in there was really cool but I had an idea of I wanted this here so boom boom boom all right let’s go downstairs I always say downstairs and I use water elevators so yeah takes me right down in here and

Let’s get this meat cooking and I want to show you folks one more area one more area we need to do a chest dun things that grow I think I think we can go here right I don’t have a stack of potatoes in here interesting now I

Do you can eat the beetroots spider eyes I don’t know where to put that I think that’s down here there we go yeah guess they’ll go right there yeah eventually this is all going to filter and be a little bit easier but right now we got to do

This all right good enough for right now all right oh real quick before I show the last little item this is the iron farm collector right this collects all the iron and it’s always full as you can tell I’ll tell you right now let’s do let’s do this let’s do this let’s gonna

Make some money yeah we need to do something this is this is a it doesn’t help that I AFK a lot in the world too so I mean I’m not complaining that I have all the iron it’s just we have a lot of iron yeah it’s either do this or like build another

Box but that’s what I’m going to show you next is the start of my farm automation I guess I far automated collector yeah I’ll give you folks a tour of it real quick it’s not a lot but it’s uh I started it so what I’m doing let’s put this

Away where we going we going to Go we have two ways of getting there oh is it sleepy time let’s sleep yours only looks good when wonder the kids fix it that’s [Laughter] funny yeah kind of yeah Panda it uh it drives me nuts when everything is scattered and then I just I already

Opened the boxes too many times right it just so I have to have some kind of organization it’s taken me so many worlds to get to remember how to organize it too uh anyway uh like just the way I come up with anyway uh so here’s I’m gonna do this like rectangle

It goes all the way down it’s going to have Farms on the left and right so right now bamboo Farm automated sugar farm automated sheep eight sheep on each side and I we can dye them certain colors for the you know different colors I just haven’t dyed them for all the colors

Yet dump and run yeah well that’s what this is all about so as we keep going down I’m going to keep going down this hallway and keep digging it out I’m going to put some more automation here probably probably going to go down about 50 blocks or so

With Farms on the left and right and then I got my creeper farm right here and it drops the drops are you know underneath I’ll take it down there but this creeper Farm it’s it’s not that big they spawn here and right here and it’s just one

Level so it’s it’s not a lot you know but over time the gunpowder tends to collect so that’s why I feel like I’m ready to go to the end now but if I take you like this here is going you can come behind I’ve kind of made it towards you

Could just you know do do the work that needs to be done you know whatnot but if we come over here and we go down this is where it all this is where the design becomes very awesome to me because so these are just extra things in here to

Build this stuff out but each one of these collects right these are the collector boxes and then I’m going to have a hopper mine cart run all under these collect it and then dispense it not dispense it but drop it into a uh a filter you know an inventory filter deal

So moving forward right it’s just kind of partially done and there’s the gunpowder I do not get a lot at all this is taking days to get to be honest with you I’m a little worried about it I think I need to put another layer and this you know the spawn rates

Are probably not that good either because I got some other stuff happening too you know some there’s some tunnels not lit up and whatnot so but the point is is I get gunpowder automatically so yeah I was thinking uh we’re going to probably do a like a a honey honeycomb

Type Farm here the bottles of honey and then the honeycomb as well there’s a couple other items I want to other Automatic Farms I want to build out too I just kind of forget I have to rethink it that’s exactly what I do panda with the with the the wool exactly

And I don’t have really anything special in the nether except some you know areas that I walk to I’m not g to worry about that as much how we doing on some food thank you I’m trying to think so probably need an Infinity bow for the dragon and one of these two probably

Just the silk touch one right oh you know what I don’t have yet is an ender chest and I don’t have any Ender Pearls at least not a lot of them yeah folks we’re not going to the dragon just yet ah oh my heart of the Seas yeah not going

To lie folks chunk base chunk face got me those three a little story behind that I I had found my my first map and I went to find the treasure and I dug all around the X down in the middle of the X could not

Find it at all I got frustrated went the chunk base and just said you know what I don’t know where it’s at and then once I once I found it on chunk base I looked for two more and make it worth my while uh looks like my filter worked

Message re retracted good nice nice nice so Panda have you noticed uh users you know random users coming on to uh the chat and they just they love to say lovely things sometimes right just I improved my filter this morning when I was building up the uh the

Stream all right what do we do here what do we do yeah these I mean it’s not the best armor I still think we’re in beginning game here as far as the armor is concerned it’s my only one too but you know it is what it is we need to get out

To the end because my friends this world needs an Enderman farm for experience right out at the end we might be going to the Nether and getting the the golden rods oh no we got 50 of them okay that’s fine it’s really the ender pearls all right let’s do this

Let’s how many do I have that’s not enough let put some of this stuff away keep that so we’ll keep that for the Enderman so we can get ender pearls rather easily and then we’ll kind of go like this if we lose things it this you know we

Want to only lose that let’s do that boy losing this sword is going to be a bummer but folks we’re not going to lose it let’s see yeah Panda using chunk base I I used to be kind of against it but that was a really because I was learning the game but

Now chunk base is not that bad to use I mean unless it goes against some type of rules of the particular server or whatnot I get that part or the or the rules that you make up for your single player I get that you know but I the

World is so big you know millions and millions of blocks and you just walk forever and you’re not finding anything you’re just kind of walking aimlessly hoping you find something I mean sometimes that’s cool but it takes a whole afternoon just to find something then you don’t want to play because you

Played for three hours looking for something so chunk base works out all right let’s put I don’t know why I had the uh these can’t remember why we should put them away though all right we have that just in case we need to uh make a different type of pickaxe

That’s not so touch all right let’s go I think we’re okay oh we have water that’s yeah we need to bring that to the nether definitely I don’t know where to put it I don’t think it matters if I can remember properly the uh the warp biome is pretty close to

Us like I said folks nothing to see here trust me on this one all right it’s a it’s it’s it’s just the Box in some roads right here okay so there’s one and there’s the warp biome nice yeah I’m not going to lie this turns out to be a little makeshift gold Farm

Too and I inadvertently kind of built it because I anger the I anger the uh zombified piglins they come here drop they go up under and then they come up here and they just all gather right here while I’m on the other side I’m like oh that’s cool all right let’s do

This yeah like right here they just do their thing it’s just something I did not plan but it ended up working out so I thought that was really cool oh look at that see we got a nice little spot for them I should have brought the hoe

Whoops that’s okay that’s why we bring the iron uh Panda if you need a mod you know I would do it I’m not understanding the mod thing the mod message now he should be able to spawn in right in here right and then we we have a little protection

Here would just like I said this little makeshift Enderman killer right just get rid of the blocks I don’t want them on me H let’s see let’s fill that hole up get an idea of what’s going on here there we go I love it I love

It and then we can uh do that get rid of this stuff all right where’s the Enderman we’re ready to go start spawning wish there’s button I could punish oh he’s got a saddle too nice okay I’m in the Warped biome right this is the Warped biome or is it the

Outskirts let me see yeah warp forest all right warp forest biome we’re good come out come out wherever you are there we go there’s one unfortunately there’s a big balloon by me that shoots fire at me all right I heard you where you at sound like you were above me to the

Right hey at least we got some ender pearls though the process has begun there you are let’s pop that balloon come on come on gotcha almost not going to lie that L kind of cool coming by there that was awesome hey get out of here we’re not asking for

Your kind to be here buddy gotta go I guess I’m in his home though huh anyway I can make it my home all right come on Enderman you’re you’re here somewhere right gotta be gotcha I’m going to get rid of that hey buddy bud I don’t want your block I need your

Pearls thank you maybe get a few Stacks like you know 32 all together so a little bit less yeah let’s get rid of this this is this is not oh moderator for your streams okay yeah let’s talk about that you know because uh I was going to talk to

Another person I know about that too as well we could uh you know Panda we could trust each other right on that one like I can moderate for yours you can moderate for mine or whatnot who knows and then I guess if we’re streaming together we’ll need another

Moderator that’s when we’re big time though that’s when we’re big time we’re on the edge of being big time trust me on that one we’re on the edge right now trust me see right on the edge right on the edge we’re on the edge of

Being big time or burning up one of the two okay I saw him get over here saw you come on sometimes you could just to kind of give it a little bit more room here and then we could do this that looks good there that looks

Good there I guess I could have thrown it away but yeah that’s dangerous although the protection on me whoops all right protection four fire protection four protection four projectile so I mean it’s it’s a good combination of uh armor enchantment and I’m not going to die right away if I go into the

