What Is… A Resource Pack? ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 69]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guy heater hope you guys are having a great day today’s episode is going to be a little bit different and it’s gonna be kind of like the episode we did about Optifine last week I

Figured it was a good time to introduce resource packs to you guys and explain a little bit more about what they do how to acquire them and how they can change the look of Minecraft for you very dramatically or subtly if you prefer so to start off with I should probably

Explain the difference between a resource pack and a texture pack because you’ll find that a lot of people tend to use these terms interchangeably and I guarantee you that at some point in this video I will say texture pack when I mean resource packs so apologies in

Advance for that so a texture pack as the name implies is something that changes the textures of Minecraft it re skins a bunch of the blocks and so forth in the world sometimes all of them sometimes just a few and kind of re textures all of them to have a different

Look whether that’s kind of similar to Minecraft but a higher resolution texture or whether that’s completely different to Minecraft to change the look of the game entirely using the blocky based kind of you know inner workings of Minecraft to create something that looks completely different to what we see in default

Vanilla minecraft all around us right now and changing the textures used to be the only thing that was natively supported by minecraft until the resource pack system that was implemented around the time of Minecraft 1.6 I think and basically what happened then was that resource packs were

Developed and it’s a way to add not just textures but different models for things and sounds and music different language packs the splash text on the main kind of screen can be changed you can change fonts that kind of stuff so as of Minecraft 1.6 which was before I

I started playing minecraft on PC in the first place that was when resource packs were enabled and that means there’s a lot more customization over the look and feel of Minecraft you can add kind of ambient sounds and stuff like that you can change the sound of your footsteps

Walking around as well as the textures of the stuff that you are walking on in the first place but generally speaking what people use resource packs for is still the texture packs side of things it’s still to reskin the blocks around them to give the environment a completely different look and to change

The look of the materials that you’re working with now for the purposes of this video I downloaded a bunch of texture packs and resource packs that I show you in a little bit more depth so we can see exactly how possible it is to customize the look of Minecraft and this

Is just a small sample of what’s out there resource packs are community made resources for the most part there is one exception to this which I will go over in this episode as well but for the most part these are community made resources people who are hobbyists and so forth

Who will make these things and make them available online so we’re going to look a little bit into exactly where to get each of these packs and this is only a small sample of what’s out there so to start off with you may not notice this but I’m actually using a resource pack

Already and that is the lower shield pack you’ll notice down there in the left hand corner I’ve got my shield equipped and I use my shield quite a lot when I walk around and play it’s nice to be able to deflect skeleton arrows to use it in cases in cases over like going

Down a cave and occasionally having to shield myself from creeper damage even though I’ve got diamond armor and stuff on I tend to play with a shield quite a lot and as a result I don’t want it covering up the entire left hand corner of my screen but without this resource

Pack it kind of does let me show you as a demonstration I’m going to go to the options menu click on a resource packs here and you’ll see here that in the selected resource packs column on this right hand side I have default which is just the default textures in Minecraft

And we have this pack here that says vanilla tweaks lower shield when I hover over it it says it’s incompatible which is a lie I’ll get to that in a minute but this is the lower shield resource pack and what that’s doing is actually moving the position of the shield as

It’s seen in my like heads-up display in my HUD it doesn’t actually change the position of the shield in the world I can still block with it and everything is just a visual change so scrolling down here I’ve actually clicked it out of this column into the available

Resource packs column here but it’s not currently enabled and if I hit done it’s going to take a second or two to reload all of the textures and once it’s done that you’ll be able to see that the shield is kind of in a completely different place see it’s a little bit

Higher it’s like if I hold it up there it’s covering up but basically the entire path in that bottom left corner of the screen and now if I reenable this pack it’s going to move down a little bit and we’ll be able to see some of the

Paths again now this says it was made for an older version of Minecraft I probably should update this because I think a version for 1.13 is available but when that red box comes up that is normally something you need to pay attention to because a few changes have been made

