Wes Roth – OpenAI acquires Biomes 👀 an open-source MMORPG. ChatGPT plus Minecraft? 🔥

Video Information

So open AI requires Global illumination now global illumination has some Powerhouse Engineers on its team and this could be seen as a little bit of a aqua higher in acquisition to hired to get some Talent on board and that’s probably a part of it but part of that Global elimination thing the holding

Company or whatever Underneath It All you do have a bit of an asset that might be very interesting to open Ai and that is biomes or biomes.gg as they say Gigi so it’s an open source sandbox MMORPG built or the web buildforge play mini games and more all right from your

Browser why is this important it does seem like all the sharks are swimming in the same direction there’s a bit of a Feeding Frenzy right now everybody’s digging in the same direction and in this video we’re going to take a look at why that might be happening I think it’s

Clear that Ai and games are beginning to intersect more and more at first when chaji PT came out and I started doing some videos every time a research paper mentions some games I was all over it I mean Minecraft AI I was one of my favorite videos to do it’s one of the

Most unwatched videos then around the same time maybe even before that the Stanford paper comes out talking about the 25 generative agents similacra of human behavior and that was also kind of a video game I initially did a little video on it when it just came out there’s some more news that are

Surrounding this paper we’ll talk about in just a second because I think a lot of people are still missing the full impact of this of of what they did here we’ll we’ll talk about that in just a second this page and I’ll link it down

Below but so this page you can see this thing kind of running live so this this has been pre-computed so they ran the simulation over however many weeks or months they did it for and this is sort of sort of like a replay so this already happened there replaying it I mean I

Guess that’s kind of obvious by the date that they’re showing here but here’s basically you can scroll down you can see the actual state of these agents so LaToya Williams taking a yoga class and kind of a description of the location kind of like where she’s in current conversations there’s none this person

Is talking talking let’s see what their current conversation is because you can actually see I guess they’re not talking let’s see they stop talking this cat is writing so I show one of these guys having a conversation you’re saying not at the moment all right here we go this

Is one of the conversations so as you can see here it’s a full conversation hey Carmen good morning how are you how are you Etc but my point here is that a lot of the AI and video games they’re intersecting a lot of the research on AI

Seems to be going more and more into video games there’s a number of reasons for that training robots in a simulation I mean if you’ve been following what Nvidia is doing looks like a lot of what they’re trying to do and and deepmind Google deepmind is doing something

Similar is their training robots and almost these little simulations where they kind of like like you might have seen something like this where these like little robots play um soccer these robots that are pre-made and they do have like an algorithm there that they come out and they start playing right

Out of the box they have some moves and stuff like that but it’s kind of pre-scripted and so sort of the new thing that deepmind is doing and a lot of other people Nvidia Etc is they’re throwing these little things in simulations where they learn how to play

And they kind of develop their own moves and stuff like that and basically the point is that the things that come out of this simulation versus the pre-scripted things that like are kind of ready to go out of the box like the simulation robots just destroy these

Things that come with their sort of basic knowledge that some human coder wrote down it’s like if this then that you know kick the ball whatever right instead they just throw simulation it runs around and therefore Sears or whatever however time flows in that space and also one thing that they do is

You know in a video game in a simulation what you kind of like by default what you expect is everything is like perfect everything’s even like there’s not too much variety right there’s not different surfaces or maybe different wind conditions or whatever that’s kind of different from The Real World where you

Can have tons of things go wrong for example simple as let’s say the current in one of the robotic hands is a little bit less than sort of what the testing conditions were right so maybe it’s not gonna be able to grip us hard or if it’s

Running maybe one leg is just slightly not as strong as the other or how it was in the simulation so to sort of counteract that by the way two minute paper this guy is great he goes over like a lot of this stuff and kind of

Deep Dives he’s the guy that goes what a time to be alive like he says that every time and it’s great it’s becoming kind of like a catchphrase but my point was that in order to kind of create a little bit more Randomness in order for for it

To be dealing some random environments like different friction or different power or maybe a little bit of like a wind and stuff like that they actually added a little bit of a Randomness to these games so like the friction on the floor changes a little bit or the wind

Conditions or whatever all the little factors that kind of go into this get randomized just a little bit to kind of prepare it for the real world quote unquote but the interesting thing that came out of that is it seems like that Randomness and stuff that they added to

It actually when the robots come out of the simulation they tend to be a little bit more robust they tend to be a little bit stronger so that whole randomization is actually like a kind of a big benefit because Dora’s robots not only tend to get better at playing perfect conditions

But just overall they they get a lot better at dealing with more situations and more environments and stuff like that and so Nvidia and open Ai and deepmind they all kind of have the same idea the idea being that a lot of the training that robots can do and same

Thing with stuff like gptl a lot of stuff these neural Nets you know it requires a lot of data a lot of simulations and running robots and stuff like that in the real world is expensive you know they break down they cost electricity Etc but the more of this

Training that you can do in simulations the better saves you time it scales very effectively Etc and so I think this idea is really getting traction and I think we’re going to be seeing more and more of this stuff developing and one of sort of the obvious ways to get there faster

Is to use games because that’s basically what a simulation is that a game is a simulation of the world so you can create a game that simulates various environments and then throw you know whether you’re training robot or AI like Chad GPT that is trying to reason answer

Questions or stuff like that is so much faster and so much easier to just kind of throw them in there and have them learn from that world autonomous coding agent AKA how to craft code in Minecraft so here’s the Minecraft AI video that I did I apologize if this is getting a

Little too met up but I figure this might be the easiest way to show people what’s going on so they have this like automatic curriculum where one gpt4 basically figures out what the next step that they need to be doing so like as you can see here if it’s next to a river

