Yu-gi-oh: DUEL DYNASTY #5 – SWAPPING LIVES??? (Minecraft Yugioh Roleplay)

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Ah here it is the uh dueling lounge all right let’s see if we can find someone to do hey hey mario i see you found your way to the lounge as well yeah so have your duels been going six star chips six yeah how did you do so fast

It’s been like six hours no it hasn’t do you do you not keep track of time it’s still like noon to be fair i think this island might i think you might already be contracting island madness already i’m pretty sure i’m not by the way i’ve been feeding your cat

Or you’re catching myself this ain’t my cat look that’s the guy that’s been taking care of me for months he’s the one that took you in that’s the guy whose house you were staying in that’s the guy i literally signed the papers for when he wasn’t looking what papers yeah

On the boat i decided to look up how much adoptions cost and i used i used your name you made it so i’m adopted i made it so that your stromboli is under your name i i didn’t know you generally had papers for cats yeah so you’re saying it was your cat

Nope then you didn’t have the rights to sign it away steal your cat wait i paid 200 for that i’d better be your cats not my cats your cat and it murders birds and fish isn’t that what generally got cats do yeah as i said it’s been feeding pretty well

Anyway i did manage to get myself out of the star chip hole so we’re back how many do you have do you have like four or five two of them i’ve only done two duels you really need to catch up don’t you yeah i’m here looking for a duelist and i

Guess i found one yeah okay if you want to bet your two targets i mean we can just about one star trip and just slightly even it out a little bit you know all right all right all right looks like we got an arena right over here

Yeah this will be good you and i haven’t dueled in a long time yeah i was about to challenge you back at the apartment but figured it during it before the tournament probably was not the best idea yeah i guess not oh well we’ll get our chance right now

Just gotta hop up here and yeah i think this is a tag dueling arena you don’t say you think it’ll still work if we try to doubt it you know how big this is with these rules yeah okay you dispense he forced me into a structured act duel

I had to do a few well a theme duel as well so i guess we’re gonna have to find some more people that should be too hard hey maybe even this way we can team up just gain star chips duel lounge rest here d fuel prohibited oh thank goodness all right oh

Um maybe that’s why it was banned yeah prohibited bathroom really richie really created some hazardous material yeah it seems so that stuff just messes up bathrooms left and right but hey i mean pegasus has a new boat after what the d field did to me oh that’s that sounds disgusting

Yeah i i don’t i don’t want to know that i don’t want to know i don’t want to know stromboli is the cat yours it’s his oh hey little buddy yes that’s a good cat though it’s a good cat yes his good cat he’s friendly are you guys doing uh doing good

Nice nice uh probably finished for today maybe up for like two more deals i don’t know i mean you sure you wouldn’t want to do another duel there’s a tag dual arena right outside tacos like i don’t really know how to feel about tacos but

It was there was a while we didn’t work together i think did a while ago no wow cold wow that’s rude yeah but sure like i don’t remember can you do it with him either can you offer up two starships we i was more looking for a one star trip duel personally

One one for each you know each one of you bet one yeah but then that still a total of uh two that’s going to be split that’s what yeah it’s like i’m saying two and each person goes into otherwise i don’t think it’s really going to be worth it Don’t let them know i only have two star chips wait what did you say i um i only have two star chips so okay oh but if you’re only two still then it’s a good thing to have after now or you double up or you prove that you actually

Shouldn’t be in the tournament yeah i’m not afraid to duel mario by my side we should be fine just gonna be sure there’s no other duelist in here that i could potentially duel just beforehand you know anyone anyone at all one star chip one star trip okay the entire place is empty

Stromboli let’s do this well yeah is this also the place we sleep at night i was gonna ask about that uh either here or you could camp out yeah yeah those tents near the castle as well oh fun all right never gone camping before not recently last time i did i got bit

By a spider oh nice venomous venomous oh fun well not fun yeah not a good experience great well i guess it’s uh getting time to duel right shall we go do it yeah sounds good all right let’s head out to the arena well it’s there being on the air here that

