Zozo – I Survived 1000 Days as DEMON STEVE in HARDCORE Minecraft – Halloween Compilation

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as demon Steve with five Hearts oh wow demon Steve maybe this means I should cause some Mischief nothing too serious of course just some fun little pranks but I probably shouldn’t have said that out loud because as soon as I did a huge

Iron Golem night came barreling towards me across the Prairie he was easily twice my size and scarily fast for how big he was halt fell demon you have no business in these Lawns I will destroy you now for I am the brave knight sir

Slash a lot and it is my duty to destroy evil wait I’m not evil I’m just a little mischievous I don’t deserve to be destroyed all demons deserve to be destroyed and I have made it to my life’s mission to do so it’s why I’m the

Good guy here now have that be it’s time to meet your doom demon sir slash a lot didn’t waste any time he immediately tried to slash me in half I guess that’s how he got his name so I tried to hit him back when I hit him he took some

Fire damage that must mean that as a demon my punches have a natural fire aspect enchantment that’s so cool but I was still no match for the night I made a run for it further into the Prairie until I couldn’t see him anymore I stopped for a moment to rest jeez it

Isn’t easy being a demon then I was attacked by a bunch of Fallen Soldiers with a bone to pick thankfully my fire punches were really helpful in defeating them before they could deal me any real damage after they were finished I found some shelter under a tree to finally get

Some sleep I guess people really hate demons in this world I wonder if I can still get by even if nobody believes in me here on day two I decided that if nobody was going to take care of me I’d at least take care of myself I punched

Down some trees with my powerful fire punch and used the remains to build myself a wooden pickaxe this was perfect for digging into the ground and getting enough Stone to build a complete Stone tool set including a stone sword now I’m ready to explore the world and maybe do

A little demon pranking too I traveled from the Prairie to the Red Rock Valley which seems like a fun place for a demon to hang out once I arrived I found a nice clear area where I’d have plenty of space to build a base I used some of the

Material I collected to start building a cool little demon pad where I could hang out and avoid sir slash lot in his men it was pretty basic at first with only a room to sleep and a room to hang out in but when it was done I took in all my

Hard work and fell happy be it ever so humble there’s no place like home and clearly my building attracted some attention because I was soon attacked by a roving concrete Golem we’ve thought and believe me he was as tough as well concrete but in the end I managed to get

The upper hand and feed him but it made me realize how strong Stone could be using a crafting bench I added to my base I decided to build myself a full set of stone armor Sometimes the best offense is a good defense with all this

Work done I added a bed to my bedroom and settled down to sleep on day three I traveled from the Red Rock Valley over to the forest where I could collect some more wooden blocks for my base even when you’re a demon you just can’t beat the

Class of hardwood flooring I cut down a few trees and collected all the wood blocks just when I was about to take the rest of the day off a behemoth suddenly ran out of the woods and started attacking me this is the last thing I need today I equipped my sword and

Started fighting back but even with my demons drink I was still too weak to go toe-to-toe with him instead I turned around and made a run for it traveling deeper into the forest that’s when I ran into a hellhound hey hellhound I’m Zozo and I’m a demonic creature too what are

You doing all the way out here in the forest probably the same thing you’re doing trying to avoid sir slash lot and his band of not so merry Knights they’ve been coming down hard on anything even vaguely demonic I lost one of my hellhound Brothers to his raids oh no

That’s awful tell you what hellhound I think we should stick together come stay at my base with me there’s safety in numbers right huh that sounds like a pretty good idea lead the way Zozo from day four to day five I returned to the base in the Red Rock Valley with my new

Friend the hellhound because he probably didn’t want to sleep in my room with me I instead started building a kennel where he could live one that would suit his needs perfectly by the time it was done it looked like the hellhound could settle in nicely it was a job all done

But sadly it wasn’t time for me to rest just yet because I saw a high reavers skulking around the outside of my base he was someone I needed to deal with before things got too out of hand no trespassers allowed beaver ran out and fought him with my stone sword

Surprising him with how tough I was even though I wasn’t that experienced it must have been that demon confidence serving me well soon enough the high Reaver Was Defeated and he left me a gift a bow dropped to the ground ripe for the taking so I did now I have a long range

Attack too this is perfect from day six to day eight I went out to the plains in search of more resources if nothing else I could probably find some more Stone to make my base bigger however while I was out there just minding my own business I

Was suddenly ambushed by Sir slash a lot himself uh oh you thought you could Escape me foolish demon but nobody escapes or slash a lot it is my righteous purpose to hunt down and slay every single one of you and now with my new Divine blade which is extra

Dangerous to demonic beings I’ll finally be able to carry out my mission sure but you’ll have to catch me first I ran as fast as I could while the crazier or slash a lot chased me as I ran I knew that I’d have no hope of stopping him

For now the best I could do to survive was just run away as fast as I could and hope that he didn’t catch me during the chase I even ran out of the planes and into the cover of the forest sir slash lot kept chasing me but I had built

Enough distance between us to hide behind a tree I stayed very still and very quiet well sir slash lot searched to my relief he didn’t seem to find me you can’t die in Forever demon I’ll search for you to the ends of the Earth

And back if I have to even if you hide in the deepest cracks and crannies of the nether or the dark Mists of the end mark my words I will find you and I will destroy you after that sir slash a lot left I was safe again for now he was

Right though I couldn’t hide from him forever I needed to get stronger I needed to defeat him from day 9 to day 10 I returned to my base and wondered what I could do to start getting stronger strong enough to take guns or slash a lot and went into the hellhounds

Kennel to ask him for some ideas on what to do I think maybe you need some inspiration Zozo you’re getting too stuck in your head about all this if you want to be big and strong you need to picture it maybe start building a statue

Of what you’d like to be like oh that’s a really neat idea hellhound I’m gonna get right on it I collected some material from the area around my base and cleared a plot of land for me to start building my statue I wanted to build a statue of a huge powerful Wings

Demon just like I wanted to be after all my training once I’d laid the foundations and made the start of my statue I went back to my base and decided to make a fireplace after all demons love fire as soon as it was done I sat back and warmed myself with the

Flames maybe everything would turn out to be all right in the end if I tried my hardest from day 11 to day 12 I went further than I’d ever gone before venturing into the dark depths of the Black Forest not knowing what I might find in there I hoped at least that I

Wouldn’t find sir slash a lot waiting for me and instead I ran into a gorgon she was warming herself next to a campfire she’d built and she noticed me as I approached who goes there are you here to interfere with me if you come any closer I’ll turn you to Stone wait

Hold on a second I’m not here to interfere with anyone I’m just out here trying to avoid sir slash a lot he’s been on my tail for almost two weeks now ah sir slash a lot that makes sense he’s been making trouble around the Overworld for decades now I’ve been around for all

Of it and it seems he’s only getting worse worse you seem to know a lot Miss gorion can you maybe tell me where sir slash a lot came from well long ago there was a village that was often under attack by demons and other demonic creatures in order to protect the

Village a powerful wizard created his special night version of an iron golem his purpose was to protect the villagers by destroying demons but there is a problem you see over time the relations between the village and the demon smoothed over some demons even chose to live peacefully among the villagers but

This special iron golem he didn’t know how to take this he wasn’t even built to imagine that humans and demons could ever get along so he went mad and in his madness he destroyed the entire Village leaving no demons or villagers left now he rose the world picking up others who share his

Mission with the goal of eliminating demons and any who are a kind to them you want to defeat him you’re going to need everything you’ve got Zozo from day 13 to day 15 with the story that Gorgon told me still ringing through my mind I decided I needed to stand up for myself

And settle an old score I went back to the forest where I’d first met my friend the hellhound and I hunted down the Behemoth that had given me so much trouble the first time I got there but this time I decided to try a different tactic rather than engaging directly I

Took out the bow I’d taken from the high Reaver and took the Behemoth on from a distance this time it only took a few well-placed arrows to defeat the Beast and the XP it gave me let me level up I got bigger stronger and got 15 hearts oh

Wow and what’s this new ability I could now draw on my demon powers to use a ranged Fireball attack it took a lot of energy so I couldn’t use it often but it was still a really cool power to have in my back pocket just in case from day 16

To day 19 after deciding this would be a great time to invest in some upgrades for all my equipment I started mining underground searching for some veins of iron ore but during my search I also found a bunch of nasty cave spiders who weren’t eager to have company looks like

I gotta do a little Pest Control down here I Unleashed a fireball that blasted most of the cave spiders immediately the last couple ran away after that not wanting to get in any more trouble with me sometimes being a demon can have perks I searched deeper until I found

Some veins of iron ore mined them and collected them then I took them back to my base for crafting I built a furnace on my base and used it to smelt the iron ore and iron ingots then with the help of a little extra wood I made myself a

Full set of iron gear including an iron pickaxe a shield and an iron sword now I’ve got an Iron Will and an iron Loadout from day 20 to day 22 I was chilling at my base when suddenly hellhound ran in to warn me about something he looked worried and frantic

What’s going on hellhound Zozo it’s an emergency sir slash lot is outside right now you need to go stop him or he’ll destroy the whole base there was no time to waste I equipped my iron sword and shield and ran out to face sir slash a

Lot who was waiting for me at the base’s entrance impressive I was worried you wouldn’t even come face me demon perhaps you’re a little less cowardly than I thought I’m no coward sir slash a lot but I also don’t want to fight you unless I absolutely have to you’re

Making a big mistake trying to destroy all the demons most of us are just trying to get by I don’t believe you demon you’re just trying to trick me but I won’t fall for it I’ll destroy every lost one of you with that sir slash a

Lot attacked me and I fought back even though his Divine sword was powerful my shield helped me block a lot of the damage and my iron sword was a formidable weapon despite this I started to get worried that I might lose the fight so I pulled out the big guns and

Hit him with a fireball that made him stop fighting me and fall back this isn’t over Zozo I will return and slay you and all the rest after that he ran away I felt lucky to be alive after such an intense fight but for a second there

It felt like I really had him on the ropes if I keep training and upgrading my gear maybe I can truly defeat sir slash lot and his evil forces from day 23 to Day 26 I went underground to search for some new interesting materials and found myself in the middle

Of the Lush caves this is great demons naturally love being underground so this suits me just fine as I searched I found something extremely valuable a protection enchantment this would help me protect myself and ward off attacks from Sir slash a lot and if you want to protect yourself from boredom believe me

The best way to do it is to search Zeo zo in your search bar for more exciting Zozo Adventures from day 27 to day 31 I continued to work on my statue it was looking pretty good if I do say so myself but I couldn’t shake this feeling

That something was missing oh I know this statue needs some red terracotta I’ll go to the eroded Badlands to find some so I grabbed my gear and left my base making my way out to the eroded Badlands to hunt for some new material I hadn’t heard from Sir slash lot in days

So I was feeling pretty good about my progress I eventually reached an area where there was plenty of red hair terracotta but just my luck there was a gang of mutant hoglands guarding it I needed to do some battling today after all ready to see how a demon fights

Hoglands I ran in with my sword and shield blocking their attacks and returning mine it didn’t take me long to defeat the entire group then collect all the material I needed for the next part of my statue come to Zozo after collecting all the material I went back

To my base and continued working on the Statue it was coming along great from day 32 to day 35 I decided it was time to go and explore a biome I’d never been to before the snowy Plains demons don’t naturally like the cold so I figured

Being out in the snow would help me toughen up to fight sir slash a lot and that toughness was about to come in majorly handy because it didn’t take long for a big nasty Snow Golem to run in ready for a fight ready to kick some

Frosty butt I pulled out my sword and took him on he had the home field advantage but I wouldn’t give up soon enough I was able to take him down down with my sword once I defeated the snow golem I kept moving until I ran into a

Crying snow fox standing in the middle of the snow what’s wrong little snow fox the dreadlich of the snowy Plains stole my favorite guitar and he wouldn’t give it back I’m not strong enough to fight him myself so I don’t know what to do don’t worry little snow fox I may be a

Demon but I’m a helpful demon so I’ll go get your guitar back or my name isn’t Zozo oh thank you so much Zozo you’re amazing from Day 36 to day 39 I took some directions from the sad snow fox and ventured deeper into the snowy Plains to

Find the dreadlich it didn’t take me long because I could hear his terrible out of tune guitar playing before I even ran into him I hid behind a rock and watched as the dreadlich played the guitar badly but even if he was a bad guitar player he still looked pretty

Tough from here I could also see he was keeping an innocent green pixie in a cage too this guy was the master of taking things that didn’t belong to him at least he seemed pretty distracted by talking to the pixie so what do you think pretty sick track right I told you

It was foolish not to accept my invitation into my band we’re gonna be the next One Direction the only Direction I want to go is out of here dreadlich an encore you say coming right up please no just like that I formulated my plan using their sound as a distraction

I’d run right in defeat the dreadlich free the green pixie and get the snow Fox’s guitar back from day 40 to day 43 I put my plan into action it was time to make it all happen well the dreadlich was jamming out terribly in case you’ve forgotten I snuck up behind him and

Prepared to strike him with my sword but he spun around and hid me with his stolen guitar it really hurt how dare you interrupt my band practice little demon me and the green pixie were on the verge of riding our Sergeant Pepper but you just disrupted the flow he’s lying

He kidnapped me please help me out of here silence or I’ll do scales again oh goodness please no before he could play any more terrible songs I blessed a fireball at the dreadlich after that he started attacking me again but this time I was ready to fight back I used my

Sword and my shield timing my blocks and attacked perfectly soon the dreadlich was no more and I used my sword to break open the green pixie’s cage free I’m free thank you Zozo I’ll never forget this I feel so grateful I’ll never have to listen to the dreadlich’s lousy

Guitar playing again I’m really more of a hip-hop and R B fan at heart with the dreadlich defeated and the green pixie freed I traveled across the snowy Plains again until I reached the snow fox I found your guitar little guy it’s super cool and actually a really effective

Weapon too thank you so much for getting it back for me Zozo I trust you so you’re welcome to borrow it if you want that’s so kind how about you come live at my base for a while too just so you have somewhere safe to stay that sounds

Like an awesome idea from day 44 to day 49 I returned to my base with the snow fox behind me practicing on the sick guitar that he’d loaned me it’s true what they say demons are just naturally better at music it must be why we make so many Crossroads deals with famous

Musicians I made a few upgrades to my base including building a whole new room that the snow fox could sleep in while he was staying with me this is such a cool room thanks Zozo I think I’m gonna really enjoy my time staying here no problem snow fox you’re always welcome

Here and with the snow fox settling down I decided to finish up day 49 by working on the Statue it was really coming along I think things are about to get a whole lot better from day 50 to day 53 things got a whole lot worse

Sir slash a lot return to my base and this time he brought friends a group of dreadnites you’ve tested me for too long Zuzu now I’m going to have to get serious with you these dread Knights are completely devoted to my cause of the wiping out every demon what better place

To start than with the most annoying one of all you with that the dreadnites advanced towards me while sir slash a lot stood back and watched I refuse to be defeated in front of him I’ll take you all on and I did as the dreadnites poured in I shot

A fireball and thought them all one by one I took them all out until none were left by that time sir slash a lot was already gone this battle gave me enough XP to level up once again I got bigger stronger and now I had 30 Hearts too not

To mention a new power demon skin which made me completely immune to fire and lava damage this is awesome I can’t believe that actually went well for me but not everything was as peachy keen as I thought suddenly the snow fox came running towards me Zozo I have bad news

I can’t find the hellhound anywhere I think sir slash a lot the Red Knights might have just been a distraction for him to kidnap hellhound oh no this is horrible we need to get him back as quickly as possible from day 54 to day 57 I repaired some of the parts of my

Base that had been damaged during my battle with the dread Knights then I started building a stronger taller perimeter wall so if cerse lashlot tried attacking my base again it wouldn’t be so easy for him once I’d finished making the proper tweaks and upgrades to my

Base I knew exactly what I needed to do next go back to the black forest and speak to the Gorgon she seems like she really knows a lot about Sir slash a lot in his past so maybe she can help me I journeyed out into the black forest as

Quickly as I could knowing that every second counted while sir slashlaw and his men had the hellhound captive luckily I found the Gorgon in the exact same place chilling out around a campfire oh demon boy you again is there something I can do for you are you just

Here to warm Yourself by the fire it’s an emergency Miss Gorgon my friend the hellhound has been kidnapped by Sir slash loss and his forces I have no idea where he’s taken them do you have any suggestions well in the early days of his Rampages sir slash a lot and his men

Would just Rove from place to place taking on different Villages and bases as they went but eventually too many people started to band together and fight back it was around that time that says slash lot started building Castle slash a lot in the East it was a dangerous castle with an extensive set

Of dungeons underneath if your friend is still alive being kept anywhere I’d wager that it’s probably there Castle slash a lot in the East that’s exactly where I’ll go thanks again for the help Miss Gorgon no problem kid and hey when you’re finally fighting or slash a lot

Be sure to give them an extra wallet for me will ya will do from day 58 to day 62 I knew that I needed to upgrade my gear if I wanted any hope of surviving a journey into Castle slash a lot I found the nearest Diamond Vine and ventured

Inside with my iron sword and pickaxe at the ready of course it would never be as simple as just Waltzing in there grabbing some diamonds and leaving there were some skeletons in there waiting for me and they didn’t seem all that friendly and I’m guessing you guys won’t

Just let me through because I’m in a hurry today they didn’t respond they just attacked me so to keep them at Bay I blasted them with a fireball and attacked the rest with my sword it didn’t take me long to defeat all those skellies I then pulled out my iron

Pickaxe and started mining for dear life until I’d collected a whole bunch of diamonds then I returned to my base to do some crafting and forging I combined my diamonds with some wood I’d gathered and created a diamond pickaxe diamond sword and some diamond armor now I felt

Like I was ready for anything from day 63 to day 66 after all this hard work and upgrading I was almost ready to storm The Dungeons of Castle slash a lot and rescue hellhound but first to make sure my head was in the right space I

Did a little more work on the Statue seeing the big strong demon I was building helped motivate me to know what really mattered getting big enough and strong enough to beat sir slash a lot and save my friends and if you want to help me on my mission to make friends

Get strong build cool bases and defeat evil bad guys hit subscribe and ring the little bell so you can join me on all of my exciting Adventures from day 67 to Day 70 with my new power and Diamond equipment I knew that it was time to

Make my way to Castle slash butt and rescue hellhound from the evil Knight’s clutches I traveled East following the gorgon’s instructions until I saw a Sinister Castle on the horizon and just knew that it had to be Castle slash a lot and when I got closer and saw that

The building was surrounded by dreadnite guards my suspicions were confirmed I knew that hellhound and Sir slash a lot were somewhere inside I guess the only way in is just to fight my way through but I need to be smart about this I’ll save my Fireball power for slash a lot

Himself when I’m inside first I pulled out my bow and started firing at the dreadnites this took out a few of them and alerted the others to my position it was time to fight up close and personal I pulled out my diamond sword and ran into the battle fighting off as many

Dread Knights as I could thankfully my diamond armor helped deflect the worst of their blows once all the dreadnites were defeated I ran into Castle slash a lot searching for wherever I could find hellhound that’s when I saw a tunnel that seemed to be leading deep into the

Ground must be the tunnel down into the dungeon I need to get down there and save him so I stealed myself and ran down into the dungeon ready to do whatever I needed to save my friend from day 71 to day 74 I entered the dungeon

Searching for hellhound I saw a bunch of cells lining the walls all empty except one of them and of course that one cell had hellhound waiting for me in it he seemed so happy to see me there Zozo it’s you thank you for coming to save me

Of course I’d save you hellhound you’re one of my best friends now stand back I’m gonna bust you out of here hellhound stood back and I used my diamond sword to smash open the door to his cell head back to the base hellhound I’m gonna keep fighting my way through so our

Slash a lot can’t keep getting away with all this he needs to be defeated here and now good luck Zozo I know that if anyone could take down that monster it’s you with hellhound released to safety I could comfortably focus on my next mission taking down the big boss I

Continued to explore the Dungeon during my journey more dread Knights emerge and started attacking me lucky for me with all my weapons and gear they really weren’t hard for me to defeat sir slash lot should really start employing some tougher Guys these dread Knights aren’t even a challenge anymore he should

Rename them mild and convenience nights once the dreadnites were defeated I found a chest buried deep in the dungeons containing one truly awesome item a dragon bone sword this is an even better weapon for a demon than a diamond sword using this sir slash a lot doesn’t

Stand a chance against me with my brand new sword I kept searching until I saw an unfamiliar door this must have been one that led directly into Castle slash A lot’s inner sanctum hope you’re ready slash a lot this is one demon you can’t

Get rid of from day 75 to day 78 I entered the first chamber of Castle slash A lot’s inner sanctum and found that the Diabolical Knight himself was waiting for me foul demon you have defiled my castle with your presence and you have taken my precious dragon bone

Sword from the dungeon you’ve destroyed scores of my men and worst of all you’ve committed crimes against nature by existing as a demon is is there anything in your vast list of crimes that I’m forgetting um I think you’re forgetting that time I hit you with a fireball maybe what I

