Winning Cash in Hunger Games Event with Viewers!

Video Information

Oh sorry it’s a little spoiler I to go to the cornicopia and it’s it’s going to be a blood bath no one minutes no one minutes stop spamming stop spamming ones we’re not doing a one minute grace period what’s up C you guys are so you

Guys are dumb okay well I’m G send out one more ping sorry to if you guys get pinged I’m GNA put it in announcements I’ll put at everyone I didn’t change my skin the event uh by uh let me know were you guys in season 2.5 for the is event

Because I think I think it’ be kind of cool to see how many of you guys were in that the event is now starting get in oh also if you guys have any friends who want to join like that are online right now or like you’re scared to like invite them honestly like

Hit them up get them in the call we’ll get them in they’ll start playing they’re good um but yeah just invite them with with uh like any of the server links that I sent you guys or if you want to make a new one have them join join the audience

And then I’ll make sure they get the IP voice yeah I am very sorry about this delay we probably shouldn’t have ran the last test I’m not gonnae uh the event organizer is looking at me in the game and it’s just shaking its head so it’s a little wild uh is anyone

Having any issues with um how big can a team be honestly I don’t think I’ll have a size limit um there’s no size limit on teams I let like alliances of like 10 like roll around if you want um but obviously make sure the event is fun okay wait

So I wish I could just join another call but we’re all waiting in here how do we fix this camera let me join well in chat type in chat um cuz my only idea we all get $1 if you all split I actually did think about that look are

You in my I was thinking I was like can I let like people split and everyone just gets like 10 bucks and then I was like N I think would be better for the story but also like if every 100 people split that’s a dollar for each person but also

Like give me the dollar IP is coming IP is coming I I swear the IP is coming uh we just we we have to figure this out I think the event organizer is doing some research I think he’s kind of freaking out a

Bit I put it it’s not my event but I put it in my Discord main yeah I’m I’m going to scroll through chat any questions who has questions I’m just going to are you going to fly around and interview US I will not interview you guys but I will

Be listening um I’ll be flying around in in I’ll be invisible and I will be listening to you guys kind of you know listen to the story line listen to the people and uh yeah different event stages on or off well interview you if Style on or off I think that’s I think

It’s a different video yeah no I can’t get these mods down ah you’re fine if you can’t get the mods Dustin only for him though everyone else needs the mod I think you are can you yeah you can start you can restart your PC bro what happened to wil

Where’d he go me where’ all his chats go run get loot kill and trap what happened to all his chats for one minute grace period I’m sorry so like what are we going to do can we be in other calls I would recommend not being in other Discord

Calls J what the hell I would recommend using all invoice chat because other Discord calls I won’t be able to hear hear what you’re saying and so there’s a lower chance you’ll be in the video and I want to be using invoice chat I think it’d be more fun um a there are

Chests around the map and yeah so will there be different event stages uh kind of not really not really there’s not really okay everyone spamming one oh my God oh my God sorry um I’m trying to find what do we do are you banned so I might have to restart the

Server again I don’t know why this isn’t working we literally we tested it like three times and it worked every single time so we’re like we’ll just test it one final time right before the event and um of course wonder if there’s a that screwed us

But can teams be over two people yeah you can be over two people um but remember you know four of you get to the end only two of you can split so who can you trust who are you going to backstab that’s what you got to think about because like these alliances are

Great but you never know what’s going to happen can I stream for Content you can stream it also if you guys want to download like if you like have OBS or like if you’re streaming or like you’re like recording let me know send me the footage and I’ll I’ll cut to your povs

In the video I think that would be interesting I want my POV in the video um where is it where’s the chat okay um we did come up with a solution hopefully for the for the thing so I’m gonna copy that okay I have we have a budget solution perhaps budget do this

Really quick um SL really allowed yo what’s up ski Polo how you doing dude yes DAV is here D’s awesome how get loot yeah it’s just chest it’s just chest on the outside don’t worry about me yeah no one look at no one look at uh that everything will

Be fine by when can I get a gift card um I would consider if the other three ways don’t work I would consider getting like an Amazon gift card or something um so the issue is that we are still trying to um get the server up so I to delete this

Oh my God 790 what’s a 790 oh that’s a Subs guys this server it’s been a we’ll keep it on until it been a lot we had a lot of weird plugin issues so I don’t want to like that’s why you guys have seen me in freaking

Feather C for about you know 20 hours I literally I was at work I was I did more work on this server at my actual job than my actual job I just sat there for like 5 hours a day just like building the map or like looking at

Plugins what the hell just happened to streamlabs there’s nothing there so bad bro it’s just the stream Mr Cheese chill chill you get the IP soon I have to get this figured out first though and then everyone’s getting the IP don’t worry but like I said I don’t know few people

Join invite any friends you would like I think that would be interesting um plus we do need a bit more people to play oh it’s back we’re fixed okay okay I deleted all that YouTu just updated mod options that’s cool okay I I toggle

On I love you too JJ thank you for that you have no friends everyone Target that no it doesn’t mean no no no no no no no no this is propaganda this is propaganda I have the ability to end your stream that’s crazy okay I don’t know how I feel about

That restarting let me check I have no idea how I feel about that one Chief I trust you enough you wouldn’t do that would you so what do you guys never mind never mind I don’t want to I don’t want to I was going to ask you about the

Event and what you were going to do but that might help people with what they want to do as well I want the villain or the hero but introduce yourself in chat say hi and if you don’t have friends you can meet friends here oh I’m so scared it’s so funny oh

Yeah I should say that so there will be a Zone there will be a border it’s very very slow uh it will cover around the whole map and then it will slowly like over an hour start to like shrink um and that’s a only so we can you know speed

Up the end and if people are hiding like hiding is a good strategy not a good strategy I think hiding will be a good storyline because you’re like oh I want to survive to the end with this one person so we can split the money blah

All this stuff like I said just like make sure you have like ideas of what you want to do in the event because I feel like going in with ideas and um with like kind of what you want to do T with you know story line

That’s what it says it says uh this is kind of like a role playing event and I would for this one uh it’s a little bit harder but for definitely the Civ ones are good also this is like one of my this is my first event I’ve ever done um

But I will be doing more events I’m hopefully with this level of speed I want to see how fast I can get the video out but I’m hoping to do at least what was I going to say at least four events a year minimum because I think they’ll be fun content

Fun for the people to play and watch and then just kind of you know fun all around um and yeah so make sure you stick around in the Discord to make sure that oh my gosh I like all these these gifts um make sure to stick around in

The Discord so maybe in the next event you can win the hundred bucks um not all events will be for money but the ones that can be you know um but the server is restarting so I’m going check it and if it works it works and if it

Doesn’t I know what’s gonna happen why didn’t we run this last test Cameron everything was fine it was my fault I did say we should run it I wanted to check if the loot was correctly dispersing or whatever and that was my fault oh go it could take

Forever is there costume structures how long is the event the event will probably be for an hour maybe less um I really don’t know it’s my first event oh God uh I said two hours just to be safe but I really think it’ll be like bro one hour self-promoting your Discord in my

Chat is crazy J you never know you never know um Sorry’s coming back up I should probably clean up my Discord servers oh it works okay okay okay okay okay I going be the first priority okay so Pi PR we have it up we just have to

Import the right files back in oh god dude the server is going to crash and it’s going to take forever I’m so glad you promoted my Discord okay okay that’s good that means the event will be happening because we have everything up now is this mine can

I fly hack make everyone wors with me no no fly hacking obviously that nice um IP release close we’re close to getting the IP okay have to make sure that we reort the right files and then we’ll start wait is that just is that just that’s not someone excited who is g to

Watch the video and who wants to be in the video I won’t be in the video who wants to be like a main character of the video oh you you are dude I love your name God I wish I the main character wish I had your name a lot of

Main character syndrome here that’s okay I have it too everyone does turn my thing down for a little bit wow holy everyone your name’s really cool I wish I had yours I will try to at least I mean all of you will be on screen at one

