WelcominTV – I Survived 200 Days in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft

Video Information

I’ll be surviving 200 days on one single block throughout these 100 days i create tons of automatic farms and transform the entire end island let’s see how far we can get in just a hundred days and we are back on our one block island it has been a solid minute since i’ve

Seen this world thankfully things don’t change when you’re offline so i kind of remember everything we’ve got our chest room of course our gigantic statue for the egg and the spiral rainbow that i built for some reason our lovely villagers and the iron golems who caused

The iron farm to never work in the original 100 days we’ve got our trees our animals and oh i almost forgot about him i fall sack was a loss i couldn’t handle in the first 100 days if you don’t know in the original video i had a strider who i

Named balsack because he was blue and trivially because he was in the overworld and eventually he died due to rain so i i no longer have him but in these 200 days i hope to mourn the loss of balsack obviously while i was away my farms grew because that’s how that works

So i went ahead and harvested all of them i’m pretty sure i have a ton of these items already and i don’t really need it except i think the villagers have to eat so i guess i’ll do it the next couple of days i spent organizing chess putting up item frames putting

Items where they’re supposed to go making it so i have easier access to all of my stuff in the previous 100 days i basically just put stuff in areas because i didn’t think i would have enough leather from all the cows that i didn’t have then and now that i have a

Bunch of cows it’s pretty easy to organize all the stuff so now that all of my items are organized i wanted to add something to my island i’ve been recently thinking about how i lost ball sack in the previous 100 days so i’m gonna bring him back to life no i can’t

Reverse time but i can go into the nether and get someone similar i’m definitely not saying he’s a replacement but i do need a ball sack on the island to continue it just seems right hello mister you’re gonna come with me please follow me i need come on thank

You okay so now i’m leading a ball sack all the way back to base which it’s not a long journey but for this guy it’s gonna be because he’s shivering already do you know how it is in here man i just realized i have to

Build a place for him oh where am i gonna put him oh it better not rain if it rains i’m gonna be so devastated okay so to make sure that this ballsack doesn’t die i have to get him a roofed area immediately so what i’m gonna do is

Build a separate island for him not huge but big enough for him okay this should probably be good for him i i think he’s small to make an area for him to fit in i went ahead and made somewhat of an archway with four separate sides so that

He could look around i guess then of course i roofed it because i don’t want rain to kill this man all right i’ve already had one death in the family and putting him inside was pretty easy since i had leads but if i didn’t it would it

Would have been horrifying that’s why i had the original ball sack wandering around the island for so long and to make sure he stays in here death free i trapped him in with trapdoors so that he cannot escape i think it looks really cool actually and it’s definitely needed

On the island so on day five i want to do something special for y’all i took down my potato farm and completely removed it because i’m gonna be needing this dirt for a project i had hundreds of comments on the previous 100 days video that you can actually multiply

Dirt so to give you all peace i decided to make the course dirt hoe it and then turn it back into dirt actually saying that you can multiply dirt on a one block world now knowing that i can do this i’ve kind of come up with a

Gigantic idea i want to do for this video but i don’t want to spoil it yet so i’m just going to mine the rest of this dirt and continue grabbing it throughout the episode okay so i’ve noticed how annoying mining the one block has gotten since there’s no way to

Sort the items and it’s a constant mess trying to put it in all of the chests i’ve just organized so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna add a water way where the blocks will flow into a chest system that i don’t have to worry about sorting

I’m not making an auto sorter i’m just making a way for the blocks to not fill up my inventory instantly so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna add a bubble column right here to boost it up onto the platform that we already have that i

Will line up with some chests so that i don’t have to worry about building a new section hopefully all of these chests will collect every single block but i have a feeling it’s gonna fill up really quickly i have a really big love hate relationship with this one block i’m not

Gonna lie okay and now that it’s complete i have to somehow make a way for me to walk back up here i guess we’re gonna change the island up a bit and get rid of these two staircases on this side so that i have ones that go up

Instead of down and there okay now we have staircases back up to this platform and we still have some to the end so we should be good okay so you know how the iron farm in the original 100 days decided not to work well i’m gonna move

It over to do that though i have to clear out this tree area because i have literally no idea where else i could build this thing where it’s in range so it completely got rid of the oak tree area and had to move it somewhere different since i still need oak trees

In the world i then took down the middle spruce area because this is the only place i can think of to put it and the spruce trees are huge so it took me a little while to take them down once that was done though i rebuilt the oak area