Don’t remember such an advent oh shoot my bad sorry I think I must have been thinking about it right now I fired a fireball at sir slash a lot stunning him that gave me a perfect opening I ran in with my new dragon bone sword at the ready and started attacking hitting him

Again and again and again not even giving him time to fight back I can tell that sir slash lot was badly injured by my attack because he retreated away from me holding a defensive position you got lucky Zozo but you won’t get lucky again luck has nothing to do with it slash a

Lot you just made the mistake of assuming that a demon could never be stronger than you and that’s why you’re paying the price you winsle into little rat I’ll show you then sir slash a lot turned around and ran and all I could do

Was try to chase him from day 79 to day 84. I chased the wounded sir slash a lot deeper into his inner sanctum ready to finish this once and for all but of course I should have known that it would never be so easy as soon as I caught up

To him I could see that sir slash a lot wasn’t running anymore he was just standing there watching me I have to hand it to you demon you’ve really pushed me to my limit here and the dragon bone sword was a particularly ingenious touch but I have one last

Trick still up my sleeve don’t get scared now Zozo suddenly sir salashlaw began to glow and transform he became a bigger more imposing version of himself what I don’t understand you don’t need to understand Zozo you need only tremble before me this is my final form ultimate

Demon Crusader sir slash a lot are you ready to meet your Dooms Zozo for the first time in a while I felt truly afraid oh all I could do was turn and run out of the inner sanctum and shame once again I wasn’t ready to face him

From day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base feeling really down after not being able to defeat sir slash a lot in his new more powerful form I was lying in my bed too depressed to even think about getting up and fighting when I remembered something my statue outside

It was almost finished even if I couldn’t defeat sir slash lot the least I could do is go out there and finish my statue so that’s what I did I went outside and using the rest of my gathered materials I finished my statue it looked magnificent that strong

Powerful demon it reminded me of something important if I keep trying and didn’t give up I could be that strong and even defeat sir slash a lot in his stronger form just as I was starting to get my hope back hellhound approached me with some more good news Zozo you seem

Down so I wanted to do something nice for you since you rescued me from Sir slash a lot I upgraded your sword it’s not just any dragon bone sword anymore it’s a flamed dragon bone sword oh my goodness hellhound this is amazing and it looks so much more powerful than my

Old sword to unlock its true power you need to journey into the nether’s Crimson Forest and find the fire aspect enchantment that will give you the punch you need to teach that armored bully some manners from day 90 to day 94. I left my base and ventured out into a

Forest to the West after hearing rumors that there was a working nether portal somewhere deep in the woods after searching for two whole days I eventually found it exactly what I needed guess it’s now or nether I’m so glad nobody was here to hear that I hopped into the portal and was

Immediately transported into The Nether following the hellhound’s instructions I kept searching until I found the Crimson Forest and kept a low profile to avoid upsetting some of the less friendly nether dwellers wow this doesn’t seem like a particularly nice neighborhood thankfully nobody spotted me and decided

To pick a fight instead I just kept searching until I found an old chest hidden in the woods containing a book that had all the details of the fire aspect enchantment jackpot oh hey what’s that over there I noticed a block with a strange color in the ground it took me a

Second to realize what I was looking at ancient debris one of the rarest blocks out there lucky for me I already had my diamond pickaxe which is the only thing that can mine ancient debris I immediately started Mining and picked up as many ancient debris blocks as I could

Carry this is exactly what I need to give me an edge in the final battle There’s Hope for me yet from day 95 to day 97 I returned to my base one more time to make the final upgrades needed Gathering that ancient debris was incredibly helpful because it would give

Me the ability to create some of the most powerful armor out there even stronger than diamond I took the ancient debris to my smelting furnace and smelted it until I had some nether scraps that was the first stage of the process then I looked through my storage until I found some gold ingots

Exactly what I needed I crafted them together to make some handy netherite ingots which I then fused with the diamond armor I created earlier the result netherite armor some of the strongest armor there is straight from the Nether and perfect for a demon like

Me let’s see if sir slash a lot can even put a scratch on me like this but I wasn’t done yet next it was time to enchant I created the unbreakable enchantment one for each piece of my armor and for my perized weapon the flamed dragon bone sword then just in

Case things went South during the battle I crafted a few healing potions just in case I needed them before I set off to do what I needed to do the hellhound approached me one more time to offer some words of advice and remember wait until just before the fight to activate

Your fire aspect and reach full power he’ll never expect it that way you’ll take him by surprise thank you for all of your help hellhound I never could have gotten this far without you don’t mention it Zozo I do it all again now get out there and show that rust bucket

What we demons are made of on day 98 I reached the outside of Castle slash a lot once more and this time I wouldn’t chicken out I’d take him on and defeat him once and for all do you believe I can do it let me know down there in the

Comments along with whatever Adventure you’d like me to take next and be sure to search Zozo for more exciting Minecraft videos on day 99 I returned to the place that I’d once run from Castle slash a lots inner sanctum the way in wasn’t even guarded so I knew that sir

Slash a lot in his ultimate demon Crusader form wanted to defeat me himself that was a mistake I’d make him regret I entered and saw him standing there waiting for me he didn’t even see intimidated but then again and neither was I it was the final standoff we meet

Again demon this time are you ready to accept your defeat with some dignity funny I was just about to ask you the same thing such a sad comeback do you really think you can defeat me like this Zozo perhaps not but how about like this I activated my fire aspect enchantment

And began my own final upgrade I became a huge powerful demon just like the one I’d Built My statue around with a mighty 100 Hearts I wielded my flamed dragon bone sword ready to bring this to an end I could feel the anger coming off of Sir

Slash Lodge as I squared up to him typical cheating demon can’t fight fair to save his life man I’m getting so sick of hearing you talk we clashed for the last time but now I was ready as Sir slash La tried to attack me I was fast

And strong enough to block and in the end one decisive blow brought the evil Knight down I can’t believe it defeated by a worthless demon what a humiliating way to go I punched him one last time and then he was gone on day 100 I returned to the base having finally

Defeated sir slash a lot and ended the threat that faced all demons and those who are kind to them I met back up with the hellhound and the snow fox who’d been with me through all of this and I used the snow Fox’s guitar to play as a

Rad Victory song life was sweet once again on day one I spawned into the deep dark Forest as a skeleton dragon one of the coolest and spookiest kinds of dragons there is well I guess I’m more of a baby skeleton dragon I must have just come out of the skeleton altar

That’s gotta be why I only have three hearts and what’s this in my inventory avoid worm eye what would I use that for that’s when I saw a skeleton horse riding out of the trees towards me for some reason she looked worried what are you doing here baby skeleton dragon I

Just got here my name’s Zozo what’s going on it’s dangerous to be in this forest at night we need to get out of here before I could ask any more questions I saw shadows in the dark between the trees and suddenly I felt uneasy Zozo we have to leave now Mr Doc

Is here Mr Mark who’s Mr a tall shadowy figure appeared in the trees behind us at first all I could see was his glowing purple eyes no need to run away why don’t you come with me little ones I’ll take you to Playland we’ll have toys and games and candy

I just know you’re going to love it my dragon bones I couldn’t trust this man he creeped me out just standing near him so me and the skeleton horse ran away as fast as we could you can run little ones but I’ll take you all to

Playland soon we took refuge in a nearby cave to wait out the rest of the night worried Mr dark might find us at any moment what’s your name skeleton horse Sally I’m Sally the Skeleton horse thanks for the save Sally on day two Sally the Skeleton horse and I emerged

From the cave with the sun shining high up above we’re safer during the daytime I’ve only ever seen Mr doc under the Moonlight we decided with a little less pressure on us to start exploring the rest of the forest it definitely wasn’t so scary with the sun shining in through

The trees maybe we should collect some apples that’s a good idea Zozo a skeleton horse is still a horse and I love apples we happily collected apples until a huge shape came a lumbering out of the dark it was a skeleton dragon a huge adult skeleton dragon with black

Bones oh wow hey Mr skeleton dragon I’m Zozo and I’m one of your kind the adult skeleton dragon seemed relieved to see me oh thank goodness I’ve been looking for you everywhere I’m in terrible trouble and I need the help of another skeleton dragon I just didn’t expect you

To be so small I may be small but I’ve got a big heart how can I help you a friend of mine the blue skeleton dragon was taken by something some tall shadowy entity and I need help in getting them back sounds just like Mr doc he terrorized us

Too but don’t worry we’ll help you get your friend back from Mr dark no matter what thank you Zozo and friend for now I must go stay safe the adult skeleton dragon flew away leaving me and Sally alone it was time to work on our first base so we started breaking down trees

And collecting sticks and wood I was able to build a crafting bench and made my first set of wooden tools and weapons these would be perfect for my first base we found a clearing in the forest and started building ourselves a humble wooden Shack with one bed and a stable

Outside but all the while Sally looked a little concerned what’s wrong Sally that’s skeleton dragon’s friend we better work hard at getting him back Mr doc only keeps people at Playland for a hundred days after that well you don’t want to know and she was right I really

Didn’t on day three I was wandering through the forest looking for apples to eat and more supplies that I could use to upgrade my base nothing like fresh air and a walk to make a morning happy and healthy but during my walk I saw a hulking figure behind the trees a mutant

Skeleton he looked big and a little scary so when he turned around and looked at me I ran for the hills not today mutant skeleton I returned to my base where I felt a lot safer and started mining into a nearby Hill to gather some Stone then I made my first

Set of stone tools a stone sword and even started building a sturdystone wall around my base but as I was building my wall I was suddenly approached by an angry looking gang of Rogue Tomatoes they somehow looked both silly and like they meant business don’t you laugh at

Us bub or I’m gonna give you a knuckle sandwich with extra ketchup you hear those were fighting words so I decided it was time to give my brand new stone sword some action if it’s a tussle you want it’s a tussle you’ll get tomatoes I fought them all making short work of

Them with my stone sword and after their defeat one of them dropped a milk bucket guess I’ll just keep this and in case it comes in handy that’s when I looked up and noticed it was getting dark I’d need to finish the wall another day I definitely didn’t want to get stuck

Outside while Mr dark was on the prowl instead I went back to my bedroom and got a good night’s sleep on days four and five I woke up to the sound of Sally the Skeleton horse entering my room hey Sally what’s up Zozo I noticed you brought back a milk bucket last night

You should drink it milk contains Calcium and calcium is good for your bones it’s the perfect way for a skeleton dragon to get stronger that sounded like a great idea so I chugged the milk and immediately found myself getting stronger I grew to a big tougher form with six hearts rather than three

This is more like it I’m gonna go take a walk in my new form I’ll finish up the wall while you’re out so that’s what I did but this time I didn’t want to just walk through the forest I went all the way to the desert so I could feel the

Heat on my bones ah sun and skeletons go together like peanut butter and jelly I turned and saw Wither Skeleton further out into the desert he seemed to be fishing in a pond I couldn’t believe how many friendly skeletons I was running into these days I made my way over the

Small hill to him enjoying the sun fellow skeleton wanna come back to my base and hang out with me and my horse friend Mr weather skeleton we’re putting together a group to help save an innocent skeleton dragon from an evil man sounds good to me brother let’s Boogie the Wither Skeleton and I

Traveled back to the base together and we came back just in time because a big Angry ravager was trying to break down my defensive wall oh wanna help me run off this nasty customer weather skeleton heck yeah let’s do it with the both of us ready to fight the ravager was

Outmanned we didn’t manage to defeat it but it did Run Away by then it was already almost Nightfall we needed to get some sleep in case Mr Dart came out looking for us I installed a second bed in my cabin as well as some more furniture and invited the Wither

Skeleton to come stay with us sounds good me brother sleepover time on day six through eight me and the Wither Skeleton went out into the forest and collected some more yummy apples but that wasn’t all we were looking for we found the same cave that Sally and I had

Hidden in the first night I arrived here it’s my time and then I mined all over that cave it didn’t take me long to find enough iron and coal to smell myself some new weapons and tools iron weapons iron tools I’m really moving up in the world after leaving the cave with our

Loot and returning to the forest we were suddenly ambushed by the same ravager looking for Revenge be ready to fight Wither Skeleton this won’t be easy I was born ready Zozo but sadly he wasn’t actually born ready that ravager was way stronger than we thought we thought the

Ravager until it was defeated but the Wither Skeleton was destroyed in the process weather skeleton no I’ll never forget you he dropped his hat which I decided to take with me he had also dropped a Linton steel a useful item for lighting fires on the way back to my

Base I encountered a soul vulture hanging out amongst the trees hey Mr Soul vulture wanna come back to my base I figure us bone Brothers should stick together hmm is it cozy the coziest in all the forest well I can hardly say no to that can I the soul vulture came back

To my base with me where I built him his own room I also used some of my excess iron to create an iron golem to guard the base now I can sleep a little easier on days nine to ten I was woken up in the middle of the night by something

Scratching my window I looked up and saw Mr dark his bright purple eyes staring in through my window it was so creepy I could barely stand it Mr dark how did you get past my guard wall and my iron golem Mr dark gave the creepy little

Giggle I can go anywhere I want at any time I want Zozo no walls are too high no trenches are too deep and no Golem Mr strong if I wanted to I could open your door and walk into your bedroom right now and why don’t you because where’d be

The fun in that silly little dragon boy you’ll choose to come to Playland with me I just know you will and you’ll have a wonderful time I’ll be keeping my eye on you Zozo I’ll come back when you least expect it and then you’ll be all mine then he disappeared and I couldn’t

Get back to sleep for the rest of the night on days 11 through 12 still feeling shaken up from my encounter with Mr dark the night before I decided to build some base improvements I made the wall taller and started digging a trench around the outside of the wall so the

Only way to get in or out would be the front gate guarded by my iron golem this should keep that nasty midnight creep away after my work was done Sally the Skeleton horse approached me with a suggestion Zozo you should train yourself and get stronger by visiting

New biomes how about a trip to the beach yeah I could use a trip to the beach after a week like this I made my way to the beach with Sally for a mixture of relaxation and hardcore strength training and it didn’t take long for us

To need it because a bunch of angry iron chickens started attacking us where the oil and chicken mogas and Beak leave us we can be pretty foul so you better hand over all your box thankfully but Sally and I working together we were able to defeat the iron chicken muggers

And keep all of our hard-earned money this kind of thing is exactly why I hate chickens we kept exploring until we found another skeleton friend a skeleton deer so of course I invited her back to my base thanks I’d love a new place to stay I’ve

Been getting tired of all this sand the skeleton deer followed us back to the base where I built her a new section of the stable to sleep in this is so comfy thanks Zozo don’t mention it skeleton deer and by the way I saw you fighting

The iron chickens you were good but if you want to get better I recommend seeking out the Necromancer he can mentor you to Greatness a necromancer that sounds like a plan on days 13 to 15 I left my base and began searching the forest for the Necromancer I’m sick of

Being afraid and hiding away when the bad guys come I want to be strong enough to be brave and fight back but it turned out I was talking to myself a little too loudly because an angry Stone monster came running at me through the woods oh sorry about the noise I’m guessing we

Can’t just talk this out he did not want to talk it out instead he chased me and I ran as fast as I could on my skeleton dragon legs but he was faster oh no oh no no no no no no but just as he was

About to catch me something burst out of the tree line as quick as a flash it was the mutant skeleton I’d run away from earlier he pulled out his bow and easily defeated the stone monster really saving my bones thank you mutant skeleton I’m so sorry for running away earlier I

Guess I learned a valuable lesson about judging on appearances no problem Zozo I know I could look a little scary sometimes but really I’m out here trying to help wanna come and stay on my base for a while I’m putting together a team I’d love to but there’s too much work to

Do protecting people out here perhaps I’ll drop in for a visit sometime though me and the mutant skeleton went our separate ways and I continued searching for The fabled Necromancer until I saw a gremlin hopping around looking clearly distressed what’s wrong little Gremlin I’m in trouble man he’s like nasty

Jungle spiders have been chasing me all day and I’m worried they’re gonna get get me stand back little Gremlin this sounds like a job for Zozo with my trusty sword I found that nasty swarm of jungle spiders and took them out before returning to the gremlin whoa Zozo

You’re like a real hero that was awesome no problem little Gremlin say you know where I might be able to find a necromancer oh The Necromancer you’ll find him in the west of here keep heading in that direction and you’re sure to meet him thank you Gremlin

That’s exactly what I needed to hear for days 16 to 19 I began my journey West In Search Of The Necromancer until I heard a terrible crashing noise coming from the distance behind me it sounded like it was coming from my base I immediately turned tail and ran all the way back

Only to see that my defensive wall had been destroyed and a dangerous zombie tiger was attacking my base what are you doing you meanie is nothing personal kid Mr doc told me to do this if I don’t hurt you he’ll hurt me that’s just the way it is I turned and saw something

Awful he’d already destroyed the skeleton deer and the Soul vulture Sally the Skeleton horse was my only companion left that’s it you’re going down I pulled out my sword and attacked the zombie Tiger but it seems like he deflected the hits without any effort he was almost Unstoppable that was just

Embarrassing if you couldn’t defeat you’ll have no hope against Mr dark I’m out of here and with that the zombie tiger fled leaving me in the ruins of my base with two of my friends gone I feel useless like I can’t protect anyone that’s when a gang of Mossy skeletons

Turned up they looked frightened and said they’d heard I’d been offering other skeletons a place to stay of course you can stay here new Buddies I’m gonna need to make a few Renovations first I built a new barracks on the side of my base for the mossy skeletons to

Live in they seemed quite happy with their new place and I took the time to rebuild some of the defenses that the zombie tiger destroyed but I can’t just defend my base I need to be able to defend myself too I mined for more iron and coal until I had everything I needed

To smell myself a new set of iron armor I may have lost a battle but I wouldn’t lose the war on days 20 to 22 I left my base to search for some statue building materials after all a cool statue is great for inspiring everyone to do their

Best but on my way out out to mine some Stone I was ambushed by a green troll with an ax to grind well more specifically he had a giant fist I’ve got no interest in feeding any trolls today with my sword at the ready we engaged in a tense duel thankfully with

My new iron armor I was able to withstand his attacks and defeat him iron and Bone beats flesh afterwards I traveled further through the forest until I stumbled upon a desert with the remains of a giant skeleton whoa this is perfect for building a cool statue and I

Know exactly what I’ll make with them I started mining the ribs one by one making sure I didn’t fall into the pools of lava by the end of it I had all the bone blocks I’d ever need on the way back I encountered a herd of wild sheep

Crazing and decided I’d tame them and lead them back to the base because you never know when some wool will come in handy wait we reach the base I made a new fenced off section where the ship could graze and be left to their own

Devices and with that out of the way it was time to start statue building laying down the base is one of the most important parts so the statue doesn’t just tumble over can you guess what the statue is going to be yet let me know

Down in the comments from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the forest to search for The Necromancer I needed his teachings to help me get stronger and defeat Mr dark while wandering through the woods I got attacked by a nasty gang of rotten rats they tried to bite me and

Give me some nasty diseases when it comes to rats vs skeleton dragons rats don’t win I defeated the last of them with my iron sword and continued searching on the way I ran into a wither skeleton jockey riding a spider he reminded me of the Wither Skeleton who

Used to be my friend hey Mr Wither Skeleton jockey wanna come back and stay at my base nice offer but no thanks there are some evil things lurking in these woods and I learned not to trust anyone maybe some other time alright suit yourself stay safe out there it

Felt like the day had been a total waste as I journeyed further into the forest but just as I was ready to give up I saw the Necromancer himself sitting on a rock and meditating no way the Necromancer is it really you those who seek me will find me Little skeleton

Dragon and I assume you seeking me I have I want you to Mentor me and help me become more powerful well young dragon with great power comes great well you have to have a good reason to have great power so what is your reason

I don’t need it for myself I need it to defeat Mr dark and save everyone he’s captured that little dragon is a good reason your training begins now for days 27 to 31 The Necromancer gave me my first challenge to defeat an entity as evil and spooky as Mr dark you need to

Learn to conquer your fear it’s okay to be afraid zuzo but true courage is knowing that there are some things you must do even if they make you feel afraid what would you have me do Master Necromancer do you see that nearby cave it contains a monster I want you to go

In there and defeat it to help gain control of your fear if you complete this first challenge I’ll give you a reward I believe in myself I can do it good and you can take this bat to help you it will freeze your opponents for three seconds may it come in handy I

Took the necromancer’s bat and went into the cave it was dark and scary and I could feel myself getting nervous but I took deep breaths and kept going I needed to strengthen my courage to defeat Mr dark the deeper parts of the cave weren’t any better only some lichen

And mushrooms giving off faint light suddenly a scary growling Soul Eater leaped out of the darkness toward me ready to attack I stayed calm and hit the creature with my bat studying it pass the test okay now it’s time to get out of here on days 32 to 35 my new

Mentor rewarded me for passing the first challenge by giving me a potion of strength I immediately drank it and felt myself getting bigger and tougher this training was really paying off I have to be at least twice the size I once was this whole thing made me feel so happy I