Over the years – exactly how old minecraft gathers all of the texture information from these files and especially in 1.13 that was kind of revamped and reworked so if you’re playing in Minecraft one point 13 and above make sure that your texture pack is compatible with one point 13 and

Above because some some texture packs from older versions the textures won’t show up properly it’ll look very weird a lot of the stuff won’t work at all so make sure that you have one that’s compatible with the version of Minecraft that you’re playing while we’re here by

The way I should probably explain how to install these resource packs in the first place it is very simple but we’ll cover it quickly here so if you go to this resource packs screen when you have minecraft loaded up click on open resource pack folder down here as you

Can see underneath it says you place the resource pack files here just click on that it’ll minimize minecraft and open up your resource packs folder which is in AK data roaming minecraft resource packs the dot minecraft folder is the one you need to find that’s quite easy

To take care of you just need to go into resource packs and then drag any resource packs that you have downloaded here still in there compressed zip folder format that’s all you need to do minecraft will recognize all of the files as a zip and knows where to

Extract them from the files and load them up while you’re playing so you don’t need to worry about that just leave them in there as a zip files is the best way to do it people on bedrock actually have the option to download resource packs from the minecraft marketplace but that’s a

Whole separate thing and it’s not something I’m going to go into today because we’re doing this for Java edition so anyway if I add this into the column on the right it does say do you want to load this resource pack because it was made for an older version of

Minecraft we’re gonna confirm because I know it’s going to work properly I’ll hit done and in a second it should load back up and you’ll notice there we go the shield is out of the way of the path I haven’t moved my field of view around in any way that’s actually just dropped

The shield a good like inch or so on my screen so I can see what I’m doing down here but it’s still effective as a blocking thing doesn’t affect the gameplay anyway just the visual side of things so now we’re going to get into the actual texture changes and for this

I’m going to look up at the blacksmith’s guild here now that I’ve completed the front of this because we’re going to enable a texture pack that is going to change the look of a lot of these blocks and this is in fact a texture pack that is being developed by Mojang itself

There is a pixel artist called jasper burst row who’s been working on rearranging and re texturing a lot of the blocks in crafts over the last little while for a set of textures that’s presumably going to be released around the time minecraft 1.14 comes out the village and pillage

Update the next update to Minecraft and we’ve seen some of these textures in the development snapshots for 1.14 already and they’ve been released as a separate texture pack so that people can play along in 1.13 with these textures now I’m gonna hit options gonna go into my

Resource packs and I’m going to enable text your update version 3.3 Java that’s the one that’s been available from at minecraft net for a little while now we’re gonna hit done and you’ll see the change in this building it’s gonna be a subtle one because these are still

Textures that are based on the current textures of Minecraft but I’m gonna fade between these two buildings so you can see the difference so I’m gonna fake between the two sets of textures and you’ll see that there are changes to the dot prismarine it’s kind of a little bit

More outlined it’s a little more I don’t know kind of plasticky looking I suppose the stone brick looks like it pops a little bit more there’s a little bit more contrast between the brick and the cracks in it and the log texture is a little bit different as well not to

Mention that the planks and a few other things have changed the leaf texture is also a little bit different there are mostly subtle changes going on here but it’s all quite significant when you put these two side-by-side I’m actually gonna place down a few blocks out here

And these are going to be my example blocks that we’re going to use to demonstrate how each of these texture packs changes a few things here because this is all looking like fairly similar to current vanilla minecraft and and that’s the whole point of this texture pack is actually to change very little

About the current texture set but just to kind of update the style a little bit to more closer to what the newer blocks that are being added are like so to kind of make the art style of Minecraft a little bit more consistent you’ll notice that some of the sprites in my hotbar

Have also changed as well and things like steak and water buckets and various other things even the tools look ever so slightly different some stuff like the diamond pickaxe I don’t think is too different I think they mentioned they didn’t want to change that too much because it’s kind of iconic at this

