Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 – [MINECRAFT]talk to me[NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma]

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Foreign foreign my dumbass I [ __ ] all right my [ __ ] okay I guess I gotta I guess I gotta do this now also I forgot to turn supers back on after the Civ collab guys if you want to send me some [ __ ] money you gotta refresh the page

I’m fine I’m fine I just choke I choke down a load of noodles really fast I’m not I’m not sick don’t worry I’m okay hi everyone I missed you so much it’s really really nice to see you again miss scuffed listen it literally said like oh correct and then you know

The last time I tried logging in a 1.20 and it worked and it was like on the surface it said like oh no no no don’t log in you know like you can’t and then this one I had to try and actually log in so that [ __ ] sucks all right how

Do I do this oh this is brilliant this is just brilliant don’t you guys love the sound in this booth isn’t it so great 1.19.4 there we go listen there’s no other sound right now it’s just me it’s just me thanks for the super Gene thank you very much Mars

I missed you all so much I’m back I’m back I’m back and back and I want to say thank you so much for all of your patience um I’m really sorry for taking um so much so much time off I mean I shouldn’t apologize holy [ __ ] I’ve not

Been up okay you guys are you guys are in for a treat now look at this 11 K Kathy thank you so much listen look at this they’ve got I remember they would they told me uh who is it was he it was it was it Ibrahim Senpai was building a

Massive Lobby I hadn’t checked it out yet oh tells me sacho the Great the ID gate the jpk the world the krk and then en I never seen this before what the hell what the hell thanks Celeste thank you so much thank you very much a little while for the AKA

Super thank you so much so thank you very much so today I wanted to play some Minecraft because I haven’t played in a while uh and I wanted to I wanted to chill out because uh um there’s lots I want to kind of update you on and lots I want to

Talk about and I figured that like getting the old getting the old outfit out you know and and just going for like a nostalgic Minecraft stream would be sort of therapeutic in a way because I definitely need a little bit of like a little bit of down time

I need to kind of get into get figure out how best to keep streaming and how to keep making everybody happy but also in a way that’s like healthy for me so yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s weird you know how we’re gonna start this we’re son of a [ __ ] we’re gonna start this

Like how I always do it’s eerily quiet when there’s no music isn’t it we gotta get my music on we got to get my music on if only there was a [ __ ] way if only there was a way of looping music in this game there you go classic Tunes classic Vox

Archima Tunes radio you keep thinking of the x super Jake Kendra thank you so much Nana thank you very much I miss you too So yeah Minecraft there’s not much to really say about the game I’m just gonna oh I forgot I’ll get i’ll get around to another time I don’t give a [ __ ] I I ain’t give it I ain’t give up maybe I should give a [ __ ] maybe I should there we go

Maybe I should give a [ __ ] do I have any torches I don’t [ __ ] bulls I always forget these things ooh light work does that excuse me excuse me sorry is that light work for the king excuse me never mind I was lying I was [ __ ] lying turn that music down

That’s a bit much that’s a bit much for me and keep shining for the super I miss you too I always miss you thank you sonny I missed you very much as well so what’s been going on with me well I’ve been I’ve been relaxing mostly

You know trying to sort of take a load off it’s not every day that your doctor tells you that your body is having an extreme adverse reaction to the effects of anxiety and stress I never thought I would really get there in my life have never really been so stressed that

I’ve had that before but uh good Lord was it ever a little scary I mean okay so here’s here was my thought process right this is what I was kind of what I was kind of dealing with so over the past like week or so

Um before I sort of went to the doctor I started having like a ton of um mainly chest pains like sharp stabbing pains in my chest and obviously my immediate thought was oh I’m having a heart attack um and it was it was definitely a little

Scary and it went on for a few days because they weren’t bad enough to immediately make me worried um but it was bad enough to the point where I was like concerned and it would sort of random places where it felt like there were lots of veins clumped up you

Know random places where I thought there were a ton of veins and so it made me think like oh I’m getting a blood clot oh my my arteries getting clogged with with um a load of [ __ ] and or whatever it is like I was just worried for my health

So I spoke to the doctor and they said listen guys healthy as you and I was like all right you know the doctor was putting the moves on me but I was like but she basically just said listen you you are just stressed and I thought well damn

You know and it made a lot of sense to me because I think like some some days especially with like a really rigorous schedule I like having a rigorous schedule because it sort of feels good to be like yeah I’m working hard you know I like that

But there are a lot of mornings where I will wake up and I’ll realize like wow I put something on my schedule just to fill up the day that I actually didn’t really want to do and I would you know how many times I’m like late for stream you know

How many times I’m late for stream I’m just like oh it’s because I’m in bed and I’ve just woken up like an hour before I’m supposed to start and I’m like oh you know and I need to do less of that I think that like because there’s never

Been any sort of guidebook on how to be me you know it’s all brand new I’ve just sort of been trying to put myself in a position where I feel like I’m in I’m doing my best but it’s really difficult when you know no one’s there that no one’s there to tell you

What you should or shouldn’t do no one’s there to tell you what’s too much it’s weird and it’s very difficult so that’s sort of what I was dealing with and so I decided to take some time off I had a really nice time while I was taking some time off I uh [Laughter]

Um I met up with Aku mama she came to stay with me for a little while we went uh she stayed with me for a couple of days um spent a little bit of time with her which was really really nice um I took I took akumama to get some

Really nice Sushi and she had never tried Sushi before and I don’t think she was terribly won over by it to be honest which is surprising to me she she’s sort of um it’s interesting she’s always kind of like not worried about whether or not she should or shouldn’t like something

So here’s so I took her to put some sushi and it was like proper really expensive like nigiri sushi and and I really really liked it you know I was I did my typical thing of like just covering covering in Wasabi that’s that’s just how I enjoy it

Couldn’t really get into it they had caviar there as well and um she didn’t really she didn’t she said it wasn’t bad she just like what’s all the hubbub about this you know it’s not amazing and I was like fair enough um and then I took her to see spider

Verse it was the third time that I had seen it and I feel bad because she said she loved the animation but that she couldn’t really follow the story all that well and I don’t really blame her for this because in the [ __ ] showing of the film there was this little

Dumbass kid there was this little kid this entire old [ __ ] ass kid and his uncaring parent who just gave him a subtle shush every once in a while who every five only during scenes where it was quiet and and they were talking about the plot we could go I’m tired

What’s going on I’m thirsty if you’re if you take your kid to a movie and the kid starts talking like that take them home get a babysitter and go see the movie Another Day the fact that the dad the most that he did was like

It just I was so mad and I lost track of the plot sometimes because I was just in my head I was like I was just so mad about the whole situation I’ve realized that the best time to see a film that you really care about is not

Opening night because you get a packed Cinema and the chances of there being an [ __ ] in the cinema is much higher um I would say it’s when I saw spider verse the first time it’s a couple of days later a couple of days that’s when all the same normal people think right I

Have time to see a film today but it’s not when there’s that mad rush of hype but it’s also not too late so that um it’s not too late such that you get random [ __ ] who don’t care and say that like oh I’m just gonna go to the

Cinema to chat with my friend because they don’t understand what makes you know how distracting and awful that is for other people but yeah so that’s what I did with that uh and then uh while we were hanging out I decided you know what I wanna I wanna stream tomorrow and so

Here I am spoiler is a big oh [ __ ] yeah God don’t wait too long to get spoiled I started seeing spider-verse spoilers on my Twitter like the insta I got back from the film I went the right time Mew thank you so much midnight sukino thank you so

Much thank you Remy for the aqua super thank you Marlin thank you Candy Holly Jolly pakka and kukumia thank you very much for the X sleeper thank you so much Huma thank you s Tang hakuma Fern thank you for the AKA super I really really appreciate that thank you so much

Thank you very much Azumi thank you very much for the X super hey hey hey good to see you again I missed you too cool thank you very much so sorry thank you very much I missed you all so much so yeah that’s kind of where I’ve been

Out and uh my chest pains feel much better um at first when they told me that I didn’t believe it like when they told me like yeah you are having these pains because of stress I was like I was like no way I was like I must be having a

There’s no way stress can cause pain this bad and then the instant that I sort of started thinking about it and thought about okay maybe I shouldn’t stream today the instant that I acknowledged that the pains kind of went away and I thought oh I am stressed

So it was really good to sort of like become aware of that and I I’ll be honest like I feel bad because it came at such a bad time like when I’ve sort of been having all of these doubts and confusion about um what it is that I want to do with my

With my content and stuff that might be a little bit anxiety-inducing for some of you um suddenly me needing to take more and more breaks uh I just I feel bad man I feel really really bad because even though it’s like good that I took a

Break and even though it’s good that I’m sort of reevaluating stuff it’s like I said in my tweet where I announced that I was kind of taking a bit of a bit of a impromptu Hiatus it’s the fact that like you know I’m here to be an Entertainer and be following an

Entertainer shouldn’t make you feel full of anxiety all the time like that’s probably not good um but I also have to recognize that it’s also in the nature of being a YouTuber who has a lot of fans that are very much attached and feel like a part of a community that sometimes negative

Emotions are just as a part of the the milieu I guess as uh positive emotions and that’s fine sweet Cowles and Cake very Lively thank you yeah being thank you so much Katie Kane thank you for the aqua one and a half debut anniversary holy [ __ ] I don’t even I don’t even think

About that really well thank you very much very baby thank you very much my family thank you very much thank you thank you very much it is very natural it’s just one of those things that I have to come to accept and the good news is is that while I was away

Um I was still working just on different things so I’ve had a number of interesting ideas for streams to do once I get back onto schedule which I imagine um so maybe next week I will try and have a limited schedule maybe four streams maybe three maybe three and a

Members I think that would suit me I think that would suit me because members streams never feel stressful for me they always feel pretty good always makes me feel relaxed um but if not um the week after that I’m actually going on a little trip I’m going on a

Little trip to meet up with some people uh so that ought to be fun I’ve been planning it for a little while so hopefully that’ll be pretty exciting uh but then I’ve only been gone for a week and I’ll be back after that and I might stream while I’m out there as well

Because I’ll bring my laptop and stuff so it ought to be pretty good yeah it’s gonna be a lot of fun it’s gonna be a lot of fun but yeah um I wasn’t I’ve been working on stuff so I have a lot of interesting ideas for streams

Um I want to do the day in the life of Vox stream where I get my camera out and I make like a film very far away from where I live so it’s like safe and stuff I’ve had this idea that for a long time

I’ve wanted to go just for one day maybe maybe maybe like it maybe like oh and one overnight stay and then go home I want to go to Scotland I’ve only been to Scotland once in my life I want to go North to Scotland and I want to go on

Like a proper whiskey tasting tour you know and I’m thinking like maybe just having having like a little uh making a film with my camera where I wear gloves and I have like uh my my brown coat on or something well I know I just kind of sit there and

Taste whiskey with you and then I can do some shots at the landscape and stuff like that I’m I’m really interested in doing that but it would take like a few days off for me to like get all that sorted and I also need to still buy a battery for my camera

So yeah thank you very much for the aqua super um so glad you liked it Sapphire thank you very much thank you added it really really glad you guys like the voice pack by the way anyone who hasn’t bought it yet the June bride voice pack is super

Super hot you definitely need to buy it REM thank you very much Black Crown UE thank you very much Niche thank you so much sake draw thank you very much sweet cat thank you so so much for everybody and thank you put it for the gifted and

Also thank you very much to everyone who gave a ton of gifted during the during the Civ stream as well um but what else was I working on so outside of streams uh [ __ ] off [ __ ] off Flats what are you doing what are you chatting about not now I’m in the middle

Of streaming [Laughter] so yeah I am what was I working on yes so like I’ve mentioned before I have been working on a script um for a so that the the the law project that’s coming out um is fairly long I’m predicting about 40 minute run time uh

Hello hello treacle predicting about a 40 minute run time for that um I’m I’m really really proud of how everything’s turning out so far really really proud of everything uh yeah it’s gonna be it’s I wanted I want to make it feel like a film I’m not

Gonna so I’m I’m calling it a law project for you guys because that’s how it’s easiest to refer to it before I tell you what the title is and the title will not be announced until very close to when it is released when I do start properly marketing it

All over the place on Twitter and stuff I’m not going to call it law because I think that law is uh very much sort of caught up in the trappings of YouTuber tradition it’s just kind of a word that we use uh I’m just going to refer to it

As a film you know it is a it is a short film by Vox Akuma and that’s what it is I’m not out there saying like oh brand new law coming out with my with you know like some people would say oh new law with my outfit something about that I’m

Not not that I’m judging anybody like you know you can feel free to run your business in any way you want um but I think that in order to you know let’s just stop following um a lot of different traditions and let’s try and sort of improve on things

In a way that makes them more easily digestible for people outside of this Niche and that’s what I want to do so I’m getting a poster done so the first time that you see like more details about it will be um will be through will be when you see the

Poster pop up on Twitter and that’ll include a cast list and it will include a release date and a title and a sort of a synopsis and sort of a log line as well so I’m very very excited to get back into that sort of thing but like I was saying

That law project is uh and I am right now uh working on a script for a longer film uh it’s one that in the past my idea was to tell the story that’s go that’s in that script I was going to tell it scattered through multiple different

Things like you know a cover here or an original layer or you know a little comic here and something like that but I’ve decided that it’s so coherent that it needs to be all one thing so I’ve been working on that a lot and I have the whole outline of the plot is

Essentially done and I’ve started on like the first the first few scenes um in the script and taking so much time away has really given me time to like meditate on what will make it what will make it good and I think it is going to be very very good

Um the fact is uh my hope is is that I can find some way of getting it funded um whether it’s not whether it’s through um investors I guess or like producers and stuff like that um or whether it’s through some big subathon where we crowdfund it um it’s

Going to be very expensive not you know not something that if I put all my money together that I could afford to produce um so I’m thinking of ways that I can sort of effectively monetize it so that it becomes like so that it becomes sort of lucrative

Enough that some people may want to help me make it um and all sort of done you know the whole philosophy behind it is with the idea of sort of breaking the niche so I want you to imagine something right I want you to imagine uh imagine a world

Where you had no idea what a YouTuber was you got no you’ve got no clue who I am you’ve got no clue what niji Sanji is you don’t know about any Indies you don’t know about hololive you don’t know about any of that well maybe you do maybe you’ve sort of

Like heard it in passing like you’ve seen a couple memes or tweets or whatever it is but you literally don’t know what it is and then you go to your local Cinema One Day You’re gonna go see some other movie and you see a poster and you’re like wait a minute

Isn’t that the guy who who did that thing isn’t that I’ve I’ve seen him what’s that what’s that doing there and then suddenly even though you would have never considered the legitimacy of featuring as an art form before then just because you hadn’t thought to suddenly seeing how its

Influence on the real world that guy’s doing a movie suddenly you decide on a whim maybe I’ll maybe I’ll go and see it and I think that now this is brilliant right this is brilliant if I tried to tell any sort of authority that my life story is real

Being 400 years old being an ancient being an ancient demon with a penchant for voice powers and uh and sword play I don’t think they believe me but as it turns out there is absolutely no law against telling people in a film that it’s true

You can make up a load of [ __ ] and say it was based on a true story and that’s completely okay within the world of a film you can say that it’s true so imagine this imagine you’re watching a film about Vox Aquaman and you’re like

Damn this is pretty cool and then at the end it says it was written and directed and starring bye the guy who did this this anime character who’s in the film what huh how does that work would you not go and then do some research like how is that possible what

Does that mean I I just think that that’s like such an incredible like marketing hook to bring V tubing into a new world you know to show because like I’ve said before the whole idea is that it’s you’re watching your favorite TV show but then you get

To hang out with the main character afterwards it’s an extremely ambitious concept and there’s a good chance that I may I may never get to do it um but I just think that it would I keep saying this word over and over again I want to in the eyes of the mainstream I

Want to be able to legitimize us and to show that we’re not just streamers of a different flavor you know we have so much more potential and I think that we can work hard on stuff like that so I’ve been working hard on that and I’ve been feeling unstressed because I’m very excited

About it you know thank you very much thank you Elvira Bayfield thank you me thank you for the act stupid thank you so much wet bag thank you Aura absolute Cinema so [ __ ] true it’s just it’s just plain Kino he Diva thank you so much thank you very much Toya thank you

Vixen thank you very much thank you so much Ling Yan Alison thank you so much Baba 2.0 thank you moyon Chen thank you for the ACT super I’m very excited to see you too from Daddy’s thank you very much for the super um thank you very much

We’ve got Minecraft music coming on I got a I got a DJ maybe you guys tried that [ __ ] AI DJ they’ve got on Spotify now it’s really weird it’s like I like the concept you know I like the concept of an AI that learns your music taste and

