We got to do this quickly because we have two minutes left and this hat used to look lit oh it’s so bad hello everyone today we are in builds battle and the crew is gonna do a great job just like that Teletubby right there they are going to build a hurricane a Hurricane let’s build a hurricane it sounds so intense you just a manual search the whole screen so when you sew by bill that’s why we make I mean yeah I need Mario okay you know what we’ll build a basic top hat why didn’t anyone want a tornado a tornado is way more fun Yeah let’s do it okay we have a texture pack on that makes Minecraft look super basic we’re going to use coal for the shoes we are building a tiny monopoly man meaning our monopoly man needs skin so what’s the best skin block guys I don’t know oh is it Terra I think it’s Peach yeah clay yeah it’s terracotta terracotta looks nice so monopoly man is gonna have a giant head and if we have time he will have money everywhere because we know monopoly man gotta love his money all right now let’s do his top hat so his top hat I’m pretty sure it’s like At a slant so maybe we could do this and then doing it till uh a little white stripe maybe to make it look more like hat know if he looks weird nevermind we’re just gonna make a top hat right here let’s do this does this Look like a hat oh he looks like a sumo wrestler right now yeah don’t ask me guys it’s it’s not looking very nice how about I just do a busy sumo wrestler okay this is looking bad you know I will just do a regular top hat for mr. Monopoly man not a slanted one okay let’s just do this we got to do this quickly because when we have two minutes left and this hat used to look lit oh it’s so bad we’re gonna put a mouth on him I’m struggling and then we got some Eyes and then monopoly man also has a mustache so you to find something that looks like a mustache we’ll just use wool you guys we are running out of time and there’s nothing okay that’s his my son and then mustache there we go and then I’m pretty sure his monopoly man Fully balls I don’t think he’s fully bald right yeah he’s half bald he’s half bear half bald and monopoly man needs to hold all of the monies okay wait he actually needs a black tux and then we’re gonna put some money around here maybe he’s doing a little cool dance Move he’s pointing his hands on the floor we’re gonna make some money there it is that looks semi like money you know what that’s good enough and then we got some yellow cash but for some yellow cash on the floor so people know it’s monopoly man and maybe some green green Matches a lot with this we’re gonna put some orange on the floor making money and we also are gonna put some purple now I think monopoly man does need a city to run so we’re making a city for him ten seconds guys go go go go go okay City City done monopoly man and is flabby City he looks creepy he doesn’t have any man it’s actually very nice I give this one an epic magical bunny out of a hot topic so cute no goal is a triggered skeleton hello money thank you this is a good It’s basic but I really like it there’s bunnies everywhere rainbow is not a rainbow it’s so cute legendary oh whoa is it me with this hat look legendary baby I need a taller top does it make the fort fancy though it makes me feel fancy Oh this is hello this is lit this is the other build but bigger look at this guy I like the tiny your hat though oh my god and this one’s even bigger all they try these are getting bigger and bigger but he has no eyes so We’re gonna have to give him a good lollipop by the way No became agile on it okay mermaid pipe on flower Nicole mermaid let’s all try to make Ariel me I was gonna make You Leah oh I remember you Leah i’ma make Ariel so cute let’s grab some sand and then can We put water on the floor nope we can’t we gotta fill this up manually no you cannot do this got the floor block with a water bucket oh oh never mind it works thank you so we have our water and now Ariel is going to be on a Very textured rock you know a fancy rock in the middle of nowhere and she’s gonna be making a rock – eh well what are you gonna make her underwater I think everyone’s gonna do a rock a rock is pretty basic though let’s make the shape of the rock first let’s Just give it some random looks I really love this texture pack is so cute you guys should put it on it’s like the nicest texture pack ever and there’s a laser pack problem texture pack okay wait we’re gonna design the rock we’re gonna put some of this I think I’m Spending like a lot of time on my rock guys is that a problem I’m trying to make a very nice Rock and then we’re gonna polish the rock off with some buttons to make it have some texture and hopefully it looks more like a rock and we have three minutes left to Build the actual thing which is the mermaid okay you know it’s time to build area we have her fin how are we going to make her sit on a rock without making this look funny I know the trick to dracco is he makes everything small guys We just got to make a smaller mini hey don’t copy my tricks I’m taking your copy and passing trick and I’m gonna try making it let’s try vacate that’s right I caught you copy in the past we’re making the tube top and then we need the heads so the height is going to Be a three by three because I think that’s what will fit away I do this wrong I messed up I actually messed up on the mermaid she looks really messed up right now we need to make another layer this is taking a while I’m putting the head okay we got do the Hair okay the