XayXay Dominates Terraria with EPIC Skills!

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Hey you there let me see wait wait wait I’m waiting for you to come on come on connect connect there we go you there VA viewer why don’t you come on to my live streams I’m just going to do this every start of the live stream uh hello everyone if you’re here yet

Music music there we Go hello everyone H it’s been a while well not really been a while it’s been two days wait no three days oh my God amazing math okay give me a second to set things up how are you doing this finally happened yeah I do want to like play Terraria in between

Like different games I don’t want to just keep playing Terraria you know if I feel like I I feel like if I just keep playing Terraria I eily get bored of it really fast so I want to avoid that as much as possible okay let me make the music a

Little bit softer there we go we’re live give me one second we’re live playing Terraria again come watch me possibly fight a boss tonight uh surviving optional okay wait we’re going to place the link all right Brazil battery acid of mortal oil honestly battery acid sounds cooler hey on YouTube that’s a pretty

Decent name oh okay do whatever you like doing man yeah it’s like the problem with Minecraft is like I felt like I burnt out of it fast because I played nothing but Minecraft so I want to avoid that with Terraria as much as possible I don’t want to you know Marathon it and

Then just absolutely destroy my interest in the game thank you d blenford blenford i I hope hope I say your name correctly blenford did I say right stretch w w that’s a shil thing right I believe Minecraft pro Terraria Pro well I didn’t say I was a Terraria pro at

Least I don’t think I have the rights to call myself a Terraria Pro if I’m playing for the second time Merry Christmas to you too bford Merry Christmas to all of you we break past it but you know don’t give don’t don’t let this be an excuse to not celebrate it hello

Jer I can comment after I got banned was saying the n word well I can ban you again don’t say the N word unless the NW is like chicken nuggets you know get try mod see that’s the thing I feel like if I haven’t put on mods the base game

Itself is already boring you know that’s how I personally feel about mods we’re here again hello welcome back all of you I Google for free and my phone crashes randomly yeah I wonder why hello FAS just started yep just started we’re give like 10 seconds uh 10 no 10 minutes for people

To come in okay fox or Artic fox fox I prefer the orange Fox but I like both foxes I don’t hate it hello epic you can make it I’m considering making you a mod cuz I see you very often and you’re like sticking around a lot thank you epic

It’s really nice of you to like keep supporting stream how are you m how are you how are you I’m doing great to okay I have a funny story to share later but do remind me to share you guys what it is later but I had a pretty decent day

Today um how are you though epic how are you guys how are all of you guys you know are going to ask chat for tips I’ll be a bit LA on like the back seating for this stream you all you are free to like uh provide me help

But keep it chill okay chill chill with the helping it’s like if you want to like give me like a little bit of tips and stuff that’s fine by me but don’t like make it so don’t breathe down my neck Mak sense reach 69k before the end

Of the stream I’m actually waiting for my subscribers to hit 69420 so I could take a screenshot of it and make a community post about it what boss are you in I haven’t fought a single boss but I have stumbled upon the dungeon G dungeon Guardians if that

Counts you play Minecraft game they see the potato nah I’m not a fan of I probably will be playing Minecraft like in a more unique way like vanilla Minecraft isn’t too hot for me right now the name terrara is based on terror what did you like pray me to play Terraria

King David do know that I have like a stream schedule I’m meam King Slime it’s a king slime as it the with heart R well don’t say it here great Terraria out of 10 so far it’s an 8 out of 10 I’m having a lot of

Fun okay I have something to show you guys so do you guys like it when I have like the game in the background like this wait yeah do you guys like it when I the game in the background like this with the what stream starting soon or do you

Guys like it when I have it like this yeah look you guys are in the chat I was about to like make this a surprise but I forgot to turn it off so this is you guys and this is you guys now so yeah have you chosen a class yet

I do not know what any of those are do know that this is still my first time playing so I genuinely have no clue about what those things are I person like the game I like it too game loading screen I like it the game right it looks better [ __ ] to

Quality I prefer not to say like which part of Malaysia I am you know I like to keep it I like to keep those like personal stuff for me try to play terar Someone Like Calamity I’ve heard a lot of Calamity mod but as I’ve always said

I prefer to keep mods like away for now I don’t want to jump into the with a bunch of mods you know I like to experience the base game first and then add a few mods if like mods are modifications for a reason they’re not

Part of the base game that’s how I like to see it do you live in Africa no insanity is coming for in Terraria insan Insanity you know I’m the type of person to go looking for Insanity my guy GTA f I could change it yeah but the icons are in there the

Icons I specifically don’t want to show like the profile icons because I felt like that would give like too much like um visual clutter yes how much we over new mechanics this time depending on how many new mechanics we stumble upon yeah try to get all the

Achievements in this game I’m not really an achievement hunter I feel like that takes out a lot of the fun person fan booy no I’m I really don’t want to put the get fix boy seed I’m sorry melee Ranger Mage and Summoner interesting I seem like the kind of

Person who probably to play the first tree I’m not a Summoner kind of Guy H I have to bleach my eyes after this maybe do remember this is still I’m still a first timer for Terraria so yeah you’re not really late ref welcome to the stream ref the best what’s the story behind the name dude ref the best rev ref the best ra

The best either one should Terraria on fense SP play it if you like if you want to give it a try I feel like doesn’t steam allow you to refund the games I believe can you guys confirm it for me I believe if you buy a game and you don’t

Enjoy in like the first few hours you have the ability to refund it later forget about classes for now yeah I feel like that’s something that a lot of people asking me but I generally do not know what about it what is yet H you

Should leave cool chat on no I prefer to put chat off so that it’s easier for me to turn out to turn it into a YouTube video later so yeah got hardore episode 4 I’m sorry I think I made a community post about it already I won’t be continuing hardcore episodes I’m sorry

The hardcore survival is getting discontinued for now you want to go in a dungeon today you [ __ ] no I’m not going back into it until I cure the man of his curse or something I don’t know Terraria again it is welcome to the stream twim this place normal all right thank you

Isan are we going to fight the first boss hopefully we can fight the first boss tonight but we’ll see if you play it for less than two hours you can refund the game yeah you heard that epic yeah you heard that epic if you give Terraria a try and if you don’t

Enjoy it you can refund it within 2 hours so don’t worry about it Z finds out about fishing I don’t like fishing in Minecraft what makes you think I would like fishing in Terraria I kind of like I think I have to modify this like this uh chat system

Right now cuz right now you all have a gray name and since you all have a gray name it’s a bit hard to differentiate your names and stuff so I’ll see what I can do about it and so for now we have this Old-fashioned oldfashioned chat on the side of the screen okay I’ll give it a little bit time and then we’ll start we’re playing on the easiest difficulty anyways I’m sorry I’m not playing on the hard difficulty I’m I’m sorry I’m not good at the game oh your first B fight Fe I don’t

Know we’re about to find out fishing what religion are you I rather not say but okay not screw it I’m I’m APS I don’t believe in any religion so yeah but do keep religion out of the topic I don’t want this stream to turn into a [ __ ] religion battle

Oh don’t worry mie you’re just in time hey Master mode no thank you welcome back r ah okay let me put so one thing I find funny about streaming is like streaming can I streaming really tells you streaming really shows you how much of a funny person you actually are it’s

Like I’m a YouTuber at heart I make YouTube videos primarily so like thank you all for sending to my live stream but I’m more of a mainly a YouTuber and live streaming just shows like how unfunny I actually am because most of the time if I have like a unfunny joke

Or like a stupid moment in my video when I record it I can always just edit it out later and then if I think of a funny joke like while editing I can add in the editing joke I can I can edit in the funny joke whereas in stream

I’m just I’m just like mumbling I’m just like fumbling I I every time every time after stream I would say I would like think after every stream I would think of like a very funny joke that I wish I sit doing the stream that’s just how bad it

Is okay why are you Zay who says I’m Z you’re funny enough thank you money I still got a lot to Learn H let’s see how let’s see how I react towards the newer features okay we’ll give one more minute then we’ll start streaming expert mode isn’t that bad I know but personally I’m not really the fan of kind of person who just I’m not a fan of like playing at the highest

Difficulty and everything I like to just play things casually you know just find out how to play the game like just chill you know games are supposed to be fun and I feel like if you make it too hard then it’s not really fun anymore personally speaking for corruption this

Corruption hello Germany just in time R just in time I’m about to start stream list thank you hello SRM I think we can go a bit LAX on like the pinging don’t worry about these pings uh I won’t be too caught up about them anymore

Hopefully once I can get use once I can learn how to use this like chat system I think pink will finally be like not a problem for me 30 minutes of intro wow yeah like to warm up a Bit please keep the chat in English so that it’s easy to moderate just like the chat hello play forward okay all right start streaming okay all right let’s hop into the game hop into Terraria is that song Oh My God uhoh one second guys I think I open Terraria when

I I open terar before I put on headphones so the sound is playing through my speakers one second you guys hear that there we go don’t could just give skeleton hit a hug yeah I found that out the hard way why P bother you because it’s I’m

Like someone who very easily loses my attention I’m it’s very easy to get my attention or very easy for me to lose my attention if you just see like this big highlighted text I just have to read it Did You Know You’re Just in Time foran okay so remember something okay

Back seating I’ll be a bit more LAX okay it’s like if you guys want to help me give tips and stuff it’s fine giving tips for me is okay back is spoilers not okay okay you cool with that you are in accordance we are in accordance with

That remember little bit of tips okay spoilers you you might get so guys I I I I actually get I actually got to say this time I actually going to say I did a little bit of gamep playay off stream I sorted my inventory so I took note of how you all

Didn’t like me doing inventory management so I made my own like inventory inventory storage area a bit of mining off camera don’t worry I didn’t do any mining so it doesn’t matter [Laughter] right and there still Kevin here also what I like sorted out my inventory

Um that’s this guy he’s like a merchant Trader apparently he gave me some stuff but I don’t know if I actually need any of these you know yeah apparently you guys said that like um actually I killed the final boss of the game off camera don’t worry I didn’t do that

Okay J for I think that’s a spoiler man don’t say that please don’t spoil it to me I want to die leave me to die to the bosses let me suffer I want to I want to feel pain or you have a water bucket I

Don’t know I I wanted to see if I could do like an mogg let me see if I can actually do it it’s oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] can I open the door okay looks like um this game doesn’t follow water physics okay oh wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait na dead oh they just duplicated water okay you should wear the bucket on your head you can do that wait wait wait wait oh my God that’s oh oh that’s amazing hello David hello dream blade remember no spoilers guys leave

Me let me discover the world let me feel pain propane so yeah if you want to know how I sorted my inventory I put like all the blocks in like the first chest and then all the wood stuff in the second and then these are just other blocks that I

Don’t give a [ __ ] about these are materials and these are like important equipment these are key items I should probably bring a few recall potions with me I should leave one here there we go and then one here there we go here first impression is the best impression all right yeah welcome back

Epic okay and I put all the food here we isn’t much pineapple all right I still think the cooler this is the coolest feature ever like if I if I press one button it instantly moves to all the chest that has to be the coolest thing ever I wish

Minecraft had that I wonder how long will it take for him to give out on sorting items I’m very very persistent and I love pain I will gladly suffer just to have a perfect inventory would he get a dog I don’t know either know but I wish I could just

Leave the dog to be honest I could like send him to the colonel I put him up for adoption okay that sounds too cruel I generally just don’t don’t like this dog he’s kind of getting annoying I remember you guys said something about NPCs Merchant sell piggy

Bank oh the merchant is gone you went to go become a capitalist somewhere else okay crafting let me craft a few torches what was the tip that you guys said I believe it was like explore during the day and going in the cave during the night was it I think

That was it yeah whoops there we go so that was a tip right yeah okay Merchant is an introvert relatable can I stop these yeah oh yeah oh yeah very oh well I can do anything about craft the H with a bunch of wood then

Click on wood a dirt block I know what it does it rotates the block oh there you are sun is high but my prices are not good sell good sell okay I’m convinced what does this do can be placed oh can I put it and I put it here

Oh oh oh that’s cool oh I love this game there’s so much cool stuff in this game man okay and unfortunately I apologize for my viewers I have to I’m I apologize to my live viewers wait you mean wait wait wait wait he’s tweaking and and end the chest

Because and test wait so I could wait wait wait so how do I access it how do I access it wait how do I use it then hold down all in inventory to favorite items oh that’s cool I like that dude if you guys are going to give me

Tips I’m just going to be amazed for like 10 minutes [Laughter] straight let me put the hammer back here I don’t think we’ll be needing it in the case place it down oh okay I thought you when you guys sit is in like an ender chest so you

Could like you know use it like an extra inventory face on platforms or tables ah okay all right so from the map we unfortunate we explor the dungeon and then you guys made me die because you are [ __ ] but there’s still stuff in the right of it so let’s go see what’s

Over there oh is there a mushroom yeah mushroom stop touching grass don’t tell me what to do I may be an introvert but grass still needs to be touched call you want ask him to watch your stream no thank you H we love saving pain we are secondhand Masterpiece wouldn’t that

Make you say this okay I think we’re just going to be exploring for a while so while we’re exploring I let me guys tell you the story of what happened today okay so so today I got a call from my bank so I thought it was going to be like you know

Usual like scam call you know like people like calling like thinking thinking they’re the bank they make you think they’re your bank okay I’m not I’m oh my God it’s so hard to play and tell a story yeah so I got a call from my bank today and they I

Was like I was like thinking this could possibly like be like a scam call or something but no the moment I picked up they said like hello no oh do you do you have this exact amount of like like money being transferred to your account

In USD and it was like the exact amount I got in ad revenue and I was like oh [ __ ] I I did I forget to pay my okay my first thought was did I forget to pay my [Laughter] taxes so I was like panicking telling

The caller like oh did I forget to pay taxes I’m sorry I’ll try my best to I’ll I’ll make sure to keep up I I didn’t know and he was like what no no no no no he was like no no no no that’s not why I called you sir so

Apparently like in Malaysia there’s a lot of like um I it money laundering problems and people will like apparently like like if you really think about it a YouTuber’s bank account is like very suspicious isn’t it it’s like my bank account all the expense all the expenses

Are really just like games like I bought something online I bought this game online I bought that game online do I take fall damage no I don’t okay and then it’s like the only expenses are like the few games you buy and then suddenly you get a [ __ ] ton of money at

The end of the month like that seems kind of suspicious you know it’s like people really like from the outside from outside from an outside perspective it really looks like you’re money laundering so yeah thankfully I had like basically he just wanted to check that like I wasn’t laundering any money or anything

You know I wasn’t like a secret money laundering and apparently he bought it because I’m actually a money laundering I’m actually I’m actually like a crime Lord and he doesn’t know ladies and gentlemen we got him I swear another content creator I do like that oh oh

Yeah why did you make Minecraft 2D again I don’t know Minecraft looks really fun now pay to win money laundering hello Pig Fox how’s it going I’m going it’s been going pretty good how are you guys how you guys you guys always some of you

Always ask me how my day is going but I think should return a favor how are you guys how how’s your day going guys are you having a great day it’s not mondy laundering if you don’t get caught that’s a spirit there’s a spirit I didn’t really commit a crime

Because they didn’t find it I I I didn’t I didn’t commit a crime because they didn’t catch me committing the crime you know this woke up pretty good yeah ah that means you must be American H glad to hear that play for it except he did get caught and not

Yet okay oh [ __ ] okay then all right then I would you like getting roped there we go put this out of context I love fan Bo in Discord oh don’t worry I’ll make a Discord server soon turkey in here hello welcome Turkish viewers it’s not very often that I meet people from

Turkey you can just keep using a hook to climb I I have chronic skill issue to be able to do that I’m sorry we need Fanboy Discord don’t worry my Discord server is in the making So eventually one of these days you guys will be able to join it

Are you cold Z I’m actually very like scorching hot right now I’m I’m very warm-blooded as a person so I just heard a quack duck where duck where’s duck where is the duck this game is false advertising for real no where’s the duck I hear the Ducks

