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And there guys what do you think of our new house Ruby what is this why is the roof so pointy it looks cool no it does not it looks like a weird tower looking thing hold up does the inside look good at least wait why are there Vines

Everywhere wait what’s with all the saplings what do you mean we need some plants in here of course yeah but not this many the plants are taking up more space than the beds looks like a whole jungle in here you got mad Greenery and wait guys I just realized we have

Neighbors we should go introduce ourselves to them oh yeah good idea I heard it’s a family living there wait a second why does their house look so old and Abandoned and wait yeah Ruby are you sure someone lives there well only one way to find out right all right knock

Knock anyone home it’s your new neighbors uh hello is anyone there H that’s strange so no one’s answering the door well I mean maybe there’s no one actually living here look the windows are shattered we can just go straight through the wait wait wait I don’t think

That’s a good idea that’s breaking in no it’s fine there probably isn’t anyone living here Cam’s probably right the owner’s probably just left and yeah but what if they didn’t it guys come on we can’t just break into this random person’s house oh D come on don’t be a

Baby yeah and plus look at how abandoned this place is there’s can’t be no one living here and ew their food and ew what the is this rod and Cake there’s a mushroom growing out of this one Ruby look it’s your favorite food what do you mean that’s my favorite food this place

Is gross let’s see if there’s anything upstairs and oh gosh wa you guys really want to go to the upstairs guys we are so breaking in right now we are going to get in so much trouble if we get caught hello anyone home it’s not really

Breaking in if no one lives here yeah but we don’t know that what if someone does live here we’re just exploring you know just classify it as that and oh my gosh okay well it looks like there’s a door over here is there anyone here and

This looks like a bedroom yo old people bed I’m going to jump on it oh guys look at these Vines I’m going to take these babies home and wait what do you really need more Vines yes okay okay let’s go and all right yeah finally let’s just

Get out of here now that you got your Vines and you guys have finished exploring the house let’s just go back to our house come on you guys can’t be done yet we haven’t explored it all there has to be something here cam we can come back later what if you know the

House crumbles later it is very old and no guys come on let’s just just get out of here this house is so sketchy and probably dangerous and not safe and yeah come on let’s just go back to our house just give me one second I need to grab

This skull before we leave and uh guys what is that and wait what’s what there’s a trap door here and wait what a trap door and oh wait it looks like there’s another floor to the house wait guys this looks like a basement it’s kind of sketchy looking um this is kind

Of scary yeah that’s why we should go explore it come on and no come on Kim Let’s go back I don’t want to go in the basement of some random house and uh wait what is that run get out go go go get why did you yell now they know we’re

Here what is that run what was that and oh my gosh guys I think that’s weird strict mom I guys I knew it there was people living there what do we do they’re going to come attack us oh my gosh oh my gosh this is really bad guys we have to break this

House and move somewhere move I don’t want to move we just moved here well yeah but this house doesn’t even look good anyways come on guys let’s just break it down we have to move somewhere far away from here we got to get out of this neighborhood dash dash stop instead

Of breaking it why don’t we just upgrade the house and wait upgrade the house I guess we could do that but we’re going to have to make a lot of upgrades this house is uh not good enough to stop those guys yeah I think the first

Upgrade we need to do is definitely get rid of all these plants yeah we got to clean all this stuff up this is actually horrible why are there vines on our walls I still don’t get that no stop don’t worry once we finish upgrading we’ll make a greenhouse so you can put

All your plants in there we better okay so what do we do first okay well first let’s just clean up the inside because there is just a lot of mess everywhere so there we go and now we got to build some actual defenses to stop those guys

So uh hm what could we do wait guys what if we build like a fence around the entire house out of iron bars that way they’re not going to be able to get over it oh yeah that actually sounds pretty good what do we make the fence out of

Well here let me just grab some iron bars and wait guys why don’t we use reinforced iron bars and then we can just like make an entire walk going around the entire house and we got to make sure to make it like super tall so

That they can’t just jump over it o I think that’ll look scary too so maybe they just won’t come over oh yeah and this is unbreakable so they can’t even break in yep it’s going to be super tough to get through this and wait a minute guys if they try climbing over

The wall we can grab some of these cobwebs and just place them over here on top so that they can’t even climb over it is going to be so op uh yeah but don’t you think we’re kind of making this look like a prison and yeah yeah

Prisons are super safe and secure so if our house looks like a prison then that means our house is going to be super safe and secure that’s what we need right well I don’t think prisons are built to keep you know people out they’re built to keep people in what

Same thing well we’re definitely going to have to upgrade these cobwebs or something cuz look you could break these with your sword what about some reinforced cobwebs wait what reinforced cobweb that’s a thing wa what the Yeah now this is starting to look like a

Prison okay okay I guess we can use some of these reinforced cobwebs here I guess let’s just go and have these go all the way around the house it’s actually looking s and here guys what we can also do is grab a wand so let me just run the

Command SL SL one boom and then we can just select this side of the wall look this way and then run the command SL SL stack boom there we go instant wall and here guys we can just use this to like really quickly build a wall around our

House that looks awesome I’ll do this side all right right sounds good here I’m going to do this side over here and wao okay we’re making this side go really long let’s just extend this a little bit there we go and okay I think this should be far enough let’s just

Have it go over here and there we go the wall is pretty much complete hold on we got to cut off these excess bits yeah this wall looks nice but we’re going to need some offense or something plus they could just dig under it h yeah true

You’re right we need to stop them from even getting close to the wall what could we build wait guys what if we build an automatic arrow shooter with like dispensers and stuff ooh that sounds good but where are we going to build bu it over here and uh we can’t

Build it on top of the wall because then they can just like go inside of the dispensers and take out all of the arrows what if we build it on top of the roof yeah this could work are you sure the arrows are going to reach all the

Way out here and yeah yeah it should work dispensers are pretty strong but the first we’re probably going to have to get rid of this like uh tilted roof cuz I don’t think we can really fit dispensers on here let’s just break all of this what I love my roof yeah no this

Roof is very uh not it and yeah I don’t know why you made it so pointy Ruby it was fancy see it literally looks like a weird skyscraper looking thing but here let me just set all of this to Air Boom there we go and all right what I was

Thinking is we can grab some dispensers and we can just have a bunch of dispensers on our roof just like this and hold on we should probably test this out let’s see if the arrows can actually go far enough I was thinking a bit taller than that and oh wait you wanted

To build it up there um well here let’s test out down here to see if this works let me just grab a lever and let’s try this out here we go and okay yeah we’re definitely going to have to move it a bit up yeah I think cam is right all

Right well what we could do is just put all of our dispensers right over here like this and then let’s fill up these with arrows and here let’s test out will this go far enough and yes okay that works perfectly it goes right in front of the wall yeah that’s the perfect

Distance but wait instead of just regular arrows why don’t we step it up a notch and do some fire arrows whoa fire arrows okay wait that actually could be a really cool idea here what we could do is just like uh have some lava buckets and have those go right over here in

Front of the droppers like that oh wait actually hold on I need to have them go over here like that there we go and then oh gosh oh gosh guys we need to build like a little collection system down here oh no it’s going to burn the house

Guys guys guys quick come on we have to build like a little gutter down here wo wo wo wo dude what the heck you’re burning everything come on come on come on wait hold on can I use sponges on lava come on come on this has to work in

No you can’t use sponges on lava oh gosh I got it I got it I got it come on come on and oh wait did you use a sponge on the lava there no I drank it what the uh okay but uh anyways here I think what we