Lava you now that I’m thinking I I could have brought a potion with me of fire resistance yeah I kind of forgot that yeah we we have you have been watching me for a while now Panda thank you and uh we’ve been talking too so yeah absolutely

Yep back when it was just Facebook you’re exactly correct I remember oh folks maybe say a prayer for me for these Endermen to come out or something I don’t know maybe that would help I doubt it but you know not sure why you’d want to pray for Enderman but pray for him to

Leave uh oh was that hog Ling or just the piglin that Heard oh guess I agroed him thank you sir boy they’re so corro Cooperative right um we’re at six now all right feel like this is going to take longer than I thought oh yeah that’s right the [Laughter] Terracotta that was the Bedrock world I

Was doing I have to say I was I was building out the village in the Bedrock V uh World another Village another build I never finished yes there’s one thing you can count on me for folks is not [Laughter] finishing that’s a new goal for 2024 finish vigil just [Laughter]

Finish I’m getting better though I’m getting better it was a long time ago that was like beginning 2022 I’d have to look at the the Facebook videos to see the date but that those were some of my first streams definitely I tell you what this this is definitely

A patience thing and I know if I start roaming around trying to find them I’m I’m yeah that’s when I walk off into the lava and you know probably makes for a better show though too so I don’t know you know for a warped biome and that’s all that spawns in here is

Enderman we don’t see too many Enderman just saying I probably need to move more into the warp biome maybe because probably out there is where yeah see we got all these entities out there so that’s probably hitting the cap or whatever or maybe not cap but just only so many things spawn right

So right let’s do this see this is what where it’s going to happen I’m not being patient and I’m going to figure this out somewhere else I think I could take the bridge ah there’s one there’s one right there run see just helping him out he didn’t

Want to carry the block anymore so took it from him helping him out by uh placing the block down there’s another one nice there’s two actually you were actually the first Creator I watched in vanilla MC and not in Anarchy nice yeah I remember that the Bedrock

Server I had that was uh it was the first one I kind of pushed out and it let’s just say it it taught me to uh build out a better server a lot of griefing happened on that server but then there was a lot that a lot of people that didn’t grief it

Either I mean there was you got to start somewhere you got to start somewhere I hear you I heard you come out come out wherever you are he was right here there was yeah right there oh look at them all hopefully I got all three there’s one there’s two there’s three

Nice that’ll help out now we’re now we’re now we’re getting somewhere our first stack that’s awesome not sure if I need probably need one more stat there’s a few things I want to build so I want to I don’t want just one Ender Chest I like to build two at a

Time just you know makes sense that way wait Hey why don’t you bring your friends with you too oh there’s another one we go a come on the one time you really want them to annoy you right don’t walk away come here I don’t know if it works like with the Block in the way maybe it does maybe it

Doesn’t I’m not too sure about that like I don’t know if you can aggro them if they’re behind a block uh oh they all gone they don’t want to come back how many do we have just a little bit more we don’t need that many more oh look at you thank

You could have sworn I saw him Shake ah yep you were waiting for me weren’t you you were waiting for me that’s a perfect spot thank you a I didn’t get one come on oh there’s another one though perfect timing come here come on oh another big

Balloon above me sounds like above me to the right or maybe in front of me yeah CU that’s they usually spawn over The Lava cuz of the space I think you need like they need four blocks I think it’s on the other side of this all right

Well if it’s not going to bother me I’m not going to bother him so oh one two that’s just mean they show up like they’ll they show up behind [Laughter] you it’s evil there was two I could have sworn there was two sometimes they get stuck in these little areas don’t see them

Though I just don’t want him knock I just don’t want them knocking me off the edge you know that’s that’s not going to be good oh there’s there’s there’s one right there come on gotcha oh of course when I’m checking my inventory shows up right I wonder if that was that like the

Delayed one the one that was delayed on attacking me had the delay attack uh where we at now eight actually we’re pretty close we are pretty close you know another thing I want to do with this world is I want to build what is it like a gravity block duper so like

Uh you know sand any block that has gravity to it like any block that drops you should be able to dup it in the uh using the end portal this contraption you make I thought that was quite interesting yes I know it’s kind of cheaty but until Mojang fixes it you

Know might as well take advantage of it especially for this world so uh Yes 120 120.4 hey hey guy Oh hey chill out just relax take the swatting of the sword thank you four more oh really 1.20 doesn’t work anymore I guess I never checked that part out I’ve been I’ve been wanting to build it for a couple years now so it’s funny you say that Panda well I guess it’s [Laughter]

Fixed I have to look into that I mean it wasn’t it was just I just thought it would been interesting for um not necessarily sand but uh the concrete right that’s what I wanted to D was the concrete I think it’s the concrete powder although I guess with the new

Crafting block crafter block then concrete might be a little bit easier nowadays that’s want I didn’t ask about what uh what do you think about that crafter block Panda alrighty folks I need four more come on where you at where you at so there’s oh there you go want to

Become part of the family come on over come over here it’s a little bit easier wow they just don’t listen do they I guess you you did come over here he just goes in a circle stay hey slow down buddy get over here you’re you’re actually little smart

One here get over here thank you just take the sword oh so you’ve been playing with yeah that crafter block is amazing I mean just on a basic level right I mean it’s you’re going to be able to make planks now automatically basically you know just let it fill up with logs and

Then you got planks right it just and those are just basic things you know but just those little I think those little things being able to make the planks easier uh I some other items aren’t coming it’s not at the top of my head right now but I think you know what I

Mean just that those simple builds that we can automate now are going to be absolutely awesome and it’s I believe it’s going to be a time saer really do they’re pretty easy to get too so you I mean you’re not gonna you don’t have to like spend you know days and days in

Your world to earn it like the recipe for it it’s pretty basic come on there you go yep the iron farm too yep then you don’t have the problem I have right now with all the ingots right stacking up I rather have an iron block problem than an iron Ingot Problem glowstone two more then into a Sher loader and now I stack up shers of iron that’s awesome that I want to build a Sher load a Sher loader as well that is something that’s been on the top of my mind too you just drop it

In there it fills up you leave right and it’s just awesome stuff I should I should say I want to use one before I you know I would love to use one but I want to build one too as well but that’s something I’ve I’ve never built one of those and I I

Just never uh never got to a point where I not that I wanted not wanted to build it just never got to it I guess oh that’s another good idea too right the gold Farm absolutely all right folks we are out of here unless we can want to get another stat

But at one point in this world we won’t need to come out here for ender pearls anymore in fact we’ll have so many ender pearls we won’t know what to do with them just probably dispose of them a little dropper dropping them into the void what was in

There I thought yeah let’s get rid of that and leave some water out here I guess if I had a cauldron yeah they made this this thing faster too right like you can see better or whatnot coming out of the portal uh what are we doing now we’re going to make

Ender Eyes of Ender so why do the I have Ender stack up to 64 but the ender pearls don’t that’s interesting sure I’ve asked that question before is it this and go what like this one two fine that’s a lot of obsidian let’s grab that one there we go oh look at

That all right I don’t want to use them all because we got to find this the stronghold although I could just look it up on chunk [Laughter] faith you want an even amount there we go that’ll work and we can use those to uh find the stronghold

Okay so where are we going to put our first Ender Chest by the garbage can what up Milo right there maybe not we need one down here right there sure why not right there we’ll move it later we do need one down here though then we can go upstairs to our bedroom

Hey look at this okay a little too far up there there we go ow got a nosy neighbor around I heard you we can reposition it later what are you doing at my door what are you doing here buddy how’d you get in here did I leave that open

W do I have cherry saplings did you finally show up at something I need interesting I’m gonna go check first all right here why don’t you stay in here um bro you can come in okay go in there go in there thank you you just hang out here for a minute

I’ll be right back you got to stay on the porch all right I don’t want you in my house uh downstairs things that grow oh I already have them sorry buddy yeah we’re not making any purchases from you today sorry about that you can stay

On the porch for a little bit if you don’t leave after a while we’re gonna have to take care of you this got one down here look at that beautiful and of course we’re going to keep one on us too we need to get over to the lake house that’s way over there

Pretty sure I’m forgetting something but I just want to get a box over there an Ender box an Ender Chest oh look at that hour number two I have to say it does feel nice streaming again so right here maybe or do we do it downstairs oh great there’s nowhere to

