Virtual Vtuber Briony Rose Smith’s Mushroom Floor Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello welcome this is brand new W Smith live the vi library and today we’re playing Minecraft once more I am joined by some assistants we have Jake we have Chopstick we have Chase we have Trevor and Lucas we only have three them in the chat though would you like to say hello y fair enough hello hello hello everyone in the chat hello Dr Chan hello Aiden hello void hello office hello hello Lucas um yeah Trevor’s here Trevor’s not in the Discord though Trevor’s having some mes with the Discord but he said he’d be watching along as well and then he’ll probably be sorting out his his library of people but hello hello lers hello twitch hello YouTube welcome everyone today for some reason it’s giving me prompts as if I was playing with keyboard I don’t know why I wish it would go away I might have to go break a block just so that it goes away but my plan is to go to the mushroom area get some more mushrooms and make the next Library floor because it’s important also it’s getting dark I’m going go home maybe not give me give me give me my my silk touch pickaxe has mending so I was hoping to get it a little more healthy here before we went I wanted it to be in green but it’s taking a long time compared to my [Music] wings so um we’ll just just live with it also oh God ilit great I don’t care Fly Away okay ow it’s fine we lived we lived so you still don’t have the mushroom yet how many Subs to get mushroom head brain I don’t know 10 Subs how about how about um like any amount of gift sub gift membership and I will go find a mushroom PNG and put it on my head there’s your challenge there’s the mushroom oh you made him a little Paddock that’s adorable yeah I didn’t know what else to do with it so it worked it’s beautiful it’s wonderful look at you you’re so adorable and terrified ding all at the same time we love you what’s in here oh lord it’s some it’s a bit laggy today that’s not good but oh well does he have a name he doesn’t have a name yet what should we name a mushroom soupy I might call him soupy cuz he makes soup uh do we have a tag lying around yeah we do I just need the one I the one I know Minecraft controls do a never mind name is cute it is cute isn’t it we need to get the Anvil that and then we call we put this in here and we call it that know how we do it aha there we go so soupy soupy yeah perfect let’s give him the name back what’s the goal for the day the goal is get to mushrooms do floor of yeah hi s you’re a super get much mushrooms make mushroom floors so how much mushroom stuff do I already have that’s the question I’m pretty sure I have a fair amount of the red stuff but not anything else cuz I finished the the end floor yes I’ve got um a whole two whole stacks of red but I’m going to need some mushroom stem and some brown as well so let’s get our ass to the mushroom area [Music] off where is it where is it where is it over there got to go to that little town in the mountains right near there so sui the thir hopefully he doesn’t become the third I really would like him to stay supi the first and just live but you never know hopefully the Squidward Army doesn’t find you hopefully it’s technically the second one right cuz the first one draft that’s true he is supie the second God damn it no you’re having fun in the nether Chase well I I I can see a w Goen wearing my never armor oh no that’s yeah that’s not good do you need help I can’t kill that thing so um I’m just going to De the dev real quick so myself doesn’t despawn get mushrooms in plastic bags convince brownie to wear a trench coat and voila mushroom dealer browny I don’t want to be arrested thank you no I bet Trevor is uh staring at a monster spawner right now staring at um a zombie spawner praying that a um villager gets spawned and every so often getting attacked by tiny annoying things how Luc been trails in the water time to go kill a super for me thank God didn’t get my SW W really [ __ ] waiting for daytime to go get W more wool and apples there you go that’s what he’s doing Trevor the not fishing guy not currently fishing guy to be fair besides I believe the fishing person is his wife hello jov welcome this is probably not the best best way to mine a mushroom but we do anyway is the stem right in the middle which one’s the stem is it this one yay we lived we live the tell tail y mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom musroom could do with Fortune but Brown mushroom block but if I don’t use the so touch they they turn into normal mushrooms don’t they so we can’t do that inde so we just got to live with one p block no cheating actually being on top of the mushroom was more fun oh well that’s 10 legs broken what that’s 10 legs broken again what like what do you what do you mean by this whose legs whose legs are you breaking what are you doing oh oh oh the sign I still don’t get it I I just wanted never well do I have any I should have brought some bone mail with me and then I could have made the small brown mushrooms into big brown mushrooms mining re resources to build a mushy room correct prio correct we have we have we have extra stack of BR it’s just the stems cuz you don’t get many stems per other block so I’m going to end up loads of other blocks and not many stems so I’m going to have to be really picky on where I’m going to use these stems yeah yes or no sounds correct internal Design interior design which is the same I guess no I was wondering if I could make a little pattern of red and brown but I don’t think it would look that good I wonder what use for the floor I mean the brown will look like a normal wooden floor almost if I want to go nice and normal and then you could have the spotty ones as the walls and then the stems wherever what they use for the glass have you heard of amongus who has not heard of amongus it is an incredibly Saucy game and I’m terrible at that oh Lying Games I that is so hot I’m a bad liar very scary is this Bedrock or Java this is bedrock let’s get some more red why not cuz we have like two stacks of brown now why not you’re kind of good at amongus oh you good liar you get making up some things on the spot I should be you think as an author I would be but I’m not I quietly screaming right now uh I appreciate you muting for that no no I muted we just quiet scaming quiet that’s the third time I’ve a fire has missed me hit me and then knocked me off mid a just just cuz of the Ping o nothing else just a ping God damn it server issues you know that’re adding hardcore to bedrock right oh yeah and I ain’t playing it yeah I am the opposite of Hardcore I love the hardcore just cuz like it really uh makes you play a little bit more safe every zombie can like end your entire world it’s very intense so it’s like that first stream I did but every day yes oh so scw it’s a a different world every time too oh Lord yeah it’s it’s awful only for those who love the truest suffering void when he’s the impostor okay guys I’m the impostor I wanted to be a crew mate void is crew mate I’m not the impostor I’m just f faster than you that is the age-old way to survive anything just make sure you’re not the slowest person cuz then they’ll get the person behind you I got reminded of that really in a place I really didn’t expect it I watched I watched spice wolf recently I was watching the Remake and he like tells the story of him being attacked by wolves and it was like ah so that’s why he lived the age-old thing of not being the one that gets caught first H 28 it’s really not much but I got loads of the other ones let’s see what we can make with it and I can always come back there’s a whole island August 12th 2026 the heat death of the universe that’s a bit early for the heat death of the Universe I think we’ve got a few thousand years before then I mean maybe maybe that’s when the polar I CS finally melt and we’ll get flooded maybe but I don’t think I’ll be the heat death of the universe please stop spanning that uh you will the the hammer will start coming down if you keep spamming a thing yes cool we’ll going for two we’ll going for two two seconds I put my mods into into Minecraft and they’re just busy I had my thumb literally right over while you’re were saying ITC it’s fine Aiden’s good you listen to the warning that’s all we ask no h needs to come down had a discussion I being mocked by the Never the ne do don’t SM send you to the back rooms I will the spoy spoopy back rooms I’ve never actually watched a full place of the game I’m like I don’t know if I want to it’s it might be like too spoopy I turn that there was three skeletons one my boots one my wood and one my chest plate oh this is the way this is the way to the iron farm I’m going the completely wrong direction okay so there’s there’s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ve gone past it we’ve gone past oh there pink I see pink go go go go this is why I need to make the library bigger because then eventually it’ll be so big I’ll never miss it that’s the plan there we go we found it D we go what would you do if video games never existed I mean I guess I would be much more into DND D than I am already and probably be obsessed with like Game books you know the ones where it’s like read a bit and like oh if you want to go left turn to this page or if you want to go right turn to this page basically anything that’s been oh hi dog oh that’s video game adjacent I’d probably get obsessed with Choose Your Own Adventure books Choose Your Own Adventure books right yes I don’t know why okay so this is all the stuff I’ve got let’s see what we can make you love The Pink House it’s the library I’ll show you I’ll show you from the outside so you can get a good look we’ve got pink floor the floor end floor this this is my this is my library this is the library where you can go get your books get your books there’s there’s a couple of uh enchanted books in here