Zebra Gamer – Zebra’s Minecraft Community Night – 1/2/2016

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to the live stream today is saturday so we’re going to be enjoying the minecraft server with you guys now it’s the new year and as i said i wanted to start the new year with a brand new survival world for us all the play on and i’ve been working

Non-stop on getting that set up not only is it our normal survival world like in the way that it was before how we can survive and build together and get wars together but now there’s quests and adventures and all that kind of cool stuff so i want to be showing it off

I’ll be giving you guys a bit of a tour while you guys can hop in so i hope you’re all having a wonderful time hello to everybody in the chat we got the dimer girl snake guy mixing twigs little kiki panda gamer thank you guys so much

For joining early the uh the server’s just about to load up here and then we can all hop in and enjoy it yeah i hope you’re all having a wonderful saturday i know i’m having a pretty good one i’ve been working non-stop on the server like i think between today and yesterday

I probably put like 15 hours into working on the server a lot of behind the scenes stuff so yeah stream’s actually on yep good good good all right so the server is now open you guys should be warped right here so yep welcome to the new hub this is now zebra

Town and before we get started on anything if you guys do need any help with stuff let me know but in the meantime let me show you guys the grand tour this is the new server first off this is sort of the main part of zebra town we got a

Little shop here and these two guys are two residents of zebra town you can go up to these people and we got a new phone thank you so much real tlg for following welcome to the zebra herd i’ll get back to that in a second but i know you guys

Can go up to these guys and right click them and actually accept their quests like right now our quest is meeting ronald we can type in one and type in yes and then there you go we have that quest and his quest is to go and get

Coal for him so that’s pretty darn cool we also have a quest in here and this quest is for um uh joey and we can go to joey and we can press one and accept his quest and say yes and he’ll give us a book and our

Goal for this quest is just to go and return ronald’s book to ronald and you get the idea we’re gonna be having tons of quests right now those there are only two to start off with where’s ronaldo there it is there you go and uh as you can see the npcs actually

Do talk to us as well so you get the idea but also thank you reed dlg for following welcome to the zebra herd and this is george’s shop this is where we can buy different stuff if you want to everybody starts out with 150 wonderful zebra bucks so

And then over here we have the help center if you want more in-depth explanation with all of the plug-ins just go in here and i have walls and walls of text to explain it all to you and then we can go back on over here

And this is the warp room where you can go to different hubs and this is pebble he’ll tell you all about it but uh we can go to stripesville we can go back to spawn by doing worse spawn and then we can go to other places and

Other hubs as well you guys can go to whatever one and start building this is our new hall of zebra tasting supporters if you donate to the stream you get put up here so there you go that’s sort of our overlay for the new server and our new world

It’s still the same server but i hope that all makes sense if you guys have any questions let me know so i hope some of you go out and also make sure you find some coal or for ronald in a real dlg alrighty then so i will actually turn

Into survival now and i’m going to um actually go and get some coal with you guys so let’s do kit tools i’m going to be staying a lot in survival mode the only time i’m gonna go into creative is when somebody needs help or for mod you know modding related things but

Yep that’s all good so everything besides that everything really works the way the old um place you know the old survival did you can go in mine you can go and make your own houses you can clean land with your golden shovel all that kind of golden

Stuff you know so feel free to go ahead and do that make a house wherever you want as long as it’s not over somebody else’s house you guys know the basic rules but feel free to hop in and enjoy the server all right so now my main goal

I probably left this here earlier i’m gonna go find some coal for ronald maybe grab some some for myself as well make sure you guys do kit tools though because you will get some starting stuff you like the server i’m glad you do now in the future we’re going to be

Doing a whole bunch of awesome stuff as well we’re going to be doing um quests that follow a story storyline we’re also going to be doing you know different events like that um it’s going to be a lot of fun but for right now this is all

I have oh jeez a creeper this is all i have for right now just because we need to um pace ourselves then i only had so much time so yeah and we also had the tremont i forgot about that and we also have restoring oars so if you do mine out

Like all of zebra town all you guys don’t worry there’ll be plenty more so if you guys ever find some cool houses or anything or make some i mean feel free to uh let me know but i got my three cold for ronald we can always do slash quest

And you can see right now our goal with borrowed book is to talk to joey then we need to deliver this call so let’s uh there you go we got our reward from ronald which was one iron ore so basically i’m just sort of giving you

Guys a bit of a walkthrough for these first two quests and then talk to joey and he gave us some money so now we can go and spend that money at the shop you guys can still make your own shops if you want so

Let me see if i missed any messages i do think i need to do that zebra i’m on twitch but i don’t have an account suddenly to say hi that’s okay uh isaac master or isaac cat master my bad i thought it was just isaac but um

Yeah that’s no not a problem i’m just glad that you’re watching yes kiana is one of our new mods if you guys are interested in being a mod let me know but for right now um i feel like we just need one but if the server definitely gets bigger in the future it

Will need more mods so pretty sure admin is uh mikael’s an admin slash co-owner yep i usually have her account d modded though for when i need to log on and test things so actually now that i’ve done my quests i’m gonna go and knock down some trees i

Want to knock down a smaller one because i don’t think i like this color of the wood if i can find one aha here we go now we do have the tree mod so it’ll instantly take care of that that’s pretty darn helpful also it’ll replace the sapling please don’t remove

Those unless they’re like in the way of your building because we want to make sure that we’re um you know keeping everything tidy and we make sure that there’s enough trees for other players so hello mre 15 welcome to the stream how you doing all right thanks for

Watching i didn’t mean to put the k in my name that’s why it sounds word that’s okay i just misread it all right let’s uh yeah so there will be a lot more expansions and changes coming really i’m trying to give it a lot of the mmo feel and i feel

Like i’ve i don’t know gotten that right so far wouldn’t you say all right let me do cook porsche there you go brac wants me to tp there you are hello all right then so we got some wood here let’s see where we can oh yeah i still have this

I didn’t realize i have this i’ll keep this here because i don’t want to cheat all right so let’s find a good place for our house quick question can i use the optifine on this new server um what is up the fight again how do i get back on the main entrance

Or spawn or slash spawn i cannot type this one i do have anti-g plus now which will be good because then we won’t have you know cheaters or anything like that but uh can i have a stand get pinkle we’re not giving out any items on the um survival

World anymore if you want to build something that you know requires something specific like that next week we’ll be doing build-offs does the sheep now out in the open definitely make sure you get some but i hope you guys are all enjoying the new stuff let me know if there’s

Anything i can do better or something but uh for now i’m stuck in a situation again what’s wrong with a little let me know like if you’re actually stuck in the game one thing there are you know commands you can do to get out of them

And i don’t mind helping with that kind of stuff and just i’m not giving um out items because it’s a survival server now or at least this part is but let’s see i i’m going to start building my house here though that’s a hello summer caddo ford welcome

To the stream how you doing alrighty then a little bit of that gonna get stuck in the cave and now i’m trying to get out but there is a creeper oh no you should be able to fight past it there are no uh let’s see um let’s see um

If and i are nice that’s not a problem if they’re turning in the bedrock that’s what they’re supposed to do um it is the order store basically after you mind the ore you should get it and then also it’ll turn to bedrock because it will um

Be restoring so like if you come back in like two hours the ore will be back that way you know if new players join there’s not like you know a world of emptyness and no oars or anything so if you didn’t get the ore let me know

