Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as SHREK in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as Shrek! “I’m a powerful ogre! No wait, I’m  a tiny baby ogre. Niiiiiiiiice.” Just then I heard a plop, and  saw a slime was headed right at   me! That’s when I noticed I only had a few hearts. “I’ve got to get out of here!”

I took off running. I was in no state  to be fighting anything. Just when I   thought I had gotten away, I noticed I had  almost run into an entire group of slimes! “Ah! Wrong way!!” I quickly turned and ran off in  another direction. This swamp is  

A dangerous place! Luckily for me I  soon saw a cave and jumped inside. “Whew, I think I lost them. I  better lay low for the night.” I looked around the cave and saw there were a few   mushrooms. I picked a few of  them and scarfed them down.

“Where is my family? I’ll have  to look for them tomorrow!” I plopped down in the dirt and went to sleep. On day 2 I woke up and headed out of my cave. “There’s just got to be more  people like me out there!” I took another bite of mushrooms.

“Blegh these mushrooms aren’t very good.  Ogres like me are going to need something   better to eat than that! I’ll have  to figure that out later though.” I started exploring the swamp, when I  came across a frog, sitting on a lilypad. “Hey you! Excuse me, but have  you seen any other ogres around?”

“Mmm I have, but they aren’t here anymore. I’m  not too sure what direction they went though.” “Well, at least I know  there’s some around for sure!” In the meantime, I decided I needed  to start getting some tools together,   so I started punching trees to collect  some wood. With my freshly gathered wood,  

I then made myself a wooden sword.  Then I made myself a wooden pickaxe! I took off into the swamp again, and soon saw  a huge old tree trunk, sitting in a clearing. “Woah, this must have been a huge tree! I think  this could make for a perfect place to live!”

I dug into the side of it, and found that it  was hollow! I got right to work and started   turning the inside into a home. I only had some  basic materials, so I wasn’t able to do anything  

Super fancy, but it was going to work great  for a starter base. Soon, the hut was complete! “This is much better than sleeping in a cave!”  On day 3 I stepped out of my hut,  and set off to look for the ogres  

The frog had seen. To my surprise, I soon  stumbled across an entire village of ogres! “I can’t believe it! I found my ogre family!!” I walked up to one of them. “Hi! You must be my dad!” “Your dad?! Do I look like a  man to you? I’m your mom silly!”

“Oh whoops! That’s what I meant. What are  you guys doing hiding so deep in the swamp? “You haven’t heard? All the king’s  horses and all the king’s men are   out here capturing us. The king hates ogres!” “Oh no, why would he do such a thing?  What happens to the ogres he captures?”

“He takes them and forces them to live in   his dungeon. We don’t really  know what happens after that.” We talked a little while longer, then my mom  decided to show me around the village. It was   so nice to finally have a family! But suddenly,  the village was attacked by a bunch of knights!

“Zozo, run!! We’ll try to hold them off!” I ran and hid while the knights and my ogre  family started to fight. They did their best   to fight them all off, but it wasn’t  enough. They took my parents captive,   and destroyed anyone else who fought back. “Noooo!! How could they?!”

From my hiding place I could hear one of  my ogre brothers was stuck. Just then,   a door opened and I heard a knight run up to him.  A block broke as he dropped through the floor. “Am I next??”

That’s when I started to hear explosions, as the  nights started placing TNT around the village,   and setting things on fire! Suddenly  I heard some TNT light right by me,   and an explosion sent me flying over the railing! A while later, I emerged from  the swamp I had fallen into,  

And saw the village was in ruins, but  deserted. Except for a swamp pig that is. “Oi! Ogre! Was it another  attack by the king’s men?” “Yeah it was, I think I’m the only  one left. They took my entire family!” “I’m sorry. This keeps happening  to ogre families all over the  

Swamp. Someone needs to do something about it!” “I agree, but I’m just a baby. Who could possibly  fight off a king and his army? I have a hut not   far from here though. Do you want to stay with  me? It might be safer if we stick together.”

“Safer? Did you see what happened here? The  safest place for me is far away from ogres.   Sorry, you seem like a nice guy, but  I don’t think it will be safe for me.” I understood and left to go back to my hut. I wasn’t strong enough to fight an entire army,  

But the least I could do is make some  simple tools to defend myself. I had   found a deposit of cobblestone, so I got to  work mining out as much of it as I could. Back at my hut, I got right to work  crafting myself a stone pickaxe,   sword, shovel, hoe, and ax.

“Now let’s make some improvements around here!” It was time to make this hut a home.  Using the materials I had gathered,   I began fixing up the room, and giving  myself a few more comforts. I might be   here for a long time, so I made everything  as nice as I could, given the circumstances.  

I even made myself a chimney! I definitely  didn’t want my house to be full of smoke. I also needed to have a food supply, which  looked like it was going to be mushrooms   for now. I had found a nice damp cave under  my base, so I planted some mushrooms there.

That night I was outside of my base, when  suddenly a bunch of skeletons attacked! “Get back you fleshless creeps!” It was a good thing I had made myself a sword,   because I might not have been able to fight  these guys off! I still wasn’t very big,  

But I was still a tough ogre! Soon,  all of the skeletons were defeated! Just then, I felt a surge of power,  and I grew a little bit in size! “And check it out, I’ve even gained more hearts!”

I was feeling good, but it had been a long  day, so I headed back into the hut to rest.  On days 4-5, I went digging in the mine for  some coal. It was bad enough having knights   attacking ogres, let alone mobs!  Once I had collected enough coal,  

I made myself some torches, then  headed outside to set them up. “There we go, that should fix my mob problem!” Later that night I was sitting at my  table when I heard a noise outside. “More skeletons?? What’s going on here?”

I fought them off, but realized they must  be spawning from somewhere else and walking   over. In the distance I could see more mobs, so  I ran toward them, fighting them off one by one. “Where are you guys all coming from??”

I kept following them through the swamp,  taking them out as I went. Eventually,   I saw a stone structure with a long  stairway leading down under the swamp. “Uh oh, this looks like it’s a huge  grave. I don’t want to go down there,   but I’ve got to clear these guys out!”

