Hey what’s going on there everyone today we are covering a plugin called vouchers uh this is free and working on versions 1.8 through 1.16 essentially what this plugin does is it allows you to have some sort of item where players can right click and they’ll be able to claim some sort Of command that you put inside the voucher so you see this a lot on bigger servers where there’s like money vouchers or key vouchers or ring vouchers so there’s all types of different styles that you can make with this so the main command for this is slash Voucher that will show your main help menu here we can create as many vouchers as you want has a very nice end game editor which is fantastic so i’m going to call this vip rank so this is going to be the name of the specific voucher And then we can click on this command to edit the voucher of vip rank and here you have all these different types of options so you can have different types of execution you have titles you have sounds and messages permission nodes all that good stuff and you can change The material in here as well so here we have the different types of options so if you want it to be glowing this would apply to the specific item that you give and if you want it to be unbreakable height attributes in the title all that good stuff so Typically you want this uh to be enabled by default and here is where all the different types of executions come into play so here are the commands so the default command is just going to be heal and then the player so we can actually remove that one because we don’t want that So here we can actually add the specific item and this just shows you hey this is the commands that you’re editing so you don’t lose what you are in so we can go ahead and add item so in my case i want to go ahead and give them a vip Rank what we can do here is we can do lp and then user so this is going to be luck perms i’m going to basically just be adding the ring to them so we can do lp user and we can use the placeholder as players lp user i’m going to do a parent And then add i’m going to add them to the vip group so that would be the command to add them to that specific group so there we go so that is how you do that so that is one voucher and then you can add different types of things in here as Well like we could just say we can go ahead and give them like jump boost i’m not sure why you would want to do that but just for this video purpose we’ll do jump boost for 60 seconds and a power of three and we’ll set the display to false so There we go so that one give them jump boost just a fun little thing make sure you do save it after you edit it and here’s the broadcast message and just says hey this is a player redeem that specific voucher i’m just going to leave that the same And here is a player message so it just says you redeem that specific voucher and if you want to add something else here and then this will this will automatically send a player a message so then just say you got a vip rank all right so we’ll just say that to Them and make sure we save those changes and then here we can do specific sounds here which is pretty nice so you can find the specific sound i don’t know let’s go with the honey block because why not uh so that is a specific sound and those Are what the commands are going to be executing so we can exit out of that here we have the permission to be able to use that so this is what the players would need to use in order to be able to actually use this and then material you can change the material in Here as well um i’m going to probably let’s do it as a blaze rod because why not so there you go and then here is the lore and we can change that so i’m going to head and remove that and let’s add a new item and we’ll just say say this Is voucher for vip rank all right and that would be the bore of the specific item so we can go ahead and save that and that looks good so that is everything with our specific voucher for the vip rank so if we go ahead and exit now what we can do Is we can list the specific ones that we have or we can give it and so this is the command that you would execute if you’re having like a creates plugin so we just give the specific voucher and you can give it to everyone on the server or the person’s Name and we’ll just give them two so there you go now we have two as you see so this is the voucher for the vip ring if you go ahead and click it we get a you know confirmation if we want to redeem it or it can get cancel It let’s go ahead and redeem it and there we go we did get added to that specific vip ring so if we type in chat there we go it did work and we did get the jump boost as well which is pretty cool so that is how you set up your specific Voucher and it’s a very pretty self-explanatory but i just want to showcase to you guys because it is pretty nice to have on your server today’s video sponsor is the sungata marketplace and if you are looking for any type of unique or custom plugin for your minecraft server there is quite a bit Of selection over there so make sure you guys go check them out using the link down in the description and you can find some great plugins for your server so making vouchers is literally like the easiest thing to do with this plugin which is really nice so we Can actually just make like a money voucher and we can go into the edit and we can edit the money one and execution i’m just going to change the commands essentially i’m going to remove that and we can add an item we’ll just say eco give player and we’ll give them like a Thousand dollars and that’s it there you go you got your voucher done it’s pretty nice honestly so we can go back and if we do a vouchers list it brings up a nice menu here so here’s the one we just made and our via p1 so we can give myself some money And we can right click and redeem it perfect we got a thousand dollars and a nice little title as well so that is how you make your vouchers with this plugin very simplistic very easy to do in game and that’s what i love so anyways hope You guys did enjoy and i will see you guys in the next video peace out Video Information
This video, titled ‘Vouchers Plugin [Free] | Minecraft Plugins’, was uploaded by SoulStriker on 2021-05-29 14:00:02. It has garnered 21984 views and 554 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:41 or 341 seconds.
Vouchers Minecraft Plugin is free and is used alot of Factions and Skyblock servers! This is a great plugin with a simple GUI interface to make them.
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Timestamps Intro – 0:00 Overview – 0:30 Options – 1:00 Commands – 1:10 Sponsor – 4:34 Money Voucher – 4:50