There is but yeah stromboli hasn’t figured out how to open doors yet unfortunately we got one right out here it’s time to duel time to duel oh excited to start 12. we have the chance to go first mario all right take it then wait a second what’s going on here what is this

I think i’m looking at a bunch of cards that aren’t mine wait colossal fighter wait why do you have my colossal fighter stuff what did you do the dual arena it’s the dual arena guys it’s switched our decks okay that’s pretty awkward so we’re not using our own decks in this stool we’re

Using our tag partners hey guys what did you do well this hand is usable okay i guess we got a little something to start off with as well um with mario’s cards i set one face down and i will summon bull blader in attack mode oh okay

That’ll end my turn let’s find out what i can do with this hand really i guess so i guess i can do something here i can activate art’s dragon ravine oh all right then i’ll use its effect to discard a dragon and then i send like another dragon speaker

Very good all right good old dragonities oh yeah probably should have warned you on that one sorry we can fight dragons then uh a normal summon ducks and use duck’s effect to equip helmet all right i probably should tell you that the best card in my deck

Buster blader might not be in that deck oh okay go to the battle phase and i’ll destroy your pool blades a little bit huh let’s see bull blader has an effect well i suppose that might be worth doing i’ll use bull blader’s effect what’s this thing do

When it when it wasn’t involved in a battle neither player takes into battle damage and both monsters are destroyed oh okay i guess that bought us some time so one card oh that’s my turn it’s normally like my little kamikaze monster oh well all right

Think i drew one of your good cards yeah start off with your jurassic world that’ll power up all dinosaurs by 300. and to be fair there’s a card in the hand that uh isn’t very useful now so might as well play it oh yeah i will normal summon

The destroyer soros yeah this monster has a special effect that it can search the jurassic world immediately from your deck however it’s already here so we’re good to go oh yeah this could be problematic unless you did set a good card yeah let’s have to destroy source attack you guys directly

For a nice juicy 21. to be honest i might not plan i’m not should be used to art stack but i’m used to normal gameplay so let that go through oh it’s interesting oh yeah it’s sixteen hundred sixteen thousand live ones yeah oh yeah especially if

Especially if i if you use the card it’s on your hand oh okay oh i think i see what you mean we’ll see if it stays there let’s see what i can do i’ll begin by activating erratic seal of convocation oh this one and then the question is what i continue

Doing in my turn if you have a tuner just put it in and yes i do have a tuner however so what are the chances that we had that we tagged dueled against the two dragon duelists i mean seems to happen every time i tag dole you know one of these days

I’m just gonna tag dole with someone who’s with deck works with mine sadly doesn’t seem like this how many dino dudes are there i know a guy having the level one or two tutor you could do something didn’t rex raptor retire i never met him to be honest

Huh all right then i know what they’ll do i know some junk syndrome okay to revive the united phalanx from the graveyard okay that’s smart interesting to the media to go into a level eight synchro monster oh yes start a spark dragon yes the ace monster

Let’s go we already got the ace monster that’s not good and i can summon an additional synchro with my tuner and chaos valkyria yes okay he’s he’s playing hard out here at least he’s in defense mode yeah let’s see what level sevens do you have oh only one let’s

Go for it he’s going for another one two synchros on one turn uh and i guess this is what i can do yancey will attack your destroyer soros nothing i can do to save him no i won’t waste any cards either oh yeah it’s just you

Uh i’m just used to myself playing with the dinosaurs but yeah it’s gonna still weird also attack all right well that’s problematic huh so i take it this card is not going to be perfect anymore not exactly if you use the uh if you use the card on your on your far

Left you may be able to pull this back it might be able to make a play but it could do something even bigger later but i think uh we might need it for right now so unless you use the card on unless you use a the card on the left

With the face down you place down yeah that’s a possibility either way it’s not really going to be a point of using the face down right now but we could possibly use it later so we’ll give it a shot i think yeah we’re gonna activate soul charge oh that’s a powerful card yeah

This can bring two monsters back from the graveyard by paying 2 000 life points what’s the drawback you cannot connect your battlefield exactly so we’re not gonna be able to fight this turn but i can summon rose warrior of revenge a level four tuner could any of these save us here not that