Right here so now i have an empty platform for the iron golem farm speaking of deforestation you should subscribe to the channel if you enjoy seeing this kind of content yes i know the two are not related whatsoever also if we get 50 000 likes on this video i

Will do 300 days and i have no idea what i’m gonna do for 300 days but you guys should give me some suggestions in the comments and i’ll see what i can make happen enjoy the rest of the video okay so in my previous iron farm i did a

Cauldron design to collect all of the iron and i’m redoing that now i also did this design in 200 days duos just because i feel like it’s the best way for the lava to flow me to collect all the iron and not burn everything down i also added mossy cobblestone to it just

To look a bit more weathered since it’s technically supposed to be in this world a lot longer than this and for the iron farm itself it took me a little while to figure out what i was doing wrong in the original one but most of you guys said

That it was just because it was too close to the other villagers so i remade the platform got all the villagers in their separate areas and then had to get a zombie i was gonna try and spawn one on the island somewhere by taking away the torches but instead i just took one

From my mob spawner that was probably the dumbest idea i think i have ever had because as soon as i tried to do it the entire thing exploded and tons of mobs were coming down trying to kill me okay no i was just kidding that happens later

In the video this one was for the iron farm things just kept killing the zombies i was trying to get thankfully i did eventually get one all the way up to the top and i was able to make a successful iron farm or so i thought day

12 i was watching my iron farm like a hawk after i had only just slept and the thing stopped working when i slept i have no idea what that means and i i don’t know how to fix it so i went up there and tried to do everything i

Possibly could to reset the villagers or the zombie or something so that they would think they’re back in danger and they need an iron golem turns out what i had to do was wait for the entire night until they tried to sleep and once they

Did i was able to go back to sleep and the iron golems were fine to spawn so me sitting here the entire day just watching them waiting for an iron golem spawn was absolutely useless okay it’s time to get back to mining the one block we haven’t done that in this 100 days

And i’ve just made an entire way to store all of the items so i need to get back to it all mining i ran into a monster party and it took like three minutes for me to run into one okay i haven’t even been here that long and i

Already have to fight monsters the worst part is that after i killed every single monster because they’re not hard anymore i had to repair the thing i had just built and as soon as that was done i would are you kidding me another one i just rebuilt this thing i literally hate

This stupid block why do i even mind you at this point so instead of using the block to get materials like netherrider diamond i’m gonna go into the nether okay not for the diamond part but for another right i still need some i went ahead and upgraded my pickaxe with the

Only netherite that i had gotten so far so it’d be easier to find others then i headed into the nether found a good spot to start mining and and did that did the the mining thing since then the right mining is a absolute thrill and everyone

Loves watching it i ended up with about 20 and then got lost like i had no idea where i was but i eventually found my way home i should probably screenshot the chords in my portal but i don’t care enough hey team this thing broke again so i tried rearranging their workbenches

So that they would see the zombie when they worked and then they were able to kind of sleep from the glass being like a shield and i just had to wait until night for this thing to work again thankfully it functioned again later at night but this thing is getting really

Annoying working for a couple of days and then stopping it’s i don’t know what’s going on day 19 the farms were fully grown so i had to harvest them once again at this point i just throw out the seeds for the wheat because i have an entire double

Chest full and i don’t need them i should probably set up an auto composter for bone meal huh after that i moved on to organizing the chests from the little bit of the one block that i mined i mean i mined it for like 10 minutes and i

Have four or five double chests full of random blocks i honestly kind of hate this process maybe later i’ll end up making a sorter so that i only get the blocks that i want or the oars that i want is that possible i could try it all

Right now that things are organized i’m gonna get back to mining this one block and it can’t go wrong this time right i mean i already had two monster parties happen i i’m pretty much free and clear now to just mine okay cool i literally just rebuilt this

Thing 13 seconds i hate this thing so much i’m not mining you again i’m mining you again thankfully while mining the block the entire day i wasn’t given another monster party because that would just be annoying okay now i’m never minding this thing again okay earlier in the

Video i mentioned that i had a big plan for these next 100 days that includes me gathering a heck ton of dirt and since you guys told me how to do that i now have to go the nether and get a ton of gravel thankfully the nether has a ton

Of it around lava level so i can just fly around and grab some as i go plus having a high efficiency shovel really helps this is only the first time i’m gonna be here in the video but i made a gigantic chunk on the nether’s gravel

