Warden Tiger Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as a baby Warden tiger sitting high up inside of my beautiful skull jungle home I looked forward and saw my father the king of the warden Tigers overlooking me and the entire Empire around us look around my son someday this entire jungle will be

Yours mine but just then helicopters took to the skies right above us they dropped down explosions on our entire home and from them landed a bunch of mechanized insects Tigers defend our homes the mech ran around and did everything they could to steal my H’s resources but my people went in and

Started to fight back some would win but because of their numbers they were quickly taken down and most were captured no I ran down wanting to join the fight but as I did an explosion erupted from the jungle right near me from the blast came a towering Mech

General this territory now belongs to us and with these resources we will become the strongest military this world has ever seen no you can’t do this this is my home ah you stupid little tiger this jungle is mine General IEX then there is nothing you can do the general was about

To blast me again but out of nowhere my father jumped in between us leave my son alone his Roar let out a powerful Warden boom knocking back General Apex hurry son we need to go on day two I was running right behind my father but as we

Did the more that I saw jungle an animals being attacked and captured by the mech no everything’s being destroyed keep running we finally made it into a clearance where countless animals and mechs were at War now what Harvest SC I looked over and saw that a spider was

Cornering a warden elephant no stay away from me I can’t stand this I have to help wait stop I began to rush towards the elephant as more and more animals were being taken down around me as I got close my rage built up into my claws as

I swiped at the mech causing me to use a Sonic slash You Must Die the spider Mac began to do everything it could to kill me ah I did my best and tried to fight back but I was so small compared to him son my dad jumped in and we started to

Face off against the mech in unison but finally with my father’s help we took him down wow thank you for saving me of course it’s my duty as a warden tiger to help son we have no time my dad then threw a strange skull heart over to me

What is this the two of you must follow the beat of the heart it will take you somewhere safe Dad wait what are you son I will meet you there I must make sure the other tigers are safe now go on day three the two of us escaped from the

Battlefield Through the Jungle how am I supposed to follow this as I said that the heart shot out an echoey blast in the direction that we were supposed to go wao hey uh thanks for saving me by the way the last of my kind those Mech

Killed them all I’m so sorry just then a siren fill build the area and I quickly noticed that there were mechanized stations in the jungle around us from them crawled out Mech ants stab the area come on we have to keep moving we began to sneak around the area avoiding the

Ants at all costs until skull detected Attack Mode activate the ant quickly transformed into a flying Mech run r on day four we started to run through the jungle with a group of flying mechs around us we couldn’t shake them and the warden heart just kept beating louder

And louder we must be getting close we finally came around the corner to see an entrance to a skull Cavern there the two of us ran in but the mechs were still right behind what do we do I have an idea Lily turned around and slammed into

The cave flooor causing an erupting wall to seal off the entrance nice one see now you’re saving me we really do make a great team don’t we yeah we really do because of our new found friendship something began to happen I became a much stronger Warden tiger with five

More hearts and I could now let out my own Sonic Blast wo what just happened I don’t know we continued through the cavern until we reached a secluded clearing around the area were six tall statues and the tiger and elephant ones were activated dad must have sent me

Here for a reason those are the statues of the six different Warden animals of the world the rest being the gorilla the eagle the snake and the spider so every time I unite one I become stronger then I have to find the rest and fully unite

The skull jungle on day five we decided to build our Hideout here I helped lily as she wanted her base at the foot of the warden elephant statue and I then went to work on my very own home next to mine I did everything I could to make it

Perfect and even made an extra room for my father as well where is he he should have been here by now just then I heard the strangest sounds of turkeys back off you feathered freaks I ran out of my base to see that a small blue duck was

Being chased by a group of turkeys what I used my Warden boom to attack and blast the turkeys back the coward they all ran away as the duck came up to me hey uh thanks wait do I know you nope but uh listen man those turkeys they attack me because they’re like

Brainwashed or something brainwashed I followed the Blue Duck until we reached a large farm but it was currently being destroyed by a huge mechanical turkey not my carrots did General Apex do this that stupid selfish bird took my upgrade car I was going to use it to

Become big and strong but now oh look at me dude I’m sorry man look I need to find all the warden animals I don’t have time for this wo woah wo okay uh listen I may know where the warden gorillas are and if you help me I can take you

Straight to them on day six the Blue Duck and I made a deal die die I’ve been hunting all my life but look who’s hunting now hey stop stop this right now a warden Tiger General Mech will be very pleased to have you taken down what in the world the turkey

Attacked by sending out missiles to explode the crops around us and he would even start to lay eggs charge I got these guys dude the duck ran in and attacked the smaller turkeys with such Fury we all continue to fight until I got a good hit of the turkey man

Making him drop the upgrade core hey you on it he ran over and grabbed the core causing him to upgrade awesome let’s finish this the duck and I teamed up on the mechanical turkey and in his new upgraded form he had Incredible strength wo you are one

Special duck well lucky for you guys the foo duck is now available as an awesome plushy support my channel by getting the cute day one Foo the strong Fierce day 100 Foo or better yet both make sure to click the link in the description to get yours before they all sell out thanks

Guys with the combined final hit we were able to take down the mech turkey yes all right strangely familiar tiger I’m a man of my word I’ll lead you right to the Warden gorilla Empire on day seven I went with the now tall blue duck as he

Led me to the entrance of a snowy monkey Kingdom well good luck with everything maybe I’ll see you around thanks and nice voice I entered into the snowy Kingdom but all I saw around me were monkeys throwing bananas all through the kingdom the Apes were running around

Mindlessly what’s going on on here I looked over and saw a monkey that was quietly hiding behind a destroyed wall hey all of the monkeys have gone wild we have no Direction no idea what to do without the warden gorilla without the gorilla what do you mean we walked

Through the structure until he pointed over to the large Warden gorilla encased in stone this is horrible can we break him out yes we would just need the totem of healing the thing is there’s a reason we haven’t gotten it yet the monkey led me away from the snowy Kingdom and to

The edge of a strange Forest that was holding back the cold in there are the creatures that stole the totem but I’d be warned those that have entered have never returned on day 8 I began a search through the strange Forest but there wasn’t a sign of the totem any anywhere

Come on where could it be it was then that I heard the sound of movement in the trees above me uh hello landing on the ground right behind me were two intimidating tree folks they reached out and began to control the trees around me causing

Walls of wood and Forest to form into a maze as an intruder to our domain you must perish stay away from me I ran away in the only Direction I could further inside of the structure as I ran in though more and more tree folk would

Come out of the wooden walls and attack me with thorns and bark if they defending this place like this then the totem has to be here as I rounded a final corner I barely stopped myself in front of a deep pit full of a green liquid I looked at across to see the

Center of the Maze and there was the totem of healing all right foso you can do this here goes nothing I leapt across the pit using my upgraded form to jump completely over it woohoo I did it in my celebration I didn’t even realize that I was now

Surrounded by all of the tree people and now standing between me and the totem was their tree folk Elder Shaman hey I need that totem you want this it has granted me and my people unimaginable power like this the shaman began to attack me with powerful beams of pure

Energy hey stop the totem it doesn’t belong to you I don’t care he continued to fight so I knew that I had to defend myself I used my abilities to try and gain the upper hand but he was still extremely strong you should care about what you’re doing look we all need to

Work together if not everything will be destroyed in my anger I Unleashed my new Sonic Boom attack which hit him head on knocking him back please give it up or else even your people will be no more General Apex his army it’s Rising by the second and if