Decided I’d go back to my base and tell the mossy skeletons and Sally the Skeleton horse about my victory and on the way I encountered the Wither Skeleton jockey that I’d met a few days before hey jockey have you had any second thoughts about coming to my base

Well now that you mention it I have been getting some Eerie Vibes lately maybe we should stick together after all but those Eerie Vibes didn’t come from nothing neither of us noticed it but the day had gotten away from us the sun was going down and the night was upon us

That’s when Mr dark himself came creeping out of the trees new friends I’ll take you to Playland with me we’ll have so much fun he grabbed the Wither Skeleton jockey with his long spindly arms Zozo help me I mean kidnapped but I couldn’t help him Mr dark was too fast

And too strong and all I could do was run my base may have been the only place that was safe at night on the way back I encountered an ancient Spirit villager who started chasing me that I was too afraid to even fight him I just ran away

All that training useless I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to defeat Mr dark on days 36-39 I woke up and took the jockey spider to the stable when I heard noise coming from my front gate I made my way over to see a familiar face

Waiting outside of my base it was the same zombie tiger who attacked my base and destroyed Soul vulture and skeleton deer this time he’s going down I ran out ready to fight this time I had full iron armor so the zombie Tiger’s attacks weren’t nearly as strong what source

Three is this Mr doc told me you’d be easy to defeat this isn’t fair with the help of my new strength and the bad that the Necromancer had given me I defeated the zombie tiger and Avenged my Fallen friends speaking of friends Sally the Skeleton horse approached me with a

Wonderful idea Zozo we should make our way to the stone Shores I’ve heard that some of the friendlies over there have created some awesome upgrades oh really then there’s no time to waste we hightailed it over to the stone Shores where we saw an innocent skeleton being

Hassled by an ogre we couldn’t let that stand get away from that Skelly Sally and I charged in and that was enough to scare the ogre away he seemed thankful and gave us two rewards the knockback upgrade which increased the power of my weapons and a treasure map you hear that

Sally we can use this to search for buried treasure now that sounds like a cool adventure to me Zozo let’s do it for days 40 to 43 Sally and I followed the map until we arrived in the warm Dusty Badlands we were getting a little nervous because it was almost Nightfall

We were right about that but we didn’t consider that Mr dark might send his minions to do the job for him look out Zozo some night apparitions are coming straight towards us Sally was right three big scary night apparitions I pulled out my sword now with increased

Knockback and thought them off they were tough but luckily Sally and I made a good team and we were able to defeat two of the three the last one escaped to fight another day let’s keep going Sally according to this map we’re really close to finding the buried treasure soon

Enough we found an area of the ground with a big red X marked on it don’t they always say Xbox the spot Zozo let’s start digging we mined down into the ground until we found a buried chest and inside there were a whole bunch of rubies this is awesome I know exactly

What I’m going to use them for on days 44-49 I continued my work on the Statue it was really coming along now can you see what I’m making now I bet you can’t guess but while I was working on my statue I saw a traitor on a horse making

His way through the forest near my base and decided to strike up a conversation hey Mr Trader got anything cool on offer it’s your lucky day dear Customer because I’m actually doing a two-for-one special on nether 18 ingots today it’s a rare and very valuable material perfect

For a skeleton dragon like you that sounds so cool how much I only take payment in Emerald but don’t worry if you haven’t got any you can always raid the emerald mines of alonia near here they got abandoned by the workers when the boss decided not to pay them enough

So all the emeralds were left for the taking I really wanted those netherite ingots even though I didn’t really know what I’d use them for so I journeyed to the mines and collected as many emeralds as I could from underground near the right City here I come I traveled back

To my base and made the trade the trader gave me my two netherite ingots and wrote off pleasure doing business with you Zozo but I didn’t have long to enjoy my fancy new ingots as Nightfall the third and final night Apparition came back for revenge and I needed to run out

Beyond the Wall to take it on you guys don’t know when to quit do you soon enough I defeated the night Apparition but it made me realize that my base needed better defenses if these monsters and Mr dark mainly come out at night maybe they hate the light perhaps adding

Some torches to my wall would help Ward them off on days 50 to 53 I realized something horrible the night Apparition attack had just been a distraction while someone else had sneaked into the stable and kidnapped Sally the Skeleton horse I ran to my mentor The Necromancer deep in

The forest and asked him where Mr dark’s forces may have taken my best friend will Zozo I hate to tell you this but it’s likely that Mr dark’s minions will be taking your friend in the Twisted Kingdom he calls Playland but where can I find that even I don’t know exactly

What my senses tell me that you should travel to the east your answers lay there there was no time to waste I didn’t want Sally to get trapped in Playland just like the other skeleton dragon’s friend so I immediately set off to the east hoping to find her but on my

Way I was suddenly ambushed by a zombie Spartan ready to fight but unlucky for him I was ready to fight too nothing is going to stand in the way of me rescuing my friend the zombie Spartan was tough but I had to power a friendship on my

Side it didn’t take me long to strike him to submission with my enchanted sword in his defeat the zombie Spartan dropped something two void worm mandibles huh I already have a void worm eye I better take them they might come in handy on days 54-57 having defeated the zombie Spartan I continued searching

For Sally the Skeleton horse and my search soon led me to a deep cave suddenly it felt like everything got much darker around me I’m never going to let Mr dark take you to Playland Sally that isn’t your choice Zuzu I turned and saw one of the Shadows in the cave

Moving with bright purple eyes it was him Mr dark standing right behind me do you want to come to Playland with me now what did you do with her I swung my sword and Mr Darth teleported out of the way appearing right behind me she’s playing with my friends right now but

Later she’ll play with me do you want to play with us Zozo I tried to hit him again but Mr dark was too fast for me he hit me with one of his long spindly arms and knocked me up against the wall knocking out half of my hearts in one strike

It’s still too weak we’ll play again when you’re stronger Zozo mark my words and then he disappeared leaving me with nothing a silver Lobo approached me out of the darkness looking worried and gave me some apples to replenish my hearts thanks silver Lobo you saved my life

Here the Lobo told me about a secret room further into the cave where I might find some Vital Information I went deeper into the cave feeling around on the wall until I felt a button and pressed it opening a secret door there was blue fire torches on the wall and an

Old map left on the table with some locations marked they must be keeping Sally at one of these locations on days 58 through 62 I decided I needed to become stronger before I could find the location where they’re keeping Sally first I went to The Diamond Mine the

Silver Lobo told me about and took the old elevator down I quickly found some diamonds near the entrance and started mining I then saw what looked like an old abandoned mining camp a chest inside of it had a book with the unbreakable enchantment I don’t think whoever owned

This Camp would mind if I use the crafting table to make my gear I made myself a diamond sword and a diamond chest plate to match I used the nearby Anvil to put the unbreakable enchantment on my chest plate now this is one of the most powerful pieces of armor around

After that I returned to my base to continue work on my statue it’s really coming along nicely now I even got to use all those rubies that Sally and I collected but I could use some more materials I went out into the forest to hunt but in the process I found

Something remarkable a magical Enchanted Halo I decided to try it on and immediately felt its magic Empower me I got stronger and healthier going up to 14 Hearts whoa talk about a functional headwear as I continued hunting in the forest I stumbled upon a spider nest I

Saw the same gremlin from before stuck in their webs calling for hell the spiders noticed me and charged towards me this was the perfect opportunity to test out my new gear they were no match for my diamond sword after I dealt with them I cut the web holding the gremlin

And he fell down he thanked me for saving him again and ran off into the forest now take on Mr dark he’s in trouble I went back to my base feeling a lot more confident and found that a huge bone serpent was waiting for me but don’t worry he was friendly

So you’re the skeleton dragon I’ve been hearing about I heard something about this friend of yours a skeleton horse you want to find her I recommend you look for an abandoned house on the planes finally a break in the case you’re a lifesaver bone serpent literally wanna

Stay at my base well since you’re offering why not I built a new room with a pool where the bone serpent can stay but by then it was already nighttime Mr dark would be on the prowl I’d go find Sally first thing in the morning on day

63 through 66 I Was preparing to go on a rescue mission for Sally but before I could leave my mentor The Necromancer arrived to give me a gift Zozo I wanted to give you a gift before you went on your quest Mr dark as a mutant Enderman

And this dagger will do extra damage against Enderman but be warned it’ll be incredibly weak against anything that isn’t an Enderman thank you master Necromancer these will come in handy I left my base pass through the forest and ventured out onto the planes this was the exact direction that the bone

Serpent told me to go in that’s when I ran into a group of zombies and decided to test my dagger on them and it did almost no damage wow master romancer was right this dagger is useless against things that aren’t Enderman instead I pulled out my diamond sword and easily

Defeated the zombie horde before moving on with my quest got distracted again when I saw a villager dressed like a Craftsman standing next to a burning house he looks like he needed help hey Mr I’m Zozo can I give you a hand yes please my wife is trapped in that burden

Building and I’m too old to rescue her myself please help me I ran into the burning building and found the Craftsman’s wife waiting inside thanks to my training from The Necromancer I was able to stay cool under pressure and lay the Craftsman’s wife safely back out

He was delighted to see her thank you Zozo I owe you one for this and I always repay my debts on day 67 through 70 I arrived at the abandoned house in the plains where I figured they must be holding Sally this place looks so spooky

But I need to do the right thing just like my mentor taught me I carefully entered the house trying not to be detected I noticed that there was a broken end portal inside huh that’s weird but I was quickly distracted by the sounds coming from upstairs I drew

My sword and ran upstairs years seeing Sally the Skeleton horse locked in one of the rooms don’t worry Sally I’m here to help wait Zozo it’s a trap three Endermen suddenly appeared all around me I tried to fight back but I wasn’t fast enough they kept teleporting and

Attacking me back little by little I was backed into the corner it looked like I was a goner until I saw something on the floor is that a potion of fortitude it was I quickly grabbed it and drank it and it made me tough enough to collect

My thoughts remembering the gift from my mentor I pulled out the dagger and charged in he was definitely right about its strength against Enderman because soon enough all three you were defeated although I barely survived that I went to free Sally from the locked room we celebrated for a moment in the room

Before I let her out and headed towards home let’s go and rest Sally I’ve missed you I shared some of my apples with Sally as we walked home happy to finally be reunited on day 71 to 74 with Sally’s help I invited more skeleton horses to

My and let them stay in my stable though I had to take time to expand the stable so everyone could fit inside let me know if it gets too cramped in there after I’d finished my Renovations I decided to Journey down into the diamond mine again and collect more you guessed it diamonds

When I returned to my base I use those diamonds to complete my set of diamond armor and enchant it with the protection enchantment to help improve my chances in an intense fight when the armor was done I noticed that I received a letter oh it’s the Craftsman whose Wi-Fi saved

From that burning house he says he wants to meet me in the tavern of a nearby Village That’s so exciting on day 75 to 78 I did as the letter said and traveled to the nearby Village I found the Craftsman waiting for me in the Village

Tavern just like he promised good to see you again Zozo after what you did I’ve been thinking about a way to repair you and while I’m not a rich man as a Craftsman I can give you an idea of mine if you are able to combine two netherade

Ingots two void one mandibles and one void you you could create a dimensional Carver a visual pickaxe that can teleport you between locations wait I have all of those materials that’s incredible I can build one right now thank you Mr Craftsman I made my way over to a nearby crafting bench and made

Myself a dimensional Carver and gave it a practice swing boom I was teleported to the Village outskirts with a group of great beasts charging at me oh better get out of here I swung the dimensional Carver again and boom I was back in my base wow this tool is amazing though

I’ll save it for emergencies in the future on day 79-84 I started building a new storage shed for extra supplies in my base you never know when you’ll need the extra storage space then I made a full set of armor for Sally so she could be better protected when she’s wandering

Through the forest this is great Zozo thank you but then I was running low on materials especially Stone and wood so I decided to head out into the forest and cut down some trees and mine some more Stone while I was mining and lumberjacking a passing Mage noticed me

And a pro excuse me young skeleton dragon but would you happen to be Zozo that depends do you work for Mr dark well I used to and there’s something I want to get off my chest you have to understand Mr dark is pure evil if ever there was

Good in him it’s gone now you cannot reason with him you cannot talk to him the only joy he takes is in making others unhappy so when you’re dealing with him just be careful he has not to be messed with and with that the Mage left guess that’s my daily dose of

Nightmare fuel on days 85 to 89 I return to my base from the forest in the late evening only to find out that the worst had happened Mr dark was attacking my base with a whole gang of Soul Eaters look friends Zozo is back he’s here to

Join our little playtime I want nothing to do with you or your deranged games I just want you to stop bothering everybody yes we could do that or we could put a touch Soul Eater throw one of the Soul leaders pulled out a javelin and threw it at me but something strange

Happened rather than losing heart I started to get bigger and stronger I’d become an evolved skeleton dragon reaching my full size and going up 20 Hearts whoa I guess all that training is finally paying off wanna 1v1 Mean Mr dark why should I have all the fun my

Friends want to play with you too play with him Soul Eaters Mr dark vanished again and the Soul Eaters ran towards me with my mind and power and it didn’t take me long to defeat them which made me even more frustrated than I couldn’t have taken on Mr dark there and then instead

I had to increase the size of my bedroom a bigger skeleton dragon needs a bigger place to live on days 90 to 94 I finally finished my statue it’s a giant cool Skull statue showing how we skeletons stuck together and stood against the evil of Mr dark and his minions did you

Guess what it was before I just told you let me know down in the comments once the statue was finally done I decided I’d give some extra training to my best friend Sally the Skeleton horse we train together on the base grounds by play fighting until she upgraded and became

Bigger and stronger it feels so good to be powerful enough to fend for myself thanks Zozo I never would have gotten this far without you Sally and after training Sally took me to her Brewing Station she had set up to make a bunch of healing potions you never know when

These will come in handy on day 95 to day 97 I met with the Necromancer in the forest had some more valuable advice for me Zozo I’ve heard of the location of a cabin in these Woods once owned by a person who was researching to dark might be able to find some valuable

Information there that definitely seemed like a good lead so I started searching the woods until I found a rundown old cabin on the inside I found a Dusty old book inside a chest oh I wonder what secret knowledge is inside but I didn’t have time to read it just yet suddenly

The cabin was under attack by a gang of fire Elementals who’d come to burn down the cabin I was lucky to have my diamond armor or I would have been burned up too okay fire Elementals let’s go I took them on with my diamond sword and

Defeated them one by one only getting a little burnt in the process great now I can finally read this book the book was filled with frantic notes including a part that read Mr dark that Maniac he calls it Playland but it’s nothing like that there’s only death there it’s the

End nothing but the end of course that explains the broken end portal too Mr dark’s Playland is actually the end on day 90 8 I prepared the final enchantments for my weapons and armor and met with Sally one last time she was nice enough to give me some more apples

For the trip I’m going to take on Mr dark I discovered that he’s hiding in the end and without an End Portal I can use my dimensional Carver to get there you’re not going alone Zozo I’m coming with you but Sally it’s time you came into Mr Doc’s base alone we started this

Together and we’re gonna finish it together too well when you played it like that I can’t exactly say no can I but I can say that if you want more exciting Adventures like this you should subscribe to Zozo and find more of our videos by searching z-o-z-o on YouTube

Oh really appreciate it on day 99 Sally and I were ready to take the fight to Mr dark and free everyone that was still trapped in Playland let’s do this Zozo let’s make it so the people of this world never have to fear the night again that’s what I’m talking about Sally

Sally stood close to me and I used the dimensional Carver to teleport us all the way to the end so we could storm Playland together but as soon as we arrived we were immediately surrounded by a gang of Enderman I immediately regret this decision yeah you I pulled out my handy dagger ready

To fight off the Enderman when I realized that they weren’t here for me they surrounded Sally too fast for me to stop them and grabbed her they teleported away taking Sally with them to who knows where Sally no I knew why they’d done it they were working for Mr

Dark and Mr dark wanted me to face him alone on day 100 I walked deeper into the end alone looking for Mr dark he didn’t seem to be anywhere around here that’s when I noticed a cage containing a skeleton dragon just like me I had finally found him don’t worry fellow

Draggy I’ll get you out of here I heard an evil laugh behind me and Mr dark appeared you’ve come to play with me had long last I knew you would in the end little one I’m not so little anymore I pulled up my dagger and turned to attack

Mr dark but he teleported out of the way and hit me again he was even stronger than I remembered thankfully I had a spare potion of healing to take I’ll set the damage play along Zozo it’s no fun if you don’t play I tried to attack him

Again but it was like fighting smoke every time I went for him he teleported out of the way and attacked me back it felt like all of my training was for nothing against him you don’t play fair Mr dark that’s because it’s no fun to play like that and I’m sorry Zozo but

You’re starting to feel awfully boring to me I looked behind me and saw that a giant chasm had opened up in the ground behind me it was so dark down there I didn’t even know if there was a bottom you’ll find more friends down there Zozo you’ll never want to leave

While Mr dark was focused on me I saw a figure charging up behind him it was Sally the Skeleton horse and still Mr dark hadn’t even noticed her any last words before you go into the dark Zozo yeah play time’s over what Sally the Skeleton horse charged into Mr dark and

Knocked him into the bottomless pit he screamed and never to be seen again say I’m gonna miss that creep let’s save the prisoners you know that sounds good to me on day one I spawned in as a lava wither wow I’m so little and I only have four

Hearts I can still hover in the air a bit though and can I yes I can throw flaming wither skulls awesome they don’t seem very powerful though it looked like I was in a town of some sort all of a sudden I was attacked by some villagers

One of them threw shears at me how rude but I’m keeping the shears hey I know I threw some wither skulls but I didn’t hit anyone I wasn’t doing anything to you I hurried and flew away slowly I wasn’t very fast yet man that was mean

But I can’t afford to fight right now I found a little cave and managed to find a corner that seems safe tomorrow I’ll gather some supplies and with that I fell asleep on day two I woke up feeling refreshed I better get some supplies so I can build a shelter for myself I

Actually liked the cave I was living in so I decided to stay there I chopped down some trees and as I hit them I saw that the trees were catching on fire oh whoops Smokey the Bear is going to be so mad at me I’d have to be careful about

What I touched since it seems like I was pretty hot literally I had enough wood to make some tools for myself though they were simple but they did the trick then I almost made myself a nice little Nook in the cave but the pickaxe broke I

Went to craft some stone tools and while crafting the crafting table set on fire oh man I’ll have to figure out a solution to this I noticed that my hunger bar was getting a little low but I didn’t really know what Withers like to eat I guess I would have to go out

And try a few things I flew around the forest and found some mushrooms and other berries I tried them but it seemed like Withers didn’t like mushrooms look looks like no fungi for this weather continued on and saw some animals maybe I would like some eggs or chicken sorry

Guys I ate the raw chicken but I didn’t like that either and it barely refilled my hunger bar I explored some more but it started to get dark so I decided to head home for the night I’ll try looking for some other food tomorrow maybe a

Nice salad on day three I went looking around for some plants and grass I went for the grass but it only dropped seeds then I had the idea to use the shears on it and voila I got some dried grass I decided to eat some dried grass and

Finally refilled my Hunger a decent amount weird but whatever does the trick I guess as I was eating I thought I saw something moving behind a tree hello I didn’t hear anything so I assumed I was alone I kept eating my dry grass I went exploring and realized that I was on an

Island the water was so clear and beautiful I wanted to touch it I reached out and it hurt me I don’t think I like water anymore I mean I’m literally made of lava so it makes sense I made sure to gather up some grass for later I flew

Away from the shore I decided to explore closer to the center of the island there were lots of trees and bushes there seemed to be a mountain in the middle of the island wait no it was a volcano oh wow I flew a little closer to the lower

Part of the volcano and realized there was some lava inside that feels nice all of a sudden some lava spewed up at me hitting me out of the air ouch I quickly flew away and headed back to my cave for the night on days four to five I left the cave to go

Exploring some more I realized later that someone was following me I wasn’t sure what it was but I could see it darting away when I wasn’t looking I decided to hide behind some rocks and then pop out at it it came around the Rock and I scared it

It was just a little butterfly lie hey what are you doing following me I’m not okay sure I kept going and waited again for the butterfly to come around the bend of a rock you are following me admit it fine I am but I need your help

Me what can I help with you need to keep the island from exploding uh what the butterfly side and flew away anxiously the island has been shaking and there have been small lava explosions the town wise woman said that the island is going to be destroyed with a huge explosion it

Can be prevented by a hero me the town summoned you and you came but one villager and his family were opposed to the whole thing and he’s the one that attacked you rude right anyway your only hope why me um I assume it’s because you’re made of

Lava that would make sense but I have no idea how to do that I need to talk to the Village wise woman agreed the butterfly who called herself Vanessa led the way on day six to eight we arrived back at the Village we saw a few people

Around but not many those are the people who attacked you Bruce and his son Bobby Vanessa pointed out some Village is outside with some pitchforks they were arguing with some of the other villagers yeah I know how to get to the wise woman’s house Vanessa led me around the