But you should have still gotten it i took a little because my wi-fi signed me off and i couldn’t log on until now that’s okay summer camp i hope that they’re still having a good connection now zebra can i make a house in zebra town um yeah you can make it

House anywhere near the perimeter right now though like where it won’t let you build is sort of like my maximum right now because i’m gonna be adding npc houses but basically build right outside of the perimeter of zebra town and that will be a part of zebra town

Feel free to build a house we’re gonna have a lot of npc houses and stuff so you’ll basically like be a part of it and that’ll be cool all right then so i think uh some someone else was trying to get my attention but uh i need an iron pick

Well if you um oh you need i are picked for gold well if you have iron and you did the quest you already have one iron to one third of the way there can we build a house for a zebra town and write a sign that says npcs or something like that you

I can’t really do something like that for right now like i can’t have you build in the hub because that’ll require you know certain permissions that i can’t give too easily right now but if you want to you can build a house outside of the perimeter and if you want

Me to i can model an npc’s house after that i can totally do something like that you just gotta let me know you found this awesome rainbow derp skin today i like it i definitely want to check it out all right so i’m gonna set this as my

Home if you guys don’t know you can do slash set home and you can set your home to wherever you want use slash set home then use slash home tool there you go can you open other people’s chests because if so there will be a lot of stealing you can lock

Everything is just as secure as it ever has been so don’t worry about that i actually need to find coal we’re actually in a dangerous situation right now together sniper skeleton over here come on come on get him get him oh there you go come on a little bit a little bit

There you go got him zebra i got iron ore which is two but i can’t cook it since i got no wood i’m surrounded by the oh no i’m sorry to hear that you said a little downhill look at them i was just going to ask you that yes if

You place a chest down here i’ll show this to you guys right now we’re going to um place our uh crafting table down and then if you guys want you guys can always go back to the spawn and go to the help center and i’ll tell you all

About this but if you go like this and then if i go over and place myself a chest right here this chest is not protective sometimes it won’t do it sometimes it will it depends on your settings but if i just go like this with the golden shovel that

Comes in every kit tools and then do that and then i just got to go over on this other side sometimes it’s a little picking okay there you go it has to be a certain size now this is clean so if placing a chest down doesn’t work it says it’s not

Protected then just make sure to use your shovel you can see feeding me if you want coal no worries i don’t mind getting it myself you kind of want to live in a mushroom tree that’d be awesome it told me to stand still uh-oh creeper nope

I think the creeper um explosions are a little bugged right now there you go i found tons of math and crafting table just laying on the ground yeah this might be mine whoops i i was testing uh well i was looking for uh villages so my bad i thought those things would

Uh what’s it called remove requests from ronald aren’t working never mind okay good that’s gonna ask what part are you on in the quest it did it again it’s probably the weather because it’s snowing and windy oh no after the weather clears up um that’s a lot of them

Yeah i just sort of middle clicked i found more gold awesome oh no do we get extra tools you can use slash kit tools about every 15 minutes if you don’t get um tools when you spawn and you can just do slash kit tools and

I think you can use it about every 15 minutes so let’s do a bit of that so if you ever need to see uh if you have something claimed simply right stick click it with a stick and you can see what you have claimed now these aren’t actual physical blocks

You can’t mine this gold or anything you get the idea though you found diamonds that’s awesome but yeah i hope you guys are all enjoying everything so far all right um i’m going to put everything i’m not about to remove like all the stuff i just got

Oh we got a new follower thank you so much to hooter go for following welcome to the zebra herd let me know if i mispronounced your name i have a feeling i might have so let me know i mean i’m gonna clear what i have just because i had that stuff before

Before i uh started the stream okay all that stuff now i do have to say that there won’t be a stream tomorrow just because i’m still doing more preparations for the few weeks ahead especially with the new bonus channel if you guys didn’t see yesterday’s update

Video you totally should i also have to prepare for the first 2016 little big planet community night for next week so that’ll be a lot of fun is anybody else living in mammal metropolis yet thanks i think uh greg wants to uh make a house with me so i will uh

Do a bit of that you can always trust people some i just trusted craig no he didn’t okay good i’m glad here thanks for letting me know are you gonna join the stream in 10 minutes sorry if i missed the beginning no worries i did a bit of a tour i sass

On everything that’s different so if you need any help let me know but also go check out the help center it’s the it’s the building with the mushroom top right next to spawn um let’s see the game says you’re cheating i haven’t seen anything but um

If you if you have modification of the game timer detected yeah that’s just lag but i mean if you have a mod like people are saying they have optifine that’s been messing with it so if you have optifine maybe disable that instead on fly hacking um

Did i retort i can’t really quickly here uh spawn all right so here’s the new server um this is the warp room this is where you can warp to different hubs but right now we’re in zebra town the main hub over here is the help center which in

Details all the different new plugins like we have the quest plugin and the npc plugins right over here is a shop this has all the essentials and it has george and he’ll say hello to you as you can see in the chat you can buy stuff

From them also you can go over here and this is the only two npc houses we have right now in um zebra town but we’re i’m gonna be adding more and basically they’ll have quests i already did the quest but you would right click on him and then once you actually have um

The uh what’s it called once you have the quest or right click him you can just press one and it would choose that quest and you can press you know say yes and it will activate it and then basically his quest is to go and

Get three coal bring it back to him this guy joey also has a quest you basically he gives you a book you give it to ronald you get the idea um but basically that’s it and then this is the new hall of super-tasticness where if you donate you get put in there

And that’s about everything i’m going to be adding a lot more quests and a lot more different smaller things um to make you know like a bit of a story a bit of a world and everything you need dark wood yeah there’s a lot of dark wood though like right behind us

Super town i hope that caught everything at a good pace isis hello welcome to the stream how you doing are we all to make our own shops with their own things what is the server ip thing here you go embassy server if you ever need to see it just type in exclamation point

Embassy server into the chat there is no whitelist so you’ll be able to join criddle888 thank you so much for following welcome to the zebra herd it’s always so awesome to see a whole bunch of new additions to our wonderful little herd here all right then so we’re good to go i’m

Pretty darn sure let me know i think that’s about it um it okay if it just says something like no it just said fly hacking detected in the y-axis don’t worry about it it’s just sort of lag usually when it’s catching up with like if it actually

Kicks you or makes a strike against you let me know um right now it seems to have a problem with plug-ins so let me actually fix this because this is ugly i need to move the golden shovel over here okay soon i might look for iron because iron would be nice

But i already have a lot of cool like quest expansions in mind i don’t want to spoil any of them but they’re going to take a lot of work but because there’s going to be a two-week break instead of a one-week break between survival now because of where you know we’re hopping between

Build-offs that’ll be a lot more fun and easy you know to handle it all so the dark wood does not fall down when you chop it sometimes if they like clash at the top with other dark oaks it won’t work and some of them will i’m going to have diamonds soon that’s

Awesome you’re going to be like one of the first people with diamonds good job i don’t really i think i said hello either earlier but either way if you didn’t hear me hello again all right um let’s go up here not all of it fell for me i just had

Some all right then yeah the dark oak might be a little more difficult but at the same time it’s a bigger tree so at least it’s still just like you know you’re getting a lot of wood still you know all right your birthday’s in three days that’s

Awesome i hope you have a great birthday how old are you turning you have five diamonds that’s insane good job can i play survival next week or is it just build off next week it’s going to be just build off um that’s how i currently have it planned so i’m not sure them