Is like hey today I got it on my Spotify it’s this AI DJ where he’s sound they gave him an AI voice like a DJ you know and he says like is it like Ayo first stop we got um we got this song that you’ve been listening to you know we’re

Gonna break fallen out of your rotation I’m gonna put it back in today this is something like this it’s kind of interesting because it does like sort of give you an interesting selection of music if you can’t think of what else to listen to but the thing is

I don’t want to listen to a weird AI man interrupt my music every now and again it’s real I think it’s more like sensationalist than anything else it’s like oh AI DJ AI DJ whoa you know it’s it’s it’s it’s an interest it’s a new you can’t turn the voice off I mean

I haven’t checked yet um I haven’t checked yet but it’s definitely interesting to imagine like sort of this concept on the subject of AI very happy to learn um that in Japan there’s some legislature that um that AI art can only use can only use sources that are public

Domain it should have been the case for in it should be the case in every other country from the beginning but it is but it is such a shame that even if you cast off the plagiarism aspect of AI art it still has the unfortunate caveat of people wanting to

Use it to replace actual artists you know so even if it’s not plagiarizing it still represents a massive issue you know I saw that they’ve added AI generation to photoshop now you can do it in in the in the Photoshop beta and what’s nice about the Photoshop one is

That it only uses it only learns based on what’s in Adobe stock so that means that if you want to sell stuff on Adobe stock you would have like oh already signed something that says yeah I’m fine for I’m fine for my work to be used and

It’s it’s so much better than just plagiarizing it from random people on the internet who don’t want their work used that way but it still has the connotation of yes some Hollywood some graphic design bigwig is going to say well why do I need a graphic designer

When I can just type a bunch of words into Photoshop and have it make whatever I want you know something really interesting that happened in the UK recently was that they’re trialing this thing called Universal basic income uh which my mom used to talk about a lot sort of being

This big new idea uh it was like it was like a good a good 10 years ago or something uh and it essentially it’s been 12 there are like 50 people in the UK who are being trialled on this idea that they will get 1600 pounds a month for doing

Nothing just basic that’s what that’s why it’s basic income it’s just underneath what you would work to earn that’s what you get and I used to think that it would be a bad idea I used to think that it would kind of discourage people from from seeking from seeking more for themselves

But now that we’re sort of hitting a point where technology threatens to replace not just manual careers but also creative careers it might it might actually be for the best you know it might be for the best to make sure that everyone can you know even if you’re short of work because AI

Has replaced you you can still afford to live it’s it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a real [ __ ] dystopia isn’t it to imagine that you know in the eyes of big corporations that creative people get replaced so easily that we need to be looked after the government you know

Um me personally I think that me personally I think that the right the right way of controlling AI art is to make sure that it stays 100 there is legislation that makes sure that it is only for non-commercial recreational purposes because it’s because it’s fine

To like sit around and be like oh I can’t draw in real life I’m gonna make a picture of a of of of of John pork writing a writing writing a spider cowboy and and then you can just do that and have that for yourself and just be

Like cool you know as long as it’s not plagiarizing anything but then again if you didn’t publish it anywhere it wouldn’t really matter but the fact is it’s its only purpose at the moment is to replace actual art and uh it and it sucks it sucks it sucks AI

Should be a tool used by actual artists like how on spiderverse um the lines on the character’s faces um were you know an artist drew the lines on a basic model with different with different sort of angles and then in the film an AI interprets that and

Says okay I’m gonna map this onto um onto the characters and that is AI making artists lives better you know that’s that’s that you know that’s the best way that it can be used is to make the lives of artists easier rather than making them much harder which seems to

Be there seems to be the worry yeah I mean here I am I mean I’m not an artist I’m more of a more of a writer and a director but I mean how am I supposed to know that scripts aren’t going to be written in chat GPT in a few

Years it was really funny Charlie Brooker who was the guy who direct who uh the creator of Black Mirror he mentioned that he said yeah I tried writing an episode in chat gbt once and it was [ __ ] but then all these AI Tech Bros are like

Oh you know we’re dealing with the Atari era right now you know wait wait wait two years wait four years wait five years there’s gonna be no point in you anymore I’m like why are you proud of that why are you proud of saying that man why are you proud of giving someone’s

Job to a computer instead of performing it yourself it always reminds me of that AI movie trailer The Great Gatsby where it just looks like complete and utter [ __ ] but the guy who made it was like dude it looks real to me it looks real to me I

Don’t know what you’re talking about uh being oh my God yeah no so many so many news articles being AI generated now as well Chris Chan thank you very much for the super gooey Flames thank you so much Kendra thank you very much thank you very much Didier thank you

Very much Avis thank you so much also Avis thank you so much for the NSFW commission I didn’t like it because it’s on Twitter but I have seen it and I have bookmarked it I appreciate it very much memeing me thank you very much thank you so much

Also by the way would you mind like I like the animation on it but would you mind like posting like a like a whole sort of sort of still version of it too you know just just for my just just just just you know just just to just to have

Both I’m just saying anyway anyway moving on moving on thank you super puppy thank you Ashley thank you very much and thank you so much all interesting stuff all very interesting stuff uh pretty scary but the way I like to see these things is

That it will just it will it will be all right you know it’ll be all right there will be that whatever you know there will always be bad things that happen I’m lost there will always be bad things that happen but then maybe there will be good news

That’ll be good news at some point soon as well you know what’s two plus one 21 yeah God you know what depresses me more than anything like I approve of the way that adobe did their whole Adobe Firefly thing where it can’t plagiarize from random places on the internet and it

Only learns based on Adobe stock um but since I use Adobe stock for for my ASMR every background is licensed from Adobe stock because that’s the way that I can have like images and stuff you know legally and not have to worry about copyright and all that kind of

Stuff if I just got off Google Images um but now because Adobe are embracing AI you search up anything on Adobe stock a good half of the results are AI art it [ __ ] sucks there’s like um there’s a filter on the left that you can use to just to discla exclude sorry disclude

Exclude generative AI from the search results but still the fact that it’s on by default the fact that if you didn’t read it and you just sort of went through like that looks good you might end up using it even if you didn’t want to you know I would rather purchase stock

From an artist who drew it who took a photograph or drew it themselves but you know maybe you know thankfully I don’t think I’ve made the mistake of accidentally including any so far and I don’t want to I’d much rather if I was to spend a lot

Of time making custom backgrounds for an ASMR oh my last yeah if I was to spend a lot of time making custom backgrounds for an ASMR I’d rather commission an artist to do it than [ __ ] type some words in a [ __ ] mid Journey or something please put a sign on the wall yeah

Oh here we are hooray yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s the [ __ ] crypto Community it’s those guys who think that there’s a new get rich quick scheme every five minutes the kind of people who have 200 followers and pay for Twitter blue and they just always stink up the replies for everything

That’s the worst thing about Twitter blue for me I don’t care about paying eight dollars like if you want to waste your money fine I got it for free because I’m famous um I don’t care about being able to you know being able to write longer tweets that’s a nice feature

The worst thing about Twitter blue is the fact that no matter how influential you are or no matter how money likes your Tweet gets you will always immediately you will immediately what was I gonna say see just people at the Twitter blue at the top of the replies of everything I

Used to enjoy going into the replies on memes and tweets and stuff to see like oh what are the funny responses to this no every time it’s some only fans girl not there’s anything wrong with having an only fans but you have to admit like the constant Twitter marketing is a little obnoxious

I mean you know it’d be very hypocritical of me to start criticizing people for having an only fans um but it’s all the stuff like they’ll just take I’m what I’m the hottest 18 year old I’m the thickest 18 year old on this app for real and I’m like first of

All I have a rule in my chat about keeping it [ __ ] relevant to the stream that is not relevant to the tweet at all although like someone will like post a meme of of something and they’ll find some very vague way of bringing themselves up and being like man I would

Never do that I’m Too Sexy For That haha and then you also get like a load of crypto people showing up like just below the only fans girls you’ve got the crypto people who show up and they’re like hey brother want to invest in dollar sign ball stack and they’re just

Like oh ball sack to the Moon brother and uh all they see are these dollar signs all those eyes I said [ __ ] it this [ __ ] really grinds my gears Elon Musk is [ __ ] killing me he put a he put a knife in my balls he’s draining he’s draining all the piss out

Let’s see if anything’s changed I know pomu’s been doing it laughs is this is this the people is this the is this the people viewing platform I’d like to I mean this seems like it’s sort of something for the farm but no I’d like to believe this is the people viewing platform

Thanks Berry bean pie for the yaka super I missed you too happy birthday oh my I really really appreciate you thank you thank you so much for sticking around for such a long time hope you had a wonderful birthday yeah yeah it’s the en server bring bring wrong I’m guessing that’s asta’s place

Oh it’s like a little Mario it’s like a little Mario star look at that it’s not very homey honestly it’s not very homey it’s quite it’s like what they said about Akuma Castle it’s giving male living space have I visited uki’s new build no because I know that I will feel

Intimidated by his Superior Building abilities that is really frightening I don’t want to look at that anymore I don’t want to look at that anymore I’m wondering if there’s much on this server that hasn’t been done you know what’s a project that I can think to do

Oh oh my goodness is this Oogie’s Castle I know that’s zuki’s castle with the stargazers God he really did go and make a better Japanese style Castle than I did Hey listen I was winging it I was I was just going out going off the the the

The the the Hem of my brow I don’t know what that means actually yeah I’ve seen this I went in here with shaders once and it completely just destroyed my my graphics card wouldn’t destroy it but it did slow down by quite a bit this looks like some experimentation that’s fun

It looks like the kind of thing where you watch those you know those like Korean Minecraft build tutorials where it’s got like a super chill aesthetic and like it there’s a lot of like emojis in the title yeah it looks like a bit of experimentation as far as that goes

Yeah ivuki is building that all by himself then props to her because it looks like he’s following a professional tutorial but I guess he’s just that goated the [ __ ] is this and Luna this is oh this is the illuna academy floating you know what this needs you know what

This means this is a great build you know what this mean you know this needs this needs like some dirt underneath as though and this needs to be mined out you know what I’m saying as though it was like it’s like dalaran like it emerged from the earth and his floating off

You’re very much Steffy Ackerman thank you very much yeah yeah thank you so much thank you so much from voxagra remember me I’m yumeco the ghost cat who who used up all her Nine Lives oh I get it I get it voxagry you have oh let’s go you hit 1K it’s all

Uphill from here I’m telling you once you hit 1K the algorithm it kind of grabs you and you just got to keep making good content you’ll make it okay not to me thank you very much for the ACT super happy birthday for tomorrow I might stream tomorrow I’m not sure I

Love you too whoa so yeah interesting times indeed that are going on hmm I’m wondering I wanna I want a new build because I’m I’ll be honest like Akama Castle is great and all but it’s just a lot of it’s just a lot of like putting blocks down

I guess that’s what all building is in this game but it’s like it’s it’s been going for so long and I feel no closer to completing it I kind of want to think of something else that’s fun to do I’m not sure what no I don’t know Bill is that I in that

Town I ain’t talented enough to do that all right talented enough to visit a goddamn statue make a giant toilet you know what I kind of want to build like a Subway is that like a is that like an underground has anyone built the tube here yet is that like an underground subway

Station that takes you from place to place yet they’ve already made one oh never mind that was the idea that was my one idea that was the one idea I had there’s a train station ah but where does it go see not all not all Subway systems are

Created equal you’ve got to learn this not all Subway systems are created equal you know a lot of people I mean the London Underground a lot of people give it [ __ ] for being loud and dirty and and no no none of the employees who were

Gonna give a [ __ ] this is true but it really does go [ __ ] everywhere I mean literally every single place you could possibly want to go in London there’s an underground tube that goes there and really fast as well there are trains every two minutes to the point where

There are so many you don’t even have to look at the Times the trains are arriving you just turn up and there’s gonna be one but then some subway stations you know in other parts of the world take ages you know and they and they might they

Might not be quite as rambunctious as the London Underground but they don’t go everywhere and again some stations they just they just don’t frequent trains there very often it just gets really annoying make a theater so that’s the that’s the problem right it’s that I don’t know how

To like build anything specific my talent in Minecraft is sheer [ __ ] determination and will you know what I’m saying sheer [ __ ] will is just to pick a simple build like a giant wall and to just start doing it you know and not stop thank you so much for the super

Thank you so much as well we build a really tall wall excited thank you very much thank you so much you know what let’s build a giant onigiri that’d be funny that’d be funny let’s build a giant onigiri the one part about sushi that I’m still not a fan of is um seaweed

I think it’s because it does just taste so fishy to me like that I think is the is the one thing that I’m not like close to getting used to right so we’re going to need for onigiri we’re going to need black red white and yellow God this is great yellow

But fish doesn’t yeah I mean especially raw fish like good good sort of um you know good good tuna good fatty tuna you know Yellow Tail salmon on Sushi it doesn’t taste like fish to me it just has a unique sort of mmm oh my God black

Oh my god oh more colors behind here as a clear sign I ain’t reading that uh this sign won’t bother to stop me because I can’t read all right how am I building this then I’m gonna need to bring up an image of Mr Geary

I love you too I hope you I hope you have a good time wherever you’re going okay nah thank you so much for the super a pillow fort oh that’d be nice too maybe I’ll put him out here let’s plan this out excited for City skylines too you bet

Your [ __ ] biscuit I am bro you bet your [ __ ] ass I’m excited how do we thank you very much for the X super happy to see you again soon thank you so much and Kendra thank you very much that’s all right Kendra you’re going on

A trip and you gotta you gotta you gotta pay attention to that you know what’s so funny so I’ve got my live tag open right now and um thank you thank you um Diva as well for posting the picture post the picture of the onigiri keychain as a

Reference I love how on the onigiri lit little plush his pussy’s hanging out you can see you can see you see his little Gooch just dripping below his [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] um robe or whatever it is it’s so funny looking put that thing away dude put that thing

Away there are like children here hello Lance Phantoms were the worst addition to Minecraft I swear to God it’s so inconvenient man I don’t want to go to sleep I want to build [ __ ] thanks churn for the hackers super Um oh happy birthday to your mum I’ll leave early thank you very much for the super Casino thank you very much try meat Sushi I have tried meat Sushi and I prefer I prefer Fish sushi wild [ __ ] right wild [ __ ] that I would prefer a fish option but something about the how light

Um is definitely my favorite type of sushi so how light and effortless it is to eat so much of it and also how much I love love wasabi with it as well it’s so so beautiful [ __ ] get away get away Maki is okay too it’s not my favorite

But I but I prefer I prefer nickity but uh but Maki is fine let’s have a look so oh God this is going to be like the goofiest most like scuffed onigiri you can possibly imagine but you don’t sign up you don’t sign up to watch this stream for you know accuracy

All right so he’s got little stubby legs so he’s like yeah it’s got stubby little legs let’s go up three on this bada boom and then what we’re gonna do is go out like that that’s his that’s his gooch yeah yeah you know yeah you know how’s that looking yeah

Yeah it’s cute okay and then we gotta start building his little so it’s like it’s like a diagonal pattern there’s going to be a whole problem for me um so it starts like that that and like that then like that yeah and then like that yes diagonal

Okay I can do this wait no wait we’ll bring it further back bring it further back should have brought shears should have brought shears the other leg is slimmer no it’s not oh my God it is oh hell no only Gary with the with the [ __ ] xqc chicken legs hell no all right

Nice okay boom boom and then then what we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do oh you Jolly thank you so much VapoRub thank you very much for the super uh no thank you too VapoRub it’s really really nice to have you and I hope you have a wonderful anniversary on that day

23rd I should be here on the 23rd I’m pretty sure thank you very much really eat bread with Wasabi um I had crackers with Wasabi and Tabasco at the same time while I was in Japan and I loved it I I’m addicted to pain holy Jolly thank you very much for the super

Thank you very much last night I watched pomu member stream and I can’t stop thinking about how it tense the visual Direction was huh okay I’ll have it yeah and there we go there we and there we go diagonal diagonally oh yeah yeah we’ll go up by one more

Perfect oh I’m a genius you [ __ ] [ __ ] get away from me Phantoms were the worst addition to the game since the removal of the ore why did they remove the UR I know it’s very like Skillet I guess but then maybe when they added the Alex variant they could have

Added a more feminine sounding oh you know that would have been that would have been funny perfect yeah that’ll do pig that’ll do and then he’s out here Zoo Zoo chest well he’s all flat isn’t it he’s all flat hmm maybe I should like build that out a