The jungle doesn’t unite we don’t stand a chance h fine take the totem just promis to protect us all on days 11 to 12 I returned to the warden gorilla’s snowy Kingdom and place the totem of healing back on its pedestal this caused a huge wave of Sonic energy to radiate

Throughout the area freeing the warden gorilla wo I have awoken as I stood in the presence of the gorilla I noticed that all of the monkeys were standing at attention awaiting the orders of their leader he’s back he’s actually back you you have freed me I am forever in your

Debt because of his words I felt myself begin to Surge with power causing me to grow even stronger I gained five more hearts and now had a new ability to burrow inside of the ground why have you freed me because General Apex he’s hurting all of our homes and our people

If we don’t stand together we will never win this fight will you be by my side I will Tiger for the wardens after our agreement we were heading back to my base when we noticed an imposing mechanical military base and there addressing his army of Mech insects was

The General good work on taking full control of the skull jungle with all these resources we won’t be running out anytime soon I looked around the base and saw the mechs were placing Machinery all around the jungle drawing in the skull as some sort of power source our

Mission does not end here not until we are the most powerful army in the world and I will show you how we can do it being escorted out from deeper in the base came my father dad leave my people in this place alone do not speak to me

Like that you pathetic animal I am your command in general I will never follow you you don’t have a choice turn on the CHP with the flick of a lever my father was electrocuted with a surge of energy and it turned him into a me tiger I am

At your service General with the power of the skull we can take control of any creature we won’t what no I have to stop him I have to stop this right now I slipped into the base and ran for cover in a nearby building foro wait I didn’t

Listen to him I couldn’t I have to get my dad on days 15 to 16 I was running through the mech base trying to find my dad this can’t be happening I then made it into a large room but there was nothing in sight except for a skull

Feather what is this for as I went up and grabbed it a whole circle of humanoid mechs formed around me where is my father you are a fool to come here I will be bringing you to the general myself dad no this isn’t you yes it is

My father then left in to attack but bursting out of the Flor was the warden gorilla not if I have anything to say about it destroy them we began to fight as the mechs would rush in and try to overpower us I used my skull claws but

They weren’t going down without a fight my father would take every chance he could to try and leap into attack but thankfully the Warden gorilla kept him at Bay in time you will truly see the power in the mech General K the gorilla then used a strong attack that knocked

All of them back you must get out of here no he started to dig in the ground so I used my new burrow ability to dig down and out of the base on days 17 to 18 we made it safely back to The Hideout there a ton of the monkeys were already

Gathered around around the foot of the activated gorilla statue Sweet let’s get you all settled in I got to work Gathering materials and building up the monkeys their own tribal home great work foso but I must say your father signing with General Mech brings me much fear he

Is the strongest of all the warded Tigers he didn’t side with them he was forced we have to find a way to get him back why yes we do I looked over at the elephant statue and saw that Lily had built up her home a full-fledged Library wo someone’s been busy yes I

Have and I’m so glad you’re back safe me too we were even lucky enough to find this Warden feather I just don’t know what it does no way that has to belong to the warden eagle and after all the research I’ve been doing I may know just was the

Place to find him on days 19 to 21 I followed lily as she brought me through the sandy desert biome until we saw a tall castle-like tower reaching up into the sky but it looked abandoned you think the warden Eagle is here well according to my research yes good luck

Lily headed back to base as I started to scale up the rocks and finally make it to the tower entrance uh hell hello anybody home just then I got hit ah I looked up to see the warden eagle perched above me a warden tiger be gone

No wait I can’t I I need your help the skull jungle it’s being destroyed I don’t care I have my own problems to deal with what wait where are you going I watched as the eagle flew up much higher into the tower yet back here I started to use my feline agility to

Catch up using the platforms the eagle then started to shoot down Sonic blasts at me hey I’m not leaving I kept dodging his attacks until we finally reached the top of the tower I looked over to see that he had a nest but it was empty look

Tiger this Nest was once full of my skulk eggs my children they have been taken from me and that is my main concern I looked out over the desert and saw a path of Destruction leading to the Shoreline I’m so sorry I can help let me

Get them back the men that stole them are dangerous but it cannot hurt to give you a chance if you retrieve my eggs I will rethink your offer on days 22 to 26 I I was following the path of the Hunters on the back of the warden Eagle

He flew me across the ocean and towards a deadly looking Island and there were Vikings everywhere the eagle flew us down as we hid on the shoreline my eggs they are here don’t worry I’ll handle this I started to make my way through the island avoiding the vision of the

Vikings I then saw their leader was watching over all of their work oh yes men our latest Conquest was a success I then looked over and saw the Eagle’s skull eggs were still intact near their leader Bingo now to just uh-oh well what do we have here a warden

Tiger what is a beast like you doing in my Island I’m here for those eggs those we need them for the morning when we have our breakfast of champions are you serious I use my burrow ability to quickly dig down and out of their trap if you’re such a champion let me put

That to the test oh I like this Beast Okay Tiger follow me the Viking led me over to a large rued Arena that was overgrown with a forest the deal is if you can beat me at our hunting game then you can take the eggs but if you lose

I’ll kill you where you stand and use your parts for my axe do you accept yeah deal all right Challengers there are five different Dam Target spread throughout the course whoever takes down three of them wins you will regret challenging me ready begin we took off into the ruins

As we split up to find the dummies come on come on oh no he already scored I got to keep up I searched to find one of the targets up in a thick tree there I used my Bur ability to dig up and through and with one hit yes but as I got

Down oh come on if he gets one more he wins in my panic I felt my senses heightened I used my Warden tendrils to search my surroundings and found the next Target through a wall I slashed through it right as I saw the Viking trying to as well all tied up the game’s

Not over yet we both looked over at a nearby Hilltop and saw the fifth and final Target I got to get there first I quickly started to run towards it trying to outpace him yes yes no in a giant leap the Viking crashed down onto me with an attack charged with lightning

Knock it off I will not lose he started to attack me with everything he had but I knew what I was fighting for I struck him with a powerful Sonic Boom knocking him back and stunning him with the opening I dashed over to the final Target that’s the game the warden tiger

Wins I did it on days 30 to 32 I went back to the Vikings camp and the defeated Viking approached me I would not be Viking without my honor go ahead take the eggs awesome I happily grabbed the EGS and was now about to go back to

The warden Eagle when out of nowhere storming in the camp was General Apex and his army what is the meaning of this without a second thought the general blast of the Viking with a single shot take everything they had hey oh is this the small baby Warden tiger I saw those

Days ago I am not small anymore stop doing this and let my father go never he’s helping me accomplish my dream and it will not be ruined dream what dream you’re a psycho and another explosive attack the general blew me back yeah all my life I’ve been treated like a joke told that

I W himount to anything but now that is all about to change and there is nothing that anyone can do about it he was about to blast me again in his rage but the warden Eagle swooped down in front of me hop on I jumped onto his back and we

Quickly flew away from the island no run now but in time you will see what I can truly do on days 33 to 35 we safely landed back on the warden Eagle’s Tower I went over and placed the skull eggs back in their nest oh thank goodness my

Family is now safe I owe you everything Foo because of his words I began to upgrade into a much stronger Warden tiger I gained five more hearts and could unleash a Sonic Roar awesome but as I looked around I noticed how unsuitable the tower would be for the