Supply now that i have a ton of gravel i combined it with the dirt that i do have to make more coarse dirt that i can well in turn turn back into dirt and then repeat the process over and over again now it’s definitely a lovely process

Watching me hoe dirt and then mine it and then hoe dirt and then mine it and then do the same thing over and over again for a few days so i’m not gonna skip through this you’re gonna watch two hours or whatever it is of me i’m

Kidding i’m gonna skip over it and now i have almost a double chest full of dirt that is a good accomplishment for a few days i’m sure you figured out by now what the project is going to be for these 100 days and that is to transform

The end is to and that is to transform the end into a base that i can actually survive in that i can thrive in that i have awesome things and i’m not standing on one block technically so to do that i’m gonna have to go grab shulker boxes

So that i have plenty of well room to put all the stuff i’m gonna use to transform this place thankfully shulker boxes weren’t that hard to find since i already have an elytra and fireworks and once that was complete i had plenty of storage to carry over biome stuff as

Well as store things i tore down in the end one of the biomes i’m going to be creating is a plane’s biome so for that i’m going to collect a lot of oak wood i know that i can actually grow saplings but to get the saplings as i’m running

Low i have to cut down these trees over and over again so i spent the day gathering as much wood as i needed for trades later so i could get the saplings i needed for the end also can we talk about how annoying the large trees are

Why do they even spawn it’s the worst tree in all of minecraft i would rather break down a savanna tree so the end right now doesn’t have the best look and to transform it i’m gonna have to get rid of the pillars which is something i’ve never wanted to do so the first

Thing i did was break out the inside of one of the pillars i’ll eventually be breaking down saving me time and grabbed as much obsidian as i could because i was gonna do the layout from the middle of the portal all the way to the obsidian towers basically what i’m

Trying to do is keep four pillars separating each biome with their own obsidian trackway and once i had all the obsidian to start the pathways i realized that some of the pillars were in the way wrong spot and some of them just needed a little bit of course

Correcting the one i’m working on now only needed one side shifted over a block so that didn’t take very long however i’m gonna have to do this exact same process with other pillars so i am not looking forward to that mining all that time in the end has made me realize

I definitely need haste too even if it only barely ups the obsidian speed unfortunately i lack on every single material my iron farm definitely doesn’t have enough blocks for me and all the emeralds i’ve collected have basically been put back into trade so that was useless as well however while the iron

Farm does work when i’m on the island i can also get emeralds by mining more trees so guess where i was okay yes i committed more deforestation but someone pointed out that technically i’m the one who plants the forests so it’s not really deforesting since there weren’t

Any to begin with however it took me a couple days to actually get all of the materials required as well as let my iron farm work up the iron i needed for this beacon so so maybe it was a little bit of deforestation okay there was a

Long period of it but eventually i had gathered enough emerald iron gold and diamond blocks yes all of them combined to make a singular beacon definitely one of the most time consuming things i’ve done so far maxing out an entire beacon wasn’t done for nothing i headed

Straight to the end and started working on taking down my first pillar and these things are no joke thankfully most of them in my end are actually quite skinny and short i’m pretty sure i lucked out the most on this i however started on the largest possible one in my area just

To make it a little bit easier for me going forward mining down one of these towers was not fun but once it was complete i was so much happier i mean i have a lot more to go but one down i went ahead and used that obsidian to

Finish off the pathways i’d created before since i’m going for the plus sign shape i don’t have all of the pillars completed on the plus sign axis so i went ahead and made my own custom pillars with different heights from all the obsidian i’ve collected so far it

Actually didn’t take that long since i was making them hollow because there’s no way i’m gonna fill the entire thing in and i can tell this is gonna end up looking really cool only having four pillars in here with different biomes being separated by these obsidian pathways i’m really looking forward to

It then i went ahead and worked on my next obsidian pillar i still have to take all of the rest down so i may as well get started this time i started with a shorter one because i was already burnt out for the day i continued the pillar process for quite a while

Actually i was gonna say a few days but it was way more than that these things definitely take a lot out of me and they’re a long time to complete but thankfully almost all of mine were super short and skinny i maybe had two or three that were large enough to take me

A few days for that but other than those i had a breeze taking these down honestly i would love to give you so much footage of how many obsidian pillars i took down but the amount of boredom you would get from watching me mine obsidian for so long i can’t do

That to you so by the end of day 150 halfway through the video we finally got through all of the pillars wow i hope i never have to do that again okay so now it’s time to start working on our first biome in the end i’m gonna try and keep