Point we will see I want to be on the screen I want to be the main character just Kidd I’m not the main character but still we can I I genuinely thought it was just someone making the account to troll me I love your nameing

Me putting the sub count up till we get the uh also is anyone have having issues with um the or or everything I forg 1.8 I don’t know oh also once once you’re out um we will be kicking you from the server so you don’t fly around and cheat

Uh but if you could send me your replay file over Google Docs or sorry Google Drive so I can download it I’m not recording replay I can’t do that the replay and the audio that would be much appre app it there is a video on how to

Do it I’m not doing that sorry not sorry you just here I’ll send you the oh here look in announcements I’ll put the video and so once you get out just um watch this video send me the Replay code or whatever uh only the last minute is super helpful for this video

The first two minutes are like how to download replay mod you don’t need that um but then send it to my send the Replay code to this email once you done and then um dude I’m insane I go through download all the replay files do all the storytelling do

All the stuff and yeah okay now have another question for everyone who thinks they’re going to win the event not me who thinks who thinks they have a chance to win the event not it do damn it not me I like that yo what’s up what’s up BB

Hill do you have Java you want to join the event I want to start like a thunder Army but like no one actually watches the streams I needed to promote it like yesterday for people to actually join how are you today BB Let’s Go Blue oh you m Michigan lover

Should be here okay let me know when the because my my event organizer all all the homies hate Michigan good for me are there structures ah so the I I’ll tell you this so there were supposed to be structures um but then I ran into like 50 plug-in problems and so all the

Homies hate Michigan just kidding last 24 hours to figure out so there are no custom structures uh I wanted to put like a like a desert temple and put like hot spots um but unfortunately we did not have time to do that so yeah is the map breakable no the

Christmas tree a music is so good it’s pretty easy so all you got do is open up Google I sweating for some reason it must be find the file that he God damn can we start the goddamn event please and then just drag into Google Drive and

Then click share and then just say just share and then give me the link that’s pretty much everything either DM it to me or you can just share it with me with my email now crank 90s yeah can you split it more than two ways um no I

Would not like to split it more than two ways I think three ways is too much it’s a $100 I’m not going to win or three you got to think who to cut out and you might have to have a secret conversation with one of your teammates you never

Know you never know the map is not breakable you can’t break grass you can’t break uh Vines you can’t break um trees you can’t break anything shocks I’m just going to start fly hacking why uh because I wanted it to feel very so can I give out bread

Um ah get him skeleton get his ass yo bro my server just got an unusual join activity detected it gave me an alert cuz my server is going wild right can we start please that’s so funny dude that is so funny I’ve never seen like anything like that before can we

Start the event please you can’t place blocks can’t break blocks the only gear is from sweet okay let’s get it done dude that’s wild hise got shut down because it’s that’s wild okay uh event organizer is everything working Jenn are you [ __ ] to my stream again I’m assuming not because the server

I nuts Michigan stick I didn’t think about adding a sharpness stick but I thought it’ be too good I know guys I promise next event I understand everything going to be like next event going to be like8 billion times better than this one0 billiones Christ I million call

Beast bro my stream’s broken again it’s so weird by way I’m not actually giv million there are no boats you can find honestly here’s the thing guys if you have an idea let me know the idea and we’ll talk it out so like hypothetically let’s say you found

A lot of Bones and you wanted a wolf to T talk to me we’ll see if we can get that to you anything that good for the story wonder how this map is going to be like if someone wants a boat or someone wants bread maybe not bread Bread’s too

Much I think just let me know but honestly I don’t think I give anyone request because I think I’ll just be freaking out for the first like half of the event trying to get everything working and replay mods opened and stuff like that let me see open okay server’s open

Give me the IP give me the IP give me IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP How many you guys have friends in this event right now how many you guys are already I have Uno friendo working and conspiracies already going down never I have one billion friends like over 10 that’s wild I am the friend I have so many friends it’s not cool it’s so cool

If any of you guys have more friends that would like to play they’re welcome to play I know I said that a few times but I’m just letting you know make a team limit nah no team limit cuz they got to turn on themselves

Uh dude I wish I could see some of your guys’ like CMS to each other being like okay we got to turn on this person after like with the last 10 like I think that would be so wild shit’s not going to go as good as

He hey I’m just going to put that out here now this is not going to go as good as he wants it to go there’s no way people are going to follow everything can I have request scary two gigantic ma is good for the story to give me ma netherite that’s funny for

Oh my gosh so many people just joined the server it’s wild can we start please please please please please Sor give me one second just dming my event organizer oh he literally just started typing oh God try a bridge haven’t play this in forever just kid I never like compe we play

This free point oh actually while we’re here I actually do want to hear this um what are some good ideas that I could do in the future I actually do want to see what you guys have because I think I need event ideas to um stream still working players

Ization civilization I love civilization events I think they’re awesome God damn you’re annoying oh my God murder mystery interesting okay do you like imposter oh 100 player Bingo we got to get like whack items that would be fun Bingo would be fun that’d be so hard though that would

Actually be a really fun video though Island event first to find your house zombie apocalypse I actually do think about zombie apocalypse this but in the nether o a lot of lava around and stuff that actually could be fun man I suck at Bridge dude werewolf werewolf for vampires wait

That’s actually a good idea man War godd damn bro dud is chill we’re trying to figure this event out the event is coming supposed to be an hour go I have seen that before on YouTube I didn’t watch it but go go go go just like a thousand people Dro on is

God damn it okay I think we’ reinstalled everything I think we’re just resetting the bounds so the issue was is that the arena we set was um I think corrupted or something I actually don’t have on why that happened but I can this reinstalled okay the again never mind maybe I shouldn’t

Talk I’m also waiting on more people to get in here so the faster you invite people to get in the more people get in here the this event was supposed to start an hour ago what for team limit just talk to people become part of their team or make

Your own team I don’t trust people there’s like 80 billion ways to like just get around that I like a billion BM wol has enough Subs he can get an army not playing bridge this game sucks you know what should we get the event organizer to speak Ben raise your hand

If you want to speak yeah okay that’s a lot of people I have nothing to say okay has nothing to say oh my gosh everyone raised their hand oh I can’t I everyone only because I know him and everyone else is g to yell at me for the event not starting real

I invited them to speak so if they’d like to speak they can oh I might be have a might gonna have a JJ oh we could get JJ to speak I’m not a VIP anymore Mr Nova yo what’s up up H what is up how’s it going good I’m

Just teaching my how to download these mods how are you VIP yeah everyone the mods why have you not done that yet what do you have to say about the event that is going to happen once we get this Arena finally work I’m very excited and I’m going to win o you’re getting

Toad Invincible what I don’t want be actually not good I this is my first time playing Minecraft so never played Minecraft before ever kind of wild um where is uh Noah turning his thing um we’re waiting on him okay he’s G I think he’s I think he’s ready

Yeah thank you for speaking thank you for having me bro how’ you get your wait all right all right goodbye goodbye I could just wait can I leave I can leave if you want me to look where you at bud no I di the [ __ ] is going on there see hoplight

Real what is up what is up are you excited for the event oh I’m very excited I’m about to fold everyone he’s only going to you don’t stand no chance God damn what are you hop light real man o my family and my friends they inspire me to do everything I

Do and everything I do is only for them yes they can join they are all welcome to join me uh SL me a DM and we can be best friends on you are the biggest inspiration ever to me S I love you and I’m getting so many message requests right now damn I’m

Famous yes finally friends yes I am the main character I’m telling y’all I the main character stoping yes thank you sir thank you that was nice are you lagging there’s no oh no oh what’s up what’s up oh no uh oh good you excited oh no I’m excited um I

Still can’t figure out how to use the client on Mac though I’ve been struggling for the last like hour trying to figure out how to do that but it’s all good yeah it’s all good why did I start my stream so early that client literally says for feather when you go

