Zebra’s EPIC 15 Year Minecraft Adventure!

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hello zeer herd Minecraft is turning 15 years old and to celebrate we’re taking a trip down memory lane with the Minecraft 15-year Journey map we’ll be taking a nostalgic look back on how Minecraft has changed over the years so let’s get started [Music] 15 years wow oh here we are this is so neat look at the Ender with the Baby Ender that’s adorable I guess we’re going to go celebrate with all of our friends here wow Minecraft 15year Journey wa all right let’s go check it out is a little Adventure here 15 years of Minecraft how time flies heading to the museum to begin the celebration all right well very cool to see it it looks like it’s made by Orville Studios very neat we have all these people out here celebrating with the creeper balloon the Pig balloon there’s a lot going on this is so neat wow all the designs are really nicely done I like it this big Fountain we got this guy hey there big man enjin the party what else can we do around here oh there’s people to talk to out here in the front of the m see him I guess it is hi McKenna everyone line up and say creeper let’s capture this mous moment give me your biggest smile and strike a pose I would love to so I can just join the little picture hi this is so cute a so we have a what is it a cat Wich I forget your name you’re one of the new guys and the cow all right so let’s head over this way maybe not quite sure if they’ll anything else over here but I can’t wait just to sort of see what the museum is going to have in store for us who what are you guys up to uh nothing good that’s for sure you guys are up to something we’ll figure it out let’s get over here and into the museum now doesn’t look like there’s really too much else of a place to go W the doors are huge they’re welcoming Us in I’m flattered uh hello who are you oh you have a book for us wow I like your glasses as well the 15 on them and the giant cake building wa happy birthday Minecraft wow I guess we’re just getting started with everything whoa sticker collected 15-year cake open the sticker book to see it inside okay so we go over here it’s our sticker book wa how to use every activity you complete rewards you with a sticker they will be added to your sticker book automatically keep an eye out and fill your collection a silhouette will show in place until a sticker is collected when you collect a sticker open the sticker book to see it inside that’s so neat so we have I guess quite a lot for right now on the Hub gateway to Adventure The Hub is your key to endless exploration travel between different worlds to uncover all the Wonders Minecraft has to offer we get the 15-year cake for that one but there are some different ones to find like in the aquarium and of course the caves and cliffs awesome so we’ll keep searching around and we’ll see what we can find there’s other people to talk to as well that’d be great but it looks like can I take that present from you not really so here we are in the hub Adventure awaits keep an eye out for hidden stickers to fill your collection I will certainly try my best but there’s just so much going on we got the the Alloys over there you got these two Steve and Alex is looking at different stickers there’s just so many cool little animations happening as well I’m so impressed uh this is where we can do like little nicknames if I had anything summon a baby zombie click seven more stickers to unlock wa so if we unlock a bunch of stickers we can get different little pets hi there this is the gift shop Welcome to My Gift Shop hunt for stickers around the museum and complete games to unlock adorable baby mob companion or an adorable baby while companion uh it’s a piece of cake one out of 53 stickers collected I’ll try to find them all hopefully we can do it I don’t know if they’ll just be like floating around or if I have to do a mission I guess if we find out oh no you dropped your cake I’m so sorry maybe we can get you a new cake but there’s like different areas to enter too so I’ll definitely do that once we’re done exploring around the Hub I feel like we should start with the alpha right doesn’t really show me which one I should be doing first oh no baking as many cakes as possible uh is there anything I can do around here not quite but I can at least check out all the cool things the Bakers making the cakes down this way oh the kitchen am I allowed in doesn’t seem like it yeah okay uh but it’ll tell me you the caves and cliffs update so these are some of the more recent ones over here we have the exploration update and this might be the aquarium update or something uh the aquarium cool there’s so many people around but not too much more to do so once again let’s take a look at our secet book I guess maybe there wasn’t anything more in terms of the Hub there’s just this one so if I wanted to do it in order of the sticker book I’d want to start with the aquarium but I feel like that wouldn’t make too much sense right I want to start with Alpha because that’s where Minecraft began so yeah cuz it started with Alpha and then Surly after all that of course they added the nether the menion and then the end yeah okay um let’s do the alpha first so here we go heading in the Minecraft Alpha whoa here we are so what do we do in here I guess first we can switch that vanilla blocks loaded that’s so cool can I interact with these terrain showcase Alpha Minecraft retroactively referred to as Minecraft classic marks the first phase of Minecraft’s development where versions of the game were made of available to the public the Minecraft that first saw the light of day may look drastically different from the Minecraft we know today however the bright neon colored palette and iconic flat clouds will forever remind us of Where it All Began that’s so cool okay these all say this sort of the same thing that’s so neat so yeah we can really get like a full Museum showcase and this is the Minecraft I remember forgive me for sounding old but I played Minecraft I think for the first time in 2010 so maybe a year after first started you can see more of the blocks here preclassic starting exactly 15 years ago in May 2009 preclassic Minecraft began its first development phase this version predates Minecraft classic In This Very initial stage of development the game was originally called cave game it was later renamed to Minecraft order of the stone before finally adopting to the name the name that would cement its 15 Year Legacy Minecraft actually did didn’t know about the order of the stone thing that’s so cool so I guess if we go up the stairs there might be some extra stuff so let’s check out everything on this floor first like over here we have the collection of different ores or just blocks you could collect early classic these are the blocks present in the early classic version of Minecraft which took place between May 16th to May 28th 2009 and of course we have sand uh gravel I think that’s uh Bedrock the iron ore coal ore or wood and uh just grass not grass but uh leaves what is this the sponge Saga Minecraft Sponge has had a roller coaster history initially it could absorb water but then this functionality was removed as the game’s water physics evolved for some time the sponge was purely decorative however in the 1.8 update its absorbing Powers were reinstated and improved now it can soak up water in an area and be dried out for reuse long of the sponge cool so I guess I can do the old sponge here as you can see it will just soak up all that water now remember when they removed that and here’s some lava and water of course when they combine they make the uh obsidian from floods to flows back in the olden days lava and water could fill massive areas with only one source block creating vast oceans or fiery Lakes from nothing today to the dismay of Griefers fluids are much more contained with water water flowing up the seven blocks and lavva up to three blocks in the over world yeah I guess it would just spread on forever oh my and then this is the new sponge which as you can see just I guess totally just takes up the water in a way different way yeah huh neat and then down this way what is this it’s a game uh hi the gaming room approach Steve to load into Alpha Minecraft whoa what is this this is so cool we’re hopping into Alpha Minecraft uh all right A blast from the past in the old computer too whoa here we are alpha Minecraft use the switch versions item to solve the puzzles and travel between current day Minecraft and Alpha Minecraft here we are like nothing had ever changed this is the Minecraft like I said I remember but I guess we could switch wa and everything is different there’s no chest here but if we switch back to this now there is uh there’s nothing in the chest but maybe I could go up and talk to you cuz of course there’s villagers in this mode you are doing one happy dance um but if I switch nothing to be seen nothing to be found so let’s just take a search around we have you over here I can’t talk to any of you unfortunately uh hint Redstone didn’t exist in Alpha Minecraft stand on the pressure plate to progress I did just want to look around to make extra sure there’s not anything else I don’t know how hidden these stickers are going to be I’d like to find as many as possible but yeah we can switch back over here and then just activate the Redstone that’ll break open the wall whoa and then we can switch back oh no we can’t I got to wait yeah and then we can switch but not much over here in the Alpha version as you can see I can’t even run in this form that’s so crazy we can switch back oh no not good so obviously here it’s safer to cross than in the modern version neat and there’s bees here W even more lava and everything too oh I can’t you know go over this Gap cuz of this giant Ravine playing all my favorite Nostalgia Minecraft music right now too and wow you can see here with the caves and cliffs update or whatever update at at all these slag tights and slag mites can’t make our way through but here not a problem uh okay but this Gap looking pretty ferocious not a problem here I can make this jump for sure and then from here switch back over whoa so much lava this is a crazy cave too wow you can see how much more detailed minecraft has become through this game and that’s so cool oh no that part’s not so cool but if I land on this Cobblestone I even played the old Steve taking damage noise I just realized that I got to get up there not like that um a little bit confused but I guess if I could get up here it didn’t really change much can I climb these oh yeah I can climb these good to know this is also really showing that I haven’t played survival Minecraft in a long time but I’m hoping to change that soon oh I did it again okay so I need to switch and get over to the Cobblestone over there so simple jumps switch over and then we jump bounce and we made it into this mine area which I could try to get through that what’s over here uh nothing okay there’s nothing over here too yeah I guess they didn’t even have the abandoned mines just yet in this version who hey uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh they’re aiming up quick switch is in a little bit of danger there just got to snake along this path switch again oh they’re aiming they’re aiming we’re like a time traveler right now but we’ve made it out to the other side where there’s a castle to check out o oh was I not supposed to do that oh I supposed to jump laying on the hay belts where I won’t take damage oh the pink trees are so pretty waa but hey we got the sniffer the brand new mob hi there sniffer you are way bigger than I thought you’d be can I go inside of here and I can but there’s not too much more but if I switch back we can continue on work till little chicken running around no oh sticker collected chicken egg open the sticker book to see inside cool so right over here chicken egg Echoes of Forgotten memories ReDiscover the past and journey between Alpha Minecraft and modern-day Minecraft and a nostalgic trip nostalgic trip down memory lane cool and then here’s our last step I believe is if we switch right here oh we got all these lily pads to get across that shouldn’t be too difficult and hey look Alex and Steve waiting for us in front of the nice pink thank you thank you welcome to the party oh I can’t switch versions anymore woo you made it thank you thank you and we did it so there’s our first little game here in uh this Alpha area so cool because of that we got another sticker collected classic grass block open the sticker book to see inside so I don’t know if that’ll have like a different description it won’t so classic grass block we have two more to find somewhere though so I don’t want to play that again but I do want to look around to see what everybody else is doing with their fancy glowy keyboards watching cat videos making some cool Islands or something everybody’s keeping busy that’s so neat but hey we have plenty of other stuff to look around at like these statues of the mobs with the skeleton the zombie the Sheep the pig oh look at this little diarama of the creeper turning into a pig oh wait there’s the sticker do I just grab it yeah there we go sticker collected creep creeper open the secret book to see inside so we’ll take a look at that soon but for right now the pig that went boom did you know the creeper was created almost entirely by accident originally it was supposed to be a pig but when the model was being built the height and width values were mistakenly swapped resulting in it standing up vertically watch this poor Pig Morphin to a creeper mirroring Minecraft’s most famous model mix up that is so crazy and shows that some of the greatest ideas are just happy little accidents right so that is a really interesting thing I guess i’ sparked the idea for the creeper nice okay well the exit’s over there but there’s still more stuff to explore on the other sides we never went upstairs so I don’t want to exit just yet but over here what is going on with this pressing G to spawn humans were an old hostile mob that were removed from the game they looked exactly like the default Steve skin we all know and love humans could be spawned by pressing G on your keyboard in classic Mode they had a slightly unorthodox way of walking the world as you can see so I guess if we do this wow they just sort of flail around that is so silly all right well you have fun flailing around while that’s happening let’s go back over cuz we did not go upstairs there’s more of the alpha area to explore so I definitely want to enjoy every moment of it um this is how we go upstairs I guess yeah okay wa yeah more blocks over here we got the mossy cobblestone brick marble no that might be just like a steel block books and TNT survival test these are the blocks in the survival test version of Minecraft which took place between