Back of some houses when we arrived at a home with a bell hanging outside nice I’ve been expecting you young hero I flipped around to see a wise old woman with a basket of various dry grass on the table next to her I assume you are

Hungry yes thank you she welcomed Us in and she made Vanessa some tea you want to know how to defeat the volcano well I don’t even believe that I can I’m so small you can you just have a few steps to take she brought out what looked like

An orb I knew that the volcano would erupt someday the villagers turned to me to help and I gave them a solution but some would not listen they will seek you out to hurt you they believe you are evil and have an ill intent why would

They think I’m evil some Withers are but that is a choice young friend you choose your path and for the sake of our Island I hope you Choose Wisely the orb suddenly started to glow and I saw a figure inside it looked like me but bigger and stronger you can gain the

Ability to control the lava and tame the volcano but it will take time you will need to complete tasks in order to become the hero we so desperately need what do I need to do only you will be able to know the volcano will speak to you speak to me interesting it had

Gotten late so the woman invited us to spend the night on days nine to ten Vanessa and I woke up and went outside to collect some food from the old woman before we left the wise woman said that in the vision she also saw our struggles with setting things on fire that’s when

She tossed out a cobblestone crafting table just what we need thanks Vanessa started to fly away I need to take care of some things but you should go see what Bobby one of the villagers is doing I went ahead and that’s when I noticed a villager who I assumed was Bobby was

Outside among the other townsfolk he looked angry then all of a sudden he jabbed his Pitchfork at an innocent villager where did that voice come from I decided to listen to it hey leave them alone I dashed over to help the Villager and stop Bobby get back you devil we don’t

Want you here Bobby tried to stab at me but I moved out of the way I’m not here to hurt you I’m here to save the island just please stop hurting people Bobby looks surprised you’re not going to eat us ew gross I mean no why would I do

That Bobby looks shocked and he lowered his Pitchfork my father has been telling everyone that Withers are evil and can never be trusted they feed on The Souls of men well I definitely don’t I just like grass Bobby seemed confused but also relieved he looked at me and nodded

I Will Follow You tiny with her I know that I had my doubts but you seem like you really care about our people and our Island and I did I knew they were just trying to make their way in the world like me we could all live together in

Harmony just then Bobby’s father Bruce ran out of the house with a pitchfork he ran towards me but Bobby blocked him Dad don’t hurt him he’s just trying to help get out of the way boy you don’t know what you’re talking about then Bruce Jabs forget Bobby

Hey leave them alone I spun towards Bruce pushing him away as I did I threw one of my tiny little flaming wither skulls at him it wasn’t much but it did a little bit of damage it also gave him some weather effect you see he’s an evil

Creature he will only cause pain and misery wherever he goes I am not evil the only evil here is you and with that through another flaming Wither Skull it didn’t take Bruce out but it did bring him down stop him make sure he doesn’t hurt our friend again Bobby smiled at me

And changed Bruce up took his pitchforks and took him off to the jail I’ll come for you wither you won’t succeed in your evil plan Bobby came back over as Vanessa flew back as well thank you Zozo Zozo thank you Zozo you are a welcome

Friend all of a sudden I felt a power surge through me and I leveled up into a slightly bigger weather I had more hearts and my flaming Wither Skull seemed more powerful too then I heard the Ethereal voice again I looked around but I didn’t see where

It came from oh neat Vanessa flew around me and did a little happy dance I don’t know but it looked fun wow that was amazing thanks now let’s see what my new wither skulls can do I launched some skulls and saw that they did more damage

Than before there was more room to grow but this was definitely a good start I felt amazing I also felt a warmth in my heart I think the voice I heard was the volcano calling to me I defended the people and it was happy on days 11 to 12

Bobby helped me build a house in the village well it was more like a nice cave in the side of a rock since I would burn wood if I touched it we figured that I should stay close Vanessa flew in and saw that I was making a new home and

Informed me that while she was gone before she had decorated my old cave and now that I was building a new place to live she was sad I wouldn’t be using her improvements I told her not to worry as I planned on bringing everything she had

Done in the old base to this new one she seemed to like that and did her little happy dance as I made my way to the cave I noticed some spiders outside of it they weren’t too much of a threat and I took them out easily easy peasy I ate a

Bit of grass while looking at the new entrance of the cave one of the small spiders jumped out behind me and tried to bite me I took it out with one hit I went in and gathered my things but before I could grab all of them a huge

Spider dropped down from the ceiling oh gross gross you three-headed freak hey that’s not very nice the spider lunged to me and I dodged around him I was able to use my Fireballs but he kept getting hits in I didn’t think I could defeat him but I managed to take him down phew

That was close I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought I showed a long ways to go before confronting the volcano I gathered the rest of my things and headed back to the Village on days 13 to 15 I made my way back to

My new cave on the way I noticed a small Alcove and decided to mine out some materials I found some Cobblestone iron clay Blackstone diorite and of course some flowers perfect I can make these into better tools and armor I can also use them to upgrade my base I made my

Way back to the village with my new materials excited about what I had found when I got back some of the houses were on fire Vanessa flew up to me Zozo the volcano erupted it was just a small one but some Fireballs fell down from the

Sky and burned up some houses I looked around and knew I needed to help Bobby threw an empty bucket at me and I heard to the ocean to help take out the fire with the water bucket since I wasn’t touching the water directly I was fine

And didn’t get hurt I asked Bobby to come with me and we mined out some more Stone we needed to fireproof the houses just in case we helped the villagers make some improvements to their homes so they wouldn’t catch fire again it was hard work but we all felt a little safer

Afterwards except I didn’t get why the volcano was telling me to do things and then attacking people there had to be some sort of explanation well I thought about that I decided to finish up my cave home by adding all of the things I had gotten from my old base I also used

Some of the materials I had mined earlier and last of all I smelted down the iron so that I could craft some better tools and armor on day 16 to 19 I woke up to the voice again I didn’t know exactly what that meant

But I needed to find out I went to the wise woman again and told her that the volcano had spoken to me I also told her I didn’t understand why I would attack the villagers you answer that question you must talk to Bruce Bruce the guy

That tried to hurt me precisely I didn’t understand why but I’m sure I would figure it out subscribe subscribe well I guess if the volcano said it then it’s pretty important I made my way out of the house into the jail cell where Bruce was being kept I need to talk to you

Bruce never he spit at me why do you hate me so much he ignored me I guess I could try again later I headed out and went to find Bobby and Vanessa I told them all about the volcano speaking to me and about Bruce Bobby didn’t seem surprised my dad doesn’t really talk

That much it would take a miracle to find out what it knows great off to a strong start I got back to my cave and made some better upgrades to my house I even built Vanessa a little Nook to stay in she seemed to really like it thanks

Ceza you’re awesome she really did know how to put a smile on my faces on days 20 to 22 I woke up with that same voice in my head can you at least tell me how silence great I got up and decided to go out to the beachfront to look for some

Things and gather supplies it was beautiful but I had learned my lesson about water just then a huge crowd canal and tried to snatch me luckily I Was Made of lava and I burnt him ouch that’s rude I wanted to eat you trust me you

Don’t want to eat me the crab looked at me confused you’re not a shrimp with three heads oh I’m a lava wither Zozo to be exact a lava with her haven’t seen one of those since the last one was summoned wait there was another one when

The crab clicked his claws for a minute and thought probably like 40 years ago something like that that was a small thing then this was new information thanks you’ve been a big help I would say thanks to you but you’re not a shrimp so I’m even hungrier and with

That the crabs get it away what a weird guy we had almost forgotten why we came to the beach but then remembered and picked up some more sand on days 23-26 I headed back to the village and started smelting the sand Vanessa and Bobby came to say good morning I told Bobby and

Vanessa about what I learned from the crab another wither was summoned I wonder why nobody ever mentioned it yeah I wonder I decided to talk to the wise woman again she would have been around then so she must know something I confronted her and she sighed I had

Hoped that Bruce would have told you but I suppose I must he grabbed her orb again and I saw images flash across it about 40 years ago two young men in the village decided to play with magic they had read about Withers and decided that they wanted to summon one they grabbed

The items required from a weird magical room they went about it correctly but there are always risks once the weather was summoned using magma blocks and wither skulls it befriended the two young men they kept it secret for a long time but the Wither wanted to be free

The boys promised that they would let him go but they never did the Wither grew bitter and despised humans especially the ones who had summoned him one day he managed to break free from its bonds there was an argument between the three but the Wither had had enough

He attacked the village and the two young men let me guess Bruce was one of those young men the other died trying to save Bruce’s life his name was Marcus so what happened to the Wither it laid the village to ruins destroying most and then escaped taking captivity in the

Volcano it grew over time and now inhabits it it seeks revenge on All Humans but it’s been biting its time it’s not the volcano that is attacking people it’s the Wither living inside the old woman nodded but the spirit of the volcano has been battling with it for

Many years it has grown weak nearly on the brink of collapse that is why we need you Zozo you must restore the volcano and defeat the Wither corrupting it that was a lot to process this wither had been growing for over 40 years how could a small wither like me stand

Against something so powerful on days 27 to 31 I woke up and knew where I needed to go I went to Bruce and told him what I had learned he looked tired today not as angry I know what I did was wrong I messed with power that I had no right to

Use I wanted something special and I treated it like garbage it’s all my fault that this is happening but I can’t fix it he seems so sad but I knew what I needed to say that’s why I’m here I’ll protect you all of you Bruce looked at

Me and he smiled I owe you my life Zozo thank you I unlocked the gate and let Bruce out of the jail he couldn’t embrace me so he bowed a little bit instead I will follow you little wither you are our strength just then I felt

Another surge of power and I leveled up into a bigger wither I was now adult size I felt that calm again and then I heard the voice well done I was on the right path now I just needed to prepare on days 32 to 35 I tested out my new abilities I could

Shoot bigger fireballs and could even fly faster Bobby heard the explosion and came to take a look at what was happening he was impressed Bobby gave some materials and helped to set up an obstacle course with some targets to train with we had to keep some water on

Hand though so I wouldn’t burn up all the trees careful Zozo I’m trying I just have no idea what to expect I’ll be fighting another wither and I’m not even sure what Trixie has up his sleeve just then I saw Bruce he came over and decided to

Help me out too he showed me how to do The Crawling exercise I was too big for it so I just flew over the obstacle Bruce was not impressed he then showed me how to aim my shots with some target practice I think I’m getting the hang of it I had

Hit the target but Bruce suddenly drew his bow at me he started shooting and I successfully dodged some arrows but some hit me when he stopped he told me he was trying to teach me how to dodge you could have given me a heads up first but

Hey thanks for your help no problem Zozo anything for you anything um within reason good to know he smiled and we all headed back to the village for some food when we got there there was a commotion at the center Square what’s going on a small eruption came up

Out of the ground and swallowed a house we looked and indeed there was a large spot where the house should have been instead there was a pool of lava was anyone inside No thank goodness but it’s not safe here the villagers all argued until Bruce hushed them we will take

Care of this we will fortify the village and take precautions the villagers seemed a little at ease but still scared I was going to give it my all to protect these people I just needed to know what to do next on days 36 to 39 I waited for

The voice of the volcano to guide me there wasn’t anything and I felt a little bit frustrated why aren’t you talking to me nothing I decided that I would just wait patiently or at least try to Bruce and I helped to further fortify The Village he threw us some

Materials and we made some Cobblestone walls as we were doing so Bruce brought up another idea hey Zozo we want to build a statue in your honor also as a reminder of Hope do you have anything in mind I thought for a minute and then told Bruce what I would like he smiled

That sounds perfect we gathered the needed supplies and started to clear a spot for the Statue we built part of the base and hope to get it all done in a few days can you tell what it is on days 40 to 43 we went out to explore the

Island I guess I had some other things I needed to do before the volcano would speak to me again we went looking around the volcano when something caught my eye it was a large cave I went in and saw that there were some diamonds I quickly

Mined them all up along with some other materials with this I can make some diamond armor neat I noticed some lava running through a part of the tunnel and wondered if that’s how the houses were being swallowed up I tried to create some barriers just in case it felt so

Nice and warm I decided to take a break and enjoy the lava just then I felt something grab me from behind I managed to squirm around and saw a giant squid was dragging me into the water I wasn’t burning him because his tentacles were

Wet so I was helpless oh no he swam into the water pulling me with him when I touched the water I solidified and was basically useless I tried to gargle to make him stop but he kept swimming further and further down I saw my hearts dropping and thought this was the end

Just then the squid released me into an Alcove out of the water I transformed back into a lava weather my warm heart was enough to melt the stone back into lava hey there you go friend I have saved you saved me you almost destroyed me the squid looked confused wait you’re

Not Lily no who’s Lily my daughter I looked around and saw some axolotls coming up to me that’s not her Paul you need to stop snatching people I looked at the Axolotl and she looked at me there was absolutely no resemblance sorry about Paul he is Lily’s friend and

She disappeared a few days ago we think she might have been kidnapped by the other clan of axolotls they live nearby but their keep is protected by a shark well it sounds like you need help I’ll go look for her and bring her back to

You really wow that is so kind of you here you will probably need this the Axolotl gave me a diving scene I guess that solved the problem of me not being able to go into the water off onto another adventure on days 44-49 Paul guided Us close to the Rival Axolotl

Clan he suddenly stopped and told us he saw the blue Axolotl somewhere around here one time but not sure exactly where we thanked him anyway I was close to the surface and took a look to see where I was I recognized the area I was next to

The dry grass field this was a great opportunity to use the diamonds I got so I crafted a diamond sword pickaxe and shovel that’s when the crafting table caught on fire ah not this again the bench broke before we could craft all of the diamonds darn it well at least I got

Some tools better than nothing I guess that’s when I noticed a nice looking Lagoon inside of it I swatted a cave it seemed empty so I made my way underwater to take a look inside the cave I thought I could see the axolotls hiding in there

Just then I was attacked by a shark hey I’m just trying to save Lily the shark didn’t respond he kept attacking me luckily I had crafted a new sword so I was able to take him out pretty quickly I swam up to the cave and emerge from

The water onto a dry area the axolotls looked terrified of me I just want to take Lily back home one larger blue Axolotl move forward Lily is where she belongs she loves me and wants to stay here I didn’t see Lily anywhere so I really didn’t trust this guy then I

Heard a Voice help I’m in here that must have been Lily her own choice huh Lou Axolotl jumped at me and attacked the other axolotls backed away clearly frightened I was able to take down the leader quickly and the other axolotls thanked me thank you stranger we’ve been captive

To Blake for far too long he wouldn’t let us out and he kidnapped lily as a way to start a war with the pink axolotls why he was obsessed with Lily for months and wanted to marry her but she said no then a few days ago he

Captured her well you’re all safe now I went around the corner and found Lily trapped in a cave I freed her and we all left the Lagoon I knew what I had to do on days 50 to 53 I went back to the Alcove of the pink axolotls with the

Blue axolotls and explained the situation they made a truce and Lily’s mom was more than happy to have her daughter home we owe you a great debt Zozo take this as a token of our gratitude then Lily’s mom gave me a huge stash of diamonds

Wow thank you of course if what I heard is true you’re embarking on a great quest to save our Island you will need it more than we do okay thank them again and then started the long journey back home on days 54-57 I heard the voice of the volcano speak to me

Sacrifice I could do that I just needed to figure out how I quickly made myself an armor stand and hung my diving suit up as I got to town I noticed that the wise woman was outside looking at the sky welcome back Zozo you have been gone for

A long while I got mistaken for an axolotl and ended up saving the kidnapped daughter and joining the Clans together yes as I expected I looked at her she was still looking at the sky she was an odd one she was another two houses have collapsed while you’ve been

Gone we did our best but the Wither grows angry he is nearly on the brink of taking over the volcano I was really worried maybe the villagers could leave the island and find Refuge somewhere else I suggested it to the wise woman we don’t run away from our problems Zozo

Not run away just stay somewhere else we are safer here with you I turned and saw Bruce and Bobby approaching me are you sure yes young friend I will be well soon enough we all looked at the sky together for a minute that Bobby leaned over and whispered to me what are we

Looking at we slowly backed away as the wise woman continued to look at the sky we went and gathered some more supplies so we could continue to work on the Statue it was basically done we just needed a few Finishing Touches we also built some new houses and made

Sure that the foundations were solid we also built them over the water in hopes that the other weather would be less likely to attack them the Wither would try to take us down but we would Prevail on days 58-62 I woke up to Vanessa flying around nervously what’s wrong

Vanessa I think there’s a storm coming Zozo look I looked outside and sure enough it started to rain I guess I could try to walk around in my diving suit but it would definitely make me slower I don’t think I should go outside I can’t either one raindrop could really

Hurt me badly I hadn’t thought about that but it made sense that Vanessa was pretty fragile her wings were paper thin it’s okay though we can have a day in we can play a game Vanessa flew around me excitedly we ended up playing some games and she shared stories of her family

Where are they now I’m not sure exactly they all migrated when I was still little my wing was hurt so I couldn’t go with them that made me really sad so they abandoned you Vanessa landed her wings drooped a little bit it’s okay Vanessa I won’t abandon you I promise her wings

Lifted a little bit and she fluttered around again thanks Zozo you’re a good friend side I’m trying Bobby and Bruce eventually came over looking for us we explained the situation and they helped build a little overhang so we could travel to and from the village safely I

Was really grateful and made some food for everyone a little while later I took the diamonds I had been given I’d made myself some nicer armor WoW this stuff was amazing I could take on anything with this on day 63-66 I went out to go

Test my new armor I went out to the Jungle area where I hadn’t been before maybe I could find some more food items I was getting a little bit low on dried grass and only had five peas left Vanessa had told me about something called chocolate and it didn’t sound

Half bad I would go looking for some cocoa beans I was foraging through the trees when I entered a clearing it looked like there was something written in the ground it was that thing that the volcano had said to me be sure to listen to that little voice in your head

Telling you to subscribe started Gathering some dried grass when all of a sudden I heard some loud screaming I didn’t see anyone around me but then I realized it was coming from the sky the volcano was spewing Fireballs I hurried and dodged around them but one hit me it

Was small but it was enough to knock me over apparently these Fireballs are extremely hot since they set me on fire what is this magic I’m not supposed to burn another Fireball hit me ouch stop that what’s the matter can’t take a little Heat I looked around but didn’t see anyone it

Sounded like the voice of the volcano but much harsher hello small little wither you are nothing but I can make you great I assumed it was the Wither inhabiting the volcano I’m not listening to you why not we are after all Brothers I’m not your brother you are a bully

Preying on the innocent innocent captured me they kept me as a pet I knew I was destined for had my recovery I am so much more now the time will come when I obtain all the power of the volcano and then I will truly have my revenge what they did was wrong but

They’re sorry you don’t need to blow up the entire Island because you’re mad The Voice screamed and Fireballs rained down around me I tried to dodge but I couldn’t handle all of it a fireball hit me and everything went black on day 67 to 70 I woke up in darkness after a

Minute my body let up the space and I realized I was buried great now I have to dig my way out I started using my tools to chip away at the hardened lava it took a few minutes but I was finally able to free myself

The clearing I had been in was now just a large pool of lava good thing I was made of the stuff otherwise I would have been trapped I flew over the hot magma and started to make my way back to the Village if the Wither had thrown this

Big of a tantrum here I’m sure he did some damage to the Village when I arrived nothing seemed out of the ordinary I realized the Wither must have used up all his strength trying to hurt me that was relieved just then I saw Bobby running up to meet me Zozo come

Quick I followed after him into his house what’s wrong it’s my dad I can’t find him anywhere I thought for a minute then something dawned on me he must have gone to talk with the Wither in the volcano that’s the only thing I can think of Bobby looked sick to his

Stomach he doesn’t need to do that he probably feels responsible but don’t worry Bobby I’ll go find him I hurried and flew back to my cave to gather some supplies on my way out I noticed Bobby was waiting for me with a pack on his back I’m coming with you it’s too

Dangerous Bobby it’s my dad I have to do something he was right I wouldn’t want to stay behind either he will probably go back to where it all started on the desolate side of the island and that’s where we’ll go on day 71 to 74 we went trumping through the island slowly Bobby

Couldn’t fly like me but I wanted to keep a low profile anyways we mostly traveled in the jungle and gathered food as we went hey more cocoa beans I totally forgot to make chocolate when I was in the village I’ll have to do that when I get back sacrifice

What the cocoa beans I think the volcano was losing it we kept traveling and Came Upon a small pond we made a small shelter and decided to stay there for the night while we couldn’t really sleep because he was so worried about his dad it’s okay Bobby we’ll find him I sure

Hope so it was quiet for a while but then out of nowhere came some more spiders ah gross Bobby helped me fight them all and in no time they were all gone now I really won’t be able to sleep I’ll keep watch don’t worry Bobby and then managed to eventually fall asleep

