Winning Multiple Minecraft Tournaments!

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I speedran slime Rancher back in the day and then I speedran like some very other like small stuff I don’t even remember what it was but I know I did I’d always been interested in speedr running yeah they did 10 mans the first time around

And then they did it again and I was there for the second time yeah oh crap I didn’t know about that have you ever held a world record at at the end of the day world record is the ultimate goal for me at least so this run that was the

Most nervous I had probably ever been in speedr running and it was just because the the pace was so fast it was like it was like shocking me at how fast it was type i j and those two letters give you U respawn anchor um bed wool and

Glowstone those four items I think that if you you know have a bad day just being completely out is kind of messed up so you won 17 grand all in all give take yes that’s like that’s nearly a Year’s wages out of every T rivs I’ve ever won everything that never done I

Never got anything like this but I got a medal an actual medal I saw it on my stream before but like it says twitch Rivals champion on it and it’s sick it’s really sick yeah it it it um it Jiggles for for rain for rain all right Lads welcome back to

Inside MC the part of podcast where I sit down with a very special guest every single week and this week I joined by someone who I feel personally should be putting more goat debates I I’m not really one myself for doing goat debates but they’re just a name that doesn’t

Really get bought up when talking about speed running oh they do but like in general conversation anyways I am joined with the one the only silver runs what’s up what’s up hello how are you today I’m doing good thanks for having me no worries we’re we’re definitely doing something different today you’re

Recording your own audio and I’m recording my own audio this is this is definitely something different for the podcast this is this is a making history here today silver runs you are so oh perfect perfect yeah well hopefully it’s good I think it’ll be fine because like

My audio recording it is good and then obviously you’re recording your own uh we’re not I’m not going to pretend that we haven’t just like recorded a little bit obviously it was different to what we’re what I’m saying now but we did we have talked a little bit however

Obviously since no one else no one is going to hear what happened do you have any news how how’s your day today anything because it’s a Monday so anything interesting um Monday no not much going on today I mean I obviously had this podcast in General I um I have

Like some finals coming up some school coming up and uh I also just have like tournaments and events that I’m in that’s kind of like what’s going on in my life I guess right now what you what do you study in school um I am a computer science major yeah oh one no

Maybe I yeah so for like computer science it’s kind of just a major that I am in because I felt like I should be in it I’m not really particularly passionate about it um like After High School I was kind of just done I was

Like okay what do I do now I guess I’ll just go to college like what my parents want and so I wish kind of I was into something I was like in in some major that I was more passionate in I suppose but it’s it’s fine it’s it’s like

Overall I still like computer science I think coding is cool so speed running major yeah yeah I wish if you don’t mind me asking how old are you uh I’m 20 years old oh you’re the same age I am yes do do a lot better with content

Creation I than I am though regarding all like the tournaments and stuff you’ve been in I mean something we’ll get into talking about but I I I in the in the one just before this the the one before you ran it back isz something you mentioned was that you’ve got like a

Bunch of tournaments coming up right yes they do you had to make was it a calendar or was it just write it down in notes wait what’s that right to track the to track the tournaments did you have to write down in notes or calendar or I can’t remember what you said sorry

Yeah yeah so cuz like normally I just kind of have my um like tournaments that I’m doing in my brain but instead I um have like a bunch of tournaments coming up so I have to like write them all out in my calendar and uh it’s like I

Actually have them like all set like okay this one’s on this day this one’s on the normally I don’t even need to do that but they have a lot coming up right now so yeah are they all speedr running ones or do you have like General like

Tournaments as well or like General in quotation yeah it’s mostly speedr running but there are like some other one scattered in there which I’m excited for mostly speed running though it’s going to be fun to watch cuz I I mean I’m a big ler I know I don’t really talk

Too much but when you play in tournaments and stuff like that I do enjoy watching I know uh once again something we’ll get into a bit later on in the podcast is when you was playing escape from love love the island I think that’s when I got into your content and

Actually became like not not to say I’m that I didn’t know who you were like not omega L who are you but as sense of like I I knew I knew the name but I never watched your content and for some reason I just got really into your Escape from

Lavender Island s runs and now you’re on the podcast today yeah that’s dope skap lavender Island was really it was it was such a unique experience I mean I I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed like people that I met and I kind of it it

Was a nice kind of for me like where am I at can I do things like this and um at the end of the day like I had a sort of disappointing performance or finish or however you want to say it but also I’m not like too worried about it if you

Kind of think about it it’s like my second maybe debatably like third or fourth Speed game ever and when I’m comparing myself to just like these insane players that just have done speed running for so long and all this stuff it’s like I guess I can’t really beat

Myself up too much but it was still really just like good experience fun to play and yeah overall I just enjoyed it yeah there’s like a few ways to look at as well like firstly you’re young you’re 20 so you’ve still got like a lot of like time to improve and secondly you’re

More a Minecraft speedrunner like these people who speedr running this game Al like speedrun games like Star Wars and Call of Duty and stuff that’s not what you do and when I say that I mean like they like campaign for Call of Duty is very very long so these are people who

Are constantly finding shortcuts and campaigns whereas Minecraft yeah there’s shortcuts but it’s not really I I don’t it’s not it’s partially comparable if that makes sense right how I like to how I like to like see it sort of is the difference between Minecraft and other

Speed games is is this is something that I feel like I’ve thought about a bit and talked about with other people uh Minecraft’s just uh speedrunning specifically is is all about decision making it’s like a strategy game almost it’s it’s barely a a regular speed game

Where it’s like oh I’m going to do every single action as fast as possible obviously that’s part of it but at the end of the day like if you have the game sense if you have the decision- making you’re just going to be insane like that

Just hands down the link to that as well is for instance we’ve escaped from L Island have you have you speedrun anything of Minecraft before this um Tech technically yes but um not for more than not not for long at all not with the same commitment I speed around slime

Rancher back in the day and then I speed onun like some very other like small stuff I don’t even remember what it was but I know I did hadd always been interested in speedr running but yeah Minecraft was defin the thing that just like I really got into and started doing

A lot cuz that’s what I mean i’ I’ve I figured out what I wanted to say was this a whole different ball game in a sense of escape from lavend Island you have to remember the shortcut with Minecraft yes it’s game sense but because it’s a different mode every time

You don’t have you don’t unless you’re playing a set seed you don’t have to remember you take this route you take this route is escape from La Island the only way you get faster is by executing what has to be done perfectly does that make sense that’s why I mean by it’s a

Different ball game is in like still same idea of game sense a different idea of you have to kind of remember in with like story mode in story mode games like this one yeah yeah for sure that’s a big difference between the two yeah it was

Kind it was like a big jump I guess for for me in terms of that but I enjoyed it with that being said then uh I always I’m kind of this is kind of the intro is that I always like to give the intro anyways for the guests to kind of

Promote who they are what they do I mean we’ve kind of given a hint at it with my questions here however like from you directly who are you what do you do you know like any any and maybe a fun fact who knows if you have’t fun fact um yeah

I’m just a speedrunner from Canada I have been speedr running for like 3 years now and I basically only speedrun Minecraft um and that’s kind of the been my main focus in my in my life really for the past 3 years uh un fact I’m not

Really sure if I have any fun facts but I’m definitely I like I like the aspect of speedrunning for not just Minecraft but just like stuff in general so I I’ve been like um cubing sometimes I like to get into into cubing it’s like speed cubing and just if there’s like anything

To do with speed running I’m kind of I’m I I enjoy it wait just to double check your cubing is rubit Cube yeah yes okay just to make sure yeah you you give me you give me Rubik’s Cube Vibes and that’s not an insult by the way I want I

Want you to take that in a positive sense cuz uh I I know someone who’s like who’s very good at it and I just find it interesting to watch so it’s it’s a compliment but yeah you give me the like Vibes of if you’re not streaming and you

Don’t have anything to do on your board you just like whip out a Rubik’s cube right yeah I’m definitely not uh insane at it and I haven’t spent that much time at it but it’s still just fun General yeah fair enough well silver runs thank you thank you for introducing yourself

Oh my my brain is just out ofit today I’m so sorry I this is still going to be a great it’s always these kind of podcasts which are the ones that go the best is the ones where like I keep just yeah tripping over my words there we go

Anyways I’ve said your name a few times and obviously you know we know you’re a speedrunner you said you’ve been doing it since you were 17 correct last three years yeah would that I feel like it’s partially obvious but I’m going to ask the question anyways where does the name

Silver runs come from I know in YouTube you actually have I know well you have the silver runs app but your name on on YouTube is silver not silver runs so where where dides that come from okay yeah so originally my my um my old name

Was silver skyops that was my my first name ever that name was it’s it’s very like specific but my friend had a um my like one of my close IRL friends had an Xbox username and his name was golden fly breaker and if you kind of like link

The words then the golden silver Fly Sky so I kind of stole his name I guess and I thought like sky and cyclops were like similar so I thought I would just combine I rocked with that name for like a long time like for the first majority

Of like my gaming life and then eventually I was like this G kind of sucks I’m going to switch to silver and silver was obviously taken on everything and then I add an r and I thought the extra R kind of look cool and then since

Silver with two RS was still taking on everything I just added a runs at the end and that’s basically taken on nothing so and so runs was inspired by the runs part was inspired by speed running yeah yeah because well originally my name was l silver and the

L was just a random letter I thought of I just put it before my name and then I thought about it for a while and I had to like switch my twitch channel so I swapped to a new twitch Channel and at that point I made a new twitch name and

That was like okay I’ve already been speed rning for like like eight months or something at that point and so it just kind of makes sense I guess to add a runs at the end of my name I I don’t particularly like it if if I’m being

Honest like on YouTube it’s nice that I can kind of just rock with silver but uh yeah it’s how it is I’m in the exact same bat I actually I did a stream yester yesterday so we’re recording on the 27th of November this podcast will be coming out in December I was

Recording yesterday I was streaming yesterday sorry and like I was like do I do I try and Rebrand cuz insane the thing about insane orbits is I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t think is very algorithm friendly just something about insane I think the insane part

