World’s Oldest SMP Live Bedrock&Java! 1.19.3 Minecraft Survival

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You know as I said no grief protection but different Clans like to fight each other so that’s what this kind of uh people don’t want to share things so they each build their own XP Farms based off of you know all different sorts of things um also if you notice there is

Something I believe one of the these are wither Rose Farms one of these um was an Enderman Farm I think Zach has a uh there’s also a spot somewhere in like this main Loop here that is a uh that actually is a um like planes biome in

The end so um also as you can see there’s like all these different bases over here bases over here bases over here um there’s one all the way down here which this is the sway um town as you can see that’s just like a whole big

Base over there I think we’re going to head over there shortly um Rez is building something a massive base um there’s a lot of like I can’t even go to everything today cuz these are like so far out these like 10,000 T sorry 20,000 blocks out got mushroom castles you’ve

Got like ice kingdoms you’ve got different claims on that you got houses in the middle of nowhere you got der oximated over here in literally the middle of nowhere you got like a big hole in the ground that someone’s done all the way down to bedrock do I mind

You like this is like big big Bedrock hole so yes I I will try to show you guys as many things as I can today but like this is like insane I think we’ll make a a trip out to uh re’s base and head on back so

Let’s see hop back home real quick um and this is where you’ll spawn so uh once you spawn you’ll just get your kit stuff we’ll go with that more in a sec but um I don’t know why why is this down one um but uh basically there’s a kit

Area over there there is uh shops all that stuff when basically when you join there’s also something in the application and stuff um I think we can try making uh I think we’ll try making another trip so a trip over to the sway base without

Having uh what is this take a boat okay I’ll take a boat uh I believe it is down this way this is communist town make sure I’m in the let me go check my map real quick for the nether dine map show real quick so I

Show up on Dynam map so there I am um I want to be in the opposite side of these dynamap real quick ah here we are so let’s make a trip over in sway real quick so I’m going to switch this back over to the regular world and I’m

Also going to put on my chest plate in case I make an unexpected visit in the lava actually I think there was a better way to do this I think there was actually hold on let’s see I think there was a better Highway cuz this is like a poor poorly

Done highway there are much better highways I think they just just tried making this so that yeah okay where is the better highway it’s right here this is it right here down this right here yep that’s what I’m looking for so let’s see nope didn’t have my

Light here this what I’m looking for hey buddy uh let’s see get this on real quick make a trip over to sway now so this is the speedrun sway ice bridges are very popular in the nether cuz they make things substantially quicker um people really enjoy getting places very

Quickly with them and so I’m not particularly too worried um we’ll get over there pretty quickly um for those of you that have are just trying to join or trying to figure out how to get um apply and stuff there is an application um in my about section on my twitch page

You just basically click that um it asks for the um and go to the apply channel it’s a quick channel that you can get into um and it will have a link to an application that you can go um and type in and then um once you do that

Application um we get W pretty quickly also on the bottom of that or the most newest message should be a link to the dynamap so you can see what’s actually going on in the server um It’s actually kind of nice so um oops let’s see if we can get over to

Sway I hope I’m going to sway I assume I am they’ve they’ve got rail carts and stuff too so they can get uh out and back pretty quickly um there’s also yeah lots of other bases that are so far out I couldn’t get to them today it take

Like all day of me just getting there on stream to actually like be worthwhile thank you guys for those follows thank you guys for the the viewing for those new viewers um if you want to join as I said there’s stuff information for that in the uh the description there you go

Uh sorry in the description the about section of my twitch page um yeah so oh some random Redstone nice nice nice getting kind of close I think that might be that might have been re’s base just a random emerald block we’re getting all kinds of random things on the highways

Um here we go we should be its way now here we are this is B this is not what I thought I would be but um it seems like the whole world has like shifted off like the blocks that it normally is on it’s just shifted like

The whole end of the whole nether is shifted I don’t know where is the best spot to get out like how much climbing are we doing I hate how slow this is but basically as we’re as we’re going on right now you can see outside sway they’ve got some very nice impressive

Builds there and of course okay so sway here um as you can see this is the main area this main like their main Central Area they have literally like throne rooms and crowns and oh come on throne rooms and stuff like that they have a throne literally of my face um

Yeah throne room like that that’s awesome I don’t get like completely squashed then down here is their um they have a big chest room below which is insane too um I mean like this is just also one of the larger more larger towns but this is multiple people

Um I don’t know how do I get down there but basically this is what it looks like down here a chest room I’m in spectator by the way um but that’s just spectator it’ll take me back there where we were just for third person viewing pretty much

Um let’s go over to re’s base because it’s rather large especially on the map um but uh yeah this is the ice pathway uh they’ve got like big stuff in the sky they’ve got huge farms they’ve optimized they’ve built all kinds of Sky bases they’ve got PvP Arenas they’ve got like

Farms we got little jungle houses um make a trip over to re’s house now uh I think we’re going to probably make our way back to spawn uh shortly um after I finish up probably we’ll hit R’s base make a dip and then we can make our way back to spawn

Um so yeah so here we go so this is re’s base and thank you guys for those new follows and thank you welcome new viewers um yeah here you go so this is his base which is just a jungle temple which I feel like in my opinion in my

Humble opinion I feel like it’s so like in spectator to look around here real quick I feel like this is so like cool yet I feel like just having a regular jungle temple feels kind of like I don’t know like you just have a small little

Base or whatever like I mean this looks trippy as heck too um but like he’s done the whole thing in a circle which is awesome and I think he’s going to fill it out with moss or whatever but it just it feels like so like I want to say

Underwhelming but like it’s just a small little base like in a generic naturally generated jungle temp yet like it’s got all this pretty stuff on the outside anyway uh make our way back and uh we’ll just uh make our way back he’s got a little pathway over there and uh yeah we’ll

Just get back to spawn I’ll show you guys for all those new people that keep trying to want and join I’ll show you what happens when you join um and uh yeah thank you very much for all those viewers and I appreciate the follows too um yep so almost

There here’s another this is another P that you were supposed to come through but let’s go through here make our trip back head back to spawn I’ll show you guys what for all those new people and why did we get in a different spot this

Time okay well uh we’re in a quite a predicament let’s see what we got here uh why are we using okay what I feeling that this is like take me up to where I need to be it’s the kind of server we are we use we use freaking Emerald blocks to get up Places oh no maybe is this silk yes this is silk okay where’s my boat there’s some leather some more leather okay make our way back home real quick and I’ll show you guys where you guys need to do in order to Um get going uh on joining the server and uh getting your starter stuff so you know where to go um yep hurry up thises take so long especially for some of these farther out bases I’d recommend that like if you built something here that you don’t actually build it like super close um

Also for those you guys that keep trying to join all you have to do is just go into the bottom of the twitch page or whatever there’s a profile section um you just click on the Discord link or whatever whatever uh to join or whatever and uh there’s an apply section you go

Through you hit that apply link um or that that Google form link or whatever and you fill that out takes you a couple minutes or whatever and then you’ll get accepted or whatever denied um usually it’s like if you build half decently will’ll accept you um there should be

People looking at it now and um yeah and then also there’s a dynamap so you can see like where I am on the map um I probably should turn that off though uh hi but um yeah so basically that’s uh that so um just zooming along real quick

This is like ice highways are so much of the much more efficient way to travel like I don’t think I mean elytra is nice but like this is still substantially faster than elytra would be and I mean I wish there was some better elytra perks or whatever like I wish you could have

Some type of chest plate or something on there but um yeah not not not particularly we got some weird stuff from this trip too make sure I eat some but um yeah make sure we’ll be at spawn in a sec I’ll show you all those new play people how to join um we’ve