On there it says download for and it only has one option only has Windows as a option so I know why it gives you an option but it does I’m defening you got to tell me when it starts sup will so loud in that Discord it is really loud wish we could just

Start everyone everyone is annoying honestly real we’re we’re going to join and we’re going to get like spawn on killed we’re just going to join and just get like one shot no we’re I’m going to I’m going to have a chance you should stream like get

An army and then just have like a team of 30 we could but I kind of want to challenge okay we just Doc’s hoplight strategy what’s my hoplight sit in a bush all game until St in a corner pick up pick up people’s loot yeah yeah you

Wait you wait till death match um and once the people die um like once someone dies you just God damn once someone dies you go steal their loot also we need to work on Christmas video it’s mine I started editing mine I haven’t seen your video

Yet I haven’t had how do you make your thumbnails uh uh Photoshop Photoshop I use Google drawing it’s so loud I’m trying to listen so I so I can know when it’s going to start turn yeah I’m going to I’ll unde I have strapped on like turned down like a

Lot do chalk when they’re not oh my God I’m here wait thund what what’s up Sur first off before we go through it before I get to speaking I like to shout out everybody that I know you know Donnie figan JJ the you know those are my homies you

Need how do you make it I’m very excited for this event right now I’m searching um come on like can I get a round of applause for right now come on you’re Minecraft recipe uh you know hit up Shivers DM you know he’s of there same with JJ

He need to he need to slide him some DMS trip I’m not trapping you know I might I don’t want to I didn’t go traap or okay you got to give me coms if you want me to trap um you know if y’all try to cook

With me in this event just hit me up you know uh you know I’m just I’m just that guy real I have a question for you a question for you he is not that guy answer why is there just potatoes chilling on the floor oh what there’s just potatoes chilling on the

Floor let me cook you just got to let me cook I’ll let you he he he JJ M okay get a fether get my chat’s my chat’s a Michigan lover we’re we have 60 people in here and I know people are waiting on the outside we have the

People we will start literally the second we can I’m not stalling and the whole thing I got time I want to play 2our event hey $100 event that would get your chat to go in JJ McCarthy Blake cor I will let I don’t know too hot PL raise your hand if you

Want to speak speaking might actually help you in the LA might DM you alliances you never know I will letand see if I get in it’s on okay bring gold I have eight gold hello okay JJ McCarthy cool goodbye I only have two monitors so I

Can’t see if he’s asked me to speak or what you know what no no no no I’ll do this who was here an hour and a half ago it was you right we’ll let you see huh hello huh why why aren’t you starting by the

Way oh I’m de all I want all I want to say is Frost is an idiot this kid tried to um this kid tried to betray me and then literally some random just DM me a screenshot of it better be careful yeah I also have an

Eight player team so he’s kind of dead bye here’s the thing you have to have an eight player team you think about like this nobody cares you gotta betray each other at some so who’s to back who you never know yeah dude that’s what I’m talking about those those are the

Types of DMs I want to see I want to see screenshots taken to each other d That’s I want to fake photosh put it some’s oh my God let me start look we gotta be careful who we trust he’s not even in chat right you need oh I I just found

Like four diamonds over here that really sucks to be you man that that like that that like really sucks to be you you yeah that like really sucks wait what do you need diamonds for oh shoot I can get arus oh you I you want I got you homie come back

No alone where’d you go everything fine that’s my fault that is my fault wait we fromo I can’t even message him have one of last yo whoever just sub subbed I love you no homo wish my alert box would work I feel like I have to fix it every

Time kind of like how it was at the beginning of like G you have anything to don’t work it’s broken I just wanted to test my equipment y yeah thank you it’s an audio technici whatever it’s called bro I’m rich for I am I’m also that was me new

Subcrib subscrib I also don’t want to spoil them dude I have wait where you at where you wait youve okay hold up I have like so many things yeah originally how many diamonds you got homie are you my friend are you on my team no you’re not where’d you go where are

You Bey I have 10 diamonds where you at you have 10 diamonds I do have 10 diamonds bro I’m about to have like I got eight right now and I found more are you in my team I actually yeah I’m on your team my blind as hell let’s freaking go I can

Make where is bro at I’m deafening oh my God holy [ __ ] dude I’m x-raying this is insane this is absolutely crazy I was playing in the that’s crazy Ride on a horse you are not changed man how am I not a changed man I am a changed man oh my god dude luckiest game of hoplight ever holy crap I’m not spreading Christmas cheer I give away all my Christmas diamonds you cussed I didn’t C oh I said

Yeah yeah yeah I I you you can unsubscribe it’s okay I’m just not a familyfriendly channel yet it’s a shame I think I I want to be eventually but not any diamonds over here I’m sorry I’ll just pathetic iron oh you actually did that so okay okay it’s been an

Honor th MC well I have 14 diamonds I I have no diamonds and no iron I was playing in the dirt I was legitimately I got a brush and it was just I was getting suspicious sand I was oh you just resubbed I love you uh Pottery Shard oh I was talking to

Our teammate he has eight you’re not in range anymore yo how many diamonds you got mate oh you just went to the nether okay yeah yo don’t it yo geod I can make I can get aremis sorry everyone we have we have it figured out now I might just leave

Under MC bro we got to leave soon should I just give these look at this look at this back in oh oh pick up Priority no you have pick up priority because you join the server quicker no hold up here here you can have back oh look there’s a big old thingy over

There should we play this or um ha hola give everything to our teammate hello I I think that guys I’m rich I have two diamonds no I’m greedy I’m stopping the server now so you can do it now wait then okay if if we have to go

I’ll just give my diamond gear to my homies someone else look what I have the two diamonds are behind you by the way why every need a cook look what I have oh a oh my what the what the hell there’s no texture oh I’m not updated a player head

Oh look what I have uh look what look what I have uh look what I have look what I have like it’s not showing wow look look what I have wow what I have but I actually have these why my can you give me yo I don’t have any I know a little

English a I I question how good is how good is JJ okay because I left like three TI but I I took like one three years of Spanish I’m really yeah there was this entire and IJ wait Noam I yeah I give up you better

Be good or I’m kind of screwed I tried why you saying that no no no because like I’m on a winning streak of events currently so not me I’m from Mexico my what the dude what the hell wait you want to go to surface wil wel what sorry really go surface

Yeah on I got a way easy way to surface watch watch how smart I am well do you have apples I me make some lights can we rush nether in that in this in the event I’m start my my stream right now by the way oh you’re

Streaming I didn’t know you were yeah you should let for you show yeah Peno Peno I can build I gotta go defense right build yeah I I built this island crafted a legendary weapon what the like I’ve never been the king oh God I’m stressing you didn’t even use a word I

Thought you just hand yeah let’s get out let’s get out yeah let’s just go to the ne yeah uh I don’t have apples give me iron give me some iron give me some IR he said the line that’s so funny oh my gosh wait we literally couldn’t get aremis there was creepers right

Here okay not me oh let’s go to the Nether and just goo you feathers wait wait hey wait wait I have something I have something someone just subscribe please work please work please work please work please work please please work please work it’s not working God

Damn it bucket of water no but I have a bucket I have a bucket too uh let’s just wait there’s a there’s a a nether portal over here if that’s what you’re looking for oh they unsubbed sad there’s a nether portal right here oh perfect Perfecto that’s very

Convenient you let me have your pro two book I used it I don’t like twitch oh you greedy come here let’s go over to this one let’s just go back in that one would have took Tak us out please let me just hand out bread please bro I’m getting

Some carts hold up don’t I have been spamming and we have all been trying to get me this get bread bro give me bread I content I need bread I don’t care if I get weapons or not I don’t care about the $100 I need bread I want bread let

Me hand out bread to the people I’m starting soon so if you guys want to join it’s not started yet just let me know thank you thank you well all right it’s a little cringey so uh D behind you there’s a wait that’s just a corpse yeah it’s also very