The tree plug-in is cool i thought so too eleven awesome i hope you have a great 11th birthday okay so i’m going to go find a cold i don’t know why this is just stuck here my inventory reset and i lost your wood are you lost what made it reset hmm that’s on

Of course we might have a few bumps in the road since this is the very first day and there’s a ton of new plug-ins and all that kind of stuff just let me know if something happens and i’ll don’t think did you die no definitely here i’ll even test it right now let’s

See um let’s see i mean it’s on for me and i tested it on mikaela’s non-op account so now it just disappeared so you can see my skin in zebra at zebra town yeah sharon where are you uh i can tp to you it’s fine for me to tv i’m just not

Giving out stuff here you are behind you behind you don’t do part i like it i like it very rainbowy very cool if you place by the way your gamertag is firecat04 cool sounds familiar so i’m pretty sure you have me added on something or another

Yeah it’s basically like if i were to like one thing like tnt is disabled so if i walk over and try to place tnt down it’ll immediately disappear and if i spam that super fast it’ll put me on like sort of lockdown and say you know

Like you can’t press that again until 10 seconds so i got my last diamond back that’s good thank you crazy banana i appreciate that what if i donated no that’d be a lot of money i’d appreciate it a lot but i don’t know if that’s it

There’s that much money in the world to donate as long as we spend i agree can i get tools from you because i need to wait seven minutes for my oh okay well since you lost yeah i can help you out with that like when it comes to like glitches and

Stuff that is you know breaking people’s stuff like i don’t mind aiding people in that way it’s just i don’t want to end up being a situation where we’re giving stuff out so if you hold up there for a second i can give you some there you go

Did you need some food as well because i can okay well there are some if you’d like some but thank you guys so much for your support it’s great seeing you all here i hope you guys are all enjoying everything am i the first to get diamonds i believe so

All righty then so let me uh i just don’t need to go get torches what is wrong with me oh geez let’s see let’s see can i find some easy cool around here there’s clan anybody wants claim i found a spawner right next to my house who can i claim it it should

The only thing you can’t really claim is somebody else’s stuff like say that like somebody forgot to clean their house and you know it was like their house and you claim it otherwise like that’d be like against the rules but if it’s something that naturally spawns like a you know a

Mob generator or something like you found a really cool dungeon go right ahead all yours my twitch is lagging so bad oh i’m sorry all right looks like i got a zombie chasing me different can you get night vision plug-ins so you can do a night vision

I’ll look into it whoa did he drop an iron piece that was lucky wow i’ve never had that happen before who is my favorite youtuber um it’s hard to sign i usually include all my favorite youtuber friends in my other channel’s box box over on youtube there’s a lot of great youtubers out

There it’s hard to choose just one it’s insane how many talented people there are in the world happy 2016 to you too ryu and happy 2016 to everyone all right i gotta eat up a little bit here i’m finding so much iron i’m lucky cool i’m having a hard time just finding a

Cave with coal in it maybe i should make like my own actual cave soon here’s something oh boy oh geez oh no it was a bad idea to fall down here if i can find some coal though that’ll make it all worth it aha i found it i found it so what some

So what just disappeared i have tons so it’s okay did it say anything when your what disappeared and did it just like disappear out of your inventory i’ll look into that but i’m not sure who are like who or what that could be like what plug-in that’d be weird

Yeah i’ll for sure look into it now it just disappeared i already then i will look at that once it’s not the danger the night so i don’t die alrighty then thanks for letting me know information is super helpful uh i made my cave and that happened thank you

All right i haven’t actually lost my home at this point so let me do that there you go okay let us do a bit of this do a bit of that let me know how your guys’s houses are going around i’d love to know and this house is really ugly so far

But hey i’m working on it let me get my uh crafting table back here did i get it oh i guess i had multiple what do you know okay then anyone else found a spawner i haven’t i once had a baby zombie villager with the full golden armor and sword spawn and

That sounds insane all right now that i um have a bit more safety here i’m going to make a door really quick because i haven’t seem to have lost any items maybe that’s just me um they keep spawning by your house uh creeper explosions are turned off at the moment

I’m still looking into what i should do about that if i should keep it that way but uh i’ll help you out they should still be able to damage you but i’m not sure um go back in i still need to build my i think it’ll be okay if you could

Survive somewhere safe you could always spawn back into zebra town there’s always some safety there just do slash spawn i always wanted to make sure you guys if you guys didn’t have anything built you could still have a place to hang out all right i was writing down everything

On friday can you play rocket league then i could play possibly i should be able to stream friday saturday and sunday next week so everything should work um all right i was gonna go into the console all right just trying to see if i can’t check out

The console and see why uh some people’s stuff might be disappearing for right now though i don’t see too much so oh did the internet go up it might have oh that’s not good that’s weird i could still be on the stream okay i think everything’s back up let’s see rip

Yeah i’m still connected to the internet so that’s not a problem uh i need to actually chat up a little there okay everything’s back up this backup refresh your pages there you go already then quite the building going on there oh whoa whoa what is this what in the world oh she’s running

I’ve never seen this before whoa whoa whoa got him that was weird no don’t be sorry it wasn’t your fault all right yeah we are running a little bit in the lag that might be on my side though acting like crazy i’m sorry looking i’m not dropping any frames on

The stream now though so it’s good miss anything if you need refuge feel free to feel free to slip back in to our house you can show it here a baby zombie and a on top of a chicken attacked us i might have to like highlight that that was weird

Are you going to make an arena one day definitely we’re definitely going to have some type of cool arena not only that but i would like to have a um what’s it called is there a pick up there i think you doing here i’ll help you these zombies are ruthless

Now you’re getting awesome i’m gonna go find some sheep now see if i can’t get any luck done with that gg like it’s usually every weekend i’ve been taking a little break from it to help you know do some other stuff but yeah mostly every weekend i’ll probably be doing it

This friday since we have in a little while i know there’s like new game modes and stuff like this like the hockey mode i connected back but i’m going to go on another server all right then cool i hope you enjoy whatever server you join all right there’s a sheep i’m gonna go

And get that dude come on mr sheep i’ll get you i’m gonna get you yeah i got you in you gotta get a fit reuben oh my let’s see i got one sheep now what other sheep can i find i need two more to make a bed so that i can spawn

Back there when i die there’s chicken hi chicken i’m gonna eat some apples this is a pretty cool area though like if somebody wants to make a tree house you guys should go out here and hello stream bossed uh it should have been difficult i’m sorry let me eat a little bit more

I need to find a little bit more for a bed did you add a vote plugin or something so that we can vote on your server to get some items for voting something like that i was actually looking into getting a um either something like that where we

Can do it in the game or maybe something whoa okay first i thought i got pushed don’t want to fall down there there is some iron there though there’s a lot of iron down there maybe i do want to go down but i was thinking about opening up a

Discord chat if you guys don’t know what discord is it’s basically like skype but you can have it in your you know internet browser i’m going to jump 306 tomorrow i don’t know what that is but cool okay up there’s some more sheep finally all right get this guy come on get him

Get him yep there’s one there’s two then i’ll get one extra one here yes okay now go over here oh nope i did that wrong oh there you go i’ll tp and accept that hello what are you doing i definitely know you’re not cheating alrighty then so i’ll um check it out

Really quick trampoline park oh cool hello king kind or welcome to the stream how you doing um let’s see did i miss anything else yes i did uh isaac catmaster i already saw i’ve had the full playthrough of episode four up right now but don’t spoil it for anybody else