Been having a couple new people join while we’re on here um in the Stream as well and uh so far at least and uh yeah see if I can hop down here D I was going to say I better have my elytra sneak through this spot right

Here I’ll go back to spawn real quick and then I’ll probably show you guys what it looked like on Discord real quick so um in or why are we down here this is this is like why is this the spot that you come through the nether portal at okay um they’ve changed

Around everything it seems okay um we’re going to need a major change of nether portals um I think we can make that hole nope never mind I was going to say that’s not something we can do um H this is what happens when you have a come

On yeah uh think where the best plot to get out from would be huh there’s got to be some spot way up from out here here it is this what I’m looking for there we go and we’ll get out this back in the shopping district and we get up the spawn real

Quick and we’ll be good to go so as you can see here uh we’re back at spawn the center area and um went through a stack of fireworks um we’ll go through uh so quick let’s hop our Discord and I’ll show you what it looks like um and how you join the server

So all you have to do in order to join is um go below to the about section on the twitch channel uh go through and click this icon here and this will take you to the Discord server it’ll pop you up right here and drop you off where you

Need to be and uh that will take you to what you need to do then you just go over to this apply section there is a Google form right here you just click that that will take you um and you can just fill that out um enter your

Information it literally takes less than 10 minutes you can get wi listed there is a bunch of people on this Discord server that can whitelist you so it’ll be relatively quick and I’m I’m not talking about here this is when you first join you only see a few people see

A couple staff um we’ve got quite a few uh quite a few people um also keep in mind every year that joins they get a a a number so this is an 8-year-old server that’s not some like clickbait title um people that join in the first year the

Second year third year fourth year and we are currently on the ninth year um of people joining so this is year nine right here and uh we almost have 500 like Whit listed players currently so all you do um fill that out you’re asked to submit a couple images people submit

Their images here um and they show some builds off so basically to know that you know you know what you’re doing um so anyway Let’s uh get back to the game real quick switch back over to game capture and I’m just going to pop that overs so basically uh this is we’re back

At spawn uh I just kind of want to show you around again uh so as you can see the starter resources um for people that may just be joining the server there’s pretty much a bunch of free stuff right here you can kind of get situated um you

Get all the iron you need everything also all this is automatically like processed and done so um this should automatically refill itself uh so the carrots refill itself um the iron automatically refills itself there’s an iron farm up there there’s a carrot Farm technically down there uh there’s a

Bunch of wool that gets from the sheep and uh you even have sticks and this wool or this this sheep is is done by collecting some of the iron that falls a certain way so for example not all the iron falls down some of it falls down

Here and some of it falls down up here as you can see this is completely full of iron so as you can see and some iron dropped on us so that’s what the big Airship does is it drops the iron also as you look in um couple things you’ll

Notice in chat um this is a very vanilla server um I say that because not everything especially after you’ve been eight years um you can’t have a pure vanilla server uh just by practicality you have like 500 people you need to have like some like plugins that kind of

Keep track of who’s doing what cuz if you have 500 people playing on a server um they they will grief they will steal and there needs to be a way to track that also um the stuff that you’re seeing is from Discord those are people actually in the Discord server talking

Um and then also there are Clans here so Clans are basically Clans there’s no TP there’s no nothing like that it is vanilla it is just there is no uh it’s just like Clans basically prefixes that people can set to associate with other people so this is the big spawn Plaza

Got some names here when I joined all these first couple year players joined um server recently really took off over the last couple years and uh as you can see this is debane spawn Plaza this is where everyone will congregate if there’s some type of event uh this is

The basically the center of the world even though it’s not really this is the original spawn um so Everyone likes to take it seriously so up here uh this is the exit so when you basically join and you want to build you just go out far that way um also additionally I should

Probably show this as well but um if you go on here there is a dynamap and that dynamap will show you what the server looks like um basically everywhere you can build there’s a bunch of places down here uh that you can build anywhere that’s not like when you click on it it

Will say like something like a venian land or whatever anything you click on that doesn’t have like something that pops up is probably free real estate so of course if there’s a house there I probably wouldn’t build there um they might not have gotten around to claiming

It and also these claims are like virtual they don’t actually like there’s no land claiming in the server you could go over here and build if you wanted to it just prevents um disputes of like who who who owns what I guess so back to the server um so yeah

So if you’re trying to join as I said um we’ll go over that in a sec there’s a whit list process but it’s pretty self-explanatory basically that’s the exit U mailboxes are over here this is basically anytime you want to drop some something off for somebody but you don’t

Want to actually have to like meet them up say they’re like really far out you can basically just go over to your mailbox and uh you can see someone dropped off 64 diamonds in my mailbox so I can uh claim those 64 diamonds and uh I’m not going to claim them at the

Moment but people just drop things in your mailbox you put a light there so people will know they don’t have to walk all the way down and as you can see people have been here uh so that’s the mailbox you can like write a sign and claim it it’s not that difficult to

Do um also there’s a couple other cool things so you have the kits area you have the mail room you have the exit um there’s the shops and so down here is all the player shops and they’re in this building they’re not in that building they’re all below um there’s also some

Free stuff so like for example people throw like what they consider junk to be in here and you could take whatever you want from these four chests um so they are pretty popular and really stuff doesn’t actually stick around so anything in here is fore real estate

These are these are not uh not free chests they’re redoing these the roadways right here so this is these shops so um this top is me and my girlfriend shop uh we’ve got sponges and you know all that kind of stuff uh and then up on top of that you have even

More stuff that we’re selling uh me and her and then below here you have almost 100 shops um of different players that have built stuff um so if you want to join uh for those of you that are in the twitch chat uh there is a link below the

Twitch and I’ll go over in depth how to join in a second but um pretty much that’s that um as you can look here it’s a nice little water spout to get in here and then you’ve got all these cool shops so over here we’ve got Finn that’s doing

His uh banners it’s really awesome he’s got all kinds of banners in here I can’t do it justice by going over all um and this is actually a clan shop which means a group of people work together to make this shop it’s got um really new blocks

Up there and he looks like he even got a skulk uh sensor uh they sell things pretty cheap so mending books for a diamond um one of the great perks about having such a large and old server is that you have a lot of people people that actually end up um well working

Together and so while someone may have a mending book there’s a lot of farms there’s also a lot of farms like we don’t have which a lot of people will be like oh well you know there everything has already been done honestly if you’re thinking that way it it’s not really

True because there is a lot of like lore which I can go over in a little bit but like there is a lot of dynamic and economy and stuff like that and power dynamics that you wouldn’t get on any other server like yeah you can build

Every Farm in the game but do you have like the un impossible armor like I don’t know if you see this armor but this is impossible currently in the version um this is vanilla this is 1.14.1 God Armor which was the only version that it was actually possible to

Create this and I believe this is a 1.9 godbow which uh there’s only a couple of them on the server but they are mending in infinity and those were craftable in 1.9 and since the server is so old we can actually like have those items and

You can buy them you can sell them you can do work for other people you can hire people there’s a lot of Economy based stuff that you couldn’t do on any other server like yeah you could hire someone to go like you know mine out something for you on another server but

You’d have to trust them you’d have to like know all that stuff everyone on here is vetted there’s like almost 500 Whit list of people they’re all vetted and you can like pay them out and they’ll like mine out something for you or they’ll help you build something you

Can pay them and everything is done in diamonds so as you can see nothing in any of these chests is like you don’t pay anybody I can go in there and take stuff um but usually it’s like general practice that you actually give people their stuff um and so there’s shops

Punch shops anything you could think of people try to sell because if you get more diamonds you get more power and you get more control over the economy and it’s all vanilla economy it’s not like you know you’re having you know wild plugins controlling that oh real quick