Each biome on the same level as the pathways so that there’s some sort of consistency while walking up and down them the first biome i’m working on consists of all of the dirt we’ve been collecting and much more dirt i’m gonna have to collect i started by placing the

Dirt trying to replicate what it would look like in the overworld because that’s what i’m trying to make since i don’t have an overworld to actually go back to i’m kind of making it here as you can tell i missed the grass while doing the first layer i had to mine out

Some of the end stone to keep up with the obsidian pathways i had previously created i also had to extend those pathways later because i wanted them to go all the way off the map at first i was going to consider doing a circular shape from pillar to pillar making one

Gigantic circle but instead by extending each layer well i made a lot more work for myself but i also made the end look way cooler later plus i wasn’t gonna mine out all the end stones so it would still be there with four different biomes which didn’t make much sense to

Me by the end of day 152 i basically run out of all of the dirt i’d collected so far it’s looking really cool i filled in what i could but now i have to go gather more gravel create more dirt hoe it mine it and then place it in here yep that’s

A lot of work to do the first step to doing that is finding more gravel patches that i haven’t yet mined once i found some i started destroying my shovel on it knowing i’m gonna have to have a ton of it thankfully gravel is infinite which makes dirt technically infinite now uh

However it takes a really long time to get the gravel and dirt so i mean it’s it’s infinite with a time frame i collected another shulker full and inventory full of gravel before i headed back home it was definitely worth basically having a double chest of gravel in hopes that i’m gonna have

Enough dirt to finish off the end the second part to this is going back and hoeing all of the dirt and then mining it up and then hoeing it and then mining it so that we actually have real dirt and not coarse dirt surprisingly this doesn’t take that long i was actually

Watching a few episodes of young justice while doing this and it kind of passed the time pretty easily if i knew any of you were fans of young justice i i would go on a rant about how the show declined so quickly but um i’ll spare you the details i was

Finishing up the very last pieces of dirt i realized my shovel was about to break so i went ahead and added mending to it and then started grinding my mob unfortunately while farming xp i got a little too close and one of the creepers blew up the entire farm remember how i

Mentioned this part earlier yeah it’s way worse than i expected the first time i tried to go in and repair it it was an absolute nightmare obviously all of the mobs are one hit so the skeletons were actually providing a lot of cover from the creepers for me and i was getting a

Lot of music discs out of it however it was still a super scary experience and i was wearing my elytra because again if i fell off i would be dead without it however it was an absolute constant mess trying to save this place and i really didn’t know what to do i eventually

Grabbed a bow and started killing all the mobs since they were one hit from afar it made it a bit easier however they were constantly spawning at this point so the mess didn’t really ever stop i was able to safely place in some more blocks slowly but surely finishing

Off the farm and rebuilding it once again still super scary experience having all these mobs coming after you now that i’ve gathered all the resources for the first biome i went back to placing this dirt seriously took a very long time thankfully i did have enough

For all of it but still this thing takes a long time to cover the end island is much larger than i expected especially since i’m doing the entire surface so yes this area that goes down i’m still covering with dirt okay that’s it’s so much more area than i needed to

But i still wanted to do it for at least my first biome but once all of the dirt was placed and the grass was slowly spreading i could move on to the decoration of this landscape for planes biome i want to add in a village but i

Don’t want it to be like a normal village i want to customize it with only a few homes some water areas access for farms that kind of stuff so i started in by placing all the saplings that i currently have for oak which wasn’t really many i mean i could have built my

Own trees but that would have taken a lot longer than just going back home and gathering more saplings later on which i’ll do in a minute so i stuck with just placing and growing my own saplings from there i worked on some homes water areas

Some farms that kind of stuff but i ran out of materials a little bit later and had to go back for more still looking really cool right now i mean it’s not done but cool to finish the build i’m gonna need wood and sampling so i can plant trees as well as

Finish the house that i didn’t finish so i went over to my tree farm and started cutting it all down once i had it done i was gathering as many saplings as i could not only for my own farm here at home but for the farm i i it’s not

Really a farm it’s more like the landscape i’m making in the end once i had the materials needed i went back into the end and started working on the stuff i hadn’t finished i worked on the last house of the village securing up three different areas people could live

In as well as i finished planting all the saplings i’d gotten on the top and the lower layers of the end to finish off this biome i also added in a ton of bone meal all around adding in the grass aspect on top of grass okay grass on the