hair is majestical so we gotta make it go down and then I’m trying to go as fast as I can but this is not looking good I don’t think at the end of this she’ll have eyes majestical mermaid hair her body looks so odd I Messed up on her body guys don’t deduct points right okay just leave the hair be okay fabulous hair not bad okay you know what we’re just gonna make the arms we’re gonna make her chilling stuff she’s gonna put her arms down Oh her we’re super long arms on the rock Oh wait I need eyes I need eyes you know what she’s gonna have bye nice it’s too oh no I forgot my muse I liked her mermaid but her rock isn’t as epic as my rock at you saying no you could have put water on the floor Luna this is like a Super nice mermaid hi guys have no eyes we didn’t have never made takes time this is cheese rainbows like a king the king gave the Quinn creme oh why was your thumb mermaid you why was it a thunder made your Strato oh no the rock is disappointing where’s your hair she’s Missing here this is my mermaid the mermaid I want to be a mermaid from your dreams like a raptor mermaid I feel like a lot of people spent alongside it bill I beg oh she would die if she had no water Luna no she’s missing her voice remember She loses her voice boil early computer pipe buildin marshmallow or a dinosaur marshmallows do that are we gonna make the DJJ where’s like oh we can make a fireplace but now let’s make the DJ this is gonna be fun so marshmallow wears a lot of white that’s already easy-peasy So we just need to grab a bunch of white wool you guys I wanna be a building with the crew today we’re gonna show you how to make marshmallow so marshmallow has white shoes and marshmallow wears white pants so you should start like this once you get up here marshmallow has a white T-shirt so you use the same texture is different yes marshmallow heads is different so once you get up here your marshmallows the long t-shirt because marshmallow wears a long t-shirt cuz he’s a DJ and he needs it because like you know chilly weather so once you make his arms extend Out like this so he could become a awesome DJ you’re gonna start making his head as marshmallow wear white shoes – yep everything white so we’re gonna move to snow because snow kind of looks cuter marshmallow head so we’re gonna start making his marshmallow head which is you Know what you just guess at this point you should make a sweater fine you make a rectangle a cylinder rectangle marshmallow looking thing so at this point you just keep filling it up you don’t need to fill in the inside because who cares no one’s gonna look in There we just need to make the build so let’s build marshmallow once you get to the top you’re just gonna fill it all in like so and then you’re like oh it’s starting to look like marshmallow exactly so we’re gonna take some coal or actually will just use coal and we’re Gonna make some X’s on his eyes so like this and X because he has access for eyes and then you’re gonna do it to the other side but then you figure out that you made your build lopsided but that’s okay because nothing is perfect it’s not it’s looking pretty good Do we need a mouth frame while marshmallow technically doesn’t have a mouth so let’s start working on the shoe detailing so he has lit sneakers so we’re just gonna do this and then we’re just gonna make sneakers he’s looking pretty cool but now he does need a DJ Machine or we could just make headphones for him to make him look like marshmallow to DJ so we’re just gonna put blue headphones on him and drag it over and then we’re just gonna do the other side easy peasy how’s everyone’s marshmallow doing I made a toasted Marshmallow boy oh that’s good I think I just made marshmallow in the snow mine’s Ben’s okay with all this extra time I think we have enough time to build a little CB disk just because we’re just sitting here waiting for the time to go by because building marshmallow is so Easy so we just do this we’re gonna build a simple CD filling it in like so and done we have a music visualizer in the bag we got marshmallow we have a poorly made CD disc but it’s fine we give this an epic this marshmallow looks so cute on this cute young Monday’s No I’m kidding this is you marshmallow so it’s so plump thank you this is actually super creative it’s from the other side they’re roasting it I give that point marshmallow no this gets uh okay for me you’re missing a marshmallow the whole point of this [Laughter] yeah you should have followed my Instructions I gave you clear instructions these are actually cute so this is pink marshmallow cute marshmallow a lot of roasting here someone’s gonna love it it s’mores are the best looks like there’s like octopus ink on his eyes CJ marshmallow I love you see the music in the background is So knit here yeah I’m funny you have to point something out why that’s not marshmallow this the the subjects not marshmallow because it’s well you guys that is all for build battle if you enjoyed it hit by like dying don’t forget it and subscribe if for a new thank you so much For watching and we will see you on the next one bad guys wait a minute who’s this girl looks you like that’s right snuck in without noticing Video Information
This video, titled ‘WHAT ARE WE EVEN BUILDING!? | Minecraft Build Battle’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2018-08-08 19:00:06. It has garnered 3404491 views and 42768 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:18 or 978 seconds.
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