“WERE UNDER ATTACK” / Minecraft Modded Horror Stream 1

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Like that’s actually crazy five seconds of a tick tock and the whole video gets taken down like what the heck oh video the whole video what the heck all right stream is live oh uh Okay anyways oh live chat yeah I want live chat oh yeah ah all right we’re good we’re live are you live yeah we’re live okay video it’s in here destroying seeds waiting for you okay uh I should be in all right nice here yeah all right hey guys welcome back to Minecraft let’s

Play oh my God it’s Roger here from Diary of a Wimpy Kid hey guys Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid today we’re playing the Minecraft horror series I don’t why are there apples on the tree a mod oh you destroy the tree is that [ __ ] uranium down there

Geranium what the hell is that uh that’s it is that the p p juice I forgot to grab the uh UI thing what you want them so she like what this is oh Inferno fernium [ __ ] is affernium like a like a I’m gonna be the farmer of this episode

You’re gonna be the farmer I’m gonna be you build a castle and I’ll be the like the peasant that gives you okay yeah up oh uh hold on wait I gotta I gotta fix that real quick the um display cash one second gang I gotta put stream on hold if you look

At the stream right now there’s a problem with the uh was it not like recording the actual video no it’s just the screen is really small resolution yeah specific window window Minecraft um what’s a hook rate just I don’t know okay okay steam we’re talking about right for a second

Allow transparency [ __ ] no all right Captain block oh [ __ ] you talking about dude you haven’t seen that see a Thieves video oh my God yeah driving the the cracking comes out or the [ __ ] comes out of nowhere like Captain look yeah I have seen that it’s not working what the heck

Man are we not going to be able to play [ __ ] our live stream or Minecraft today Nah we can I hear you mining sir yeah I got the enhanced sound on all right here I’ll fix it hold on I know exactly what to do do you man it’s gonna turn night time soon actually I think it already is 29 time is it it is okay [ __ ] you’re gonna have

To live in this cave for the night all right you’re gonna [ __ ] I forgot we don’t have match box three paper in three oh that [ __ ] I need to go find paper real quickly okay paper for what we need to light our torches what the [ __ ] what

There’s a mine shaft directly under her over here it’s above ground practically is there any sugarcane no idea dude there’s no [ __ ] [ __ ] oh there’s some right there oh there’s a lot of sugar holy [ __ ] I think a creeper just exploded next to him I think I’m okay

Yeah I’m okay there’s a big boom in a distance oh no I think that was one of the mo the creeper is trying to blow its way towards us you’re kidding oh dude oh it works I want to go get [ __ ] paper and there’s skeletons guarding the [ __ ] thing man

They’re shooting at me already man I fixed it I fixed I fixed it works what the [ __ ] the hole and stay in the hole please I mean stay in the hole I’m in the hole what’s going on gang what’s happening it’s out yeah I gotta make it I got some apples if you

Need them what the hell are you making a matchbox what the hell is that let me see that man give it to me let me place down a torch what the [ __ ] is that this is weird dude what does the realistic torch get the [ __ ] out of here

Can I oh that’s so cool what I made a lit torch by putting it although the light effects don’t work you keep that Matchbox I’ll just make another one the light effects don’t work I made a live torch by putting it in the uh my crafting menu I need to hit a tree

Foreign yeah I fixed the stream though it should be running it’s running smooth audio sounds good it’s capturing the game so I can hear you eating from all the way up here dude I know it’s the echo Nest you would hear this in like an actual airplane you got Stone already

No I’m just gonna hit a tree so we are making a castle right yeah we can do that all right so for Minecraft right below us oh that falls fast uh-oh help back at it again with another help whip em oh [ __ ] what is that is that poop

I got apples you need some apples I got a bunch of [ __ ] apples Jesus Christ there’s blood on my screen yeah Minecraft is real quick Minecraft just got pretty oh he’s back he’s [ __ ] back dude he’s back Minecraft just got pretty [ __ ] real all right so for the Stream um

For the stream uh so everybody knows this is pretty heavily modded uh mobs are stronger smarter faster better working yet but it might be working I think it is oh I think it is I think it is um there’s blood moons freaking oh yeah it’s working dude he just spent [ __ ] spider webs

At us it’s working ah yeah uh oh my God oh my God uh mobs are smarter faster smarter fatter better better uh oh [ __ ] dude um there’s blood moons butter farming uh what else bigger guys they swim fast dude they swim fast they just want to get to the

Other side they swim fast oh my God they’re so fast underwater I can’t swim I can’t swim run run dude swim so where we need to sleep we need to sleep man don’t come down here don’t come down here don’t come down so [ __ ] fast in the water dude at me dude ah

I need to get back to the crafting table holy [ __ ] dude I’m [ __ ] gone I got 14 apples on me dude get at the top of this mountain over here I’m over here where the hell are you at I’m back by I’m back by base I’m back by base

Right now I’m back by base holy [ __ ] there all right damn y’all a bunch of [ __ ] there’s like there’s any of them with red eyes over here what the [ __ ] are they like spicy spicy I need a sword I need a sword I need a sword

I got a sword come [ __ ] good song oh that’s a creeper Oh Mamma Mia he’s fully [ __ ] kitted out that’s not fair who is the skeleton oh dude there’s like 600 skeletons gonna get some [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] damn they hit like a [ __ ] truck dude

I’m in a [ __ ] cave right now dude damn help me yo I’m in a cave right now man I need help dude they got [ __ ] Aimbot up in this [ __ ] I’m safe now dude I’m stuck in a hole right now the Creeper’s exploding his way in here you’re you’re winning that castle

We need that castle I’m not a food almost you can’t just light anything on fire that’s kind of stupid oh wait I found K with some coal in it oh the eggs you [ __ ] what are these you need to wait till date time yeah I had that bed in my

Inventory you could have just left the game and rejoined it what do you mean you need everyone’s asleep oh the bed is back at base I can get over there well yeah but I can’t leave the game why not I’m the host oh dude there’s like six holy [ __ ] dude I’m

Playing fortnite right now here I’m gonna watch you I’m like up in a [ __ ] tree dude he’s hard sculpting me he’s over there is he hard scoping you he is I gotta leave oh [ __ ] all right I guess we’re going damn oh [ __ ] out my way [ __ ] ah

Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] is going on what oh he hit me with regeneration Nan poison then poison is the Herobrine mod working dude he’s giving me a [ __ ] jump boost um I got oranges yummy they don’t do [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don’t get some [ __ ] oh never mind you’re coming with me [ __ ]

[Applause] step off damn can I make apple armor oh Herobrine’s real my [ __ ] screen 600 spiders right now dude what’s going on with my screen I’m playing fortnite Oh [ __ ] foreign dude it hurt this is gonna give me epilepsy damn yeah yeah Herobrine’s real I survived yeah [ __ ] you you [ __ ] Can’t Handle Me hold up what the [ __ ] the cow hit me the cow [Laughter] what the [ __ ] I got it through a [ __ ] cap how is that possible

Oh my [ __ ] god he’s mowing me down with his bow and arrow [ __ ] bloodline damn dude the [ __ ] is going on over there the cow does so much knockback the cow through you that’s new to me I didn’t know they hear you the cow has so

Much [ __ ] nut back look at the Stream dude the cow hit hits like a [ __ ] truck dude they kick you yeah we need to get this Castle down like ASAP um this is kind of like a big open area over here I could get to work on Excavating

Yeah like down here oh there’s over here yeah right over here we could build a bridge across here hold on wait let me build a bridge real quick I know I have do that later just jump over here they’re right here in this area right here damn the [ __ ] animals attack

Look at this look at this look at this look at this okay no no I’m actually going crazy I’m actually going crazy that’s no no no I swear to God I swear to God I’m not crazy I’m not crazy I’m not crazy look look look look look look

No I’m not crazy I’m not crazy I’m not crazy I think you’re crazy do you have a crafting table yeah oh no wait I can make one now we need to get the house upper right now we need to get a [ __ ] Castle dude what are you talking about

Okay I’m gonna make a little farm for some foodles okay yeah I got a bunch of river next to us well we have like a review oh yeah a bunch of meat and [ __ ] uh do you have an ax yeah give me give me give me give me give me like a shovel

Minecraft just got real yeah look here you’re like what’s happening my screen man it’s never happened to me before you’re alone health so there’s orange trees and [ __ ] yeah uh [ __ ] we need to we need a cold do you have any coal on you yeah here oh I just need one piece beautiful

I’ll get these sheep over here real quickly and make a bed for us try to get what about your other bed well I don’t know where that’s at I I could go grab it real quick oh isn’t that cheap over here they’re all running away from me I wonder [ __ ] why

Yeah we should hit me I told you I’m not crazy I did like six hearts of damage to me [ __ ] are you running away from me I want a blue bed my bed’s gonna be blue you gotta choose the different color you gotta choose a different color because mine’s blue

They’re kind of kind of blue uh blue flower blue all right I’m gonna go mining you have a pickaxe [ __ ] come here and hit me yeah actually you go mining I’m gonna start collecting wood all right I’m gonna get a bunch of stone get a lot of stone

We gotta get to work on this [ __ ] Castle dude are we playing on hard mode yeah okay I was gonna say if not change it tomorrow change it to hard mode probably why the Sheep do a thousand [ __ ] damage on it yeah dude I swear to God the animals fight back

You thought I was great dude I swear to God that’s why people I am schizophrenic but this is what makes people go this is what makes people schizophrenic that knows when the Sheep does six Hertz of damage and flies flings me away dude the cow does so much knockback like from fortnite

I haven’t played fortnite in a while what what’s up with the new update you don’t play fortnite played Four when I was like I actually played fortnite it was probably like 2014. 2014 2018. minus 14. monkey fart ween oh my God I almost found the [ __ ] ravine oh my God

Hey or some [ __ ] there’s a we live right next to a [ __ ] Ravine dude I know I was over here killing sheep when I was seeing if I could find a cave over there or she lives next to two Ravines there’s one right here we should you we should

We should put um put like bridge on The Ravines and make them look all cool oh hit he ain’t going to the jei and type in uh Bridge What the [ __ ] is this iron pillars pliers not pillars what the [ __ ] that’s kind of cool actually I will definitely look into that oh there’s there’s a couple of different caves around here with that green booger [ __ ] in it for you yeah that’s for uh an oracraft mod

Oh for the cross we can grow ores you can grow oars yeah shit’s about to get crazy Minecraft just got [ __ ] real dude wow I got a bunch of resources this should probably last just like one night fell into the [ __ ] ravine ravine’s kind of cool

Yeah just get like a lot of uh Stone intervene so I can see if there’s any iron down here to make a bucket there’s a couple different caves I’m also gonna once I you give me like three Cobblestone pickaxe because I’m also gonna start down here I’m also gonna start grabbing

A bunch of stones so we can get to work on the castle uh for right now we could do like wooden pillar walls put in wall pillars uh watch out because Herobrine can light fire to Wood houses okay good to know I better start locking this [ __ ] off then

We have stun pickaxe take 90 years to mine Cole is it we live next to a lava source too yeah is that a dungeon oh my god oh no you built that wasn’t um I saw Cobblestone but then there’s ah what going on are you okay What the [ __ ] man what look at this street I know you fell into a cave didn’t you yeah he’s so scary I tried to make the jump and I [ __ ] fell and there’s more mobs already where the [ __ ] did they all come from uh the mod that for the enhanced Ai and

[ __ ] for they’re Harder They spawn a lot more now okay well good thing they’re [ __ ] I’m sorry stupid not [ __ ] can’t call people that nowadays I call you well I am schizophrenic so I don’t care going back up right now oh you already made a bed yeah I made my own Get me the [ __ ] out of here we have Ukraine beds what yellow and blue oh okay you support Ukraine guys don’t worry oh wait no we gotta get this on stream just so people don’t cancel me Okay should I get to work on a basic little wall for the night yeah I put cobblestone in the chest okay cobbles sound good look guys we support you crane guys I swear there’s no Cobblestone here what the [ __ ] and this one oh okay I like dirt on you

Just fill in this little like hole right here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 11. Times Square there you go one two three four five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all right shut up I’m making nice it looks yeah you put some torches

Around here no mobs spawn in here this is for our protection Power Protection well yeah we’re gonna die without it get a pickaxe it has like one use on it I’m just gonna make a new one zombies oh no defend defend the wall ah oh [ __ ] we’re under attack

I’m I’m one hit he’s hard scoping me I need food he’s running away look at him he’s [ __ ] running away he’s running away from me nice he is running from you okay you get to work he’s out of the sword coming in oh he’s got a fishing rod

Oh creepers respond a lot of creepers just spawned [ __ ] rod he’s gonna go for creeper watch out watch out there’s so many creepers what there’s so many son of fish for you oh he got me dude he’s fishing for you I know dude he’s hitting keep them away from the wall

Get the [ __ ] over here [ __ ] you out oh he hurts so much dude foreign I’ll just I’ll just like make them [ __ ] around yeah distract him distract him bastard kill off my land dude finish the wall finish the wall please I’m trying dude there’s so many oh no

We’ve lost the house we’ve lost the house no we got it we gotta hold our ground why’d you behind you there’s so many oh God is a skeleton archer over there oh I’m getting in the cave I’m getting in the cave I’m getting in the cave don’t

Come down here don’t come down here don’t come down here whatever you do don’t come down here I heard that I got a ringing into my ear okay okay the wall the wall the wall the wall I’ve just closed myself in oh my goodness he’s got a it’s a minor

Zombie it’s a minor zombie he’s got a pickaxe I blew down the wall oh my God oh dude I can’t get my stuff back they’re freaking creaming at me dude no no give me apples give me apples dude I can’t do anything dude they blew a hole in the wall there’s so many there’s so many No no we need to go to bed we can we need to put walls and defenses up dude I put the wall down and they blew through it ah it’s only half past night time dude oh do you want to start on a new world

Maybe oh we got this it’s just gonna be the same way last no we got it we just got a speed Runner man as soon as we spawn in we got this we just gotta survive until daytime did you build a pillar I I was not safe up there

I’m going into Ravine [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m coming out of here baby zombie oh my God oh my God I’m safe I’m kind of safe right now I hear them all around me no they’re coming down yeah Don’t leave the bed leave for that leave the bed leave the bed there’s so many of them yeah I pickaxe ow could become the Ravine with you let me come in the Ravine with you all right I’m gonna open the door let me in get it

Lock it block it block it my screen’s bleeping right now me too do you have a a matchbox no I did I died I had on man how do you make a matchbox we need paper for that bro how do we get paper sugar okay dude they don’t [ __ ] around no they don’t

I guess we can get some Cobblestone while we’re down here for the Fort good thinking dude it’s this is like one of those Minecraft animations what like you know that one really old Don’t Mine at Night ah dude I’d have to look it up but the

Guy builds like a big old like Square wall and he’s surrounded by mobs and he’s it’s like a Minecraft music video I’ll have to look it up it’s no it’s it’s the reveal it’s it’s Captain Sparkles um the king one where uh they blow the water the moms blow the wall

Yeah that’s the Herobrine no I’m thinking of something no no that’s that’s different they it’s like a guy in a cave and he’s got nothing left and he’s surrounded by mobs in a wall he built and it’s like really weak and so they start like breaking it down

And in his final moments he’s thinking of like his girl his boyfriend and stuff boyfriend is his kid and then he like dies I’d assume dude my screen I’m gonna get [ __ ] epilepsy from this how many hearts are you on three oh all right

Is it daytime yet I have no idea I don’t no I don’t think it’s safe to check than me but did you see it dude he’s hard scoping yeah I saw it hey hold on let me try and take care of him he’s up we’re good it’s good we’re good

Go go go go go go he’s coming back I don’t know it is it is it’s it’s turning daytime it’s turning daytime right now full daytime so we burn look hold Tab and look on the mini map look at all oh my do you see do you feel the enemy icons yeah

I’m gonna go grab a drink okay I grabbed me a blue Gatorade new Gatorade yeah where are you at going up okay is it safe I think so for the Hills it’s safe and you’ll get my stuff that I fell off in it over here I don’t know if it’s still here

Oh my stuff is gone Um I need to eat some food from the chest because yeah I’m done dude it’s actually like messing with me ah Peach do creatures do nothing where all my apples at we need to finish this [ __ ] wall dude they’re in the hole get him in the hole no I’ve captured one

Oh my God I count them both in the hole we’re safe okay good and what the [ __ ] Minecraft don’t play games nowadays I’m gonna go cut down a tree because I don’t have anything dude I lost the iron no I didn’t lose the iron I have a bunch of wood on me

I’m just gonna grab this tree I want to make a bucket and make some food for us oh you do that I got some Cobblestone for you too oh yeah let me have the I need to make this [ __ ] wall dude during the night we’re just gonna

Have to like go full lockdown mode I stepped near the hole oh [ __ ] [ __ ] what is this booger stuff do infarium for crops like technical cross technical craps like like a piston no like it makes we can make stone and iron oh we’ll make some damn it

Can’t you need thousands of it oh I’m thinking we make like a moat moat around the base come here oh let’s go all right I’m physically exhausted from last night dude get a wall out it’s already half day I know I gotta get this [ __ ] moat down making doors

We’re making an infinite water source in your house okay make it in the base in the main little room yeah do we want a water moat because I don’t I don’t know if when creepers exploded in water I don’t know if they uh I’m just putting them just a hole around the base

Something dude is this gonna be our house or this is gonna be like the wall this could that could be like a tower segment okay it’s gonna be a big castle it’s gonna be like the main little area in here yeah yeah I feel so far to grab one water bucket

And I had to go back there and grab another one well you only gotta do it once more Minecraft ain’t a joke nowadays man I’ll make a match packet whatever I don’t have any more they don’t have any sugar cane we need sugar cane it’s not good okay like hardcore hardcore Minecraft now

[ __ ] yeah I mean I can go check for some of the down the coastline down there I guess you not have any more Cobblestone no we we just gotta sleep dude but sleeping is like the [ __ ] way you know all right dude if this is a normal night imagine a [ __ ] blood man

And a Blood Moon you can’t sleep in oh my God I wanted to check down by the shoreline see if there’s any hurricane all right I’m cutting down trees right now because we need more materials we need like a fast way to get cobblestone yeah what’s a fast way we can get cobblestone

Uh mid game like we have diamonds and stuff you can make uh uranium stuff I can make cobblestone but it’s my favorite flavor Gatorade pumps you know sugarcane over forgot about Herobrine just wait until we go into caves for Mining and we meet the kid door down

There oh my [ __ ] God we’re not safe anything we’re you know we’re not safe anyway yeah I don’t think Minecraft’s boring anymore oh it responded there’s a witch hut over here there’s like actual urgency what the [ __ ] what is this a swamp right now I think this is Hurricane sure if there is

Gonna pack more food hey witch hut do you have anything to offer you got a cauldron this is actually really good because we have an infinite llama source nice use that I don’t see any oh there’s some Reeds over here I like the fast decaying trees it’s very nice

By the way torches will burn out within one hour okay good to know we need that Matchbox dude I’m gonna oh what poison fight [ __ ] witch thunder strike near me is that bad I don’t know I think I’m gonna be Herobrine it might be Herobrine it landed like right next to me

Oh that’s not good okay you know I’m gonna actually uh put one of these sugarcane down and wait for it to grow into two okay we have some type of shirt I had to run all in with one that’s like a 200 blocks away from our house uh you can

Survive with the Torches that we have right now don’t pick them up when you pick them up you break the torch there’s our door closed that’s me there’s a door on my base I’m gonna make a suspicious I’m gonna start moving all our stuff into the [ __ ] house dandelion I have one

I got one uh if you ever make suspicious stew you put a dandelion in there with it it’s always gonna have I’m pretty sure good effects oh yeah I have like I have a chart that tells me I like the effects that it can do there’s a matchbox out there on the

Ground where we’re on the ground oh my God [ __ ] out of here raw chicken can you put the crafting table down yeah oh yeah okay so the dandelion when you eat it it gives you like six hunger bars instead of four oh okay go grab your bed oh my God it’s turning nighttime

It is it is oh it is [ __ ] um okay I gotta get to work on the bunker you’re you’re on defense mode oh I’m going mining there’s nothing I can do to defend I’m just gonna over swarm us okay well then I’m making the bunker mining downward turnout

Get this out of my inventory Lord have mercy on us what it’s turning nighttime yeah yeah oh [ __ ] God oh my God I hear them they’re coming they’re coming coming they’re coming I’m barricading the door yeah yeah I’m genuinely scared right now why you have to be scared to be scared

About what the hell are you on about right now we have warm shelter yeah I’m making I’m making them I’m making a [ __ ] bunker I can hear them out there sounds like someone’s breaking in you’re lying I might be lying I thought I heard the block break it’s our bunker a little bunker a bunker I hear him out there dude we got a [ __ ] flower pot yeah okay um it will not [ __ ] off that thing

Get in the bucket go grab your bed grab your bed grab your bed grab your bed grab your bed go go go go go go get it get it get it put it wrong it goes like this this sideways okay it’s like Plants vs Zombies when the guy announces that zombies are

Coming dude for real I’m so scared right now can you hear them yes I hear it I’m I’m turning off the Minecraft music it is not fitting for this situation you’re lying foreign I put a bunch of emergency supplies in the chest our entire inventory in the chest you

Mean it’s all we have it’s okay I brought more supplies we’ll be fine if I need anymore man it’ll be fine it’s raining okay it’s just rain but you have what music oh I have the weather thank you like a blast proof I am all right okay

Bunker secure we got peaches apples and oranges for days I’m just gonna wait it out you want to go mining while we wait on mine too I feel like I’m in a [ __ ] War scenario right now why just wearing a bunker there’s nowhere to run that’s why I made the bunker

Some iron down here Lee shabby what are the [ __ ] chances of that dude second night [ __ ] blood moon blood moon time I like how as soon as you saw the red text I freaked out laughs [Applause] okay foreign down here too just in case things get too serious

I feel like a duty story about working on the base right now dude we need to worry about being alive right now I’m surprised we still are alive we need to focus on making moats yeah um in the morning it’s smoke time well will you work on getting the infinite

Lava and I’ll worry about that it’s like an entire in-game day to make one lava bucket well at least get it started so we can be semi-safe I don’t even hear him anymore but I’m still scared lapis yummy say lapis yeah lapis got four holes that die bye bye nice

All right just don’t pick ax broke and I couldn’t do anything I hear you mining yeah that’s not you that’s not you what what it’s a zombie the zombies no I blocked it off I blocked it off they’re coming they’re coming watch this stream watch the stream I’m

Beating dead ass watch the Stream oh I see it I told you I think it’s over wait I can sleep it’s over yeah it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over all right blood moon it’s over look out in the video uh actually we got an achievement for um

Encounter Herobrine digging around you while you’re mining I got that and I thought it was a zombie breaking in my area oh my God it was me let’s check out the damage oh the base is actually okay yeah all right not a not that bad not too shabby not too shabby oh oh

Oh it’s okay just a couple mobs nothing serious I’m gonna go grab our stuff from the bunker all right they’re in the bunker they’re mining Into the Bunker they’re in the bunker they’re at the bunker they’re in here get down here get out of here let’s go check it out

Who’s he dug around is this where he came from oh yeah master no okay this is my mind yeah and he’s he started mining from like right here it goes up we go up this oh he got the gravel oh wait here hold on yeah yeah there’s like a hole up here

Damn you okay let’s go check it out you can go check it out I’m gonna go get the sugar cane is done growing oh yeah this [ __ ] oh my God there’s a cave here that’s where you mine from he started mining I’m wondering outside oh my God okay we can trade with him