Point but I think even my shield has a slightly different texture to it now one of the biggest changes I think is this glass texture because normally the glass texture in the current default vanilla minecraft is a little bit kind of streaky and this one is a lot clearer

That central section is totally clear now people asked me why I’m not using these textures already because they’ve been released in beta form at least on minecraft.net for a while is the kind of thing they’re using in the snapshots and some other folks out there who are content creators are already using this

Pack in anticipation of it being the new look of Minecraft the main reason I’m not using it so far is that it’s not done yet there are still some textures that have yet to be updated for example the glass over there that’s got that completely clear central pane has not that the

Texture has not been kind of carried over to the stained glass yet and so the stained glass looks kind of completely different and there are some choices when it comes to building that I have to know exactly what the texture is gonna look like before I can make that choice

For building and you will sort of see why I think that way when we get into some of them more heavily adjusted texture packs later on in this video but for the most part I think I’m quite happy with how these textures look I think one of the other really dramatic

Changes will probably be able to see if we go over the ridge here because the wheat color has changed quite dramatically although hay bales are still the same sort of color but wheat is now this lovely kind of golden almost white sort of color at least it’s very

Different compared to how the yellow wheat was before and so we’ve got this nice kind of golden field up here and I might even be tempted to design some of this stuff a little bit differently now that the wheat has changed to this color but that’s something we can tackle when

These textures are officially finalized and we’re playing with them for real which is probably going to be around the time of 1.14 releasing I plan to keep this world going into 1.14 and beyond though so sooner or later we will be seeing these textures everywhere and

They will be the new textures that we work with for now I’m gonna switch back to default and we’re going to look at a resource pack called faithful which as the name suggests is trying to stay faithful to the original textures of vanilla minecraft while upscaling the

Resolution of these to 32 by 32 images instead of 16 by 16 pixel images so this right here is faithful this is a pack by mr. visi and vatic you’ll find a link to that in the description as well as on the screen right now and faithful is a

Really neat pack actually it’s got a very vanilla feel to it as you can tell and a lot of this stuff looks kind of the same but you will notice just a slight difference in the resolution of them you can have way more rings in

There for one thing but yeah just like a little bit of difference to the the logs around here some of the stuff just feels a little bit more detailed it feels like it’s got a little bit more kind of room for detail in there because it does because the texture is larger

Like minecraft uses a 16 by 16 pixel texture for all of its blocks but through resource packs it is possible to implement textures which have even more we’re going to go pretty high over that in a few seconds but before that let’s take a look around our world in faithful

Let’s take a look at the blacksmith’s guild which you guys will be familiar with from the last video and as you can see the planks in particular have these nice thin lines to them everything feels a little bit more crisp and a little bit more detailed you’ve got the ender chest

Down there looking quite similar but with a few more pixels to work with there even the paintings can actually be kind of scaled up to represent more of what theirs is in the original painting because all these paintings in Minecraft by the way are based on actual works of

Art by a an artist who can contributed them to the game this one’s an interesting one actually look at the differences between these paintings in faithful and default that’s defaults and that’s faithful you see as soon as there’s so much difference there and there is scope for some other stuff

To change like the flowers in these flower pots being more detailed and having a little bit more room to play with we might even see a few differences in mobs if we hang around while it’s nighttime even the sprites in our interface look a little bit more crisp

And one of the other things faithful does is change the font of the GUI of the font of the interface and the menus and so forth all changes a little bit when you’ve got faithful enabled so now we’ve done that and with this zombie moon walking towards us in the distance

I’m going to pause the game again and we’re going to change from faithful to another resource pack which is called zig zag zig zag is a pack with 128 by 128 pixel textures so this is going to be a much higher resolution texture pack made by somebody called Jamie McKinnon

This is available on their website which you can find in the description and as you can see already the menu system here is looking a little bit different a little bit chunkier we’ve got these kind of beveled I think that’s what it’s called or like embossed kind of textures

On the menu and if we go back to the game you’ll see things already have taken on a different look they’re all very cartoony looking especially this is aam be who seems to be wearing a suit he’s off to the prom or some but things like particles are looking

