Win Big $$ in AstralChriss’ Minecraft PVP Event!

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okay guys so let me check the chats real quick I mean not check but put the chats because they’re not even on right now live chat Channel okay the chats are on now I need to put the server on as well real quick I wanted the server to rest before the PVP so nobody has lag a bunch oh yeah by the way uh news uploads no wrong wrong Channel wrong Channel it was from yesterday that one it no we’re streaming the event yeah yeah nice why can’t okay never mind now let me turn on the server real quick here we go event server and it should turn on in like a few seconds so anytime now oh that was nice okay what the server is stting 20 seconds okay it’s daing something can I get huge instead yeah yeah of course you can get the huge instead uh yo Ali welcome the Stream like you can you can get the 10 bucks or if you don’t have like uh an app to receive payment I’ll just give you like the $10 bro I’mma hop on when you when I do my homework 10 minutes oh sure man uh JJ welcome bro is it Jake Shorts bro John can I get one wait what pound 1 million pounds instead nah bro that’s I don’t know if I have that much yo yeah what’s up caner uh when it when does it start at what do you mean the PVP starts at 5 okay wait join okay so everybody’s already joined let me actually put my password in real quick because nobody likes their password to be shown on the stream you know um okay login bro where the hell is login okay nice we have it right here just in case I’m scrolling up uh okay sorry JJ jjp is me oh you were from from the other account okay never mind I mean welcome I’m loading oh yeah yeah you you guys have 30 more minutes to survive and do whatever it takes like I don’t know whatever you guys need to do you know so no worries remember version one 20.1 fabric I mean I do remember it let me let me put this PC here I’ll close the screen so it has uh it doesn’t have this much lag but it was laggy because my Roblox was open by the way and the PC didn’t sleep for a bunch of time I don’t I don’t think I’m going to win I wanted the version please oh the version is 1. 120.5 but that’s an event bro if you didn’t get in the event from beginning right now it’s kind of because everybody’s for NE right and the server will be closed after the PVP today is there any rules um already bro the rules was not to grief until the the event everything else there wasn’t a Ru for it okay those join as well okay we got a bunch of players on we got two players from each team imagine bro imagine if it’s going like that and we got zero players from the great team okay they just forgot about it probably I won’t use hex no no no I’ll be in Spectators when’s pet s99 uh the pet s99 is always on Saturdays bro always on Saturdays I’ll try and do a twitch Channel just for pet 99 because I get this question every stream not going to lie um can I still Farm after 17 uh yeah till I’m rating the the the houses yeah sure I don’t know if everybody knew I mean I told about that I don’t know if you knew guys but if you have a good house I’ll try and give you a cheat something bro something that’s kind of will help and I don’t even know can you give like wait wait I’ll check something survival uh give effect or not effect give effect uh give uh what was my name cblo and what absorption no infinite one that’s absortion one what the hell that’s two bro okay not that one the hard thing bro regeneration one bro shut up why y what’s up k bro streaming yeah yeah I’m streaming I’m streaming go on the stream um Gozilla join now what was the absortion thing does somebody know the extra hard thing how to do it hello oh did you get theen say Germany got it no no no no but I didn’t get though I didn’t if I if I had bro I would have been like so happy I swear but I wanted to do it on the stream didn’t I I mean I could I could do a stream I don’t know Jake stealing our village DP 001 real okay so that’s how it’s going bro I mean you’ll get banned till the you’ll get banned till the thing I’ll unban you once once we doing the thing bro I said that the griefing is the only only stuff you can’t do on the server why are you trying to grief in the first second you are on the server i b you right when we’re doing the thing okay we’re doing the PVP uh bro don’t didn’t l in in 3 days I have no house I’m going make it bro wait Doge what do you mean you didn’t l in in 3 days SI yo what’s up if I won I could get a huge because my mom doesn’t let me cash up oh I mean yeah you can get a huge yeah you can you definitely can get a huge so bro um Jake I mean you’re not on the stream Kaa how the hell okay so Jake ding in case oh no I don’t know what I did okay like this never mind I’m I’mma go away now wait or I’mma go in survival real quick and check the hearts how you doing extra heart bro um you guys go ahead and survive bro why are you standing here I actually can’t get it I’mma go away just in case okay here we go um use gold golden apple yeah yeah but I mean how I get like an permanent extra heart let let me Google it real quick um here how to get an extra Minecraft okay yeah like that probably no no no I can’t even take the the Eds out bro like I hate it I’m getting copyrighted just because of the AIDS for real is there a Minecraft server yeah yeah there is bro we’re doing an event right now and who’s winning can get $10 or if they don’t have a cash app or no not cash app if they don’t have a payle then they’ll U they can it’s survival yeah it’s it’s survival then they can get like a huge ined simulator 99 bro that’s kind of the thing okay let me let me watch the thing real quick uh You’ want you could have like okay attribute Max Health base set two okay thank you bro bye-bye let me write it down real quick base it one let’s say Max Health uh let’s say cblo okay and I’m getting to one heart if I put 22 that should be yeah that should be one extra heart bro do you guys think that’s a good one for the for the best siblo quit why bro because of the lag or why I can’t get you armor you too late damn can you at least Enchanted bro what the hell is going on in here why is somebody too late at the armor see like it but why though respond ND what is ND uh I gave all my stuff to my teammates hope he win you can at least try and help them bro like in PvP I don’t know bring the oh if you don’t know how to PP you can like I don’t know give them give them food or get your inventory to get something I don’t know I mean it’s still better than leaving not going to lie um hope he win so yeah I would say that you get back in bro can I join the server one day uh that server no but the next server I’ll do sure that will be a public server that one is an event already you know and it’s already like finished after today’s stream I’m deleting the server by the way so just in case it’s on another level oh my leg is on another level oh still bro I mean let me check something okay it’s not lagging for me when I’m flying really fast so it’s probably because of the internet yeah those has some bad internet right now too bro God uh yeah I know okay bro you should make a survival series for everyone I mean we had a world where everybody was surviving I even have it right now in there I I am not using creative or stuff like that that’s a event server that’s why I’m using it yeah yeah I know what I know what you mean that’s unfair what we can’t do anything we must only watch wait aren’t you in here too man why B because you people said you were griefing then let me unban you but please don’t grief uh they b or how you how how do you unban uh unbun how do you unbun people bro let me check uh bro top PE you out of your base our base oh to teleport him out of my base okay uh how to unban in Minecraft unban enter the commment and username what command I can’t see it where is it okay so huh pardon is this for real is it for real and Bank pardon okay for real bro I mean I didn’t even know oh and there’s my Roblox as well uh paron JK okay let’s go you’re unbanned uh TP JK you’re on B bro just get out of the base and don’t go through their chest I have one one iple n bro uh game mode creative right now we’re about to do the thing already it’s kind of I don’t know bad to give them you know okay let me teleport you DP JK siblo uh 15 more minutes though and please don’t go there okay okay he’s not even in right now uh we are only watching man I love PVP you want to PVP too man wait where where was you like once ago bro last Minecraft stream I was like taking people in bro like for real I’ll do more events like that so no worries you you can be part of the next one AR is okay so wait who’s he in team with oh he’s with those in team good luck with that bro okay let me um not in game oh he’s not in g n don’t tell me that ER won’t be on the PVP bro that’s actually bad that’s actually bad man man I L PP I was sick so I was oh that’s why bro get in what the hell who seen bro I don’t get who is in can I still join uh no because look at the at like 17 I I’ll begin the PVP you know so it’s kind of I don’t know at 17 hour we are closing the server after the PVP you know and it will be kind of fair if you join because you won’t be able to kill anybody everybody’s already like netherite you know and you’ll be like you won’t have anything I mean not everybody’s like me everybody’s kind of developed all right all right I’ll do another event so no worries you guys will be part of it too uh times a day I don’t know if somebody needs it uh time set day if somebody needs the night I mean uh nope I didn’t not do nothing okay okay look down okay that wasn’t for me probably okay so now I have the command for the h HS so wait guys what do you think if what should I do the reward of the building challenge give to the owner like two hearts or one heart that’s actually a good question two of them okay I mean real want’s two I mean I’m also thinking that one is kind of useless not going to lie because you can get it in one sword hit in one in the same sword hit as the last one so I would say the two is kind of I don’t know bro or base is a bit broke what do you mean huh okay Ken watching is boring rip no bro for real let me I can’t really add add people the server like that oh see look can you give me 10 10 pounds in Roo oh by the way let me explain something I mean I don’t know I can’t I can’t give you a gift card I can give you the $6 gift card because that’s kind of six e for me you know there isn’t a $10 for me in Germany there’s a six one and that’s the that’s the lowest one six and some cents there okay let me explain real quick about the rewards yeah not the whole team is getting it only the people from the team who are surviving let’s say that I don’t know let’s say Aris won or do won or like Jake won yeah and if whole AR’s team is dead only Aris is getting something also if W is dead and Jun jump play Win only he’s getting something and that’s will with the thing if those wins not Jake is also not getting anything because he’s not in he is in that team same team but he not like that $6 is good okay then sure sure why not uh I didn’t know if I can find a $6 gift card oh there’s never mind never mind bro never mind I didn’t know if you’ll be able to redeem it though because it’s German but we’ll try never mind I can give you 10 bucks don’t worry so I hope you guys understand if two teammates are still alive they’re both getting the prize by the way if the whole team is alive all of them are getting $10 not $10 for three of them but each one of them gets three $10 that’s like $30 for me know like I give them $30 you know but if even one teammate is not alive anymore then yeah Roblox gift card I mean if you want I can give you the Roblox gift card man I don’t like going in the shop and buying Roblox gift card it’s not going to lie can you get pay please I’m done anything anything in Roblox with people also like I don’t know watching is boring hey yo stop stop stop with the watching his boring thing I’m surviving good luck I thought ps99 streams are in Saturday and Sunday uh I mean I am in ps99 but not on stream right now wait did I sell something in here I didn’t sell anything bro what the hell okay it automatically put me there I mean nobody’s buying stuff right now bro what the hell okay let me get back in Minecraft uh I’m in the PVP is it today or not yeah it is today it is today bro join the server faster it’s going to be in like 10 minutes so faster okay wait World border um set and let’s say 2K blocks after and time let’s say 2 minutes 120 seconds okay that will be the first border I know how fast the Border will be moving but I’ll also put the respond point of everybody in a thing bro or after they die wait can you put somebody in spectator after after they die okay here how to put somebody in spectator after of death okay how do I okay let me check there something okay game mod spectator 8 ah serious deaths what the hell I don’t get it so let me get I am s okay okay I can borrow those oh can I borrow those okay okay wait by the way let me check real quick the gear of everybody DP let’s teleport guys I’ll teleport to you I won’t show the coordinates but still uh TP dolls oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah I I forgot the video I forgot to turn on the video my bad let me go back in Minecraft uh music uh siblo when you do border make sure to put time on it yeah yeah I know I know I know I put two minutes but can you run 1,000 blocks in 2 minutes I’ll probably put like 5 minutes 5 minutes that’s like 300 probably I think okay so that that should be enough two minutes hell no is 5 minutes too uh too too much less too or too less I don’t even know how to say it wait 300 it should be 5 minutes right yeah it is is it better 6 minutes okay 360 here we go uh I’ll put it after but now let me let me start the recording real quick okay I am and let me do the let me do the uh intro part okay okay guys okay guys so for the last few days everybody in this server was developing and surviving and getting some items just for this day to PVP of course I’ll show you some moments before the PVP just so you know like how it was going and how much time they needed to get like full n right that was kind of impressive not going to lie but let’s check it right now it’s been like already 48 hours since the servers online and let’s see what people leading 48 in real life hours okay God bless we win yeah I hope so man okay TP those okay now for the last time let’s check oh what a good house let’s check for the last time guys what the gear what gear they have those has full netherite I don’t know if it’s Enchanted or not I also don’t want to take just so nobody targets somebody just because his gear is not Enchanted or something I can see the enchantments on it I hate that the enchantments aren’t even like possible to see but wble man I mean yeah nice next DP Jake let’s see if Jake has full full Enchanted what’s that is that his house wait what the hell okay never mind never mind am I getting here Arctic play join too okay okay their team is full now he has a full right armor Enchanted as well and he has a kind of good base but I don’t even know I don’t even know by the way I just I wanted to say everybody on the server knows already but I will raid the houses before the PVP and the guy with the best house will get two extra hearts in PvP because they probably didn’t enchant their armor like do didn’t do potions and stuff like that but did the house for for the server so why not give him like an extra two hearts but yeah anyway let’s uh go okay I can’t go out of here I mean he’s kind of good oh he doesn’t have an endite sword that’s bad okay TP Arctic Place let’s check everybody in the blue team f first oh so oh so they have the same base okay never mind but he’s full diamond I didn’t see him play for for the last day he played only first day so yeah let me go to the next one DP Dev he’s full netherite with Enchanted oh god oh I saw something in his hand bro he’s smart he’s smart oh my God he’s smart not going to lie he’s smart as hell no he has a bunch of villagers as well I mean I’m rating how how beautiful the base looks not the like how I forgot the I’m creative I forgot that I’m I’m in Creative let me put a torch there or something I know okay let me let me go the next one he’s also full netherite I like that he even trims his armor and his shield what the hell I didn’t even know you can okay DP Godzilla here we go oh yeah he has a bunch of lag as you can see it he’s oh no you can’t see okay let me let the thing bro I want to say that he has lo bro but you can’t even see that okay so he has l a bunch I know of that he was getting kicked a bunch of times because he lives like in a far away country from me but still I mean he got at least a shield he doesn’t have any armor but he can help their like the guys what oh uh game mode survival here we go man can you do it now wait oh he’s lagging oh you need to put a password in okay okay you need he needs to put a password in never mind uh let me go to jump play DP jump BL that that was one of the guys oh who had a good house let’s go yo what’s up oh he also started brewing potions bro you have like three more minutes not going to lie or until I’m finishing rating the houses not the houses but the equipment can you show me your equipment please oh he’s nether iting something bro please equip me bro please equipment we need your equipment okay let me let me wait for him to oh so he just now got the cover in the breeze he probably had a diamond enchanted diamond oh I can see the the thing bro I mean that’s that’s decent not goingon to lie that’s decent he’s also full neite Enchanted so the only guy who wasn’t Enchanted till now and full NE right was um Arctic plays who played only one day on the server but still full diamond is also kind of good okay next is W TP wins he had that he had the full netherite what your full netherite bro oh he even has totems bro what the hell is that I’m mean w yo can I see your gear bro are you on live W are you on live bro get on live bro you won’t know what to do okay so he has full gear of netherite okay okay okay nice nice nice and is it Enchanted too yeah it is because I can’t see it the enchanted things aren’t showing oh what how did he get here oh sorry man sorry my bad okay W team they are both like full netherite too bad their team is not here but he was like full diamond in the first few hours so yeah next is real DP 001 real let’s see if he’s God damn okay they’re full neite oh Aris you’re not Enchanted a no you’re not Enchanted bro Aries give me lapis what the hell this is not our house I know I know I know uh real where’s your do you have uh do you have like an armor or something bro I need to see it is it in here no I mean Ken is full Enchanted I know even what enchants he has powered as hell uh okay Aris he’s not en oh he has the enchanted pants and boots everybody else everything else no real go to our house and real has some kind of good things next oh that was the whole team okay that’s nice uh I’ll rate the houses next till I’m raing the house you got you guys can um yeah you you guys can do stuff okay now can you okay dolls can you go to your house please uh TP dolls can you go to your house oh that’s your house okay let me raid this house real quick I mean I won’t raate it but I’ll see like what it looks like I’m going to do it like that a little and I mean it kind of looks good not going to lie I I just want to enjoy the full like full motion you know 180 motion okay not going to lie that looks cool I mean why are those are they there to the oxidize and stuff I get or not I would say that it’s a good house I don’t know for two days in a PVP server that’s actually a good house uh now let me how do I get out of here okay nice nice nice uh now let me go to Arctic play until now uh his his is the best not going to lie TP Arctic place oh he doesn’t have a house yeah yeah he doesn’t have a house I mean we have John’s house but that’s not a house so I won’t really rate it bro that’s like there’s like ju something in here I don’t know but still those houses house was better and yeah like nice one nice one not going to lie now let me go to death’s house TP Dev I mean his house is a little more decent than uh the other one but it’s still not on the ground you know and if the base is not like visible on the ground is not like the same effect yo Dev can you go to your base where is B where’s Dev let me check TP Dev can you go to your base please I need to see it okay let me break this just in case bro can you please please not shoot a Dave 6 seconds okay okay oh you have a coold down for the thing yeah yeah bro stop I need a netherite sword oh yeah thank you okay that was easier than I thought but I still take a netherite sword okay TP Dev just tell me when okay nice and his base isn’t here I mean double w going down because it’s not on the stairs at least that’s good it’s kind of decent as well it’s like Jake’s bro I mean it’s a little better because it has villagers and stuff like that but it really looks like U Dave’s house and Jake’s house but it’s kind of organized and stuff so I would still say that do Do’s house is better I’m sorry bro you’re not getting the two hearts now oh by the way I don’t know if I said but the winner will get like permanent two two hearts so yeah let me go to the next guy which is jum BL PP John wait can you go to house jump please okay you are to own your house let me see you guys have two houses holy why does this look like it’s spawned in bro not going to lie this that that really looks like it was pound in I don’t know if somebody has this much dirt I had to build it I don’t really know if you for real build all of dead bro like for real I have a thing that I think you used the you Ed like fi bro I spelled so much more time okay I mean you were playing a bunch but why did you do it like that though no I swear I mean I believe you I know you for a while and I know you’re not really abusing this thing but ooh check logs yeah I’ll definitely check the logs bro I definitely check the logs but God damn that’s nice and you built it overnight bro what the hell is that I mean I was sleeping the whole day but still let me check inside he has that oh that looks hell a copid I don’t know why bro that looks oh my God n that’s that’s actually insane bro I mean it doesn’t have any furniture here and the second floor looks like kind of copied I don’t even know didn’t have time for the other floors yeah yeah yeah I mean I don’t know looks like really YouTube house I don’t know bro and the thing the worst thing is that here is like dirt inside like I don’t know why I think like I check the logs but godamn that’s that’s funny they have some farms and the main base I know it was here the skull which kind of I’d say that the skull looks better than this base because I know it’s kind of has a more like I know let me put uh time at day uh time time at night if I had like like shaders it would have been probably even better but still I mean wait you should have done the insides here or white or like black bro not the Cobblestone the Cobblestone is really like ruining it not going to lie like the Cobblestone is ruining it if you had Whitey here it would have been like a skeleton like a good like I don’t know like an overload or stuff like that it just looks like that you know and if you had black it would have been even better I don’t know but sure whatever it is let me check inside the house as well God I hate it every time I’m going like that okay here we go inside the house we got a bed we got an armor stand stuff we got what’s that leg turn okay I mean the probably a study thing we can we can put it like that and like study here okay now next I’m wearing armor which has no understand oh oh so that’s your guard drobe okay okay okay okay now I get it now I get it oh what I thought somebody’s giving me apples can enchant what do you mean how can’t you enchant bro okay he has an enchanting table I like the the Aesthetics of the of the house are looking kind of fire I don’t know until now he’s kind of winning bro those I’m sorry but this house I mean not I kind of didn’t like the this house it looks basic I don’t know yeah it’s nice but it looks kind of basic if if it wasn’t for that part it would have been good if you guys would have just like put those two together you like cut all of that thing and you put those two together it would have been so good and probably like a black strip above it so it’s like looking better but that would have looked so good but the Cobblestone thing right here is kind of ruining it I don’t know I mean that’s at least my opinion not going to lie and by the way I can’t read the chat right now YouTube house ex okay maybe I mean I check the logs but God okay I mean that looks kind of fire I don’t know I mean the the school looks kind of fire that one I don’t really know it’s kind of that Cobblestone is ruining it but everything else if this part of the island those three blocks uh and vent wouldn’t exist bro and those put together and here a fountain that would have been like the perfect house not going to lie but still your house is winning right now uh come to me last place okay let me check okay why why not TP Aries oh W do you have one W do you have a house bro do you have a house I can raate or if it’s better than that one oh by the way um I’mma do some I’mma do some some real quick stuff like that just so you know like looking good you know for the thumbnail as well okay here we go and that house too because why not bro why is it looking so good um okay here we go I mean I’ll probably have access to the world after as well but anyway now so when do you have a house or not when you got the house probably not okay let me teleport to Aries then TP Aries you got the house my man show it to me stre infinite string generator okay uh n he doesn’t oh he doesn’t Okay anyway I mean your house is still good is it yours I swear I thought that’s uh that’s K okay anyway I mean that looks decent but it’s not better than uh it’s probably desert third place house right now because all the other ones were in a cave but they were didn’t have like the walls and like I like the Aesthetics of that one I don’t know that’s like third case uh third place keep it to real for a second house see I’m okay okay almost done wait okay sure sure uh TP can I mean you said teleport you in the last