Just I don’t know like inside MC feels like a very it’s like a second shot of content right and it’s nice to have but you know like I I I was contemplating cuz I was I can’t go down to orbits cuz orbits with two Zs is taken orbits with

Three Zs I could probably have do I really want that no yeah I was trying to think of on I just can’t think of anything yeah I just I I always wish I was just a genius when I was like 10 years old or 8 years old and I just got

Like the best username on like everything but no I just had to choose this long username silver skycloud I like no why did I do that silver runs is good though yeah silver runs is fine it’s definitely yeah it’s fine but like again I don’t know I guess I would have

Liked silver I think everything happens for a reason that’s something I always say is there’s a reason you took the name I know like it can’t be used in every sense and I don’t use in every sense but I know like vague ones like this I just believe like there’s a

Reason that you didn’t you weren’t a genius when you were younger and picked a different name cuz who knows you know without without the name silver runs would you would you be where you are that kind of stuff so right right yeah who knows what about the skin

Inspiration cuz you show your face and I mean it doesn’t doesn’t look like you per se but like it kind you can see a bit of it I don’t know how to explain it okay I know it sounds really really weird you can see a bit of yourself in

In in the skin was there any is any is there any like reasoning behind this or yeah so the the timeline is um I originally had a Kakashi skin from Naruto which my brother made for me and that was the skin I rocked for a while

And I I I liked it overall and then somebody when I was playing I was playing 1.17 SSG uh an artist Pro is their name um they made me a skin that was like a kind of ram skin combined with like Kakashi kind of cool and I

Really liked it and then after like using it for probably a year I was kind of like you know what I kind of feel like something new so I swapped to and also the ram is like what you see in my profile picture on like my all YouTube

Channel and my and my emotes just because I haven’t just honestly just because I’ve been like lazy too lazy to switch it uh and yeah I kind of just was like I kind of feel like something new so I was just in call in hpg with xox

Was there and I’m like yo I was talking about skins or something like that and I I don’t know if if I asked to make me one or something but basically um I had like some ideas of what skin I would kind of want and um he made it for me

And then I kind of messed around with it myself too I I changed like a bit with like the eye color and changed a bit with stuff and then I settled on this one and then I I went to multi MC and did like the color shift thing or or

Something like that and I just have stayed with that one so my Skin’s like a little bit green but I don’t know I kind of like it it looks cool I I don’t I like I like the trousers like the color of the TR the cyan color I always I’ve

Always quite like the cyan color like in general so everything that’s cool like like Chinos you know what chinos are like this isn’t me trying to sound silly but there cuz I know like different things are called different things in different places so do you know do you

Know what chinos are or no I’ve never no I’ve never heard of that I’ve always kind of just referred to them as like colorful trasers like TR but like red blue all that kind of stuff but in in England at chinos so yeah that’s that’s what they remind me of

Okay Goa so you’ve just been too lazy to remove from the r do you think you’ll ever or like move away from it or do you think you’ll just keep it as your most because that’s part of the law now um I mean I don’t know probably eventually I

I’m just I’m honestly just pretty lazy but people do like art of me and the art often has like the ram kind of like outfit I guess which I don’t mind it in general I guess like if I’m being completely honest when I originally got

It I was like oh this is dope and then after a while I was like oh it’s kind of like too similar to like Jad I guess and that was kind of the reason part of the reason why I wanted to like switch off of it um cuz he’s got like the same

Exact horns and so I’m like it was part of the reason but I’m not like too I’m not too worried about um and I I’m I’m fine with like whatever to be honest that’s why I’m glad I at least chose a blindfold because I like i’ I’ve explained my reason behind it on

Multiple podcast I’m not going to do it here but like I’m glad I went with the blindfold because it doesn’t isn’t really too similar to anyone I mean my Minecraft skin is full face but that’s cuz you can’t really do a blindfold on Minecraft and make it actually look good

Right right right you I’m I’m I’m happy with that so yeah that’s cool what about speed running then how how did how did uh did that come to be cuzz you know this is why not why you’re on the podcast today but a big big thing of the

Podcast today is that you’re really really good at speedr running like to put to put it quite you know vaguely you know um so how how like what did you what did you start with what version of Minecraft why exactly did you want to get into speedr running yeah so at this

Point it’s been like almost 3 years originally it was I I I’m a I’m an EXC viewer I watch him and I enjoy his content and stuff um but he was doing um hardcore uh Minecraft runs is what he called them he called them hardcore runs

And so this was basically just him going into hardcore mode and trying to beat the game and like and it was taking him like an hour 2 hours whatever and I was like dude that looks kind of fun and so I started doing that and I had never so

Minecraft’s always been the game that I like came back to I’m I’m pretty I was pretty like committed to Minecraft for like a few years and then I stopped for a few years and then came back for a couple like a year or whatever and then stopped the game I came back to

Eventually and then with that I was like oh damn this is dope and so I just started doing uh the like hardcore runs and I did like two or three of them or whatever on 1162 I think um which is not the correct speedrunning version by the

Way you have to be on 11 16.1 because it has better Pearl rates but that’s like very important cuz I remember specifically starting my runs on the wrong version but yeah so I I I did that and then after a while you don’t need to be on the right version not back then

Not back then so so yeah any after after a while I kind of stopped for a little bit and then got back into it when he he started doing actual speedruns too on 1161 and I was like damn that looks fun and I started watching like a ton of

Twitch a ton of twitch just like B just everybody who was live at the time I was just watching nerdy all those people um I was I was completely just engrossed by the um Tech that was coming out for the game like the K4 kind of K4 was a big

Driving force in in terms of like bringing people to together um to really push the game farther and and and make this like Speed game better because everybody was like dude like what are these people doing this could be so much better and I was just so amazed by that

And so that’s like how I I really kind of started to get into it and I started by watching a lot and and I would play some and I think like I was pretty good initially because uh I had done PVP games in the past I had played UHC I

Played SkyWars I was pretty into those and I was pretty decent at them I actually made some Hypixel UHC videos like a while ago but they’re they’re off my channel now how comes uh they’re just not like well honestly there wasn’t particular reason well I guess I just

Wanted to make my channel look cleaner I suppose when I got into speedr running I was like all right I’m just going to only put like really videos that I really like on here I liked those videos at the time but now they’re whatever I mean they’re they weren’t bad at all I

Think they were edited well and they’re they were just commentaries I basically was just trying to be like with I don’t know if you know like insane insane Hypixel UHC videos back in the day and I was like dud I want to be like that I used say I’m not

Saying I don’t say I used to in a sense so I don’t watch him anymore but like I’m not as big of a fan as I used to be but yeah I used to be a big a big whis fan yeah yeah I do have a question yeah

Where were you on the day of the fineberg xqc collab the fineberg xqc colab oh oh are you talking about when when the like H played with xqc and and tfue yeah where like how much into the community were you at this point I was I

Was um I was in the community and I was I was there I was watching people knew of me I had probably like a 15minute time maybe and I was like 20th on the leaderboard probably maybe like 30th and I streamed a little bit and I was around

But I wasn’t like in hbg and that was the difference is like it was hbg plus ecstasy and and tfue and whoever else that was there that day but there was there was a there was I don’t know if you know like there was the the time

That we played with them um again we did 10 mans with them and this time I was there for that um this was like I thought they did 10 mans the first time round no yeah they did 10 mans the first time around and then they did it again

And I was there for the second time yeah CRA I didn’t know about that XC poke Jesse and um there wasn’t it wasn’t just hbg this time either it was like um hbg and like some other speedrunners and stuff too it was dope that I it was like

It was really cool actually you know what yeah it was it was really cool being just with them like sharing like this thing where I’m just like yeah I’m like insane at the game right now and like Dugal had a world record at the time they’re like oh my God it’s do out

The world record told her and stuff cuz he was playing with this as well and I was just going around kind of like carrying the squad whatever it was really fun um I think pound cake actually has a video on his channel of

It it it’s a it’s a it was a good time um but nice shot yeah poundy was there but I I remember it was like so sad okay so my mom pays for a really good internet and I have ethernet and I have everything and I swear it it never my

Internet never dropped in like 6 months and for some reason on that day that specific day my internet was just gone it was just out for like uh I I did some runs with them and then boom it was just gone and I just couldn’t get it back

Couldn’t get it back couldn’t be I lost like an hour of trying to get it back and eventually it was like working again and I was just like so I I remember like trying to like use my brother’s ethernet cable and it was so annoying and stressful because I wanted to you know

Do this like rare thing and getting messed up yeah of all days and I don’t even think my internet’s dropped a single time after that either which is the crazy part is this where I say everything happens for a reason again in this scenario that’s cool though messed up

Obviously like I mentioned earlier and I keep kind of bigging you up in a sense I I I want to get like I do think you’re very very good at speedr running so massive props to you for that uh and I’m going to keep saying it throughout the

Podcast just to to bigger your ego who cares have you ever held a world record yes I have held a few World Records I have never held like the big world record the big world record is like 116 RSG any% that is the one that’s alox has

Right now at 7:45 I have never held that one the closest I got was fifth with my 847 like um 10 months ago at this point but I do have some other world records um or not currently actually do I currently have some I I have my first

Ever world record was 3 1.9 RSG um any percent which is you can think of it’s like the maybe third fourth most competitive category there’s like 116 there’s three1 it’s sort of weird now because it’s split up differently there’s 1.7 there’s pre 1.7 and then there’s 1.8 before it was just pre 1.9

It was all incomp in one and that was like the original version that’s like um what like alumina had world record on and it’s just kind of that was like that was like the the big version for like a long time was pretty well honestly because there was only those versions

Out at the time but yeah that that and so basically I got into speedr running I was doing 116 at first because that’s what everybody was doing and then I got into pre 1.9 I thought it was fun and that involves like going up the tower and and respawning Enderman and I got

World record with that with like some new strategies and stuff and that was yeah that was the first world record I got which was pretty cool that was like definitely the first thing that put me on the map I guess people were like oh damn this guy got a new world record or