Eagle’s family hey it’s not safe for you here anymore you need to come with me on days 36 to 39 I made it back to base with the warden eagle and saw that his statue was activated yes only two more to go with that I built up the eagle and

His eggs their very own nest home I cannot express how happy I am to have a safe place to stay Thank You foso anyen time all of the skull jungle animals have to work together now more than ever it was then that I heard one of the

Monkeys got going crazy ah what the I ran over to see that all of the water in the base was a gross purple and because of it the plant life all around was dying oh no is the water polluted I followed the stream out of my base and

Saw that it led to a shoreline far off in the distance was an oil Rick dumping a constant stream of pollution into the water that’s what’s causing it it I got to shut it down on days 40 to 44 I started to scout out the oil rig and

Noticed that there were tall rocks leading to it but patrolling the air were some of General apex’s drones he’s running this place I can’t be seen I began jumping from rock to rock using my burrow ability to dig down and hide when the drones passed over head that was

Close I slowly pushed forward and made the final jump onto the rib after a bit of searching I found the source of pollution and used my abilities to take it down changing the water back perfect but as I said that I heard a familiar voice from inside secure the

Tigers now dad I stealthly made my way deeper into the building and saw my father talking to one of the mechs my son is the only Warden tiger left but he’s not a threat because the only person person who knows the whereabouts of the warded spider is

Me what was that I followed the noise into a separate room to see cages full of warden Tigers my people I got to get you guys out of here but just then hello son on days 45 to 47 I was face to face with My Father Dad please listen to me

I’m your son no what you are is a RIS you think you’ll ever be as strong as me I was a king he leapt in to attack me but I dodged out of the way you will never live up to my name that’s not true we began to clash using both our sculp

Claws and Sonic Boom attacks so I tried to use all my abilities to knock some sense into him he was very skilled at fighting them and it felt like he was dodging every one of my hits please stop I Unleashed an attack straight at him

And he dodged out of the way but because of this the cage burst open guys run now all of the Tigers flooded out heading for the exit but the last one stopped and turned around there may be a way to save your father foso but you need to

Come with us quick I leapt past my father and sprung towards the exit with the other Tigers get back here on days 48 to 52 me and the other Warden tigers were sprinting through the skull jungle with my father following behind this way we finally made it through the trees and

Into the tiger Kingdom across the area was a clearing where the other Warden Tigers circled around a strange totem quickly we need him to be in the center I jumped up onto the large totem and turned around to see my father burst into the clearing there you are you

Thought you could run away never he charged in and tried to pounce onto me now I left down just as my father landed on the totem immediately there was a flash of blue aura around my father as each and every one of the Tigers channeled their strength then in a final

Blast of energy my father had returned to normal dad is that you so son I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me I didn’t mean anything I said back there and Dad it’s okay I’m just glad you’re all right but now we all need your help

I need to know exactly where the warden spider is on days 53 to 56 I followed my father’s directions as they led me right to the entrance of a web build ancient cave oh yeah this has got to be the right place I ventured deeper in only to

See that the tunnel was blocked by a mechanical wall oh no did the mech beat me here I tried to use my burrow ability but it was no use I can’t get through now what then in the corner of my eye there was a small Fire Light coming from

A nearby tunnel that’s odd I went around the corner to see a tiny Warden spider uh hello uh don’t scare me like that we thought you were one of those stupid mechs that captured my queen the main Warden spider I had to save her but how

How do I get through that wall all right buddy if you can promise to free the queen I can definitely help you out we walked back over to the mechanical wall and the spider showed me a very small cck in it just pain a little the spider lunged out

And bit me ah what did you do I’m tiny dude relax it’s only temporary come on we both snuck through the crack and appeared on the other side to see the warden spider ancient city and there in the center of it all was a machine hooked up to the restrained

Warden Spider Queen that can’t be good on days 57 to 59 I went through the city and crawled up to the Spider Queen a tiger I’m going to get you out of here I was about to unleash a Sonic moon but the queen called out at me if you

Destroy the machine from here it’ll blow everything up and I’ll go with it what is a tiger Warden doing here anyway look I’m here to help you suddenly the machine charged with power and started to sap energy from her go the the me they built this thing to take my skull

Webs from their Creations you must find the power source there you can shut it down and get me out got it I’ll be back I followed the strange Machinery deeper under the ancient city until I reached another room with the power core found it just when I was about to destroy it

Though an armored figure dropped down in front of me stay away from this machine on days 60 to 63 the mech Knight instantly came in to attack he would swing his massive sword around and used his shield to bash my head in ah I fought back with my skull abilities

Trying to keep them off of me my attacks didn’t seem to do much though but they would at least push him back which gave me enough space to shoot at the power core with the strongest Sonic Boom I’ve ever done I broke the core in one hit

Yes no the general will not be happy I must kill you the Knight rushed towards me and I didn’t know how much more or I could take until out of the darkness came the freed Warden Spider Queen stay away from him with our combined efforts me and the Spider Queen were able to

Take the Knight down we did it you did it you really freed me and for that I’ll help you in your quest because of her words I upgraded I turned into a stronger Warden tiger gained five more hearts and now could cause skull shards

To up from the flooor yes on days 64 to 68 I returned to my base with all the warden tigers and spiders and now the spider statue was activated I got to work building up a web filled home for the spiders around their entire statue I’m so thankful for the opportunity to

Get back at those mechs yeah we can take them down together I then took the time to build more homes for my Warden tiger people when I was finally done I noticed my father was standing in front of his home I see you made me this yeah I did a

Long time ago I’m just happy that you finally get to see it and be safe my father and I walked around looking over the whole face together son one day all of them will follow you who’ve already gained their trust and I know that you’ll be a fantastic leader one can say

A better King than I ever was thanks Dad that means a lot coming from you as I was talking to my father I heard Lily running throughout the base no no no no no no no Lily what’s going on the jungle our home it’s burning what on days 69 to

73 my father and I hurried out of the base to see a massive wildfire in the jungle around us everything was burning we ran through the trees and followed the destruction to see that the cause of it was General Apex look at what you forced me to do forced you have to stop

This the general shot out another wave of flames all of my plans have gone smoothly until you you just kept PR and Prim so now I’ve had a change of heart I’m going to burn this entire jungle to the ground and let all the animals lift

Be under the control of my mix no the general charged in as me and my father met him in the center we fought using every ability we could to stop him but he was still far too strong in an explosive attack I was blown back by his

Missile ah don’t you dare touch him my dad started to take on the general all by himself he Unleashed another wave of flames that burned right through my father though but as he did my dad leapt through them and SL flashed right through his armor causing something to

Malfunction no I’ll be back to take all you out it I gathered just enough strength to stand close to my dad but he looked even weaker than I was son we weren’t strong enough but you can be you have to find the final Warden animal warden snake dad why are you talking

Like this because it’s up to you now son be their King pleas need them all Dad Dad no I was overcome with grief but I knew I had to stop General Apex so that no one would have to go through this kind of pain ever again I reflected on

All I had accomplished I have to save all of the animals in the jungle for my father I set out and gathered materials to build my dad a glorious monument in the Kingdom one that the warden tigers and all of the other jungle animals could remember him by I promise I will

Make you proud dad boo boo where are you Lily she came up to me and saw the monument I built oh no he he he didn’t did he I’m so sorry I know that now more than ever General Apex needs to be stopped that’s why I came looking for

