Watching Technoblade The Minecraft VR Experience – REACTION

Video Information

Okay first off we need to talk what is with all of these new videos coming out we to tommy in it video yesterday we have a tommy vlog today we have a technoblade upload today we had a dream smp animation upload today what is going

On what am i missing what i mean we’re doing the technoblade one today and we’ll cover the animation some other day i don’t even know man there’s just so many new videos where do they keep coming from now i mean i’m sitting here just on my computer i’m

Just playing a game and then all suddenly i look at my phone and i see hey new upload from technoblade i’m like wait what and it’s just like yeah you know new upload youtube’s like hey man you should you might want to check this out okay then i guess random upload out

Of nowhere with no prior you know knowledge to even knowing that this was coming up well i guess before we get to the sporadic technoblade upload if you guys have not subscribed already go on and do that before we start today’s video if you want to be on the

Whiteboard comment down below that you want to be on there i’ll get you up there eventually within the next decade and also if you want to send me anything to the po box the link is in the description so feel free just to write that down on however you send it i don’t

Know how you’re going to send it just don’t send me anything weird i got to open it anyway though let’s get right to the actual video well as if my day’s not already full enough i have to record a new tommy vlog and a new dream smp well animation

Compilation video as long as this so we’re gonna do this first they’re playing minecraft vr in hardcore mode now if you don’t know what that is that means vr series to plug merch i saw that in the name worlds using experimental well this is a vanilla world all right

Don’t snitch don’t snitch oh by the way for those of you that wear clothes techno merch merchandise is available for the next six days at buy it while you can i was actually supposed to advertise this last week so then you have like two weeks to get it but i kind

Of got owned by real life i’m sorry okay we got we got the king of hearts motif it’s wonderful we got this bro i love hoodie that people said okay that that right there is the shirt that i want the most officer i drop kicked that child in self-defense i need

That now if you’re interested it’s all at i have to buy that back to the video you guys would not believe how long i’ve been waiting to play minecraft vr i bought all this equipment in july and i was telling myself oh my god i’m gonna i’m gonna start a vr

Series there’s gonna be weekly uploads it’s gonna be a golden age of technoblade content and then god heard me and said wall lmao and here we are march no no it’s april oh my god also since we’re in vr this is really easy quite literally god pulled the nothing

Personal kid on techno blades literally up to like my chin and my arm nice head obviously my left arm yeah left arm is fine right arm i’m happy though it can go up that high i’m just gonna we’re just gonna i’m just gonna punch this just just gonna

Just get just gonna punch this just just gonna punch this all right we’re just gonna we’re just gonna punch this punch the street you gotta go up and down text down it’s not come on it’s not it’s not break we’re gonna break a break along break a log just left hand swing

Left hand swing all right all right we got we got one oh we’re using the button we’re i have a controller on my button it breaks it we’re using that all right well you got five oak so yeah after four months of physical therapy my right arm is it’s

All right it’s all right i don’t know if i’m gonna you know i can kind of do you know i keep the elbow like here and then you can because my forearm is fine it’s it’s the upper arm and shoulder that got on so i can kind of do the

Swinging motion like this i think it’d be easier if i could just have the sword in my left hand and play left-handed but there’s just there’s just a lot of there’s probably reasons why that does not work i tried i tried very hard to get that to work and it just would not

Because you could you can put the sword in your left hand and it’ll look like you’re hidden things with your sword and it won’t do any damage because minecraft is sitting here like well who cares if you’re hitting it with your left hand yeah we’re gonna do the same damage as whatever you’re

Holding your right hand and your right hand you got like got like a stick or something all right it’s terrible i tried to switch into left-handed controls entirely but i’m not built like that all right my my brain my brain doesn’t work like that all right neither am i tech no i agree

With therapy i’m told it will keep healing for like a few more months i’m told it is going to plateau at some point there is probably an upper limit to the healing i’m going to be honest i really don’t care i really don’t care i’m good with this i’m good with this

Let’s get up here i got some wonderful chunk stuttering in my peripheral vision i love it i love it please vive craft admins please fix that how do i open my inventory here we go craft and table and we get the pickaxe and we get some stone got some nice hats

As you see vanilla minecraft all the time so i’m gonna break this block regularly half slabs aren’t a thing right or am i going insane i did it i actually did a vr series like two three years ago and that’s why i wanted to do another one

