Xylophoney – GROWING STRONGER! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)

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The or an only sigh la folie here for a little bit a werewolf action I am here in the world of super natural things and today I think we have a gold and straightforward ah where raccoons ah spooky spooky wait I’m not afraid of nothing ain’t that right um Goku you’re Goku now

Anyway how is everybody doing hopefully you’re all doing fantastic I have been very busy lately and I haven’t gotten to play so much of this server but we have uh some people of easily overtaking us and werewolf levels let’s take a look I am never 7 but the pack has been

Biting others making more join the werewolf cause so we now have 166 werewolves in this world not too bad and I know that the vampires have gotten their numbers set up as well so some pretty fancy stuff let’s see so I’m pretty sure we can do I mean take a look

At the strongest ones and at least the Blood Moon pack and that’s what be Joseph MP has been killing it but em folks is crawling up behind level 29 he’s almost at the point where you cannot morph naturally and they’ve done all the grinding themselves saw some

Cool stuff of course we got a callous we’ll take some map lenok doing a lot of grinding as well got a bunch at level 18 and up not bad and I’m level 7 see we got some 15s in chat some some are on the same level as me all kinds of

Good stuff now since the last room we have stabilized a whole bunch of things staff has been wonderful and making that happen and I’m aware of so we need to decide what is the best way oh yeah there’s also feral werewolves in the world now ready to attack people so

That’s a little scary let me just hop into something real quick just so I can be potentially yelled at by a werewolf and vampire scum alike well yeah the vampire scum not necessarily you know what I mean all right so let’s get this thing started how am I going to become stronger how

Many days until the next full moon and I can train my werewolf prowess seven days I think we just missed it we just missed it well you guys can have the fish and you know what I’m gonna give this severed skull of xylophone E to one person submissive with demands and but I

Got it you want a side little head all right well I’m gonna climb up to here you guys might want to stay down there oh so you can get nothing and now for the item yeah there you go you smart here it goes the sky now we

Gotta walk all the way back up there again cuz people wanted to push us down all right who wants the skull there goes somebody got it put the skull out if you got it all right listen I should probably start doing some things on the server rather than just letting people bounce around

In all of me it looks like you guys have gotten very far ahead of me I haven’t even Heinz my own iron yet so I’m gonna have to get on that I do have of course the pups starting gear which is decent but many of you have been

Using the slime stuff a slime fun plugin to get even stronger gear than is normally possible in that so we’re gonna have to make that happen exactly so let’s move um now I think I’ve finally decided my home I’ve done a little sprucing up of the place we have

A wall or rather our home because I got this at home tried to rock let’s see there we go don’t want stack of diamonds yeah sure TP a ninja Jack let’s go get ourselves a stack of diamonds if this boy has a stack of diamonds man that’ll be

Impressive all right let’s take a look you got a bunch of doll goes around here oh you got a that’s a cool spider-man skin boom stack of diamonds I earned these so yeah a nice little bone there oh look tools just laying on the ground fantastic nearly broken to us about

Those back out just in case they’re not mine let’s see so whose place is this oh that sale or house no vampires allowed or you’ll die cool I guess he wants me to have these nearly broken tours fair enough these are the type of hand-me-downs I can accept right very good very good

So oh these are some of the slime fun things aren’t they so we got a pressure chamber a sawmill and or washer that’s cool I haven’t gotten to see a whole bunch of those yet that is awesome I want to try some of that out yeah I

Don’t have his permission to do all this stuff at the moment though oh I see your nickname too something different man these people what they nicknamed just gonna confuse me it’s really gonna confuse me it’s fine he cheated me that wasn’t a stack yeah this is only 63

Diamonds gosh what is wrong with you let’s see I must say I commented on this before how our kind of love the fact that everyone is getting so into character and saying stuff like you know stinking you know vampires or someone just dropped fleabags and chat and I

Think that stuff is all fun and games and all good stuff just make sure you’re not actually being mean to people cuz well yeah that’s that’s less fun but we can joke around about the stuff all we want just make sure it’s a very obvious werewolf or vampire joke and not a joke

Upon the person’s personal stuff look I know what I’m saying but we will have these diamonds not for me but for the pack I’m sorry right further back well that that’s okay how are you getting all the keys you play a lot actually you do play a lot every