I hoped I could keep my promise to him he really needed his dad and I didn’t want to see him lose him on day 75 to 78 we kept trekking Through the Jungle I could tell that Bobby was really tired but he kept pushing through we came to a

Large Cliffside and realized that we needed to climb up it we started to ascend but then the island started to shake Zozo the island kept shaking and then suddenly the Cliffside split Bobby fell halfway into the cliff and managed to hold on to a ledge I looked down and

Noticed Bobby was barely holding on I went to grab him but remembered I would burn him let’s also move I maneuvered around them and managed to get to the ledge then I mined some blocks and created a safe path for Bobby to get back to safety wow that was intense

You’re telling me we waited for a minute just in case there was another earthquake hope the villagers are okay I’m sure it’s fine I wasn’t too sure but I had to be hopeful I need a break and some water I nodded and let them rest

For a bit we decided to make camp and I made a small shelter we set up a fire and Bobby was able to fall asleep right away having a near-death experience will do that to you on day 79-84 we trekked further down the side of the volcano we

Finally made it to the bottom and just as expected there was a Barren Wasteland everything was dried up and Dusty Bobby looked around and awe this is empty sad I nodded in agreement so much destruction and pain it needed to be healed and restored to the way it once

Was we started to make our way through but then Bobby was attacked by some snakes ouch stabbed them with this Pitchfork but more were getting bites in hey stop it I threw Fireballs at them and managed to take them out but Bobby looked pretty bad you okay buddy I think I’ve been

Poisoned I need some medicine it’s in my bag he managed to grab some and take it the Wilderness is not kind to you my friend Bobby laughed no it is not after this I’m never leaving home again his laugh got quiet I wonder how my dad is

Doing with all of this you’re weak I’ll go get you some food where I looked around touche he instead I located a large dead branch and severed part of it all I gave it to Bobby to use as a crutch thanks slowly but surely made our way further

Into the Wasteland on days 85-89 Bobby and I arrived at what looked like the remnants of the village some of the stones were still there but there wasn’t much this must be it my dad has got to be close by Bobby threw down his crutch and went scrambling around the ruins I

Went looking around but didn’t see much and I noticed something shining across the land I flew toward it and saw a metal looking container buried in the ground I Unearthed it and discovered it was a cage Bobby came up beside me is that it’s where I kept it we both

Flipped around to see Bruce emerging from a small hole in the ground it was partially hidden by a rock which is why we didn’t notice it in the first place Bruce approached us and touched the side of the cage it’s where I kept Aiden the other wither Bruce seemed really upset

And he started to cry I’ve made so many mistakes all of this is my fault I need to fix what I broke not like this Dad don’t sacrifice yourself you only give him what he wants Bruce didn’t say much else but we followed him into a small

Cave we stayed there for a while to rest up while I devised a plan on days 90 to 94 I woke up to Bobby yelling at Bruce it’s not your responsibility yes it is don’t try to stop me Bobby I’m doing this for you for all of you what about

Zozo he promised he would help us and he will I can’t let someone innocent pay for my mistakes not anymore sacrifice for them I knew what I needed to do Bruce went back to his room in a huff and I came up to Bobby I know what I

Have to do just promise that you won’t follow me and make sure your dad stays here is this goodbye Zozo no I’ll be back don’t you worry Bobby nodded and then went up to the opening of his dad’s room we lured Bruce towards the cage telling him that we found something

Interesting in there when Bruce wasn’t looking we pulled him inside the cage and locked the door he looks stunned for your own good Bruce don’t follow me he sat there and begged me please OZO it’s okay Bruce it’s what I’m supposed to do on days 95 to 97 I continued flying

Toward the volcano it’s viewed lava here and there but I dodged past it when I was a good distance away I stopped and hovered Aiden I’ve come to talk to you the voice I heard before let out an ugly scream and spewed more lava at me dare

To call me with that monster named me I’m here to take his place Aiden I know you hate him but he needs to live take me instead I saw the lava spew out further almost hitting me why would you sacrifice yourself for such measly humans because it’s the right thing to do the

Voice laughed I moved closer to the volcano to see if I could spot Aiden suddenly the volcano reached out and snatched me pulling me into its burning Embrace everything went black on day 98 I woke up inside the lava I heard the voice of the volcano

I felt the powerful surge run through me and I burst from the ground into the air I leveled up into a full-sized wither but then I felt a different kind of power it was much bigger and stronger than me I realized I could control the volcano I focus my energy and forced

Aiden to fly out it was out of the volcano but the fight wasn’t over he was as big as I was probably stronger but what choice did I have I flew toward him spewing lava and shooting with her heads fired weatherheads back at me but at long last one of my weather skulls

Knocked Aiden down on day 99 I approached Aiden he looked like a normal wither like me but he shook with anger how dare you that was my home you have no right to use all that power for evil this ends here Aiden I commanded the lava to burst up and around him and

Solidify to his body caging him in he was stuck and he knew it let me go evil and can’t change they don’t deserve to live you’re wrong Aiden and with that I slashed at Aiden and defeated him thank you my friend you have proven yourself worthy of my power the volcano

Spoke to my mind and I felt a stronger connection with it I was now its Guardian if I stayed worthy of it it felt right on day 100 I freed Bruce and told him the good news he followed me and Bobby back to the village where we

All lived happily and safely the people celebrated and I finally made some chocolate chip cookies we also finished the last part to the Statue and it looked awesome everything was right on the island finally on day one I spawned as a golden Hydra whoa this is amazing I

Looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of cave I ventured out and immediately saw some scary dread Knights there he is catch him no thanks I scurried away the men following after me you come back here I started shooting darts at me ah one Dart hit me and I

Lost some hearts wait I only have five Hearts this is insane I hurried and tried to get away but the men were too fast they surrounded me as I felt my eyes start to close perfect everything is coming together and with that I passed out on day two I woke up in a

Cage ah where am I I looked around and noticed that there were more cages around me but most of them were empty I almost didn’t notice the Frog sitting in the cage nearby he Blended in with the floor really well I was waiting for you

To wake up come on we gotta get out of here but how even if we can get out of the cages I don’t know how to get out of the prison oh no way out but you need to be the one who unlocked the door I looked closer and examined the gate I

Began to hit it with my heads but that started to make me feel dizzy the Frog laughed at me oh no no use your fire spit fire spit I did what the frog said and I spit at the lock but it wasn’t fire it was golden little orbs I left

The cage and started firing away at the Frog’s cage until it opened too thanks don’t mention it I’m Zozo by the way I’m Freddy Freddy and I made our way over to the exit and broke through the door up the stairs we were home free on day three Freddie and I hurried as

Fast as we could away from the underground prison while we were running I spotted some pigs and chickens and hurried to gather their meat before they could Scamper away I gathered up their meat and shared some with Freddy we both Chow Down thanks Zozo and I gotta say

That Prison Break was amazing I didn’t know you could spit gold neither did I in fact I didn’t know much about anything except that some evil guys were after me Freddy and I agreed to go our separate ways I went further into the forest to explore maybe I would find

Some other hydras little Hydro I turned and saw an old troll walking slowly up behind me he looked hurt would you mind helping me I was attacked and need to get back home before it gets dark of course we slowly made our way to his home a little cottage next to a river

Thank you little Hydra please come inside so that you are safe there are all kinds of monsters outside the guy seem to nice enough so I stayed with him for the night on days four to five I woke up in the Troll’s house he had cooked some stew for both of us thank

You what did you say your name was I’m Horus just a poor old troll trying to make his way in the world Horus seemed better than yesterday but still very tired is there anything I can do to help you actually I’m more concerned for your safety you are the golden Hydra after

All the golden Hydra a prophecy was given many years ago by a great Seer she said that a golden Hydra would be born and it would be his Destiny to either save or destroy the land is that me I believe it is what should I do build yourself a safe house gather materials

Strengthen yourself as much as you can you need to be at your best Horus gave me some stone tools and a full stack of Oak planks use these to start I hope to hear from you little Hydra be careful who you trust I left horace’s house to

Find a good place to start a base I found a nearby lake on the plains with some nice level ground I used my stone tools to gather additional material and started working on a modest Japanese style gold Hydra base and may have only been one building for me so far but

There was plenty of room on the planes for this space to expand with more buildings and features it was all coming together when I heard some men yelling there’s the Hydra get him it was more of those evil dreadnites not today you goons I spit my orbs at them then they

All turned to Gold oh wow that is not what I expected just then I felt power rushed through me and I grew into a larger Hydra now I have 11 Hearts nice I’ll beat whoever controls those dreadnites in no time on day six to eight I ventured from my base to gather

More information also I wanted to see if I could find more creatures that needed Shelter From The Mysterious villain and his man I came across some tortoises who immediately tried to run away hey I’m a friend they looked at me wearily you aren’t working with the sorcerer no a

Sorcerer is that who’s commanding all the dreadnites I have nothing to do with him look kid it would just be better if he left this land it’s not safe for you the tortoise has slipped away leaving me confused I decided to go back to horace’s house to ask him about it a

Great sorcerer has purged this land and intends to use your power for his purposes he will the stoppage nothing to get you that’s awful what should I do there is a cave nearby that has some armor and tools that we could use I was

On my way there the other day when I was attacked that’s a good place to start sounds like a plan on days nine to ten I heard to the cave that Horus mentioned and went to explore sure enough there was a chest hidden behind some rocks

Just as I was about to open it a great hairy spider came rushing out ah gross he attacked me and I was too slow to spit my golden orbs I took quite a bit of damage ouch I hurried and slithered from the cave this is too hard I can’t defeat him

By myself hey are you trying to get rid of that spider too a wolf came out from behind a tree yeah I am why do you want him gone by armor I’m trying to keep myself safe from the sorcerer’s Goons you too maybe we can work together we came up with a

Plan and went back down to the spider’s Lair the wolf distracted him and I shot my golden orbs at him he turned immediately into a gold statue wow we gathered the materials in the chest and I gave the wolf the reptile armor he be careful out there Zozo Zozo I’m blacks

Thanks Lex take care of yourself on days 11 to 12 I return to Horus at first he was happy but when I told him that I’d given Lex the armor from the chest he got really mad the other animals don’t matter little Hydra what matters is that

You’re strong he was acting really weird but I couldn’t blame him he was probably scared of the Sorcerer And just wanted us to be safe you’ve done well but this isn’t enough now you must travel to the black forest and gather more strength potions left there by wizards of yore

This is important little Hydra don’t trust anyone besides me to feed anyone who stands in your way I left the house wondering why horse didn’t want me to trust anyone else he was probably just paranoid as I made my way to the Black Forest I saw some more of the sorcerer’s

Goons traveling along the river I tried to be quiet and Slither away but they spotted me it’s the Hydra seven I dodged some of their darts and shot my golden horns at them they tried to escape but after a few shots they were all statues nice I soon reached the depths of the

Black Forest hoping to gather the potions horse wanted on days 13 to 15 I plucked up the courage to enter the Sinister Black Forest at first there didn’t seem to be anyone there but I kept looking wanting to find those potions after just a few moments I saw a

Family of hoglands gathered around a campfire harmlessly warming themselves why does Horace want me to defeat these hoglands they seem really nice I slithered in and the hoglands were taken aback I don’t mean you any harm I’m just curious if you have any armor the hoglands were cautious but one answered

Me are you going to try to steal it from us like the others others what others a Sorcerers man they have tried to steal it before they want all the armor taken away from the creatures of the land so they can’t fight the sorcerer what that didn’t seem right I needed to

Talk to Horace about this on days 16 to 19 I traveled back to horace’s house I arrived and he seemed happy to see me but when I told him I couldn’t get the strength potions from the Black Forest he immediately turned angry don’t you know what’s at stake you needed to get

Those potions you need to get stronger why is it so important that I’m stronger you are not fulfilling my expectations I need to think this through he told me to leave I did more confused than before when I arrived back at my base Freddy Frog was there hey buddy

It’s been a while Zozo I’m so glad you’re okay I heard that you met the sorcerer how did you survive what do you mean I haven’t met him all the creatures have seen him hiding out in the woods he’s disguised as a simple old troll wait was he talking about Horus oh honey

It’s planning an attack with his goons today he’s going to the village in the plains had to see for myself if this was true it couldn’t be Horus could it I went with Freddy to the village in the plains like he said when we got there I saw the

Goons being led by a very recognizable troll I looked closer and realized it was Horus you manipulated me Horus turned toward me oh Zozo you gullible little Hydra you are too quick to trust but you’ve been a hindrance time for a change of plans you had no right to do

That to me and you have no right to steal from innocent creatures and people I charge at him spewing golden orbs he easily outmaneuvered them and with his powerful swing threw me back into a building before I knew it I blacked out on days 20 to 22 I woke up with Freddy

Looking down at me oh good you’re awake you need to help the villagers I got up and followed Freddy to the Village some of the buildings were on fire everyone move away from the buildings I hurried and spewed my orbs at them extinguishing the fires it was definitely not what the

Villagers were expecting this is amazing how can we repay you it might not be safe here anymore you can all live at my base with me I have lots of room the villagers talked amongst themselves for a little while then readily agreed we made our way to my

Base and then gathered some needed supplies for the new houses it was hard work but in no time everyone had a house of their own thank you Zozo these look amazing on days 23 to 26 I went back to the cave where I originally spawned it must have been important so I figured

That I should investigate I entered the cave and it seemed very normal I was hoping to find some sort of clue as to who my parents were it had been a crazy couple of days and even though I had friends I wondered if I had family all

Of a sudden I heard a noise coming from deeper in the cave I explored further and saw another Hydra but she was being attacked by a group of skeletons get away from her I slithered down and started shooting the skeletons within just a few moments those bags of Bones

Were gone I turned to the Hydra but then I felt a power surged through me I grew and then I leveled up into an adult Hydra I now have 18 Hearts I let out a large breath of golden fire the Hydra looked scared of me no need to

Be scared who are you I’m your mother my mother I’m so glad I found you where did you go I laid an egg and went to find some food but when I came back you were gone I was so worried about you how about you come live with me I have a

Base and it’ll be much safer than this cave she happily agreed and we made our way in that direction on days 27 to 31 as my mother and I left the cave we happened upon Freddy again hey Zozo do you think you could help my family he

Directed me toward a small Alcove nearby that had been broken apart what happened and The Sorcerer’s goons tried to break our alcohol after we refused to leave we managed to escape before anyone was hurt but we don’t have a home now the frogs looked very sad so I offered to build

Them a new home on my base really that would be great thank you so much with the frogs and my mother in tow we continued on our way to my base once we arrived we got straight to work building a pond for the frogs and

Placing down a bed for my mother I also noticed that the villagers had planted crops and gathered some animals I even made a nice path connecting all the buildings thanks guys you’ve done some great work here it was all starting to come together I will get that golden Hydra if it’s the

Last thing I do he is the key to all of my plans what would you like me to do Master I want you to follow him make sure he is met with challenges he needs to reach maximum strength by the full moon it’s vital that you do this

Yes Master on days 32-35 I wanted to return to the underground prison where Freddy and I were held if Horus wanted to befriend me why did he Capture Me in the first place that’s a good question maybe there are some answers at the prison I asked Freddy if he wanted to

Come with me and he readily agreed we made our way down the tower where we had escaped and noticed that there were Iron Golems standing around this time that’s new and they don’t look like they work for Horus I wasn’t expecting you to come back here I fluffed around to see one of

The Iron Golems standing right behind me are you one of the guards not exactly I bothered with some of horses goons that are corrupt they agreed to give you to me as a bargaining chip we weren’t expecting you to escape so quickly however so you’re not my enemy you just

Want to sabotage him basically so perhaps we can make an arrangement to stop him what do you have in mind I’ll be in touch I have some research to do just look out for a message from Puck The Honorable honorable you captured my friend Freddy sorry what can I say I

Like frog legs I heard Freddy Gump behind me don’t worry I won’t eat your friend but we’ll be in touch Zozo and just like that he left without even saying goodbye not very polite but okay on days 36 to 39 I went venturing into a nearby cave to find some iron ore that

Could help buff out my equipment after I found enough I built a furnace smelted some iron ingots and finally made myself an iron sword iron pickaxe and some armor cool looking good I went digging deeper and even managed to find some diamonds yes jackpot this would be great

For some upgrades before I could start crafting I heard a noise and something hit me I turned hens all skeleton moving around trying to shoot me again I spewed my golden fire breath at him militant froze but not before dropping his bow I picked it up and realized it

Was enchanted infinite arrows sweet I returned to my base with the supplies in the bow hoping to upgrade some of my items and the houses one of the villagers approached me Zozo do you think you could help me with something sure what is it Bradley and it’s about

Our home I thought I had gathered everything when we came here but I left something important there would you come with me I don’t feel safe going by myself of course let’s go on days 40 to 43 Bradley and I ventured back to the village on the plains we hurried to the

House to grab his item what is it you need it so badly he rummaged around his room under his bed and then whooped in Victory got it is that a paintbrush yeah it’s my lucky paintbrush are you serious it’s important to me I shook my head

What a weird kid but hey at least he has it now all of a sudden I heard a noise outside I think there’s someone here I looked out the window and sure enough there was some of horses goons rummaging around but they weren’t alone they were being

Led by a terrifying Yak this time we tried to sneak out quietly but Bradley made a noise and they spotted us Smooth Move Bradley the goons charged us and I started to spew golden Fire Within just a few moments we had nearly taken out all of the goons the henchmen just

Stood watching us then after a moment he ran off with the remaining men coward we looked around and noticed the goons had dropped a few healing potions before I had Frozen them into gold no nice now we have a little bit bigger of a potion stash just in case sheesh that was

Awesome was the paintbrush worth it Bradley absolutely on days 44 to 49 Bradley and I traveled back to the base once we arrived I found a note on my door Pock The Honorable sent me a message to meet outside my base near the river it didn’t take me long to find him

Some research about Horus and his plans I think that if you were able to create a certain item you can overpower Horus right what is it an amethyst sword it’s the one thing that will harm Horus even if he reaches the full extent of his magical powers and it may just save your

Life what do I need to do you’ll need to gather two amethyst crystals and a stick that’s all you’ll need to make it though I can’t promise those crystals won’t be guarded by an incredibly dangerous mobs great sounds like a walk in the park what you expected saving the world to be

Easy no I just wish I hadn’t been duped by Horus in the first place don’t beat yourself up kid you’ll get the hang of it Hawk handed me a paper with some instructions on it this should help you and just like that he laughed again I

Need to tell him it’s polite to say your goodbyes on days 50 to 53 I followed the instructions pug gave me to find the crystals it’s said to go to a cave and consult with the ancient being I realized that it had led me back to the

Cave where I had fought the giant spider as I entered I noticed that the spider was still there Frozen in Gold he must be the ancient being I wonder if there’s a way I can reverse it I went up to the spider and tried to shoot an orb at him

Nothing a fire breath and also nothing then I tried to punch him suddenly he turned back into his normal self he looked down at me angrily how dare you freeze me I’m sorry I was manipulated by the sorcerer to steal your items but you did steal some of them from the wolf he

Softened a little did and he was desperate and needed extra protection clearly it did not work what do you want I was told that you have information about amethyst crystals yes I was once a guardian of a great multitude of crystals but I was forced to leave when the cavern was ambushed by

An evil Warden it has been a great many years since then can you show me where it is I cannot when I desired to go back it was no longer there some sort of Shifting due to Magic I think the spider and left the cave it was just another

Dead end on my way back to the base I noticed more of horses goons fighting a wolf hey that’s Lex maybe he’ll want to help me I approached as he finished the goons off hey remember me Zozo you’re alive yeah I am and I’m trying to defeat the

Sorcerer I could really use your skills would you want to help me I don’t think I can Zozo I’m good at fighting his goons but he’s too powerful I think you’d be better off on your own before I could even argue he ran off into the distance well that was underwhelming

Maybe he’ll change his mind on days 54-57 I went exploring a little more I found myself close to where I had found horse that first time I wondered if he was still at his house I decided to investigate when I got closer I heard voices the master needs some items taken

To him make sure they get there safely it was the henchman I had seen earlier the Yak he had a few goons and he was dragging some chests of things it seemed like a good opportunity to attack hey coward the henchmen turned toward me you just can’t get enough can you he sent

The goons forward to attack I maneuvered around them easily and with in a few moments most of them were gold statues the henchmen got mad before I knew it he attacked me ouch how is he so fast I felt my heart’s dwindling he slashed at me again faster

Than any other human I had encountered I tried to breathe my golden fire at him but it was in vain I need to get out of here I hurried and slithered Away retreating into the bushes look who’s the coward now the henchmen ran off I didn’t dare follow him I was too weak

And needed to go back home if I can’t defeat just one henchman how am I supposed to defeat a sorcerer he managed to take out a few of your man Master but he could not withstand my blows he is not even close to being ready yes he is

Weak but you will get stronger just keep attacking send out as many men as possible they’re disposable we’ll do Master on days 58-62 I made it back to my base I was met with a much needed surprise Zozo we made you something sweetie my mom led me to the edge of the base