I headed down the stairs, fighting off  the zombies. When I got to the bottom,   there was a huge group of them! “Ahh get away you brain suckers!” There were a lot of them, but they weren’t  very smart. I got them to all get in a line,  

And started to quickly knock them out one by one.  Eventually, I managed to take the last one out! “Whew, I’m glad I got rid of them,  but where are they coming from?” That’s when I had a scary realization. “What’s inside of the tomb?”

I nervously cleared the top of the grave,  and saw there was a spawner inside! “Oh that’s the issue!” I quickly knocked it out. No more zombie  problems for me! Just then, I realized I   was really hungry. But I was still a long way  away from my base! What was I going to do?

“I did pick up a bunch of rotten flesh from  these guys… I guess it’s my only option…” I ate a bunch of it, and  started to feel funny. Although,   it wasn’t a bad funny, just a, funny funny.

Suddenly I let out a big burp, releasing a  bunch of toxic gas! I let out a little fart   too. I hadn’t even noticed a zombie had snuck up  behind me, but the gas attack made him run away! Oh nice! I think I just  discovered a powerful ability!”“

Excited about my new power, I ran back  out of the grave. As I came out the top,   I saw a donkey come wandering out of the trees. “Oh my word it’s an ogre! Run!!!!!” “Woah, hang on a second!” The donkey took off running into  the trees. He was running so fast,  

He ran straight into some mud and started sinking! “Oh no, it’s the end for me! It’s  over! I can already see the light!” I ran over closer to him “Here, catch this!” I threw a rope out to him, which he grabbed onto.  Using that, I managed to pull him out of the mud!

“Oh my word you saved me! You’re my hero!” “What are you doing all the  way out here in my swamp?” “Well, I was out here with my family,   but they fell into mud just like this. There  weren’t any ogres around to save them though.”

“Oh no, that’s horrible! The  swamp can be a dangerous place.   Why don’t you come stay at my hut? It’s not far.” “Oh you mean it?! That would  just make my year right there.” We started heading back to the hut. “By the way, what’s your name?” “Donkey! Just like my father before me. You  

May be surprised to know it’s  actually a pretty common name.” We soon arrived back at the hut,  which was surrounded by slimes! “Hang on, I’ll take them out!” Donkey charged in without warning. He was a  feisty little guy, but got hurt almost right  

Away. I had to jump in too. Luckily slimes  weren’t very strong, there were just a lot   of them! Working together, we managed to  clear all of them out, after a bit of work. “That leg doesn’t look too good,  come on, you can stay inside.” Donkey ran inside, and  immediately jumped on my bed!

“This is gonna be fun! We can stay up late,   swappin’ manly stories, and in  the mornin’ I’m makin’ waffles.” “Okay, okay, I guess you can sleep in my bed.” I walked over to the armchair  and settled in for the night. 

On days 6-8, I started the day by working on  a house for Donkey. He was a really nice guy,   but I wanted my bed back! I was pretty  sure he’d be over the moon when he saw it.

Right as I finished, he came running over to  me! He was super excited about the new house,   but also about what he had found. Just  behind the base was a bunch of iron! “Nice work Donkey! I’ll go check it out!” We ran over to where he had  pointed, and sure enough,  

There was a ton of iron there! I got my pickaxe  out and got right to work mining it all up. With my pockets full of iron, I headed back  to the base and filled the furnace up with  

Iron. While it smelted, I headed back outside  to do some more work. I got down in the dirt   and carved out a nice path between Donkey’s house  and my own. I felt like it looked really great! “Now let’s go check on that iron!”

The iron had finished smelting, so I used  it to make an iron shovel, pickaxe, ax,   hoe, and sword! I also had enough  to make an iron helmet, chestplate,   leggings, and boots! I decided  to make Donkey some armor too,  

Just in case he went recklessly charging into  battle again. I went outside to meet him. “Hey Donkey! I made both of us  some iron armor. This should   help keep us safe in case we get attacked again.” “Nice one! But what are we waiting  around for? We’ve got armor,  

Let’s go defeat the king and save your family!!!!” “Donkey you’ve got to stop being  so reckless! If we just charge   into things we’re going to get ourselves hurt.” Just then, a giant warped toad came  hopping up behind us! Right on cue,   Donkey went rushing in and attacked!

“We’re going to have to work on that.” I rushed in as well and we started to  fight off the toad. He wasn’t super strong,   but he sure was big! Together with our new gear  though, Donkey and I managed to take him out.

“See, we make a great team!  We can take the king on!” “But don’t you see how dangerous  that was? We can’t just rush into   things. We’ll need to prepare ourselves  if we’re going to be taking on an army.” Donkey understood, but mentioned he  was getting hungry. I tossed over  

A bunch of mushrooms, which he tossed right back! “Blegh mushrooms are nasty! Here,  I have some carrots from a farm I   used to work on. How about we  start our own farm with these?” I thought that was a great idea, so  I picked them all up and got right to  

Work tilling the ground. Once the farm  was ready, I planted all the carrots. “There we go, Donkey can have a feast now!” On days 9-10 I started my day adding some   upgrades to the base, including an outhouse.  I had been eating a lot of rotten flesh,  

So it was better to be safe than sorry. I had also had this strange dream where I met a  talking gingerbread man, so I thought it would   be fun to make a giant statue of him. I had  started to make the first part out of mud,  

But once I finished, didn’t think it looked quite  right, so I went to have a chat with Donkey. “Donkey, you said you used to work at a  farm near here right? Was there wool there?” “Oh yeah, tons of wool. Enough wool  you can make yourself a million winter  

Coats. But don’t you know it’s hot out  here? Why are you making so many coats?” “No, not for coats, for a statue!” “Ah well why didn’t you say so?” Donkey told me where to go,  but warned me that the farmer   there isn’t very nice, so I’d have to be careful.

Later on, I could see the farm  in the distance! As I got closer,   I snuck up to the farm, but  didn’t see the farmer anywhere. “Psst, hey! Do you mind if  I grab some of your wool?”

