Waldo – The Roulette of GOD BOSSES in a Mob Battle! (Minecraft Compilation)

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These are my best moments from my favorite two mom battles enjoy today me and Chip are going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle But whichever element I shoot on the roulette wheel I get to go going up and get that mob some of these elements are super crazy in op

So make sure to watch until the end now chippy do you want to start this thing yes I do Waldo oh my gosh you get ready to lose all right let’s see who gets to go first what do you want to do to decide hmm maybe a rock paper scissors

Game all right sure all right I’m ready how about you then our last roulette Wheel video you won the rock pierces game so that means that I’m obviously going to win now let’s see rock paper scissors shoot shoot let’s go and I always win chippy all right chippy so

I’m gonna go and get my first mob and I’m really inclined to choose red since that’s my favorite color I’m actually gonna save it for later my bow is pretty green so I think I’m gonna choose the nature element what the nature element you never choose green okay well I’m

Curious to see what’s inside the chest yeah let’s see let’s see I can’t wait to open this up and oh my gosh I got wooden and jungle Abominations these things are so good wait I thought the green element would have been bad oh man you get all

The op mobs nope Chippy the jungle Abomination is one of the biggest mobs in the entire game of Minecraft so this is gonna get crazy oh man okay well at least it’s my turn now okay let’s see what you choose well since you got a special bow because you

Know you always like to copy my ideas I got a yellow bowl no way okay does that mean you’re gonna shoot yellow uh yup here we go and boom let’s go okay that’s so cool wait okay let’s open up the chest what oh my gosh dude I got eight

Thunder screamers a queen bee and two Sun Chiefs there’s no way you’re gonna win yeah chippy that’s actually so scary what here take them out of the chest and let’s do this mob battle all right guys so let’s just test out our first mob which is the wood Abomination and oh my

Gosh it’s like a tree but it’s scary oh no look at those yellow eyes this thing is on four legs and it looks absolutely terrifying here if I go on Survival oh my gosh it’s attacking me that fast get off me you’re on me get off me help guys

It’s like pulling me into it and I’m really scared right now oh listen to that laugh and while that thing was pretty scary the jungle Abomination is even bigger and scarier look at that thing it’s already flashing lightning it’s not even awake right now and look

How tall it is if here if I go up and punch it I can’t be in survival mode because this thing is absolutely huge it will use its giant hammer fist to crush me instantly and let me just show you what that looks like all right I’m in

Survival and it’s spawning mini bosses I’m gonna have to fight them off but look I just got one tapped and it’s over clearly this thing is crazy op so chippy’s definitely not gonna stand a chance but I don’t know if my mobs are gonna be good enough so I actually need

To troll chip you a little bit here I am running over to his side and in my hand I have the ghost cloak see I can’t actually put this thing on but when I right click with it look what happens I go invisible look at me I’m actually

Running around and you can’t see me at all but as you can see it just wore off so I don’t have a lot of time I’m gonna have to be really sneaky going over on chippy’s side there he is right now so here I’m gonna sneak behind this tree

Really quick and oh my gosh here let’s spy on what mobs he has that looks like a Thunderbird oh and he’s coming over he’s coming over oh my gosh he could have seen me right there I need to get a closer look at these guys so I’m just

Gonna wait until he turns around and run in and use the ghost cloak as a last as a last chance in case he tries to catch me okay I’m going in I’m going in okay what does he have right here he has Ace Chief the sparico the sun god Chief all

Right I’m hiding behind him going in F5 yeah I’m pretty sure this guy uses a bunch of fire attacks and those are really op against by wooden Abominations okay wait wait he’s right there all right guys I gotta use the cloak he could have oh my gosh he could have seen

Me right there when he turned let me get behind this tree all right I’m gonna get a closer look at his bird though there it is I’m just gonna use this and run over okay it looks like it’s using electricity powers to fly around and yeah I can definitely strike lacing oh

My gosh the cloak just wore off I gotta get back here but yeah you can see it’s definitely thundering and lightning right now definitely light one of my wooden Abominations on fire just like this guy this is not looking good for me but quick let’s get out of here use the

Ghost cloak and just run away chippy doesn’t suspect a thing alright guys after seeing chippy set up that looks pretty bad and I only have one jungle Abomination and 13 wooden Abominations but guys that’s all of them down it does not look like enough to me so I actually

I’m gonna have to cheat I hate to animate it but I have to cheat and spawn in another jungle Abomination and even more wood Abominations because chippy’s Army is just that op hey what is going on here my mom is getting shot and now my mom over here is getting shot to what

Is going on oh my gosh I have to place blocks to stop him wait what is this I just found a Sentry turret here I gotta break this and get rid of it what is going on and oh my gosh look my wooden Abomination where did all these come

From I literally have to break the floor to get rid of these things what is going on right now this is so weird I wonder if I’m being trolled by chippy right now or something because this doesn’t normally happen all right Waldo are you ready to start the mob battle yep I’m

Ready let’s take down these walls all right I’m gonna take down the walls in three two one here comes the walls oh my gosh and look at our moms they’re actually fighting already but they’re taking a lot of damage too and my minions are not advancing actually they’re fighting off the sunburns which

Are attacking my jungle Abominations oh my gosh strike less and do more damage guys come on oh my gosh dude look at all your minions are all on fire and your trees are even starting to set on fire this is not looking good that’s actually so bad

Because my minions are made of leaves and wood and that’s super vulnerable to fire sadly some of your grass monsters killed my queen bee no oh look at her remains may she rest in peace okay this is not looking good I still have both of my son she’s left which is good and