Is this a statue of it was a Hydra but it wasn’t completely gold it was more of an orange color actually it’s a statue of your father my father I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn’t know if you were ready he died right before you were born he was trying

To protect us he couldn’t wait to meet you Zozo I looked up at the Statue it’s amazing it’s not done yet we still need some more quartz for the teeth would you like to help us of course I headed to the desert where I had previously seen

Some ruins made out of quartz and collected those materials for the Statue after giving the courts to Mom she quickly added the teeth to the Statue and now it truly looked magnificent on days 63-66 I woke up to someone calling my name I went outside it was Lex hey

Lex what’s up I went back to that cave with the spider into my surprise he wasn’t a gold statue anymore oh yeah I should have warned you no harm done he actually told me that you were looking for a cat Tavern with amethyst crystals in it I think I might actually know

Where that is really show me Lex led the way to a small desert we finally arrived at what looked like a rock formation with a door great let’s just push open the door and head inside we tried to push pull and roll but the stone didn’t

Budge I even tried my golden fire on it no luck maybe there’s a special combination or code word maybe but I have no idea what it might be it was disappointing but now I knew where it was at least I could come back to it later let’s head back how about you stay

With us you don’t have to be alone Lex he sighed I know I was wrong and scared but I know you’re our best chance at stopping the sorcerer thanks for not giving up on me of course that’s what friends do Lex smiled and we headed home

On days 67 to 70 Bradley approached me again hey Zozo do you think you could help me with something else is it another paintbrush Bradley no actually I wanted to practice shooting with the bow I have do you think you could help me with some target practice of course

Where did you have in mind there’s actually an archery area near my old house maybe we can even bring some of the stuff back to the base that sounds like a great idea we headed back toward Bradley’s old home when we got there we noticed a movement outside the houses

Hey those are the tortoises I met earlier they told me to take a hike maybe we should go then I noticed the tortoises were fighting each other over some food I approached carefully hey friends remember me oh you again we don’t need your help Hydra you’re just

Making things worse for us the Sorcerer And His goons have driven us out of our homes and now we hardly have food the leader came toward me and snapped his teeth I don’t want to hurt you he snapped at me again and I had no choice

But dispute golden fire at him after he turned into a statue I punched him he quickly came back to life looking surprised why did you do that like I said I’m not here to hurt you in fact we would love for you to stay at our base

It’s safe and there’s plenty of food there’s no need to fight each other thank you Hydra we are in your debt on day 71 to 74 we made it back to the base this time we were met with an unwanted surprise my mom rushed out to us Zozo

They’re attacking the base we need your help I slithered over and saw the yak and his dreadnites waiting for me hey you don’t belong here the henchman looked at me and just like before attacked in a Flash I still wasn’t strong enough but I knew I needed to

Protect my friends using all of my strength I let out the largest burst of golden fire I could muster not bad Hydra but not good enough Coleman found me when you are ready I’ll be waiting with your precious friend and before I knew it the henchman laughed I had managed to

Statify his goons but he escaped again wait what did he say about a friend I slithered inside as fast as I could and realized that my mother was nowhere to be found mom um he took her and I had no idea where she went I retreated to my house blind

With rage and then I started to cry this was all too much how was I ever supposed to defeat anyone like this stayed in my house for a while not letting anyone in finally after a long time I heard a knock at the door it’s also it’s lacks we have something to

Show you I reluctantly left the house not wanting anyone to see me like this but they needed someone and I needed to be strong for them Lex showed me that they had fixed up the crops bred the animals and improved the security by building some walls great thanks Lex

That’s not all he turned me toward the statue of my dad and I realized there was a smaller version next to it it was of my mom you’ll get her back Zozo we believe in you I didn’t know what to say I just nodded and you are sure he is

Getting stronger yes maester he is almost to his full form excellent then the plan is working the mother will eventually bring him to us good work thank you master on day 75 to 78 Puck The Honorable left me another note I met him at her customary spot next to the

River hello again Zuzu what do you want Puck someone’s in a hurry I have important information and a gift for you I hear you are having some trouble with horses henchmen I have some important information his whereabouts he actually lives very close to Horus hush but I

Have my ways he handed me a map and I went to grab it be careful Zozo you don’t know what you’ll find there give me the paper Puck do not lose yourself along the way remember what you are fighting for I know what I’m fighting

For Puck my mom has been taken by those creeps and I intend on saving her then I’m going to put the henchman and a Horus in their rightful place Puck handed me the paper good boy now go get your mother back on day 79-84 I raced to

The henchman’s house if there was a chance he had my mom I was going to find her and defeat him once and for all and followed the directions and found myself outside of a large wall inside it was a modest looking house this is where the

Henchman stays quite a Cozy home he made for himself I snuck around to see if he was inside but I didn’t see anything suddenly I felt a gust of wind the yak was standing right behind me come to retrieve your mommy coming after me was one thing but involving my mom was a

Step too far your mother gave you everything and you still can’t save her I’m going to beat you Yak for her I felt a power grow within me and I leveled up into a fully grown Hydra with 50 Hearts I got bigger stronger and even gained the claw strike ability

What was supposed to happen promised me I wouldn’t be defeated by you be careful who you trust henchmen and with a swipe of my claws I defeated him he burst into golden Sparks and was gone Zozo I looked and saw my mother coming toward me she’d managed to escape mom

Did he hurt you I’m fine I’m so proud of you look at how strong you are you look so much like your father did and so glad you’re okay come on Mom let’s get you back home Oh and before we go I found this while I was imprisoned I heard you

Might want it it ‘ll be five to eighty nine my mom and I arrived back at the base everyone was so happy to see my mom and they ushered us over to the statues we almost finished it while you were gone but we wanted you to put on the Finishing Touch Freddy

Handed me a few glowstone blocks which I added to my dad’s statue completing his fire breath it was perfect and I have more amazing news Freddy the Golden Key my mom found at the henchman’s base I think it’s literally the key to getting into the amethyst Crystal Cave the

Henchmen and Horus must have known that the amethyst sword could foil his grand plan that’s why he had the key to unlock the cavern I’ve got to get over there now I rushed out of the base toward the desert as I arrived at the door I felt

My heart leap this is it it’s finally coming together I used the golden key to open the door here I go I made my way down the dark tunnel which eventually opened up into a Cave System inside were hundreds of glowing amethyst crystals all being watched over by a warden this

Isn’t going to be easy I got right behind it and before it knew what was happening I let out a large burst of golden fire he let out a terrible scream but he didn’t turn into a statue I took a swipe at him with my claws instead

This time he screamed in agony I kept swiping avoiding his blows as best as I could my hearts were dwindling but after just a few more moments the warden was gone you hurried and collected as many amethyst crystals as I could hold before hurrying out of the cavern time to end this Horus

On days 90 to 94 I exited the cavern blinking in the sunlight nice to see you again little Hydra I looked and saw Horace standing right in front of me I was about to swipe him into Oblivion when his magic froze me in place please

None of that I just want to talk I stared at him what could you possibly want to talk to me about you’ve gone out of your way to torture me don’t you see Hydra I have strengthened you you have become the golden Hydra of the prophecy all thanks to me

You you had nothing to do with it oh don’t even think for a minute that you would have accomplished anything without me I made sure that you had difficulties so that you could learn I made sure that you would eventually get the potion that would bring you to full power you’ve

Sabotaged your own henchman he was disposable at best but think of what we can do together little Hydra we can rule this land together of course they don’t need to be destroyed before it can be built back up you can accomplish that if you follow me

Never this is your last chance watch the world burn around you before I possess your mind or willingly serve me hissed at him very well somehow Horus made all my amethyst that I’d worked hard and suffered to collect all disappear are you sure to be at your

Best by the full moon little Hydra in the meantime enjoy my breath I heard Horus laughing and then it all went dark on days 95 to 97 I woke up to pitch black where am I Horus must have buried me underground I looked at what I

Assumed was up and started to dig it wasn’t too deep but by the time I saw sunlight I was exhausted I’m getting really tired of him I tried to catch my breath but then I noticed a note on the ground next to me it read say goodbye to

Your honorable friend my blood turned cold as I raced sword Puck’s dungeon no no no no please don’t let me be too late when I got there the whole place was demolished I looked around hoping to find anything and I heard a groan from beneath some rocks Puck I moved the

Rubble and saw him on the ground he was in really bad shape those Horus figured out who my sources were you’re going to be okay Puck let me help you up Puck coughed oh don’t worry about me Zozo go protect your mom and your friends he’s heading to your base

Next and with one last breath pack The Honorable past I let out a giant Roar as I mourned my friend but I had to get to my base I needed to stop Horus before he caused any more destruction on day 98 I arrived too late what was once my base

Was now in Ruins I ran around frantically I didn’t hear anyone answer I slumped down and was about to give up when I heard a small voice Zozo I looked up and saw my mom flipping towards me Freddy limped alongside her mom Freddy where is everyone else a lot of them didn’t make

It out Zozo Bradley and Lex managed to run and hide with me but nobody else was fast enough we’re lucky to be alive I let out another loud roar in agony Puck was gone all the villagers and tortoises were gone I had tried so hard to protect

Everyone and I had failed I felt my whole body slump hey everything is going to be fine do you know why why you are the golden Hydra and you are going to put a stop to Horus and his destruction mom slipped me something it was a key

Horus dropped this before he left it must be to his base I looked at the key in shock you are going to get back your amethyst crystals finish the amethyst sword and you will put a stop to all of this promise promise on day 99 I headed to horse’s base it

Had massive black walls and inside there was a huge Tower raising High into the sky I carefully entered the front wall gate to my surprise the courtyard was completely empty I explored a bit and located a back door probably for the goons and I used the key to get inside

Freddy you’re the best I snuck up the passageway and went to open the door to the main chamber a dreadnite spotted me immediately as the golden Hydra I quickly took him out so much for being stealthy I was a high drafter all a golden one at that it was hard to keep a

Low profile I opened the Chamber it’s my surprise only Horus stood inside smiling at me did you really think it would be that easy Hydra but at last your day early what exactly was your plan here give me back the amethyst crystals and nobody has to get hurt Horus no I was

Prepared this time I smacked him back with my claws and grabbed for the crystals before he knew it I was down the passageway stop that drop Hurriedly crafted the amethyst sword out of the two amethyst crystals and the stick it was time to defeat Horus once and for all on day 100 I made my way back to horace’s base perfect a dramatic ending just like I wanted Horus was waiting for me outside are you ready for

Your reign of terror to finally end Horus you’re exactly where I want you Zuzu when this battle is over I’ll take control of your body and use you as just another tool to take over this world not of me and the amethyst sword have anything to say about it this time I

Wasn’t playing around he fired a magical energy blasphemy but I was so strong now I tanked it and ran right in oh no I may have made an arrow here but that time for talk was over I ran in and hit him with the amethyst sword again and again

Weakening him a little more each time he Unleashed his guards on me but they were taken care of quickly many sword swings later when Horus was on the edge of defeat I stopped attacking and stepped back for a moment you can’t win I am an all-powerful sorcerer silence is golden

Horus with one blast of my golden spit Horus was turned into a harmless golden statue forevermore at long last the creatures of the Overworld can breathe easy again on day one I spawned into the Badlands as an awesome lava dinosaur I may only

Be a baby but I think when I grow up I’m gonna be the coolest creature of all but being that cool comes with certain drawbacks you attract a lot of attention it must have been why a terrifying Soul Blaze suddenly appeared in front of me behold tis I the ultimate being the Lord

Of Souls and I wish to add yours to my collection Zozo wait do you know my name I know all I see all and in time I will be able to do all I will absorb your power little lava dinosaur and win it I will become unstoppable my power I don’t

Even have any power yet oh but you will Zozo you will over the next 100 days I will challenge you I will hunt you through these trials I will make you strong and then when you reach the heart of your power you will be mine before I could try to talk him

Out of this wild plan he fired an energy blast from his supercharged Soul blaze rods I ran as fast as I could terrified by what he planned to do I want to get stronger but if I do will I just be playing into the Lord of souls hands

This is gonna be a tough one on day two I ventured out deeper into the Badlands to try and see what I could find there’s still a lot I don’t know about this place it’s called the Badlands but it seems pretty okay to me so far I’ve got

To be careful though I only have 10 Hearts so I want to stay out of trouble suddenly I heard my stomach growl oh that’s right I’ve been alive for almost two days and I haven’t eaten yet I better find some snacks I wasn’t sure what kind of food I could find in the

Badlands but as I was looking around I spotted something red on the ground hey apples perfect an apple a day keeps the Lord of souls away that’s the saying right I ate the apples and felt much better with a full stomach good luck didn’t last long I saw some Vex piglets

Scowling on me and flying toward me faces Zozo the Lord of souls sent us to test your strength no I don’t wanna too bad time to fight it got even closer and started to attack I did my best to defend myself but I had never fought anyone before and these guys were way

Too strong for me all I could do was run away from those terrifying Vex piglands and in the process I ran into a spider llama follow me these Piggies can eat my dust on day three the spider llama led me to a campfire further out in the

Badlands it was a huge relief to find a cozy safe place to rest for a while this is where the magic happens and by Magic I mostly mean sleeping and hanging out with my buddy the fire Guardian I don’t see a fire guard in until I did see one

Standing by the fire that’s because I’m over here God in this fire hello there baby lover dinosaur I see you two are being forged in fire May your flame burn Bradley thanks I’m Zozo by the way it’s nice to meet you Zozo my name is Dennis

In this spot of llama who brought you here goes by the name Zach I’m grateful for both of you those Vex piglets cornered me in a totally unfair fight they were working for this awful Soul Blaze big scary guy maybe you know him unfortunately I do the Lord of souls

Means to add you to his collection I assume yes he said he’s going to wait for me to become strong then he’s going to take my soul and steal my power so I decided I’m not going to get stronger at all that way he won’t get me I’ll just

Lay low and stay out of trouble I know it seems frightening but you must seek strength and progress anyway but you can’t allow the Lord of souls to steal that strength instead you must use it against him so that he never takes another Soul again oh geez that sounds

Like a lot of work it will be but you will have help no dinosaur is truly alone in this world now and he has friends go with Zach and build your first base will develop from there okay then it’s decided I’ll become the biggest strongest lava dinosaur I can

And I’ll defeat the Lord of souls before he can use my power to become Unstoppable it’s the right thing to do from day four to day five I got to work building my base first things first to build my base I need some tools I’m gonna need to gather some wood can I

Even touch trees without setting them on fire I sure hope so luckily me being a lava dinosaur didn’t have any effect on the trees and I was able to gather some wood then I used that wood to craft a wooden pickaxe next I’ll get some Stone I use the wooden pickaxe to gather

Enough Stone to craft a full set of stone tools including a stone sword my first sword check me out I’m not just a weak little baby dinosaur anymore now I’m a baby dinosaur with a sword but I didn’t have time to practice sword fighting I needed to build a place for

Me and Zach to stay I built a small house and added a room for Zach in another room for me there we go home sweet home nice digs simple but nice we can always add more too Zach went inside and I was able to follow him when a

Skeleton ran up and started attacking me luckily I had my new stone sword and I was able to defend myself I was still pretty new to fighting but I managed to defeat him after the fight I started to feel funny not in a bad way but

Different I grew a little bigger and I felt stronger my hearts increased to 30. yay as I yelled I saw a blast of fire shoot out of my mouth cool fire breath I’ll have to be careful not to accidentally burn anything down when I talk but this is awesome from day six to

Day eight I decided that it was time for me to explore floor the area outside of the Badlands I can’t just hang around here forever I’ve got to get out there and learn more about being a lava dinosaur like what’s the difference between a lava dinosaur and a dragon is

It that I don’t have wings I gotta find out and also stop the Lord of souls from stealing my power and that too I traveled to the Black Forest I thought black forest was a type of cake but I don’t see any cake here I guess life is

Disappointing sometimes oh well I was distracted by the lack of cake when I saw a poor old fishermen being attacked by a nasty Thorn wolf I ran at the wolf with my sword and attacked it took a while to defeat the thornwolf and it snarled at me snapping its jaws it was

Pretty scary but I managed to fight it off thank you young dinosaur I was afraid that blasted wolf would Tammy Lynn from lamb yikes I’m glad he didn’t you need your limbs I sure do can’t relent the fish without them which is what I was trying to do when I was

Attacked by that beast but if you think that thorn wolf was bad you should see the other guy the whole guy that is say if you manage to defeat that Mongrel maybe you can defeat this monster too could you give it a try sure I can try

Just show me where to go from day 9 to day 10 I followed the fisherman to a place deeper in the Black Forest is it just me or is it getting really creepy in here it’s definitely not just you you probably since the thorn corrupted Wolfman that’s taken over this part of

The woods which is a shame because some of the best vision is over here and I can’t get to it with him attacking anyone who gets too close that’s not fair I’ll do my best to make sure you get your fishing spot back up ahead The Thorn corrupted Wolf Man appeared he had

Nasty matted fur and wild eyes ow who’s trespassing in my Forest it’s me Zozo you huh well I was getting pretty hungry I guess you’ll make a nice snitch how about you try some fire breath I use my fire breath to attack but the Wolfman didn’t even Flinch he came back at me

And slashed me with his claws ow ow this might be too tough of a fight for me I ran back to the fisherman and away from dangerous quick as I could quick let’s get out of here yo just giving up no I’ll come back when I’m stronger but

If that’s gonna happen we need to survive another day come on the fishermen agreed and we both ran out of there until we couldn’t hear the wolfman’s bone chilling house anymore from day 11 to day 12 I led the fisherman back to my base you can stay

Here until the Black Forest is a Wolfman free zone well thank you but is there any room for me I don’t want to be rude but yeah home looks pretty small well I can fix that just wait right here I’ll build you a room I got to work and built

A nice room for the fishermen to sleep in when I was finished I saw that he wasn’t where I left him he had added another room to the base too what’s this just a wee token of my appreciation I thought you might need more room for

Items and such so I built you a storage room I hope you’ll find it useful you didn’t have to do that there is very little we truly have to do in this world it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth doing I’m glad there are nice people out there and

Not just the Lord of Souls and his minions stay far away from him my friend he would love to steal a power like yours that’s what he told me too I’m going to do my best to defeat him so he can’t steal people’s power anymore be very careful I’ve heard rumors that he’s

Been waiting for the chance to absorb the strength of a fire breathing dragon it has a lava dinosaur you’re probably the next best thing yikes talk with the fisherman inspired me to keep working on upgrading my weapons so I went to a nearby Cavern to get some mining done I

Gathered some iron ore which I took back to my base and smelt it into iron ingots then I use them to make an iron pickaxe and an iron sword spiffy hey with another new person staying here we’re going to need more supplies I should find some animals I spotted some sheep

Grazing nearby and decided that they would be perfect I built a sheep farm for them and herded them into their pen this place is really coming together from day 13 to day 15. I was out of ideas for how to get stronger so I decided to ask Zach for some advice hey

You’re a tough guy right sure am why did someone say I wasn’t I’ll fight them no no no I just wanted to ask you what you think I should do to get stronger what should I do well everyone’s journey is different little dude but I do know that

Facing your fears is a good way to grow maybe try that well I was pretty scared in the Black Forest I guess I can go back there I’ll just make sure I don’t run into The Wolf Man uh yeah don’t mess with the Wolfman they’re always looking

For a fight and they’re no fun at parties I traveled back to the black forest keeping an eye out for the Wolfman gotta face my fears it’s so creepy in here though why is this Forest so scary as if to answer my question some Vex piglets popped out maybe it’s

Because you’re nothing but a weak little baby oh no it’s those Vex big ones again yep we’ve decided you’re a waste of the boss’s time it would be better to just get rid of you and find a better Target for him guess I have to fight you then

And face my fears I used my fire breath to attack then ran at them with my new iron sword they fought back but I dodged them after a little bit of fire breath and sword action I was finally able to defeat them I did it Zach was right I do

Feel stronger oh look a health potion they must have dropped it I picked up the health potion and drank it my hearts increased to 60 and my claws got sharper cool I have a new ability claw attack from day 16 to day 19 my exploration

Took me out of the black forest and into the Cypress swamp lands so nice to change out those old trees for some new different trees and those different trees brought me Good Luck because I spotted a book and picked it up the title said Better Living Through Exposition what does that mean better

Take a look inside just to see okay it says that the Lord of souls hides somewhere dry and hot so definitely not anywhere nearby then that’s good to know why read about it you’ll be winding up there soon enough Vex piglets but I just defeated you no those are some other Vex

Penguins there are dozens of us dozens and they’re all coming after you well this worked before so I guess I’ll try it again fire breath attack I use my fire breath but it wasn’t quite enough to defeat them so I followed it up with a few swipes of my claws claw attack

Turns out the Vex piglands were no match for my new and improved Claws and I managed to win the battle from day 20 to day 22 I headed back home to my base on the way I thought a mean looking spider to test out my new abilities it was easy

To beat way easier than the Vex piglets okay now I need to get back into the mines and see if I can find some more material serials Zozo needs some iron armor I don’t know why I talked about myself in third person like that let’s go I climbed down into the mining Cavern

