【MINECRAFT】 building a snowy village trading hall ! (with open vc!)

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Foreign Thank you Oh Come on hello everyone how are you doing tonight welcome to Cozy Minecraft with openvc link roommate is going to join us in a little bit we’ll see if anyone else stops by I have the Christmas music on can you hear it I feel like it’s getting drowned out but some villagers but

Poorly to play Christmas music I don’t know I don’t know I just felt like putting it on Is this soft is that better is it too loud now can’t tell it might be too loud One week early well isn’t it allowed after Thanksgiving which is like I don’t know two days from now It’s allowed perhaps this does not sound like Christmas music just wait till you hear the next song on my playlist boss it’s appropriate because we’re doing a snowy Village construction um I went and chopped some logs right before the stream I have a few logs

Um I think I want to change the roof I think and tall I feel like if we make it like this is just gonna be way too tall I think we need to make it less so steep Paul is good I don’t know well now I want to see what it looks

Like if I put this part in wait I forgot how the roof’s supposed to go how the second layer is supposed to go I’m gonna need more everything basically oh see see if you didn’t think it sounded like Christmas before listen just listen to this one oh okay well we need hmm

That doesn’t look good Ah maybe this one needs to be in as well in one as well so I think mommy is going to help us um I’m going to leave it all up to her what she wants to help with exactly there’s a lot she could do there’s a lot

I can do I also want to get banners because I want to put banners all over like Christmas banners this is my well winter wintery snowy Village Ah don’t go in there um but I don’t know should I try to fix the the bull Farm I feel like I’ve said I was going to fix the wool Farm many times and I’ve never fixed it because I don’t frankly I don’t know how it works

But I can probably figure it out if I look it up I hope I mean I did I built the The Raid Farm I feel like the the sheep farm cannot be you know too much more trouble than that who knows though ah now look at that isn’t that just beautiful Just add shears to the dispenser the dispenser has shoes I think it’s broken I think it’s I think that Minecart is displaced somehow uh well well I see I think I wanted I’m going to change the roof it’s gonna be less steep We’re gonna make it less steep um ah I kind of want the roof to be Blackstone to You like this deep I think it’s too steep I think it needs to be like a bigger house if we want it to be that steep needs to be bigger but it’s okay because I didn’t have that many copper blocks in the first place I actually made them on the stairs so we

Might have a chance of finishing the roof if we make you less steep um we definitely need more sand and gravel I think I have some gravel though oh it may not Blackstone but deep slate actually because Blackstone is too expensive uh but I we have to go pretty far out to

Get far out dude to get deep slate I don’t know let’s go fix the wool Farm because I want banners oh a kitty I don’t know oh Kitty’s eating you’re not my cat are you no oh that’s fine we’ll go to the funny fish farm and get way more fish eventually

Fishing Arc no no no no no no no no fishing is a thing of the past I don’t need to do that anymore we’re beyond that I have a farm that fishes for me that’s all I need you There it is okay oh I should have a wheat Oh sorry it’s gonna be framing over here just this is fine just just hold on you don’t have to say oh my God the frames it’ll be okay just hold on for it for a few minutes wow we fixed the Sheep um I think we should get some wheat

Before we let the Sheep loose oh we should have a lead though really but I don’t want to go get one So the old-fashioned way will have to do thank you Okay is it dangerous to just grab one maybe maybe I think the red one is broken I think that might be the only one that’s broken I hope it is but red is a useful color especially when you want Christmas and I do so let’s see Where’s your sheared why is he Sheard though uh I guess this part is working but the maybe the card is off Wait there’s is that a cow in there what am I looking at no that’s just Glass isn’t it a hopper cart I don’t know if this is even a hopper cart oh oh no no no no oh This is supposed to be a hopper cart I think Um Should I get rid of it Oh no danger danger Do you think it’ll be fixed if we just make it a hopper card Um we have a crafting table I guess we can make one I’ll put it right here maybe someone will come use this eventually uh is how you make a hopper my Minecraft crafting recipes I remember somewhere deep in my brain I’m scared so I’m gonna go to sleep I don’t want a creeper to blow up the Miss HQ I will feel very bad okay

I hope that this is all that’s required to fix it it seems like the Sheep got sheared so I hope so Um is that good enough We’re missing glass but you know that’s just for for decorative purposes oh no that’s not how the others are written I must fix it I should have been afking here before the Stream now I feel like we have to wait Yes or not um Whoa did the shears get used evenly Foreign partially broken ones Call her out of space no light gray out of space purple almost out of space Um Is there a white sheep Here foreign Yes I think white banners will be cute I have no room in my inventory though No sheep was that a sheep eating I heard a sheer go off I’m gonna take this out so that we know if it’s working you need to eat the grass below you eat it eat the grass Um wait can you just dye a white Banner because that’s easier I think Oh my inventory you can Oh we should just do that then okay what’s that the best Christmas color scheme though it doesn’t even have to be Christmas just like wintery color scheme I wonder like white and red Wait are aren’t there supposed to oh yeah there’s a poppy um green but do I want a green yeah I know coming from me that sounds ridiculous of course green Oh I do have to use a loom I don’t have a loom But I did want to make one because I did want to get some Shepherds So I feel like just red and white is I don’t know do we want a green I don’t like the shades of green in Minecraft that much wait do we even have a darker green I see lime green where’s the regular green oh how can this be how can this be lime is a little bit lime you know I don’t know

I don’t know if lime is exactly what we’re looking for okay give me the stick thank you foreign Do we want another color too Italy it’s a little bit Italy if we leave it like this not there’s anything wrong with that but we’re going for a snowy winter village not really going for Italy gold is gold yellow or brown yellow yellow or do I want like I see

I see some kind of icy color like blue you know Uh um I’m gonna put this back for a second have you been shorn oh it’s working that’s great news oh yeah we are gonna use the Soul Stone how do you make that again um I want Soul Stone lanterns everywhere a soul torch a Soul Sand do I have that at home

I don’t know we’ll have to go look so I thought teal could be good or cyan I mean I cannot continue like this Is not okay am I gonna get in trouble for doing that oh the way I need stick first thank you oh throw the money on the ground who needs it who needs it I don’t know it’s cute um oops I’m just trying to get the order right oh I don’t know Does it look Christmassy does it look winter villagey he’s a real queen what if we just get rid of green is the green mandatory Maybe lighter blue my regular people but I don’t have a green sheep and I don’t know where to get one um how do you even make a regular green dye because doesn’t it oh shoot it’s full doesn’t a cactus make lime What do you look like um I feel like that’s fairly different That’s too let’s taste it’s kind of cute though but it’s toothpaste foreign how do people figure out colors we need to sleep again what are this what is this Christmas tree use it has red teal White dark blue okay Miss that once we have them in place they’ll look good anyway we might need regular green are there any random cactuses around just growing somewhere foreign take but I don’t even have materials to build it I feel like I’m too lazy I’m too lazy to get regular green

It’s gonna take like 30 minutes to get all the materials and get the sheep and dye the sheep and get the dye it’s looking very beautiful oh up there Pink Pink is always cute get out of here get out of here Get out of here get out of here I don’t know Nothing looks right Oh let’s make it a rainbow rainbow is not bad but it’s not the same Christmas vibe I don’t wanna build sheets of Shearer it’s actually Gonna Take me it’ll take me like an hour even though I’m spendling an hour and deciding on this right now I don’t want to spend a whole

Hour building a sheep shear How about yellow don’t worry I’ll fix my inventory here here I’ll fix it look it’s fixed Put this back for now I don’t say I thought yellow is too bright it’s not really gold It’s almost like pastel in the the banner form We could also make them custom banners Be way too much work See we could make just like icy Village if we just do this blue and white The screen is not working I don’t know if I want the green but then it really looks like Christmas but I’m not really going for Christmas just snowy I’m gonna go against um what did I want we needed the string to make a loom and um a shulker box and what else did I want oh I wanted something but I forgot I wanted deep sleep I don’t think I have any shoot what did I want from my house Oh yes the Soul Sand thank you that was it Soul Sand does it matter if it’s Soul Sand or the other one Soul soil Hold on I need to put this wheat in my fridge yes that is my fridge Um I don’t think I have like a wool A wool chest But I kind of want to put it in this in here because it’s a colorful things that makes sense right foreign Give me Soul soil give me this Is my last short my looks before I’m forced to to clean my inventory oh wait what did I what else did I want foreign not the same really That’s not fair I don’t have much sand Why is soil useless then They both work oh my gosh I’m getting one guide am I getting one guide or am I getting 10 God I don’t even know Um oh wait that’s a special stick don’t use that one It works uh I guess I could just make it here um just make a bunch should I use all my soil on this I don’t know what else it’s good for so oh wow that was a lot uh we have an iron farm too that which is good Maybe too much that’s fine not hard to get more Um when you have to go to the nether it is Well I love sand actually It was like running out of this I guess I got a bunch at one point this is the one that makes bubble columns right is that all I wanted oh let me put my coal back I wanted Soul soil And Ah oh deep sleep I don’t think I have any I have two yeah that’ll be a project for later I want anything else from here I’m gonna put my gravel away a bunch of gravel but no sand okay okay let’s go back oh the Sun is setting looks beautiful And go clean up the mess I made and get some wool and then we’ll go back and build Can you really say nature sure is beautiful if it’s Minecraft does Minecraft count as nature I know it’s inspired by nature but I feel like the concept of a video game is kind of and then I’m going to Nature in some ways I could say the same thing about me

Though so who knows You know when they say life imitates art I find that offensive oh is the blue one broken shears no Hey what happened to the blue one Mommy Okay let’s do light blue and maybe a little more A white Um take my stuff this in here okay oh mama doesn’t die because it’s night time while she’s starting her stream look how the dragon egg glows is that only in the Shader pack does it also glow in default Minecraft okay so my idea is to have like the banners um

Hanging from the buildings like from one to the other but I feel like I need to build two buildings first for that to make sense oh there’s some mobs Do you think mermaid will sleep I’m kind of scared well may oh she’s sleeping we’re safe whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa not in front of the children I need more beds I do they’re mad they’re angry Um I think I’m gonna build another house here from these guys so they may be treated with um and my soul lanterns I wanted to place oh I need to make chains to stream and call me no don’t curse that you never know what could happen Cali’s stream got age restricted I was

So surprised she’s too too hot to handle for YouTube what did she do I don’t know she was just singing oops I know that’s not what I want come on hey girl that’s more like it I don’t know if I need two I probably don’t need two I think two is too many just one Oh if I could put like a mailbox that would be cute go put one right here to balance it nice and asymmetrical sorry to all the Symmetry lovers oh that’s okay oh hello are you a symmetry lover what’d you do I’m just making an asymmetrical house

Oh God can I see yes it’s not bad symmetrical are they oh I guess so they have like a little short part and then like a long part yeah okay it kind of depends though all right if if um if it’s like that and clearly not supposed to be symmetrical then it’s

Totally fine but if there’s just a some slight differences then that’s really annoying and um how you feel about this house I want to see where are you um do you know where PPP is now do you know where the rail is where are you I’m at

My tree house do you know where the rail is what the loop the hyperloop all may rail no no didn’t you help build it I don’t think so I don’t think so um maybe I’m my chat might no they could guide there’s a station there’s the station by the melon farm oh

It’s the same as the pantsu express it is but you go the other way there’s yeah okay then I can figure it out once okay I’m just gonna ride the rail the opposite direction of the pants Express okay that’s easy because I only thought it went in One Direction

So it goes in the other direction okay yeah it’s simple I’m hungry maybe I should cook stuff oh you could stop the macaroni Is it easy to get in again yeah I think the berries I think it’s not locked I’m totally fine I have a lot of berries okay a lot of fish oh yummy I think that’s wrong so you’ve gone pescetarian oh that’s fine with the raw Cod raw Cod not like salmon or anything

Um I don’t care about my health so I’ll eat it um good I can survive on fruit here uh that’s good I’m just dropping but I like all these things oh should I use the PNG do you want a PNG um I have one of you do you need a PNG of me

