✨ Lindough’s Epic 100-Day Minecraft Modventure! 🎮

Video Information

I survived 100 Days with all of the mods eight8 all of the mods as in hundreds of mods into Minecraft some of them making traveling so much more quicker and fun and some making you nearly Invincible in the first 50 days we discovered deadly structures that granted us with insane

Loots and crafted ourselves the quickest movement item in the game in these next 50 days we still need to find the three rarest ores in the game as well as create better gear since we’re still using the basic iron gear along the way I Adventure through tons of more

Structures and fight more bosses and by the way I do end up finding a mob that has 25 times the amount of Health as the Ender Dragon but anyways sit back and relax and enjoy or feel free to listen to this while working or sleeping all right so I did take a

Little bit of a break because I am in the moodd of a movie now but I am back on this world and if I remember correctly the last thing we did is uh we got all of this energy stuff figured out and have a bunch of energy as well as

Our insane jetpack that we can almost instantly refill or it’s already full so now I do want to keep on doing some stuff that’s in the chapter 2 Quest such as autom aium actually because we do have a diamond pickaxe as well as netherite ingots so we should be able to

Just make a smithing table real quick and then uh yeah just make another R pickaxe like that and I’m pretty sure I did have two yep so let’s go to this first one and uh mine this there we go we got a single one I’m honestly not

Sure how much we need to like make armor or like tools and stuff but we’ll see in a bit so let’s head back to the let’s head to the another one let’s head to the second one now and yep it’s right above me got to be careful cuz there is

A thingy here actually you know what just going to break this there we go head up here and mine this and we have three so let’s I can now finally break these way stones head back home and I guess we can cook these you know what it

Might actually make double oh so I got what was that I got four instead of three there you go but now with this we can uh collect our rewards and I’m pretty sure there’s another yep there’s a whole bunch of stuff here for all the modium what is this gold upgrade I’m not

Sure what this is for actually functional storage let’s see if we can find that a like there’s another storage system I mean since we do have this upgrade let’s might as well start this so we can use it and we need to make a a drawer let going to see how to craft

That um oh just a chest and then uh surrounded by Oak super easy to craft wait oh okay I don’t have to what if I put it around no it’s the same thing I don’t have to surrounded by wood so I’ll put this above here claim these rewards

And I guess I should be able to just right click okay I I think it worked okay yeah so it’s in here I believe and we also got another one now I don’t entirely know how these work I read that it’s good for stacking a bunch of of the

Same block so I’m assuming I can just grab a bunch of this let me see have a bunch of Oak so let’s grab some Oak right and then we place it into here right how do we place into here not even sure oh okay I see so all I have to do

Is get any block and just right click on it and then it okay what what did I just do there and then just place it in okay I did the same mistake and place it inside so that’s literally all my wood I can place 2K Oak things in here I’m not

Sure where I should I can oh okay I can just put it in anything any SL that’s a lot though that’s crazy and I guess we can do with some guess we can do this oh I can’t do it with multiple items it’s just one item okay I see it’s still cool

Regardless cuz I did have a couple stacks of wood ni still have one space but now let’s keep going looks like we just got another ore if I put it in here it might turn into two and it did so I got two more ingots coming up also got

This void upgrade I placed it in here but I’m not sure what it’s supposed to do but it’s in here it’s I don’t know what it’s doing but it’s in there let’s C our autom modium and let’s let’s look at the quest looks like we can make a

Furnace I don’t think I’m going to be making a furnace to be honest that okay that’s crazy expensive I need blocks then netherite furnace no yeah I’m not doing that at least not now aium comb so I guess the main thing is the armor sets this car I’m assuming this is the best

Like oh yeah wow that’s definitely the best food in the game and then the weapons 16 attack damage that’s crazy and then there’s a Teleport pad and it looks like we can teleport into there’s two different dimensions can go into which is pretty cool but we’re we’re

Going to I think we’re going to do that later I don’t think we’re ready for this kind of stuff yet cuz we still have to go into the Twilight and before we go into the Twilight we need better gear let’s see the sword how do you make it

So autom modum Rod is two ingots the plate is two and then the other plate is two I don’t know if I can make that how much do I have oh I think I have enough actually let me get my hammer I need my Plum Hammer oh wait there’s there’s even

Better stuff how do you make this though I don’t think think it’s craftable it might be a creative weapon because of the purple text oh that’s fine let’s make this sword though got my rod wait about the pickaxe and the pickaxe could be crazy though oh but no it’s crazy

It’s a lot more expensive so we can’t do that wait yo I just keep finding more stuff so the alloy blade it looks like it’s see how it’s it’s gold purple and green that looks like all these three ores combined so that might be it looks

Like you can combine the ores right here look at that alloy block right there I just would have to figure out how to even combine it in the first place oh okay there we go right here but that’s for future stuff so let’s continue making the sword need to make one more

Plate so now we should be able to craft our Alm modium sword boom and that is quite the upgrade from five attack damage to 16 so I can now dump this sword and let’s head back underground to test it on any mob let’s see first small

I see sais Turtle so has 30 HP one hit and it did 18 Hearts wow that’s crazy let’s try something like a skeleton right here these skeletons boom okay two hits not bad not bad two hits on the skeletons I might have to enchant this

To make it a lot better yeah let’s head back to the house let’s see if I have any books I don’t remember if I have books I have three right here 23 right there nine here I don’t know if that’s enough to uh make a bunch of book shows

Let see I can make 11 I’m honestly not sure if that’s enough grab this and there’s not really any spot to make this so let’s going to have to break all this right here all right so now let’s make this enchanting area all right yeah we definitely have we don’t have enough for

That we one more though just one more let’s see what is that 22 so we are going to need more of that and I’m don’t and I don’t think any of these village houses have bookshelves so I’m going just have to do that later because now I

Want to actually go into The Nether and uh get some ender pearls and hopefully find like a Bastion or something see see if we can find some cool stuff yeah so there’s a guy here he’s been here for a while so I’m fly up to him and kill him

Real quick should be oh he’s kind of fast but he should be kind of easy to kill with the sword and there we go and he dropped the gem it doesn’t look that good right yeah I don’t want that need drop a pickaxe though let’s see uh I

Don’t I can’t really tell if this is good or not oh oh my God that is fast but the durability is is already gone let’s try this somewhere better let’s head it right here and let’s test this oh it’s already broken bro it already broke that’s a good pickaxe but dang

That broke fast see if we can see anything on the map I do see something over here so let’s hold over here I like that we can just fly so fast and it’s a Bastion GG’s let’s kill this Enderman too cuz we do need pearls y b got a

Pearl wait you know what I forgot I had 16 pearls here all I need is the blaze rods but I still want to check out the bash in loots see if we can get some cool stuff I still got to be careful though I can’t be plain risky because I

Do only have iron armor so we got carrots some diamond armor I heard something spawn in right now hopefully that’s like a legendary guy oh it’s just a blue guy let’s see what is that ore right there let me check what that is it’s just uh Prosperity ore I do see

Some chests though I pretty much just two shot everything the brutes are three shots but they’re still so easy to kill I just jumped in lava on accident oh my God bro I opened up something on accident I almost just died oh looks like I’m going put this chest

Plate on then I need to get this gem what is this the M the durability the durability thing looks cool oh wait oh I can’t put slots I can’t put gems on these things so I’m not really sure where I’m going to put this but I’ll keep it just in case now

Let’s head back down cuz I did see like another chest somewhere yeah chest right here there some more carrots also an iron block I think we do need some iron it’s probably like our lowest amount of ores that we have and I see one of these

Temples I know what this is this is like a a jungle temple but it’s another one so we could find some good stuff in here if I can find the entrance not sure what’s going on here but I see the chest right there and iron Blaze gold ingots I don’t even know if

This is good I’m just collecting this cuz I been seeing it quite a bit and some food chest I’m I’m grab this gold too that’s about it really I know there’s other side too so let’s see if we can find that there we go and a bunch

More gold which I will take we did get a artifact right there and another rocket which will be useful because I do want to try that out on the Ender Dragon see what happens decreases the time it takes to drink and eat items huh that’s literally the same thing that I have

Wait this is this is a plastic one and then we got a also they they’re the same but they just look different not going to lie the plastic one looks better though it looks way better let’s see let’s head back to the uh Fortress because I do need blaze rods I’m not

Sure how many blaze rods I have I don’t think I have any yo I didn’t know these guys can carry bows the heck these guys should be easy to take on though yeah look at that jeez that’s new the thing I can pretty much like two shot everything

Though with this sword so we should be able to farm these rods fast we already have four so let’s grab a couple more I think we need like three more three or four more also I don’t know what that is that that looks like a another bee wo

What is that where’s you what the heck is that that was creepy the rest of the nether is like in the wall so we’re not even in the wall this might be wo i about say that this might be a second one but I don’t think so let’s kill all these

Blazes W he dropped iron no not iron he dropped Diamond pants yo that looks pretty good too let’s kill this guy though out of the way yo armor two slots oh 25 speed that’s way better than my iron let’s put that on yo this is sick

Oh I see more blazes in here so let’s fly into here bunch of wither skeletons but they shouldn’t be an issue I’m going to have to get some looting I want to get wither skulls for the Wither and we have enough rods now also some chest

Here and just more of this Crimson stuff there’s another chest with diamonds I’ll take diamonds that’s about it though okay we got what we came here for so let’s head back home I guess we can technically head to the end right now we did already get some nice decent armor

For now let’s throw it eye I threw the eye and I have no idea where I went oh it was just lag so went this way let’s just fly all the way over here for a while I already traveled quite far so let’s throw another one we just ran into

A village and this is by far the smallest Village I have ever seen there’s literally only like six houses that is crazy okay looks like I passed it so let’s go back I’m fly all the way to the village and throw another one yeah we passed it by a lot looks like

Okay looks like it started going down right here so I’m going to mark that because I did just see a temple yeah whoa oh this this looks like a water temple not sure why this is here though what is going up oh my God that’s a lot

Of creepers hold up I do not want them to blow up those chests so I going to have to block everything oh the creeper just blew up but it didn’t blow up the chest so we’re chilling knowing in the desert temples let’s just check under to

See if make sure it’s not trapped and we can open this Golden Apple not really anything good in here it’s just kind of mid loot there’s a bunch of mobs down here though so let’s kill these guys go hear a bunch more mobs not sure what’s

Going on oh these guys what is the point of this place I’m not sure on this place has a blocks of copper inside we don’t o it does have a bunch of gold but we don’t even need gold I’m just going to take a few and then I guess I’m going to

Head out now cuz we don’t really need anything here okay let’s head back to our marker and mine straight down oh blush cave cool cool cool and we got your or don’t need that though oh here we are get R all these blocks in my inventory cuz I do not want this here

Cuz we are going to be looting a lot all right so looks like it’s one of these big ones I am quite familiar with these but what I will do is just look at the map cuz like I can really see it I’m pretty sure this is the library to the

Right though so let’s check out the library cuz there’s loot there okay it’s not the library but there’s a chest just cookies yeah never mind I oh hold up there some stuff in here Diamond horse armor what apples apples oh my God apples not really finding anything good

Though kind of unfortunate but it’s whatever cuz we are here for the entities so let’s find okay the portal is over here it’s literally just straight break this now place all the eyes jump in now before we actually fight this guy let’s let’s set up our

Rockets So what I want is do want speed and damage so I’m going to put it about here so let’s head up now and see how well this works oh it looks like there’s a lot of ories here so we’re going to have to take a look at that but first I

Want to see how much damage this thing does all right but first I need to actually look like I need to select Ender Dragon I need to set a Target hopefully that Tower works okay it’s not okay it’s not working now not sure how this that’s supposed to work but looks

Like we’re going have to fly up close to him spam it okay I don’t know if it’s working or not they’re kind of just missiles are just kind of flying everywhere but where I wanted to go I might have to do it after he lands so let’s get ready all of these crystals

First should be pretty easy cuz we do have this crazy jet jetpack as well as this crossbow and then two more last one head down now then we can spam our thing and it’s oh my God it’s actually doing damage let me actually make it so it

Does more damage and then go oh my God wait oh my God I don’t know what hit me but I just exploded I feel like I think the the Rockets just came right back at me or something yeah I don’t know these Rockets are just kind of not flying oh

They’re hitting the End Dragon they feel kind of mid to be honest let’s use our sword and see what happens oh wait the sword is definitely a lot faster look at that yeah I can pretty much kill him I’m just chase after him now should be able

To just kill him easily boom boom one more hit there we go so we got some dragon scales miniature green heart I don’t know what that’s for but I’m going to eat it did nothing also got Dragon single doesn’t look like it’s used for anything though it’s just kind of a

Random drop the scales though looks like there is something dragon soul huh oh my gosh so these these scales are used to craft the dragon soul which is also used to craft the autom Marium star and look at this crafting recipe I don’t even think this is possible to make creative

Essence I don’t know if dud that is insane nether star block time three this is absurd bro Patrick Star look at that that’s funny but that is crazy I guess we’ll keep this even though I don’t know if we’re ever going to get to that point

Well also got this epic Shader grabb it can be applied to balloon real going oh looks like it’s like a painting or like a banner type thing I can place on stuff cool get this XP though we need this for enchants now usually usually I I think

The ores that spawn here aren’t always like the best ores oh okay like this one might be good cuz of the see on the top left where it says level netherite I think these are like the best ores here not saying that these ores are like useless cuz they’re probably Ed for a

Lot of things but since they’re super easy to get I don’t think I’m going to be focusing on this right now so let’s place a was Stone right here just in case I ever need to come back and let’s look for the Gateway right there have

End Pearl here you go we are here now the end cities find more of this stuff I haven’t actually checked what it’s used for silent gear oh okay so I’m assuming it’s used for like custom weapons this kind of stuff okay just collected some rewards and I got this thing I don’t

Know what this is to be honest but it’s part of dank storages and it’s literally the most simplest thing to craft so I’m going throw this out and we got a new upgrade for our backpack magnet items into back backpacks I don’t know if I want that to be honest match item we’ll

See we’ll see if it acts up then we might just remove it we also got Ender air bottle which is used for a lot of stuff it looks like Star CER Terra oh are these Terraria weapons these are Terraria weapons right the teror blade yes a this look like they have all the

Swords though yeah just some of them but that’s still cool and I accidentally threw it already oh my God all right well we have a jackpack so let’s start flying around try to find this uh hopefully I can get like full diamond armor from this something just spawned in do want to

Look for that whatever spawned in cuz could be really nice since we’re in the end okay I think I see it see that over there I can’t tell what color it is but purple pink I’m not sure how rare this is oh it’s an epic okay oh flew away

Looks like this might be kind of annoying to fight I’m going to make like a little thing so hopefully it comes down here no it’s not you know I’m going just just fly after it ooh it hit me it’s stuck look at that oh ouch it does

Hurt a bit so let’s see the gaple keep forgetting that I do not have the best gear and oh it’s up there I thought it disappeared for a second I was about to be sad come at me come at me boy how much health I can’t tell keeps flying

Away man 37 how much health now it has like 20 right 19 okay it’s super low CH just chasing after it E A gapple I’m Legit just flying up and he just keeps flying higher like two hits one more I think and he is dead I don’t even know

If he dropped anything he didn’t even drop anything oh it went into my backpack okay you know what I’m turning this off cuz I want stuff to into my inventory so I can actually see it oh my God look at this sword look all this

Stuff man why did it have to be a sword I just made the autm modium sword so I can’t I kind of want to use this still cuz of the attack damage and if it was anything else that would have been so good let’s keep moving though oh there

We go we found our first one let’s head straight to the ship I actually want to grab those hats or not hats grab the dragon head first so I want to see if there’s any anything any cool craftings we got a there’s a end shelf we can make

A head I don’t know whose head this is might be one of the creators or something a necromancer staff for of zombies I don’t think I’m be making that to be honest I guess the coolest thing is the Shelf set into here though and get out of here boy out there boy grab

This elytra you know we don’t need it but yeah we can’t even equip it cuz we have a backpack but it doesn’t matter cuz we don’t really need it chest okay so look at this all right let’s look at this stuff so I immediately got a better

Shovel this is what I had this is what I got now I don’t know how good it is but it looks good cuz I see a lot of words this pickaxe is o o i kind of reget making this netherite pickaxe cuz look at that I might just put netherite on

This on this pickaxe for now and then this leggings oh it doesn’t have speed which is unfortunate but it is better than what I have I think this legging has more armor more health and speed this one just has no the one I have is better yeah screw this and then the

Boots it doesn’t have the more doesn’t have more Health but has a lot of cool stuff which I do like this other one has a bad sword it has some interesting looking armor we got two epics an iron boots 30 speed plus four armor eh ooh

I’m liking this one a lot more the diamond armor I mean the fall damage is kind of useless because I have my bunnies but it does have the the plus speed the speed to 35% speed and three sockets which I can add some stuff too

And it is better than what I have right now so obviously I’m going to put it on look at this we’re so fast now we just need we need a good chest plate and a good helmet I think then we are set let’s head over to the city hopefully we

Can find something good in here so we got totem avoid undying put in your main SL off hand to Dy if you find the void okay I mean I mean I keep it but I don’t think I need it because I have a jetpack have we just realized I got a cake for