September 1st and October 24th of 2009 and we also got um these slabs these stone slabs and the obsidian and the the sign uh what else do we have around here we this thing multiplayer test these are the blocks added in the multi Player test version of Minecraft which took place between May 31st and July 11th of 2009 so we got more blocks and flowers and mushrooms what is this oh hey I can like take a little picture 15E celebration I can go back here no cheese I am the creeper that’s so funny I like it I like it okay um anything else here that was such a fun little backdrop it looks like there’s more on this side what is going on with all these different wool colorings bringing on the wool the wool block was first added in the multiplayer test version of Minecraft during its introduction to the game on May 31st 2009 it was originally known as cloth 15 years later the array of colors has been received has received new additions and some colors on top of on the top row have been retired for a more refined palette wow so some of these aren’t a part of the game anymore that’s crazy you can see some of these were added or removed interesting I guess more is not always better so I think that’s everything so what’s the last sticker we’re missing here not quite sure oh it looks like I found it it was right here right that’s it sticker collected Minecraft disc Box open the sticker book to see inside whoa that’s neat so sticker book yeah I guess it’s supposed to sort of be like the console version of Minecraft having the disc it looks like specifically the Xbox version so cool so yeah some of those stickers can be really well hidden definitely got to look out for that but we head over here we should be able to exit the Alpha One and head into another one seems like we have a lot to explore today then so there’s that done and over here should be the next update cuz I think after that you know in Alpha it added the nether at some point I believe so the next would have been Dimensions when it ends the adds the end as well so let’s see how this one goes whoa intense got the Ender Dragon and the Wither that’s a crazy fight but what is going on with this uhoh don’t fall down there see this is supposed to be both the end and the nether which one should we go to first I got to say we should probably go to the nether first whoa hey guys uh how do you do they’re blocking whatever that ish oh oh sorry uh am I not going to get in trouble what is this thinging I I don’t know um I’m trying to grab it nothing’s really happening that’s got to be something I can get somehow then right I don’t know I’ll have to take a look at some point figured that’d give me like an introduction to the area somehow but over here I guess travel items have you ever found yourself lost in the adventure delving through tunnels or exploring new biomes only to realize you can’t remember your way home well the load Stone and Compass have your back place the load Stone in your base and connect it to your compass you’ll never be lost again for those venturing deep into The Nether the respawn anchor ensures your adventures start from the heart of the action keeping you Tethered to your new found Frontiers with these tools every Journey promises a mostly safe return so cool so those are definitely good to keep in mind but yeah I don’t really know what to do about that over here though whoa we got this nether gear netherite netherite is the new diamond standard this dark and mysterious material is forged from ancient debris found deep within the fires of the nether fashion it into the strongest tools weapons and armor and you’ll be truly Unstoppable wow so with this one this was added on much later after I stopped playing a bit but uh it’s better than Diamond which is pretty crazy we head upstairs I do want to take a look around here as well um what else do have wa these creepy wither skeleton pictures oh man there’s like a little room here the spider or The Strider lava aquarium look at all these Striders this is sort of cool is there any stickers around here should be looking for let’s see cuz I am here right now and there’s six stickers to find yeah this is the dimensions Skyhigh and lava Rich soar high in a lighter ring Rush a Glide over lava in Strider stroller explore the endless void and fiery depths oh man so they’re all just walking around over there it hasn’t really detailed too much about like when the nether was added and how things were added at what point though like that was sort of the cool thing about the alpha section is it gave dates and stuff but here’s other 15 years celebration little picture area this time I can be right here if I duck or I could be be over here could pretend to be a blaz or can hop on this thing and pretend to be a ghast cool more pictures of the uh the piglins and the blazes but what’s going on in this room the Alchemy Den waa potion brewing mastering the Arts of potions and Alchemy can turn any humble Adventurer into a wizard of Wonders whether you’re brewing potions or of strength to tackle formidable foes or concocting potions of invisibility to sneak past pescue mobs the possibilities are as endless as the ingredients in your cauldron did you know that adding Redstone to a potion extends its duration it’s like giving your potions a little extra kick that’s good to know I don’t really make much potions so I should definitely try that a bit more okay that seems to be everything for this upstairs section oh I can just jump off like that which really makes me wonder like maybe I can jump in there without getting in trouble somehow maybe one fancy jump is all I need here let’s try it jump wait jump up here and then jump no I can’t make that this thing is so weird what is this I don’t know how to get to it but maybe at some point we can find out for now I’m going down here where whoa got that the hoglands I think they are and they can of course go through the portal into your normal world of Minecraft wait there’s a sticker oh wow so happy I found that the nether star that’s what that is open the sticker book this see inside so I’m glad I found at least one of them but it looks like we still have more to discover so got to keep looking around what does this say Dimension hopping the nether portal serves as the Gateway between Dimensions connecting the Overworld and the nether here’s a bit of trivia every eight blocks in the Overworld equals one block in another streamlining your travel plans and remember you’re not the only one who can use it Mobs Can wander through too so don’t be surprised if you have an unexpected guest join your adventure or a curious chicken decides to explore the fiery depths it’s always a party in the nether so yeah be aware of where you place that portal cuz both friendly and not so friendly mobs can go through this guy is so cute so what’s going on in this room whoa we got a gas flying around that’s very ghastly got to be careful oh man got the skeleton drawn up over there and this Blaze doesn’t look very friendly but uh is just chilling out who and then of course we got these guys the basalt Deltas biome there’s different biomes in the nether now which is so cool and exciting we can find just different materials and Landscapes and enemies to fight down this way though what is this biome the Soul Sand Valley biome who and then down here what’s up with you warped forest biome hi there Enderman I wish I could have your uh your cake but think it’s all yours oh hey another sticker we found a blaze awesome so how are we doing with this we have one more sticker I might have missed it I have to look through again Crimson forest biome wow or maybe it’s part of the game I think I just saw it up there but here’s a wither skeleton statue and then here’s like some more Wither Skeleton pieces these guys are f fighting Strider stroller okay so Alex has the high score of 375 Steve is 230 Strider stroller ride a Strider through the ne’s dangerous biomes avoiding flowing lava and mobs collect gold nuggets along the way to score points and reach the nether fortress let’s give it a try and see if we can’t get the highest score wa whoa It’s like a side scroller Strider stroller reach nether fortress and collect gold nuggets of score points okay uh don’t whoa this is so neat okay uh so I have to ride you how do I ride you oh like that okay here we go so I’m earning Five Points it’s like a little you know platform like Mario double jump jump higher by leaping off your Strider midair now or Dismount and bounce off your strider’s hat oh nice okay let’s get over here and ride you oh and I can go into the lava no problem because of that I already at the 40 points okay wait how do I get back on uh oh no I don’t know oh no not good land in the lava oh that makes me lose the gold can I retry oh no yeah let’s retry really quickly leave because uh I want to make sure I get the highest score possible right so whoops sorry about that now I know there’s got to be a way to get back onto it more easily right I guess not so make sure I don’t jump off the Strider until I’m like really ready to go cuz as you can see if not it gets a little tricky okay ready jump jump I’m up the 35 of it and I got 40 from this one down here so you can lose a good amount if you’re not careful so let’s go under that lava double jump up here keep it moving okay what’s the deal who oh okay I can climb the stuff good to know okay whatever whatever oh and I can fire at you ow that’s just yeah get rid of you there was definitely some extra down here the controls are a little bit to get used to so it might take me multiple tries to get the highest score what was that all right come on get up here you got it see was that so hard that was for five extra points now that’s all I have never mind wow okay this is actually really punishing if I’m not careful there we go fire away at you I’ll just sort of learn the lay of the land is there a secret area down here no no there’s not uh I can climb up this way the music is cool though I like this for sure we’re climbing up this way so I just got to try my best not to die but as you can see easier said than done Bastion Remnant who hey I didn’t even see you over there he’s swinging his sword I got to be careful gotcha seems like they all take three hits each and there’s some gold in there but I can’t quite read it let’s ride the Strider over to this little section get those no problem and maybe I can just use in the bounce up here ooh jackpot I mean I can’t do anything with the big gold blocks it seems but I wish I could wish I could just take all those for a bunch of easy points hopping back on the Strider looks like we’re going down here waa what is this quick charge collected so I guess now I can fire even faster quite the upgrade another gold nugget right there actually a couple of them and then maybe there’s more over there not from what I can see uh okay I was a little bit worried about that one we made it work and our score is slowly going up wa reaching the basalt Deltas got some lava falling I’ll wait for that then oh I can just hold the button down the fire even faster cool this is such a fun little game though I like how it’s just a totally different genre of game got to wait right here and then maybe I could just yeah jump over it that worked pretty well keep going this way just a little bit more nice got it and a bunch of gold nuggets over this way on our staircase back upwards getting quite the score now I can bounce off a you got a couple more things another upgrade what will this one be the piercing upgrade so now I guess we’ll be firing through enemies if I had to guess that’s going to be useful for sure I think if we get a score of 400 we’ll beat out Alex’s top high score so that’s what I’m looking for right now got the extra golden nuggets popping up nether waste biome get rid of you ow that still hit me okay so see if I don’t want to do that yeah I got to end over like that what’s down there uh nothing darn okay I thought there might have been like a secret down that way I was wrong and now I just don’t get one what where where did my buddy go now it’s got to be one around no there’s not okay I just got to make that jump a little bit better this time darn I was catching up and score there for sure I’ll probably have to replay it no you’re kidding [Music] me there we go I finally made it but it looks like over here do I still have my power up I do so at least we have that going for us head down this way land on another Strider there we go pick up some more gold nuggets no problem now we’re entering the Warped Forest let’s get over there and try to fight you but will there be extra stuff down here at the least oh no I probably shouldn’t have done that oh I just missed out on so many gold nuggets okay now I’m going to fall too anyways okay try that again jump jump start going crazy on you grab all of these and then jump back down nice up to 225 points o watch out for for you and hop onto another one I don’t think I stick on to you for very long it seems cuz I just jump off you there and I got to be quick about this because the lava’s popping up again oh that was scary or 300 points right there where do we go from here down this way I sure hope so okay seems like that was the case I can knock you out hop on top of the Strider and keep moving one plenty more Zombie Pigmen where that came from Soul Sand Valley biome I think I just need like one more gold nugget there we go and I’ve like reached out to score but I might be wrong oh wow boots we got soul speed collected I guess we can walk faster on Soul Sand now that’s a pretty nice upgrade okay I’ll knock you out a little bit there you go no problem you need to jump turn jump another one’s popping up huh oh there’s a bunch of them okay be nice to me keep it moving I definitely think we have the high score now so as long as we don’t die a bunch of times easier said than done but as long as we don’t die a bunch of times we’ll be good come on we can do it little Strider waa can we open up that chest I wonder I got to be careful I don’t want to get knocked out okay I need to jump jump oh even that not quite enough to get all the way up there interesting maybe I can loop around can I also I can’t hop in there ooh yeah I don’t see another way around so I’m not really sure what’s up with that this seems like a different way entirely so there’s got to be another way up there hm isn’t that odd okay knocking you out and these guys respawn too which is not so fun because I could definitely lose my health to them if I’m not careful yeah I just can’t quite get the height I need off of that okay I’ll try one more time if not H yeah I think we’ll save it for some other time maybe I don’t need it we’ll just run over here and it might be the end or at least a new section over this way I don’t know what’s going on yeah it’s the portal okay we made our way out and we got the top score so we did get the Strider