WiredTombstone – Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 2 | WiredTombstone Livestream

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Thank you for tuning in and appreciate everybody who’s liked and subbed on my last video we’ll talk about that today along with some other things but first let’s go ahead and and start our tour of well grief basis but before I do that I’d like to go ahead and talk a little

Bit about the changes that we’ve had to the nether as of late give me one second takes me a second to get situated here all right thank you tree walk or two for subbing and I think that’s about it Griffin King you want to lead us with

With a little bit about your group and what you’ve been doing lately all right so uh my group I I set it up as a world border called manifest destiny and it all started because I came in like everyone else escape spawn I headed west

And I saw a sign like you know I’ll go to the I’ll go to the world border in the western so I you know ran across a sign that said dig Evy or Malick’s and sorry he doesn’t anyway I saw a sign that says Malick’s is a sign into the world

Borders alright cool so I hit him up but he went off and he’s doing his own thing and the highway stopped at 1.5 so me and this kid named a jagdpanther I was like alright so we started mine and diamonds made some picks just started going Christmastime rolled around I went back

To spawn Oh dupes and pickaxes came back and at that time I met a guy I met another guy named Jan and him and I went and started minded jagdpanzer went off and did his own thing and then Malik started coming back to help mine and at the at around 2.6 millas

When we had our fourth edition – crew and his name was a gym swarm and us for just plowed our way through – to the border and there at the at the nether we kind of built a hub it’s kind of untraditional because you know most people do it every million overworld but

You’re not traveling up to traveling okay so yeah your your group managed to hit I think so the X – border has been hit the x+ border has also been hit and the z+ border has been hit as of this week sound Z button was doing that’s

What I’ve that’s what I’ve been told oh yeah and then it looks like we almost have a completion of our first diagonal which is negative negative told it’s a couple weeks out but like that’s in the works tail sound z+ got fully dug out that’s what I have in my notes so I

Haven’t actually been there I suppose we could we could figure that out today and and kind of learn more code z+ was there yeah well anything great we’re gonna do a quick tour of this is x+ I’m standing at correct X negative right okay I knew

It was X I’ve been to both today so anyway all right this is the tunnel that they finished digging out and they they kind of themed it appropriately and they’ve got some signs here saying this is the moment you’ve been waiting for as you approach and I know a lot of

Players are never going to make it all the way out here what the hell oh hello not too bad now now I gotta edit this stream and bleep you out see what you’ve done I apologize to anybody watching for the profanity fine I mean he’s swallowing his microphone so I might I probably

Should look no I’m fine I’m great I’m great today don’t worry you can trust me oh is that miking the larper haha you’re such a loafer dude dick bro in your live stream neither do i I’ve I feel like we should take serious action towards these new friends

Maybe we should but alright so welcome to the world border brought to you by the manifest destiny mining corporation which was back in a bit I gotta say like as far as names go excellent choice there guys diggers Diggy V Jim swarm Griffon King and Jan’s their mirrors and

Then of course we have signs here from other people who have managed to make their way out here specifically Zetas king of the Momo’s under cool back sorry and sure lots I’m gonna go ahead and light the portal here cuz why not like it’s a nice little wave Cappy the world

Keep in mind we could keep mining this way for a very long time because the nether doesn’t doesn’t end here it it just keeps going but let’s do a quick run-through here yeah there we go time we’re about to send me back through again all right so we’ve got a stuck piston

Here yeah they’re multiple multiple portals here yeah you could take Momo for the broken portals yeah I like broken portals their unique denied me standing underneath of something very large but I want to look at at the border here real quick first nice how long does taking current EPS

Building now the the shoving the blocks through to the other side oh not that long okay fair enough I I would have thought that it would have gotten deprioritized or whatever but it was that’s grinning the scaffolding that took the longest time yeah very nice guys and it’s it basically once you

Punched them through they’re there forever right yeah I mean somebody else could could put another block on the outside and push it through it up to cover up your message but oh no cuz Pistons don’t move obsidian fill it in man fair enough I I suppose with the

With the netherrack or whatever and the sandstone over here though that can all be moved yes okay and more it’s less of pushing it through it’s just drawing it out block just right up to the boil water and then scaffold place free camp placing the I’ll be on the other side

Cool all right who’s Zim yeah exactly where is them and then fibular sign i I like hidden things like this where it’s just you know you wouldn’t see it normally unless you were just looking around via free game or fly so what you’re standing under is uh Malik’s wanna

Oh I’ll I’ll get to that it’s huge just like my ego ed my talk I am doing you just buy an auto bleep er ice to make one er yeah you did that yeah they can hear everything you’re saying so giant Griffin here I’m waiting for it

To I presume this is a Griffin ring yeah well I kind of had this in mind for a bill for quite a while while we were gigging the highway as another thing I might wait for day time to do a shot of this you know just with the Sun rising

Or whatever just once it did yeah that ain’t that ain’t happening what I might do though is turn off clouds what it’s no cloud removal what is this kind of client is this exactly that’s why I use it it’s in video settings I think is it hasn’t working it somewhere

Thank You thin tito’s I’m not sure there we go clouds off okay still should have been client-side yeah I like the griffon guys I believe we have a small building down here to tour as well although it appears to be covered and creepers there’s nothing members made that well

They were weak for me and Griffin to actually make the Dan Griffin so they were bored is what you’re saying yes oh they were kind of waiting for us to point them into the new direction into our new goal it’s quite a bit smaller than then it should be considering the

Name of the house yeah exactly exactly that’s why I I said it’s quite a bit smaller than I think it should be now uh remind me when it turns daytime to come back over here and and screw with this you got it so I can get a nice

Screen shot for the video or whatever besides he doesn’t want to see a giant Griffin during the day like it does yeah exactly so I’m gonna go ahead and go to the next set of coordinates I have on my on my list here I haven’t been to these

Before but we’ll take a quick swing by uh looks like Requiem ruins is the next base I have so let’s go take a look shall we yeah they weren’t lying it is ruins that does appear to be rude yes so part of a continuation of my destroyed

Bases theme we’re going to go ahead and pick it up here you know I’m gonna do one thing real quick because I don’t feel like it went out and it should have probably gone out and that is linked to the stream in chat real quick because I

Don’t feel like YouTube has my normal number of viewers on it for some reason so for whatever that’s worth not saying that everybody has to tune in every time but if people don’t know about it then makes it exactly so um think I just sent that to everybody

Yep quickly mute myself before I ended up at going see it says they’re waiting for me they can’t even see this they have been able to see any of this what the Frick OBS this is true you can see the YouTube stream of this yeah okay

You want to shoot me the link for that into sure cuz the link I just shot out which was the one that YouTube gave me didn’t work like like it’s not the right one okay okay yeah okay so this one’s live I don’t I don’t understand what see

I’ve been missing chat for this entire time I’m thinking it’s just been YouTube being slow or whatever but no it’s just YouTube being dumb and telling me I don’t have anybody anybody watching okay let’s try this again oh that’s why I read up load these so genius all right

