Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day one, I spawned into the  Badlands as a Shapeshifter! “Wow, that’s a cool special ability!  I wonder how far I can go with it…” But I didn’t have long to think about that,   because a gang of Wither Skeletons with bows  and swords showed up and started chasing me!

“Darn it, I wish I could go faster,   but I’m only a baby shapeshifter! And  that means I’ve only got three hearts!” But even though I was weak, that didn’t  mean I couldn’t shapeshift. I hid behind   a rock and turned into a rabbit  – Nobody ever suspects a rabbit.

The Wither Skeletons kept searching,  until they found my little rabbit self,   acting casually. The leader of the  Wither Skeletons immediately clocked me. “There he is, boys, grab him!” The Wither Skeletons immediately surrounded  me, giving me no chance to escape. “Wait… How did you know it was me?”

“There are no rabbits in the Badlands.  You’ve still got a lot to learn,   shapeshifter. Let’s take him to the jail!”  On day two, the Wither Skeletons  dragged me over to the Badlands Jail. “You can’t do this! I’m too young to go to jail!”

But that didn’t seem to persuade them. They  threw me in a cell with another prisoner,   a Quillbeast. I had to  figure out what was going on. “Hey, Mr. Quillbeast. I’m Zozo. What’s  your name and what are you in for?”

“The name’s Quilliam, and I don’t know why  I’m here. I was just wandering the Badlands   when suddenly, the Wither Skeletons  arrested me and dragged me here.” “Don’t worry, Quilliam. I have an  idea for how we can both escape.” “No offense, Zozo, but I really don’t know  how a rabbit could launch a jailbreak.”

“That’s the thing, I’m not a  rabbit… I’m a Shapeshifter.” I used my power to turn into a Wither Skeleton,  just like the ones who ran the Badlands prison.   We used one of Quilliam’s quills to pick the lock,  and the two of us walked down the hall together.

Another Wither Skeleton stopped us on the way. “Hey, where are you two going?” “I’m just taking this prisoner to a  different cell block. Nothing to see here.” “Hmm. Fine, I suppose. On your way.” In my Wither Skeleton disguise,  Quilliam and I slipped out of   the Badlands Prison without a second thought.

“That was amazing, Zozo! You  saved both of us in there!” “These shapeshifting skills really come in  handy. I can’t wait to get better at them!”  On day three, I decided to continue my  escape, and made my way into the jungle.  

It’d be way harder for the bad guys to  find me amongst all these dense trees! “But if I really want to fit in here,   I can’t just be a Wither Skeleton.  I need a real jungle disguise!” That’s why I shapeshifted into an Orangutan.

“Orangutan is Malay for Person of the Forest,  so it makes for a perfect jungle disguise!” All this shapeshifting was hungry work,   so I explored the forest and  gathered up some tasty melons to eat. “Mmmm, delicious and nutritious!” But while foraging, I encountered a mysterious  wooden villager, meditating in a clearing.

“Sorry to interrupt you, Wooden  Villager, but is everything okay?” “Everything is more than okay  now that you’re here, Zozo.” “What!? How do you know my name?” “I know many things. I am Ama the Jungle Mystic.  I have long traveled this jungle in search of a  

Hero, to whom I can reveal the great truth of  the world. Do you believe you are that hero?” “Well, I’d like to be, for sure!” “Good, then follow me. There is much to learn.” On days four to five, Ama the Jungle  Mystic led me deeper into the forest,  

Where he started to explain  what was going on here. “So does the problem here have something  to do with the Wither Skeletons?” “No, the Wither Skeletons are irrelevant  to the true issue here, Zozo. You see,   this forest is overrun with vicious Tribal  Gremlins. Alone, they may not look like much,  

But together, they can pose a major threat.  For the sake of the world’s peace and safety,   we must see to it that they are  defeated. We have less than 100   days to exterminate them before  things really get out of hand.” “Wow, that sounds like a tall order,  

These Tribal Gremlins must be really  scary. How should I fight them?” “Don’t worry about fighting them just  yet, I’ll be able to help you plan the   best course of action. For now, take these  tools and start building yourself a base.” Ama the Jungle Mystic gave  me a set of stone tools,  

And I left him to go find a clearing in the  jungle where I could start building my base. I immediately started cutting down trees for wood  and mining for stone. My base was already coming   along nicely, when suddenly, a Wither Skeleton  scouting party appeared out of the woods.

“He’s got to be around here somewhere. Come on,  boys. Let’s find this slippery little creep!” I needed to think fast. Obviously, a  rabbit was no good, and they’d probably   be expecting another Wither Skeleton.  What could I turn into that’d save me? “Oh, wait, I’ve got it!”