For everyone that’s in the chat see you all thank you for joining um if you guys want to apply to join Lally all you have to do is um there is a Discord server here you just um it is in the description of the twitch channel so if

You go to the um about you click on this icon right here it will take you to the avian Discord server which you can hit this apply option and then up top here there is a um application you just click it right there and it will take you to

This application that you just fill out takes you like five minutes whever it is here it is and then also on the bottom here there’s a dynamap you can actually see um what’s going on on the server right now and uh take a look around there is lots of things over there and

Of course where to build but um yeah hopping back over here so this is just one shop and as I said this is all vanilla so there is a lot and lot of different excuse me uh lots of lots of different shops so someone actually made

Some map art which is awesome we’ll go over to the museum in a second but um as you can see they’ve made some really awesome map art uh that’s that’s insane these have like shops like they’re selling uh you know all different kinds of books this person’s got their Shield

That’s an awesome way of um organizing the armor stands so there are a couple minor tweaks um to the game none of them are actually gamechanging they’re just purely vanilla Cosmetics so um basically you can change how you Orient your armor stands or I can actually sit sit down

And I can sit down on the ground or I can sit down on anything really um Additionally the most uh the most two interesting ones um is SLS which gives you access access to spectator mode um you can go fly around you can see what’s

Going on in the world you can see kind of what’s going on and uh when you do it again it takes you right back so there’s not really any cheating with that whatsoever not like you’re moving around um so yeah there just shops upon shops

Like L people have made some of the most amazing shops that I’ve like quite ever seen they’re they’re absolutely awesome and each of these people are like you know selling completely different items they’re selling like I I could I can go spectator and show you around but like

The amount of shops that we have in here um like we have people doing all kinds of interesting shops you’ve got like everything from selling literally gold blocks for like Diamonds to like shops selling shulker boxes for nine diamonds e oh look no no sorry totems full of undying for nine diamonds per

Slot like I I don’t know what else to say for that that’s like what that’s like insane nine diamonds for a Shuler box full of totems of undying and you’ve got just everything and this is all like players that come on here we have literally usually 12

Players online uh server was down for a little bit because we had some issues but I got those all resolved but like literally 500 white list of people anyway so that’s that section we’ll come over here um hey I see everyone in the chat thank you very much for uh joining

In I appreciate it um so yeah so this is pretty much uh yeah this is just all that really cool stuff all these shops that people are starting are working on and like they’re just it’s just crazy the amount of like possibility here so that is all underneath spawn this is

Like the shops all underneath spawn and that is just a portion um so real quick before we get over to the next stuff I just want to show you we’ll go over to the museum in a sec I might show you down this is the original spawn area um

This has been modified uh we have a crafting chest which is a chest and a crafting table this is actually like a bugout that happened but it’s like legit um additionally we have a floating torch this is a legit floating torch um it’s surrounded by glass but um real quick

Let’s also show you um how to join the server so um basically there’s a Discord server it is um yeah right down here click on that send you a Discord server uh there is an application right here this link right here you just fill it out um and we’ll

Whit list you and you can join also there’s a dynamap on the very bottom of the apply channel that you can see kind of what’s going on um who’s what I’m actually hidden right now so as you can see we’re technically like right here and I’m I’m hidden because just cuz it’s

Saves space I don’t want people stalking especially if I’m looking at other people um but that’s pretty much it um but yeah this is there’s the shopping district over there there’s crafting chest there’s an old kit system and this is the carrot farm so these utilize villagers they drop the carrots for the

Villagers and then those get pumped up for for you to eat and use above so that’s pretty much that section um come up here real quick and I’m trying to think of what else would be best to show off um that’s pretty much it for the

Most part on that section um we’ll show you a couple more of the buildings there’s a lot of buildings to show off so I’m going to do my best a nice skeleton horse too um this is a cobblestone farm and this is a very nice uh one because this was designed one of

By I think it was actually built by one of our very uh you know good Engineers I’m going to actually going into spectator just to kind of show you what this looks like but basically what this does is it looks like someone’s actually messed with the timings I think

This oh it looks like someone’s messed with the timings oh they they they they’re missing a um I think they’re missing a uh yeah they they’ve they’ve messed this up a little bit I guess this messed up a little bit um need some tweaking you have a sheep farm over here that

Supplies wool so down here you have a mega sheep farm that supplies black wool in this case um also you may see the lots of bamboo over here this is optimized and run by different uh mine carts they all sit over here and they’re optimized and basically they pick it up

And then that’s what’s used to smelt it all up so down here you have lots of I guess we have lots of cobblestone one point is this really all empti dang I’m impressed this is like all emptied what the heck okay there you go some of the stuff

Is not emptied it looks like I need to get that working because it looks like that’s been annihilated by people um some of it’s in here but some of it definitely is not so I need to get that working um but there’s also backup ones over here in case the front ones get

Broken huge smelting system and I could go over there and show you that but um yeah thanks for all the new people joining um this is uh just a showcase tour of the server so um I showed you all that already so let’s go over here um spectator is purely cosmetic it let

You look around um but it doesn’t actually let you edit anything um this is the godbow too such a such a such a nice tool to have um so this is the server Museum and this sucker is uh basically the one of the best buildings I think I’ve ever built

Um this is one of the most popular places for new players to come look around and uh yeah you can see pretty much everything about the server um for new players this is an eight-year-old server um literally what you’re looking at um well not this this was built quite

Recently but this server has been around for almost eight and a half years now um and so you can come on here take a look um apply to join uh we have all the different map Arts so map art of me they made a made a map art someone made some

Like a note to staff we got you know black and white now these are the white is actually really good because you can put this map on a bun like in a room and put this on every wall and then people would join in and have like no idea like

Completely disorients them same thing with the black one um soone Zach over here made a technoblade art and I saw another one I need to add um but yeah that’s just that’s everything um additionally if you come over here you’ve got um the two dragon eggs one

Was got in or we got one in 2014 and the other one was 2016 when they updated the uh end that caused some at least for us the dragon egg to respawn so that’s why there are two of them um yeah and also if you’re trying to join uh there is a

Link in the bottom of the twitch stream so you just click this link takes you to the Discord server you can apply there is an application link right here tutorial on how to join the actual server um and then also there is you know do the application and then also down here

You have a dynamap on the very bottom right here that let you like look around and see what’s going on anyway let’s come back over here so next room is some maps we have some maps from different periods on the server um we got like you know different places um different bases

Different parts of the server you’ve got like defectives Guardian base you got different bases there uh not everyone has actually bothered and adding their base this was 2020 spawn this is what the spawn looks like now so like in two years we’ve added pretty much a bunch

Finished the museum that’s where this is right now finished the museum built all this stuff up and uh it’s looking really good now and then also this is another city there is everything you’ve seen so far is probably one of like six or seven cities that are probably of equal size or

Larger um so when you have a server eight years old you also have a bunch of books so people have literally filled this place with books we have a couple books that still are not in here and some didn’t actually make the cut there’s probably about a couple double

Chests worth of books that just these are the best from this is our Banner room and shield room so we have banners from the beginning of the server my friend’s Banner that he made in 24 14 like the original redster Banner like all this kind of stuff that was built throughout the

Server um let’s see go over here um there’s a whole bunch of stuff above spawn or above it here so um if you head up up top there is a bunch of things that like originally here that you can actually all the original items and stuff so all the items are actually held

Up here you got everything from God Armor to uh basically memes on the server to like gifts that people gave me you’ve got like first of certain items you’ve got like first elytra found on the server um yeah and there’s just like there’s a lot of space to expand too

Because you know the server’s been around for what eight nine years they probably be around for another eight nine years if not longer it’s also one of the main appeals why people actually come to the server is like we do a lot of work to make sure everything’s like

