Xbox Expansion Pass – Xbox Expansion Pass 197: Major Minecraft Milestone | Massive Layoffs | Jim Ryan Leaving Playstation

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Foreign Welcome one welcome all to episode 197 of the Xbox expansion pass recorded on Saturday September 30th 2023 I am your host Luke lore The incipit Ghost and I am joined today by my co-host the Intrepid Captain Logan and in this episode we start off and react to yet another round of massive

Layoffs in the gaming industry and we see a surprise milestone for major Xbox IP of course we’re set for another major month of AAA releases in the month of October it is going to be a good one and we hope you enjoy the show Logan we like

To start the show by offering words of kindness those who made our gaming weeks better but first how are you my friend good it’s uh it’s been a busy week for me um just in general so I I feel like of all the weeks that we’ve had like a

Bunch of stuff going on there’s a bunch of stuff that I can’t talk about that I’ve been working on uh I mean like game related or personal related uh game related so like there’s stuff that we’re under embargo for um that we just can’t talk about yet

That I’m like trying to get into and understand and just doing research people can know that we’re playing it though right yes okay you can say that all right so yeah we’re we’re working on Forza coverage yes okay uh we had a we had uh review codes provided to us by

Xbox uh it was very kind of them to do so and um yeah we’ll we’ll be able to talk about that more next week uh and I think we’re gonna try and work on getting a special guest because Luke I think you’re going to be gone next week right yep I’ll be gone

Next week for uh I want to be there’s an event for my wife that is Solemn and so I want to be there in support of her so we’ll be traveling quick quick thing and then turn around traveling so it’s it’s a lot of traveling next weekend but I’ll

Be gone all weekend and unable to record which stinks that I’ll miss the forza coverage but we’ve got a super amazing uh Sub in especially for Ford so Mr Craig Seward uh he’s my words of kindness this week he’s coming in from player one podcast uh agreed to help us

With Forza coverage he is an expert when it comes to racing games of course he’s an industry veteran and then he worked at egm uh you know and worked on reviewing games non-stop but he regularly plays simulation racing games like Gran Turismo uh he has been interested or eye racing eye racing

Whatever that one is yeah the camera rewarded it it’s like the most Niche but real like huge Community for racing so so I couldn’t imagine a more perfect guest to sub in um yeah and help us with Forza coverage because like he will know it far better

Than me who’s like go stop and uh follow the driving line kind of things yeah if there is a driving line in Forza Motorsport which I can’t say one way or another ah you know go watch the videos of it you might figure it out on your

Own you might uh but there is a there is a go and stop button I guess I’ll break embargo for that one thing um I know it’s pretty rough dangerous yeah sources sources allegedly um but yeah we’re playing Forza coverage that’s fun yeah it’s keeping us busy go

Ahead what was the rest of your week I don’t remember what we were what what it was I just I just know that I’ve been covering uh that’s I’ve been working on that that’s that feels yeah well no it’s been a lot and like seriously the funny thing is uh I think

Both of our weeks of it mine’s been very busy work side because like these months are my busy months we we know that um but like crew motor Fest Forza we at the time of this recording Assassin’s Creed has not been been given to us we

May or may not land that one okay like somebody asked us on on Twitter or threads I can’t remember um if it was a Twitter if we were playing I think it was lies of P Liza p and it’s like no we don’t like we can’t

Even catch our breath ahead of of uh that and then there’s Lords of the fallen in there then you’ve got uh Alan Wake on its way Spider-Man if you’re playing that Sonic Superstar is like October is wild and I want to do right by the games that we have for coverage

As it is so like anything I don’t get in this month for coverage it’s just like okay that’s fine yeah I’ll get there I haven’t even touched Phantom Liberty um this gamers are so spoiled for choice in this month uh Game Pass subscribers are spoiled for choice in this month we

Are fortunate that we get to cover some of this stuff uh but I just I just don’t have the bandwidth and I don’t think you do either to go past a certain threshold yeah no it’s literally been like Starfield preview to cyberpunk preview to Forza preview like cocoon just came

Out on Game Pass yesterday like that’s a good that’s gonna be an indie darling I think that that should be really good there’s just there’s so much dude like I’ve been trying to find time to to play games as sea of these Community weekend so like this morning I saw the Tweet go

Out for like a chest to go dig up on an island on all the servers and I went and dug it up and I was like really happy because it’s one of the hardest chests to get a hold of that I still have accommodations to work on for so and and

It’s like double golden double Glory like it’s like it’s all weekend so it’s just there’s so much going on right now there’s there’s cyberpunk twitch drops by the way if you if you want new United States gear like and it looks good too there’s like a there’s a couple guns and

A bunch of armor and stuff like cosmetics and whatnot and it’s like those are going right now so there’s just it’s there’s a lot man this is this is a little too much and we even saw some folks some studio say that they were going to delay to later on because

It’s just so much if they can they should like I’ve got two Indie Games sitting in my inbox that I’ve not had a chance to even potentially consider uh because it’s just too crowded and that’s a that’s a shame like this month is too crowded and multiple games have moved

Right like as as they should um I think because when you’ve got games a caliber of phantom Liberty Spider-Man Allen wake 2 which for all intents and purposes the previews look incredible uh there’s a new Mario game and for some reason Sonic the Hedgehog is doing their

New 2D game like within a week like I know it’s just some strange choices for October you know um strange choices for October and in a month where or a Newsweek where we’re going to be talking about closing Studios closing and people losing their jobs I feel like

In Mass zoomed out from a distance it feels like well if some better choices were made um or or some more decisions could be altered yeah um and I think about that with Immortals of baby and that’s been my go-to frustration point and that’s a good game whether it’s good or good or

Great it’s a game that was deserving of a better gameplay and they’ve got an update coming yeah so which it just it was FSR for PC they just announced they’re working on which is cool yep and uh I can say now like I knew that was was happening they’ve got a good update

Because originally we were going to do our interview to time with that update and I do not know if that’s happening and I don’t want to be the guy that’s like poking them and like hey yeah just lost half your team what’s up you know

Like I don’t want to do that you know yeah things things have probably slowed down as far as timeline goes for that so yeah yeah oh man I said my words I’m sorry go ahead oh no no no go for it dude well as I say I said my words of

Kindness Greg Seward I’m really excited he’s coming on xcp I’m a big fan of him personally and end of p1p and his knowledge on racing is just stoked so I’m just excited to him for him to help with Forza coverage but I was curious who your words of kindness were uh for

This week I wanted to shout out ptk blam they reached out and uh he wanted to see if I could be able to jump on um for the the shop podcast today and uh so I’m going to be recording with them that’ll be later today it’ll go out

It’ll be live but it’ll go out on feeds afterwards I’m sure so uh looking forward to talking to them again I had a really good time last time and uh yeah just you know looking forward to talking talking shop with them that’s that is fantastic

Um I love ptk blam he’s just one of one of those those amazing people in the community the shop podcast is fun still yeah or uh they just have a great Community Century on fuzzy it’s just it’s awesome so I love them that’s fantastic yeah looking forward to that

Logan we had a really big week for patreon coverage we’re doing our our I guess we call it a fundraiser for extra life and uh we had two three people now at the time of this recording one came in while you were talking oh well it got

Us to our goal I was hoping us to get us to 175 dollars for extra life uh so because all of that money for the month of September for patreon is being donated to extra life on our sister podcast I’ll divvy up that money for their particular drives that they’re

Doing in October so I’ll be able to shift all that money over um and we have hit it as of 30 seconds ago which is fantastic I I want to give shout outs to uh waka Butler John who subscribed at tier two which is absolutely an incredible uh can’t thank

You enough for helping us there uh we saw Rob Foley he just subscribed a moment ago at tier two rob Frawley the second uh subscribing unit here too uh he is always in our social feeds which is which is amazing uh can’t thank Rob enough there and then Red Beast uh

Incredible Adam there he upped his patreon from five to ten dollars went from tier two to three uh so we now as xcp are gonna be able to donate 175 dollars to extra life I’m gonna throw in 25 my own to get it to a nice 200

Um across our sister podcast so I’m so grateful to all of our patrons across all three tiers for helping us get there and and for uh John Adam and Rob for bumping us into that special territory for the month of September uh I I said this before it’s always appreciated uh

Never expected and if anybody needs to drop down next month you were just helping for the fundraiser I appreciate you and thank you um that was amazing that was a great feeling as a community I’m really glad to hear that yeah yeah it’s it’s a nice win

Um if you are doing extra life fundraisers and we can help spread the word or share with our community please feel free to DM Logan or myself uh message us on uh Discord or X if that’s working at the time let us know because we want to help raise money for extra

Life in our our own way as well so so there you go I’ll tell you what uh just check the old bank account I’ll uh I’ll toss 50 into that we’ll make it a 250. hot darn look at us go look at us go this is fantastic so we’re gonna

Divvy up 250 bucks across uh our sister shows uh and of course we’ll let our community know where those monies are going um in the month of October when we see those drives happening so there we go all right love this fantastic me me too