Booby’s using the sun beam oh my gosh good thing it doesn’t reach far enough I think I need to get my guys over here so they can do some Supreme damage oh look dude look at the Sunbeam oh just miss a jungle Abomination that was so close I’m

Trying to pull him closer but he just won’t go come on fight them oh look your jungle bomb is just taking heavy damage from my son Chiefs oh no but your minions are going in no that’s one of my son she’s dead wait look how much damage

They just did that fast that’s actually wild and Bonkers and ridiculous I don’t think your jungle bombinations fight but their minions definitely do all right we’ll just have to see what this Army does against the sun oh my gosh look he’s attacking them with fire spells and he’s doing quite a lot of

Damage but look no he just took a bunch of damage it looks like you’re gonna lose chappie oh how is that possible I thought mine was the perfect counter it almost was but I just barely pulled through what oh man okay I’m ready for our next element my element wasn’t very

Good yeah yeah you’re right I think I’m gonna choose a much better next time anyways let’s see what happens all right well well I got kind of destroyed that last round but I’m ready to get a new element oh really what are you gonna choose I have the void bow and it’s extremely

Purple I think I have to choose the purple element what the purple element that’s the one I wanted because that’s actually the end Dimension element should be I can’t wait to see what’s in the chest all right well let’s see all right I’m gonna open it come on some

Good more oh I get the mutant Enderman and a bunch of fiends no way what even is the Fiend I don’t know but it sounds really dangerous well what are well chippy come down here with me show you my bow this is actually the love spell

Bow and it’s used by Cupid to make people fall in love with them well trippy since you chose the end element I actually can’t go for that I’m gonna have to go for the fire element with these magma blocks what oh man fire is

So op wait what did you get I don’t know but but here let’s look inside oh whoa you got a redstone monstrosity and four Redstone Golems those are like one of the best bosses how did you get them yeah I don’t even know how I got them but that’s probably because I

Picked the better element because I’m so much better at these mob battles no I don’t think so I think my Enderman and my empty mobs are gonna win all right well let’s see all right so the first thing I got was actually just this Redstone Golem and it doesn’t look that

Crazy I mean it’s pretty big and it’s sleeping and I know that sleeping mobs when they wake up become really opium powerful so here let’s punch it and oh my gosh he’s all charged up you can see the Red Zone flowing through his body

And a watch oh wow he is so fast for somebody so big I’m gonna let him hit me once and oh my gosh that just did three hearts of damage this guy is deadly but I’m sure that him combined with our Redstone monstrosity is gonna be a super

Good team let me just place this guy down in oh my gosh you can see how massive he is I guess we just have a really sleepy and tired team over here hatching their Z’s before the mob battle but just like the last one I’m gonna

Wake him up with a little tap and there he is I wonder what he’s gonna do as chippy was saying this is one of the best mobs in the game and how did he just hit me from that far away what I don’t even understand what’s going on

But he’s got these little minions and they’re attacking me oh my gosh I’m almost about to die here let me see if I can get any closer to him and he just won’t let me that is insane but it’s kind of concerning that I only got one of the Redstone monstrosities and four

Of the Redstone Golems I think I need to even the playing field a little bit so what I’m gonna do is I’m actually gonna use letters to scale our massive wall between both of our sides in this mob battle but before I make it over to chippy’s side make sure to comment what

You want to see me troll trippy with in my next video and I’ll be sure to use some of the comments or ideas but then there we go just a couple more letters and oh my gosh I can already see all of chippy’s mobs they’re so Opie this is

Actually crazy they’re multiple there’s like no way that my moms can take out all of these guys so I’m gonna have to thin out the crowd somehow wow there’s this mutant Enderman too wow that is two op I have to stop this right now and I’m

Gonna do that by using the ghost bomb and what this thing actually does is when it hits somebody it actually explodes but it also causes them to do this kind of weird thing I’ll just let you see how it works I’m gonna throw it like that and let’s see what happens oh

My gosh look all trippy’s mobs just started flying for a second whoa chippy what is that I’m hearing over on your side um well I just had an explosion so if that’s what you’re hearing yeah I saw it too but I’m not sure where it came from

Maybe your mobs just explode that could be one of their abilities I don’t know what the heck could happen again oh my gosh and some of them died whoa what the heck now they’re floating too are you sure this isn’t just how your mob Works Champion I see you what trippy I was

Just peeking over I have nothing to do with the meteors but are you sure I mean it kind of seemed like it came from here wait a second is there ladders here Waldorf you’ve been trying to troll me that’s not okay what I’m sorry chippy I

Do it again please don’t punish me all right guys that was kind of bad now chippy knows that we’ve been trolling him so I guess I’m just gonna place down my gollums into feet I don’t know how this mod battle is gonna go but I’m hopeful for the best

Whoa what is going on there’s this massive Sunbeam that just came from the sky it just woke me up and all my guys are awake oh my gosh these guys were not awake before somebody is on my side doing something I have to get to the

Bottom of this if I’m gonna get to the bottom of this detective work I’m gonna need a special partner to help me in my you are gonna be Scooby and now right here I have my magnifying glass and I’m gonna use it to detect who is on my side

Oh okay there it is there it is I see the Sunbeam okay guys it’s coming from somewhere around here I just need to look around is it you are you in the trees let me use my magnifying glass oh and there’s another one oh I see now I

See now the Sunbeam is coming from this tree in specific all right I’m gonna grab this diamond ax and I’m gonna start chopping it down to find the culprit no Scooby get out of the way the Redstone Golem is blocking for you run run run come with me oh my God

Rated by a Sunbeam I have to I have to get to the bottom of this I see you chippy you’re on my side causing all this Havoc what what that wasn’t me I mean to be fair you did put a ladder on the Bedrock well