sticker very cool I’m glad that we got that then and with it that means that we got all of the nether stickers but we’re not quite done we need to run all the way back so we can go into the end now so we’re back here at the portal room and instead of going to the end or to the nether we go to the end wa this one’s real spooky and as you can see this one has the the egg but they’re trying to steal it hey you get out of there yeah you get get away from here I guess he’s just going to okay that’s fine whatever wa look at this well this a dragon head as a purely cosmetic item scaling the tallest tower in the end City and then boarding the end ship is a demanding challenge however soaring through the sky with your newly acquired elytra will sto boasting the head of the Ender Dragon is a reward great enough to justify the travel Redstone can power the dragon head pull the lever to see it Roar in action don’t worry it won’t bite I hope all right uh whoa it’s roaring that’s so cool so I guess it’s like the highest tier reward you can get right so I got to look around for a sticker again apparently those stickers can be very well hidden and I just want to make sure I find them okay what is this say this is the elytra wins elytra the elytra has players searching far and wide to the ominous end Dimension hunting for the solitary silhouette of an end City in hopes of finding this sought after treasure each end City Bridge has a 12.5% chance or 12.5% of spawning a ship which is the key to find in the elytra when you strap on those wings you’re not just Conquering the skies you’re rewriting the rules of gravity here’s the Flying high I’m landing softly awesome guy’s dropping emeralds trying to get you out of here doesn’t really work that’s the guards don’t seem to be bothered either the way they must not get paid much let’s head upstairs and see what else is going on Wow got lots of little paintings here of the little I forget his name but it’s so cute we can’t go down there got a bunch of Enderman we got a little picture section again this time oh wait there’s a sticker hi hold on we’ll do that soon uh I want to grab this sticker we got the dragon egg sticker yeah I can be one of the little flying people with an elytra and full diamond armor isn’t that nice and then down this way we have Minecraft Steve of course with the elytra wings dragon breath only the bravest adventurers dare to seek out this item with an empty glass bottle in hand and some precise timing you can capture this ethereal Essence during the Ender Dragon’s Breath Cloud attack this valuable ingredient is essential for Brewing lingering potions leaving a lasting mist of effects and crafting TI tipped arrows for adding that extra punch wow and there’s another portrait of the Dragon itself so cool and if we have back over here we have a whole another room to explore where the game is already wow that was quick we’ll have to take a good look around cuz there’s another sticker over there you can see the End Dragon and some players flying around with elytra wings wow so what is this oh wow what is that that’s a cool effect end Gateway a portal to the furthest reaches of the end Dimension it’s your ticket to exploring the outer islands where nend cities float in the void and shulkers guard Hidden Treasures just toss an ender pearl through a and remember to aim carefully you wouldn’t want to miss the end and end up taking an unintended dive into the void it’s the ultimate leap of faith which with riches and dangers alike on the other side oh my gosh okay and you can see all these different like little chests and they have different visuals to them over here I think it’s got a Shuler s let to the Shuler yep so you can see some shulkers around there I think there’s a way to make a Shuler chest somehow over this way though wa I remember these and crystals the obsidian pillars are a Telltale sign of the Ender Dragon’s iconic Battlegrounds the end Crystal will heal the Ender Dragon when it is within its proximity this fragile structure will combust on impact so beware when you’re standing high up on the obsidian pillars it’s a long way down good to know and I don’t think there’s anything else to interact with over here so let’s go on to this game where we have to be Alex a score of 1 minute and 53 seconds so what is this game ring Rush grab your elra and sore through the end Dimension complete three laps to set the fastest time sure who stretching getting ready I haven’t really used the electro rings too much 3 2 1 here we go fly through rings and complete three laps of the course use fireworks to go or the rocket firework rocket to go faster wa okay okay like that wao wao wo okay I missed one uh I don’t know what happens if I miss one maybe I’m just like penalti some time uhoh this is crazy so I only have so many Rockets though I need the rocket to go up there this is so crazy I went too high up but I reached a checkpoint come on this is so much fun wow okay I can’t quite hit that one oh no Glide Glide Glide I think I do lose time if I miss a checkpoint come on catching up to some of these Racers oh I’m supposed to go this way I’m like spiraling inward this is so much fun here speed boost again ooh come on get up there come on a wait checkpoint reached I need to go up here come on I missed it again darn ah not good got it and then get over this way this is so crazy come on I only have a little bit of time left to beat Alex I really got to move it then come on right there right there did I do it checkpoint reached it’s a checkpoint but it’s not the end of the lap okay what is happening oh no not good I think I unfortunately am not beating Alex here maybe I’ll still get the sticker I really don’t know how it works there we go just barely behind I think so that was cool I didn’t get the sticker no I did okay never mind and I did beat Alex this time I thought hers was 135 not 153 uh sticker collected elytra and even if I did I would have still beaten it so there we go that’s uh all the stickers very cool so we got this area finished which means we can head back to the hub and head to the next one so next up now that we’ve completed the nether portal area we have this one over here which of course is buzzy bees so let’s get buzzing around whoa and we’re in some kind of I guess like a a greenhouse an Atrium something like that what should we do first uh I guess we’ll look around we got the beekeepers over here hanging out with the bees not too much I can interact with at this exact moment plenty of flowers I’m sure the bees are really happy living here hi see got all these gardeners tending to everything such a peaceful area compared to where we just were but in terms of what we do around here W The Village maze reach the giant cherry blossom tree to complete the maze maybe I’ll do that in just a moment I wanted to look around first before we get too carried away with anything specific cuz I saw that there’s a game down there I’m looking for any kind of hidden little sticker I’m just trying to enjoy the the garden I always enjoy a good botanic garden they’re very fun to walk through don’t see too much to actually interact with like usually these have little info things that I can read but this one doesn’t have much we got this big tree the trees like this normally spawn in Minecraft I don’t think so it is a good-looking tree though okay running over here [Music] H okay that’s the exit of it already it’s like a giant uh villager hedge head interesting and then yeah that’s sort of full circle with it we can go back in there and play the game if we wanted to another small AR tree over here not seeing any stickers how many stickers are there for this area we have a whopping six to find become a bee and Buzz through the wander through the Serene Greenhouse stroll the Villager themed Maze and gather nectar for your very own beehive all right well now we’ve gone full circle around everything I haven’t found any stickers maybe I can just go check out the game then see I was hoping I could like read these these little posts but they don’t really give me any info sort of a shame but that’s okay we can always come back to this later let’s try out the game here but wa this area has plenty of plants and plenty of bees gorgeous whoa what’s going on over here can make these fancy jumps on the slily pad no never mind uh little embarrassing oh you’re looking an angry bee ow ow ow I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh hey but it was worth it cuz I get a sticker the Wither Rose wa ouch all right well I think it was worth the pain I was able to get a Wither Rose sticker one out of the six stickers we need to get in this area so let’s go check out the game for real now right over this way inside whoa I got to go into the hive whoa this area continues it’s so oy gooey in here this is where we get the information so what’s over here then I hop on top of some of these it looks like there’s at least maybe like a way back or something can’t really get into there oh there’s a sticker let’s definitely get that as we hop on these Honeycombs so cool boom I get the honeycomb sticker that’s two out of sex and let’s read this little bit of information we got around here first one is this one honeycomb block made from Honeycombs collected by bees this block is a key ingredient for crafting beehives and waxing copper over here we have a beehive The Beehive makes a perfect addition to any Farm let your friendly Bumble buddies Aid in crop growth and give them a cozy Shelter From the rain over here we have I think it’s a block of Honey yep the honey block the honey block has a unique appearance and properties players can stick to it leading it to leading to some interesting building possibilities and a few sticky situations then over here we have the be Nest nests can house up the three bees they are protective of their home and ready to swarm if their precious honey is threatened using smoke from a campfire can pacify the bees during honey collection a drowsy bee is better than an angry bee for sure and here’s the game got some bees buzzing around as well uh so what’s the deal with this one Steve has the highest score of 110 so we interact with you and see what it is Buzzy Bees become the bee rack up points flying from flower tolower Gathering nectar and returning it to the hive stretch your wings and venture out further to Earth more points watch out illers and rainclouds don’t make life easy for a bee Ready Set Buzz all right let’s get buzzing around so here we are oh we got Wings whoa and we’re a be 3 2 1 and go this is so neat so I need to just go and get nectar from stuff like this do I have to click or anything I’m collecting I’m collecting watch out for the raincloud that doesn’t help too much okay I got some collected 20 drops of nectar I don’t see anything else over here that iller he’s hanging out I’ve collected 16 drops he’s watching me oh no hey hey leave me alone leave me alone okay move move move ah I lost a bunch of my nectar there not good I’ll go over this way I got a good chunk there with the 32 the illers like no Bees No bees I’m sorry but yes bees more than halfway now 13 drops of nectar so once I fill up I got to bring this back to the nest right maybe I should do that sooner rather than later cuz I have a lot of stuff here I don’t want to lose it leave me alone leave me alone I got to buzz off all right take this one for sure that’s going to time me off you’re full of nectar drop it off at the hive and it looks like some of the flowers were store over time too so where’s the hive The Hive is right here I just bring it back over F at and return to the hive I’m already up to 100 so just get as high of a score as I possibly can muster I want to get this one and then I saw over here I want you to leave me alone he here’s the campfire I got to be careful that cuz that’ll make me I guess really relaxed already earning up quite a lot that was 10 drops 31 well that was a huge one back up here full of nectar so that’ll bring us up to 200 if I could get to 300 before this all ends I think that’d be pretty good right so back down over here cash all that in and we can get to this one this is a fun mini game though for sure it seems like the amount of nectar gives is sort of random we’ll go to this little hive that gives me 11 obviously the ones that aren’t as difficult to get to won’t give me as much but we still get a decent amount then I can’t do anything more down there 40 seconds remaining let’s just make sure I’m actually cashing in this neor I end up finding see you over there let’s see if I can’t just grab these without getting your attention 34 from the purple ones crazy got it I think I might be able to fill up all the way we’ll see okay there we go full of nectar going to get a score of 300 with 15 seconds left I might be able to get just a little bit more right there 15 drops get the score to 315 then boom that is quite a lot of honey so I’m happy to see that that’s all we’re going to be able to do that’s got to be a new high score for sure yeah we destroyed it sticker collected we got the little be awesome so if we take a look we’re halfway with the stickers we need to find some more around somewhere but I don’t know if we’ll find any more down here but we still have that whole maze to explore so I think that’s what’s next if we go over here then yeah we got the maze did we read this before crop pollination bees buzz from flower to flower Gathering pollen before returning to The Beehive to produce honey after pollinating they can spend or speed up plank grow by flying over them but beware their honey is precious to them and if provoked you’ll find yourself facing a swarm of angry bees good to know always want to be safe around bees especially if you might have an allergy I didn’t feel like I don’t feel like that info thing was there before so let me just double check to make sure I didn’t miss any others really doesn’t seem like it so I think we just want to go and tackle that maze right down there see let’s get over here and it looks like we’ve made it a villager maze so I have to really search this well because there might be some stickers in it for me okay we have a villager but not not the end of the maze I don’t think so that’s a dead end let’s keep that in mind oh hi working on this one I won’t bother you can keep at it looks like there’s a lot of ways to go there but this one another dead end so we’ll continue down this way where who we got some beehives no Bees to be seen though H not too much going on over that way this is very interesting so far but luckily not too crazy of a maze I don’t think I’ve gone in the circle just yet you never know H looks like yeah I’m just heading down this way and hopefully we get a sticker for completing this at the least if not you know several cuz we’re looking for three more stickers oh wow look at this secret little whoa okay that’s got to be something