Controversial yo what’s up BB there’s a kid there’s a kid there’s a kid there’s a kid there’s a kid there’s a kid there’s a kid stab his ass I have a sharp three iron sword fear me we got go back for the corpse wait do we want to go for him

Yes but we for we didn’t we left the corpse well that’s our teammate and it’s by the border we just drop lava on him it’s pvp’s on um I’m making the final changes and I think we should be good to go I have a

Head I don’t I don’t know if the it were going to work or not oh God but it’s not saying it’s broken anymore so well that means the event is not true what did I say yes great now we can start the event oh he doesn’t even realize we’re here and

He’s just running I will let someone speak I want to speak here since the beginning drop a lava what’s your on what what’s you on what’s you on uh 35 die dude we should have honestly just went for the course I don’t want to run are my legs don’t work like they used

To hey if anyone wants to join the event it’s happening soon you just need Java and I think you need voice chat the guy’s trying to make a video My Stream didn’t Start why did he stop he’s on nine he trying to eat people to join the event also kind of say thank you very much going left you go right hear me most you guys uh I don’t know what he said that but he lies uh dude in front of us people in

Front of us two guys three guys two guys whatever we’re just going to drop this kid and we’ll drop the other two I look intimidating enough oh they have an enchanted di they don’t even see us is that allow you want to drop this guy he’s kind of

Just clueless easy oh he’s coming for you oh oh no this kid’s so close hey your other homie is chasing you wait no no hey if you run I will not stab youing um let’s one one deal no [ __ ] you I’m so sorry man I suck that’s what we get for getting a

Sharp one iron sword hi yes uh what happened was uh I wanted to just Spam please let me in and I accidentally uh oh you just got a I accidentally pasted that voice chat I mean you know uh what when farmer said that somebody leaked the where where’s wi where’s

Wil I mean the what’s it called I got my guy that they were out to betray I got AR I accidentally did that had to use a head like first of all I was damn shut the hell up I didn’t I didn’t want to do that but I’m not muted you

Liar you 45 gold can I add that to my okay I can’t I can’t just add to that they’re so loud please save me I can’t add it to that CU I already doing that um I got experience bro I have an enchant table if you want enchant Stu if

You have books I’m going to die bro I’m going to die I’m going to die these guys are so loud you have apples I have I don’t have apples but I have so much gold I’m gonna make I can’t use this prop book I can’t use this prop

Book oh you I have 29 29 gold 29 gold do you have Redstone red stone yeah o red stone Beres make another one if you want unless should I make a g head oh I made a I made one G head instant Health four that was so

Worth it oh my God I’ll take if you’re not using it we need we need apples we need apples yeah I know wait hold on I’m going to go look back at this other guy cuz I didn’t get everything you’re not muted I’m not muted shut up I know I’m not muted oh

[ __ ] okay uh wil run what’s up [ __ ] let’s run hey wonder do not say that run away uh I want to get a horse so we oh broke guy guy in front of us oh they’re they want me dead bro I don’t have any healing front of us

Bro if I die they’d get so much [ __ ] under don’t die I’m not gonna die uh that instant healing pot would still be nice it says warm up if you want to share yeah this say warm up you want to share the health pot soon oh he doesn’t oh oh

It uh I’m on like one row man I suck at lava I even lost the lava what’s he on 44 he headed man I out oh yeah we should probably just leave should we just leave oh my gosh I’d rather not miss the event uh how close is our closest

Teamate how close is our close teammate actually they’re nowhere close TR give everything to him yeah it’s only one guy there’s an Aries there’s an Aries there’s an Aries let’s steal it let’s steal it for fun let’s steal it for fun but Christmas Christmas okay you know what here his I’m out of

Here you know what for Christmas for Christmas for Christmas for Christmas I’m very welcome be in the video the IP’s outd IP wasn’t even out those bastards like five minutes to make sure that uh oh I didn’t see H Sor this I’m going to say the N word beat me

Up bro I beat you up I was kidding guys I’m in chat it’s going to be awesome let’s do this funeral dude Z it Bud hello oh there we go even if it was I I read the full message that you didn’t want to not off the hook but we

Won’t insta kill you on site okay bud oh Alex you’re safe Alex coming from probably the leader of this group you’re safe oh hell no sh this by the way Jo VC yeah me snip and fr no poop July hear me out make it a thing I made the right decision

Mistake there’s no stage hi hello Wyatt how are you you want to join I need players on my team I’m all alone oh lit 420 oh I’m [ __ ] dude sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just realized stab this guy wi is Wil in bro stabbing people still popping on bro

Stream wait’s that the actual guy might be dead shut your tone bro you smelly L no groups that’s good over there I don’t want to get banned because last time I had this open I got banned last time there was an event like this I got banned any don’t want to join the event I’ll put the where’s the I p

You have it muted too huh I have no get his ass get him get him yeah look let’s go I’m just going to chill behind here I think Thunder just died what I’m not bro hello D dvo trol I like your name bro calling me he is hello what’s up homie

I’m just realizing something I think I’m better than almost a lot of the like a lot of the players n dude go one go One V one lit 420 see how see what happens lit 420 lit 420 hold up 420 they’re they’re going to get dropped right now

With my four hards no actually yeah really low you kill me first thanks now I’m playing in F5 mode right I was low and I wasn’t even trying to fight back I got spawned in and hit this kid I’m going to be cat miss everine you not you’re not the you’re

Not you’re not this only becomes a video if I win or if I get first wait Thunder could all F4 I could oh Reef one’s here I know so many people from events who I know I got cleaned up I got cleaned up I got cleaned up clone evil I’ve seen before

Uh crackle it’s crackle it’s crackle it’s Crackle death R lit 420 SE we have we have some teammates we have some teammates viewers are so cool how come your viewers like you and mine don’t actually no there’s a very good reason for that your viewers are so

Cool we team crackle nod your head up and down and sneak three times if we’re teamed we’re making him do a full ritual for it to come through Mak do a ritual oh he’s going to get kicked he does have the voice chat turn on the voice chat you got time

You need the voice chat the voice chat you need the voice chat he’s coming for ass I’ll body block I’ll body block voice chat I’ll protect you hold up we’re gonna block him we’re going to block him guys guys let’s get let’s get a screenshot well like our one um the we

Won give me toilet help you got that champ bro you’re insane really gay the game was starting in two minutes make sure everyone joins I don’t think bro’s in the chat if he’s died we will be closing down everything he made in the server thank God that server sucks

Ass sorry I shouldn’t say that God damn go It’s serpent it’s Su I mean it suck it IBI agent we’re in an event for $100 if you want to join I think I think you have to click the sign once I open it cuz I don’t think if you don’t let’s just okay listen the W ker team is not going to

Betray each other cuz listen if we win and I get the monies yeah yeah that’s all I’m doing I need somebody to kill me so I get reset with Hunger please bu somebody somebody me I don’t want I I want to get my Hunger fixed start cting out this

Kid I’m getting kills I’m getting kills Rose KD is crazy my server KD is about to go insane I got a kill I don’t want to unmute cuz last time I unmuted I got a hate speed strike this is pre-recorded footage why does Bro think you’re dead this isn’t

Pre-recorded he just thinks he’s hilarious he’s not he’s kind of cringe I just got to stay away from that fight we need 45 more players holy crap how many players We need oh wait you no you got to click the sign oh god oh I got to click the sign get in

There ow do I get into you have to jump you have to jump you have to jump bro this is crazy let me click the sign sign let me click the sign I have to right click or left click I don’t know what is happening I’m getting murdered I can’t

Join I got in I got in just Spam I think it’s left side just Spam fake life just Spam left click and right click okay we’re nice I have no hunger I have no hunger oh yeah I’m right next to somebody where are you which direction are

You Z hunger uh what the hell was that can’t turn my head hello chewbaca blocks oh E3 is to the right of me oh we’re starting in 30 seconds thund you’re to the left of me are you am I I can’t turn my head I can