Everyone deserves to play it or watch it themselves before they get spoiled i don’t like the ore region though like what if you’re making a base in a ground you can’t minor i i guess but at the same time um i wanted it so that you

Know somebody is new to the server a month from now they don’t have to you know run super far out to find a place that’s actually salvageable what should i do with my five diamonds may make a sword or pickaxe um i’m gonna actually let’s sing i’m currently uh making sure to disable

Some things on anti-cheat scene one day is all right sorry about the silence i’m uh sorry about that i need to make sure that’s working though there you go so hopefully that’ll make it so that anti-cheat is a little bit more relaxed yep we’re playing minecraft today on the minecraft server

Stream keeps pausing um i haven’t dropped any frames yeah we’re going to be doing a little video next week i know twitch has been a little slow recently how do you make sandstone um here i might just disable anti-cheat then it i i might have to actually reset

The server for a moment then so if you guys give me one sec here so the server might be going down for just a second don’t worry about it everything’s okay um we’re just gonna um what’s it called we’re gonna freeze anti-cheat so it doesn’t mess up anything

Because obviously it’s a little too strict and it’s something that’s gonna take a little more time than what i currently have to iron it out a bit more i didn’t realize i was going to be like that them all right then so the server will be

Loading up in just a second guys so give it one moment and then it’ll be good to go thank you for your patience though i know that the first week is gonna be a little rocky it always but luckily with two weeks to be able to

Fix it all up before the next survival it’ll be a lot better now we should be able to join all right did you want your iron back even you don’t have to hello mr blob welcome to the stream how you doing everybody seems to be joining back up here um

I’m going to check to make sure it didn’t ban or kick anybody shouldn’t have but uh just to make extra sharon nope okay everything should be good then i got my own private island sweden’s awesome which certainly isn’t fixy i don’t know what’s with twitch today i’ve actually

Had some connection issues with it so i’m sorry if you’re getting any i’m so happy now why are you happy now what good stuff happened i feel like i’m turning into a zebra well maybe you won is that such a bad thing my post on reddit has nearly four thousand uploads that’s insane

That door just open on its own that’s creepy don’t worry simmer again your plugin is still a little strange i’ll work on it a bit it’s just a matter of i don’t want you know if we’re going to have like an rpg feel it’s like i don’t want somebody traveling forever

Looking for ore you know i mean maybe i’ll change it if enough people want the or thing removed yeah i’ll do it right now because i definitely want you guys opinions pineapples great that wasn’t the poll but yes you’d like it okay if it works on diamonds people could just farm diamonds

I guess we i guess what i see we were saying but at the same time i have a two hour thing for diamonds so it’s like if you were to do that you would have to wait around for two hours you know and it’s like that probably you’d have to

Probably wait until next stream but there would really only be like one or two extra diamonds for every two hours but uh if you can remove the ones you really don’t want then yes i’ll look into that i’ll i think there might be a way to do that

Guys if i’m new to the stream i love your little big planet vids can i join hi fire again yes you absolutely can join if you type in exclamation point mc server into the chat i’ll do it for you this time or not somebody already you already did it good job

But um you can go ahead and hop into the server there’s no white list and it’s always open as long as um what’s it called as long as we’re live streaming it so feel free to hop on in i am lizzy bore good singing zebra cool hello

I’d say you should remove the your thing possibly anyone see uh birch trees i know i think there’s some around one of the hubs how do i clean land it’s saying i don’t have enough blocks you might be trying to claim too many then

If you need to you can always pull up a golden shovel and then you can choose it if it says you’re having too much and that means you just need to make it smaller basically you can do this and then that or like like if it’s too small

You have to make it at least five blocks wide so if i go out to here i will be editing this up a bit too but you can right-click the glowstone and then do that and then you can make it smaller and then make it smaller

And then make it bigger so all i’m doing is right clicking the glowstone and then right clicking where i want it and that you know does what it does zebra i’m your father i don’t think you are but maybe okay my ign is fire could please what really you’re ign yeah it’s still

My mister zippy gamer it’s all the same so don’t worry you should be able to see me hello all right then um my pickaxe broke oh no feel free to use kit tools again you can get some more of it can i tp you to a random area far away um i can

Try to do something what is with this phantom door i have no idea luke are you i’m not your father luke zebra zees i think we don’t have enough blocks to claim because i might have stayed from the other server but it shouldn’t have actually remembered any of that info

But if you need me to i can give you some blocks use the warps if you want to go far away yep what are you doing can you tp to me and help me decide where to build my house my base whether water or land i’m not gonna choose those

Things but i can try to help there’s some lag on the server yep i’m still working on it i’ve been working like the last you know in the last two days i’d probably pull like 18 hours worth of work into the server it’s a lot of changes but i feel like it’s

Definitely really good groundwork like i feel like i have a lot of cool stuff set up or dropped on some stuff did you want me to give it back to you here i’ll drop this can i make my house here you can make your house wherever you want

Almost got blown up by a criminal how many homes can you claim it’s not about how many uh houses are claimed you have a an amount of blocks you can claim so i can claim a hundred block space and it’s like if i only have 100 blocks

I can only clean that but i’ve got 200 blocks i could do two separate or i could do you know you know a certain amount it’s just like whatever you want they turned back into orez for a little while yup that’s what happens oh um

I know but i’m not sure where to build since i’m on an island i don’t know where to put it so i want the i mean you want help okay i can try to help you have reuben brain all righty then trying to help as a master here

Did you want to like you’re trying to build your base here or are you trying to find a new place random tp i can just walk you out over here really not sure where we are there you go i need one more to make lots of ribbons too

But i can try to help you out a bit with the sand here maybe get some like from over here just to fill it all up need one black wolf i don’t think i have any black i think i have gray wolf i don’t even have it on me regardless

Here i will go over here get some sand here and try to help you on you sent a message where did you send a message i had a lot of places you can message me from if reubens are the icing to the cake the cake is a lie oh no

The lag with the stream is so annoying i i don’t know what’s up with it like i’m looking i don’t have any drop frames so i know that obs went down a moment ago like like 20 minutes ago but i wasn’t even like my internet didn’t disconnect there either so

I really don’t know what’s up with that i think that the uh server lag of course is also a bit separate as well because other people are saying they haven’t i don’t know exactly what you’re trying to build but i think you have a good start you’re trying to build like a bridge

There you go did somebody give me a diamond you guys don’t have to give me stuff there are some squids out in the ocean there’s one right over here but that’s just one i don’t think you want to go all the way if you mean twitching box

I’ll check that after the stream once again there’s a lot of inboxes oh for a song all right cool i don’t know where like my inventory you gave me you didn’t have to do that i’m having server lag but no stream lag interesting i think that maybe there

Might be a heavier plug-in i was reading from some people that the aura store is a little bit on the heavy side so maybe that’s something i’ll look into changing event um for now let me go back to my home let’s sing how long is the stream

We’ll be going on with the stream for at least another hour it has been in our hour already therefore my house is but a cube at least it’s not a hole in the mountain like before if i’m sure both ways it’ll still be awesome for a song though yep okay i didn’t

Notice you were talking about a song request because on my chat that i have open right now it doesn’t show the nightbot stuff just you know free up the clutter so um yeah i’ll check those after the stream i always have to pre-listen to every song before i play it on stream

Because of copyright reasons i you know i post all my streams to youtube i did give you the diamond no i know well you didn’t have to i could give a bag give you one remember my house is but i already heard that one um hello it’s good