There we go so that should be live or live ish I think I am using stream Labs well I don’t use so I use stream labs and restream and restream between the two of them is kind of just crap I mean it does its job I just wish that it was

More consistent in in the job it does so it’s Jordan I’m using worst which you know most people and the server don’t don’t use worst they use either seppuku or they use impact or future one of those three I just like worst because I’ve had it for a while

ID compiled it and I like having it something that I’ve compiled myself so I could probably switch to seppuku and do the compliation myself I just haven’t so no no you can’t get an e chest or that’s where I keep all my pron pr0n for those

Of you who label things at home and don’t want it to be searched let’s see here so this is Requiem right and I don’t have any information on who did this space but if you’re in the chat and you’d like to chat open to it it looks like got some standard villager

Build type stuff here and then some sort of pathing they were being in the bridges here from what I can tell it’s all got pretty well griefed actually whoever did this did a much better job on this than they did on either of the two bases I just toured Anarchy or

Nemesis in the last stream yeah a first Houdini how’s it going man yeah is anybody have any comments about this face anybody even been here before anybody who grieved it gotcha what is this anyway was it grief this is requiem and I believe it was grief too sometime late last year but I

Could be wrong it was just a set of chords that were given to me like hey you should to her this looks like they were building some sort of a dome or something here I mean whoever griefed us really like they went all out because this entire bill just gone the

Destruction is real what they were going before really yeah it looks like it was a really nice bitties at one time I’m sure it was I had some sort of hill of weak going on here larger building attached to it of some sort then it got

Cobbled just a whole bunch of wheat here hey JJ I need to go in like half a note so if you could get to my base now and I could give you a tour all right what are the chords of it or which one is it on

My list if you don’t want to give me the chords because I have a whole list and you stopped talking oh yeah it’s um it’s I just miss it you and it should be up in the chest okay let me see here okay yeah that was actually the next one on

My list so let’s just pop over there why not all right I mean one second alright I should be here at least in theory plus I paced a drum that’s right so I don’t know if you’re if you’re here or not but I’m not here I know it’s grief

Yeah gotcha yeah I can tell you it raining storm 99th best friend just stack his hines okay so this still exists this was chalk zone right I guess it’s you here at there’s a giant obsidian statue with a blue outline on it looks to be the shape of rock zone

Not exactly so sure who that was but I’m pretty sure rain that it’s pretty cool I’m a fan of anybody who’s a fan of chalk so good show yeah it’s good stuff especially for the time timeframe that it was built there made takes a lot of creativity to make an entire show about

Nothing but chalk this was grief using that account exploit that Jared had say Jared grieved it gotcha do you do it himself or you just delete the chords or knighted in himself but it was to TPS when he was doing it so you didn’t really do that well gotcha

Any idea with the circle with an obsidian circle is gonna be a um disco I made this this is gonna be a PvP arena and you didn’t get to finish it before you got blown up but it was and yeah if you keep following that bridge it leads

To a custom mountain range that I was with you before you got blown up okay I’ll I’ll follow the bridge why not can I hit that direction yeah still getting reefed over here Wow okay cool wow this is nice uh let me just take a quick screenshot aside it was

Gonna be a cave of a mushroom buying unfortunate that it’s still still being obliterated even now yeah JJ Griffin pieces I know right leaking cords Greaves and bases what I do right Q builder how you doing man thanks for checking out the stream the base does look nice doesn’t it say so if

You go if you go lift is an unfinished Tower yeah to my left okay so we are like probably with stream delay probably still you’re facing when you’re going towards the mountain on the bridge side if it’s to your right gotcha okay much left of it but looks like you were

Doing some sort of canal work here – yeah we were planning on making an island to the base I’m pretty sure gotcha that’s pretty awesome yes and the whole song over that flat area it was like a Japanese arch what do you call them man you guys did a lot of terrain

Manipulation here yeah that was that was mostly k-dog it was it was doing this big build here I’m not sure exactly what it was but he was clearing a lot of train most of it was used with TNT was done with Dean – gotcha okay so I’m

Seeing that the I’m not I’m not sure what these are called but they might be good goals or something is it got shot I know they’re they’re popular in Japan yeah if you go back to towards we started almost and that will take you to the center at the base pretty much and

I’ll tell you where to go from there okay I’m looking at some sort of a glass structure here yeah that it was a pagoda hospital all right there’s a museum that was the glass structure had all the methods and stuff in it awesome this section really got really got grieved

Yeah I think that’s probably um spawned in there and then used like a lot of TNT or the TPS went down from there because so if you’re if you’re staring back at them the blasting and you go to left you’ll find my volcano that I built

That’s the other land that you’re on now is custom terrain and that had a maze in it that stick team Wow sorry to interrupt but you asked to see the sunrise oh I did didn’t I let’s get me over there real quick appreciate it thank you for reminding me

Alright let’s see if we can get a screenshot going up here something right about here I think they can be good let’s go for that yeah I know you guys hate the share X sound I need to disable it I’m in behind also that’s pretty good right about there Janna could go behind

It yeah it looks pretty trying to find a good angle where you can actually catch the Griffon it’s just it’s hard with this unbe in there I might want to try some sunset originally and one with it to be bigger yeah that’s not too bad

I’m not sure what I’m going to use yet for the thumbnail we’ll figure it out that’s pretty good too guys I know terrible you should check out the G+ border let me see if we can disable that sound real quick yeah yeah there we go okay should stop making sounds now my apologies

Delete system32 right cube builder that’s how I fix the sound now let’s let’s head on back to where I was previously finish that up I think we were just about done here but thank you for the tour man when was the space built I’m starting around November of

Last year and then was inactive for like a month as it started and then it is picked up from there gotcha how long did it take to build about four months about three months of active people yeah but yeah if you’re in the middle again or if you want to go

Over look at the very know there’s still a um desert city that you can build okay so also if you’re over the volcano freecam and you can seal the custom terrain that I did okay those all with our duty materials until the Christmas do yeah under the grass as well because hmm

I declare out a whole jungle to do this I’m not seeing it but maybe I’m just blind it’s like under the grass in the volcano right I’m not outside the volcano so like not the natural grass the so when you see the grass that’s like stepping up to the

Stone that grass there around there because that’s all okay one sec I have no idea why free cameras being so slow but script so over here um yeah – you’re – I’m to the opposite side I’m pretty sure actually okay there’s more customs right or you could just go

Down there there’s also a desert city that’s built about 500 blocks away I’ll tell you how to get there okay all the way around so have your back towards the volcano okay and your left side so yet we’re waiting at now turn around to your left until you’re

Facing other left no no no other way so like 90 degrees yeah that way ah yeah that way and just keep going just follow the path yeah perfectly path oh wait no no no not that path that leads to ass – no don’t follow that

Don’t weed my stash so if you go back to the center and then I can tell you where okay all right so I’m at the volcano all right just keep going straight in that pattern and that place of you’re going so pass the cube didn’t even see the