Put it and that’s not g to make my brain work tell you that right now H that looks good right there let’s just put it right there there we go actually it’s not a bad spot because now we could do this right and that’s how we’ll get the bones over

There like over there because that’s where we need him at let’s get out of here oh let’s go say hi to the say hi to the to the Friends how you guys how you doing can we name we can name tag them can’t we we should be able to to D and tweetle

Dumb maybe you’ll get some names I don’t know it’s kind of a waste of a name tag but you’re there so maybe so we have one over there there we have one by our bed I always do this come on thank you really got to get some steps going

Here it’s been on the list since I started the world just saying hey buddy okay I’m gonna give you a chance to leave you you gotta go okay no no no no arguments here you got to go I don’t want you arguing with me bro you just got to go

Go be free my friend be free I’m not buying anything off you you’re not I’m just not doing it sorry there’s nothing I need from you I have it all all right I don’t have orange tulips but you know I have enough bone meal now

To make orange tulips maybe I do maybe I don’t I don’t know yeah I think I could just bone meal the ground in in an area that grows tulips and get tulips so yeah I don’t need that from you either the puffer fish is in questionable you do have a you do

Have a lot of nice flowers though your flowers look great Michelle thanks for coming back how you doing it has been a long time about six months long thanks for coming on and saying Hi friend appreciate you all right back to the company I did not ask for hey hey

This just get out of here just I don’t know what’s up with you dude left the gate open you don’t want to leave you just want to hang out with me and try to sell me stuff that I don’t need what if we could do that to every door too salesperson just saying

Just a joke folks [Laughter] okay yeah I did I did I had a nice caling Christmas this year so if that if that makes any sense very simple which was nice I hope you had a good holiday too my uh yourself all right let’s go sleep

Oh I know where we need to put an Ender Chest let’s go put one down in the uh diamond farm or not the diamond farm but the uh the diamond mine let’s do that that that’s a good idea let’s sleep first though I was just about the say Mr X how you doing

Friend thanks for coming back welcome back friend welcome back how have you been all right diamond mines all right Michelle thank you so much I appreciate you stopping in thank you you’re awesome it’s good to have you back too it’s good to be back from on on my end you’re right Panda you’re

Right thank you all of you guys are great you folks are great sorry well I hope all all works out for you Mr X all right diamond mines let’s go down there let’s go down to the diamond mines how do we get there let’s go here let’s do this

And then I can’t go that way I have to go all the way here and go through to the stairwell there we go memory’s just flowing in huh nice yeah uh Mr X Panda and I we were just talking about the uh Bedrock world I started on uh let’s see this way

Well Mr X just in case you you don’t see the beginning of the stream I uh probably gon to be doing a couple streams a week one on Tuesday one on Saturday we’ll do a hard we’re going to do a hardcore series on Tuesday and then

Just uh the Saturday stream will just be open and then um I’m working on uh hopefully uploading uh about two to three videos you know a week as well some on demand videos so I think things are going to be fun now things are going to be fun with the

Channel oh yeah ter remember the war when the D terrorized the world but you stopped it [Laughter] yes I do H I almost feel like just launching a server just to deal with the Griefers just cuz it’s kind of fun sometimes not really uh let’s do this uh once again I

Don’t know where to put these so we’ll just put it right there and all it done so this here is the diamond mines I have a uh tunnel boore that just keeps that I keep the you know igniting and it blows up the blocks for me I have Stacks

And stacks of diamonds now because of it it’s absolutely Awesome go go oh also we became weekly champion in our game with our team and hopefully go for the win streak and join the professional League well there you go so I put one here not sure we’re going to walk through here folks I kind of forget what’s back here

But I think it’s just another tunnel it’s got something because I you know I put these steps in here made it made it like Steps little slabs oh wow yeah one of my famous dig to you get tired tunnel I don’t know if it’s famous but

It’s gonna be a long one in fact I’m going to turn around here there’s probably about 200 torches in this tunnel let’s let’s go the other way I did I did Mr X this is this is the world I was kind of playing out during uh during my time off of of

Streaming and I I got this other world I’ve been toying with uh it’s a large biome world you know there’s a few different things I did off stream just to kind of you know get better at Minecraft I guess just learn it better because I I was still playing

Just wasn’t playing a lot you know was probably like two or three times a week I was playing oh I know where we could put it going out to the Zombie Farm yeah maybe next Saturday we’ll uh we’ll build out some you know some train tracks here do something with these do

Something with the tunnel too oh no world so corrupt that all your portals are linked wow maybe it’s time to start a new one yeah folks I’ve uh I’ve determined for some reason I really enjoy beginning game it’s like going through all the you know all the bells and whistles that you have

To go through to get all your stuff again I I don’t know why I enjoy that but for some reason I do it’s the whole survival aspect of the game I I like I guess hey guys I know I just kind of got you guys placed out here and I left you

I know I know I haven’t forgot about you though and I really appreciate it you really got my economy you know started so I’m just saying all right how we G to do this let’s do this there we go yeah so down there’s the Zombie Farm

Where I AFK at and I bring the rotten flesh here and sell it I haven’t had to do that lately though oh really you’re playing Java version now awesome half your storage on the phone wow that’s nice that you’re playing Java now that’s good I still think Java’s better I like

Bedrock but I think Java’s better they’re getting better though I mean the uh the Bedrock version I mean they they have they’ve wiped out a lot of bugs and they’re they’re making things work a lot better within there I mean but uh there’s I still think it has

A little bit you know a little ways to go Java is the way to go Panda all right everybody find people to give me likes for Java likes for Java Java for likes H all right we need to get a little bit more prepared here so we can leave an

Ender chest out there as well or no at least at the stronghold right and then we’ll have an Ender Chest on us so we’re we’re perfect we’ll keep that we’ll use all these items to get out to the stronghold and you know like instead of going chunk base we’ll just do it with

The I venders you know we’ll just look for it it’s not a big deal uh arrows though that’s okay I know how to get by do this now let’s let’s go back out to The Lakehouse right and put a bunch of arrows inside our ender chest and then we’ll have arrows on

Us they need to add scare on villagers to bedrock so iron Farms would be better yeah I would agree oh this is not the right way we don’t want to go that way I am not trekking through the forest and dealing with all the Hostile Mobs my bad I am not paying

Attention you know sometimes I have no idea why I put those there so I try to keep my torches to the right so you know that’s the right way back that makes any sense yeah Mr X should be on there and de brine he should be on the uh

Discord you know Panda uh Mr X was I I want to say he he has to be the second or third person probably the first person that I met and he’s still with us which is absolutely awesome big shout out for Mr X he’s definitely in that first tier

Group along with you and Michelle panda don’t want to be a joy killer but zombie J zombies will just fall in and attack them since the workstation is kind of made also baby zombie yeah thank you it’s an honor well I I would say it’s you know it’s an honor

For me you know so thank you all right I will say this though we need more food so let’s grab that food all right how much more prep work vigil so we need arrows unless I have an Infinity bow but I don’t I think I do but the infinity bow is absolutely

Garbage it’s just uh yeah it’s just Infinity oh I guess power three but that’s not going to help right now and I don’t really want to go through the enchantment process to be honest with you let’s get rid of the leather whoops I always forget where I put so

Here we go okay so we put the leather there there’s tools so I got a tool chest which there it is that goes here those I don’t care about we’ll keep the ladders uh Take the bucket of water with us we’ll get some more iron nope wrong

One you know what let’s just make this easy I I not going to break down the blocks when I have a box full right over here there we go build up again yeah we’re also going to move this stuff too that that that uh that Hopper

With mine cart is going to run under here and collect all this stuff too eventually along with all the other Farms I have and it’s going to bring it all to the inventory room all right where we at now what else can we do are we going to get the wings right

After we kill the dragon or we gonna come back and then go out and get the wings that’s going to be interesting I could bring some slabs out there but I usually use leaves to Trek across the void to get to the uh you know those in cities

So that might be an issue we might have to build out a hoe oh there you go I guess I have one yeah we’ll take this with us too because on the way we can take we can grab leaves with this and ah sorry folks I don’t have the

I don’t have the little tweak the the vanilla tweak pack so we’re going to kill the dragon this way we’re going to you’re going to have to see it through the eyeh holes uh what else do we need take logs and a crafting table then as you need slabs just make them there