place so I I thought you wanted to you had a good base or something Ken do you have a base bro k do you have a base bro what I have no base P to you please okay okay teleport me to you please I need to I need to teleport to your house by the way DP uh 001 real you probably don’t know where the house is or something uh Silo okay please I need to be there what do you need go to your house after because I need to rate it bro we need to begin the p in a in a few seconds in a few minutes oh sorry I liak the items but it wasn’t something really bad n jum play I believe that you didn’t paste it don’t worry I’ll check just in case and for the other people because I know it looks like I don’t know too perfect you know I’ll show it okay so real is gone let me tp01 real where is him come here okay oh he for real forgot where the house was huh oh God I forgot to take that that was from my challenge by the way and I forgot to break that away but yeah anyway I’ll just leave it here I think I’m seeing something really good I mean was that your first try or something okay I mean you didn’t say that’s your house or where is it no bro that’s actually insane where are you my second that’s your second L where the hell are you okay you’re there I can hear the things bro bro please go ahead that’s why I’m not taking part in the PVP that’s why I’m not taking part in the PVP okay so there’s the house God come here come here come here I need to kill this guy okay nice so oh go oh no I saw the interior oh that’s so good first bro I know I saw it yesterday when was doing it and here was like Soul lanters it was so much better right now it’s looking so bad I not going to lie bro the soul laners were looking sick bro but those ones are looking I mean bro I’m not disappointed it’s still looking good with the with those lanterns but you’re done for taking them away I don’t know okay that’s bad bro I mean it’s it’s still looking good I’m still impressed by the school the thing is that I saw it yesterday that’s why I’m not like yeah like that but still that’s uh he’s trying to bribe me to forget about the lanterns okay I mean that’s still looking the best until now if the interior is worse though I need a really cool design to beat the jump places houses bro I really need a cool design not going to lie because the both houses I’m not rating each one of them I’ll just add like add it together you know but until now that’s looking better than his cool but he has to have a good interior not going to lie I saw kind of his interor he was trying to give me diamonds bro what the hell okay God the interor is sick Bro theor is sick Bro God there’s no two houses but this thing bro I don’t know if he got it from internet or not but that’s sick not going to lie that’s that’s hella sick wait can we get into the okay I thought you can get into the thing bro I thought you can get into the school because of that he has some things on the on the things oh my God wait don’t tell me he has a horn type stuff oh by the way nice a nice wave of dirt remodeling thing what’s that I mean yeah it looks nice and that’s oh no he doesn’t I thought he has an an thing that’s going up you know and like giving like the the thing the smoke up but still it’s looking kind of good not going to lie he also might have stolen from me items bro or the idea I mean I don’t know I don’t really remember showing your house or stream I don’t really remember him being near me when I was watching your house but God I didn’t never he’s never watching my streams by the way this goddamn okay so guys I I really ra this house and I really like it I think in the thumbnail I’ll take away the lanterns and put in there like a soul Lantern because it’s looking way better uh time set night real quick I need to to do it at night as well like I did with all the other houses and it’s looking sick not going to lie it’s looking sick Bro and the interior as well I’m doing like just a clean shot for everybody like for every one of you okay now I have to decide not I won’t decide but the guys in chat will decide bro which house looks better that one or the jump play’s houses bro decide like I’ll do a pool I’ll do a pool right now uh start start pool uh yes is yeah wait where yes is real no no John I’ll do a pool start pool I I don’t know if I can do them on on the other one though but guys you can Al Al always uh check so look now we have the pool right here guys vote for the house you like better if you press on yes that means uh like sebl house is no no not CBL but real house is better if no it’s jump lases I don’t know bro it’s I swear it’s not because it’s my brother it because because the real is my brother I always like try to be harsh on him but this time it was for real better I know I just like the interior more not going to lie if I would uh if I would um vote I would vote for it bro I’m sorry John bro but that for real was looking better I don’t know do you want them to be better okay I mean wait so guys on Twitch what do you what house do you like uh J or real just Rite them read chat siblo can you show Dev house Dev house it was just an underground thing bro TP Dev it’s just an underground thing here you go so why do I have 51 D were they trying to bribe me bro um okay so j k says that um okay Ken says that it’s uh like real house yeah but they’re also teammates bro they’re also teammates they’re also teammates eight votes and oh so some people like John’s house more okay sio house is the best I don’t have one though guys guys from YouTube can you go on on guys from um oh I say it twitch can you go on YouTube and also like vote for whatever you want because I can’t really calculate the votes like that okay we have nine votes and almost like 60% of them are for John okay let’s go let’s go I mean I didn’t like the the stone in the house that’s kind of the only thing why I didn’t vote for him to be honest but this house was actually insane not going to lie we bribed you no no no it’s not because of that I accidentally closed the pool L let green win okay so everybody’s kind of for John Bro John was from YouTube I mean I know but okay so did everybody vote I mean there nine people on YouTube voted already and it’s still in in the favor of John Dev oh you here too wait Ken yeah what’s up yes okay I’m I mean I know if my my vote will do something I mean yeah it will it will do them even but I would also vote for real I mean bro John I’m sorry I I always I actually thought wait wait wait bro I’m sorry I actually thought that your house will win I don’t know but the here was kind of insane so it’s 50/50 bro did somebody not vote somebody has the final vote right here sit below read my chat please I’ll give 10 peanuts a year and I will not let our kids Escape please let us win it’s not working like that bro I can’t I can’t just do it wait please okay I’m waiting but still I mean until now it’s 50/50 because if I vote it’s going to be 50/50 I think no no no wait if I vote it’s going to be 45 yeah that’s what I thought so now if I vote it should be 50/50 or something about that I don’t even know bro wait I’ll get from another account and vote as well bro because I need to vote for that thing uh here uh Astro asro oh it’s already here live where is the pool yes it’s 50/50 bro do did you vote do if you didn’t vote go voice right now bro we need to get the thing that’s not Fair bro but I’m rating as well I’m the operator I I should be choosing that thing rigged what do you mean rigged pool bro I chose from my other account I’m not choosing on that account I can’t choose on that account look I’m the creator of the pool I can’t choose on that account you literally using alss no I’m not because I can’t I can’t vote on that account so I have to vote on another account just to see it’s 5050 bro if nobody’s voting in the next 60 seconds okay let’s go we got one more vote I’m also use an ALT wait was that an ALT of yours I mean it’s going in John’s favor oh God damn 14 votes and he out for okay I mean I think John is winning here I didn’t really like the house probably because it was kind of looking fishy but uh John is winning I said NP I need to get an Al no no no without alt bro without and plus what the hell is this account doing here bro I I need to close it probably because it’s kind of getting on the things Okay so until now John kind of won a bunch of more people voted for him to be honest I like the re Real’s house even though I was judging it harshly because it’s my brother but still I liked it but not a chance bro everybody wanted the John house so let me TP to John that’s wait how do you TP okay and John I’ll give you real quick the hearts okay not that one where was the hearts um game mode nope okay John stop it 22 Hearts I’ll give you I said okay I said two extra Hearts so I’ll put 24 that’s going to be two extra Hearts bro Max Health uh now you are John jump play let me get in survival real quick so guys my guy do you have have more Hearts right now okay let me get in survival and let me give myself some uh 24 Hearts just in case to see like how it’s looking for him yes I do okay he has them just in case I did something wrong yeah look I have two extra Hearts too so by the way two extra Hearts that’s kind of like a hit with a sword that could save his life once or like twice probably but still I think can I make bookshelf I think so and by the way guys I would say that you not you’re not using the um how do I say it that you’re not using the going into the home thing because if your house is out of the radius then you’ll be you’ll be killed by The Zone oh God I’m like bro why is everybody coming after me I was I was not in Creative so yeah John congrats on winning you got the two extra Hearts can you give me two extra hearts for wins as well n bro what do you mean it was only the winner imagine if imagine if Ken if real won it bro like three people with two extra cars that’s kind of too unfair oh okay yeah no problem but it it was not a team thing bro it would have been too overpowered not going to lie I mean it’s something you can get in survival so it’s already overpowered but still bro I had two houses though yeah but if I had to raate like a apart bro I would have gave like to real the house right away I made the pool because you guys have two two houses and they are kind of looking like good enough okay I’ll just go in here like that I’m kind of every time I have to go in survival I’m like no no no I want to feel free okay so guys I’mma begin shrinking the border right now I’mma begin shrinking the Border I’d say that you don’t grief any house don’t break any stuff because I need them for the thumbnails but still you can PVP now you guys can PvP with each other from now on I’ll put the borders to 2,000 blocks that’s going to be 1,000 wide U world uh TP let’s go yeah yeah guys I think I don’t even know who’s goingon to PVP first but I’mma going to spectator just to see that back okay uh I don’t know how do we see who’s pping I actually don’t know to be honest and bro I need to get F fast okay they are not pvping let me go to do TP do uh join the game okay Godzilla joined the game as well those and Jake they are holding together and they’re teammate is here too okay that’s nice uh TP Dev I hope nobody nobody’s fighting already okay they’re also not fighting I would say I would say wait I would say to put it like that and put it not a th000 but let’s put it 700 bro that’s like 350 blocks wide world and that will TR take 360 seconds which is no wait why wait no no we need to get it like faster bro because then I won’t be able to see everybody’s thing uh TP 001 real and his team of course here we go I mean they’re still farming wait I can’t show the thing but still I can’t watch the coordinates but still they’re still farming bro be careful if the Zone comes I don’t really like uh it if it actually like kills you so I would say that you go in the coordinates bro which is going to be 400 50 450 or lower okay if you’re like out like out of there you’re going to die okay now Godzilla left bro Dev you’re going to fight Al alone I mean he told that he gave all the things I see a raid Farm but unfortunately the Pillager Outpost was like out of the border from where it starts you have to go to the center bro if you’re standing here you’ll probably die you’re you are going to probably die so I would say that you guys go to the center Co okay let’s teleport to John TP John and by the way I need to take the death messages out hey yo get out of nether get out of the goddamn nether right now what are they doing though I’ll put the world borders in here too bro wait cblo yeah oh they probably want to go in the center of the world with a portal death smart TP dolls real quick it’s fast TP wait TP AR I need to see the Border Where’s the border oh I can see the thing there but I still can’t see the Border okay let me check if I go that way wait which way is it okay it’s that way I need to see where the border is right now Arctic place okay oh what a oh that was because of a challenge never mind we go here Ste didn’t oh let’s go I mean can I run faster than the Border creative let me check it’s kind of slow not going to lie that’s kind of slow okay so I can run way faster than the border