Beating the Ender Dragon I beat Minecraft and all they gave me was this cake that’s all I got let’s see nothing else is really good in here though yeah so let’s move on to the next one another void totem and that’s really it it’s not

Anything cool o I will take this gem cuz I like the step height I can apply that to my boots so I will keep that and then this other one doesn’t even have a chest I don’t think I checked the middle though okay yeah I forget the middle has

Two chests let’s block ourselves in cuz I don’t like getting ins tack with these guys it’s kind of annoying hey we got a better helmet already I think yep better helmet d di pickaxe with efficiency 5 but I think this is worth it more and then other

Chest we got leggings not good though and a gem which has 25% speed which I might be able to add to something maybe my leggings I can I might be able to do my leggings put on this helmet let’s actually look for one more City cuz I

Feel like I didn’t get much from here for apart from like three armor pieces kind of want some more oh not something else just spawned in oh Legendary Legendary is a Sher box too so it doesn’t move much it’s good for me I don’t want to get hit by the his

Thingies but I think my sword attacks way too fast that the second like the second hit doesn’t even register see if I attack too fast second hit doesn’t register also have to force myself down with my Jetpack cuz this guy keeps sending me off he should be the T though

And two more hits I think three more hits oh that was four but we killed him now let’s see what we got uh okay there’s a lot of stuff here there a shield a bad Shield okay wait wait okay so let’s look at the chest plate reach

Okay this is not better so I’m throwing that out don’t need that don’t want it don’t even want to see it sword is bad not good we got nether boots though ooh is it better than what I have on though it is not yeah it is not we do have

Legendary leggings though the enchantments aren’t all that and it has less speed but I can apply more speed with the gems this one has more armor I no I’m putting it on I can put a lot a lot of uh sockets and another mob just spawned in it’s a epic one it’s Enderman

So let’s kill him real quick should be a lot easier than the other one just got to wait for him to come to me smack him does TP a lot though for some reason and he’s super low now I think like four hits or something unless he TPS away

Come here boy there we go just died he dropped a chest plate oh let me look at this gem though I mean it’s not all that it’s I mean I guess I can put on my crossbow I do that because of the arrow damage we got a new chest play this is

So much better than what I have look at that immediately putting that on on immediately putting that on some else just spawn another guy another Enderman you know I I’m I’ll kill him cuz if I’m lucky I can get an epic helmet which is the last piece I need cuz all my armor

Is really good except the helmet or I mean the helmet is good but it could be better I like that this guy isn’t running away like the last guy got Shield up and wait for me to wait for my backpack to feed me and he there we go

Just killed him and he dropped leggings is what I needed because I have a legendary one yeah I have a legendary one I’ll keep it though for like another set or whatever I think we’re better off looking for nend City oh we just found a netherite axe and this abandoned chip it

Does almost as much as the alium sword but the only thing is that the attack speed is kind of trash it was if it had crazy attack speed then it would have been amazing okay we did just find another thingy so hopefully we get some

Crazy loot here wait bro it’s so small I thought it was a lot bigger does this room even have a chest it does even have a chest ain’t no way bro is it just the the ship here that’s the only thing that’s here well at least does have some

Nice loot in here though let’s check it out got some diamonds uh ooh you see that I will take this because mending I can put mending on this mending is something that I will need cuz and until I get all the modium ore which I don’t

Know where I’m going to get that I don’t know what’s going to happen but it’s good to prepare for early and we just got another mending for a chest plate which is good also mob down there I can’t tell what it is know it’s a phanom

Oh it’s a legendary okay we have to take this one down too oh what is this Enderman he has a backpack look at that kill this guy Kevin the son of Herobrine hey yo he’s about to have a dead son soon he unless he keeps running away

From me bro who even voted for this mob this M is so annoying to deal with it’s so hard to hit him too he just flies away stop moving so much should be dead soon though I think he has like 10 HP he’s like one hit let’s see there we go

Just killed him you got the shield it’s a lot better than is a lot better I can’t tell I mean it’s good it’s good oh yo wait wait what did it say allows the weirder to move allows the weer to move faster while using the shield yo look how fast I’m going I

Can’t tell if it’s faster than well crossbow is like just the ultimate speed but the shield is really cool too wait what if I had the crossbow and a shield out I can’t do it but that’s still super cool how fast I run with this another

Just spawn in it’s epic I don’t even want to deal with it too much to be honest I look for ships and stuff you know I think I’m actually done looting but I do want to check the quest just in case search for vibranium yeah so the

Vibranium is in this Dimension so I should look for this oh wait it’s not in the end it’s in the nether I’m tripping unobtanium is in the in the end end Highland biomes so I need to create a Nature’s Compass unless is that up there is that the biomes oh legendary just

Spawn I can’t I I’m going have to attack it and like box myself in so I don’t get FL like pushed up would be nice there we go I just sit here and at him surprisingly he does like no damage to me he’s dead right now what’ he give me

He gave me a sword man let’s see great chance looting four h i don’t know like this sword is so good I’ll keep it for the Looting the Looting is like the main thing that I don’t have on this sword yet needs to stop giving me swords so

It’s kind of making me sad so I have this baby let’s go up now it said the ore was in like high land biomes and I see high Islands so you know okay yeah no this is not what it is make a Nature’s Compass two okay I need to go

Back to the house then something spawned in what spawned in yeah I don’t know what’s spawned in but going back to the house I need four SL four saplings which should be easy cuz I can vain mine with this tree here go for saplings should have a compass already somewhere don’t

Know maybe I don’t have a compass it is easy to craft though there we go there you go Nature’s Compass we can uh he as like a building block you know and then let’s head back into uh an island so it starts it’s starting to cause XP and I’m assuming

That’s because of how far it is it’s in a whole completely different dimension so let me see what it was called Highland biomes and Highland biomes start search and oh we’re super close to it it is uh right here this is a weird spot for it to be really there’s no way

This is it h i don’t know let me grab my netherite pickaxe and then we can vein mine with this and see if we can find it in here somewhere I’m not sure like if there’s supposed to be like a specific level that it spawns on right we already

Have so many stacks in our inventory let’s turn our thing off or magnet off cuz it’s going to be annoying picking up all this stuff I threw out something oh my God almost threw out the boots I keep finding the silver ore but nothing else

I wonder if I can just fly I’m going fly away see if takes me somewhere else cuz I don’t know like hesitant about that I don’t know if that’s the right biome yeah so it’s just this the default biome no that can’t be can’t be the it’s like

The default biome and Highland biomes only player Mina bles wait wait a second let me head back to the house I think I have something that could help help speed up the process all right so remember remember the rocket I I threw out I did have

Another one right here and so with that let’s find the biome again and then let’s set it to damn let’s let’s try let’s test damage first see how much it does wait I am dumb this does nothing it does not explode hey I mean there’s a legendary guy right here so let’s see

What’s up with this guy Whoa man these Enderman get off me dog it’s you vulker I’m just shoot him just going to shoot him see what happens look like he’s attacking me though how much health does he have 49 so it is doing damage oh my

God I think I just Ked myself I almost died yo where’s One my Rockets like they aren’t going straight for some reason all this guy should be solo Oh my God he almost just killed me he still hurts cuz I’m have to stay back and just shoot

Rockets at him until I run out there you go he died bro bro I blew up the loot he dropped so much stuff and I blew up the loot oh my gosh just bro I don’t even want to talk about it I don’t even want to talk about it that just made me

Depressed what is this got a m shaft now what is going on here yeah I have no idea where this or is at what if I can see in the side of like this find around like this see if I can see it on the

Side there is like a building here is in here like a spawner area or something it doesn’t have anything good though yeah H honestly this might have to be something we come back later for or unless we go to like the dimension like the one miny

Dimension that we can go to using the autom modum thing I’m honestly just not finding it honestly it’s just that rare like rare as rare as netherite fine like as rare as was looking for netherite and Ne I’ve not seen a single piece yet I I

Keep see is that silver but yeah I guess let’s just head it back now all right we got a bunch of good stuffff all right so we have two gems this one had the what was it that I had was it the speed I think it was the speed I wanted to put

That let’s do it on my leggings actually how do I do this okay maybe I can’t put it on my legging not on my boots either oh I’m looking at the wrong boots can’t put it on the boots either what is going on I don’t know what’s going on I’m pretty

Sure this is how you do this smithing table maybe oh smithing table okay okay I was I was scared for a little bit I scared for a second do the speed on this and we have another one this one was for the crossbow let’s do that there we go

The Mending you can apply The Mending on this H only thing is that does have Pro man it’s going to suck what if I reverse it then no I can’t man crit we don’t need a pro um we don’t need Pro and we got this nice chest plate helmet is kind

Of slacking but that’s fine oh I forgot we also have some cool gems in the chest the speed on that is absurd no no I’m too fast ooh attack damage or Max Health ooh I don’t know I think attack damage I want to I want to do attack damage this

Also enchant my uh my helmet it’s not going to have the best champ but it is better than nothing right now CU I can choose soulbound right so let’s actually head into we need to find an ancient city so head just head back down right look how fast bro the the speed is

Insane look how fast this is bro this is not normal now I do need to find I want to find more Alm Marium that’s the goal right now cuz I do want to make I don’t know about wearing all the set to be honest I want to make the entire set but

I don’t know if I would want to wear it because cuz look at all this this looks looks a lot cooler you know but I think I still want to make it just for the so I can say that I made it I do want to pickaxe and all this stuff the Apple

Carrots so let’s actually just find some we might find some cool stuff in uh ancient city too need to find someone we just need to find some though only thing is that I don’t know how I’m going to find this thing I just heard a scary

Noise bro jeez I guess we’re just going to have to try to find an unexplored part of this cave I mean this cave is massive so hopefully we can do that oh we found this thing again on this thing again this big thing that we were at we

Got a whole bunch of nice stuff from there let’s see there’s something here oh it might be just a a stronghold so we don’t need that I’m kind of just looking for this bunch of skull and I see there’s anything nearby on the map now

I’m just going up let me go back down so I just I’m went to a very deep hole might be a dead end yeah it’s a dead end oh got some diamonds right here not that we need it but 25 diamonds from that ve that’s it that’s crazy or I think an

Easier way would be to look for like a mountain cuz I’m pretty sure well I’m not pretty sure I just heard that they can spawn under like snow mountains and stuff so I want to look for that man my speed is insane just wait until I I get

On the ground look at this I’m just zooming oh look at this that looks cool let’s keep going you know what I think I’m dumb I think I went the wrong way there’s more like mountainy stuff over here I believe maybe not but oh snow

Stuff here maybe can I change okay I see that the levels the cave levels looks like I didn’t really load anything where I’m at right now oh there there is like a house here oh a temple uh anything good no I think this is just a random

Temple H yeah just a bunch of iron we don’t really need iron I don’t think ooh wait this is like the smallest snow mountain ever we look for something bigger o I mean a snow biome we’re kind of on a mountain right let’s just I’m going just dig down and see if there’s

Anything nearby oh my God we found it oh I just dug straight down oh my God that like actually scared me cuz I was not expecting that so let’s get rid of all of this junk junky blocks and uh what did we come here for so we need to kill

The warning and autom modium let’s see so where should we even start I never know like the proper way to loot this cuz there’s so much let’s see wonder how hard it is to find autom modium cuz there’s a lot of this that I keep mistaking it for oh already getting God

Apples that’s nice get these diamonds right here even though we don’t really need them but it’s nice to grab you know more God apples look at that uh oh I think I found it I think it’s that right there right it’s just gold never mind

Man how did I just find it outside of the ancient city before oh let me see oh it’s found in deep dark biomes it’s not specifically ancient cities it’s just deep dark biomes ceilings and walls let me see what is this gold it looks like so almost like gold so I keep like

Mistaking it am I going to find this though the loot isn’t even even that good oh okay found found a piece already the loot isn’t as good as I thought it would be either cuz we got stacked from the end oh oh I forgot has to be a

Netherite pickaxe to break this let’s head to home let’s turn this into into netherite pickaxe there we go and then head let’s head back down we should be able to mine this now there we go just one piece unfortunately oh a warden just spawned in like right there guess we can

Try to kill it need a gole and then start second boom boom oh hold up he has 200 Health what have so much health for is that noral let try oh no we’re killing it fast we’re killing fast that we for a second and he’s dead now that

Scar me we got some of these items if I’m not wrong this can activate the portal the big portal in the middle I don’t know if if that’s in this mod pack I’ll have to see another one just spawned in which we can just ignore be

Honest fly out of here a little bit cuz it is this it yeah this is it right here cuz it said it doesn’t it’s not an agent cities it’s just in deep dark biomes oh man I don’t know how we’re going to find I don’t know how we’re going to find so

Much of this we need so much and I’m only finding like single veins is this it this is gold right no this autom modium there’s like a Cave System over here so maybe we can find some around here oh I see a mimic maybe it’ll drop me a cool artifact nope just flippers

Again I seen I’ve seen these flippers like three times already get more autom modium right here I think we have fortune on this pickaxe though so we are getting double sometimes find some more though this is not enough we might get like 15 out of this I think we kind of

Searched this entire ancient city to be honest or most at least let’s see if we can activate this portal though this heart we can’t okay it used to craft the withers’s compass I don’t know what that is yet but keep this just in case what is that that’s scary bro nah oh it’s

Just a banner I thought that mouth was like a mob that scared me okay so what I’m going to do now place the W Stone ancient city and we can head to the home and let’s see how much we get from this hopefully it’s a lot oh we got a we got

A B we got we got 12 from that not too bad not too shabby let’s see what we should make you know maybe I don’t need to craft the armor let me see how good is the chest plate it’s not too too much better I don’t think oh I can turn my

Armor into Al the Marium cuz if you look at the recipe you have to turn I can turn my diamond into netherite and then netherite into this okay so I’m going to do that now I’m going to need more netherite though I am running out I’m

Need like eight more or not even eight more a lot more I don’t know how I’m going to find more Let’s do let’s do my just wa turn into netherite and then should be able to turn it into a the modium like so oh wait no I can’t what

That I can’t cuz it gets rid of my the Rarity oh that sucks kind of sucks I wasted the some netherite right there anyways I guess we’ll start with the tools the pickaxe see how it’s made only thing is that that yeah this pickax is

Good so I don’t know you know what I don’t think it’s worth it I think what I have is fine for now what I’m going to put this in here what I’m going to do now is I’m going to repair my helmets I also kind of forgot that I that this

Machine isn’t really automated and I have to manually add carrots so I just did that right now so I can start charging up my backpack again I already did I charge it up like almost to Max but you know I still want a little bit more we’re going to have to wait for

That right now I guess but yeah right now I want to go into Twilight do twia so let me grab a couple diamonds just in case I like get stuck in there I don’t want to get stuck in the Twilight Forest we do need flowers I

Don’t know if it’s like has to be any flow like specific flowers but the got to surround this surround this 2 by two with flowers get some more I accidentally broke the grass blocks just destroyed my ears then we need to make infinite water source let’s grab our

Other water with this this and we should be able to just throw one diamond in there and it works yep now let’s jump in here we are okay we got another one of these creepy things I don’t like let’s Place uh let’s just do a waypoint Waypoint Waypoint home or home and we

Are now in the Twilight Forest there we go oh looks like there’s actually a lot to do here most of this like the armor stuff I can probably skip cuz my stuff is probably a lot better here we are we got Zep sir Zep here sir I don’t bro I’m

Probably butchering his name so hard right now but this might be the Creator’s name I don’t know and we do we get a map uh we could make a map but the steps to it I don’t feel like doing that you know cuz I have a jetpack I know the

First boss is Naga and for that we need to find like an arena something like this but it’s different so ooh let me see something what is this right here okay it’s nothing it’s just a bump in the ground let me disable my magnet thing again cuz it’s going to be

Annoying and I’m mining through stuff let’s just fly around until we find it I guess Oh I thought that was nether portal for some reason should be okay right here this is it and then we’re right next to the tower I think that’s the Lous Tower we should be able to kill

This guy super quick I mean he does have some health and he’s dead regret we got a epic Shader grab bag another one of these just another Banner thingy and do a yeah chest spawns in the middle we got a trophy and some skills now the next

Thing is the Twilight or not the twi just a lich I guess and he should be oh there’s two towers right here right next to each other what is that the heck what are the chances of that I can just fly to the top really mine into here can I

Break this fence it’s in the way should be right here and fight him I forgot to explode him he has to like shoot something at me and then I hit it back into him there we go this is easy oh I got hit there he does still do some

Damage you know and one more he has one more Shield they going to get it right here there you go now should be easy to kill smack him a couple times and he’s done where is a bunch of random stuff what is this like a voodoo puppet

Prevention of falling so I don’t die if I fall but I don’t take fall damage so I don’t need that got another one of the thingies the Graber thingies another trophy I think this spawns in I think this thing spawns in Zombies oh no it’s just a shooty thingy I’ll take that

Though have our next on the list of bosses is uh to the swamps this one I’m pretty sure is like bro I think this the swamp stuff is like a whole Maze and it’s so like complicated so oh look at that I think that’s the final Castle