Something like that he’s actually decent at the game geez yeah and then after that I went back to 116 and and I’ve been playing 116 ever since basically in terms of like other world records I’ve I’ve held the Duos world record which is just it’s not that competitive but it

It’s pretty fun and it’s pretty right now I’m actually doing Duos runs uh with rainx and we’re like going for world record cuz our world record got broken oh and yeah I have Trio’s world record as well right now it’s like at 9:30 jez it’s crazy like you’re fifth with an 8

Minute 8 Minute time like you you I’m 11th now with an 8 minute time yeah oh see that’s what I mean you look at like 8 minutes is fast and then you look at you’re like wait that’s 11th I’m I’m top 2,000 with my with my speedrun time so

I’m also up there with the goats so not too bad to be fair I like did like a month of speedr running and I picked up really really quickly and I threw a sub 20 twice uh which was like painful uh cuz obviously I was I was like I’d been

Speed running for like 3 weeks at this point so throwing it was normal but then uh that’s tough I don’t know something about speed running I love watching it I I think I think now with the podcast I’d like to say I’ve had enough speedr Runners on the podcast now to kind of

Put myself as part I I I know I reach into a different like a bunch of different communi I’d like to say I’m in the like not in it but I’m I’ve referenced or done my part in the mcsr community without the speedrunning aspect of things cuz I can’t remember

Who it was I like how speaking to on a podcast but I was saying like you can be part of the mcsr speed like mcsr Community without actually being a speedrunner you can be an artist you can be yeah of course I say I take my part

In the podcast so you sure I love watching it I mean like I mentioned I I like I lur a lot in like your tournament I’m a big fan of mtsr ranked which is something once game we get into talking about speaking of I guess actually for

The sake of it with with mcsr ranks do you do you think right it’s not like a controversial take it’s just it’s a bit of a stretch maybe do you think the introd introduction of that kind of killed the idea of not killed but like lessened the idea of RSG because like

Right now you you obviously speedrun a lot the majority of the time you’re playing rank right has it kind of lowered your motivation to constantly just keep recuring random seeds when you know you can hop on ranked and get like good set seeds yeah for that it’s it’s definitely interesting I don’t think

Ranked could ever be seen as like a bad thing for I want it to be looked as bad that’s not what sorry I just that wasn’t why I was trying to get out when I mentioned that by the way yeah yeah yeah um it’s definitely so yes it it’s it’s

Harder to play RSG when ranked is there because ranked is just so gives your brain so much dopamine there’s so much adrenaline in in in winning these matches and gaining and losing Elm compared to RSG where it’s like you against yourself and that’s pretty much

It and you just have to reset a lot um I mean that that’s just how it is at the end of the day but I will say like there are very there are very big differences between the two um that have different appeals I suppose um and in in my head

For me like I’ve always kind of I think ranked is what pushed me to becoming like a really really good player and originally when when ranked came out um not not not right away but after a little bit I started grinding it a ton and the the the the beauty of ranked I

Guess is that you can um now and and back then you can really compare yourself to other Runners so if if you’re playing against feberg and you make some decision and then fber makes another decision then you’re like wait why’ he make that decision and then boom

It’s like oh because because of this because of this because of this and it really can just it just is a constant cycle of just improvement improvement improvement and everybody else is getting better too and so that is like it pushes you and it really improves you

A lot and it it makes you way more consistent because you have to be more consistent to win rank matches so that is it it’s been really insane for improvement and at the in the back of my head I’ve always been like this is for improvement for myself to go back to RSG

And grind RSG and be better than I ever have and really have a good shot at world record at this point I I feel like there’s been multiple times where I’ve been a world record Contender but at this point I feel pretty confident that if I went back to RSG and really started

Grinding and I mean big thing is resetting figuring out resetting then I would be like I would be a in contention for world record and I’m not currently grinding RSG though I’m the last few days I’ve been play I’ve been playing Duos with rain and I’ve been really

Enjoying that like it’s just it’s just really fun and that’s kind of been I feel like gradually pushing me back into RSG I’m hoping to probably grind it a lot more afterwards um because it’s I don’t know I don’t know at at the end of the day world record is the ultimate

Goal for me at least so I still I that’s that’s always been the goal for the last 3 years and even though I do other stuff I it’s still like what I want to go back to always so yeah what your what’s your fastest ranked time fastest ranked is

737 what’s what’s RSG world record 7:45 oh so you like you I know obviously is but you actually so you can definitely do it cuz you have a faster rank time than the RSG time so you can h % um yeah I suppose yeah you look I suppose but

The thing is it’s also just getting that motivation of once again like I mentioned you are getting into games you know as soon as you spawn in there’s a guaranteed loot you know as soon as you enter the never there’s a guaranteed Bastion all that kind of stuff like

You’re going to go from that glory to sitting behind a what like an eight wall screen or whatever or however many walls you use and it’s like just resetting resetting oh we got a seed I entered oh no Bashan reset reset and it’s like it’s it’s that Mo that’s what I mean like

Ranked is kind of of a breath of fresh air you know to the case of like you can speedrun and enjoy actually speed running you stream for 2 hours and you speedrun for 2 hours you don’t stream for 2 hours and sit looking at a wall

For an hour and 40 minutes you know that is true that I think stream content it’s kind of objectively better in a way I mean the thing about RSG is that it’s it’s just got insanely High highs I guess the the like the feeling of getting on Pace after resetting for hour

Hours is just insane it’s like oh my god let’s let’s let’s go like what’s happening right now and the feeling of getting on like the nerves are also just completely different I had a run it was 2 days ago with in Duos and it was the

Fastest Pace I had ever been on um we had ever been on but like I like I I had never even I I was like shocked at how fast this run was while I was running and this is so I have competed in in tons of tournaments at this point I feel

Confident in myself that I don’t really get insane nerves while I’m playing during tourneys anymore that that kind of isn’t isn’t like a thing for me I’m not I don’t get shaky while I’m doing the Run maybe before I I’ll I’ll be nervous but this run that was the most

Nervous I had probably ever been in speed running and it was just because the the pace was so fast it was like it was like shocking me at how fast it was and it really made me realize like damn like this is such a different skill no

Matter how good I am at nerve management during tournaments it’s not compar comparable at all to Pace nerve management so that that’s like it’s a whole different feeling whole different ball game whole different mental thing that you have to work on I think it

Might be a bit of a weird way of looking at it so you can either agree or disagree with me here but it’s also with ranks right if you lose like you go next and you’re guaranteed a good seed right if you lose again you go next you’re

Guaranteed a good seed but when you get like inance a good run a good RSG run you know you’re probably not going to get a run like that but like say okay say you get like a sub a sub eight for example somehow yeah you know that the

Likelihood of you getting that in the next like in the next 5 months give or take is low right yeah and then like the idea of getting a world record for instance when you was on really really fast pace and nerve management the idea of oh crap this could be a world record

Run means so much more to than like winning a r game that’s why I mean like that’s sry that’s why I agree 100% with what you mean about the High highs and it also can have its low lows you know for instance if you’re on Pace and you

Throw it but due to like a silly mistake or the dragon just doesn’t perch you’re like crap why didn’t you or insta purchase and you miss it that’s like something I had once it’s just like that can lead to I assumed low lows as well

So yeah for that for the run I was talking about where I was like shocked at that pace that run um I choked it uh it was a very bad choke cuz it was something so so silly and dumb I mean I had a a micro choke before and that kind

Of led me basically for preemptive that’s like the the stronghold strategy um to find the Portal room you need to have your settings on very specific settings and I just forgot to change one of the settings and that’s it’s something I’ve I’ve done preemptive thousands of times and I just forgot to

Change one of the settings so it didn’t work and I didn’t notice and I didn’t get the run and it was just it was just one of those things where it’s like so it was so brutal it was so brutal I I I mean I’m still thinking about it and

It’s it’s sort of like it’s definitely one of those low lows but I find you kind of you can’t like you can’t be too attached to your speeduns one to one like if if like um it’s not good for your mental if you get like extremely

Sad from like losing a run or extremely happy from Gaining run either way because it’s just Minecraft is Just R RNG game even any Speed game it’s like you’re not going to have the good runs all the time and it definitely it’s very easy to snowball it’s like oh I mess

This up I’m going to mess this up I’m going to mess this up and so you can’t like be so connected one to one so I’m really just trying my best to take that as a learning experience as a realization that um Pace nerves are completely different and I really need

To work on them um clearly um because it was always dude it it was always this thing in my head I I’ve just been thinking about like if I was ever on insane Pace unimaginably good Pace what how would I react how do people not choke how how did brentilda get the

First sub 10 how did he manage how did he pull that off how did he manage that and like breaking barriers and stuff like that you know and honestly I don’t have the answer I I don’t know how people do that and at the end of the day

The only thing that I can do for myself is just get on the pace more not get discouraged and hopefully I’ll be less nervous next time hopefully more things things will line up better next time and you know I’ll be able to get the scene run again yeah you know fair enough

Honestly and it’s that mentality as well it’s a mentality of crap I did bad but you don’t let it affect you and you just said there how you’re going to go next and you’re going to like learn from it and that’s that’s crazy mentality you know long alongside the idea of deeping

Your nerves it’s also the case of I messed up how do I improve next time this this was silly and good for like pretty much everything in your life that you do it’s it it really is being being emotional about something and caring about something is important you want to

Have those feelings but also you want to be able to move on and learn from it and improve from it um it’s so it’s just like it’s you know it’s a balance more so on a speedr running front cuz I want to get into talking about tournament but

Before I do I do have a question and I think it’s a question you knew that was coming but I have to ask it so you’re Canadian yeah just a double check yes all right however you’re Minecraft is is in a completely different language do you do you speak

The language that your Minecraft is in no I do not speak it so so the story is in Minecraft uh there is the book which and and in the book it has like all of your crafts I’m sure people know that you can also search in this book and for

Speedr running we’ve basically looked for the languages that you can search for the the items in in the book with the least amount of letters so that’s that’s the idea originally a year and a half ago it was people were like oh this is cool okay and then Matthew Bolan he’s