You I think I know where the final Warden animal is on day 78 to 80 I traveled across the skull jungle with Lily until we made it out of the trees and into the desolate home of the warden snake there wasn’t a soul in sight just giant skulls and bones everywhere this

Place looks like it was hit the hardest that’s because it was appearing from behind one of the skulls was the snake I knew you would come here eventually so you know of our case to stop the mech Army will you join us I have no such

Plans to Who Do You Think You Are to stop them you are the king the ruler I am more than worthy enough to lead the warden animals and I’ll prove it to you for everyone and my father very well tiger show me what you’ve got on days 81

To 85 the warden snake threw his spiked tail at me to strike I used my feline agility to dodge out of the way after I rushed in using all of my abilities I’ve gained my skull claws cut through him and my Sonic shards attack to strike him

Constantly I said show me the snake then hit me back with his powerful tail he’s no joke The Mex eliminated my people long ago so I ask again who are you just stop them I thought back to the beautiful tiger Kingdom and all the memories of my father I am the warden Tiger

King with the strongest attack I can muster I struck at the warden snake causing him to be defeated I yield you have proven your worth I will fight for the jungle because of this I felt all the skull running through my body surging with more power than I had ever

Felt I gained 10 more hearts and could now braing down Sonic blasts from the sky I was truly the most powerful tiger ever the warden Tiger King on days 86 to 90 I was rushing back through the skull jungle with Lily and the warden snake noticing the Flames were only getting

Worse foo look over near the entrance to our Hideout was a spider Mech I jumped in and because I was so powerful now I took him out in one hit sweet but then I looked up and into the base and everyone was under attack the Army was overrunning the other Warden animals

Because none of them were working together no I rushed in and began to fight the mech Army trying to defend our home finally I pounced onto the final one fully ending the attack but our base was heavily destroyed except for the animal statues which were all activated

Okay everyone gather around on days 91 to ’94 I got everyone gathered up inside of our Hideout guys how did they find us well the spiders were supposed to guard the entrance what well maybe if the eagle was a better Scout we would have seen them from a mile away stop it what

Are you guys doing now more than ever do we as the warden animals need to fight as one the tiger is Right General Apex he took control of our home because of our division but now is our time to all finally work together we all care about

This jungle and it’s time that we take it back I’m ready hey okay everyone here’s the plan on days 95 to 99 the warden animal and I made it outside of the mech jungle base as general Apex stood on top of its walls this this supposed to intimidate me we are here to

Stop you I don’t even want your resources anymore I just want you go as he said this a swarm of his Mech Army charged out of the base towards us all right everyone remember fight together we all began to fight using our ability ities to help one another the warden

Snake used his tail to stop the mechs from hurting me while the gorilla jumped in the way of the missiles that were going to hit the spider and the Eagle’s Warden boom took out a whole group of them surrounding Lily wo thanks hey Foo

I’m ready do it I ran over to the walls as Lily made a huge wall of skull to boost me over it go get him tiger we’ll deal with the Army out here I jumped down into the base and there in the center was General Apex all alone on day

100 I was finally faced to face with the general it’s over your army is destroyed is that so well they are just tools anyway the real weapon is me the general shot out a vol of rockets from his me exploding everything around me we continue to fight as I would constantly

Strike at him with my Sonic shards take that your presence will be your air he then Unleashed a wave of flames from his flamethrower this is your end Apex we kept fighting until finally I got in close and landed a strong skull claw no not again how did you my father taught

Me well and this is for him with one final attack I hit the gener head on successfully taking him down and with that the skull jungle can now finally live United and in peace on day one I spawned in as a warden worm deep within my desert ancient city I looked around

Only to see my Warden people being attacked by a bunch of Monster Hunters are they after us I ran throughout the battlefield and watched as the hunters started to hurt and capture my people as as if they were just doing it for fun that’s two points I’m going for

Three as I was distracted I was spotted by one of them he rushed into attack and I thought I was done for until our Warden Elder jumped in the way and took him down we can’t let them capture you my boy you are special and we’re created

So that we can put an end to these Hunters me but how just then a much larger Monster Hunter slammed down in the center of our city where is that Warden worm I Ed we’ll hunt you down just like the rest of this world’s monsters so that I can be the most

Powerful Hunter yet you need to leave now and find Aaron he will know how to make you strong enough to save our people Odin then notice the two of us and Rush forward only to unleash a powerful attack on my Elder no go now I

Ran for my life leaving all of my people behind capture these pathetic monsters and get me that worm on day two I was slithering through the caves as fast as I could with monster hunters chasing behind me they shot at me using their advanced hunter gear oh no I’m

Trapped you know we enjoyed taking your people down and once we have you H our power will be used to kill the rest of the monsters in this world I’m not a monster out of my frustration I began to mine deep in the ground wo I can burrow

Oh no you don’t get the drill using this new found ability I began to mine a path to get me out of this cave it wasn’t long until I heard heavy machinery and realized there was a drill mining right after me I then mined out of a Wallside

Only to find myself inside of a strange Nest home what is this place there you are the Monster Hunter began to rush in but out of nowhere dropped down a very large Griffin beast on day three the Griffin started to fight off the Monster Hunter easily destroying his machine the hunter ran up

And tried his best to hurt him with his Weaponry but the Griffin sliced him with his claw and sent him back he had incredible agility and strength and would even use his wings to summon deadly gusts of wind around us no no the Griffin then landed on the hunter

Taking him down for good wo you you saved me I thought I was safe but the bird turned towards me and approached with anger wait uh I don’t mean you any harm this is my home and you are not welcome here I was backed into a corner

And thought I was done for please look I’m looking for Aaron okay my people they’re in danger well it’s true you must be the creature the wardens have spent years creating fine I’ll help take you where you need to go on day four the Griffin flew me high up throughout the

Ls but all I was seeing was pure chaos the world was full of deadly Villages and outposts filled with cages of different beasts animals you name it the hunters are doing this this is horrible this is the world now with Odin and his people at large All Creatures of any

Kind are being hunted down and stripped of their freedoms including your wardens we then landed within a desert ruin with a strange Warden Eye artifact sat at its Center go and pick it up okay I listened and once I touched it my entire body began to shake I gained five more hearts

And grew larger in size becoming a stronger Warden worm wao this is the first five Ward and ey fragments they Grant any being incredible beast-like abilities when equipped I am Aaron and have helped the wardens in their Quest on creating you they believe your strength can be enough to stop this well

If these items increase my strength then I will go out and find all of them rustling then sounded off and out of the bushes rushed an advanced hunter there you are we have all the wardens under our watch and when I bring you in I will be

Rewarded on day five the advanced hunter rushed in and began to attack he summoned two more arms and now had four very sharp swords oh no but with my new upgrade I now have the ability to shoot out deadly skull Venom at him ha take that we fought each other blow for blow

He was not an easy opponent as he shot out poison all throughout the area but I knew I could not let my people down with one final skull Venom attack I was able to fully take down the hunter yes upon his death dropped a note that said do

Not let that worm find those weny artifacts go out and find the croak Empire before he does the croak Empire huh that must be where another one is I knew that there were going to be more Hunters after me so Aaron and I started to forge a new Hideout within this

Desert ruin I made my very own home inside of a sand cave while I also made Aaron a small Nest lying on top of a tree as Aaron and I were admiring our new work I saw a sand block fall near my cave oops oh no what was that I walked

Over only to see a tiny Warden hiding in fear no please don’t hurt me I barely was able to escape from those Hunters I have nowhere else to go escape where exactly did you escape from on day six the tiny Warden brought me within the nearest forest until we reached an