Little bit so it’s like he’s barely like his belly how is my spice intake well I did the hot ones challenge I’ve had um a chicken wing or like a piece of chicken with hot sauce on it that was two and a half million Scoville so my spice is is

Pretty good I’m pretty good with spice I think thank you wet bag for the super oh that’s okay I think I will be here on the 23rd honestly thank you so much Mina thank you very much glad you like the June bride voice pack remember everybody it’s on sale now it’s

Really good and really super sexy and hot you gotta watch it or I’ll kill you foxy thank you so much for the super congratulations on your bonus thank you very much for a name I can’t read thank you so Nikki thank you very much and tihi thank you for the super

Congratulations on getting your job that’s great news getting a job is scary getting your job is really scary but I’m sure that you’ll have fun with it that looks really funny thank you very much oh oh Tara is such a banger movie dude tar is so [ __ ] good I you have you’ve

You’ve watched you watched pure Cinema you’ve watched pure Cinema very happy that you chose to watch top Tara is brilliant really really good choice for that one even though yeah it can be um difficult to follow at times the main thing to remember about tar is

That it’s all about the slow this woman becoming so obsessed with her own ego that she disconnects from reality enough to essentially become a horrible person it’s really brilliant it’s a fantastic [ __ ] film I honestly I love everything ever all at once I think it deserved all of the recognition that it

Got at the Oscars but for me personally I preferred tar Tara is more up my alley I really like I feel like if I was ever like a very successful film director I would want to be known for always giving everything a sad ending you know because that [ __ ] really really Butters my

[ __ ] beans you know a good sad ending that makes you go like [ __ ] that [ __ ] really Butters my [ __ ] biscuit honestly I love a good sad ending okay that’s better right William thank you very much super and you saw [ __ ] in spite of us yes you so [ __ ] spite of us thank you

Thank you for watching Spider-Man thank you for I mean I mean I mean you’re welcome for being recommended to watch such such incredible Kino the fact that I’ve seen it three times now and I could see it a fourth tomorrow probably probably the least boring film ever made like the most exciting film

You could possibly watch it’s just on all the time but it’s never exhausting okay so then he’s got his little Club so go up like that and then bring his arms down this is gonna look so goofy oh I found a bit further than I thought we got it out like that yeah

Yeah and he’s kind of holding the club that um ideal bruv ideal little Club brilliant it’s almost at 500 mil in the box office and yes so uh just a little a little bit of movie trivia for you guys um a film is considered a financial success like you know like great job

Everyone we will probably make a sequel if it makes quadruple its budget so it’s not enough for a film to just break even uh because usually remember that it’s taken that’s been years of effort to essentially just make no money you know spite of us had a budget of oh can you

Believe the flash [ __ ] the Flash The Flash is out here with CGI that with CGI that looks like that looks like a dog’s dick cost 250 million dollars to make and spider-verse is out here at less than half that price making five times its own budget insane [ __ ] the flash

[ __ ] the flash so much listen Okay okay I was gonna listen listen I I do I I would I I do not want at all to support that film in any way I I very much would prefer not to it makes me is only Gary asymmetrical yeah there you go

The things they did with the dead actor cameos make me so ill they make me so ill George and Christopher Reeve especially I don’t care if I’m spoiling it you shouldn’t you shouldn’t want to see this film you should not want to see this film it’s actually [ __ ] vile

That they chose to take Christopher Reeve who is a disability rights activist who only ever allowed himself to be shown standing up once after he was paralyzed that they chose to Camp dude CGI him like a bad PS3 cutscene and show him standing up so disrespectful incredibly

Disrespectful all for the purpose of a cheap nostalgic payoff the only a group of like [ __ ] weird nerds in the audience would be like oh my god oh look oh my God and uh you know little little content warning for for for mentions of suicide but um another actor who Cameo cameo’d

Quote unquote in the flash is Mr George Reeve who played Superman in the in the 50s a man who committed suicide because he was because Superman dominated His Image as an actor so much that he lost all hope for his future career and they released they put him into this film

Without his consent because he was dead and they released it on the anniversary of his death every single thing wrong with movie culture with Hollywood with comic book movie culture is present in the Flash and you should not see it I’m not gonna be mad if any of you did

See it but I’m just saying from a moral standpoint that’s a film I will not be watching you should never ever ever ever ever pirate a film you should support the films you care about you know but I wouldn’t be mad at you if you pirated The Flash

Don’t tell stuff I said that whoa okay that was that was that was a silly idea Okay so where are we at now so oh [ __ ] I reckon I can fill it up a little bit that’s his spine also yeah I I love how I love how Ezra Miller being in the flash is not even the most controversial thing about the film anymore

They somehow managed to find a new controversy [ __ ] insane insane that this is the kind of entertainment we’re getting if spider-verse hadn’t come out recently I would feel so upset anyway support support the writers strike absolutely support the rider strike I’ve heard that um sag after the uh The Screen Actors

Guild is apparently deciding to strike as well I’ve heard Rumblings of that and I would be very I’d be very proud if they did choose to this is a really wide neck it’s a very wide little cartoon character isn’t he maybe I should make him like thicker a little more round

We’ll start with this we’ll start with this and then it’s his head it’s his little his little head How’s that looking I mean yeah well it’s a bit asymmetrical isn’t it another one I’m sorry I missed it thank you very soon thank you so much Jana so thank you for the X super and they finished a whole year preparing the college entrance exam that’s such good

News I’m so proud of you very much Jana Chun thank you so much so cool thank you so much I think for the second Super I don’t know what words I can use to describe you but you are all the best to me you are far more

Better than you think I’d like to see play all kinds of games I’m glad to see you chasing your dreams I love all the things you did thank you tabi Utah that’s wonderful thank you so much miso thank you very much Alison hear about kojima’s film shoot thank you very much

For the super Kojima kojima’s doing a film oh oh they’re doing a dead stranding movie what and Kojima is involved in production oh yeah come on baby that’s such good news [ __ ] and death okay I’m I’m very much of the belief that a lot of games would not

Work as films right and and the and that you know a film adaptation is not always necessary death stranding is definitely one that that would like it could benefit because it’s such a rich world there’s so much going on in death stranding’s world right God there’s so

Much you could do with the film adaptation of that that’s incredible that’s such good news ah man I’m happy now I’m a ha I’m I’m I’m I’m as we say in in Britain I am happy as Larry right now I’m happy as Larry I just want to bring this down by one yeah Miracles thank you very much for the super I am feeling a little better so I think I do want to go back to schedules because um I don’t want I I I feel like it will

Help me sort of also it’s nice to kind of give you guys some warning like I’ll I’ll do gorilla like some sometimes if I’m feeling sort of like hey I want to be I want to stream right now um but I you know will definitely be scheduling less streams so that I have

Like I was doing like I was talking about so that I have time to like really focus on things that I’m working on at the moment you know screenplays don’t write themselves uh and I’m hoping that God I that I can deliver like a really incredible piece

Of content once that’s uh once I have that whole thing sort of figured out there we go that’s how you do it he’s gonna have a flat little head little [ __ ] um I’m gonna do this one two three four one two three doing the two in the middle for his head

Or his little head this thing looks so goofy it’s gonna look so silly it’s gonna look so goofy okay okay I’m guaranteeing you his head is not symmetrical like at all let’s have a look at how this how this turned out I’m gonna truth thank you and the award for least symmetrical head

Ever made that’s so silly okay wait a minute I have a plan I I could don’t worry guys I could fix this I can fix this hold on if all right so we gotta get rid of this or a little too chunky on this oh now I’ve forgotten what I was gonna do

Now I’ve forgotten it uh uh oh yes wait a minute sounds flat along there one two one and three down there goes one two um I think this side is wider two okay so we go like yes we go like boom boom and then like that yeah

[ __ ] son of a all right let’s see how that looks it’s gonna look even worse oh no that’s a little better that’s a little better I think that’s about right actually let’s get back on top we oh I’m out with fireworks oh can’t believe they’re making a [ __ ]

Death stranding movie I love death stranding so much thank you very much the super congratulations it got ruined by power interrupt no no God you gotta go see it again they better refund your [ __ ] tickets they better refund those tickets I swear to God I think you mean a shepherd and uh tabi

Utah thank you very much super one I first know you I can’t imagine you bring me such power to come across these difficulties that’s what I’m all about I just want to help I just want to help make your life better thank you very much for the super I love

You too all right congratulations on everything really proud of you okay so I think that’s all we need to do so I’ll just fill this in now if I’m essentially just making him 2D for no reason he’s like his ass is like 2.5 d like mine

But that that’s a lie that’s a lie IRL my ass is actually pretty cool it’s pretty swag you know if you look at it if you ever if you have a soul ever saw that thing I I feel exam damn what the hell are you doing on it with all this ass

Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon hella ass foreign booty a hundred percent yeah you said couple you want you know I’m the one I’m the one who has the receipts I’m the one who’s I don’t know what I’m the one who’s got that I’m the

One who’s got that suit pick you know I’m the one who’s wearing the suit with those with those tight black pants you ain’t gonna see that well I mean you might you have to behave I like this music this reminds me a lot of sort of like there’s this great playlist that I found on Spotify back in like 2018 called like classical X sort of like modern classical piano people like Max Richter and um I now get a load of different sort of

Sort of these modern classical composers and that this piano sounds a lot like that I used to get a lot of comfort from listening to music like that back in the day foreign how’s that looking yeah he’s symmetrical I think yeah oh well I mean almost

He’s a bit he’s a bit wider on one side um he’s a bit he’s a bit chubby on this side uh but you know what that’s fine I’m gonna go get some more fireworks Crystal thank you very much for the ark super I miss you too for assuming happy birthdays happy birthday swimming

Of course and thank you for the AKA super Crystal I really appreciate it I miss you too why is he bold I’ve yet to put his hair on be patient have some [ __ ] patience I I can’t no one can grow hair overnight hmm did you guys hear about um

The fact that uh kick paid xqc more money than uh Lebron James to sign a contract with their streaming platform and then the first thing that he did was stream the entirety of The Dark Knight the [ __ ] kind of world are we living in where streamers think that breaking the

[ __ ] law is like just a normal way of making content it’s insane insane that you just do that and think you can get away with it why was that the twitch meta for so long I mean I guess it was because it was like good viewers to like stream a full

Episode of Kitchen Nightmares just steal content just steal content and then um what is it just steal content and then when you get banned for it just Farm clout off of getting banned and then come back to bigger viewers when you return that’s that’s gaming the system to a new

Level but I don’t know if I can say that I approve I I find that I find that to be quite reprehensible even if I found like a Content creation like a viewer numbers Farm or some hack or something for it I just I just couldn’t do it I feel bad

Gloria thank you very much for the super congratulations thank you very much and Foxy buddy thank you very much all right I can’t find any fire wanks I have to go steal some from somebody else I wonder who’s got any fireworks thank you very much for the super not

Feeling good at the moment oh I’m sorry you’re not feeling so good I go through difficulties every once in a while as well God you know something else that makes me really excited uh Gladys thank you very much for the super love you too congratulations on graduating from

Nursing school that’s such a great such a such a great thing to achieve I’m so proud of you it would be easy thank you very much you’re gonna do an in-depth review on spiderverse God I should shouldn’t I I should because the only thing I’ve really done so far is talk

About how much it influenced me I mean all I really need to say about spider-verse because I wouldn’t I wouldn’t spoil it for anybody I know a lot of you haven’t seen it yet I think there are some parts of the world where it hasn’t come out yet

Uh what I will say about spider-verse is that it is without without a single doubt in my mind the greatest comic book movie ever made it’s up there and Beyond I think great like Spider-Man 2 like the Winter Soldier I’ll be far [ __ ] better than the Winter Soldier let’s be completely

Real with ourselves far better than really let’s be honest light years ahead of anything that the MCU has ever produced even in its kind of golden age like the sort of the middle to end of phase three the beginning of phase one you know better than anything the MCU

Has ever produced better than anything the DC EU has ever produced as far as I’m aware it is kind of for me it might be neck and neck with something like The Dark Knight you know I would even say it might actually be better than the Dark Knight that’s a very

Controversial statement I might have to watch The Dark Knight again but [ __ ] it’s the easiest 10 out of 10 I’ve ever given a film I I walked out of that film and I didn’t even have to think about it I didn’t even have to think about it it’s an easy 10.

And it is that way because the animation is not just completely groundbreaking and somehow so colorful and so so hyperactive but also completely easy to follow you know it never feels like it’s overwhelming it’s showing you so much and yet just the right amount and it has wonderful heart as well

Incredible heart to the story the fact that you can have these really strong emotional moments that aren’t undercut by some shitty joke like you get in the MCU because they’re so scared of letting their characters emote and feel things you know and letting the audience you know God forbid feel an emotion

God forbid feel an emotion in its fullest extent now spider-verse takes all of their emotions puts them on display and it doesn’t try to play them off with weird jokes there are scenes that are extremely hilarious there are scenes that are extremely emotional the acting is brilliant the writing is

Brilliant the animation is brilliant the acting is brilliant might be one of the best film soundtracks to come out in the last 10 years I have been listening to the soundtrack Non-Stop if I did get the chance to make a full movie and got to sort of communicate on

What I wanted for the soundtrack I would say just just just follow on with this right this is your blueprint try and make me something like that you know Daniel Pemberton the goat the the goat and it’s wonderful to see also the feedback on Twitter from artists and

Animators who worked on the film saying yeah I worked on this little bit and I did this little bit and I did that little bit just the idea that the film was worked on by thousands of animators all squirreling away and working on there one little bit and it all came

Together at the end to create such a magnificent looking film with a plot that’s like so just easy to follow but so fascinating at every single turn characters that I can’t stop thinking about I love pavitra I love Hobie I love Gwen I love miles I love Miguel we all

Love we all love me girl you know a p2b Parker might it might be an actually be a perfect man and the fact that I can’t be him just makes me feel so insecure about myself Hobie Brown might be the single best piece of British representation I’ve

Ever seen in a film he’s so he’s so such a great because here’s the thing here’s the thing right as a British person we are the butt of a lot of jokes and this is fair we’ve committed a lot of crimes in the past we deserve all of the [ __ ] that

Gets thrown at us but but throughout the years you know especially like solve the punk scene you know like like 60 70s London is sort of a scene you know that I lived in that doesn’t really get talked about too much apart from films made by British people so to see

That sort of attitude you know you know the Rockers and the mods and everything getting represented so well in hobie’s personality with you know it was just [ __ ] amazing to see it was like I got to feel a little bit of Pride just the tiniest little bit of pride in

In my country just the tiniest little bit I allowed myself one crumb of patriotism just for a little bit just for a tiny bit but what’s ironic about that is that cope is that Hobie Kobe is that Hobie is so unpatriotic you know he would hate me for saying that that’s

What’s brilliant about it we have found him the one good British person thank you very much yeah the Lego section in the film The Lego like alternate universe was animated by a 14 year old who did it like after school what a wonderful opportunity for that

Kid you know and he would have been paid as well I can only hope that his parents like are sort of handling that money properly and making sure that he gets all of it maybe in a way that won’t you know if I got that much money when I was

14 I’d I would spend it on sweets and at a PS5 and all that kind of stuff but like that’s that’s definitely enough money to you know really help your family out so I hope that his parents aren’t pulling a Macaulay Culkin and stealing it all

Okay I’m not calling you out I’m not mad I have my live tag open someone just asked wait a minute hobie’s British did you hear the line hanging out at the pub with demandem and not immediately realize that he was British bruh I’m not mad I’m not mad it’s fine I get

It you know we all get confused sometimes but he is the most British person that I’ve ever met that is like the truest most most accurate distillation of of of of of people of people from [ __ ] London you know he’s so British and how great the the one British

Character we have is so like anti-establishment you know because that is such a huge that is such a huge sentiment in the UK and it still is it’s weird it’s weird you know it’s actually very bizarre if I in the UK especially if you keep good company it’s

Very weird to find someone who actually likes the government you know I won’t go into too much detail but it’s like it’s very normal in this country to sort of be super outspoken about how you hate what’s going on and all that kind of stuff but yeah Miguel [ __ ] hell

I don’t think I’ve ever seen more of a man’s ass on Twitter than I did after I finished watching spiderverse and I started Googling stuff good [ __ ] Lord good [ __ ] Lord what a character you know what my favorite like everyone talks about the one shot of his ass

I like two shots of Miguel will be in my head for the rest of my life and they are as follows the shot right near the beginning of him taking his mask off and showing his vampire fangs in the silhouette I might have came a little bit in my pants at that one

And then the shot of him getting out on the train getting out his like giant arm blades grabbing miles with his web and then doing the giant just overhead slam the the strength portrayed in that little in that little shot just boggles the mind I felt I felt my chest cavity