You got a wii u for christmas with mario maker and yoshi’s wooly world that’s awesome that’s a good combo right you just got the you got the platformer combo of the year good job i’m gonna hold on i wanna next time i see you i’m gonna give you back your diamond

Here i’m gonna dig a bit here i haven’t made too much progress but the same time i always have a ton of time i don’t know what’s with that lag i’ll make sure to definitely be ironing things out oh okay look what i found this is all mine right under my house

Get a wii u as well with mario kart cool i definitely want to do more mario kart multiplayer stuff i’m new noob hudson you feed me and tell me if this looks like a zebra i mean this over here yeah i sort of see the black and white too but i think it

Looks pretty much like a zebra well thank you isaac catmaster i always hate when i accidentally capstock do i have a tournament i don’t know exactly what you mean by that oh you mean mario kart tournament no we just sort of played together it’s pretty chillax all right

What is he building over there he looks like he’s doing a good job so far i still need to get i completely forgot my goal of uh getting cobblestone what did i say about a little bit on a community earlier check the channel next week we’ll be bringing back uh

Littlebigplanet committee nights i don’t know if we’ll be doing it you know every week but i definitely want to have a community night next week right after the minecraft stream so definitely going to be doing it at least occasionally so all righty there you go now finally i can cook this stuff up

Even though i don’t deserve it pick myself oh no wait there you go now i can make this and this will be more helpful you got black ops 3 ps4 disk awesome you got a puppy hooray hello see you where’d he go there you are haha i got you

And we got a new power thank you so much to uh fc barcelona rh i hope you pronounce that right either way feel free to let me know but thank you so much for following welcome to the zebra herd we got a lot of wonderful additions to the zebra today

It is amazing so thank you guys so much for just hopping in joining enjoying the server and the stream with me i stream every weekend so feel free to come on by sometime in the future our silva05 thank you so much for following welcome to the zebra herd once again thank you

Awesome stuff let’s see i could add factions for you zebra if you want right now i’m not interested in factions because there’s no pvp okay yep anybody can join on i’m playing mario maker you made another thing for me cool are the mini games still available i

Have not added them in yet but i’ll be working on it soon i know people definitely like them there’s definitely i named him churro how did you find this i’m not sure no problem cool oh does everyone you fought i’m glad you do i’m 11 in three days i’m and then one’s

It onesie i’m a small adult i think we all are small adults deep down or big kids you know small adults big kids some of the things creepers are still on take care of you got some cool houses going on though make sure you guys claim your houses keep them safe oh geez

That’s a cool shot come on come on come on i got all the star wars movies and star wars battlefront and darth vader ps4 that’s a cool christmas a completely star wars out christmas is very cool all right then let me actually get to making some more stuff here i’m a little

Slow on it for right now but you make a sign again it’s there you go i haven’t had to make the recipes in so darn long because i’m so used to using creative to make the server apra’s house there you go you got lego batman 3 that is awesome

Lego batman 3 is a really good game oh that looks cool not sure who that is what things could i do now i got a i might want to put some of this stuff away in the chest oh mr am do okay let me uh put away

Some of this stuff i’m sorry for the lag if anybody else is actually getting that i will be ironing out those smaller things as well with a lot of like a lot of these plug-ins are very new some like new to me so you mind three colon got nothing from it

I’ll look like first let’s check around it to make sure it didn’t like spawn in somewhere different all right if you don’t if i don’t see it here then yeah okay i’m not sure what’s up with that then do that i’ll give you your three call

For now but um i’ll look into changing up how this works then i need to go alrighty then see you re a review i’m gonna go mining and come check out your house i need an opinion sure is the lag going to be fixed next week because i’m pretty sure my computer

Never lags this hard all right um i think i might have fixed something of yours up there you go hey i think i’m stuck right now really love star wars my whole bedroom is sky or skyward and i have starbucks ps4 i think it means star wars and star wars

Battlefront cool i really do hope that you enjoyed your christmas then it’s fine for you haven’t been getting any like okay then i think your house is looking really cool so for the diamond girls next to a canyon and everything too very cool i’m getting off the calm down because my

House won’t clean the air beam i can help out if you need me to let’s see all right guys not on right now but let me know and i can try to help out with it molly annoyed at crafting leg yeah i’m not sure there’s a bit of lag every now and then

But besides that i’m fine all right then all right then let’s uh go back to our house i definitely need to work on this thing because it’s a little ugly right now what can i make the ground out of maybe i could uh be doing build offs once in a while yep

We’ll be doing build offs every other week you found a spawner cool you found us well cool be careful and if you was like that cool all right then so um let’s see here do i want to use wood for the bottom you know how about i do use wood do i have

I think i’m going to use the rest of that axe looks like it and then i’ll get this iron if there’s still any more in there landing what don’t you do when you do the show off for the last server uh or world i will

Uh within the next two or three days the thing is that i had to put a lot of work in this server uh to make sure it was actually ready well you know the showcase could sort of wait a bit so i’m working on it i got some of the

Recordings set up some we’re getting there we’re getting there evie to me if you want to show i want to show you pentagon 23 in my house it’s not finished yet though sharon i’ll come check it out watch out for the lava i don’t want to land on that

Oh yeah i saw this from a distance it looks pretty cool penny gamer in mahi mahoney 09’s house very very cool i like it so far what’s down here cool house so far i like it i like it i like the trees surrounding it i’m not sure if they’ll probably grow all next

To each other but seen any red tall flowers no i haven’t i know it’s a plug-in but why um so they respawn exactly you got my email right yep i got it sorry i haven’t been able to respond like literally i don’t know if how many people heard me earlier but between

Today like all this morning i woke up like 7 a.m and worked on the server until like right before the stream and then all of yesterday woke up and went to sleep working on the server you know learning these plugins and everything you’re out of the chem and that’s awesome thank you

For everyone to know how much money they have you can do slash balance or you can do slash wallet or no not slash wallet money i think it is got a ps4 all right we should be good to go i want to go out and get the darker wood

From the spawn i think that would look cool go out here you found 56 planks on your porch maybe they’re the ones you lost before i think that maybe it is or restore causing issues looking into it so that’s something i’m looking at removing or finding a better plug-in for in the future

Am i gonna play super mario 64 anymore i actually beat the game um i did i was never planning to 100 just because it’s not a game i don’t think i would be able to do while enjoying it but that project in my mind is finished

I’m glad you enjoyed it so much that you’re asking for more though let’s see um you already coming i already checked it out didn’t i’m not sure if you’re watching the stream i’m not sure if you heard me the server lag is unreal i’m not getting like unreal amount of lag but

Notice my brother’s obama gonna get a game and make a new account cool i need help claiming my land when you have the time absolutely i’ll help you out all right so i can give you a hand to your buddy let’s see oh that’s cool

Here if you want i can just straight up claim it for you and then uh do a bit of that overlaps an existing claims so do you already have here let me uh check this out really quick just so i can help you out do you already have a claim

It’s it was overlapping i’m just broken i have no wood hold on you can do you can do slash kit tools for or did nightbot do something i’m sorry sometimes they thought’s a little slow the people of maine nightbot have confirmed oh my bad didn’t mean to do that okay

Let me figure this out sorry i’m taking so darn long so do you have anything claimed here if not this should work just fine if not then over there then over here oh oh because you have that claim there okay and then is that what you wanted congrats on the twelve substances