Yes please okay okay or do I have one I see let me open up my folder of selfies you have a folder of selfies wait I might have do I have I have so many selfies and most of them are exactly the same oh way too hard

I worry I think have I used this one before did I do this when I was like doesn’t really matter though they all look the same um we’re here I have one oh Look at this I have your default picture wait what do you look like here my default picture oh I have you as wait I have you as a wolf why do you have a picture of me as well because you sent it to me what yeah oh wait I know what you’re talking

About yeah oh I’m gonna put you in my lap oh there you go there we go yeah do you need me to bring you anything I want to help with whatever you’re doing but I don’t know what you’re doing yeah you can help there are a variety of

Things that you could help with um what tools do I need um this is a regular old tools is fine do you have tools I have a pickaxe and a sword and an ax and yeah that’s good okay do I need a bowl no okay do I need an ominous Banner

Definitely not do I need a sapling yes okay how many how many do you have 11. I still have these are they the same no no I don’t think the sapling should be with you so you should return them to me anyway okay okay I’ll return them to their rightful owner thank you

I’m gonna throw them off a cliff I mean I’m on the way they’ll return to naturally one way or another I can close my door all the wild animals will come in if you don’t close your door I don’t I didn’t the bats go outside and during the day are they rabid

I hope so what why would you hope that because if I get rabies it’s like having a superpower are you do you get rabies in a different way than other people get rabies why don’t people like go a little crazy and start filming at the mouth and you know start

Acting really weird yeah lose control of their bodily functions and eventually us perish yeah hmm and that’s that’s desirable for you it’s a superpower oh why am I so hot oh because I just ran um Oh yay okay I’m on the way okay how should I you’ll know when to

Get off because you’ll stop okay okay there’s no stops along the way I want to drown oh are you kidding no sorry did you have a cart I have a car okay I’m on the way when did this get here when was this made I don’t know when was

It made wait that feels like like a year ago I wait no look there’s a bunch of color here egg wait who is this was it you might have been me it might have it could have been anybody why so many times with the railway as it is do I get out

Wait no it’s too late for me wait no I’m glad I’m going to the main part wait I’m going back to I’m on the pan to express now well it’s a loop so you could go that way too okay let me start disposing of the saplings oh goodbye saplings

Sorry I couldn’t I couldn’t save you they’re returning to the forest that’s true oh what oh my gosh there’s just things I never knew were here anyways how’s it going good that’s good I’m trying to I was trying to I don’t know I was having a fiasco with banners

Because I want to put banners up I’m making like a snowy Village like a cute snowy Village I wanted to put banners up oh what kind of banners um well that was the problem what kind of banners are they hard to make colors no I just couldn’t decide what colors they should

Be oh wait what matches with white everything um snowy right yeah well I couldn’t decide if it should be like snowy or Christmassy there’s no dark green wool because it’s broken and I we didn’t want to fix it because I’m lazy does it have to be I think just red is enough

White and red white and red and gold is golden option wait the same thing is going to happen to me I’m going to just walk no and I’m going to contribute to the cards in the same spot see that’s how that’s how it happens do

How do you get rid of the cards again uh you just break them okay with like a pickaxe or an ax or something anything okay okay do you have a bed with you [Applause] no it’s okay it’s okay I forgot my sleeping bag at home no no I didn’t I didn’t tell

You to bring one I didn’t I didn’t think I’d take so long to get there so I warned you about the cards it’s kind of a known issue I’m gonna push them all you can you can break them three is this a card what is this

Should I break them okay yeah you should break them and then just go on a different card am I is this the end why is this one in here though is there supposed to be a hole in the middle of the Railway um where a cart fell into no

Are you okay well I think it just stopped anyway oh is there like a building there there’s ice it’s slippery eyes are you at the bunkeroni maybe I don’t know there’s no sign here think you might be at the bunkeroni you go all the way around

No I’m not I’m I’m on the way again okay okay I’m on the way don’t worry I’m only worrying a little bit when did this happen there’s a stop for the bunkeroni yeah I think it was like if it was over the summer I’m surprised you weren’t there okay so there was like

A big Minecraft collab where a lot of us was that when I was gone Maybe oh I caught a sheep huh is it a green sheep it is white a darker green sheep is there such a thing yes kidding oh um gosh this takes a while yeah it’s a

Little far yeah are you okay without sleep I’m okay I think the villagers will be okay but if they’re not it’s okay because they’re already at their population cap anyway oh okay so they need some type of outbreak or something oh okay I’m on the way Dory excellent So long and awkward is it awkward because the Sheep is like there’s a sheep on the railway it got caught into a cart and it has been staring at me the whole time oh oh now I don’t know what it’s doing oh there really could use some improvements certainly it’s probably still unfinished

Is it yeah have you seen the ID oh my card so this is the back of the pants Express I was wondering where they were because I don’t know are you are you okay there’s I’m so confused on that there’s there’s a fox in the way and there’s this thing

Here is this where I leave there’s a block in the middle am I in the right place is there a building are you underground underground and there’s like a block in the middle where you get out is it a building Yeah yeah go up this day okay okay okay the railway keeps going though yeah it’s a loop so it’ll go back to the to Cancer’s friends I thought no oh hello I found I’m coming to meet you wait I see a light that’s not the lighthouse you mean the one you know it is hello oh thank goodness I thought you were a zombie hello come this way okay you see my Village well it’s not really much to see yet okay why are you

Making it all the way out here um because this is where a village was it’s nearby Farms oh yeah you’re far your Farms oh okay oh awesome awesome over here I’ll protect you what them oh dear wait I don’t want to hit you too that is a problem

I got it you got it we got it together wait someone’s shooting arrows at us oh dear here oh there’s several creepers oh dear first okay behind you Mommy I see behind me I see I’m running away instead oh I I’m watching you kill it I see oh okay

Okay sorry I’ll work for you there’s another creeper over there so I want to follow you watch out okay following you are you okay other people they’re just people yes there’s a lot of them okay okay you have to sleep we all share a bed everybody shares

Wait wait so you can kick somebody out by right clicking get out of there okay that’s crazy my spots now I see this is so this is a culture shock yes the way of life is different here I see um most of their buildings I’m tearing

Down to build new ones oh this is the building I’m working on right now it’s not finished okay where’s where’s the asymmet this is the asymmetry are you some magical house because the bushes are different yeah and the lights and the lights flowers okay well I think it

Looks okay because it’s clear you’re not aiming to be symmetrical oh thank you but it’s also I don’t have the feeling you’re trying to make me mad I’m not I’m not quite the opposite in fact I see and if you come down here Oh there’s a secret someone’s trying to come in Do a secret oh what did they what did they do um you can click on them and look at their books to see they this guy is guilty of being a librarian that’s true this guy’s guilty of being a librarian as well actually they’re all Librarians they’re all guilty of it oh I

See wait this one’s an apprentice okay I see and what kind what kind of books were they trying to share they have good books oh oh so they we’re the one you’re the one doing bad things eyes why they’re they’re innocent you just wanna know what they have so you’ve taken their

Free Librarians this is what they deserve oh are you I see it is it because this Kindle sponsor you what I do do I do librarians not like ebooks they’re not the same they don’t smell good and you can’t flip the pages at the same materials that’s true but you can read it in the bath without worrying that you’re gonna drop it in and it’s gonna turn into Moosh because it’s waterproof

Kindles are waterproof yeah do you know this yeah I’m just kidding by the way I prefer physical books I just have a hard time reading electronic books for a harder times or at least I’m just like lose focus a lot faster this guy wait Santa

No no one’s not Santa oh dang it I wouldn’t imprison Santa all right we can’t we already killed him yeah that’s true he’s already buried I remember this is a house I’m working on okay um you need can I help in any way shape or form yes there’s many things you

Could do really what can I do you could build you could gather materials you could play the Villager gotcha what’s villager gotcha um it’s okay where you stand you lock yourself in a room with a villager and then you place and destroy their profession block until they get the trade that you want

Oh that sounds um yes yes I think that I’m worried I won’t be able to build the way you want me to build I don’t I can’t see your vision because I don’t know how to build well you can build you could also build

A house of your own well not for you but like a new house yeah like for these guys maybe oh okay uh but we need material for it um yeah I am running a little low on materials what do you need um we need really we need sand sand

Oh gosh where are we supposed to get the sand do I have to go in another you can get it from yeah from a desert to the nether okay Um uh where is the nearest nether portal um You probably would want to go pop uh I actually only know how to get to the desert through the bunkeroni the bunkeroni another quarter yeah I think the one in the myth area portal is closer or I think the desert is closer through

That one okay and oh gosh what if I die uh oh I don’t have anything else gold should I just try to fly to find one or is it really far away um I don’t know where it is I don’t have any fire work Rockets though

I have a few I could give for you if to you um but you don’t have to go and look for sand if you don’t want to I’m just worried about getting lost hmm For instance where’s where’s the whale it was back it was near PPP yeah yeah we’re on fire do you see like the cake yeah it’s like the H sign S I tried to hold it back it was so cute it was the result of me not wanting to be allowed um Okay I will look for sand okay do you want the shulker Box yes please okay um I have to make room okay what do I even have oh um I’m helping yes I’m here to help you are helping healthy what else can I throw on the ground uh

What are you throwing on the ground um can I wait did you say that’s their population near carrying capacity um yes but there there are uh before you go doing anything this should help there are considerations oh well you know we could we could we could take

The peaceful route of building more beds we don’t have to necessarily kill them also I don’t know if the that’s what the big Iron guys would appreciate it well that would require destroying more of the forest to make more beds I mean we can just stick some more here

We could even make bunk beds to be really efficient what do I do with this uh you can put sand in it do I take it with me yeah yeah yeah okay and I put sand in it and I go get sand yes okay do you need bones no

Okay I’m going to go then Good luck let me know if you need help if I can help you no fauna I’m here to help you I’m I’m here to help you thank you thank you you’re welcome oh wait should I have a bed oh probably yeah do you have a bed that I could take with

Me yes what color do you like if the homeless have gone into the caves oh goodness have they yes oh wait did you kill one no are you sure I don’t think giving them raw chicken will actually kill them I think they might have died from it look there’s a

Baby that means that they he thought that the population went down here’s a bed for you It’s pink thank you okay I’m going to this Baby’s jumping on the bed can you kill it no okay I’m going to grow up to be a productive member of society one day we have enough of those we have too many no no too many people

It is really close to my time already so I mean we should just sleep then but I do yes I’m here do you think that I wonder if they are this is some secret meeting in the cave they’re all looking at me like maybe here there’s a lot of them in the cave

Oh gosh they might be forming a resistance be careful fauna no I don’t think they’re stuck oh wait were they stuck where are they oh wait they were stuck yeah uh Oh that iron wait they are in here it is like they’re having a secret meeting wait it goes deep yeah that’s what I’m saying oh goodness probably so many Souls got lost in here they could become like the Paris catacombs yeah they can become the more people the most living underground

Sewers people yeah you you cool Ciao shall we take a nap yeah yeah okay I’m going to kick somebody out of bed even though I have a bed get out of there that’s within your rights mm-hmm yes I Society you kick or be kicked I see gosh there’s a lot okay to find sand

Okay wait wait should you have a shovel no um here you can take this you can take mine okay just don’t let it don’t let it die if you can help it um wait what do you mean uh like before the diamonds before it gets to zero stop

Using it okay what if I just straight up die that’s fine we can get another one pretty easily but okay I’m going to go well I’ve already left goodbye goodbye mermaid I’m going to get here so I go I should go all the way back to the portal that’s near myth

Um yes probably your chat can guide you well if you trust them I don’t know if you trust them um where’s the chat where is the is this it was this the railway here no I already forgotten what it looks like did I do this Um the pig h oh that is it that is it yeah okay all right off I go good luck thank you thank you let me know if you need help okay fauna yes did you know that snitches get stitches oh believe me I know good is something on your mind

