Watch Jerome Make Crazy Money in Minecraft!

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another Minecraft fil day today we have the millionaire challenge depending on how long this lasts cuz the last time it lasted like 2 hours uh we have worms in between and then we’re facing off against the mods with some Sandy battle do however there is a change this it should make it a little bit shorter we managed to mod it shout out to JP so that when you go into the other dimensions you can actually mine up blocks for whatever reason he couldn’t figure out how to make it so you could place blocks not really the end of the world though I mean that would kind of defeat the purpose of some of the dungeons anyway cuz they like parkour and stuff like that in there so um but yeah we can we can mine stuff from there in order to help us out with our EMC uh the way we play the millionaire challenge is simple you get a million EMC you win however along the way in the description there’s tons of ways that you guys can interfere so for instance we have a bunch of there actually let me let me mess around I bother looking at some of these uh like for SL clear a player so clearing a player’s EMC right that is if they have 1 million it sets to 500k so let me just add that in there uh and otherwise I yeah otherwise we have to have a talk oh no what happened what the Snapchat that you just sent what’s wrong with the Snapchat I just sent why what what did I do uh nothing Steve’s just mad because I I keep your grippers to yourself it’s it’s it’s feet pick Monday Steve okay I had to send it out to you okay get he’s just letting the dogs go free I’m vetoing whatever that is right now that is never going to be uttered ever again the same time that he went live he sent me a picture of his feet same time you know what some good news though the Twilight masade packs are here finally the brand new Pokemon set that I was talking about last Friday they did come today uh I’m very excited I haven’t even opened up a single one yet but we got some goodies that are coming your way it’s going to be good this going to be good I can’t wait can’t wait oh you even put new set in the description thanks Steve you’re welcome all right well uh without further Ado if everyone’s ready let’s get this bread Gamers all right go so you put that down I think everybody make your pearls at once and then complain about the leg that’s exactly what I was doing you read my mind leg I forget how to do it how do down the scriber and then put the key in the scriber Qui dock the lime in the coconut got it and then you shake it all up and then what do I use the no I did it wrong Luke how do I Luke it’s gone you got right click it just doing it take a second look it’s lagging tear through space and time on a whim guys it’s lagging all right now it’s all lag it loading the New Dimensions go go go Jerry no you actually cannot get find youren key I found the key bad person oh I got the be juu Dimension let’s go oh on fire bad bad probably will help out right Steve Jerome has never seen retaliation in this game mode yet I’m proud of you when all else fails um so why come here before getting like tools and stuff like that are there are there bad things I’ve never dis allowed that I feel like dropsy and cap did do that last time too I can’t I I I like it it cost me EMC but I made armor last time brats you still can’t rip off stuff from the uh from the armor stands that’s fair oh my good oh my goodness I’m going to die yeah why did I come here that happens a lot oh bro I fell into the void no keep inventory maybe should be oh we got to go deeper definitely is now that’s the beginning dude uh excuse yeah the armor stand to be fair though if the armor stands were available for looting I feel like that would just be so broken puppy no I’ll I’ll save you beggar can’t be choosers I’m just going to get any EMC I can get from this oh yo gold it’s true um I don’t know how to save you puppy your boy found some goodies o so how do we get a new portal or is it one and done so get EMC and then make another blank key that I let you EMC and then you just do the same thing you did also to mention um I do have advanced Keys selling for 25k EMC 25k is that all yeah so we can make blank Keys you said yes you can uh remember them from EMC well you guys are about to see my EMC uh Rock It Up um nice where do we uh did you EMC the blank key that I gave you no I didn’t oh you were supposed to someone else’s thing can I can I get a blank key oh yeah I I forgot to EC the blank key thank you m oh this is Cen sorry C I left hey oh can I get a key someone stole mine Steve oh there’s one right in here in this chest hello sir would you like to purchase a advance key yeah I would give me 25,000 em only after you give me a steak bomb from rocket thank you steak bombing for the rocket man thank you sir oh steak bomb that’s what I thought too that’s his name steak bomb Oh my God but what’s wrong uh I didn’t know smithing templates were were so valuable I just picked one up for 20K on its own cap are you still here no I’m out do you see Jerome I do see Jerome wait a minute top dragon ninja let’s go with a $50 I three shinies out of six packs last night dude did you use the new ones the new Twilight Mas grades he said how are the Buddies I’m doing great uh how are the rest of the Buddies doing I’m doing great Luke you might want to Nerf that dude I just got a quarter mil EMC from what oh I made it I made it five maybe lower the you got a qu M maybe make get like one EMC oh yeah sure now that you got a quarter memc all right keep yapping I won’t give him it back I yeah now that you you’ve gotten all this cool stuff bro I literally there you go Luke I you can’t win with this guy but top dragon ninja I’m doing good I’m very excited like I said thanks to you we are now opening up our brand new pack of Twilight masquerades I’m super excited about that I think they came out this early so that’s so cool what a good surprise he just got lucky like cuz if I were to order them off like Amazon or anything they’d still be like a few days I got my box today yeah mine I checked mine said they’re coming in today so yeah but I’m I was saying Amazon guys Jerry get well I think I think the thing is cap is that the way it works is businesses sell on Amazon and so when the businesses get these they immediately send them out so how mine got here today in theory Amazon would be getting their shipments from these companies today and then Amazon has to send it to you in two days you get what I’m saying yeah so it’s so like I could probably go to GameStop and get some probably yeah I just got 12 Emerald blocks wow there we go guys brand new packs reverse Holo broom reverse Holo OK feel about 10 mil challenge yeah for real 10 mil may be a thing I was going to say how do you guys feel about 10 mil challenge thoughts how do you feel about oky doy holographic right after a reverse holographic oky DOI I love that uh Luke you said 25,000 yep for the special key um how do we give you 25k Luke yeah I was about I I can get you 24579 which is three gold blocks yeah here’s 24 gued portal blocks 24,90 it’s about as close as you’re going to get fair enough here go Steve make sure to EMC this so you can make your own Jerome just immediately 180s bam bam oh my uh it took my my portal Thing Luke so here take an emerald block and give me the thing here you go oh did it is it lag lag I was just making a new portal okay yeah you take that thank you uh so what do I do now that my thing is going cap just gave me an emerald block like keep the change loser and then left um what do you mean it always eats it and then it creates the portal no no no my my like the crafter station you didn’t need see that see it no I miss Willie look you didn’t explain to me that I had to EMC these things I thought they would just that did get said many times I was never told about that we did it last time I hated I wasn’t here last time hey CW ask him about the Mayo blocks s with the Mayo blocks mayo and wiery Sh and say may okay are scam the special keys are scam it’s never making the never mind a lot wait white or purple banners must be hung on the look what was that uh White yeah mine didn’t work yeah I need white or purple banners now I think that’s how you do it I forgot them my bad it’s not working Luke go ahead and try them now Luke it’s not working maybe these B maybe these spes too Luke it’s not working no you just do oh mine worked oh okay so it is like this oh so you do it for Steve but not for Jerry I was just testing it you know e powdered snow I hate it I hate it Miss B thank you for being a N9 Monon supporter and glad you can make it to the stream as well oo Diamond chest plate that’s huge that is pretty huge Cy with 760k EMC bro okay here this is pretty much done did you just get like a super lucky first thing yeah I got like 14 Emerald blocks what yeah yeah that’s crazy so yeah do we want to make it 10 million EMC to win feel like that’s fair yeah all right we’ll make it 10 million EMC then that that’s yeah and then let me change of the description here quick so uh dude does this guy heal every time I go back JP is like that’s to go beyond 1 million yeah this is for you thank but thank you nakama for the 100 stream to open up two packs of cards this is can we get three in the chat three three three that’s how many packs to open up of the new ones Twilight masquerade let’s see if we get a full art in this pack here you know what I’m saying that’d be awesome the Greninja you sent down to main pip okay okay there he goes Miss right now what oh you got a special one she uh she got a special dungeon Char I don’t know there Charizards in the new pack does anyone know the Twilight Master no Greninja is like the big poll that you want okay Greninja let’s get Greninja then we have 72 packs of cards so it might happen en Amorous and I don’t even know what that Pokemon is all right no uh like Chase cards as Steve puts it but uh rocket with a $25 stri sck bomb on dropsy and have any of the Buddies played Elden ring I have not I have I haven’t but it’s on my list I want to the D 100% of it uh and then Alpa with a $25 stick bom for the captain also why does Jerry look this is going to be hard to transport back I don’t get this reference but I’m going to be very upset I’m G pull it up here he said why does Jerry look like the dance instructor from Sing 2 what is sing oh wait the goat no no the dance instructor’s uh he’s the he’s the big noosed Blake baboon let me pull this up here dude I love the sing movies they’re so good they’re really good got teal mask ogeron I don’t know she’s my favorite Pokemon what does the teal mask mean is that kind of like how rcus gets plates so she has different masks that go into some her element type might have yeah my spawn keeps getting messed up you can let going to be doing some research oh somebody stole my my key and gave me their key okay blocks of iron I’ll take those oh I could totally make armor with this that’s what you think of me Dr I literally looked over to the stream and I was like oh is he looking up pictures of himself and then I looked closer I was like oh it’s it’s a cartoon character I could see you in that outfit though I’m telling you Jerry needs to be like Gru or doof and smch for uh one year’s Halloween oh dude grw would be great what is wrong with you guys what is the bell of Secrets hey we didn’t say it someone else probably another I was going to say uh kind of how like I found a secret dungeon ow I’m getting shot all right I’ve been doing okay but not nearly as okay as dropy and cppy over there dude I’m getting Okie do no luck okay let’s go through this way oh this room seems important but I don’t think it is hi Steve actually you know Steve I’m coming with you where we going see what Steve’s been working oh my gosh dude I’m getting destroyed out here that’s why I just made armor it cost me EMC but I think it’s going to be worth it in the long run yeah the armor is worth it dude why are these guys so strong is this an advanced key sh yeah that’s why yeah yeah I’m just going to make I didn’t know that I didn’t know that levels uh po asked if I the harder the dungeon the poly asked if I walk past armor stands yes because we can’t break them off it it’s not working unless I’m mistaken I could just be D it’s not I haven’t which very okay with this is already like easy enough I feel like I am having a rough time I think you guys are just getting extremely lucky I’m not like Mega ahead of you these guys are definitely just getting extremely lucky though oh Steve I mean actually no I know why Steve’s having a hard time to get to these good rooms there’s a parkour thing for him oh I I haven’t gone that way yet so yeah probably he’s not getting here uh making sure we’re allowing us to make our own armor and stuff right yeah yeah I like it costs your own stuff like yeah that’s what I did that’s why I’m not at a million anymore okay I just used all my money to make this oh wow so if we’re going to 10 million then the reset at 10 million would be to five million right uh Steve the soul s uh yes yep C you nailed it uh the soul salesman said that apparently he’s got a sale going on your soul for 50 bucks interesting bad would you pay 50 bucks for my soul jum I I’d pay 50 bucks for it would you sell my soul for 50 bucks oh no he’s got to make money well yeah you know maybe like 55 depending on how quick I can flip it I’m kidding Steve I would give it back to you Steve immediately buy my it for 50 bucks yeah all right this should be a little bit easier now that I actually got diamond armor now if I get one netherite inot though it’s over for you all it’s a lot of EMC to spend true actually yeah wait a minute that implies I have the money for that yeah I think this dude Luke I have found like nothing in this this one’s kind I ran around your entire dungeon and there was a room full of gold blocks that I like you can easily get to but you’re just not finding it dang I am finding