Different as well yeah more zombies to come an attack us fine let’s let’s take a look around the world in this texture pack for a little bit oh there’s even a guy over here with gold armor and you’ll notice even the armor looks really different in fact the armor I’m wearing

Looks completely different my tools look a lot more kind of cartoony and did that guy just drop a gold helmet yeah he did look at these though look at this armor oh yes I like that a lot and even the wings look a little bit different they’ve got feather patterns and stuff

In them see this is the kind of stuff that is possible with a texture pack a resource pack rather again I told you I would do that but instead of just you know just doing the the block textures and overhauling that stuff you could overhaul a whole bunch more including

All of the items and what the players wear the spider looks a little bit kind of worried oh yes for one of a better time but I love the particles evaporating into the air the smoke it’s pretty cool and the grass looks super cool as well another thing that resource

Packs with this kind of resolution allow you to do is some really neat stuff with leaves so he can see that tree up there looks completely different to their low resolution leaves that you see normally in vanilla texture packs also the creepers just look freaking adorable

Don’t they look at that and look at the flowers there’s so much so much detail has been poured into this and as you can see if we go over here the blacksmith’s guild almost looks like a completely different buildings some of the textures are smoother especially the grass I find

The grass super smooth in this texture pack it almost feels like you’re gliding around on it overall it’s got a very cartoony feel which might not be everybody’s bag in my case it’s kind of it’s fun for a bit of experimentation it’s fun to see what your world looks

Like in different texture packs but you know that the kind of things that I like to do with textures in vanilla where I’m blending stone with stone brick there’s just such a high contrast between these that those aren’t the materials I would have chosen to build this wall with I

Might have made the entire thing out of stone brick or just out of regular stone because of how different those two look compared to the way they look in vanilla the rain even the rain and the moon look different in this pack there’s so much stuff that has changed let’s take a

Quick look around the interior here let’s go through to the storage room over here and take a look at what the note blocks look like yeah those are totally different as well these spruce trapdoors have a completely different texture to them the Piston still look like Pistons that’s the cool thing about

Like this is that they are still quite clearly recognizable as all of the stuff that you know from vanilla minecraft it’s just that everything has a completely different skin on it and with the creepers looking so cute I almost feel a little bit bad about having a

Creeper head here on the shelf now a quick note about texture packs of this size because like I said this is 128 by 128 texture pack it is not small in terms of the textures and much like stuff like shaders this can be quite graphically intensive so if you’re

Running a low-budget computer if your computer is not like super well equipped to deal with graphically intensive stuff you might find that it struggles more than you would expect with something with a pack like this that is deceptively cartoonish and simple looking because it’s having to render in

About like 8 times as much detail as it would normally would with vanilla default minecraft textures so he’ll you’ll find that on some computers you end up struggling a little bit but the landscape looks completely different some of the builds look very different and all in all it’s a very different way

Looking at Minecraft in general but I think that’s all I’m going to show you from zigzag for now once again the link to that will be in the description much as the same as the links to all of the other texture packs we’re going to be

Looking at today it’s time to move on to our next pack our next pack it’s going to be quite similar to the zigzag we’re gonna take a look at smooth operator by 50 walrus now smooth operator is cranking up the resolution this is a 256

By 256 a resource pack and it even this is giving my computer a little bit of trouble it’s probably not showing up too much on the video thankfully but I’m getting like a little bit of screen tearing and visual jitter when I’m running around in the world using this

Texture pack it’s it’s a lot for my computer to process and I have a pretty decent computer but this pack as you can see favors a slightly darker gray stone which is kind of more to my liking the log texture is just absurdly detailed look at the the lines in that bark and

If we take a look at the blacksmith’s guild once again you’ll see that these are still quite faithful to the textures of vanilla minecraft but things like wool for example have this stitched texture on there now the crafting table has this almost cel-shaded Borderlands style look to it the steak has these