Time I hop on here I do see you on but I am NOT going to take all these times I will take the one stack those ones of yours you already promised me a stack get it right no no I will throw these in lava don’t make me do it

Wear some lava I’m gonna throw these on a cactus they’re gonna be on a cactus I’m gonna destroy these handouts and hum and diamonds follow me as I throw them out well keep it alright /spawn who wants diamonds I’ll give y’all some of them but I can’t

Let too many vampires give me the damn you know I’ll hand out some of these diamonds later on if I don’t decide to do anything fancy with them but let’s go home home on the Pride Rock so you can have one of them said have the diamonds

All my hotbar alright so how can I get stronger nano facecam today everybody so delayed and I did not have time to fix it or else we would be very late which I know you all appreciate but do you want a zombie spawner for the pack I kind of

Do but I want to make sure I’m doing stuff very efficiently so hold onto that for now make yourself stronger but that is one thought I had to get stronger we may need some spawners because I need to be around specifically during the full moon and if I have a spawner

I can just fight and fight and fight during the full moon and hopefully get some more levels because right now you know level 7 ain’t nothing fancy you guys have been going crazy if you’re getting up into the higher 20s so that’s some pretty nice stuff let’s see is

Anyone on the server except for the ones I mentioned higher than level 20 cuz I know there’s people in the other packs too I can imagine I know Han has been playing a lot she might be a high level and I know a lot of people around working with them stinking vampires but

You know I’m sure I’m sure they’re not threatening whatsoever she can you talk to me about making the lines with another Blood Moon pack possibly yeah it looks like Blood Moon has gotten out of my control now I’ve been a bunch of members now those members have bite new

Members and more is happening but I suppose anyone who who would like to build specific things around here now I’m not gonna promise that you can get here but I’m gonna say if you find Pride Rock then much like this person who found Pride Rock you guys can build around the outside of

It and so I can look out and everything the light touches shall be my kingdom even at the part where the render distance stops and that would be pretty cool but yeah eventually you know blood moons gonna grow so big I have no control over it

And there might be some pack on packed violence but for now I said blood moons all on one side for now so that’s cool let’s go Hannah’s level 14 hey it’s much better than me well open trade with my pack well you I can have open trade with individual members however I’ll have

Much trade so we got to see we got to see yeah and you guys might have seen him in stream before but I’m not going to say who that is just so you guys don’t swarm him with messages and whatnot sorry what just popped in my own Midori oh

Yeah we got diamonds everywhere fun fun fun and then we got mercenaries for work on here let’s say beautiful let’s just put these diamonds in this chest here where I have the a werewolf or vampire things let’s read the book you can become a werewolf and you can

Craft a werewolf potion a blah blah the recipe really you spelled recipe wrong staff I’m disappointed in you it’s maybe it’s not a recipe maybe it’s a wrath Iraq Iraq epi or recipe so you can also get bitten by a vanilla wild wolf no that’s no fun you want to be bitten by

Well there’s many but everyone in Blood Moon keep on biting people you guys been spreading the pack far and wide so so plan your a 5-spot I shouldn’t take it out just we can set up a lot of stuff all right TPA Jeff you know maybe I’m not gonna

Play the the foot soldier here maybe I’m just gonna be the administrator I get people organized I take their things and and do nice things with those things maybe that’s the possibility huh maybe it is oh wow trying to leave me into this dark spooky tunnel

All right I’ll put this in the secret stash do you have your own severed head oh that’s cool yes I don’t need more time geez you people have diamonds oh and you can repair this an ancient altar okay so I need to do some slam fun stuff to manage

To make it nice very very nice let’s see so let’s go back home let’s put this down and we gotta figure out some stuff yeah for as far as I see for now all the whales can be allied until you mess with us okay so we’re gonna have

That so we need to get an ancient altar which I’m pretty sure is in the slime fund plug-in which I don’t have a book for Oh moon goddess above I realized it – Sun up right now but if thou could grant me a book of slime fun I would be

Ever grateful in your moonlight yeah I think that’ll work I think the moon got a small answer but it would be nice I well I got a dead Bush dead bush that’s kind of cool okay so that plan that plan didn’t pan out too well that plan didn’t pan out