Outpost much larger than the ones I’d seen before I watched as countless Hunters were inside upgrading their weapon and right next to them were rows of cages holding wardens and my Warden Elder let us go ah shut it I have to get them out of here I was about to run in

Blinded by my rage but just then Odin entered the courtyard everyone listen this Warden worm is a threat to our clan do you not understand it can grow to be the strongest among all beasts in this world this is why we must obtain its scales so that we can forge Weaponry

With power like no other but we will need backup he then walked forward and ignited a platform causing lightning to summon all around him in one huge burst dropped down a night Bounty Hunter Magnus I know you’ve never failed a hunt which is why I need you to go and find

That worm very well well leave it to me oh no this isn’t good I need to find the croak Empire fast you mean that Kingdom of frogs I know where that place is come on follow me on day seven the tiny Warden led me deep within a swamp but we

Were quickly met by a moat is that polluted swamp water gross I then looked across and waiting on the other side was the croak Empires oh okay but how do we get across I think I have an idea follow me I use my burrow ability allowing me

To dig deep underground thankfully I was able to mind blow the moat and make it safely on the other side however as I exited I found myself in the middle of their entire Kingdom maybe I Min too far H oh WWB uh those words are really getting creative with their Creations

Huh huh yeah yeah no kidding we know why you’re here you will not get that war ey fragment I then looked up and lying on their tallest tower was The Warden Eye please I need it just then I heard a very loud and in a huge Splash landed

Their king frog I am Emperor croak we see that fragment has good luck to our people we have lost too many to those Hunters well I’m trying to to stop them there has to be some way I can get it from you you know this Empire loves us

Show I think I have an idea on how you can prove your wor on day eight Emperor croak brought me back to the center of their Kingdom with a crowd of frogs watching the rules are simple if you can get to that Warden fragment you win I think we going to do

That you have to get past the k okay deal horns then sounded off and the Frog King began to attack me he used his high leaps to his advantage and pushed me back away from the tower ah P off I fought back using my skull Venom on him

And tried my best to get to their Tower unfortunately he would shoot out deadly water attacks at me and even shot his tongue out swallowing me hold let me out of here ow wait a minute I have an idea I continued to fight the Frog and waited

For him to shoot his tongue again here goes nothing he shot me out come on I did it I reached the warden fragment I picked it up causing me to upgrade once more I gained five Hearts grew in size and now had the ability to do explosive bites at my enemy awesome I

Went back to the courtyard towards the king Emperor croak is very impressed you earned it but without this fragment my Kingdom’s luck is gone you know I think I have an idea on days 9 to 10 I gathered up all the frogs in the croak

Empire to come back to my base thank you for offering shelter to my people until we stop those men Odin will stop at nothing to take us all down yeah I know I just don’t get why he hates us so much I’m not quite sure but what I’ve heard

Is that he lost someone very close to him but it’s just a rumor who could he have lost we continued to walk out of the swamps and back towards the desert until I Heard a Voice coming towards us the sky became clouded as flames appeared and a figure Rose from the

Ground you I thought I smelled a warden worm around here oh no leave leave now the frogs and the tiny Warden all left back towards my base you you’re trying to hunt me down what you Hunters are doing it’s not right not right you are monsters beasts you don’t know any

Better especially you wardens oh yeah well I’ll show you Magnus then charged straight in he spun around and slash me with this very large sword ah with just one hit I would is knocked down to only a few Hearts oh no he’s too strong I got

To get out of here I began to burrow down into the ground but Magnus ran down the tunnel straight behind me get back here he was about to catch me but thankfully I dug straight underneath a pool of lava it fell and separated the two of us count your gaze you worm they

Are numbered on days 11 to 12 I made my way back to base and saw that all of the frogs and the tiny Warden made it here safely thank goodness I got to work building up a place for all of the Frog people I made sure to theme it around

Their Kingdom so that they could feel just at home after that I quickly was able to build the tiny Warden their very own tiny home as well wow Foo this is amazing oh and that reminds me I wanted to show you something what is it the tiny Warden then used her Warden senses

To locate and pull out from the ground all of the surrounding ore around our base we are wardens remember I can sense everything wo that’s awesome thanks with the tiny warden’s help I was able to find enough iron to make myself a set of iron tools awesome foso I’m glad you

Made it back safely and by the looks of things you’re even stronger now I am Aaron thankfully well if you’re up for another journey I found where the next Warden fragment is you did yes now come on I’ll show you on days 13 to 14 I followed behind Aaron until he brought

Me to the top of an icy Mountain at its peak were strange pillars surrounding a warden ey fragment but something was wrong it’s frozen that’s right this fragment is useless unless we can melt it and there is only only one way to do so how Aaron led me to the side of the

Mountain overlooking the rest of the tundra deep within this land lies a very dangerous ice beast but with its help we just might be able to thaw this fragment he won he is not friendly great he then flew away with the Frozen fragment to keep it safe at our base and I continued

Into the tundra until I saw a fire that’s not normal I approached and started to see that the fire was coming from a burning Tundra Village it was being raided by the Monster Hunters oh no on days 15 to 16 I watched as Monster Hunters began to Corner some defenseless Tundra

Creatures please no wait one of the hunters swung and killed the creature without a second thought I have to stop this I charged in and used my new explosive bite to attack them they turned to fight back but I was quick and was able to take all of them down with

My abilities yes I looked around at the burning Village and just when I thought I killed the last Hunter one of the home’s walls exploded outwards e we finally meet face to face Odin you have to stop this all of it you’re hurting countless innocent lives Li lives you

Guys are just monsters he leapt into the air and tried to slam down onto me summoning lightning everywhere stop look I heard you lost someone close to you I’m sorry but you can’t just take it out on us you know nothing about me my father he was the greatest hunter to

Ever live he taught me everything from skinning a rabbit to slaying Beast like you then one day on a hunt he never returned he was killed by one of you monsters you beasts ended his life and now I will do the same to all of you he

Threw one of his axes directly at me and I was barely able to dodge out of the way I got to get out of here I made a break for it but just when I was about to make it out of the village I felt the ice crack from underne

E huh I will avenge my father if it’s the last thing I do on day 17 to 18 I fell down and into the center of an ice temple ow where am I the area looked abandoned and almost completely forgotten except for ah there was a tundra creature hiding behind a pillar

Hey I’m not going to hurt you you you’re not one of those Hunters they took my family from me I know I’m sorry I’m trying to stop them but I have to find an ice beast in order to do so Oh you mean the yeti Follow Me Wait Yeti he led

Me over to a very dark cave entrance deeper in the temple so he’s in here y I began to slowly creep inside until I was totally encased in darkness and then ah as as I recovered from the hit rushing out of the darkness was a huge

Ice yeti on days 19 to 21 the powerful Yeti jumped towards me in a rage swinging at me with his giant fists hey I began to fight back using my explosive bite attack but the yeti was so strong he barely seemed to Flinch I tried to

Run and gain some distance but he would keep burrowing towards me before forming a ball of ice that kicked at me ah stop it I’m not here to fight you you leave no I can’t do that I need your help in unfreezing a warden fragment help Hunters attack because of you now leave

My home please Yeti the Monster Hunters attacked my Village they took me away from my family they need to be stopped the yeti calmed down fine if you want help I show you but you you the rest show us what both of you follow on days