Massive grill lines on it that I’ve just noticed you’ll notice that the hunger bar down there is a hunch of a bunch of like slices of toast with butter which is very cool and the tools and so forth look a little bit different let’s see oh the armor is

Different but look at those wings oh that’s nice I like that quite a lot actually a lot of 50 walruses texturepack has these kind of repeating square brushes this sort of randomized pattern of squares exists in most of the blocks and textures around here and it really gives the pack quite a unified

Feel which I enjoy personally now look at the Wheatfield oh my goodness that’s such a bright yellow and I think the hay bales in this one have actually been tweaked to match is that horse down there like a Polka Dot horse it looks like a Dalmatian that’s pretty cool

It can be kind of fun to see what these packs do with villages as well and look at his face at such a high resolution texture but there’s not a huge amount more detail added to them they kept the villagers faces fairly simple it looks like their outfits kind of all look

Relatively similar – look at the redstone lamps though that looks like such a high-tech redstone lamp compared to the one that’s in the vanilla game I tell you what though it’s always really interesting looking at the stuff that I built in the default texture pack when I’ve got a different texture pack on

Because there’s definitely some choices that I wouldn’t make in this texture pack that I did when I was using the default and that’s kind of why I prefer working with the default a lot of the time for a start it’s a texture pack that everybody has access to so it’s

Easy for people to take inspiration from the stuff I build but also because some of these texture packs while they’re really cool don’t always have the same kind of flow and design philosophy that vanilla does for example like within in this windmill build I’ve used cobblestone and I’ve used andesite and

In the default texture pack they kind of blend together very well there’s like there’s not that much difference between cobblestone and the andesite the cracks in the cobblestone almost merged with the andesite if and if you’re kind of not paying super close attention to the materials there you could almost imagine

That was one continuous piece of material unlike when you up the textures to something like smooth operator and suddenly you’ll find that the borders between those textures become all the more visible if you’re not using the same material across the board you end up with these really obvious lines

Between the two textures and that is kind of the the downfall of using a higher resolution texture pack and that can completely change your approach to building it can become more beneficial to build large areas of a flat single piece of material instead of mixing up textures like we do in vanilla

So often to create more texture what you want to do is take the texture out of things more often than not which is a different approach entirely when it comes to building this stuff now we’re going to do something a little bit weird we’re going to go from a super

High-resolution texture bank like smooth operator to something that is a lower resolution than even the default textures of Minecraft this is 4×4 a texture pack by NYX or NN IX X and this believe it or not is the same world we were in before don’t you feel small now doesn’t this

Feel like we’re tiny this is a really interesting pack when I first loaded this one up my mind was kind of blown because suddenly it feels like I am super low to the ground and I’m walking around like a mouse in this giant world but that’s just a result of the textures

Shrinking down to the point where every block looks like it is super close up and super small but that is still the same oak planks that we placed there earlier see it’s right there the torches look like giant fat things because they are only two pixels wide in terms of the

Texture it’s it’s really weird seeing all of this stuff and I think there are still some textures which are the same size which kind of creates this crazy like Alice in Wonderland style I’m too big this is too small situation but yeah we have the same world around us but a

Completely different feel to it it all looks like it’s a model or something like that and if I fly up into the air you’ll actually notice that some of the sprites aren’t condensed as much as the torches are because they’re not being placed in the world but looking down on

It like this you really don’t notice the difference all that much it’s when you land and you get up close to some of these textures that you realize oh boy this all makes it feel like it is super tiny also all the spiders are glowing white for some reason I don’t really

Know why I have me to get in here and sleep and if you thought it was weird looking at the difference between paintings in faithful and in defaults look at this painting in four by four you can hardly even tell that’s a painting of something it is a very weird

Sensation to look around at your builds and think this looks like a lego model of the stuff that I’ve already built but anyway this is four by four and this is probably the last of the vanilla faithful texture packs that we’re going to look at because like I said this one

Is still trying to emulate the textures most of the way it still got the same curve colors and everything is still got a majority of the same style of textures if not using exactly the same resolution now we are about to head out into something completely different