And it’s got you know a fishing rod and it’s like oh let’s catch a fish and then the next big thing that happens is the skill library and this is where another sort of instance of gpt4 actually codes itself new skills that it can do and it

Uses the API the Mind flare API to communicate with Minecraft but for example here let’s say encounters a zombie so it figures out how to how to deal with the zombie so it crafts and equips a shield it recovers hunger so basically like raises its health and

Then it looks for the zombie and engages in combat with the zombie right so it writes an actual script like it codes a little script for itself of how to do that right and it tests it and if that script works as intended well it gets

Added to the skill library and the skill library is sort of a list of all the things that this thing can do in the world of Minecraft right so it can mine various logs do you mind logs so it’s probably chop chop wood not minewood log but whatever make a crafting table craft

Pickaxe whatever make furnace Etc cook steak combat zombie right and then as it goes through the world it tries to find what it counts certain situations you know what I mean it tries to find relevant skills to use in that situation and because of this it has a very

Interesting sort of like learning curve or progression curve whatever you want to call it so as you can see here with a lot of the other sort of state of the art boss that learned to play Minecraft we see if a lot of them is is at some

Point it hits a plateau like it’s able to do a few things and it just stops learning it stops improving and in fact this blue line is the same thing the Voyager AI but without out the skill Library so without the ability of make those skills and add it to a sort of

Bank of skills that it can use it also plateaus over here but the full Voyager of all the architecture of all the things at it like it just keeps going and going and going it keeps improving keeps getting better now the big thing here to me was this right here so they

Call it the iterative prompting mechanism so basically what it is is this Bond tries like I said to write to actually code certain skills for itself once it does that it it tests it so it has these little unit tests that it runs and this paper does describe in detail

Exactly how they did that it’s I wouldn’t say that it’s easy or whatever it’s certainly not an easy thing to do but it’s it’s less complicated than I’d expect because they are really leaning heavily on gpt4 as the sort of brain power behind this so here’s kind of so

The prom gpt4 to write the code they’re like hey you’re going to write this code here’s how you write this code they give it some things examples of various code that has been pre-written already so they give example when they say a few shot learning or multiple learning or

Whatever versus zero shot learning so zero shot learning is where you just ask it do something with no examples right few shot learning means you you give it a few examples here’s a similar piece of code here’s another similar piece of code then gbt4 kind of looks and it’s

Like okay so based on this you want me to do something like this I got it and it writes it so they do that here represents you have some like example codes from mind flare that people have already completed Etc one interesting thing here is that a lot of people

Sometimes they’ll ask well do these AI agents do they have agency like what happens if no one’s prompting them like are they just gonna stop like how are they going to know what to do I mean here’s an example this is a fully autonomous AI agent kind of prompts

Itself because the API every minute or over a few set intervals let’s say it’s like every minute it tells gpt4 where it’s at it’s like you’re in this biome and you have this and this is your health so it’s kind of a script that just like gives it some information

About its surroundings right so it goes like hunger position and what kind of equipment it has uh what kind of inventory you have you know there any chests nearby what kind of tasks you have et cetera et cetera here’s specifically what it says so it gives the agent its current state with the

Inventory and biome and time whether it’s noon or sunset or night or Etc you know it’s 3D coordinate position Etc and gpt4 it’s prompt you know as it’s prompted it replies to that with the next thing that it’s supposed to do and there’s this other gpt4 right here that

Codes the skill so the question is what happens when it’s no longer Prime this this is going to run forever there’s no reason for it to stop because it’s like every minute it gets an updated location but basically the script it just prompts it and then it runs and it keeps going

And there’s another thing that’s able to teach you new skills and this is an example of the fully autonomous agent that improves itself but and here’s the thing that I don’t think we’ve talked about on this channel yet but I think this is going to be kind of a big deal

For how AI is used for coding in the future for example because a lot of people right now are using it to code and they say hey write me a script for this write me script for that and that works really well because gpt4 can not

Only code a lot of the stuff it can explain code very well but this to me really seems like the next step because you’re not asking it for one piece of code with one limited applications you’re not saying hey write me a code to craft a steel sword and that’s it

Nowhere in here does it ask for something specific instead there’s one GPT that is given a broad objective it is to do as many pot you know it’s sort of tasked with open end exploration right so it says go out there do as many things as you can be the best and just

Constantly learn and expand and keep growing right and so this thing comes up with tasks for itself right if it thinks it needs to fish it says hey let’s go fish let’s learn how to fish let’s figure out how to do that if it thinks it needs a steel armor to protect itself

It’s like we got to figure out how to make steel armor and what are the steps required in that well first we gotta mine that over we’re gonna smell out the ore okay use that you know the iron bars that we we got from smelting The Ore to

Turn it into armor you know breastplate helmet leggings whatever right this is the important thing to understand we give it this high level task go be the best and then it goes and then it has these little sub tasks like arm myself with you know protect myself with armor

And embracing down into a list of armor pieces that it wants that it needs and then this other sort of gpt4 codes the skills it needs to make that happen so my question becomes if we know this is possible and right now this may be like

A little bit of a basic version of it but if we understand this is possible is how is this not going to be the way that coding is done in a few years or in five years now I’ve tried to figure out if there’s like this if there’s a like a

Name for this thing already so some people refer to that as bootstrapping like have it lift itself up by its bootstraps like basically let it figure everything else out like the other sort of terminology that I’ve heard referring to this is called meta coding so instead of coding yourself your stroke take a