22 to 26 the yeti led us out of his icy caves until we came to a large lava and Ice Lake unfreeze fragment the item you need here in the lake yes under the lake you must find it okay here I go I began to dig deep down tunneling under the

Pool searching for any clue of the Yeti’s item but as I dug I accidentally mined in another icy cave with spikes falling down okay a wrong way I continue to dig having to dodge around more traps and being careful not to dig too close to Lava pools eventually I found it

Another Cave opening but it was no longer icy and in the center was a pedestal holding a potion of molten magma this this has to be it I rushed up and grabbed the potion this will definitely unfreeze the Frozen Warden fragment on days 27 to 29 I went back to

My base potion in hand and seal with me I found that Aaron had built some sort of containment pillar for the Frozen fragment hey here you go good work but it’ll take some time to set things up while he was doing that I went and got enough materials to make seal their very

Own home to stay in thanks foso it’s nice to know as creatures have each other’s backs agreed I ran back to Aaron and saw that his containment area was now filled with hot magma okay I’m guessing it’s ready I then watched as the Frozen fragment began to melt and

Crack until it finally thawed yes I grabbed the fixed fragment causing me to become even stronger I gained five more hearts and felt my body row now I could use my size to shake the ground around me with a powerful slam attack awesome so is it true rumors quickly spread that

Odin’s father was killed by a beast yeah and now he’s letting his rage blind him it just doesn’t make any sense his dad was known as the world’s strongest Monster Hunter things aren’t adding up foso what do you mean stop it what what was that I ran out of the base to see

That there in a cage was my Warden Elder oh my goodness you’re okay I’m getting you out of here now I ran up to the cage and noticed that she looked weak my dear boy no get out of here it’s a trap what before I knew it Magnus appeared leaping

Down between me and the Elder as he did giant walls of metal formed around us trapping me in you were you aren’t going anywhere on days 30 to 32 I was face to face with Magnus in his metal Arena you used my Elder as bait yes and you fell for it

There’s no running this time he rushed into to attack me spinning around wildly with his sword and shield take this I use my new power slam ability causing the ground beneath us to erupt the attack definitely hurt Magnus but the blast also hit my Elder oh no I need to be careful Magnus

Used the opening to Kick Me Back Then followed up with multiple sword attacks as I was cornered I was starting to get lower and lower on hearts and he kept blocking my attacks I can’t give up I use my explosive attack to push Magnus back but his hits were just way too

Strong Magnus then landed a blow that almost knocked me out it’s a pity they want you alive you’re coming with me my vision went blurry from the fight and I started to pass out on days 33 to 35 I woke up changed to a strange platform in the

Middle of a room full of Monster Hunters ah I feel so weak Warden worm you really thought you’d put an end to my Empire what did you do to me more so what did you just do for us we have taken some of your scales and with them we will upgrade our

Weaponry so that we can move move on to the next part of our plan next part quiet hunters get to work in this one put him with the others we have what we want a couple of hunters walked forward and began to escort me deep underneath

Their Outpost it wasn’t long until I was thrown into a cage in a room filled with my wardens Foo I’m so sorry I tried to warn you it’s okay we’re all alive that’s what matters Odin is planning something though we need to get out of here and fast yeah good luck pal these

People only see us as entertainment here entertainment just then the opposite side of my cage opened up what the I walked out only to have the door slam behind me and to see that I was in a massive arena with Monster Hunters looking down at me oh no on days 36 to

39 I looked around the the whole Coliseum I need to find a way out of here I then heard another cage open on the opposite side and walking out of it was a tall amethyst Golem F fight F wo whoo whoo whoo wait we don’t have to

Listen to them we can work together and get out of here get out of here impossible sir it’s either you or me no hard FS the Golem then started throwing amethyst shards at me I dodged them only to realize they turned into tiny amethyst Golems what the they ran at me

While he continued to attack with his massive arm we began to fight as he attacked me continuously ah stop it fight me the Golem stomped on the ground and sent forward shards of amethyst that hit me on the head no we are not monsters in my frustration I unleash an

Extremely powerful Warden boom destroying everything around me wao what close the cages don’t let them Escape in the midst of the destruction I noticed that there was a way out I got to get the wardens and get out of here on days 40 to 44 I escaped with all of the

Warden straight out of the Hunter’s Outpost thankfully we were able to make it safely back to base that was close before doing anything else I made sure to get enough materials to build up all of the warden their very own ancient styled home and done oh Foo I’m so proud

Of how strong you’ve become the warden Elder collapsed right in front of me why is this happening Foo what’s wrong Aaron the hunters they must have done something to her she looks so weak if we don’t do something soon she might not make it but we have to help her I have

An idea on where we can get it item that might help her but we have to hurry Odin we we had no idea that he would Escape I trusted idiots with one job one and now that worm is back out in the world no matter those of you who are

Still worth the air you breathe Forge your weapons once my exes possess that worm’s power he won’t be a problem anymore on days for 45 to 47 I went as quickly as I could with Aaron until we arrived at some sort of desert dungeon but the entrance was sealed shut great

Now what I’ll fly up and look around Aaron took to the skies as I looked more intently at the entrance I noticed that the door was being held up by two pillars that sunk into the ground that’s it I tunnel below the door and straight through each of the pillars breaking

Them down one one by one when the last one was broken the entire entrance collapsed and was opened up you did it the two of us ran inside only to see the dungeon’s vast dark interior wo there that’s the item we need I looked up and

Saw that in the center of the chamber was a large Tiki sitting in the center and behind it laid the golden totem of healing that’s it I began to hurry towards it but as I moved forward I heard a click under my body uhoh the whole room began to shake and suddenly

The entire floor dropped down exposing a large elaborate parkour towards the center and if I fall I’d land on deadly spikes great activate defense mechanism I then noticed that the tall Tiki in the center had come to life it started to Launch Elemental attacks around the

Platforms okay focus I have to get that totem on days 48 to 52 I started to jump between the floating platforms heading towards the totem but the Tiki heads were spouting Flames directly at me I jumped away to one of the platforms just before I saw a rock flying right at me

It hit me head on and I almost fell straight off knock it off intruder stand back bolts of lightning started to flash throughout the room making it even harder to jump across but I knew I had to do it here goes nothing I jumped and finally made it on top of the center

Platform but as I did the tikis all dissembled into three individual ones they began their attacks each wielding a different elemental power I began to fight back when one of them seemed to recognize me wait wait wait wait hold up hold up are you the wooden

Wor yeah I kind of need that totem to save my Elder well why didn’t you say something us tikis don’t have very good eyesight you know we know about your quest to take down those hunters and we totally agree with it oh oh uh follow us

You should see this the tikis led me into a separate room of the dungeon and there was a map we’ve been guarding this bad boy it should lead you to your next Warden fragment wait really yeah yeah yeah those crazy Hunter have been trying to get into this place for ages to get

It that’s why we had to secure the entrance oh sorry about that yeah forget about it you can take the map in the totem just stop those Hunter on days 53 to 56 Aaron and I rushed back to our base I ran directly into where my Elder

Was resting and place the totem of healing next to her this caused the entire room to instantly start glowing yes yes in a burst of vibrant light my Elder stood up and looked completely healed my goodness thank you those Hunters didn’t treat us well at all I

Didn’t think I was going to make it I’m just glad you’re okay my you really have grown so much I’m so proud of all you have done for Our Kind the work isn’t done yet I just got this map that leads to the next Warden ey fragment it looks

