What Would A 1.14 Swamp Village Look Like In Minecraft?

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In the new 1.14 minecraft update villages have had a proper makeover and i will be the first to say that i think they actually look really cool they aren’t the most detailed thing in the world but they are certainly more in line with everything else in the game

There are many village types all with unique looking buildings depending on the biome which you find them in such as the plains the desert the savannah the snowy tundra and the tiger biome however if you look at the villagers within these villages you can see that they also have unique

Clothing depending on where you find them so you’ll see that the plains villagers have that look that we all know and love but those in the snowy tundra are all wrapped up warm however there are two variants that are not naturally generated and those are the jungle villagers and the swamp villagers

Now i don’t know if mojang intends on making these villages but we have the villagers here so i think we can assume that they will do but since they’re not in the game right now i thought it would be fun to theorize what these villages would look like had they been in the

Update so i’m going to make an entire swamp village in the same style and the same buildings that are in all of the others to try and theorize what a swamp village might look like let’s get into it and here i am in a swamp biome so there’s quite a lot of

Work that goes into making a village and it’s actually really difficult to know where to start so i think the first thing we should actually do is go and analyze an actual village so i know where to begin this is the nearest village to me and this one actually has

A lot of buildings very close together so every single town or village has this centerpiece this town center with a bell and if you knock it all the all the villagers go running home or not they what are you doing this update is so buggy and this particular village has

The pathways going out in most directions in like a big cross shape and then it’s got some extra ones the paths are three blocks i think i can work with this so the obvious place to start is with this town center so let’s go back

To the swamp and get started now that we know roughly what a village looks like or an example of one each village has its own unique set of blocks and i’m gonna go for dark oak and dark oak fence so i think this will fit

In i don’t want it to have any of the same blocks that the other villages have just so that it seems a bit more unique so for the town center i thought what i’d do is have a cauldron so it’s more like a witch’s place

And have a bell on the top now i’m gonna do my best to try and keep this as mojang style as possible not green style because if i was making this i would definitely have a nether brick fence there so that it’s not connected because that really hurts but the nether brick

Definitely would never get used here because it belongs in the nether so we have to put up with the fact that it doesn’t look as good as it could however i think that’s a good start for the town center itself and now we just need to decorate around here

And it seems like every single village that’s on grass uses the path blocks so let’s make like a little town center around this part here now the reason that i went for a cauldron is because in the swamp i really don’t think you would need a well because there’s so much water around

Anyway so if we start making a path going out this way we very quickly hit the water now by looking at all of the other villages out there what happens when they hit water is it just turns to wood so basically along the pathways we just

Have to fill it in with some dark wood and that continues even if it goes into open water like this i think it’s pretty safe to start with just a bunch of paths and then make the houses around them this sheep hold on is he gonna do it again

Yeah look look at him go hold on i think i’ve worked out why there are no villages in the swamp hear me out so based on these sheep’s behavior look they’re in the water along with some sea grass here now if i plant a villa a

Pillager in there i think he’s going to behave in exactly the same way i think he’s going to get permanently stuck let me move further away is he going to spin round when he tries to move yeah look there they go just spinning around so i think the ai or the pathing

Doesn’t work let’s see what happens if i put a villager here in the town center the pillager’s definitely trying to go after him but can’t so i theorize the reason that there is no swamp village is because the pillagers can’t cope with being in the water i think that the pathing imagine

This though imagine there was a big swamp village here the pillagers spawned over here they’d have to trudge through the water very slowly and then they’d probably get stuck in a lot of the seagrass i think realistically the pillagers aren’t good enough to go through the water and the pathing has

Issues like this so i think we’ve found the reason that there are no swamp villages and i imagine it’s a similar situation in the jungle with vines and other grass and stuff but that’s definitely not gonna stop us making our swamp village okay i think that’s enough pathways and i think

That’s probably what it would end up looking like because there’s so much water all of this wood does look really strange i’ve tried to have the parts go off in all sorts of directions left loads of grass blocks in between them i’ve had to remove some trees but i’m

Sure we can pop those back in at the end so i think what we should do first is actually figure out what a single small swamp hut looks like and then we can go from there making all the different varieties let’s start by making one just here

And we’re going to make sure that we use all of the dark oak blocks we’re going to use dark oak wood we’re going to use the fences everything want to keep it in line and none of the other villages use this palette so it’s really important to