so that was the right speed it’s good I wanted to put it in one minute to be honest but that it’s good that I did it like that because now we’re it’s not like that it’s slow it is slow I mean yeah it is but it will soon be like small enough to get all of you in the center border is moving fast what do you mean bro I just now watched it there’s no way that’s fast okay let me teleport to those again T those they’re still here okay they’re holding to together I see another team could this be the first PVP in the server oh holy look at that three to three versus one I don’t even know bro okay Jake is going after them I would say that the whole blue team is going to together okay those he’s going alone oh my gosh he he has a potion oh no he has a no no no let’s go that’s the first PVP and that’s looking bad oh holy okay 2 V one it’s a 2 V one let’s go they have a chance jump play is the only one who has two extra Hearts okay they’re kind of trying to win I don’t know I mean let me go into spectator so I’m not oh let’s go I’m going go into spectator so they’re not like getting mad on me oh and he oh he got enchanted golden apples W and those are also fighting I would say yeah yeah yeah use the bow it’s better or use the clicks like some differently I don’t know bro are you why are you 1.8 pvping him you’re not doing any damage okay so two people one okay jump play versus two people Arctic plays and do let’s go everybody oh my God not everybody bro we lost come in what who lost bro now guys if you already died please don’t uh please don’t go into PVP again okay I can see that uh Jak one no W is still here and those wait wait wait who who died who died I can’t see who died though okay I I saw the jump place and oh no no no the whole team whole blue team died wait Arctic place did you die one time I need to check it in the console I’m not going to lie um oh man no way those don’t tell me you guys died no no no stop don’t kill him don’t kill him uh game mode spectator uh do you can fly with us uh game mode spectator aric or Artic and game mode spectator JK okay so the whole blue team is annihilated bro to be honest I thought it will be one of the first team who will win because there were three bro on the server I kind of knew that J John will have a chance because he has potions and gold apples which is nice he even has some okay never mind I won’t say everything he has but let me check uh TP Aris they are like at the borderline Aris and everybody else is in here I didn’t die okay for real oh game mode survival JK I mean you probably run away I’ll just put you back in survival go ahead bro God damn my bad okay AR is here they are not holding together DP can I would say can I hate you I would say that they should hold together if they want to win against Jake bro like those guys against John and let me teleport to Dave DP 00 on real then Dave he’s still around here okay they’re all in the same location I can’t see okay TP John real quick where are they are they about to fight somebody else oh that’s kind of the best guys on the server I guess like when and John let’s go uh let’s uh TP to okay who are we teleporting Dave I for quit why Str to is op not going to lie yeah it is op I told everybody that they should do potions I don’t know I mean in the Stream I tell I told one time but then I just didn’t mention it anyway the okay okay so that’s nice DP John let me see what John is doing no Jake he’s just running around as well where’s the Border though I think I should should decrease the Border again oh let’s go I think we see some PVP here I think we’ll see some PVP two solos two solos One V one there’s no way let’s go he got the Buffs no he buffed Jake as well he B he buffed JK as well that’s bad let’s see okay Dave is kind of looking at like he knows what he’s doing oh Jake doesn’t have fire he even had that one no way that was so fast okay game mode spectator uh how was it again JK okay he’s he’s in spectator now but godamn that was fast where’s Dev DP Dev oh he’s still running around DP uh John and they are still together TP to I want to be TP me to someone n no it’s not working like that you’ll have to find them I’ll do the border 100 blocks okay I’ll do the border 100 blocks right now uh that’s going to be like 50 by 50 now let me do it 200 and I’ll put the seconds to 1 minute okay or not 120 guys everybody run to the run to the thing bro the border is going to come after you let me check where the border is um I still can see oh let’s go is it fast enough I mean it’s kind of fast Dev I left you with that hurts okay TP Aris real quick let’s see what he’s doing and why he’s so mad okay the border is coming after them they’re right in the corner bro they’re right in the corner they have to go that way look back okay and here is uh who’s that real he’s also probably trying to that’s an efficient way to save wood BR not going to lie they’re probably trying to find some people and the world is still too big not gonna lie and the center of the world are those things so it’s kind of will be like harder for them to PVP okay I can’t see anybody else though okay wait is that an Enderman okay sio give a why I lose three hearts from the cred with with strength two buff three hearts bro okay that’s too too much not going to lie uh okay TP John he’s probably fighting somebody already now they’re just going up on the mountain I mean they’re kind of in the in the middle of the map okay so that’s kind of the middle I think I’ll put the the world even smaller I’ll put it 30 seconds I’ll put it to 100 bro I mean bro everybody sorry who’s out of the Border not going to lie now let’s put like 50 seconds okay is that faster okay so I hope nobody is getting killed by the border bro that will actually be insane okay I see somebody already watching the F watching the thing don’t do okay what cords are those uh we’re at okay nice and nice we see somebody Godzilla crafter he’s probably going to Ambush a neite full neite and kill him like real quick I mean he has a shield if he’s good at PVP he could probably do some damage and help his team but still where’s everybody else though um I can’t see the the yellow team not going to lie TP real TP Zero Zone real oh they’re here okay and he is kind of in center of the thing in the Border I I see his other teammates too I don’t see Dev though TP Dev I think he has a chance of winning not going to lie he’s kind of good that will be the territory you guys have I won rink in it even more for now okay those two are kind of doing the thing uh okay they’re also trying to TNT somebody what the hell no you just Dam yourself okay he just damaged himself a bunch uh let’s see the other guys are fighting right here Dave is kind of trying to stay back and like probably he’s playing strategically not going to lie uh next guys where’s everybody else bro where are you okay somebody’s here that’s the red guy versus the yellow guy yeah that’s Ken versus the oh no they’re to oneing hey yo where’s the whole whole yellow Team bro you have to go help him okay Ken uh game mode spectator can let’s go please op no bro what do you mean you’re spectator already okay now where’s where’s real DP real uh 001 real here we go oh real is dead too and okay and Aris is dead too TP John no there the last chance it’s Godzilla crafter ver versus the two of them TP Dev oh Godzilla crafter and Dev by the way okay he’s a good luck guys okay I mean he’s kind of good at the PVP not going to lie I met him at the PVP server so I would say that he’s kind of good uh game mode uh spectator 001 real to okay he’s still here I mean where’s where’s Godzilla TP Godzilla he’s still standing bro I mean I don’t even know if he wins the money is it is it his his thing or every or somebody’s else because he didn’t really survive on the server yeah we’ll decide it later we’ll decide it later okay let’s see where’s um P John okay they are mining they are mining what the hell oh they’re trying to get out of the cave okay and yeah I I can’t see anybody else here and Dave is is staying just here bro we had two houses though no but it’s more because of the Boost bro he has like two extra Hearts just like one one thing you could have done a house and get it too yo E welcome to live man okay so where’s uh did somebody found find the other guy Godzilla Crafter I don’t know but still where are they they’re around here probably should I shrink in the B even more I think I will I think I will because I don’t know where the hell they are uh here we go red versus green Yeah it’s red versus green I didn’t expect it to be honest I’ll put it at 50 blocks I’ll put the border at 50 blocks it’ll shrink and like byy a little oh that’s eh oh there 360 okay let me put like 30 30 seconds okay that’s better so everybody you better go in the thing I can’t see at night bro okay you need GMA bro uh you better go in the zone because I know where the hell everybody else is and I see only him I mean I don’t see anything how don’t you see anything um I see somebody okay they’re here bro nice they’re here bro I would say that you get out of Zone not going to lie I would say that you get out of Zone you’re not getting damage for now and yeah you’re not getting damage at all is that zone good enough hope green win yeah I mean whoever wins is there like choice I I don’t really have a favorite okay but I don’t really know it’s like a 2v one bro he should like try and do something we can see here Jake and Ken also standing I want green win okay good luck to Green then and they’re here too I can’t see Godzilla though he’s probably standing somewhere but yeah oh go Godzilla is here fall damage okay don’t tell me that Godzilla is dying by a zombie no bro that that would actually be insane but it would spare us some problems of thinking if if he won or not okay I mean oh let’s go we see jump play here let’s go they’re buffing themselves and let’s go Dave is already trying to to kill jump play Holy was that what that combo did he just wait did you just kill them bro get tot him no way you just killed him Hep John no way uh game mode speak diator John real quick TP Dev bro there is no way bro there’s no way where’s the last guy what was I getting killed by he killed you real quick bro yeah yeah he I actually know I I saw him on a PVP server he was decent back then but right now I think he’s even good I poed the totem and a gold Apple yeah he’s really good don’t worry I met him at the PVP server I kind of know he’s not cheating not going to lie no one one was hitting me better at Crystal you are better than this at Crystal bro I mean you weren’t that good back then not going to lie but I’m in W okay let me teleport to John TP John I I’ll even shrink shrinking the Border more yeah yeah TP John I swear I didn’t expect that oh John is dead oh W TP W he’s in the Border okay I think I’ll I’ll shrink in theorder order a little more so yeah uh border pop totem and got and gold Apple I’m stuck yeah you’re stuck okay I’ll give you some times I’ll give you like 30 seconds to get in the 20 blocks in a 20 blocks radius that should be good enough yeah the blocks are moving kind of slow I would say 10 bro that’s even too too slow 10 seconds let’s go a is joined just now okay I mean they’re here I don’t know where W is he’s here where is he okay wz where are you he he died from totem wait TP went he died he have one left he died from border but I made the Border extra Slow blow what do you mean you both died to border I mean it was two hearts a second bro W Dev yo TP Dev real quick Dev you actually win I will see if okay I don’t know where where the other guy went but I will see if I’ll give him the pricee too but da you won congrats to you man it’s been a two days fight bro and you were a solo for that whole time see look at my stuff yeah yeah let me get let me get it I mean I know that you were kind of op I know you’re thank you I know you’re kind of op let me get them I know he was kind of op strength yeah I know that and yeah yeah I knew that he was really op like I I knew it and the thing is that I kind of believe he will uh my endp went outside the Border oh you died to border oh so that’s why I mean I knew he was good but not to pop a totem and a gold Apple like that fast holy yeah I saw it oh for real oh oh God why did I miss this moment God bro Godzilla crafter I don’t know if I’ll give you the prize because you didn’t really play at all but da bro I don’t know I think I should give you the double prize so guys D is winning this fight he’s actually in W as a solo the whole time I didn’t see his teammates on the server that much Godzilla will sometimes but as you can see he he has a bunch of golden apple he has a stock of them and I didn’t give him any don’t worry yo siblo yo what’s up Dev you’re a big W bro he has can I see your enchants can I see your armor give me the armor real quick I really need to see that God damn he also had he also has the PVP stuff God let me check it’s full oh that’s full Enchanted things that’s like full enchanting things that’s mine bro give me the sword give me the sword give me the sword real quick I need to see The Sword and the shield too bro because that’s too much you dealing too much damage look go lie uh oh I can’t I mean without the