And come to my side yeah but I didn’t kill your pet I’ve had Scooby for 13 years of my life take my son beat to the face uh chippy’s time here get back on your side this is so unnecessary let’s do this mob battle already lucky for me

My Army has only grown stronger in chippy’s presence all right well although I’m ready to begin the battle so I want to take down the wall in three two one here comes the wall oh my gosh it looks like our mobs are already fighting and look our armies are

Clashing and this is actually insane oh my gosh dude look all of your reso monstrosities are making all the Minions while my fiends are multiplying at the same time it looks like your mutant Enderman is the big hitter and he’s gonna be able to take out all my Golems

Probably but I think my Redstone monstrosities have a solid chance at taking down your army well though I don’t like how you’ve been trolling me and you decided to cheat with placing more mods so I’m gonna place down even more mutant Endermans oh yeah trippy well even though you are I still think

I’m gonna win so go ahead this battle is actually crazy but some of you Redstone Golems died by my Mutant Enderman this is crazy oh yeah it now looks like the mutant Enderman are actually going in for the Redstone monstrosities and they’re getting thrown around this is definitely one of the craziest mob

Battles today if you think if you think my team is gonna win make sure to subscribe because the subscription button is red and that’s just like me but if you you think chippy is gonna win make sure to hit the like button turn it blue just like chippy to show whose team

You’re on all right come on guys you got this mutant Enderman for the win this is actually so insane oh my gosh if I read someone straws these are taking a lot of damage but look my entire Army of Cubes has basically been defeated yeah one of

My muted enemy took your red so monstrosity off the edge this is crazy oh my gosh I just don’t know what to expect next to be honest gosh dude this is crazy my Mutant Enderman are spawning all of their minions with this Red Zone monstrosity has so much health but it

Looks like they’re doing some pretty good damage well I think I’m gonna speed it up with my son beat attack I still think I’m gonna win so go ahead chippy and I go to Dark Matter many good attack okay yeah that’s barely doing any day

Hey five second rule you have to put it away now you’re fine your Russo monstrosity is half Health oh no look he’s getting really close to the edge oh my gosh look what is even going on they’re using the power of the mob battle to fight mid air this is insane

All right Enderman can teleport so fast that you win some more trust that he can’t fall oh my gosh yeah they’re keeping him up with their hits and now they have ample room to fight him there’s nowhere for him to hide this is absolutely crazy I’ve never seen this before your wrestle monstrosities

Actually dying make sure to comment if you guys have ever seen a mob battle like this because I know I sure haven’t oh they finally hit him off and there he goes he just fell to his death chippy do you know what that means I still have

Some Enderman above ground here so I think I win yep chippy you just won this mob battle good job I’m not gonna lie that was pretty intense and close so it was a pretty fair win yeah but I’m excited to do our last two elements blue

And red well let’s just see what we pick all right well although well I think it’s time for the final round yep and well it’s pretty obvious what colors we’re gonna choose yup I already got my blue bow in stock but just to make you just a little bit more angry instead of

Choosing blue I’m gonna choose red white chippy you know that’s my color we’re gonna choose red I’m gonna choose blue hey that’s my color it’s on chippy let’s go see what we got come on the red one better be good even though red is the worst color I’m gonna see what’s in here

Come on oh whoa I got four nether amps of blazes and another Scorch what those are like the superest op mobs well let’s see what the best color actually had in the chest really hope it is the best color what no way what the heck you get

Four yetis and a bunch of frigids okay I should have chose blue oh my gosh I’m glad I chose blue but the red moms look so cool I wish I got that color instead well that’s too bad for you because whoever wins this round wins the entire

Mob battle oh now I’m excited let’s do this so for the first one I’m just gonna test out the frigid and oh my gosh it’s like an ice zombie and it’s missing its jaw this thing is kind of scary let’s see why it attacks me I wonder if it has

Any ice powers in specific nah it’s just hitting me but yeah this is still pretty dangerous and I’m pretty sure these guys work really well in teams which is good because I have a bunch of them and then finally we’re also and then my extra mob

We’re gonna see what the yeti does and oh my gosh this thing is scary since I have four of these they’re gonna be pretty powerful but here let me just go up and punch in let’s see what it does wait okay just picked me up and what is

It doing to me right now oh my gosh I can’t even move at all I think he’s trying to throw me right now but there we go I just took a bunch of fall damage and now he’s running after me help oh my God this is actually so dangerous I

Wonder what all four are gonna look like and let’s see for ourselves that’s one two three four and then we’re gonna spawn in all of my frigids and that is yep that is 28 right there some of them are small some of them are big but all

Of them are deadly and op and you know I’m looking at this and I really don’t like it because it’s blue and that’s not my favorite color but I just realized that people can have different opinions and that’s okay make sure to comment your favorite color down below so that I

Can learn more about you guys as viewers now let’s summon our blazes so we get eight one two three four five six seven eight and now we get one another Scourge oh my God oh my gosh Waldo I think we just need to cut down the walls because

They’re already fighting through it so let’s go yeah they are in your nether Scorch is going absolutely nuts on my guys right now and you’re imps too oh my gosh trippy this is actually crazy they’re all fighting so fast and I don’t even know what’s going on holy things

Are getting set on fire force is getting set on fire oh my gosh your nether Scorch is actually so way op oh my gosh dude fire is the perfect counter to ice I’m so glad I chose red yeah I know red definitely is the better colored well I

Know the scores just fell off oh no you actually might have a chance oh my gosh wait what a turn of events let’s see what the frigid Studio blazes oh my gosh he just died but I still have yetis over there and the entire Forest is a light