No just remembering how important it is to know such a thing I understand wait let’s do I’m stuck okay this doesn’t work here all right Philly why did I take my diamond pickaxe session from that you’ll be fine right can you see there’s a button don’t worry about it I am a problem solved don’t there’s always more than one answer you don’t know what you’re doing no no

Sorry nothing I’m just nothing happened don’t look at my stream okay um going the other way oh Mama do you know do you know how to get there in the nether because you don’t I don’t really know either just don’t wander too far from the path There’s a path yeah like the real Road in the nether yeah don’t go too far okay should I take something that’s made of gold oh it’s not that important okay I doubt people will try to fight you if you go quickly but maybe you could

Um it doesn’t hurt I take too long I’m going to take my chances that’s what I always do hmm um let’s see let’s see but may not end well Your safety is not guaranteed that’s fine when is it ever true we could die any day now it’s true wait can you oh yeah you can hey look who’s talking I’m good I’m on Perry here I’m just saying you could okay okay as long as we’re not comparing um comparing I mean What’s your eye prescription again do you wanna do you wanna go down this path yes I feel like you never revealed yours isn’t it kind of weird just ask others isn’t it kind of weird that nature doesn’t have good eyes people Define good working I work they work how do you think I’m

Playing Minecraft working well they’re working well um what’s your prescription do you have assistance um wait there’s a Crossroads oh no no it’s not my prescription is only minus 1.75 I would be perfectly fine but in the wild you could probably even drive with that prescription oh I don’t think you should

Wait do I keep going here there’s like a little turn here there’s a boat under construction the cart Minecart girls back door oh are you on the railroad still wait Kiara oh wait I think I go up here I think I’m in the right place maybe I

Should put the mic or not carry this mic I don’t have a lot of Minecarts oh yeah you can drop them off somewhere okay is there a little storage place here yeah look up okay is there another one I just I’m going to be a part of the problem yeah

Sometimes I have to wake up and decide to be part of the problem that day you know spice up somebody else’s life exactly Um um let’s see I go up here and then I go to the portal that is around me near Taco Bell yes uh yes yes I’m gonna go inside now okay be careful okay watch out for guests oh what um watch out for the things in the sky that go Um okay um I think I go this way and then I There’s a railway I think I go on it the real way um I think so I don’t actually know okay Chad probably knows I have my Elijah I’m kind of scared I’m Gonna Leave the elytra at the end of this okay is it okay that those I’m kind of I’m assuming that they won’t hurt me I’m assuming that they won’t hurt me the zombie ones are nice the non-zombie ones are not nice how do you know the difference do they look like they’re decomposing full of rotten flesh the piggies yeah yeah yeah then they’re the

Nice ones oh unless you hit them I don’t I won’t hit them most people would be upset if you oh wait that one’s that one’s that one’s different okay just run away but be here are you on the railway that one’s different it hit me are you are

You okay I left I got scared maybe you should put some gold boots on I have okay there’s no boots oh I have no boots purple building blocks buildings there’s some at my house okay but how did how did the pig get to you um I went outside to go to the railway

And there was a pig and it looked at me and then I went back inside to the Nether and it started to hit me with a bow and I left okay I’m going to there were golden boots there we what I don’t if there are no if there truly

Are no boots there I will never ever trust Chad again I’m giving you three seconds you better take it back all right three seconds to take it back did they take it back rewind the tapes Oh There are boots but none of them are golden oh my gosh they’re gray are you perhaps color blind or are you perhaps lying to me you regret your decisions yet I’ll remember you can never trust chat again I lost your trust privileges you take it back too late

You had the whole you had an entire three seconds it should have looked better ah do you think what do you think eyeglasses prescription is what what do you think their glasses prescription is I think that they have no eyes or heart oh I agree with the no hard thing

No soul I should not have betrayed you like that they really shouldn’t have I wasted like two minutes checking if there’s anything there and there wasn’t anything there yeah hello hello join us yeah I guess it’s been a while I haven’t played one oh goodness grief thank goodness are we saved

I was also just woke up and I said oh wait why there’s a lot oh I should sleep but I’m on the pant to express yeah it’s like already sand yeah I know right I I think I think I’m gonna stream too as well oh okay wait foreign

So you can worry about it at night just put it off and be stressed out later yes and then continue to play Minecraft because yes yes you’re like I mean I’ve gone this long not doing it what’s another few hours wait where’s Mama’s house Wait oh I might not have well I might have boots I don’t know you might have to make something I I have gold I want to go home although okay it is dark do you want me to sleep yeah let’s sleep oh I’m breaking my legs Nice oh nice wait hold on hold on a second hmm mermaid you never revealed your eye prescription oh that’s because I didn’t say what it was how come you always ask others but you’ll never reveal your own because I’m smart I don’t reveal my weaknesses

You know I can’t even argue with that do you have to wear glasses or contacts Muna yeah I have to what’s your eye prescription you know what your prescription is What was I I have a prescription it’s like um I think it might be different for contacts in the glasses isn’t it um that’s the same are you able to see people’s faces when they’re in front of you no I see um would you be able to see if Um was running up to attack you oh no wait what no don’t worry about it don’t worry about it um yeah it sounds like your eyesight’s not very good and that’s okay well I mean it’s only like minus two yeah oh in fact that’s not very bad either

Yeah it’s not very bad actually yeah Mommy I wonder if your eyesight is around minus two or maybe it’s it’s worse than that yeah who knows um well here’s the thing Miss fauna yes I can’t find my golden boots there’s probably gold in my house or

Golden boots even I thought I had some what did I use before when I’d go in I used to have gold I swear I had gold oh I do have gold I see where’s my crafting wait is it where is it it’s over here boots When was the last time you played Minecraft both of you um I played it the other day just to get from JP server to my tree house and that was it did you stream it or was off stream it was on stream for like a second oh How about you Muna what when was the last time you played Minecraft I don’t remember six months really no way wait oh no no no if you come the hollow uh no no if we got the hollow sport then it’s just like a couple of week I guess

Yes time is really weirdly was it a few weeks ago yeah my stuff’s not working why does it feel like it was a long time ago Almost December yeah I’m playing Christmas music on my stream already that’s fine it’s not even things it’s almost if you can only play Christmas music for one month that’s hardly any time at all you know it felt so long in previous years years but now it’s never long enough

Gotta make the most of it oh fauna did I tell you about my turkey friend what what did you do with your turkey friend I think he died of natural causes by now but I used to have a turkey friend you have a turkey food I did I think

He’s dead now explain how long do turkeys live they only live 10 to 12 years in captivity or something pretty long time yes well it’s been like 10 to 12 years since I last to solve my turkey friend I see um but yeah because of my turkey friend I very rarely eat turkey

Oh see because turkey for Thanksgiving well I haven’t had Thanksgiving in like a long time oh so but even even when I did I tried to avoid the turkey although what ended up happening it was I would just pretend I never met my turkey friend and then I’d remember my turkey friend like

Is this the right way wrong way are you where are you I have boots now okay I was just being drawn towards you you have a pool on me but I must go away from you yes so it’s okay you can follow that poll I need to get sand

Right so I still have to get sand right sand is helpful I need to like relax oh I’ll get sand how many friends you need I have I think I have a lot of sand what do you want Um we need a lot of sand well I don’t really know how much some stacks I can only a stack or a few Stacks well maybe like 10 Stacks I don’t know Maybe more well I don’t know easy peasy don’t worry really Cool um you could like do you want it back you could go me to Muna Oh um Well now where are you I’m okay oh wait he left um hold on um I’m going to uh oh gosh I was you gave me a purpose and I have lost it I don’t know what to do you can come back too where’s my purpose the snowy Village my purpose is gone okay should I go back

Um would it be faster for me to go the opposite direction of where we are okay I’m near a myth should I go towards our homes or should I go the opposite direction um I don’t actually know which way is faster I don’t think it matters that much

Perhaps I can have some see some new sites and get a new purpose if I go the other way you can see the full loop yes I wanted to like make it the railway nice like make it pretty and put like glass around it so it’s not dangerous

This really yeah oh there’s glass around here or does it not stick around the whole thing uh yeah so far I mean I haven’t gone the whole way but surprise a bit oh now there’s dirt and rock oh it’s like a roller coaster do you like roller coasters fauna and Luna Um I I don’t like them that much I’ll ride them sometimes also if I like never rode one again in my whole life I wouldn’t be upset about it foreign No my greatest fear is balloons popping I think I saw a clip about that or something yes yes I never really told anybody but the game the game figured it out what game Resident Evil 7 oh you went to the clown part yes yeah that part is creepy the

Clot no the clown is fine it’s just the balloons there’s an entire room where you have to pop balloons to find oh to find a pen or something hello hello okay now I it’s been a while I haven’t played this game oh I’m sure do you know they know once I play the

Game uh I sell like four villager already in my house I have no idea how they come to my house no idea do you keep your door locked no my my house is like an open space oh oh so shovel so they crossed paths maybe they think it’s like a park or something

Or a hotel do you ever see them sleeping in your bed Okay with me are you okay yeah what’s happened sorry I got it it’s under control is it yeah I figured it out I’m worried it’s all good I don’t know I still if I still have the Sun last time I I oh yeah I don’t have it but don’t worry

It’s easy peasy okay I can still cook no it’s just a [ __ ] pocket you need a lot of it right yeah lots lots of it yes okay or not you have a PNG uh oh yeah hold on do you have Boogie oh okay is that right

I don’t think I have it set up right now do I isn’t that ultimately set up do you have um you have to set up I used to have it if you’re already setting up uh before like long long ago it’s ultimately that’s why I don’t know where my link is

I think you just have to go to the website oh I might have I have your food already you already have wow is it shared yeah so it’s the same link for everybody yes is that oh okay I’m gonna I’m gonna show mine uh okay okay how can I listen

Uh in in open chat okay okay that is mine So this is let me see real quick I don’t know how this goes oh flowers but we don’t even know where to go no Um I I have lots of member foogie whenever I call them so I yeah Um does this work oh oh you oh you look nice you do look nice oh all right and then goodbye wolfana you have any last of Woos how goodbye thank you ah it turns as a deer year at least you didn’t say tree oh I’m sorry is that what

No no deer is fine dear wait why don’t why don’t you want to be a tree wait do you want to be a tree would you want to be a tree all right I’m not nature so I’m civilization I tear down trees maybe that’s why I don’t want to be one

Oh so you’ll let the other trees I see should I sleep yes okay I’m camping all right good night where are you I’m outside okay I’m on the way are you getting stand or are you coming back is this Santa stand here wait there’s anything how much sand

Um don’t just dig it up out of like the natural landscape why did I leave your shovel there what where’s your oh what happened My shovel There’s a lot oh okay you know I wish we can put a shocker in the shower curve shulker in the shulker yeah how much sand do you need fauna where are you are you in the desert no I’m just near a beach I don’t think I don’t

Know like if oh if you’re nearby I don’t think you should just dig up the natural landscape so destroy landscape elsewhere huh yeah but if I go off the river is this a river or the ocean it must be though oh I don’t know what’s what’s outfit did I

Use depending on where where okay I’m still using that my chat is saying that you’re destroying the PPP Beach no I’m not why do you just why do you trust treat your chat they weren’t the ones who told me there were gold boots when there weren’t I’m gonna search a lot of sand Okay there’s so much here but it’s the beauty of nature it’s too close are you guys right now oh we’re collecting sand with the en server okay I’m gonna go to Ian several as well then okay we’re making a snowy Village I feel like you’re destroyed destroying

The the landscape even oh yeah I haven’t even touched anything it’s not connected so we have to go manually from the GP oh until the portal oh yeah yeah we forgot about portal guys oh yeah we all got like super busy and then yeah everyone stop playing Minecraft yeah

Uh-huh wait I forgot where is your portal oh yeah I don’t know what the place oh no no one will know no one will notice no one will care you won’t be missed why don’t worry we need to make a portal for now I’m in