What we’re being camped outside the door are we there’s like three spiders the wondering Trader get in here don’t don’t open the door you’re breaking they’re inside they’re inside I’m coming I’m coming I’m in The Mineshaft other mine shaft in the house oh no I need saving I’m coming

I’m in a little hole inside the house oh yeah there’s another Miner here all right the miner’s dead Miner’s dead there’s so many I need help please I’m dead oh my God wait my I have my spawn in here oh there’s so many enemies I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m killing them

Trying to kill him oh I got the creeper that’s all that matters there’s like a 900 zombies down here dude what’s another creeper there’s so many mobs outside ah get it out get it out they got four sets of armor dude get away from here holy [ __ ] God damn I’m bee hopping

Of blindness come get some you’re breaking in oh [ __ ] oh double [ __ ] what happened oh I’m going back inside [ __ ] [ __ ] I came outside to help there’s like two skeleton archers they’re digging in they’re they’re under the house they’re digging I gotta get my they’re under they’re under the house

I need a sword I need a sword help me I can’t there’s too many things going on ah above you above you creepers I’m gonna die above you creepers above you get out of here we need to get out of here we just need to get out of here we just

Need to get out of here get out of the downstairs of the house they have infiltrated I’m trying I’m gonna die get out of there I can’t there’s a skeleton guarding me grab everything all right let’s go go coaches go oh run away run away wait I gotta heal

Up here or the hill wait skeleton’s still camping man you run you run you run you just run come on that guy saved you oh you got a shield let’s see it over there nice don’t you run away here take your bed take your bed take your bed killed

Him here we go we gotta move we gotta move take your bed take your bed I gotta go grab mine let me eat some oranges they breach breach run run they breathe dude that was like a I don’t even know we need to move right now we need to not

Be here I can’t see you need to grab your stuff oh God this is golden there’s like 100 Creepers in the house there’s so many creepers in the house I think it’s a lost cause dude right now dude bruh oh my God he picked up all my armor he

Picked up my shield he’s using my Shields you’re lying excuse me oh you know maybe maybe we start a new world Maybe maybe we start a new world what do you think yeah that was absolute [ __ ] chaos dude when we were down there I don’t know why but I couldn’t hear the mobs

Like breaking in turn down while we were down there and yeah um we were about to leave and the [ __ ] wall explodes and there’s like a million mobs behind it that was so funny it was like out of a movie dude I went downstairs in the house to grab my stuff

And he had my [ __ ] iron sword and he had my shoes all right uh luckily there’s a recreate World button so let’s do a new world like a new scene or anything do it I want to get like a more flatter area to start in so we can actually he’s

Gonna do the same world go different area because I don’t really want to edit the settings again okay remember don’t show my IP when I send you this new thing okay just tell me one you know put the string on okay see the thing one second okay I’m watching the board again because

It’s so funny well I would hurry up and get in here because we’re wasting decent oh my God yeah okay you’re right uh remember don’t show my IP yes oh IPS allowed here OBS okay I’m getting two trees and I’m going north okay go north

Or go wherever I’m going if you if you look at the mini map and you see a white dot that’s me okay players show up with my dots yes okay all right let’s go all right I’m in I’m gonna go look for the white dot come to it

Yeah okay I just see your skin do you see my skin on my on the map do you see my little face yeah yeah you see my little yellow face yeah we’re just gonna go North for a little bit We’re not gonna look back no it gets really hilly over here we should

Build like in the house Hill defense oh they’re really big mountain over there building the mountain mountain base oh I got onions what do you think about this mountain [ __ ] weird thing I’m not oh it’s actually another round over there I’m not close to you hold on yeah but

There’s actually another one behind it uh we restarted it inside of that one we restarted because [ __ ] got too whacked same same world same seed we just restart I’m coming you’re actually kind of far holy [ __ ] okay what mountain are you talking about straight like the diagonal where I’m at

Oh [ __ ] yo that’d be a little bit cold bass if we made like we got glass oh skeleton skeleton skeleton where right there in the hole the poop hole poop a loophole oh he’s focused on you I’m gonna whip his ass eat [ __ ] oh you can’t hit nothing [ __ ] I’m gonna die

I’m coming took your ass too okay well you come back over here should see your last last death as a waypoint yeah yeah come over here I’m gonna mine this coal and iron okay oh you uh come back over here yep did I not just the iron it’s above on top oh yeah

We get shielded as fast as possible yeah when you get a base it’ll just increase our survivability play 10 basically what does Shields they only basically just increase our survivability by like half okay whatever you say big Math Man creeper come down you know you either

Die or you don’t die now oh okay no I think I’m just too ballin I’m gonna die either way I’m gonna die either way I’m bee hopping emeralds potatoes Adam here yeah yeah yeah I got potatoes we can grow potatoes potatoes and onions oh cool there’s an ice map over here or Iceman

This little cave I want to live in this this looks sick we remove all this gravel it’ll be like nice and open we can add like big glass walls be cool but for right now we should live in the smaller cave we should live I’m always living that cave or that iron

Was at yeah let’s live in this one right here while we wait here you got an ax no okay I’m gonna kill some cows real quickly okay hopefully don’t kill me before I kill them away from me yeah it’s part of the new AI oh I’m gonna go in the swamp bomb real

Quickly it’s gonna find any sugar you can yeah there’s some down over here yeah there’s no sugarcane I heard such I mean that’s not funny that’s not funny yeah a slave in this little hole yeah yeah you got a crafting table in here yeah okay let’s check for some sugarcane while you

Do that I see some over there in the way distance I’m gonna start mining some Cobble okay we’re gonna wanna make this more into a home cooker Kane I need you we need you for torches it’s almost night time sucks at the run like 900 years away to get sugarcane

Camera grab like nine pieces of sugar cane over here then I’m gonna put a little bit on the way over here we’re going a little farm of them okay well I need three right now oh I put all the rest over Yonder [ __ ] gravel dude yeah yeah there’s a skeleton here

Oh Bueno I have no [ __ ] clue where he is uh what are you here no I got hit foreign okay all right there’s no skeleton I just got hit by a magical [ __ ] Arrow I guess they’re gonna goddamn Voodoo land oh hey you’re being watched yeah I know

Herobrine’s only scary when I notice him okay turn this house into a home it’ll light it up like it’s 1988. okay whatever the [ __ ] that means Bite of 87 okay was that the part of 87 . I found that skeleton machine he’s really in the [ __ ] water is he how far is he

He’s over there to go down here and turn left in this little K right here I’m blocking this this hole off you might want to get in here it’s like passive he’s trying to run away from me that’s gotta be part of the new AI because they’ll like run away to get

Distance so they can shoot you it’s kind of cool yeah I’m blocking this [ __ ] off we put glass right here where yeah that’s what I was planning on doing that’s why I made it like that and put our nine furnaces in this little furnace hole right here yeah I always

Make at least nine premises is there a temporary base right now yeah you gotta make it look good though it’ll be a Hermit Hood oh [ __ ] we don’t have any wolf or beds oh [ __ ] this can be like the real way out yeah oh okay I’m gonna make doors yeah yeah

Wouldn’t pickaxe sucks yeah you got it get a nice little home oh the whole rare [Applause] wanna make barrels put on here Five Nights at Freddy’s get the [ __ ] out of here you see Herobrine starts making that noise start singing Five Nights at Freddy’s yeah I could have I’m gonna have my bed

Like up here like nice and cool and like sectioned off and we can put barrels under here barrels under there I got my bed right here not a whole lot of mobs ain’t that bad actually I see Herobrine out there oh there he is yeah it’s [ __ ] sitting there like a

[ __ ] Erica shield with this where you at I’m right here you [ __ ] idiot that I make a shield boom we live in we’re living harder than last time yeah look how pumpkin here I’m liking this bass design yeah I got that so we could make a little pumpkin farm will pumpkin farm foreign

Let me move the furnace no we can put furnaces behind there we still put furnaces here but if it’s like an emergency we break the brightness up yeah it would be cool though no oh my God if we’re getting swarmed I don’t think we’re gonna really care if we have to break [ __ ]

Character you really like that door not a lot of mobs responding yeah um yeah this couple okay we lit the place up yeah oh as soon as I said that a lot of them responded with the potatoes here you had a bucket yet oh you got iron

Yeah I made a shield with it though oh okay we’re being battle Time battle Time battle time what do you mean they’re walking wait I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re doing you’re freaking out dude ring ring ring ring we gotta get a bell for that You over here and grab those cold I forgot to grab on this Mountainside ring ring ring ring ring ring it’s one spider oh it’s more than that oh [ __ ] okay yeah more than that dude oh yeah it’s more than that okay battle time gotta eat some food because eat my sweet potato

Es oh I gotta carry it Creeper Creeper Creeper oh [ __ ] okay I’ll lead him I’ll leave them away I’ll lead them away look at the skeleton the Creeper’s just walking in the base he doesn’t care first he wants the base with another creeper yeah they’re [ __ ] this Advanced AI is kind of [ __ ]

They they follow one person and if the other person attacks them they will not start hissing oh that doesn’t help oh [ __ ] huh just a bow that ain’t nice I got oh I got a boat too I thought I meant he dropped the bow I thought you got a bow

All right we’re gonna get Windows dude yeah yeah nice high ceilings ring ring ring he’s got a fishing rod oh he’s got a pickaxe ready to heal I gotta carrot we should start farming are you guys up to you after you hit him no only creepers

If the if a creeper’s like blocked on you he’s chasing you if I come up and hit him he won’t start hissing we gotta start from these carrots we need buckets we need iron we need to go mining we need to go mining unlining I got one call yeah

Yeah let’s go mining come on you got torches I have to text someone that’s not the time oh no it’s not the time there’s like this there’s the Deep slight [ __ ] here they’re not deep sleep not D side oh dude I’m so freaking smart dude I’m so smart

Yeah I need wood I need wood I’m so actually smart dude I’m so smart what dude I’m so smart I need I need a pickaxe I need a pickaxe I’m so sorry no no no no no no give me give me a pickaxe And I turned and I dream of what I need yeah I got more potatoes go get some damn oh Sherman daytime all right let’s go mining holy [ __ ] you go mining I’m gonna go get help you I guess you needed a hero I [ __ ] screamed help

Yo I didn’t hear your mic cuts out after like like I hear I literally just [ __ ] screamed to help yeah yeah did did you not help you didn’t know [ __ ] is wrong with you I couldn’t hear you all you said it was your mic cuts out like after you get a high pitch

Are you holding on for a hero to the end of the night shut up He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be passing here I just gotta be set for the fight I need a hero okay shove a skeleton oh man oh oh oh oh oh hit him with the one [ __ ] 80. get out of here [ __ ] you got hit there oh okay we’re exploded behind you

I’m in the This is the End Game right here 1v1 hero you shot that you hit that Creeper down there or you fell down there he just exploded on the wall that’s sick I’m gonna go get some sand okay yeah I’m gonna go um epic alert

There’s sand at the coast I was at earlier and now I can see if I get some sheep now did I wish I could [ __ ] see what why can’t you see my screen is oh I’m a [ __ ] genius infinite care glitch infinite [ __ ] carrot glitch oh boy

Whole tab on the map right now where you’re at yeah you see them see who oh Mom I see don’t do infinite care glitch if you yeah if you do that don’t do that what do you mean he said infinite carrot glitch yeah what about it don’t do it if it’s a glitch

Dude I was lying yeah you know what I did I planted the carrot without any water I used bone meal on it you [ __ ] idiot it’s like it’s not an actual glitch you can chill out I’m gonna do it again I don’t know I don’t know do not call me Chief queef yeah

I ain’t nobody sadly won’t give more SPS what does that mean salt and salt what does that mean I get that won’t give more MPS the [ __ ] is that about what it said Sally won’t give more FPS I don’t know what the [ __ ] that means yeah I know what FPS means you [ __ ]

Idiot I mean like what what you know what yeah man getting mad over a grain of salt [ __ ] I think that was the whole thing lives next to the [ __ ] would biome [ __ ] would buy them I [ __ ] hate spruce trees you don’t like Spruce Spruce [ __ ] sucks dude I’m gonna stay here I’m

Minecraft tree races all right I thought you would all right which is worse the spruce trees or the birch trees the birch trees are worse I’d rather Spruce them Birds [ __ ] hate Spruce or not Spruce I cannot stand birch trees dude they [ __ ] suck Bertram Bartholomew

All right follow me okay you have to see how [ __ ] smart I am here watch My Stream no closed out of it it’s lucky on those resources so I went into the cave over here right and I saw these it’s gone there’s a big ass cave down here holy [ __ ]

I saw these blocks I’m like wait those are stalact type blocks those usually spawn on the the tops of caves and ceilings so I’m mine down in it and what do you know I find a [ __ ] cave because I’m a genius dude holy [ __ ] it’s a big ass [ __ ] cave too

There’s a little men down here the [ __ ] did you just say to me don’t don’t ever say that to me you want to get you want to get hurt buddy I’m gonna get chat banned I [ __ ] thought s it’d be like this oh my [ __ ] god you’re kidding

What the [ __ ] he’s got an ender pearl what are you okay Chiefs are you okay no what what the [ __ ] he’s got an Enderman but look dude he’s I killed him that’s how they get up to you know I might actually be [ __ ] here okay we chilling let’s bring chilling

There’s like three of them over there what the [ __ ] ing Bob boo pants Spring ball boob pants yeah you do not just say Spongebob I did indeed [ __ ] your boob pants okay I need to take care of this [ __ ] dude never mind yeah what do I actually do about this

That’s what you should care about I’m gonna see your name show up on the [ __ ] chat message you’re gonna say it died probably no I’m too good for this game that ass died I Need a Hero there’s like no sheep anywhere I’m so [ __ ] angry dude are you angry yeah from what

I’m pit I’m teased are you dead ass angry I’m dead ass angry oh my god there are sheep over here oh my God they’re kicking my ass what the [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] yo yo yo yo yo yo joe what the [ __ ] is going on over there

I got my ass whooped by a gang of sheep oh they’re whipping my ass over here wow dude they started [ __ ] whooping me like six of them came out of came out of nowhere sorry beating my ass I got wood for a bit or wolf for a bed

Oh hi I was getting all for both both of us but I see how it is wait shut up I was at spawn these cattails is this big fat stupid ugly yeah what I was just make a joke about how everyone who plays Minecraft our child Predators but yeah go ahead

What click yeah go ahead that’s why I stopped everyone like me and him who played Minecraft let me think about it dream he’s he likes uh Predator yeah but honestly I will false accuse him because I hate him so much you’d be busting busting busting sure whatever the [ __ ] that means sure

I got onions onion onion onion to get back to home we could sleep how about you come down to this cave with me I don’t know I’m down to the cave with me I don’t really want this iron down there iron sorry me up what go out the door

Yeah it took you that long to catch on [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I got you some food in the chest by the or the furnace by the way yummy yummy yummy yeah we’re gonna go grab my stuff there’s a creeper in the back door there’s a creeper on the front door is

That oh my God there is we gotta go I gotta go grab my [ __ ] though look at this [ __ ] oh look at this uh spicy fellow he’s like looking at me and look at you you want to come on in buddy ah get pranked bro how about you come back in man his

AI is actually smart Mulberry as [ __ ] is a mulberry corn I’m taking all the seeds I’m not where’d my bones go will you take care of these [ __ ] I need to go grab my stuff before it despawns dude go grab your stuff then I need you to come with me and go

All right we’ve got the gravel all right let’s go there’s two let’s go Herobrine’s outside the window wait hold on wait here all right let’s go right here right down here ow yeah careful the Rapid Fire Man yeah there’s like no there’s just like six of them down here ow

All right now I gotta get the iron oh creeper you have to push him slowly okay [ __ ] he’s shooting at me just take care of him he changes yay two iron we can almost make a bucket with that more iron down there now where’s that let’s go for it guarding it

But we’re going for it let’s slowly push him I’ll go this way yeah they’re stuck between all like the little cones kill him dude like shoot so fast okay is tea taken care of he’s taking care of I’m so smart look at me oh I got drips down

Let me make that thing now okay we need the more iron yeah water bucket right yeah can you flow it down there wait a minute I just saved you yeah who asked slova slow the [ __ ] water down there thank you go do you want to go down there now

Oh I’m not going right now what ‘d you tell me to put those iron down there I said water because there’s iron down there just put water down are we going down together yes okay come on I’m coming come on oh there’s a skeleton shooting at me get the [ __ ] down there

Don’t hit me it’s my sword and my sword come on let’s go don’t eat my sword sir go I have to pick up the water why do you have to just get a different water source you [ __ ] idiot why do you have to pick up the water for

You [ __ ] are you why do you have to pick up the water I just put down that water you swam up where the [ __ ] did he go what jumpscare behind you I built the skeleton what what I’ll do a little skeleton might have a heart all right let me rotten flesh

And [ __ ] where is he he’s down that [ __ ] little way over there he’s pushing come here [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] God damn he shoots so [ __ ] fast I’m coming what the [ __ ] dude what the actual [ __ ] is that what they shoot so fast like I’m being for real

It’s probably right down there we need that Oh I thought that was diamonds that’s not diamonds you’re telling me Oh it’s fine what is it for the crap mod oh I don’t [ __ ] know dude I’m not going to download the mod I don’t have an iron pickaxe and I just mined one oh

I’m down here I didn’t know it needed iron uh the flash press you give me some food yeah I gave you half of what I have a piece of uncooked meat I got 10 iron and five cool some gold over here get that [ __ ] with how many apples we

Got we can make gold I don’t have any I I don’t have an iron pickaxe [ __ ] here wait is that phosphorus that yeah that’s gotta be whatever Flash race Prosperity whatever it looks like diamonds yeah oh that Zombie’s just [ __ ] fully kitted down there what are you doing he’s not shooting at me

And go eat my [ __ ] dick there’s a baby zombie foreign just keep getting harassed by him while I take care of these zombies all right hold on he’s gonna [ __ ] run away no he’s just standing here look at him oh nice yeah all right guys I’m going back to eat around flesh

Nice we can make infinite lava source infinite level first acquired infinite lava oh he blew up the diamonds I still drops him it doesn’t actually look like diamonds Gonna Fly the Geo near us a bunch of [ __ ] down here you wanna come back yeah let’s get the [ __ ] out here yeah

Good thing I found this cave holy [ __ ] good Escape yeah dude I use my [ __ ] detective skills detective skills go go gadget autism autism oh you missed some iron right here grab it oh [ __ ] me he’s a rapid fire [ __ ] why do some have rapid fire

They have a like two percent chance of spawning with rapid fire that’s that’s too big of a chance which would you go I went back up yeah I don’t know where up is oh [ __ ] me here lead him down here food I’m I’m just got hit by a massive wave

Of deja vu I feel like I’ve been here before oh what the f no no no no no no no no no I’d rather take the skeleton we push oh there’s [ __ ] two of them yay we’re hitting the bat we gotta get out of here gotta get out of here

What the [ __ ] out here oh keep waiting to shoot at me I got him I got him I got him ready get out of here I’m not sure if this is the right way either whoa it looks like it dude oh [ __ ] go is it the right way chief oh

Yay we just mine up just mine up just mine up the iron down here though yeah I’m getting it oh you’ve been followed why is he so fast what the [ __ ] we gotta get out of here here wait no let’s go back this way okay did you find it

It’s not the [ __ ] way dude no it’s not go down go back to where all the drip Stone was we came in via drip Stone we will leave the address down over here this is not the right way though [ __ ] man we’re lies I remember what it

Looks like we just gotta find it thank you this is not it oh yeah this is it this is it oh yeah yeah we were yeah we came here ah no we came down so we we go back from up one of these ways you’re right here this is the way this

Is the way yeah now yeah cause I remember we dropped jumped down the water we’re gonna have to block up this way nice teamwork all right let me break this block and make a staircase here foreign ain’t bad for our situation is pretty good let’s get the [ __ ] out of here

Get the [ __ ] out of here I have PTSD now that [ __ ] was worse than War ner like how we heard the kid before really yeah we’re getting that yeah can we make a double chest oh uh don’t I need three iron for the bucket so we can finally start making food

Who the [ __ ] is that oh it’s The Lumberjack guy look at him yeah oh what the [ __ ] do you hear it too what the [ __ ] do you hear it too no that’s that’s creepy what there’s multiple signs outside of our base that just say Do you hear it too

What do you mean by that calm the [ __ ] home I want that back on the Cave the water okay well when you get back you’ll see it all right all right I’m coming back up all right I’m back at the house where is that walk outside the front [ __ ] that

This multiple of them hey can I have your water what the [ __ ] yeah put it put the water in here making the infinite water source too yeah it’s like another bucket for I also have a bucket there’s water down here you [ __ ] idiot we live right next to water

I [ __ ] know that dumbass yeah so why don’t it’s right outside all right what the [ __ ] is it’s way closer I know what the [ __ ] are you on about the one I have is way closer all right we’re gonna make the water right here all right infinite Wilder on two

All right now we wait just kidding waiting waiting for the [ __ ] losing my chest what’s the sugarcane there too okay okay [ __ ] losers oh my screen started turning gray because I’m hungry oh it doesn’t when you’re hungry yeah it should sound like a grayish color like you’re dying it’s still gray too

And stop being [ __ ] Gray foreign shovel go hi you check my shovel yeah I just made a [ __ ] another one you can keep it [ __ ] oh so nice [Applause] foreign Corral the [ __ ] you know the [ __ ] what does that mean we live at the Golden Corral

The [ __ ] food place you know yeah I I’m not a loss for [ __ ] words that what you just said to me live with the golden [ __ ] Corral no we don’t why don’t we what are you talking about we do not live at the golden [ __ ]

Corral [ __ ] I didn’t mean to make this I didn’t mean to make what iron pressure plate you [ __ ] oh my you’re kidding are you [ __ ] kidding me what in Iron pressure plate pressure heavy weighted pressure plate outside our door yeah oh it it goes faster than like a normal pressure plate

That does indeed indeed it does okay I’m gonna go take a quick DP break look out the window will IPP break if you break foreign foreign [ __ ] foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you thank you period thank you period thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign I’m back are you yeah what happened

Herobrine was twitching around you like three different times I looked at you is that a new sign over there foreign did you write on that phone up there no yeah you did no I didn’t I’ve been AFK dude I’ve been AFK oh before that no I haven’t

Yeah no I didn’t hello there this is the what what does it say why would you ask me what’s on the sign I don’t know hello there this is the this is the I didn’t put that there oh I think he did I didn’t you [ __ ] you did no I did not

Dude I’ve been AFK this whole [ __ ] time you stupid that was there before you rev okay it was a long time ago okay you’re lying because no it hasn’t but I did not write on that sign what the [ __ ] was that noise dude that sounded so I thought that was in real life

What uh I heard some echoey cave noise I swear to God it was like into real life in the real life Minecraft put into your real life Minecraft but real Minecraft prison me up man I this honestly ain’t that hard what do you mean uh compared to before like jack [ __ ] has happened

On a mountain I got an advancement it’s something fun it’s me yeah I don’t I don’t understand why but uh it was the ghost Miner The Flying Dutchman oh creeper on the [ __ ] base dude before we were like getting [ __ ] destroyed by mods and now like nothing’s happening

Yeah I don’t really get it did you make it easier or something oh it’s the same [ __ ] thing it’s because we live on a mountain so and we don’t like to spawn on them we’re still gonna make that castle yeah unless you think it’s too easy yeah I want to make a castle

Um all right you want to get to let me get a iron pickaxe yeah let’s get to farming some uh Cobble wood right now okay I’m gonna get some cobbler one two three and do the four how many people are in my store yeah or are you gonna say besides that