which are yes if you need mending there’s some in the library feel free to take them it was Unbreaking someone was after wasn’t it not mending all right next floor next floor right the floor is the floor going to be brown or is the floor going to be red or is it going to be both no it can’t be both cuz we had a very limited supply of colors so it cannot be both we also can’t make any kind of slabs with this lot I think it should be red oh uh by the way I’m expanding the basement if you don’t mind I’m I’m focusing on draining the uh draining the basement so that uh you g r of the water oh my yeah sure that’s sorry I got really distracted for a moment because I just heard this noise and I looked up and it is raining so bad outside it is so loud on my window but that’s absolutely fine I think but the red is so nice h I’m going to start in brown we’ll see how we [Music] go how don’t you hear it cuz my mic is good evidently it’s it’s pretty good at not picking up background noise unless it’s like right next to the mic if I opened the window I reckon you guys probably could hear it let’s see if you can do that sound curiosity [Music] [Music] I turn my mic up don’t think I hear anything feel safe sounds way close the window good kind of ha while focusing yeah I closed it for now yeah that was uh distracting for hot SEC oh no Lucas fell hi Lucas that’s bad where where do you fall now look probably someone in the deep dark I did just see his tag here but I guess his house isn’t another the library so I like how Trevor’s just been ghost mod Trevor just does his own thing he does so many wonderful things in the background of my streams to just improve the lives of everyone who lives in this this little Minecraft world okay I’m going to have to go back and get some more Brown oh no we don’t want that one there we I got I’ve got the gun powers make make them but that’s about [Music] it um I have some I thought I had some but I’ve used quite a lot oh am I out of no we have another stack of brown we’re good Brown sorry Lucas I haven’t done it properly one second let me okay she be about to get up now hi is the roof which will be a floor soon mushroom musroom hello what do you need Lucas what you got I guess cuz you’re a good assistant it’s fine with the um mob farm we’ve got pretty easy access to Rockets now at least I’m working on improving it but bringing polar bears everywhere King me they’re the worst you can feel free to just abandon it and make a new one if it’s easier it’s so much ice everywhere it’s really not easier to just it like I’m just replacing the ice around it so it’d be easier to just do that frankly yeah bro bro it’s cuz I’ve called Lucas my um um chaotic sibling before because Lucas he’s he’s always there if I’m if I’m in trouble and I’m I’m getting mobbed by mobs he appears and he helps me but then he also trolls the heck out of me and what that just sounds sibling to me that’s what siblings do so I’m fine I need one extra pair of set of stairs here right out I’m going to need some glass cuz we’re going to need some windows how’s this one going to look how’s the mushroom Fairy Farm mobbed by mobs Yeah mobbed by mobs I want to add the add to the library but I think Bry will just be like nope get out of here I don’t trust you but Bry and new Lu gets is into a Minecraft story if you join this Minecraft and you want to write a book to add to the Minecraft Library I’m actually welcome for you to do that void obviously don’t put anything that would be weird on stream but by all means with anything with anything you want I don’t mind I I haven’t really had time to do it on stream so um I’m not really sure what to put 10 out of 10 streams over oh thank [Music] you I’m coming to spawn for a sec does anyone need a silk touch book ooh I have I have my silk touch pickaxe so I’m good but um I suppose most people have been borrowing the one at the spawn having like exra one or two around probably wouldn’t hurt yeah so if you want to leave those books either add spawn or at the library I’m at whichever one and then people can just come around and get the enchanted book Jesus Christ [ __ ] [Music] you Minecraft why you got to be like this is uh what happened just just a phantom it was just just a very unexpected Phantom that Scar the [ __ ] out of [Music] me some really really a paway to the highway the snow is awful perfectly timed with an ad break too wonderful Oh Lordy Phantoms are the worst you can get rid of them just by being in bed you don’t have to like actually sleep do yeah just tap the bed I’ll go one second I want some glass I’m going to have to get some glass I have a lot of the purple glass left but I just used them moners you can’t see me no I want to eat I don’t want to open the door there we okay if I can’t sleep here what I want to do like say is go get some glass which means I need a lot of sand so I’m going to head back home a minute I know there’s no sand over there I but then from there I can head Stratford direction there’s some uh chunks of sand under the ice but just got to go under water a little bit Yeah might sleep get the fcking Phantoms yeah safe safe landing nap yes wonderful no Phantoms you me okay has Trevor streamed anything on his well obviously not on my channel but uh I believe Trevor had a stream TR has been playing Final Fantasy really recently I remember take a Minecraft break idea since your birthday is around the corner can you and the boys work to craft a cake but we already have cake speaking of which I should take some uh eat some cake cuz it is my breakfast it’s very important Cake N num I wanted to eat all the CES num I hate that I hate that when I’m close to things and have a rocket in my hand that I wasted all what have we got in here we got wo gravel dirt that’s sand hello whole 16 blocks it’ll do uh I’m going to hijack one of the uh one of the furnaces for it let’s uh let’s oh glass and stone we do have one specifically for it wonderful yeah but but you also have like two two to three more staring you right now we are watching you what people watching me while I stream what make a big cake is vo the only mod in chat no Tech the only mod in chat that’s not playing I think says I can’t do both absolute multitasker right Stratford I probably should have brought a different pickaxe oh wow I should have brought a shovel I’m going to go back for a shovel I got loads of diamond shovels we just need to bloody use them this is the perfect opportunity pull up pull up pull up m [Music] m Trevor love I’m sure Trevor’s alive ah [ __ ] off Fu off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off just doing his own thing there he is see I put six silk touch books in the shelter that is at our base nice that’s wonderful oh well I got a sh that has yeah there’s a diamond shovel in here diamond shovel curse of Vanishing I don’t really want that but it does have Fortune as long as I don’t drop it right eh we’ll see if we can find a different one but I had a few fish got oh no we got one with fortune that doesn’t have curse of Vanishing that’s better wonderful put that back in here let’s put some of this mushroom stuff in and no no no no no actually I keep it keep it forever and I keep it forever I mean put it in my interest the mushroom stuff in there for now so I don’t lose it in case I get murdered while I’m getting [Music] sand really ra not but you never know going outside of night anything think could happen probably do with getting some [Music] more gun powder too but that’s lat me problem good there’s a good amount at the mob farm right now oh maybe we’ll take a quick turn then I just gave away some Rockets we down to 16 hello Mother pull up pull up pull up oh we’re protected oh heck yeah now we don’t have to worry about being shot over the front door yeah the front door yeah oh by the way cat scare off these uh Phantoms oh that’s good uh to be honest like one one idea I did have is is having like multiple layers of the of the basement and then having some sort of way to look over the railings wherever so it looks like um so it looks like how to describe it I don’t know how to describe it but like no it looks like balconies next to each other if that makes sense [Music] uh I’m the only mod CH who gets pested by B telling have to clock because sorry I got behind and shat oh hi cows how you doing that’s a good point I haven’t fed you guys in a long time um pass no about time to clock in early because his coworkers are lazy which means I’m unable to play my party thank you for coming void apologies that I didn’t see your U message until now though uh so if you watch the watch the VOD thank you for coming you wish you could join I know unfortunately we are full filled up on assistant positions right now uh the cows are squished together so that they um eventually just die instantly when when I make when I give them wheat and then that way we get free cow stuff uh the tub is in see cramming that’s the thing okay there’s nearly a full stack of well I I’ll do that I’ll put the full stack in here that’s that’s the thing I should probably feed them actually haven’t done it in a while I haven’t managed to actually make it work yet and it was like the first thing I did on [Laughter] this put the seeds back in Fs in the chat for every Minecraft I mean Trevor’s making a library full of people who are just like trapped on their only purposes to make books there there there is nothing moral about l [Music] hey make babies cows make babies do it start spinning make the most ungodly Noise by making a Enderman Farm too oh good lord imagine I think one scream is bad just imagine hundreds of them all at the same time [Music] M I do and do not want to hear this sounds like a every Tuesday screams make babies do it okay oh Lord thatal got not go well right go let’s go what was I doing oh yeah I was getting great I’m all the way back in you Stratford Oh Lordy uh please to the basement because all my stuff’s there I’m