I shapeshifted into a Wither Boss, and  floated over to the Wither Skeletons. “What are you boys doing out here,  slacking off? This is unacceptable!” “But boss… Someone escaped the prison!  We need to go track them down!” “Forget about one lousy prisoner.  Go back and stand guard to make  

Sure more don’t get out. And that’s an order!” “Yes, Wither Boss, sir!” The Wither Skeletons turned tail and marched  out of the forest. I breathed a sigh of relief.   And my shapeshifting skills paid off,  because I earned enough XP to level up!

“Wow, I have six hearts now! And I can  shift for longer! This is awesome!” On day six to day eight, I took the form of a  Baboon so I could finish building the house,   and it looks amazing!I decided to explore for  a bit. As I was walking through the jungle,  

I noticed something a little strange. “Wait, where are all the animals? Is  this something to do with the Tribal   Gremlins that Ama the Jungle  Mystic was telling me about?” As I was gathering some coal, a Stray ran  past me. He looked like he was in a hurry. “Whoa there, everything okay, Stray?”

“There’s no time to talk! I need to  keep running, get out of my way!” “You’re safe here. Explain yourself.” “My town was destroyed by the Red Nightmare  and his forces. He’s taking over everything.   If you had any brains in that Baboon head  of yours, you’d run while you still can!”

And then he ran off, leaving me confused.  Red Nightmare? I’d never heard of that.   So I decided to find Ama the Jungle  Mystic again and ask him what he knew. “Ah yes, the Red Nightmare. He’s another  terrible force associated with those tribal  

Gremlins I told you about. Perhaps it’s  time to arm yourself against the coming   struggles. If you make your way to the snowy  tundras and find the Frostweaver, you’ll be   able to obtain a mace by defeating it. Go now –  The Tribal Gremlin threat advances ever closer!” 

On days nine to ten, I shifted into a Snow  Leopard, so I could both move faster and   stand the cold – Then, I made my way out  to the snowy tundra to begin my search! “I’m gonna find you, Frostweaver!”

But what I didn’t expect was that the Frostweaver  would find me first. It was huge and ferocious,   and it attacked me as soon as it saw me. He spit  frozen webs at me which really slowed me down! “I figure I can’t ask you nicely  to hand over the mace, then?”

The Frostweaver didn’t feel like chatting  with me. Instead, it relentlessly attacked,   knocking off a couple of my hearts. There was  no way I could defeat a monster this powerful. But to my luck, I suddenly saw a Snow  Golem running towards me. Golems have  

A natural protection instinct,  so I was really in luck here. “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll give you a hand!” The Snow Golem joined me in the fight,  and we were able to turn the tide. Soon,   the Frostweaver was defeated, and I had  picked up the special mace he’d dropped.

“Thanks for helping me there,  Snow Golem, I really owe you one!” “Think nothing of it. Why don’t you come back to   my cave with me? My family and  I can make you some dinner.” So we traveled back to the ice cave where the  Snow Golem and his family, some baby snow golems,  

Lived. He gave me some Mushroom Stew  that helped replenish my missing hearts. “I suppose you’re out here fleeing  from the Red Nightmare. That’s why   most people come to brave these frosty wastes.” “The Red Nightmare? As in the Tribal Gremlins?” “Tribal Gremlins? I’ve never heard  of any such thing, how strange.”

“Well… I better go and ask Ama  about it. Thanks for the stew!”  On days 11 to 12, I assumed the  form of a formidable Komodo dragon   and returned to my base. Ama the  Jungle Mystic was waiting for me.

“Ama, something isn’t right. I got the mace,  but while I was out in the snowy tundra, I met   a snow golem who knew about the Red Nightmare,  but not the Tribal Gremlins. How could that be?” “I wouldn’t worry about it, Zozo.  Instead, go to this cave I’ve marked  

Out on your map. You can mine some iron  ore there and perhaps use it to upgrade   your armor or gear. It will be vital in the  coming struggles. Once you have your iron,   you can begin the attack on the Tribal  Gremlin camp to the left of here.”

“Okay, if you say so, Ama. Still, it’s  a little weird, to say the least.” I went to the cave that Ama marked out  for me. I made my way in and started   mining the iron ore. There was a  decent amount of it down there,  

But not enough to do what I really needed. I  did grab the extra coal that was there though. Then, when I left the cave,   I was ambushed by a Lurker – One of the  nastiest little creatures in the jungle. “Thank goodness I have my mace with me!”

With one swing of my mace, I’d  smooshed that nasty creature,   and was off on my way to the Tribal Gremlin camp.  From day 13 to day 15, I came across a path.  This must be the way to the village! I took  

The form of a Gremlin – so nobody would really  notice me – and I followed the path. I arrived   at the Tribal Gremlin camp. It was basically a  huge village made of treehouses in the jungle. I was expecting it to be scary, but  honestly, all the Tribal Gremlins  

Seemed weirdly peaceful. I decided to talk  to one of them, to see what was going on. “Hey, uh, fellow Gremlin! You looking forward  to causing some chaos in the forest today?” He just looked confused. “Chaos? What are you talking about?”