Cube oh no no sorry eyes in stream delay so when you’re going in that direction go on the exact tops okay so this way this is what directions look like would glide people are leading the blind oh wait I think that’s the wrong way – [Laughter] okay I have tried to cardinal directions

Now all right so when you’re going towards this – the opposite direction to that okay no it’s just that he’s watching the stream delayed see he doesn’t see me attempting to go there until well after okay so from here forward like this past all the grief yes

You should come up on a permit unless it’s blonde out of the water oh yes oh yeah every everything here got got AB lit well this this is extensive they’re gone yes so this leads to a city that wkj was building it was a very nice news

A city yeah well it was huge to yo you fit to her maggots trial court my part no how about no in fact whoever that was probably getting muted for that rose videos mood dude on a live stream really I presume it’s it’s you know not actually but still you’re done but yeah

Other than that I’m pretty sure it’s mostly done gotcha yeah he isn’t we’re done here that’s not cool man okay so moving on to the next topic let’s see I have another base here we go check out thank you for the tour men I appreciate it

All right and I don’t have a name for the space again about my apologies you’re on the stream hit me up let me know something about this bass whose it is whose it was who briefed it but alright I guess probably another topic as I wanted to talk about a little bit

Is how much 9b has been growing lately it’s a kind of cool seeing all the new players I think for the most part we’re breaking new numbers every day at the moment worried about 153 but earlier today we actually broke player cap legitimately very few bots on line and

Just lots of lots of players thanks you Savannah bills crazy but I I know I’m gonna have to do a bunch of work here shortly to go ahead and make the server more performant we’ve been seeing as more and more people been ah panel and

It’s been harder to keep the TPS up so just one of those things we’re gonna have to work on I don’t actually have a name for this base so I think there might be some Russian youtuber making a video itself 9 B because I keep seeing like Russian kids streaming gotcha well

With the current situation as it is it’s not really surprising that oh this is called dev town apparently it’s not really surprising the number of people on at the moment also though everybody’s out of school and out of work and whatnot like it’s not really surprising that you know

Given given the copious amounts of free time like they just do something interesting with that if that’s you know 9 B or to B or whatever so Racha one’s gonna ask you how likely is it or the story that updated at YouTube uh looking less and less likely every day to be

Honest with you at least until we get full multi-threading done like even then just multi-threading is gonna be great yeah I’m sure that’s what Zim says – to be honest with you that is a lot of work and I have no idea when that’ll be completed it’s like a board so it

Involves a lot of careful manipulation of chunks making sure that files don’t overwrite each other and making sure that nothing changes on the players end making sure people can’t do making sure chat you know translates between all of the different shards making sure that everything you know he’s still running correctly making sure

That we don’t launch too many shards in an effort to try to keep you know the number of players online running or whatever so uh hamburger donated $5 and 41 cents thank you sir I really appreciate that he said good stuff glad you like my streams man

Oh megabyte asked if I was making a new jar file absolutely like we already run a custom version Nik MC asked if it was based on mimic it is but like I’d like to continue work on mimic but it’s just one of those projects that I haven’t heard anything

I’m presuming you’re V Nick MC I haven’t heard anything from you about it in quite a while and so I just kind of went off on my own to work on it a little bit q builder asks if we run a custom version of paper absolutely we do

Like performance would not be anywhere near it its current levels so uh J our apec asked what would happen if nine B’s map art our sorry map got corrupted the answer is very simple I just roll back to when it wasn’t corrupted or rollback the specific chunks to when it wasn’t corrupted we

Take backups every eight hours we take player file backups about every two to three hours so I mean for the most part we were pretty well set on the back up front and it’s structured in such a way that I could restore a part of the world

Without having to nuke the entire world so some some changes might get reverted but others wouldn’t that way I can be much more selective about when and how things get changed back and go from there I’m going to go ahead and pull up another base real quick guys give me one

Second here Oh kay asks does the chunk Bandra plugin work yes generally not always sometimes they have to step in it’s a manual process occasionally so all right this place is withered up apparently new sis’s hi well that’s my base oh is it and it’s about time I got around to it

Oh nice it wasn’t that large they grieved it pretty well I mean this isn’t that great that’s that you will be there forever yeah there are a few map lights nearby and I believe one of them hasn’t grieved don’t you go straight behind the statue you should find it okay I’ll head that

Direction I think to throw my grief and Stan spared one of them gotcha I’ll head that direction yeah I was heading straight back from the statue diagnol left in the statue okay I think you too far already let me go back to the statue and we’ll start from there okay

Let’s see here all right so I’m back at it you said diagonal left from the Statue oh yeah just let me tell you look not much yeah it’s probably about good a little bit here we go so this one’s this one’s been griefed and so as that was three demonetised

It’s only half of it okay and then oh I haven’t seen this one this one’s different eat at Burger fortress best food on nine yellow Kate look at players yeah my friend decided to make a restaurant a little restaurant building and so we decided to make a

Mapper to advertise for it nice nice I like it it’s good but given the current situation I presume it’s shut down yes it is fat profits are down 90% we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to have a dupe or something all right there was a couple of questions I want

To check out real quick Q builder has what if somebody got access to SSH and did our pseudo RM RF well so our backups are not on the same server and in fact they’re not deletable I have it set up with Backblaze so that the key doesn’t have access to delete and there’s

Two-factor authentication on the Backblaze and we take daily backups Wow multiple times a day so I don’t like short of Backblaze getting nuked and 9b simultaneously ah getting compromised I think we’ll be okay I also have localized backups which I take a local backup about once a week or

So just because I’m paranoid I in data integrity so anybody who knows anything about backups will tell you that you need to have at least two backups in two different locations outside of your prime location in order to be fairly sure that your data is secure you also

Need to make sure that at least one of those is an offline backup which my my secondary is offline it doesn’t have direct internet access I have to download the file and then connect directly to my server to upload it to my server so I take I take data to

Pretention pretty seriously so I don’t think we’d ever we’d ever have a problem with that so someone wanted me to ask if the dot we’re going to ever talk to you about the server no flustered a hasn’t been said a word so at least as far as I’m

Are you you’re free to hit me up like hop on stream we can talk like I don’t care I just don’t I don’t appreciate you know the way they they kind of do things so I wish that they’d I have no problem with them running an anarchy minecraft

Server I just wish they’d pick a different name so or make it more obvious that it’s not the 9090 it’s their 9090 or whatever that it’s not affiliated with protected god I I’ve never connected I wouldn’t know so let me see Daniel Elvin says the sheer

Amount of work you put into the server sound astounds me honestly love 9 be in the community I I mean I’d like to work on 9b full-time that would be really cool but I don’t think that that’ll ever happen but in the meantime it’s a good hobby

Project and like there’s there’s a lot about admitting a server like this that’s just nobody else has to deal with data in this capacity or this amount or just like there’s nothing on parallel with this in as far as technical challenges the average person faces so