What are you talking about let’s find go uh I don’t know it’s been a while do you remember I don’t know really long after apparently I guess we’ll never know number one Victory Royale yeah fortnite we bout to get down 10 kills on the board right now they’re swiped out tomato town

My friend just got down I revived him now we’re heading Southbound look at them right now on the Mario sheet no it’s something else and then look at the member of the marksheet go ahead and we’re heading southbound go to Pleasant Park Street look at the map

No it’s not it is not go to Pleasant Park Street go to Pleasant Park then go on the map look at the map go to the mark shoot take me to your Xbox play fortnite today with you we can’t be Pro fortnite gamers I’ll be a fortnight gamer with me I’m mining

Mine no I think of the other one that’s like um oh my name map show I see why they kill me I’m just mining in water I just fell in a hole now I’m dying that one’s my favorite onion foreign ER mom so I see wonder why they kill me I’m just mine and in water I just fell in a hole now I’m crying every server I go on yeah it’s inspiring Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft I’m just mining Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft that’s how the song goes and then you do the second

Verse Guys just bought an account now I’m playing diamond sword so heavy I’m feeling I feel I just bought an account now I’m playing diamond sword so heavy I feel like I’m holding up holding a mountain every time yeah I know every server I go on yeah it’s inspiring Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft

I’m just mine Minecraft I’m with all my friends yowie mine and not alone spawning all these creepers yeah making them some clones found a nearby dog feed him a bone trying to find or his full 64 stacks of cobblestone pick up the arrows put in the bow make the string stretch climb it

Oh yeah that’s kind of cringy not gonna lie no dude it goes hard it goes hard this is he’s how hard can it go to be honest it’s a lyrical Masterpiece dude pick the string stretch climb in all these mountains I fell off the edge download some monster in

Minecraft I can Flex get that texture pack the hard working project went in creative mode now I’m flying blowing stuff with dude yeah turn it up blowing stuff up with DNT now that’s satisfying that is actually really satisfying Andrew new server with scary mobs horrifying wow she looked in my chest and she

Looked at a hundred diamonds oh really now that’s kind of cringy yeah it says the guy used to touch it Among Us in his 20s says what says the guy who still talks about Mungus actively in his 20s actively actively and I’ve only ever played Among Us when I was ever drunk

You’re always talking about the such this Among Us that imposter whoever post this oh my what’s that imposter whoever damn I’d be a lyrical like that yeah you’d be lyrical thing to Call Me Maybe Minecraft song okay Maybe I love this song actually I can’t lie look at that okay

All the torch Arc torches are going out I threw a wishing oh well don’t ask me I’ll never tell I look to you as it fell now you’re in my way I trade my soul for a wish panties and dance for a kiss I wasn’t looking for this but now you’re

In my way your stairs holding ripped Jean skin was showing hot night when was blowing where you think you’re going baby hey I just met you and this is crazy but here’s my number so call me maybe and all the other boys but here’s my number so call me maybe what

There’s a Minecraft parody for you’re supposed to I like the Minecraft parody no there’s not you took your time with the call I took no time with the fall you gave me nothing at all and now you’re in my way I begging borrow and steal at first I and it’s real okay

I mean maybe Minecraft 30. lyrics Join Me Stevie yeah okay okay I’ve never heard this before this is my my first official reaction to this and I’m gonna be singing it live for the world to here after I cook up some meat why do we have copper okay I’m making

I’m gonna sing this while I’m oh [ __ ] actually I can’t mine it’s getting night time why do you have we should not we should be sharing chess man why do you got your own chest over here I don’t want sharing chess yeah we should share chess I’ve been putting my

[ __ ] in your chest why because we’re not keeping our own chest to each it’s ourselves yeah we are why because I throw random [ __ ] in my chest I don’t want your other [ __ ] here well let me take my [ __ ] back then don’t throw my [ __ ] eggs broccoli I’m not eating [ __ ] broccoli dude

What a bed okay I’ll sing it this is the Minecraft parodies Call Me Stevie call me Stevie huh I gotta find a good mountain to mine first this is like all [ __ ] gravel over here yeah yeah it’s all [ __ ] gravel I need [ __ ] to eat don’t take my mutton

I should make my own Minecraft parody song you know I feel like I can make a really good one what do you think come on you know it’s true we should make one together that’s what the cool kids do all right I’m not like a Minecraft

[ __ ] parody dude it’d be so funny we could play it during our stream we could play it in the background and be like yeah yeah you still play [ __ ] Minecraft so I don’t want to hear it you play among us too so bro I don’t [ __ ] video to still play Minecraft

I mean they make like millions of dollars dude if I made a million dollars I’d played [ __ ] Among Us you kidding me you’re mentally ill if you’re not doing that [ __ ] okay Minecraft would you would you play Among Us with a grandma and grandpa yes that would be so funny

What is an what’s a imposter it’s an imposter all right Minecraft Call Me Stevie Minecraft parody this is this is the right one Call Me Stevie I think I think so it’s like I’m stuck in a cell how does it start I don’t know go to the [ __ ] videos

Um on on the lyrics right now it’s like I’m stuck in a Cell dumbass make me what the [ __ ] is this the mobs make me want to yell I need a friend I can tell and you’ve come my way I’ll try my sword for a fish

Let’s hope that I do not miss I wasn’t aiming for this thing not you’ve come my way your stair was holding no armor skin was showing sword fight creepers blowing let’s go kill some monster Steve keep going man hey I just saved you and this is crazy

But here’s my stronghold so tell me yeah it’s so hard to survive in the city but here’s my stronghold so join me please okay hold on we’ll join okay we’ll join forces kill them wait dude this is we’re join forces Kill Them All dude this doesn’t [ __ ] rhyme

Yeah it does we’ll join forces kill them all no match for a Diamond Tool that does not [ __ ] rhyme you get a thing in the how they sing it we’ll join forces kill them no I’m okay I’m looking for a h no I was gonna do the one I was gonna

Do originally hold on mine I’m mining mining away parody with my mind grabbing eggs it’s not how it goes mining away I don’t know what to mine or minus anyway honest Minecraft day so beautiful mind diamonds so far I’ve got two sorry does it I was gonna play some samplings up here

So beautiful my mind I need to pickaxe This honestly ain’t that difficult you keep saying that and uh I’m sure as soon as we build this Castle we’re gonna get [ __ ] but I think it’s gonna be fun should have installed the Nexus mod for Minecraft no you’re [ __ ] from Minecraft what do you mean you’re insane

I mean do you know that man then the the Bots like the like the Gmod neck spot mods oh next is not next what’s it do put a block down it starts waves with the fence but I couldn’t do that one if I try because that’s a really old version

We’ll do the different time so beautiful I’m mining a mining a mining a mining it’s the intro to the song It’s a intro is it the intro though yeah it says I’m mining four times and then I’m exciting I’m mining I’m mining I’m mining I see wonder why they kill me I’m just

Mining in water I just fell in a hole now I’m crying in every server I don’t want you why don’t you sing a [ __ ] song why don’t you sing one you sing one no man I don’t have that 16 year old [ __ ] hey hey I got a voice of a [ __ ] angel dude

It’s that way though the angels are dead you’re a [ __ ] he grabbed me he [ __ ] molested me dude um Evie um foreign sang the chorus dude I threw a wishing oh well don’t ask me I’ll never tell I look to you as if uh now you’re in my

Way your star was holding ripped Jean’s skin was showing hot night wind was blowing well you think you’re going baby hey I just met you here’s my number oh Call Me Maybe it’s hard to look at it wait no I don’t know how this part goes hard to look right at you baby

But here’s my number so call me maybe yeah you took your time with the call I took no time with the fall you gave me nothing at all and now you’re in my way wait a big borrow and still at First Sight and it’s real I don’t know

I didn’t know how I would feel I didn’t know I would feel it that doesn’t [ __ ] rhyme now it’s in my way your star was holding ripped Jean skinless shoulder well you think you’re going baby what’s a what’s another like Minecraft parody popular one the [ __ ] like uh wait

So we back in the mind God our pickaxe swinging from side to side side to side this Tesco grueling one hope to find some diamonds too night night night time is tonight heads up hear a sound turn around and look up total shock fills your body oh no it’s

You again I can never forget those eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes cause baby tonight the creep is trying to steal all the stuff again sing this one send it to me I’m just gonna delete the [ __ ] send the lyrics Murder on My Mind Minecraft parody I have to listen to it

Dude you rapping bars like that I think they should put you in the top ten of uh well let’s see hold on I don’t think I know this one yeah I made this with 15. why what do you mean [ __ ] why excuse me what do you mean why

The guy who made this why the [ __ ] what did you just say to me how how when what oh what you need to stop you need to stop playing so much [ __ ] Among Us what it’s good into your head dude oh is that Among Us related yeah no I’m

Saying it’s rotting your [ __ ] brain because you sound like a mental patient right now what what the [ __ ] did I do come on what did you not do you [ __ ] insult you insult me you you shoot my grandma you saw her wheelchair for for Robux I think you’re here you’re a big schizo

Oh we’re we’re seething okay okay you saw I was busy drinking a whole Gatorade you should do that Crush challenge with a water bottle will you drink it really fast yeah I can do that I can speedrun a water bottle but still my [ __ ] dude a water bottle what are you

Taking for my chest Put Some Coal put some uh food in there okay thank you I got carrots if you need them what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is this thing the thing for the [ __ ] seed things I’ve been talking about oh well you

Don’t tell me [ __ ] and then this [ __ ] Voodoo ass magic device appears up what do you expect me to think about it just keep singing your [ __ ] parodies time get back to slamming boy get back to singing boy Minecraft so you [ __ ] run away from me you dumb [ __ ] I need some newer

You’re the one do the [ __ ] murder on my mind no I can’t do that why Minecraft Hunger Game song oh my God this one’s a classic it’s Basin Canadian Albanian Canadians yeah yeah dude I used to listen that [ __ ] all the time I cannot come all the way out

Here to kill [ __ ] black sheep that one’s a classic yeah it feels like Yogscast oh here it is not [ __ ] hit me wait is this copyrighted ow is this copyrighted what Don’t Mine at Night I’m pretty sure any YouTube video is copyrighted two four six eight Got my helmet on my head figure out what does uh wait what the [ __ ] bro what that zombie said lava all over the room got half a heart man I am doomed don’t have any don’t have any iron bars pick it pictures broken to some shards

She had any noise what should I do go left or right I’ll have to choose No it’s go to bed you’ll be all right at night there’s nothing that is gonna change if you wait until the day your house is on fire no no everybody what are you doing [ __ ] you here Brian there’s your bed’s on fire no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no your bed on fire put it out you [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what what the [ __ ] would you just stand there looking at it I was waiting for you to come back why would you just send that

[ __ ] looking at I was hoping you would see too oh my God what the [ __ ] you’re an autismo why would you just stand there [ __ ] looking at it don’t burn yes they do they don’t that’s burn ing yeah yeah did you hit puberty you don’t know

I don’t know I mean you’re 23 years old you might want to see a [ __ ] doctor about that oh do the [ __ ] with that one song [ __ ] Brass Monkey Brass Monkey you the Funky Monkey Are you the Funky Monkey I’m the Funky Monkey can’t wait to build this Castle dude I can’t wait for brass monkey I can’t wait for Brass Monkey Too Return of the brass turn of the brass brass in my ass oh foreign Brass Monkey 2 Electric Boogaloo the brass Boogaloo depressed brass

In my ass all right where are we going to build this Castle you want to build it like in um you want like a mountain castle like a normal like flat land classroom Among Us grown ass man everybody grown ass man in the game saying about Among Us hey

They’ll get frisky now Brass Monkey who’s there hey what the [ __ ] you put my shield on cooldown dude sing The Brass Monkey Minecraft parody broccoli why’d you put up what the why the [ __ ] do I have salt in my [ __ ] can I eat it foreign

We can use pointed drip Stone on the uh the walls of the castle for like spikes what oh no I did take some of your [ __ ] just for the lows we could use Dr we can use pointed drip Stone as spikes on the castle walls yeah yeah what are you doing

Looking at [ __ ] moving Dory all right I’m gonna go out and find out where we’re gonna uh build this [ __ ] Castle in that one area or one area oh Mount over there show me the whole Mountain that we [ __ ] passed up over here a little hole in the mountain you want

How are we gonna build a castle out of this uh oh not like out of my inside of it well not inside of it but like out of it like how are we gonna turn this into a castle I don’t know user imagine no this is this is just a bad spot

I’m gonna use your imagination ow I turn on my render distance really high in section Brass Monkey funky donkey monkey s monkey Funky Monkey oh he put down another sign what does it say who needs to be left I’m watching oh I must be watching the Stream

Oh tune in Arrow Brian yeah tune in man we sing Minecraft parodies and we build epic [ __ ] castles because we’re cool like that cool like that I thought you opened the door for me and that was the [ __ ] pressure plate no I thought he was like oh come inside I’m a lady

Oh [ __ ] we should build it near like this River yeah it’d be kind of cool yeah River it niblet Ninja whoa what’s that why does my screen [ __ ] do that sometimes all right I double tap W to run and sometimes it’ll have like a little seizure

Because you used you use the W type w ow yeah but like it’ll like I used to use that for the old I know you’ll have a miniature thing and you won’t run firsthand no it’ll like my I’ll run stop Run Stop Run Stop Run Stop run stop and I’ll do

That a bunch that’s why I use Mouse button if I have to uh run I just like using w ow not much scary stuff has happened or intense stuff I feel like that mod that adds like it’s not it’s less scary more like just adds intensity to the game yeah because like

As a matter of fact I better okay I I almost actually [ __ ] freaked out when it said Moon yeah I actually better get oh I didn’t think that could happen and oh my God they’re surrounding the house dude I’m not home I’m not home I’m where are you I’m at the house

I cannot look for you on the map right now oh you’re so far away I don’t even see you I’m running back in the general direction in the general direction or you better hurry up and get your hat your ass back to hell what torches outside are getting put out

Because of the rain oh no oh [ __ ] like the guy at the car at the party like gonna be able to make it back I’m being [ __ ] up by some skeletons dude no it’s not that hard is it it’s not that hard well no no nothing’s happened I can’t

Find my way back home can you make a ping or something so I can see it no I can’t do that oh my God it’s all nice and cozy in the house right now man [ __ ] you help me I don’t know where you’re at I don’t know where I am

Oh my God I’m at the original base location with the Ravine how the [ __ ] did I get here okay wait no I just head north right it hit Evan look at the map you see mine I’m hassle [ __ ] hard dude this game is so unfair

I thought you said it was easy well yeah until I start getting [ __ ] destroyed from a skeleton halfway across the [ __ ] map okay I just gotta run north it’s not that hard we’re being invaded are we there was a witch inside here snobs not the [ __ ] time dude for what

I wish to give me slowness no it’s not the [ __ ] time dude I need to eat so bad pumpkin monkey monkey monkey all right I’m basically here are we still under attack kinda they’re breaking in oh [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming they’re broken they broken they broke they’re in

For real get away from me it ain’t me all right I’m here they’re broken you’re not here I’m about to be dude I’m about to be dead holy [ __ ] oh yeah okay I’m getting close I’m getting close I don’t even see on the map yet you’re nowhere near I’m close I see the

Mountain oh my [ __ ] god this isn’t good baby zombie with a diamond sword you’re kidding everybody oh no the Empire is going to fall holy [ __ ] they’re gonna break it while the break let’s go we’ll still laughing like this why are you doing that because I forgot I’m here where are they at

Everywhere why did it make a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the creeper made a John Cena’s sound effect what a big dead ass when the creeper blew up it said and its name is Johnson it never played the sound effect I’m serious it did and his name is

I’m seriously [ __ ] dead I gotta get in the base I don’t have a pickaxe let me in until they were breaking in you [ __ ] liar they broke it over here where where I put this cobblestone well we’re good now you left our back door open

I had to get back there I was getting chased what does [ __ ] is that what no break it up lock it up block it up I’m lagging what the what the [ __ ] is that what is that this is my bow where’s my bow okay I got my bow pickaxe I’m making [ __ ] Armor

Who’s gonna oh he shoots two blocks you’re kidding two blocks what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] skin for real get the [ __ ] inside what are you doing them [ __ ] harassing them dude that’s not you opening the chest get the [ __ ] out of here where’s this

Big skeleton at he’s on top of us right now you’re [ __ ] playing oh we have a bit of a problem what [ __ ] miniature zombie oh just trying to open the [ __ ] door they were opening the door every two seconds he’s inside who is he’s thank God he’s stupid as [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Dude I need to see this big zombie I forgot you the [ __ ] mutant mobs were even a thing wow I got cooked Stone on me what I’ve cooked Stone oh he in [ __ ] with poison yeah he’s [ __ ] up there dude ouch being shot by a [ __ ] skeleton no it’s

A skeleton he’s rapid firing and a spider oh get the [ __ ] out of here son get played all right I’m gonna come down I’m gonna eat your [ __ ] ass yeah dumbass Jesus there’s a lot of spiders and skeletons my [ __ ] chill broke hey gang we pause here

Maybe don’t go back out there ow [ __ ] creeper hit me and had knocked back like yeah maybe watch out all right it’s okay it’s running day it’s okay it’s okay it’s your day the mutant the mutant the mutant skeleton can’t hurt us anymore he’s on the roof yeah it’s okay it’s turning gay

He can’t hurt us anymore it’s turning day I don’t even see what he did I’m just [ __ ] intimidated by him he’s a [ __ ] what what you came down and [ __ ] hit me yeah there’s a lot of skeletons around the base there’s so many [ __ ] skeletons oh this one’s got [ __ ] rapid fire

Oh my God he’s actually gonna kill me fighting them yeah kinda kinda holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what happened why am I spuning in on your bed look at this man I gotta go grab my [ __ ] I can’t because there’s a no [ __ ] room here

You can go out the front door I’ll block it off after you if you want nah I’m sorry oh my God skeleton a parachuted ah what are we gonna do about the [ __ ] big bro it’s fine it’s gonna turn taste soon oh my God I’m you gotta get rid of these

Rapid fire pieces of [ __ ] why they’re so [ __ ] annoying dude part of the mod I can’t get rid of that like actually what the [ __ ] do I do about that are you fighting it right now no it’s raping me I don’t think you could say it on stream I think

I don’t care if I can or not he [ __ ] is man I’m watching your battle on the map right now with all these projects he shot so fast dude I like on the map when you die I see a lot of your items just explode out of your body it’s all ready

Foreign what what is that there’s a skeleton oh God it’s Archer than horses out there they [ __ ] respond on top of me dude do you want me to make shield no I got this oh my good thing dude oh God oh God oh my [ __ ] god the writing spiders now what

There’s Spider jockeys get back to the house you’re literally unfucking touchable oh my [ __ ] god oh it breaks the wall no no coming back everywhere let me in oh they’ve reached the second wall they breached the second wall you’re too [ __ ] though out I need my [ __ ] I need to

Yo you picked up all my [ __ ] I need to defend my [ __ ] on the ground throw my [ __ ] on the ground real quickly I have nuts oh wait okay I gotta defend myself on the ground I don’t have your [ __ ] I just hey you did you picked up my shield

Oh is this yours Well mine’s mine’s right outside the front door then but you couldn’t have anything on you mine’s right outside the front door ow I’m gonna block this out for the best I can take care of it this [ __ ] rapid firing man holy [ __ ]

Down the door I was trying to defend let’s go I picked up some of my [ __ ] I can’t grab my sword or anything dude why oh I’m a [ __ ] genius never mind you get the oh my God these guys are pissing me off oh the [ __ ] outside the door

We don’t have a door anymore ow [ __ ] bad idea laughs oh he does a crown stomp attack what I’m covering the door I’m trying to kill big boy oh block it up block it off I got it oh [ __ ] he’s here I gotta heal up I got your

Sword I need my shield where my [ __ ] Shield go uh I don’t know I got it okay oh the war is getting intense dude where did big boy Joe go he’s right [ __ ] there last time I saw him yeah he’s still here he’s got like a huge [ __ ] crossbow

We need to build this [ __ ] Castle dude he gets like a [ __ ] beast this I feel like I’m in a movie right now this feels like one of those Minecraft sfm movies no don’t shoot me we’re in a Minecraft sfm right now I gotta leave I gotta go grab the rest my [ __ ]

He exploded the [ __ ] rapid fire skeletons are shooting at us dude I’m actually gonna get so [ __ ] angry he’s literally untouchable he’s really untouchable I’m sneaking up on his [ __ ] can we like mine his little remnants what is he doing he’s like your mind yeah he kind of just

He exploded and then like nothing else happened we didn’t get why don’t we get like a reward there’s three skeletons camping you right now I’m healing up hold on I’ll fight him we need to get this [ __ ] Castle set up dude oh they’re all rapid fire skeletons we gotta get rid of these

It’s not fair to have these dude I’m gonna kill Mike right now I’m healing up hold on he’s pushing us it’s okay I’m actually got good defense right here oh you can oh I got a skull what the [ __ ] yeah oh it gives armor wait yo that’s sick as [ __ ] look at me

Himself his own thing I got his bones too mutant skeleton limb what can we do with that I don’t know there’s so many skeletons around the house they’re just laying suppressive fire we gotta push somehow I have a plan Circle mode ah it’s not working ow he’s in the [ __ ] house get the

[ __ ] out of here all right Circle mode what was that what was that oh all right we need to what there’s still skeleton horses outside they’re focused on you though I might be able to take care of the rapid fire skeleton or shine date it’s your day holy [ __ ] dude

I’m gonna take care of this the horses can we ride the horses if we like keep the horses well if we get like help can’t really go right now let’s shut down horses everywhere I think can you do like can you get like [ __ ] Armor from these guys

That’s kind of sick if so kind of freaking radical oh oh there goes my shield there’s another creeper coming in here and I don’t have a shield what’s okay what the [ __ ] out of here I put on skeleton pants and it gave me [ __ ] jump boost of speed really yeah

Oh I gotta kill him I’m healing up right now I will once I can be funky okay monkey you [ __ ] okay I killed one Jesus Christ dude and a [ __ ] creeper and one after me too I’m long I’m getting low on carrots [ __ ] what’s up boy there’s only two of them

Push them go oh there’s three of them go go go go go go go I’m holding the fire I’m holding fire go push him push him push him push hard to push when I got jump boots on okay wait can I see the jump boots oh they’re just skeleton boots I want to

See them though man I wanna oh let me see them oh you’re a bastard does he drop more than just head and feet look at the making it into armor oh you can do you have any more of his bones oh I’m just [ __ ] asking shut up

All right it’s it’s night time again all right we okay we gotta defend dude holy [ __ ] that was like it was like they actually laid Siege on our [ __ ] base okay we’re gonna defend for the night right as soon as daytime hits we’re gonna take everything we need and we’re gonna go

Bring okay we’re gonna we’re gonna go and play base we’re gonna go lay base add a new we’re gonna go fishing rod zombie give me your fish holy [ __ ] okay we just gotta survive the night barricade barricade all the windows trying to do okay we just chill for the night

We chilling we chill chilling [ __ ] I forgot archeology was a thing I want to do some of that holy [ __ ] dude we actually just had a mini War yeah where’s all the window uh how do I what can I build with the skeleton limbs it won’t show me foreign foreign armor you know

Footsteps yeah oh I didn’t move at all neither did I holy [ __ ] what we just had we literally just went through an actual like mini [ __ ] War I know dude the the like the skeleton boss showed up and he brought all his little [ __ ] minions

Dude I feel that was dude I would I would nominate that for an Emmy that was [ __ ] insane so you building creeper we’re in it for round two Gear Up Gear Up cheer up boys oh you he’s coming dude um he hits me through the [ __ ] wall we’re here for round two