Oh my day is made buddy my day is made from migraine to Victory here we are uh Logan we have our tier two and three shout outs which have new names uh and I’m stoked for that uh I need to put put uh waka Butler in there

What’s such a cool name all right uh it’s your week to read though I know well I’m gonna try and do justice I know there’s one I’m probably gonna try and I’m probably gonna trip up on so apologies in advance but here we go so

Thank you again to the tier 2 and tier three uh patrons you guys are helping make this uh happen I really appreciate it head over to forward slash XBox expansion pass to uh to consider you know donating see if this content’s worth supporting Luke for

Which I do because I I want to make sure that he knows that I appreciate all the stuff he does for me so thank you to Waka Butler Rob Frawley Tao zochi trickster Robbie Bobby Miller silent Cipher Xbox Skittle steel rain matto 16 1806 Randall Thor 19 silkenet Rick Gaffney African AKA

Charles Jones game positive jam-packed Sam Matt Valdez Neo Prime 33 Rick Davis Red Beast Xbox mic 29 the Lord sir Master James sutty Brendan Myers aka the winter gamer Sony’s VP of marketing Kevin Butler Clint Coombs DJ Hero and Dano 12. thank you all again so much for

Your support really appreciate it and uh you know Luke I gotta say uh Kevin Butler Stand Out gentlemen um ended up actually uh jumping in with me to do some stages of K2 the other day Kevin dude yeah oh that’s fantastic so we did some uh we were I remember we

Were talking about it in the Discord but it’s been a while and I didn’t even think to to like call that out but the Xbox the the patreon Discord is like one of my favorites right now because everyone in there is just awesome people and it’s been really fun to get to like

Play with some new folks that I’ve never gotten to play with before I I cannot agree more it’s it’s one of those weird things where like there’s a three dollar barrier to entry on a Discord but in that small bit it lets people uh yeah not Kevin Butler

I’m sorry Bush sorry Bush okay yeah you said Butch last week you told me you mentioned it last week um but I was like that’s why I was surprised by Kevin but I will and shout out to Butch because he is awesome but I love the that small little bit means

That people that are in our community want to be there yeah and we’re able to all right they’re willing to support the show but also like every morning there’s a good morning xcp or good morning fam or etc etc the gifts the gifts are the GIF is great

Yep yep oh I love it yeah me too man me too well look dude there is a lot of gaming news we’ve alluded to a lot of it uh Forza codes are out in the wild coverage is being made by content creators influencers alike reviewer in

Progress I’m excited for us to have our coverage of that um that’s Xbox’s fourth fourth IP this year fifth IP this year you got Hi-Fi Rush uh Minecraft Legends red fall star field and then Forza yeah so their their fifth game of the year uh certainly going to be impactful for a

Lot of reasons I’m really curious to see kind of the bump in the interest level um I’m curious how it compares to Starfield I’ll be really fascinated to see where charts on Steam if if we see console scale sales Spike again if there’s Game of the Year conversations for it or not

Um because Forza Horizon 5. always felt overlooked despite getting some game of the year you know conversations surrounding it I’m just curious to see how Forza Motorsport has reacted to because Sim and arcade are different plus you had the crew motor Fest not too long ago

Um which is a game I recommend to everybody crew motorfest is amazing I so enjoy that game so I’m really really interested to see kind of how it goes but all that to say the industry got some weird news this past week and I want to start with Jim Ryan retiring as

CEO uh and the president of Sony um to me this is interesting but not unexpected and that might sound potentially inflammatory but I don’t think it is uh Playstation has had a timeline of roughly five years for its CEOs as they’ve cycled out personalities and while I know that

I know that many people will will condemn Jim Ryan or celebrate Jim Ryan based on their own personal views because we’re an Xbox show I think it’s interesting because it’s the major competitor to to Microsoft and Xbox sends Phil Spencer’s arrival has had multiple figureheads that were notable

And uh personality driven as well as capable driven uh we’ve seen Sarah bonds step into to a number of roles Major Nelson recently stepped down and I’m curious with with Jim Ryan leaving um Logan do you feel as I do though that well he certainly took Sean Laden’s

PlayStation to the next level with PS5 maybe Jim Ryan’s impact wasn’t as positive as it could have been given the quality that of PlayStation exclusives oh I’m gonna oh my buddy I love you but I’m gonna be brutally honest I’m glad that dude is gone he’s a good he’s a

Good businessman he he took the PS4 and he really just turned that into uh like a Mainstay in houses the way the PS2 did uh but never have I seen a company go through so many like stepping on rakes in the middle of a yard for easy stuff like if like ten dollars

Easy stuff uh you know like the the difference between a next gen and a last gen game version director’s cuts from you know for games that are exclusives that like why why is the why is this a director’s cut the director’s the director was hideo Kojima he put out the version he

Wanted why is he does even so Jim Ryan I’m glad that he you know he’s been at the he’s been with Sie for like 30 years um you know he’s been in the CEO uh position for a good while he’s not he’s not a gamer man like he’s a business guy

And you know for someone running a company as a CEO you want a business guy uh having Phil Spencer work his way from game development to CEO is in it’s an abnormality you know like Reggie Reggie uh fisa May one of the best CEOs Nintendo’s ever had dude was working for

Like Pepsi or something beforehand mm-hmm and it was like he he you know he was a gamer but he wasn’t like a died in the wall raised in the industry you know cut from the cloth of developers kind of CE you know like person and that’s fine uh but I’m genuinely hoping that

Whoever takes over uh after the internal period between you know Jim leaving in whoever’s next we get someone who knows how to talk to the audience uh I desperately want Sony fans to feel like they are heard from their leader you know and and everyone has their their reasons for

Picking the the consoles that they do uh or you just pick all of them and it doesn’t feel like they’ve had a champion in their corner you know in in the boxing match that is the the console competition um for market share and it’s just

I mean I could get nasty about it but the dude did his job he did it really really well you can’t hold him for that I just don’t think that I don’t think that he was doing anything that was going to make consumers happy and as a consumer that’s the most important thing

To me I think PlayStation is deserving of someone that matches the quality of their exclusives and I genuinely feel like Jim Ryan wrote the coattails of a brilliant Sony created by Sean Laden yeah with a lot of single player uh driven games and when we right now we’re

Seeing the industry contract as a lot of multiplayer live service driven games are closing canceling shutting down from from major developers and it feels like uh Jim Ryan was really pushing the live service element of Sony and chasing Xbox’s success hear my words here in the live service realm with games like

Grounded sea of Thieves uh Minecraft but they had the winning formula already in their single player and it should have been a more 70 30 split single player to live service but he’s kind of flipped it to where a lot of the projects upcoming for Sony seem to be

Multiplayer driven which scares me or SQL and again which scares me for long term right like in short term I’m having a blast I’m so excited for Spider-Man 2. Sony’s done such a wonderful job with its exclusives but we’re seeing the industry contract in Live service and

Jim Ryan doesn’t seem to like he was one that was motivated to one tell the truth to Consumers uh you know we believe in generations and several other just like odd choices of wording and phrases you can look at the ABK uh interactions that he had surrounding

That which just felt disingenuous and I hate that because if you’re going to be the the leader for this incredible game making Studio that impacts the entire industry especially Xbox um I I want it to be somebody that is relatable and Equitable I can’t imagine many other leaders that could have

Guided Xbox through the darkest periods of the Xbox one generation if they weren’t somebody that the audience identified and felt with in Phil Spencer and already we see Spencer laying the grounds for others to take his place be approachable be exciting we’re seeing the grounds laid for more single player

Content out of Xbox mimicking Sony’s success rate while still adjusting for the future um I want competitive elements between the two and somehow despite all the success PlayStation has had it feels like Jim Ryan leaving is a win for PlayStation Gamers and gamers in general yeah and so

I’m I’m glad to see this happening with respect to his success I don’t think he was good for games I don’t think he was good for the the industry and so I’m glad that he is leaving glad that it’s not like under some terrible you know like he was beating the the people

Making them sleep under their desk type of moments you know no Elon Musk level you know as far as oh man don’t give me don’t bring up his name I don’t need to I don’t need to hear elon’s name today you told me that you were gonna live and

Die by what he does oh my God so you know I’m glad this is happening because I hope that as the industry Ebbs and flows we see more gamer friendly actions from PlayStation because gamer friendly actions from PlayStation will have an impact on the rest of the industry yeah

And and we’ve seen Xbox because they’re in third place do gamer friendly stuff that doesn’t seem to impact the industry nearly as impactfully so I’m curious to see kind of how that goes but I am glad that Jim Ryan is stepping away I’m glad that we’re going to get new blood I

Think there are a lot of Voices That Could Herman Holst shui Yoshida um I know they had um I know they had somebody on stage for their recent state of play that might be worthwhile cheers to that I just hope it’s somebody that makes the gaming industry better yeah yeah the the the