My gosh no do not the trees and thereby you always go they’re attacking the places like crazy boss looked at throwing them up in the air this is so crazy this is way closer than I thought it was gonna be oh and my blazers killed one of your yetis there’s another one

Over here and they’re starting to shoot some Fireballs no no way I think he might be able to kill all of them if he’s good but it seems like a couple of the fridges are coming into battle and this one’s getting shot from before but the Blazers keep missing oh no I think

They’re actually going to be able to kill this one and that’s not good because he’s like my last resort oh that’s the second last one dead there’s only one more all the way in the corner here I think he’s trying to hide come on buddy you got this show them that blue I

Mean red I mean I don’t even know who I’m rooting for anymore I just got sniped yes oh my gosh will this be the end oh he’s still alive look the Blazer gonna shoot another round of fireballs here they come come on don’t get hit no please stay alive stay alive no chiffy

Go guess I’m kind of happy because it’s red that one but still yeah well I mean I guess it’s kind of like a tie then because Red’s your color but I also chose red and blue is my color but you chose blue so I’m not even sure who

Really was I think that everybody should vote in the comments based on their favorite color to see who won come on guys I definitely won right nah guys we won for sure right today me and Chippy are going to be doing a Minecraft mob battle well I’m gonna climb up this

Ladder and you’re gonna see that we’re actually doing a roulette of op bosses if I take out my bow and shoot one of the colors I get all the op bosses inside the chest and then Shippy will do the same and shoot his own color and

We’ll use our Opie mobs to fight in a mob battle chippy hello Waldo all right are you ready to start this roulette mob battle yes I am and you are going to ooh all right let’s play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to shoot first all right

Fine I’m gonna win okay then let’s pull out our item in three two one go go oh no way Fine Again three two one go whoa let’s go all right chippy since I’m going first you already know what color I’m going for uh let me guess your favorite color blue of course because

Blue is the best color yep should be here I psych wow Waldo okay whatever let’s see what you got in your chest I’m so excited to see it all right this is the red chest and it has a bunch of spiders in it no way what the heck you

Have so many King spiders and spider pigs I don’t even know what those mobs are yeah look I got 20 King spiders and they’re the royalty of the spider family and I also got spider pigs and these guys are super powerful mutants combining the spider and pig into one

Super deadly mob oh my gosh that sounds super dangerous is but I’m gonna shoot for my color now all right let’s see chippy remember you can’t pick red because I already got it for extra luck I’m gonna use the electro bow here we go and of course blue is the best color all

Right let’s see let’s open it and oh my gosh dude I got two alpha yetis and like so many words Moss goes that’s way too op that Alpha yetis are already insane bosses but the Warped moscows are super op2 and there’s a bunch of them yup oh

My gosh get ready to lose I’m gonna go on my side and start placing my mobs all right good luck I’m gonna go on my side and do mine first of all I want to place down on my side is the spider pig because this thing is terrifying no way

Look it’s got little spider legs in the front but then in the back oh my gosh pig legs that just makes no sense how does this thing even move around and then second up I actually have the king spider in no way it’s like a spider

But it’s really big and it’s golden wait that actually makes so much sense because it’s the king and look it even smaller with a skeleton on its back I think this is like a king spider jockey sadly this the skeleton is burning in the daylight so that’s not very good for my Army

If I go in survival mode it actually isn’t a hostile yeah again but if I punch it oh my gosh look at that thing running me it’s so big so it can move really fast and then there we go it’s hitting me so much no way please

Stop oh my gosh this thing is so deadly look I even just died I’m just gonna place a bunch of these King spiders and then I’m gonna set the time tonight so that their skeletons don’t burn we’ve been being smart and getting under the tree so what I need 20 of these things

That’s five six seven eighteen nineteen twenty and then my two spider pigs these things are gonna create the most OP army ever spider let’s see what happens whoa what the heck I just saw some green things spawn next to me and it blew up one of

My spiders Kings I gotta place all this grass back wait what is going on over here more of my arena is blowing up what I got up oh my gosh who is doing all this more stuff is blowing up over here wait I didn’t spawn this creeper and what are

You doing scrum creeper exit my that was actually so odd guys did you see that creeper come over and just start blowing stuff up I didn’t know creepers did that I thought they blew up once and we’re done four let’s just move on to the Mob Battle

I think I want a troll chippy now so guys for this troll I’m gonna be going over to chippy’s side and using invisibility so that he doesn’t see me so we’re climbing up the ladder right now and oh my gosh guys let’s peek over and see a side whoa he’s got his warped

Moscows and his yetis already placed okay guys I gotta be careful because if I hold anything like this mob egg in my hand he can actually see that so I gotta keep my hand completely empty I can’t be placing any blocks and he can’t see the particles coming off my body because I

Am invisible but I’m not completely invisible but look he’s right there and if he gets any closer he might see me so I gotta be quick about this look okay this okay so let’s just place our first camera on this tree it’s super tall and

Then bind it and then where is Chippy oh my gosh he’s over there he could be coming over at any moment so I gotta be super quick and let’s just find another really tall tree this one’s looking pretty good there he is all right I don’t think he notices yet boom okay

Well this is actually going pretty well and I’m getting a good close look at some of his mobs yeah they do look pretty deadly this is gonna be a tough fight maybe I’ll put one more over here just on my way out let’s just go back to my side

Now that I’m back on my side I can check the camera Monitor and see what chippy’s doing all right let’s go to camera view one wait no way I see him or right now this is actually so cool what okay guys let’s zoom in and Chippy how are you