nothing in this skild I know it’s not your fault but somehow it’s always you dude it is I’m glad it’s not just me who’s realized this now we love you Steve but it do always be you uh all right Mr Luke here is 25k EMC I would like Advanced key please would you did all that without the 25k EMC that’s insane I’m thinking the advanced key might be not worth it yeah you got to roll a good dungeon yeah I just got super lucky with my first one that’s all it was like it was one of those that like was half nether so it had good stuff in it Luke I’m not sure I’m doing this the right way so the slots have Emerald bits hidden in them so definitely not doing that the right way I just show up and boom let me in uh Luke my thingy disappeared your portal um oh cuz there’s three uses did you EMC it so you can get another yeah okay yeah it’s only one uh EMC so you should be good okay I found I’m hacking the jackpot and I’m like oh I can’t place items lame yep there we go make a diamond I was going to place a torch right on the jackpot signal thank you again Chad for being so awesome hanging out with us today I hope you guys are ready for a fun week ahead it’s uh it’s awesome gosh that was a lot of help hey lights yo Luke I found the room you were talking about jome found his room I found the room Steve that Luke was talking about lying bro how much are these oh beacons are a little expensive huh they always been like 180 right 139k yeah that’s wow oh man Steve you got to find this room Luke was talking about dude I’m trying this will literally I think I’m going to take the lead from these two do I help Jerome chat or no I don’t need it I literally don’t need like don’t don’t help me there is no no no there is more to this room than just what you’re looking at too oh don’t worry I’m not done yet all I don’t need help what I do need though help in is with top dragon ninja with a $50 stream open up some Twilight masquerade packs now that I did need some help in let let’s go I love these packs yeah keep distracting him stall him this is a worthwhile stall I’ve been waiting for these packs I ordered them like two three weeks ago SRX okay here we go come on guys we need a Chase we haven’t got like any EXs no full arts none of that we’ve just been getting normal Hollows okay Lucian reverse Hol on a swirlix oh Zapdos it’s just Hollow but I do like Zapdos all right so no real luck just yet we have only opened up what is that four Chad are we at four chat you’re supposed to be counting eh yeah keep trick come on I think you’re at four it’s my favorite thing whenever Tori asks me what I want want to eat for dinner I I if I want Italian I just hit her with one of these I don’t know what you’re doing the finger pinch thing he’s doing Italian hand thing the piny Leonardo the piny so weird that you can’t interact with Hoppers and stuff you can break them though to see what’s inside I got bad news Red Lobster went bankrupt apparently they filed for bankruptcy yeah I did see that that’s so sad heart broken wait I thought that was well the Chili’s one I think was not true but I didn’t realize uh L yeah I don’t want to be starting fake stuff so maybe it’s not true but I was going to say cuz I saw that about Chili’s and then Chili’s like tweeted out like hey that’s not true so it’s possible though no they’re actually mer with Applebees and now they’re going to be Chapel bees oh trousers yeah I got you so we we discovered this about two weeks ago but guys I’m I’m I’m working on a theory right now that the game is called Minecraft because the two main components of it right there’s Mining and then there’s also crafting and I I think that might be why it’s called Minecraft right because if you take the first part of mining which is mine and then you also take the first part of crafting which is craft and then you put them together as one word you get Minecraft okay but what is mining so mining is like this thing where like you know you might get a pickaxe or something right and you break apart I’m there with you yeah and you use that to like dig in the ground and you might find like rare Gems or ores that’s mining when you break the ground with like a pickax I Ser muted him so bro bro did I get bro I was really actually found ancient debris oh sorry I got muted there do you need me to start over from the top yeah start over from the top man okay so that’s fine I figured just in case like you like you forgot or something I was really invested in that man like uh really quick Matthew D thanks for $25 stream tip stream tip no we’re not sending dropsy to Alaska we already sent Steve there how about if you lose and you have to eat a hollow with number no Matthew the heck’s going on here today with you first person to kill dropsy except for dropsy and Luke gets a steak but oh well all right whoever kills uh dropsy gets a steak bomb I guess if dropsy kills dropy does that count noi drop and I can’t okay AC quied that Luke was telling you about the gold one I just got 1.2 mil of gold uh Vernon with a $5 stream tip said the scary thing is for a minute I couldn’t figure out if you were being serious or not about about what about Minecraft no dude I’m serious I’m working on the theory yeah you were just about to Bust It Wide Open before you got server muted start it was kind of rude of Luke I think but yeah anyway I didn’t do that all right so guys hear me out here I I think right Chad are you listening chat are you listening I need I need I need a confirmation from them oh my goodness all I I think they’re here so guys what I was saying was I think that it’s called Minecraft because in the game the two main things you do are mining and crafting right you you’re following me there Mining and crafting yeah you lost me the first okay which part the mining or the crafting the mining the mining okay so mining is this thing where you take a pickaxe or like a shovel or something and you break apart the ground in order to find like ores or Gems or things like that right so that that’s what mining is so the first part of that word right let’s break it down even further right we’re going to go full like Latin etymology biology edamame on you so when you cut the first part of mining down you get mine right that’s what like so like so that’s the Mind part then there’s crafting right and I think the first part of that is craft so if you take the two of those words together right like mine and craft and you put them in one as like one word right pretending they’re one word you get mine craft okay so that’s kind of what what I’ve been thinking lately but what does craft mean so craft is like when you you take things and you put them together in order to make something else okay you lost me okay which part I just don’t see I just don’t see how they’re related so that’s the thing right they’re related because in the game you mine and you craft so the the relationship is the game itself which is why I think that the game is called Minecraft but what’s Minecraft oh let me take this from the top sorry Frozen with the $5 stream tip said that they missed it what’s the the I got you frozen yeah let me let me take it from the top for you just in case anyone wasn’t listening or or missed out or anything so guys what what I’ve been working on right is this theory that BL what what do you mean left BL left you pay that man get him back here going to say blade I don’t know if you accidentally clicked that of the channel but I I’ll take it from the top for you so that you didn’t miss it um so I think that the reason that it’s called Minecraft right is because the game in it you you do two things mainly which is Mining and crafting right and so I think what happens is when you’re doing that inventory so mining is like mine right soy yes so to mine is what it comes from it’s kind of where it comes from and and crafting comes from the word to craft and in the game right you do a lot of Mining and you do a lot of crafting so I’m thinking that like mine and craft and you put them together and then you it makes the word Minecraft okay but uh do you have work cited for this or well that’s the thing it’s just the theory right now but when I go to publish my paper I think I’m going to hopefully have some I was going to ask dropsy for a little help on that cuz I know she had to defend all 18 of her dissertations for all of her master’s programs and doctors is true so dude my head hurts I know she’s you know pretty used to well I mean you’re used to Jerry being a step ahead so like don’t worry about it but yeah chat you understand I think I think CH might understand what’s happened to Jerome right now is what he just did to every single one of my brain cells s face I just wanted to share my scientific discovery I think it’s really impressive that you can do Minecraft commands with no brain cells Point why do I get killed for thaty oh my gosh dude pigy was the final said mining is an ancient art taught by Diglett true true your boy with 2 million Frozen with a say can we get the explanation one more time but in Italian uh sure uh b b b how much Italian can you speak so I’m assuming it’s at least a little the iani I don’t know what you said I was just asking if you he said he was itchy no he definitely said he definitely said Pop-Tarts are ravioli I I’ve heard him say that before itchy that’s what I said very itchy bro oh there’s a secret button up there I knew it Luke I’m totally cheesing the system by the way are you I mean that’s fine oh I am too 100% what okay raise your hand if you realize that the advanced portals suck oh I’m still going in advanced portals they have more they have uh harder puzzles that um give you better rewards I’m still going in uh I’ve I’ve done the normal one twice in a row and I’ve gotten the room with emeralds each time oh nice wow that’s actually kind of cracked oo diamonds oops diamond leggings let’s go dings burn with a $5 stream tip Counterpoint every world that I’ve played there’s always been a gigantic mine all the evil Twisted creatures are from uh witchcraft wait been all thees are from yeah Gold’s pretty good too oh I see what you’re saying so you think the craft might stand for witchcraft but witch craft yeah witchcraft are you talking about oh shoot that’s a bad word sorry uh Mr Luke can I get another Advanced key yeah sure do you not you want to uh EMC it yeah I just I just I’m not going to bother mining all this guys but I’ll just get an ironing it because than you ow how did you get all the way in here don’t give me mining fatigue I will get sad dude he can’t help himself Steve not you but blade has a snack anytime as soon live that’s when he sends all of his mod he can’t help it he he waits for us to go live then he immediately starts sending like hey is this good you’ve been live all day long when am I supposed to send the messages on the weekend L dude he can’t help himself I I do not work on just lunch hour I work all day hey we weren’t live until like noon yeah and that’s because J come on you can’t even drag him back down Drew you done it run away yes oh thank you shiny Umbreon you’re right dude I was getting real hungry the $25 stream tip say you look a little low on steak there Jerry you’re right you’re right I was I was thank you nice there you go I angered the llamas now they’re spitting on me thank you shiny Umbreon this is a interesting looking room here Luke one sec and Frozen has to I have a theory on perfect no the the the jury’s out on perfect yo what uh these are are worth stuff by the way C I can’t even oh yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen them this is cool I wonder what kind of puzzle this is oh yeah if you guys were able to interact with blocks he just found a room with nether stars on the wall oh yeah same I would have loved to break the walls yeah how much is nether star yeah nether star is the same as a beacon what was that yo Notch Apple let’s go so oh got any potions in you no oh oh oh K does that guy get the steak bomb the Conqueror the conquerer maybe I guess so let’s go Alpha with a $50 stream I think I’m just going to start comparing Jerry to characters with big noses like Billy from Grim Adventures of billion and Mandy oh that’s he’s such a billy that’s fair I I’ll take that one at least Billy Billy Billy’s cool Billy’s fun man let’s go though thank you that’s pack number five chat start counting for the Twilight masquerades brand new packs we haven’t gotten any EXs or nothing crazy yet I’m hopeful though the brand new packs is let’s hope we get some good stuff uh Luke I just used one of your Advanced keys and it turned into a shield because you you can’t have something in your off hand you you you had a shield here Steve this one’s this one SRE heat TR dude we’ve not had any super good luck with the Twilight masquerades that’s okay we’re just storing all the luck up didn’t you say there’s a set amount of like hits in each box there is a set amount of hits in each each box okay guys but real quick I forget her name but like you see you know you see you see the comparison right it’s brh oh blade just straight up left the whole Discord where’d he go where’d he go wait did he really no he didn’t leave the Discord he like he disconnected he’s going why we’re such Charming people I think he wants to go work in peace yeah see Alpha gets it got these blocks of ir even worth it no like the time the answer is no I broke one just so I could have an iron in there’s something I’d like to craft with it but what about gilded Black Stone it’s worth literally nothing Steve I uh I love you buddy how is this happening how’s what happening but I don’t have a whole lot of stuff yes I don’t know it’s just not working for me I’m doing a whole lot of fighting I have good armor like I have prop four diamond armor top dragon ninja I don’t know the man the myth the legend with a $50 stream said another one bites the dust what is that is that is that six packs chat what is that six let’s go dud I love it brand new cards Twilight masquerade packs I love when they have new releases