This place a was way point here where am I final that way we can easily find it we need to find the swamp now we found another boss over there but we don’t need that one yet we need the swamp biomes maybe I should have made the map

I don’t know man look how fast we run this is insane imagine like playing Minecraft with your friends and then you just see someone with this speed run right past you that is going to be that’s just crazy I want to fly but like my chunks loading so slow we just found

The swamp let’s see he the quest said to look for um like a bump and there’s like a bump here there we go we’re in and yeah I was right so I can technically break this but extremely slow it did say I should craft a map was like map for

That is paper maze I need to kill these momu guys right here then I need a bunch of paper let’s head down let’s just run around I guess so we find it there we go we found some guys right here we already got drop just need paper not sure how

Hard it is to find paper in here though don’t have any on me wait I I already I didn’t pick it up what happened I lost it somehow get another one didn’t drop it and I forget how annoying these mobs are what I swear I had one earlier a

Maze Focus I guess not I guess I might have to just run around so I find it to be honest the second level I bro I am running around so fast the mobs don’t even have enough oh found it look at that that wasn’t too bad let me see let

Me put a wayo on me so I know how to go up and then let’s look for the boss room I think oh we just get a just got a bunch of paper I think we can never mind we can’t craft it cuz we don’t have the

The maze Focus we just need to run around and look for this I guess I remember when me and my friend kill we did this in the mod pack different mod pack and it took us so long so we were just running around looking for it it

Took us way too long like it was like definitely over like an hour maybe even two I don’t even know it was crazy oh found it so I guess let me just break this or break right through here and then let’s F this guy should be pretty

Easy there we go now bro’s dead he should check the chest see if there’s anything good though N I think this is this maze W this thing is maze waer though oh now now I get a a maze map Focus right at the end huh this is food

So I’m put in my thingy my backpack so I can Auto eat it his ax is also really good and one of and the other one of the older mod packs I played this axe was Lally the best weapon in the game now you find my way back somehow not sure

I’m going to do it though oh my God I hate these pincher bugs where is it here you go fly up now I don’t know how I’m going to find the exit to this though wonder if I can mine up let me try it I

Can all I needed to do is break one block and then I’m out now I believe the next boss is hide wait really I have to make the blank maze map just for it to count I to go back down then let’s find this thing I don’t know how I’m going to

Find the place I even see it I don’t know how I’m going to find it okay so we found the room now there it is now we just need to find paper again there was a bunch of chest that I didn’t loot though so we might should be able to

Find a paper oh okay we finally have enough oh woah wo wo wo wo wo wo I see that plus 11 armor that’s more than what I have that is a good chest plate hold up I didn’t know this stuff here was this good anyways let’s let’s finally

Make this thing we don’t really need it oh this cool I never actually used the map before a so it like shows you everywhere you went that’s cool that’s cool that’s we should be uh blank I made the map hold on there you go I just

Fixed it I don’t know why there was like a bug or something like bugged out but yep we killed this guy the loot bag okay can you not you not got the ax now we need to find our way out of here which is this way right here then we’ll do the

Same thing we did last time just dig up okay we’re now out next boss should be the Hydra so she should that person the Hydra should be in here which is right in front of us so let’s head over there oh wait before that I’m pretty sure we

Need to eat this the food that I gave us right and then it we shouldn’t burn we get here yeah okay yeah here’s the Hydra I don’t know if I can fight him up close I I Tred fighting him up close and I kind of got one tapped me see yeah he

Like bites me and it does so much damage to run in and then go out yeah I forgot how annoying this boss fight is I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to fight him at a distance but it takes a long time and he’s destroying my armor look at that my helmet and my

Leggings oh my God oh my God I’m yo he almost killed me I didn’t even realize how low I was I’m about to throw my end thebr let me eat one gu Apple and then just stay up close it’s almost done and he should be dead right no there we go

That took a little bit longer than I wanted it to he he should drop some really good food though yeah hydrops these are like these foods are so good look at that all those drums is really good that’s done and now we can head over to the Dark Forest need to enter

Need to go into a dungeon let me see where that was dark Forest it’s over here which is towards the final so that’s to fly all the way over here and then should be like Dungeons I forget where exactly like right outside of it at least that’s where I found it you

Know what it might actually be in the forest I don’t know how I’m going to find this though need to find the entrance oh right here then need to place trophy let’s do Hydra there you go and then we need to find the bosses this one’s pretty much like a maze though

There’s like multiple levels so it might take quite a bit to find them and the C like this map isn’t really showing much so have to just actually search for it oh okay I I just found it right here so let’s get break these now this boss

Should be pretty easy there’s a bunch of these armor dudes they don’t have a lot of Health actually they kind of do have a lot of Health here we go just killed them all super easy super quick in the chest get some armor armor isn’t really too crazy though ooh that pickaxe is

Pretty nice I think I’m going to keep mine let’s test it out though I’m going to keep M I like what I have any next on our list is this boy the G boy so let’s get out of here and for this I want to

Get on top of the trees because it’s a lot easier to get to the place let’s get out of this Forest if we even can do that like pretty deep there you go now we can fly all the way to the middle super fast this thing we can L literally

Just fly to the top and then he should spawn in like right here see I wonder if I can just bow him oh my bow do so much damage to him actually oh maybe not so there’s an actual way to killing him oh I just fell off and like there’s like

Four sides right like these like gas traps and so to charge them there’s going to be baby gas that spawn in after you kill him let’s see see like this noise you hear this noise that means it activated so I going see if he CU he’s

Not coming over here okay see that he’s see how he’s coming over here I’m about to activate this trap right now okay it didn’t didn’t activate for some reason head over here though he’s baby gas uh charge up the stuff you to come over here to me see how he’s coming now now

I’m going to activate it he’s going to get sucked and I’m going smack him 100ch times hopefully we can kill him right here you know what but can I can I fly over to him it doesn’t look like I can like just fly over to him that hurts now

We have a bunch of gas small gas area can I kill him cuz if we don’t it heals him wa see how he’s coming over here suck it all and then smack him should be dead right here got him he’s de now he should be CH in the middle this stuff

And then next boss is the the yeti so that’s in the snow biome so let’s check our map snow biome was over here okay this direction just drop down and then just zoom and here we are I’m pretty sure this is like the easiest boss Yeti he he dies so

Fast look at this he’s already dead I barely had to like do anything take this all this loot wait what is this why does this have a rarity I put this on my head wait so oh I mean I don’t see it but I guess it’s on me now next is should be

Like the ice queen I think that’s her name the ice queen oh Snow Queen so for this I wait what did we say now hers is right here she should be at the top okay we have a jetpack so we can just fly and it should be one of these oh forgot how

Long it takes to actually mine these H you know what do I have a extra pickaxe ah I don’t want this pickaxe to break though she be either in this one or this one I’m going break this one though I have to use my vein Miner and I

Don’t know I don’t think he that maybe he’s not even up there I heard her I heard her in here she spawned in maybe this is the one right here hopefully cuz I don’t want to break my pickax and what where is she is she right there there’s

Like snow oh my God that scared me I went to F5 and all I see is the the dang Yeti face bro that’s terrifying I’m in all right now I never actually fought her last time I was doing this mod pack with Killa he’s the one who fought her

So I’m not sure what I need to do for her I need to launch stuff back at her I don’t know oh I just hit her she just has Shield Block in her so I to like jump and attack her there’s like little cracks I can hit her through too for I

Can just fly and just go up here and smack her there we go see we got a bow trophy now next is stuff that I’ve never done for so apparently there’s like Islands visit the Giants right there’s Islands Islands here I believe so let’s get over there I never done these before

But I’ve watched someone do them I remember last time I played this someone was upset with me because I skipped this yeah look this giant of me look at that that’s my skin right there not sure if I need to just kill these guys or what

What what do I need to do do I need to go into this building I may actually read the quest see what I need to do once you unlock the highlands biome head over and find some some trolls to kill they can drop some magic beans you also

Find chests that give you so I need soil and the magic beans is that what they drop holy wait wait a second look at his sword epic sword look at that higher attack damage than mine what’s the attack speed oh the attack speed is so bad though look at that that’s too that

Is crazy though there’s a weird rare Golem too for some reason yeah let’s kill more Giants and see what happens wait I’m tripping the said trolls where am I supposed to find trolls these are giants wait I don’t think am I even am I wait soil is right here I don’t think

I’m even supposed to be up there yet wait how do I get to soil though I don’t know there be something far down I don’t know let’s try what is that what oh my God what is happening what is going on down here there’s obsidian giant

Obsidian I can’t break it oh trolls okay so I need to break this I’m assuming chest inside oh magic beans with the soil is there anything else let me check the other one yeah more magic beans I think we can get out of here now though

Go back up from where we came now was I supposed to like place this and then magic bean on top of it oh my God screen shaking holy okay so I guess that’s what we were supposed to do I can just fly up though cuz I I’m going to fall cuz of

The speed I have I just end up falling it just takes us up here what do we do when we’re up here though if your magic being in soil you want to look for a large cloud and plant the beans in the soil you go beans all the way up you

Need to kill the minor Giants and get their pickaxe to continue on I need the pickaxe this guy no I already P there’s a pickaxe right here okay I got a pickaxe what no the giant P guys you want to head back to the trolls keep the

Find oh now I want to go back uh right here then I want to mine this let me go on top let take a bit to mine though and it’s broken got a bunch of chests in here I think let’s see four chest obsidian emeralds bunch of emeralds and

Obsidian wait lamp I saw that in the quest I think that’s what we needed and there magic beans I don’t think we need that anymore okay so yeah we got the lamp do we need that do we need need that using the lamp Of Cinders you’ll

Now will now be able to break the thorns and Thorn land biome gather some Thorn roses to continue to the final okay now how do we get back up it’s our little hole right here yeah now Thorns thn Thorns how do I use this oh yes I’m not

Supposed to just fly over it I just do this and then boom well let’s just fly over since we have our jetp pack we spent a long time getting this thing now I’ve like I’ve seen this but I never been here got some Thorn roses to

Continue Thorn roses so we need to go back I missed the Roses I don’t know how many we need though oh hole I need to use a hole to break it I don’t know how much I need though grab oh and it just breaks if it drops can I get one more I

Want one more let’s see get on this Leaf right here there we go we got three so let’s fly up now oh we need 12 okay you know what this is where we need the magnet thing so we don’t have to drop down to catch it it just goes in our

Inventory sit back here break this and it goes in my inventory don’t have to worry about it breaking I need take off my helmet it’s going to actually break I keep getting hit by the thorn need three more all right we have enough now let’s

See oh block of diamond wait do we need this can be used as a moderator and a bigger reactor I don’t know what that means but find boss is not yet implemented instead head to the giant castle in the final plate and grab some door blocks oh there’s no boss yet so we

Can all we have to do is just go these door blocks what do we need okay so I just got all the blocks and apparently there a place Corridor boss um well I don’t know how I don’t think he can even get in here there is is this the real

Final boss is growing trees Ain’t No Way 1,000 XP wa well I mean I guess we technically did we technically completed it cuz there is no like final boss I guess so I just collected so many rewards and everything got dumped in my inventory but yeah I guess that’s

Everything here in this Dimension so we could just head back now yeah where’s our portal I forget where our portal is at pup final it has to be this one oh yep over there’s our portal see see if we can jump right in I’m going to miss

It I missed it here we go we’re back in our land our home let’s repair some of our or our helmet there we go a legging boom yeah another we got a a the modum or for free which is cool we have three weather skeleton skulls I just realized

That like our thing is still cooking somehow did time not go past oh maybe cuz like the chunks weren’t loaded that’s why we should have power yep we got all our stuff uh doing this thing that’s nice so now I do want to check out what this teleporter pad is or how

It works so I think I’m going to craft it right now looks pretty cheap to craft actually so I need to grab one uh ingots of Al demonium and then put in here 10 two nuggets and then surround it with an ender pearl like so and okay so it looks

Like if we place in the overw we go to the mining Dimension so let’s do that now and see what’s there not sure if I have to like right click or what okay I don’t know what I did but it worked and here we are I guess let me place a Way

Stone here so I know where the thing is Bo and it just looks like a flat land let me mine down oh okay so I guess it’s literally just a mining world it’s just like ores okay well I wish I kind of wish I had a better pickaxe though cuz

Like want a pickaxe where I can just mine continuously and just Sprint the entire time and get a whole bunch of stuff well that’s cool looks like this might be useful if we need some like ORS and stuff you easily get those let’s try going to the other wait can I not pick

It up it just disappeared oh my god let’s make another head right to the nether place it right here I forget how many villagers are here bro all like the entire Village is here for some reason wait okay there we go oh where are we I

Cannot see a thing there we go it looks like we spawn underground for some reason wonder how high we need to go what is that new ores oh no that’s uranium but they’re blocks let actually mine this a stack a stack of raw blocks that’s insane wonder how low we are okay

I think I found the surface I’ve been just flying up and vein mining for quite a while now almost there though oh looks like we reaching the top there we go wait there’s a way right here um name a home we can find our way back let’s hold

On can’t catch a break I need to throw all these blocks so many blocks in my inventory chill okay there we go put our shield and let’s see so far it kind of looks like a big nether not entirely sure what’s here yet there is a a boss

Guy here that I want to kill he’s full diamond with a diamond ax look at that me kill this skeleton first and then let’s get him hopefully he dropped a cool pickaxe cuz I want I want one of those pickax that like mine and like what like 4×3 5×4 not just a single

Block and we got the creepy thing spawning in for no reason should be this guy should be dead right now though okay he dropped his axe it’s not really all that though and his leggings I don’t need leggings though cuz I have more than enough leggings I have two epic

Leggings so I don’t need that guess let’s just explore let me test my my legendary sword cuz it had like looting something on it looting four I want to test on these bellies and see how fast we can get skulls okay I killed like four and I got nothing so far so you

Want to grind for that then we’re going to have to do that later oh in the meantime however I did see like a purple guy over here let me see if I can find him again unless he just despawned I think he despawned cuz I ran away yeah

What even is this place so is it just another version of the nether that’s just infinitely soulan it’s just soulan Valley oh no we found another biome right here on the other I don’t know this seems like another version of another I never seen this Bome before

There’s also a crazy amount of blocks like all the ores are just blocks this like look at that each block is N9 10 so mining here might actually be quite op if you can find like good ores only thing is that I don’t know what type of

Ores spawn here I don’t know if it’s just tin that’s all I see right now oh I see a legendary guy me see I can get back up I need to get back to the surface okay here we go go to this where oh a polin right that’s what it is I

Think it’s it I think that’s what it is it should be easy to kill take no knock back I need hit attack slow oh he just launched me up holy should be dead like right now then he dropped a shield yeah he dropped this shield with literally like one

Durability it’s a bad Shield my shield is better what oh oh he dropped your chest plate I didn’t see that oh let’s see so bound this item will remain with the owner after an Alise untimely Denise you know what let’s head back to the over I don’t

Really like this biome it’s just like a different version of the ne it seems like let’s head back to our portal so let’s take a look at this chest plate and compared to mine oh it does have like three more armor points this one has more Health cuz of a block of course

The only thing is that I won’t have mending yeah it’s the only thing wait can I combine it let me see it might be expensive 34 is crazy but I do I did it I did it but look at the name look at the bottom of my screen that’s a crazy

Long name but it has mending prop 4 and then all this other stuff that I have no idea what does what it does but looks cool now let’s see I don’t know if we have any other gems though I think I used most not most in all of my gems at

Least I mean we’re going have let’s use our XP bottles that in our bag since no use for them right now yeah I don’t have any oh I have two gems that aren’t for my chest looks like I’m going have to find some gems then I also want to find

Out there’s like away let me see if I have uh what if I can use this the transporter block thingy move the ores automatically in the chest cuz if so then that would make things a lot easier since look I have to manually take this

Out just for it to like continue I don’t know if like I don’t know if it would work though cuz it’s part of a different mod right like if I out the right is the output right nothing happens right there’s no options in here to like import I don’t really see an option

Maybe it has to be a regular chest like this I don’t know it’s just it’s just going to be a little bit annoying how to having to deal with that also where’s my backpack let me grab my backpack you guys see this I’m Still rocking a gold

Backpack I think you guys know what time it is it’s time to upgrade to a diamond backpack I completely forgot that I can actually do this so let’s Diamond backpack right there let’s see how much it’s another another we can actually make a netherite backpack right now it’s

Just a single netherite inot and here we go and let’s play put it on and dang that’s that’s a lot of space actually a lot of extra space that’s super nice to see yeah we got some of the quests done now next thing is to find for vibranium

So in any biome above y60 it’s easy to look for it in ceilings at it spawns Expos okay I wish I did have mending though I wonder if I can this about say get a villager but we have no villagers here everyone’s gone quite literally no

Villagers in this place all we have is just uh animals right all we have is a bunch of chickens right here anyways let’s head to the Nether and let’s try to look for this ore vibranium so it said above 60 so this level is fine and

That I can find it on ceilings let me actually look up what it looks like so it will look like this I think oh wait it’s in between 100 123 and warp forest and Crimson Forest okay so we’re actually in the warp Forest right now now we are under 100 why we’re we’re