Talking head that they had for that state of play I can’t remember her name but she was great she she sounded like she understood what what the assignment was so I was definitely happy about that yeah Herman Holst is a great opportunity and there because he’s

Got a great personality he seems very uh you know social uh and you know you this happens man this happens everywhere like I was just I was talking to my wife and and she’s having you know similar issue with her new supervisor like her last Supervisor was super personable you know

Super kind uh really good to a really good person as far as like reaching out and talking to people and being you know like a a personality on top of a supervisor you can do both uh and I hope that that happens for Sony because they need someone they need they need someone

To to be there to be like the person who’s going to to really kind of make sense of what the future of that generation is going to be especially knowing that we’re going to be getting new hardware soon the hardware choices that they’ve made this generation are boggling uh you know

Uh the the I can’t even think of what the name is the portal um the portal yeah this is the PSP yeah whatever it is uh just strange stuff man yeah strange stuff overall just really odd that they’re going that route so I’m hoping whoever comes in uh has a clear

Understanding of like where they should go with the market and try and innovate as opposed to just replicate the bare min agreed and I and Playstation fans had a rough week given that hack and stuff and like that’s not something to celebrate no Xbox show or group should be celebrating that sucks

Um yeah and that happens in technology driven world so PlayStation needs a win and I think it’s on its way with Spider-Man um you know I’m okay with that um XBox is definitely doing well they had a really cool Milestone hit by a major Xbox IP with Minecraft uh yeah

This past week I thought this was really neat uh 25 million players have played Minecraft dungeons uh and get to be clear that’s dungeons not Legends which is the light Legends the one that came out this this year dungeons was the one that came out I want to say pandemic

Time 21-21 I believe uh it’s the Diablo like yeah the Diablo like I really liked that game I thought it was criminally underserved with Xbox crossover IP which I’m going to talk about in a moment um but 25 million players across switch PS4 PC Xbox One series X and S uh it had

A a seven out of 10 which is just you know that’s just Xbox One make 7 out of tens at this point um I was just thinking about that can I can I deviate do a quick little little detour real quick yeah I was making a

Joke but you’re you I feel like you got a good station Point coming Bring it oh it’s it’s interesting to me because this year has been lots of eights uh in in critically like welcomed eights and and just to call out like Hi-Fi Rush is an

89 it’s like a smidgen below a nine and that was a shadow drop this year uh you know redfall being the outlier here star fields in the high 80s and I’m pretty sure Forza is probably going to be a nine um if I had to guess

I feel like games that are not Niche have a hard time breaking that 90 90 barrier Niche games I feel like you can do it right like yeah this is simulation racing this is simulation flying this is uh a graphic visual novel like within a

Niche it’s easier to get I think above a 90 because the assignment is more easily understood but when you want broad appeal it’s much harder to break that 90 barrier I think yeah very few games do that that have broad appeal um mostly to say that this year uh with red

Fall being the exception and we have you know we understand why that’s the case uh this year for for Xbox has been a higher average than most of what we’ve seen in the past which is crazy because the stuff that we’ve had lately this generation has actually been really good content too

They had a great 2021 um they had the consoles launch in late 2020 Great 2021 with Halo and Forza Horizon Horizon Minecraft dungeons was in there that window and I really 2022 is the outlier yeah and it feels like this generation is marked by 2022 yeah for Xbox which is a shame because

Game Pass was well served live service was well served for Xbox in that window but that one year of no exclusives really has proven fatal to the mindset the the Mind share that Xbox commanded it wasn’t include including Inc Illuminati uh wasn’t that out in 2022 I mean maybe but

Are you thinking of pentiment are you thinking of pentiment or pentiment yeah I’m sorry yeah like two games that came out that were like the same yeah they were very similar I understand exactly why and like the fact that I knew what you were talking about is telling of how

Similar they were yeah it came out in 2022 which was uh very much like a grounded um but I mean that was a game that a lot of folks like they didn’t like those that played it and and understood like the play style and were okay getting

Beyond the art direction of it uh really really spoke highly of that I’m trying to grab the uh open critic but yeah that was a 2022 launch and that’s such a niche game I think it accidentally proves my point about oh yeah no you’re not here yeah you’re

Not wrong but yeah that was an 86 on uh on open critic but yeah mostly hates this generation Xbox has really had a good run but the lack of pure AAA uh between Forza and Halo and then now Starfield really did do a damage for it

But I mean I maintained Starfield as my game of the year at present and it’s the most eight out of 10 game of the year I’m set to roll credits on Starfield today um I think I anticipate doing that today so we can do our spoiler cast for Xbox

Wrap up uh if you want to do that okay that that would be fun because we did a great you know intro to Starfield on our last Xbox wrap up which will go live for everybody on YouTube this week um so we could do a spoiler cast there

But that’d be cool I I want to loop back to a concept and an idea that I think Minecraft is you know in the wake of 25 million and they’re shutting not shutting down but they’re no longer going to be updating Minecraft dungeons um I think Microsoft has been looking to

Diversify the Minecraft IP with Legends with dungeons with mobile trying to figure out what to do with it to let it serve more and I I heard a YouTuber that I enjoy whose Name Escapes me in this one moment just because I think my head hurts but um

He called Minecraft the the Mario for Xbox um and not in terms of gameplay style but in terms of like IP recognition the ability to diversify gameplay with the IP and I really like that analogy and I think that Xbox is in need of continued diversity with Minecraft and I think

They also failed Minecraft dungeons and legends by not doing crossover content like it is surprising to me we didn’t see Master Chief in dungeons with special armor and abilities um Master Chief or some you know leader from other plasma sword yeah uh would have been great it’s seeing some heroes

From the my the Xbox IP in Minecraft Legends would have been so appropriate I think they need to Xbox in general needs to do more crossover within its IP cross promotional stuff I’ve said long for a long time there should be an island in Sea of Thieves with zombies on it and

Like an homage to State of Decay I think there should be more uh do we did get stage of Decay content you got liveries and such yeah but I’m saying there should be like more homages to Xbox IP within Xbox IP we had those two fantastic and beautiful Spartan armors

In Gears five yeah why not more where was the rest of Noble Team why wasn’t Chief in there um why not get Gears armors in Halo infinite where we’ve got these Samurai and tenra and stuff like there are so many potential elements to see other IP I think Minecraft is a wonderful place

Because Minecraft proper does a great job similar to fortnite of creating a metaverse of Ip they’re on Mario there’s Ghostbusters there’s Ninja Turtles I think there’s there’s Master Chief I would love to see Microsoft do a better job at showcasing itself within itself why why is

Doomslayer not a an armor set in Halo infinite right like that’s a thing that could be happening more yeah yeah they could easily do uh a Halo uh Master Chief um Power Armor in uh fallout 76 exactly and uh stuff like that yeah I having uh Minecraft dungeons hit 25 million players

Um who’ve played it that’s that to me is really awesome just to know that game pass is doing what it’s intended which is to to build a library for folks who you know most likely probably won’t buy every single title that comes out and just know that you know there’s a it’s a

Really good game for um fans of action RPGs like Diablo and stuff and that you know it’s it’s accessible there and it’s great for kids it’s great for um there’s actually a sightless combat who goes through and plays it uh and is able to to do really well on it because

Of some of the abilities that you can get in there because you can just teleport to people when when you’re lost and that’s like that’s great for someone without sight so really awesome that they’re that they’re hitting 25 million I I would like to see a sequel to that

And have them build out the story or build out the worlds you know go some other places and uh do some do some new stuff especially given some of the uh the stuff that we’ve seen with like the pillars team and the Diablo 4 team and what they brought to

The table I think a Dungeons 2 could be served from learning some of the new lessons that we’ve seen with uh with some of the new titles in the the uh top down isometric kind of arpgs I I’m inclined to agree but I thought it was just a really cool Milestone uh to

Know that Xbox hit I agree with what you’re saying about Xbox game pass doing what it needs to do um and Game Pass is ripe for a certain type of game as well like Gotham Knights just hit Game Pass that’s the right game for Game Pass we’ll jump into it then

It’s it’s a great candidate for game pass because it is a very good game like I am a fan of it but I had to make peace with it it was an Arkham but this allows people to get in and try it out play it uh before

It gets grindy like you can play a great action story there and then if you don’t want to grind you don’t want to grind you know no harm no foul you’re in Game Pass if you want to be in photo mode with Batgirl that’s you know it’s there now that’s yeah

Sorry where you got that idea no hey come on um so let’s go into another topic here uh this one is I think a bit of a downer and it ties into two different stories um and my in our notes I kind of split them by accident but epic games has laid

Off 830 people or roughly 16 of its company uh two different pandemic era company uh Acquisitions were hit quite a bit by this it got rid of two of them band camp and super awesome uh that was about five percent of its of its staff there uh epic CEO Tim Sweeney

Explained the necessity of the cuts in an email to staff and I have a hard time with that word necessity um he says for a while now we’ve been spending way more money than we earn investing in the next evolution of Epic and growing fortnite as a metaverse