Me that we try and make this look as mojangy as possible so all of the other small houses have basically a three by three space inside they are very very small houses and since we’re in the swamp i think the the key feature of our houses here are going to be that they’re

On stilts now i don’t know if the villagers will be able to get up into these houses because i don’t think they can climb ladders so we’ll have to make like a a stairway up to them but anyway because of the water i think this makes

A lot of like sense really you know like real life sense water here you need to have your houses on stilts so we’ll create a little framework like this will create the floor inside so this is the amount of space we’ve got and then we need to create the hut

Around it which shouldn’t be too difficult because the mojang houses they are fairly simple some of them are really nice even though they’re simple so i think that’s what we’re going for we’re going for as simple as possible but still look nice now for the roof i’m going to use dark oak wood

And i’m going to use the the six-sided one so that there’s no there’s none of the uh the this part of it there’s none of the inside of the log because i think that will look cleanest but i don’t know if mojang would actually use that in their builds

I think this is basically the start of our houses we just need to decorate them a tiny tiny bit so maybe a chimney just a few blocks high definitely want to include some of the new stuff like lanterns so maybe on the corner of every single one we have a little lantern we

Need to create a way for them to get up so dark oak stairs seems like the most sensible way now i’ve really inspected all of the different villages and the different techniques that they do so when they do staircases like this they don’t actually have upside down

Staircases what they have is a har slab like this instead i’ve also seen them use potted plants so maybe we’ll add a fern there as well they’ve all got doors doors are important and of course we’ll have to add something inside so this is just a generic room there’s nothing

Really to it so you could add like a chair and a bed and that’s basically it for that room i think we could add some water underneath to make sure that it really makes sense why it’s on stilts have some water underneath for the windows i’m going to add a simple fence

Gate in there and then add a trapdoor either side i’ve seen this done in the other villages and it works really well keeps it simple and keeps it in theme and i think that is pretty much our first house the difference between this and all of the

Other villages is the stilts mainly this house is actually very similar to all the others it’s just the fact that it’s going to be a lot taller maybe mojang wouldn’t have this two blocks they would only have it one block maybe i’ll change that but i think the last thing we can

Do is add vines that’s what’s really going to make this feel like a swamp hut it’s the vines growing off of it there we go first hut in the village and i think that fits rather well it does look quite big which is a little

Bit of a worry so maybe there’ll be less buildings in this swamp village now not every single village has all of the professions so if you’re unaware each villager has a different profession and you can see all the different types here so you’ve got farmer fisherman shepard fletcher librarian cartographer

Etc etc all of those blocks you can get a different villager for them i’ll tell you what i think i’m going to make each and every single one of them but we won’t include all of them in our village so now that we’ve done one hurt i think

We maybe we should do a larger hut now there is a lot of water around and i’ve done a bit of research i found basically a village that is entirely on the water and if there’s a building that spawns there basically what it does is it just

Creates an island around it it’s not particularly pretty but it basically creates three or four layers of dirt and it basically plonks the island there and then puts the house on top of it so i think maybe that’s what we’re gonna do to try and keep this looking as

Original and mojangy as possible what i think i’m going to do here now is the large house so basically it’s the upgraded version of the one we made over there since this one is particularly similar to that one i think what we’re going to do is quickly time-lapse this one since it’s

Such a small build it really won’t be worth me talking about it but it’s going to look very similar to the one we’ve already made okay so the large hut is actually complete it is a little bit bigger but i think i need to talk about the actual

Internal space so with this one oh i actually forgot the lantern it’s all these little details that make the big difference on this so we’ve got our little hut and now we’ve got our big hut and we’re going to add a couple of lanterns just to see this one

Finished so the big difference here is it’s got this little space here and it’s a bit taller but overall it’s not actually much bigger because in the mojang villages there’s not a lot of thought about how much space you get on the inside they might have a chair and a

Bed and this space probably won’t even be used there might be like some flooring here and then some ladder that goes up for the player to explore but i don’t think the villagers can actually use ladders so that’s pretty pointless as it is i think this one looks better

By far but in contrast to the size of the town center this one looks closer to what it might really look like if this was naturally generated so actually going to move this down okay i think that looks a bit better so now we have two houses in our village

It does look pretty lonely now we need to start making some of the professions now i have actually put together all of the other villages in a line to be able to compare them so in order to get this right i think we need to do a