Because i i ended up dropping the series because i got bored but i was rewatching it vr is so okay well actually i hate vr but it’s so much fun for videos bro i love vr so good you don’t really get a lot of you can’t really put so much expression

Into your into your content i mean you got to get creative expression but you know what i mean when you when you have a face cam you’re reacting to things the whole time but when you’re a faceless youtuber you have a vr video and you got actual body language you know

It’s wonderful it also allows you to play minecraft again but have it be like you know that’s that’s so many things with like v tubers and stuff like people that don’t want to show like their real life face that’s kind of why a lot of people did like the vr chat like you

Know kind of mostly around like the whole coved like start thing i mean for people that didn’t want to show their face still had you know all that expression you can move your arms you can move your face and stuff it was brilliant for every challenge because i

Don’t want to brag i did not i did not open this correctly i don’t want to brag but regular minecraft and that’s why i love it it’s kind of easy peasy when you’re on a mouse and keyboard but now vr controls i am terrible so i plan for

This play through but since my right arm is still coming i want to be a bowman all right i’m going to be an archer build for this character because with the archer you take the left hand you can yeah you want and then the right hand just has to go like this

And you could shoot it’s wonderful it’s awesome but we need to get a bow we need uh we need spiders we should probably probably what time is it techno as a bowman son is it almost nighttime yeah i i would say i would say it’s about 3 p.m

We need shelter this is hardcore mode we’re gonna get owned by like two skeletons where’s that cow at i heard a moo i heard a moo die oh it’s above me it’s above it knows my weakness it knows my weakness anything slightly higher than me is out of my reach there we go

[Laughter] god oh hello sheep whoo all right you know we’re going for the crit i don’t know if that worked you know what accurate time x oh first try accurate first try again oh we’re good at this what’s over here was there a reason you were leaving

A nice valley over there it looked like a pig it was camouflaged through here have i got this set up correctly where’s the floor all right that’s my floor in real life that’s good sometimes i set up vr i get into the game and it that the game the

The perspective has me looking like i’m one foot tall it’s crazy and then everyone makes fun of me like technoblade said he was 6’3 but i saw i saw his vr video it is very true it is very true okay okay get over we got to build we got to build a house

Jog and animation swinging my arms for purely cosmetic effect let’s go we don’t even need to build a shack we can just make a little cave in here oh yeah look at this look at this this is beautiful this is beautiful look at how much space we have craft door all right

All right we got a door there’s no block above it techno and then we place it right there and then we just we just lie down in real life we just just lie down on the floor you would not believe how uncomfortable this is

That’s cause i’m not on the bed oh god i can’t rest my neck because the headset is on oh yeah it’s the morning it hurts oh i got out of i’m not i’m not even in my bed i was sleeping on the floor okay i’m surrounded by wires in real life

But i’m going to get up you got to watch where you stand tripping and dying all right it’s gonna happen we just gotta all right all right one foot okay we’re gonna use the hand it is a dangerous game when playing vr you will none of it recorded because i stepped on

That wire it’s fine we don’t ask questions let’s fight a spider all right here we are this looks nice you know we got a nice got a nice canyon we can make a boat you can make a boat go rowan do you oh my god you have to do the rowing motion

Going over here i hope not go up go up go up swim swim okay what if it just like a loser we hit the a button on my right controller oh what’s this worthless all right boat place get in the boat and we go oh my god can you do that oh

You don’t have to do the rolling motion think wait can you though oh you can i don’t see why you would but you could you do one hand and if you do the other hand oh it turns okay we got to do it this way then no we gotta do it this way

No pt exercises today this counts this counts this counts as exercise this is literally the motion they have they have me do a row in motion this counts why am i why am i i keep i keep going to the right my arms aren’t equally strong no

No please all right we row we row no we don’t this is the ocean this is worthless to me there’s just iron right there i don’t even need a cave let’s go let’s go let’s get iron iron iron it it’s just needed some spiders to get a bow all right

That’s just how it works my neck my poor neck oh it’s copper no one cares cringe cringe why do they add copper why does copper exist exactly something you can get from optifine oh is that more iron i think i see okay you guys have better eyesight than i do i have regular

Eyesight issues i can see it all right i’m getting the perfect real life simulation here copper copper flower i am i am a small child i am just i’m pointing at think water squid fishy all right cave now this is where the iron’s gonna be i thought my headphones just died

Die get away from get get away nope nope okay i almost got owned just getting eight hurts not even close oh actual food all right how do you eat oh my god it works it works yeah this is how i eat in real life i just smack myself in the face repeatedly with