Inspired ecosystem for creators I have long been optimistic we could power through this transition without layoffs but in retrospect I see that was unrealistic end quote and boy do I have a beef with that Logan uh games uh noted that it’s odd that fortnite is growing right now

But they’re saying that it’s growing because of uh user created content versus epic Creator content and epic has a need to share this Revenue with creators now my personal take on this is that it’s very frustrating to see fortnite it’s which is its Cash Cow growing and to see them continue pushing things

Like epic game store which have very low adoption rate they’re they’re paying developers out the Wazoo for exclusive and free game content which I appreciate them paying Developers for but no one’s utilizing it and people are losing their jobs as a result of it they’re also

Raising the cost of V bucks next month which is wild to me given how much they do like there are so many ways in my mind outside looking in that they could have managed this better I think about uh I wanna I think it’s mediatonic the

The creators of Fall Guys yeah they were head Cuts yeah huge cuts uh for the creators of Fall Guys and they were acquired two years ago by epic and then made free to play so frustrating and they also had the Fortnight effect of getting tons of

Skins that they paid for uh into their game to create another metaverse element thing and I appreciate that I appreciate crossovers I just said that in a previous topic but the idea that epic games needs to lay off this many people while making money in fortnite while raising the cost of v-bucks while

Getting an influx of users at in the wake of unity’s problems they’re getting an influx of users and Developers for unreal is mind-boggling to me and it shows to me it’s bad business run and I think Tim Sweeney’s uh up his own ass a little bit in this one sorry Adam how do

You have kids in the car my bad love you Red Beast I it’s one of these things where there’s a cognitive dissonance between the the what we see and the words spoken to us you know they’re they’re smiling while lying and it doesn’t feel good uh it

Doesn’t feel good at all like obviously I don’t know how that companies run I don’t know like all the all the details to it but I know that there’s places you probably could have cut stuff or uh you know like had instead of like putting

Out free games maybe not put out so many free games you know maybe maybe take a look at like why rocket league is potentially losing viewership or something you know work on that as opposed to cutting you know cutting the the payroll on Studios like those Studios aren’t going to benefit from

Losing people that’s not how that does not seem I mean and it’s not like they got to choose they didn’t you know it wasn’t like drawing straws or something they’re just like nope these positions are cut why well we’re not making enough money I’m sure a listener can help me out on

This but I remember uh Elite of at least two games that struggled and had to either close or go back into beta or or something akin to that because they were brothers um the brawl brawl uh that’s multiverses but I’m thinking of something different I’m thinking of of epic game store

Exclusives oh oh that we’re supposed to be like live service projects but they failed again generate an audience because the epic games were audience is too small that’s a stupid decision if you’re gonna have a PC version of your game let steam users take advantage of it because otherwise if you’re making a

Live service game you live and die by your community so I’m just very frustrated to see this happen and I think you’re making a different point with multiverses which I’d love for you to expound on but I’m just frustrated by like epic you’re epic games you are epic games there was a

Better you you bought The Fall Guys Creator and forced it force it to be free to play maybe they had that plan already maybe not but now you’re cutting their jobs like you bought them and broke them that’s not fair that’s awful yeah it’s it’s one of those situations where

I just don’t understand like why they didn’t see this coming like why did it get to the point where they’re like oh we need to lay off 16 and why is it like always around this time that we start to see all these major layoffs like is it just because it’s

Like the the start of a new quarter and they want to see profits going into the end of the year you know is is it because they’ve they’ve released the games that they’ve been working on for years and now that they’ve released them they get to cut people because those

Jobs are not you know needed until the the launch of you know like a lot of I’ve seen a lot of social media jobs uh get cut recently on on X and I’m just like you know you they you could still pay those people to do stuff like just

Because the game’s out doesn’t mean you can’t have those people transition to a more live stream system where they’re showcasing talking about the game doing updates you know talking about little things here and there that they could do streams for every week and just have

Like you know uh what is it um obsidian they they have social Community teams and devs that come out every week and do charity streams that’s awesome that’s awesome dude like EA you want some good you want some good press start having your Studios you know find those Community managers who don’t

Got a lot to do because the game’s out or you know the game’s not out yet and they don’t have anything to talk about have them start doing charity streams you know put some good will behind you mm-hmm very very frustrating to watch very frustrating to see people lose their jobs

Um and I think it ties to a bigger issue Logan and that’s that brings me to like live service games there is a consistent and frustrating thing that I’m seeing is that live service and always online are forcing Studio closures or damning games into poor launches launches as a result of it

Um let’s see I’m gonna find it okay so in the past week two weeks payday 3 came out and servers were an absolute mess it’s just more payday which was what people seem to want but then they’re not able to play it even if they’re trying to play

Solo by themselves on their local because the game needs to be always online and servers are a mess yeah the game party animals which is getting an Ori and the will of the Wisp blind Forest crossover uh was this hugely expected very very exciting game for a

Lot of people it’s that it’s one of those um what is it like I don’t know ragdoll physics yeah Brawlers it’s a great way to call it yeah yeah um it looks really fun especially if you’re into that kind of game but in the description they said it was

Available like a single player couch Co-op as well as multiplayer online but they their their reasoning was hey we don’t speak in English as a native language you have to be always online with it and they worded that poorly so it’s getting torched by users who

Expected to be able to buy the game and play the game without having to be online uh you know play with their spouses they’re sniffing others whoever it may be kids on their couch but they have to be online that’s very frustrating and I think that is

That that we see Evil Dead closing Sega just canceled uh an upcoming project hyenas which means jobs are being lost that was a pvpve uh shooter that was being made by creative assembly yeah that one like we could we I I could see like there was a little bit of uh a

Little bit of chasing the the the you know the Golden Goose on hyenas 100 that’s kind of my beef though is like Jim Ryan was working on creating a Sony that was chasing a Golden Goose yeah live service always online Sega in hyenas was doing the exact same thing

Yeah there’s a finite amount of space for always online games CS go just came out of beta or got its sequel or Counter-Strike two or something like that yeah that is a is an aberration and an outlier you can’t mimic that they launched to over a million players in

Like an hour or something like that yeah but that’s Counter-Strike right you can’t all be chasing the always online element it is an outlier that sea of Thieves is successful right like yeah that is a strange unique the only way to be always online and survive I think is

To have an attraction point and that means uniqueness I’m really curious if Square Enix has learned this lesson in the wake of Final Fantasy I’m really curious if there are other ways that other other parties are because not just I think it was Evil Dead is closing that’s always online

Um asymmetrical horror games are dying like like they’re fruit on the vine man you cannot put a horror game asymmetrical game and hope to compete against like hunt and uh dead by Daylights like it’s right that market is tapped in my opinion man I feel so bad for Evil Dead especially considering

Evil Dead is one of those I peas that it nailed the IP so well kind of like uh Ghostbusters uh Spirits Unleashed like those two games in Ghostbusters Unleashed is a small small pool of players like you’re getting bots in those matches and it’s getting a Nintendo switch release soon

And I’m hoping for fresh meat in that because that’s a game that I I really do love that game that is a fantastic asymmetrical horror game that is not really horror related uh but it’s fun to run around as a Ghostbuster and try and

Catch a ghost and it’s fun to be a ghost and just uh mess with with Ghostbusters that don’t know what they’re doing you know um but like Evil Dead that is an amazing game I don’t have to play it to know that it is an amazing game it’s not just

One of those uh you know PlayStation 2 IP driven games and to see that get shut down it’s like there’s something going on with just games as a service and and they’ve got a time they’re on a taking time bomb and sea of Thieves you brought up there was

Two years of Microsoft or Xbox support on a game that did not could not monetize itself until 2019 after it came out in 2018. it was almost two full two years that that game was living off of Game Pass uh when when no one wanted to pick it up because

There was quote unquote No content it’s disheartening and worrisome and as the games industry becomes more I guess more mobile with cloud gaming with 5G with games being able to more easily access the internet curious how the new Switch impacts this curious if the new PSP uh

Impacts this at all I would know because it’s like you got to be in the house kind of thing like so strange um but I’m curious how that tends to happen so I’m really sad to see all this I guess contraction in the industry but it’s it’s

Disheartening I don’t know that I have more of a thesis on that but it is disheartening to go through I’m I’m seeing two examples of good and bad behavior in this uh that I want to end on um Sony is moving towards games as a service now they have acquired Bungie to

Help with that that is a that is a a painful move they should not do that they should focus on more multiplayer not games as a service games and single player games that they do really really well Ubisoft on the other hand has been making games as a service through their

Single player games and it has been just one of those weird things where people just don’t want that they don’t want those types of games from Ubisoft and Ubisoft is pivoting back to making their games more smaller one-offs with like a main story Assassin’s Creed Mirage being

The first in this compared to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and odyssey like we are seeing them turn the corner to go back to single player experiences I’m I’m hoping that Sony kind of stays the course and just you know like goes to sushima is still one of the best games