Should do is build a little gutter area for the lava first and then put the lava I think that’d be a better idea that was what I was doing before you got all trigger finger and started placing lava down dude I wanted to see what it would

Look like but I it’s fine you know the house didn’t burned down we’re all good so here now that we got this little gutter area here let’s just extend the walls a little bit just to make sure that none of the lava flows out and okay

I think this should be good uh let’s just put another block there and here in the corners wa wait wait wait wait wait are you putting the lava down there put it up top so it covers the dispensers and makes it look cool we can just put

It down here this works fine yeah but it doesn’t look as cool and plus it overflows just like that oh oh wait it’s spilling wait can you drink the lava again yeah there we go Dash you have to stop doing that you’re out of control okay okay okay F fine I’ll be more

Careful here we can put all of the lava down over here and this should work right and yes let’s go the lava isn’t spilling and now we have to test this out let’s see are there any arrows in here yep there is let’s try activating this dispenser here we go yo check it

Out look we got a fire arrow right over here in front of the wall this is actually perfect that’s awesome but that’s only one Arrow oh yeah that’s an easy fix we just got to put some Redstone back here and then we should make a switch where if we flick it it

Could toggle on and on and then it like you know it just goes in a circle like loops and this has a bunch of arrows and it’s very complicated cam Slow Down slow down I don’t get it and wait wait no hold on hold on I think I get what he

Means okay what we need to do is grab some repeaters and some Redstone and let’s just put these repeaters and Redstone all across over here let’s extend this platform over here a little bit and pretty much what we need to do is just to connect all of these

Dispensers up with some Redstone and then right over here we can build a little Redstone timer so let let’s just have this thingy going like that and then we can activate this boom and look at that now we have like an infinite Redstone signal where if we connect it

To the dispensers it’s just going to keep rapid firing them let’s go check it out oh I actually do get it and we can make it toggleable just by doing something like this and there we go and O all right all right is looking nice

Now all we have to do to turn it on is just activate this piston over here and boom it is all activated but here what we should do next is just fill up all of these dispensers with some arrows and wait guys instead of using normal arrows

Why don’t we use some poison arrows hold on hold on wait can we get poison arrows and yes we can it’s going to be op because whoever it hits gets poisoned and lit on fire so it’s going to be like double the damage that weird family is

Not going anywhere near us poison arrows rookie check this out wait wait hold on what in the world is this Arrow of thundering wait wait wait does this strike lightning uh yeah of course it does wait Dash you should test it out wait wait wait hold on hold on yeah we

Have to test that out okay uh cam try activating it I’m going to try spting some pigs over here let’s see if this actually works oh yeah give me one second I got to fill up all the dispens so this looks awesome and okay okay here

I’ll spawn in a bunch of pigs over here so you have a lot of targets and whenever you’re ready flick the lever and it just starts striking lightning on all of the pigs I’m going to get some fried pork after this let’s go all right

3 2 1 here they come and here we go W what the oh my gosh wait it just turned all of the pigs into zombie pigman I forgot that lightning does that but wao that is op oh my gosh look at this too and it even put fire on the ground cuz

Of the lightning this looks awesome oh my gosh okay this is the ultimate arrow shooting machine right over here but what we need to do now is make it so that we can actually activate it from inside of the house so here’s what I was thinking we could grab some Redstone

Torches and a lever and then we can put down a redstone torch over here and here what we need to do is just have like a stack of redstone torches going like this all the way down to the house and pretty much what this will do is make it

So that whenever we flick this lever over here it’ll let us control this piston up here so yeah we just have to make this redstone torch stack go all the way down to the house um wait you guys are doing this right in the middle of the house

And yeah I mean it’s not that big of a deal it’s just like a little switch uh it’s right next to your guys’ bed and not mine so that’s pretty cool I don’t want a weapon switch right next to my bed well what do you mean you could be

Lazy you could just sit in bed then flip the lever and then you’re you know defended yeah yeah exactly it’s even better than like if it was on the other side of the room yeah I guess it’s a good thing in case I’m asleep when they

Get here and yeah yeah exactly so here what we can do now is just put down this lever right over here and now when we flick this lever it should start shooting the arrows uh wait hold on why isn’t it working I need to check something oh cuz I broke the block cuz

It was loud oh oh fair enough but now if we put this block back over here and then go down over here and flick this lever it should start shooting the arrows in here we go let’s go that is actually so awesome oh my gosh it’s a

Waterfall of arrows wa yeah that is crazy but here we should probably turn it off for now we don’t want to waste all of our arrows but anyways actually this gives me another idea what I was thinking is why don’t we build three more of these machines pointing at each

Direction of our house so that all sides of our house are defended wait that’s such a good idea that’s an excellent idea and we can just copy and paste this on all the sides and yep exactly that’s what I was thinking here we can select

This so let me go in this corner over here and select position one boom and then let me go in this corner and select position two just like that and here now let me go up in the middle over here and run the command SL SL copy and then

Let’s go over here on the other side and run the command SL SL rotate and then SL SL paste and boom there we go we’ve got a duplicate of the machine right over here and here now I need to build one on this side and that side as well so here

I’ll do this let me just slash slash rotate this again and then me SL SL paste boom there we go although oh wait hold on this one’s facing the wrong way let me undo that this one needs to go over here and then I need to rotate that

One more time and then put the last one right over here there we go now we have one pointing at each direction of the house is actually looking crazy yep and we could just put repeaters here so this all works in one lever this is going to

Be insane wait that’s crazy yeah let’s just connect all of these up together really quick uh I think this one should be connected actually hold on I think we have to make it connect in the middle so like this uh there we go I think this

Should work better and wait hold on is this one over here connected they all should be connected right about now there we go and okay okay awesome well here now let me go down over here and flick the lever in here let’s see Moment

Of Truth is it going to work here we go oh my gosh that is working so perfectly although although guys there is a lot of arrows hold on it’s getting kind of laggy we should probably go turn this off yeah don’t waste all of our arrows

Oh my gosh it’s so laggy oh my gosh and yeah that was very op but wait hold on how many arrows do we have left and oh wait we still got plenty okay we should have plenty for if the weird strict family tries to invade into our house

Anyways now that we got these Arrow Shooters done what do we need to build next cuz like what if they’re wearing helmets and then the arrows just like bounce on their helmets and then like deflect off and like Ricochet I don’t think that would happen but you’re right

We should build something else what about something with TNT and ooh wait a minute that could actually be pretty cool but uh what with TNT let me see what what could we build and wait guys I may have just gotten a really good idea what if we build up a flying machine

That just like flies over their house and shoots TNT everywhere we should do that that actually sounds incredible oh hold on I’m making the platform right now awesome let’s go okay yeah we should build it up up here again uh because we have a lot of space up here this could

Be like our defenses area and here let me grab some stairs and here let’s just build the TNT launching flying machine missile things up over here so we can like have a little platform over here above all of the arrow Shooters so let’s just have a little platform going up

Like this looking good let’s make this area a little bit bigger as well already on and there we go oh nice nice nice but here let’s clear out this area for the staircase and all right here we can build the the flying machines that drop

TNT so uh uh anyone know how to build a flying machine no I don’t know how to do that you’re the Redstone guy I just know how to build uh okay I guess I could do it I’m pretty sure what we need are some slime blocks uh some Pistons we’re