I can tell so i think we’re just gonna go for a nice safe bet rose and destroyer source let’s get ourselves the colossal fighter welcome to the field buddy there we go mario’s ace monster as well i suppose we can leave the bull blader out here

Does anything happen if i leave him out there with the soul charge no uh you just can’t conduct your battle face and if they run into him then you already know what’s going to happen wow that’s a good card i’m surprised it’s not banned all right i’ll have to turn there dragons have

Their own equivalent of it all right then i guess it’s my turn and i guess we can i can finally get a little bit how this works i actually dragged working effect starting a card i get you at a level four lower drug unity from my deck to my hand

All right i think i grabbed the the one that you already know dracula detox yeah that’s a problem it’s a normal summit and i’ll use this effect it could be my failings to him that’ll certainly work for sure now i don’t know if you have any pesky trap cards

Probably just more reactive so i’m gonna use the effect of phalanx that’s gonna be more synchro’s hitting the field now if i remember dragonities right but now i’ll turn those two together nerd synchro summon the greedy knight okay i can’t i can’t say that i mean all

Right you have some of the most complicated cards i’ve ever seen card names are what they are it’s only 1900 yeah but it’s gonna get bigger what do you mean bigger in another way yeah because felix can special summon itself because come on pegasus where’s the hard ones per turn um

Now i’ll tune those two together or to synchro someone the this time my oh start a spark dragon or his yeah that’s getting pretty good oh gosh you both have strata spark dragons sure yes but the difference from me and him that my one is my age the other one

I can see this still becoming very problematic for you guys now yeah we’ll see well this bulb blader’s effect goes off and i activate spark dragon protecting itself which means he won’t die but the effect of cold bladder your monster won’t you know we won’t be taking any battle damage at

Least think thanks to bull blade his own effect yeah but the whole reason i summoned him out was to hopefully destroy something yeah all right okay oh you got some stuff to work with now yeah first off i’ll play the fossil dig spell card also allow me to go through the deck

Should i say my deck or your deck i guess it’s my deck the deck is probably accurate and either way there’s tons of dinosaurs you can choose from lots that’ll help us here so choose wisely we already have the colossal fighter on our face down card

So we can start trying to chip away at their field colossal fighters pretty strong out here actually what’s it going to be i think i think i have a night wait no that’s car their cars are going to prevent their own like their own destructions yeah they can protect themselves from

Destruction so that’s not our way of doing this however i know there’s a card that can get around that i think i think i see it if you’re seeing something red and orange it might be accurate red and orange or if you have another idea by all means you’re the one looking

At the cards so all right yeah i think i will i’ll be adding the soul eating oviraptor to the hand that’s always a good choice as well i’ll normal summon it and activate its effect that’ll get you any dinosaur spell card you want well another monster rather

So you can either add some in your hand or send something right to the grave actually i think i know what i want to add to the hand all right i think i’ll be adding your new card xylo which one ah i like it it’s a new card i got from pegasus after

The boat ride you’ll see what it does attribute your stardust dragon to bring him out oh come on although at the moment he’s stronger than colossal fighter whatever will we do mario oh i wonder it’s just one warrior made of stone what’s he gonna do against a flaming dinosaur

Well i guess we should we should just take our chances and attack him all right if you say so would you metal morph equip it onto colossal fighter giving him his metallic armor step so i can’t stop it wait so they have something that can stop us he’s talking about stardust

Protecting it well yeah true fortunately soul eating can’t get over that no but he did his job i think i have an idea though okay i play monster reborn ah let’s bring back the destroyer source once more not bad i was thinking you were gonna grab his monster

That might have been smart but if i remember correctly you have a very annoying card i don’t know what’s going to save us in this situation but by all means let me see i think i can stop the fx stop summoning but they will in fact die so

Hmm this may not have been the best play but hey you got rid of one of them so far let’s uh let’s do this to slow them down let’s bring out your dolka all right arch be careful with that card though the card’s gonna get you effects ah he