Sony has put out in the last generation it’s it’s uh multiplier came free after the initial launch of the game and it was it’s one of the best multiplayer experiences you can get from a first party IP that they have just do that that’s all people people just want

Factions just give them factions so agree so agree uh Game Pass of course having a great month in September an even better month upcoming in October I do want to call out cocoon which came out on September 29th that got incredible reviews this is like a a layered puzzle platforming game

Isometric Eurogamer 5 out of five games radar 5 out of five ign9 got his geek nine total biscuit nine game Ram 4.5 out of five push Square 9 Press Start nine Xbox era 9 Game Informer 8.8 open critics at a 90 uh critics recommend 95 of critics are recommending this one

Rock on I think this is really cool to see um if you are not into some of the AAA stuff that’s come out lately like Star field if you’re not looking forward to four to the Indies seem like they’re taking care of you and Game Pass is taking care of you which is

Foreign This has been an amazing one for that um uh if you don’t have anything else before listener questions I did want to make one call out uh for the the Xbox Xbox is changing their capture policy um so I just wanna is this is more a PSA

Than anything I don’t really have much to say other than it’s like I’m glad that they’re doing something uh because I was worried about how they were going to do this but um there’s a new policy for storing game captures going on uh as of this recording uh they’re updating the way

That Xbox network retains game captures game captures stored on the net uh Xbox network will be deleted after 90 days or three months um so if you want to back up any Clips or screenshots you wish to keep indefinitely you’ll have to go to uh your your OneDrive you’ll have to set it

Up so that you can actually have stuff being retained on OneDrive or you you’ll have to pull them off the the like immediately off of the cloud and there’s there’s a couple other ways that you can do that but you can move uh and and manage like bulk uploads

Um where you store your captures on Xbox you just have to go to the uh the my games and apps see all apps and captures to be able to do that I just want to make sure that you guys are aware of that um they did put in some tools like uh

Microsoft clip champ video editor for PC so that if you want to be able to like edit some stuff that’ll be a way to go about it and with the console app being defunct on PC uh OneDrive is going to be the the best way for you to be able to

Pull captures from your Xbox to your PC to be able to edit those and stuff so just a little PSA heads up 90 days for captures if you got something that you if you if you want it make sure that you log in look at what you have try and get

It on OneDrive so you can save that for later fantastic I use my captures app often like I or the capture I capture stuff and I download it on my phone a lot I put out a lot of like YouTube shorts or just put it up on the dying platform

That is Twitter which our engagement’s gone on Twitter man like I didn’t know yeah I don’t I don’t tweet my podcast things anymore man because it just doesn’t do it doesn’t move the numbers it doesn’t even get views um in our YouTube platform like I’m grateful to every listener we have audio

Listeners you’re always showing up you’re always great to see that and I appreciate you YouTube numbers are down because I used to get that influx from X from Twitter um like social media that is where the YouTube uh audience came from they would see my tweet and they would yeah and

That was how and so like that’s been an interesting change so so what we’re saying is we’re going to Facebook Facebook gaming uh hello everybody I was on mixer oh I miss mixer that’s sad but I don’t miss streaming weirdly so all right we have uh some listener

Questions here I’m excited for this one from Ellery uh who shout out to Ellery uh they put up a really fun YouTube unboxing of Vasco from Starfield uh I love their channel it’s so much fun um Hillary says I can’t believe October is almost here what are your favorite spooky or horror games

I have a lot of answers for this one um I love spooky games Logan I don’t necessarily love horror games I think those are two different things but uh do you have answers prep for this one or do you want me to go first like I kind of

Answered the one that that I did dude if it’s Ghostbusters I’m sold like the new Ghostbusters game for VR for for meta and psvr too like I’m gonna be playing those I wish it was on Xbox so I could have like you know my my achievements and whatnot but Ghostbusters spirit

Unleashed is hands down one of my favorite favorite games that’s in asymmetrical game and I usually don’t go for asymmetrical games because I get anxiety about being the one person singled out and chased after uh yeah dude anxiety is a real pain in the butt

Man like my wife deals with it but I didn’t realize the more I get older the more I realize like how I actually have that how I I in one of these days I’ll actually go talk to a doctor if I actually trust him see if they can help

Me out with it but yeah the more the more I play like asymmetrical games the more I play like PVP games I’m like it depends on the game but I I can’t do spooky um uh I can’t do a horror I definitely can’t do horror dude uh I’m in that part

With the the uh the alien stuff in Starfield that we’ll probably game yeah whatever game aspect in there that I didn’t realize that’s all dude it’s so hard it’s so freaking hard did you see I put up a really good YouTube short when the game first came out of a horror

Moment where something came out of the ground that I was not ready for oh yeah yeah I’m there I’m doing that now yeah but yeah it’s uh yeah yeah it’s a hard to it’s the sound if I mute it I feel better but a lot of it is the sound

Drives me nuts I get so anxious about that but yeah a Ghostbusters man uh everything else I’ll I’ll watch I can’t play but those are like my favorites go play Ghostbusters Spirits unleash man that is such a good game it is a good game shout out to CJ and uh Mike because

We’ve had we’ve had some good Ghostbusters with that one um I love spooky um I love horror to a point I don’t enjoy jump scare horror that’s not fun for me um I think it’s cheap I think jump scare horror is pretty darn cheap I don’t enjoy horror where it’s the like Gore

Porn that’s not fun for me saw hostile but I really love spooky and I really love uh so ridiculous you it’s unbelievable like I can do um I can do scream I can do Halloween I can do flashers yeah I could do that stuff as long as like the goal isn’t to

Show you all the awful things that can happen so in terms of games spooky is my favorite um pumpkin jack is a game I love pumpkin jack remember you’re talking about that last year great yeah I love pumpkin I think everybody should play pumpkin jack it’s such a fun game

Um I really enjoy the Resident Evil series uh particularly the third person ones for people like you Logan you can play the third person ones I think far easier than like Resident Evil 7 where it’s where it’s uh first person and survival style I like where you’re gonna you’re getting like

Freaked out I do think you can totally handle the majority Resident Evil eight um I played a little bit of it yeah it wasn’t too bad there’s definitely a couple moments where I was like getting a little a little messed up by it but yeah it wasn’t it wasn’t too bad

Um so dead space remake was wonderful Resident Evil Force remake was wonderful um yeah Dead Space was dead space is like one of those where it’s not spooky but it is scary yeah and spooky to me is an atmosphere I love the dark uh woods with the fog and the the monsters out

There again unbelievable is good for me in horror I don’t enjoy the jump scare type stuff um I’m playing a game called Army of Ruin right now which is just a vampire survivor’s esque Style game and I love it because it’s Halloween it’s just there’s a Halloween vibe to it yeah

Halloween’s my favorite holiday I love that um I’m looking forward to when fortnite brings the pumpkin characters so I can get one of those I like that stuff yeah yeah I I’ve um phasmaphobia is one that I hope comes to console soon because I would love to play I would

Love to actually play that oddly enough the ghost I dude I don’t know about you I love nuke’s top five if you don’t know nuke’s top 5 for YouTube it is like a top five channel of like ghost videos I am such a sucker for ghost videos dude I

Know they’re all fake I don’t care I love watching what people are trying to do to to make like fuzzy weird objects in a camera look real or oh there’s a there’s a sound down a dark hallway and I happen to be in a really quiet uh or

You know an abandoned Hospital in the middle of you know Maine or something yeah yeah with my phone and a couple cameras and it’s just like it’s like the like Blair Witch man it’s like I I’m a sucker for that so I love watching that stuff but I I would love

To have phasmaphobia because that’s kind of in that vein uh I was watching there’s there’s some really good horror games um on PC that they’re just small Indie titles so there’s not enough people to really like get things ported over to console or there’s not enough like uh

Groundswell or funding to be able to get the get access to that but there’s a lot on on PC that I see streamers do that I love to watch because I’m good watching it I can’t play it but yeah good question though good time good timing on

The question I I do the thing wearing games Logan like when I was playing sea of Thieves all my stuff would be Halloween themed yeah when I play Gears of War I’d use the Halloween theme characters that’s what I’m saying like the fortnite on the pumpkin ones I love that I love

Spooky and Halloween a lot horror and violence no not as much so uh let’s see we have one more question here and I love this question this one came in last week from Butch who you uh enjoyed some State of Decay with a great spooky game oh

Yeah spooky game I was stage of K2 it was really fun yeah if you at night so if you play at night with somebody go out at night and get in cars where the headlights or lighting stuff oh yeah yeah this is good um and he says if Microsoft would approach

Luke and Logan and say we’re going to make an official xcp game design it and get back to us what would the game be what genre what developer let’s stay within Xbox first party Studios certainly no shortage of options there uh would there be any unique gameplay or

Story beats will Logan be a pirate lord with a special flare gun ability great show guys keep it up love Butch 4969. I know what game I’d make but do you know which one you’d make oh yeah yeah all right all right you go first oh I

