WITCH FARM EXPLOSION! Watch FoxyNoTail dominate in Truly Bedrock Season SMP [5]

Video Information

Hello, and welcome back to another Minecraft Let’s Play video with me, FoxyNoTail, here on the truly bedrock survival server. I am of course at my base, and as you can see from various livestreams, we have now fully terraformed this thing.

All that’s missing over this hole here is a toilet, and that’s all I’ve got to build. However, it does seem that other people have been building many things since I last recorded an episode, and I should probably go and check some of those out at some point.

However, I’ve got some very exciting news. What news? Well there’s this person that I haven’t done a collab with in absolutely ages that I used to do them with all the time, that I’m going to be joining in with today and doing some Minecraft content with. You and Beardstone are hanging out. Yep.

Yeah, me and Beardstone are going to have an amazing day. Um, then why am I coming through to another? I’m so confused now. My limit is Beardstone even on, hold on scrolling down the list, you’re lying, it’s JC isn’t it? Oh right, yeah okay.

I didn’t want to tell you because I know you were booked in with her today, but she’s bummed you out for me. Okay. Okay, at least I still come out in the same place because I saw on the Discord, what in the heck?

Oh you didn’t come out of my portal, I was looking forward for you doing that, I’ve even put sweet berry bushes in, oh jeez. What is going on at spawn? Yeah, there’s the big new floaty thing. I remember Groob saying something about, hey I don’t mind if I just build a little base

At spawn, do you? A whole kicking area? I think it might be the workings of a tree. I’m going to say that, but I looked at that, I was like, is this a farm at spawn? No farms at spawn guys. This is mapped out chunks.

This is big, this is a big, whatever it is. Are you all up there? Yeah, this is mapped out chunks. Yeah. I’m just down here slack, I can’t get up there, because as much as I’ve got a Lytra, I haven’t got any rockets yet, however, I don’t see you. I’m just below you.

There is a rocket shop that’s appeared on spawn, and I don’t know if you’ve got something to do with that or not. I thought it might go visit. Yeah, you might want to go visit, yeah, it’s definitely a rocket shop, yeah, I mean it’s

Yeah, yeah, oh look, look, mending books, what’s a mending books, yeah, mending books. I need mending books, my helmet is just about dead, and so, oh yes, okay, are these one diamond each? Oh, this is excellent. Is there an ATM, or do I have to get my own money?

There’s an ATM over here at the conduit shop, the conduit shop, yeah, look at that, there’s a conduit shop. Are these all your shops, slack? Details, how have you been so prolifically busy, what? There’s holes in the floor, hang on, hang on, I’ve got to spend some money at my friend’s shop.

Well, I mean, look, this is not a scam, like this, like this casino here, right? Yeah, that’s a stupid casino, I’ve put so many diamonds in that and got nothing, and it’s like, oh, we’ve made it more fair now, I don’t believe you, two stacks for a diamond,

Oh, man, look at all the rockets in there, I mean, isn’t that nice? I might have to spend a couple of diamonds here, so, I’ve got nine diamonds, and that’s like two rows, right? You know what, I have authority from the owner that you can get three stacks for a diamond today.

Oh, really? Well, excellent, in that case, then I’ll take another row. I can’t fit them all in my box. I’ve got a spare ender chest, a spare sugar box, so he’s like, I might have to, oh, geez, that one’s full.

Hold on, hold on, my colorful box has got nothing in it, I’ll put them in there for now, it’s like, don’t worry. Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, right here, behind you, there you go. Oh, wow.

Oh, wow, thank you, thank you very much, brilliant, amazing, so I just need one more row of these, this is excellent news. Oh, and I can hear a to toot, to toot, is that, is that, oh, it’s you.

I thought we were getting raided, I thought, oh, this is exciting, but no, right, I’m just going to have to use this anvil for a second, take my helmet and my thingy off, put some mending on those, nine, I can’t afford it, I’ve only got two levels, it needs three,

Have you got three levels? Yeah, here, just throw it over here, yeah. Okay, thank you. Oh, and a bat head, I’m going to put that in my, in my hedge box. Hey, look at that, look at that, there, there’s some mending armor there now.

Oh, nice, so now I can, I can actually wear, wear my elytra and go places with its slack, this is excellent news. What a turn of events. I know, it’s, it’s been a good day, hasn’t it? It has, is that, is that what’s done for the day then, I’ve got everything I needed.

Well, I mean, who’s, who’s, who’s, who’s the, who’s the collab friend again? I’m just curious. I need another name. It’s a slack lizard. Oh, you mean, you mean, look, look at that, with Chinese things. You can’t have it back, it’s mine. It’s fine, I got plenty more. What? How? What are you doing?

I’m playing Minecraft. Well, let’s play in Minecraft, Slack, and there’s just being out, outright ridiculous. Wow. That’s amazing. Thank you so much. Oh, I can go for my first proper flight slack. I’m so excited. Let’s do this. He, he, he is up and out of here. Nice.

Wow, wow, look, there’s a building over here that I didn’t know about just randomly in the water. Oh, wow. I’m exploring for the first time, Slack. This island’s grown massively and it’s got a hole in it. There’s people, other people have been building rafts, I didn’t even know. Oh, this is amazing.

This is absolutely fantastic. Oh, this is, one of days it’ll be a live, best intro and video ever. That’s it. Job done. Wrap it up. Next video. Good. Right. Well, now I’ve got that out of my system. What’s next? What are we doing? Yes. What are we doing? I’ll give you presents.

Well, I haven’t really gotten these. It’s fun. It’s fun. I mean, I’ve just got giant farms and everything. It’s just fun. It’s fun. It’s fun. Where are you there? Okay. Well, should we, do you want to take me to your base and show me around? It’s this season.

The theme is pretty ugly farms. Yes. Okay. Yeah, sure. Let’s, let’s have this. All right. So I need to go the way that I know. Does your portal link to the old portal in the nether? I have no idea anymore because people have been fiddling. All right. Well, let’s go.

Let’s go see where yours links first. Okay. That’s the nice custom island that you got over there. It looks a little bigger than a raft. Yes. Do you like it? It is very nicely terraformed. I do. I do like it. I think it’s very aesthetically pleasing. Thank you.

Well, what I’m going to have on here, Slack, this whole island, all of it’s going to have is on here a toilet, right? And when you sit on the toilet and press the button, you’re going to go down and you’re

Going to go inside the base and all of the stuff’s going to be under there. You see? Oh, and before we go anywhere, I just have to say thank you to Jen. By the way, Jen has been supplying me with many, many, many wandering trader heads.

And I now have another chest worth of them, which is absolutely fantastic because they’re going to be coming in very useful for me this season. Just like, oh, I’ve got like two houses worth of them. Yes. I would like them all, please.

Well, yeah, it’s like was here during a live stream, don’t ask. Yeah. I don’t think I should. It looks a little dangerous. Right. Good. It still comes out exactly where it, I think, I think this is my hole. I have no clue where we’re at.

If you poke your head through this way, the old nether hub spawn thing is just up there, up that hill, if that helps. Okay. Well, that’s where we’re going to go. Okay. Jeez. I am the nether. Not prepared for this. I’m not an end game like you. I’ve only just got rockets. Okay.

Well, then we go down here. Okay. Uh-huh. And everybody else is like, we’re doing the hub on the ceiling and, you know, I’m not the fire, am I? No. No, no. So I haven’t just dug out the whole bottom of the nether. That’s fine. Oh, good. Good. I’m glad you haven’t done that.

I need ancient debris, by the way. I’ve only got it on my shoes and my pickaxe, so I might have to come ancient debris mining at some point. Well, there’s already an area down here that’s nice and open for it. Oh, nice. Yeah. So, fly away. Whee! All the way down.

Well, you live far away. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And you happen to live at the complete opposite end of the map from where I’m going to be end up living as well, which I don’t want to, you know, sound like I’m being awkward, but

That’s going to make meeting up quite difficult if we’re going to do it regularly. Well, I mean, there’s these things called rockets. I’ve got one heart. I may have a bit flown into the wall. Ow! Oh, geez. Hang on. Oh, XP, I need that to fix me helmet.

Oh, if you need to fix your armor, come on here. I’ll lead you to the place to fix your armor. You dug all this out already? Yeah. What? Do you notice the lack of mobs? There’s even mob switches here, except for, like, he ignored my mob switch. Okay. Okay. Good. Yeah.

So, if you go, I just want to say, if you go to the fortress up here. There’s a fortress up here. Oh, yeah. There’s a fortress up here. Just notice that one side of the fortress, you’re not going to get any mobs on because I’ve got mob switches. Right. Okay. Mm-hmm.

So, I’m just thinking, with those being at other ends of the scale, perhaps at some point it might be a good idea for us to find somewhere in the middle where we could do things together. Oh, for an industrial kind of area, yeah? Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, we’ll probably have our own farms and stuff anyway, but just to get together to do things. Oh, my goodness. Look at all these wondering hangers. Oh, there’s a few. Yeah. I need those, please. Thank you very much. I won’t steal them.

I won’t break them, but if you just happen to feel kind and you want to give me them, I’d really appreciate it. You mean those? Right. Hold on. How does one do this? Oh. Look at so many. How has he been so prolific this season? I don’t get it.

I got loads on my own. He’s over here nonstop. Nice, nice face you got there. Here you go. Have those, too. Yep. He’s always here. He’s always here in this village, just like I think he lives here. Well, it’s not always on my island. He’s everywhere. Nice. I’ve got one more there.

I’m not stealing them all slack, don’t worry. Leave me one. One? One. There’s one inside. There you go. Oh, I’m on it. I’ll leave you that one. Okay. Okay. Geez. Right. I got a couple on those, too. Excellent. Oh, no. I’ve got more here. Hang on. One second. Wow.

I’ve got 53 in there, plus that chest width at home, so I’m doing good, doing good for wandering trader heads. Excellent. Okay. You said you needed them in your stuff, right? Yes. All right. Follow me. Down the… You’ve got two more over here. You’ve got millions of them.

You’ve not even collected them, and you’ve got more than I have. Okay. Don’t mind that. Oh, my goodness, mate. Come on. It’s fine. There’s a bit of a hole in your base. Just use your electric. It’s fine. Yeah. And then come on down here to the bottom. Look how busy you’ve been.

Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Then we come this way, not down here. Hi. It’s nice and organized, isn’t it? Yeah. Super organized. Yeah. And then through the door. Yeah. Okay. And then up here. I like your pointless stairs. They’re really useful. Oh, yeah. What? What? What? What? How?

We’ve only been here five minutes. That’s nug out to the surface too, by the way. That creeper just fell down there. Yeah, that’s my farm. What? That’s my farm. Okay. So where do I get the XP from? All right. Let’s just come over here. Now, try to reframe yourself here.

Grab you some iron. Okay. I’ll just grab some iron. I’ll just grab a bit. Don’t worry. No, no, no, no. I won’t do it. How much do you want me to grab? You know what? You can grab you enough for a beacon base and then an extra stack. What? Yeah. Okay. All right.

I mean, I go good with your beacon base, right? All right. Yeah. So now come in here. Okay. Let’s just put it down there. Yeah. Yeah. Well, look at their trades. All right. So trade for iron, for XP. Okay. Jeez. One. One. Can I have men? How do I do it quickly?

Shift click. Right click. There you go. You don’t have any left. You don’t have any left. That’s my helmet nearly done. Amazing. I need to hold my shovel. Right. Have you got any more of those guys? Well, see, now you come around here to you take those emeralds, right? Right.

You come around here and you buy like two stacks of bookshelves. You buy, or not two stacks, but you buy him out and then you buy the third guy out of bookshelves. Okay. Then come out here. Cause you don’t want to get your go. I’m spawning on them. All right.

Come out here and place down your bookshelves and break all those down. There’s a pattern to my madness here. So you’ve got a system. I, the thing, I got so touch. Oh no, I don’t have all my access. Okay. We’re all good. Okay. Oh, I’ve just, I just got an achievement slack.

Why low sell high. Oh wow. I get all the things today. This is incredible. Oh man. He’s like playing a different world. Okay. Now we’ve got a whole bunch of books. Okay. Now pretty much all these guys except book trade.

So you just bought those for one emerald and you’re going to turn around and sell them for more. It’s an emerald farm because of that. Wow. Okay. This is ridiculous. How do you do it? If you were to come over here to this third guy, trying to nearly fix my shovel. Okay.

I’ve got a couple of books left. Anyone want to buy some books? No, they’re all sold out. All right. So if you were to come to the start guy and shift, right click on the second book trade. Yeah. You might have a few there. You like one emerald. Okay.

I’ve still got 60 emeralds left. Okay. Well then you can come around here and then come around here. If you need food, these guys do golden carrots. And that guy, those ender pearls. What? What? Who’s this golden cow? Oh, this guy.

These two at the end, the two composters, they do lots of food. What? How? Oh, XP bottles. They could be… They don’t stack though, do they? Do they? Yeah. They do stack. Yeah. That might be useful to have at some point when I’m feeling particularly broken.

I think, yeah, rather on those ender pearls. One. One. Oh, he’s sold out. Geez. What a rip off. Yeah. This is ridiculous. So the zombie spawner… This is absolutely ridiculous. The zombie spawner, when it spawns a zombie, discounts the traits. So it’s broken. Yeah. It’s broken. Yeah.

I haven’t said anything, but I am planning on hopefully finding a zombie spawner at my base later on and doing something very similar to that. But so I’m glad it still works. You know, spoilers for anyone watching my channel that at least we know who we can copy off now. Right.