Like a speedrunner Science Guy wrote this program they figured out some stuff and the the language that I and a lot of other people settled on was Bosnian and so I used Bosnian for a year and a half or so and then recently the easiest yeah

That was the easiest to was sorry that was the easiest to search for like items or like stuff with yes yeah yeah oh you’re okay sorry just keeping up yeah yeah so the idea with that one was um you type i j and those two letters give

You U respawn anchor um bed wool and glowstone those four items oh my god with the least amount of junk items just like extra items that are around um which is good right yeah very but but a year and a half later I’m thinking about it and I’m talking to like seven raal

Who’s another speedrunner he’s telling me about Ukrainian and Ukrainian this like um sick language he’s showing me all these insane search crafts that he’s that he’s like using with Ukrainian and I’m like that’s cool but I I want um I want like more objectivity so I went back and I tried

To use Matthew bolan’s tool that he used and I just couldn’t get it to work at all it was completely broken and I was talking about it on stream one day and then this this guy in my chat named beev he was like yo I made a website for you

And he’s got this sick website for search crafting that basically you input what searches you want to get and then it um it it spits out like oh this is like the optimal language for you and so it’s very customizable you can change what crafts based on what importance you

You find them and based on like how important you think having like No Junk is or whatever and junk is just like extra items that you wouldn’t want to crft with the search and the final language we landed on it’s not as objective as I thought there’s kind of

Three four maybe even five languages that people are using which is I find funny people are like joking about how next mcsr rank tney everybody’s going to be on a different language the language that I personally landed on is frankian or east franconian I think in English it’s basically this like German language

That is super super like rare and small but it’s in Minecraft for some reason and so I’ve been using it and that was the most optimal one that you found yeah that was the optimal one so that the it doesn’t have like it’s it’s different from Bosnian in terms of like it doesn’t

Have the JJ craft to search for beds anchors glowstone and and uh wool but it’s it’s better for like a bunch of other stuff like for tools and all this stuff so it’s just like a nice time save to have and um it it was it was a fun

Process really getting like learning about um Which languages are optimal and what would be optimal for when and runs and stuff like that that and yeah so this is langage ATL on East franconian which is the one I’m using are you are you the only one who uses it or do other

People use it as well I don’t know how many people use it that like there might be people that that use it that I don’t know but there is like one specific person ranic he um has like worked on languages a lot and kind of helped to

Convince me and I mean I I feel like I was coming to this we basically came to the same conclusion and so we’ve also talked about like our layout and our keyboard layouts and all that kind of stuff a lot too so yeah that’s interesting because when I when I like

Saw I was like oh I didn’t I didn’t know he I didn’t know spoke another language I do not speak another language now CU I know like some people um I feel like I was a culprit for one I feel like there was a TI I played a I used to play

FIFA in Spanish I used to I used to play um yeah so just cuz the commentary was better in Spanish so yeah yeah so like back on like Xbox um me and my M would like play and I like yeah I don’t really have anything to build on this other

Than other than the fact that that’s what I did there there’s no like strategy behind it I guess I played better with Spanish commentary as well technically so you know had it had its benefits but they hyped you up more yeah exactly just like yeah just it’s just

Bad and plus listening to the English commentary when I already speak English it’s like uh I can just commentate myself you know so right right true okay fair enough and then this eventually or essentially sorry I should say has benefit fitted you in tournaments then right cuz you’re the goat once again I’m

Saying it to big big you up is uh this is essentially kind of you know turned into helping you with tourn I mean I not to say that you would be bad without it but you reckon it has a big impact on your tournaments well honestly at this

Current moment it’s it’s a lot to memorize so um it’s not perfectly in my muscle memory yet but it’s definitely a it’s a slow process but it’ll get there eventually where it’s kind of all ironed out and it’ll be really nice yeah how long you been using this one again for S

It’s been like probably 3 weeks maybe a month that’s me think it was longer yes it’s still fairly fairly recent yeah overall yeah right then Sil runs time to talk about tournaments it was it it was coming all right so we’ll get out of the way uh more of a negative not negative

Aspect but just one not not not fully to remember let’s start by talking about mcsr rank all right yes season one you absolutely destroyed right you popped off you won and you won a good amount of money from it as well and uh you know

That’s also one of the ways I found out who were alongside lavender Island alsoo that however season 2 is a very very sad defeat in the finals so what was I was I out drinking I think I went out drinking with my dad right and then as soon as I

Got home I’m like I’ve had a good few drinks I come home and I’m like and I checked the mcsr ranked brackets just just to see just to see the outcome and and uh yeah sadly you were you were just a runner I mean just

A runner up like it it was a very close you lost by one one round I believe um yeah it got it went to game seven what uh what what happened there cuz obviously I didn’t get to watch that one so this is BAS based like fully on what

You tell me here what what what happened like was it just was it just they were the better player or did you mess up at any point I I would say like Loki is overall the better player or or was at the time I mean probably still not to be

Honest depends you have different strengths uh as players but um it’s it was one of those things um for me after ranked season 1 I don’t want to this seem like an excuse but my my mindset before ranked season 1 was I’m going to prep and train so hard for ranked season

1 every single day I was playing ranked I was doing runs I was analyzing my runs I was watching everything back and I was comparing myself constantly constantly constantly and I improved an insane amount from that and and then I won and and like when the Turning rolled around

I won the tourney and then for this one it was different because I actually hadn’t been doing a ton of speedr running before the the tney my first ranked match was during escape from lavender Island so I hadn’t been speed running at all and I just came back and

I was able to win that one and then I had then I was kind of just getting back into it in a way and then that’s when this tournament rolled around and so for me it was like damn like everybody else has improved a lot and I haven’t been

Improving that much and so I I still made it to the finals I got second literally couldn’t have made it any closer it was such a close match but I I felt like I just had a lot to improve still and and it kind of it made it very

Clear like I’m I can’t just you know I can’t just be too like complacent um otherwise people are going to catch up people are going to get better people are going to improve and so it it know it’s made me kind of and I I always knew

That of course like it’s not like I’m just oh like I just choose like okay now I’m I’m the best player now whatever it’s not like that it’s like obviously It’s a Grind it’s it’s effort it’s practice it’s everything like that it I just just yeah I don’t know it just kind

Of made it clearer to me that I really need to put in the work and I need to put in the effort and I’m enjoying putting the work in the effort and that’s kind of what I’ve been doing for the last like little while I’ve been joining like some smaller tournaments

Too here and there which I’ve been um enjoying and doing well in it’d be boring if you always won right like winning M like you already won mcsr ranked one give it to someone else for number two you know I suppose I suppose yeah like you got to be fair you don’t

Want to take all the money you know all the glory yeah but I mean to to still get that far though with that considered is still like it’s still really really good so like huge props too but um I kind of just wanted to get out of the

Way season 2 because we’re going to go into some more positive noes of looking at like winnings and stuff like that like ones that you’ve won backtrack into into mcsr ranked season season one so you popped off there you won unless I’m unless I’m tripping here you won quite

Comfortably didn’t you uh no no you not it was it was the finals was um it went to a a game seven as well like a final match and it was pretty close but like it was definitely I think my matches before that were easier than my matches

Before that like season season 2 um it was like constant like retos and and I don’t remember exactly 2 32 31 was season 2 yeah it felt like it felt harder to um win my earlier bracket matches but then when I whenever I played dugy in the finals it was like

Damn like this is like in back then it was easier to get to the finals and then once I was in the finals it was like still a really hard match but then this season it was like hard to get for the finals and then it was hard to win the

Finals as well of course cuz I lost um the difference is quite quite obvious cuz like d duga is insane player I mean he he got his tourney cut short because he lost to Loki like really early in this tourney yeah and Loki is obviously the winner which was which was quite

Interesting soz I remember like I think it was I was talking to Oliver cuz I had Oliver on midweek MC and I was and I was like it’s so like strange to like yeah but he did lose to Loki I was like yeah I know he lost to Loki but it was still

Weird to see him go out so early like I know like I know I know he lost to the winner that doesn’t like take away from it like yeah seeing it just seeing it in general him go out so ear was like what and that’s like kind of a critique for

Having no losers bracket in the tourney it’s kind of weird how that kind of stuff can happen but I don’t know how it goes I suppose yeah once you’re out you’re out there’s no way to kind of come but then it’s also like that’s just a normal that’s just a normal tournament

Bracket right is once you’re out you’re out like it’d be really really long if there was a loser bracket and then you could bring your way back in like I know other tournaments have it but I don’t know I quite like the format personally

I mean that might just be me I what what what are your opinions on on the format of it um it’s nice I I I really enjoy that it gets done in in two weekends I think that’s very very optimal and that’s important um because it when

Turney span over like a long period of time I prend it’s not the best for the tournament for the enjoyment for anybody but I don’t think it’s the perfect format in terms of the actual players playing the matches because I I I just think that if you you know have uh bad

Day just being completely out is kind of messed up like maybe you overall are the best player than somebody you lost to but you just you know you weren’t there to show up on that single day and then you’re You’re gone which you know it’s

Like I don’t know it’s kind of weird I think there’s talks of maybe different formats for the future but I don’t really know too much to be honest we’ll see how it goes going forward it’s still early doors as well like it’s relatively new and like to start off this strong

Was really really good it’s just about to see what is going forward now no the attorneys are great there’s there’s so much fun to to watch and play in but he’s on the only T’s that like this isn’t the only T stor that you’ve done well in or played for that matter you’ve

Played in a bunch of others so before before like instead of me asking them if you don’t mention one I’m curious about I’ll ask it but I’ll I’ll let you kind of like take the floor here and if you if you’re happy to and talk about some of your like personal personal favorite

Not even like personal favorite tournaments but like personal favorite um accomplishments no that’s not the word uh personal favorite uh performances there we are mhm well I can start like um back at sort of the beginning of any earnings was for me um we so twitch Rivals was constantly