I turned and saw a very chubby stern-looking  Tribal Gremlin Chief sitting behind me. “There will be no chaos around here,   boy. We need to stay organized if we want to  have any hope of defeating the Red Nightmare!” The Tribal Gremlins wanted  to fight the Red Nightmare  

Too!? I thought they were in league with them! Nothing was making sense. I needed to  go back to my base and talk to Ama the   Jungle Mystic immediately. From day 16 to day 19,   I returned to my base. I took the long  way back through the jungle, trying to  

Figure out some kind of reasonable  explanation for what had happened. “Could Ama have been lying to  me this whole time? But why?” When I arrived back at my base,   there was a Tribal Gremlin waiting for  me. He looked like he was in a panic.

“Stranger, we need your help! Something  terrible has been attacking our village!” “Something terrible? I’ll come right away!” But by the time I arrived at the  village, it looked like the worst   had already happened. The village was in  ruins. The Tribal Gremlin Chief was dead,  

Only his mask remained. And standing  in the middle of it all was Ama. “Ama! How could you? The Tribal  Gremlins are friendly and peaceful!” “To you, perhaps. But to my plans,  they were a frustrating inconvenience.” “What do you mean, your plans?”

“I never told you my full name, did  I? I’m a shapeshifter, like you,   you see. Some call me Ama, but my true name  is Amalgalich. Perhaps better known as…” Suddenly, Ama shapeshifted into a huge,  blood-red creature, the true Amalgalich. “Wait… You’re the Red Nightmare!?”

“Very clever, Zozo. I thought I could trick  you into destroying the Tribal Gremlins for me,   but it seems you’re completely useless.  So, you can be destroyed with them!” I was so angry that I turned into a  huge Viologre and charged at Amalgalich,   the Red Nightmare. He would  never use me to do evil!

But I underestimated how strong he was. With  one strike, he knocked me down from the bridge,   and everything faded to black. From day 20 to day 22,   I woke at the bottom of what remained  of the destroyed Tribal Gremlin village. I’d failed. I’d let them all down.

But thankfully, at least some of them had  survived Amalgalich’s monstrous attack. “But now we have no place to live. We can’t just   survive out here in the jungle,  he’ll pick us off one by one!” That’s when I turned into a horse.

“Nobody is living out in the jungle. Hop  on my back, and I’ll let you come live   at my base. We can work together, and stop  Amalgalich from destroying anywhere else!” One by one, I took all the  remaining Tribal Gremlins   back to my base and started  building a barracks for them.

“If Amalgalich thinks he can destroy us all,  we’re not gonna go down without a fight!”  From day 23 to day 26, I  traveled out to the desert.   That jungle humidity can be killer sometimes. I decided to turn myself into a Roadrunner, so I  could run extra fast across the sand. Meep meep!

“It feels good to feel the  wind blow between my feathers!” But I had to stop when I saw  a Sun God being attacked by   a gang of enhanced Erepedes. They  must have been sent by Amalgalich! “Don’t worry, Sun God, I’m here to help!” I ran in and started circling around the Erepedes,  

Distracting them from attacking the Sun  God. That gave the Sun God a chance! “I UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE SUN!” He sent out a powerful sun blast  hitting and vaporizing the Erepedes,   and he never could have done it without me.

“I never could have done it without you, Zozo.  In exchange, I give you the blessing of the sun.   From now on, you will be stronger and faster  in daylight. You will also gain a few hearts.” “That’s such a cool power! Thank you, Sun God!  And the 2 extra hearts will come in handy!”

“May my blessings be with you.” From day 27 to day 31, I went   back to the jungle – I missed  all those lush, green trees. On the way back to my base, I found some sheep  wandering around the jungle. They seemed lost,  

So I decided to take a Stone Guard  form and shepherd them back to my base. When they were back, I started  to build a pen for them. “Now I can have as much wool  as I want! This is perfect!”

I also decided to make a bigger wall  around my base to protect me, the sheep,   and my Tribal Gremlin guests  from Amalgalich and his minions. Meanwhile, in Amalgalich’s evil lair, he  was meeting with his deadliest warrior:   The Behemoth, a huge demon knight. “What would you have me do, master?”

“I thought this Zozo could be useful, but it  seems he’s just a thorn in our sides. If we   are to dominate this world, he and those who  ally with him must be destroyed. Make it so.”

“Yes, my master, I will destroy him personally.” From day 32 to day 35, I decided I’d wander the   plains in search of new allies and weapons. I  needed to figure out how to defeat Amalgalich! Because I didn’t want to get attacked  by any monsters on my journey,  

I decided to shift into a Mutant  Skeleton. Nobody would mess with that. “Stop right there, monster!” I turned and saw a gang of armed villagers,   ready to fight. They started firing arrows  and I was forced to dodge as fast as I could.