Now I need to make some more sugar boxes to pull on these incredible things in. Give me a week. Yeah. Oh, did you get you, you got you, uh, how many ender pearls? Uh, I didn’t buy ender pearls. Oh, well, hold on. Hold on.

If I do this, can I do this and then I do that and then I do that and then I do that. No, I said do this and then do that. Where’s the… How about? Oh, I need a crafting table. I’ve got a crafting table just here, Slick. Oh, do you? Fancy. Yeah.

Well, can you imagine that? A fancy crafting table here. It’s not the stuff I’ve got. This is… Oh my goodness, mate. Here, have a few of these. Here. Uh, there. I think I might be spending a bit… Oh my goodness. Yeah.

Might be spending a bit of time at your base, this season, Slick. Now you’ve given me the ability to get here and you show me where it is. Oh, jeez. Can I show you something else I’m working on? Hang on a minute. If you haven’t got a hopper under the floors… Oh, no.

I think it’s on that thing. Yeah. It went in my… I thought you’d done a zap on me. Yeah. You want to show me something else? Go on. Yeah, it’s not done. Okay. So here’s this. I can’t believe there’s anything else to show me. You’ve got everything. A bucket of dolphin. All right.

So here. Have your fish too. Okay. Now this isn’t done yet. Okay. So just follow me. Okay. I don’t like the preliminary. I don’t like using rockets all the time. Right. Yeah. One down. Because it’s so expensive with everything you’ve got. Yeah. There’s a villager that sells you rockets. Everything’s fun. Everything’s fun.

Villager with rockets. Who would ever need that? What can I do with that? That’d be an idea. That’d be an idea. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Wow. Okay. Mm-hmm. And then… Under the… Whoa! Now, the NF8 and see how fast you’re moving. Jeez. Oh my goodness, mate. How far have you dug this out?

How long did it take to place a water? It almost goes all the way to spawn. It’s almost there. Jeez. Oh my goodness, mate. It hurts my eyes. Yeah. Yeah. It’s got to be lined with sea lanterns or something. I can’t do that pulsing stuff. It’s too much, because it’s so fast. Okay.

The thing about spawn is it’s like minus 1,200 on the X. It turns, but it’s not all the way there yet. Right, okay. It’s nearly there. You’re like, what, like 50 blocks away? We’re a couple hundred blocks away, I think. Whoa. Many lags. Oh my goodness. Jeez.

This is real good for the server too, loading chunks, right? Oh, yeah. I was just thinking, this new brown issue we’ve got is going to be… What happened here? I mean, I’m inside a G out. Yeah, it’s going to be great. How have you had time to do all of these things?

Do you not sleep? I’ve been sleeping quite well, honestly. How far have you got to go? Because we’re nearly there. In fact, I’ve just gone past it, I believe. Oh, no, it’s minus 1,700, isn’t it? It’s like minus 1,700 or something like that. It’s close. It’s really close. Yeah.

Well, I’ve just gone past it. I think we’ve literally just gone past the bottom. Yeah. Okay. There’s torches on the left side. So Jyn’s been working on it. Yeah. Yeah. And there’s even bubble columns at the end here. Oh. Then it goes out somewhere. Yeah. Let me get off of there.

Get my bucket. I don’t know. This comes up inside your rocket shop. I’m going to lose my mind. I don’t know where it comes up. It might come up in the dragon. It’s I assume this is Jyn’s Island right next to Sly’s boat. Yeah. No way. Yeah. I don’t know. It’s been finished.

Incredible. Absolutely incredible. Well, you put me to shame, Sly, I’ve placed some dirt. It’s very nice dirt now. It’s very nice dirt. Wow. It’s very nice dirt. So now that you’ve seen my basic area, you know, I show you all my fancy things Sly’s like. Do you want a tour of my base?

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Well, follow me, sir, because the toilet’s not working. Okay. It’s the toilet. It’s the toilet. Okay. What have we got down here? Oh, it’s incredible. All of the things I’ve been up to, Sly. You’d be really impressed. Fancy room here. I’ve made a small room. It’s fancy. It’s fancy.

Next to this small room, I have another small room, which has got AFK fishing machine inside of it. Hey, you got one of those too. Yeah. Notice I said machine’s not a farm because no farm’s at spawn. Over here, I have animals, but not a farm.

This is my animal machine, animal pens, safety pens. Over here is where I’m going to have my ejection and fall in system for my toilet. Okay. Yep. So this is all going to be very brown down here, the mini, mini potholes and brown things. Mm hmm. Okay.

And then there’s one more bit that is not, it’s also not a farm, it’s like, okay, it’s a system. It’s a system. It’s a, it’s a zombie system. Zombie eradicator. Well, I think somebody built a skeleton, a bone collector. It’s fine. Bone collector. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

So this is, this was my really bad source of experience. You can see I haven’t finished the walls yet, but I have done down here. So we do. Right. Uh huh. You come in here, it’s very, very technical slack. You flick that lever. Right. You got this tutorial on that kind of redstone.

Yeah. And then you come this way. Right. Okay. You come down here. Yeah. To the area you dug out like three different times in your video. Yeah. Yeah. You flick that lever and that minces them. And then what you do is you stand here and you lock yourself in between, in these doors.

And when you come back to your computer, you’re dead. Yeah. All of your items have disappeared. Yeah. You’re definitely going to be dead when you come back to your computer and that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Works very well. Yeah. I don’t, I don’t. I got one of these, but it’s made of skeletons. Yeah.

That’s a different area in my base. That was my starter area. I see. There’s a viewing platform here. Nice. You can see things with you. Yeah. You can check your Trident out. See if it’s still there. It’s good. He did use to insta-kill them.

What I don’t understand with this slack is I had it with the water coming in and there’s impaling five on the Trident and they were insta-killing, dying, but then all of a sudden the Trident just stopped doing any damage to them.

So the only way I could fix it was by taking the water out, which was weird. So not sure what happened there. Yeah. You probably need waterlogged piston. But yeah, it was all waterlogged in there. It was like a little, like, it was wet. That was wet. Oh God. That’s good. That’s good.

That’s the, that’s a huge amount that I’ve been doing as well. You see, I’ve been just as busy as you clearly. Yeah. Yeah. All those hours on that leaderboard, just that’s, that’s me AFK, you know, that’s all.

I’m currently on, it’s on death at the, I’ll give it a few seconds to switch over to. How often does it switch back and forth? I don’t know. I think it’s every 20 seconds or so. Okay. Well, everything will be fine. Just, just don’t, just don’t judge.

I think I’m going to be at the top slack because I’ve just, I’ve just been pouring time into this server so far. Well, it’s good. It’s good. Be nice to see your name at the top. Yeah. Yeah. And I’m always like on the most more than anyone else. Yeah. Oh wow.

161 and I’m on 50. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s details. No, I think they’ve got it wrong on mine. I think whoever’s done this, it’s clearly a rubbish add-on. Can’t be one of mine. I mean, B’s heart and your tails, Jen’s heart and Jesse’s tails.

Even Mr. Beardstone’s got more than me. He’s been at work. Right. That’s it. I need to put more. Oh geez. If only I had the time. If only I had the time. There’s a lot of Foxy statues going on around here.

Well this season in my streams, instead of doing the sign game and giving people a sign, if they win, they get a Foxy no tail. And if they lose, they’re going to have a wandering trader avatar, which is why I need all the wandering trader heads you see.

That’s going to take a lot, a lot of avatars. Yes. Yeah. I’m not going to put them all at spawn. Obviously they’ll be at my base and I’ll have a specific place in my, one of my many villages at my actual base where it’s just going to be an avatar village.

How long till it crashes? Hmm. Yeah. We’ll see. Won’t we? 400. 400 plus? It might get a little framey then. Yeah. It’d be all right. You got a whole season’s worth of avatars to be placed in slack. Yeah. Yeah.

It’s, I mean, you won’t, you won’t get tired of it after about two months at all. Yeah. The problem is those like, I’ve completely run out of Foxy no-tail avatars and I don’t know how I’m going to get more of them. I really don’t. I don’t know how I’m going to do it.

You see, I thought maybe I could like craft them out of wall or something like that. I’m pretty sure they require, you know, a chop. A chop? Mm-hmm. Would you like to demonstrate? I don’t know. I mean, my sword’s pretty dull. You’re pretty alive.

So I don’t, I don’t think it, I don’t think it’ll work quite like you were, look, oh, look, are these items? Oh, pickaxe. Oh, shockers. Oh, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many things. Oh, yeah. Oh, how handy. I got a Foxy no-tail head.

Oh, imagine that. It’s weird how that works, right? Jeez. Thanks, Slack. Well, I’m done. You were, I was on zero deaths till then. It’s not like I’ve ever killed you by accident. Resisting the urge, Guzfraaba. Guzfraaba. You’ve still got many of my things. You’ve got, you’ve got my ended chest.

Oh, I had four on me. Okay. I gave you the dolphin. You’ve got my shovel. No. It didn’t have curse of vanishing on that shovel, surely. Oh, no, it’s up here. Oh, that’s all right then. Oof. No, yeah, that’s, we’re all good. Right.

Let me, let me put this head away in my head’s box. And then that sword is a little on the doll side because it’s, it’s, it’s my sword. So you’ve got with a killer of you, right? Well, I don’t have a wither killer.

I’ll just go to the fortress and I have a farming pattern. I mean a running around strategic area where I chop withers and that’s how I got my beacons. A loop. Yeah. And then I use the, the, the wither killer. Yeah. And yeah.

Have you, have you got a fortress farm going on yet? No. I don’t have a fortress farm. I have a fortress above my area. No one’s really claimed it. Should we claim it? I mean, I wouldn’t mind claiming it if we want to claim it and take it. That sounds great to me.

I mean, would you be interested in me helping you with that? Cause I realize that’s your base that you might want to do on your own, but no, it doesn’t matter me. That’s fine. I’ll say it’s always gone down so well in the past when me and you had done fortress farms. Yeah.

I do know that that one’s probably a multi hour project or we could, you know, there is another farm that should be relatively easy, but I don’t know where one is. I mean, there’s those raid outpost things emerald farm. I mean, that just requires us moving really a villager, doesn’t it? Yeah.

How hard could that be? Do you know where there’s an outpost though? That’s not claimed by somebody else. There’s gotta be, right. Okay. Let’s, let’s take a second. Let’s have a look at junk base and let’s see where we’re going to make our mysterious joint base of operations around that mysterious.

I like that. I like that. Our farm topia, our farm video area, right? I mean, it doesn’t matter if I’ve got one and you’ve got one and there’s 15 more on the server. When we need a video, we build a farm. Yes.

So we need an area that’s got a witch up next to a pillager app post. Now that would be nice stuff. You can find that. That would be a real handy place because redstone, redstone is one of those things that I hate mining.

You hate mining redstone because it’s hidden down in the deep slate and it takes forever because when you need redstone, you usually need it by the shocker box. Yes. That’s very true. Okay. Let’s do this. So, Mr. Lizard, it’s a nice seed, isn’t it? Yeah.

There are many, many, many things on this seed. However, what there aren’t many, many of is witch hots. So spawn Island, if you’re not looking and say, I’m looking, yep, there’s spawn Island. You’ve got spawn Island. There is a witch not too far away.

However, that is where DB is going to be basing. However, just outside the world border, although probably inside if it’s me, you’re going to be doing the trimming. We have two witch hots not too far away from a pillager outpost, which is just to the east

Of where my base is going to be. I say just to the east. I mean, it’s a good like 4,000 blocks to the east, but it’s a bit far away from you, but we could probably do some good works over there. Oh, yeah.

Well, that could turn into a nice farming area over there. Plus, it gives me extra content or rather extra digging because I’m going to connect it off on highway up to it then. Oh my goodness, me jeez. Okay. Yeah. Well, that’s well out of the way of all the other members.

I don’t think we’ll get in trouble for being there. No, no, just kind of on prunes. We got to worry about that. But like we were talking about just a minute ago before we recorded, a Witcher is more or less a disposable farm now with mob D spawning. Yes.

I mean, you were talking about how just the one last season that you did, you just dug down underneath. I put storage and put the AFK spot in the sky, right? Yeah, that’s it. Yeah. Little little tried and killer for them to fall in and that’s it. Job done.

So should we head over there? Yeah. Well, let’s get a couple try dance first. I’ve got tried and slack. Okay. Let’s make sure we get our redstone bits. Okay. Hang on. Let’s log in. All right. Let’s gather a few resources. Yeah. Let’s do the music slack. Right.

What have I got redstone wise then I have three redstone torches, six hoppers and 15 pieces of rail, a button and 44 tripwire hook slack. Mainly need like eight pistons, eight observers, eight torches, two levers, a couple hopper minecarts, couple hoppers, well, couple hoppers, probably stackers or hoppers.

I might have those back in my area. I do have 63 redstone blocks. Fancy. So that’s not too bad. And in my, I’ve got a couple of boxes where I’ve been getting it. Yeah. I’ve got three tridents in my toolbox. So okay. Let me grab my chest out here. What do I got?

That’s, that’s my ore box. Nope. That’s that box. That’s, that’s that box. Right. I don’t have none of my redstone stuff on me. It’s all back in my area. I need to go fetch. Okay. So back to your base and then back in many, many of the other direction. Yep.

Sounds like a plan. Let’s do this. Are you a dolphin highway in it, are you? Or are you spawning it? There’s pick. Nether or highway. Nether’s quicker, isn’t it? Yeah. In this situation. Yeah. It’s actually. The dolphin highway is very fancy. I can’t be sick if I go over. Yeah.