Oh no it flew away no ducky come Back duck hunt here when is Discord coming though when it’s ready just know that I’m making it at the moment see what is your address please don’t ask that kind of question I’m not into it my address is um Area 51 I work at Facebook all right talk to the old man

At night I’ll talk to him later I’ve been asking forever what phone do you have I plan to change a phone so I don’t I for whatever I tell you now will be outdated instantly you know what’s the funny thing about phones do you guys not

Have ow oh you do take fall damage okay wait could I [Laughter] just I didn’t know you could break this I thought I’d like climb through the dungeon do not talk to the old man at night why not surely he has some like Wise information for me to

Know you fall a lot more before taking fall damage maybe I should have kept like the umbrella is that like a potion oh book book what do books do uh inventory okay uh book what do books do oh his eyes are red I do not trust him why does he have a health

Bar okay if you imagine walking in like in like a dark alleyway at night and there a S Bar appears where is the music different guys I don’t like this I don’t I’m walking this way scorpion scorpions attack me but I attack scorpions everyone have a health bar all right all right I’m

Just suspicious okay imagine like walking to a dark alleyway and sudden like a boss health bar appears I I would immediately be suspicious you know what do books do illiteracy these days I can’t touch guys the book doesn’t have a touch screen dude talk to the old man we need

Content okay you’re you’re not being very sub right now sub right now dude have you beaten the eye of Kulu what the hell is the eye of Kulu you press control it will change your life I remember seeing this it’s like was it like just suffer for the content I’m not

In the mood to suffer yet okay wait no am might explore cave at night wasn’t it yeah hot oh my God it’s another corrupt corruption I don’t like these things guys they’re so creepy have I ever mentioned that like uh anything that’s unsettling is like very very like grow

Ow oh oh oh like I really don’t like this thing guys you are really not being subtle okay you guys are actually kind of spoiling it right now oh look at these things this are like all of you asking me to play terrario whenever I stream another

Game hey Z when are you going to play Terraria again hey Z when are you going to play Terraria again Z have you heard of this game called Terraria maybe you should play it I remember that’s a quick heal option guys press Q right wait no was it hit yeah there we

Go what class are you going to be I still do not know no I’m sorry um okay maybe I have to actually zoom out oh okay that’s not a big of a fall uh-oh uh-oh oh God okay [ __ ] this I’m actually zombie oh nice look

This talk to the old man he will help you in a make make a m dress now okay now I know that you’re not I know you’re not just yeah that is just that’s just not true okay okay also because I know how to make a mid dress myself already I’m

Sorry do you have a pet AR I guess I do have you heard a game of called origin no what word difficulty are you playing probably the easiest one I’m not into playing like super difficult stuff unless it’s for Content you know why don’t you pronounce terella how

You proun to ring I don’t know I also because what the hell f how je second guy okay also because like Um you’re far too weak to defeat my curse come back when you earn so worthless the man literally said I had a skill [Laughter] issue a oh my God the man literally just said skill issue L plus ratio plus skill issue come on man I’m just starting out you don’t

Have to be that mean okay I’m turning on the F this is [ __ ] hot I just got flamed so hard I’m actually feeling the heat um I’m drowning oh look at this does my dog drown can I drown my dog press curse to swear at him what the hell is Curse curse

10 isn’t this a third time playing no it’s my second time actually I genuinely have not played wait wait wait doesn’t mean I I got no moves don’t do it and I draw my dog please don’t take that out of context I’m not a dog drowner I I love puppies

Okay I I love kicking I mean I love kicking I mean I love puppies I love puppies don’t worry I love puppies stars dream recall potion I need to walk back but you never know when you’re going to need these recall potions you know you know you know maybe

I could be fighting the final boss and suddenly I need a recall potion and it’s not there anymore I need to save this things like I save my items in like the an RPG you know you never know when we’re going to need them come back when you earn so worthless

Dude I went out to explore and I and I instantly got [ __ ] on the world is a cruel place don’t worry guys I will provide a safe space for all of you you all are comfortable here I will be whatever you want me to be I’ll be a

Fanboy I’ll be a father I’ll be a mother if you want me to be I’ll be a good friend okay that’s just no I thought something El don’t worry your father is fearless 87 right now damn that’s a new high I think my highest was like 120

Something but I don’t think I need a highest viewer it’s okay it’s okay guys I just want to chill you know I want to learn how to play this game God damn I miss the other nighttime song right I don’t like this nighttime song guys like this night tyod is so ominous

It makes me feel like I actually have to do something important right now I want you to be a Magikarp no thank you will you shut up I’m sorry no I will never stop yapping good and safe father feed me I’ve never been known to feed my feed my children I’m sorry

There infin Rec potion somewhere in the world I we’ll find it out soon I think for now we could probably like just explore okay you stupid dog e oh oh okay torch see this game doesn’t need optify to give me good lighting it’s already a better game see even the

Zombies want to give me lighting see that’s how good of a game this is what what the hell is that oh oh what’s that what that where did it go where did the butterfly go do I have to zoom out or Something what did a butterfly fly well that sucks oops don’t worry everybody’s gone now okay I’m actually dying e okay what is bro doing make a gender potion is legit swapping genders God damn why is reality so disappointing why does Terraria have a gender swapping potion but real life doesn’t have one

Cringe where is the gender swapping potion DLC in real life Man stream when you are not so worthless damn BR harsh oh chest let me off go inject sa the guy you already have enough ad Revenue don’t come and do mine I’m trying my best to read the tips I’m

Sorry you shot I use h g yeah I press h to I believe I think I remember H is like the heal yeah I had the same mindset about recalls now I have 200 recalls of them in my main world but we can make another 200 more the butterfly gives a super

Princess Sparco Wings damn it damn it I should have followed it then you should have told me you should have told me say no more I would have followed it then you start to see grafting recipes all right cost every potion flower which is very expensive right now it is worth it

Are you prontera because I want to shoot my Unholy Arrow at your flower I have no idea what that is you can craft recall potions yeah but they’re not the same you know it’s only when I discover it that’s when it feels good I told you to

Follow it I did where are you going you know what foru kid I’m just going to I’m just going to like explore a cave right now bunny bye-bye remember no spoilers okay little bit of tips is fine just don’t spoil anything especially the old man I would have unironically fell

For it if you guys didn’t tell me what to do pig you Bank oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh a that’s still the coolest thing that’s still the coolest thing I’ve ever seen I’m sorry guys is it true you’re addicted to being a fanboy I’m not addicted I am

One oh oh ah uneven terrain okay can I say no spoilers please okay let me write it down then no spoilers uh tips are okay spoilers are not let me pin it wait I can’t pin my comment what the hell oh I can’t pin my own comment what the hell that’s

Weird God damn it YouTube chat come on no yes ah whatever I can’t pin my own comments for some reason rename your chest oh oh my God Minecraft what are you doing why is Tera so ahead of everything my God what is this feature in Minecraft

Please Minecraft let me put name on the chest stuff okay my God it’s so annoyed to open a chest and all of them are just named chest yeah welcome to my storage there’s chest chest and chest wait oh my God I just took the

Time I just took the time to sort all of them okay I’m sorry guys give me a second I have to do this again clay sand sand dirt snow ice this this and this these are ground blocks ground blocks there we go can you just put signs on the chest

Or item Fram blocks yeah but the sign box will take an entity you know I don’t like that okay let me put these back here and let me put this here there we go Rotten Chunk can I eat this okay that they’re not eating this yeah let put this back here now

Let’s go let’s go mining what was it that you guys said about like crafting like new armor and stuff so I need to get that poisoning okay take do traps if you to detect traps you can do that do that traps actually make you detect traps this is like watching a baby

Discover W because it’s exactly that I’m genuinely I really want go slow the bosses spawn more stronger than you are all right open your presents it’s still Christmas stuff though I don’t know why oh well I’m not complaining I like it you can make pot using iron with the

Pot you can make food using almost anything including Rotten Chunk ah so I have to find iron all right I’ll try my best to find iron in the caves later eat something then sit on a toilet I think I I aware poop blocks lead door gives everyone a let gives

Everyone Le poisoning for opening look guys it’s my I can’t be too harsh on my old game buff Tob would you guys like some gamergirl buff water sword great where’s the armor H I don’t see the armor anywhere oh well okay flaming arrow seems kind of cool I’ll give it a try

Later I don’t think I need it Now you don’t have enough oh okay all right I’ll ask him okay once after this then we go to mine crafting wait you can make gold armor Flink fur coat so this gives me drip gold pickaxe how is it doing four fast speed very we knock back

35% very fast speed so I needs 10 gold axe Gold Hammer guys that looks super cool not going to lie you can buff in a buff top oh [ __ ] game the staff make Cactus armor you can make Cactus armor you can make Cactus armor Cactus workbench

What why did you guys tell me to play this game sooner this game actually makes cactuses cacti actually makes cactuses very useful oh my God remember pressing when they press crafting I know what to I know how to check my crafting on the guy don’t worry you mened SE Workshop what’s a steamwork

Shop there Cactus toilet what Cactus table Cactus s cactus cactus like Cactus candle land turn Cactus chest a I still need some materials that sucks it CCT cactus cactus pickax what the cactus armor this is great but I don’t feel like using it I at a moment okay so how do I make

Armor okay tungsten very fast so it looks like gold is like the better material so far how about lead oh my God this is a lot of things um it should seems like gold is like the best material so far so let’s focus on getting it then wait wait wait

Wait could I upgrade my could I upgrade to a pickaxe then oh I could all right one second guys let’s make a better pickaxe then we go mine I feel like been say a lot at the moment but yeah Cactus toilet no wait until he sees the best

Toilet Cactus armor is better than wood is it aren’t they equally one defense or is that something I’m missing all right I’ll see you uh make it with milk I I drink my coffee with milk and sugar epic coffee with milk and sugar is the best way to drink it in my

Opinion I feel like if you just drink coffee black it’s just coffee juice you know I’m not a fan of that personally personally I Amo you know tungsten there’s no tungsten pickaxe okay let’s make a l pickaxe so what I do with a copper pickaxe do I

Just throw it away or do I keep it try to try to be a melee class I still do not know what that is I’m sorry okay let me see how I can like make you know what for let me go to my YouTube page p and let me write it in

The comments of you guys so I can say don’t spoil don’t no spoilers because I’m actually I actually feel bad for you mod oh my God advertisement okay uh tips are okay spoilers are not okay make sure I don’t SP it can I pin it oh my God I generally just can’t pin

My own comments this is terrible H okay this is genuinely terrible I’m sorry okay we’re back to game I’m sorry youan TOS all right give you your own money pin it spoiler spoiler is something cuz this is genuinely my first time playing so don’t ruin anything like anything that’s

Supposed to be a surprise for me okay I I appreciate the help thank thank you all for the help but please please try to help me in a way that doesn’t spoil things copper so far it just looks like copper is decent but not really too useful book let me put the materials

Here okay all right 69 viewers anything that Z hasn’t found yep okay let me pin okay uh no SP spoilers yep all right I’ll pin I’ll pin Sandy is coming okay thank you Sandy thank you Yan thank you to my mods for like looking up there for

The chat for now Minecraft turn Cactus as THS okay all right all right I’ll make the goddamn Cactus armor since you guys want it so much I a man of the people Cactus armor Cactus helmet it’s a good thing that these things don’t actually show up because my God they look

Ugly this oh wow these things cost a lot okay oh wow there’s no boots in this game do I just throw my old armor then there we go we have Cactus armor attackers [Laughter] oh okay okay hey I see why you guys want to put me to put it on now don’t worry

You don’t worry guys the cactus outfit is not the only thing you put me on I I’ll put on a m outfit if you want me to as well don’t worry mhm you can right click right so I’m know do not make a suspicious looking eye and click on it Sila you’re not

Being very subtle right now if I make a suspicious looking eye and I click on it like does Jack Septic Guy spawn and give me a shout out does he say stuff like top of the morning toadi would this become an Irish live stream wait wait wait what I think we

Can bring is the umbrella let me go back and take the umbrella wait yeah I could just oh did you guys see that that would have looked so cool or beginners is better you guys everyone’s asking me to pick a class but I still do not know know what that is

Come on give let me play the own pce top of the morning to ladies top of the morning to ladies top of the morning to ladies wel my name is jackai Hello Mickey I’ll try my best to read chat I apologize if I’m not reading what you guys are saying it’s like the

Hard part about reading chat is like unfortunately I can’t zoom in on what you guys are saying at the moment or else you like you also zoom in my other Chrome tabs so yeah [Laughter] was looking for umbrella let’s bring the umbrella let’s bring this so far I I am not

Using squirrel I’m not using my Boomerang I do not know when to use it is it basically just like a bow that doesn’t run off arrows don’t worry about a class you figure out what’s best for you in time yeah don’t worry about it thank you thank you that’s a helpful advice thank

You very much picture turtle thank you put Dart traps in a hot bar all right all right I will there we go I still can’t get over like terraria’s music terrar music is so cheerful I really like it um good weapons is that melee range Summoner oh so is it like purple is

Highlighter that’s ranged and then wait by the same color but the same I thought I thought it’s was going to be like green is colored as melee and then purple is ranged I I’m actually clueless now melee melee magic range damage okay there we go color is Rarity ah okay okay um Wow you know when I you know when I first heard this song I actually really didn’t like it because it was like really creepy but now I love it it’s so atmospheric you know Ambience Ambience color there the cooler the color looks the Rarity it is oh hiya

H oh [ __ ] I accidentally clicked on chat is that a goldfish wow it does this thing yeah okay I’m starting to think Boomerang is actually a pretty good item remember no spoilers no spoilers I have to scream it in the chat wait is that a bat so is this basically just 1 Point

1.8 combat where I just Spam click and apparently does better this is damage type in description yeah I saw uh uh Magic damage there we go wow I see gold ha oh my God this stupid world I hate the worms so much the worms are so annoying to fight they’re like the the

Phantoms of like Minecraft you know they’re like Phantoms of Minecraft because they’re not easy to kill but at the same time they’re not really that big of a threat anyways they’re just like absolute like pieces of [ __ ] and nothing else you know that’s how I feel about them is it coming

Back [ __ ] off [ __ ] off he’s getting worse don’t say it like that okay all right is that a d is that snail The Immortal snail guys oh I remember there’s a glow stick for this I guess I won’t need a one for now I just drained this entire part lot of water caves

Put another torch torch that torch torch there we go very me guys I’m sorry okay this sus I improve your vision that’s what I would say I don’t think you guys are doing a good job like being anti- spoilers I’m sorry there’s a railway down below you I know Oh 100 boo slime nice do something happen if I kill like a lot of slimes what if I told you I I’m purposely getting hit just so I could hear my character mode I’m joking guys I’m I’m joking guys I’m joking every spoiler gets time so

They can’t chat until the end of stream good idea good idea okay remember no spoilers okay anyone spoiling it for me gets [ __ ] timed out for 24 hours we are in accordance with that right you guys want to see me suffer if you guys want to see me suffer let me

Suffer I will have to learn oh oh my God very vake nons spoilers as long as it doesn’t like ruin a surprise it does it work no it doesn’t oh my God slimes go away I’m trying to play the game you stupid slimes my God go to some other anime

Woman I don’t want to I don’t want to be in your hand High damn it I [ __ ] think I screwed up guys your aiming is cool I can send sarcasm my guy what the hell is this what one second guys I’m struggling to put down blocks [ __ ] off you stupid

Slime out was it was it control my God okay we need to switch out one of these weapons I don’t think I need a bow this this and then blocks oh my God hya there we go the mother Slime by the way I hate the mother slime

But when I run out of jail it always delivers there a mother slime what the hell is a mother slime is it because I can’t reach it dude there we go wasn’t that hard was it right click the rails there we go wait wait oh I found more copper I don’t want

Copper oh i f as F oh there we go how do I get out again was it Escape no it’s down no um guys how do I escape it again guys how do I escape e thank you thank you r no okay oh wait wait wait wait can I do

This oh I can’t that sucks oh put one here there we go that works all right is this a m shaft probably abandoned M shaft wait there’s a trap block need remember hi can’t remember when he finds out there’s no Birch in Terraria I don’t know why everyone keeps