We gotta set up little shooty holes oh what the [ __ ] is that oh no no the Jets the chest the chest broke the chest broke I’ll repair it I’ll repair it just cover me oh the beds are broken our beds are broken put your bed down put your bed down

I gotta find my bed I don’t have a bed where to go did you pick up my bed no if I can I’m gonna make a new bed then oh my [ __ ] god dude not again we haven’t I don’t have a bed either my bed is gone what is that [ __ ] noise

What is this cutting board are you [ __ ] serious a cutting board a cutting board we do not have time for cutting boards okay a cutting board you don’t have time for cutting boards did you take my arrows yeah do not open the [ __ ] door he’s still out there where the [ __ ] yeah

All right I’m setting up a shooting window oh [ __ ] he hurts wait do you have a bucket of lava no where’s the lava’s outside the back round two oh my God there’s a Asian help help help get over here he’s in I spun in a [ __ ] cave he’s in the [ __ ] base

I don’t have a shield man he blew up the chest again [Applause] the biggest hobby over here chasing me a big zombie oh my God they blew up the [ __ ] house we need a castle dude we need the castle so bad he’s so fast he’s so fast he’s so fast

He’s so face throwing creepers at me I got a rapid fire Skeleton on me oh Jesus they’re all after me just dude I don’t know what to do I really don’t know what the [ __ ] to do I’m coming back I’m coming back defend it’s up to you man I don’t got a bet

Anymore he’s teleporting Creepers on me oh first I got baby zombies after me I just need to get somewhere safe and make a door and I’m going under the water Speed Run I’m here I’m being chased around don’t let no local neighborhood oh I’m outside I’m outside I can’t get in okay wait

I’m in okay the zombie has my [ __ ] are you serious the zombie has my full iron set zombie has my full [ __ ] iron set oh dude there’s no escaping them a zombie has my armor my shield and my sword oh my God LPS coming back home

I’m not good I’m not going that way there’s a mutant Creeper down there oh Get Jinxed get out cut the sweetness booster nope get in the house and block it off right now I can’t as soon as I get there a zombie [ __ ] spawned on me and took all my [ __ ]

You’re gonna have to kill the zombie in there dude it’s turning daytime it’s turning daytime it’s turning daytime we gotta get that castle set up dude don’t pick up my stuff because my stuff is like in the house I’m gonna try but there’s a [ __ ] another there’s two

Bosses in there now one of them has my [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god he does half my heart yeah what happened it’s five and a half hearts of damage with your stuff on with my [ __ ] on I gotta try and find a sword or something dude see you walking around with a couple

Dollars right now go pick up my stuff I don’t know where it is in the back okay I’m trying to keep it from creepers yeah dude I don’t are we even gonna be able to get the castle up dude where’s all the cobblestone I don’t know

How did you get your way in here again me you’re a zombie If it’s gonna rock in a hard place right now yeah I’m between two rocks crushing my [ __ ] nut sack hard place up my ass if we can overtake this and we get the Cobblestone we we gotta set up the [ __ ] thing dude take out the zombie that at

Your [ __ ] iron armor all right could you let me get my [ __ ] back because I’m here now I lost one of my items in your [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m trying to throw it on the ground you lost it all no I lost one I’m like there it is okay

All right let me open it up okay let’s get a chest down so we can put this [ __ ] down because you got let’s save like the cobblestone make a stack of it a stack we cannot catch a [ __ ] break put yourself over here okay we cannot catch a [ __ ] break dude

First the skeleton boss then the creeper boss we lost all our [ __ ] dude it’s all gone now look at our [ __ ] base he’s still here what the [ __ ] is that we just need to pack up and go we have nothing we have what we have I’m gonna die again

Literally nothing I can [ __ ] do he jumped on top of me and put me in a hole dude we lost everything we lost all our Cobblestone we just need to go we just need to leave we lost all our gobblestone we just need to go we lost all our all

Right let’s let’s plan a new world man no this world is doomed it’s a bad Omen it’s a bad Omen we gotta go live in a cave it’s a bad omen still live in a cave I don’t want to live in a cave I want a better Castle let’s move

Let’s move to a new [ __ ] planet if we live in the snow biome move to a new [ __ ] planet dude we’re basically I hate this world I hate it I’m gonna go it’s a bad old Moon dude first time we try to play we get [ __ ] destroyed

Second time we try to play they send every boss at the [ __ ] game at us it’s an omen dude it’s a sign so I’m gonna keep playing on this I’m gonna go find a new area see if I can grab my [ __ ] before this guy [ __ ] me up again there’s ability over here

Oh there’s a villager yeah actually we should like base up the make it make a um thing around the village yeah make a cash flow around the village I’m being chased by a bunch of many [ __ ] creepers what do I do okay they’re actually kind of Ash

Yeah okay let’s make a castle around the village we can use the villagers for like trading and stuff too okay I might go to grab my [ __ ] and leave you might not go grab your [ __ ] no minute Drake many [ __ ] creeper I’m not even gonna explain what just

Happened because I’m so [ __ ] angry about it you’re watching the Stream pretty [ __ ] creeper foreign I know dude like what the [ __ ] it probably blew up my [ __ ] too oh my god dude um your stuff is still here is it yeah some of it okay oh no big [ __ ] Creeper’s still over here

Hey [ __ ] [Applause] you coming he’s watching all this up in the air gonna Get It Go Get It Go Get It and go get it and go get it and go get it what do I I swear to [ __ ] God run jump off jump into the water jump in

The water jump in the water dead run away I can’t uh come over here come here we’re going to the Village we’re gonna go to the village and everything’s gonna be over everything is gonna be over it’s gonna be okay everything’s everything’s gonna be okay everything’s gonna be okay

Run away from him we gotta we gotta defend the village it’s a sign we defend the village okay I gotta [ __ ] eat [Applause] oh my God dude I lost my sword my shield my [ __ ] pickaxe dude I have nothing I have nothing we literally have to restart we

Literally had to [ __ ] restart dude ability down here don’t worry we actually let’s go a little bit further but common why is the polar bear angry at me just keep hitting the same way I’m heading into into the snow there’s a villager okay it’s right next to the ice

Let’s just start over start fresh eyes oh my God Iron Golem how you doing bud I gotta turn this into a video this would be funny as [ __ ] uh I got you a iron pickaxe by the way in one of the chests okay that’s all we

Need we just need to pickaxe we can start fresh with that oh yeah I see the villagers on the screen okay yeah we defend the village Village Castle you know what I’m talking about better cashler on the village we got this we got this is there an iron golem here

Yeah good that’s good that’s good that’s good all right I’m setting my bed here I better wear the houses oh no they might take it back make sure like break it and put it somewhere the [ __ ] polar bear outside oh nice hearts and some apple what the [ __ ]

Thank you and I thought okay oh here here here okay thank you okay we start fresh we start fresh start putting a cobblestone wall around the place uh we gotta start farming Cobblestone first okay I’m I gotta take a piss dude Oh okay all right ah okay peaceful living peaceful living you’d be good oh it’s very like that too oh [ __ ] okay [Applause] oh you actually did start a wall already all right this is good this is this is good this is good you live in your little Igloo over there

I live in this little yeah oh hello villager hello neighbor I think you keep your spawn point even if they oh do they okay okay it’s okay we start no we start no we start fresh I’m I’m gonna turn this into like a little Minecraft movie this is funny

What are y’all doing in here go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go test sleep go to sleep okay okay get out of my oh I didn’t mean to hit him I think the Villager or the uh man so anger management might be after you

Monsters are nearby the one let me sleep go kill him oh it was it was hero Brian okay it was Herobrine okay dude there are villagers anyway why did like 500 villagers in here dude All right all right new beginnings new beginning beginnings we will learn like how old people learned before yeah we won’t we’ll the town comes first yeah yeah yeah that’s what we saying when um the creeper comes back it was cool because like we defended against the the skeleton right and then

The [ __ ] Creeper Boss shows up yeah like at that point you’re just [ __ ] like we knew we had lost it’s nice and Cozier over here yeah it’s gonna be might be easier to defense yeah big open area nothing can really hide well there’s sugarcane right here

Next to a water source this tree over here will work just fine so try not to steal the villagers crossed they get angry they get angry yeah they don’t like you okay uh I got a bunch of you I got carrots I’m gonna farm so I don’t really care

Everything’s gonna be A-Okay yeah man that thing’s gonna be good I’m gonna go get to work elf re-recoordinated like Fallen Kingdom basically we just had there yeah basically yeah that I felt it felt like a [ __ ] movie dude oh it’s not as fun as [ __ ] actually

I mean come on you have to admit yeah it’s pretty cool it was pretty cool I’m gonna get to work on grabbing stone for the wall the Great Wall We’re not gonna let something like that ever happen again I’m taking an oath to protect these villagers man

Creepers gonna walk in here and just destroy waste to the village and we’re gonna be in here like uh it’s okay man by the time that happens we’ll be ready we weren’t ready last time we’ll be ready this time bro you got as soon as the creeper blew over the

Hole in the wall they [ __ ] like I knew it was done man there’s no way I was not expecting that that’s probably the least last thing on my [ __ ] mind mm-hmm this is gonna make a baller ass Minecraft movie it’s way cooler because it’s not scripted

This is real man this is what happens in the real world you think Minecraft is funny games think again buddy this is what happened this is what goes on in real life creeper giant [ __ ] creepers and skeletons storming our tear our town yeah man hardcore for life this is hardcore

Not like how these boots make me jump higher I’ll take them I’ll give you I’ll trade you an armor set they’re really load their building iron armor has like 200 durability this has like 95. [ __ ] using them oh they’re expendable so the giant skeleton when he shoots

Your Shield or does the ground stop destroys it like immediately really yeah it takes all of their ability away from it one minute we’re chilling singing Minecraft songs next minute we’re in a [ __ ] War student Palestine for real like we got bombed our base oh my god dude our base

Our base God no our base got [ __ ] destroyed this is gonna be the big gate over here the big gate I’m gonna gate this off oh my God going up the mine is so annoying now if it’s a little faster with the jump because I hit my head I might pickaxe broke

You have any iron wait no damn sure ask him I got cobblestone what do you sell oh they call for emeralds it’s so cool for emeralds we really gotta utilize the trading here because yeah yeah we can buy emeralds buy tools for someone else if you give them carrots will they be

Like happy with me We can sell carrots for emeralds 22 carats for an emerald I’m gonna start doing that I’m gonna start farming carrots what these lights so close to the [ __ ] door I don’t think that’s gonna break I’m gonna build my own house here in a little bit okay oh Herobrine was like purple there oh you gotta keep these boys good until they eventually die yeah [ __ ] I I can’t light torches oh I don’t have I have sugar cane growing under a tree somewhere

We had sugar cane I’m going back for the sugar cane oh we have a lot of it there yeah I’m going back okay go back wait am I going how do I know where which way is the right way on the map hit M okay hold on um trying to figure out

Where the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude what oh my God I’m just being [ __ ] molested by polar bears that’s our new I go AFK for five seconds I’m being chased by a [ __ ] polar bear come here [ __ ] you know I don’t take that [ __ ] you’re gonna take that [ __ ] I don’t take

That [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of my all right [ __ ] All right let’s try that again are you going over there now uh probably yeah a kid boy noise I [ __ ] know oh he’s here my heart dropped for a second um I’m making noises one by one mind I’m gonna get my [ __ ] how are my cows to my second hand top

Bar so if he does come over here I’m gonna [ __ ] him up with [ __ ] uh block his face uh deep slate I Love mining deep sleep with a stone pickaxe oh boy do I yeah just find a cave it’d be like easier I don’t know mine in gold right now okay

No I’m gonna wait till tomorrow to go grab the sugar cane we’re just trying to ignite and see us turning night are you still being the miner this episode oh yeah what about her I’m trying to grow my little plant things I need gold okay get out of my [ __ ] bed

If I get um I’m not gonna get the bed right now I’m kind of like in the mines I’m just gonna go to Cody with my boy get a little bit more gold I can start producing horrible star Stone please I can get if I get enough of the seeds I

Can make iron seeds too okay throw iron yeah okay yeah it’d be really slow until I get better at Farmland but it’s uh I’ll be here I guess I’ll be right back actually ah thank you hey dude no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no over here holy [ __ ] God damn it Herobrine Thank you oh huh huh I’m good you still not gonna sleep yet I’m coming back up I found some diamonds though oh nice I found diamonds and I heard oh in the [ __ ] minds yeah we’re done okay all right I’m gonna take let’s smoke break and eat something real quick you

Keep doing your thing I got something for you all right all right well let me leave my bed get out of my [ __ ] bed dude why these [ __ ] villagers what happened to you I don’t want to talk about it while I’m here I’m gonna go grab the [ __ ] sugar cane

It’s a mutant creeper all the way down there in the [ __ ] Lake you’re lying photos here the creeper is at the Nuketown he’s like down the way a little bit oh no dude you’re [ __ ] lying you’re lying to me right now dude you’re actually [ __ ] lying he’s not here

Yeah he’s like down like to the right of my house come back at the old days [ __ ] kill yourself [ __ ] Iron Golem take care of him right now get him Iron Golem get him what what Aaron gone with me are fighting for the town right now wait what’s going on

There’s a [ __ ] mob of people here okay it’s not it’s not the Mutant Creeper get him out of here yeah we team working we team working oh my God like I hit him towards him and then hit him back towards me and we both hit him it’s kind of sick

It’s not the Mutant Creeper though right no he’s down further into town okay will these leave me the [ __ ] alone what’s going on I’m actually gonna get so [ __ ] angry what you good yeah get the [ __ ] out of here we’re gonna light up the town with like

Glowstone or some [ __ ] so that it isn’t going out get the [ __ ] out of here villager take care of him yeah let’s go teamwork baby dude we’re being [ __ ] invaded right now hardcore by the cree oh [ __ ] I don’t have a [ __ ] bed there I already gotta take care of the creeper

I don’t know if you know this but I have swiftness I can hit you from really far away and then like run really far back here no what what is it was beating his ass right now what mutant a zombie the buff one yeah the iron the the Iron Golem is

Kicking his ass right now okay it can’t be that bad we’re being invaded hardcore right now I’m trying to [ __ ] get back oh the Iron Golem lost there’s another [ __ ] he lost we’re being invaded it was like 100 zombies here turning daytime soon I’m just gonna

Survive yeah just hold him off just hold him off they got [ __ ] what are those the skeleton is back dude I’m rape training them right now rape oh yeah I forgot you we called that rape training [ __ ] I need to eat some food where’s the bread I need to take off I’m getting

Pissed off I can’t catch a [ __ ] break I have no [ __ ] bed and there’s a mutant camping my body it’s like oh there’s like two million zombies at the house right now we should start a new world let’s start a new world please no I’m not starting over please oh

God damn it [ __ ] turn day quicker please I have to build a new Iron Golem we have to just build like three iron golems in this town should start on a new world with a new scene spawns us in a new Village oh I’m not starting over I’m gonna get off with

Keep saying that what [ __ ] sucks dude it’d be the same as any other world nah be different okay so like half the village is still alive actually more than half of the village the mutant [ __ ] boys are gone no I see a rose and two or two uh iron ingots on the ground

Awesome iron dude I see a rose with two iron ingots on the ground that’s uh yeah let’s hold a ceramaro or uh ceremony Rose keep his Rose okay I got the sugar cane I got the cake calm down Jesus where the [ __ ] did you come from I got a sugar cane I got

Carrots you gotta defend the [ __ ] house from creeper okay is there a skeleton hiding in this house there’s no skeleton head in your house oh it’s a it’s a husk skeleton or I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re called to make you slow yeah the um I don’t know either

Making another chest I can make two chests we’re gonna really [ __ ] little house okay I’m back I got the sugar cane good make a matchbox uh actually how do you make a map here I got you your present what’s my present I want you to try the wall oh my God candles

Here here here we can make candles I know you do not [ __ ] craft these dude by accident not enough to head uh you made enough for diamonds boots you crafted me diamond [ __ ] boots by accident I better pickaxe though so it’s not on bad Fame I make candles

String and wax like he’s wax honeycomb yeah okay how do you make a matchbox with paper right yes paper and slabs slabs slaps of [ __ ] what you put paper like you’re making a bed some like wooden slabs yeah any wooden slams really okay Matchbox

Okay now I need to light the [ __ ] up out of this [ __ ] well I just need one torch so I can get these here cooking I got it I got two touches here okay it’s gotta keep the okay get the ice on from being unmelted okay I’m gonna go back to mining

Okay I got a couple stacks here you wanna keep building the wall on my house I’m getting hungry my screen’s turning gray here in my chest I see what happened to my [ __ ] bed that I had in here uh it’s outside on the um thing thank you holy [ __ ] okay

Did you take all my [ __ ] Cobblestone Eddie needs him here yeah just give me like a couple it’s fine we just need to make another iron golem well first we need to get back on our [ __ ] feet we’re broke right now dude yeah okay I’m gonna get to work on the big

Carrot Farm ah all these [ __ ] trees need to go away trees are how they can scale it oh we’re gonna put like a lip over the wall yeah uh you just you’re just building them all right now I’ll I’ll like I’ll work on it later oh

You better get the [ __ ] away from my cops you fat [ __ ] if you let him Farm him um no I’m talking about this cow your probability they’ll have a sassy time and a kid yeah actually no I’m gonna go could repopulate us uh 22 carats for an emerald should I get it

Can if you want I think that’ll keep his trade now and he loves me five emeralds for iron gear like I got like 45 of the ball done yeah we’re kind of low on Villages now 15 cold front Emerald oh there’s another Iron Golem over here

All right you both do the same [ __ ] remember you can right click crops to make them yeah I know let me let me let me Farm my carrots I’m not [ __ ] every time I play Minecraft I’m not independent on one person being one thing I I wanna be the

[ __ ] carrot guy you could be the [ __ ] character let me do something else oh the Science Care yeah you’d be the Miner or whatever you want it to be I can grow my own [ __ ] too not just you you’re an [ __ ] I want to be the farmer I don’t want to

Be the miner no I’m just playing dude damn why do I have so much [ __ ] around sick 26 Tomatoes holy [ __ ] I should be like a Blood Moon tonight get this [ __ ] pig out of here look at this [ __ ] hi I have a [ __ ] lamp poster outside of my [ __ ] house

It doesn’t need to be here [ __ ] somewhere else you have any bones from um yes here thank you thank you next time they go snowballs snow that makes smoothies I’m gonna go try and find a [ __ ] cave yeah I know where one’s at let me show you well let’s let’s go mining

Oh I’m gonna go I’m gonna be back at the house doing [ __ ] okay well then show me yeah that’s unnecessary go down this hole take a left at the weight ending do you have any torches no I’m gonna stay here and spoof out of the Town a little bit take a left

Yeah just keep going down until you hit a wall it makes you go left turning night time actually you should come back up and sleep I just got down here oh Town’s gonna be gonna [ __ ] invest again it’s fine you got it no last time like half the population died oh my God

Get the [ __ ] out of here what was what yeah hit by herobrine basically um oh it’s snowing nice Bum fluff what some [ __ ] guy commented bum fluff what the [ __ ] does that mean um got some bum fluffers in the chat I guess go to sleep well there’s a way into the [ __ ] bait your wall maybe I thought you said you put a door oh my God I said I would

There’s a little gate right here okay oh they’re mining through the [ __ ] wall Aaron gums come on over okay okay go to bed go to bed go to bed just go to bed just go to bed just go to bed just go to bed just go to bed let

The iron go and deal with it go to bed you keep sleeping in my [ __ ] bed I will kill you get the [ __ ] out of here oh like an iron door in my house so it doesn’t do this hmm I hear Brian with um I need [ __ ] torches a lot of zombies

Down here [ __ ] around with the Villagers get the [ __ ] out of here hey torches man what any torches I don’t like that I I don’t like that you know that paper has [ __ ] coming from his feet what crew has like [ __ ] creep he’s making little Puffs for his feet what are you

Talking about show me killed him he was like walking and he had like pups like like uh the snowball was he mutating okay depending the [ __ ] area right now cow get the [ __ ] out of here dude we’re being invaded by Clippers she and T will not be a [ __ ] problem no

I’ve ever had to use my sword so much like I’ve broken through like two iron swords so far oh yeah because we’re doing nothing but fighting the whole [ __ ] time fighting for our [ __ ] lives what okay I’m about to extend my house a little bit make it thicker

Anything else I can do with gunpowder from any of the mods you [ __ ] grown at me one more time I’ll kill you um shut up you just left a [ __ ] Instagram I mean yummy jump out the video the fish what videos of fish oh never mind well I think another Iron

Golem spawned in yeah that’s fun in spawning their own you get the [ __ ] away if my door aren’t gone please the love of God hmm trying to make my house thicker well you can’t call him that oh I almost hit him I almost punched there and go

It would have been a bad day in Mojo bill yeah can I use Cobble deep slate to like make it like a stone pickaxe yeah there’s a cobblestone yeah it is okay um all these [ __ ] logs out here since we’re extending the house not gonna be a very big house well

Are you [ __ ] [ __ ] we just need to go to bed every night until we get like the wall set up then we can so we get the [ __ ] blood moon no I’m gonna go down to mine or resources of which we have none that is Shrubbery oh

All right plant that actually broke one of your carrots you [ __ ] bastard I didn’t mean it where would you do that my bad be my bad what I’ll [ __ ] call me that I do activate dishes okay scallywag and jump up two blocks where does this come up like three thing

Yeah just go up three that’s okay okay mining time running time mining time all right I’m gone [ __ ] you misplacing this block every time I jump it hey this right here is gonna be the entrance where right here oh I see okay over there and can I place this the right [ __ ]

Way please I need to fix this [ __ ] mine shaft dude you want my iron pickaxe I’m already down the [ __ ] mine shaft bruh I didn’t know if you didn’t have one or not no you’re poor I’m poor we’re poor oh we just went through two [ __ ] Wars I want the Redskins and one with the uh the Redskins yeah Redskins excuse me yeah the um should I misplaced this one uh zombies who’s the Redskins whoever you want them to be there’s a bunch of these [ __ ] Uranus whatever they are you’re the [ __ ] you were talking about it looks like diamonds

A bunch of that there you are sure yeah I’m not doing that and get the [ __ ] out of here I’m trying to make my house bigger and your iron gone was like standing here like wide Putin he’s just standing he’s why I didn’t know it’s gonna square up he’s busy being wide

He’s being wide by the way you can make permanent torches if you uh like get glowstone dust and then um put it on above a realistic torch thing okay to uh uh or like a regular torch yeah okay good to know why am I hearing the case

I don’t know but I just showed him too it’s like you accurate him I hear it I don’t know I heard him too let’s go all right the house is almost done put some more wood can you get some um sticking in now what oh my Adderall is kicking in now it’s

Got a really funny feeling in my head will you [ __ ] off zombie damn jump boosted my ass gonna turn night time soon okay yeah I’ll make my way after a minute destroying all the trees right now that are like prohibiting our vision yeah Iron Golem get the [ __ ] away pushing me while I’m hitting a tree tell me when I should come uh like right now it’s about to be night time bye you’re close to being at night time I need to put my [ __ ] house up how’s this uneven I don’t even

Uh this needs to be facing me we’ll make an outline here hello villager how you doing all right big man I’m coming [Applause] I want to make it like medieval themed you know yeah like medieval thing cash or medieval themed Town medieval themed mine you know stuff like that should do that yeah you do that I remember yeah I’m on my way maybe if you made a better [ __ ] mine shaft sorry ow

I found a little bit of iron though God we are so [ __ ] poor compared to what we had earlier lucky what does that mean uh we get the luck ability and we get what does luck do better chances like when you’re catching fish and [ __ ] oh okay [ __ ] or something I just killed