“Wait! Stop! I’m not a monster,  I’m Zozo, I’m just a shapeshifter!” That got the Villagers to calm down.  They lowered their weapons and began   to murmur amongst themselves,  before turning back to me. “Come with us, Zozo. We want to take you to our  leader, the great king Midas, the ruler of gold.”

They led me back to their village, where  Midas was waiting for me in a golden   throne in the middle of the village.  He was certainly an impressive sight. “Ah, so my men brought you to me. There  must be a reason. Why are you here, my boy?”

“I’m trying to find a way to slay Amalgalich  and get revenge for the Tribal Gremlins!” “Correct answer. Amalgalich, the Red  Nightmare, has troubled our kingdom for   generations. Me and my ancestors have tried  to gather information about him for years,  

And I believe soon we will have the answers.  When that time comes, come back to me.”  From day 36 to day 39, I turned  myself into a scarecrow, just for fun,   and entered the mine in the village. I mined  iron to complete my new set of tools and armor.

And I got really lucky, cause it wasn’t just  iron ore I found: I also found some diamonds! Not   enough to craft just yet, but they were definitely  worth keeping in my inventory for a rainy day. Though the most exciting thing I found down  in that mine shaft was a dusty old book,  

Containing the Unbreakable Enchantment –  Which would make my new items unbreakable!  1I crafted a full set of iron  tools, iron weapons, and iron armor,   before returning back to my base to rest. But sadly, there would be  no rest. When I got back,  

To my base, an Aztec Warrior was  already there, waiting for me. “King Midas sent me to collect you. He wishes  to speak to you about a truly grave matter.” “Then I suppose I better come along!” From day 40 to day 43, I returned to the village  

To meet with King Midas. He definitely looked  a little paler than usual, I wondered what had   gotten him so worried – aside from the fact I’d  now shapeshifted into a Gorilla, for toughness. “Zozo, I’m glad you’re safe.” “Of course, your Highness,  why wouldn’t I be safe?”

“My spies have gotten word  of a terrible development in   the war against Amalgalich. He has  summoned his most dangerous minion,   the great Behemoth, and he has given him  the instruction to destroy you, personally.” “Don’t worry, King Midas,  I’ve gotten a lot tougher  

Than I used to be. I bet I could  kick this Behemoth guy’s booty.” “Why don’t you say that to my face, weakling!?” I turned and saw that Behemoth  was standing right behind me,   while villagers fled in every direction. He  was even bigger and tougher than I’d imagined.

I charged up towards him and used all my  gorilla strength to deliver a mighty punch,   but Behemoth just shrugged it off. He hit me back  and sent me skidding across the village square. “Take this new form, my boy. The  Gold Golem! And use it in my name!”

With my new Gold Golem strength, I pulled  out my mace and attacked Behemoth. Somehow,   he effortlessly blocked every hit, and  started rampaging around the village. “I need to get out of here! I’m still not  strong enough to beat even the henchman yet!”

So I fled the village while the Villagers  tried desperately to stop Behemoth.  From day 44 to day 49, I returned to my base,   feeling so ashamed of myself for running  away that I turned myself into a Blobfish. “I don’t deserve to call myself a hero. I left all  

Those poor villagers to fend  for themselves. I’m a zero!” As I was moping, none other than King Midas  turned up, having survived the previous battle. “Zozo, I need to call on you yet again.” “I don’t deserve you, King Midas.  I was a coward. I ran away.”

“Don’t focus on the past, Zozo, we’re not  going there. I’m here because I have some   important knowledge: There are legends  of a sacred item, a Mithril Battleaxe,   that can be used to defeat the Red Nightmare.” “A Mithril Battleaxe? But I already have a  sword and a mace, and neither of them help.”

“The Mithril Battleaxe is more than  just a weapon, Zozo. It’s supernatural,   it can give its users immense power, even  granting them wishes. But it is legendarily   hard to obtain. You will either need to find  one or make one from Mithril Ore. The mountains  

Would be the best place to begin your search.” From day 50 to day 53, I decided to take the form   of a Mountain Troll and go searching through the  mountains for information on the Mithril Hammer. “Maybe if I find it, I can regain my  honor after running away from Behemoth!”

The way up the huge mountain was tough.  At the top I searched and searched until   I found a secret cave tucked away under  one of the mountains. It seemed like the   kind of place where something  important might be hiding away.

I put up some torches to light my way inside the  cave, but sadly, I didn’t find any Mithril or a   Mithril Battleaxe in there. But I did find  a book, labeled “The Legend of Amalgalich.” “Hey, that’s the guy I’m fighting!” The book described how Amalgalich  is an ancient evil who has tried to  

Take over the world many times, but  only someone who is pure of heart,   with a perfect weapon, will be able to  put him down for good and save everyone. “Maybe I do have a shot after all…”

With at least some extra knowledge, I started  heading back to my base. The way down was just   as treacherous as the way up, but I eventually  made it. When I reached the jungle again,   I heard some commotion, and saw a Clink  fighting a whole gang of scary Jungle Spiders.