Talking about camera I don’t think we make similar enough content for there to be that much of an intersect you can hold on shift to auto correct what I don’t know what that did you it you can’t remove debuffs yeah this [ __ ] dog is a debuff he’s just following me and doing

Nothing if if I wanted something to follow me at least make it a fox or a cat you know why dog h i your name sounds familiar so R but I don’t fully remember yet but if you chat a little bit more I’ll remember you it’s a bit hard for me to remember

VI names I the funny thing about me is I have like very terrible short-term memory but very good long-term memory you know so it’s like if you tell me something it’s very likely that I’ll instantly forget it very fast but if you tell me like but for some reason I could

Still remember what I did in kindergarten I could still remember what I did in elementary school the people I talk to the the faces of how they look like like the faces of how they look like 15 years ago I could remember all the mean stuff I said I could remember

All the dumb stuff I said but tell me like remind me to like tell remind me to like wake you up in like 20 minutes and for some reason I forget hell yeah how much does I have now 160 what do people ask do you remember

Me I guess like people do people like it when a streamer like remembers them you know it makes them feel part of the community what’s that I don’t mind it personally I don’t think it’s okay to ask that but like do set your expectations a bit more shortterm memory lost movement yeah just

Set your expectations I’m not exactly the best at remembering stuff what the hell is this what’s this what is this I don’t know but I’m vibing to music is that Emerald it is pogers we found Emerald we found Emerald we can start the village of slavery that thing will be useful for

Crafting but I don’t see any crafting recipes here though yeah I don’t see any crafting recipes here don’t get too many Life Crystals all right yo let’s go trade so first first M yep thank you thank youan yeah I remember that guy an idiot the an idiot guy the an idiot guy was

Like heavy back sitting heavy back seting so yeah um remember no spoilers okay let me get surprised let me die I want to feel pain give me the pain hurt me why did it did the water just turn yellow why does walking over there turn the water to

Piss Smash It Hammer desert biome ah apparently apparently desert desert is like reverse Jesus instead of turning water instead of turning water into sparkling water in no water into what what am I saying instead of turning water into uh wine they turn water into piss you jellyfishes hurt

You well I have to hurt them first oh give me a glow stick apparently what’s that is that that garbage or something I have no idea what just happened okay e e there we go those sticks are fairly made I like them in fact I wish

Like I wish like I had like more glow scks in real life glow sticks are very fun to play with for like the first 10 minutes I guess and then you get bored of it so okay fair enough fair enough fair enough can how do I make this dog stop

Following me I really don’t like this dog I really like this song now in fact I like it more than the terraria what the fck I just heard bats guys I hate if there’s anything like the last playr taught me is that like uh bats are

Um what was it bats Vats are very annoying okay right click the icon what Icon yeah there we go right click what icon press right click on the icon on the top left what what is bro cooking if item me quick make the dog follow you oh wait wait wait below hot bar other left guys I’m sorry I’m very directionally challenged the other left

Press the dog icon below your hot bar to get rid of the annoying oh thank you guys okay my God thank you you guys are very helpful thank you thank you all for the help have a few hugs and kisses a like have a hug and kisses from this cute fan booy

Oo I feel like people are never going to help me after I said that y we killed dog hell yeah Z please play the fong in the future live stream I will don’t worry I feel like if I keep playing the funk I like to save the funk for like

Actual funny moments you know if I overplay the funk music it won’t it would just start get start to get old fast what’s this Le or hell yeah guys we’re making it out the Le poisoning with this one you have the merchant yet I do oh oh okay I would say one

Thing oh there more lead it should looks like so far lead and like um what was it called lead and gold it should looks like lead and gold are becoming like the more important material so far oh cool anyways oh no anyway oh Bonk guide him in the right direction is super obvious

OB easing but struggling yep uh David cley has the right has the right track you like if you think it will be fun for me to find out by myself then oh whoops I never mind we can work with that what’s this is glowing oh that’s tungsten nice wait I need to

Breathe I love YouTu Channel but I don’t fall F so engaged anymore I love your YouTube channel but I don’t feel so engaged anymore so I don’t want to hate this is it wa sorry what whatever if you don’t if you enjoy the video so far that’s fine you

Know I can’t force you to like my content I think that’s perfectly fine if you don’t like my content then I’m sorry I hope to see you in the future at least I hope like I make something engaging in the future that you come back but until then I hope to see you

Later uhoh uhoh uhoh oh TCH hungen is op tungston is like L than bad what better than lead and worse than gold oh press all F4 to win the game very funny very funny I’m not falling for that where that stupid world wow where’s that

Worm is this amethyst yes oh my God it’s literally the Phantom it just it Minds its own business that comes here at the most annoying timing possible and I just runs away this piece of [ __ ] does it run away when when I equip a weapon you cannot re chat this in this game

Yeah I had to warn people to like not spoil the game for like [ __ ] 10 times already and it’s just spoiling the game there’s no way around that yeah platinum gold Tung let go you piece of [ __ ] there we go there we go I remember this way let me to like

Another biome let’s go explore that way copper tin iron lead silver silver copper Plum when faran I have a stream schedule on my community tab dude I said every every Sunday is a Minecraft stream come on guys check check the [ __ ] Community tab oh my

God it’s hard not to spoil when you have 900 hours in this game okay but you have I’m pretty sure you have enough restraint in you to not spoil things okay you’re better than that I believe in you just think about it were you excited when you found that up for yourself you

Know that’s how I like to see it oh my God [ __ ] off you stupid slime dude this game has a lot of annoying mobs cor uses don’t waste your time mining it okay you should get fixed boy no the next person asking to use a get fixed boy might actually get a time

That’s actually start get annoying can you whip the N watch me na there we go okay everyone wants me to do the get fix but at this point I’m just not going to do the get fix by seed out a spiked oh so apparently don’t get copper right

Copper isn’t even as useful as it isn’t even as useful as it is in Minecraft here so oh copper is as useless as Minecraft copper but that’s a very low bar pong okay I’m this doesn’t do that much damage can you at least do it just a regular guy wait what do what

At 100K spawn in Copper too so yeah useless all right in that case ignore all copper lead come on give me the lead poisoning I want I’m in the mood to get lead poisoned here blood just use platforms for bridging it I will not do the getrick spicy anymore just because everyone

Keeps asking me to do it I’m sorry don’t spoil the progress please don’t spoil it okay oh this blue slime is fast remember no spoilers I I appreciate the tips I’m very thankful that all of you helping me but don’t spoil the game okay I want to discover it for myself

Tungsten do want 100k things what bosses did you already defeated none of them zero bosses defeated I’m still fairly new give me give me a break okay I’m trying my best please go down for it oh my God you stupid wor get off there we go okay

There we go most block self on nothing so not everything is useful per performance optimiz is way better than Minecraft it is like Minecraft I had to like uh set like a lot of like performance mods I had to for Minecraft I had to install sodium I had to install

Lithium I had to install optify I have to install invidium I have to install like uh memory leak fix and everything and here so far Terraria is just pure smoothness I haven’t lagged a single time yet oh more health I really I’m guessing like it’s probably like

Um oh my [ __ ] God oh my God I’m guessing it’s probably like a single car thing like when Minecraft was made by Notch it was coded to be a single car game so like they couldn’t like change the code to make it multicore anymore I’m assuming that’s the case because like

Otherwise I really don’t see the reason as to why they haven’t like upgraded the optimization of the game yet especially after 1.13 1.9 crashed game’s optimization so much I will not uh I will not invite anyone to join the server I’m sorry actually wait I appreciate the help though I

Appreciate that people wants to help me like with the game but I I want to experience Terraria for myself you know I want to experience the fun of like learning how to play Terraria oh oh Rope Rope Rope there we go there we go wait rope can go through

Box no it doesn’t never mind please Place 1,000 torches down for the meme I’ll do it later don’t worry oh more emeralds do emeralds actually are emeralds actually used for trading or is it just or or or did I just actually guess [ __ ] off you stupid worm my

God there we go my God these are the most annoying M so far this game has bats this game has slime this game has the worms guys traveling Merchant has Departed yeah go away I don’t want to buy a shitty stuff ow have you touched grass today I

Have thank you very much there we go where are all these worms coming from Wow emeralds can be sld for a big box all right all right okay there’s no trading there’s only buying ah okay Ooh let me look at a map oh so I’m pretty deep never mind I thought we were down pretty deep and then I saw the [ __ ] I saw how little we actually explored I I think you forgot Life Crystal all right I did whoops I’m dring there we go drag

Items into asm’s inventory to so all right you lose life experience I don’t need the merchant to have some life experience I’mma learn all the lessons myself okay this why can I climb this there we go we can make better hooks to fiser items never miss a life Crystal I

Forgot where it was think was back here let me equip this for faster I am speed placing the banners you get from 50 oh so if I kill something I get a banner out of it all right all right okay sort see minecra will never let me

Sort the inventory what was it what was the hearts I forgot where where the heart container were there we go somewhere on here is this second ter I have one no this is the second one you’re on track keep your coins in a merchant for for your coins to stay

Safe I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m sorry H you have missed one oh wait no yeah you missed one this is the second Terraria stream I’ve already streamed it once oh oh oh yeah there we go you should dig straight down because you know what’s under you no thank you I’m

Pretty sure I I’m pretty sure some rules apply here some rules in Minecraft are applying Terraria as well was there something here is that more lead yeah we’re finding a lot of lead tonight for some reason the game really wants us to get poisoned you should get lead poisoning now H

H why are you not reading my comments I’m trying my best to read everyone’s comments I’m sorry but I have my limits but you but then Silva the first message you said when you entered my chat was shut up so what else do you want me to do now hello arushi oh my

God can you just come here so I can kill you and can we can get this over with you [ __ ] ass [ __ ] there we go thank you big gold ORS get platforms place two platforms close to each other and oh what get two platforms place two flaps close to each other place the

Piggy bank on them and put all your money into it break it all huh okay I guess I just had the best taco my life oh I’m glad to hear that oh my God it’s [ __ ] bad I’m glad to hear I’m glad to hear that uh I’m GL to hear that rare

Rage I you know how I sit like my favorite food was like spaghetti konara I’m still finding for the best spaghetti cabonara I’ve eaten and so far like I I’m still looking okay some places like spaghetti cabonara the SP konar is very light and it’s basically like just like a a a light

It’s basically like a juice in a way it’s like they make spaghetti and then they sprinkle like creams cream juice over it it’s very thin it’s very light and then some places the spaghetti cabut is so thick that me just eating it once I feel like I just like gain a few

Thousand calories ow oh W [ __ ] jellyfish is hurt so yeah I’m still trying to look for the best I’m still trying to look for the best spaghetti cinara and I’m open to any suggestions if anyone like knows any you want to write a mine cart yeah we should kiss ah there we

Go okay this place sounds weird but I want to explore this place what the hell is that is this just a big vein of like tungsten it is oh my God God we have found the tungsten F what that is this mining thing just I’m just mining my own

Business is that kiss that fart do do you think I have enough of like time to like [ __ ] take off my pants and fart that was a kiss there we go explore more and find underground okay you need to go deeper I’m trying we in boys

Chunk need to take out your pants to fart apparently so never mind forget I said anything listen okay I’m sorry okay I’m not very good at public speaking okay so the one advantage of like being a YouTuber is like you have you basically has you basically have infinite takes

You know you know so if I like say something stupid in my like YouTube video I can edit it out and say it again whereas in twitch stream I have to like manage how to play the game and look at you guys like speaking as well and it’s

Really hard like I’m not used to public speaking so you guys you guys have to like watch the evolution of Z I would say it’s a lot of things one problem is I use a lot of filler words words like um uh like uh this so you know stuff like that

Those are filler words I keep adding filler words into my like conversations see I just did it and it really like dilutes the stuff I want to say if that makes sense oh hello butterfly wait know that’s a bat [ __ ] off SP bat did I hit it from here and I hit it

From here notice the music and scroll up we found some kind of like blue glowy City giving surface advice as long as you’re not like spoiling anything that like a first Tim would not know you know oh my God back off this the mushroom bio can I make spaghetti cabonara of this bio

Oh that’s cool Ow like God are all the bats this annoying in the game okay money Rel I no longer have to want people saying mushroom biome thank you I’m sorry youan you’re you’re being I’m giving you way too much work right now thank you so much my friend ha oh

Wow all where R there we go black slime every single type of bats is the most annoying thing you ever see in this game on the bright side at least bats are like at least they have the balls to fight me you know my God worms are the

Most annoying I have seen all game they somehow managed to make the Phantoms in Terraria actually wait no since Terraria came out what the hell I have no idea what that is okay they somehow managed to make Minecraft somehow managed to make an an annoying mob like the [ __ ] worms this is so

Stupid of all the things they could like bring over they bring over one of the the most annoying things in the game in my opinion anything that poisons are way worse possibly I haven’t St when I P it yet attack to Bar get hit by black slime

Oh do black slime like give me Darkness or something hiya hiya H I like this song it feels very great that is that Sapphire no up there it is we found Sapphire what do these like uh gemstones do like what are amethyst what are emeralds what are sapphires used

For welome back PRS there’s more of this biome just below you oh icons with red are debuffs all right I get it oh I’m more amethyst like in a game I play called Blockheads it when it goes like amethyst Sapphire Emerald Ruby and then diamonds so I’m guessing is Terraria the same

Oops there we go ha there we go gems are for spell staves and clo and cloaks all right lose control to turn off auto Auto Select mode all right control there we go I would say I one part I don’t like about this song is the part where it

Just does the [ __ ] drifting sound see this part it really sounds like I’m fuing playing csai drift though or something I should probably dig deeper I’m trying to find gold [ __ ] off also yeah if you can’t tell oh it’s a snail there’s no longer a snail okay

Going to magic mushroom land all right there a terrara Wiki um I know that I just don’t want to check I just feel like there’s no point spoiling yourself for everything you know there we go you need a bunk nut okay is that oh my God I really hate the worms guys they’re

So annoying no mushrooms is child there no longer snail guys this is another squangle kind please don’t ban me you have been down there for quite a bit maybe you should grab touch grass at the surface no thank you I am a gamer I allergic to Grass oh [ __ ] I just threw

My glow stick oh I found gold okay it sure looks like um wooden platforms might actually be a lot more useful than I give them credit like I feel like wooden platforms are very good in this game right I believe like cuz building things off them is very hard

Right now I feel is that a scull hello hex Z secretly has a thing for these wors no I am I do not blow mushroom have more Life Crystals I think this is just where the mushroom biom man ow yo Yoo he he look at this guy skeleton is that craw

That I really don’t like that sound bers how did you live surprisingly I survived with six Health Z means borders up there we go oh can I build I can guys I just found out the meta I see where the boulders is dropping from it’s like Boulders that

Indicate of like treasure somewhere and they doing over 200 damage probably the cactus armor saved me thank you thank you to everyone who suggested the cactus armor then your prickly attitude save me what a prick okay I’m sorry I’m sorry guys no bats mod that’s a no bats mod an

Ironically I kind of want to try right now but I I would rather have like a no worms mod at this point cuz worms are so goddamn annoying look at this thing yeah that’s the part of the song I Don’t Like sh okay go what’s over here what the hell is that

Sound oh looks another one of These this is low growling sound they going back to surface no than not yet I know I know you can write them I just don’t feel like writing them yet ah [ __ ] it wow wow wow what the hell is that what is this is this a

Spider okay guys I don’t like this game I don’t like this game anymore guys [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out it’s a spider oh my God there we go here are there we go okay away Spiderman moment if we have a look away for a bit um anyone who has

A rnof phobia Look Away we just we we just stumbled upon a spider stream died my stream’s fine on my end for now hold on let me drag this closer okay so I can see it better stream’s fine yeah hello EXO welcome to the stream you can arrive I’m playing Terraria stream is

Fine mod block so so just mud blocks that glow Sil block dude how many types of blocks does this game have hello Noki um oh oh okay um wait do I just what the hell is that can I fight it [ __ ] off bat what you think This Is 2020 is it