Collapse when he did that okay it’s that one okay there are two more I like this man a lot there are two more that I like the one where Gwen says what are you just supposed to let him die it’s like it’s like you really think the whole Cannon’s gonna collapse and Miguel

Pauses and he transes you really want to find out you know and also what I really like is when okay but not not a spoiler but there’s one scene where it’s like the camera pulls away from him in that scene there’s a scene where the camera pulls quickly away from him

It quickly pulls away from him and you see his like red eyes and he looks so [ __ ] dead inside those shots those shots of Miguel make me make me make me quite make me quite quite a happy chap quite uh happy as Larry as I said earlier

He’s very he’s so he’s so boy failure you know I love I love the way he’s always sort of what is it he’s doing you know he’s talking about like yeah especially he’s like call for backup call for backup you know like he’s trying the point where he’s like no no

Do you say anything but no no yes he’s so boy failure I want to fix him I want to fix him so much I actually just talked to him you always be like Miguel it’s gonna be fine you know this is where I watch my daughter get vaporized miles cow a bummer

I don’t want to make him worse he’s bad enough see the bunny filter yeah I did oh gee thank you very much for the super what I would give it to me We can all become anomalies you know you know Nabi thank you very much I miss you too kept thinking about how to comfort myself so I’m better now I’ll be busy preparing for my exams afterwards might not be able to come and watch your streams as

Often that’s all right as long as you’re comfortable I miss you so much and I’ll keep missing you okay and Mina thank you very much for the aqua super as well Oblivion thank you so much for the super so glad you have enjoyed them Mars thank you very much let’s go Johnny Walker

Dude Johnny Walker red label is really good Mars thank you very much and you and you both thank you very much I had when I went to when I went out for sushi with my mom I tried a new whiskey that I hadn’t had before called macalan rare

Cask very [ __ ] expensive uh I had one glass of it it was 55 pounds I saw it and I thought I have to I just I just was so curious and [ __ ] was it ever worth it I also think I have a new favorite

Um it was not that I think I have a new favorite uh Don Julio 1942 the bottle that thing comes in is [ __ ] mad it’s like a giant ass potion bottle you know it’s like long ass sort of blown glass like Don Julio 1942 that [ __ ] is whiskey

But it’s like nectar it’s like syrup it just travels straight down your throat it’s like it’s not smoky it’s I think it’s sweet I can’t quite remember how how it tastes but I just remember it being the smoothest most easy mouth feel that I’ve had from a whiskey and I just

Loved it so much thank God that that was not the one that I had when I wound up accidentally having four glasses and passing out because I would have had five I would have had I would have had the entire bottle if I didn’t stop myself Richard Mafia gravity thank you Starry

You know what we need to do we need to do another drunk stream we need to do another drunk ASMR with we need to do another drunk ASMR with um whiskey this time we need to do that we need to do that so badly oh yes uh the Star Wars watch along yeah

It’s gonna happen um it’s just difficult because that’s like a six hour commitment you know so I need to think about like when I feel mentally ready to sit down for that long you know it’s gonna be pretty tricky but I will definitely try and find time for it soon

Thank you so much Saku thank you very much if you do go to Scotland you’ll be able to tour tour the mcallen’s is it McAllen or is it makalan I thought it was makalan and then my mum said um it’s pronounced McAllen and I was like is it

Really I think macalan is more fun to say holy pop thank you very much super okay I’m officially out of I can’t find fireworks anywhere I’m gonna give the onigiri a break I’m just gonna keep digging because I just want to talk I just want to discuss things and Vibe with you all

Is there any space in there Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Ram thank you very much for the Arkansas my birthday month and my one year anniversary of becoming a kindred want to celebrate with my First Act of super thank you so much RAM hmm you’re so

[ __ ] you’re so [ __ ] good to me baby thank you so much for that I really really appreciate it and I’m glad to have had you for such a long time all right Bella thank you very much for the super you know how much I love it yeah I know

How much you do I missed you too babe thank you very much for the I can sleep it’s been a year since I’ve officially joined the membership thank you for all the smiles laughs and love you gave to me thank you so much I’m really it seems

Like it’s a lot of people sort of year anniversaries today love you so much I love you too nekosaka thank you so much Amazing Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man one is fun Amazing Spider-Man suits not so good not not my favorite not very good um probably the worst

Spider I think it’s not as good as Spider-Man 3. uh but you know you know what I like summer thank you very much thank you very much thank you so much you know what I do like about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 actually minus the annoying like Whispering I think that Electro’s

Theme is pretty cool if you take away like the random fake if you take away the random fake dubstep dubstep bombs and you take away the shot at me he hates on me it’s dead to me my ad uh mate I I think that that

Part of it is super lame but then when you take into account the actual sound of the music like when you get to the actual Han zimmerisms the Hans zimmermanisms of the song it’s pretty damn good I like that a lot oh there’s a firework okay I’ll do that after I go digging

Shulker box in here foreign I’d recommend I’d recommend listening to I recommend listening on Spotify or on sort of streaming you can listen to It’s it’s kind of interesting how they did the soundtrack for Amazing Spider-Man 2 they had what’s what the the the the Magnificent Six they called it a super

Group of Hans Zimmer Pharrell Williams junkie XL Johnny ma like a load of people who collaborate I think Hans Zimmer was the one who put them together and uh I mean the soundtrack is pretty pretty basic but then Electro’s theme apart from the really annoying Pharrell isms on it the Hans zimmerisms the

Hansisms are pretty are pretty cool I I’m a fan of the direction that you know some of some of the stuff they did there is like if you took if you took away some of like the the random extra [ __ ] that they put in to kind of

Make it appeal to dubstep fans at the time in 2014 then you’d have a pretty great song I think that’s as much as I could say about Amazing Spider-Man 2. I like Andrew Garfield like Emma Stone they’re pretty good do you remember guys remember watching under the Silver Lake

Banger I showed that’s like my one of my dad’s favorite films now you know it’s crazy like do you remember watching under the Silver Lake for members I um that was the first time we ate what we had watched it after that my dad and I wanted to watch a film and I

Recommended that to him and so we watched it and he [ __ ] loved it he it was like one of his favorite films ever like he watched that and he was like every time there was some big shot or there was some like great music in it he was like

He um he was like oh look at that oh look at that that’s brilliant oh look at that you know he was just he was just along for the ride and apparently so my dad is a very it’s very typical like Dad Dad he every you know he’s he’s

Extremely old you know I’m I’m hundreds of years old he’s thousands of years old he’s getting on in life and he mostly he’s an avid golf player okay and apparently whenever he goes to the golf club he will always recommend under the silver leg if they ever ever mention a

Film that they’ve watched and be like oh you should check it out my dad is like you know you need to watch under the silver leg oh it’s such a brilliant film oh my son showed me this and it’s it’s so nice to know that he’s out there like recommending recommending actual keynote

To all of these old men who have no idea what they’re talking about I mean old by human standards that is of course mm-hmm Mufang thank you very much for the AKA super I miss you so much I miss you too my come here come here the most frustrating part about spending so much mental energy working on a script is that I can’t share it you know I need to keep that [ __ ] secret and it’s

Really frustrating because I would want to rant about it to everybody but I can’t I have to I have to keep it Gamers were in trouble I want to see I want to investigate now tell me guys is that treasure to be found is that treasure to be found in the deep dark

Because if so I kind of want to investigate you know all right you know what I thought it was called that all right you know what I’m going back I’m gonna get my nether right chest on I’ll be gonna go exploring we’re gonna go find some treasure in there

There’s got to be some treasure right there’s got to be treasure there’s got to be treasure heading in there listen [ __ ] I know that you’re scared for my levels and my and my netherright and stuff I’m gonna be real with you again got my live tag open just saw

Just saw Andrew post the Collector’s Edition for Amazing Spider-Man 2. it’s just a photorealistic Electro head that looks really [ __ ] silly that looks so silly dude what does he look like that what the [ __ ] that’s so odd I’ll be careful don’t worry I’ll be careful I ain’t trying to fight the warden he

Doesn’t even drop anything he drops a skulk sensor why can’t they make him drop something cool you know mm-hmm okay where’s my other way I’m ready Wario time hey bro check out my new shoes they’re the new one too they’re a new one two buckle my shoe three four buckle

Some more five six Warrior kicks dude that is so fire hello guys this is episode 2 of games and Wario today I’m going to show you how to fight the warden in a deep dark Here I go Where is it down here must be up there I’ve only ever encountered the warden once and I just ran away all right it’s not coming from that direction it’s going to that direction here we are okay It’s time to brightness up oh God it’s still so dark see what we can find wait do I have Wall no okay hey bro check out my new shoe I’m good aided very much by my new sound booth here we go we’re good all right that doesn’t go anywhere Get [ __ ] got you bastard get [ __ ] got bro you dead as hell oh man is there nothing there it’s just a load of [ __ ] moss on the wall laughs the way I was like if you watch the Vlog you’ll be able to see me looking down at my goats without like

No don’t slap me no no don’t do it I’m totally not into that no don’t slap me please oh wait another right’s immune to Lava holy [ __ ] I thought I just pulled like a what was that what was that was it was it just accidentally hits q and throws the

Diamond pickaxe into the lava thank God netherright doesn’t burn in lava hey hey almost a mistake but we are fine it’s boring now I’m a little I’m a little look around I have found a single Redstone vein thanks game love it amazing I’m actually so sorry guys I’m so sorry

For scaring you it’s okay I’ll try to be gentle from here on okay I’m sorry do you forgive me I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you sad um you forgive me don’t you I’m not making you upset please I’ll give you a kiss I’ll make up for it

No kiss anyway I’m sorry no I’m not manipulating you I’m just I’m just thank you for the Newton thank you very much thank you Kendra thank you Katherine you think yeah thank you very much for the aqua super of course you can come of course you can yes yes as a

As forgiveness you get laugh rights okay lap rights uh I’ll I’ll as as consolation you can have lap rights thank you Gene thank you come back in thank you finally it was all it was all to kill you it was all just to it’s all it was all just a Vanquish you

That you write where I want you me getting all of the Kindred in this stream to blow out their eardrums it’s like FNAF six remember you want them all to be in one place something thank you very much Chez thank you so much and buff thank you very much

Nah I’m gonna do my own thing now I’m gonna do my own thing and then he leans up and kisses him how’d you feel if I did that huh no no thank you for the outcast super I just finished a very important difficult but honorable job about college entrance

Examination can’t reveal too many details that’s so good very tired I’ve learned a lot of new skills and stuff I’m so proud of you Nana Jean thanks so much Matthew gravity very bad bee Moon thank you so much all right we dig we go digging so much

No no thank you for the yaka super painting course in the past I thought I liked imagination and creativity because if you want to try and learn that’s really wonderful you know I’ve been thinking of taking some classes recently too young Zhu and shui thank you so much

I’ve been thinking of taking some classes as well you know um what was that I’ve been thinking um two things I want to learn I want to kind of learn because when it comes to like I have a lot of plans with term in terms of content where what I want to do

Is um commission animation you know um but I feel like in order to properly sort of relay um especially if we’re if um you know going through stuff and working with uh with Japanese creators and artists uh what I would want to do is learn how to

Sketch and learn how to speak at least basic Japanese I’ve always been very bad at learning how to speak a language because I feel like I get very bored with the initial learner’s storyboarding yeah exactly I I want to be able to learn not just how to sketch but also how to

Communicate in because I think with with Japanese and other languages I tend to get very bored with learning how to say where is the train station you know I would just kind of want to be able to learn how to communicate sort of but I guess there are no shortcuts in learning languages

You know maybe I can have someone from niji teach me you know maybe I can maybe I can pay him like 60 bucks an hour to be like yo can you can you can you educate me teach me how to teach me how to teach you how to speak Japanese

Oh gloves thank you for the soup thank you Nana for the FedEx loop I miss you too hey don’t say don’t say that if I can do this anyone can don’t view me as any more important than you than than don’t be don’t view me as any more important

Than anyone else everyone watching is just as important as me I’ve got my ideas I’ve got my plans for life I’m I’m happy the way I am but that doesn’t mean that just because you’re inspired by me that you view me as above yourself you know everyone can be like me you just

Have to try Rebecca thank you very much for the asking for it’s my first anniversary becoming a kindred this week thank you for your company and the happiness you brought to me over the year you’re the only person I’m little too oh Rebecca yes I should [ __ ] hope so

Don’t you say don’t don’t want to see you watching anybody any other streams or mine come here money online let me thinks we gifted and looks like good thank you very much I hope I hurt my foot no I’m so sorry that was very cruel I should have used like a quiet

Sound effect you know I should have used like a quiet little like a fart like that would have been fine like I mean I guess that’s a little loud as well imagine hearing metal pipe sound while you’re in the deep dark God I would fried freak out as well

Don’t worry you’re beneath me ah okay okay since you want to be special about it I guess I can let you believe that for a little bit kind of John thank you very much I don’t know much about movies but I do miss you

So I want to send this oh thank you very much thank you Gremlin as well they see the ruined DLC trailer I did finally I’m gonna get to play a new FNAF game God I love you too Nana what you’re streak getting my project edited today I’m just

Gonna go for it yeah you are just [ __ ] do it just [ __ ] Mafia gravity thank you very much for the super yeah interested to see the ruin DLC because I wonder how much steel wool have learned from security breach because security breach is fun I like it as a game I enjoy playing it but it’s pretty pretty like bad you know like

There’s so much wrong with it from a game Design’s perspective the fact that the game is so unclear about where you have to go that it’s easier to find speedrun Skips than it is to actually play the game normally um yeah it’s super [ __ ] broken I’m interested in seeing how it turns out

Now that they’ve sort of had a chance to process the criticism from the first game because it’s by no means like it’s by no means bad like intent like sort of it’s not like Gollum you know where Gollum was bad because of just like sharing competence and a really bad idea

There’s a lot of heart behind security breach and it makes me really want makes me really want to like you know I really want it to be to improve you know I want to see it I want to see it become better it’s very much Lynn for the akasupa

First time I had the courage to make friends online very touched and happy New Pakistan we can do it we three Kindred had a good time out together oh I’m so glad that you had a good time and uh I don’t care that something good happened to you it should have happened

To me but it’s it’s it listens it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I know my place foreign I am the lonely Lord in his Tower who has to watch like Squidward while everyone else has fun outside Gloria thanks very much for the other super here’s a little something ah it is

Much Gloria thank you so much we’re just happy to help okay poppy thank you very much how’s the driving lesson going it’s going good Diva thank you very much lies of pee um I’m kind of curious about it but anyway uh yeah driving lesson went good I had

Another one today normally would be on Mondays but I did mine today this morning it went really well really really well um I think honestly with an automatic I have like two things I need to figure out which is like just refreshing myself on my theory so you know just knowing

What all the buttons in the car do know about the rear D Mister know about how to dip the headlights and [ __ ] like that just make sure that I’m really confident in you know operating the inside of the car no matter what the situation you know fog lights all that kind of stuff

Um and then parking um I am 100 I am a [ __ ] I have mastered parallel parking parallel parking is actually [ __ ] Child’s Play for me now I struggled a bit with it when I had my first driving lesson went back to it today and I just

Aced it every time I’m I’m actually a parallel parking God at this point the instructor made me do it like two or three times the first time he was like oh well done try again and I did it I did it a second time and he was like

What he wanted to see if I’d like if it was like a fluke but no no he just he’s such a good teacher every driving instructor I’ve had in the past has been this loud [ __ ] you know what suddenly when I go to an actual driving school

And it’s not just some bloke in his car suddenly it turns out they’re actually a good teacher he was harsh with me once today I almost ran over a curb and he like grabbed the wheel for a second I was like you know that’s like the one time that I’ve like

Jumped or sort of felt a little bit like oh no well I’ve while I’ve been in any of these lessons I’ve done three so far three two hour lessons like six hours crazy right such a good teacher so I think that like the one bit of

Parking that I really have to learn is uh bay parking like reversing into a into into into a into a bay is is pretty damn pretty damn tough uh sort of getting it right but as long as as long as I keep practicing I’m sure I’ll be

Fine I think that’s like the one part that I’ve always struggled with so once I get good enough at that it’ll be all right yeah 90 degree parking we call it Bay parking where you park in like a car park you know like a little slot I’m just scared I’m just scared that

I’ll do that because he always practiced in an empty car park I’m scared I’ll just scrape the side off of somebody’s car we call it reverse parking oh well see it’s not always reverse parking sometimes you um sometimes you drive forward into a bay you know