how often what is it every like quarter like 3 months they’ll release a new uh every like two or three months yeah something like that they already announced the next set um they they’re having a different card in the next set like a different type of Rarity oh are they oh wait what how so yeah there’s like special editions uh let me look it up like serialized or what no it’s like art um why won’t you come into Focus and then sin wait Sina siny no oh no he got the matcha version Oh what there’s a matcha is it like an all like like basically aolan form you know what I’m saying but like yeah yeah it’s a um you it’s in the DLC you find it instead of regular siny huh huh I recently heard very good things about matcha supposedly very good for you it’s really good matcha is very good for you I actually had matcha today nice what do what does it supposedly do helps with your brain and the memorizing thing a keep that away from me hey yo I just found one of those puzzles with beacons in it nice big uh it’s supposed to help with uh heart health weight loss skin tone detoxification immune systems energy okay this sounds like something you’re read from like a homeopathic website that’s just none of it’s true it’s just Google just I don’t know dude whenever I hear anything that does all these things I’m like quick Google the healing properties of crystals so matcha supposedly helps uh your heart health toxic I’m sorry um it reduces the risk of pla buildup uh preventing heart tissue thick thickening what exactly is it though is there’s one of the new cards look at how cool that card looks it’s another Greninja dude I need greninjas so it’s just a bunch oh that is so cool that is that’s that’s the next set Jerome not Greninja is the next one that’s one of the new special cards like they’re already teasing the next thing that’s what I said yeah they already announce the next set why would it’s wild cuz they want they want to get us excited yeah Alana Dena good to see you oh my gosh thank you for the $75 stream tip she said hi everyone and sorry Jerome how has everyone been doing well oh sorry for the hot sorry that you’re back over well it’s good to have you back uh great to have you I’m doing great personally got these Twilight masquerade packs also I got big news we’re going to see cuz there’s that rumor that Red Lobster might have be going bankrupt so Tori said if in the event they’re still open she can take me to die oh nice you got to get the biscuits yeah I’ve been I’ve been asking to go to Red Lobster since we started dating and we’ve just never taken the time and now there might not be a chance oh right in the Gold Room too all right Alana let’s go ahead and roll let’s see what we get here oh my God it’s only a one today’s my day yeah ver Lobster’s going out of business I’m taking those biscuits with me those biscuits are so good all right thank you a lot Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam everyone’s saying rigged we know this already why are you guys surprised might hey I might mess things up what do you mean well I mean I might might mess it up but I’m curious delicious I already know the answer but I’ll let you do it all right guys I do need a pee so I’ll be right back what do you mean you already know the answer I know what you’re trying to do but it’s uh what should iall it that’s not how it works you just need banners I didn’t know if the the banners would send you to different places yeah no I got you I’ve never seen this one before though yeah this was a key I actually found yeah sometimes you can find uh special keys biome related Keys yeah I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to get from here but a lot of the rooms have puzzles what’s up Luke I need your help oh no be care hello oh could reset his spawn oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay oh you didn’t do anything yet right no I haven’t done it yet I just wanted to give you the I don’t want to push him execute as Drome spawn point all right his spawn point is now there okay now teleport him back like inside oh like like back over to the platform yeah I wanted them to like I wanted them to die and then like oh put them back like inside put them back like inside oh you want them back inside oh yeah I yeah so that like whenever he dies yeah okay yep his spawn that’s a spawn point yeah yeah put put them put them back in put them back in like right now no put them back in the dungeon oh he wasn’t in the dungeon I thought oh he was but I’ll get [Music] him okay I hey chat oh yeah yeah yeah where do we want to put him chat we put him next to a blaze H I hope it works I’m going to be disappointed if it doesn’t it should oh I’ll put him in one of these uh these cars hopefully he doesn’t start suffocating uh-oh don’t kill him like he needs to see his falling he needs to see his death no I got him you got to see him he’s just he’s in a car right now he’s in the beacon room oh okay let me try to find it so he’s not suici okay I found it thank you Chad thanks Jad you’re awesome he won’t remember wearing the beacon room I think we’re good I think we’re good yeah Madam trousers I always listen except when I don’t yeah I’m horrible listening mhm me too what Steve huh oh he’s turning it into a competition Now isn’t he h hurry hurry also as soon as I got up I I noticed a lana message saying that she will be around more it’s just that she just got a new job which is so cool yay more gold more gold you trippin said how do I skip ahead on a live stream in the future you got to you got to talk to some physicists about time travel my friend if you wanted to catch up to as far as you can you can set it to two time speed and then it’ll correct itself Oh I thought he wanted to like see into the future but I mean that’s also possible I think your response probably is more practical as to what he was asking agreed Jerry get the treasures in the Gold Room too said Admiral nits there’s Treasures in here too I assume the treasure was all the gold blocks that I’m getting yeah there are uh there should be a chest somewhere and emerald blocks actually but where oh my gosh your boy getting the W this time around guys no holding them back what are we going to 10 million 10 million yeah Steve just comes out of nowhere he’s like done St like done be crazy I’m just wait I was waiting for Steve to get one mil and be like done T said Steve’s slacking dude Steve just wants to do some more parkour I think oh is that the the no no end all of this I’m play I’m playing you could see you could like hear him dying on the inside like I never heard a Red Lobster because it’s too expensive and all those near me closed I thought Red Lobster I haven’t been a Red Lobster a very long time I thought it was supposed to be like affordable is seafood isn’t that like their stick is or is that not their stick I think I went once when I was like six and I haven’t been since I’m curious I don’t know I always thought that that was like their stick was like it’s Seafood but it’s like affordable is he T I’ve not been a very long time though no Steve you’re so close to 1 mil I know right I believe in [Music] you oh let’s go big gold gains oh I actually oh I can build that’s right I can’t build but I can break blocks make a staircase Alpha thanks for the $25 stream tip he said steak Bob for Cappy also I didn’t think you would know about Lobster Jerry I thought you were color BL gray Lobster wow no that’s good that’s good that’s crazy all right Luke I got a blank teleporter key how do I use that on the thing yeah and it’s supposed to be like better than the other keys I guess um it’s more unique better is probably up in the air cuz like you know it could be a really good dungeon yeah it could be a puzzle room though or something so but I guess breaking things now you might be able to just get the loot and go all I’ll head back I’ll head back Alpa said love you J I love you too buddy God [Laughter] why oh my God what done oh yeah they’ve been waiting a bit for that what have you done to me you’ve been Boozled I can’t believe you’ve done this Cy can’t believe you’ve done this clip that oh good are you are you in are you using the chests well no oh there’s still like random stuff in here oh I forgot yeah you left a bunch of random stuff in these chests they were uh they were mbtd I guess this is new I appreciate you not using dude dropsy Steve or sorry dropsy cap and ey are like neck and neck look at that yeah Steve’s living his best life I am I’m trying my best uh L um that’s what not my my uh yeah it’s a it had an oopsie oopsie uh Luke can I have back that thing I was going to use that last one to what the ground thing you the the thing the claw oh yeah sure you go it’s okay I could probably just steal this one from cat okay no it’s fine I put it back I put it back you get a sake bomb if you take her down true but she’s got fire aspect wait wait jopy this is going to be so funny J you got to kill jopy look look look chopsy oh again oh bet you didn’t think I knew how to parkour did you man I copy pasted that for no reason we’re cool we’re cool but if you take her down you get uh you get some sub oh my well this was a worthwhile grab here the first room that’s in this teleport area has probably got a few hundred who what yeah dude I got very lucky with this this is a a key I got from a treasure chest in a wall kind of thing interesting these dungeons like I still haven’t seen every single one of them they’re really cool cool there we go thank you again to the six people so far who have stream TI for us to open up the new Twilight masquerade packs you’re awesome and even you Alana who streamed TI for me to hot sauce cuz only a one so you know what I’m saying I I won I did uh what are all these key to the spruce door Acacia door what the heck oh dude there is so hey Steve did I go into your portal at some point or no I came into yours okay Steve’s like what I’m doing is not working I’m just doing tier clearly oh okay oh I don’t think I was supposed to break all the I think I looted this room but at what cost what the your portal one away ye uh no over here cuz I have a bunch of these keys to the different doors but I think there’s like I supposed to use them on oh no I think these are just for sure uh for show yeah I don’t I don’t know dude key to the warp door this one is oh yeah I can’t place whoopsies not even in Creative can I place um you use those in your own portal oh I got to bring them back yeah wa Dr don’t don’t trap me in what I’m I’m traing no please okay let me put this over to here key to the warp door let’s see o oh it literally just wait that’s so funny okay well what it do it just adds the door into that room that makes you teleport like you go back to like the same room it’s like a hub that’s interesting okay H that is interesting I just got a sharpness three looting two sword with mending nice very nice the Looting would be pretty good BL you oh here BM you left a whole bunch of gold back here gold back where uh in that I just got 100,000 of gold that you left behind oh midle you were just in oh the one in the underneath the fountain yeah I didn’t bother I was like is he trapped in there now I guess he could SL kill but still yeah I can get out who Okay 21 emeralds I’ll take that behind this wall nope okay I found a hospital oh and it had a little dispenser when you hit it it gives you a health potion oh that’s neat oh guys I’ve got good news what I never you guys don’t have to worry about my headphones dying anymore did you did get wired ones no they’re so Wireless I just never realized that they came with the second battery so the second battery charges while you use the first battery so now if it ever dies I just replaced the batter I recently got them that’s cool though I didn’t know that um they had headphones like that yeah yeah it’s pretty neat I just can’t wait for them to invent the wire I don’t I like to be able to walk around and still hear you guys just being a wise guy you don’t got to worry about it I was about to say I don’t if I’m away from my computer I don’t want to hear what’s going on well sometimes I’ll like I’ll step away while you guys are like I don’t know Jerome’s having technical problems so I step away from the computer and I get up and I walk for a minute or I get something to drink or like I like to be able to know when he’s back this room seems like it’s probably got some valuables a key inscribing station don’t need that you’re empty skeleton casy I’m try some here I’ve only come to the same exact portal every single time yo this Wither Skeleton is fast oh he’s got speed business cocon as what’s the goaler to get to 10 million ow ow I’m burning alive oh God oh God I’m burning alive again oh three ancient deborra that’s pretty big I wonder if I could build over to one of your guys’ dungeons cuz like I see one all the way in the distance through this wall Yeah I broke through a wall notice that too you can stay away from me dropsy by the way you didn’t hear we beat the trillion challenge in record time I did it I did it oh nice yeah yeah it was actually ridiculous how fast it went I think we did it in like 1 hour flat oh my God yeah we wild I got to keep up in the numbers hi Jerry hi K trying to figure out actually you know what I should should give it a try and see first of all can I take andesite like Cobblestone and make a furnace that way no you still can’t in Minecraft come on 2024 okay here we there we go this will be a smart move for me I think oh very Nic is nice all right let’s see does have a it do it do have a value chat let’s go now if I did one two three four five that’s so sick there we go hey what’s up potato TOA be good to see you again it’s been a minute how have you been what’s he doing he’s doing stuff did he build up to the top oh I’m cooking no I’m actually cooking with gas right now chat is probably very impressed with my raw talent oh he cooked until he couldn’t cook anymore was it a dead end or like I forgot that smithing templates were necessary