Doing on your side right now I’m doing great I’m just placing and doing my finishing touches oh really I mean chippy didn’t you know flying is actually cheating in a mob battle I don’t I don’t know why you’re flying you have your mobs to do that for you

Flying I mean yeah I am flying but that’s pretty normal I think we do that every single time Waldo I don’t know what you’re talking about okay well I’m making a new rule no more flying shipy so you better stop it and I stopped flying totally what I can literally tell

Your lying Shippy your way guys I need a better view of this all right now I’m gonna go to camera two and look I can still see he’s flying chippy I’m calling you out right now you’re definitely lying to me totally on the ground walking totally yeah now you are

Um yeah yeah of course I was doing it the entire time Waldo all right well as long as you’re not cheating anymore these this Moscow is getting way too in my vision I need to actually switch to camera view 3 and oh my gosh wait he was almost

Looking at me there for a second all right chippy I’m instituting a new rule you can’t be walking for more than five seconds but Waldo I think this is against the rule book I don’t think you can just start making new rules here and there what the heck okay oh yeah chimpy

Well if you don’t stop I’m gonna reveal all of your secrets about your side in the mob battle what do you mean secrets you don’t have any secrets of mine Waldo how is that awkward Secrets oh I know all of your deepest darkest Secrets trippy and I’m

Gonna start with this one you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen trees on your side ask me how I know that 14 trees wait how do you know that that’s pretty specific Waldo I’m not sure how you got that information wait

Guys he’s way too close to this camera I need to lay off a bit you know what trippy I’m I was just kidding I that was a lucky guess you know what I don’t I don’t want to Institute any more rules okay okay that’s probably for the best

That’s really weird because that was actually so close we can use those security cameras later in the video to pull some more funny pranks but for now let’s just take a second to admire my Army if you guys think this spider is really cool make sure to subscribe so

That I can keep placing more spiders like these chippy are you ready to drop these walls yes I am although get ready to get destroyed all right let’s drop these walls in three two one neither of us have it oh oh my gosh this is crazy wait the

Spiders and yetis are going absolutely Bonkers and bananas on each other it’s actually lagging because they’re so powerful look bro my word moscows are flying and picking up your spider pigs and destroying all of them wait those things are insanely op let’s go there’s only a few left and I

Think that was the last one already chippy I had no idea that blue was such an Opie color to get on the roulette wheel I told you Blue’s the best color you should have picked it you know what chippy I don’t think that’s necessarily true but I think you just got lucky this

Time good job well maybe you’ll be able to get a better mob next time once we use the roulette wheel so let’s put up the walls and let’s spin again all right let’s go do it all right well that round was pretty crazy you actually just got demolished yeah low-key chippy I

Definitely did so I think that means I get to go first this time no you won The Rock paper scissors in the first round so I’m going first whoa what is that bow the void bow and because it’s purple I think it’s only right to shoot the purple one

Yo Jeffy you almost missed but at least you hit it let’s go see what mobs you got sorry the bow is really heavy but let’s see okay I’m gonna open the chest whoa what the heck are all of these that’s the fluto queen and I think it’s a bit

More pink than purple but yeah it still works I have the fluto queen and so many sprinkles Golem I don’t even know what those are well I guess we’ll just have to all right well do I think my mobs are pretty good but let’s see what you

Choose all right leave a comment down below telling me which one I should shoot but seeing as this bow is yellow and kind of blue those do combine to make green I’m gonna shoot green and see what I get this better not be superior to my mobs all right let’s see what oh

My gosh that’s a bunch of acid slime and what is that mutant zombies as well no way the deeper that’s actually one of the most OP mobs in the game how did you choose such an OPI color I only got two mobs and you got three different types

That’s so unfair well chippy I guess it’s all in the special bow because I made sure to use one this time uh hey you were copying my idea get out of here I’m going to my side all right fine let’s do this so this first Bob I got is

Actually the acid slime and as you can see it’s just basically a normal slime with these yellow eyes and these spinning acid turmoils let’s go on survival and see what it does to me so I went into survival lift instantly mad at me no way this thing is so

Hostile I’m gonna let it hit me once and then try and run away oh whoa okay just hit me and I honestly didn’t do that much damage I’m gonna try and fight back and oh my gosh once it really gets on you it is Unstoppable plus when it does it spawns in these

Mini baby slimes and it also creates this sludge water that’s hard to move around in next up we have the mutant zombie and this thing is pretty self-explanatory I think everybody knows how the mutant zombie works but hey just in case let me go in survival and oh my gosh I don’t

Even want to let it hit me but it looks like it’s not gonna let me run away for long I’m just gonna have to go and fight it wow that was fast despite being kind of cliche these guys have to be some of the best mobs in the game

Then finally deeper and I’ve actually never seen this thing before it looks like a warden but it’s like a creeper and it’s super tall this thing is actually scary I don’t even want to see what it does but hey I guess I will just for you guys make sure to leave a like

Because I do not want to fight this thing oh my god there it goes whoa it just shot me and then exploded into a bunch of green particles I’m gonna walk inside of it and oh my gosh I’m poisoned and my vision is completely obstructed and look at me whoa this is actually

Crazy what is going on right now I’ve just taken so much damage look at this it spawned in a bunch of baby deepers and I wonder if they’re even hostile towards me oh no he just ran at me this one is too well I can’t tell if they’re

Hostile or not I’m gonna get really close and yeah these guys definitely aren’t friendly wait wait a second is that a security camera oh my gosh dude this must have been Waldo that’s how we knew I was if I was flying or breaking his made-up rules

What the heck what are these oh no guys this is actually bad I gotta get rid of the evidence quick throw the camera monitor off no dude this is so bad he just found all of my cameras and broke all of them I can’t use them later in the video now