“You can have as much wool as you want if you  can bust us out of here. This farmer is a jerk!” “Yeah sure, I can help you out.  Where is that farmer anyway?” “What, you didn’t see him?  You walked right by him!”

As I turned to look around a  stick broke beneath my feet,   and a tiny angry goblin came charging at me! He  was making a crazy sound too! (wolololololololo) “Ahh what the heck! Where did you come from?!?”

This little farmer goblin was nuts! I tried  to talk sense to him, but he just kept making   his crazy sounds while he tried to hit me. I  took a bite of rotten flesh, and could feel   myself gassing up. I started letting the burps  fly, and eventually managed to take him out!

Before I went to let the sheep  out, I took a look around the   farm. Inside of the barn I found some  shears, as well as some cocoa beans! “This is perfect! Now I can dye the wool brown.”

From there I rounded up all of the sheep  and headed back toward the base. We took   a boat to get across the swamp, and I got  right to work building them a new pen. Once   their pen was finished, I sheared a couple of  them to get some white wool. Then I dyed some  

Of them brown and used the shears  to collect the brown wool. I also   took a moment to plant some of the cocoa  beans so I could make some cookies later. “Oh and I almost forgot!”

Using some of the wool, I made an extra bed.  There was no way I was going to let Donkey   sleep in my bed again! I went and put his new bed  in his house, which he was really excited about. 

On days 11-12, I was having a crazy dream. In  my dream I was running through a dungeon, and   could see my family locked behind bars. I tried to  open the door to free them, but it wouldn’t budge!

Suddenly I was in a tower that had a long flight  of stairs. As I got to the top of the stairs,   I saw a fancy door, but it wouldn’t open.  Nearby I saw the key. Using the key,  

I was able to open the door. Inside was the most  beautiful ogre I had ever seen in my entire life. She told me that the king was keeping  all of the ogres captive, and she needed   my help. Suddenly, there was a figure in  the doorway- it was the king’s henchman!

I woke up in a cold sweat. That dream felt too  real… it couldn’t possibly be real… could it?  On days 13-15, I ran over to Donkey to have a   chat with him about my dream.  He had a lot to say about it.

“A beautiful ogre? What do you  mean a beautiful ogre? Can you   smell yourself right now? You’re telling  me there’s a beautiful you out there?” “I get it, I get it, but come on,   you’ve been to the castle before right?  Surely you must have seen something?”

“Well I’ve just been to the farms, And  the dungeons. Sounds like you definitely   saw the dungeons. Never been in the castle though,   so I can’t say if there’s a  beautiful ogre inside or not.” “Well what about the henchman? Have  you seen someone like that before?”

“Oohohoho the henchman! Talk about a real  creepy creep. That guy never says a word!” “I don’t know, you’re making  him sound kind of nice.” “That guy will just stare at you, and  they say he’s never lost a fight. If   you think you’re going to go beat  him up, you better think again!”

“Well, maybe we won’t go get in a fight, but  I think we need to go and just see what’s   going on there. If my family is really  there, I’ve got to help rescue them.” Since I was still pretty small, donkey let me ride  

On his back. He kept chatting my  ear off until we came to a bridge. “It’s so foggy here. Let’s cross this by foot.” Donkey and I started crossing the  bridge, when we soon came across a troll! “Answer my question on the first try,  or get it wrong and prepare to die!”

“A question? Sure, go ahead.” “What, is your name?” “My name? It’s Zozo.” “What? But you’re that green ogre.  From that movie! That’s not your name!” “Donkey, what’s he talking about?” “Don’t look at me! I have no idea!” “Oh whatever, En garde!”

The troll attacked us! We couldn’t  waste any more time with this guy,   did he really think I didn’t know  my own name? Donkey managed to get   him lined up against the railing,  and headbutted him over the edge! “I’ll be back!!!!!”

“Huh, I guess he thinks he’ll survive  the fall. Come on Donkey, let’s go! Donkey and I continued across the  bridge, coming across the other side.  On days 16-19 we were continuing toward the  castle, when we saw a village in the distance. “Greetings humans!” The villagers immediately  started to scream and ran away!

“Huh, Donkey did say I smelled bad,  but I didn’t think it was THAT bad.” Since everyone had run away, I figured I  may as well help myself to some of their   crops. I managed to get myself plenty  of wheat and a nice stack of seeds!

“Well, at least now I can  start a wheat farm of my own!” As I went to grab some more crops,  there was a noise in the trees,   and a huge Wildkin came out of the forest! “Woah! No wonder the humans were all running away,  

They must have been scared  of you! Donkey stay back!” I tried to fight him, but he was too  strong! I started running away when   suddenly, a tiny cat came out of  nowhere, taking out the Wildkin! “Woah you’re super strong! We could  use someone like you on our team.”

“I am flattered señor, but please,  I have my own mission to complete.”a “It’s okay I understand.  We’ll see you around then!” “You will not see me, but I may see you…” “Umm okay!” On days 20-22,   Donkey and I could see the castle  in the distance! As we got closer,  

We saw that there was a village on the  edge that was completely falling apart. “What happened to this village? Why is it  so run down, this close to the castle?” Donkey had no idea either. We decided  to wait in the village for night time,  

Then we’d go take a look around. Once night  had come, we snuck up to the castle walls,   and used some blocks to stack up and  look over the top. What I saw shocked me. “Oh no, the ogres!” The king’s knights had gathered even more  ogres, and look who was inspecting them!

“The henchman from my dream! He’s real. I wonder  if that means everything else is real too?” Just then, I noticed someone looking out from the  castle balcony. It was the girl from my dream! “Wow, she’s even more beautiful in real life!”

Just then, I heard a shout behind me, a guard had  found me, and he was calling for backup! I had no   choice but to fight him off. We exchanged blows,  but I managed to knock him out pretty easily.