And searched until I found some iron ore back at my base I smelted the Yore and used the iron ingots to craft an iron chest plate this thing makes me feel pretty tough between this and my new abilities I think I can finally Fight The Wolfman with my new confidence and

More importantly my new chestplate I traveled back to the black forest to look for The Thorn corrupted wolf man I followed the sound of his hell until I found him when he saw me he growled back again good I was starting to get hungry and you’re bigger now even better I

Could usually good meal he came at me with his claws but I had claws too I used my claw attack and he looked shocked at how much damage it did that didn’t stop him though then he attacked me again but my iron chest plate protected me from his fangs and Claws

And I was able to get the other hand and win the fight splendid turned around and the Lord of souls was there you’re getting stronger I see soon you will be strong enough and your power will make me Invincible or I’ll use it to defeat you impossible you were born

For this very purpose a prophecy foretold that the power of a fire-breathing dragon would allow me to conquer all but I’m a dinosaur close enough I didn’t want to stick around to hear what else he had to say so I got out of there as fast as I could from day

23 to Day 26 I ran away from The Lord of Souls and headed back to my base I can’t stand that guy at least I have good news for the fishermen speak of the devil you do I love good news yes the Wolfman is finally gone you can go back to your

Favorite fishing spot again thank you so much Zuzu next time I catch a fish I’ll name it after you okay next I went back into the mining Cavern to find some more iron ore once I had it I smelted it and used the ingots to craft an iron helmet

And Boots pretty snazzy stuff well I was admiring my new armor the fisherman came to talk to me again before I head out to catch some fish I built a perimeter wall for the base something to keep us all a little safer here just my way of saying

Things for getting rid of that man-eating wolf man no problem whoa it looks great from day 27 to day 31 I decided to return to the Cypress swamplands to see if I could find anything else useful I found that book here before who knows what else I might

Stumble on turns out the answer was a fire Elemental and he stumbled on me excuse me are you the dragon that got rid of the Vex piglets who were here earlier I’m a dinosaur but yeah that was me that was really impressive they were causing a huge mess around here but

Before you managed to get them they got to my house and destroyed it any chance you know where I could stay for a while follow me I’ll show you the way to my base I escorted the fire Elemental back to my base then I collected some fluffy

Wool from my sheep you know what sheep I think this place is looking a little bit boring what do you think the Sheep didn’t say anything back but I could tell they agreed so I put up some decorative banners much better from day

32 to day 35 Zach came to me to ask for help what’s going on it’s Dennis he’s facing some kind of Menace I think that Lord of souls sent some creeps to mess with him oh no let’s go right away I traveled to Dennis the fire guardian’s

Campfire and by the time we got there there were Vex big ones all over the place and I couldn’t see Dennis anywhere we’ll pay for this I rushed in and blasted the piglands with my fire breath then I shredded them with my claw attack

I was able to defeat a bunch of them and once they were out of the way I saw Dennis fading away oh no YOLO you came thank you but I’m afraid it’s too late for me be strong help the others save the world and just like that he was gone

From Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to the black forest so I could see how the fisherman was doing at his fishing spot before I could get to the fishing spot a ghost Miner drifted out from between two trees and approached me well I’ll be you

Look like a strong union who might just be able to help out no damn it like me what do you say sure what do you need back four hours ghost I was attacked by a deep spot around these parts suppose you could destroy that spider so I can

Finally get my revenge on the Critter sure I searched the Black Forest until I found the Deep spider it was pretty easy to defeat with just a blast of my fire breath and a few swipes in my sword then I went back to the ghost Miner I did it

Feels good let my soul be at rest thank you sonny speaking of souls better be careful of yours around that Soul Eater fella if he snatches yours there’s no getting him back he’ll absorb all your power and leave nothing but a husk behind I’ll make sure to remember that

Thanks from day 40 to day 43 I returned home to my base when I got there I saw that someone had added a nice new Lounge area outside this looks so nice it’s the perfect place to curl up with a good book and relax I’ll definitely do that

Once my quest is complete and the Lord of souls is dealt with I wonder who did this it was me little dude oh cool but why I don’t want to cramp your style but I’ve got a few buddies that need a place to stay mind if they kick it here with

Us for a bit sure that would be great a little while later some other spider llamas came to the base Zozo these are my bro Bros welcome to my base everybody after I said hi to the spider llamas the fire Elemental came to see me I know

You’ve already done a ton to help me but could you do one more thing there’s a skunk scorpion that’s well skulking around the ruins of my old house until he’s gone I can’t change build it I’ll write him a strongly worded letter just kidding I’ll go out there and see if I

Can get him to leave from day 44 to day 49 I traveled back to the Cypress swamplands to look for that pesky skulk scorpion that was giving the fire Elemental so much trouble is there a scorpion in the house or around the ruins of the former house I didn’t get

An answer what I got instead was an unwelcome surprise appearance from The Lord of Souls why waste your time trying to help other weaklings when you could be growing stronger when you could be fueling my eventual Victory overall this isn’t about you foolish Zozo everything is

About me now own your combat skills and fight he disappeared and in his place there was a huge powerful pigless I don’t want to fight you but I get a feeling I don’t have much of a choice from day 50 to day 53 I battled the pigless he was much bigger and stronger

Than me I did my best to hold my own I did have one thing he didn’t have though fire breath and my other dinosaur abilities with the help of those moves and my positive attitude I managed to defeat him have bested me but only a pure heart and

A diamond sword can defeat the Lord of souls with those final words he vanished into dust oh that was a tough one but I did it oh hey sparkly the pigless dropped some mystical diamonds I’d better take these with me they’ll probably come in handy later from day 54

To day 57 I resumed my search for the skulk scorpion no matter what the lord of the Soul says I know it’s worth it to help out those who need it I spotted the ruins of a house and there nested in the middle of it all was the skulk scorpion

You can’t just take this place in someone’s home the Scorpion just approached me threateningly and attacked but the Scorpion Stinger was no match for my claw attack pretty soon I had won I sprinted back to my base and gave the fire Elemental the news wonderful thank

You Zozo you really are amazing no when did the Lord of souls thinks you’re the hero from the prophecy he’s convinced that you’re the failed fire dragon that him give him the power to take over the world all he needs is for you to come into your full potential then he’ll

Steal your soul I keep saying I’m not a dragon I know you’ll love a dinosaur I’ve met others of your kind before you have many abilities similar to those of dragons but you’re different too thank you I was starting to worry I might be wrong so many people kept calling me a

Dragon never let anyone tell you who you are Zozo you know yourself better than anyone from day 58 to day 62. I decided to make some quick improvements to the base I built another sheet pen and found some more sheep to herd into it Welcome Home Little Sheep next I remembered what

The piglet said about a diamond sword so I went into the cavern and mine until I found some diamonds I was going to use them to craft a diamond sword but then I remembered I also picked up those mystical diamonds before so I use those was to make my sword and the other

Diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe afterwards I exited my base and noticed Zach standing outside my door little dude I added some awesome stuff to the base check it I expanded the resting area outside to make it even better this looks amazing I can’t wait to hang out

Here from day 63 to day 66 I was trying to decide what to do next I went down into the mines where I was surprised to find the fisherman Zozo I was looking for you I heard that the Lord of souls has his heart out in the dunes I thought

It might be worth a look oh that’s good to know it’s definitely somewhere dry and hot like that book said I’ll go check it out I traveled to the dunes and looked around for any sign of the Lord of souls or his Hideout I didn’t want to

Fight him yet but I wanted to be as prepared as possible while I was exploring I wandered into the domain of a crimson Phantom get out of here no Associates of the Lord of souls are welcome wait I’m not one I don’t work for him I’m trying to get rid of him oh

That’s great news sorry for the scare hi my name’s Coco hi Coco I’m Zozo so if you’re a good guy does that mean you could help me get rid of the creeper spider that’s been lurking around and trying to bite me sure does I’m great at

Fighting spiders from day 67 to Day 70 I helped Coco the Crimson Phantom with her spider problem it didn’t take long to find the creepy spider it was creeping around nearby and looking for a chance to bite her hey there’s a bug problem here and I’m the Exterminator I don’t

Think spiders count as bugs but I like your spirit I’m not good at bug science but I’m good at fighting I blasted the creepers better with my fire breath then attacked it with my diamond sword pretty soon it was done for that spider won’t be bothering you anymore I can’t thank

You enough I wish you lots of luck in your quest from day 71 to day 74. I continued exploring the dunes I can figure out where the Lord of souls lives I’ll know where to go and I’m ready to fight him speaking of fighting and adventuring if

You want to see more videos like this search zo Zeo that’s Zozo me but that call to action attracted the attention of none other than the Lord of souls Zozo there you are uh oh why aren’t you cultivating that wonderful power for me

Soon it will be time for me to take it I tried to blast him with my fire breath but it didn’t even make a mark he was way too strong I had to run out of there before it was too late from day 75 to

Day 78 I went back to my base and headed into the pool to cool off I can’t believe I had to run away what if I’m never strong enough to beat him what if I get just strong enough to help him and I ruin everything just then the fire

Elemental came to see me that won’t happen Susie I know it hey to get your mind off things check out what I built it’s a watchtower for the base I’ll admit that’s pretty cool it’s hard to be sad with a watchtower like this thanks after that my main man Zach approached

Me if you like that then how about these apples sorry that was confusing there aren’t any apples but I do have this mace awesome let me try it out when I did I felt magic coursing through me I grew bigger and stronger the gift increased my hearts to 100 and I felt

Like I had a new power too I tested it out and I was right whoa you have a dragon Fireball ability nope I have a dinosaur Fireball ability from day 79 to day 84 I returned to the dunes feeling much more confident in myself as a hero

I didn’t see the Lord of souls anywhere but I did see a zombie shuffling around and tested my fireball out on it it worked I blew that zombie to Smithereens hey that was really cool a big Axolotl came over to congratulate me I got this for my uncle’s birthday

What I actually think you should have it you’re a way better fighter than him he handed me diamond leggings whoa thanks sorry to your uncle though nah it’s fine I’ll just get him a gift card his leggings will go great with the rest of

My diamond gear from day 85 to day 89 I headed back to my base to show my friends my new diamond leggings but when I got there it was under attack there were Vex big ones all over the place hey get out of here stop I rushed towards

The piglets and started to defeat them one by one using my mace but some of them managed to run off and I gave Chase I lost sight of them after a while but I didn’t give up I heard a loud buzzing sound though and when I looked in its

Direction I saw a giant mosquito ah don’t bite me bite you oh no that’s not why I’m here I need help breaking a part of this look I’ve been trying for days but I have no tools I mean little bug arms are too weak quickly I broke the

Block apart with my pickaxe there you go gotta run bye I’ll never forget you kind stranger from from day 90 to day 94. I tracked the Vex big ones to a spot in the dunes this place looks super evil oh this must be the lair of the Lord of

Souls I’d better not get too close I’ve noticed something I hadn’t seen before the Vex big ones had an Ender Blaze with them they were all listening to him and following his orders we missed that place up good huh yeah the Lord of souls will be pleased with your service he has

His right hand man I will deliver reports of your loyalty I rushed out of my Hiding Place and confronted the Ender Blaze so you’re the one who messed up my base I guess this Fireball is for you then from day 95 to day 97 I began my

Battle against the Ender Blaze I shot a fireball at him but he shot a fireball back at me I dodged it but just barely ouch that’s hot Gladys didn’t hit me this guy is really strong this is my hardest fight yet I drew my mace and

Attacked again this time I had more luck I managed to do some damage and that gave me the confidence to keep going I got him with my claw attack my mace again and that managed to finish him off when he went down the Ender Blaze dropped a key this must unlock the Lord

Of souls base this is awesome yeah take the key go inside it’s right where the Lord of souls wants you to be once he has your power he will burn down the entire world through a building in His image thank you Zozo you will ensure his

Victory with that he was gone I won’t let that be true it can’t I have to get ready because it’s time to prove the Lord of souls wrong on day 98 I returned to my base more determined than ever I’m almost out of days I’ve gotta make every

Moment count first the fire Elemental came to speak with me Zozo you saved my home without you I would have nowhere to go I know that you can conquer this force of evil then came Zach the spider llama little dude well not such a little dude anymore but you’ll always be little

Dude to me I’m so proud of you man you’re gonna do great Dennis would be proud too and finally the fisherman Zozo I’m brought you a fish in case you get hungry or need some extra protein good luck Brave dinosaur on day 99 I started

My journey to the Lord of souls base on the way there I passed through the Black Forest can’t believe I used to be scared of this place that seems like so long ago now finally I reached the base but it was crawling with Vex big lens oh no

I’ll have to fight all of them to get inside no you won’t I will Coco you solved my pest problem I’ll solve yours go Zozo get inside thank you leaving Coco to take on the Vex big ones I unlocked the door and ran inside on day

100 I entered the lair of the Lord of souls I had faith in myself but I was still so scared that I would lose if the Lord of souls beat me and wouldn’t only be me who suffered it would hurt everyone so I guess the solution to this

Is don’t lose I found the Lord of souls waiting for me in his room ah here you are as foretold the missing piece in the puzzle of my Total Domination of all life not so fast I shot a fireball at the Lord of Souls and it hit him but all

He did was laugh Zozo fire cannot harm a lord of souls you cannot burn me I can get you with this while he was gloating I attacked him with my mace he staggered back from the hit no impossible the prophecy a fire dragon will give me the

Power I need to ascend to Victory a fire dragon might have helped you become the ultimate ruler of the world but this lava dinosaur is going to destroy you I swung my mace again and again as we fought fiercely against each other finally I landed one last hit and the

Lord of souls collapsed on the ground I guess it turns out that when it comes to prophecies close enough just doesn’t cut it on day one I spawned into the Ancient Forest as an elemental Enderman Elemental Enderman whoa so I guess that makes me a guardian of nature still I

Only have five hearts in the blink of an eye before I even realized what was happening I suddenly warped a few feet away from myself oh wow I guess Elemental Endermen have the power to teleport like other Enderman this just keeps getting cooler and cooler but I looked around the Ancient Forest around

Me and noticed that something was wrong really wrong if the Ancient Forest is the true home of all Elemental Enderman how come I’m the only one here before I had a chance to ponder this question a gang of skeleton vanguards turned up and they didn’t look happy dang looks like

We missed one boys we better grab this Elemental Enderman too well Mr Boss is gonna kick all our butts wait who’s gonna kick your butt what does this have to do with me sorry buddy but orders are orders we gotta bring and I didn’t feel like I was strong enough to fight the

Skeleton vanguards yet so instead I used my warping power and got out of there it would have been good news if the place to the Ancient Forest I teleported to didn’t already have a creepy Whisperer already waiting for me I just can’t win today I ran away as fast as I could

Eventually just laying down under some ancient tree when I got too tired I need to figure out why those skeleton vanguards were after me also who’s this Mr Boss guy and what does he have against Elemental Enderman on day two I woke up under the tree with a sore back

From sleeping on the ground man I really need to get myself a bed I wasn’t going to just sit and wait around I wandered out into the forest to start making my own luck but first i’m gonna need some tools I broke down a tree until I had

Enough wooden sticks to make a crafting bench in a wooden pickaxe then mined enough Stone to make a stone pickaxe and a stone sword just in case that’s more like it as I was wandering through the forest looking for a big enough plot to build my base on I saw a secret cabin

With a wind caller watching me from the doorway I walked over to say hello hmm it’s surprising to see an Indian I thought Mr boss’s goon snabbed them all I guess I’m the one who got away but who is this Mr Boss guy and why

Is he making so much trouble for me it’s not just you if it makes you feel any better Mr Boss is a jerk to everyone because he thinks he’s the best and when he thinks someone has more power than him he tries to destroy them to make

Himself feel better what an awful thing to do I better work hard until I can stop him you’re definitely not going to stop him like that kid you look half starved here take these apples the friendly wind caller gave me a bunch of apples to take with me I thanked him

Then mined some extra Stone and wood before going on my way on day three I got really lucky I found some kind of old abandoned structure in the woods where it didn’t look like anybody had lived for years it’s a little run down and creepy but with a little love and

Care this might make a perfect Elemental Enderman base so that’s exactly what I did I went through the building fixing up the Broken Walls and clearing the cobwebs it was really coming along but just as I was starting to make some real progress I saw a wave Whisperer coming

Right towards my base I need to take care of this thing before it causes any harm around here I ran out of the base and Drew my stone sword I warped right over to the wave Whisperer and took it on hacking away until it was nothing but

XP so much XP in fact that I leveled up I not only got bigger and went from 5 to 10 Hearts I gained a new ability turning invisible for a limited time Mr Boss is never gonna see me coming with the wave Whisperer taken care of I spent the rest

Of the day fixing up the base it was looking good as new from day four to day five I went deeper into the Ancient Forest hoping there I’d find some more materials to help improve the size of my base after all with Mr Boss out there I

Really needed to be well defended I hope the engine Forest will forgive me for using its resources for the greater good but during my gathering mission I accidentally ran into the same group of skeleton vanguards who had been chasing me since I spawned here well oh well if it isn’t the elemental Enderman

Too big for his boots now I know you skeleton vanguards are the minions of some guy called Mr Boss why do you even work for someone who’s so mean cause we’re mean too duh plus he pays well so if he doesn’t like the look of someone

And wants them taken care of we’re happy to do what he says get up boys the skeleton Vanguard started attacking me but this time I wasn’t just going to sit there and take it I used my stone sword to fight back and soon enough I defeated

The whole group from day six to day eight I found an underground Cavern that I’d heard rumors was rich with different materials it was the perfect place to start my very own mine I constructed a furnace near the entrance and started mining until I found some veins of iron

Exactly what I wanted I mined the iron and used my furnace to make myself some iron ingots with those it was a cinch to make myself an iron sword pickaxe and a chest plate this is really gonna up my Mining and fighting game how exciting and I needed to test those new qualities

Quickly because a bunch of Mossy skeletons were emerging from the darkness and it was already too late to try turning invisible yes these guys have a bone to pick with me using my new iron sword I defeated each and every one of the mossy skeletons this upgraded

Gear had already paid for itself from day 9 to day 10 I traveled further from my home and went all the way to the Black Forest so I could sustainably get some wooden blocks from there rather than over using the Ancient Forest despite its Sinister name the black

Forest was a nice and peaceful place for the most part I didn’t have any trouble going through and cutting down a few trees to collect the blocks until on my way back through the forest I ran into a big wide Golem with purple veins going

Through him I just knew this had to be Mr Boss yo yo yo yo that dwee me little Elemental Enderman that’s been messing with all my boys not cool just like you am I gonna have to teach you some manners you little tree hooker I think it’s you that needs the lesson in

Manners Mr Boss stay out of these forests I warped right over to him and attacked him with my iron sword but it had literally no effect he just laughed and I backed away terrified at how strong he was noise that almost tickled now it’s my turn you

Little runt but if those are the heads he could take I definitely didn’t want to see the ones he could give I turned invisible and ran away before he could catch me there’s no way I could beat this guy like this he’s just too strong well I was running away I turned

Invisible again and ran into a mountaineer who was also in the Black Forest he looked at me like I was oddly familiar ruining huh from Mr Boss wait how did you know A’s been shaking down everyone around these parts the big mean bully nobody’s been strong enough to

Stop him before so we all just let him boss us around well that stops here I’m sick of his bullying I’m gonna get strong enough to defeat Mr Boss once and for all I led the Mountaineer back through the Black Forest I had made my

First ever Ally from day 11 to day 12 I led the Mountaineer back to my base I see room for improvement sure but it’s nice to have a roof over my head thank you Zozo I’m happy to stay here with you of course my first course of action was

Adding a new room to my base complete with the bed so that the Mountaineer could sleep oh nice and cozy just how I like it I know what you like bro but my encounter with Mr Boss made me realize just how dangerous he was and I needed

To be as tough as possible to survive an encounter with him that’s why I went back to my underground mining Cavern to mine some more iron ore and while I was exploring the old mine I found something interesting a bow and some arrows it’s always useful to have a long-range

Attack yoink well I was smelting the iron ore it turned out I found that bow just in time I was attacked by a dread Beast that had been hiding out in the cavern I didn’t want it to get too close to me so I used my bow to take it out at

A distance it was a real Lifesaver with the extra iron ore I gathered I made myself some new englands and some new pieces of iron armor that made me way more defensible I also had enough to make the ax and the shovel I’m fully ironed out now and speaking of

Defensible I went back to my base afterwards and started construction on a perimeter wall I even put up a little sign no Mr Boss allowed yeah that’ll show him from day 13 to day 15 I went back to the win color secret cabin in the Ancient Forest to tell him how I was

Doing and share everything I’d learned it turns out Mr Boss is way stronger than I thought when caller I thought he was just some average bully I had no idea he was some super powerful mob boss perhaps I wasn’t fully honest with you about but what you were going up against