Get to go for okay all right well Butch thank you for your question uh if if Microsoft approached us to make a Lucan lore xcp game um this would be it would be it’d be a romance visual novel To figure out what our likes and our dislikes were for games and just like pop culture to try and romance have obsidian do it and I would have the team that did um the art pentament I would have them do it just to see what they are like would be would be like

Maybe it would be the dumbest thing it would be like the KFC visual novel that came out a while ago I’m doing this for the last dude I’m doing this because I knew what you it would it would Blindside you so much oh so tell me what your actual what your

Game was good to actually be because yeah like you were thinking an actual action game let me tell you how stupid I am I created This brilliant game in my mind I was like this is what I do would be so cool and you’re like it’s a visual

Romance novel and yours is absolutely gonna be the one people want to play God okay so mine you are playing in a New York or Gotham city-esque third person action game layout at night uh you’ve got orb collecting somewhere to Crackdown your character levels up uh as you collect

Different Collectibles around the city uh and every time you level up you eat a double down um which is which is part of your Collectibles you collect lore spelled Lohr that’s uh all podcast lore around the city sometimes it’s comic books about various things that we like uh sometimes it’s various moments

Um where you you interact with different characters that give you quests your character is is just like in fortnite any number of skins from the various IP that we love right uh and they fight certain ways so like if you’re a Ninja Turtle you got your turtle sword your

Turtle Chucks uh if you use the gargoyle skin like Goliath you can fly in certain ways you can battle with certain character skins um uh the the main antagonist is Joseph Moran uh and he’s chasing you uh and shouting out his patreon and his uh YouTube channel

Calling your mom to yeah yeah and if you go into certain buildings it becomes a horror game where he just where Joe just chases you like um which is crazy uh at any given point you can call on a Mech it’ll be like prepare for Titanfall

Um but it drops in and you get to create you get a Mech that you can walk around the city and that’ll giant Joseph Moran’s um which is cool if you go into the sewers as a ninja turtle or a gargoyle or or whatnot um one of the traversal methods in the

Sewers on the water is a sea of Thieves ship which is pretty darn cool there um and um if at any point anybody wants to play it on the switch uh we just laugh at them and say no just laugh at him and say no it’s hilarious yeah yeah but it’s

Definitely a third person action game with Collectibles at night uh Joe you know you’re double Downing you’re collecting lore on all the things that we like um it releases for PlayStation and Xbox um it does not release in the epic game store or the switch um that’s funny I thought you were gonna

Say it was going to release on Playstation but when you open the game it just takes you to the Microsoft storage to buy a console oh and the name of our game is redfall 2. that’s what we call it that’s what we call it

If I if I could tweak that game I would have it be like City of Heroes and and like kids where the the in the movie they have like kind of the the the kind of crummy costumes and I would have you playing I would have the person playing

As one of us they get to choose between the two and we would have shoddy caught like cosplay costumes of our favorite characters and each one gives us a a different a different ability so like I’ve got really badly made like PVC pipe with fabric wings as a gargoyle and you

Have like your your your second rate kind of Batman costume and you know our goal is to go out and and try and get as much lore for an episode of of the episode as possible with Joseph trying to sabotage us at every end but but okay

So and to add to that at any given point or like at various moments like if you go to a certain section of the city you’ll see the real Batman he’ll be like disgraced with us be like I’m not wearing hockey pads you know or we we

Meet the real uh a real Captain Hook like a real pirate and he’s yeah like you’re not a real pirate and then like every now and again we’ll be like Phil Phil Spencer do you want to be on the show no Phil Spencer’s like The elusive The elusive secret character that you

Have to try and find please if you land certain certain secret characters for the podcast you get level UPS or extra perks or something like that that’d be hilarious I got a really nice email from a um somebody at Xbox because I was trying to get someone on for episode 200 because

This is the worst time of year for me so like you’ll see you’ve seen interviews have kind of stopped creative talk has slowed down because I don’t have the bandwidth to Chase and then I’m going to a funeral next weekend like I just I just don’t have it right now I got a

Very nice email from from somebody at Xbox that works with creators he was just so cool he’s like hey man congratulations we’re really proud and happy for you our bigwigs are tied up right now so we can’t accommodate your schedule but next year I was like oh

Really cool it was nice it was a very kind email so that’s awesome that’s really cool I don’t know what I’m not I don’t think I’m doing anything special for 300 for Keel hall because that’s like five weeks and I feel bad because we just hit this incredible Milestone so

Like I’m not I’m not stressing you know what I mean like we’ve got the community that makes us happy and is kind to us and supportive I’m good it’s cool it’s cool to be able to hit like a certain number but honestly man I I’m just in it to to

Continue to do the same thing that I’m not trying to like celebrate my own my own dedication to this thing like I’m just here to keep doing the thing that I love to do which is just chat about games and and you know give give folks something to make their day easier

Because like podcasts sustained my sanity for years as a as a pest control technician because you’re walking around knocking down spider webs getting bit you know cleaning up after rats and stuff like that like podcasts saved my sanity during that time so like now that

I’m doing them I’m like this is all I want I just want to make your day a little bit easier knowing that you you are not happy dealing with what you’re dealing with right now see but I hope this helps I’m so similar like to me like I I’ve had the just

Difficult weeks right working with kids can be really heartbreaking their stories and stuff every morning to have good morning xcp fam and it means something every time you know whether we get a code don’t get a code the politeness that has come from people who are not expecting us to do the world

You know we’re playing games getting to talk about them with our friends and discords like jumping into the nerd chat or Project X talks just live stream and just saying hello and they’re like hey it’s Luke hey it’s Logan like seeing you in chats that you and I didn’t

Coordinate to be in together we just there we are seeing you on on the shop you know like that stuff to me is worth so much more than an episode number or an interview number or even an interview guest which is weird to say because like I got some

Dream guests I got lofty goals there but like yeah the win is the community and the joy that comes from it and sometimes I forget that I have to remind myself of my own lessons but that’s the real win yeah we’ll get Barack Obama on the show

One day we’ll get there a little bit Barry says uh PlayStation games are too expensive foreign [Laughter] with a migraine folks come on hey all right I’m pretty drugged up right now all right well uh that’s gonna do it for this week Logan let people know I think

You’ve already alluded to it what’s going on with with Keel hold at the moment and where to find you yeah yeah guys uh sea of Thieves is getting ramped up for season 10 content uh that’s come in mid-october um just a couple of weeks away they just

Launched the final tall tale for Monkey Island uh the legend of Monkey Island if you like Monkey Island you do not have to deal with other players you can go into that content uh solo you can go into that content with three other friends

Um it is online but it’s all free uh you can just log into Game Pass go into see if you use choose adventure or not an adventure you can choose Monkey Island get dropped right into it um that is it it really is like the magnum opus of rare’s sea of Thieves that

Content I kid you not is some of the best content rare has made and it is a point-and-click adventure um that expounds upon the story and takes the story in a new direction that is canonical with the old Monkey Island games but everything that they’ve done

In that I I kid you not if you if you like Monkey Island at all you need to go play through the Sea of Thieves Tall Tales there’s three of them it’s about 10 hours worth of content it’s all available for free through sea of these

You just have to have Game Pass to get access to it or if you buy it I mean if you’ve bought sea of Thieves at some point you’ve already got access to it so do that enjoy it really really love uh love just like how they’ve been able to

Do that so go check that out uh Keel Holt will be talking about that as well season 10 in the coming episodes uh with the lead up to episode 300 there you go well uh for xcp of course you’re you’re on it thank you guys we

Appreciate you uh you can find me on the socials at insipid ghost I’m so grateful to all of you for supporting our fundraiser for extra life uh if you need to cancel and I I completely respect and understand that in the month of October if not your your support is being put to

Good use please know that so we we really appreciate you guys Logan that’s gonna be it for us have a great week everybody take care thank you

This video, titled ‘Xbox Expansion Pass 197: Major Minecraft Milestone | Massive Layoffs | Jim Ryan Leaving Playstation’, was uploaded by Xbox Expansion Pass on 2023-09-30 22:00:25. It has garnered 164 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:59 or 4379 seconds.

#EpicGames #JimRyan #XboxNews

In episode 197 Luke Lohr and Captain Logun react to yet another round of massive layoffs in the gaming industry and we see a surprise milestone for a major Xbox IP, and we’re set for a major month of AAA releases in October. As always, we hope you enjoy the show!

XEP has a Patreon! If you enjoy XEP please consider supporting us financially to help us look, sound, and podcast better.

The Xbox Expansion Pass (XEP) is a podcast dedicated to interpreting the goings on in the world of video games and analyzing how they impact the Xbox ecosystem. Luke Lohr, the InsipidGhost, plays host and discusses various topics throughout the industry. The guests on the show are meant to help gamers expand their knowledge of the gaming industry.