“Don’t worry, Clink, I’ll help you!” But by the time I reached him,  he’d already defeated all the   Jungle Spiders without breaking a sweat.  He was clearly a lot stronger than I was. “That was amazing, Mr. Clink! Want to come back to  

My base? I need someone to help  train me how to fight like you!” “Sorry, buddy, but I’m not the teaching  type. Ol’ Clink is too free-spirited to   ever be tied down like that. Good luck  with whatever you’re doing, though.” 

From day 54 to day 57, having been rejected  by Clink, I continued back to my base. “Well, at least this day can’t get any worse.” “You have a big storm coming, Zozo.” I turned and saw that literally the last person I  

Wanted to see right now was standing behind  me: Behemoth, Amalgalich’s number-one goon. “Oh no, not you again!” “I believe we have some unfinished business.  Square up and prepare to meet your doom!” I shifted into my Gold Golem form  and pulled out my mace. This time,  

I was going to win! I charged  straight at him with impressive speed,   and with all my might, I swung  the mace right into his face. …And it had no effect. I still wasn’t  anywhere near strong enough to fight   Behemoth, and all I could do was  run away while he laughed at me.

Meanwhile, back at Amalgalich’s evil lair,   he was receiving information from  his top adviser, the impish Pixen. “Tell me, Pixen, how goes the war  effort? Are our forces winning?” “We’ve crushed resistance to the East. Our  Wither Skeleton army has been successful in  

Raiding the villages to the West. Soon, I’m  sure, the North and South will fall, too.” “And what of Zozo? Has Behemoth  destroyed that little brat yet?” “Soon, my Lord. Behemoth says that our  mission will be even easier than he thought!” “Delightful. Just delightful.” From day 58 to day 62, I returned  

To my base, feeling a little down in the  dirt – So I turned myself into a Swamp pig. “I’m so ashamed of myself. It feels  like I can’t do anything right.” But when I got back, I was so happy  to see that the Tribal Gremlins had  

Increased the size of my base. They  built new rooms, and a whole new floor. “It’s the least we could do since  you let us stay here with you, Zozo!” I was so touched by their kindness that I  wanted to do something for them in return.  

I’d built a statue – But not just any statue,  a tribute to the fallen Tribal Gremlin Chief! I started collecting all the proper material,   when I happened upon an abandoned  diamond mine out in the jungle. “I wonder if there are still diamonds down there!”

I went in and started to mine, until  I finally found enough diamonds to   craft a pair of diamond armor pieces: A  pickaxe helmet, pants and some cool boots! “It isn’t much, but it’ll certainly help!”  From day 63 to day 66, one of the  Tribal Gremlins approached me.

“Zozo, I think I know where you might be  able to find a Mithril Battleaxe like the   one you were looking for. There’s  a special cave out in the desert,   one that’s sacred to my people. We  might be able to find it together!” “That sounds like an excellent  idea, Tribal Gremlin! Let’s do it!”

We set off together until we reached the desert.  With my Shapeshifting powers growing by the day,   I decided to shift into a Guster so I  could fit into the desert environment. After two days of walking, we finally  found the cave. It looked deep and dark,  

And as I stepped forward to enter,  the Tribal Gremlin stopped me. “Wait, Zozo, I just remembered something  important! You can’t go into the cave, not yet.” “But why not? We really need that  Mithril Battleaxe, Tribal Gremlin!” “But you need to obtain a Soul Heart  first. I’ve heard legends that those who  

Enter the cave without one lose their  souls, so we need to seek one out.” “Yeah… Now that you mention it, that  does seem like a pretty solid call.”  From day 67 to day 70, the Tribal  Gremlin went home and I continued   exploring the desert, hoping to find a Soul Heart.

“It’s a shame they don’t just  hand out those things, huh?” Suddenly, I was distracted  from my search by a Coyote   running towards me. He looked pretty worried. “Hey, stranger, mind lending me a hand? There’s   a nasty Sutiramu bothering  me and my Coyote buddies.” “Sure thing! Maybe I can  help diffuse the situation.”

I ran after the Coyote until I found a group  of Coyotes being attacked by a huge Sutiramu,   who was clawing at them. He looked  like he was in a really bad mood, “Sutiramu! Stop bothering those Coyotes!” “Mind your own business, fool! This  is between me and the Coyotes!”

“The second you start bothering people,  it is my business! Time to fight!” I ran to the Sutiramu and  began to fight. He was tough,   but he didn’t seem like he really wanted to  destroy me – He just liked fighting people.

So, I gave him a good fight. Every time he  swung his claws at me, I was able to dodge,   then hit back. My hits barely bothered him, but  he seemed like he enjoyed having the exercise. “Hey, that was a good fight.  I like your style, man.”