You go you have to remind me to chop them down because you know I have I have no logs I I don’t have any kind of logs at all there’s no Tree Farm behind my house that I’ve collected you know thousands of logs not at all Stones might be more efficient so I

Was taught a long time ago that the leaves nothing will spawn on the leaves at all so that’s why I use leaves and I guess if I use the half slab though with the stones right I don’t know how that but I’d have to have on the lower level though I probably get

More but I do need to bring a bunch of leaves out there for the Enderman farm that we build afterwards too though so trying to get two or three birds with one stone here all right where we at where we at Let’s do let’s fill the Ender Chest full

Of arrows so we got to go out to the lake house for that ah I see it is easy to speed bridge in Bedrock I that’s I love being able to walk forward and place the Block in front of me that is one feature about Bedrock that I I

Just can’t say it’s bad it’s it’s that’s an excellent feature instead of crouching and going backwards right all right so that’s important let’s put that into the chest oh man having the ender chests are so much better and do we really need that out there I don’t think so we can put this

Stu yeah we’re fine we’re fine just don’t put the silk touch in there and break it I guess we can’t because that’s the only axe we have all right good uh where else where else are we you doing the arrows sorry folks is it dark it is let’s sleep and then go

Get some arrows yeah what is that the uh the Swift like Swift two or three or something like that that goes on the pants I have to admit and when you’re Crouch you do you do it’s the same speed it’s actually pretty cool we’ll have to find the

Now is that the that’s the only place you can get that right the the Swift sneak or whatever the sneak or no the Swift swift enchant enchanted book all right let’s get out of here Let’s do let’s go out this way yeah all right so Mr X I don’t know

If you saw the house but this is my base iron Farm survival house few Farms here that I started with that are eventually going bye-bye and then behind that is my tree farm we’re going to go out to the lake house which is just right over here and just to be transparent there

Was tutorials on YouTube that I use to build the house and the other house too as well I have to look their names up to give them some shout outs oh okay so the lake house is always safe because we do have you know security tweetle D and tweetle dum maybe we can

Get some better names I don’t know and then let’s go this way you think that’s enough arrows that was a little too much I think I’ll just Bring we’re just killing the dragon so let’s just do that all right so those will go with us oh that should be enough because we got to put that I forgot yeah we have to put that into the uh the portal so yeah 28 yeah 28 should be if not well we’ll

Figure it out Panda you’re the boss in ancient cities H you rebuilt an ancient that’s awesome you have to show me that sometime yeah to be honest I have not wandered into many ancient cities although the sky the Sky Block series I ran when I found the ancient

City there I learned it helped me learn about the ancient city and really how to navigate it because it was in Sky Block and pretty easy to find too in fact I was I think that’s one of my last like streams was on that world and yeah if I remember right the

Video I was supposed to make that uh the warden farm and I did make it in the end I did make it I don’t think I ever showed it though because for that Sky Block map the warden was supposedly to drop diamonds right it never did I had

Chest full of all the blocks it drops or whatever I forget what it drops but never did get that diamond because that was the whole point I made it but anyway it’s you know the maker said it was rare so you made the nether port in the middle oh that’s

Awesome you made the portal in the middle of that is awesome yeah you have to show me that that’d be cool all righty folks now that we have what else do we need we have that we have that we have a good sword we don’t have any potions maybe we should grab a

Few potions we have the ladders to climb up I do prefer the scaffolding but it’s it shouldn’t be that bad we should be able to get around I mean I’m not it’s I don’t want to say it’s going to be easy but I’m going to wear the pumpkin mask so the Enderman

Aren’t going to battle me at all so I should be okay oh last season on server okay well I guess you know in the new season we’ll just have to go there and build a new one right H I feel like I needed to stay out

There hey there’s my boat with chest is that what they call it boat with chest or chest boat I don’t know let’s see boat with chest yes yeah Pand that’s one thing I’ve kind of realized some of the large builds I want to do it’s it takes another player to be

Working with you right I mean it just some of the some of the ideas I have are great but I I don’t know if I would ever be able to finish them because they’re just so big okay so we got the boat we got the oh you know what I keep

Forgetting where’s the rest of them did I put him inside the Ender Chest might be some things in here yeah there’s just not much thank you I need one more oh no no one plays Much Anymore well I’ll tell you panda this game is 10 years old 15 years old now right

15 it’s amazing it’s lasted this long to be honest with you I’ve always thought there’s just always something to do in Minecraft that’s that’s that’s that’s why I like the game to begin with all right we need to go downstairs down the water shoot take that bed with us

Let see what potions I have do I have feather falling there we go we’ll just deal with that usually I like to bring the potion of floating or whatever it’s called FL potion of floating I don’t know if it’s that called that but close enough all right so

Now I got a little lost here sorry I’m getting just getting used to having these uh ender chests but we need to make one more levitation there you go and Mr X yes feather falling I have feather falling four on my uh boots okay Ender Chest for the end Ender

Chest for the stronghold and an Ender Chest in my inventory so I think that’s going to work out just fine and everything has mending on it we’re good even the bow I’ve converted to The Mending bow only because I get infinite amount of arrows right from the skeleton spawner

Farm I generally I generally use the uh the infinity one but like I said because I have so many arrows I might as well just use them H I feel like I’m forgetting something but let’s go we’re done let’s let’s get on top of something and throw a pearl and see what

Happens I think everything else I can just gather when I’m out there if I need anything like the leaves and all that oh this is the uh the rectangle tunnel Farm I’m doing right so each one of the this is where the Sheep are so I had to drop the sheep in these

Holes when I you know when I was building it it’s pretty cool forgot about that uh really you going to make me go back to bed let’s do this real quick all right we’re safe folks give me one second I’m just going to go to the

Refrigerator and uh get me a drink one second all righty I am back yeah I got cats here too let’s just say there was a few uh minor holes I was filling in there was uh you know those automatic holes that happen you know what I’m talking

About you know we can keep the bed on us too we’re gonna have to do that and I know it’s silk but I want to check yes want to check there we go alrighty let’s do it folks let’s do it let’s go find the stronghold I’m so glad I’m streaming

Because I I really would have went to chunk base and just found the stronghold that way so like this here there we go well I have to say even I’m saying even if I’m saying it myself it doesn’t look bad the you know the lake house doesn’t look

Bad I need to get some uh veget around it though but anyway all right throw oh did it really get it’s up on the tree at least I can get it all right so we’ll go this way and generally I think the first strongholds they spawn out at like 500 or so

Maybe like 500 blocks out from uh z z or spawn yeah well z z generally you spawn close to z z and we are let’s just we’ll just keep going here actually I have I’ve been up there we got a little campfire and bed up there so maybe we’ll

Just kind of see where this takes us yep see there’s a campfire oh the memories okay I got I gotta talk about this one because it it was way bizarre I still don’t know why it doesn’t work maybe it’s the biome maybe it’s the game I don’t know but I started with that

Spruce tree right there right and then I came over here and I was just doing the same thing I think it was like right here Stacks in stacks of bone meal and it never grew it never grew I I don’t know why I don’t know if it’s cuz the

Biome or I I’m still a little confused about that one as you can tell and it was a while ago when that happened to me but uh and then I just left I left the saplings there planted and they still didn’t grow so I’m just like whatever I

So I I took it out not too sure but it grew there you know but not here where I’m standing so interesting yeah this is uh one of the first spots I came to when I spawn so my spawn all right I’ll take you back I got to take you guys back I’m

Sorry I it can’t just be enough for me to say my spawn points over there I have to show [Laughter] you yeah don’t mind these blocks silly Enderman just run around making a big mess this is me afking right here all these little blocks maybe not every one of them but there’s

Enough so my spawn point which is you know it’s usually like a little this little W oh really I hear you oh hey guys every glad we came back you’re invading my house how’ they get in there guess they spawned in there so right there is the spawn point that’s

This is where I started at of course all this wasn’t here okay this is dangerous right now because we have villagers here right just saying I don’t have a bucket of lava really gota be kidding me no whatever come on thank you keep on doing it shoot your friend shoot your

Friend thank you one more time I was going to save you but I don’t have a boat I’m sorry buddy now you’re gone oh I have no arrows on me oh that’s not good thank you don’t ever come back I got a banner there we go see people say I don’t decorate looks