heading straight there I’ll go grab it for you and make sure nothing like no no no no it’s fine it’s fine I’ll let I’ll actually you you’re fair enough uh I put a chest in the basement so yeah uh Pro uh be careful about confusing your items and my items i’ stuff everything in the chest nearby oh I [Laughter] see yet another victim of our terrible health and safety one day we’ll fix it by forth I meant kindness I don’t know what was which yeah just I’ll take some of that I’ll take take those saplings out you didn’t have saplings I’m pretty sure uh I had paper yeah cuz I made stuff that’s why I had paper uh I didn’t have any of these tools these are definitely yours pretty sure you didn’t have a tropical fish no no that’s that’s just some fishy is a little fishy I’ll be on this I do have light elytra and Rocket so I’m going back and forth by boat uh do you guys ever a spare elytra or rocket I think there there is some wings literally in the in the chest I put some of your stuff in oh okay thank you um and I do have some spare Rockets I’ll put them in the same chest for you cheers problem take those loads of rockets Rockets forever now I have loads of stuff in my inventory I don’t need yay right continue how’s the progress uh we made most of the floor we made the floor the literal floor of the floor um of the floor of the the floor and um I realized that in order to make the walls look pretty it would be nice to have some glass so I have a shovel with fortune and we’re going to get some glass but then I’ve got a little bit distracted uh I just helping up Chopstick there and then I wanted to get some rockets and now I now I’m going to go get that sand yes to sand I’m going to go take down one of these Dunes just completely destroy it the snowy Dunes hold up hold up yeah okay s please that I didn’t want to go down that I think we need the right angle for this so that I don’t get buried might head out for a bit no worries you do you thank you very much for coming sad sad you don’t oh on hold on oh [ __ ] I’m not muted if you don’t mind I I changed it to nine broken uh bones plus one broken neck you break a neck yeah I died it was just broken bow broken NE oh the yes yeah hey yeah don’t worry we they’ll be back and they’ll be back and forth it’ll be it’ll be fixed up soon yeah it’ll be fine oh we’re below the ice now there there’s the [Laughter] water how much sand sand we got we got we got a fair amount of sand I don’t need this much glass I really don’t so that’s probably fine now we need to get this stuff smelted back to the house how much longer the stream going to last for it’s going to be about an hour um 10 to 15 minutes okay let’s get this stuff in then we can make some nice glass pounds okay be back hopefully no worries have some time wherever you’re going okay that should be plenty how are we doing in here plenty plenty oh we got a 64 block thingy already so we can make some panels oh no I need the I need the thing we need this yeah oh we can already make a [ __ ] T yes wonderful okay that should be enough all right let’s get back to wonderful I did put mushrooms in there cool back to the library and go yes it is bless those sacur trees if I hadn’t have planted them I would never know where this place is and I say I again I’m taking credit for Lucas’s work I planted a few but Lucas did most of [Music] these oh it’s raining it’s rain in real life that terrifying rain I had before is now gone and it’s sunny again the weather is so confusing right now hello Doo why do I have to I need the panel I need some [Music] mushrooms and off we go a gift from HR we all watch oh no oh no no no no no oh yay more Rockets thanks ha CH we appreciate you do you mind if I wait I mean do you mind if I use the uh bricks into you know add think make makeing the walls uh which bricks what mind if I use a bricks to make wall uh to to uh do mind if I use a bricks in order to make the walls I don’t think anyone’s using them right now so yeah why not oh sure cheers okay and then I was thinking we can then put the mushy on top like this how we the wall what did you after oh I’m going to need glow shrooms yeah I feel like we should I feel like um we need we need a villager who can uh give us bricks and he using clay like Clow shrooms do you mean the shroom lights from the nether yeah cuz they’re mushrooms or at least they they say shroom in the name so I assume them mushrooms and therefore they belong no wait I already have them in the nether floor oh no oh this is confusing you can use them again you you you had one job disc disc just make a nice one J one job can I replace the shroom lights on that floor with uh Redstone lights or just glowstone yeah I’m lights I yeah it was definitely shroom lights no I am going to have to replace them the glow stone okay yeah okay before we do anything else let’s Qui I’m going to need some other sources of light let’s see if I got any torches just so I can light stuff no that does not belong here don’t suppose anyone has to spare apples don’t need to be gold um I think in one of my chests I have some gold apples somewhere or other I think I have some spare apples as well but it’s all the way stretch food okay oh my [Music] go light sources that’s what I’m after I have another shroom light here which is good I don’t have any more end stuff I have so much stuff I have generally so oh there’s some end rods they’ll do me for now perfect let’s go I should also eat just a little light up the area for now yeah perfect yeah enods are great like they’re lightsabers but they’re torches instead of you know death machines just do this two two or three more times then we’ll have a nice fun wall to this floor nice okay mushy bit it is getting tall now but not as tall as the mountains it needs to be taller Ow o o how dare you stupid skeleton I have an arrow on me of course I don’t of course I don’t what’s the point in having an Infinity B you don’t have ow see there’s an arrow somewhere in one of my one of my stupid boxes h no no Arrow no Arrow no Arrow yes yay now I can hit thing oh my God I have so much in my infantry why is my infantry so fat [Music] all right Mr skeleton but you have fled I see you knew my might and fled from it least I can found myself we’re good no yeah I see you Mr skeleton missed it’s for Z good let the sun burn him oh yeah that elevator mus yeah I think that’s the only thing I dislike about Minecraft is the the bgm being a bit in and out oh there’s an Enderman that explains why that random dirt block came from before oh yeah him here’s A’s a CH there before yeah I’d rather I I should block up that uh that cave you went into uh where do I get some Spruce where do you store them uh we just GRE green stuff green stuff yeah we just have all the wood in there okay cheers thank you I don’t know whether we have Spruce specifically though you might have to go hunting I don’t think we do oh I accidentally picked up a fox apparently I like it it’s cute okay one more no no no don’t fall down that would be unwise especially since you’d have to now make stairs to get back up and that’s always a giant pain in the ass what if we made a bookcase M maybe not on this floor what if we just made a floor purely out of bookcases that would so so so what I’m heing is a B thing is in the deep dark being H by wardens all the time but it yeah the warden could be our Min Ator it would be great I mean there is a reason I picked this specific spot because it does go down into the deep dock I built one of my uh favorite blocks to use is uh black concrete CU it uh if you use enough of it you can just make it really hard to tell where walls are and stuff like that maybe you can do something that would be like that when we make the evil basement it’s also really uh useful for you can make rooms look like there’s a mirror by splitting it in half with a black concrete oh that’s cool now we have 24 stem blocks they like their science can we do for these it cures me I have not Meed up this ho at all huh that’s where are my bookcases I need not there’s a Sher here with a bunch of bookcases I think uh I did put some in here yeah no worries I got some I left that Sher there cuz there’s a lot of people talking about needing books and stuff cuz they were work on libraries what’s up hold that’s oh those Enchantment books I suppose I can take bookcases Books Okay so this was kind of the nice reading floor that didn’t have much on so we need to go back to the reading I would like a bookcase every bit like this I’d like to block off maybe that first bit of glass except for back there maybe maybe maybe and then to put like this bit in the middle so when we put the stairs we have something to put the stairs around the stairs are going to have to be something other than the block from this level cuz you can’t make stairs out of mushrooms which is just just stupid you should be able to I want to make stairs out of [Music] mushrooms I think maybe do this as well you want dirt stuff stairs dirt stairs would be good too that would also work for this area cuz then I could make it out of like the same dirt the mushrooms grow out of this looks like a kids’s play area somehow I like it um and I could take this out and maybe maybe I wouldn’t bother with the shroom light maybe we will just use the end sticks and just put them up in the corner like that rather than on the floor yeah I like that I like that hello mono welcome perfect now is there enough books in here should we have a second layer of books no not that not that not that not that no second layer books I wish I could make little toads I could make little toads to chairs there is nothing stopping me from making Little Toad stool chairs imination oh oh back of it is that a the only thing stopping me from making toast chests is my own dumbass someone has to have made some I’m going to Google it someone has to have made a toad St chair Minecraft toad stool chair maybe not Minecraft is so limited for interior [Music] design I want to make a little stair [Music] chair toad St house giant chairs no no to St chair however what I can do is make some maybe maybe I should get some but then I need to make y I need to go back to the thing back to the thing back to back to Mushroom Island there’s a couple more things I need cuz it’s not yet done it’s not right yet it’s not cute enough it’s not pretty enough but I do like it look at it it’s wonderful the the nether floor is so fat for some reason oh hello hello water uh right let’s put some stuff in here well let’s actually put them in one of these sh CU why not [Music] what is what is this oh I found a golden apple this is my vaguely valuable box I see let’s keep that Shuler in a Shuler in a Shuler no no Sher and a Sher and a Sher and a Sher and a Sher and a Sher um okay so let’s go get what I want do I still have my shovel yeah I do I’ll need that how are my wings looking I’ve used them a lot nope they’re absolutely fine wonderful let’s go I think it’s yeah that way there it is mushroom [Music] is so what I want is I want some of that dirt that the mushrooms grow in and then I want some little baby mushrooms to go on the floor just to dot about the floor to make it a little bit more interesting make them make more stuff and then I don’t know what floor I’m going on to I I was thinking during this stream I get the mushroom done stuff done today the next stream I was thinking about doing some mind diving cuz I haven’t actually been in the minds of Minecraft for a while I’ve just been having a nice time on the surface so uh I should probably punish myself with with mines again the dwarves call your name exactly Chase it’s been a little while I’ve been tempted by a few random Minds that I’ve seen and I should stop ignoring the call enter my domain enter the domain into so that’s that’s the plan for next stream but if we do looks like I’m going to finish the floor a bit earlier this Stream So what I’ll do is I’ll start stop prepping for it make sure I’ve got all the food I need and torches and all that good stuff Hello [Music] [Laughter] mushroom uh other little red ones I prefer the red ones oh hello Trader what you doing on Mushroom Island [Music] yeah so I want some of this this mushroom [Music] dirt hopefully by the time you decide to go mining we’ll have a fortune 3 Trader I hope so that would be lovely wait Minecraft sorry about that to of the Moon screen guys Minecraft crashed again oh no yeah one second everyone let me get it back up well I think I pretty much I think I’m done with my interior design and exterior wonderful yeah luckily there on a mushroom pretty safe I’d love to see a playthrough of someone like locked out and spawned on a mushroom Island loading loading loading loading loading loading loading oh I tce recently oh crashed yeah yeah with so many people honestly I’m surpris it doesn’t happen more true but mushroom islands are good and bad cuz there’s no trees so getting wood is a little yeah that’s true so You’ struggled to get your basic resources what happened uh Minecraft crashed Lucas we had a crash unfortunately I’m loading it back up as we speak ow ow why am I dying why am I getting hurt what what what oh you’re ping a block I I yeah I was I was yeah that happens there we go we’re back uh let’s see if we’ve got sound have I got [Music] sound no haven’t got sound this is the thing I hate the most about it because now I have to like reconfigure everything even though it should all be like set but but OBS is like what it’s a new window there we go yeah yeah that I did all my work uh it’s still being a little weird hello cuz I’m picking up dirt but it’s not appearing in my inventory is it full no no I pick up that and it it shouldn’t just be dirt D it should be like the mushroom dir right myum myum yeah cuz I have yeah what I swear wait hold on what the hell I swear I had a bucket I swear I was cooking D where did it go um I don’t know it seems to have rolled us back a little bit I don’t know what’s happened oh hello hello so do I need silk touch for this lot otherwise it just turns into noral dirt oh yes I see there’s my problem it is not Minecraft it is me that is weird yeah that was that was horrible I dislike this yay little red mushrooms that’s what I want I want the red ones the red ones are cute and full of whim still bit laggier than before it it doesn’t feel great SLE down hopefully it’s like ah you did why there’s a normal cow on here don’t eat the mushrooms normal cow you’ll turn into a mushroom I don’t know if that’s true but I feel like that would be true and and B BL eat the mushrooms no become mushrooms become mushroom no I do not want to become mushroom musroom mushroom get I want at least five red mushrooms and stone brother Stone yes I will return to the stone it has been a long time a deep walk walk and stone we uh my little building project was loaded wrong so I might need to borrow some of your purple blocks go for it I’m pretty much done with the end floor so by all means you can take my purple it also curs me I have forgotten how to make this thing it’s been like over a month oh yeah I’m just trying to like like decipher what the hell is doing with like a fragment of what it meant to be where’s the red mushrooms there’s so many brown ones I want red ones tried nicely no I demand red ones have you tried tear with them I did tear down some of the forest already I think I that technically counts maybe maybe it wasn’t like enough terrorism maybe I need to blow stuff up I might I could go get get try get some TNT I did just get a load of sand though it might be Glass by now red mushrooms where are you Red mushrooms I want you to a p for me so I can pick you up off the ground and put you in my [Music] library in Minecraft yeah in Minecraft everything’s legal in Minecraft other than handh holding that’s that’s that’s that’s so lud no we can’t do that can’t be red ones why are there so many brown ones I want the red ones they’re full of Whimsy and life and they make me happy brown ones do not make me happy some water don’t want water oh why is there no red hores red oh red where are you red mushroom red mushroom red mushroom uh have all the have all the the mushrooms eaten all the red mushrooms they’ve all been taken over they’ve all got a lovely host now I guess they don’t need the ground [Music] anymore it is the evolutionary way just keep looking until sun up if not I will just live with two i’ like at least three two is going to be really hard to place two is awkward oh there’s a cave on Mushroom Island no hello what’s up do it do it no do it no no no no no we must the find red mushrooms red mushro can give into the dark do it it mushroom red mushroom you’re weak TR him give into the draw no why is there another noral cow here it’s probably the same one no red mushroom red mushroom red mushroom red mushroom red mushroom do you know where there’s any red mushrooms mushroom other than on your body [Music] he didn’t know where where where was muss GR in the cave can have a quick peek I guess yes yes we just a quick look over here first and if there’s no red mushrooms I have too much stuff I could lose though if I went in a cave right now and I have no light [Music] sances no like I said we’re doing it next stream we’re doing the next stream doing the next next it’s fine it’s fine no next stream I know [Laughter] why the caves and again the caves caves they call H Mr Trader do you have any red mushrooms have you been stealing them no you don’t you have what is this what is this tube Coral block that looks pretty it dies outside of water just so you know oh that’s sad oh that’s that’s where I nearly died yep so I pretty much walked through around the entire bloody Island and I haven’t seen any red other than fully grown red that is sad you just or is there any of the fully grown red ones cuz we just break the fully grown one without silk touch it gives you a red mushroom you’re right I forgot about that yes this has been a it’s been a waste of time let’s go no mus I forgot ow oh I kind of fell in a cave that that why got horrible there see I’m not doing it we can’t do caves without torches I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t come to my cave I have torches for you no escape to the sky the arch enemy of the cave but now fine the C the caves will have me not yet be on young one sky will not be safe for long working better now oh yeah ni almost got a full stack of gunpowder wonderful we’re never going to run out of rockets we will escape the caves and and I can finally fix my fix my pickaxe oh oh there’s the Zombie Farm too if you need to like use that don’t worry I’ve been there hours last time felt like anything anything but that zombie pH anything every once in a while I just hang out there you know and I need to get away from everybody understandable nice little hang out you know where am I going where’s the oh there’s the there’s the house found it wait no I don’t want to go to the house wait wait this way who in the white mind would ever go there not me not right now look at it it looks so good I am so proud of my library I don’t care if it’s just a giant rectangle it makes me happy thank you oh hello zo welcome how you doing right let’s get a few little blocks in you want that one that one yes Whimsy how’s the library we’re onto a mushroom FL and I’m very happy with it I know I know the outside doesn’t look great you know what I don’t care I I’m happy with it it makes me happy and that’s what matters I think there should be one here too yay Whimsy now I have to figure out what the hell the stairs are going to be made it’s going to have to be just normal ass wood cuz there’s uh nothing else really uh okay I just realized I want to I want I I built my own base yeah but I want i i p an embassy but I realized the interior of it is my own personal uh workspace so I guess I have to move this downstairs so it’s build a a meeting room of