Let’s see you transform from a vampire to a werewolf as vampires are boring hey they’re boring they’re just stinky very stinky well let’s see ya know she’s not an angry grape let’s see so but okay that sound just spooks me I don’t think anything is actually happening but it sports me once

Y’all Pablos another one you have some slime gear for me I don’t know if I need the slime gear but I want to kind of oh yeah SF guide sweet thanks people y’all are great y’all good at this and okay so we can make different weapons let’s take

A look at some of the stuff so we can definitely make the knock back sticks beheading swords I’ve seen some people using those before how complex are those I’m assuming you need a special crafting thing and yeah oh okay so no it’s just this recipe so you need emeralds and stuff so certainly

Not something I can make immediately the blade of vampires every time you attack something you regain health you so bound sword I don’t know what that is but it sounds cool let’s see Joseph guess who you are on the server maybe the person who just showered me in diamonds or the bear who

Just gave me a spawner maybe one of those two throws my guests let’s see what else he’s so bambo explosive bow hello that sounds like a fun one and I see bow that sounds like a fun one and you need a water elemental staff which

Is done like this but you need a magic work that’s okay so that’s some some spell cast and stuff that we add much about but there’s all kinds of machines like we saw before oh there’s a lot of machines here I’m scared this is intimidating oh maybe this is how people are getting

Extra diamonds maybe they’re taking their diamond door and putting him in this getting lots of stuff okay so any fancy food fortune cookie tells you stuff about your future just takes a cookie paper and enhance crafting table which how do I make that again I think I

Need like a dispenser or something well let’s take a look I guess I’d be under machines maybe items let’s see portable crafter oh that’s cool to book and that on the Enhanced crafting table so now if i look at the wiki i can find a lot of

Stuff like that let’s see oh wow apparently my discord chat rooms are broken at the moment sweet you tell I’m not making any noise in it oh wait no that’s also wrong but okay well that doesn’t seem to be working at the moment I suppose very good I will sneak into

One that was once a discord a Fallout origins and anything might happen I don’t know not that seems that that’s all broken everywhere sorry that’s fine all right so there’s a lot of things we could do so what should we do should we try to work on some of the slime fun

Stuff should I just go mine some stuff so I can have some gear or should I it’s beg forgiveness will be useful for that oh wait I think it might have all this stuff I’m not right now for testing purposes I don’t remember either way I

Need to figure out how to do it so it’s still gonna be a struggle username as its first name Joseph I don’t know one of the Joseph’s I’ve met let’s see you can’t get diamonds and slime fun just okay so you can’t clean up the diamonds anything special very good very good

Let’s see so um yeah there’s the medical supplies and all that there’s some nether wart for me I need you guys to tell me should I have to go get all this stuff myself or should I accept gifts from the pack gifts or hard work what’s he gonna be

Steel plates wheat flour cheese there’s some complex things in here cargo management GPS space machine electricity Jesus it’s almost this is more complicated than embers apparently there’s cool werewolf town and I got to see why you guys are suggesting bangs hey the werewolf price could be a thing

When the blood flows are the redbirds rise survives good point good point Let’s see take all the stuff I need at the moment I need everything but I can get some other stuff dude I already gave my skull to someone else Geoffrey I’m sorry all right let’s see these walls very nice so you don’t take if you aren’t one I’m building what do we got

In here out cool carrots I like carrots let’s see ask the Alpha if you have questions oh the man dronin pack okay so I guess this is a splinter pack all right well they seem friendly so far you have a lot of carrots I see I thought

This was gonna end after a stack but I do like carrots so yes I will eat some carrots Alicia’s hey so people seem to just want me to take the gifts but we’ll see oh you have any XP farm that I can use cool I remind me again in a moment Cal okay

Obesity I want to see the town I appreciate the carrots but okay let’s take a look so you got walls get some red and black banners very nice you have a magic workbench cool yes anyone in the pack if you want to trust me in your claims I promise I won’t

Steal your stuff but I might use your machines that might be a good good happy balance there or anyone who just wants to allow me to get go into this stuff I don’t think I’m ever gonna steal from anyone so no worries about that that’s