Uh okay so on on his server he actually says reminder to email about issues bugs and complaints please keep in mind this is not a server owned by JJ 2005 one well that’s nice of them I I appreciate that that’s better nothing um so uh oh

Megabyte zero one linked me to some sort of a github let me go take a look at that real quick uh I believe this is but I was working with yeah this is this is with mimic so yeah we what I’m working on is based on this it’s just like wish

I had more help and I wish I had more time to work on it so um I can shoot your world down actually I don’t have it normal what’s gonna save that base okay well that’s unfortunate I probably have a copy of dust somewhere I have some screenshots that I can set

You’ve liked them the funny thing is I have an archive going back to basically the beginning of the server so in theory I could just like roll forward and tell any date and just go oh hey I want to look at this at this time or whatever I

Just don’t generally do that because it’s a pain in the butt but in theory if I ever you know really got into it I could code up something to sit there and and like locate bases see changes in the world or whatever over time and like I

Could do a whole a whole livestream of just like the world you know over time but that would leak everybody’s faces and cords if I did that so I put some screenshots in general a queue builder says why don’t you DCMA the 9090 the fake one because I don’t

Believe in doing that uh I think for the most part that law is garbage and overused and I don’t really feel like I have anything copyrightable here so Omega byte 0 1 yes we’re doing something that that is the exact project we’re working on pretty much but I have an

Offshoot of that a secondary branch so JSL says next April Fool’s Day set the map to December 2016 that would be a very boring world ok cool Nick MC hit me up after the stream maybe we can talk about that I don’t know put some screenshots of that root of

That base i briefed in general oh did you awesome yeah ah let me go ahead and and download a couple of these real quick and then I can throw them up on the stream I think I think I’ll just do the first one there just cuz seems easy enough you mean one second

Okay so in theory ah of course it oversized it awesome thanks OBS you’re awesome alright there we go it was the knife looking basin was fully built in the castle and that image is way it looks smaller in the image catcha only the telling I mean it looks like

It’s a polarity image where it’s curved or whatever so yeah the statue is schematic Oh Griffin King just donated $5 he said here’s five more to get you that housemaster salary yeah we can only hope appreciate it Griffin King wow that you know I always like builds like this

Alright let’s see if we can get this back in yeah of course thanks OBS we we all appreciate you yes yeah I I don’t know anyway I’m gonna move on to another build real quick I think another destroyed base some sort of an unknown base got it someone

Someone messaged me something that they didn’t know anything about one more info on it so let’s go take a look at that I know nothing about this I have not been here before so bear with me folks okay so a bunch of different obsidian structures some sort of a farm going on here

Interesting another large statue here oh hey it’s our friend and mascot without arms every outlaw PTO’s of course junior epic see said you should host a ninety ninety base museum server I should it’s one of the things I’d like to do eventually it’s just time senior singular puzzle piece asked

What’s the ninety ninety world see I will be doing a new video on the world seed here shortly focused path asks so what are your ideas on Q such as the servers constant fold are you going to do a priority queue or just let people wait I’ve always

Maintained that I don’t want to do a priority queue pretty much a lot of people have encouraged me like especially lately to start considering a priority queue and I have told them that I really don’t want to do one and the reason for that is pretty simple I feel

A priority queue is mostly pay2win so I don’t really want to do that I don’t really believe in that do something like the longer play time someone has on the server on the server not a play time the faster they get through cute possibly but I don’t want to exclude

People just because they haven’t played a whole bunch I’m not sure that I feel that that’s fair either it’s one of those things that honestly I feel like I would prefer to have people wait in line and then try to get people to exit the server faster so upon death you get

Kicked or after a set amount of time you re enter key or whatever just I don’t I don’t like the idea of forcing people to pay for priority queue or rewarding players who have played more with priority queue it isn’t about that it’s about getting making it to where most

People can play when they want to play like that’s that’s my ideal goal um like I said I don’t I don’t appreciate the idea of kicking people on death I just want to make it to where when people want to play they have the ability to

Play and when you die that’s a pretty a pretty good set point that says you know now would be a good time to go take a break or whatever you’ve you know a lot of other games could benefit from that I don’t know I it’s not something I want

To have happen trust me I want to make the server as playable for as many people as possible but you know we have a ways to go to get there and in the meantime we may end up having to do a couple of things to make it where more

People can play on average so queue builder asks how do you I get live stream access and discord mostly you just message me before the stream and I give you permit o’clock e98 8 asked if I gave anybody a totem on the cue server no somebody found a way to go out past

The world border and get them themselves which was kind of interesting um would the guide pole came from yeah I lost the part I lost the only gap on the keys there it was worth uh a megabyte zero one asked that’s what to be to plea t players been

Requesting on some reddit posts yeah well I mean it’s a project I’ve been involved in and I don’t think and like House has the resources he should been able to do this years ago it’s one of the reasons why house lost so much favor in my eyes with the community like even

Though I didn’t really care about the server to begin with when you have the money and the resources to do something about a problem and you like not to do anything about it it feels like you just don’t you don’t care at all so um have

You said on what the server runs like the amount of RAM and that kind of thing yeah so nine bean currently runs on an I $9.99 hundred K I do know that there ks’s but the performance difference I’ve been told is negligible we currently run

With 64 gigs of ram on the main server and then we use like 20 or so for for Q and for bungie and other miscellaneous things and then everything’s backed onto multiple nvme disks currently we’re using about 4 terabytes worth of n Vietnamese storage so it’s it’s actually

Pretty pretty expensive in that room NIC MC says on house don’t attribute to malice what can be attributed a incompetence I well okay but I don’t know if that’s incompetence per se it doesn’t take a genius to realize you want better performance and it doesn’t

Take a genius to be like I have a pile of money how do I get better performance out of this because if you hired the right engineers you wouldn’t need to worry about that anyway it would just solve itself like the right people in the right spots can code just about anything so

I don’t buy that either I don’t think it’s incompetence I think it’s electing not to do anything give me one second I’m going to go ahead and take a drink real quick Bowser asked if I knew how to pronounce his username hopefully I did it right

Soup is good asked if I added a plugin for bedrock on the server somewhat yes B rst asked if the i9 is a record much some not amazingly I suppose it could be overclocked better alright let’s see if we can find another set of chords here check out see if there’s another base

Here cuz I don’t think anybody had any any comments on this one give me one second here folks a megabyte zero one asked if it’d be possible to host to serve with more RAM like 128 gigs and a better processor like a thread Ripper so minecraft doesn’t really need that

Much RAM it it’s one of those things that after a certain point it just doesn’t add any more performance to the server and actually doing garbage collection on more RAM can make it to where you’re just eating up resources and the CPU trying to clear out the

Memory periodically 9b has had to go up to 64 gigs even though that’s not recommended by most professionals in the Minecraft sphere most professionals in the Minecraft sphere would argue with me and tell me you never need more than 8 gigabytes to run a server but there are

Chunks and there are sections of the map that can take up 8 gigs by themselves just load into memory so it’s not a it’s a what does the server need to run smoothly and not have the garbage collector fire off continuously and at the moment the garbage collector isn’t