Barely see you I have we got we’re going for the corn right heart yeah we probably should arts does he read it yes I read chat Jesus I’m sorry yeah we got saturation go M go M started yeah go go go go how do all people go that way cuz there’s

Get jum what dude why is all people got a huge head people already there pvp’s on right way too somebody off uh okay we leave I’m not trying to die I got like barely food go back to the way we came from I I count you it’s okay I have no

Weapon but I have sword no sword just run just run just run just run just run there’s so many people running this way godamn there’s so many people swim this way swim this way my chat SM we we need all our teammates all thekk teammates I got to play like the

Hunger gam song the game begins head for the M oh there’s a dude behind us okay we should get far just run I have two app I have he doesn’t have I got one bone and chest chest chest chest looted I got I got two swords I got two SW SW here take

A sword take that I got an iron sword I got another helmet the sound effect every time unmute I’m going kill this kid unless player I’m not dead okay uh I can’t believe we just stabbed the dude I’m killed the cow and we just run he wait uh should we leave let’s

Leave uh let’s leave the disc or mute on Discord yeah wait what is happening I just got a notification on my Discord and I didn’t see it okay I got one melon SL ice I have two cookies and two apples and te oh wait you have one I’ve never watched

Hunger Games okay basically you stab other players who are trying to stab you go go go go go go power R anybody I’m not Kidd you okay I know cuz everyone went the other way oh it’s looted it’s looted it’s looted it could just be bugged why can’t I move stuff in my

Inventory why do I have to click why am I shaking okay basically you just stab lots of player I’m scared W I’m scared what what’s up oh homie um player player go for him do you want to we can drop him we can drop him easily wait we need teammates you want to

Team hey hey hey hey buddy hey wait wait chill chill chill buddy we good what what’s a creeper we good I’ll be we can be chill we can be chill we can be chill listen we’re good but the one thing if we win I’m giving away all of it to my

Discord yeah no that that was my plan too but I don’t really care about winning I’m really bored stop spamming rip and Jesus Christ guys guys oh you’re oh what well well no I I don’t I wa okay you know I don’t control him I

Don’t want you just going he he does his own thing he I’m not going to leave I’m not going to leave oh there’s a guy right there hey you want to team oh Jesus wil Jesus wel oh my gosh Jesus we just go for him sure I don’t want us to

Teammates if we can kill him we’re think we kind set I think he’s looted this I don’t really want to go this way some armor in that that thing seems that way seems scary this way there’s not this this way there people oh gosh there’s a player there’s a

Player I told you we didn’t want to go this way do we have boats yeah we don’t what’s your gear do you have extra gear do you have extra gear I can’t place I don’t have I have a bow that why can’t I grab this stuff I have to just drag it

You can’t use this item why can’t I use this item bro this is so bugged this is bugged bugged how did you not know that the player did not have a mic uh it says on the chat no it says if they’re muted or

Not um you can see if it’s my gosh oh there’s a guy in front of us yo homie wait is that death ray is that death ray no but we need we need teammates like actually though we can decide whether to keep them where did broke go you want to be chill might

Be live I can’t grab stuff can you grab stuff out of there yeah I can you you you got to double you have to double click a bunch you have to like spam click that’s so goofy I can’t drag my St stone sword Oh my gosh bro you El just bugged as hell only if we could break blocks I had idea but we can’t break blocks sadly lit 420 died yo this is possible do I have a do I have I’m playing okay do you have I got a stone

Sword in my do I have a stone sword in my hand yeah okay well my my slots are locked I can’t change slots everything hello BB welcome back cow the world order can’t use this item oh the dude right in front of us he has items wel wel behind you look behind

You we just go it’s it’s a 2v one oh he’s scared he doesn’t have voice shot I know if we kill him though I can’t switch any items he probably can’t either we’re both equally [ __ ] wish I had blocks bro God damn I’m lagging I had him crit him twice but

None of them registered I’m cut him off nice hit him dude will yeah he tried to turn and he tried to turn he could not turn bro dude you’re insane holy you can’t pick up the stuff what oh wait you got to reset your inventory what you throw out stuff you

Can’t here gu right here right here oh chill chill chill chill wait wait wait chill chill chill you have to reset oh okay you like can’t hold too many items do you got the iron gear you got the iron boots I need that food actually I have the iron boots

Should you want them here yeah you take them okay you can only hold some that’s actually really cool I really like that it’s a fun it’s a fun feature I just didn’t realize for a second but now I have some stuff that’s like bugged bugged how was Wil Will’s kind of hop

Liing where you where did you go yo we need teammates like actually though oh and e e in that nice okay I have two bugged items that like I can’t get out of my inventory so they’re just get chill there oh crap my stream I was I wanted to be CH

With that seemed pretty decent yeah hold on let’s go let’s go this way let’s go this way this way this come back holy crap what The Jesus dude bro insane oh my gosh yo wait there’s a dude over there he’s he has some just some other stuff but Thunder want to join my among wait wait wait wait let’s wait we can team with them team with them team with them Yo Yo Luke

Okay bro did this run yeah they I think they’re figh Luke Luke you want a team Luke luk like actually like four-way team and then we can decide at the end listen hey hey hey hey hey we’re trying to CH hey it’s for Content I just want a team content

Teamers we can help you hoplight unmute up Lighting on oh my gosh okay team like actually dude bruh no one wants to team I said we just leave them there’s no point they’re not teaming they’re not teaming okay well then we just leave them yeah they’re just running this sucks

Bro whatever whatever whatever Luke you want a team God damn oh they’re they oh they got a big ass team okay wil wil wil where’d you go wil wil wil there’s like a team there’s like a there’s like a team of eight over there we’re just going to go this way okay sounds

Good we need to go find broke people and team with them we could find a we can find a like a a bit in the water that is like a just sit under there like we just sit under the water if we find if we

Find a spot that has a I’m back welcome back an air bucket yeah I know that’d be funny nothing this tree I lagged out oh gosh bro I need a team with broke people who wants to team with me I’m gonna make a song cuz no one wants to team they had a

Team of 12 and that was really scary gone is death R gone oh hop lighting died they didn’t want to team I should make a song cuz I don’t know what to do somebody team with thunder he’s gonna wow you look stacked Wilk you want my gold chest plate so you look more

Intimidating uh hell yeah I can’t use this it I have to Dragon holy crap I need one press man I wish I could play this I wish you could have too we need homies player yo yo we need teammates like actually dude there’s a team of 12

There’s a team of 12 there’s a huge team listen hey dude stop running if you run you will die stop walking away stop walk walking away okay hi I I I I listen okay can you say something teammates you got 3 seconds answer three two one oh okay yeah what

What I mean you’re our team I I don’t we don’t really have much to give you I got these glitch leather pans okay it’s okay yeah yeah your n wil yeah your nigh wil we apologize for what’s about to happen to you so I wanted to team man we

Are [ __ ] no bye I wish I could play this see you have a great time there’s three kills right there a ramp I have no food you food man you have food food food food I have some food I I have one piece of raw pork cop great

Watermelon he struggles to lift the weight but I got watermelon to keep me in shape you can’t pick up food we should probably save our cooked food you’ve cooked food no I don’t but when we get cooked food we should probably save it I think once I get a chest plate we’re get

Out yeah the cooked food is like our healing YouTube chat Noob Bros disappeared from internet and he’s back he struggles to lift the weight but I have watermelon to keep me in shape okay bro this is just not fun this is this is scary I know I’m terrified the tablet already dude

There’s remember there’s like a there’s like a team of 10 bro there’s 24 I’m at distance there’s only 24 left I know they all look scary too who who’s Who’s the creepiest one or like not the creepiest the scariest one say reef reef one Reef One play I talked him like

Twice we got kill we got to kill re kill these animals kill these animals get food yeah I got no food right now anyone trying to team I have glitched items my thing it’s so funny I really love that feature I wish they would have told me though you trying to team yes