before I look through that much more more though where will this way lead to like a whole different section it seems so maybe there is like more than one ending to this one cuz this is getting me to the tree I think yeah okay we did make it to the end and there is a sticker over there and there’s another game wouldn’t that just lead to the game we already got to I think so I guess we’ll see soon enough but for right now before I worry about any of that I need to find my way up there and try to grab that sticker we got the cherry blossom flower now let’s go back to that little hedge cave I found if I can where does this one go nowhere okay let’s go back over there okay so here it was I really hope this leads to yet another sticker that’d be so cool got all these mushrooms here this is such a nice little area and it does we get the mushroom sticker cool so we’re missing just one more sticker so if we could find that that’d be fantastic so if we go all the way to the end again which I believe was right over here we just got to get to the tree it said that there was a game now I think it might lead to the same Hive that we were at before so it would be the same game but I want to make extra sure of that cuz if not I don’t know where the last sticker is going to be so let’s head in maybe I’ll be surprised by a whole new game wa no I’m back in the hive but I’m way up here now yeah which is what I was looking at before so unfortunately no so where is that last sticker at wao hold on under this big fancy tree who would you look at this what is this one the lily pad that is so fancy I was not expecting that so now that I have found that one we’re good to leave so I think there might be the exit right over here what a find that one was super tricky I had to look around all over the place be old leave through this way and that should mean I think we’re about halfway through so we can pop out the other side just like that and there we go the Buzzy Bees completed if we take a look at our sticker book we’ve done a great job so far but we still plenty of other areas to find starting way down here H I think the next thing we probably want to do is that aquarium update right so let’s get all the way down there and check that one out next so right over here we have the aquarium update portal let’s hop in hope we brought some floaties whoa this might be the most peaceful area we’ve R into so far got all sorts of fish in there so many fish have been added to the game since I really last played survival which is really cool all sorts of different little SEC Critters in here is there any stickers I can find around to I don’t think so so I think we’ll just keep going this way oh hey it’s Steve uh you’ve been given a camera uh smile use your camera to capture fantastic photos of different fish in their natural habitats to real in stickers oh really well we got a natural you know aquarium goer photograph Steve cool what about the balloons nothing okay so what if I go back here and take some photos of these fish before to grab the truck tropical fish and because of that we get a sticker awesome this is so cool what about this Con fish that still counts as a tropical fish so do these and what about these over here tropical fish okay so this is probably just like a tropical fish area uh what else can we do around here then oh hey take a quick picture of that there are so many different fish here hi guys you photographed nor and then here’s Alex chilling out on a bench oh definitely photograph the dolphin photograph the dolphin and because of it we get the dolphin sticker and then of course the sea turtle wow very cool I like this just the ocean photographer what about these fish over there tropical fish still who we got a diver a diver villager oh here we go little bit of info dolphin dolphins love to guide you to bury treasure one fed raw fish follow their lead and discover the ocean Secrets together but beware these aquatic companions are not just guides they’re pranksters too keep a watchful eye on your belongings as Dolphins might just playfully snatch your items away did you know Dolphins will give players a speed boost in your by Waters that’s so neat dolphins are adorable animals okay don’t put your face up against the glass that might not be hygienic but we got Ari over there what about those fish those are all still tropical and if we take a look at our sticker book uh for the aquarium we are still missing a good few well what about the tropical fish sticker wa there’s multiple Pages oh my we got a lot to do then um what about this school of fish still tropical whoa hold on what is this thing that’s a conduit because of that we got the heart of the sea sticker that is interesting I don’t see anything else here but heart of the sea obtained from Berry treasure this elusive item is the key to crafting the conduit a powerful underwater Beacon that grants enhanced Vision water breathing and Swift mining speeds good to know and we got some squids in here a glow squid wow look at that scker too such a cool one and this is also another glow squid I think these are all glow squids gotcha so I don’t know if we’ll actually find any pictures just or stickers just waiting around we’ll just have to run around and make sure we get every picture we need okay there’s a couple of people around here first let’s take a look at this Coral coral reefs at a burst of color into the ocean dive deep and discover the vibrant Hues that these aquatic wonders brought to the game’s underwater Landscapes cor can only be obtained with the silk touch enchantment so let’s try to take some pictures and some things here looks like is any of this oh we got some bones W the salmon I mean I guess it was a salmon uh what’s going on marine biologist elevated water temperature and CO2 levels can induce Coral bleaching causing the reefs to lose their vibrancy interact with the lever to restore the life life to the coral reef wow so by doing that everybody comes back to life now it’s a much healthier looking salmon and over here we get a pick of the coral too we do this right that doesn’t really count as a picture but we still get the sticker for it and uh we photographed Kai can we get a photo of the marine biologist uh hold on like this no you can’t all right hi Kai uh there’s another room in here oh and there’s a game we’ll play the game after we get all the photos who an axel so cute we get the Axel sticker and oh the guardian oh it didn’t like the photo that was terrifying really scary these are more tropical fish but what about you uh can I take a picture of you I can I drowned persuade a zombie to take an impromptu underwater vacation for 30 seconds Embrace herself for a mysteriously TR mysteriously transformation uh shaking like a zombie villager on the on the men in just 15 seconds drowned will emerge ready to roam the ocean depths spooky and there’s one right there that’s aelott but I want to take a picture of the drown excuse me there we go so spooky taking a look at our sticker book we’ve made some good progress but there is definitely still some more things to photograph so let’s keep an eye on whatever else we can find uh oh read this one too these Finn wonders flaunt a stunning array of patterns in hues tropical fish come in various shapes sizes and colors there are 2,700 naturally occurring variants of tropical fish in Minecraft tropical fish can also swim against the current wow and wait a minute little Froggy’s over there can I take pictures of you photograph the Frog so I guess we’ll do this right now since we’re right here Feeding Frenzy get ready for a frenzy as you man your very own frog Blaster eat as many of the oso tasty slime balloons as you can to score points and avoid void burning your tongue on the magma balloons sure let’s give it a go so we need to get a score of wait below 45 uh oh um so how does this work again uh 3 2 1 go oh okay I just got to hit these balloons and I don’t want to hit the magma ones yesus 20 oh my okay got to be quick with this if I can hit two for one like that that seems like a pretty big deal there we go there’s a little bit of a delay with it two and we’re turning so we got to be really careful so Steve has the gold but has a lower score than Alex what was with that either way I’m going to try to take it I think we got it there we go new high score times up because of that we got the Frog sticker cool okay taking a look at the book now I think we got the first page cleared we do so four more stickers left to find so let’s keep photographing things photographing things things uh more salmon here uh Zuri I guess that’s that person over there what about these things oh they’re Cod they didn’t give me a sticker but uh who are you fa uh more frogs oh tadp so cute no stickers for the tadp though sort of a shame frog a leap into the fact frogs will spawn without legs and during their pole phase these limbus Hoppers explore the waters until they’re ready to take the plunge into full- legged froggin once grown frogs had the ability to jump eight blocks they also love snacking on small slimes gotcha and there’s even more some more infographics to read squid meet the squid Minecraft’s Incredible or incredible I get it aquatic artist these Inky Marvels have a unique ability to unleash a burst of black ink one cornered providing a swift Escape be prepared for a murky encounter if you drive too close squids make their Mark with an inktastic display gotcha well I’ll take a quick picture of you cuz it’s not a glowing squid but just a normal squid over here we have the puffer fish no my we get the puffer fish uh thing there puffer fish stay alert although puffer fish will never seek out other mobs to attack they do have a defensive secret hidden up their spiky sleeve startle them and they’ll puff up dealing poison damage keep a safe distance unless you fancy an underwater dance with these masters of self-defense and then lastly over here salmon did you know salmon showed their incredible determination by swimming up waterfalls five blocks to be exact all to reach their spawning grounds nice so oh now I get the picture of the salmon I guess I had to read that first well two more stickers left to find uh and there’s more to find in here we can get some more info on the salmon we got the picture of the Trident too so cool okay let’s read this one dolphin dolphins love to guide you to bury treasure when red fed oh we already read this one oh we’ve gone full circle through that way uh oh we didn’t read this did we uh how to use the camera use the camera to take photos of the aquarium fish and earn stickers simply interact with the camera to zoom in then interact again to snap a photo keep a lookout and try try to capture the mall to complete your collection so I guess through that I missed some well I never went into here did I is this just the exit um whoa uh hello the Elder Guardian so scary um and there’s the sticker I don’t know what’s with this crazy camera angle but there we go we get the Elder Guardian sticker and if I read this infographic hidden deep within the ocean Monument lies the Elder Guardian a Vigilant protect of the treasure within watch out for its laser beams rumor has it that’s just its way of saying hello approached with caution and discovered the secrets guarded by Minecraft’s underwater boss so terrifying okay so I don’t know if there’s too much more we can do around here uh but I can go through this store and end up yeah somewhere totally new turtle fun fact turtles have a special bond with their birthplace returning to the same Beach where they were born to lay their own eggs Additionally you can craft a turtle shell helmet from pieces of a turtle’s shell giving you an underwater breathing bonus wow so we have the turtles here which we’ve already taken pictures of but we also have the little turtle eggs which I don’t know if they count as their own photo but who are you sunny all right I don’t think those count as their own things but what’s going on over here there’s a big pirate ship shipwreck cool yeah I don’t see anything else to photograph on this side but what is the one thing I’m missing it’s not a frog cuz we already got the Frog not quite sure what it is but now we’re back here by the glow squid which did I read this the glow squid made waves during Minecon lives 2020 mob vote beating out the isce oler and mu Bloom it became the second mob voted in by players securing an impressive 700,000 votes and becoming the luminary star of Minecraft’s oceans cool so there’s the exit but not quite ready to leave think that uh I would like to try to find this last photo whatever it’s supposed to be but I haven’t figured out what that is quite yet oh was that it there we go sticker collected the treasure chest I was not expecting it to be that one I just sort of started giving up and running around and taking photos of everything and we finally found it so now we should have the completed aquar stickers yes we do so that area was actually nice and quick but a lot of fun that might be honestly my favorite one so far cuz it’s just so much fun to walk through and take photos of things so there’s that done uh let’s get back out of here cuz I think this was the exit we still have two more areas left to tackle so I want to get that done sooner rather than later so let’s head out of the aquarium and next up of course is going to be right down this way this is I guess the adventure update right no the exploration update we’re going to head right on in all right whoa this one quite the statue on the horse and everything wow so I think this one you added a lot of cool different elements to the game I’m really not familiar with this update but we’ll take a look around if we take a look at our sticker book it is right here and we have quite a few stickers to find I never read the aquarium description so let me do that first sorry dive into the wonders of the update aquatic capture photos of exotic fish then hop into frog Feeding Frenzy and Gobble up all that delicious slime so we did all that but now we have the exploration biome Discovery play Sniff and seek spot the wandering trainer Temple Dash mushroom Madness and pot Shuffle sure so I guess we’ll just go into one room at a time starting with this one here which has a description jungle temple the jungle temple lies nestled between Lush the Lush foliage and towering trees at the jungle biome added in 2012 in the 1.3 update the jungle temple attracted the attention of adventurers and Builders alike back in the day mossy cobblestone was a SP sparse resource thus players searched far and wide looking for these moss covered Treasure Trove when 1.3 was first released unsuspected ected players our unsuspecting players looking to explore the jungle temple were greeted with a newly introduced trip wire hook connected to the Redstone Contraption hidden between the vines sending an unwelcome surprise towards