Xylophoney – Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “OUR NEW JANITOR!” #8 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)

Video Information

Cat viper furball snake feline danger noodle pee no not p he did not want to pee jakey why is it about brian urination i said it’s not about brian’s urination this has nothing to do with pp jakey okay so it’s not it’s about not only Produced I is breathe give you one more day Is The right this way oh wow this is massive yes you said you are into stars and celestial stuff such as this so as you can see i have quite the observatory set up here very magnificent yes i spent a lot of time looking at the constellations

To use the power of distinct stars to guide the magic of many so perhaps you could do the same with your magic that sounds um wonderful indeed you said you know a lot about the constellation so far this would be a good place if you would like to study them further

Of course forgive me if it is a little messy you know haven’t had to have the time to really do much with it recently i got the giant mountain spiders again spiders oh yes there’s spiders that sometimes come to the island and try to well attack a little bit they’re

About the size of a well a horse or so oh i will steer clear of them yes if you’ll need any help dealing with them they are just big old giant pests but yes here’s the observatory that’s a little cramped you know i didn’t have a lot of need for space

I tried to invite others into here there’s a uh a bed telescope there’s quite a few telescopes into here but yes up here we have some more stuff things i’ve left behind i’m doing the star magic just a bunch of well to be honest junk in those chests there

Feel free to use it or get rid of it as you please and then we have this thing that collects starlight it’s not very well organized right now but if you do want to study the star magic this is the way how do you like it it’s

Amazing oh you want to see amazing come out here take a look at that thing whoa can can i climb upon sure go for it with this you can see the most distance of constellations as long as it is the right time of the month the right time of the year

You can see whatever constellation you look for this is amazing yes as i had mentioned i helped jakey find her elogium i found four knacks for brian myself i am in dune with avitas constellation of life i am attuned to the constellation of protection very nice i have definitely studied that

One pretty extensively as well with that the starlight itself should be able to protect you like a shield yes that is um what my father gave me for this wand at least ah yes the starlight seems to work pretty well uh yes sir certainly worked well enough in the

Training you’re able to take a portion of a radiant beam one of my most powerful spells i use oh i’ve heard about it from k yes it is a personal favorite of mine is not more of the mountain spiders oh looks like i’ll have to take care of

A few more than i thought ah yes they’re really not as bad as they look but here is one of my favorite places you can see all across the protectors guild take a look elior everything the light touches has some sort of form of lighting there like a torch or a

Lamp or something because it’s nighttime but in daytime when everything they like that jesus generally part of the protectors guild this is marvelous yes and this is a place that you can stay now if you would like really indeed as i said you know guildmaster business has kept me quite busy and

This place has gone into a little disrepair so your staying here might keep the giant spiders out of it and plus if you are going to be a member of the protectors guild you should have everything you need to hone your magic become as powerful as you can

Of course i will probably need to spruce it up a bit oh yes of course you know just get a couple of these they’re just you know spiderwebs it’s not a big deal you know you just chop them all down and this is easy i see you know the vines it shouldn’t be

Too locked into the uh brick this place is you know not that old it just hasn’t been really cleaned up ever but yes then we have the giant telescope if you really want to see something far away but to be honest if you’re looking for the stars and constellation the other will suffice

I see yes what do you think of it though um it’s incredible i i love it here it’s a lot better than where i used to live at least where did you lose to live um my father he created a separate dimension for me kind of like a box um i could only

Stay in the certain box uh i had my friend lived in a box uh yes in the celestial spirit world sounds a little more like a prison to me um i wouldn’t go that far he was just trying to protect me that is what a lot of people often say

Sometimes people go a little too far to protect the ones they care about that’s understandable but this place is a lot better and i can improve it i can improve my skills of course it’s wonderful um glad you like it i’ll take the place it is your job to clean up

Uh yes sir very good i only get back to the guild enjoy your new home i think you served the pho it’s gonna be bad what should i do um okay and calm down a little bit um jk what are you doing ah nothing just i’m not eating cookies and milk because

I don’t feel like it why would that be you always eat cookies and milk i don’t want to eat them you eat it i don’t want to eat it what is wrong jakey well jk come inside come inside you’ll need to calm down you’re making a scene out there you’re panicking

I mean there’s no one there but well there could be someone there at any moment okay we don’t know when a new cleaning boy is going to arrive right they were really loud yeah what is it sit down relax have some leaf water uh leave uh leave water yeah or tea it