Yeah using the mirrors to align the car is really really helpful cello thank you it’s just after after covid like when there were no driving tests driving tests were still being booked in advance and so the driving tests are backed up still like if you book a driving test in this country

Um it’s likely that you’ll be spending it will be a minimum six months away which is [ __ ] nuts so yeah that’s that’s not gonna be fun maybe it’s all big driving schools intentionally selling fewer driving test slots so that people keep having to go back to their driving instructors

Allison thing my turn to be princess passenger soon only if you’re okay with uh you know giving some give it some support when I get a little road rage in me Daniel thank you very much for the accident by the way so listen to your voice for sleeping every

Night happy to hear your voice with your streaming yeah of course thanks so much now see broke his road head right like passenger seat leans over and and gives you head you know what’s like Advanced road head driver’s seat gives the head think about it right person driving leans down and

Isn’t looking and then the person receiving the [ __ ] has to concentrate and say all right turn left all right there’s a guy up ahead all right slow down all right speed limit’s 40. by the way that is a joke do not try that please you will die thanks Lavinia

Oh Levin you I’m so sorry to hear that I mean breaking up after seven years that’s a nightmare you know that’s that’s that’s that’s someone you thought you were gonna spend the rest of your life with but change isn’t always a bad thing you know if you

Had a relationship that lasts that long it means that you are good at communicating it means that you uh were you know deserving enough of love that someone wanted to stay with you for that long it’s terrifying to think of change but all I want to say is that in the

Future there will absolutely be someone who loves you just as much if not more than the person you’re with before so don’t fret all right you’ll always be deserving of more thanks very much do I name I can’t read Uma thank you very much I love I love

The edits of the Twilight watch longboards they’re so much [ __ ] fun to watch thanks katakitoshi for the super happy birthday I’m hoping so too thank you very much sleep happy birthday thank you so much you haven’t changed but I still can’t get used to your new

Outfit I really love your old outfit so I refrained from watching the birthday stream oh I’m sorry you can’t get used to the new outfit I guess I better keep streaming in it so you get used to it but yeah no I I kind of get it I mean this look is

So so me you know FF thank you for the X sleep I really missed you so glad you’re here yeah I missed you too I missed you too so much super puppy thank you very much ending wish that’s so cute thank you Kendra as well napping in the passenger seat yeah

That’s true that’s true I could never get to sleep in a car all right so I remember last time when I was traveling to America I am I had to sleep in in one of my friend’s cars while they were driving I was in the passenger seat and I was so [ __ ]

Tired but I just couldn’t sleep you know it was just one of those things it sucks oh diamond worried let me runs for the super so lovely to see you again I too it’s me I ain’t too worried about it change my users I have a proper title now I

Thought I’d let you know that’s great to see I would have missed you had I not known glad to see you again Courtney thank you very much right to my place from work I’m able to ask a late ask a kiss you’ve been working late I’ll go watch Spider-Man next Monday I

Hope you like it thank you Luna for the super thank you Moon as well congratulations on graduating um Oblivion Avenue that’s such great news with two degrees I couldn’t even graduate with one how about the other person writing you while you’re driving that’s pretty dangerous

But you know I love a little bit of danger chili thank you very much for the soup thank you glad I could help you what is that what is that block of raw iron oh wow you just find those huh fun I tend to dream thanks for the super Jesus

Anything in your face too baby ah you know I’m curious about like advancements because there’s so many that I haven’t done sneak 100 oh shut the [ __ ] up game discover every biome only 21 out of 52. hmm hmm I wonder if I should try getting some of these achievements because I feel like

I’m sort of running into a problem where I’ve done I feel like I’ve done everything and then reevaluate your life choices you know what [ __ ] I’m gonna go do it wait what do I need plant a seed and watch it grow okay let’s go do some achievements guys

Did I finish building on a Geary no he’s gonna be faceless for a while foxy thank you very much rocks are rocks Asuka thank you for the super you actually use your mirrors in the car or just turn around and look back what do you mean while driving

No wonder there are so many [ __ ] car accidents every year if you’re craning your neck all the way around while on the road you’re gonna die the mirror is there for a reason for parking yes for parking you turn around and look out the back window

For a second I thought this person was looking all the way around while they’re hurtling down the I-95 at 80 miles an hour the [ __ ] you’re probably dead tomorrow I’m asked for an early birthday bless happy birthday Gene hopefully I’ll be able to see you tomorrow we’ll see we’ll see

Thank you tender dream if you think so much mooli thank you so much Ming thank you for the Ark of sleep for happiness and health thank you so much yeah Yeah it’s been an interesting time recently you know I actually um I had a really interesting um experience so while I was taking uh taking my rest I was at home uh where I went home to see my family and it was really really nice spent a lot of time with my dad

And my dad and I we like to watch films together my dad and I we like to watch films together and we wound up watching the first episode of the new Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary snitting I’ve always found him to be a really fascinating individual and I

Remember when I was like a little bit younger and when I had aspirations creatively when I started to have Arnold when I started to have aspirations creatively I think I found him more inspirational than anyone else because of how much was stacked against him when he first tried

Starting his career the fact that he was born to an abusive family in Austria in a tiny little town and he decided I want to be a bodybuilder and then he just his parents were like why the [ __ ] are you doing that you’re going you know you’re

Going to military school why is my son hanging out pictures of oiled up muscular men oh no you know and but he said no no and they sent him to military school and then after everyone had gone to sleep he would work out for an extra three hours every night

Because he just needed to get big as like I want to be a bodybuilder I want to become a big man you know and then after he became and then he became Mr [ __ ] Universe he became Mr Universe multiple times in a row and then after that he’s like no I want to

Be in movies I want to be an actor and they said no listen Arnold yeah you know you’re you’re just you’re just a giant Beefcake with a name nobody can renounce he’ll never make it in Hollywood and then he became the Terminator and then he became Conan the Barbarian and then

He was in Twins and all these different he was [ __ ] he was I mean we talk about the rock a lot I mean Arnold was more famous then than the Rock is now you know and I really enjoyed watching it and some of the wisdom that he had because

It’s a documentary where he kind of narrates and tells a very in-depth look at his own life and he talks about how whenever he had made it he just wanted to like keep keep going for more you know so the big thing about Arnold was

Is that he said like you know he said my family they were they were so they wanted me to to it says you want to work out you go out and you drop wood you drop wood for a fire tonight and all that kind of stuff and um but he said I

Was never satisfied I always wanted more I always wanted more and I felt kind of Vindicated in a weird way because and I’m not saying anybody’s wrong but when I had my when I had my big talk uh on Monday which sometimes I feel bad about doing because I don’t

Want to stress you guys out about what I’m feeling but I also think it’s important because you’re also actually so special to me that I feel like it’s like communicating you know just in any good relationship is that you just share how you’re feeling I did see some people being a little

Dismissive which is not you know you’re not wrong for that you’re not wrong for that because it might just be like flavor of the week like oh I’ve randomly had some inspiration you know it’s like oh he sounds like it sounds like me when I’m on my period or whatever it is but

You know from from some people where it was like I think that what I would ask people to uh what I would ask people in a way to sort of empathize with me on from your perspective I may have it made you know I can I can you know just play

Whatever game I want be financially comfortable for the foreseeable future I do I am in a very comfortable position but think about it this way right if you let’s say for example you’re in school or you’re at University right and you’re a straight A student you’re doing really

Really well you get A’s a pluses every single class but then one term passes by and you get like one A minus and another term passes by and you get two a minuses you can sit there and look at the rest of your school career and you can think wow I’ll probably still

Get a B by the end of it it’s like Ah that’s fine you know it’s like some people aren’t even in uni at all some people some people don’t even have this at all would you just sit there and allow your grades to keep slacking or would you start studying up you know

That’s how I felt about it was that you know it’s like yeah I ca I could just Coast for a long time but with all due respect this is my life this is my job this is my purpose this is the most invested I have felt in anything for an extremely long time

And does it not make sense to want more from one of the greatest opportunities that you will likely ever be given that’s all I’m trying I was trying to say about it was that I needed I needed more than just to coast and play games and and be sort of

Relaxed all the time it just it just doesn’t sit right with me I’ll always want you know Grass Is Always Greener kind of thing I’ll always want that little bit extra if it’s not working in one way I have to do something different so you you understand what I’m saying right

Even though to you you might not understand why I would need to take a step why you might not understand why I would need to change anything look at his flat head ass [ __ ] you might not understand why we need to change anything you can understand why were you

In my position you might want to change something you know thank you so yeah that’s that’s that’s that’s kind of that’s kind of like the whole point of what I was thinking is that you know I don’t really feel because like to be honest you know doing the same thing

Every day even if you enjoy it it gets [ __ ] depressing after a while you know just just kind of just kind of sitting down and being like all right I’m gonna do you know the same thing I did as yet as yesterday there’s comfort in that but also I think there’s

Stagnation and there’s a little bit of like panic in that you know you do a really lovely cozy Minecraft stream one day and then 4 000 people watch it but then what if you do it the next day and three thousand people watch it it’s

Like wait a minute what do you mean I can’t do this every day I think that being when you when you’re in this and when you’re in this career and when you’re the one who’s doing the work and when you’re the one who has to worry

About it it has a much more profound effect on your men on your mental state than it than it is if you’re just a spectator you know you’re not the one who has the um you’re not the one who needs to sit back and um

I sleep down there you know who has the who opens their YouTube analytics and then it literally has a notification popping up saying like you’re falling off bro like that you know you you know there’s a reason why content creator mental health has always been in such a shitty such a shitty state

It’s a lot of pressure and you might not notice things sort of worsening but I do so that’s you know I understand people like you know and I am comfortable and I would be technically comfortable was I to just play video games every day and and you

Know accept my bag and do whatever like yeah I would be comfortable in a literal sense but mentally would I be all right probably not it would gradually sort of wear on me and for that reason that’s why change is necessary to make things interesting you know

Wouldn’t you rather I be creatively at my best doing doing the best that I can doing the right thing okay now we want to make I want to make that near the right hoe here you are baby I ain’t regret My Life Choices I got seven of those [ __ ]

Near the right hoe I want to go enchant this yeah I’ve been thinking about that for a little while and it’s not the biggest thing because you can’t let you know the opinions of people online affect you even if you know even if they’re like kind of right and they have your best

Interests at heart even then you need to know what your limits are and you need to kind of be confident in your own in your own decisions and that’s that’s what I want to do I want to put myself in a direction where I feel like I’m growing rather

Than just saying the same you know I want to build a farm I’m going to build a really really big farm I’m gonna enchant this hoe and I’m going to build a really big farm that’d be nice we we Got the brothel right of course the brothel um Also um the new look for chat I should I I could I could show it off hmm so the new look for chat is finished it just needs to be coded um so I’m wondering should I show you the outline like the draft now or should I

Save it for when it’s all ready hello All right what’s playing John A Hoe with efficiency Bada Bing guess I’ll be in efficiency Unbreaking yeah efficiency and Fortune two from farming that’s gonna be sick dude this is great oh dude check out my new shoes there’s a new one two I’m not doing that again ha ha

Oh you know I need to go get some diamonds I can trade for more enchantments save it oh you guys don’t want me to show it off right now okay okay I’ll save it I’ll save it for some big new for some big debut for everybody I’ll be

Like look chat here’s your new design but it does look very good it does look very good members now that’s now that’s an idea Queen I really thank you very much for the super thank you gloves whoa that’s thank you for the Arca super a little embarrassing my birthday was

About a week ago and I’m happy I got to spend part of it for the first time in this community I hope I get to be here for many many more years and grow with you here’s uh I love you adore you here’s to more to come love and adore

You lots handsome big kiss Thank You Mars my sweet boy [ __ ] Uma new emotes oh I forgot to do that I need I need to I need to commission this or thank you very much just realized I do miss you so much really enjoy spending time with you I miss you too

Baby don’t worry about it thank you very much wait a minute what am I doing I’m doing yes diamonds diamonds I don’t want peace I want problems always thank you very much um I should forget where I’m going I just want to see the rosebud I just want to see [ __ ] Porky Pig

Over there you got a problem Tunes curse of binding Unbreaking Unbreaking oh I need a book I need a [ __ ] book oh not loads over here knock back protection four hang on Minecraft hoe enchantments mending Fortune efficiency fight let’s get efficiency five make sure we get that it’s got a book

There are no books in here hey what are you talking about hey I’m walking in I know [ __ ] books in here how are you doing there’s no [ __ ] books in here hey what are you talking about a boom I am [ __ ] walking here hey I’m walking in where’s the all

Bookshelves we can use those delightful oh Rumi thank you very much for the super I really appreciate that all right thank you thank you very much for the super um thank you very much thank you very much yeah you did yeah you did I missed you

Too I missed you too I know I know I know you missed me I missed you too [ __ ] I miss you too baby girl baby baby oh yeah let’s do that another ride hoe you know what I’m gonna [ __ ] call this thing we got big dick just landed in out Daddy

Long ditch landed in La woof I haven’t named those guys n Gra it’s gonna be the kindred it’s gonna be you [ __ ] hoe will you look at me like that for you horny again yeah I know try again tomorrow morning again and never stops with you a lot it never ends

It’s always dick this dick that daddy this baby girl that when will you have when will you be satisfied huh when will you be sated hopefully never it’s very good for business that’s a joke that’s a joke I enjoy it too Mm-hmm sorry to be greedy no no no no no no I’m greedy too I like it I like it too we know this we know this all right nice I like farming I have level 99 farming in Runescape I have the farming pet in RuneScape too

Which is really cool and sexy of me to have spent hundreds of hours planting trees and uh and then getting a and getting a little pixelated Groot for all of my troubles you know no more what the [ __ ] oh does it automatically do that without water

Oh [ __ ] I thought I thought it would ah man nebula thank you for the hackers who’ve been here for a year I love you too baby thank you so much may thank you very much for the super I missed you too I love you so much I’m glad you’re feeling a little better

Ram thank you very much kiwi thank you very much oh a dresser a suit um maybe both maybe maybe combine so I have like a little bit of like a dress I have like a skirt like a sort of a suit top and a skirt or maybe like a blouse

Or something like that if you’re if you’re torn between going feminine formal or masculine formal then you can kind of go for a little bit a little bit in the middle you know Ram thank you very much what if I just like looking at you well I ain’t going anywhere

I like looking at YouTube baby Superman thank you very much foxy Berry thank you very much Damon had a panic attack foxy maybe for the super and Cali 69 thank you very much I mean I like dragon I like dragon these nuts literally the very first member of the

Very first wave of the Ian made that joke on debut and we still haven’t gotten over it that’s that’s a little bit of company history it’s worth knowing let’s have a look see let’s have a little oh I’ve got that block of iron downstairs don’t I

Wow I need to I need a bouquet I need a bouquet I need a guitar how do I get how do I get that I need water I need Walter I need water well well done well done well done soon Ming thank you for that we messed up oh no I’m so sorry

Swimming thank you for the AKA super it’s okay happy birthday I remember now I thought I read it was one of those things where you see a message and you think you’ve read it but you didn’t thank you very much swimming for the actor I’m so sorry I missed it meowy

Thank you very much for the super clown doesn’t have anything funny to say yeah like usual not got anything funny to say thank you I’m glad you’ve been having a nice time Anya angel thank you very much for the super you want my baby girl Nana

Thank you very much for the super and charcoal thank you very much as well to get some [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus we need to [ __ ] that’s the only way to defeat goose Jesse I’m dying Crystal thank you so much for the super Mafia gravity and mini bikiti thank you very much kisses for everybody

There we go there’s a bucket of water in the chest that I missed yeah I’m not surprised I do that a lot I can’t see I can’t see anything Lots of water all right do I have an infinite water source in here I have like the the water channels on the ground but no I’m always ready to fight you you know me you know me thanks for the gifted body thank you very much for the gift of the super

Kendra thank you very much playing cuphead and rage so hard that I screamed at one of your oh no keep it down okay I can afford to be loud when I play games because I live alone and now I live even more alone because I’m in this booth and I can go like

Oh and nobody heard that I sounded like I was getting my balls squeezed nobody heard that I could do as loud as I want that’s why that’s that’s why like some people like worry about me when I rage at games and I’m like dude I’m not bothering anybody you know it’s like

I don’t think that it represents a danger to anyone or myself that I like to throw controllers and I like to slam my desk and [ __ ] like that it’s just a way of processing emotions and it’s good for Content too I mean a danger to anybody so like the desk has feelings

Isn’t that right you piece of [ __ ] it’s not like you care I feel like you give a [ __ ] about getting slapped around every now and again huh okay uh what am I doing now yes water I mean an infinite water source up here they’ve all it’s already all disappeared