I’m just gonna have to do something else but whatever let’s just get back to placing my moms yippee dude this is so much fun playing with my moms man this slime is just so cool I just can’t get over it wait what chippy is up there on

A fence and he’s got my number one Pig tied hanging no chippy let him go I’ll let him go all right here we go no number one Pig why would you do that chippy that was my favorite Pig well you decided to place a bunch of security

Cameras on my side so I thought it was only fair why chippy that wasn’t me yes it was I know you would do something like that well good luck with your mobs oh man guys chippy caught me and he killed my number one pig make sure to

Leave a comment letting me know which one of my pets was your favorite cause right now for me it was number one Pig I have to get chippy back for this heinous crime in order to troll chippy I’m actually gonna use the morph mod to turn into the

One thing he hates the most a pig but not just any Pig number one Pig let’s go cause some trouble guys this is actually perfect because chippy picked the pink color when he shot the roulette wheel and I’m actually pink myself so I’m gonna blend right in I feel like he won’t even

Notice me take this pork chop by the power of number one Pig I summoned thee to do utter damage there we go what is going on what no wait is this the stupid pig that was on Waldo’s side and why the heck does he have a treading them lighting Pig did

You make it rain what the heck is wrong with you all right now I’m gonna take my pigling golden sword and I’m going to kill all of chippy’s mobs oh no no no get away no gosh what is going on who is this pig why are why is he back alive I

Thought I killed him all right now I’m gonna use my Trident again there we go oh he hit me that gave me brain damage that hurt enough damage and Chippy seems pretty upset so I’m just gonna I’m just gonna back up into the shadows and hope that the Revenge of

Number one Pig takes its toll on chippy’s team Mr Pig you are not escaping here why would you do that you killed all my Golems uh well guys what do I do oh my gosh I gotta run where are you where do you think you’re

Going hey stop and block you off come on Boom where do you think you’re going oh my gosh uh um I I only have one solution to this problem and just like that I’ve turned into one of his sprinkles golems and I’m just gonna blend in with this one

What the heck do the pig just turn into one of my Golems huh was it you sir yeah why are you looking at me funny you are the number one Pig get out of here yeah I took care of him good good thing he’ll never return because now he’s just lost

In the void oh my gosh that was actually so close but it looks like we’re getting away completely safe let’s go and just like that my Army has been created yes trippy I’m ready to drop these walls all right I’m dropping them in three two

One dropping the walls now here we go oh my gosh you got a whole fluto Queen I forgot about that chippy this is gonna be a crazy fight my Pluto Queen is freaking out it’s going so fast and my deepers are exploding and creating that poisonous gas

Dude your mutant zombies are so op come on little Golems you got this low-key chippy my moms are way better than yours but your photo Queen has a lot of health so this could go bad I mean it’s almost at health health because every time one of your toxic

Slides that spawns this toxic liquid and in my Pluto queens getting stuck yeah that’s like Loki the best uh counter there is to the Pluto Queen come on we could do this there’s just a couple mutants and some of the deepers left come on Pluto Queen

Oh my gosh look at it jumping around the zombies are just throwing it like crazy and look they’re all teaming up to go for it right now this is not fair what is going on holy guacamole chippy I have never seen a crazier mob battle oh gosh no okay here

We go my photo Queens using the special abilities by spawning these pink blocks which are poisonous guys make sure to subscribe if you guys make sure to subscribe to team Waldo if you think my team is gonna win this mob battle and make sure you hit the like button for

Team chippy because you already know I’m gonna win actually it’s not looking too good for you Chippy the Pluto Queen is going invisible because he’s trying to hide he is that scared come on this is not looking good you still have four mutants left this is not

Looking good come on yeah but they could be on low health for all we know my photo Queen’s starting to spawn a couple minions but I don’t think they seem too interested in helping the battle and now more minions are spawning come on help out the queen no don’t die

And just like that the mob battle is over and just like that the mob battle is over the Pluto Queen Is Dead and let’s see all the loot we just got from it wow that is super cool what the heck this is my loot you don’t

Get to steal my own mobs Luke that’s not right yeah that’s right because I stole the wind chippy let’s go all right chippy are you ready to do this final roulette yes I am Waldo let’s see who got the better boat this time I think mine’s cooler oh yeah I bet it isn’t

Because I’m using the Dark Matter minigun what I got the saw ball all right well just because I feel bad for you you can go first all right well that’s fine with me but as you can see the string on my bow is kind of yellowish so I think I’m

Gonna go for yellow boom oh yeah it should be that’s perfect because I wanted orange anyways all right well I’m gonna see what’s in my chest first come on something good oh whoa dude look at that I have so many bees and a queen bee that’s super op

Yeah it should be that is actually really op but I’m kind of curious to see what I got now let’s see what the heck are these whoa pumpkins Crocs and tigers those are the most orange mobs I can even imagine make sure you put your Crocs in sports mode true

Jiffy I will not fail you there this is the final round of the mob battle we’ve each won one battle that means whoever wins this one takes home the victory all right this is super intense chippy and it is completely random based on the colors we chose that’s true and I think

I’m gonna win so let’s go on our sides all right guys I’m really nervous to see what this is and oh my gosh is that really the pumpkin this thing looks terrible seriously this thing isn’t even scary I mean oh it’s just oh my gosh what is

Going on that thing is way more dangerous than I thought it was what about this thing The Croc oh wow it just looks like a is that a bird it kind of looks like an owl with those feet what happens when I go into survival it

