Y-ray – How to make a Box Server Minecraft and How To Use Simple Plugins | Using Minehut | Server Tutorial

Video Information

Hey guys welcome back to another video uh it has been a long time since i’ve uploaded a lot but today we’re finally uploading so that’s pretty nice um some of you have been asking if i can make a tutorial on how to make a server

So first so my server doesn’t shut off i will log on to it um Tutorial tk dot mine dot gg i’ll just log onto it you guys probably don’t see this because this is um okay there so now that we have this i will show you guys so if you host on minot you would just simply go to add-ons and install the plugins

But if you do not host on um mine huts you will need to get these plugins these are the most important plugins you would need to set up a easy box server because today we’re going to show how to make a box server so also you would really want to make the here

This one to zero this has to be zero if not it will crash with world god just so you guys know so we’re gonna simply go into the minecraft and we have right here and also a lot of you usually have the right hand on first

Okay wait we got up ourselves first i’m gonna go in the console this is something everyone should probably know how to do you just go in the console and do slash op and your name so now i can fly uh okay so what you would want to do

When you’re making the server slash white is on and slash whitelist ad and your minecraft name so to check that you have all the plugins you do slash pl or slash plugins but i think this only might work on mine huts but you can still install plugins

For that too i’m not going to go further into that so let’s get on to this box server so to start off slash warned everyone oh i forgot to say you would also need a plugin called fast a sync world edit this is a plugin you really need

Or you could also need just world edit this one but so slash f1 that’s the essentials the essentials plugin so do and also the faster sync also can do that so let’s make the box so we mark that so what you want to do slash wand you’ll

Get this axe and you click this block and you go to the other block of the floor right click that slash set and then bedrock then you would get a platform with one a bedrock platform right here if it if it doubles then click the block on the down there and

The one on the over here and then remove one layer okay so you would want to this is pretty fast i really know so you want to click that and you would want to click the block you will make over here then slash slash set grass underscore block

Then we have a bedrock under and grass block right there next thing you would want to do is click that block right there you would build just two block out there so you can have so you can click that then you would go right here and then slash up 20

20 20 20 20. all the way up to here you could also do just a thousand but then like a little bit so what i selected here was first position i select the second slash walls and then bedrock then you would see i get some easy walls i

Make a block there click that all the way down here click that slash slash slash walls or underscore log this is just a simple setup for the box server so this could be the box it’s decent it’s decent for a box then we right about here

Like that slash set barrier so we will get a barrier wall barrier level at the top and also slash game rule do day light cycle false the sun will always be there from now off slash game rule do weather cycle falls so now it will always never rain and always the sun

Will be there so next thing we’re gonna do is to go here and we’re going to mark up the map so we’re going to make this block and this block and then slash region define map this is really important that you learn slash region define map

Also you don’t have to type region you can just do rg that i’m probably going to be doing and you can remove these blocks and then you’re gonna make so people can build in here of course slash or g flag ma and then you’re gonna do block break then

Allow because this is inside the map yeah and i’m gonna fix the spawn protection later block place allow wait no it’s not spawn protection flag is not required for protection yeah okay and then we’re gonna do vehicle place deny this you don’t have to do at the map you can

Because it is a region over the entire minecraft map you can just do this as the name global and then vehicle destroy and then d9 so no one can place any boats so they can’t escape the box of course you would um so now you’ve got the box but

Oh no people can break the walls let’s take a fix on that so you mark this block go all the way over here wait i forgot i got a mark yeah this block this this one in the corner here and you go all the way over here

Then you go all the way down and mark up this block because the wall is too is too thick then slash rg define wall you can name it whatever you want just i do wall because then it’s easy to remember and then also to see that you’re marked up right

When you’ve marked up these you’ll see that One of these oh wait a second second and then the second and then first yeah so to see that you’ve marked up right you would want to see that on these coordinates 238 237 it’s one between and you cannot you can always be on these two also slash rg define wall two so

When you’ve defined all the walls that i’m real quick gonna just do wall three and then i also see that that was wrong so i’m gonna do there wall wait i’ve already defined that so it was uh wall wall two three actually slash rgd fine wall four

There now i’ve defined all the walls so nobody can break it you don’t have to do any settings with them nobody can break the walls slash through so let’s go a little bit up here to for example okay so what you could do is just simply just make a little bit of

A entrance right about here or something on somewhere on the walls you make an entrance you just fill it up break it out so when this is broken out you can make your spawn i don’t care how you build it it’s the simplest thing to do is to just make it a box

Right now so this is gonna look a little bit cool i’m just gonna do like this this is just oak wood if you guys are wondering then you just line up this and also if somebody actually managed to place a boat and get into it then i have bedrock

Walls on the outside so it will 90 percent not be able to get out of the box but also it is things you can do for that too with slash rg flag i’m just going to discard global and just go under score pass through and then deny