Can be cold sometimes but you just really planted yourself down okay well sorry i just i just like i’m feeling like dead okay what is the problem jakey lying i you talk to lofo he can help okay well i was gonna go talk to to brian because i just heard you should

Talk to brian well i was told that it’s going to be some really awful thing oh he’s got some big news to tell you all right he was going to tell you on your birthday but you know i’d say you didn’t find it at the moment you were kind of

Distracted most of the time hanging out with the other people which is okay i understand it’s your birthday you know and plus you don’t want all the things to be crammed into one day but i’m surprised he hasn’t gotten the chance to talk to you yet

Well well he hasn’t talked to me yet but i’ve oh he will soon he’s looking for you jakey i know he wanted to add things that’s what i know oh wait what you want to put n to it and then to what okay i was life as you knew it before

Possibly no he wanted to like what’s the word for that um break up that’s the word ending the end uh wait wait wait you thought brian was going to break up with you why would they do that well well he had been like he’s been acting really strange and he’s like

He like always acts strange he was jealous the other day as well knowing that i was i was uh i had alex over in my of a place even though i seemed a little jealous and he seemed still seemed a little bit jealous and whenever like we everyone is together and you

Know brian gets a little defensive a little territorial but he has a fire dragon roared he knows no student does he uh i don’t think so yeah i don’t know that’s why i’m scared and and but ellen kate told me that she heard it that what the truth well

She’s something like she’s he’s gonna do it he doesn’t want to give him more like like pain or sadness or make him cry make me cry during my birthday whatever it was during the birthday he was talking to you and and she certainly never said that to me she must have misunderstood something

Must have misheard oh oh she heard that oh yeah she heard that and and i’m just like i shouldn’t cry but but i okay jakey jakey do not cry she did not hear the whole conversation brian just wanted to he wanted to p

P no not p he did not want to pee jakey well maybe he wanted to pee after he seemed very nervous about the whole thing what but this is not about brian’s urination jakey oh sure why is it about bran urination no i said it’s not about brian’s urination

This has nothing to do with pee pee jakey okay so it’s not okay so it’s about oliver jews not only for jews when did that even come into the conversation because that’s kind of okay never mind wait what uh nothing all right so brian just wanted to tell you something very important

That is all yeah he told me but then he didn’t say it it was like i wanted to tell you something very important and then everyone and then kay was was trying to get me presents and everyone else came in so you thought it was important bad

Well i didn’t know back then but casa it was bad so if it’s not bad know what it is i can’t tell you jakey this is not my place to say what it seems like it’s a bad thing then it’s not a bad thing okay it’s grown-up stuff i know

It’s mature it’s just sort of no no no no i can’t give you any hints jakey no hints at all i am an impregnable fortress you cannot get any information from me then what can you give like what are you supposed to you just make me feel worse how is this

Making you no no it he does i promise you jackie he does not want to break up with you it is nothing bad i think it is a very good thing personally coming from a person with my as myself with my previous experiences i’m just going to try this wait what are

You doing jk what jake you’re not looking at the future are you i don’t bring enough jj but i can kind of see a glimpse i’m crying stop looking at the future you don’t know what part of it you’re going to see that’s our weak one i didn’t bring enough ingredients but i

Saw a little glimpse i heard crying noise chicks you’re crying right now you cry at least once a week do we it cookies every day jakey this does not mean anything and and and you’re eating cookies well i think this sounds like a pretty standard day in any day in your future

I mean nothing wait i look very what nothing i didn’t say the word no no no no i’m not did you say jake did you call me the f word i did not call you the f word it was you’re very fluffy yeah no it wasn’t that f word yeah you’re fluffy

All right i’m going to trust that i didn’t hear what i thought you were saying yeah i didn’t drop the f bomb and you i would never just because i mean other people have slowly been pointing it out like they think well it’s true that i have gained a little weight

But if you’re not it’s maybe i would be just like you when i got the bad news from brian ryan so i guess i should go talk to him and then i’ll eat my feelings and cookies maybe we can eat again maybe that’s what the future means a possibility

Just talk to brian it’ll all be better but when i’m back when i eat cookies will you eat it with me i mean depends if i’m hungry i mean there’s so but you’re always hungry well it’s just i need the energy jakey a guild master has a lot of work to do i