Step back and you figure out how to get this thing to code for you but just imagine how powerful that will be instead of planning everything out instead of writing everything out you just describe in detail to gpt4 or whatever next gpt5 whatever next series is gonna be that’s gonna be capable of

Doing this but you just describe in detail what it is what you’re looking for you give it some high level ideas and then it splits itself up into multiple instances and it thinks to the task and one by one it starts going through it starts okay we’re gonna need

This you know if it’s a financial Apple we need some apis to hook up to the Wells Fargo app the whatever Capital One whatever all their credit cards Etc we’re gonna need to figure out how to present their budgets in a friendly way we use this to this so it generates

All that stuff it can do that already pretty well like if you’ve ever tried brain storming for ideas with Chad gbt it works extremely well for that it can produce more ideas faster without stopping so in terms of brainstorming it’ll produce a million of ideas for you

And then this other sort of version of of gpt4 this other instance of it right it’s going to start coding these things up and then it’s going to start putting them into an app and doing these little unit tests and figuring out if it works and it can probably do some user

Usability testing by simply like going through it and clicking on Stuff Etc like all this this is not science fiction like here are the sort of the Lego pieces for it we just need to like it can do all of it maybe not at the level it needs to yet but it’s improving

Constantly so and we we have all the Lego pieces we just need to like put them together in the right thing and it will start doing this so the idea of telling Chad GPT to write your little script that you some one function script and then copying and pasting that into

Somewhere that might seem archaic in a year or two I think the approach that most people are going to take is something a little bit more like this where you tell it the Big Goal that needs to happen create the best financial app out there right now for

People that enables them to do X Y and Z and then it goes automatically goes and tries to create the stuff and keep in mind if it’s working online for building an app it doesn’t really need to do this in the real world so it doesn’t need to

Do it in quote unquote real time like just like those robots learn a simulation where he said something like 42 years past and 24 hours or something like that like it’s the time is compressed a lot of stuff can be done with these video games with compressed

Time so that’s one thing to kind of keep in mind why video games present like such a big potential benefit is then when we’re developing these AI autonomous agents that go out there and build stuff for us maybe they don’t need to open up a browser and do it on your

Computer in real time maybe what actually happens is million instances of some video game simulation pops up at a million little gpts go to work try and design this app and it gets tested tested in there if you’ve seen some Black Mirror episodes like none of this

These are these aren’t like really new ideas a lot of these we’ve thought about it the before you’re science fiction writers like a lot of the stuff that books have been written about before is now becoming closer and closer to reality with that said creating worlds with a sentence

Let’s really fast jump back to this giant of Agents interactive simulacra of human behavior so the big news this week or last week I think it was that this became open source so now you can actually download this so June Sun Park he was the one that announced it so this

Is the GitHub for it so you can literally like replicate this with your own agents like you don’t have to have 25 you can have whatever number you want you can program you can give them their own sort of backstory and they’ll go and they’ll execute and I’ll do all that

Stuff like this is another one that people have mentioned so this is AI town a16z and recent Horowitz the BC company they’re aggressively moving into this direction as well but the point here is a lot of people are commenting when they see something like this right and they’re seeing people talk about how

Like oh this will make games so much better and people like why why does it matter that you know various characters in the game are going to have conversations or or they’re gonna have a backstory like who cares like it’s not why why would we be interested in that

That’s not why people play games is to like read about their story or whatever and that makes sense but here’s the Counterpoint to that so let me read this part for you so if an end user or developer wanted to wanted the town to host an in-game Valentine’s Day party

For example so by the way this is the goal of these 25 agents what happened was is so there’s 25 of them and one of them was sort of given a task you can think of it like a voice of God that like strongly suggests that she should

Do something and so that’s the Isabella and she was told that she needs to plan a Valentine’s Day party at Hobbs Cafe on February 14th from five to seven and that’s it no other character was told anything or scripted or influenced in any way it was just her by herself and

She went around and she talked to every single one of the other ones and she didn’t even talk to all of them because some of them like for example this is showing that Jennifer and Maria they didn’t hear it from her they heard about it second hand basically right so she

Told Sam and Sam in a completely different conversation another day in a different part of the Town said oh speaking of which Isabella has invited us to a Valentine’s Day party at hops Cafe isabelto Klaus Klaus told Abigail and then Abigail actually mentioned this back to Isabella so the important thing

To understand is this so so kind of keep this diagram in mind keep in mind how like complicated it is it’s back and forth and it spans multiple days Etc and all the different characters have different relationships with one another so for example some of them like married

Till they see each other like every morning and every evening before they go to work some of them don’t really interact as much but if you wanted to create an event like that in traditional game environments you would have to script tens of characters behaviors manually right so you have to say

Isabella goes to character number one and says blah blah blah number two says okay Etc and so like line by line by line by line by line you have to code you have to script out every single interaction and then you have to script all those characters going to that Valentine’s

Party and then you have to script all the interactions that happen there and then later if you want to reference that event like if something happened at that event that you want them to have a memory of then you have to script that so just the amount of stuff that has to

Happen is is limited by how much a human being can sit there and keep scripting this whole thing happened with one prompt so maybe it was like a sentence or two and just your normal English language and then all that just happened all these people are going about their

Everyday you know going to work going to school doing whatever they have to do interacting with people Etc this one as she can you know talks to every single one uh some of them not even all of them and then the other thing they did is they actually also seeded something else

That was happening and this wasn’t like the point of the game but they also mentioned that one of these guys is running for me or something like that and so they wanted to see how well that sort of information gets around and the point point is that information they

Called the information diffusion so that information did get around so like a rumor or something like that kind of diffuses around this uh town because one person will tell this person that person will tell this person so think about how much easier it just got to create these like fully functional autonomous worlds