Twitter: InsipidGhost, Instagram: InsipidGhost, Hive: InsipidGhost

Contact: [email protected]

Twitter: Captain Logun

Keelhauled: A Sea of Thieves Podcast

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    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series with a twist? Do you enjoy the thrill of horror mods and the adrenaline rush of facing terrifying creatures in the game? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server! In a recent YouTube video featuring Minecraft One Block Skyblock with DWELLERS and TERROR MODS, the player Kazuto embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with spine-chilling mods like The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker, The Mimic Dweller, and many more. The video showcases the intense gameplay and heart-pounding moments that will keep you on the edge… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Hot Dog” that left us in stitches. But amidst the chaos of Minecraft Mythical Survival SMP, we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. With epic battles, frog conspiracies, Minecraft geography quizzes, and the best Minecraft restaurant ever, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, who wouldn’t want to join a server where you can get hired at the park, figure out life with friends, and play with zombies? If you’re looking to… Read More

  • Minecraft: A Review

    Minecraft: A Review The Impact of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Nostalgia Many of us have fond memories of Minecraft, a game that has left a lasting impact on our lives. From its humble beginnings with creator Markus Persson, also known as Notch, to its acquisition by Microsoft, Minecraft has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate players of all ages. The Origins of Minecraft Notch’s vision for Minecraft was simple yet revolutionary – a game where players could unleash their creativity in a limitless world. Whether you preferred the creative mode for building or the survival mode for… Read More


    GUMMIGOO Portal Prank - MINECRAFT The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to create and explore endless possibilities. One such creative endeavor involves bringing characters from The Amazing Digital Circus to life in the game. Gamigo, the leader of a group of bandits, is a central figure in this Minecraft adventure. Creating the Gamigo Portal To embark on this unique journey, players need to gather materials like obsidian, steel, slime blocks, and yellow terracotta glaze. By arranging these materials in a 4×5 structure, a portal to the world of Gamigo can be constructed. Lighting the… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Guide to Playing with Real Mods on Minecraft Bedrock Exploring the World of Minecraft Mods on Bedrock Edition Introduction Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? With mods, you can enhance your gameplay, add new features, and explore exciting worlds beyond the vanilla game. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and playing mods on Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Installing Mods on MCPE To begin your modding journey, you’ll need to download the “MCPEDL” app from Safari. Once you have the app, search for the mods you want to install. Make sure to check that the mod version matches… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 10 On day 10 of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, the player decided to try crafting an axe to save time. This simple tool can be a game-changer when it comes to gathering resources efficiently. Let’s delve into the details of this day’s adventure! Crafting Efficiency with an Axe By crafting an axe, the player aimed to streamline the process of collecting wood. Axes are essential tools in Minecraft for chopping down trees quickly and effectively. This strategic move showcases the player’s foresight in optimizing their gameplay. Setting Rules Along the Way Throughout the… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 42

    Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 42 Minecraft Animation: Creating Original Content with Love Creating Minecraft animations is a labor of love for many content creators, each bringing their unique style and storytelling to the virtual world. One such creator is dedicated to producing Minecraft animation male love content, striving to differentiate themselves from others in the field. Learning and Growing With two years of experience under their belt, this creator has honed their craft and continues to improve with each project. Despite aiming for originality, they acknowledge that there may be flaws in their work and welcome feedback from their audience. The creator is open… Read More

  • Java’s Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time

    Java's Hidden Gem: Cavern Rhyme Time In the depths of Minecraft, a cavern so grand, Filled with thermals and boosts, a wondrous land. Checkpoints and barriers, the next tasks at hand, Exploring this world, with music so grand. Glide through the map, with Gareth Coker’s tune, In Java Edition, under the bright moon. A demo so thrilling, a sneak peek soon, Stay tuned for more, in this Minecraft boon. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Twitch Capes! Are you a fan of exclusive Minecraft capes? Do you want to stand out in the game with a unique look that shows off your dedication and style? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! While watching videos on how to get Twitch capes in Minecraft, you may have realized that some capes are only available to players who attended special events like Minecon or were active on platforms like Twitch and TikTok. But fear not, because Minewind offers a vibrant community where you can connect with fellow players and unlock exclusive rewards. Join Minewind today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥 Spicy Skeletons #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft Read More

  • Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2

    Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2 Minecraft Survival Multiplayer: Borion SMP Episode 2 Exploring the World of Mining in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, mining is a crucial activity that players engage in to gather resources, craft tools, and explore the depths of the game’s vast landscapes. In this episode of Borion SMP, our protagonist embarks on a mining adventure filled with unexpected encounters and thrilling discoveries. Preparing for the Journey Before delving into the depths of the earth, our player takes the necessary precautions by crafting essential items such as a bed and storing valuable resources in a chest. Equipped with a new… Read More

  • Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure

    Chaos in Minecraft Mods: A Wild Adventure The Chaotic Adventure of Minecraft Mods Day 13: Diagonal Fences and Golden Launcher On day 13, our Minecraft adventurer discovered the ability to craft diagonal fences, a game-changer in their construction endeavors. Additionally, they upgraded their launcher to gold, providing a thrilling yet risky escape route from a ravine. The stakes were high as missing the jump meant a perilous fall with only one heart left. Day 15: Sharp Carrot and Obsidian Tools Day 15 brought about the creation of a sharp carrot, a unique weapon choice against the undead. The adventurer also delved into the realm of obsidian… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods with Weeping Angels in the Mix ft. Kal!

    Insane Minecraft Mods with Weeping Angels in the Mix ft. Kal!Video Information to feel that this is real world find my it out my and [Music] night my C is to good night world [Music] I [Music] PR to speak and to that this is [Music] real [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] to [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow okay I don’t know if my voice can be heard because of the [ __ ] fan is so stupid any okay this people are not in VC yet I will oh okay my Discord is not okay yay okay can be heard someone say hi Oh… Read More

  • Sister vs Brother Bedwars Showdown

    Sister vs Brother Bedwars ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘bedwar funny moment { me vs my sister }’, was uploaded by AgnivXD on 2024-04-18 11:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftmemes #skywars #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilds #gaming #minecraftpc #gamer #pvp … Read More

  • Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Joey64 Survives 100 Hours in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information all what all right H here we go and we’re live which the time been extended only twice only twice only twice um and to be fair I accidentally did one of them I always meant to set it the 750 I just forgot the set it to 750 so yeah we every time I was like okay like make I changed it and then I didn’t change it to the white one oopsies my bad why does the hoodie actually look good on you it really does really everyone’s told me that a lot of people is… Read More

  • Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!

    Insane Modern House Tutorial in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House Tutorial: Quick and Easy Building !’, was uploaded by Cubic Bard on 2024-01-16 16:58:14. It has garnered 3115 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft Modern House Tutorial Shorts! In this concise yet informative video, we bring you a step-by-step guide on how to build a stunning modern house in Minecraft. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, our quick and easy building tips will help you create an impressive abode in no time! Get ready to delve into the… Read More

  • EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #Minecraft

    EPIC Chest Boat Base Build on Odyssey Rising SMP! #MinecraftVideo Information hello welcome to my first episode on the Odyssey Rising now this is a modded SMP and I already had a couple days on here to get situated and meet everybody so this is my Island I’ll give you a tour this is the front of my Island red panda Island and Cove we have a little wheat farm and potato farm here little cactus farm cocoa bean Farm a little sugar cane farm and bamboo farm so I got a little bit of a head start that you guys didn’t see but I wanted to meet everybody… Read More

  • INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shorts

    INSANE! 🔥 Dragon Armour Tutorial!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Dragon Armour in Minecraft Ice & Fire 🥶🔥 #shorts #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-27 09:00:11. It has garnered 453 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback &… Read More

  • Ban Moi Returns with Epic Builds! AKATSUKI BAN MAI | MINECRAFT

    Ban Moi Returns with Epic Builds! AKATSUKI BAN MAI | MINECRAFTVideo Information m I I [âm nhạc] K I I I I [âm nhạc] alo alo muốn nghe tiếng game không Alo Hello Hello mọi người b b b b Hello mọi người ch ch ch Hello mọi người tối vui vẻ t vui vẻ Hello ăn gì chưa Mai mai ăn rồi ăn rồi ch m kì kìa kìa h Hi Hello Hello gi tên bạn Tuấn Hello Leon Hello nhật Hello Tiến Hello L Hello Ok hello hello Al hello Hải hello hello qu Hello Leon Hello mọi người Sao không live sớm hôm nay ban mai đi… Read More

  • KingT’s EPIC Manhunt Battle! Who Will Win?