Just then, there was a surge of energy, and  I grew to be even bigger than before! I felt   stronger than before too! I looked up at the girl  on the balcony, and could see she had noticed me! I had no time to say anything though,  

As I was suddenly surrounded by more  knights! I had to get out of there! “Here’s something for ya!” I let out a little fart and jumped off the wall,   into a pond. Some guards were trying  to capture Donkey, so I hurried to help  

Him out! I was too big to ride him now  though, we were going to have to run. “Donkey, it’s the henchman!  Come on, let’s get out of here!” We ran off into the forest, losing them in  the trees. Before we got too far away though,  

I hopped up a tree to get one more look at the  princess. That’s when a tiny child prince… no   wait, it was a man? A tiny man grabbed her and  pulled her inside. That must have been the king!

“He’s trying to hide her away, just like  my family! I’ll be back for all of them!”  On days 23-26, Donkey and I arrived back at  the base. I went to go look at the sheep and  

Saw that they had made a nice stack of wool for  me. Turns out, they had been shearing themselves! “Wow, these guys are even smarter than I thought!” “We heard that!!” Then I went over to take a look at my cocoa  beans, and saw that they had grown in!

“I’ll be able to make even more brown dye now!” Since I had gathered a bunch of seeds from the  village, I also got right to work setting up a   wheat farm. Rotten flesh gave me a super power,  but I couldn’t just eat that all the time.

“Not to mention, I’m gonna be able to  make cookies! Who doesn’t want that?” Next up, I got to work expanding the base. If  I was going to rescue the princess and have   her come back to live here, she needed  to be impressed. I decided that I would  

Make my base feel more like a castle,  so that she would feel just as fancy. With the improvements finished, it  was finally time to get back to work   on that statue. With my new brown  wool, I was able to start building  

The statue the way I was imagining it.  I thought it was looking a lot better. “By the way, we’re going to need all the help  we can get in order to save the princess, so  

Click the subscribe button, or we’ll never win!” On days 27-31, I headed out of my base to go look   for some more supplies. As I explored,  I realized the swamp had changed, I was   in a Mangrove Swamp! This place was definitely  much more spooky than the swamp I called home.

“But why are there so many bats?!?” I was so distracted by the bats, I almost didn’t  see the zombies and skeletons, who attacked me! “Uh oh, don’t get too close to me! Get away!” I got some hits in, but there were too  many of them! Their arrows were really  

Starting to hurt too. And just when I  thought things couldn’t get any worse,   even more zombies and skeletons  jumped into the fight. “I think this might be the end for me!” When all hope seemed lost, another ogre suddenly   came running over! He was really strong  too, knocking mobs out left and right.

“Woah where did you come from??” This ogre even used a burp ability, but  it was way more powerful than mine! He   also had an explosive fart attack that was  really clearing the place out! Together we   fought off the rest of the mobs,  and finally had a chance to chat.

“Thank you for saving me! I  thought it was the end for me!” “You’re strong, but you could  be stronger. Come with me.” The ogre led me deeper into the swamp,  and we eventually came across a small hut. “I like your house! But what are  you doing out here all alone?”

“I used to live with my family, but the  king’s men came and captured them. I was   much weaker then, so all I could  do is run away. I’ve been out here   training and honing my abilities  so that one day I can save them.”

“Well you seem pretty strong to me! Why  haven’t you tried to save them yet?” “The truth is… I’m too scared! Saving  you was the first time I’ve really   tried using my full abilities in a big  fight. It worked, but… i don’t know.”

“Well maybe if we fight together?  Although I’m not nearly as strong as you.” “Well, that’s not a problem, I  can teach you everything I know!” “That would be amazing!” On days 32-35, my training   began! My new friend, whose name was Greck,  had me doing all kinds of crazy exercises.

First off I had to run around a track, which  he said would help build up my endurance.   After a few laps, we headed over  to the bag to get some punches in. “Smack that bag like you mean  it! What are you, a pixie?!”

After that was the scariest  one, walking the beam over a   pool of lava. Greck seemed to really enjoy  watching me do that one. Next was parkour. “Jump Zozo, jump! Deliver the unexpected.  No one is ready for a leaping ogre!”

Next was sword play w ith the dummies. But more  than that, it was learning to fight multiple   bad guys at once. After that, I ran over to  the rope climb, and made my way to the top. “Done! That wasn’t so bad!” “Yes yes good for you. NOW DO IT AGAIN!”

After many hours of training,  Greck pulled me aside to chat. “Okay, let’s see that burp power of  yours. What are you using to power it?” I ate some rotten flesh, then let out a burp. “That’s really not bad! But to truly complete  your training, you must defeat the king slime.”

Greck told me where I needed to go,  and I set off for my next challenge. After a while I could see the King Slime  hopping atop a hill, wearing his crown. “Bring it on, slime ball!” I jumped into battle, swinging my sword!  I had fought slime before, but this guy  

Was definitely stronger than any of the other  one! His jello punches were certainly powerful. “If I can just remember my  training, I can defeat him!” I thought about the jumping, the balance,  the strengthening… all of it had built me  

For this moment! I swung my sword for a  final time, destroying the slime king! “Got him!” After he disappeared, I noticed  that he had dropped something. “Suspicious stew… oh gross, this is probably  made of slime! At least I don’t have to eat it.”

I took off to go tell Greck  that my training was complete.  On days 36-39 I had arrived back at Greck’s house. “Well I’ve done it, I defeated the slime king!” “Very nicely done! But your  training is not complete.” “What do you mean? I thought I  just had to defeat the slime king?”

“There’s still one more thing to be  done. That suspicious stew? Eat it.” “Ahh man you can’t be serious!” I took out the stew and drank it down. My  stomach started to rumble. This didn’t feel   right! Suddenly, I let out a huge  fart, blowing a hole in the wall!

“Hmm maybe we should have done this outside.” “Whoops! I didn’t mean to do that!” “But now you can mean to do that! Your  fart ability is now yours to control!” We got right to work fixing up his shack.  I was really excited about my new power!  

Once the shack was fixed, I invited  Greck to come live at my base with me. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll stay  out here and continue my training. But here,   take these enchantments. They will help you to be  faster in water and do more damage to the undead.”