Like it shows something called the Grand Forest ah that Forest is a dangerous place you must be careful I know but it seems like I don’t have a choice I need those fragments to stop Odin on days 57 to 59 I was making my way to the Grand

Forest and I stopped only to see a massive tree line wao I then heard screams run run I ran towards the trees to see that on the edge of the forest was a town of smaller tree people but they were being raided by the Monster Hunters oh no the hunters were using

Their new and improved weapons to cut down the homes and treat people with ease they weren’t kidding they upgraded their gear hey Hunters over here the warden worm get him I rushed into battle and fought off as many of the hunters as I could I used my abilities to hit

Multiple of them at a time but they were much stronger than before you think we are a challenge you have no idea how strong Odin has now become no I started to fight harder than ever before using my power slam to knock out a group of them and then my

Explosive bite to take down the final one with only a few Hearts to spare the Tree Village was saved that was close you have saved us weird creature I can tell you’re not from around here yeah I’m visiting this Forest looking for a Warden Eye fragment oh if you want that

You must travel to the forest core can you lead me there for saving my home absolutely on days 60 to 63 I followed the tree person as they led me deep into the Grand Forest until we met a clearing revealing a lost kingdom the fragment

Should be in there the core but I shall go no further I pushed forward inside the main entrance and found an ominous clearing there high up in the branches was the warden fragment yes now just to get it why have you come here Warden worm who said that I looked out and

Appearing through the trees was a tall Triant I am skull guardian of this fragment I need that fragment scog for what to stop the hunter Odin I presume yes he has to be stopped it’s the only way no you will do no such things scog suddenly rushed towards me

In a rage wait on day 64 to 65 scog moved in and started to attack me he was so powerful and used the elements of nature to his Advantage he would stomp on the ground and cause jaw-like plants to appear and hit me ah I knew I had to

Fight back stop this we’re on the same side skog was fueled by rage and kept hitting me he would reach into the Earth and cause roots to shoot out towards me why why don’t you want to defeat Odin be quiet he was about to attack again but I

Ran in and bit into him with my explosive bite this caused scog to stumble back and briefly stop attacking Odin his actions are wrong but it’s all his father’s fault it’s my fault what wait you’re Odin’s father but how Odin followed in my footsteps as my goal was to become the greatest hunter

To ever exist I would exceed my goals and reach higher and higher slaying hurting animals and creatures treating them like nothing but monsters but then on one fateful hunt I was cursed into becoming the very thing I hunted I knew my people would never accept me back so

I couldn’t return I came here and over time I have finally realized that the beasts we have hunted have emotions as well so you didn’t die to a beast you became one Odin should know he can’t know that his own father has turned into the very thing he hates but maybe if he

Knew he would change he hates the beasts because he thought you died to one scog suddenly smashed at the branch above dropping the fragment maybe just maybe you are right worm you may take the warden fragment thank you I ran up and grabbed it and this caused me to grow in

Power again I gained five more hearts and now I could rain down bursts of Sonic Boom energy from the sky I felt so much stronger than before on days 66 to 68 I was on my way back to base with scog when suddenly Odin’s lightning

Struck and he was now right in front of us you really thought you could escape from me I’ll give you credit if there’s one thing we both have in common is that we both don’t know when to give up Odin wait he ran straight towards me with his

Sonic boom charged axes but scog jumped in the way taking the blow Odin began to attack as hard as he could hacking into skog’s tree body I could tell scog didn’t want to but he began to defend himself Oden you need to stop this Odin and scog continue to

Fight until scog hit him back with his route attack but Odin countered with a very heavy hit now you shall die he Odin son it’s me your father he stood there stunned that can’t be true my father he was a hunter I was but my rage turned me

Into this son these creatures have feelings lives that we are just taking from them you have to stop this now I can’t believe this you may have been my father before but you are not him today wait Odin slung with the final heavy blow that killed his father no I

Knew I had to run as I quickly burrowed straight down and away from Odin I have to get the final fragment I have to on days 69 to 71 I tunneled all the way to my base and saw that all of the wardens looked healthy again they were even all

Working throughout the base helping my other friends the Elder noticed me and walked over this Foo is what being a Wen is all about we are protectors our people are meant to keep all of the world’s creatures safe this is so amazing I was admiring all of them when

Suddenly I heard the tiny Warden panicking Foo boo hey what’s wrong are you okay yes yes I am I was just roaming around outside the base when I saw some Monster Hunters they made a camp nearby what did you find out well I overheard them talking about the final Warden

Fragment but it is in possession of Magnus and I know exactly where he lives great can you tell me on days 72 to 74 I roamed around the Overworld until I reached a clearing and there it was magnus’s keep the huge walls and battlements were guarded and well too

Fortified for me just to dig through huh I need to find another way in safely I know it’s around here somewhere uh what was that I walked over to the noise and saw an armored Enderman come on come on where did I put my sword hey man are you

Okay no I’m not I lost my sword how am I supposed to be an Enderman Knight without my sword whoa whoa it’s okay wait a minute I have an idea if I find your sword would you take teleport me inside of that keep over there you my

Friend have a deal on day 75 to 77 I began to burrow around the area the Enderman said that he just went mining it has to be around here somewhere I then dug into a large cave on a mound of stone was the Enderman sword yes I

Started to move closer but then I realized that the cave had large cracks in the floor filled with lava no how do I get a cra Ross I looked around the room and noticed that the roof of the cave was made out of ton of loose gravel

Perfect I shot my Sonic Venom ability striking the roof and causing all the loose blocks to fall because of this the large cracks in the ground were now filled with gravel allowing me to walk across safely I picked up the sword and quickly tunnel my way back to the

Surface and reunited with the Enderman Knight oh yes thank you thank you of of course now can you get me inside of that keep oh yeah with ease on day 78 to 80 the Enderman Knight teleported us far below magnus’s ke inside a dungeon room okay now to get that fragment and get

Out of here I started to walk through the dungeons heading up the main Outpost but I was quickly stopped when I saw cages filled with the tundra creatures I saw earlier feel so weak you you guys are Seal’s Family come on let me help I use my warm abilities and broke open their

Cages thank you w and warm of course stay here I’ll be right back from there I went up through the keep making sure to avoid any hunter guards that were on post it wasn’t long before I entered a main Courtyard room and in the center held the final Warden fragment yes I

Walked up and picked it up causing my body to change one last time I gained 10 more Hearts grew larger in size and was now a very large waren worm I did it on days 81 to 85 I was leaving the room but was interrupted by Magnus walking out

From the Shadows you really have come back for more haven’t you I do have to say I am quite impressed with your Escape but I am Magnus the best Bounty Hunter there is no one escapes my capture he charged in and began to attack me I’m here to show you how wrong

You really are I fought back this time using my newly found abilities because I was a fully upgraded Warden worm I was able to summon a tornado of Sonic Boom energy Magnus felt my newly found strength last last time he was able to overpower me but now he was no match no

No with one final hit I was able to fully take down the nigh Hunter ha take that from there I quickly gathered the tunder creatures outside and started our journey back home but as we started our travels I heard a loud oh no what can that be on days 86

To 90 I separated from the creatures heading straight for the horns but the sight that met me was absolutely horrifying I watched rows of Destruction caused by the newly upgraded Hunters trees were burned grass was dead and there was Smoke everywhere under the name of Odin the final sweep has begun