Actually under y 100 though so let’s fly around and uh how do we even a little cave here it’s not much though or I think we can walk around this and just try look just look at the ceiling and see if we can find something on the

Walls oh I found it ready I can see it literally right here just a single piece okay let’s see how much it is wait can I mine this I can mine this right why is there an x on like the top left do I does it have to be uh with the one

Pickaxe the AL the modium pickaxe let me see I just want to I just want to make sure because I do not want to lose that ore I said it was pretty R fine let me just see how much it cost to make the pickaxe all the marum pickaxe so we need

Two rods so this we need six ingots for the rods and four for the plates that’s 10 in total we have 12 so let’s we can do it just need to get my hore got our three rods and then now the blades I think was like this it was two and then

Three rods in the middle plates on the each side oh wait wait wait wait before I craft it what do I do with this pickaxe then Auto modium pickaxe I guess I just can’t use my netherite pickaxe anymore it’s just useless the good thing about this pickaxe though autom modum is

That it’s not breakable which is the problem that I had or and currently having o man I do want I’m looking at the alloy stuff and I do kind of want this oh yeah I guess let’s make this pickaxe first I wonder if it’s a lot

Faster let’s head back and test it and then I made a wayo yep I can see it let’s fly right over there and then okay there we go now it has like a check mark meaning we can mine it here go there we go we got our first piece we might get

Two with the machine that we have at home and okay so it looks like our netherite is actually a bit faster but that’s because it has efficiency for so if I can enchant this thing then it might be pretty insane let’s put this in our backpack I guess we can start

Looking for some more let’s look for a couple more not sure how much we need I just kind of want to complete the achievement you know oh find another piece right on the other side let me read it again oh wait okay there we go

Now it says between y 100 and 120 I don’t know why the other said above 90 so yeah let’s mine this one real quick here we go now we got another piece Let’s uh head home now to smot these bad boys oh wait my other stuff isn’t even

Done smelting cuz it’s full I forgot I’m have to upgrade my chest soon bro like I’m running out space here how do I even upgrade this again Diamond upgrade Diamond to netherite so it’s torch rest some torch and then uh netherite Ingot this is our last netherite Ingot so if

We need any more we’re going to actually have to find some mining or something here we go and then we right click that and it’s bigger now let’s actually like fix all this make this have like more space you know spread everything out a bit more there we go I think this is

Fine for now now let’s look at the let me know I’m I’m taking out these blocks actually I don’t need them I can I’ll do that after I’ll just put in the vibranium right now once these are done it should just pop right in there we go

Got these done you know what I’m not even going to do this I don’t think we even need it now I’ll cook it up once we need it oh wait okay I can’t turn it into dust oh so we we only get two okay it’s not like the autom modium let’s

Complete the challenges looks like we get one more ore wait I just put it in here oh so if I use like a silk touch and I get the actual block then it can turn into two dust okay that might be the Strat then I I I need to get silk

Touch first so let’s look at our Quest got XP I guess we can put it right here next to the alium completed this Quest also right here refine obsidian ingots what is this for pretty good sword not sure what it’s used for though armor

I’ll keep it I got this as a reward for one of the quests now what’s next is unobtanium found in the end all right so before that though I want to do like a level 30 enchant on this pickaxe oh silk touch getting that a got efficiency 3

But that is fine I I was just talking about how I needed silk touch and we also got this potion I’m assuming it lets us see vibranium through the walls but uh let’s go to the end now and look for it look for the unobtanium Define this and Highland biomes and Highland

Biomes start search and we look for where it at like right here or it’s I don’t know why but we’re kind of in like M of the air it says it’s right here let me fly just to play it safe let’s fly somewhere a little farther right like

Right like right here and then let’s do it again and Highlands there we go and then we should just be here yeah I don’t think it has to be like exactly and let’s just go crazy we have this pickaxe so oh and we found it already immediately what I don’t know why it

Took me so long before to like I couldn’t even find a piece last time I just mined straight down and I found two pieces three pieces actually and we have Sil touch so we should be able to like multiply this ore in our little machine

Thingy at home and since we got it so fast let’s actually look around a little bit more see if we can you know maybe find a little bit we’re not finding anymore I do see a legendary thing over there that I will actually head over to right now to kill before it despawns

Another Sher so I’m going to have to box myself in so it doesn’t launch me away you know there you go and I just got to swing at him oh he tped away I know they finally tped away last time he he didn’t want to go anywhere now I have to force

Myself to fly force myself down with the jetpack oh T it again back to the spot and he should be dead right now got a helmets hold up let me get rid of some of this stuff I okay let’s see what we got we got a diamond chest plate uh we

Don’t need the chest plate at all and we got them helmets nature repair repairs tools using Aura I’m not sure if Aura is though but magic protection and Mana boost I mean it’s not like there’s like no questioning it this one has like two plus armor but oh ooh you know what I

Forgot I had two sockets on this one for attack damage oh know I’ll I keep this on actually and this one I might I’ll see if I can like combine it or something when I get home also another one right here what is this G one of

Those Phantoms don’t want to mess with those they’re kind of annoying you know what when I used the compass I I went to n Highlands right and I went directly under where it told me to go I found the ore so let me try that again okay so I’m

Right on top of it maybe it’s under and no I thought I was coming up with something smart I guess not I guess we just have to mine it doesn’t tell me that doesn’t like have like a specific wire level so it could be just anywhere

Oh I guess we can leave since we got what we came here for but there is like a shiper here Abandoned Ship I think I glued this one maybe let’s check if we can actually get in I have like step 100 uh yeah nothing good let’s just TP back

And we can put this in here watch since we have three look at that we got two dust so far two again we make get two again right here boom so we got from three ores we got six ingots which is very nice put that in here cim our Quest

We also got a potion so we can find some more and since we got the elytra we got this stuff done we don’t really need the oh Diamond chest uh I guess I’ll put it on top of this and the last thing is this which gives you creative flight at

The cost of experience or you can upgrade to the ring to use power I mean I have the jetpack that’s pretty much like creative flight right I think it’s good enough you know what let me charge my jet pack right now and let’s see what we have I’m guessing we just we pretty

Much finished this chapter 1 chapter 2 basic storage we got to claim all of this we got an ancient debris which you can put in here for like two two thingies yep two scraps and for some reason this Quest isn’t activating oh it’s cuz I I didn’t collect the raw raw

Unobtanium I just got the the ore so actually I don’t know why I still have this pickaxe it’s like a souvenir keep that let’s go back to the end let’s fly back oh wait I forgot my Jetpack forgot I didn’t have a jetpack that would have

Been bad if I jumped off let’s grab this should be like almost full and we should be able to just I don’t even know where to fly we got where where it’s at like these biomes right yeah like here so let’s drink our unobtanium site and I’m

Assuming we should be able to see right oh okay it works yo it’s like x-ray okay okay let mine down only thing is I can’t use uh vein Miner with this for some reason yeah just spawns back in we got to mine it one by one got to be fast

This is actually a huge one too an eight vein right here you know what I think the smartest thing is is to Mark everything cuzz this potion isn’t forever 3 minutes left so I will just Mark everything and combine it after the potion one’s out I think that’s better I

I have a bunch of this Stone stuff some around down here that’s it okay there’s more right here see some more down here make this a little higher so I can actually see it man there’s so much there’s actually so much of this I don’t

Know how I couldn’t find any and I was like just mining straight all that’s here there’s few more got 2 minutes left which is a lot uh let’s fly over to this part of the something just spawned into end purple N I don’t need them R out of

Stone so I’m have to use end Stones hopefully I still notice it I should still notice it though think we have like a minute left 30 seconds so let’s keep going I have like 5 more seconds left can I find any more that’s it it’s

Gone okay so what I’m going to do is fly all the way back to the beginning right it’s like over here now I’m going to have to just I’m just going to mine everything I see so I’ll be back once I am done with all that all right I just

Finished and we got nearly two stacks of this ore we also somehow got this Ender air bottle I don’t know where we got this from but we have it now and I did kill two legendary like bosses while doing this and I Oh wrong time I got got

This Shield right oh no I didn’t get this Shield I got this Shield right it looks a lot better than what I had well it looks a bit better than what I had I also got no I didn’t get this diamond sword I got this netherite sword as well

As this chest plate which is kind of trash but this sword it’s pretty good it’s pretty good I like the attack speed on it like this pretty fast has some Co stuff on it but uh yeah let’s head home right now and let’s uh smell all this

Right now we’re about to get an insane am out let’s also get one of our yeah pickaxes and we do need one raw for the challenge you know what I am dumb I forgot that you need to use the auto magum pickaxe to mine it so I don’t have

A second one and this one has s touch so for the purpose of not having to remake to make another uh autom marum pickaxe I am going to have to give myself this task so now we can collect the rewards for that got a gas tier which we

Probably don’t need got this task and yeah let’s place all of this in here now all we already getting way too much I don’t we don’t I don’t think we might need all this I don’t know how much we need but we got an insane amount I think

No bro we’re getting like three stacks of this for sure while that’s happening I do want to look at this stuff the alloy stuff cuz it looks cool like this blade so for this blade it does look like we’re going to need this enchanting a parus Aus so let’s actually I think

That’s part of this Quest down here the magic stuff let see if I can find it yeah enchant this thingy right here is what we need yep I remember this I messed with this stuff in another mod pack we are running out of energy for

This thing though I think we ran out of gas yeah we ran out of yeah we ran out of gas so we need to grab some carrots I keep forgetting to fix the carrots or not to fix the carrots to place the carrots in the chest cuz that’s how we

Get energy let’s place it all into to here should start and it should start doing his thing yep this thing is kind of struggling right now I it’s starting to fill up now yep it’s starting to fill up now so it should be I don’t it it’ll

Catch up let’s collect all of this oh my God we’re getting more than I thought we would three stacks we might get four Stacks but uh what was I talking about okay we need to get into this stuff right here all this stuff magic stuff so

First we to turn we going to activate it then we need to make our first spell book for this we need iron sword iron axe iron shovel iron okay so all the iron tools we El need a book right need a book yeah o you know what I’ll break

One of these I just remember that actually never mind I don’t remember there was an ancient city somewhere oh right here ancient city I know there’s a stronghold nearby and with strongholds there’s like a there’s libraries that have a bunch of books stuff I can just

Break I didn’t mean that but I can break the one I have oh wait I had three book bookshelves in my thing I did not know that there we go we got our first Bell book Let’s actually place these uh bookshelves over here and uh next thing

To do got a potion of Mana regeneration cool the next thing is to get some archwood oh so we oh okay okay okay we need specific types of wood for this it can’t just be any wood it has to be like magic wood which I remember seeing but I

Don’t remember where is it this it it’s not it’s like magic wood wait it might be in the mining I feel like I seen it in the mining world the mining Dimension yes this stuff we can mine all this I don’t know if it has to be this specific

Okay looks like it doesn’t but while we’re here I will grab another tree just in case I’m not sure how many logs we’re going to need we have two stacks of logs so let’s head back now oh my God we just spawned in the air bro that’s crazy this

Would have killed anyone if they didn’t have the things I have no uh fall damage and we can place all this or here we have so much for no reason next thing is this chamber this is to make this is to make Source gems I’m pretty sure Source

Gems are like the main power source for these like machines and I’ve never seen a whole bunch earlier but I don’t remember collecting a whole bunch we we only have three so we’re probably going to have to go out and look for some unless un we can actually make them we

Might be able to make it with this for this we need six two gold for this we have we’re kind of stacked on the materials now so most of these crafting stuff should be pretty easy to make yeah so I need a place to make this thing and

So I just got rid of the the fountain I just got rid of the fountain sorry to all the villagers that used to live here that are now uh Gone somehow but this is my place I got rid of I got to get rid of all this water though so much of it

For no reason there we go let’s uh fix up the floor now so it doesn’t look on nasty here you go I’m going to have to make bigger chests soon cuz these chests are already full like this one let’s make it diamond diamond upgrade go to Diamond upgrades here so it’s Diamond

Signed by redstone torch there you go now we can upgrade this should have some more extra more room and we can place this over to the left right here and uh now so we got a couple Source gems from the quest and I forget exactly how to

Make Source gems let me see if I I’m pretty sure all you have to do was put yeah lapis inside and it turns into gem yeah crafting Source gem yeah so I got a source gem from that and so now we need to make a source jar to store all of our

Uh our source now we need like two pieces of sand so let’s grab some actually we might have a bunch of glass left over from earlier we have two piece one piece of glass can I use silk touch on this uh yeah let’s use silk touch on

One of these blocks pretty sure that’s all I need put slabs on the bottom slid on top that that that put a sour Star right here and now we have two sour stars now we need to up so this this thing agronomic Source link it uses the

Plants nearby to grow so I have plants right here the carrots and then I’m going to place I’m going plant some trees that way it’ll start growing or collecting Source fast and so to make this we need two gold two gems and it s like wheat yeah we need a wheat I don’t

Have wheat let’s fly over to a village though pretty sure there’s a village somewhere over here yeah Village right here and I see wheat already there we go so let’s fly back now we don’t have to fly back we just TP there we go we got

Our thingy now we if we place it right here not sure how to activate it I should start collecting let me head back to the other dimension grab some saplings yeah should be a bunch of saplings and we just got a whole bunch of saplings I think we got way more than

What we needed but it should help a lot now we should if we place this R right here does it work I’m not sure not sure how it works really I don’t even have a space to put these trees bro let me see in let me grab some bones can I I don’t

Think I can grow this here oh I can this kind of looks ugly now so let me extend this Farm just a little bit and then wait for the carrots to grow we have a whole tree oh 1% full okay so it is working it’s just very slow wonder if I

Can just Place saplings and it it’ll work I don’t know if the trees have to grow or it can just be saplings but anyways there’s that it is working just very slow right now but for now let’s work our way towards this the thingy that we need we need sore Stone we need

To create sore Stone what is sore Stone okay so to make sore Stone it looks like it’s one Gem and then like it’s just Stone let’s look for there’s a bunch of stone over here have a whole stack easily look that instantly and then make

The source stuff now we do need to get more Source gems though so let me grab a bit of lapis and start placing it in here oh looks like it only be one at a time that’s it takes like 5 Seconds though okay never mind it’s taking a

Really long time let’s start crafting the other stuff pedestals we need to make pedestals so so we need a bunch of gems right we need a bunch of Sword stones and we need a bunch of nuggets might have to make another one of this

Cuz I feel like it’s too slow here we go it should maybe speed up the process I’m not sure but yeah we’re going to need a bunch of source uh gems for this stuff need to make eight and I think for the alloy stuff let me see yes so we need

Like we’re going to need like 12 of these yeah 12 pedestals it looks like we’re going to need a crazy amount of uh Source gems is there a faster way to get this though what if I make a bunch of more Chambers I’ll make five I’m not

Sure if this is overkill or what but I got five now so that way we can just kind of spam this yeah all this stuff cooking we should get a whole bunch now also this tree is kind of annoying getting rid of the leaves takes up so

Much space here you go we got a couple coming in right now we got nine so we start making some that me I think I’m going to need some more Sor Stone so I’m going to make a bunch of that there we go have a stack start off and let’s make

Pedestals we just need a bunch of gold nuggets from this I can make a crazy amount of gold nuggets see so yeah we can start we can already make six we just need more gems though let’s see let’s collect these we should be able to make like six more or something see how

Much we can make two more so we need more sore Stones I think that should be enough we have 10 I do want to make 12 though cuz 12 is how much we like actually need you know so this stuff should finish soon and we got six more

Let’s see we need two more yeah we need two more and yeah we have exactly enough to make two more now let’s collect the reward we got I don’t even know what we got from that to be honest now we need to make all of this we need the ancient

Core and then the enchanting par Rus so we should be able to make the corn now we have all the materials for that and now we need the the enchanting thingy which is four nuggets let me get my nuggets I think it’s a single diamond

And there we go now I place this like right here here so first I need to break one I need to place the Arcane core right under it and this on top and then all the Arcane pedestals all around not sure how it how far it has to be though

Look like it’s just a block have to be two blocks away because how big of how big this is I got 12 and maybe like this I’m not sure if this is going to work but we have this now we got this water Essence I’m not sure what these things

Are I’m just putting it away just in case and now I assume we just have to place these ingots and then the sword in the middle right so first first I need to figure out here w I just found something I right clicked on this I look

At this awaken supro thepro pxel what is this 30 attack damage is crazy though I I don’t even know what that is but anyways we need to make these ingots these like half ingots so let’s learn how to make this looks like to mix these

Two we need a pig lit heart and a lot of this stuff actually looks pretty complicated so let’s clear our inventory now let’s put all the stuff that we might need later into here it looks like a lot to do so we first need to figure

Out what this pig litch heart is and where to find it okay so I looked it up and apparently this guy spawns in the other and that I should make a structure Compass so I can find it easier so make a structure Compass what do you need for

This wow wow that is uh quite expensive I don’t have enough autom modium or netherite ingots for that so we might have to just wing it let’s go to the nether uh something spawn in a blue not worth it but let’s go to the other oh my

God I just picked up a villager yo wait I can pick up villagers ain’t no way I’m taking you all with me I can’t pick up the wandering trasers what about the Iron Golems not the Iron Golems yeah let’s teleport into the other let’s fly up oh there’s a legendary guy hopefully