That’s going to be like a long-term season bill, just kind of as a fun thing. Yeah. Okay. We’re, we’re, we’re, how does one get out of here? Okay. We, we go through. Hi. Just, just smashing all the bits and beyond. It’s fine. No one will notice. No one will ever notice. Yeah.

Perfectly fun. That’s how it’s meant to me. This is why you’ve got a gold helmet on because you’ve been doing lots of nether things. It makes sense now. Yes. I always sacrifice the helmet for gold, but the helmet is so good for aqua affinity and respiration.

You can put all that on the golden helmet, but it break. Which would you rather lose? You know, your boots with feather falling point and depth strider, right? Right. Right. So which would you rather lose there in that situation? My trousers. Hey, do you know?

When you’re pillaring out and you’re placing blocks and they go below, you know, that’s Swiss sneak. Where’d you go? I mean, you’re, oh, oh, I was going to show you that there’s a fortune. Nevermind. We’re not worried about the fortress right now. Are we? No. No. I’m worried about that later. Yeah. Later.

Many, many lagers. It’s okay. I think you conned you with a bit wrong. No. That, that, that was the display model. Okay. Practice. Practice in building. It was before you put it underwater. Right. Well, we needed a block count for the one we were building this spawn. Okay.

I didn’t really realize that the number was 42 and it made me laugh a lot. It’s like, you need 42. I was like, 42? Can I ask why your nether portal doesn’t come out in your useful area down here? Because it was built up there first. Oh, okay. It just hasn’t moved.

Fair enough. It hasn’t moved yet. Um, Fred something bits. That would be this box here. All right. So we’ve got observers. We got pistons, levers that, that, uh, a couple of those, couple hoppers, actually take those. All right. So then we need mine carts. You know what?

We’ll just take a couple stacks of iron. Do we need a beacon over there? Um. That’s just dark probably. Yeah. No. It’s just being desperate for beacon, right? So I’ll grab all of this out of here. Do I have any chest? I think I do. I think they’re back here. Yeah.

There’s a stack of chests. Do we need obsidian? Cause you’ve got many, many of it useful to put a portal in. Yeah. Grab a stack. Yeah. Absolutely. We could technically, I mean, this the nether. If we get the relative coordinates now, if we wanted to do like a quick shot underground to it.

Yeah? Straight land? Okay. Yeah, yeah. Right, let me figure out what they will be then, hang on one second. Let me put all this in my endo chest then, just in case. Spicy fun sauce. It will be 425 by 609 in the nether. That shouldn’t be too bad, to be honest.

Seems too simple, Slack. Right, it always seems too simple. What could possibly go wrong? We got this. That’s it. That in there, that in there, that in there, that in there. Okay. Right. Back to the nether. On my way.

I mean, then, while we’re digging that way, I mean, if we find any ancient debris, that would be useful for you, right? It would be very useful, yeah. Yeah, very useful. Right, so it’s this direction. Quite a long way. Hold on. You are… Okay.

So, are we going in a straight line, or are we going to out-diagonal it? I prefer the straight lines, but… Okay. There’s a straight line in there. Well, you’ve already got a reasonable tunnel going this way, so we might as well go down to the bottom of that and then turn left.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, if we got it all the way down to the right point, yep. No, you still need to go down another 400 blocks this way. Okay, so we’re going to negative what? No, positive 425 on the Z. Negative 600 on the X. Oh, some of these. Some of these. Oh, hi.

Some of these. Wow, that’s a big cancer tunnel. Oh, that might have been me. Yeah, I think that was me. That’s fine. Yeah. It’s the nether. It’s to be expected. It’s what it’s for. Yeah. I’ll dig it all out.

Well, maybe it wasn’t me, because I only did one, and there’s one here as well. Who knows? Could have been me, might not have been. Many, many digs. Three gravel slacks. That’s always nice. Mm-hmm. Oh. Oh, look at that. Ancient debris. Yay. Oh, we get red sand textures combining that. Oh, yeah.

Yeah, there’s some interesting textures going on. You don’t know that about that, do you? No. Hey, look, more ancient debris up here. Oh, look at this. Oh, nice. So, what I think it is, okay, so when you, in fact, I wanted to look into that.

When you create a texture pack or an add-on or something that’s got textures, you create a textures file, right? Yeah. And all of those textures, when you load the game, they get all stitched together into something called an atlas. And it’s basically one big texture with all the other textures in it.

And all the game knows which part of that to assign to which block. Yep. Okay? Ciao. So, what I think is happening is that the game is looking at those, yeah, sorry, I was just waiting for the lava to go, looking at the atlas, but looking at the wrong one for

The, because when you break the block, it’s the right particles. But when you’re interacting with the block, it’s the wrong ones, and it’s like it’s pulling out the wrong atlas. Does that make sense? Yeah. No. How many other 200 blocks to go in this direction? It’s not bad.

I mean, you’ve already got enough ancient debris to at least, you know, turn something to the other, right? Yeah. It’s all going rather well. Oh. I am. Put that down there. Ah! Fuck that! Stood right next to that! Right. I don’t think he said it’s going surprisingly well. Yeah. That’d be cool.

Hey, Slack, can you, can you answer a question for me? Yeah. Yeah. So, quite a, quite a, you know, when you get a comment, and then everybody comments on it with their own opinion? Yep. I had one of them.

So basically, in my, I think it was my last video, I was talking about enchanting my armor. Yep. And I talked about wanting protection four on one of them, fire protection on another, projectile protection on another, and blast protection on another. Yep. Now, that’s me personally.

I didn’t, never suggesting anybody else has to do what I do or anything like that. That’s just how I like to have my armor. I always like to have fire protection on somebody. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, back up, back up, back up. Because of that.

Now, I got a comment telling me that I was doing it wrong. Okay. Which is fine. Because apparently, if you put protection four on everything, that gives you all of those other protections as well, and he’s better. There was a bug with protection four, but I’m pretty sure that’s been patched.

That’s what I thought. But it got on to such an extent that I even had somebody commenting that I need to, I need to learn what it is because I’m putting out false information and it’s wrong. Oh my god.

And I was just thinking, well, I’m not telling anybody what they have to do. I’m just saying what, you know, what I like to do on my stuff. Watch out, Lava again. Yeah. So, because I always used to do just protection four on everything, but I’ve noticed if you’ve

Got fire protection four on one piece of armor and you go in the Lava and come out again, you don’t take any damage or hardly any, which means that you’ve got an opportunity to swim out of the Lava, get on to land and still survive. Yeah.

I like running two fire protections because I don’t even want the fire animation. Yeah. So, but you don’t get that with protection four. No. No. So. Yeah. It comes down to preference in that really. Oh, look more. Yeah. Exactly. I think we’ve went past our land. Oh yeah. We have been quite substantially.

So I, I think it doesn’t really matter, you know, what you do because there’s so many different ways of doing it, right? Yeah. So yeah, I just, I didn’t know if I was just being dumb or if I, well, everybody enjoys

Doing things their own way and pretty much everybody always thinks their way is the right way. Yeah. Is that the right way? That should, that should be the wrong way. No, this is the right way. Plus, plus 609 we’re going to, so we’ve now got 500 blocks to go in this direction.

I thought it should have been closer to spawn. Spawn’s the other way. That’s what’s confusing me. Spawn’s at minus. This is positive. We’re going to. Oh, okay. Oh, well. Diggy diggy. Spawn’s at minus 1700 on the X and we’re going to plus 600. So many ancient debris slack.

I’m practically rich at this point. There’s 10 pieces. It’s nice, isn’t there? Oh, I got. Okay. My inventory’s full, so. Yeah, I’m just going to dump a load of stuff. You have one of those fancy flint and stills? Oh, I don’t need one, I’ll just leave it here.

Just leave it for someone else, right? Well, the thing is, I don’t know if you know this slack, but if you throw down two of the same item, they will join together and when you run a check like a command to detect how

Many items there are, even if there’s a stack, it will only show one. That’s not cool. It is. It’s a way to optimize it. So when you look in a stack of them on the floor, the game is only actually processed in one entity.

So it’s only a problem if you’ve got many, many, many, many, many different items like when you break all of the chests at a raid farm, but it’s a problem. I still don’t get how that killed your computer, but not mine. I don’t, I’ll never understand that. I could barely move.

Yeah, several times that’s happened in the past, like, remember when we get the monument, we had it turned on and we forgot and we were slapping and they were like, Oh no, is that monument on? And you tried to go in there and it crashed the server.

That was a realm at that time, wasn’t it? I don’t remember that one. Oh yeah, it was season. There was the witch hunt where we built the guardian farm where just looking for work became a thing. Oh yeah. That was a bad one. Yeah.

Oh, when the, when the guardians went through into the nether. Yeah. And there was like 800 million of them because we’ve been slapping and had the farm on. Yeah. Well, I, since, um, 1.19.40, I’m getting some horrendous phrase per second anyway, like

Normally in this situation where it’s just all netherrack, I would be getting 300 phrase per second. But I’m just looking at it now and getting 90. So that’s nice. Nice and optimized. Yeah. Something not right. All right. What’s our number? 600? 609. 609. Mini, mini digs. Oh, hi, mini gravel.

Turn that back down to, uh, put my frame limiter back on, take myself back down to 60 frames a second. That’s all I need. I don’t need more than 60. Oh, hang on. More ancient debris. Slack. No, you got it. You got it. Getting all the ancient debris today.

I have 11 pieces now. They’re watching. They’re going to call you the ancient debris. No telling bill. Yeah. That’s what we’ll call me. You got some of that ancient debris. Now check with Foxy. He’s got it all. Oh, good. We’re in a Delta. Oh, goody.

Hey, I tell you what, if there’s a fortress here, that could be useful. I have no clue, but it’d be worth popping our heads up and having a look. Oh, you’re wanting to go up through lakes. Oh, I see. Oh, is it? Yeah. Of course it’ll be lava lake. Probably. Maybe. Oh, period.

Throw a few things. Oh, no, no, my shovel. Anything but my shovel. There we go. I’m back. I’m on my way. I’m coming back down another tunnel of many hundred blocks. Wow. Okay. Should we make ourselves a portal? Yep. Yep.

I’m not going to talk about the machine that I just tried to find and spent way too much time wasting time doing that. Nope. Good. I’m glad. I’m glad you’re not going to talk about that. Yep.

Kind of like you didn’t spend a lot of time just trying to fix something that, yeah, right? Right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yep. Sounds good. Hi. I’m just coming in here to visit. Hi. How are you doing? Nice to see you. Nice to see you.

I’m going to use some of this small amount of iron I got from my friend. Oh, that’s nice to have friends, right? It is. It is. It’s unusual. It’s nice. Right. Okay. So, ancient debris, you’re going in there before I lose you. Excuse me. I’m over here for a second. Excuse me, noise?

Okay. And then I’ll just dump all this off in here, just many, many down the hole, many, many, many, many, many, many. Hey, look. I have some of this ancient debris on me. Here. Have that. There you go. Oh, nice. Thank you. Very nice. Five. Amazing. Right. Okay. Hang on.

So, if we’ve done our calculations correctly, we should come out at around about 3,400 by 4,872, which should be right next to a witch hut. You ready? Watch. We’re going to come out inside the witch hut. Maybe. Or in a cave. Probably underground. Yeah. That’s what I’m going to say.

A cave at bedrock. That seems more legit. This portal sinking works so well in 1.90, 0.40. It’s unbelievable. Yep. Yep. There we go. Minus two. Minus two. Oh, this isn’t a deep dark area. How? How have it broke it so badly? I don’t understand. I don’t have the words for this. It’s ridiculous.

That’s what the words for it are, Slack. Ridiculous. Jeez. Well. The portal linking was fine. There was nothing wrong with it. Oh, there’s water dripping up there. Yep. That is going to… Are we in an underwater cave? Right.

We need to break this portal so we can relink the one at the top when we go there. Yeah. That’s what I had. Stupid thing. Hey, look. How hard can it be? So they’ve been trying to relink the portals that spawn, obviously, and it doesn’t matter

What they do, where they put them, all of the portals, apart from when you came through today apparently, all seem to link up to mine. And they shouldn’t. So, yeah, things aren’t working quite right in an old portal linking. It’ll be fine. I’m just going to dig up. Yeah. Just go up. Crap.

Straight away. Straight away. Oh, water. Oh, good. Good. Well, I mean, it saves us some time, right? Yeah. Oh, jeez. Don’t drown. Oh, it does go up and there is a surface. Oh, this is good. It’s very dark. I have got torches. Don’t worry, Slack. I’ve got one.

I love how when you’ve got a plan, it all goes so smoothly. It’s a bit like when we went to do the Ender Dragon Slack. Can you remember how many times we asked each other if we got enough Ender Pills and stuff before we left?

Yeah, that was one of those situations where we were in a group collab and I was like, I’ve got like seven and like I said it 17 times and everybody just assumed that somebody had all the Ender Pearls.

But that’s what happens when you get 19 people all together recording at the same time. You know, people can’t hear anybody. Exactly. And then obviously, so we got there, not enough Ender Pills, went to the nether. That’s a good idea. Got some got some more stuff. Came back. But we didn’t. Did we?

We didn’t come back. I didn’t even leave, huh? We are the wrong way round. We are at 4,800 on the X and 3,300 on the Z. We need to be 3,400 on the X and 4,800 on the Z. I followed your coordinates. I’m pretty sure they were right. Let me just check again.

3,400 divided by 8 is 425. 4,800 divided by 8 is 600, right? So it should have been 425 by 600, but I think we did 600 by 425, didn’t we? Do you know why Slack? I’ve just figured out why that might be. Okay. I’m interested.