oh does that incl you know where you can get one of those even swords too no way dude you know Jerome one of the Buddies has a smithing template EMC I’m not pain not that kind of smithing template oh R I just got out of one of the the room that you went to I I also got a key to there like a new one o ender pearl pretty happy with that did you just take it from me what I hate you that doesn’t sound like Jerome Jerome I I was in there for two seconds and you were the only person who was here when I got left not that it matters cuz I picked it clean C’s been messing around with your portals a lot actually you’re a really bad liar I mean I don’t think he cares if he’s bad at line you know most people say it’s a positive quality to have not if you’re playing like Among Us yeah fa watching YouTube watching both of you like Hawks doing nothing oh my goodness you know doing nothing is just a precursor to doing something it’s not incorrect hold on wait Ste punch me let’s go Al with a $25 stream said this one’s for Jerry since I keep picking on him also can I be a mod get the steak bom I choose pixel oh yeah I get a steak bomb wait that’s D why is he getting the steak bomb Alpha said this one’s for Cherry why would you get one oh well I get a steak bomb for killing dropsy oh nice here you can have this too it looks pretty do you like it Steve yeah a lot of the $75 stream dip drum you should know better than to brag about low numbered rolls in the hot sauce wheel spin again please L I’m not afraid of you you don’t have any powers see World a one world one you think I’m scared of a easily one I think the server is dead fake bombs and uh generating stuff isn’t Fun all right here we go oh my God no way it’s going to be two rigged let’s go Al’s all like don’t make fun of the low rolls that was almost 12 almost only counts in nothing not a zilch br that’s literally a two it’s just habanero nice and weak nice and weak like my opponents in this game right now we are currently in third place sir you beat me too it I was drinking water same brain ain’t bad away I go give J so much hot sauce that he won’t be able to taste the Red Lobster meal that he ordered at this word it’s going to take a lot of hot sauces if you’re only going to be one and twos in there you know what I’m saying give this man a 12 oh I got the good room all your beacon are belong to me man I want the be in room again dude this like my third one dude it’s so huge I haven’t gotten a single Beacon room yet sherak the 75 said this one will be a high number sheryak you doubt me today I Mega Ultra Supreme rigged the a 12 please tell me it’s a 12 I really hope it’s 12 oh you deserve it 12 you deserve it Jerry you earned it Bud do anything go cheriyaki let’s go cheriyaki why you got to do this why you got to do this I’m disappointed cheriyaki I’m very disappointed all right hot sauce number 12 here we go it is ghost pepper squir pepper Carolina Reaper pepper and CS extract number three or as I like to call it it do be hot though that’s his other nickname oh is that is that what it’s called oh my God oh my God I immediately hit my throat the wrong way oh that’s terrible oh my God it’s terrible oh just in time for the worst Pixelmon player in history Keith Master Mega gamer show up you know I’ve consistently beat that guy in every Pixelmon battle since 2016 2016 oh my God y I’m dying Dada said imagine if there was vein Miner this would be oh God Vin Miner would be huge challenge would have been over already oh my God the hiccups are coming so you cannot take things out of picture frames correct no no darn wait oh my well I’m so confused what he wants Willie is that Willie with a $200 stream tip said hi Jerry It’s me your favorite mod named Willie oh is that how many of them do we have is that what we’re calling him well how many mods name Willie do we have mods and Willie we’ve got at least one okay yeah I’m pretty sure he’s our fa one he said anyway you don’t need EMC right also let’s see those cards so now I don’t know what that means cuz that might mean $150 stre is to reset my EMC and then a pack of cards or he might be talking like he didn’t want to give me any EMC instead of opening four packs I don’t know which one Willie wants I can tell you which one I think he wants I think I think fire right now by the way why do you have to do that sh why you have to do me like that that give him more you know why dude more hot saps Willie said Jerome say byebye yeah I think I think we all know what that means J that means that I’m back I’m losing to steeve I mean the good news is I do have a lot of EMC on me right now from this thing so like I might still be able to come back with like 2 mil maybe less no it’s going to be less it’s going to be like 1.5 mil oh my god well [Applause] hey thank you for the cards you’re going to let Steve Take the Lead the guy was in last place this whole time okay but if you get a Greninja it’s worth to true true if I get a Greninja dude I will not Yap about this at all okay frog lights aren’t worth anything except for being pretty all right let me let me get out of here and then I’ll go and clear my my stuff let me just get the prizes yeah the bell of Secrets I got it too Cappy wonder what to do I didn’t really tells you the secrets ringing ding you’re a dummy that’s what it whispered to me oh my gosh all right so I will now head back up top grab all my EMC cry myself to sleep but I do I am I’m going to immediately have a good amount of like a good influx of EMC here we go Luke there’s 58 Notch Apple he burned them in front that is depressing but that room that I was just in 1.9 mil oh my God jeez that’s how much is in those um uh whatever they’re called the uh the gold rooms either way let’s open a pack of cards this is pack number seven of the Twilight masquerades we just got them in Willie just literally got the Twilight masquerades thank you rer cap for the live stream Willie and you know what I’ll tell you what you are definitely my favorite mod with the name Willie you did it my favorite mod named willly it was a close competition though I got to tell you oh Oh My All Right Here We Go glora reverse Holo corish yo we finally got our first chase a bull art uh chimo or chimo chimo chco yeah but what’s behind it did you double up no yeah I I want to get it back in frame just so the fans can see it oh fair you I’m curious because I haven’t seen of a that is cute and then a frostless well we got our very first pull of the day there shco full art beautiful thank you Willie oh you found one of these rooms dropsy yeah I just got to figure out where all these go now well if you yeah oh you you already put the key in you these are cool I don’t like the speed wither skeletons they scare me at the end of the day you can’t just mine all the boxes or not boxes the uh the blocks yeah but I want to you know that’s fair be sure to look in the f I hope you know even though I got reset I ain’t out yet oh I know you had 1.9 million EMC that’s insane Willie said hey boss man where did your EMC go you we’re less at 4 mil well if you didn’t do that I would have been at over I would have been in first place right now actually I literally would be in first place here’s my bell of Secrets Luke wait who took your things what why is it not working someone took your crown blocks I was wondering why there was random Crown blocks here oh Steve I wonder where it went I’m sorry am I getting blamed for this time good job Ste hidden in the depths Steve what are you blaming me for Jerome nothing how are you supposed to get through this room I don’t understand uh on fire missing a key uh can we get night vision by the way yeah let me get a block D this pointless this is uh honestly not great yeah this so far has not been a good one this portal I’ve been having a run of like horrible luck oh Pro four enchantment book that’s pretty sick throw on a chest plate maybe okay we’ll head back to the middle we’ll head back oh scel no no no now it’s time Luke luk l hi yes lots of gold nice of Secrets the heck do these things do I have two now they open up the Chamber of Secrets Tristan with a $75 stream said sauce time Jerry I just finished my first year of College of Engineering I’ll be in streams more hey I’m glad you can make it out Mr Tristan and glad you finished your first year of uh engineering College my friend graduated with an engineering degree it’s very difficult stuff all right here we go oh my goodness this room is insane eight eight is hot I think I found yeah go one of the beacon rooms that you were talking about yeah dude with all the gold oh you’ll know it’s like two and a half stacks of gold or something yeah it’s a ton of gold yep that is number eight that’s ghost pepper squ pepper and Carolina Reaper pepper it is super hot luckily though there’s no capin extract in this Willie what does that mean what is what is part one what does that mean what do what does that mean Willie I don’t like this I don’t like how he said you’re going to love this jome and then he just does doesn’t say it that’s scary watch this you’re going to love this get your EMC cleared again oh my God everything’s just going to be terrible now I had that 12 already in my system dude this is so much gold oh my goodness no Willie oh my goodness Willie you’re beautiful with a $250 stream tip from Willie for Steve to get half of well I guess five sorry 5 million EMC putting Steve in first place oh wow oh my gosh Willie he said part two Steve get some EMC I’m helping you beat Jerome today Willie thank you Willie you’re the best Willie what did I do to you you can’t do it to as dropsy because then we just win how do you want to do this EMC correct me if I’m wrong but this should be good oh where are you uh oh hi Steve you’re looking a lot like Jerome all of a sudden this hi I’m Steve we oh for real though Willie I just want to thank you by the way for being our captain of the live stream thank you to all of our awesome fans um and uh Willie it’s fans like you that get to keep this channel alive let us allow us to put smiles on people’s faces um so genuinely thank you for the bottom of my heart Mr Willie uh for supporting the channel and allowing us to continue doing what we love to do thank you buddy Luke did you let this guy in here no he came himself oh I was perfectly fine until you come in here and then all right you know what Steve maybe I will give other Steve the 5 mil yeah give it to other Steve uh I mean I’ll take my money now okay yeah yeah yeah here this should be oh wait might actually be a little bit over hang on let me do math no shot let but before that happens let’s see if I’m over the 10 million that’s fair that’s fair with everything with everything Steve got that’s fair no you’re not did you sell your armor did you sell your armor WoW yeah that’s everything that’s everything no I blame I blame Luke because he led the skeleton into me and there was still a beacon on the ground that I didn’t I actually feel like I feel bad I feel like Steve you should be set to 500,000 that’s too close put it to a vot that’s crazy V real quick just to catch it up to speed though Joe Joyce than you the $150 stream tip to clear Steve even I’m like that’s too evil um clear Steve all his EMC half his EMC so typically the rule is that if he had over the 10 million he would keep 5 million he is like 4,000 short dude I’m leaving it up to the chat whatever they vote they vote dudee it’s all of it just take it all shot I’m sorry Steve I stood up for you there I tried man the fact that I had to stop Mining and then that Wither Skeleton came down that was the difference was Luke saying hey come over here I came over and then the skeleton came down and killed me I genuinely wish I had that on recording because that is your fault Luke what you hav’t been recording oh my God Joe Joyce that might have been the cruelest thing to happen give me all your St so far I was going to say it’s only Monday that that was that was that was a joke cruelest thing to happen to him all week so far dude Willie was even on team Steve I was even on team Steve for all5 seconds there oh my God who took my who took come on guys who took the key from me I told you I keep seeing C run over there but you don’t want to listen to dude I I don’t have the money for anything check his chest dude I’m telling you he’s been taken him this is a long Jer this is not a long con D I’ve I’ve been telling Steve about this the whole thing he’s been putting it in your in your chest every time I’m I’ve not been bro No One Believes Me Anymore why would we oh my Steve they’re rallying behind you dude terak now with a $250 stream that say Steve can have his 5 mil EMC back all right that’s good oh my goodness ter way to go is good you deserve it buddy Steve’s a good chat Luke so is cheraki thank you up did you not give me 5 million last time I gave you a little over are you sure because this time you shorted me money yeah cuz I’m trying to get it exactis okay one two three how about now start so prismarine blocks are actually worth a good amount like a thousand each that’s not too bad but so is iron I I typically leave the iron behind yeah but it’s faster to mine the how many do you think just give me another gold block just one yeah okay cool that should be exactly cheriyaki thank you Joe Joyce cheraki and Willie all for being so supportive and awesome I appreciate you guys thank you for making this show so much fun and just being wild cards as always killing with a $5 stream oh Jerry can we get an oh buddy said I wish I could do stuff to help but dude don’t worry about it if if that’s the case save it save your money dude never never give know never stream tip more than than you can’t afford never feel like you have to stream tip as well um it is greatly appreciated you know it it keeps the channel alive allows us to continue doing what we love to do helps us put smiles on people’s faces um but if you can’t then all you could ever all I can ever ask for is your viewership like that’s fine dude that’s totally