any explorer who didn’t watch their step I do remember that one well and we got the uh the ocelot over there the jungle biome we got Steve looking around on top of a tree pretty crazy so we’ll have to really try to explore well to make sure we find all the different stickers throughout this jungle but everywhere else too hi there buddy anything we can do over here if I can climb up anywhere get a good look around that always seems pretty important there’s so many different OTS we got these cool uh I guess like tree fors in a why but it looks like more than one way to go what’s with the secret path over here uh it’s got to be something up this way and then some hair jumps we got to make across this the rickety Bridge oh no we made it we made it and then up this ladder it just keeps going and going wao the sunlight shining through such a cool detail uhoh W didn’t think I was going to make that one but once we get here there’s still poting me to different ways to go another big jump almost caught up the Steve and there’s the sicker all right so our first one of this area right here this is the jungle temple sticker hi Steve all right I think there was actually more to do though if we keep going down right down this way oh we have a game okay cool and it’s Temple Dash Temple Dash retrieve the wild armor trim smithing template from the jungle temple will do looking some of this other stuff I guess this is what we’re looking for from the game yeah I’m not really familiar with these I don’t think I’ve ever seen these before wow and yeah crazy looking armor armor trim where fashion meets function smithing templats are your go-to for adding a personal flare to your Armor Deck out your favorite Diamond chest plate with a hint of gold or add a pop of color to your iron likings the possibilities are endless well not quite endless but with 65 655 milon 360,000 variations if you start to mix and match it’s as close as it gets to get started with smithing templates simply visit a smithing table where you can apply your chosen designs directly to your armor pieces nice so I guess we should try out this game then Temple dash dash through moss covered corridors avoiding traps and battling zombies and skeletons to find the wild armor smithing template collect golden apples along the way to keep your health up Only the strongest will survive oh let’s hope we’re the strongest then wa look at us ducked out in the AR armor let’s go Welcome to the Jungle oh no there’s some zombies defeat monsters and avoid traps 3 2 1 go score points by defeating zombies and skeletons here’s a skeleton looks like it’s been defeated already uh can I go this way no so I just have to find some enemies and take them on but watch out for the traps oh my yeah jump over those uhoh uhoh I got to let the shield protect me a little bit here but I got that let’s use my bow and arrow too gotcha one more shot boom got you pretty good there there’s two knocked out and what is this we gotten gold another Golden Apple collected so I should probably eat one up right now cuz it should it gave me some extra Health too that’s really nice is there anything of Interest over here doesn’t seem like it so I’m hopping down checkpoint reached uhoh oh they’re getting hit by the crap here knock you out Knock You Out cool uh come on come on ow O keep attacking you 20 points and get up this way I don’t want you pushing me off oh and you pushed me off I’m going to push you off too then boom come on one more shot on you does the trick and I see the zombie over here get out of here buddy there we go got lots of good shots on you oh there’s another all right it’s time for the water battle gotcha 20 more points let’s run up here eat up another Golden Apple there we go feeling pretty good now I just need to get up this way jumping around as fast as I can oh no I guess I want a little too fast try that again get back over here come on jump and there we go so far so good let’s just try to be careful there we go and checkpoint reached what else do we got going on another Golden Apple will certainly be helpful so we head over this way what do you think you’re doing get out of here one more shot there it is can I pick up these arrows on the on the wall I can’t but you guys drop some so I can pick those up hey hey where’ you come from I guess down this way watch out I got to time things just straight up I don’t want to get barraged by arrows oh no which way do I go I’m surrounded on all sides okay not good not good get you and you oh man I am actually surrounded by skeletons come on this could be bad am I just supposed to get to the end or do I just keep going until I run out of Health another zombie gotcha 20 more points I’m going this way ow O watch out for the zombie wait for the Trap run over eat this apple eat up this one too there we go we got tons of extra gold in Hearts ow I’m losing some looks like oh my goodness calm down I can go this way wait for that then we move I think that’s the way I have to go but I don’t know if I oh I didn’t go this way so I can grab this one super quick run back over and oh no they’ve taken notice of me they can smell the golden apples I’ve forg gotten okay I don’t see too much somehow I dodged all those oh looks like we’re getting out of the Maze part that’s great uh-oh jump over the trip wire we reached another checkpoint more trip wires to dodge you you got to get out of here and then onto the zombies there’s two more almost 500 points now I want to go for the zombie one more shot nice wait for the arrows go again this is so intense it just never stops here let’s eat up the golden apples before this gets too hectic oh no this is a bad spot to be oh gotcha gotcha and then you there we go we’re pretty powerful we got this handled so with so many points let’s get down this way I think we’re about to find the exit or something um you guys got to goouch okay does taking damage me lose points I don’t think so how long will this go on on for uhoh the skeleton’s getting up let’s knock it back down uhoh uhoh I almost strun right into that one how many more rooms are there to get through does this really just go on forever I’m not quite sure cuz so far it’s like the longest mini game yet oh no there’s the end okay let’s just run through can I make it over to the book or whatever it is there we go we did it we scored 6 40 points that’s awesome seems like a really good score and there we go the smithing template retrieved and we got the top score so does that get us the sticker it does it gets us the golden apple sticker nice so it doesn’t look like there’s too much more to do in this room so I’m just going to move straight over to the next one which is right down here who we got the the captain parrot and the ocelots ocelots Take a Walk on the Wild Side with everyone’s favorite fui and friends the ocelots this elusive creature has proud the jungle biome since it’s released back in 2012 but don’t be fooled by their cute appearance ocelots are expert Hunters did you know that ocelots have unique ability to scare away creepers it’s like having a furry bodyguard against those explosive pets or pasts so whether you’re seeking their com companionship as pets or admiring their graceful movement from afar one thing is for sure ocelots bring a perfect blend of charm and ferocity to the world of Minecraft for sure and they’re super duper adorable oh I can put a little oh the dance to it and we get a little secret for that the parrot does it play a different song I guess not uh what does this say parrots with vibrant feathers and cheerful squaws meet the delightful parrots did you know that the parrots in Minecraft can actually dance that’s right play some music nearby from a jukebox and these charismatic birds will burst out a move grooving to the beat with infectious enthusiasm so why not invite one or a flock into your base just be prepared for some Lively company and perhaps a few unexpected Renditions of your favorite Tunes a that’s so cute parrots are very new to me in Minecraft so that’s really cool to see and there’s also a fancy ocelot wow okay we’re back in one of the main rooms where there seems to be a ton of info including some horse armor horse armor in the early days of Minecraft horses were Noble companions aiding players in their travels it wasn’t until the introduction of horse armor that these Majestic Steves could truly shine quite literally horse armor used to be incredibly rare only being found in Dungeons and temples but now it can be crafted from materials ranging from Iron to Diamond nice here’s some more of it and it’s going to say the same thing but this is I guess the leather and then the iron and then oh we got little buddies you guys are so cute and of course foxes here in the giant tigga Biome Minecraft foxes have a habit of borrowing items they find laying around such as shiny objects or even weapons keep an eye out for your belongings when traversing the forest with these crafty Critters oh my we don’t want to lose this oh can we use this to like look around find the wandering traitor and his llamas that’s a little wo I guess I can punch the zoom oh there’s a llama found you you found a llama one out of three found okay where’s the next one there’s like a giant beam up there I guess it’s supposed to be a part of like the display I’m not seeing hold on you found a Wandering Trader two out of three found one more there you are that was so fun cool so now that I found them all I think I got something did I get a sticker out of that I think so uh maybe maybe not uh I was expecting a sticker from it weird do I have to find them all again you found all the mops all right I guess not uh was that not like a game or something I’m so confused anyways over here wolves wolves are Minecraft’s oldest and most loyal companions being the the first table mob introduced back in beta version 1.4 on March 31st 2011 they will will accompany you on your wildest adventures and ID idly Rest by the fire in your home base forging an unbreakable Bond go check up on your buddy from time to time they’ll always be waiting for you when you log back into your world ever faithful and ready for the next big adventure together a we got more bunnies in here we got the golden horse armor and the diamond horse armor over here we got some frogs hanging out in the swamp and ooh the slimes slimes bounce into the Whimsical realm of Minecraft gelatinous creatures otherwise known as the Slime famous for their hobby behav or hoppy behavior and striking green color they really know how to gel with the environment fun fact the bigger the Slime the more it splits when defeated turning one big bounce into many little leaps cool all right then so let’s take a look at this and find the wandering Trader and his llamas again well I found you one out of three founders stuck in the Slime oh no uh we got the witch working on The Cauldron over there looking all around and it looks like oh I see you in the mud don’t get dirty over there and where’s the next one can’t be too far off it’s not a huge area after all oh that’s a frog maybe higher up it’s not a huge area to look around in so you can’t be too far down here maybe I keep going past you and being oh wait there you are find the lily pad you found all the mobs and because of that we get the white llama open the sticker book to see the sticker cool and right over here is this a different one witches masters of potions and hiding in the dark these mysterious figures are often found lurking deep within swampy Forest they wield potent potions and Arcane spells but who are they and what drives a curious craft who knows maybe you will be the one to discover their true motives maybe I will maybe I’ll just run away screaming whenever I see them but anyways that was pretty neat I think that’s everything in this room besides the game so let’s see this first archaeology where history hides Beneath Your Feet Unearthed secrets from the past and discover buried treasure chests filled with rare artifacts and valuable loot who knows what you might find maybe a blockbuster Relic or a piece of historical powdery grab your brush and let’s get digging history awaits in every block that is so neat so let’s see the game here excavation oh ho ho I’m thrilled you’ve stumbled Upon Our excavation exhibit care to try your hand at uncovering ancient Treasures seek out the faint markings in the ground and use the brush to start swiping who knows you might even unearth A Relic or two or perhaps something even more intriguing happy digging sure uh so I just go into here and artifact excavation brush away the suspicious gravel to uncover hidden artifacts or stickers okay so I’m doing that right here and is that an emerald it is whoa so I can just sort of do this wherever hi Alex but I guess I’m mostly focused on this kind of ground cuz like this one doesn’t seem to do too much we’re just trying to swipe away but ah we got a brush open the circuit book to see inside okay that was cool so I guess after a couple of swipes you can really see if it’s going to do anything okay maybe we can find some more oh you can sort of see visually how it’s a bit different I see now that got me some string what about this one maybe it’s a fossil of some sort nope it’s wheat still even some of the most common objects you might find could lead to like some interesting archaeologic discoveries I feel that’s sort of the fun thing about archaeology you know obviously finding some kind of crazy treasure is exciting but more than that being able to answer questions about day-to-day life from a time really really long ago seems really interesting to me oh we got a spruce hanging sign cool okay so what is this one it’s going to be what is that uh green candle thought it was like a weird Pepper for a moment and this is just some more wheat I think oh no it was yellow dye was there anything else to dig up yep one more thing over here at the least I mean I found the sticker so I think I’m like done but we find a red candle and then there’s another one over here this is looking like another Emerald it is okay I believe that is everything see we did pretty good job Excavating now if I leave do I get to keep this stuff or is it something that has to be yeah cashed back in all right well that was still pretty cool how are we doing with stickers so far we got three on this page and two more on this page so much more left to go well no time to waste that seems to be this room cleared up whoa but this room Sniff and seek would you look at that oh I could just walk the little baby creeper can you get little plushy creepers in the main game or is that just like something they added to this map I don’t know that’s so adorable what is with this I think this is the new thing the sniffer the sniffer cherry blossom biome cool see these are the newest mob I think added to the game the sniffers the sniffers and uh there’s a game Sniff and seek