A random spot are you really yes I want to come back to her world Why not um chords let me type it’s for you mm-hmm oh it’s so beautiful like I’m gonna I haven’t really it’s gonna stay pretty it’s not gonna look ugly I’m Gonna Keep it looking pretty but natural this was like that already you like this doesn’t matter

Where did you type it oh I’m in the open chat oh okay natural If you say so it’s I’m under water nope nobody goes underwater here do you need do you need Aqua Affinity No okay Can you breathe under there I’m fine I can go for air Um do you know the trick where you can build a door and use that to breathe now if you build a door you can create an air pocket underwater Oh pressure sounds handy and a natural [Applause] I always breathe underwater I have big lungs is that true I can handle it I guess

You’re a singer so am I your singer oh not that not that big sell yourself short I heard you I’ve heard that if you have um this is fine I I’ve got almost two stacks of sand how much do you need more than that but

Do you know how many blocks it takes to build a big house forever I got sand here no one needs the sand here the ecosystem will Thrive without it I promise I promise Okay don’t worry I’m not ruining any Beach or anything oh I didn’t see the bubbles time to eat lunch break Um eating creatures from the ocean no I have berries I brought them from my house invasive berries in the ocean I’m not in the ocean I’m sitting on a rock like Ariel yeah eating fairies yum yum you’ve answered the sirens call Oh my gosh there’s an entire ocean oh what sorry I think that was an a siren calls it’s a Barbie calls it’s a Barbie Barbie you know 12th dancing princess oh gosh did I mix up my name Bay was talking about Barbie movies the other day too

Which one do you guys like the most oh um I think ah it’s kind of hard maybe princess and Pauper I think I remember that one I only remember the Swan Lake one firehouse I like really have a beautiful I remember the Rapunzel one the most because I remember the the dragon named Penelope oh wait that sounds yeah wait did I say something else when I was searching about so I was searching the place but I cannot found you all oh I’m gonna I don’t know where I am I

Think I heard your firework it’s like a village yeah I was in a village and there was like okay on the roof yeah I hope I don’t die oh life what the hell there’s another up there wait what You want to wear there’s a portal and my farm I’m near Stan oh yes foreign there’s a lot of horses in here and I think it was fishing spot yeah yeah yeah where are you um how come you can’t be missed I think I was in the where is it Hello saw you oh hello so where do you find the um Sun where I am I found sand don’t worry about it oh mum is digging this I found the ocean the ocean has sand it’s okay you know like this one looks weird take that you have you guys have a really really

Low sign We have it’s underwater oh we just got sand mummy are you buy my funny fish farm I funny fish Farmers is it near this random portal in the sky yes okay I’m kind of near there but not really oh I saw Sushi be careful if it’s a

Funny fish you should be careful oh I don’t think that one was funny I think that one was normal okay the funny fish will kill you oh wait why did you do that well let me telling them oh I see they’re invasive wait I don’t I don’t think that I bring

Um my bed oh I’m gonna look out like oh oh there’s a lot of beds by The Village I hope I don’t die I’m gonna check first yep I don’t bring any veg maybe I should build I have a bed but I’m out in the open and I’m scared

Yes I can once I uh oh you guys already sleep can I no no oh this this should be fine I’m gonna oh this guy here we go I didn’t realize I’m gonna have a bed okay okay now it’s daytime play bed all right there it is

All right I’m exchange until I build myself a tomb apparently just in case I died there’s an island out out there and I think it has sand I don’t I don’t think you should dig it up okay isn’t it kind of close when are we gonna use that Island I don’t know

The Minecraft world is infinite so you could always dig sand from somewhere a little further away I away right now I think I could fly to you in like one minute well you could but he’s gonna be using that trust me fauna I’m a civilization don’t worry

Wow look at all that Kell should it be awful if something happened to it what a balanced study ecosystem sure would be unfortunate if I removed a keystone species of some sort my goodness I wanted to go today hmm oh the hollow Surfer wrestlers oh they have a lot of sense where you

Can check whatever you want so I’ve never been there you don’t y’all I never I’ve heard of it though I can understand why why I can’t take the sand I actually cannot have no idea where should I go right now because I think I kind of lost where are you where am I supposed to go though oh wait are you buy the cake you have you do you have a location of

The gates oh oh I think it’s on the other side um you could take the rail there there’s a rail I think it’s another I think I got it I think I got it I hope I got it I think I just go to the one zero zero coordinates Um I found evidence of human activity out here oh really because you’re so very far Who was here probably I was there I built my farm right there wait no no chat okay I trust Chad again Chad’s saying that this is where a girl was going to make her first house oh this one but then do you need gray wool um not particularly okay do you want grandma

Uh I don’t need it See this one looks funny I’ll take it I’m just gonna take the blocks of sand that are out of place okay like this one oops um Let’s see it’s so pretty out here nature is beautiful is it isn’t it isn’t the natural landscape wonderful three four at five stalks of sand that’s pretty good is that enough um well I don’t know I can get more like this one shouldn’t be here these don’t need to be here either

It depends uh how many houses do we want to make don’t we want to keep them happy why are they what are you using them for you saw all right you saw my librarian prison are you guys trying to build uh we’re making a village uh like a trading haul

Oh trading Hall trading Village humans are they humans no sorry I’m bad at speaking I want to control the librarians oh no this is and what species are they they’re villagers these long box and what species are they villager and what suborder do they belong to um uh I don’t know primates mammal mammal that seems pretty close to a human they might be they might be

Apes great apes do you think that the villagers are whoa okay what what huh you don’t ooh a squid they’re grapes Sea grapes you not see them as people no they’re not p1s what what defines a person there’s a lot of definitions I mean we could start up with them they’re Homo Sapien I don’t think these guys are they’re my you don’t oh you don’t say you don’t think they’re Homo

Sapiens no I don’t think so hmm have you seen them are they oh what’s the word it’s a homonym um that was extinct yeah right or um Bigfoot hominidad we are sorry we’re pulling random knowledge that we kind of remembered laughs I’m trying to understand if the

Villagers are human or not fauna’s in denial no I know they’re not human they have a weird nose is hey it’s actually right yeah so Other feet okay you know what they don’t have like this is not very scientific this is not very it’s not backed by his science so I’m it’s time to pull out it’s time to pull out the telescope I’m sorry the the story what is it called the stuff is stethoscope oh are

We listening to their hearts you have to turn if they have a heart or not I’m sure they have a heart that’s the first step dude I don’t know oh shoot I got lost um I can fly how many Rockets do I have Hmm I’m gonna go back towards the ocean In my thoughts I got lost and so in the real world I got lost Uh gun powder Farm by any change oh my bar makes a little bit I don’t know how much is in there right now I like smart sand any more sand while I’m here how much do you have I have almost six stacks that’s pretty cool that’s pretty good is it pretty it’s not

Good it’s pretty good yeah I actually don’t know if I have that much gravel so Um do I need to get more it’s probably good for now you could go to my house and get gravel and then uh I’m here to help so I will do it and then make white concrete I’m here also all you need is white concrete yes oh Do you have a

Let me check can you trade for it with villagers what’s that oh you only have few you should try to Pillager or Toby I have a white dye if you want to I think we have a lot of white dye I have a lot of bone meal

Can I do that okay that’s good then wait To get back right look at backpack um um see I don’t know sleep please please I’m scared good night Good night good morning good morning all right don’t you hate it when you go to sleep and it feels like you’re instantly awake but you don’t want to be awake this thing like when you set yourself to bed or put yourself to bed but then you know you cannot sleep yeah That where am I put it in here foreign shoot fauna yes what direction should I shoot where are you I don’t know where I am do you know where the funny fish farm is I lost the funny fish farm bunny fish farm do you know what your coordinates are I could check Um I’m hoping you need her let me see all the clothes but follow the coast which way I don’t remember where I came from it’s been a while I think we don’t have any stock but oh it is how many f-17 left I had like two seconds and I I kinda

Can I do that or did I did it roll my my what is gray um what are your Corners movie already again have more questions one three six three negative three eight zero okay go towards negative 200. negative 200 in the Z Direction so go towards positive Z Direction

Shoot wait what this one this is right okay you can say which way you’re facing too I see it oh okay I see I think I got it I got it snowing oh oh it was scary let’s see right ear over this way did you find it Fine I want to see oh they are hello welcome back thank you I have sand that I respond to play stores oh I promise would you be able to go get gravel from my house yes bye bye bye bye don’t get stuck on the rails

I’ll do my best with all the cards I’ll do my best oh good luck There have a lot of gravel um we might need more gravel oh okay gravel not cycle to be helpful as we’re supposed to go this way and then I go this way and then I it’s in my basement by the way okay it’s organized very well organized

Okay does it usually be refined it okay it’s okay there’s a chest labeled which way do I I came from this as get out of there oh shoot it was really nice to have something level this way I think we all right um how do you make the firecrackers

You need paper and gunpowder oh okay I don’t want to waste what I have um I can give you some firecrackers too or if there’s any meal in my house you can take them I don’t know if there’s many though okay okay oh I forgot what I wanted to bring

I wanna pass mirrors perhaps I can bring it to you don’t worry I have some nearby okay but the the concrete is very helpful is it yeah do you know how to make it um I can figure it out and then you need to do something with

It too once you craft it I get my conquer it really fast there is some technique of making a concrete I yeah you need water right yes you need water okay so can I bring all the material back to where you are and make it there

Yes but I have a a little place to make it near my house oh okay yeah I’m going to make the concrete because my little dirt dirt sectioned off part of the pond oh Hello again Huh I see did you did you make it I made it to the through the house accumulated carts and I press forward now okay I have I I kind of have like one one shocker box of Santa guys oh that’s a lot go go oh do you want to use my sin

Still yes Mommy yes your sand is good too okay more gravel now I’m going to your house to get the gravel thank you my pockets are full of sand my shoes are full of sandals there’s sand everywhere it’s so uncomfortable but anything for you fauna

Means a lot to me that you would do this for me now Maui I got her okay I’m at your house okay the guy was in the basement all right Okay you have lots of chests I’m gonna read what they say is it a misk nope it’s in gravel dirty sand Al then third Sand and Gravel okay how much do you need um um what you can take all of it and make all of it into concrete

So all you need is something right uh only white concrete yes white concrete I’m gonna put it in my backpack And then out the front of the door towards the left is a little piece of dirt and you can use a pickaxe and place the powder in your off hand in the pickaxe in your other hand and you can hold Mouse both Mouse buttons at the same time

Wait where towards the water yeah so if you guys in my house and go towards the left a little bit to the left there should be a little oh is it near the lighthouse yeah yeah okay you have sand here everything um okay so I take the sand

And the gravel or no no sorry you have to craft the concrete powder first oh oh oh oh you might need bone meal and white thigh oh um so you have yeah there should be bone meal or maybe bone blocks in the in my basement okay and keep on phone

And this is the city one I’m going to the other phone I’m gonna say Square okay I see the bodies you keep in the basement no bodies Um yes there are body oh wait actually there’s a new severed head down there which Um It’s in the Hostile mob drops chest oh can we sleep you can sleep in my bed if you need to I’ll keep it warm please do all right all right oh I forgot to uh okay hostile I forgot to bring potion but okay hostile Mom oh

I see it okay you can turn bone blocks into bone meal and then you can turn bone meal into bone powder no that don’t boom but a white dye okay how do I turn the blocks into bone meal or do I use a craft table or something else um

Yes you can use your your crafting menu in your inventory oh good luck with worrying bodies for me Oh foreign What are you talking about but oh my gosh no idea are you good perhaps This is oh a chicken perhaps a few baby in French wait where’s the craft where’s your craft craft I love cat love cats I have cats yeah in the basement and upstairs oh you should not sleep in my bed I didn’t sleep in your bed I didn’t understand though you didn’t notice all the cats no I was thinking about how sometimes you sleep there

Okay I make powder of some like powder or Dye you make a bone meal and then you make white dye white dye yes and how much white dye do you want Um not that much maybe like a stack all right I have a stack and then what else do I need to make concrete powder yes with the white dye white concrete powder which I need to make something before I don’t see powder being enough oh I see I see