sorts another one many meeting rooms in the basement where’s have you the Savior [Music] HR that I had did I use them did I put them somewhere I don’t know I hear so many monsters is Lucas about with a box no is not about with a box I just hear them so how we don’t know with yet are you building something cuz I noticed that what you doing just in your bedroom that’s creepy don’t worry just just there [Music] okay you don’t see I’m PR you’re blind hey Char watching there it is yeah hey is always watching now where’s the so I’m just going to use these [Music] stairs put the stair there [Music] stair no no not like that do I have any more stem is it is it is there another cave in my cave bad thing to have a cave in a cave cave in a cave in a cave in a cave wait I mean yes and no where did I where did I put I feel like some of my stuff isn’t what it should be where’s like my I I I could have SW shouldn’t swear it’s not like a good practice you know yeah you’re [ __ ] right Jesus [ __ ] Christ mate that that mouth are yours damn [ __ ] say uh say so Christian server I’ll have know cuz I say so exactly where’s where’s my other mushroom stuff G oh there it is found it found it found it found it found it I’m just being blind as usual as usual okay got some more stem one there and then that and then these will at least like match the bookshelves so one two one two three and things yes just need to figure out where those bookshelves went that I had did I use them all is that what happened cuz it’s really weird that these three aren’t Double L like the other ones and I should put two few more here there’s definitely something back at the house though so let’s go [Music] there I don’t think I ever normally use that [Music] though house doco around the mountain there we go [Music] [Music] go down [Music] Captain I appear I appeared you want other Mountain bar into need more mountain not enough Mountain yeah cuz yeah I I I I I can now see daylight what is that terrible gross daylight activities so many boxs uh I’m going to sort out some of this stuff I don’t need this is your sign to sort your [ __ ] out uh cuz I have some green things we got wood we got I thought I had a sapling I got dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt I have mushroom dirt a normal dirt and I have I’m going to put the stone in the Cobblestone box cuz that seems to make sense I have another stack of dirt that I forgot I had and suddenly inventory space wasn’t even that hard no this organization thing is really good probably do it more often really just getting the groundw work that like a lot of people struggle with but bookshelves that’s what I came for okay cool now I remember where I’m going back to the library [Music] no time I don’t know what I do have a giant pool next to there are some caves in the too yes games everywhere everywhere give in I I don’t have any light sources right now that’s the biggest problem I do in fact hate to the dark therefore is it your name yeah right we have Darkness we have death have the roof has ruined this I can see you making the sound you make when flying when you’re handling your G yes tea has appeared thank you tea fairy appreciate it yay I didn’t even ask for this tea it just appeared the tea fairies are so good m yay T anyway uh play Minecraft with the tea fairy delivers tea on as4 [ __ ] great live in the absolute dream okay they i d this floor complete now now I need many many light sources and slightly less valuable equipment okay I need ch I’m going to need torches forever first let’s get rid of important things important thing important thing important thing mushrooms are important let’s fly back to the house again again again again um stop prepping for Dungeon mine diving there is this bit here which I shouldn’t go into CU this is ow ow ow should not have Flo it should not have Flo worth it worth it this CH this is the one cave I can go into it’s going to be nice and light and safe or is it yeah that’s true and there’s so much lava the laa the lava will come it it’ll FL the cave and it’ll kill and kill everyone that enters including me and that’s that way try to reorientate when when I was actually exploring this cave and what any blocked off bits that I’ve explored I think oh hello hey I don’t want to no it knows it all chases stuff welcome to the hole it’s a very good hole oh don’t worry there there’s now there’s now a even bigger hole over here oh wow let’s have a look I still have things but oh welcome to the ever expanding hole uh did I go too far ah yes let me eat ah I see I see give exping hole oh wow it I will not get caught the [Music] end yeah nothing yet it’s been worked on but eventually you’ll be perfect perfect with water to stop mobs question mark is there a purpose to this water uh i i i d Oh Yeah from here all way down there is a going to be a gigantic help Farm just Prett much X and smelting all my bubble all cble like 2,000 3,000 more blocks in the way it would take like 5,000 also come over here we have the expansion play in the bigger hole oh lordy I have [Laughter] such I am so GL you don’t work for me I managed it [ __ ] now you have wings on I forgot I forgot okay oh my God sorry the whole que one more be the ho your I did the hole it was it was a sacrifice to the to the grandos of your hole oh God my [ __ ] spot all for all [Music] eternity can you please pick up my things yeah thank you how you D next to the water I literally just I thought I was going to hit the water and it would all be fine but I literally just missed the [ __ ] water and it was like oh the worst go sad it’ll make a great clip oh I don’t want to run back come retrieve your stuff from my hoe hi it’ll be in the purle show thank you all right um now I have to find my way back running out at night with nothing is something that we do often fortunately yeah you you definitely need a pathway to your to your house it doesn’t nightmare getting there but we have [Music] wings do you now no you just like this [Music] I make another really ugly Cobblestone path could or can maybe go underground try and make a tunnel of some kind cuz I do have to go through the mountain pretty much H good [Music] walk please don’t shoot me please don’t shoot me I’m fine it’s just just ignore me I am nothing I am not a threat to anyone right now just me alone to through the mountain oh it’s not that far actually if you just go through the ice like oh it’s not that bad actually I found my way home already ow O dick just because I said it wasn’t that bad like 500 of you had to spawn at the same time oh hello entrance to look Zombie Farm let’s go in here just for safety hang out you know [Music] y see if we can get to the path to chases from here I don’t know this kind of just looks like the abyss yeah this is the abyss and I don’t want to be down scar okay yeah you you’re going [Music] way yeah yeah it up to the purple door out to the ice and then [ __ ] [ __ ] Le I have my tea fine I’ll I’ll come do where you into here person no no no no no no no no no I got this i got this I’ll be fine it’ll be fine this is fine it’s also daytime now so it’s a lot easier so good so good I I got this I know my way I know I just have to follow the ice [Music] River yeah now there’s no monsters I can do it yeah found our way through wait what is this oh it is not hiding it looks like there was something hiding behind the VES but that was not do not get distracted continue go back this way sure there was a way this way I just like derped oh yeah here it was and then I turn here yeah remember now it’s fine I’m going to dump most of my stuff after this it’s not safe oh uh as soon as you I guess what you’re done with your stuff I’d like you to check out my Embassy and my well my home okie doy will do but just so you know I made a uh looting three sword for the mob farm it’s going to be in an item frame should be pretty easy to see but if the sword could stay at the item farm for farming purposes that’d be appreciated smart ow what hit me oh it was a Chase that’s what hit me hi oh could have been worse could have been worse you did only take half a hot to be fair o cheeky cheeky bastard hello H don’t I mean I mean if you want you can uh you can for K uh no no I don’t want to do I know work for the C off here they they work for me so ha like your spies hello stuff yes spies yeah yeah any yeah yeah before you died I was going to say if you uh make make it make make make your way up top and not skill with in sign not wrong but it [Laughter] hurts come on come on come on there we go we can do water yeah yeah okay I’m going to go yeah safe welcome to Welcome to the wide whole expansion that whole ceiling shall be removed and you got another Fox oh no that’s that’s that’s call noise call just call very nice I see that’s why you annoyed that you could see light from oh no no that that that that was the other cave it’s it’s just caving that’s it there’s nothing but cave here yeah that was that was we were going to take up the sky don’t worry about it it’s fine it’s fine the outside cave and the inside cave yes understood yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not including the uh the the under the underwater C which soon be cleaned by H I thought H had the lava caves we are both makes sense eventually if you tried to put a lava Strider into water would it die I think think no idea I feel like this is a science that should be tested again well that was a wonderful cave Tor Chas is there anything else you wish to show me no just I’ve just been mining this whole time but yeah it just a cave wonderful cave incredible cave to be honest this is crazy going I was actually functional for once in like 10 streams time many many seasons later yeah pretty much then ad you for now I have another person’s things to see the embassy as you called it the internet ha is really bad at the at the moment I got more I got more stuff to cure Librarians next time though wonderful