Knows it yeah i consider a lot in my uh circumstances i guess i’m still in those days well perfect i’ll be using it yasi’s own effect targeting it and colossal fighter both will be destroyed not so fast do you the honors your card uh you’re the one playing it

You’re the dinosaur duelist today mario yeah all right i activate dokasa ability whenever you activate a monster effect you can detach one overlay unit from him and negate your monster’s effect oh well that should have that will happen then i’ll say goodbye but yasi ah summoning out another a worm monster on

The deck don’t think so you can activate that multiple times a turn as long as you have success material which he no longer has that’s right however he doesn’t exactly have the power to survive this turn anyway so they’re well spent meaning i now have the potential to summon my own monsters

Let’s see what you got well not my own monsters it’s hiss but yours today well i’ll believe i’ll start with activating reinforcements of the army ah that’ll get him anything he wants i assume that’s also in your deck yeah but why is he runs a diamond he runs a dragon

I’m running a chaos stack not just a simple dragon deck yeah he has a lot more than that which i’ll be normal summoning to re-summon a level two a little monster from the graveyard as always it will be phalanx of course yeah that’ll give you something right away

It’s five levels wait a second isn’t phalanx a tuner a yeah well it won’t be the most effective car summons but i’ll be seeing summoning ascension skydragon oh he had to use this stardust that’s a big thing though yeah that big honestly might have been better to keep the spark dragon yeah maybe

There is a second card in my hand i need to use right now which requires 10 monsters in the graveyard cephalon the ultimate time lord oh who has 4000 attack and can just attack your let’s say dolka yep there goes doka ah they knew colossal fighter would just

Come back if he was destroyed and yeah i used art knows my deck or especially you know a lot of fighter well let’s see if your deck can break four thousand well i guess it can to be fair hmm exactly i don’t think there’s any point of me

Using uh this card to summon right now unless well actually that’ll get away the junk sync ron you could just trust me and uh i’d use colossal fighter to attack the time lord well that’s what i was planning on i’m just thinking of the other card in my hand

I could use it to destroy the junk syncron so it’s one less thing for us to worry about on their side although to leave your uh your deck’s hand pretty dry but i guess it may be our best option yeah so let’s do it summon dark blade and now

Colossal fighter attack the cephalon and uh you know what i think i’m going to use this now because i’m a little nervous of that face down the mystical space typhoon okay ah okay so that would have helped him if we got to direct attacking yeah which might be soon if things go

Well here all right we have we just have one pesky dragon left on the field yep colossal fighters still holding strong man when you turn him into a metal colossal fighter that’s pretty insane yeah look what i got it is the perfect card for this situation it is with twisters i’ll just

Um well there’s not much of a point of doing this but i might as well use it yeah i was going to say let’s see can anything get me any thing even temporarily yes with your deck right now if i was using mine i could use the soul

Eating overraptor and get a free dinosaur out of this you don’t have dinosaurs that’s what i was planning on doing when it came to mine yeah let’s see that’s not going to do anything when it’s not an attack i don’t think any of these monsters will have any effect if i summon them

So do that but nothing now going to battle phase i’ll have essentially skydrag and destroy the dark blade unfortunate yep how would that oh and my turn well colossal fighter’s a little weaker but at least he’s still out here yeah nothing major for you to do but we

Should be able to clear the field i guess i’ll just normal summon the black brachials okay fair enough i guess there’s no need to use his effect at the moment no but we’ll have colossal fighter punch another dragon today that’s fine but when a station skydragon is destroyed

I can special summon two of the monsters that i used for synchro summoning including stardust and phalanx i believe their effects are negated but sparkling is way stronger enough to beat you if only we had this chance to take out spark dragon now yeah but the brachials can still destroy

The phalanx before the egg and use it as a tuner yeah not that it minds being in the graveyard if you surrounding dragoonity he might just be able to equip it true there’s nothing else i can do so i’ll end the turn yeah it seems that it’s running a bit low on