Bit more investigating so here we have all of the villages in a line this took an awful long time to put together but it allows us to sort of highlight the different parts of a village so for example what we have here is the weaponsmith hut and one of the big characteristics of

This is this pool of lava surrounded by stone so that it doesn’t catch on fire and then a grindstone so the rest of the building is actually pretty normal apart from that defining character characteristic and there’s one on the inside as well other than that

Not a lot going for it this one is an armorer house and it hasn’t actually got much going for it in terms of looking like an armor a house except for on the inside you have a fireplace with a blast furnace so that’s the big thing

That sets this one apart let’s just take a couple more examples so let’s go over to the plains village you’ll see these are actually all belonging to a certain profession but you can’t actually tell unless you go inside so this is a fletcher’s hut you can see that there’s a bit more

Detail on this house but the only defining characteristic really is the table on the inside the shepherd’s house the same you’ve got another house but then it’s got a pen out the back so we really just need to find the defining characteristics of each of these houses for example on this one

It’s the tannery and they’ve just got cauldrons but for the most part it’s a normal looking hut so i think this gives me enough information to be able to create the same thing for the swamp i think the profession that makes the most sense in the swamp is the

Fisherman’s hut so i think that’s what we should make next the next problem is actually just choosing a place for it to go now obviously when these villagers just spawn in naturally they just go anywhere but i actually have to think about it because i’m making this by hand

I think it probably makes most sense to have it somewhere like this so all of the other fisherman huts have been incredibly small so i think we’re gonna go for something similar very very small in design one of the key characteristics of the fisherman hut is indeed barrels so

That’s what we’re going to make sure is on this hut i’m actually going to make sure that there’s a bit more variation in this one compared to the others because you don’t want them all to have exactly the same roof style otherwise none of the buildings stand out at all

So instead of having this go all the way around this one’s just gonna sort of sit on the top like an upside down bowl other than that we need to keep it as consistent as possible so the same windows same trapdoors everything don’t forget to add the lantern for a bit of light

The front door i think that looks really really cool that is identifiable as the fisherman hut because of the barrels but it still looks like a normal hut the village is actually really starting to come together now so i’ve placed down the wool that represents a house so red

Is some sort of building in terms of like profession i could paste more of these huts around but i think it’s probably better to try and get one of every profession into this village even if normal villages don’t have that and then the yellow ones are actually like farms

Or animal pens because there’s always a couple of those around as well and i think that will make up the village and then we can actually spawn in some villagers and see if they go and do what they’re supposed to do that would be really interesting to find out

So instead of going over each and every single one in turn what i think i’m going to do is turn this more into a time lapse now because obviously the style of the building is going to stay the same it’s going to be the same palette and there’s not going to be too

Much to talk about so i could probably do this a lot faster and there’s a lot of buildings to get through and i can talk about it in the time lapse so let’s grab ourselves some popcorn and get into the time lapse of this swamp village

So let’s get into it shall we we’re going to start off by making a few professions the first one is the leatherworker who has the smoker we’re then going to add in some farms for the farmers this is going very quickly so don’t panic that you don’t get to see

All of the buildings this is just a lot of small huts that don’t take a long time so i will go over each and every single one of these and the ones that weren’t included in the village after the time lapse but i thought i’d rush through because to be honest with you

There’s a lot of the same style going on here so it would be a lot of me just repeating myself so let’s just enjoy this very speedy time lapse and maybe you can try and guess which one is which like what house did i just make here

Some of them are more obvious than others i talk about this a little bit later on but most of the huts you can’t really tell what they are until you go in and see the profession block that is inside and that’s the case with all of the vanilla villages as well

Okay that actually covered most of the buildings now this isn’t every single one because the village was actually getting really really big and i’ve got to admit this is way too organized it doesn’t look like a naturally generated village at all because i’ve spaced them two equally apart there needs to be some

Closer together some further away and i’ve just not done that however this does look i think like the kind of village i would expect in the swamp if mojang had made them but there’s still a few little bits to do so there’s like little decorations that end

Up being spawned in but the other thing is lighting like little light spawn in along the pathways wherever there’s not a building so i was thinking of keeping it simple with just some posts with a lantern on top so two up and then a

Lantern so if i add a few more of these it will bring the town to life a little bit more and then hopefully add a couple of trees in here as well perhaps that will help tie it all together and then i think this village can be