When I use my calculator, it saves the last thing you’ve done in the history on the side. But the history is in reverse order, obviously. So when I was like, hey, we’re going the wrong way, I was right. No, we were going the right way. We were just in the wrong place.

So what we should probably do is fly there from here and then maybe take a portal back into the nether. Lean on. Lean on. Lean on. Lean on. Lean on. Lean on. This way and this way. Oh geez. Are we good at this game, aren’t we? We’ve played it before.

I wonder why it didn’t look very swampy. This is a big ocean. Don’t hurt him or his mom’s being in an ocean. Not usually. No. It’s uncommon. I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right? You say that. There’s just big old ocean in this direction and we’re not far away.

Oh, here we go. Oh my goodness. Wow. Muted. Mutated. Something or other. Yeah. That’s definitely a mutated one. Oh, hang on a minute. Oh no, we all go the right direction. We just need to go quite a long way on the… Geez. Wow. This has had a bad time this area.

Look at this down here. Geez. Not doing very well at all. Don’t worry, we are nearly there. My expert navigational skills will get us there in a jiffy snack. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. No, on a jungle tree. That’s no on a jungle tree. Maybe. It’s definitely there.

We should be seeing swamp any second now. I see swamp. There we go. I see swamp as well. And I see a witch hut. There we go. See? Not quite so bad, was it? No, that was definitely in the water. So we have to fill up all the… Yeah.

I’m just going to beat her to death. There we go. Okay. Which is dead. All right. I’m going to go over here. The baby’s on me. Hi. Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. There’s a lot of mobs around here. Maybe we should sleep.

You can’t really, though, because it’s not technically nighttime, is it? It’s thundering. It’s thunderstorm. Oh, is it? I didn’t hear any thunder. Yeah. I’ve heard thunder a few times. Well, in that case, we can sleep. Mm-hmm. This is good news. Yeah. Near us have a bed, do we? I might have. No.

I’ve got a wall. I’ve got wood. All right. I’ve got this. Don’t forget, I keep my wall in my mob drops box, because that’s where it’s sensible to keep it. I have nine pieces of wall. That’s how rich I am, Slack. You’re wall rich, dude. Don’t worry.

I’ll stop the zombie from touching you. Thank you. I appreciate that. There we go. A bed. No sleep. That’s better. That’s better, Slack. Much better. Right. Right. So we need to fill in the chunk. Is it just the chunk, is it? Yeah.

Just the chunk that the witch hut’s in, or else we won’t get no… It really messes with the spawns, if it’s waterlogged or water. Well, rather than filling in the chunk, I suppose we’ll have to drain the water anyway,

But we’re going to have to dig down below it, is what I was going to say. Yeah. So wouldn’t it make sense to just remove the water, but I guess filling in the water’s probably going to be the best way of doing that. Yeah. We can do it that way.

And then just, you know… There’s another witch, Slack! Look out! It’s a bad person. I got this. Yeah. You got this. I knew you did. Yeah. Good job. Oh, there’s another witch, Slack! This is… Are you sure we need to fill it in?

Time for clothes, for it had to let them spawn like that. Yeah. Okay. Right. Put that back away. So filling things in then, I’m going to get a couple of chests out, so we’ve got some room to put some junk, because we’re going to accumulate quite a lot of junk, I would imagine.

Oh yeah. Junk happens. Junk definitely happens. And just so you know, 99% of the stuff from building this, I don’t want, because I would burn. I’m just… I have this tendency to burn stuff. I know. Why do you think it’s been so long since we last worked together, Slack?

I just haven’t been able to take it. I just don’t need all this time to get over it. You mean the fact that you jumped into the Wither Killer and there was a lava burn off a cater on it, I mean… Maybe. Is that really my fault?

Are you just collecting dirt to fill this in? Yeah, unless you got dirt. Oh, I got loads. Yeah. Got a whole box full of dirt, Slack. Oh, I’m glad you got dirt, because like, I don’t got dirt. I got like 19 double chests of deep slate. Don’t use my precious dirt, though.

You can use normal dirt, but I don’t want… Don’t you be using my coarse dirt or my rooted dirt. They’re most important. Okay. I love when I play something in a direction I absolutely can’t see. Did you mean to put this here? No, not really. We think you did. Yep.

Just managed to pile three blocks up. It’s all behind me. Because that’s… Sounds too simple. Yep. And again. Thanks, game. You’re welcome. Oh my… Will you stop it? I am pointing quite clearly at the block. I’m going to lose my mind. I don’t. Oh, at least it’s not slabs. Slabs are better now.

Slabs are better than blocks. You’ll wait till the next update. Yeah. Yep. Polls will not just not link properly. They will send you all over the place. They’ll send you to a new void dimension, right? Yep. But only if you’re eating or crouching or just standing there, you know…

Eating crouching with your lecture, right? Yeah. Excellent. We finished. What a good job we did, Slack. That was easy. Yep. That part was easy. I mean… Next farm. What? We need to… What? We still gotta do the… We’ve got more work to do. Yeah. We got more work to do. Yeah. Okay.

I’ll tell you what I’m going to do then. I’m going to get some other type of blocks that’s not dirt, like stone, and I’m going to put them around that chunk so that when we dig all that out, we know where it is. Oh, we got a frog! Different colored frog!

I haven’t got an orange frog, Slack. Oh, yeah. That’s right. Swamp. I forgot about that. Yep. Can I have your head, please, frog? I don’t know. That’s a little bit rude. Mean? I should probably use looting when I do that, to be honest. Probably to optimize your chance at frog. Hit.

I mean, just… Yeah. What about cat? Can I have your head cat? Yeah. I should use looting for that as well, really. Probably should have, yeah. Now, you said about burning items. If you get clay, I would like it, please. Unless you want it. Oh, nope. I have no need for clay yet.

But otherwise, you know, I’m not overly forced. Unless it’s rooted or something fancy. You want fancy darts. I understand. Yeah. Yeah. I get you fancy. Grab that. Grab that. Grab that. Grab that. Grab that. Grab that. Put that back into there. Okay. So, here’s a question for you, Foxy. Okay.

I’m ready for the question for me. Do we want to just dig out this chunk, like maybe down eight to ten blocks? Yeah. That gives us room for the Trident Killer and potentially storage? Yeah. We don’t need a ton of storage, because they’re not ever so quick, are they? No.

I mean, a filter system could be good just to get rid of all of the potions and things, but… Yep. There’s a basic item filter on there just to grab, to sort the main things that we want, like Gunpowder, Redstone, Glowstone.

If you’re interested in the other things, we can make all the filters. It doesn’t really matter. It’s like, how have you managed this? How have I managed what? Can you not see the water that’s still here? No. Water there? Nope. There’s water here? Nope. And there’s water here? Nope.

And there’s water inside this block here? Nope. Do I need to relog? Yep. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. This works perfectly Minecraft Bedrockadoon, just saying. Oh yeah. Yeah. Still got water. Nope. Water has gone. Cool. Good. Hello. I’m trying to get your clay out of the walls here too. Oh, thank you.

Someone blew my mind the other day, Slack, about clay. Oh yeah. I was watching the stream on YouTube. I was convinced that you got more clay back using Fortune. I was too. I genuinely was. Because I almost tied. I joined that stream. I don’t like your YouTube streams. Why?

Every time I’ve come back, I’ve come back multiple times and said something you never know. I missed Jen yesterday. Sign, sign, sign, sign, sign. The Twitch ones are the same, but it is easy to see people on Twitch chat. The YouTube chat is not easy to see because everyone’s the same colour.

Yeah, I agree. I agree. It’s like… I know. I might have to… Put the line cool down. Yeah, it’s already on a minute cool down. What the problem is, I obviously want people to see what result they got so that they just don’t think it’s broken.

Because it would be better if it only flagged up when people actually won or lost, right? But then how do they know? How do they know it even worked? Yeah. So, and I don’t think you can whisper on YouTube. No. So what did you…

Because you used to do your tree thing, which was the same thing, wasn’t it? Yeah, I put it on a user cool down of five minutes. Oh, five minutes, okay. Right. I might just have to update up the cool down then because it is crazy. But it’s good engagement, mostly. It’s good engagement.

I agree. It keeps people out of lark and, you know, Twitch likes active chatters, so that helps in that regard. I don’t know about YouTube. I don’t know. I think YouTube considers it… I don’t think it’s as valuable as the like or the subscribe button, but I’m pretty sure it’s valuable.

I’ve found my streams have more people in them, the more active chatter. Yeah. Yep. And the site as well, Slack. I’m going to need millions of it. I’ve just found a big old pile of it here. Right. So don’t throw that away. Not a problem. How do you… Pete, go in Slack.

We’ll take it down one more because I already started this level. I keep finishing off a level going, ah, there we go, and then you’re starting the next one. Okay. Fair enough. Well, we’ll go further. They’re going to be affected by the light levels too is going to be the problem. Yeah.

Well, we need the light for now, so things don’t spawn while we’re in here. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. I’m talking about for the Trident Killer. I’m trying to think how many blocks we got to go down because the redstone torch close enough up will actually kill their spawns.

We don’t need the redstone torch Trident Killer. Okay. I got a better one for the witch hook. I just got to remember it. There’s a rare one too. There’s so many of them now. Yeah. I made one specifically for my witch hook video because it was just ridiculously accidentally

Fast and it didn’t have any light going through it. T-Man and I the other day were doing some testing and it’s 100% beneficial to have more than one Trident. Oh, really? Because it never used to be. If you have two, that’s optimal.

We tested so many spawning in so many mobs and with command blocks and everything. And the one that always had two would kill it in twice the time, twice as fast, but it didn’t do no good to have more than two.

But if you have two in there, it’s every game tick then they get a hit. I guess it’s getting one’s getting hit on the push and one’s getting hit on the retract. I don’t fully understand it, but yeah, well, that’s good. Are we by the wall? Are we water logging?

Have we got impaling? I’m not really worried about it unless you are. If you’re Trident killer does it, then go for it. Yeah, it should do. I think. I think nothing. Oh, hello. Thank you. I didn’t get his head. Oh, I did. Well we got plenty of resources now, Slack.

So that’s good news. There’s plenty of junk. Oh, look. I got more blocks to put in here. Hold on. Oh, that chest. Hold on. Let me. Let me see if I can remember how to build this Trident killer then. So how do you normally get your witches into the Trident killer?

Because I was just using the slime block to push them in when they spawned. Glass push method. Oh, does that work for you? Yep. I often doesn’t work when I try that, but okay, we’ll do that if you’re confident with it. Yeah, I’ve never had a problem with it. Good. Right. Okay.

Let me get out. Did you have pistons? Yep. I’m looking for the box. Hold on. Nice. Okay. Here we go. There’s the bits that I brought with us. Over here. Oh, nice. Okay. Toaches, lever, observers.

I’m just going to mark one up up here so that I can try and remember how to do it. And then, yeah, that should be fine. I just need, I need some stone to make repeaters. Oh yeah. Repeaters. Going to need repeaters and comparators. Oh man. What do you need a comparator for?

Item filter? Oh, the sorter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay. Well, even if we just get it going into just general, just storage at the moment with one item filter, not too fast, I would like to get that. Where’s the, did I bring in the obsidian? This obsidian should be in the chest. Okay.

Oh, it might be in my blue chest. I’ve not found mine. So I squilled it away already. I’m, I’m looking at your bag. I need to flint the steel. Okay. I’m just going to set the portal back here for now. Is that fun? Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah.

It doesn’t need to be closed, is it? Yeah. We’ll put a building around it. One, two, three, one, two, three. Okay. I want to dip into the nether more like this. Um, let me grab some stone or something just in case, because there’s no telling where this portal is going to come out.

I think if I remember right there, I actually just have to turn this, um, down a bit. This, uh, I didn’t kill her because the witches were, it was going too fast. Oh my God. What a horrible, horrible spawn. Oh my God. Oh my God, this is horrible. Is it not ideal?

No, no, no, we’re in a basalt Delta up above a lava lake on a one layer thick. So soil thing. No, it sounds nice. This is horrible. Wait, I’m glad. I brought the stone. Oh dear God. That’s, that’s, that’s bad. That’s, that’s, that’s. Yep. And there’s gas flying around.

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, not interested in that. Go away. Okay. I need to go over here. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I need to go over here for a minute. Just fly over here somewhere.

Give me some quartz. Okay. One fully dark trident killer. Good deal. Then in that case, then put that thing like right up on the belly of it. Then I am. I’m working the way I would expect gliding back over here, coming back through the nether. That’s horrible. That’s horrible.

I was like, he’s just gone bananas. Hang on. I might need to put some extra repeaters in there, just slow it down a bit. Yeah. Oh, no, that’s the… I think it’d be all right. It’s just if the witches can fall in it. Maybe slow it down. Just a touch.

Ah, yeah, that’s a little, little faster. That’s not bad. Excuse me, sheep. There we go. It should be… Oh, yeah, that’d be good. Yeah, there we go. Perfect. They always remind me, if you close your eyes and just think of a steam engine. Yeah. Yeah. Nice little train going by. Yeah. Lovely. Good.

So all we’ve got to do is build over there now. Is there any particular point under the witch hut would be advisable to build it, in your opinion, or do you want to do tests to see where the witch spawns? I don’t know where it spawns. They spawn on the same block always.

Oh, is it? Okay. I didn’t realize that with witch huts. Okay. Let’s go to the, if you mark out the two by two, I’ll get it built under there. Okay. Let’s grab, I need some building blocks of choice. Don’t touch the end of site. I’ll grab some of this fancy dial, right?