cool don’t worry about it you’re an amazing person killer Nation we love you all right let’s see Steve did the intern still short you or did you because you’re just below the no we got exact no I had to buy a key because somebody took mine man that cap guy is really yeah that cap guy is really uh I’m the worst someone should punish whoever’s really taking that key dude the evidence is literally in your chest how do you know that see I didn’t even know it was in my chest Jerry how’d you know that oh hey Willie with the five AMC aside how about that service dog fund yeah dude that was sick yesterday we uh we raised like a little over ,000 D nice yeah it was a good time cppy was there toy was there Steve showed up as well everyone was everyone just they kept stream tipping to have more people get summoned and so we just kept summoning people a dang I just need one more Luke one more what one more of these oh oh dang this is a dead end actually saying is that what that yeah that’s AR zg I’ll go back and check it out if that’s the case llan C thank you for the $10 stream Dy said do you remember our Love In the End Stone how how could I forget how could I forget I think one of the most surreal experiences of my life it’s my first time ever meeting Mitch and that song is playing in the background it’s like I don’t know how to feel about this wait when was that the like I mean it was a few years ago now but when I showed up to when you still lived in St Pete and you had that playing on the Google home I was like what is happening yeah whenever whenever I hang out with Mitch Hunger Games is being played at least [Laughter] once someone even requested to be played it as a wedding bro it’s pretty great of course he can’t especially cuz according to Google that’s his his job is musician wait really yeah because because there isn’t any other like stuff any anymore he’s a musician if you Google him no that’s so funny I’m being so serious huh oh yeah that is one thing I will still never understand I will never understand and like I’m good friends with them I’ve asked him countless times I just don’t get it how he deleted or well privated all of his videos I say privated they’re there you just can’t see them green demon said Jerry the broke one now all right listen here listen here pal Willie is not a nice person sometimes I’m just saying I’ve made uh close to 15 mil already Nate that’s not true he said he’s like the Buddies don’t even know what the $500 donut is they make it up on the spot that’s that’s not true we never that’s not true we would never we know exactly what it does in balder’s Gate luk just going to be like all right everyone gets 10 million EMC except for Jerome this a possibility I forgot steak I actually don’t even remember what oh yeah throwing the bombs the whole episode I was like I don’t even remember what it does but okay not not do the thing or is it still the thing oh it’s still okay cool I think I guess we’ll find out hey guys what was that Global noise didn’t sound good I think I think we just defeated the uh endoor wagon kind of a little sus of what the heck’s going on here how about you dropsy I don’t I don’t trustly but I think you should be a bit more Jerry’s slacking bro ow ow ow literally slacking I never realized there’s a chest up here or maybe she’s not always up there I don’t know oh a smithing template ooh silk touch [Music] pickaxe so can I reuse a smithing template multiple times no oh but it has EMC value so yeah okay I tried to swim in lava it did not work out for me Luke you must do it now oh must do it now no bananakin why look why set your spawn point in there I’m not setting do not set my spawn point in here set a spawn do it yeah yes oh my God Luke but if you kill it you get the with another star Jerry all the oh no he broke no I’m leaving I ain’t messing with that I got games to win here you got games on your phone well that we’s staying there so so now I have full netherite with a pro four netherite chest plate nice yeah your boy ain’t going to be dying anytime soon yeah I lost all my Pro stuff because I sold it and then it doesn’t come back out as Pro anymore oh wait I need like a pickaxe that’d be helpful yes already zg I got to remember where that was but yes looking awfully close to trying hope this haven’t been doing great in these past couple what’s up I hope this is all we had planned for the day Luke um yes that’s bone are these the load Stones aren load stones or maybe this wasn’t the room nether area Okay Ry I got you I’ll try and find I said I feel like it’s in here oh I see I see oh that’s a lot of stuff but now it’s a question of whether or not I’m actually going to live past this ridiculous Wither Skeleton I’m not it was me Barry it was me all along dude if this ends up taking the entire stream and we don’t get to face the mods I know I’m going to need a bathroom break soon I’ll tell you that when 1 mil would have been too short and 5 mil didn’t seem like enough so 5 mil seems like the perfect amount at this point what do you mean no I mean it’s just like the length of time it took us to get it uh rocket with a $5 stream tip I’m not sure what you’re talking about he said when will I make troll crates again does anyone know what he’s talking about it’s not ringing any bells for me nope um nah I I think I know the you had little troll boxes you showed me one before Oh my God the oh troll pack with mnti the uh yeah wow oh man yeah sorry that’s that is long gone my dude oh my gosh yeah that was that was a long time ago it was fun while last it was really cool but it’s very hard to scale up a subscription box service o what is the purple key about end themed is O the problem with subscription Services is you need to hit like a certain threshold for it to actually become profitable or otherwise you just keep burning through money and eventually just like I I think it wasn’t even that much I think he needed like a thousand active subscriptions or a little less I don’t remember this was going back to like literally eight years ago so I don’t remember exactly but we weren’t hitting the mark on it though and then eventually it was just like all right there’s literally no money left let’s just call it so we tried I found some of those load Stones Jerry um oh nice yeah the load stones are pretty good I got a couple of them myself they’re actually 50k each right and uh I just found it in another theme room oh Joseph Lewis that to throwback to the troll maze I forgot about that that was a fun game mode where you that was a fun game mode each team would make a troll maze do you guys remember that yeah TR maze I think is what we called it or something like that yeah I think it was called trap maze I also really enjoyed the uh what call it a uh a degenerate blew up my portal skill issue and they replaced my key with a shield oh that’s good I hey guys I’m missing a shield anyone seen one no I haven’t seen one Steve I heard Jerry has one though you should ask him yeah actually I’m a newly acquired a shield Steve cool uh you think I could get that Shield n sorry not for sale too valuable sh you all need to do a lawn mower downhill GTA race of marigan someone mentioned that recently actually you care to explain Jerome what what’s going on oh nothing nothing I didn’t totally just watch You Yank the key out of my thing and put it into the Cap’s uh portal or into his chest that’s crazy how Cappy is mind controlling Jerome to do his dirty work man if I could control Jerome you think I’d waste it on that trolling Steve yes no no no I’d instantly give myself a [Laughter] race Steve who’s L I’m sorry what come again and who why were you defeated by the or slain by them in chat it says site music music was slain by Lo good question I don’t have an answer for you question I like to think it’s like a really cute red panda or just a bunny yeah I’ve got no answer Diamond pickax with Fortune three huge y efficiency 4 dude if I find any ores o which I have found diamonds before but hiya oh please tell me I grabbed that I did all right boom yeah boy oh Jerome completed it his mission I did I mean yeah of course of course I did you did the thing uh an animal blew up my portal oh he didn’t blow it up I watched him just mine it there you go hang on hang on cap just uh came over there and took your key again oh Steve Steve he makes me re build it every time I know okay cap did it it wasn’t me i’ complain but I don’t care soy tell me that you have 2,700,000 DFC on you right now 2,700,000 yep you know what though he’s not wrong he’s not that’s correct he save did I don’t think he knew he did but I was like doing the math and I’m like no he’s right 2,700,000 would be the right number like the correct amount Zer CU I can yeah my brain started not working no I do not have that on me yet man do you want it we got tell nobody it looks like I’m done with this game mode more so that Steve and jome have just devolved into pranking each other than actually playing at least each time they come back they delay each other I don’t know what you’re talking Steve’s been doing it to me it’s retaliation for cap bro I haven’t done anything it’s been cap what are you talking about cap has just turned messing with me too cap you are yeah yeah Cap’s messing with you as well you’re you’re a toxic [Laughter] player oh man do you want me to be worse Jer I can be worse sorry please just a Steve [Laughter] [Music] maybe oh don’t do that there we go there’s I’m finding a lot of gold yeah what happened I just accidentally I was not trying to find this but I found a little treasure room ouch okay well this is the end of me oh my God DRS he could potentially win no can’t give her any more help than that though oh um wait you’re out here helping her no no he’s been the same thing he’s doing to you guys where he’s just running around being like Oh there’s a good room here there Steve like had a weird tower structure in his dungeon that I’ve never seen before Oh hey dropsy Steve goes into dropsy dungeons be like hey you got something that can win the game now TR on fire oh yeah dropy could probably just take you out Steve I’d be careful H him a couple times Y and then I fell into lava yeah give me some good oh okay brought four Diamond chest plate I’ll take that goodbye Luke goodbye Steve good luck there’s a creeper behind you whoa wait drums into this dungeon luk sp sp sp wait there’s actually a creeper here what I tried to warn you I didn’t think you were telling there’s two of them behind you what I just see one creeper drone’s not here again uh Luke animal blew up my portal again okay but you got to you got to do the thing did you die though okay here we’re going to just come on oh hi Steve oh he by Steve I thought you mind this portal again just as I rebuilt what do you mean again I never did it I mean yeah yeah yeah sorry that’s so crazy CU I want Jerry to win Jerry here put put this in it get it cavy because it’s me yeah I do get it I get it’s like it’s your adventure or something man no Cherry you’re supposed to put the wall in there fine I’ll do it cat I just saw that I put a I put another key in there I’m not sure if it’ll generate like a new one from a different portal oh I think you got a where did it just go what the heck it’s gone oh it’s back I don’t know what’s going on kill with a $5 stream tip thank you and uh and in fact does not generate a new key dropsy have you called Uno yet by the way oh do do we have to still with it displ on the side oh no okay still got to call Uno it’s I thought the Uno was just for the the total like hey I need x amount the only x amount is X going give it to you pop pop open up the door it’s real that’s fair well Jerome you have final say are we calling Uno we don’t it’s it’s displayed we call Uno when it’s like hey I have this amount of EMC cuz that’s what it normally is biggy boss yeah the item frames are cursed sadly I uh experimented with that I broke the blocks that they were on and they still just stayed there yeah I did that as well so weird that was not my brother to dude oh it’s down to the wire here for dropsy anyway I’m struggling since that Willie reset yeah that was Wily bad for you killer Nation it’s up to you we can wait and see but I have a feeling she’s waiting to get exactly the 2.7 million EMC before putting it away so it’s like I don’t know what the right call is you know maybe just wait it out and see if she adds anymore let’s just see what happens tell yeah tell it again maybe it’ll be good oh oh you want me to tell again about the Minecraft thing yeah I really don’t think it’s a good idea oh God no cap can you explain the Minecraft thing to them I think they were struggling you know to understand I you know like I would but I don’t think I got it man so there’s this game called Atlas know I’m listening yeah yeah it’s bad because it talks to you about blade left blade blade left no it’s not bad blade assured me that it’s good Jerome what does Killer nation mean nothing nothing no look in look in chat no nothing Luke he doesn’t mean anything oh got you what are you talking about Luke yeah I don’t know what you mean either Luke have you been eating those zanite Pop-Tarts again they’re so good though they are really they’re really dude if just handling zanite could cause memory loss can you imagine eating it oh my God you wouldn’t even remember it though so like would you just Gorge yourself on it yeah dude you take a bite and You’ be like I can go for some things are getting dangerous take a bite you’re like I could really go for some zanite Pop-Tarts then you take a bite you’re like hm I go some zanite poptarts so then you take a bite but what happens when you take a bite Jerry Steve what happened bro what do you mean what who did that I I have no clue I’m going to rocking ahead dude Steve I’ve had like the worst luck for a long time now get out of here dude what are you what are you doing sorry sorry I must had some zanite or something yeah I think made me do that yeah I don’t know what’s going on over here Steve