Need lots of energy okay i will bring cookies you know it’s not that i’m hungry you are hungry and you wanted to be fluffy yeah fluffy yeah that awkward yeah all right i’m gonna go talk to brian and then we’ll see if he’s gonna end things or i don’t know all right

Just talk to brian okay i’ll see you later logofo see you later jakey did this kid really just do this and not close my door hey hmm hello cat viper feline snake furball danger noodle real creative thank you what brings you here today

What do you think oh i know what it is i just want to hear you say it oh my god here to clean your filthy guild go do here you just wanting to do good you know fix your mistakes of the past and help the protectors killed

Sure are you excited for all the wonderful things you’ll be doing today oh yes i’m bubbling up with joy on the inside are you wait oh you’re not bubbling up with joy that was a joke come this way look we want you to stay safe and secure

While you’re doing all this cleaning we don’t want you to get your clothes messy while you’re doing all this plus you know if you have to use any harsh chemicals we don’t want you getting sick although poison’s kind of harsh the chemicals i’m a poison dragon

Okay then you can you know sip on the poisonous stuff while you’re cleaning if you want to but either way you’re going to need to wear a uniform why if you’re going to be here cleaning we can’t you know just have people thinking that some random grim

Shade you know once wanted wizard is here you know just messing around no they need to know for sure that you are dedicated to cleaning the protector’s guild it is the only way i mean if you don’t mind that is what the heck is that your new uniform it looks

Ridiculous i’m not wearing that i mean you don’t have to i mean you don’t even have to be here it’s fine i mean i does scream really need the money anyway i’m sure it’s not a big deal almost will understand are you really going to pull this too

It’s up to you the choice is completely yours so fine you got this oh hey loofah oh okay good to see you good to see you too um it was actually uh i happen to be looking for viper is he here today oh he’s here all right he’s been very very busy

Oh very busy uh doing what i’ve been looking for him all day i haven’t found him What are you looking at oh he’s vacuuming the roof that’s like the viper he’s been cleaning the whole guild viper can he can you hear it a viper hmm don’t worry this will get his attention hey don’t shoot him he’s just lighted he’s fine we want cat

Hi okay i just wanted to say hi okay hi he’s been doing a good job cleaning all day long are you you okay there yeah you you left the vacuum on the roof but i can’t have oh yeah you also have wings yes but you know if you’re going to

Learn responsibility you’re going to need to be able to get the vacuum off the roof if you left it up there he knows plenty about responsibility right i’ll just roar it off later it’s fine well that might damage the guild worthy vacuum anyways uh question lefo

Why do you have him vacuuming the roof oh to get it clean you see the guild is messy look at all these spots it does moss growing on the walls he’s going to need to scrub all of that off yeah i don’t deny that i guess it could use

Some work on the outside but the roof it uh it gets clean when it rains does it not yes but it’s been like two weeks since the last terrain and i don’t even like water right well if uh what else what else have you have had him doing ah

Not much just very important things yeah like back i mean the grass for two hours that was fun wait you’re not vacuuming the ground um i i guess i guess so i feel bad because i’m walking on it now oh it’s okay he can just spruce it up again later zombie

With all this stuff on you can always take it off mommy actually you’re being very hygienic yeah why do you have all that on actually well he has the gloves in case he has to work with channels to get the stains out of the floor to work with what chemicals oh i thought

You said chemicals um what about the the hat and the the mask and are those shoulder and knee pads loco said this was the gear that you guys cleaned i didn’t want to wear it but oh when i heard garrett yeah i’m looking for another vision in mind i suppose but

Uh if uh if it’s not too much trouble i mean i i could have some you know questionably or arguably better things for him to do instead of mowing or not even mowing uh vacuuming the grass i mean i suppose i mean the more the better for him to do

Yeah he’s here thanks to grimshade just to help us the protector is guild well i happen to be one of your uh favorite students of the particular oh that’s right like you always tell me so uh yeah if you don’t like take them off your hands

I mean there’s some things that i’d like to do you know a brush brush popo for one ah yes you can get the beatles left of popo’s fur uh yeah yeah get the beetles out of poppo’s fur um he could help me mop the floors in my bakery

Um good good we there’s probably some gardening to do oh i have to harvest all the wheat outside of my den um what else is there oh the the milk bar that’s being worked on i’m sure there’s some work that can be done there or something