And we’ve got a new fire thank you so much stay killer for following welcome to the zebra herd i really do appreciate it we got a lot of people joining today and i really do appreciate the birch wood can is it clean i messed up all right i’m trying to help everybody

Out sorry if i’m a little so with us if i want to show you some secrets in our house sure one second one second hello crystal yt youtube welcome to the stream how you doing okay then um let’s see hopefully throughout the year i can reach 20 if you definitely work at it

Every day i’m sure you can you know exceed much more than 20. i guarantee it yeah you can claim your horse if you need any horse claim help go to the help center at spawn hello killers my day’s been pretty interesting how’s your your day been going livestream keeps cruising i’m sorry to

Hear that uh crystal acyt youtube thank you so much for following welcome to the zebra herd um i need to uh hold on i don’t mind okay cool i just want to make sure i’m not like giving out you know see um what command am i thinking of that i’m

Blanking on oh no uh it was the override no it’s oh jesus it’s always weird what do you forget that kind of stuff stream keeps face i’m sorry that it is but not dropping any frames i know twitch has been really crazy right now i know if i try to break something here

We go ignore claims okay so that okay cool 917 but you only have eight you don’t have z health permission so all right um let’s see what we can do here so you guys what do you want claimed like do you already already have something claimed here let’s clean this block okay

I’m guessing bible there you go um there you go it should be yours now let’s see um why is there glowstone and some gold around your shop that’s because you claimed i don’t know the z-health permission it’s not something i can just very specifically give you it’s something you

Have to hop into the permissions when i was on the stream yep that was me getting shot i mean bones uh i don’t think i have any on me i can try to find some there might be some in the chest i’m back from work welcome back i’m a nicky sorek angel

How are you doing how was work anything new to the server besides its new world there’s new warps there’s a quest system there’s npcs there is all that kind of stuff sooner we only have two quests to begin off with there are two buns in here um

But we’re going to uh keep working with it and eventually we’re going to have like a whole story like quests and all that kind of cool stuff you can edit permissions in the game it’s not something i’ve done so it’s not something i want to mess with on stream

Because obviously that can be a little bit risky for obvious reasons i don’t want to completely mess up the server and make huge issues when uh i don’t know what could happen especially when everybody’s trying to find do i need bones i just threw you some bones wait don’t run don’t run take

These bones take them take them no come on can’t see anybody typing if you mean you join the server and you can’t there might be a little bit of lag right now you want to see my skin oh i don’t think you’re talking to me again i think it’s pretty obvious what

My skin is somebody left some wood here oh my feet they’re sore well now you can relax can i add sandals to the shop i’m going to be adding different shops like i’m going to have different shops and different hubs i want to have like one dude have like a

Pickaxe shop and some other guy have like you know like a sword shop and definitely something like some guy would definitely sell a uh thing it’s gonna feel like a lot like an rpg once i you know round it all out so much but thank you guys all for playing

I know it’s like it’s sort of weird to make you guys sort of seem like beta testers but that’s what you guys definitely been helping out with today okay yeah sure i’ll go check that out now if anyone needs redstone health i’m experienced that’s awesome i probably won’t be messing with

Redstone too much but i’ll definitely check it out once i get the chance like if i do need help i’ll let you know or if you make anything oh i see that’s cool got a little secret do you have like secret stuff in here oh you do i don’t think i can check

I need to uh you’re saying now respecting claims i thought red wool and bone mail would wait think well i think it does i like the secret though it’s very cool can i follow you around yeah go right on i hope not now i’m lost i’m getting lost

In your house look at it hey can we set our home yep hi thanks everybody welcome back dude you like your my house um i think i’ve seen it let me double check all right let’s see biokid’s house wow i like the design very cool i like the colors very good-looking house

I came to join the server on my my aunts don’t worry uh we’re gonna have a build off next week and then we’ll be back with the survival the week after some all right let me find some food here hello when does the showcase for the old world

Get uploaded to youtube i said earlier i’m still working on it because obviously you know i had to work on this server so this took up a large majority of the time um especially with all the new year’s shenanigans been going through right now so within the next few

Days for sure it’s just you know the server showcase is something i could put off but this isn’t you know so i had to do this first nightbot is here it’s a little slow right now that’s a very cool little zebra that uh correct direction i always have a part-time pronunciation minecraft made

Good job on that all right then i wanted to um show you guys though for the those only watching aaron um i’m gonna warp to uh spawn and then i’ll accept your teepee sorry yeah hello okay so if you guys wanted to see the warp i wanted to show this off for the

Viewers watching maybe you’re watching this during the week and you haven’t been able to join the server yet this is pebble he’ll talk to him all the nbc’s will talk to you and this is just simply walk through the water to get to the place that the sign indicates

All right so we can uh go to stripesville hub city or mammal metropolis so we can go through here and this is stripesville stripesville is actually in a savannah biome we’re gonna be building this up for sure i’m gonna make this a very interesting town and we’re gonna be adding more

Towns in the future depending on quests there’s gonna be quests that follow story lines and certain characters and stuff when we add those npcs and this actually goes out pretty far like this has a farm out here i think or at least the pad thing goes out this far i know

There’s some actually pretty cool towns now we’re going to work back at the spawn so if kian is following me i just want to show everybody everything first and then we’ll go back to working on our house uh let’s see and then this this is hope city i like

Hub city a lot it’s on an island if you actually go out far enough this is one big island which i like a lot i want to build really big buildings here and make it feel like a city i’m going to have i already have like a whole quest designed

For this area or i’m gonna have like a multiple part quest or like the mayor who was missing and you have to work with the detective to solve it i think that’s gonna be a really cool quest and then finally we also have a um one last uh teleport over here mammal

Metropolis a mammal metropolis is right next to a canyon so we could probably have some wild west settings here i think would be cool your server looks fun thank you so much i know it’s a lot of baby steps right now i know you know like it’s a lot of

Talking and not a lot of uh you know show for it we only have our first two quests set up and everything but i’m gonna be working as hard as i can on everything and learn a bit by bit i thought it’s certainly nightwing i have no idea who that is

Arts avengers age of ultron awesome i actually really like that movie alright so i’m done there so you can follow me again hello it’s just me and my big here all right so i hope you guys can hear me well over the music but um what’s actually

You still thought of it okay i’m gonna go to my home and then i can tp uh nope wrong thing my bad my bad it’s all right there you go can we fight and hopefully kill the ender dragon at the end of the year for new year’s possibly

You have seven diamonds that’s insane all right um what do i want to do i wanted to get more cobble and then cook it into uh what’s it called i wanted to cook it into um normal stone and that’ll be our floor maybe i’m not sure can i see your ears um

Give me a sec give me a sec what does gz mean it means graphs congrats all that kind of stuff it’s sort of an abbreviation here you go i’ll stay still for you don’t stress myself with the server i don’t plan on it that’s actually you know another big

Reason why we’re why we’re doing build-offs every other week currently our schedule is like we’ll be doing survival this week the next week we’ll be doing a you know like a creative mode build off and then the week after we’ll go back to survival and that’s how we’ll

Sort of uh run it right now and why we’re doing it that way is so that you can um you know like i can have the time the full two weeks to work on new enhancements to the server so i think it’ll end up being okay why does metropolis think make you think

Of superman i’m not sure let’s make some normal stone and then maybe we can turn that into bricks i haven’t really gotten much done this stream i think i’ll start a company this season that’d be cool and of course if you guys make some really cool stuff i could definitely incorporate quests into