Definitely going to need some TNT some observers definitely and I think we also need some mine carts and rails let me try this out all right well you build it and then I’ll watch and then try and replicate it uh okay okay yeah here I’ll

Build one over here and then you guys uh copy me you guys build like two more over there uh I’ll build mine in this corner over here all right I’ll watch you first and okay I’m pretty sure the first thing we have to do is like build

A slime block thingy like this okay and then I’m pretty sure we have to put these rails over here like that and then we also have to put some slime blocks down over here like this uh just like in this shap make sure to copy this exact

Shade okay okay or actually hold on we have to adjust this a little bit like that and then we need some more slime blocks over here do you understand what he’s doing cam I I’m I’m I’m absolutely cluess and no guys guys trust me it’s going to work

I’m I’m pretty sure the hopefully and then what we need to do is put this mine cart down over here and then we have to put our TNT down over here and okay now the machine is primed all we have to do is like put down the Pistons and stuff

Wait wouldn’t this uh blow up the under here first whenever it starts oh wait a second actually yeah you’re right we might want to move this out wait where should we move it to um let’s just move it in front of the wall so it doesn’t

Hit the house and oh yeah I guess we can do that here let me grab a wand and let me just select all of this boom and then here I’m just going to slash slash move uh like 30 or there we go is this far enough and oh yeah okay that should

Definitely be far enough oh awesome the mine cart got left behind and oh yeah hold on wait I need to repair some of this stuff let me put the mine cart back over there boom all right and now we can continue at building this here we should

Probably extend the platform as well let me select the platform like this and let me run the command SL SL stack 30 and okay there we go now the platform is uh far enough oh yeah we can use this platform for like maintenance and launching and yep but anyways the next

Thing we need to do is put down an observer over here like this and okay there we go I think everything is working oh wait this is looking pretty cool yep the next thing we need to do is put a sticky piston over here and then a

Slime block and then an observer over here and then we have to put a sticky piston down over here like this hold on wait let me move this over here there we go I’m so clueless right now but anyways it should be done as soon as we put a

Block in front of this Observer over here it should start heading forward and just like duplicating the TNT up should we test it out um yeah I think we should and all right well here all we have to do is just put a block over here and

Check it out it is duplicating the TNT oh gosh guys it is heading right for their house wait this looks awesome but wait we can’t they can’t know that we’re attacking them yet and oh gosh oh gosh yeah we should probably stop this we don’t want to anger them too early oh

Yeah this thing looks crazy but uh I think we should just have one this looks so complicated yeah it’s not sitting in my brain and okay yeah I guess we can only have one of these machines but here if we’re only going to have one we should probably move this uh platform

Thing to the middle so let me just select this and then run the command SL SL move like that boom there we go that’s about in the middle yeah that’s close enough and here I’ll just build another one over here really quick all right should I um destroy the evidence

Over here and oh oh yeah I definitely destroy that we do not want weird strict family up seeing that and getting mad at us too early but here let me just finish uh building this one over here and boom there we go all right the TNT duper is

Complete as soon as we place a block next to this Observer it should start going so here let me place a little staircase down over here for us whenever we want to activate it so just like this there we go yeah that should be good and

Boom there we go that is the TNT duper yeah this thing’s pretty nice but uh we need something else and yeah you’re right we still need more stuff hm anyone got any ideas oh what if we do archery towers and wait archery Towers could be really good we could have one in each

Corner of our base oh yeah uh I definitely want an archery tower on this side and okay okay I’m building mine over here in this side I guess I can do the back but can we connect them later and oh yeah yeah we can connect all them

It should look super cool but here what we need to do is grab some blocks to build it out of I’m going to build mine out of some purple concrete this should be pretty sick and here I’m just going to build mine uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight

Blocks uh by eight blocks yeah it’s going to be pretty big well I’m going to make mine circular and it’s going to go all the way up to the heaven and whoa wait you’re making your circular okay that looks pretty crazy I’m just going to make mine a square so here let me

Just slash slash stack it up really quick I’m going to make it a 30 blocks tall yeah there we go that should be pretty tall wo this thing looks huge 30 blocks tall I’ll make mine that tall too awesome awesome in here let me grab some

Slabs over here for the top and H wait there’s some purple slabs I’m going to use these these things look pretty crazy in here I’m just going to put these down all over the floor over here like this and oh gosh wait it’s going to take like

A year to get up to the top of this archery Tower if we’re just using a ladder yeah that’s true wait instead of using like ladders and you know stairs we make it more fun and we use uh slime block launchers wait slime block launchers okay wait that actually could

Be a really good idea I guess let me grab some parts from the TNT duber really quick and here let me test this out is is this going to work here let me just put down a piston over here and a lever and a slime block and all right

Let’s see is this going to work is this going to be able to launch us over oh H okay that kind of works but it didn’t really launch us high enough hang on I want to see what it looks like too so I can build it and yeah yeah look we can

Give ourselves like a little boost but that’s not going to be high enough to get to the top of the tower yeah this is nowhere near enough what about like a chain of them that just bounces us all the way up to the top wait a minute that

Could be good uh let me grab some pressure plates maybe we can do it like where when you land on one it’ll activate the next one yeah it’s just going to like keep going on an infinite Loop so here let’s just have these go like this there we go and then we can

Have a pressure plate over there oh wait wait actually what we have to do is move the pressure plate up one block since the Slime Block’s going to be here and oh we should probably replace the purple concrete with some obsidian so that it doesn’t move wait wait wait wait wait

You got to do that over here too and oh oh yeah yeah you’re right we have to make all these blocks obsidian all right but here yeah let’s try this out try jumping on that and let’s see is this going to work and oh no that didn’t work

Uh I think we need some Redstone right here let’s see if this works and oh yeah yeah let’s see that and wait okay that worked pretty good uh the idea’s got some potential let’s try this again here let me give this a go let me just try

Landing here and yo did you see that that worked perfectly although I’m pretty sure this is not going to be faster than a ladder it’s pretty hard to get right and H yeah you’re right okay well what are we going to do we can’t just have a ladder cuz then it’s going

To take us like a year to get up wait guys why don’t we use some fans and wait fans wait a minute can we use these to like blow ourselves up to the top of the tower hold on hold let me try this out and whoa wait this looks sick okay okay

This has some potential it doesn’t really boost you that high but hold on what we could do is grab a fan and then we can just put another one over here like this and let me just power this one and look look now you can go like from

One fan to the next fan and wao okay wait this could actually work wait these are so cool yeah let’s move it a bit higher though so it like actually like works good and yeah look wait what we can do is just have like a row of fans

Going like this and I’m pretty sure this should work we can just like go on the first fan and that’ll boost us up here and then that’ll boost us up here to the next F okay yeah this should work perfectly all right well I’m going to

Grab these and I’m going to head over back to my tower and put them up me too bye all right all right sounds good here I’m just going to finish putting all of my fans down over here like this and okay I think this should work let me

Give this a go in fact let me move this fan a little bit lower so I can just like walk onto the floor and boom there we go check out it’s like an elevator that only goes up that’s actually pretty sick yeah this is sick I just finished

Mine on my tower let’s go but anyways now that we actually have a way to get up on the towers we got to put down our weapons and stuff because that’s like what an archery Tower is all about so here let me grab a chest and let’s see

What type of bows are there and whoa okay there’s a lot of Bows Oh Emerald bow what the wait what’s the best type of bow that we can use and wait hold on Ruby there’s one like specifically made for you it’s called the Ruby lucky bow