Corona again [ __ ] do they fight me oh my God they do oh my God they hurt don’t fight it a bit too late for that ref that advice would have been helpful a bit earlier but thank you this game has enough types of blocks how long is this stream going to be

Possibly 4 hours the dirtiest dirt get like one see this is what you call limit testing okay I never would have known I could have fight it if I didn’t fight it if I die then uh I die I know I die guys D all the bats are just flocking over

Here I thought you were going to die to poison don’t worry I’m way tougher than that I’m not that bad at the game don’t worry ow ow ow ow okay all right there we go kill back exp this whole biome is worth it all right let’s

Some people telling me to go back to like explore like the mer what the merchants oh wow this very big it’s so big it’s it’s so big okay I’m sorry for my I’m sorry for my younger viewers it’s so big all right some people telling me to like go back to like

Um some people are telling me to go back to like see what the merchant sells but so far it seems like um so far seems like some of you will want me to like explore first so we’ll do that first I guess I think that’s another what’s this

Cting so far it doesn’t look like these Alters these things do much I think they Alters at least like from what I’m looking so far hya all right give me a second uh wait let me see wait wait wait how do I pause there we go one second

Let me put it here uh start Q&A um tips are okay thank you for helping but no spoilers I think this should work right let me see if it works okay it does right wait a minute is it just crash my [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it never mind okay let

Me let me look for Sandy n’s message no I really do not damn it after finish I you plan on being moded maybe but it didn’t crash it’s just um I tried to pin a message but apparently that message crashes to like the stream chat apparently so is that a dead man’s chest

Okay ow there we go it’s not so bad okay they stream going to be till 12 I do not know okay it’s just a Goen chest I thought it was a Dead Man’s Chest tungsten bar what’s this throwing knife the wer can run super fast what do I have equipped oh this is

Cool heres boots her boots heres boots you guys are saying it’s good I’m going to trust you guys on that what’s this thing is it an anvil Anvil statue okay so it’s useless this [ __ ] my god did you just drop a bow St strong Boomerang it just gave me even stronger Boomerang holy

[ __ ] okay maybe bats aren’t so bad after all har boots you guys are saying POG I’m going to trust you guys on that oh another Crystal I have 160 right now oh my God okay never mind bats are Absolut this absolutely [ __ ] I need to get used to using the hot bar

I’m not [ __ ] okay I’m going to trust you guys is there another one in the water move up move up there we go okay loot all extractinator placing s placing Sil slash fossil PS into the extractinator turns them into something more useful oh to tip it says material

Oh so I can craft this into something cooler I’m assuming that’s what it means Riley the tring merchant has departed yeah let him leave okay dude I’ll say one thing I don’t like about like [ __ ] Terraria is the fact I could be like mining my own business

And then suddenly like just some like [ __ ] just comes up behind me and I now I have to fight them I know it’s like a chronic like issue of like get good but still you know I like to M peace I just see gleaming over there no flooding the chat

Yeah I I know people I said like Hermes boots like it’s a material so I guess I could upgrade it into something more useful later so we’ll see we’ll see next stream Sunday yep next stream is Sunday I’ll be skipping Saturday I’ll be hanging out with my high school

Friends you know what’s funny guys um you know what the funny story I’ve heard is like people told me that I would like meet friends for life in college and like my high school friends wouldn’t matter as much and I would say funny thing is for me it’s actually the

Other way around I my the best parts of my life the highlights of my life were in high school I feel like high school was like the best time of my life is high school is like a time of me like discovering uhoh okay well I guess the story we have to

Wait we’re going through a blood moon at a moment the story we have to wait guys I’m I’m going through a Blood Moon I’m panicking actually wait if if is is blood moon and I’m like Jesus turn water into wine you can ignore blood moon all

Right all right okay yeah I guess I could it only increases spawns all right so I guess I can continue my story then so the funny thing about like is a lot of my high school friends I still keep in contact with them like I’ll be really busy with YouTube and everything

But I’ll always like find time to like hang out with my high school friends because like for some reason like I felt like the most connection to it them and also there’s a lot of reasons as well I guess it’s like high school was a time

Of puberty so there was a lot of like self-discovery it was like me discovering what I’m actually interested in it was me discovering like who I actually want to keep in my life and stuff like that you know and then whereas like college unfortunately I studied a levels

So I didn’t have much friends in a levels because everyone was just so busy [ __ ] studying and everything like the only thing we ever talked about was studies there was a little bit of like like friendship around but it wasn’t like but unfortunately they we just like

Went out of contact later you know so yeah who’s he talking to I’m talking to you guys like I’m talking to a stream you know Roos yapping what a CH is telling him yeah you miss the Life Crystal guys I know you guys want to

Help but at least they want to tell a little bit of stories you know just chat a bit you know okay the Friendship is not strong enough no power of friendship it double speed I’ll see you later slon okay take right you miss the Life Crystal Life Crystal in

Pool all right right we’ll go back for the life CST though what subject do you take in a levels what the hell is that oh I really don’t like that song what subjects I take I took uh three sciences and Mathematics out Darkness he picky man so far did you

Know power friendship can change your sexuality I guess maybe kind of okay oh my God go away so yeah I’ll would say like my advice to a lot of you watching right now if you want my advice it’s like don’t like let someone like tell you how your life should be Liv

Some people say like college should be like where you meet your friends for life sometimes it’s just not the case you know people we all lead different lives so don’t let like someone tell you like oh so don’t be disappointed if like college wasn’t what you expected and everything so yeah I’ll say

That um I’m doing good Leo I’m having a pretty decent day so far I’m trying to learn how to like be a streamer I’m doing the streamer life and I’m learning a terar at the same time so you know I’m having fun yeah if a mod or if I

[ __ ] off you worm okay if a moderator or if if I remove your messages please don’t send that same messages again okay what’s this water walking potion oh I guess I’m out of inventory let me just block this off so I can sort out my inventory a bit

Okay can I make a platform there we go mushroom platform and then someone one of you said I put down like a pigy bank right when will you think we be this game in like [ __ ] 10 years maybe H Australian maybe uh so do I do I just throw everything

Inside do I just throw everything inside put all money in there okay store your money in a bank coins plac in pigy bank can be used at all times ah everything you need especially valuables all right I’ll open these later and then I’ll put a okay one person said like don’t go

Over 200 health so I’ll heat the advice for now mushroom torch teleportation potion teleport you the random okay that sounds very dangerous credit card IRL dark traps can detect wires connected TR so is wir is trapped all right all right oh listen okay I’ll listen to you on

That gold or bomb blink root clay block cop web dirt block I’ll keep the dirt blocks for a building I’ll keep the banners I keep this and I kick the shackle and I’ll keep the deal though I don’t use it [ __ ] it let’s let’s take the d though [ __ ] it oh

Going to 200 Health can cause some messages to appear all right this this a snail statue what is your Minecraft username Z YouTube okay sort the inventory very spicy messages all right I’ll keep my uhoh oh ho I might die here guys okay never mind apparently the easiest way to fight

Monsters is just wave them their big stick nice blood moon spot rate moment is a good idea to okay now mind I’ll I’ll I’ll live to the pain I like it when I’m in pain okay we are fast red husk wonder what this is used for is there any anything

Deeper think that’s a little bit more deeper imagine he still dies all right make sure you place campfire when make sure you place campfires when fighting bosses because those reg heal all right I’ll keep that in mind but you’re a little bit optimistic AR aren’t you huh Pro dog

Assuming you’re assuming I can even fight bosses without dying you’re very optimistic in me you believe in me thank you my friend all right all right what’s over here bir spawn R does not aect on ground oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uhoh uhoh uhoh I’m drowning in blood wait

E okay never mind I got this i got this i got this saved don’t worry guys I got this I’m not that bad at the game yet ew copper grapple [ __ ] off that uhoh blood moon on a skeleton en chant I have no idea what you’re talking

About okay there we go I’m so proud of you thank you my guy thank you mums is it still blood moon I think blood Moon’s probably over already there we go you should use your hook to climb out of holes yeah I should probably do that oh they become smaller slimes so

Just like Minecraft or maybe or maybe Terraria did first never mind I’ll explore the spider hole later can you do goblin Invasion Goblin is nuts no I’m serious no what the hell is what the hell is a goblin Invasion I’m not sure oh gold found gold is that a salamander it

Is oh God here they come okay that’s that problem solved okay my god do people not get the hint no spoilers oh oh there we go heal just in case do you see corruption Al try to mine it with a hammer I don’t have a hammer at the

Moment the pin message is gone I know uh Yan can you send a message saying no spoilers and then so I can pin it for some reason YouTube doesn’t let me pin my own messages my God looking hell some of Y have no restraint for spoilers man gold we’re rich we’re rich

Lads uhoh here he comes okay that was pretty PR easy say wish oh my God I got ambushed okay that is very close my God healing is very here rich boy you honestly you dying less than I did when I started thank you that’s very high

Praise hey okay let me pin it let me pin the message thank youlan thank you so much they’re meant to be rare okay let me tell you something okay we played Don’t Starve I play those we played don’t star for the first time and apparently I got a four% chance mini

Boss so um if salamanders are supposed to be rare don’t worry I will find [Laughter] it I do you like your channel I’m new here thank you impan void hope you enjoy your stay here I’m trying to make variety work it’s going to be tough but um I guess I

Welcome the challenge Z has Ron Jesus on his side more like reverse R Jesus you know what happened when I stumbled upon the 4% chance the 4% chance boss in like Don’t Starve I [ __ ] died three times it was not a good time I absolutely just got absolutely [ __ ] on

Apparently this is like aing mid game Boss that I found in the early game so that’s that you should make a gold watch later I have no idea what that is okay okay guys guys since like the goblin invasion is apparently like a big spoiler every time someone spoils it and

Asks like wait day when are you going to do the goblin Invasion which I do not know of just say like Goblin these nuts or something everyone spam Goblin these nuts once okay don’t spam it just say it once just like [ __ ] these nuts their ass my God no spoilers please Goblin these

Nuts you can get out now [ __ ] hell I come in here you all you all were like pressuring me to [ __ ] explore the mushroom biome the moment I explore it you all want me to get out what is this tree this is like a very tough tree is it breaking it’s a stone

Tree allows the control of gravity Yeah please stop spoiling things I want to explore the game by myself as much as possible I appreciate the help though I really like thank you thank you for all your help so far um looks like nothing’s important on there see like they going to last of us

Um I could them to the chest to the list I haven’t actually played last of us or last of us too so this will be interesting to find out control gravity as your own Gravity by the way how do you turn slow mode off I’m keeping it on keeping it on so it’s

Easy to moderate and also because and also so I can like read as much as your messages as possible okay who whoever said that the salamanders are rare that was like my [ __ ] 10 that’s like six [ __ ] salamander already with those ropes you can make rope bundles I think it’s called you can

Tooll them and make a large line of rope basically all right I apologize if I’m not reading your message I it’s a bit hard for me to keep track I’m still like so yeah I okay let me just say it right in here okay I really apologize if I’m

Not reading your messages I’m I’m very beginner I’m a very beginner stream okay I’m trying my best I’m trying my best I’m I will read all your messages as much as I can okay hi from Indonesia there’s a Indonesian guy yeah it’s just like I Hello from Hello from IND hello

To my Indonesian viewers I guess it’s just like I feel like my nationality doesn’t matter I’m someone who doesn’t give a [ __ ] about where I’m from you know oh so who who who said that these things are rare like my God hi from Thailand hi from planet

Earth read this nuts got him okay let me let me look at the map looks like there’s a big cave over there and then there’s some spot beneath there okay guys I’m not very good C I’m sorry salamanders have a red drop but they’re not rare themselves ah all right

Okay I from the Netherlands hello hello oh hey I’m Z I’m not from the Netherlands he’s getting so help him Zoom present present hya hya okay where was the cave it was that way okay let’s just dig through here hi from Pluto hi from North Korea do you

Like fried rice uh depends on who’s cooking I’ve tasted some genuinely I tasted some of the best fried rice I’ve ever eaten it’s like doesn’t feel it I’ve eaten fried rice that felt like genuine five star Gourmet Foods and I’ve eaten fried rice that are so terrible I

Would rather eat plain rice so like I said depends on who’s cooking never let bro cook again I I’m inside the walls hello I don’t know if you can hear me what’s your favorite meat um I’m more of a lamb fan I like lamb chops

But I don’t mind the other meat I really like pork as well I don’t mind the I don’t mind the I don’t mind steak um duck depends Fried Chicken is great as well blowing mushroom yeah get out before it’s late that’s wrong with playing rice no I don’t think

There’s anything wrong with playing rice in fact I’m Asian I eat rice like in every meal is that is that gold oh oh oh oh there we go okay I’m just saying like I would rather eat it than like I would rather eat something that doesn’t have

Any taste oh it’s [ __ ] it’s just copper it’s garbage [ __ ] copper can’t catch a brick man in every game it is terrible rice of eggs remember no spoilers spoilers gets to timed out for for 24 hours keep it keep it simple keep it I I appreciate

The help though if you put more rooms in a house more rooms okay all right all right this is something I’ll ask you guys okay so um how do I create a room like what is there like a certain requirements they want like are there like people who [ __ ] about not having a

Toilet and [ __ ] and [ __ ] okay Fright with eggs is a spoiler rice of eggs H guessing that’s okay that’s a little bit more to explore here okay we’ll explore this and then we’ll see where this leads wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys wasn’t there or that I couldn’t

Mine in like the last episode could I could I mine it now if a that pickaxe man this stream is so boring so far I’m I’m I’m trying I’m sorry oh so that’s why it’s kidding me not yet ah well that’s sucks don’t worry guys what’s hurting me okay

Okay I keep getting hit by these [ __ ] sliff blocks okay all right let me throw a glow stick down there how deep is it that is very deep table chair light and wall is all you need to make rooms collect the seal all right okay I’ll collect the sil stone stone cold

Killer okay mindustry is a good game to try it I I’ll see I I’ll give it a write down let me write it down uh mindustry okay all right it appears I’m late better late than ever welcome Ruby what I means done any bosses yet you are way too optimistic in my progress

Dude let me see what’s down here okay what’s your favorite genre of music I don’t have a favorite genre I I think a lot of people like H game play was you doing great Z massive progress right now thank you I do a apologize if it’s not the most

Entertaining thing yet I’m trying my best to keep it entertaining I want to tell a bit more life stories but apparently oh well we got the content we got the content Lads the boulder I died to Boulder chan oh now I’m entertained [ __ ] hell it took me dying to entertain you guys to

R finally he succumbs to the boulder I only dropped like a few those bees oh there lady box okay I kind of want to have like a you know what I want to have guys and go talk to the guy entertaining stream now guys crafting let’s go make a gold

Watch I don’t need to tell the gold watch I could just look at the sky a GF nah dude if I want if I would if I wanted to get into dating I want a BF my dude no I want to make a basement I was thinking like make a basement for

All the statues CU like the eye statue just looks distracting here at a moment so I was thinking I could like make like a um how tall is it two was it four blocks uh one two three 4 five so 1 2 3 4 5 classic expert possibly very likely

Classic no basement for kids what are you talking about the kids the kids will have all these B all these [ __ ] the kids will have the kids can look at at all these statues and think about their life because they won’t be having any let’s see there’s a ruler you can

Use to measure distances once again why doesn’t Minecraft have these oh my God I have been asking for a feature like this in Minecraft forever oh my [Laughter] God Terraria is such a golden game man if you dig very it start to get very very hot yeah

I’ve played a little bit of Blockheads and I believe you can like go into like the center of the earth over there as well I’m liking this content a veteran Minecraft player playing Teran now that’s good thank you Jeremy all right four parallel universes ahead of

Minecraft I feel like I generally do not wait a minute is it is this is this correct am I is my math skill being used are my mathematic skills being used it is there we go um turn this turn it off trees okay there we go let me make a basement to