Where you can create stuff just by you know Whispering something in one of the agent’s ears and then they they and and then they they go on your behalf to make that happen so again we went from you know hours and days of somebody sitting there scripting to one or two sentences

Told to one person and then that whole thing happens like that whole event that spans days and everything leading up to it just happens learn by watching humans a couple more things really fast so first of all open AI already long before this they had some interactions with

Minecraft and video pre-training so take a look at this this was June 23 2020 gym we train a neural network to play Minecraft by video pre-training VP t on a massive unlabeled video data set of human Minecraft plate by the way if you’re not familiar with Minecraft it’s

Huge there’s like a billion people playing it online all the time there’s tons of video data on it there’s tons of Text data on it there’s just like a lot of AI train just requires a lot of data so stuff like this is like a gold mine

Because of just the vast amounts of data that we have on Minecraft and so the really cool thing here is that they use mice and keyboard they use a mouse and keyboard to control the game the neural net Pilots the Minecraft character with a mouse and keyboard so it watches 70

000 hours of unlabeled Minecraft video and it looks like it has about 2 000 hours where contractors were people that are paid to do this they sit there and they actually play it and you can see which buttons they’re pushing right so this is what I’m pushing to mine the

Tree I’m pushing you know the left Mouse button I’m jumping I’m using the spacebar whatever but the point here is they’re using they’re teaching these neural Nets to use a mouse and keyboard and and to do some fairly complex things in the game if you think about it and

Minecraft Voyager also has something similar that they’re doing where they’re using these as you can see here so they’re saying that the reason they’re training Minecraft agents is because they get access to Internet scale knowledge base so Minecraft Dojo features a massive database that collects automatically from the internet Minecraft has more

Than 100 million active players right there’s like almost a million YouTube videos 2.2 billion words in English transcripts 7 000 Wiki Pages Etc Reddit posts Etc by the way really fast I always want to give credit to the people behind this so Dr Jim fan so he’s uh

Lucy gym fan he’s on Twitter and he’s a great follow the other person on this team that I’m familiar with is and this is anima so she’s the senior director of AI research at Nvidia here she is with the CEO of Nvidia I’m not yet familiar

With everybody else on this page but I look forward to seeing more coming out of this team and uh yeah I think just really fast it is important to appreciate the researchers because they’re like moving this field forward and uh absolutely Blown Away by all the stuff that they’re doing thank you also

Google deepmind is not sitting this one out either the rt2 we covered it on this channel but they created a robot basically this was a pretty I think big breakthrough in robotics because because basically what they did is they took an llm model or an LM model with vision and

They said you pilot this robot and that seemed to work great I covered in detail on this channel but I feel like this is going to be how most robots are made in the future instead of being like hard-coded to do certain things we’re

Going to get some sort of an AI like an llm model or something like that like they have high capacity Vision language models of blms and they put it together with an action model so now it’s a vision language action model vla and that’s where the big breakthroughs come

In because it seems to be really good at sort of like generalizing the task and understanding how to do certain stuff that the llm models can do but now it’s able to like interact with the world and so here’s the paper out of Google deepmind about this rt2 and one thing

They kind of bury this at the end and and here it says an exciting direction for future work is to study how new skills could be acquired through new data collection paradigms such as videos of humans and I can’t find that particular passage right now for some

Reason but it was somewhere either here or in the paper where it talked about that it was indeed able to learn from watching uh humans pick up objects right there’s like I think they fed like 10 000 hours of humans uh picking stuff up and it was like it learned how to do

That I was like oh that that’s how you pick up an apple okay cool data mining here’s my point when you start looking through all this stuff you kind of kind of see where this is going a little bit right so we know that robots can learn

Well in simulation so you dump them into a simulation like a video game for robots right and they’re able to acquire skills much much faster and cheaper than they would in the real world right because they don’t break down they have to get serviced and it works incredibly

Well right by adding little random factors in it they become even more robust in the real world because they can like they’ve already learned how to like not fall over because there’s a gust of wind or whatever we’re seeing that gpts can code autonomously they can

You know you give them a high level task they come here and start coding stuff to sort of get closer and closer to that task and then the Stanford generative agents experiment what it seems to show that it’s easy to create these autonomous villagers and people in

Center you give it one prompt and then they go and they execute so which means you can create whole story lines with just a very basic description right now all these big tech companies what are they racing towards the well that they’re all going after is data and it

Seems to be that something like Minecraft is just a giant wealth of data not just static stuff that already exists but also all the players that are in there right now playing and interacting and reacting Etc now the only problem is Microsoft well it kind of owns Minecraft right so think of

Minecraft as like OPEC they’re like all the oil producing countries of the world United and Microsoft owns it so what’s the solution well maybe build another OPEC right build another Minecraft that’s where biomes comes in this is biomes MMR RPG massive multiplayer online RPG I don’t know if it’s actually

An RPG I didn’t verify that I mean it seems like it’s an MMO because there’s tons of different people running around into it I’m sure it’s an RPG I just I don’t know too much about this game but it’s made to be played in the browser

Think about that for a second so having an open source version that is like more accessible to everybody that’s hopefully even better in some ways that could be huge the interesting thing is like I don’t think they would have to even have a profitable business model right they

Wouldn’t have to sell a bunch of crap that nobody needs like they wouldn’t have to degrade the game to make money if this thing is generating data and this thing is just giving him all that stuff they need they can focus on maybe potentially just creating the best game