Die Jesus oh my gosh 22 left bro oh meme God is really good too why are my my my was not stacking no I just don’t find games fun anymore okay I got stop just talking randomly people are G hear me someone to just hide somewhere I want to find arrows my

Bow you just make them right I thought I saw name tag hello oh I thought I saw an enemy hello hello sir wait do you see someone no I thought I did I feel like the career I feel like I feel like the career pack hello you want to you want

To come here you want to die you want to pass away you want to live okay meme’s actually really good too man let’s just chill let’s just chill at the top of this hill dude I can’t there’s this is a good spot this is actually a good spot but there is a

World border we got to kind of a yeah not not yet we could just chill here there’s 20 alive right now just’s only good players left God damn memes on kill I’m I’m gonna kill actually it’s not worth to kill chickens because of them so any let’s just anybody got teams of

10 I think bro oh my God nah wait wel wel get me back in oh yo whoever just subbed thank you cheac oh man that took forever you know I’m a subscriber I’m laughing bro [ __ ] Rigg this stuff rigged as hell I got a chat message validation can you try to convince

Him he got a chat message I have proof too if they need it I lost all my stuff too I’m laughing right now of course you are I bet you are what’s it just stay alive I’ll try to a chat message bro what is this what are they saying

They’re not responding to me try to DM them I am oh that’s fun apparently I can’t use bows can’t I was trying to type a chat and he just goes yo Thunder Thunder Thunder are you doing a team of six there’s a team of six there’s a team six I

Did I didn’t mean this is so scary bro they just we need to let them just turn on each other thinking that they’re like the last people well I wish I could rejoin uh need you to rejoin bro how did you what happened it was so funny I just got

Kicked I cannot see anything sorry I’ve tried sending a chat that say anyone want a team and then just like as I sent the chat it just Appeared Bro so scuffed yo yo yo listen listen that’s chill you dead no no no no no I’m not I I’m on the hill still but there’s there’s two players right there one is matching my gear listen listen oh no pause pause listen don’t I kind of have no friends either

Listen there’s a team of six over there I’m not kidding you I just ran over there and I ran from there there a team of six or seven imagine being and my I can’t believe that my one teammate that I had just got chat me chat message validation he got kicked because of

It yes yes we need to we need to build some kind of team or I’m trying to get one person in I need food too I’m I’m not going to J you guys I’m not going to you guys I hope you guys don’t either I’m just going to send him it in

The little his Discord we got to be I’m trying I’m trying to get Thunder back in here just not they can’t they’re not listening this is my Hill I wait for Thunder because he’ll spawn back in right here I think uh well I’ll just let you know if I do no I

Don’t I got lucky or lucky good lucky chest I see a chest in a tree that probably no one’s got I’m going to go look at that one bro the team of six has so much iron gear under it just it just cuts right from me um typing to me getting

Banned I’m sorry Chad if I’m not reading anything right now I’m just trying to bro uh it sucks I had one teammate touch I was dominated I have three kills you’ve been banned bruh my game crashed and I got banned same bro eat this food bro I have

Proof I have nothing extra I only have an iron sword and my armor yeah there is it’s could end soon but there’s a big team team of six we need to make okay first I think this is what I want to try to do I want

To try to wait it out and see if that big team thinks they’re the last ones alive and then have them backstab each other and then clean up I think that’s I think that’s a good idea this is fun I’m having fun trying to scout out name tags yeah that somebody somebody’s

Looted this entire area could you make me an admin I could but I think I have enough admins I’ll think about it though is there how many players are left wel it says there’s only 12 12 yeah crackle thank you so much I hope I can win I I

I’m glad you believe in me they abandoned me the two players I was with are gone I was just trying to say and he goes did what happened on your I’m gonna check your stream he just disappeared and stopped talking I was kind of hoping my items

Would just Splat all over no it was it you left the you left the confins of the world it said in chat said you died but you didn’t drop any guys that’s not my guys oh wait that is my guys okay I saw I saw I thought that that when I

Saw that other guy I thought it was somebody else oh my gosh are you good run bud run quicker They’re Bo me what no please guys okay wait pause pause pause sucks I did not Escape bro I’m G put it even funnier I’m putting I’m putting your PO you died no I didn’t die I me two hearts running run bud but my my one teammate

Died it killed both of them there 10 alive oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to part theam run run run I had to use my ender pearl that ender pearl actually saved my saved me even though it absolutely failed it saved me accident hopefully this raw food’s enough to heal me

Up another purple and an iron chest plate thank you thank you BL BL are you dead don’t kill me no I saw more PE more players and I heard them say oh I’m on half a heart and then they died are you by herself again

Yeah I have an air PE though what if I just go try to clean them what is there what does it look like what does it look like my death was fun are you watching my POV I will I haven’t okay there’s there’s 10 tributes Alive

By the way that guy that set him on half a heart didn’t die they just went and hid thought they died though there’s no way they I me so will it clutch up I’m gonna play some TF2 what is that I’m gonna have to you got a clutch up could you make me

Dude I need a team that’s what I’m that’s what I need you going trust people are you going to steal it or you going to me what are you going to steal it or you get a the loot already have an iron no so the

Final two people is a split and steel so if you survive to the final feel staple it depends on if I know the person enough just be greedy TF2 is valve T I’ll probably I’ll probably negotiate with them to just to split both get 50 bucks chicken I’m going I’m I’m going to

Kill actually it’s not worth to kill chickens because of them I can up a mountain right now this is scary another F mushroom St I think I think just I just disappear yeah if you win and make that a video you you can include my

POV I probably will bro holy crap want a team but TF2 bro I’ll search it up come now a chance I got TP in Arena oh Team Fortress I never I’ve never played that actually never really seen it strange wait dude dude what it’s me dude hey dude oh my

Gosh I did not know you got away bro our other teammate died good good dude that was like that’s like clutch video right there dude listen if we get to final two somehow just split just split bro I don’t want to risk it we both get something instead of just risking it all

I’m gonna be quiet so I don’t re re re ruin your video uh yeah I just need boots iron sword I’m just trying to stay here and oh here this like a good spot to hide yeah okay I didn’t muted chat didn’t meet the stream include me in the

Video If you make it other player if will I’m not making a video wil might gu I got banned I appreciate the sub though yeah agent I don’t have any arrows I just have food an ender pearl and a irond sword yeah he died I was with him and then he got

Killed sorry I forgot I’m G to shut up just watch the stream from afar yeah I wish there was like just more chests they have they have to have so much loot yeah they have so much loot like actually it’s insane chat we’ll do a Wilk watch party

I didn’t really scour the entire thing so probably some chest what about on top of the trees uh we can try to get up them yeah I see two chests right here but they’re most likely 100% yeah Looted that one has a wooden sword well watch party mother switch it to what uh chess I want to do this yeah I just want to point mean my my I’m live right now and one of my they’re saying that it’s really smart that it to not betray because having a

Teammate is more valuable than having bunch of loot that’s you’re not that you already have you go k yeah that one might be not looted possibly de you’re just an opop trusty knows he’s he was soft locked I think if they’re team of six and we’re Team of two intense I think

Where it’s the last two it’s US versus them we just need to let them turn on each other first yeah but they know that we’re alive yeah if if he if he gets unbanned I’m I’m throwing hands bro you see the chat in the bottom left if he gets unbanned I’m throwing

Hands separate them somehow that’s a good point we we need to separate them he was soft locked I’m officially out of food I got food all right here wil’s definitely got the best POV of this event so far check all these never know thanks got you

Homie this border is just going to close in and kill us well has more subs yes he has a lot more subs to Corn probably holding up the corop right now wait toilet well this is A True Underdog Story right here make a movie about him fix a real mistake I just disappeared

Bro I feel like if we find players we need to see Focus one of them and kill them and try to run take them off slowly if we can yeah keep just spawn is suffocated a chest it’s about to get grabbed though the Border empty yeah but if we if we target hey