Because we are going to take a look at conquest conquest is a pack aimed specifically at medieval builders and is based on a texture pack called John Smith’s which was a pretty well-established medieval texture pack back in the day if you ever thought you wanted to see Skyrim in Minecraft this

Is probably the pack for you because the textures used here are very of that type they’re kind of bleak looking wood bleak looking stone but so detailed I forget exactly what the resolution is if this packet doesn’t specify it in the information there and I think that is

Some gunpowder from a creeper I just killed but look at everything in this pack and see how different it feels while still obviously having the mechanics of Minecraft it’s still got all the same blocks and everything the grass is all around us and the stuff we

Built is still here but it all looks incredibly different we have these details in the stained glass the prismarine brick looks like it’s been dredged up from the bottom of some kind of ocean the iron bars the hooks so different and once again this is the

Kind of resource pack in which I would build stuff completely differently because just building a wall out of stone brick the stone bricks look different in each block Conquest recommends that you use Optifine for this and not only does that change the sky by the way you might have noticed

The sky changing in a couple of other packs this one is probably the most dramatic change of all of them it’s added in these painted clouds and the Sun looks totally different and everything but one of the other things it can do an Optifine is make use of

Alternate textures so you have a bunch of different textures even though you’re placing the same block everywhere no two stone blocks in this wall are going to look alike because it’s using I think the coordinate data or something like that to change the look of the blocks

Depending on where they are placed in the world and it gives it this wonderful coherent feel to the whole thing the sprites on us look crazy I don’t know what the armor in this look like okay wow that’s a lot and I think the gold helmet is gonna be something kind of

Similar yeah there you go there you go this is some Skyrim stuff right here even the wings the wings look like da Vinci style flying machine wings that’s that’s nuts let’s take a quick fly around and see if there’s anything else that we can take a

Look at while we’ve got this pack on well the villages certainly look different hello this it’s like being in Lord of the Rings look at this cartographer with his spectacles oh my goodness me what oh ok hello there’s some crazy stuff going on here yeah the the heads turn independently of the hair

That’s attached to their colors but these all look like the dwarfs from The Hobbit or something it’s crazy-looking that guy’s the tool Smith right there we’ve got another cartographer here we’ve got a an armorer here they’ve all got such interesting faces one of the fun things that Conquest does with item

Frames is that rotten flesh with flies bossing around it that’s incredible but yeah the item frames are actually invisible or rather they’re not quite invisible but they are limited to just having almost like a mounting plate attached to the wall and the rest of the item frame is invisible meaning that you

Can actually have stuff glued to a wall like that as though it’s just hanging there by itself and that have that kind of lends a whole different vibe to the place when you you don’t have these obvious item frames hanging around everywhere the observer blocks have this

Animated texture of like a cog spinning and stuff like that this is a piston right here we’ve got dispensers with these grilles in front of them oh my it is a whole different world when you’re walking around your world with one of these texture packs it really is even

The leaves and stuff look different because they’re able to extend the leaf texture past the boundaries of the blocks themselves you might be wondering why I don’t use this texture pack because it feels like a builders dream and the honest answer to that is that I

Feel like it’s more fun and more of a challenge to be able to build stuff that looks this good using the default textures of Minecraft that’s part of the fun of Minecraft for me is being able to make something that looks fantastic even though you’ve used the default texture

Set which by all accounts looking compared to some of the stuff we’ve seen today is actually pretty ugly to me though that’s part of the charm of Minecraft is being able to work with the textures that you’re given and still come up with something that looks really

Special and I hope you guys are getting that vibe from this series because it’s always what I try to do I always try and work with the default and prove that you can build incredibly beautiful things without having to rely on the text as a kind of crutch and believe me I’m

Not hating on texturepack uses at all because there are people who build stuff in conquest he build some absolutely fantastic stuff that would look just as good in vanilla and it’s the texture pack that inspires them to build stuff like that and that is fantastic I think