Grass blocks it makes sense and now we officially have one of the biomes done but we do not have time to stop once i got back home i took all the shulker boxes that i used to build the first biome and emptied them completely out sorting them back into my chests once

That was done i had to make a silk touch pickaxe because there was another biome i was going to work on the nether biome for the first part of the nether biome i’m going to be doing this soul sand valley since my portal’s right next to one i grabbed some bone blocks and

Started working on gathering soul soil and soul sand the sand was easy the bone block on the other hand i had to fly around gathering as much as i could not knowing how big of an area in the end i was going to be using but once i

Hypothetically had enough for the soul valley i moved on the lovely crimson forest was my next humble abode i started stripping down trees as well as all of their leaves and the fungus light or whatever that’s called on the inside i also use the silk touch pickaxe that i

Made to gather all of the ground uh nylon i think is what it’s called i have no idea it’s just red and different than netherrack so i needed it this biome probably took the longest because of well all of the trees that i had to cut

Down and yes i later realized that i didn’t have to do this at all and you’ll see why in a minute i repeated the same process over in the warped forest biome which is basically a carbon copy of the warped forest but just blue i mined up

The trees its leaves and the glowing fungus thing just like i did in the red biome honestly this is a cooler biome in my opinion i really enjoy the blue and the aesthetic of this place so i i honestly rather this my own but i guess they’re both cool after that i grabbed

Up the nylon which i actually don’t know if that’s the name of it i never really checked but it’s the same thing as the warp so i’m assuming it’s still called nylon this so touch pickaxe definitely came in handy and i’m glad i had it because otherwise i wouldn’t have been

Able to do it so what am i talking about after all of that i still have one biome left to do that is the lovely basalt delta probably one of the worst biomes in the nether however soul sand’s probably worse i don’t know i started by mining a ton

Of basalt which i definitely won’t have enough of because i never have enough of anything for this project but hey we’ll mine it anyway i took a large chunk out of the biome however the fact is the nether is infinite so this is nothing at all but instructor boxes for me after

That i moved to blackstone which proved to be a lot harder than i expected basalt was kind of just everywhere blackstone was underneath and uh filled with lava apparently but i got it i know that four shulker boxes is probably not gonna be enough stuff for the entire thing but we’ll start with

One for every single biome and see how far we can get in the end now to get the nether project started in the end i had to finish off one of the obsidian pathways to push past the pillar that i already created for it basically what i

Mean is i haven’t done all of the pathways on the back half of them and i needed to for this one so that i have an area to actually build the place in which means i had to use some of the i don’t know thousands of hobby blocks

That i’ve already gathered to make a pathway which stretched over the side of the cliff and onto the platform that we currently use to get up in the end and thankfully i did this because i was using like a netherrack platform beforehand to get here and now i

Actually have an obsidian pathway much nicer then i used all of my lovely torches to light up in areas so that i could get rid of all of the endermen because they are a huge problem when it comes to taking my dirt and now they’re gonna start taking my netherrack so to

Make the nether inside of the end i wanna separate all of the biomes by some netherrack because that’s kind of the main thing in the nether what i’m gonna be doing is making another plush sign shape what are the odds from each pillar all the way out off the island

Intersecting in the middle so i have four different quadrants for the four different biomes of course all of the netherrack that i did have did not accomplish my goal and i’m gonna have to go get more later because why wouldn’t i i mean come on it’s it’s my build why wouldn’t i be

Short on blocks um before i went back to the nether however i started placing the warped nilium since i didn’t have an entire shoulder box of this stuff and only nine stacks i decided to see how big of an area this could stretch also i have to say it’s

Giving some massive color difference in the end and i’m really liking it here i’m super excited for you to see the entire build once it’s done but the nether biome itself is definitely my favorite however nine stacks of warp nilium was well nothing okay i have to

Get way more as normal so i may as well go back to the nether and grab it well i could do other biomes and we’ll see to remedy the issue i went all the way back to a warped biome and gathered a ton more nilium hoping that this will cover

The rest of the landscape i wasn’t able to do before i’m just happy netherrack or the nilium stuff it’s just blue netherrack who cares insta breaks otherwise i would have had to move my beacon in here which would have sucked even more back in the end i returned to

Placing all the nylon filling up the first out of the four biomes definitely took a while but this mix looks amazing with not only the netherrack but the fact that we’re in the end while i was in the nether i also gathered enough netherrack to continue the pathways off the map creating those