Possible and not worry as much about squeezing every last dollar out of these little kids that are trying to play it anyways my point here is that everybody’s trying to build their own sort of well of data somewhere where they can train AI agents where they can

Interact with real people to see if they can improve their chat Bots and create various story lines I mean I don’t have a exact idea of what they’re going to do with it but it’s obviously a huge well of data that can be used for a variety of different things from robotics to

Training LMS to help it improve of coding I mean the idea of simulation and stuff like that is huge gaming is a massive Market in and of itself if you have an MMORPG that is like incredible because it’s powered by AI NPCs I mean if you look at something like World of

Warcraft how much money was pulling in back in the day I think World of Warcraft was pulling in I mean it was it was hundreds of millions of dollars monthly so again I’m probably not even thinking through all the applications and I don’t even know exactly what

They’re going to be using it for but it’s obvious that this is where everyone’s headache but people behind a16z are some of the like the internet royalty like the people that were there from the very beginning and made tons of money not just building stuff for the

Internet but also like investing and all the other people that came before it the the quote of you know software is eating the world if you’ve heard that back in 05 or whatever that’s that came from those people you know if you’ve heard of Andreessen Horowitz that’s like that

Whole team and now they’re investing in Ai and data and stuff like this and that’s where openai is heading that’s where Microsoft is heading that’s where Nvidia is heading that’s why like every single one of them this is what they’re going for which really makes you rethink

That whole thing that they tell you when you’re growing up that you’re playing too much video games or whatever like this is what we’ve been training for but anyways I just wanted to put this out there I know it’s a little bit half big because like not all the ideas are fully

Formed and I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more news on this front but I just wanted to put this out there because it definitely seems like all this stuff is kind of it’s all directionally aligned everybody’s going the same direction and it’s obvious that

This is going to be huge I think that overlapping the stuff that we see in the AI plus video game Market I think that’s going to be the Forefront of AI in a lot of ways I think which is just extremely exciting me personally as somebody that

Spent a lot of my younger days trying to build little Bots for World of Warcraft so they can run around and do my bidding for me like make a gold and line stuff and grind on our coins or whatever this whole thing just brings a smile to my

Face if this is something that excites you as well make sure you’re subscribed to my channel subscribing gives you an immediate and permanent plus 20 buff to intelligence there’s a lot more to come stay tuned be ready we’ve seen a few big technological changes in our lives and

Uh this one’s gonna be the biggest one by far my name is Wes Roth and uh thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘OpenAI acquires Biomes 👀 an open-source MMORPG. ChatGPT plus Minecraft? 🔥’, was uploaded by Wes Roth on 2023-08-19 20:04:28. It has garnered 10703 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:37 or 1837 seconds.

#openai #minecraft #gpt4

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Minecraft AI – SELF-IMPROVING 🤯 autonomous agent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yI4yfYftfM

25 ChatGPTs play a videogame… https://youtu.be/GwsRu9yLXnw

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LLMs as Tool Makers [LATM] – GPT-4 *UPGRADES* lower AI Models. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWI1AJ2nSDY

Sam Altman on UBI and Massive Job Losses from AI Automation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nsqv3FWXio

[TIMELINE] [00:00] Intro [02:30] Training Robots in a Simulation [06:18] Autonomous Coding Agent [16:47] Creating Worlds with a Sentence [21:34] Learn by Watching Humans [25:26] Data Mining

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    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Hot Dog” that left us in stitches. But amidst the chaos of Minecraft Mythical Survival SMP, we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. With epic battles, frog conspiracies, Minecraft geography quizzes, and the best Minecraft restaurant ever, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, who wouldn’t want to join a server where you can get hired at the park, figure out life with friends, and play with zombies? If you’re looking to… Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 Unveiled!

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 Unveiled! In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, As we delve into stories, both new and old. From haunted flowers to strange sights, We explore the game, day and night. With each update, a new tale to tell, Of creatures and places, where dangers dwell. But fear not, for we’re here to guide, Through the twists and turns, we’ll be your ride. So join us on this journey, full of fun, As we uncover secrets, one by one. In the world of Minecraft, where magic springs, Let’s dive into the verse, where adventure sings. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Beta #1 In the world of Minecraft, beta 1,7,3, Our player’s adventures, for all to see. Building a house, in the snowy terrain, Facing the darkness, with torches to gain. Obs was acting up, recording was tough, But our player persevered, with spirits high enough. Gathering wood, making tools in a rush, Surviving the night, in a bunker they must. Creatures lurking, in the shadows deep, But our player’s resolve, they will keep. Exploding creepers, and foggy nights, Yet they continue, with all their might. The sun rises, a new day begins, Our player’s journey, never dims. With each challenge faced,… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by VABLOCK on YouTube titled “How to build a trap in Minecraft?” While the video itself is not about Minewind server, it got us thinking – why not take your Minecraft skills to the next level on a server like Minewind? Imagine the possibilities of showcasing your creativity and ingenuity in building traps, redstone contraptions, and so much more on a server where the community thrives on innovation and collaboration. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and… Read More

  • Shai’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    Shai's Wild Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Survival Partner: Episode 16 Welcome back to another exciting episode of Minecraft Survival Partner with Candy Purnama! In this episode, we continue our adventure in the world of Minecraft, facing challenges and exploring new horizons. Let’s dive into the action-packed gameplay and see what awaits us! Exploring for Diamonds Our journey begins with a quest to retrieve the elusive Diamonds that we missed out on in the previous episode. Armed with determination, Candy sets out to locate the precious gemstones, navigating through the depths of the Minecraft world. With careful planning and resource management, Candy embarks on a… Read More