Keep all the K kids I mean keep all the statues H H put a clay here b b b b b b b pop popop oh I’m out of wood are you going to switch games with Terraria I plan to go variety but I’ll still play Minecraft don’t worry make a

Bas with the keep all kids epic epic are you just going to be keeping all of my out of context quotes you can actually block swap I’m aware yeah I just ran out of wood Uh Wood Wood Wood there it is let’s make a basement see like there’s so much like

Quality of life stuff I wish Minecraft has like the swapping out blocks thing I wish it was this I wish this was in Minecraft but is not why isn’t it in Minecraft no fright through it yeah remember a little bit of tips and tricks are fine by me just don’t Jo

Don’t literally just spoil my me let’s go he found block swap I already knew the block swap dude don’t just take credit away from me I want to be proud of my own achievements [ __ ] hell I would say Minecraft isn’t really dead I just think like having a low point in

Popularity could make it start having like the dead moments so yeah oh does it automatically used on my pickaxe as well oh go talk to the guy I don’t think that’s I know guys don’t worry you place 100 torches for me my God everyone asking me

To play 100 Tor Place 100 torches you guys are not you guys are not subtle guys you’re very not subtle I’m sorry are they basically the same texture they are all right automatic sword let we put consumable water walking potion so makes me Jesus control gravity s

Fire yeah let’s keep this here for now oper R let’s put one over here and then let’s keep the rest let keep one wait one there we go one one there we go what am I doing what am I doing okay there we go glowing mushroom mushroom put it

Here mushroom here there we go okay the underground jungle is very safe all right have you checked the Beast Theory the what the what okay okay maybe maybe I’m just having like a stupid dislexia moment but for a second I thought you said Mis theity okay let’s see where is my

Crafting table where my crafting a table right where did I put a crafting table [ __ ] it we have we ball there we go Boop pick the book icon next to the emoji icon oh bro doesn’t build his house like like prison cell for NPCs oh you’re right I should probably change that

Then guide Merchant anger old man this heless old man carries the burden of a heavy curse it is said that he transforms into a horrific demon which guards the dungeon oh okay how do I scroll it oh no I guess it’s just the one page yeah I’m very sorry that you have

To time people uh do a lot of work I I I should probably start use bombs for a whole by the way you should kill the angler I would if I could I I like to kill the kids Eugene um what was it that you guess it again it was a chair chair

Light and something walls I’m inside your walls yes I did I killed zombies with zombie Arms Why didn’t it auto sort mushroom platform chair table light walls chair bench table light walls all right I’ll keep that in mind I’ll how much does a table cost again crafting

Table oh it’s just wood okay that’s good can I put down a table here I can can I put down a chair here press the house button above your armor oh housing camera mode ah okay okay thank you thank you is it there we go I have no idea what this

Is let’s just keep it here let’s just keep this here and then let’s prize our statues and then the you can get high in modded Terraria wait that is weed in Terraria wait I always found it funny how a tree * two table costs eight wood

But a 1 * two workbench cost 10 wood what what logic is that okay let’s put the behold the extractinator I hope a scrawny kid like you isn’t all that is standing between us and the kulu’s eye [ __ ] hell why is everyone so mean to me look everyone is just saying like

Z [ __ ] skill issue how do I get rid of the seeds hey [ __ ] it can I just plant over them no I can’t do I hammer the seeds is there any point to trap door or could I just wooden platform everything like I seen some zombies go past the

Doors can some um enemies go past um wooden platform are there enemies that like purposely seek out like killing my NPC are there enemies that purposely look to kill my NPCs is what I’m trying to say s Beast paper get one one day wooden platform everything all right in that case

Nah all enemies kill your NPCs yeah I was hoping that like maybe um all zombies go through Go pass platforms but platforms are much better all right they can go through but just use platforms all right I’ll I’ll listen to that then sorry I really like this song blue slime

Banner oh wow I could just like put everything here whoops wrong lock okay one two all right and then what is it I need I think that’s like that’s windy right okay every time every time the song changes I just immediately anxiety goes 100 very fun all all NPCs say bad about

You all good very fun dialogue I think I’ll make it three Tre will make it Fun we don’t have to make it like we don’t have to put the Villager slavery at the moment okay I’ll take away the table I’ll give Kevin since Kevin’s my guide he gets a little bit of special treatment I guess okay put it here and open where the chair

At where’s the chair where I put the chair they already found out what the eyes is through the merchant must getting timed out about It you are literally please no spoilers no spoilers everyone please okay open all the there we go go to the inventories there we go uh mushroom torch my God this game has so much junk oh my God oh my God H forgot the funny spawns after going Beyond 200 hp Anvil statue place down the Anvil statue please thank you 10 or what a BL what a BL what a blst three days stay well by think do okay crafting so I could like start creating these right oh I could only create

One I could only create one oh my God let me put the tin or back take okay all right now let’s craft ding ding Ding D I like your voice acting thank you there’s more than one type of slime I am aware I have been fighting black slimes I’ve been fighting pink slimes red slimes blue slimes green slimes I am not racist because I have fought every type of slime Slit block okay where was that thing put it there okay let me break the chair can I break the chair while he’s sitting on it hell yeah there we go now let me put the table let me how important are NPCs guys like I’m NPCs like act super important

Or can I just get by without them uh make invisible slime yeah keep keep the chat English only okay thank please keep the chat English only it’s it makes moderating much easier that much easier that way H racist mods some of them are important as hell you can beat the game without

Any NPCs NPCs are really important NP P okay so they’re important but like I don’t need them is what I’m hearing right is at least I think that’s what you guys are saying so far Aiden the merchant has traveled here where’s Aiden oh hello Aiden would you like to join the slave labor

Squad okay put this here put this here put this one two three okay I’m making a decent enough home for these dip shits okay I guess all is left is walls walls wait let’s make a few doors um door door door door door door the four there we

Go also it’s not English most people don’t really understand so it’s not really adding any value yeah please keep the the chat in English for now unless I specifically speak in another language in which case I can moderate it myself but depends some NPCs are important if you want to buy weapons

Or important crafting all right hello Joseph uh for beginners NPCs are crucial NPCs make the game a whole lot easier useful but not necessary okay all right I’ll keep that in mind thank you everyone you’re very kind okay put the chest here I guess one other thing that helps is like Terraria

You guys mentioned that like uh the inventory go UPS to 99,999 right so truthfully speaking I won’t need a lot of space for storage don’t I I could just have like a very like um I could just have like a group of like probably like three three

Columns what is it columns three rows of like chest and that should be enough I think or or would there be much more objects that that I’m not aware of Aiden how you doing my guy meet me behind Kevin’s house in about 3 hours what does it sell me extendo grip

10 gold should I get this guys I don’t think I can even afford it h you will need a lot of storage around 20 chest each all right all right okay Life form Analyzer the crafting station era being unoptimized don’t worry I’ll optimize it in the future lifeform analyzer very good tiger skin chalice the come chalice please don’t take that out of context Ultra bite torch best vanity item the life form analyzer is a must buy life form analyzer life form

Analyzer life form analyzer life form analyzer okay all right all right all right I can’t take the Hit get life from analyzer okay let me sort out the [ __ ] oh my God inventory is not my strongest suit I’m sorry guys yeah never mind it stays here um hello Eugene oh so he’s waiting for the walls right okay let me put up the Walls I inside your walls whoop boop boop can I not put it down I guess I need to place down like wood first okay okay wood then and then and then where’s the plat I’m out of platforms okay needs upper block too ah okay all right I get it thank you keep the

Analyzer in your inventory do I not put it down oh why is it throwing my Boots okay put the gel here what’s your main weapon the massive zombie arm and the strong Trident and then if I have to go if I have to go range I use the boomerang it works in your inventory okay all right I I’ll keep that in mind

I’ll TR this B High I only need another one wait is it a giant bow wait it’s the same giant bow okay H do I have a spare table no do you use umbrella to negate fall damage I do guys the music changed it’s not dangerous music is

It candy cane sword does it do more damage I think it does 19 melee damage should I swap should I swap it then oh wait no it’s slower okay boss fight music is just Dawn music okay secret boss is coming why are you guys G making me panic okay amethyst keep the

Amethyst there we go put the amethyst over here put it here amethyst gold emerald slit block let’s give this thing a try go away go away how do I use it oh that’s something I like that I like it I like it quick stack iron I got

Iron shows nearby rare mobs like red enemies are good ah okay it’s Town music no Aiden left everyone leaves me Platinum I do I have enough or do I have enough to cross Platinum oh I do nice iron equals lead bar has he fought the I already I plan to I I’m try

To we’re here for you thank you epic out click items to block trashing and putting away way huh by the way wases the water bucket do anything copper equals tin so tin isn’t that useful is what I’m hearing H does the water water rocket do anything uh tree

Trunks oh throw it away then water bucket places water oh oh okay thank you have you played rain world no I have not iron is less than lead bar for some reason lead has better stats lead is the same as iron H please play rain World I’ll play in

The future do take it easy the you know [ __ ] night is coming soon make your choices where you can oh is all his ass [ __ ] I can make a sink nice H wall there we go oh it’s the thing again it’s control right yeah there we go wait put it for the NPCs

First there we go make some armor uh why do I make the armor Anvil or furnace there we go Anvil okay all right do I have all the I do have all the ingots with me piggy bank silver what about silver is silver basically just current silver is silver gold Platinum basically just

Currency H Anvil every or tier has two ORS and each World naturally spawns one of the pair but you can get other v ah okay all right okay thank you star anise where I put all those things candy cane sword let me put down the banner fast have you ever going so

Fast Mrs claw oh I like this one Mrs claw heels hell yeah I like to wear high heeles throwing knife put it here okay there we go I think this is f I think I’m finally sorted out with my inventory okay ice statue goes here there we go tin equals copper iron

Equals lead tungsten equals silver and gold equals Platinum okay I’ll sort them out in that order then um go copper tin lead iron lead iron lead Silver Platinum everyone’s giving me different orders oh wow I didn’t expect this this is very interesting you can wear vany I know I’m where aware okay let

Or put it back here okay let’s start to make our armor then wait Stars where did the stars go where are the stars there it is spoilers are not good if I won’t spoil at all okay massive zombie arm oh do you guys see that the zombies are making beats my God

That’s so annoying can I just like invade another house please this [ __ ] zombies doing beatboxing I swear wait so if I put a light here will this guy just instantly move here won’t he oh oh oh oh wait he’s leaving no come back oh oh oh oh

No if you got off screen he will Instant move at night ah okay just place a platform on top of the door so that zombies get jammed as they try to oh let’s give that try go to the housing menu oh oh that’s so cool oh oh oh Eugene look it’s your

Place that a that sucks wait reserved for Eugene the merchant try the question mark huh this room is missing a wall I will build a great wall where is it missing the wall where is the wall oh so that basically just that basically this is solid this room is missing a

Wall not that kind of wall it’s Miss oh it’s missing the ceiling okay okay the roof okay then why did it say it’s missing a roof what did you have to say missing a wall That’s not the same thing woo we fast I’m happy that I got out those [ __ ] ugly ass like

Christmas shirt because my God I look sexy as hell now I look fly as hell okayy back okay wait first first of all first all let’s make our armor oh there he is wait so there’s like really no point in like let me put the table over here and

Then let me move the chair over here okay I think that’s better isn’t it did he do the ey yet I I want to try doing the eye the room a the that room doesn’t have what we call a ceiling okay thank you thank you that’s way more

Helpful okay open the crafting let me make the platforms platform there we go there we go I remember one of you guys said something about like put like oh my God put a platform on this is it no it doesn’t work oh well okay let me shift this all to the

Left okay there we go you should do gearing next and me ping picking glass you don’t need crafting stations to create more platform you should have the door closed for that ah okay all right turn off Smart that just destroyed the door I can’t even place it I I got

Pranked oh well it’s okay we’ll just leave it we’ll play legitimately make an arena using platform six blocks apart and using campfires to increase life regen oh so if I’m about to fight a boss I should like make a bunch of like wooden platforms and then like put like fire

Fire like campfires in between right and I put campfires in between of them is it is that what I should do wooden MH okay okay okay how about now how about now this is good enough for you Still [ __ ] annoying okay and be proove later you fight many bosses so fighting have getting a Boss Arena might be useful okay obsid X try finding a magic mirror it can teleport you to a house or find recall you guys sorry guys I’m being a little bit overwhelmed right now there’s

A lot of information this is a lot of information to handle at once okay put it here here and is it good now is it good now suitable there we go all right okay I guess if the last remaining of our wood we should just make walls uh wall wall wall where’s the

Wall oh there it is wait where okay you’re not [ __ ] I hope I com and spoilers real tables are better tables are cheaper yep no heart lanterns he needs the first heal first hello Kevin okay oh what this thing can’t drape over the that sucks it cut drap over the things dude

No it’s actually cringe do you have any healing potions yeah I have quite a few um one problem I have is like I believe like healing potions have a time limit so if you heal yourself once you can’t use for another you can’t use another if

You heal if you sorry I need to drink water if you’ve recently healed you can heal using another potion right you heart house look like a cbot box thank you I try there we go I mean what else can I decorate with at this point I’m not sure

Okay all right we can upgrade the healing potions there lasers there are laser rifles and space guns dude rest in peace Minecraft my God wait one there we go Mana Crystal there we go place a bottle on your workbench and you can craft potions oh do I have bottles I don’t think I

Have bottles yeah I don’t think I have bottles at a moment yeah none of that I do have okay never mind [Laughter] Forget I said anything guys all right first first first things first wooden golden bow uh lead tungsten H what is this craft out of Cl Claire the nurse does she wear a nurse outfit oh my God she does it looks trouble quit wasting my time I don’t give happy endings oh she’s so

Mean nurse boa Housing oh housing there we go healing from the nurse cost money ah cringe ah cringe what is this America come on we have we what kind of a shitty civilization doesn’t have universal healthcare J is best girl does she wear like a leaf bikini or something okay let me ask our helpful guide wait wait wait I could just put a piggy bank here there we Go D is half naked okay this is the best game ever this is the best game ever oh say no more MyCraft is dead to me mycub is dead to Me let’s see pickaxe lead pickaxe how about a gold pickaxe do gold pick Works old watch how’s the time okay that’s kind of Useless oh wait can mine meteorite do I make a gold pickaxe or do I make a tungston pickaxe ah okay do I make a Tungsten pickaxe or do I make a gold pickaxe you can remove house by right clicking the NPC play yeah I know gold is better okay

Okay five defense how about tungsten four defense I recommend going for armor yeah it kind of looks like I should be making gold armor but tungsten tools pickax is not urgent good pickaxe and mind some but wait can M meteor right H bits on the left are the

Best uh flinks forur coat increases summon damage Flink stuff uses five Mana gold Axe make a house next to your Arena and make the nurse there for quick healing truly a broken strategy all Right bro you can make a mix of gold and tungsten armor that’s enough for the first bosses oh okay all right wait a minute let me check let me check one more time what I can craft crafting put it here okay Gold Crown is just fantasy Throne magic

Mirror glass gold and diamond okay so that’s a that’s a b there’s a big no no then all right Summoners rise up Shy Guy mask is valid the nurse Str unless she dies and then what can I make a Tungsten tungsten bullet are there guns in this game W this really is America

Okay I will make H maybe this is America bang bang pew pew pew pew all right in case let’s just make okay we have the we have the stuff so wait why couldn’t I make a pickaxe again did I need wood or something okay I’m sorry guys but the wind song is really

Annoying I don’t I need a for pickaxe I need wood okay okay apparently someone was really mad that I put all the trees together am I supposed to space out the the trees that I’m not aware of Rage class the gun class gets explosives by the way say no

More there are l your guns of made of sharks dude dude dude why am I even playing Minecraft she are one to two blocks large and ah okay making full lead armor is enough for the first boss if you are experienced I like how you had to add if

You are experience because I’m just that bad at the game that say saying if your experience is good enough disclaimer for to say like you do not you do not you are not ready please don’t spoil if I ask smart place iton just separate the trees best all

Right cuz you’re playing on the easiest difficulty oh my God mums you underestimate how [ __ ] I can be at the game okay okay what was a funny story about a game that I played H oh oh I can tell you why okay so I