[Laughter] great all right let’s get out of here folks see what happens when I have to show you the spawn point that was bizarre I guess they could spawn here or whatnot I mean these are all spawnable this just lit up interesting all right let’s go back let’s

Go yeah that could be a disaster to starting a raid oh that was another one thing I wanted to say about my hardcore series I think I want to make a rule that I cannot I’m not allowed to make a raid Farm in hardcore because I feel like once you do

That got unlimited totems of them dying which is kind of not that I wouldn’t want to do it I just it’s feel like it’s you know it’s it is a little cheaty I agree with it but at the same time it’s be nice to not do the raid Farm

Although none of my hardcore worlds have ever got to a point where I was could build a raid Farm either so maybe I don’t need the [Laughter] rule we that’s a little campsite never did build the tent that I was going to but I didn’t have any wool

Uh we keep going before we throw another and I forgot the stack of logs I didn’t want to bring a stack of logs to build stuff that one was yeah I didn’t do that right although I’m real close let’s go we’ll just chop him down we’ll just

Chop him down we got a few big trees out there see what we’re going here uh the row oh so it’s out there and there’s some trees we can chop on the way to make our boat is this where all the Sheep were it’s might be the first time I’ve

Gone down the back side of this mountain oh there’s a frog up there what up buddy what happened um I found a frog and I’m heading out towards the uh stronghold which is in that direction and he’s safe now so we’ll leave him there let’s sleep

Oh you’re so good you’re so cute you’re so cute what do we do with you don’t get distracted vigil find the stronghold oh we got Turtles too nice I don’t think I uh I found some areas that had Turtles but far away but now they’re right here oh look at those tropical

Fish you mean to tell me all I need to do is come over here I I believe this the first time I’ve come to this side over here silly just silly that’s funny because I we do need the turtle eggs eventually and I gosh I really want

To get the anyway just just go forward build a boat and move forward thank you Mr X h what is this up ahead of us oh oh that is no joke all right we’ll put it we got to put a torch on there right I mean we just let’s just put a torch

There there we go well we’ll be back you are correct Panda you are very correct I do have ADHD I [Laughter] agree all right where am I at I am oh I’m probably close let’s start this I did not need it to drop patience I didn’t want to swim by

It gaming with jab King how you doing friend welcome welcome to the stream thanks for coming on and saying hi appreciate that there you go Panda you and I are right in the same category so right in right in that same group so uh jab King you make good content

Excellent I’m assuming you have a channel then huh I I’ll have to check it out gaming with jab King let’s get over here on land and we’ll throw another one we’re doing doing well I haven’t lost one Ender PE that is great news or not ender pearl sorry IE of

Ender sorry I uh I burped there my bad if you heard that all righty let’s let’s throw another one oh well thanks for that sub jab King appreciate you and uh and yes you do play Minecraft that’s great news great news Well I I’ll tell you what jab king

After my stream I will uh I will check out your site and return the favor to you okay ah well Panda happy birthday friend it’s always nice to have a birthday so January 3D really you’re a January person huh cool yeah and also feel free to hang out too jab jab king sorry

And let me know if you don’t like me calling you by that that by you know that way I just you know I don’t want to call anyone a name they don’t want to be called did I leave anything behind no I got the boat all right oo

Uh jab King how how did you get your first 100 subscribers uh lots of lots of Minecraft and lots of streams and then I I did I started I start a few years back I started on Facebook and I I brought some people over from Facebook

Too oh no way Panda that’s that’s talk talk about being close to the family right that’s interesting uh my mother is Gen nine so all you folks are Capricorns then right that’s interesting yeah a lot of you did come from Facebook you’re right panda yeah it’s good it’s good to meet you

King thanks for coming on I really appreciate it that’s awesome uh we’ll uh hopefully we’ll see each other more uh let’s see grab your boat and let’s get moving let’s throw one more come on maybe I should have went to chunk base just saying I mean even though you go to chunk base

You still have to travel all that distance and still you know go to the coordinate yeah it’s easy I know but you still have to travel the distance you still have to travel the distance all right my excuse Luca Franco how you doing friend thanks for stopping in and saying hi appreciate it

You caught me on a rainy day let me see my coordinates now yeah I have see that that Zed coordinate 500 plus it’s 586 I believe we are close to a stronghold we have to be I don’t know the exact perimeter of the circles that move out when

Strongholds spawn but I know it’s close to 500 look at that I bet it’s right here somewhere oh a village absolutely useless absolutely useless we do not need that although we have somewhere to hang out all right let’s do it where’ it go where’d it go right

There I think we’re on top of it one more time this rain is not helping me it do to see it uhoh time to sleep it’s got to be here right it’s right here let’s go to sleep and dig the words I’m should have put the bed up here I

Hoping to see some sheep I didn’t bring any uh no wool there’s one over there to the left nice let’s do this though look at that huh high end look down and grow one that confuses me sorry panda not sure uh let me get this let me get this

White wool I’m want to make him another bed for down in the stronghold I I I believe that stronghold is right under us right now it has to be I guess it doesn’t have to be but oh that’s cool hey thank you you gave me two beds

I appreciate that both of you awesome awesome aesome awesome oh throw gotcha like right here yeah see that other one must have despawned or broke because we didn’t see it it’s got It’s like right here right so what if I went up here made it more difficult

For myself and just dug and just start digging down right here cuz the cuz the strongholds about that big I don’t know if that would that made sense there but all right let’s do we’re they going to go oh wow did you did you not bring the shovel did you not bring a

Shovel my friends that is why you bring iron with you there we go we got the ladders on us right yes good this is excessive yes I know just makes things a little easier we at C Level close enough anyway this is dangerous I mean some people they’ll like stand on

This Edge and then they can go down I just go back and forth though I liked it to be three blocks wide this is how I’ve learned o really o lapis nice that is not why we’re here good news is uh if this is we don’t find

It I guess we could just pillar back up right laifi yo how you doing I remember you thanks for stopping in what’s this oh Fluffy’s not here there’s the new bats look at the new bats see the bat looks cool I think the new bat looks

Cool yeah the ears are a little bit bigger it looks floppy it looks a little bit more cartoony but I still think it looks cool oh glad you’re doing good so I’m thinking there’s a stronghold underneath me talking to laifi because you just came in okay that was excessive viil but you

Know guess what if it’s not excessive then it’s just not gonna work okay can you land so we can look at you see see the ears are bigger right I mean and then the pink in the ear that texture’s nice but it just you know

Just it does look more like a bat not I mean it looked like a bat before but I just think it looks better some people didn’t like it I I was uh seeing some other opinions on YouTube and it was just kind of there’s some players that were like

Annoyed by it like why would they do that it’s like it’s not a big deal it’s just a bat doesn’t do anything for us anyway although you can use the bat in a farm and uh you could capture the bat and then have it float over a pressure plate

And then sometimes it hits the pressure plate and then that pressure plate will activate something so you can get a random you know activation of some sorts of for what you need thought that was kind of cool so there is a use for the bat besid you know just killing

It oh nice Panda see yeah does look bad oh iron glad we found that sorry that was loud sorry that would have been I would have fell right in the middle of things right I don’t think I don’t think the stronghold is here CU we’re already at zero right or no uh

Y1 I was looking at the Chuck so it’s y11 I don’t think it I think it spawns above the Deep slate right Rachel okay let’s uh we got to set up a shop here actually let’s do this let’s keep that there let’s keep this there see that little crab hook that would

Have worked and then I could have popped the block right there anyway thank you that was probably not good oh good bye want to say the stronghold is not here my friends oh there’s all kinds of stuff this is a huge cave okay there was an Enderman over

There so I want to be careful no yes yeah there’s going to be monsters nearby oh well you think it’ll make it yeah I didn’t think so now that my spawn is back at spawn great ooh slime chunk too as well we’re finding everything except the stronghold

Interesting I feel like I want to go back to the top try this over again maybe we just missed it maybe it is more over there oh I got to get the blocks out of my uh take that out thank God yeah no think I can make it

All right I think there’s going to be a creeper there waiting for me guess not I guess not all right let’s try to do oh uh that’s probably not the good thing I probably need to keep that yeah just saying let’s do this just so we don’t have a disaster

And go get some more water down here oh there’s the creeper okay okay come closer seriously you don’t see me come on come on get up right up here not sure if I wanted the gunpowder honest with you but whatever all right let’s throw oh see they keep coming right