Because it’s beautiful. Oh, look at this. Beautiful, beautiful block. I mean, I’m not anti-dial, right? I just don’t think it should exist. Yeah, that’s fine. It’s all good. Oh, several reasons. Just as I placed the Trident killer in and it will restart and we’ll come back and it’ll be all gone. Oh yeah.

That’s exactly how it’s going to work. Yeah. Okay. Make sure you leave me room to build it in. Yeah. I was just, okay. There’s a, there’s a tube out there. Okay. So I’m putting the Trident killer at that level there. Yeah. Um, I want to take it down two blocks.

I was just showing you the, the, the, the grid. Yeah. So the base of it. Yeah. Yep. That sounds good. Yep. That gives us room to grab the hopper line underneath and put some chest in underneath of here. Good, good, good. Nice. What level is that at? 61. 61. 61 brain. 61 brain.

Brain, brain, brain, brain, brain, brain. F11. Have you noticed these pistons do damage to you now? Yeah. When they pull back. They’re one of the change logs that we covered on a podcast. Yeah. But why? I don’t know. Why? 42. Yeah. But why? Yes. Okay.

I just need a few more bits of stone and we’re good to go. Oh, wow. You know, you can use the Marcus pack spawns for you for that slack. You don’t need to measure it out. I was, I was literally about to put this here to make sure that we’re good. Yeah.

Because it needs to reach the bottom of the Trident killer. Yeah. Yeah. It seems to be doing. Yeah. Yep. I’ve literally got like, I need like a couple of pieces of stone. Oh geez. I use slabs. It’s going to be difficult getting the Trident in here. So far, so good.

The Trident killer is in place. Now, are we water logging it? If you’ve got the enchanted Trident, yes, if not, then don’t worry about it for now. I mean, I could make an enchanted Trident, but it will require me going home. Yep. And we, we still got to do the whole home thing.

Yeah. So should we not worry about it for now? No, just, just get it running. Okay. Because to be honest with you, I’m probably just going to set my account over here. AFK in this for the next few days. Fair enough. Good. Share, share. Yeah. Oh yeah. That’s kind of the whole point.

All right. So a lot of this is going to have to go away bad. I need hoppers, which I’ve just put away and chests. I’m not going to build the actual sorting system yet. Okay. Well, there’s hoppers here. And I need minecart. One, two, three, four, five. I’ve got a rail somewhere.

I just got to find it. I need six for minecart. Do you happen to have any glass, sir? I might have a bit of glass. Hang on. Bear with me. Oh. Surfer Rita. Right. I’m back. The server has restarted. I don’t think I lose anything. Everything will be fine.

I mean, how hard can it be? If we got any more chests kicking about, I did make more chests. I’m stuck in the loading, locating server screen of death. Oh, it’s so long now, isn’t it?

I want to blame that on my mini blocks as well, but I don’t think I don’t think it is. No, no. Sounds good. Let’s blame the mini blocks. Yeah. It sounds good. If you put them on a world, it does take an abnormally long time to load, and it does

Increase your single world RAM by 400 megabytes. We were talking about glass and sand. Oh, yeah. Glass. Well, there’s sand right here. I’ve got nearly three stacks of glass, and I’ve got a full sugar box with the sand, if you need sand.

You know those villagers back at base, the whole point of them is a glass farm. I just don’t have no glass on me. Oh, fair enough. Fair enough. Say no more. It doesn’t matter which block the hopper minecart is underneath, does it, on these? Not long as it, no.

So if I put, to start with, we want the chests go behind really, so they’re accessible. So if I put the first chest there, okay, and if I put the hopper going in there like that, the minecart track on top, oh, I think that’s too low down. It is, but it’s all right.

Don’t worry, Slack. I’m definitely not. Good. I can tell you, I could hear the panic in your voice there, but don’t worry. I got this. I’ve made these before. Yeah. I mean, how hard can it be? Exactly. It’s Minecraft at the end of the day. It’s easy. It’s for kids, right?

There we go. All you do is play that kids game, or I’ll play that kids game and stay home and don’t have to go out and work at your job, but I absolutely hate it. There we go. The trident killer is 100% complete. Oh, that’s fancy.

Put a few slabs around it just to make it not quite as deadly. And then that’s pretty much it for this, isn’t it? Oh, pretty much. Yep. That’s probably the quickest wish farm I think I’ve ever done.

Coming down here to grab a little bit more glass and actually we should be about ready to just even test it. Yeah. That’s what I was thinking. Have we got any like tinted glass anywhere for the… I don’t have none with. No, I think I’ve used all my shards as well.

Not to worry. There we go. Well, now I can’t quite reach. Hang on a moment, please. There we go. So now that’s done. So all we need inside there is the glass to push the witches out, which I’m… Have you done that yet? No. Coming down. There we go.

We’ve got all this whole massive area under here for many, many storages. All right. Knocking the torch out. Just blocking up the doors. How will you know if this spawned? Well, see, I’m going to log out and put this entity X-ray pack on. Ah, okay. Okay.

I just want to hop in there quickly just to see what you’ve done and I’ll come out. Okay. So, oh, you just… Okay. Literally just put it there like that. Nice. That’s it. Yep. Nice. All right. In that case, I shall come out, get my way out of the hole.

I’m going to smash the whole front porch away so that things don’t spawn on there. I’m going to put stuff on the roof so things don’t spawn on there. And then I think we should be good to go. Locating server forever. Come on. There we go. Loading resources forever. Done. I’m in.

Just put the trident in there. Oh. Okay. Now, technically, since we can put two in there, I wonder if we didn’t do no testing on whether or not we could each throw one. Huh. Oh, that’s a good idea. Yeah. So, let’s throw one each and just see. Yeah, just see. Okay.

Everything’s inside out slack. Yeah. Yeah. Everything’s inside out. I’m grabbing the extra trident in here. Oh, you don’t throw one at me. Okay. So, I’m putting that back. Okay. Yeah. You probably can’t see it because it’s inside out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is why I don’t use this pack. It’s so weird. Okay.

I’m throwing one in. I can see the upper bank. I’m like, now I’m going to break it. I’m not going to break. I’m throwing that end of there. All right. Okay. I can still see them all in there. All right. Turn it on. They’re both going around. This is good news. All right.

Block up the doors. Block up the hole. Fly to the top into this lovely glass box that you’ve made. Yeah. There’s a front porch of one block wide. Nice. Nothing spawning slack. I noticed this. Maybe see what I figured with mine was, even though I was the right distance away, I was

Too far away. I had to go closer. Yeah. No. So let’s go down on the main pillar. Yeah. Just go down three or four blocks for now and see. No. No, I didn’t get that in the wrong spot. No, I don’t think you did. I think it’s just a bit broken. There is.

It’s a frog. All right. Oh, I didn’t need a torch. There’s another thing. Yeah. There might be a torch in there. There’s a cool. The longer you wait, the more rapidly they spawn. I found I had to wait like five. No, the spawning blocks gone. What? The block where they’re supposed to spawn.

Yeah. I think I might have broke that and it might be my fault. But yeah, I did. I did fine with mine. The at first they took ages to spawn. But if I waited there for a couple of minutes, they got faster and faster and faster spawning. Yeah.

It’s like my farms and stuff. I’m better. I need to warm up. Yeah. Yeah. It’s weird, isn’t it? No. Still nothing. Give it a minute. Yeah. Give it a minute. See what happens. And you’re a hundred percent sure that’s the right spawn spot because when I did mine, it was fair.

There was one bit of despawned despawned instantly when you go down the block or to another come down with you. Come on. There we go. One’s in. It’s dead. There we go. We got a witch and there is XP in there. There are blocks appearing all around me. There’s no, nope.

That wasn’t another one. That was just a weird angle, but better at farms. Come on, which next, which please Oh, there we go. Yeah. Yep. Yep. There we go. Another dead witch. This is good news. Yes. It works. It’s very successful. Albeit is a little bit slow.

Well, I mean, technically there’s another one over here. We can build two of these. Well, I don’t think we need to because you can only AFK one. So I think, and I think it will speed up. There we go. Another one. Yeah. They will speed up. If you hold loading, obviously. Oh yeah.

Let me go get some looting. This is going to be fun with the extra entry. The words, I just now notice that there’s a Zaya trees here. So there’s a lush caves under here. Yeah. Interesting. And there’s a mangrove and there’s a dark oak. Is there a mangrove?

There’s mangrove like right there and over there. Oh yeah. I didn’t even notice that. Oh, wow. We’re not going to be sure on materials. Oh no. Look, jungle, dark oak, mangrove, spruce. Yeah. Desert. This is a lovely area. Is that a full desert that we can mine? I’ve got to look.

It’s just a shame that we’re, you know, no, it’s not as small. We’re a wee bit out of the build area. But I won’t tell anyone if you don’t. I won’t tell anyone. I’ve been saying this season we should increase it to 5,000 blocks anyway. Do it.

I mean, we need to try it. Yeah. Just give them 6k. Yep. Well, last season, I think we only pruned twice and the end file size was still only just over a thousand, a gigabyte, I think. It seems like they’re trying with the optimization. They are genuinely trying.

So and it has improved versus where it started. I’ve seen a whole bunch of witches in there now. It’s now going a lot faster than it was. The only thing we haven’t got in place in there now is a way to get rid of the XP. It won’t be enough.

It’ll be client side. It shouldn’t be enough to really cause an issue. No. It really shouldn’t. Oh, this is marvelous. Like, absolutely marvelous. Excellent. Right. Well, I’m going to turn off this entity X-ray pack because I’m all sorts of inside out and back to front. I’ll be back with you.

And then we should probably look at if you’ve got time, put a little bit of a saucer on there. Yeah. That is exactly what I was thinking. I’m just, you know, making a nice secure glass box here. Come on, game. Let me back in. Oh, you’re here. Trust me.

It’s a whole new bouncing thing that I really don’t like that because if you’re underneath your Trident Killer, you’ll pick up the Trident Killer. New bouncing thing? Yeah. Yeah. When you log in, you always jump. Really? Yep. You jump.

So if you’re standing like if your Trident Killer was directly above here and you were standing here, it’ll jump you up and grab it every time. Really? I’ve not noticed that. Oh, jeez. I’ve not noticed that. I’m just going around picking up all that glass you dropped. It’s very precious. Yep.

Let me check the chest slack. See how much riches we’ve got. Oh, my goodness. Me? We’ve got a witch head already. I’ve realized I’ve been standing up there all that time not holding the looting sword. We’ve got sticks, 10 redstone dusts, five gunpowder, many, many potions. There’s a raid party at the portal.

There’s a creeper at the bed. Yeah. Okay. You just despawn them off. There you go. You’re welcome. Appreciate that. Here we go. I’m in. Let’s put a fancy box, right? Then we get a chest in here to hold us some fancy glass and items just in case. Yep. Yeah.

You’re not going to put a door on it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, that’ll be the point of the box. Well, I mean, if I get a door, I usually don’t carry doors. I usually just block it in with more glass. Oh, you just like that. I suddenly realized I was falling.

I’m so glad I got later now. My bad. Right. Okay. That was absolutely great. I need to take that pack off. So here I’m going to stand right here. All right. Okay. Right there. So watch when you come in, see you jumping. It’s broken. All right.

Settings, global resources, active x-ray, de-act-away, go back and play blip blip and blip. You’re not jumping. Hold on. When I get in, it’ll jump. Okay. I’m not touching nothing. Hands are off everything. When I actually get in the world, it’s like, oh, yeah. Yep. And I’m still loading resources. You’re still jumping. Yep.

Yeah. Now you’re in a hole. How did you end up in this length? Weird, isn’t it, when you reload? I need many, many wood now to make many, many, many chests. There’s 26 chests in this box over here still. Okay.

Well, did you want to add any shulker storage in or are we just doing chests? Shulker storage? I’m confused. Well, it’s in like, put shulker boxes there instead of chests, so you don’t have to take the stuff out of the chest to put it in the shulkers.

But then I’m just thinking we’re probably both quite shulker poor at the minute. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I’m pretty shulker poor. I’ve only got like a stack of shells. Yeah. That’s something we haven’t done. We could potentially do next week. And end raid. Go to the end and build a shulker farm.

Oh, I’ve never built one of those before. Yes, that’s on my to-do list. I have no clue. Yeah. I have no clue. I’ve not looked at anybody’s videos on it. No, me neither. That would be interesting. Yes. Let’s do that next week. Yep.

And on that note, peeps, it’s not time to end because we’ve got to build a storage system. Oh yeah. We got to build a… Right. My inventory is just disaster. Let me just get rid of all this stuff. Right.

I’ve got 12 hoppers, which is probably not going to be enough, and 11 chests. I’ll make some more hoppers. So I’ve got 41 hoppers over here in this shulker. I don’t need any more hoppers. Okay. I’ll get some more water, make some more chests. I’ve got many, many dark oak.

I’ll make dark oak chests. Wouldn’t it be nice? Oh, no. I’ve just made it in the stairs. A whole stack. More on. That sounded like exactly what you needed there was, you know, some of that. Yeah. I’m really good at Minecraft. There we go. We’re professionals. All right.

So we shouldn’t need the filter no more than like six or seven items. So I got us the comparators now. There’s a piston and a piece of obsidian. Okay. So yours is a little bit different. Yeah. All right. We’ll let you do the sorter then. Why? What do you use? Target blocks? No.

I just use glass and kind of like an impulse sorter, but modified for bedrock a little bit. Oh, okay. Well, yeah, that’s what I use, but I use the pistons and, you know. Okay. Yeah. Users, we brought the obsidian over. Yeah. I’ve got that.