Not what we about sure we might you know defeat you in battle and take your stuff but that’s that’s about that all right so you got a little fort going here I like what you do with the pathing it’s interesting yo that is pretty close that is a

This is good this looks a lot like one of the buildings in PAC Haven this looks a lot like wow that’s good this looks a lot like the house that uh Brian took and then um yeah then so he had this right here it had the little Forge over here

Main gate was over here you step out and there’s the totem poles and pack gaben and then the end would be over that way that’s cool that’s really nicely done I like it I like it then what do we got over here you coming back to get me so

Here we got some of the other buildings we got the same building style going on over here I appreciate the style its noise want a nametag I think I need a name tag let’s see this is uh let’s see Carol Kayla’s home it’s a cool name and go in

Your house just uh friendly dinner based on River would ya actually pack Haven was based on River would say you nailed it completely nailed it let’s see basement down there portal cool very cool I’m not gonna invade this person’s privacy too much so it looks like everyone’s kind of getting their I their

Pack all set up the sun’s lagging yeah look at the shadow that’s the Sun God’s work right there the moon goddess would never do something like this flickering back curse you of sudden god never got this place I do like the padding it’s uneven but it’s good Samsung plan on

Making healing supplies always a healer very nice so who’s in charge here is a you beastie where’s the somebody else does that be cool to see good to know let’s see so yeah some of that’s going on see we have 81 people on the server right now cool

This is this gonna be I kind of wanna keep them going to see people’s faces yeah okay calles you time that right I don’t know if I want to use the XP for him but I want to see it and maybe set a home there so I’m gonna go visit calles

So we can check out this exp farm because I feel like it would be very efficient and then yeah maybe we can see Anna’s done after that sweet okay cows only just accepted cool no stealing cookies okay so once again we have my severed head up here we have

Dogs you know it’s not actually my head it’s a good replica and then calles got this nice little place right here and yeah guys don’t bother our tp’ing to me because when I am at someone else’s base I’m not gonna accept your tepee because they might not want you there let’s see

A little flicker flicker spooky Dookie I didn’t see the big carrot farm I felt the big carrot farm I understand that there is a big carrot farm now okay so you set one of these up in it’s a natural location cool is this just the

One spot or set up here is it multiple some skeletons barn are cool let’s see set home Skelly okay so I can’t set home in your thing unless you want to give me permission to your claims Kelly but I don’t know if you know the commands to do that it’s all in

The thingy thing with the shovel plug-in That’s cool get your skeletons phone down it looks like this is just the one spawner but it’s not bad not be it at all oh I got a sword I can cut these guys up it’s just that’s not gonna help me with the werewolf levels which is

What I’m mainly concerned about cuz I can get some gear easy enough but the werewolf levels that’s what I gotta figure out let’s see oh no I cannot set more than one home anymore no I’m not omnipotent anymore all right well I’m not gonna be able to set a home

Here but if I’m on in the full moon I’m probably gonna be asking who’s got a good place to grind and that’s when you speak up very nice let’s see our let’s see TPA Ben I know I said I’d visit Hanna then see I’m never gonna visit win since the big update

Maybe certainly a possibility let’s you see you got poppers nice I’ll do it no I’ll do it yeah I got you so much Anna Anna gave me my own bone all right sure let’s see what kind of den this is it’s not right by a village huh

It’s a nice little little hobbit hole very nice let’s see Hannah’s area Olga she got more going on down here fancy fancy yabba Simmons it’s all discord spoken for me at the moment what it’s fine that’s cool oh well machine is this oh no oh no yes cool The little dogs the peppers and all that ha ha Oh somebody’s been a collector of bows up there’s a backup silo’s bone there’s a bony nuggets bone boom Hannah’s bone and his butt I think she knew she knew ok and this legendary bone and his bone

Don’t touch and his bone no touchy and while you’re collecting heads got quiet law severed heads and some magical lumps that’s cool that’s cool oh man that’s cool now ok yeah maybe Hannah it’s a little bit of a hobbit but this is a lot of cool stuff now I know

When it comes to the cool stuff everybody we got some special opening on Sunday on Sunday we’re gonna get a really cool thing opening up on the server called the arena or something along those lines but it’s gonna be a place where people can battle it out and