  • Crafty Picks: Minecraft Alternatives for Android 1.20+ 🎮🔥

    Crafty Picks: Minecraft Alternatives for Android 1.20+ 🎮🔥 In the world of gaming, where creativity thrives, Minecraft reigns supreme, crafting our lives. But if you seek more games, similar in style, Check out these picks that will make you smile. Stumble Guys, a fun and frantic race, With obstacles to overcome, at a fast pace. Or maybe try Treinamento Profissional, a new find, Where skills are tested, and victory is defined. Gamerfleet and Fgteev, channels to explore, For gaming content that will leave you wanting more. And don’t forget Hill Climb Racing, a classic in its own right, Where coins and gems are yours to fight. So… Read More

  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

    Tommy's Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps The Terrifying World of Minecraft Horror Mods Imagine a world where the familiar landscapes of Minecraft are twisted into a realm of horror and fear. This is the reality that players face when they delve into the dark depths of Minecraft horror mods. These mods introduce new elements that turn the game into a heart-pounding experience, filled with jump scares and spine-chilling encounters. Herobrine’s Haunting Presence One of the most iconic figures in Minecraft lore, Herobrine, takes on a sinister role in these horror mods. Players must navigate through the game while being stalked by this mysterious and malevolent… Read More

  • NICO’s Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived!

    NICO's Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived! In Hardcore Minecraft, as Nico I spawned, A baby in shock, my partner Cash gone. Surviving 100 days, a daunting task, But with skill and luck, I’ll surely last. Join my Discord, where we plan and scheme, To create epic videos, a Minecraft dream. Rhyming updates, with humor and flair, Keeping the audience engaged, with stories rare. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Crafting Minecraft news, like a gaming king. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this hardcore world, let the rhymes begin! Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft & Shinobi Fun!

    15 Years of Minecraft & Shinobi Fun! Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft & Become Shinobi Minecraft Milestone Minecraft is celebrating a significant milestone this week, marking 15 years of creativity, exploration, and endless possibilities. Players worldwide have immersed themselves in this blocky universe, building, crafting, and surviving in a world limited only by their imagination. Assassin’s Creed Shadows Assassin’s Creed Shadows invites players to step into the shoes of a skilled shinobi, blending stealth, agility, and combat to navigate a world filled with danger and intrigue. Embrace the way of the ninja and master the art of assassination in this thrilling adventure. Exciting Game Releases Dead… Read More

  • Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft 13,000/h+

    Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft 13,000/h+ The Ultimate Tree Farm in Minecraft: Achieving Efficiency Introduction In the world of Minecraft, efficiency is key. Players are constantly seeking ways to optimize their gameplay, and one popular method is through the creation of high-efficiency tree farms. In a recent video by Yusuke M, a new tree farm design has been introduced, promising a staggering output of over 13,000 logs per hour. Let’s delve into the details of this innovative creation. Design Features Yusuke M’s latest tree farm design incorporates Acacia trees, expanding the range of tree types that can be efficiently farmed. While the addition of Acacia… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT DAY 2: CRAVING MORE LOGS 🌲Video Information [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello welcome um hello it’s been a while uh I have been Not Dead uh I got a new job and well not a new job but like a promotion to my previous job um so I’ve been kind of busy with like six hour day work works and Sunday was my only day off for a little while so I kind of wanted to not stream for a little bit but I am back and hopefully I will do Sundays um as much… Read More

  • Exploring Shizo’s Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraft

    Exploring Shizo's Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraftVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the Cherry bioms I was give this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen here we go okay we spoon in this area okay we have a cherry bioms okay and go to exploration these are ooh wow guys look we have a beautiful Cher beum we have a big Village and we have a Pillager base but guys look at this Village it’s very very big we have more Village do you like it guys subscribe and leave a like if you know… Read More

  • Dg Six – CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!

    Dg Six - CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!Video Information see [Music] Adams fall apart soer flares arrive buildings collapse collapse only a few Will Survive the world as we know it will no longer be there be there water is gone is gone a new era has [Music] begun prepare yourself for the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the heat is scorching scoring forests burned up burn bur up the sky colors red volcanoes erupt the world as we know it will no longer be there be there is gone a new has be prepare yourself the Apon ppse the apocalpse [Music]… Read More

  • Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgia

    Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘@CaptainSparklez Another song 2010 kids listened to #childhood #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by TeeHiggz_Gaming on 2024-03-25 01:27:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/ZmFqSEvbB/ Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Simple Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft – Join Our SMP Community! CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with over 120 members from around the world. We are welcoming new members for our current season. Our server is nearly 4 years old and we recently started a new season about 4 months ago. Join us through our website or discord. Server Features: Custom Advancements Expansive Shopping District Proximity Voice Chat In-game Server Events Custom Roles Server perks for donors Friendly and helpful community Community Projects all the time Giveaways 24/7 Server Uptime Plugins to prevent thefts/griefs without ruining the vanilla feel Player/Mob/Mini Block heads for added gameplay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft"Well, clearly this meme has achieved an impressive score of 11 out of…well, we’re not quite sure what the scale is here. But hey, it’s better than a score of 10, right? Keep mining for that meme gold! Read More

  • Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft

    Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft In the world of design, where creativity thrives, Adobe Illustrator, where art comes alive. Learn the tools, the tricks, the techniques so fine, In Urdu/Hindi, your skills will shine. Graphic design, a world of inspiration, Typography, color theory, a visual sensation. From logo design to brand identity, Adobe Creative Suite, your key to creativity. Motion graphics, vector art, UX design, Print design, design trends, all intertwined. Join the design community, let your talent soar, In the world of Adobe, there’s always more. So subscribe now, don’t hesitate, To unlock your potential, it’s never too late. In the realm of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Minecraft: A Review