Firing off continuously and we aren’t using all 64 gigs can’t mostly so we do we don’t really need more RAM as far as a better processor goes minecraft is single threaded what that means is having more cores doesn’t do anything for the server the more cards you have doesn’t mean anything so

For 9b most of the CPU is just sitting there doing nothing we have one core that that’s that we we figured out which core and the server was the best core and then we just run minecraft bound to that core and as far as getting a better

CPU goes we are pretty much on the upper end of CPUs a thread Ripper actually has worst performance for minecraft then an i-9 would I haven’t seen anybody really pull statistics on comparing an i9 vs. like arise ins 9 3,900 X or whatever but I’d be interested in those statistics if if

They’re better I’d be happy to switch to that CPU and pay the money out to do so but in the past and for a very long time Rison and Andy didn’t even hold a candle to what Intel could do for Minecraft performance and I still believe that

Intel has the best performance at the moment for single threaded activities it may be with with the new rise and 4 chips coming out that we actually see some performance improvements there and as a result of that we may end up switching to Rison in the future but

Core clock speed is the king of Minecraft and until somebody produces a CPU that can do 5.5 unstable then realistically we probably aren’t going to be switching to that anytime soon so we’re pretty much capped there are no more upgrades for 9b see cryptic Loki asked if I would

Increase the queue distance on the cert on the cue server in the event we had aa Q being actively used I don’t know depends on what the community wants it’s possible I may set up a secondary server altogether that’s just like 9v but for offshoot or off threading soup is good said do

Something about the lag it’s just the number of players man I I’ve done plenty about the lag it’s just one of those things that we’re gonna have to keep working on ah uh Nick MC said well seeing no one has done it successfully at least it makes it

Improbable that any good engineer can solid Mojang doesn’t have bad engineers to be fair Mojang also doesn’t care if they solve it that would be my answer to that well we have a unique problem in the Anarchy community see every other major server network when they get too many players

Playing on a server or whatever they just set up more nodes they just set up more servers and on9 be on to be on any anarchy server really we can’t do that we can’t just section off part of the player base and go okay you play over

Here now like they can on other servers or just add more modes or more games or whatever have you so I would say that any good engineer could solve the problem it’s just a matter of time and money and Mojang doesn’t care if they solved the problem because for them they

Only care if they sell realms or if they make money by that they only care about getting more people to play minecraft they don’t care about individualized server performance they’ve never cared about individualized server performance which is why there’s an entire community of modders out there

Who do nothing but work on mods for making minecraft servers faster so be rst said the Rison would have worst performance i9 is still king for single thread I think so too but I’m happy to be proven wrong like a I I’m a big AMD fan I run AMD and

Everything but I don’t know that AMD has the performance there yet I’m excited about the 4th gen I hope that the 4th gen has better performance for a single core umm focus path said 5.5 stable would be the dream yeah it would that would be ah it’s crazy

The higher the higher up in the gigahertz spectrum you get the more performance it feels like 4 for each point of gigahertz in my opinion because I’ve had 2.0 gigahertz processors and I’ve had 3.0 and I’ve had 4.0 and I will tell you that the difference between 2.0

And 3.0 feels much less than the difference in between 3 and 4 I don’t know what it is maybe it’s just all my head but it’s kind of interesting yo is this working now can you hear me – I can how’s it going man ok not bad how are you not bad

I think I’ve run out of structures to tour in the space it’s kind of dull if you go off you know how you’re looking around in that River where that structure is under like under the water there yes a bunch of mouth parts oh not

Ocean if you want to check ok I’ll head over that way and we can take a look now let me see where that’s at again yeah I think it’s in the direction you’re going yeah I think so too we’ll take a look okay so out in this ocean somewhere is

Yeah so did you see that little cobblestone tower should be just out like right uh just directly into the wall okay just be careful I think there’s some not-safe-for-work ones but they might be staircase I’m not sure gotcha well I’ll try to do it slowly something here is that nan SFW one has

Pink on it and has me worried yeah yeah that one is that one is okay there’s just a bunch around that like I think there’s a six or there’s like six pieces yeah more pink wreck you could just go far enough up that doesn’t show color

Anymore and just falling I I mean I can just go underneath of it yeah maybe underneath the staircase ones there are some flat ones there too is this one good I’m on a yellow one at the moment I think this one could be fine yeah it’s okay yeah okay

I reckon I’ve seen the one to the north of this one oh I think the one to the north of this one is the tracer one right Oh yep yeah yeah okay so I can go to this one I think so I don’t think I

Can go to the one next to it though could be wrong yeah okay part of part of the tracer one here alright yeah there was a few there I forget I think that one’s a new vaguely where my cursor is at that one’s it now um I think that one’s fine

Actually I think that’s just another for one not of paired Nathan pretty sure see watch you get me to get my stream band oh yeah okay yeah this one’s okay cool sorry can’t be too careful of course like I said I’ve been there in a while I

Think this is more parts of the tracer map up here yeah that’s what this is that’s pretty cool Oh megabyte 0 1 says Mojang doesn’t care about sort of making they care about single-player survival the multi-threaded thing has been requested for a long time on the post of minecraft

Forum and they’ve done nothing also a different chunk loading system has been requested by two Mojang in the past like the one the Windows 10 version has and we know the Java on Windows 10 are totally different systems but Mojang has changed a lot of things in the past

Going off of the limits of Java and they have really good engineers to work with I feel like they’re doing the housemaster thing they earned money and they they don’t care if they are doing nothing oh right it is diva buy my bad there there’s a tracer map part and

There is a diva map art out there so there’s one of each I think they turned bedrock edition into the Edition that they China and the most money off of because I have to they have to have one that earns money at least we wouldn’t have much at all well I don’t think

Microsoft cares about making money off of the IP that much I think they care about people playing in the IP and their player base mostly plays on single-player and their player base mostly has like the service they do play on it’s it’s few and far between and

They make more money off of selling realms so they don’t really care about the performance there because they can launch you know hundred realms on up on a multi-threaded CPU and not care so a megabyte one asked if I had any vanishing plugins nope don’t pretty much

Everything on 9b is either I coded it or I have the original source code to it and compiled it and I’ve made modifications to it or um I coded it directly into the core at this point like yeah almost everything running on 9b I think the death message plug-in is

Probably the only plug-in I haven’t I haven’t done anything with it just runs so all right let’s see if we can’t get another base going here seer geyser pfizer whatever I I’m probably mispronouncing it but let’s go take a look at that real quick hey look it’s

The middle of the ocean Hey look my squids my my terrible horrible evil squids megabyte asked what the hardest plug-in I’ve worked on over the years was the hardest plug-in I’ve worked on that is also the simplest code that needs a slight update to finalize it is

The donkey doop I cannot believe how long it took me to figure that one out and the patch we have now is basically perfect um but like total amount of time have spent thinking about and working on a plug-in yeah there isn’t there isn’t anything here maybe these were nether cords