Having these every like month or two these Minecraft events and they still have them but they’re just very very infrequent and for this one Minecraft event they had a qualifier an open qual not not open but it was a qualifier that was for smaller creators to have the

Potential of getting into to the main event and me and three of my friends we made uh a squad and we went to these qualifiers and we qualified for the main event then we made into the main event and then we won the main event and then

Since we won the main event we got invited back to the next next twitch Rivals and this was like I mean it was just such a surreal experience it was the first time I had ever really done an event of this magnitude and it was really really enjoyable I mean at the

End of the day I think I was like bryh Harding a lot um compared to like maybe the other people in the tourney weren’t try Harding as much as me but it was it was a massive opportunity for me and so I I would study I would practice I would

Learn I would do just anything I could really and so we were playing these Twi trials and I would I would prep with this with the teammates and we would kind of we’ get ready for the each event and yeah we did really well and we won

We won one we got invited back we won the next one we got invited back again we got second they were like the the guy who runs the who invites people is like yeah yeah you guys can come back for sure and then we won our fourth one

Until it kind of was like there there weren’t as many MC events getting run but they’re like your team is kind of like too uh overpowered unfair I guess and they wanted to do some more team balancing and I understand that um I understand it I think I think team

Balancing is is good but I just it just it kind of sucked to get basically just kicked out of the event cuz I have not played a single twitch Rivals since then except for last um yeah I I had a 2-year break from tot travels basically um until recently then again it hasn’t

Really been any twitch Rivals going on anyways I think cloud I talked to cloudfield if you know who Cloud f is I’m not sure if that a person who invites people or not and you reference it but yeah yeah they are okay I told I’m recently and I I’m I I could unless

I just completely misinterpreted they hinted at a return of twitch Rivals so who knows Sila who knows we might even get teen for one oh my God the dynamic duo right oh wow I’ll I’ll carry you in Speed Run crazy no in all like hopefully hopefully if there is actually a return

Of Minecraft we can see a reappearance from you you can always that be that would be sick yeah I mean you have like you know I’m I’m not sure how open you are about this or how open you are to do this sorry cuz personally I don’t so you

Have a lot of friends in the space anyway to the point where if it does happen and it’s like an apply thing or like you can always just like vouchers or whatever you know yeah yeah and I mean at this point like in general my like presence and my my stream has grown

To the point where you know maybe I have some some influence some way of like actually getting these streams and not just through qualifiers at this point which is you know it’s sick it’s sick it’s I’m happy about it but yeah like for this like most recent twitch Rivals

It was the it was the dead safio Bingo that was like partnered with twitch Rivals and yeah that was like the that one I got into just because I was like I clicked the button that said I’m interested which you know that never could have happened before wait there’s

A button to click well yeah on the website when they were it was like uh looking for players and then it it was like on the twitch website and it was like you just click I’m interested and so like I clicked on it some other people clicked on it some people got in

Some people didn’t I didn’t know they existed I just saw a tweet and replied to it trying to get myself bed I I need to be more cleed up on this kind of stuff because I have no clue how really any of this work like switch rival and

Stuff like that I feel like like cuz the thing is I don’t really kind of just need somebody like who is also in the scene to kind of DM me by the way don’t don’t take us like a Hint by the way I don’t want it to be

Taken as a hint I just need like somebody who’s clued up with it to kind of like say to me like oh by the way there are signups I’m like oh okay right otherwise I just go completely oblivious to it all you know I’m definitely not

One of the people that in the know for that kind of stuff I just kind of like oh okay I just click on this link and I like okay I guess I’ll just click this one I’m just so obliv it just happened see is H yeah so yeah let’s talk a

Little bit more about this one actually this was the it was Spanish I believe right mhm do you have to speak a bit of Spanish or did you use Google Translate cuz you won right you won oh you did really well in a dr’s one with somebody who you didn’t really have much

Communication with if I’m correct I believe it was also a Twitter question actually so I give I’ll give credit to the person who asked it yeah so it was uh from ban B Banda oh God I hope I said that right you did pretty well in a speedrun showdown even though people

Suspected you might not do that well apparently because your partner wasn’t primarily a speedrunner how did you was was this speedrun showdown or is this another tournament that’s a different event okay right okay okay we we’ll hold the TW question for a second either way right in in the DU in this event

Specifically uh you did oh no I’ve closed the tab this isn’t good orts earning the most reliable website for the podcast it’s absolutely correct you are fourth in the world for earnings look at that so you came first in the solos winning 10 grand K and uh you and Minecraft lockout tournament that’s

Something different oh the the safio Bingo Squad you won seven Grand but I’m assuming that was split between the squad no that was that was 28k total you won 28k Total from that tournament no I won 28k for our Squad and then it was

Split 7K so 7K to me so you won 17 grand all in all give or take yes that’s like that’s nearly a Year’s wages and you won it for like how long 3 hours of Minecraft just cuz you’re good at the game it’s like yeah something like

That why are you so blaz about it I mean it’s just like I know what I say like I mean yeah like okay here okay so this is what happened there was the lockout tournament which is hosted by small at lockout as a game mode is basically all

Of the skill in lock out is game knowledge and PVP too but a big thing is game knowledge and the entire like the point of the game is to complete a bingo card literally just a bingo card and the why it’s called lock out is you’re locking other people out of that event

Yeah and or that like uh uh like thing on the bingo card once you grab the item Nikon grab the item basically yeah yeah exactly and it’s not just items for locko but just an example example yeah um and so um I I was invited to that by

Small and I like once I was invited to that that was my sole Focus for a month maybe a month and a half it was studying practicing grinding for this lockout journey and I did so much I learned so much I mean originally at the start of

That I was a person who played Minecraft only in 116 he told me like what like how to make a spy glass I would never be able to tell you if you told me like um what like the correct y level for mining at to find like lava I would in in new

Versions like I don’t know there’s no deep slate in 116 um and so I came from just like that to just knowing like a stupid amount about this game like I just know every just minute detail anything that was related to lock out which it’s a massive there’s so much

Stuff I would I would know about and so then I got invited to that I played that I W that and then um afterwards it was like oh twitch Rivals Bingo event is going on okay I got it that and I was like okay I guess I just trained a month

Accidentally for this R like this new event that I just had no idea that I was going to get into and since I trained like so much and practiced so much I was in a very very good position for that tournament and yeah I mean it it it went

Well for me I want I mean at the end of the day it’s like Minecraft lock and stuff but also like I put myself in the position to to win the win the tournament and and I did and so there was the solos there was the Duos and

There was the squads and for the solos obviously it’s just like solo it’s whatever it’s just Bingo and then for the Duos I got teamed with um just a random teammate uh that was fully Spanish they didn’t speak any English really and for the squads I got teamed

With that duo as well and then two other like another Duo um and all three of them didn’t really speak any English and so it was the communication was purely through Google translate so I would tell them mostly at the beginning of the game the coms for what we should like do and

So I would like be like okay I’m going to go to the nether I’m going to get all of these goals um you should focus on this and this and this and this and then um that was just kind of how it went and so I ended up winning the solos I ended

Up getting sixth in the Duos I think which top five makes money barely missed out on money there and then I got first in the squads as well with with with my squad my squad mates were like pretty solid too they were they were definitely great help in that event was the

Communication hard though like I know you had Google translate but even then like to do yeah it was it was like so difficult this is why you’re the go okay I’ll stop bigging you up otherwi you’re going to walk out this podcast with like the biggest ego that’s sick though to hear

Like you do so well and then like obviously being able to like use Google Translate and stuff I’m sure not all of it translated perfectly but it most likely made it out what you were trying to get across hopefully I mean clearly actually I’m saying hopefully yeah yeah

Yeah and then um use like numbers and stuff cuz numbers are like the same so I would like tell them the numbers of the bingo card on the board or whatever that they had to do true yeah so it kind of worked out I can yeah had a notes open on my second

Monitor to like cuz I don’t know any Spanish like I don’t like most like people from from us just learn Spanish in high school but I’m from Canada so I learned French in high school I didn’t learn I don’t I don’t know any Spanish so I we learned Spanish and in secondary

School but I don’t really I I like Alla Mio insane orbits my estn like I know a few words they’re like basic and to count other than that like I am I am very English very English I mean honestly better than me then you learn French so I’m sure you can probably know

It like I I know bit like Bon like orbits Charlie that’s my name say that as well but yeah so yeah fair enough right no I mean yeah but like in terms of the communication during that event in Spanish it’s just like it was yeah it’s definitely tough I just don’t know

Any but it made it fun right mhm it made a fun wait I want to show you something I’m going to send it on my phone um this this um in Discord is what I got from winning that tournament which is so sick I’ll let you say I love what I’m looking

At right now out of every twitch Rivals I’ve ever won everything that I’ve ever done I never got anything like this but I got a metal an actual metal I show it on my stream before but like it says twitch Rivals champion on it and it it’s

Sick it’s really sick but for what winning Solo or winning squads I mean I guess I don’t know if they just like if they didn’t send me two because I won solo and squads and they’re like dude we’re not sending you two we’re just going to send you one so I I don’t

Really know if my other teammates got one but maybe it’s just for winning solo I don’t really know that’s sick though what so I’m guessing you like did they ask for your address then I assume for them to send it or like did you did you

Know what you were getting sent is what I mean uh yes I knew it’s still like just cool to I didn’t know this is what I was playing for when I was actually playing an event like I didn’t realize they were going to send me and then they

Just send me an email you out we’re going to send you a ma a medal like what’s your address and then I was like oh okay that’s so sick yeah actually looks so cool holy if you haven’t chat oh God I’m too used to streaming the the

Listeners if you could see this I mean I’m sure that you’ll be able to find it somewhere one day I’m sure if you go to Silver Run streams anyways and ask for him to flex it he’ll probably be more than happy to I would gladly Flex it and then there’s there’s Minecraft

Showdown as well a speedrun showdown and I guess I’ll ask the question and then we’ll get into talk about what speedrun Showdown actually is uh so you did pretty well even though uh you had a partner who wasn’t primarily a speedrunner how did you do that well and