I stepped over to Greck’s anvil and  added the enchantments to my sword.   I was already feeling better about my chances! I soon left Greck’s house and started  journeying back to my base. Along the   way I ran into some more zombies and  skeletons like before, but this time,  

I was all powered up! With my new fart power  locked and loaded, I managed to blow them out   of my way while I hit them with my sword. Amazing  that only a few days ago this would have ended me,  

And now I could fight them off with ease. On days 40-43, I arrived back at my base,   but it was under attack! As I got closer  I could see a zoataur was attacking! “Hang on Donkey, I’m coming to help!”

Donkey had been doing his best to defend the  sheep, but I could tell he was losing. It’s   a good thing I had gotten there when  I did! The Zaotaur was really tough. “Let’s see how you like the smell of this!”

I unleashed my new fart bombs, which  he really didn’t like. To be fair,   no one else around seemed to really  like it either, apart from the fact   it was only hurting the bad guy. At long  last, I was able to land the final blow,  

And destroy the Zoataur for good! That’s  when I saw he dropped an enchanted book. “Oh look, it’s an efficiency enchantment! I  could use this to mine more material faster!” Donkey heard what I said, and came over to chat.

“I saw some funny looking blue rocks in a  cave nearby. That mean anything to you?” “Sounds like diamonds!” I headed over to the cave Donkey had found  and, sure enough, it had several diamond   blocks! I hopped on down, and managed  to quickly mine out a bunch of them.

“These will be great for upgrading our gear!” Back at the base I went over  to the crafting table to use   my newly gathered diamonds. I was able  to make Donkey a new set of armor. Then   I used what was left to make myself a  new set of tools, including a sword.

“I’ll have to find some more later to make  armor, but this will work great for now.”  On days 44-49, I wanted to improve the base to  look even more like a castle, so I headed out  

To find some more materials. As I was exploring  the swamp, I came across some old ruins. It had   the perfect blocks I needed to improve the  base. Problem was, it was full of Banshees! “Ooooohhh you guys are so creepy!”

The banshee was really scary, but I  had a base that needed to look cool!   So how could I let a creepy monster  like that keep me out? I kept mining   out as much material as I could, while  fighting banshees off along the way. “And look at these chests, they have lots of  

Emeralds inside! I’ll have to find  something good to do with these.” Soon enough, I had gathered all of the  material I needed, and got out of there!  On days 50-53, I returned to my base and started  using the materials I had gathered. I never  

Thought I would be someone who lived in a castle,  but the look was really starting to grow on me. Once I had finished with my  improvements for the day,   I did a little bit more work on the statue.  The sheep had given me a fresh stack of wool,  

So it was the right time to get going on the  next part of the build. As I was building,   I thought about how funny it would be to meet a  talking gingerbread man. That would just be crazy!

As I was finishing up the statue, I heard  a croak nearby, and saw a group of frogs! “Hey we’ve been watching you and seeing what  you’re building out here. It’s mad impressive!” “Thanks guys! Glad you think so.” “We do! We were also hoping we could  live here too! We’ve just been thinking,  

If the king is capturing green things  like you, what’s going to stop him   from capturing green things like US?  We’d feel much safer living here.” “It’s hard to argue with that  logic! Let me get you guys set up.”

With the frogs ready to move in, I had to  hurry and build them their own place. It   wasn’t anything super fancy, but I’m sure it was  pretty fancy for a frog. Soon it was complete,   and the frogs were able to all move in! On days 54-57, I went to go see Donkey,  

But he was gone! I looked around  and saw a note had been left behind. “Looks like he decided to go find  me some diamonds… very recklessly   I must add. I better go find him,  he could easily get into trouble!”

The frogs were awake, so I went over to them  to ask if they had seen where Donkey had gone.   They said they had seen him wandering off and  pointed me in the direction I needed to go. I wandered off really far from the base,  but still couldn’t find him. Just then,  

I could hear him crying out in the distance! I ran toward the noise, but stopped before  I got too close. Donkey was under attack by   a group of knights, led by the henchman! I  watched from a distance as they demanded to  

Know where my base was. Lucky for me,  and for the first time in his life,   Donkey didn’t say a word. They  started to put him into a cage! “Hang on buddy, I’m coming to rescue you!” But before I could charge in, a couple  of Zoataur started attacking the group  

Of knights! The henchman quickly swung his  sword, and defeated them it both in no time. “Oh man, he beat it them so fast! There’s no   way I can take him on now. Best  thing I can do is follow them.” As I followed the band of knights,  

We soon arrived in a savannah where I could  see they were taking Donkey into a fortress. “This must be the henchman’s  personal base. I’ll have to   get geared up and come back. Stay strong Donkey!”  On days 58-62, I made my way to Greck’s  hut out in the swamp. I was going to have  

To get a lot stronger if I was going to save  Donkey. I soon arrived and met up with Greck. “I have bad news. Donkey has  been captured by the Henchman.   I need to get stronger so that I can rescue him!”

“Ah, the Henchman you say? I may have  something that can help with that.” He explained that he had been working on a  special ogre armor, but needed some specific   materials to finish crafting it. But in order to  get it, I had to travel to the Mushroom Islands.

“Blegh more mushrooms? I thought I had left those  behind for good! But for Donkey, I’ll do it!” I traveled back out into the  world, and eventually made it   to the Mushroom Islands. As I walked along,  I was suddenly attacked by a bunch of Mungi!

“Eating mushrooms was bad enough,  now I have to fight them too?” These guys were a crazy little bunch,  and I was getting sick of them trying   to hurt me! I wasn’t strong enough to  fight the Henchman, but I was more than  

Strong enough to knock these guys out of the  way. Just then, I saw something terrible! “Is that a giant Mungus?!?” The monster was throwing mushrooms at me too! It  felt like this entire place was made just to taunt   me for my dislike for mushrooms. I managed  to get cover behind some giant mushrooms,  

And jumped out to strike. The strategy worked  well, and eventually I landed the final blow! “That’s enough living mushrooms for me!” I saw that the Giant Mungus had  dropped a Death Cap Mushroom. “This must be what Greck was after!”