Here so maybe it’s right here well let’s just dig here throw one more from here see what happens maybe it’s past it interesting you going to tell me it’s right here and I dug all the way down on this one and I didn’t find anything and it’s like that makes no sense one

More they all keep going right here so whatever we’re going to do it here did I get water I did that it no I’m might as well take all these out oh I’m going to say right now that does not help right just fil it there’s the water I hear the water

That’s fine come on no right back where I started at least I can get back up there [Laughter] all right we’re good to go I’ll tell you right now folks there ain’t no stronghold around here I’m telling you unless I got to go deeper I just don’t remember strongholds being in deep slate

No oh that’s the uh it’s a m shaft right oh that’s a good spot to stand right there yes so there’s my original one and I think the other hole was back I I kind of fell down right there I thought I don’t know bummer oh we got mobs spawning everywhere

Too hey buddy come here get out of here I think I can get that guy over there guess not like spider time seriously thank you can you bring that Arrow back to me please not sure if he’s going to cooperate on that one I feel like I want to go to the bottom

Of the cave and throw another IE ofender oh there’s a geode right there that’s a geode folks we’re finding everything else except the stronghold I’m just saying just you know talk about distractions I thought you were at the end now I I found this cave where I was digging down at because

I’m this is where the eye ofenders took me and now I’m not finding anything well I’m finding a lot of stuff just not finding the stronghold boom nope good could have been a creeper guess I should I got a torch here though so I should be all

Right all right folks we’re going to try to do this again just saying not sure why there’s no stronghold all the eye Avengers kept Landing right here now I’m going to tell you right now we do not want to fall down that well I guess there’s a little water there let’s do

This there we go go get some more water oh boy I have all these extra blocks each one is four let’s do this pretty sure we’re going to get more so keep that with us we’ll actually put that let’s wait on that maybe it’s over there why did they

Keep going right there though I mean there’s just a huge cave maybe we got to go under the cave I don’t know what’s the uh spawning area for strongholds I thought the Y level only was you know not that deep maybe we can go talk to the

Villagers over at the Village maybe they can tell me oh got some white horses that’s nice what direction am I going I am going south so we can go north come back o cherry blossom biome right nice nice what I say folks we’re f finding everything except the

Stronghold I guess not everything but we’re finding a lot more than the stronghold see takes us back oh whatever I want that tree so if we come over here and I look that direction I bet you it’s going to go that way right see oh

Boy as if I want to fill my inventory up with eggs Hey where’s a little chicken at take your egg back down here maybe no way watch it’s going to go right there on the water it’s right there I mean that’s the fourth fifth one I’ve thrown that show

That goes in that direction and there just a huge cave under me it’s weird no wanted to eat interesting they keep ending up right here right maybe just dig deeper maybe it’s just lower that’s that’s you know let’s let’s double check I’m going to do well we’re at what

Triple check now but let’s go this direction and we’ll throw it yeah I don’t care what anyone says we’re going down this way it’s here so once I get down there I should probably go let’s go north a little bit and then we can dig down more I guess I I mean

I’m oh flabber gasted here I’m not too sure remember we’re going to go north should we go north now what level are we at 32 maybe just keep digging down I don’t know hey buddy I I I can’t have you coming over to me sorry gotta go where’s the big

Boom I got a little blast protection so I should be okay on first initial hit see that scared me right there wow that was a that was a big one this makes no sense it’s maybe I’m just not going down de I don’t do that I hear you running out of torches too

A whole herd of them over there okay we’ll uh we’ll keep going this way you got to go bro sorry I think that’s a slime over there well got some diamonds lot of creepers too wow that’s one way to get rid of them oh shoot well at least I hit my spawn

Right yeah oh no I didn’t think there was a fourth creeper I mean I got the third one out of there at least I get all my stuff back kind of you how long it took me to get the 50 on the experience I’m just saying stronghold better show

Up dude you gotta go dude take you and your friends and get out of here we don’t want you here as if I need a potato I mean there’s the mine shaft that’s not helping though tell you that right now I mean looks like there’s a probably a spider spawner there too

Because of all those webs yikes I need some coal oh I had some good yeah that’s not going to help me right now it’s nice to know it’s there but whatever if I throw one in here I’m GNA say it’s not here oh it’s ridiculous I’ve never had this much of a

Problem trying to find uh where are you right now um deep deep in the cave I am negative 35 hey do any of you have the like a browser up and go to chunk base I can give you my seed maybe you can help me out guess they don’t like caps

Absolutely Panda I agree maybe one of you can help me and look it up give me some coordinates I guess got to get out of that first let’s put some light on sorry folks I forgot I’ll streaming it’s like you can’t see anything sorry about that oh wow there you

Go vigil crafter was blown up by a creeper whatever yeah folks we are we we’re waiting for a a chunkbase lookup here why not right can’t see it’s too small are you ready for me I can read it out you want me to read it out to

You or can I copy and paste this right here click copy to oh click copy click to copy there’s that there you go it’s in the chat now you know how many people don’t like giving out their seed oh that’s a new feature I didn’t I never knew you could do that that’s

Awesome click the copy it that’s awesome I didn’t know you could do that that’s huge actually you how many times I’ve typed out the seed at chunk base save the seed in the notepad file that is absolutely awesome I don’t think he could do that a while

Back or I just didn’t know about it one of the two well folks looks like we’re doing a long one now what are we into uh what was it four o’clock my time started at 12:30 get a four hour stream yay all right let’s do this I’m

Gonna stop but with all this extra stuff you know uh my chords right now are I don’t know if you could see that but negative negative negative -400 by 620 let me write them in there string can the string just disappear please go away 1404 612 really I I should be in it

Wow what’s the recommended y level do you think Panda well I’m going to go exactly to those chords and then we’ll uh I can’t see though let me do this so we’re looking at 1404 negative 1404 okay let’s go a little bit further thanks for helping am I going backwards I

Am okay so don’t go that way as just proven that we don’t need to go that [Laughter] way 1404 and then 620 I’m right on it right now this is it there’s 620 and 1404 Wiki says it could be as low as Bedrock wow are you kidding me interesting okay dig straight down

Found it right on Panda thank you yeah you’re right it was low so I mean we were there so I mean we we didn’t even really cheat we’re good that’s awesome thank you it’s it’s I can see the right there we’re that is absolutely fabulous right on okay so now

Now now that we found the stronghold and our inventory is all jumbled up and uh I died and yeah you know I’m just saying we made it it was all no it was only to confirm the location see there you go I love it that’s exactly what it

Was I wonder if I have enough ladders to get up wow let me see uh what I at y level whoops y level 2 five so 64 so it’s like 80 ladders or so I need right oh that’s going to be a problem but we have more sticks so we can make

More all we might as well do this the right way and just just get this going actually let’s do this there we go I spy okay all right achievement achieved we can go home now things are going to get really full here let’s just can I have the water there please thank

You who knows what might happen all right so that will get us down there and let’s just make that was scary that can kind of get me out all right so it’s 93 all right we should be okay hopefully guess I should have made a box whoops all right well we’re just gonna

Have to deal with inventory being full let’s do this oress just put that there for right now since we died once might well just we just leave that chest there and we’ll come back for it soon as we get the ladders in so this is what’s going to happen we’re

Going to dig straight up and there’s going to be Lava there that’s okay that’s why we have the ladders right here we should be okay hopefully just hoping we’re not we don’t get exposed to that cave and folks it’s going to get a little dark here so I do apologize I

Just didn’t make it wide enough so like I can’t place the torch let’s I do this actually let’s do this ah there we go yeah nice hi creeper somewhere right I’m gonna let’s go down a little bit we already know there’s a bunch of chaos

Going and and then the and I think I saw some uh gravel too so it’s we’re gonna have to be careful here oh vigil once again let’s put yourself let’s do what if we did that Boom the one spot I put the torch I you know it’s in my

Way the one spot right just give me a break all right we’re gonna do this so when we come back down we don’t have any issues And can we do that well at least to drop it that’s good okay and then just you know make this a little bit easier get of some of our blocks too blocks we don’t need I’m sure we’re going to get a bunch more here there we

Go whoa that’s right I can’t fall down got the ladders there whoops yeah there we go go see looking good oh we’re not going to have any visitors there we go let’s just go ahead and clean that up I think we’re good enough to feel a little little safer after all