It so i definitely want to have some quests with boss battles and quests with like events and maybe even some seasonal things i’m not really sure but there’s a lot of cool stuff a lot of stuff bouncing around in my noggin i’m about to go in a couple of minutes all

Right thomas thank you so much for joining all right um of course you can i can add you to the uh i think that since you’re a mod you can already build over most of it um i’ve seen yep you can help that now if you want but

It’s only if you want to why is it cold turning into bedrock because it is a or restore plug-in we’re thinking about removing it it was just something i wanted to try what i noticed is that when new player new players joined the old server i’m looking for caves right now but um

Here we go when new players join the old server like a few months after it existed they had to travel super far to find a cave that wasn’t completely dried out and some people found that annoying so this is something that like once you mine it it’ll turn in the bedrock and

Then like an hour later it’ll restore if that’s something you guys aren’t interested in though i will change it because most people said that they’d rather not have it and that the uh bedrock is a little annoying you request where you need to find mr super gamer’s house

That’d be interesting or maybe i could have one where it’s an npc with my skin it could be evil zebra and it’s like my evil twin that’d be cool okay just if you do it you can that’s the funny thing i definitely want to have some cool ones some silly ones some

Fun ones other kind of stuff now keep it i’ll look into seeing if there’s any way i can make it less annoying because right now it seems to be causing issues i think it’s the root of our problems when it comes to some of this lag and also with um what’s it

Called um with people saying that their items are disappearing or store seems to be interesting that seems interesting i could totally make something like that or another player can that’s the thing you guys can make your own shops to get creepers chasing me hi i’m just looking around for a different cave so

If there’s a bit of like i’m sorry maybe there’s one some ways i can edit it i’ll look into it i definitely have my options ahead of me there was just teleporting everywhere i think it honestly is is that the server lags a little bit whenever anybody minds or so

Either way i mean i can’t do too many major changes right now we’ll change some stuff up once uh the stream is over and here’s the sand village oh is this a this is a village i think i was working on making a hub eventually okay it could already be cleaned you should

Make your skin with red eyes i could do something like that right now the current npc plug-in we’re using it bases the um what’s it called it bases the skin on um players so like if i make an npc right now name it bob the skin will be based

On whoever owns the minecraft account bob i can change it so that like the display name is different from the skin name but it still has to be like an attributed minecraft skin so i’d have to get a second account that has that skin so it’s something i have to look into

For sure how do you make a shop um there should be a do we still have the shop helps no money help is that it here we go if you want to know more about how to make a shop i made a tutorial video that you can access by doing slash money help

I’m gonna get off by all right fire cat thank you so much for joining i hope you had a good time i already saw a greg but i’ll um check it out once i teleport back to my house since it’s right outside event you like the evil zebra idea that’s good

Sorry if a nightbot’s being a jerk i really do apologize i just know that we’ll probably look into maybe getting a new bot soon because nightbot’s been broken for a little while now like it’s been not optimally fast with things i want to see an army of me npcs

That i have my skin it’s something we could look into like there’s a lot of cool things i want to look into like i’m just trying to find a way you know it’s not like it has to be something that everybody can do it’s not like something where

Like one person can do it and then it’s broken you know so it has to be something like that defeat a certain amount of mobs that’s definitely something too like we can have a town that’s like overridden with zombies and it’s like you can just have

Your gold to be like kill this many zombies you know how do i untime out people i think i did it right um when it comes to nightbot i think they only time people out for like five seconds that’s how i have nightbots set up flashmoneyhelp um

Make sure you have the capital m and the capital h everybody i think i’m gonna make a hotel for players and i want to invite you as a helped up your future uh beatrice what you i hope i pronounced that right i’m so sorry i haven’t pronounced it wrong thank you so much

For following welcome to the zebra herd i think or restore might be causing block lag uh yeah that’s what i was thinking about earlier did it ban somebody here if here let me see if i can help out with that too oh no things are going out of hand again what

The heck is going on i don’t know it says i’m connected to the internet but the stream went down again by okay on the server yeah i see i think twitch is going crazy i’m not sure oh there we go obvious is going down oh no not good

I’ll ban you for like 400 seconds i’m sorry i think it’s the uh caps lock uh detection let me work back to spawn stream crashed yeah i don’t know what’s happening with obvious everything’s breaking today oh no i might have to disconnect maybe it is my internet now it’s weird i don’t know

Okay things should be connected back up sorry about that i think a storm’s rolling into him it’s just sort of a plethora of perfect timing um we’ll be sure to make sure everything’s fixed up for next week’s stream but things should be back up there you go yep everything’s good

What’s the command to go home yep okay you got it good dude i’ll have to eat my bad got the mesobiome uh what’s a mess again you mean like a canyon yeah i have to google what messa is because i have no clue uh yes there’s one next to uh mammal metropolis

That’s the same clay okay is it mesa sorry i have no idea i’ve never really heard that word before all right sorry for the disconnection issues we only have about 20 minutes left to the stream about 20 minutes left of the stream then we’ll do a group photo

Mesa not messa all right i’ll make sure to keep that in mind there’s one of your questions about the teleporters i still don’t know what i’m doing prefer to just go ahead and make a house or something where’s the metro if you want to go to the uh warp area right over here

Yep there you go just walk into the water and get brought there you have to walk into the water specifically under the sign of course how do you craft fences you use sticks all right then not sure if people found it okay wow that’s oh that’s uh a damn girl’s

House that’s a cool looking house from the distance too all right i’m glad you guys found it good or some people found it at the least hello richard chamber welcome to the stream how you doing back on the stream cool can’t find it can you there you go hello

Welcome back ricky richard chamber sorry for mispronouncing glad i’m glad to see you back dude all right then yeah i’m not alone people yep more people are making their way on all right i like seeing the savannah though i love the savannah trees is very cool so much for what i know everybody’s

Name is purple i’m sorry if i get if i miss messages because of that searching for case for these at this point i’m just sort of running around taking a look at the environments i’m not doing anything too specific just trying to make sure everybody is helped

Before the stream ends and then we’re going to take our group photo uh is yours purple currently yours is red for me if you change it to purple i won’t see those changes unless i restart mine so it doesn’t really matter too much oh that’s a lot of flowers oh that’s

Really cool looking funny way that i said this all right i’m sorry for missing that message could you add teleporters plug-in because i’m going to set up a company that needs you to be able to travel quickly um i have the uh the warps back at the um spawn the warp

Room is that not gonna be enough because it’s the same thing really but um i’m gonna set up a company that needs you to be able to travel quickly to the rental locations i’m making an airbnb in minecraft so i’d need a way to have only the pain

Customers to have access to a teleporter i’m not sure it’s something i’d have to look into because obviously that’s a little more advanced so let’s see let’s go into this cave sure lava iron there okay oh here’s some iron be careful with the lava if you wait up i’m sorry

The stream audio cuts out i’m sorry like my my voice or the entire audio did you find spruce that’s cool oh this is a cool planes vine but somebody wants to make a huge house here this is definitely a good spot also could you add some type of door

Locking plug-in yeah that’s something i could look into i mean i can even make it so that when you have your own claimed land nobody can open those doors i’m pretty sure that’s interesting hello gangtang welcome to the stream how you doing that’s been a long time this is a cool cave