I don’t know don’t seem like nether cords though Bo to God asked if I have my own base I do ma asked can we just talk about how cool the ex dig negative X digger crew is all of the digging crews have done a phenomenal job and it’s really cool to

See that that coming to fruition supe said your your donkey do patch isn’t perfect I know it isn’t perfect I know exactly what’s wrong with it it is ridiculous how small the amount of code that was required to solve the problem was and if I go change like two or three

Lines of code for that I think I will have a full patch so um let’s go to the I guess terracotta Tower Monument let’s see that thank you to everybody who’s tuning in I really appreciate it okay ah means a lot to me that you check

Out the stream if you haven’t done so already feel free to subscribe helps my channel out and I’ll probably give you a shout out on screen yeah the the this time you’ll little structure is still here it’s kind of funny I have no idea why this wasn’t destroyed because I know

The chords are out there but it’s it’s pretty good little Tower yeah I like it I like it kick back up here you know open up open a nice beverage with you folks Cheers good stuff all right anybody else have anything else they’d like to talk about tonight Momo

It’s about time you subscribed welcome to the gang JD do you like Pepsi or coke coke absolutely coke soup is good say something you want me to build they’ll build it ooh I don’t know I have to think about that somebody’s bed is over there that’s funny hope it isn’t their real bed

Leaked BRS T do you not use AC to piss off lots of players no qi+ has a better handling on it my modified version does a pretty good job and AC is laggy as hell like just garbage that’s why I don’t use AAC to scoonie I’m sorry if

I’m butchering that well the map art B video video be uploaded with the net in the next week or two yes it’s just got a lot of boobs in it so I got it I got to blur those Z Bob have you ever thought about adding def

Messages like to be where it says who blew up who etc I mean our deafness are just kind of do that but if you want one added I can look at adding it helping up after the stream and we’ll see if we can’t get it added the list at least at

Some point are three Phoenix why do you TP 2 players doesn’t that defeat the purpose of anarchy uh so i teleport places mostly to make it to where the stream is is not a montage of me walking for three years I also happen on the server so I I’d say

More like passive observer role than then player at least on this account JSL says I know you’re not affiliated with the modem bot but my main and I’ll just get completely ignored by the bots every time I ask a question I like that bot but I have no idea why

You’re getting ignored ah Omega by Omega byte 0 1 says yeah I own the small anarchy server in 1512 and I had to search a fork of no t plus 4 1.15 dot 12 because of the rest of and T cheats are basically trash yeah I had to build a

Custom version for 1.13 4 for B and for B needs some love at the moment it’s hardware is not great our three Phoenix uh sometimes I will go places to check out what’s going on lag machines dupes etc just to like actually look at what the players are doing once

Again passive observer role Tragg one says when we ignore ourselves we cannot ignore ourselves yeah I know Linus s tips has followed thanks thanks for the follow our three Phoenix which servers do you run at the moment just for be in nine be dirty tool am I ignored no you’re not ignored what made

You decide to start not be well at the time this is kind of funny to be was full like completely full and for be was absolute trash and I offered the owner of 4b to help him out like just donate money or donate my time or whatever have

You just like you know figure out what’s wrong with your server because their TPS was like 0.01 you couldn’t even place a block you couldn’t eat people are starving to death standing on snow what was the player account well it was like 0.0 thirty maybe forty like it was nothing

Anyway so I I started nine be thinking oh I’ll be back on to be within a week or two like this whole Russia thing will just blow over and that’s not what happened at all and that’s why you know and house dug into it he added the priority queue and

Then he dropped it for veterans and at that point I was just like this is my home now spread along so yeah and hopefully it’s become home for a lot of you t – shoot me that message that you had about the server like don’t don’t at me and just

Be like hey I’ve got a question uh-oh there was a topic go on to talk a little bit about so someone D why you came to me and asked if I’d be willing to advertise his 9 B forum I’m based on your feedback and the feedback I’ve

Gotten from various people at the moment I’m going to decline that I don’t have a problem with him running the forum I do have a problem with anybody believing that I sponsor his forum and it seems like a few people are worried about that

So I’m not going to be doing that it was a pretty nice for me yeah um ooh let’s see got a couple of different questions then he asked why is the server being split into three servers my current goal at the moment is to make it to where the

End the nether and the overworld are all separate servers tied together via bungee this would at a minimum increased performance by 25% probably closer to 30 or 40 so a megabyte asked if I was planning on jumping straight to the latest version with the multi thread project no no I

Don’t to be honest with you I don’t know if we’re ever gonna change from from 1.12 at the moment and so but I prefer to get the current version working stabili the version I know the best before I I bother to go ahead and try to

Write code for later versions and by the time I’m done with the code I’m writing it’s possible that Mojang will have a solution of their own I doubt it but you know JSL imagine jumping straight to 1.16 blind that would be a hot mess you’re

Telling me like ah q Bob Smith asked if I would consider tp’ing someone to world border if they made a medium-sized donation no sorry uh yeah all the new blocks be nice as well alright um I had a couple of other topics I want to talk about the weren’t

Even remotely 9b related but I figured I’d talk about him anyway let me go ahead and pull up another base here real quick this stream is gonna be a little bit longer than that I thought it was gonna be but that’s cool I like it let’s see here I should have some more

Ruins floating around here yeah I think I do one suck gonna take me a second to pull them up guys in the meantime to quote fit em see what’s everybody drinking tonight Oh Gatorade orange flavoring and it gets exhausting talking Mobil phantom on top cab

So um the other day I saw like 40 bucks just flash killing themselves repeatedly is there gonna be a solution to that that becomes a major problem with chat spam uh major problem in that like it was filling up chat with deaf messages or yeah so there’s toggled tells or sorry toggle

Death msg I forgot about the yeah so you can type slash toggle death msg and it’ll it’ll stop it like right now you you don’t see anything other than advancements so because I’ve got everything turned off what ruins are those ah none apparently cuz I got chords here and I don’t see

Anything here they are the runes of the middle of nowhere I have some what’s it called stash codes that Riga leaks that were supposedly briefed it was a huge stash next to it pretty other space I think you want me to send you those sure I’ve got other chords that I’m supposed

To be checking out to um I’ll probably get to those after this next set I don’t think there’s anything here but what do I know and somebody just sent me in the middle of network nice work guys you should have at least put like a troll map art

Up there they should have at least that she would put the pup up by oh yeah right whoa okay well I don’t see anything here either just kind of funny unless he’s just like vague chords I thought it was near here or something but let me make sure to punch those in right

Yeah looks about right anything here it’s pretty dead nice great bass here folks nice same guys into those chords uh uh – different – different people sent me those actually very good um Drag one said JJ I sent you chords send them to me again on discord link it’s hard to find okay well I get I guess I’ll sit on top of this hill and chat for a bit cuz I ain’t got I’m trying to find this screen to show that I have

Well all we wait for that uh okay you guess Jacob has a base that was Detroit let’s go there I looked at hung up I see that I fully expected to be a crap hole now lots of abandoned houses here right that’s what I expect to see it looks