Wait that sounds perfect for me and wao wait there’s so many lucky bows there’s like the normal lucky bow the chroma lucky bow okay hold on hold I want to test out all of these let me go over here and test out the chroma lucky bow

Let’s see how much damage does this do let me spawn in a pig all right Mr Pig you’re going to be here for testing purposes and all right let’s see how much damage does the from a lucky bow do and wait what it didn’t even shoot an

Arrow there what is this bow broken or something maybe you need to get arrows uh wait what no it’s working now and I don’t have any arrows in my inventory hold on let me try this one more time and what does the bow just not like pigs

Oh there we go now it worked although wait what the the arrow just deflected from the pig okay this bow is kind of bad uh let me try the normal lucky bow let’s see if this is any better let me spawn in a pig and here we go and okay

This one’s the waa wait it just shot a fireball wao I’m using this it’s yellow as well it’s totally my bow I’m pretty sure the lucky bow does like a random drop each time and waa wait uh it just what in the world happened it spawned in

A Charged Creeper and it also Struck it with lightning and turned the pig into a zombie pig what in the world was that I don’t know there was a lot of words from you just now hold on I want to see what other abilities this bow has this bow

Has been pretty crazy so far let me just keep shooting it on this pig over here come on it oh that’s another Fireball and whoa cob okay I think that’s enough testing I’m definitely going to put this bow in my chest well I’m going to add a

Little bit of decoration to my tower and make it look pretty nice and all right all right sounds good here I’m just going to have all my bows and arrows in there looking good and all right I think my Archer Tower should be done who wait

Ruby I think you took your fans a little bit too high a little bit too high but hey it’s it’s working and yeah this looks like it’s working pretty well and look you can like kind of even get down from here as well let’s go well I was

Thinking that I could put down an anvil and use it with the gravity gun and wait what wao the gravity gun uh okay that’s interesting and wait are you going to use that to like hit the weird strict family well I could just launch it like

This and waa okay that’s got to hurt yeah wait how much do those things weigh I don’t know but I think it weighs enough to hurt and uh yeah definitely okay well you got your Anvil Cannon area over here I got my lucky bow thingy over here and whoa what the cam You’re

Building like a whole wizard tower here what the yeah check it out I’m a wizard boy whoa what the you got like a whole staff and everything yeah check it out wa what the oh my gosh okay well you got your Wizard Tower and I guess I’m the

Only normal Archer over here but anyways I think the Archer towers are done this looks sick wait are you kidding me yours is done I feel like you need to add a little bit more of Decor to it what who needs Decor as long as it’s functional

And I can stand up here and shoot the Weir strict family with my bow then it’s good enough yeah Kim as long as it works it doesn’t need to look good look at my anvils they look fine who wait okay yeah you just have like a whole stockpile of

Anvils over here okay well I guess since the Archer towers are done and and The Wizard Tower what do we need to build next well if we’re going to be in the Archer Towers we’re going to need something to protect us down here and hm yeah you’re right you’re right we have a

Lot of open space down here where the Weir strict family can just like throw an ender pearl across the wall or something and get in so wait guys what if we hire some guards uh hire I don’t have any cash he means build silly oh how are we supposed to build people no

No I didn’t mean build guys I I meant I meant spawn them in what we can do is uh go into the spawn egg category and wait what if we spawn in uh let’s see let’s see what type of guards can respawn o what about a polar bear I want to have a

Polar bear guard I don’t think they’re that good as guards he’s too cute and cuddly we can’t make him fight the strict family hey guys look check it out I picked him up a he’s so cute how are you holding that that’s got to be heavy

I don’t know what to tell you I’m just really buff but hm yeah well if we can’t use a polar bear then do you guys have any better ideas wait guys what about a Snowman and oh wait A Snowman could work wait hold on we need to test out how

Much damage this guy does let me grab a zombie spawn egg really quick and all right Mr snowman we got to put you to the here uh try fighting this guy and oh the wait hold on the zombie villag is on fire okay this isn’t really a fair fight

But uh wait is the snow golem even doing any damage to it I I think it’s just burning yeah wait it’s not even burning anymore now that it’s under the sun oh oh there we go then now they’re fighting and oh oh all right well here let’s see

Who wins this is a very slow fight and yeah wait I don’t think the snow golem does a lot of damage I come on Snow Golem you want to you want to pick up the pace you know maybe throw some frozen ice balls I think that could do

More damage is there any way we can upgrade him to make him better and oh my gosh this taking an awfully long time and what the snow golem just lost what the heck are you serious is there nothing stronger than that hold on there’s got to be some other defense

That we could use stronger than that let me search snow and wait a minute guys what about a mutant snow golem hold on hold hold on let me try spawning this guy in waa check it out this guy looks so much better than the old one will he

Protect us won’t he just fight us no no no no no I’m pretty sure he’s friendly here let me try spawning in a zombie villager I’m just going to spawn him in over here and check it out he’s going in for the fight waa he just threw a whole

Ice block at him W he’s so strong oh my gosh he just three shoted him that was a lot quicker than the last snow go three shots for a zombie is kind of bad and who knows how much health a weird strict family has yeah that is a good point but

I guess what we could do is just like spawn in a bunch of them you know once we have enough all of their damage combined should add up to like a lot of damage wait this area looks like a winter wonderland and yeah cuz of all

This snow you know what hold on maybe we just wanted a few more polar bears maybe these guys could come in clutch later yeah they could boost our Army’s morale yeah exactly all right now let’s see how fast they can take out one of these zombie villagers I’m just going to Spa

One right over here here we go wa wait they’re all King up oh my my gosh wait that’s so cool that was like a one shot since they all threw their ice balls at once oh yeah that way if anyone gets in here they just get destroyed yep and

What the who put a Christmas tree here I did isn’t it cute I guess so who what the did you just like steal half of it I stole it stop stealing Christmas he’s like the Grinch and what the okay uh well anyways now that we have these

Guards here what do we need to build next hm let’s see we’ve got a lot of defenses and like attacks on the inside of our base but we don’t really have anything on the outside they can kind of just like walk in I think we should

Build some stuff around our base to make sure that they can’t even like get in O like another wall and hm another wall could work but that’s kind of just like slowing them down we need to build something that could like actually stop them maybe something in the ground then

Instead of on the ground like a pit sorry I was at the top and wait what a pit hold on that could work we could have like a pit filled with uh filled with what what could we fill it with um goo wait goo what type of goo wait guys what about

Acid what that just spell on the floor like that a wait gave me a penetration what is that I have no clue but that cannot be good let’s just get rid of that wait hold Let’s test it out on a zombie can you uh pour some in this hole

Over here let’s see yes I’ll put that right here right here and here and all right all right let’s see how much damage this does and oh okay wait that looks like it’s doing pretty good let’s see how quickly it takes it out and whoa okay it’s doing kind of good it looks

Like the zombie can’t escape for some reason oh look and it took it out and yeah that was all right it was kind of slow though hold on let’s see are there any other types of liquids that we could use in wait hold on what is this one

It’s called Char acid it says refined acid hold on wait we should test out this one o okay just drain this and then put the other one in yeah wait maybe this one does more damage or something and waa okay this one certainly looks up scarier I guess let’s try dropping

Another zombie in here here we go and okay it’s still kind of slow let’s see is it is it any faster come on zombie no yeah they still pretty slow yeah but it did go faster well what about something like a better color like MOG lava look