That light oh my gosh death that’s that’s what’s Happening Here was that a bat I hope so it’s just over there I gotta be careful oh it’s dark there too oh well we’re fine let’s do it’s probably a little Overkill doing this but I I just don’t want to deal with any

Hostiles and we don’t need to do that we could do this though nope yes this cave is no joke I mean it was just open areas everywhere as much as I want to look let’s do that oh there a lot of work just to get up and

Down and I have a feeling we’re probably never going to use this again but anyway oh great definitely need to get up to the surface now someone told me to bring some logs and I I didn’t do that probably should have followed those directions Panda H I ever getting there

Though hey look at at this we’ll just we’ll just put a slab that put that there that looks good this is where I die nope it’s going to be dark from here on out I don’t want to waste those torches just in case I fall somewhere but we’re getting close here

What we’re at level level I mean we’re almost at a ladder so I should be pretty close 59 all right cool great it’s going to be right up into a you know a hill or like a mountain or something because we’re at 63 now oh good we need some

Coal I don’t know if we need that much there’s the dirt I hear the cows should I go down there and sleep probably boom there we go all right so now we should let’s just go down I’m gonna go to the bottom and sleep and come back up I feel like it’s dark

Try to jump off the ladder I can’t but hopefully any mobs up there despawned or they’re burning away at this point or or slash and burning away oh there we go four hours hey there’s a question for you panda do you use I use the toggle on this on the

Shift I’ve been using that lately works out a lot better than just holding shift for uh the sneak ever since I did that I’ve been able to like do stuff like this like what I’m doing right now it’s in the accessibility option I guess you got to be kidding me can you

Get me out of here please can I see some daylight thank you oh my gosh there’s the bed guess I should have just kept going straight down the cage threw me off though that’s cool nice this is this is uh this is good good news folks good news all right

Okay one ladder left as if it works that way I don’t need that I guess I do let’s do this boom boom boom boom just kind of get rid of all this extras I’m sure we’ll get more and I think eventually I’m going to need some

Sticks yeah because then I can get a campfire out here too oh really only thing your left hand has to do is this WD directional interesting okay what am I doing here sorry got distracted there we go well my friends I I think we’re g to

Go ahead and uh move over to Birchwood because I don’t see I guess there’s Oak over there but it’s so far and I have the oak leaves already too n can’t even see that we’re definitely not doing aasia boy I really wish I would have brought some logs with

Me yes I know you told me all right how about this this is Minecraft folks where you can do almost anything we’re going to go over here and we’re going to take that tree and then we’re going to let it drop some saplings hey yo this is my tree now okay

If you want to live go away smart yes you did say that Panda you did and it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to I just I didn’t really grab them I was I was thinking like three or four stacks of them you know I just need a little wood though we

Can but I also need the leaves too but anyway we’ll figure it out we’ll get it going we’re not in a bad area it’s not like a desert or anything so we got a village to hang out at too I mean it’s not like I mean we got second

Home I mean this is great great news yeah I forgot I could break these there we go it’s all I need of course it’s oak wood and the first uh sapling I plant will be a large oak tree right oh hey buddy told you there’s a creeper up here they’re always around

I don’t like you thank you yeah we got lava too got lava there and I saw some lava over there so that’s that’s key although there’s lava down by the uh gate so all right what are we doing here so we got some wood not sure if we need to hold on to

That not that not hey we could plant some potatoes if we need to too so I mean our our survival is out of 100 right now so we’re not dying anytime soon unless I run into another creeper of course do want to get some more

Water oh no okay I was like I didn’t collect the food after I died I really thought I lost the food we got pumpkins over there just in case that’s cool because the the uh pumpkin head is in the Ender Chest that we’re going to use and we have ender

Chests on us so I think we’re okay uh vigil plant the trees okay they both look good right there and just in case we do that we got a bed at the beginning at the entrance of the stronghold we’ll have a bed at the gate and we’ll have a bed up here

I don’t know if we’re really going to explore the stronghold I just want to get out to the Dragon going be nice we got some Soul Sand out here right that’s what I forgot to bring make my little elevator Soul Sand and the uh magma block well at least there’s food over

There if we need it we’re good and we have about 50 so we should be okay all right where’s the bone meal see there we just need one thank you and then we can do this I have to say this is a fancy little spot we got a village we got a

Stronghold we have the uh the M shaft down there too I mean not a bad spot to setup shop all right let’s uh is there Oak over there is so we can get leaves over there yeah let’s do that for hey look cool tree huh well if I bring some dirt I could

Probably just grow some trees out there right this this is actually faster because we’re already grown though at least I think it is anyway oh wow really making it tough for me aren’t you that’s cool huh I don’t want a different type of leaf block because then I’m going to lose a

Slot here so I’m going to try not to take any of the birch where we at here oh we got some got some progress get rid of these ones they look good right there look at that preserving the nature preserving the environment I’m doing well that did it right there that’s awesome

Look at that that’s a bunch it’s awesome all right let’s just put that there because we got to get rid of that eventually throw it in the lava or place it down for have to say these trees are a lot easier to chop it down when they don’t have the leaves on

Them got it nice alrighty it’s is like four hour adventure try to get out to the stronghold well I guess an hour you know maybe hour and a half for the stronghold wow awkward looking tree oh good we got a sapling that’s awesome it is all about the adventure

Right it is about the adventure four and a half hour adventure and and Counting have we even got sand out here I mean this is a great spot there’s nothing to complain about as far as being out here and the lava too that’s that’s huge we could take one all right that should

Be enough to bridge across and do some things and then we got some logs too to uh build stuff got some saplings we got some dirt out there so maybe we can grow some trees out there who knows um potion of strength arrows how we doing on the arrows let’s do

That actually we can hold off on those let’s do this there we go got a bed on us H we don’t have any stone blocks or anything but I’m sure we can gather that up when necessary Now where’s our little spot over here I thought yeah it’s time

No that’s why I do two blocks wide at least because then you can drop I can drop down but with the way things worked out with this uh entrance yeah was a little tricky this time well I’m going to knock on some wood but I think the easy part is killing the

Dragon I’m going have to take that with me too would have been nice just to see the ba the the gate room just right there be like yes there it is the 31 this is the be R like look at that interesting all right so go like that no we want to do

This right back right yes Library it’s awesome just make it easy and just we’ll just take it out there we go how about that we’re good right now actually I don’t know if I want to waste that there you go no more dark spot all right that goes oh fun times

Would have been nice if those coordinates took you right to the gate that’s fine is that it here oh come on no way like where’s this going to Nowhere found the stronghold but no gate room way yeah that’s not going to work either of course there has to be no you’re right I

Just now I got through here so I just I was blocked off and then I blocked this off so now now I just unblocked it so we’re good to go the heck is going on here boom the whole situation is weird Panda because I mean it I mean how deep is I

Mean we are I’ve never had a stronghold this deep 39 what was that oh that’s the um I hear it hear the lava we’re close nice we are close I didn’t mean to do that go back I want to go back to that lava because I

Can hear the uh forget what those called silverfish are they silverfish right up there I heard it I think too far away cool I’m getting [Laughter] lost I heard him too come on go back viil where’s it at I’m going way far away now I heard it

Again it’s right above me I know it oh this thing is just kind of feel like it didn’t have really a good spawn maybe it did I don’t know I think I found a uh did actually now that I remembered I had found a stronghold that had it blended with the

A m shaft one time yeah that’s not going to help me guess I found a geode that’s like random that was way [Laughter] random this adventure finding everything except I need except what I need what’s this ooh this is where we came down okay set to the right that makes

Sense way far away now all right let’s go up here have a feeling wonderful all right those are all my torches because they are all on the right and they take me right back yep there we go okay left left left there now it’s obvious okay there we

Go I want to say I went up this one already can’t complain might as well take him oh holy heck wow a nice vein it’s good direction to go nice job I’m lost and I found diamonds that’s great news all righty let’s go down through here and see if we can

Need another the library okay did that already I heard it left side up above right up here here I’m activating the spawner it’s got to be here yes okay yeah hurry up come on down stupid silverfish guess what silverfish are dead thank you not one

Geez I don’t think they want me going to the end like seriously it’s it’s about 40 blocks off okay because what was it 620 I think yeah whoops let’s do that for right now thank you one here one in the end and one on me there we go all right

Good I guess we’re ready all right 64 arrows that should be enough we can grab more too all right let’s see where this takes us that’ll be our spawn point if you know if we come back I guess it’s time to go folks Oh I thought I was dying