Like I gave TF2 a try for the first time back in like 2016 and you know what was I I played with my friends who like um okay I used to play TF2 like I tried it out for the first time back in like 201 16 and I played with friends who have

Played for a very long time and we played the first for the first time I picked like the Spy class and like an idiot I kept like touch I kept actually touching like the enemies so like my disguises just kept dropping out so and then I remember saying like oh why do my

Disguises keep dropping and then my friend like are you touching are you touching like the enemies and I’m like yeah and they just started laughing at me it’s cute seeing someone not knowing 10% of the game you yeah it’s fun to play like a new game

See that’s why I really don’t like it when people like Drop spoilers in the game I really don’t like it people drop spoilers in the chat because like it it ruins it you know I feel like everyone the most fun part about a game is playing it for the first time in my

Opinion I would do anything just so I could like replay [ __ ] Persona tree like just so I could replay ad Del under I would do anything to like wipe my memory just so I could play Persona tree undertale Minecraft for the first time again cuz those those were the fun most

Fun part I’ve ever had in a game so yeah been playing terrara since 2015 God damn absolute veteran Z control yourself better okay that is just nothing nothing nothing okay I thought the M every time the music change my anxiety just goes through the Roof uh lad helmet okay I I’m not in the mood for l poisoning I’m sorry why can’t I make a chest plate what do we need for a chest plate greetings a is there something I can help you with thank you you’re so kind Kevin I almost don’t want to for oh my

God okay okay okay all right then okay no chest plate for me I guess how much is 25 what the hell I thought I mined a oh my God I thought I Min a lot of it and then turn thought I didn’t boss fight music is a lot more fastpaced and noticeable don’t worry you’ll know when to be scared all right thank you thank you Astro gamer I’ll

Keep that in mind how many gold bars do I have to mine oh my God okay why do I hear Boss music okay that just that just that just that just SC me okay all right so we craft the gold that L chain ma do I have enough for L chest tungen chest

Plate I don’t think I do yeah I don’t think I do 75 bars for a full set ohly [ __ ] God damn tungsten chain maill do I have enough oh nice nice pogers pogers we’re in this we’re in this we’re in this okay and then hungen helmet we can afford this there we

Go oh my God that’s cost so much will you be will you not be Consulting the wiki for this play through mostly be going off of what well I just invaded his privacy almostly be going off of what Kevin is Kevin and Chad is saying but

Yeah is there a star here yep there we go my man is ready for the first part I pet pet okay being chilling indeed um this is the only word Chinese word okay uh Yan if you’re watching this that is the only Chinese word that I’ll I’ll let will let

Slide for now okay cuz that is just so recognizable would you be able to replay Minecraft Tera as if it is the first time when you finish very very unlikely that’s that’s why I’m very like harsh on like um that’s why I’m very harsh on spoilers at the moment

Because this will be my first time playing Terraria and I really want to enjoy it I will never experience playing undertale for the first time I will never experience playing Minecraft for the first time I will never experience playing Persona tree for the first time no matter how I want to so

Please make it make my give let me have this pleas let me have this guys come on let me have this okay destroy these I won’t be needing these anymore okay do I still keep the cactus Helmet or could I just destroy them ah how the [ __ ] do you remember those GS

You can just get severe Amnesia yeah yeah guys you too can play your first game you too can play the game for the first time ever again all you need is severe brain damage how do I create bottles can I come in a bottle can I pee in a

Bottle if I go to the toil and hold the bottle will it like will I like make pea bottles or something oh pada tropical smoothy yo yo this game this is the best game yeah you heard me you heard me Yan seldom sell sell them you can you can sell them oh oh

Oh is that an owl [Laughter] what I’ll see little me make B it’s late I should sleep I’ll see you later Zan he’s toing out overselling stuff yeah that’s so cool that’s so cool like in Minecraft okay the problem with Minecraft is like selling stuff is

Just so gatekeep you know it’s like if you want to sell sticks you need to sell 32 sticks for one Emerald unless you like get like severe discounts and oh there’s another yeah but whereas in ter I could just sell anything right hi con blocks

Oh oh this what he does okay I guess he doesn’t give a [ __ ] about this one guess he doesn’t care about this woohoooo wait until he learns that he can put his money in the piggy bank and don’t use anywhere wait oh wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait let me break the piggy bank so at least it’s a little bit further from the chair okay next interact with it oh okay whoops I heard someone in chat is an ow Minecraft clone L I think you you probably I think calling Terraria a

Minecraft clone is going to start a war in the chat the merchant sells an item called the net you should click the out with it wait oh bu net the bun net or the net the bunk net or the net bucket Buck net My God I can sell it is this human trafficking can I sell the bunnies as well no I is worth more than your entire aror set combined oh my God guys why am I playing Minecraft Minecraft lets me do slavery and like genocide cool this game lets me do

[ __ ] animal trafficking this is lit human trafficking [ __ ] Animal Farm oh my God they Ro selling in nature cook them and eat it you can cook them wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how do I set this thing on fire oh okay how I C the food how tall are you

I’m pretty short I’m very short um I’m cursed to date tall people like if you were to date me like I would say 80% chance you’ll be taller than me so Malaysia Malaysia’s I think Malaysia’s like average height Amia has like a very below average average height

And I am below the below average height Asian height curse I wouldn’t say it’s a curse I don’t mind being short being short has his perks you know I wouldn’t worry too much about it I would say one tip I can give you guys is when

I was like in in high school when I was in high school I used to be very insecure by my height I would like um worry about it every time I I even had like some inside thoughts about it it’s like girls don’t want to date me I’m a

Short person they want to date The Tall Chad guys and they just don’t want me they don’t want me cuz I’m a nice guy and [ __ ] like that it was very cring it was very cringey to look back on it but eventually I just look to like um

Eventually I just saw like short height as like an advantage you know if someone can’t get past something as like superficial and uncontrollable as my height then they wouldn’t have liked me either ways yeah I used to be those kind of guys bro is Titan yeah I I when I watch

Like Mega mine when I watch Mega mine and whenever Titan is on screen I would cringe inside because he reminded me so much of like that phase I had so yeah show animal to guide for cooking recipe oh I was at a more than a 6’4 Australian

Man and had to look up 5 foot tree bro it was 6’4 Australian men would just like fro princess carry me off the ground I would marry him on the spot okay imagine a 10-year-old watch this be like guide I come to you with offering bunny K bunny statue dude this is

Cruelty okay I guess I already am going to kill them explosive funny o what I can strap a bomb to a bunny what the hell is this game I’m literally turning [ __ ] suicide bomb her bunny this is literally animal abuse I I love this game rabbit steel

Cooking pot oh so this is so treat it like wait so how do I make a cooking pot how do I cook the pot how we cooking pot star in a bottle increases J Mana reg Mana regen when place nearby do I need what do I need for a

Cooking pot guys explosive bunny actually does a lot of damage it does suicide bombing Works guys Le lead and wood lead and wood I should have enough lad don’t I lad and wood wait isn’t that dangerous dude are you trying to get lead poisoning what the hell is this game

This game encourages suicide bombing and lead poisoning [ __ ] hell you know what we should you know what can we can we can we still rename can we still rename this world can we still rename this world wait no not okay let’s rename this world to Flint [Laughter] Michigan EP PR let’s

Go not dead Michigan come on Fallen outra this is supposed to be a joke you Ru you can use lead to make an OP potion dude okay okay okay okay I think I can I can see why okay I’m going to be a bit of a nerd so humans we use iron for

Hemoglobin in our red blood cells so our blood uses iron and Lead maybe replaces those iron or some [ __ ] so maybe Terraria instead of using iron for hin they use lead I think I don’t know I don’t [ __ ] know I I I shouldn’t be Minecart oh this game is mostly D bro is

This for kids yeah but if is pixelated boobs no one cares you know if your game is this pixelated I guess like everything is basically a censorship bro started speak speaking speaking size yeah one thing I can like nerd out a lot on is chemistry chemistry was always my favorite uh science like

Even In Like A Levels I I really miss chemistry when I like went to UNI and like did my math course my statistics course I Absolut okay my uni had like okay my uni has like a chemistry lab so since I did mathematics and statistics I am never going to go in the

Lab and so every time I would pass by like I could be doing chemistry right now I could be having like actually I could actually have be having fun I could actually be having fun with my course right now but no I’m stuck with s things I’m stuck with Calculus I wish

Newton never lived still minor improvements to Stats oh let’s go we’re cooking let me cook we’re cooking Lads should I equip this sword or is this sword terrible like is this better or is the arm better Z is is the one who knocks I’m must be something not added

I’m not kidding do enjoy chemistry Atmore I say un ironically chemistry is the best [ __ ] science I do not know how people can like physics and uh biology to be honest it’s so boring I guess like okay physics depends on your teacher I’ll I’ll give you

That a good a good physics teacher will make um physics the one a fun subject a bad physics teacher will make it absolute hell so yeah there’s that Jesse we need to cook Jesse Jesse I need to get my dick sucked okay pretend I didn’t say that I’ll just I’ll

Just say like some outlandish [ __ ] is how I [ __ ] clip it bohus bohas Boh I have no idea how to say that word okay put the chair here can I cook the owl we have many bad teachers these days I don’t blame the Bad Teachers to be honest if

Anything yeah I feel like bad teachers is a bad having bad teachers is a systemic issue teachers just aren’t paid enough and teacher teaching is one of the most stressful jobs ever you know like even I I’m not I’m doing teaching on the side I’m teaching people through

You YouTube videos I’m like making like simple commentary videos teaching people about the history of Minecraft and I am already sick and tired of people [ __ ] correcting me on like an outdated video my God DPS meter is this a choker I want to wear a choker choker are hot yeah teaching is

Stressful in fact you know funny funny story funny story I actually wanted to become a teacher I wanted to become a teacher and then a chemical engineer and then only a stat data scientist unfortunately the moment I said teacher my parents are like no no no no no no no

No even they knew what what sh what a [ __ ] show that’s going to be it’s a necklace of some sort wristband choker a H come on you can’t tell me okay okay wristbands are just chokers for the people who are too much of a coward to wear them as chokers okay

Every bracelet every wristband all are they’re all chokers it’s just whether you’re not whether or not you’re a coward it’s just whether or not you’re brave enough to weight on your neck do I do I bite a DPS meter is it worth it you’re going to the

Naist should I buy the DPS meter is it a good thing yes yes yes yes all right wait I don’t think I have enough well that sucks wait wait but I have but I have ow useless now need later all right okay I’ll pass on it for now

Then everyone that wears a bracelet is submissive not necessarily I’ve met I’ve met some dominating people who wear it you know and okay uh don’t ask don’t ask how I know they’re dominating uh it it’s not because I’m submissive definitely not because of that I’m going to build this [ __ ] Eiffel

Tower over here man not Eiffel Tower Empire top I don’t know what what’s the tall building guys but you’re talking about Dasha probably bottom imagine coming out mom dad I have something to tell you are you gay no I’m a bottom [Laughter] Birch

Khalifa okay I I do not want my I do not want my place to be associated with anything from the sou from the from the UAE I don’t like Dubai sorry bottom goes the bottom tier come back when you are worthless guess one thing we can do right now is

Do you guys think I should start fighting like the bosses at this point I think we are have like decent enough of a load out [ __ ] there we go we going to place 100 torches in the underground okay if everyone is telling me to place 100 torches in the

Underground I think that’s definitely going to do something you should kill the merchant with explosive bues you can click hello draon okay okay okay it is two pounds thank you thank you draon for the 2s thank you for your kind donation you’re very kind okay thank you

Hope to see you hope to see you hope the stream is Right enjoy for you so far o o oh well hello maybe I should start catching this rabbits instead of Killing Them grape food woo at this pace we’re going to make a fruit cocktail guys let’s go let’s cook let’s

Cook how e I’m sorry dude I’m very okay for for my future um partner I’m literally just like a sheltered like I’m literally like a sheltered princess I legit I legit do not know a lot of the outside world you know like that movie Tangled but like Eugene uh Eugene brings

Out Rapunzel to like the outside world and she’s like surprised at like every small thing that’s me I’m Rapunzel all I H is missing is like some tall guy to like bring me out of this Tower so I can explore the outside world that squirrel can I catch a squirrel yeah there we

Go I live like a very pretty sheltered life yeah you sound like you take showers once a week but hair wash every day not going to lie I’m sorry I live in like a tropical country unfortunately so oh look I live in a tropical country so unfortunately I have to shower every day

We’re vibing yeah if I don’t take a shower I’ll just I’ll immediately stink that’s that’s the part not showering daily in Southeast Asia as hell exactly guys we’re vibing we’re vibing he’s going to do it again what’s Minecraft it sure isn’t it’s what mcraft where is the Stars where are my

Stars i d forget where I put my stars really probably here there we go put it here as Southeast Asian and not and not I catch sting box get gold sword go to Honey make fly meal what oh well hello everyone bohas no come back no come

Back oh he’s gone what are these load out one load out what are these guys load out one two and three say the N word no the fact that you didn’t ever want to say like the N letter N word should be like can I eat it no I

Can’t oh wait wait wait I should have I should have ask him what I could do if like though uh I should ask you what I could do with horse an ow if I could cook wait grilled squirrel cooking pot so Z can make any game fun thank you

Jose I try my best too like the best part about like being sheltered like me load dos allow you to wear three sets of anal once you can stop any okay say the n word nuggets chicken nuggets as as it can the best part of being shelter like me and not playing a

Lot of games like me it’s like every game is a new experience you know it’s like to all of you sitting down in the game is probably like the like basic feature every game has this who gives the [ __ ] and for me it’s like the most revolutionary thing ever because I have

Never seen it before gr squirrel we cooking we cooking Lads we cooking dude the bunet is so broken it’s like infinite currency at this point oh right on my doorstep thank you we’re only two play play two games so technically I play a lot more but like I’ve only played

Two game two games excluding story games like obviously I’ve played through undertale But like everyone has [ __ ] played undertale so yeah that’s how it is no it flew away God damn it how do I fix that U gang here who’s in Paris make a CR

With the cage time set wait if I put it in like a cage does it like have extra value is that it oo wooo what do you lot countries in the Middle East by the way I’m I’m who is I like having freedoms and democracy pleas

I like to be able to like say this guy is [ __ ] at running a country you know that’s kind of this kind of thing but it’s politics so let’s not go into it oo oo animal cages are purely for decoration a h guess what ooo memor is broken the eyes

Submissive Behavior submissive and breedable behavior yeah I got to the stream in time you are 3 hours and 25 minutes late wait this is the song I heard it in a sky boy video and I didn’t know what song it is I finally found it it’s from Terraria this whole

Time hell yeah we did it Um what else should we use our lead bars on walking fish what El should we use a lead bars on I feel like lead what does the trash can do Minecart H will you try mods later in a very very far future how much more do you think you

Play this game I think this would be a really fun series probably for a while I really like I really I really enjoy this game goldfish what’s a goldfish doing out here okay crafting tungsten we have Minecraft in Terraria yeah H Barrel what are barrels for it’s raining so goldfish start

Walking just like in real life dude this is the coolest game ever man rain makes the fishes walk you can literally I don’t even know this game is just so fuing cool I love it okay all right guys furry how’s your holiday been unfortunately I’m a content creator we don’t celebrate

Holidays guys guys why is this why is the music different guys guys guys guys okay okay it’s just a storm music right goldfish okay it’s a thunderstorm okay okay okay by the way guys how do I remove why is the thunder song music so epic it makes me sound like I’m about to

Like I’m about to like fight Zeus or Thor or something how do I remove the plants use a night vision potion pickax them oh okay all right no works thank youan dud this is way too epic for tundle storm song wait till you hear Boss music oh I look forward to the Boss

Music worm do I just is it like Minecraft where I could like fish in like any P of water and I can like get a fish or you play as female character and you are male are you gay I’m pretty sure plenty of guys play as female characters