Usable cards at the moment yeah you guys are blown through a lot of synchro’s real quick uh starter spark will attack black brachios all right fine it’s more dinosaurs in the graveyard and we know what that can mean oh yeah i’ll use dragon ravine to discard galaxy serpent and get another

Dragon in the graveyard as long as they have that dragon vein they can keep setting themselves up we’re just relying on draws it aren’t too many good consent now that they look at it i’ll see your sound erratic dragon of technics yeah but that doesn’t use too much of the drag queen

Yes you’re stupid yeah i’ll be setting a monster face down and ending my turn all right my draw oh your draw actually sorry yeah so used to that yep i guess i’ll just set this little guy it’s probably the best thing to do and let’s get this thing off the field colossal fighter

Attack start a spark dragon okay again it’s his wildest dreams to keep punching dragons over and over again yeah certainly working for him today don’t worry you’ll be punched himself now you know it might be the day at the hunter today but the hunter will become the prey i act a monster report

This allows me to revive yazi from the graveyard oh that’s a problem now i’ll have the aussie first destroy your face downwards well it will destroy the face down monster but that’s the little trooper which i believe can get out another warrior from the deck let’s see i suppose actually there’s something

Might be able to use that to your advantage so i’m going to put out the attack gainer all right and i’ll use the effect on yaz if you guys are already aware ah we don’t have anything to stop it but this time it’s true sadly it’s not

My deck so i don’t have a target for yazi itself so does a colossal fighter doesn’t come back when he’s destroyed like that does he he doesn’t know do you have any do you have any of that range i have one the problem is he’s not gonna really cut it

Is he bad he well i’m pretty sure he gets the attack of the monsters that are used to summon him in this particular case no not a great idea i guess you’re gonna have to set that new card maybe even set another card and hope for the best

Yeah this one at least is decent yep you can put defense out on the field might be the right call all right set that down and end the turn sorry we’ll draw some good cards all right that’s not gonna do anything oh this would be a quite an interesting card to use

But however oh this door’s closed that’s going up for us after this then the dragon ravine would be better for us yeah i think we’re all understanding that uh it’s a little awkward to run someone else’s deck yes notice i’m sure sure if we were no

If you knew this heads on we would have prepared for this yeah okay uh art is that the monster uh i think i’m actually gonna end the turn oh they’re disagreeing with each other all right it’s a good sign it’s better currently better to keep these cards in the hand

One is the card that will ruin something suppose that’s no good yet is it yeah yeah but it is power though if you bring it up the normal way i don’t know if it’s worth it yeah actually could use the card you put on the field

I think it’s best to use that and actually no i’m gonna wait till you can use it no use it why bring out bring out your 3000 and then you’ll see why and then use the and then use the card you originally put down i’m just saying like if i instead

Was able to you know if you wait till your turn i think we can win this duel if we can last that long all right so i think we will indeed wait because yeah no matter what i pull out it’s not going to be great

It’s going to be good don’t get me wrong but it’s not going to be great so i as well will end my turn as we all disagree with our teammates okay but wealth different from every one of you i’m still going to do a plane i act a dragon ravine effect guardian hard

To grab a level four or lower to unity i think this time i’ll grab what the unit sentences the huh our normal stuff on the senators that i just started all right by ditching my mr mistleton i can equip guess who’s back oh a different one okay yeah it’s a different one

But don’t worry though because none of them would be staying here for long because i got just something that you guys are already familiar with another secret zombie yeah no surprise there yeah now i’ll tune them together to synchro summon vajrayana and vaude rihanna’s effect played ghost

Did i set the name right this time i think i did yeah close enough yeah it doesn’t sound too bad okay ghost is effect special summons itself oh man now another level eight what does he have left actually no i think it’s gonna go further the coats

Has a pretty neat special ability if i use it for a sink or something he can get level 10. so i’ll be using those two to synchro summon my dragonity knight are okay rt you’re you’re are you gonna okay thanks now let’s go to the battle face

I’ll have him attack your lip or your attack gainer yeah that’ll that’ll destroy it and and not only that his effect also activates oh no when he battles the posture and he would destroy it he removes it from playing instead of sending to the graveyard oh oh and my turn with that