So wait wait ah that was it see what you do is oh so I put here here and we’ll go on here and then the white dye mix the white concrete powder okay and how much do I make as much as you can okay and this isn’t we’re not using real snow no

All right would you want to build a house out of snow no oh [Laughter] okay I used all your gravel and I got Um I got two stacks I only had two stacks of gravel of gravel apparently really Larry okay I got a gravel a double check I found a gravel oh thank you do not worry okay do you want me to start making some of the concrete now yes

Put the concrete in your off hand in your normal hand okay and then you can go to the little water place wait Where’d I get this lantern from okay and then you can click with both Mouse buttons at the same time where there’s more gravel like first

I’ll do the soap at the same time yes the exact same hold them down hold them both down oh I don’t like the um that didn’t work I just picked up sand whatever the powder in your left hand yes and you have your pickaxe in your right hand yes and you’re putting

It in the water what do I press at the same time or do I want to do one before the other um I think you well you have to place the block first but then you’re just hold both down I see what your Ico I see all right

I see I see it but I can’t do it as fast I see I just pulled it down it does work now I had to do I just had to do one first I see I see isn’t it satisfying it’s pretty nice it’s quite quite fast some math all right And how things I’m helping yes Crystal building yes how’s it going it’s going it’s okay this is the one it might help like is that am I helping you go faster you will help okay you’re helping okay I will help you more I’m going to make more concrete oh there you go

I got some Funky I love you guys did not really I don’t know what to eat yeah I need to eat something too sometimes I don’t really have food right now no food not really I need to go grocery shopping me too actually I’m gonna make pasta though oh that sounds yummy pasta Seems delicious yeah that’s pretty good what kind of pasta did you guys like all pasta I like oh what’s it called I like um I never make it because it requires raw egg uh carbonara carbonara yeah banana rice delicious I love that one yeah um I only ever ordered the hook and I

Don’t know it’s intimidating to make in my opinion I feel like it’s one of those those recipes it’s actually really simple though really once you learn isn’t it all ingredients yeah but I don’t know I just know that you use raw egg and you don’t I guess it does

Eventually get cooked because of the heat I guess I worry that I don’t I wear that I’m not using enough heat or something um It’s probably fine Tada I have so much oh my gosh find another there’s so much really I made a lot yeah but I’m not a gravel now I think but I mean more And I’m going to bring it to you shortly thank you put it all together here okay on the other side of me there’s lava and I don’t have a poison but it’s kind of scary oh careful oh okay I’ll be careful I’m doing it oh my oh my have you played Pokemon yet

Yes I I played the Violet one we all got violet I am I got to the evolution of quaxley oh I don’t want spoilers I haven’t seen it yet then I well honestly there was nothing else I had to say except that I’m unspoiled so far

I need to play more though I didn’t get famous Wait what am I this is not powder okay oh see I can see sorry I thought I placed the concrete in my hand instead of the powder oh and then I wasn’t listening to chat because chat lied to me earlier Understandable they wanted to be listening to they should have been correct exactly those three people who said something should have been corrected now all shot suffers for it oh dear okay this is power I am so proud I even looked a chat and said I’m doing it everybody when I

Wasn’t when I was really doing it I wasn’t doing it at all you did it though you’ve done it my chat side that Chad never lies they’re really good at lying I believe I believe them why would they lie sometimes they do like oh it’s fine but it’s not fine oh

Yeah sometimes they want you to suffer yeah and sometimes sometimes they they trap us like do that and when I do that I [ __ ] up oh yeah that’s sometimes weird they lead you to your doom I’ve seen it before oh no my pick up

You have mending on it I did it no it’s uh it’s an iron that never lies do you want a nice pickaxe I have one I left it at home though oh That should be fine it’s not fun no I’m lying oh no I’m the one who’s lying now sorry okay oh what she does not sound okay she doesn’t sound fine oh my pickaxe died um do you have iron I can borrow you can make the diamond one I have

Diamonds I don’t want to waste your time I have plenty of diamonds I don’t want them they’re literally infinite I they’re not worthy of my use they are no do you have iron I have a bunch I probably have more diamonds than I have iron to be honest

Wow is that is that like uh I don’t know more diamonds than an iron instead of likes yeah yeah 45. I mean that is true it’s not that many but you can use them that’s plenty I was expecting an entire chest full how many do I need just one

Hey guys for yeah for a pickaxe yeah no you need three diamonds I need there’s like a I need sticks too I’m very poor I don’t even have sticks I have sticks I’m wearing chapsticks too I don’t need your sticks don’t worry okay okay Tada I did it

Hey I feel so powerful with those aren’t stairs oh look what I just got I got a chocolate bye chocolate you need a chocolate iPhone happens whenever I try to go later I want chocolate I want chocolates I’m hungry me too the only chocolate I have has espresso that sounds yummy though

It is yummy but it will keep me up oh yeah you’re sensitive to caffeine right I am very sensitive to caffeine yes Oh shoot what should I make I need I just left the garage thing I had a baguette and it got stale the next

Day I was so sad I can make French toast though I threw it out it was impossible to eat it you don’t need eggs maybe you need milk okay another one no graveling around here even think I have butter oh oh gosh I tried making this like um

This powder like okay there’s this type of thing where you buy powder and you just mix it with soft butter to make fake cookie dough oh it would tastes like butter it’s all it’s oh it’s it’s just it does it’s just butter is it it’s an excuse to eat butter Um I I I usually uh eat a fry bread put butter is really nice oh like pan fry um I’m so lazy when it comes to making food I’ve been pretty lazy lately too where should for a while I have been but I’m trying to be less lazy now

Right now I’m kind of lazy just because cooking takes time yeah it does it takes a long long time I want to put time towards other things I’m not a Master Chef I can’t chop things up in five minutes stop you know those recipes online they

Say oh prep time five minutes but she’s talking about this yes because you have to chop everything yeah goodness gracious five minutes is a lie it is a lie it’s never five minutes they just want you to click on it because when you Google it it says how long it

Takes and you you go for the one with the 30 minute recipe yes exactly like an hour and a half yes not in the same it’s because of the chopping yeah it’s all the prep the prep takes forever yeah and just prepping I also don’t like just prepping vegetables and stuff for one

Meal End up cooking for a really long time because I’m just chopping chopping chopping I found the air fryer to be very useful it’s not a good one if you have an air fryer I have to search gravel I never use it though because it’s well I don’t know

I’m kind of an air fryer hater what is so own it’s so much easier it’s like I have to clean up I like a toaster oven oh that’s what I have I have a toaster up in the house that’s better I have I like an iron fry

Yeah I like a standalone air fryer but it’s hard to clean and it’s small I’d rather just use my toaster oven my toaster oven has a convection setting anyway so it’s basically an air fryer yeah I see okay that’s acceptable sometimes I feel like they invented air

Fryers just to sell us another Appliance that’s how I felt about I that’s how I felt about iPads when they first came out oh I still kind of feel that way I it depends I feel like they’re useful for for instance school or something but also for drawing having tablets like that but

Um yeah but their purpose wasn’t that at first it just was like it’s just a giant iPhone that’s so useless I didn’t understand it and I understand it I think what uh what the truth is whenever when you start with Apple devices it cannot stop buying another Apple devices

I usually use them like a Mac laptop for school and I’ve tried changing it but get it so it feels so weird because I usually use a PC or other things yeah yeah yeah yeah but I’m so used to doing I’m sorry civilization duties I’m used to doing civilization duties on the neck

It feels like I’m doing something wrong like I’m on the wrong computer if I try using it true I’m sorry I’m just she’s safe falling from the ground oh from the ground no she wasn’t I don’t I don’t go to school I was in the nether

Oh what were you doing okay looking for gravel yeah I’m digging gravel oh smart I have like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve oh that’s 13 13 14. I don’t have much that’s so fast oh very efficient yes it’s very efficient yes

Plan to match that I could just go back into the Wilderness and get more sandal um or you can just take my sand after this I’m gonna go there you have sand yeah I still have a lot of sand I haven’t deported the sand to you guys yet we all take sand yes

And you’re saying that it’s not scary to me yeah no all I have to do searching for a way back home how negative Three four one I guess so here how does it take for things to do spawn five minutes items yes yeah yes okay then I’m I’m overdoing this okay Um fauna I have I have one two three four five six seven almost eight stacks of white concrete [Applause] is this pleasing to you yes is this helpful for you very helpful it helps you definitely oh that’s good that’s good okay uh I’m going to do this bubble okay should I sleep

Oh yes let’s sleep okay good job now you know how to make concrete did you how long have you guys playing Minecraft today or in general on General oh oh um after joining Hollow live let me see yeah I played a little bit before joining but not as much as I’ve played after

Hmm I don’t I have not made much of an effort to learn Minecraft I just like to follow people around there’s a lot of the fun a year later needing help with everything I wish to help but I need help to help that’s fine I like to watch this man again eventually

Every time you’ll learn and then you won’t need help anymore is that sad I that’s not that’s not the goal I don’t have a cart why survive doing this what happened to all the cards who knows who knows who knows what happened to them I’m hungry no one knows I’ll just run over could have used the elytra but I could you know what it’s good to get exercise that’s true yeah even in Minecraft yeah I’m sure the self’s in some sort of way yeah yes oh cart You’ll be here forever Shouldn’t have gone on the railway sucker it’s pretty easy to fly too just go in the direction of the rail in a straight line I forgot to steal your firecrackers oh yeah Um I don’t know if I had many in the chest I would have stolen all of them important to you I can eat and of course nice here I come with the blocks of concrete I wonder how that a little bit I wonder how long it will last you a little bit

Here I think it should last well I don’t know actually I think I can at least finish this house with it All right um I feel like do you think I can what how will I be able to help you after I deliver these um you could help me build or you could build something of your own okay or you could play a villager gotcha oh this whole time which is not as fun

Direction it is as fun as it sounds it’s not as fun isn’t it it’s not as fun as it sounds I still don’t fully understand it you just destroy their belongings until they get belongings that you want from them yeah so each time they take a job they

Get a new trade it’s a random trade so if you’re looking for something specific you can just keep resetting it until you get the thing you want but what do I want or what oh I want what you want I want Smite five because we’re going to fight the Wither eventually

Knight to five yes I also want to train up um our stream that’s what I wanted I forgot I wanted to train up uh Shepherd villagers Shepherd villagers you train them yeah for combat no you just trained them to be better at their jobs but they’re Shepherds yes they should know

Well they don’t I’m on my way okay thank you okie dokie I’m here knock knock hello where’s the place that uh can you show the direction yeah yeah okay hello I have this box where should I put it you can put it here next to the other ones are they oh

Oh yeah let’s just get out of the way okay I’m trying him with a shovel no oh thank you Do you want to help build yes what do I do I just play you can help fill in the walls the walls um oh okay I changed the walls in the back but I’ll get some concrete though yeah if you come up to the top wait actually I want

To watch our new Direction true and it’s true wait where’d you go Um if you come upstairs Stairs up the scaffold yeah yeah here um okay and then over here I’m going to do this oh oh My way the crush’s house um this is gonna be like a a library because the Librarians are traveling the basement oh will they ever be able to oh we release them no no oh okay okay good good so you can build like here okay just fill this in all the way up to

The top Oh wait I should get up there Okay here here you’re good I don’t know how I want to do the I feel like I did the other part kind of wrong I need to figure out what I did I can never go down okay Um okay I just arrive I guess are you by the the house Wait I don’t know is this yeah I saw you oh I saw you Hello yeah so where is Hawaii The one where you can make a concrete oh it’s actually not here but uh you could probably make it over here you have to die oh do you need to die I have done this yarn where yeah I guess I need to die oh here’s some thigh ah oh oh