But then you’ll have to make a lot of regions and a lot of settings that’s only if you know how to do it then what i usually like to use to flow is just dark oak because this is the simplest thing so let’s say i want to have like like this and then

Right about there set dark oak planks so we got a let’s see if we can line it up a little bit three five three five so this one gotta be gone set here there we go so then we could simply just fill up these there we go

And we could just also use these on the walls here so there and we go like here slash a 15 there slash slash walls oh log then you gotta just break up this when this is broken out i changed this so these just look a little bit better so um

Slash slash want slash top i’ll show you guys how to make a region for uh the easiest thing here wait oh yeah i forgot to put barriers on the top here boom boom boom There we go then you can just mark out the uh the spawning box here and then slash already defined spawn i don’t think you got to do any settings with that and then what i usually like to do is just like this And then slash rg flag i’m just going to just go glo global and it’s going to go block break deny and block place then i so that that would just be a normal thing so uh here we could just make quartz i don’t care how this looks or

You can make this one or you want to just a shopkeeper here you got a shopkeeper let’s say this is food so you have like let’s say you have 16 emeralds though for steak for a stack of steak then you put in the emeralds here and the steak here

Then you can and let’s say you want to add like okay yeah this is kinda cheap so we gotta have 16 diamonds too there we go six normal 16 diamonds then you got 64 steak for that so that’s just a simple thing you can change on most of the shopkeepers

If you want to be a baby or not you can change name villager profession outfit delete it most you want like you can just fill it up like this and you can make custom items everything you can put everything you want in there just be creative with this

So let’s say you want to make your mind though slash want so let’s say you want to have a wood mine here you mark it up you select the two splash slasher set okay log so it’s gonna be the wood mine slash mrl create wood flash mrl set wood log a hundred percent

So then uh it would set the wood to oak log so if i now just like simply just break a lot of this in the mine and then your slash mrl slash mrl resets would you also pause the video and spoil back and do whatever you want

If it goes too fast you can do mrl flag would reset delay every two minutes let’s say we want to do that and then slash mrl flag would and then for example silent so it doesn’t come in chat like wood has been reset you can also have reset percent

Let’s say you want to have a hundred percent so when it’s 100 when it’s like or let’s say like 20 when it’s like let’s say it’s going to be when it’s 20 blocks left then it resets automatically so slash slash item edit and shot efficiency a hundred thousand oh wait slash dear

I’m just gonna uh there so slash the optically so when i’ve broken like yeah so slash uh i just gave myself permission to open the up myself but when you’ve broken enough then i would assume this would just reset that’s what we did let’s see here

Yeah there we go it reset and for all of you uh you could also do slash mrl set tp and then would so when now i just stand inside mrl resets wood so when wood resets i get teleported here so and also you can make mines of every single type

You can for example have flash mrl create for example for example stone iron diamond everything you would want um and so we can also start with some ranks slash lp group because everyone so has luck firms would always have a default group and you can do meta set prefix

And then two of these in the middle you would let’s say we want to have it a little bit gray so and then a little aquatic member uh just like this and then we have let’s say the name want to be in um in a good looking red style

So i can type hi because i have member rank let’s say we don’t want it to look like that let’s say we don’t want these we can just remove this and then we can type hi and let’s say we want to slash lp i would not show the editor right now

But that’s also simple thing you can do create group let’s say you want to create opener so lp group owner permission or we don’t have to do permission now but we can do meta set prefix i would i’m going to go into permissions too for all of you guys who’s raging home there

So let’s say you want to have the owner like this slash lp and then user parent sets owner hello i am owner how are you how are you you see that’s a simple way to do it also the spawn you can just do set spawn and then everyone can do it like this

But it says it says for default but nobody has permission to it so slash lp group and then default permission set and then essentials dot spawn and then just like this you just click enter then if i d of myself i can do spawn of course not because i haven’t

So then i’ll do lp group owner parent set default so owner has the same permissions now as default i can do slash de-optically now i can just spawn i get sent to this spot right here and i can jump down i can go over here

Mine some wood and then oh i gotta go to spawn and then you get to spawn you see also when you set spawn uh slash optically set spawn you would have to look the direction people want so if i like look in this direction i’ll just spawn i’ll always look that way um

I think i should maybe include some more things uh for example to your server let’s say you want to make uh a starter sword slash item edit rename you can rename with whatever you want colors then you would need that and then the color you want uh but

I’m not gonna go into colors you can just search on color code on the internet and you’ll get up all the types of colors in minecraft let’s say i want to have the starches sword starter sword so now it’s green starter sword and item Item edit hide all that’s what i usually do because it looks cool and i try to hide end shots after that so you can see the enchants the item edit enchant sharpness let’s say we want enchanted with sharpness eight but that’s a little bit too much to