I didn’t know it was that fast with with no water whoa you can always hit yeah the cereal bowl yeah okay wait let’s build like a channel for that hang on just trying to figure out how to do this I’ve never really done this before

You gotta run it down not above you got to run it down like this yeah that ought to do it not ought to do it so what’s like the what’s the range on it I wonder Rachel thank you for the aqua super got that small but vile surgery with uh with

Mid puppet as my emotional support I’m so glad I could have been there in some way to help you hey let’s leave the desk and slap me instead what are you what what are you gonna beg for it gloves of course you can come near my

Desk come on come on come on you can either be in my desk and get under it it’s up to you I’m guessing like three probably be enough four blocks in each Direction gotcha I see that’s four blocks and we’ll do the same here thank you churn little elf craters I

Have on my table mat those are all from controllers so mother please thank you very much so that’s all from Donkey Kong right where I get the um the Nintendo switch Pro Controller that I use for that for those games and I and I get mad

And I kind of like Spike the controller into the into the desk and I kind of smack it with one of the handles that’s what causes like the little craters to pop up it’s really funny no not like that no no not like that no oh oh okay cool

This is fun I like farming I like farming in every game farming is always fun like like just plotting something going away and coming back and being like Oh it’s done the thing yay that’s why I like RuneScape so much RuneScape farming is so satisfying because what you’ll do is you’ll plant a

Tree you leave it for like literally 24 Real World hours and you’ll come back and it’ll give you like 15 000 farming experience it’s [ __ ] so satisfying just click on it and get that big number big number go up you know what I’m saying great thanks MooMoo for the super I want to

Say thank you for being you oh thank you so much uh it’s okay to be a looker I’m just glad you’re here VapoRub thank you very much for the super swamp this morning you’re powering me like a demonic battery I’ll keep you powered up so that you can finish all that [ __ ]

Really thank you very much I might even have a little surprise for me once you’re all done huh boom boom boom yeah that’s good oh [ __ ] yeah of course I got another right hoe only the best for my hoes um you know what I love more than anything

In the world it’s that Meme of um miles and uncle Aaron from uh into the spider-verse the first one and he put He shows him how to do a solid shoulder touch and he puts his puts his hand on his shoulder and he goes and he’s like were you serious I’m

Telling you man it’s Sans genuine comedic genius I’m I was so happy when I saw that I’m telling you man it’s Sans so walk up to her and go just the ones that like have uncle Aaron like showing him how to do the shoulder touch and just be giving him a weird

[ __ ] noise like he’s like you walk up to you and you go hey you woke up true and you’d be like hey he’s right I mean Uncle Aaron’s very handsome if you play by my hostel or Ali good good Lord shoulder touch would probably work bing bong bing bing bong foreign

Why am I so adorable today I just I’m just adorable every day what can I say appalicious thank you thank you very much nice hey what’s up with this what’s up with this huh it’s not even okay come on come on bro there you go there you go a bit uneven

Yeah there you go there you go oh now that’s nice now that now that that now that’s nice that’s nice ladies thank you for the hot AKA soup and I see you again thank you for your super laze and watching a lot of your recommended movies talking to take care

Of kittens they’re about two I love you too lace thank you very much dude I am obsessed with the meme of the kitten where it’s like two sauce long he’s only two sauce long such a little kitten is only two sauce it’s just they got two the two the two

McDonald’s sauce packets and he’s only as long as two of them two sauce and they spell sauce with an S sauce fan of why City Boys Can’t Drive lifted trucks can’t drive don’t don’t drive lifted trucks very much swells I love I love I just love being a silly little guy

That’s my that’s my dream in life just be silly got a chance no kiss for you Navi thank you very much Tyler James thank you so much oh any advice okay this is good this is good I’m gonna quickly read uh yui thank you very much since you’re wondering if the

Fan art isn’t really nsw showing a lot of skin like underboob and thighs oh I don’t think maybe if you want to put it in the NSFW tag I don’t think that just a lot of skin like underboob and stuff first of all I’m very excited about uh what you might be planning

You know me uh but I don’t think that um that’s yeah I think I’ll be fine Jake thank you very much for the super staying calm on a flight um find someone’s hand to hold and uh shut your eyes and once you and remember that once you’re in the air then you

Kind of Forget Where You Are insane thank you thank you very much okay tips for starting a filmmaking degree I have also gone to film school I will tell you I will tell you the biggest [ __ ] piece of advice that you will ever have listen to this leave your ego at the door

That is the most important thing that you have to remember because everyone who goes to film school has an ego it is just how it is the nature of art you have confidence in yourself you have confidence in your abilities and you want to show that off to the world I’m

Going to tell you here right now right now you are not the next Steven Spielberg you are not the next Stanley Kubrick you are not the next Monster says he not yet if you learn hard and you practice maybe you will be but here’s the truth about those guys

Quent Tarantino’s first film was so embarrassing that uh half of it was destroyed in a fire and he refuses to show it to anyone it is a film you cannot see uh uh Martin Scorsese has gone on record as saying that if you look at your first

Draft of a film and you don’t feel physically ill something’s wrong you will not walk into filmmaking as some kind of unspoken genius and create the next work of art you will not your first few films that you make while you’re at school will be goofy silly and quite by Professional Standards quite

[ __ ] and that’s fine you’re learning the main thing to remember is that there are other is that filming filmmaking is a collaborative process you cannot do everything yourself and if you try to do everything yourself people are going to think you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] the most important thing to do if you

Have a really strong creative idea try to express that to people and see if they genuinely get excited about your idea and want to support you do not try to take over a project do not take someone else’s script unless they say hey what is your input and they ask you

For it and the onus is on you as the Director to be creative and provide your vision do not try to turn it into something that it is not do not fall into the illusion that you are the most important person on that set you aren’t your students

In the grand scheme of things your kids and you’re doing your best to make something cool also remember that trying to make something serious more often than not probably work won’t work out too well keep things very keep things very simple know your limits okay you are not going

To make a grand conspiracy action thriller in two weeks before your assignment is done keeping things confined to one room is a great way of doing something more serious if you have a good script you know don’t just get your mates to act in it if you really want a good

Performance out of someone try going to the acting course on your in your University and try and find someone who’s genuinely really good be assertive about your opinions but not to the point where like I said not to the point where you try to overtake a project and snuff

Out the Creative Vision of other people involved everyone is trying to learn everyone is trying to do his everyone is trying to do his or her or their own thing and what you need to do is be respectful of that while finding a place to show

Enough of your own Vision okay so to recap you are not Spielberg you are not school says you are not Tarantino you’re not George Lucas you’re a student one day if you learn well enough you might well be a really good filmmaker but you will not

Be that way when you first start so humble your [ __ ] self be good to the people around you and listen to their ideas and be a good [ __ ] teammate you’re not the leader of the group you’re not the team captain even if you’re a director you’re on a

Team and you guys are working together that’s the most important thing to remember if you’re a good team player if you’re assertive about your own ideas and if you’re director and you say I respect you but no I think we should do this or you or you admit like yeah

Actually that would be a really good idea that’s how you work collaboratively okay just leave your [ __ ] ego at the door it’s a very harsh lecture but to be honest having been to film School [ __ ] everyone is like that especially the boys who go especially the men I

Don’t know why it is especially the men who go to film school go in thinking they’re the next [ __ ] Grand filmmaker thinking they’re the next [ __ ] del Toro it’s always the the boys I mean girls can be bad too girls can be bad too but but Jesus Christ you’ve always got one

Of them talking about some Grand film idea that he’s got and it just and it just you know or the kind of [ __ ] who says yeah I’ve had this I’ve had this idea for a film script or I’ve had this idea for a book or I’ve had this idea

For this and it’s it’s like their entire personality but they never [ __ ] write the thing you know there’s so much of that so just remember that you’re not perfect remember that you’re not perfect and just get up and do your best and be a part of a [ __ ] team

Go on thank you very much for the super really I think that applies to everything just be humble and be open you know have confidence in your abilities but not to the point where you assume that you know everything you don’t you know assuming that one knows everything

Um is the mark of an idiot Socrates said that before he goes [ __ ] head blown off by a lightsaber what was I doing farming yes let’s get some seeds babe Jewel draws thank you very much um also someone asked what the difference between being a live-action director and being an animation director

Is uh to be honest I have not properly directed animation before so I don’t know my best guess is that on an animation you don’t need to have animation experience to direct animation what you need is a good art director on your team you need a good animation director who understands how to

Communicate with animators and then you communicate what you want in a terminology that you understand and then the animation director will communicate that to the animation team right it probably helps if you yourself uh have some experience directing animation but I don’t think it’s impossible I think that you can apply

Live action logic to a animation you just need someone who understands that terminology and the technology that they’re working with and the style that they’re working with so that they can communicate with through sketches and storyboards with the animation team I at least I imagine that’s how it works

Because I do not have that experience so if I’ve you know with animation like with blood and snow that was a script that was then sent to an animator who pretty much just interpreted it and was very creative on their own um but if I was to animate if I was to

Work on an animated project in future I’d like to be more kind of Hands-On uh with directing it definitely really as the Director of an animation you are shown a draft and a storyboard and essentially what you say is you either say Yep this storyboard is

Good Yep this is good this is good um can we change that can we change that can you show more of this can you show less of that you know it’s about communication and it’s about understanding your team’s limits but also pushing them to break those limits

Sometimes you know one of my favorite examples of um one of my favorite examples of someone who encouraged this team to break limits uh is one of the greatest game designers who ever lived and who is still living Allison thank you for the super love you thank you

Very much thank you very much I was sweating because why is this me what let me let me ask you something okay before I finish my current thought God damn you God damn you brain I finished my thought my one of my favorite examples is one of the greatest game developers who is

Currently living and who likely once he’s no longer with us will have ever lived Shigeru Miyamoto he created before he created Super Mario Brothers before he directed um Legend has already created The Legend of Zelda some of the greatest most influent if not the most influential gaming franchises of all time

He knew nothing about game design he was a cartoonist who had drawn drawings of Donkey Kong he had no idea how games were made why was he put in charge I actually don’t know but he didn’t know Shigeru Miyamoto he did not know how to code a game when

He coded when he led the team making the 19 that were making the original release of Donkey Kong but what that meant was much like Giorgio moroda in the greatest song ever written Giorgio by moroda once you free your mind of the idea of Music being correct you can do whatever you

Want and that is exactly what sugar Miyamoto did his lack of knowledge meant that he could push his team to do more than they thought possible originally he wasn’t aware of the limitations of computer programming at the time so he would ask can we do this can we do this

And they said well no and he said well why don’t we work around it and do it like this he approached it with such a fresh perspective and was such a newcomer that in the end it turned out to be such an Innovative project that was so not held back by the expectations

That we had for video games at the time that I mean it became it is the most famous art arcade game of all time it gave birth to [ __ ] Mario that’s where Shigeru mimo is the go um but like I was saying meowy and to everyone else

Who has a writing project an art project level with me here you presumably have a computer of some kind it can be a shitty laptop it can be an Nvidia 4090 I don’t give a [ __ ] you have a working computer or perhaps you have a a notebook and a piece of paper

Or a piece of paper and a pen what’s stopping you why haven’t you done it yet if you’re not motivated why is that why aren’t you motivated what is stopping you other than your own motivation perhaps the project itself is not motivating you try and diagnose those problems

Diagnose those problems in why you’re not doing it see I have ADHD pretty bad ADHD and what I find is that if you want to work around that problem you need to feed the problem someone so the thing about ADHD because I see a lot of people

Saying my excuse cdhd and that’s fine you know ADHD makes these things difficult but here’s my solution as someone who’s done a lot um ADHD is all about hyper focusing right it’s all about narrowing in on something and doing it and not and doing it because your brain is hyper focusing on it

And then not being able to do things that you that you’re not focused on if you cannot focus on your product or on your project why not change what it is that’s making it a struggle to focus on that’s what I do if I’m staring at the problem and I’m like [ __ ]

Why can’t I do it and I’m getting that writer’s block what I’ll either do is get up and take a break or what I will do is I will think well clearly something about this isn’t working there’s nothing wrong with going back to square one this is why drafts

Are so important did you know that um there are so many scripts that take years to write when a lot of scripts are less than ten thousand words long why is that because they write and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite you do

Not have to make it perfect the first time it’s like monster says he said when you when you look at your first draft if you don’t feel physically ill something’s wrong I know it can be very upsetting to put words on paper and then not enjoy what you see oh God it sucks

But that’s a step if you want to do that thing you need to take that step and be aware that you will make something that sucks but From the Ashes of something that sucks you can then start correcting it and you can then go back on it and say

Well what well well you know show it to one of your friends show it to a beta reader why don’t you think that worked well maybe you should change this maybe I will change that change around some plot points make make characters relationships different work on dialogue

Just start slowly ironing out what made it worse and suddenly you’ll be closer than you ever thought possible to actually having the [ __ ] thing done imagine that this thing that’s been in your head for weeks months even years might actually be done think about how amazing that will feel

So the biggest thing I think is to accept that if you do have ADHD or if you just have executive function or whatever it is whatever problems you have work on accepting that you will make something first that is [ __ ] except that it will be [ __ ] make the

[ __ ] thing and then once you’ve made the [ __ ] thing start shaving off the aspects that are [ __ ] and slowly you’ll turn it into something you’re proud of it’s difficult but when you think about the actual things that are stopping you there’s nothing in the way of a written product

All you need is something to write on you need a computer or you need a pen and a paper that’s it that’s all you need and time you know give yourself some time because at the end of the day your creativity is wonderful and your ideas are beautiful

But no one’s gonna be able to confirm that if they never see it it’s a bit of a harsh reality but it is the truth you gotta put these things out into the world for them to be remembered or else what you know you’ll forever be the friend who kept talking about the

One project they never finished and people will remember your stories and your OCS and your characters as oh well you know I remember them rambling about it for hours I I don’t really I don’t really want that personally that’s that’s not what how I want the things to end up

So it’s it’s it’s def I know it’s a harsh reality to hear but the only thing you’ve got to do is remember that it’s a hard [ __ ] graft you know it is really difficult but it’s all possible I’m reminded of one of the Old Masters I’m always inspired by the culture of

Traveling for many months to go and visit a guru you know someone who presumably has all the answers to just travel for months just to receive their wisdom I met with one such Guru once many years ago might even be 10 years ago now and he imparted in this Guru went by the

Name Shia LaBeouf and he imparted upon me some of the greatest wisdom I’ve ever heard just do it he said make your dreams come true he said one of these days You’re Gonna wake up and work hard at it nothing is impossible he said and I heard those words I [ __ ] and piss

Myself and here I am foreign thank you very much for the X super hmm I would also like to say to those of you that do have ADHD because this is how I learned to sort of cope with it a lot of the time when I was upset that I couldn’t do stuff

I was chatting with my mum about it and she said that she after you know after I after I said that I it was what I had she said you know I listened to a talk with this one guy and he said that ADHD was his superpower

You know there are plot there are ups and downs to this but truly the ability to hyper focus on something is a bit of a superpower in a way when you can just sit down and work harder than anybody else just because you [ __ ] believe in something there are benefits there are absolutely

Benefits to ADHD and I’ve and I felt this I mean look at me look at what look at where my ability to to to to to to to zero in on something has gotten me the problem with ADHD is when you hyper focus on the wrong things but you know

We can’t all be winners it’s almost like you know it’s almost like what is it it’s like imagine a normal person’s sort of work schedule is walking 10 of a journey by walking but walking 100 of a journey by in 10 days by going 10 of the of the distance each

Day 10 a day and by the end of 10 days you’ll have finished the journey by 100 an ADHD person will sit on their ass for 90 of it and then they will run to the end in the last day you know so it’s it’s got It’s just a unique way

Of working I think but it doesn’t mean that working on things you care about is impossible Lou thank you very much for the super it does this is my [ __ ] playlist bro the emotional music always comes in at the right time pyros thank you very much for the super

SJ Merchant thank you very much for the super exactly exactly anxiety depression ADHD PTSD whatever it is you have they they can make it much harder but they’ll never make it impossible so if you have dreams don’t let those words that people have labeled you with don’t

Let those labels stop you from doing your best it might take you longer and it might feel harder than it is for other people but you can still [ __ ] do it whoever said it was impossible you can still do it look at me you know deal with all of that I’ve got

All those labels on me no no I’m I’m I’m do I’m doing a whole bunch I’m not I’m not amazing at it you know I struggle with things I’m still doing it you can too if I can do it so can you that’s what I’ll always say I am a very silly man