Actually I’m moving I’m sorry I changed my mind can we move this concrete one block back this one so it’s in line with this one yeah thank you making more work for you like from a low energy no I’m just silly who am I so silly did I collect the Mac no Did I get all them let’s see I go here Okay yeah I think we need another die oh I think there might be some in there yeah I I found the bone meal okay ah they’re falling I cannot give them yay thank you for some of them thank you okay see you on you want them to be along this other

This I do it and if I do it wrong then wait so you you want to be another die you just want this oh my God this wall filled up here though I oh there’s bone meal in the chested a lot uh I I use all of them oh

I use all of that if you want just to be like this foreign Um yes um oh don’t have a die no I don’t have any more but I think we have enough concrete for now oops wait really all right I think if you say so thank you very much I have this much water where’s the water Oh what are you doing what am I doing what you want I think so Oh wait do you have bone blocks Mommy I do have Boombox oh we can use those for dye there you go you guys have water by any change oh there’s also there’s a lot of bone meal in the um the purple chest here’s some bone blocks Muna Jesus If you want to die I need water too have more for you how much white dye do you need Luna um I think you just put it on the on the Shocker box oh okay the rest in purple shulker ball doesn’t all right Lads here we go I’m doing this okay um actually wait is it hold on no so I meant to look and then I got distracted oh yes this is correct and then we can make it not look weird by putting this here oops or actually you could well yeah we can fill it with this I think

Wait no I’m going everywhere right here is it still going over no I didn’t see it no it’s not it’s not um This is very hard to place um um you can put logs in the middle too oh do you need help am I for you mostly Thank you oh yeah it’s there I see I wait why is it so when I’m quiet track called me a nerd that’s kind of mean what oh [ __ ] the only one I’m quiet hey Ah Right if you’re a nerd you have to go in the basement moving with the others no not that kind of nerd are you sure you guys get bullied by your viewers a lot I don’t know I feel like I bullied them more than they bully me See them because they bully me oh they’re still on there let’s work oh dang it got it there we go um what like what now Um I don’t know my house looks really weird I don’t know how to fix it um let me look I want to see wait I remember I was gonna use stairs fix it towards the stairs Experimental participant what do you mean by that oh um did I have quartz stairs or stairs maybe I didn’t have that many I can get more from trades though do you want me to fill the walls here um these walls will be filled oh oh they have a different material huh

This isn’t oh yeah it’s not exactly the same oh okay does it bother you no get out get out get out no he’s really gonna fight does someone break and Enter it up in there get out this is a construction zone this is very dangerous get out the window he fell

Let’s go yeah go over the side do it far too dangerous I can’t kill them right I’ll get in trouble yeah it’ll get in trouble okay I can’t hit him either yeah okay um stop it it’s the same guys I’m good this is a repeater defense repeated

That’s it I’m gonna oh you’re trying to meet someone Pull out the security alarms next time oh Why now did they enter uh they like doors put weirdos no no are you feeling the silly characters no I was trying to warn him oh oh is that the security alarm yeah I’m going to my room I’m going upstairs I don’t want I don’t like them um

You don’t want you don’t want walls um I want walls I’m just trying to figure out where to put them but if you know where to put them I don’t know I know that well I could just do the walls that were downstairs that you haven’t finished here aren’t these holes

Yes I’m just moving this oh what about these walls do you want Windows here Um I’ll just do some outlining Maybe Hello I have lots of concrete in my hand oh thank you so there’s lots lots of lots yeah oh should I make my own house if you’re unsure you can make your own house then we can connect them with banners it will be beautiful okay where should I make my

Own house do I destroy a house first um Do you want to build it on top of these guys which one these guys oh I built it around their prison oh um if you want to if you want if you can figure out a way to make it look nice I

Know I put in a weird spot we can just build a house elsewhere you could destroy this one another one on top of it the stuff is around here yeah I could do it if they are able to see outside and perhaps it’s like a public display oh

Maybe you should build here this you can destroy this house and put something there and then we can connect our houses with banners and it’ll be cute okay this house is kind of cute already but I should make it my own yeah okay I’m gonna destroy it if you want you can try

To make it similar style Denise to this one we are one of those neighborhoods okay yeah all right I can use this one two is anybody in here no [Applause] no I can do yes Should we go to sleep okay Hold on wait 30 30 30. only if you and we will sleep Okay thank you All right let’s see yeah Doris Day Let’s go maybe I should get scaffolding oh I have a little bit if you want to see some um you can take the ones from the front of the house okay I just know oh there’s just snow all right I think there’s a zombie trapped Underground under my house it’s not mine that is scary under the library zombie trap like you made it by yourself or what no it’s just there it’s just there I did not plan for it I was thinking I could use the frame foreign okay okay you can do whatever you want I can’t kill them though well well maybe better watching the video it’s like listening to horses I’m sorry I’m just doing my concrete

Let’s see I want to make a platform and then I have stairs you have a ghost story a what a what a ghost story a ghost story yeah Last Story a ghost story oh as in have I seen a ghost before me I haven’t seen a ghost before I’ve had

Like a weird thing happen that that kind of sounds like a ghost story I haven’t seen any ghosts popular for my parents say that they’ve seen ghosts they say they saw a child’s ball bouncing down the stairs randomly oh how could that have happened child ball or not like a big ball even

Like a a bouncy ball oh God did you have pets yes three dogs oh oh dear does your dog allowed to look at somewhere randomly oh what’s there what do you see yeah saw this video this lady who was being seemingly tormented by something and her poor cats

Would always be super freaked out looking in the corner at nothing and there’s like a motion sensor camera looking over where the cats would look over and stuff did you see that on tick tock I did not see it on Tick Tock I saw it on YouTube oh

Hey someone Tick Tock there’s like uh who take camera of the Orcs of orbsmophobia just dust it’s just like like a flying balls I always found people saying those were ghosts interesting I thought they could be like insects or I don’t know I feel like those could be

Explainable in some way I had an instance where this is just a weird when I was younger I thought it could have been a ghost but um I was sleeping one night and I think when I was falling asleep I heard somebody like say something I could sound like a little kid

And when I woke up the sheets like my my sheets and my clothes and everything were like neatly folded all the way back like only my feet were covered it was like um so that was kind of weird that’s creepy yeah but not cute enough for me to freak

Out because I just went back to sleep ghost huh yeah thank you all my inventory is full let me put it away ah thank you I’m gonna put it in here instead okay thank you thank you thank you you have others oh you can make so many houses

I don’t know what I broke but I broke it um yeah I like the ones though let’s see you have like Stone down there I don’t know Stone should I get some Stone oh yeah actually I don’t have a lot in the chest goodbye goodbye we’re off to get stoned super far away

For sure not to nearby well if it’s underground it doesn’t really matter I’m in a mountain if you couldn’t dig out a whole Mountain yeah Mountain Time Hands In Time destroying a mountain now yeah maybe we can find lots of resources in here no one’s using this mountain here oh good point

Trying to think of other creepy stories um I knew somebody whose brother said he saw a bunch of things sounded pretty creepy from Prince have I seen hmm I think for me it’s mostly hearing stuff And I’m like super tired if I sleep paralysis before oh was it what did you first name um I think the first time I had it I was laying on my back well on my back I don’t know um I had like all these hands wrapping around me oh that’s scary

But I’ve joked about it before because instead of freaking out and screaming while not knowing what was happening I just was wondering who the heck it was I was like who are you ah then I had n’t the most recent one I had still quite a while ago but I was sleeping and

There was um so my door outside of my door was a closet like outside my room and that door was cracked and the crack turned into a figure like the black it’s like the Blackness of the ear the darkness of the crack turn into a figure but it was really weird because

It grew a huge butt what it had eyes and like it became very curvy was it was it cute um I wouldn’t call it cute it wasn’t I don’t even I don’t know if I call it a demon it was just uh I definitely browsers I couldn’t move or talk or do anything

And um I think I think you have like a sleep paralyzed or something yeah yeah you just can’t make your body’s not awake but you are yeah and um no that one was interesting though because yeah it it grew a butt and it also grew it it grew a chest

So I was I wouldn’t say it was scary it was really weird I feel like you’re seeing something like deep in your psyche like what I don’t know what is in your psyche that’s what are you thinking of other thing to keep in mind is

When I sleep I have I have really bad vision so I always wondered what it would look like if I was able to see properly because just because I have safe paralysis doesn’t mean I can see perfectly I still had blurry vision so it’s a super blurry I wonder if that

Affects it at all Maria did definitely affected it because the you know it was Fuzzy everything was Fuzzy because sometimes I like see shapes in my room at night and I’m like oh what is that but then just like a like a shirt on a chair or something you know yeah oh

Oh I remembered another story this is one from when I was younger um I was probably just really tired and my eyes were starting to get really bad before I even had classes or anything and I had all these stuffed animals out I like made them have a tea party or

Something during the day I didn’t put them away so they were all sitting out and I was staring right at them and it looked like one of them was talking it was a Build-A-Bear and it looked like it was talking Um and then I could see another toy like another stuffed animal nudge it being like yo she’s looking like shut up and then it looked then it looked right at me with an oh no face and then I don’t know what happened it’s just it’s a weird memory I have

That was on my eye that’s definitely when I think my eyes were starting to um get bad and I didn’t even realize it even though whenever there was like assembly or when I was in class I couldn’t see anybody’s face I thought that was normal I remember how I learned I had bad

Vision it was like pretty late I was like a teenager already but it’s because I was sitting in the back of class taking notes and I had to look over to the girl next to me and copy her notes because I couldn’t read the board And I was like how is she is she seeing this from all the way back here you know talking about about the cheating uh there is a story a ghost story from Indonesia it’s some uh in in some University I I don’t know what’s a new version that it is but

They was having a a night class so it was a night class at that time um usually and and they were going to the class every everyone going to the class and suddenly after a couple of minutes uh one of the students in there one of the students in there actually got a

Notification from the professor that the professor actually not coming to the to the class because he have something to do and But when when the students saw the text actually the professor been there for like 30 minutes been like telling them like like telling them anything for like 30 minutes so one one by one the students going out to the classroom and the last person is the one that is

Getting the notification from the real professor and when when those students want to go out to the last person going to go out the professor that in the class asking to the last student you already know it’s in it oh So does Bravo the professor in the class in the middle of the night at the time is actually not their Professor yeah because the processor is actually flying oh I won’t be scared it’s it’s pretty a famous story As creepy one so I have like one shocker box of concrete I’ve already put it oh oh thank you yep oh my gosh that’s so much thank you you’re loving anything else oh oh Stone amazing stone stone is really gonna be so fine though uh like stone bricks Stone breaks okay

I’m burning some to make stone I’m just watching it yeah I don’t know what else to do I need to make a foundation for it oh yeah itchy you can use or you could make more furnaces I guess how do you make furnaces again cobblestone in a circle

In a circle you could build the blacksmith build a smeltery so you need this Cobblestone and I don’t have feel though brick yeah stone brick or don’t break yeah do you have uh If I could count on the side stack them how do you or I don’t know coal or anything um fuel in my house you could also um smelled some logs to make charcoal oh cause I got a bunch of Vlogs okay you could chop more logs we have quite a lot right now

Where the world they’re in the brown chest regular chest I see are you doing isn’t there professor and even not a human because the student realized something wrong with him when one of the students checked his body his foot not even on the floor yes yes that is correct Yeah but sometimes did anything happen to the student I don’t know I wouldn’t know they’re just telling the story like that There’s a story I guess it’s not a true story there’s like this family uh what was it like they had a daughter and someone was tending sending his messages from the daughter’s phone but she kept saying it wasn’t her and they would get calls from within the house and everything And um there’s it’s like there’s a police investigation behind it they seem to have some kind of stalker or something like but the police was like I was probably some kid playing a trick on you or they thought it was the daughter it’s really creepy because like messages

Being sent from her phone this was years ago wow years and years ago I think that it was like a recent movie about it I’ve seen it but I just thought there’s a movie about it so I hooked up the original case feel like a real case um

No real case but the movie might have been like based off of it but not you know exact or something like they spoofed her phone number I don’t know they I don’t know what it was I think at some point yeah probably right because the police took her phone