At this MOG lava what in the world is that I have no clue but we’re going to find out and I seen that it’s yellow so that’s not yellow look at this bucket that’s literally yellow and oh wait I guess the bucket kind of scammed you the

Liquid is kind of like orange but here let’s try putting in a zombie here we go and okay this kind of slow oh wait actually no it’s not that was pretty fast you think we can mix some and wait wait wait that’s actually a good idea

Hold on let me try pouring some of the acid over here oh the wait okay it looks like it combines into Granite that’s so weird yeah I think it’s better if we just do the MOG lafa and yeah okay well the first thing we need to do is

Actually clear out a pit so let me grab a wand really quick in here we can just clear it out like really close to our house so let me just select this position and let me go all the way over here in this corner and let me set this

To Air Boom there we go and H okay this is a pretty wide pit yeah now you just got to make it deeper yep so here let me just slash slash stack this out 30 times boom there we go I think that should be deep enough and now we just got to put

All of that MOG lava stuff at the bottom oh yeah no problem it said it’s like water so we could just like do some of like this and oh yeah there it goes oh yeah okay perfect it like combines and spread super easily perfect perfect let’s go they’re never going to see this

Coming yep but wait a minute hold on yeah they are they can literally look through the pit what are you talking about oh wait how are we supposed to make this a surprise and hold on that’s a good point actually wait I’m pretty sure there’s something we could use

There’s this one item called the grass covering and pretty much we can just like put it over here and it just looks like normal grass but if you walk over it you fall right through it is pretty awesome wao it’s super cool let’s put this down real fast yeah yeah here let’s

Just put this down all the way around the entire pit we got to make sure to cover all of it so here let’s just have like an entire row of it going like this and let me select this position and then let me select this position and then let

Me run the command SL SL stack uh four there we go and all right perfect I think it should all be covered up with some of this grass covering stuff let’s go wao it’s so hidden yeah how are we supposed to tell what’s what and oh wait

Yeah that’s a good point we could accidentally fall inside of the Trap I don’t even know where it is oh wait there it is hold on okay yeah we’re definitely going to need some sort of way for us to tell which one’s fake and which one’s real and oh wait a minute we

Could use both or wait we could just Crouch like I’m on it right now wait what you don’t fall through if you’re crouching and whoa okay that’s good to know well don’t jump on it I need to test it out and okay it looks like it’s

Holding up pretty well so far it hasn’t fallen through but yeah we can just leave that there and then yeah we can also put like some bone meal around it just so that we know where the Trap actually is dude these plants look so good they’re tactical not for decoration

All right all right well anyways now that we got the pit done I feel like there’s still a few more things we could do outside over here I was thinking what if we set up some TNT traps so what we could do is grab a pressure plate plate

And a little bit of TNT and we can just go all the way around the area near our house and just put down some TNT and a grass blong on top of it and a pressure plate so whenever the weird St family walked over it you already know what’s

Going to happen yeah that is really obvious if I saw a random pressure plate I would not step on it and okay well do you guys have any better ideas yeah what about some secret mines check it out wait secret mines hold on let me check

This out that’s just a grass block waa wait okay that is not just a grass block it is a dirt M wait uh wait Ruby try stepping on that wait step on where I don’t see anything uh uh yeah yeah just this grass block over here wait what is

It not working what out did he just shoot it with an arrow what was that for uh testing purposes don’t worry about it but uh anyways I guess now that we know that it works we should just put a bunch of these all around like our the house

Our house oh what about theirs do you think that we can do that without getting caught oh yeah sure we just got to go a little bit further out like right here is good I don’t think so I’m way too scared for that Dash what do you

Think and okay this going to be a bit risky I can’t I guess you can do that at Le leave that to you but I’m just going to put a bunch over here around our house and uh yeah you can do that well we’re just going to build like a whole

Line of them yeah they’re going to blow up to smin when they try and attack us okay okay we’ll see about that but here let me just continue putting all of these mines going all the way around this area we just got to have them over

Here and I think I can put a little bit more even let me just put them like a little bit closer together just like that and okay I think this should be enough mines yeah there we go oh wait we shouldn’t just have mines what if we

Have the cage traps and wait cage traps what are those well a cage trap is like a mine but when you walk over it you get put in a cage um Dash why don’t you walk over this oh I’m glad I didn’t walk over that but waa okay and wait I’m pretty sure

These walls are made out of the same stuff our walls are made out of yeah reinforced iron bars okay that means that’s going to be super hard to get out of yeah so we should just put a bunch of these down all right all right well here

Let me grab some of these cage traps and yeah let’s just put a bunch of these like next to the mines yeah that way we can cage them and then eat them for dinner no we’re not going to eat anyone that’s gross and okay I think that’s

Should be enough cage traps but hold on these cage traps are kind of sticking out compared to the dirt mines you know the dirt mines kind of just blend in with the floor but these ones are like obvious well what if we just cover it all of it with snow and waa okay

Actually we could do that okay yeah perfect yeah we can just cover it all with snow and since our house has a bunch of snow on it it’ll look like it it Blends right in all right so let’s do all of this I’m just going to put snow

All over the floor and yep let’s just put down a bunch of snow everywhere man it would have been helpful if we could get those Snow Golems to come help us out yeah but we can’t let them out of there they might blow up because of the

Min and oh oh yeah yeah you’re right you’re right that would be a little bit too risky but anyways let’s just continue putting down all of the snow I’m just going to keep like randomly putting it down on top of all of these cage traps here we go I think it looks

So pretty out here and yeah it looks really good we got like the Minefield and the cage trap field and yeah it looks awesome it’s like a cage trap field and a Minefield and a snowfield at the same time exactly hopefully no one tries to come make snow angels here cuz

That would not be good oh yeah I hope not yeah then they would turn into an angel yeah that doesn’t seem very fun but anyways now that we got the Minefield done let’s see what else do we need to build well we do have a bunch of

Defenses for our base and stuff but not much for ourselves we are just big saacks of meat after all and hm yeah you’re right that gives me an idea guys we should build an Armory room I think now is about a good time we do that and

Wait why is the Christmas tree inside of the house now I guess I got to keep one plant and all right all right well anyways H where should we build this Armory room at wait guys why don’t we build it on top of each one of our

Archery Towers there should be plenty of room up there oh about that and oh okay that’s not going to work all right well what if we build it up over here yeah this could be cool we can have it be over here with the fire arrow Shooters

Yeah oh and we can have the archery Towers connect to the center and oh yeah yeah exactly exactly that could be awesome all right well here I guess we should build the Armory area first so let me grab some armor stands wait wait wait we probably shouldn’t put it with

The Redstone up here we’ve got a perfectly flat area and oh oh yeah yeah we have like an entire flat area up here okay yeah let’s just build them up over here up I guess I’ll build my armor area right over here since this is like closest to my archery tower all right

Then I guess I’ll put mine towards the back I’m putting mine over here just because it’s right in the corner of my archery Tower awesome sounds good here I’m going to put mine right in the corner as well and anyways let’s see what type of armor should I grab there’s

A lot of different types oh I know exactly which one I’m going for uh this one is super awesome and wait which one are you going for and whoa wait this looks pretty cool wait what is this is like the gold lucky armor what yeah it’s

Called lucky armor and U check out the stats uh all right let me check it out and wa plus 100 armor okay this thing is very op yep and it gives me speed three strength and instant health check it out all right all right well here I got to