Border nobody would have been in the oh he even has a full this guy bro this guy is actually good at the game not going to lie oh you didn’t do the glit though okay here you go man that’s your armor and I’ll give you the prize after the video yo guys congrats to Dev in the comments as well if you want but that was actually nice I think I will do even more of those stuff and oh God bro you’re too overpowered not going to lie so guys that was today’s video I hope you liked it I kind of like the event I like like the to get in the server with the guys to help them like build and stuff we had a bunch of good builds we have a bunch of good pvps and congrats today for winning it bye-bye and see you in the next video God damn bro that’s that’s actually insane let me let me let me close the recording real quick holy now I can read the chat by the way Auto build in bro and of course you win no bro course look he he’s he didn’t win M wins yeah bro you wiped two trios to be honest I actually didn’t expect it I mean I knew I thought not going to lie I thought this that a trio will kill you guys at least one of you because they’ll Target like one of you but apparently no what the hell okay Dev is still here I’ll Dev do you have Discord de Dev do you have Discord uh just just uh me in Discord write in the general chat I’ll add you in friends and we’ll we’ll speak how you get the money or the huge whatever you want no I can’t right now yeah later bro right now I can too I’m streaming okay just write in the chat I’ll I’ll add you and we’ll speak about the thing if um if um wait if Godzilla has to get it Nick if it wasn’t lagging man he would have win faster yeah probably uh um when lives in a different country he not stuck underground because he was at one bar oh my bad Aries oh yeah he just left in the time spectator Aries and whoever who’s who doesn’t have spectator W uh game mode spectator wins and let me put dve in spectator too bro Dave actually congrats on the winning I mean I didn’t expect to you as a solo twin not going to lie oh my God that’s actually insane Nico will I’ll think about like giving you $10 as well because it’s kind of fishy I don’t know uh give survival uh game mode survival at a okay everybody’s in survival now uh okay I think I’ll uh close the server I’ll do the thumbnail and stuff but that was actually nice I know you can what yeah I know you can think about it yeah I mean I don’t really know if it’s I don’t know I just hide and go find yeah yeah that’s kind of yeah okay they’re fighting again NE right just in case bro okay that’s that’s bad for me no I won’t do it okay it was close to that huh I have no time okay uh D did the most I mean yeah I saw that damn the PVP yo Dev I need to PVP you one V one can you yeah you have a private account yeah you can play on Legacy PVP Legacy I need to PVP you I swear to God that was too insane not Crystal though I’m I’m bad at Crystal oh my God P PVP Legacy yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll close the server right now I’ll do another server guys oh by the way I need to discuss with you something yeah I’m thinking of developing a server a server that I kind of wanted like my whole life bro to have and it will be a server that’s kind of have in it like everything the best from all the servers I was playing or I played on of course except Hypixel because I didn’t really like it but I will try to do something that will kind of look nice I’ll try to dungeons everything in there bro and like do you guys what do you guys think like what should I add in there like yeah and aren’t you against that I won’t post like that frequently just because I’m developing it like it’s actually I died DP JK sibl and how the hell did you die by the way how are you dying okay now mind I’m okay they’re pvping till the end bro let me check let me check who’s winning okay never mind John wins W John bro I actually thought that you’ll win with two hearts extra I swear the Border I should have put like less damage in it probably but still W to Dev I’ll I’ll disconnect the server real quick uh stop B and I’ll I’ll do the other server online again if people want to join they can always join uh is the thing that I will develop another server that will be kind of bigger kind of better and kind of like have game modes and stuff I will actually develop it and not only a world you know because I kind of always wanted to have one so yeah uh John had more potion and stuff and bro toxic L who’s toxic bro John and Nick why are you why are you being like that every time so bro this stream is only one hour long the the projective of this stream was a PVP bro I mean I’ll have to edit also like two videos today because I fell asleep yesterday and didn’t edit till the end but it’s kind of edited how was I toxic I mean I don’t know I didn’t read the chat I wasn’t even typing holy bro that’s that’s actually bad okay guys I mean that was a nice that was a nice uh thing how I was lagging yeah I know you that’s the thing it’s hard for the people who are not living in in Europe no let’s continue but about what bro the stream is done the the Minecraft event is done I mean the only thing oh 88 million let’s go uh is there something do I have something else to sell I have the 23 cores okay I mean I could buy oh I’m the solo on the server bro I’m solo on the server okay I have 88 million I can like buy something uh be against viewers okay why not that’s actually a great idea let me close that Minecraft uh Blue Team all in Europe no no no no no they they um how do you say it uh those didn’t wasn’t in there bro yeah neither is red yeah by the way I almost everybody is not from Europe I would sell them how much is it worth I mean I I think it’s you should sell it because it’s only right now guys do we have PVP Legacy if you have a private account you can join and we can PVP like I know at least Dave has one I want to try my PVP wait can do you have a private account I mean I don’t know any other server do you guys know any cracked servers for PVP I mean I know at least that dev has has the B Minecraft 567 million just sell it bro what’s IP is that one play. PVP legacy. net W’s yeah yeah by the way W is in another time zone as well you could reload back up into server and do another PVP event oh that uh I don’t know please do c CRA server please I don’t know I don’t have them though do you have if you find Nick go find the PVP Correct server and then we can play together I’m using a version that’s not supported for real make a new server I have the old one I’ll do the new one it’ll be in develop development but I’ll bring back the other one the world okay or no no no I don’t think I’ll bring it back for now because then the new server I won’t be able to like put it in there now you need 1.20 oh okay okay let me join Minecraft real quick no don’t bring the world I mean yeah I don’t really know if I should or not because I have to like have my other PC like 24/7 on it’s kind of I don’t know uh let’s go wait I think that was the version where I was peing on it I like fly 10K blocks away then make new concrete border Center border what’s the center Bard I didn’t get it okay let’s go multiplayer no no wrong server here uh where is the border where the border is oh okay oh God I mean that’s a great idea I didn’t know you canate the Border but still uh yo uh da can you get in the server versus 10 bro get in the versus 10 please oh there oh I bro you even have the same skin what the hell bro I swear I remember this thing come here I need to PVP you bro I didn’t PVP in a year bro like actually I’m not using the same kit as as the last time though holy man I need to see if I’m better or worse bro okay I mean not bad not bad I mean I’m talking about me not about you by the way okay oh I’m getting comboed no I’m getting comboed what the hell oh no no no I don’t want to I don’t want to die please don’t want to die please please please please please no apple please save my day GG yeah it was it was a good game but God damn come again I I need my revenge bro I need my revenge here leave bro Dev where are you where the hell did you go come here wait are you even here no he’s gone he’s gone as hell yo magic hello mhm okay so they have left bro I mean I could live to does somebody have this server too Sil is this louer no no it’s not where are you siblo it’s a PVP Legacy server it’s a it’s the 10 bro it’s versus 10 join the versus 10 dolls I mean Dev isn’t coming I don’t know do join the versus 10 oh Dev hello where were you go where did you go bro hey again yeah yeah oh here again oh you were you’re probably in another match come here that one God okay let’s go bro that’s I need to take my revenge bro not going to liee I think the last time we we thought I was better than you I mean probably not but still what the hell is that knock back bro okay I mean I mean that’s decent that’s the only thing I’m good at at greting bro that’s the only thing I’m good at okay here we go he’s eating some but that’s not going to help that’s what I thought no no never mind or real Minecraft yeah that’s kind of real Minecraft yeah let’s go here again let’s go here no leave uh wait dolls yo let’s go I need to PVP dolls one time too where’s dolls Oh Real to okay I’ll put it here I’ll put that one oh it’s de again okay n bro you you’re not you’re not beating me again one Revenge yeah yeah sure sure do I want revenge for the last time where you beat me like three times in a row okay now he’s began doing the full oh she let me win or something God damn hey yo stop oh yo hey yo hey yo stop no me and W were weeping the next Lobby okay bro I was like what the hell is that I was like what the hell is that that’s actually insane yo those click here click here bro oh real okay bro Dev what the hell was that bro I didn’t even have a chance to think about it God damn okay bro why am I getting killed by everybody like actually let’s go 180 90 180 bro God damn I just can’t fight against this guy god let’s go I need to win I think I’m winning I think I’m winning I think I’m kind of winning let’s go I won one her left anyway now me is the next Lobby I mean yeah bro if if you do it do come in here come in here do do do okay I don’t know what happened but DOL he and he went away okay Dev let let’s go again let’s go again oh we can do in here like team fights yo those and the uh and U real when you get out we have to go in a custom UHC I know what UHC is but W okay where’s those are they still fighting bro leave okay he left okay come here wait wait uh they have and do and real come here come here we need to get in the two of two in the 2v2 in here bro hey yo where’s real and Dev bro bro where the hell is real and Dev I’m so oh you’re lagging on This Server too is that the Central Europe server too bro okay bro real unde where the hell did they go H still waiting what the hell are they doing oh they’re fighting bro for real we’re trying to bro please don’t join no X bro okay thank okay let’s no don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t that’s that’s our thank you okay so bro how much do you need to goddamn kill each other fter bro okay we’re waiting we’re waiting why not those how is it going bro do like waiting for real and the other guy bro what did they doing bro what kind of fight is that like a crystal fight or something oh I mean my kid was kind of good not going to lie because everybody was dying fast bro they have like probably a thousand Enchanted apples bro I swear to God how do I check the kit oh okay that’s how you check it N stillo I need that video out so we can see how I PvP yeah I mean you are pvping nice not going to lie I mean what but death bro that’s insane this guy like this guy like killed me in one combo there is no way I was hitting me to be I was hitting him as well he still killed me like one combo he like had the whole Hearts left those left okay yeah let’s let’s do another one one yeah let’s go oh we didn’t do it on one one until now and you’re also lagging I’ll try not to be that that that much of a good PP Ian I I mean I don’t know how good of a PP but God God God God God why am I dying somebody who’s lagging bro I I need to to enchant my skills or something because there is no way okay let’s go made it real quick bam you know what F3 plus b here we go we have heat boxes I mean it’s not helping with my aim but still it’s making it worse it’s making it worse no Noe no no no wait is it because of the p i I don’t think so he’s like not going backwards when I’m hitting him I mean that shouldn’t be a problem no how do you have seven HS I swear I gave more more hits bro I swear I gave you more hits bro come here we need to do that again where are you those come here again okay here we go I I need to kill you bro imagine dying to Dos what do you mean he’s good bro literally died from his brother bro I didn’t ever say that I’m good at the PVP that’s why I didn’t take part in the event bro I mean before I was like way better than right now not going to lie my aim right now is just really bad but but what do you mean imagine dying to those oh because he has the ping yeah probably yeah but you guys we have the same kids right now back then you had like more potions gold apples and stuff