At some point and like the message it was still sending messages oh yeah I think I think I saw that too the percentage is already dead story like that too they they like sending message a couple of times but then um something fishy and the one who texting him actually it’s a

Message from other world like like just my [ __ ] oh like the professor is dead yeah but it’s like having a number having a number and that text to each other like like um the girl text texting to her maybe her brother or maybe her her sister like I’m scared

It’s so cold in here like that like the POV of her when she was in Underworld that’s creepy This creepy you know the other night actually I was Googling I don’t really like to watch scary disturbing movies but I’m always curious what they’re about let’s

Go down the rabbit hole of looking up a list of them reading the plot on Wikipedia and if they’re based on a true story reading about whatever they’re based on yeah I was doing that just the other night they’re all really messed up I probably can’t talk about it oh I

Would have never watched them though myself I I don’t I don’t know I’m not into watching the movies themselves I’m just like what happened okay are you one of those people who just Googles the plot summary of every movie before they go watch it oh no not

Before I watch it oh I don’t want to watch it if I never plan on watching it I’ll do that but to be honest sometimes there’s some anime I get very impatient so I just checked do they die or not oh what’s where’s fun in that the fun is

When you do get emotionally you think it’s fun to suffer like that yes come on I think I had one instance where where I was so upset from a manga whereas during a time where I think I was just upset about other things in life anyway girls was really little not

Little but I was younger and and it was I didn’t really you know how sometimes when things um sometimes things kind of suck but then some really small things happens like crying over spilled milk kind of you know yeah when you’re just having a bad day and then she’s like you drop your

Phone and you just yes you lose it one small thing is enough yeah so me reading this among us some and a character seemingly dying in it was enough just ruined me for the day and ever since I’ve decided to the second if a character I like dies

And I kept looking do they come back will they come back later well the last time though okay I stopped doing that for a bit but then I watched Grand Logan and I was not convinced somebody who dies if it died so I wanted to check and

It was like nope no he’s gone and I just cannot believe it I kept I I’ve even searched further like no it’s the author who’s wrong there’s no way he died I could not believe it and I was so upset about it I really like making the most wonderful

Person that we we usually like is die well the thing is I didn’t even like that character very much until the last little bit that they were there I think that’s awful too when a character starts to get well that character didn’t need Redemption I was

Gonna say when a character starts to get their Redemption you know oh yeah or starts to get better and then it’s cut short that one you didn’t really need Redemption I just didn’t like him very much but then I started allows okay I know you see he’s fine he’s fine

And then he died so um wait are these both on I see for your anime sometimes just Anime and movies and I I might have done it for chainsaw man okay okay so new I know but to be fair it already got spoiled to me so I was like is this real

Oh my God I don’t know I haven’t read the Manga all the way through but I’ve kind of like skipped through it I should see actually well chainsaw man like the stuff that happens in the manga I don’t think that’s new I guess not but it’s still coming out right Diana I

Don’t know yeah yeah a package coming what what the [ __ ] a bug I’m not so scared because you couldn’t see your body all you can see was the wings and her face and I just I’m scared I’m telling you Minecraft is the is the scariest horror game I’ve

Ever played that freaked me out better or worse about all the things that wasn’t worse than the balloons that was that was just a jump scare I’m sorry oh my no my chest hurts my heart dropped so hard I literally shook my mouse in feet this is really funny

That scare anybody else they saw it let’s use it Laughs guys oh gosh I’ve never felt more alive though this is amazing be honest let’s see oh this is done I’m burning stone for you I’m spending a lot of time doing it this is my life now I do one thing at a time here really

What do you need next other than stones or do you need it like a dark stone dark Oh wait maybe I did this is fine Um okay how do I make the stone use the stone color yes I am the birthstone I remember now I can make my Foundation you can check this if I got the new uh stone brick and the side and cobblestone as well thank you but things like this like this or back

Black stone oh do you have a lot of Blackstone I feel like deep sleep is more common what should I do get out of my way that is not out of the way oh yes it is thank you I think I’m gonna I’m gonna fix my items does anyone want to their item be fixed oh organized organized what do you mean fix

Um so I want to go to the EXP Farm I want to fix Um mine is okay mommy you need to Um I have this diamond pickaxe is that something you could fix yeah I can fix anything is that my it’s those uh mending oh it’s not menden never mind have you been to my guardian Farm not yet oh it has really fast XP you can use it really mm-hmm

Do you want me to show you where it is okay yeah yeah And Fire It should be really fast it took me many hours to build it guys up here okay wow wow Yeah and there’s a sword you can use in here if you don’t have one that has sweeping Edge and how does it work um you’re just standing here and then the fish will come in in a minute okay hit them all through the fence like oh yeah and you’ll take some damage from

Thorns um but you can eat the fish in the chests hi Steve there they come oh why I’m getting kicked um they have thorns on them oh you can also stand on the left to not get kicked yeah like there huh see yeah it’s really fast yeah Foreign But I also like my heart is like going low oh yeah there’s some fish in the chest that you can eat I see does your armor have mending on it I only yeah I guess I didn’t wear any armor oh that’s mine yeah I meant to get a set of

Armor for it the people can wear because it’s kind of dangerous Um I trade my my exp to my HP my HP to my XP yeah good trade foreign The Morbid thing I’ve been researching is like uh cavers Cave Explorer oh goodness it’s pretty horrifying cave rescues and and failures to rescue cavers um I think I know at least two that you

Probably were looking at I sometimes see videos of of people exploring and they they they survived it but they they record themselves and there’s one where this guy was like horizontal stuck like you know and he wasn’t sure if he could reverse out of where he went he

Thought it would get wider but I was just getting more and more narrow she records the videos like yeah I’m not sure not sure so if I’m getting out of this phone guys uh well yeah well if I upload this and I’m I’m probably fine

And it was uploaded and he was fine but so there’s like water feel like his face is like yeah yeah and turned over but there’s water below oh goodness gracious I hate those but I can’t stop watching them oh yeah satisfies The Morbid curiosity I’m just thrilled you know yeah I’m way too scared to ever do anything like that so I will just watch other people do it from the comfort of my own home zombie creeper zombies creepers let’s go to bed there’s something that I cannot believe no no no no I just saw

Them over there get out of here overall is good oh Yeah Verona you are also watching you watch that movie about the guy just reclining yeah free solo yeah yeah I talk about that in like every stream that I do I recommended another movie kind of yeah I didn’t get to watch that one yet was it the ice ice climber yeah he

Climbs on snow ice and rock freehand by himself It’s crazy he’s even more crazy than the guy from preschool I I cannot imagine doing these things that’s my butt oh dear bad suddenly did someone take it oh yeah a kid a kid oh no they’re breeding they’re breeding wait I who who around them

I don’t they just do it they don’t have to be allowed what no they just do it I’m supposed to be guarding the civilization I need to keep an eye on these they don’t have they don’t need the permission to breathing yes they do whenever they want they just do it no

Time to live to overpopulation you little there’s a little kid yeah and they already don’t have enough beds there’s not even any woman here except us but it’s not we how do you know they’re not women that’s the problem that’s the problem of the Villager all

You can see is mail but how do they can breathe like they’re not even making like They’re different right because they can do it on their own there’s a guy spinning inside wait what is that how it’s done spinning yes like that maybe I don’t know I I need to take a look do you think they reproduce like by like budding where they just like grow a small one

Off of their head wait do these two these two look interest wait why can I go down they were holding hands for a second what am I doing oh yes I’m doing this I’m destroying I think by the end of this stream I want I’ll just have destroyed a house

I think I’m very slow I’m also hungry yeah I’m hungry I’m hungry too um I don’t care maybe I do have pasta I just want a sauce Not Butter but earlier you said you had no butter and no milk I think I have Frozen butter I don’t have

Milk for sure oh I do have I have Frozen butter yes I buy butter and bulk and then I freeze it is that a thing you just put normal butter in the freezer it’ll last longer really mm-hmm I’m not aware of this but then you have

To put it in the fridge for a few days for it to be um useful [Applause] what why is it so crazy to freeze butter what I’ve just never heard of this before but I don’t eat butter so I I I freeze it because I very rarely use it

No that makes sense sometimes I freeze bread which sounds even worse but you can really freeze it I freeze bread too yeah wait what What do you see at least for me when I buy bread it’s like a lot it comes with a lot I don’t eat it all by the time it goes still see freezing yeah even just putting bread in the fridge helps yeah I did that too

You’re gonna toast it anyway yeah oh I’m so hungry what’s happening Garlic bread if if like usually the bread like have expired that like it took like two weeks usually oh like sometimes for I like to get fresh Bakery bread and that doesn’t last that doesn’t last long at all no that still doesn’t excuse you for throwing it away

When you couldn’t make perfectly good french toast I finally it was so hard I was trying it to eat it and it was painful I like my gums the roof of my mouth is gonna bleed I didn’t have butter I didn’t have milk I do have cinnamon but I did it was I

Didn’t no honestly I did not think about French toast anything about Christmas you’ll think about it I will think about it sort of like on French toast I wanted and I don’t even have a stale bread I ate more than half of it it was like

Kind of near that it was near the end and I was really trying I was tearing it apart and like trying to see if there’s any salvageable parts of it there was not I don’t like wasting food what are you what are you making money I’m destroying

Drawings I’m going to make a new house it’s probably not gonna look as good I’m gonna try my best yeah like a trading Village why don’t you want to make us now I I’m here just like chilling I just want to see them work after all I’m not I’m

Not I’m not coming here for like a long time like I have to go that’s that’s the reason why I I did it because taste into a Skittle I see no worries yeah um you’ve made like a foundation here I want to make mine and sweatshirt you

Just like a rectangle all right I’m going to try something here I want to do an L-shaped house yeah L shape is good okay I kind of wish I made this one L-shaped if I didn’t the door will be over here kind of like this um foreign What’s this I bought too many bricks This oh what is this gonna run me to here What am I supposed to do in here but there was there was like a cat dungeon kind of thing nearby the Rainer face fishing spot oh um it had like a box of glass but it just it I don’t think I’m responsible for that I wonder if I can get rid of the path of it here oh yeah I feel free to landscape too much get rid of this path I do it [Applause] oh I’m making a fishy business why why I got like a fish like it’s like I

Never having a fishy I wonder if it’s because you’re on the en server oh is that something I happy with your character with your account maybe they yeah since they updated the server you haven’t done it oh they reset the oh yeah probably I never pushing any end though this is

My first time okay hello Skyla will join a call to as well oh another thing It’s all high above the ground I guess mine will be like that too she’s not doing anything yet yeah not yet I took I took the one who want to join uh the gaming CRV because she’s like giving the Emoji oh yeah yeah I wanna play more Minecraft Really I want to do more more often streams more often I want more people to play too I wish I was good at Minecraft I play more you don’t know that would be good though you’re useful oops you get better every time you play too It’s more fun to play with other people anyway I agree Um don’t you do it I might be thinking too hard about this there’s probably lots of houses like this on Google too I feel like everyone makes their houses in Minecraft look like this it’s gone all right Stairs I guess the stairs will go further up I’m gonna make more do you want to sleep oh yeah Let’s see I messed that up again let me just do these stairs correctly good night I’m pretty hungry here I need berries do you berries berries you like berries do you like berries I do do you still like berries I still like berries I do are strawberries your favorite food still

Remember that I remember earlier she likes strawberries I feel like strawberries a lot I always [ __ ] strawberries because I really like strawberries it’s basically when when eating it with sugar oh my gosh you understand when I was younger I was younger I had a friend whose mom put sugar

On the on strawberries and ever since oh yes um very good that’s what I made this too small that’s um there’s a villager’s house fancy part of building when you just put Plants everywhere Works in real life too makes your house look a lot nicer it’s true our house

Doesn’t look that good you can just cover it in Plants yeah you know sometimes I do still like to look peer into people’s houses because I’m always curious about them they’re they’re design choices is not weird and I often see through the window people with lots of plans and I think wow upkeep