it is about 10 minute warning as well just so people know you have to go travel thank thank you for coming appreciate it bye oh wait Lucas is adding another boat yeah oh that what it was yeah it’s boat cool oh [ __ ] cuz I got close to the warden oh no I can’t see yay that’s great I hate wardens did I ever mention I hate Wardens [Music] yay wonderful I can see again I was very afraid that I was going to crash see oh I I landed in some water cool that one water block oh yeah yeah give you I was going to give you torches you were but I i’ already I’m at home now already yeah oh Su to be you oh well I’ll disort myself out then I’m going to B BRB for hot SEC uh go do you just got to get to the toilet be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] back right to let’s go see well you’ve been up to chumstick hello uh keep in mind this needs an extension so that the uh Embassy feels less cramped but so far with the scaffolding you’re able to technically sit on the meeting once it’s extended like once I move everything it’ll be you know empty empty store room here and you have even is Noth entry you can you can enter here where this is my PO whoops I have been authorized uh my personal uh uh you get what I mean my personal work space m nice uh also also H be there there’s uh chest access there oh it needs to be it needs to be a uh stair but as you can see under here uh under here this is where we I the the second basement floor you get what I mean so we can walk make sense yeah kind of so this is what you’re going to tr get the water out and stuff yeah what you think of uh the uh what do you think of it so far it’s cute I like I like the the wood and brick I think that’s a nice combo uhid there that’s just it leads into a uh J just leads into a seat uh but yeah uh once to give this an extension move this one block uh wherever uh I can’t tell NorthEast Southwest Minecraft uh yeah anyways that’s it wonderful uh that’s for next week looks good it’s a good start excited to see it and it’s finished oh now we start prepping for next time what do we go so I’ve got a lot of valuable stuff that I do not want to take with me so we’re going to just get like a basic [ __ ] iron set stuff cuz I am not losing my for my touch pickaxe and looting sword and lovely things like that we’re not losing not losing my wings and I don’t mind about the diamond pants that I can stay the infinity boat kind of pain in the butt but I believe Trevor Has a infinity villager at this point so it’s not as important so we can keep that I do need an arrow for it though I keep losing this let’s take a little bit more food much bread uh there should be some basic equipment here oh I can make some basic equipment metal go downstairs and get some sticks sticks oh and I can just do the thing as well do the thing do the thing do the thing uh these pants can go back though what did I end up with a protection helmet a chest plate that’ll do that’ll do very nice okay I want some pickaxes obviously you need like three of these plan to be in the mine for a long time want a basic bit sold um and that’s it really I need so put the rest of the iron back and I kind of really run out of sticks [Music] no now I just need like C CH make lots and lots NS and n and n torches or I could drag my ass back to chase [Laughter] yes 30 charcoal in the top chest I’m down Chase we have a great price fors with the island uh keep in mind in new Stratford you can build a villager farm wherever cuz uh we I I need a lot of brick Oh yeah we got some nice coal here um I believe Chase is making a villager library Farm thing nice not Chase TR yeah apologies yeah two to minutes of food farm a furnace a that’s a room for f but the most important thing of all my and maybe a storage room but I don’t be B I’m going to need those sticks back okay sticks I’m probably going to take some bits of wood cuz I’m going to need a few more sticks Lucas is King of the Pirates you do have two boats up there you’re on your way to a whole Fleet so where where’s the one piece it was the friends we made along the way just getting attacked by Phantoms so slash charcoal has one of these that has raw meat in it but um I have to go all the way to Strat food if I want to like expand I I need one more thing and that is a singular Arrow sure I will find some there’s a giant stack of them I don’t need that many is done nice please check out what I built next to the ship I will yes the second boat let’s go it’s two wood ow ow ow oh that’s not a way to get to the boat that is just a cobblestone thing okay cool I keep pressing right button cuz I’ve been playing too much star Rail and that is how you sprint in the star rail no man shift well I don’t really want to go next to that boat though because like you know but it is cool might have I I don’t want to go near the warden though cuz then I won’t be able to see it anymore huh what do you mean place a brid in what H what potato I have no idea no I know where this conversation H everyone’s confused and no one knows what star ended this conversation right uh I’m going to go feed the cows hey cows would you like to start dying yet okay [Music] weird I don’t know wait what’s a stong Russian Spanish I don’t know it’s a Euro cover I have no idea I was just making noise make more cows do [Applause] it okay I think has that ever worked no no it has not but I Contin I I I want to continue to believe that one day it will and and that it will work and it’ll be great no comment okay where am I going to go [Music] mining cuz a lot of the mines n near the house have been looked at so maybe I should head over to the library first and go from there there’s also the ne you go for the ne head to the Bas go for the go for the other P you got like 8,000 blocks from home no purely because I don’t want to go into the ne understandable I my G enemies also final call because the stream will be ending very soon get to somewhere safe she says out in the wilderness that’s fine once I get to the library we’ll be fine and then I’ll stop and it’ll be fine and everything will be fine and now I know exactly the way I have to walk and it’s daytime so ow ow why am I on fire what R having a good time your your sins have caught up to you they don’t I’m about to go in the mines why I don’t understand why why did I catch fire you you you you have abanded mind for so long I’m going now I’m literally on my way now it’ll be all of next stream M mine got is hurt I don’t like this I don’t like that it’s probably luas with an invisibility potion or something I don’t know I was I on fire I don’t understand it’s okay oh yours okay yeah there you are Library I See You by sweet sweet library is hi Lucas I’m going to set that and then if you can start Ping please chapstick oh wait up I will be ending the stream oh [ __ ] yep I did give you a warning find somewhere safe find somewhere safe everyone cuz it’s the end I am I am I am somewhere safe good to be honest because it is [Music] he there’s no issues right thank you everyone for coming to the stream today thank you everyone in chat thank you anyone who look and thank you to anyone who watched the watches that’s watched the VOD I really don’t know what tents to use with that sometimes pratically correct hi Lucas how you doing um let me get my little uh list of things I have to mention up so that I don’t forget to mention things okay so uh if you have not already I would highly appreciate it if you can leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel and if you have not done so on you’re on Twitch I would highly appreciate if you can follow the channel cuz on YouTube we’re getting close to our 5K and a subathon that would be very exciting and on Twitch we’re slowly slowly cloring our way to affiliate I really appreciate it if you could help me get there that would be lovely if you are are able to uh throw some Ms my way and help support me in my dream of living off my creative Endeavors that would be absolutely wonderful um I know zombies catch on fire from sunlight when they hit you you catch fire maybe a skeleton’s on fire and shot me that is a potential um thank you for the dog [Laughter] Lucas anyway I was going to say if you want to pass money my way there are multiple ways to do it there’s membership where you can get emotes exclusive stream the Discord Channel and merge discounts there’s patreon which is very similar but you get short stories and free books on top uh there is cofi where you don’t really get anything and there is a little Cofe shop with some things in there if you want to check that out but I do get better Rats on cofes and I do on Super Chat so that’s up to you uh and then there’s the merch store where I have ebooks first edition copies of my books which are the only place you can get first edition copies because they’re not available anywhere else uh well unless someone’s selling them secondhand on eBay but I haven’t seen anyone doing that so uh bookmarks ski Rings t-shirts notebooks and a nice soft pillar with my face on it well my face and my whole body cuz it’s a cute chiby version of me um that is all thank you so much everyone for coming and thank you also for your help again once more assistance is there anything you would like to say pleasure as always and like comment and subscribe the be not the be I will be back tomorrow with library of ruer we’ll be going um down the abno parade because I need to get all the abnos done and I think I need I think I have one more second level node on star of City to do as well so that’s what we’re going to be doing tomorrow but until then once again thank you for coming I had fun I hope you had fun this has been Smith life never been Library goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft vtuber stream] Mushroom Floor Time’, was uploaded by Briony Rose Smith | Vtuber | Author on 2024-04-15 16:16:26. It has garnered 67 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:11 or 8111 seconds.