like that you know God how did I hit him just now no no no no how do you have 10 HP left that’s he bro I actually can’t get it bro those I actually can’t get how are you getting so many HP HP left after all this stuff let’s go here okay nice nice no bro I’m full trying right now I’m full drawing right now bro like there is no way okay okay my full trying mode is kind of bad what the hell is that what the hell is that why am I dying to every goddamn people okay I did some really clean stuff right here okay never mind hey yo yo yo yo I ate the thing to get some let’s go those I can’t do it okay okay okay where are you okay Dev is out is real out okay real Deon do come here do real no don’t don’t press don’t press get out bro get out leave no bro those just leave bro leave those guys uh real and they let’s go let’s go here bro let’s go here okay now we we need those do where are you dolls we’re waiting for you please somebody will come and like take the spot don’t tell no no get out why the hell bro why can’t we just PVP normally bro do is not PVP okay Dave left they have left okay I I’ll put it here again real and do is still in PvP bro what the hell okay do this out do come here we have to go here no not those wrong one why is somebody why is somebody just joining like that bro are you like dumb um let me do here faster faster until some piece of two Z oh okay real fast let’s go finally except dual okay never mind oh I’m in team with Dev okay I have a chance of winning bro we’re winning that we’re winning that uh I’m going to go against that those okay never mind I’m not winning anything I’m not winning anything I’m not winning anything what the hell is that what the hell is that okay okay he lagged for a while and I’m like bro what the hell is going on I thought I lagging or something okay okay I’m getting help let’s go GG’s that was nice when you going to play going to PVP video release I’ll try to edit it today and release it tomorrow but I don’t know if I have the time I mean I’ll try to do it the whole night but I don’t know if I’ll have the the NES BR because I I slept today like probably 3 hours so I don’t know if I have the energy today 51 bro there’s no way it’s 51 okay let’s go here again that one that one real okay Dave da da Dave faster okay bro who joined okay let’s go I’m with Dev again let’s go Dev we’re killing those guys okay me against Real I hate how he fights imagine dying to real bro what the hell at least he’s not lagging and I can combo him better I mean I’m not comboing him but still let’s go I’m just taking somebody on me till T death is actually killing the other guy bro okay let’s go here that’s actually funny not going to lie I’m oh oh I’m in real okay I’m mean I don’t know why to be disappointed because I’m the worst guy from all of them okay I need to try and win against there bro because else is going to be like they did all the work for me I mean yeah he probably did but still God damn die did he three did he 380 on me bro no bro imagine doing a person from Blue Team bro what the hell do I mean they never missed what the hell yeah he’s kind of Craig bro I mean that’s where we we found him so I mean that’s where I first first time like fight against him so it’s kind of logic bro imagine being my my subscriber still like six months already bro that’s actually that’s actually crazy okay God I’ll try not to miss as well but who said that I’m good huh let’s go I’m going to go help him real quick because you know why why not what do you mean okay two hits easy yo can you hit me no I don’t think you can let’s go God damn he just fooled me as hell bro he fooled me hella fooled me bro oh my god oh oh no I’m not getting fooled two times in a row bro what you mean come here God damn I kind of knew that he’ll do that but I still I still like clost like that hey yo come here stop running let’s go Dev we did it okay no no I I think I’m kind of winning here here here here here here bro here here oh yeah we can do it here or here I don’t know let’s just do it here let’s do it here where’s real do those do here please here those yeah yeah okay thank I’m with uh with real okay let’s go real we have to kill those guys bro we have to kill him uh okay I’ll try to go against the what the hell is that oh yo wait I don’t know whose kit is that but that’s a hell B bad of a kit I don’t know it it will take a while to kill everybody and we have a bunch of apples as well here we go no this guy for real never misses what the hell is that hey yo miss miss the only thing I can do to him is probably combo him or something or do stuff like that that my brother’s doing and is like annoying me every time no no no no no no please please please let’s go okay never mind I’m not I’m not trying it again imagine okay imagine that to see bro what do you me imagine dying to C you died to me two times as well when we PVP okay here we go what a nice combo okay never mind he he got out of my combo that was a nice one though okay he needs to eat real quick I need to kill him real quick okay never mind how is he flying like that he’s just flying against me God damn my my my nose is like ah itching or however you say that God damn bro what the hell is going on no no no no no no my totem my bro what the hell stop it don’t tell me that I’m dying first bro don’t tell me that I’m dying first in here I don’t want to die first I want to die at least second okay he needs to eat an godam apple okay never mind he ate two of them just in case what I yeah was he that low God where’s the other guys I need kind of help with them bro there’s no way I can kill him solo okay let me let me eat to let me eat to real quick okay here we go bomb God damn why is that so intense bro ah no no no no please please please okay let’s go no no why did I miss it was a nice combo oh let’s go I’m kind of I’m kind of cracking not going to lie okay let’s go I’m kind of doing it nice no no nice and slowly nice and slowly okay let’s go that’s kind of what I’m expecting from you my guy I mean I left Minecraft for a year or something so not not a year like half an year never mind where’s real on those I actually don’t know wait who am I in team with though with real probably no God damn bro how many apples does this guy have bro like actually God damn don’t no no no no stop no one second one SE GG bro GG how many GG off hurt whoa that was that was that was hard bro if I didn’t oh my God my brood boiling from the ah from border death of pear bro we PP on the f I first started to play Minecraft on keyboard oh this your first time on keyboard bro okay now now I’m inan bro real sorry that I died that fast bro they how many apples did you have left though I need to know that okay so they are still eating too bad you can’t see the inventory of the other guys but yeah real five I mean I had five too so you probably did with with one life better than me bro ah why didn’t I eat in time bro actually and totem yeah that’s why I said like with one life more because I had only five you know and I you took my totem so I’m like yeah you had one one life more bro I actually think I I was better bro bro I actually think I was better at PP not going to lie oh that was nice let me let me get some water bro I I swear I need to sleep more I’ll let you one one wait who whose totem was killed oh okay bro that’s actually a okay let’s play one more time but with my kid that time bro because that yours is too overpowered or whoever it was here those yeah okay let’s go I’m with Dev oh okay I want to be against Dev one more time but with that kit not going to lie now that my my aim is kind of better bro I I want to be with Dev let’s go yeah boy yeah boy with my kit is kind of easier to PVP I hate this kid I mean we can try another one if you want okay now you’re with Dev no I’m with Dev okay I thought you wanted with Dev but yeah my ping low yeah I know okay DOL you’re mine yeah I mean mine to fight no no don’t think of anything stupid okay God damn that that’s some really annoying ping they going to lie it’s annoying for me I don’t even know how annoying it is for him bro like what the hell is that okay never mind no no no let us one one let us on one no I want to one on I want to one on him God damn never mind I was at one and a half heart so yeah who who has a good kit as well that was your kit okay sure why not one more time bro I swear to God who am I with I’m with de this time okay you guys are dead okay just kidding just kidding okay real you want to play against me huh you think I’m worse than de you think I’m worse than that bro I mean yeah I am but dude bro what the hell is that God damn okay I hate when he’s doing that thing bro I hate when he’s doing like the comboing thing okay here we go come here come here little boy sign the contract Big Boy sign the contract okay come here stop running away ah I hate this guy not him but the way he’s pvping is really bad I mean at least for me I swear to God if I’m taking out your G oh no no no no no holy holy holy holy please please please don’t oh let’s go he he didn’t have his SW out he didn’t have his SW out oh that was my only chest of winning if he had his s out I would have died right away he did he try to do a 360 on me bro for real yeah let’s go hey yo stop it okay bro what’s with my aim bro actually what’s with my aim bro stop doing the 360s bro I swear I swear this guy’s trying to humiliate me or something come here okay three hits that should be enough to like get the the Apple out I think or four hits was enough I I I forgot already okay wait Dev and those are still fighting as well now boy he’s panicking every time I’m eating he just can’t like creep me when I’m eating okay I don’t know why I thought he was eating and not who’s hitting me well is those trying to help him or something okay real isn’t isn’t like that huh I mean we could Target those like together bro and like kill him real quick I mean that’s kind of what he wants probably yeah let’s let’s kill real real quick first I’m oh did he die no he didn’t oh hell no I hate it I’m going do it to those real quick bam oh I hate the lag again he’s not pushing back he’s not getting pushed back because of the leg I mean I’m not even hitting him bro I didn’t hit him even once what the hell is that and how did he hit me like like dead bro bro that should be that shouldn’t be allowed bro that shouldn’t be allowed and how the hell am I missing though Do’s the only guy who I’m missing every time he’s like freezing in midair and I don’t know where he’ll be bro like or his movement is kind of slower or something I don’t know bro here we go God oh you don’t you don’t even have a totem anymore no I need to get back to real bro that’s actually Hard to k to to counter bro the lag is actually hard to counter bro that’s come here come here boy I can do it I can do wait John oh yeah you you said you have it but on bro now 2v one bro godam bro what the hell are you doing no wants to fight me I know bro I can see that let me n those again okay now let let me get myself like some some confidence bro it’s not confidence that I can win or something I know okay here we go okay I mean not that hard I just have to concentrate my arm so bad that right now I think that I my arm will fall off after the match bro my arm is actually like starting to hurt that’s how much I’m concentrating it right now bro like what the hell okay okay okay God damn let’s go I mean I don’t know why the Regeneration didn’t work last time bro why is it freezing like that bro stop the freezing actually bro it’s it’s always in another Direction bro what the hell that’s actually oh real has no tot totem anymore nobody wants to fight them what the hell okay we can do it n you’re not fighting there bro you’re not showing me your goddamn spine you know or I don’t know how you say it but you’re not bro you’re not okay okay let’s go and we still got the totems both of us let’s go come here okay come on got this i got this i got this 100% I got this godam what the hell how much HP does this guy have bro how much HP do he have I mean I had the totem but still I may get hit because of lag oh probably but I that’s not the problem I don’t care about the freaks you get I care about the heit that I can land on you because of the lag what is he doing no he’s he’s beginning to run away again my guy I don’t know if you knew but I hate you a bunch yes it’s annoying bro he just died he was half a heart or something okay finally no no I need to go now I need to to go and edit the video it was a fun live but godamn I’m getting killed by every goddamn guy goddamn guy and was that like that the whole time okay so I’m going go to eat now because today I just woke up not long ago I need to do a bunch of stuff I’ll probably buy the MCU on PC soon oh I mean good luck it’s actually I know it’s I think it’s kind of better I don’t know if you have it you can play like PVP Legacy and servers like that you know so yeah guys it was a nice stream it was a nice event as well it was kind of funny I’m going go and edit the video for siblo channel then I’ll edit the video for asro Chris Channel as well by the way 5 one 51 in one one no it’s not I mean I killed you if yeah never mind okay so have a nice day guys yeah see you soon