Okay great huh okay we’re getting there that’s a decent thing but it’s not going to stop this guy you’re saying something on my turn to do yeah but i have a theory summon that jaracquaiolo real quick for me normal summon it yeah all right i’ll normally summon the girac halo use the egg

Put something out on the field he uh you heard me all right i flipped some in the miracle jurassic egg all right what else do you want me to do something i don’t know yet do i activate the face down then oh yeah i suppose if you can’t even summon the

Thing from the extra deck yeah go for the face down just do it actually is there hmm all right activating the fossil excavation by discarding the only car left in the hand that’ll get you your soul leading over after let’s do it oh it’s effect is negated with fossil excavation however

You should have a play you can make i don’t know how good it is yeah actually i think i can go into one of your big monsters though i thought so i overlay both the miracle jurassic egg whit wait hold on america jurassic egg has its ability that’s right

So let’s activate that effect make it happen so allow me to special summon a level 2 or lower monster from the deck i don’t know if it’s going to be anything that’ll change the game too much here unless you can find a way to destroy the baby serosaurus with an effect

Maybe but i’m also thinking about just okay that’s a level two yeah certainly not a direct giganoto moment no hmm i thought you would have been able to summon the direct meteor unfortunately you needed a level five to somehow bring out you’re right eat the level 10 yeah okay looking at that car

Tried to trying to balance out the levels yeah i don’t know how we can beat this thing never seen a dragonity card so strong yeah i’m guessing we just have to hope and just yeah i’ll have the uh oviraptor attack your face down well sadly this won’t trigger

You attacks your way carter does not have any enzyme monsters i can’t trigger its effect all right at least we got a field to hold it off for a little bit i have an idea but it’s going to be dependent on your draw xylo

Let’s do it all right i have to end the turn there but hopefully they don’t have any uh secondary monster to summon hopefully not if they do we might just lose well like do you have a monster summon oh no not that strong but with with attack points

Barely higher than that aiolo i don’t think i’ll just set it and then go for the attack and i think that soul eating of over after has been here for too long so i’ll attack with every bear honestly was hoping you were going to attack the uh the baby

Or see at least we can get him in defense mode now i should have removed that i wouldn’t be able to get this destroyed by card effectively wait actually the middle card might be what the saving grace here the middle card i think i should use it

Yes i think that’s your best option and then use the other card you just drew that’s not going to add up to enough though just trust me okay i sacrificed both monsters to bring out lord guy of the fierce knight nice i equip him with your gonna

Oh attack you still shrunk it up now what trust me if they do what they if if they do what i think they’re going to do next turn this guy won’t they won’t have to deal with a okay so we’ll be able to hold him off so

You want me to just end turn or should i attack the mice down we should at least tack the face down all right lord gaia destroy their face down monster oh no level either goodbye lovely i have my turn your effect reducing the level of my drug unity monster special summon in

Defense mode and just to not string that up i’ll just end my chair for now didn’t even attack didn’t fall for it whatever it was huh well there is that one option but i don’t know if if you got a better plan keep it going well unfortunately i think

Your monster requires two dragon monsters and two dinosaur monsters yeah that one’s not really i don’t think it’s a better option either nope and you’re right about that wait i have an idea all right i’ll normal summon the girac dino that’s not a bad plan to be honest i’ll

Have him attack the level eater wait why didn’t it turn the end phase just wait for it right all right activating his effect he’ll send himself to the grave to draw two extra cards please find extra cards i can do that bingo well this would be quite a good card

If i had a tuner monster you need to add more tuna muscles here thank you thank you i do i do have some i just didn’t draw that let’s hope your plan works here mario well he needed to summon a monster in order to activate his effect

If he would have if he would have summoned a monster with enough attack points he would have gained 700 extra attack points but i know just a little bit yeah just one turn and because you can’t ever go without the level eater i’ll summon it again another wall all right that’s the power

Of having a high-level monster there’s something about this cute little box oh yeah for sure we could potentially use that next turn yeah as long as we can survive this hit we’ll be all right maybe all the star chips riding on this moment yeah let’s see