Backed up and safe so that the server you know if something were to happen the server is still around you just just kind of just start it up again and people play on it it’s it’s a really old world and it draws a lot of people to it

Um also I’m going to go over to a couple other places here um so for all the new players all new people joining thank you I see you all thank you um yeah so basically you have the mailbox as I said we already talked about that a little

Bit I think um but yeah you just drop your mail in there uh you can pick a you know pick a mailbox and you see what people have left for you it’s based off of letters alphabetti and all that stuff um over here you have an auction house

Now people like why do you have an auction house well sometimes when a player does something really bad say for example they’re uh I don’t know they do something bad I don’t know they like steal stuff or they grief stuff or they like do something even worse they’re

Like I don’t know something that we don’t deem appropriate for the Ser maybe they’re really rude to somebody or they’re really mean or they’re like something like that that basically we’d never want them on the server again which is very harsh and very rare um in

That case what we do is we set all their stuff up here here we let certain players of the server we put like basically mystery boxes worth of their stuff and let people auction off uh and vote for this stuff what do we use with the diamonds well we take the diamonds

And netherite that we get from that auction and we use it to pay for um building stuff like our technoblade statue over there or our Courthouse which we’ll be visiting next and usually that’s decided actually in the courthouse so um basically all this you know basically way to raise money for

The State uh that’s pretty much the courthouse and then over here uh we have the uh legislative building which is actually where people like senators and stuff actually go to represent their Clans as I said when you have a server of 500 people you actually have a really

Complex government so you talk about like well oh hey you guys have built everything well not only can you you know yeah you can build a lot of stuff yeah you can get rich but you also can partake in like government you can become um an elder that’s basically like

Our equivalent of like Representatives um and you have paladins which are more like I don’t it’s not really a direct equivalent basically it’s just a power structure structure that people can decide on um we also have a judge so this is the Supreme Court um as you can

See here this is where a lot of things were decided um you have Bell here um you can just look up here but Magus is our Supreme judge so uh and basically he gets to decide a lot of stuff uh besid cases we have an Eiffel Tower um couldn’t do anything without a

Technoblade statue uh this is pretty much just our L technoblade statue there um it’s a pretty pretty cool cool thing uh we we literally spent like the the day techno past we we we built this out it was really cool um so we’re getting towards like the I’ll go do a walk

Through the buildings in in the main or my main town so what I’ve done in the uh not eight nine so years is all over in this section like probably 100 blocks that way maybe 200 block maybe 300 blocks in that all of that I’m trying to think we’ll go through legislative

Building which isn’t kind of finished but I’m still kind of working on it we also have a PVP Arena that’s not finished it’s not that building but the building behind it um basically you have like a kind of court system people Representatives set up here they kind of

Sit up there they vote all that kind of stuff also for the new people that are joining I see you guys let me show you real quick how to join so you have the the Discord server um it’s is located below the twitch um basically all you do is you

Join that click the apply Channel there is a link for an application and you just go through and you fill that out it literally takes less than a couple minutes fill it out you follow all the directions you can post your pictures gas that you post a couple pictures so

We know what your builds look like um and then of course there is a dynamap on the bottom of this channel so you can see what’s going on in the server you can actually like look and see what people are building so it’s also really cool um but that’s yeah the legislative

Building pretty much um trying to think of what would be best to show you guys um next uh hm so I think after that we can just do a quick walk around I might just do fly around actually uh so we can get to some other towns sometime today so mainly uh

The biggest things is this is kind of the stuff that I built the oldest part of the server actually the first building is that house right there um this was the one that I built um back in 2014 so very nice um also so those are

This is the more of the newer buildings here because people are now doing Clan embassies uh we also have some New Towns over here and this is more of everything that we’ve already shown off so far so um let’s talk about some more of the historical aspects of the server and I

See you guys in chat thank you guys for joining um but basically one of the more historical aspects of this server is that we’ve gone through and we have some buildings that well of course we occasionally do have some issues with chunks but this is the original uh the

Thanksgiving haul which funny enough is uh got this was in 2018 and we’ve got everything in here you got just this was like a little Thanksgiving haul that we made um also when the update came out for I believe 1.8 or 1.19 um it was very interesting yeah 1.18 because they

Changed the world gen um basically it was really weird cuz it caused a lot of weird things happening cuz like this all regenerated and like this this isn’t like something you would ever find in a Minecraft seed yet these are all brand new untouched chunks um so down here we

Have or at least over here we have the Thanksgiving Hall which was the uh 2020 Thanksgiving Hall and we had all these people every Thanksgiving we get them online and we have like a big Thanksgiving virtual feast and it celebrates like you know another year uh everyone signs their name and it’s more

Of like a historical place so there is literally like a bunch of um a bunch of different places I don’t know remember which I think I don’t think I can get out oh yeah I can but um there’s a bunch this is 2019 that’s 2021 and 2022 will be up

Here uh and so on so uh yeah that’s pretty much that um additionally we have uh the the chunk lands is what we call them but this is like the place that loves to corrupt as you can see it looks like a patchwork quilt um and also we’re

Going to make a big like Raceway so a nice Raceway that will go all around and it will be like a big uh racing event also on the server and then out here of course I’ve been working on kind of making this a little bit cleaner for the

Racing area and uh this is the big pyramid up here so there is a lot of this is everything everything You’ SE in this entire bit up until the point we at spawn is literally just um built by pretty much me and that was built in the

Last like eight or so years and now we’ve got like you know trails and Lake Cities and things like that and uh this was a we have our iron farm this is my uh Spruce Farm we have an iron farm here this helps um Supply iron uh for the

Entire server um this is not open for public but it is part of the government that goes on here so that concludes everything that is one town um we’ll go around and show you guys through a couple more towns um I think that would

Be just a better use of time to show you kind of around um so let’s go over um to Pro or Pro oh boy Pro gw’s base which I think we’ll just kind of walk through which I don’t think I’ve actually done a proper walk through before um so this is

His town and this is pretty much starting from this boundary here you can pretty much go on here and uh yeah you can pretty much just take a explore and walk through here so he’s done through and built all of this stuff out also everything as I said in survival um this

Is another person’s town so everything you’ve seen so far in avens and everything you see in this town is probably two of maybe eight or nine towns that are of this size that individual people have actually built U one of them I think was built by a group

And it’s probably the largest but um there is lots of towns that we’ll be exploring at least in this stream um so I hope you guys will have a good time with that also by the way guys if you have not um you can apply to join the

Server it’s a really quick process um all you do is you just go to the below the twitch channel in the about section there is a Discord server you click on that and it will take you to here you just go to the apply Channel you hit the

Um application it will take you up to here you just fill it out and it’s really quick and then also um if you scroll to the bottom of that channel you can see the dynamap so you can see where everyone is on the server what’s going on the server Who’s online things like

That it’s awesome so anyway back to pro pro GW Bas but as you can see up here he’s got some stuff cleared out is work on a building up here uh we might actually want to hop up here real quick but yeah so the iron from that iron farm

Is used to craft a lot of these anvils cuz as I said everything is almost a lot of things are Industrial Level CU we have almost 500 wh listed players that we need to um consistently you know keep supplied with resources um especially when you have like almost 20 people

Sometimes online uh usually on the weekends it’s it’s pretty insane uh you just got like cute buildings you’ve got lots of cute buildings that they’ve been working on um honestly this is like really really pretty I’m given that like yeah this is all done in survival you just this this is

All done in survival and this funny thing is this guy did all this in like two years this is insane and do I mention this is also both bedrock and Java so you can also join on either Bedrock or Java um you just go through apply and it’ll take care of the rest