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Event!! 10$ per Winner!! [PVP]’, was uploaded by AstralChriss on 2024-04-29 06:18:16. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:55 or 6715 seconds.

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    Sneaky Shenanigans at Havoc Haven Welcome to Havoc Haven: The Ultimate Modded Minecraft SMP Experience! About Havoc Haven Step into the world of Havoc Haven, a modded Minecraft SMP like no other. This server offers a unique blend of challenges, creativity, and excitement for both seasoned players and newcomers alike. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with surprises and endless possibilities. What to Expect At Havoc Haven, you can look forward to: Immersive and expansive modded world: Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with new gameplay mechanics and features. Epic builds and innovative creations: Unleash your creativity and build impressive… Read More

  • I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!

    I survived ANARCHY server war for 2 months!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai survécu à 2 mois de guerre sur un serveur ANARCHIE (cheats autorisés) [3b3france s3 – Ep5]’, was uploaded by Xederma on 2024-07-11 15:30:13. It has garnered 19640 views and 1171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:44 or 2324 seconds. Already a Minecraft server in anarchy is difficult, but then if it’s total war, it’s even worse. But is it worse for us or the enemy camp? Official server Discord: IP: (1.20.1 JAVA) – Playlist of this season 3 to see the previous episodes: Subscribe and feel free to comment… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs Maizen