Zozo Mr Boss certainly is a nasty customer he was your average Village defending golemons but one day he went bad sick of working for the villagers he decided that everyone would work for him right now he’s probably in the boss base a special mansion He constructed to house him and his skeleton vanguards

They’re up there feasting all day planning what evil deeds will commit next just for fun and to feel powerful and so far nobody has ever been able to defeat him but Zozo that doesn’t mean you can’t be the first no I’m sorry win caller but I think he might just be too

Powerful if everyone else has failed to defeat him I don’t think I’m gonna be the exception before wind caller could try to encourage me otherwise I left back to my base feeling ashamed from day 16 to day 19 I started off just sitting around my base moping I already felt

Like a failure and if I couldn’t even stand up to Mr Boss I didn’t even know why I saw on here by myself pity was interrupted by the Mountaineer approaching me with a quest an important personal one Zozo I need your help a good friend of mine Dottie the dodo

Hippogriff has been missing in the Crag Gardens for days I need you to go find her of course Mountaineer I’ll get right on it I set off on a long journey to the Crag Gardens to find the mountaineer’s friend Dodie lucky for me but I’m lucky for her I almost immediately found her

Getting attacked by a dreadlich hey get away from her this distracted the dreadlage giving Dottie a chance to run away it was just me in the dreadlich now you yeah come to my domain and tell me what I can and cannot do Elemental Enderman nobody should bully and attack

People anywhere for any reason foolish and weak for this I shall destroy you where you stand but it didn’t quite turn out that way instead I pulled out my iron sword and fought back his magic staff allowed him to attack me with his magical plasma but soon enough the

Dreadlich Was Defeated had I’d gained enough XP to level up again I got bigger jumped up to 30 hearts and gained a new power Elemental blasts I’ll have to test that out on an enemy at some point with the dreadlich gun Dodie came back to thank me for saving her I’m here because

Your friend the Mountaineer was really worried about you Dottie he sent me back to come look for you I’m so sorry that I worried him but I came out here for a very good reason I was searching for the size of Justice oh what’s that it’s a legendary Enchanted Scythe that

Apparently lends its Union’s incredible power it might be exactly what we need to defeat Mr Boss wait if a weapon like that exists I might be able to stop Mr Boss after all come with me Dottie I have a new plan and so Dottie and I started journeying back to my base from

Day 20 to day 22. Dottie and I returned to my base only to find that it was already under attack from another gang of skeleton vanguards wow these jerks really don’t know when to quit stand back Dottie I ran in and defeated those nasty skeleton vanguards with an energy

Blast followed by some well-placed slashes with my iron sword not so tough now are you I extinguished the fires and took some time to build a new section of the base where Dottie could stay while she was hanging out with me in the Mountaineer once Dottie was settled in I spoke to

The Mountaineer he had a plan Zozo let’s build a statue I can tell you’ve been having some motivation issues lately maybe if we could build you a cool statue it’ll help keep you inspired and remind you what’s important it’s a great idea Mountaineer let’s split up and

Search for some materials and went out into the Ancient Forest and gathered up some blocks for the construction but by the time I came back I was astonished to find that the Mountaineer had already made some great progress this is coming out amazingly Mountaineer thanks Zozo

How about you work on the next bit my arms could use a rest well the mountain you’re arrested I went to work on the Statue with the blocks I’d collected can you tell what it’s gonna be I wonder if you can guess oh and if you want some more exciting Zozo Adventures hit

Subscribe and ring the bell to never miss another one from day 23 to Day 26 I started off the week by fighting off another gang of nasty mobs some Whisperers they were descending right onto my base why don’t you guys respect my personal space I worked hard on this

Base I pulled out my bow and took out each of the Whispers one by one then I warped out to check and see if they had dropped anything turns out they dropped a few shark tooth arrows those would be useful later I should go search for somewhere to test out these new arrows

That’s why I decided to take a trip to the Cypress bump land where I’d never been before and they certainly knew how to roll out the Welcome Wagon because it didn’t take long for me to be attacked by some dread scuttlers good thing I have those arrows because I wouldn’t

Even want to get near those things thanks to a few well-placed shark tooth arrows The Dread schedulers were soon defeated I kept exploring until eventually I ran into a pink pixie hi there I’m Greta the pink pixie I don’t want to be a barber but I was wondering

If I could ask for a favor hi Greta I’m Zozo and of course what’s the favor this big meanie called Mr Boss chased me out of my home and now I don’t have anywhere to live but I come stay with you for a while my friends tell me that I have

Great interior design skills of course you can come stay with me Greta let’s go we both went back to my base where I built Greta a nice little room perfect for a dainty pink pixie the only thing I didn’t expect was for her to have already built something for me take a

Look Zozo I built you a relaxation room it’s perfect for chilling out after a long hard day of trying to defeat evil in the Overworld this is awesome Greta thank you let’s take some time to relax in there now from day 27 to day 31 I

Decided to speak to Greta the pink pixie in the relaxation room and ask her where I might be able to find the Scythe of Justice oh wow the size of Justice I’ve heard so many Legends people have told me that the Scythe is strongly in tune with the forces of nature so it’s

Possible that it could be in the forest try the deciduous forest first that place is pretty darn magical taking Greta’s advice I immediately journeyed out to the deciduous forest it was a very magical place and I felt my Elemental Enderman Soul feeling strongly connected to the nature all around me

Until the illusioner showed up yes it is Isuzu the The boss sent me to ensure that you never get your hands on the site of Justice the glory shall be mine mine mine even if I say please I’m evil Zozo please means nothing to me now hold still so I can destroy you the illusioner fired an energy blast at me I

Took the hit but thankfully I was able to tank it I pulled out my sword and attacked the illusioner until he was begging for mercy okay okay you’ve won this time Zozo but I’ll get you next time muck my words I’ll get you next time and with that the illusioner

Teleported away and I was free to continue my journey after the Scythe of Justice from day 32 to day 35 while I was searching through the deciduous forest I found more Pixies or drones this time hey orange Pixies I’m in search of the Scythe of justice so I can

Put a stop to Mr boss’s reign of terror and the idea where I can find it oh the scars of Justice I know a few things about it but I’m sorry to tell you you won’t be able to find it here Mr Boss and his goons have been all over this

Forest if they haven’t found it you don’t find it here either darn it how about you guys head back to my base we can talk more about it there I’m gonna check just a little further just in case the orange Pixies left to find their way back to my base while I continued

Searching this was a decision I’d come to regret that’s soon enough Mr Boss jumped out of the Shadows again and hit me so hard I lost almost half my hearts oh yeah it was my turn you think you can get away to a dork this is my world and hear what

I say goes not if I find the Scythe of Justice than your toast big if for a little man time to take your lumps there’s one problem Mr Boss you can’t fight me if you can’t see me I turned invisible right in front of Mr boss’s

Face then ran for the hills I still wasn’t strong enough to fight him just yet from Day 36 to day 39 I returned back to my base feeling relieved that I’d managed to once again get away from Mr Boss with my life I don’t want any

More close calls like that I need to be more careful when I got settled back in I decided to speak to the orange Pixies about their knowledge of the Scythe of Justice please tell me everything you know orange Pixies even the tiniest details might be useful according to our

Legends the Scythe of Justice once resided in the forest but it doesn’t anymore it was used by a Great Hero once in the past and we believe this great hero may have left it among the dunes you may have more luck finding it there the dunes that’s perfect I’ll go there

Soon thank you orange Pixies don’t mention it oh one other thing we couldn’t help but notice you’re making a statue while we were waiting for you to come back we decided to add a little to it mind taking a look just to make sure

We did it right I went to take a look and was so happy to find that the orange Pixies had done an amazing job it was even better than I could have imagined you’ve done a fantastic job guys thank you so much for your help from day 40 to

Day 43 I was working on some improvements around my base when I saw a traveling scribe approaching the base he came up and I decided to talk to him hey Mr scribe what brings you here I heard you’re trying to take down Mr Boss exactly been kind to me in the past so

I’m gonna give you some advice head to the Crag Gardens and go west you’ll find some diamonds that will help you on your quest sounded like a good tip to me so I went back to the crack Gardens and went on a search West for the diamonds but on the

Way I ran into a dangerous mermax Queen an insect-like monster who is definitely not friendly and I’m afraid of bugs at the best of times this is the worst thankfully she wasn’t as strong as she looked and I managed to take her down without too much trouble phew I feel a

Lot safer now it dropped mermax meat hmm not sure that it’s going to be tasty but I am running out of apples so I’m taking it I continued my search West until just as the Scribe said I found a bunch of diamonds scattered across the ground

Exactly what I needed I traveled back to the base with the diamonds and crafted myself an awesome diamond sword I can’t wait to show this to Mr Boss he won’t want to mess with me now the mermax meat actually tasted better when cooked than I expected although I think Gordon

Ramsay would disagree from day 44 to day 49 I headed out to the dunes I hope I can find this Scythe of Justice out here now if I was the Scythe of Justice where would I be as I was exploring and looking around the dunes for any sign of

The Scythe I spotted a Vindicator Chef being attacked by a gorgon he was doing his best to fend off her attacks but he was definitely in danger hey you leave him alone I grabbed my diamond sword and rushed in to help The Vindicator chef with my help we were able to defeat the

Gorgon together he you I’m glad I came along and so am I that was a real kitchen nightmare I thought my Goose was cooked is there anything I can do to thank you I make a mean lasagna thank you actually there is something have you heard anything about a scythe of Justice

As a matter of fact I met an isolator when I was on a real experimental ice cream kick did you know mustard ice cream isn’t very good anyway he mentioned something about the Scythe maybe he can point you in the right direction he lives at the top of that

Dune over there thanks from day 50 to day 53 I followed the directions given to me by The Vindicator Chef hello is there an ice oligar around here somewhere no I solid you here only your certain Doom the illusioner appeared in front of me firing an energy blast right

At me oh no not you again yes Zozo it’s his eye you have eluded looted too long now it is time to taste defeat no thanks I’m not hungry he attacked me again but I was ready for him and this time I was able to defeat

Him for good I felt great now where was I I looked around and spotted a little house on top of the Dune hello the chef sent me I’m Zozo I’m looking for the Scythe of Justice the isolager came out of the house to greet me hi he’s also

Nice to meet you I’m afraid I have some bad news though Mr boss’s goons came through here and took the Scythe away earlier today oh no but here let me give you something I hope it helps he handed me a splash potion of healing I was feeling pretty discouraged about the

Scythe but with the illusioner finally defeated I knew I was making progress I couldn’t lose hope yet from day 54 to day 57 I traveled back to my base the Mountaineer was waiting for me welcome back Zozo hey while you were gone I decided to fix up the play a little bit

Take a look around let me know what you think I walked around and checked things out he added some guard towers these will be great for protecting the base thanks so much for your help glad you like them just then Dottie the dodo hippogriff came running up to me Sozo thank goodness

You need your help I left my moldy to run the forest help me get it back on myself but I don’t have any fighting experience if the bad guys show up sure I’ll go look for it now I headed over to the forest fault and searched for the

Multi-tool hey there it is I grabbed it for Dottie I brought it back to my base without running into any trouble here you go thank you JoJo here while you were gone I found this for you it’s a flaming bow maybe you can use it from

Day 58 to day 62 one of the orange Pixies came and woke me up good morning Zozo sorry to wake you but I’m just too excited please come and see the work we’ve done on the Statue it looks so good I went to check out the statue and

It was true it looked awesome this is so cool thank you for your hard work on it but I didn’t get to admire the statue for long a group of skeleton vanguards ambushed me and the orange pixie attacking us well well well looks like loser here got himself a loser statue

It’s an awesome statue you’re just mean thank did my best to fight them off but I couldn’t stop them from destroying the orange pixie no how could you it’s fun to be bad duh I couldn’t let them get away with that I summoned the strength to keep fighting and I defeated all of

Them except for one who man get away and run off into the woods I won’t let them or Mr Boss get away with this from day 63 to day 66 I chased the runaway skeleton Vanguard all the way to the dunes the dunes what’s he doing all the

Way out here as I looked around I spotted an empty chest hey I wonder if the Scythe used to be in here then of course the Vanguard popped up behind me don’t bother looking for the sight of Justice it’s long long gone hidden in a place where you’ll never be able to find

It it’s in the forest fault but you’ll never get it back ever oh you’re gonna cry about it there’s nothing wrong with crying when you’re sad but no not right now first I’m gonna fight you I drew my sword and attacked the skeleton Vanguard this time I was ready and he couldn’t

Surprise me I was able to hit him with the flame bow an Avenge the ordin pixie from day 67 to Day 70 I travel to the forest fault again but this time it looked different Mr Boss and his goons had definitely been here and there was a

Squad Golem standing at the entrance to the area pointy pathetic showing up in places he shouldn’t you must be yo-yo I’m not any of those things well I am Zozo but none of the other ones run on home before I have to teach you a painful lesson not without the Scythe of

Justice he just laughed at me then rushed forward and attacked I tried my best to fight back but he was much stronger than me and I was worried I wouldn’t make it out of this one alive he knocked me back uh-oh I’m in over my head here and I didn’t have another

Choice I had to keep doing my best I climbed back to my feet and hoped my trusty diamond sword would be enough to save me I dodged the squad Golem’s next attack and got the better of him oh that hurt you little brat before I could finish the fight he ran off and

Disappeared from sight no time to go after him I have to get the Scythe from day 71 to day 74 I entered the forest fault to look for the Scythe of justice but there was nothing there all I could find was a note oops guess you were too late

I took it for myself too bad so sad sad Mr Boss oh no he already took it I’ll have to keep looking and find another way to defeat Mr Boss from day 75 to day 78 I returned to my base to try and figure out my next step when I got there

The Mountaineer was waiting for me hey Zozo you look kind of sad what’s wrong Mr Boss took the Scythe before I could get it I’m so disappointed maybe seeing some of these improvements I made to the base will make you feel better come check it out he had added banners and

Shelves while I was gone wow these really tied the room together nice job oh also I went out exploring and I found this what oh netherade ore I can use this to upgrade my sword I took the netherite ore and used it to craft a netherite sword this is great thank you

So much oh what a nice moment too bad I have to destroy you now the Squall going he was back but this time I had a new stronger sword to fight him with when he attacked me I dodged and came back at him with the netherite sword before too

Long I had defeated the squad Golem I felt myself getting stronger and my heart increased to 60. you feel like I got a new skill I concentrated and found out that I had a lightning strike ability now after that I spotted something on the ground he must have

Dropped this hey a map to the Black Forest guess I know where I’m headed next from day 79 to day 84. I followed the map and traveled to the Black Forest ah there’s an x on this map that usually means something important let’s see where’s the X hurt who goes there a

Royal guard was blocking my path um I’m Zozo are you a goon of Mr Boss heck no I’m trying to defeat that guy fortuitous I require help from a noble hero I have misplaced a very important chest that holds something dear to my heart would you Aid me in my search in

Return I can provide information about Mr Boss sure I’ll look for it I searched all over the black forest and finally found the chest I opened it and found a gold sword inside I brought it back to the guard My Lucky Sword thank you my

Mother gave this to me I would be so upset if I lost it for good Mr boss’s Base is located on the edge of the Ancient Forest that’s near my base way too close for comfort I’ll have to make sure I’m really ready when it’s time to

Face him hey do you want to come back to my base with me I must attend to my Royal duties but thank you for your kind offer on my way back to my base I stopped by the secret cabin to visit the win caller hey I was wondering if you

Knew anything about Mr Boss that might be helpful I just found out he lives in the forest not too far from my base so I need to get ready fast as a matter of fact yes you should know that Mr Boss is very vain famously so he can’t stand it

If someone makes fun of his amethyst crystal growing out of his back if you insult his Crystal he will become distracted and upset this will allow you to catch him off guard and maybe the difference between Victory and defeat insulting his Crystal good to know

Thanks for your help from day 90 to Day 94 I knew I needed to get to work upgrading my armor if I was going to be ready to take on Mr Boss so I headed down into the underground Cavern and started mining I mined harder than I’d

Ever mined before my hard work paid off because I found some diamonds perfect rushed back to my base with the diamonds and used them to craft a full set of diamond armor I’d like to see Mr Boss try and beat me with this gear from day

95 to day 97 the Mountaineer came to talk to me Zozo I have great news well almost finished with the Statue there’s only one piece left that needs to be put in place and we wanted you to be the one to do it really me yeah it’s your base

It’s your statue it would mean a lot for you to be the one to finish it I followed him to the Statue and it really looked amazing he handed me the last piece and I placed it on the Statue and I stepped back and looked up at it wow

The side of that giant Elemental Enderman towering above me reminded me what I was fighting for my species the elements and the world it was a world worth fighting for and I was going to try my very best on day 98 I walked around my base trying to get ready for

My face off with Mr Boss Zozo I was looking for you I wanted to talk to you about this Mr Boss fat I just wanted to say that you’re gonna do great and if you need any help I can join you in the fat thank you but I think I need to face

Him alone I understand Dottie the dodo hippogriff came to see me next oh I know I know you’re nervous but you can I always wins wins and when it seems to seemed like an impossible fight thanks we’ll see how it turns out and if you want to see more

Zozo Adventures hit subscribe and ring the bell to make sure you don’t miss them I wait to see the Pixies both pink and orange Sozo thank you for everything you’ve done so far it’s been an honor to help you it really has go show that to

Me Mr Boss that’s nice guys don’t have to finish last and that being mean never pays in the long run you all believing in me so much really makes me feel like I can do it on day 99 I travel to Mr boss’s base it wasn’t a very long walk

It had been nearby the whole time I headed inside ready for the fight of my life immediately I was attacked by skeleton vanguards hey you weren’t invited to this party get lost scram they attacked me but with my new armor and my new sword I was able to defeat

Them after I finished with the skeletons I saw a cage filled with elemental Enderman there you all are I knew it I’m not all alone I have guys I let them out of the cage and showed them which way to run to escape I’ll see you all again

Soon I have to finish this first on day 100 I continued fighting my way through Mr boss’s base out of nowhere a Squall Golem appeared to attack me I’ve had just about enough of you he rushed at me with a melee attack but my armor protected me from his damage

I was ready for you this time I fought hard rushing at him before he could attack again and before I knew it I had won he dropped something when he went down and I grabbed it I can’t believe it it’s the scythe and Justice just in time

For me to need it the most I did a quick little celebratory dance then continued my way through the base finally I reached Mr boss’s room I see you made it through my God I’m surprised I thought you’d give up sooner for sure well since you’re here I guess we’ll get right to

It he concentrated hard and started to transform he grew into a bigger stronger version of himself uh oh but I couldn’t get discouraged now I grabbed the Scythe of justice and stood tall literally I felt my bravery making me grow taller as I got bigger and stronger too my hearts

Increased to 90 and I realized I had gained a new ability too I was ready for The Ultimate Showdown it was a tough fight I was Stronger but so was Mr Boss he knocked me back into the wall I remembered what I had learned hey what

Is that growing out of your back it looks like a zit wait it’s supposed to be a crystal yikes what did you say about my amethyst Crystal how dare you that is one of my finest possessions well he was distracted I used my new ability sun god blast I unleashed the

Power of the Sun and Mr Boss Was Defeated once and for all with no more bad guys left to defeat I traveled back home to my base where my friends and family were all waiting for me the Pixies were dancing daddy in the Mountaineer were eating pie and all of

The elemental Enderman were waiting to tell me all about the elements yeah things are gonna be good from now on

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as DEMON STEVE in HARDCORE Minecraft – Halloween Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-10-12 01:15:00. It has garnered 43666 views and 679 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:49 or 13009 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as DEMON STEVE in Hardcore Minecraft! Nobody like a demon, but why not? Some of us are just nice guys trying to get by! Today I’ll face off against the demon hunter Sir Slashalot, and prove to him and the world that not every demon, devil, or ghoul is a bad guy,

0:00:00 100 DAYS as DEMON STEVE https://youtu.be/Uh_F4IEtckI 0:35:16 100 DAYS as a SKELETON DRAGON https://youtu.be/T66i4iexbc4 1:16:48 100 DAYS as a LAVA WITHER https://youtu.be/73-lZyqg3_I 1:51:40 100 DAYS as a GOLD HYDRA https://youtu.be/kaDRv_8qGVI 2:30:09 100 DAYS as a LAVA DINOSAUR https://youtu.be/BKZVnUpeERg 3:02:00 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN https://youtu.be/tcV86JI4EMQ

#minecraft #100days #demonsteve Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

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  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

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  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

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  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

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  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

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  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79RqWcLuyRg Custom birch forest by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qHJt9JYr9g Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HvYAddQKI Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: https://www.youtube.com/@Linkzzey Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywD6V9U9Xs… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: healtzcraft.com DISCORD:https://discord.gg/mk5kUbvabT video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: https://x.com/eysudes/status/1745360007921872947?s=20 Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! https://twitter.com/16DearAi/status/1726104199631393016 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! https://twitter.com/beeturle/status/1725796861800571050 BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVSOgYuSWmNAt-lnJPkEEw/join Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More