Dude listen listen listen we need we need teammates we need teammates to take them down we don’t want to fight we we genuinely need teammates listen listen listen we need we need teammates we need teammates down we don’t want to fight we need teammates we need teammates we we genuinely need

Teammates we can you have a team shit’s intense okay yeah we need we really need teammates because listen it’s US versus a team of fiveish so yeah yeah we we this is perfectly found you I’m not we we’ve already established we’re not gonna uh betray each

Other figure it out like I’ll add you guys on Discord if if we do win and like one of you die and we have to split do the split or steal thing then I will add one of you guys both you guys on Discord and we can we’re watching The W POV

Because I got brutally just like if you rewi the stream hold I got kicked because I said a chat I didn’t say chat the chat never appeared but like I just got a chat message validation man I made that sound a lot worse we’re watching

The Willl po about to win $100 if he wins really good all have like five people on team how are you life for they’re looking for us damn hold up I wonder if we P sword such a peak death looks like it dead it’s actually really

Funny I’ll pull it up so you don’t I don’t make you run back Parish just like Drop op loot wait do you have do you have um what’s it called do you have hold up so you don’t I can’t pick up why are my is everybody I wonder if everybody on

This T is I did I feel like the I feel like I feel like the career hello you want you want to come here if it is right now just’s only good players left God damn memes on killing I’m going to kill actually it’s not worth to kill chickens

Because of some so any let’s just anybody got teams of 10 I think hold up bro okay look going to clutch up we’ll be able to get them from all sides Peak death I know it is a peak death oh gosh oh they’re so screwed get back get

Back get back get back maybe if I was alive I could help them 34 listen guys listen listen are you guys are you guys trying to listen are you guys trying to team yes bro just keep running rning is that is that the is that is that that’s the big

Team don’t trust bro help him maybe you never know yeah he he’s so good Reef one is so good this is good this is good this is good okay dang one bro under I know don’t trust bro okay yeah how’ you get full iron bro CU I dropped

Kids Dy stuck Dy stuck Dy stuck ow I’m stuck in a hole right now that hurt just just watch just watch from afar please don’t go in there’s a random player Oh wa that wait wait what oh he died whoa Ry watch this don’t fight him wil you’re going to

Die although you’re kind of insane Wilk not going to lie you’re stuck there I think he’s dead no oh my God hold up PX you know we’ll watch I got go get my ow how have I had this many close calls what I’m so confused how I did not

Die there Pearls do two and a half or yeah so happy yes wait fishing rod wait that’s actually interesting mean the melon oh gosh bro another one’s gone you’ve been given us a player stick to track players yeah no no no no wait is there somebody there please please oh my

Gosh stick doesn’t work I don’t think I’m trying to swing it I swing the stick to track players I did I I’m yeah I’m not going to keep the boat I’m just gonna hide they come to me I’m just gonna have to have my final

Stand G to ride the Border I think it’s a good idea I get in a tree this is a good spot for now oh my goodness five left left I can’t eat bro I can’t eat in my off hand get more food now I’m G to go for

Pigs I honestly I’m just going to say it I kind of expected to be one of the last I just didn’t expect that I would not have a teammate if Thunder didn’t die bro he didn’t die heck un watch you do that you go you glorious King you can’t hear

Me makes it even funnier why are three people watching me watch wil keeping these blocks so I can block GL outs not sure we’re watching that weird interaction keep these okay so who’s alive one two three four five six seven eight people on my TBL list are my

Teammates or like the people that I we just talked to right now as well we kind of need to team on them or team with them because Reef one is a tier one apparently like hold up let’s take it let’s take a second to search and see who’s actually a tier one is

That oh my God oh my God oh wait I might get I might get suffocated by border though no I’m good it this is like a hype video I’m going to stop overreacting toggle Crouch here for now wait death R was alive how did Death live crazy hiding

Spot dud this is Peak options here tear tiger he’s a teer tager he doesn’t pop up he’s not tested they lied he’s not a tier one what’s my gear this oh he’s kind of chilling I’m like a f girl for everybody else to kill each other and then I’m just gonna have to

Negotiate negotiate this sp’s crazy stop what’s up what’s up BB Hill watching wi stream because thunder MC had a brutal Death Watch brutal death it was very gory not yet we just chill here there’s 20 alive right now just only good players left godamn memes K actually it’s not worth was really

Gory this is bad so any let’s just anybody got teams of 10 kind of a bad SP think that’s how I [Laughter] died it was sneaky hide in trees look at me look at me ghosting for him I will appear in your bed Okay hey hey hey yo bud hide in the trees hi in trees that’s what I want to do yeah I want to I want to get up into one of these trees you right there okay never mind I’m I’m like way behind hey hey hey yo bud hide in the

Trees yeah I want to okay had a little pop right there okay never mind I’m like way kidding bro okay on a spot basic sky base this is basically a freaking sky base you him if you win real bro gets all the subs if he wins oh yeah you guys

That’s joining the chat this is how I died actually it’s not worth the kill chick we’re watching D listen do you have a mic yo whoever’s subbing for me oh my my alert box was over thank you Kelly okay I’ll show you how to get up here okay

Watching wil CU I had such a brutal death well I know teams of 10 you want to climb up that tree that’s how I died guys yeah climb up right there and get up right we’re watching wait they’re camping in Trees dude don’t die good cont I like I like I like free sheeps no I was naming him Phillip that’s right look get up right what uh yeah I am I’m up right here yo I have four that’s kind of peak hello strap site man people are

Joining you watch this brutal death this how I actually it’s notth that’s how I died in this event I was really sad got teams of 10 I think the chest in the tree such a such a such a brutal bloody death bro Peak death some we watching wil because he was with me

Possible he has more subs I don’t want to risk out risk anything arrows you a bow th my bow crackle you’re right yeah I’m call okay hey you are you are him if you win I agree with that there’s five left there’s not five you mean there’s two

Others what is happening we’re watching wil clutch up oh wait one two there’s six people on Tab okay my old teammate just died hey wait here I don’t want to add in but it’s like it’s important we have some background noise so maybe just meet your mic if you

Need are we just gonna hide feel like it’s the best Str until we get pushed in bro I was camping in Hunger Games imagine camping in Imagine camping in a $100 event could not be me let’s look for some how much food can don’t really have inventory space

Just G to eat this cookie hold up drop the arrows bud wait do you have uh no I I just threw it out SW will clutch up demon yo demon listen demon listen we’re up in the tree listen I don’t want to 2 one him we need

A chance of win listen are you are you looking for a team you okay you’re not going to betray and we’re gonna we’re split the money bet well we have like a pretty good PVP everybody saying okay follow me underneath the trees I’ll show you how

To get up here what do you mean drop it do not drop him don’t drop him there’s another there’s another good pvper in the servers re War 33 apparently this is like a Cinderella store holy [ __ ] just come over to locked off where’s the

Tree is it you got to just find a tree that leads up to another Branch oh wait he’s up here okay that bro was talking so if it’s us three there’s two of you that means two right yeah and then just it don’t say anything in chat wil

Well oh my God we’ll figure that we’ll figure that part just don’t focus on money just focus on trying to win okay press stab I’m G leave good luck I’d recommend checking W stre sorry for not showing interesting content but I’m just hype I’m hyping my boy

Up luck on your journey oh I think the last team a team of three of reef one if we get in a fight with them we need to here let’s move from the border so that we’re safe kill real quick close up spawn dude don’t leave that’s his call I mean

I wouldn’t really say in watching someone else watch something just commentary really smartly when we when we get in a fight we’re going to Target one of them I’m going to say their name you’re going to look at their names and we’re going to Target the one that I

Said okay okay shut shut surrender cerella I’ll pick up the cow that’s all right if not that’s okay let’s look for more animals middle like where we all started yeah they’re probably they’re most likely just waiting last time I went over there to try guys why are people watching well