Hey and if he does i can’t do much sadly art you should put more like resources like that sure i’ll wait a drink you need monster from my deck to my hand oh it’s some more attack yeah but sadly thanks to uh stuff i let’s just say i can’t kill you guys

Wait does he not have anything in the extra deck to work with not enough at least to kill you this turn i can put you guys in oh we’re gonna get close it’s all right if they if they did this i don’t know so i’ll use those two monsters to see corsona

Starter’s charge warrior go into the lock i get to draw one card with his effect okay it’s nothing not okay fifty three hundred we get just gotta take a hit of fifty three hundred ow yep fifty hundred is you guys have another turn now what’s that i’ll all right mario you

Know what to do yep i banished two dinosaurs from the grave like the brachion and the miracle jurassic ache to bring out xylo’s second base monster i won’t i know what it is it’s a good monster man that’s the important thing oh no the ultimate conductor tyranno now whatever you do just attack

Ah i guess the spell card’s not a bad thing either yeah i’m gonna activate the tail swipe no that was a bad call oh well we could have done so much more damage if we didn’t tail swipe remember ultimate conductor tyranno gets to attack everything on the field mario

Oh okay so you just saved them a lot of life points but hey we’re taking the field if you use your spell card that i placed down then uh we’ll have more damage on him as well yeah i think i will oh boy well and you can still manage to pull

Off a thousand liter oh level leader is a godsend to us because he just saved you 4 600 life points all right with that hopefully we have a field advantage once again yeah may have lost out on the win but you do but i can summon another

A monster which we have my erratic seal say i need to turn off death note again which as previously stated there’s a summon itself careful good should we activate it now i don’t know i’d be careful i’d wait all right now you know what to do art

You have to use this cover so many times i do know what to do however i think i won’t point your ran this deck art um well i ran radix not by themselves not all these extra cars and like guess what it’s level eater everyone’s favorite friend yes

That means yes i guess i’m a double were now since the most people survived i’m talking about her not him now mario yeah i activate the ultimate conductors tyrannosaurus that’ll flip every monster you have face down by sending away the uh quartz and quoteless gets its effect allowing

Me to get a double evolution pill to the hand usually used to summon the ultimate conductor tyranno but actually really good for this effect actually thinking about it yeah we have because our combination of decks here’s the thing i haven’t normal zombie yet i’ll tribute someone’s fear of chaos and tefnut

And sphere of chaos will both have effects all right sphere of chaos allowing me to add emotions to my hand it being i knew they still had their normal summon but three cards to send face down was too good yeah summoning my galaxy serpents allowing me to now sink or someone again

Ah i’m fortunate i really hope they don’t bring out something that can they’ve eaten through most of their deck already or a lot of it at least uh why there’s only one level we’ve already used it once you should have thanks for summoning an extra monster for us yeah

I can activate the fieldspell blackguard i mean animals you summit from this point on will have their their attack points why do you have like guardian in your deck oh what is the other effective black garden again that summons out a token on to whose field would that be

Their side excellent i’ll summon oh this could be a little risky actually but uh it’s probably too risky in fact yeah so that if anything yeah i’ll set it later for now we’ll just go for some attacks ultimate conductor tyranno attack everything on the field starting with level eater

And you can use its effect to do an extra thousand damage and attack dopple warrior for an extra thousand damage a thousand to galaxy serpent all right there he goes another another kid yep since you summoned so many monsters we’re dealing a lot of damage we destroyed the sphere of chaos nope we

Are going for get off destroyed by battle ah all right i’ll just set a card and then my turn then okay it’s my turn i draw bad at all i think i can do some cool stuff i don’t know what you’re perhaps okay i have an idea a normal summon dragunity phalanx

And black garden activates wonderful so will i sending one of mario’s monsters a colossal fighter assault mode to the graveyard your monsters go face down that’s fine but you still get a token right and thanks to the united we stand he gets stronger actually and stronger exactly because i still have the effect