It’s a a skeleton so it’s easy to take out if it’s a blaze it’s going to be annoying where are you it’s a piglin let me bring him away from this gas oh I just I just sniped that gas okay let’s actually build up two blocks cuz this

Guy is pretty fast and he this one has a lot of health I wonder what’s going he’s going to drop hopefully some like boots or Helmet or like boots actually cuz I have full legendary and he he is dead what did he drop boots oh oh this is

What I was asking for ah okay so I want to wear this but this this has more speed right what I’m going to do is that there’s actually a way to remove the gems yeah there’s a way to remove the gems so I’m going to do that later once

I get to the house right now right now I’m supposed to be looking for temples where the the pig the pig guys spawn in kind of hard to see in here but we need to find temples only thing is I’m not sure what they would look like and I

Don’t have the compass and if it takes too long then we’re just going to have to make a source Compass not a source Compass a structure what I just heard a villager bro who making villager noises what the heck is it the villagers in my inventory yeah I’m not finding them go

Back home I’m place these villagers somewhere there we go welcome back home not going to the portal on accident very much appreciate it I’m actually block it off so you guys don’t accidentally go in there and so we need go back to into The Nether right cuz we do need to get so

Let’s find like a like land actually so we can dig down this is all lava right now know why there’s so much lava who are you what the heck are you a wraith oh you’re dead now I’m on fire for some reason anyways land right here what

We’re going to do is just hold our vein mine and the mine we go to like 11 right hey wa there’s so much lava so it’s hard to go down probably literally lava everywhere look at that maybe this is not the spot cuz we’re literally in the lava pool but there’s just lava

Everywhere I go okay I think I found an area cuz dig Down’s like like 11 12 around here and then just mine oh we found oh never mind I thought that was diamonds for a second I need to find at least one ancient debris that way I can

Have it in my inventory I won’t miss any I just don’t pick up oh okay I found a piece already I just need to collect one of these I have in my inventory and then we can just go crazy thing is that with this with this vein Miner it like it

Breaks down see like it always breaks a a level down which I don’t like I’m like forced to like look up really high there’s so much ores it’s making me mind slow lava area too oh found some more we got eight already or yeah eight inch debris so we need eight more hopefully

Probably we find it pretty soon I we can get out of here cuz we’re getting jumped by a bunch of these rats bunch of nether rats oh my God after the longest mining buto my helmet is almost broken I think we got enough that’s 16 pretty sure

That’s all we need so let’s teleport home and let’s cook this while that’s happening let’s uh work on the vial thing that I wanted to work that I wanted to make yeah so get let me take the gems off of the items to make this

Door I need gem dust M I need a salvaging table salvaging table huh but for that we need gem dust let me see let me grab some gems I don’t have or that I don’t need these two if I remember correctly another another mod pack that

I played I I could just drop an anval on it yep and it makes it makes the dust so I just need to get a bunch of gems I don’t need unfortunately I don’t think I even have that many gems so uh let’s actually explore fly around we should be

Able to find something soon or quickly right here I think this is one of the things oh this explosive one so yeah everything’s about to blow up now that we got the diamonds and there should be couple gems here that I can snatch not sure how many I need but let’s head home

And see so I’m going to do is drop all these gems drop the Anvil on it uh okay it didn’t work I think it has to be higher there you go got five of those and for the vial I need four oh wait no

But I get two potions so I I only need one now I just need one amethyst I think yep I have one I need a water bottle there’s a pigment here for some reason so I got my water bottle and now wait has to be a thick potion so I need to

Put glowstone on it I need a brewing St on let’s see so I need to pull out my other pickaxe just to mine these stone blocks turn into Cobblestone then bre stand put water and then uh actually I think I need a the blaze powder first

And I need glowstone do I have any glowstone on me I don’t think I have glow stone let’s see glow stone glow stone glow stone I got some right here Place one in there should start doing this thing doing the thing there you go now we got a stick potion and we should

Be able to craft it now boom now if I grab my helmet B into here put a potion in there I think I only get one of the drones Oh no I got both okay good good good so then my boots yeah my boots do the same thing pretty much get my gems

And now I can grab the new helmet yep and then put on the speed stuff or attack damage it was and then my boots like all of this right step height speed and speed oh wait this one only has two slots so I can’t put on the extra speed

I’m going lose so I’m going to lose some speed but it’s fine at least it’s more like controllable now cuz the the extra speed was kind of insane so now we can put all this stuff away okay okay so and now we got all of our scrap here got an

Insane amount of scrap more than we needed but that’s good we have extra now and now we need all the aium oh you know what I just realized since I can pick up villagers I’m just going to go to this Village take every single villager I see

Even you okay I can’t pick up you grab all you guys come here take every single one of you you too oh no I’m starting to place some on accident me and you that’s inside the house I see you in here coming with me even you anyone else

Hiding ooh another Village over here though this one’s a big one going to just grab you we grab a couple I don’t I don’t need every single one cuz I don’t want my Village to be overwhelmed there you go I got a whole bunch let’s let’s

Go home and we can start placing these guys everywhere Place some like over here this side as well let’s place them all around now this side all that’s enough now we have a bunch of villages here we’re no longer lonely we have a company now so Iron Golem should also

Start spawning in soon now let’s head down to the caves I think this is a cave right here yo oh wait do I have an ancient city one yeah ancient city and what there’s a guy spawned in anyways we came here for allodium the darkness is

Kind of annoying though come on now am I supposed to find allodium like this let me turn on my magnet too I think it’s time to turn it on so I technically don’t need to be in the ancient city I just need to find like the deep dark

Biomes but to find a deep dark I usually need to be near an ancient city I think that’s how it works right so I don’t know how I’m going to find this exactly oh is this right here what is that that’s gold the funny thing about about

Vin mining is I can just get rid of all the skull super easily look at that boom disappear oh found up some right here should be able to get two from this right and then that that will turn into like four I believe and I think that

Should be enough right that gold right there that’s gold that’s enough for now we’re probably going to need some in the future though oh yeah we’re definitely going to need like a ton more in the future but uh but uh let’s go back now and uh smelt this got four inot of this

And then I need to make a compass how do you make a compass again iron and Redstone oh we don’t need a we don’t need a regular Compass we need a Nature’s Compass where did I put the Nature’s Compass I don’t remember I actually lost it oh it’s in my bag right

There and then uh structure boom boom the most expensive compass in the game so let’s go into the over or not the not the over world I about say overw World we’re going into the other f up and I see another legendary guy waiting for us it’s Enderman though Enderman are kind

Of annoying to deal with you see how he just TPS away and he’s he’s not aggro on me anymore already yeah these are the the most annoying ones because they just teleport after you hit him like three times four times there we go like see he just teleported away and for some reason

My sword like doesn’t register I think it’s too fast I have to like actually slow down on my clicks and he should be dead soon us he just keeps teleporting away and there we go now what did he drop drop the gem oh oh wait okay this

Gem is absolutely garbage look at these pants look at these pants man these ponds might have to get another gem thingy to get rid of the speed on this pants put onto here yes look at his pants though bro yeah I’ll keep this here and the gem just as a reminder take

A take a look at it but yeah we’re full legendary now now need to make a we have a compass uh not sure what we’re going to we’re looking for exactly I think it’s this I chose the autom modium structure it doesn’t look like it can

Find it pyramid I think it’s this autom modium ancient pyramid that’s the only one that makes sense oh right click the compass to locate it okay I found it 2,000 blocks away so let’s fly over here where just spawn in oh look in Epic let’s it shouldn’t be too far right

1,800 blocks away let’s stand still and let the trunks load in for a bit oh my God you found it okay oh my God who playing music which one of yall is play music this guy I can’t tell I’m trying to get copyrighted chill oh I think this

Is the guy we’re looking for the pick guys let’s kill him wa 5,000 Health that’s absurd all right BR who’s playing this music there we go finally found the guy who’s playing the music and I killed him now let’s get out of here cuz I got

I got myself like stuck in here the pig guy was outside he right there let’s empty out my who’s shooting at me now empty my inventory oh wait I have a bunch of spawners yo I think that it works too it works I’m keep that then

Now next thing to do is actually kill this guy oh my God he hit me once and he went flying what happened to him here’s a box in there you go got him in a small box and I just left click until he dies ooh

A legendary guy just spawn in do he have anything good who even is he yes oh my God there’s a bunch of these guys there so many Pig guys let me kill this guy though this first this guy though no he flew he hit me once and he

Flew away bro is he going to die to fall damage no yo everyone takes so much damage if they hit me that’s funny be dead any second now he dropped the chest plate CH play uh no mine’s way better unfortunately for him well that kind of

Make no sense but unfortunate let me see how much health do these guys have is like 5,000 thought all the other piglins disappeared where do they even spawn is he here I can’t tell well let’s kill this guy first I’m sit here with smacking him while I eat my pizza all

Right so this guy is finally about to die it took him way too long just to kill him he’s about to die in a couple hits right here and hopefully he drops what I need are you serious he didn’t drop anything I spent all that all time

For nothing and now there’s so many witches here for some reason oh these witches where do they even come from bro I can’t believe I spent all that time for nothing I didn’t get anything out of that now there’s so many witches here I’m just going to leave there has to be

Like an easier way to do this cuz there’s no way all that time for nothing let me put a waste on here I want to actually like kind of loot this place and see what’s inside there’s any like op loot you know I wish these spawners

Would stack I don’t want my inventory to get cluttered oh my god let’s get all these emeralds look at this look at this what that’s so Random how do I just get this stacks of emeralds vibranium nuggets sweep let me keep looting in this place hold up let me block this off

Cuz I finished looting that what that is crazy that loot is crazy oh my God a music guy just spawned in where you at right here no it’s not you he spawn somewhere else there he is K him so many mobs yo I just need to break all these

Spawners switch skeleton I want the Wither Skeleton ones though I can use that as like a make a farm out of it and stuff I got to throw out so much stuff too here go go back to the bottom see what loot they have here diamonds a bunch of AUM nuggets crazy books

Protection five I’m taking that many mobs bro see if there’s anything else another legging efficiency sharpness uh some sword I have blocks let me get blocks out I heard Pig so maybe they spawned in oh here we are I don’t know where they’re spawning in from they have

Crazy Health though oh my God I need let me oh I’m must I need to start putting everything in my bag like right now all these dang spawners bro I got two legendary leggings men it bro I’m going have to take a look at this at home cuz

There’s too much St more leggings in here A bunch of books uh helmet more nuggets boots diamonds more nuggets uh helmet a gold di don’t need I don’t think then I got to block this area off cuz I’m done with this TR to see which Aras I looted I have not this one’s

Empty all this area is empty jeez all the mobs okay all this is looted oh my God what is happening yo let me check these spawners cuz I don’t want to break the wrong one skeleton it’s zombie wither wither wit okay I can break all

These then if you want to pick up the Wither Skeleton we can make a farm out of that all right bro we I know I didn’t lot all this I didn’t L this place completely but let’s head home now where is home I can just TP home I forgot we

Have way too many things so first let’s look at their Quest looks like we just got this stuff killing mobs that’s about it and so I don’t know how I’m going to like organize this actually let’s just put everything in this chest right here since this chest is empty put our bag

And let’s take everything we got all the stuff have we got in here now I wonder zombie spawner I have a mob m okay I can’t just put it in let me see if I place this down does it spawn in still well it’s it’s daytime so it’s not going

To work but I think it it should work I make an arrow for it now let’s grab the many leggings that all these leggings that I got and I guess let’s look at them so boots we got protection four stable footing all right so we got these

Right let’s look at what we have on right now we have a mending Unbreaking this one also this has protection this one has a speed bonus or speed gem that I have on do I have a mending book though I don’t have a mending book I

Think what I do is combine these right and then go get an anvil combine both of them let me see so it should no opposite way around cuz I want it to have p and mending yeah Pro mending the only thing is that I won’t have the speed but I did

Just get a gem somewhere this one plus 50% speed which is insane put it on the boots there we go let look at our other stuff let’s do the helmets right now let’s look at my helmet mine has nature men manab boost magic protection so isn’t it isn’t that good this one isn’t

That oh is good for the protection that’s about it this one one has aqua infinity so it’s terrible too but it does give me a lot of Health this one right here any cool boots though eh oh I guess I can put this away cuz I have a

Pro five book wait no which one was it oh wait no I can use that Pro five book on something else cuz I have Pro five on this man this is complicated this one is it’s good but it has bad enchants and so I can’t I can’t just put I can’t mix

Protections right that’s not how it works yeah that’s what I thought I mean I guess I can just put this one on right what am I losing out the attack damage so wait I’m going have to make another vial thingy so what did I need again it

Was a gem dust amethyst need another water bottle I don’t know where I put it got a water bottle need glow stone I need three more gem dust so let me get three gems that are kind of trashy like this one that’s trashy this one this one

Is uh bad I need one more do I not have one more gem I don’t have one more gem guess we’re flying around we literally need a single gem just need to find another one of those weird structures The Village but this is not what I’m

Looking for oh right here right here now let’s go down here get these gems they’re probably going to be all bad to be honest we check them just in case you never know they’re all Commons yeah let’s head home now let’s drop all of these wait let me recheck them want to

Drop something I might need yeah they’re bad H the envil drop it like though all the dust gra the potion I think that’s everything right we need what like a diamond and we e two ender pearls we already have that there you go now our

Helmet we need to get it off our helmet there are two gems and we can put put it on our new helmet and then let’s look our look at our new pants we got so many pants way too many pants I don’t know why we only getting pants and what our

Current pants is right now what we have right now is Mana regen Nature’s menend magic protection I have a protection five book and I combine it with this one these can go back inside and so I should be just add these two like though the other way around wait I can’t can’t

Combine them when I I’m trolling I can okay so I’m going to put prop four on the this prop five actually then mending 16 levels or mending I need 16 levels I don’t have 16 levels let me go back to underg ground and see if I can find some

Stuff I can mine real quick for XP like a redstone or something you know or this does this give me XP it does but it’s not much oh it is a lot oh it’s a good chunk I already have what I want let’s just break all of this yeah we just got

A bunch I guess we can go to the anient city to farm levels if it’s that I didn’t know it was that quick all right so we should be able to combine these two it should have prop five mending there we go now we have mending on

Everything but my helmet helmet is the only thing that doesn’t have mending and then these two have prots these two don’t so that’s something we’re going to have to work on soon we also need like better gems also got got a bunch of nuggets and emeralds and stuff that I

Want to put away the diamonds are getting insane let me grab a couple three stacks and turn into blocks here go 21 blocks of diamonds and 16 blocks of emeralds all the modium Nuggets we got so much of that 10 ingots I like that not bad add some vibrating as well

Not too much but that’s fine and bro look at us we’re so stacked now I kind of wish I wonder if there’s like a better way to kill the pig guys though like there has to be a better sword than what I have isn’t no like unobtanium ore

Or like not ore but sword like why would you be able to make the rod but the rod isn’t used for anything that would make doesn’t make sense and there’s no sword why brainium there’s rods for this but no sword either we’re just going to have

To make the alloy we can’t because we need the pck lit Hearts yeah I think I’m going have to do some research to see how see if I can make like a some sort of farm or if there’s like an easy way maybe I have to use this like uh this

Looted Force sword that I have like as the last hit maybe I have to do that all right chat so hear me out I did a ton of research right and I found out some uh some nice things so I found out that there’s actually a way to make a farm

For the pig glitches and so we can get a bunch of the what’s it called pig hearts yeah pigl Hearts so we can get a bunch of those easily but for that we’re going to need an item called a mob Crusher and uh it looks a little complicated to make

To be honest so first we need to make this thingy the advanced machine frame but for this we need to make a a this thingy a dissolve that thingy whatever that thing is called that solution chamber make this we need a bunch of stuff so for this we’re going to need

Some plastic and this is a pretty complex like thing to do so first we’re going to need the fluid extractor and this doesn’t seem too hard to make actually and just like that you have it done it was super easy to craft and now the way this works oh has ruined my cops

I forgot I don’t have my Jack pack on I just put it into the charger thingy so all we need is one log right I’m place like a line of logs here and then we need to place this right behind it and it should start like extracting I’m not

Sure if it needs power I might need power just in case it does I’m going to let me see if I have enough cables no I need to make some more cables okay so has power now I think that speeds it up I honestly have no idea de but I’m

Actually I’m going to move all of this since I didn’t know that it needed power and then I’m going to put put it like actually just do it on this house right here and just connect all of this boom boom boom then it should start working mechanical pipe I believe to extract all

Of the fluids and then I need to make a machine called a latex processing unit and this is using up a lot of redstone I’m literally almost out I’m going to have to go mining again for that soon but it should be super quick to get we

Just need furnace but to make this I need a latex bucket but I don’t know how I’m supposed to extract that oh okay I mean it looks like there’s another way to get some latex so I’m going have to make this too all right so for this I

Need Redstone flux cable it’s pretty easy to make redstone flux coil copper gears do I even have copper I do I need two pieces of glass I’m not sure oh yeah I do have that empty bucket uh I have that and then now we need to make this