Saw the lava that was [Laughter] weird oh I do have the Pack unless they changed it carve punkin nice do I have that I forget where to look at that resource packs I guess I do there we go says it’s incompatible but it works awesome absolutely fabulous I I didn’t

Think I had it or I knew I had I just didn’t think it was going to work cool guess we didn’t have to update it sweet super cheaty okay so I have no idea what direction to go so that’s there’s zero and then we need that to say 98

Nope this way all right cuz because z0 is the where the dragon perches at or lands at I believe everything has just been different about this like there it is hey guys how you doing all right oh can I take that one out already right up there cool

Let’s carve this out a little bit and we don’t want to put nothing on here that’s not a good idea I learned that the hard way whoops drop that there we go nope don’t shoot at me going to expand the room a little bit

You place the chess on the E on the E chest on the obsidian I know you know pan I learned that the hard way on I forget what world it was but I plopped it there I PL I put everything right here and I lost it all I mean the inner chest

Everything like I set up shop right on top of this and it was all gone when I got back and of course I didn’t know about that that feature and I was just like what happened what did I do wrong yeah oh okay okay it’s probably good idea we

Leave that you know let’s uh let’s just do that it’s probably a good idea just saying so how can we can we make this a little bit bigger though there we go like that yes okay uh oh oh no that’s right you can’t sleep out here

Anyway uh we’re going to go like that we’re going to go like this yeah and one two nope didn’t want to do that all right we’re in business now folks we are in business we’ll get one of these why not it’s eight minutes so po potion of strength allows

You to hit harder with the sword I believe right uh we don’t need that in fact that can go there all this can go in here and now can I do this no we got to do this first we got to do this first or we got to cook

It played a prank on some and gave them a respawn anchor and told them to set their spawn in the end you killed five people nice I don’t think this guy is too happy with me I’m gonna tell you right now I think he senses I’m here well I have to

Say yeah there he is wow hey buddy is it this way that’s what I thought all right you can make the steps now yes guess I needed more 21 yeah I don’t know all right there we go do I really run around with all this stuff and destroy

Him why not let’s do it let’s take a chance he does not sound happy 61 here we Go guess I’m not getting out anytime soon I just make my stairwell and then he spits all his dragon’s breath on me he’s saying come get me right that’s not going to work can’t get it up through here I think I can right fine I’ll climb up

There uh oh you shot at me go go go he hey got a little damage on him too bad he’s going to get it right back back up back up right there little higher I think I got them all except the Caged ones yeah I didn’t bring those bottles with me too bad

Oh how did I get that oh I oh I because I drank the potion so I I actually I can get one dragon’s breath [Laughter] yay I won’t forget friend don’t worry that’s why the scaffolding is better right anyway next oh hi oh gosh he’s like right there no

Try this one more oh wait wait wait wait let’s eat I don’t know what saved me the water or the potion of strength or a little bit of both who knows I don’t know if I uh landed that water too quickly too well oh really really Minecraft thank you

Oh crafty aren’t you that one’s way up there maybe I got them all let’s see nope see if I get so I guess I got him so I blew it up nice all right next I think that’s it folks I think that’s it not sure if I’m doing this right

Yeah I think that potion of strength is really kicking in right here I got two minutes left let’s see what I could do he is not healing at all that is awesome just don’t want him to shoot at me when I’m over there that’s not a good thing

Feel like I want to get that other potion go over here real quick oh I guess I I did not land that one obviously I got the feather falling three so or four so I should be okay but guess I could fire at the arrows at him right the ones that I always

Miss come on come on come on you’re right there oh he went the other direction that’s fine d really that what I did should have ran over oh how do I miss him oh wow come on down you know you want to land come on just don’t want him to see me

Uh oh not that high good yeah feather fall four is working better than my uh you know my bucket Splash deal I I guarantee you that right now uh oh Die die I guess I’ll use them all yeah no o Dude does not like me let’s get some dragon breath right come on thank you let’s make this productive just don’t want him to see me and do that die I can’t go hang out there come on

He knows his death is coming very soon nice nice nice nice we got three on them can’t do much now because he just all that Dragon breaths all that Dragon dragon’s breath is in the way but you know hey come on the way you say no no it’s better when it’s more

Authentic when it is authentic all right come on boy just land you know you’re gonna die you gotta come down here buddy there you go come on waiting on you waiting on you thank you we going to get a shot on him gotcha baby bam

Nice ah it’s a little cheaty with the uh the pumpkin head but [Laughter] whatever hey what’s that we got an egg nice beautiful cool I did have 50 experience before I died though ibly could have had close to a 100 that’s fine Beggars can’t be choosers well folks I was

Uh so anticlimactic but you know hey whatever 22 seconds left and uh what do we do we do this then we take this we got our trophy thank you goal reach the next Generation nice well I will say this I was thinking about going off and getting the wings

But now that I’ve gotten here and I’m five and a half hours later or I got here five and a half hours later I think I’m going to call it quits folks I really appreciate you hanging out and panda appreciate you coming back and uh we’re going to get

Going uh just know that this Tuesday we’re doing a hardcore we’ll start the hardcore series this Tuesday and like I said we’re gonna have some other videos and stuff coming out and that’s just the way it’s going to work for now folks I am the Vigilante crafter and I

Appreciate you all hanging out and we will talk soon see you later bye-bye was a long day Panda it was a long day we’ll be talking soon thanks folks appreciate you

This video, titled ‘Rediscover the thrill of Minecraft | Let’s Play Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vigilante Crafter on 2023-12-31 00:46:25. It has garnered 130 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:40 or 18580 seconds.

Rediscover the thrill of Minecraft | Let’s Play Survival Minecraft

Have you ever found yourself returning to a favorite game after a long hiatus? That’s exactly what happened to me – I couldn’t stay away from Minecraft forever! In this video, I share my journey back to the blocky world of Minecraft and all the reasons why I fell in love with it all over again. From the endless possibilities of creative mode to surviving in survival mode, there’s something for everyone in this game. Join me on my adventure and discover why Minecraft truly is one of the most addictive games out there!

#minecraftlive #survival #minecraft

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design

    Crafted Paradise: Minecraft Island Design In the world of Minecraft, our hero stands tall, Crafting paths and beaches, having a ball. With smooth stone in hand, the island takes shape, Each block placed with care, no detail to escape. The frog still lingers, a mischievous friend, But our builder’s focus, will not bend. A path is laid, in a 4×4 design, Extending the island, a work so fine. But why stop there, a beach must be made, With an umbrella for shade, a perfect upgrade. The island is protected, only our hero can roam, In this Minecraft world, they’ve found a home. So subscribe… Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Have you ever wanted to join a server where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are never-ending? Well, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community of players from all over the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and exciting challenges to conquer. But what sets Minewind apart from other… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating new mod that is taking the Minecraft world by storm – “The Silence (Beta)”. This mod, created by EBALIA, introduces a whole new level of suspense and thrill to your Minecraft gameplay. Imagine exploring dark caves, encountering mysterious creatures like the Goatman and Wendigos, all while being enveloped in an eerie silence. The Silence mod truly brings a new level of horror and excitement to your Minecraft experience. But why stop there? If you’re looking… Read More

  • World’s End in Sight: 256-Grid Viewing Delight!

    World's End in Sight: 256-Grid Viewing Delight! In Minecraft world, a new mod has unfurled, Distant Horizons, with views that swirl. Up to 256 grid distance, a sight to behold, Like seeing the end of the world, so bold. Simple shapes for immersion, a clever touch, Adjust the field of view, enjoy it much. Recommendations welcome, share your finds, Cooperation proposals, send to the right minds. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft challenge video and felt inspired to take on your own adventures in the game? The thrill of overcoming obstacles, exploring new landscapes, and building your own virtual world is what makes Minecraft so captivating. Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players looking to take their Minecraft gameplay to the next level. With a vibrant community… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

    Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!Video Information you’re now listening to FAA FM this ain’t your granny’s radio station I’m your DJ Kieran FAA and get ready to jam out go [Music] 1 2 3 go there spot with a flow we Hol promise I’m famous heo I am a big shot look on TV gaming Idol here in that’s me bucket we ball never punish never greedy no I’d win Unstoppable C dance back back back it up let that’s what I call sweet [Music] swe rain of [Music] s [Music] ladies P hello hello p is my music loud it’s only on three… Read More