Just then, I felt my strength begin to  grow, and I grew into a full sized ogre! “And look how many hearts I have now!”  On days 63-66, I had left the mushroom  islands, and returned to Greck’s house. “Zozo, look at you! You’re all  leveled up! You look great!”

“And I even got the mushroom  you were looking for!” Greck was so excited, and he quickly  got to work. After a few moments,   the new armor was ready, which he gave to me. “This new armor fits great, and is  so strong! I can’t believe mushrooms   could be used for something I’d actually like.”

I asked Greck if he was sure he wanted  to stay here, and this time he agreed to   move to my base with me. He said after I had  left he was feeling a new kind of loneliness,   and decided he would be happier  with me and everyone else.

Back at the base, I got right to work  constructing him his own place to live.   I was glad he had decided to move in  with everyone- no one should have to   live such a lonely life! Soon, I  had finished building his place.

“Thanks for this Zozo, I’m glad you  were so weak I had to save you.” “Ha ha very funny. But I’m glad  you’re here too. How do you feel   about going on a second rescue mission?  I feel like I’m ready to save Donkey!”

“I wish I could, but I don’t think I can.  I’m just too scared. There’s something   about that Henchman that just makes it  too hard for me to face him. I’m sorry.” “Oh that’s okay. I know that with all of  your training, I’ll be able to do it!”

He smiled as we both looked off in the  distance. I had subscribed to his methods,   and was rewarded. Now you just need to  subscribe, so we can keep adventuring together! After a long day, I headed back to my house.   That’s when I realized that I no  longer fit through the front door!

“Oh man, this is no good.  Well, just one way to fix it!” I backed up and charged at the doorway,   breaking the block with my head! Now I was  able to enter my house, and I closed the door. “Ahh… perfect.” On days 67-70,  

I had arrived back at the Henchman’s  fort. It was time to save Donkey! “I feel like with my strength and armor,  nothing can stop me! Even the henchman.” I ran up to the fort, knocking guards out of  my way! I used every attack I had, doing my  

Best to take as little damage as possible.  The new armor was pretty amazing though,   and I felt very protected. There were a  lot of knights here, but I wasn’t afraid. “Don’t worry Donkey, I’m on my way!” I kept pushing and knocking  knights out of my way. As I fought,  

I had also picked up a crossbow.  I figured that might come in handy   at some point. Eventually I had made it  outside the Henchman’s room. It was time.  On days 71-74, I stepped into the Henchman’s  room. I could see him sitting on a throne.  

Donkey was nearby too, trapped in his  cage! He was pretty happy to see me. “Zozo you’re here!” “Let my friend go, or prepare to be destroyed.” The henchman didn’t say anything. “Huh, I guess you really  don’t talk do you? Ah ha!” We leapt into battle, exchanging  blows. It was made clear really  

Quickly- I wasn’t ready for this fight!  Even with my new strength and armor,   I was getting beat. I tried my  burping attacks and my farting   explosions, but nothing seemed to hurt him! But  just then, Donkey called out with some advice. “Zozo, the switch! Hit the switch on the wall!”

That’s when I noticed that it was connected  to a cage hanging from the ceiling! I got   the Henchman lined up under it, then  hit the button, dropping the cage! “You did it! I am saved!  Free at last, free at last!”

I broke Donkey’s cage, letting him out. I  saw that there was a treasure chest nearby,   so I went over to search it. “This thing is full of netherite! That  must be how his armor is so strong.” I collected everything so I could use it  later. I also opened a note from the king.

“According to this note, the ogre from the  castle is an actual princess! Not just a   princess to me. Now I really have to rescue her!” On days 75-78, Donkey and I busted out of the fort   and made our way back to the base. Once we  were back, Donkey pulled me aside to chat.

“Oh man Zozo I feel terrible! I’m glad to  see you didn’t get hurt trying to rescue me.” “It’s okay Donkey, you’ve just  got to be more careful next time!” That reminded me, I could never be too careful,  and needed to upgrade my gear! Using the netherite  

I had taken from the Henchman, I was able to  upgrade my pickaxe, shovel, sword, and ax! “Next up, base improvements!” Enchanting was a key part of improving  my equipment, so I decided to add in some   bookshelves to beef up the enchantment table’s  abilities. Then I headed outside and worked on  

The entryway, replacing all the wood work with  stone. Now I could have a proper door too. Later on, I was inside my house,  when Greck came to talk to me. “Someone has been busy! This place looks great!  I found something that I thought you could use.” Greck tossed out a fire aspect book!

“Oh awesome! This is just what I needed!” I grabbed the book and headed over to my  enchanting table. Using the enchantment,   I upgraded my netherite sword. Now  it had a cool fire effect to it! “Now I’ll be too hot to handle!!” On days 79-84, I was too tempted to  

Try out the new sword, so I took  it out to the swamp. There were   some jungle zombies nearby so I got  right to work putting it to the test. “Oh man, this thing is a beast! I can’t  wait to use it against some castle knights!”

Just then, a creeper snuck  up behind me and exploded! “Ouch! That really hurt! But what’s that?” The creeper’s explosion had opened up a  hidden cave! As I looked over the edge   another creeper exploded behind me, knocking me  in. That’s when saw it was filled with monsters!