Called done but that’s not the only thing that i want to show you there’s also small decorations like this maybe trough of water or sometimes there’s plants and stuff but i think that works pretty well i think what we need to do now is actually grab some villagers in theory i have created

Everything that you would need for a village it’s got the town center with the bell in the middle it’s got huts with beds in them we’ve got all of some professions like here’s a fletcher’s table so if we spawn a villager well he there we go yes he’s taken on that role

And um if i spawn enough will we get will we get a full village now where’s he going who have we spawned in here we spawned in a leather worker if i spawn one in here perhaps it will turn into a cartographer yes there we go

So if i just spawn them in each of their houses we might actually get a functioning village spawn in an iron golem to protect them and i think this is actually worked out better than i thought so here is a full swamp village made by me and not mojang but this is my

Recreation or my theory or my prediction of what a swamp village might look like if mojang put it in the game and it actually works the villagers go and do their thing they all spawn in they all behave as normal which is absolutely brilliant i’m really happy with how this has come

Out now there are some professions that didn’t actually make it into this village because it was starting to get very very crowded i must admit this isn’t looking like it’s naturally generated because of all of the spacing like i said earlier but i think this is

A really good example of what this might look like however as i said not all of the buildings ended up being used remember that big long list of all the different kinds of buildings that i wanted to show you well i’ve actually recreated all of

Them in this flat world to show you what each one might look like on its own with a structure block so let’s take a quick look through them all you can see that there’s a nice line it’s all very organized we’ve got all the town centers

And then here’s the one we started off making at the start and then we’ve got two different kinds of lights and then we’ve got our first hut which we made right at the start this is the basis of every single building so it was really important to get this one correct

We’ve got the medium house which is i guess the larger one of all of them and you can see the comparison there so it’s kind of in the same line in terms of size it’s just a bit taller because of the stilts if we move on there’s

Actually an animal pen this one didn’t make it into the village because it just didn’t fit properly but you can see it’s a similar size to all the other animal pens and those are more complicated than i thought we’ve got ourselves some farms which i’ve added into the village and

Then we’ve got the fish fisherman hunt here which is exactly as it was in the actual one this one made the cut because that makes so much sense i would imagine that a swamp village would have loads of these then we’ve got our butcher hut which we actually included in the

Village it’s got the smoker here and i put this outside because it didn’t really i didn’t make sense putting it in there i wanted to have stuff outside of these huts because they do look very samey this is the cartographer’s house of course which is really tall i thought

I’d make this one extra tall because a cartographer kind of makes maps and stuff and i figured you know he’d want to be able to see over the in the distance next up we got the weaponsmith hut and this one has the lava how to be extra careful with this one when making

It because this lava actually causes some fire spread and that can cause damage but otherwise the hut is pretty much the same and then we move on to the tool smith house which actually didn’t make it this one actually has a different roof in the similar style to the snowy tundra one

Over there but this one actually looks really really nice as well this one’s more of a decoration it’s not really a house but this is the armorer because you’ve got the blast furnace here but it’s more like a decoration one like this where it’s just in the village to

Be honest i could have put this somewhere in our village in our swamp village that we made earlier we’ve got the mason’s house which is very simple most of these are basically just huts this one did make the cut but most of them if we compare them to the other

Villages they’re just huts from the outside you wouldn’t be able to tell that this was an armor as her unless you learnt it there’s nothing on the outside that says it so for the most part they just look like huts until you go in and

You see the tool that’s in there here we have the fletcher’s hut which we actually put in the main video and then we have the shepherd’s hut which also made it into the village and the tannery hut which i don’t think actually made it but this one is just

Cauldrons in here there’s nothing major to find in here and like i said it’s all in the same style which is why these all look kind of samey but it’s the same story with these there are some that stand out like this one the the temple always stands out which is why

This one in particular has a bit more height to it a bit and it does actually stand out quite a lot but the rest of them these all look very similar just a different style on the roof there so this one’s a big triangle this one has a little outlet this one

Goes uh sort of has two peaks there so i’ve kind of tried to do that with all of these but i’m afraid that is it for this video but of course there is another village that we could theorize what it looks like if you enjoyed this

Video and you enjoyed sort of trying to predict what these might look like if you want to see the jungle village let me know in the comments below because i had a huge amount of fun creating this along with imex elias and along with tenku as well we all

Theorized on what these might be and we tried to keep it as in line with the naturally generated stuff hopefully this all looks like it could work together if put together if you want to see a jungle one like i said let me know in the comments below i hope you enjoyed this

Video and good bye

This video, titled ‘What Would A 1.14 Swamp Village Look Like In Minecraft?’, was uploaded by Grian on 2019-05-05 19:02:25. It has garnered 10180258 views and 177815 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:41 or 1541 seconds.