I’m just looking for a couple of sticks now so I can make some more redstone torches. Okay. So in this box here, there’s 25 of them and the comparators are in there as well. Nice. Okay. Let’s do this then. All the things. Nice. Let’s make a little bit of room in my inventory.

Oh, I need some actual blocks as well to do block things with. All right. We got to get rid of those non-stackable items. Jeez. Potions. We’re probably getting some witches in there while we’re stood over there, I imagine. Yeah.

So what we’ll do then is we’ll break that hopper and we’ll come along, I guess, this direction. How many different ones do you want? The only things I’m really worried about saving, me personally, gunpowder, redstone, glowstone. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much the same. Rest of that can just burn.

So we’ll have two for each, yeah. So we’ll have two for redstone, two for gunpowder, and two for glowstone. Yep. And then we can do, at the very end, we can do just one singular row of just overflow chest and then it can go into a barnificator over here. That sounds good. Okay.

All right. I’ll do two more rows and then that then. Yeah. Well, we’ll have junk ones that are full of potions and heads and stuff like that if you need them. But if you don’t, you know, then anything after that can just burn. Okay.

So we’re not going to give heads a specific slot. That’s fine. I don’t mind that. Well, if you want to, we can. No, that’s fine. So then I want a comparator coming out of, not that one, it needs to go there. We’re going to have to dig down a bit here, it’s like.

Yeah, all right. And then we’re going to need glass, oh geez, here, and then in this wall. So we’re going to have to do some smashing into the wall, there, and then that row that your run is going to have glass on it as well. Ah.

Look how efficient we are when we work together. Mm-hmm. Although we’ve only got seven comparators, two, three, four, five, six. There’s more course of stuff up there to make more. Only need one more. Okay. Okay. Grab one. Oh, you’re going to go. Okay. Okay. Going, going, going.

The sound of that Trident killer in my ear is lovely. It’s a very nice, it kind of loses the kachunk, kachunk, kachunk, kachunk, kachunk, kachunk once you start adding the other parts in, yeah, the Trident. Yeah. It’s not quite as lovely then, is it? Oh, I need more pistons.

Have you got more pistons over there? How many got one here? Sixteen. Yep. Bringing them. Yep. That’ll be more than enough. Thank you. All right. So I’m putting this comparator in place. Yep. And here go pistons to you, and there you go. Thank you. Okay. I’m going to pick back, please. Double queued.

My pistons never go the direction you want them to go. There we go. All right. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There we go. Storage isn’t done. We’re fast and in a hurry. I don’t think you could really even class this as one of your horrendously ugly farms.

I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s pretty ugly because it’s just raw blocks. There’s no decoration to it. Now if we start making the floor uniformed and stuff like that, then it goes into a different classification. Right now it’s still pretty ugly.

I mean, we can make it look nice, but don’t bother me. Or you can save that for stream projects. Yeah, I was going to say, not really much of a point in making it look nice for a witch farm. No. That’s literally just a stream thing, really.

If you want a free stream, just come over here and work on the walls and stuff. There we go. I think three rows of chests on each one should be plenty. That’s six double chests per item. Be more than enough. And then you wanted room for your burnificator, which is just there. Lovely.

What a good job we did Slack. It’s hanging out really good. Relatively quickly, too. Yep. You can get rid of that chest now. Don’t need that anymore. Enjoy all of those things. And then put some slabs, no, solid blocks and then slabs on top of these just to stop stuff. Oh, wrong bottom.

There you go. Beautiful. So we just need the item filters and the items. Yeah. At this point. Have we got anything going in at all? Yeah. A chest. Okay. Of course. We’re too close for it to actually be doing anything. So item filters. I’m just going to use stone. Yeah, that sounds good.

I’m going to sleep a bit out of the way real quick. Bit of redstone in there. Bit of redstone in there. You’ve got all the other items, so you’ll have to put them in. No, I don’t. Nope. I didn’t pick up none of those. My inventory was full.

Just left it all on the floor. My inventory was full. You just, you literally trowed yourself in that moment. Right. You know what? These guys. I’m going to get him. That wasn’t it. Genuinely wasn’t even thinking that. I was just breaking them. That’s just our slacks down there. We’ll pick them up.

It wasn’t supposed to be a troll. I came up here because we needed something. I don’t remember what it was now. I know that feeling. Yeah. Me daily. Okay, and these two. In fact, we don’t need item filters on these ones because we’re just having anything in there, aren’t we? Yeah.

Those are just anything. Need a dropper and the stuff. Okay. Barnum for K. I take the comparators and the redstone torches off those. Don’t need them. Where is my super suit? Where’s my super suit? Why do you need it? And there we go. Job is a good one. Nice.

Dropper, comparator, redstone, yep, yep, yep, and grab that flattened steel out of your box. Lovely. One hundred percent complete, working perfectly, witch farm, which seems to have dropped a load of spider eyes that haven’t, oh, maybe they fell there when I broke the chest. That’s fine. Whatever.

You got any more of those hoppers left? Yeah. There you go, there’s eleven. Oh, fancy. Thank you. Oh, you did it for your burnificator. Getting rid of all that extra stuff. Good idea. All right. Throw things away, get a bit of a tidy up going on over here might as well.

I don’t want to be, you know, known as unorganized, Slack. Can’t be, no, you’re, you’re, you’re organized, Foxtail. That’s me. I don’t know if that was a real name, but okay. That’s Mr. Organized Foxtail to you, sunshine. What do I want out of here? Andesite? Yes. Stone? Yes. Clay? Yes.

I’ll take a cauldron, flower pot, mushroom, apple. I think I’ll let you have the diorite. I’ll decorate this place in diorite. I don’t think you could class it as decoration at that point. Still one of my ugly belts then, right? Yeah, pretty much. Pretty ugly farms coming to a place near you.

Where’s my gravel and clay? That. Andesite. Oh, I’m getting quite the collection of Andesite. This is good. Excellent. Good. Okay. Blue box. I’m standing on it. Of course I am. Makes sense. Mushrooms. Food box. Nice. And the apple goes in food box and then there’s just, oh my goodness, I’ve got nearly every

Single one of my sugar boxes out of my ender chest. There we go, lily pads in there. Excellent. Right. Okay. There is now a burnificator in place. Don’t do it, Slack. It’s there. It’s happening. Mm-hmm. Why do you insist on burning everything? Yes. But I need it all. Just in case.

You never know when you might need a stick or some sugar. Okay. So throw that in there, that in there, that in there, that in there, that, that. Don’t need that. Hang on to that. Just so you know, I’ve still got your flint still on me. Oh, you can keep it.

I got that. Well, we still need to do something about the nether portal situation. Yeah. Should we, um, should we AFK for another couple of minutes just to make sure everything’s going to be hunky-dory? Yep. That’s perfectly fine.

And do you think we should put some torches down around the floor down here just to make sure we don’t get things spawning in the storage system? Probably a good idea. That’s that done then. Right. Let’s fly up to the moon. Oh, okay. No, you didn’t get the door. What door?

You said you were going to get a door. Yeah. Okay. Don’t forget to hold your loot in sorts like, oh yeah, I’m going to, uh, put the pack back on just because I want to verify and I’m gonna stop recording. Okay. Door, door, door, door. More door? More door. Less door, man.

Looks at things. No door. No door. No door. No door. No door. No door. Oh man. My door’s so expensive, bro. Oh, I logged in on glass. Was it going to say this as a safe block or not? There’s only one way to find out.

Tune in next week to, I’m already down to six rockets while I’m making use of these rockets already. We spend a lot of money in your shop slack, I think. I mean, we’re literally making a witch farm. That’s a good point. Doesn’t it help me with sugar cane then?

Foxy builds a mini sugar cane farm over here while it’s being afcade. Okay. Machine. I was talking about a spawn. It’s not a farm. It’s a machine. Oh, look at the witches. Oh yeah. Look at that too. Oh yeah. I can see. I can’t see it. All right.

Looting sword is in, is being held. Okay. I’m going to go get some slabs as you have pointed out slack. I didn’t do a very good job. I’m sorry. It’s my bad. It’s not my fault. It’s okay. Oh, I’ve got those most. I’m those most stolen under sight in here.

I haven’t put away. Oh my goodness. All of the things in here that I didn’t put away in my ender chest. It’s good job. I’ve come back. I thought we were done. Um, no, not really. Is it bedtime again? It’s almost bedtime. The moon is coming up. Not my fault. Can’t sleep yet.

Not your fault. Not your fault neither. Right. No, no, no. All I did slack was put a flag in it. Yep. How was I supposed to know that it would fracture? You know, the world builders rebuilt it.

Surely you would have thought if the world builds have done it, it would be solid and capable of having a flag stuck in it gently. Yeah. And then they, then they put us on this. Is this a reject world? I’m confused. Apparently.

So they say, well, I say they, is that why we got rideable dolphins here? Yes, I don’t know. I just, I just work here slack. I don’t ask questions. I’ve found that asking questions tends to get us in trouble. Like how come the moon is like fixed? Let’s go and find out.

And the next thing you know, everyone’s blaming me. Um, you know, I’ve been there. So I understand your pain. Yeah. I got blamed a lot for the moon. Like it was, like it was my fault. I mean, I didn’t build a giant time machine that ripped through space and time.

And you know, no, no, you didn’t. And I didn’t build a rocket that crashed into the moon. So I don’t know how it could possibly be either of us do on any occasion. Yeah. Yeah. Ever, ever. I mean, we don’t build big giant laggy farms every season to mess with the world. Nope.

Nope. I don’t build any of your big joints like laggy farms and you don’t build any of my being big giant laggy farms. So again, how can it possibly be yours? Yeah, exactly. I mean, just doesn’t make sense. Slack. Do you notice that the nether corruption started after we got a beacon?

Well, we got a beacon. Well, in season two, I mean, you got a beacon and then nether corruption started spawning from beacons. I think it’s just coincidence. Coincident monkey. I’m just just thinking back is some of these things seem odd.

You know, are you saying that things may potentially be in some way, you know, intertwined with the things that we do on the server? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Good. Because I think that, you know, me and you probably get the most ideal members

On this server because we haven’t caused any problems for anyone ever. No, no. We’re always off. We’re always spawn proofing and, you know, lag busting and doing things that need to be done for the server. Yeah. Making mini block add-ons that cause mini lags.

And then somebody’s like, I want this and I want that. And Foxy’s like, okay, I’ll do this and that. And then they’re like, I want this. I want that too. And yeah, exactly. We’re hero snack heroes. Oh, experts. Yep. Experts. We are. Have we waited long enough now?

Well, we were down there so we weren’t getting the witches. Yeah. I’m a bit bored. I mean, we’ve been sitting here for a few minutes now. We can go check. Yeah. We got to be rich by now. Got to be rich. I don’t know about rich. Yes.

I reckon two of these double chests are going to be full. They haven’t got any more than I put in them. In any of them. Well, more technically, we know it’s working because look, we got potions and witch heads. Yeah, I put them in there. Yeah. Oh.

The item filters have got slightly more items in than they did. There’s 39 in there now and there was only one. So I guess that’s working. It needs to be AFK. That’s what you’re saying. Yeah. I mean, it’s not a farm, is it? Is it a farm? No, it’s a mission. Yeah.

Because it’s not a spawn. It’s fine. Yeah. Technically, it’s not even in the world according to our own rules. Yeah. Details. Look, look, if I hit F8, I don’t know what you’re talking about with coordinates. Well, on that note, Slack, I think we should say well done to each other.

Give each other a pat on the back saying what a good job we’ve done. What an expert level 99. First collab in ages we’ve done together. Oh, yeah. There’s only like how long? How long have we been successful? Like three hours. Backslack. Go away.

All we got to do now is go and see what’s going on in the nether. Oh, yeah. The nether. Yeah. That’s that’s that. Yeah. I’m going to grab this. It’s totally safe. Yeah. Yeah. I believe it’s going to be lovely coming through here. It’s going to be great. You’re going to love it.

You’re going to love it. One of the best nether spawns ever. There’s a frog and a sheep. There was a frog. Oh, another wonder trader. Stop it. Oh, now he’s at. I got it. So how did you spawn us up here? I didn’t choose this. What is going on?

How did you do this? It’s just what it doesn’t make any sense. It’s literally just a completely disconnected little floating island. Yeah. So we need to get back down below. Yeah. Should we smash this portal? Let’s build another one at the right coordinates. You got the coordinates. That’s what you’re going to get.

The coordinates. And I’m going to get them right this time slack. Don’t worry. Okay. Well, I’m going to go over here and start digging down to try to get underground. Then someone. Yeah. Okay. Jeez. How hard could this be? I’m going to use. I’m going to get it so right.

I’m going to use my Marcus pack to get the coordinates so that I don’t have to use the calculator and then, you know, upset you by giving you in the wrong order. Okay. So they need to be at plus 430 by plus 613. Okay. Well, I’m digging to get down. Hold on. Okay.

I’m going to come back through, destroy that portal. Let me just write that in chat. So 430, 613. Okay. So I need to go to 613. Okay. Coming through. I’m going to smash this one to bits. If I can get out of it. There we go. There we go. I’ve disconnected that one.

Whereabouts. Oh, actually. Let me put that away. My ender chest before I lose it. Oh yeah. You might need to know where I went down. Might you? It’d be useful. Yeah. It would be a bit handy. I’m coming back up. Everything’s fine. Okay. Ender chest is replenished. Right. Okay. Okay. I am.