“You’re a pretty good fighter yourself, Sutiramu.  How about instead of fighting random coyotes,   you go up against a real opponent – Like  helping me take on that demon, Amalgalich?” “Now that sounds like a good time!” From day 71 to day 74, after not finding  

Anything in the desert other than a cave  I couldn’t enter, I returned to the base. Only to find that Behemoth was already there,   and he was annihilating my base. By the time I  got back, half of the base had been destroyed,   and he was attacking the Tribal  Gremlins trying to rest there.

“Zozo! You’re back! Good. I was getting  bored destroying all your friends.” “Behemoth, you monster!  You’re going down for this!” “Try me.” I transformed into a Vex, pulled out my mace  again, and attacked Behemoth. My rage fueled me,   and this time, as I attacked him, it looked  like I was actually doing some damage.

“You’ve improved, Zozo, I’ll give you that.  But you’re still nothing compared to me!” Behemoth hit me back, stunning me and taking down  several of my hearts. And while I was stunned,   he grabbed one of the Tribal  Gremlins and ran off with him. “Gremlin! No!!”

But there was nothing I could  do. After I got my strength back,   I teamed up with the other Gremlins to  rebuild the destroyed sections of my base,   and create a new guard tower to  watch out for any future intruders. At Amalgalich’lair, he was laughing  with glee as his army of monsters and  

Skeletons prepared themselves for the next battle. “It is almost time. Soon, I will wipe out  the resistance, and all will be mine!”  From day 75 to day 78, King Midas once  again arrived at my base, carrying a gift. “Zozo, I have heard about your recent losses,  

And your valiant attempts to get your hands  on the Mithril Battleaxe. In the meantime,   please, as a token of my gratitude for  all the work you’ve done take this.” “Oh wow, King Midas, thank you! What is this?”

“It’s a Sword of Undying, my old battle weapon  from my adventuring days. It’s not the Mithril   Battleaxe, but this is a powerful, well-forged  weapon. If you right click it it will give you   a regeneration effect and 6 extra absorption  hearths! I believe Behemoth keeps his own  

Private lair out in the plains. Perhaps you should  go show him how well you can use this new weapon?”  From day 79 to day 84, I arrived at  Behemoth’s lair out on the plains,   with my Sword of Undying, ready to do battle.

I stormed in, ran past the skeleton soldiers  and saw that Behemoth was waiting for me. “This is it, Zozo. I’ve gotten bored of playing  with my food. You won’t be leaving this lair,   and when I’ve destroyed you, the  master will give me power and riches!”

“Your creep of a master is never  going to see you again, Behemoth!” “Skeletons grab this fool!” Skeletons surrounded me but  I managed to take them down   without much effort. I focused on Behemoth next. Sword in hand, we fought.  

Behemoth was still incredibly strong, but I  felt like I was finally ready to take him on. But as the fight went on, even though I was  doing some good damage, Behemoth started to   turn the tide. He fought harder and harder,  hitting me again and again, watching my  

Hearts drop. Even with the regeneration and extra  absorption health the Sword of Undying gave me,   I was still losing this fight. Everything  I’d worked for was about to be for nothing. “You’ve been amusing, Zozo, but I  won’t miss you when you’re gone.” Just as Behemoth was about to finish me off,  

One of the walls of his lair exploded  and Sutiramu broke in to save the day. “Zozo! Eat this!” He threw me a Golden Apple – I’d  never seen one like it before – and   I immediately took a bite. Immediately,  everything changed, I could feel myself  

Getting bigger and stronger – And not just  regenerating hearts, but doubling them. With the 16 Hearths I shifted into Ultimate  Gold Golem, and with the Sutiramu at my side,   I was ready to finish this. The two  of us attacked the Behemoth together,  

Giving him no chance to take us out. I  climbed to the top of the gate wall and   jumped on the behemoth, swinging my sword at  his head. He was defeated once and for all. I looked and saw that the destroyed Behemoth  had dropped a Soul Heart onto the ground.

“Now that was a good fight! Say,  what’s that thing he dropped?” “Sutiramu, that’s our ticket to the big time!” From day 85 to day 89, while still out in the   plains, I shapeshifted into a Two  A funny double headed Viologre. I  

Stumbled upon some clay and dug it up to  use on the Tribal Gremlin Chief statue. “This is gonna look awesome, and I bet my Tribal  Gremlin roommates will really appreciate it, too.” I returned to the base and completed  the statue. Seeing it there inspired me,  

And reminded me of what really mattered:  All the innocent people I was fighting for. With the statue done, I set off for the desert,  with the Behemoth Soul Heart in my inventory. I   could finally enter the sacred cave and obtain  the Mithril Battleaxe. It would be a great day.

But when I entered, things weren’t so easy.  There were husks everywhere, and just as I was   about to clear them all a terrifying Jabberwock  jumped out of the cave and started attacking   me. I needed to pull out King Midas’ Sword to  fight him off, and even then, it wasn’t easy.