Of black garden you see i can destroy the black garden along with all the plant monsters on the field and special summon a monster to have the same attack equal to the combine attack of all those monsters come back to the field okay now all we have to do is add another

Card face down and flip against your chaos run over that face down monster that’ll certainly do it i’m honestly surprised your jurassic world has survived this long yeah no one’s bothered touching it so oh it might show it down might as well no harm to it graceful charity okay oh

All right well i can’t use a double evolution pill so that’s an obvious choice sure i’d say this stego yeah i normal summon the evil swarm salamandra then activating its effect let’s banish two cards what two dinosaur sizes say like the black stego all right

I don’t think we have a giant rex or anything like that in there so no major benefit from the banish except power and a direct dino but let’s also equip one of silos and mine’s favorite cards oh yeah mega morph and look at that even though we’ve done a lot of damage

Our life points are still lower than yours let’s put it on to ultimate conductor bringing him to 8 900 attack points your sphere of chaos won’t die together ultimate conductor attack attack sphere of chaos okay we’ll have to work on that but just do it yeah just ultimate conductor blast

I’m okay actually uh hold on before anything else give me back my deck i could i don’t want to keep it yeah yeah yeah that makes sense that was a bit of a mess yeah i didn’t know how to use your deck properly you didn’t know how to use mine properly

Yeah there’s probably a few better plays that we could have done but yeah you know between colossal fighter and ultimate conductor tyranno are two aces yeah you carried yeah he was one of them you carried the top half i carried the back half so yeah good teamwork

That would make a really lucky draw off that little dino though the cat seems to be worshipped by oh oh yo your cat’s psycho it’s not my cat it’s your cat do you need a house train that thing also butt screaming everywhere which is unusual no it’s it’s not very unusual

For him he does that okay uh okay i’m done today here’s your two starships that’s that’s that’s uh what about mine oh yeah oh yeah yours hold on let me yeah i’m not once again that’s okay i mean congratulations to you guys literally you guys were the second ones that actually defeated

Second oh wow i don’t know well anyways i’ll see you guys later all right wait for me don’t see him follow me everywhere i don’t think they like each other very much no you could tell from that duel stromboli are you full great okay i’ll i’ll take i’ll give you an

Offer real quick once our chip you don’t ever claim this cat is mine again nope it’s your cat i i’ll give you a star chip too i’m not gonna steal your cat mario that’s not my cat You

This video, titled ‘Yu-gi-oh: DUEL DYNASTY #5 – SWAPPING LIVES??? (Minecraft Yugioh Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2020-08-22 21:30:10. It has garnered 40106 views and 1680 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:12 or 3132 seconds.

Yu-gi-oh: DUEL DYNASTY #5 – SWAPPING LIVES??? (Minecraft Yugioh Roleplay) S6E5 w/ Xylophoney! ★ SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/SUBSCRIBE2XYLO Turn on Notifications and keep a Pinky on that LIKE button! Thanks!

► My Yugioh Gameplay Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3hjC20GHeXI–Fay5-4wMQ

Other Series you Might Like! Yu-gi-Oh Minecraft Roleplay — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjHPiVHH2XU&list=PLHXc5NUX-jtrKzE6W5zQUsxPyrKxFs9HT Origins of Olympus — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNagDzpYlY4&list=PLHXc5NUX-jtox_fZ9v18u-Yqb8lSX66Aj Overwatch Minecraft Roleplay — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNb2dCxHsqQ&list=PLHXc5NUX-jtrA4nrlnclR5B9j6Lg0V9xu Yugioh GX — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j92WGNqTfWg&list=PLHXc5NUX-jtqmjPenTyJr88IvgmnprwF8

► DUELISTS: ● Boat – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Whs4sa8GcUr556UvLjnww ● Mario – https://www.youtube.com/user/333aaammm ● Mevoda – https://www.youtube.com/c/mevoda ●Ritchie- http://www.youtube.com/ItsRitchieW

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  • SoulPvP

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  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

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  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir ►Discord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

Yu-gi-oh: DUEL DYNASTY #5 – SWAPPING LIVES??? (Minecraft Yugioh Roleplay)