What Would A 1.14 Swamp Village Look Like In Minecraft?Many new minecraft villages were added in 1.14. They are unique to the biome. Two villages have villagers, but no villages to live in, the swamp and jungle villagers. So what would a village in the swamp look like? Let’s try and make one

#minecraft #1.14

Thank you to Imaxe and _Tenku_ for their help on this video.

Music: “Cylinders 6” by Chris Zabriskie, used under a Creative Commons Licence CC BY 4.0. You can find his work here http://chriszabriskie.com

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    Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with JJ and MikeyVideo Information nice another wonderful morning time to start today let’s step outside what hang on what’s going [Music] on huh everywhere I look there are freaky looking zombies Gathering what’s happening seriously this looks really bad I better grab some weapons what is this about those freaky zombies are everywhere whoa what’s their deal they’re just hanging out around my house I definitely need to grab some weapons I want to defend myself okay here we go down the [Music] hatch I need to hop across my secret lava security yes this is the place where I keep my… Read More

  • Ava’s Insane Trans Minecraft Hardcore Live!

    Ava's Insane Trans Minecraft Hardcore Live!Video Information e e that should fix that problem that’s interesting that’s quirky isn’t it can hear you now yay okay hello again creep Queen EV X ventry lilac Inky AR arbitraries Origins flame blade that’s a cool name ultrabot good to see you again Willow uh andham hello lilac can you send a ping in the Discord I’m too lazy to do it what’s happening with my eyes I have a very bad microphone or camera because it’s like basically my upside down phone because I have to plug it in so it’s a little iffy but son just… Read More

  • EPIC TREE HOUSE BUILD | Minecraft shizo gameplay

    EPIC TREE HOUSE BUILD | Minecraft shizo gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT A TREE HOUSE | Minecraft Gameplay #2 | Kanishk Playz’, was uploaded by Kanishk Playz on 2024-04-17 09:30:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, join me on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as I embark on a quest to create the ultimate Tree House in my Survival … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon Nuzlocke Challenge at Novathon!

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon Nuzlocke Challenge at Novathon!Video Information Pokémon is popular and you know what else is popular Minecraft so what happens when you put the two together you get kobon cobon is a Minecraft server mod and add-on all put together in one in which you can play out your own Pokémon adventure in a blocky world which thanks to a sponsorship from the owners of the Kon server I did now I challenged myself to a little bit of a Nuzlocke challenge on the server with certain rules the first one is that as soon as I catch a Pokémon I have to name… Read More

  • “Heaven or Hell Disaster in Minecraft?!” #animation #gaming

    "Heaven or Hell Disaster in Minecraft?!" #animation #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hell or heaven minecraft #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Derp Animation on 2024-04-30 18:24:20. It has garnered 15530 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft RIP Herobrine SMP 😢 @KaruneshOP

    Minecraft RIP Herobrine SMP 😢 @KaruneshOPVideo Information This video, titled ‘We All Miss Herobrine SMP 😔 @KaruneshOP #minecraft #subscribe #viral #smallyoutuber’, was uploaded by Gameszio RIP on 2024-01-14 05:09:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Snow Golem Takedown in Minecraft ❄️ #shortsfeed

    Unbelievable: Snow Golem Takedown in Minecraft ❄️ #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Snow Golem ☃️ in Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #minecraft #shortsviral’, was uploaded by Down To Next on 2024-02-10 01:50:19. It has garnered 2511 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC SUGAKU BOSS CREATION 🔥 | Public Minecraft SMP