I’ve seen it so far it’s a pretty cool arena I don’t know if anyone else seen it but it’s a pretty cool arena I like it let’s see where one ball yeah uh-oh good you’re good okay I think I’m good on the carrots I’ll spread the carrot

Love to the world and plant there we go please replant the crops there we go all the crops you ever need up more over here we can plant more carrots let’s see these are plants crops please you’re fun who wait we’re planting the crops over here I got you blopps I got you

Okay these probably aren’t for carrots but they’re getting carrots anyway potato we carrots are better there we go good use of them carrots good use I like it yeah what’s going on over here what is this structure oh no but it’s something I think it’s just for design neat then we got this

Thing here someone’s taken over the church all whose castles us up here what was that sound of a door open all yours hitting it okay cool cool cool and then yeah someone’s got their nice little tower over here with some red I like it I like it

Hold it back alright you have news what’s the news carat supply running short because if so I got a surprise for you let’s Lee so do any vampires have a really cool build I promise if I come and see it I won’t destroy it all with

The snap of my fingers by the way guys that’s but I’m practicing how to snap really hard to the point where my finger is heavily bruised but check it out check it out but I’ll put it right up to the mic so you might get something ah

Yeah I was a perfect I was like the best one yet I am now master of snapping it’s actually very very quiet snaps bow I did it that one probably even came over the mic happy with myself alright this person has been asking a lot TPA

Been and just cuz you’re asking a lot doesn’t it success huh those bones are from various people on the server it nice I took out it where the yellow going in here go stunt Oh shining like the Sun with that night vision okay fancy fancy nah but it’s great my fingers purple it

Really hurts all right this it this your village this is a rock it’s not just a boulder it’s a rock food would cobble in other words I want this one Oh actually could break that nice nice most we got we got a portal one of these

We got these are definitely more of the things that’s a thing and that’s the thing oh I think this is just a regular craft no it’s probably another big one actually so yeah let’s go oh you’re giving me the full thing is it just the night vision that

You get off of this it’s kind of cool I’m assuming clothes don’t armor it’s not very complicated to make considering it looks like leather and as glowstone man’s name what else we go boy here’s one of the more complex things is it’s like one of the magic altars or something

Does your room seems very magical unknown catalyst okay so it’s Ohno cooked fish that is awesome I have looked at a lot of this mud stuff yet suck like I’ve been roughly shown but cool does this do anything special oh that’s pretty cool stuff all right TPA sides nice you’ve got some fancy

Things going on looks like a couple people have found Pride Rock now if you do fun prod wat be careful about who you teleport there because it could very easily be overrun I’ve claimed the rock itself but you never know you never know so thanks for showing me all stuff to

Make magic staffs yeah you can I guess we’ll just start home Pride Rock do you get some carrots you over here now home pride but uh-oh guys Gaddy just asked if I should marry them should I do it when his new origins video coming out the plan is tomorrow let’s see oh jeez

That is um strange I think that’s a bet that’s not flying welcome to Pride Rock if you all friends of the pack feel free to build nearby feel not friends of the pack we will destroy you this scares me it’s the frozen bat real question I suppose this how often

Can I get divorced on the server nice welcome everybody you’ll know what to do and that bat is spoken me Oh Rick Reed cheated she’s not supposed to know what this is FUS ro dah so be it blocks where you give me sand and tickets and and chicken what is this

Magic I see PA let’s go see some vampire stuff right up against the border cowards that’s cool oh we got duck you’re on the list so I gonna you’re on the list that’s I don’t know that all these people are vampires just yet everybody’s got the

Magics all right so you got some stuff it’s a cool little obsidian building nice nice nice sugar cane so you got their knowledge I’m just hop all around looking in this thing oh I’ll see you at the end stuff in it you got villagers nice what else you got

Cooked is that head talking I saw wiggler oh no it straight-up is wiggling is that just the thing ender dragon heads do wait does this mean they were the first to get to the ender dragons are multiple ender dragons or is that just a hat different than head I don’t know they

Got all kind of shocker boxes so they’ve definitely been to the end a lot quite a bit all right a bit and then they just got oh here’s all the machines with labels cool automatic panning machine so that’s a maker frying pans enhanced crafting okay so it is just the