    KingT's EPIC Manhunt Battle! Who Will Win?Video Information all right according to streamlabs I am live but the question is am I actually live maybe um hey yo okay so I am live my YouTube is being slow welcome to the Stream um hold on I got to pull up the regular way I do it actually um I should just be able to use stream Labs here yes you are first indeed that was really quick that was me record time yes welcome to the stream so I’m just getting the the stream set up I’ve been doing some seed searching hopefully people start to… Read More

  • Become INVINCIBLE in Minecraft Heroes! EP. 4

    Become INVINCIBLE in Minecraft Heroes! EP. 4Video Information bom hoje eu vou atrás de fazer o sinistro o invencível sinistro Até onde eu sei esse Invencível ele é um outro Invencível o invencível do ma O nome dele é sinister invincible e tipo ele parece ser meio forte como dá para ver aqui nos itens dele tá ligado é um vitr Mita e bom o Tier dele é Tier 9 uma outra opção que eu tenho também de fazer porém eu quero fazer o melhor então vai ser um pouco mais difícil esse om Man aqui que é o om Man Prime o om Man Prime… Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ JAVA Whitelist Community Driven So much more!

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova Terra Nova 🏰 is a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine. Our gates opened less than a year ago, and we have quickly become a haven for those 18+ seeking a community of mature, friendly souls united by a love for the game and each other. What Terra Nova Offers: Diamonds drive an immersive, player-driven economy with over 15 thriving player-operated stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments to foster camaraderie and competitive spirit. Explore our world with our BlueMap at Join the Terra… Read More

  • Artemis mc [Factions][Survival]Land Claiming]20.4+

    Artemismc |Factions and survival server| Artemismc is a fun faction and survival serverwhat we offer:-Factions, to claim land and steal land-Limited World, the world is limited so every block counts!-Custom terrain map, to make the world more immersive-A variety of plugins to make your experience more fun!-An active and Friendly community, with staff to help out all the timeApply to join Today on out discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft hardcore gamers’ struggles

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft hardcore gamers' strugglesMinecraft hardcore youtubers be like “I survived 428 memes, no big deal” Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 6

    Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 6 In the Minecraft world, love and drama unfold, With animations that are lively and bold. Join the channel for perks, don’t be shy, For a story of love between a boy and a guy. The narrator speaks with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the scenes, every move seen. With Minecraft love and yaoi in the mix, The story unfolds with playful tricks. Follow on Twitter and Instagram too, For more animations that will delight you. The tale of love and mystery, so divine, In the Minecraft world, where stories intertwine. So leap into the verse, let the story sing,… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft’s Tallest Cobblestone Tower!

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft's Tallest Cobblestone Tower! When you spend hours building the biggest cobblestone tower in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #gamerstruggles 😂🎮💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await

    Join Minewind: Where Herobrine Battles Await Welcome to! Are you a fan of viral Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the excitement and adventure waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the world in epic battles, creative building challenges, and so much more. Immerse yourself in a community of passionate gamers who share your love for all things Minecraft. Experience the thrill of facing off against formidable opponents like Herobrine and Kenny in a virtual world where anything is possible. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone…. Read More

  • Taiwan Hot Trends & Minecraft Shenanigans

    Taiwan Hot Trends & Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft Exploring the Minecraft Universe Minecraft, the sandbox building game that took the world by storm since its release in 2009, celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2024. The game’s unique gameplay allows players to unleash their creativity by constructing almost anything they can imagine. This freedom has not only captured the hearts of young gamers but also resonated with adults who appreciate the open-ended nature of the game. Educational and Social Impact In Taiwan, Minecraft serves not only as a source of entertainment but also as a platform for education and social interaction. Schools… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in OP Skyblock – OMG Guilty Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving 100 Days in OP Skyblock - OMG Guilty Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I survived 100 days in Project overpowered Sky Block this mod pack allows you to become as rich as possible by automating Farms advancing with tech and Alchemy and well there’s even jetpacks some of my goals are to get the expensive gem armor set obtain every type of chicken there’s a lot and crafts powerful weapons like the flamethrower and redar so without further Ado let’s get straight into the 100 days all right project overpowered Sky Block here we go who what why do I have googly eyes all right well I’m I’m just going to… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Story

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘horror story in minecraft:)’, was uploaded by Minecraft masters on 2024-02-15 20:11:25. It has garnered 3484 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Agita & Plum Escape Killer Tornado in Minecraft Jungle

    Agita & Plum Escape Killer Tornado in Minecraft JungleVideo Information I have a rather stupid and dangerous idea for us to try out today let’s see how long we can remain inside of the colony yep that simple we’ve got a few things to do around here which will require us spending time amongst these idiots so what’s the problem you ask well for one storms and tornadoes seem quite keen on homing in on my location as we learned the hard way last time so the longer we’re here for the higher the chance of them forming near us granted these weather deflectors should repel any tornadoes… Read More

  • INSANE Chroma Noob Sand Art! MUST WATCH Pokeball 16

    INSANE Chroma Noob Sand Art! MUST WATCH Pokeball 16Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art 109 | Satisfying sand art (Pokeball 16)’, was uploaded by Chroma Noob on 2024-02-26 15:00:17. It has garnered 12796 views and 217 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft izle,minecraft arda,minecraft troll,minecraft prank,minecraft funny,minecraft parodi,minecraft pranks,minecraft trolling,türkçe minecraft,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,big house minecraft,minecraft parodileri,minecraft videoları,minecraft pro vs noob,hüsamettin minecraft,minecraft hüsamettin,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft yeni bölüm,minecraft polat alemdar,polat alemdar minecraft,minecraft parodileri vs,shorts,#shorts,house cat,pets,cats,scaredy cat,ie offbeat,cat costume,domesticated animals,inside_edition,meow,inside edition,animal encounter,kitty,kitten,animals,black cat,funny video,viral video,family friendly,ie animal kingdom,funny video,funny videos,funny video 2022,funny fail video,funny videos 2022,funny fails video,funny fail,fail videos,funny fails,funny,funny moments,sapna… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZIEST Minecraft Hypixel Clip Ever!! 🔥

    🔥 CRAZIEST Minecraft Hypixel Clip Ever!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Send This To Your Friend! #shorts #short #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #minecraftshorts #hypixel’, was uploaded by Em1 on 2024-03-05 17:33:00. It has garnered 10612 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Hey! In this #shorts video, i will show you a funny meme for your friends! ✅Make sure to check out my main channel for more minecraft and fortnite content! If you enjoyed the video, leave a like and to not miss anything in the future, subscribe to my Channel. Let me know in the comments what i… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!” 🗡️🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!" 🗡️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Shogun Vs Sam | epic fight🔥 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mezkie on 2024-03-01 16:19:33. It has garnered 862 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. this addon made by:LT创造者 this addon is still modifying and don’t ask me for link this addon it is on beta: ) LTsMods= WIP this addon is Working progress so… please be a patient: ) insane battle right? send me a request for next battle!🔥🇵🇭 #foryou #minecraft #private #battle #samurai Read More

  • Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shorts

    Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shortsVideo Information [Music] all through [Music] SW [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘BrownCraft – New Years Party | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MooWz on 2024-01-10 07:00:06. It has garnered 713 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hai, I’m MooWz. A demon child who sealed in the darkness of the shadows. Hopefully you Enjoy my video. Thankyou~ ✦─◆── ·「Social Media」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Discord」: ✦「Twitter」: ✦「Youtube」: ✦「Instagram」: ✦「Threads」: ✦「Tik Tok」: ✦─◆── ·「Support This Vtuber」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Trakteer」: ✦「SociaBuzz」: ✦─◆── ·「HASTAG」· ──◆─✦ General: #MooWz Game: #MooMabar Music:… Read More

  • Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ’s GreekSMP Livestream!

    Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ's GreekSMP Livestream!Video Information guys anyone look at my HP acknowledge this this amazing I don’t know HP bar I wouldn’t really call it amazing but yeah guys welcome back to the Greek SMP if you guys want to join the giveaway which is mentioned in the title and also in the description read the description there’s the giveaway rules there okay I’ll be announcing more of that in the OR at the end of this live stream what is this this looks so weird this is it looks like man bro someone someone throwing Trident someone throwing Trident at me it… Read More

  • Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!

    Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!Video Information Halo guys ketemu lagi dengan gua si A di game Minecraft Pocket Edition lagi tuh guys jadi video kali ini tuh gua mau nunjukin teksture pack gitu kan I wan to show you texture pack you know Anjay jadi ya tumben banget ya biasanya on kali ini tekstur pack gitu ya jadi tekstur pack-nya itu adalah shader gitu guys kurang lebih shader gitu guys jadi ini cocok banget ya ini cocok banget untuk hphp kentang seperti gua ya E 30 FPS juga gak nyampai gitu guys RAM 2 G 3 giga ya jadi E shader ini itu terinspirasi… Read More

  • Arcturus Factions & KitPvP: Custom Enchants, Payouts, No Resets, Semi-Anarchy

    Arcturus Factions & KitPvP Server IP: Arcturus is a 1.7.2-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions and KitPvP server. We never reset our map and have custom anti-cheating solutions in place. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus! – Arcturus Development Team Server Features Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons Dungeon-like Darkzone PvP and grinding Custom Enchants based on PvP/move Quick Links Website: Discord: Changelog: Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month! Some clips by our players: and Server IP: Read More