but just cuz cppy obsidian your portal doesn’t mean you got to take it out on yeah I I don’t know what happened I’m sorry I think he was mind controlling me Steve I see you Steve Steve you are literally you have the smallest you have the smallest hands out of anyone I’ve ever met you are literally literally tiny tiny hand tiny what’s the problem [Music] tiny pun Steve dry can you win yet [Music] no are you just holding on to your EMC so that nobody can see how much EMC you have no I I he asked me if I can win yet and I said no I that’s I only asked because you just came back and then you and I put an EMC oh okay maybe Steve will win y I found a room that I think you can only access by cheating well I mean we cuz we are technically cheating breaking rules I found like a uh a credits room oh yeah I found one of those earlier and there it is killer nation and the Wonder have tagged team for $150 stream tip the blunder and killer Nation unite again to clear dropsy the blunder I’m sorry dropsy you’re back with me okay so all I can really hope for at this point is that they don’t clear Steve what why would you not want him to clear Steve then you have a clear Victory dude bro I’m having the worst luck over here right now like I’m finding no value I I’ve just hit a jackpot with this one room this single room that it’s it’s I don’t think you’re supposed to be able to get here but I did you were The Chosen One Drops that’s what happens uh actually and Martin Barnes 6 the 10B stre pillow drum are you sure what you bit are you sure what you since your first C Rob with Tado you haven’t done super M Ms for a while what is s Oh you mean Super Smash Mobs dude you must be an old time fan ref the cops are tornado mods Super Smash Mobs I love it dude thank you for being such a longtime fan appreciate you Steve and cap you are the new chosen ones honestly Steve will probably crush me on this because I’m getting like the worst worst luck they said this stream is going to take all yeah I don’t know about worst case we move the Sandy battle against the mods to another day but this we’re seeing this through there will be a winner there will be a winner and there will be a loser they wouldn’t clear Steve a second time right there’s no way no way a th% would dude what are you talking about I don’t I just don’t think it’s going to happen I I think it would be nice if Steve won one I think that’s true actually Steve hurry you never know Steve hurry Steve hurry please you the CH I got I got to get lucky that’s all that’s what you’re wrong it’s all about raw talent Steve okay honeycomb blocks are worth nothing uh so far in the dungeons have you guys mined yourselves into like an inescapable predicament yet or no no okay like mind yourself is like wait I can’t place blocks uh-oh no that hasn’t been a problem yet okay I haven’t I haven’t had that happen what are you what are those blocks I don’t think they’re breakable empty how the chest be empty oh my gosh the blunder and killer Nation have teamed up for again with $150 of stream tips to clear Steve oh my goodness Luke come on Cappy I think it’s going to be yours sheram to clear cppy bro I’m going to go to the bathroom dud this is literally just going to be the whole stream it’s I think we’re only doing this so it is now me in the lead with two Cher I you did that bro the mods are not getting their Sandy battle D dude today yeah it’s not happening today that’s insane we’ll have to what day this week will be good uh dude the really I guess I guess Thursday perhaps if we beat Minecraft in time that’s so funny dude oh my god dude I can’t right now I can’t wow that is crazy dude they are just ruthless I love how in the pursuit of making this quicker it is somehow now longer than that other one that lasted like two hours hey Luke can you TP to me uh yeah oh that’s an interesting way to do supports what’s up but love you thank you very much cheraki you’re are captain of the live stream thank you killer Nation the blunder as well you guys are great everyone love you guys thank you for all your love and support and making this so special like Sandstone but like I’ll just take a screenshot like you could probably just throw it in the void St just as a builder I was like that’s NE EMC still I’m working on it okay just making sure you uh you know could couldn’t you just set our EMC I don’t know is that a command I could uh there you go can take specific but that’s cool cuz you can’t place clusters no okay like I think there might be like a technical way to get around it with like messing with red stone but like speaking you can only grow them on the Spore blocks speaking of techical I’m not trying to be you know a butt steeve but you have two EMC yeah and dropsy had 17 Luke gave me that I had zero so you can’t just set it to zero no so it’s a read only I threw two more steak in the voy room you happy but it’s still says to you can’t just set EMC to zero though no I tried it okay then yeah uh objective EMC zero and then it says scoreboard objective EMC is a read only so okay there you go Luke come take this stuff man we’re really slacking yeah I this is crazy it’s like no one’s even trying today Tak bathroom random taking a bathroom break well Jerome you are now the chosen one I am the chosen one I have this always had been a chosen one yep Drome was never not in first place this whole time we just didn’t know it my next Hall is going to kind of go crazy though oh okay this place had to be things oh that’s crazy crazy what about it what h Huh what well I I literally didn’t say anything oh could have swear you did I think it was cap yeah that was 100% cap oh oh now he’s playing the quiet game cap that’s what I’m saying he’s probably doing something nefarious like stealing Steve’s Keys again more than likely yeah either that or he’s getting ready to mess up my portal again with obsidian he’s just been a problem honestly here I’ll I’ll say something in instead um I’m about to show you a problem Jerry is that good does that sound like something you’d say yeah that does yeah okay you’re not going to show me a problem no okay good no not me no he is okay dropsy I think we need you to hit him with the but you’re not sorry killer Nation said Jerry we gave you the win tell the Buddies were sorry but you’re not I don’t know how many times I got to say it you you can’t say you’re sorry for something you’re not sorry about you’re not welcome back cap hello you missed a lot what did I miss you me I don’t really know yeah I don’t think you really missed anything oh look a ceiling up there wow the ceiling’s wowa bowsy talked on your behalf oh yeah yeah yeah what’ you say uh I said say that uh uh well now I don’t even remember exactly what I said hold on it was oh uh Drome was like that guy’s been causing problems and I was like here I’ll speak in on his behalf I’ll I’ll show you causing problems Jerry and that was ah yes the old threat of escalation I figured it’d be accurate enough yeah pretty accurate but also like I don’t get paid for that it’s also true impersonations yeah yeah there we go I got that a pretty good 39 Solid Gold Blocks very nice oh I’m going to die no well at least I can put this stuff up been learning all the tricks of the trait oh my God oh my goodness oh wait dropsy you’re the new chosen yep Ender brine with $150 stream tip to clear Jerry’s EMC there’s that it’s oh my Gosher brine why you got to of rock this is worth anything I don’t know don’t use it all one place and there it is you know what I would love as an update for uh Minecraft what’s that a uh a expansion cuz you know how they have the husks and the drown and stuff like that I want an overgrown zombie like from the uh like the uh what’s the biome called that’s oh the underground swamp yeah that one Lush caves yeah like a lush zombie oh uh wafi with a $25 stri said for Cappy also can you nickname those nether stars on the wells can you oh Nick as in steel not nickname um no so any like items that are in frames or they have that weird they look like they’re in frames they aren’t uh we can’t do anything to them like we can’t access them I don’t know why Roger Miller good to see you buddy like the good old days he used to always do this all the time with the $300 Hammer to blow up the server at the end well the server’s already blowing up server is very angry server Angy who did something dumb uh I started a new dimension Steve how could you that’s the whole premise of the game oh my God Roger Miller though thank you dude for real I thank you everyone for your love and support you guys have been or you’re not that you’re not always but you guys have just been over the top recently and just so supportive and I uh I appreciate you guys just want to say that and just thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this show all possible possible seriously guys like we are hitting summertime in full stride and it’s showing and I uh I’m just so excited like I really am just so excited for this summer you guys have made this already an amazing start and it’s it’s literally like May 20th only dude this is insane mindblowing so dropy now that you are a professor lawyer and Doctor what’s your next like oh don’t forget uh vet Arian oh yes yes a vegetarian what’s your wait when did you get your vegetarian license well it’s more than a license it’s a one of my 18 dissertations but um it’s like last oh dude if you’ve got a dissertation you should go see a doctor about that well yeah I agree I can diagnose myself I suppose but I guess I could get a second opinion here I’ll give you a second opinion no thanks like I’ll show you a second opinion also I think that Zuko should have been able to lightning Bend that’s my second opinion yeah why wouldn’t why shouldn’t he be able to yeah wait Zuko can’t lightning spoilers well he well he tries but he fails I’m not sure about what I don’t think they ever confirm Legend of cor either Shi said maybe you should do Aerospace next you know what I can I could I could dive into some rocket science also I refuse to call them veterinarians I don’t ever why what are they I call them the dog tur the dog no that’s I blame you there that’s fair uh-oh n oh this is bigly drops the same way you bounce back from that sled clear your boy’s about to have a huge come up here nice no yeah I I I got two of those Beacon rooms dude it was insane bro so jealous 2.3 not maybe not 5 mil like you did but 2.3 that ain’t bad dude yo hey yo I I just came through the portal dude I was cracking my knuckles I was trying to have a nice relaxing time what the heck bro they just waiting for me the Wonder with the $5 stream it’s summer already for me Jerry I got out of school today I graduate in two days so I’m might not be here often because I’m getting another job well congratulations on graduating and congrats on uh getting this potential job we’re wishing you luck yeah good luck it’s awesome to wonder they’re grow up so fast congrats they really are though that’s crazy the fans are all we’re all becoming old yeah becoming is a bit of like a late way to phrase it been old is another way to say it trousers said I’m old you’re not 30 Old okay I’m old to be fair I actually don’t know you totally could be 30 I have no idea but nah they’re not that old SoCal said I’m 32 dude it’s over it’s all dude pack it in time to hang up the Hat sorry you got to retire that’s how it works 30 is literally right around the corner for me well it’s all downhill from that corner bro I thought it was downhill from 27 bro that is a okay listen we’re meing but downhill from 27 is a grim Outlook yeah I don’t I don’t know anyone who’s peaked at 27 but I know plenty of people who peaked in high school fair I think I’ll probably Peak at 160 it’ll be a slow decline from there I think I think I think Captain Blom gets funnier the more scile I get I need to get like one of those Red Baron hats Jerry what are the Red Baron hats what is that like one of those Aviator helmets like the leather ones yeah like wood stock yeah all right here we go steeve Ste oh my God you’re literally a barbarian that’s quite death message on St lagite whilst fighting a sniper wow yeah Steve you are literally an orc you are literally an orc get away God no this is orc likee Behavior it’s orcish Maiden Behavior oh no Jerome oh my you’re literally an orc oh my God I almost I almost got you stuck in the obsidian Chad someone banned this man C last place B banned me so I could just spend the whole rest of the stream obsidian abiding his portal you did it you you struggled a little bit but you got there eventually Steve you are a literal orc n Bo oh my God he just we hit him with the nana nana boo boo like dang man Trum just doesn’t even care he just went into his Dimension he’s like I’m gone why won’t oh my gosh burning me up oh I’m putting in a terrible showing now just the worst look everyone is calling themselves old now Vernon said I’m old I mean facts but sorry BR brh G can finally pick on someone his own age that doesn’t make sense Jerry always swings down when they go high we go low yeah they don’t ask cow you always stay one step ahead one step ahead always dude every single second never see it coming never see me coming I don’t like this this laughter going on here don’t worry about it it’s not important what did you do to my portal you animal it’s nothing important don’t worry about it my God we don’t have the nickname command on here I can’t even name him orc well you can mess with his name in Discord true Ender br $25 streight said I’ll be nice for this one who’s it for then I think you is it me and you do that for me nice oh hello thank you Ender brine if that’s the case Jerry oh thank buddy let me head back I don’t know if you want to let me get out of here then oh my gosh Steve who taught you how to do this you Admiral nits that’s the second time you said that I haven’t seen it though I I checked one time and I didn’t see it there Steve is absolutely unhinged now now now you say that uh good luck getting through that Dr King me