Starter store but like that’s just the simple things and then you can slash slash shopkeeper and then let’s say i get log then let’s say i want to have it for four oak logs just like that and then you can do with pickaxes everything every single item you would

Want so let’s say i want to grind for this nightmare now i’m going to run over here i’m a new player i’m running over here i’m getting wood i’m mining this block oh there mine one block find two blocks just so we know that we can mine

Yeah then we can maybe make a crafting table then we can make an axe we can mine faster let’s see can we mine the walls of course not because we did the region thing so we’re gonna mine finish this so we got four logs slash spawn come on go go go go go

Get star sword let’s go then we can just go down here pvp fight yes of course i’m gonna show one more thing because everyone dies because of that i forgot that so uh usually you could just do slash game rule fall damage uh false um but if you want to be like pretty

Professional you know then you gotta do like this jump down boom just like that you also gotta do rg flag map pvp allow so people can pvp then what i usually like to use as the block for right here and then right here walls red wool red wool and here boom

Boom slashes that grass and disco block okay and then place the block here you can mark up the spot there then slash top break this replace it there mark that the second position slash rg uh define no full damage and then you slash rg flag no fall damage

Block break allow then you do block place place allow then you do pvp allow wait actually block place d9 that’s what i usually do there so people can’t build up to spawn block break deny and then um full damage deny so now we’ve made that um

Gms so now we can jump out on the outside here ah we died that’s a big boy rep let me jump inside the circle we don’t die poggers if i d of myself t way i cannot place oh wait i actually can yeah okay slash optic with then that’s

Easy fix slash rg flag no fall damage then block place deny then boom boom so now we can’t break anything inside the circle we can’t place anything and then if i build up here full damage is on inside here full damage will of course be off and kabul

Okay slash optique oh wait yeah now i can so this is just a simple to to to tutorial i’m not gonna like make it in thai boxer because that takes like an hour or something but this is and then you can also rename this for example swords you got the sword smith here

Let’s make him a swordsman we go that’s clay but okay that’s fine you can also make enchanted shop you can do whatever you want with this this is a box server it’s you can do whatever you want also i’m gonna just quick go into showing a few small things that you would

Really want to know so i’m gonna start up my main server and and just show you guys simply uh everything else so you would want to know about box servers so let’s go here and then slash hub because i’m hosting on mynut so i can

Just do this and then log on the server here we go this is my box services up yeah here’s yeah this is a custom insurance everything here is uh yeah holograms i can show in another video just ask me this is hologram text you’d also see the tab on my server is

Pretty sick and i will show how i did that so as you guys can see here is my um my hust hosting server so file manager i forgot to say that you would really want to have tab and script and skb playables opening you can have that too that will also help out

I’m gonna i’m not gonna go into that with this video but tab that allows you to do the tab to make that cool so you put in the what the rank is called then the prefix is here and then how the tab wants to be how you want the tab to be

I’m not going to show you that much about that to script i can show simply what i would use so scoreboard this is kind of easy you can just copy this i can put it in this description um but server this is what you would want so this is a

Lifestyle service you and you don’t want any of this you only want this one this one you can just copy and make a script command clear chat yeah this is just something you would really want to have um you’d also want to have for example slash rules then you can make this one

This one is pretty easy i can show you how to make one later stuff chats uh toggle bell for stuff chats so now like for example uh i can show the in-game version of this just simply fast so slash toggle bell uh sg hi so you don’t hear anything now and then uh

S g and then you or snapchats and then hi then you’ll hear the playing so that’s just something that’s really quick coded discord click here youtube or slash whitey you can click here slash welcome it’s so many fun things you can do with your server the scoreboard is right there pretty simple

The tab you see it’s so many things uh if you guys want tutorial on how to script use tab and playables open in and so i will show that too first thing i’m gonna do i’m gonna show a little bit more about luck pumps because you guys probably

Didn’t see that much about log perms and you would probably want to know that so uh what you can do an in-game lp editor or slash lock perms editor then you’ll get up this then on my server i have these ranks kind of cool but for for example a plugin let’s say i

Wanna make people able to use uh for example make their own a world god so it’s probably something i don’t want in a boxer but let’s say i want people to be able to go to be able to use warp so you could just type in warp and just

See what you get up and like okay essentials work okay this is th this is a normal walk by use or let’s say i want people to be able to enchant then okay yeah crazy and chance like you can type in that or if you know exactly

Which plugin it is then you can type in the plugin name so it usually is and when it’s scripting i usually use server dot and then the thing and i’m gonna go into that but for example if you want people to be able to do

Afk and you can type afk and you can see okay but you would want p and then if you know then you can just do this and then kaboom then add to the roll you want so now i added that to corner corners can do that that’s pretty great you can also change