My cooked food i got i i want to get partial whatever works works techno man i just take the weight we’re stuck in the in the before bow stage right now and it’s just we just can’t get anything done we’re gonna go out there there could be riches

But i also hear things that can kind of obliterate me because we’re in hardcore mode and i don’t have armor and if i if i even we got to be scared of creepers man they will one hit kill us but there’s no reward without risk we’re going in

Go go okay we’re turning around there they are all right zombie villager all right fight mode they’re below okay okay i’m actually getting owned it gets a bit scary i’m not getting owned i’m a god jump crit you you’re just gonna did or are we friends now

Did i don’t trust it techno don’t are we friends now you want to hang out you want to you want you want to stop stop being a monster and we could we could be cave bros this is kind of wholesome doesn’t have to be this way

Why do we have to fight why do we have to continue this chain of violence just because i’m alive and you’re a zombie all right i mean i i could i could give you food is that is that what you want that you want you want a hug nope nope

Nope he’s killing me oh what do we get out of this game the wholesome ends that i killed it always ends in bloodshed what do we get we got drip stone we got copper useless i just want iron oh i didn’t actually collect my furnaces did what the what is that an invisible

Spider it’s that’s just that’s an invisible spider hey did you guys see that that spider was that was that wasn’t it had the potion effect bro i’m telling you if you i mean if you’re one of the people that knows nate allen i mean i’ve played minecraft with him he

Already doesn’t like the minecraft spiders if they were invisible nate i’m sorry you i think you’d go insane it was invisible it was invisible okay another spider another spider it’s garden it’s guarding copper it’s garden oh god oh i hit the wire of my vr system fine i’ll

Bring some copper i don’t care i don’t care if it if it’s just gonna lay around every oh my god that’s a lot of gravel actually we actually need gravel for arrows this is great getting some flint getting some flint copper don’t mind if i do all right

We’re gonna find some chickens we’re gonna make arrows and we’re gonna be an awesome archer all right now aiming the bow in vr it’s a bit more difficult it is a skill that can be mastered all right i’m so sick of copper oh iron i gotta

Get that iron okay legit the the vr where is the vr wire okay it’s here i’m drowning i’m drowning i just don’t want it i don’t want to trip over it i had i bought a wireless vr thing that i could put on top of my headset and it doesn’t work it doesn’t

Work at all all right and it’s 500. my microphone is actually oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we leave i might be wrong on that price i don’t remember the chair

Right now as you can see i’ve become shorter we’re going to get out our crafting table here oh here we go here we go boys we made it we own a bow and zero arrows so we can’t even use it but that’s fine ooh lapis i don’t think i have an iron pickaxe

Right now so that’s not even useful to me dude there’s gonna be iron down here in a really awkward to reach area oh my god i was right i hate it i hate being correct we’re gonna it’s always in the wrong area and then we’re gonna use the door to

Create a water pocket which will allow us to breathe and mind oh my god there’s so much iron down here place why do i hear a zombie this is underwater i should be safe it’s working that’s what you thought oh my god there’s so much iron

I was like owning caves when i could just swim mine this iron all right and then we’re gonna break this door and we swim we swim out of here go go go go go swim to freedom swim i can’t make the swimming motion but it’s okay

We have our control oh wait no no no okay all right that was close that was close but we just got a ton of iron out of that that was awesome what if there’s more you must go deeper oh my god why is every why is every cave awesome here all

Right 15 iron all right all right now we’re rich and we row we row all right this is ill-advised i’m going to fight the fish this is easy food said no one ever it is probably the hardest thing to hit okay this time though dead dead

Dead all right see see that’s never mind all right finding some chickens sheep this is our lucky sheep right here yeah the pink sheep i knew it was still alive All right i killed your family it wasn’t me it was another pig man i swear arrows all that work and we got 20 arrows all right that’s fine that’s fine check this out this is how you aim in vr use the left eye all right

And now we just gotta get really good at this pink sheep pink shape you gotta fire it sideways like one of the cool you know anime people hey check this out i don’t know how an anime person fires a bow i’m gonna hit the crafting table

I missed you get the aim slightly higher y’all pink sheep you weren’t you weren’t even looking all right you know screw the sheep screw the sheep i don’t care we’re getting our arrows back all right they took it took too much work to craft gonna get