    🔥 EPIC SUGAKU BOSS CREATION 🔥 | Public Minecraft SMPVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] uh a darn almost professional not quite how is it going celix first one in the Stream now receiving enough data do draft frames 44 I I got to remember not to Auto playay abroad in Japan videos but also that I have to shut off my server okay server is off we should be good intense music what intense music how’s it going gr hope you’re having a wonderful day I’m having a pretty good day I haven’t gotten a lot done but I mean that’s just… Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Java Semi-Vanilla 18+ Whitelist Dynmap LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Infinity Isles Your new Minecraft adventure awaits! Are you an explorer, a master builder, or a redstone genius? Look no further – our server caters to every player’s passion. Join our young community, bursting with excitement and growing by the day. Features: Java server hosted in the UK Whitelisted for players 18+ Mostly vanilla with quality-of-life enhancements Engaging features like Dynmap and frequent End resets Head Database for donators & supporters Step into our bustling Shopping District, where opportunities abound. Join our vibrant community and craft unforgettable memories. Apply today here. Read More

  • Devil’s Backbone | 1980s Roleplay Server

    Devil's Backbone | 1980s Roleplay Server🍂 | Vermont, 1986. The cicadas sing of change.Devil’s Backbone is a whitelisted Minecraft roleplaying experience. Set in 1980s America, the server follows the story of abnormal small town Blackwater Hills. With a mystery around every corner, Devil’s Backbone strives to embody a prime literate roleplay environment with an open setting for character exploration.Ready to board? Join our Discord server to learn more, and experience the server to its fullest when it launches on June 7, 2024.🔎 | FeaturesDevil’s Backbone offers a wide variety of immersive features to take your roleplay experience to the next level.Fully customizable profile for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – CHANGE IT BACK! DON’T BE A COWARD!

    Minecraft Memes - CHANGE IT BACK! DON'T BE A COWARD!“I guess you could say this meme has a ‘crafty’ fanbase! They really don’t want any changes made!” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers vs. Mortal Kombat

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers vs. Mortal Kombat “Why did the creeper go to Mortal Kombat? To learn some explosive new moves!” #minecrafthumor #gamerjokes #creepercombat Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and learn game-changing build hacks, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of seasoned architects and beginners alike, Minewind offers a platform for creative minds to come together and inspire one another. Imagine exploring innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies that will truly make your Minecraft world stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, Minewind is the place where your building skills will be taken to new heights. Join us… Read More

  • 110 Ways Minecraft Changed! Can You Tell?

    110 Ways Minecraft Changed! Can You Tell? Exploring Changes in the Minecraft World In the vast world of Minecraft, subtle changes can make a big difference. A fun game of spot the difference awaits players, challenging them to observe closely as elements shift and transform. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and see what’s new! Spot the Difference Quiz One spot will fade away, while another will appear in its place. Can you spot the changes in the Minecraft world? This brain-teasing activity not only sharpens your observation skills but also provides a moment of revelation as you discover the altered elements. It’s a… Read More

  • Nico SMASHES Hunters in Minecraft Speedrun!

    Nico SMASHES Hunters in Minecraft Speedrun!Video Information it looks like we’re back at it again hello Nico and this time I’m going to beat you guys no you think so didn’t you lose last time yeah but that’s why I will win this time I doubt it and it starts now let’s go get him chase him down and it looks like I’m headed straight for that Village but oh gosh it’s on top of a mountain Nico is this just a normal speedrun you don’t have any op Stuff n what is that well you spoke to soda that in his hand I just… Read More

  • Mob Hunt Hide and Seek: Minecraft Mods Madness

    Mob Hunt Hide and Seek: Minecraft Mods MadnessVideo Information I don’t think he’s going to find ghost you don’t think so actually Aubrey just might be enough to find you what noise does your thing make you’re a cow what the that did not sound like a cow I sound like a fat guy with a stomach a 2 minutes and 30 seconds pretty much hot or cold oh hot yeah hot This video, titled ‘We played Mob Hunt Hide and Seek with Minecraft Mods’, was uploaded by NotJoeyBlack on 2024-03-14 15:04:16. It has garnered 4651 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20… Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate PVP Skills! Tavo vs 16

    Unleashing the Ultimate PVP Skills! Tavo vs 16Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP Legacy | Versus 16’, was uploaded by Tavo on 2024-03-03 05:01:11. It has garnered 38 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Watch trust My discord server: https://discord.gg/P4x2a7MAae tags lmao: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Speed Build of Giant Josh Sculpture | MUST SEE