Like Detroit yeah I think this is an improvement on Detroit the roads are at least smoother speaking as somebody who’s driven through there like I have never seen a state with worse roads ever ever ever ever it was just freakin a miserable experience potholes everywhere and just like Detroit get your crap together

Fix your roads and what’s funny is the gas tax there is is super high – so like they’re taking in more revenue from people and providing less of anything in return and I think there there was the mayor of the governor governor was like I’m gonna be making it to where your

Life is miserable until this this you know the COFF goes away so to speak I sent the Coons in general all right let me are you suing middle all right no okay you want to type those to me cuz that’s but we’ll be here all day

Let’s see small base of ascend iam I’m gonna go there real quick I guess alright thank you ladies dot mp3 1b to tell you that you said she chords okay so something I’m just literally going now my dm’s list at the moment of self ah wired tombstone has followed wired teams

Down how nice of you you should subscribe well that that’s what that means it’s just we went right over my head yep that’s right the good engine you should subscribe to my patreon let me tell you all right thank you all I’ll check him out in a second

That a fly says I based there well well I’m sorry to say your base is no more it’s all in the ground do you I don’t do any more videos like the ones that you at least yesterday I think I do I don’t know what did everybody else think about

Them I was gonna ask on the stream but oh I does AJ dubs I’m not sure that I’ll cover the same topic as last time but I’m definitely thinking about other things I’d like to cover what with the COFF going around all the stupid things

That the media has said and done I think I’d like to cover that just like pick apart little little clips from them just like the dumbest things they they possibly said another video I’ve been wanting to work on is a video talking about all of the busted end portals and

Like all of the comments people have made about them and just like do a montage of that there’s like or all of the like water flow issues and like any anything 9b related where it’s just like your auntie leg plug in is doing stuff you know so I actually don’t I don’t

Mind the NT leg plug in it can be useful in some circumstances I mean it basically ensures the TPS never goes below 5 for what for what that’s worth which means the game is always guaranteed to at least be playable I won’t say it will be an amazing

Experience but playable like JJ reacts to the 9 B subreddit when I think I’d like to do that that sounds like it’d be fun so amended that I do like a life advice thing where I just like talk about all the things that I learned in my life

That you know like I have made my life better or whatever I don’t know if that’s an interest anybody but like but I also like to do more pick apart people’s opinions whatnot actually somebody and I wasn’t really following her until after my video went live but

Somebody suggest did I do a video on Olinda T I don’t know if anybody’s heard of her but oh I heard once I heard what happened a few days ago yeah apparently she’s like thrown her cat and started crappy drama and copyright strike PewDiePie or little done safely

So what I was talking about yeah apparently she spit vodka or a cat’s mouth or whatever just like oh yeah trash human being so I’ve gotten a couple of requests to do a video about her so maybe well maybe we’ll do that check that out

Alright I’m gonna go to the chords I got in general first so alright let’s go there real quick fallin free fallin now I’m copyright strike well it first needs to be on tuned or its copyright issue oh it’s great wait no it’s not someone told me this was pretty well it can be

Grieved after this dream this is what a noob stash looks like folks this is actually a fairly small one from what I could tell maybe maybe it’s bigger but there’s like five thousand oh so I mean there’s a double chest behind you yeah you’re missing most to it they’d make me

Leg sometimes well when I was I just want to go to this this end of it oh nice I want to talk about portals this is it mah beautiful I love the things you guys do with my anti-lag plugin it’s awesome so great I might do one of those but

There’s just N so they’re backdoors bonding black recap he’s awesome oh megabyte one said the most of the base is underground I’d recommend spectator okay I don’t think was it about the previous base that was at which case I might have to go back there at some point this just

Looks like a giant – yeah me and Enzo we placed all those beds and whoops that was I think one less things yeah I know I said in Portal it’s another portal like eggs I mean you company this is grieved do preme said this was Bri I guess he was

Lying it’s about to be grief no not berated I’ve put these words everywhere I don’t I don’t think anyone you thinking it’s right well at the moment this place has got lots of free stuff folks lots free stuff you know and the chords are in general so if you lose

Leaked list so if you’re looking for free stuff start heading here Jesus just keeps going all the way to bedrock Wow we know that was I’ve no idea some sort of lag machine or something because it pushes vine carts in I’m guessing so that their items get pulled in by these

This was lagna Shan guys uh I’m pretty sure that my code fixed this but that could be wrong yeah this was one of the more clever designs I’ve seen so I could I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure this was like machine so it would push in books full

Of well let’s see are there books in here now just sea lions it’s weird okay maybe he was just using it to store tubes but I’ve seen another one of these where it was books and he would push the books into mine carts and mine carts that go in here and get all

The books sucked up and then they go and tick down every layer and that would like the the transfer of that data would cause a lag that makes sense I might also be able to use reduce might have been yeah so what did everybody think about Kim Jong Un’s

Possible death this week I’m crossing my fingers hoping it’s true yeah I’m excited I it’s a national team Johnny that they will celebrate the death of Kim Jong Kook they’re saying his sister is gonna take over and oh yeah what I’ve got to say is like I hope at some point

Someone takes over and they they start going layer by layer and dismantling what makes that country bad because I don’t think that they can just suddenly flip a switch and open all the doors and all the gates and everything will just be fine because it’ll just turn it into

Friggin chaos but I mean it’s the People’s Republic of Korea actually it’s the Democratic People’s Republic Korea right you’d think but the harder country tries to label themselves as a you know utopia the more they’re not a utopia some might say they’re a dystopia yeah

So what what I really want is for Kim I was hoping when Kim jong-un took power that at least at the time that he would not follow in his father’s footsteps and he would gradually you know release his reins on the country so to speak and things would just start to improve

They’re just a tiny bit he’s doing the I’m you know I don’t feel like he’s done that really I feel like he kept it very much the same way the only difference is he he enjoyed the spotlight in much the same way our president enjoys spotlight so whereas his father didn’t really

Enjoy the spotlight as much in my opinion so but I was hoping that that would you know over over you know a period of three to five years or so like the country would just loosen up and and you know they’d start doing manufacturing there and and start

Working deals and whatnot but clearly that’s that’s not the way worked out and I’m hoping whoever takes over next kind of understands that that North Korea can’t keep doing what it’s doing forever at some point somebody’s gonna get fed up with what they’re doing and March in

There and just take over and you can either be remembered as the leader who who ruled with an iron fist or the leader who brought salvation to your people and like I don’t know I definitely feel like that’s our JJ well it’s pretty obvious to me that they

Can’t just flick a switch and everything goes to to you know being a free country that just wouldn’t work but at the same time working towards becoming a freer country would mean a lot for the North Korean people and a lot of the world so

Take that for what you will how do you die it was like heart surgery or something at the moment we don’t know that he’s dead they’re claiming he’s either dead or just fine depending on who you listen to but complications due to heart surgery is is the current running theory