A villager by putting him in a [ __ ] wall no don’t go to sleep don’t go to sleep don’t go to sleep why because we’re um the it’s only for like fishing and like [ __ ] what about mining no you don’t do anything with that can I fish really fast just a quick fish

Yeah but the zombies gonna eat our ass I’ll be fine just let me fish it’s my calling dude you know I love to fish this is true this is will I be able to fish in this small little hole you might should I need a new door oh I can holy [ __ ]

I might do a lot of fishing now I need to go to bed the zombies are gonna [ __ ] around no we’ll be okay take we need to take advantage of this look dude there’s like no mobs around us we’re fine it’s like a zombie coming up behind you though

Is that me coming up behind me it’s okay we got the Iron Golem we’ll be fine hey I’m trying to [ __ ] fish dude yeah I think I’m scaring them away for me everything’s good we’re all good hey I’ve made my house bigger at least it looks exactly the [ __ ] same it’s like

Hello I guess it looks a little wider because you messed up the one part on the back I swear to God if he’s sleeping in my [ __ ] bed you know it’s not even you see it where you didn’t see it no right there the log oh yeah I have to cover the oyster

I got a [ __ ] oyster oh uh in luck two also helps with mob drops too well I’m gonna be killing zombies like if we could like you know how the zombies sometimes yeah they drop like iron and [ __ ] yeah a little bit yeah well sign me up I’m [ __ ] that I like

I like how it makes everything blue too yeah looks like a raunchy of Terraria yeah well I think that’s what it’s cut for like the blood moon is set for like the Terraria version get the [ __ ] out of here my house I just got an ironing it from a zombie yeah see lucky

What is that oh that log is supposed to be there get the [ __ ] out oh is it yeah yeah this is very peaceful the music I love the music yeah I hate the static though I actually like it it’s very chill very common you better not [ __ ] touch me spider foreign

Damn okay there’s a couple zombies coming up the shovel look at him skeleton ow LS kill them all just trying to tell alert like big ass boys yeah there’s an Alex there’s an Alex excuse me oh that was a Herobrine I think Oh I thought you’re talking about like an

Empty okay problem yeah it was like Alex Oh zombie villager oh that’s a lot of [ __ ] creepers dude all right I think I might clip go to sleep yep I’m sleeping okay it was in a regular blood moon oh was it yeah oh there’s mobs outside my house there’s different like varieties of

Blood Moons there’s a super blood moon I can’t sleep because of the creepers I know I’m taking care of the zombies okay ow and the creepers okay what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is rapid burning there’s so many skeletons I know I’m eating food right now get out of my bed dude

Are you running away now from here [ __ ] yeah run away I want to go back to my bed can you sleep creeper outside creeper outside watch out taking care of the skeletons they’re invading [ __ ] my sword all right let’s go to bed just go to bed again I can’t

I gotta take another zombie hold on okay okay okay get the [ __ ] out of my house damn get the [ __ ] over here oh we destroyed your crap keep your hands off my props oh my God I closed the door it’s a [ __ ] fully kitted out chainmail Contour chainmail [ __ ]

I’m gonna break my shield man use the chainmail [ __ ] did you drop chainmail I dropped an arrow slowness for one second slowness and I like my little roomy humble about roomy humble abode yeah and he gave me slowness for a minute what’s going on with my my face

Am I there’s an effect going on I don’t know what you mean there’s like there’s an effect going on there’s like around my screen got me we have a bone Daddy I wonder because he took so many shots I’m gonna zombie bone [ __ ] why okay uh I’m going down to the mines I’m

Gonna go get some more Cobblestone I’m gonna work on something in here I’m building like a little farm little agriculture Farm somewhere all right I’m gonna destroy one of these uh snow classes to land he’s getting his hands destroy this one this one in front of my house [ __ ] sucks

In front of my house okay they also make smoothies smoothies okay I think they gave like increase into uh like speed or something some of them do that’d be cool okay we’re bouncing back morale is high would you say morale is high you know morale is high we’re bouncing back kissing dudes and

Other things other thing can you get some coal oh well you probably can’t find coal down there I could I I’m I’ve been making charcoal check my bases like five dude I was gonna use it to make like that lava thing if I could find lava there’s a lava

Can we wait for that wait till I get a little bit more iron yeah you got it yeah you’re good damn we’re bouncing back slowly leave it surely yeah we’re bouncing back I just found diamonds one diamond that’s enough for no it’s not enough Furniture table it’s one [ __ ] diamond

That was one enough for anything from that you keep your [ __ ] hands off my diamonds dude I’m not saying anything I’m just saying you made diamond boots that was you know why it did that I was trying to make a pickaxe and I used the [ __ ] like crafting thing on the left

Side like the instead of like putting it in I want to click on it and it clicked on it but I clicked on the food below it okay so I don’t like using the [ __ ] cracking thing yeah I don’t [ __ ] use it either you know who uses that a bunch of them [ __ ]

I wish I could turn it off I don’t think I think he can oh my [ __ ] god give me a second Jesus Christ what I’m gonna [ __ ] go to hell you bastards you’re not taking my [ __ ] diamonds you’re not taking my [ __ ] diamonds he’s [ __ ] fish rotting me I’m not come on oh my God biggest play of the [ __ ] year what stop fist rotting me you [ __ ]

I’m gonna watch this I’m gonna watch it come get some [ __ ] foreign Dude he was like an MLG player dude oh there’s a zombie with a fishing rod did you not see me fighting [ __ ] everybody down there yeah there’s a zombie with a fishing rod there just eating you [ __ ] creeper dude oh man I’m mad I’m going back she [ __ ] up the farm

This stupid ass [ __ ] staircase all right onions in it there if you needed any food I forgot to give you some it’s too late where are they [ __ ] do I go where did I go you could look on the look for your last death marker oh yeah you’re right old

It’s not [ __ ] popping up hit m m-hmm latest death yeah it’s not I don’t see it on my screen oh it’s above me okay shut up [ __ ] oh do you hear the dweller yeah I’m not doing his [ __ ] today yeah they’re not taking me without a [ __ ] fight and I’m coming back

Oh he’s here give me my [ __ ] back give it to me running nighttime um I’m so [ __ ] busy right now dude you’re gonna have to give me a minute give me a minute sit down [ __ ] a hostile he shot me through a [ __ ] lava I’m so [ __ ] angry dude I’m going back

Down I don’t care all right hurry up and sleep hurry up and sleep said it was turning nighttime yeah I want some food give me some food um you take that and wait a minute what the fruit salad can we make some more fruit salad okay

It gives you like four hunger or some [ __ ] dude I don’t got time for this here wait wait oh [ __ ] can I not make it with that here just take the cook button in here and um I’m gonna cook up more food oh here here more food it was in my cooker

You just made there I’m gonna burn all these stairs with these [ __ ] things I can’t keep me back I don’t know where my all my [ __ ] Armor went foreign Make eight pieces of [ __ ] charcoal wait I’m gonna come down there and mine just for a little bit because one second you know why don’t you come down here you give me your [ __ ] hand Maybe pretty please yeah I want to come down there in a second just so since you

Can’t be on the top I don’t want to [ __ ] it there okay do you want to chill too I got a shirt do you have an iron pickaxe I’ve got I got a little live so do you need an iron pickaxe yeah all right you just run back down here and I’ll try to help you um dude I don’t get it I don’t [ __ ] get it dude I have my shield up with you behind you no he was right in

[ __ ] right in front of me there’s two of them there was not two of them where did you go did you go forward just follow me and I wanna I don’t care what you get I just want those diamonds that I found are you gonna I won’t take your diamond

I I had one item yet I had one I found like two more in the floor I’ll show you where I would have been able to mine them there’s literally so many [ __ ] zombies down there where you at follow me so you go up here cross a little water

Jump up these little steps come round Over Yonder here’s this here’s where you got you jump up here and here’s where the [ __ ] magic happens to your right wow he shot me through the [ __ ] I told you dude he shoots you to the [ __ ] lava all right come here [ __ ] round four people

Give me my yeah I lost like my entire [ __ ] armor set I said God knows what I don’t know where the [ __ ] [ __ ] went you got that pickaxe thank you oh watch out watch out watch out I’m gonna yeah get the [ __ ] in the water or the

Lava this is the Creeper’s smoking I don’t know what watch out we got presents coming up how about the president or Elton shoot the creeper close enough all right I’m gonna go I’m going for the skeleton hold on I’m trying to get them to Kill The Creeper ow

There’s so many Endermen down here my shit’s gonna [ __ ] break push wait I’m gonna back up just a little bit I need to heal I’m half a [ __ ] heart dude I have an fr2 oh don’t kill me it’s a lesson I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] with other people what

I’m gonna teach a skeleton a [ __ ] lesson I swear to God if the diamond is burned I’m getting off [ __ ] have been dealt with but I’m going to get the damage okay because they were right next to a lot of yeah something of mine [ __ ] burned I don’t know what it was uh

Uh let’s see if it was anything something burning it might have been like my shield or something uh I don’t see your Shield at all so probably I also got your diamond boots back so okay my diamond boots you gotta my pickaxe and sword they’re now model lava okay I’m gonna

Pick everything up oh hi Herobrine Jesus can you [ __ ] off he’s been spawning in like this whole [ __ ] time also I like it how you get near Enderman your screen gets like slendermany oh does it yeah there’s like three [ __ ] Enderman down there yeah but like right next to the Enderman

Like makes your screen go into like uh Slenderman all right what the [ __ ] I’m trying to find the Iron Man get the [ __ ] away with me so I can we can here do you want your diamonds yeah I want my diamonds thank you there’s probably more of my [ __ ] down here

Yeah I’m not [ __ ] going over there lost my torches and my matchbox as well I was like 21 toys I have a matchbox on me okay there’s the only one piece of coal uh nine diamonds yeah I got nine of them let’s go there’s a bunch of [ __ ] cold up here

Oh my God rarest Block in the game holy [ __ ] what deep sleep cool yeah it’s like the rarest Block in the game it’s right here is it actually yeah I’m being for real it’s like one of the rarest blocks in the game deep cycle to find naturally

Because Paul doesn’t fall on that far up yeah or down yeah foreign you watched how many [ __ ] zombies they were there were yeah there’s one of the fishing rods just constantly pulling you back I don’t know how you live though I only died because of the [ __ ]

Creepers dude I’ve had a I’ve had beef with creepers my whole life someone’s following me I think I might just pick back up I got food got him lost my cool [ __ ] helmet [ __ ] head back up after I grabbed this golden iron up here yeah I’m gonna also head back foreign

Oh they got iron swords good yeah I’m good oh maybe not I’m heading back up because I hear the kids were [ __ ] around multiple [ __ ] zombies with iron swords what is this like an actual [ __ ] Army down here drop the carrot I think oh this is the

Cave doors and smart dude you shut your [ __ ] mouth don’t you dare Jinx that responded and I’m gonna [ __ ] die to the cave brother how’d you get uh I’m gonna ask you how you got out of here kind of like putting the pieces back together right now hopefully it’s [ __ ] daytime when I

Get back up there well I wanted to model this [ __ ] down there but we need food I got carrots growing yeah how many damage you said you get I got nine diamonds right now like uh an encounter table we could very included letting all your torches back up here

Daytime yet up there yes all the Torches in here are gonna [ __ ] go out we need to go to the Nether and get Glowstone and torches that way yeah actually I think it’s four glowstone dust for one torch four gloves yeah all the Torches down here just [ __ ] went out nice

Nice home of sweet [ __ ] home uh um How many diamonds is it for a uh Diamond table two two diamonds one book and four Woods I’m not sure how many diamonds do you have none I had three and I turned into a pickaxe so I came on obsidian I want to make a chest plate with my diamonds okay um

A lot of our many doors in the furnace to cook this two three [Applause] onions are growing this is seven seven by seven laughs oh ah I have Birchwood my inventory [ __ ] yeah you have a bucket real quick oh [ __ ] [Applause] okay nice [ __ ] what I want carrots it’s not about me

All right no more carrots I got wheat corn what the [ __ ] one sucks dude okay kale I’m not eating [ __ ] kale you’re I would not be caught dead eating [ __ ] kale what you know damn well why you wanna kill him real life no killed in Minecraft why the [ __ ]

Would I eat kale in Minecraft you don’t eat it you turn it into food I’m not I’m not being associated with kale at all kale look at what it makes to make vinaigrette salad do Bim bit hey baby Bop what the [ __ ] is that ah you make liver and onions

I’m not doing all that cooking for kale for kale I’m not doing all that you’re [ __ ] insane he’s out of here I want any trees on this land uh we got a holy [ __ ] dude we got so much we gotta [ __ ] do we’re gonna finish all the trees out of

Our land so we can put the wall down fully we gotta finish the wall um yeah that’s a good idea should we do a lava mode though you’re harder to get yo how much iron do you have did you get a lot let me go look uh you can give me

Everything I have 11 clips I have 11 11 cooked and he can get some drip Stone I can make the infinite level okay yeah I can do that we also need a lava bucket to start the infinite llama yeah I’m gonna make a shield I got 14 cooked

I’m gonna make a shield though but like let’s see oh I mean I didn’t mean to stamp crample your house but touching my crops don’t touch the crops man can’t afford it broke I’m making a a campfire for Meats get all these trees I got people laughing at me because I was screaming

Earlier on the chat yeah I don’t care if anybody watching right now there were like a couple Pharrell crap really ha ha ha again FF if there were people watching I would watch the Stream yeah yeah where would you not watch the stream [ __ ] out of here here O’Brien [ __ ] hate Herobrine dude

Yeah I need to start trading with villagers villagers what the [ __ ] is infernium Essence man that’s what he used to make the growth crops for like the iron and orange [ __ ] we can make iron ore we can make stone we make every known or how long will it

Take for that to happen a long time okay one seed produces one like little Essence and we need like 10 Essence at least one that can get all right so I can get the right Farmland we can get doubled from we need to increase our Farms dude yeah how do we do that

Riddle Me That more fun we should go on like a massive mining whatever and clear out that cave go down there I’m gonna focus more on the Aces right now on like the production all right like on the wall I’m also trying to get all these trees

Out of here there’s no reason to have all these trees they just block sight lines yeah hey it’s free wood some of the trees can stay oh there’s can’t okay I got five iron left in my chest if you need it all right I got a mission to do I got a mission

Anchovy [ __ ] out of here with the ancho Anchovies I need it I got paper all right in my chest all right hey onions you want to grow quicker you’re on [ __ ] onions mm-hmm you can make like fruit salad with those and [ __ ] and it gives you like four hunger [ __ ] Where’d I start the wall I’m growing

Sugar cane carrots and wheat you’re good oh you want to stay up here for the night before we go down there yeah yeah all right we really need to like fortify this [ __ ] yeah I also want to start like trading with Slammers and [ __ ]

Get the [ __ ] out of my bed oh my God Herobrine it’s tweaking out right now in front of me I think a nightmare it says oh yeah I saw him are we sleeping yeah yeah nice try you fat [ __ ] get out of my [ __ ] house foreign dude

I’m gonna do naughty things to you seven emeralds for dyed leather tunic you can [ __ ] shoot you I got [ __ ] to do that’s a cool ass entrance these mines are gonna make me go [ __ ] insane I just opened up a door to see an iron golem die we’re losing troops man we gotta start we gotta start like saving all our iron and making Iron Golems

You know I can actually make an iron golem Farm or an iron golem yeah I can make an iron farm you should make an iron farm not hard to make though [ __ ] they are kind of hard to make I need to give two villagers in a box that’s not how we

Live in a village and then uh I need to put a zombie by them and then it’s not hard a zombie well I don’t know if I could do it in a village I don’t know if there’s something I don’t know if the iron will spawn in your house

Yeah I haven’t be scared so they spawn in the Iron Golem right yeah that’s the entire point for that make him get scared and then I piss their pants and call their homeboy so we back in the mind God our pickaxe swinging from side to side side to side

This does go grueling one Diamonds oh [ __ ] the numbers are picking up a little yeah yeah myself uh they’re picking up foreign you’re kidding dude I got a [ __ ] instant okay I’m I’m just [ __ ] leaving what there’s a rap rapid fire bow whatever uh skeleton here I’m not

[ __ ] dealing with that right now dude I I physically can’t I’m gonna physically put my arm through my [ __ ] monitor don’t do that oh oh you don’t want to be hearing down there yeah maybe it’s a son I [ __ ] go somewhere else okay pit I love pits

I love onions mmm onion onion what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] did you just say there’s two cauldrons in here this is uh good for the oh yeah because you don’t have to make them Gathering people’s houses he had nine cool hitting his furnace my way wait villagers can do that

Well it has a chance for them to have like [ __ ] in it foreign oh man yeah come back up here how many [ __ ] hits does it take Jesus Christ hit this creeper six [ __ ] times drip Stone so I’m gonna go down there and see if I can get some drips down

I’ll let you know if I find any they’re making these characters gonna make anything easy with these cameras hey is that what are you doing my carrots or not carrots onions oh there’s 59 recipes for onions damn well I mean they are pretty Universal make a baked vegetable melody what the

[ __ ] is that bakeware how do I make terracotta I just need clay and yeah I gotta I know where a bunch of clay is a little thing you need clay yeah I see under her little no no no no no no no no no no no no the creeper boss is down here

I gotta see this I instantly [ __ ] dipped We need lies I like how in Discord if you like if your mic sensitivity goes a little high or like you scream a little loud it just cuts out so I hear dude I’m not [ __ ] doing that today we I’m going home I think I think that’s a dude that’s a sign we got to start fortifying okay no that’s a sign we need to fortify lay come here did you play I need clay dream dreamers dream at his name’s clay [ __ ] oh my God

That was the worst okay um bad news that’s gotta be like a [ __ ] Omen dude I’m getting to work on the wall I’m serious that much I’m [ __ ] I’m dead ass I’m getting to work on the [ __ ] wall I’m I’m going I’m mining cobblestone we don’t joke about these things here

After what happened last time the Great War oh I’m gonna suffocate under the water the Great bombardment that’s what I’m it’s what it’s officially named because they came out of nowhere after the great the great bombardment we are not we are not taking any chances with our colony we cannot

We cannot we we can’t dude I’m I’m taking that as as much as a sign as you can I’m at the stone mines right now it was like above ground iron right here holy [ __ ] yeah it happens sometimes pulling here no shouldn’t even go there I’m Gonna Make This Place look nice and

Fancy yeah yeah I need do you have any fence posts oh I got some in my chest I got 35 in here I borrow a couple all right we’re in the top chest okay oh nah I’m good need bakeware the [ __ ] is that terracotta it makes the vegetable melodies

I got all three furnace types in mine me too okay um [ __ ] you then whatever trying to be nice why are they all here just looking at the Bell holy [ __ ] sharpness 2 and not back one iron sword for like 20 emeralds that’s not bad it’s not the best oh we got another

Iron golem yeah we got tube in the town nice actually three of them I think other ones are like outside the town somewhere fence post I’m gonna make a waypoint on our little base right here wait I want to like clean the uh the town to make it look nice that’s what I was doing what the [ __ ] get right you should get rid of this little stupid little farm right here

Which one this one right here it looks ugly it looks yeah it looks ugly in that area clay and do I have any extra wood that I can just throw away yes we do you get a [ __ ] ton of logs in your chest dude what are you talking about

Some of the onions are ready this is the uh Stone mine over here I should go to bed soon okay still in mind it where real quickly yes and if I get some onions put in here I want to get a mine cart because it would look cool and it’d be

Functional yeah yeah get a go to bed okay do not want to be [ __ ] around at night time is just looking pain in the ass yeah no I’m coming home until we’re well equipped it’s been yeah be hopping over here I want to get a bit of [ __ ] hash too

I live in a little get out of my bed there’s a house to the um left of me you can like uh do what I did in my house yeah but I like it yeah I might just build my own and my cards are [ __ ] expensive yeah yeah

I’m gonna start saving up my iron though here how much hunger wait take one of these vegetable Melodies and tell me how much hunger if you’re if you’re low and hungry tell me how much it gives yeah I will once I get low on Hunger yeah I’m gonna remove this farm and put

A mystical agriculture from here I need my bucket bucket is loving it would be I should wait why would I not I wouldn’t make another bucket I just take a cauldron out put it outside and put the lava in it like how like no villagers live on this Saturday and anymore

They’re all living over there we have to protect them at all costs All right I’m back I’m saying I’m just saying like I like how no villagers live on our side of the base we have to like protect them at all costs they all live on the other side yeah we’re gonna shut down the wall over there I’m gonna build a mystical agriculture thing here

All this snow needs to get the [ __ ] out of here we should make this part of the village the farming area where we have all the Farms yeah you know I need one carrot dude come on I’m going back to the stone line Lantern made one of you what do you put there

Huh usually I only need to do that I just need to get some dirt and then you get some in front of you once we uh all out the stone mine to where we really can’t use it for starting long we should use it for like

We should turn into like a deeper mine shaft yeah yeah e-girl what you say e-girl mine shaft I said deeper [ __ ] me I said deeper deeper my shaft ah [ __ ] found some coal that [ __ ] why am I lagging what the [ __ ] I do not know okay then I plant the seeds in there

Raw chicken for emeralds raw rabbit for emeralds shut up dude get out of here damn you’re gonna be so [ __ ] annoying get out of my house dude [ __ ] man I oh my God um what [ __ ] they made me think forget what I was looking for dude uh

Get the [ __ ] out of my house nice what Laughs what the [ __ ] what I got a bunch of villagers attacking you’re kidding yeah like ganging up on you dude they had it out for you we can’t I let them I let them [ __ ] kill me because I don’t want to kill all of our villagers you don’t

Want big man getting angry you either they do some [ __ ] like that again I’m gonna [ __ ] kill them what the [ __ ] dude I swear to God I’m so schizophrenic you better watch where you [ __ ] step dude kind of get to work in the mines yeah it’s my job man I gotta do it

Oh shovel that’s what I was [ __ ] looking for okay holy [ __ ] I was making the mine one block taller and I found diamonds in the corner like when I was making it oh nice the Mind down to like the where we were cool I like a wider down here so we’ll be mine

Easier yeah starts growing you can make higher tiers and it’ll grow quicker oh yeah higher tears yeah it was like tier one tier two infernium tier three this it was just more [ __ ] from it okay are you coming down the mines I’m in the stone mine down in the stone mine

Who are you swinging your pickaxe from side to side side side to side use some Redstone I’ll take that oh yeah we need Redstone for the minecart rails I’m gonna set up that deep sleep takes so long to mine too I hate deep sleep you know how they added this

I mean it was a cool conception of having more levels down below level zero but it sucks for mining for diamonds why is that because diamonds aren’t in a Sit level anymore like Batman’s used to be at level zero uh 12 to like uh 15 or something or 12 to eight

Now they’re [ __ ] from like negative zero or zero to like negative 60. oh yeah cave dweller I hear you oh is it spotted is he down there yes I don’t hear this [ __ ] noise get the [ __ ] out of here diamonds and all you’re getting nighttime we should sleep yeah

It takes so long I had to put stairs on here sometime there’s not mine oh creepers are spawning we need to sleep now we need to sleep now let me sleep now yeah I’m coming home he’s just letting himself in but you get the [ __ ] away from the Farms

We gotta put a door on that once I get the um I want to get like a a redstone gate you know yeah I used to be really good with redstone I’m gonna try it again all right go to bed not want to be it’s not everything you

See in Minecraft or not everybody see that Minecraft you were slain by a farmer yeah [ __ ] villagers dude shut your [ __ ] ass up our farm is actually kind of popping off yeah beginning to pop off you have a shovel no and I broke when I was doing sand or