I don’t want to like i don’t know i just want to enjoy the environments right now i want to get a lay of the land so we know mr zebra look at me sure where are you go over there hello whoa you are really ready for battle now aren’t you you got

The diamond armor and you have the iron armor very cool oh yeah the teleporter plug-in basically allows you to craft the teleporter and link into another one that’s basically what i have now except it’s a little more one-way you’d have to craft two teleporters to go back in you know around

Um it’s something i’ll look into different teleporter plug-ins for sure though okay gary sam i’m gonna go for now by everyone all right thanks again thank you so much for joining i hope you had a good time playing with me hello tiger welcome to the stream how

Are you doing well we do have about 15 minutes after this stream looks like we’re running into another savannah biome after the mesa again that’s cool either that or i got confused and one in the circle both are possible um how long zebra about 15 minutes left on the stream

It said monday nope today is that and the player may teleporters no that’s the thing i i don’t know how much we want to do with that kind of stuff but that’s something we can look into right now um players don’t have the permission to make teleporters it but they can use them

Oh tpa to me what’s wrong okay the creepers right now the creepers don’t explode blocks because i didn’t want anybody to use creepers to lure griefing i know right now i don’t think they actually even explode at all or do damage so that’s something i might want to disable

Because i didn’t really unders realize i was gonna do that i can give people the permission to make a teleporter though it’s just a matter of messing with it and seeing if it’s a safe idea it’s because it’s a little complicated to get going bob creeping is off basically yeah

This is the first stream i’m watching you welcome this saturday stream oh geez this saturday stream is the only stream we’re having this weekend but typically in starting next weekend we stream friday saturday and sunday so feel free to come on by next friday and we’ll have another

Stream good job with the ears they’re looking pretty cute alrighty then um yeah mob griefing should be off like creepers can’t even explode right now it happened again you’re flying i think it’s just lag then i’ll come check it out fury oh no i’m being attacked

The problem was is that when i tested things i tested things with my account with mikhail’s account and when i had both on there was no lag but the problem is is that obviously two players is going to be a lot less strenuous from one two three four five six seven eight

Nine twelve to three fourteen fifteen people you know so it’s like i think it was fifteen about there you get the idea that’s you know seven times a little more than seven times the amount of people so it’s hard to stress test so this was a good stress test for

Me to know that some things are a little too far out there it’s saturday yeah saturday i thought on that i know i kept on like is today the stream day uh what time is it is it is the server down again no rip what are we ripping oh no not the rips

Streamer streamers worst fear is all the chat rip already then some the next few minutes we’ll start getting people but what did you guys think of the quests feel free to let me know what you thought about the quests what’s happening is your client thinks a block is broken

But the server block isn’t for you i’m just standing but pushing up and down okay though it’s tp’s your view up okay that’s actually really good inside take hills how much money is until the stream’s over about 10 minutes i know we can uh check out who’s done the quests

You know you haven’t seen they’re a lot of fun i’m actually really happy about them they’re cool thank you quests and then we can do stats or not no no we once so we can like see the top five questors i think everybody will probably have about the same right now quests

Oh i misspelled quests that would help if i didn’t do that this got so hard i know so i guess on the top because of unfairness but still i’ll make sure to fix me and mikaela’s on things right now uh soccer has the number one quest points out of non-mods

I swear i have carpal tunnel on my wrist is killing you you should definitely give it breaks and you should exercise them because carpal tunner is no good you know you know silly business you want to make sure that you get that taken care of because it could be a

Major issue later in life let me explain i need to have a shop where players will buy a key that they can have access to a room in the shop so it’s like a little nearly like like an apartment kind of thing i guess or a hotel they can go

Inside and use a teleporter to get to the rental location then at the next stream they can choose to pay again to continue renting or they can stop paying and return the keem that’s something that sounds really cool and i’ll look into for sure it’s just a

Matter of that’s a little more complex and having momentary things like that and having giving you the ability to remove people from a space you know i’m trying to figure out that might take a little bit how do you get to the quests do yep it’s not rare anymore um i think that

There are some you know i think that console minecraft is just now getting it but it is still a newer edition who is eric and fuzzled my girlfriend i use her account to um test things out on a non-off account that way i can stress test and i can just you know

Thoroughly test things without being on my opid account and having two people on at once technically is pretty helpful ooh heart can you come check out yeah sharon i sent you an email i’ll check it out when i can tell when i can here let’s uh check out your house now

I think i already checked it out earlier but oh it seems to finish it that’s right okay then cool oh and you have your little shop here will this work like this i’m not sure if the sign will oh it worked cool awesome stuff enjoy your shop

Going the wrong way let’s go inside and take the grand tour you did a great job with this this is oh juice wrong thing uh there you go i always forget when i have the golden show okay so this is just a staircase down very cool down yep that’s her ign

All right this is code this is like a nice little staircase i like this oh and you have a garden up here it seems why don’t when you’re testing the server that five people test the stuff and you can fix bugs easy sometimes it can be a little more

Difficult than that um oh the button uh sometimes it can be a little bit more difficult than that um one thing i have to find five people who are ready at the same time that fit my schedule and also for their schedule so there’s one thing beyond that i also need to um

Actually find you know people that i uh trust enough to actually you know do it make sure they’re not just gonna you know dupe around in grief it might take some time to do stuff like that and also five people might not be enough to stress test at times because

We have you know three times that amount at some points during this stream your house looks like a barn so that’s i mean mine looks like a cube so already then we’re gonna start tping people over to the uh main area to say if you would like to be

A part of the group photo make sure you she could spawn soon you could help test yeah i mean i’m definitely looking into it no they’re not going to be removed from this by force from the states they get a key to teleport into the shop that they can

Teleport to their rented house they can just teleport back if they don’t pay and don’t return the key or claim the house they have to be taken out by force as in by you remembering them yeah i know okay it’s something you know like now that i

Know and you can describe it more to me privately but um that’s something i’ll have to look into making sure that the plugins we have can support that you’ve been on the server for a good month yep i know there’s a lot of you who have been dedicated with this it’s just a

Matter of you know finding schedules and times and things working with everybody best thing for that is redstone combination lock that’s interesting i mean i’m definitely think that there’s probably some stuff for uh plug-in base so look at this like so we can start taking some pictures now so

Just make sure you guys are all linked up looking at the screen all that kind of cool the stuff helps me take a few good screenshots i can tell you that much but thank you guys so much it’s been actually a really fun stream i cannot

Wait until next week or not next week but the week after i mean next week’s gonna be fun too because we’re gonna have our first ever build off um of the new year and we’re going to have i think our theme is going to be mario so we’re

Going to have a mario themed belt off next week so if you guys like to do creative mode stuff make sure you guys swing on by after that of course the week after we’ll be back to survival mode because we alternate between the two on the survival mode things will be

Way more improved i’ll be ironing things down a lot more maybe i’ll do some stress tests with a couple of people so that we can make sure that this stuff isn’t happening but for now thank you guys so much for joining i hope you’ve enjoyed watching if you did of course

Make sure to follow if you haven’t already and make sure to check out some of the videos on youtube for now i think we’re gonna be finishing up so thank you guys so much for watching and yeah i’ll see you guys soon so bye

This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Community Night – 1/2/2016’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2016-01-08 14:30:00. It has garnered 34373 views and 309 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:18 or 6918 seconds.

We all played Minecraft together on my Minecraft server! — Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/mrzebragamer

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  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

Zebra Gamer – Zebra’s Minecraft Community Night – 1/2/2016