Dispenser with this on top so that is how you make the basic of things the grindstone I’m sure is necessary for something so dispensers seem to be the main jam for most of the advanced crafting so I mean we need to get lots of string which means we’re gonna need

To hunt spiders and we don’t need to take down a mineshaft and most importantly we need to destroy side gunner Oh what does he got down here that blazes they got a blaze farm I’m confused he multiplied himself interesting very interesting so he can’t you know this stuff okay so

They got a pretty cool base only one cool looking building but the base itself not bad not bad at all they they know what kind of stuff they need what’s all this for yeah I’ve seen a lot of these uh like tracks that seem to be to nowhere and I

Don’t know what they are but let’s follow the road gotta be something here I know guns taking mine cart but let’s get away from the stinkin vampires we’re gonna see who their allies are who this leads to oh no I am very confused by all this that just goes to there all right

Very well very well they don’t some collisions some crazy stuff he’s a hacker I have to kill him okay now I can’t fight him in his own territory so that’ll be a problem big big problem so she’s get out hey let’s go see Dino Master and sweet

Magic ritual or something like that okay what part am i confused about I’m confused about the minecarts to know where it’s not the first time I seen it so it’s probably for something see alright so I know if we’re going there so let’s see how many other people found

At home exactly there’s a nice little timer on this what you’re looking at my stuff over here my private things it’s my things well let’s see what kind just doing their job yeah what are you now you’re just exploding bet crazy people what do we got here holy water

Oh useful nice I’m gonna put this in a special chest random called gifts boom nice but it leaves this one in here all right so some people found some things that’s cool pretty cool about to jump off the cliff and TP away because i reaiized I can’t do that with the timer

I can’t exactly do I will tell you as well yeah people are finding the rack cool stuff cool stuff why are we looking at it’s a thing say I think older than new well that’s cool was that grappling hook what do I have here a glass bottle what

Kind of sorcery is in this thing anyway don’t call people idiots even if they are got something for me another spawner alright we’re gonna need to set up some stuff alright so I’m going to collect some basic resources and there’s probably only about 15 minutes left to the stream so it’s time

To go mining so let’s put that of cave spider spawner light okay so not as crazy good of a spawner but we’ll make it happen and then we gotta go dig up some stuff so let’s put some of this food away we may not be needing it I got

Some basic tools that I may not be needing we should throw on this arm and put this armor away and good good cool put that away now their own flesh so I have this place in here I’m working on it I’ve got some storage a bed that’s about

It I also think yeah I got this area down here right it’s uh it’s not done but I have it Batman you’re stuck in there now you’re stuck all right can I make this jump I think I tried last time I failed so can’t hurt oh I can make this jump

Yeah just to get a good head start from a lower position and I don’t have a basic pickaxe so we’re gonna need to make one hey creepers how y’all doing oh wait you ain’t friendly alright really someone just punched a hole in this tree and now it’s full out oh that’s a feral

That’s a feral I don’t know how tough these things are but I gotta be careful hey feral boy yeah you’re a good boy good boy Oh give me hunger and I got a bunch of carrots to throw them off with I can’t hit him don’t need like magical sword to

Hit him or something somebody help me I can’t hit him am i hitting him I can’t tell gonna hit anything oh wait I got him I’m safe I am my own hero sweet Thanks just what I needed mark more carrots I needed carrots but I had plenty so

There we go dealt with the feral fancy-fancy all right what do we got here oh I got a creeper spawning right here there might be a cave here let’s get some wood first I said but say let’s go no no no we need to we need to get some wood before we do

Any of that so let’s play Minecraft shall we a little bit of blackleg it seems like for some reason when i stream tons of people join the server and it slows down a little bit but it’s all good you guys do your thing obviously people been playing just fine on the

Server otherwise cuz I hope they have gotten way further than me all right so we got some basic wooden things so what do we do with these take this we take this and yeah when you have characters but your vampire hey I mean vampires can appreciate carrots too right I don’t see

Why not let’s see we got some raw chicken I don’t eat meat just kidding oh wait no this is my special carrot I’m gonna eat it hate it huh it sucks dangerous this also looks dangerous I like making those things fall that’s fun all right

So we got some he’s trying to kill me he’s trying to kill me oh I should have brought that glowstone arm and that would be very handy in this year cave is there any coal here yes there is so oh come here buddy right here and go boom