    Minecraft: A Review The Impact of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Nostalgia Many of us have fond memories of Minecraft, a game that has left a lasting impact on our lives. From its humble beginnings with creator Markus Persson, also known as Notch, to its acquisition by Microsoft, Minecraft has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate players of all ages. The Origins of Minecraft Notch’s vision for Minecraft was simple yet revolutionary – a game where players could unleash their creativity in a limitless world. Whether you preferred the creative mode for building or the survival mode for… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane Art

    Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane ArtVideo Information какой самый бесполезный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это чешуйница или горная коза Но это далеко не так ведь даже у этих мобов есть свои применения чешу ца защищает портал Вента и из горной козы выпадает рок но всё-таки в Майнкрафте существует моб который абсолютно бесполезный и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это Зомби гигант потому что он просто стоит на месте ничего не делает This video, titled ‘Dronio… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Terrifying Mod – Midnight Lurker

    Surviving Minecraft's Terrifying Mod - Midnight LurkerVideo Information I know he’s in this cave somewhere oh is that this is the midnight lurker a man from the fog and caved while the hybrid who stalks you at night let’s see if I can survive the nights with him lurking in my world all right we’re here conveniently we spawned in the most ominous Forest out of all of them look how nice it sounds man damn this oh did not mean to do that okay well uh I guess the first thing a true Minecrafter would do is to collect some wood okay let’s do this… Read More

  • Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!

    Tanmay goes viral with insane water bucket MLG in Minecraft!Video Information सी अगर हो गई तो बढ़िया है नहीं हो पाई तो देखते हैं क्योंकि यह मैंने लिटरली कभी अटेम्प्ट करी नहीं है ब्रो तो लेट्स डू दिस This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet epic water bucket mlg#minecraft #shorts #tanmay_creation @GamerFleet’, was uploaded by Tanmay Gaming Army on 2024-05-06 06:48:18. It has garnered 8238 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • 😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱

    😱 Unbelievable 1 Block Survival Challenge Live with Juned 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live’, was uploaded by GAME ON JUNED on 2024-02-15 02:57:28. It has garnered 192 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:00 or 6540 seconds. Minecraft 😱1 block😱Challenge Survival Series Live #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #gaming #live #gameonjuned ……………Thanks For Watching……….. YOUR QUERIES :- MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL MINECRAFT LIVE LIVE LIVE GAME LIVE MINECRAFT MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES MINECRAFT SURVIVAL LIVE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES minecraft 1 block minecraft sky block minecraft 1 block survival minecraft 1 block survival series GAME ON JUNED Read More

  • Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMP

    Unbelievable trick to join Astroid SMP/Lifesteal SMPVideo Information तो स्पाइक आर्मी और आज की इस वीडियो में मैं आपके लिए ऐसी चीज लेकर आया हूं जिसे खेल के आपको मजा ही आ जाएगा एकदम मजा ही आ जाएगा तो वह है मेरी और मेरे एक दोस्त ने बनाई है अपनी खुद की एक एसएमपी जिस एसएमपी का नाम है एड एमपी अगर आपको भी व एमपी जवाइन करनी है तो आपको बनाने पड़ेंगे कुछ एप्लीकेशन य पर और उन एप्लीकेशन पर आपको पर फोकस करना होगा आई मन तीन चीजों पर फोकस करना पड़ेगा स्किल एडिटिंग स्टोरी टेलिंग और आपकी की क्वालिटी अच्छी होनी चाहिए बस… Read More

  • Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpack

    Insane 100 Day Minecraft Challenge with Zeyeo modpackVideo Information [Music] [Music] little intro before this I’mma wait for it to load because I’m about to lose frames in my camera give it a second ah timate all the mods do I sound like the Squidward dude anyways voted on the poll this was the most Ro uh y’all wanted me to do another 100 day Series in Minecraft and I did all the mod six I mean there’s not really much for me to say we’re just going to we’re going to survive 100 days in all the mods I’m going to have the day count this… Read More

  • SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥

    SEVER UPGRADED! New Update in Isora Feilianna Ch. ▶️🔥Video Information [âm nhạc] [âm nhạc] ello Hello mọi người ủ bà trở stream sớm trước 2 phút rồi kệ đi Chúc mọi người buổi tối vui vẻ giờ thì Face sẽ húp cháo nốt 2 phút còn lại Hello h cao [âm nhạc] Hello cháo th chưa hết bị nhiệt miệng Mọi người ơi phải vẫn còn HC [âm nhạc] chá [âm nhạc] vô [âm nhạc] cháo cũng ngon 5 nă a rồi miếng cháo dính lên mũi rồi Trời trời trời Ừ nh miếng cháo nó dính lên mũi Mọi người ơi Ok được [âm nhạc] rồi Hello… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback LIVE with Hynoe!Video Information hey y’all we back with the craft y’all know what it de man we back with the c the cry playing m c all right let’s get up into it we on the latest release 1.2.4 oh dang I gotta click Realms dang it I clicked the wrong thing what’s good quible co [Music] quaa I can know I’m actually yeah I could join into to your chat you could join in in about two hours I got to make sure I give the fans an unadulterated pure gy for the first hour though at least and then… Read More

  • OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!