I am pillaring up with that. Right. Okay. Okay. Hold on. I’ll just come to you. All right. Where did you go? Hi. I’m Germany. Hi. See me. Hi. Hi. Hi. No. That’s just going to. Oh. Hello. Hi. All right. Over here is direct. This way. Okay. Oh yes. I see it now. Sorry.

I was fixated on those bones over there. I was thinking that would be useful. I don’t need them. Right. And 613. I was. I was on. You said 630. 13. 613. All right. We got. No digging. No worries. Technically. We’re. Ancient debris level here again. Yep. Yep. I intentionally chose this level.

So I could dig back to. Yeah. Are you going to dig home from here? Of course. Yeah. That’s the whole point. Isn’t it? The whole point. I’m very smart. Slack. Very smart. Indeed. Pure expert, man. Yeah. Yeah. When was the last time you played this game before? I’ve played this game before.

Mini fire. Mini more fire. It’s fine. It’s fine. Just a little while ago. Nearly there. About 15 blocks to go. You’ve gone past it. Yeah. Here. Have you got Obsidian? No. Don’t need to get my end of chest out again. No. I got Black Sun. Okay. I’ll get Obsidian.

I’ve got two pieces that I took from the other portal. But I didn’t fully demolish it. I didn’t. Now which way are we going to go back? Because technically if we go back in the right direction, we should link up with that tunnel we made earlier.

But if we go in the wrong direction. Mm-hmm. I don’t know where that tunnel was earlier without looking at clips. Yeah. That’s exactly what I was just thinking. But if we go a different way, you might find more debris. True. But it just seems a little bit counterintuitive. It does.

So I’m going to break my recording and go check and see what our coordinates were. Good idea. Because I think we’ve still got a good old way to go. Yeah. I think we do too. Plus I want to eventually dig it out where it’s big enough to fly down this area, you know?

Mm-hmm. Do you know what? I’m going to be really good, Slack. I’m actually going to put a sign on this portal. Something that we don’t do often enough. Okay. So our first portal that we built that is in the wrong spot completely, I could see the coordinates of where we were standing.

Hold on. Let me back in here and let me record. If you can find the bit where we doglegged off, because we were going in the right direction a bit one way, weren’t we? Oh, I’ve got us where we built the portal and we came out and we’re like, oh, this is

The wrong spot. So that was 609 by 425. So if we go that way, if we go back in this direction, that’s going to take us to 425. Okay. And then 609. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hang on. Fire. Fire. And break one block. No. 425. It’s the other way. No.

This is going the wrong way. Okay. Which means I put my sign on the wrong side of the portal. I’ve put a really handy sign up for people coming from the other direction. Very good line up. Oh yeah. We should run right into this then. Yeah. Ancient debris. Nice. Two pieces already.

Dig around. Oh, that’s nice. Oh jeez. Just what we need. So when you come in through here again, just don’t dig the floor. Yup. Oh. Oh. Speaking of digging the floor. Hey, you just said don’t dig the floor. But I need it. That bit of floor’s okay, Slack.

Oh, that needed to be picked up, right? Yes. We can’t leave those lying around. Someone else will have them. Can’t have that. It’s your inventory, Fall. Oh yeah. It’s over, Fall. I’m picking up all your hoes. Let’s have a little burning session here. Hold on.

And then let’s grab that and that and that and bye. Okay. Good. All done. It’s like it never happened. So where are we going to on this one? 425 should run us into the other tunnel. Okay. Should be there. Oh, ancient debris and the other tunnel. Nice. Just one. One piece. Okay.

So we should be able to block that like that. Yeah. And then that way. Right. You just make sure. Nice. Yeah. That should get us back. I was going to take a couple blocks out of it at least. Yeah. Watching for fire. Yeah. We’re both dancing with fate here. Yeah.

It just, you know, when it happens, because it just goes a little bit brighter, doesn’t it? Oh, panic, which it is coming from. Is it coming from the side? Is it coming straight up? Oh, more ancient debris. Hang on. I’ll take it. More ancient debris as you’re coming up a little bit further.

Nice. Blackstone. It’s done. Hi, gravel. Hello. More gravel. Oh, gravel. My old friend. All in from the ceiling again. I just want to be in your way. I want to make your row in your day. Oh, gravel. I hit right there. Yeah. Print it. Put it on fire. No. Write that down.

Write that down. Being a bit stingy with the ancient debris. Ah, running to a wall. So which way is home now? I don’t know. I’m confused now. I don’t remember this tunnel. Is this someone else’s tunnel? I don’t know. What’s your base coordinates? I don’t know.

I can’t go back further in the video. Hold on. Where did we get in here? Hold on. Where’s my phone or with all my files? We’re pro. 130 by negative 300 is my area. Oh, so we still got like, no, this way’s like, oh no, you’re right. Yeah.

In that case then, we should, would we? We need to put something here to indicate that I don’t, did we dig this? I don’t know. But wouldn’t we be better off going back down where we just come from and carry on going in a straight line and then dog legging?

Because now you’re going all that way down there, then all the way down here, and then all the way down there. You whoa, frames. I think this is our tunnel because it’s on the 425, which is what we were aiming for before. Yeah.

So we should be able to technically be like, no to that. But I don’t remember putting torches up. I put torches up. I came down the right side. Okay. Yeah. This is our tunnel. This has to be. Okay. Good.

Maybe it’s going to come down there like, why is it right in my tunnel? Well, we’ll know if it links up with the mud dugout area over here. It should do. We’re on the right one, on the, one of the right values at least. Beardstone.

Must be easy finding a way through the nether. Oh yeah. It is. The really annoying thing is the rest of the nether hub is going to be in the ceiling. So we’re going to have to dig all these tunnels again. I will just dig a ladder up. Yeah. Fair enough.

I might need to use your expert level 99. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Everything’s good apart from my pickets. Oh. Don’t mind if I do. Go away gravel. I’m trying to get the engine to breathe. But I’m gravel. Yeah. I’m me. I’m pretty.

To be fair, I have been using a lot of gravel, turning it into coarse dirt, but I kind of finished that terraforming stuff now. So I’m not for a while going to need a lot more. You say that. You say that.

I think I’m going to be using a lot of concrete this season, potentially, and doesn’t that use gravel? I can’t remember. Yeah. That’s what I planned. That nice, big, oceany area behind my base can have a big old concrete farm, isn’t it? A very, very long one again. I know.

I mean, to be honest with you, I haven’t run one since I’ve not owned the server because of the lag stuff. So I might end up asking you if we could do a gas bust in one, a gas bust in one. Yeah.

If you experienced any kind of lag in that, it never worked. At least it never did for me. Perfect for single player. Yep. Okay. Fire! Fire! Fire! I’m just throwing on my blocks away. I don’t think I missed it. Okay. I got it. We need a day yet. Yep. We’re pretty much here.

Yep. That goes to the witch farm. Yep. Did you want a sign on there so you know? We could put a sign on there. It’d be nice. Hang on a second. I’ve got a spare one here. And to keep with the ugly theme. Witch farm. Hang on.

How would you spell that noise on Batman like? Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, you’re going to need a lot of na, na, na, na, na’s. Nice. There you go, that’s it. Look at that. That’s… Lovely. Right there. Yep. Yes. Oh, perfect. Well done. Right. Which way is your base?

I think it’s straight on here, isn’t it? Yep. More digging. Okay. Every time I go down this tunnel, I dig. Usually. The hopes that I might find a couple pieces more ancient debris or something will help you out. Fire! Fire! Fire! Not quite what I was looking for. Details.

What have you used for mob switches this time? Magna cubes again. Now I’ve got skeletons on the ground. Did you rename them? I was going to say, if you just put them in boats, they despawn now. Ah, still got to get more. It’s not perfect.

There’s just enough just to make them quite annoying the other day. Yeah. As he says, coming in here, there’s like four skeletons. Yep. Hey. Then there’s this up here. I showed you this. Yeah. Come on. Come here for a second. Hang on. Hang on. Where have you gone? I’m over here.

You still inside out, man? No, no. I got rid of that. Because I’m still inside out, man. Oh, really? You’ve done all that inside out. Oh, jeez. Mm-hmm. Your eyes must be upside down. This is a nice staircase. Yeah. Just don’t dig anywhere because it’s weird because there’s lava everywhere. Right. Okay. Uh-oh.

What is that? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It’s lizard. It’s my type of area. Yes. I like the fact that you don’t bang your head going up and down here. Yeah. If you bang your head, it would be really annoying. It would be really, really annoying. Oh, lovely. Oh, what? Oh, this is nice.

So like if none of this area usually will spawn anything because my portal’s down there and there’s all those mob switches. But all that sat over there is really active. Nice. I don’t have a smite sword or a bow, so, you know, it’s on you. Yeah. Yeah.

I was just showing you where it was right there. Yeah. We can leave. Yeah. We can leave. That’s fine with me, too. You know, I haven’t got any blaze paddler. I have now. I’ve got two blaze rods. And I haven’t got any netherwort, but I noticed you had some netherwort at home. Yes.

You can. You’re more than welcome to grab you a piece or two of netherwort that’s about the tunnel. This is the tunnel. I’ve got some blaze rods at home because I’ve done killed I’ve spent many hours in that fortress. I have many nether stars. That’s all I’ll say. Fair enough. Yeah.

I use the you know how bedrock the bedrock sometimes has spots that spawn where you can auto kill withers. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve been cheesing withers. Wow. What a cheat. I mean, I’m not complaining because I’ve got another star now, but I’m just saying.

Not my opinion, Slack, but other people might say that I had no shame for episode one. This pack and buried treasures. Yep. Wow. Wow. And here we go. Back down the whole of many, many doom into the area of many, many treasure. Yes. Oh, I like it.

Now, just to fix my pickaxe by earning many, many, many, many more books and things. Okay. I got to turn the inside out pack off. Where is it? Where do you want this nether rack? Which chest do you want all this dumped in? I’ve been dumping it in the nether, to be honest.

Just you can burn that. I’ll stick it in a chest for now. Okay. Have you seen an empty one? Yeah. That’s perfectly fine. I found an empty chest. There you go. You’re welcome. Yeah. I think about you.

It’s like, you know, well, if, if I go through with the full base plan, I’m going to need probably just about as much as I did for the nether rack mountain, but I’m still up in the air because I’ve been doing so much deep slate mining.

I’m really tempted to do a lot in deep slate. Deep slate is nice. It’s just a pain to dig. It is. Wow. I got 26 ancient debris today. Pretty happy with that. Not bad. I need that box out. That’s full of junk. I did. I put all that stuff. Sure.

I had a box earlier that I filled up with all the stuff that I got from. Oh, I think we took those home in the end, didn’t we? Yeah. Because we took dolphins back to spawn. Okay. Yeah. Right. So what’s the best way of starting this off again, then?

Uh, depends on if they’ve recooled down. Okay. So you can start with iron with those guys. Yep. Okay. You can start with all of them and then grab the bookshelves. There’s books in one of the chests already. Yeah. It’s top one here. Yeah. It’s just got all these resources.

Just, just, you know, whatever, take what you need. It’s fine. Details. Details. Thank you very much, chaps. Thank you very much indeed. All right. Okay. Next chaps. You chaps, I require bookshelves. Oh, they’ve gone up to five for a bookshelf now. I want to rip off. Okay.

Well, then I think it’s every other one that does bookshelves. So you probably find another one that does on the cheaper. Yeah. I got a load of your books and just sell those. Yep. It’s fine. What’s it there for?

It does take quite a lot of trading now to, to mend a night at all. Well, if you’re, if you get ahead on emeralds, when you get over here to the two farmers, they have a lot of food. Oh, really? Really? Okay. And you can get a lot off the food. Yeah.

Still need to do a little bit more. I’m just going to pinch a couple more books. Oh, no. You’re fine. He says another step. Another step. Not my fault. I’ll get some more mending books. Oh, they’ve got up to 64 emeralds for a mending book. Yep. They need a cool down.

The needs to, the zombie spawner needs to run for a bit. Geez. Because when zombie villagers spawn and die, they’ll lower their prices again. I may have accidentally flipped the trap door behind this champ by accident. Yeah. That has to be fixed or an iron girl and we’ll spawn in there.

It’ll be a minute. Oh, I’ve done the one right behind him now. I can’t. Yeah, you can’t. You have to get them. Yeah. I got them. Sorry. We’re not the best thing for the back there. That’s one of those things that’s on the to do list of things to fix.

Well, it should hopefully just about give me enough. Here we go to fix my pickaxe. Amazing. Nice. You need glow ink. Oh, you got a glow ink farm as well. Well, come over here and look. This is the overflow on this. The amount of glow ink in here.

And the iron farm produces glow ink nonstop. Yeah. Where’s that? So like this third one here. Oh, wow. Geez. What’s that, just a fish farm or squid farm? No, that’s just that’s this. That’s a side effect of this. What the zombie spawner? Well, OK, up ahead. Follow me here. Follow me.

You get a lot of iron golem spawning in there. Hang on. I’m just pinching some of this netherwort. I mean, I say some. OK, replanted. Right. Where have you gone? Up the ladder over here in the corner. Hi. Look up. Hi. Over here. Coming this way. Coming up. Yeah. Yeah.

So the catch tray also catches close clips. Wow. OK. Wow. And bats, apparently. Yep. And the bats will fall down and they when they get down in the trident killer, they get killed. That’s how I have so many bats. Yep. Yep. Yep. OK. Right. Fine. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

And you’ve got all this already. I can’t. I genuinely can’t get over it. I built this in the mob farm part. Two streams. So probably about one stream was digging all that out from the surface down and we got it almost done.