Machine frame so it’s even more iron I’m running out of iron too somehow no more glass a tin gear luckily luckily I have a crazy amount of tin actually more tin than what I need so there’s a machine frame and then there is the fluid in

Capsu lator now uh I guess I’m going to place it like right here right uh okay and I’m not seeing a place where I can actually put the pipe through uh I’m not even sure if I’m I was supposed to make that I might be able to just make a

Fluid tank basic fluid tank let’s see if that works it’s my last pieces of uh Redstone hoping this actually works put in here okay it’s going in there and if I where’s my do I have a bucket well I oh I just right clicked and it

Worked okay so I just completely wasted my time making this right here I’m not even sure what this is for but now I should be able to make the one thing that I needed it’s like a latex Processing Unit yep let’s make that let’s put this right uh here and I’m not

Sure how this works I might have to move this I think I have to make the latex go into here now the tank was just so I can get the bucket me grab one more cable and I have no idea where I put it never

Mind I just found it the second I say that there we go so the lasx should be going into here now there we go and I just put in some water and uh okay it’s making rubber now okay rubber is what I need cuz with tiny rubber I can turn it

Into bearded Rubber and then with this I can uh smot this somehow I don’t know where it’s at but I’m supposed to be able to smelt this and it turns into plastic yeah so let’s keep putting in some more water and it’s fill with water

Now now it just needs latex and since it is quite a slow process I think I’m going to have to make another fluid extractor speed it up a bit but unfortunately I do not have any of the materials for that I’m have to head back

Down what I need is a red stone is this Redstone that it’s not Redstone Redstone if I and and if I see some iron grab that as well this cave might actually be drained because I’ve been taking everything here what let’s actually go to the ancient city because there’s

Might be a bunch of ores like on the walls and whatnot yeah there’s already ores on the ground let’s grab all of this only annoying thing is that this Darkness happen every time I just like mine something let’s see I wonder if my where’s my old pickaxe yeah it has

Fortune so I’m going to use that on the Redstone and then just smell the iron and I think I have more than enough now so let’s head home let’s place all of this we got like almost a stack we’re about to get a crazy amount of redstone

Right here and then get our thing out and then just boom we can rain mine this it ve Min the whole thing that’s crazy all right now we got a whole bunch of redstone red we’re never running out of redstone again think a couple blocks too

Then we here we go just made our second one I’m going just place it right uh here and then I’m going to place a log cuz I have a bunch of those right there and it should start working oh actually it does not have power oh there’s stuff

In the way oh you know what I can get rid of this now the fluid tank I don’t need that and place it like right there place a log right in front of it and then it should start cooking yep it’s cooking now and then need one more mechanical pipe and everything should

Start working now all right we’re getting some latex in here we got tiny Rubber and then if we go into crafting should be able to do this it creates one cursed rubber or cured Rubber and then I cook it it should turn into plastic there you go we had a single plastic we

Need one more I forgot what we were even making oh the mob Crusher yeah we need a whole bunch of it yeah I guess I just have to I’m going to have to leave this here let it cook you know what let’s make one more so we can speed it up even

More cuz this is very it’s so slow bro unbelievably slow there we go let’s place this uh right here then we have a log right there there we go we got a third one working and yeah let’s fill this up with more water there we go I

Wonder if this a fast away I’m not sure well we got two plastic now so let’s see if we can make this I’m not sure if we can make it yet yeah we can’t cuz we need the advanced machine frame for this we need two netherite scrap Diamond gear

Two gold plastic but we need this the chamber first okay this is this doesn’t seem too hard to craft actually so we need to make another pity machine frame which is super easy to make need some gold diamond gear and then last thing is a chest now let’s put this thing like

Right here I guess close to this stuff so I can just easily power it and then all right so so for this we need a diamond gear right we need to make another Diamond gear boom is in there two gold on the side two netherite scrap

I I only have two more so if I need more in the future then I’m going have to go back to mining or something and then the two pieces of paper that I just got I honestly just don’t I don’t know where I put it unless I I just used it okay yeah

Just use it so I need to make some more y all right and looks like we got a bit let’s use that we should be able to make two yep two almost three oh we already have one in here cooking I didn’t even know that so there we go now we can

Place those two things up in here and the last thing is just a chest yeah just a chest any chest and now for the fluid we need something called pink slime right yeah pink slime and to get pink slime apparently pigs can give it but for that I need to make a slaughter

House but I feel like I think I’m going to need like a pig pen or something first don’t have any pigs here though don’t see any nearby as well it might work on chickens too I don’t know I’m just I’ll I’ll make it and then I’ll check I’ll see what happens and that’s

The machine done now I don’t know how this works at all what I’m going to do is place in front of the chickens though and I guess I place it like this and think slime meet oh oh okay so it might be just any mob right so oh it’s very

Small actually I might have to make a like a range increase the range you know okay so for this is four emeralds two Redstone it’s like a glass pane I believe I saw uh what else I even need and then a latex in the middle so let’s we’re going have

To get rid of everything in here and then for the fluid I think I just need to put down where’s the latex thingy I just had some latex like the tank okay yeah it’s right here I I’m just blind I bucket in here I think that’s how it

Works I wait until it’s full here you go we just got a bucket it took quite a bit cuz this thing bro this thing pumps out so slow but let’s put this in here and okay it looks like it’s cooking now and there we go there’s our range thingy

Now let’s put the stuff back in that we had earlier there we go and then let’s head over here and I think I just put this in here and then if I check the work okay yeah it’s massive now now I think I just I think I just need to

Power this or Redstone mode run on Redstone signal could I just do that is that easier uh no Redstone doesn’t work we’re just going to have to use basic cables or base uh Universal cables I don’t only have two of these but I made some Ed ultimate on see if we can reach

Okay I cannot connect those I’m just going to have to make some more there we go so I finally powered it and uh not sure what it’s doing Oh I thought it was going to kill the animals it it looks like it doesn’t it just collects slime

So now how do I collect this I might need a tank again might need to use my tank and then uh I think I got to push this out to the top right push and then yep as now it’s going into there I got to dump my water somewhere just put it

Right here then I should be able to collect I got some Pink Lime now head over to our Bing b Bing Bong B place that end out and it should start cooking wait we don’t have enough oh we need 500 well oh it’s not a chest I’m supposed to

Put in there there’s a whole like machine thing that I I need to use simple machine frame ah okay so let’s clear this once again and so give it to this fluid somehow just can I collect it yeah I can just collect it it’s easy this we need

Another pity thingy which is super easy to make I already have the where I believe so let’s put this on the top where it belongs these two iron at the bottom got two gears I don’t think I needed two gears I’m okay I I just

Needed one I don’t know why I made to two Plastics right here and then two nether brick so got to head back to the nether break two nether racks there we go head back oh it looks like it did kill all the chickens okay uh wow okay damn that’s rough anyways let’s deot

These two Place into here and then we need to put latex and we got our latex let’s put it into here and it should start cooking yep it is cooking should finally make my machine thingy that I needed there we go now that goes on top netherite on the sides boom boom bada

Bing bada boom and then I need one more plastic and then boom bang and oh pink uh slime right oh wait there’s still fluid in here so I need grab my my little sucky sucky my yeah this thingy The Dropper thingy suck it up and then place the pink like oh wait there’s

Still more there you go I think got it all yep place the pink stuff in there and while that’s working let me where do I keep putting away the pipes and we got our Advanced main frame finally now all we need is two more plastic we already

Have that iron sword two books uh yeah I’m not really seeing any books here though I have to break one of you guys right here give me my books and then the last gear and here we go we finally got the mob Crusher now that’s only one part

Of this whole thing all right let me put everything away now we need a thing called a flux plug right this is going to allow us to use like this is going to allow us to use electricity or like not electricity energy wirelessly which is

What we’re going to need cuz we need we need energy and the other where the temple at all right so for this we need four flux cores right for this we need a whole bunch of dust right so let’s grab a like two stacks actually two stacks of

Redstone let’s do that let’s grab let’s get an Obby right we have to go down into let’s go ancient city we have to go deep right so I’m just going to dig straight down okay we’re here already so what I’m going to do it has to be right

Above it has to be on Bedrock right I’m going to throw a stack of redstone I’ll be on top like this and wait let me turn off my magnet and then stack of redstone down there I’m right click on the obsidian and boom I did a thing now we

Got a stack of that now I hopefully that’s enough I don’t know if that’s enough we need more obsidian I don’t think we have obsidian like that oh no we have some we need four IR venders I do have a couple blades rods left over

So there we go oh my God I made I made way too many on accident oh my God I did not mean to make that many but now we need a block okay there we go then we should make a plug and then right with

This we can place it right on our thingy right okay maybe not left side maybe maybe not okay on right on our stuff and for this we need to make a network right so let’s create a network create a new network called Lind network password 123123 right create that now let’s

Connect to it now right is connected it should be working now in the nether I’m going to need another thing called uh flux point so we only need a redstone block for that and we already have the the other stuff for it the cores boom all right so this is going to provide

Energy wirelessly cross Dimensions we got the mob Crusher got this now the next thing we do is a bunch of vector pads what these pretty much do is just push the mobs around and I needed to I need them to get pushed to like a specific spot oh you know what for the

Mob Crusher I’m also going to need a range let’s actually make the range now so we need some more latex and we should have already we should already have all the materials for this it it was really cheap and let’s grab our latex place in this bang wait there’s still pink slime

In here I thought I got all of it grab some more right that should be all of it yeah so let’s place our latex in there place this sucker in here and there we go range for this bad boy now we need the vector stuff which might take a

While I’m not sure I want to do extreme right and we’re going to need a crazy amount of this right so let’s start with basic so it looks like we’re going to need a a machine C separating to get latex because latex is required to make this and sugar sugar sugar sugar I’m

Going to need to grab I think I have some sugar canane in here that I need to start planting yeah I have just very few so let’s head over here to then plant these right here uh I’m not sure if there’s any around though that’s fine oh

Wait it’s not even called a separ machine it’s called a Sentry Sentry fuge Sentry fuge ah what is what is na I don’t know what this is tree tap oh tree tap is easy electric circuit okay these these are lasting okay stone cutting okay these are actually Possible only

Thing is that I kind of ran out of iron already somehow stacks of iron I kind of ran out of it but I have a such but I don’t know what’s wrong with me I always just forget what I’m doing I have no idea what I was just doing I forget what

The thing was even called okay I got it I gu so distracting it’s crazy so let’s make the let’s make these tree traps I need four of these here we got four of those and I needed more iron that’s what I was going to do so let’s see let’s

Let’s fly around and see we got just a little bit I think it’s got a little bit cuz I don’t think we need that much all right all right so we got a couple let’s see what we need now we need electronic circuits so for this metal all we need

To do is smell a single iron let’s do that and while that’s happening let’s look at the other stuff we need uh two RTO pieces these LV cables which is cured rubber with copper that looks like a lot of rubber though can I even make

That much no I don’t have enough I need two more so I have to wait on that yeah we got our play now I think we need like more so I’m going place two more in there I wonder if I can get a spawn egg and change these spawners like that

Should be possible oh there’s an enchant for that capturing that would be very nice I think I need one of those actually now pretty much it’s just a waiting game for this for this to finish we need the rubber let we can work on something else the machine block okay so

We need eight of those metal thingies and then a fuse which is three more of those then we need a stone cutter which is just three stone and then an iron there we go place a bad boy right here and we need to use it on three pieces of

Glass we need to make a specific kind of thing though frame glass I guess it’s just any let’s do glass let’s do this one I think that’s fine let’s see if we can craft it now the block oh we need more more glass there a we needed six

We’re missing one piece of glass bro now we can make the fuse oh it gives us so many not sure if we’re ever going to need that many though we make the block now and we need the electrical thingy thing we need oh yeah we still need two

More uh Rubber and then scrap three cob and this is so slow this is unbelievably slow I don’t want to have to make so many like Machines of that though kind of worried that we might have to are these logs just bad logs let me get some

Fresh logs I don’t know if it’s cuz like strip log is bad or some or what let’s let’s give them fresh logs from my house hopefully that like faster one more give me one more yes there we go there we go and then now we can make this no we can

Make this and then we can make this and then we can make this now place this back here now I have no idea how this works be honest I forget what this was even for got a bad memory I have no idea what’s going on oh it’s for the vectors

Okay I remember so we needed a latex separating so we need saplings saplings and it turns into latex or logs let’s grab all these logs right here putting it in here okay maybe I can’t use that type of log gra some classic Oak oh my Lord so many things dropping on me relax

Keep the saplings too cuz we could have we could also use saplings let’s put that can’t put the thing in there hello my trees oh has to be a specific tree oh rubber wood so apparently it’s common in swamp biomes let’s see if we can make a

Nature’s Compass there we go let’s look for a swamp now dang bro how is that 3,700 blocks that is crazy cuz we have to look for a specific tree it’s a rubber tree so hopefully we can actually find that not even entirely sure what it

Looks like are we here no what is this hey well we’re loading new chunks in so we might find something some new stuff here like this we got this cover biome right there look at that oh look at this the the magical trees ones I never actually seen this biome oh there also

Doggos here I don’t have any bones on me do I no I don’t have any bones on me so I can’t get them even more doggos hey we found a new Village here let’s uh my steal a couple of villagers you know here and there got to pop repopulate my

Village you know oh I also think I’m pretty sure there’s a a colonies mod in here which spawns in like NPCs which I might do I think it’s pretty easy to get too I think that W take it back though that was more blocks or closing in on it

Right now it should be right in front of us there we go now how do these trees look like I do not know what they look like I just know they’re they’re like rubber trees they’re yeah rubber wood sapling look for rubber wait this is actually this like a bootle leg swamp

What is this oh there we go we got a swamp right here now Willow we’re getting just Willow and Oak oh well we got sugar cane right here yeah I’m not finding here there’s literally nowhere to be seen H I think I do I have an I

Think I have a good plan though let me just fly over to this Village over here right and let’s pain it let’s head to our house let’s actually sleep let’s head over here oh you know what let’s uh let’s spawn in all the villagers I don’t

Want them in my inventory oh I didn’t mean to put it in that so there is more options right it isn’t just just pink slime right saw that pink slime right and all you need is pink slide fluid and glass pan and water okay so I think what

I could just do since this thing is powered up it should be powered up anyways I can just grab uh what’s happening here oh no that’s supposed to be in there grab this grab this this this and and then what I’m going to do is fly over to that Village I just

Marked look for like a pen horses right here horses I think should work or a horse face the flux Point connect it should be half power it has power now and then it should do some magic oh wait uh I need add in the range there there

We go there we go I got rid of the the horse so now I break this again get my Flex see this cow right here right boom bada bang uh connected uh yep I just kill it GG’s now let’s do the same the discount right here I am stum I’m

Breaking it if I break it I don’t collect it oh my God what am I doing I’ve been breaking it for some reason now my only worry now is if I break this will it St it will stay okay let me make sure that’s there collect it yep yep yep

Yep yep oh does it work on villagers okay make sure it’s in yep yep uh who’s next oh there’s a bunch of animals right here boom and then give that the extra Power It Up with the flux like so and then boom should kill all of it all that

Pink yes they all dead Yep they’re all dead you know what I just had I just got a lead so let me can I drag animals over over here there we go got sucked up now let’s do the same with uh some more animals like this cow right here Bo yeah

Are about to die there we go I lost the lead I don’t know where I went I want to try villagers though see if I can do it let me grab this guy slap him in front and okay it doesn’t it doesn’t work on him any other animal pens no so let’s

Collect our stuff now and I do see some sugarcane over here so let’s grab that as well wait wait wait wait I want to try something else as well so let’s look for a cave you know what I think I have the perfect thing so let’s grab a

Spawner right Let’s do let’s do a zombie spawner right let’s do two zombie spawners right head down into the caves not sure if there’s like a I’m looking for an already spawner room spawner room that’s already you know thing thing I’m not sure how I’m going to find that

Though I might not be able to oh right here spawner right here right so let’s get rid of all this junk here let’s place our spawn wait actually let’s place our Slaughter back here let’s power it up let’s uh get the tank going and then place the spawner would it work

Would it work would it work would it work it does oh wait how much is it getting 40 oh it’s not a lot it’s not a lot but hey it is working so you know what that means you know what what that means place this bad boy back right here

Plug it back up break all of this and then what I’m going to do is just now I made a little box right so if I place a spawner like let’s do like let’s do like right here zombie spawning right now oh wait that place the range and should

Disappear 20 slime is not a lot hey but show working area look how massive the work area is I can technically just get rid of all this why does why does this have this house have to be so random now with that out of the way look how

Massive this area is so it’s actually like a really quick way of building like that entire thing and you can it’s called a building Gadget and oh it’s actually really cheap to make if I had any iron guess we’re making another trip down here all we got a whole bunch and

We should get so let’s cook it up we should get quite a bit from this all we got a whole bunch of uh iron let’s get some lapis oh we’re almost out of lapis too I should have grabbed some when I was down there diamonds and there we go

So this thing has to be charged as well so let’s do that get charged super fast now let’s grab a crap ton of stone not sure how much I need but I’m just grabbing as much as I can I think that’s enough so now let’s uh go to the