And yeah there’s just so much things to explore you got a A PVP Arena that he’s gone through and done over here um and this is just what you know another person that just built all this on here and as I said there’s no claims I can

Build here I’m going to be cous though and uh not place blocks where they shouldn’t be but um yeah you’ve got houses upon houses you got mushroom houses over here you’ve got more houses over there um you’ve got houses upon houses let’s take a quick fly up here to

Show you kind of a little bit around so this guy built this entire blimp in survival uh We’ve also got one of the older bases on the server there you’ve got uh that he’s working on you got a mountain range um and you got a uh looks like a little weird house or

Whatever um up here and some things on top of the mountain so we’ve got a couple other towns coming up I want to try to be very um so that’s that’s another town that’s that’s the second town that we’ve gone through that’s second person’s work so only thing I’ve

Shown you so far is two people’s work on the entire server at least since we started back at spawn again um so the next thing is uh hey guys I see everyone in chat thank you guys very much for joining in um the next thing is I’m

Going to show you guys over here uh so if you head on over here this is our third town that we’re going to be visiting and this is one of the more spread out towns but I think it does a great job with kind of capturing a

Unique Vibe so this is MSO it is a clan but it is primarily done by Walnut spice uh one person he he owns this little Clan and he builds these towns which this is really really cute because they have like all these little like old style western style builds and you’ve

Got everything you got like all these cute little environmental builds you got like Pathways and all this stuff and this is all as I said done in survival um this is another person’s base so everything you’ve seen so far is we’ll be seeing so far is the work of like

Three people um so yeah you got like little towns and this guy does such an amazing job Furnishing his houses like the the amount of effort that he put in detail he puts in inside the houses is is like insane he’s got like all kinds of little cutesy little builds and

Um a mushroom house but yeah someo built this little Mushroom House in there I’m sure he’s happy about that um Brad house so basically someone claimed a house and they’ve yeah look how cute this is like you can’t tell me this is like amazing

How like cut see it is um so yeah we’ll just kind of keep walking walk through the little western town um but yeah honestly this is some of the coolest things that I’ve seen is uh just like how this all this works like the amount of build and time that went into

This so this is like the main trail that leads into the town um hello guys I see all you in chat thank you guys for joining in my stream um but yeah as you can see they’ they’ve got this like western style build here it’s it’s very

Very cool um they’ve built like another house up there and then Additionally you come up here and you’ve got like this this super impressive pathway up here you got like actually the main base um they’ve got like literally this as I said it might just be best to fly

Around and show you but like everything is like rather spread out but it’s also very well done you’ve got like you know bases upon bases you’ve got a someone’s actual underground base I think this is Bread’s base check it out you’ve got chest rooms you got Sher boxes you got beacons you got

Underground things you got literally like look look how much resources they have we have optimized everything additionally we do have automatic crafting tables but that is because that is of course Mojang uh contributing to that they just say that that’s not something they want to add

And a lot of us are very technical players and we like the idea of having automatic crafting tables in our game so that’s that um and this is more of the town this is like all I might drop down my fpv a little bit so that so I’m

Running around it looks kind of semi-normal um but that’s yeah look you got Iron Golems up there this feels so awkward now but um yeah you’ve got all that going on you’ve got houses upon houses he’s even built like this kind of western style thing like I’m going to go in here

Because this is just a cool building but um like it’s all a western style house and you’ve got like oh this is a messo SE Hall which I can’t even get into what the heck yeah so it has dates um all that and I I don’t even know if I can get in

Here is there a way to get in here something tells me there’s a way in the back come on guys no okay but yeah let’s see if I can go inspector and just look around so this is inside as you can see look how cute this is look how well done

This is like layer upon layer of looks like he hasn’t done too much on the top well never mind just to prove me wrong but yeah that’s that’s en tight that’s an spectator by the way takes you back to the same place um so yeah thank you

Guys for everyone joining in the the stream I see you guys um big thanks for watching um we got post offices he’s got all of this and that pretty much concludes another one of the bases um all villagers are having a great time with the barrels

Um I’m going to show you one of the more uh smaller bases real quick this one is not uh particularly massive by any means but um yeah they will show you uh lava and carazas uh base over here um fly over here real quick just takes a

Bit um but I think like there’s so much Dynamic that goes into like making some of these um you got like literally you got this like aquarium you got castles this is one of this is lava in K’s base and they’ve built all of this in the course

Of the server um you got fried Eggies back on here you got iron Farms you got um basically like huge areas um you’ve got all kinds of stuff up here um you got big platforms I think they’re there the Mountain Base is over here but this is like I can go over

Everything I’ll start with the the actual internal Mountain Base cuz that’s one of the older yeah here it is this is like the original thing that he built um but then if you kind of come down over here you got everything else it looks really cool um and then

Yeah kind of tired of this dude oh I Can’t Ban him oh oh what do you mean I Can’t Ban him oh well that’s going to be interesting I’ll have to fix that anyway um let’s go over here so this is the the castle looks like they’ve got some

Um all kinds of different stuff in here oh that’s stuck I’m stuck in a hole theyve got all of this stuff up they have sentries this is like sad is like this is like not even like any of the server like it’s so sad because like so much

Going on to the server um they built all those things and that’s just like the course of like maybe like three people’s work so right now we’re in total of like 12 people’s work um for those of you that are interested in joining the server I’m going to get flying over and

I’ll show you guys um I want to get flying but uh real quick I’ll show you guys what’s going on in the server so if you come over here and how you join um basically you go below my Discord or not my Discord my Twitch down here click on this it’ll

Take you to the Discord server where you can then go over here and hit apply and then once you go over here and hit apply uh it will take you to this application you fill it out also if you want to see like what’s going on in the server you

Can click on this dynamap here and it’ll take you to this you can look around anyway I think we’re back on the spr getting close now we are getting close got different machines and Farms down here but we are getting close to uh actually should probably make a stop over here first

Um so this is we’re going to probably want to probably if I were to rate it probably maybe the 20th or maybe 30th um smallest base on the largest base on the server so um this is a much more underground base than anything else um

So if you go down here uh you can kind of visit and see but um basically this is the trying to remember how to get down there yeah that’s a something over here and go down here and visit um so this is the underground base I believe the city

Of brago whatever whatever you called it um this is just a and this is also something I can’t yeah I can get down there okay this takes you up should takeing down okay but this is um someone else’s base they’ve got like basically a bunch of farms

Machinery um chest rooms bases I can go ins spect here to kind of show you around a little bit better but they got chest rooms they got villager breeders they got really villager Traders they’ve got museums they’ve got items in the museum they’ve got like all these different things they’ve got chest room

Like this is this is I said probably the 20th or 30th largest base um it’s not anything ridiculously impressive but it is uh in scale of things just to stop along the way I wanted to point out now the question is always the big question

Is what happens and how do I get out I think it was back through here here um but anyway I thank you guys I see you guys for joining in my stream thank you very much for coming out um joining back for those you guys that are joining back

Um so yeah so basically let me go over here real quick drop this down and uh kind of see if I can pop up here and get out um yeah so those of you that want to join this I’ll go over that in a sec um but yeah so basically come over

Here um this is just to do a quick fly around before I make my main uh trip over to um the big communist Town um communist town is probably the second or third largest base on the server um they have a quite nice base uh technically

This is part of the Eastern block but um let’s see I’ll just make a quick fly over there um so as you’ll see it come into to frame on the bottom um it is one of the I would say very much more uh modern uh hell know it’s this a

Different style and unique to the server um also yeah so I think there’s a lot of um yeah to go over tab real quick too um so tab basically the star next to their name means like their rank so San or Aqua is like Paladin um or like head