    Explosive Minecraft XP: JJ vs Mikey vs MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by zenichi_maizen on 2024-02-08 08:00:35. It has garnered 37957 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:04 or 964 seconds. JJ Family and Mikey Family Were Caught in a WHIRLPOOL of XP in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fyp

    CraftMasterRiley Exposes Top 5 EPIC Minecraft Servers #fypVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 biggest Minecraft Servers #shorts #minecraft #fyp #viral’, was uploaded by CraftMasterRiley on 2024-01-16 00:09:25. It has garnered 1761 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable: Mr Thunder9 Has Nothing to Do 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2024-01-04 04:00:05. It has garnered 2223 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. There Nothing 😭 to do #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua Bach Gaya… Read More

  • World’s Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲

    World's Smallest Violin Saves Prayag Ishu in Minecraft😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Prayag Ishu on 2024-03-09 13:33:02. It has garnered 17336 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: That was close…😮 (world’s smallest violin) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #minecraftbuilding minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Twist – Gingershadow’s Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    Shocking Twist - Gingershadow's Epic Win! Jujutsu Kaisen ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-02-18 21:00:03. It has garnered 3273 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:40 or 2740 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v28) – No – Zaro – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyGames Channel – FINALLY GETTING A W! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 17 #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shorts

    Unbelievable! Gain a Heart in Minecraft with Just a Click! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-24 12:00:16. It has garnered 24215 views and 867 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Minecraft, But If You Subscribe I Gain A Heart… #shorts Frosty does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+

    Ultimate Cow Crusher Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Cow Crusher for Minecraft 1.20+ Java edition(TUTORIAL)|Marshallcraft’, was uploaded by Marshallcraft on 2024-03-29 05:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:41 or 161 seconds. Hi guys in this video im gonna show you how to make a cow crusher for minecraft 1.20 java edition.I hope this video helps you a lot. Stay tuned for more videos. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!

    INSANE Minecraft Enderman Moye Moye Short!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-04-09 16:02:57. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft EnderMan Moye Moye Short #minecraft #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • PrimeNetwork

    PrimeNetworkPrimeNetwork Türk bir towny sunucusudur amaç altın toplayıp kendi kasabanı kurmak ve diyer kasabalar ile anlaşmalar veya savaşlar açarak en güçlü ulus veya kasaba olmaktır Read More

  • BudderCraft Network: Bedrock Support, Anti-cheating, No toxicity, Survival, Skyblock, Prison, Parkour, KitPvP, Factions, Tower Defense, Mini Games

    Welcome to BudderCraft! BudderCraft is an in-development server that focuses on: Providing a variety of feature-rich modes Strict prevention of cheating A friendly community for all skill levels Our team is small, but we are constantly working on updates and improvements. We welcome players to join, playtest, and help us grow by providing feedback and reporting issues. Our server strictly prohibits cheating of any kind. We do not allow mods, game exploits, or any form of piracy. We also promote a toxic-free environment by enforcing rules against rude behavior and personal attacks. Some additional points to note: We have a… Read More

  • City Craft

    This a good server for you. You can build your base and connect others player. You can use tp and sethome or register/login. This server supported java/ bedrock thejava✅ip:> the bedrock ✅ip:> port:> 5020When think you like this server if you want a good SMP so join this smp good luck.If you want to join our massager group massage me in FacebookLink 🔗👇 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang’s Dumb Move: The Minecraft Meme

    Well, looks like Mojang may be onto something if they’re getting a score of 175 for their “stupid” decisions! Read More

  • Slender Man’s Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed!

    Slender Man's Minecraft Mayhem: Nightmare Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Slender Man, a nightmare so bold. A figure without a face, lurking in the night, Bringing fear and terror, a chilling sight. In 2018, a movie was made, Directed by Sylvain White, a horror cascade. Based on the internet legend, a group of friends in fear, Summoning Slender Man, their nightmares near. Created in ’09, by Eric Knudsen’s hand, A figure so tall, in a black suit he’d stand. No face to be seen, just long arms and dread, Taking children away, filling hearts with dread. So beware… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! Read More

  • Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong

    Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Monster_coon Monster_coon takes on the Minecraft world in this unedited video, showcasing his adventures in the game. Despite the raw quality, the video is a testament to his survival skills and determination in the virtual realm. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Monster_coon delves into the world of Minecraft Bedrock, navigating through the unique challenges and landscapes that this version of the game offers. From building structures to mining resources, he showcases his prowess in this edition of Minecraft. Joining the Elite SMP As part of the Elite SMP community, Monster_coon engages with other players in a shared Minecraft… Read More

  • Unlocking Ultimate Power! ✨ Fantasy Wizard Spire #shorts

    Unlocking Ultimate Power! ✨ Fantasy Wizard Spire #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Fantasy Wizard Spire #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftshortanimation #gaming’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-05-25 08:21:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft animation pokku herobrine minecraft meme minecraft challenge funny 100 days … Read More

  • Terrifying Villager Encounter in Minecraft

    Terrifying Villager Encounter in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by DEMON GAMING 28 on 2024-04-06 08:18:33. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Minecraft scary villager 😱 #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu beastminecraft gameblock gamegta5gta3gta6techno gamerztechno gamer shortsujjwal shorts minecraft wither storm herobrine sourav joshi vlogs techno gamerz avengers short vide0 bts free fire horror video janvaron ke funny moments minecraft game minecraft shorts proboiz 95 sakura shivji ka gana smarty boy spider-man spider-man #daku #democreator alex shorts alfabet lore amh anshu… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones” #clickbait #fypシ

    "Ultimate Minecraft Build: Herobrine Sculpts Cute Girl with Bones" #clickbait #fypシVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine To Sculpt Cute Girl (Bones – Imagine Dragons) #fypシ #minecraft #herobrinestory’, was uploaded by Ichiban Craft on 2024-01-16 07:00:01. It has garnered 2537956 views and 156234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Help Herobrine? Watch until the end Read More

  • Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shorts

    Herostar breaks Minecraft village road with insane twist 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft village road 😱#viral#minecraft#shorts’, was uploaded by herostar gaming on 2024-01-03 01:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Village road build in Minecraft #viral#minecraft#shorts Minecraft minecraft me build hacks minecraft sunset music minecraft … Read More