Oh yeah block destructions not Arden oh and we’ll just do some crafting oh yeah my texture packs a little off-center that’s fine I’m just sitting you’re throwing stuff on the ground in the dark no big deal as I see blocks breaking for me Zoid all right

Bingo baby now we can get some stone we’ll fix the darkness soon we attack the darkness that’s what we do to defeat it and coal and with said coal I can make myself at watch ye I am officially a minecrafter I did it your mother strongest now how about the

Best I think so let’s see there’s no cards how will you do a hand-to-hand combat that’s kind of like you do I guess let’s see five more days until the next full moon may I start trying to plan these for like full moon next stream I do will be during a full moon

Or next video or something along those lines will make it happen hopefully it’s not always the full moon let’s see what do these particles coming off the other probably just the specialty gear you know I pickups great jobs i lo great cheer all right so we

Got torches let’s see how far this thing goes basic diamond Dax I win minecraft ye so I’ll sand oh wow that is regular sand there I could trap myself in alright since we got that dynamic lighting nope hey get out here paper so they back combat tagged myself by punching a bat

Sneaky those vampires they spy on you that’s what they do alright so I don’t think there was anything there what I can do is you start digging down so what’s the smartest thing to do what Flags everywhere these people are crazy it’s it come on dig straight down we’re

Gonna find diamonds it’s uh put this here oh we can’t use your Dooley on slide yikes okay ah today Batman all right let’s continue today straight down nothing bad will happen we’re gonna be perfectly fine perfectly fine Oh frankly fine more people doing this ever welcome welcome

Definitely no you u.s. name today I gotta finish doing that or engines video cars a special audience is coming tomorrow origin travel impress super most you’ve seen the trip think you’re cute don’t you We got this all right I think they might be onto me they might be onto me being on to them could be a thing I didn’t I said I just still on the wall okay but hello am i alright pretty though let’s see guess I’ll just dig this way

Because we didn’t find the cave digging straight down networked man always gonna trap the bad in here with me and get them had the plan see you guys digging straight down nothing bad happens the lighting on the edges here it’s a little wrong with the shaders darn I could out sir

Hey how you doing uh he got out of here darn it I had him locked down I had him ah man thought I had a math smarted but not quite oh I mean four yellow diamonds guys check this out I found yellow diamonds what are the chances

Alright see I’m excited for the arena on Sunday cuz I want to try some of that that sounds fun in that case I might accept all the gifts from people just to get some a super-strong and unable to compete and there might be some other stuff too well that’s all ova

What do you man you’re gonna find and stuff ha joke’s on you I can’t mind this anyway I don’t have any iron yet the struggle when you find diamonds and gold before you find iron I have one ear dogs too they teleported to Pride Rock sweet what am I gonna make origins origins

That was essentially a deadpool infinity boy excited for the fire and blood it’s gonna hurt yeah it could – uh fancy here aha you’re stuck in here with me now Batman what do you do now I caught him should i murder the bat I’ll do it I’ll do it

Oh wait he teleported away again yikes well could have done it now I should be 10 it would be responding differently if that was puffers don’t spam people what you’re doing don’t do it it’s be it up up that’s all we got I guess we’re gonna have to make a new

Stone pickaxe let me just dig this out with my wooden pickaxe right here so I can make another crafting bench you know we’ll find some iron one day like that I got a little bit more wood all right this time for sure we’re gonna find iron all right should do it

I know right maybe you should just start doing origins of olympus no maybe they will maybe I will daddy where’s all the goodies I just be a couple pieces of iron that’s all I won’t I’m gonna find it myself it’s just dire no need nobody’s help I’m gonna find it

Come on man : diamonds fantastic what’s this it’s some sort of glass bottle no he’s running now cuz I’ve shown it he can trap him have a diamond pick it’s not mine but right stone forget it when he’s done pick where just can use the diamond pick that was handed to us this

Is just dumb no iron for me no I am for me not happening nope yeah I wanted to play Minecraft by myself though I didn’t want to just be giving gifts and presents I’m not gonna actually mine those just because that can be well trap the wrong person you win this