Find something just as cool is that so here let me see what are we working with here and wait a minute hold on what about the Delta armor whoa plus 80 Max Health Delta what does that mean can I see I don’t even know but it looks very

Op here I’m just going to put it on my armor stand over here and whoa check that out this looks crazy yeah it sounds like a combo of food and wait what how can I please get the Delta combo that doesn’t make any sense at all yeah wait what are you talking about

Okay uh here I guess let me also grab a chest for like my weapons and stuff so I’ll just put that chest down uh right over here and H wait wait hold on is there a Delta sword and uh guys I think I found something very op it’s called

The Delta sword Mark 2 it does 1,500 damage look at this thing it’s so thick what mine is chunkier and wa what the what sword did you get this is the amethyst Crystal Sword it’s pretty isn’t it that does look pretty sick by way how much attack damage does it do that’s all

That matters um well let’s see I think it does 14 attack damage and oh okay I I I think mine wins and whoa what is that is that a stick double sticks lightsabers what the how much sandwich do those do not that much but you all

Got two of them W okay yeah those lightsabers do look pretty cool but anyways I’mma put this inside of my chest over here and O Let’s see what other stuff can I shove in here whoa wait there’s a Delta bow this thing looks pretty cool I’ve already got my

Other bow up there the lucky bow but I guess I’ll grab this as well and let me also grab some a AR I’m just going to grab a bunch of this Delta stuff it looks pretty op and whoa what the Delta hoe what is that do uh it’s a hoe it’s

It’s meant for like farming and stuff but actually I’m not sure why I need this it does 50 attack damage though it’s for the Delta combo and here let me also shove some arrows in here and all right all right what else what else do I need and ooh wait what about some

Emerald apples Some Enchanted Emerald apples all right let me shove those inside of my gear chest as well there we go and what what was that it’s my fork and wa what that you can throw that around that is actually awesome whoa wait you got to be careful with that

Thing it’s like flying around everywhere yeah but isn’t it cool that is pretty sick but hold on I need to find something as cool as that let me see what what are we working with here oh wait hold on I think I found something cool what about the ice ball stuff wait

Cam this kind of like your thing earlier except instead of like yellow it’s it’s blue and it’s ice and wait waa look I can freeze you hey stop that but check this out wait waa what the he yo chill chill chill what are you doing I’ve been

Training with my wizard tower oh what the okay well anyways I’m going to shove this inside of my chest I’m just going to shove six of those in just in case they break and I still got a bunch of empty chest slots let’s see what else

Can I put in here oh what about some hamburgers and what the hamburgers I guess I can put those in I mean I am going to need some food so uh there we go my loot chest is done now I just got to build a bridge connecting my loot to

My Archer Tower so uh here let me do that now I’ll build out some of this purple concrete and here let me just connect this going all the way like this there we go I should probably build like a little bridge to connect it over to

The fence so that I can actually get up to the top of the archer tower there we go and yeah okay I think this bridge should look pretty good I don’t need to make like a huge fancy one like you Kim you call this a bridge what is this dude

It’s a bridge okay like I said earlier as long as it gets the job done then that’s all that matters and this gets the job done just fine all right well anyways my Armory area is complete and mine is too yeah but what do we build

Next all right let’s see well we got the archery Towers we got the guards we got the mines uh let’s see what do we need to build next guys we need to build some sort of Escape Route just in case everything fails oh wait that’s right

What if we need to run away we can’t can’t go to the front and yeah yeah exactly we need some sort of Quick Escape proute just to get out of here in case everything goes wrong and I was thinking what if we build a plane Runway

That could be really sick here let me grab a plane well what about a bath wait what a bath what in the uh wait how are you making the what you can make the bat fly what in the world it’s the wizard Powers how the heck do you do that wait

Hold on can I try n you need years of wizard training for this BR what you bu your to like 10 minutes ago what are you talking about I’ve been a wizard my whole life oh what in the world dash I think we’re going to have to use planes

And yeah I think so all right well where should we build the plane Runway since we have a lot of stuff going on in the front let’s do it towards the back and oh all right all right that could be good uh here let me grab some concrete

Let’s grab some gray and yellow concrete so that we can have it be like you know the runway colors looks like you guys need a Runway too bad I don’t need one in dude you’re literally flying around in a bathtub you can not be talking right now yeah and you guys need a

Runway yeah well our planes are going to go faster than you are you sure about that I refuse to believe that a bathtub is going to go faster than a plane yeah but this is a magic bathtub you know how some Wizards and witches have brooms I

Chose a bathtub wait you can just choose like any object and like make that your flying thingy yeah I know one guy who chose a toilet what the okay that’s kind of weird but anyways here Ruby we got our plates over here we should probably

Fuel them up as well let me grab a little bit of fuel oh wait I want to color mine and wait you’re going to color your and whoa okay that’s looking pretty cool hold on I got to color mine after this as well let me just finish

Pouring all of this fuel in and all right let me grab a crafting table as well I need to craft some spray paint wait I have some pink spray paint right here and what no I’m not painting mine pink I’m going to paint mine purple the

Much better color um I don’t think so but okay yeah yeah yeah whatever you say here let me just paint this and boom there we go that is looking sick yo Dash check out my new paint job I got flames on it what the did you just L your bath

What how did you paint it Kim we’re trying to build defenses right now can you stop joking around he wait hold I want to try painting your thing purple and I I can’t paint it purple only I can change the color it’s magic powers oh okay but anyways now that we got the

Plane runways done we have the Escape Route we have the arery towers and we’ve got the mines and guards and everything what else do we need to build well we have an Escape Route now but if we end up using it what if we use a self-destruct and wait a minute a

Self-destruct that could actually be really good cuz you know if we escape the house then we’re not going to need the house yeah that could be useful right and if we’re running away and the strict family is here then we can destroy them too and yeah you’re right

Okay well uh how do we build a self-destruct I’m guessing we’re going to need a lot of the red stuff I’ve got an idea but follow me oh uh okay wait we’re going up what’s what are we doing up here we are going to make a platform

Uh okay here Ruby can you put a bunch of dispensers underneath this oh sure I can do that and wait a minute hold on I think I know where you’re going with this are we going to have an automatic TNT dispenser shooter okay this is going

To be pretty crazy yeah of course we are we just got to put the dispensers here okay well here let me grab a wand really quick and yeah let’s just set up the entire floor to a bunch of dispensers this is going to be crazy and boom there

We go that that is the last dispenser and let me just magically fill them all with TNT with my powers and done how did you do that what in the world what how was he doing all of this I don’t know but anyways I guess the next thing we

Need to do is power all of these so what we could do is grab some Redstone or in fact what we could do is just select this position and go all the way over here and select this position and then run the command SL SL set Redstone boom

There we go and okay now we need to put some repeaters in here to make sure everything gets powered be careful don’t do anything and yeah yeah be careful everyone we do not want to power this by accident right now but we can literally just have a bunch of repeaters like

Going randomly to power everything so just have a bunch of repeaters going like this there we go I think this should be enough now all we have to do is connect this to the platform down there and yep you’re right and H what we could do is build another one of those

Redstone torch Stacks so here let me grab some Redstone torches and some levers but Dash be super careful this time cuz if this goes off everything goes off yeah okay we canot mess this up there is no testing uh we just have to hope that it works first try so here

Let’s just have this go all the way way down over here to this platform and okay yeah this works wait uh cam did you use commands I think you pasted it a bit too far but it didn’t break anything so we’re fine all right but anyways now we