Crouches down and then it turns into a spike ball and runs at me oh my gosh that thing is actually so op lucky you hit the tree because I think it was gonna roll off otherwise let’s just let it hit me this time yeah that does a

Solid amount of damage these guys are gonna be good last but not least the tiger and yeah wow these things are pretty orange and pretty scary but look he’s like down on this side that is so cute I wonder if they’ll attack me when I go into survival mode he seems pretty

Nice I’m just gonna nudge him around a little bit maybe if I punch him I’ll start to get mad wait what he just froze me and then killed me immediately these three mobs are gonna be super good oh look at the little kitty cat everybody make sure to comment if you

Think the kitty cat is super cute come on whoa it’s not even thundering why is it raining lightning on my tiger why are you on fire man come on wake up sleepyhead wait what there’s another lightning here oh my gosh this is not safe we need to get Smokey the Bear out

Here to promote fire safety I do not want my side to catch on fire oh my gosh the trees are catching fire oh my gosh put them out put him out is he not getting put out oh my gosh come on man you got to be more safe you can’t just

Be getting struck by lightning like that yeah go back to sleep actually getting so weird what is going on right now chippy I see you back there all right chippy explain yourself what are you doing lighting all my mobs on fire I totally didn’t do that see I don’t

Have any sort of lightning thing how would I do that chippy I am done with all this trolling around I’m not having any more fun let’s just do this mob battle and find out who is better hi Waldo get ready to get destroyed I’m gonna bring down the wall in three two

One here come the wall well my team is totally ready let’s see what happens whoa what the heck I didn’t know these things roll in spikes what the heck and look my pumpkins are going in to explode everything what is going on oh my gosh things are

Dying everywhere and the queen bee is taking a lot of damage surprisingly come on minions you got this protect the queen bee come on I Believe In You Tigers you’re doing so much good damage killing a lot of tigers but look she is dead no dude my entire team just got

Annihilated well chippy it was a good game oh man I guess it was thanks so much for watching another shipping Waldo video If you enjoyed make sure to subscribe to both of our channels and click the video on screen right now to watch another bye

This video, titled ‘The Roulette of GOD BOSSES in a Mob Battle! (Minecraft Compilation)’, was uploaded by Waldo on 2023-10-01 12:00:45. It has garnered 365 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:32 or 2552 seconds.

Waldo and Chipy are cheating in a COMPILATION of MINECRAFT MOB BATTLES with a GOD ROULETTE WHEEL! Together, Chipy and Waldo will be putting thousands of Minecraft’s most OP MOBS head-to-head against each other to see which mob is the best! The battles are EPIC and CRAZY, and Waldo even uses OP BOSSES from the GOD ROULETTE WHEEL… Will Waldo or Chipy find the strongest mob to win the Mob Battle challenge games tournament against these OP ROULETTE BOSSES!?

Thanks for watching the video! ❤️🤍

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Waldo #ChipyAndWaldo

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    Why choose a Minecraft waifu when you can just mine for diamonds instead? Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!

    Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!Video Information [Music] miss my [Music] I This video, titled ‘Watch Until the End! Minecraft Trap! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-27 18:15:12. It has garnered 3 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Join valk.minewind.com for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Survival Part #3

    Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Survival Part #3 In this Minecraft world, we’re diving deep, Building farms, growing crops, even counting sheep. Sagar Jha, our guide, with jokes and fun, Entertaining us all, until the day is done. From Delhi he hails, a student on the rise, Creating content that’s a pleasant surprise. With clean comedy and gaming in sight, He brings joy to all, morning and night. So let’s join the fun, hit like and subscribe, For Sagar Jha’s channel, we can’t help but vibe. In this world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, We’ll follow his journey, with all our might. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a fun Minecraft video like “Minecraft:疾跑奶奶!《方块轩热梗合集》”, you might be inspired to dive into the Minecraft universe yourself. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a focus on providing a safe and enjoyable environment for players of all ages, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures…. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft Building the Ultimate Survival House in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft survival game to the next level? Building the ultimate survival house is key to thriving in the game. Let’s dive into the essential steps to create a sturdy and functional shelter in the world of Minecraft. Gathering Resources Before you start building your survival house, you’ll need to gather essential resources. Make sure to collect wood, stone, and other materials to construct your shelter. Explore the world around you to find the necessary items to build a strong foundation for your house. Choosing a Location… Read More

  • STOP wasting money on Minecraft Add-ons! Watch this NOW!

    STOP wasting money on Minecraft Add-ons! Watch this NOW!Video Information hello everyone we are back here once again if you haven’t seen the last video we are checking out more Minecraft add-ons this time we’re checking out the paid ones if you haven’t seen the last episode or the first one I guess whatever I checked out all the free ones so if you want free ones and don’t want to spend money go check that out otherwise I’m going to review some of the paid ones here now I just want to quickly clarify something so during last episode at the time there was about eight paid… Read More

  • Discover The Terrifying Mod I Found in Minecraft

    Discover The Terrifying Mod I Found in MinecraftVideo Information wait he just opened the door he just opened the [ __ ] door get me out of here no no oh my God oh my God what what is happening what is happening no no no no go go go go go go go go go Rie chill Rie chill Rie chill no Ry don’t what the [ __ ] hey guys what up it’s your boy squirrels and welcome back to the video this video is going to be a lot different from a lot of the other videos that I’ve ever done on my channel uh this is actually… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!