I think it’s I’m thinking it’s the surgeons fault he’s like I have a chance and it’ll slip the knife well if that surgeon is in Korea their family’s probably gonna be tortured for the next billion years alright I’m gonna go to the next based on my list I think there’s been a long

Stream thank you guys it’s been awesome you’ve earned probably twelve dollars during this dream 11 something like that 1041 1041 great all of that will go to the server bill it and I’m fine with that wow this was that stone burg yes this is stuff n stuff wasn’t that within when he

Came upon yeah crazy yes this is a Fox’s builder lunch lady like chat right now once last crazy how long it lasted 20k away from swollen can i unmute him yeah go for it and do you add perms for that thank you yeah lunch lady speak now or forever

Hold your peace I’ll add him oh it’s on push-to-talk goddamnit yes my apologies but it greatly cuts down on the amount of background noise we pick up that’s thank you for visiting Stoltenberg I’m gonna do a build and that’s I think it’s part of the reason

Why I got away with building this close to spawn for so long somebody pointed out though once Electra’s were enabled I started getting a lot more visitors down here and I didn’t have anybody visit that wanted to grief it in fact the only reason why its cords got revealed is

Because some some little kid found it and leaked the cords and chat gotcha being this close to spawn kind of has its disadvantages huh but at the same time I got all kinds of visitors and had such a good run and a lot of people got

To experience it before it died if you eat that pathway if you look up how it’s all blown apart like that there was a there was a glass ceiling to that that you could walk down and you could look down and there was a big pyramid in the middle of all this

Wreckage but if you go in the direction you’re headed right now there’s a lot of bills that have actually still survived over here there’s there’s a lot of stuff that’s actually impact is it underground or above-ground keep going the way you’re headed you’re headed the right way okay waiting for

Chunks of out bright I’m not actually here I’m just free Hamed here a player named Baxter’s build he was after and I didn’t say anything I was just listening I think somebody else said okay I heard somebody else yeah okay so not there’s more stuff over here

Girl oh yeah that was like our little meeting area check all the sides it’s not that stuff attacked over there gotcha well I mean this is more expensive than I thought it was so is it not on this side opposite side of the big chamber

But yeah this was my old house I mean it’s surprisingly still intact it’s made of obsidian yeah nothing a few hundred withers won’t solve okay so opposite side you said catch any buyback sir okay okay cool so through here damn Wow it was pretty cool I like

Underground builds and then this is this is the extent here there’s a lot more over here probably flip past good bit of it okay here we go get a librarian here never got finished this was gonna be a library treehouse and this was stuff this is pretty cool I like this I’d somebody

Asked me if I’d like to see a bigger build something like this but much bigger fair enough oh crap that’s so cool tank through the left over there is like frost floating across yeah yeah no that’s that’s what I’m looking at right now that’s that’s pretty cool my man it’s nice that this

Is all still intact to come look at yeah down this way rainbow garden arrow the older parts of the city are pretty much completely nuked so but there’s a little there’s a little section down where you were in the walk that I was working on right before the before we had degree

Fit before we had to put her down gotcha Wow just lots of little lead Hills that’s what makes bass great it’s just all the little blow of things yeah so tell me lunch lady how did you become to be known as lunch lady because I’ve heard the story but most people probably

Haven’t and my last name sound is kind of hard to remember and everybody I was working with couldn’t really remember it too well so they they just started calling me like lunch lady lunch lady was the most prominent one and that’s what caught on and so I just uses my

Discord name so he could pronounce my last name it sounds sort of like lunch lady it also sounds like lots of thanks alright uh see here I think I’m gonna save all the other chords I got for the next stream because this one’s been very very long for for what I normally do

About two hours actually let’s see if you want to keep with that theme is just I’m right at it if okay oh damn it’s my DM inbox is full all right Griffin’s meal sorry just like walls and walls and thank you for building it like it’s really awesome demonetised

Away from the initial de monetization now I’m kidding I don’t have monetization yet so it doesn’t matter but ah crap I’m sorry here let me fix that with some cobbles I know right I go up here Farms I believe it or not they just aren’t made that much fun I be anywhere

Especially not large ones manatee free motel yeah the buttons don’t work daily if you take the button and put it by the door Oh got it up is like have you done this is zero yeah I’ve done a few of those actually just break the door I like the ones where I

Tried to do it vanilla I’ve escaped spawn and gun wood in vanilla in six minute nice thank you I’ll put it in my collection very nice are there any Matt Bart’s I don’t want to look at in here no okay cool I haven’t seen this one that’s pretty cool

This is still a active base correct this hasn’t been greased when we first came to the world border and I was like I want to leave some some of my books here there’s all my all my logs that I wrote when building stone a

Burger in here do you mind if I use the space for some video recording I have a couple ideas that this library would be good with ah you put my book on on display that’s nice man it’s nice the fields which was that I hate you or you filthy animals filthy animals yeah

Exactly that’s pretty cool yeah I miss anything is there anything else still pretty cool man still pretty cool thank you for sharing I appreciate it alright uh I think that’s about it so make sure to tip your waiters make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already like

The video when it comes out if you want to support the channel and you don’t have any money but you have a computer that does things and two thumbs go watch the livestream thing and unmute or whatever it’s a playlist I threw together this week trying to work

Towards monetization all of the money I get from this will just go directly on the server and like I’ve said before in the event that this starts making a lot of money I’ll just start throwing more time at 9 B so did you forget that you

Hit pocketers those no no I have not I’m gonna be doing a separate video about that probably how’s your butt covered I noticed less okay yeah I appreciate it I really appreciate all the subs actually I’d like to do one at 6969 I think I’d like to do a video then too but that’s a little bit of ways off but you know how we get there people subscribe if you have any topics you would like me to do a smaller 10 minute video on that you think would be

Funny your interesting or whatever have your hit me up I’m open to ideas I’m looking to do probably one of those a week and then my livestream at this point yeah appreciate everybody who tuned in thank you and have a good night you

This video, titled ‘Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 2 | WiredTombstone Livestream’, was uploaded by WiredTombstone on 2020-05-03 14:09:19. It has garnered 596 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:41 or 7001 seconds.

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Live stream touring destroyed anarchy minecraft bases on 9b9t.

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

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  • Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness

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  • Conquer Epic Challenges on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Cubed Drinks: Minecraft’s Summer Sips

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  • Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work!

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  • EPIC Indian Gamer Moments in Minecraft

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  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

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  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

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  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

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  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

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  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

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  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

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  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

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  • Joker Jhanju’s Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALS

    Joker Jhanju's Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Push-up troll face #shorts’, was uploaded by joker jhanju on 2024-06-14 08:35:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft thumbnails how to make minecraft thumbnails cringe minecraft thumbnails how to make 3d minecraft thumbnails cursed … Read More

  • Vanilla MC

    Vanilla MCA truly vanilla experience, online. Using a minimal list of plugins MC vanilla’s goal is to curate a truly vanilla experience. Read More

WiredTombstone – Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 2 | WiredTombstone Livestream