saddle up your sniffer companion and Forge for seeds in the Cherry Blossom biome with the sniffer nose leading the way bury your head in the leaves to score points sure this is so cool so do we get to play as the sniffer no we have to play on top of them I mean that sort of counts 3 2 1 and go Sniff and seek bury your head in the Cherry leaves by using the sniff item the score points okay so you can see these little uh piles of them dip your head in there and we get some points no problem this is so cute so yeah pretty relaxed kind of mini game right not much can go wrong here we just Lumber around enjoy a few sniffs and I guess you know with these guys they can find seeds and then with those seeds you can plant more stuff of course sounds pretty useful excuse me they’re such a lumbering giant kind of animal I guess we’ll go over here too and sniff this one just want to see how many points we can get up to I like this song too this is a really good one all right up the stairs oh I can’t go up the stairs with you okay um I think we’re out of P I’m a little confused um maybe I can reiff the the already sniffed piles or they disappear once I sniff them so that can’t even be the case well this will get us to up to 100 points in if I could just scooch by you here big guy I want to get this one at the least get us to up to 120 points and then maybe if we’re lucky we might be able to do this one before the times’s up ah not quite 120 points it’s still going to get us the top score and give us the sniffer sticker all right pretty cool all right is there anything else around here I should be looking for H not from what I can see but it looks like there’s yet another game over there is it the same game let’s go find out as long as there’s no other stickers i’ve have to find out from what I can see so let’s hop down here to the the blossom biome or whatever it was called take a little look around it’s very relaxing back here I see why these guys enjoy it so much yeah I’m not seeing too much around here though in terms of extra stickers or Collectibles or anything is this a new game or is it the same game it’s Sniff and sneak again so yeah don’t have to worry about that instead we’ll check out this next room where we have a bunch more of the sniffers and I can go down here to wa the snow bunnies so cute killer rabbit wa watch your carrots and mind your step veteran Java players know that in the world of Minecraft even the bunnies have a Killer Instinct they may seem like harmless creatures with their adorable twitching noses and floppy ears but that acute exterior only hides their ferocious nature is that a thing that can happen killer bunnies toast rabbit say hello to toast Minecraft secret rabbit a heartwarming homage to the Bel to a beloved pet grab a name tag and name your B name a bunny toast to see it Dawn the distinctive black and white fur this adorable Easter egg is sure to make you happy as it serves as a touching tribute to a cherished companion a that’s a nice touch there’s toast and what else can we do in here who look at you stray bundle up brave souls in the icy Wilderness of Minecraft even the skeletons have a bone to pick exclusive to cold biomes the Stray shoots arrows of slowness making every encounter a frosty challenge wrapped in the tattered rags and aiming with frozen Precision there are reminder that in the snow every step could be a cold surprise oh and they’re shivering terrifying and waa look at you the snow fox catch a snowf fox fast asleep in the snow taking a cozy nap under the chilly Sky even these playful Spirits neither rest snug is a bug and a chilly rug sh let’s tread quietly it’s too cute to disturb their peaceful Slumber for sure they look so snuggly over there and it looks like we have some kind of snowman thing with a big Igloo uh who pumpkin Shear oh now you’re just smiling secret collected snowle so cute I love that smile and what’s going on here the ice spikes biome with the polar bears hi guys find the wandering traitor and his llamas all right uh oh inside you’re Frozen you okay in there do you need help uh oh here’s one popping in and out of the snow and then lastly maybe over here see if I can’t find you maybe way up there oh there you are hiding behind the icicle I see you I found all the mops all right well I don’t oh no I fell in it’s chilly in here help me out so I guess I could actually go inside the exhibit I didn’t realize that will there be stickers hidden in here that might just be the case so if I could look around a little bit just to be extra sure doesn’t seem like it at the moment I thought those ropes would have been a little bit more serious about not letting us in so I guess I could just jump over them can I get up there and like say hi to the polar bears looks like I can’t get too much closer all right oh and I can walk up to you hey buddy so funny that I could do that actually okay heading back over this way then what else can we interact with it seems like there’s at least a couple of things got some little treasure chests here and oh I didn’t look at this one the Snow Tiger Biome so of course we want to look for the wandering trador again I see you Frozen in that Lake you keep getting into trouble wherever you go and then there’s a snowman up there but not seeing any kind of other things I can actually zoom in on oh found you there’s a llama so we’re just looking for one more where could you be I’m guessing higher up this is because both of these were pretty close to the ground but maybe not H oh hey there you are found you found all the mobs Brown llama cool okay so hop out of that one can we still see them out of the telescope we can’t so could I go over there and go inside of that Igloo now I’m really curious it looks like I could got to climb up this ladder oh this ladder doesn’t work I guess it’s just for show all right back over here we go what else can we interact with it looks like there’s another infographic over here oh that was about the the sow Fox but inside of the igloo there’s got to be something whoa a little secret down here what did we find oh spooky the zombie villager and a treasure chest with nothing inside I don’t see a zombie villager but I guess maybe there could be one somewhere around here spooky that was a fun sticker to discover so what about these infographics this one of course is of a regular rabbit these hoppy little explorers come in various colors blending into different bioms from the desert to the snowy Tundra rabbits add life wherever they go whether you’re farming carrots or exploring a new biome these very friends are delightful sight a and then over here we have the polar bear a cozy duo in the snow a polar bear in its cub cuddle up blending warmth with the icy landscape their warm Bond barely lets to coold it in melting their hearts with every shared step but beware get too close to the cub and you will feel the wrath of Mama Bear all right well I’ll leave you guys alone look at all these pictures we got the polar bear there happy snowman as we enter the mushroom biome and there you are and then of course some more mushrooms what’s this game mushroom Madness find all 15 mushrooms and transform them to the correct type with a zap of lightning bounce on the red mushrooms to reach New Heights and harness the power of the lightning rod to complete this electrifying challenge in the fastest time sure bounce on the giant red mushrooms I’ll try find and convert all 15 mushrooms oh okay they’re getting Zapped mushroom Madness use your lightning rod to match the mushrooms to the correct color so I can just I guess I can’t just do it from here I need to like whoa super jump over oh I got you that’s good okay I got to jump all the way back up though this might be a little bit tricky I need to do all 15 of them so you match which is great but these jumps are difficult to make uh maybe I can just bounce up here no okay this jump is perfectly difficult to make here cuz these give me extra height but it’s so awkward why am I having such a hard time um here bounce bounce got it so I need to change you get over here now we’re moving gotcha right there I need to switch you hold on got it and then you five out of 15 now we’re really moving with it I see this cow over here needs some change in O can I reach you yes I can bounceing back over all sorts of cows to attend to here let’s swap this group of them and you back over here big bounce B by another got it and got it a couple more down low right over here got gotcha gotcha where are the rest of them now uh if I had to guess somewhere over here I don’t think I can make that jump H I’m not seeing any a little concerned okay come on there’s got to be some more over here or something bounce up this way and this way where are these cows at I can’t find them um I don’t know let’s run back over here then I’m stuck I’m getting stuck on every little thing there’s three more cows I need to find uh H oh way up there okay getting up there might be who a bit more of a challenge especially when the jumps don’t work out in my favor I’m trying to jump while I actually hit them and it gives me actually less of a jump so I just got to be careful of that I don’t know if I can get up there from here I’m doing such a bad job at making a good time happen but it’s okay it’s not always about getting the best score ever it’s about having the best time ever not as in like you know the best time as in the score I mean as in having a great time playing the game so it looks like yeah up here we got a couple more that’s why I to get to that was tricky so go ahead and boom no come on get you there it is and then you and then you’re the last one oh gotcha that was not a good time but we had a lot of fun okay so yeah I didn’t really beat any of them but I still get the mushroom sticker that’s good enough for me uh let’s check this out red mushroom thriving in dim conditions red mushrooms can SP Sprout up in unexpected places use B bone meal on a mushroom to turn these tiny fungi into large tree like structures offering you shelter and effective mulch for your com composter cool and there’s some brown ones Brown mushroom the key ingredient to a yummy soup mushrooms thrive in the dark and can be grown practically anywhere devoid of light they can even be found growing outside the confines of the nether ceiling wow so what else do we got we got the mushrooms or the yeah the mushroom little portraits here we got the the llamas and the uh the merchant and wow we’re now entering a different biome this one over here is of course something uh not going to tell me usually it does anyways we’ll read this the Mesa the Mesa biome dazzles with its layers of colorful clay standing out as a favorite for travelers its large Cliffs and valleys offer a wide aray of building materials to for the color loving clay Enthusiast it is also a great location to stock up on cacti very cool so I guess we’ll take a look at this one there you are here we’ll zoom in on you behind the the golden mine cart here and then if we back up again I’m not seeing too many others at the moment but there you are if I can zoom in on you that is uh I can’t for some reason okay let’s look for the the traitor then I don’t oh there you are it’s not me zoom in what’s going on let’s try that again I found this llama I know where the other ones are but it’s not letting me zoom in on you how much more looking at you can I get what is going on huh maybe I’ll leave this one for later then and we will try another one over here or we’ll read this infographic mounts check out the lineup of Minecraft’s finest mounts from The Towering camel to The Humble Pig all stand in proud as stone statues it’s a highest a height contest where everyone’s a winner but let’s be honest the pig steals the show proving that in Minecraft size might matter but attitude takes the trophy we got the the uh the camel llama horse donkey and the pig somewhere all the way in the back so cute and what about over here then uh this is a different biome we got lots of people working on it at the moment what’s going on this is of course home sweet home the Savannah with its sprawling grasslands and acacia trees back in the Savannah’s endless sunshine are bask in the Savannah’s endless Sunshine despite the arid climate the Savannah is home to a plethora of species including unique Arma wearing Critter a master rolling into a ball for protection all right let’s take a look at this s and I found you you’re trapped in there poor guy okay we find the one wandering traditor oh over here I found you but it won’t let me zoom in on you why is it only letting me zoom in on the Traer now won’t let me zoom in on him anymore I don’t know why it’s sort of glitching out that’s so unfortunate uh it was working just fine before I’m really just trying to here like let me not click for a minute and then no that’s so weird let me go back over here here then cuz I found you I already found that llama there you go this one’s working now I found the wandering Trader and then it was up here I still can’t find you what if I just keep going back and forth maybe eventually it’ll work for all of them this is so silly so I found the trader it was over here that I found this llama maybe I just need to hop out and then hop back in I think that’s what it is I found all the mobs there yeah I guess just like a weird little glitch but the last one was up there you found all the mobs and because of that we get the wandering Trader sticker fantastic so how many do we have in total I think we found them all really no we still have two more darn okay let’s keep looking around then so we got all that but what about in this room oh here’s the camel camels meet the camel Minecraft’s two-seater ride Standing Tall at three blocks tall the chel keeps players high above the reach of melee mobs and can step over fences like they’re just lines in the sand with a jump that turns any obstacle into mere Stepping Stones every ride is a humpback leap into Adventure hop on there’s room for two cool look at you at the bunnies as well and then over this way we got this lever but let me read this first oh these guys are spooky this is the husk meet the husk a sunproof zombie that won’t burn in the daylight if that wasn’t bad enough you may one day stumble across a rare sighting a baby husk riding an adult husk it’s like a piggyback ride but with more bite don’t let their size fool you these little Riders mean big trouble seems like it night time toggled wa and when it’s night time we get the camel sticker I’ll you taking a little rest adorable and these two did they get drowsy during the night time was not expecting that and oh look at this we have a big temple in here another game is waiting for us pot Shuffle keep your eyes on the prize and follow the decorated pot with the emerald inside guess correctly after they stop shuffling to score a point how many rounds can you survive I guess