Who doesn’t always work properly in his in his brain that’s what you’ve got to remember is that if that silly man can do it oh hell yeah so can I if he can do it oh it must be easy this guy how’s he doing it how’s he doing it then right

That’s that’s how I feel about it I’m a very silly guy he doesn’t always know what to do but if I can do all of this then you bet your ass you can as well silly man with a big heart this is true got a lot of love to give would anyone

Like to receive some love I can put it on your lips or I can put or I can shoot it on your chest like the Care Bears that’s one of the greatest jokes I think I’ve ever heard one of the greatest jokes I’ve ever heard you know the Care Bears they might they

Might be able to shoot like they might shoot love out of their chests I you know I I can’t shoot love out of my chest I have shot love onto somebody’s chest before Tyler James thank you for the super don’t want to be the next blank I just

Want to make cool stuff that is a really good [ __ ] attitude by to making a decision if you’re thinking of like a million different things sometimes you just have to go with whatever feels right at the time your gut is a valuable tool your gut will be able to tell you

What the right thing what the right thing to do is if you feel like hmm I feel like this is the right thing to do then sometimes you’ll go for it and remember the thing about being at school is that it’s about making those mistakes if you do wind up

Making the wrong choice I mean you might get made fun of by those people who believe they’re going to be the next Spielberg but it doesn’t mean that their opinions matter you learn something that’s what school’s all about whether you’re in preschool or whether you’re in University

I kind of don’t even want to use this for food I kind of just want to like put it here so I can have a farm you know I just think it’s nice foreign I mean you know going back to what I was saying earlier it’s such an exciting

Thing because I think that when you do have some problems that make productivity really difficult God it can feel like you almost just accept that you’ll never do it you know you’ll just accept like man oh God you know it’s like I would do it but I ain’t gonna you

Know not today man but then you but then you just start thinking about the idea of what if I actually did it what if I [ __ ] did it you know um I have uh I’m not trying to call them out here I’m not gonna name him but I have a friend

Um who’s a really great guy he has a sort of a series of books he’s been working on for a long time like sort of six years or so but the thing is that six years has been spent outlining the books you know like writing descriptions

Of what will happen uh but apart from a few chapters here or there done to like sort of as like a little writing exercise he hasn’t actually started it yet he hasn’t actually started the manuscript itself for like the first draft and I’ve been trying to tell them

Like you know you’ll learn more about the outline and you’ll learn more about how to develop a plot if you give a first draft to go and you see how it works but I think that a big thing holding him back and what I would say to

All of you to kind of consider is that sometimes when you have a passion project it’s harder to start than something you don’t care about because with a passion project you kind of Base so much of your emotional energy on it that what winds up happening is that you are scared to

Make it you you’re so obsessed with in your head you think this project is perfect oh this project is gonna be so good this is my magnum opus I love these characters I love my OCS I love all of this you can think about it for so long that

It becomes like an emotional truth in your head that it will be great and so then you get scared you start writing the first chapter and you think God you know I’m not liking how this is turning out and you get really scared What if after all of that emotional energy put

Into it it’s not any good terrifying but his thing here’s the thing you actually have control over whether or not it’s good because if you write the first draft if you write that book that you’ve always wanted to write if you write that script if you make that painting you’ve always

Wanted to make and it’s not good you have the power to stop go back and redo it change the things that didn’t work about it show it to Beta readers be brave and have them say yeah this didn’t work that didn’t work because you haven’t

Published it yet all you have to do is take that and sort of say well you know maybe it didn’t work let me change this thing around let me change that around and eventually with enough drafts you’ll have something really good do you know the movie uncut gems probably one of the

One of the best films to come out in the last 10 years the script is one of its main selling points the script is is such a beautiful script um it was it took 10 years to write 10 years it took 10 years to write and there were

I I should you not I’ve heard that there were hundreds of drafts for that script hundreds of iterations upon dialogue and what that meant was um uncut gems achieved a scriptless feeling to it it felt as though there was no script because the dialogue came so naturally they had worked on it so

Much that the dialogue sounded like just talking you know so if the safety brothers who are genius award-winning screenwriters can take 10 years to write a script for one film you can afford to take that much time to finally sit down and [ __ ] do the thing

So you know I’ve learned a lot recently about that because I was lucky enough to be a part of needy Sanji right I was lucky enough to be to have this opportunity and by having that opportunity I was put in front of an audience of people who

Encouraged me and that is a massive privilege thank you very much for the super that encouraged me because I had all of you saying how great I was doing and so I kept doing it I think the thing that can feel so disheartening for people who do not have

The amazing privilege that I have is that they don’t have much feedback from people when you write something maybe you’ll have a beta reader and also remember um it’s a passion project it might be years before you see a single Cent from this project and that

Can be disheartening as well in a world in a world where you need to work for six to eight hours you know nine to five every day and then after that keep working that’s [ __ ] exhausting and you’re not wrong for some days just being like [ __ ] I just want to lie on my

Ass and watch TV you know watch my favorite stream of Vox alchemer and send him a hundred dollars of my money because I just think he’s such a sexy [ __ ] you know I don’t blame you for that I would too if I was you but you know you need to understand the the

Nice part about writing and drawing all and all of that and stuff is that it doesn’t cost anything either it’s free to just sit down and put words on a page the only thing it cost you is time and energy so technically doesn’t even if it’s exhausting technically there’s nothing

Stopping you but it’s in moments like that that I like to think about you know going back to Arnold Schwarzenegger the way that he had a dream and no matter what obstacles there were he just kept going for it because he couldn’t stop himself going through the rigorous training that

There was at Military Academy only to then work out even harder after everyone else had gone to bed he kept going and that’s why he’s so successful because he just didn’t stop I like to imagine that that life is possible for all of you the life of

Someone who has worked that hard and is that famous it’s possible for everybody you just gotta make yourself do it and that is hard don’t get me wrong it’s hard as [ __ ] to really sit down and do something that you you don’t know if it’s going to

Succeed you don’t know if you’re going to get paid for and then if it doesn’t succeed if you go all that way if it doesn’t succeed the hardest part is picking yourself up and trying again having written something bad that was not well received that did not get published

To try again God I can’t imagine it impossible but if you do eventually one of them will get published and then you’ll be in that you’ll be in the home stretch and from then you’ll have that feedback loot from then you’ll understand what it is it what what it takes and how

To make yourself do it again and suddenly you’re working your dream and that I think in spite of all the fear you might feel I think personally that’s worth it hello who’s making that sound who’s making that sound that Pillager who’s making that sound hell who’s making that sound thank you

Thank you very much for the Super Hyper focusing on an ad listed mobile game right before this convo God I’ve been I I’ve played some shitty mobile games a couple times how to do toast [ __ ] [ __ ] super just happy to happy to be good for you Chris thank you very much for the

Super coming out of a two-year art block words are so timely good [ __ ] luck babe you can do it and never look back and say it could have been me yes it should have been me it’s not fair no no no no it still could be you just don’t [ __ ] stop now

Keep it going because there’s nothing stopping you apart from your own will motivational speaker ah you know out here out here dropping true facts this post was fact-checked by real American Patriots see who’s making that sound who’s out here squeaking next up the squeakers on oh man one of them got [ __ ] up

Here you go bird of the rain thank you very much for the super all I need to hear but is make me anxious because I know I need to just do it but I don’t know what I should be doing if you don’t know what you should be

Doing that’s completely fine the best part is thinking don’t worry about thinking oh I have to start working right now you’ve got time darling you have time it’s okay the best part is thinking here’s how I come up with ideas right music is amazing for me because I cannot make music

Ever I will never be a musician I know that I’ve made new cedonia and I sang that but I was helped by people who do know what they’re doing music is amazing because here’s what you should do here’s what I’ve always done ever since I first had the idea idea I

Wanted to be in a creative profession what I did was I started listening to music and I intentionally avoid looking at music videos I just listen and I think what kind of visual do I want to see with this and suddenly I imagine a character um it doesn’t matter what they look like

Look anything what are they doing well you know what setting are they in Wise this song makes me think he’s in a futuristic city great okay futuristic city what’s the city like wow it’s kind of dystopian little Blade Runner okay Blade Runner um what is this character what’s this

Character doing why is he there he’s like well he’s maybe maybe he’s doing this guy maybe he’s fighting somebody why is he fighting him who is he fighting why is that person there and suddenly out of nowhere a world has been born and suddenly it doesn’t have to be the

One that you focus on but you know just go about it nice and slowly Don’t force yourself to come up with ideas because this is the part that you have to take nice and slowly let your let these ideas pop into your head um on their own

With the script I’m working on at the moment the main way that I’ve sort of come up with the story beats and with various moments is by listening to music I listen to music and I think I think about a series of events that I’ve had

Set in stone for a long time and suddenly I think oh wait I listen to a certain beat in the music and I’m like wow that would go great with this moment what if I did it this way as well and suddenly a whole new story beat has

Opened up and then you know by just going for a walk with my headphones on I’ve come up with a whole new way of looking at a story beat that I had previously assumed was already done for you know so when it comes to ideas don’t worry a

Little head because they will come they will always come if you’re a creative person and if you’ve come up with ideas like this before they will come don’t worry just go about your life feed your Muse that’s the best way of coming up with ideas feed your Muse if

You what if you like films watch films if you like TV watch TV if you like music listen to music if you like books read books the more that you consume the more that you will understand and the more that you understand the more that you will process that information

And you let it Inspire your work remember in the words of the great Aaron Sorkin great artists steal great artists get inspired the best artists in the world will steal outright no idea is original if you want to do an exact copy of someone else’s idea and

Just change the names around I mean okay maybe do that but you know getting inspired by other work is what everyone does there is not a single original idea in the world every film has Shades at every other film every book was inspired by every other book and even the very first books

Written at the [ __ ] Dawn Of Man were inspired by real event real things that happened you know there’s probably some you know a caveman probably got bonked on their head when he walked outside his cave and then the first book was a cave was an etching on the skin the [ __ ]

Caveman walls about what happened to him that day that didn’t just pop straight into his head he was inspired by something that happened to him you know don’t play it you obviously don’t plagiarize although I’m very amused by some experiments done like there was an experiment I heard about where a guy

Took Pride and Prejudice and he changed the character’s names and then he tried to get it published and they and they rejected the book not on the basis not on the basis that it was plagiaristic but on the basis that they didn’t think it was any good which is quite funny it

Was it wasn’t meant to be published it wasn’t meant to be an actual Act of plagiarism it was an act of like you know let’s see you know kind of like the guy who turned down the Beatles you know they saw Pride and Prejudice one of the greatest romance novels ever

Written and they were like nah I don’t know if this is in right now what are your tips for making a story beat oh I I don’t know I mean for me a good beat in a story will just sort of appear you know I’ll just be thinking about

Like a scene I have or like a moment that I think would be good and suddenly I think oh [ __ ] what if this character did that and I’m like [ __ ] that’s good and then it just sort of becomes a part of the you know the the the tapestry you

Just kind of move on you know think about I think that more often than not conflict in a story is better than no conflict characters arguing has the potential to um have them to have the story move in an interesting Direction a really good piece of advice I would say make sure

That your protagonist is an active protagonist the kind of protagonist where things are happening because they are making them happen not the protagonist where things just happen to them because that’s a little dull you know someone who gets whisked away on a magical Adventure is great for like the

First Act but then by the end they need to kind of have some agency and sort of push the events forward instead of just oh what’s going on all right I guess I’ll go and do that okay okay Fault I ain’t seen this before this is food Chan full ER book and quilt

Finally the tree Guided by me that’s cute take my seeds back thank you oh bloody [ __ ] what’s up with that huh Oh [ __ ] I’m gonna die up here aren’t I was here a little bit how the [ __ ] am I gonna get down there I just have to slow down I just have to slow down never mind I slowed down too much slow my descent just just round and about and around all right

[ __ ] man come on let me actually a shift can’t land slowly descend like that yeah that’s how you do it oh no [ __ ] quick [ __ ] let’s see what that sign says [ __ ] come on yes follow lighting to Guardian [ __ ] off how is that sign useful

Hey it took me like 10 minutes to land bruh it’s a nice system but Jesus Christ oh my God is this pomu’s build dude dude I’ve seen her building this on streams a couple times so many choke boxes City potions thank you very much the super yeah concepts are difficult to come up

With like that’s the hardest part is just okay well let’s make a story about whatever it is I always find that the easiest way of doing it is like just sort of I don’t know maybe maybe it’s easier for me and I can’t give good advice but thank you

Thank you for the AKA super thank you so much happy birthday baby Kendra thank you very much for the super and uh actually thank you very much so for me I think a lot of the time I guess I’m just open to a lot of things so for me for example

The script and concept for my law film that’s coming out soon I was back in my student house while I was um you know living with my roommates and I was taking a shower and it just occurred to me it literally just occurred to me

I was just lying I was just stood in the shower and I thought what if and it was there like a like a puff of smoke so I don’t know just if you think of an idea in the shower if you have a shower thought maybe just go ahead and write a few

Words about it just try and put it on paper and see if it’s you know throw [ __ ] at the wall and see if it sticks kind of kind of kind of beat you know oh my God just gonna kill some of these guys for a bit it’s always a bit funny

Or is it broken huh come on guys there they are come on hello blood is that what they sound like when it’s just one there’s always so many that I can’t even hear what they actually sound like you’re the most heartbreaking thing in the world to me is it sucks

Is the fact that I think that like God hang on let me just let me just murder these these fish features real quick I mean there’s a level 40 or something I’m good so you know do you know what makes me so sad I feel like my decision to maybe not

Right now but like in a little while to sort of phase out like super explicit sexual content um for good I definitely think that in some ways it’s a good idea because it will be good for my long-term comfort and it will also be good for me sort of branching

Out into new areas like I want to with sort of more story based stuff but the problem is I’m just so [ __ ] horny all the time it’s gonna be so boring it’s gonna be so odd I’m still I like I think the most reassuring thing that I

Can say is that I will still be I will still be an immensely flirtatious very like sassy man my sense of humor will not change I’m not gonna stop being myself it’s just down to ASMR where it’s like extremely detailed depictions of sex I it’s never never something I imagined

That I would do and I’m kind of glad I did it because it was so much fun but also I definitely feel like doing it too much uh might like not be so good for me so at a higher tier membership well you know

I get it but you know if I if I just if I decide to move on I decide to move on and that’s that you know I will replace that aspect of my content with something else that I like a lot um it’s just a shame to move on fully

Because it it did make me feel a sense of intimacy and connection with all of you who I find so immensely attractive you know and it was a it was it’s a real joy to just to just get to express that side of yourself without like any fear

Of judgment but the problem is when you’re as high profile as I am there is always going to be judgment and it kind of makes it sad yeah thank you very much Rosa Linda concert and someone recognize you on my postcard that’s cool I’d get so scared thank you

Very much to Maki thank you very much worried thank you very much for the super and Ruby thank you so much as well my brothers my brother Jason’s birthday is coming up he’s a big fan of mine yay happy birthday Jason good luck with your fencing me happy birthday Jason Jason Jason sorry

I watched the donkey Heavy Rain video and I keep thinking Jake’s son Sean Sean Jason Jason gotta get some work done must be some orange juice in the fridge Universal is better hahaha Jason I love the bug where you can keep yelling Sean during the final cut scene that [ __ ] is so funny

See this is pretty cool he just needs like a sofa in there or something like a fridge sassy Leslie thank you very much for the super thank you Emily immedi thank you Milo as well yeah it’s been really really nice to get to hang out with you all

The only problem is is that even though I’ve got air conditioning this heat wave in the UK is really [ __ ] me it really sucks oh god oh it’s not the one I’ll tell you that I’m gonna repeat what you said well I always say what I was saying is is that

In the ASMR content that I’ve made in the past I kind of want to move on from explicit stuff like that like I’ll still be a horny guy and I’ll still sort of be aiming my content at like you know I don’t think there’s I I still to this

Day don’t think there’s anything wrong with a carefully managed boyfriend experience streamer and that’s like what I like doing because I like the idea that people feel butterflies in their stomach when I talk to them and the idea that I can make them smile and they will do good healthy things for themselves

Because they feel as though they’re cared for by someone I don’t think that that’s a bad thing it can be done wrong it can absolutely be done wrong when people feel Under Pressure to give money constantly and people sort of develop an extremely unhealthy attachment that

Winds up hurting them in the long run but I I’d like to think that I’m encouraging people to take care of themselves in the right way you know that’s what I want to be able to do is to prove this kind of entertainment is valid and that things that women and

Gay guys and and others who are attracted to men enjoy is not supposed to be something that should be reviled or you know viewed as cringe or whatever like if you cringe at my content like that I get it you know if I if I probably would as well but it’s not for