Now this is the second to last texture set that I wanted to show you guys today and we’re gonna save the other one for the end of the video as a bit of fun but for now we’re going to leave conquest it’s got some different sounds by the

Way in the menu and the menus all look completely different which is crazy to me but if we leave conquest behind I’m gonna enable this one here diverting sounds this is a sound pack by partum Creed there we go we’re back in default and you’ll notice very few things change

Immediately I’m actually gonna whack the sounds up just a little bit let’s turn blocks up let’s turn the master volume up a little bit as well so you guys can hear a little bit more of this I’ll try to adjust it a little bit in the Edit as

Well but you won’t notice too many differences in the sounds around here if I break some of this grass it still kind of has the same noise to it but the the differences come when you start mining stuff for example if I mine a couple of

Blocks of stone brick here it has more of a chiseling kind of sound a very kind of short stone sound and that’s the same when I place those blocks as well so what’s happened here is the resource pack creator has just decided to adjust a couple of sounds that they felt didn’t

Quite fit in minecraft and could have been done a little bit differently the same is true if you walk on stone actually the footstep sounds in this pack change a little bit there we go I’m over here crossing the bridge into the industrial district have a listen to my

Footsteps they sound just a little bit different they sound kind of more like I’m walking over like a tiny amount of gravel or just of an average sort of stone path with a little bit of dust on it and there aren’t really a great many resource packs that adjust the sounds of

Minecraft that don’t go into full-on mods that add in ambient noise for the environment and birds tweeting and stuff like that but occasionally you might just want to tweak a couple of sounds here and there you might find the noise of blocks breaking annoying and find

That this pack works a little bit better for you it’s just an option now for the final resource pack I want to show you were actually going to leave the Minecraft Survival Guide world entirely because the next pack I’m going to show you is only compatible with versions one

Point eight and one point nine of Java minecraft and I kind of want to show you guys this so we’re going to leave the Survival Guide world for now while we’re here actually I’m gonna briefly re-enable conquest because I’ll show you what the conquest a menu screen looks like there we go a

Completely different menu screen with the title conquest up there the splashed exchanged a completely different background is just one of the many things that you can change in a resource pack right now that I’ve shown you that I’m gonna log out completely so we can load back up in Minecraft 1.8 okay here

We are in Minecraft 1.8 point 9 and this is gonna feel a little bit weird at first but not as weird as it’s going to get we’re gonna open up a new single-player world you’ll notice there aren’t even any icons for these worlds and we do not want to open any of those

Because this is like five versions back not even counting the you know decimal point versions so we’re gonna start a whole new different world and this is going to be called Chubbuck test because this is going to demonstrate the Chubbuck craft challenge texture pack now this is gonna be a completely

Different concept to all of the texture packs that we’ve explored so far let’s load up our world and see where we spawn in alright here we are in in 1.8 in a spruce forest and now this looks pretty much like Minecraft should at least at the beginning we are about to change

This dramatically because I’m gonna go into the options go to resource packs I’m going to enable Chubut craft 1.8 and watch what happens welcome to the world of Chubut craft this is a challenge texture pack where they have replaced all of the textures with a plain white texture with the name

Of the block written on it so the idea behind this challenge is that you play the entire game in these completely white textures which when you actually look at it is kind of beautiful like the whole world has been made out of paper it’s all been kind of assembled out of

Paper like this or card or something and the idea is that you play through this entire game you play through the entire game up until you’ve beaten the ender dragon and you play through it with all of the textures like this so the only way of knowing what something

Is is that it’s got its name written on it and this is something that I’ve done a couple of times I did this on a challenge stream once and I got about as far as the nether but we didn’t have time to complete everything and finish

Off the dragon but oh boy is this something of a bit different and this can be all be accomplished with the resource packs now this isn’t even the weirdest thing we’re going to do in this video we’re going to take this one step further because I mentioned that there was another sound