Over to this nice little safe island and we’re going to build a nice little shack for ourselves actually there’s an abandoned ship right here don’t mind if i do what kind of islands are these that have red trees got a hat we got wheat we got gun powder

We can start a potato farm we’re gonna make ourselves a home we’re just gonna just gonna go like this oh my god i’m just such an architect i’m such an architect 11 more blocks oh our home is finally complete and it cost 500 000 in california this is a good chance

To farm all these resources i have real estate facts right there and we can make chicken and everything’s working out all right my hat my hat oh look look at me look i’m beautiful i’m oh my god oh i’m such i’m such a perfect handsome boy all right well we got 15 iron

And some steak all right we got a decent amount of food here what are we making with the iron well first i need a shirt all right gotta get the chest plate so i don’t get owned by the first monster honestly i kind of want to make pants but you know

You need an iron pickaxe that is a necessity diamonds and we got four left i should probably make an axe except i can’t because i’m out of i’m out of wood that’s awkward wait wait we got fuel and iron axe all right we’re just gonna we’re just gonna lie down

Not on the bed lie down on the floor over here all right good night everyone i’m going to end the episode here good night technology all enjoyed and i’ll see you guys next time Bro it is it’s so good to see techno back oh i am actually so happy to see that he’s doing better and that that arm is doing better ah that’s that’s awesome to see also little villager part that was in the cave that was wholesome unfortunately wholesome always ends with a little bit

Of bloodshed but i mean it’s gotta it’s gotta happen sometimes you can’t be happy all the time i mean if you’re happy all the time then i i i genuinely don’t know where i’m gonna go with this so i’m just gonna go to my actual video thoughts honestly minecraft vr

Could be a very good form of therapy for techno’s arm just saying doctors if you’re gonna start you know sending people therapy for their arms you should really just prescribe them something like an oculus or an htc headset and give them you know a downloaded version of minecraft vr

With like the mods and everything and just let them play that i guarantee your patients would have a lot more fun if you just let them do that instead of silly arm motions i mean you’re doing silly arm motions in vr but you know you’re actually doing something in vr

You know i also do love how immediately as i was like yeah you know fish are some of the hardest things to hit in minecraft techno then proceeds to immediately prove me wrong in every single shape and form of hey i’m just gonna hit all four of these fish back to back with

No issues thank you techno you’d really had to show me up like that anyway though i’ll leave the video there so if you guys did like today’s video going down and leave the video a like and a comment down below also you know just if you want to check

Anything else out in the description it’s all it’s all down there so feel free to since we’re ending the video now and you can go check out other stuff anyway though i want to thank you all so much for watching today’s video and i’ll catch you on the next one peace You

This video, titled ‘Watching Technoblade The Minecraft VR Experience – REACTION’, was uploaded by ItsVideo on 2022-04-03 14:00:12. It has garnered 1469 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:41 or 1421 seconds.

Welcome everyone to todays reaction where I am Watching Technoblade’s new video The Minecraft VR Experience.

I originally meant to check Technoblade’s older VR playthrough at some point and as you can see by checking the channel I never got around to that but here we are like 2 years late finally joining the VR Minecraft adventure.


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#ItsVideo #Technoblade dream smp reaction, mcyt, mcyt reaction, reaction to The Minecraft VR Experience, Technoblade Clips, Dream SMP Reaction, Technoblade, survival, philza, Minecraft funny, modded Minecraft, Minecraft mod, vivecraft, Technoblade The Minecraft VR Experience reaction, reaction to Technoblade

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    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) ยท Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi โ„— 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkฤฑnda; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yฤฑlฤฑnda kurulmuลŸ olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eลŸsiz deneyimler sunmaktadฤฑr.Yรถnetici ekibimiz yฤฑllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde รงalฤฑลŸmฤฑลŸ olup รงalฤฑลŸmalarฤฑnฤฑ bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncularฤฑn Minecraft dรผnyasฤฑnda daha neler yapabildiklerini gรถstermektir. Yรถnetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kiลŸi olmakla beraber gece gรผndรผz oyuncularฤฑmฤฑzฤฑn neler daha fazla dikkatini รงekeceฤŸi รผzerine รงalฤฑลŸmaktadฤฑr Ekibimizi kฤฑsaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazฤฑlฤฑmcฤฑlar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda gรผzel vakitler geรงirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing ๐Ÿ˜€ Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ™

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

Watching Technoblade The Minecraft VR Experience – REACTION