Snow for you all right foreign inventory I do not want it [ __ ] hate die right dude where’s granted more than that right wait um wait which one diorite yeah I Opera actually prefer die right die right over Granite yeah it’s like a it’s more of just like a lighter colored Stone

Yeah so I prefer it but like Why are you following me who there’s a village around here just [ __ ] falling yeah I got bad beef with the Villagers man I know I [ __ ] hate me all right let’s get to mining I’m gonna keep working on the house while you do that that is not how you

Make that well I’m over here in the [ __ ] Stone mines I’m in here every day man it’s like a full-time job yeah yeah I haven’t eaten that thing yet I’ll let you know who in the right [ __ ] there’s a skeleton in someone’s [ __ ] house of air yeah oh we’re so [ __ ] stupid

Damn I have one shot of that guy holy holy [ __ ] don’t want to let them hear that though they’ll gang up on me again why’d they do that did you hit them I he the guy with the really bad trades was just [ __ ] with me so I I killed him

And then literally everybody [ __ ] came at me literally every villager in the village came at me [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign vegetables he’s going to my house standing in there and I try to I try to kill those things oh I got like carrots I’m not carrots corn ER and carrots [Applause]

I [ __ ] blew up my house too because there’s another one it blew up my house my house okay oh you said your house too so I was thinking both of our houses great now I gotta make more [ __ ] now I repair my [ __ ] house this ding want

One and didn’t want two won’t leave me the [ __ ] alone this thing wrong one two I got two Creepers as soon as I come out of your house they only exploded in the front of your house and actually damaged your house okay I’m gonna load my chest in my house

And he [ __ ] walked in one of those getting surprised the supplies to pair oh man why [ __ ] what wait what how do I have a door no this was not like this let’s get this out of here I said I’m shutting my door every time I

Enter my [ __ ] room or my house door is getting shut come back from the stone mines oh [ __ ] I like this little fence around the farm I was doing that because the villagers kept [ __ ] stealing our crowns oh did they yeah they take from us from you they

Don’t take them get on my [ __ ] nerves they start taking my crops I’m gonna get pissed I have to [ __ ] quarantine them they better stay away from my [ __ ] crops dude thank you nobody touches my [ __ ] crops [ __ ] you yeah now we’re producing I got Wheats and carrots producing all right well I’m I’m heading back down to the mines keep [ __ ] hmming at me dude I see what happens yeah that’s what I’m taking your [ __ ] lens do something about it [ __ ] wait no they’re back there [ __ ] come on to make something right now it’s being

Buggy as hell what is it [ __ ] okay now we’re gonna have to start going ah this way ways yeah the stone mine’s looking a little barren setting up the pillars the stone mine one two three foreign posts no okay I’m heading back home just turning night

And I still have my [ __ ] crabs and you feel if I steal your [ __ ] crabs looking at big fat what’s going on trying to fix all right uh hey I got a bunch more stone for you if you want to get to work on the wall

Yeah one second okay I also got a bunch of gravel you can do like pathways I’ll go to sleep okay get out of my bed oh my God I see what I’m doing yeah trying to do not [ __ ] working though oh is this the new bridge [ __ ]

Yeah I’m trying to get this to work but it isn’t like [ __ ] wanting to work because if I do this watch wait hold on show me what you’re trying to do here and stand right there I’m trying to like get it to like make a double wide but it’s not it’s making uh

Try okay try remove the one start building it out this way I tried doing that I did like this look watch I did like that but if I do that it caught maybe the oh you know what maybe there’s like a specific like gate type block

Because you see how it like actually you know what we could do yeah well you missed one yeah I got an idea water yeah we could do we can make this three wide this thing three one uh yeah you could I just put a fence gate in the middle

I have those chains probably there’s no chance can I have those fences I’m gonna use them for the thing I just broke oh my God okay okay man hey you’re what farm is this it’s empty do not break anything in that um okay so if it’s three wide here I need

To deflate that I could borrow I got a lot of for this I’m gonna put these onions away you got like 40 onions there you go all right um so now I need more blocks though but I don’t know I need more of these though

Now we should be able to go up here and then put a fence skate on one side I need more [ __ ] blocks oh [ __ ] there’s your blocks huh oh okay oh [ __ ] I made the wrong [ __ ] thing I don’t want to make all these I want to make stairs

Yeah I can use these for my Minds it would look so epic get deconstructed [ __ ] what are you deconstructing your house no I’m deconstructing their [ __ ] Farm okay so right here would be a deep slate slab and then we need a fence gate two fence gates actually

In skates so it’s these are fence gates I need more wood I’ll have a bunch of wood here in a second I already got one I just did one with my chest now you checked that small chest I put down yeah and I have a phone right now so I’m

Trying to yeah there’s also gravel in there okay now what we do is take these this should work I don’t know those were gravity affected [ __ ] [ __ ] this is still not gonna work the way I want it to work are you telling me there are there great are there

Are there walls and Gates in this no I don’t I’m pretty I’m pretty sure I just got a recipe for a wall and a gate oh yeah they got the upgraded gate we should use that I want to look at this great we’re not great the [ __ ] am I saying gate I wanna

Look at this gate pre-efficient I don’t think this works with each other onion crate you can make a crate of onions yeah it’s like pretty easier to Stacks that’s kind of funny this isn’t gonna look how I want it to look upgraded gate I kind of want one now make

Oh they got a rail Bridge you can make a rail Bridge what is a rail bridge I do not know yeah I got blinds upgraded fence I kind of want an upgraded um Furniture okay good to know you could have told me like three fishes I want to look at these okay

That’s uh um I mean it’s something oh I need pliers and then I can make it wider ah I see I see I see I should use this I’m gonna use what I was using before but I figured out how to talk about this game that I just made

Well we’re not gonna be We’re not gonna need that anymore it’s cool though [ __ ] is that here so if I do this I’m not looking anymore ah look at that look at that I fixed it what’s the bridge for that that’s supposed to be like our front gate

Putting it everywhere I’m putting it like both all the sides but that’s supposed to be like our front gate shut the [ __ ] up I’m putting it on all the sides damn front gate we have the front gate okay not the front gate but that’s not a gate that’s just

Cooler [ __ ] on it it’s just a bridge though yeah well we’re gonna have a moat under every over or over all the walls are you saying there’s gonna be a secondary wall with a actual door gate in it no we don’t have door Gates don’t have like drawbridge [ __ ]

It’s not a Gate’s only good for one block it’s not what okay and now that I know I could do that it’s a lot easier now [ __ ] does everything needed to have a [ __ ] Block in front of it now these things [ __ ] suck dude what these upgraded fences and Gates yeah

It’ll go mine for some more can you make an enchantment table yet I have any obsidian I’m gonna go in the mine then and grab some Stone and uh some other [ __ ] okay you do that then you literally working the wall first because it’s daytime it’s more important how do I give gravel to me for cats dude for Pathways well you can work on the

Pathways if you want I’m not good at building Pathways in Minecraft okay stuck really bad because when I look at it and there’s like dirt and gravel mixed together it doesn’t look like next to me no I just I just meant literally just used gravel pathways get this [ __ ] tree out of here

This tree so [ __ ] big she was humongous I had to go around this entire [ __ ] Village over here I think there’s trees in the way turning night time get [ __ ] he’s out of here dude [ __ ] annoying usually these trees on the side I had to specifically go around

You ready to go to bed I’m at the mines right now dude I just want your pickaxe yeah got a big [ __ ] pile of gravel here wait can I use the new excavation [ __ ] on this gravel knew what a new like brush and [ __ ] on the Scrabble I might

I haven’t I haven’t seen Jack [ __ ] for that yet and I want to use it if you need to use it on suspicious sand and suspicious gravel oh how do I signed that laying around is it really like I’m gonna go make a brush when you come back up here can you sleep

Yeah half this guy’s house of beers floating on water there’s like three villagers left we should just sleep right now get the [ __ ] out of the bed they learn to stay out of my [ __ ] bed oh yeah yeah we’re gonna need more Cobblestone I have

So much [ __ ] I just gave you so much [ __ ] cobblestone put in that chest okay my [ __ ] crops you fat ass [ __ ] fat ass looking at my crops crotch for a second crops PP you’re not gonna go back out to the mines say you needed the cobblestone oh hold on [ __ ]

I want to do the new excavation [ __ ] it’s kind of hard to find though [ __ ] there are the suspicious it’s kind of rare oh is it oh it’s like diamond rare oh really you have a feather I might this [ __ ] off here man stirs after you yeah really ashtrays

Got this tree’s everywhere that are just blocking the [ __ ] path I made bakeware yeah no no feathers surprisingly where the [ __ ] are the chickens at are we looking to swamp okay well I’m on a mission there’s no [ __ ] chickens around like none at all not a single chicken some bees up here

Though two Iron Golems basking in the [ __ ] water wait there’s some bees up here I want uh honey I need a um what is it campfire in shears right I don’t know yeah I’m right okay hold on I gotta let my dog out Holly huh laughs

Make like a an entrance right here oh cobblestone I put some more in the thing but I already got it oh okay well I’ll go back out to the [ __ ] minds true takes time there’s a chicken all the way up there I’m looking for bees bee’s knees and there’s a bee right here

Go down and get more you played there’s a b right here I’m gonna fall into its [ __ ] nest I’m a detective because at night time the bees will go into the nest they won’t come out well no I’m just looking for its nest so I can shoot oh it’s a witch out here

Or witch nests which put what are your [ __ ] Little Bee Cave come on oh my God you’re so [ __ ] boring [ __ ] what the B is so [ __ ] boring he’s just sitting here ready a little Nest very pollinating Scott he’s already got the [ __ ] on its ass just go home go home

I want candles man oh my God we need candles for so they don’t so I can have the light source that don’t burn out unless candles also burn out in this mod I do not know well I guess we’re gonna [ __ ] find out we’re gonna get a candle [Applause]

Why was there an explosion what the [ __ ] they’re blowing over to me oh mine ain’t gonna [ __ ] thing right now your screen gets all fuzzy whenever they blow up yeah I get [ __ ] flashbanged another cauldron here take it okay mining away with my Minecraft okay so I throw all these water bottles away

Get in there water bottles come here come here get the [ __ ] in the trash can I I’ve got it a microwaves going on here I’m going to the [ __ ] chicken dude because this bees being [ __ ] annoying So beautiful Oh okay turn all this into half the biggest turtle all right I got no feather the other half is turned into labs I turn this into yay those [ __ ] bananas could be banana tree yo Iron Golem get in the [ __ ] head get in town man get into the town

I’m here to make my brush okay feather stick okay Stick copper Rush I made a brush I want to go find some [ __ ] now find some [ __ ] now how do I know what’s a brush you it’s either gonna be suspicious sand or suspicious grout I think I can’t just brush anything rush I’m looking it up that’s not useful brush over there that’s right there

Can’t brush any of these kidding yeah it’s used in archeology to excavate suspicious blocks and it’s suspicious it’s a suspicious gravel and they can only be found in Overworld structures you [ __ ] serious all right all right I’m pissed off about that in Minecraft fix your [ __ ] game

You need to fix it make it so I can brush any gravel this is [ __ ] [ __ ] no point for archeology then no well mate just no no I’m right you’re wrong [ __ ] you I’ll be right back foreign That’s okay foreign foreign foreign what the [ __ ] it’s annoying ass spider go to sleep get the [ __ ] out of my bed nice [ __ ] sing on me dude is what you’re sitting on the bed he was like laying on the bed while I was laying on the bed I was like mighty morphing into

Him I think he’s got a crush on you he could come on dude want to make more of these but I need more deep sleep y all right well I gotta go mining all right I’m gonna go get some obsidian so we can make an enchantment table

There’s a lava pool not so North from here alone mine iron what iron spider come here let me kill you guys so you don’t [ __ ] around with me later thank you oh God he hooked me on fire I mean grace what grapes you’re eating some grapes come here somebody [ __ ]

Some sugar okay and I see I’ll get enough for a portal and a uh [ __ ] thing yeah oh my God what I thought that was a creeper I looked up I saw a yellow marker walking towards me on the map and I was like oh it’s probably a creeper I

Look up two polar bears uh he’s just not a creeper at least that’s not a creeper so I need 14 wait yeah 14. Jesus obsidian get enchantment table and another portal anything else gonna make with this I can make a enchantment table you can also make obsidians

Oh my God they are so [ __ ] annoying what the villagers at least they’re surviving now we haven’t had a great attack from like a couple days yeah it’s probably gonna change real soon though yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] turn into a [ __ ] ice block so I lost the obsidian did you watched my [ __ ]

[ __ ] you Wow very epic Bridge I don’t have anything to block it off all the Torches went off down here oh that uses up durability what when you re-click a lighted torch yeah I wouldn’t use a dirt building uh because it’s already [ __ ] lighted not double lighting it and at least you fixed the damn

Stairway dirty to my [ __ ] head what I got tired I hit my [ __ ] head she’s so long time ago not that long ago probably like an hour ago it’s relatively now [ __ ] he’s stupid dude what are you doing The Cavalier noise over here one more piece of obsidian and I’ll be good to go one more piece and we get to go what you sound like oh we can grab all the sugarcane it’s like a ton of sugar get these [ __ ] skeleton leggings off

I want jump so high I’m gonna use the speed two to my advantage I can sit there and jump lots of the boots they’re doing it have you been down to the depth yet like the Deep switch no like in the case or have you been down there I hope the

Only time we went down there is when I am going to help you out okay so now oh a big ass [ __ ] Bearer Jesus how do they still do [ __ ] damage to me I have my shield up like I don’t get it they might have Pierce on their bows no it’s a creeper

Like they do damage no matter what the [ __ ] I do is it less damage than they hit you in the front I like hit you without a shield I mean I guess yeah but still I have my [ __ ] soda then I guess with the mod it makes the creepers that uh

Go through damage oh [ __ ] all right can I use two of your diamonds making enchantment table all right just give me some iron how much iron do you want um how much you willing to give sick eight it’s about all I have yeah but you’re taking two diamonds man it’s for the community

Yeah so it was what I need to iron for seven iron give you seven iron okay I love it when they just sit there the whole [ __ ] time like they’re camping in Call of Duty you call that Duty yeah keep [ __ ] running dude oh my God here we go again with this [ __ ] Oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god they are oh my um will you [ __ ] off Herobrine dang he’s really getting to you now these [ __ ] skeletons dude with you [ __ ] off Herobrine I genuinely can’t stand the [ __ ] skeletons in this game fight the regular Minecraft that’s not my house

King boots out of my inventory I’m wearing Iron boots now do not want to jump so I would rather have the speed boost let me have this chunk oops oh so my crops are done oh they dropped some speed spreading okay the right click sugar cane like it was gonna do anything

Come on come [ __ ] pushed dude if you can grab some drip Stone that’d be pretty quaggy uh I’ll work on it I’ll put on my [ __ ] to-do list dude they’re just gonna [ __ ] sit there man your ass yeah you eat [ __ ] buddy that’s not the time cave dweller I’m [ __ ] busy

[ __ ] why are there five [ __ ] creepers down here oh y’all [ __ ] suck hey go call your boyfriend go call your boyfriend yeah go call your boyfriend damn you all [ __ ] suck eat my ass oh my torches went outside yeah they’re starting to do that now I gotta make another matchbook real

Quickly and not have that Jesus Christ five [ __ ] seconds dude that’s all I ask I’m about to say the most bigoted things You did not hit that you’re using anybody I’m I’m getting the [ __ ] off I’m getting off oh no the [ __ ] ing zombie boss spun on top of me Loves you Oh there are zombies outside me house like he can [ __ ] get in Herobrine Herobrine placed a sign oh he’s looking at me through the [ __ ] glass I’m not about to lose my diamond [ __ ] because the game spawned a [ __ ] boss on top of me maybe would you like sleeping with me in

Here like [ __ ] being all safe and sound I’ll have to [ __ ] go outside and do [ __ ] yeah what you [ __ ] do one two three four one [ __ ] [ __ ] some growth accelerators under that bad boy patch it up all right [ __ ] should [ __ ] grow got my [ __ ] back you need your [ __ ] back yes

Yes sure they got this [ __ ] game sometimes dude and he’s he’s just gone you just decided to shut the [ __ ] up because he felt like it because he felt that good yeah take care of this [ __ ] zombie outside man [ __ ] house oh not three fully kitted out zombies that’s cool

I didn’t love you dude like Minecraft I love you but you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] I got some golden boots how did you get inside the [ __ ] perimeter I got going on who creeper oh my [ __ ] God what a screenshot of that [ __ ] thing what we’re being invaded by like a thousand zombies oh

Right now okay right now okay I’m coming I like how when zombies get low on health they [ __ ] book it and run it’s kind of funny like okay yeah I’m on my way hold on holy [ __ ] like oh my god dude what if it oh okay I’m coming

Holy [ __ ] [ __ ] what is it that bad creeper across the lake I’m coming a zombie villager has a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe holy [ __ ] he’s dead now holy [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming God they got [ __ ] dude not when you’re coming across the lake because it

Actually don’t even come up the creepers saw me what do you mean don’t come up oh God I got it creeper saw me the biggest big ass meeting creeper saw me the base is under attack I have to come out the main career is going to see you

The web dealing with like nine zombies at a time right now did you say mutant creeper yeah he’s like right above the he’s here yeah dude I’m defending as best as I can there’s a spider joining the fight get the [ __ ] out of here oh no where is that [ __ ] oh my God

The baby creepers they’re inside it’s on the alarm I can’t I’m running away oh my God you were right no don’t leave him towards the house don’t leave him towards the house get the [ __ ] away from that they’re gonna run through that little block oh

My god oh they can get in they can get in they can get in get they can get in they’re coming in no I’m gonna die it’s okay they only broke up like the back house no don’t invent it we have to we have to hold half the heart I’m

Getting shot at by a [ __ ] waffle oh no there’s a hole there’s a bridge there’s a bridge I’m dealing with the iron golems coming to help oh my God he’s here he’s he’s here I want to go near the houses don’t want to go near the houses

We cannot lose our bases we cannot blow up our shoes he’s like right outside my base we’re not prepared for this I’m dealing with all the zombies right now um there’s a hole in your base but it’s not that bad no I see it not bad I’m

Fighting them on the ice leg feed him away lead him away from the house I am I am I am wow he hit me from all over here like 20 blocks away my [ __ ] I think my [ __ ] fell in the ice Lake Herobrine get the [ __ ] out of here now

It’s not good time Aaron gone was kicking ass nice what the [ __ ] just happened big creeper blew up I think okay so good news and bad news the bases are relatively okay we need to go to bed now it’s turning daytime right now yeah okay I’m gonna

Get a lot of dirt to patch this [ __ ] up dude and a lot of wood I love not being able to grab my [ __ ] for me [ __ ] I swear to God if there’s a [ __ ] Skeleton on me I’m gonna freak out there is oh there’s one I can’t do anything right now because

I’m at like two hearts and yeah I’m trying to deal with all these [ __ ] mods out here bro blow up okay nice I need to take care of that [ __ ] skeleton God damn it can I hit you skeleton good okay nice I have like a bunch of my [ __ ] in that Lake

Yeah blow up the [ __ ] ice how does it feel it’s not getting shot at my skin I’m coming to hell [ __ ] out of here get my shit’s in there oh let’s go we did it we defended okay I’m gonna just patch this up with like diorite and [ __ ] we’ll put dirt on

Top yeah I feel like I want to have holes down here too to where they can spawn so I’m gonna make it like all right we we defended we defended I got feathers falling on these boots I found successful defend we gotta re we gotta repair we gotta repair

But it could have been worse right I don’t know if it could have been worse I mean we still have all our [ __ ] here let me help you out with that um how did they even get in uh it’s a little other Penn skates I put

On that wall just for like a temporary block uh the little creepers ran through and the big creeper just jumped over it yeah we gotta figure out what the [ __ ] to do about that the wall is [ __ ] high yeah I got a bunch of dirt yeah I

Got a bunch of different wait wait I’m trying to filling like holes to where I’m trying to use I’m trying to be conservative about this okay there’s still baby creepers under the bridge sand y here I guess I’m still I’m taking care of all the [ __ ] creepers outside I hear a Brian

Jesus Christ you can hear that oh no one blew up a piece of the bridge yeah it’s okay I got all the pieces put it back together yeah how much dirt do you got like two stacks I [ __ ] eat it I gotta yeah we gotta we okay

Um [ __ ] I might go hit up this the stone mine dude we we’re gonna need a repair okay go hit up the stone man yeah you wanna take here I’ll put these in the I’ll put these in the chest for you you can use the gravel in here too okay I’ma go mining

We need to repair the wall and finish the wall too it’s mostly finished we gotta repair it though uh if we just get proper defense on the gate that shouldn’t be a problem again I’m Gonna Fill This in with wood until they get to the top layer of dirt

And then so they have so much wood in my inventory like six stacks of vlog just need to get this filled in so like nothing can spawn down here yeah once we get to the nether we’ll probably start getting better [ __ ] [Applause] I’m just filling this hole up with a lot

Of wood I mean we gotta do what we gotta do man just what I have the most of yeah the top layer can be dirt but don’t kill her [ __ ] don’t forget to use the dirt in there [ __ ] Hawaii fell right into the [ __ ] hole right

Hey water how about you leave me the [ __ ] alone you should add like better mining mods or whatever nothing to do for better mining excavation kind of like that excavation what do you mean I don’t like the excavation mod what’s it do it’s like a vein Miner just you break an orange break

Yeah it would be like useful gonna make it yeah but that’s whatever you decide bro bad news uh Stone mine is running out of stone to mine just go in the actual mine and go to the stone level we’re running out of dirt by the way I need to do about that

I can get that easily burning not that was 29 times oh brother great what I found out to go back to my chest we have more he’s a stone cutting board to like make stripped along just sit there and [ __ ] right click them ah we’re just gonna start mining

Downwards now in the stone line yeah yeah get cutting board and I can make this I have to place down the [ __ ] log every time break it like that oh yeah we’ll do that put that there arrows not what we want I get tree bark from this oh you can

Make paper with tree bark oh just do this one uh [ __ ] wait do this and I have a uh what should I call it sugarcane fun everyone okay and that equals 31 tree bark equals to pen paper oh yeah things are getting pretty expansive in the mines yeah yeah

And I want to excavate out that gravel eventually eventually actually yeah it’s uh in the way yeah uh well I have a little bit of a stone delivery for you I’m in a sec oh yeah big stone delivery I’m coming who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] was that

What who the [ __ ] was that all right there was a guy walking around ah welcome it was a guy it was a player like a person I’m serious look at the [ __ ] stream foreign also here come check your little Stone chest I’m being so dead ass yeah with Herobrine oh it’s just Herobrine

Okay yeah [ __ ] yeah here go check your little Stone chest um go to my little [ __ ] humble abode here destroy my bed I have any wool in my account I got shears if you need wool I gotta tell a string though I got hella strain

I say it as you have your nine string holy [ __ ] it just started thundering like really bad outside Herobrine get away please your mother it just started thundering out like really bad outside like I can [ __ ] hear the wind in real life yeah in real life yes in real life IRL yeah

No way Jose I’m going back down to the mines it’s an excavation I need to be doing that tired wait uh go to sleep that doesn’t happen again yeah well yeah okay yeah he’s gonna be an external there’s gonna be a gate for this the mine [ __ ] got on my bed

Repair the last little bit of my house try to throw away the window because they could see me through the window uh home sweet [ __ ] home there’s a [ __ ] War we need dirt I’m gonna remove this Farm [ __ ] it I’m gonna do ax I want to go grab chips I’m back there huh