Round paper ha ha ha he’s dark ah he’s got away again Wow found out her and stop there he’s trying to lead me to it monsters all of them the Father second we start biting everybody leaves right now we got a higher no it’s fine the assisted mining we’ll get more later

Pickaxe is not so halos client oh wow we got some vienes that’s uh I said home and take a look at these warp her home Brad Rock I believe this flag is yours ridiculous and then what flag do we have here let’s take a look-see boys a little dog oh that’s cool

Not the coolest of flags but it’s cool it’s a nice nice little dog oh I like it let’s get right out of this one and throw it on the ground sure I picked it up we’ll throw it on in Turkish that’ll show and I’ll show him

All right spots with the full moon many nights away I believe that is where we will wrap things up for now so thank you guys for tuning in watching stuff we had 80 people on the server cool things cool things I did promise I would do something at the beginning of the stream

That I now completely forget what I said I was gonna go oh let’s see I gave away the head the sever head oh yeah I was gonna share some diamonds go to spawn if you want diamonds unless you’re a vampire don’t go to spine I don’t know

I’ll know courtesy of all you people giving me gifts I will share that with the world not all the know cuz I need some diamonds you know you gotta get more you gotta be smart all right Wow you’re stuck in a block buddy how do you feel

Can’t use that here we’ll see about that huh can I fly hurt yeah so you’re a sneaky in the shadow here I’m just gonna say all right so early birds get some worms nice early birds a nice probably not very delicious worms looks like two diamonds are throwing every time I throw

This okay now it’s not there’s just a little bit like before let’s see 10 more after this ten more and I’m gonna record the city yeah it’s just it’s the easier to stream as all cuz everyone wants to talk to me and stuff and I don’t want to

Just like ignore them like I would have to in a video so you know hannah has my bone how I put it safely in the chest right that’s one shoe and lasers at me how dare you what well you wait five more heyyyyyy print just got there first time

And you’re all alone over there thank know they figured out it’s all right this side gets one now here you go back you can have one and the most diamond goes to huh fake out I got those two dice all right that’s how I got seeds cutsies let’s see

Let’s go back home I want to see that dogger let’s see book master what up guys more carrots of course that’s he I had a feeling into Jack would be in the hair go for the Diamonds back sweet yeah hopefully he’s got a good home here anyway thank you guys for watching I’d

Like to give a whisper out to not only everyone on the server but also everyone in chat right now Sharon Shweta side Yoshi and bad wolf Austin Hannah JJ Zaycon Bryson meg and finally Shawn we will see you all next time And Annabelle family-style ripped Hannah

This video, titled ‘GROWING STRONGER! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2019-05-10 23:41:14. It has garnered 8274 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:52 or 3652 seconds.

FOR THE PACK! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival) /w Xylophoney ★ SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE2XYLO

Join us on the Server! IP: sno.sknd.host Shop: http://supernaturalorigins.tebex.io/ Discord: https://discord.gg/Zf4AwVG

Version: 1.12.2 JAVA No mods needed, All Vanilla!

• Youtubers Playing • Xyloploney: https://www.youtube.com/user/XylophoneyGames MarioMania: https://www.youtube.com/user/333aaammm ZloyXP: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFZqf1gW_XSCZyTku15LSA RETARTION: https://www.youtube.com/retartie

MORE SERIES: Jurassic Origins — http://y2u.be/GE8wJy-D-R4 Fairy Tail Origins — https://youtu.be/YwssDnJ3-u4 Yu-gi-Oh Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/SjHPiVHH2XU Minecraft Overwatch RP — https://youtu.be/QNb2dCxHsqQ Deadpool Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/MHzMKikex0s Jurassic World Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/IQInh_ZjSQQ Star Wars Minecraft Roleplay — https://youtu.be/Nomb_Up9ZHY Minecraft Pirates RP — https://youtu.be/vVNzDjFbR-w ARK Survival Evolved — http://tinyurl.com/XyloARK

►GET A SUPER COOL MINECRAFT SERVER! http://akliz.net/Xylophoney Use code ‘Xylophoney’ for 20% off your first month!

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  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

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  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

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  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

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    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

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    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

Xylophoney – GROWING STRONGER! Minecraft Supernatural Origins Server LIVE (Minecraft Roleplay Survival)