It doesn’t mean they’re gay okay yeah just let me play what I want let me live out my fantasy what do goldfish is used for use one more Life Crystal crafting has to be big body of water all right oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 1 second 1 second one second second one second we are making a goatfish no no hello goldfish hey yeah ah damn it you’re asking yushan if she has played Terraria my God you could not have asked the most experienced player I

Know if you build some platform you’re you’re ready for bossing all right let’s do that what kind I place it down why can’t I collect the goddamn water damn it the fish is walking because it’s raining craft bottles while oh okay okay okay all right I’ll keep that in

Mind um what do I what are consumables for cuz like this game doesn’t have hunger bars right so what’s the point of them do I use them for healing or do I use them for healing or no h buff buff okay so they’re like they’re like they’re like breath of the

Wild where they give you Buffs but they don’t give you the hunger and health regen okay is that it Buffs of bosses okay all right I’ll keep that in mind thank you guys do I have enough I had do okay oh thunderstorm ooh here comes the thunder thunder [ __ ] you all

Right all right all this stuff is just plant a lot of trees and then we are good to go um Team trees the S VI of a cow good idea maybe what the hell is that that’s a fisherman glow stick tin chrome are you just going be

Asking if I was a furry all stream even if I was a furry I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it you know oh [ __ ] I just took fall damage people who are people can are free to just like like whatever they want you know oh do I just crafted

Here let make 10 of it why not okay oh because because of the rain the zombies put on rain suits that’s amazing oh this thing can’t be killed ha I have killed the messenger messenger of Zeus I just play normal I’m not good at the game this is my first time the

Second time playing fill them with lead is ter sandbox I think terara is technically a Sandbox it’s just not strictly a Sandbox you know if that makes sense it’s more Adventure than actual sandbox what do you have to say about this very powerful fiends come out in this weather

Goldfish all right let’s make our there we go dude this thunder is really big oh my god let’s make a another table why not okay good night everyone I’ll see you later huni okay all right all right put the fish tank on your head put the fish tank wait wait wait

What oh my god oh look at the fish move look at the fish wol dude oh my God this I feel I feel like no matter how much I say it I feel I can’t say it enough this is the best game ever my God that’s so

Cool let’s put it here let’s move the chair over here does the guy respawn or does he just die permanently terrar is only half logical make gender switch potion I’m trying to I’m trying to get a hormone therapy make some rabbit stew actually I just sell these I’ll just sell them

Later okay what else I just put the bottles back you guys said like I could make healing potions right is there a way you should make three more houses um an responds if we have rooms for them okay oh oh I’ll leave the NPCs to like the off stream I’ll build the

NPC’s houses off stream I think that wouldn’t be too fun to watch I’m sorry is this Terraria no this is Minecraft all NPCs can respawn okay cuz in that case I could put Kevin over here instead and like have this space to like for something

Else you can eat it what just eat a consumable and sit the toilet for 10 seconds all right I know pool blocks no this is Geometry Dash whoops consumable I can’t eat it I can’t eat it God damn it oh my God this this Terraria okay h H let’s see Mana

Star why isn’t it working hey nurse um okay D take it easy if the oh my God this is Terraria I think I get the point Max Mana Ah that’s sucks damn it just when this game was getting good okay all right let me pick this let me you know what sort Resort

Okay I put this back may this is fine yeah this is fine this is fine we put a piggy bank here all right I’m Max man I’m literally as good as possible on Mana you find a p all right don’t worry I’ll play I’ll take it

Slow I remember or what was it again bottles bottles crafting this crafting lesser healing potion lava fly in a bottle bottle bottle bottle did you just lightly lightly just strike me no never mind if I like the game I’ll play it someday don’t worry don’t pressure me to

Play a game could I upgrade it oh there we go lesser healing potion decorative healing potion heal healing potion glowing mushroom oh so this is why you guys wanted me to go to the mushroom biome so now that I have like all these like healing potions if I go go to my

Mushrooms right now I could just I could just I could just make like a [ __ ] ton of it right now could I oh my God this game is amazing requires bottle requires okay so how do I craft it now how do I craft it growing mushroom water bottles infinite

H use the final Life Crystal I’ll use it after I build the the arena put the bottle on top of a what no no don’t drink it Place The Empty Bottle on a workbench oh place the bottle on the table there yeah and then oh I never would have figured that

Out wait I could just keep I just I could just keep the bottles here I don’t see why not this is so cool this is so cool this is so [Applause] cool I was say one problem though guys is there a way to bypass around like the healing healing penalty like I remember if I heal I am I could I can’t heal for one more I I can’t heal for a full one minute so is there a way around it

No h no yes but that’s later okay okay all right I’ll keep that in mind then much much later okay all right so for the final part before we end the stream we have to fight a boss but I don’t know what Boss but not bypass F on ah okay hello purple guy The Man Behind the slaughter kiss the nurse I have Kulu how do I summon the I of Kulu I have a lot of lenses if that helps or anything wait wait wait wait wait Wait demon arter I’m beginning I am gaming ladies and gentlemen I am Gaming dear thing archery potion K the nurse think this D is great I love I can’t do I can’t do any more for you without plastic surgery bro dud that was unall for man okay okay he will come at me at night but what what are the chances he comes to me

Okay okay let me craft a few doors oh so that’s the altar I found just now all right I’ll I think summoning is faster I have all these lenses anyways you know War crit wait wait wait guys guys guys guys um should I should I make the arena

Close by to this place or should I make it as far as Possible close to home or as far as possible I’ll see later inside summoning is definitely faster you should make it near spawn near spawn make the arena big close all right I’ll make it like 100 blocks nearest spawn all right I’ll do that okay we’re in we’re we’re doing this

Guys the fish in the bow needs a name okay okay okay clearly some urgent matters I can’t rename it I can’t rename it damn it you got me excited man you remember to craft the wooden Hammer to use it on Ultra the way you

Just keep asking me to you do it is kind of suspicious I’m sorry goldfish can you fry it unfortunately I don’t think I can I wish I could like as Asians we really like fish for some reason there’s dedicated [ __ ] fish restaurants for it and everything yeah like we we’re very

Fluent in the language of the seafood like if you posed it more as a tip I would have believed it like if you say something like if you use the hammer on the alar you can bring it back to base I would have believed you but no

You just have to keep saying Z put it Z use the H on the alar immediately suspicious I’m sorry I’m the black she in fac don’t worry I’m I’m Asian and I hate spicy food for some reason whenever I eat I eat spicy food it just has this metallic

Taste to it I think it’s like capin the spicy chemical um automatically feels like metal on my tongue I have no idea why and it has made me like unable to eat stuff like Curry um luxa Wasabi you know they’re usually spicy food I I can never eat

Them because the only thing I will taste is like [ __ ] iron it’s like I put a magnet in my mouth or something okay I think this should be enough wood all right right oh look at those moves wait could I just wooden platform there we go there we

Go all right let me keep a few of the fruits Peach you know what’s the stupidest thing okay this is probably a hot take but anyone who names their child over a fruit are absolute idiots idiots anyone who names their child as a fruit is absolute idiots don’t name your child

[ __ ] apricot don’t name your child [ __ ] Peach and everything stop it please no no don’t do that you know what’s a good name though in my opinion a good name is a seasonal name I like the name like Autumn I like the name summer okay I think this

Is oh star hell yeah too bad I can’t use it yeah the seasonal names are the best my nickname is a fruit I’m sorry you’re very fruity okay okay but you that okay that Elon mus the name that ELO gave his like child has to be the worst name ever

Actually no scratch that it has to be his second worst name ever do you guys know of like the the famous celebrity Rob Morrow you know he named his daughter to because his surname is Morrow so her name becomes tomorrow that’s it’s like Rob Maru is probably

Asking for his daughter to be made fun of in school or something oh my God to let me write it in chat tomorrow you know what’s a good name yeah yeah it is a good name I wish I could legally rename myself to Y cheeseburger why people saying cheeseburger explain yourselves before I

Start timing you guys out cheeseburger it’s okay I think it’s harmless at this point for now [ __ ] it oh my God there we go that works if your last name is taken and you have a child people will mean if your last name is taken and you

Have a female child people will call them mistaken all the time oh my God you sh the [ __ ] dad jokes yeah stop spamming the cheeseburger I might actually have to time you guys out because you guys are actually starting to become spam I’m sorry remember it’s only spam if if

People are if everyone is having fun Okay F off I’m trying to build my platform here zombies I watch too much Irish YouTubers man every time instead of saying like f off I I say F off because that’s how they say it how how much layers do I need finish like fin then I know I’ll build the campfires

Later oh whoops do I need rope or rope not necessary oh Tre is enough all right I’ll do four just in case the change of music is like why do I hear peaceful music okay this is where it stops say the N word no use grappling hook does the grappling

Hook work oh it does oh what the hell these things spawn on the platform cringe wait they can jump on the platform come on use torches what’s the shortest time out you can give someone I believe you has five or 10 seconds you should get as many lemons poers they they are

Lemons what I see [ __ ] too dark NY L I actually don’t like NY the IMO not not a fan I don’t like it okay how do I make a camp fire again there it is just wood and torches there we go okay transfer thank you oh look guys they have first class

View of what of they’re going to have a first class seat of watching me fight the I of Kulu okay that’s long you don’t need quite that many I wish you guys told me that sooner so I just keep walking until like the buff is gone it’s still here I [ __ ]

It for light we do it for light craft them popcorn or something can I craft popcorn is popcorn in this game a symmetry we need the Symmetry a bit there we go and then one more here here is is this does this fall like Minecraft’s rule where if it’s too dark mobs will

Spawn is this big enough is it good enough no no no all right we’re extend it out a bit light level doesn’t indicate spawn M spawn anyway oh okay okay what got of light okay this game is best this game is better because he has fireflies when I edit this

Video I’m going to have to edit out so much of these like Minecraft jokes because like some people are genuinely angry when I say that fireflies which I need to make an End update I agree okay is this big enough guys or should I make it or does it need to be

Bigger or is it good enough I don’t think the I Kulu needs that much space right it’s not that big whoops he should have be dead right ter has no durability yeah that is the best part about it I genuinely think okay change my mind Dil system all suck

Durability is the worst way to pet the games the game length for me in my IMO it’s just lazy game design in my opinion it’s big enough all right all right um do explosives work against the I Gulu do explosive work against the ey of Kulu guys okay open

This can change your mind if it’s so true Gren work all right we’re going to need all of this how about dynamites wait no this one reques placing okay what else increases defense by eight we’re going to need that this allows you see nearby damage sources I’m pretty

Sure if there’s a massive like boss nearby me I can see it okay increases mining speed teleports your home increases B damage placement speed and range control of gravity walk on water yeah nothing important all right can you date Merchant NPC I wish Dynamite doesn’t work bombs don’t

Work okay so only grenades all right I’ll keep that in mind H mine put it back all right so water bucket I still haven’t used the water bucket I feel like I haven’t really get to use it much okay grenade fish can we just how much does goldfish sell

For a little bit I guess okay in I think no you can you can fight EOC at night okay you can f they dads trying to water bucket clutch that was the plan I wanted to see if I could do it but I probably can’t that

Sucks do an Amy water blocket clutch I wish I hope this game allows me to but apparently I don’t think it does okay so you guys keep saying about aulu let’s see if we can fight it then I’ll summon it summoning IS F faster I feel I’ll also bring all my range weapon

Because I have the feeling that if you guys are saying calling an i of Kulu is probably going to start flying okay a wooden platform let me do troll my stuff into the stuff thing and then we can go make our eye our sus eye Susy bua torches okay wa I don’t need

Torches uh um otion grenade recall potion there we go okay like Welling the traveling Merchant has arrived I feel an evil presence is watching me okay what does a for Forest Pyon do what does a forest pylon do fast travel fast travel teleporter okay I kind of afford it anyways so no point

Mining H provides light when worn this could be useful H all of this seems useful but I probably don’t need any of them at the moment okay all right so let’s go find the altar hello brick layer increases to placement speed Sak should we get like should we

Get drunk should we get drunk guys you get Dr okay exotic chew chew toy good thing I don’t have a dog imagine having a dog is that a furry poster should we buy the furry poster or should we get drunk get drunk let’s go this bro is too streaming what do you

Want me to play like [ __ ] 1 hour and then just stop should we get the furry poster [ __ ] it we get the furry poster we get the furry poster furry poster this is for my furry viewers oh my God that’s Majestic what happens if I drink increase melee abilities lower

Defense the true toy is D it a f Fox back it does okay okay guys guys guys guys guys great guys guys guys guys guys wait wait wait wait wait oh wait wait wait can we make it a coin can you make it a coin coin whoops accidentally threw a grenade no No I can’t how much do I need for a Fox coin coin coin coin where’s the coin it’s not telling me where the coin is damn it you can St some of your oh okay or in that case I’ll put this back how much would they buy it for he doesn’t even know the very Basics

Yeah it’s almost as if I’m playing it for the second time you Know wow you mean to tell me a person starting out doesn’t know the basics wow I’m going to rejoin after 30 minutes I’ll probably end it’s probably over got C curreny you’re not government Dam damn it damn it cringe I think it’s too far the FED Fox will have to wait

Guys can we make the merchant stay wait torches we need torches okay where was the Alters I think the Alters were right here probably yeah the Alters are somewhere there where are we going no I couldn’t buy a fox I wanted to buy a pet fox but unfortunately it was too

Expensive the price of having a pet fox why did I get stuck with a stupid dumb dog fridge damn it wow wow you can buy foxes yeah all right this way this way Dodge the slimes Dodge the slimes there we go yeah a pet fox have we gone all the way down yet

Not yet I’m taking my time I’m not exactly like the best player and I don’t think I have to like try to be one you know I think villagers are the makers of theend cities yeah that’s a theory I guess press order what I know I know about mine carts

Guys just not writing them at a moment you still need a pickaxe there we Go this [ __ ] one block there we go oh my God there we go somewhere on here k r it’s somewhere here uhoh am I drowning there we go if you shake shoes ATT for draw super glider I think anything RNG is just something I won’t do I’m sorry CER 18 would love

This C 18 will love this yeah there we go I really don’t like that thing yeah where is it was it here there is is this why you guys said oh Oh we be fighting it this stream guys if if I die then I die [ __ ] it you know what um make lots all right all right in that case since I already have all these lenses anyways I might as well just make them first boss is inside are you

Already for all of you you all watching you’re going to be like I raised this boy okay all of you watching we were here for this where were you when Z fought the eye of culu where oh recall potion all right lets this this is the end game

Okay we either die tonight or we die a second time tonight or we die a third time tonight either ways something’s dying tonight okay can you do some missive Voice sorry sorry guys submissive voice here let me keep the lances I don’t think I need them anymore let’s wait for the right time yeah night time thank okay believe in me guys believe um hm do the bosses have multiple phases I probably shouldn’t be asking this before we fight it

But eat the heart I’ve already eaten the heart yeah you you should find out all right okay why is that a furry painting does he know move the money in oh money is already put in Bank all right all right okay guys could I could I Juke

It I think you need more housing I’ll do it off stream don’t worry okay all Right uh please don’t spoil spoil what the boss does I’m not reading chat at the moment because I’m reading I’m seeing a lot of of like spoilers Banner oh okay oh starting starting to evening I’m a bit nervous guys oh I’m nervous I’m nervous I’m I’m very scared Guys we were here guys it can I believe some people have said like it spawns naturally but I don’t want to wait I think we’ve been live streaming for like 4 hours you might as well just find a way to end the stream by like fighting it you know increase movement

Speed put it here could I Juke the boss like Pro us should he I think I I know that so could I like be in this spot here and then teleport back home with my recall potion to like Juke it all over like as like emergency escape can I do

That could I use my recall potion as emergency escape you risk despawning it okay all right in that case respawn potion is is out do remember guys I am very beginner and I’m very bad at games so I might choke this summons the eye ofu don’t instantly summon the boss wait

First maybe you got a chat message then you don’t need to summon cuz it comes naturally all right I’ll keep that in mind okay okay okay okay he should fight two at once I have a massive skill issue problem hello radare I hope I said your name correctly