Maybe too many places I want to get more plants but my cat eats them I can’t use them you have to be careful sometimes with some plants because I like to look into a Pinterest um of the Minecraft decoration and they have a lot of it it’s very beautiful oh yeah

Oh my God but I have like to to think how can they do it and then some of them it is actually a skin and I just like dang it yeah people cheat with their yeah they’re packs the packs make it look good the texture pack do we have what did I want

More wood your house looks good mommy Trying what’s going through all concrete I think concrete oh yeah we have plenty okay oh more stairs I want to make more stairs I think does does anyone have some chest that I can organize oh there’s a lot of shulkers and I came back at my tree house but not really here

The chest and shulkers are not very organized here if you want to organize them I hear these all right Oh my goodness all right where where is sauna I’m here this yeah and all of these really okay oh where bliss bliss here stairs Oops how are you looking at here like that oh should they be wood upstairs maybe that would look nicer and I think wood would look nicer dang it ‘ll get stone stone would look nicer I think how do I make it um stair we’ll have to do it through oh no I can

Do it here I don’t know it’s not a thing can you not make mossy brick stairs I’m gonna get a Mossy Doesn’t work so sad I need fine you have Vines yeah can you make them yeah as long as you have the ingredients foreign Yes a little bit oh you can’t make it yay What was that click click click click oh it might have been me I was making stones what I was making games that’s so noisy oh because I was going to do sorry this is like have they have a musical this morning here as well Um they’re upstairs of my house is not not pretty Um all right well not there I’m trying to count but I’m pretty sure I’m still gonna do this wrong [Applause] Not you yeah Oh how’d you do that Oh some type of stair how’d you make those stairs that are white fun oh those aren’t quartz uh you can trade emeralds to the Villa the Masons this one is my fourth oh no quadri hours how is that possible three hours that is foreign Do this for like a couple of I don’t know maybe hours yes Oh no yes I wish I wasn’t watching I wish I wasn’t watching wood what’d you see nice song three villagers You don’t think about that just think about this I like blue about this I’m gonna make blue red mix purple oh very I love this you’re already a baby it’s not a real baby it’s not a real baby here think about this oh where did berries come from uh don’t worry they

They reproduce um solo well actually that’s not quite true but No I don’t it’s just um just pollen it’s okay okay Yeah that’s okay pollen’s okay yeah yeah yeah okay that’s normal normal okay normal Hmm Hello Where are you She probably know bbp right I think so a top cell Wait no I shouldn’t tell you I shouldn’t tell you don’t worry mummy what where’d you see don’t you should sleep somewhere else tonight what should sleep out here tonight what why Don’t worry don’t worry What’s just happened we have we have a kid again how Hello hello what you doing I don’t know what are you guys doing what should I do is there anything that I can flip yeah we’re building a village a snowy Village interesting in the Yen server right yeah I’m making a house for a villager even though they don’t deserve it they don’t

Deserve it they really are like wild animals just Build It For the Love of The Craft okay because it’s fun to build okay okay then um is there anything that I can do um that’s the point I didn’t even know Do you want to build a house foreign

You want to help mine look better or do you like do you like um would you rather do resource Gathering yeah I can help you with the resource I mean I think Munoz and fights better in building um I’m not building today oh you’re not building today

I’m just coming here for a couple of hours uh I have to go at two okay if I’m gonna if I’m building something it’s gonna like take maybe um yeah oh okay here’s some glass what do you need gloss glass oh I I have plenty of glass though um that’s too

Easy how how many do you need it oh probably not that many do we need a lot of anything trying to think if we have any any difficult tasks um I want more diamonds I’m just kidding what oh yeah I mean you can build them you know diamond diamond buildings too

I’m just kidding that was actually a good idea yeah you see me foreign block why stop with Diamonds oh yeah I mean you know the Ned red one is too dark we need we need a shiny Chinese but that’s what what to make everything looks beautiful the black one

Yeah well um yeah we can do that but the one who Grant will not be me for sure right probably no why I don’t I don’t have I don’t have the Netherland blog at the moment but you have well what I didn’t have I don’t have any don’t you have you have like

The tallest natural rights block I’m going to destroy my inner red block now oh oh to hide the evidence hide it you can hide it in my house in my house too as well okay I don’t have a house oh my God I have a tree house okay you have a tree tree

Where are all my glasses um we could use bookshelves but I can also buy some where is where is the shelter box of the glass the goose just gone [Applause] oh yeah Mommy Senpai you need a better big eggs That’s really painful scary oh oh no wonder I log in in the holidays uh probably oh probably the glass is there hold on Do you need me to kiss it and make it better oh wow what kind of love is that but it was like a gremlin love I love it again anymore you have to give me a kiss oh my God this is blessed Moon of laughter yeah

I know I don’t want to laugh over here [Laughter] oh my God I love that love oh my God oh we got the giggles don’t tweet that was kind of painful let’s see um Okay here where is it oh no and I want to do and here um I make this even um the symmetry that one’s there because that one’s there and then this one’s here and here so those two yes I’ll sing very long and hard actually that’s how kieran’s think too

What no it was not you what it was this guy opened the door and he was just there oh you don’t like him no he just he’s a surprise to me he’s kind of injured all the gloves are kind of injured we need a wall a protective

Wall so that the villagers can’t leave where they would be hurt something trapped forever where they’ll be safe trying to find glasses oh no um by the way how many do you need oh maybe Not that much probably maybe like three steps two stacks with all of this snow and concrete we are going to go blind yeah a little bit needs sunglasses I want to build the the banner thing from between our houses I could use oh wait are those doors that oh no no they’re they’re trapped already put on the outside oh wait how many is this gonna do and it’s not going to be even like um I wouldn’t test oh he climbed the scaffolding the Golem’s on the

Scaffolding I see I’m just gonna break that but I don’t know Maybe I’ll do it it’s still too quiet their voice I mean enough you want everything loud My stomach keeps grumbling cause I’m so hungry um into yeah now I can do the Windows like you have them Look at that I want to make a snow house before I end the stream finally in the end you build something right get off mine is no no I mean that is no but that is not the snow that I need I didn’t like it a big amount of snow not so dirt Nothing I don’t have snow in here Kyla you have snow snow snow blocks no waterless no block it’s no Vlog I I can Farm it for you how many Snow book I I still have it like lots uh maybe like every stack that’s not okay we’re stuck okay okay

Yes I have to kill trees I just forgot where is let me show you there’s a way a good way to do it I use it all really I use it all I don’t know a chair whatever okay so just make a new one um and I also have a ice block

Yeah okay ice block ice block you want the which one wait what oh here take this oh no no I don’t need to ask with it anymore follow me okay okay this way oh okay this way I’ll show you how to make the best tree

First tree yeah like we have to make it in a specific spot because it’s going to infect the land oh okay yeah it needs to be quarantined okay okay Come to this platform see how the dirt is weird that’s what the tree does oh you can place the saplings in a square Two by Two by twice Where yep and then use the bone meal on them oranges one back a little bit I got a little carried away and then you have a big tree oh I did why we don’t have bear in here the small block is here guys okay I have it oh my ax is gonna die

Do you want a new one is like this let me let me get you one simply I died I’ll get you one I’ll use my hands foreign Oh I can make an ax oh the plus is here guys oh chicken so dark it is a little dark a little dark indeed um if you wait a little bit I can get you a good ax I cannot move really I am going for it

I’ll get you a good ax well you don’t have to wait but I just mean oh well I’m just gonna still cut it so okay where’s my eggs All of the items are gone I don’t know Um oh wait I’ll just strip it too you can strip it after you place it though oh okay I’ll do that yeah you don’t have to strip it yet oh wait I forgot my money I’ll got really disorganized yes I am I don’t have time to organize for real Where do I have oh no Okay um Shaders sure are handy I think I put it in here yes okay and then snow block the snow block is here um there’s no block right finish removing this tree by the time you’re done because you can cut down a new one you’re right I could Um no the thing is I want to make the outer sorter but I failed successfully still working or not no right now no it’s uh it’s broken because of the updates or what um I don’t know actually I haven’t figured it out it probably because of the Redstone uh oh okay okay okay I’m upstairs I’m I’m almost ready too where is your auto Soldier still in my single player world but I yeah but I lost it I lost the data I think I’ve built it once

Okay and then anything else no block then glass then what else what else yeah what else I don’t know I just what else huh what else what else do you need um it’s only one I don’t know if I need anything else okay Now this one Blocks no block no blocks no block okay mermaid oh [ __ ] I just noticed the time I’m coming it is late I think I need to go because I have to wake up early oh shoot oh no I’m gonna give you your ax first you can give me the ax yes

I probably should go too so I can eat something though in the future yeah yes please I’m about to play I like when other people are playing I have a purpose right now too here wait wait wait wait wait wait sorry what’d you say oh look me here and ax

Inventory school you have to here give me give me your torch oh my goodness can you guys uh give me like the coordinates like really fast oh yeah they’re actually um yeah yeah if you open the voice chat the show or in the open channel Thank you thank you hilariously Hey hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s trapped in there and I was concerned for trees I would do something like that trees trees I know oh look at that I’m worried about the sauce okay

Um let’s see it’s amazing yay why one is your ice house yeah look at that look at look at my house it’s really nice it’s this Franklin it’s invisible yeah Yeah sorry transparency uh house let me see let me see it was kind of scary at all I’m scared of the creepers coming around yeah Wait where’s your house oh oh my house yeah oh oh is this the village Welcome to My Invisible house oh whoa the ice is so clear you can’t even sign all right uh you can you can uh breathe wow it’s perfect yeah I love you you have to go through the

Door you went through the walls oh sorry I did this one yes and Festival wow wow come come How’d you do that you guys are walking through the walls oh wow I have a very good uh very good um very very nice uh skill oh I can see it yes I can feel it oh thank you oh thank you Okay let’s Swatch the build why is it so beautiful the snow I mean it’s really so beautiful um I think that I must call it a day because yeah yeah Thank you for joining guys yeah thank you thank you let’s do it again Minecraft Okay so it’s fine okie dokie well I go I also go for my stream goodbye everybody Thank you One Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 building a snowy village trading hall ! (with open vc!)’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-11-23 07:33:20. It has garnered 114253 views and 9759 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:04 or 15004 seconds.

continuing trading hall/snowy village building!

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    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkwQ-zPr_UvwyxCLYCoSw_A/join Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More

  • Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

    Terrifying SLIDE EATER and TRAIN EATER Haunted JJ and Mikey in Minecraft MaizenVideo Information all right let’s go today we’re visiting a resort that Mikey found I made the reservation for us and you’ll never believe the price it only cost a dollar so cheap huh wo really yep for a place this beautiful a dollar that’s right isn’t that suspicious it’s too cheap no way oh there is one rule before the sun goes down we must absolutely no matter what be inside our house our rental you mean that one we have to go inside it before it gets dark yeah exactly and we have to stay inside until the… Read More

  • Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️

    Make EPIC Minecraft posters like a PRO! 🕷️Video Information [संगीत] सो गाइस सेपाई भाई ने बहुत सारे न्यू न्यू पोस्टर्स बनाए क्या आप भी चाहते हो उनके जैसे पोस्टर बनाना तो अभी मैं कम्युनिटी पोस्ट में जाके दिखाता हूं उन्होंने कैसे पोस्टर बनाया एंड हम सेम एज इट इज वैसे ही बनाने वाले हैं वो पीसी में खेलते हैं वो इसलिए थोड़ा ज्यादा अच्छा बना सकते हैं एंड वो यह वाला है तो सबसे पहले हमें पिक्सर्ट में आ जाना है एंड हमें बैकग्राउंड में जाना है एंड एकदम फर्स्ट वाला सिलेक्ट करने ला बाय डिफॉल्ट वाला फिर उसके बाद हमें थोड़ा लोड होने देना है फिर… Read More

  • Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!

    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

【MINECRAFT】 building a snowy village trading hall ! (with open vc!)