You you know it’s just made for other people and that’s fine you know if you want to watch someone else you go for it I’m more power to you laughs maybe to be good for like the whole I guess I guess it depends on if I would feel comfortable with it maybe it

Would be good to have like have like a lost hurray for that sort of thing you know like one more one more for the books and maybe keep that one to like the whole membership tier maybe do like a sequel to the office or a sequel to the professor one I just

Kind of keep that as like the sort of the Epic finale I don’t know maybe it depends on if I feel comfortable with it I know that you all just want me to be comfortable and I really appreciate that so much right now the thing that I’m most comfortable with is taking more

Time to work on you know a lot of like secret projects and stuff and I have a lot going um I have actually Four another project not the law project I have um I have networked with uh a Animation Studio who are working on two projects

For me uh which is going to be a lot of fun so we’ll see how those go there’s still a very early in development but um very interested to see how those turn out yes too some that may be released sooner than you might think

I am cooking no I there’s there’s a lot in the works I’m cooking I’m I’m cooking very hard I am I’m doing all sorts of different things it’s nice I like having this look at this look at this little farm onigiri’s farm is watching over the farm with his faceless face

You know we gotta finish on a Gary don’t we Kendra thank you very much yeah Kendra exactly I want people to feel loved because not everyone has that in real life and I feel like you know as long as a person doesn’t feel as though they need to drop their

Real life aspirations to try and seduce me in a real way because like you know I’m not allowed to to do that kind of thing for very obvious reasons if you feel loved and that gives you the motivation to start improving your life and then maybe you’ll actually find love

In real life because you’ve got fought out of a depression or something imagine how nice that would be imagine how nice that would be I don’t know I think about that kind of thing and it makes me happy so I’ll keep trying if you want think about the super worm

Oh listen to the old ones I it depends uh I’ve I’ve considered not like removing them I’ve considered maybe unlisting the old ASMR and then putting them in a playlist so they’re like a little bit harder to find for new people but old people who know that they’re

There will always be able to find and listen to them um it’s essentially so that it would be less of a part of my sort of brand moving forward but they would still be there for people who like that you know and I wouldn’t do that for the more less

Explicit ones yeah uh so stuff like mad scientists Cowboy um you know the ones with like that aren’t super explicit I think I would like leave public but you know for the ones that are that are like more sexual or not I think it might

Be a good idea where since like my plan is to sort of try and breach into the mainstream and stuff maybe not having them be the first thing you see might be kind of good in the long term but it’s a shame it’s a shame to admit you know

Because because I am proud of what I did with those I think they’re good but it that’s just the way the world is you know you gotta adapt you gotta do new things do old things in a different way it’s a scary business I don’t always know if I’m doing it right

But I gotta try that’s how it goes that’s the way it goes that’s the way it goes So satisfying I saw those guys in concert a few years ago got a picture with the drummer hmm uh well why don’t I put my wall put it downstairs Maybe um thank you very much Arabella thank you very much just know you’re really good at it yeah that’s nice see that’s the thing

That I would miss zesty thank you very much is that from people from those of you who have a history with listening to NSFW audio being told that I’m literally the best at it even though I didn’t do any research and just jumped in and did

It all live I can’t imagine how much my ego is gonna suffer if I had to stop you know I don’t want that’s the thing is that I’m such a people pleaser I don’t want to let people down and people who want more of that for me aren’t wrong not at all

I like being the goat at something that’s pretty cool I never thought I’d be a goat me oh it was really funny to look at Bald onigiri out there with a really flat disc head what am I looking at as you that’s you buddy your likeness aren’t you proud of me

Aren’t you so proud of this really accurate representation that I have made of you inside of the video game Minecraft developed by Hatsune Miku foreign Hatsune Miku did invent onigiri unfortunately Hey listen thank you very much for the super thank you very much Kayan happy birthday

On Friday ignis thank you so much have you been love the jacksepticeye interaction you had yeah that’s an ideal under the table guest but you know one Twitter interaction doesn’t mean that any of that is gonna happen I’d certainly like to but you know I’m too

Nervous to ask anybody that huge for a collab they’re busy they’re busy people I’m busy too but you know I’m just me that’s a legend right there it was I was I was very surprised I was on the train going to see my family I was like oh [ __ ] that’s wow okay

Really caught me off guard in the best of ways it was so nice yeah yes honey I like the baby but he’s got a big head thanks Rebecca thank you Nicole okay Okay let me okay so how do I make onigiri’s little I’m gonna make his little face I make his little like cat face meow me Geary onyagiri laughs ah I’ve fallen ah I have fallen I’ve fallen Geary meow me Gary I gotta stop falling because I’m Free Falling

I wish I wasn’t I just want to have my feet on the ground I just want to be a good boy can someone send another picture of the onigiri plush in my life tag so that I have reference it’s it’s disappeared now laughs okay thank you guys all right so he’s

Got little black eyes I need some black wool for that I give him like yeah like that no bastard bastard Bluebird for the super thank you you’re a lot of things you’re sure good at delivering all these explicit ASMR but remember we keep we stay because you’re funny Charming eloquent artistic anymore thanks

It’s nice to be good at something but maybe it’s okay to move on like we were talking about Arnold he’s not a bodybuilder anymore he was one and then he became an actor and then he became the [ __ ] governor of California I want to become the I’m the governator I’ll be back

People can change and uh it feels bad I don’t know I did really enjoy it and I do still really enjoy it but is it the best for the long term maybe so it’s really scary it’s really scary to think about that much change actually now that I’m sort of confronting it

Okay that’s fun okay it’s more black wool I’m gonna go visit hey you reach for the sky I reckon I’ll feel better about it like once the the little project is out of the way once that’s in the public eye and you get to see like because in terms of

In terms of um sort of story and editing and like Concepts and everything I feel like that’s me showing my forehand you know it’s like hey this is this is the [ __ ] that I’m capable of you know maybe I’ll feel better about it because then I can sort of be really

Recognizable for something else I guess because right now you all know that I’m like funny silly goofy man but most of the world knows me as the sex man and so it’s scary to think about changing that even if it might be for the best in the long run

No no Ike is the man of sex man of sex for real still do safe work ASMR absolutely and I’ll still do like suggestive ASMR I think like being suggestive and being flirtatious is a different thing from being outright like explicit and [ __ ] you know they’re two very different

Things I I’m still gonna do ASMR that is not intended for anyone under 18. like I think that’s fine I do like doing ASMR and it makes me happy and it’s a good vehicle to tell a story um uh needs um got plenty of red need yellow need black and white

Thank you very much don’t listen to anyone else’s no no no I know you’re trying to tease me don’t do it don’t I’m gonna feel so jealous no don’t I have so I have so much NSFW to offer I have so much please

I have so I have I have so I have so much why would you need anyone else’s huh what do they have that I don’t huh really thank you very much soccer wherever your stress or replace I’m the Scatman without the sex man I’m the sex man

Thank you Yuri for the super dope now what are the lyrics to Scatman hang on Scatman lyrics I love I love Larry I love the I can’t do the like everybody said is one way or the other so check out my message to you as a

Matter of fact I don’t I don’t let nothing hold you back if the Scatman could do it so can you see that’s what I tell you if the sex man can do it so can you everybody’s saying that the Scatman studies but he doesn’t ever study when

He sings but what do you don’t know I’m gonna tell you right now that the the stutter and the scat is the same thing yo I’m the Scatman who is the Scatman I’m the Scatman foreign I’m reading Scatman foggy thank you for the super B Sunny thank you very much for the super

I like everybody studies one way or the other so check out my message to you as a matter of fact don’t let nothing hold you back if the Scatman can do it so can you oh my [ __ ] go oh oh [ __ ] I’ve never seen that happen before what the [ __ ]

I didn’t mean to kill it no I guess the skeleton horses hooray I don’t want to kill him no I got two of them now cool um that just kind of happened to me I didn’t even participate in that um all right I’ll see I’ll see you around God

I need like a saddle I don’t have any daddy chill Cherrydale commercial support thank you for the super you don’t need us you don’t hey yo you don’t these are good these guys are gonna look great outside the castle how do I tame it see there’s a Statler how do you tame it

Did somebody troll me somebody troll me it’s tamed how do I move it do I need to saddle to to move it patrolled nah nah need a saddle okay but if they’re tame they’re not going to despawn are they thanks oh we got lots of supers thank

You very much IFA Sylvia thank you very much for the super I believe good news to share with you just learned that I have passed the medical certificate exam that’s [ __ ] huge I can’t imagine being a medical person Sabine Academy thank you so much for the super IFA thank you very much

Really proud of you love you too baby and thanks tokito for the soup when I watched The Flash movie I was most happy to see Michael Keaton’s version of badmax the two Batman movies straight to by Timothy Burton have always been my favorites that would be kind of nice yeah

I refuse to watch it for moral reasons but I’m glad you enjoyed it when you saw it Kobe thank you very much used to be a strictly NSFW GPS but after listening to you it made me appreciate more English not safe for work asmrs yours are always

The ones that go back to yeah you know what listening to other ASMR are you not listen to ASMR by anyone else are you gonna make me jealous thank you very much no don’t make me cry Wayne Chan why do you want to make me cry why do you want

To make me cry thank you heart take Robert Patterson is my Batman oh he looks like a very Shifty eyed onigiri he looks like he’s squinting he’s like I don’t know man also the the dirt is like a little mustache that’s kind of funny like a little soul patch

Maybe he’s got like theater goggles it’s funny thank you very much super you’re amazing too only you’re as smart yeah thank you Huma sending an example thank you black wall here we go maybe we make the eyes a little more round like that yeah that’s better that’s better

And then I think all right here’s the idea Fallen on a Gary why is your face so narrow man got a real stand on that normal we have a look at the reference again um I see if I make it four wide he fell off shut up no I didn’t

Thank you very much for the super I also listened to others as well we know I don’t care I don’t care second time is you hurting yourself playing ring fit no that’s funny that was funny what you [ __ ] are pulling on me right now that’s that’s more painful than that was and then do a little like that looks good it’s gonna make him look like

He’s got like massive tusks but you know what it makes him seem powerful here’s the plan right like that that boom and then my all right how’s that looking I mean he’s a little goofy he’s a little goofy looking but I mean it kind of It kind of works it was like an undead from World of Warcraft like with the jaw hanging off what’s he doing I’m building you making you look more handsome Avis thank you for the super I was

Thinking about ASMR related to your law yeah I’ve wanted to do a lot of that for a while I definitely want to try that at some point soon yeah what do you thinking for the super as well he’s talking about ASMR last year’s certain Kindred sent me a link like hey you

Might like he’s British too I was like I’m not used to other voice yeah thank you loyal okay thank you very much looking forward to whatever you’re cooking up I think that’s good ring fit was the birth of me saying you got no ass oh you [ __ ]

Nana thank you very much please do not worry not be listening to anyone else good there are plenty of vods plenty of odds cello and Pammy thank you very much didn’t have the same impact as yours did yeah I know of course it didn’t because I’m because I’m the best because I’m

Super cool and epic and super hot as well here’s the plan I think we’ll just do it like that I think that’s cute I think that’s kind of cute you know thanks and for the super thanks I have played a bit of Diablo 4 it’s fun it’s fun I haven’t played too much

Um I haven’t really been playing many games at all recently because I was with my I was with my family oh I haven’t done his hair I haven’t done his hair oh no he’s also not smiling he’s just like this is funny all right I gotta give him

His hair and then that’s the last step he’s bald baldy Geary honey Geary’s bald silly man what’s he doing and I usually Miss horns too let’s go kind of want to get back into some strategy games see skylines 2 has left me itching for more of that kind of game

I played a bit of banished recently I might play that on stream at some point you guys know banished I used to play a lot of that game I have a few hundred hours in Banished I never got too far apparently there are nomads that can

Come and beef up your population I never I never actually had that happen to me banished is nice I played a lot of that when I was uh I was a bit younger giving them that fresh trim yeah man oh you look at you you’re so handsome nice

And then we’ll give them some horns kind of on the side of the head like that Oh he’s actually really cute no that’s actually really good actually even though his pussy’s hanging out Sabine thank you very much Hannah thank you so much what if onigiri is bald I wouldn’t be surprised Liz sent me a lot of other people’s this one somehow find

Them not for me or boring thanks babe thank you very much yes reject it all sort of cool thanks so much and Crystal made an audio of your kisses in ASMR streams that’s so [ __ ] sweet that’s so sweet yeah I’ll get you off to sleep every night oh no

I’ll get rid of onigiri’s dirt stuff no I think Gary put it away what if I just what if I gave what if I what if I gave him a dick what if I just what if it was just like hanging out he needed something to make all of those

All those children with he’s got with his blue wife gonna be really funny what alternate universe in in Earth in Earth something like there’s you know you know in spite of us they’ve got the different Earths in one of the Earth’s onigiri is just bricked up all the time

He just has it’s the opposite of erectile dysfunction he has erectile function look at the size of that [ __ ] monster yeah almost as big as mine almost I gotta get rid of that I can’t leave that for people to [ __ ] see it it’s going to traumatize somebody Paul

[ __ ] roseme he’s gonna log on at a heart attack I’ve heard some people say yeah what if his wife’s name is Nigi and that would be really cute you know what you guys don’t understand is that onigiri is a very special name um like yeah it’s cute and all you know

Being named after such a lovely snack but onigiri is actually a terminology which means uh ogre’s Duty and that ogre a little ogre has a duty to me thank you very much for the super not supposed to listen to you right now but I feel calm for you by Otherwise why are

You not supposed to it’s wrong exactly thank you very much started as kanji yep thinking super he’s already here he’s gonna give his wife’s signal single no unfortunately unfortunately she is fiercely devoted to her husband onigiri she needs no other she needs No Other Woman No Other Man

Okay thank you very much for the super bully thanks so much thank you very much hey Duty shut the [ __ ] up slack Slack quiet you bastard it’s like no There you go we built the onigiri ah a really good stream that was a lot of fun shut the [ __ ] up manager son I love you I’m going to pause notifications now bye okay there you go okay well I think I’m gonna call it there everybody thank you very

Much for coming I it’s getting way too hot in here so I’m gonna call it there but thank you very much for watching my stream today I had such a lovely time chatting you’ve all been so welcoming and uh I always get paranoid when I go

For a break because I worry that people are going to be mad at me but you guys have proven me wrong every single time and it just makes me so happy so thank you very much for everything I appreciate getting to spend so much time

With you and I will see you all another time I may stream tomorrow I may not I will decide when I decide and then I imagine next week I’ll be open to coming back with the schedule but for the time being I am going to uh I am going to

Just play it by ear and see how I feel because I don’t want to force myself too hard all right okay thank you very much everybody thank you FF thank you so thank you kumaki thank you Austin Cameron thank you so much moin Chen nyanya thank you very much everybody and

To everyone who sent the super that I unfortunately might have missed I appreciate you just as much okay I am just a silly man who can’t see very well thank you very much aniko and youngju see you all maybe tomorrow maybe another time 9077 thank you very much bye-bye soak Soak now

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】talk to me【NIJISANJI EN | Vox Akuma】’, was uploaded by Vox Akuma【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2023-06-20 17:09:45. It has garnered 81974 views and 5858 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:35 or 13655 seconds.

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【Credits】 Logo by https://twitter.com/OrihimeVT Overlay by https://twitter.com/HiroshiVtuber Controller by https://twitter.com/yapyapyapiris Intro BGM – The Glory of Combat by Julian Surma Gaming chair by https://twitter.com/LGssVT_0616 Emotes by https://twitter.com/chiikadayo


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ACCOUNTABILITY Learn the difference between criticism and hate. Ignore hate, and if it’s in our chat, we’ll remove it. Honest criticism however is welcome and I trust all kindred to listen to criticism and assess it fairly. There is NEVER an excuse to bicker, fight or become defensive when someone wants to help. However, if you’d like to give criticism, please save it for YouTube comments after stream. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⏰【Luxiem】

【Vox Akuma ヴォックス・アクマ】 https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma https://www.reddit.com/user/Vox_Akuma

【Mysta Rias】 https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIM92Ok_spNKLVB5TsgwseQ

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    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

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  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

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  • Astraley Network

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  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

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  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

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  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

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  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

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    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Jmog.volcanware.xyz:22497 Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft TNT Explosions

    Ultimate Minecraft TNT ExplosionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AJIA-HYA on 2024-06-10 15:00:46. It has garnered 18247 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft TNT EXPLOSIONS 😶‍🌫️ X(twitter) https://twitter.com/aji_ahya TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@ajia_hya minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey… Read More

  • Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥

    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More