British Vtuber trapped in a library until she reads 10,000 books Plays minecraft and would like to capture a mooshroom because they are horrifying and also kind cute minecraft mooshroom vtuber stream

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    Nub Learns Bedwars in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft Bedwars on CubeCraft For those diving into the world of Minecraft, the game offers a plethora of exciting adventures and challenges. One such popular game mode is Bedwars, where players strategize, build, and defend their beds from opponents. Recently, a newcomer, ΠΠ£Π‘Π˜Πš, has taken their first steps into the Bedwars arena on CubeCraft, adding a new dimension to the gameplay. What is Bedwars? Bedwars is a multiplayer game mode in Minecraft where players form teams and work together to protect their beds while trying to destroy the beds of other teams. It requires a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PVP Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a recent YouTube video about a different server, we couldn’t help but think about the unique and thrilling experience that Minewind has to offer. With a focus on PvP gameplay and a cracked server, Minewind provides a dynamic and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why should you join… Read More

  • Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP

    Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP The Mysterious Tale of the Girl Who Destroyed Every Base in the HaxMC Dimension Within the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, a peculiar event unfolded in the HaxMC Dimension that left players in awe. A mysterious girl embarked on a mission to dismantle every base in the SMP, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the gaming community. The Unprecedented Destruction As the girl traversed the virtual landscapes of HaxMC, she left a trail of destruction in her wake. Base after base fell victim to her strategic prowess and unmatched skills, leaving fellow players astonished by her relentless determination. The… Read More

  • Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight

    Minecraft: Endless Night, Hard Mode Delight In the world of Minecraft, where challenges abound, Our hero takes on hard mode, with infinite night around. Facing off against monsters, in a battle of might, Crafting, building, surviving, in the darkness of night. Epic fights against creatures, like Martha and Kuki, Sightings of the unknown, mysterious and spooky. Love arrows flying, food to sustain, A magical well, where dreams may reign. But beware the dangers, lurking in the dark, Our hero must be clever, to leave their mark. With humor and skill, they navigate the land, In Minecraft, they thrive, with a controller in hand. So join… Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More

  • Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong 😠 #viral #gaming

    Minecraft Prank Gone Wrong 😠 #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘😑 Oh No Again Prank On Me In Minecraft #viral #prank #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR_FIRE_PLAYZ on 2023-12-26 05:00:02. It has garnered 2615 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Mutant Zombie vs Golems!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mutant Zombie vs All Golems β€’ Minecraft mob battle’, was uploaded by RikoSHerka on 2024-07-15 05:00:34. It has garnered 2789 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:29 or 629 seconds. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Shorts: BIG Sword vs BIG Creeper! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Have A Big Sword Or A Big Creeper… | Ein | Minecraft | Aphmau | Zane | Aaron | Kim #shorts’, was uploaded by Ein – Shorts on 2024-02-21 19:10:00. It has garnered 11846 views and 817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Revolution SMP – Semi-Vanilla

    🌟 Revolution SMP 🌟 Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: ✨ Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. πŸ›‘οΈ Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why I made this spicy Minecraft meme

    I guess you can say this meme is a solid 7/10, just like my dating profile! Read More

  • Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 – War & Fall

    Blower Fish Empire: Episode 2 - War & Fall In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Puffer Fish Empire, a tale to be told. Warriors clashed, in a battle so grand, The fall of the empire, in the sand. Karrru, the hero, with a heart so true, Reporting the news, in rhymes that flew. The Blower Fish Empire, now in despair, Karrru’s rhymes, filling the air. So hit that like, share, and subscribe, For Karrru’s rhymes, you can’t deny. In the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Karrru’s rhymes, worth more than gold. Read More

  • Nether Portals of Love! ❀️πŸ”₯

    Nether Portals of Love! ❀️πŸ”₯ When you accidentally walk through the nether portal with hearts and end up in the friend zone. Read More


    100 DNI W STRASZNIEJ MODZIE MINECRAFTA The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Modpack Embark on a spine-chilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Horror Modpack challenge. Our brave protagonist faces terrifying monsters, stalkers, and even the infamous Herobrine in this hair-raising journey. Join us as we delve into the depths of fear and survival in this intense Minecraft experience. A Terrifying Challenge Awaits Our fearless explorer takes on the Horror Modpack challenge, braving the horrors that lurk within. From eerie creatures to sinister foes, every corner of this modpack is filled with dread and danger. Will our hero emerge victorious, or succumb to… Read More

  • Crafting a Flamingo in Minecraft

    Crafting a Flamingo in Minecraft The Art of Building a Flamingo in Minecraft When it comes to creativity in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the boundaries of what can be achieved in this virtual world. One popular trend that has emerged is the art of building unique and eye-catching structures, such as the iconic flamingo. Flamingo Fever Building a flamingo in Minecraft is not only a fun challenge but also a great way to showcase your building skills. With its long legs, vibrant pink feathers, and distinctive beak, the flamingo is a striking addition… Read More

  • SpellBound ModPack: INSANE LUCK in Minecraft! πŸ”₯ #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚

    SpellBound ModPack: INSANE LUCK in Minecraft! πŸ”₯ #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚Video Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #ΠΌΠ°ΠΉΠ½ΠΊΡ€Π°Ρ„Ρ‚ #minecraft’, was uploaded by Π›Π°ΠΊΠΈ on 2024-07-09 19:15:01. It has garnered 427 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: Read More

  • Narrow escape from certain doom | Minecraft Hardcore

    Narrow escape from certain doom | Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cama kla casi me saca del mapa | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by kidd sai on 2024-03-17 13:00:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Enjoy the video! Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a like! Read the full description for more info: … Read More

  • Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!

    Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘who will won #music #edit #song #anime #animeedit #minecraftcommunity #minecraft’, was uploaded by Risk Playz on 2024-05-09 07:26:19. It has garnered 492 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #Minecraft #ReplayMod #PE #Gaming #Tutorial #UltimateGuide #MinecraftPE #Modding #Gameplay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftCommunity #GamerLife #VideoGames #MinecraftPlayers #GamingCommunity #MinecraftAddict #GamerWorld Generated using YouTools #ReplayMod #MinecraftPE #UltimateGuide #Gaming #Tutorial #YouTube #Gamers #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPlayers #MinecraftCommunity #VideoGames #MinecraftPocketEdition #CreativeMode #MinecraftBuilds #GamingCommunity #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftJava #MinecraftBedrock Generated using YouTools minecraft mods minecraft mod catnap poppy playtime minecraft but poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🀯 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by TrendoPlayZ on 2024-06-09 13:14:52. It has garnered 10801 views and 656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorialSubscribe For More Videos Like This 😊πŸ”₯❀️ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNT ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•šβ•£β•šβ•£β•”β•£β•”β•£β•‘β•šβ•£β•β•£ β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•β•‘β•‘β• β•—β•‘β•šβ•£β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•‘β•β•£ β•šβ•β•©β•β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•©β•β•šβ•©β•β•©β•β• #minecraft #viral #trending #minecraftpvp #pvp #boxing #bestplayer @mine @iusehuzuni @Straaight @KZA_ #straight #kza #iusehuzuni Ignore Tags:- minecraft house,minecraft shorts,minecraft house design,minecraft short,minecraft builds,minecraft spider,minecrafter,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft tips,minecraft hack,minecraft meme,minecraft build,minecraft floor,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft tricks,minecraft design,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: AUTOMATIC Tool Crafting in Minecraft 1.21!

    UNBELIEVABLE: AUTOMATIC Tool Crafting in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘AUTOMATICALLY CRAFT TOOLS AND MORE in Minecraft 1.21! | Redstone with PsiVolt #minecraft #redstone’, was uploaded by PsiVolt on 2024-06-11 15:00:34. It has garnered 1765 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. @PsiVolt Autocraft just about anything in the game with this simple setup! Subscribe for more tips on how to use redstone for beginners to experts alike, from redstone dust to comparator math to flying machines! All sorts of simple redstone builds and other redstone tutorials! #shorts #gaming #minecraftshorts #shortsvideo #redstonewithpsivolt Join the Discord for updates and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Speedrun by girloffthecob

    Insane Minecraft Speedrun by girloffthecobVideo Information This video, titled ‘Speedrunning Hardcore Minecraft (again)’, was uploaded by girloffthecob on 2024-05-12 05:42:42. It has garnered 234 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:36 or 18636 seconds. I’m GETTING BETTER I SWEAR!!! I HAVE A DONATION PAGE NOW (if streamlabs is working)! Absolutely not necessary but if you enjoy my streams and are able it would be so appreciated! #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #mc #mojang #hardcore #gaming Read More

  • Ultimate 1v1 Tips & Tricks for Minecraft & Free Fire

    Ultimate 1v1 Tips & Tricks for Minecraft & Free FireVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #freefire1vs1customtipsandtricks #battleroyalegame #garenafreefiregameplaybestm1014player’, was uploaded by To gaming on 2024-04-08 00:30:18. It has garnered 534 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Madness! (PPL Request YT)

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Madness! (PPL Request YT)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,599’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:26:26. It has garnered 74 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,599 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • EnderElite

    EnderEliteWelcome to EnderElite Enderelite is an elete minecraft network wil a multitude of gamemodes and more to come. we have a frindley staff base and a discord server. a well maintained anti cheat and custom plugins. with the use of mcmmo a custom economy and shops, and land protection and touns and nations. we have 2 ip’s you can connect to the server. Read More

  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

    The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server Join our server with great addons 18 years and up only Brand New World with custom terrain, items, and behavior addons List of addons: Better on Bedrock Hoof by Grounfbeef Raiyon’s Java Combat Addon Mini Blocks by FoxyNoTail Raiyon’s More Enchantments Addon Raiyon’s More Shields Addon Raiyon’s More Elytras Addon Universal Pack with RenderDragon Support Join the discord server to get the IP Discord Server Link Read More

  • USA Server 1.20 – 1.21

    USA Server 1.20 - 1.21Welcome to MoreFun- USA 1.20 – 1.21 JavaSince 2020, MoreFun has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we have a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Visit our website for more information: Β§bNo Server Resets, Online Map, Discord, PVP, Β§r Β§aEconomy, Shop, Claim land, Survival, No Phantoms, (… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind never changing.

    Well, I guess this meme really knows how to mine its own business! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

    The New Minecraft is Insane! Exploring the Exciting Updates of Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a blind journey through the new and incredible Minecraft update, 1.21, with no idea of what is happening. Unveiling the Unknown In this video, the players delve into the mysteries of version 1.21 with a twist – they are clueless about the new additions. Enjoy 10 minutes of thrilling gameplay as Mn escapes the hordes of Trial Spawners and Melle surprises with unexpected phrases. Copyrighted Music Experience the captivating tunes of Kevin MacLeod and Gavin Luke in the background, adding depth to the gameplay. The OST Crystal Dungeons by KrtD… Read More

  • Marvin’s SHOCKING Goodbye from Jeffy!

    Marvin's SHOCKING Goodbye from Jeffy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Says GOODBYE FOREVER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-06-03 21:14:20. It has garnered 49240 views and 734 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:52 or 7432 seconds. CHECK OUT THE SML STORE! thank them for allowing fans to make channels of their characters we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without their support! Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! β–Ίβ–Ί SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos… Read More

  • Escape from Evil Minecraft Prison

    Escape from Evil Minecraft PrisonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by Looni on 2024-05-17 15:30:03. It has garnered 1168 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:25 or 985 seconds. Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON! Can Looni Escape The Evil MINECRAFT PRISON? Will he get captured? Watch Until the end to find out! Subscribe for DAILY family friendly uploads 🀩 #looni #whosyourdaddygame Read More

  • Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shorts

    Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel #shorts’, was uploaded by Mayor05 on 2024-07-12 19:45:45. It has garnered 79361 views and 2507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel Made with Blockbuster πŸ™‚ Instagram: TikTok: Mayor05 content includes funny shorts, TikToks, and Youtube videos related to Minecraft Challanges, Minecraft but, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE and EPIC Moments, music, songs, and many more! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, 100 days, or any other but challenge like… Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse” #minecraft

    "Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft’, was uploaded by Inthis Gamer on 2024-07-16 01:26:56. It has garnered 577 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft Read More

  • Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!

    Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing DonutSMP.Net Live With Viewers (Every time i die i give 1k to someone random)’, was uploaded by JoshTheG on 2024-01-17 10:03:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #gaming #live #trending #viral #fyp #donutsmp #donutsmplive Join the discord DonutSMP … Read More

  • Desperate for One More Sub πŸ™ #Minecraft #Shorts

    Desperate for One More Sub πŸ™ #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I NEED 1 MORE SUBSCRIBER PLS πŸ™ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Pecanut on 2024-07-03 15:27:46. It has garnered 12310 views and 619 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft animations, Minecraft animation videos, Minecraft hell comin with me, Minecraft animations hell’s comin with me, Minecraft animations sad story, Minecraft sad story, Minecraft father son sad story, Minecraft but, But lava raises, Hell’s comin with me animations, Hell’s comin with technoblade, Minecraft wither boss hell’s comin with me, How To Escape Minecraft Traps In Every Age, Minecraft… Read More