Pack that we were going to try out and this is called the element animation villager sounds resource pack element animation have been making minecraft animations for a while and they are iconic for their villager characters who all have this very distinctive voice to them and we’re going to enable this

Because one of the fun things they put out back in the day was a resource pack that changed the sounds of Minecraft so instead of the actual sound effects it was the guy who does the villager voices saying the name of whatever was making the sound so when you’re walking on

Grass he says the word grass let’s demonstrate this because in combination with the Chubut craft texture pack this is genuinely absolutely bizarre and I’m gonna need to turn everything all the way up because this really needs to be heard okay here we go you can hear him

Saying grass as I’m walking around oh he just has dig oh my goodness when it when I mined the wood I think this might be the most bizarre way anyone has ever played Minecraft and I could be wrong about that oh my goodness me the cows they’ve even got Karel written on them

Listen let’s hang around and hear if they it moves this is absolutely haunting and yeah this is just a bizarre experience but it is kind of the ultimate challenge if you think you know minecraft well give this resource pack a try because I guarantee it’s gonna give

You a run for your money well folks I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at what resource packs are capable of and believe me this is just the tip of the iceberg we have barely scratched the surface of the resource packs that are out there I just wanted to show you guys

Some of my favorites and this series of course is going to be staying in the default vanilla textures mainly because I want you guys to be able to look at these builds and see exactly the same blocks that you’re seeing in your own worlds everybody has access to the

Default resource pack so it feels like it’s only fair for me to present tutorials for the game in the default resource pack but I hope you guys enjoyed this little look at what else is out there believe me I’m really happy to be back in default vanilla after some of the

Stuff we have seen today after that Chubut craft texture pack I feel like I need to go and have a lie down so that’s why we’re gonna wrap up this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide here thank you guys so much for watching this episode please do leave a like on the

Episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now

This video, titled ‘What Is… A Resource Pack? ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 69]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-02-05 11:00:10. It has garnered 263530 views and 5992 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:18 or 2058 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will explain how to install and use Resource Packs (which you might know as Texture Packs) and show you how different Minecraft can look with a fresh skin.

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Resource packs shown in this video:

VanillaTweaks Lower Shield by MSpaceDev – http://xisumavoid.com/vanillatweaks

Texture Update Beta V3.3 by Jasper Boerstra – https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/try-new-minecraft-textures

Faithful 32x by xMrVizzy and Vattic – https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/faithful-32x/files/2628760

ZigZag by Jamie McKiernan, 128×128/64×64 – https://zigzagpack.com/java-edition/

Smooth Operator by FiftyWalrus 256×256 – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/smooth-operator/

4×4 by NNiXX – http://www.nnixx.site/ (Note: uses ADFLY)

Conquest by Monsterfish_ – http://conquest.ravand.org/ (Note: uses ADFLY)

Diverting Sounds by PartumCreed – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/diverting-sounds/

ChubikCraft by JustusFT – 1.8/1.9 ONLY – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/18-512x-chubik/

The Element Animation Villager Sounds Resource Pack https://www.elementanimation.com/

Watch the full Minecraft Survival Guide playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBiJ0jZ53HT8v9Qa3cch7YEV

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939 —- Support me on Patreon for access to my private vanilla Minecraft server, plus other awesome rewards! https://www.patreon.com/Pixlriffs

Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

#Minecraft #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Survival #ResourcePacks

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  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) play.placeofwar.com Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute

    Unlock 3 Minecraft Capes in 1 Minute Unlocking Minecraft Capes: A Quick Guide Are you eager to get your hands on all three exclusive Minecraft capes? Look no further! In just one minute, you can learn how to redeem these coveted items without any hassle. Let’s dive into the details: 15th Anniversary Cape To claim the 15th-anniversary cape, simply head over to minecraft.net and follow the instructions provided. It’s a quick and easy process that will have you sporting this special cape in no time! Twitch Cape For the Twitch cape, you’ll need to have an account on Twitch and watch a stream with “drops” enabled…. Read More

What Is… A Resource Pack? ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 69]