Paladin um you got basically enforcers which are like helpers uh the elders are red and uh this is pretty much Landing in here now so this is the center of at least the new center of communist Town um you’ve got I know this looks completely insane uh there is lots of

Bases over here this is the newer side that he’s working on um I’m trying to remember how yeah there a button here and basically there is the underground bunker he’s gone through and constructed this huge huge base it’s un Shameless and you’ve got like all this resources in here you got the meeting

Room things like that um so everything is done oh now the question is how do I get out there we go I knew one of the buttons did it and it should pop back over does it really pop automatically back up that’s awesome Yep so uh this is the main

Portal here I’m just to fly around and show you this this little like Dojo thing on the side got like a building a skyscraper this is also like a realistic thing there’s literally like a passageway through here like all this is done also in surv like there’s no world

Of nothing like this is all like handcrafted survival um just to fly around like I can walk through these streets some of them at least but like this is like very impressive you got some villagers that were over here um fly down here yeah thank you guys for everyone that’s

Joining um if you want to join uh there is a real quick let me go over how you do that uh I’ll go I’ll probably get a little bit I’ve been doing a little bit too much recently um but yeah just give it a couple seconds it’s on the bottom

Of the Discord or not the Discord sorry there’s a Discord in the bottom of my profile also you can just type join and uh it will direct you to the link um but yeah I’m just going to walk through the town and show show you guys right now

I’m just showing you everyone on the server uh we’ll get back to our a little bit of building later on but um yeah just showing everyone around um different towns on the server um this is all as you can see everything you’ve seen like probably within the last like

Five minutes has been um done by one person um so this is like literally insane and I’m also going to run out of fireworks so we’re going to need to make a stop back at spawn before we head over like Zeus town or whatever um but this

Is yeah pretty much the looking at the other way um all one person’s work which is absolutely insane um so yeah I uh I think that’s really really cool I think we’re going to head back just to the center spawn and before we look head off

To um a couple other different bases so um I think one of the main things I’m going to do at this point um is probably use the dynamap to show you uh kind of what bases the like and how uh and maybe you’ll even plan which base to visit

Next so uh right now we’re heading towards spawn as you can see these things that are popping up these aren’t claims like these aren’t like preventing you from building they’re just letting you know they’re all like purely cosmetic letting you know who’s like kind of land you’re building in it kind

Of helps prevent um especially with a lot of the older players they like to have a lot of land because they’ve built a lot already and they usually expand a lot more they want to have the ability to at least um expand farther in the

Years to come so um it should come as no surprise that they want to make sure that’s it’s kind of visible uh for you know new players to figure out um so we’re back in spawn now this is the main plaza as I talked about earlier I am

Going to go through and I believe I had some diamonds in my shop and it looks like fried Eggies is working on fixing up the the uh new spawn area so I think that’s absolutely awesome he’s uh going through and he’s just uh fixing up and

Fixing up the roads for us so I’m going to take some of my diamonds here I’m going use them to buy some fireworks down the shop cuz I don’t actually feel like crafting any and this is actually surprisingly Believe It or Not cheaper than it would be to do it um just given

Like the weird dynamic of the um you one diamond for five Stacks so one two three four five one diamond or five Stacks yeah I don’t I don’t think anyone complain that’s a good deal um so put my diamonds back up here and uh we’ll head up to our

Next little visit so I’m trying to think of where would be a good spot to visit um we have a couple other towns I’ll take a look at real quick um so we’ll start making a Direction This Way um yeah for all of you guys that are just

Joining in now uh the in the description there is or sorry in the um on my profile um actually I’ll probably do that while I I’m flying over there come on buddy so okay there we go so um real quick on my twitch profile there’s a Discord server when you click that it

Take you here there is a uh application right there uh it will take you here you fill it out you’re good to go you’ll get Whit listed Etc um there’s also a dynamap that you can look around and see where things are um I probably want to

Stop at some point excuse me um but that’s basically shows you everything you need to know excuse me um so this is Lucas’s Town very small base um Finn’s Town also I can stop in here a little bit because this is something that they spent a wee bit of time on but

Um yeah basically this is Finn’s base he went through and he built out this really cool Town um over the course of like I don’t know a couple months and uh this is a rather modest base I would say um so heading over to Jam’s base I’m

Going to do this one a proper tour because I feel like it’s warranted so jamy is besides being one of our staff members he’s uh also a like longtime player of the server and everyone kind of Simply knows him as the richest player on the server he uh gets his fun

From actually not only being really good at building but being literally having like Stacks and stacks of diamonds blocks I think he has almost two double chests worth of diamond blocks um we might be able to see that if we head over to his base and as I said this is

All vanilla now you would say well that’s not particularly possible to be mined by a player especially since most of this world is 1.8 chunks then 1.9 and so on um and I would say you’re right except we have what 500 people um that distributes if you were to take 500

People’s diamond mining uh that would make a lot more sense additionally we have actual like slime block machines that go through and mine that mine netherite for us people have done that just for the financials of it um so this is just like walking through his town um

His base is I don’t even remember where his base is but he’s got D shops it looks like different die sorry not shops but different like farms and stuff and this is everything he’s just built um you’ve got like everything under the sun uh I think this is his main base

Over here but as you can see though like U we’ve got the Christmas area he’s got a Christmas tree over there we’ve got much of the new more modern farms and stuff he’s got started going through and just building a bunch of farms um all right so you guys thank you guys for

Joining uh the stream if you guys want to join uh link is in the uh description uh I think did he did he actually get rid of this no it’s up here sorry so I was going to say I think he got rid of it so found a lost Sher of yours yours

Yep so people return stuff people are actually nice like that um take a visit through his uh little bunker down here um this is the richest person’s base and I believe I believe I believe I believe hold on that’s Walnut spice’s bed G to say I believe there was more diamonds

Somewhere um he might have had them there was like double chest full of diamonds I saw somewhere um but yes there was lots of goodies here he’s got an RTX 390 this would be like kind of the thing I’d want to know if there is something behind but no there isn’t anything

Important um yeah he’s got like everything all organized out here and I think we’ll head over to his new base because it’s going to be or new section of his base I’m going to fly over there real quick just to save you all’s time so this is much more of the more um

Modern areas so he made this entire automatic item sorter um that basically sorts all the items it has the amount that’s fill lights up um and this is all like uh just one person’s semi base up here you have a big um bamboo farm that then feeds like making bone meal I

Believe and then makes like balt Farms he’s also got somewhere over here um oh yeah they’ve moved entirely to another base which I will visit shortly as well that’s one of the other larger bases I’ll visit at least on this truck over uh now we’re getting to

Halfpipe space halfpipe uh she does a really good job with her building um and especially she’s adopted a lot of the The Mangrove swamp stuff the new items also a lot of people are concerned when they join a server that’s this old the like all the items are like super far

Out or whatever which realistically they’re only about 10,000 blocks out um and a lot of ice highways get you out pretty far so it’s so oh stretching my chair um so basically it gets really far out um and it’s really actually really easy to go through and get what you need

For your um your builds but I’m going to actually walk through here because this deserves a walk through it’s a really well decorated interior in the interior U so as you can see that’s when she started the base and you can go through and just see the cute Dynamic

Here um also as I said for those of you that are just trying to join um there is a below my twitch right here you can click on this and it will um go through and take you here sorry take you to the Discord server here you can hit apply there’s an

App in in the apply Channel there’s an application you click that it’ll take you here um and you can fill it out takes a couple minutes you get white listed you can join um and all that stuff and then also there’s a Dynam map and as you can see we’re looking at one

Of the more larger bases over here um this is the Western block and they have some of the much more like I would say the probably some of the best buildings in Minecraft altogether um so we’ll basically just go over there pop that down here get back to do so this is half