They they want they they did mention that there’s no disrespect to Cub uh it’s just the way they worded it but I mean I think that was a pretty valid question obviously Cub isn’t a speedrunner cup guy Cub fan 135 we’re talking about yeah yes okay yeah no as

Far as I’m aware they’re not a speedrunner so on some speedrunning um it’s okay so yeah speed Showdown is 2v2 speed running like to beat the dragon basically um whichever team can kill the dragon wins is the idea and so for the event um nery’s like the the

Main kind of post guy I guess he was trying to put together as balanced teams as possible for instance he put eberg and ant venom together and and ant venom like isn’t into competitive Minecraft really at all it hasn’t speedrun early at all either and then he put like me

And Cub together and I mean honestly like I think I had a pretty decent team I I don’t really know like what like this question like we did fine but it was definitely a disappointing outcome for me personally I did not did you not oh I assumed cuz of the question that

You guys won no no fber won that um fber andom won okay it was um yeah I didn’t we got like we didn’t get last or tied last or whatever but we we won our like first match and then I think we lost our second match or something like that but

It was definitely a new kind of experience for me and obviously it’s just a lot about like communication and having like stuff like that and just being very adaptable because for this event specifically it was like the meta was shifted um very quickly to and feberg was the one who basically Al

Harnessed The Meta shift um which was like instead of playing very conservative you basically just like oh get get iron armor go to the nether fight the other team in the nether or try to find your own Bastion or whatever it was it was that in the speeder and

Showdown seeds there was always two bastions and because of that um what feberg started to do was he would go to the first Bastion loot the entire thing gets pearls traded out and he would also just Jan enter the nether as fast as possible which was kind of an RNG point

But he was really good at finding the enters and so enter another loot the whole Bastion trade it out then go to the second Bastion Lo the whole bash and trade it out and then he would beat the game and at that point it’s extremely difficult for the other team to come

Back to that and so it was kind of like he adapted in that way and I adapted in the wrong way in terms of like I was just not he didn’t beat me by the way um I lost to rain and small at it was like

I remember a very specific moment in my match where I was like all right I could try to beat the game right now or I could go to the other Bastion and loot the Bastion and then um my choice was to beat the game and they were able to come

Back and they um ended up killing us and they won the match and so it was like if I just had made the other decision I feel like we could have done a lot better but then again like it was just such yeah it was just so weird like we

Are the matches that we lost it’s just such it’s such an interesting meta and and and game and it’s really fun too and obviously like teaming with Cub was just really cool too I mean I I’ve watched cubfan for like a while in terms of like

I mean I used to watch him like a lot more when I was younger and it’s just it was just cool what is what is speedrun Showdown sorry I’m a little bit out the loop of this one it’s just um uh like four players two Duos um on the same

World speedr running to beat the dragon whoever kills the dragon wins basically oh so when you said oh I can just beat the game here they beat the game before you they ended up no no they didn’t beat the game well they did beat the game

Before but the idea it was like I was like okay I’m going to go speed on the game before they can catch up but because I gave them the opportunity to catch up because I left the Bastion they did end up catching up to us and then

They killed us and then they killed the dragon afterwards so oh got you okay oh so like had you gone to the other Bastion and taken your time a little bit they wouldn’t have the likelihood of them catching likely it would have been a lot harder for them yeah so like The

Meta shifted like very very hard and feberg really grasped that in meta shift and obviously along with him just like being really good at PVP and stuff and obviously still it was a there was a fruit berries purple team that everybody was like okay that just that team just

Wins the entire event and they put up a really strong fight I mean it was a really really close match it was I mean fber has a video on it too it’s like a really good video about his speed Showdown win and um it’s kind of yeah I

Don’t know it it’s definitely just it taught me a lot about turns though I think that was like a big thing about it is that I did learn a lot from and I and you know I enjoyed it and teaming with like Cub was just it was dope I Cub’s

Really cool he’s a really cool dude fair enough yeah there’s so there’s first in dead safio Bingo solos first in Minecraft lockout tournament first in dead safio Bingo squads first in twitch Rivals Cube Clash first in twitch Rivals Minecraft mini games second in twitch Rivals Minecraft best on the Block first

In twitch Rivals block Brawlers na first in mcsr RS playoff seasons 1 uh first in swrc any% tournament two and three first in hbg first gng RSG Invitational what’s that yeah that’s um a a btrl event hosted by speckner and that was like just um that was just an event we did

Where it was like kind of teamed it was teams btrl so it was like um the average between the four fastest yeah it was like the average between us four and then average between them four and so we won that and then also on top of that I

Think I got like a plus 100 bonus cuz I had yeah you did the fastest time and Molly Molly G got it for g& yes they need to do more of those that kind of that oh RSG Invitational like this is what I was saying to to all of to all ofer for

Ranked right something I really would think would be so cool is if they introduce the idea of Clans or like you know so they’d be like so you could form a team with like four people and then you know like I don’t know fineberg could fall so we could be like I I’m

Just going to say names of who’s been on the podcast right so we got like you fine fulam fruit and then there’s like I know like hbor pizza heart uh foundy and somebody else you know I’m just I’m just saying any names that come into mind right now right and then like say

There’s like eight Clans in a season and they’re all actually like serious that could turn into something much bigger like do you know how there’s like FaZe Clan and all that kind of stuff and they have big tournaments and stuff I know something like that I think would be

Cool a bit like this a bit like how you did the RSG hbg I feel like more of those really yeah I really enjoyed that event I think speckner did a really good job I think it was it was just a really it was a

Cool event it was fun to play in and it was formatted very well because the team format with is really cool I think that was this year as well so yeah was early this year it was a while ago at this point but still this year nonetheless any other tournaments that

You’d like to talk about or um I mean I I guess I could talk about this tournament that I’m in right now I just had my match today oh no sorry yesterday actually it was it’s called ESI have you heard of it oh yeah I I I feel like someone someone’s

Commentated it I don’t know I think I was watching the commentary say I think showed up on I suggested so I was watching it for a little bit yeah yes I don’t really know what it’s about I know it’s speedr running of course Minecraft speed running but that’s that’s about it

Yeah so ESI is it’s they’re on their third iteration now which is they had like they had esi1 2 3 it’s basically just a scout and Route tournament which the idea is you get 40 minutes and and then they give you a seed and they give

You some seed like notes kind of thing and then they tell you okay try to find the fastest route on this seed so it starts in The Scouting phase which you’re like okay there’s like a temple here there’s like a village here which one is faster for me to go to okay let

Me go to the temple let me find the enter let me find all this stuff so you’re basically just like making your own SSG route um as best as you can on that on that seed and then after you’re finished scouting you have whatever time

Is left of that 40 minutes to start your running and it’s not as linear as that you can go back to scouting and stuff whenever you want but uh it’s the idea is just like you try to complete that seed now in the time that you spent like

Scouting it um which it’s been a tney idea in MCR for a while but this is definitely the biggest and the the probably the best tney that um executed this scout and Route format and there’s critiques of it but I think it’s really really fun to play overall so yeah

General idea right now is good yeah um yeah I think it’s it I mean it’s really fun to play on for sure there you go that’s sick to hear is is like like it’s just crazy how just being good at a game can benefit you so much and that’s why

Sometimes I wish I was quite good but I don’t know I found confid in the podcast I’m hoping that I can do something with the podcast I it feels like I am you know I get to talk to someone really cool someone really different every single week yeah that’s dope for sure

I’m kind of I’m kind of content with where I am right now I do have a question before we move on and it something I was meant to ask earlier I just never got around to asking it what are your thoughts on speedrun calculators I don’t really have anything

To build on that I just have the question and then I just want to hear your answer yeah so this is like this was a Hot Topic know about it that’s that’s why I’d bring it up yeah so like for me personally calculators um were always

This thing I was against in general in speed running when so actually oh the um originally there was the uh there was ninjab Brand’s original calculator which I was one of the first people to use in try out and I was like oh this is dope I

Get to go to the stronghold but over time I kind of realized uh I mean it it got banned the calculator got banned over time I kind of realized that it is it makes more sense for the game to not have calculators because um they just it

Just kind of uh removes skill point in the Run I mean triangulation in itself is just one of those skills that you can uh I me it’s just it’s just a skill and I think it’s definitely like it it was it’s important um but for whatever reason I mean the

Reason is that people made workarounds to the calculator ban Rule and then the mods were like well what do we do about these workarounds and they couldn’t find a very clean solution to the workarounds and so the conclusion was to unban calculators and from there calculators

Kind of spiraled um and ninja rain made an insane calculator and then it spired even more with like bod ey and stuff and so now you can just get into the stronghold 90% of the time with One Singular eye and honestly at this point though I’ve just accepted it like

Whatever it’s not going to change um and even despite my efforts of trying to change it for a long time um it’s not going to change nobody wants to ban calculators anymore at this point really and so that’s that I mean it it’s not like it’s particularly like you can

Never know what a specific change is going to do for the game in general so for when I’m thinking about rules and and things like that I like to think about how it will affect the general Community as a whole I try not to look

At it very onetoone as is like oh this will improve my speedrun time like it’s not about that for me at all it’s it’s bigger than that and so calculators are like um I lost my train of thought they’re just not as they basically just remove a skill and they’re not it takes

Away from the like game sense aspect because there’s no longer figuring out what a stronghold is when you can kind just give it to yeah yeah but at this point there’s so oh yeah yeah right that’s what I was trying to say is um I

Try to look at the community as a whole because but but you can never predict what the future is going to how the future is going to be and how everything is going to be so I can never know really if unbanning calculators was good or bad

For the game um but at this point it’s it’s happened and that’s just like kind of how it goes and um even though I disagree with them I I’m just at this point living with it and overall it’s not like it was a detriment to the game

It maybe was blown a bit out of proportion about how it was basically just the skill shifted I think like um it’s not that it uh it’s not that it removes skill overall it’s that it removed a skill like a specific and because skill Just sh it’s not like it