we’ll find out pot Shuffle approach the pots to play keep your eyes on the pot with the emerald inside will do so our top score here is 10 oh wait it’s right here I just got to watch and then I just got to get that right there we can find lots of treasure here I’m just going to keep my eyes on that prize it was this one right yes okay so it goes right back inside and it starts switching around oh my oh my it’s right here nice oh no now it’s way more complicated right in the center got it so tricky but definitely just following it with our cursor really helps it be a lot easier that’s round six I want to be able to beat Steve score very focused in but it’s in the center again round seven wow it’s moving so fast now I saw that there you go going right back in uh uh uh I think right here got it one more to keep up with Steve wow okay that one did a quick Switcheroo but I got it can we do one more to beat Steve score uh yes I got it we won at least we got the highest score oh no I wasn’t ready um um was it this one yes it was oh man how much faster can it get oh this one did not move very much so we got to round 13 this is so ridiculous uh uh I saw you you tried to sneak away there super fast let’s at least get the 15 points here if I can I think it was this one yes okay I think it’s this one yes it is wow okay I’m doing better than I thought I would it’s not worth actually following with my cursor anymore I just got to keep an eye on it with my actual eyes oh I’ve so lost it with this one I’ve so lost it ah that was really tough but we made it pretty far we get the emerald sticker for that that was super cool with the newest high score and now we have every sticker here in this area so much fun that was a really cool one to finish it off with but it looks like there might be a little bit more to explore around with at least some different infographics to read like these pots decorated pots crafted from Pottery shreds shirts or bricks decorated pots are a great way to spruce up your interior design did you know there are a total of one 194,000 481 unique decorated pots that can be crafted each of the four slots to craft a decorated pot can consist of any one of the 20 Pottery shreds so shreds or shs I think it was supposed to be shreds but they typ of the first one in addition to the brick all right well that’s cool here are some more of them and it’s going to say the same thing yes including the typo over here we got some more of them does that mean that there’s 194,000 different p pictures that can’t be the case anyways those are all cool I guess with all of these different kinds of ones combined too like maybe there’s different shapes and colorings but looks like we’re exiting the desert biome or maybe going back into another one we got the camel over here hey buddy and I guess we’re back wow so the only thing I didn’t really look at was some of the infographics here so right over this way we had the desert temple amidst the dunes the desert biome the desert temple made its debut on August 1st 2012 in the 1.3 update made up of 378 Sanson blocks desert temples are the largest structure in the desert biome often covered in sand its size is concealed beneath the surface under what appears to be an ornate floor pattern hides a narrow chamber brimming with treasure these narrow Chambers are best explored alone one faulty step and you’ll be in tuned right beside that hidden treasure all right cool and then over this way we got some pandas to look at including a compass and looks like a map to keep track of everything uh the bamboo forest biome meet the cuddliest inhabitants of Minecraft’s bamboo Laden Landscapes the adorable pandas these roly poly pandas are fur or a fur bring a whole new level of charm to the game with their playful Antics and endearing Waddles make sure to bring some bamboo they’re always hungry and a well-fed panda is a happy panda did you know that pandas in Minecraft can actually sneeze it’s true these fuzzy friends occasionally let us out to sneeze that sends nearby pandas flying talk about a power puff or powerful puff so cute so they’re all hanging out but I think with that done we’re good just to leave the way we came in we went full circle with that one that was a really cool exhibit and that means we only have one more left to explore so let’s not waste any time and head right over to it so one last exhibit right over here is going to be the caves and cliffs let’s go and here we are waa so I’m W look at this we get the coordinates too that’s really neat I love that so let’s read this right away New World height and depth the caves and cliffs up the introduced a new height limit previously the world was contained between wide levels of 0 to 255 it is now y levels -64 to 320 giving you even more room for exploration in every direction wow good to know that is actually an update or a feature of the update I wasn’t aware of and what about this candles on cake a sweet surprise in the caves and cliffs update candles can now be placed on cakes allowing you to create a warm and cozy Ambience for in-game celebrations happy birthday Minecraft that’s cool and then over here we got a squid what is this about glowing accents not only do glow squids light up the ocean but they also bring Radiance to signs and item frames adding a touch of luminescence to your Creations use a glow ink sack to give your signs a glow up that seems neat let’s head upstairs real quick cuz usually these areas aren’t too big to explore either got a nice picture of the the cave system over there wow hey first off a little bat sticker the bat and how many stickers do we have for this area uh let’s see is it this one no that’s Dimensions I’m looking for this one we didn’t read the description of it so caves and cliffs Venture Into the Depths or the darkest depths challenge yourself in Minecraft Mayhem Dig Down Library Labyrinth and the cave parkour we got a lot of stickers to find in this one so first thing noodle caves navigate narrow passages in an underground web noodle caves generate underground creating a complex net of interlocking tunnels so I guess we’re just seeing different generations of tunnels spaghetti caves twisting tunnels and snack sneaking passageways spaghetti caves generate underground covering large distances with their winding tunnels and then lastly we have cheese caves roomy Chambers and cavernous passages cheese caves generate underground creating vast Pockets resembling a cheese with many holes so these are all different types of entryways and caves and underground Generations we can find throughout Minecraft now we got a diamond pickaxe and a diamond block and then 15year celebration a little picture area jeez we got Steve and of course a mountain goat cool no sticker around here picture of an ax lot and uh another little room for generating stuff we got the scaffolding new height limit I guess that’s what it’s showcasing uh height limit here we see a mini model of the new height limit on the left the old y levels 0 to 255 limit and on the right the new -64 to 320 limit now there’s even more space for you to master your water bucket Landings giving you approximately 2 extra seconds to make it stick gotcha wow so I guess it just is there to exemplify how much more space we have good to know and that’s it for up here got another glow squid and we can head back down and continue down through the main area which was right over here and wa we got Minecraft Steve with a diamond pickaxe fighting a whole h of mobs that looks so cool these are really fun scenes got Steve trying to fend off lightning he gets Zapped lightning rods take control of the elements and protect your Creations from thunderstorms with a trusty lightning rod disclaimer no Steves were harmed in the making of this set that’s good to know uh what else do we have oh hey here are the goats hi guys there’s a game in there too goats goats are the playful Mountaineers of Minecraft’s Peaks known for their unexpected headbutts just remember if you hear a sudden it might be wise to watch your back oh like that one be careful what are these things are these horns I think so oh we got a nice little 15 years little portrait there and oh no oh poor villager powdered snow powdered snow is a chilly trap for the uny use your snowproof leather boots to safely Traverse across the surface step carefully or you’ll be a part of the next icy exhibit clearly someone forgot to gear up oh no so if we don’t walk over the soft snow with snow boots we just fall through it oh hey what’s going on all right I remember the days when Stone was just stone look at all these new stone blocks yeah me too deep slate caves and cliffs added many new stones into the game including deep slate starting at y level 8 deep slate will spawn instead of stone will Stone only takes 6 seconds to mine with a stone pickaxe deep SLE takes twice the amount of time make sure to upgrade your tools before venturing too far down wow it’s crazy how much they’ve added to this game um let’s head over here take a look at this mountains in Mountain biomes you’ll find Snowy Peaks goats and emeralds it’s a balancing act of gem hunting and goat dodging watch your step so we have a game over here cave parkour I’m not used to all this cold watch out for slippery ice and Sprint your way to Victory through the different cave biomes to set the fastest time Get Ready set go I would love to all right we’re doing some stretches let’s get to the parkour parkour is always fun 3 2 1 and go cave parkour jump through the cave biomes to complete the parkour whoa was that a checkpoint I guess so got to keep going this way and we got to jump around in circles hi there Mr goat oh the music here is cool too uh I think those are checkpoints so if we fall we don’t have to do the whole thing over so that’s good an axel lle here there’s so many cool cave biomes these seem like they’re so much fun to explore it’s someone’s taking a breather it’s a pretty intense course so far I don’t blame you he’s got to keep running though we’re 30 seconds into it I don’t want to waste any time can we make a big jump yeah we skipped one of them that was huge and we did it 37.25 seconds seems like quite the good time was that the top time uh we got the goat sticker for that nice and it was by a good chunk of time too we were able to beat both Steve and Alex and looks like speaking of goats we got a picture of one there picture of a cave a big goat statue you and then whatever this is Lush caves where glowberries illiminate your path an adorable Axel Ladle swim by the Lush caves are a must visit for any Adventurer here you can Harvest berries for food and light and if you’re lucky befriend an adorable Axel sure wa Lush cave biome I feel like I’m going to fall this is very clear glass but yeah this is a very cool Cave System where you can find the Axel and stuff and then over here whoa you got the spawner and all these mobs monster spawners a rare Delight to the Avid cave Explorer monsters spawn when you are within 16 blocks of a spawner appearing in a 9x 3×9 area around it placing a single torch will disable the spawner and then you can of course collect all the usually rare loot that’s alongside of it we got the creeper hidden in the leaves spooky and the bats bats this friendly Critter will add a touch of mystery to your underground Explorations bats use your echol location to detect players approaching them even when invisible startle them and they’ll fly away they’re so cute I don’t know if they really do too much though so is this lily pads drip leaves each step tests your skill in the Lush caves biome tread lightly or you’ll take an unexpected dip drip leaves will only support your weight for 1 second on sit on wow so yeah not much time before you got a bounce but what’s going on in this one wa this is a crazy cave oh yeah that’s the parkour area you can see you’re still all tired over there what’s up with this then strongholds strongholds are the gateway to the end fight your way through the chambers and find yourself in front of the end portal each of the 12 slots in the end portal frame has a 10% chance of containing an Eye of Ender unless you are one in a trillion make sure to stock up on extra Eye Of Enders or your adventure might come to an abrupt end oh my yeah I remember this being really tough to find uh wow crazy so you can use that and then you have to load all those up I was not quite able to get to this part cool so they’re off to fight the dragon whoa hey oh you’re back we got the little silverfish over there we’ll go check that out in a moment there’s an exit over here and another another game so uh I of Ender after your endeavor of Conquering the nether fortress and getting burnt to a crisp hunting down elusive Enderman and Par parlaying with greedy piglins you now stand before a 20% chance of seeing all your hard work shatter Into Thin Air alas the Eye of Ender is your magical Compass crafted from ender pearls and blaze powder it guides you to a stronghold and activates the end portal and then over here end portal frame the doorway to another dimension found in strongholds the end portal frame awaits patient Al for you to insert an Eye of Ender once all frames are filled the end portal is activated you can see some more silver fish I think that’s what they’re called right Library Labyrinth so there’s a game over there and look at this huge Library wow plenty of books to read here and some more information enchantment rooms this is where the magic happens enhance your gear and weapons to become superpowered or at least semi- powerered if you can’t find 15 bookshelves for maximum results the super part will cost you approximately 45 sugar cane and 45 leather a small price to pay for superpowered gear and go mine that lapis lazuli you’ve been avoiding you’ll need that too all right what else is going on in the library wa quite the view Librarians have their work cut out for them oh what are you up to hey over here ever wonder if these bookshelves hold more than just books there could be something hidden by the dusty covers oh really can I maybe interact with one and find a secret or something who knows libraries Treasure troves of knowledge and located in strongholds libraries have me hold many secrets of Enchantment and lore or our compass and some stray pieces of paper all seem like good things to find can I climb up the ladder I can’t okay so I think that’s everything over here let’s go down the steps and start this game Library Labyrinth Tiptoe Through the toms avoid the under Librarians and gather Eye Of Enders to score points it’s a silent scramble this sounds pretty intense all right well here we go three 2 1 and go it’s a top down View Library Labyrinth collect eyes of enders to score points and avoid the zombies it’s like Pac-Man isn’t it I think it is all right uh watch out Mister zombie I need as many as I can find which there’s quite a lot