Four separate areas once i finish up with a little bit of netherrack that i did have unfortunately i ran out again i started work on the basalt biome this biome was definitely the hardest since i had to spam around blackstone pockets for lava and then i was gonna have to

Later spam basalt pockets for the basalt towers and then i didn’t even think about the fact i have to go gather how many buckets of lava for this place oh my word to do this biome correctly i did all of the blackstone and magma blocks first so that i could later fill in

Basalt areas because those were the harder ones to do it honestly looks really really cool i don’t know why i don’t use blackstone more but this is a really cool block i’d definitely need to use this further now for the basalt part i basically just ran around spamming as much basalt as i

Could varying the heights and angles that this would come up because there’s literally nothing else to do but salt is just random stacks of salt and it actually started looking super super good i had no idea i could do this because i’ve never built a basalt biome before but

The first one worked out great once i had this place covered up to the brim with basalt blackstone at magma blocks i had to definitely grab some lava from the nether to make this place whole ah yes the joy of life grabbing lava from the nether holy cow this place looks

Amazing when it’s finished all we have so much more work to do though to finish off one of the easiest parts about this entire build i went back to the nether to gather more netherrack i still have a little bit more to put down on the

Island to make a full plus sign for all four different biomes i definitely had enough netherrack to finish off every lane for once i also added in the details on the side to make it look like it was leaking into each biome i did that before i didn’t really mention it

But i really like it the next biome i started working on was the soul valley i wanted to try and keep every single block as soul soil because soul sand is slow and i don’t really want to walk on slow so i i hope that i had enough of

The soul soil to fill in the entire area yeah i i didn’t and done that’s the entire soul sand valley completed with only soul soil so i’m not walking on slowness okay now i have to do some bone block stuff they kind of all have the

Same curve to them so it wasn’t too hard to master i did a few different rib cages throughout the entire biome and it looked pretty good honestly i was i was proud of this one i mean it wasn’t it was no basalt biome but it was good then

I used the red nylon that i had collected previously which was only about nine stacks just like i had done with the warp biome but i tried to lay it out as much as i could seeing how much of the land i could cover i also

Wasn’t gonna go down below on this biome because it takes way too long to do the entire bottom section of the end when it’s just like cliffs and that kind of stuff i know i did it for the plains biome but i just do not have time in

These current 100 days to finish the entire project while still going down below and doing the bottom of the end unfortunately i definitely did not have enough of the nilium to cover the entire end biome for the red section so i had to go back another day and get more

Again i am thankful that this stuff insta breaks with the pickaxes cause i would have had a terrible time bringing my beacon in here and gathering this slowly especially since i needed so much of it and done now we have every biome kind of done all right the red and blue

Still need the trees and all the foliage but everything has been laid out on the table honestly this place is looking really really cool i’m so happy with this area next i started working on the mushrooms for the blue biome i’m gonna call them uh their tree mushroom

Trushrooms i don’t know anyway i started hand making them because i didn’t know that you could actually bone meal them which is surprise surprise another thing i could have done to save me time but didn’t so yeah i started working on the bloom rooms

And ended up doing a ton of small ones a ton of big ones just trying to vary in size since i really don’t know how to make these things and i think it turned out really nice actually however i was able to speed up the red biome by only

Using bone meal and just bone mealing the mushrooms which again didn’t know was a thing until i accidentally did it in the blue biome and now i can just do it in the red one so i mean i saved myself some time but i could have probably saved another day

And a half after building all of those mushrooms but still it looked really really nice when the entire section for the nether was done we had the red biome the blue biome the soul valley and the basalt section it took a ton of work to get this far but i really love how

Everything came together so so nicely and i can’t wait to work on the next biome for the next biome i’m going to be doing i have to head to the outer end basically i’m going to be gathering these end berry flower blossom i have no idea what these are i’m just going to

Shoot them with a bow and collect them all and then i’m going to place them in one of the sections for the end and make the n-biome in the end i know it’s a little cliche but it makes sense right like you have the nether you have the overworld then you

Got the end the fourth biome however i think you guys will really like and it is a big old meme so let’s get through this end biome and i’ll show you that these berries were actually not that hard to gather it just took a while to get enough for the gigantic section of

The end that i’m going to be filling with them i had to go back and forth and gather more when i ran out but eventually we had finished off the end biome of the end we have to wait until all of these grow up into giant stalks