“It feels like nothing has been  easy for me these last few months…” But with the Jabberwock Cave Guardian defeated,   I saw it there, waiting for me:  The Mithril Battleaxe that would   solve all our problems. I picked it up and  felt its power surging through my hands.

“Ignites and knocks back  targets. Well that is useful!” “Things are looking up at last!” From day 90 to day 94, I emerged from   the cave with the Mithril Battleaxe,  wondering what I’d use it for first,   when I saw that Amalgalich was  standing right in front of me.

“Hello again, Zozo. Think I’d let  you get away with destroying my   most powerful henchmen? For that,  I’m going to destroy you myself!” I didn’t feel like talking to this monster.  Instead, with the Mithril Battleaxe in hand,   I charged at him, ready to  strike. I got one hit in.

He instantly hit me back and sent  me flying. The hit was so hard it   knocked the Battleaxe right out of  my hands! Before I could get up,   he snatched the Mithril Battleaxe,  even though I’d only just gotten it. “You won’t be needing this anymore. In fact,  

I think I’ll make much better use of  it than you ever did. Goodbye, Zozo!” There was an explosion and the desert  ground beneath me caved in, trapping   me in a pit. Amalgalich disappeared,  off to do something awful, no doubt.

“One step forward, two steps back…” From day 95 to day 97, I needed to do something   clever to escape the pit. Thankfully, this was  where my shapeshifting skills came in handy again. I turned into a Bald Eagle and flew right out of  there, heading towards King Midas’ village. With  

The Mithril Battleaxe lost, I needed to ask  frim for advice on what I should do next. But it was already too late.  When I arrived at the village,   I saw that it’d been completely ransacked.  All the buildings were destroyed, I couldn’t  

See any villagers. All that was left was King  Midas, near-death, next to his broken throne. I flew down and turned into a Golden Villager,   approaching King Midas to see if  there was anything I could do to help. “I’m sorry. It’s already too  late for me. Amalgalich used  

The Mithril Battleaxe to increase  his power to unimaginable levels.   He destroyed the entire village. You  must stop him. You’re our only hope.” “I will stop him, King Midas. I promise.  He’ll pay for everything he’s done!” King Midas passed, and I  journeyed back to my base. 

On day 98, I arrived back at the base and  found that my worst fears had been made real:   Amalgalich had come here too, and  destroyed everything. The base was in   tatters, and most of the  Tribal Gremlins were gone. I’d failed. I couldn’t protect  anybody or anyone. It seemed  

Like Amalgalich was going to use the  Mithril Battleaxe to rule the world.   I felt so terrible about myself,  I shapeshifted into a cockroach. Just as I was about to give up hope, one  of the last Tribal Gremlins approached me.

“I’m so sorry that I failed, Tribal Gremlin.  I let your people down from beginning to end.” “But this isn’t the end, Zozo. You can’t give  up. If Amalgalich could use the magical axe   to destroy all this, then maybe, if you get your  hands on the axe, you can make it all okay again!”

And in that moment, I knew that the  Tribal Gremlin was right. If that axe   could get us into this, it might be  the only thing that could get us out.  On day 99, I shapeshifted into King Midas himself,  as a tribute to the great king’s legacy. As him,  

I approached Amalgalich’s base,  wielding his Sword of Undying. To my surprise, Amalgalich  himself came out to meet me,   holding the Mithril Battleaxe – Exactly as  I’d hoped.“King Midas… This is impossible.   I dealt you a lethal blow with the  Mithril Battleaxe. You must be…” “Zozo. And I’ll be taking that axe!”

“Yes, to the face!” This time, Amalgalich lunged at me first,   upset at being tricked. But  that’s when I took my opportunity. As he swung the Mithril Battleaxe, I  dodged, and snatched it from his hands. “Thanks, Amalgalich! I  promise I’ll bring it back!”

With the battleaxe in hand, I ran back to  my base as fast as I could, hoping that   it still had some magic left over after all  the damage that Amalgalich had done with it. I arrived back at my base, and began to  wish, holding the axe tightly in my hands.

“I wish for all the Tribal  Gremlins to be brought back,   and for my base to be fully  repaired. That’s all I ask for.” And seconds later, the axe vanished from my  hands, never to be seen again… But my wish  

Was granted. My base was back to normal, and  all the Tribal Gremlins had been brought back. “You saved us, Zozo! Thank you!” “And now, together, we can save everyone  else. Like Amalgalich himself said,   just one Tribal Gremlin doesn’t count for much.  But all of you together? We can bring Amalgalich  

Down for good! Let’s go save the world!” On day 100, I led the Tribal Gremlin strike force   straight to Amalgalich’s lair. As Wither Skeletons  poured out to fight us, the Gremlins took them on. “Gremlin freedom forever!” And as the fight raged on, of course,  

Amalgalich crawled out of the  lair, ready to fight me personally. “You worthless little creature. I should have  destroyed you when you were small and weak,   it would have saved me a lot of trouble.” “It’s too late for regrets now  ,Amalgalich,They won’t do you any good.”