Go through the L and make sure there isn’t a single living creature from there Hunters started to go out and kill any animal that they can find no this has to end and it has to end now on days 91 to ’94 I hurried back home to make sure all of

My friends were safe thankfully the hunters hadn’t found us yet Foo you found my family yeah I did I told you I would help you out to keep the rest of his family safe I quickly went out and built them homes right next to him thank

You with the Hunter’s new plan we need a place to hide in and feel safe agreed I then went over and saw Aaron and my Elder in a conversation foso thank goodness you’re okay the Hunter’s plan it’s begun I know I saw all of it if

They do this to the entire realm it will never be habitable for any of us we have to storm their Outpost now and we have to take Odin down on days 95 to 99 Aaron and I stormed the main Hunter’s Outpost there was a whole row of hunters in the

Front waiting for us with Odin standing high above commanding them I know you sure yourself finally here to meet your fet no I’m here to stop you have it your way men attack the Monster Hunters rushed in towards Aaron and I and started to slice us with their axes

Aaron took to the skies summoning gusts of wind to take down groups of them at a time while he was fighting I also rushed in and used all my abilities I gained along the way in my journey I summoned my Sonic Boom tornado bid at them anything to take them

Down with Aaron and I’s teamwork we were able to take down most of the group I looked up and watched as Odin stood in his Empire as lightning struck all around him he’s waiting for me go I will hold the rest of them off on day 100 I

Made it in the center of the courtyard where Odin was standing today’s the day you’ll finally learn your place in this world no today’s the day you learned how wrong you’ve been you will regret your actions and when you’re gone this world will be a better place Odin got

Frustrated and rushed in to attack yeah his Weaponry was way heavier and stronger than his other hunters and every hit he dealt did a massive amount of damage with his deadly Weaponry he was even stronger than before I fought back shooting out any ability that I

Could think of I can’t let everyone down he was very fast and I could tell he had a lot of experience as a fighter I will not let a well take this from my clan I kept fighting until I released my Sonic Boom tornado one last time but this time

It was completely surrounding him what is this your end I shot atam with all of my abilities as he started to grow weaker and weaker no no with the one final attack Odin Was Defeated yes now it’s time for us creatures to live in peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days As A WARDEN TIGER in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)’, was uploaded by FoZo Movies on 2023-12-29 21:00:13. It has garnered 41144 views and 572 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:26 or 5606 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days As A WARDEN TIGER in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)


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  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft’s Fastest Flow – Tutorial!

    Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft's Fastest Flow - Tutorial! In Minecraft’s world, a Shulker Box Loader shines bright, Tileable and fast, a true delight. Crafted with care, expandable and neat, Sorting systems rejoice, it’s a feat. Java edition only, this design will thrive, Easy to build, cheap to derive. Fully automatic, turn on and off, For all your storage needs, it’s a true payoff. Join the Discord, for files to download, The original design, by @TheySix, bold and proud. With shaders and mods, the game comes alive, Replay Mod, Optifine, let your creativity thrive. In chapters we go, from intro to end, Building, using, a message to send…. Read More

  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

    SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown The Epic Showdown: SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, where adventures and challenges await at every turn, a new rivalry has emerged that has captured the attention of players worldwide. The clash between SenpaiSpider and Herobrine has become the talk of the gaming community, with fans eagerly anticipating the outcome of this epic showdown. The Players: SenpaiSpider, known for their agility and cunning tactics, has garnered a loyal following for their daring escapades in the Minecraft universe. On the other hand, Herobrine, a formidable and mysterious figure, strikes fear into the hearts of even… Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 38

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 38 Minecraft Exploration: Uncovering the World Seed -2034128519473573144 Discovering a Unique Landscape Exploring the Minecraft world seed -2034128519473573144 has led our intrepid gamer to a fascinating discovery. A vast prairie dotted with sparse trees, each one standing alone in the vast expanse. This unique landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for our player as they navigate through the terrain. Survival Challenges Ahead With so few trees scattered across the prairie, our gamer anticipates the need to pay closer attention to their food supplies in the coming days. Survival in this environment will require strategic planning and resource management to ensure… Read More

  • Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale

    Build the Burj: Minecraft Magic, 1:1 Scale In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We’re rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, no time for complaints. With WorldEdit in hand, we’ll build it 1:1, Every block in place, under the virtual sun. Follow us on Instagram, for more Minecraft fun, The.minetects, where the building’s never done. With music from NCS, our soundtrack to create, As we craft and build, our imaginations take the bait. So join us in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity flows, like digital crystals. Rebuilding the Burj Khalifa, a monumental task, But with teamwork and rhymes, we’ll complete the task. Read More

  • Villager Kidnapping for Profit!

    Villager Kidnapping for Profit! The Dark Side of Minecraft: Villager Kidnapping for Profit Within the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves exploring various ways to accumulate wealth and resources. One unconventional method that has gained popularity is the act of kidnapping villagers for profit. While this may sound like a dark and morally questionable practice, it has become a humorous and entertaining aspect of the game for many players. The Villager Economy In Minecraft, villagers are non-player characters (NPCs) that inhabit villages and offer various trades to players. These trades can range from simple items to rare and valuable resources. By… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic video titled “How To Install Shaders In Minecraft 1.21 [ TRICKY TRIALS ]” by the talented content creator FirekaroPlays. While the video itself is not about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not enhance your Minecraft experience even further by joining a vibrant and exciting server like Minewind? Imagine exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft with stunning shaders, creating breathtaking landscapes and scenes that will leave you in awe. Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Deku Shenanigans: Minecraft DementiaCraft Ep 20

    Deku Shenanigans: Minecraft DementiaCraft Ep 20 The Great Deku Tree Dungeon in Minecraft Have you ever wanted to experience The Legend of Zelda in Minecraft? Well, today, a player is creating a Great Deku Style Dungeon on DementiaCraft SMP! Get ready to see the players on the server run the dungeon in the next episode! Building Inspiration The player reminisces about their love for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and the iconic Great Deku Tree dungeon. They aim to recreate the magic by building a massive tree dungeon with puzzles, parkour areas, enemies, and more. Wood Stripping Efficiency Gathering resources for the dungeon… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Night Vision Potion in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Night Vision Potion in Minecraft The Magic of Night Vision in Minecraft Exploring the depths of caves, venturing into the Nether, or braving the darkness of the night – all these tasks become much easier with the potion of night vision in Minecraft. This magical elixir grants you the ability to see in the dark without the need for torches or other sources of light, making your adventures in the game even more thrilling and efficient. Unleashing the Power of Night Vision When you drink the potion of night vision, a whole new world opens up before your eyes. No longer limited by the… Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, itโ€™s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿ—๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS ๐Ÿ—๏ธ’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? ๐ŸŽจ Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ANdxMbtTkk #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4 ______________________ โ™“SHOP: https://suev.shop/ ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9 Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/gnetzl ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal โ–ถ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal โ–ถ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

  • INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!

    INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The ULTIMATE Storage Base In Survival Minecraft (P.U.B. II)’, was uploaded by ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–”๐–“ on 2024-04-20 15:00:06. It has garnered 124056 views and 8323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds. This is episode two of Project Unknown Builder, a Minecraft film project that I make for fun as a hobby. It is not monetized to stay authentic and true to it’s purpose; be a form of creative expression. Enjoy! This video has music from two of my favorite musicians Zayde Wolf and Thomas Bergersen (and some other cool ones)…. Read More