The prefixes here let’s say this looks a little bit ugly let’s just change this to big boy oh so and then you just click save and then you copy this and then you got to be opt on the server and then you just type in this and boom you see that is

That always helps out but guys we’re gonna end the video here and these i will show you that the i will show you one more thing and that is in my in-game here you see it says opener between my name and it says self that’s essentials and tab

So you gotta get that too essentials and tab that’s something you always would need to do i’ll go through the plugins one last time if somebody didn’t get them um so just simply oh my god yeah i’ll just do them in game because that’s way faster so right here slash pl

These plugins are what you would want you can pause the video whatever you want i don’t care thank you guys for watching if you want more to tutorials type in the comment section and i will help you with whatever you want because i simply know a lot about minecraft and plugins and script

And nearly everything you’d want to learn i can help you guys make gen servers i can help you make kit pvp servers sky mining today was the box tutorial server i can also help you guys set up your own mine hot server but that’s already tutorials on youtube so i don’t really

Think we got to do that but i hope you guys enjoyed and i’ll see you in the next video bye

This video, titled ‘How to make a Box Server Minecraft and How To Use Simple Plugins | Using Minehut | Server Tutorial’, was uploaded by Y-ray on 2021-10-05 12:48:29. It has garnered 174992 views and 2626 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:40 or 2020 seconds.

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    Finnonthebulk - Craziest Combo 💥💥💥Video Information bro I don’t have strength either bro I don’t care if I die I don’t I don’t have any Gap so This video, titled ‘Insane combo 😨😨😨’, was uploaded by Finnonthebulk on 2024-03-24 15:12:24. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Insane combo 😨😨😨 Live everyday: https://www.twitch.tv/finnonthebulk #minecraft #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #twitch #english #smp Tags: brawlhalla gameplay,brawlhalla gameplay no commentary,brawlhalla combos,Insane combo 😨😨😨,insane combo,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft music,minecraft 100 days,minecraft challenges,minecraft challenges survival,minecraft challenge games,combo,pvp,minecraft pvp texture pack,minecraft pvp tips,minecraft pvp montage Read More

  • Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀

    Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo hello hello good morning evening hello good morning good afternoon good evening hello everybody let me go ahead [Music] and we’re live we’re live not yes in Minecraft wait where’s my Minecraft tab yeah live in Minecraft too o let me put that there it is all right wooo yippe all righty but hello hello I know what I forgot I forgot to set… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] you no no no no no no no no y This video, titled ‘Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shiba Toons on 2024-01-05 13:33:27. It has garnered 67529 views and 1745 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft We’d like to bring funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. #ShibaToons #monsterschool #steve #alex #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!

    Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!Video Information क्या हालचाल मेरे शेरो काफी दिनों के बाद मिथ लाइफ ये वाला वीडियो आ गया है तो मैं आ चुका हूं मेरे जबी वर्सेस प्लेयर वाला वीडियो वापस ये शायद से एंड होगा इस वाले चैप्टर में हम पूरा पूरा मतलब ये मोड ही हम खत्म कर डालेंगे तो देखो मैंने काफी ज्यादा ग्राइंडिंग करने के बाद इतने सारे रोटन फ्लेश इकट्ठे कर लिए जिनको नहीं पता वो उनको मैं बता देता हूं इसमें क्या होता है हमारे हमको जॉम्बीज को मारना होता है जॉम्बीज को मार के हमें वो रोटन फ्लेश मिलता है रोटन फ्लेश को हमें… Read More

  • EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱

    EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱Video Information ओ हेलो हेलो या बल गया बल गया मार मार बटरी मार मार हेलो हेलो हेलो अरे आवा हा य आ म माइक सेटिंग कर सेटिंग करना सेटिंग कर [संगीत] डिकोड बोला सर [संगीत] बोला ममी ब कर मेरा तो मन भी नहीं कर रहा खेलने का क्या क्या खेलने [संगीत] का बोल बोल मु सेटिंग कर स्पिक माइक चज [संगीत] ली माइक माइक रो रो सिलेक्ट कर इनपुट आउटपुट स्पीकर माइक कर बो हेलो हेलो बोलत हेलो हेलो ठीक हां रु भाई रुक रुक रुक रुक देख रहा भाई कर र है हां कट कर कट कर… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : https://discord.gg/Bb5dQ3C8qm ►Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Gaming4LiFeUtube ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiro_gaming/ ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgH8Mrs52LJG0CfYtQ5mJ2g/join »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop :https://amzn.to/3z36RQE »»Keyboard :https://amzn.to/3giCHCj »»Mouse https://amzn.to/3EYhjwC »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 https://streamlabs.com/yuqwilson #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) moonbat.ddns.net Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

Y-ray – How to make a Box Server Minecraft and How To Use Simple Plugins | Using Minehut | Server Tutorial