Yeah oh um delicious villagers foreign torches have been re-fucking lit for the 900 900 time uh survived the hour I’ll Block office wall over here God damn what the [ __ ] happened in the front of that [ __ ] there’s a bridge what oh yeah the all the [ __ ] Creepers out there dude so many

Holy [ __ ] what I can hear the [ __ ] rain outside just trying to play my Minecraft hmm I get as much dirt as the stone shovel can handle I’m gonna have a lot of stone coming your way there you are you’re better this time you probably don’t need much Stone anymore no

I mean how many stacks did you give me that one time like like size Maybe it’s good for now yeah I like the mine I use this Tender Box on the other no I can’t I like using mine though it’s cool packed up the big ass hole next to my house

No longer there is a big ass home no longer shall there be a big [ __ ] outside of my base I want to learn how to do in a trump impression yeah it’d be funny look yeah oh you got a problem with that yeah what’s your problem oh you know no

[ __ ] a random creepers responding next to me get the [ __ ] out of here let me look out here oh they’re like splitting up their attack right now dude like instead of about charging it from one line they’re like hit doing a V for me I know dude they’re [ __ ] smart they’re smart now

They got they got big brains now it’s [ __ ] weird man I am working right now outside I mean I’m also working what the heck I’m putting in work for hours what the [ __ ] is that that’s some [ __ ] and you know it damn I make this look nice at least foreign

Some tunes on for the Stream but it’s not gonna get copyrighted wow just look up copyright free music oh she still get copyrighted anyway dude I’d actually throw a [ __ ] tantrum all right hold on alt tab hello oh there’s somebody in stream hello names colors what’s good [ __ ] holes have been patched up finally uh fernium Farm you ready be harvested yes so if you are low colors right now I’m mining cobblestone to help defend our town of which we are protecting from mutant mobs I got the [ __ ] Onion Farm and carrot Farm is booming right now yeah

I’m gonna Harvest your carrots for you no well they like already I I like doing it copy right free damn two stacks of carrots tonight uh Minecraft use it I get some more stripped law or uh Arc full Minecraft soundtrack 10 hours beautiful this is our paper now we get bark yeah

[ __ ] heavily right clicked holy [ __ ] all right can that be heard on stream second easily get a stack of [ __ ] paper from all this you can shine we have to go to bed soon because it’s during night time and then whenever it turns morning I’m gonna go and kill some

Cows to get some other all right yeah it can be heard on stream Oh is it turning nighttime now soon oh yeah just making sure I could be it could be heard on scene Yeah okay yep we’re good Oh that’s actually kind of nice It’s actually kind of loud holy [ __ ] chill All right oh it’s raining over here now yep oh yeah it’s getting dark A little bathroom I should go and chant my pickaxe that’d be that’d be sick oh [ __ ] oh look at all these beautiful crops dude that’s [ __ ] beautiful That’s such a beautiful screenshot right there thank me for that thank me later you can thank me later shit’s nice and beautiful you’re welcome Herobrine’s in the [ __ ] background hey how’d you get in how the hell did you get in oh no they’re coming in through the wall

Where the [ __ ] am I being shot at from excuse me oh excuse me yo there’s got a couple dudes breaking and go to sleep uh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep let’s put my bed inside of your ice house oh it’s because you [ __ ] Herobrine was here

Out of the way hmm okay holy [ __ ] huh got tons of creepers over here no they breached they breached where over here get the [ __ ] down here underneath you I think yeah there’s one right here this bridge looks nice actually he’s like running oh yeah they’re all focused on you hold on

Yeah this AI [ __ ] makes him stupid sometimes can you uh yeah yeah I just took care of two of them oh okay I saved the wall I just saved the damn wall you’re welcome I gotta repair the wall uh look out we’re repairing oh here I don’t need that [ __ ]

Yo this music is dope oh here I got you some more [ __ ] the mine has been producing today man I tell you producing yeah shit’s been producing now I’m gonna take out all the [ __ ] that’s not Dustin almost done this is all from like this is all from like two trips

There’s a hole in the wall over here that I didn’t know about oh [ __ ] attach it you goober lat lanterns do not go out I really don’t I’ve been using them in my mind in my mind yeah I got Moto on my mind I got stoned up in my mind the growth

Accelerator is working is it cool but like under my mystical crop Rosary couple ticks make p8 juice [ __ ] is that is it like the V8 veggie juice thing maybe I don’t know oh should I have I’ve hit water in the cave oh yeah don’t go like if you’re going

Straight down keep going don’t go no I’m not going [ __ ] gone what the hell are you talking about I’m not going straight down hanging up a light I like the aesthetic of this cave It’s mine I mean we could yeah I’m a venture oh [ __ ] it’s like a ravine yeah not a review more like just a butt crack we can mine around it yeah yeah I can make a regular torch with cooking oil and cat tails what the [ __ ] I feel wild right there

Oh yeah I was gonna kill some cows get some leather went from my Minecraft to update I haven’t played A while who’s munched on chips that’s me I’m eating spicy barbecue very yummy very beautiful screenshot very beautiful screenshot yeah I know it’s all thanks to your boy with cat pills here mine mine um I don’t know if I should mine around it or mine like into it

Like on cows team really just [ __ ] run away oh [ __ ] there’s a creeper nearby what the [ __ ] hit me like I’ve killed nine cows and only one of them have dropped from one leather that’s [ __ ] crazy Um if we keep mining this way can you just get us some drip soon uh do you need me to go get drip Stone right now do whatever you want I’m just saying do you know where some is Well if I can find some I’ll let you know but I haven’t been able to [ __ ] find any the cow just knocked me back so far we’re gonna get like three books from this because they’re not dropping any leather I’m hanging up another light it’s kind of dark in here

Cows there are here who think ow oh my God they [ __ ] funny yeah I don’t know kind of on the Lost um let’s say we mine into it honestly we could clear it out well you know what give me a use for all that [ __ ] gravel that I have um

I’ll go grab that go kill some chickens too while I’m here get some feathers so I can get some uh arrows uh go check the slop bomb [ __ ] over here chicken go check the swamp that’s right back I think you can hit me without me retaliating sound like I have like character right

Now hey what happened all of my [ __ ] gravel you put in a chest for me is it still there all right yeah okay unless you live right next to a gravel area well yeah it’s for the passing dude we’re gonna change out this ugly ass grass path

The [ __ ] out of here oh in the middle of town where this like eye structure is with the Bell we should make that into like a statue of us yeah focus on the here now worry about then and then what are you talking about the ball’s done I think the bridge is done

As soon as I hit some I will mine it oh you know I should grab a shovel too that’d probably be a good idea these ships are so [ __ ] good it’s like pigs man [ __ ] cows I’ve killed like 20 cows it’s only gotten like eight leather should be getting like equivalent of

Like 30. why is the B angry at me be happy [ __ ] I don’t know these cat tails dropping Cattails they’re dropping [ __ ] fool maybe you gotta Harvest them a certain way the water chestnut here water chestnuts are [ __ ] disgusting the tomatillo yeah you ever eat a [ __ ] water chestnut

And it’s nasty that’s what it is it’s [ __ ] disgusting me personally I could never eat another water chestnut that’s so gross all over here what’s going on here we need to get a moat yeah the [ __ ] [ __ ] stop breaking in ah so you haven’t seen all of you yet

Until wait until a [ __ ] zombie with an ender pearl shoots it over the wall and just dude I don’t even know how the [ __ ] he got an ender pearl like that was insane to me no that’s their abilities they’re far enough away from you are you

For real they can actually do that and shoot it and land up there what isn’t it you’ll never say [ __ ] is what that is dude thousand cows over here I wonder if anyone will drop a [ __ ] leather I didn’t drop anything at all this one’s running away from me

How do I kill these cows I’m gonna have to come back to base because it’s turning nighttime is that oh it’s gonna be 30 minutes I’m gonna start coming back yeah all of them are running away from me and they never drop yeah they got like [ __ ] herd mentality ah

There are a bunch of followers that’s what that is what I’ve got 43 pieces of steak oh pieces of leather I love steak oh my Ramen is still in the fridge I haven’t eaten that yet I made ramen to eat and I just put in the [ __ ] fridge yeah and left it there

There’s a ruined portal in here old block on it holy [ __ ] oh my God I think I left I’m sad about that foreign person genuinely watching my stream and I left I had to do something oh yeah they said they were downloading Minecraft all right get ready to go to bed all right

I just they were actually watching I left all right smoker take all this [ __ ] [ __ ] I have didn’t even say goodbye golden leggings with protection four that’s kind of good Thorns two golden chestplate only had more than five armor I’m ending golden pickaxe now that actually is golden pickaxe with mending yeah

You can are you coming yeah there’s five arrows in here what what only do you have swad arrows what are those like like he like eight hearts or eight hearts they heal like eight [ __ ] bars of hunger hello Brian please leave me alone you couldn’t wait at rest now there’s a

Monster nearby yeah well [ __ ] hairbrines outside my door I’m already asleep then turn this [ __ ] into paper I’m gonna go grab that Ramen I’ll be right back all right we are eating let me do a little overview the ramen pick ramen noodles in this game chicken flavored Ramen Express you can make

Ramen noodles in the game by Chef Wu I also added chili flakes or pepper flakes chili powder paprika smart paprika the drink Glacier freeze my at the moment current favorite flavor of Gatorade very delicious very blue ‘s my favorite flavor I could drink Gator it’s all day dude I’m gonna be honest cucumber Gatorade is a good flavor oh there’s Herobrine on your house he spawned as you walk by oh speaking of I want to [ __ ] upgrade uh one of my my [ __ ] what a pretty one I’m gonna make a new

Diamond pick action upgrade it I would wait until we get level 30 and Shannon’s okay yeah I thought I had okay yeah cucumber Gatorade is a good flavor I’m not gonna lie to you cucumber Gatorade cucumbered flavored drinks are pretty oh pretty freaking good you ever you know um

It’s like Gatorade it’s called like I come in the water bottle shaped ones with the like this it’s a baby nipple cap but it’s like Gatorade oh damn I forget what it’s called but they make really good cucumber flavored drinks and like dude I would bathe in that [ __ ] if I could Like actually that shit’s so scrumptious dude um these noodles are pretty far be pretty shrunk Billy umpus yeah I hate trees out of here why what’s wrong with the tree I like trees man I don’t [ __ ] like Cruise What are you gonna put there foreign get over the wall So I’ll go out and get some leather for me um yeah that’d be pretty radical yeah I’ll do that feeling inside damn put too much [ __ ] in that pretty good oh [ __ ] they didn’t leave coldram is crazy I like it cold I didn’t leave my phone turned off I was getting

Some snacks news must be good they are so good I’m gonna be honest like I love fresh not Ramen right but at the same time cold Ramen isn’t that bad either damn dude I put too much [ __ ] in that yeah I’m talking a chat you mind yeah I [ __ ] mind

Hey don’t make them leave they like the one it’s like the one person watching I’m very grateful very grateful though I’m so grateful shut your ass up you just want leather you said would you do anything for chat yeah I would do anything for chat I would strip down but booty naked

We’re kind of weird to say that to Chad that could be like a 13 year old yeah okay it’s more of like an um there’s so many picks it’s more like me ex uh it’s like an expression you know I didn’t mean it literally nobody can’t find any leather there’s no

[ __ ] cows anywhere dude yeah you have to go like in the swampland I’m here and there’s like nothing but pigs and a whole tab when you can see I know I’m doing that right now that’s what I’m saying there’s nothing but pigs like little pigs so like we can control the sponge

That’s fun plus you get a lot of holy [ __ ] I forgot pigs attack the pigs are [ __ ] fighting back will you let them take that from you you’re gonna take that from him I gotta Pig these pigs come on hey Herobrine the [ __ ] out of here Brian here hey guys

Herobrine446 here back at it again with another Minecraft Let’s Play if you’re okay if Herobrine actually made Let’s Plays he probably cheats so much what do you mean he wouldn’t cheat we just edit the game code oh no because like he’s like isn’t he

Supposed to be like a like oh I see a bunch of pictures he’s supposed to be like a [ __ ] all natural like Supernatural [ __ ] God right like isn’t that what’s but that’s what he is he’s a he’s he’s a bejesus damn there’s a lot of mobs down there

I killed a horse it’s another like I’ll be looking at my maps holy [ __ ] the horse is actually gonna kill me I have to kill it now oh my God the horses are coming for me it’s Christ like a [ __ ] truck dude amen amazing I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t want to

Do this the horse is making me dude the horse is [ __ ] evil they got evil juice in them [ __ ] off damn I found a lava yeah I found a lava pool over there yeah by a [ __ ] horse dude they hit like a damn truck and he’s he’s

Getting his boys I’m actually gonna die with a [ __ ] horse the range is so long I’m I’m actually scared of this [ __ ] stop dude I was freaking out I couldn’t run and the horse is [ __ ] pushing me keep you in that grass I got two leather

Oh there’s a bunch of pigs over here or cows I’m gonna kill these cows for you what oh my God I keep forgetting animals attack chill chill Yeah I only got four leather so far yeah forgot the animals could fight back Yeah come get some damn knock me back eight [ __ ] blocks cows go crazy uh how much leather did you need we need a lot more for the uh I got eight probably not enough like rough estimate I got 10 now like 32 32 is [ __ ] crazy

I got a 10. I think that’s the best you’re gonna give to me for a while I think I got ISP damn come here yeah keep running yeah Yeah oh let’s turn night time that’s not good coming back to Hometown everybody oh [ __ ] yeah it’s gonna night time dude oh I got a little piggy little pregger yeah sing it brother honestly maybe we shouldn’t have sang because last time we sung We got [ __ ] rated we [ __ ] sung earlier

Nah dude like the Great War I actually remember oh what’s good game holy [ __ ] I’m far from home I’m getting [ __ ] I’m having homeless people throw bottles at me Joe unless people do anything man for a pack of cigarettes damn chill out [ __ ] hobos man oh

Not in front of our [ __ ] house not good what the wet spawn slowness oh damn oh God that was so [ __ ] unexpected I gotta get bro all right go to bed I’m in the I want to be harassed what just happened was very unfortunate let’s just say

They’re cheating okay they got they got aimed what the [ __ ] dude there’s no way there’s no way out over here you serious gotta hop the [ __ ] wall oh it’s so close to base too what the heck I think that’s everything you’re In the main base and then I’m gonna head back out to the mine ah here come I’m gonna put your leather in the chest oh yeah yes I forgot copper in here oh [ __ ] that’s dope as [ __ ] oh this little Tower I like that that’s cool I don’t know yet another portal All right let’s take a little break while I eat some Ramen oh I just dropped my [ __ ] sword all right let’s chill I eat tomorrow there’s a creepy right there that’s cool the cows ain’t playing no more yeah the cows like it’s not something you get used to the animals fighting back

Nice space you two have um we had a some would say a nicer one earlier earlier in the video yeah in the Stream then um the skeleton army came and we we won the we won the war but we won the battle we won the skeleton battle

All right and as we’re recovering ready to go build our Castle the creeper the creeper the creeper gang shows up and they they [ __ ] wiped us off the planet because we haven’t dealt with we haven’t dealt with them before and they just they just [ __ ] wiped us off the planet dude

We lost all our [ __ ] we have to flee to here turn tail and [ __ ] run yeah we had to oh hi Herobrine yeah we had to because uh if we didn’t we would have lost everything we only made it out with like a set of iron armor and a iron pickaxe

But look at us now the Creeper King did eventually come back but we took care of it well I think the Iron Golem took care of it well he spot he’s part of our army man don’t forget we we had a partner too but yeah how’d all the Torches keep going out

When I’m going down the [ __ ] mine it might be Herobrine like the entire torture thing it might be Herobrine it’s one of the things he can do oh all the Torches just went out down here yeah I might be Herobrine is that you yep that’s you cool I’m down here just

Tweaking out doing his thing yeah it’s been a it’s been a wild ride so far I hate creepers I [ __ ] hate creepers man yeah creepers I’m just blown the [ __ ] up by one yeah um if you looked at our base before and after like before the war started and after the war started

You gonna tell it was our base we had to fortify windows and doors and died so many [ __ ] times it was it was crazy man they blew up all our [ __ ] right as we’re about to leave to go make our Castle let’s just We weren’t we weren’t ready for the creepers back then man there’s like we handled the we handled the skeleton okay right I took him on his armor and we took his armor yeah we wore his Corpse’s armor it’s just that we weren’t expecting the creepers to show up you know

They were what uh then they have like little mini creepers too yeah and we were not expecting little [ __ ] suicide bombers to come out running it was uh yeah definitely very unexpected but look at a different part so yeah My house is on fire is it Herobrine why my house is very flammable oh my house is on fire too yeah oh [ __ ] help me I am oh [ __ ] you burn in The Cauldron of lava yeah you sure what oh God I’m coming okay Herobrine why he [ __ ] up your house dude

Like the third time I have to build it now man hey be happy we have a house dude oh [ __ ] yeah I was gonna go back to the mines I got work to do in the mines we’re in the [ __ ] strip logs a little Annoying Thing

Is that a cutting board what the [ __ ] is this you put a log on there you can get bark from it I put my shovel in there doesn’t do nothing though yeah it looks cool look at it I saw kind of cool let me go get her some diamonds all

Right well let me go work on my [ __ ] mind dude yeah I mean I was gonna show you something you’re gonna have me running around looking for [ __ ] leather when I see something something show me Herobrine’s not real what are you talking about hey show me here

What deep sleep I don’t need cookies let it cook all right I’m still eating wait don’t do it yet in my base wait a minute oh in my base my cousin comes around collecting anyone’s tax and if we don’t give him diamonds he kills us and burns down our home

That’s [ __ ] up pick that’s [ __ ] up should I need like I mean yeah we live separately but we also like share our [ __ ] like see how this fucker’s rummaging through my [ __ ] right now it’s kind of like that just rummages around whenever he pleases yeah that’s crazy tax I could never

I need uh yeah creepers ruined [ __ ] everything man all right okay I already gave you ingots man I’ll check one of your emeralds why huh you traded that could put it back I want to trade with the little guys yeah but don’t take the [ __ ] that I got

It from you’re always taking my [ __ ] I took a [ __ ] piece of strings you could be taxing me you know I might implement the tags might be taxing season man do your thing I got all this inferium Essence what I do with it I want an emerald

No I don’t think you don’t get my ethereum Essence dude you don’t even know how to do anything with it yeah but I still put the work in for it slaves in Africa probably don’t know what they’re doing with all the metal they’re mining but people still use them for their phones

And [ __ ] so people still use them for their phones my [ __ ] with a piece of string now I can make what I wanted to [ __ ] name all right show me I’m gonna make it though oh here Brian’s over there looking at you he cannot be looking at me dude

Make it a good angle I was gonna do the same thing I did the last time but right um wait I’m trying to watch the damn show do you mind it might look better in daytime oh my god get the [ __ ] out of it I want to watch this

Don’t look at me while I sleep he thinks you’re cute should take them out all right wait don’t do it yet don’t do it don’t do it yet no Click Boom what the [ __ ] was that sound effect now that we’re growing deep sleep now you’re what growing a deep sleep oh

Growing a rock that’s cool so they grow [ __ ] now one of them does can’t take a long time for it to get deep sleep I need [ __ ] uh eight deep slight Essence I get 24 deep slit down how do you get essence from the crops they grow in We could eventually grow diamond or a diamond why we don’t have any good you know you should grow iron we’re gonna need a lot of iron for the minecart I think I need little two seats though for iron a little extra three seeds I mean I don’t have everything I need here Brian

Is just kind of like a Broski now yeah eight pieces of iron Essence makes six Indians get the [ __ ] out of my face shut up I turn on my music damn how did he get it yo yo [ __ ] can I have that helmet yeah I’m the king this is a creeper coming in

The creeper coming in please I’m the king pull out your [ __ ] bow dude I’m the king look at the crown look at the ground I’m the king I’m the game I’ll get us some iron and Diamond okay go talk to a woman or something dude it’s the last time you talked to a

Female you uh no uh not true not true bozo I got feather falling boots yeah what’s that gonna bring over gravel I think I’m good I need diamonds so I can make gemstones and make [ __ ] growth and then uh iron farm would come sooner you can check my diamonds but

I want uh go get more diamond and then it speeds up us getting iron I want want my what’s it called I forget what it’s called my card I want my Minecart system well you got a weird we gotta wait a little while wait for this [ __ ] seats to grow

And it takes so long to grow because I don’t have things run up another light you in the mine right now yeah I’m in the mine foreign [Applause] oh my God so much [ __ ] water yo there’s people in Africa with no water I don’t need all this with the people in Africa wait

[ __ ] a bunch of coal over here do we still need coal a little bit all right as far as my [ __ ] internet didn’t [ __ ] itself their internet here is pretty bad I sort of got out of like a [ __ ] ton more gravel dude uh thank you All right we’re reaching the end of the water segment I’m pretty sure oh my God Yes mine is hard work man being in the mines every day man it’s hard work been on my mind with [ __ ] water I gotta get rid of this oh the rain stopped fast [ __ ] check chat in cheese you hear Herobrine can you hit here run I’ve never done it before I’m just curious have you two found the ancient city yet no uh no let me answer your questions no we have

Not found an ancient city yet I completely forgot those even existed uh I’ll I’ll keep an eye out though um can I you cannot hit Herobrine he’s like he physically won’t let you if you get too close he’ll disappear I’ve tried many times it won’t let you

The game is just bad like that very poorly made I will try I will try though but don’t don’t keep your hopes up industrial ass mine holy [ __ ] dude water will not leave me alone all right no more with the water oh [ __ ] I’ve hit I’ve struck gold struck gold I found a

On a cave that’s not good that’s gonna interfere with the the mine let’s check it out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ears need some chips thank you um all right [ __ ] I’m not gonna have to bring some ladders I’ve got a code cave uh so we gotta go to the

Go to bed you scared the [ __ ] on me for a second I didn’t realize you put a bridge there I thought it was the creeper creeper yeah I thought it was the the cute the creeper crane are you asleep right now yeah I’m grabbing something from my chest though yeah oh

Oh [ __ ] we need an accurate now okay makes crabs grow faster it is not nice is that all these torches just went out oh yeah I hear them it’s farming night tonight boys I’m on crop watch oh yeah this [ __ ] crop grows so quick now oh the birth exposure is I put under

It took two year diamonds to make the growth accelerator I need nine of them or six of them bruh for the end run taking my diamonds as long as I get my iron I don’t care holy [ __ ] a spotter jockey just spawned in base I’m grabbing some more torches right now

[ __ ] spider jockey he’s got full leather armor too holy [ __ ] get away from my crops I’ve never seen something so badass oh we got creepers in base green alert green alert we got code green oh we got oh we got code green that’s my pickaxe over here we’re gonna be harvesting tonight

Yes Harvest Harvest Time we should find a woodland mansion you can go do that I shoot the creeper below the uh stairs here no you cheating we find diamonds so we can make more growth accelerators so what I was out trying to do hair runs behind you uh he’s not real

Can’t use uh boating on these crops either it takes so long foreign I’m gonna go back to the mines dude oh never mind The Creeper’s still under there what the [ __ ] dude like what is your [ __ ] problem come here [ __ ] who did that who did that no come here you think you’re [ __ ] funny come here you think you’re funny well this part of town is desolate yeah yeah nobody lives in this part of town

There’s only two villagers Left Alive [ __ ] is one of them a farming villager dude we have not been doing that good of a job protecting our accounts people yeah if you feed them carrots they can wait okay where are they at I have a bunch of carrots