A lot to be cleaned up yeah so i can always steal him from you oh you want to like take him and go do that without luffo well as long as i’m away from the cat i don’t mind wow i know you guys have had a little

Bit of a history i won’t deny that but you know i i i like both of you uh did you be biped and you big you um so let’s just i’ll try and get along right but i i can’t deny you know luffo gets to be a little bit much especially

If he weren’t making me vacuum though wow i wouldn’t make you vacuum the lawn now that’ll be silly well yeah but you’re making him well yeah because it’s kind of funny you you won’t need to learn how to be nice it was brian’s idea i will get to brian lingard you

Need to learn how to be nicer to him and maybe he’ll you know give you that same respect i’ll be nicer to him if he starts being nicer to me first okay well one of you has to make the first step in order i’ve attempted it before and he’s just continuously mean

Well that was before he was turning over in a leaf right you’re really turning over a new leaf yeah all right i’ll let you go if you say two nice things about me he does have pretty nice fur you see it’s because i give him bubble bus

Even though he doesn’t like the bubble bus he comes out so soft afterwards i don’t need to be soft oh but it’s so fun to pet you and cuddle when you are hey okay you do just go ahead and get that stuff cleaned up all right uh

Ready make sure to put the vacuum back when you’re done Come on let’s uh let’s go It’s just a jump to the left Put your hands on your hips

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “OUR NEW JANITOR!” #8 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2020-09-22 20:00:12. It has garnered 28422 views and 1757 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:19 or 1579 seconds.

Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “OUR NEW JANITOR!” #8 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay) w/ Xylophoney! ★ SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE2XYLO Turn on Notifications and keep a Pinky on that LIKE button! Thanks!

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    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall Survival

    Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall SurvivalVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus that’s loud I turn that down hello how are we all doing it’s a good game Sorry I mean experience how are we all doing tonight that music just feels loud why all right uh let me get the game loaded up curse Forge where you at load that come on you can do it there are 150 clone orders correct you doing good that’s good it is we’re at the part of the Year where the house is always hot… Read More

  • “EPIC House vs Fire Showdown – INSANE Minecraft Animation!” #gegagedigedagedago

    "EPIC House vs Fire Showdown - INSANE Minecraft Animation!" #gegagedigedagedagoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gegagedigedagedago HOUSE vs Fire In The Hole! #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation #memes’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-22 11:00:47. It has garnered 156108 views and 4754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

  • “Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7” #MinecraftPVPMadness

    "Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7" #MinecraftPVPMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] what This video, titled ‘Bridge PvP #minecraft #gamingcommunity #relaxation #texturepack1 #texturepack #mcpe’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-21 17:24:13. It has garnered 88 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

  • Unreal Secrets to Enter SMP! #minecraft #gaming

    Unreal Secrets to Enter SMP! #minecraft #gamingVideo Information oh hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school This video, titled ‘how to join smp #minecraft #lilyvillesmp #gaming #demisesmp #viral’, was uploaded by MR TRICKY 981 on 2024-01-11 04:40:00. It has garnered 2418 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft Mobs REVEALED!! #shorts

    🔥 NEW Minecraft Mobs REVEALED!! #shortsVideo Information as of today Minecraft version 1.20.5 is out and  it’s not just a bug update it actually has some   of the recent snapshot features it mostly adds  the last mob vote winner the armadillo and also   its scutes and the Wolf armor they even added  the dog variants that were previously announced   armadillos are found in the savannah and Badlands  biome they will periodically drop scutes or they   will drop them when a brush is used and their food  of choice is spider eyes armadillos will also roll   up when they detect any sign of danger and  when… Read More

  • Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft – MUST WATCH!

    Insane Hospital Chaos in Minecraft - MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Malenia Madness Disrupts Minecraft – Callums Corner Stream 16/04/24’, was uploaded by Saint R. Moat Hospital on 2024-04-16 23:21:58. It has garnered 3322 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:57 or 837 seconds. Malenia went mental mental chicken oriental there… Read More

  • Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen

    Insane COCA COLA Build Battle: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information oh what is this Mikey where are we I don’t know but it looks like a bed one of mud and one of diamonds wow what are they for I wonder and look we have a tape measure that says mud and a block of diamond ha I think this is a challenge they prepared for us there’s a diamond bed and a mud bed and whoever gets what from the tape measure will survive on that bed I think it’s interesting yeah so let’s spin the roulette wheel for you first and what you get Yahoo I… Read More

  • Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shorts

    Shocking Villager Life in Trendy Minecraft POV #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Zoxtic Gamerz on 2024-04-07 19:36:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More

  • Cosmic Network

    Cosmic NetworkCosmic Network is a new network which was originally created to promote the idea of skyblock, we feature alot of features including – PvP – Bosses – Custom Recipes – Crop based Economy – $30 Paypal Payouts! and so much more to discover. CosmicSKB.minehut.gg CosmicSKB.minehut.gg Read More

  • Mystic Dominions Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.4 Geopolitical Lands

    Welcome to Mystic Dominions – Where Legends Are Forged! Embark on an epic journey into a world where imagination knows no bounds! Welcome to Mystic Dominions, the ultimate Minecraft server where your creativity takes centre stage. Forge Your Legacy: Craft your own unique story in a world shaped by your imagination. Mystic Dominions offers limitless possibilities to carve out your place in history. Forge Nations: Take the reins of destiny and establish your own mighty nation. Lead with wisdom, strength, and diplomacy as you shape the course of history. Create Guilds: Unite with like-minded adventurers and form powerful guilds that… Read More

  • Attack On Titan Roleplay Server

    Attack On Titan Roleplay Serverattack on titan minecraft server Made By Skele Animates Join Noww!!!! This Server is for 1.16.5 This Is A interesting Server Go Join Now This Is A anime Roleplay Server Attack On Titan Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minechesty Goodness

    Minecraft Memes - Minechesty GoodnessI guess you could say this Minecraft meme is a “block-buster” with a score of 4! Read More

  • “Farm life: where cows do the grind” 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    "Farm life: where cows do the grind" 🔥 #minecraft #memes “Who needs a gym membership when you can just play Minecraft Bedrock Edition and work on your virtual farm all day? #FarmFit” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Why You Should Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless creative opportunities, Minewind is the perfect place to shake things up and have fun in Minecraft. Why Join Minewind? Endless Creative Opportunities Vibrant Community Unique Gameplay Experience Exciting Events and Challenges How to Play Minecraft the Right Way After watching the video “the right way to play minecraft” by Breadfish, you may be inspired to try something new and shake up your Minecraft gameplay. Minewind offers… Read More

  • ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans

    ROBLOX Murder Mystery 2 Shenanigans Exploring the World of Minecraft Embark on a Minecraft Adventure Brothers Ian and Ethan dive into the virtual world of Minecraft, ready to conquer challenges and unravel mysteries. Their journey is filled with excitement and unexpected twists as they navigate through different scenarios. Unveiling the Gameplay In Minecraft, the brothers encounter various roles like murder, sheriff, and innocent. Each role presents unique challenges and opportunities for them to showcase their skills. From strategizing to quick reflexes, every moment is a test of their gaming prowess. Thrilling Moments and Hilarious Mishaps As they progress through the game, Ian and Ethan… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2

    EPIC Minecraft Hack: No Pipes! Energizing Blocks in 1.19.2Video Information hello there everyone the andrada here and welcome back to episode 15 of our FTB Skies let’s play series and it’s a long one today we got a lot of stuff that we got going on uh a lot of big changes or or big improvements to our setup and everything uh so get started sorry for the length hopefully you’re okay with it um but yeah let’s dive in welcome back my friends to another wonderful day here in the world of the andrada uh where I have a couple things that I would like to work… Read More

  • Becoming Ghosts in Minecraft

    Becoming Ghosts in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizen JJ & Mikey on 2024-01-13 20:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How JJ and Mikey BECAME GHOSTS in Minecraft? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved … Read More

  • Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viral

    Dronio Discovers Hidden Minecraft Worlds! 😱 #viralVideo Information Minecraft но вы управляете кругом Оу Нет я застрял в этом крошечном Круге Стоп А что если просто выйти из него что происходит э когда кто-то ставит лайк Круг становится больше Стоп А что если кто-то подпишется серьёзно вы уже открыли шахту и прямо там разрушенный портал вы открыли Уже половину Моего Мира продолжайте ставить лайки и кстати моя цель – это открыть мир на 100% было бы намного проще если бы он перестал уменьшаться ээ что эти железные блоки могут остановить уменьшение Круга я собрал абсолютно все самые прочные блоки в игре Так что Круг не сможет… Read More

Xylophoney – Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “OUR NEW JANITOR!” #8 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)