Made the game easier it just made the game where you have to be more better at different aspects of the game like getting to Second portal is like really really important now and understanding that and terrain and pearls and all that is really important and it probably

Wouldn’t have been as important and also I mean end games are a lot more frequent now which is maybe good maybe bad who who really knows or like end games are a lot more consistent I should say um so yeah it’s it’s not like I can really

Predict if it was a good or a bad thing for the game but people wanted it on me but those people who were not me got their way and then it was it was in the game and now it’s just you know it’s just how it goes I guess I mean I’m

Using it now and I’ve been using it for a year over a year now I guess for the sake of it looking back on rank again referring back to ranked again is like if if calculators was banned would that make it being like would be would it be

Cheating in ranks to use a calculator would how would they figure out if someone’s using a calculator would calculators be unbanned for rank would they then eventually get unbanned for RSG because people are so used to use them in RS blah blah blah that kind of

Stuff you know yeah well I mean you can’t really ever predict it but uh I mean I would assume they would just be bad and ranked um if they were never allowed in RSG in the first place there would never have been this kind of development

And I’m not against the idea of just saying something is saying something is not allowed even if it isn’t that enforceable I mean for calculators nowadays you have to f3c and so there’s a ranked mode that just removes f3c so you can’t really use the calculator anymore and f3c specifically adds a lot

Of like um accuracy as well so yeah it just it would make the calculators a lot worse if you weren’t even able to use f3c so I don’t know it’s like there is enforcement I guess for ranked if they were never banned but yeah again you can’t predict the future you can’t

Predict how it’s going to be but I don’t know whatever before I get into the Twitter questions then Sila do do you have anything else that I haven’t bought up that I I you feel like I you thought I was going to mention or you feel like

It would be cool for the podcast um honestly I can’t think of anything in particular now okay all right then so some Twitter questions then we we’ll ask um I don’t only have these wrote down all right the first one comes from oh rage neck oh God I pronounced is really

Wrong and I reex no you’re going to have to set it for me please save me here rainx rainex I’m so sorry uh this got 40 likes this question by the way all right yes does it jiggle dude I feel like I’m so surprised you asked me that okay I was in call

With rain I was like I was talking to him he’s like um he’s like oh you’re going on a podcast I’m like yeah and he’s like I’m going to ask a question I’m going to ask do a jiggle and and I was like bro don’t say that and then he

Just tweeted it and I’m like okay well there’s no way he brings it up on the podcast but here we are of course I will any any like I have this I have this like thing right is rux is followed by you and I know you guys are friends so

At that point I just feel like the question’s fine to ask if a random person asked it I’m not going to ask it Rex and you guys are friends so why not you know why why not bring it’s funny as one it makes like that funny little

Story you yeah so um yeah it it it um it Jiggles for for rain for rain I going straight in highlight by the way like this the the intro part like the like first minute of Clips all you’re going to hear is it Jiggles for rain that’s

Crazy another one comes from Super Lucky and it’s what was the hardest speedrun related thing to learn when you were starting to speedrun Minecraft yeah uh okay so for the this one it’s definitely like the most the hardest things for me is like the abstract Concepts so for things like bastion’s zero cycle

Anything like that that’s just mechanical it’s like okay I just need to learn the mechanics of how to do it I just need to remember how to do it I have to go to this Haight I have to go to these coordinates and I have to build

Up and I have to time it with this accuracy but the abstract things are a million times more difficult um the things where it’s like game sense decision making terrain nav terrain nav’s a big one for me it was like do do

I go up here do I go left do I go right which way do I go like um do I speed Bridge do I whatever like it’s definitely the um decisionmaking aspect of the game which was the hardest part to learn and the consistency of the decision- making as well that is like

Being able to make the correct decision on any seed is just I mean you like you’re every single time you’re like seeing a NE for the first time ever in your entire life and you’re supposed to basically figure out like the fastest way that you can possibly route that

Nether and so it’s like that kind of decision making is it’s by far the hardest part of the game to learn but um you using ranked it makes it easier to learn using just it it’s a lot about like studying and thinking about the game in general you need to come up with

Like your own kind of values and ideas um understanding like what is faster when and so yeah that definitely is the hardest thing to learn or was the hardest thing to learn and still is honestly it’s like the big thing that I’m improving at still to this day and

Then final one comes from a gulture hope I said that right I’m so sorry if I didn’t who do you think is the most likely to beat zylenox 1.16 world record is there anyone you know right now who is grinding towards beating it um you can say Yourself by the way if you’d

Like um the truth is is that there’s not a ton of Grinders right now um there are a few people who have potential and people who who could beat it the main names are probably mebe Griffin dugy rain when he gets back to grinding which

I’m pretty sure he said he would and um who else was I thinking about there something else that I was thinking about but I can’t remember anymore um it it’s the thing about world record is it’s like so difficult to um predict like what about Loc I don’t think Loki really

Does does RSG runs ever at all oh okay my um Loki does almost exclusively ranked I mean for myself personally I want to get back into runs but I not like I don’t I wouldn’t consider myself like a grinder right now um oh no fear

No fear was the other one that I was thinking about um yeah no fear has a good chance to get it as well um and yeah I don’t know definitely weird I guess the person that I would like want to get at the most is rain just cuz like

He’s a really close friend of mine but that doesn’t really mean anything yeah fair enough I you not say it for the Twitter questions then there was like a few others but I know I like to I don’t like to ask too many you I like to ask

Just like what that’s that makes fourest podcast cuz the Do It Jiggle one was very serious question so you know it had to be asked it had to be asked for my sake as well with with that being said then I I think that it brings the end of

The podcast you’ve uh you’ve also now broken the record for uh well no you now set history with the first hbg member to not have a long I mean it’s still a long podcast but just not as long as them their ones so oh okay yeah I guess I I

Speedrun it speedrun exactly I had a question I had a question I was saving for the end of the podcast maybe it was the calculator one I don’t know it’s going to really bug me now because I I cuz I haven’t asked it and I was like oh

Wait oh wait oh wait but it it might pop up who knows but for now Sil runs if you’d like to promote yourself where can people find you what are your ads on all social medias if you’ve got any big things planned all that kind of jazz um

Yeah so my um my socials just silver runs with three Rs um it’s uh for like twitch and and YouTube and stuff I don’t have any particularly big plans currently but you know I stream a lot and uh I I you know sometimes upload some videos and then yeah that’s that’s

What I’m doing right now there we go and then any any like any hints towards anything for 2024 or you just taking it as it goes um definitely definitely taking it as it goes I want to get more into YouTube I think YouTube is super

Fun so I want to you know see what I can do with that maybe maybe take it full time next year how how long have you got Les of your left of your studies um I’ve got like a year um and I I don’t know

We’ll see just take it as it goes yeah it’s going to really bug me now that I can’t think of the question but it wasn’t meant to be hey it wasn’t meant to be yeah thank thank you so much for coming on as a guest silver you’ve you’ve been amazing

It’s been so cool to you like cuz normally when I have people on the podcast I don’t really have like someone who to consistently does well in tournaments so it’s quite quite cool to speak to like you know on that kind of basis and who knows hopefully we’ll see

You playing more know we teamed me you fine poundy that was fun and maybe maybe one day we might see a block wars appearance who knows MCC one day that would be that would be insane yeah that would be insane this wasn’t a question that I was thinking of but it just

Popped into my mind so your MCC Rising application was so cool however when I watched it at the time I didn’t realize until yesterday when I was like watching back on it that that was you that was such a good such a good Rising application I I I actually your team I

Wanted in but sadly you didn’t get in yeah it’s unfortunate I was really excited for that if we got in it would have been amazing I I just um yeah I don’t know it’s okay it would have been a busted team though yeah maybe probably

I mean we would have won but I guess we’ll never know now though yeah with that being said this has been inside MC I may be the the only man ever who can make silver runs consistently talk for nearly 2 hours 2 hours recording wise at

Least I mean when it’s cut down it might cut down to about an hour and a half an hour and 20 this is also going to be really hard to edit because we’re recording audio separately so it’s just going to be long cuz normally it’s all just on my recording right I don’t

Record split audio I just record it all in once it’s so easy to edit whereas now I have to record edit two different audio tracks that’s going to be fun but yeah thank you Sila once again for the final time you’ve been amazing and thank you everyone who listened thanks for

Having me I wor this has been inside MC talking to the amazing silver runs or silver for short thank you all for watching stay safe don’t e too much bread Pieces

This video, titled ‘Silverrruns – Minecraft Speedrunning & Winning Multiple Tournaments – 062’, was uploaded by InsideMC Podcast on 2023-12-08 16:00:39. It has garnered 526 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:36 or 5136 seconds.

In the sixty-second edition of the InsideMinecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with Silverrruns, a Minecraft speedrunner and someone who has one multiple tournaments! During the podcast the two start by talking about where Silverr got the inspiration for his name alongside where the idea of his skin came from (and why he cant be bothered to change his emotes). After this they go on to talk about how he got into speedrunning alongside how he held / holds multiple world records and the topic of how Ranked has affected MCSR! Following this they talk about why he plays Minecrafy in Est Franconian, winning MCSR Ranked season 1, how he got benched for being too good at the game, accidentally winning a tournament and receiving a Twitch Rivals medal! This is the Silverrruns Podcast. Interested? Lets get started…

A very special thank you to our Guest(s): @silverrruns:

Podcast Socials: InsideMC Community Discord: Spotify: InsideMC Highlights: Twitter:

My Socials: InsaneOrbitzz: @InsaneOrbitzz Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

AJX’ Socials: AJX: @AJX Discord: Twitch: Twitter:

Profile Picture & Banner by: my mate Joe

Thumbnail by: @TheAuraCat

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    Unleash Your True PowerVideo Information अगर आप नेदर राइट का आर्मरर लावा में जंप कर जाओगे तो आपको थोड़ा टाइम लग सकता है मरने में और अगर तुम लकी रहे तो तुम जिंदा भी बच सकते हो लेकिन क्या इससे प्रूफ हो जाता है कि माट का सबसे स्ट्रांगेस्ट मटेरियल नेदर राइट ही है तो आओ ना टेस्ट ही कर लेते हैं तो चलो सबसे पहले इसे लावा में फेंकते हैं यहां पर तो ये बच जाता है लेकिन यहां लेकिन अब इसे हम फायर में फेंकें यानी कि आग में खैर ये तो यहां भी बच गया शायद ये टी एनटी में… Read More

  • EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2

    EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are these is that all you’ve got [Music] does that pay to be nice or [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] that you can raise your head depend our skill please report the battle by tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don’t have time to all Futures can be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] depends on our [Music] skill [Music] [Music] [Music] walk [Music] w [Music]… Read More


    INSANE NAMALSK ONLINE STREAM! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘НОВОГОДНИЙ СТРИМ NAMALSK ONLINE | QUEST’, was uploaded by Saprano Production on 2024-01-02 22:52:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Happy New Year! Donat – #minecraft #minecraft #trolling trap #challenge … Read More

  • 48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!