“Agh why couldn’t it have been full  of jewels? Or even better, cookies!” I kept fighting my way through, taking some  good hits. But my new equipment was next level,   and I was able to cut through the many  rounds of baddies. As I continued fighting,  

I soon saw the cave open up into a bigger  room, with a big mushroom in the middle! “What’s the deal with all  the mushrooms everywhere?” Suddenly, the mushroom  exploded, revealing a monster! “Ahhhhhhh!!!! Why is this here?!” What was going on? It’s like my entire  life was mocking my distaste for mushrooms,  

By making all the mushrooms I came  across attack me. This just wasn’t cool. “Back off you evil demon mushroom.  Trust me, I don’t want to eat you!” This guy was super freaky, but I would rather  eat a mushroom than be destroyed by one! I swung  

My fire sword, and finally took it out. As he  disappeared, I saw it dropped a giant mushroom. “Oh wow, what a great prize  for all of my trouble.” I picked it up but saw it’s inscription  said that I should eat it only in times of  

Need. Who knows, maybe it could come in handy? On days 85-89, I had made it back to the base,   and went to talk to Greck. I told him  all about how well the sword had worked,  

And even about my battle with the mushrooms. I  don’t think he believed me, but he said he did. “I finally feel like I’m ready  to try and rescue my family.” It was then that I remembered how the ogre  princess will need somewhere to live once we  

Broke her out, and this place was far from being  nice enough for royalty. So with that in mind,   I got to work, adding even more upgrades  to the base. Hopefully no one else would   want to attack us, but if they did,  we’d need to build a decent wall.  

It was going to be a simple addition,  but I think it made a big difference! Speaking of builds, I decided it was time to  finish the statue. I was really liking how this   gingerbread man was looking. It was almost like he  could start talking at any moment. As I finished  

Up I remembered, I had planted ingredients to  make my own cookies! I knew what I had to do next.  On days 90-94 I spent the days gathering up  as much wheat and cocoa as I could. I was   going to need a lot of ingredients  for all the cookies I had to make!

“If I’m going to bake these cookies  right though, I need a proper kitchen!” So I got to it, making the best kitchen I could.  I thought the place looked a little classier with   a better kitchen too. Once the kitchen was  complete, I made as many cookies as I could.

With all the cookies baked, I then spent  the day passing out all of the cookies to   my new friends. I told them all how I  was sad my family had been kidnapped,   but was grateful for each of them. We  really felt like a big happy adopted family.

With all the cookies passed out, it was time to go   to the castle. Before I could leave  though, Donkey came to talk to me. “Zozo, you really think I’m going to  let you go charging in there all alone?”

“You’ll have to let me Donkey. You remember how  dangerous it was. And plus, if things go wrong,   everyone here will need someone to lead them.  I can’t think of anyone better than you!” Donkey was really grateful to be so  trusted, and thanked me for being his  

Friend. That was that, it was time to go! On days 95-97, I was traveling back toward   the castle, when I came across a  weird robot, stuck in the sand! “Hang on little guy, I’ll help you!” I rushed over to him and  dug him out with a shovel.

“Yahoo! Thank you! I was worried  my battery was going to run out!” “Hey wait a second, have we met?” “Are you serious? Of course we have. I’m you!” “Oh! That’s right. I almost forgot I  spent 100 days as a robot! That was   one of the craziest adventures.  That Fat Cat was so greedy!”

“Oh man, tell me about it. It was also sad,  we lost some good friends along the way.” “Very true. I’m hoping I can save  some family and friends right now!” “Wait you’re in the middle of an adventure right  now? What are you talking to me for! Go go go!”

The little robot zoomed away. “Yeah I better get going. But seriously, after  this video, go check out my robot adventure!” A while later, I arrived back at the  village outside of the castle. I could   see the place was full of knights,  who were being mean to the villagers! “Hey, you leave them alone!!”

I charged in and started taking all of the knights  out. I wasn’t afraid of anyone now that I was big   and strong! Soon enough, the knights were all  defeated, and some villagers came over to me. “Thank you for rescuing us. . But you’re an  ogre? We had always heard ogres were evil!”

“Yeah well, it might be best to not  always judge people for how they look,   or believe everything you hear.  Some people might surprise you!” Just then, I noticed more knights, and  rushed off to fight. I couldn’t believe   people could say such mean things about  ogres. I had to hurry and save everyone,  

Then they’d see how nice ogres really are! On day 98 I entered the castle grounds. The   guards continued to swarm in, attacking me like  a pack of hornets. As I fought them, I noticed   that I was being watched. Up on the balcony I  could see the tiny king and and the princess.

“Don’t worry, I’m coming!!” The tiny king pulled her back into the room. I had  to hurry! I managed to fight off the rest of the   knights, then headed into the tower. I entered  the throne room, but the king wasn’t there. “The henchman! Get out of my way!”

The henchman stared at me and said nothing. “You give me the creeps! What  do you think about this?” I walked up to him and threw out a  cookie. He picked up the cookie and   stared at it. Even though he didn’t say  anything, I could tell he was confused. “Distraction! Hi ya!”

I swung my sword and hit him, lighting him on  fire! He swung back and the fight was on! I   couldn’t back down this time, and there were no  cages to trap him in. It was either him or me. “How can you support the king? He’s  hurting innocent animals and ogres!”

The henchman didn’t care, and kept hitting  me with his heavy blows. I was stronger,   but he was still just as dangerous as ever! Our fight had led us to the top of some stairs  and into a narrow hallway. It was a close battle,  

And I was starting to wonder if I could  actually beat him. I managed to land a good hit,   when suddenly, his helmet disintegrated,  and he was revealed to be an ogre! “What the… you’re an ogre?? But wait a  second, why do you look so familiar?”

Just then, the wall exploded,  and Greck came through the wall! “Zozo wait! This ogre, he’s my brother!” “Your brother??” Just then, the henchman spoke! “Greck you old softie, get out of my way!” “No Freck, I’ve been too afraid of you for  

Too long. Zozo here has taught  me what it means to be brave.” “Oh how cute. You’ve got yourself your first  friend. No wonder, you’re both losers!” “Zozo, you go on and save  the princess. I’ll handle my   brother. His greed has caused him  to forget what matters in life.”