Hope your day is going great my guy is it going great how’s your day going I believe in you like will the traveling Merion has departed he like he could sense the danger that is coming okay all right okay all right okay okay okay okay okay okay all right I’m a bit

Nervous guys I’m sorry this this is my first this my first boss so okay all right let’s do this the wind is howling play do music for the first few bosses all right I rather like the game play the music itself 12 14 10 okay this one is in higher normal

Mode well I’m not a good player guys is it red from the campfire is it red from blood okay all right okay really scared of course I am dude it’s my first boss I’m excited and I’m scared this is this is commemorating okay so you guys said that it will come naturally

Right but there’s a eye but it’s not eye of Kulu okay let’s practice like throwing a bit of throwing stars then oh so just click just click on it okay oh they have gravity summon it all Right all right we’re doing this oh this check septic guy top of the board to your ladies what the hell is that oh my God oh top of the morning to L is my name is Jack okay I’m leading into to the base run away run away there’s a [ __ ] health

Bar oh top of the morning twoes ow ow ow ow ow ow ow Jack SE the guy come on give me a shout out on YouTube please Jack SE the guy I Mayan not we for Ireland but I have the Irish accent I think oh my God so far it looks pretty

Chill oh you guys were right this is this is actually not that bad but my God I’m still I’m still very nervous oh what’s happening oh oh no what what’s going on I’m overprepared oh oh no oh oh oh wait I could make it Miss and

Then as it comes back it does more damage oh [ __ ] oh make it Miss and then where is it where is It the music’s a bad Banger though by the way oh you guys see that if I make it like fly back it just does a bunch of damage Hermes boots are too op oh wait I think he’s dead I was always a PewDiePie I was always a PewDiePie fan anyways Jack setic guy

We did it it be our first boss too easy another one again again again again again [ __ ] it go again oh [ __ ] I click outside of the tab I feel like Magic’s kind of broken though I’m not even running out of Mana oh I am okay never mind forget I said

Anything do all of them no Shield of like it’s just staring at me it’s like I Know What You Did Last Summer it’s not even moving I’ll see you later ah uhoh this the worst Mana M weapon in the game and I’m not running out of Mana

Somehow I I just weapons that’s melee work he’s running is is okay does d work oh it does but it just keeps flying at me oh oh oh oh okay you know what let’s fight it melee this time [ __ ] it we fight like men we die like men okay A bit

More oh here comes oh you think I’m scared of those teeth you may be Irish where you have some British ass teeth uhoh uh-oh no Jack SE the guy no bad Jack bad Jack the guy okay I generally think I’m a bit overprepared look at these guys look at

Them they’re just having fun they’re just they’re just Ving oh they’re running oh a lot of you say it gets harder expert so I guess while you’re trying to tell me it’s a skill issue right skill is shuee I will not be skilled is shuee there we go what does it give

Me I have Kulu mask I have Gulu mask crop seeds Demonite or oh and then another lens fing fish no more in exp for most most bosses have extra attacks on new phases ah all right H first boss wasn’t too bad wasn’t it so I guess like we could

Just like scroll through all the like the normal boss for now and then we can see what like other bosses we can fight oh wait wait ow I got to catch out before we end it end the stream there we go okay so far terar is really

Fun I’m really enjoying myself like I think I over prepared for the boss like this is like equivalent of like going to the First gy with like level 30 Pokemon my god oh yeah you’re about 5% true the game this is 5% you can make better arm weapons Micra

No Terro yes I was here where were you when I fought the I of Kulu we did it you all was there you you were here guys we all were here commemorate this moment okay I will hopefully I’m enjoying this I’m enjoying Terraria so far more like three % what like

2% this is 0.1% done this this this isn’t even 10% of the Game barely the first half of the game oh my god dude this game has so much content I I I’m going to enjoy playing this game a lot like one thing about Minecraft is like like eventually I just ran out of content to talk about and

Play with you know so that’s why I got Bor of the game and I feel like I want to like really spread out like Terraria of this I don’t want to instantly like it’s like having a chocolate cake you know I want to eat it slice by slice day

By day instead of like eating the whole cake at once that’s how I see it so I’m really enjoying Terraria there will be a future Terraria video but I think it’s like next Saturday so yeah at Le got more content fory I do barely even started 10% of free hardcore mode whatever that

Means this game has like 25 bosses 25 oh my God I thought this is going to run off Minecraft M I thought this is going to run off I thought this was going to run off content eventually like Minecraft but apparently not this is so much stuff

That I don’t know of yet there are all right okay okay you also have to defeat Guru himself and I poke out his eye like I did okay all right so I think this will be a good place to end the stream we defeated our first

Boss we did it we have saved ourselves from Flint Michigan I look forward to seeing you guys in the next stream I’ll be sticking around a little bit I’ll be sticking around a little bit to like uh answer your questions and everything well how I close ter roal there we go all right

Okay I hope you enjoyed the stream I had a really fun time this bit much here this time you defeated both kulu’s eyes now he’s blind he is okay I’ll see you all later mus video thank you Benji hope you enjoy it CH I speed I might have to increase the slow

Mode if if is too fast for for all of us but PC s is just better in my opinion yeah bro leaving like my dad don’t worry unlike your dad I will come back after getting the milk I promise don’t worry great stream I’m going to enjoy the cherry

Pie woo good stream but 9 out out 10 because you don’t murder more bunnies all right I’ll murder them in the next stream dude wait wrong wrong one there we go great stream this was can you all enjoyed it that might not even be milked the spoiler in here good stream I’ve learned

That Z is a bottom oooo good night my ooo I’ll see you later Larry long ass stream yeah my streams will be 3 to 4 hours y suck oh you might want to retract the statement great stream I’m glad you I enjoyed it I had a

Lot of fun cool sleeping Fox are you a fito not that I know of at the moment where you stop yeah I’m very tired 4 hours of playing I’m not exactly tired I’m just I want I I want to play another game now oo

Oo I came to Lots this is great I look forward to your progression sorry I’m dying of cringe yeah deal with it this will be the streams can you do Calamity mod in the future um if I finish Terraria yes oh my God T is so fun to play I wish

I started this a lot sooner I genuinely this is my second time playing so yeah my SE semi partial honors reaction to Haram I don’t really care if someone thinks is Haram I do what I want you did 1% of a game content is insane at least it means like it’s

Endless content for my YouTube at least you know stream Don’t Starve now very likely not I won’t be playing don’t star in fact I have like a stream schedule let me put it let me put it on the screen right now um this will be this will be my stream schedule for

Like the rest of the day rest of the week so yeah it’s Minecraft I I’m skipping Saturday I’m I’ll be hanging out my uh I’ll be busy on like The Saturdays yeah one of the reasons is hanging out I’ll be playing Minecraft on like Sunday Wednesday I’ll be playing

Genin for the first time as well and then I’ll play Terraria on Saturday 6 so that’s the schedule for those of you okay all right some going to aim for it’s too dominant and top probably Duke fish Ron is Duke fish Ron H that’s what say dry want to get

Save from drowning and gives enchant an achievement um I’m liking I don’t have a favorite so far all of them seems seem pretty normal for me I don’t think I have a favorite between melee range weapons and Magic so far but the first time yeah you should try the D next time next

Time probably yeah let me play the outro music and then we can end the stream see okay H Spein F should be spinning the other way one second give me a second uh let me uh one second I think there’s a I remember doing this let’s see can she impact girl hot hell yeah spinny Fox there we go transform flip hor on to there we go

There you go cherry pie the [ __ ] is spinning the other way now hopefully be here I hope so too Larry I’ll see you there time mod is useless I still play Minecraft though cuz you can make anything of it I know I just don’t have much fun with it anymore

Would this be an edit separate video it will every stream I will try to make it an edited separate video next you vanilla MC it’ll be a Minecraft challenge or something don’t worry I the reason why I haven’t uploaded a video yet is because like the enchantment video I’m trying to make it

Into a video but since I’m so like nervous I’m so beginner to like all this streaming stuff it’s really hard to turn into video because I’m like mumbling sometimes times so yeah I’ll try my best to get it out Soon I have plan trying multiplayer in the future possibly another stream will be on Sundays Yeah right I think that’s the end of the stream thank you all for watching uh hope you all have a great day um please take care of yourselves all right I believe like covid cases are rising at the moment so please like be careful when you’re going outside stay hydrated like eat healthily

And stuff I I want you guys to be safe all right okay I I have I have like first time experience of like Co not really first time experience I got vaccinated by it so I wasn’t too affected um I have firstand like know some people who have

Died to it so be careful okay be careful take care I have shower I drink it a week take a shower keep yourself clean you should take your you should love yourself now okay all right GL you I hope you enjoyed have a great stream thank you for watching I’ll see you all

On Sunday I’ll be taking the Saturday off later bye take care everyone love you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro Plays Terraria Again!’, was uploaded by XayXay on 2023-12-27 17:39:37. It has garnered 3779 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:41 or 16061 seconds.

Intro and Outro music: Genshin Impact – Anecdote of a Divine Kitsune Guuji [tnbee mix] https://youtu.be/H5PcQIzVbhY?si=Uc50yUn7z9U0v1KS

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    Minecraft CATNAP Hospital ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Je vais ร  l’hopital de CATNAP sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-02-25 09:30:01. It has garnered 199686 views and 3857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:47 or 1247 seconds. I’m going to the CATNAP hospital on Minecraft! ๐Ÿ’ฒ Become a member of the channel: https://urlz.fr/c1VB ๐Ÿ‘š Clothing TheCheeseNaan: https://teespring.com/fr/stores/thecheesenaan ๐Ÿ‘ป SNAPCHAT : thecheesenaan ๐Ÿ“ธ INSTAGRAM : thecheesenaan ๐Ÿฆ„ Mon serveur discord : https://discord.gg/DUXzJrf ๐Ÿ’œMon Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/thecheesenaanyt ————————————————– —————— ๐Ÿ”ด My main channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV6 ๐Ÿ”ด My secondary channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV3 ๐Ÿ”ด My 3rd channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV8 ————————————————– —————— Professional contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHA

    Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MWAHAHAHHA’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 12:43:44. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/ccvKRy4UU4 Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!

    NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dog House Tutorial #shorts’, was uploaded by natzplayzminecraft on 2023-12-22 08:48:46. It has garnered 2428 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftTutorial How To Build Minecraft Build Hacks, Minecraft Build Ideas, Simple Minecraft Builds, Easy Minecraft Builds. If you enjoy my Video’s/Short’s please make sure to like,comment,share and subscribe. Thanks! Read More

  • “Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition” #Minecraft #Hypixel

    "Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition" #Minecraft #HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel server In bedrock edition #minecraft #hypixel #technogamerz’, was uploaded by MAGICAL EARTH GAMING on 2024-01-05 04:59:46. It has garnered 82 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TNT Mod Review – LANCOK GmG!

    EPIC TNT Mod Review - LANCOK GmG!Video Information This video, titled ‘review TNT mod minecraft’, was uploaded by LANCOK GmG on 2024-02-28 23:29:05. It has garnered 1533 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:51 or 471 seconds. @ #indonesia @TopTrending @minecraft @Gameplayrj #funny #fyp #viral @ #8ballpool @gaming #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #funnyvideo #minecraftpe Read More

  • Egg-san’s Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!

    Egg-san's Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Deaths Compilation in Hololive Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Just Egg-san on 2024-05-20 05:16:52. It has garnered 104691 views and 6126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. I compiled all of the clips to make this video. #HoloserverHardcoreMinecraftsource : Hololive Hardcore day 1 highlights Pekora POV https://youtu.be/SJ2fy-mUhBU Pekora React To Nene Dying First In Hardcore HoloServer Minecraft https://youtu.be/4GC4GDDuC14 Pekora Stand Trial For Killing Subaru & Nene https://youtu.be/olj4PaOxMS8 Iroha Perfectly Solves Ririka’s Death In Hardcore Minecraft https://youtu.be/u51HJFZq_KM Hololive Minecraft Hardcore – All Day 3 Deaths Compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrDQEEyLabE Close Call and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Part 3 ๐Ÿคฃ #shorts

    Insane Minecraft War - Part 3 ๐Ÿคฃ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War ๐Ÿคฃ – Part 3 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-10 09:00:43. It has garnered 4562 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. I make you Laugh! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ’01.Minecraft : Le commencement avec Krichney Junior !’, was uploaded by Krichney Gaming on 2024-04-15 16:29:07. It has garnered 181 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. I’m introducing my son to Minecraft, Minecraft for beginners ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • SoulForge SMP – smp pvp

    SOULFORGE SMP Are you tired of searching for the perfect SMP and feeling unlucky? Welcome to the SoulForge SMP! Here you’ll find everything you could ever ask for: Features: 1 – Lifesteal plugin: Experience the lifesteal plugin in action! 2 – Friendly Players and Staff: Our community is always friendly and ready to assist you! 3 – PVP: Sword PVP is allowed, while Crystal, Anchor, Minecart, Bed PVP are not allowed. 4 – Crossplay and cracked: All platforms, including cracked, are accepted at SoulForge. Don’t wait any longer – join now and start your incredible journey with SoulForge SMP! Recommended… Read More

  • VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]

    VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]VitalCraft Minecraft ServerIP: play.vitalcraft.orgBedrock Port: 25581Factions | Skyblock | SurvivalA little about us: We are a brand new server looking to grow in all areas of Minecraft! Our team has worked very hard to deliver a truly special server for all types of players to enjoy. Our team is active, we listen to our community, and we are always looking at ways to improve not only for ourselves, but for our community. Join VitalCraft and find out what it is like to be a part of a loving Minecraft family.================================================================================================Factions Description:Our factions server has what everyone wants… Cannon Raiding |… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

    Technoblade never dies, he just takes a quick respawn break! Read More

  • Survival Twist: Minecraft’s Delightful Flight

    Survival Twist: Minecraft's Delightful Flight In this Minecraft world, survival is key, With a twist that will set you free. Watch till the end, our hard work you’ll see, Playing on mobile, editing with glee. Like and subscribe, show some love, Share with friends, rise above. Minecraft facts, in every rhyme, Survival with a twist, it’s our time. Read More

  • Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza!

    Cobblestone Castle: Building Bonanza! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for your friend to come along and accidentally knock it down with one swift punch. RIP tower, you will be missed. #minecraftfails #friendshipgoals Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. ๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉ’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

    INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAXING OUT a New Class on Wynncraft!’, was uploaded by Olinus10 on 2024-05-18 23:55:19. It has garnered 3374 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:48 or 20148 seconds. Time to level up a new class because its DOUBLE XP on Wynncraft!! #wynncraft #minecraft #mmorpg #minecraftserver โžค IP: play.wynncraft.com โžค DISCORD FOR COOL PEEPS https://discord.gg/olinus-corner-778965021656743966 โžค Check out my Official Wynncraft Content: https://www.tiktok.com/@wynncraftofficial?lang=en & @WynncraftOfficial โžค Join Blue Builds https://discord.gg/blue-s-builds-696616686928920598 โžค Check out our MODPACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgY1LLyv6pI โžค Wynncraft LOFI: @WynnbeatsLOFI โžค Music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio Read More

  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. โ€‹โ€‹Server IP: cloxxwork.ddns.net Port : 42069 Discord: https://discord.gg/BnRuxb5nUr All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ #gamer #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by ION GAMER YT on 2024-02-16 13:59:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ytshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort Watch this … Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shorts

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip: KitPvP.world’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: KitPvP.world ๐ŸŒ Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. ๐Ÿ™๏ธ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: https://youtu.be/z-elPMvTpEc . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day ๐Ÿ™‚ I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใƒซใ‚คๅง‰ใฎ็ฌ‘ใ„ๅฃฐใŒใƒ‰ใƒฉใˆใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฎใ‚ตใƒ–ใ‚ฟใ‚คใƒˆใƒซใซใ—ใ‹่ดใ“ใˆใชใ„’, was uploaded by ใ‚ซใƒฉใ‚ณใƒƒใƒˆ on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/EnH0m9-i… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More