And then the next one finished it all up and built it in one stream. That was a long stream, though. I bet. I don’t have a light show. And I was like, I’m not going to not have rockets. No, no, fair enough.

If you want to smell all that stuff, you take it from there. All right. Thank you. I have got the patience to smell stuff. Jeez. Well, Slack, this is absolutely incredible. Thank you very, very much for all of your generosity today and giving me all of those many, many things.

Also, where did you get a totem from? I’ve just noticed you got a totem. I constantly keep flying over. There’s a raid tower over there. I’m pretty sure somebody’s claimed it. But I have a village on an island and I just randomly fight raids for fun. Fair enough. Well, yeah.

Thank you so much for all of your generosity and all the things. Thank you for helping me build such a wonderful witch farm. Amazing witch farm. Unfortunately, though, it’s time to go. So until next time, Mr. Lizard, I’m going to say what we always say.

If you enjoyed today’s video, make sure to drop a like. If you’d like to see more, please consider subscribing and we’ll see you all in the next one. Bye. See you again next time.

This video, titled ‘Minecraft » WITCH FARM « Truly Bedrock Season SMP [5]’, was uploaded by FoxyNoTail on 2022-11-26 15:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

FREE REDSTONE & GUNPOWDER! Minecraft Truly Bedrock SMP – Season 5 Episode 5 In this episode, SlackLizard and I head …

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  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Looking for a thrilling Minecraft experience? Are you a fan of horror games and looking for a new challenge in Minecraft? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an adrenaline-pumping adventure like no other. Imagine exploring a world filled with suspense, surprises, and jump scares just like in “The Conjuring 3” horror map. Get ready to test your survival skills and bravery in a dark and eerie setting. With a community of dedicated players and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re up… Read More

  • Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil

    Minecraft Exposes Science as Evil Minecraft: A Reflection on Religion and Science Have you ever delved into the world of Minecraft and found yourself pondering the ethical implications of your actions within the game? From turning into a slave master to questioning the role of religion and science, Minecraft offers a unique perspective on societal themes. The Role of Religion in Minecraft In Minecraft, players often find themselves interacting with villagers, a group of non-player characters who inhabit the game world. These villagers can be traded with, protected, or even exploited for resources. This dynamic raises questions about the ethical treatment of virtual beings… Read More

  • 🍕🐐 INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!

    🍕🐐 INSANE Pizza Delivery to Skeleton HQ in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skeleton HQ • Minecraft • SPELLBOUND CAVES’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-05-18 16:00:21. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:19 or 1399 seconds. We are Pizza n’ Goat. 🍕🐐 CRAZY WHITE NOISE sometimes sorry. Goat made me play a really old Vex Super Hostile map… enjoy! Pizza’s POV will be back in the next Spellbound Caves video… Map: Vex Super Hostile Map 10 SPELLBOUND CAVES Music Used in Video: Old RuneScape Soundtracks: Scape Main Dead Can Dance Magic Dance Dogfight Writer: Ian Taylor Company:… Read More

  • Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!

    Minecraft From The Fog: Craziest Episode Yet!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Craziest episode yet… | Minecraft From The Fog S2:E9’, was uploaded by ParanormalPanic on 2024-04-09 11:00:26. It has garnered 774 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:16 or 1816 seconds. SO MUCH HAPPENED THIS EPISODE WTFFFFFFFFFF If yall like this longer style of video LET ME KNOWWW 🙏🙏🙏 IM MORE THAN HAPPY TO MAKE THEM LONGER. The only thing is that it’ll take more time in between uploads but its WORTH IT 🗣️🗣️ Join tha discord to know when we uploads: https://discord.gg/xsjYbcXd Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!” #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Trolling Viewer in Minecraft SMP!!!" #minecraftsmp #minecraftserverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-17 04:30:04. It has garnered 10508 views and 341 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! I Trolled One Of My Viewers!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 – Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]

    Insane Minecraft SMP Live 24/7 - Join Us and Steal Lives! [Pe+Java]Video Information This video, titled ‘Guys Lifesteal Minecraft Smp Live 24/7 Anyone Can Join [Pe+Java]’, was uploaded by RG Playz 7 on 2024-05-14 21:21:57. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:06 or 4266 seconds. Minecraft SMP Live is a multiplayer survival server where a group of content creators, including popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers, come together to play Minecraft together in real-time. The players are constantly interacting with each other, building, exploring, and collaborating on various projects. Viewers can watch their favorite creators in action and witness the chaos and fun that… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft Hack Revealed!! 🔥 #TrendingCrazyTricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hack🤯5#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu’, was uploaded by Yanu Ji on 2024-04-07 07:48:14. It has garnered 442 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft hack🤯2#shorts#trending#junkeyy#mrgamerjay #trending#video#gaming#minecraft#gameshorts#yanu I G N O R E T H I S T H I N G minecraft minecraft 1.20 minecraft pocket edition curseforge minecraft 1.19 optifine lego minecraft minecraft bedrock minecraft legends minecraft games minecraft dungeons minecraft free pixelmon https aka ms remoteconnect minecraft survival minecraft server minecraft classic minecraft story mode aternos server minecraft java edition minecraft java steve minecraft minecraft 1.18 enderman… Read More

  • Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!

    Crazy Challenge: Beat Minecraft Without Laughing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Can I Beat Minecraft Without Laughing?’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-04-06 14:06:25. It has garnered 38398 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:43 or 1783 seconds. I tried to beat Minecraft, but my 3 most comedic friends @Knarfy @CringyGull , and @GarrettTheCarrot tried to make me laugh 5 times. If they succeed I will explode with laughter, but If I win, then my comedic friends will be known as the most unfunny and cheesy comedians. Mods used in this video https://modrinth.com/mod/pehkui https://essential.gg/en https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simplehats https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/identity https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat/versions Join the community Discord! 👾:… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – Sevencantdrive’s Hilarious Attempt!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - Sevencantdrive's Hilarious Attempt!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aimed a little high there #minecraft #minecraftshorts #twitch #twitchclips #smallstreamer #streamer’, was uploaded by Sevencantdrive clips on 2024-01-15 22:08:15. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideos

    Insane Minecraft build battles!! ft. DJRGVideosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build battles with @DJRGVideos’, was uploaded by Liam Newitt on 2024-04-14 09:26:53. It has garnered 70 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation – Lost Assassin at Dark Studios

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Music Animation - Lost Assassin at Dark StudiosVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Drop in the Ocean” – Minecraft music Animation (Lost Assassin)’, was uploaded by Dark Animation Studios on 2024-02-16 14:00:08. It has garnered 6121 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:58 or 178 seconds. English: A group of adventurers enters an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the mightiest creatures of the land. Suddenly, they are surprised by a black, unknown hand, and one of them is separated from the group. English: A group of adventurers enter an ancient ruin that was destroyed several decades ago by the most… Read More

  • OrbitMC – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelisted, Java, New

    Welcome to OrbitMC! We are an ever growing semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP server that has released our very 1st Season! We have an active staff team working to ensure the best experience for players. Join our fun and positive community today! If you are interested in joining our community, check out our Linktree that provides ways to get involved and join the server. Once you join, whitelist yourself to start playing on the Minecraft Server! – OrbitMC Staff Team Read More

  • SoulSyphonMC

    Soul Syphon MCis an economy based survival crystal pvp server hosted in sydney (oceanic)we offer a high quality crystal pvp experience with other fun quirks to enjoy througout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Imperial Nonsense

    Why did the creeper always fail his math test? Because he couldn’t grasp the concept of TNT (The Non-Translatable) conversion! Read More

  • Steve’s Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft!

    Steve's Reel Deal: Fishing Frenzy in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, Steve goes fishing, But things don’t go well, his luck is missing. With a rod in hand, he casts his line, Hoping for a catch, something divine. The fish are elusive, they swim away, Steve’s frustration grows, in dismay. But with a grin and a spin, he tries once more, Determined to catch fish, that’s for sure. In this short episode, the humor shines, As Steve’s fishing adventure unwinds. With each failed attempt, the laughter grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join Steve on his fishing quest, In this animated world,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Shorts Edition When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you just committed a war crime. #minecraftmoment #piggyproblems 🐷🚫 Read More


    EPIC ADVENTURES WITH PRINCE XD! JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A NEW JOURNEY | WYNNCRAFT MINECRAFT MMORPG SERVER @WynncraftOfficial’, was uploaded by PRINCE XD on 2024-04-21 05:35:00. It has garnered 66 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:04 or 664 seconds. In this video I played wynncraft minecraft mmorpg server. Join My discord: DISCORD: https://discord.gg/DRVAdmKAtu SERVER IP: play.wynncraft.com fire mc @PSD1 WynnCraft is a server owned by Grian, Jumla, and Salted. Three extremely talented Developers & Builders who worked very hard to create a very unique experience playing Minecraft. In WynnCraft, you spend hours traveling, exploring, doing quests, leveling up, fighting… Read More

  • Dynamite Destroys Computer in Minecraft

    Dynamite Destroys Computer in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The last of the dynamite blew up my computer😦 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 13:14:45. It has garnered 444 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viral

    SHOCKING: Apalatu Craft Turns CUTE GIRL into Herobrine in 60 SECONDS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Apalatu Craft on 2024-01-16 10:03:22. It has garnered 26425 views and 1809 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftshorts #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #fyp #helpherobrine #herobrine #like #youtube #gaming #game #fyp #imaginedragon #animation #herobrine #shorts #tiktok #viral #trending #minecraft #saitama #like #gaming #tiktokgaming #gameplay #fyp #fypシ゚viral #hero #meme #funnyvideos #minecraftmeme #challenge #aphmau #mrbeastgaming #like #sigma Subscribe For more Video! HELP Herobrine Sculpting CUTE GIRL #shorts #trending #minecraft #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts Credit music :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIZ0QRWK0zg hensonn -… Read More

  • HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shorts

    HIDDEN CHEST REVEALED in Minecraft! #secret #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by FRIENDLY GAMERZ on 2024-01-10 04:50:45. It has garnered 2499 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Secret bookshelf chest in Minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #viral #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #youtube #friendlygamerz #viralvideo #viralshorts #smp #tutorial #build #gta5 #freefire #squidgame #roblox #yessmartypie #himlands #fleetsmp #technogamerz #easytutorial #trending #trendingshorts #automatic #automaticfarm #blockswapper #tutorial #redstonebuilds #herobrine #herobrinesmp #futeresticrobot #robot #balloon #ironman #car #granny #gta5 #freefire #spokey #skibiditoilet Read More

  • “Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Unlock Extra Hour in Cage! Join Server Now!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘ABO = 1H Länger im Käfig SERVER JOINEN: https://discord.gg/jcdWxTmTz5 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SOSO on 2024-01-16 12:22:24. It has garnered 6651 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!

    The Shocking Moment Herobrine Kills Rayne Ames in Devil Form!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-05 01:30:15. It has garnered 456 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Herobrine kill Rayne Ames in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the… Read More

  • 🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP – Join Velle Brothers Now!

    🔥 Intense Minecraft Live 24/7 SMP - Join Velle Brothers Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by VELLE BROTHERS on 2024-03-29 06:46:35. It has garnered 256 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:41 or 7421 seconds. server ip – ip IP: Anime_smp11.aternos.me:27334 Port: 27334 minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat farm in minecraft minecraft live hindi gameplay minecrafthouse build minecraft live stream meking… Read More

  • Villager uses Anime Girls to defeat Boss!

    Villager uses Anime Girls to defeat Boss!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME GIRLS ARMY vs BOSS AMETHYST COLOSSUS in Mob Battle’, was uploaded by Villager on 2024-04-20 20:33:12. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:34 or 274 seconds. In this battle of mobs in Minecraft, an army of anime girls engages in battle with the boss of Amethyst Colossus. The ending is crazy, so be sure to watch it! ⚔️ Battle: 0:08 – Round 1 0:17 – Round 2 1:14 – 3rd round 2:25 – Final round 👉 Hello! Follow this link to learn more about the battle… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024 🚀

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft 100 Days Survival Challenge 2024 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • Akoot&Co – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Discord – Events – Building-Focused – No Map Resets – ViaVersion

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Discover the ultimate destination for a classic Minecraft experience at Akoot & Co. Our server offers a chill, semi-vanilla community with fresh worlds and quality-of-life enhancements tailored just for you. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (non-game-breaking feature) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Enjoy unlimited homes, a grief-free environment with our rollback system, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and… Read More

  • Slicer MC

    Come and join Slicer MC!Here you get a 1x∞ “Slice” of the Minecraft world and you can do what you want in that slice (with in reason)!Discord: discord.gg/Q44jAVE5k8 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – rock bottom laughs at bedrock

    Well, I guess bedrock better step up its game if it wants to compete with this meme’s popularity! Read More

  • Dockside Digs & Mineshaft Mischief | HC Survival S2 Ep4

    Dockside Digs & Mineshaft Mischief | HC Survival S2 Ep4 In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Building docks and mineshafts to survive. From iron armor to coal and copper too, Exploring caves, finding treasures anew. The docks are complete, a sight to behold, With boats to park and stories untold. The mineshaft entrance, a work of art, With torches and barrels, a miner’s heart. Digging for diamonds, the goal in sight, To craft diamond armor, shining bright. Live streams at night, the adventure unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where stories are told. So join me on this journey, don’t delay, In Hardcore Season 2, we’ll… Read More

  • Bob’s last words: ‘I lava you!’

    Bob's last words: 'I lava you!' “Bob thought he could take on a creeper in Minecraft. Turns out, he was the one who got blown up! Bye Bob, we hardly knew ye. #minecraftfail” Read More