    48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!Video Information okay watch storm remember we don’t want to just die of um Whatchamacallit cuz last time the only reason I pretty much died was because of Zone and panic there’s another Med kit here if anyone wants to take it but I’ve got three so we got one each right now I’ve got six uh Shields I need some who’s got good amount of AR ammo just asking I don’t know I should be streaming are are we all good for ammo oh yeah okay after we do that we go all the way up here after we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRAL

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRALVideo Information माफ्ट पर आज मुझे सिर्फ शुद्ध हिंदी का प्रयोग करना है आज का हमारा लक्ष्य होने वाला है हीरे प्राप्त करना मुझे यहां पे स् नहीं नहीं पैदा कर दिया गया है और सामने एक गांव है कुछ लड़कियां नहीं लकड़ियां तोड़कर अपनी कारीगरी मेस तैयार कर लेते हैं ये मेरी जुबान आज इतना क्यों फिसल रही है ये गई मेरी कुल्हाड़ी और ये बन गई मेरी कुदाल मेरे भोजन का बंदोबस्त भी हो गया है इस लोहे के राक्षस को मारकर लोहे की कुदाल बना लेता हूं डाम हीरे तो अंडे के काम आएगी निकल तेरी भैंस… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him Walk

    Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him WalkVideo Information This video, titled ‘he just walk’, was uploaded by beelåhaj🐝🦈 on 2024-05-09 14:25:21. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #mrbeast #minecraft #pubgmobile #art #anime #asmr #music #memes #sigma #edit #education #roblox #respect #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #ytshorts #upsc #usa #india #instagram #islam #omletarcade #onepiece #online #pubg #pakistan #podcast #attitude #animals #army #amazing #animation #artist #subscribe #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #song #status #shortsviral #shots #dance #drawing #dog #diy #funny #freefire #fyp #foryou #food #funnyvideo #fypシ #fortnite #fun #football #gaming #gameplay #games #game #garenafreefire #gamingvideos… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS – Join NOW!

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with VIEWERS JOIN !!!!!!’, was uploaded by DeepCrafted on 2024-03-26 13:31:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE IGN: DeepCrafted #Minecraft #minecraftjava #hypixel #minemen #viral #live #DeepCrafted TAGS: lunar client, … Read More


    Insane: RANKED BEDWARS player DESTROYED!Video Information I challenged this toxic ranked bedwar player to a fireball fight you’ll never guess what happened were you alive when Marth Luther King was I don’t think so you’re not winning this by the [Music] way no no no no no no way all right bro I’m locking in what I’m going to do is I’m going to okay bro thanks for watching subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED this RANKED BEDWARS player!’, was uploaded by mxrlw on 2024-01-14 20:36:59. It has garnered 6205 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Bloom SMP Semi-vanilla SMP Survival English Java Bedrock Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP: Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti-griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded but includes gameplay enhancing plugins. Please keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone, our mod team will keep an eye out. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spice up Minecraft for fun!”

    Forget diamonds, my favorite thing to mine in Minecraft is memes! Read More

  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

    Naimarra's Mischievous Farewell The Minecraft Segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” Introduction to the Minecraft Segment The Minecraft segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” offers a unique and creative twist to the overall narrative. It showcases the versatility of Minecraft as a platform for storytelling and collaboration. Collaboration on the Beneath SMP Server The animatic was created for the Beneath SMP Server, highlighting the collaborative efforts of the creators involved. The teamwork and creativity displayed in this segment are a testament to the vibrant Minecraft community. Character Voices and Storytelling The voices of Jack and Mikir, portrayed by… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trending

    UNBELIEVABLE! Finding Magic Pot in (MINECRAFT) #shorts #trendingVideo Information minha culpa se eu pegar seu namorado Foi ele que falou que era descompromissado e todo mundo sabe que eu gosto de dotado doado dotado This video, titled ‘MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-01-15 12:44:25. It has garnered 2726 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MAGIC POT IN ( MINECRAFT ) #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #tiktok #gaming Read More

  • The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!

    The Ultimate Phasmophobia Speedrun!Video Information welcome back to phasmophobia if you could like comment or subscribe I would appreciate it anything you can do for the channel helps me put more back in the channel for you that being said it’s Monday I think you guys know why we’re here today we’re going to be working on our new weekly challenge on six Tanglewood Drive along with that we’re going to try to work on our other weekly tasks such as earn perfect investigation bonus on nightmare harder that’ll be a challenge we’ll do later this week earn money from contracts that’s always… Read More

  • Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!

    Farming GOD in Hardcore Minecraft?! Watch me wield the CowAxe!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made the Largest Farm in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-03-26 13:08:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Hardcore/Minecraft hardcore survival/Minecraft Hardcore series/Minecraft Hardcore world Hey Every body in this video I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Insane Minecraft Hacks and Tricks Exposed! 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Laughter] [Music] I’m cold hearted but I’m just getting start on the taret you’re the better who want your king [Music] of best to give me your loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you’ll see they’ll be calling me calling me they’ll be calling me royalty best to give me a loyalty cuz I’m taking the world you see me go me go me they’ll be calling me [Music] Royal call roal [Music] [Music] [Music] see the [Music] cages take it… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #Minecraft

    GamerFleet's EPIC Transformation! 🚀🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information call my Call my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] This video, titled ‘@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by RDX_JAZIB_ on 2024-05-17 02:30:44. It has garnered 1034 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. ‎@GamerFleet Attitude status 🥶 || Gamer fleet transformation 🔥 || #trending #ytshorts #minecraft WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL 😊😊 GAMER FLEET IN MINCRAFT LILYWILL GAMERFLEET SMP VS HIMLAND SMP GAMER FLEET ATTITUDE STUTUS 😡🥶 GAMER FLEET FLEET SMP SESSION 3 GAMERFLEET GOD MLG || LILYVILLE || FLEET SMP ||… Read More

  • Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shorts

    Villager goes INSANE in epic game of TAG! #shortsVideo Information at Le what was that girly popop again bro why do you spawn in my doors you gave the the most hearty Screech what can I say I mean wow I was really confused on what that was come on oh I can’t oh I didn’t know which way you were going was spinning we spin oh don’t go the ladder oh he changed directions you can’t get me you can’t get me oh oh you got me oh take take your it nope he not going get me he know get me he’s going up hey man… Read More

  • MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th Anniversary

    MY FANS GAVE ME A SPECIAL RESOURCE PACK?! | Minecraft 15th AnniversaryVideo Information [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] see oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone Master Zach here today hey we are going to wait hold up let me let me let me oh let me do one thing real quick one thing real quick and we should be good hello everyone Master Zach here today we are going to be playing Minecraft uh but very very we’re going to be playing Minecraft in a special way basically uh I asked you guys I gave you two hours bro wait… Read More

  • Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining Diamonds

    Become RICHEST on Minecraft SMP! Mining DiamondsVideo Information what’s up everyone we can get a Minecraft capturing would be great why someone removed all the windows from our house I just realized that um you know uh if if Minecraft wants to uh cap please thank you pranked also glass panes are in glowing wow hey uh I’m I mean they they got me there I can’t lie bro how how you doing Charlie was this prank even I don’t even know if this prank was even the part of the war I think dude it it’s probably Jacob br I don’t know hold on today… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won’t believe what happens!

    Insane Bedwars FAILS: You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Stupidest Bedwars Game…’, was uploaded by Hackle on 2024-03-12 02:19:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. meow :3 chatgpt made this LOL Bedwars, Minecraft, Gaming, PvP, Multiplayer, Hypixel, Strategy, Tips, Tricks, Tutorial, … Read More

  • 200b200t

    200b200tWelcome To 200b200t Anarchy We Are Between The Versions 1.12.2 And 1.18.2 or 1.19 (didnt try) Its Cracked Too So Hop On Also Can You Guys Donate So We Can Upgrade From Aternos To Smth Else I Got A YT Channel So Sub To That Too And Tell Me Plugin Suggestions Read More

  • LittleSMP – vanilla SMP whitelist

    Hello there! Short intro: My name is Yani, I am an 18-year-old male from GMT+2 timezone. I have been hosting an SMP since August 18, 2023. Community: I am looking for active and friendly players to join me in creating a nice community together. I may not be able to join daily due to exams, but I will maintain, moderate, and grow the server. Benefits: Active staff to prevent griefing and unacceptable behavior. Vanilla experience with small adjustments for multiplayer. Optional voice chat for enhanced gameplay. Minimum age requirement of 18 for maturity and appropriate behavior. Server runs on Fabric… Read More

  • Back2Basics – Simple Survival w Land Claim – PVP is ON, Keep Inventory OFF

    Simple Survival with Land Claim, go back to your roots.PVP is on, Keep Inventory is Off.Play solo, or with a team. Build up your resources. Your builds are safe with us, however, if you venture out to the wilderness, beware as you can lose your items..Goodluck. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When you finally find diamonds – 💎🔥

    Looks like Willager learned the hard way that crime doesn’t pay…unless you count the satisfaction of ruining someone’s virtual property! Read More