“Stubborn and arrogant to the end. Do you really   think you can beat me? You’re  not even carrying a weapon.” “I’m a shapeshifter, Amalgalich.  Don’t you know what that means?” “What?” “It means I am a weapon.” And with that, I turned into my  final form: A giant Enderdragon.

“No! This can’t be! It isn’t fair!  I can’t be defeated by some other   lowly shapeshifter! I’m the most  powerful being in the world!” But all that complaining didn’t do him any  good. I unleashed my most powerful Dragon’s  

Breath attack on him, and by the time I was done,  there was nothing left. Amalgalich was defeated. And once the Tribal Gremlins were done  defeating the last of the Wither Skeletons,   the world could finally be at peace once again.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-05-02 21:15:00. It has garnered 2232265 views and 16672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:54 or 2214 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll turn into all kinds of different creatures, like a wither skeleton, a golem, monkeys, and much more, as I do my best to fight the evil villain Red Nightmare!

#minecraft #100days #shapeshifter

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    Demonic Minecraft Son - INSANE Realistic RTX Shaders 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic shaders 😱Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts’, was uploaded by Demon Son on 2024-03-15 04:57:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft realistic shaders Minecraft rtx shaders #shorts best minecraft rtx shaders for android, best non rtx shaders minecraft … Read More

  • Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE

    Unbelievable! Arkace House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘House Of Ashes Playthrough LIVE’, was uploaded by Arkace on 2024-05-18 03:47:41. It has garnered 53 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:19 or 7039 seconds. Hello there and welcome! On my channel I play a variety of different games, from games such as Subnautica and Minecraft, to other games like Phasmophobia and Sons Of The Forest. I’m a big horror fan so expect a lot of highlights/streams on various horror games such as Resident Evil on the channel as well! #houseofashes #gaming #playstation #playthrough #entertainment Read More

  • OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren Ivory

    OMG! Insane House Build in Minecraft by Ren IvoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Lanjut bikin rumah lagi || Ren Ivory’, was uploaded by Ren Ivory Ch. on 2024-05-10 14:42:28. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:28 or 7228 seconds. 【Support me】 Treat : https://trakteer.id/RenIvory Ko-Fi : https://ko-fi.com/renivoryid ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 【 Rules 】 – Please remain polite to both streamers and fellow viewers as you would like to be treated – Please do not mention anything related to SARA, Politics, NSFW , etc. – Don’t spam the chat or comments column – Please don’t mention the names of other Vtubers/Streamers/Livers/Youtubers (except Ren… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 2×2 House Build 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft 2x2 House Build 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2×2 House😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by Tender Gamer on 2024-03-06 11:39:37. It has garnered 8642 views and 235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft: Which cat did it better? 🤔 In this video, Tender Gamer shows the Chipi Chipi cat making music with Minecraft game noises, blocks, mobs, items and more. Who do you think won the competition? KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: 🔥 Tender Gamer creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJ

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with Spiky Hair JJVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode 1 | Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion | Spiky Hair JJ’, was uploaded by Spiky Hair JJ on 2024-01-18 13:53:12. It has garnered 71 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. Episode 1 of the Movie Series Minecraft: The Woodland Mansion 4 Kids, Mal, Lenna, Chug and Lizzie discover a mysterious creature enter the town of Cornucopia. They break the town rules and adventure out to the outside overworld. While adventuring, they face many highs and lows. But then they discover tracks leading to their town? Can they… Read More

  • Ram War

    Ram WarWelcome to RAM WAR!!! Minecraft’s up-and-coming FPS!!!!! Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from! Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy’s base! Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo! Pick from weapons including: Bow, Scythe, Bubble Bomb, Shotgun, Chain Blades, Railrifle, Gilseng, and Biped Bomb. There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come! Come be a part of the universe’s story and lore! Where everything is completely normal :))) mc.ramwar.net Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Competition Prizes Discord

    Ultra-Hardcore Mining Competition One life to live your best life. DoN’T DiE! About Mining challenge lasting 254 weeks Earn a revive by winning Sunday competitions Special Team Competition on Sundays Prizes Revive on ultra-hardcore world In-game advancement shout-out Details Server: gapple.mchost.pro Direct IP: Goal: Stay alive and earn points Scoring: +1 per minute alive, +1 per experience point Rules Play fair and friendly No unfair advantages No hacking or hacked clients Apocalypse DataPack Features Players killed by zombies turn into zombies Enhanced skeletons, biting bats, spinning spiders, defending Ox-Heads, and more Your Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Woah, Minecraft wolves making baby wolves?

    Me after finding out I can breed wolves: Sorry ladies, I’m taken by my pack now! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!