popping up so that’s good to know R and run I get a good chunk of time to get a lot I don’t know what the top scores were like at all oh let’s get these before they disappear oh ow [Music] hey and got those and down this way now so many zombies running around and we lose quite a lot of points that they touch me come on out of the way we’re over 200 points now come on but so many more zombies are spawning in as well this is getting real tricky got a couple more over this way just don’t Corner me all right got those don’t want to go that way that’s way too many zombies but I can go over here grab all this stuff we’re at 300 points in a minute remaining are there any power pellets I can grab you know defeat the zombies don’t know if it’s quite that similar to Pac-Man seems to be a much simpler version oh These Eyes keep disappearing right as I reach them okay come on okay luckily no wait no wait come on it’s not fair stuck in the corner I really need to get some points back let’s at least get back over 300 and with 30 seconds remaining we got a whole cluster over here oh I should definitely turn back around then cuz these ones just popped up have plenty of time to grab them maybe a I can’t quite snag these in time okay watch out for the zombie okay that worked out surprisingly well grabbing a few more of these over here watch out and head over this way with the last 10 seconds remaining just grab what I can it really is a silent scramble 5 Seconds come on come on come on Boom able to get over 450 points that’s a pretty good score right oh yeah really good and we got an Eye of Ender sticker how are we doing with stickers so far we have a decent chunk of them we still have 1 2 three four five 6 7 eight left to find wow all right well I’m sure I’ve missed a few along the way that I’ll have to backtrack for but in the meantime it looked like there was more over this way we read about this and then there’s a pathway down here with a couple of other things another exit as well there’s a spider picture so creepy and of course the silverfish silverfish are sneaky Critters known for infesting blocks monsters spawners will generate inside of a strongholds and portal room they also infest blocks in Mountain biomes include basements and Woodland Mansions be on your guard or you might be in for a sneaky surprise that’s not fun as you can see they can sneak around and get up the no good we got some spiders in the caves oh they’re so scary all right heading down this way then we do have somebody posturing about something uh Zuri wow these paintings look so lifelike oh almost as if you could step right into it is that a hint wa it is so cool sticker collected the torch that was awesome thank you for the hint what about this one copper blocks copper will oxidize over time turning from a bright orange to a green as the age wax or copper with Honeycombs to keep them forever young wow that’s cool so what do we have farther down the hall then W this is amethyst right spy glass a spy glass will let you zoom into the Horizon crafted with two copper ingots and one amethyst Shard this handy tool lets you spy on distant lands or keep an eye out for Curious creepers perfect for scouting out your next space or just enjoying the pixelated scenery wow I can’t hop into this picture right nope not quite the case oh the cave spiders oh creepy crawly cave spiders a small yet fearsome foe lurking in the abandoned M shafts these greenish Ara pack a venomous bite commonly found surrounded by sticky webs they’re a challenge for any Explorer keep your sword ready and make sure to block even the smallest holes or they will find a way to get you drinking milk will neutralize their poisonous bite good to know and what do we have going on down around here geodes and fossils whoa so much information to learn here this is great over here fossils dig deep and you might find fossils the remains of ancient creatures whether you’re Excavating in deserts or swamps fossils add a prehistoric twist to your adventures nice and that’s of course is amethyst geodes these rare formations are a Minor’s Delight not just eye-catching amethyst geod have key ingredients for crafting spy glasses and tinted glass a gem worth seeking and even more fossils okay same thing uh cool looks like there’s a path down that way I love the look of the amethyst and speaking of which we get an amethyst sticker happy to get that one uh the deep dark whoa so spooky the scariest one of all and what about down this way oh there is a game down this way okay I guess we’ll go check this out all the TNT crates in this abandoned M shaft Minecart Mayhem best time is 4235 seconds Dodge and weave through a barrage of Minecarts in a high-speed survival challenge keep your reflexes sharp and your path clear to avoid the Mayhem how long can you survive we’ll find out so what do we do here I guess we just have to avoid all the mine carts uh Dodge the mine carts and survive as long as you can are they only coming from One Direction I sure hope so all right I will do what I can then just to pay attention to where they’re coming in and last for as long as possible so as long as we can make it past 40 something seconds we should get the top score that’d be fun oh wao the creepers are they going to explode they were just having a little family vacation on the mine cart that was funny okay uh oh no I fell in the lava I thought I jumped whoops all right well I still be Alex this time that’s least something sticker collected that’s good enough for me let’s keep it moving we got plenty of other stuff to get to anyways how are we doing with stickers we collected a couple more but there’s still three more on this page and two more on that page five more left to find somewhere it never ends that’s where we came in from right I believe so so yeah what’s down here Deep Dark Ride the elevator down and explore the depths of the deep dark do I really want to I guess I do elevator’s already here oh sticker Diamond nice all right well there’s a sticker very happy to see that but oh my I’m terrified what is going on here what happened the deep dark uh what’s up this way I can’t get up there oh you know what I think it’s another parkour thing right Dig Down uh I guess so we got all these different ores around here very neat very neat uh let’s check out this game dig down grab your trusty pickaxe and put your your mining skills to the test dig your way to the bottom as fast as you can to reach the treasure Vault watch out for lava pools and other hazards along the way okay who this seems pretty neat 3 2 1 and let’s get to mining tunnel into the treasure Vault avoiding hazards along the way well we got all the amethyst here too and oh is it faster to no it’s not okay wa so they say to never dig straight down but sometimes you might have to and I’m just supposed to get as deep as possible is that the idea like I’m a little confused there’s been so many mini games like way more than I was expecting see I can mine through this stuff right there we go oh wait oh it’s way faster to to shovel through it use our trusty spoon all right getting through the Sun the problem with that though is of course it falls one after the other so not long-term viable for digging through I got some iron over here okay get out of the way all right taking this up too got it uh this might be a little risky but I might be able to dig down like this uh we got some more come on keep going I mean I think I’m supposed to just be going deeper it’s working pretty well okay I found yeah something uh anything in there no okay I don’t think I’m supposed to do that too much but I can just keep diing down and it’s working out pretty nicely for me so far got to watch out for the obsidian and then it might be a bit risky but I could dig down like this ah okay I did it wao no way and we got a diamond pickaxe for that that was fun we’ve reached this giant treasure room wow okay well that was a good sticker to get and as you can see because of that we got this page done and there’s three more stickers here all right well there’s more areas to explore around here I don’t know what’s up with that but this way all these guys in the hazmat suits here in the deep dark oh my uh these don’t even have any pictures on them there’s the deep dark again this monster is terrifying it’s like one of the newest things added to the game and wa what is this deep dark deep slate great for building but dangerous to collect the deep dark has an array of shadowy blocks to find whoa whoa uh hi oh man he does not like the noise what about this one so I guess just making noise activates these things and sends of course the warden coming the warden is Minecraft’s formidable underground Garden Ling in the deep dark this blind but sensitive creature responds fiercely to vibrations and noises it’s a challenge for even the bravest adventurers testing your skills in Invasion and strategy beware the warden demands respect and don’t make any noise oh no deep dark deep sleep uncover skull Treasures Catalyst pulse veins whisper and sensors listen each block a blend of danger and Discovery oh hey and the sicker nice all right we got the warden sticker there which means we have two more left to find I really hope I haven’t missed them but I might have who knows uh this room full of even more stuff we have the skull sensors these unique blocks detect vibrations use them for traps or intricate Redstone Creations the calibrated versions offer finer control perfect for more nuanced Adventure wow and something over there what is this skull catalyst this unique block spreads skull veins when nearby mobs perish transforming the area with a creepy Eerie touch interact with the lever to see it in action don’t worry the chicken is a FID actor oh no it’s going to be hard to watch uh poor guy you got poisoned whoa I don’t like that all right uh and I guess that’s it for this room so I don’t see anything else to do I don’t think I I can go in there all right well that might be a good thing I don’t have to get up close and personal with the warden so with that done I don’t know where else there is to go but I guess we’ll figure it out we’ll go up the elevator and W okay I just skipped the animation I think cool uh I will just have to look around for the next sticker because I don’t know where else we haven’t been I think that this one might be something cuz we talked to the other person and they were talking about the what’s it called um the painting and then we walk through the painting so maybe there’s more in this Library somewhere oh that did something a secret door opened here we go so whenever we see one of you definitely try to figure it out we got a enchantment book so we’re looking for one more sticker right which I think there was one more time we talked to that I didn’t actually piece together the secret so let’s look around for that one more time wo woah I found it it’s in the parkour it took me forever to find this thing I found it though what is this powder snow bucket that was so hidden and for what that’s all of them now right it sure seems like it we found all of them and I think like for real every single one except for this no wait this is just how to use Okay cool so I think we can get out of here confirm did we find every sticker let’s head home and find out oh yeah all stickers found you seem pretty happy about it wow what an adventure it’s been you you visited all of the areas what a journey thank you for celebrating 15 years of Minecraft with us we hope you had fun so much fun we’ve had a wonderful time creating this project and appreciate your reviews let us know what to think well I thought it was great this is actually one of the most impressive Maps I’ve seen if you had fun consider checking out more orille Studios content the marketplace to support us here’s to 15 more years of crafting mindless Mining and endless creativity happy birthday Minecraft Minecraft the 15-year Journey that was really really good and it was totally free so definitely I recommend checking this out if you haven’t already but before we wrap things up let’s go get a reward for finding all the stickers we go back over here I can chat with you a little bit Welcome to My Gift Shop 53 out of 53 stickers found you can see we can get the baby ghast so cute we can get the baby zombie piglin we can get the baby Enderman oh wait can I put them away then uh what does this do return Baby Mob there we go uh we’re going to get the baby Enderman and I can put you away again the baby zombie so adorable with the little blush and then of course the baby creeper up there to jump for it oh is there more no I think that’s it so the baby creeper so this was a ton of fun celebrating Minecraft’s 15year anniversary I couldn’t have expected such a fun map but here we are so I’d love to hear of course if you tried out this map and some of your favorite Minecraft memories across this last 15 years and stay tuned cuz I’ll be playing plenty more Minecraft in the future so with that being said that is going to wrap it up for today’s episode of zebra’s Minecraft fun thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15 Year Journey! – Minecraft’s Birthday! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-05-24 21:00:08. It has garnered 24626 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:00 or 8400 seconds.

Checking out the Minecraft 15 Year Journey world map on Minecraft Market Place! We explore a museum filled with Minecraft memories to celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary

Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftFun Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer

Zebra’s Minecraft Fun is a series where Zebra Gamer checks out the latest and most exciting content added to the Minecraft Market Place in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

More information about #Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the 15 Year Journey DLC: It’s time for a (literal) trip down memory lane! A lot has happened in these 15 years, so we’ve packed some of our most nostalgic moments, marvelous dimensions, and accidental proudest inventions from our past into a free map by Oreville Studios. The doors to the Minecraft Museum are open and admission is free, so what are you waiting for? Let’s head inside! Celebrate 15 years of Minecraft with our free anniversary map! Made in partnership with our pals at Oreville Studios, this marvelous map holds a massive Minecraft museum filled with key moments in Minecraft history. Play mini games, collect lost memories, and explore historical exhibits to unlock the rich history of Minecraft. Take your friends with you – the museum is open to multiplayer too!

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    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon https://www.9minecraft.net/earth-magic-addon-mcpe/ #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More