Pipe and like she’s literally gone through and made such intricate buildings like you can just walk through casually stroll through all that kind of stuff villagers Traders and the best part is like all this is done in a swamp like I think that’s in insane that this is

Like all throughout there’s just like swamp upon swamp swamp upon swamp and then like you’ve gone through and have a kind of transition into this warped fun kind of biome um then you have like stuff over here and also I’m going to go and spectator so I can figure out

Where’s what um but like looks like an underground like cave for oxal a huge automatic sorting like how do I even get down here oh yeah how do I even get down here this is the yep it’s in the beginning of the base I’m going to fly

Over there but just the amount of like depth that that she put into her like base here so let see we can go down here a water Farm but yeah this is he’s got automatic lava Farms sorry she um you got all kinds of like blocks stuff like that you’ve got copper

Everywhere like this is insane you got copper blocks like everything’s sorted like that’s insane um and all this is just one person’s work which I think makes it very cool and worthwhile you’ve got um overflow yeah you got other things up I think you can fly up here oh my gosh

Does this switch automatically it does that’s insane that is actually insane if I can get up here that’s actually insane that it switches automatically I didn’t realize that super cool anyway there’s 54 turtles in there oh well so that is um half pipe bace and that doesn’t really

Do it justice I’m going to visit the Christmas area in a sec and show you just what um we built for Last Christmas so last Christmas uh we wanted a specific area to celebrate Christmas in have some type of events so I don’t think everyone I think everyone’s claimed their stuff

Um I took most of theat oh there’s some stuff here who who did not claim their Christmas present I don’t know if I’ve seen that guy so that guy might be getting yed um raw copper oh boy three diamonds by the way Jay okay be you can see um some people’s built

The different stuff um yeah so different things of course and uh that’s pretty much the the Christmas Town which I believe or not is like insane but um yeah that’s that’s just the Christmas town and we’ll probably expand that every year and this is like something that jamy built like once on a

Oneoff so now I’m going to go visit the GL gr old land of um probably the most luxurious area on the server um so real quick uh I’m going to go through and tell you how to join the server so in the bottom of our lovely little twitch stream for those of you

That keep wanting to know you just click on the disc server take you here to apply there’s an application link click on the application link it’ll take you this you fill it out you get wh listed pretty much um take some pictures of your builds put them in build images

Stuff like that and uh also as you see we’re heading over here to the dynamap um make sure I’m going in the right area I guess here you are I think we’re getting kind of close hit the top corner so this is a mega like an actual like

Actual Mega um melon farm that uses flying machines that collects all of them see if I can get a glimpse of it I don’t think I can yeah you can see it just barely over there they use hoppers and stuff and then they have a bunch of

Farms over here the back here they use Moss for bone meal for automatic um fungus Farms Etc so it’s it’s is awesome um and then I argue I’m going to have to walk this because this is probably I don’t know if this is the entrance or not let me fly around to the

Entrance but this is one of the coolest houses that I think I’ve seen in a long time um so let me let me start the entrance and we’ll show you everything around so this is um the entrance of his lovely little jamm’s lovely new house this is

Filled with people from the clan and oh my gosh if they finished that that’s absolutely gorgeous um they built this out as well which is awesome so um as you can see we’ll just make our way around real quick um as I said all in vanilla survival uh this is absolutely insane

So vanilla survival they’ve built all of this lovely little house here um all the other houses they’re working on more houses things like that this is basically the rich kid neighborhood if that if that makes sense this has got to be a like rich kid neighborhood I think

Quartz is one of the most expensive blocks you can buy uh or at least find and they’ve got multiple doors things like that um so heading up through the house you have like the main area here main staircase which I mean like come on guys this is insane you can walk through

The house and you can just see like each person’s different you know spot in the house and I thank you guys for joining thank you guys for those people that followed I appreciate it um but yeah so just uh you can see each person’s little room and the worst part the worst part

Is literally there is a room upon room there’s like a dining hall there is like so much stuff um you’ve got literally like what this is probably like 20 people’s base like B between everything on here I think 20 people people like have claimed a room in here don’t think

Actually 20 people built this it’s just Jammy which as I said if you’re the richest player on a server why not Flex on everybody like this um but yeah you’ve just got like houses upon house you got multiple balconies you got like Walnut spice as a h like oh my gosh

Like the decadence on this is the fact that the quartz is on the inside and the outside should show you how rich uh that is because like that’s all mine in survival that’s ridiculously expensive um you got more and more bases over here uh this just it’s it’s awesome

We’ve got everything up here you got more and more stuff over here it’s it’s just insane this is all just one person’s house too like what is what is anyone going to do with like this amount of house and it just goes on and on and on

And I think why did someone break the glass here but I think we’ll use it as our escape to get out um but yeah that’s just one person like in a garden back here look at this Garden like I don’t think I need to tell you that that’s like an insane

Garden the decadence on that is insane they have a sun dial that’s also really cool um and this is all flattened out and I have a feeling they’re going to build more stuff but I think my my next thing that I want to look at is what they’ve done

Over here so over here they’ve made this massive oh my gosh this is insan this is like insane and the best part is inside here you’ve got this and like you know it’s like a rich PE okay okay but yeah look at these like statues they’ve got diamond swords the

Amount of gold here is from our gold farm and he’s got oh my gosh he’s making a netherite full power Beacon he’s doing it oh my gosh this is what happens when you have 10 years almost well eight years on a server some players get this

Freaking rich that this is all vanilla I don’t think one player could accomplish this by themselves but capitalism surely can um I I cannot believe he’s actually trying to like do that he’s got most of it done too assuming that’s solid that’s actually most of it’s done I’m I’m really

Impressed that’s actually like that’s that’s insane this place is so decadent um yeah we’ll go over real quick to the um base over here and the sad part is we’re not even like I wouldn’t even say we’re like 1% of the server like there’s so much so much bases and stuff like we

Haven’t even gone to the nether yet like nether has got a whole like network worth of stuff and then this is someone else this is Wildcat space that he’s working on which I don’t think actually has like much that’s inside he’s just making this massive like base as well kind of oppos

Jamming which I thought was like really cool it looked like really awesome and stuff it’s like a palace almost this is all survival too and he’s going through and he’s scaffolding it out and stuff so I mean that’s insane um like just just insane um I I I don’t

Even know how else to describe it um so real quick I think what I’m going to do now is take you back to spawn and I think we’re going to try doing um probably go over to the nether real quick and show you the nether Hub we

Might also go hit um a couple other of the farther out towns um that I think are worth visiting and then also we’ll probably just um maybe loop back to spawn and see if we can get a couple things done there okay so let’s see so I

Want to show you guys how to join for those you guys I see you guys in chat thank you for that person that’s um followed I appreciate it um and uh yeah so basically on the twitch Channel there is this big link to the Discord server

You click on that it will take you to the um this Discord server there’s an apply Channel you just hit this application here you go through and you go through and it will take you here you fill this out you get wiress really quickly and then um yeah and then also

There’s a dynamap on the bottom here that you can see I’m currently flying here but I have that turned off because when you’re when you’re basically you know watching over people you don’t want them to know you’re kind of like watching over them um I think we’re

We’re getting kind of close still flying kind relatively vibing uh we’re getting kind of close I think I think I know where I am someone’s wiped this for us where is this did I lose my bra oh by the way just go to 0 if you ever get

Lost okay I know where I am we’re at Jam’s house now but basically all we’re doing is we are uh heading back to spawn so that I can uh yeah head back to spawn and get through all the stuff um I just want to show you guys all the stuff I guess I

Can today um but yeah thank you guys for everyone that’s like following and stuff watching I appreciate it um thank you guys so much um yeah so this is the main spawn again um we’ll go to the nether real quick see what’s going on in there I think