And it will look amazing i actually want to fly through all of them because i think it’d be cool to like get one of the max rockets and maneuver through all of the small gaps okay so the last biome i’m gonna be doing is actually one block

Itself so to do that i’m gonna need some sheep and i think i’m gonna take them over to the end where we have all the grass so that they can grow a gigantic family and i can shear them for the next 10 days i went ahead and put them in

Some fences and then i will do this later a few more times with a lot more sheep because there is no way i’m gonna have enough in 10 days okay i do but it’s it’s close i cut it close then with all the wool that i had gathered

Throughout the previous 100 days and this 100 days which wasn’t much i started working on the clouds okay yeah it’s it’s a little bit weird but basically the biome i want to do has clouds and a sky on the bottom and then a one block on top of that

So the amount of clouds i was able to place down with all the wool that i had gathered was pretty much nothing so that means i have a lot of gathering to do in the next few days so for the next few days i went back and forth between the

End and the overworld collecting all my sheep i had like four pens at this point i was trying to save up enough to at least get the clouds done before i dyed all of these guys light blue which was another issue i went back to mine the

One block after like 70 days of not mining it because i need more lapis and or bone block for the light blue dye light blue dye is obviously made out of white dye and blue dye and i can only get blue dye from either flowers or

Lapis so i needed more lapis or flowers which i don’t think you get flowers from a block so i basically sat here while all of my sheep were doing their thing regrowing the wool and trying to get me enough blue and or white dye to finish

Off my last biome back in the end biome i went ahead and extended the sheep’s pen all three different areas extended because there was no way i was going to have enough wool in time once the cages were extended i switched them all to blue and started shearing them the best

I could as soon as i could there was very little time left and i had to shear like thousands of sheep for thousands upon thousands of wool blocks and that’s what i did for a few days i went back and forth between shearing and placing

The light blue wool to try and get a sky effect on the ground of course i didn’t shear every single sheep because i still needed the white ones for the clouds but those were finished off pretty early on now all that was left was the sky and it

Was actually quite easy to finish off i basically afked for a couple of days only shearing sheep and that’s literally all i did and by the time i was done with that i had enough wool to finish the sky and it does look really cool now

I did end up trying to make the one block out now we were on basically the last day of the video and i was gonna try and make the one block out of either blocks or wool or something like that but i definitely didn’t have enough

Resources for the time that i had left so instead i placed a block because i mean it is one block right that’s what i’m going for one block that’s ah get it joke meme okay cool and this was our progress after 100 days of work we have

So many biomes on the end island and it looks amazing i honestly just pray that the endermen don’t steal every biome from me because that would that would suck so much anyway thank you guys for watching the video and i hope you did thoroughly enjoy make sure to hit that

Like button down below and subscribe if you’re new to the channel or just come back and watch on the regular also make sure to go check out the merch i’ll be dropping some new stuff soon so keep an eye on that have a great rest of your day peace out everybody

This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2022-06-01 18:00:23. It has garnered 511675 views and 25275 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:36 or 2016 seconds.

I spent 200 minecraft days in One Block Skyblock, one of the hardest minecraft challenges to this day. I was able to make an Iron farm, Enderman farm, and Automate the One Block. Oh yeah and I may have transformed the End, who knows!

👍 Can we get 50000 likes for 300 days?👍

#Minecraft #100days #HardcoreMinecraft ────────────────────────────────── 🥋I HAVE MERCH!!!!!!!!🥋 (Go check it out now, who knows how long it will last…)

https://welcomin.store/ ────────────────────────────────── ✨Check Out My Other Videos!!✨

100 Days as a PIRATE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9evqBxIr6g

100 Days as an Assassin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlaHTPvI2OA ────────────────────────────────── 🌠Check out the Discord!!🌠 https://discord.gg/CnKrtsgmNj ────────────────────────────────── If you want to play ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK Check out one of the servers I use for it! Play.MxRoxGTA.org ────────────────────────────────── CHANNEL PARTNERS!!!

💧GSupps💧 http://gamersupps.gg?afmc=WelcominTV 🍄Bisect Hosting🍄 https://bisecthosting.com/WelcominTV ☂️CODE: WELCOMINTV ────────────────────────────────── ➜ Thanks for Reading the Description! ────────────────────────────────── 🚨Subscribe & Like & Follow Animation: ArialFX www.youtube.com/arialfx​

Music by Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/music/featured/

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  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

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  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

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  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

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  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More