what is that ah it’s for me to know and for you to guys never find out pretty neat uh Cappy was building your portal over over here Steve hey Luke I need a need a portal keep the change Steve I gave your key back oh I just made a new one yeah that Cy guy is a wild card dude I don’t know why he would have done that to your portal like that but ver said I heard what you said when the grappler hook didn’t work on me and you said it only targets Mobs with brains that’s why it doesn’t work on bro did I say that did I say that last y bro that’s a good Ro though that’s oh no no no oh my god vered did I really say that that’s incredible was like I’m hilarious I am good thank you Russell for watching for 12 years D thank you for being a decade long fan yeah what’s up Steve you are an orc oh my God it’s impossible to know what’s lag or Steve just being an animal bro you got to shut this Man Down Luke you need to shut him down I don’t know what to do I think dropsy is the only one who could save us I’m literally disconnecting H what Happ Steve keeps interrupting his portal I can’t every time heing block I replays with obsidian so I can’t play the game d That’s so good down is so good no where am I what is the roller coaster that was a new room I saw I had a roller coaster room nice that’s interesting oh yeah you have to go around the entire thing and flip switches or you can just break through to the middle yes Beacon room let’s go oh God I haven’t had any luck getting the beacon room Vern sent it to me as evidence that I said it to him nice I could have was probably doctor dude dog to dude this is never ending no it’s going to end Steve we got this what are you talking about Steve what are you talking about this is just as planned right we were expecting this to last a couple hours right it’s fine this one segment right what’s wrong with that is the chosen one what’s wrong with it blade please oh hello oh my God that was a lot of ow trouser says it’s a game that never end oh it’s going to end with me in the winners because it’s a game that never end with me in the winner seat just goes on and on my friends I don’t even know what that does $100 Keegan with $100 stre said this is for you Jerome I literally just got to the beacon room bro what what what is it the beacons are worth more than any amount of steak bomb you’re going to get I think man nobody wasn’t a steak bomb he it was a kill so I had to come all the way back here and I had to refine the thing someone go into his portal and find his steal the beacon from him dude Steve is lurking outside of the shut up Luke oh my goodness you animal you act like it’s a secret I wasn’t expecting that how did I get this Luke how did you get oh this the first time you did it go steal that be no I was going to go into your portal with you like immediately after no I thought you were waiting for Jerome to like kill him you’re not welcome here no oopsies I probably shouldn’t have done that is the portal catchr Steve get out of here Steve I’ll find it first oh my God Steve get out of my area chat you need to do something about this guy I’ll find it first this is a weird room I haven’t seen the roller coaster room yet why didn’t you tell us that you found the roller coaster room I swear to God this is how dropsy feels every day I think this is it you’re getting there yeah yeah you’re getting it you’re getting there there one there’s one key element missing but I don’t think it’ll ever be replicated huh I’m I’m curious as to what the element is now the element Sur hey Steve died you thought you’d come in here steal all my gold you were close I heard you burning to death yeah your area is just littered with fire stuff yeah you almost caused a problem there Keegan for me okay let’s go this way the blank teleporter key let’s go last time I went there I got a ton Keegan said I got something cooking don’t worry I am worried Keegan yeah that’s what we’re worried that statement worries us let them cook I wonder if this is like a leg wait what C what you got sneak 100 isn’t that uh you have to find a warden or sneak no oh or Warden gotcha Luke I got a new strategy what oh I don’t think that matters interesting strategy yeah I’ve got a new strategy adal nits that’s you’re a genius I don’t like my new strategy working guys you guys ever like get like Dazed and not know where you are anymore yep every morning what yeah Jerry but like hold on is uh hold on I I don’t know what to do with that that I can do in this situation Jerry You’ put me in quite the corner yes I did sometimes I I think Jerry enjoys like Oh no just like make making us all like be really tempted oh no why Tor immediately texted me what did you tell them oh no Luke that was fast that was you oh that wasn’t me actually wait okay and I don’t know I think be faster no I probably but I didn’t do nothing wasn’t me sounds like exactly like someone who did it no I would never the intern would never that’s for sure for for sure like never ever hey do you think Blade’s ever coming back no no not a chance that guy’s playing Atlas no he’s he’s definitely playing League [Music] po no most definitely league players usually are oops oh no do you just sit okay thought it was Steve you just sit wait for me Steve you should come back and and watch you when I’m gone wait for you to come back oh yeah I want to see the new addition oh no well I want to see your reaction action to the new edition okay cool I broke a million thank God you put bed Steve that’s not even how Luke you break that at once maybe he went to the nether the uh trick you keep it there Luke no Steve cheated I did not cheat there’s no way you I didn’t do anything oh so then Luke cheated no it was he put it there Luke would never all I know is I was a skeleton and next thing you know boom bedrock in the inventory Keegan with a $200 stream tip to delete my EMC and then eat a Pokemon card bro all right here’s frostless my new holographic for my brand new pack game that never RS it just goes on and on my friend what wrong with you g that does God here go thank you dropsy you’re still the chosen one you’re safe stop talking about it oh my God Luke when will you learn how many times’s in first place she’s totally got this oh server’s angry yeah server very angry I’m angry Keegan who hurt you Lilia thank you for being an ultimate supporter again it was me Jerry but it wasn’t you was Keegan how am I doing today I was doing fine up until this up until this travesty oh this is different from what I’ve seen so far it’s been a disaster Lilia we’re going to have a lot of like we’re going to have a lot of stuff to work through on our next bers on our next therapy session yeah we’re going to have to work through a lot yeah there going be a lot of talking after this guys God just end make a video Buddies go to therapy together it all started when I was born I mean this in the nicest way possible I don’t think I would survive a group therapy session with you three I don’t think I could do it I don’t think I could do it I don’t think I could do my own therapy I don’t think the therapist could handle us I would immediately start crying to derail the conversation oh my God and we to be like this he does this every time group therapy session but we’re all playing personas every time we load up I think supposed to be my adventure but they just keep on trying to steal my th bro it never let me go on my Adventures Steve why did you fill it with lava what is wrong oh that wasn’t me oh my go I swear Steve no that that wasn’t me please Lilia I’m begging you ban this guy you’re the only hope you’re literally the only hope the only Beacon of honesty in this whole mess of humans if you could even call them that you ate some spicy burritos and then pooed it into a bucket speaking of space aanaa with a $75 stream tip for a triple steak bomb arino let a rip Luke at least I get some my EMC back that’s a minute and a half straight of steak bomb that’s got to be worth something yeah you’re probably going to pull ahead of me Jerome because like I’ve just been like donking all over here you been what you’re have toate you it’s bad it’s it’s bad do you mind providing a definition to the verb Donan Don do you mind wait use it a sentence so I’ve been doning lately so so I I’m trying to learn how to skateboard right but I’m just donking all over the stre this is like not good man I just like doning all up and down the CAC can’t hit the alies just doning I just love how you said it like as if it was a normal thing though like you didn’t like no you thought you were going to get by with it I nearly did but then you you with your eagle eyes and your beak Like an Eagle I can’t let you go with you with your Eagle like features you and your bird like features can we just like always sunny just start col area bird oh no this is literally like fifth grade again a girl called me a bird boy I think you’re more closely related to a heron what yeah what about Mr look at those guys yeah he can’t hear anything it’s just a so he’s not hearing nothing from Florida and it’s uh no it’s got like long legs and uh he’s definitely a pel very very long uh beak slap I just just slaps hood of Italian man do you know how many parois you can fit in this bad boy a lot dude there’s one thing I can do this just feels like Jerome like if he were a bird that’s what there’s one thing I’m good at it’s housing down parois or raviolis J why’ you give me secrets of the dungeon you can safely rename dungeon keys and they will still teleport you to the same place you seemed like you needed some reading material than thanks for the knowledge who was I talking to in the last like year that didn’t remember that like so here I am with all my books in my garage oh when that was a meme I could not stop quoting it I I literally couldn’t so here I am with all my books in my garage who’s reading books in their garage I don’t even know what’s wrong with my thing but it’s it’s just not Steve has officially just destroyed it I legitimately didn’t do the last thing I did not do the lava oh sorry I did not I did not I own up to it when I do it Jerome I’ve owned up to it the entire time this one wasn’t me no stuff back here okay so I’ve got two purple keys I’m hoping that it gives me something it’s because you don’t have a key what I did have a try now James said if this lands on a 12 can we ban Steve that sounds fair considering 12’s not even on the wheel right now cuz it already got hit earlier so yeah so if you somehow land on it yeah oh my gosh it was a 10 bro this is just not my day oh ow can we get get some like like consolatory Pokemon Card openings for Jerome he’s having a he’s having a rough one now James with a $75 stream tip for hot sauce number tant ghost pepper scorpion pepper and Carolina Reaper pepper and two times kepas extract it’s hot it’s very hot it makes me want to cry I already probably have cried this stream let’s make him cry again no I got you yeah oh my God I was looking for key what’s up okay it works now Jerry yeah the hot sauce Works Luke oh good bad why’d you use Ancient debris what are you talking about nothing I I could have swar I just saw someone that put ancient debris down but I don’t know who it was they were very handsome is there like anything worthwhile in these Nether fortresses cuz I’m not seeing any I didn’t find anything if they have the stuff you can crawl up like the Warped Vines yes if they don’t don’t know I’m talking to like these purple key rooms I haven’t been in any of those yet today but um if they have like the nether Towers in them there’s stuff at the top and there’s hidden chests the next time I see you in real life blade which will probably be for my wedding I’m bringing the hot sauce number 12 and you’re you’re going to try it and then we’re going to see who’s the bumper baby I think that’s a good idea that’s one insult I’ve come up with that really just had legs for days just like span multiple channels just like all right the worst part is I took Papa Baka bowling recently and he demolished me yeah he made sure to tell me how much better he was at it than I was well good now you know I think the best decision I ever made was giving my dad you dropped this knowledge I just didn’t two strikes Steve not one knowledge I I can get POA of the rest of your numbers if you want like the social security number okay yeah let’s do it yes thank the heavens Lilia aor with a $400 stream tip to ban steeve why me what did I do yes I’m actually God I’m impressed Steve I think you won like no make no mistake now it’s just the his score is still up there though and we have to end at 6:00 sharp because of labor laws no but we do we do have to end at 6:00 sharp that’s just when the the workday ends so I have 25 minutes to get 4 million EMC to beat Steve and if you don’t we’re going to trap SE base you I didn’t think that was real but I’m down to make it real all right cool as long as if I if I win then Steve has to be it well cap also has to try to beat Steve cuz if you beat them both then he’s last thank you Lilia thank you someone had to shut this man down look you put a water in that why why is there water in my portal HH Steve bro I’m not even on the server or at my computer you cannot blame me you definitely did that before you left see he stops talking the app and stops all of a sudden this is why they banned you Steve Steve’s not even going to get to be here to watch the server explode that’s what happens Steve that’s what happens when you don’t know how to behave that’s all right okay these are these ones are a waste of time like sorry I went to get water I was like all right fine I’m out I’m going to get water and I get up and then you start talking to me so I stopped pouring my water came back went to get my water again and then you start talking to me again I’m like ah hey why don’t you go get up to get some water I have my water why don’t you get some more water you need it dude yeah you’re obviously thirsty you’re not you thirsty Steve oh my gosh I’m definitely not