“Handle me will ya? I’ll show you…” I hurried and ran out of the room  as I heard the two ogres begin to   fight. I had to get to the princess! I ran into the next room, and recognized  

It as the tower from my dream! That’s when a  bunch of knights started attacking me again! “You little tin heads better get out of my way!” I knocked them out left and right,  throwing them down the stairs. I   was going to make it to the top no  matter what! Eventually I reached  

The top and opened the fancy doors.  The king and princess were inside. “How can you call yourself a king? Hurting  innocent animals and creatures in your kingdom!” “A king? Please, I am a Lord. Lord Farquaad!” “Alright then, “Lord” Farquaad. Your cruelty has  

Gone on long enough! This is the  end. Princess, you better run!” The princess ran out of the room. “Not so fast ogre!” Suddenly, Lord Farquaad pulled  out a potion and drank it down.   He grew and turned into a horrible looking  monster, blowing the roof off the castle!

“Ha ha ha, who’s the big guy now? Wait why is my   voice an even higher pitch than  before? Whatever! Bye bye Ogre!” He attacked! I don’t know what he drank, but  he definitely wasn’t the little guy anymore,  

His hits really hurt! I managed to get some hits  on him, but even on fire, he couldn’t be stopped. “You pesky ogres, your time is over!” Just then, I remembered something,  the Magical Growth Mushroom! “I was really hoping I’d never have  to use this… hopefully it helps!”

I gulped down the mushroom- it was  disgusting! But it worked! I grew   to a massive size, and I even gained more hearts! “Oh yeah, I’ll show you who the big guy is!” “It doesn’t matter! I’ll still defeat you!”

We jumped at each other and continued to  fight. He was still strong, but I was stronger! “Why are you doing this? Why are you  keeping all of these ogres as prisoners?” “You see that ugly brute standing  over there? I paid good money for  

Someone to go and pick her up  for me, and when she arrived,   she had been cursed by a witch! How could I  ever love something that looks like that?” Wow, this guy was such a jerk!  How could he be so mean? He   had started doing ground attacks  too, which did some real damage.

“They told me that she would look like that  until she fell in love! Can you believe that?   So I figured I could just get her to fall in  love with another ugly ogre, then once she was   back to normal, I could take her back. But you  ogres aren’t just ugly, you’re violent too!”

“Clearly you don’t understand how love works.  And you definitely don’t understand ogres!” It was time to end this. I  focused as hard as I could,   and landed the final blow. The fire  then finished him off. He was defeated! “Princess! Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for getting  rid of him. My name is Fiona, by the way.” “Fiona! It’s great to finally meet you.  I’m Zozo. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been   cursed. Is there anything we can do to help that?”

“No, unfortunately curse rules are curse rules.  The only way to break it is if I fall in love.   But you know what? I actually really like being  an ogre. Every ogre I’ve talked to has been so   nice. And besides, love takes time to blossom.  It’s not something that can happen overnight.”

“That’s true! Hopefully you find the  right person someday. But in the meantime,   could you help me? I have to rescue my family!” “I know where the ogres  are being held. Follow me!”  On day 100 I followed Fiona down and into  the dungeons. My family was all here!

“Guys, it’s me! Zozo! I’m here to rescue you!” Fiona and I broke all of the cages,  letting everyone free. They couldn’t   believe I had made it all the way here  to rescue them. It was a great reunion.

Before I left though, I met back up with Greck.  He was looking over the balcony, and was sad. “Greck, what happened with your brother?” “We had an epic fight, and I managed to  corner him on this balcony. It was clear  

I was going to beat him, and he jumped over  the edge and escaped. Before he left though,   he said he was going to find himself  out in the swamp. I can only hope he   finds himself a good friend like I did,  who can help him become a better man.”

“Wow, I hope so too. By the way, this is Fiona!” “Charmed to meet you lassie.” “Likewise!” Hmm, maybe love could blossom  faster than we thought. We soon left the castle, and returned to the  base. Donkey was really excited to see me,  

And we all celebrated. It looked like the swamp  was once again a safe place to live… for now.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as SHREK in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-09-21 21:11:00. It has garnered 15626595 views and 13204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:46 or 2206 seconds.

In this video, I attempt to survive 100 days as a movie character SHREK in Minecraft Hardcore mode! This is an extreme challenge where I will face other animals, creatures, movie characters and so many more, who will try to take me out but will I survive? Watch and find out!

#minecraft #100days

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    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

    Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥 When you accidentally set off the wrong TNT in Minecraft and suddenly your world looks like a fireworks show gone wrong. #oops #minecraftfail 🎆🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

    Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft JAVA [Fabric Edition] – New Monuments – Episode 2’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-09-23 06:27:09. It has garnered 142 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/jvFK9dRZU5 Read More

  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-banner-pattern-items/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-ore https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/powder-snow-warnings/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/player-utilities https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/watch-of-undying https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/low-shield-pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/enchantment-modifiers https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/blues-better-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/torrezx-sniffer-tools https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins-x-fresh-animations https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/porkier-piglins https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fairy-allays https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-warden-6348709/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-axolotl-6349698/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/mob-skin/mossy-villager/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/caladbolg-cit-1-19-moltenoni-weapon-texture-pack/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/shrimps-distinct-potions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/splendous-sniffers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/formidable-frogs/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-3d-craft-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/better-animals-definitive-edition/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/shulker-gift-boxes-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/hexabiome-premium-1-16-1-21/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/notlives-s-customizable-statues-1-16/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/enhanced-boss-bars https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/arachnophobia https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/the-great-shrimpsby https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/erstwhile-cit/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/boo-phantom/ https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/bontiful-crops https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/animated-items https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/agamyst-re https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/platypus-optifine-h5-pre4/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/bees-reimagined https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-dragon/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/beebav-optifine/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fake-portal-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reverse-world-1-16-1-20-2/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/cat-creepers https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/pets-5644493/ https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/understandable-potions/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ghosts https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/angry-dragons… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : https://www.instagram.com/gmk_gamer_yt/ ✔Join My discord : https://discord.gg/CVTvac7 gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft https://youtu.be/nbIjkzikVvM?si=J-mnwXha-Lm93M6P https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/smart-zombie-ai/ _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q?sub_confirmation=1 ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm6PVvurw_4XJjzbyv8hi3Q/videos ■Twitter https://twitter.com/save93046076 ■instagram https://www.instagram.com/seven85654 #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as SHREK in HARDCORE Minecraft!