Settings right let’s do range just increase it a bit we want the vertical walls and we want like this right uh let’s Select Stone and let’s see okay it’s a little too high let’s turn on the Range a little bit like eight too low

Now let’s do a 10 okay walls are kind of weird to do I’m not sure what’s happening like very hard to get the exact spot that I want oh very hard let’s do this side first then I can do this right click boom we got some walls

Some more walls in get even more walls in right keep going keep going more walls I got this part working now then we go to the side all the way to the end right like like right there is fine let’s finish this off well I have to get

Rid of all this that’s in the way cuz this is going to be annoying and I think that’s all the walls done one let’s get rid of this actually cuz it looks ugly and then uh got to get rid of this too got to get rid of these walls now all

Right it is roof time so the roof should be a lot lots easier just got to change it to Vertical wall and then just kind of find the angle place it walk and do that just keep going there go it should be full now yeah there you go get this

Fence right here just Place Another spawner like here now it shouldn’t matter where they spawn they all should just die right cuz it’s getting sucked up I wonder if I can place all of my my spawners I’ll try it I mean it might be those placements might be very not

Optimal hopefully it still works it does look like they’re all D though which is good uh I guess I’ll just close this then just chill in the area and they would hopefully they keep spawning in the mean time what were we even working on the vector stuff right yeah so for

This we just need slime glass pane and no I think water as well so glass pane go here guess let grab a bucket of slime slap that John into here and then is it working okay it it worked just got to keep placing planes in there though

Pains in there glass paines and we already ran out of thingies now we have seven let’s see how much we can make We need oh I forget we need sugar too how much sugar can we make now probably not a lot huh have these even grown these

Haven’t even grown we should be able to craft some actually we have stone I think we need to turn into Cobblestone oh it looks like it has it has to be deep slay like actually deep slay let’s head head back into the nether I guess or not the nether the ancient city and

Let’s just mine a bunch of this or the can it be the ground I don’t know if it can just be the ground I got a unnecessary amount of this stuff let’s head back and we got 12 nowhere near the amount that we actually need so we need

An absurd amount yeah I’m honestly not sure how I’m supposed to um get these crops just grow fast all I have is this right and it’s not really like growing much ooh wait one honey bottle equals three sugar yeah look I just did a little bit of uh Google searching you

Know and I found that that there’s a hive Hopper first let’s get rid of all this JW or at least let’s like clear a little bit out cuz like everything’s getting full all this in my inventory for now but now what I need to do is

Actually find some honey or not honey uh beehives now how am I going to find this beus bro let’s actually go spawn I haven’t been here since the very it’s been uh yeah the last time I was here I was literally naked kind of crazy oh found our beehive right here find this

Good thing we have silk touch I wasn’t expecting to find one so fast go inside go inside want the be to go inside though I think there’s only like one or two in here oh screw you screw you man I just find someone else now watch the

Second I need beehives I won’t be able to find them but there was any other like time where I don’t need them I would be finding them everywhere it that was just one is on his Island I think I really seeing anymore oh a second one right here almost didn’t see this one

Also got some sugar cane which will come in handy cuz I do need sugarcane with the sugar the more the mirer we got a force here so oh B wait what this say have to use a honey to Tree on it to attract the bee look like this bee lives

In the in the log wo it’s a different looking bee it’s a carpenter bee it’s not a regular bee cool I was going to I was going to kill him but no change my mind I kind of wish I had Zoom I think that would make this these things a lot

Help I think it would make searching for be is a lot helpful got a blue be now where did you come from Mason B I wish there was a potion to x-ray vs just how there’s one for like certain ores like Unum and stuff it’s always so hard to

Find them oh my God I just found something out I have no idea why my screen would do this when I right clicked but now I realized is when I hold my shield out like this I cuz my shield has speed that’s why I speed up

When I do this so I can do that hold that take out my crossbow and I’m just super fast Well for now I guess let’s turn this house into the Beast off get all this nonsense in here the nonsense creeper oh man now uh guess I can place

Bees number one beehive here number two and we need some grass oh my ears I got to block this up so the villagers don’t come in here how am I going to get in now there I just made the door to blocks side I can get

In and replace all this floor with grass you got everything planted right I I’m not even sure if they they like these no I’m going to just grab regular vanilla flowers I want to play it safe cuz I don’t know if they even like those

Flowers there you go oh they do they do like the flowers I’m breeding them right now you I need them to move they’re all stuck in the doorway now and now I need to make five Hoppers so all the honey and whatnot goes down into the thingy

Thing into The Hoppers so all the honey can go into here I think that’s how it works first off I need this thing this thing glass or just glass I need I need glass like regular glass I need a redstone swero thingies make five and iron gears make these iron gears then I

Need shears got five of those exactly five and then we should be able to make five of these oh we need more glass that’s what’s happening I was confused there you go y this guy is like trying to get out I don’t know what’s wrong with him I think it’s cuz there’s a

Flower here wait how did he get out no this guy fad through the wall ain’t no way he just F through the wall yo and now he’s gone oh I don’t even have a lead I mean I can craft but I don’t even want to craft It screw you man screw you

Man screw you man anyways I need to place my stuff boom there we go we got honey being made we got some Combs coming out now we do need more honey uh boys more be boys we need to find some that we got a bumblebee here I’m not

Even sure we the best biome for bees should be I feel like there just it’s just ples biomes to be honest oh Plaines biome right here big one let’s see I don’t think there’s any there’s none oh just found a PIR ship and there was a Oh

Evoker guy and I got this my first totem actually I think oh no I have a totem of undy or of avoiding but still all right let’s go we’re zooming bro we are zooming well I guess I just I’m going just go I’m just going to keep looking and then I’ll

Be back once I find three more things I see a be right here but where is his nest has to be around here another there’s a blue be here oh I see it all right this is our second one oh I think I see more bees yep bees over here B

Over here U be over here too I don’t know where the nest is though oh right here think is that they’re both out if one goes in I’ll take it I can just breed the bees go in go in go in please please please just go in please just go

In please just go in please yes he went in give me that I didn’t hear another like entrance I hear something where is it he like a b buzzing is it this I’ll take this they’re like buzzing man I don’t know if it was that might have

Been just that yeah oh I just killed the I just oh never mind I thought I deleted the bees on accident see if we can find I see a bee right there it’s Carpenter be though see if we can find one more real quick if we can’t then it’s flying

We’ll just go back home yeah not seeing anything no biz no Biz oh okay bees okay right here Rubberwood oh my god I’ve been looking for this let’s take this here we go we got to wait up the bees to go inside this and this the two bees

Just went inside so let’s go home and we can now place it inside of here oh we got an extra one I don’t know where we got an extra one also got some rubber wood and I don’t know how this works really I have no idea how to power it I

Think it’s just coal I have no idea how to power them yeah I don’t know how this blocks works at all but I’ll keep the wood just in case I do figure it out later and now I do want to make fluid pipes for the honey so I all go into

Like one chest there we go 16 I think that should be enough and we place a chest right here and uh got to use a wrench on this not sure if I do oh you know what I am so like I don’t know what’s wrong with me

At all I need to use a fluid container thingy a fluid tank I don’t know what is wrong with me bro I am trolling right now there we go now it should be able to just go into the thing we got honey going into here now kind of slow but we

Got honey I want to grab some flowers though and back in here oh they’re not going to be active cuz it’s raining right I think yeah I’ll wait till like it stops raining to uh start breeding up and stuff there you go time to breed these guys a bit get them breeding there

We go that’s about it cuz those those are the only that are out here well while that’s happening I am going to collect some of this right like half of it and then head o let me get the ones that are grown and then make more of

These and then I got two stacks and a half I’m not sure if that’s enough but I’ll try I’ll see how much I can make I want to make the extreme ones cuz these guys are big right they’re kind of big chubby you need something to push them

Real good yeah so I’ve been just cra crafting yeah so I crafted a couple I got two a couple fast ones and then extremes but my only issue is just the sugar I have no sugar like I have the honey cooking up but it’s slow like

Right now I could dump my water oh it wouldn’t even let me collect it I think this is too like little but I did just find a honey bottles in my chest for some reason but okay I can I turn that into some sugar and then back into these

Red thingies and I have over I know I have a few more left just 48 oh I also placed this l pad that I had in my inventory and apparently it helps crops go fast and I don’t know I can’t tell if it’s working or not but I just came back

And they’re like pretty much almost maxed out all right so now for the Moment of Truth well not the moment of truth but it’s time to head back now it’s about to be day 100 soon it’s time we have to head back into the temple and

We got to do some stuff there all right so pretty much here’s the deal we got to wa what’s happening we got to delete this whole Temple every single thing we’re already picking up trash we got to delete it all all all it has to go every

Single bit so we’re start with the top first all right luckily we have vein Miner so I should help a bit actually you know what there is an item that i’ I’ve heard of Before Destruction gadgets should we oh you know what that’s super cheap to make

Let’s actually loot the top first oh goodbye there’s probably insane loot here I want to see I also oh pick spawner oh that’s good we can use it for the the the pink thing the pink slime stuff oh yeah uh let’s turn off my magnet cuz it’s going to be annoying and

Let’s head down here oh my God so many mobs look at that uh and oh my God are those blocks of netherite I think those are blocks of netherite how do I even give I got to get rid to all these guys first though too many and let’s mine

Spawners boom boom boom boom I think I broke all of the ones up here on the top now bro my inventory is already full from jumping down there I’m going to straight up delete all of this to be honest I don’t think I need anything here now let’s head back down I want

Those blocks though I want I really want those blocks come on almost got it almost got it I got it let’s go that’s insane four blocks is crazy now let’s chest oh my God hold up can I kill these guys first many guys here for any reason

Uh I don’t think I’m I can get rid of all of them that fast take a while so let’s loot this let’s look at this stuff here sword isn’t looking that good legendary diamond sword not not not too crazy I’m going get all this loot though all the modium stuff Emerald Ricochet I

Can’t even tell how much health I have need a gap just in case but there are armor pieces in here like this uh boots but the boots AR aren’t as good as mine I’m going to take it cuz it’s good but I don’t really need that next chest we got

Uh some decent stuff Unbreaking I don’t really need Unbreaking serious see uh my crossbow but I don’t even ever use my crossbow I’m just going to I think all this like the ores and stuff are the best Stu here oh this hat has mending I’m going to take this hat so I can

Combine it with mine it has mending oh my God oh my God oh my God my health dropped like one heart I did not realize I was not paying attention oh my God how did I not die there I don’t know how I didn’t die there I should should have

Been done uh let me loot this these last chests super fast uh holding all the Marium gold okay let’s get out of here let’s go home oh my God I almost just died there that would have been terrible cuz I wouldn’t have been able to get my

Stuff back let’s put all this stuff St we got like nearly two stacks of diamonds from that got some aium ingots very good very good we need those uh the helmet we need to combine it with uh the one we have now just for the The Mending

Nice that way pretty much I think everything has M now yeah everything has meny so we don’t have to worry about that now with the pigs we I think we can just put them in here maybe a pig back here I don’t know I think feel like the

Spawners are way too close to each other but oh well at least we’re going to be getting some more Pig we’re already getting a bunch now let’s make this destruction uh Gadget before we run out of time or hit to day 100 and I don’t have any iron except these two so I’m

Sorry but it’s your time to go you’ll just respawn some time there we go got it now I can put stuff away I’m going to charge this thing real quick Temple let’s see and then now now uh I’m not really sure how this works I just know

That if I move this stuff up it can delete a lot so I just right click now and it deletes right deleting a whole bunch of stuff right now yeah I want to delete everything look at that yeah this tool makes it so much easier to delete

Everything oh I ran out of I already died that was fast and it’s already dead yeah this thing dies way too fast but anyways let’s break all these spawners oh looks like there’s chest here that I haven’t looted either before that let’s actually break this place cuz I need to

Do that now I’m not sure if I’m going to get rid of all of it either I might do most of it most of it to like where mobs can’t spawn like high up know I’m going to do right now I’m think I’m just going

To place it right now to be honest let me grab the mob Crusher let’s place it right well all these mobs are in the way now place it right there wait all they they on the way oh my God bro I’m try trying to place it man there got it

Placed now I do need flux points to turn it on and it should start killing everything wait I need to put in the max range kill everything go go go go go go okay well it’s not doing anything now I think it’s is doing it but there’s just

So many actually let’s check the range now we just need to look around and break all the spawners that I see I don’t want these guys spawning in I only want the big guys spawning in and just kind of just break the area you know oh

We got a bunch of piges pig lies Pig lies Pig guys right here you should die right oh they’re yes they’re dying they’re dying that’s a bunch of trash here that I think I should get rid of I you realize I lost eight God apples somehow eight God apples just

Disappeared from my inventory I don’t know where it went any we still need to get this look cuz there’s so many Pig guys guys I still need to break this whole place down oh there also so more spawners didn’t realize let’s also start placing our little things let’s go all

Around that way they get pushed into this uh this area cuz this is where all the The Killing happens oh I just broke the floor in accident one just fell GG’s I need these guys to walk in here bro they can die that’s two already a the

Modium leggings yo I didn’t know they dropped that kind of sick I’ll take it oh my God they just dropped the legs I mean the boots yo I’m getting about to get the full set it’s also generating so many hearts what I’m doing right now is

I’m just going to I’m just hitting them all and then trying to bait them into here can I push push him I think I just push right he’s just walking in go in go in there we go should die 3 2 1 there we go some reason I just can’t hit these

Guys am I lagging what’s going on the are just Invincible Weir do they just become in Invincible once they want to when they want to that’s kind of crazy about a ba guy over here right now oh that’s skeleton there you go bait went in oh this guy’s on the edge like look

At that he can’t go now he’s stuck there he has to around and then he should die oh s out we have 12 now let’s see let’s loot around let’s get the rest of loot here I think these like regular chests are just all empty yeah they’re all

Empty there a bunch of free ones right here bunch of new ones right here we had frost Walker and Mana mending wait I’m going to take all of this I think I can extract the legendary like Rarity and add it to like mod all the modium stuff I think that’s I think

That’s in this mod pack it might sound confusing but you guys will see oh look at this all so much all the modium Nuggets some vibranium here too bunch of gold sh the six is crazy yeah there’s probably a lot of legendary stuff I didn’t end up deleting I’m going to

Regret that now oh legendary guy just spawned in oh there’s so many spawners here I didn’t realize that right now check this out right got legendary guy here right instead of spinning like so long fighting him oh well they’re fighting each other now that’s not what

I wanted really I guess I’m just going to have to kill him normally cuz he’s too busy fighting the pigs and there we wait there we go Dr the gem and chest plate right well so let’s head back now I think we got all the hearts we need

Got 12 that I don’t know if that’s enough but it should be let’s turn all these into ingots I need one of these a salving table this is what I need so let’s see we have no iron right I don’t know how we just never have iron we need

Like three iron bro we’re going to find this there’s iron on the surface anywhere I just need iron bro three pieces please oh okay right here iron let’s go there we go we’re finally able to make our Axe and let’s just make a bucket I guess with this last three for

The lava go back to another grab this lava bucket real quick I need two bad jumps two bad jumps do I have two bad jumps oh we have we already have two gem dust instead which is not bad spting table I’m just going to take this cuz I

Have no iron and then boom staging table right there place this and now pretty much why do I have this shovel oh pretty much I throw away all of this in here all this legendary stuff I’m not going to use and then boom Go’s into this and

There is a table I can’t I don’t think I obviously I can’t do it now cuz I need like a crazy amount of levels but with this table I make this and then I can add like Mythic status to the sword and whatnot but that’s for later if there is

A later if you guys want to see more then just 100 days but now let’s see what the next step is we need this thing whatever this is man what’s a Mana Diamond test terrestrial Alor mation plates block of Mana steel Rune of I need a bunch of runes it looks like I

Need a rune alter I need living Rock I feel like I’ve seen Mana stuff it’s a ruin all a living Rock though I don’t know what a living rock is all right so I did a little bit of more research and it looks like I have a I still have a

Lot more to do to actually like get this like pedestal stuff cuz I need all these runes I think I have the Man of Steel I can get the Man of Steel block lapis for all these runes I need runic art alter and for that I need living Rock and for

That I need like a specific flower and for the flower I think I need to make like a pedestals and stuff I need like Mystic white petals and Mana I don’t even know what a Mana diamond is okay so okay it looks like I can turn a diamond

Into a man of diamond and since it is about to be day 100 let’s sleep the night and to finish off let’s actually fight the Wither cuz I have not done that yet and but first we need to get some Soul Sand I think I had any Soul

Sand need to find some all right got the Soul Sand and let’s look for like I can do like gear boom boom boom boom and then the three skulls bang bang bow I think I placed it wrong think I placed this another one wrong too and oh my God

I just placed in the back somehow what what’s going on do I not know how to place this guy what he’s not spawning in what’s going on there we go there we go I was a little bit scared thought he wasn’t going to spawn in oh who are you

You better move are you going to Die 3 2 1 oh he’s dead we got a r Rose from that fight him though can now use my crossbow on him doesn’t look like I can for some reason well let’s fly up to him boom yeah I can fly faster than you boy go

Down let’s go down cuz we’re going too high come down here is not going to come down oh looks like I’m going to go up to you then if you won’t come down here yeah boy come here boy boy boy he wants to go up but not down

And he’s done here we go we got a Wither Rose from the guy uh there’s nothing really I can make with this nothing cool I can make with this we got a withering a withering Soul which can be used to craft another star Rusk I don’t

Know what that is oh if we get three three of them we can make a what skull which is cool I’ll keep that and we got a nether star versus nether star which looks like it opens up a ton of new recipes that I can mess with round with

As what as the angel ring that’s like at that’s like the very end of chapter 2 also the sword that somehow does less damage than my sword I think the most interesting is the nether star block CU with this you can turn it into uh this thing nether star block one and then

Make a bunch of them and then just keep making more and more and more and more keep making more and more more and more that but I think that has with that you can uh you need the nether star a whole bunch of nether star for the autum star

Can’t find the crafted recipe anymore but oh there we go found the recipe look at this look at all these alloy blocks nether star blocks that’s crazy yeah I guess that’s that’s pretty much it finally it’s day 100 we ended off by killing the the Wither we got pretty

Much amazing armor like full like what Pro full prop four prop five with mending except this with legendary raing autom modium sword autum pickaxe got our base here we got like a mob grinder thing for pink slime we’re we got everything here so if you guys do want

Me to like keep playing and like maybe do 200 days then I’ll probably work on getting like the alloy stuff and maybe even give the autom modum star a try which is probably going to take ages but I’ll give it a try

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days with ALL THE MODS In Minecraft… (#2)’, was uploaded by Lindough on 2023-10-30 19:00:36. It has garnered 13026 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:03 or 8583 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days with ALL THE MODS In Minecraft… (#2)

In this video I challenged myself to survive for 100 days in all the mods, this modpack adds in brand new structures, mobs, and loads of technology items which was pretty nice to mess with for the first time. This was pretty relaxing to play so i hope you guys feel the same way!