    OMZ and ROXY Face HORRIFYING BLOOD MOON in Minecraft!Video Information a touch it what the what wa that was freaky guys I think he now knows that we’re here what is that guys I don’t know where we are and today there is a Blood Moon that is a bad sign very bad sign Heather this is not a good idea of a play dat look at the nature it’s so beautiful we should just walk down this path oh no bro ly are we going down this path um I’m going just go first this ain’t even scary bro are you sure about that Crystal hold my… Read More

  • GameNight Network – Java/Bedrock – Bluemap – Survival – WorldGuard – mcMMO – QuickShop – Economy – New Server – 1.18-1.20+

    Welcome to the GameNight Family! Originally established for a weekly Game Night, our friendly semi-vanilla Minecraft community features fantastic builds by players of all ages. We also play games like 7days Palworld, Helldivers, & Pixelmon-MC. Server Features: Completely free server – No voting, no crates, no paid perks Land Claiming – WorldGuard protection mcMMO – RPG plugin with skills and abilities HorseRPG – Level up and customize your horse Economy – Player-based economy with various features LiveMap – BlueMap for 3D rendering of the map Play on Java or bedrock – Crossplay and Cross-progression supported Why GameNight? GameNight offers a… Read More

  • TraizelCraft

    TraizelCraftDiscover TraizelCraft: a massive RPG Survival Server. We offer Crossplay and CrossVersion so you can play from almost any device or version, even Bedrock! We are a MASSIVE LONG TERM project that started on the Xbox 360! You will find a ton to do here! Join us today! Discord- Use code qWssnBP or go to discord.TraizelCraft.netWelcome to TraizelCraft Network! We are a massive long term project that started on the Xbox 360! Our current server is CrossPlay and CrossVersion meaning you can play on both Bedrock and Java, and can play any version from 1.9 up to the current version!These… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Get ready to mine… in your browser!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Get ready to mine... in your browser!"It only took 60 tries to finally get Minecraft in a browser! Read More

  • Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft’s Funny Twist!

    Misunderstood Principal: Minecraft's Funny Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a principal misunderstood, With students who sleep and teachers who scold for good. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, With rhymes and laughter for everyone. The classroom antics, the leafy ground, The students’ fitness and the lunchtime sound. Each moment captured in playful delight, In the world of Minecraft, where everything’s bright. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In the world of Cube Xuan, where joy takes wing. With Minecraft facts and humor so fine, Let’s all join in and have a great time! Read More

  • Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my!

    Friday vibes: Minecraft, Sonic, and memes oh my! I love how on Fridays I go from mining in Minecraft to running like Sonic in real life trying to avoid responsibilities! #TGIF #GottaGoFast #MinecraftMemes Read More


    GUMMIGOO Portal Prank - MINECRAFT The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and explore endless possibilities. One such creative endeavor involves bringing characters from The Amazing Digital Circus to life in the game. Gamigo, the leader of a group of bandits, is a central figure in this Minecraft adventure. Creating the Gamigo Portal To embark on this unique journey, players need to gather materials like obsidian, steel, slime blocks, and yellow terracotta glaze. By arranging these materials in a 4×5 structure, a portal to the world of Gamigo can be constructed. Lighting the… Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server!

    Unleash the Ultimate Challenge on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and embark on epic adventures. Imagine summoning a Wither Storm in Minecraft – the ultimate challenge for any player. While the process may seem daunting, the rewards are well worth it. Join Minewind server today and test your skills in a dynamic and thrilling environment. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Destroying My House in Minecraft | MrJoha

    Destroying My House in Minecraft | MrJoha Minecraft Adventures with MrJoha Exploring Qishloq’s Home MrJoha recently embarked on an exciting Minecraft adventure by exploring his home in Qishloq. As he navigated through the familiar landscapes, he encountered new challenges and surprises that kept him on the edge of his seat. Building and Crafting One of the key features of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft various structures and items. MrJoha showcased his creativity by constructing intricate buildings and crafting powerful tools to aid him in his journey. Join MrJoha’s Minecraft Community If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy watching engaging gameplay, be sure… Read More


    ANIGOMI: EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER MADNESS!Video Information now we’re gaming sorry what what did you ask me tot Resurrection tot oh I do not have a totem of Resurrection no someone else I think does Golden Apple no I could make probably make them okay let me pull my stream chat the good one the good one H the blocked ones you can only mm all right okay I go Hello friends oh verification stuff I think we need a I’m proving to oh my code on Gmail to prove it’s me is 69 how would you say that in English what this sa yeah… Read More

  • Roblox Sleepover Nightmares

    Roblox Sleepover NightmaresVideo Information [संगीत] नाले सांगे वाले तेरी जान कसम ले लंबा ले लंबा तेरी जान कले लंबा अे वाले This video, titled ‘DON’T SLEEPOVER in ROBLOX (Scary Story Game) 😱’, was uploaded by G.K GAMER 001 on 2024-04-14 05:06:19. It has garnered 4271 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. ROBLOX SLEEPOVER STORY CHALLENGE 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile… Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL - PART 2 MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information तो गाइस हमारा एपिसोड टू इ आ गया है प्लीज सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा एपिसोड ू इज कमिंग गाइस एपिसोड को स्टार्ट करते सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और बेल आइकन दबा दीजिएगा जिससे मारना है उससे मार दीजिएगा और सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा गा चलो शुरू करते चलो फ माइनिंग कर लेते हैं थोड़ा चलो माइनिंग माइनिंग अरे यार माइनिंग करना है पहले टच ले लेते हैं चलते हैं माइनिंग करते हुए नीचे डिग करते हैं डिग करते हुए हम जा रहे हैं डिग हो जा रहा है हमसे इसे बोलता है डिग चलो डिग हो जा हो जा हो जा… Read More

Wes Roth – OpenAI acquires Biomes 👀 an open-source MMORPG. ChatGPT plus Minecraft? 🔥