With the team of like four and we got dropped I’m not saying there’s anything bad when watching my stream actually I like watch time trying to get that they both have full iron 100% but if we target one of them will be good I got background parents dude

Big I didn’t like it’s interesting I might prefer videos with good audio more of saying not yours is bad oh no it’s all good dude my mic isn’t it’s okay what if just that say anything wrong you guys do that I mean if you want to like watch entertaining in the

Future not watching me watch wil looks kind of goofy actually I got a video coming out soon should I I’ll I’ll get it on it well have fun want a block L actually I just make that someone’s going to miss it goodbye you keep the axe actually I shall stay

No I’m not forcing you to stay no I’m not just I don’t want to now now I’m saying you should go here want me to come back okay fine I’ll come back just don’t go over oh there’s Scyther God damn it I bro it’s the Scyther go for the tree cow I didn’t

Realize Reef was a cipher there’s a Vine be careful M up your jump right here I have bad experiences they always Target me CU I have Subs Le I think they always do I don’t know I can actually tell oh goodness bro don’t do that just I’m actually really

Close to800 May right now I’ll do a unless we could go won theit 800 do some games after how how the end game I don’t know it’s gonna have to happen might just happen maybe we just go near there inside let’s go down TR to take them out

One by one yeah we’ll see what’s going on on it seems like they’re all on Discord calls I’m going to be honest with you guys yeah oh my goodness bro you out of stress bro I’m pretty sure chat he’s focusing and let him be a drop order spawn that

Word is better don’t eat consistently because the food gives you like 1.5 hunger but you waste total one hunger so yeah someone subbed optimal pretty sure I’m middle I wonder if my be careful be careful we we’ll all go just careful not meet your mic so they can’t hear any

They can’t pick up anything we’re just going to look and then turn away actually gam is crazy right now I think you should know a lot about Minecraft Don’t Lie by the way hey another sub distance isn’t good enough to see if possibly oh I got to do that hold

Up ow that was so dumb we’re back Chat he crouched hermano Taco just kidding my brother was talking I don’t know if I’m GNA do 800 CU I got places the be bro Le I say I do I don’t actually know if we can then surprise attack him that might be our best play right now

Actually it’s a good good idea Crackle I totally build a trap in this situation can’t really get into the middle they really want to fight they are completely ready what are you doing they’re not in the middle I don’t think they probably camp in a in I don’t

Think you can surprise them what is the server the server it was just a event um I can’t like it was just like an event I can invite you to the Discord server if you want to join future events of this I’ll put it there’s the server if you want to join

It no you mean you don’t have to oh my goodness bro CL up King I’m so stressed out right now you want a crazy idea your microphone for now so that completely dead silent uh why people saying you I don’t know why people saying I died um you want a crazy idea

Yeah yes um never mind that’s kind of stupid I know I think about it I was gonna say I was gonna say like um ask just say mid just put mid question mark in chat and then have your two teammates just hide in the corners and if like one comes or

Two comes you can out PVP them and three just three just spray and spray okay I mean I’m I’m saying it’s a stupid idea but just I definit okay so listen I mean I’m I’m saying it’s a stupid idea but just I’m gonna recommend it okay guys listen Thunder just said what if

We what if we uh waited for we we typed in chat and said mid question mark that I’m thinking that I’m the only one here and then you guys jump out and surprise attack them so it’s on their nerves that’s not better sword death R why people I don’t know why people

Saying died jica spring rumors okay I have a sword yes or no do you want to do that we just yell it want to I think it’s DB because they have full iron armor okay I think it’s D too SW but they have a lot they have pretty

Good plan okay listen then we’ll just get the jump when they come here when we see them swim in the water when I I’m going to look at one of their names and when you hear me say their name we’re going to jump that one person don’t do it it’s

Stupid I feel like that’s dumb I feel like don’t do it but look at tab they all have cool usernames we’re we’re not doing the we’re not doing the mid question mark thing we’re just gonna wait here what what do you think we should do here they’ll we’ll just wait

Here because they’ll eventually get here and that might give them more time don’t do that all are looted I’m 90% of that so they can’t get more loot but they might die to fall damage if they go to the Jungle but they all Havey they all have usernames Thunder just said yeah

Every single one of them they have names I’m the biggest threat to them they’re going to Target me find us I wonder if someone joins the stream and thinks this is me how funny would that be death and Demon camped Behind the Walls and you bait them yeah that’s

What I think then you all drop them at once they pass death what was that okay what if I bait them what if I bait them bro where you at bro or you just piss him off I don’t know why people saying unded well I don’t know what if I

Okay listen Hear Me Out Bait them jump them okay we just yellow it we go for it we have to Target one of them I don’t think they’re good enough at P can we do it type A type A type A T in chat if you guys think it’s if think

We should do that not not both of you uh death R not you but you or just nod your head should we just yellow it and go for it yes okay death raid should we just go for it I can’t they can’t they can’t it’s

Not the time to go a okay do we think we should just yellow it and go for it bait them we both think it’s just I don’t think so because I feel what else we supposed to do they’re all going to expect us here and they’re just going to

Come here and jump us they’re coming they’re coming coming coming coming they totally hurt him y’all got to go now they’re all coming they’re so [ __ ] here J jiggle bloom just got obliterated let me see let me watch let me no dang it I wanted to

Watch L’s for wil L’s for wil in chat guys oh my gosh I was watching your stream on my stream L’s for wil in chat L’s bro you got obliterated I can’t believe I I can’t believe I just disappeared did you see me bro I went F5 I saw them I’m like

Bro dude okay dude there’s no story in that video I think if you would have won that you would had easily the best story yeah yeah I would had Banger video I would have the most Banger video and the best storyline background what happened you could totally still make that a

Video you want to be I could I probably will I’ll just download the stream play like intense music and like three two one just like play like a music stopper as you die I was waiting for them to get on land and I was going to obviously you

Saw it happened I was like jump jiggle boom and I hit him one time and jump on me happened God I can’t believe I just got kicked you want to do some Christmas trolling later I can’t do it right now because I got watch my brother but

Yeah that was fun though oh my good bro my claim chest got destroyed right on here I’m broke again yeah my home’s gone I like yeah wait I can ask death what happened go what went down here’s the story we jumped out them we got obliterated and we called it

Day my but no but my side was insane bro we started off with a bunch of kills you disappear I get teammates the teammates die get more teammates teammates die I get more teammates they all die and we lose pretty accurate oh my gosh you should totally

Be like fun though you should totally be like this is this you ever like watch Tangled it be like this is the story of how I died like play like flashbacks like right before like um like like this we had the intro this is the story of how I

Died Hunger Games how many hearts you on sad I have 15 wait a minute wait a minute alt count alt account we’re going to join and see what happens chat we are so smart oh my gosh it won they banned me I’m getting the other alt account Jesus Christ the

Other one get the other one out who won please D me again bro that was so dude I can’t believe we would done so much better if I was actually there God damn yeah they had no story all they had was three Scyther team I think they were cyers um

Team together and then just win there was no story they banned fast you definitely would have had the best POV I think you still did have the best POV yeah I think I have the best POV I want to send it to him and see what he

Uh guys I’m GNA inst stream and restart stream so just rejoin it so I can download the stream and not be four hours long uh light are you ending stream I’m I’m restarting it okay well I team I’m probably gonna end the stream here oh bro I feel

Dizzy oh shocks I’ll probably end the stream here and I might I probably won’t stream later but I might record the video well it was a it was fun mil such a shame that was so fun but it was yeah was what to say that bye bye bye stream I hate you with

Passion bye stream bro what am I hearing all right so we’re going to start with a fresh. Minecraft folder what oh what the hell I’m so confused

This video, titled ‘Playing the Hunger Games Event for Money! w/ Viewers’, was uploaded by ThunderMc on 2023-12-18 00:23:11. It has garnered 122 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:50 or 7610 seconds.

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  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More