    Mind-Blowing Speed Build of Giant Josh Sculpture | MUST SEEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jumbo Josh Timelapse Build | Garten of banban’, was uploaded by SculptureMan on 2024-02-24 09:30:13. It has garnered 61382 views and 2635 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Jumbo Josh Timelapse Build | Garten of banban ✨ I’m a gamer who sculpts characters in Minecraft 💎 If you like my sculptures, please subscribe and hit the like button ✅ https://www.youtube.com/@SculptureMan?sub_confirmation=1 #Minecraft #Meme #Memes #FunnyMoments #Shorts Read More


    INSANE VR MINECRAFT SHADERS w/ RTX! Jaw-Dropping SEUS PTGI HRR 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Shaders With RTX!!! (pc specs in desc) (SEUS PTGI HRR 3)’, was uploaded by EqualGaminG VR on 2024-03-16 20:00:09. It has garnered 2380 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:15 or 255 seconds. DOWNLOAD SHADER USED IN VIDEO (FREE!): https://texture-packs.com/shaders/seus-ptgi/ ———————————————————— PREBUILT PC SPECS GPU: NVIDIA RTX 4070 CPU: Intel Core I7 14700KF RAM: 32gb DDR5 Storage: 2tb SSD Where you can buy it: https://www.microcenter.com/product/671237/powerspec-g446-gaming-pc ———————————————————— Links: ICE RUNNERS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/R4tZhx7Z46 Tutorial Discord: https://discord.gg/NS3zVez7Jx Twitch: EqualGaminG_VR – https://www.twitch.tv/equalgaming_vr TikTok: equalgaming_yt ———————————————————— Please like and subscribe, and click the notification bell… Read More

  • Surviving as LAVA GODZILLA in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Surviving as LAVA GODZILLA in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned in as baby lava Godzilla next to my peaceful volcano home son you’re finally here just then soldiers began to jump out from the nearby trees and in an instant we were completely surrounded by water troops subject spotted fire away they began to blast at us with high powerered water we’ve been found come with me now I followed my father with the troops right on our tail but we were then cornered by a water Mecca Godzilla more lava kaai you monsters have lived in our world for too long it’s… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed at Forisek School?! #shorts #viral

    Secrets Revealed at Forisek School?!  #shorts #viralVideo Information [Applause] [Music] what there’s a whe there’s a week kind of beautiful and every night has it day so magical and if there’s love in this life there’s no obstacle that can’t be defeated This video, titled ‘Chtěl by si do této školy ?? #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Forisek on 2024-01-08 15:24:57. It has garnered 7805 views and 491 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. 🔥 · Subscribe, Like, Share, 💲DONTAE💲 https://streamlabs.com/forisek6/tip ☎️ · HASHTAGY · #viral #minecraft #foryou 📱 · INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/forisek6/ 📮 · DISCORD https://discord.gg/vcFzebBc something about me – I… Read More

  • Insane Architect Builds EPIC Bridge in DQ Builder 2 LIVE

    Insane Architect Builds EPIC Bridge in DQ Builder 2 LIVEVideo Information so what I’m picturing is a nice curving Arc it’s going to go from the left all way to the right I’m not sure entirely how we do it yet but it’s going to look good only thing left is to water the seeds see that little Hill over there h a nice clean brown Water delicious a spring the top of the hill uh you have to climb up all the way there every time we need water damn hard life imine having to walk to get water crazy so that’s why you come in can you… Read More

  • Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!

    Minecraft secrets: Avril 14th on soundtrack?!Video Information [Music] e [Music] I [Music] This video, titled ‘What if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft Soundtrack’, was uploaded by Josiah Granger on 2024-01-18 14:17:59. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:39 or 99 seconds. Can you imagine if Avril 14th by Aphex Twin was on the Minecraft soundtrack? Sit back and listen to this enchanting tune by one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time. With its dreamy piano melody and calming beats, it’s the perfect addition to your Minecraft playlist. Richard D… Read More

  • ZillaSMP – Roleplay, SMP, Factions – Medieval, Kingdoms, Geopolitical.

    ZillaSMP; Kingdoms and Politics ZillaSMP is a Western European themed medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It’s like a new game inside of Minecraft without requiring any mods. ZillaSMP is set in a historical time of conflict and kingdoms, offering a unique alternate timeline experience shaped by player actions and roleplay. Choose from various roles like knight, pirate, viking, lord, or liege in the expansive 20k by 20k map with different kingdoms for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations. Features: Different medieval faction types like kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes A feudalistic… Read More

What Would A 1.14 Swamp Village Look Like In Minecraft?