Can just put a lever over here and when we flick this lever it should activate the Redstone up here at the top so let’s see did that work it oh wait no it deactivated hold on wait can someone try fing the lever down there I’m going down

There’s the that is way too scary I don’t want to do it and oh there we go now the torch turned on and wait can someone turn it off again one more time I’m about to connect the Redstone there we go let me go turn it off okay yeah

Here we go Moment of Truth we got to be super careful now it is now live and active so if anyone flicks the lever all of this TNT is going to go off and our entire house is going to explode let me put a sign here and yeah but be careful

We cannot flick that lever okay now that we have all of this wait we don’t even have a way to get up here and wait a minute hold on do we actually not have a way to get up here and oh yeah you’re right hold on we have this like whole

Staircase here but there’s no way to get on this platform over here yeah the only way to get up here right now is through the archery Towers and oh yeah we should probably build some sort of ladder here I guess let’s hop inside of the house

Over here and okay the inside of the house is looking very interesting I mean at least it’s better than when there were a bunch of vines here oh come on don’t be mean okay and what we can do here is just uh put some wood down over

Here and we just put like a little ladder going up oh yeah that actually works pretty well and there we go perfect and uh oh wait hold on guys uh it just turned night time I don’t think it was night time a second ago uh wait we haven’t checked on the weird strict

Family in a while um something may have gone wrong and oh gosh oh gosh wait hold on hold on are they coming to attack us already and oh no uh it’s weird strict Mom right over there wait is she staring at us and oh gosh guys I think they’re

Coming to attack us wait look our minds are working on them guys we better get prepared to the Armory oh yeah you’re right quick everyone grab their armor go go go oh gosh oh gosh what do we do what do we do first and oh gosh oh gosh maybe

We should activate the TNT which one there’s a lot of TNT and the one at the front like the flying machine up here let me just grab everything from my chest really quick and yes okay I’ve already got some blocks on me here let me just pull up over over here really

Quick and activate this take that weird strict family and oh gosh guys the whole family has pulled up right now there’s literally all three of them right there as I don’t think your things working very well oh gosh oh gosh I forgot they can just go around it but here shoot our

Bows at them take this come on yeah and here we go here we go they’re about to fall for the Trap and oh no uh guys I think the TNT cannon kind of exposed the Trap but they still fell like go go go go they clch come on come on we have to

Hit them off for our bows take this let’s go we’re getting some good hits in wait what about the arrow cannons and oh yeah yeah you’re right the arrow cannons quick quick quick guys we have to go down all the way down to the house and

Activate them oh wait oh we have to go down this ladder over here come on I’m about to activate it is everyone ready yeah I’m ready let’s do it all right here we go it should be activated now here we go oh my gosh this about to be

Crazy wait guys are trying to break in come on to the archery Towers go go go Qui Qui come on come on here let me just use all of these fans to get up and oh gosh wait the fans got covered in snow from the mutant snow glones but come on

And oh hey there you snow going but come on I got to get to the top oh my gosh I forgot to mine a hole for my bridge now I’ve got to do it my hand and oh what the Kim what are you doing oh my gosh

All right well here I’m just going to keep using my lucky bow on them come on maybe my lucky bow can do some damage and let’s go I think they’re taking some damage and oh uh guys I may have just blew a hole for them to get in with my

Lucky bow oh no wait how could you do that oh no guys they’re taking out our guards oh no oh no this isn’t good okay maybe I should just switch back to my Delta boat yeah I think this does more damage let’s go take this wait it looks

Like your Bow’s doing a lot of damage keep doing come on come on yeah I think my Bow’s doing good my bow is a lot of knock back when I hit them so here let me just keep trying to hit them yeah take that get in the corner oh we should

Have never broken into their house and oh my gosh yeah why did we do that and uh guys I think weird strict mom is coming up my tower oh no oh no they are down here right now I got to turn off the fence here let me turn off that one

And uh I can’t really turn off that one oh gosh I need to evacuate where do I go where is she where is she she’s inside of my Tower actually wait here I’ll try to lure her out and then you hit her with one of your anvils all right here

Let me turn on this fan again and oh gosh she’s bridging up okay okay tell me when tell me when and oh gosh oh gosh she’s right here I’m going to throw one of these ice balls at her and okay run run run okay she’s going to come across

This bridge in a second you got you got to get ready okay no there she is I missed I missed and oh gosh oh gosh oh no oh no I’m getting cored here take this ice ball and run damn help I’m trying Sunbeam wait did you knock them down and

Oh my gosh these guys are actually so how much health do they have I don’t know how do they have so much want Pari and here take this take this ow ow one of them just got really close to me did our guards even do anything I

Don’t even know I think our guards got scared and oh take this I just have to keep hitting them with my bow my bow has a lot of knock back and wait did I knock them out of the house and oh no they still landed inside how do we get them

Out I don’t know just keep hitting him with your bow come on come on take this weird strict people and oh Ruby I may have hit your plane oh no what how am I supposed to leave it’s fine it’s fine but wait hold on I think I hit them out

And let’s go I hit them out of the walls now okay perfect guys we have some time now what do we do we need to formulate a plan I think we have to go down there and take them out ourselves let’s go Oh wait we’re going down all right come

Down I’m going to land inside of the cobwebs and take this come on wait you guys are fighting I’ll try throwing some anvils and yeah yeah here try throwing some anvils on them right now there’s a good opportunity so C come on I’m just going to keep whacking with my sword how

Are they not dying yet my sword does 1,500 attack damage oh gosh weird strict babies here as well what why is there a weird strict baby oh my gosh I came I think we got to get back to the house I’m running out of food I got to eat

Some burgers oh here take some of these and whoa wait what are these star apples okay let me try eating one of these and wao wait that was op all right all right we got to run back to the house quick go go go no oh wait we don’t have a way in

No no no I blew up an entrance over here with my boat come on we just have to go through here and quick to the house guys what’s the plan we need to come up with a plan right now oh gosh she’s breaking in okay guys we have to meet up and then

We’ll fight together okay okay maybe that could work maybe if we all fight them at the same time then we can actually start doing some real damage and like actually taking them out oh I’ve got an idea you guys go in with your giant swords and then I’ll use my

Solar beam and oh yeah good idea and R should probably put on Armor I think they broke it but quick do you have another set and uh I don’t but oh wait cam you have a bunch of extra ones just think one of Cam’s and okay uh where are

They now they got to be somewhere around here does anyone see them I no I have no clue where they are all right let’s see they got to be somewhere around here hey Weir stake family where are you guys they’re right here and wait what they’re

In our house and oh gosh right they’re right here quick quick take him out come on come on in yes wait I think I got the mom but they’re still chasing me solar beam come on come on we got to take out weird strict dad and weird strict baby

Where’d they go uh I think we got him with fall damage wait did we actually look their experience is over here that means we did it let’s go oh my goodness we’re safe now finally oh my gosh okay guys uh let’s uh never break into an abandoned house again okay that’s a good

Idea hey but look it on the bright side you got a brand new house to yourself what is that over there wait guys I think that’s weird strict grandfather oh no oh no since what did they have another family member oh gosh everyone back to positions he’s running so fast I

Don’t think we stand a chance even with my wizard Powers oh my gosh this guy is ginormous guys our walls and mines are doing literally nothing what do we do to the planes I think it’s time we flick the lever and get out of here oh my gosh

I think you might be right okay well whoever is last out get ready to flick the lever uh I’m in my plane right now it’s me I’m getting ready I’m getting all all right I’m taking off here we go and all right whenever you’re ready flick the lever oh wait I see it

Happening okay everyone we might want to evacuate here we go oh my gosh I just saw everything blow up did we get him oh my gosh guys I think we did it hold hold on wait I’m coming back I want to see how big the explosion was let me just

Turn my plane and oh my gosh he’s gone let’s go and wao look at all that damage my house oh my gosh this is crazy well at least we ended up Surviving yeah Ruby be more careful next time you build a house oh come on let’s just go somewhere

Else now that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘WEIRD STRICT FAMILY vs Most Secure House in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-12-14 14:00:29. It has garnered 131124 views and 1630 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:46 or 3106 seconds.