    Unbelievable Adrenalinbox Slander!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adrenalinbox slander pt3’, was uploaded by Zickerss on 2024-04-12 23:14:46. It has garnered 298 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:44 or 164 seconds. ghostcrit made me do this for monkey tage IP:adrenalinbox.minehut.gg plz give me media + eggo Tags (ignore): #minecraft #pvp #montage #lifestealsmp #minecraftmontage #minecraftpvp How to make minecraft montage adrenalinbox tridentbox montage adrenalin montage subscribe button Play.lifesteal.rip is a server made by saltys. This lifesteal server has a lot of good teams to join and has 2-3 gamemodes in it at best like carts , nethpot and smp…. Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif Gaming

    Insane New Minecraft 1.20 Update Features! | Jarif GamingVideo Information welcome to another video all of the things so let’s start first is the camel camel Spa next second is the [Music] sniffer Tor and picture flowers [Music] SE not beuty flowers next is theel not [Music] protection next the many types of hanging sign hanging sign next is the deor [Music] useless so next next is the suspicious sand suspicious sand on suspicious s desert temple desert whe ocean ruin suspicious gravel part of ocean ruins newly added Trail ruins diamonds Emerald dead boost crafting next is the cated SK sensor next is the m normal planket… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay! Join N21 NOW!Video Information [संगीत] कर दिया देखता जल्दी कीजिए चालू कीजिए स्म लगा के सो जाएंगे दिया चालू कीजिए जल्दी चालू कीजिए कर [संगीत] दिया [संगीत] i [संगीत] [संगीत] वड क्या खबर अरे यार नास भाई य लोग फसा दे रहे मैं कैसे खेल यार हेलो कैसे खेल या यह खेल रहे जो उमी और ये लोग कुछ नहीं बस एगजाम था आज बताओ ना यार लटका दिया हा कैसे खेलू उसम देखो तुमको एकय आएगा बलू टीम और रेड टीम का एक नोटिफिकेशन आएगा इन गेम चट में आया हां हां हां किसी एक टीम में सेट करो गया गया… Read More

  • REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! – Parody Story

    REAL LIFE SCARY SHREK BUILDS in Minecraft! - Parody StoryVideo Information I suggest building monsters and shooting them yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are coming towards us need to hide I don’t want them to kill us where are they coming from it’s a good weather today I need to go for a walk hey hi Mikey let’s go for a walk it’s finally warm outside something can be done yes Mason let’s have a great time I suggest building monsters and shooting them let’s train yes Mikey good idea I think we should build creepers they are the scariest so it will… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!

    INSANE Minecraft live stream with fans!!Video Information [Music] [Music] e that [Music] [Music] h Huh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right a e oh for for for e for e [Music] you want to play Minecraft with your friends in 2024 there are tons of different ways to do it including playing player server High pixel you can double. net then when you click done it will pop up here after a few seconds and Minecraft together for example control your like that making your own… Read More

  • Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrends

    Unbelievable 5G Minecraft Hack Goes Viral 🔥🎮 #GamingTrendsVideo Information ‏ag [موسيقى] v This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack🔥||#gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-20 15:51:47. It has garnered 8157 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft TIK TOK BILD HACK 😈#shorts I am a Minecraft video creator My YouTube channel name is BignnerYT so, Please check My channel if You like then subscribe minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft shorts, minecraft cartoon, minecraft song, minecraft house tutorialminecraft pocket edition survival series, minecraft pocket edition download, minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95

    UNBELIEVABLE TNT in Minecraft!! 😱🔥 @ProBoiz95Video Information तो गाइस मैं सोच रहा था बहुत दिन से मैंने कुछ धासू कुछ कुछ हट के कुछ नेक्स्ट लेवल मैंने कुछ अभी तक किया नहीं है तो मैं आज आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आ चुका हूं कुछ ऐसे टी एनटी और कैनन चस्ट को देखने के बाद आप लोग के रोंग खड़ हो जाएंगे य देख फायर क्रैकर्स और भी बहुत कुछ है तो सबसे पहला हमारे पास ये क्या है रॉकेट लांचर इसको हम ट्राई करेंगे कहां ट्राई करें मुझे कुछ ध्यान नहीं आ रहा किसके घर प करू मैं किसके घर पर करू इस वाले… Read More

  • Unearthed

    UnearthedWelcome to Unearthed, a friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft! This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, optional PvP, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience. We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable… Read More

  • New Beginnings Modded Factions Roleplay Whitelist NaEast 1.20.1 +18

    Dimensional Adventures Modpack Ever dreamed of building your own kingdom, braving monster-infested dungeons, or becoming a master of the arcane? The Dimensional Adventures modpack lets you do it all! Features: Forge a realm! Band together with friends and establish your own epic kingdom or cozy village. Delve into the depths! Explore sprawling dungeons, unearth hidden treasures, and conquer the darkness! Embrace the Machine Age! Build a wondrous steampunk paradise filled with innovative contraptions. Unleash your inner magic! Master the arcane arts with a variety of exciting magic mods. The possibilities are endless! To make your adventure even smoother, extra quality-of-life… Read More

  • DeathReaper

    DeathReaper🎮 Welcome to play.DeathReaper.org! 🎮🌟 Your Gateway to Adventure! 🌟Join our vibrant community for an unforgettable Minecraft experience featuring a dynamic blend of our popular games: Op Factions and Survival⚔️ Op Factions: Conquer the realm of factions! Build your forces, seize territories, and clash with rivals in a quest for dominance. With robust economies and unique features, Op Factions delivers endless gameplay excitement.Why Join Us?🌟 Engaging Community: Join a friendly and active community of players from around the world. Our Discord server is bustling with activity, providing real-time communication, event announcements, and community discussions.🎉 Exciting Events: Participate in regular events,… Read More

Waldo – The Roulette of GOD BOSSES in a Mob Battle! (Minecraft Compilation)