beating dropsy or Cappy but the very least I can beat Steve who’s not even they could just clear Steve did you imagine clearing someone who’s not even in the game anymore oh wait no how would that work we would have to unban you you would have to give me all your EMC and then reban you fair is Phar they can do that just take just remove his name my am is locked in now that you’ve made enemies aka me enemy now that you’ve done that I’m doing all parkour on the Trap Seeker base Ste Jerome the whole thing what’s different than usual the whole thing you do that every time nuh I was really nice last time dude I I was real nice last time oh my God wait what power five Infinity book that’s kind of nuts wow pretty much everything you could want how about that sorry everyone’s got to get it out of I didn’t mean it but I still said it you recognized the mistake oh that is a big slime I do not want fight you excuse me what is friend Pottery Shard what no clue was that fired I just read it too quickly no it it is friend no clue I I found some earlier and I just left them cuz they were only like aund something AMC oh this is a party I thought maybe cuz I was getting hit by the witch I just read it really quickly but oh that’s fair yeah that wither that you made is still still going still kicking yeah he’s he’s just been hanging out it’s a little guy a little guy oh there we go that’s right you’re worth money you’re worth money you’re worth money bring me the gold oh Steve catching up buddy likely story your boys clocking in big numbers likely story just get home Jerry might beat me and I might have to be last you think so I don’t know I think we’re both I’m feeling lucky for the both of us cat actually who am I kidding dude I’m not going to I’m getting straight Duds right now I need I need some crazy EMC you have until um most likely me but possibly catfish yeah I’ve got 20 minutes o 20 minutes on the clock to at least beat Steve this is different Chad I’m scared oh my God oh my God there’s so many things go away [Laughter] wait Donovan Why cat this is not what I was expecting with $150 stream from Donovan Adams to clear Kappy’s inventory wow he said got to run heading to work right now clear Cappy build horrible looking houses for his trap Seeker base to trigger his Builder instincts dude they want to get in they want to get does that clear does that just clear my inventory or mycoke sorry okay then uh bam here’s 18 Notch apples I’m going to lose guys if only someone would wipe Steve off the board dude we just need one person to wipe Steve and then life will be good for the rest of us we can just chill hang out relax okay so I’m just like getting it all okay here you go thank you oh pry sh tartar sauce your fresh be real nice feeling of the beacon rooms was there something up there that I just haven’t noticed this whole time I’m actually kind of curious now do you have a beacon room in your dungeon I don’t have one here now oh so I’m not really sure what rdz is talking about but next Beacon room I see I will uh I will look up well at least even if I don’t beat Steve at least I’ll probably beat cppy now oh you’re definitely going to beat me unless I’m just saying in love let’s go in here let’s see oh there we go I like these sometimes you get Notch apples oh normally an Unbreaking three I have yet to find Notch apples in these I found one yeah I got one this book would normally be amazing mending Unbreaking three I found some crazy falling trouser said literally this is the game that never ends it yeah yeah this is the game that it’s okay a cool smithing templates big I’m going to win no come on nothing oh bro yeah that oh my gosh whole arada over here there we go this room should have some goodies for me oh my gosh a power four bow I don’t need that don’t need that let’s go to this one come on it’s got to be some something in here is there anything under ground here oh yo no get out of here get out of here grave keeper no I didn’t even know I didn’t even know I was robbing a grave not that it would have stopped me nothing of value in that let’s go this way it’s still kind of surprising to me how Redstone mechanics really haven’t received a big update in like a decade like I remember the daylight sensor coming out like 11 12 years ago not a huge update but they are updating some stuff with redstone soon they finally adding in my boy the copper Golem all maps broken no but um there it’s more like audio uh and like quality of life stuff that they’re updating they changed the Piston noise yeah it’s not good oh no I hate that witches have fire resistance yeah oh R zg I’m understanding now what you’re talking about uh I can give it a try and see yo what what is that is that thing oh oh my I like what I’m seeing here the place that I found I haven’t encountered this type of area yet but okay that’s that’s valuable Steve I hate that literally I’ve had the worst luck since you’ve left and I it’s it’s not working out for me you hate it I love it this when I thought I’ve seen it all this is like a whole new area that I’m in all right let’s go give me something good okay okay what what what what whatever’s happening is not good got to go deeper oh we can’t that’s literally it isn’t that no it’s not it’s not it there is more and it involves a little bit of Parkour finessing you might not even see it chat but when I get it you’re going to be like oh wow Jerry is so smart and wise no wonder he has 72 different degrees wise after all these years existing on this Earth finally and I think they were duds okay well so wise good to know that’s what that does though oh yes I found it again the credits room that you’re not supposed to access oh yeah no that’s good oh chat yeah yeah good call I always forget load Stones load stones are big are these worth anything and rods are not worth really anything yeah I checked that too good good grabs I got to get the rest of these here got 11 minutes remaining oh my gosh gold I’m not going to bother smelting that all right this room has been picked clean let me go back and make sure yeah they are oh things are working out for me guys all of a sudden go up here dragon fire gaming thanks for the $25 stream tip jar watched this team crafted and you always make my day better steak bom for you well thank you dude for being a longtime fan thank you for supporting the channel and uh that’s all I got dude thanks for being you thanks for being here that means we’re going home which is perfect cuz I have to drop off all this junk too just in time for the steak P that brought me up big time to 2.4 million which is still like not even half of steeve teams oh I think I’m going to get pranked guys oh who is this there he is L what M was it he’s a like a um zombie pigman boss oh interesting there we go block of rock copper trash Oh I don’t like that this next one’s called the massive Asylum all right now I’m going to be doing the thing all right let’s see you’re running out of time buddy I know dude I’m going to I mean I’m beating Cappy at least cuz he got reset but but are you going to lose to it to a person who’s not even in the game anymore I sadly think that is very possible oh yeah also don’t forget to leave time to blow up the server trousers just informed us of that true yeah what mods we got we got anything in here like peek or anything uh Luke or uh no pe [Music] oh I’ll do some invested D check it you’re going have Comm on TNT yeah I think you’re going to have to do it the oldfashioned way yes wfi with $150 stream tip for stepen Speedo Libby that’s a slash clear on STC just delete him from the board Luke oh my God I don’t know I I think we should wait for confirmation cuz that might be uh give Steve some sort of EMC they might not have meant it as like what are you talking about you maybe it was a slash kill and a pack poon you can’t be given EMC you’re banned hey if my EMC can be taken away it can be given too no that’s not true so you’re under the assumption that he gave the exact amount I think it’s a slash kill and a pack of Pokemon cards is what I think it is this is why you’re banned hey look you got to you got to wait for clarification right Blade’s like no that’s all steak that’s all steak the whole thing is a steak bomb for Steve Steve it’s over Steve gra couple more of these yeah now we’re talking yeah see look even in the chat he said LOL he’s in the clear we’re good no he said LOL clear him he didn’t say you’re in the clear he said clear him he said well him’s in the clear he’s good I get it clear him he didn’t say what you said he said W him clear he’s good he’s in the clear I’m gon to snap I I you’re going I just look I just think I need a little more clarification oh my God oh my God so much emotional pain right now n let Steve Cook I think we need to put I think we need to hook up a blood pressure monitor to me heart rate monitor I think we do that’s totally a thing you can figure out my blood pressure just track my blood pressure throughout this all right we got a SL kill so what happens if there’s a tie what if somebody else gets cleared it’s possible then I’ll whoever it is can just dump their armor and be above you yeah true actually Steve I don’t think there’s any way even with a SL clearance I don’t think there’s any way you uh you’re getting the win here no I don’t think I’m getting a win at all I just want somebody to thing with me last second someone gives Steve 5 million EMC it’s still an option it is still an option we still need several minutes to destroy the server I think I got something that I that could work in a minute summon TNT TNT carts nice look we’ll probably end it we’ll Pro we’ll give it like one more minute guys one more minute to search and I was just going to make a totem of this if you want to creative and look at it oh no Ser ready for the big blow up oh no oh God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I only pressed it once all right I think we’ll lock it in there then dropsy with an astounding 9.2 million extremely close to winning basically our champion then Jerry with 2.7 Cappy in third with 850,000 Steve I don’t know what happened buddy yeah I I don’t know you could have been a contender your heart just wasn’t in it I think yeah no I have no clue how we blowing this up Jerry yeah I’m ready yippe what is that what is that it summons under your feet how does this not crash the server hang on I’m putting a lot more oh I think it’s starting I think it’s start I was going to say I had to put myself in Creative so now it’s uh are you just copy pasting all those yes is it working yet oh it’s working yet I think it’s working yet yes blade can you confirm if your house is on fire yet uh blades on here is actually playing Atlas we we’ve lost blade blad playing Atlas right now oh no I heard that’s a really good game yeah yeah BL say is a really good game so pretty it still hasn’t crashed I’m I’m still placing them oh bro oh I’m rubber banding now I am I have now flown into the atmosphere the server’s trying its best dude it’s trying there goes down she goes so thank you everyone again so much for watching we hope you guys had fun today if you did then please check us out tomorrow for another awesome live stream I do think tomorrow we’re going to be streaming on the ace Channel again um so we might be there in the morning and then we’re going to be over here in the afternoon having fun I want to thank again all of our amazing captains of the live stream you know we had some amazing people like cheraki we had Willie coming out earlier we had Keegan we even had at the end there Lilia Azor we had so many of you guys just popping off killer Nation the the the blunder we had wafi my gosh the list goes on thank you for the bottom of my heart for allowing us to do what we love to do each and every day put smiles on people’s faces um and that’s all I got you guys have an amazing rest of your night thank you for making the start to this week so cool I’ll see you tomorrow for real thank you guys good night guys

This video, titled ‘Making INSANE Money In Minecraft Millionaire Challenge!’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-06-10 22:00:39. It has garnered 3865 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:24 or 10404 seconds.

Making INSANE Money In Minecraft Millionaire Challenge!

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    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More

  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🥵🔥🤯#shorts #trending #ytshorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Confuse man on 2024-05-31 07:39:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🤯🔥🥵👍 People also ask What defines a house Minecraft? A “house” is defined as a claimed bed. If the bed is obstructed by a solid block, villagers cannot pathfind to it and therefore cannot claim the bed. Things to build in Minecraft Volcano. Castle. Modern Skyscraper. Floating Base. Bridge. Ship. Lighthouse…. Read More

  • 10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by brine playz on 2024-05-13 14:33:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts Thanks For Watching ! . . . Share with your friends plzzz IGNORE ALL HASHTAG … Read More


    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: 📰Hiha fan group ► :… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More

  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

    Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft SMPs! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft SMPs? In this video, the player joins an SMP in Minecraft Pocket Edition version, ready to embark on new adventures and challenges. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From survival challenges to parkour adventures, Minecraft offers a vast universe for players to explore. Whether you’re crafting copper items or navigating through tricky parkour courses, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of Minecraft. Joining the SMP Community Joining an SMP in Minecraft opens up a whole new world… Read More