Uh yeah we’ll go in here real quick hop in here and just take a look around but like I guess I can’t really show you guys everything probably in the course of the day because there’s way too much um this is the nether Hub um and I I’ll

Probably show you on the dynamap too but um to go into the spectator real quick just to look around and show you this is the entirety of uh the main part of the nether Hub um this is like done as I said all in survival too um this was

Done I believe with the help of schematica or whatever so that’s why it looks really well done um they basically took a schematic did some world edit on another world uh and then got all the blocks and built it all in survival um but schematica is really cool I think

People have used it before just because it makes things a lot easier when it comes down to actually building them um but there is literally like bases upon bases um in in in the nether too uh there’s nether tunnels that people have taken there’s like you know spiral

Staircases that people have built um we have basically a entire like obsidian top like uh 2b2 T has um we also have an obsidian Farm uh we also have like ice tunnels that people travel to get out from spawn um we have a like a big hole

In the top of the bed rock above spawn um let me see also uh let’s go going to end real quick I think that’d be good worth our time um so yeah so you can see all the different people were here one people was here all that stuff um and then this

Is this is a different location than I thought it was I think I think we had an issue with Nether Portals recently this is definitely a different location than I’m used to yeah it’s below that nether portal just does not seem to be popping today um but yeah

Let’s go the ne the end real quick as you can see you’ve got like um so this like someone’s made just to go into spectator quick someone’s made a path here you’ve got like chest upon chest upon chest upon chest upon chest of obsidian um because we use like the

Wither um trapping system here to break the obsidian um they also are making oh my gosh they are making a is this an ice Highway they are making in ice Highway no way this is like insane the this is this is what like absolutely insanity looks

Like this is like what they would use to make like huge ice highways in the end that’s awesome I you can see this is our end it’s not anything super fancy um we have literally a bunch of different Islands out there um I think I will summarize this really quickly by just

Going into um the Dynam map real quick and showing you what it looks like just switch over to the end real quick so this is our end Island we have pretty much uh yeah so this is like different little XP Farms by different Clans there’s also big clan rivales so s like

Everyone so obviously there’s you know as I said no grief protection but different Clans like to fight each other so that’s what this kind of uh people don’t want to share things so they each build their own XP Farms based off of you know all different sorts of things

Um also if you notice there is something thing I believe one of the these are wither Rose Farms one of these um there’s an Enderman Farm uh I think Zach has a uh there’s also a spot somewhere in like this main Loop here that is a

Uh that actually is a um like planes biome in the end so um also as you can see there’s like all these different bases over here bases over here bases over here um there’s one all the way down here which this is the sway um town as you can see that’s just like

A whole big base over there I think we’re going to head over there shortly um re is building something a massive base um there’s a lot of like I can’t even go to everything today because these are like so far out these like 10,000 20 sorry 20,000 blocks out got

Mushroom castles you’ve got like ice kingdoms you’ve got different claims on that you’ve got houses in the middle of nowhere you got der oximated over here in literally the middle of nowhere you got like a big big hole in the ground that someone’s done all the way down to

Bedrock do I mind you like this is like biger big Bedrock hole so yes I I will try to show you guys as many things as I can today but like this is like insane I think we’ll make a a trip out to uh re’s base and

Head on back so let’s see hop back home real quick um and this is where you’ll spawn so uh once you spawn you’ll just get your kit stuff we’ll go that more in a sec but um I don’t know why why is this down one um but uh basically

There’s a kit area over there there is uh shops all that stuff when basically when you join there’s also something in the application stuff um I think we can try making uh I think we’ll try making another trip so a trip over to the sway base without having uh what is this it’s

Like a boat okay I’ll take a boat uh I believe it is down this way this is communist town make sure I’m in the let me go check my map real quick for the nether D map show real quick so I show up on Dynam map so there I am um I want

To be in the opposite side of this dynamap real quick ah here we are so let’s make a trip over in sway real quick so I’m going to switch this back over the regular world and I’m also going to put in my chest plate in case I

Make an unexpected visit in the lava actually I think there was a better way to do this I think there was actually hold on let’s see I think there was a better Highway cuz this is like a poor poorly done highway there are much better highways I think they just tried making

This so that yeah okay where is the better highway it’s right here this is it right here down this right here yep that’s what I’m looking for so let’s see nope didn’t have my light here this what I’m looking for hey buddy uh let’s see get this on real

Quick make a trip over to sway now so this is the speedrun sway ice bridges are very popular in the nether because they make things substantially quicker um people really enjoy getting places very quickly with them and so I’m not particularly too worried um we’ll get over there pretty quickly um for those

Of you that have are just trying to join or trying to figure out how to get um apply and stuff there is an application um in my about section on my twitch page you just basically click that um it asks for the um and go to the apply channel

It’s a quick channel that you can get into um and it will have a link to an application that you can go um in type in and then um once you do that application um we get W pretty quickly also on the bottom of that are the most

Newest message should be a link to the dynamap so you can see what’s actually going on on the server um It’s actually kind of nice so um oops see if we can get over to sway I hope I’m going to sway I assume I am they’ve they’ve got rail carts and stuff

Too so they can get uh out and back pretty quickly um there’s also yeah lots of other bases that are so far out I couldn’t get to them today it take like all day of me just getting there on stream to actually like be worthwhile thank you guys for those follows thank

You guys for the the viewing for those new viewers um if you want to join as I said there’s stuff information for that in the uh the description there you go uh sorry in the description the about section of my twitch page um yeah so oh some random Redstone nice

Nice nice getting kind of close I think that might be a that might have been re’s base just a random emerald block we’re getting all kinds of random things on the highways um here we go we should be its way now here we are this is B this is not

What I thought I would be but um it seems like the whole world has like shifted off like the blocks that it normally is on is just shifted like the whole end of the whole nether is shifted I don’t know where is the best spot to

Get out like how much climbing are we doing I hate how slow this is but basically as we’re as we’re going on right now you can see outside sway they’ve got some very nice impressive builds there and of course okay so sway here um as you can see this is the main area

This main like their main Central Area they have literally like thrown rooms and crowns and oh come on throne rooms and stuff like that they have a throne literally of my face um yeah thr room like that that’s awesome I don’t get like completely squashed then down here is their

Um they have a big chest room below which is insane too um I mean like this is just also one of the larger more larger towns but this is multiple people um I don’t know how do I get down there but basically this is what it looks like

Down here a chest room I’m in spectator by the way um but that’s just spectator it’ll take me back there where we were just for third person viewing pretty much um let’s go over to re’s base because it’s rather large especially on the map um but uh yeah this is the ice pathway

Uh they’ve got like big stuff in the sky they’ve got huge farms they’ve optimized they’ve built all kinds of Sky bases they got PvP Arenas they’ve got like Farms got little jungle houses um make a trip over to re’s house now uh I think we’re going to probably

Make our way back to spawn uh shortly um after I finish up probably we’ll hit re’s base make a dip and then we can head make our way back to spawn um so yeah so here we go so this is re’s base and thank you guys for this follows

And thank you welcome new viewers um yeah here you go so this is his base which is just a jungle temple which I feel like in my opinion in my humble opinion I feel like it’s so like in spectator to look around here real quick I feel like this is so like cool

This video, titled ‘Playing the Oldest Joinable Minecraft SMP Live Bedrock&Java | 1.19.3 Minecraft Survival SMP’, was uploaded by Avience on 2023-11-29 05:14:32. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:41 or 5261 seconds.

Today I am playing Minecraft on one of the oldest servers ever. This is on Avience a 9 year old Minecraft survival server.

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  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

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  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

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  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

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  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

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  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

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  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

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  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

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  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

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  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

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  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More