Socials: ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindo2nd ► Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tbhlindo

► Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-8

If you enjoy or enjoyed the video, make sure to check out these other videos!

📷 I Survived 100 Days in FANTASY Minecraft… https://youtu.be/jpxA-dmcYhg

📺 We Survived 100 Days In Medieval Minecraft.. https://youtu.be/XILP0SM65v0 —- 100 days all the mods minecraft surviving 100 days in all the mods minecraft 100 days with all the mods 100 days with all the mods in minecraft —- All the music I use in this video is licensed by Epidemic Sounds – https://share.epidemicsound.com/x3x16v

#allthemods #100days #minecraft

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    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

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    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More


    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx’s Minecraft World!

    Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx's Minecraft World! Minecraft: Mixing Things Up! Embark on a unique Minecraft journey with Crownlex as they mix and match everything in the game to create special items and attempt to finish the game. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with creativity and innovation! Exploring Minecraft’s Boundless Possibilities In this video, Crownlex showcases their ability to blend various elements in Minecraft, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game. By combining different resources and tools, they craft special items that add a new dimension to their gameplay. Unleashing Creativity With a keen eye for experimentation, Crownlex demonstrates how mixing… Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

    Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison The Evolution of Minecraft: A Genre Shift Recently, a video discussing the evolution of Minecraft has sparked a conversation about how the game has transitioned into a different genre without necessarily becoming better or worse. Let’s delve into this intriguing topic and explore some potential solutions. From Sandbox to Adventure: Originally known for its sandbox gameplay, where players could freely build and explore, Minecraft has gradually incorporated more structured elements, such as quests, NPCs, and storylines. This shift has transformed the game into a hybrid of sandbox and adventure genres, offering a new experience for players. Challenges and Solutions:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João’s Minecraft Quest

    Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, dragons roam free, Mother dragons protecting their eggs, you see. A fierce battle ensued, with fire and might, But in the end, we emerged with an egg so bright. Golden dragons and caves, a sight to behold, Adventure and danger, stories untold. With each new discovery, our excitement grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join us on this journey, full of wonder and thrill, Subscribe to our channel, for more adventures to fulfill. Let’s explore and build, in this pixelated land, Minecraft, a game that we all understand. Read More

  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 200 days as a LAND SHARK in Hardcore Minecraft! I was immediately attacked by a Mutant Husk. Soon after I was pushed into the water…. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Testing magical sword in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I am testing some magical sword’, was uploaded by NCN on 2024-03-10 07:53:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I am testing some magical sword and there links by 20 like Mod given by ADDON Hashtags #notharshu #proboiz … Read More

  • Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!

    Epic Battle: 100 Iron Golem vs Ravager!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Iron Golem VS Ravager😲 #minecraft #meme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Miko boiz on 2024-02-09 12:30:38. It has garnered 1168 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. 100 Iron Golem VS Ravager, iron golem,ravager vs iron golem,minecraft iron golem,iron golem vs ravager,1 iron golem vs 100 ravager,100 ravager vs 10 mutant iron golem,ravager,100 ravager vs 70 iron golem who will win ????,minecraft 100 ravagers vs 100 mutant iron golem,iron golem vs bull ravager,minecraft ravager vs iron golems,mutant iron golem vs ravager,minecraft ravager,minecraft iron golem vs ravager… Read More

  • EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!

    EXTREME BLUBERRIES Glitch DESTROYS Hypixel Bedwars!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Item Completely Broke Hypixel Bedwars!!! #minecraftsmp #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by BLUBERIES on 2024-01-15 20:00:10. It has garnered 11480 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. SUB4MORE INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS! This Item Completely Broke Hypixel Bedwars!!! Kind of like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. This… Read More

  • DemonjoeTV’s EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)

    DemonjoeTV's EPIC Minecraft Hardcore START! (CAT FOUND!)Video Information This video, titled ‘My PERFECT START in Minecraft Hardcore.. (i found a cat)’, was uploaded by demonjoeTV on 2024-01-30 22:21:42. It has garnered 7285 views and 688 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:03 or 963 seconds. Today’s video is the start of our new Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play using the Dungeons and Taverns Data Pack! Episode 1 will be all about establishing ourselves in this new world by getting some gear, a new companion, and making a house! 🔔 𝗦𝗨𝗕𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗕𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘! 👀 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗦 / 𝗣𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗦 𝗜 𝗨𝗦𝗘 ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el6aWFoYLx4 🧟‍♂️ 𝗗𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗦 & 𝗧𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗡𝗦 𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗪 ►… Read More

  • Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Insane Wave Machine in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍Minecraft cool wave machine 〰️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-15 07:55:29. It has garnered 2490 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 😍Minecraft cool wave machine〰️ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations… Read More

  • I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC server

    I ALMOST SOLVED A MURDER with Saitama on AppleMC serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I almost won this **Murder Mystery** event Ft. Apple MC | AppleMC Minecraft server’, was uploaded by Saitama on 2024-04-14 17:00:49. It has garnered 1252 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. consider subscribing! Read More

  • MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don’t Miss Out!

    MILITARY BASE OP in GTA V! Don't Miss Out!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MILITARY BASE IS OP IN GTA V.’, was uploaded by Humopedia on 2024-04-21 23:00:04. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. like, share, subscribe to my channel.. a free minecraft a minecraft download a minecraft pocket edition a minecraft house a minecraft seed a minecraft server a minecraft skin about minecraft 1.20 a paper minecraft about minecraft education edition about minecraft game about minecraft java edition about minecraft realms at launcher minecraft bad omen minecraft b minecraft skin beacon minecraft bedrock minecraft download… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!

    Insane Minecraft flower drop glitch! Must see!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items !’, was uploaded by CreepyTroop Gaming on 2024-03-14 04:24:19. It has garnered 651 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Minecraft, But Flowers Drop Op Items ! In This Video I Played Minecraft But I Added Mod If I Break Flower That Will Drop Random Op Items And I Will Kill Ender Dragon With Items Dropped By Flowers Hope You Will Enjoy #minecraft Video Is Related With This ↓ minecraft but flowers drop op items minecraft but flowers drop op items mod… Read More

  • MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraft

    MuneerKhan unearths secret #Herobrine game hack 🤑 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#herobrine remix version 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #shorts #shortsviral’, was uploaded by MuneerKhan pro Gamer on 2024-02-17 16:20:00. It has garnered 1025 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft how to,minecraft shorts,minecraft but house,minecraft but,minecraft tutorial,minecraft houses,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft builds,minecraft manhunt,minecraft challenge,modern house in minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft build,minecraft design,minecraft easy house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,modern house minecraft tutorial,minecraft mod techno gamer techno gamerz minecraft,minecraft cats,minecraft phone,minecraft catnap,minecraft cat prank,minecraft kitty cat,secret,cat prank in minecraft,minecraft catnap prank,minecraft bedrock edition,i fooled my… Read More

  • EmeraldLand

    EmeraldLandEMERALD LAND BOXPVP! VERSIÓN 1.19.4 !!!!!!!! BOXPVP – JAVA Y BEDROCK. PVP – CLANES – CRATES – KOTHS – EVENTS AND MORE! emeraldland.vultam.host Read More

  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

    Foggy Willows – A Truly Vanilla Experience Welcome to Foggy Willows, where simplicity is key. We run on the latest vanilla jar with no datapacks or plugins, offering a true vanilla experience unlike most servers. Our goal is to provide a plain, boring vanilla experience without any complicated spawnpoints or rules. Players are expected to handle their own social issues and play the game how they want. Server Features: Always on the latest stable vanilla jar Dedicated high spec host on fiber optic No world border No plugins No tp/sethome Hard mode gameplay Discord community Java only server Join Us:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 9 froggies for the price of one plz!

    Minecraft Memes - 9 froggies for the price of one plz!“Just give me 9 tadpoles instead! Who needs diamonds when you can have a pond full of amphibians?” 😂 Read More

  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops

    Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

    Becoming President of Paradise Island - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Adventures Embark on thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and mysterious quests in the enchanting realm of Minecraft. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends as they navigate through a world filled with excitement, suspense, and camaraderie. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Explore the boundless possibilities of Minecraft as you immerse yourself in a world where your imagination knows no limits. Build awe-inspiring structures, craft intricate tools, and embark on epic adventures in a universe that is yours to shape and mold. Join the Adventure Experience the thrill of the unknown as you delve into the depths of… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER – Louie and Pip Build Challenge

    Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER - Louie and Pip Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-03-26 15:00:30. It has garnered 100170 views and 1578 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:32 or 3932 seconds. JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMytuc0y4TF5V3rUZVT6GA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Origins: The Complete Story

    Minecraft Origins: The Complete StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Origens do começo ao fim (e pq acabou)’, was uploaded by Ablau on 2024-03-25 14:00:06. It has garnered 104 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. [CC✔️– 🇧🇷 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇯🇵] Let’s remember the entire history of the Minecraft Origins kingdom and try to find out why the series never came back. CHECK OUT AND SARAIVA LIKE! 🔗Links mentioned_______ 🐦🧶Jazzghost thread 🔗👉https://x.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 🎥✂️Full excerpt from Jazzghost about the disappearance of Minecraft Origins 🔗👉https://youtu.be/OgE8I-rU9-w?si=5mDpm0QR59DAtlEL&t=29 📜🐦🧶Wayback Machine da Thread pt.1/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321174538/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 pt.2/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175320/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111894328217602?s=20 pt.3/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175357/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296112514908987392?s=20 pt.4/4:… Read More


    INSANE ARROW DODGE CHALLENGE! Herobrine vs ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘DON’T GET AN ARROW CHALLENGE! #2 Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – funny minecraft animation #cartoon’, was uploaded by toonz CRAFT on 2024-01-15 23:12:28. It has garnered 30643864 views and 2654050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – Bow Challenge! #minecraft #animation #challenge #cartoon Read More

  • Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!

    Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world’, was uploaded by Souza Gamerz on 2024-04-12 21:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world #technogamerz #minecraft #gaming Instagram : souza_Gamerz8 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Follow Us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/souza_gamerz8/ Shorts Channel : https://youtube.com/c/ThundromeGamerzShorts About This Channel This Channel Is Full Of Indian Gaming , commentary,gaming related tips and tricks and gaming techs etc etc etc. You Can enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!

    EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!Video Information This video, titled ‘COURT EVENT DAY | Cobblemon SMP (ep6)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-30 05:03:33. It has garnered 4301 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:15 or 16275 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Tip here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here – https://thefocusfuel.com/side Use code… Read More


    I BECAME CHAINSAW MAN in Minecraft?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became CHAINSAW MAN In Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KanesAce on 2024-04-11 17:25:18. It has garnered 196259 views and 3338 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:06 or 2406 seconds. I added chainsaw man into Minecraft.. ANIMATIONS BY – @reflectedwastaken 8 BIT CHAINSAW MAN OPENING KICK BACK COVER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmfkIAXHjg&pp=ygUVOCBCSVQgS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVS KICKBACK ELEVATOR MUSIC – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK7_v2wd44A&pp=ygUYS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVSIE1BUklPIDY0 MAIN MAP USED – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/sayama-city–japanese-modern-city-world-/ ZOMBIE DEVIL MAP AND ENEMIES – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/chainsaw-craft-chainsaw-man-in-minecraft-vanilla/ (other builds were handmade so not available) MODS USED – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chainsaw-man-csm https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/craft-devils-mod #chainsawman #mod #Minecraft Read More

  • VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye Level

    VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye LevelVideo Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #magic #eyelevel #art #eyegame #duet #mindboggling #smallbusiness #eyesgame’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-22 01:24:04. It has garnered 301 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #shorts #tages #minecrafthelp #helpshorts #emozgaming #emozgamingshorts #trendingshorts #trend #emozshorts #minecraftgamingshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftalwayshelp #alwayshelp #helpingshorts #helpingdog #minecrafttrend #minecraftshorts #minecrafttiktok #minecrafttrendingshorts #ytshorts #minecraftsad #minecraftsadshorts #storyshorts #minecraftstory#Minecraft gaming ki link #minecraft kese khele #minecraft download #minecraft video #minecraft long video# #gaming ketigty me sascirab kese badaye #long videos viral karne ki tirk #1000 sascirabar kese pura kake #1ksascirbar kese… Read More

  • Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With Viewers

    Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (Customs With YOU)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2024-04-20 02:44:46. It has garnered 555 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:34 or 9574 seconds. Hive Minecraft With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!! 2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s thumbnail made by @ItsBluesYT • memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join • join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB • follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming • follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver • my second channel – @ServerExtras Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!

    INSANE Realistic Travel in Minecraft #2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Travel – Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by PROT31Nn on 2024-05-14 15:14:28. It has garnered 8841 views and 421 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmod #survival #minecraftmods #challenge #beatingminecraft #diamonds #minecraftrealistic #minecraftsurvival #camman18 #minecraftspeedrunner #camman18shorts #minecraftbutchallenge #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftmanhunt #camman18minecraft #minecraftbuticanttouchgrass #cavesandcliffsupdate #cavesandcliffs #howtosurvive #newminecraftchannel #grian #fastestdiamonds #enderdragon #minecraftupdate #craftinginminecraft #craft #craftee #newminecraft #crafter #crafty #craftingrecipe #crafting #custom #diamond #familyfriendly #customitem #customitems #emeralds #tiktokcamman18 #camman18tiktok #camman18twitch #camman18clips #minecraftbutyoucanttouchthecolor #gaming #minecrafthitmen #custommobs #custommob #minecraftearth #minecraftbutrealistic #speedrunnervs #mods #camman18minecraftyoutube #minecraft117 #realisticminecraft #tutorial #mumbo #minecraftanimation #minecraftfacts #building #asianhalfsquat #howto #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Mistik Iridyum

    Mistik IridyumMistik Iridyum sunucusu bir avuç arkadaş topluluğunun kendilerine basit bir aternos sunucusu açmak yerine Devasa bir OP Skyblock sunucusu açmaya çalışmaları ile çıktı. Samimi arkadaş ortamı, sürekli güncellemeler ve bol eklentiler ile bize katıl! Java: game4.falixserver.net:58222 or (ya da) iridyum.falix.gg:58222 1.8 – 1.20 Bedrock: game4.falixserver.net or (ya da) iridyum.falix.gg 58222 1.20.x iridyum.falix.gg:58222 Read More

  • Team BaerCraft’s Modded SMP Servers

    Creators & Community Creators & Community A warm, diverse, and open Discord & Minecraft community that welcomes everyone and is the home of the Minecraft modpacks BaerCraft, Trash Panda Craft, and PokeASub plus their official multiplayer servers. We host additional Minecraft servers, such as a rotational server that rotates community-voted modpacks every 3 months. In total, we usually run about 4 servers with more to come in the future. Our community also talks about a lot of other games and topics! Both developers are experienced and active in development by creating new content for players. Our staff is knowledgeable, fast,… Read More


    TIPPER SMPWelcome to VIPPER SMP, a premier survival Minecraft server based in the United States! Join our vibrant community of players as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible creations, and forge lasting friendships. With our verified server status, you can trust in a secure and enjoyable gaming experience. Dive into the ultimate survival challenge and explore boundless possibilities in VIPPER SMP today Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade’s Birthday Bonanza!

    It seems like King’s reign in the meme world will never be forgotten, with a score of 400 to prove it! Long live the King (of memes)! Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore

    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More