If you well in the daytime they won’t do it at nighttime well if you give them carrots they’ll uh okay well that’ll be my goal for tomorrow we gotta repopulate with the town better trampling your crops he’s got like jumpers feet holy [ __ ] Don’t Go Near That

Dude there’s so [ __ ] many of them in there spiders jump on the walls dude we can’t do this about that for now that’s fine uh we can put trapdos along the sides on check chat you tried these chicken noodles with Tostitos Cheese in it what what have been cool if you could

Just see to see how powerful he is the credit should make that a possibility I think it’s to add to the element of like surprise you know like to try well that and like you know make you really feel like helpless in this situation because if you can hit him

You’re like oh well I could just whip his ass we gotta cut green in the dead side of town we got code booger code booger yeah there’s like three [ __ ] boogers over here don’t let them explode I’m trying to but there’s a lot of them I’m trying but I’m [ __ ] hell bro help

Me the [ __ ] are you doing he’s next door oh my God holy [ __ ] yeah you weren’t kidding about this yeah code [ __ ] booger yeah that you focused on me oh eat [ __ ] buddy that’s how I feel about you they died all right [ __ ] man I gotta get back to the mines

Lanterns yeah find us a bunch of [ __ ] diamonds I’m trying do you keep [ __ ] my ass around oh there’s a bunch more fence in here spider has a code black oh god oh you might want to take care of that [ __ ] Bridge all right well it comes daytime it’s daytime

I’m waiting for it to let them start burning like a bunch of ladders yeah this plant is growing so [ __ ] fast at all those boosters under it 15 ladders that’s it that’s ass all you gotta do is sit here and wait for my graphite to go I’m gonna graphite

My [ __ ] plate to grow Agro yeah that’s Epic slash e big you got enough to make 24 blogs let’s go how about the deep sleep the shit’s gonna get the producing I can try making some iron scenes Maybe Uh seed based before these bad boys wish I had an automatic should have downloaded a mod for an automatic farmer or something running out here and [ __ ] doing this oh but you won’t download the excavation mod oh that’s [ __ ] annoying I just want to be able to mine more than

One block at once man I think it’s fun to be a little digger I just want to be able to mine more than one block okay I need guess I’m not allowed to have fun man shut the [ __ ] up I’m just kidding you can chill out I’ll be activation mode

Practically cheating at that point just fun you’re having fun no I can [ __ ] tell me I do something about those lights almost make iron suits all right we’re laddering that oh [ __ ] we’re down I thought a creeper got in let’s get the crap out of me okay let’s explore this green booger [ __ ] Zooey mama green booger uh no I just hit the [ __ ] jackpot oh did you find diamond I found a big ass cave oh oh and you found a [ __ ] okay this

Is creepers this skeleton is [ __ ] pissing me off can we get like and can we get like heat-seeking missiles on these [ __ ] they said Anne Frank and Frank no he no not Anne Frank these guys are [ __ ] annoying there’s like multiple of them holy [ __ ] like I can’t do anything

We’ll go check that out there holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [ __ ] jackpot alert I’m a [ __ ] jackpot alert that’s what I’m saying dude big ass cave beneath us I’m gonna I’m gonna find out where you [ __ ] live dude keep it up keep it up keep it up I will [ __ ] find you

Say I won’t say I won’t find out where the [ __ ] you live right now how’d you keep testing me you keep [ __ ] testing me I swear to God take one more shot at me all right I’m coming down there you ragged bastard I’m [ __ ] coming down there

You gotta come explore this with me get ready get ready yeah get ready you know there’s guaranteed diamonds down here dude let’s [ __ ] go I’m making torches it’s right under the house no it’s in the cave oh my God they break the [ __ ] wall again

God damn only into the wall now [ __ ] you better take care of that bro you already used all my [ __ ] diamonds at least you could do is come mine with me you just two of them I had nine no you had two in that chest don’t even

[ __ ] try to no no no no no okay I had nine I made one pickaxe and now I have two of my head I only took two no I took two and then two or you wanted that so you took four yeah don’t say that you [ __ ] whatever man

Will you shut the [ __ ] up that’s what you sound like it’s gonna be a benzo balloons are down there man you’re gonna want to get ready but I’m not going down there right now you [ __ ] irons are going [ __ ] off [ __ ] off I bet you [ __ ] on your A game cause right now you’re not on your A game my bucket is gone I think I took your bucket because you have my [ __ ] bucket no it’s my [ __ ] bucket there’s my bucket you

Punch him you broke my helmet you bastard [ __ ] my bucket it’s my bucket no I [ __ ] made it stop damn stinky [ __ ] take my bucket won’t go mine with me thank you smell it the [ __ ] alone take your smelly ass bucket back I don’t want that [ __ ] someone’s angry foreign all right

I choose have fun you two give off an angry marriage couple that needs a divorce yeah I’m about to [ __ ] divorce this guy because he never listens yeah that’s [ __ ] mean yeah it is true Maybe you help out the team for once yeah I’ve been building all this [ __ ] and I’ve

Been I’ve been the one giving you all the [ __ ] to build with so don’t even start that at least I asked you just come mine with me I don’t wanna mine though right now but you’re good but you’re on my ass about getting diamonds all the time

I didn’t tell you to ask you to oh my God get the [ __ ] out of here with that together What the [ __ ] you have any arrows on there oh [ __ ] let’s go let’s dub chat oh [ __ ] that’s not that big dub lucky that’s a sign we’re gonna find some diamonds here and find some diamonds I’m feeling lucky all right am I feeling hey I want to go down this side sure

This is about to be [ __ ] hell foreign oh [ __ ] they knocked me down they knocked me down I’m a [ __ ] damn yeah they knocked jump let me jump down oh look at mystical fertilizer oh this [ __ ] where’s he at which I want to find out where the skeleton is

I see him there’s two of them yeah it’s one [ __ ] This other one’s gonna [ __ ] kill me oh he’s like right below me okay retina everybody get out of here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh it’s trouble [ __ ] they’re climbing up dude I got eight hours what the where the [ __ ] did that guy come from what the [ __ ] it’s got Voodoo ass Magic

Okay that’s [ __ ] cheating that’s [ __ ] cheating that’s [ __ ] scary and these carrots [ __ ] suck I ain’t even better food I think that’s all the skeletons taken care of foreign okay nice we did it we did the MLG [ __ ] all right let’s start clearing the cave oh Russia

Pretty sure those are the bad guys oh [ __ ] there’s another skeleton get out of here [ __ ] yeah this might be a problem damn I see you down there shoot damn you get a mowed down right now no I’m actually [ __ ] them up oh double [ __ ] man we’re having a bow fight

Oh I shot the [ __ ] bat dude mid jump accidentally shot a bat that was flying right in front of me instead of the skeleton if that’s not sure I don’t know what the [ __ ] is damn I got I got two arrows left dude I’m peeking what the [ __ ] fell down from there

Oh [ __ ] he’s got Peaks oh no that’s not good they’re breaking in oh [ __ ] I just got [ __ ] hooked out of my mind oh they blew up the [ __ ] Bridge oh they Brillo the bridge shoot oh my God I need to take care of you oh [ __ ] they’re spawning spawning actively

Okay I killed his ass God that’s [ __ ] intense still up there we use that [ __ ] see him oh you [ __ ] this is the smaller portion of the cave by the way oh sh damn two arrows oh my God he was here oh let’s [ __ ] go dude around the corner jump shot

They can’t [ __ ] handle me some Reaper Rewards this man is curving his shots over the wall I know dude they’re [ __ ] crazy with it but I’m even crazier nice oh damn oh [ __ ] he’s webbing me Spiderman that was not the [ __ ] time Herobrine what happened he he [ __ ] he did the

Thing where he like turns he physically moves you while I was in a fight with the spider and a baby zombie and almost [ __ ] killed me eat [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that’s a skeleton that’s not good I’m I’m I think I’m [ __ ] here oh I’m so [ __ ] here dude that’s three

Zombies in a skeleton okay well I just gotta keep my my cover foreign oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am massive dub they do not [ __ ] know me I need to start using a bow more dude best PVP of my life oh

Yeah I forgot it was a [ __ ] blood man I was busy whipping these dudes asses foreign ah [ __ ] that’s not good oh [ __ ] that’s really not good okay what do I do in this situation I’ll be in bowed left right and [ __ ] Center dude oh oh my God that’s a [ __ ] mine shaft

[ __ ] okay I’m being pushed I think that missed [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m out and there’s just [ __ ] three of them there’s yeah um [ __ ] I think my best bet would be to fall back this creeper off ah [ __ ] and I’m actually really [ __ ] oh [ __ ] did you wanna kill one zero one

To zero probably a one [ __ ] okay uh I’m calm now I’m just trying to think about what the [ __ ] I do okay wait I could actually pick him off right there oh he’s rapid fire okay he’s dead that’s one down [ __ ] you’re from where [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] oh

The other guy I think the other guy yeah they’ll get one over here he’s just [ __ ] running for me dude [ __ ] over there oh that’s a red torch that’s a red door it’s a redstone torch yeah yeah keep running [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] um damn okay oh [ __ ] okay that’s one down

All right I should say another one it’s not a good thing to hear oh also I found a bunch of drips down uh you need that yeah we do it for the flower farm I like how much I don’t know just whatever we can get I’ll just grab like some Foreign holy [ __ ] giant [ __ ] W oh my God biggest cave I’ve ever [ __ ] seen we should honestly get rid of the disappearing torches you don’t like it no they’ve just kind of nothing but an inconvenience now yeah they’re kind of just [ __ ] annoying for no reason

I know that did not [ __ ] miss him like what the [ __ ] is that like hello okay yeah there’s two of them that’s why holy [ __ ] we get rid of the disappearing torches maybe next episode or some [ __ ] next episode not next episode all right [ __ ] this is not good

I’m restarting the game I’m gonna get on wow you’re tired what about your Adderall man I take more than two a day this city is kicking in I mean yeah to be fair we we’ve been playing I’ve been streaming for like six hours I’m not tired though I’m a [ __ ] yeah you’re easy

There’s one oh dude there’s one in the [ __ ] like oh he’s he’s carving his shots that’s what he’s doing you have to [ __ ] potato all right that should be all of them [ __ ] that was intense reap our rewards finally I swear god dude [ __ ] off or I cannot stand these [ __ ] you serious

Okay oh he’s actually [ __ ] above me [ __ ] dude laughs this guy’s just gonna be [ __ ] annoying I’m not climbing all the way up there just to [ __ ] kill that guy and two more have just [ __ ] spawned that’s great like what okay here we [ __ ] go with the [ __ ]

That’s not the time cave dweller I got [ __ ] going on dude have you seen him yet no but he’s making a lot of noise oh she’s uh not [ __ ] around I’m not [ __ ] around either you want some he can come [ __ ] get some [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll get out [ __ ] smarter you dimwit

In that chest oh rails a cooking pot oh my God it’s actually everything I wanted for the mine right here here we go with this [ __ ] guy Saddle Up this [ __ ] is being up sly little [ __ ] [ __ ] go dude got everything I ever wanted and more this this [ __ ] all right come here

[ __ ] play these [ __ ] games dude there’s two of them there’s three of them what the [ __ ] thank you oh I could oh all right yeah [ __ ] come here YouTube yeah you [ __ ] suck compared to me Deco mob ball oh man out [ __ ] play constantly just out [ __ ] play

It’s almost like you suck or something a nice try [ __ ] harder than you man you sound like you’re grumpy right now what’s wrong oh man yeah you oh I’m not gonna chop them up life down here man it’s fun should have came down one of mine

Not just mining man I’m PVP right now oh [ __ ] I’m getting rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that I’m not I’m not doing that I can get like a bunch of string if we need right now okay yeah it’s just a shitload of

Cobwebs up here oh my God oh my [ __ ] god oh my God it’s so juicy oh my [ __ ] God you missed out pal oh my oh my [ __ ] guy I did this one’s on you pal Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh my God it just doesn’t end oh my God it just doesn’t [ __ ] end

Holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I don’t know if I can’t no I can’t tell if any if it’s diamonds or not dude I’m a yump oh yum what are those diamonds no I think they’re two those are diamonds down there give me give me give me just making sure

That’s not a [ __ ] Diamond dude I don’t want that oh oh oh mama oh my soul those are not diamonds I was wrong but still ah [ __ ] hey no no stop we’re not doing this dude my sword’s about to break but hold my [ __ ] god oh my God these aren’t [ __ ] diamonds dude

Oh this new material [ __ ] whatever you had it [ __ ] sucks man oh my God you gotta be kidding me what the [ __ ] is this like I don’t [ __ ] get it like I don’t [ __ ] get it like I do not [ __ ] get it what the [ __ ] it makes no [ __ ] sense

Someone’s breaking the [ __ ] in right now who is that can you come with me real quick I gotta [ __ ] worry about whoever the [ __ ] breaking in right now oh my God stop breaking in it’s just real quick dude we have an iron golem here he’s taking care of him

I don’t want to go mining no I’m not asking you to go [ __ ] mining I’m asking you to come help me grab my [ __ ] real quick we were [ __ ] like two thousand blocks away it’s not that far dude I really don’t want to die go get your [ __ ] I’m gonna get off

All right whatever man you [ __ ] come with me foreign oh my God here we [ __ ] go again I’m not getting this [ __ ] with you all right well I guess we’re gonna save this huge [ __ ] mine shaft for tomorrow thank you tomorrow’s stream or maybe later today

Somebody decides not to be so stinky but it’s growing iron now yeah yeah oh one of my diamond pickaxe oh okay oh that’s nice nope pickaxe no armor let’s see what I mean they say okay I got my tracks that’s really all I wanted I don’t care about the diamond pickaxe around here

I’ll take this all right we’re gonna save this big ass k for tomorrow because he doesn’t want to play Minecraft anymore been playing for Minecraft anymore because I’ve been playing for six hours I know dude that’s what I’m saying it’s been planned for six hours I’ve been streaming for six hours

Uh it’s Breaky time just a small break I’m getting creeper outside our house right yeah I think I’m in a worse [ __ ] predicament right now dude I get [ __ ] out blocked buddy or got built on [ __ ] out of here okay let’s just run eat [ __ ] eat [ __ ] ah your aim sucks dick

I got my Minecart rails I got my Minecart say pretty successful I’m gonna find huge amount of diamonds down there tomorrow everybody it blew open the wall the mutant creepers inside the [ __ ] house oh they blew up on the wall go and go take care of him right now I’m

At the [ __ ] mind right now dude said Gollum I always so [ __ ] hostile hired and you don’t see me ain’t gonna be hostile oh [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] kidding these these [ __ ] clowns over here maybe creepers I’ll fight you outside the house come down here gotta get your [ __ ] rolled buddy okay come here

Slimy little boy I got the zombie hook the baby creeper yeah gonna use slimy little [ __ ] the zombie saved me from the baby creeper oh you [ __ ] suck buddy come here slimy [ __ ] not [ __ ] hooking me please thank you Jesus Christ come here where are you running from come here

Oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] suck dude get out of here there’s a mutant creeper in your house get [ __ ] you’re kidding no you’re lying there’s not a mutant creeper in my house take a screenshot you’re lying [ __ ] house dude no it’s not your line Iron Golem take care of him Elite amount ow

Holy [ __ ] he’s here he’s at the [ __ ] gate oh my God you have arrows no oh he’s shooting [ __ ] at you I don’t have a shield those Diane want to hit them like I got an ax dude [ __ ] it come here [ __ ] hey hit him hit him I’m trying his little baby

Creepers here blowing up the [ __ ] Bridge dude I okay no I’m actually gonna get pissed off with this stuff in the water oh he’s out good I can’t do nothing oh my God he launched himself dude oh my God that’s good just run around no he broke my oh you broke my trap

No don’t break my track don’t break my track what the [ __ ] was that he died he died that was [ __ ] insane he sucks you in I don’t see any of your stuff dude there’s an egg down there though whoa oh my God it’s a creeper egg what the [ __ ] creeper shard

What the [ __ ] is a creeper shard you flew kind in like that direction where um hold on I’m being [ __ ] gang raped no oh my God uh that direction this way why did you have like important [ __ ] on you yeah not really yeah I got a [ __ ] creeper shard

And it does like God damn it how wait makes a little explosive noise it’s kind of cool what do you do with the creeper shard I don’t [ __ ] know why you don’t want to download the mod I thought you knew yeah he kind of [ __ ] up the bridge but

I got hit boxes that’s what I want oh all your [ __ ] is under the ice floor I think well I wanna I wanted his creeper egg what happened to that oh [ __ ] hello can I [ __ ] swim oh my God yeah your [ __ ] is like under the ice like I’m pretty sure

Oh fish I have hitboxes turned on wow that was a cool way to end out the end of the stream huh but the [ __ ] creeper battle all right well we’re gonna end a stream here I think that was a good way to end things off with the cool ass [ __ ] creeper battle

What is a row I know but I got a row something called a [ __ ] row I guess I got a cooking pot too from one of those things come on chest now I need is uh some powered rails on fire over here which one I want the lava okay all right

Nice way to end off stream I will talk to you later then I guess all right bye

This video, titled ‘”WERE UNDER ATTACK” / Minecraft Modded Horror Stream 1’, was uploaded by CheezeWhizz on 2023-08-06 22:23:06. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 07:58:22 or 28702 seconds.

its heere

  • Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas

    Crafty Survival: Minecraft House Tutorial Ideas In the world of Minecraft, a wooden house we’ll build, With walls and a roof, our creativity fulfilled. From the intro to the equipment, every step we’ll show, In this tutorial easy, our building skills will glow. With Minecraft Game, we upload videos every day, From house builds to survival, in our own unique way. Join us on Instagram and YouTube, for more fun, As we craft and create, until the day is done. So subscribe to our channel, for more Minecraft delight, And let’s build together, under the gaming spotlight. With love and passion, we’ll continue to play,… Read More

  • Uncover the Hidden Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Dada’s Real World Texture & Shader Experience!

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  • Unleash the End Dragon in Your Castle – Join Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

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  • Uncovering the Mysterious Monster City in Minecraft!

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience in 2024

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  • Master Minecraft Thumbnail Text Tricks!

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  • EPIC Minecraft stream with crazy bedrock PS4 gameplay!

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  • Unlock Secret Levels in Minecraft with Cartoon Ladders

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  • Exploring Insane Minecraft World LIVE!

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    "💎UNLIMITED DIAMONDS IN FF WITH COMMAND BLOCK!🔥" #Minecraft #GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNLIMITED DIAMOND WITH COMMAND BLOCK #viral #minecraft #technogamerz #gamerfleet #shorts’, was uploaded by OCTAPLAYZ FF on 2024-01-02 17:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Skeleton goes crazy vs all mobs in epic battle! #minecraft

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  • WorldScape Realms 1.20 Survival

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  • New National Front

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft noobs stuck in the past”

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  • Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft’s Trick

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  • “MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

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  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience!

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  • Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23

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  • Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!

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  • Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA – Top Clan Slaying Tali Krysha

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  • Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!

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  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftlive

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  • Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!

    Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!Video Information hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don’t have anything the only housing that we’ve made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our… Read More

  • Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!

    Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!Video Information तो आज हम वो कर रहे हैं नया अकाउंट बनाते हैं ये क्या करते हैं क्या पता 303 करते है ड [संगीत] अकाउट देखो तोय बेडकम य यह वा नलाइन करते आईडी वो हो जाएगी तेरी म तेरी आईडी की मजी बेबी ते इतनी गंदी सा ले र है गवा आदमी पागल ये देख रिफर क्या है नहीं भाई ये कमेंट रूल्स के मुताबिक य जीरी मैं तुम्ह खत्म कर दूंगा रुको मैं एकदम ठीक हूं अब मैं क्या करू तो मेमो मैं ता मुझे मजा आता है धो [संगीत] लेता भाई वट द वाला होता है ठीक… Read More

  • 🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fyp

    🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fypVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server(Balkna) CookieVanilla starter 🌆bases🌆 showoff #minecraft #fyp #shorts’, was uploaded by KUMKA on 2024-01-08 01:13:40. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. If you want to join us, go to our discord and fill out the application for the whitelist Discord link:https://discord.gg/trmFytRags Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE now

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE nowVideo Information सो हे गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी के क्या हाल चाल भाई साहब सभी बढ़िया होंगे आई गेस सो कैसे हैं सभी यार मेरे ख्याल से बढ़िया ही होंगे और मेरी थोड़ी सी तबीयत खराब है बाकी तो सब सही चल रहा है बस थोड़ा बहुत हेडेक है थोड़ी थोड़ी दिमाग खराब हुआ बहुदा तो अगर कुछ गलत या सही बोल दूं तो भाई माफ करना कुछ खतरनाक बोल दूं तो दिमाग खराब हो जाएगा आपका तो भैया थोड़ा काबू में रहे और हमें भी काबू में रहने दे समझ रहे और बताइए सब लोग क्या हाल चाल… Read More

  • AngelCv3

    AngelCv3Survival MC Server! You can claim your land of course! But you can also buy a plot at the new city UPDATE! SELL to earn money, with it BUY, from stores.. or from players! Work with others or alone. This server is new so there is A LOT of land still left and unexplored ruins and dimensions! Enjoy~ fun fact I made the banner in 2 minutes soo.. yeaah THERE WILL BE A PROPER TRAILER SOON! angelcv3.minehut.gg Read More

  • Survivemc RP – Roleplay, Modded, SMP – Whitelist, 16+, 1.20.1

    Welcome to SurviveMC RP! SurviveMC RP is a new rp-based server with a growing community. Experience intense zombie survival with immersive mods and challenging gameplay. The world is unforgiving, with NPCs to trade with and a life steal mechanic adding to the difficulty. Features: Custom zombie skins and behavior Performance-based mods for smooth gameplay In-game character creation and unique world map Permanent death mechanic for added challenge If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds like “The Last of Us” or “The Walking Dead,” this server is for you. Join us on our Discord to start your adventure: Join Discord We… Read More

  • War kingdom

    Dive into a world of endless possibilities and adventure on our Minecraft server! Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or just starting your journey, there’s something for everyone here.Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe who share your passion for Minecraft. Make friends, team up on epic builds, or compete in friendly competitions. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pick Your Minecraft Bae:

    Why choose a Minecraft waifu when you can just mine for diamonds instead? Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!

    Epic Minecraft Dragon & Valkyrie Trap! Watch Now!Video Information [Music] miss my [Music] I This video, titled ‘Watch Until the End! Minecraft Trap! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-27 18:15:12. It has garnered 3 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Join valk.minewind.com for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Survival Part #3

    Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Survival Part #3 In this Minecraft world, we’re diving deep, Building farms, growing crops, even counting sheep. Sagar Jha, our guide, with jokes and fun, Entertaining us all, until the day is done. From Delhi he hails, a student on the rise, Creating content that’s a pleasant surprise. With clean comedy and gaming in sight, He brings joy to all, morning and night. So let’s join the fun, hit like and subscribe, For Sagar Jha’s channel, we can’t help but vibe. In this world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, We’ll follow his journey, with all our might. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a fun Minecraft video like “Minecraft:疾跑奶奶!《方块轩热梗合集》”, you might be inspired to dive into the Minecraft universe yourself. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a focus on providing a safe and enjoyable environment for players of all ages, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures…. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft Building the Ultimate Survival House in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft survival game to the next level? Building the ultimate survival house is key to thriving in the game. Let’s dive into the essential steps to create a sturdy and functional shelter in the world of Minecraft. Gathering Resources Before you start building your survival house, you’ll need to gather essential resources. Make sure to collect wood, stone, and other materials to construct your shelter. Explore the world around you to find the necessary items to build a strong foundation for your house. Choosing a Location… Read More

“WERE UNDER ATTACK” / Minecraft Modded Horror Stream 1