WEIRD STRICT FAMILY vs Most Secure House in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam have to defend their house from the WEIRD STRICT FAMILY! Will they survive? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Aphmau, Maizen, Cash and Nico!

#minecraft #minecraftmods #dash

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More

  • Robux Death Ball: Minecraft Madness for $10!

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Base Build

    The Ultimate Minecraft Base Build The Ultimate Secure Base in Minecraft Are you looking to build the best and most secure base in Minecraft? Look no further! In a recent video by Martinouxx, he showcases his incredible creation that has taken the Minecraft community by storm. Features of the Base Martinouxx’s base is not only visually stunning but also incredibly secure. With intricate redstone mechanisms, hidden entrances, and traps, this base is a fortress that can withstand any attack from mobs or other players. Redstone Contraptions One of the key features of this base is the use of advanced redstone contraptions. From hidden doors… Read More

  • Blazing Mob Farm Madness

    Blazing Mob Farm Madness Minecraft Encrypted_ | Mob Mashing Mob Farm with Blazes! Join Nik and Isaac in their latest Minecraft adventure as they tackle the challenges of a modded questing survival world in Minecraft Encrypted_. In this episode, they dive into the exciting world of mob farming with blazes! Exploring the World of Minecraft Encrypted_ In Minecraft Encrypted_, players are immersed in a modded questing survival experience like no other. With a variety of mods and challenges to overcome, Nik and Isaac navigate through a world filled with unique creatures, resources, and surprises. The Thrill of Mob Farming One of the key… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Creativity!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Creativity! Welcome to! Are you a fan of building intricate structures and adding the finishing touches to your creations in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players coming together to explore, build, and create in a virtual world filled with endless possibilities. Just like in the YouTube video “Day 44 – The Finishing Touches – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative],” where the player adds details to support pillars, beams, and even a villager and brewing stand, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a larger scale. With… Read More

  • Fishing Dock Bliss: Day 31 in Better Minecraft

    Fishing Dock Bliss: Day 31 in Better Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, Day 31 did unfold, A cozy fishing dock, a sight to behold. Timber cross brace, spruce shelf, and more, Creating a scene that we all adore. With pearlescent froglight, kelp sand so fine, Blue dried kelp block, a design so divine. Rope and nail, banners in cyan and light blue, Every detail crafted, every element true. Chests and fences, trophies of fish, Barrels and boards, a delectable dish. Glowing hook, barbed hook, knives so sharp, Creating a space, a true work of art. Mods and shaders, enhancing the view, Dearplaysminecraft, bringing it all to… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to My Own World – Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to My Own World - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Akudav Exe Portal Join UzeMing in the world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Akudav Exe Portal. This portal, inspired by the YouTuber Akudab, promises excitement and challenges for all players. Materials Needed To create the Akudav Exe Portal, UzeMing gathers the main materials of obsidian, flint, and steel. Additionally, he prepares white walls and Redstone blocks as supplementary materials for the portal’s construction. Portal Creation With the materials in hand, UzeMing begins constructing the portal with a size of 4×5. Using Redstone blocks in the corners and white walls… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a new update is near, Version 1.21, the players cheer. Mark your calendars, the release date is set, Excitement in the air, you can bet. Join us on Discord, if you have any questions, We’ll guide you through, no need for suggestions. Check out our playlists, for more gaming fun, From Lokicraft to Free Fire, we’ve got a ton. Crafting and Building, Among Us too, We cover it all, for the gaming crew. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, For updates and news, we’re here to deliver. So dive into Minecraft, with joy… Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring Day 11 of the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft As the 100 days challenge in Minecraft continues, the adventure only gets more exciting! On day 11, our player delved into completing tasks on the ground and had a blast working on their horse’s home. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling day in the Minecraft world. Groundwork Galore Day 11 was all about getting down to business on the ground. Our player tackled various tasks, from gathering essential resources to building structures that would aid them in their survival journey. The meticulous attention to detail and strategic… Read More

  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

    SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)My server is located in VietNam (Asia): (Cracked)Language: English, VietnameseServer Feature:- Simple voice chat 2.5.15- Mythicmob x ModelEngine and more custom mobs- Be able to become Vampire/ Werewolf- World generation- Realistic Season- Magic, Vampire, Werewolf- Custom ResourcepackImportant: I host this server on my own laptop, so i can open my server up to 16 hours. Hope u have fun!Discord owner: Imokenpii#8209Discord server: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

    Minecraft Memes - It really do be like that sometimesIt’s like Minecraft knows when you need a mental break and just hits you with that peaceful music and scenery to chill out. Read More

  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

    Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything you need to know about the BREEZE!’, was uploaded by WisdomOwl on 2024-06-15 19:57:49. It has garnered 417 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guide tells you everything you need to know about the breeze in Minecraft. This mob shoots wind abilities that launch you into the air. And as of uploading this video is a new mob found in the trial chambers. The goal of this video is to educate players that need to learn about this mob. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: ► Join My Discord server here: ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: • Extra Gaming Content: • Non Gaming Channel: • Solo Gaming Channel: • VOD’s Chanel: ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: Instagram: Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

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  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

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  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:- Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More


    ULTIMATE 69 - INSANE WHEAT FARM BUILD | SURVIVAL PT. 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT WHEAT FARM IN MINECRAFT SURVIVAL|MINECRAFT SURVIVAL PART 2 #minecraft’, was uploaded by BEAST 69 on 2024-05-09 14:00:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds. minecraft minecraft hardcore minecraft 100 days 100 days minecraft mod minecraft mods survival minecraft survival minecraft addons minecraft funny minecraft 1.20 addon mod minecraft addon minecraft pe addon mcbe minecraft java mod minecraft bedrock addon gaming minecraft java mcpe minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft pe hardcore minecraft survival island minecraft challenge minecraft but maizen minecraft survival series… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!

    INSANE Minecraft Art Building LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art Building! #funny #shorts #gaming #art #comedy #shortsfeed #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #yt’, was uploaded by Dreith Entertainment on 2023-12-16 20:34:53. It has garnered 5641 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! 😱

    1000 DAYS as FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a FLYING SQUIRREL in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Flying Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-06-11 01:15:00. It has garnered 15045 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:07 or 12487 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a FLYING SQUIRREL in Hardcore Minecraft! Soon after I spawn a Cave Spider comes to chat with me, but not in a friendly way. Luckily, I can fly away and escape the fight this time around. Will I get strong enough till the next… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed by Mipa Abirupa! #vtuber

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed by Mipa Abirupa! #vtuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘JADI KEPO #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by Mipa Abirupa on 2024-01-10 05:20:30. It has garnered 2693 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More